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The Ultimate Social Media Report Template 2022 (PPTX and Google Slides)

social media report template 2021

Social Strategy

social media report presentation template

Social media reporting is a nightmare. It takes countless hours to gather all the data, interpret it and make sense of all the metrics in order to extract the insights and inform future strategy.

The social media report template you’re using from 2 years ago probably won’t cut it either because social media evolves at a break-neck pace with metrics being deprecated or replaced, new channels emerging, new media formats launching and user behavior evolving in realtime.

That’s why we’ve created this 2022 Social Media Report Template containing all the vital metrics and measurements for Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter and LinkedIn. Best of all, it’s in PowerPoint PPTX format so you can edit it, remix it and make it yours!

Browse the full social media report template on Slideshare:

Step 1: Download the 2022 Social Media Report Template

This Social Media Report Template is based on a monthly calendar format. The majority of social media marketers report to their client or management on a monthly calendar basis.

Once you’ve downloaded the template, we’ll step through each part of the report to show you how to build it and importantly how to explain each section to your boss or client. We’ve also got a great article specifically about delivering social media analytics reports  too.

Download social media report template

Save the PowerPoint template to your desktop and each time you create a new social media report, remember to select “Save As” so you retain a blank version of the template.

Or if you prefer the Google Slides version of the social media report template just hit the button below to save it to your Google Drive:

Save Slides to Google Drive

Step 2: Connect your Social Media Pages and Profiles

Login to Social Status and click Profile Analytics .

Wait, you don’t have a Social Status account?! No problem. It only takes a few seconds to sign up .

Once you’re in, simply connect your Facebook Pages, Instagram Business Profiles, Twitter Profiles, YouTube Channels or LinkedIn Company Pages. We’ll then fetch all your posts back in time and in a few moments you’ll be ready to start building your  social media report .

Step 3: Fill out the Social Media Report Template

Let’s run through each section of the report template and explain how its put together.

Multi-channel Executive Summary

This is arguably the most important slide in your report:

Multi-channel summary

Depending on your client or boss, this may be the only slide they end up reading. In fact, in some organizations, they only share a single-page report with stakeholders. We need to remember that not everyone in the organization will be as interested in the full report as you or those in the social media team. There’s nothing wrong with this, it’s just a matter of presenting a report which meets the content expectations of the recipients. Some stakeholders will love a 20-page monthly report, others will think its way too much and some might even think its not enough. Make sure to gauge their report expectations up-front and then modify the report template accordingly.

The multi-channel summary contains a table which aggregates key performance metrics for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn into an overall tally in the “TOTAL” row. Think of this table as representing the typical marketing funnel but turned on its side with the top of the funnel towards the left and the bottom of the funnel towards the right.

Of all the possible social media metrics , only certain metrics can be summed:

  • Posts by Profile
  • Total Impressions
  • Community Size (fans, followers, subscribers)
  • Total Engagements
  • Total Video Views
  • Total Link Clicks

This is because these metrics are relatively similar (not identical) across these 5 social media channels. Keep in mind Total Link Clicks is not available on Instagram and YouTube.

The multi-channel summary also includes 4 rate metrics:

  • Organic Reach Rate (ORR)
  • Engagement Rate (ER)
  • Video View Rate (VVR)
  • Click Through Rate (CTR)

These rate metrics are averaged in the “TOTAL” row to provide an overall indicator of performance at each part of the marketing funnel (impressions at the top, engagements in the middle and link clicks at the bottom). If there was no activity for a particular metric, the related rate metric should appear as “N/A” instead of 0.00%, because zero implies there was underlying activity but extremely low performance.

At the bottom of this slide, are links to full metric explanations for each social media channel which go in-depth on what each social metric means, how its calculated, what the limitations are and how to explain them to your client or boss:

  • Facebook Metrics Guide
  • Instagram Metrics Guide
  • Twitter Metrics Guide
  • YouTube Metrics Guide
  • LinkedIn Metrics Guide

Profile Analytics: Facebook Summary

The next section in the social media report template provides an overview of performance for your Facebook Page in 1 slide:

Social media report summary

The green, grey or red boxes showing +/- or N/A indicate the percentage change for that metric compared to the previous month. If we look at “Posts by Page” we can see 7 posts were published which represents an increase of 5, meaning that the previous month only had 2 published posts.

Its important to remember that while Profile Analytics includes all organic + paid performance on published posts it does not include performance on unpublished posts (also annoyingly referred to in 4 different ways including dark posts, off-page posts, blind posts, ghost posts). Unpublished posts are ads which deliver straight to News Feed and bypass the Page. To see performance on these unpublished posts, you will need to refer to the Ads Analytics section of the report.

Top 5 Highest Performing Posts by Engagement Rate

The social media report template shows the actual posts in a very visual way sorted by highest Engagement Rate. Social Status represents posts as close to how they appear natively on the channel. You can also see all the available post metrics at the bottom of each post.

Top performing Facebook posts

The orange bar indicates visually what percentage of reach was organic vs paid. These 5 posts had no paid reach so the bar is shown in a light orange color. Any paid reach is denoted in a dark orange color.

In this view, “Engagements” relates to Facebook’s roll-up metric which consists of 8 separate metrics as seen in the previous Facebook Summary slide, while “Interactions” relates only to Reactions + Comments + Shares.

Facebook Reach & Impressions

The next slide breaks down Reach & Impressions metrics on the left. In the middle, the post with the highest Reach for the month is highlighted and on the right, the monthly Impressions and ORR are compared historically to the previous 2 months:

Reach & Impressions summary

Post Impressions are further broken down into organic impressions and paid impressions. Note that there is no “total reach” metric. Facebook unfortunately does not provide this metric and you cannot sum all the reach in each post otherwise you would end up double-counting people since reach is a unique metric. For more details on this, check our Facebook Metrics guide .

Facebook Page Growth

Some stakeholders care about page growth (fan growth), others couldn’t care less. Nevertheless, if you need to report on growth, we’ve got you covered. Social Status breaks down Page Likes by country and city and shows the net change in each country and city during the month:

Facebook page growth

The next slide shows the Total Page Likes by day in the left chart and also breaks down total Page Likes by gender and age groups. In the bottom right chart, this shows the net change in each gender and age group during the month. This can be interesting to see which demographics were gained and lost. This monthly movement in demographic groups is not available in Facebook Insights itself and is unique to Social Status!

Facebook page demographics

Facebook Engagement

The Engagements slide follows a similar format to the Reach & Impressions slide with key metrics on the left, highest performing post by Engagements and historical month-on-month performance on the right:

Facebook Engagements

Not all “Engagements” are created equal. Engagements are a roll-up metric meaning they are a sum of many metrics.

On Facebook, Engagements equals the sum of 8 metrics in total:

  • Photo Views
  • 3-sec Video Views
  • Clicks to Play
  • Link Clicks
  • Other Clicks

Engagements is a tricky metric to benchmark cross-channel because each channel has a different number of possible metrics. So theoretically you aren’t “comparing apples with apples” when you benchmark, for example, Facebook Engagements vs Instagram Engagements.

For this reason, many marketers only benchmark the public interactions which for Facebook are Reactions, Comments and Shares. In the above example, the Engagement Rate (ER) on public engagements (6.52%) is vastly different to the ER on all engagements (44.58%). For more details on this, check our  Facebook Metrics guide .

Facebook Video Views

The next slide in the social media report template expands on all the video metrics:

Facebook video views

3-second Video Views are the default video view metric on Facebook however Facebook also provides several other video view metrics which tell a much better story of true engagement on videos:

  • 10-second Video Views
  • 30-second Video Views
  • Video Views up to 95% of the total length of the video

Facebook Link Clicks

The last slide in the Facebook Profile Analytics section covers link click performance:

Facebook Link Clicks

Like Engagements, not all “Clicks” are created equal. On Facebook there are 3 types of clicks:

  • Link Clicks: a click or tap on a URL in the post text or on a post call-to-action button
  • Clicks to Play: a click or tap on a video play button
  • Other Clicks: any other type of click or tap on a post including the “more” hyperlink to expand the post text, clicks on the profile picture, page name or post date

Facebook Ad Campaigns Summary

The next section of the social media report template covers Facebook Ad campaign performance. To complete this section, open Ads Analytics in Social Status and connect your Facebook Ad Account:

Facebook ads report

Once you connect your Facebook Ad Accounts you can retrieve ad performance for all 14 different Facebook Ad objectives. In the example above, we ran a Link Click objective and spent $100 in total promoting 1 campaign which reached 11,184 people in total.

Competitor Analysis Multi-channel Summary

The last section of the social media report template covers multi-channel competitor analysis. To complete this section, open  Competitor Analytics  in Social Status and connect any competitor Facebook Pages, Instagram Business Profiles, YouTube Channels or Twitter Profiles:

Social media competitor analysis

Keep in mind, because Competitor Analytics uses public data only, you are limited to reporting on public Interactions (Reactions, Comments, Shares). The Engagement Rate (ER) will also be divided by Page Likes  (or Followers) instead of Reach, since Reach is a private metric only available to Page or Profile Admins.

