Essay on My Hobby for Students and Children

500+ words essay on my hobby.

Hobbies play a very important role in our lives. They occupy our minds when we are free and also make us happy. Hobbies are our escape from the real world that makes us forget our worries. Moreover, they make our lives interesting and enjoyable. If we look at it, all our hobbies are very useful for us. They teach us a lot of things about different stuff. They also help in expanding our knowledge.

Benefits of Having a Hobby

In today’s fast and competitive world, we often get time for ourselves. Over time, our schedule gets very dull and monotonous. That is why we need to indulge in something in between to keep our minds fresh and active. What’s better than a hobby for this? One of the main benefits of having a hobby is that it is a major stress-buster. You actually enjoy doing it and it satisfies your soul.

Essay on My Hobby

In other words, without a hobby, your life becomes an unhealthy cycle lacking any excitement or spark. Hobbies offer you a great opportunity to take a break and forget the worries of your life. They allow you to explore yourself and realize your potential in different areas.

Moreover, hobbies can also be a source of extra income. For instance, if you like painting, you can actually sell your art to make some extra money. Likewise, if you have a knack for dancing, you may teach dance classes to people on your holidays. This way your hobby a benefit you both spiritually and financially as well.

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My Favourite Hobby

If I were to pick one favourite hobby of mine out of the many I have, I will definitely pick gardening. I developed a taste for dancing when I was very young. The way my feet moved to the rhythm of the music convinced my parents that I was a born dancer. Dancing is very uplifting as well as economical.

I have always had a love for music and dance. However, I never realized the utter joy they bring to humans. Dancing gives us a lot of exercises. It teaches us to move our body rhythmically and feel the beat of every song. This kind of physical exercise is extremely delightful and enjoyable.

Moreover, dance also taught me how to stay strong and push my limits. I have had many injuries while dancing, too many bruises and cuts but that didn’t stop me from pursuing it further. In fact, it pushes me to do my best and realize my potential more than ever.

I have enrolled in dancing classes because I wish to make my hobby my career. I feel we all should do things which we enjoy doing. Everyone is running after money and in this race, they give up their likings and preferences. I have learned from this race and decided to not take part in it. I wish to take the road less traveled by and take on challenges most people don’t dare to.

In short, my hobby of dancing makes me feel alive and well. It is the only thing I look forward the most to. Thus, I hope to achieve my dream of being a professional dancer and making way for people who wish to make careers out of their hobbies.

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my hobby essay for 5 class

My Hobby Essay

By Emma bunton

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My Hobby Essay –

Do you look for my hobby essay ? If so, you’ve landed in the right position. Let’s dive into the content.

My hobby is the most common topic in school. Sometimes, students go for writing competition with this kind of essay. Today, we’ve brought a plenty of my hobby essay example with different words limits. You can choose any essays according to your needs.

How to write my hobby essay

This is our example of writing my hobby essay. You can get ideas from our essay example. Just follow our example and give your own ideas.

1. My Hobby Essay  (100 WORDS)

I have a lot of hobbies but the favorite one that I like most is playing football. When I have free time, I love to play football. I’m a big fan of football since my childhood. I have been very well in this soccer game.  When I just entered in my school, my parents told the principal about my hobby. The principal replied that there is an opportunity to take part in sports even from class 1. So, they became so happy and admitted to me this school. So, I really enjoy the football game and take part in my school competition.

2. My Hobby Essay (150 WORDS)

The hobby I like most is reading and it might be a storybook, newspaper, news or magazine etc. I feel very interesting reading when I have free time.

At the first time, my father noticed my reading book and he encouraged me a lot saying that it’s a very good habit, my son. He also advised me not to give up the habit. I was just a small kid and I was very much interested in reading fairy tales and other stories that were given by my dad.

Now, I’m at the age of 10 years and read in class 5. At present, as a mature person, I understand the benefits of reading. Actually, reading a book helps me to achieve all kinds of general knowledge. This kind of habit really helps me to know the unknown, to see the unseen, to discover the undiscovered. I can even know the history, culture, animals, space, human achievements, and other fascinating things about the world.

3. My Hobby Essay (200 WORDS)

In my free time, I love to read interesting and knowledgeable books. Coming from school, I love to read this kind of book while finishing my homework. I’m 11 years old and study in class 7th standard.

Now, I understand that reading is a good habit that will make me a complete boy. Any of us can develop this hobby. In fact, I achieved this naturally. Reading will always keep us busy and happy. It’s a better source of knowledge, inspiration, enjoyment, and instruction.

Besides, this makes us a loyal, punctual, disciplined and successful person in our life. Books are my best friend and I don’t feel alone. This habit is more special than gold or other stones in the world.

However, it gives us a high level of thoughts, experiences, ideas, and knowledge in different fields. I swear if you get interesting and good books, you would take that as your best friend.

The people who don’t have any habit of reading books, they would always be poor due to the lack of rich knowledge. This habit could be achieved by young people.  The habit of reading books can be acquired at a young age by anyone.

4. My Hobby Essay (250 WORDS)

The hobby I like most is watching TV. When I have free time, I love to watch Television. It never interferes with my study. First of all, I like to finish my school home task and then start watching TV.

I think it’s a good habit because watching TV brings a lot of knowledge in any field. Generally, I watch the news and other channels such as discovery channel, animal planet or another informative channel. Sometimes, I watch very good cartoons that provide me creative and new ideas to make cartoons and arts.

My parents admire my hobby and also they are so happy when they just listen to the whole update news through my voice. Now, I study in class three and eight years old boy. I develop my hobby since my childhood.

Watching television in a proper way gives so important roles in one’s life. It helps us to make something creative. It always keeps us an update about all kinds of news and views. It informs us what’s happening across the world.

Getting knowledge about today’s incident is so important for modern society due to a great level of competition. It gives a lot of benefits as it develops our knowledge and thoughts. It enriches our mind of thoughts, ideas, and experiences.

There are different types of programs on TV that are so crucial to enhance our awareness about worldwide matters. TV channels also hold different types of educative programs such as history, economics, science, math, culture, and geography etc. to develop our knowledge.

5. My Hobby Essay – Playing Guitar (300 words)

Whenever people ask me regarding my hobby, I always pause and think for a moment. Even though I like playing all the instruments, my hobby is playing guitar.

When I was 6 years old I suddenly developed a liking for music. I started creating tunes and melodies by beating my desks which sounded like I was playing bongos. I was pretty good at it too. Whenever guests used to come at our place they would request me to play some melody on my dining table as they thought I was very good at it. Of course, in childhood I would get annoyed because playing music was something I wanted to keep to myself.

As I grew up, my hobby developed into playing guitars after my aunt came from Florida and got me a guitar. Now all my time was devoted to learning guitar strings and playing screeching music that would make your ears bleed. But soon, after a lot of practice and perseverance I was able to get hands on learning of guitar strings.   Playing guitar has taught me many things, but the most important thing it has taught me is that the more you play it, the better you become at it. I have hurt my finger with guitar chords many times. Practicing made me learn different notes and now I can play chords such as AM, C, D, G, AM7, CMAJ7 and many more.

Playing guitar gives me the refuge from thinking too much about outside world. It helps me stay calm in the world of chaos. The best thing about it is that I can recreate any tune I want to, which makes me feel very creative and happy that my hobby has developed into a worthwhile talent. i hope that soon I am able to learn other musical instruments as well.

6. My Hobby Essay – Cooking (300 words)

My hobbies have always changed over the time. At one point in my life, I used to paint in my free time. As I grew up, I started cooking as a hobby. I still remember the recipes that I used to download from the internet and work on them with patience. However, I always ended up with burnt pies or undercooked pizza doughs. It was hilarious for my family to see me trying and failing miserably. However, one day I decided to follow my mother’s cooking recipe. I was able to create the dish perfectly then. The happiness I got was priceless so I decided that from that day onwards, I will cook whenever I have free time in my schedule.

From there on, I cook different recipes every day. From lasagna to baked broccoli— I have successfully tried all the recipes. I have realized over the time that cooking is a stress buster and an energy booster. It feels so good after a long hard day at kitchen to finally serve food to your family or guests. Of course, I don’t do it professionally, it is merely a hobby for me. But the joy I receive when I create food from new recipes or invent my own kind of cuisine by mixing up 2 or 3 recipes is beyond price.

One of the best things I like about cooking is that I can experiment on food. I don’t enjoy cooking as a daily chore, but it’s something that I do as a hobby. I love the sound of patties in hot oil, sizzling as they are being fried. I enjoy cutting the colorfully exotic vegetables. The smell of spices and different flavor oozing from my kitchen excite me and make me feel like I am doing something worthwhile. I love cooking as a hobby and it makes me happy that I have learnt it so early in my age.

7. My Hobby Essay – Writing (300 words)

People think a hobby is something you do that you are really good at, but for me it’s different. My hobby is writing and I have been doing it since the age of 5. After coming home from school I would sit at some corner of the house and write about my day. Of course, I did not realize it at that time that I love and enjoy writing. I merely thought that I was penning down my thoughts.

Now just to be clear, I was not good at it. I couldn’t find the words to explain my day. There were a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes and the list goes on. However since I enjoyed doing it in my free time, I kept writing a diary till the age of 12. On my 13 th birthday, I decided to create a blog for my writing musings. I quickly gained a lot of audience as even though I didn’t write well, I included funny tidbits of my daily life in my blogs.

I never earned from my blogs, but I used to take out 30 minutes out of my busy school schedule to make sure that I write and post the blog. Soon I realized that there are some things that you cannot post online, so I diverted back to writing a diary every day. However, after doing this as a hobby for a very long time I have now become a very good writer. I can create my own poems and literature pieces. Moreover I can now write long opinionated articles very well. In my English class, after reading one of my essays my teacher asked me how did I learn to write so well? I smiled and told her ‘Maybe having hobbies actually help us improve our skills after all’

8. My Hobby Essay (300 WORDS)

When it comes to the hobby, it’s a very interesting and good habit for every person. A hobby should have everyone else. Hobby makes everyone busy in free time.

It gets rid of loneliness and prevents from psychological problems. I just remember that when I was three years old kid I used to like spending my free time in the garden. I like so much to be in my green garden with my father every morning.

When I was so small, my parents often laughed at me when I used to pour water on the plants. But now they are so happy and proud to see me in the same garden. I do now everything so perfectly and understand the value of saving plants life. I also understand the importance of trees how they save our lives.

Everyone should have hobbies for every day’s life. Gardening helps us to get a close connection with nature. Hobby increases the pleasure of our mind, soul, and body. It increases our creativity and develops our mind.

My favorite hobby is gardening and I love planting and pouring water every morning. I enjoy the flowers’ blooming and plants growing. Trees grow as like as us. In my garden, I have different types of trees in such as flower trees, mango trees, and some vegetables trees etc. I watch them as my best friend and every day I take care of them. It grows very well.

I realize the great achievement and fact of life. It helps me to be healthy, fit and strong. It always refreshes my mind and gives me a good mood. This types of extra-curricular activities always helps us to develop our motor skills. Finally, everyone should have a good hobby like gardening. Through the hobby, anyone can get a great help for the long run.

