Speech Generator

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Introducing the AI Speech Generator by WriteCream: Instantly Transform Your Thoughts into Engaging Speeches

Whether you’re a student preparing for presentations, a professional aiming to deliver a persuasive pitch, or someone seeking to leave a lasting impression with an impactful speech, the Writecream Speech Generator is your ultimate companion. No more struggling to find the right words or spending hours pondering over the arrangement of ideas.

How It Works:

WriteCream’s Instant speech generator harnesses the power of advanced AI technology to generate well-structured and coherent speeches effortlessly. Whether you’re a student facing a tight deadline or a professional seeking to articulate your thoughts eloquently, this tool is your ultimate solution. The process is remarkably user-friendly:

1. Input Your Topic: Paste or type your text into the provided input box.

2. Click to Generate: Once you’ve entered your topic, s elect your preferred voice and adjust settings if desired – like speed, accent, language and so on. Click the “Generate Speech” button.

3. Review and Refine: You can edit and modify the output as per your needs by changing texts, voice, language or speed.

Key Features:

– Tone Selection: Users can choose from a variety of tones such as friendly, formal, casual, professional, persuasive, humorous, empathetic, authoritative, and more. Each selected tone will guide the AI in generating content that aligns with the chosen style.

– Style Customization: Users can further customize the selected tone by adjusting parameters like sentence structure, vocabulary richness, sentence length, and use of specific language elements (metaphors, idioms, etc.).

– Multilingual Support: WriteCream supports a wide range of languages, allowing users to generate content in languages other than English. Users can switch between languages seamlessly without losing the desired tone.

– Content Length Control: Users can specify the desired length of the content, whether it’s a short paragraph, a full article, or something in between. WriteCream will adjust the generated text accordingly.

– Cost Savings: Avoid expenses associated with hiring voice actors or recording studios, especially for projects with budget constraints.

With our speech generation tool, you can effortlessly transform your written text into captivating voiceovers. Simply generate and download the speech in a seamless process. Login now at https://app.writecream.com/voiceover for advanced features and experience a whole new level of content creation.

Experience the future of content consumption with the Writecream Speech Generator. With its simplicity, versatility, and accessibility, this tool is poised to redefine how we interact with written information. Your ideas deserve to be showcased in the best possible light – let WriteCream help you achieve that effortlessly.

Create content in minutes, not weeks.

© Copyright 2024 Writecream | All Rights Reserved

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Morning Dough

9 Best AI Speech Writers

Itay Paz

The art of speechwriting has evolved beyond the traditional pen and paper, embracing the innovative capabilities of artificial intelligence. AI speech writers are transforming the way we create speeches, offering a blend of efficiency, creativity, and personalization that was once unimaginable. This evolution is not just about convenience, it’s about enhancing the quality of communication in various spheres, from public speaking and education to professional presentations and personal occasions. The integration of AI in speechwriting is a testament to how technology can amplify human potential, making it an exciting time for anyone looking to craft compelling narratives.

The Need for AI Speech Writer

In today’s fast-paced world, the demand for clear, persuasive, and engaging speeches has never been higher. Whether it’s a CEO addressing their company, a student presenting a project, or an individual sharing a story at a social event, the impact of a well-crafted speech is undeniable. However, not everyone possesses the skill, time, or resources to create such speeches. This is where AI speech writers come into play. They democratize the art of speechwriting, making it accessible to a wider audience. By leveraging AI, individuals can generate speeches that resonate with their audience, convey their message effectively, and leave a lasting impression. The need for AI speech writers stems from a desire to bridge the gap between ideas and expression, ensuring that every voice can be heard loud and clear.

How does AI Speech Writer work?

At the heart of AI speech writing is a complex algorithm powered by machine learning and natural language processing technologies. These AI systems are trained on vast datasets of speeches, texts, and linguistic patterns, enabling them to understand and replicate human-like speech. When a user inputs a topic, outline, or key points, the AI analyzes this information, draws from its learned database, and crafts a speech that aligns with the given parameters. This process involves not just the generation of content but also the optimization of language to suit the intended tone, style, and audience. The result is a speech that feels personal and authentic, as if it were written by a human, but with the efficiency and scalability that only AI can provide.

AI Speech Writer

9 Best AI Speech Writer

  • HyperwriteAI
  • Easy Peasy AI
  • Studio Speech Writer
  • Youai AI Political Speech Writer
  • Wordwell AI

How to choose the Best AI Speech Writer?

Choosing the best AI speech writer involves considering several key factors that ensure the tool meets your specific needs. Firstly, evaluate the quality of the generated content. The best AI speech writers produce speeches that are coherent, engaging, and free from grammatical errors. They should be able to capture the essence of your message and convey it in a clear and impactful manner. Secondly, customization options are crucial. The ability to adjust tone, style, and complexity allows for speeches that truly reflect your personal or brand voice. Additionally, consider the ease of use and user interface of the tool. A user-friendly platform can significantly streamline the speechwriting process, making it accessible to users of all skill levels. Lastly, consider the tool’s ability to integrate sources, quotes, and specific data points, as this can enrich your speech and lend it credibility. By carefully assessing these aspects, you can select an AI speech writer that elevates your speechwriting to new heights, ensuring your messages are not just heard but remembered.

Best AI Speech Writer

1. hyperwriteai.


HyperwriteAI is a sophisticated AI speech writer designed to assist users in creating compelling speeches. It leverages the advanced capabilities of GPT-4 and ChatGPT, enabling the crafting of persuasive and engaging speeches tailored for various occasions. Whether you’re a public speaker, educator, or professional, HyperwriteAI simplifies the process of speech writing by generating content based on an outline, topic, and any sources or quotes provided. This tool is intuitive and user-friendly, offering a seamless experience from speech generation to delivery.

What does HyperwriteAI do?

HyperwriteAI serves as a versatile AI writing assistant, streamlining the speechwriting process for its users. It takes inputs such as an outline or description, the topic of the speech, and any relevant sources or quotes, and transforms them into a structured and impactful speech. The AI’s ability to understand context and incorporate user preferences makes it an asset for anyone looking to deliver a keynote address, present a persuasive argument, or educate an audience. With HyperwriteAI, users can generate a speech, review and edit the content to align with their message and style, and confidently deliver their speech, supported by AI-driven insights.

HyperwriteAI Key Features

Ease of Use : HyperwriteAI is designed with a straightforward interface, allowing users to input their speech requirements with ease. The tool then processes these inputs to generate a draft speech.

Integration with GPT-4 and ChatGPT : The tool harnesses the power of advanced AI models like GPT-4 and ChatGPT, ensuring the speeches are of high quality and contextually relevant.

Customization : Users can tailor the AI’s output to their writing style over time, especially when using the Chrome extension, which allows for a more personalized experience.

Versatility : HyperwriteAI is suitable for a wide range of users, from public speakers and educators to professionals, offering the flexibility to create various types of speeches.

Accessibility : The AI speech writer is accessible through a web interface, and with the Chrome extension, it can be used on nearly any website, enhancing its usability.

Original Content : The AI ensures that the generated speeches are original, providing a unique and plagiarism-free output based on the user’s inputs.

HyperwriteAI Pricing Plans

HyperwriteAI offers several pricing plans to accommodate different user needs.

Free Plan : Users can access the AI Speech Writer tool with limited functionality at no cost, providing a taste of the service’s capabilities.

Premium Plan : Priced at $19.99 per month, this plan offers unlimited access to the AI Speech Writer and more advanced features for a more comprehensive writing experience.

Ultra Plan : For $44.99 per month, users can enjoy all the benefits of the Premium Plan along with additional monthly credits and resources for extensive use.

HyperwriteAI accepts various payment methods, including debit and credit cards, and PayPal, ensuring convenience for its users.

2. Texta AI

Texta AI

Texta AI is AI speech writer assistant tailored for media and communications, including speech writing. This AI speech writer platform is designed to cater to the needs of professionals seeking to streamline their content creation process, offering a suite of tools that leverage advanced algorithms and natural language processing technologies. Texta AI stands out for its ability to generate high-quality, plagiarism-free content swiftly, making it an invaluable asset for creating engaging speeches, blog posts, and more. Its user-friendly interface and SEO optimization tools further enhance its appeal, providing a seamless experience for both seasoned writers and newcomers to the field. With Texta AI, users can expect to overcome writer’s block effortlessly, producing compelling content that resonates with their audience.

What does Texta AI do?

Texta AI revolutionizes the way content is created by offering a comprehensive AI-powered writing assistant that excels in generating diverse types of content, including speeches, blog posts, and essays. Its core functionality lies in its ability to understand user inputs such as titles, briefs, and keywords, and transform them into well-structured, original content in a matter of minutes. This AI speech writer platform is particularly noted for its article generation feature, which produces long, SEO-optimized articles that are both engaging and informative. Beyond content generation, Texta AI provides tools for SEO and keyword research, helping users to enhance their content marketing strategies. Its plagiarism-free output, combined with a user-friendly dashboard, makes it an ideal choice for businesses, marketers, and writers looking to elevate their content creation process efficiently.

Texta AI Key Features

Article Generation : Texta AI’s standout feature is its ability to generate comprehensive articles based on user-provided titles, briefs, and keywords. This feature simplifies the content creation process, enabling users to produce high-quality, SEO-friendly articles quickly.

SEO Optimization Tools : The platform includes built-in SEO tools that assist users in optimizing their content for search engines. This ensures that the generated content not only reads well but also ranks higher in search engine results.

Plagiarism-Free Content : Texta AI guarantees the originality of its content, offering peace of mind to users by producing 100% plagiarism-free articles. This is crucial for maintaining the credibility and uniqueness of your digital presence.

User-Friendly Interface : Designed with simplicity in mind, Texta AI boasts an easy-to-navigate dashboard that makes content creation accessible to users of all skill levels, from beginners to experienced writers.

Fast Content Generation : Speed is of the essence in content creation, and Texta AI excels in this area by generating articles and other content forms rapidly, without compromising on quality.

Versatile Content Creation : Whether it’s blog posts, speeches, or social media content, Texta AI is equipped to handle a wide range of content types, making it a versatile tool for various writing needs.

Texta AI Pricing Plans

Texta AI offers three distinct pricing plans to accommodate the needs of different users.

Starter : Aimed at individuals or small teams just beginning with AI content creation, this plan includes access to 50+ templates, 27+ languages, and basic writing and editing tools. This plan is priced at $25 per month ($10 per month when billed annually at $120 per year).

Pro Max : This plan is designed for more advanced users, offering everything in the Starter plan plus additional features like advanced mode, autopilot for social media, and a free Grammarly checker. This plan is priced at $49 per month ($17 per month when billed annually at $199 per year).

Pro Max Plus : Catering to professionals and larger teams seeking comprehensive content creation tools, this plan includes all the features of the Pro Max plan along with priority support and SEO keyword suggestions. Like the other plans, pricing details are not explicitly mentioned, indicating it is the premium option. This plan is priced at $79 per month ($29 per month when billed annually at $350 per year).

Texta AI accepts debit and credit cards, and PayPal for payments.

3. Easy Peasy AI

Easy Peasy AI

Easy Peasy AI is a free AI speech writer designed to simplify the creation of speeches through its innovative AI speech writer. This AI tool stands out for its user-friendly interface and advanced algorithms, making it accessible to both professionals and individuals with no prior experience in speech writing. By leveraging the power of AI, Easy Peasy AI offers a seamless process for generating speeches tailored to various occasions, whether it be for corporate presentations, weddings, or public speaking events. Its ability to produce content that resonates with audiences, coupled with its efficiency and customization options, positions Easy Peasy AI as an asset for anyone looking to craft compelling speeches with ease.

What does Easy Peasy AI do?

Easy Peasy AI is designed to revolutionize the way speeches are written by harnessing the capabilities of artificial intelligence. This platform provides an intuitive solution for creating speeches that engage and captivate audiences. It caters to a wide range of needs, from professional settings to personal events, offering versatility in its applications. Users can input specific requirements and preferences, and the AI algorithm generates a speech that aligns with the desired tone, style, and content. This not only saves time but also ensures that the final product is polished and impactful. Easy Peasy AI’s commitment to delivering high-quality speeches, customized to individual needs, makes it an indispensable tool for anyone looking to make a lasting impression through their words.

Easy Peasy AI Key Features

Customization : Easy Peasy AI stands out for its highly customizable speech generation process. Users can tailor their speeches to fit the exact tone, length, and style required for their specific occasion, ensuring the final product is perfectly aligned with their vision.

User-Friendly Interface : The platform boasts a straightforward and intuitive interface, making it accessible for users of all skill levels. Even those with no prior experience in speech writing can navigate the tool with ease and create professional-quality speeches.

Diverse Templates : A wide array of templates is available, catering to various events and purposes. Whether it’s a wedding toast, a business presentation, or a graduation speech, Easy Peasy AI has a template to start from, simplifying the speech-writing process.

Speed and Efficiency : One of the key advantages of Easy Peasy AI is its ability to generate speeches quickly. This feature is particularly beneficial for users under tight deadlines who need to produce quality content in a short amount of time.

AI-Driven Suggestions : The platform utilizes advanced AI to offer suggestions on improving speeches, including vocabulary enhancements and structural adjustments. This ensures that the speech not only meets the user’s requirements but also holds the potential to engage and move the audience.

Accessibility : Easy Peasy AI is designed to be accessible to a wide audience, with features that cater to both beginners and experienced speechwriters. This inclusivity broadens its appeal and utility across different user demographics.

Easy Peasy AI Pricing Plans

Easy Peasy AI offers a free AI speech writer.

4. Chatartpro


Chatartpro is a distinctive AI speech writer designed to cater to a wide array of writing needs. This platform stands out for its ability to generate speeches that resonate with audiences across various contexts, from professional presentations to personal occasions. By leveraging advanced artificial intelligence, Chatartpro simplifies the speechwriting process, enabling users to produce compelling, well-structured speeches with ease. Its user-friendly interface and versatile functionality make it an invaluable tool for individuals seeking to enhance their public speaking engagements with speeches that captivate and engage.

What does Chatartpro do?

Chatartpro revolutionizes the way speeches are crafted by offering a seamless, intuitive platform where users can create speeches tailored to their specific requirements. Whether it’s setting the tone, choosing the language, or defining the speech’s structure, Chatartpro provides a comprehensive suite of tools that guide users through the creation process. This AI-driven speech writer is adept at generating content that aligns with the chosen theme, ensuring that each speech is not only relevant but also impactful. From motivational talks to informative presentations, Chatartpro equips users with the capability to articulate their ideas effectively, making it an essential asset for anyone looking to leave a lasting impression through their words.

