English Aspirants

My Favourite Teacher Essay in English [100, 120, 150, 200, 250 Words]

My Favourite Teacher Essay in English: Teaching is a noble profession. We all have our favourite teachers in life. In this article, you are going to learn how to write a paragraph or an essay on my favourite teacher in English.  Here, we’ve provided 5 essays or paragraphs on this topic (100, 120, 150, 200, and 250 words). This article will be helpful for the students from class 1 to class 12. So, let’s begin.

Table of Contents

My Favourite Teacher Essay: 100 Words

Rajkumar sir is my favourite teacher. He teaches us English in our school. He has a smiling face. He is truthful and honest. He explains his lessons in a very simple and nice way. He is a punctual and disciplined teacher. He gives full attention to each and every student. He tells us interesting stories from time to time.

Rajkumar sir is like a teacher who motivates us to do well in our studies regularly. He never gets angry when we make mistakes. He tries to solve all our queries. He teaches us good habits and moral values. He is a nation builder. Such ideal teachers are the pride of a nation.

My Favourite Teacher Essay in English

My Favourite Teacher Paragraph: 120

My favourite teacher is Riya madam. She teaches us Science as a subject. She has a unique way of teaching. She gives examples from real life situations to make his lessons interesting. She is the master of her subject. She uses question answer method and enables the pupils to discover things for themselves. I used to be very weak in science. But due to his teaching, I improved a lot in science. She keeps perfect discipline everywhere. She advises us to follow the path of truth and goodness. She works with a sense of devotion and dedication.

Along with studies, she teaches us good ethics and moral values to develop our personality. Her life lessons provide us the strength to deal with any kind of problem in our lives. I am grateful for having such a teacher in my life.

paragraph on my favourite teacher in English

Also Read: 10 lines on My Favourite Teacher

Essay on My Favourite Teacher: 150 Words

The teacher I like most is Raman sir. He is the teacher of mathematics in our school. From the first day, all the students in the class felt very close to him because of his friendly behaviour with all of us.

He is polite and sweet natured. He is very hard-working. He loves his youngers and respects his elders. He himself is a model of good conduct. He guides us on the right path in order to make us useful and sensible citizens.

The subject of mathematics seemed very complex and difficult to me from the beginning. But he explained mathematical problems, geometry, everything so easily that I started to get very good marks in mathematics. He makes mathematics so interesting to us.

What particularly attracted me was his wide knowledge and keen interest in diverse matters. He wants his children to learn with understanding. He does not depend only on bookish knowledge. He, sometimes, also takes us out for a visit to some interesting places. A teacher, like him, could be seldom found. He shall remain an inspiration to me.

my teacher essay and paragraph

Essay on Favourite Teacher : 200 Words

In course of my student life, I came across many good teachers. Amongst them were brilliant scholars and great teachers. But in Sri Pankaj Mukherjee, I found not only a teacher with all the good qualities but also a friend, a philosopher and a guide. Although he loved everyone, I was his favourite student. Untiring in his zeal, he had great love for all students even the naughty ones. He was never unhappy even for a moment.

Though English was his favourite subject, he was equally strong in other subjects too and could go on giving notes on them with equal ease. He explained everything so lucidly that all the subjects he taught proved to be interesting. His doors were always open to us. He sympathised with us whenever we were in difficulty. He was a strict disciplinarian but he had a soft corner for all of us.

He also encouraged us to take part in sports and games and even participated in certain games with us. In short, he was more than a teacher to us. I admire him and still remember him because he was an ideal teacher in all respects.

Also Read: My School Paragraph in English

My Teacher Essay/Paragraph: 250 Words

Sh. M.P. Sharma is my favourite teacher. He teaches us English. He is our class teacher too.

He wears simple clothes. Generally he wears pant and shirt. But in winter he wears coat and pant. He looks very smart in his dress. He wears leather shoes. They are always bright.

He is M.A, M.Ed. in English. He is an expert teacher. He is the master of his subject. His teaching method is very easy and unique. Everyone praises his teaching method. Every student understands it easily. He explains all the lessons slowly so that all the students can understand the lessons well. No one make any trouble in his class. Even the most mischievous student in the class listens to his lectures carefully. If a student faces difficulty to understand any topic, he explains it to him at a different time after the school holidays.

He has many qualities. He believes in simple living and high thinking. His nature is very fine. He loves every student. He is very honest. He is sincere to his duty. He is friendly to all. To him work is worship. He has high character. His thoughts are always high. He inspires his pupils to conduct themselves well in life.

He is a true and ideal Guru for me. He is the nation builder in true sense. This is why I like him very much.

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Essay on My Teacher

List of essays on my teacher in english, essay on my teacher – essay 1 (300 words), essay on my teacher – essay 2 (400 words), essay on my teacher – essay 3 (500 words), essay on my teacher – essay 4 (750 words), essay on my teacher – essay 5 (1000 words).


Teachers are the ones who play a very vital role in shaping our future. From the Pre-Kinder Garden to your Post-Doctoral fellowships, they teach, impart knowledge, share ethical values, and imbibe morality, thereby shaping our personality as a strong one.

My Teacher:

Throughout our lives, we will be having many kith and kins who will hold a special place in our hearts. For me, one such person is my teacher. All of us, for sure, will definitely agree to the fact that the kinship between us and our kinder garden teachers could not be well-defined. I like my nursery teacher, so much. There is something very magical about her. Maybe, she was the first teacher in my life or maybe, she was very sweet in talking to all of us, I am unable to portray why she is always my favourite. I relied on her blindly.

Unforgettable Memories:

I have some cherished memories with my teacher. Whenever I think of those memories, it makes me blissful. On the last day of my nursery school, I started crying at the very thought of leaving her and having a new teacher. I had fallen sick due to crying for hours together. I skipped my food. My parents were not able to do anything. They called for her to make me feel better. My teacher travelled a few miles across the city and reached the hospital. She, then, said that she would never forget any of her students and asked me to write to her. I started writing to her every week from then on and she replied to every letter of mine. Till date, I look at my teacher as my second mother and she guides me in all my difficult situations.


Having a good teacher who can share an amalgamated relationship with the students is a boon. A good teacher should be a good mentor, a philosopher, a guide, a friend and above all a surrogate parent to the children. I am lucky that I had gotten one in my lifetime.

My favorite subject is English and my most favorite teacher is Chitra Ma’am. She teaches us English. She likes me a lot and appreciates my hard work. She joined our school one year ago. Before that, I was not so good at English. But after attending her classes, we have all become much better at this subject.

I like her for many reasons. First of all, she teaches the lessons in a very interesting way. Even when we have doubts or questions, she never gets upset with us. Her best quality is her loving nature. She would come to school daily without missing a day.

Her dressing sense is nice. She wears simple salwar suits. She always speaks to her students softly and respectfully. I eagerly wait for her class and do my English homework on time. Chitra Ma’am puts a lot of effort in explaining every chapter.

There are many activities given at the end of every lesson and she makes us participate in all of them. Not only that, but she also encourages us to take part in drama and poem competitions. Since her first day, she made a rule for us.

All of us has to speak in English during the English period. Every student tries to talk in English even if the sentence sounds improper. She has taught us to never laugh at each other’s mistakes. This has improved our spoken English in a great way. Now, we are able to talk in English with more confidence.

Another great quality of hers is that she treats every child equally. After explaining the lesson to us, she asks each one of us different questions about the chapter. Sometimes, we also love to talk about our personal lives, like what do we like about our lives, how our parents work hard for us, and things like that.

When we get confused or need an emotional support, she is the best person to talk to. Her advice and suggestions are always positive. Last month, on teacher’s day, all the students wished her and brought presents for her. We also sang a song to her.

I made a beautiful greeting card for her and a red rose with it. She accepted it with a smile and thanked us for everything. I feel grateful to have such a gentle and great teacher in my life who supports me in every way.

In school, you tend to interact with a lot of people who can either impact your life positively or negatively. A teacher is one neutral person who will manage to strike a balance between the positive and the negative. Teachers have a huge responsibility that we students may not understand. All in all our teachers try their best to provide an education, guidance and discipline despite the challenges we might impose on them. The life of a student is entirely dependent on a teacher because most of their time is spent in school rather than with parents that is why teachers play a major role in shaping the lives of young children through school.

Who Is my favourite Teacher?

I have several teachers now that I am in high school but there is only one whom I can relate to as “the teacher” because of the impact he has made in my life. The teacher is male, of Indian origin and has a funny accent when he speaks. He is married and has three children. Actually, one of his children is my age and I know him through tennis practice because he comes to train with us sometimes. I like him because his sense of humor gives a good learning experience for the students. He is a math teacher and he is very good at what he does. Students tend to make fun of him because of his accent but he make fun of it himself, which gets even funnier. This teacher has been a great mentor to me and other student ever since we joined high school. I met him on a personal level one day after class when I needed clarification on a topic I had not quite understood. The teacher was kind to me and guided me through it. Since then, he took his own initiative to do follow-ups on me and I became really good in math due to his efforts.

Coincidentally, he also coaches my tennis team and we meet out on the field. We have won several awards as a tennis team under him. I feel connected to the teacher through his mentorship and he has become like a school parent to me because whenever I have an issue, he is free to help me out.

How the teacher has impacted my life in school .

Mentorship goes along way depending on the approach used. When I first joined high school, I did not have much confidence in myself. This teacher mentored me and made me believe in myself. The good thing is the attention he gives t is students because most of the times, he follows up on the performances and ensures that he does everything he can to help students improve academically. He has also been a role model to me through his way of doing things. He is dedicated to his work and he is an achiever. Through following his footsteps, I have been able to dedicate myself into studies and sports, which has helped me to achieve my goals.

In conclusion, good teachers are hard to find but when you find one, make the most out of them.

The word “teacher” depicts a person that teaches. English dictionary defines teacher as “a person who teaches, especially one employed in a school”. A more recent definition of teacher in the linguistics field is “a tutor that interacts with the learners in order to facilitate good learning”.

Types of Teachers

Old method teachers: the teachers found under this method adopt the rigid mode of impartation of knowledge. They control the class the way a king would rule over his subjects. Old method teachers are less concerned about the welfare of their learners, they are syllabus-oriented.

New method teachers: the tutors under this model are student-oriented. They are more concerned about their learners and their various levels of understanding. They accept and promote contributions in class unlike the old method teachers. New method teachers encourage the inquisitiveness of their students.

Attributes of a Teacher:

A standard teacher has all or most of the various characters imbedded in them:

  • Compassionate
  • Open-minded
  • A good counselor
  • Friendly and most importantly
  • Approachable.

Attributes of My Favorite Teacher:

Personally, I see my teacher as a mini-god because he leaves his mark on me. He influences my life in ways that enables me affect changes wherever I find myself.

He is a perfect example of the new model teachers. Basically, he is student-oriented. In the classroom, he employs the Eclectic mode of teaching (this is the combination of all the modes of teaching “discussion mode, play way mode, role play mode, question mode” so as to facilitate standard learning).

He comes into the classroom; starts the lecture with a recap of what was discussed in the previous class, gives room for the students to ask questions that arose from the last class, answers them and then starts a new topic.

To start a new topic, he starts with a mind-capturing introduction that attracts the attention of all students. Once he is through with introducing the topic, he gauges our reaction in order for him to know if his students are on the same page with him or left behind.

Then, he moves on to the discussion mode of teaching, whereby he throws questions to his students and accommodates both relevant and irrelevant answers, at the end of this model, he sieves through the answers provided, pick the relevant ones and add his own iota to it, he also always applaud the courage of all who answers his questions.

He moves either into the role play method or the play way method, here he selects students to either act out the lessons from the day’s topic or summarizes what he has taught for the day. The use of this particular mode enlightens the students more on the topic being discussed.

Finally, he moves over to the questions and revision mode, where he personally go through all he has taught over the course of the period. During this mode, he entertains questions from students on their personal areas of difficulties. Occasionally, he gives assignments to back up his teachings.

During his teachings, he pays close attention to the expression, mood, sitting posture and carriage of his students. This tells him when his students are lost, sad, worried, hungry, sick, away in dream land or simply tired.

Once he is done processing the information gotten from our faces, he either finds a way of brightening the mood of his students, bringing them back from the dream world, or ending his class without breaking his stride or alerting the whole population of students to what is currently going on.

It is only normal for a human being to reflect his mood whenever he is talking or interacting, but my teacher hardly ever allow his bad, horrible moods interfere with his teachings.

Outside the classroom, my teacher is approachable, fatherly, and jovial. He entertains all and no one is excluded from his open arms, smiles and affections.

He is a good counselor who is always ready to help me out of my tight corners. He gives twenty first century advises in a fatherly way.

Although, due to my teachers lenient ways with students, some students tend to be lazy, disrespectful, stubborn or rude. He has a way of being firm, maintaining class control while teaching.

In conclusion, my teacher has all the attributes and more of a new method teachers. He is capable of combining all modes of teaching, he is compassionate, passionate, and friendly. From my interactions with him, I can confidently say that he is one of the best teachers around.

A teacher plays a very important life in shaping your life as well as career. A good teacher is a blessing for the students in their early years and helps them understand the world; learn moral values along with education. Most importantly, a teacher helps you the art of survival and brings out the best of you.

Why a teacher is so important in a student’s life?

Teachers assume the essential job in our life to end up fruitful invocation and business. A decent teacher encourages us to end up great individual in the general public and great nation of the nation.

Teachers realize that students are the eventual fate of any country. So the future advancement of any country is in the hands of teachers. What we move toward becoming in life is relies upon teachers. Teachers confer the information and data in the mind of understudies to dissect. Investigating in the circumstance what is conceivable is the most essential thing that we gain from teachers. Energy about teachers is imperative since they are the most essential individuals in the nation. What we’re seeing today in business, legislative issues, and society all influenced by teachers. In this way, in India, we commend teacher’s day consistently on 5 September on the event of the birth Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.

My Teachers, My Role Models

During my formative years, I have come across many teachers who have influenced my life for the better. Having being studies in a convent school, I got to face a much-disciplined environment during my school years. The teachers, although were very polite in their behaviour, at the same time ensuring that we all followed a disciplined life. We were taught how to inculcate these values in our daily life so as to be better human beings when we grow up and face the world. Although all the teachers were good, there is one teacher whose teachings I just cannot forget. She is Ms Kirti Bhushan. Her teachings have been so powerful and impactful that I can still feel them during my day to day decisions even today.

My Best Teacher

Ms Kirti was my class educator as well and took participation in the daily activities with us as well. She was a strict instructor anyway extremely amusing and mind in nature. At the same time, she was extremely restrained and dependable. She did her work perfectly with the class at a perfect time without getting late. I liked her, particularly as she attempted simple approaches to show us beneficial things. We made the most of her class. She taught us English subject as well. She even made us giggle by telling heaps of jokes in the middle of when she taught. She likewise managed us exceptionally well amid any school or between school rivalry of the move, sports, scholastic, and so on. She instructed us to share things in class among our associates, for example, lunch or other required things.

Her Background

She was from Varanasi and completed her initial studies there itself. She took her higher education degrees from the Banaras Hindu University. She was extremely friendly and kind in nature. She realized well about how to deal with little youngsters in the class. Her one of a kind style of educating is perhaps what I mostly recall her for. I even meet her at times at whatever point I have to explain some intense inquiries of my day to day issues, she advises me so easily and comfortably. She looks extremely savvy with shimmer eyes and fair hair.

Her Smiling Attitude

She generally smiled when she entered the classroom and first got some information about our prosperity. She additionally helped us in the games at whatever point our games instructor was missing. She had a smiling face even during the strict environment during the examination times. She constantly rebuffed to the students who were with fragmented home works. She was acclaimed for making loads of fun amid the class time and ensure there was a positive ambience all around.

She was an instructor with great aptitudes of educating, well-disposed nature, great comical inclination, understanding and nice. I am proud to be one of her favourite students, as she always said good things about me to other teachers. At times she gave us chocolates on doing great in the class tests and exams. She never gave us heaps of assignments at home. She was exceptionally eager and constantly spurred us for doing our best in the examination.

Teacher’s In Today’s Scenario

Today the general population are changing and their reasoning and advancement thoughts are more against nature. Presently for the world, a teacher is only a teacher. Various offices and departments only tend to remember them on teachers day during various events and usually do not remember them otherwise. Individuals also share few posts via web-based networking media with respect to teachers and after that just forget them. Individuals overlook a bigger number of things that they are gaining from teachers. Schools and students also praise the teacher’s day event and value the endeavours teachers are doing. This is incredible if individuals ought to pursue the exercises of teachers also.

The genuine present for teachers is when students turn into a decent individual, effective in their vocation and business. Not all teacher are great in instructing and comparatively, not all students resemble “Shishya and Guru” particularly in the advanced period. A few teachers are incredible and they are dependable in heart of students all life along.

Students admire teachers for counsel and direction. Students are inspired by scholastic exercises as well as they are intrigued to pursue their life exercises. That is the reason it’s exceedingly essential for teachers to motivate students to pursue great propensities not terrible by their own precedent. An instruction is critical in everybody’s life and assumes different jobs in various phases of life. It’s imperative that individuals understand the significance of teachers and pursue their teachers in the right spirit.

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My Best Teacher Essay

Teachers value and knowledge in children . Teachers play an important role in shaping a person’s life as they facilitate one in discovering and working towards their goals, while teaching the value of discipline and perseverance. Here are a few essays on “My Best Teacher” .

