Contoh Surat Lamaran Pekerjaan Costumer Service dalam Bahasa Inggris
Bekerja sebagai Customer Service adalah salah satu profesi yang banyak dibutuhkan oleh perusahaan; sebab dalam menangani komplain atau masukan dari pelanggan—yang mana tugas tersebut akan sulit digantikan oleh mesin atau robot jika ingin memberikan penanganan yang terbaik. Seorang Customer Service harus memiliki kecakapan dalam berkomunikasi yang baik sehingga setiap pesan yang datang dari berbagai macam pelanggan bisa mendapat respon yang tepat dan meningkatkan impresi mereka terhadap perusahaan.
Jika kalian membutuhkan referensi isi surat lamaran bahasa Inggris untuk pekerjaan ini, di bawah ini ada contoh yang bisa dipelajari. Semoga bermanfaat!
Dear Mrs. Evelyn :
I hereby write and enclose my resume to express my interest in filling the position you are looking for as Customer Service Staff . I took Communication Studies in college and believe that my education background will support me in being a strong candidate for the role.
I am a fresh graduate, but since my second year at the university, I have handled my online shop and made great engagements with my customers. I have interacted with thousand people and created my own system to provide answers and enlighten my customers how to place orders and track the packages. I am also very careful about the shipping schedule.
Besides, I have made fine relationship with the suppliers I associate with. I do not produce the items I sell, but I handle the marketing and service for people all on my own—systematically.
It would be a pleasure to interview with you to let you know further about the strategy I’ve built and applied to satisfy the customer needs. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Thank you for taking the time to review my application.
Devina Carlos
Kepada Mrs. Evelyn:
Dengan ini saya menulis surat dan melampirkan daftar riwayat hidup saya untuk mengungkapkan ketertarikan saya dalam mengisi posisi yang Anda butuhkan sebagai staf Customer Service. Saya mengambil jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi di perkuliahan dan yakin bahwa latar belakang pendidikan saya dapat mendukung saya menjadi kandidat kuat untuk posisi tersebut.
Saya baru saja wisuda, tapi sejak tahun kedua saya di perkuliahan, saya telah mengatasi toko online saya dan membuat jalinan yang baik dengan para pelanggan saya. Saya telah berinterkasi dengan ribuan orang dan menciptakan sistem sendiri untuk menyediakan jawaban dan menerangkan kepada para pelanggan tentang cara memesan barang dan melacak paketnya. Saya juga sangat teliti tentang jadwal pengiriman.
Di samping itu, saya telah menjalin hubungan yang baik dengan para pemasok yang saya jadikan rekan. Saya tidak memproduksi barang yang saya jual sendiri, namun saya menangani pemasaran dan pelayanan bagi orang-orang seorang diri—secara sistematis.
Sebuah kesenangan untuk dapat melangsungkan wawancara dengan Anda untuk menginformasikan lebh lanjut tentang strategi yang saya bangun serta aplikasikan untuk memuaskan kebutuhan pelanggan. Saya menanti kabar dari Anda segera.
Terima kasih atas waktu Anda untuk meninjau lamaran saya.
Dear Hiring Manager ,
I learned of your advertisement for a Customer Service Staff with great interest, as I found my experience, ability and potential meet with your requirements .
I am a Psychology graduate with 3-years experience of being a Customer Service at MMD Group. Starting with an internship program, the company decided to hire me for my dedication in giving the best for their customers; especially in handling complaints and problem reports in order that the issues could be solved in the best way possible.
Customer’s satisfaction is my orientation. My education background has helped me in knowing various types of people and how to treat them well. I also learned about marketing from the company so I am not only proficient in serving the customers, but also increasing sales due to my persuasive methods that the closing encouraged actions.
I have a strong desire to succeed in a Customer Service environment with a company like yours that highly focuses on customer needs and satisfaction; both in serving and providing products. I believe our collaboration will make great improvements.
I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Thank you for your consideration.
Yours sincerely,
Jessica Dean
Kepada Hiring Manager:
Saya mempelajari iklan Anda tentang lowongan Staf Customer Service dengan ketertarikan besar, sebab pengalaman, kemampuan dan potensi saya sesuai dengan persyaratan Anda.
Saya adalah lulusan Psikologi dengan pengalaman 3 tahun sebagai Customer Service di MMD Group. Diawali dengan program magang, perusahaan memutuskan untuk memperkerjakan saya sebab dedikasi saya dalam memberikan yang terbaik untuk pelanggan mereka; khususny dalam menangani komplain dan laporan permasalahan agar masalah-masalah yang ada dapat diselesaikan sebaik mungkin.
Kepuasan pelanggan adalah orientasi saya. Latar belakang pendidikan saya telah membantu saya dalam mengetahui berbagai macam tipe orang dan cara memperlakukan mereka dengan baik. Saya juga mempelajari tentang pemasaran dari perusahaan jadi saya tidak hanya ahli dalam melayani pelanggan, tapi juga meningkatkan penjualan berkat metode persuasif saya sehingga proses closing mendorong adanya aksi.
Saya memiliki keinginan kuat untuk berhasil dalam lingkungan Customer Service seperti perusahaan Anda yang sangat memfokuskan pada kebutuhan dan kepuasan pelanggan; baik dalam pelayanan dan penyediaan produk. Saya yakin kolaborasi kita akan menciptakan kemajuan yang amat baik.
Saya menanti kabar dari Anda segera. Terima kasih atas perhatiannya.
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Indonesian Word Index: A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z
- Belajar Bahasa Inggris , Lamaran Kerja
Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Customer Service dalam Bahasa Inggris
Bagikan artikel ini :
Berikut ini contoh surat lamaran kerja untuk posisi Customer Service dalam Bahasa Inggris beserta panduan memodifikasinya.
Bagi kamu yang ingin melamar sebagai Customer Service pada perusahaan dengan menggunakan surat lamaran berbahasa Inggris, contoh berikut ini bisa kamu gunakan meskipun tentunya harus kamu modifikasi sesuai kebutuhanmu.
Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris untuk Posisi Customer Service
Berikut beberapa alternatif contoh surat lamaran kerja untuk posisi Customer Service dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris:
Dear Mr. /Mrs. / Miss / HR Department As I saw your listing on, so I am writing this resume cover letter for an experienced Customer Service staff position. I have a 5 years experience in Customer Service, and I have a large experience as an Customer Service staff with XYZ Company. In my current position with XYZ Company, I am responsible for Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries. I also identifying and assessing customers’ needs to achieve satisfaction. During the span of my career, I have gained a specialist’s understanding of CRM systems and practices. In addition to this, you can be guaranteed that I will maintain the top level of work and principled standards as a team member of your organization. I am sure you’ll find my credentials to be in order and welcome a chance to meet with you in person to discuss my qualifications. Please do not hesitate to contact me at your convenience. Thank yous for your time and I look forward to speaking with you. Sincerely, Joko Sembung
Panduan memodifikasi surat lamaran
Berikut ini beberapa petunjuk dalam menyesuaikan surat lamaran di atas untuk kebutuhan kamu:
- Pada kalimat setelah “Dear…” pastikan diganti dengan orang yang tepat (yang berkepentingan atau yang akan menerima surat lamaran)
- Pada Paragraf pertama usahakan langsung menyebutkan akan melamar sebagai posisi apa di perusahaan mana dan mendapat info lowongan dari mana, dan sudah memiliki pengalaman berapa lama.
- Pada paragraf kedua ceritakan tentang pekerjaanmu sekarang, yang sedang kamu lakukan apa (deskripsi pekerjaan / Job Description / Job Desc.), contohnya pada artikel ini adalah sebagai Customer Service.
- Pada paragraf ketiga, jelaskan kelebihan-kelebihanmu dalam hal Customer Service, dan juga kelebihan lainnya dalam bekerja seperti teliti, mudah adaptasi, dsb.