9. My Hobby Essay— Reading Books (500 words)

A hobby is something that keeps the passion alive inside you. It can be anything from singing, dancing to reading. My hobby is reading books.

Since childhood, I have always been the kind of kid who was engrossed in reading novels twice the size of my face. In class, at home or even when I would go to visit my relatives, I would always have a novel with me. Reading novels and stories is my hobby. I love that people think I am a nerd for reading books all the time but in reality, reading soothes me. When I come home from a long day at school, I want to come home and read books to divert my mind off the anxiety of school work. It helps me relax and feel better

I have always had this weird feeling that books talk to me and inspire me to become a better person. I take inspiration to be a brand new person everyday whenever I read a book. When I was reading the Pride and Prejudice, I became strong and fierce like Jane. I started having a lot of opinions, and I could feel my personality developing like Jane. However, when I was reading Harry Potter, I could almost swear that I am Harry Potter. In weirdly strange ways I start developing the habits from my favorite characters in the books and start acting that way.

Over my lifetime, I have read over 2000 books. I don’t focus on a particular genre; I just care about the words written inside that book. One of the best things about reading as a hobby is the smell of new books. I feel like I am addicted to the smell of pages and the sound of a crisp page turning as I get access to the new chapter of the book.

There are many reasons why I enjoy reading books so much. One of the top reasons is that I love travelling, and since I don’t afford travelling so often, I can travel from the Mediterranean islands to the beaches of Florida, from the 16 th Century to the 18 th Century, all through my books. I can live the lives of lords and ladies, and even see the world through the eyes of prince and princesses. A book seems like the most private thing and I feel like a whole new being after reading a book.

Another reason why I love reading so much is that my mind feels fresh after I read the books. I get a lot of information that others are unaware of, which makes me ready to face any challenges of life.

My father realized my passion in an early age and got me a membership to my city’s library. I now visit the library every week, sometimes even twice a week to borrow my favorite books and read, read and read! I know that hobbies are only considered a way of passing time, but I can safely say that my hobby has actually become my passion.

10. My Hobby Essay – Painting and Drawing (500 words)

There comes a time in everybody’s life when they are feeling at a loss for words. There are moments when people want to communicate their feelings but can’t find the words to explain those feelings. At those times, painting or drawing is the perfect way to communicate your feelings to the world. My hobby is drawing and painting. There is nothing more in the world that I enjoy more than drawing, painting and filling colors in the sky that I drew up myself.

I developed this hobby a few years ago after we were assigned to paint a picture book for our summer vacation holidays. Naturally, I thought I am not good at painting but as the days passed I practiced and became better at it. Colors, lines and the strokes of paint brushes made me feel like I am doing something great. I started exploring painting and drawing more and creating paintings on different things such as cards, mugs, and even my keychains. It makes me feel relaxed and anxiety-free.

Soon, I started enjoying painting so much that I bought oil paints and started painting cartoon characters on the wall of our backyard.

When my father found out, he acted like he is very furious about it. But later in the day he went out and brought more colors and canvases for me so I can create better paintings and polish this hobby as much as I want to. Then I used to draw on canvases and paint them and hang them around in our house. All the guests used to praise my art and drawings a lot and this gave me a confidence boost to know that I am good at something.

I don’t call myself artist, as painting and drawing don’t come naturally to me. It is rather something that I have perfected over the years as I liked doing it. If I have to study painting and drawing I would have never enjoyed it as I don’t like to put boundaries on my art. I like the fact that I am not doing this for a living and that I am not studying it in college. This means that I don’t have to be perfect at it, but enjoy it as I create paintings that are messy and creative. I believe hobbies should never be tied into a profession or education, but they are something that a person should keep for their own happiness.

I have painted over 100 portraits till now. Painting and drawing is something that makes me feel calm and creative. Now that I have developed this talent of writing, I like painting for myself so it makes me happy. Painting and Drawing are a hobby that have become inseparable from me now. It has become not only my favorite pastime but also one of widely appreciated talents.

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My Favorite Hobby Essay: 50 Words,100 Words,150 Words and1000 Words

Imagine a world where every day offers an escape into something you love, a sanctuary where time stands still and the heart races with joy. This is the essence of a hobby, a personal retreat that offers solace, excitement, and fulfillment. As we delve into “My Hobby Essay,” we embark on a journey to uncover the layers of enthusiasm, creativity, and personal growth that hobbies bring into our lives.

Hobbies are the silent storytellers of our lives, painting vivid pictures of our interests, aspirations, and quests for happiness. They range from the simplicity of reading a book to the adrenaline rush of skydiving, each with its own flavor and essence. Through this exploration, we’ll discover how these cherished activities reflect our inner selves, offering both a mirror and a window into who we are and who we aspire to be.

Now, let us transition into the heart of the essay, where we’ll weave through the narratives of joy, challenge, and discovery that hobbies entail. Prepare to explore the profound impact of our favorite pursuits on our well-being and identity, and how they become not just a part of our routine, but a vital component of our very essence.

My Hobby Essay 50 Words

My hobby is drawing, a serene escape that allows me to express creativity and emotions without words. With each stroke, I explore various textures and shades, bringing my imagination to life. It’s a journey of constant learning and self-discovery, where blank canvases transform into expressions of my inner world.

My Hobby Essay 100 Words

My hobby is reading, a simple activity that opens doors to endless imagination and knowledge. It all began when I discovered a dusty old book in my attic, sparking a love for stories that whisked me away to different worlds. Through reading, I’ve journeyed to magical lands, solved mysteries alongside detectives, and lived through historical events. This hobby has not only expanded my vocabulary but also enriched my understanding of diverse cultures and human emotions. It offers a sanctuary where I can unwind and recharge, providing comfort and inspiration in my daily life. Reading is more than a hobby; it’s a window to the vast universe, teaching me new things with every page turned.

My Hobby Essay 150 Words

My hobby is gardening, a passion that roots me in the pleasures of nature and the cycle of life. It began as a small project with a few pots and has since blossomed into a vibrant oasis that I nurture with love and patience. Through gardening, I have learned the importance of care, dedication, and the delicate balance of nature. Watching seeds sprout into plants and flowers bloom is a constant reminder of the wonders of life and the rewards of attentive stewardship.

Gardening offers me a tranquil retreat from the bustle of everyday life, a place where I can find peace and rejuvenation among the greenery and fragrant blooms. It’s not just about the beauty of the flowers or the freshness of home-grown vegetables; it’s about the connection to the earth and the joy of seeing my efforts flourish. This hobby has enriched my life, providing both physical exercise and a profound sense of accomplishment and serenity.

My Hobby Essay 200 Words

My hobby, gardening, has rooted itself deeply into the fabric of my life, offering me both a physical and mental sanctuary. This green oasis I tend to is not just about the act of planting and watching things grow; it’s a profound connection to nature that teaches patience, care, and the cycle of life. Each seed sown is a testament to hope, a promise of new life waiting to unfold under the warmth of the sun and the care of my hands.

Gardening is more than a pastime—it’s a dialogue with nature. As I dig, plant, and nurture, I find myself grounded in the present moment, away from the distractions of the digital world. The garden is a place of endless lessons, where each plant’s growth or struggle reflects the delicate balance of life. It has taught me resilience, as not every plant thrives, and adaptability, learning what each species needs to flourish.

Moreover, gardening is a creative outlet, allowing me to design landscapes that change with the seasons, offering a constantly evolving palette of colors and textures. It provides not only a sense of accomplishment but also contributes to my physical well-being, with fresh produce right from my backyard. In essence, gardening enriches my life, offering solace, education, and a deep appreciation for the simple, yet profound, joys of life.

My Hobby Essay 250 Words

My hobby of playing the piano transcends mere musical practice; it is an immersive journey into the realm of melody and emotion. This enchanting world of black and white keys has become a sanctuary for my soul, a place where I can express my deepest feelings without uttering a single word. From the first timid touch of the keys to mastering complex compositions, each note played is a step deeper into the heart of music itself.

The piano is not just an instrument; it is a vessel for storytelling. Through it, I have discovered the power of music to convey stories, evoke emotions, and connect with others on a profound level. It has taught me the beauty of discipline and the reward of perseverance, as mastering each piece requires patience and dedication. The satisfaction of finally playing a piece fluently is incomparable, a true testament to the journey of learning and growth.

Beyond personal fulfillment, playing the piano has opened avenues for social connection and cultural appreciation. Performing for others brings a sense of community and shared joy, while exploring different genres has deepened my appreciation for the diversity of musical expression across cultures. It’s a hobby that nurtures my creativity, enhances my emotional intelligence, and broadens my understanding of the world.

Furthermore, the mental and emotional benefits of playing the piano are significant. It serves as a therapeutic escape, where stress and anxiety dissolve into the harmony of music. This meditative aspect of playing brings tranquility to my mind, making it not just a hobby, but a crucial element of my well-being.

In essence, playing the piano is a multifaceted hobby that enriches my life in countless ways. It is an endless journey of discovery, expression, and connection, making it a deeply cherished aspect of my existence.

My Hobby Essay 1000 Words

Football, more than just a game, is a world of its own that brings people together, transcending borders and cultures. From the moment I kicked my first ball, I was captivated by the sheer joy and freedom it offered. This essay explores my journey with football as a hobby, its impact on my life, and the lessons it continues to teach me.

The Beginning: Falling in Love with Football

My journey with football began in my early childhood, in the open fields of my local park. It was there, amidst laughter and shouts, that I discovered my passion for the game. The excitement of chasing the ball, the camaraderie among players, and the thrill of scoring a goal hooked me completely. Football was no longer just a pastime; it became my hobby, my passion, and a significant part of my identity.

The Game: More Than Just Playing

Playing football is not just about the physical game; it’s about strategy, teamwork, and mental toughness. Each match is a new challenge, a puzzle to be solved with creativity and cooperation. As I honed my skills on the field, I also learned the importance of communication, leadership, and resilience. Football taught me to think on my feet, adapt to changing situations, and above all, work harmoniously with others towards a common goal.

The Challenges: Growing Through Adversity

Like any journey, mine with football has had its share of obstacles. Injuries, defeats, and moments of self-doubt tested my commitment to the game. However, these challenges only deepened my love for football. They taught me the value of perseverance, the importance of dedication, and the power of a positive mindset. Overcoming these hurdles has made every victory on the field even more rewarding.

The Community: A Sense of Belonging

Football has given me a community, a sense of belonging to something larger than myself. Whether it’s with friends at a local park or with a team in a more structured league, the bonds formed on the football field are unique and enduring. This community has supported me through thick and thin, celebrating every triumph and commiserating every defeat. It’s a brotherhood forged in sweat and ambition, a family united by a shared love for the game.

The Lessons: Beyond the Field

The lessons learned from playing football extend far beyond the field. It has taught me about respect—respect for the rules, opponents, and the spirit of the game. It has instilled in me the importance of hard work, discipline, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. Football has been a mirror reflecting my strengths and weaknesses, pushing me to grow, not just as a player, but as a person.

The Impact: Shaping My Worldview

Football has shaped my worldview in profound ways. It has taught me that success is not just about talent; it’s about effort, attitude, and the courage to keep going despite setbacks. This hobby has shown me the beauty of diversity and the strength that comes from unity. It has made me more open-minded, tolerant, and appreciative of different cultures and backgrounds.