Facebook Competitor Analysis

The next slide breaks down performance specifically for Facebook and highlights top-performing posts by highest ER:

Facebook competitor analysis

Instagram Competitor Analysis

The next slide breaks down performance specifically for Instagram and highlights top-performing posts by highest ER:

Instagram competitor analysis

YouTube Competitor Analysis

The next slide breaks down performance specifically for YouTube and highlights top-performing videos by highest ER:

YouTube competitor analysis

Save time and automate your monthly social media reports

While a social media report template is useful, its still very time consuming filling it in, screenshotting from Social Status and doing it all over again each month. With Social Status, you can create PDF, PowerPoint and Google Slides templates with a single click of a button. Upgrade to one of our paid plans, starting at just $29 per month to generate social media reports automatically. There are no lock-in contracts or minimum terms, you can upgrade and downgrade your account any time too.

Create your free account .

social media report presentation template

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Free Social Media Report Templates - All Formats

By Joe Weller | October 29, 2023

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Social media report templates help you collect, present, and analyze data from social platforms to gauge performance and inform strategy. We’ve compiled the best social media report templates for digital marketers, social media managers, and more.

Included on this page, you’ll find a social media analytics report template , a social media weekly report template , a social media campaign report template , and more. Plus, find out what a social media report template is , what a social media report template should include , and how to create a social media report .

Simple Social Media Report Template 

Simple Social Media Report Template

Download a Simple Social Media Report Template for  Excel | Google Sheets

Use this dashboard-view simple social media report template to streamline data visualization, making complex metrics easily digestible at a glance. Enter key indicators, such as total likes, the breakdown of organic versus paid engagements, and audience growth, into the template so your marketing team can swiftly assess performance and adjust strategies. This template fosters informed decision-making, ensuring you capitalize on effective tactics and promptly address areas of improvement for your social media presence.

For more resources and information, check out this comprehensive list of free social media templates .

Social Media Analytics Report Template 

Social Media Analytics Report Template

‌Download a Social Media Analytics Report Template for  Excel | Google Sheets

This social media analytics report template provides a comprehensive snapshot of your brand's online presence, helping pinpoint what's resonating with your audience. By analyzing data such as total reach, engagement metrics, and top-performing posts, your marketing team can craft more targeted and effective content strategies. By adopting this template, you can harness the full potential of your social media efforts, optimize engagement, and drive desired outcomes with data-backed decisions. 

For more tips to help you improve your social media presence, see this list of free social media plan templates .

Social Media Monthly Marketing Report Template 

Social Media Monthly Marketing Report Template

Download the Social Media Monthly Marketing Report Template for Excel

Distill critical month-by-month data and gain a clear picture of your brand's online traction and conversion efficacy with this social media monthly marketing report template. By capturing metrics such as total sessions, signups, and engagement across various channels, the template empowers your marketing team to discern which strategies yield the highest return on investment (ROI) and which areas require refinement. Leveraging this template fosters strategic agility, ensures efficient resource allocation, and drives consistent growth in your digital marketing endeavors.

Find more monthly marketing report resources and templates in this roundup of free monthly marketing report templates .

Social Media Weekly Report Template 

Social Media Weekly Report Template

Download a Social Media Weekly Report Template for  Excel | PowerPoint | Google Slides

Use this channel-by-channel social media weekly report template to gain an in-depth view of your brand's digital footprint, highlighting immediate successes and areas needing attention. By breaking down metrics such as impressions, clicks, and subscriber growth for each platform, your marketing team can fine-tune strategies to enhance engagement and conversion. This template not only elevates data-driven decision-making but also spotlights user profiles and growth opportunities, ensuring your team captures and nurtures potential audience segments effectively.

Annual Social Media Report Template 

Annual Social Media Report Template

Download an Annual Social Media Report Template for  Excel | PowerPoint

This visually rich, dashboard-style annual social media report template instantly highlights your year's key performance metrics, making data digestion quicker and more intuitive. By presenting pivotal information such as fans count, page views, and user interactions in a visual format, it ensures that your marketing team can swiftly identify successes and areas for improvement. Using this template not only streamlines your annual review process but also offers a compelling snapshot for stakeholders, showcasing the impact and reach of your social media efforts. 

To find out more about optimizing your digital marketing reporting, see this helpful article with free digital marketing report templates .

Social Media Campaign Report Template 

Social Media Campaign Report Template

Download the Social Media Campaign Report Template for Excel

Create a clear visual representation of your social media campaign's performance across different channels with this social media campaign report template. The template’s multiple vertical bar charts provide metrics, such as marketing reach, website visits, leads, and customer sources, offering a comprehensive overview of a social media campaign's strengths and areas for optimization. Adopting this template empowers your marketing team with actionable insights, ensuring data-driven decisions and showcasing campaign ROI to stakeholders.

Social Media KPI Report Template 

Social Media KPI Report Template

Download the Social Media KPI Report Template for Excel

Use this social media KPI report template to focus on metrics such as social media marketing spend, profit, and ROI for a concise financial snapshot of your social campaigns, enabling you to measure the direct impact of your marketing efforts on your bottom line. Metrics such as revenue per acquisition, cost per acquisition, and profit per acquisition offer granular insights into the effectiveness of individual campaigns and audience targeting. This template can assist your marketing team to better allocate resources, optimize campaign strategies, and demonstrate the tangible value of social media initiatives to company stakeholders.

Social Media Performance Report Template

Social Media Performance Report Template

Download the Social Media Performance Report Template for Excel  

This social media performance report template showcases metrics such as impressions, acquisitions, and cost per click, and it provides a comprehensive overview of how well your content is resonating with your target audience. By monitoring cost per acquisition, clicks, click-through rate, and overall ROI, you gain crucial insights into the cost effectiveness of your campaigns and the engagement they generate. Adopting this template empowers your marketing team to refine strategies, optimize spend, and ultimately maximize the return on your social media investments.

Quarterly Social Media Report Template 

Quarterly Social Media Report Template

Download the Quarterly Social Media Report Template for Excel  

This quarterly social media report template highlights metrics such as the number of new fans and engagement rates, and it offers a consolidated view of your brand's performance across social platforms over a three-month span. By tracking likes, impressions, engaged users, and more, you're equipped to gauge campaign effectiveness, audience growth, and areas for improvement. Implementing this template allows your marketing team to make informed decisions, streamline efforts, and tailor content to better engage your audience quarter after quarter. 

To find more social media marketing calendar and scheduling resources, see this list of free social media marketing calendar templates .

Social Media Audit Report Template 

Social Media Audit Report Template

Download a Social Media Audit Template for Excel | Microsoft Word | Adobe PDF | Google Docs | Smartsheet

Use this social media audit report template for a comprehensive snapshot of your brand's presence across various channels by detailing metrics such as followers count, post frequency, and referral traffic. With insights into specific details such as clicks per post and the date of last activity, you can quickly identify which channels are thriving and which need a revamp. Adopting this template empowers your marketing team to optimize strategy, allocate resources effectively, and engage followers in a more targeted and meaningful way.

Social Media Marketing Budget Report Template

Social Media Marketing Budget Report Template

Download a Social Media Marketing Budget Template for Excel | Smartsheet

Provide marketing team members and other stakeholders a clear visualization of your spending across different platforms with this dynamic social media marketing budget template. By highlighting the amount spent per month and the percentage of budget remaining, teams can easily gauge the efficiency of marketing efforts, predict future spend, and optimize ROI. This template equips your marketing team with the tools to make informed budgetary decisions, maximize impact, and consistently align with financial objectives.

What Is a Social Media Report?

A social media report provides a comprehensive summary that details the performance of your brand's presence across social media platforms. It gathers data on key metrics such as likes, shares, comments, follower growth, post reach, engagement rates, and more. 

“For any marketing team trying to build awareness and community: don't be fooled,” advises Cari Jaquet , CMO at CoreView. “Social media is not a free activity, even though it doesn't cost to post. It's the time you spend building a cohesive strategy to define the types of posts that work per channel, creating content, and developing internal and advocates who share and repost to their channels. All of that costs time and money.” 

Cari Jaquet

“Once you get your social media campaigns running, you will want to answer these questions: ‘Are we gaining traction in those channels? How do we measure success? Are we gaining the right types of followers? What is our reach through amplification?’” says Jaquet. “Invest the time to create social media reports. They will help you with talking points for your leadership team who might not understand the value of the program, excite your advocates, and help you make the right decisions along the way.”

Using a social media report is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it allows businesses to understand the effectiveness of their content strategy. Using a data-driven approach ensures that businesses can fine-tune their content to better engage their target demographic. Secondly, by monitoring the performance of paid campaigns, companies can ensure that their advertising budget is used efficiently, leading to a better ROI.

Lastly, in today's digital age, a brand's online presence plays a significant role in its overall reputation and reach. A social media report provides actionable insights, helping businesses grow their online following, foster community engagement, and build stronger relationships with their audience. By regularly analyzing these reports, businesses can stay ahead of trends, adapt to the ever-evolving digital landscape, and maintain a competitive edge.

What Should a Social Media Report Template Include? 

A social media report template should include metrics such as engagement rates, follower growth, content performance, audience demographics, and paid campaign results. It organizes data for each platform, offering insights into post effectiveness and areas for strategy improvement.

