Develop Good Habits

How to Write a Life Purpose Statement (with 5 Examples)

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We talk about a variety of things here on DGH, but a lot of it comes down to one common theme: how you can improve your sense of fulfillment in life.

Think about it, we’ve talked about:

  • Living according to your values
  • Books that you can read to help you find your sense of purpose
  • Fulfilling hobbies you can adopt
  • How to find your purpose
  • Personal development
  • Reaching your goals
  • Intrinsic motivation
  • Self-growth

And that’s only to name a few. The reason for developing good habits in the first place is so you can live a fulfilling and successful life–and only you can define that success .

While some people may see success as an early retirement to be able to spend time with their children, others may have no desire to have children and may perceive success as finding a way to create a career out of their hobby .

Because different people are passionate about and find fulfillment in different things, success can be defined in many different ways.

You can think of your definition of success as your “why” in life . What is the end to all of these means? What ultimate outcome are you searching for and working toward? The answer to this can be found in your life purpose statement, which we are going to talk about today.

But first, let’s pause. When considering what the purpose of your life is, you may feel overwhelmed. You’ve got this one life to live and you don’t want to mess it up, so what are you supposed to be doing with it?

When you look at it like that, it certainly does feel overwhelming. You need to let go of the idea that you were born with one specific purpose to live out and you need to identify what that is in order to do yourself justice.

The truth is, we all exist for however many years, during which, we spend our time doing some important and some unimportant things. The important things that we do help add meaning to our lives and make us happy, while the unimportant things really just help pass time.

So when defining your purpose, you’re really uncovering the ways in which you can spend your time that are ultimately important to you.

Thinking of it this way will do a few things for you. Not only will it take some pressure off, but it will also show you that you can have more than one life purpose statement– and your life purpose statement will likely change with time.

So whatever you end up with today isn’t set in stone for life. But, it will be a good motto to keep in mind for the time being as you’re making your daily/weekly/monthly schedule and prioritizing your life.

Let’s get started by looking at a definition of a life purpose statement and why you may want to write one. Then we will go over a step-by-step process that will guide you through creating your own. Finally, we will review 5 different examples of what a life purpose statement could look like.

Table of Contents

What Is a Life Purpose Statement?

Far too often, we end up chasing after dreams, goals, and careers based on other people’s expectations of us. But when we focus our energy on things we’re not passionate about, we end up living a complacent, unfulfilling life without even really knowing why .

There are very few things that are worse than going through years of hard and demanding work, going nowhere while pursuing the wrong goals.

Living your purpose is a critical part of achieving success and living a fulfilling life. Your purpose connects you to your mission for making your impact on the world and leaving it just a bit better than how you found it.

A life purpose statement is one that clarifies your reason for being and why you do what you do every day, helping to direct your decisions and priorities.

After reading your statement, anyone should be able to explain back to you what the reasons are behind your actions and what goal(s) you hope to achieve during your lifetime.

Having a life purpose statement can benefit you because it can help you focus on your goals and change your outlook on life.

While your everyday routine may remain the same after writing your life purpose statement, your attitude behind it and your sense of motivation can shift as your priorities become more clear.  

Finding your motivation and channeling your energy into turning your dreams into a reality is easier when you have a specific and explicit statement that helps guide you by communicating what you want to achieve.

You may also begin to find more opportunities to live out your purpose in small, everyday moments that can help boost your confidence and motivation to succeed. So to start actualizing your long-term goals, consider crafting a life purpose statement. Let’s look at how you can do this.

How to Write a Life Purpose Statement in 4 Steps

1. identify your strengths and skills.

While the terms are often used interchangeably, your strengths and your skills aren’t quite the same, and you want to identify both.

Your strengths are your innate abilities that come naturally to you. You can use your strengths to your advantage and you can build upon these personal characteristics to increase your sense of accomplishment in life.

In fact, research has found that people who recognize and intentionally use their strengths in their everyday lives are happier and less depressed than those who do not.

Some examples of personal strengths are:

  • Open-mindedness
  • Authenticity
  • Persistence
  • Emotional intelligence

While your strengths exist within you, they’re also refined by your life experiences. For example, let’s say you were born with a knack for creativity. If you don’t find yourself in creative environments very often, this strength may not shine through.

On the other hand, with practice, you can cultivate strengths that don’t come naturally to you. Neuroscience has found that with enough practice, our brains can build new neural pathways throughout our lives that help us excel in new behaviors.

And while it may take t housands of hours of practice , neuroplasticity and determination make it possible to develop and adjust your ingrained strengths.

Oftentimes, people are unaware of their strengths. If there’s something that you find to be easy, you may assume that it’s easy for everyone without recognizing it as a unique strength.

You may not realize that something that comes naturally to you is a strength until you’ve taken some time to do some self-reflection or you’ve been exposed to situations in which the strength really worked to your advantage.

For example, you might not know that you’re very good at keeping things in perspective until you witness just how much someone else allows some of life’s minor, everyday inconveniences to negatively impact their attitude and wellbeing.

And as you experience this more throughout life, you’re able to pinpoint your ability to cope and your refusal to allow minor setbacks to derail you as one of your strengths.

When it comes to your skills, unlike your strengths that may be part of your persona from day one, your skills refer to the expertise that you develop through education and experience.

You can always learn new skills, which is important because some of the skills that you have today may be irrelevant in the future with evolving technology or simply due to your evolving interests. 

When writing your life purpose statement, you need to be realistic about the skill set that may be required to have in order to be successful. And, if there are skills that you need that you don’t have yet , you will need to formulate a plan to cultivate them.

To write a truly effective life purpose statement, there needs to be some congruence between your strengths, skills, and purpose. Otherwise, you’ll experience conflict between what you’re trying to do and what comes naturally to you.

2. Identify Your Values and Passions

Your core values are the things in life that you refer to when determining your priorities , and they’re probably the factors you take into account when you’re doing a quick inventory on whether or not your life is going the way you had hoped.

When your actions and decisions align with your values, you’re probably pretty satisfied with your life. However, when there is conflict between your everyday routine and your values, you may start to feel discontent.

You have values, whether you recognize them or not. And knowing your values is a great way to help you make decisions that will make or keep you happy in the long run.

For example, if you value lifelong learning and self-improvement , you probably won’t choose to spend a whole lot of your time sitting around watching reruns of old tv shows unless you’re stuck at home sick, as this is not an activity that will help you progress in life.

life purpose statement worksheet | steps for writing a life purpose statement | my purpose in life as a student

Or, if you don’t value a competitive working environment , you probably wouldn’t be satisfied with your job if you worked in an extremely competitive sales position.

It’s best to understand your values when planning your life in this way because it can help you make decisions that align with what’s important to you and what fulfills you and help you avoid getting into situations that don’t make you happy.

Your passions are a little more short-term than your values, in that these are the things in life that really interest you, you want to devote your time to, and you feel like you’re in your element while you’re engaging in them. Consider the following:

  • What fascinates and excites you?
  • What could you spend hours talking about?
  • What do you do in your free time ?

While your values aren’t likely to change too much throughout your life, your passions may change quite a bit with age and experience. However, if you’re disconnected from your passions, you will probably feel unfulfilled.

So by identifying the things that motivate you at this point in your life, you can pinpoint ways that you can make some changes to increase your contentment by spending more time engaging in these activities.

When you identify your values and your passions, you’re one step closer to knowing your purpose, which will help you live an intentional life and set goals that are aligned with who you are.

When your strengths, skills, values, and passions all line up, you’ll live a life of purpose that will be fulfilling both in the short- and long-term. Alternatively, if your days are spent doing something that is not on a relevant path, you will not feel satisfied with life.

3. Determine Your Desired Result

When all is said and done, what do you want to be remembered for doing? What outcome do you want to produce from all of your passion and hardwork? What direction do you want your story to go?

Researchers studying the correlation of happiness, meaning, moods, relationships, health, etc., found that one’s sense of purpose in life generally comes from the act of giving to other people –while happiness derives from what other people give to you.

So what can you give to the world? What problem can you help fix? What difference can you make? The feeling of making a difference is critical to feeling a sense of fulfillment, as it will help you feel important, which equates to having a purpose.

4. Create a Draft

When you’re creating a draft of your life purpose statement, don’t overthink the process or your wording. Allow your thoughts to flow freely on paper as you’re drafting, knowing that you will come back later to clean it up and make your purpose statement more concise.

Write in the present tense and use an active tone. Rather than writing about things that you will avoid doing, focus on what you plan to experience and achieve starting today.

Getting your thoughts and first draft on paper will give you a launchpad for writing your life purpose statement, which shouldn’t end up being more than a sentence or two. Your final statement should be clear, concise, inspirational, and realistic.

Before you get to work, let’s take a look at some examples of life purpose statements that you can use to help guide you in writing your own.

Examples of a Life Purpose Statement

1. “my purpose is to become an expert in my career and add valuable contributions to the field. i hope to feel fulfilled with what i have accomplished when i retire.”.

Many people find satisfaction through career success and their personal contribution to their field of practice. Having a career that fulfills your desire to do meaningful work will keep you intrinsically motivated to get up and get moving every day.

Finding purpose in your work may result from dedicating your life to something aside from just climbing the corporate ladder, which is how many professionals feel more content in a position where they can make some kind of unique contribution.

This is especially true in positions that focus on helping the community and those which are more oriented toward service than simply building the bottom line of the company.

Finding purpose in your career comes from doing something that you’re passionate about instead of simply finding a way to clock in and out every day to earn a paycheck.

If your life purpose statement is centered around your career, consider what it is about your career that gives you such a deep sense of purpose. This way, you can make sure to not lose sight of this aspect of your career as time progresses.

2. “My purpose is to foster meaningful relationships with other people by loving unconditionally, practicing generosity, and always being open to form new friendships and connections.”

life statement examples | my purpose statement examples | life purpose statement examples eagle scout

If you find satisfaction through your personal relationships, having a purpose statement like this may feel right to you.

Research has found that the intensity and quality of people’s friendships is directly associated with life satisfaction. The more social integration that one has in their everyday life, the more satisfied they will be.

With this in mind, it’s not surprising that many people may revolve their life purpose statement around their relationships with other people .

3. “My purpose in life is to be a positive role model for others. I will empower younger generations to be independent, confident, and self-reliant through supportive individual and group activities.”

If you’re a great leader , you believe it is your purpose to inspire and motivate other people to become the best version of themselves. This life purpose statement likely resonates with people who care about and are hopeful for future generations.

Spending time helping our future leaders with their personal development is a very important task that many people could find meaning in doing.

Being a mentor is a great way to not only improve the lives of other people, but to also set yourself up for a life filled with learning yourself as you meet and interact with new people and hear about other people’s experiences and struggles.

Working with people on a regular basis with whom you have no natural connection by offering guidance and support will help you continue to hone your leadership skills and self-growth as you help people figure out their best path forward.

4. “My purpose is to instill healthy eating and exercise habits in children to help protect the physical wellbeing of our population.”

Encouraging positive lifelong eating and exercise habits at a young age can help set children up for a healthy future. Children who give their bodies proper nutrition and plenty of exercise are building the foundation for healthy growth and development, leading to lifelong wellbeing.

And these days, too many children aren’t receiving the proper nutrition or getting enough physical activity during the day, which is allowing the obesity epidemic in our country to continue.

The national prevalence of obesity in children lingers around 20%, which puts kids at risk for health complications once they get older.