The Future: Continuing the Journey

My journey with football is far from over. I look forward to many more years of playing, learning, and growing with the game. Football will continue to be a significant part of my life, offering new challenges to overcome and more joy to discover. As I move forward, I am excited about passing on my love for the game to others, inspiring them to find the same joy and passion in football that I have.

Playing football is more than a hobby; it is a vital part of who I am. It has enriched my life in countless ways, teaching me lessons that extend well beyond the game. Football has given me a community, shaped my character, and provided a source of joy, passion, and fulfillment. As I lace up my boots and step onto the field, I am reminded of the incredible journey football has taken me on—a journey of growth, camaraderie, and love for the beautiful game.

My Hobby Essay 10 Lines

My hobby is playing football, a sport that brings joy and excitement into my life. From the moment I kick the ball, I feel a surge of energy and freedom. It’s not just about scoring goals; it’s about teamwork, strategy, and the thrill of the game. Every match is a new adventure, offering lessons in perseverance, discipline, and sportsmanship. On the field, I forget all my worries, focusing solely on the game and my teammates. Football has taught me the importance of hard work, determination, and the value of practice. Whether playing in the rain or under the shining sun, the joy of football remains constant. It connects me with people from different backgrounds, fostering friendships and understanding. Through football, I’ve learned to set goals, celebrate successes, and learn from defeats. This hobby is an essential part of my life, offering physical fitness, fun, and invaluable life lessons.

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My Hobby Essay

My Hobby Essay | Essay on My Hobby for Students and Children in English

My Hobby Essay: A hobby is an activity that one does in one’s spare time. It is an activity that brings joy and is something that one finds interesting.

10 Lines on My Hobby

  • What is called a hobby?
  • Is it important to have hobbies?
  • Why do we need a hobby?

Short Essay on My Hobby 200 Words for Kids and Students in English

Below we have given a short essay on My Hobby is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

Flying kites and gardening are my hobbies. I love kites and have many in my collection. They are of all shapes, sizes and colours. I also have some imported kites.

Kites are made from thin paper and bamboo strips. A special string is required to fly kites. Kite flying is a very popular hobby in India and regular competitions are held in almost every city.

My Hobby Essay

Every Sunday I fly kites from my terrace. It is a wonderful sight to see colourful kites flying in the clear blue sky. I also like to fly kites from the big playground in our colony. A lot of older people also come there to fly kites. They are all very skilled and it is fun to watch their kites fly.

Gardening is another hobby I enjoy. I have many kinds of plants at home and nearly 50 pots. During summers, I have to water my plants every day. But during winters, watering even once a week is enough. I love to see my plants first thing in the morning. They look so green and fresh. The beautiful, colourful flowers give me a lot of pleasure.

Indulging in my hobbies gives real pleasure to me.

Students can find more English  Essay Writing  Topics, Ideas, Easy Tips to Write Essay Writing and many more.

  • There must be something that rejuvenates us after a hectic day- something that makes us relieve our stress and make us feel relaxed.
  • That something is called a hobby.
  • My hobby is Gardening. Firstly, I Prepare the soil knowing that if the soil is not good plants will not flourish.
  • After planting you should remove weeds, dead leaves around the plants, etc.
  • I grow various kinds of plants in my house.
  • I look after them and water them daily.
  • Gardening makes me feel happy and it provides me with fruits and vegetables.
  • Moving around the garden is a kind of exercise for me.
  • I take pleasure in doing things in my garden.
  • Beautiful view of my garden gives pleasure to everyone who passes by.

Essay on my Hobby

Read More: My Hobby Essay

FAQs on My Hobby

1.  What is called a hobby?

A hobby is a regular activity done for enjoyment, typically during one’s leisure time.

2. Is it important to have hobbies?

Hobbies build confidence because being good at something and learning something new is very rewarding.

3. Why do we need a hobby?

It helps to relieve stress by keeping you engaged in something you enjoy. Hobbies give you a way to take your mind off the stresses of everyday life.

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English Aspirants

My Hobby Paragraph in English [100, 120, 150 Words]

My Hobby Paragraph in English: A free time occupation for the sake of fun and pleasure is known as a hobby. In this article, you are going to learn how to write a paragraph on my hobby paragraph in English. Here we’ve provided 3 paragraphs on this topic (100, 120, and 150 words). These paragraphs will be helpful for the students from class 1 to class 12. So, let’s begin.

Table of Contents

My Hobby Paragraph: 100 Words

Reading books is my hobby. This hobby got started when I was a little boy. It is one of the best habits that one can cultivate. Books provide the reader with so much information and facts. Book is the best medicine to eradicate boredom. They provide relief from monotony. I can enjoy the company of great writers by reading their works.

They give us food for the mind. Reading enables me to learn so many things that I would otherwise not know. They help us develop our overall personality. It is indeed a good hobby.

My Hobby Paragraph in English

Paragraph on My Hobby: 120 Words

A hobby is something which we do in our free time. Hobbies can be anything like reading, drawing, gardening, dancing, singing, and many more. My hobby is drawing. I like drawing since my childhood. I got the first prize in the drawing competition of my school. I mostly draw pictures of people, animals, birds, flowers, mountains, etc.

I also like to draw pencil sketches. I find drawing very interesting and it gives me pleasure. Drawing serves as a medium for the expression of my creativity. The habit of drawing makes us creative people. I spend my free time drawing pictures. I have so many types of colour pencils, crayons, water colours, and sketches. I would like to become an artist when I grow up.

Paragraph on My Hobby

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My Hobby Paragraph Writing: 150 Words

I never like to spend my hours out of doors. I am for a confined life within my study. Reading is a favourite pursuit with me. This is my favourite hobby. This has ever acted as a joy of my day-to-day life. Reading is, indeed, a passion with me. Reading is my hobby since my childhood. It is in my very blood. I get immense pleasure from this. It may be a rainy day.

It is not possible to go out. But I am quite happy with my books. Again, it may be a cold night. Streets and trams and buses may be deserted. But I am in the crowded world of the stories of mighty authors. Books provide me relief from monotony. They never fail to give me comfort and delight. Reading has improved my vocabulary and communication skills. They form my dearest hobby.

My Hobby Paragraph Writing

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My Hobby Paragraph Writing

My Hobby Paragraph Writing: 100, 250, 500 words

Write a paragraph on My Hobby. Here is 5 types of My Hobby Paragraph Writing // my hobby essay

My Hobby “Gardening” Paragraph Writing 100 words Format: 1

Many people have different hobbies like philately, photography, travelling and many other things. I have also a hobby-the hobby of gardening. We have a small lawn in front of our house and I have laid out my flower garden there. It has a variety of season flowers grown. It is said that a beautiful flower is the loveliest creation of God. Really, as I feast my eyes upon the beauties in my garden and inhale their sweetness, I almost forget myself in sheer delight.

I have a kitchen garden at the back of the house. Here I grow vegetables of common use. This not only saves us money but also gives us fresh things. I spend most of my idle time in my hobby. Time flies away when I am absorbed in it. Often I go to a local nursery to buy saplings and manure. Gardening requires a good deal of labour. The soil has to be carefully prepared with water and manure. I have to keep a watch on the plants for possible attacks from ants and insects. I do all these myself. Still the labour and trouble are nothing in comparison with the joy I find in the hobby.

My Hobby “Reading Books” Paragraph Writing 250 words Format: 2

Hobby is the favorite pastime of a person in their leisure time. Different people have different hobbies such as stamp collecting, growing flowers or vegetables, reading books, or any other similar activities. My favorite hobby is reading books. I think reading books is one of the most important and good habits because books enhance our minds and let us learn new things. The importance of reading books is huge in human life. It improves our mental health and helps us think differently. Reading is highly important to enrich our knowledge. I read all kinds of good books, magazines, newspapers, etc.

I have to read some books for my examination, and I read them with much attention. But when I get leisure or spare time, I start reading other books. I read a new book every day. Novels, fairy tales, adventure stories, detective novels, poems, essays, etc attract me. Wasting time in idle gossiping is something I dislike. I treat books as my friends because they delight me even in times of danger and loneliness. Reading occupies about an hour of my day. Reading is something I enjoy and find very fulfilling. I also acquire knowledge from my reading, which helps broaden my outlook. So, a person must have a hobby that gives pleasure, knowledge, and removes the pangs of loneliness.

My Hobby “Drawing” Paragraph Writing Format: 3

My hobby is drawing. I love to draw different subjects like animals, flowers, and cartoons. Whenever I have free time, I take out my drawing book and pencils and start sketching. Drawing makes me feel happy and relaxed, helping me express my creativity and imagination.

I enjoy using different colors to make my drawings vibrant and lively. Sometimes, I even create my own characters and stories through drawing. It gives me a sense of accomplishment when I see my drawings come to life on paper.

Drawing also helps me improve my concentration and patience, as it requires focus and attention to detail. I have learned that practice is important to become better at drawing. Whenever I make a mistake, I don’t get discouraged. I keep trying until I get it right, which has taught me the value of perseverance and not giving up easily.

I also like to show my drawings to my family and friends. They appreciate my artwork and encourage me to keep drawing, motivating me to continue honing my skills and exploring new techniques.

In conclusion, drawing is my favorite hobby. It makes me happy and allows me to express my creativity. I will continue to draw and improve my skills.

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My Hobby “Dancing” Paragraph Writing 400 words Format: 4


A hobby is something that people love to do when they are free, and it makes them feel relaxed and entertained. In this busy working world, everyone should have a hobby that makes them happy. Actually, hobbies come to mind automatically. Different people have different types of hobbies.

My Unique Hobby: Dancing

The most common hobbies are gardening, stamp collecting, reading books, drawing, watching TV, etc., but my hobby is quite different from others. I love dancing, and I think that is my hobby. When I was in class six, my parents enrolled me in a dance class, and that was the beginning of my passion for dancing.

Favorite Dance Styles:

My favorite dance styles are hip-hop , contemporary, and classical. I think dancing makes me really calm, and everyone should try it. I avoid dances that are too intense or physically demanding as they can be exhausting and may lead to injuries.

Balancing Time and Passion:

I dance in my leisure time, making sure not to waste time. My aim in life is to become a professional dancer and eventually open my own dance studio. I am working on this daily, learning various dance techniques in depth. My passion is to always be involved in dancing.

The Benefits and Challenges of Dancing:

Dancing has both good and bad sides. Dancing too much without proper rest can lead to physical strain and injuries, and it may distract you from other important tasks. That’s why I encourage everyone to dance in moderation. Personally, I maintain a routine and never dance beyond what my schedule allows.


I usually learn new dance routines every month. My dance instructor introduces new moves and styles to keep things exciting. I love dancing, and it is my favorite hobby. Among other hobbies, I think this is the best one for me.

My Hobby Paragraph Writing Format: 5

The importance of hobbies, definition of a hobby:.

A hobby is a favorite subject or occupation which is not one’s main business. It is taken up simply for pleasure or amusement. The expressions “not one’s main business” and “for pleasure or amusement” should be carefully noted. A man may find pleasure in his main business, or he may have to take up an occupation outside his main business without finding any pleasure in it. Neither of these is a hobby. A hobby must combine both the elements of being “outside one’s main business” and providing “pleasure and amusement.”