- Paragraf keempat lebih kepada meyakinkan pembuka lowongan bahwa kamu merupakan orang yang tepat untuk posisi tersebut.
- Cara meyakinkannya seperti pada contoh di atas, pada kalimat pertama paragraf keempat pelamar langsung menulis “ you can be guaranteed that I will maintain the peak level of work and principled standards as a team member of your organization. ” yang berarti “Saya bisa pastikan bahwa saya akan menjaga tingkat kerja keras dan juga standar prinsip sebagai salah seorang anggota tim dari perusahaan Anda”
- Paragraf kelima merupakan paragraf penutup yang bersifat generik sehingga tidak masalah apabila tidak diganti.
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- cv , resume
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Intan Aulia Husnunnisa
July 8, 2024 • 48 minutes read
Surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris (cover letter) merupakan salah satu bekal yang dapat mengantarmu untuk mendapat pekerjaan impian. Sudah tahu bagaimana cara menulisnya? Kalau belum, ikuti langkahnya seperti di artikel ini, yuk! —
Surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris adalah salah satu dokumen penting yang biasa diminta saat kita apply suatu posisi di sebuah perusahaan.
Jenis formal letter (surat resmi) yang satu ini dapat membuat peluang seorang kandidat untuk diterima menjadi lebih besar.
Oleh karena itu, artikel ini akan membantumu untuk membuat surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris yang baik dan benar, serta terdapat bonus contoh template untuk berbagai posisi. Simak sampai akhir ya!
Pengertian Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris
Surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris adalah lembar dokumen berisi rangkuman kompetensi yang biasa dikirim secara bersamaan dengan CV atau resume untuk melamar sebuah pekerjaan yang berbahasa Inggris.
Surat lamaran kerja dalam bahasa Inggris disebut dengan cover letter, application letter, atau job application letter .
Umumnya, cover letter atau application letter berisi poin perkenalan diri, mulai dari info dasar, riwayat pekerjaan, keterampilan profesional, minat pribadi, dan ketertarikan dari pelamar kepada perusahaan yang dituju.
Jika targetnya adalah multinasional company , maka surat lamaran kerja harus dibuat dalam bahasa Inggris. Namun, apabila perusahaannya tidak berskala internasional, biasanya cover letter dalam bahasa Indonesia sudah cukup.
Tapi ingat, poin di atas juga perlu kamu sesuaikan dengan kualifikasi yang diminta perusahaan. Selain itu, saat ini banyak recruiter atau company yang melihat bagaimana kualitas kandidat melalui skill bahasa Inggris mereka.
Baca Juga: Cara Membuat Email Profesional dalam Bahasa Inggris
Apakah Cover Letter (Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris) Bersifat Wajib?
Cover letter atau application letter tidak bersifat wajib. Pasalnya, ada rekruter yang menjadikannya sebagai syarat, ada juga yang tidak. Namun, surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris dapat membuat seseorang dinilai lebih profesional.
Selain itu, jika kamu hendak mengirimkan email pada rekruter untuk melamar sebuah pekerjaan, maka kamu wajib untuk melampirkan CV yang disertai dengan cover letter (permohonan kerja).
Ingat, CV dan cover letter akan lebih bagus jika ditulis dalam dua dokumen (file) yang berbeda atau terpisah.
Perbedaan Cover Letter (Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris) dengan CV
Surat lamaran dan CV apa bedanya? Surat lamaran ( cover letter ) adalah dokumen yang menjelaskan mengapa seorang kandidat tertarik dengan perusahaan dan posisi yang dilamar, sedangkan CV berisi informasi yang mencakup daftar riwayat hidup pelamar mulai dari pendidikan, pengalaman, hingga skill yang mereka miliki.
CV dulu apa surat lamaran dulu? Umumnya, surat lamaran kerja menjadi dokumen yang harus disiapkan terlebih dahulu sebelum membuat Curriculum Vitae (CV).
Surat lamaran kerja digunakan untuk mengenalkan diri, menunjukkan minat dan motivasi dalam melamar pekerjaan, serta memberikan gambaran singkat mengenai kualifikasi yang dimiliki oleh pelamar.
Sebagai catatan, setiap company bisa saja memiliki aturan yang berbeda-beda. Maka dari itu, kamu perlu tetap memerhatikan instruksi dari perusahaan terkait.
Fungsi Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris (Job Aplication Letter/Cover Letter)
Apa tujuan penulisan surat lamaran pekerjaan? Surat lamaran kerja ditulis sebagai media kandidat untuk menjelaskan ketertarikan, menyampaikan minat, dan memberi keyakinan pada rekruter atau HRD bahwa mereka cocok atau tepat untuk mengisi sebuah posisi di perusahaan.
Mengapa perlu cover letter ? Pasalnya, di dalam CV atau resume , pelamar hanya bisa menuliskan background dan pengalaman. Maka dari itu, surat lamaran kerja dapat menjadi pelengkap dari curriculum vitae .
Selain itu, melalui surat lamaran kerja, kandidat pun bisa menunjukkan apa yang membuat dirinya unggul dari pelamar lain, serta apa unique selling point yang membuat ia pantas diterima di company tersebut.
Bagaimana Menulis Surat Lamaran Kerja?
Hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam menulis surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris adalah:
1. Gunakan bahasa Inggris yang tepat dengan bahasa formal
- Incorrect: I want to apply for the job.
- Correct: I would like to apply for the job.
2. Perhatikan penggunaan kata benda tunggal dan jamak, serta kata kerja dalam bentuk lampau, sekarang, atau masa depan
- Incorrect: I are interested in this job.
- Correct: I am interested in this job.
3. Hindari penggunaan kata-kata yang ambigu atau sulit dipahami, dan jangan mengandalkan terlalu banyak kata-kata umum atau klise
- Incorrect: I am a hard worker and a team player .
- Correct: I am a dedicated individual who is committed to achieving team goals .
4. Pastikan bahwa kalimat-kalimat dalam surat lamaran kerja yang ditulis memiliki struktur yang jelas dan koheren. Hindari kalimat yang terlalu panjang dan rumit
- Incorrect: As someone who has always been passionate about the hospitality industry, I am confident that I would excel in a role that requires me to deliver exceptional customer service and create memorable experiences for guests.
- Correct: I am passionate about the hospitality industry and believe that I would excel in a role that requires exceptional customer service and creating memorable guest experiences.
5. Perhatikan gaya penulisan yang konsisten, baik itu dalam hal pemilihan kata, gaya bahasa, maupun format tulisan
- Incorrect: I have experience in customer service, sales, and marketing. In my current role , I am responsible for managing social media platforms, responding to customer inquiries, and preparing sales reports.
- Correct: I have experience in customer service, sales, and marketing. Currently, I am responsible for managing social media platforms, responding to customer inquiries, and preparing sales reports.
Agar proses recruitment semakin mulus, jangan lupa untuk meningkatkan skill bahasa Inggris kamu bersama pengajar lokal dan internasiona dengan kurikulum Cambridge di English Academy. Di sana, kamu bisa konsultasi dan belajar bahasa Inggris yang berkaitan dengan career juga, loh . Yuk , konsultasi gratis terlebih dahulu!
Struktur Penulisan Cover Letter (Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris)
Apa saja isi surat lamaran kerja lengkap? Secara umum, isi dari surat lamaran kerja adalah:
- Kepala surat (informasi kontak dan alamat perekrut, kontak dan alamat pengirim, serta tanggal surat)
- Salam pembuka
- Isi surat (pembuka, inti, penutup)
- Salam penutup
- Tanda tangan
Bagaimana ciri-ciri surat lamaran kerja yang baik? Perhatikan detail isi surat lamaran kerja yang benar berikut ini:
1. Kepala Surat (Heading)
Informasi ini diletakkan pada urutan teratas dalam surat lamaran kerja. Bagian ini berfungsi agar surat lamaran tersebut jelas ditujukan kepada siapa. Di sini, jangan lupa untuk tulis nama dan alamat perekrut.