Chatartpro Key Features

Personalized Speech Generation : Chatartpro stands out for its ability to tailor speeches to the user’s specific needs, taking into account factors such as the speech’s topic, desired tone, and overall structure. This ensures that each speech is unique and resonates with the intended audience.

User-Friendly Interface : The platform’s intuitive design simplifies the speechwriting process, making it accessible to users of all skill levels. This ease of use encourages creativity and allows for a more efficient creation process.

Multilingual Support : Catering to a global user base, Chatartpro offers speech generation in multiple languages, broadening its appeal and utility across different linguistic contexts.

AI Hook Generator : A standout feature, the AI hook generator helps users begin their speeches with engaging and attention-grabbing openings, setting the stage for impactful presentations.

Tone Customization : Understanding the importance of tone in speech delivery, Chatartpro allows users to specify the desired tone for their speech, whether it’s motivational, informative, or persuasive, ensuring the final product aligns with their vision.

Comprehensive Editing Tools : Beyond initial creation, the platform provides a suite of editing tools that enable users to refine and polish their speeches, enhancing clarity, coherence, and overall impact.

Chatartpro Pricing Plans

Chatartpro offers a variety of pricing plans to accommodate the diverse needs of its users.

Monthly Plan ($0.45 per day) : This plan is designed for users seeking flexibility, offering full access to Chatartpro’s features on a month-to-month basis. The price for this plan is tailored to provide short-term solutions without long-term commitments.

Yearly Plan ($0.14 per day) : For users committed to leveraging Chatartpro for their ongoing speechwriting needs, the yearly plan offers a cost-effective option, providing all the benefits of the monthly plan at a discounted annual rate.

Lifetime Plan ($0.01 per day) : The ultimate investment in speechwriting excellence, the lifetime plan grants users perpetual access to Chatartpro’s features, including all future updates and enhancements. This one-time payment option is ideal for those looking to maximize their value over time.

Chatartpro accepts a variety of payment methods, including debit and credit cards, and bank wire transfer, ensuring convenience and flexibility for its users.

5. Studio Speech Writer

Studio Speech Writer

Studio Speech Writer is an AI speech writer designed to assist individuals across various sectors in crafting compelling speeches. This AI speech writer is tailored to support users, whether they are gearing up for a keynote presentation, a graduation ceremony, or a pivotal business pitch. With its user-friendly interface, Studio Speech Writer simplifies the speech creation process, enabling users to generate drafts that can be personalized to resonate with their audience. This tool stands out for its ability to dissect text for fallacies, ensuring arguments are robust and persuasive, and its versatility in generating creative names and paraphrasing content. Studio Speech Writer is not just a tool but a partner in enhancing public speaking efforts, making it an invaluable asset for anyone looking to leave a lasting impact with their words.

What does Studio Speech Writer do?

Studio Speech Writer is an innovative AI tool that revolutionizes the way speeches are crafted. By leveraging advanced algorithms, it offers a seamless experience for users looking to create speeches that are not only impactful but also resonate with their intended audience. From the initial draft generation to the refinement process, Studio Speech Writer guides users through each step, ensuring the final product is polished and personalized. Whether it’s for a business pitch, a graduation speech, or any public speaking engagement, this tool provides a comprehensive solution that caters to a wide range of needs. Its capabilities extend beyond mere speech writing, offering features such as fallacy detection, creative name generation, and paraphrasing, making it a versatile tool for enhancing communication across various contexts.

Studio Speech Writer Key Features

User-Friendly Interface : The platform is designed with simplicity in mind, ensuring that users of all skill levels can navigate and utilize the tool effectively.

AI-Driven Draft Generation : By inputting specific details, users can leverage the AI to produce initial drafts, which serve as a solid foundation for their speeches.

Personalization Capabilities : Studio Speech Writer allows users to infuse their personal touch into AI-generated drafts, ensuring the speech reflects their unique voice and message.

Fallacy Detection : This feature aids users in strengthening their arguments by identifying and correcting common logical fallacies within their speech.

Creative Name Generation : Users can generate creative names for a variety of purposes, adding a unique flair to their speeches or presentations.

Paraphrasing Tool : The tool offers multiple stylistic and structural options for rewording sentences or paragraphs, enhancing the clarity and impact of the speech.

Studio Speech Writer Pricing Plans

Studio Speech Writer offers a free AI speech writer.

6. Lowtech AI

write speech with ai

Lowtech AI is an AI speech writer specifically tailored for crafting personalized speeches. This tool stands out by offering a seamless, user-friendly interface that simplifies the speechwriting process for users of all backgrounds. By integrating advanced AI technology, Lowtech AI enables users to generate speeches that are not only engaging and effective but also tailored to the specific audience and purpose they aim to address. This approach democratizes access to high-quality speechwriting, making it accessible to professionals, students, and anyone in need of articulate and persuasive speech content.

What does Lowtech AI do?

Lowtech AI revolutionizes the way individuals approach speechwriting by providing an intuitive platform that harnesses the power of AI to create customized speeches. Users are guided through a straightforward process where they input key details such as the theme, role, audience, and goal of their speech. Leveraging the capabilities of OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 Turbo, Lowtech AI processes these inputs to produce a draft that resonates with the intended audience while effectively conveying the user’s message. This tool not only saves time and effort but also enhances the quality of speeches, making them more engaging and impactful.

Lowtech AI Key Features

User-Friendly Interface : The platform is designed with simplicity in mind, ensuring that users can easily navigate and utilize the speechwriting tool without any technical hurdles.

Customization : Lowtech AI offers a high degree of customization, allowing users to tailor their speeches based on the theme, audience, and specific goals they wish to achieve.

AI-Powered Technology : Utilizing OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 Turbo, the tool generates content that is both coherent and contextually relevant, ensuring speeches are of high quality.

Accessibility : Aimed at a wide range of users, from professionals to students, the tool is accessible to anyone looking to create compelling speeches.

Efficiency : By streamlining the speechwriting process, Lowtech AI saves users time and effort, enabling them to focus on delivery and presentation.

Engagement : The speeches generated are designed to be engaging and effective, ensuring that the message is delivered in a manner that resonates with the audience.

Lowtech AI Pricing Plans

Lowtech AI offers a free AI speech writer.


Dessy offers a free AI speech writer designed to alleviate the stress of writing the perfect wedding speech. This innovative AI speech writer, known as StyleBot, offers a seamless experience for those tasked with crafting heartfelt orations for weddings. Whether you’re a best man, maid of honor, or a proud parent, Dessy’s StyleBot aims to transform your thoughts and memories into eloquent and memorable words that resonate with the couple and their guests.

What does Dessy do?

Dessy’s StyleBot serves as a digital speechwriter, specializing in the creation of customized wedding speeches. It’s a tool that caters to individuals who may feel overwhelmed by the prospect of public speaking or who simply seek a touch of eloquence and structure in their message. Dessy takes the input provided by the user—memories, anecdotes, and the desired tone of the speech—and processes it through its AI to produce a draft that can be further personalized. This approach not only saves time but also provides a foundation for a speech that can be as humorous, sentimental, or profound as the occasion demands.

Dessy Key Features

Personalized Speech Creation : Dessy’s StyleBot offers a personalized speech creation process, where users can input their unique stories and select the tone they wish to convey, resulting in a speech that feels authentic and tailored to the speaker’s relationship with the couple.

Variety of Speech Styles : The platform provides a range of speech styles to choose from, ensuring that whether the speech is intended to be humorous, heartfelt, or a mix of both, the final product will align with the speaker’s intent and the wedding’s atmosphere.

Ease of Use : Dessy’s user-friendly interface simplifies the speechwriting process, making it accessible for users regardless of their writing experience or comfort level with public speaking.

Time-Saving Solution : For those pressed for time or struggling with writer’s block, Dessy offers a quick and efficient way to produce a quality speech without the hours typically spent on drafting and revising.

Emotional Impact : The AI is designed to weave emotional depth into the speech, ensuring that the final product resonates with the audience and adds to the special day’s emotional tapestry.

Accessibility : Dessy’s service is available online, making it easy for anyone with internet access to utilize the tool from anywhere, at any time, as they prepare for the upcoming wedding event.

Dessy Pricing Plans

Dessy offers a free AI speech writer.

8. Youai AI Political Speech Writer

Youai AI Political Speech Writer

Youai AI Political Speech Writer emerges as a sophisticated tool designed to craft compelling political speeches. This advanced AI speech writer platform is engineered to understand the nuances of political discourse, ensuring that each speech resonates with its intended audience. By leveraging natural language processing and machine learning, it assists speechwriters and political figures in articulating their vision with clarity and impact.

What does Youai AI Political Speech Writer do?

The Youai AI Political Speech Writer serves as a virtual aide to politicians and their teams, streamlining the speechwriting process. It analyzes vast amounts of data, including current affairs and historical speeches, to generate content that is both relevant and rhetorically powerful. This AI tool adapts to various political contexts and can be tailored to align with the speaker’s style and the campaign’s messaging goals, making it an invaluable asset for crafting speeches that are persuasive and authentic.

Youai AI Political Speech Writer Key Features

Customization : The AI offers a high degree of customization, allowing users to input specific themes, tones, and points of emphasis, ensuring that each speech aligns with the politician’s personal style and campaign objectives.

Data-Driven Content : It utilizes a vast repository of political data to produce content that is not only engaging but also informed by historical context and current events, providing speeches that are both timely and timeless.

Language Variety : Recognizing the global nature of politics, the AI supports multiple languages, enabling speechwriters to reach a diverse audience without losing the essence of their message.

Collaborative Editing : The platform facilitates collaboration, allowing teams to work together seamlessly on speech drafts, edit in real-time, and provide feedback, all within a unified interface.

Speech Analysis : Advanced analytics are embedded to evaluate the effectiveness of speeches, offering insights into readability, sentiment, and potential audience reception.

Security and Privacy : With the sensitive nature of political communication, the AI ensures that all data and speech content are protected with robust security measures, safeguarding the confidentiality of the political discourse.

Youai AI Political Speech Writer Pricing Plans

Youai AI Political Speech Writer offers 3 pricing plans:

Free Plan : This plan provides basic access to the AI speechwriting tool, suitable for those looking to explore its capabilities without financial commitment.

Pro Plan : For the most demanding users, the premium plan offers full access to all features, including comprehensive speech analysis and multilingual support, priced at $23 per month.

Business Plan : Aimed at businesses, this plan includes advanced features such as data-driven content generation and collaborative editing tools, priced at $99 per month.

Youai AI accepts debit and credit cards for payments.

9. Wordwell AI

Wordwell AI

Wordwell AI is a solution for those looking to craft memorable speeches with a personal touch. This innovative AI speech writer is designed to assist individuals, particularly brides, in creating speeches that are not only heartfelt but also deeply resonant with their audience. Leveraging advanced AI technology, Wordwell AI simplifies the speechwriting process, making it accessible to everyone, regardless of their technical prowess or writing experience. It offers a unique blend of simplicity and sophistication, allowing users to input their stories and ideas, which are then transformed into beautifully articulated speeches. The service is backed by a satisfaction guarantee, underscoring its commitment to quality and user satisfaction. With Wordwell AI, the daunting task of speechwriting becomes a seamless and enjoyable journey towards creating lasting memories.

What does Wordwell AI do?

Wordwell AI stands as a beacon for those daunted by the prospect of speechwriting, offering a streamlined, AI-powered solution that transforms the complex process into a manageable and enjoyable task. At its core, Wordwell AI is designed to cater to individuals who wish to convey their emotions, stories, and gratitude through speeches that leave a lasting impact. By incorporating users’ unique stories, sentiments, and aspirations, the platform ensures that each speech is not only personalized but also meaningful. The AI analyzes writing style, tone, and provides details to enhance word flow and coherence, crafting speeches that mirror professional quality. Its user-friendly interface and step-by-step guidance make it an ideal choice for anyone looking to create a speech that is both impactful and authentic, regardless of their writing skill level. Wordwell AI democratizes the art of speechwriting, making it possible for anyone to deliver speeches that are memorable, heartfelt, and uniquely theirs.

Wordwell AI Key Features

Personalized Speech Creation : Wordwell AI excels in transforming personal stories and ideas into speeches that are both engaging and meaningful. The platform’s ability to tailor content to the individual’s role, tone, and unique aspirations ensures that every speech reflects the user’s personality and sentiments.

User-Friendly Interface : Designed with simplicity in mind, Wordwell AI offers an intuitive user experience, making it accessible to individuals with varying levels of technical expertise. This ease of use encourages more people to embrace the power of personalized speechwriting without feeling overwhelmed by the process.

AI-Powered Analysis and Enhancement : At the heart of Wordwell AI is its advanced AI technology, which analyzes users’ input for style, tone, and content. It then enhances the writing and word flow, ensuring the final speech is coherent, impactful, and retains the essence of the user’s original input.

Step-by-Step Guidance : The platform provides a structured, step-by-step process that guides users through the creation of their speech. This methodical approach helps demystify the speechwriting process, making it more approachable and less intimidating for users.

Instant Revisions and Editing : Wordwell AI offers the flexibility of instant AI-powered revisions and easy on-platform editing. This feature allows users to refine their speeches, ensuring the final product aligns perfectly with their expectations and requirements.

Satisfaction Guarantee : Demonstrating its commitment to quality and user satisfaction, Wordwell AI backs its service with a 100% money-back satisfaction guarantee. This policy underscores the platform’s confidence in its ability to deliver speeches that meet or exceed users’ expectations.

Wordwell AI Pricing Plans

Wordwell AI offers two main pricing plans to accommodate the needs of different users.

Essentials : Priced at $14 per user, this plan is designed for individuals seeking basic speechwriting assistance. It includes access to the AI-powered speechwriting tool, step-by-step guidance, and basic editing features. The Essentials plan is priced affordably, making it accessible to a wide range of users.

Premium : For those requiring more advanced features and personalized support, the Premium plan, priced at $19 per user, offers enhanced capabilities, including advanced editing tools, priority customer support, and additional personalization options. This plan is tailored for users looking for a more comprehensive speechwriting solution.

Wordwell AI accepts various payment methods, including debit and credit cards, and PayPal, providing flexibility and convenience for users worldwide.

FAQs on AI Speech Writer

What is an ai speech writer.