A social media report template should encompass a range of metrics and details to provide a comprehensive view of a brand's social media performance, such as the following: 

  • Overview: Include a summary of the reporting period, highlighting key statistics and achievements.  
  • Platform Breakdown: Include a segment for each social media platform, such as Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok, detailing specific metrics.  
  • Engagement Metrics: Specify the engagement metrics you are tracking, such as likes, shares, comments, and click-through rates.
  • Growth Metrics: Specify the growth metrics you are tracking, such as new followers, new subscribers, or number of unfollows.
  • Content Performance: Include a breakdown of how each post performed in terms of reach, engagement, and conversions.  
  • Paid Campaign Metrics: For paid social media campaigns, include metrics such as total ad spend and return on ad spend.
  • Audience Demographics: Provide any known information about your followers' age, gender, location, and interests.  
  • Traffic and Conversions: Include data on how much traffic social media drove to a website and how many of these visits converted into desired actions, such as sign-ups or purchases.  
  • Top-Performing Posts: Highlight the most engaging and impactful content posted during the reporting period.  
  • Feedback and Sentiment Analysis: Analyze comments and mentions to gauge public sentiment toward the brand.  
  • Comparative Analysis: Compare current metrics to a previous period to spot trends and changes.  
  • Recommendations: Based on the data, suggest strategies and actions for future improvement.  
  • Visuals: Include graphs, charts, and images to make the data more digestible and visually appealing.  

Regularly using a social media report template ensures consistent tracking, allowing brands to optimize their strategies based on actionable insights.

How to Create a Social Media Report

To create a social media report, start by gathering key metrics from your platforms. The best approach is to use an existing social media report template, which offers organized sections for engagement, growth, and content performance, ensuring a comprehensive document. 

Creating a social media report involves the systematic collection, analysis, and presentation of data from your social media platforms. Just as social media report templates differ, so do the data points that various marketing roles are interested in viewing. 

For example, a digital marketer might focus primarily on data points related to campaign performance, such as engagement rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, lead generation, and return on ad spend, to measure the ROI of marketing initiatives. In contrast, a branding manager might be more interested in metrics related to brand perception and awareness, such as brand mentions, sentiment analysis, share of voice, follower growth, and the quality and consistency of brand representation across social media platforms. 

The following provides a step-by-step guide for what the majority of roles using a social media report template would want to do to to ensure that they end up creating a successful social media report: 

  • Define Your Objectives: Determine the purpose of your report. Are you tracking engagement, ROI, growth, or campaign performance? 
  • Choose a Reporting Period: Specify the period of time you are reporting on. This can be weekly, monthly, quarterly, or any period relevant to your objectives. 
  • Gather Data: Access the analytics sections of your social media platforms. Common platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and LinkedIn provide in-depth analytics. 
  • Use a Template: Consider using a social media report template that fits your objectives. The right pre-set social media report template offers a structured format, including the right metrics and KPIs to provide a comprehensive analysis of social media performance. Download this easily customizable social media report template to help you organize, present, and analyze data on your social media performance to optimize strategies and demonstrate results.
  • Posts Per Day: This is the average number of times content is shared on a social media platform within a 24-hour period. 
  • Retweets Per Post: This is the average number of times a specific post is reshared by users on platforms such as X (formerly known as Twitter). 
  • Favorites Per Post: This is the average number of likes or favorites a specific post receives from users on platforms such as Instagram. 
  • Mentions Per Post: This is the average number of times a specific post is mentioned or tagged by users on social media platforms.
  • Clicks Per Post: This is the average number of times a link in a specific social media post is clicked by users. 
  • Potential Per Post: This is the estimated maximum number of users that a specific post could potentially reach or be seen by. 
  • Engagement Per Post: This is the average number of total interactions, such as likes, comments, and shares, that a specific social media post receives from users.  

social media report template 30 day benchmarks

  • Organize Data: Group related data together. As in this page’s social media report template, you might have a section for reach and another for audience demographics or total engagement. 

social media report template reach

How to Present Benchmarks and Competitors

After you complete your social media report, you might want to share it. Here are steps to follow to successfully present your social media reports key points to stakeholders: 

  • Use Visualization Tools: Graphs, charts, and tables can make your data more digestible and highlight important trends. 
  • Analyze and Interpret: Beyond the raw numbers, provide insights. Why did a particular post perform well? What can be inferred from a spike in unfollows? 
  • Recommendations: Based on your analysis, suggest actions for the future. This might include posting at different times, trying new content types, or adjusting ad spends. 
  • Compile the Report: Assemble all your findings, visuals, analyses, and recommendations into a cohesive document. 
  • Present and Share: Share your report with relevant stakeholders, such as your marketing team, clients, or superiors.  
  • Act on Insights: Implement the recommendations and monitor subsequent results to ensure continuous improvement. 

By regularly creating and analyzing social media reports, you can refine your strategy, allocate resources efficiently, and achieve better engagement and ROI.

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How to Create a Social Media Report [Free Template Included]

A comprehensive social media report proves the value of your social marketing plan. It shows what you’ve accomplished, backed up by data.

cover image

Table of Contents

We’ll say it: if you’re not creating social media reports to track your progress and analyze your performance, you’re wasting your time. (Harsh? Maybe. But we’re all about that tough love when it comes to social media success.)

Collecting and analyzing data about your top-performing posts, your audience, and, yeah, even your humiliating flops, is the secret to improving your social media performance. Without this vital information, it’s almost impossible to grow your following or achieve your social media goals . As business bros love to say: what can’t be measured, can’t be managed.

Plus, social media reports are pretty much the only way to demonstrate the value of your social marketing efforts to your team and your boss. From staff morale to increased budgets to growing your team, it’s critical to have data that shows the importance of your work to the organization .

But here’s our little secret: social media reporting actually doesn’t have to be hard. Building social media reports is easy with a social media report template. (And if filling out that even seems like too much, Hootsuite Analytics can auto-generate the custom report of your dreams .)

It’s time to whip up some social media reports to prove your worth and set your social strategy on track for success — and we’ve got the tips, tricks, and social media report template to help you do just that.

Bonus: Get a free social media report template to easily and effectively present your social media performance to key stakeholders.

What is a social media report?

A social media report is a document with an in-depth analysis of your social media performance over a specific period.

Social media reports help you track your key performance indicators (KPIs) , measure the success of your social media campaigns , and identify opportunities for optimization.

For instance, a report on your brand’s Instagram account might reveal that your followers comment more on videos than they do on photos. You might learn that your Instagram Reels are achieving a wider reach than your Instagram Carousel posts . You might see that you’ve received an uptick of followers from Latvia… and notice that they’re all teenage boys. (What’s going on over there?)

In other words, each data point will help you and your team identify patterns. And with these patterns, you’ll be better equipped to serve your audience more of what they like… online and offline.

TLDR: Whether you’re reporting to your team, clients, or stakeholders, a well-crafted social media report can provide valuable insights into your efforts and help contribute to informed decision-making.

What to include in your social media report

Every social media report is going to be a little different, depending on your business’ unique social media goals . What’s important to a fast food company might be different than what’s important to a university, right? (Hamburgers and followers; tenure and engagement.)

This list of things to include in your social media report is more of a suggestion than a rule. Pick and choose what matters to you!

Executive summary

Many social media reports start with a brief overview of the report’s findings and highlights. This is ultimately a snapshot of your social media performance — a few sentences that summarize the details that are outlined in full later in the doc.

Social media objectives

A quick overview of your social media strategy helps provide a little context, reminding readers of what we’re trying to do here. Does your company use social primarily as a channel for customer service ? Social commerce ? Brand awareness? All of the above?

Be sure to highlight any changes in strategy since the last time you reported, including any new channels you’ve incorporated into your social mix.

social media report presentation template

Beautiful reports. Clear data. Actionable insights to help you grow faster.

Period-specific goals

What were you hoping to accomplish during this reporting period? An increase in the number of followers, perhaps? Maybe you were hoping to increase traffic to your website. Whatever yours is, outline this so everyone reading the report understands what “success” specifically means.

Metrics and KPIs

Present the social media KPIs that you’re tracking. It probably goes without saying, but these metrics should align with your goals (above). Metrics you might want to showcase could include engagement, reach, followers, website clicks, or conversion rates.

Performance analysis

This is where the juicy stuff happens. To analyze your performance, you’ll want to review how your metrics and KPIS stack up against your stated goal. Identify trends, successes, and areas that need improvement.

Campaign insights

If you ran specific campaigns over the reporting period, create a separate segment to share insights about their performance. What worked well? What could be tweaked for next time?

Competitor analysis

You probably have a sense at this point of how your accounts have grown or changed over the weeks or months, but comparing your performance to your peers can provide some interesting insight as well. Consider including a competitive analysis to benchmark your performance against other brands in the industry.

Audience insights

Share up-to-date demographic information about your audience. Who are your followers? Where are they from, how old are they, what else do we know about their interests and behavior? Understanding who is consuming your content allows you to tailor future posts accordingly.

audience insights Hootsuite by age country and city

Content analysis

There may be some interesting insights to be found in the type of content that’s trending or flopping. Evaluate the performance of different types of content — text, images, videos, and so on. Identify which content resonated the most with your audience.

Hootsuite Facebook pages analysis of content performance

Platform performance

Different social networks may require unique strategies — your TikTok stats and your Instagram stats could tell two totally different stories. If you’re active on multiple platforms, assess the performance of each one in this section.


Welcome to the conclusion of your social media report. Based on your analysis and findings, suggest actionable recommendations for future campaigns or the next reporting period.