2. Salam Pembuka (Opening Greeting)
Setiap surat biasanya akan diawali dengan salam pembuka. Poin ini penting untuk menunjukkan interaksi pada perekrut secara tidak langsung.
3. Paragraf Pembuka (Introductory Paragraph)
Lalu lanjut pada paragraf pembuka. Di bagian ini, kamu bisa menuliskan terkait maksud/tujuan utama dari surat. Bisa diisi dengan kalimat misalkan: “Bersamaan surat ini, saya bermaksud melamar pekerjaan di posisi Marketing sesuai dengan informasi lowongan yang ada di website”,
Contoh lain, “Berdasarkan informasi lowongan kerja yang saya lihat di Instagram @lokerbandung, saya bermaksud untuk melamar kerja di perusahaan yang Bapak/Ibu pimpin sebagai Social Media Specialist.”
4. Paragraf Inti (Highlighting Paragraph)
Pada isi surat, jangan ragu untuk menuliskan perkenalan diri secara singkat dan jelas. Mulai dari latar belakang pendidikan, pengalaman bekerja/kursus yang pernah kamu jalani, dan hal-hal lain yang relevan dengan posisi tujuan.
Pastikan agar perkenalanmu tidak terlalu panjang, dan jangan sertakan pengalaman-pengalaman yang sama sekali tidak relate dengan posisi yang kamu lamar. Selain itu, kamu juga bisa menjelaskan potensi yang dimiliki, serta memaparkan karakter positif dalam dirimu.
Baca Juga: 18 Contoh Perkenalan Diri (Self Introduction) dalam Bahasa Inggris
5. Paragraf Penutup (Closing Paragraph)
Di paragraf ini, sampaikan kalimat yang menyatakan maksud dan tujuanmu untuk melamar, selain itu buat kesimpulan bahwa kamu adalah kandidat yang tepat untuk mengisi posisi berdasarkan kemampuan atau pengalaman yang dimiliki.
Oh ya , jangan lupa untuk mencantumkan nomor HP dan email aktif agar perekrut tidak kesulitan untuk menghubungimu.
6. Salam Penutup (Complimentary Close)
Selanjutnya, sampaikan salam penutup untuk melengkapi surat lamaran.
7. Tanda Tangan (Signature)
Setelah itu, akhiri surat dengan tanda tangan dan nama terang.
Cara Membuat Cover Letter (Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris) dan Tipsnya
Berikut ini cara membuat surat lamaran kerja secara umum:
1. Tulis informasi kontak penerima
Baik melamar secara langsung dengan datang ke kantor maupun mengirim melalui email, kamu harus tetap memastikan bahwa bagian ini ditulis dengan benar. Di pojok atas sebelah kiri surat, tulis rincian sebagai berikut:
- Tanggal surat
- Nama pertama dan terakhir dari perekrut
- Alamat kantor perekrut
- Nomor telepon (jika diketahui)
Jangan lupa, pastikan kamu menulis nama, gelar, dan perusahaan dengan sesuai. Kurang teliti dan tidak mengecek kembali bisa beresiko typo, lo .
Baca Juga: Penulisan Alamat dalam Bahasa Inggris yang Benar, Bagaimana Formatnya?
2. Salam pembuka
Salam pembuka dalam surat lamaran kerja harus diawali dengan huruf kapital, kemudian diakhiri dengan tanda koma. Contoh salam pembuka pada lamaran kerja:
- Dear Hiring Manager,
- Dear Human Resources Manager,
- To Whom It May Concern,
- Dear [Nama Penerima],
- Dear Sir/Madam,
3. Buat paragraf pembuka yang jelas
Mengawali kalimat pertama dengan sesuatu yang informatif akan sangat membantu rekruter untuk membaca surat lamaran dengan lebih cepat. Paragraf pembuka dalam surat lamaran kerja yang baik dan benar harus memuat informasi sebagai berikut:
- Posisi pekerjaan yang kamu lamar, misal Bank Teller, Sales Executive, etc
- Nama perusahaan tujuan
- Bagaimana kamu menemukan lowongan tersebut (sosial media/LinkedIn/atau media lainnya)
- Tunjukkan antusiasme, jelaskan bahwa kamu siap untuk menjalankan proses perekrutan dan sesuai dengan kriteria kandidat yang diinginkan.
Contoh paragraf pembuka dalam cover letter :
“ I’d like to officially apply for the brand marketing strategy position at Technician Company as informed on LinkedIn. Over the past 5 years, I’ve worked with 20 clients, helping them drive more than $8,000,000 worth of sales. I am confident that my marketing skills and proven sales results make me a perfect match for the position.”
Kamu juga bisa membuat kalimat pembuka yang menarik dengan diksi tertentu sehingga menimbulkan kesan surat yang tidak “kaku”. Satu hal yang penting, pastikan bahwa gaya komunikasi yang kamu gunakan dalam surat lamaran kerja, sesuai dengan budaya dan identitas dari perusahaan yang kamu lamar.
Bila perusahaan tersebut tergolong start-up dan memiliki budaya yang populer, menggunakan komunikasi yang kasual mungkin akan membantumu terlihat menarik. Dalam kasus lain, bila kamu melamar pada perusahaan yang konservatif, jaga agar gaya komunikasi tetap formal.
Maka dari itu, penting untuk mencari tahu terlebih dahulu segala hal tentang perusahaan tujuanmu sebagai pertimbangan dalam penulisan cover letter .
4. Tulis isi surat lamaran kerja yang informatif dan relevan
Adapun bagian selanjutnya adalah inti paragraf. Pada bagian ini, yang terpenting adalah bagaimana argumenmu dapat meyakinkan perekrut bahwa kamu adalah orang yang tepat. Jelaskan pengalamanmu, skill, dan pencapaian-pencapaian yang berhubungan dengan posisi tujuan .
Dalam satu atau dua paragraf, berikan poin-poin plus yang bisa ditonjolkan dari dirimu sehingga perekrut dapat melihat dengan mudah potensi apa yang kira-kira cocok dengan perusahaan. Ingat, kamu tidak perlu menuliskan data yang tidak relevan seperti hobi dan tanggal lahir.
Berikut contoh isi cover letter (surat lamaran kerja berbahasa Inggris) untuk pelamar yang memiliki pengalaman kerja:
- Contoh yang fokus pada pencapaian: “I’ve succeeded in consistently selling products that perform 20% higher than baseline. In 2020, I was awarded Best Employee for my efforts. With my skill set, I’d be a strong asset at Ruang Rindu, and significantly contribute to the team’s success.”
- Fokus pada pengalaman: “I have over seven years of experience working in the performance marketing space. In my current role at Gogo Driving, I was able to implement new email campaigns centered around re-engaging churned clients.”
Dari kedua contoh tersebut, bisa kita lihat bahwa isi surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris berisi 3 hal, yakni:
- Pencapaian profesional , seperti penyelesaian target, total penjualan, keuntungan, kepuasan pelanggan, dan tujuan bisnis lainnya.
- Penghargaan dari rekan kerja , seperti pujian dan penghargaan yang diberikan oleh manajemen perusahaan pada kinerja yang baik.
- Penghargaan profesional , seperti penghargaan yang diberikan berdasarkan kinerja seperti Employee of The Month, achievement sebagai agent CS dengan nilai yang sangat memuaskan, etc .
Apabila kamu baru lulus dari Perguruan Tinggi dan belum memiliki pengalaman kerja, menulis cover letter mungkin sedikit sulit mengingat tidak banyak hal yang bisa kamu ceritakan. Tapi tidak masalah, berikut contoh isi surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris bagi kamu yang belum memiliki pengalaman kerja:
- Pencapaian akademik , misalkan IPK, gelar akademik seperti cum laude , atau riset dan penghargaan non-akademik yang kamu dapatkan selama kuliah.