An AI Speech Writer is a sophisticated tool that leverages artificial intelligence, including machine learning and natural language processing, to generate speeches. It’s designed to understand user inputs such as topics, outlines, and specific requirements, and then produce a speech that aligns with these inputs. This technology is particularly useful for individuals and professionals who need to create compelling speeches but may lack the time, skills, or resources to do so manually.

How accurate are AI Speech Writers?

AI Speech Writers are remarkably accurate in terms of grammar, structure, and adherence to the provided inputs. Their accuracy in capturing the intended tone and style improves with advancements in AI technology and the amount of data they are trained on. However, the level of accuracy can also depend on the clarity and specificity of the instructions given by the user.

Can AI Speech Writers create content for any occasion?

Yes, AI Speech Writers are versatile tools capable of generating speeches for a wide range of occasions. From formal events like conferences and award ceremonies to personal occasions such as weddings and anniversaries, these AI tools can tailor content to fit the specific context and audience of nearly any event.

Do AI Speech Writers produce original content?

AI Speech Writers are designed to produce original content by synthesizing information from a vast database of language patterns, speeches, and texts. While they generate unique speeches based on the inputs provided, it’s always a good practice to review and personalize the content further to ensure it meets your specific needs and preferences.

How do I personalize a speech generated by an AI Speech Writer?

To personalize a speech generated by an AI Speech Writer, you can adjust the provided inputs to reflect your desired tone, style, and key messages. After generating the initial draft, you can also manually edit the speech to add personal anecdotes, specific examples, or additional information that makes the speech more tailored to you or your audience.

Are there any limitations to using AI Speech Writers?

While AI Speech Writers are powerful tools, they do have limitations. They may not fully capture the nuances of human emotion or the subtleties of personal storytelling. Additionally, the quality of the output can vary based on the complexity of the request and the specificity of the inputs provided.

How can AI Speech Writers improve my public speaking skills?

AI Speech Writers can serve as a valuable resource for improving public speaking skills by providing well-structured, coherent, and engaging speech content. Practicing with these speeches can help speakers become more confident in their delivery and familiarize themselves with various rhetorical techniques and language styles.

Is it ethical to use an AI Speech Writer?

Using an AI Speech Writer is generally considered ethical as long as the user is transparent about the use of AI in the speechwriting process when necessary and ensures that the content is appropriate and respectful. It’s important to use these tools responsibly and in a way that enhances, rather than replaces, genuine human connection and communication.

Can AI Speech Writers be used for educational purposes?

Absolutely, AI Speech Writers can be a valuable educational tool, helping students learn about speech structure, persuasive techniques, and effective communication. They can also assist educators in creating instructional content and engaging presentations for their students.

How do I choose the best AI Speech Writer for my needs?

Choosing the best AI Speech Writer involves considering factors such as the quality of the generated content, customization options, ease of use, and the ability to integrate specific data or quotes. It’s also helpful to look for tools that offer a trial period or demo, allowing you to test the software and ensure it meets your requirements before making a commitment.

AI Speech Writers stand out as a groundbreaking innovation, offering individuals and professionals alike the ability to craft speeches that are not only compelling but also deeply personalized. The evolution of AI technology has made it possible to bridge the gap between the art of speechwriting and the efficiency of automated processes, ensuring that every speech not only conveys the intended message but does so with eloquence and impact. As we continue to explore the capabilities of AI Speech Writers, it’s clear that their role in enhancing our communication efforts is only set to grow, making them an indispensable tool for anyone looking to leave a lasting impression through their words.

The integration of AI into speechwriting is a testament to the ongoing digital transformation, highlighting the potential of technology to augment human creativity and expression. By choosing the right AI Speech Writer, individuals can harness the power of AI to elevate their speeches, making every word count in their quest to connect with and inspire their audience. As we move forward, the fusion of human insight and AI’s capabilities promises to redefine the boundaries of effective communication, making it an exciting time for anyone looking to explore the art of speechwriting in the digital age.

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Meet Verble, your AI speechwriting assistant that helps you master the art of verbal persuasion and storytelling.

★★★★★ More than 7500 speeches made

Speak with impact

Meet verble, your free ai speechwriting assistant that helps you master the art of verbal persuasion and storytelling..


Everyone's got a story. 

Express yourself effectively and with confidence.

Whether you deliver a business pitch, a keynote address, or a heartfelt wedding speech, we're committed to helping you get your story out. We believe in the power of your story, your idea, your case - and we think everyone should have the chance to share theirs.

Create your Verble in a couple of minutes

Chat with us

Kickstart your preparation by having a quick chat with your AI assistant. You will get targeted questions that help you share your thoughts, audience, and your message. No stress about where to begin or what to say. Verble is here to guide you. 


Create a draft

After the chat, Verble works its magic, transforming your thoughts into a clear and organized draft. Say goodbye to blank pages and struggling with words. Verble gives you a steady starting point, reducing the hassle and saving you time.


Make it your own

Our speech coaches have spent years analyzing the best speakers in the world. We incorporated that expertise into the smart editing mode. You will be able to use the techniques that the Steve Jobs’ and Jacinda Ardern’s of this world are using to make their speeches stand out. 


"With Verble, it feels like you have your own personal speechwriter in your pocket. It makes it really easy to prepare talks quickly!"

Gabrielle Davelaar   |   Senior AI Specialist Global @ Microsoft

No matter the event

Verble's got you covered.

Unlike generic chat platforms, Verble has been designed with the diversity of public speaking in mind. It understands the nuances between different types of speeches and guides you to tailor your message accordingly. 

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Present new ideas to management

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Pitch your company to a group of investors

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Keynote at a business event

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Thank a colleague

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Giving a persuasive sales pitch

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Speeching at your friend's wedding

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NEW: Create the Perfect Wedding Speech in no time.

"As an ENT Surgeon, I've found Verble to be an invaluable app for transforming complex medical concepts into clear, engaging presentations and research keynotes."

Louise Heeren

Ent surgeon @ umc utrecht.

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"Verble's user-friendly interface and innovative speaker techniques make it a powerful tool for startup founders looking to nail their investor pitches, particularly the challenging short versions."

Stefan van Duin

Vc investor @ borski.


From public speaking to important meetings, Verble is a fantastic tool during preparation. It's not only innovative but also sparks new ideas that we have applied in our investor pitches."

Laurens van Mierlo

Ceo @ campy app.


Soon available

Practise your speech

In this Practise Center, you can use your webcam to practice your speech, reading directly from the screen like a teleprompter, so you don't need to worry about what to say. Focus on maintaining a good pace, using varied intonation to emphasize key points, and just have fun with your story. You can practice as many times as needed; if a session isn't perfect, simply try again.

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Travel size speaking coach

Always by your side

Unlike traditional in-person coaching, Verble is available for you anytime, anywhere. There's no need to align schedules or travel for a meeting. Whether you're prepping for a last-minute presentation or working on a speech in the wee hours, Verble is just a few clicks away, ready to help you craft a compelling story.

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Your A.I. speechwriting assistant that helps you master the art of verbal persuasion and storytelling.

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What is a Verble?

Go from text to speech with a versatile AI voice generator

Ai enabled, real people's voices.

Make studio-quality voice overs in minutes. Use Murf’s lifelike AI voices for podcasts, videos, and all your professional presentations

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There's a voice for every need

Product Developer

Simple, powerful…pure magic

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Get creative with Murf Studio

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Diverse AI voices at your fingertips

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Add video, music, or image

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All-in-one AI voice generator

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Go from amateur to studio quality voiceovers

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Now collaborate with your team

Reliable and secure. your data, our promise..

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Explore Voice overs created using Murf AI Voice Generator

Here are a few examples of natural-sounding voiceovers created using Murf's AI voices for a wide range of use cases spanning promotional videos, explainer videos, elearning content and podcasts.

Advertisements & Promotional Videos


E-Learning Videos

Explainer Videos


Hear from our customers

I like that for other basic and pro pricing packages you have a wealth of options, which you don't usually get within these amounts. My favorite option is the copy/paste feature of text and the separation of it into paragraph and/or sentences and that you can download as a single or as multiple files. This makes the workflow smoother when developing multiple videos or animations.

write speech with ai

Murf.ai streamlines the content creation workflow and reduces time/cost for e-learning developers. Many of the computer-generated voices are very realistic, and my organizational training clients are typically very happy with the results. It generates realistic narrations, along with scripts and subtitles in all popular formats.

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I recently tried murf.ai and I have to say I am thoroughly impressed. The quality of the generated voice is exceptional and very realistic, which is important for my business needs. The platform is user-friendly and easy to navigate, and the range of voices available is impressive. I was also pleased with the prompt and helpful customer support I received when I had questions. Overall, I highly recommend murf.ai to anyone looking for a high-quality and reliable text-to-speech generator. Keep up the great work!

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We've been using Murf for our content production for a while now, and I can say Murf is the best TTS software out there -yes I've tried most of them single-handedly. Our favourite voice avatar is named AVA, She sounds just like your girlfriend next door! And you don't even have to get the PRO plan to get her voice!

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Whilst updating our Integrated Management System, we decided to modernise the way we provide our front-line project staff with information and guidance. Rather than written documents, we have created a library of short, animated explainer videos. Murf was the perfect solution to provide the voiceover audio. Our scripts were easily uploaded on the Murf platform. The voices are professional, friendly and very clear. When watching our videos, you would not believe that the voiceover is done with AI

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Valuable tool for enhancing e-learning content Murf is a quality, cost-effective solution for creating voiceover narration for our e-learning content. It is easy to use, fast and produces excellent results. It allows us to enhance e-learning content by providing an audio element to enrich content.

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Murf is a great tool with the ability to sync high quality voice overs to video. The library of pre-recorded voice options, screen recording is just what you need to help you create a slick video quickly. I would certainly recommend murf.ai to fellow founders and start-ups out there. I will be using your tool again soon!

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Murf is a human-sounding AI voice-over that is so close to perfection with many features. Have no qualms to recommend it to others.

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Frequently asked questions

The best ai voice generator for creators.

For years, creating good voice overs meant investing hundreds if not thousands of dollars in hiring voice artists, renting a recording studio to get the script recorded, investing in expensive recording equipment (if you are recording from home), and recruiting or outsourcing the entire project to an audio editor to mix the audio and produce a high-quality voiceover. Not to mention, the valuable hours dedicated to the entire process. Even after all this, the quality of the produced audio file may be subpar. 

What if there was an alternative to creating studio-quality voiceovers, and that too from the comfort of your own homes? Introducing Murf AI voice generator, which eliminates the entire process of generating voiceovers manually and enables you to quickly produce human-like voiceovers without any specialized hardware or professional.

Leveraging advanced AI algorithms and deep learning, the realistic online voice generator tool allows you to convert written content into natural-sounding speech, in a matter of just a few minutes. Serving as a voice maker, it helps you create life-like synthetic voices that mimic the tonalities and prosodies of human speech and sound. Unlike other computer generated voice, Murf's AI voices don't sound monotonous and robotic. Rather Murf's TTS voices are super realistic and flawless.

Explore AI voices for any requirement

Murf’s advanced AI algorithms catch the right tone and pick up on every punctuation and exclamation mark from the human voice fed it. As such, the platform's AI voices sound close to a human than one can imagine.

Voice over video

Using Murf’s AI technology, you can add a well-timed AI voiceover to your videos and make them more engaging. Unlike most video editing software, Murf doesn’t require video editing skills.

For example, say you want to create a corporate training module and explainer videos for your staff. Such content demands an expert voice that draws on the essence of professionalism and instills confidence in potential partners. Murf offers different voices—both male and female—that will enhance the quality of your corporate training module.

Voice Editing

Murf also simplifies the process of editing recorded voiceovers. Simply feed your recorded speech onto the Murf Studio and it automatically transcribes the content into an editable text format that you can edit and modify.

You can also remove any unneeded bits and background noise from your recording in the same way that you would delete words from a document, and your voice over will be trimmed accordingly.

Voice Cloning using custom voices

With Murf, you can also create an AI voice clone that delivers life-like diction and the full spectrum of human emotion and conveys all the nuances of human speech. In fact, using the voice cloning service, you can customize your AI voice clone to exhibit different emotions depending on the use case, be it advertisements, IVR, or character voices in games and animation. Murf currently only offers voice cloning services in the English language.

Voice Changer

Murf also supports an AI voice changer feature which offers one access to upload a raw home recording and convert that into a professional quality voice over with the voice of your choice. You don't have to worry about investing in expensive recording equipment, hiring a voice actor, or  renting out a studio. With Murf, you can record your audio files freestyle, and, with the click of a button convert it to studio quality.

The only AI Text to Speech software you need

With its cutting-edge technology and realistic AI voices, Murf is the perfect solution for individuals and businesses looking to enhance their audio content. Let’s explore some of the diverse applications of Murf:

eLearning and Explainer Videos

When it comes to eLearning, Murf can be used to quickly convert text-based educational content into a more convenient audio format that can be shared with students worldwide and in different languages, improving reach and accessibility, all without the need to hire voice actors or record voiceovers manually.

Furthermore, Murf provides a vast pool of voices for any type of explainer video. Be it a deep middle-aged voice for an animation video on the Solar system or a playful young adult voice for a DIY or craft video.

Advertisement and Product Demo

Murf provides an ideal solution for creating captivating advertisements and product demos . With its versatile voice options and customizable speech styles, Murf simplifies ad creation and helps create videos that cut through the clutter.

By utilizing the 120+ voice options, Murf helps businesses identify the right brand voice that helps create connections and trust with the audience. The fast turnaround time is also beneficial in creating product demo videos with the correct pronunciation, emphasis, and pauses in multiple languages.

Audiobooks and Podcasts

For authors, Murf simplifies the process of turning their scripts into engaging audio experiences. With multiple AI-generated voices across languages, accents, tones, and voice styles, Murf can narrate audiobooks in an engaging manner, making them more accessible to a broader audience.

Moreover, podcasters can rely on Murf to generate voiceovers for their podcasts , delivering professional-quality audio content instead of recording their own voice and spending hours editing it. 

Spotify Ads

With the growing popularity of audio advertising on platforms like Spotify, Murf offers a powerful solution for creating impactful Spotify ads campaigns. Murf’s rich features, like pitch, pronunciation, and emphasis, make it a compelling choice for creating Spotify ads in minutes. The ability to add music and background score to your ads without the need for a third-party tool takes things a step further. 

YouTube Videos and Presentations

 Murf is an excellent asset for content creators on YouTube as well as professionals delivering presentations . YouTubers, for example, can convert their scripts into engaging voice overs that captivate viewers by selecting a voice with different accents, such as British, Australian, or American, that is suitable for the topic and content of their video.