How to create a social media report in 11 steps

Creating a social media report isn’t as daunting as it sounds — particularly if you’re here on this blog post where we’re about to lay out the super-simple step-by-step instructions for building one from scratch. (If we were making a report about how great your day is going, our analysis would be: you’re crushing it.)

But if even that process feels overwhelming, don’t stress. Scroll down to find an easy-to-customize social media report template waiting for you.

(Or here’s a pro tip: sign up for Hootsuite to access custom, automated reporting, delivered in beautiful PDFs.)

Breaking it down into manageable steps can simplify the process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create a comprehensive social media report:

social media report presentation template

Create. Schedule. Publish. Engage. Measure. Win.

Step 1: Determine who this social media report is for

Is this for your boss, or the sales team, or to get the new marketing intern up to speed? Is it for shareholders? Are you sharing this with the general public?

Understanding who is reading this report will help shape what information goes in it… and sometimes, less is more.

Step 2: Set clear goals and objectives

Begin by defining the goals and objectives you want to achieve through your social media efforts.

Then, break that down into smaller, more time-specific goals that individual reporting periods will aim to tackle.

Are you aiming to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, or boost engagement? Clear goals will guide your analysis.

It’s a good idea to use the SMART goal-setting framework , since it ensures you create goals that are straightforward to track and report.

Step 3: Choose relevant metrics

Once you’ve settled on your goals, it’s time to decide just how you’ll measure your progress towards those goals. For instance, if your goal is to reach a younger demographic, increasing your followers on TikTok could be a great objective… and a number that’s easy to track and measure.

The metrics that matter will be different for every marketing team, but some key overall metrics to include for your social program are:

  • Number of leads generated
  • Number of conversions
  • Total revenue generated
  • Total return on investment (ROI)
  • Total spend (on social ads )
  • Social share of voice
  • Social sentiment

add a metric on Hootsuite Analytics such as average post engagement rate, new fans and followers, and page & profile reach

If you’re using social media for customer service, it’s also a good idea to report on service metrics like net promoter score (NPS), customer satisfaction score (CSAT), and ticket resolution time.

Of course, you can include much more data if it’s relevant to your objectives. For a full breakdown of all the numbers you might want to include in your social media business report, check out our post on social media metrics that really matter .

Step 4: Gather data

Collect data for the reporting period, across all of the relevant platforms your brand uses. (Most social media platforms offer built-in analytics, but you can also use third-party tools for a more comprehensive analysis… like, ahem, Hootsuite Insights .)

If it makes sense for your team, you can get even more specific and break things down by format within a network, such as Stories vs. posts vs. Reels .

No matter what metrics you choose, provide some previous results for context. After all, data means nothing in a vacuum. If you’re reporting on a campaign, look for a similar past campaign to compare what you achieved.

If you’re creating a regular weekly or monthly report, track your results compared to the previous several weeks or months. This allows you to see ongoing trends. You could also compare your results to the same period from the previous year, to account for any seasonal trends.

Step 5: Analyze performance

Data doesn’t mean anything if you don’t think about it — and form conclusions or insights.

What do the numbers you’ve painstakingly compiled show you? What kind of patterns, trends, or anomalies do you spot here? Identify which content and strategies contributed most to your success… and where your weak spots still might be.

Highlight anything that went specifically well during this reporting period.

Look beyond the numbers here. Maybe you made contact with a key social media influencer for the first time. Or maybe a particularly compelling review came in through social that you’ll be able to use in future marketing campaigns.

Include room in your social media report to share all forms of success that are relevant to your goals.

Step 6: Create visuals

If you’ve got the tools to do so, visualize your data using graphs, charts, and tables. ( Hootsuite can generate these sort of things for you—just sayin’!)

visuals with graphs for Facebook page engagement

Visual representations make it easier to understand complex information and trends at a glance. Google Sheets can crank out infographics out with a few taps of the button… Canva is an easy graphic design tool to use, too.

Step 7: Compare your data with previous periods

Once you’ve been doing this for a while, consider comparing your current performance with previous reporting periods in your social media report.

Seeing one year or one week compared to another can help you gauge progress and identify areas where you’ve improved or (gulp) regressed.

Step 8: Share audience insights

Collect information about your audience demographics, interests and behaviors, and share these in your social media report.

Who is your average follower at this specific moment in time? When are they online, and what do they do there?

You can find this information in most platforms’ internal analytics, but social media dashboards like Hootsuite can help pull info from multiple platforms together in one spot.

Step 9: Provide competitive analysis

Pull some recent data about your competitors and industry — where are companies thriving or struggling? This info can help you benchmark your own performance in a greater context.

industry benchmarking profile impressions, audience growth rate, and post engagement rate

Direct competitors are great to watch here, but it might also be helpful to keep track of non-industry accounts that you admire, too… there’s plenty to be learned from other brands who might be courting the same type of audience..

Step 10: Create a campaign evaluation

Chances are, at some point or another, you’re going to be running a specific campaign (either organic or paid) with the hopes of making a particular impact. If you’ve invested money or time into one strategic campaign, it’s time to evaluate its effectiveness.

Did your ad blitz totally falter on Facebook , but thrive on Pinterest ? Did you totally nail it with your target demographic for your Instagram Stories ads? Determine what aspects led to success and what can be improved in future campaigns.

Hootsuite Analytics campaign engagement amount spent and Facebook post organic impressions

Step 11: Recommendations and action plan

Now that you’ve soaked up all this juicy, juicy data, it’s time to make some educated suggestions on what should happen next.

Does your team need to invest in some targeted social ads to improve your reach? Should you double down on creating TikTok videos ?

Provide actionable recommendations for future campaigns, whether that means suggesting content ideas or adjusting posting schedules.

Types of social media reports

Depending on your specific goals or audience, your social media report can take a few different forms. Here are a few common types of social media reports:

Monthly reports

As you might’ve guessed from the name, monthly social media reports provide a snapshot of your performance over a month. They are useful for tracking short-term goals, and allow you to make adjustments to strategy in real-time.

Quarterly reports

Quarterly reports offer a more comprehensive analysis of your performance over (you guessed it) a quarter. These types of social media reports provide a broader perspective, and help your team identify long-term trends.

Campaign-specific reports

As mentioned above, it’s a good idea to report on and track campaign metrics in your broader social media reports, too, but you might find it useful to create a dedicated report for a particular campaign. With a hyper-forcused review like this, you’ll be able to offer detailed insights into its success and areas for improvement.

Platform-specific reports

Each social media platform has its own unique dynamic, so you may find it tricky to review the nuances in one generalized report. That’s where platform-specific social media reports come in. For businesses active on multiple platforms, creating platform-specific reports allows you to tailor your analysis more precisely.

Free social media report template

There you have it: everything you need to know to create a winning social media report.

But, hey, we get it, you’re busy keeping your social media content calendar full of engaging content. Let us give you a head-start. Use this basic social media report template to kick off a new romance with reporting.

Best social media reporting tools

Creating a social media report is made easier with the help of various reporting tools. Here are some of the best tools available:

In-platform analytics tools

Whether you’re diving into your Instagram numbers or your LinkedIn data, social media platforms feature an in-house analytics platform that will shed light on your performance.

Learn more about each of the social media platforms’ analytics tools here:

  • Meta Business Suite
  • TikTok Analytics
  • LinkedIn Analytics
  • X/ Twitter Analytics

Meta Facebook Story Insights

Hootsuite Analytics

Hootsuite Analytics is a social media analytics tool that lets you easily track the performance of all your social channels in one place  so you can replicate what works and get more engagement.

The tool also makes it easy to create custom reports to showcase your results to your boss and share insights with your team.

Hootsuite Analytics collects your stats from Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), LinkedIn, and TikTok.

social media report presentation template

Free 30-day trial

It helps you track metrics like:

  • Engagement rate
  • Impressions
  • Video views
  • New followers
  • Total followers
  • Profile visits
  • Negative feedback rate
  • Website clicks
  • Average time watched
  • Number of messages, calls, and emails
  • Daily engaged users
  • And much more

You can set up custom boards that give you an overview of your most important metrics at a glance, over a select period of time and look up much more granular information, down to individual post performance.

With Hootsuite Analytics, you can also:

  • Find out when your audience is online
  • Get personalized recommendations for your best times to post for each of your accounts
  • Easily view industry benchmarks and see how you compare to competitors

Hootsuite Best Time to Publish feature - heatmap showcasing best times to post on Facebook

Start free trial 

A fave here at Hootsuite HQ, Talkwalker leads the industry in social data intelligence.

Leveraging the prowess of artificial intelligence, its technology delivers actionable insights derived from real-time social media monitoring and sophisticated analytics.

Define and categorize conversations that matter using over 50 filters, and make informed decisions on how to engage with your audience.

To get more details on how to make the most of the data available through all of these social reporting tools, check out our blog post dedicated to social media analytics.

Talkwalker Hootsuite demographics including gender non-binary gender age language interests and occupations

Google Analytics

If you’re using social media for business, you’re probably already on the case with Google Analytics… but if you’re new to the powerhouse data tool, allow us to fill you in.

Google Analytics is a powerful web analytics tool offered by Google that provides valuable insights into website and app performance, and even can help track social media traffic. It’s widely used by businesses, marketers, and website owners to track and measure user interactions, analyze traffic sources, and gather data to optimize online presence.

Google Analytics audience overview user interactions and demographics

Panoramiq Insights

Are you grammin’ hard? Those with a dedicated Instagram focus will find this tool invaluable for effortlessly managing essential metrics.