- Kegiatan ekstrakurikuler , penilaian ini berdasarkan keaktifan kamu dalam bidang tertentu yang diluar studi. Banyak perusahaan mencari kandidat dengan kemampuan istimewa dan menguasai bidang tertentu yang spesifik.
- Motivasi diri dan tujuan , hal terakhir yang dinilai perusahaan dari menyeleksi fresh graduate ialah bagaimana tujuan jangka panjang serta jangka pendeknya, serta potensi yang dimiliki kandidat di masa depan.
Satu hal yang terpenting, pastikan seluruh hal yang kamu tulis harus relevan dengan peran pekerjaan yang dilamar.
Misalkan kamu aktif dalam UKM Olahraga, tidak perlu disebutkan dalam surat lamaran ketika kamu melamar untuk posisi akuntansi, kecuali kamu menjadi bendahara. Selain itu, hindari kata yang bertele-tele, to the point akan lebih baik.
5. Akhiri paragraf dengan penutup yang singkat dan “mengena”
Saat menulis paragraf penutup di cover letter, tunjukkan kesan bahwa kamu sopan, percaya diri, dan menggambarkan kamu adalah kandidat terbaik yang dapat dipilih. Sangat penting untuk menulis paragraf penutup dengan kalimat yang menarik dan mendukung tujuanmu. Tipsnya antara lain:
- Ucapkan terima kasih kepada rekruter karena telah memproses lamaran
- Jelaskan secara singkat mengapa kamu kandidat terbaik untuk dipilih
- Singgung kembali tentang adanya antusias yang tinggi darimu
- Secara sopan, ungkapkan bahwa kamu menunggu perekrut untuk mengundang wawancara kerja / interview
Contoh paragraf penutup menggunakan bahasa Inggris:
“Thank you for spending the time to review my application. I deeply believe that my skills and qualifications make me an ideal candidate for the 5th grade science teacher position at Neuron Academy. I’m extremely motivated to join your school, and look forward to discussing my candidacy in an interview.”
6. Salam penutup
Akhiri surat menggunakan salam penutup alias signature dan nama jelas. Contoh signature dalam cover letter adalah:
Sincerely, Erlangga Wicaksana
Selain sincerely , kamu juga bisa menggunakan best regards, warm regards, atau sincerely yours .
Hal-Hal yang Harus Diperhatikan Sebelum Mengirim Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris
Sebelum memutuskan untuk submit cover letter , pastikan kamu sudah melakukan hal-hal di bawah ini:
1. Periksa kembali surat lamaran kerja
Sebelum mengirimkan surat lamaran kerja, hal terpenting yang harus dilakukan, ialah periksa kembali suratmu. Baca kembali beberapa kali sampai kamu yakin tidak ada detail yang salah atau salah ketik.
2. Mengecek format penulisan surat lamaran kerja/c over letter
Jika kamu membuat surat lamaran dengan cara diketik, gunakanlah aturan standar yaitu:
- Idealnya terdiri dari 250 – 400 kata
- Spasi 1 sampai 1,5
- Margin (jarak tepi kertas): Atas (3 cm), Kiri (4 cm), Kanan (3 cm), Bawah (3 cm)
- Jenis font arial atau calibri,
- Ukuran font antara 10,5 sampai 12
- Format tulisan rata kiri dan kanan (justify)
Format ini mungkin bisa sedikit disesuaikan, tetapi disarankan untuk mengikuti format tersebut agar surat lamaran kerja mudah dibaca dan tidak dilewatkan oleh rekruter.
3. Make sure mencantumkan informasi yang relevan
Saat melamar pekerjaan, hindari memberikan informasi terlalu detail tentang diri sendiri karena dapat beresiko disalahgunakan atau kemungkinan mendapat perlakuan diskriminatif.
Berikut beberapa hal yang tidak perlu ditulis dalam surat lamaran kerja:
- Informasi personal, seperti latar belakang keluarga, agama, orientasi seksual
- Informasi gaji, seperti slip gaji di pekerjaan sebelumnya. Jika dimintai ekspektasi gaji, berikan angka dalam rentang tertentu dan hindari menyebutkan nominal secara detail
- Informasi yang di salin dari CV , walau sering terjadi, namun hindari melakukan copy paste informasi yang bisa di lihat di CV kedalam surat lamaran kerja.
4. Koreksi tulisan / Proofreading
Last but not least , periksa kembali surat lamaran kerja yang sudah selesai ditulis. Berikut trik untuk memeriksa tulisanmu dari kesalahan-kesalahan tersembunyi:
- Baca kembali surat lamaran kerja dengan lantang
- Ubah sementara tulisan menggunakan font lain, hal ini bisa merangsang kamu membaca sebuah tulisan baru dan membantu untuk menemukan detail kecil agar tidak ada yang terlewat.
- Gunakan fitur cek grammatical error di internet maupun aplikasi di komputer. Ada banyak aplikasi atau web gratis yang bisa giunakan untuk pengecekan spelling dan idiom yang bagus.
Baca Juga: Cara Menulis Essay Bahasa Inggris yang Baik dan Benar
Pertanyaan yang Sering Diajukan Mengenai Surat Lamaran Kerja
Jika masih bingung mengenai hal-hal yang terkait dengan surat lamaran kerja, silakan baca informasi di bawah ini:
1. Apakah surat lamaran harus ditulis tangan?
Surat lamaran kerja bisa ditulis tangan dan juga diketik. Di era digital ini, sebagian besar perusahaan mewajibkan penulisan surat lamaran dalam bentuk dokumen digital melalui microsoft word .
Namun, masih ada beberapa perusahaan yang mengharuskan pelamar untuk membuat lamaran kerja tulis tangan. Kertas yang bisa dipakai untuk surat lamaran tulis tangan adalah jenis HVS atau folio .
2. Bolehkah menulis surat lamaran menggunakan pulpen biru?
Kamu boleh saja menulis surat lamaran kerja dengan pulpen biru. Tapi, sangat disarankan untuk memakai pulpen atau pena dengan tinta hitam agar terlihat lebih profesional. Selain itu, hindari menulis lamaran kerja menggunakan pensil atau spidol.
3. Lampiran apa saja yang harus ada dalam surat lamaran kerja?
- Curriculum Vitae (CV) atau Resume
- Foto copy KTP
- Pas foto ukuran 3×4
- SKCK (Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian)
- Surat Keterangan Kerja (SKK) atau Surat Pengalaman Kerja
- Foto copy Transkrip Nilai atau Ijazah Terakhir
- Sertifikat Pelatihan atau Kursus
- Portfolio atau Portofolio
4. Apakah surat lamaran kerja bisa 2 lembar?
Surat lamaran kerja bisa ditulis 2 lembar atau lebih. Namun, alangkah lebih baik jika surat lamaran ditulis secara ringkas agar lebih mudah dipahami dan tidak terkesan bertele-tele.
5. Apakah boleh menulis surat lamaran di kertas kuarto?
Surat lamaran kerja yang diketik sebaiknya diprint dalam format kertas A4 (kuarto) warna putih polos yang memiliki tebal 80 gram.
Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya (Contoh Cover Letter)
Dalam pembuatan cover letter , jangan lupa untuk sesuaikan lowongan pekerjaan dengan kondisimu.
Misal, jika ada lowongan pekerjaan dari PT A yang mencari seorang kandidat berpengalaman, maka kamu harus menulis lamaran pekerjaan bahasa Inggris yang lebih banyak menceritakan tentang pengalaman kerja sebelumnya. Contoh cover letter yang bisa digunakan adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris Profesional Dengan Pengalaman dan Artinya
2. contoh lamaran kerja bahasa inggris untuk fresh graduate/ tanpa pengalaman dan artinya.
Dear Mrs. Zatalini,
Based on the information I received from one of the job seeker platforms on March 12 2022, your company is hiring for Geologist and I am very interested in this job.
My educational background is a bachelor’s degree of Science in Geology Engineering, Bantul State University. I had many practical experiences and exposure during my study. I have acquainted myself with a range of skills that would allow me to blend with your corporation.