100 Words Essay On My Best Teacher

One of my favourite teachers is Anjali Gaba. She teaches my class and checks attendance each morning. Despite being stern, Anjali ma’am has a great sense of humour and compassion. She is organised and reliable. She completes all her class-related tasks and assignments on schedule. Anjali ma’am makes difficult concepts simple to understand and learn, which is why I admire her so much. She instructs us in English. While teaching, Anjali ma’am frequently cracks jokes to keep us entertained. Whenever we have to participate in any extracurricular activity, be it a debate, MUN, or a cultural activity, Anjali ma’am gives us some helpful tips which help us to do well in the competitions.

My Best Teacher Essay

200 Words Essay On My Best Teacher

Teachers play a huge role in helping a child shape their personality . A huge chunk of the knowledge and values one holds comes from their teachers.

My Best Teacher

In the entire school, Nilam ma’am is my favourite teacher. She instructs me in EVS when I am in fourth grade (Environmental Studies) class. Our teacher is very caring and teaches in simple ways. She doesn't take studying too seriously and engages us in fun activities while instructing. Because I am a very responsible and ideal student, she loves me very much. I always do my classwork and homework in a tidy manner per her instructions.

In her class, I'm always attentive and reach the class on time. She inspires us to always choose the correct course in life, even when we have to deal with highly challenging circumstances. Our teacher teaches us to always look for simple solutions to our problems rather than giving up when things get tough. She also advises us to constantly think positively since what we believe and do always come to pass. All of the EVS concepts are explained by the teacher exceptionally thoroughly. In her class, she wants us to speak only English. She rides on the school bus with us, and we enjoy singing songs and reciting poetry as we travel to her home.

500 Words Essay On My Best Teacher

A teacher plays a significant role throughout all stages of life. Teachers impart life’s important values to students. Since teachers know that not every student has the same learning capacity, they carefully assess each student's potential before beginning lessons. A teacher is an excellent communicator of wisdom , fortune, and light, from whom we can learn much and benefit significantly throughout our lives.

My science teacher is one of my favourite professors. Her name is Mousumi Banerjee. She is the best teacher at the school and well-liked by all of my friends because she teaches very well.I appreciate her in-class teaching methods. She tell us to study the material she will cover in class the following day at home. The teacher explains the subject to the students and solicits any clarifications. The next day, she asked more questions on the same topic. This helps us understand a particular subject in great detail.

After covering two or three topics, she takes a test. She is passionate and enthusiastic about what they do and it shows in the way they teach us. She treats us with friendliness and never permits fear in us. Without hesitation, any student in the class or her cabin may ask her any question about the topic. While instructing the class, the teacher keeps an eye on every student's activity and disciplines the misbehaving ones. If you truly want success in life, she advises us to focus on our studies and always do as our teacher instructs. She never shows bias in the classroom between any of the students.

Her Importance In My Life

Mousumi ma'am has always been an important person in my life. She helped me select every course of action at various times. She gave me immense knowledge, skills, and positive behaviour expectations so I never felt lost. She always disciplined me and helped me throughout my life, even after school. In class 12th, I did a project under her in which she helped me immensely. It was a very successful project, and we won the 1st prize at the annual technical fest. That year she also got voted as the best teacher for that year. I was very happy for her as well. During my course selection for college, she guided me a lot. She helped me understand which course would be the best for me and sometimes helped me with those subjects.

She was always like a blessing in disguise for me.

A Special Moment In My Life

Last year on teacher's day, I, along with my classmates, gave her a surprise visit at her house and gifted her some chocolates as she loved chocolates. We also gave her a diary and a parker pen. She was delighted and almost burst into tears with happiness. We all had a wonderful time and then went for lunch in the nearby restaurant. It was a special moment for me as well as my friends.

We all have had teachers in our lives who have had a genuine impact on how we live. Every student has a unique space designated in their heart for their professors. There is no substitute for a teacher in a student's life. They give of themselves to make our lives successful.

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Essay on My Teacher [Short & Long]

Essay on My Teacher – A great teacher is not that hard to discover. The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book. There is no substitute for a great teacher and you can not repay him/her even by devoting your whole life.

Teachers play a crucial role in the field of education, who educates students very well to make people of upright behaviour and values. In fact, they are one of the reasons behind our personality and behaviour.

Short Essay On My Teacher | 250 words


The life of a student is completely reliant on a teacher because the largest fraction of their time is spent in school rather than with parents which is why teachers play a significant role in developing the lives of children in school .

They are like a torch in the darkness in everyone’s life because they help students find their way in life. They are God-gifted in life who without any selfishness direct us to success. In fact, we can name them as the creator of an excellent future for our nation .

Essay On My Teacher | Introduction

About My Favourite Teacher

During our lives, we will be possessing many kith and kin who hold a specific place in our hearts. One such person in my life is my teacher. All of us will surely admit to the fact that the kinship between us and our school teachers can not be well-defined.

I like my nursery teacher very much. Her voice is very magical. She was very sweet in talking to all of us, I am incapable to express why she is always been my favourite and I relied on her passionately.

Impacts of teachers

When I first entered class 6, I had not much confidence in myself. My teacher mentored me and made me believe in myself. The great thing is the attention he gives to students most of the time, he follows up on their achievements and guarantees that he does everything he can to assist students to better perform academically.

He will always be a role model to me because of his way of doing something. He is devoted to his work and he is an achiever. By following in his footsteps, now I am able to dedicate myself to education and sports, which has supported me to accomplish my goals .

Concluding, Teachers play a crucial role in the field of education, who educates students very well to make them a person of upright behaviour and values. They make the student academically great and inspire them to do good in life.

Long Essay On My Teacher | 500 Words

We tend to communicate with a lot of people who either influence our lives positively or negatively. A teacher is one unbiased person who manages to strike a stability between the positive and the negative. Teachers have an enormous liability that we students can not guess.

The life of a student is completely reliant on a teacher because the largest fraction of their time is spent in school rather than with parents which is why teachers play a significant role in developing the lives of children in school.

All my teachers try their best to give us the best education, supervision and regulation despite the difficulties we might inflict on them.

My favourite teacher

I have many teachers because I am in inter-school but there is only one whom I can spell out as my favourite teacher because of the influence he has executed in my life. My teacher is a male of Indian ancestry and has a bright accent when he talks.

He is married and has two children. One of his children is my age and I recognise him through tennis practice because he also practices with us sometimes. I like my teacher because of his good sense of humour and he provides a good learning experience to the students.

He is a maths teacher and he is very skilled in mathematics. Students usually make fun of him all because of his funny accent but he also makes fun of himself, which becomes even more laughable. This teacher has always been an excellent mentor to me.

I reached him personally one day after finishing the class when I required clarification on a question I had not really understood. My teacher is very kind to me and guided me through it. Since then, he initiated to make follow-ups with me and I converted really well in math because of the efforts of my teacher.

Types of teachers

  • Elementary school teachers- They play a vital role in setting the foundation for learning. They dedicate their careers to teaching young students from kindergarten to the fifth grade.
  • Middle school teachers – Another highly significant period in a scholar’s life is middle school. Grades six to eight set the platform for high school.
  • High school teachers – High school teachers improve their tutoring plans to challenge and fasten their students. They evaluate their students’ growth through ranked assignments and exams.
  • Post-High School teachers- The attention of teachers in this framework is to equip students for life after high school.

Importance of Teachers

A great teacher is not that hard to discover, but you need to know where to look. Great teachers are well-prepared for their educational aims. They make their plan of action daily to assure the greatest productivity. Teachers have a lot of information on everything, especially in the subject they specialize in.

A good teacher extends their knowledge continuously to give good solutions to their students. Furthermore, a great teacher is similar to a friend that supports us in all our problems. A good teacher builds their own learning method which is uncommon and not mainstream.

This causes the students to learn the subject in a more reliable manner. In other words, a good teacher confirms their students are efficient and scoring good marks.

Impact of teachers

My parents and all my teachers are the first ones to influence my life significantly. In truth, at younger ages, students hold complete trust in their teachers and they obey their teachers more than their parents. This explains the significance and impression of a teacher in our lives.

when a student gets injured in school, the teacher enables them to first aid. This gives a sense of security and a unique connection between them.

Final Words

In conclusion, All my teachers have all the attributes and qualities that a good teacher should have. They are capable of combining all methods of teaching, They are sympathetic and friendly. From my interactions with them, I feel like the best of all gifts from God.

Essay On My Teacher | Conclusion

When does teacher’s day is observed in India?

Teacher’s Day in India is observed every year on the 5 th of September. And it was first observed in the year 1962.

When is International Teacher’s Day observed?

World Teacher’s Day will be observed on 5th October 2021.

How do I write an essay on My teacher?

We can write an essay of any type in three simple steps: 1. Just gather some information about the topic 2. Think of the structure of the essay 3. Start your essay with an engaging sentence 4. At the end, give a finishing touch to your conclusion. That’s all you can write an Essay on My teacher .

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Essay on My Favourite Teacher in English (150, 200, 300, 400 Words) for School Students

Essay on My Favourite Teacher in English (150, 200, 300, 400 Words) for School Students

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an essay on the topic my english teacher

Teachers are super important in our lives. They are like the guides who help us learn and grow. Think of them as the people who lay down the first bricks for the big building of knowledge in our minds. When we go to school, teachers teach us many things. It's not just about math, science, or history. They also teach us how to be good people. They show us the right path to follow in life. So, teachers are not just about books and lessons; they are about life lessons too.

Imagine you have a teacher who makes learning fun and easy. That's like having a superpower! When you enjoy learning from a teacher, it makes school a lot more fun. You look forward to going to school because you know it's going to be exciting. Good teachers are like mentors. They don't just help us in school; they guide us even when we're not in class. They give us advice, tell us what's right and wrong, and help us become better people. They become our friends in many ways.

What we learn in school stays with us for a long time. When we grow up and face important decisions or big tasks, we use what our teachers taught us. They give us the tools to handle life's challenges. So, teachers are like our heroes. They build the foundation of our knowledge and character. They make our school years easier and more enjoyable. They guide us not just through school, but through life. They are like the shining stars in our educational journey.

Why is the Essay on My Favourite Teacher Important for Your Exams? 

This essay about your child's favorite teacher is a great way to show them how to write a simple and effective essay on this topic. It's important because teachers play a huge role in our lives. They're not just people who stand in front of the class and talk. They're like the guiding stars in our educational journey.

A teacher's job is not just about teaching math, science, or history. They also teach us how to be good people. They show us the right path to follow in life. So, teachers are not just about books and lessons; they are about life lessons too.

Your child can use this essay as a model to write their own. Let's explore a bit more about why this essay is so helpful:

Learning to Express: When your child writes about their favorite teacher, they learn how to express themselves. They can share why they like that teacher, what they've learned from them, and how that teacher has influenced them. It's a great way for your child to learn how to put their thoughts into words.

Improving Writing Skills: Writing this essay helps your child improve their writing skills. They learn how to structure their thoughts, use correct grammar and punctuation, and make their writing organized and clear. These are skills that come in handy in many subjects and real-life situations.

Being Creative: Your child can be creative while writing this essay. They can use vivid descriptions, storytelling techniques, and examples to make their essay interesting and engaging. This creativity is something teachers and examiners look for in essays.

Thinking Skills: To write a good essay about their favorite teacher, your child needs to think critically. They must think about what makes this teacher special and why they admire them. This is a skill that can help in many subjects and exams.

Practice for Exams: Exams often have essay questions. When your child writes this essay, they're practicing for those essay questions. They become better at presenting their ideas clearly and concisely, which can earn them extra points in exams.

Self-Confidence: Finishing an essay and sharing it with others, like you and their teacher, can boost your child's self-confidence. This is important for exams because students who believe in themselves tend to perform better.

Memory and Knowledge: Writing about their favorite teacher will make your child remember specific lessons and wisdom they've gained. This reinforces their memory and understanding of what they've learned, which is good for exams.

Long and Short Essay on My Favorite Teacher in English

My favourite teacher essay 1 (100 words) .

My favorite teacher is Deepa Mam. She's my class teacher, and she attends every morning. She can be strict, but she's also funny and caring. Deepa Mam is very organized, always doing her work on time. I like her a lot because she teaches us important things in simple ways. We have a good time in her class, especially when she tells jokes. She's not just a teacher; she guides us during school events like dances, sports, and competitions. Deepa mam also encourages us to share and help each other in class, like sharing lunch or other things we may need.

My Favourite Teacher Essay 1 (150 words) 

My favorite teacher is my class teacher, Nishi Gupta. She teaches us Hindi, Maths, and Art. Nishi Gupta is a highly educated teacher with advanced studies from Banaras Hindu University. Her teaching methods are simple and effective, making it unnecessary to study at home. Her lessons are crystal clear.

After explaining a topic, she gives us exercises and homework. The next day, she revisits the previous topic and then moves on to a new one. Nishi Gupta doesn't just teach subjects; she imparts good ethics and etiquette, shaping our characters.

Even if she isn't our teacher in the future, her teachings will stay with us, guiding us through tough times. She's caring and loving, and her academic excellence, marked by a gold medal from her university, makes her the best teacher in my eyes.

My Favourite Teacher Essay 1 (200 words) 

My favorite teacher is Ms. Geet Singh. I'm in the 4th grade, and she's my EVS (Environmental Studies) teacher. She's a wonderful teacher who cares for us a lot. Ms. Geet makes learning easy and fun. She doesn't make studying too serious; instead, she uses entertaining activities to teach us.

What's great is that she's always punctual and never misses a class. We have so much fun in her class; it's a joyful experience. She even loves me because I'm a disciplined and ideal student. I follow her instructions, do my classwork and homework neatly every day, and I'm never late or absent.

Ms. Geet is an inspiring teacher. She encourages us to follow the right path in life, even when things get tough. She tells us to stay positive and not think negatively because what we think and do often becomes our reality.

Her lessons on EVS are fantastic. She wants us to speak in English during her class, which helps us learn the language better. After school, she rides the bus home with us, and we have a blast singing songs and reciting poems on the bus.

Ms. Geet is not just a teacher; she's a friend and a guide who makes learning enjoyable and teaches us valuable life lessons. She's my favorite teacher, and I'm lucky to have her.

My Favourite Teacher Essay 4 (250 words) 

My favorite teacher, Mr. Sunil, taught me English and Maths during my 3rd and 4th-grade years. He hailed from Varanasi and lived close to the school. With higher studies from Banaras Hindu University, he was not only well-educated but also incredibly kind and polite, especially with young children like us. His teaching style was so unique that I still remember him vividly.

What Mr. Sunil taught me has stayed with me. He made my understanding of Maths crystal clear. Even though I'm now in the 5th grade, I miss him a lot. I occasionally meet him when I need help with tough math questions. His smart appearance, sparkling eyes, and blond hair always caught my attention. I admired his great personality and gentle nature.

Whenever Mr. Sunil entered the classroom, he wore a warm smile and asked about our well-being. He even stepped in for our sports teacher when needed. Although he had a cheerful face, he was strict about our studies. He'd assign punishments to those who hadn't completed their homework. He was known for making class enjoyable, and his students consistently scored well in his subjects.

He possessed excellent teaching skills, a friendly demeanor, a fantastic sense of humor, and infinite patience. I was one of his obedient students, and sometimes he'd reward us with chocolates for performing well in class tests and exams. He never burdened us with too much homework, always encouraging us to do our best in our studies.

Mr. Sunil was enthusiastic and constantly motivated us to strive for excellence. He was the kind of teacher who made learning fun and memorable. I'll always remember him as my favorite teacher who not only taught me English and Maths but also the importance of kindness, patience, and a good sense of humor.

My Favourite Teacher Essay 5 (300 words)

Mrs. Ramya is my favorite teacher in the 6th grade. She teaches us Hindi and Computer subjects, and she's a very special teacher with a unique personality. Mrs. Ramya is a bit on the heavier side, but she's incredibly calm and patient. Every year on Teacher's Day, I give her a greeting card to show my appreciation. I also wish her well on her birthday. She often shares jokes during class to make learning fun and keep us engaged.

I'm not very good at Hindi, but I excel in Computer class. Mrs. Ramya helped me a lot in improving my Hindi language skills. After every class, she assigns questions for us to work on and discuss the next day.

She takes us to the computer lab to ensure we understand the subject thoroughly. Mrs. Ramya prefers a quiet atmosphere during her classes. She never leaves any of her students in the dark about what she's teaching. She makes sure everyone comprehends the topic and encourages us to ask questions. She doesn't move on to the next topic until everyone has a good grasp of the current one. Her caring and loving nature extends to all students, and there's no quarreling or fighting in her class. She even rotates the seating arrangement weekly to ensure no one feels left out or unhappy.

All my friends love her class and attend regularly. She goes the extra mile to support struggling students by providing extra help outside of class. Mrs. Ramya doesn't just help us with our studies; she assists us with other problems we might be facing.

She encourages us to participate in school events, such as sports and competitions. Mrs. Ramya always wears a smile and is known for her supportive nature. She prepares us for school event celebrations like Independence Day, Republic Day, Gandhi Jayanti, Teacher's Day, and Mother's Day. Sometimes, when there are no topics left to teach, she shares stories about her own life struggles to inspire us to work hard in our studies.

Mrs. Ramya is not just a great teacher; she's also a friendly and easygoing person. We don't fear her, but we respect and admire her a lot. She's the kind of teacher who leaves a lasting impact on her students' lives, making school enjoyable and memorable. She is indeed my favorite teacher.