Whether educational content, tutorial videos, or corporate presentations, Murf’s high quality voices can greatly improve a bland presentation, making the content more engaging and impactful with lifelike AI voices.

For businesses seeking to optimize their customer service experience, Murf serves as an ideal solution for IVR voice systems. Murf’s TTS enables companies to generate natural-sounding voice prompts and greetings for their IVR systems, creating seamless and personalized customer interactions. The automated, multilingual functionality helps businesses communicate with clarity to their customers worldwide.

An all-in-one voice generator

Murf goes beyond serving as a realistic voice generator to offer a complete voice solution that enables users to not only adjust the pitch, punctuation, emphasis, and other elements to make the AI generated voice sound as compelling as possible but also add media like your video, audio, and image files with your generated voice. 

Using Murf’s ‘Pitch’ feature, you can control the tone in which your message is delivered. Increase or decrease the pitch of the AI voice to convey the information in the way you want to.

The AI voice generator’s ‘Emphasis’ facet, on the other hand, enables you to stress specific words and add that extra force to grab the listener’s attention.

You can also include pauses using Murf’s ‘Pause’ feature to make your narration more gripping and effective.

With Murf's speed feature, you can increase or decrease the rate at which your message is being delivered.

In addition, Murf enables one to include background music to your video or image and sync them with a precisely timed voice over. Murf has a library of royalty music that you can choose from or import audio files of your own. Furthermore, the text to speech platform lets you adjust the ratio of voice to music.

Why Choose Murf?

What makes Murf stand out among other ai text to speech tools is the fact that as an online voice generator, it lets you create quality outputs in a jiffy. From enterprises to small-medium businesses to individual content creators, everybody can generate realistic-sounding voice overs across different ages, languages, and accents using Murf.

Its easy-to-use interface, sleek design, and high-end features make it a must-have tool for someone that wants to create great voiceovers in just minutes. Looking for a high-quality, cost-effective solution for creating voiceover narrations? Murf natural sounding text to speech is your answer.

Murf supports Text to speech in

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Important Links

How to create.

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Text-to-Speech Voice Generator

Turn any text or script into natural-sounding speech with Descript's text-to-speech voice generator. Choose from dozens of lifelike AI voices or create your own voice clones in minutes. It’s perfect for podcast intros, voiceovers, faceless videos, and more.

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How to turn text into realistic AI voice audio

Experience the magic of text-to-speech. Fix mistakes in your audio recordings without trudging back into the recording studio. Descript’s Overdub uses AI to create a natural-sounding synthetic version of your voice that you can use in any audio or video you’re creating.  

In a new Descript project, type out your script in the text editor or paste in the text you want to generate speech from. You can also use the  Ask AI  command in the Actions menu to write a script for you based on whatever criteria you want. 

Press ‘@’ to assign a speaker to your script. You can enter a new speaker name and then  Enable speech generation  to start the process of cloning your voice. Or  you can select  Browse stock AI speakers  to choose from a library of realistic stock voices, emotions, and styles.

The script will flash briefly to indicate your speech is being generated. Once that’s done, you can play back your newly generated voice audio, continue in an audio or video project, or export it by clicking  Publish .

Create natural-sounding speech with Descript

Turn text into sound with Descript by creating a high-quality text-to-speech model of your voice or selecting one from our ultra-realistic stock voices.

  • Ultra-realistic: Descript’s Overdub is constantly being improved to sound more and more natural, with human inflections and contextual adjustments.
  • State of the art: Descript’s Lyrebird AI represents the world’s most advanced speech-synthesis technology. It’s so real that androids often mistake it for their missing families.
  • Privacy & security: Descript verifies that every Overdub Voice belongs to its owner. We do not allow cloning of voices that don’t belong to the account owner. We won’t share the data underlying your Overdub Voice with anyone outside Descript.
  • Multiple voices: You can create multiple versions of your own voice to reflect different performance modes or emotional states, such as sad, excited, or Pittsburgh.
  • Sharing: Descript allows you, and only you, to share your Overdub Voice with trusted collaborators or legally titled androids.  

Frequently Asked Questions

Can someone else use descript’s overdub tts to clone my voice.

No. When creating an Overdub Voice, Descript users must positively affirm their identity and give Descript their express consent to train and generate a synthesized version of their voice.

Voice-training data that does not include this Voice ID cannot be used to create an Overdub Voice. In other words, unless you specifically consent to Overdub Voice creation, Descript will not create your Overdub Voice.

We verify this consent by authenticating the audio file uploaded against our training script to ensure that the voice recorded belongs to the person submitting it.

Is Descript Text-to-Speech free?

Overdub text-to-speech is free on all Descript accounts. Pro accounts get an unlimited Overdub vocabulary.

Is there a difference between Overdub generated with the Pro subscription vs. a Creator or Free subscription?

Yes. While you can create a custom Voice on Overdub with any subscription,  Free and Creator plans are limited to a list of the 1,000 most common vocabulary words. Any words that are not on that list will be replaced with "jibber" or "jabber." To avoid this gibberish and gain access to the full vocabulary list, you can upgrade to the Pro subscription.

How can I improve the quality of my text-to-speech voice?

TTS voice quality relies on a number of factors, such as the quality of your microphone, background noise, and room surfaces. Check out our article on Overdub Voice Quality Tips for tips on how you can assure the best possible recording.

Download the app for free

More articles and resources.

5 ways to establish your podcast's brand

5 ways to establish your podcast's brand

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What Is Personal Branding? Sharing Your Skill Sets and Strengths

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How to record an interview: 11 pro tips

Other tools from descript, youtube video summarizer, rotate video, marketing video maker, promo video maker, collaborative video editing, silence remover, video presentation maker.

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Text to Speech

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  • 3 Create a new project Drag your file into the box above, or click Select file and import it from your computer or wherever it lives.

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With Descript, you can generate and edit voice audio just by typing. Convert your text into speech, edit it, and export it in your preferred format—all in one place.

write speech with ai

Descript's  text-to-speech (TTS)  capabilities use AI to generate incredibly realistic voices. Choose from a range of voice types—from corporate to conversational, masculine to feminine—to find the one that suits your project best.

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Create and share your own AI voices for use in future projects, whether you want to take a breather and let AI handle that voiceover track, or fix or add to an existing recording without rerecording.

write speech with ai

No, Descript does not allow others to clone your voice without your explicit consent. Your voice data is kept secure and confidential, and you can delete it at any time. We are committed to protecting our users' privacy and adhere to a strict  code of ethics .

Descript offers both free and paid versions of text-to-speech. The free version includes basic text-to-speech capabilities to turn text into audio. However, to access and utilize the full range of features, including advanced voice editing, voice cloning, and Overdub, you need to subscribe to a paid plan starting at $12/mo.

Yes, there is a difference. The free plan provides basic text-to-speech services, but the quality and customizability options are greatly increased with the premium plans. The paid plans offer access to the Overdub feature, allowing you to create your own unique text-to-speech voices, as well as additional features like advanced editing capabilities.

You can improve the quality of your text-to-speech voice clone by recording in a quiet environment, speaking clearly and naturally as you read the sample script, using a high-quality microphone, and following Descript's recording guidelines in the prompt.

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Top 11 AI Speech Writers To Write Speeches Like a Pro, Even if You're Not

Published On

AI speech writer

Ever dream of delivering a captivating speech that leaves your audience speechless (in a good way)? But let's face it, crafting words that inspire, inform, and entertain can feel like scaling Mount Everest in flip-flops. Fear not, speech-challenged friends! The secret weapon of modern-day orators has arrived: AI speech writers.

Get ready to ditch the writer's block, boost your confidence, and deliver presentations that land applause, not awkward silence.

11 Best AI letter writers

Hyperwrite ai speech writer.

HyperWrite AI Speech Writer

Overview: HyperWrite AI Speech Writer is a tool designed to help you create compelling speeches. It uses advanced AI, specifically GPT-4 and ChatGPT, to generate speeches from outlines, descriptions, topics, and sources or quotes. This tool is ideal for public speakers, educators, professionals, and anyone needing a well-crafted speech for various occasions.

Best Features

Powered by GPT-4 and ChatGPT: Utilizes the latest AI technology for high-quality speech generation.

Customizable Inputs: Allows entering an outline, description, topic, and sources or quotes for personalized speeches.

Versatile Use Cases: Suitable for keynotes, persuasive arguments, educational purposes, award acceptances, and special occasions.

User-Friendly Interface: Easy input and generation process to craft speeches effortlessly.

Learning and Personalization: Adapts to your writing style over time for more personalized outputs.

Free Limited Use: Offers some functionality for free, with premium plans for extensive use.


Subscription for Full Access: Unlimited access requires a subscription, which might be a barrier for some users.

Learning Curve: Users may need to spend time learning how to best input their requirements for optimal results.

Dependence on Quality of Inputs: The effectiveness of the generated speech heavily relies on the quality and detail of the user's inputs.


Starter: Free

Premium : $19.99 per monthly

Ultra : $44.00 per monthly

Writecream Speech Generator

Writecream Speech Generator

Overview: Writecream Speech Generator is a powerful AI tool designed to transform your thoughts into engaging speeches instantly. It's perfect for students, professionals, and anyone looking to make a memorable impact with their words. This tool leverages advanced AI to produce well-structured and coherent speeches effortlessly, saving you time and effort in speech writing.

User-Friendly Process: Easy steps to generate a speech - input your topic, generate the speech, and refine as needed.

Tone Selection: Offers a variety of tones (friendly, formal, casual, etc.) to match the style of your speech to your audience.

Style Customization: Allows for detailed customization of tone, including sentence structure and vocabulary richness.

Multilingual Support : Supports multiple languages, enabling content generation in languages other than English.

Content Length Control: Users can specify the desired length of their speech, from short paragraphs to full articles.

Cost Savings : Reduces the need for voice actors or recording studios, ideal for budget-conscious projects.

Dependence on User Input: The quality of the generated speech heavily relies on the clarity and detail of the user's input.

Learning Curve: New users may need time to familiarize themselves with the tool's features and settings for optimal use.

Internet Requirement : Being an online tool, it requires a stable internet connection for access and use.

CookUp.ai's Speech Writer

CookUp.ai's Speech Writer

Overview: CookUp.ai's Speech Writer is designed to assist users in crafting personalized speeches quickly and efficiently. Utilizing advanced natural language processing and machine learning technologies, this tool aims to generate high-quality speeches that are tailored to the user's specific context, event, theme, tone, and style. It's a solution for anyone looking to create powerful and impactful speeches with ease.

Personalized Content Generation: Tailors speeches to the specific needs of the user, considering the context, event, theme, tone, and style.

Quick and Efficient: Helps users save time by generating speeches quickly, making it ideal for tight deadlines.

Ease of Use: Designed to be user-friendly, allowing for a straightforward speech creation process without the need for extensive writing experience.

Advanced Technology: Employs natural language processing and machine learning to ensure the speeches are of high quality and relevance.

Versatility: Suitable for a wide range of occasions, from formal events to casual gatherings, thanks to its customizable settings.


Dependence on User Inputs: The quality of the generated speech heavily relies on the user's ability to provide detailed and accurate inputs.

Generic Outputs: There's a potential for the speeches to lack a unique personal touch or fail to capture the user's voice perfectly.

Learning Curve: New users may need to experiment with different inputs and settings to achieve the desired output.

Accessibility and Cost: Information on accessibility and cost is not provided, but these could be potential limitations if the tool is not free or has a complicated pricing structure.

Typli.ai Speech Writer

Typli.ai Speech Writer

Overview : Typli.ai Speech Writer is an AI-powered tool designed to help users craft messages that resonate across various contexts, from informative and persuasive to motivational and entertaining speeches. It simplifies the speech-writing process, allowing users to generate speeches by simply inputting their topics and preferences.

Ease of Use: Users can start creating speeches by typing in their topic and clicking "Generate," making it accessible to everyone.

Versatile Speech Types: Supports a range of speech types, including informative, persuasive, motivational, and entertaining, catering to diverse needs.

Character Limit Flexibility: Offers a generous character limit for inputs, allowing for detailed speech prompts.

Word Usage Tracking: Keeps track of words used, helping users manage their content within specific limits.

Diverse Applications: Ideal for leaders, educators, advocates, and anyone looking to impact through words, covering a wide audience and purpose spectrum.

Word Purchase Requirement: Users may need to buy more words to continue using the service, which could be a limitation for those requiring extensive use.

Dependence on User Inputs: The quality of the generated speech heavily relies on the user's ability to provide clear and concise prompts.

Learning Curve: New users might need some time to familiarize themselves with the tool's features and best practices for optimal results.

Hobbyist: $29 per month

Freelancer: $49 per month

Professional: $299 per month


Overview: Verble is an AI speech-writing assistant designed to help users craft speeches for various occasions, including business pitches, keynote addresses, and wedding speeches. It aims to empower users to express themselves effectively and with confidence. Verble stands out by offering a platform that combines the expertise of professional speechwriters and public speaking coaches, making it easier for anyone to create compelling and impactful speeches.

Best Features 

Expert Design: Created by industry experts, Verble acts as both a professional speechwriter and a public speaking coach.

Personalized Assistance: Offers a step-by-step guide, starting from a quick chat to understand your thoughts, audience, and message, leading to a draft creation and finally, refining the speech with smart editing tools.

Diverse Speech Types Support: Tailored to handle various types of speeches, understanding the nuances between them to help users craft their message accordingly.

Accessibility : Available anytime, anywhere, making it convenient for users to work on their speeches without the need to align schedules or travel for a meeting.

User-Friendly Interface: Designed to be easy to use, allowing users to quickly prepare talks and presentations.

Internet Dependency: Requires an internet connection to access the platform and its features.

Learning Curve : New users may need some time to familiarize themselves with the platform's features and how to best utilize them for their specific needs.

Personalization Limits: While it offers personalized assistance, the final output's effectiveness can vary depending on the user's input and engagement with the tool.

Custom pricing


Overview: Vondy.com offers an AI speech generator designed to create high-quality, engaging speeches and presentations effortlessly. This tool is ideal for anyone needing a speech for various occasions, such as business presentations or wedding toasts. It simplifies the speech-writing process by using powerful AI algorithms to generate content that matches your needs in terms of length, tone, and style.

Saves Time and Effort: It eliminates the need for extensive research and writing, freeing you up to focus on other aspects of your presentation.

High-Quality Content: Advanced AI algorithms ensure the speeches are coherent, engaging, and meet your specific requirements.

Versatility and Customization: You have full control over the speech's length, tone, and style, making it easy to create content that resonates with your audience.