From your vacancy, I can see that you are looking for candidates who have excellent skills that are relevant to geo-environmental engineering. I have a thorough knowledge of the processes of construction in ground exploration projects, and drilling systems and also excellent Interpersonal and communication skills. So, I think the job description for that position matches my last education.
Along with the cover letter, I have already attached the documents; Curriculum vitae, last diploma, and health record certificate for your full consideration. Don’t hesitate to contact me via email at [email protected] if you have any further questions. I appreciate your time reviewing my application, and I really hope to get a chance to the next stage and give a positive contribution to your company.
Thus this job application letter I made truthfully. Thank you for your attention.
Respectfully, Bryan Nurliansyah
Ibu Zatalini yang terhormat,
Berdasarkan informasi yang saya terima dari salah satu platform pencari kerja pada tanggal 12 Maret 2022, perusahaan Anda sedang mencari seorang Geologist dan saya sangat tertarik dengan pekerjaan ini.
Latar belakang pendidikan saya adalah S1 Teknik Geologi Universitas Negeri Bantul. Saya memiliki banyak pengalaman praktis dan paparan selama studi saya. Saya telah mengenalkan diri saya dengan berbagai keterampilan yang memungkinkan saya untuk bergabung dengan perusahaan Anda.
Dari lowongan Anda, saya dapat melihat bahwa Anda mencari kandidat yang memiliki keterampilan luar biasa yang relevan dengan geo-environmental engineering. Saya memiliki pengetahuan menyeluruh tentang proses konstruksi dalam proyek eksplorasi tanah, sistem pengeboran, dan juga keterampilan interpersonal dan komunikasi yang sangat baik. Jadi, saya pikir deskripsi dari pekerjaan yang saya lamar sesuai dengan pendidikan terakhir saya.
Bersama dengan surat lamaran, saya lampirkan berkas sebagai berikut; CV, ijazah terakhir, dan surat keterangan catatan kesehatan untuk pertimbangan penuh Anda. Jangan ragu untuk menghubungi saya melalui email [email protected] jika ada pertanyaan lebih lanjut. Saya menghargai waktu Anda meninjau aplikasi saya, besar harapan saya untuk dapat kesempatan ke tahap selanjutnya dan memberikan kontribusi positif bagi perusahaan Anda.
Demikian surat lamaran kerja ini saya buat dengan sebenar-benarnya. Terima kasih atas perhatian Anda.
Hormat saya, Bryan Nurliansyah
3. Contoh Surat Lamaran Pekerjaan Bahasa Inggris untuk Posisi Customer Service dan Artinya
4. surat lamaran pekerjaan bahasa inggris untuk posisi supervisor dan artinya, 5. contoh surat lamaran bahasa inggris sebagai content writer dan artinya, 6. contoh cover letter sebagai marketing staff dan artinya, 7. contoh surat lamaran kerja yang baik dan benar dalam bahasa inggris untuk posisi business development, 8. contoh surat lamaran kerja di pt sebagai manager dan artinya, 9. contoh surat lamaran kerja umum posisi sales executive dan artinya, 10. contoh cover letter bahasa inggris untuk posisi guru dan artinya, 11. contoh surat lamaran kerja untuk videographer dalam bahasa inggris.
April 18, 2023
Jane Smith Hiring Manager XYZ Productions 456 Broadway New York, NY 10001
Dear Ms. Smith,
I am writing to express my strong interest in the position of Videographer at XYZ Productions, as advertised on your website. With my extensive experience in videography and passion for creating high-quality visual content, I am confident that I would be an excellent addition to your team.
In my previous role as a freelance videographer, I have honed my skills in video shooting, editing, post-production, and color grading. My portfolio showcases my ability to create engaging and visually stunning videos that effectively convey a brand’s message. With over five years of experience in the industry, I am proficient in using industry-standard tools such as Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects.
I am also a creative individual who constantly seeks to innovate and experiment with new ideas and techniques. I have worked on various projects for different clients and industries, from corporate videos to music videos. My passion for storytelling and visual communication, combined with my technical proficiency, makes me a strong candidate for the position of Videographer.
I am excited about the prospect of joining XYZ Productions and contributing to the creation of high-quality visual content. I am confident that my skills and experience in videography, combined with my creativity and passion for the field, would enable me to thrive in your team. I am eager to work alongside other talented professionals to deliver exceptional visual content for your clients.
Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further. Please feel free to contact me at (555) 555-5555 or [email protected] if you need any additional information or to schedule an interview.
12. Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Tulis Tangan dalam Bahasa Inggris
13. Surat Lamaran Kerja untuk Internship Sebagai Public Relation
Jane Smith Human Resources Manager ABC Agency 456 Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Jakarta Selatan, 12190
I am writing to express my interest in the Public Relations Internship position at ABC Agency, as advertised on your website. As a senior studying communications at XYZ University, I am eager to gain hands-on experience in the field of public relations.
I am impressed with ABC Agency’s reputation for developing successful campaigns and your dedication to helping clients achieve their goals. Your recent campaign for [client name] caught my attention, and I was impressed by the results you achieved.
Throughout my academic career, I have developed strong communication, research, and writing skills, which I believe would be an asset to your team. I am also proficient in social media platforms and experienced in creating and executing social media campaigns.
In addition to my academic achievements, I have completed several internships in the communication field. During my internship at [previous company or organization], I assisted with media relations, developed social media content, and coordinated events. These experiences have provided me with a solid foundation in public relations and a strong understanding of the importance of building relationships with stakeholders.
I am excited about the opportunity to join ABC Agency’s team and contribute to the development of successful campaigns for your clients. Thank you for considering my application. Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information.
Taufiq Sayati
14. Surat Lamaran Kerja untuk TikTok Content Creator dalam Bahasa Inggris
15. surat lamaran pekerjaan bahasa inggris untuk posisi live streamer.
Jika kamu hari ini berhasil mempelajari cara menulis surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris atau cover letter sampai tuntas, artinya tidak lama lagi kamu akan dihubungi oleh perusahaan untuk bekerja di posisi impian! Manifesting, dong~
Untuk itu, sebelum mengajukan lamaran, jangan lupa cek kembali cover letter -mu, apakah sudah ditulis dengan bahasa yang baik dan benar? Selain itu, pastikan bahwa vocab yang kamu gunakan cukup powerful untuk memikat hati recruiter.
By the way, biar makin dilirik sama rekruter, usahakan untuk meng- upgrade skill bahasa Inggris-mu ya. Jangan sampai banyak kesempatan berharga yang terbuang hanya karena skill bahasa Inggris yang kurang!
Yuk , cari tahu dulu sejauh mana kemampuan bahasa Inggris kamu saat ini! Caranya klik gambar di bawah, gratis dan bersertifikat !
Eye Tracking Study, 2018, The Ladders. Online. Available at (Accessed 28 Oktober 2021).
Resume Genius, 2022, Teacher Cover Letter Example. Online. Available at (Accessed 6 Desember 2022).
My Perfect Resume, 2022, Sales Executive Cover Letter Example + Tips. Online. Available at (Accessed 6 Desember 2022).
Job Hero, 2022, Sales And Marketing Executive Cover Letter Examples. Online. Available at (Accessed 6 Desember 2022).
Zety, 2022, IT Manager Cover Letter: Sample & Writing Guide. Online. Available at (Accessed 6 Desember 2022).
Artikel ini pertama kali ditulis oleh Leo Bisma, lalu diperbarui pada tanggal 17 Maret 2023 oleh Intan Aulia Husnunnisa.
Intan Aulia Husnunnisa, biasa dipanggil Intan. Menikmati dunia SEO Content Writing sejak 2020. Semoga tulisanku bermanfaat!