My Favourite Teacher Essay 6 (500 words) 

My favorite teacher is Mrs. Sadhna Kausik, and she teaches science. She lives near the school, and she's not just my favorite but also the best teacher in the school. All my friends like her because she's an excellent teacher who makes learning enjoyable. No one gets bored in her class because she adds a bit of fun to her teaching. I admire her teaching methods.

One thing I appreciate about Mrs. Kausik is that she asks us to prepare a topic at home before she teaches it in class. She then goes through the topic, asking questions to ensure we understand. The next day, she quizzed us on the same topic. This way, we become very clear about what we're learning. She also conducts tests after covering two or three topics. Mrs. Kausik loves her job and teaches with a lot of enthusiasm and passion.

She's very friendly and approachable. We can ask her any questions related to the subject in class or even in her office without any fear. During class, she observes each student's behavior and keeps an eye on the naughty ones. She encourages us to focus on our studies and follow her guidance to succeed in life. What's wonderful is that she treats all students equally, never showing favoritism towards the weak or brilliant ones. She supports the weaker students and asks the smarter ones to help their classmates. Mrs. Kausik inspires us to be passionate about our studies and set life goals.

She is an extremely encouraging teacher, motivating us not only in academics but also in extracurricular activities. Mrs. Kausik personally congratulates students who excel in school, whether in academics or sports. To help her weaker students, she offers free tuition at her home for an hour. Thanks to her guidance, every student performs well in science, both in-class tests and exams. Besides teaching, she also holds the position of Vice-Principal in the school, and she manages her responsibilities well. She takes care of keeping the school clean and maintaining its greenery.

Mrs. Kausik is always approachable and never appears stern; she has a warm and smiling face. She keeps us happy at school, treating us like her own children. During school events or competitions, she oversees all the arrangements. She talks to students politely and knows how to handle challenging situations at the school.

In conclusion, Mrs. Sadhna Kausik is a fantastic teacher who makes learning enjoyable and meaningful. She's not just a teacher; she's a mentor, a guide, and a friend. Her enthusiasm, dedication, and passion for teaching inspire all her students to strive for success. She sets an example of kindness, fairness, and commitment, making her the favorite teacher of many.

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My Teacher Essay | Essay on My Teacher for Students and Children

February 7, 2024 by Prasanna

My Teacher Essay: A teacher is a person who plays a pivotal role in molding a student’s life. Some teachers remain in your memory as a key to a few life problems. A teacher imparts not only academic knowledge but also shares ethical values, and imbibes morality that shapes our personality as a better human being. A teacher falls next in line with parents to help students balance positivity and negativity and spend maximum time of childhood in shaping a student’s life. A teacher is a life-changing role model who influences your growth development, inculcating important everyday values. They are the building blocks of society with immense patience, tolerance, and a bright shimmering smile.

To assist students with relevant information on Teachers, here is a long and short essay as a guide for the assignments. Additionally, ten simple pointers that provide a basic guideline upon which one can frame comprehension.

You can read more  Essay Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Long and Short Essay on My Teacher for Students and Children

Below-mentioned is a descriptive essay on 450-500 words, and a short 200 words summarized essay on the topic as a framework guide. A Long Essay on My Teacher is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A Short Essay on My teacher is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Long Essay on My Teacher 500 Words in English

My Favourite Teacher imparts valuable lessons and mentors the entire school-life in guiding and directing the path to travel. They strive to achieve a balance of positivity and negativity in every student’s life. However, like a coin, there are two categories of teachers- the strict teacher and the understanding teacher. An understanding teacher improves teaching scenarios.

The greatest possession of every teacher is the achievements of their students that they cherish. Their main goal is to encourage their students to achieve as an individual in the general society and the nation on the whole. The future advancement of the country rests on the teacher to mold the students to become successful achievers. They impart important messages that investigate the circumstances to gain essential life factors.

To commemorate the valuable life-lessons and love for teachers, in India, we commend the annual celebration of teacher’s day consistently on September 5 in the memory of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan , India’s second President. India homes great teachers like Dr. S  Radhakrishnan, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, Swami Vivekananda, Premchand, and many more who have imparted valuable lessons to tread upon.

Teachers are great role models who influence student’s decisions. For instance, India’s most revered President, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, achieved his position as a great aerospace engineer due to his teacher. Mr. Siva Subramania Iyer’s teaching on how birds fly influenced Dr. Kalam’s contribution to society.

During the ancestral era, a teacher was also addressed as a guru, who imparted spiritual and academic knowledge through the gurukul system, and the students lived with their guru to attain knowledge.

A role model is a person who inspires one’s ability to achieve something great. Teachers are the most influential people next to parents in every student’s life. Every child first learns through elementary school teachers. Then, the student’s next phase is the middle school teacher, who guides the students through the essential adolescent transitions. Students mature as young adults through their middle school journey with multiple life-related questions. A high school teacher helps guides and impart values to the student’s new life phase questions. The highest satisfaction or achievement of every teacher is to watch students grow to achieve success through respect.

During the formative stages of every student’s life, teachers hold a significant impact. Younger students hold immense faith in teachers and listen accordingly. This shows the significance of the teacher’s impact on students. As one grows, and drift away to college, then teachers become friends and mentors who inspire to great life achievements. Teachers unknowingly impart important, valuable life lessons to students. For instance, when a student gets hurt, the teacher aids him/her at the infirmary that makes the student feel secure. They play the role of a parent in school.

A teacher not only mentors, but they also adopt various roles when time rises. Over a period, they become friends when sad, parents when hurt, and great advisers. Thus, teachers are the great mentors who impact and shapes a student’s life. They hold many attributes that hold a special place in every student’s life.

Short Essay on My Teacher 200 Words in English

To honor the valuable contribution of teachers to society, nation, and student’s life,  in India, we annually commemorate and celebrate Teacher’s Day on September 5.

A teacher is a person who imparts knowledge and molds a student’s future through education. They play multiple parts of an influencer, role model, and even friends in a student’s life. A teacher holds numerous qualities and directs his/her students to reach a peak point of success. They are intelligent and have their ways to draw their student’s towards study. A teacher uses creative methods to help students concentrate better.

Apart from imparting educational value, a teacher is a conductor of knowledge with high endurance of confidence and patience as they hold responsible for every student’s future. A teacher knows their student’s potential and ability and assists in surfacing those talents accordingly. Therefore, individuals must understand their teachers with the right spirit.

10 Lines on My Teacher Essay

  • To commemorate a teacher’s contribution, Teacher’s Day is annually celebrated on September 5
  • A teacher assists students in learning essential values for life.
  • Teachers hold responsibility in shaping and molding a student’s life
  • A student’s achievements give teachers immense pride and satisfaction of good education
  • Teachers take the role of second parents in imparting morality, values, and aid in student’s overall development
  • They use creative and innovative methods to help students concentrate better
  • India holds valuable and inspiring teachers that have contributed to the country’s
  • A teacher is the guardian of a student’s future and social development
  • A teacher is also addressed as a guru, and during the ancestral era, they imparted spiritual and academic knowledge through the gurukul system.
  • A teacher never breaks his/her student’s trust.

FAQ’s on My Teacher Essay

Question 1. What are the essential qualities teachers hold?

Answer: Teachers hold multiple attributes such as a compassionate, friendly, patient, caring, competent counselor, open-minded, and approachable.

Question 2. Who is considered as an Effective Teacher?

Answer: An effective Teacher is a well-trained formal person who caters to all students, maximizes instructional period, monitors students, hold high zeal of expectations, and reflects on their ability and craft.

Question 3. What is a Teacher’s responsibility?

Answer: A responsible teacher prepares the daily lesson plans and educates their students at all levels. They assign their students duties on homework, grade, and document every student’s progress. They instruct students on a variety of subjects make sure their students reach with the engaging study plans.

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Narrative Essay: My Favorite Teacher


My favorite teacher of all time has to be my English literature teacher. He was called Mr. Radford, and Mr. Radford is my favorite teacher for many reasons, all of which I will go over as they happened. The course of events goes from my first year to my last year of high school.

Taught me history

My favorite teacher was my English literature teacher. He started out as my history teacher and made a first impression as a bit of a stuffy old man. He believed in god, even though most of the class didn’t, and he was known for shouting at kids. He was also oddly loved by the older students, and nobody in the first year knew why as we sat in class before him.

The world is flat

He started a lesson by telling us the world is flat. He said he could prove it and encouraged the class to quiz him on it. We spent the whole lesson arguing fiercely that the world was round, but every answer, reason or evidence we gave to him was thrown back with a plausible theory. He explained why we do not fall off of the end of the earth, and gave even more convincing reasons was to why a compass points north and south. As the bell went and we were all about to leave, he said to us, “That is the reception Copernicus got when he tried to explain that the earth was not the center of the universe.”

Had a triple heart bypass

He vanished and we were told he had a triple heart bypass. The support he got from the students was legendary. Shortly before he came back, our English teacher (who was also a fantastic man) died of leukemia. Mr. Fawdry was a great man and treated his students with the same respect he gave adults.

Came back as an English literary teacher

Mr. Radford came back and started to teach English instead of History. He was still the Principal’s second in command, but had decided to change to history. The man who now taught history was a spotty young man who could not handle the class. Veteran teachers had trouble controlling the classes, so having this man teach History was like throwing a lamb to the wolves. Mr. Radford always had control of his class, and even once told of the brainy kid in the class for talking too much (which was a great moment for all of us).

He thought he was history, but he still has a story to live

Mr. Radford stopped teaching history and started teaching English. It was weird seeing him in a new setting, but the class structure and respect level stayed the same. He did not even look ill after having the surgery; although he probably had a lot of time to recover, (it gets harder to remember these days).

Who is making all of this noise?

This was a classic line that he gave as he burst out of his English class. The hallways were always a riot as kids moved from one class to another. He was used to being locked in the dungeon that was the history department. The English class was next to the main hallway. He burst out of his classroom into the crowded hallway and yelled, “Who the hell is making all of this noise.” A young first year student who had only been there a week said, “You are.”

Teachers give you last year’s tests to look at so you can see what it going to be on the exams. They have you do mock tests and they point out the important stuff you need to remember. Mr. Radford gave quality advice that nobody else ever said. For example, he said to use the phrase “of which” in a sentence, as it demonstrates a higher level of English that will get you into the higher grade margins.

He was the only one to outwardly defend me in class

Most kids are bullied in school, and I was called names and picked on all the time. It wasn’t a physical thing, just a constant stream of name-calling. I was used to getting it all day every day. It was only in his class where he once said, “Would you leave him alone.” It’s strange how stuff like that is remembered. My Geography teacher did it once too. Mr. Whitaker said, “Would you lay off him” which is also something I remember because teachers used to just let it happen.

He was smart enough to see past Steven Cardwell

In an English Lit class, Mr. Radford said something about John Wayne, and for some reason I said, “Take it away pilgrim” in a normal volume but as a John Wayne impression. Steven Cardwell did a gasp and an “aww” as if I had said something very offensive. Usually, this made the teacher holler at whoever spoke with the assumption that Steven’s reaction was warranted. Mr. Radford didn’t fall for it. He just asked what I said and said no more about it. I had watched countless other kids get in trouble because of Steven, but Mr. Radford didn’t fall for it.

He taught me how to think.

The “world is flat” lesson really got to me. It is the first time I started to question what I am supposed to “know” and what is supposedly true. He taught me to think so that even in the later years when he was teaching English, I could see past the text interpret it in a multitude of logical ways.

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Essay on Teacher: Our Friend, Philosopher and Guide in 100, 250 & 300 Words

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  • Mar 22, 2024

essay on teacher

Teachers are like the guiding stars in our educational journey. They shine our path with knowledge and encouragement. A teacher is a person who helps us learn and grow. They are the ones who guide us through our education and help us to become the best versions of ourselves. Teachers come in all shapes and sizes, but they all have one thing in common: they are passionate about teaching. In this blog, we’ll explore the enchanting role of teachers through the eyes of a student, celebrating their invaluable contributions to our lives.

an essay on the topic my english teacher

Table of Contents

  • 1 Why are Teachers Important?
  • 2 Sample Essay on Teacher in 100 Words
  • 3 Sample Essay on Teacher in 250 Words
  • 4 Sample Essay on Teacher in 300 Words

Why are Teachers Important?

Teachers help mould today’s youth into the responsible adults of tomorrow. What teachers teach the children at their young age, makes an impact on the students that stays with them for the rest of their lives.

The power of moulding the next generation into great leaders lies in the hands of teachers. This holds the potential of uplifting the society in the near future. Indirectly, teachers are the key to transforming millions of lives all around the globe.

Sample Essay on Teacher in 100 Words

A teacher is a person who helps us understand ourselves. They are the supporters who help us through tough times. Teachers are important because they help us to become the best versions of ourselves. They are like superheroes with the power to ignite our curiosity and help us grow. They teach us numbers, alphabets, and fascinating stories. They are patient listeners, ready to answer our questions and wipe away our doubts. They inspire us to dream big and show us that with hard work, we can achieve anything. A teacher’s love is like a warm hug that makes learning exciting and enjoyable.

Also Read: Teacher Self Introduction to Students and Samples

Sample Essay on Teacher in 250 Words

Teachers are magical beings who turn the pages of our books into captivating adventures. Teachers create colorful classrooms where learning becomes joyous. Their dedication is seen when they explain complex problems in simple ways and solve problems in math and science. With smiles on their faces, they teach us history, nurture our creativity through art, music, and storytelling, and help us express our feelings and thoughts.

Apart from books, teachers also impart life lessons. They teach us to be kind, respectful, and responsible citizens. They show us the value of friendship and the importance of helping others. Teachers celebrate our achievements, no matter how small, and cheer us on during challenges.

A teacher is a person who has a profound impact on our lives. They are the ones who teach us the things we need to know to succeed in life, both academically and personally. They are also there to support us and help us through tough times.

There are many different qualities that make a good teacher. Some of the most important qualities include patience, understanding, and a love of teaching. Good teachers are also able to connect with their students and make learning fun. A good teacher can make a real difference in a student’s life. They can help students develop their talents and abilities, and they can also help them to become confident and self-motivated learners.

Also Read- How to Become a Teacher?

Sample Essay on Teacher in 300 Words

In a world, teachers are essential as they bridge the gap between the unknown and the known. They take the time to understand each student’s unique needs and help them modify and hone their skills. In this process of our learning, they become a friend, philosophers, and guides.

Teachers are more than just knowledge sharers. They are like gardeners, nurturing the seeds of kindness, respect, and responsibility in a student’s heart. They teach us to be a good friend and have empathy. They also encourage us to care for our planet, reminding us that we are its custodians.

As we journey through school, teachers become our guides, showing us the various paths we can take. They encourage us to discover our passions, whether it’s solving math puzzles, painting masterpieces, or playing musical notes. They celebrate our victories, whether big or small and help us learn from our mistakes, turning them into stepping stones toward success. 

A good teacher can make a real difference in a student’s life. They can help students to develop their talents and abilities, and they can also help them to become confident and self-motivated learners.

I am grateful for all the teachers who have helped me along the way. They have taught me so much, and they have helped me to become the person I am today. I know that I would not be where I am without them.

Remember, each day with a teacher is a new adventure, a new opportunity to learn, and a new chance to grow. So, young learners, let’s raise our hands and give a cheer to our teachers, the real-life magicians who make education a truly enchanting place to live.

Also Read – Self Introduction for Teacher Interview

Related Reads:-     

A. Here are two lines lines for a good teacher: Teachers are like shining stars guiding us to the path of knowledge. Teachers are our guardian angels.

A. A teacher is not an acronym, so there is no full form for it, yet some students exhibit affection for their teacher. It also allows one to express creativity. Following are some popular full forms of Teacher: T – Talented, E-Educated, A-Adorable, C-Charming, H-Helpful. E-Encouraging, R-Responsible.

A. A teacher is an educator or a person who helps one acquire knowledge and imparts wisdom through teaching methods.

This brings us to the end of our blog on Essay on Teacher. Hope you find this information useful. For more information on such informative topics for your school, visit our essay writing and follow Leverage Edu . 

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Rajshree Lahoty

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Essay on Teacher for Students and Children

500+ words essay on teacher.

Teachers are a special blessing from God to us. They are the ones who build a good nation and make the world a better place. A teacher teaches us the importance of a pen over that of a sword. They are much esteemed in society as they elevate the living standards of people. They are like the building blocks of society who educate people and make them better human beings .

Essay on Teacher

Moreover, teachers have a great impact on society and their student’s life. They also great importance in a parent’s life as parents expect a lot from teachers for their kids. However, like in every profession, there are both good and bad teachers. While there aren’t that many bad teachers, still the number is significant. A good teacher possesses qualities which a bad teacher does not. After identifying the qualities of a good teacher we can work to improve the teaching scenario.

A Good Teacher

A good teacher is not that hard to find, but you must know where to look. The good teachers are well-prepared in advance for their education goals. They prepare their plan of action every day to ensure maximum productivity. Teachers have a lot of knowledge about everything, specifically in the subject they specialize in. A good teacher expands their knowledge continues to provide good answers to their students.

Similarly, a good teacher is like a friend that helps us in all our troubles. A good teacher creates their individual learning process which is unique and not mainstream. This makes the students learn the subject in a better manner. In other words, a good teacher ensures their students are learning efficiently and scoring good marks.