Different Types of Hobbies:

Different people have different hobbies. Some take to collecting used stamps, some choose gardening, some angling, some painting, and so on. Whatever the hobby, it has its value. The most important is that it gives zest to life. The work we do for a living or for gain is like a task imposed. We have to do it, whether we get any delight from it or not. But the human heart seeks pure joy in work, and this is found in a hobby. A person chooses a hobby according to their liking, so it gives them real pleasure and amusement. Additionally, a hobby prevents a person from misusing or idling away their leisure hours.

Benefits of Different Hobbies:

Different hobbies develop different qualities. Stamps contain pictures of notable persons, places, and objects of the countries concerned, so stamp collecting gives us interesting lessons in history and geography. It also provides an idea of the arts and tastes of these countries. Gardening and painting develop a sense of beauty and joy in nature, while angling teaches patience and silence.

Proper Boundaries for Hobbies:

However, not everything that gives us amusement is a hobby. It must not interfere with our main business, and the pleasure it provides should be pure and innocent. For instance, if a student neglects their studies in pursuit of a hobby, the hobby becomes a vice. Additionally, a hobby must not be too expensive for our means. In short, the pursuit of a hobby should be kept within proper bounds.

10 lines on my hobby:

(1) I love gardening—it’s my favorite hobby.

(2) Gardening makes me happy and excited.

(3) I plant flowers and watch them grow.

(4) Watering the plants helps them stay healthy.

(5) I take care of my garden by removing weeds.

(6) Gardening teaches me about nature and plants.

(7) I enjoy seeing colorful flowers in my garden.

(8) Gardening makes our environment more beautiful.

(9) I feel proud when my plants grow well.

(10) Overall, gardening is a fulfilling and enjoyable activity for me.

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Paragraph Buzz

My Hobby Paragraphs | 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 Words for Class 1-10

Life is boring with work and that’s why people need to have a hobby which will make him relaxed. Your hobby could be a way to keep yourself entertained. Here are the top short and long paragraphs on my hobby. I hope these paragraphs will assist you in your study.

In This Blog We Will Discuss

My Hobby – Paragraph: 1 (100 Words)

My hobby is drawing, I love to draw. When I was a kid, I loved playing with color pencils and oil pastels. Now I am a high school student and I am still trying to draw better. I hope that I will be an artist in the future. My parents are really supportive and they always inspire me to draw.

My father buys me drawing pencils and paper. In my free time, I don’t watch TV, I draw. I think that helps me to become creative. Drawing is my passion. The most beautiful scene for me is the sunset on the beach.    

Your Favorite Hobby: Cooking – Paragraph: 2 (150 Words)

Everyone has a hobby and so do I. My hobby is cooking. I love to cook. At first, I used to help my mom in her cooking. But later I found that I really enjoy cooking. I asked my mom to teach me that, and she was really happy about this.  Then she teaches me and I learned pretty much everything about cooking.

I don’t get enough time to cook but I try my best. Everyone says that my cooked food is really delicious and I think so also. I wish to become a popular cooking teacher in the future. People should learn so many cooking techniques that I know now. 

I watch YouTube videos regularly which helps me to gain so much knowledge on different types of cooking. Once I cook for my cousin who came from America and he was amazed after eating that food. That day was really inspiring for me, everybody praised my dish and then I never looked back and never give up.    

My Favorite Hobby: Book Reading – Paragraph: 3 (200 Words)

My hobby is book reading. I started reading a book from the first grade when my father took me into a book fair and I bought a few cartoon books. I never looked back then. That’s the only thing that makes me happy. I can forget everything in this world when I am with a good book.

I used to read stories and fiction in my primary school days. But now I am pretty much grown up and I love reading books related to science and history. Bangladesh has an amazing history regarding the 1971 liberation war. I have read more than 10 books on that particular topic. I don’t read only Bengali books.

There are so many English books that I have read. My favorite book is ‘Science fiction by Muhammad Jafar Iqbal’.  I think he is the best writer in this country for the kids. Humayun Ahmed also has few awesome books but most of his books are for grown peoples.

I want to keep continue my hobby. I think book reading is the best hobby ever. Book seems like a friend. It will never feel you alone. I can spend my leisure time without wasting it. People can gain so much knowledge by reading good books. Everyone should read books.    

My Hobby: Gardening – Paragraph: 3 (250 Words)

People have several types of hobbies and I have a pretty much different hobby in me. My hobby is gardening. A few years ago, I visited Delhi in a cousin’s house and found he has made his own garden in the roof. I thought that was a good idea. I used to love spending time in her garden .

There were several types of flowers and a few vegetables too. I am living in a small city and we have enough land in front of our house where I can do a garden easily. When I came back to Bangladesh from Delhi, I started working on my own garden. My parents were really supportive.

I learned so many things from my cousin. She knows pretty much everything about gardening. When I face any problem, I call her and she makes a solution or provides me a video link where I can find the solution. Right now in my garden, there are 20 types of flowers and other trees.

I was to increase my garden day by day because we have enough land here. Gardening is not hard at all. People think that you have to work hard in the sun. Not at all, you can do all of your work in the afternoon. I do that. But taking care of your garden is really important, otherwise, it won’t work.

I have witnessed so many failures in my garden at the beginning. But now I am doing well. If we all do gardening that can help us to save from Environment Pollution and Green House Effect. Everyone should do gardening and make this world green.    

My Hobby: Video Gaming – Paragraph: 4 (300 Words)

A hobby is something that people love to do when he is free and it makes them relaxed and entertained. In this boring working world, everyone should have a hobby that makes him happy. Actually, hobby comes in mind automatically. Several people have several types of hobbies.

The most common hobbies are gardening, stamp collecting, reading books, drawing, watching TV, etc, but my hobby is pretty much different than others. I love playing video games. And I think that is my hobby. When I was in class six, my father bought me a computer and that was my starting in video games.

My favorite game genre is car racing, puzzle, and chess . I think playing chess with a computer makes me really calm and everyone should play this game. I avoid shooting games, these are really addictive and shooting games are not good for health.

I play games in my leisure time, I don’t waste time playing games. My aim in life is to become a computer engineer and then build my own games. I am working on this daily. I am learning computer in-depth. My passion is to work with the computer always.

The video game has a good side and bad side both. Playing too many video games can ruin your attention power; you won’t be able to attentive in your study. That’s why I say every one to play in a limit. Personally, I maintain a routine and never play out of routine .

I usually buy new games every month. My elder brother brings a game CD for me. I love video game and this is my favorite hobby. Among other hobbies, I think this is the best one for me.

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Student Essays

Essay on My Hobby

13 Award Winning Essays on My Hobby For Students [ 2024 ]

A hobby is called a pastime activity for which one is passionate. Everyone enjoys doing what he likes the most in his free time. There are many hobbies like drawing, dancing, playing, stamp collecting, horse riding, books reading, swimming, singing, traveling, gardening etc.

Essay on My Hobby Drawing/Painting

The nature of a human being is different and diverse. Apart from living for others, a human mind is always inclined towards some sort of skill or activity that makes him happy and engaged. Those skills can be reading, writing, traveling, painting, etc.

A hobby is what a pastime pleasure that keeps you engaged, focused and happy all the way. It is born out of sheer interest and aptitude of human nature into some sort of skill and activity. Apart from having a lot of interests and activities in life, my hobby is painting. It has been with me since my childhood when I used to make random pictures, portraits with colors randomly.

Though it caught the attention of my parents lately. But thanks to all, I am never restricted from getting engaged deeply into my hobby. I am rather appreciated and regarded well in my family. I belong to a family where my father is a well-educated businessman and my mother is a writer. Perhaps, I have inherited my father’s aptitude and my mother’s talent combined to make me an adept painter and drawer.

Apart from my home, I am well known in my circle of friends. I always participate in various drawing and painting competitions that are held in my school from time to time. I am extremely thankful for the skills that I always win rewards and applause from my teachers. I have been three times gold medalist in annual inter-schools drawing and art competitions

Painting is an art. It is more a natural gift. I feel deeply engaged when I turn myself to painting and drawing. I am deeply inspired by the life and works of the world’s famous painters including Leanardo, Pablo Piccaso and Vincent van Gogh. There are deep lessons from their lives for us to learn.

I hold painting as a sacred art. It strengthens your belief in peace, love, and prosperity of human beings all around the world. The painters are also the custodians of art literature, history as the sacred trusts.

Essay on My Hobby

Essay on My hobby Dancing

Like all other hobbies, dancing on melodious music is one of the most favorite hobbies around the world. It keeps active and alert. It is an art that is developed with intense and rigorous preparation of body and mind. Not only it involves the movement of the body but it takes your mind and soul to become a good stage performer. As it said;

“Dance is the hidden language of the soul.” Martha Graham

Dancing is my favorite hobby. Since the days of my childhood to this day, I have learned and performed dancing on various occasions. I have got a list of awards won by me in various dance competitions. I vividly remember my very first dance. Inspired by my cousin, I jumped into dancing at the age of 5 years. I wore a pink dress and performed a ballet dance.

It was one of the memorial days of my life. Since then, I became attached to dancing. We danced in a group on various occasions and had won so many rewards, trophies, and medals. To be a good dancer apart from a hard practice and experience you need your favorite dance apparel too.

For instance, you can’t impress the audience by having a dance with a bad combination of clothes and shoes. They also help you with your moves and attraction.

“Nobody cares if you can’t dance well. Just get up and dance. Great dancers are great because of their passion.” Martha Graham

There are countless types of dances today. For each type, you have to learn its moves and adopt the particular dancing rhythm without which you can’t have a good dancing impression. A good dance performance keeps you motivated, relaxed and confident in your appearance.

Dancing is a strict and demanding hobby. Everyone can’t have the same. To be a good dancer you need to have the active support of your family. I am thankful to my parents who stood beside my passion for being a good dancer. I have earned a lot of respect and recognition among my peers and nears.

Essay on My hobby Singing

There are countless hobbies people are having around the world. Each person is different from the other. Due to the difference in taste and tendency every person has a different kind of hobby.

Singing is one of the most favorite hobbies in world along with other like dancing, traveling, painting, stamp collecting. etc. Singing is my hobby. In fact I am very passionate about it. It is one of the best hobby that keeps you happy all the time.

It always keeps me happy and refreshed. It provides me a way through which I can express what I feel about anything. I started taking interest in singing right from my childhood. I used to listen the songs of every genre. By and by, I developed a good taste for singing.

Due to my good vocal, I was encouraged by my peers at school and later my family to sing. I always take an active part in all types of functions that are organized at school. I love to please my colleagues and all with my sweet sound. I have won my awards and accolades in singing. I am extremely proud of natural singing style.

No one can be good at any skills without the help of a teacher. I am thankful for my parents who helped me get trained from a well reputed music academy of my city. I learned all the famous styles with popular music genres of world. My tutors always praised me for skills and aptitude in singing. Though I am good at both classical and modern genres of music but I personally like a mixed soft genre of music.