Seamlessly integrating with Hootsuite, Panoramiq Insights allows you to conveniently access crucial Instagram metrics directly from your dashboard. Panoramiq Insights offers comprehensive analytics for your entire range of Instagram actions, spanning posts, Stories, and Reels. It facilitates the tracking of user information, encompassing follower demographics and new follow interactions.

Panoramiq Insights Instagram Account and Follower Analytics

Hootsuite’s Brandwatch integration is a social media report gamechanger. Brandwatch’s powerful search scours the world’s largest pool of social data to return relevant data that actually matters. Industry-leading features segment and analyze your data to reveal actionable insights, thanks to easy-to-use functionality and unparalleled processing speeds.

Brandwatch market analysis

Use Hootsuite to do all your social media reporting from a single dashboard. Choose what to track, get compelling visuals, and easily share reports with stakeholders. Try it free today.

All your social media analytics in one place . Use Hootsuite to see what’s working and where to improve performance.

Become a better social marketer.

Get expert social media advice delivered straight to your inbox.

Stacey McLachlan is an award-winning writer and editor from Vancouver with more than a decade of experience working for print and digital publications.

She is editor-at-large for Western Living and Vancouver Magazine, author of the National Magazine Award-nominated 'City Informer' column, and a regular contributor to Dwell. Her previous work covers a wide range of topics, from SEO-focused thought-leadership to profiles of mushroom foragers, but her specialties include design, people, social media strategy, and humor.

You can usually find her at the beach, or cleaning sand out of her bag.

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Social Media Reporting

Master the art of social media reporting (downloadable template)

Feeling the pressure to prove the value of your social media efforts? This article breaks down how to master social media reporting with essential steps and metrics to follow. Not to mention, it includes a downloadable template for your own practical use.

Reading time  14 minutes

Published on  July 29, 2024

Table of Contents

  • Social media reporting starts with knowing your audience and goals. Before creating a social media report, identify your audience (who will be reading the report) and understand your company's social media goals. This will help you determine the level of detail and what points to highlight in the report.
  • Data gathering and presentation is a key component of social media reporting. Gather relevant data based on your goals and KPIs (key performance indicators) and choose the appropriate timeframe for the report (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.). Use visuals like graphs, charts and screenshots of social media posts to present the data in an easily digestible way.
  • Preparing insights and next steps is the final core step to successful social media reporting. Summarize the key takeaways from the data and outline your recommendations for future social media strategy based on your learnings.

Managing social media is complex. If you’re responsible for your brand’s social presence, you’ve likely felt the pressure before. Perhaps your boss wants to know that your efforts are paying off. Or other teams want to make sure you’re on the same page.

Like an artist perfecting a particular technique, social media reporting is an essential skill for marketers. You have to pay attention to the right details to convey a meaningful story so your audience can understand and have actionable next steps for your business. It requires a balance of analytics and creativity to paint the entire picture.

The largest challenge? Presenting your social data in a way that actually makes sense to your colleagues. As businesses invest more in social media, they want to make sure they’re receiving a positive return on investment (ROI). Reporting can help illustrate your social activities to your team and justify your strategy.

Throughout this post, we’ll cover reporting essentials, examples and templates so you can explain and bring context to the bigger picture. We’ll also share how you can use Sprout’s suite of  social media reporting tools to get a deeper and more personalized understanding of your brand performance.

What is a social media report?

A social media report is a comprehensive document that compiles and analyzes data from a brand’s social media activities over a specific period of time. Social media reports typically provide actionable insights into your followers and their level of engagement with your content. They also identify opportunities to enhance the overall performance of your social media channel.

There are different types of social media reports, such as those that focus on your competitors, a particular social network or a specific campaign. You can also create a custom social media report based on the key performance indicators (KPIs) that matter to your organization.

Regardless of what type of social media report you need, the six steps outlined below will help you build an effective one.

6 steps for getting started with social media reporting

Let’s cover a few concrete steps to creating social media reports so you can get started ASAP.

1. Consider your company’s social media goals

What are your social media goals ?

Create a vision for what you want to achieve. You can think big, but keep your goals simple at first. Your goals should indicate you’re working toward something, whether you want to increase your followers, engagement or conversions.

Also stick to the principle of setting SMART goals:

  • Specific. Say which specific strategies you’re going to employ ( user-generated campaigns , influencer marketing, Facebook ads and so on).
  • Measurable. Track any social goal with numbers.
  • Achievable . Make sure you have the resources (creatives, budget) to achieve your goals.
  • Realistic . Don’t promise results that you can’t produce (think: doubling your follower count in a week).
  • Time sensitive . Your goals need an endpoint. Give yourself a quarterly or annual timeframe to achieve your goals.

Framing your data this way helps you understand whether you’re reaching your goals and clues you in on opportunities to pivot if you’re not.

2. Choose your reporting frequency

All social networks allow you to pull data from their native analytics based on specific date ranges. You need to determine the time frame for your reports.

Sprout social lets you select your reporting frequency.

Brands typically produce social reports daily, weekly, monthly and/or quarterly. Social media is ever-changing, so it’s important to use data throughout the year to give various snapshots of your performance. Each reporting cadence provides different value. Here’s a quick overview of the benefits of the different timeframes:

  • Daily. You can monitor brand mentions and timely conversations that require immediate attention.
  • Weekly. These reports are great for spotting new and trending topics, along with timely optimizations.
  • Monthly. Gain a better understanding of metrics, especially pertaining to your marketing campaigns and content strategy. This cadence is great to present to managers since they track progress towards goals like account growth and conversions.
  • Quarterly. You can assess overall social performance to help inform your strategy. Quarterly reports allow you to collect and synthesize a larger sample size of data.
  • Annual . This is great for reviewing year-over-year comparisons and informing your overall marketing strategy.

Although short-term reports are helpful, they are skewed by anomalies (think: random high and low-engagement days). Quarterly and annual reports convey long-term trends. These reports also give you more time to prepare and dig deeper into your data. This informs your strategy more than surface-level data.

3. Assess your reporting audience

Before putting together the report itself, think about who will look at the report. Who are you trying to show the bigger picture to?

Perhaps the marketing team wants a simple breakdown free of industry jargon, or a manager who isn’t social savvy. Or maybe your entire organization wants to know what you’re doing.

Based on your audience, you can better determine the level of detail and what points to highlight.

For example, marketing teams are interested in campaign-specific performance data. Meanwhile, leadership might be laser-focused on conversions and financial figures.

No matter who’s going to see your report, they’re going to want to see hard numbers related to your efforts. Pull the data that’s most important to the stakeholders and use those metrics to guide the context in your report.

4. Make your social media reporting visual

Regardless of your audience, include visuals when reporting with stakeholders. Although reporting is analytical, remember it’s an art form too. Use data visualization to help curate your masterpiece and make your reports engaging.

A visual representation of your data and talking points is a good start. This makes your social media reporting even easier to digest at a glance.

Visual reporting is also great for highlighting events such as engagement spikes or shout-outs from influencers and other milestones your reporting audience is most interested in.

Sprout Social provide visual reports so you can better understand your data.

With Sprout, you can customize your reports beyond the data you get from native analytics . These presentation-ready reports range from platform-specific metrics to your entire social presence.

Sprout Social's reports are customized and presentation-ready.

Social media reporting is more than a numbers game. Providing real-world data examples from your brand’s social media can open the eyes of your stakeholders. Use visuals to guide your audience to that light bulb moment to understand the impact.

5. Provide competitive reports for more context

Pay attention to your competitor’s social performance as well. Studying their social presence can help inform your campaigns, inspire content and ensure you’re staying on top of industry trends.

Seek out competitors that have a similar social presence to your brand. For example, if you’re a local coffee shop, you wouldn’t compare your company to Starbucks. Other small and mid-sized coffee shops are closer competitors. However, Starbucks could help inspire content as a leader in the industry.

Once you have a good idea of your industry peers, use competitive benchmarks to report on the following:

  • Audience growth. Are you and your competitors growing at the same rate? If someone’s outpacing you, it might be worthwhile to do a deep dive on their content strategy.
  • Share of voice. Which brands are getting their content shared the most? Which social accounts are getting lots of love via hashtags ? Maybe it’s time for you to get a bit louder, so to speak.
  • Content performance. Which brands are dominating key social terms in your industry? How often do these top performers post? Consider the type of content that's doing well too—do they use stories or short-form videos?

Third-party competitive analysis tools can help you answer some of these questions. Sprout has a number of tools that do some of the legwork for you such as the Instagram Competitors Report and our Facebook Competitors Report .

6. Summarize your key learnings and next steps

Reporting is ultimately a review exercise to reflect and take action. Think of reporting as the muse or inspiration that drives the finer details of your overall strategy.

To round out your report, you need to let your audience know what you’re going to do next based on what you’ve learned (think: SMART goals). This could include running more ads or publishing more user-generated content—the choices are endless and your data can inform where to go.

As a final tip, remember to aim for conciseness when sharing information. Bullet points are more than enough: if someone needs further elaboration, they can ask.

Bonus: Your social media reporting template

If you’re ready to enhance your reporting, we have a downloadable template to get you started. This social media analytics template features an editable spreadsheet that you can adapt to the needs of your brand and your preferred platforms.

Track paid and organic performance for all your platforms. Plus, analyze data to paint the entire picture. Simply click the button below to download the template and make a copy to get started.