Most importantly, a good teacher is one who does not merely focus on our academic performance but our overall development. Only then can a student truly grow. Thus, good teachers will understand their student’s problems and try to deal with them correctly. They make the student feel like they always have someone to talk to if they can’t do it at home or with their friends.

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Impact of Teachers on a Student’s Life

Growing up, our parents and teachers are the first ones to impact our lives significantly. In fact, in the younger years, students have complete faith in their teachers and they listen to their teachers more than their parents. This shows the significance and impact of a teacher .

an essay on the topic my english teacher

When we become older and enter college, teachers become our friends. Some even become our role models. They inspire us to do great things in life. We learn how to be selfless by teachers. Teachers unknowingly also teach very important lessons to a student.

For instance, when a student gets hurt in school, the teacher rushes them to the infirmary for first aid. This makes a student feel secure and that they know a teacher plays the role of a parent in school.

In other words, a teacher does not merely stick to the role of a teacher. They adapt into various roles as and when the need arises. They become our friends when we are sad, they care for us like our parents when we are hurt. Thus, we see how great a teacher impacts a student’s life and shapes it.

{ “@context”: “https://schema.org”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Why are teachers important?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Teachers are the building blocks of a nation. They are responsible for making thousands of people educated. Teachers push us to do better and succeed in life.”} }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “What makes a good teacher?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”A good teacher is one who is well-prepared. They always care for their students even outside the classroom. They instill good values in them and teach them subjects efficiently.”} }] }

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Essay on My Teacher My Inspiration

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Teacher My Inspiration in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Teacher My Inspiration


Teachers play a crucial role in shaping our lives. They are the ones who ignite the spark of curiosity and help us discover our passions. My teacher, Mrs. Smith, is my inspiration.

Guidance and Support

Mrs. Smith always guides and supports me. She has a unique way of making learning fun and interesting. She encourages creativity and critical thinking.

Life Lessons

Beyond academics, Mrs. Smith teaches important life lessons. She emphasizes the values of honesty, kindness, and resilience. These teachings inspire me to be a better person.

In conclusion, Mrs. Smith, my teacher, is my inspiration. She has greatly influenced my life and I am grateful for her presence.

250 Words Essay on My Teacher My Inspiration

Embodiment of knowledge.

My teacher is a veritable treasure trove of knowledge. Their profound understanding of the subject matter and ability to simplify complex concepts has always left me in awe. It is their knowledge that has ignited the spark of curiosity within me, encouraging me to delve deeper into my studies.

Instilling Values

Beyond academics, my teacher has been instrumental in instilling in me values of integrity, discipline, and empathy. They have shown me that education is not just about acquiring knowledge, but also about developing character and becoming a responsible and compassionate individual.

Perseverance Personified

My teacher’s resilience and perseverance in the face of challenges have been a source of great inspiration. Their determination to overcome obstacles and their unwavering commitment to their profession have taught me the value of perseverance and hard work.

In conclusion, my teacher has been a beacon of inspiration in my life, shaping my character and guiding me towards knowledge. They have shown me the importance of perseverance, instilled in me valuable life values, and ignited my curiosity. It is through their guidance that I have been able to navigate my academic journey with confidence and enthusiasm.

500 Words Essay on My Teacher My Inspiration

The beacon of knowledge: my teacher.

Teachers play a pivotal role in shaping the minds of students. They are the architects of a nation’s future, molding young minds into responsible citizens. My teacher, a paragon of wisdom and patience, has been my greatest inspiration, instilling within me a thirst for knowledge and a love for learning.

The Epitome of Patience

A source of motivation.

My teacher is a constant source of motivation. Her passion for teaching and dedication to her profession is infectious. She has an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, which she passes on to her students. Her words of encouragement have always been a source of strength to me, pushing me to strive for excellence. She has shown me that learning is not a destination, but a journey of discovery, exploration, and enlightenment.

The Power of Empathy

Empathy, a virtue often overlooked, is another quality I admire in my teacher. She has the ability to understand the emotional state of her students, providing comfort and guidance during difficult times. This empathetic approach fosters a nurturing and inclusive environment in the classroom, allowing students to express themselves freely. Her empathy has inspired me to be more understanding and compassionate towards others.

Conclusion: A Lasting Impact

The influence of a good teacher can never be erased. My teacher, through her knowledge, patience, motivation, empathy, and moral teachings, has left an indelible mark on my life. She has not just taught me academic lessons, but also life lessons that I will carry with me throughout my journey. She is more than just a teacher; she is my inspiration, my guiding star leading me towards knowledge and wisdom. In the words of Henry Adams, “A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.”

In conclusion, my teacher has played an integral role in my personal and academic development. Her influence extends beyond the classroom, shaping my values, attitudes, and outlook on life. She is, indeed, my greatest inspiration.

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What Makes a Great Teacher

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Published: Sep 12, 2023

Words: 801 | Pages: 2 | 5 min read

Table of contents

Respect for students, creating a sense of community and belonging, providing a welcoming learning environment, commitment to ongoing learning and professional development, adaptability to diverse learners, challenges in teaching, opportunities for growth.

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Essay On My Favorite Teacher

an essay on the topic my english teacher

Table of Contents

Short Essay On My Favorite Teacher

Everyone has had at least one teacher who has made a lasting impression on their life. For me, that teacher was my fifth-grade teacher, Mrs. Smith. This essay will describe why Mrs. Smith was my favorite teacher and how she had a positive impact on my life.

Mrs. Smith was my favorite teacher for several reasons. Firstly, she was always energetic and enthusiastic about teaching. She would engage the class in lively discussions and hands-on activities that made learning fun and enjoyable. Secondly, she was kind and compassionate, always taking the time to listen to her students and help them with their problems.

One of the things that I appreciated most about Mrs. Smith was her ability to make learning relevant and meaningful. She would often connect what we were learning in class to real-life situations, making it easier for us to understand and remember the material.

Mrs. Smith also had a great sense of humor and would often make us laugh, which made the classroom a fun and relaxed place to be. This made it easier for us to focus on our studies and to enjoy the learning process.

Another reason why Mrs. Smith was my favorite teacher was her dedication to her students. She would often go above and beyond what was required, staying after school to help students who were struggling or organizing special events and activities to make learning more engaging.

Finally, Mrs. Smith was a great role model. She was always positive and optimistic, and she taught us to believe in ourselves and to never give up. She inspired us to be the best that we could be and to always strive for excellence.

In conclusion, Mrs. Smith was an exceptional teacher who had a lasting impact on my life. She made learning fun and enjoyable, and she taught me important life lessons that I still carry with me today. I am grateful to have had such a wonderful teacher and I will always remember her as my favorite teacher.

Long Essay On My Favorite Teacher

Teachers play an important role in our lives and it’s hard for us to go through life without having someone to look up to. My favorite teacher is someone I’ve looked up to since childhood and has been a constant source of encouragement, motivation, and inspiration throughout my life. In this article, I’ll be discussing why this particular teacher is so special to me and how their impact has shaped my life.


When I was in high school, my favorite teacher was Mr. Jones. He was my English teacher and he was also the coach of the basketball team. I always looked up to him because he was a great teacher and a great coach. He taught me how to be a better writer and how to be a better basketball player. He also helped me get through some tough times in my life. I will never forget what he did for me and I will always be grateful for his help.

Who is My Favorite Teacher and Why?

There are many teachers who have influenced my life in various ways. However, if I had to choose one favorite teacher, it would be Mrs. Nguyen. Mrs. Nguyen was my seventh grade English teacher and she quickly became one of my favorite people. She had a way of making learning fun and interesting, even when the material was dry. She also made a point to get to know each student individually, which made us feel valued and seen.

One of the things I loved most about Mrs. Nguyen was her passion for teaching. She was always excited to share her love of literature with her students. Her enthusiasm was contagious and it motivated me to do my best in her class. Additionally, Mrs. Nguyen was always willing to help her students outside of class if we needed extra help understanding a concept or assignment. She truly cared about her students’ success.

I am grateful to Mrs. Nguyen for everything she taught me both inside and outside the classroom. She is the reason I developed a love for reading and writing, and she inspired me to become a teacher myself someday. For all these reasons, Mrs. Nguyen is my favorite teacher and someone I will always admire and respect .

The Positive Impact of My Favorite Teacher

My favorite teacher had a profound impact on my life. She was the one who encouraged me to pursue my dreams and taught me that anything is possible if you work hard enough. I will always be grateful to her for her guidance and support.

Academic Achievements Achieved with the Help of My Teacher

I would like to talk about one of my favorite teachers who has had a profound impact on my academic achievements. Miss Garcia was my seventh grade English teacher. She was the one who encouraged me to develop my writing skills and expand my vocabulary.

Miss Garcia made a big impression on me because she was always so enthusiastic about her subject. She made learning fun and engaged all of her students in the lessons. I remember one particular lesson where we had to write an essay about our favorite book. I wasn’t sure what to write about, but Miss Garcia helped me come up with a topic and gave me some great tips for structuring my essay.

Thanks to Miss Garcia’s guidance, I got an A on that essay and realized that I really enjoyed writing. From then on, I started paying more attention in class and participating more in discussions. My grades started to improve and I even won a few writing competitions. I am now planning to study English Literature in college, and I know it wouldn’t have been possible without Miss Garcia’s help.

Some Fun Memories

Some fun memories I have of my favorite teacher are from when we would have impromptu dance parties in the middle of class. She would put on music and we would all dance around the room. It was a great way to get us moving and shaking after sitting for so long. We would also have competitions to see who could do the best impression of her. I always won, but she would give everyone a good laugh.

My favorite teacher has been a great source of inspiration and guidance throughout my school career. She was always there to help me with any questions that I had, no matter how simple or complex they might have been. Her individualized instruction made an impact on my academic performance and I am grateful for the time she took out of her day to ensure that I was successful. Without her influence and support, I would not be where I am today.

Manisha Dubey Jha

Manisha Dubey Jha is a skilled educational content writer with 5 years of experience. Specializing in essays and paragraphs, she’s dedicated to crafting engaging and informative content that enriches learning experiences.

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How To Write An Essay On ‘My Teacher’ For Grades 1, 2 and 3!

Shaili Contractor

Key Points To Note When Writing On ‘My Teacher’ For Lower Primary Classes

My favourite teacher essay – 10 lines in english, short essay on my teacher, long paragraph on ‘my teacher’ for kids, what will your 1st, 2nd or 3rd grader learn from ‘my teacher’ essay.

Essays are extremely important for children studying in classes 1, 2, and 3. And often, when at school, they are the closest with their teacher, implying that an essay on the topic ‘My Teacher’ is perfect for such young kids. Experts state that writing improves critical thinking and problem-solving, and skills as words need to be written in a specific structure and order. Also, there is a deep connection between reading and writing. Once children learn to write at a young age, it helps them identify the connection between letter sounds and phonetic sounds.

Did you know that essay writing is a crucial element in most competitive examinations across the globe? This is exactly why the concept of creative writing needs to be taught to a child from the very beginning. Over here, we will discuss how to write a paragraph on their teacher.

You can help your children express their feelings by writing a few lines on their teacher. For early and young learners, such as classes 1, 2 and 3, creative writing is an opportunity to express what they learn and experience. When a child begins to write what they feel, this enables a range of life-long skills. So, do ask your children to write a paragraph about their teacher.

A teacher plays many important and significant roles in our lives such as a guardian, guru, learning instructor, mentor, and guide. A teacher shows us the path to success in different stages of our lives. Young kids have delicate minds, and when they are provided with an opportunity to write on a specific topic, they try to express their views from their hearts. It is a beautiful experience to watch a child express their innocent views in simple and short sentences. With the following tips in mind, you can teach them to write an excellent essay on their teacher:

  • An essay primarily comprises an introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • You can start by introducing your school – the name and location of your school. You can then mention which class you are studying and your favourite teachers.
  • In the body of the essay you can describe your favourite teacher and what are the qualities in them that make them special to you.
  • You can also speak about how your teacher helps, guides, and corrects you.
  • Art the conclusion stage of the essay, you can write about how you would always be thankful to this teacher of yours, and what is that one important life skill you have learnt from them.

Teachers are, undoubtedly, some of the most essential people in a child’s life, and are also the most important people, next to parents, for students. Children begin learning in their elementary schools with the help of teachers. Then a student’s next phase after elementary school is middle school, where teachers guide students through the crucial adolescent changes. Students then mature as young adults during their middle school journey with various life-related questions. High school teachers then guide, support, and impart values to the student’s new life phase questions. The highest level of satisfaction in every teacher is to watch their students grow and achieve success in their respective lives. When asked to write an essay on the topic ‘my teacher’, for classes 1 and 2, you can use the following ten lines. You can even tweak it to use for writing a few lines on the same topic for class 3 –

  • To honour every teacher’s contribution to a student’s life, Teacher’s Day is celebrated annually on September 5th.
  • A teacher helps students learn important values for life.
  • Teachers play a big role in moulding and shaping a student’s life.
  • A student’s accomplishments provide teachers with enormous satisfaction and pride in good education.
  • My teacher never forgets to give us a warm hug before we enter and walk out of our classes every day.
  • She teaches us Science and tells us a lot of interesting facts and stories.
  • Teachers play the role of second parents in imparting life values and helping in our overall development.
  • My teacher is very disciplined and punctual and always comes to class on time.
  • My teacher makes the most effort to make learning fun for us and is always ready to help us whenever we are stuck.
  • In this way, my class teacher is an important figure in my life, like a guide, who inspires us to do well in our studies regularly.

As parents, we may have observed that children tend to listen to their teachers more than their parents. This clearly demonstrates the importance of the teacher’s impact on students. Teachers impart crucial and valuable life lessons to their students. This can be used an example of a short essay on this topic for class 3, or a short paragraph about the favourite teacher:

I study in Delhi Public School and there are a total of thirty teachers in my school. All the teachers in the school are good, but my favourite is Mr. Rishabh Singh. He is polite, well educated, friendly, and an excellent teacher. He considers all the students as his own children and guides us as a friend and mentor. We enjoy his class a lot as he makes us happy too. Thus, I am forever grateful and incredibly proud to have such a great teacher.

Note: This example can even be referred to by students of class 2.

A teacher is a life-changing role model who influences a child’s growth development and inculcates essential everyday values. Schools often require students to write a paragraph on their favourite teacher for class 3, as teachers are the developmental blocks of society. The following can be used as an example of a long essay on my class teacher:

My favourite teacher is someone who imparts essential and valuable lessons, and guides students to always take the right path in life. The best teachers aim to achieve a balance of both positivity and negativity in each student’s life. However, just as a coin, there are two types of teachers- teachers that are understanding, and teachers that are strict. An understanding teacher enhances teaching scenarios. Some teachers always remain in a person’s memory due to the role they have played in a student’s life. One such teacher who will always remain in my memory is Mrs. Smita Bansal, our 2nd standard Art and Crafts teacher. Though she taught Art, Mrs. Smita always helped us out with any problem we faced in school. She was a teacher whom every student went to for any kind of advice. She had the great ability to motivate all students. She was always kind, helpful, and generous. She always treated students like friends, and always had time for them, and understood them. She also told us to never think negatively and always think positively. I am so grateful to have her in my life.

Note: The above example can also be used for a long teacher paragraph for class 3.

The composition about /my class teacher’ will help your child learn to make points before beginning their description. Writing essays will also inculcate emotional and intelligent skills in children. Finally, the essay makes them appreciate their teachers.

In this way, these tips can help children to write a cohesive and beautiful paragraph or essay on their teachers, regardless of whether they are in class 1, 2 or 3. So, you too can use these tips and help your child improve in creative writing, starting with one essay at a time.

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My Teacher Essay in English for Class 1 Students

Essay on my teacher for class 1 students.

Writing an essay involves a lot of thinking. Hence essay writing is considered as one of the most efficient ways to teach a kid how to think critically, use creativity, and jot down thoughts in one place. Learning essay writing at such a young age will help the kids to assess their thinking power and writing skills.

Here our experts have put their best efforts to bring forth the essay on ’My

Teacher,’ so that you can help your child in learning how to write a short essay about ‘My Teacher’ for Class 1.

Short Essay on “My Teacher”

A teacher is the builder of the nation and shows light to our future. Teaching is a

noble profession. They educate us and help us to become responsible citizens. I am a student of Class 1 and my favourite teacher in the school is Anita ma’am. Her full name is Anita Thakkar. She is our class teacher and teaches us English.

She is very sweet, jovial, and kind-hearted. She teaches well. We keep quiet when she teaches. She makes sure we understand the subject well. If we do not understand any topic, she explains it again very nicely. Her teaching and presentation skills are really good. That’s why it is easier to understand every chapter. I never miss her class. She guides us and teaches us good habits. She is strict but lovely. That’s why we are very fond of her and love to attend her class.

Sometimes she tells us stories as well. On any special occasion, she gives us cakes and chocolates. We also bring a cake for ma’am on our birthdays. Last year we celebrated her birthday also. I gifted her a drawing of mine. She was really happy. We feel very lucky being taught by Anitama’am. We are proud of our class teacher. A lot of her students are quite successful today. We also wish to be her successful students in the future.

I think the best teacher is a gift of God to us. We always thank God for blessing us with a good teacher like Anita ma’am.

Long Essay on “My Teacher”

A teacher is a person who plays a very important role in casting a student’s life. A teacher has so many different roles to perform in the student’s life such as guru, guardian, instructor, and guide and mentor who delivers knowledge about the value of life. He or she also provides information regarding subjects and inspires as well as motivates us to take education for getting success in life.