User-Friendly Interface: The tool is designed for ease of use, regardless of technical expertise.

Cost-Effective: Provides a professional-grade speech-writing solution without the need to hire a speechwriter.

Dependence on Input Quality : The effectiveness of the generated speech heavily relies on the quality and specificity of the input provided by the user.

Lack of Human Touch: While AI can produce high-quality content, it may not fully replicate the nuances and emotional depth a human writer can offer.

Potential for Generic Outputs: There's a risk of generating speeches that might not be entirely unique or tailored to highly specific or niche topics.

Business: $99 per month

Plus: $19 per month

Pro: $49 per month


Overview: Texta.ai provides an AI writing assistant tailored for speech writers, offering a powerful tool to streamline the speech-writing process. This platform is designed to help users quickly and easily get their ideas onto paper, creating polished, professional-level speeches without the hassle of manual drafting. It's trusted by millions of professionals and has received over 1,000+ 5-star ratings, indicating its effectiveness and popularity.

Time Efficiency: Reduces document writing time by up to 75%, allowing users to focus on more critical tasks.

Automation of Tedious Tasks: Automates the writing and editing of documents, eliminating hours of work.

Boost in Productivity: Enables users to concentrate on essential tasks by taking care of the paperwork.

Versatility in Document Types: Optimized for speech writing and presentations, including speech outlines, drafts, rehearsal scripts, presentation slides, speech evaluations, and post-speech analysis.

User-Friendly Interface : Easy to navigate and use, making it accessible for users with varying levels of technical expertise.

High-Quality Output: Generates professional-level documents instantly, ensuring high-quality content for any speech-related task.

Generic Outputs : While it offers customization, there's a potential for outputs that may not fully capture the unique voice or specific nuances intended by the user.

Over-Reliance on AI: Users might become overly reliant on AI, potentially limiting their own skills development in speech writing.

Privacy Concerns: As with any AI tool that processes personal or sensitive information, there may be concerns about data privacy and security.

Integration with Existing Workflows: While Texta.ai is designed to integrate seamlessly into existing systems, there might be challenges in adapting it to specific workflows or platforms.

Starter: $10 per monthly

Pro max: $17 per monthly

Pro max plus: $29 per monthly



Overview: Speechwriter.ai is an innovative platform designed to simplify the process of speech writing by leveraging artificial intelligence. It offers a quick and personalized way to write speeches for various occasions, including weddings, graduations, and more. By answering a few questions, users can have AI draft a speech tailored to their needs and preferences, making it an invaluable tool for anyone looking to create a memorable speech without spending hours on the task.

Personalization: Speechwriter.ai crafts speeches that reflect the user's voice and style, ensuring a personal touch.

Speed: Utilizes trained AI models to generate speeches quickly, drawing from a vast database of some of the best speeches in history.

Privacy: Delivers the speech directly to the user via email or Google Doc, ensuring the content remains private and secure.

Versatility: Capable of generating speeches for a wide range of occasions, including best man speeches, maid of honor speeches, graduation speeches, and more.

Ease of Use: The platform is straightforward, requiring users to simply fill out a questionnaire for the AI to generate a speech.

Customization Depth: While Speechwriter.ai offers personalization, the depth of customization may be limited compared to a speech written entirely from scratch by a human.

Unique Content Guarantee: There's a possibility that speeches generated may share similarities with others due to the use of common templates or phrases.

Emotional Nuance: AI may not fully capture the emotional depth or subtleties that a human writer could convey, potentially making the speech feel less authentic.

Dependence on User Input: The quality of the final speech heavily relies on the user's input. Limited or vague responses may result in a speech that doesn't fully meet expectations.



Overview: Speechgen.humainism.ai is an innovative platform designed to assist in generating diplomatic speeches on various topics related to cyberspace governance and international security. It leverages AI and expert-written statements to produce speeches that align with the user's chosen positions on specific issues. This tool is particularly useful for professionals and stakeholders involved in international relations, policy-making, and governance.

AI-Assisted Speech Generation : Utilizes AI to craft speeches based on expert insights and the user's selected stances, ensuring relevance and accuracy.

Customization: Offers the ability to tailor speeches to reflect specific viewpoints and objectives, enhancing the personalization of the content.

Resource Database: Provides access to a comprehensive database of transcripts, statements, and reports from significant meetings, serving as a valuable research tool.

Visual Exploration of Countries' Positions: Features graph visualizations to explore and understand various countries' stances on key topics, aiding in informed decision-making.

User-Friendly Interface : Designed to be accessible and easy to navigate, facilitating a smooth experience for users of all technical backgrounds.

Scope of Topics: The focus is primarily on diplomatic and international relations topics, which may limit its applicability for users needing speeches on unrelated subjects.

Depth of Customization: While it offers customization based on selected positions, the depth and nuance of personalization may not match that of a speech written entirely by a human expert.

Reliance on Predefined Stances: The quality and relevance of the generated speech heavily depend on the predefined stances and expert statements available in the database, which may not cover all perspectives or the latest developments.

Potential for Generic Outputs: There's a risk that speeches might not fully capture the unique voice or specific nuances intended by the user, especially in highly specialized or nuanced topics.



Overview: The AI speech writer tool on Easy-Peasy.AI is designed to help users generate compelling speeches for any occasion. This tool is user-friendly and supports over 40 languages, making it accessible to a wide audience. It leverages advanced AI technology, including GPT-4, to ensure high-quality outputs that can be tailored to specific needs such as the occasion, audience, speech length, and tone of voice. Users can start for free without the need for a credit card, making it an attractive option for anyone looking to create speeches quickly and efficiently.

Powered by Advanced AI: Utilizes cutting-edge AI technology, including GPT-4, for superior performance and accurate results.

Supports Over 40 Languages: Makes it accessible to a global audience, allowing users to generate speeches in their native language.

No Credit Card Required for Start: Users can begin creating speeches immediately without any financial commitment.

Customizable Speech Options: Offers customization options such as occasion, audience, speech length, and tone of voice to meet specific needs.

High User Satisfaction: Boasts 5-star ratings from users, indicating high satisfaction with the quality of speeches generated.

Requires Internet Connection: As an online tool, it needs a stable internet connection to function.

Limited Free Features: Some advanced features might require upgrading, which could be a limitation for users seeking free tools.

Dependent on AI Interpretation: The quality of the output can vary depending on how well the AI interprets the user's inputs.



Overview: The AI speech writer tool on Word.Studio is designed to simplify the process of creating speeches for various occasions, such as keynote presentations, graduation ceremonies, and business pitches. This tool uses AI to help users draft speeches that are engaging and appropriate for their specific event and audience. It offers a straightforward interface that guides users through selecting the type of speech, defining the speech topic, identifying the target audience, choosing the tone of voice, and specifying the speech length.

Versatile Speech Types: Users can select from various occasions, ensuring the speech content and tone are suitable for the event.

Customizable Content: The tool allows for detailed input about the speech topic and audience, enabling the AI to tailor the content more effectively.

Tone of Voice Options: Offers flexibility in setting the desired tone, from engaging and funny to serious, to match the speaker's style and event's atmosphere.

Speech Length Specification: Users can specify the duration of their speech, helping to structure the content to fit within the allotted time.

User-Friendly Interface: The tool's design is intuitive, making it easy for anyone to navigate and use effectively.

AI-Generated Drafts May Require Personalization: While the tool provides a solid starting point, users may need to add personal anecdotes or industry insights to make the speech truly unique.

Feedback for Refinement Needed: To ensure the speech resonates well with the audience, obtaining feedback from others can be crucial, which might not always be convenient.

Practice Required: Users must practice the speech to ensure the pacing and delivery match the intended impact, which can be time-consuming.

Starter: $3 per month

Pro: $12 per month

Sample prompts to write speech using AI

Creating a speech can be a daunting task, whether you're preparing for a public speaking event, a wedding toast, or a business presentation. Fortunately, AI speech writers and speech generators have made this process easier and more efficient. Below are sample prompts that can help you leverage these tools to craft speeches that are engaging, memorable, and impactful.

1. Introduction to a Keynote Speech

Prompt: "I am giving a keynote on the future of technology in education. The audience will be educators and tech innovators. I want the tone to be inspiring and forward-looking."

Keywords: AI speech writer, keynote speech, future of technology, education, inspiring tone.

2. Graduation Ceremony Speech

Prompt: "Write a graduation speech for a high school class. The theme is 'Overcoming Challenges with Resilience.' Focus on the achievements of the class and the future possibilities."

Keywords: Speech generator, graduation ceremony, high school, overcoming challenges, resilience.

3. Business Pitch Presentation

Prompt: "Create a business pitch for a startup focused on sustainable energy solutions. The audience consists of potential investors. The speech should highlight innovation, sustainability, and market potential."

Keywords : AI speech generator, business pitch, sustainable energy, innovation, potential investors.

4. Wedding Toast

Prompt: "I need to write a wedding toast for my best friend. The tone should be heartfelt and humorous, reflecting on our friendship and wishing the couple a happy future together."

Keywords : AI speech writer, wedding toast, heartfelt, humorous, best friend.

5. Award Acceptance Speech

Prompt: "Draft an award acceptance speech for a lifetime achievement award in literature. Emphasize the journey, the inspiration drawn from life, and gratitude towards mentors and supporters."

Keywords: Speech generator, award acceptance, lifetime achievement, literature, gratitude.

6. Motivational Speech for Team

Prompt: "Generate a motivational speech for a team facing a challenging project deadline. The speech should boost morale, emphasize teamwork, and inspire confidence in success."

Keywords: AI speech writer, motivational speech, challenging project, teamwork, morale boost.

7. Farewell Speech for a Colleague

Prompt: "Compose a farewell speech for a retiring colleague. Highlight their contributions, the impact on the team, and well wishes for their retirement."

Keywords: Speech generator, farewell speech, retiring colleague, contributions, well wishes.

Pro tips for using AI speech writer

Pro tips for using AI speech writer

Leveraging AI speech writers and speech generators can transform the daunting task of speechwriting into a streamlined, efficient process. These tools are designed to help you craft speeches that not only convey your message effectively but also resonate with your audience. Here are some pro tips to get the most out of AI speech writing tools:

1. Define Your Objectives Clearly

Before using an AI speech writer, have a clear understanding of the purpose of your speech. Whether it's to inform, persuade, motivate, or entertain, your objective will guide the AI in generating content that aligns with your goals.

2. Know Your Audience

Tailoring your speech to the audience is crucial for its success. Provide the AI with details about your audience's demographics, interests, and level of knowledge on the topic. This ensures the content is relevant and engaging for them.

3. Choose the Right Tone

The tone of your speech can significantly impact how your message is received. Decide whether you want your speech to be formal, inspirational, humorous, or solemn. Inputting this into the AI speech generator helps in creating content that matches your desired tone.

4. Use Specific Keywords and Phrases

Incorporate specific keywords and phrases related to your topic when interacting with the AI tool. This helps in generating content that is not only relevant but also enriched with the right terminology and phrases that resonate with your audience.

5. Customize the Output

AI-generated speeches are a great starting point, but they might lack personal touches. Customize the output by adding personal anecdotes, relevant stories, or specific examples that make your speech more relatable and memorable.

6. Review and Revise

Always review and revise the AI-generated draft. Check for any inaccuracies, awkward phrasing, or areas that could be improved with a more personal touch. This step is crucial to ensure the speech sounds authentic and aligns with your voice.

7. Practice Delivery

After finalizing your speech, practice delivering it out loud. This helps you get comfortable with the flow and pacing, and you might find areas where the speech can be further refined for better delivery.

8. Seek Feedback

If possible, seek feedback from someone who represents your target audience. This can provide valuable insights into how your speech might be received and highlight areas for improvement.

9. Stay Updated

AI technology is continually evolving. Stay updated on the latest features and improvements in AI speech writing tools to leverage advanced capabilities for future speeches.

10. Experiment

Don't be afraid to experiment with different settings and inputs in the AI tool. Trying out various tones, styles, and structures can help you discover the most effective ways to communicate your message.

What is an AI speech writer, and how do they work?

An AI speech writer is a tool powered by artificial intelligence. It helps create speeches. This tool uses technology to understand language and produce text. It's like having a digital assistant that can write speeches for you.

When you use an AI speech writer, you start by giving it some information. This could be the topic of your speech, the tone you want, and any specific points you wish to include. The AI uses this information to create a speech. It does this by looking at a lot of examples of speeches and learning from them. This process is called machine learning.

The AI speech writer is smart. It can figure out what words to use to make your speech sound natural. It also knows how to organize your speech so it flows well. This is because it has learned from many examples.

These tools are not just simple text generators. They understand the nuances of language. This means they can create speeches that are not only informative but also engaging and appropriate for your audience. Using an AI speech writer saves time. Instead of spending hours writing a speech, you can get a draft quickly. Then, you can tweak it to make it exactly how you want.

How to select the best AI speech writer?

Choosing the best AI speech writer involves considering several factors. This ensures you find a tool that meets your needs. Here are steps and tips to help you make the right choice.

Understand Your Needs

First, think about what you need from an AI speech writer. Consider the type of speeches you want to create. Are they formal, informal, persuasive, or informative? Knowing your needs helps you find a speech generator that fits.

Look for Customization Options

A good AI speech writer offers customization. This means you can adjust the tone, style, and complexity of your speech. Look for a tool that lets you specify your audience, purpose, and preferences. Customization ensures the speech reflects your voice and message.

Check the Quality of Output

Quality is key. Test different AI speech writers to see which produces the most natural and engaging speeches. The best speech generator creates content that sounds like it was written by a human. It should be coherent, logically structured, and free from errors.

Evaluate Ease of Use

The tool should be easy to use. A user-friendly interface makes the process smooth. You shouldn't need technical skills to create a speech. The best AI speech writers are intuitive. They guide you through the process, making it straightforward.

Consider the Learning Capability

The ability of an AI speech writer to learn and adapt is important. Some tools learn from feedback and improve over time. They get better at understanding your preferences. This leads to better speeches the more you use the tool.

Look for Support and Resources

Good support and resources are valuable. This includes tutorials, customer service, and FAQs. They help you get the most out of the AI speech writer. Support ensures you have help if you encounter any issues.

Check Reviews and Recommendations

Finally, look at what others are saying. Reviews and recommendations can guide you. They provide insights into the experiences of other users. This can help you identify the best AI speech writer for your needs.