Those who are passionate about physical health and disease prevention may feel it’s their purpose to make a difference in this sector of society, which would make this an appropriate life purpose statement.

5. “My purpose in life is to motivate and inspire positive change through my writing.”

If you’re passionate about writing and communicating with people in this way, you may feel that your purpose is to make a statement and a difference in people’s lives through the written word.

Whether this is by doing research and writing peer-reviewed publications to share your findings or you feel that you can be inspirational through more subjective writing, this purpose statement demonstrates exactly how one may want to make a difference in the world.

Final Thoughts on Writing a Life Purpose Statement

In summary, your life purpose statement will be unique to you –not catered toward the expectations of others. Your life purpose statement will guide your time and attention and help you determine what goals to set and how to spend your free time. 

By creating a life purpose statement, you will be able to understand yourself better to help you become the best version of you. (To learn more, check out our post on mission statements vs. goals .)

Follow the step-by-step process laid out in this article and use these examples as a guide to write your own statement. Display it somewhere that you can see it often to remind you of why you do what you do every day.

If you need more inspiration, check out our roundup of the the best Find Your Why worksheets to get started . You can also read this post on how to manifest something by writing it down if you are interested in law of attraction.

Finally, if you want to take your goal-setting efforts to the next level, check out this FREE printable worksheet and a step-by-step process that will help you set effective SMART goals .

life purpose statement | life purpose statement examples | how to write a life purpose statement

Live Bold and Bloom

21 Life Purpose Examples To Help You Write Yours

As kids, we are asked what we want to be when we grow up.

At that age, our answers are often simple: doctor, fireman, scientist.

Once we get to college or start working, our outlook on the future becomes more complicated.

Our goals are less oriented towards purpose but rather towards success.

However, to live happily, our views of success should align with a sense of purpose.

There are many different kinds of purposes of life to pursue, but it’s essential to find something that brings joy and fulfillment to your life.

To visualize and actualize your future goals, consider writing a life purpose statement.

We have put together fifteen life purpose statement examples to inspire you to write yours.

Why You Should Write a Life Purpose Statement

1. making a community contribution, 2. prioritizing home and family, 3. finding career success, 4. living authentically, 5. enjoying creative expression, 6. inspiring others, 7. fostering connections, 8. living mindfully, 9. achieving life balance, 10. protecting the environment, 11. raising successful children, 12. living with joy, 13. leaving a legacy, 14. making others happy, 15. teaching children.

Writing a life purpose statement can help focus your goals and motivate you to pursue them. Finding this motivation and channeling it into reality is easier when you explicitly articulate what you want to achieve.

Here are a few of the benefits of writing a life purpose statement: 

  • Increased drive and motivation
  • Focused mindset to achieve your goals and purpose
  • Clear path to success based on your “why”
  • Sense of fulfillment knowing you're guided by something vital and meaningful

21 Life Purpose Examples

Now that you're convinced writing a statement reflecting your life purpose, here are a variety of examples.

Each one focuses on an area of life that may be meaningful to you.

If you resonate with more than one of these statements, consider combining them to expand your own to include a broader purpose.

“My life purpose is to stand up for issues that I believe in and to contribute positively to my community. I want to leave the world knowing that I made it a better place.”  

If you care deeply about social issues or giving back to your community, this life purpose statement may work for your goals.

women talking in office Life Purpose Examples

In your own statement, feel free to get more specific about how you plan to contribute to your community. 

“I hope to build a loving home with my family and to care for my children. I want to support their endeavors while still leaving time for my passions. I will be the best version of myself so that I can lead my children by example.”

For those who find a strong sense of purpose from family, consider a statement like this. Ask yourself how you are personally fulfilled through family, and what you want your life to look like. 

“My life purpose is to find success in my career. I would like to be a notable person among my peers and be valued for my contributions to my field. My hope is that I will retire feeling fulfilled with what I have accomplished.”

Many people’s life purposes are centered around careers, as they find happiness through achieving success and contributing to society.

It may be helpful to specify your particular field, the goals you may have, and why your career gives you a sense of purpose.

“The purpose of my life is to be my true self , uninhibited by fear. I want to inspire others to live authentically and with passion.”

This statement is an example for those who value being honest, open, and living their truth. Start by questioning what your passions are and how they empower you. 

Define what living authentically means to you and how you hope to achieve that.

“My goal in life is to harness my creativity and imagination to unearth truths about myself, my community, and society at large. I want to pose challenging ideas through my art.”

Many artists have specific mission statements attached to their work. As you grow as an artist, you may find that elements of your statement change, but the central core of your life’s purpose will usually remain the same. 

“The purpose of my life is to be a source of light to other people and radiate positivity. I hope to find an inner strength that is inspiring to others.”

Finding peace and modeling that for others is a compelling goal to motivate your self-growth. Many people dedicate their lives to self-improvement and receiving wisdom to pass it on to others. 

woman looking at her phone Life Purpose Examples

“My goal in life is to love others unconditionally and foster meaningful connections with people. I want to walk through life with an open hand, being available to form new friendships.”

If you thrive through your connections, this purpose statement may resonate with you. Think about what you are giving to these relationships versus what you are receiving.

How does that impact your purpose? 

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“I envision a life where I take things slowly and stop to smell the roses. I never want to miss out on an opportunity to find joy in the little things. I will explore my world with open curiosity and be fully present with all experiences.”

women at gym Life Purpose Examples

Not everyone enjoys living in a fast-paced and career-oriented environment.

This statement is an excellent example for people who admire beauty, value small treasure, and find meaning in living a more mindful and engaged life.

“In my life, I want to achieve a harmonious balance between my career, my family, and fun. I plan to work hard but also seek excitement and adventure where I can.”

You can have it all. Some of you may be working out how to balance many different elements in your life.

Writing a life purpose statement like this one is an excellent place to start when figuring out how to achieve your goals. 

“My life’s purpose is to be a caretaker of the Earth by living a life of zero waste and reducing my carbon footprint.”

Climate change and environmental causes are a valuable focus for a life purpose for many people.

Collaboration and community are a central component of this goal. If you find inspiration from this example, consider fleshing out specific examples of how you can contribute to helping Mother Earth. 

“My purpose is to raise a family of caring, passionate, and independent children who will find success in their own way and with integrity. I believe that being a parent is the joy of my life.”

Here is another example of a family-oriented life purpose statement, There are many different ways to center your family life in your personal goals, and each parent or family member will have their own view. 

“I want to live enthusiastically. I want to marry my best friend and settle into a long life together. I want to be fulfilled in my work and find meaning through art. I want to die knowing I lived the best way I knew how.”

This example shows that you can have many different types of goals in one mission statement.

Your goals can be oriented towards career, family, marriage, or anything else.

You don’t have to dedicate your life to any singular thing. We are complex creatures with many desires and interests. 

“I hope to achieve great things in my life. My life’s purpose is to leave a legacy behind me. I want to have the highest quality of life, and live abundantly.” 

Some personal statements are more qualitative, describing the type of life you want to lead.

It is not necessary to list specific goals, but rather, you can paint a picture of the direction you're headed. 

“My purpose in life is to make others laugh. I want to leave a smile on the faces of those I love, those I meet, and those who remember me long after I am gone.” 

Other life purpose statements are joyfully simple. If you wish to lead a joyful life, consider this example. When reflecting on your statement, think of the ways you can apply this perspective in your life.

How can your sense of humor and happy demeanor contribute positively to your career or your relationships? 

“My goal in life is to be an educator and help students reach their greatest potential. I want to help young kids find great success.”

This example is perfect for teachers whose profession is their main passion in life.

When we have found careers that genuinely make us happy, our life purposes are often shaped around finding success within them. 

16. Pursuing Knowledge and Wisdom

“My goal in life is to continuously seek knowledge and wisdom, always striving to learn more about the world and myself. I want to absorb as much as I can, turning every experience into a learning opportunity.”

If you are naturally curious and find joy in learning and personal growth, this purpose might speak to you. Consider how your quest for knowledge enriches not only your life but also how it can positively influence those around you. 

How does this pursuit shape your interactions and decisions?

17. Promoting Health and Wellbeing

“My life's mission is to promote health and well-being, both for myself and others. I aim to be a beacon of healthy living, inspiring and guiding others towards a balanced lifestyle.”

If you are passionate about health and believe in the transformative power of a healthy lifestyle, this purpose could resonate with you. Reflect on how your actions and choices can contribute to a healthier community and how this commitment to well-being influences your sense of purpose.

18. Advancing Technological or Scientific Innovation

“I am dedicated to pushing the boundaries of technology and science to create solutions that improve our lives. My purpose is to innovate, discover, and contribute to the progress of humanity through my work.”

If you are driven by a desire to innovate and solve complex problems, this purpose statement may align with your aspirations. 

Think about the impact of your innovations on society and how they reflect your personal values and purpose.

19. Championing Social Justice and Equality

“My purpose is to champion social justice and equality, to stand up for what is right, and to make a tangible difference in the fight against inequality. I am committed to creating a more just and equitable world for all.”

If you are moved by a sense of fairness and a desire to advocate for those who are marginalized, this purpose might resonate deeply with you. 

Consider how your actions can contribute to lasting change and how this pursuit aligns with your core beliefs.

20. Exploring and Preserving Cultural Heritage

“I am passionate about exploring and preserving cultural heritage, ensuring that the rich tapestry of our past is celebrated and maintained for future generations. My purpose is to connect with history and share its lessons and beauty with the world.”

Do you have a deep appreciation for culture and history and want to ensure its preservation? If so, this purpose statement could speak to you. 

Reflect on how this passion helps you connect with others and the past, enriching your life and those around you.

21. Fostering Spiritual Growth or Enlightenment

“My life's goal is to foster spiritual growth, both in myself and in others. I seek enlightenment and a deeper understanding of the spiritual aspects of our existence, hoping to share peace and wisdom along the way.”

Maybe your path is deeply intertwined with spiritual exploration and growth, and this purpose might align with your innermost values.

Think about how your spiritual journey influences your relationships, your approach to life's challenges, and what it means for your overall purpose.

How Do You Write a Purpose Statement for Your Life?

Crafting a purpose statement for your life might seem like a tall order, but it's really about digging deep and reflecting on what truly drives you. It's your guiding light that helps you navigate through life's ups and downs. Think of it as your own personal North Star, keeping you aligned with what matters most to you.

Here's how to get those thoughts down into a coherent, powerful purpose statement:

1. Reflect on Your Passions

Start by thinking about what gets you out of bed in the morning. What activities make you lose track of time? This isn't just about hobbies; it's about the core drives that give your life meaning and joy. Jot these down, no matter how big or small they seem.

2. Identify Your Values

Your values are the bedrock of your purpose statement. They define what you stand for and what you won't stand for. So, take a moment to list out your top values. Are you all about honesty, creativity, family, independence? Knowing these will help shape your purpose statement.

3. Consider Your Impact

Think about how you want to affect the world around you. What mark do you want to leave on your community, your family, or even the planet? This isn't about grandiose achievements but the real, tangible difference you want to make.

4. Draft Your Statement

With your passions, values, and desired impact in mind, start drafting your statement. Keep it simple and clear. It should resonate with you deeply, almost like a personal mantra that you can turn to in times of doubt or decision-making.

5. Refine and Evolve

Your first draft might not be perfect, and that's okay. Life is dynamic, and so are you. Allow your purpose statement to evolve as you grow and learn. It's a living document, not set in stone.