I am a student of Class 1 and my teacher’s name is Ms Reena Shah. She teaches us English. She is such a friendly and kind-hearted teacher. She teaches the subject in a play-way method that we enjoy in her class. At the time of her class, every student seats quietly on their benches.

She explains the chapter in simple language so that all students can understand the lesson very easily. If we get stuck on some topic or get confused she clears our doubt by explaining the topic again with the proper answer. Her teaching style and presentation style is very good. She never gets angry if we ask her lots of questions.

Every student in my class waits for her period excitedly. She also teaches us and guides us on good things and good manners. Though she is strict regarding the classwork and homework she is a very lovely teacher. During the time of Christmas or on special occasions she always brings chocolate for us.

Every teacher is a great belonging to our nation. That is why on 5 September of every year we celebrate “Teacher’s Day” to give thanks to our teachers for teaching us different sides of life.  I am feeling lucky to be taught by Ms Reena.

In my point of view, the best gift that God has given to students is “Teacher.”

FAQs on My Teacher Essay in English for Class 1 Students

1. Do first graders write an essay?

Yes, first graders learn to write an essay. Students of first grade learn how to write a very short essay as it is a part of their syllabus. Then they continue to expand upon their knowledge of grammar, punctuation, and spelling. They also learn the basics of writing like how to think about a topic and then execute it in their write-ups.

2. How can essay writing help my class 1 kid?

Writing an essay will help your child in many different ways. You should always encourage your child to write essays as much as they can because it not only develops their writing skills but also boosts their confidence level. It requires doing some research on the topic, that’s how they will gain more knowledge. It helps in the growth of their mental ability. Besides, their inner creativity will get a boost for sure.

3. What is the importance of a teacher in the student’s life?

In Sanskrit, we address “teacher” as “guru”. Guru is made up of two words - “GU” which means darkness and “RU” which means remover. Thus, a Guru or teacher plays a vital role in removing the darkness of illiteracy from the student’s life and en-lights their life with the light of education.

4. What are the good qualities of a teacher?

Some good qualities that can make a teacher excellent in the teaching field include excellent communication skills, good listener, should have empathic behaviour towards students and should be patient while listening to students' problems.

Other qualities include skills in communication, listening, collaboration, adaptability, empathy and patience. Other characteristics of effective teaching include an engaging classroom presence, value in real-world learning, exchange of best practices and a lifelong love of learning.

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The Beginner's Guide to Writing an Essay | Steps & Examples

An academic essay is a focused piece of writing that develops an idea or argument using evidence, analysis, and interpretation.

There are many types of essays you might write as a student. The content and length of an essay depends on your level, subject of study, and course requirements. However, most essays at university level are argumentative — they aim to persuade the reader of a particular position or perspective on a topic.

The essay writing process consists of three main stages:

  • Preparation: Decide on your topic, do your research, and create an essay outline.
  • Writing : Set out your argument in the introduction, develop it with evidence in the main body, and wrap it up with a conclusion.
  • Revision:  Check your essay on the content, organization, grammar, spelling, and formatting of your essay.

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Table of contents

Essay writing process, preparation for writing an essay, writing the introduction, writing the main body, writing the conclusion, essay checklist, lecture slides, frequently asked questions about writing an essay.

The writing process of preparation, writing, and revisions applies to every essay or paper, but the time and effort spent on each stage depends on the type of essay .

For example, if you’ve been assigned a five-paragraph expository essay for a high school class, you’ll probably spend the most time on the writing stage; for a college-level argumentative essay , on the other hand, you’ll need to spend more time researching your topic and developing an original argument before you start writing.

1. Preparation 2. Writing 3. Revision
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Before you start writing, you should make sure you have a clear idea of what you want to say and how you’re going to say it. There are a few key steps you can follow to make sure you’re prepared:

  • Understand your assignment: What is the goal of this essay? What is the length and deadline of the assignment? Is there anything you need to clarify with your teacher or professor?
  • Define a topic: If you’re allowed to choose your own topic , try to pick something that you already know a bit about and that will hold your interest.
  • Do your research: Read  primary and secondary sources and take notes to help you work out your position and angle on the topic. You’ll use these as evidence for your points.
  • Come up with a thesis:  The thesis is the central point or argument that you want to make. A clear thesis is essential for a focused essay—you should keep referring back to it as you write.
  • Create an outline: Map out the rough structure of your essay in an outline . This makes it easier to start writing and keeps you on track as you go.

Once you’ve got a clear idea of what you want to discuss, in what order, and what evidence you’ll use, you’re ready to start writing.

The introduction sets the tone for your essay. It should grab the reader’s interest and inform them of what to expect. The introduction generally comprises 10–20% of the text.

1. Hook your reader

The first sentence of the introduction should pique your reader’s interest and curiosity. This sentence is sometimes called the hook. It might be an intriguing question, a surprising fact, or a bold statement emphasizing the relevance of the topic.

Let’s say we’re writing an essay about the development of Braille (the raised-dot reading and writing system used by visually impaired people). Our hook can make a strong statement about the topic:

The invention of Braille was a major turning point in the history of disability.

2. Provide background on your topic

Next, it’s important to give context that will help your reader understand your argument. This might involve providing background information, giving an overview of important academic work or debates on the topic, and explaining difficult terms. Don’t provide too much detail in the introduction—you can elaborate in the body of your essay.

3. Present the thesis statement

Next, you should formulate your thesis statement— the central argument you’re going to make. The thesis statement provides focus and signals your position on the topic. It is usually one or two sentences long. The thesis statement for our essay on Braille could look like this:

As the first writing system designed for blind people’s needs, Braille was a groundbreaking new accessibility tool. It not only provided practical benefits, but also helped change the cultural status of blindness.

4. Map the structure

In longer essays, you can end the introduction by briefly describing what will be covered in each part of the essay. This guides the reader through your structure and gives a preview of how your argument will develop.

The invention of Braille marked a major turning point in the history of disability. The writing system of raised dots used by blind and visually impaired people was developed by Louis Braille in nineteenth-century France. In a society that did not value disabled people in general, blindness was particularly stigmatized, and lack of access to reading and writing was a significant barrier to social participation. The idea of tactile reading was not entirely new, but existing methods based on sighted systems were difficult to learn and use. As the first writing system designed for blind people’s needs, Braille was a groundbreaking new accessibility tool. It not only provided practical benefits, but also helped change the cultural status of blindness. This essay begins by discussing the situation of blind people in nineteenth-century Europe. It then describes the invention of Braille and the gradual process of its acceptance within blind education. Subsequently, it explores the wide-ranging effects of this invention on blind people’s social and cultural lives.

Write your essay introduction

The body of your essay is where you make arguments supporting your thesis, provide evidence, and develop your ideas. Its purpose is to present, interpret, and analyze the information and sources you have gathered to support your argument.

Length of the body text

The length of the body depends on the type of essay. On average, the body comprises 60–80% of your essay. For a high school essay, this could be just three paragraphs, but for a graduate school essay of 6,000 words, the body could take up 8–10 pages.

Paragraph structure

To give your essay a clear structure , it is important to organize it into paragraphs . Each paragraph should be centered around one main point or idea.

That idea is introduced in a  topic sentence . The topic sentence should generally lead on from the previous paragraph and introduce the point to be made in this paragraph. Transition words can be used to create clear connections between sentences.

After the topic sentence, present evidence such as data, examples, or quotes from relevant sources. Be sure to interpret and explain the evidence, and show how it helps develop your overall argument.

Lack of access to reading and writing put blind people at a serious disadvantage in nineteenth-century society. Text was one of the primary methods through which people engaged with culture, communicated with others, and accessed information; without a well-developed reading system that did not rely on sight, blind people were excluded from social participation (Weygand, 2009). While disabled people in general suffered from discrimination, blindness was widely viewed as the worst disability, and it was commonly believed that blind people were incapable of pursuing a profession or improving themselves through culture (Weygand, 2009). This demonstrates the importance of reading and writing to social status at the time: without access to text, it was considered impossible to fully participate in society. Blind people were excluded from the sighted world, but also entirely dependent on sighted people for information and education.

See the full essay example

The conclusion is the final paragraph of an essay. It should generally take up no more than 10–15% of the text . A strong essay conclusion :

  • Returns to your thesis
  • Ties together your main points
  • Shows why your argument matters

A great conclusion should finish with a memorable or impactful sentence that leaves the reader with a strong final impression.

What not to include in a conclusion

To make your essay’s conclusion as strong as possible, there are a few things you should avoid. The most common mistakes are:

  • Including new arguments or evidence
  • Undermining your arguments (e.g. “This is just one approach of many”)
  • Using concluding phrases like “To sum up…” or “In conclusion…”

Braille paved the way for dramatic cultural changes in the way blind people were treated and the opportunities available to them. Louis Braille’s innovation was to reimagine existing reading systems from a blind perspective, and the success of this invention required sighted teachers to adapt to their students’ reality instead of the other way around. In this sense, Braille helped drive broader social changes in the status of blindness. New accessibility tools provide practical advantages to those who need them, but they can also change the perspectives and attitudes of those who do not.

Write your essay conclusion

Checklist: Essay

My essay follows the requirements of the assignment (topic and length ).

My introduction sparks the reader’s interest and provides any necessary background information on the topic.

My introduction contains a thesis statement that states the focus and position of the essay.

I use paragraphs to structure the essay.

I use topic sentences to introduce each paragraph.

Each paragraph has a single focus and a clear connection to the thesis statement.

I make clear transitions between paragraphs and ideas.

My conclusion doesn’t just repeat my points, but draws connections between arguments.

I don’t introduce new arguments or evidence in the conclusion.

I have given an in-text citation for every quote or piece of information I got from another source.

I have included a reference page at the end of my essay, listing full details of all my sources.

My citations and references are correctly formatted according to the required citation style .

My essay has an interesting and informative title.

I have followed all formatting guidelines (e.g. font, page numbers, line spacing).

Your essay meets all the most important requirements. Our editors can give it a final check to help you submit with confidence.

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An essay is a focused piece of writing that explains, argues, describes, or narrates.

In high school, you may have to write many different types of essays to develop your writing skills.

Academic essays at college level are usually argumentative : you develop a clear thesis about your topic and make a case for your position using evidence, analysis and interpretation.

The structure of an essay is divided into an introduction that presents your topic and thesis statement , a body containing your in-depth analysis and arguments, and a conclusion wrapping up your ideas.

The structure of the body is flexible, but you should always spend some time thinking about how you can organize your essay to best serve your ideas.

Your essay introduction should include three main things, in this order:

  • An opening hook to catch the reader’s attention.
  • Relevant background information that the reader needs to know.
  • A thesis statement that presents your main point or argument.

The length of each part depends on the length and complexity of your essay .

A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay . Everything else you write should relate to this key idea.

The thesis statement is essential in any academic essay or research paper for two main reasons:

  • It gives your writing direction and focus.
  • It gives the reader a concise summary of your main point.

Without a clear thesis statement, an essay can end up rambling and unfocused, leaving your reader unsure of exactly what you want to say.

A topic sentence is a sentence that expresses the main point of a paragraph . Everything else in the paragraph should relate to the topic sentence.

At college level, you must properly cite your sources in all essays , research papers , and other academic texts (except exams and in-class exercises).

Add a citation whenever you quote , paraphrase , or summarize information or ideas from a source. You should also give full source details in a bibliography or reference list at the end of your text.

The exact format of your citations depends on which citation style you are instructed to use. The most common styles are APA , MLA , and Chicago .