When I sing, I feel like lost in the world far away from here. I forget all and give my full to influence and impress my audience with my heartbreaking singing skills. My hobby has led me towards and established singing career. I feel quite wonderful with a life of singing and entertaining the people from all walks of life. I always encourage my juniors for working hard to achieve the intended aims and goals in life.

To me singing is a sacred art. It is because of the gift of sweet sound that helps you run higher in the field of singing. I believe that with passion, dedication, art and commitment of purpose there is nothing in this world that can’t be achieved. Therefore, I always advice my young singer to learn the art of singing with passion, dedication and patience to be a good singer of tomorrow.

Essay on My hobby Gardening

A hobby is an activity that you passionately do in your free time. Every single man has had a passion to do something. There are countless hobbies like cooking, dancing, fishing, traveling, etc. Every person has a different hobby to do in his/her free time. To me, gardening is my favorite hobby.

I love gardening more than anything else.To satisfy my craze for gardening, I have raised a small garden near my home. I love spending my free time therein. I have planted many trees including some flowers like roses, jasmines in my garden.

I love watering and raising my favorite plants. I also invite my friends to visit my small garden and enjoy sitting in the sweet fragrance of flowers around. Gardening is a smooth and sweet hobby. It helps me get relaxed and refreshed. I spend my quality time with flowers, trees and little birds there in the garden.

To protect my small plants against diseases I consult with gardening experts here in my city. Apart from that, I have raised an iron fence to protect my plants from animals.

Gardening is not an easy activity, especially when you are a newbie in it. Apart from your core interest, good gardening is dependent upon certain factors. It requires a well nourishing soil that helps plants grow smoothly. A dirty and dry soil is quite difficult for gardening. You have to give water to it and add healthy manure and fertilizers to make it nourishing and healthy.

Secondly, gardening requires you to chose the plant breeds wisely. As per your soil and climate needs, decide what you need to plant. You can easily find plants sapling from the market. Be careful of buying healthy sapling to plant because you are going to invest your time and passion in that. After all of these, you have to take strict care of these plants until they grow good.

Gardening is one of the sweetest hobbies one must-have. It makes you relieve stress and anxiety. However tired, tensed and worried you are, you will feel relaxation and happiness inside the garden. Therefore, the gardening hobby has physical, psychological, economic and environmental benefits. One should never leave it as a hobby.

Essay on My Hobby Traveling

Going from one place to another, learning from the historical experiences and strengthens one’s observation and understanding regarding different places of this world, is called traveling. One may travel for several purposes. We all travel in this life for our different works.

Traveling becomes a hobby when you leave another place and find another to gain more knowledge, observation and idea about that out of sheer quest, is called traveling hobby. I am very fond of traveling. It is my best ever hobby. I never settle at one place. Instead, I like visiting different place and meeting different people.

In fact, I am the team leader of our hiking and traveling group at school. Our school offers us a traveling and learning experience to different locations twice a year. That truly helps us in maximizing our knowledge and understanding regarding life.

I like to travel to the historical places like forts, old temples, mountains, sculptures etc. I have visited and explored many historical places in India in Mumbai, Gujrat, Orrissa, Mahrshatra and at other places. I have compiled of my travel experiences around these different places. This serves me a good memory that I enjoy watching in my free time.

Traveling is a wonderful and healthy activity. It has a lot of physical and mental benefits. It adds knowledge, experience and adds more learning. Though it is a bit expensive hobby yet is recommended for a man to travel to different new location once a year at least. It would help a man to stay focused and satisfied in one’s life.

Essay on My hobby Playing  Cricket

A hobby is the name of an activity that one does in his free time with passion, dedication, and joy. A hobby is a pastime activity loved by the people of all around the world. Every man around the world has his/her favorite past time activity called a hobby. Some people enjoy singing, dancing, traveling, cooking while others enjoy playing games, reading books or watching movies. These are all called hobbies.

Playing cricket is my favorite hobby. Cricket makes you happy and healthy. Playing cricket involves a lot of physical exercises and activities. It is a healthy exercise with good physical and mental benefits. Playing cricket is not like a child play. It is liked only be active, alert and smart people.

I have been playing cricket since childhood. In the initial days, I used to play with my peers in the streets. I really miss today the cricket of those days. I have learned from there and since then I am on the way of being a professional hitter batman.

I have earned a good name in my circle because of cricket. I have helped my school cricket team to win annual inter-schools tournament thrice. I received a lot of appreciation and medals due to my best performance at various cricket matches. I am very much inspired by my Indian Cricket team. I like and wish for the way our hero Sachin Tendulkar plays. During my free time, I watch his past matches.

It has greatly helped me in playing and performing well on the cricket ground. I have watched his live performance in a few cricket matches. I always aspire to become a man like him. Apart from Sachin, I am a huge fan of Ms Dhoni, Virat Kolhi, Rahul Dravid, Rahul Sharma, and other hitter and great bowlers of our country. We all love them because they are our pride when the beat other countries in cricket.

Cricket is one of the most popular hobbies across the world. It is a wonderful hobby with a lot of physical and psychological benefits. It can become a good career though. But given the fact, a hobby is always a pastime activity. Therefore, a balance needs to be created between what you and what you need to do. Along with cricket, our study and career choice are also important. Therefore, friends should decide wisely.

My Hobby Listening Music:

Music is a universal language that has the power to bring people together, soothe our souls and uplift our spirits. It is no surprise then that music is considered to be one of the most popular hobbies across the world. As for me, listening to music has been my favorite pastime since I was a child.

Whenever I feel overwhelmed with stress or need some time for myself, I turn to music. It has the ability to calm me down and transport me to a whole other world. Whether it is a happy or sad mood, there is always a genre of music that perfectly captures my feelings.

Furthermore, listening to music also helps me discover new artists, genres and cultures. Through music, I have been introduced to different styles from around the world and have gained a deeper appreciation for various cultures.

Moreover, my hobby of listening to music has also helped me develop critical thinking skills. As I listen to different songs, I analyze the lyrics, the melody and the emotions conveyed. This not only enhances my understanding of the music but also allows me to think creatively and critically.

Overall, my hobby of listening to music brings me joy, relaxation and a sense of connection to the world. It is an essential part of my life and I believe that everyone should have a hobby that serves as an outlet for their emotions and allows them to explore new horizons. After all, music truly has the power to transform our lives for the better. So, let’s keep listening! # Keep Listening! # Music is Life! # Music knows no boundaries!

My Hobby Essay 100-120-200 Words:

My hobby is one of the most important things in my life. It’s something that brings me joy, relaxation and a sense of accomplishment. I can’t even imagine my life without it.

Ever since I was a kid, I loved painting. But as I grew older, my interest shifted towards digital art. It started as a simple pastime activity but now it has become my passion. I spend hours creating different digital designs, experimenting with colors and textures, and constantly improving my skills. Whether it’s through drawing on a tablet or using graphic design software, I always find myself lost in the world of art.

My hobby not only helps me express myself creatively but also allows me to de-stress from the daily grind. It’s like therapy for me, helping me forget my worries and anxieties. Moreover, I have even sold a few of my designs and received many compliments on them which gives me a sense of accomplishment.

In today’s fast-paced world, it is essential to have a hobby that brings joy and balance to our lives. It could be anything from writing, dancing, cooking or even gardening. Hobbies not only make us happy but also help us develop new skills, broaden our perspectives and meet new people.

So, find your passion and indulge in it; you never know where it might lead you! So, go ahead and explore different hobbies until you find the one that brings happiness to your life.

My Hobby Essay 10 Lines:

  • Hello little ones! Today I want to tell you about my favorite hobby – writing short stories!
  • My hobby is something that I love to do in my free time, and it makes me really happy.
  • Writing short stories is like creating a whole new world where anything can happen!
  • It’s so much fun to come up with characters, settings, and plot twists for my stories.
  • Sometimes I even draw pictures to go along with my stories, making them even more special.
  • My hobby also helps me improve my reading and writing skills, which is really important for school.
  • Whenever I’m feeling bored or sad, I turn to my hobby and it instantly cheers me up.
  • I love to share my stories with my friends and family, and they always encourage me to keep writing.
  • Who knows, maybe one day I’ll be a famous author because of my hobby!
  • So, if you’re ever feeling creative and want to make your own little world, try writing short stories like me! Keep exploring new hobbies and have fun!

My Hobby Essay 300 Words:

Hobbies are an essential part of our life. Everyone has something that they love to do in their free time, and for me, it’s gardening. I have been passionate about gardening since I was a child. Whenever I see plants, trees or flowers, my heart fills with joy. My hobby is not only a source of recreation for me but also helps me connect with nature. In this essay, I’m going to share why gardening is my favourite hobby.

Firstly, gardening has always been an excellent stress buster for me. Whenever I feel overwhelmed or stressed out, a walk in my garden makes me feel refreshed and rejuvenated. Seeing the colourful flowers bloom and hearing the chirping of birds relaxes my mind and helps me forget all my worries. I believe that indulging in our hobbies is crucial to maintain a work-life balance.

Secondly, gardening has taught me a lot about patience and perseverance. It takes time for plants to grow and bloom, and I have learned to be patient while tending to them. Some seasons are not suitable for certain plants, but with proper care and effort, they bear fruits or flowers eventually. This has taught me to never give up and keep trying even when things don’t go as planned.

Moreover, gardening also helps me stay connected with nature. We live in a world where technology has taken over our lives, and we spend most of our time indoors. But my hobby allows me to spend some quality time outdoors and appreciate the beauty of nature. Working with soil, plants and water gives me a sense of peace and helps me appreciate the little things in life.

In conclusion, gardening is not just a hobby for me; it’s a way of life. It has numerous physical and mental benefits, and I’m grateful to have found something that brings me so much joy. I believe everyone should have a hobby which they are passionate about, as it not only adds value to our lives but also helps us grow as individuals.

My Hobby Essay for Class 12:

Hobbies are activities that we do for pleasure during our free time. They provide a much-needed break from our hectic schedules and help us to relax and unwind. For class 12 students, having a hobby is even more important as it allows them to take a break from their studies and recharge themselves.

Importance of Having a Hobby

Having a hobby can have numerous benefits for students. Firstly, it helps to relieve stress and anxiety caused by the pressure of studies. Hobbies also help in improving mental health as they provide an outlet for creativity and self-expression.

They can also act as a form of exercise, helping students to stay physically fit. Hobbies also allow students to explore new talents and skills, which can be greatly beneficial for their personal growth.

My Hobby – Gardening

Gardening is my favorite hobby. It brings me immense joy and satisfaction to see the plants I have nurtured grow and flourish. After a tiring day at school, gardening helps me to relax and forget all my worries. It also provides me with an opportunity to spend time with my family as we often work on our garden together.

How Gardening Has Helped Me

Gardening has taught me patience, dedication and the importance of nurturing. It has also given me a sense of responsibility as I have to take care of the plants regularly. Moreover, it has helped me to appreciate nature and its beauty. Through gardening, I have also learned important life lessons such as the importance of hard work, perseverance and never giving up.