Remember, your purpose statement is deeply personal. It's for you, about you, and should reflect your unique journey and aspirations. So, take your time, be honest with yourself, and let your true self shine through in your words.

How will you use these life purpose examples?

If you are ever asked the question, “What is your purpose in life?” you now have a better idea of what that answer might be.

Your statement should be personal and specific to your interests and motivations. Use these examples to help craft your personal life purpose statement.

Here are a few different ways to utilize this exercise:

  • Use it as a professional statement in your resume. Many job applications require a personal mission or professional statement in your resume. Craft your purpose statement to support your career goals.
  • Write it in a journal, and return back to it when you need to refocus your energies. Just the act of writing your statement reinforces it in your mind.
  • Discuss it with your significant other. Relationships often work for the long term when both parties share a similar sense of purpose and want to share in each other’s goals. 

Refer to your life purpose statement regularly as you make critical decisions or plans for your life.

Use it as your compass to guide you through life's ups and downs, reminding you of the higher reason you live on this planet.

May your purpose in life inspire everything you do today and always.

Happier Human

19 Life Purpose Examples to Find Your True Purpose

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Since the dawn of time, philosophers and common people alike have mused over the idea of a “life purpose.”  

But what defines one’s life purpose? And what should yours be?

In simplest terms, a life purpose is your reason (or reasons) for getting up in the morning.

True purpose can guide your decisions.

It will influence your behavior and help you prioritize goals to make room for what really matters.

Purpose can offer a sense of direction… and create meaning. For some people, purpose is connected to a vocation- meaningful, satisfying work.

Ancient Greek classicists called it a “telos,” or the ultimate goal of life.  They believed that a life purpose should be was one’s central focus on their journey through time on earth. 

Modern thinkers conceptualize it as that what they were meant to do or be… what they were made for.

Whichever way you prefer to think about it, having an idea of your greater aim in life makes every day more significant and precious. It allows you to harness your energy into something bigger than just yourself.

In this article, I will provide 19 life purpose examples that may help you take one step closer to eudemonia… or “Living the Good Life”.

Table of Contents

Exercises to Find Your Life Purpose

Self-inquiry and examination through good habits help you center your thoughts and really focus on what you enjoy most in your life and gives you meaning.

Everyone has different skills and talents that make them great… and taking the time to analyze what you excel at can give you further direction to what you can call your life purpose.   Pro tip: you can have more than one!

Journaling what matters most to you

Creative journaling has many proven health benefits . From writing down your crazy dreams,  to taking note of interesting flowers you've seen that day, it gives your left brain a chance to express itself… or your right brain time to make sense of the day.

Consistency is what is important. 

If you choose a narrative approach, you give your loved ones a valuable record and tool to peer into the daily life of your family.

When you select a creative approach, such as poetry or sketching, you can get a glimpse into your subconscious and the themes of your life.

Either method works… and many of the world's most successful minds practice journaling . 

You can also start using your journal as a tool to implement your life purpose. Everything from affirmations, inspiring quotes, or a daily to-do list will be able to help you navigate the waters of setting sail in the direction of your dreams.

Writing a life purpose statement

Are you feeling bold?

If so, sit down and write down a mission statement of the purpose of your life. You might be surprised what you think of!

For your first draft, don't put too much thought into it and let the feeling of what you want to most express flow through you. Be true to yourself and don't be shy; you don't have to share it if you don't want to.

Later, revise it and flesh it out. Write out a personal manifesto if you want to. Let the written word inspire you to greater things and pay attention to the most vivid details.

Don't think too much about it, either. You can have a seemingly small or narrowed down purpose, such as becoming a vegan.  Or you may discover something greater, like becoming a human rights activist or uncovering a musical talent.  

Take what you learn from this exercise and use it to make bigger and better choices for your life.

Find good literature or media to support your new vision, and if you are really feeling inspired, volunteer or take classes to improve. 

Verbalizing to someone else what matters most

Talking about things to a compassionate listener helps our minds process what's going on in our life.

Even the process of listening to ourselves talk can help make what's going on “real” and, more importantly , give us some ideas of the right action steps to take.

Just talk about what matters.

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Always wanted to get a higher degree? Was your dream to be a painter?

Find a trusted person and talk to them about it. The enormous healing properties of letting someone know your secret desires will always shed light on those corners of your life and give you hope and a different perspective.

Visualizing what is most important in their life and what may be lacking.

Looking within helps you to clarify what's important and minimize distractions.

For example, if being healthy is important to you… you might change your diet, learn new recipes, or start a daily exercise plan.

If having more fun with your community is a goal, then you might be on the lookout for opportunities to meet new people.

Visualize what your ideal life would be like, and take steps every day to achieve it!

“If you can dream it, you can do it.” -Walt Disney

Take a deep breath, light a candle, and close your eyes. Relax and think:  where could my life go? What would I have? Where would I be? What would it feel like?

Now, let yourself write out what an ideal day would be like. Let your imagination go wild. Where would you vacation? What would you eat? What gifts would you buy the people you love?

You get the idea.

Now, ground yourself, and let yourself figure out a realistic way to align yourself to the life choices you could make to more embody that lifestyle.

It's easier than it sounds, and you can be amazed at all of the resources that reveal themselves to you when you're open and ready to receive or when you go out there and take action.

People from all walks of life benefit from the power of visualization.   From CEOs to elementary teachers, walking yourself through the necessary steps in your mind's eye helps guide you to techniques or tools for an improved life.

It can be anything from a power color to a special spot in nature from which you draw inspiration. 

19 Life Purpose Examples You May Draw Inspiration From

1. having a strong sense of family.

“I will always work to do what is best for my family. Without neglecting myself, I will seek to meet their needs. I will seek to understand their insecurities, and give them the support and unconditional love to make them feel special, important, and irreplaceable.”

Around the world, “family” ranks as the top choice when selecting one’s purpose in life. It's the foundation from which people come from… and where many people return. If you feel that friends and family are priceless treasures that can never be replaced, this purpose is definitely for you.

2. Helping Children

“I want to be a positive role model for children. Whether it's with tangibles like food or clothing, or by giving emotional support… I want to give children what they need to feel wanted, loved, and secure. I want to give children what they need to be healthy, happy, and productive.” 

Whether you're a parent or not, if you're passionate about helping children, there are many ways to achieve this goal. The obvious is to provide financially by giving food, clothing, and shelter. You can also give your time and support in other ways.

Helping with homework, listening when a child needs to talk, donating to children's causes, or volunteering are some examples.

3. Giving Back to the Community

“I want to contribute something to my community that will leave it better than it was before my contribution. I want to show others that connecting with your community is important and vital.” 

examples of purpose statements | what is your purpose in life answer | my purpose in life as a student

Communities don't exist without individuals, and individuals cannot exist without being a part of some type of a community. We are interdependent beings. If you have a sense of appreciation for the significance of community, there are many ways to meet this purpose. 

You can enhance it aesthetically, or participate in other activities. You may want to take a more interpersonal approach, like being a mentor or helping a neighbor.

4. Helping Animals

“All creatures deserve to be treated with kindness. I want to show compassion to animals through caring acts that help protect them and help them survive.”

It’s no coincidence that veganism and vegetarianism grow in popularity every year. Whether it's by aligning yourself with groups like People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), or adopting a pet , you, too, can contribute to ensuring animals are treated humanely.

5. Living a Healthy Lifestyle

“I will prioritize taking care of myself by putting my health first. I will take care of my physical and mental health needs by being mindful of what I put in my body, and focusing on my emotional and mental well-being. Self-care activities will be a part of my regular routine.”

Self-care is one of the essential ways that health can become part of a life's purpose. In order to meet any other goals in life, you must first be in good mental and physical health. 

6. Prioritizing Fitness

“I will feed the inside and outside of my body with the nourishment it needs. The right food is an obvious necessity, but I will also make sure I feed it physical exercise, and prioritize being physically fit.”

Fitness goes hand in hand with living a healthy life. It may be for medical reasons, or your aim may be to achieve a certain physical appearance or build  strength . This life purpose is for you if you're passionate about the physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits of exercise.

7. Incorporating Music

“I will make music an integral part of my life. I will use it as a source of healing and enjoyment. I will also use it as a way to connect with others, and to connect more deeply with myself.”

If you feel drawn to music, incorporating it into your life more will give many emotional benefits.

In every culture,  music  seems to be the thread that binds people. Whether you're a musician, a dancer, or simply someone who loves to listen… there is so much meaning and purpose that can be gleaned from music.

8. Appreciating Art

“I will appreciate the beauty of art. I will find ways to include it in my life, by being both a spectator and finding ways to explore my own artistic talents.”

Art has many forms and expressions, and whichever one you feel “drawn” to is totally up to you and entirely beautiful. Many people have amazing latent artistic gifts that they go their whole lives regretting not having explored further.  

You can take advantage of  adult learning  or community college opportunities to enhance your artistic skills.

9. Embracing Spirituality

“I will be a spiritual person and connect to something higher than myself. I will concern myself with being the best person I can be for myself and others. I will be guided by thoughts and actions that are kind and in my best interest, and the best interest of others.” 

examples of purpose statements | what is your purpose in life answer | purpose in life meaning

Being spiritual  can be a powerful way to embrace a larger identity and life purpose. If your focus is to grow and develop to be the best person you can be, and live a life where you show compassion to others, this mantra is ideal. 

10. Living a Happy and Ethical Life

“I will first and foremost do what it takes to make myself happy. With this continued state of being, I will be able to treat others in a respectful and kind way. My happiness will lead to actions that are just, fair, and ethical for others.”

We've probably all heard the saying, “Hurt people hurt people.” It would then follow that we can say the opposite is also true. If you're in a state of contentment, you'll give off a sense of peace that will positively affect others. 

This statement probably hits home for you if you're someone who's mindful about existing in the here-and-now. It's definitely for you if you're self-aware and value the multitude of health benefits from having a harmonious emotional and spiritual state. 

11. Empowering Others

“My life purpose is to help others see their own power and strength. I want to make each person I encounter feel better about themselves and have an added sense of self-efficacy and self-confidence.”

Here's a statement that takes infecting others with happiness and peace to a different level. The drive to empower others is ideal for someone who loves interacting with people. It requires being able to see the positives and helping individuals identify their strengths. 

12. Being True to Myself

“I want to live a life where I present to myself and others my authentic self. I want to maintain my true self while being genuine and sincere in all of my relationships and interactions with others.”

If you are someone who values your individualism, this example falls right in line. Being true to yourself may include maintaining your own unique fashion sense, dietary choices, or spiritual beliefs.

what is your purpose in life answer | what is your purpose in life as a student | what is my purpose in life

It can be more interpersonal, where you value remaining true to another purpose you have in life, no matter what others think or say. For example, you may want to stay true to living a life as a starving artist, rather than conform to the American standard of climbing your way up the corporate ladder.

Or, it may mean holding onto independent thinking that sets you a part from the rest, and not changing your opinions or methods of expression to please others or to fit in.

At any rate, being your authentic self in all areas of life helps to achieve a healthy mental and emotional state.

13. Achieving a Meaningful Career

“I will continuously pour into myself the tools needed to be the best at what I do. I want to have a career that improves the life of others and society in some way.”

Many people choose careers based on their skills, passions, or natural talents. This purpose can help you decide what career to pursue and, therefore, what actions you need to follow to achieve it.