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  • Use of Authentic Materials in Teaching Listening: Advantages and Disadvantages There are those who argue that use of authentic materials in teaching listening is more beneficial both to the learners and to the instructors as compared to the use of scripted materials.
  • Personal Teaching Experience Furthermore, I needed to develop programs that could increase the cultural awareness of these people. Moreover, I was able to apply various teaching techniques that could improve the academic performance of students.
  • Teaching in Schools and Creativity of Students Perhaps, what the policy makers in the education sector have not realized is that the natural ability of students is not concentrated in the brain alone.
  • Teaching Methods and Their Determinants The determinant of the teaching method that flows with the student depends on many factors such as; the age of the students and their developmental stage, the subject matter of the lesson, aims and objectives […]
  • Constructivism in Learning and Teaching At the end of the day, it is a highly democratic environment where the students and teachers are able to interact and participate in the learning process.
  • Skills That Make Teachers Effective Effective teachers also need to incorporate relevant doses of humour in their teaching, which can help students gain confidence in their work. Moreover, a teacher has to involve students in making decisions.
  • Handwriting Teaching Guidelines and Lesson Plan Name: WGU Competency Number: Subject: Handwriting Topic or Unit of Study: The Introduction of Lowercase Letters ‘l’ and ‘t’ from the Basic Stroke Family Grade/Level: 1st grade Instructional Setting: the lesson plan will be […]
  • Mixed Ability Classes and How Teachers Can Face This Challenge Common Challenges as a result of the differences in class include; Getting all the students to pay attention, learn and take part in class Avoid boring the fast learners Avoiding loosing focus as younger students […]
  • Testing in Language Teaching Since the result is crucial in teaching, an educator is to be able to measure the performance of the learners, their improvements, strengths and weaknesses and this is where testing is necessary.
  • Teacher’s Role to Make a Difference Instead, I see a teacher as someone who encourages students to develop the learning strategy that they will, later on, use in any domain of their life to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills and, […]
  • Teaching Profession The strategy I used to handle the situation was first to calm the students down because they were ready to talk to me because of my affable nature.
  • Ethical Dilemmas Facing Teachers The proponents of this system claim that it is authentic and offers a first hand experience to the learners. The needs in this system include having a strong foundation in the areas that the knowledge […]
  • Teacher’s Must-Have Characteristics In this paper, I will review my current characteristics as an aspiring teacher and the characteristics I need to develop in the near future. The following are some of the characteristics that I will need […]
  • Teaching Approaches by Dewey, Montessori and Vygotsky The questions for the discussion between the three foundational educators will concern the meaning and importance of the environment for the learning process and the role and goal of the school curriculum.
  • Teachers’ Attitudes towards the Use of Technology in Teaching and Learning Teachers’ attitudes towards technology and its use in teaching Al-Zaidiyeen, Mei, and Fook conducted a study with 650 teachers randomly picked in Jordan in order to determine “the level of ICT usages among teachers and […]
  • Teaching Net Present Value (NPV) & Future Value (FV) The net cash inflow at the present time within a business entity is usually used to compute the Net present value (NPV).
  • Curriculum Approaches in Language Teaching The backward design of curriculum development in the context of second language learning will help eliminate the gap between understanding and learning with the aid of establishing a clear framework of goals that should be […]
  • Teaching of English in Primary School The main reasons of this tendency are recognition of significance of the learning process and vital role of teachers in it, importance of both pupil and teacher assessment and better understanding of the profession of […]
  • Effective Teaching Strategies’ Implementing to the Classroom The implementation of the strategy can be assessed in the following way: The strategy was rather hard to implement at first, for the students who were not used to discussions in the classrooms were initially […]
  • Need for Lesson Plan in Teaching Pacing the lesson plan is necessary so as to ensure that the presentation of the lesson helps the students understand the material despite differences in their abilities and interests.
  • The Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium The two common themes in CEC and InTASC standards are collaboration and leadership and ethical practice and professional learning. In summary, the two common themes of InTASK and CEC standards are leadership and collaboration and […]
  • Discourse for Language Teachers: Discourse Analysis and Phonology The purpose of this presentation is to explain why phonology is important in human communication. It is not enough to give definitions and examples.
  • Montessori Education: Textbooks, Curriculum, Teachers To start with the first issue, it is important to note that customer satisfaction is a fundamental ingredient to the success of a program.
  • Teaching English as a Foreign Language: Experiences In order to grow and improve as a teacher and a person, it is essential to reflect on my personal feelings and education practices that define them as a unique instructor.
  • Educational Psychology in Learning and Teaching Thus, this course has significantly helped me as a teacher in studying and applying modern research methodologies and suppositions, practices and plans which emphasize on the use of both quantitative and qualitative methods in improving […]
  • Characteristics of an Effective Teacher More so, an effective teacher should be able to impart subject contents well so that, the learners may be in a position to understand the concepts intended well.
  • Computers Will Not Replace Teachers On the other hand, real teachers can emotionally connect and relate to their students; in contrast, computers do not possess feeling and lack of empathy.
  • Highly Qualified Teaching Staff A clearly outlined lesson also allows the students to understand the relevance of the topic of study to their learning and the goal of the lesson.
  • Teachers’ Right to Strike Debates The essence of teachers’ strikes is of doubtful nature: teachers may be allowed to strikes as they have the freedom of speech and rights that cannot be neglected by the government, the necessity to talk […]
  • Private School Teaching V.S. Public School Teaching In the recent past, there has been a rise in the demand for education offered in private schools relative to public schools notwithstanding the high cost of private education.
  • Improving Teaching and Learning It is certain that educators and the methods that they apply in practice while teaching can directly affect the outcomes of the students, which is why teachers are willing to improve when it comes to […]
  • Why I Enjoyed a Particular Teacher To be an effective educator, it is not enough that the teacher knows how to teach the subject but also one must learn to keep and maintain the power of enhancing the students’ ability and […]
  • The Role of Teachers in “Siddhartha” by Hermann Hesse Vasudeva, the ferryman and the river act as the best teachers for Siddhartha in his pursuit for enlightenment; however, one cannot undermine the role played by his own father, the Samanas, Kamala, Kamaswami and Buddha […]
  • Innovative Teaching Methods and Learning Programs The primary problem of this research project is the fact that teachers from the Lauttasaari School use innovative methods in their work with children, while other institutions all over the world cannot adopt the same […]
  • What Makes a Great Teacher Terronez questioned students about qualities that teachers should have to be great teachers, and one of the students answered: “The great teachers help students if they notice a struggle”.
  • The Teacher Speech With Parents These instances are broadly meant to ensure that the parents get the best understanding of the information concerning the school and more importantly enable them to fully participate in the education of their children.
  • Teaching Strategies: Lesson Plan Critique The notes taken by the students are intended to help them in the future and provide them with relevant information concerning the insights of an interview. Second, the teacher will provide the students with an […]
  • Teacher-Based Assessment and Its Advantages It is on this basis that a growing number of stakeholders want teachers to take a central role in the assessment of students.
  • Goals Achievement in the Teacher’s Career A set of personal goals in a teacher’s life is important because it acts as a guideline to ensure that it strengthens his or her career and also benefit the students.
  • Teaching Performance: Strengths and Weaknesses At the current stage, I work to involve students in the process of assessing their learning and to refer to all the information in order to decide on the effectiveness of assessments and instructions.
  • Teaching the ECG Procedure The nurse who sees the patients in the emergency room must understand the value of the ECG in a life-saving situation.
  • Early Childhood Development: Teacher’s Responsibilities Moreover, the teacher should motivate students to be tolerant towards opinions of others. In addition, the teacher is responsible for social and emotional development of the students.
  • STEM Education: Teacher Approaches and Strategies It is the interest of science, science education, and society to help students and all citizens develop a greater understanding and appreciation for some of the fundamental concepts and the processes of technology and engineering”.
  • Emergency Nursing Disaster Preparedness: Teaching Plan The topic that will be covered in the teaching session is “Emergency Nursing Disaster Preparedness”, and the time allocated to cover the topic is 30 minutes.
  • How to Be an Effective Teacher This topic is very important for students as it gives instructions of how to behave during the first weeks in class. The Internet has a rich source of information for students and teachers.
  • Unethical Behavior in Teacher-Student Relationships The relationship between teacher and student should be one for the welfare of a student. It is also applicable to the students and the first amendment of the US constitution allows all the students to […]
  • Teacher Empowerment Through Curriculum Development The PCE aims to achieve the goal of internalizing the necessary skills and abilities to the learners. From these findings, it is apparent that the future of the American education system is bleak if the […]
  • Teacher Experience in the Montessori School Standing, highlights the importance of leadership by stating that “Maria Montessori was herself; the personification of what her own ideal teacher should be one who combines the self-sacrificing spirit of the scientist with the love […]
  • Impact of Learner-Centered Approach on the Teaching of Language for Specific Purposes (ESP) Hence, re-evaluating the role and place of a teacher in ESP learning is indispensable to meet the goals and needs of a learner.
  • A Good Teacher: Teaching Is More Than Just Lecturing A good teacher ought to be interactive with his/her students as teaching is far more than just standing in class and giving a series of lectures.
  • Basic Life Support Training: A Clinical Teaching Plan The aim of teaching this topic is to enable the learners to understand the principles of CPR training and adequately develop these skills for teaching high school students to perform Cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
  • Reading Comprehension and Teaching Strategies The volunteers, therefore, should be more focused on analysis of children’s aptness to listen to a teacher and provide the corresponding modifications to the curriculum.
  • Action Plan for Recruiting Teachers The spreadsheet has columns that indicate the goals set at the beginning of the years and the actual performance of the teachers at every juncture.
  • Merit Pay for Teachers Merit pay, as many would call it, is a practice in which the salary of the worker is determined based on the basis of how well individual worker is successful in his/her work.
  • Teaching Cultural Identities: A Lesson Plan Therefore, it is crucial to teach students in school the importance of their own cultural identities and explain the importance of intercultural cooperation.
  • Communicative Language Teaching Brown stated that the role of the tutor is to enhance communication among the learners and between the learners and the texts and the learning activities.
  • Teaching Strategies in Promoting Reading Comprehension One of the critical roles of the educator is to determine the text that must be used during teaching, and choose the suitable text for different students depending on their levels of study and abilities.
  • Teaching a Musical Instrument in School The drive towards musical achievement is of great inherent value to both the learner and the society. The learners are the central point with the head teacher, the leader of music service, the class teacher, […]
  • Male Teachers: Gender and Schooling This is the perception that is held by most people and thus the presence of male teachers in the school might help to reduce the myth that is associated with school among the boys.
  • Underachievement in Schools: Teaching and Learning In a school setting, underachievement refers to the inability of a learner to meet standards of performance that are set in the relevant level of study, which they have been established to have the ability […]
  • Is a Native Speaker the Best Teacher? Compared to the non-natives who had to learn the language at later stage, a native teacher is used to the language because they have been learning it since they were borne.
  • The Role of Teacher Improvement in Modern Education First and foremost, teacher improvement in the United States of America is necessary to keep up with the changes and trends in the public education curriculum of the country.
  • Important Characteristics for Effective Teaching Fourth characteristic is that the teacher should be able to come up with strategies to establish individual investments for each student and help them develop interest in learning.
  • Induction Program for Beginning Teachers The effective work of this system is presupposed by the teacher’s willingness and abilities to foster in a student the burning desire to know and the student’s readiness to collaborate with the teacher to become […]
  • Technology in Classrooms: Learning and Teaching Geometry One of the main advantages of interactive learning is that it is the best way of motivating the ability of students to make innovative ideas.
  • Teaching Math: The Best Learning Practice In this paper, the attention to three teaching strategies, which are explicit teaching, developmental activities to support a diversity of levels, and reflection, will be discussed and explained through the prism of mathematics classes and […]
  • Professional Teacher Evaluation Student test scores are good in providing information used to judge the performance and effectiveness of teachers in providing instruction and in delivery of pedagogy.
  • The core teaching of Jesus The core of Jesus’ teachings was on the fact that God love us and that we should love each other just as he has demonstrated his love to us.
  • Teachers’ Perspective on Barriers to Play-Based Learning The play-based has an added advantage for the child, and we have to focus on the opinions and beliefs of the teachers. The motivation behind conducting research is to get the perspective of the teachers […]
  • Founding Teacher’s Experience in Montessori School During this time, I was promoted to the position of the vice principle in the school that I had worked for a very long time.
  • Teaching Philosophy Statement and Beliefs In conclusion, I believe that practical teaching skills and students’ curiosity to learn should be the integral factors influencing learning for adults.
  • The concept map for teaching spoken English Such arrows are also present in stages of lesson planning and the role of the teacher and students. The initial approach would be to let students to understand the importance of spoken English in their […]
  • Multimedia Use in Teaching The main reason for easier conceptualization of the facts is the interaction and identification of images presented in videos and the ability of video to arouse imagination in the watchers.
  • Memoir About You and Your Learning and Teaching The experiences that I went through when I was a student have made me to be a better teacher to my students.
  • Nutrition Instructor’s Teaching Philosophy My teaching involves instructing dietetic students in the main aspects of clinical nutrition, including nutrition support and clinical care process, the connection between physicians, nurses, and patients when they have to share their experiences and […]
  • Vision for Your Teaching and Learning & Role as a Teacher-Leader or Teacher-Researcher The concept of teacher leadership is based on the effectiveness of developing and following the definite vision statement worked out by the teacher to accentuate the path according to which the teacher leader can act […]
  • Teachers’ Involvement in Syllabus Design, Implementation, and Evaluation On the whole, the problems that should be discussed can be explained by the fact that many education systems can be very centralized, and it is difficult for school teachers to affect the policies of […]
  • The Science of Teaching Science The growth of students was attempted as the initial goal, providing them with all the possible chances to participate in the discussion, as well as experiment and find the process of education captivating.
  • Multimedia Technology for Teaching and Learning Studies have shown that the use of multimedia is a technological phenomenon because its applications involve the use of technology. The implication is that multimedia has a theoretical basis for both teaching and learning.
  • Use of Graphic Organizers in Teaching For instance, using the flow chart can allow students to follow the causes and effects, as well as define the dependency between the dates of the World War II.
  • Culturally Responsive Teaching of Students With Disabilities Cultural Responsive teaching is a teaching technique used to identify and address cognitive, social, emotional, and cultural and language needs of students with developmental needs as a way of providing them with assistance in all […]
  • Teachers Wellbeing: Becoming Aware of Work-Relate Stress Teachers who are aware of these stressors early in their careers may be able to minimize their risk of burnout and experience a sense of well-being.
  • Child Behaviour: Evaluating Techniques Used by Teachers In Ignoring Disruptive Behaviour, the children in question are displaying lousy behavior openly, and the initial reaction of the teacher is to engage in conflict and continue talking to a student.
  • Andragogy: A Reflection on Adult Teaching and Learning The reason why the conference was held was to emphasize on the need for all human resource managers and other employees to conform to the changing trends in our society today. In the traditional learning […]
  • The Importance of Teaching Alternative Evolution Theories The theory of evolution should be the basis of the entire course of biology at school. The general representation of the leading alternative evolution concepts should be provided before the arguments for these theories implementation […]
  • Methods of Elementary School Music Teaching The key research questions are focused on the most suitable method for teaching singing and playing instrumental music; the application of the methods in the middle and lower grades of primary school; a comparison of […]
  • The Life of My Teacher’s Handbag The open top is secured by a buckle that locks to the inside, meaning the side that is in contact with the body while the bag is on the shoulder.
  • Impacts of High Stress Levels on Teachers This reduction in teacher numbers has made it difficult for the existing teachers to handle the students and perform their duties as required, it becomes equally tasking to recruit and employ new teachers since they […]
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Community Teaching Plan Based on the study by Hailu, Mergal, Nishimwe, Samson, and Santos, the majority of adolescents receive no advice from parents concerning the unwanted consequences of sexual relationships, including STDs. Since 2013, in people aged 15-24, […]
  • Teaching in an Urban School The major reason why I want to become an urban school teacher is that I understand the challenges existing there and I wish to help both students and other educators to overcome these difficulties.
  • High School Social Studies Teacher Career In this line, my expectations in the next five to fifteen years is to be able to be financially stable and debt-free, be able to land a job that gives me the benefit of having […]
  • Parent-Teacher Conferences and Their Forms The picture is a great example of a successful parent-teacher conference as all factors presented in it can greatly contribute to the mutual understanding and further cooperation of parents and a teacher.
  • Culturally Responsive Teaching One of the primary positive perspectives on parents and families relates to teachers’ ability to effectively engage the families in the process of education in the earliest stages.
  • Teaching and Grouping Strategies in the Classroom If the majority of the students grasp the concept, the teacher moves on to the next lesson, but if the majority is still struggling with the ideas presented, he or she is obliged to revisit […]
  • Critical Incident Analysis in Teaching For instance, through my reflection in the critical incidents above, I was able to explore the reversal point of view, which challenged my personal values and assumptions with regard to handling behavioural issues and helped […]
  • My Classroom From Hell: Teacher Experience This was an inner city school and from the start, he was warned it was not going to be easy. The skills that he had picked up during summer from the TFA was not helpful […]
  • The Importance of the Logical – Mathematical Intelligence in Mathematics Teaching This kind of intelligence expresses the ability of a learner to identify a blueprint, form a reason to a specific mathematical answer, and ultimately employ logical thoughts in any kind of response.
  • Albert Namatjira: Teaching Activities and Methods Nearby was the Lutheran mission of Hermannsburg, where the tribespeople of Namatjira often visited to earn extra money and, at the same time, listen to the priests’ sermons.
  • Delayed Oral Practice in Second Language Teaching The experimental group that was undergoing delayed oral practice were found to develop better comprehension skills than the rest of the control group.
  • Language and Culture Interaction in English Language Teaching When teachers act oblivious to the norms and expectations of the students, is simply denying the experiences of the learners. Teachers have to engage the students in the cultural background of English language usage.
  • Teaching Mathematics What is amiss in this case is the fact that despite the fact that the politicians are seeking what seems to be the best for the pupils, it should be left to the technocrats and […]
  • Transactional Writing and Writing Teaching Strategies in Grade Six In general, it gets to the point and is concise and straightforward. To promote creative and critical writing among grade six students, the instructor should use visualization as a strategy.
  • Review of “No, Teachers Are Not Underpaid” According to Biggs and Richwine, there is considerable evidence that teachers receive market-level salaries, which are even exceeding the salaries of similar private-sector workers by 8 percent.
  • A Teacher as a Legitimate Authority This article demonstrates a problem of disrespect and abuse that teachers face daily from their students. Teachers are shown disrespect because of misunderstanding of the profession’s importance, student resentment, and inability to accept the teachers’ […]
  • Teaching Clinical Skills Furthermore, the significance of nursing clinical education can be seen through the involvement of the patients in such activities, either as a requirement of the lesson or in the outcome of the activity.
  • Teacher Evaluation, Discipline, and Dismissal With help of the findings of the given research, probable ideas on how to improve the existing system of teacher’s evaluation at school can be suggested, which will result in the increase of the efficiency […]
  • Role, Responsibilities and Boundaries of a Teacher in Terms of Teaching Cycle The main role of a teacher is to ensure that he or she has enhanced communication in class so as to encourage all students to participate in the discussion.
  • Factors Affecting Teacher Attrition Gaines states that the main problem in teacher attrition research is lack of data and statistical information concerning the real state of the matters on both national and regional levels.
  • Human Diversity in Education & Effective Teaching But if you are a teacher or an educator, how will you address the human diversity in education and at the same time maintain a good quality of education that the students deserve to achieve?
  • Teaching Standard English: Whose Standard? Thus, it is the role of teachers to encourage students not to be afraid of making mistakes and sharing their thoughts, especially in language learning.
  • Teacher’s Personal and Professional Commitments Avoiding conflict of interest in personal life. Avoiding conflict of interest in professional life.
  • Mental Mathematics: Assessing, Planning, Teaching It discusses the lesson tools and diagnostics that will help the teacher to identify the learning capabilities of the children. The aim of the diagnostic test is to assist the teacher know the students’ capability.
  • Memory Model of Teaching and Its Effectiveness The main objective of the research study was to find out the difference in the effect of the memory model and the traditional method of teaching on students’ performance.
  • Language Teaching: Techniques and Principles The main goal of the given activity is to use the new vocabulary that is learned regarding the particular topic, master communication skills, and promote the ability to use these words in dialogues of various […]
  • Career of Teaching Art Many people recognize and think of art as a business, with very few noting the importance of teaching art itself as a more important business and a career worth to be chosen.
  • The Highest Good in Tao Te Ching’s Teaching In addition to the aforementioned comparison of the ‘highest good’ in both Christianity and Confucianism, the underlying aspect that is being highlighted in this Taoist teaching is the approach used and the relationship that exists […]
  • Teaching Mathematics Plan: Big Idea’s Focus The advantages can be assessed in two perspectives in terms of the importance to the student and teacher because the big ideas concept focuses on making learning and instructions easy and understandable.