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Menulis Surat Ucapan Terima Kasih dalam Bahasa Inggris (Thank You Letter) Setelah Interview
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15 Customer Service Cover Letter Examples
The Art of the Customer Service Cover Letter: Insider Tips and Templates
When it comes to landing a role in the dynamic field of customer service, your cover letter often acts as your first introduction to potential employers. It’s your opportunity to demonstrate not just your qualifications and experiences, but also your understanding of the company’s brand and your passion for helping others. Crafting a compelling cover letter can set you apart from a sea of candidates. In this guide, we’ll explore expert tips on creating an effective customer service cover letter and provide a list of 15 example templates to inspire your own.
Tips for Writing a Compelling Customer Service Cover Letter
The importance of a well-crafted cover letter cannot be overstated. It’s your chance to speak directly to the hiring manager, showcasing your personality and how it aligns with the company’s values. Remember, customer service is all about making a positive impact from the very first interaction.
- Personalize your letter for each application.
- Highlight your customer service skills with specific examples.
- Showcase your familiarity with the company and its products or services.
- Convey enthusiasm for helping others and solving problems.
- Keep your tone professional yet approachable.
Customer Service Cover Letter | Title
When crafting your customer service cover letter, focusing on particular skills can help you showcase your qualifications and fit for the position effectively.
General Examples:
- Application for [Job Title] – [Your Full Name]
- [Job Title] Application – [Your Full Name]
- [Your Full Name] – Applying for [Job Title]
- Resume Submission for [Job Title] – [Your Full Name]
- [Your Full Name] Resume for [Job Title]
- [Job Title] Role – Application by [Your Full Name]
- Submission for [Job Title] Position – [Your Full Name]
- [Your Full Name] – [Job Title] Applicant
- Application: [Job Title] – [Your Full Name]
- Expressing Interest in [Job Title] – [Your Full Name]
- Experienced Customer Service Applying for [Company Name]’s Team Opening
- Application: [Your Name] for Customer Service Representative at [Company Name]
- [Your Name]’s Application for [Company Name]’s Customer Service Role
- [Your Name]: Experienced Customer Service Profesional
- [Your Name] – Application for [Position Name] at [Company Name]
- Application Enclosed: [Your Name] for Customer Service Specialist at [Company Name]
- Dedicated Customer Service Professional Seeks Position with [Company Name]
Customer Service Cover Letter | Key Skills | Keywords
Here are skills to highlight, along with relevant keywords that you should consider including in your cover letter to make a strong impression on hiring managers.
1. Communication Skills
- Keywords: clear communication, effective listener, articulate, feedback, verbal and written communication
2. Problem-Solving Abilities
- Keywords: resolve, troubleshoot, solutions, critical thinking, problem-solving
3. Patience
- Keywords: patience, empathetic, understanding, calm demeanor
4. Technical Proficiency
- Keywords: software, CRM (Customer Relationship Management), technical skills, platforms, database management
5. Product Knowledge
- Keywords: product expertise, knowledgeable, informed, product training, proficient
- Keywords: empathize, compassion, understanding, genuine concern, rapport
7. Positive Attitude
- Keywords: positive attitude, optimism, enthusiasm, cheerful, positive outlook
8. Adaptability
- Keywords: flexible, adaptability, versatile, quick learner, adjust
9. Time Management
- Keywords: time management, efficiency, prioritize, organization, deadline-oriented
10. Teamwork
- Keywords: teamwork, collaborate, team player, cooperation, colleague support
11. Attention to Detail
- Keywords: meticulous, attention to detail, accuracy, thorough, precise
12. Conflict Resolution
- Keywords: conflict resolution, mediation, dispute resolution, de-escalation techniques
13. Multitasking
- Keywords: multitask, handle multiple tasks, juggle, time division, manage concurrent tasks
14. Customer-Centric Mindset
- Keywords: customer-focused, customer satisfaction, exceed expectations, customer-first attitude, customer loyalty
15. Cultural Sensitivity
- Keywords: cultural sensitivity, diverse, inclusivity, cross-cultural, global mindset
Incorporating these keywords into your cover letter in a contextual and genuine manner can significantly enhance your application. Remember, the goal is to provide concise examples demonstrating how you’ve applied these skills effectively in your previous roles or experiences. This approach not only optimizes your cover letter with relevant keywords but also paints a vivid picture of your capabilities and how they make you the best fit for the customer service position you’re aspiring to secure.
Customer Service Cover Letter Examples | Tips for a Compelling Letter
You can incorporate personal achievements, metrics, or results from your work experience to make a stronger impact. Here are examples of how you might include such information effectively:
- “At [Previous Company], my customer service initiatives led to a 25% improvement in customer satisfaction scores within a 6-month period.”
- “Successfully managed over 50 customer inquiries daily, maintaining a resolution rate of 95% within the first 24 hours.”
- “Implemented a new feedback system at [Previous Company], which resulted in a 30% increase in feedback collection, providing valuable insights for service improvement.”
- “Led a team that achieved the highest customer retention rate in the company’s history, at 98%, by introducing a pioneering loyalty program.”
- “During my tenure at [Previous Company], I was part of a project that reduced average call handling time by 20%, significantly improving the team’s efficiency.”
- “My customer follow-up strategy increased repeat customer rates by 40% within one year, directly contributing to the team exceeding our annual sales target.”
- “Developed and executed training programs that increased customer service team’s NPS (Net Promoter Score) from 70 to 85 in one year.”
Including quantifiable achievements in your cover letter helps to validate your experience and skills. It demonstrates to potential employers not just what you’ve done, but how well you’ve done it, and suggests the potential value you could bring to their organization. Remember to tailor each statistic to the specific role and company you’re applying for, highlighting achievements that are most relevant and impactful.
Cover Letter Email for Customer Service | 15 Ways to Start
- “Dear [Hiring Manager], I recently came across your job posting for a Customer Service Representative, and with my five years of experience in high-volume call centers, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to [Company Name]’s team…”
- “Hello [Hiring Manager’s Name], I’m writing to express my interest in the customer service position listed on [Where You Found the Job Posting]. With a proven track record of resolving customer issues and ensuring satisfaction, I am keen to bring my skills to [Company Name]…”
- “Dear [Company Name] Team, My passion for excellent customer service and my experience as a front-line service agent make me a perfect fit for your team. I am particularly impressed by your commitment to [Company Value/Service]…”
- “To Whom It May Concern, I have followed [Company Name]’s growth and am particularly inspired by your dedication to [specific aspect of customer service]. Let me share how my background in [related field] has equipped me to excel in customer service roles…”
- “Dear Hiring Manager, The opportunity to work as a Customer Service Specialist at [Company Name] excites me because of your dedication to providing personalized solutions to customers, something I’ve always strived to do in my career…”
- “Hello, I am passionate about building strong customer relationships and am eager to bring my expertise in customer service and [specific skill] to the [Job Title] role at [Company Name]…”
- “Dear [Hiring Manager], Your job posting for a [Job Title] captured my attention. I believe that my experience in [Industry or Previous Job] has prepared me well to contribute positively to your team and enhance customer satisfaction at [Company Name]…”
- “To [Company Name] Hiring Team, With [number] years of experience in customer-focused roles, I have developed a comprehensive skill set that I believe aligns perfectly with the [Job Title] position. My approach to customer service is rooted in [Briefly describe your approach]…”
- “Dear [Hiring Manager], I’m excited about the opportunity to apply for the [Job Title] at [Company Name]. My previous role as [Your Last Position] taught me the importance of clear communication and creative problem-solving in customer service…”
- “Hello, I’ve admired [Company Name]’s commitment to [mention something specific about the company or its mission]. Let me share how I can contribute to your team by enhancing customer experiences and fostering positive engagements…”
- “Dear [Hiring Manager], With a strong background in [your field], I’m excited to apply for the [Job Title] role to leverage my expertise in enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty for [Company Name]…”
- “To the Hiring Team at [Company Name], Drawing on my experience in [Related Experience] and my genuine passion for helping others, I am confident in my ability to contribute effectively to your customer service team…”
- “Hello [Hiring Manager], The role of [Job Title] at [Company Name] struck me as an outstanding opportunity to contribute my skills in [Skillset] and my commitment to excellent customer service…”
Templates | 15 Customer Service Cover Letter Examples
Simple template.