It can help you determine if you need to pursue a higher degree, what region you may need to live in, and even give you a realistic picture of what your income may be. For example, if you're on the fence about whether to become a social worker or a marketing executive, you may decide that a social worker better meets the task of improving lives.

14. Cultivating Healthy, Reciprocal Relationships

“I will treat others as I want to be treated. I will make sure I give as much as I receive. I will communicate with others to understand and give them what they need, instead of going off of my assumptions of their needs, so that I am truly treating them in a manner that makes them feel important and respected.”

Any time you're having multiple interactions with someone, you're having a relationship. Whether it's close friends, relatives, or co-workers, interactions with others that are built on respect and mutual give-and-take are the most productive and healthiest.

If you appreciate the value of relationships and the positive rippling effects they can have on all aspects of life, this statement may speak to you.

15. Reaching My Fullest and Highest Potential

“Realizing self-actualization means reaching your fullest and highest potential. I will use self-reflection to understand my thoughts, behaviors, patterns, talents, and skills. I will also identify my growth areas (I will not call them weaknesses). I will seek to educate myself and increase my knowledge through research, and by engaging in meaningful discussions with others who hold different viewpoints than my own. I will use all of these avenues to improve all aspects of who I am.”

If you are dedicated to self-growth and self-development , this example does a great job of summarizing many of the components necessary to accomplish a higher state of self. 

You may have more than one purpose. This one goes hand-in-hand with “Being True to Myself.” To accomplish both, you must be ready to accept the self-discovery that comes from honest self-reflection. Achieving self-actualization also requires accepting the actions or changes you find you need to make as a result of those self-discoveries.

16. Bringing Others Joy

“Simply put, I want to make others laugh. Laughter is healing. I want to give people the good feelings, relief, and connection that comes with sharing a good laugh together. Even when there's sadness, laughter can provide a glimpse of hope and joy. I want to provide the light at the end of the tunnel.”

Some purpose statements are more serious, some will take a little work, and others will take a concerted amount of time to achieve. This one is just pure fun.

If connecting with others and enjoying life are what gets you out of bed in the mornings, this example is the perfect fit. We can choose happiness , and help others to choose it, too.

17. Helping the Less Fortunate

“I will help someone who is hurting or going without. I will give my assistance in some way to help someone else gain what they are missing, to help them have a better quality of life.”

purpose in life meaning | personal purpose examples | why is it so hard to find your purpose in life

This is for the altruistic. Helping the less fortunate takes the life purpose of contributing to the community to the next level, by getting a little more specific. It requires you to identify or consider a type of person or group of people, and the resources they need.

18. Sharing Wisdom

“As I learn and grow from my experiences, I want to share that wisdom with others.” 

This example is great for teachers, religious leaders, mentors, or anyone who enjoys articulating the lessons of their failures, successes, and life journey. Knowledge is priceless. Because everyone's experiences are different, we all have a little bit of knowledge we could share with someone else.

19. Appreciating the World Around Me 

“I will embrace nature and all of its wonders. I will take the time to enjoy what cannot be bought and sold, but what gives us its beauty and utility every second of every day, unconditionally. I will appreciate the small things, and do my part to preserve the natural reserves that make life possible.”

If you enjoy nature and the simpler things in life, and see the environment as something that needs protecting, this may resonate with you. It incorporates both appreciation and action. Like some of the others, this purpose statement is also integral to mindfulness. There's an indirect sense of benevolence, too. Without the beauty and necessities of nature — like water, land to grow fruit and vegetables, and the many valuable things that only an ecosystem left intact can provide — human life cannot exist.

Final Thoughts on a Life Purpose

No two people have the exact same life purpose… even if they value the same things, like family, they may share different visions of how that life looks.

You can use this list of 19 life purpose examples as a springboard to launch your own journey towards finding your “why.”

While these are some of the most common themes that bring meaning to many people, that isn’t to say they are your true purpose.

Which ones stand out most to you?

Has a lightbulb of inspiration appeared over your head?

Have you thought about an interest or passion that could further enrich your life?

If so… follow that fire! Don’t let it burn out!

When you take the right steps, you can make big changes with daily choices in the right direction. With these life purpose examples, you can be well on your way to developing a life you're truly proud of.

Finally, if you want to increase your happiness and life satisfaction, then watch this free video that details the 7-minute habit for planning your day to focus on what's important .

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Essay on Purpose Of Life

Students are often asked to write an essay on Purpose Of Life in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Purpose Of Life

Understanding the purpose of life.

Life is a precious gift. Its purpose is different for everyone and depends on individual beliefs and experiences. Some people find purpose in helping others, while others find it in learning or creating. It’s about finding what makes you happy and fulfilled.

Finding Your Purpose

Discovering your purpose can take time. It’s not always clear and may change as you grow. You can start by thinking about what you love to do, what makes you feel good, and how you can make a positive impact on the world.

The Joy in Purpose

When you find your purpose, life becomes more meaningful. You feel a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. This joy can motivate you to work harder and achieve your goals. It’s like a guiding light that leads you through life.

Living with Purpose

To live with purpose, you need to follow your heart and stay true to yourself. It’s about making choices that align with your beliefs and values. Remember, your purpose is unique to you. So, embrace it and live life to the fullest.

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250 Words Essay on Purpose Of Life

What is the purpose of life.

Life is a precious gift, and everyone has their unique way of living it. Some people think the purpose of life is to be happy, while others believe it is to help others.

Finding Happiness

Many people believe that the purpose of life is to find happiness. This could mean doing things that make us feel good, like playing games, eating our favorite food, or spending time with friends and family. It is about enjoying every moment and making the most of our time.

Helping Others

For others, life’s purpose is to help people. They find joy in making others happy or making the world a better place. This could mean doing volunteer work, helping a friend with homework, or simply being kind to everyone around us.

Learning and Growing

Some people see the purpose of life as a chance to learn and grow. They want to gain knowledge, learn new skills, and become better people. This could mean studying hard at school, reading lots of books, or trying new things.

In conclusion, the purpose of life can be different for everyone. It could be about finding happiness, helping others, or learning and growing. It’s about finding what makes you feel fulfilled and doing that. Remember, the purpose of life is a journey, not a destination. So, enjoy every step of your journey.

500 Words Essay on Purpose Of Life

Understanding ‘purpose of life’.

The ‘Purpose of Life’ is a big idea that everyone thinks about at some point. In simple terms, it is the reason why we are here. It is what gives our life meaning and direction. It is like a personal goal that guides our actions and choices.

Individual Purpose

Everyone has their own purpose in life, which can be different from others. This purpose can be anything that makes you feel happy and fulfilled. For some, it could be becoming a doctor and saving lives, while for others, it could be becoming a painter and creating beautiful art. It is not about what others think is important, but what you feel is important.

Common Human Purpose

While each person has their own purpose, there are also common purposes that all humans share. These include learning, growing, and contributing to the world. We all want to learn new things, grow as people, and make the world a better place. These common purposes can help bring us together and create a sense of community.

Finding your purpose in life can take time and is often a journey of self-discovery. It involves understanding your passions, values, and strengths. You can start by asking yourself questions like, “What do I love to do?”, “What am I good at?” and “What do I feel strongly about?” The answers to these questions can help guide you towards your purpose.

Living Your Purpose

Once you find your purpose, it is important to live it. This means making choices and taking actions that align with your purpose. For example, if your purpose is to help others, you might choose to volunteer at a local charity. Living your purpose can give your life meaning and make you feel fulfilled.

The Importance of Purpose

Having a purpose in life is important because it gives our life direction and meaning. It helps us make decisions and set goals. It also gives us a sense of fulfillment and happiness. Without a purpose, life can feel empty and meaningless.

In conclusion, the purpose of life is a deeply personal and important idea. It is the guiding force that gives our life meaning and direction. While each person’s purpose is unique, we all share common purposes of learning, growing, and contributing to the world. Finding and living your purpose can bring great joy and fulfillment to your life.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Pyramids Of Egypt
  • Essay on Qin Dynasty
  • Essay on Qualities Of A Good Mother

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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Essays About Life: Top 5 Examples Plus 7 Prompts

Life envelops various meanings; if you are writing essays about life, discover our comprehensive guide with examples and prompts to help you with your essay.

What is life? You can ask anyone; I assure you, no two people will have the same answer. How we define life relies on our beliefs and priorities. One can say that life is the capacity for growth or the time between birth and death. Others can share that life is the constant pursuit of purpose and fulfillment. Life is a broad topic that inspires scholars, poets, and many others. It stimulates discussions that encourage diverse perspectives and interpretations. 

5 Essay Examples

1. essay on life by anonymous on, 2. the theme of life, existence and consciousness by anonymous on, 3. compassion can save life by anonymous on, 4. a life of consumption vs. a life of self-realization by anonymous on, 5. you only live once: a motto for life by anonymous on, 1. what is the true meaning of life, 2. my life purpose, 3. what makes life special, 4. how to appreciate life, 5. books about life, 6. how to live a healthy life, 7. my idea of a perfect life.

“…quality of Life carries huge importance. Above all, the ultimate purpose should be to live a meaningful life. A meaningful life is one which allows us to connect with our deeper self.”

The author defines life as something that differentiates man from inorganic matter. It’s an aspect that processes and examines a person’s actions that develop through growth. For some, life is a pain because of failures and struggles, but it’s temporary. For the writer, life’s challenges help us move forward, be strong, and live to the fullest. You can also check out these essays about utopia .

“… Kafka defines the dangers of depending on art for life. The hunger artist expresses his dissatisfaction with the world by using himself and not an external canvas to create his artwork, forcing a lack of separation between the artist and his art. Therefore, instead of the art depending on the audience, the artist depends on the audience, meaning when the audience’s appreciation for work dwindles, their appreciation for the artist diminishes as well, leading to the hunger artist’s death.”

The essay talks about “ A Hunger Artist ” by Franz Kafka, who describes his views on life through art. The author analyzes Kafka’s fictional main character and his anxieties and frustrations about life and the world. This perception shows how much he suffered as an artist and how unhappy he was. Through the essay, the writer effectively explains Kafka’s conclusion that artists’ survival should not depend on their art.

“Compassion is that feeling that we’ve all experienced at some point in our lives. When we know that there is someone that really cares for us. Compassion comes from that moment when we can see the world through another person’s eyes.”

The author is a nurse who believes that to be professional, they need to be compassionate and treat their patients with respect, empathy, and dignity. One can show compassion through small actions such as talking and listening to patients’ grievances. In conclusion, compassion can save a person’s life by accepting everyone regardless of race, gender, etc.

“… A life of self-realization is more preferable and beneficial in comparison with a life on consumption. At the same time, this statement may be objected as person’s consumption leads to his or her happiness.”

The author examines Jon Elster’s theory to find out what makes a person happy and what people should think and feel about their material belongings. The essay mentions a list of common activities that make us feel happy and satisfied, such as buying new things. The writer explains that Elster’s statement about the prevalence of self-realization in consumption will always trigger intense debate.

“Appreciate the moment you’ve been given and appreciate the people you’ve been given to spend it with, because no matter how beautiful or tragic a moment is, it always ends. So hold on a little tighter, smile a little bigger, cry a little harder, laugh a little louder, forgive a little quicker, and love a whole lot deeper because these are the moments you will remember when you’re old and wishing you could rewind time.”

This essay explains that some things and events only happen once in a person’s life. The author encourages teenagers to enjoy the little things in their life and do what they love as much as they can. When they turn into adults, they will no longer have the luxury to do whatever they want.