Download the template

There are a variety of social media analytics tools you can use to gather the data and guide your reporting as you complete the template.

Social media reporting metrics to consider

The most important aspect of assessing social media ROI is conveying your KPIs.

The social media metrics you track should align with your goals, so select the KPIs that support your brand’s vision. The KPIs included in your report may vary depending on the intended audience.

Here are data points that should be front and center in your social media reporting:

  • New followers. Your follower count isn’t the be-all, end-all of your social presence, but it's a number you should strive to tick upward. You can drill these down from network to network or look at them across all accounts. Of course, this is great for social teams, but it could also be helpful to public relations teams as well as those who are focused on brand awareness.
  • Reach. Note the difference between reach and impressions . Reach refers to the potential unique viewers a post could have while impressions are how many times a post shows up in someone’s timeline. Expanding your reach should translate into expanding your audience. This is another great metric to show to public relations or corporate communications teams.
  • Engagement. Shares, comments and likes are valuable currencies for social marketers. Increasing engagement proves that you’re posting content that people want to see and interact with. Engagement is an important metric for content and social media teams who want to know what resonates with audiences the most.
  • Posts. How much content is your business pushing out? What kind of content posts perform the best? If you see a correlation between more posts and higher engagement, you’re more inclined to ramp up production. This metric is great for social teams since it can highlight trends among your audience.
  • Traffic. The more traffic to your site via social, the better. You can measure this easily in Google Analytics . Show these metrics to your web team or the wider marketing org.
  • Conversions. This is the most pressing metric for those interested in assessing your financial ROI. You can either set conversion goals in Google Analytics or look at the performance of your social ads to figure this out.
  • Clicks. Like engagement, click-throughs highlight compelling content. These can be divided into link clicks, promotion-specific clicks and more. For example, click-through-rate is used for your ads and posts, which could be important to your marketing team.
  • Video views. Video is unarguably the king of social media, which is why the majority of businesses use video in their marketing, according to Sprout’s 2024 Content Benchmarks Report. As a result, it’s important to track metrics specific to this medium, such as how many times your videos are watched, and how many repeat and unique views each video gets. These analytics help you determine whether the content, production value and length of your video appeal to your target audience.
  • Video engagement. Similarly, tracking how many shares, comments and likes a video gets is an easy way to gauge the success of a video. The higher the engagement, the more likely your audience is interested in the topic of a video. Engagement metrics for videos also help you determine whether your video is the right length and has the right content to capture your audience’s attention.

Sprout Social's reports show social media metrics by platform.

Tracking multiple KPIs allows you to look at your social presence in a more holistic way versus harping on a single metric. You can find this data through native analytics or via Sprout’s reporting tools .

Social media reporting examples and tips

From small business to enterprise reporting , these examples should help inspire you.

Although you should definitely include charts and graphs, you can also grab screenshots of social posts that knocked it out of the park. Shout-outs, accolades and mentions from fellow industry players are also fair game. For example, G2 customers rated Sprout Social as the Best Software Product out of all software products on the market. If your stakeholders are interested in brand awareness, reach or thought leadership, this LinkedIn post illustrates how social is amplifying those goals.

A social media post announcing Sprout Social as the best software product through G2's annual awards program.

You can also showcase when a customer applauds your product on social, like in the X post below :

A social post announcing Sprout as a preferred platform by a customer.

If your stakeholders want to know if customers like a new feature or update, including visual praises like the one above are a great way to drive that point home.

Competitor reports

Remember to pay attention to your competitor's data as well to benchmark your social media performance. Sprout’s competitor reports show several relevant KPIs at the top, along with a graph illustrating audience growth.

Sprout social offers detailed competitor reports.

Network report

Sometimes your stakeholders might want to focus on one network. Sprout’s network reports show views, engagements and other metrics for your social channels. Along with showing metrics, the thumbnails help illustrate the specific post listed in the report. This could help someone visualize why one video outperformed another.

Sprout Social offers detailed reports by social network.

Custom reports

Build completely customizable reports in Sprout with My Reports. My Reports lets you add multiple charts, tables and visualizations—like bar and line charts—to a single report, so you can compare performance across a number of networks and deep dive on the metrics that matter most.

With the My Reports customization, you can filter individual charts by a variety of different metrics, tags and content types. You can get granular with filters in one chart and look at high level performance data in another within the same report. This chart-level filtering lets you slice and dice your data to view different subsets of social data all at once.

You can customize reports to specific business units and roles, with the option to create views for key stakeholders from marketing leaders to customer care managers. Plus, My Reports has annotations that make it easy to build executive summaries and rename different components of your report. This lets you change the story you tell with your data to fit different audiences—like your C-suite. It helps them understand social’s impact at a glance, in a format that resonates.

You can customize a Sprout report based on the metrics that matter to your business.

Learn about Sprout's Premium Analytics

Campaign reports

Social media campaign management is challenging, but you can use reporting to guide your team. Reporting can help you determine success points, gather insightful data for future campaigns and highlight which metrics to hone in on the most. In Sprout, you can use the Tag Report to help track a campaign.

Sprout Social enables brands to track campaign performance via a dashboard.

Creating social media marketing dashboards like these that automatically track and update can help you report quickly and consistently.

Social media report templates

Here’s the thing: While social media reports are an essential tool for any social media marketer, they can be time consuming—especially if you have to meet the needs of multiple stakeholders. Whether you’re creating the report for your own use or to share with your leadership team, it has to be presentation-ready and easy to digest.

For those who are looking to optimize their time, using social media reporting templates is the way to go. You not only get a pre-built report you can use as is, or customize based on your needs, but you also get a few extra hours back in your day.

Check out these six social media reporting templates you can download and use today.

Social media metrics map template

The Social Media Metrics Map helps you define objectives and determine your approach for measuring performance.

The Social Metrics Map will help you define your social media objectives and document your approach to measuring performance. This template comes with a guide that breaks down what to track for each stage of the social media funnel. It’s ideal for maintaining consistency and telling a story with your social media metrics.

Get the template

Social media analytics spreadsheet template

The Social media analytics spreadsheet is for tracking for paid and organic performance.

If your social media strategy involves both paid and organic tactics, you have even more metrics to review and analyze.

The social media analytics spreadsheet template helps track and compare paid social media performance, compile top-level analysis of your paid and organic efforts and tie your performance metrics to your business goals.

You can easily customize the template to visualize both your organic and paid social media efforts, providing a comprehensive picture of your social campaigns and performance.

Social media scorecard template

The Social media scorecard provides important metrics to make business decisions.

Use the social media scorecard template to provide C-suite executives with the social data needed to inform business decisions. This scorecard provides a birds-eye view of your social media performance and brand health, and contextualizes performance in the competitive landscape. It also demonstrates social media ROI in the context of larger marketing initiatives.

It’s a visual-forward deck that helps connect your social media activities to larger business goals in a way that’s interesting and thought-provoking.

Creative testing worksheet

The creative testing worksheet is ideal for tracking the performance of your A/B tests.

If you’re unsure about what kinds of content work best for your target audience, then social testing can help you determine the best topics to focus on, the best formats to use and the best times to post. But figuring out what to test and tracking your A/B testing efforts is no small feat—especially when you’re running multiple tests at the same time.

This creative testing worksheet template helps you test your hypotheses, identify campaign goals and develop designs for A/B and multivariable tests. It also includes a spreadsheet template for tracking results from each of your tests, allowing you to gain insights on the kind of social media content your target audience wants to see.

Social media market research worksheet

The Social media market research worksheet is ideal for using your social media following as a focus group.

In need of a focus group? Look no further than your social media channels. You already have access to readily available conversations happening on social media. Use them to glean valuable insights to inform your social media strategy and your future business decisions.

This social media market research worksheet helps you gather essential insights by narrowing down the questions you need to ask and gain a better understanding of where your brand stands in the competitive landscape.

Social listening insights deck template

The Social listening insights deck helps you make sense of conversations on social media.

Social listening offers insights that can make or break a brand. To communicate those insights effectively to your leadership team, you need the social listening deck template that adds meaning to metrics.

This deck will help you summarize key findings and overarching themes from your listening topic. You can also use it to identify trends in topic sentiment over time, as well as the key drivers of conversation for your brand and industry.

Activate your social media reporting strategy

From improving your social ROI to justifying your campaigns, social media reporting is a must for modern brands. Creating a comprehensive social report is much less daunting when you know what to focus on.

Here are a few key takeaways to keep in mind:

  • Consider the goals of your company and show how the data ties back to those goals
  • Focus on KPIs that fit the interests of your stakeholders
  • Select the appropriate timeframe for your report
  • Use visuals including graphs, charts and social media posts
  • Provide a competitive lens by presenting your peer’s data
  • Summarize your key insights and offer next steps
  • Save time by using a pre-built social media reporting template

With the help of Sprout’s reporting tools, you can craft reports that mold the entire picture like the social media artist you are. Try your hand at Sprout’s social media reporting tools by signing up for a free one-month trial.