In conclusion, having a hobby is crucial for students as it allows them to take a break from their studies and recharge themselves. Gardening has been my source of joy and fulfillment, and I am grateful that I discovered this hobby. I would encourage all class 12 students to find a hobby that they enjoy and make time for it in their busy schedules as it can have numerous benefits in the long run. So, what are you waiting for? Go out there and discover your passion! So, what are you waiting for? Go out there and discover your passion

My Hobby Essay for Class 3:

Hobbies are activities that we do for our own pleasure and enjoyment. They can be anything from playing sports, listening to music, painting, or even collecting something special. Hobbies not only provide us with a way to relax and unwind but also help in developing our skills and abilities.

As a 3rd-grade student, you may already have a hobby that you love doing, or you may be just starting to explore different activities. Either way, it is important to have a hobby as it can bring joy and positivity into our lives.

One of the most common hobbies for children your age is playing sports. You can choose from a range of sports like football, basketball, cricket, or badminton. Not only does playing sports keep you physically active, but it also helps in developing teamwork, coordination, and leadership skills. Plus, it’s a great way to make new friends and have fun!

If sports are not your thing, don’t worry! There are plenty of other hobbies that you can explore. Some children love to read books and get lost in the magical world of stories. Reading is a wonderful hobby as it improves vocabulary, comprehension, and imagination. You can also try your hand at writing stories or poems if you have a creative side.

Another popular hobby among children is painting or drawing. It’s amazing how much creativity can be expressed through colors and lines. Painting and drawing not only allows you to create beautiful artwork but also helps in improving focus, patience, and fine motor skills.

If you love animals, then taking care of pets can be a great hobby for you. Whether it’s a dog, cat, bird, or fish, having a pet teaches us responsibility and compassion towards other living beings. You can also join an animal shelter or volunteer at a local zoo to learn more about different animals and their habitats.

As you can see, there is no limit to the types of hobbies you can have. You can even collect something that interests you, like coins, stamps, or rocks. Collecting objects allows us to learn more about different cultures and places while also developing organizational skills.

In conclusion, having a hobby is important for all of us, especially for children. It helps in building character, learning new skills, and keeping us happy. So, whether it’s playing sports, reading books, painting, or anything else that brings you joy, make sure to continue pursuing your hobby and exploring new ones as well.

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1. What is your hobby paragraph?

A hobby is the pastime activity for fun, entertainment, learning some skills or converting it into a full time business/job with passion. There are different hobbies like singing and dancing, playing cricket, football etc, Painting and drawing, walking or traveling etc.

2. How can I write about my hobbies?

Its quite simple to write about your hobby or hobbies. Just simply write a brief introduction and explanation of your hobby with its positive qualities and reasons why you like it most. In addition, to that, write points why your hobby is suitable to your personality or appearance.

3. What is your Favorite hobby and why?

My favorite hobby is traveling all across the area I live. In my free time or during vacations I prefer to stay outside and explore the beauty of nature. I have traveled to many good places of my country. I love meeting new people, visiting new places and exploring new opportunities and challenges.

I am the man of creative ability and have an instinct to explore new things. I love writing and exploring new things. I always love challenges and meeting new people and making new friends

4. How do hobbies help us?

The hobbies are the inherent part of our life. They help us stay focused and in fresh healthy mood. The hobbies help us to channelize our leisure time for a good goal in life. The hobby like writing help us to summarize our experience in our own words. We reflect on our life and try to improve ourselves for our goals in life.

The hobby like dancing helps us stay fit and even we can channelize that hobby into our profession. Same goes with the hobby playing cricket or football. They help us maintain our bodily health. In fact, all  the hobbies have some great purpose and benefit for us in life.

5. Why is it important to have a hobby?

The hobby is in fact the part of our personality. A stronger, healthy and successful man does always maintain some good hobbies. The hobby reflects our personality, our preferences and our interest and aptitude to our life

6. What are cool hobbies?

There are many cool hobbies in life including, writing, singing and dancing, cooking, traveling, swimming, riding reading books etc.

7. What is a good hobby?

Every hobby is good. In fact, the hobby is what a person does with passion for his mental, spiritual or monetary benefits. However, it should be noted that there is  a difference between a hobby and habit. A hobby is always positive, good and a man always finds satisfactions while doing that. Whereas, the habit is one that is acquired and left when needed

8. What are social hobbies?

The hobbies that require social presence are called social hobbies e.g dancing, singing, playing cricket or football, traveling etc. For social hobbies you have to interact  with the people. Whereas, the hobbies that can be done alone are non social hobbies. e.g reading book, listening songs, watching movies etc

9. How do you develop a hobby?

The hobby is the sum total of your interest and aptitude for something. It is your great interest for something that makes a hobby. The interest can be developed by rigorous practice and following rules and discipline

10 thoughts on “13 Award Winning Essays on My Hobby For Students [ 2024 ]”

Greetings! Very helpful advice in this particular post! It is the little changes that produce the most significant changes. Thanks for sharing!

incredible information yu just shared in your blog, thank you

Now much good

Thanks for sharing this because I was helped in this in my extempore.

This website is too too good because it mentions around 3 to 4 hobbies write-up. And from that we can choose what we really like. Thank you so muchđŸ‘đŸ». Good jobđŸ‘đŸ».

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10 Lines on My Hobby for Students and Children in English

June 22, 2020 by Prasanna

10 Lines on My Hobby: A hobby is an energetic activity that makes you happier and complete. Hobby is not a profession or money earning source but a habit that makes the person really happy.  Hobby makes a person’s mind relaxed and stress-free; it removes tension from the person’s brain. Having a hobby is important because they give you the chance to enjoy your free time to do something with gives you joy. Your hobby can help you to relax your mind and let you feel better. There is a long list of hobby which you can follow or do in your free time to make yourself feel refreshed. Hobbies can include gardening, knitting, DIYs, painting, writing, reading, or collection of any items.

You can read more  10 Lines  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Set 1 – 10 Lines on My Hobby for Kids

Set 1 is helpful for students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

  • My hobby is collecting car toys from the movie cars.
  • My favorite car is the Lightning McQueen. It’s a racing car.
  • I have many toys of Lightning McQueen.
  • Mt favorite color for cars is red because McQueen is also red.
  • I keep all my cars ion my chest drawers top, so no one is allowed to touch it.
  • If I get some free time, I take out my toy cars and clean them.
  • I also learn the names of all cars I have.
  • When I go to the store, I look for a new car for my collection.
  • I also like to learn more about cars from my father.
  • One day I want to drive a fast racing car like Lightning McQueen.

10 Lines on My Hobby for Kids

Set 2 – 10 Lines on My Hobby for School Students

Set 2 is helpful for students of Classes 6, 7 and 8.

  • My favorite hobby is car collection.
  • I started collecting my dinky cars when I was 5.
  • I have many different colors in cars and unique designs as well.
  • I like sports cars the most. They have outstanding engines and are fast.
  • My favorite sports car of all is Ferrari F8 Spider.
  • I read all about the engines of the cars whenever I get free time.
  • I keep all my cars aligned in a big glass cupboard, which my father built for my big car collection.
  • I know the names of 250+ car models.
  • I wish to work for a big car company one day and buy my own sports car.
  • I always keep looking for new cars to add to my collection.

Set 3 – 10 Lines On My Hobby for Higher Students

Set 3 is helpful for students of Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competitive Exams.

  • I have many hobbies, but my favorite one is collecting car miniatures.
  • I collect the miniatures from Lamborghini, PorchĂš, and Ferrari.
  • I also have some antique car miniature, which I had to struggle a lot to get, so I keep them safe.
  • When I was 15, I built a sturdy showcase with my father to display all my cars.
  • Every Sunday after breakfast, I clean and polish every miniature. I have a small brush to clean every detail
  • I am studying Mechanical Engineering. I think my affection for cars since childhood led me here.
  • I go to the stores and markets I always spend my time in cars aisle.
  • The wheels, engine, steering mechanism, and speed of everything about cars is just so fascinating.
  • I already have a savings account to buy my own Porche one day.
  • Spending time with my car miniatures gets my mind off everything else and makes me feel refreshed.

10 Lines On My Hobby for Higher Students

FAQ’s on 10 Lines on My Hobby

Question 1. How would you figure out how to finish coordinated diversions and occasions in as far as possible?

Answer: Tips for planned side interests:

  • Do the longest choice conceivable to step up, at that point do the briefest alternative to get the collectibles
  • Prop up don’t get dampened on the off chance that you get similar things a ton, they don’t make these simple!

Question 2. Should everyone have a hobby?

Answer: It makes you all the more fascinating. Individuals who have interests have encounters and stories that they can impart to other people. They likewise have particular information that they can educate to any individual who additionally has an enthusiasm for indistinguishable subjects from they do.

Question 3. What kind of hobbies are productive?

Answer: Hobbies That Will Improve Your Life

Question 4. Should we encourage kids to have a hobby?

Answer: Yes, having a movement outside of school and schoolwork will additionally help life and can give numerous extra advantages you probably won’t know about.

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My Hobby Drawing – Essay on My Hobby Drawing in English for Students

May 23, 2020 by Leya Leave a Comment

Table of Contents

My Hobby Drawing – Essay 1

When I was 5 years old, I loved to play with colors. I always used to use my elder sister’s pencil colors. Since then, my love for drawing and painting has increased. Everyone has some kind of habit and hobbies, and in my opinion, everyone should have hobbies. There are lots of benefits of hobbies. It gives freedom to express. It gives wings to the creator. It can be a stress bursting.

Essay on my Hobby : My favourite hobby drawing

As I mentioned above, my hobby of drawing started when I was 5. At first, I was just using colors to paint. I used just to draw some random pictures. I used to draw something every day. That is how I developed my drawing skills. I used to take part in various competitions. I was very interested in taking part in multiple events. I won lots of medals, trophies, and certificates by taking participate in these kinds of competitions and events. Apart from that, when I improved my skill, I started painting for others. I used to draw for my friends, cousins, and family members. I used to participate in school events. I was popular among my friends in my school days. Everyone wanted to make drawing for them. It gave me more motivation to do something new and to upgrade my skill.

Why do I love drawing?

I love drawing because it gave me respect. It made me popular among my friends. One of the major reasons why I love drawing because it gives me wings to fly. I can draw anything which is in my mind. I can express my thoughts through drawing. I draw various things. I draw for a social cause. I draw about the current situation. I love drawing because I can speak through my drawing and painting without uttering a word. I love drawing because this hobby is my favorite timepass. I draw in every mood. It helps me put my emotions on the canvas. Whenever I feel low or sad, I just put my sketchbook out from the cupboard and start drawing anything, whatever in my mind. People call it freestyle painting, it means without any purpose. After that, I feel very satisfied.

Benefits of Drawing

There is no particular benefit of drawing. But if we talk, there are many. There are several benefits of drawing, which I will be mentioning below.

It develops fine motor skills. Any specialized movement of hand, wrist, and fingers are included in fine motor skills. As an adult, you rely more on these fine motor skills whenever you type, write, drive, or even when you text on mobile. Holding and manipulating writing implements represent one of the best ways to improve fine motor skills. The drawing creates immediate visual feedback. That depends on what kind of writing instrument the child is holding.

It encourages visual analysis. Children don’t understand the concepts that you take for granted. Such as distance, size, color, or textural differences. Drawing offers the perfect opportunity for your child to learn these concepts. It helps children to get knowledge about fundamental visuals. To support this fundamental visual, give small projects to your children on an everyday basis. Which will help them get the difference between near and far, fat and thin, big and small, etc.?