The author suggests doing something meaningful as a stress reliever, trusting people, refusing to give up on the things that make you happy, and dying with beautiful memories. For help with your essays, check out our round-up of the best essay checkers .

7 Prompts for Essays About Life

Essays About Life: What is the true meaning of life?

Life encompasses many values and depends on one’s perception. For most, life is about reaching achievements to make themselves feel alive. Use this prompt to compile different meanings of life and provide a background on why a person defines life as they do.

Take Joseph Campbell’s, “Life has no meaning. Each of us has meaning, and we bring it to life. It is a waste to be asking the question when you are the answer,” for example. This quote pertains to his belief that an individual is responsible for giving life meaning. 

For this prompt, share with your readers your current purpose in life. It can be as simple as helping your siblings graduate or something grand, such as changing a national law to make a better world. You can ask others about their life purpose to include in your essay and give your opinion on why your answers are different or similar.

Life is a fascinating subject, as each person has a unique concept. How someone lives depends on many factors, such as opportunities, upbringing, and philosophies. All of these elements affect what we consider “special.”

Share what you think makes life special. For instance, talk about your relationships, such as your close-knit family or best friends. Write about the times when you thought life was worth living. You might also be interested in these essays about yourself .

Life in itself is a gift. However, most of us follow a routine of “wake up, work (or study), sleep, repeat.” Our constant need to survive makes us take things for granted. When we endlessly repeat a routine, life becomes mundane. For this prompt, offer tips on how to avoid a monotonous life, such as keeping a gratitude journal or traveling.

Many literary pieces use life as their subject. If you have a favorite book about life, recommend it to your readers by summarizing the content and sharing how the book influenced your outlook on life. You can suggest more than one book and explain why everyone should read them.

For example, Paulo Coelho’s “The Alchemist” reminds its readers to live in the moment and never fear failure.

Essays About Life: How to live a healthy life?

To be healthy doesn’t only pertain to our physical condition. It also refers to our mental, spiritual, and emotional well-being. To live a happy and full life, individuals must strive to be healthy in all areas. For this prompt, list ways to achieve a healthy life. Section your essay and present activities to improve health, such as eating healthy foods, talking with friends, etc.

No one has a perfect life, but describe what it’ll be like if you do. Start with the material things, such as your house, clothes, etc. Then, move to how you connect with others. In your conclusion, answer whether you’re willing to exchange your current life for the “perfect life” you described and why.  See our essay writing tips to learn more!

life purpose essay

Maria Caballero is a freelance writer who has been writing since high school. She believes that to be a writer doesn't only refer to excellent syntax and semantics but also knowing how to weave words together to communicate to any reader effectively.

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Seven Ways to Find Your Purpose in Life

Many of the people I know seem to have a deep sense of purpose. Whether working for racial justice, teaching children to read, making inspiring art, or collecting donations of masks and face shields for hospitals during the pandemic, they’ve found ways to blend their passion, talents, and care for the world in a way that infuses their lives with meaning.

Luckily for them, having a purpose in life is associated with all kinds of benefits. Research suggests that purpose is tied to having better health , longevity , and even economic success . It feels good to have a sense of purpose, knowing that you are using your skills to help others in a way that matters to you.

But how do you go about finding your purpose if it’s not obvious to you? Is it something you develop naturally over the course of a lifetime ? Or are there steps you can take to encourage more purpose in your life?

life purpose essay

Likely both, says Kendall Bronk , a researcher who directs the Adolescent Moral Development Lab at Claremont Graduate University. People can find a sense of purpose organically—or through deliberate exercises and self-reflection. Sometimes, just having someone talk to you about what matters to you makes you think more intentionally about your life and your purpose, says Bronk.

In her work with adolescents, she’s found that some teens find purpose after experiencing hardship. Maybe a kid who has experienced racism decides to become a civil rights advocate. Or one who’s suffered severe illness decides to study medicine. Of course, experiences like poverty and illness are extremely hard to overcome without help from others. But Bronk’s research suggests that having a supportive social network—caring family members, like-minded friends, or mentors, for example—helps youth to reframe hardship as a challenge they can play a role in changing for the better. That might be true of adults, too.

While hardship can lead to purpose, most people probably find purpose in a more meandering way, says Bronk—through a combination of education, experience, and self-reflection, often helped along by encouragement from others. But finding your purpose can be jump-started, too, given the right tools. In a paper titled “ Fostering Purpose Among Young Adults ,” she and her colleagues found that exercises aimed at uncovering your values, interests, and skills, as well as practicing positive emotions like gratitude, can help point you toward your purpose in life.

Here are some of her recommendations based on her research on purpose.

1. Identify the things you care about

Purpose is all about applying your skills toward contributing to the greater good in a way that matters to you. So, identifying what you care about is an important first step.

In Greater Good’s Purpose Challenge , designed by Bronk and her team, high school seniors were asked to think about the world around them—their homes, communities, the world at large—and visualize what they would do if they had a magic wand and could change anything they wanted to change (and why). Afterward, they could use that reflection to consider more concrete steps they might take to contribute toward moving the world a little closer to that ideal.

A similar process is recommended for older adults by Jim Emerman of, an organization that helps seniors find new purpose in life. Instead of envisioning an ideal future world, though, he suggests posing three questions to yourself:

  • What are you good at?
  • What have you done that gave you a skill that can be used for a cause?
  • What do you care about in your community?

By reflecting on these questions, he says, older adults can brainstorm ideas for repurposing skills and pursuing interests developed over a lifetime toward helping the world.

2. Reflect on what matters most

Sometimes it can be hard to single out one or two things that matter most to you because your circle of care and concern is far-ranging. Understanding what you value most may help you narrow down your purpose in life to something manageable that also truly resonates with you.

There are several good values surveys to choose from, including these three recommended by the Valued Living Questionnaire , the Portrait Values Questionnaire , and the Personal Values Questionnaire . All have been used in research studies and may be helpful to those who feel overwhelmed by all they want to change.

Bronk found that helping people prioritize their values is useful for finding purpose. The survey used in Greater Good’s purpose challenge—where students were asked to look at common values and rank which were most important, least important, and in between—has been shown to be effective in helping people clarify their purpose.

Once you’re clearer on your deepest values, Bronk recommends asking yourself: What do these values say about you as a person? How do these values influence your daily life? How might they relate to what you want to do with the rest of your life? Doing this exercise can help you discover how you can put your values to use.

3. Recognize your strengths and talents

We all have strengths and skills that we’ve developed over our lifetimes, which help make up our unique personalities. Yet some of us may be unsure of what we have to offer.

If we need help, a survey like the VIA Character Strengths Survey can be useful in identifying our personal strengths and embracing them more fully. Then, you can take the results and think about how you can apply them toward something you really care about.

But it can also be helpful to ask others—teachers, friends, family, colleagues, mentors—for input. In the Purpose Challenge, students were asked to send emails to five people who knew them well and to pose questions like:

  • What do you think I’m particularly good at?
  • What do you think I really enjoy?
  • How do you think I’ll leave my mark on the world?

Adults can do this if they need feedback, too—either formally or informally in conversation with trusted others. People who know you well may be able to see things in you that you don’t recognize in yourself, which can point you in unexpected directions. On the other hand, there is no need to overly rely on that feedback if it doesn’t resonate. Getting input is useful if it clarifies your strengths—not if it’s way off base.

4. Try volunteering

Finding purpose involves more than just self-reflection. According to Bronk, it’s also about trying out new things and seeing how those activities enable you to use your skills to make a meaningful difference in the world. Volunteering in a community organization focused on something of interest to you could provide you with some experience and do good at the same time.

Working with an organization serving others can put you in touch with people who share your passions and inspire you. In fact, it’s easier to find and sustain purpose with others’ support —and a do-gooder network can introduce you to opportunities and a community that shares your concern. Volunteering has the added benefit of improving our health and longevity , at least for some people.

However, not all volunteer activities will lead to a sense of purpose. “Sometimes volunteering can be deadening,” Stanford University researcher Anne Colby. “It needs to be engaging. You have to feel you’re accomplishing something.” When you find a good match for you, volunteering will likely “feel right” in some way—not draining, but invigorating.

5. Imagine your best possible self

This exercise if particularly useful in conjunction with the magic-wand exercise described above. In Greater Good’s Purpose Challenge, high school students were asked to imagine themselves at 40 years of age if everything had gone as well as it could have in their lives. Then, they answered questions, like:

  • What are you doing?
  • What is important to you?
  • What do you really care about, and why?

The why part is particularly important, because purposes usually emerges from our reasons for caring, says Bronk.

Of course, those of us who are a bit older can still find these questions valuable. However, says Bronk, older folks may want to reflect back rather than look ahead. She suggests we think about what we’ve always wanted to do but maybe couldn’t because of other obligations (like raising kids or pursuing a career). There seems to be something about seeing what you truly want for yourself and the world that can help bring you closer to achieving it, perhaps by focusing your attention on the people and experiences you encounter that may help you get there.

6. Cultivate positive emotions like gratitude and awe

To find purpose, it helps to foster positive emotions, like awe and gratitude. That’s because each of these emotions is tied to well-being, caring about others, and finding meaning in life, which all help us focus on how we can contribute to the world.

In her study with young adults, Bronk found that practicing gratitude was particularly helpful in pointing students toward purpose. Reflecting on the blessings of their lives often leads young people to “ pay it forward ” in some way, which is how gratitude can lead to purpose.

There are many ways to cultivate awe and gratitude. Awe can be inspired by seeing the beauty in nature or recalling an inspirational moment . Gratitude can be practiced by keeping a gratitude journal or writing a gratitude letter to someone who helped you in life. Whatever tools you use, developing gratitude and awe has the added benefit of being good for your emotional well-being, which can give you the energy and motivation you need to carry out your purposeful goals.

7. Look to the people you admire

Sometimes the people we admire most in life give us a clue to how we might want to contribute to a better world ourselves. Reading about the work of civil rights leaders or climate activists can give us a moral uplift that can serve as motivation for working toward the greater good.

However, sometimes looking at these larger-than-life examples can be too intimidating, says Bronk. If so, you can look for everyday people who are doing good in smaller ways. Maybe you have a friend who volunteers to collect food for the homeless or a colleague whose work in promoting social justice inspires you.

You don’t need fame to fulfill your purpose in life. You just need to look to your inner compass—and start taking small steps in the direction that means the most to you.

This article is part of a GGSC initiative on “ Finding Purpose Across the Lifespan ,” supported by the John Templeton Foundation. In a series of articles, podcast episodes, and other resources, we’ll be exploring why and how to deepen your sense of purpose at different stages of life.

About the Author

Headshot of Jill Suttie

Jill Suttie

Jill Suttie, Psy.D. , is Greater Good ’s former book review editor and now serves as a staff writer and contributing editor for the magazine. She received her doctorate of psychology from the University of San Francisco in 1998 and was a psychologist in private practice before coming to Greater Good .

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How To Write An Eagle Scout Statement of Ambition & Life Purpose

Title: Eagle Scout Statement of Ambitions and life purpose

Before you can begin Eagle Scout rank requirement 7 and hold your final board of review, you’ll be tasked with writing a comprehensive essay that discusses your long-term goals and values. This piece of writing, which must be submitted with your Eagle rank application, is called a Statement of Ambitions and Life Purpose!