  • Teaching Social Studies: Reasons and Goals It should be noted that the researches have shown that when the teachers are dedicated to the whole process and find the ways to make the students believe that this subject is vital together with […]
  • The Comedy Film “Bad Teacher” A bad teacher is a comedy that features Elizabeth Halsey as the main character. Therefore, it is easy for a viewer to relate to the lives of the characters.
  • Factors to Consider in Teaching Young Language Learners A detailed analysis of the existing studies on teaching English to young learners will reveal that the process in question demands that the teacher should be able to address the specific needs of young learners.
  • Teacher Merit Pay Program Today, the merit pay program which is provided with basing on the activities of the federal Teacher Incentive Fund and the United States Department of Education is one of the most controversial aspects of the […]
  • Effective Teaching of Reading in Education However, as a result of learning the importance of communicative approach and applying it in the teaching of reading, I have had a better perception of the role of reading as well as the types […]
  • Manzano’s Tips for Teachers to Use in Classrooms Implementing encouragement and positive feedback to students is one of the essential aspects of the teacher’s work, helping to build friendly learning conditions.
  • Reflective Teaching and Learning in Further Education I have good knowledge of morphology, syntax, grammar, and other aspects of the language, as well as the history of French and diverse linguistic theories instrumental in understanding the peculiarities of the language.
  • Professional Teaching Standards vs. Unprofessional Practices It is vital to perform a personal assessment and review various dispositions to determine the roots of proper learning. Rules and regulations are set to regulate the actions of students, teachers and the managers.
  • Teaching Mathematics in Primary Education She also had a clear understanding of the role of zero and applied it to reading and writing of numbers up to hundred. She also had difficulties with combining and partitioning in the range of […]
  • Effective Teachers’ Skills and Qualities It cannot be denied that it is crucial for teachers to follow instructions and rules. To sum up, some people say that teaching is not a profession, and it is a vocation.
  • Teachers’ Readiness to Offer First Aid to Children The questionnaire will help me to identify the level of awareness of first aid methods among the school’s employees. Concerning the mission, the vision is to increase each teacher’s skills and knowledge on first aid […]
  • Five Main Perspectives on Teaching The perspectives on teaching may vary depending on the subject, the types of assignments, the age of your learners, and the aims of education.
  • Why Professionalism Is Important for Teachers In the first scenario, a teacher is new to the class, unaware of how the previous teacher dealt with the class and if there are any ‘trouble-makers that like disrupting sessions.
  • Communication Plan for Students, Teachers and Parents The overwhelming majority of educators believe that the student should not be excluded from the communication between teachers and parents; they usually describe the interactions between student, home, and the school as some triangle.
  • Problems of Learning and Mutual Understanding of Students, Teachers and Parents The parents should ensure that they provide the best to their children for the betterment of their schoolwork and avoid students dropping out of school.
  • Long-Lasting Impact of a Teacher on a Student As a teacher is the fashioner of the young brains, there must be professional ethics to identify the rights and duties in the course of a dual relationship between teacher and student.
  • Qualities of an Effective Teacher Therefore, I strive to cultivate all the aforementioned qualities in myself and to prove to my loved ones that I also deserve to be part of this worthy and extremely important profession.
  • Failure and Success in Teacher Career The utilization of these old ideas and resources in the current academic environment has also contributed to the failing of schools.
  • Communication and Collaboration With Teacher Colleagues In the end, I am deeply convinced that it would be important for the teachers to use parallel teaching strategy when two professionals are working with different parts of the class; I suppose that the […]
  • Teachers’ Perspectives in Subject-Verb Agreement Subject-verb agreement difficulties have attracted the attention of many outstanding linguists, who study the most significant errors the students make in this area and work on the solution to simplify the procedure of teaching the […]
  • The Effects of Teaching English as a First Language on Arab Young Students on Moral and Values In addition to this, the interaction between the Arabs and the people of the rest of the world has given them an opportunity to know the different cultures of the world and that broadens their […]
  • Cooperation Between Teachers and Parents To guarantee the parents’ responsiveness and interest in the children’s activities, it is necessary to inform them about all the significant events and children’s successes.
  • Teaching Philosophy in Early Childhood With the above variables I believe there is need to incorporate the use of technology in instructions to be able to bring out the best out of the pre-school children.
  • The Major Point in Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong Loewen points out that the majority of people in the USA know the history of their country from the school course and the textbooks.
  • Counseling and Teaching: Comparative Discussion Hence, in this scenario, an individual can become dissatisfied with the results of the working relationship and cooperation due to the inconsistencies and a lack of proper comprehension of differentiating roles of teachers from counsellors.
  • Link Between Teaching and Learning First of all, the Ministry of Education is trying to introduce new concepts and methods that are not always suitable for the education system.
  • Challenges and Barriers in Novice Teachers’ Practice in Public Schools What is the role of school leaders and mentors in interacting with novice teachers to help them adapt to a new working environment?
  • The Play-Based Learning: Teachers’ Perception The research method selected for the topic of teachers’ perception of play-based learning is qualitative. As the interviewee claims, the goal of the reception is to introduce children to learning and prepare them for school.
  • Catholic Social Teaching Impact on Human Life and Dignity The life and dignity of the human race are one of the catholic social values. Human rights are vital in the process of shaping a response to the pandemic for both public health concerns and […]
  • Review of “The Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching” At the same time, the book is based on the idea to determine the level of connection between the nature of suffering and various qualities of enlightenment.
  • Teaching Effective Presentation Skills The following analysis includes various strategies that lead to the effective presentation and is based upon the studies of Jeavons, Morton, and Kawasaki.
  • Wealth and Poverty: The Christian Teaching on Wealth and Poverty To illustrate the gap between the world’s richest and the world’s poorest, a recent UN publication reported that the wealth of the three richest persons in the world is greater than the combined wealth of […]
  • Nasogastric Tube Insertion: Teaching Concept The teaching intention is that on completion of the intubation training program the providers are able to understand the indications and contraindications of placing a NG tube, describe procedure of placing it, and demonstrate their […]
  • How to Motivate and Reward Teachers
  • “Teaching Exceptional Children” by Smith, R. M.
  • Teachers Attitudes Towards Mathematics Teaching
  • Teaching & Instructional Methodology
  • Math Teachers’ Beliefs and Attitudes About the Use of Graphics Calculators
  • Inquiry-Based Teaching Practices
  • Should Teachers Be Armed?
  • Montessori Teacher’s Certification Experiences
  • “Before Teaching Ethics, Stop Kidding Yourself” by Marino Gordon
  • Decoding Skill Teaching Methods and Instructions
  • Teaching and Research Philosophy
  • Science and Mathematics Teaching and Applications
  • Just Draw Exhibition in Visual Art Teaching
  • Family Therapy and Teacher as Counselor
  • Parent-Teacher Interaction Strategies
  • Approaching the Planning and Teaching
  • Teaching English Language Learners
  • Teaching Web Design in Secondary School Classroom
  • Teaching the English Language
  • Teaching Middle- and High-School Students Using Literature
  • Preparing Teachers of Second Language Reading
  • Special Education: Motivation of Teachers and Performance of Students
  • Negotiation Outcome Between Teacher’s Union and US Government
  • Cooperative Learning in Math Teaching
  • Task-Based Language Teaching Applied in Elementary Classroom From Grade 1 to Three
  • Challenges and Benefits in Teacher Profession
  • Graphic Organizer: Reading Comprehension Teaching Strategies
  • The Teaching of Balaam and Its Content
  • The Competence of a Nurse Teacher
  • Teacher’s Role in Student Learning
  • Teaching Profession in the Movie “Dangerous Minds”
  • Teaching Emotive Language
  • To Grammar or Not to Grammar: Teaching Grammar in Context
  • ‘Letters to a Young Teacher’ by J. Kozol Review
  • “From Teacher-Centered to Learner-Centered Curriculum: Improving Learning in Diverse Classrooms” by Brown
  • Classroom Behavior Management
  • Rehumanizing Education: Teaching and Learning in a Postpandemic Society
  • Reading and Teaching Students in Poverty
  • Effective Teaching and Cognitive Challenges
  • Developmental Teaching Plan for Patients
  • The CAEP’s 7 Elements of Effective Parent-Teacher Partnerships
  • Teaching in a Differentiated Classroom
  • Perception of Early Childhood Pre-Service Teachers
  • Literature Discussion Groups: Teaching Literature
  • Role of Teachers in Literacy Education
  • The Issue of Armed Teachers and Students’ Safety
  • Personal Teaching Philosophy: Assessing Student Learning
  • Teaching and Learning Philosophy
  • Specific Problem in Education: Teacher Salaries
  • Nurse Education and Teaching Style
  • Core Themes of Teaching Standards
  • A Nurse’s Emergency Teaching Tool for a Community
  • Aspects of Teacher Retainment
  • Nursing Practice: The Teaching Approaches
  • Concept for Teaching Memory in Primary School Students
  • Teacher’s Work: Tasks and Ethical Principles
  • Paul’s Consistent Teaching on Law
  • Teacher Help Me Grow Up and Stay Healthy: Case Study
  • Non-Traditional Teaching Experience in Nursing
  • Cyberbullying Through Facebook at School: Teacher’s Actions
  • Impact of Social Media on Instructional Practices for Kindergarten Teachers
  • Doctor of Nursing Practice Teaching Intervention
  • Teaching Preschool Children
  • Curriculum Transitions and Their Impact on Teaching
  • Faith and Transformational Teaching
  • Teaching Art: Developing Reading Skills through Effective Reading Approaches
  • Co-Teaching Models and Paraeducators
  • Teacher’s Responsibility: A Responsibility of Teacher Educators
  • Scenario-Based Teaching on Organizational Culture
  • Teaching the Younger Generation Life Skills and Social Integration
  • Women’s Military Service and Biblical Teaching
  • Connecticut Teacher Certification
  • Effective Attributes of an Expert Teacher
  • Teachers-Parents Partnership and Children’s Literature
  • Teaching and Managing in New York City Schools
  • Recommended Multicultural Teaching Approaches
  • Culturally Sensitive Nurses Teaching Health Literacy
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  • Co-Teaching and Use of Technology in Education
  • Teaching Experience: Diabetes Prevention
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  • Teaching Community Skills Through Practice
  • Teaching English Language: Pedagogical Strategies
  • A Teaching Plan for Functional Illiterate Adult Learner
  • Community Teaching on Epidemiology
  • Personal Teaching Experience: Additional Roles of Nurses
  • Teachers’ Collaboration and Participation
  • Teaching Math: Number Sense Instruction
  • Health Promotion Model for Teaching Patient
  • Distance Learning Experiences of In-Service Music Teachers From Puerto Rico
  • The Importance of Humanities in the Profession of a Teacher
  • Teacher Career: E-Learning
  • Co-Teaching Approaches With Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Exceptional Students
  • The Use of Technology in Teaching Practice
  • K-3 Educators’ Skills in Teaching Spelling
  • Using Jing in Teaching
  • The Instrumental Music Teaching: Educational Resources
  • Occupational Stress: Patient Teaching Plan
  • Advanced Nursing: Community Teaching Plan
  • Breastfeeding Health Teaching Project
  • K-8 Teachers Procedures for Carrying Recurring Activities
  • Opinion About Web Site sedl.org and Teaching
  • Age-Relatedness in Teaching Music
  • Teaching Strategies for LGBTQ (Queer) Community
  • “Promoting Urban Teachers’ Understanding of Technology…” by Mouza
  • The Teaching Style Change: Pedagogical Approaches
  • Teaching of Nurse in Australian Versus Jordanian Culture
  • Qualities That Effective Teachers Should Have
  • The Issue of Teaching Students to Write Essays
  • Qualities and Skills Needed to Become a Teacher
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  • Prospective Elementary Teachers in Indiana University
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  • Understanding Culture and Tradition as an Effective Way of Teaching Indigenous History
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  • Teaching Plan For Students in Health Care
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  • Patient Teaching Module: Diverticulitis
  • Java Engagement for Teacher Training Workshop
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  • Language Teaching Through Information Technology
  • Enhancing the Teacher Hiring Process
  • Teaching Styles: Fitness Director
  • “Teachers, Social Media, and Free Speech” by Vasek
  • Parent-Teacher-Youth Mediation Program Analysis
  • Teaching English in Riyadh Public Primary Schools
  • The Problems English Teachers Face in Riyadh Public Primary Schools
  • Media Portrayals of Education, Teaching, Learning
  • Teaching Listening and Speaking – The Graduate Designs Instruction
  • The Teachers Service Commission
  • Stress in the Teaching Fraternity
  • Teaching Mathematics: Problems and New Approaches
  • Effects of Information Literacy on Scholarship, Practice and Leadership in Teaching Profession
  • Teaching Adult Learners Overview
  • How Can Teacher Motivate Emirati Students to Read?
  • Saudi Primary School Science Teachers’ Beliefs: Teaching New Curriculum
  • Philosophy and Teaching: Peter Singer
  • Jazz Studio Masterclass: Teaching Observation
  • Teaching Observation for Chamber Music Coaching Lesson
  • The Suzuki Violin Teaching Method
  • Social Accounts Reviewing Before Selecting Teachers
  • Entrepreneurial Leadership in the Teaching Staff
  • School Leadership and Its Role in Teacher Turnover
  • Teaching Children and Its Aspects and Characteristics
  • Personal Teaching Philosophy Statement: Encouraging Lifelong and Individual Learning
  • Flipped-Classroom and Traditional Classroom Student Engagement and Teaching Methodologies Effectiveness Comparison
  • The Role of Practice in Teaching Science in Grade 8
  • Special Education Professional Development Needs of Teachers in Saudi Arabia Assessment
  • Buddha’s “No-Self” Teaching and Its Meaning
  • Input-Directed Approach to Raising Schools’ Teaching Quality
  • EFL Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Communicative Language
  • Serbian Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Inclusion
  • Autism: Teaching Plan for Taking All the Features Into Account
  • Effective Strategies for Grammar Teaching: Ideas for Learning Prepositions
  • Teacher Employment and Empowerment
  • How to Teaching Mathematics
  • ‘Lies My Teacher Told Me’ by Loewen
  • “Professionalism in Teaching” by Beth Hurst
  • The Profession of a Teacher : Requirements and Features
  • The Significance of Teaching Moral Reasoning at Harvard
  • The Things That Teachers Must Learn
  • Teacher Career: Professional Development Plan
  • Electronic Filing System for Teacher Career
  • Teaching Vocabulary Through Communication
  • Teaching Speaking and Pronunciation
  • Debate on Teaching of Values
  • “Lies My Teacher Told Me” by James Lowen
  • Teaching Methods: Visual & Performing Arts
  • Information Literate and Professional Development in Teaching
  • “Lies My Teacher Told Me” by James W. Loewen
  • Ethnographic Prospects in Teaching and Learning
  • Underperforming Teachers and Educational Fall of Nation
  • Self-Management for Enhancing Teaching and Learning
  • Linguistics: Grammar and Language Teaching
  • What’s the Point: Unmotivated Students & Ineffective Teaching
  • Problems of Inexperienced Teachers Analysis
  • Theological Teaching in the Flow of Christology
  • A Teaching Strategy: Storyline Method
  • Strategies for Teaching Spelling
  • Culture-Sensitive Science Teaching and Urban Schooling
  • Teacher Conduct in Sensitive Situations
  • Team Collaboration Between Teachers in Schools
  • Felony Charges Made by Teachers
  • Teacher Tenure: Reasons and Oppositions
  • Teacher`s Rights and Responsibilities
  • Bilingual Education: Enhancing Teachers Quality
  • Teaching Skills in Simschool Program
  • Teaching Practices: The New American Lecture Strategy
  • Inductive Learning: Teaching Styles and Strategies
  • Music Teaching Style: The Effects of Choral Music Teacher Experience and Background
  • Environment of the Classroom to Support Teaching and Learning
  • Sustain Neophytes in Teaching Profession
  • A Lens to Teacher’s Christian Worldview
  • Research Method in Teaching English as a Second Language
  • Teaching English as a Second Language: Listening Comprehension
  • Teaching and Learning: Portfolio Qualities
  • Teaching Culturally Diverse Children
  • Teaching Writing. Process Approach to Writing
  • Teaching Language Arts: Phonemic Awareness
  • Ethical Dilemma in Teacher Career
  • Why I Want to Be a Teacher
  • Repressed Memory and Developing Teaching Strategies
  • High School Teacher’s Role in Education
  • Diabetic Teaching Plan for Alzheimer’s Patient
  • Teaching English to Students of Other Languages
  • Teaching Strategies: The Art and Science of Teaching
  • Basic Methods of Instruction for Teachers
  • Merit Pay for Teachers in the USA: Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Teaching Plan
  • Teaching In Different Cultures Factor Analysis
  • Studying and Teaching Environment of Australian and Malaysian Primary Schools
  • Preventing Burnout in Preschool Teachers
  • Preschool Teacher Burnout Prevention
  • Determinants of Individual to Choose a Teaching Career
  • A Teacher’s Reflection From Work Experience
  • Teaching Language to Students With Severe Disabilities
  • Shiite and Sunni Teaching of Islam
  • Steps to Learning With a Quality Teacher
  • Teaching Length Measurement Aspects
  • ISTE Standards: Philosophy for Teaching
  • Productive Teacher-Student Interaction: Classroom Management
  • Special Education Teachers’ Attitudes and Factors
  • Teaching in Action for Toddlers
  • Early Years Teaching: Model of Play
  • Teaching Adaptive Behavior Skills to Children Suffering From Intellectual Disabilities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • Analyzing the English Cultural Contents of Materials Used for Teaching English to Secondary School Students in Libya
  • How Volunteers Improve Teaching in Host Countries
  • Teachers’ Communication Skills for Students’ Academic Success
  • Organisational Commitment in Teaching Hospitals
  • The Effects of Integrating Mobile Devices With Teaching and Learning on Students’ Learning Performance
  • The Nature of Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching
  • Individualized Family Service Plan and Cooperative Teaching: Special Education
  • Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching
  • Museum Education: Modern Methods of Teaching Children
  • Teaching English for Second Language Learner
  • Assessment and Teaching Strategies in Nursing Education
  • What Is Science and Science Teaching Philosophy?
  • Teaching Comprehension Strategies for Secondary Education
  • Teacher Evaluation System
  • Teaching Practices Observation and Evaluation
  • Teachers Turnover: Qualitative and Quantitative Statement
  • Teaching and Learning: Methods and Resources
  • Teaching at the Ashwood High School
  • Subject-Verb Agreement Errors in Teacher’s Perspective
  • Teacher Career: Working With Autistic Children
  • Teacher Career: Problem-Solving for Group Management
  • Community Teaching Work Plan: Diseases Prevention
  • Academic Service Learning for Teacher Preparation
  • Teacher Leadership and Educational Reforms
  • Positive Behaviour Leadership Model in Teaching
  • Kinesthetic Learning Style and Teaching Approaches
  • Assessment Practices in the Teacher Career
  • Children and Teachers: Social, Emotional and Inner Lives
  • Chemistry Teaching & Learning: Science or Alchemy?
  • NJ Preschool Teaching and Learning Standards 2014
  • Education Theories and Teaching Philosophy
  • Teaching by Integrative Science Approach
  • Teaching Career: Setting Goals
  • Supervision and Observation Process on Teaching Candidates
  • Teaching Philosophy in a Pedagogical Career
  • Health Administration Instructor’s Teaching Philosophy
  • Biology and Behavior in the Teaching Process
  • Teacher’s Communication With Families
  • Teaching Writing and Racist Cartoons
  • Teacher Development and School Responsibilities
  • Educator’s Principles in Foreign Language Teaching
  • Literacy Theory and Practice in Teaching Reading
  • Due Process and Fair Dismissal of Teachers in Texas
  • Personal and Collective Teacher Efficacy
  • Student Demographics in Hiring Teaching Staff
  • Mobile Technology for Teaching Architecture Students
  • Aboriginal Histories and Cultures in Teaching
  • Parents as Teachers Program From Educator’s View
  • Online Communication in Learning and Teaching
  • Child-Rearing Course for Teachers
  • Developing an Effective Teaching Portfolio
  • Teaching Grammar in Writing Context
  • Teaching Children With Multiple Disabilities
  • Teaching Mathematics in Memphis City Schools
  • Award-Winning Teachers in the United States and China
  • Seeing Children as a Reflective Teacher
  • “Student Beliefs and the Teaching of Argument” by Graham
  • ESL Gold Website for Teaching & Learning English
  • Teaching Objectives and Supporting Activities
  • Health Teaching and Physical Education Lesson Plan
  • Teaching Methods and Mathematics Misconceptions
  • Mathematics Knowledge and Teaching Techniques
  • Career Investigation: Mathematics Teacher
  • Secondary School Teachers’ Issues in Turkey
  • Saudi English Teachers’ Communicative Approach
  • Classroom Research: Teachers’ Course Reflection
  • Principal Leadership Style Role in Teacher Performance
  • Teaching and Learning in a Single-Sex Setting
  • “Voice Education in Teacher Training” by Gordana Kovacic
  • Teacher’s Resilience
  • Teaching Philosophy in the Nursing
  • Teacher Perception Toward Assessments in Saudi Arabia
  • Teaching Beliefs in Nursing Education
  • Teacher-Student Communications via Social Media
  • Saudi Primary Teachers and Interactive Whiteboards
  • Technology Design and Management in Teaching
  • Adaptive Behavior Skill Training: Teachers’ Attitudes
  • Education Purpose From the ESL Teachers Perspective
  • Communicative Language Teaching and Perceptions
  • Teaching Geography and Value-Based Education
  • Marking Descriptors in Teaching Academic English
  • Faith in Leaders and Leadership in Teachers
  • Absorb Activity and Theoretical Teaching Model
  • Interactive Whiteboards in Teachers’ Perception
  • Very Vocabulary: Activities for English Teachers
  • Teacher Shooting as an Organizational Conflict
  • The Highest Power in Lao-Tsu’s Teaching
  • Discourse Analysis in Teaching Linguistic Competence
  • Learning Organization and Change Among Teachers
  • Principals Base Every Decision on Best Teachers
  • Inquiry Training as Information Processing Teaching Model
  • Inquiry Training Model in Teacher Development
  • Teaching and Learning Perspectives
  • A Pre-Kindergarten Teacher Analysis
  • “Data Wise” by Kathryn Boudett From an Educator Perspective
  • English Medium Teacher Job Position
  • Newborn Care as a Nursing Teaching Experience
  • Non- vs. Traditional Teaching in the 5th Grade
  • Best Practices in Collaborative Teaching
  • Globalization and Language Teaching
  • What Makes an Effective Teacher?
  • Effective Teaching of Students with Disabilities
  • Testing, Teaching, and Learning: Internal Accountability in Education
  • Behavioral Teaching Practices
  • Body Language Communication: Teaching Strategy
  • Teaching English Vocabulary in Japanese High Schools
  • Task-Based Language Teaching among Omani Young Learners
  • Kenyan Teachers and Inclusion: Mixed-Method Study
  • Teaching Process: Resource Methods
  • Effective Literacy Teaching in Multicultural Class
  • Mathematics Teaching Approaches in Burns’ Study
  • Language Arts: Major Areas and Teacher’s Role
  • Teacher-Parent Collaboration in Special Education
  • Digital Citizenship Among Saudi Arabia Teachers
  • Teachers’ Perception of Knowledge Acquisition
  • Julia Stewart’s Teaching Management Style at DineEquity
  • Teaching Fraction Problem-Solving to Autists
  • Teaching, Its Ideals and Reality
  • Special Education Teachers’ Burnout and Turnover
  • Academic Vocabulary Teaching to Students
  • Teacher’s Help to Student in Information Search
  • Leadership Theory in Teacher Evaluation System
  • Teaching and Learning in Metaphorical Depiction
  • Teaching for Diversity and Learning Structures
  • Professional Development: Culturally Responsive Teaching
  • Multimedia and Video Presentation in Teaching
  • Aljoudah School: Teachers and Students’ Parents Experiences
  • Digital Technologies in Teachers’ Practices
  • Teaching Concepts: Duties and Responsibilities
  • Task-Based Language Teaching in Arab Young Learners
  • Concerns of Pre-Service Teachers About Intervention
  • Teachers Professional Growth: Negotiation Planning Stages
  • Teacher’s Ethical Dilemma and Legal Responsibilities
  • Teachers’ Organizational Behavior in Schools
  • Problem With Teachers in China
  • Using Corpus Linguistics to Improve Teaching of Grammar
  • Teaching Portfolio Role in the Professional Development
  • Teaching Portfolio: Plan and Practicum
  • Philosophy Teaching and Learning Motivation
  • English as a Second Language Teachers’ Training
  • Mathematics and Its Strategic Teaching Practice
  • Teaching Guide for Eighth Grade Teacher
  • Writing for Deaf Students: Teaching Approaches
  • Teaching Riding a Bike: Instructor’s Approaches
  • Online Teaching for the Disabled
  • Teaching Philosophy and Students with Disorders
  • Diverse Learners and Teacher Online Resources
  • Teaching: Stressful Activity and Its Implications
  • Digital Gaming in the Classroom: Teacher’s View
  • Gender Inequalities in Mathematics Teaching
  • New Media Technologies for Teachers
  • Teachers Recruitment in Impoverished School Districts
  • Reading Instructions: Teacher’s Guide
  • Reading and Literacy: Teacher Education Program
  • Professional Learning Communities: Teacher Collaboration
  • Teacher Creativity Fellowship Grant
  • Teachers and Nurses Organizational Culture Comparison
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IvyPanda. (2024, March 1). 582 Teaching Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/teaching-essay-topics/