Title: Customer Service Specialist Application – [Your Name]
Dear Hiring Manager,
I am reaching out to express my enthusiasm in applying for the Customer Service Representative position at [Company Name], as advertised. My dedication to providing exceptional customer service, coupled with my experience and skills, aligns perfectly with the qualifications you seek. Inspired by [Company Name]’s commitment to customer satisfaction, as demonstrated in recent industry accolades and customer feedback[1], I am eager to bring my expertise to your team.
Dear [Company Name] Hiring Team,
I was thrilled to come across your opening for a Customer Service Representative on your company’s website. As a professional with over six years of experience in customer-focused roles, I believe I can bring valuable skills and a deep understanding of customer needs to your team.
During my tenure at [Previous Company Name], I was recognized for my ability to resolve complex customer issues, maintain high customer satisfaction rates, and build lasting relationships with customers. Through my experience, I have honed my problem-solving skills and developed a strong sense of empathy, enabling me to provide excellent service even in challenging situations.
Consequently, being part of [Company Name]’s renowned customer service team would provide an excellent opportunity to apply my skills and contribute positively to your customer experience. Thank you for considering my application.
Dear [Hiring Manager],
I am excited about the opportunity to apply for the position of Customer Service Manager at [Company Name]. With my comprehensive background in customer service leadership roles, I am confident I can drive customer satisfaction while enhancing team performance in your company.
In my previous role at [Previous Employer], I led a team of 25 customer service representatives, managed training initiatives, and implemented quality assurance measures that resulted in a 30% increase in overall customer satisfaction ratings. Moreover, I empowered my team to solve customer issues effectively, cultivating a proactive service culture.
I look forward to potentially bringing my leadership skills and passion for customer service excellence to [Company Name]. Your company’s values align with my customer-centric approach, thereby creating an environment where I believe I can thrive and make significant contributions.
Hello [Hiring Manager],
My interest in the role of Customer Service Specialist at [Company’s Name] is rooted in my passion for helping others coupled with my extensive experience in [mention relevant field]. I truly believe in the power of exceptional customer service in cultivating customer loyalty and driving business growth.
As a Customer Service Representative at [Past Company], I consistently exceeded my target KPIs and was recognized for my ability to handle high-stress situations with composure, resolve customer complaints effectively, and build successful relationships with customers.
Should the opportunity arise to join [Company’s Name], I am excited to leverage my skills and experiences to boost customer satisfaction rates and uphold your reputation for excellent customer service. Thank you for considering my application.
Example 4 | Customer Service Cover Letter Examples
Dear [Company Name],
I was excited to find the opening for a Customer Service Representative at [Company Name]. With over five years of experience in the customer service field, I am confident in my ability to contribute positively to your well-regarded team.
My work at [Previous Company Name] allowed me to develop a wide set of skills crucial to the customer service field. I honed my ability to resolve complaints, maintain customer relationships, and provide insightful feedback to the company to better customer experiences.
I am drawn to [Company Name] because of its commitment to making every customer interaction positive. I look forward to the potential opportunity to bring my experience and enthusiasm to your customer service team.
Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],
As an individual who thrives on assisting others and solving problems, I am highly interested in the Customer Service Specialist role at [Company Name]. My professional background in customer service makes me a strong candidate for this position.
In my previous role at [Previous Company Name], I was recognized for my ability to quickly understand customer needs, recommend suitable products or services, and resolve issues promptly. This contributed to a significant increase in customer satisfaction and enhanced brand loyalty.
Joining a customer-centric organization such as [Company Name] aligns well with my personal values and professional aspirations. I’m eager to further discuss how my experience and commitment to excellent service can contribute to the continued success of your team.
Example 6 | Customer Service Cover Letter Examples
I am writing with great enthusiasm to apply for the role of Customer Service Agent at [Company Name]. My robust background in customer relations and my commitment to delivering outstanding service make me an ideal candidate for your team.
At [Last Job], I cultivated a knack for problem-solving and excelled in rapidly understanding client concerns, streamlining the resolution process. I’m particularly proud of leading a customer feedback program that led to a 20% improvement in service delivery. My approach focuses on listening attentively, empathizing with clients, and providing swift, effective solutions that leave customers feeling valued.
The culture of excellence at [Company Name] resonates with my professional ethos and I am excited at the prospect of contributing to your acclaimed customer service department. I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to discuss how my background, skills, and enthusiasms can be a perfect match for your team.
Hello [Company Name] Recruitment Team,
With a proven track record in customer service and a drive for excellence, I was thrilled to discover the Customer Support Specialist position at [Company Name]. Understanding the importance of the role your team plays in the company’s success, I am confident in my abilities to make significant contributions.
In my previous position at [Previous Employer], I not only handled incoming service inquiries but also contributed ideas that were implemented for a service improvement system, raising customer satisfaction ratings by 25%. My ability to blend strategic customer support with genuine empathy and technical knowledge helped me succeed in managing both customer expectations and the company’s operational capabilities.
Joining [Company Name] means committing to a team known for setting the standard in customer support. I am eager to bring my skills to your esteemed group and to continue the tradition of service excellence that your brand stands for.
I was instantly drawn to the opening for a Customer Service Coordinator at [Company Name] and am excited to submit my application. With extensive experience in both face-to-face and online customer services, I bring a well-rounded set of skills suited for this position.
My previous role at [Previous Company] allowed me to develop strong organizational and coordination skills, managing customer inquiries, and ensuring they were directed to the appropriate departments swiftly. I take great pride in my ability to manage multiple tasks while upholding the highest standards.
I admire [Company Name]’s dedication to customer satisfaction and would love to be part of a team that values both efficiency and quality of service. I am looking forward to discussing how I can contribute to the outstanding work being done at your company.
Dear [Company Name] Team,
I’m excited about the opportunity to bring my unique blend of skills to the Customer Service Advisor position at [Company Name]. Throughout my career, I’ve focused on delivering excellent service and building rapport with clients, aspects that I see are highly valued in your company.
My previous role at [Former Employer] involved a strong emphasis on effective communication and cross-department collaboration. My efforts contributed to a 15% decrease in customer complaints and a significant increase in customer retention rates. I have a proven history of turning challenging situations into positive outcomes and recognizing opportunities for service improvement.
The reputation of [Company Name] for customer service excellence is unparalleled, and I’m passionate about the possibility of contributing to such a customer-focused team. I look forward to the prospect of discussing how I could contribute to the success and growth of your service department.
Example 10 | Customer Service Cover Letter Examples
Hello [Hiring Manager’s Name],
Pursuing a new challenge within customer service, I was thrilled to see the opportunity for a Customer Experience Advocate at [Company Name]. My enthusiasm for providing top-notch service to customers is paralleled only by my proven track record in the field.
At [Current/Previous Employment], I’ve been integral in crafting memorable customer experiences, aligning service strategies with customer expectations, and contributing to team training and development programs. My dedication was recognized through multiple ‘Employee of the Month’ awards and through positive feedback from a loyal customer base.
[Company Name]’s commitment to innovation in customer service is inspiring, and I would be honored to contribute to such a visionary team. I am enthusiastic about the chance to discuss how my experience and customer service philosophy can align with the goals of [Company Name].
Example 11 | Customer Service Cover Letter Examples
I am writing to express my keen interest in the Customer Service Representative position listed on your website for [Company Name]. As a highly dedicated customer service professional with over five years of experience, I put a premium on customer satisfaction. The idea of fulfilling [Company Name]’s customer service standards and contributing to your continued success has, therefore, highly motivated me to apply for this role.