What is an Eagle Scout Statement of Ambitions And Life Purpose? An Eagle Scout Statement of Ambitions and Life Purpose is a short essay, written by an Eagle Scout candidate, that describes their goals, values, and mindsets. Often, these statements are about 500 words in length and are broken into 4 parts: Intro, short-term goals, long-term goals, and life purpose.

PS. This article is based on the experiences and research of Eagle Scout, Kevin A and Cole  🙂

While most Eagle Scouts (myself at the time, included!) usually aren’t aware that they even need to write this essay until the last minute, it’s actually an incredibly important thing to do. Why? Well, the Chair of your final Eagle Scout Board of Review will be reading your Statement of Ambitions and Life Purpose and asking you questions, accordingly!

Additionally, writing a Statement of Ambitions and Life Purpose gives you the chance to start thinking about your life’s vision. What do you hope to give to the world? Where do you see yourself in 3 years? These are all very important questions, and this essay might be one of the first times in your life where you’re directly asked to critically think about what you want your future to hold!

Plus, your Statement of Ambitions and Life Purpose is a great foundation upon which you can write an amazing Eagle Scout college application . (Click the link for my ultimate guide to getting Eagle Scout college acceptances) Kill two birds with one stone by using this statement to outline your thoughts for college and beyond! Trust me, my own Eagle Statement of Ambitions really set my sights in the right direction. I promise it’ll help you too if you put a lot of thought into it, dig deep, and keep an open mind.

With all that being said, you’re probably wondering how to write a great essay of your own. Not to fear! In this article, I’ll be using my own Statement of Ambitions and Life Purpose essay as an example to get your writing juices flowing! Then, I’ll give you some questions to reflect on, so you can make your essay even better than mine was. 😉

My Example Statement of Ambitions and Life Purpose Essay

First, take a second to read through my example essay. This is a bit shorter than the typical essay of 500 words (2 double-spaced pages), but it should give you a good idea of what’s required. Then, in the following sections, we’ll be reviewing each component, from the introduction to your life vision, so that you can create an incredible statement of your own!

Without further ado, here’s Kevin and my example Statement of Ambitions and Life Purpose:

1. Introduction: “Reflecting back, as I’m now applying for Eagle, the highest rank in Scouting, I realize just how far I’ve come. Not only have I learned how to light a fire with a single match, tie a bowline around myself with one hand, and sell ungodly amounts of Trail’s End popcorn — no, Scouting had given me much more. Scouting has given me the core values and principles that I now carry with me through my life.”  2. Short Term Goals: “In my high school life, I am planning on taking two Advanced Placement courses: AP Environmental Science and AP English Language and Composition. These courses, though challenging, will hopefully help me expand my knowledge into areas that I may be interested in pursuing while at college.”  “My next big hurdle comes in the form of college applications. Between club responsibilities, AP classes, Scouting, and friends, I’ll be hard-pressed to find the time. However, like earning Eagle, nothing worthwhile comes easy. To achieve my short term goals I’ll set a schedule, make a plan, and check things off one requirement at a time.” 3. Long-Term Goals “Upon graduating from high school, I want to attend a four-year college within the University of California system. I have not decided what studies to pursue in college, but I am leaning towards majoring in the chemistry field.”  “In college, I hope to develop the skills and connections to land a chemical engineering job where I can directly help others. I want a comfortable salary, and the expertise to have my ideas be heard within the workforce. I won’t be satisfied simply remaining a follower in my field and intend to lead others to help bring about breakthroughs that improve human wellbeing.” 4. Life Purpose “My ultimate vision for life is to become an individual who lifts others up. Growing up an only child, I always felt best whenever I was able to contribute to the people around me. Whether it’s making scientific breakthroughs, leading a team, or even teaching scouts, my life’s purpose will always be to do good for others.” “Although my specific goals will probably change as I grow older and experience the world from a different perspective, I know that the values I learned from Scouting will forever remain in my mind and heart. Regardless of what I end up doing, while I’m doing it I’ll be physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.” 

If you’ve read through our essay, by now you should have a few ideas bouncing around your head about what to write in your own Statement of Ambitions and Life Purpose. Write them down ASAP! Those ideas will serve as your essay’s foundations. 🙂

Now if you’re like most teens, you might instead be thinking, “I’m worried that I won’t be able to stick to my goals and ambitions that I wrote down because I’m not sure what I truly want to do with my life!” Yup, I’ve been there too. However, if this is something you’re worried about, don’t fret! 

  • Firstly, your Eagle Board of Review team won’t be making you promise to fulfill every single goal you set in your essay, as they realize that most Eagle Scout applicants (and most teens in general) don’t have everything figured out in terms of their life goals.
  • Secondly, in the following sections, I’ve prepared some questions for you that might give you a better idea of your actual ambitions and life purpose!
Here’s a tip: When reading the questions we pose, take your time. Try to think critically and come up with any answer. Then, ask yourself, “is my answer true, for me?” If it isn’t, question why you thought of it. Ask if it’s true in any way.

Doing this exercise will help you succeed in one of the most important areas of your life: knowing yourself . Now, it’s time to read through a detailed breakdown of our essay and answer the questions we’ve posed so that you can create an amazing statement of your own! Let’s go!

Introducing Your Statement of Ambitions and Life Purpose

Your introductory paragraph should go over some of the most impactful experiences you’ve had in Scouting thus far, as well as what you’ve learned from those experiences. Some experiences you can highlight are times when you acted as a leader, times where you learned an important value, or even things that you learned in Scouting that you’ve applied to a situation outside of Scouting. 

The important part here is to consider what you’ve learned from your Scouting career (Hopefully, a lot). The Eagle Rank is the highest rank in Scouting, and with it comes a wealth of experiences and wisdom that you’ve had to learn along the way. Here is how I chose to tie in what I learned from Scouting: 

“Reflecting back, as I’m now applying for Eagle, the highest rank in Scouting, I realize just how far I’ve come. Not only have I learned how to light a fire with a single match, tie a bowline around myself with one hand, and sell ungodly amounts of Trail’s End popcorn — no, Scouting had given me much more. Scouting has given me the core values and principles that I now carry with me through my life.” 

Your introduction shouldn’t be long-winded, as you’ll have many other parts of your essay to get into more detail. Keeping it brief and to the point will likely be the most effective approach to completing your introduction. When writing your intro, here are a few questions you could ask yourself:

Introductory Questions to Consider

  • What part of the Scout Oath and Law means the most to you? How have you lived by it in your Scouting and non-Scouting life? 
  • What is a specific Scouting experience you’ve had where you’ve learned something of great value? What did you learn? How did you end up learning it? 
  • How have you most changed from when you were a new Scout?  Think back to who you were, as a person, when just entering Scouting.
  • When you hear the word “Scouting,” what comes to mind? Why?

Short-Term Goals for High School 

The focus of your next section should be the goals you’d like to complete before finishing high school. These short-term goals can be academic (like getting all A’s), extracurricular (Like making varsity), or even personally-related (such as a hobby, interest, or side-business).

This section can also be used to describe how to plan to achieve these goals. Success comes from making solid plans and then executing on them, so make sure you think about how to achieve your goals. This way they won’t just be dreams! Here’s how I wrote about my high school goals:

“In my high school life, I am planning on taking two Advanced Placement courses: AP Environmental Science and AP English Language and Composition. These courses, though challenging, will hopefully help me expand my knowledge into areas that I may be interested in pursuing while at college.”  “My next big hurdle comes in the form of college applications. Between club responsibilities, AP classes, Scouting, and friends, I’ll be hard-pressed to find the time. However, like earning Eagle, nothing worthwhile comes easy. To achieve my short term goals I’ll set a schedule, make a plan, and check things off one requirement at a time.”

While I highly encourage you to talk about your extracurricular or personal goals as well, I’d highly recommend that you mention your high school academics in some way when writing this section.

Even if you don’t have plans to continue your education after high school, the main point of this part of your life is likely to become educated and graduate with your high school diploma. As such, a portion of this section should be dedicated to discussing your academics (it could even be one sentence stating that you plan on finishing high school!). 

Short-term Questions to Consider 

  • Are there any classes you want to take before you graduate, such as any AP or IB classes? Why do you want to take these classes? How do you think they could help in your future?
  • Do you have any goals you want to complete in your extracurricular activities? How can you take on more leadership in your teams, clubs, and community service groups?
  • Are there any personal interests you’ve developed while in high school that might steer you towards a certain career?  Consider things you’re good at, love doing, and might make you money.

Long-Term Goals For After Graduation

This section focuses on your long-term plans after graduating from high school. There are many avenues you could pursue after your graduation! Will you be going to a trade school? The military? Continuing your education by attending a four-year university or a community college? Heading straight to the workforce? The possibilities are endless! 🙂

I’d recommend considering how you want your life after high school to look (especially since it’ll be happening eventually). Think not just about continued education, but also the values and jobs you’ll be taking on. Here’s how I discussed my own plans in this section of my Statement of Ambitions and Life Purpose:

“Upon graduating from high school, I want to attend a four-year college within the University of California system. I have not decided what studies to pursue in college, but I am leaning towards majoring in the chemistry field.”  “In college, I hope to develop the skills and connections to land a chemical engineering job where I can directly help others. I want a comfortable salary, and the expertise to have my ideas be heard within the workforce. I won’t be satisfied simply remaining a follower in my field and intend to lead others to help bring about breakthroughs that improve human wellbeing.”

This section gives you a lot of freedom to express yourself; you can go into as much detail as you’d like when explaining your post-graduate plans. For example, if you’re sure that you want to enter a trade school, feel free to talk about the steps you’re going to take in order to get trained, certified, and hired for the trade of choice! 

Since you’ll be earning your Eagle Rank soon, it’s vital that you learn how to Properly List Eagle Scout On Your Resume . Not only does this improve your odds of landing a job and getting into a good school, it’ll also help you to more effectively describe your Scouting experiences (and learn from them, too)!

Here’s a Tip: Be realistic, but also dream big! Since in this section you can talk about your desired career, feel free to set a big, hairy, audacious goal (I call this a BHAG). Setting a huge, motivating goal for your future can spur you into action and help you to accomplish anything!

With your BHAG in mind, here are a few questions to consider that can point you in the right direction when writing this section:

Long-term Questions to Consider 

  • If you’re planning on entering the workforce, what type of job are you looking for? What steps might you take to increase your chances of being hired for the position you’re interested in? 
  • If you’re planning on joining the military, what branch of the military are you interested in joining? Why do you want to join this section of the military? 
  • If you’re planning on going to trade school, what type of trade interests you? Do you know any schools that excel in teaching this trade? Do you want to start your own business with this trade or join an existing company? 
  • If you’re planning on continuing your education, will you be going to a community college or a four-year university? What do you want to get out of your continued education, and how will you make it happen?
  • If none of these options apply to you, what will you be doing? Do you have plans to do one of the previous options eventually or are you planning on sticking to your original plans for a long time? 
  • In a perfect world, where do you see yourself in 5 years? What do you want to (and not want to ) be doing?

Your Life’s Purpose and Values

The final section of your Statement of Ambitions and Life Purpose should be used to describe your ultimate life’s vision. What do you really want out of life? Good topics to consider for this section could include plans about a future family, community involvement, and bucket-list experiences.

One thing you should try to mention in this section is how you plan to use the lessons you’ve learned from Scouting when you’re older. You don’t have to promise to return to Scouting in the future (although if you do see yourself volunteering, be sure to mention it), but you should try to discuss how you’ll use what you’ve learned to better the world.