It helps establish concentration. Most children enjoy drawing. this activity provides time to establish concentration. It helps children to concentrate. It helps children to practice drawing and eventually, it helps children to concentrate. It helps children observe small details.

It helps improves hand-eye concentration. In addition to improving fine motor skills, drawing enables your child to understand the connection between what they see and what they do. This hand-eye coordination is important in athletic and academic scenarios such as penmanship lessons, as well as in recreational situations. For a hand-eye coordination boost, have your child draw an object while looking at it or copy a drawing that you made.

It increases individual confidence. As a parent or guardian, you probably love to hear what your child has made new today. He or she gains confidence. When your child has an opportunity to create physical representations of his or her imagination, thoughts, and experiences. Drawing can help your child feel more intrinsic motivation and validity. This will make him or her more confident in other areas that may not come as naturally as drawing.

It teaches creative problem-solving. Drawing encourages your child to solve problems creatively, Along with visual analysis and concentration. When they draw, your child must determine the best way to connect body parts, portray emotions, and depict specific textures. Always Provide specific drawing tasks, such as creating a family portrait, and talk about your child’s color, method, or special choices that can help him or her develop stronger problem-solving skills over time.

Drawing events

As I mentioned, I loved taking part in the competition. When competing in the event, I used to meet many more talented people. It motivated me.  I have lots of painter friends now. Whenever I get stuck in the painting, they help me. When I used to participate, I won lots of medals and trophies. It motivated me a lot, too. Several drawing and painting events are happening every day across the world. I used to take part in most of the interschool and state-level competition. I used to take part in online events, too. It helped me know what kind of talents are there in the world.

My future in drawing

I will try to continue my drawing skills in the future also. I am learning more skills related to painting. I am currently focusing on graphic designing and doodling. The world is moving towards digitalization. That is the reason I am trying my hands there too. There is many things to learn from now. I am looking forward to doing that. Moreover, I am very excited.

In the end, I want to add that everyone should have one hobby. It helps a lot in daily life. It helps to build your social image.

My Hobby Drawing – Essay 2

Drawing is something I enjoy doing in my free time and it is my favourite hobby. Although I love to dance and sing, drawing has a special place in my heart.

When I was in kindergarten, my teacher drew a rose on the blackboard using a few simple shapes. I was surprised that it is so easy to create a rose on paper. I tried drawing it in my book and was really very happy when the little triangles I drew started resembling the flower. That was when I started enjoying drawing.

I understood that all complex images can be drawn by breaking them down into simple shapes. I used to follow instructions from children’s magazines on how you can improve your drawing. Recently, my sister has introduced me to YouTube drawing tutorials. Through these videos, I have learnt to draw beautiful Disney princesses and different types of fruits.

Colour Pencils, Crayons, and Oil Pastels

I was taught to use crayons and pencil colours during art classes in school. Later, I started using oil pastels, as these colours are much brighter than the others. Oil pastels add a special colour pop to the painting and these are easy to use, like crayons. There are several artists in the world who specialise in painting with oil pastels. These works of art also look like oil paintings.

The Motivation to Draw

I feel very happy when I complete a painting and my friends admire my work. My teacher has told me that I am very good at colouring. She has also encouraged me to participate in several drawing competitions as a representative of the school. So I take great pleasure in saying that my hobby is drawing.

One of my biggest sources of inspiration is my mother, who draws like a professional artist! She uses watercolours in most of her paintings. I have recently started using watercolours and I feel it is a lot of fun working with this medium.

The beauty of the colours blending into each other cannot be easily expressed in words. I have used watercolours to paint sunsets and to make abstract paintings. I prefer to use the colours in the tube, rather than the watercolour cakes.

Drawing Events

There are several drawing events that people follow these days. Inktober is an annual event where an artist creates one ink drawing each day for the whole month of October. The drawings will be based on prompts that are decided before the event. Artists display their work on social media and other forums for comments and criticisms.

I am looking forward to participating in Inktober this year. It will be fun to see the different drawings that people come up with for the same prompt.

My Future in Drawing

I intend to continue learning new drawing techniques like mandala art, doodling, and oil painting. There is so much to learn out there, and I am excited to try them all! My mother has promised me that she would enrol me into some painting classes where I can improve my skills in my hobby, drawing. I understand that practise is crucial here, and I should try to draw at least one illustration per day to improve my work.

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My hobby essay in english (500 and 150 words), my hobby: reading (500 words), introduction.

Hobbies are an important part of our lives because they give us joy, relaxation, and a way to escape from our daily routines. For me, my favorite hobby is reading. I love how a good book can take me to new places, introduce me to interesting characters, and let me experience things I’ve never imagined. In this essay, I want to share why reading is such a special hobby for me.

 How I Discovered My Hobby

I first started reading when I was young. My parents always encouraged me to read, and I remember being fascinated by the colorful pictures and stories in children's books. As I grew older, my love for reading only increased. I began reading longer books, and I enjoyed the way stories could make me feel like I was on an adventure. Whether it’s a mystery, a fantasy, or even a history book, I find myself getting lost in the pages.

 Why I Love Reading

Reading is my favorite hobby because it allows me to explore different worlds without leaving my home. It’s like going on a journey with each new book I pick up. I love the way books can teach me about different cultures, ideas, and people. Every time I open a book, I feel like I’m opening a door to a new adventure. Reading also helps me relax and forget about my worries for a while, which is why I enjoy it so much.

 The Benefits of Reading

One of the best things about reading is that it helps me learn new things. Every book I read teaches me something, whether it’s a new word, a fact about history, or a lesson about life. Reading also helps improve my concentration. When I read, I focus on the words and the story, which makes me better at paying attention in other areas of my life, like school.

Another benefit is that reading helps me become more empathetic. By seeing the world through different characters’ eyes, I learn to understand and care about other people's experiences. This has made me more open-minded and compassionate.

 Challenges of My Hobby

Sometimes, it can be hard to find time to read, especially with schoolwork and other activities. But I try to make reading a part of my daily routine, even if it’s just for a few minutes before bed. There are also times when I struggle with understanding certain books, especially if they’re complex or have difficult language. But I remind myself that every book is an opportunity to learn and grow, and I always try to keep reading, even when it’s challenging.


In conclusion, reading is not just a hobby for me—it’s something I truly love and will continue to do for the rest of my life. It helps me learn, relax, and escape into new worlds. I believe everyone should find a hobby they enjoy as much as I enjoy reading. It’s a wonderful way to make life more exciting and fulfilling. If you haven’t already, I encourage you to pick up a book and see where it takes you.

My hobby essay 150 words: Drawing and Painting (150 Words)

Drawing and painting have been my favorite hobbies for as long as I can remember. There’s something magical about bringing a blank canvas to life with colors and shapes. I love experimenting with different mediums, from pencils to watercolors, to express my creativity. Whenever I’m drawing or painting, I feel a deep sense of peace and joy.

For me, it’s not just about creating art but also about connecting with my emotions and the world around me. Whether I’m sketching a landscape or painting something abstract, I lose track of time as I focus on every detail. This hobby allows me to escape from daily stress and tap into my imagination.

Over the years, I’ve improved my skills, but I know there’s always more to learn. Drawing and painting will always be a part of my life because they bring me happiness and fulfillment.

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My Hobby English essay

My Hobby English essay

My hobby is reading books and newspapers. It is a very useful hobby. I can improve my knowledge by reading. I like to read storybooks, biographies and short stories. We can learn the good qualities of great persons by reading their biographies. I can learn about the day to day happenings around the world by reading newspapers. I can spend my leisure in a useful manner because of my hobby.


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My Hobby Essay for Class 3

Hobbies play a significant role in our lives. They occupy our minds when we are free and also make us happy. Hobbies are our escape from the real world that makes us forget our worries. Moreover, they make our lives exciting and enjoyable. If we look at it, all our hobbies are beneficial for us. They teach us a lot of things about different stuff. They also help in expanding our knowledge.

We are providing two essay samples for students of class 3 on the topic ‘My Hobbies’ for reference.

Short Essay on My Hobby of 100 Words

My hobby is to draw pictures in my free time. I like this hobby since I saw many brother drawings in Sunday magazines. I draw a picture daily in the evening. My parents & relatives also appreciate me. I can also draw sketches.

Well, when it comes to me, I cannot say that I am perfect, but I am good at ‘Painting and Drawing’. I also have won many prizes in the drawing competition. My teacher also asks me to create a chart on different occasions. I like my hobby very much and also want to become an artist in the future.

Engage your kid into diverse thoughts and motivate them to improve their English with our  Essay for Class 3  and avail the Simple Essays suitable for them.

Long Essay on My Hobby of 150 Words

I have a lot of hobbies, but the favourite one that I like most is playing football. When I have free time, I love to play football. I’m a big fan of football and the player playing in the international field. I have been very well in this soccer game.

A team of 11 players plays football, and two teams are playing against each other. The football is round in shape and is kicked by the players. The players are not supposed to use hands to pass the ball. The aim is to hit the goal. A lot of energy is required to play football.

When I just entered in my school, my parents told the principal about my hobby. The principal replied that there is an opportunity to take part in sports, even from class 1. So, I enjoy the football game and take part in my school competition.

10 Lines on My Hobby in English

  • A hobby is a favourite activity or a habit of a person which he regularly does in his free time for his entertainment and enjoyment.
  • A person can have only one hobby, or he can acquire more than one hobby also.
  • Our hobbies not only give us pleasure and enjoyment but they shape our personality.
  • Most hobbies require creativity and help you become creative at school work.
  • Hobbies build confidence as being good at something, and learning is very rewarding.
  • Hobbies help a lot in relieving stress as it focuses your mind on something that you enjoy.
  • Hobbies let you meet new people that enjoy doing the same things that you do.
  • Hobbies encourage you to take a break while giving you a sense of purpose.
  • Hobbies offer new experiences and challenges.
  • Hobbies allow you to explore yourself and your talents.

Frequently Asked Questions on My Hobby

Question: Should everyone must have a hobby?

Answer- Hobbies shapes our personality, makes us more creative and challenging. Hobbies releases stress and encourage us to take a break. So having a hobby is important to explore ourself and our talents.

Question: What kinds of hobbies are productive?

Answer-  Hobbies that improves our life like Reading, Writing, Cooking, Planting, Yoga, etc.

Question: Should parents encourage kids to have a hobby?

Answer-  Yes, hobbies can give numerous extra advantages one probably won’t know about and additionally lets your kid have a movement outside of school and its work.

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Who Was ‘i’ Without My iPhone?

This article is the First-Place Winner in TGC’s 2024 Essay Contest for Young Adults .

my hobby essay for 5 class

But my iPhone wasn’t merely a core part of my identity—it helped me forge a new one. IRL, I was Luke Simon. But on my iPhone, I was luk3simon.

Luke Simon craved approval. But luk3simon didn’t care what other people thought.

Luke Simon felt dejected when girls rejected him. But luk3simon was all thumbs up and smiles.

Luke Simon longed for the good life. But luk3simon already had it.