Additional resources for Social Media Reporting

From Pins to Leads: How Pictures Turn into Profit

  • Social Media Analytics
  • Social Media Strategy

6 must-have social media dashboard templates for brands

  • Leveling Up

Why you need to share an executive summary of your social media reports with leadership

  • Sprout in Action

3 ways to get more from your data with Sprout custom reporting

  • Competitive Strategies

7 enterprise reporting tips for social media marketers

  • Social Media Engagement

Social Media KPIs to leverage business growth

A Field Guide to Proving the Impact of Different Social Media Campaigns

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Social Media Report Template

A social media report is an essential tool for social media strategists and digital marketers. You’re used to making sense of the numbers and metrics, but you need a way to explain it all in simple terms to other audiences. 

That’s where a social media report template can help. A social media report not only shows how your social media campaigns performed, it shows how that performance relates to bigger company goals, like boosting site traffic or product sales. 

Use our social media report template to:

  • Track company growth on social media
  • Present findings to your team, management, or clients
  • Guide future strategies and goals

A Social Media Report Example

Each slide in your social media report template shares key data about your campaign performance, target audience, and goals. To illustrate the points you make in your presentation, consider adding graphics such as line charts, bullet lists, pie graphs, or timelines. Each of these is available with your social media reporting template and can be added with just one click. Use our social media report example as a guide for which slides to include:

Title Slide

Pro Tips for Using a Social Media Report Template

Our social media reporting template is easy to customize with these tips in mind.

It can be overwhelming figuring out what data to present. Use your goals to decide what analytics to include in your report.

Talk numbers too much and your audience will likely lose interest. Keep numbers minimal and use them to draw conclusions or tell stories.

Tie your presentation together neatly at the end with a key takeaways slide. Talk about what worked, what didn’t, and what you learned for the future.

You should also tailor your report according to your audience. A report for your team might focus on the finer marketing details, while a report for management is more focused on the numbers.

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Social Media Report

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Product details

Creating a social media report can be key to explaining your progress on social media. You can choose the stats that matter and deliver it in an easy-to-understand way. There are tons of personal insights to gain as well as valuable info for your boss or client. A social media report is simply a collection of data and stats. Which data and stats should be on there? And why? The answer likely depends on your specific social media strategies and goals. Followers tell you the number of people who wish to connect with your brand. The benefits of followers are for the reach of your content, the social proof of your brand’s popularity. Clicks tell you that the content you’re sharing is of personal interest to the user. Retweets tell you that the content you’re sharing is perceived as potentially interesting to one’s followers. The benefits of retweets are for advanced exposure to people who aren’t your followers. Favorites are somewhat of a wild card. The benefit of favorites is as a social proof metric. How do you want to track your progress and growth? Snapshot – a look at the numbers for a chosen period, with no previous history considered. Week over week, period over period – a comparison of stats for a chosen period with stats for the previous period, or even from the previous year. When your boss or client looks at followers, they could draw lots of conclusions: popularity, reach, brand awareness, etc. As you grow the followers on your social media profile, your influence gets a little wider, both in the number of people you will potentially reach and in the perceptions, others have of you. A growth report is a great way to capture these two ideas. The practical value of having influencers among your followers is that any social media update of yours has the chance to take off big time. And influencers among your tribe is great social proof for others to see that you’re being taken seriously by big-time users. Total engagement can mean different things to different people. In general, engagement is the sum of likes, comments, clicks, and reshares — basically every interaction one can take on a social media update. What this information tells you is the overall effectiveness of your post. Did people like what you shared?

Social Media Report template consists of four slides. The first slide gives you the ability to display all the possible metrics for your report. For example, you can specify the number of subscribers, the number of views, the number of likes. You can display subscriber charts by region. You can also provide an analysis of the gender groups of subscribers, breaking it down by age group. The next slide gives you the opportunity to add your analytics across multiple social channels. You can include information about your Facebook, Tweeter or Instagram followers. The slides of this template will be useful to all social content professionals, marketers, and ad agencies. Also, startups and investment companies can use this template when analyzing the presence of their products on social networks.

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Social Media Report Template

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social media report presentation template

If you're looking to create a high quality and efficient social media report, our unique Social Media Report template will help you create the best analytics report to showcase your results.

Why Build Social Media Reports?

A social media report will help teams to know what of their tactics are accomplishing the goals in their strategy. It also proves that your efforts are working, as well as provide clearness throughout the company as to what your team is doing.

What is a social media report template?

When you are running content on any social media platform, you need to be clear on what are the key performance indicators (KPI´s) you will be tracking. It's essential to establish the correct measurement needs according to the objectives you have on your project. This should even be in close relationship with the goals or sales needs your customer has set out for their brand.

This template will provide a set of elegant and straightforward slides that will allow you to focus on some of the most relevant numbers. Information as reach or amount of posts published can be incredibly valuable for your client to understand the business. Make sure you pay particular attention to all the progress that has been done and take into account your top posts.

What does the social media report template include?

To present a complete analytics report for social media, it's essential to have the actionable information at hand. In some platforms one metric can vary in importance related to others, so make sure you establish where these focus areas are. Consider if you are using, Facebook, Twitter or even Instagram and how each post can be affected by the user.

Define your strategy based on the efficiency of the platforms you have available; this allows you to make tough decisions quickly. Taking this step forward will provide you in the long run with necessary measurements like tweets or likes.  In this presentation, you will find all the visual aids to a better and more efficient understanding of your brand's success for each platform.

What information should you add in the social media report template?

Your social media report should have some of the most relevant numbers like the reach, clicks, tweet, or even shares. You must take into account that when we look at social media reporting, the goal is getting the message to the audience. Therefore we recommend that you include:

  • Be efficient in your numbers display, communicate the most relevant metrics straightforwardly.
  • Include parameters that are universal, this way you can cover even more information in the same presentation
  • Don't forget to include your top performing posts; this is the main advantage over your competitors.
  • Be mindful of your goals, report upon completion and celebrate your wins.

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Social Media Annual Report Template

Social Media Annual Report PowerPoint Template

Number of slides: 10

Social media reports are data-driven presentations that collect insights on the social media performance of a business. Social media reports should offer all the key metrics to evaluate and analyze the social media strategy of a brand. Use this template to create an annual social media report that helps your team understand what worked best and what needs improvement in your social media strategy.

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Free Annual Report Template for Social Media

Social media strategy review slide.

First of all, you need to present what you’ve been doing in social media. For this, you can use a social media strategy diagram. It consists of a circular diagram with boxes to insert four key elements of your strategy. For example, customer insights, content pillars, the social media channels you use, etc.

Social Media Statistics Slide

Next on the list are social media statistics. You can improve what you don’t measure, so this slide offers you three column charts to display important data of your social media channels. Since this is an annual report, you can compare your monthly growth or get an overview of your most popular posts through statistics.

Annual Social Media Results Slide

Now that you’ve shown your social media strategy and put together quantitative data, it’s time to analyze and interpret all of that. The four boxes in this slide allow you to present your key results as text, numbers - or both! Make sure to only insert information that is relevant to your social media strategy goals.

What should be included in a social media report?

It depends on the final objective of your strategy, but most of the time, social media reports include engagement rate, visits to your web coming from social media, ad conversion rate, and ROI.

What’s a KPI in social media?

KPIs or Key Performance Indicators are metrics that help you measure the performance of your social media campaigns. This way, you can make informed decisions on what’s best for your digital strategy.

Professional Social Media report

Marketing professionals can use this set of corporate blue and white slides to prepare their social media annual report in minutes and share it with managers, clients or their own teams.


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Strata Research

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Top 10 Social Media Report Templates With Samples and Examples (Free PDF Attached)

Top 10 Social Media Report Templates With Samples and Examples (Free PDF Attached)

Nawsheen Muzamil


Social media is a world of opportunities and distractions. Unless activities are monitored, even businesses are bound to run berserk. Enter social media reports that shine as a ray of light to identify these opportunities and help businesses tame them. A social media report is a record of investments against benefits, an evaluation of campaigns run over months altogether, and for understanding the trajectory of the likeliness of your content. In short, a social media report will add meaning to your pursuit and validate the success you have attained over time.

Thus, with its help, you'll be able to improve the quality of your content, review modes of advertising, and venture into more engaging spaces favorable for your business. This blog is a compilation of content-ready social media report templates. Read on to discover.

How to Prepare an Informative Social Media Report?

Precisely, these are the conclusions that your social media reports should read out loud:

  • Engagement rate and the traffic your social media campaigns drive to your website should be clear.
  • The reports must distinguish the content you post into performing and non-performing.
  • A social media report should deduce the ideal time to post content based on the level of engagement.
  • By comparing social media channel’s performances, the reports should help you plan the right mix of activity on them going forward.

As you wonder, how will you find the time to do all this, we present the easy and convenient solution. SlideTeam has curated world-class templates on using social media metrics. We present the top 10 presentation templates that are 100% editable and compatible across presentation software.

Let's check out these content-ready report designs now!

Template 1: Social Media Annual Report Template PDF

Here is a comprehensive PowerPoint Presentation to walk your stakeholders through your social media prowess. Share your balance sheets, cash flow, and profit-loss statements owing to the editable nature of these PPT Slides. Demonstrate your social media growth and how company profits using Excel-linked graphs. Use the content ready slides of this PowerPoint Compilation to effectively present your social media report. Download now!

Social Media Annual Report Template PDF Doc PPT Document Report Template

Download this template

Template 2: One-pager Performance Measuring Metrics for Social Media Campaign Plan Report

Have you recently run a social media campaign and need to study its effectiveness? This PPT Template is customized for that purpose. Showcase your activity time and frequency of posting content under the campaign with this content-ready PT Layout. Demonstrate segments and type of target audience reached via vivid infographics. Report critical parameters like revenue, impressions, growth, etc via this fully editable social media marketing report template. Download now!