Here is how I chose to describe my life’s purpose and values: 

“My ultimate vision for life is to become an individual who lifts others up. Growing up an only child, I always felt best whenever I was able to contribute to the people around me. Whether it’s making scientific breakthroughs, leading a team, or even teaching Scouts, my life’s vision will always be to do good for others.” “Although my specific goals will probably change as I grow older and experience the world from a different perspective, I know that the values I learned from Scouting will forever remain in my mind and heart. Regardless of what I end up doing, while I’m doing it I’ll be physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.” 

If you’re having trouble figuring out how to write this last section, keep in mind that your goals are only half of the question. Consider what values you feel are most important to you as well. What brings purpose and meaning to your life? There’s no right or wrong answer here, so feel free to expand on these points as much as you’d like! 

You can honestly take any direction you’d like when writing about your life’s purpose, but I’d recommend asking yourself the following questions to first gain some clarity:

Life Purpose Questions to Consider 

  • Think about when you’ll be 30-40 years old. What do you picture your life will be like at that age? What will you have accomplished? What part of doing that will make you happy?
  • How will you stay involved with your family when you’re older? Do you have plans on eventually having a family of your own? 
  • What would you most like to do in your free time? Do you plan to travel, volunteer, or maybe even do something else?
  • How will you stay involved in your community when you’re older? How close do you want to be with others in your community? Do you want to be a mentor? 
  • If you could assign yourself a life ‘theme,’ what would it be? Some ideas include creativity, integrity, resourcefulness, or anything else you can come up with. How will you embody this theme in your life purpose?


Although the ideas you’ll cover in your Statement of Ambitions and Life Purpose will likely change as you get older, I really encourage you to be as detailed as possible when writing your essay. Believe me, when you’re older you’ll look back on this essay and appreciate the glimpse it gives you into your life right now!

Your Statement of Ambitions and Life Purpose is essentially a time capsule of your teenage self, so it’s vital to do it right. By using the structure we covered in this article, and asking yourself important questions about how you want your life to look, I’m sure you’ll create an awesome essay! 🙂

Chances are this won’t be the last essay you write. In fact, your Statement of Ambitions and Life Purpose may just be the start of an awesome college application essay! To make your college goals a reality, check out my complete guide to Writing An Eagle Scout College Essay That Gets You Accepted .

Congrats on making it to the end of this article, as well as for your upcoming Eagle Rank! Hope to see you back at ScoutSmarts again soon and, until next time, be the best individual you can be!

I'm constantly writing new content because I believe in Scouts like you! Thanks so much for reading, and for making our world a better place. Until next time, I'm wishing you all the best on your journey to Eagle and beyond!

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Why is it important to discover your purpose in life?

5 life purpose examples, what is a life purpose statement, how to write a life purpose statement, 5 examples of life purpose statements, how can life purpose statements help you during a crisis, for the future.

Have you ever heard any examples of life purpose? We’ve all questioned our purpose at one time or another. Maybe you've been wondering what your work means , or asked what’s the point behind your hobbies. 

Many people ask the question “what’s the purpose of life?” at some time in their lives. However, few of us sit down and actually write a life purpose statement. 

​​ If you feel burnt out by your job, uninterested in socializing or generally lost, you may need to look at some life purpose examples. Taking the time to reflect and define your life purpose can help motivate you. Not to mention, it can clarify everything from your relationships to your career path . 

Defining your entire life purpose might sound intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. We’re here to show you the importance of discovering a sense of purpose. Plus, we’ll teach you how to write a life purpose statement, using examples of life purpose as guidance.

If you’re wondering, “Does life have a purpose?” we’re here to assure you that yes, it does. 

Maybe you feel like life has a purpose, but you don’t know what yours is. Don’t worry — you’re not alone. Lots of people have felt lost at one point in their lives, only to discover their purpose later on. You can learn to follow your internal compass . With a bit of effort, you’ll be able to point yourself in the direction o f a meaningful life . 

That said, finding your life purpose isn't always easy. It can take years to discover who we are and what will fill our lives with meaning. But that doesn't mean it's impossible. Give yourself space and time to find what your unique purpose is. Don’t let the fear of what others may think to stop you. 

Finding purpose in life is so important because it gives you a sense of direction . Discovering your purpose can help you learn how to find your dreams and achieve them. It creates a level of self-awareness that allows you to make the most of your life. 

Knowing your purpose also lets you prioritize your energy toward flourishing in life . Instead of doing things that make you unhappy or that harm your well-being , you can choose to do things that support your bigger life purpose. 

In addition, research shows that people who have a clear sense of purpose tend to outlive their peers . These individuals don’t wander aimlessly through life. Instead, they’re driven to make decisions that bring them closer to their big-picture goals. 

Writing a life purpose statement can ultimately make a huge impact on your personal and professional life. If you need help figuring out your purpose, BetterUp  can help. With the right support, you can find the clarity you need to figure out what you want your life to be about.

Want to learn how to find your life purpose? Here's something to keep in mind: your life purpose can look however you'd like. It can be completely different for your friends, coworkers, or loved ones. 

To give you some ideas, here are five examples of life purposes:

  • Traveling around the world and exploring different cultures
  • Supporting your community 
  • Fighting for a social cause like climate change
  • Being a positive, supportive person for your loved ones
  • Building a business that makes a difference in people's lives around the world

The examples above are vague life purposes. A life purpose statement, on the other hand, is more specific and tailored to you.  It’s a statement that describes your purpose in life and the ways you might try to live out that purpose. 

Your statement should be concrete and detailed. That way you can return to it for a sense of motivation and focus while you find your passions . It’ll also help you stay organized and remind you of what you're working towards. If you focus on your purpose, you may even experience greater self-esteem and self-worth.


Let's say that you have already an idea of your purpose in life. If it's not clearly defined, it's not of use to you. Wanting to improve your community is one thing — but planning how you’ll do that is where the “statement” comes into play. 

Creating a personal vision statement  gives you a sense of clarity. It answers why you're pursuing your goals and provides you peace of mind knowing that something's guiding you. It can also contain ways you will actually live out your purpose. For example, donating to a certain charity, volunteering once a week, or starting a nonprofit.

Nobody can write your life purpose statement for you. It’s a deeply personal exercise that you should give yourself time to complete. 

Questions like, “What would you do every day in your dream life?” and “What gets you out of bed in the morning?” can be answered by you and only you. 

Writing your life purpose statement will require plenty of self-reflection . That means it’s time to sit down and get comfortable with yourself. To help get your ideas flowing, here are some strategies you can use to write a life purpose statement:

Journaling is an excellent way to gather your ideas before you write your life purpose statement. Write down your values, goals, and favorite hobbies. You can even record what you don't like about your life at the moment.

You can also journal about your anxieties or your achievements. Think of your journal as a place for your thoughts, regardless of their nature. You don’t need to journal daily , although it is a great habit to form . Either way, journaling is a great way to get started with your life purpose statement.


2. Say it out loud

Talking about what's on our minds with people we trust can help clarify our thoughts and desires. It helps us get our worries or problems off our chests. Sit down with someone who you know is a good listener and try talking your life purpose out. 

Talk through your ideas, share your concerns, and stay excited. The person you talk to can help you shape your life purpose by offering feedback from their perspective. Plus, it’s always good to have a friend to hype you up as you work to find your true purpose.

3. Be alone with your thoughts

Find a place where you're alone with no distractions. Visualize what a good life would look like for you. Would you want to help others? Live your life in another place? Have another career? Then, think about realistic ways you would achieve those ideas. Connect them to your core values and think about the lifestyle you'd live with these in mind.


After you've organized and prepared yourself to write your purpose statement, it's time to put pen to paper (or fingers to the keyboard). It's okay if your statement is short. If it's detailed, motivational, and clear to you, then that's what matters.

Here are five examples of life purpose statements:

  • "I will create unique pieces of art that people will find inspiration in. I want my legacy to be one of beauty and artistic expression."
  • "I plan on creating a clothing line that will be size inclusive for every body type and create a brand that empowers people and inspires self-love."
  • "The home I build will be supportive of my children, a safe environment for those to be themselves in, and a loving place for my family."
  • "I would like my research to make a difference in my field and pave the way for other groundbreaking discoveries."
  • "I want to live a life where I stop to enjoy the little things, be curious about every new adventure I take and live in the present."

Your life purpose statement can ground you throughout every stage of your life . Having a life purpose statement is a way to filter out what you don't want in your life and focus on what you do want. That way, in times of uncertainty and crisis, you'll have a way to stay grounded. 

If you're struggling to make a decision , you can look to your purpose statement. As new opportunities or challenges come into your life, you can react by deciding if your response aligns with your ultimate goals. 


As we transition into new stages in our lives, we don't want to be purposeless and struggle to find meaning. Planning your whole life seems great, but a wrench can always be thrown into your plans. With a life purpose statement, you'll understand what steps are involved in achieving your dreams and how to adapt. You’ll live a better life with a clear sense of purpose.

You can’t discover the meaning of life if you never try new things. Don’t be afraid to shake things up and get out of your routine. By doing so, you'll be committing to a goal that will fill your future with meaning and happiness — and that's something to be proud of.

Now is the best time to use these life purpose examples for your own life purpose statement. The sooner you define your purpose, the sooner you can reap the benefits of more focus, clarity, and passion in your life. You’ll be sure to see your personal and professional life improve as a result. 

Finally, know that you don't have to go through this journey alone. At BetterUp , we can provide the perspective and guidance you need to work towards living a more meaningful life.

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Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships. With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

15 questions to discover your life purpose and drive meaning

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A Conscious Rethink

11 Examples Of Life Purpose Statements That You Could Adopt

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woman sitting under a tree writing her life purpose statement in a notepad

In his book “Man’s Search for Meaning,” Holocaust survivor and psychiatrist Viktor Frankl stated that a person can withstand just about anything as long as they have a purpose to strive for.

So what happens when we don’t know what our purpose is, exactly?

Just about all of us have struggled with the idea of personal purpose at one point or another.

For some, it might happen in secondary school, when life is a maelstrom of trying to figure out what to do with the next 40 years. Others might face their struggle after a health crisis or major life event such as job loss, divorce, or widowhood.

At some point, we all look in the mirror and ask ourselves:

“What am I supposed to be doing with my life? Who do I want to be? What legacy do I want to leave?”

All of this can be very daunting, and can also inspire a fair bit of anxiety if the answer doesn’t come right away.

We may feel lost without a sense of purpose, or feel as though we’re being dragged along by a current that doesn’t feel right, but we don’t know what to do about it.

If you’re trying to figure out your life purpose and you feel stuck, that’s okay. That’s why we’re here to help each other, right?

How To Find Your Life Purpose

Try to set some time aside when you’re unlikely to be disturbed by others, and you have no pressing commitments to attend to.

Grab your journal and write down all the things that are important to you. Not just things you enjoy, but accomplishments that make you feel proud of yourself, things you do to help other people… basically things that make you feel fulfilled.

Next, write down your own version of a “bucket list,” but focus more on things you’d like to achieve in your life , rather than just things you’d like to experience.

Think of things such as wanting to establish a wildlife sanctuary, or be known for creating a line of hot sauces, rather than experiencing what it’s like to skydive naked.

Can I Have More Than One Life Purpose?