As I aged, I never grew more comfortable with myself. Instead, I spent more and more hours each day as luk3simon. It was easier that way. Why face the man in the mirror when the man in the selfie had filters? Why face the God of reality when I could create my own? Why deal with pain when I could escape it?

During my last year of high school, I finally admitted I had a problem. I wanted more of Jesus, but the idol factory in my heart wanted more of something else: my phone. By God’s grace, I began to see I craved my phone not for its screen, or for its addictive entertainment, or even as an escape. What I truly craved was hope —hope for redemption, hope for restoration, hope for being the human that God created me to be. I craved the hope of the gospel. But whatever luk3simon offered Luke Simon, it wasn’t hope. It was a soul-sucking, empty world that only left me hopeless in the real one.

By God’s grace, I began to see that I craved my phone not for its screen, or addictive entertainment, or even an escape. What I truly craved was hope.

Thankfully, Jesus saved me from luk3simon.

Digital Detox

Around this time, I read C. S. Lewis’s Screwtape Letters , in which the demonic uncle Screwtape reminds his nephew that “all the habits of the patient, both mental and bodily, are still in [the demons’] favour.” The patient he spoke of was a new Christian, and I saw myself in him.

Though I dreamed of mastery over my phone, I knew that years of habitual phone usage cut deep grooves into my brain and only new habits were going to replace them. So, like any addict on the road to recovery, I admitted my powerlessness, called on God for help, and went to rehab.

My iPhone rehabilitation process included three adjustments:

1. Airplane mode at all times unless an internet connection is needed.

2. Leave my phone in the car when going to class and hanging out with friends.

3. Delete all social media.

This wasn’t easy. Suddenly, the “Phone” by my side for seven years was gone, and only “i” was left. Who was I without the phone? The brokenness I escaped for so long now became the brokenness I had to engage with. Without a digital world to play God in, I had to wrestle with the God of the real world. But as my digital fast wore on, I finally began to move beyond my initial hunger pangs for screens. In their place, I started to taste the goodness of God.

I picked up a new hobby with all my additional free time: reading. I read novels, theology books, philosophy books, biographies—anything I could get my hands on. But mostly, I read my Bible. And within the words of Scripture, I found the real Luke Simon in God’s eyes: I am his child (John 1:12), his workmanship (Eph. 2:10), a member of his royal priesthood (1 Pet. 2:9). I’m fearfully and wonderfully made (Ps. 139:14). I’m a new creation in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17).

As I read God’s Word, it felt as if he was airlifting the house of my life from the sinking sand of the digital world and setting it firmly on the solid rock of Christ. This was an identity I didn’t have to create. This was an identity I didn’t have to fake. This was an identity I didn’t want to escape.

Sober Return

Eventually, I was able to come back to my phone. On this side of rehab, my phone has become a tool to engage with God’s world instead of a world to escape to. But this isn’t a happily ever after. Since my phone is still designed to addict, I’ve learned to remain sober about its power, knowing it’s a far better servant than master—and it’s the sort of servant that always wants to swap roles.

On this side of rehab, my phone has become a tool to engage with God’s world instead of a world to escape to.

To avoid relapsing, I’ve learned to use it for God-glorifying ends. An   app now guides my Bible reading and prayer times each morning and evening. The Bible Project classrooms give me in-depth biblical insight for free. Though I still abstain from social media, I’m active in group chats that aid my in-person and remote relationships, ranging from accountability groups to prayer requests to (of course) meme exchanges.

But this isn’t the story of digital responsibility. It’s the story of the gospel. Jesus’s beauty made luk3simon, with all his filters, ugly and unattractive. Jesus’s beauty took the “i” out of iPhone and gave me a new identity in him. Jesus’s beauty gave me the strength to see the man in the mirror, repent of his sins, and live into the true self my iPhone only blurred—the true self made alive in Christ.

Why Do So Many Young People Lose Their Faith at College?

my hobby essay for 5 class

New Testament professor Michael Kruger is no stranger to the assault on faith that most young people face when they enter higher education, having experienced an intense period of doubt in his freshman year. In Surviving Religion 101 , he draws on years of experience as a biblical scholar to address common objections to the Christian faith: the exclusivity of Christianity, Christian intolerance, homosexuality, hell, the problem of evil, science, miracles, and the Bible’s reliability.

TGC is delighted to offer the ebook version for FREE for a limited time only. It will equip you to engage secular challenges with intellectual honesty, compassion, and confidence—and ultimately graduate college with your faith intact.

Luke Simon is a young writer who belongs to The Crossing .

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Here, we have brought to you a short ‘My Hobby’ essay in English that will help young kids to get a fair understanding of how to write a simple essay on this captivating topic. Young learners can refer to ‘My Hobby’ essay to get a grasp of the important points to consider while drafting a few lines on this topic. ‘My Hobby’ essay in English is one of the most trending topics of essay writing and gives an opportunity to the kids to write about their favourite pastime activity.

‘My Hobby’ essay for Class 1 is a very common topic of essay writing for school kids. Kids have tender minds and they often enjoy penning down their thoughts in simple words. They can write about my hobby essay and simply put across their thoughts. Children usually enjoy drawing, colouring, reading story books and like to pursue them as hobbies. However, holding a child’s attention to a particular hobby is rare as they like to explore doing a variety of things, all at once.

The below drawing is ‘My Hobby’ essay that can be referred to by kids, before they write‘My Hobby’ essay in English. We hope the below ‘My Hobby’ essay 100 words will help them in choosing a hobby and write a few lines on this captivating topic. You can also explore interesting English essay topics at the linked article.

Download “My Hobby Essay In English” PDF for Free

Drawing is my hobby essay for class 1 kids.

Drawing is my Hobby Essay for Class 1

  • Everyone can have a hobby which rejuvenates them.
  • Some people enjoy reading, some like collecting old coins and stamps and there are some who enjoy colouring, sketching and drawing as their favourite pastime.
  • My favourite hobby is drawing and colouring as it makes me feel happy.
  • I love to draw pictures of my loved ones, animals, trees and birds.
  • I use water colours, crayons, drawing pencils and colour pencils for drawing pictures.
  • I give my drawings as a gift to my parents and friends on their birthdays or any special occasion.
  • I participated in my school drawing competition this year and got the second prize.
  • I love playing with colours and love to draw the beautiful sunset view from my room’s window.
  • My parents and teachers always encourage me to participate in school drawing competitions or social functions.
  • It gives me immense pleasure and happiness when I complete a drawing.

We hope the above sample about ‘My Hobby’ essay drawing for Class 1 kids would prove useful to them while they are asked to write ‘My Hobby’ essay 100 words on this interesting topic. The essay includes simple language, which can be easy to understand and kids would definitely relate to it as they take charge to write a few sentences on this ever interesting topic.

Interested in more such amazing stuff? For more such interesting kids resources such as colourful worksheets, NCERT Solutions of Class 1, 2 & 3, enchanting tales, engrossing essays, etc. you can check and explore our Kids Learning section for more details and upscale the learning capacity of your little one.

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    My Favourite Hobby Short Essay on My favourite hobby for students, kids, children, 200 words, for class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, at the end of the article PDF is also given in ...

  10. My Hobby Paragraph Writing: 100, 250, 500 words

    My Hobby "Reading Books" Paragraph Writing 250 words Format: 2 Hobby is the favorite pastime of a person in their leisure time. Different people have different hobbies such as stamp collecting, growing flowers or vegetables, reading books, or any other similar activities. My favorite hobby is reading books.

  11. My Hobby Paragraphs

    Here are the top short and long paragraphs on my hobby. I hope these paragraphs will assist you in your study. My Hobby - Paragraph: 1 (100 Words) Your Favorite Hobby: Cooking - Paragraph: 2 (150 Words) My Favorite Hobby: Book Reading - Paragraph: 3 (200 Words) My Hobby: Gardening - Paragraph: 3 (250 Words)

  12. Essay on "My Hobby" Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and

    7 Best Essays on " My Hobby". Essay No. 01. A hobby is an activity which is pursued in leisure time, mainly for recreation and replenishing the energy lost through work. There are several hobbies which one may pursue, such as photography, stamp collecting, reading, etc. A hobby should be pursued according to one's nature of work and aptitude.

  13. 13 Award Winning Essays on My Hobby For Students [ 2024 ]

    13 Award Winning Essays on My Hobby For Students [ 2024 ] A hobby is called a pastime activity for which one is passionate. Everyone enjoys doing what he likes the most in his free time. There are many hobbies like drawing, dancing, playing, stamp collecting, horse riding, books reading, swimming, singing, traveling, gardening etc.

  14. 10 Lines on My Hobby for Students and Children in English

    Set 2 - 10 Lines on My Hobby for School Students Set 2 is helpful for students of Classes 6, 7 and 8.

  15. Essay on My Hobby Dancing for Children & Students

    Short essay on my hobby Dancing for children and students. Dance is a type of art that deals with specific body movement

  16. My Hobby Drawing: Essay on My Hobby Drawing in English

    Short and simple essay on my hobby drawing for students. Portrays drawing as a hobby for a child and how it can be encouraged.

  17. My Hobby Assignment And Classification Essay Examples

    These Hobby Essay have been written in simple and easy language making them easy to remember and presentable, whenever and wherever required. You can use these essays in your school assignments or debate, and impress your teachers and fellow classmates. My favourite hobby is playing football in spare time.

  18. 'My Hobby' Essay very easy. #Class 5#

    'My Hobby' Essay very easy. #Class 5# Sofy Essays Subscribed 1 8 views 3 months ago For more essays videosđŸŽ„ Please like👍, Comment💬, Share♻ and Subscribe  my channel🙏🙏🙏 ...

  19. My hobby essay in english (500 and 150 words)

    My hobby essay 150 words: Drawing and Painting (150 Words) Drawing and painting have been my favorite hobbies for as long as I can remember. There's something magical about bringing a blank canvas to life with colors and shapes. I love experimenting with different mediums, from pencils to watercolors, to express my creativity.

  20. MY HOBBY My Hobby English essay

    100% Free English essays for grade 7 | Essays in english| english language essay |My Hobby English essay. My hobby is reading books and newspapers.

  21. My Hobby Essay for Class 3

    My Hobby Essay for Class 3. December 4, 2020 by worksheetsbuddy_do87uk. Hobbies play a significant role in our lives. They occupy our minds when we are free and also make us happy. Hobbies are our escape from the real world that makes us forget our worries. Moreover, they make our lives exciting and enjoyable.

  22. My hobby essay for class 5

    Writing an essay on environment would be a challenging experience, writing it is the man made ones that are more rampant, which lacks natural components. my hobby essay for class 5 Mcdonald, steven a nutrition, yet simple format expanded five enhance learning how to map allows wr. 26 january short essay in hindi 2015 happy chinese new year ...

  23. Who Was 'i' Without My iPhone?

    But as my digital fast wore on, I finally began to move beyond my initial hunger pangs for screens. In their place, I started to taste the goodness of God. I picked up a new hobby with all my additional free time: reading. I read novels, theology books, philosophy books, biographies—anything I could get my hands on. But mostly, I read my Bible.

  24. My Hobby Essay For Class 1 Kids

    My Hobby Essay In English - Explore my hobby essay for Class 1 that mentions the significance of a hobby in our lives, that would help kids to write an essay on this topic.