One Pager Performance Measuring Metrics for Social Media Campaign Plan Report Infographic PPT PDF Document

Template 3: One-page Monthly Social Media Status Report Presentation

Give a graphical inference to your social media report via this one-page social media monthly report template. This PPT Layout is great at presenting your performance across the social media platforms owing to its compatibility across present software. Bring to the limelight your engagement rate, clicks, likes, and impressions via this one-page monthly social media report template. Download now!

One page monthly social media status report presentation infographic ppt pdf document

Template 4: One-page Social Media Marketing Department Detail Report

Here is another editable format to record and present your social media report for social media channels like FB, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, etc. It's Excel-linked graphs will enhance the visualization of social media metrics and how well you are faring. Use this social media analytics report template to create recall and visual impact. Download now. 

One Page Social Media Marketing Department Detail Report Infographic Ppt PDF Document

Template 5: One-page Social Media Annual Report Template Presentation Report

Looking for a report template to represent your annual social media performance? This PPT Slide covers important parameters stakeholders are looking to inspect. Not only will you be able to signify your social media growth, but the overall company growth as well. A blend of Excel-linked graphics and tables enhances the readability of this social media report PowerPoint Template. Don’t miss out; download this 100% editable PPT Layout now!

One Page Social Media Annual Report Template Presentation Report Infographic PPT PDF Document

Template 6: One-page Performance Assessment of Marketing Plan on Social Media Platform Report

This PPT Layout is your savior in showcasing marketing performance in a creative way. Conciseness and blatant insights are the USPs of this presentation template. Elements can be re-arranged and the slide completed edited as per one's choice. Such a flexibility and ease of access will make you report preparation easy and aided. Without any ado, download this marketing plan performance assessment report now. 

One Page Performance Assessment of Marketing Plan on Social Media Platform Report Infographic PPT PDF Document

Template 7: One-page Facebook Social Media Status Report Presentation

Do you want to highlight your performance on Facebook? This presentation template is the answer. Record and present parameters like likes, impressionism engagements, and reach with this graphically-enriched PPT Slide. Share insights about the reach in terms of the age, demographics, etc. Furnish these details in this editable PPT Theme where graphs an charts are all Excel-linked. Download right away!

One Page Facebook Social Media Status Report Presentation Infographic PPT PDF Document

Template 8: One-page Twitter Social Media Status Report Presentation

If the requirement involves generating a Twitter performance report, then we have this ready-made design. Focus on metrics like views, interactions, volume, and the key takeaways from your assessment. Analyze your hashtags and their performance and pay heed to the Click-through-rates and Cost-Per-Rating Point via Excel-linked bar graphs and pie charts. Collate and present all this data in this editable PowerPoint Thematic. Download now!

One Page Twitter Social Media Status Report Presentation Infographic PPT PDF Document

Template 9: Social Media Engagement Report for Influencer Marketing

Brands often employ influencers to drive sales and take their impression to the next level. Use this presentation template report format to track their influence for your social media platforms and social presence. Record the number of posts, reach, and engagement and maintain this data in this editable social media KPI report template. Download now. 

Social Media Engagement Report for Influencer Marketing PPT

Template 10: Social Media Audit Report With Findings

Use this content-ready social media reporting template to tally performances of previously uploaded social media posts. Present information about likes, shares, etc with this editable PPT Layout to distinguish between the worst-performing and the best-performing content. Download this social media audit report to present your findings now! 

Social Media Audit Report With Findings PPT

These were the 10 best social media report templates that are frequently downloaded by our users. You can also visit our website to find more relatable presentation templates.

PS : Here is a guide that you will find useful if you are looking to apply for the position of a social media manager. It comprises 10 creative CV templates that are ready to project your feats to the interview panel you refer to as intimidating!


What are the things to be kept in mind when designing a social media report.

The guidelines that govern social media reporting are:

  • Decide on the objective of the social media report, whether you want to limit the assessment to a particular social media platform or cover all platforms .
  • Who is the report meant for? Is it for the team, the management or the stakeholders? This will determine its content .
  • You can generate a daily, weekly, monthly or even annual report. Remember, metrics will change accordingly. 
  • Also, decide on the metrics you decide on. Parameters can vary from one one social media platform; the report format has to consider this. 
  • Then conduct an intensive research and collate the respective parameters to compile a full-fledged social media report.

What are the common metrics to be tracked in social media platforms?

There are five metrics that every social media report should record. These are:

  • Follower Count: If the number is growing, you know that your content is appealing to your audience; this signals growth. 
  • Clicks and Visits: The sole aim of social media is to generate conversions and visits to your online stores. Check that metric here.
  • Engagement: Is the audience liking your content? ? Number of likes, comments, views, shares, etc lets you know that. Please track this. 
  • Volume: What is the frequency of your posting and how is it faring for your presence online? Check this important parameter here.
  • Best Performing: The beauty of your best-performing content lies in the fact that it is remembered, carried forward, and reused. All of this re-directs attention to your band.

Download the free Social Media Report Templates PDF .

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Your monthly social media reports are about to get a whole new look!

Whether you’re presenting your social media analytics to a team or just measuring your own success, keeping track of your account’s performance is key to growing your accounts.

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Social Media Report Presentation Template Modern Template

Bring clarity to your social media metrics utilizing this modern template..

This fresh and energetic template is a perfect choice for digital marketers, professional bloggers, or social media experts who wish to showcase the performance of their social media strategies. Visualize social analytics, engagement rate, social metrics, and KPI data through crisp charts, dynamic graphs, and modern infographics with Visme's editor. All elements in this template are fully editable.

  • Change colors, fonts and more to fit your branding
  • Access free, built-in design assets or upload your own
  • Visualize data with customizable charts and widgets
  • Add animation, interactivity, audio, video and links
  • Download in PDF, JPG, PNG and HTML5 format
  • Create page-turners with Visme’s flipbook effect
  • Share online with a link or embed on your website

Edit this template to reflect your own distinct branding, or immerse yourself in Visme's broad range of informational presentation templates for more creative options.

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Social Media Report Presentation Template Modern Template - Slide 1

Template Specifications

8 Slides, 1366 x 768 pixels – 16:9 Aspect Ratio (HD Presentation Quality)


This template can be fully customized. You can edit content, change image(s), apply custom colors, input your own fonts and logo, and more.

Download as a PDF to share with your recipient or generate a shareable link for online sharing.


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Free Presentation Templates by Visme

Marketing is all about communication, yes - but it's also about making the best possible impression on your target audience. What you're saying is important, but how you choose to say it is equally so. You can only make one first impression, so you'd better make it the best one that you can - and now, thanks to Visme's presentation templates, it's easier than ever to do precisely that.

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Our presentation templates are equal parts colorful, visual, vivid and attractive - but they're also easy to use and even easier to edit, as well. These presentation templates also come with a massive number of free stock images for you to use, guaranteeing that you'll always be able to broadcast your message in exactly the right way at exactly the right moment in your relationship with your audience.

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Free Social Media Report PowerPoint Template

Download free social media report powerpoint template & google slides.

Blue Cover Pattern Design

The Free Social Media Report PowerPoint Template is a collection of visually appealing layouts. These layouts are useful shapes and diagram to discuss social media progress insights and feedback. Since social media has become a major tool which influences societies worldwide. In terms of marketing, businesses, social awareness, and politics, these social platforms are more than just communication mediums. Therefore, most individuals, business organizations, and political parties use social media tools to analyze data. Hence, the free slides of social media records can help professionals to communicate such analysis in reporting formats.

The social media template slides are editable layouts imitating management dashboard sections. For example, lead funnel, progress chart , pie & bar charts. These slide templates are helpful for periodic reports on how well social media campaigns are doing. All layouts contain one or more logos of social media giants to represent relevant statistics and surveys. Although the color theme of social reporting template is initially blue. But users can change these colors by either selecting a different theme or from choose solid fill colors. Simply insert relevant text and display social media marketing insights to the audience.

The Free Social Media Report PowerPoint Template combines marketing objectives, analysis, social demographics and progress of campaigns. In this way, the PowerPoint presentation can help deliver important statistics and geo-targeting information to optimize strategic plans of an organization. Alternatively, download SolidModel template of flat social network charts from PowerPoint catalog.

  • 100% Editable PowerPoint Templates & Google Slides.
  • Compatible with all major Microsoft PowerPoint versions, Keynote and Google Slides.
  • Modern 16:9 Aspect Ratio.
  • Scalable Vectorial PowerPoint Shapes and PowerPoint Icons.
  • Instant Access and Download.
  • New Templates every week.

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Social Media Report with Cycle Diagrams

It seems that you like this template, social media report with cycle diagrams presentation, premium google slides theme, powerpoint template, and canva presentation template.

Download the Social Media Report with Cycle Diagrams presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. How do you use social media platforms to achieve your business goals? If you need a thorough and professional tool to plan and keep track of your social media strategy, this fully customizable template is your ultimate solution. It simplifies the process of organizing your content calendar, scheduling posts, and analyzing performance metrics. Stay on top of your social media game and make the most of your online presence with this indispensable resource.

Features of this template

  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • Different slides to impress your audience
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups
  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the resources used

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