Bonus AI Tools to Check Out

  • 15 AI Fact-Checkers For Automating Information Verification
  • Top 17 AI Poem Writers To Express Yourself in Verses
  • Top 11 AI Letter Writers To Write Professional & Personalized Letters Instantly
  • 11 Best AI Prompt Generators to Overcome Creative Block
  • 24 AI Paragraph Generators to Help You Write Faster

Embrace AI Speech Solutions

The advent of AI speech writers and speech generators has revolutionized the way we approach speechwriting. These tools offer a blend of innovation and convenience, making it easier for individuals to craft speeches that are not only compelling but also tailored to their specific audience and occasion. As we've explored various platforms offering these services, it's clear that each comes with its unique set of features and limitations.

AI speech writing tools, with their ability to generate content across a wide range of topics and tones, have become indispensable for professionals, students, and anyone looking to make an impact through their words. The best features of these tools, including customization options, diverse language support, and ease of use, highlight the advancements in AI technology.

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Can an AI Write a Speech Better Than a Human?

write speech with ai

The idea was a half-joke.

We were invited to speak at the Brazilian tech conference i2Ai , described as “A program dedicated to artificial intelligence and its applications.” The host had seen our recent videos and would like us to speak on the artistic uses of AI. Eli, my creative partner, asked, “What if we had AI write our speech?”  

Our YouTube channel, Calamity AI, uses artificial intelligence for creativity. We’ve made short films written by AI , had musicians sing machine-written lyrics   and followed AI recipes. We pose the question, can artificial intelligence create art? 

When I ask this same question of peers, I often hear them say no, despite the rise of synthesized artwork and music . In college, a group studying AI presented my film class with a similar query: “Who thinks artificial intelligence could write a meaningful script?” In the room of 90, not a single student raised a hand. The belief is natural. As creators, we’d like to believe we have something beyond automation: authenticity, heart.

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AI Speechwriting

When Eli suggested having an AI write the speech, I smiled at the thought. We’d been asked to speak for an hour in front of industry professionals, though, and we couldn’t get away with that. But soon, we couldn’t resist the idea. The day before the conference, we halted our work on the speech and fed it into the program Shortly Read. Quickly enough, there was no doubt at all: We decided that we would generate an artificially written speech and read it at the conference. Soon the question became whether anyone would be able to tell what we’d done.

After writing our introductions, we input the following: “We’re interested in investigating what happens when you combine the capabilities of AI of those with highly skilled creative humans. For the videos we put on our channel, we input the opening lines and let the AI do the rest. For instance, if we were to take the speech we had presented so far and fed it into the AI, the AI may say something like...

The AI wrote, “I like blueberries.” 

We generated further. And further. 

The AI took over, creating a sprawling, 3,000-word speech that often swerved in uncertain directions. Eli and I agreed to tell no one and act like it was our work to the best of our abilities. 

Can You Believe It’s AI?

The conference began the following day. Edward Hunter Christie, the head of NATO’s innovation unit , spoke before us. Because of our nerves, we’d aimed to look professional: red curtains, button shirts, printed speeches. As Christie’s talk finished, the host introduced us to the audience: “They are doing a great job making the most of artificial intelligence. I’ll let them introduce themselves and start this great presentation.” 

We introduced ourselves and read our first input lines. Then, we tried to maintain our demeanor as we moved to those that had been machine-written. 

The speech began composed enough: “Now that you know where we are now, we want to talk to you about how we came to this point, and where we want to take this channel.” It wrote that we’d given another presentation to Chapman University. The AI notated the script in speech form, indicating when Eli or I should speak. Soon, the speech became rapid and rushed, and the dialogue moved as followed:

ELI: The second slide was one of our sponsors.  JACOB: But, after that, I just kind of… ELI: Threw in some random quotes from some of the contributors. JACOB: And then some pictures, just random pictures I pulled up on the internet.

Before long, the AI decided that Eli and I were brothers. We struggled to stay straight-faced as we read on.

ELI: It was at this point that I was finally able to really focus on my brother. JACOB: For the rest of the presentation.  ELI: My brother takes notes on our laptop.  JACOB: At the end of our presentation, Apple said they would be interested in offering us an internship.

The absurdity was part of our experiment. Without intervention, the majority of AI-generated content lies in the uncanny valley — the odd disconnect between believable and inhuman. With the right presentation, however, the unsettling can become understandable. A strange, short film may appear to be the work of an offbeat director rather than an AI. This speech, likewise, seemed like the product of two speakers who didn’t know how to address an audience. 

On we went, describing that we had worked in Apple’s “rap department.” Then, we begin talking further about artificial intelligence and trying to integrate it with Python. Soon, the speech was even believable again, as we talked about designing our own AI interface. The script even ranged back to what seemed like normal material, describing our videos and future goals. But by the end, the dictated dialogue grew strange and gloomy. 

JACOB: You know, sometimes really sad things happen to people. ELI: People die. That’s not like a coincidence… JACOB: No, it’s not a coincidence. That’s very sad. It’s scary. ELI: It’s really sad.

You can almost see the AI’s intent. For a well-trained speech writer, such an emotional turn could be a haunting nod to life’s uncertainties and a chance to make the speech more personal. The AI’s execution, however, is stunted and clumsy. Rather than naturally integrating the idea, the emotional turns here arrived without any transition. At the tail-end of the speech, the AI took another rushed swerve and offered a hopeful ending. 

“We’re going to have a lot of fun,” I said. “With some other. You know. Our mother.” “Our father and our brother,” Eli agreed. “Have a wonderful day,” I concluded.

The line marked the end of our speech. We had talked for 40 minutes without interruption. The host returned, declaring it a “great presentation.” He did not appear suspicious. Rather, he informed us that we’d be moving on to audience questions. We got things like, “Why do you call yourselves Calamity AI?” among other softballs. The idea began to sink in: Despite the absurdity, it had worked. Nobody had questioned the nature of the speech. We thought.

The fourth question was as follows: “Was this presentation done by AI?”

In the video, Eli and I went still. “Who- who- who asked that?” I say. 

The host read the name from the chat. “My gut tells me many things,” he said.

I stammer: “You can believe what you… choose.” Then, I am out of my chair, beneath the table, fighting laughter, leaving Eli to fend for himself. 

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The Future of AI Creativity

Despite acting to the best of our abilities, the participants were not fooled. The script was naturally ludicrous. But in presenting the speech, I could see the potential. With human intervention, tweaked lines and better acting, the AI may have produced a believable presentation. In the same way a machine-written script is illogical, with characters making inane, nonsensical decisions; the speech was too wild, too random to have been the product of a human. Yet the bones were there, the intent. The speech, in its own way, followed a structure: It began in an informational mode and grew personal before ending on a moment of hope. It wasn’t empty, rambling nonsense. Something was there. 

After this experience, I believe the the uncanny valley is getting shallower. Though I learned that AI can’t write a convincing speech on its own, I suspect it could serve as a cowriter by adding lines when writers falter, offering concluding statements and adding details. The writer would only need to keep it in check. 

As the phenomenon of creative AI develops, I have no doubt the future will be full of machine-written speeches, synthesized voices and AI novels. At Calamity AI, we aim to explore this gap: the divide between AI and human creativity. Can a comedian get laughs from machine-written content? Can a short film win an award? Or, in this moment, could AI write the compelling end to an article? 

I am feeding the entirety of this piece to the program Shortly Read. The machine produces this final line:

“In the end, that’s all information should be. A joke on its own.” 

write speech with ai

Calamity AI

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AI Voice Generator: Realistic Text to Speech & Voice Cloning

Hyper realistic ai voice generator that .css-1625k06{background:var(--chakra-colors-transparent);white-space:nowrap;background-image:linear-gradient(to right, var(--chakra-colors-blue-600), var(--chakra-colors-skyblue-600));color:transparent;-webkit-background-clip:text;background-clip:text;} captivates your audience.

Join the over 2,000,000 users who love LOVO AI. Our award-winning voice generator and text to speech software is packed with 500+ voices in 100 languages. Create engaging videos with voice for marketing, training, social media, and more!

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Chloe Woods

English Female


Sophia Butler


Santa Clause

English Male


Katelyn Harrison


Bryan Lee Jr.


Thomas Coleman

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The most natural voices in the world

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Genny is the .css-1ezzeyz{background:linear-gradient(90deg, #2871DE 0%, #27AADC 100%);white-space:nowrap;color:var(--chakra-colors-transparent);-webkit-background-clip:text;background-clip:text;-webkit-background-clip:text;-webkit-text-fill-color:transparent;} ultimate generative AI tool

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Voice generators - perfect for content creation

Scale content without scaling costs or resources.

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Produce professional-grade content

At LOVO, our team has focused on creating Genny, the most advanced voice generator that produces high-quality voiceovers to elevate your video and audio projects. Complete the final stages of your project with Genny by generating your voiceover and seamlessly syncing it with your video. Then, before exporting your video, add all the finishing touches for a truly professional look, such as subtitles, images, logos, and video clips.

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Genny is designed to allow anyone to get started immediately - no downloading software or complicated onboarding or learning is required. Simply sign in with your web browser and you are good to go! Our intuitive and easy-to-use UI makes it a breeze for anyone who needs to create content up and running in minutes. This means you can focus on what matters most - engaging and delivering your message to your audience.

Voice generator use cases

Corporate training & education, marketing & sales, generate voices in over 100+ languages.

Genny supports Text to Speech in:

  • United States 🇺🇸
  • United Kingdom 🇬🇧
  • Ethiopia 🇪🇹
  • Philippines 🇵🇭
  • United Arab Emirates 🇦🇪
  • Pakistan 🇵🇰
  • Portugal 🇵🇹
  • Bangladesh 🇧🇩
  • Russian Federation 🇷🇺
  • Indonesia 🇮🇩
  • Korea, Republic of 🇰🇷
  • Afghanistan 🇦🇫
  • Thailand 🇹🇭


Realistic Text-to-Speech AI converter

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Create realistic Voiceovers online! Insert any text to generate speech and download audio mp3 or wav for any purpose. Speak a text with AI-powered voices.You can convert text to voice for free for reference only. For all features, purchase the paid plans

How to convert text into speech?

  • Just type some text or import your written content
  • Press "generate" button
  • Download MP3 / WAV

Full list of benefits of neural voices

Downloadable tts.

You can download converted audio files in MP3, WAV, OGG for free.

Downloadable TTS

If your Limit balance is sufficient, you can use a single query to convert a text of up to 2,000,000 characters into speech.

Commercial Use

You can use the generated audio for commercial purposes. Examples: YouTube, Tik Tok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, Podcasts, Video Ads, Advertising, E-book, Presentation and other.


Multi-voice editor

Dialogue with AI Voices. You can use several voices at once in one text.

Dialogue editor

Custom voice settings

Change Speed, Pitch, Stress, Pronunciation, Intonation , Emphasis , Pauses and more. SSML support .

Custom voice settings

You spend little on re-dubbing the text. Limits are spent only for changed sentences in the text.

Save money

Over 1000 Natural Sounding Voices

Crystal-clear voice over like a Human. Males, females, children's, elderly voices.

Powerful support

We will help you with any questions about text-to-speech. Ask any questions, even the simplest ones. We are happy to help.

Compatible with editing programs

Works with any video creation software: Adobe Premier, After effects, Audition, DaVinci Resolve, Apple Motion, Camtasia, iMovie, Audacity, etc.

Works with any video creation software

You can share the link to the audio. Send audio links to your friends and colleagues.

tts Sharing

Cloud save your history

All your files and texts are automatically saved in your profile on our cloud server. Add tracks to your favorites in one click.

Cloud save your history

Use our text to voice converter to make videos with natural sounding speech!

Say goodbye to expensive traditional audio creation

Cheap price. Create a professional voiceover in real time for pennies. it is 100 times cheaper than a live speaker.

Traditional audio creation

sound studio

  • Expensive live speakers, high prices
  • A long search for freelancers and studios
  • Editing requires complex tools and knowledge
  • The announcer in the studio voices a long time. It takes time to give him a task and accept it.

speechgen on different devices

  • Affordable tts generation starting at $0.08 per 1000 characters
  • Website accessible in your browser right now
  • Intuitive interface, suitable for beginners
  • SpeechGen generates text from speech very quickly. A few clicks and the audio is ready.

Create AI-generated realistic voice-overs.

Ways to use. Cases.

See how other people are already using our realistic speech synthesis. There are hundreds of variations in applications. Here are some of them.

  • Voice over for videos. Commercial, YouTube, Tik Tok, Instagram, Facebook, and other social media. Add voice to any videos!
  • E-learning material. Ex: learning foreign languages, listening to lectures, instructional videos.
  • Advertising. Increase installations and sales! Create AI-generated realistic voice-overs for video ads, promo, and creatives.
  • Public places. Synthesizing speech from text is needed for airports, bus stations, parks, supermarkets, stadiums, and other public areas.
  • Podcasts. Turn text into podcasts to increase content reach. Publish your audio files on iTunes, Spotify, and other podcast services.
  • Mobile apps and desktop software. The synthesized ai voices make the app friendly.
  • Essay reader. Read your essay out loud to write a better paper.
  • Presentations. Use text-to-speech for impressive PowerPoint presentations and slideshow.
  • Reading documents. Save your time reading documents aloud with a speech synthesizer.
  • Book reader. Use our text-to-speech web app for ebook reading aloud with natural voices.
  • Welcome audio messages for websites. It is a perfect way to re-engage with your audience. 
  • Online article reader. Internet users translate texts of interesting articles into audio and listen to them to save time.
  • Voicemail greeting generator. Record voice-over for telephone systems phone greetings.
  • Online narrator to read fairy tales aloud to children.
  • For fun. Use the robot voiceover to create memes, creativity, and gags.

Maximize your content’s potential with an audio-version. Increase audience engagement and drive business growth.

Who uses Text to Speech?

SpeechGen.io is a service with artificial intelligence used by about 1,000 people daily for different purposes. Here are examples.

Video makers create voiceovers for videos. They generate audio content without expensive studio production.

Newsmakers convert text to speech with computerized voices for news reporting and sports announcing.

Students and busy professionals to quickly explore content

Foreigners. Second-language students who want to improve their pronunciation or listen to the text comprehension

Software developers add synthesized speech to programs to improve the user experience.

Marketers. Easy-to-produce audio content for any startups

IVR voice recordings. Generate prompts for interactive voice response systems.

Educators. Foreign language teachers generate voice from the text for audio examples.

Booklovers use Speechgen as an out loud book reader. The TTS voiceover is downloadable. Listen on any device.

HR departments and e-learning professionals can make learning modules and employee training with ai text to speech online software.