During my previous role at [Previous Company], I managed an array of customer inquiries from initial contact to resolution, which honed my problem-solving skills and my ability to remain calm under pressure. Thus, providing excellent customer service was always my top priority and it was highly recognized by our clients. Further, my proactive approach resulted in a notable improvement in customer satisfaction and loyalty levels.
Moreover, I implemented the use of [Specific Software/Tool] which streamlined our processes and improved our productivity by 30%. I also conducted training sessions for my peers on effective usage, further enhancing team performance. I believe these experiences can be beneficial for [Company Name].
Example 1 2 | Customer Service Cover Letter Examples
I am thrilled to apply for the Customer Service Representative position at [Company Name], a brand I have long admired for its unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction. Over the years, I have closely followed [Company Name]’s innovations and how you’ve consistently prioritized the customer experience. This resonates deeply with my professional values and career objectives. My background in customer service has equipped me with the skills to contribute to your team positively and sustain the high standards [Company Name] is known for.
During my tenure at [Previous Company], I was challenged with managing over 100 customer interactions weekly. These ranged from simple inquiries to complex service issues. This experience has not only refined my problem-solving capabilities but has also enhanced my resilience and adaptability in high-pressure situations. I believe these skills are ideally suited for the dynamic environment at [Company Name], where exceptional customer service is paramount.
At my last position, I spearheaded the implementation of a customer feedback system that led to a 20% increase in satisfaction ratings. By identifying and addressing critical areas for improvement, we fostered a more customer-centric culture. I am eager to bring my passion for innovation and continuous improvement to [Company Name], contributing to your team’s efforts to elevate customer satisfaction to new heights.
My passion for building and sustaining strong customer relationships aligns perfectly with [Company Name]’s philosophy of creating lasting connections. This passion, combined with my career experience, has provided me with a nuanced understanding of diverse customer needs and preferences. I am excited about the opportunity to leverage this insight to contribute effectively to your team and help maintain [Company Name]’s reputation for outstanding customer care.
Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the opportunity to discuss how my background, skills, and enthusiasm can contribute to the exceptional customer service for which [Company Name] is renowned. The possibility of being part of your team and contributing to your mission is incredibly exciting to me.
Example 1 3 | Customer Service Cover Letter Examples
I am writing to express my keen interest in the Customer Service Representative position. With more than five years of experience working in high-volume call centers, I have developed a resilience and efficiency critical for success in such environments. These roles have taught me the importance of fast yet thoughtful customer service – balancing quick response times with comprehensive, empathetic support. I believe this blend of skills will make me a valuable addition to [Company Name]’s customer service team.
My dedication to enhancing customer experience through effective communication and innovative problem-solving has always been at the forefront of my career. These responsibilities have not only honed my skills but also deepened my commitment to this crucial aspect of [Company Name]’s operations. I am eager to bring this dedication to your company and support your continued commitment to outstanding customer service.
As I look forward to possibly discussing my application further with you, I have attached my resume for your consideration. I am particularly excited about the opportunity to explore how my background and skills in customer service could support and further [Company Name]’s objectives and contribute to your success story.
Through my previous roles, I have maintained high customer retention rates and adeptly handled challenging service scenarios, demonstrating both my competence and dedication. I aim to bring my proven track record and my commitment to excellence to the talented team at [Company Name], contributing to your esteemed reputation and continued success.
Let’s discuss how my experience in aligning customer service protocols with company goals can translate into value for [Company Name]. My hands-on experience in strategizing and implementing customer service improvements could prove beneficial in advancing your mission to provide outstanding customer experiences.
Example 1 4 | Customer Service Cover Letter Examples
I am writing to express my keen interest in the Customer Service Representative position in your esteemed organization. Having greatly admired [Company Name]’s approach to customer service, I am enthusiastic about the possibility of being part of such a reputable team. Your commitment to setting the industry standard for customer care is both inspiring and aligns perfectly with my professional aspirations. I am eager to contribute my skills and dedication to your continued success.
My proactive approach to customer feedback and my commitment to continuous improvement have been the cornerstone of my customer service philosophy. These qualities, coupled with my ability to learn and adapt quickly, are what I am keen to bring to [Company Name]. I am convinced that together, we can continue to improve and refine our approach to meet and exceed customer expectations.
I believe my ability to translate customer needs into actionable solutions uniquely positions me as a fitting candidate for [Company Name]. My enthusiasm for engaging with customers and resolving their issues has always driven my success in this field. I look forward to the opportunity to bring my skills and dedication to your esteemed team and am eager for your feedback on my application.
Facing and overcoming various customer service challenges has sharpened my adaptability and solution-finding skills, traits I am excited to offer to [Company Name]. These skills, honed through years of experience, enable me to tactfully handle any customer issue and turn challenges into opportunities for improvement.
As someone who puts a premium on customer satisfaction, I am motivated by the chance to fulfill [Company Name]’s customer service standards and contribute to your success. The opportunity to work with a team that shares my commitment to excellence and to contribute to your mission is one that I value highly.
Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to further discuss how I can contribute to [Company Name]’s team and objectives.
Yours sincerely,
[Your Name]
Example 1 5
As a dynamic customer service professional with extensive experience, I am eager to bring my skills in communication and problem-solving to the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]…”
In addition to my professional skills, I am fluent in Spanish and English which I believe could be an asset as [Company Name] continues to serve diverse communities. I am confident that my strong communication skills and the ability to handle difficult customer situations with a patient approach would allow me to contribute to [Company Name] immediately.
I am eager to bring my unique blend of skills and experience to your team and believe that I could make effective contributions to [Company Name]’s customer service department. I am excited about the opportunity to work with a dynamic, forward-thinking company like [Company Name] where I can put my diverse skill set and knowledge into action.
Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of contributing to [Company Name], and I am ready to discuss the insights and perspective that I can bring to your team.
Customer Service Cover Letter Examples | Examples & Tips for a Compelling Letter
The perfect cover letter can open doors and create opportunities. With the advice and templates provided, you’re well on your way to crafting a cover letter that not only stands out but also resonates with hiring managers in the customer service industry. Remember, the goal is to showcase your ability to serve and delight customers, contributing positively to the company’s success.
- 25 Cover Letter Templates for Customer Service Jobs
- 9 Job Application Email Examples that Hiring Managers Absolutely Love!
- How to Write a Complaint Email to Company | Templates
- Responding to a Complaint | 25 Sample Letters
- Best Email Response to An Angry Customer : 5 Sample Emails
Contoh Surat Lamaran Pekerjaan Costumer Service dalam Bahasa Inggris. Bekerja sebagai Customer Service adalah salah satu profesi yang banyak dibutuhkan oleh perusahaan; sebab dalam menangani komplain atau masukan dari pelanggan—yang mana tugas tersebut akan sulit digantikan oleh mesin atau robot jika ingin memberikan penanganan yang terbaik.
Itulah 17 contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris beserta versi terjemahannya dalam bahasa Indonesia. Berbagai contoh application letter bahasa Inggris dalam artikel ini bisa kamu jadikan acuan untuk membuat surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris sesuai kebutuhanmu.
Berikut ini contoh surat lamaran kerja untuk posisi Customer Service dalam Bahasa Inggris beserta panduan memodifikasinya.
Surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris adalah lembar dokumen berisi rangkuman kompetensi yang biasa dikirim secara bersamaan dengan CV atau resume untuk melamar sebuah pekerjaan yang berbahasa Inggris. Surat lamaran kerja dalam bahasa Inggris disebut dengan cover letter, application letter, atau job application letter.
Melamar menggunakan surat lamaran kerja Bahasa Inggris akan membuat kamu diingat dan berbeda dari kandidat lainnya. Daftar Isi: 13 Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris. Format Surat Lamaran Kerja dalam Bahasa Inggris. 5 Tips Membuat Cover Letter Bahasa Inggris.
Crafting a compelling cover letter can set you apart from a sea of candidates. In this guide, we’ll explore expert tips on creating an effective customer service cover letter and provide a list of 15 example templates to inspire your own.