"582 Teaching Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 1 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/teaching-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '582 Teaching Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 1 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "582 Teaching Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 1, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/teaching-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "582 Teaching Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 1, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/teaching-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "582 Teaching Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 1, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/teaching-essay-topics/.

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These Impressions of English Teachers Are Unbelievably Spot-On

“Does anyone want to add on to Jessica’s point?”

TikTok still images of Austin Maguire doing impressions of English teachers

Teacher TikTok is full of impressions. Impressions of principals. Elementary teachers vs. secondary teachers. Impressions of middle schoolers. And a certain TikToker—or should I say artist?—is known for doing absolutely spot-on impressions of English teachers.

Is it the cardigan? The medieval princess hair? The timbre in their voice that suggests they might be on another fictional planet in their head?

Meet Austin Maguire (they/them) and decide for yourself.

@austin_maguire The cardigan is working overtime ♬ original sound – Austin Maguire

What we love about this impression:

  • The lengths an English teacher will go to to avoid saying, “No, that’s wrong.” “Maybe.” “You’re on the right track.” “Not quite what I was looking for, but it’s a good inference.” “Almost!”
  • The cardigan wrap-and-tuck. Gotta stay cozy while you’re telling students nicer versions of no!
  • The final poetic conclusion. There’s no “Right!” and simply moving on for English teachers. Instead: “The messages have been hidden in the trees all along.”

What others are saying:

Filling up the comment section of this TikTok (and really all of @austin_maguire ‘s impressions of English teachers) are responses about how accurate these impressions of English teachers are.

“This is my English teacher.”

It’s clear: @austin_maguire knows a thing or two about the vibe of an English teacher.

an essay on the topic my english teacher

We all take the same hair fashion class in our English teacher training program, Aiella.

an essay on the topic my english teacher

You know an impression is accurate when the first response is “HELP.”

an essay on the topic my english teacher

Narrator: It was not literally Ms. Mazzenga.

“I am an English teacher, and this is me.”

Many responses were from English teachers themselves who saw some self-recognition in @austin_maguire ‘s impressions of English teachers.

an essay on the topic my english teacher

Yes. They are one and the same.

an essay on the topic my english teacher

Heard that.

an essay on the topic my english teacher

You’re not alone, Emrobakes.

Commenters reminiscing about trauma from their own English classes

The final category of comments came from TikTok users who were rocketed back to their own English classrooms courtesy of @austin_maguire’s artistry.

an essay on the topic my english teacher

“There are no wrong answers. Only opportunities to learn from someone else, who is not you, with the right answer.”

an essay on the topic my english teacher

That’s one way to increase class participation.

Our other favorites from Austin’s impressions of English teachers:

Luckily for us, @austin_maguire has no shortage of impressions of English teachers. Let’s take a look at some of our other favorites.

@austin_maguire The cardigan is wrapped tightlyyyy ♬ original sound – Austin Maguire

“Excuse me. Excuse me .” “Really not impressed. Really not impressed.” The repetition is 10/10.

@austin_maguire they cannot fathom it ♬ original sound – Austin Maguire

“You’re finished? It’s only been 10 minutes.”

@austin_maguire I’ll Wait… shirt is on my etsy!! ♬ original sound – Austin Maguire

Don’t worry—you can pick up your own “I’ll Wait” shirt at Austin’s Etsy store !

A huge thanks to @austin_maguire for these gems. Be sure to check out their choir teacher impressions too!

Looking for more articles like this? Be sure to  subscribe to our newsletters !

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an essay on the topic my english teacher

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  1. Essay on My Favourite Teacher for Students and Children in English

    an essay on the topic my english teacher

  2. My Teacher Essay

    an essay on the topic my english teacher

  3. Write essay on my english teacher in english || my english teacher ||

    an essay on the topic my english teacher

  4. My Favourite Teacher Essay in English [100, 120, 150, 200, 250 Words]

    an essay on the topic my english teacher

  5. My favourite teacher essay in english || Essay about my teacher

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  6. Creative Writing

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  1. My class teacher essay in English 5 lines

  2. my class teacher mis Puja is best teacher

  3. 10 Lines On My Favourite Teacher/Essay On My Favourite Teacher In English/My Favourite Teacher Essay

  4. My Class Teacher Essay In English 10 Lines

  5. 10 Lines essay on my teacher in english//My teacher essay//My teacher par 10 lines//Poojaeducation



  1. My Favourite Teacher Essay in English [100, 120, 150, 200, 250 Words]

    My Favourite Teacher Essay in English: Teaching is a noble profession. We all have our favourite teachers in life. In this article, you are going to learn how to write a paragraph or an essay on my favourite teacher in English. Here, we've provided 5 essays or paragraphs on this topic (100, 120, 150, 200, and 250 words). This article will be helpful for the students from class 1 to class 12 ...

  2. Essay on My Teacher

    My Teacher Essay for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Find Essay, Long and Short Essay on My Teacher for Your Kids, Children and Students.

  3. Essay on My Favourite Teacher for Students in English

    Teachers play an essential role in our life as an ideal teacher is responsible for the development of the students. Teachers play a vital role in creating a strong foundation of basic knowledge, not only regarding subjects but also for life. It is mostly what we learn at school that helps us throughout our lives when we have to make important decisions and perform other crucial tasks.

  4. My Best Teacher Essay

    Essay on My Best Teacher - Teachers value and knowledge in children. Teachers play an important role in shaping a person's life as they facilitate one in discovering and working towards their goals.

  5. Essay on My Teacher [Short & Long]

    Essay on My Teacher - A great teacher is not that hard to discover. The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book. There is no substitute for a great teacher and you can not repay him/her even by devoting your whole life.

  6. Essay on English Teacher

    High-quality essay on the topic of "English Teacher" for students in schools and colleges.

  7. Essay on My Favourite Teacher in English (150, 200, 300, 400 Words)

    This essay about your child's favorite teacher is a great way to show them how to write a simple and effective essay on this topic. It's important because teachers play a huge role in our lives.

  8. Essay on My Teacher for Students and Children

    Below-mentioned is a descriptive essay on 450-500 words, and a short 200 words summarized essay on the topic as a framework guide. A Long Essay on My Teacher is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

  9. Narrative Essay: My Favorite Teacher

    Narrative Essay: My Favorite Teacher. Introduction. My favorite teacher of all time has to be my English literature teacher. He was called Mr. Radford, and Mr. Radford is my favorite teacher for many reasons, all of which I will go over as they happened. The course of events goes from my first year to my last year of high school.

  10. How to Write An Essay On 'My Favourite Teacher'

    The first thing you need to decide on when writing an essay on the topic of 'My Favourite Teacher' is to choose who to write about. While you can write about someone completely fictional, this can be quite difficult even for native English speakers. It would be much easier for you to start writing your essay based on someone you know.

  11. Teacher Essay for Students in English

    During teaching, a teacher uses creativity so that students can concentrate on their studies. They are a repository of knowledge and have the patience and confidence to take responsibility for the future of the student. They only want to see their students successful and happy. Teachers are very prestigious people in the society, who through their magic of education, take the responsibilities ...

  12. Essay on My Favourite Teacher for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on My Favourite Teacher. A teacher is one who instills in the learner an inspiration to learn and to be good. With this message, I want to start an essay on my favorite Teacher. I am a student of XII class in a private school which is a well-known school in the city. It is a reputed school with over 1,700 students.

  13. Essay on Teacher: Our Friend, Philosopher and Guide in 100, 250 & 300

    Teachers are like the guiding stars in our educational journey. Here is essay on teacher in 100, 250 and 300 words.

  14. Essay on My Best Teacher

    High-quality essay on the topic of "My Best Teacher" for students in schools and colleges.

  15. Essay on Teacher for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Teacher. Teachers are a special blessing from God to us. They are the ones who build a good nation and make the world a better place. A teacher teaches us the importance of a pen over that of a sword. They are much esteemed in society as they elevate the living standards of people. They are like the building blocks of ...

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    High-quality essay on the topic of "My Teacher My Inspiration" for students in schools and colleges.

  17. What Makes a Great Teacher: [Essay Example], 801 words

    What makes a great teacher? Great teachers possess a unique blend of characteristics and skills that enable them to inspire, educate, and empower their students. This essay explores the essential traits of a great teacher and how they contribute to the overall understanding of effective teaching. It delves into the qualities that define a great teacher, such as respect for students, the ...

  18. Essay On My Favorite Teacher (Short & Long)

    This essay will describe why Mrs. Smith was my favorite teacher and how she had a positive impact on my life. Mrs. Smith was my favorite teacher for several reasons. Firstly, she was always energetic and enthusiastic about teaching. She would engage the class in lively discussions and hands-on activities that made learning fun and enjoyable.

  19. My Teacher Essay in English for Classes 1-3: 10 Lines, Short & Long

    Essays are extremely important for children studying in classes 1, 2, and 3. And often, when at school, they are the closest with their teacher, implying that an essay on the topic 'My Teacher' is perfect for such young kids. Experts state that writing improves critical thinking and problem-solving, and skills as words need to be written in a specific structure and order. Also, there is a ...

  20. My Teacher Essay in English for Class 1 Students

    Teacher,' so that you can help your child in learning how to write a short essay about 'My Teacher' for Class 1.

  21. The Beginner's Guide to Writing an Essay

    The essay writing process consists of three main stages: Preparation: Decide on your topic, do your research, and create an essay outline. Writing: Set out your argument in the introduction, develop it with evidence in the main body, and wrap it up with a conclusion. Revision: Check your essay on the content, organization, grammar, spelling ...

  22. 582 Teaching Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    Looking for a good essay, research or speech topic on Teaching? Check our list of 582 interesting Teaching title ideas to write about!

  23. An essay on the topic my English language teacher

    An essay on 'My English Language Teacher' reflects the significant role they play in shaping students' skills in grammar, writing, and critical thinking. It emphasizes how English teachers contribute to students' academic journeys through constant guidance, planning, and evaluating. The essay should be well-structured, with clear English language construction and a concise thesis.

  24. These Impressions of English Teachers Are Unbelievably Spot-On

    Teacher TikTok is full of impressions. Impressions of principals. Elementary teachers vs. secondary teachers. Impressions of middle schoolers. And a certain TikToker—or should I say artist?—is known for doing absolutely spot-on impressions of English teachers. Is it the cardigan? The medieval princess hair?

  25. The SuperHERO Teacher

    Browse over 580 educational resources created by The SuperHERO Teacher in the official Teachers Pay Teachers store.

  26. The Structured Writing Teacher

    If your students struggle with the elements of OPINION essays, this resource guides them through 4 paragraphs which include the hook, introduction of the topic, topic sentence, reasons, evidence, explanation, and conclusion.To understand the key components of an opinion essay, students "deconstruct" an example student essay.

  27. PC Learning Commons writing tutor Kevin Flanagan helps students build

    Ask Phoenix College writing tutor Kevin Flanagan what a typical day in the Learning Commons is like, and it's anything but typical. Requests for writing support come via in-person visits, online appointments, and Online Writing Lab submissions, where students send in an essay or paper for review. Kevin noted most students come in with a specific issue.

  28. Welcome to Turnitin Guides

    Welcome to Turnitin's new website for guidance! In 2024, we migrated our comprehensive library of guidance from https://help.turnitin.com to this site, guides.turnitin.com. During this process we have taken the opportunity to take a holistic look at our content and how we structure our guides.