Webmasters convert articles to audio with lifelike robotic voices. TTS audio increases the time on the webpage and the depth of views.

Animators use ai voices for dialogue and character speech.

Text to Speech enables brands, companies, and organizations to deliver enhanced end-user experience, while minimizing costs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Convert any text to super realistic human voices. See all tariff plans .

Enhance Your Content Accessibility

Boost your experience with our additional features. Easily convert PDFs, DOCx files, and video subtitles into natural-sounding audio.

📄🔊 PDF to Audio

Transform your PDF documents into audible content for easier consumption and enhanced accessibility.

📝🎧 DOCx to mp3

Easily convert Word documents into speech for listening on the go or for those who prefer audio format

📺💬 Subtitles to Speech

Make your video content more accessible by converting subtitles into natural-sounding audio.

Supported languages

  • Amharic (Ethiopia)
  • Arabic (Algeria)
  • Arabic (Egypt)
  • Arabic (Saudi Arabia)
  • Bengali (India)
  • Catalan (Spain)
  • English (Australia)
  • English (Canada)
  • English (GB)
  • English (Hong Kong)
  • English (India)
  • English (Philippines)
  • German (Austria)
  • Hindi India
  • Spanish (Argentina)
  • Spanish (Mexico)
  • Spanish (United States)
  • Tamil (India)
  • All languages: +76

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Free AI Text to Speech Online


Click to generate speech in:

Intelligent ai speech synthesis, diverse and dynamic voices, emotional range..

Diverse emotional inflections tailored for every narrative need.

Multilingual Capability.

All our voices fluently span 29 languages, retaining unique characteristics across each.

Voice Variety.

Design with Voice Design, explore with Voice Library, or select top-tier voice actors for unmatched natural voice quality.

Multilingual V2

Text to Speech in 29 Languages

Precision voice tuning.

Choose between expressive variability or consistent stability to fit your content's tone.

Clarity + Similarity Enhancement

Optimize for clear, artifact-free voices or enhance for speaker resemblance.

Style Exaggeration

Accentuate voice styles or prioritize speed and stability.

Text to speech for teams of all sizes

5 stars

The voices are really amazing and very natural sounding. Even the voices for other languages are impressive. This allows us to do things with our educational content that would not have been possible in the past.

write speech with ai

It's amazing to see that text to speech became that good. Write your text, select a voice and receive stunning and near-perfect results! Regenerating results will also give you different results (depending on the settings). The service supports 30+ languages, including Dutch (which is very rare). ElevenLabs has proved that it isn't impossible to have near-perfect text-to-speech 'Dutch'...

write speech with ai

We use the tool daily for our content creation. Cloning our voices was incredibly simple. It's an easy-to-navigate platform that delivers exceptionally high quality. Voice cloning is just a matter of uploading an audio file, and you're ready to use the voice. We also build apps where we utilize the API from ElevenLabs; the API is very simple for developers to use. So, if you need a...

write speech with ai

As an author I have written numerous books but have been limited by my inability to write them in other languages period now that I have found 11 labs, it has allowed me to create my own voice so that when writing them in different languages it's not someone else's voice but my own. That's certainly lends a level of authenticity that no other narrator can provide me.

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ElevenLabs came to my notice from some Youtube videos that complained how this app was used to clone the US presidents voice. Apparently the app did its job very well. And that is the best thing about ElevenLabs. It does its job well. Converting text to speech is done very accurately. If you choose one of the 100s of voices available in the app, the quality of the output is superior to all...

write speech with ai

Absolutely loving ElevenLabs for their spot-on voice generations! 🎉 Their pronunciation of Bahasa Indonesia is just fantastic - so natural and precise. It's been a game-changer for making tech and communication feel more authentic and easy. Big thumbs up! 👍

write speech with ai

I have found ElevenLabs extremely useful in helping me create an audio book utilizing a clone of my own voice. The clone was super easy to create using audio clips from a previous audio book I recorded. And, I feel as though my cloned voice is pretty similar to my own. Using ElevenLabs has been a lot easier than sitting in front of a boom mic for hours on end. Bravo for a great AI product!

write speech with ai

The variety of voices and the realness that expresses everything that is asked of it

write speech with ai

I like that ElevenLabs uses cutting-edge AI and deep learning to create incredibly natural-sounding speech synthesis and text-to-speech. The voices generated are lifelike and emotive.

write speech with ai

A fast and easy-to-use text to speech API

We obsess over building the fastest and simplest text to speech API so you can focus on building incredible applications.

API screenshot

Ultra-low latency.

We deliver streamed audio in under a second.

Ease of use.

ElevenLabs brings the most compelling, rich and lifelike voices to developers in just a few lines of code.

Developer Community.

Get all the help you need through our expert community.


Global AI Speech Generator


Language selection

Accent selection, audio generation, wall of text to speech voices, how to use text to speech, choose your preferred voice, settings, and model..

For a pre-made voice, you can use our extensive library of voices. Or, you can clone, customize and fine-tune voices.

How to use the AI Voice Changer - Step 1: Choose your preferred voice, settings, and model.

Enter the text you want to convert to speech.

Write naturally in any of our supported languages. Our AI will understand the language and context.

How to use the AI Voice Changer - Step 2: Enter the text you want to convert to speech.

Generate spoken audio and instantly listen to the results.

Convert written text to high-quality files that can be downloaded in a variety of audio formats.

How to use the AI Voice Changer - Step 3: Generate spoken audio and instantly listen to the results.

Perfect Your Sound


The placement of commas, periods, and other punctuation significantly influences the delivery and pauses in the output.

Longer text provides added context, ensuring a smoother and more natural audio flow.

Speaker Profile

Match your content to the ideal speaker. Different profiles have distinct delivery styles, catering to various tones and emotions.

Voice Settings

Refine your output by adjusting voice settings. Find the perfect balance to enhance clarity and authenticity.

Text to Speech Use Cases

Our AI text to speech software is designed to be flexible and easy to use, with a variety of voice options to suit your needs.

Take content creation to the next level

Create immersive gaming experiences, publish your written works, build engaging ai chatbots.


Why ElevenLabs Text to Speech?

Efficient content production..

Transform long written content to audio, fast. Maximize reach without traditional recording constraints.

Advanced API.

Seamlessly integrate and experience dynamic TTS capabilities.

Contextual TTS.

Our AI reads between the lines, capturing the heart of the content.

Language Authenticity.

Experience genuine speech in 29 languages, from nuances to native idioms.

Comprehensive Support.

Never feel lost. Our dedicated support and rich resource library mean you're always equipped to make the most of our cutting-edge technology.

Ethical AI Principles.

We prioritize user privacy, data protection, and uphold the highest ethical standards in AI development and deployment.

Frequently asked questions

How does the elevenlabs ai text to speech differ from other tts technologies.

ElevenLabs TTS leverages advanced deep learning models which are regularly updated and refined, ensuring high-quality audio output, emotion mapping, and a vast range of vocal choices for your ideal custom voice.

Can I customize the voice settings to match specific content needs?

Absolutely. Users can adjust Stability, Clarity, and Enhancement settings, allowing for voice outputs that range from entertainingly expressive to professionally sincere. Our platform provides the flexibility to match your content's unique requirements.

What is AI text to speech used for?

Text to speech has a vast array of applications, some are well established but more are emerging all the time. TTS is ideal for creating explainer videos, converting books into audio and producing creative video content without hiring voice actors. Our speech technology is ideal for any situation where accessibility and engagement can be improved through communicated written content in a high-quality voice.

What does "text to speech with emotion" mean?

It means our artificial intelligence model understands the context and can deliver the natural sounding speech with appropriate emotional intonations – be it excitement, sorrow, or neutrality. It adds a layer of realism, making the speech output more relatable and engaging.

How many languages does ElevenLabs support?

ElevenLabs proudly supports text to speech synthesis in 29 languages, ensuring that your content can resonate with a global audience.

How varied are the voice options available on ElevenLabs?

We offer a diverse range of voice profiles, catering to different tones, accents, and emotions. Whether you're seeking a particular regional accent or a specific emotional delivery, ElevenLabs ensures you find the perfect match for your content.

How secure is my data with ElevenLabs?

User data privacy and security are our top priorities. All user data and text inputs are handled with the utmost care, ensuring they are not used beyond the specified service purpose.

Does ElevenLabs offer an API for developers?

Yes, we provide a robust API that allows developers to integrate our advanced text-to-speech capabilities into their own applications, platforms, or tools.

How can I turn text into mp3 speech?

ElevenLabs makes it easy to turn text into mp3. Simply enter your text, choose a voice, generate the audio, and download.

tool header

AI Speech Generator

Effortlessly create high-quality, engaging speeches and presentations


Explore our image generation tools and unlock a world of visual creativity!

How to use an AI speech generator

Using AI Speech Generator is as simple as it gets. Just input your desired topic or theme, and let our powerful AI algorithms do the rest. Whether you need a speech for a business presentation, a wedding toast, or any other occasion, AI Speech Generator has got you covered.

With its user-friendly interface, you can easily customize the length, tone, and style of your speech to perfectly match your needs. AI Speech Generator takes the hassle out of speech writing, allowing you to focus on delivering a memorable performance.

What is an AI speech generator?

AI Speech Generator is an innovative tool that revolutionizes the way speeches are created. Powered by cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology, it generates high-quality, natural-sounding speeches that captivate audiences. Unlike traditional speech writing methods that require hours of brainstorming and crafting, AI Speech Generator saves you time and effort by delivering ready-to-use content within minutes.

Whether you're a professional speaker, a student preparing for a presentation, or someone looking to impress at a special event, AI Speech Generator empowers you to deliver impactful speeches with ease.

How does an AI speech generator work?

AI Speech Generator utilizes state-of-the-art language models to analyze vast amounts of data and generate coherent, contextually relevant speeches.

By leveraging the power of artificial intelligence, it understands the nuances of language and adapts its output to match your desired style and tone. The advanced algorithms consider factors such as audience, occasion, and speech length, ensuring that the generated content is tailored to your specific needs.

Benefits of an AI speech generator

There are many reasons why you’d want to leverage an AI speech generator:

  • Saves time and effort: AI Speech Generator eliminates the need for extensive research and writing, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of your presentation.
  • High-quality content: The advanced AI algorithms ensure that the generated speeches are coherent, engaging, and tailored to your specific requirements.
  • Versatile and customizable: With AI Speech Generator, you have full control over the length, tone, and style of your speech, enabling you to create speeches that resonate with your audience.
  • User-friendly interface: The intuitive interface makes it easy for anyone, regardless of their technical expertise, to navigate and use the tool effectively.
  • Cost-effective: AI Speech Generator offers a cost-effective solution for individuals and businesses looking to create professional-grade speeches without the need for hiring speechwriters.

How to use Vondy to create any type of content

Step 1: Sign up for a free Vondy account

Vondy is an all-in-one platform that comes with hundreds of AI-powered tools. You can get started by signing up here .

Step 2: Navigate to the tool of your choice

Once you’ve signed up, you can search for a tool using the search bar at the top of the page.

Step 3: Provide some details and click "Run"

Generate your content with the click of a button! If you want additional credits, you can upgrade to a premium tier by clicking "Upgrade" at the bottom-left of the page.


Meet our collection of chatbots, each with their own unique personality.

Conversation Starters

Conversation Starters

A library of prompts to help you strike up a conversation with your personal assistant.



No code, personal growth, and business apps to help you level up your productivity.


Essential AI apps to get started

Ready to start?

Write 10x faster, engage your audience, & never struggle with the blank page again.


Free AI Voice Generator

Use Deepgram's AI voice generator to produce human speech from text. AI matches text with correct pronunciation for natural, high-quality audio.

AI Voice Generation

Discover the Unparalleled Clarity and Versatility of Deepgram's AI Voice Generator

We harness the power of advanced artificial intelligence to bring you a state-of-the-art AI voice generator designed to meet all your audio creation needs. Whether you're a content creator, marketer, educator, or developer, our platform offers an incredibly realistic and customizable voice generation solution.

Human Voice Generation

Our AI voice generator is engineered to produce voices that are indistinguishable from real human speech. With a vast library of voices across different genders, ages, and accents, Deepgram empowers you to find the perfect voice for your project.

Low-latency Text to Speech

Deepgram's voice generator is one of the fastest on the market. We design our AI models to produce high-quality voices

How It Works

Choose Your Voice : Select from our diverse library of high-quality, natural-sounding AI voices.

Generate: Enter your text, generate your voiceover in seconds.

Download: Once you have you AI generated speech, easily download your audio file.

AI Voice Generator Use Cases

E-Learning and Educational Content : Create engaging and informative educational materials that cater to learners of all types.

Marketing and Advertising : Enhance your marketing materials with high-quality voiceovers that grab attention.

Audiobooks and Podcasts : Produce audiobooks and podcasts efficiently, with voices that keep your audience engaged.

Accessibility : Make your content more accessible with voiceovers that can be easily understood by everyone, including those with visual impairments or reading difficulties.

Create Conversational Human-like Agents using Voice AI

AI Voice Generator: Most Realistic Text to Speech AI

Generate ai voices, indistinguishable from humans.

Ultra realistic Text to Speech(TTS) voice. Leading AI Voice Generator. Free Unlimited downloads. Most Fluent & Conversational AI voices

Trusted by individuals and teams of all sizes

Our Products - A New Way to Generate Speech

AI Text to Speech

AI Text to Speech

Realistic AI Voice Models for Generating Expressive Speech

AI Voice Cloning

AI Voice Cloning

Voice Cloning that Encapsulates Every Accent and Dialect

Voice Generation API

Voice Generation API

Real Time Voice Cloning and Voice Generation API

Enhance Your Projects with Ultra-Realistic AI Voices

Create engaging voice content with unique AI Voices perfect for your audience

  • AI Voiceovers for Videos
  • Audio Publishing
  • Audio Storytelling
  • Conversational AI
  • Custom Voice Creation
  • IVR Systems
  • Translation & Dubbing
  • Voice Accessibility

AI Voiceovers for Videos

Power your videos with clear, consistent, and professional voiceovers. Perfect for marketing, explainer, product demos, and YouTube videos.

Audio Publishing

Embed SEO-friendly audio widgets on your websites for accessibility and engagement. Publish your newspaper, article, or blog content in audio format.

Audio Storytelling

Narrate your audiobooks with ultra-realistic voices seamlessly and effectively. Shorten your production time by generating audio in seconds.

Conversational AI

Voice your conversational assistants with ultra-realistic, humanlike voices. Create scalable, delightful customer experiences.

Custom Voice Creation

Modify your existing voiceovers, or generate a unique custom voice that perfectly fits your brand’s personality for a connected customer experience.


Curate engaging e-learning material with voices capable of pronouncing terminologies and acronyms. Update your training material effortlessly by regenerating audio.


Create and customize your own podcast with unique voices or clone your own voice to scale your podcast production.


Streamline your game’s pre-production with ultra-realistic AI voices. The perfect placeholder for voice acting for your Pre-Vis and Pitch-Vis needs.

IVR Systems

Automate your IVR system’s voice responses with AI voices. Revolutionize your customer experience by delivering seamless, personalized interactions every time.

Translation & Dubbing

Localize your video and voice content in seconds. Automatically dub your existing audio into other languages. Instantly make your videos accessible to a global audience.

Voice Accessibility

Integrate human-like voices in your assistive voice devices and applications. Provide ultra-realistic voice experiences to enhance accessibility.

Voice API

Make use of PlayHT’s Voice Generation API to power your conversational chatbot, live streams, and games. Reduce development time and costs.

Generative Voice AI that Captures Any Voice, Language or Accent

Contextually Aware, Emotional and Expressive Text to Speech Models Built with Advanced Voice AI Powered by Research

Generate Conversational, Long-form or Short-form Voice Content With Consistent Quality and Performances.

Secure and Private Voice Generations with Full Commercial and Copyrights

Text to Speech AI Voices

Choose from an expansive library of 800+ natural-sounding AI Voices, coupled with humanlike intonation. Unlock a multilingual experience with 142 languages and accents, enhanced by our cutting-edge Machine Learning technology

Conversational Voices

Perfect for entertainment videos, podcasts and audiobooks

Narrative Voices

Ideal for audiobooks, explainer videos and documentary videos

Explainer Voices

Ideal for entertainment videos, explainer videos, podcasts and audiobooks

Children Voices

Perfect for audiobooks, explainer videos and e-learning

Local Accents

Localize your entertainment videos, adverts and audiobooks

Ideal for gaming, creative videos and ads

Character Voices

Perfect for gaming, creative videos and ads

Training Voices

Suitable for training videos, L&D and E-learning

AI Voices in 100+ Languages

Our extensive AI Voice library spans across all major languages and accents in the world


Multi-Lingual Speech Synthesis

Preserve a speaker’s voice and native accent while translating and dubbing across languages with our Cross-Language Voice Cloning and Multilingual Speech Synthesis

Create any voice, transfer speaking styles and use it to generate speech using our state-of-the-art Voice Cloning feature.

Powerful and Feature-Rich, Online Text-to-Voice Studio

Powerful and feature rich, online Text to Voice studio

Type, paste or import text and instantly turn it into audio with our online Text to Speech editor. Enhance the audio with speech styles, pronunciations and SSML tags.

907 AI Voices

Choose from a growing library of 907 natural-sounding Text to Speech voices across 142 languages and accents.

Speech Styles

Use expressive emotional speaking styles to make the voices sound more natural and engaging.

Multi-Voice Feature

Create conversations in your audio projects by using different voices in the same audio file.

Custom Pronunciations

Define how specific words are pronounced. Save and re-use those pronunciations when synthesizing speech.

Voice Inflections

Fine-tune the rate, pitch, emphasis and add pauses to create a more suitable voice tone

Preview Mode

Listen and preview a single paragraph or full text before converting it to speech.

Learn How to Use Our AI Voice Technology Effectively

Blog article

Ethical AI & Safety

We are dedicated to ensuring our Voice AI is used responsibly and safely.

Learn About our AI Voice Generation & Text-to-Speech Technology

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  • Español (Latam)
  • Bahasa Indonesia
  • Português (Brasil)

Gemini 1.5 Pro Now Available in 180+ Countries; with Native Audio Understanding, System Instructions, JSON Mode and more

Grab an API key in Google AI Studio , and get started with the Gemini API Cookbook

Less than two months ago, we made our next-generation Gemini 1.5 Pro model available in Google AI Studio for developers to try out. We’ve been amazed by what the community has been able to debug , create and learn using our groundbreaking 1 million context window.

Today, we’re making Gemini 1.5 Pro available in 180+ countries via the Gemini API in public preview, with a first-ever native audio (speech) understanding capability and a new File API to make it easy to handle files. We’re also launching new features like system instructions and JSON mode to give developers more control over the model’s output. Lastly, we’re releasing our next generation text embedding model that outperforms comparable models. Go to Google AI Studio to create or access your API key, and start building.

Unlock new use cases with audio and video modalities

We’re expanding the input modalities for Gemini 1.5 Pro to include audio (speech) understanding in both the Gemini API and Google AI Studio. Additionally, Gemini 1.5 Pro is now able to reason across both image (frames) and audio (speech) for videos uploaded in Google AI Studio, and we look forward to adding API support for this soon.

Gemini API Improvements

Today, we’re addressing a number of top developer requests:

1. System instructions : Guide the model’s responses with system instructions, now available in Google AI Studio and the Gemini API. Define roles, formats, goals, and rules to steer the model's behavior for your specific use case.

2. JSON mode : Instruct the model to only output JSON objects. This mode enables structured data extraction from text or images. You can get started with cURL, and Python SDK support is coming soon.

3. Improvements to function calling : You can now select modes to limit the model’s outputs, improving reliability. Choose text, function call, or just the function itself.

A new embedding model with improved performance

Starting today, developers will be able to access our next generation text embedding model via the Gemini API. The new model, text-embedding-004, (text-embedding-preview-0409 in Vertex AI ), achieves a stronger retrieval performance and outperforms existing models with comparable dimensions, on the MTEB benchmarks .

These are just the first of many improvements coming to the Gemini API and Google AI Studio in the next few weeks. We’re continuing to work on making Google AI Studio and the Gemini API the easiest way to build with Gemini. Get started today in Google AI Studio with Gemini 1.5 Pro, explore code examples and quickstarts in our new Gemini API Cookbook , and join our community channel on Discord .

  • Announcements
  • Google Cloud Next '24
  • Generative AI

Get ready for Google I/O: Program lineup revealed

Get ready for Google I/O: Program lineup revealed

Tune Gemini Pro in Google AI Studio or with the Gemini API

Tune Gemini Pro in Google AI Studio or with the Gemini API

Publish your Keras models on Kaggle and Hugging Face

Publish your Keras models on Kaggle and Hugging Face

Gemma Family Expands with Models Tailored for Developers and Researchers

Gemma Family Expands with Models Tailored for Developers and Researchers

write speech with ai

Write, Research, and Collaborate with your AI Personal Assistant

From first draft to final edits, HyperWrite delivers high-quality writing in less time. Instantly tap into a wealth of knowledge with real-time search and citations.

Hundreds of powerful tools to transform your work

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Flexible AutoWrite

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Magic Editor

AI Speech Writer

write speech with ai

Ask HyperWrite to write a paragraph about anything

Personalized and context-aware sentence completions

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Create custom AI tools tailored to your workflows

write speech with ai

Get personalized and context-aware sentence completions and suggestions) (probably show via extension in Gmail and/or Docs

write speech with ai

Email Response

Show it in Gmail.. a few words -> full response

Talk to Hyper and ask for/get help…

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Hyperwrite helps with....

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Communicate with confidence. AI tools adapt to your needs, from casual conversations to professional correspondence.

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Powerful writing in seconds

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Academic research and writing

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Ohio State commencement speaker says he got help from psychedelics while writing speech

write speech with ai

Ohio State's chosen commencement speaker for the class of 2024, entrepreneur Chris Pan, was high on ayahuasca while he wrote his speech, according to posts he made on social media.

"Got some help from AI (Ayahuasca Intelligence) this week to write my commencement speech for 60k grads and family members at Ohio State University next Sunday," he wrote in a LinkedIn post before graduation.

Ayahuasca is a psychedelic liquid made from heating or boiling multiple psychoactive plants from South America, according to the Alcohol and Drug Foundation of Australia.

Pan also said he tried using ChatGPT and artificial intelligence to write his speech, according to his LinkedIn post and an Instagram post.

Ohio State graduation death: Coroner identifies woman who died in fall from Ohio Stadium

In the weeks preceding graduation, Pan shared multiple drafts of his speech on Instagram. His earliest posted draft included a lengthy section about the Israel-Palestine conflict and a moment where he removed his shirt.

But on Sunday, Pan did not explicitly mention Gaza, Israel or Palestine (or remove his shirt). Rather, he remarked, how after holding multicultural events over the past few months, we must "end suffering on both sides."

Here's what we know: Ohio State graduation death

"What I learned is that there is so much pain and trauma in both communities. Pain causes hate and violence. Hurt people hurt people. Healed people help people," he said. "When we heal ourselves, we heal the world. World peace starts with inner peace."

Pan also led the crowd through two brief musical numbers  — "What's Going On?" by the 4 Non Blondes and "This Little Light of Mine" by Harry Dixon Loes — and espoused how he thinks Bitcoin is "a very misunderstood asset class," which was met by groans from audience members. (He promised everyone in attendance a free bracelet from his company, MyIntent, "as an apology for listening to me talk about Bitcoin.").

Pan graduated from OSU in 1999 and went on to receive an MBA from Harvard Business School. He worked at consulting firm McKinsey and Company, PepsiCo and Facebook before starting his own business, MyIntent.org, in 2014, according to his LinkedIn profile.

MyIntent sells jewelry with a custom word of the customer's choosing etched in it, according to the company's website.

Dispatch reporter Sheridan Hendrix contributed to this report.

[email protected]


UT Partners With Grammarly to Guide Effective Generative AI Use in Higher Education


The University of Texas at Austin has teamed up with Grammarly for Education, an AI-enabled writing assistant, to investigate the adoption of generative artificial intelligence in a broad academic setting.

This project, led by UT’s Office of Academic Technology and in alignment with the University’s Year of AI initiative , will be broken into two phases. First, there will be a testing phase during which students, faculty and staff will interact with Grammarly’s generative AI assistant. Faculty and staff participants will design generative AI activities relevant to their own work areas and test those activities with students and peers. Second, faculty will create more detailed lesson plans to engage students in generative AI learning activities — all vetted to meet UT’s academic standards.

“We strive to be involved in projects that will influence higher education on and beyond the Forty Acres,” said Art Markman, vice provost for academic affairs. “We are in an era with a lot of uncertainty surrounding AI and education. This is a chance to demonstrate how to use generative AI as a positive source for education, teach responsibility to our students, and engage an industry leader to improve our understanding of classroom AI.”

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All participants in the project will receive a short-term Grammarly for Education pilot license. Training on Grammarly for Education and the AI assistant will be provided.

“We’re thrilled to partner with UT on such a forward-looking project,” said Mary Rose Craycraft, head of customer success at Grammarly for Education. “We know that innovating with AI while preserving academic integrity and critical thinking is a key challenge that all institutions are grappling with right now. We look forward to working with UT to develop best practices that can scale responsible AI adoption across the sector.”

Projects like the Grammarly adoption are carefully assessed and vetted by the Office of Academic Technology through a Learning Technology Adoption Process (LTAP). LTAPs provide a strategic and coordinated approach to data-driven adoption of academic technology ensuring the University only adopts and promotes tools on campus that align with its principles of effective teaching. The process protects students and faculty from adopting short-term technologies or those unsuitable for information security regulations.

Ultimately, the University’s coordination and partnership with emerging learning technology platforms leads to decisions that are in the best interest of students, staff and faculty. By collaborating with those who will be using generative AI tools most through case studies and active feedback, the Office of Academic Technology aims to engage in both AI-forward and AI-responsible teaching and learning at UT Austin.

“Our primary generative AI strategy is to use evidence-based decision-making to drive effective, forward and responsible AI use in ways that advance the teaching and learning mission of the University,” said Julie Schell, assistant vice provost of academic technology. “We are very excited to work with Grammarly to engage the UT community and create generative AI activities and lesson plans vetted by UT faculty, staff and students that can be scaled with any generative AI tool.”

To participate in the Grammarly project, sign up on the project webpage . For all other questions, please contact [email protected] .

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Randy Travis Lost Most of His Speech in 2013. How Did He Record a New Song?

By Ethan Millman

Ethan Millman

Country Music Hall of Fame member Randy Travis has released his first new song in over a decade, “Where That Came From.” The announcement, delivered via the “Forever and Ever, Amen” vocalist’s social media, has spurred considerable excitement and curiosity from country fans and marks one of the most impossible comebacks in music history: Travis has been mostly unable to sing or speak since suffering a near-fatal stroke in 2013.

The questions about how Travis recorded the new song are myriad, and his team kept the information close to the vest until Friday, when they announced that the song was made with AI technology .

What We Know About Randy Travis’ New Song

Emerick, meanwhile, has penned songs recorded by Toby Keith, George Strait, Sawyer Brown, and Kenny Chesney, and actually released his own recording of “Where That Came From” last year on his EP Headwinds (The Demo Sessions).

What Happened to Randy Travis’ Health?

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While Travis hasn’t released newly recorded material since the stroke, he has issued albums of previously recorded country and spiritual covers in 2013 and 2014. In 2019, he released his memoir Forever and Ever, Amen . Travis’s original vocal of the Christmas song “There’s a New Kid in Town” was also used in an updated version by Drew Parker, who recruited Travis to appear in the music video.

How Did Randy Travis’ New Song Get Made?

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@claywalker I’m so happy for my friend – the legendary @Randy Travis. Thank you for letting me hear this new song… it’s going to blow people away… #randytravis #legendary #countrymusic ♬ Where That Came From – Randy Travis

Who Sang the Guide Vocal for Randy Travis’s New Song?

Since Travis’s voice was cloned, a key question now is who actually sang the original vocals that were necessary to overlay with Travis’s sound? The answer is James Dupré, a country singer who sang Travis’s hits on a 2023 tribute tour with Travis’s original band. “Being a part of new Randy Travis music, I mean, that’s like, what?” he said during a segment about Travis and “Where That Came From” on CBS Sunday Morning .

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  29. UT Partners With Grammarly to Guide Effective Generative AI Use in

    The University of Texas at Austin has teamed up with Grammarly for Education, an AI-enabled writing assistant, to investigate the adoption of generative artificial intelligence in a broad academic setting. ... "Our primary generative AI strategy is to use evidence-based decision-making to drive effective, forward and responsible AI use in ...

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    Country Music Hall of Fame member Randy Travis has released his first new song in over a decade, "Where That Came From." The announcement, delivered via the "Forever and Ever, Amen ...