Whose permission are you asking? Are you seeking validation from other people as to how many different purposes you’re allowed to have?

Dear heart, you can have as many purposes, statements, and goals as you like.

Having multiple life passions isn’t just possible, it’s spectacular. For example, during the Renaissance, being a polymath (someone who excels at numerous pursuits) was both expected and encouraged. It’s only been fairly recently that hyper-focusing on one specific goal or career has been expected.

People are, by our very nature, adaptable creatures with various interests and skill sets. So why not have more than one purpose?

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects. – Robert A. Heinlein

Let’s take a look at some powerful life purpose statements. Perhaps you’ll find one that can inspire your own in turn, or at least give you a starting point for discovering yours!

1. “I stand up for issues that I believe in, and speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.”

This kind of life purpose statement is great for people for whom justice and mercy are of great importance.

For example, people who want to work with organizations such as Amnesty International, or various animal rights groups.

Are you thinking about pursuing a career in law? Or perhaps you’d like to dedicate yourself to animal rescues, or fundraising for veterans, or even volunteering for homeless outreach programs?

With this as your mantra, you’re bound to make extraordinary changes happen in the world.

2. “I am determined to leave the world in a better state than it is now.”

Are you an environmental activist? Do you carry spare bin bags in your pocket when you go out hiking so you can collect and dispose of other people’s rubbish?

Then a statement like this might be the right fit.

Howl it to the sky when you’re tossing seed bombs into empty fields to sow native pollinator flowers, or cleaning up oil spills around the world.

3. “I want to tell extraordinary stories, and inspire other people with my writing”

Are you a natural storyteller? Do you dream of writing a novel (or a series of novels!) that will engage people for years to come? That is absolutely magnificent.

The world is fuelled by stories, and the greatest ones are told and retold for generations. I mean, they’re still doing retellings and adaptations of Beowulf, and that was written a thousand years ago.

4. “I am called to dedicate myself to my spirituality, and help others who are on the same path as me.”

There are many different religions and spiritual paths around the world, and all have adherents who have dedicated their lives to spiritual practice.

If you are drawn to a spiritual life, you may find yourself wanting to enter an ashram, convent, or monastery.

Or perhaps you’d like to immerse yourself in religious studies in order to teach them to others.

If you have this type of calling, then a life purpose statement that encompasses your personal beliefs may be a great source of strength and inspiration for you.

5. “I will create stunning works of art that people can enjoy for centuries to come. That’s the legacy I want to leave: beauty.”

Have you noticed that most tourist attractions around the world center around art and architecture?

Millions of people flock to the Taj Mahal, the Louvre, Florence, and countless other places where they can bask in the beauty that other people have created.

Artists, designers, and architects have created works of absolute wonder, some of which have been filling people with awe for hundreds, even thousands of years.

If you’re inspired to create such beauty, then this is certainly a mission statement for you.

6. “I plan on being the change I want to see in this world.”

This is a more generalized life purpose statement, but a powerful one nonetheless.

If you’re struggling to figure out exactly what you want to do, but you know you want to do something to make the world a better place, then this is a good launching point.

After all, you can always change direction once you’re in motion. The key is to get started and gain momentum, right?

7. “I want to heal those who are hurting.”

A life purpose statement like this one would suit anyone who wants to be of service in a healing capacity.

This might be physical healing, such as a surgeon or physio/massage therapist. Alternatively, it could encompass mental, emotional, or spiritual pain, such as can be alleviated with psychotherapy, counselling, or other non-physical support.

If you’re drawn to the healing arts, and want to alleviate other people’s suffering, then a simple mission statement like this might be just what you’re looking for.

8. “I will build a loving home for my family, and support my children’s dreams and endeavors.”

These kinds of life purpose statements are ideal for those for whom family and child rearing are top priority.

If your kids are your world, and you want to dedicate your life to parenting (and eventually grandparenting), then something in this vein might suit you well.

Parents, guardians, and foster parents can help set the foundations for other people’s lifelong well-being and success.

Parenting is, of course, one of the hardest jobs, but is also one of the most rewarding.

9. “I would like to receive recognition for excelling in my career, and to retire knowing that I have made exceptional contributions to my field of expertise.”

If you’ve found a career that you absolutely love, and you’d like to dedicate your life to it, then that’s excellent! You’ve found your purpose, and the statement that will help fuel you.

Whenever you’re having a bad day, and either your coworkers or projects you’re working on are making you feel disheartened, remember this statement.

In fact, try printing it out in a really elegant typeface and pinning it above your desk.

10. “I aim to use my skills to feed the hungry, and teach people how to grow food for themselves and for each other.”

Is food your passion? Do you want to help to end hunger, and hopefully equip others with the skills they need to feed themselves and their families?

Then let a life purpose statement like this one inspire you.

Food security is an issue that may well affect everyone around the world at some point, so knowing how to grow and cook food ourselves is invaluable.

And if you have the ability to teach these skills to others, you can create immense positive change in this world.

11. “I want to amass knowledge, and then share it with others.”

Do you thrive in academia? And do you love sharing all you’ve learned with other people? Then teaching sounds like a pretty solid life purpose for you.

There is a startling amount of wisdom and knowledge out there in the world. So much to discover, and revel in, and then share with others.

Whether your goal is to teach, or to write, you’re bound to expand countless horizons with your endeavors.

Remember that your purpose is likely to change several times over the course of your lifetime. That’s absolutely okay, and nothing to freak out about.

After all, we are all constantly growing and changing, and our experiences may inspire us to shift direction dramatically at least once or twice.

When this happens, take some time to regroup and then repeat the same process again.

Take stock of where you are, where you want to be, who you want to be, and how you want to move forward. Then, create a new life purpose statement or mantra to inspire you, scrawl it on the wall, shout it to the heavens, and leap forward into that new life.

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About The Author

life purpose essay

Catherine Winter is an herbalist, INTJ empath, narcissistic abuse survivor, and PTSD warrior currently based in Quebec's Laurentian mountains. In an informal role as confidant and guide, Catherine has helped countless people work through difficult times in their lives and relationships, including divorce, ageing and death journeys, grief, abuse, and trauma recovery, as they navigate their individual paths towards healing and personal peace.

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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Life Goals — What Does it Mean to Live Life with Purpose


What Does It Mean to Live Life with Purpose

  • Categories: Life Goals Personal Goals Purpose

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Published: Dec 5, 2018

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Table of contents

It gives your life meaning, it creates a value system, it increases your feeling of self worth, it leads to fulfillment and happiness, it will greatly improve your mental and physical health, works cited:.

  • Kowalski, R. M., Giumetti, G. W., Schroeder, A. N., & Lattanner, M. R. (2014). Bullying in the digital age: A critical review and meta-analysis of cyberbullying research among youth. Psychological Bulletin, 140(4), 1073-1137.
  • Fardouly, J., Diedrichs, P. C., Vartanian, L. R., & Halliwell, E. (2015). Social comparisons on social media: the impact of Facebook on young women's body image concerns and mood. Body image, 13, 38-45.
  • Bessi, A., Coletto, M., Davidescu, G. A., Scala, A., Caldarelli, G., & Quattrociocchi, W. (2015). Science vs conspiracy: collective narratives in the age of misinformation. PloS one, 10(2), e0118093.
  • Pantic, I. (2014). Online social networking and mental health. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 17(10), 652-657.
  • Duggan, M., & Smith, A. (2013). Social media update 2013. Pew Research Center, 14.
  • O'Keeffe, G. S., & Clarke-Pearson, K. (2011). The impact of social media on children, adolescents, and families. Pediatrics, 127(4), 800-804.
  • National Institutes of Health. (2019). Social media use and children's mental health. Retrieved from
  • Livingstone, S., & Haddon, L. (2009). EU Kids Online: Final report. London: EU Kids Online.
  • Ross, W., & Rivers, I. (2019). The impacts of social media on LGBT young people's mental health and well-being: A review of the literature. The Journal of LGBT Youth, 16(4), 289-307.
  • Ruder, T. D., Hatch, Q. M., & Ampanozi, G. (2017). YouTube as a source of information on global pandemics: a content analysis. Health Informatics Journal, 23(3), 161-171.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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life purpose essay

What Is Life Purpose?

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person looking over rocky shore at waves

Your life purpose consists of the central motivating aims of your life—the reasons you get up in the morning.

Purpose can guide life decisions, influence behavior, shape goals, offer a sense of direction, and create meaning. For some people, purpose is connected to vocation—meaningful, satisfying work. For others, their purpose lies in their responsibilities to their family or friends. Others seek meaning through spirituality or religious beliefs. Some people may find their purpose clearly expressed in all these aspects of life.

Purpose will be unique for everyone; what you identify as your path may be different from others. What’s more , your purpose can actually shift and change throughout life in response to the evolving priorities and fluctuations of your own experiences.

Questions that may come up when you reflect upon your life purpose are:

  • Where do I belong?
  • When do I feel fulfilled ?

Each of us has a unique purpose


I have a job as a legal aide, which is pretty interesting and pays fairly well. But my real love is music. I love to play my cello, and I practice a few hours a day. I especially love to perform for others and bring beauty to a special occasion, like a wedding.


A few years ago, my father was very sick in the hospital. I was so impressed by the nurses there and how they made such a difference to my father and our family that I decided that I wanted to have a job like that. So I went to nursing school, and now I work as an RN in a local clinic.


I have always felt that my purpose is to take care of others. Now I have the opportunity to do that every day with my children.

Your life purpose is your contribution

Some people feel hesitant about pursuing their life purpose because they worry that it sounds like a self-serving or selfish quest. However, true purpose is about recognizing your own gifts and using them to contribute to the world—whether those gifts are playing beautiful music for others to enjoy, helping friends solve problems, or simply bringing more joy into the lives of those around you.

Richard Leider, a nationally-ranked coach and purpose expert, says that “genuine purpose points to the end of a self-absorbed, self-serving relationship to life.” When your authentic purpose becomes clear, you will be able to share it with the whole world.

The equation for purpose is G + P + V = P.

( gifts + passions + values = purpose)

Richard Leider

How life purpose evolves

Questions about life purpose may arise at any time in life, but you may notice that they are especially prevalent during times of transition or crisis—for example, a career or educational change, personal loss, or long-distance move. (Sharon Daloz Parks calls these events “life’s shipwrecks.”)

Our life can be seen as a nautilus that adds new chambers to its shell as it grows and needs more space. Likewise, as people grow into a different phase of life, their old chambers can feel cramped. They begin to ask what they can do to expand their space. 

Moving into new chambers opens up the way for new possibilities to emerge, allowing our life purpose to evolve. But this can also prompt physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual transitions and even sometimes a chaotic period as we begin to ask new questions.

This is the secret to a fully alive life: to reframe our life questions over and over.

As we do, at different stages of our lives, we find different questions and different possibilities.

Photo of little boy lies at home in bed hugging a toy bear with his bearded father reading fairytale book.

Try the Life Spiral Exercise

Viewing your life in a big-picture context can help you develop a better picture of where you came from and where you’d like to go. Use this exercise to see your whole story, from birth to death.

Print out the exercise.

Leider, R. (2010). A year of living purposefully. Living on Purpose. Retrieved from .

Parks, S.D. (2011). Big questions, worthy dreams: Mentoring emerging adults in their search for meaning, purpose, and faith. New York: Jossey-Bass.

Read This Next

woman looking to side

Why is life purpose important?

Perhaps you have experienced moments when you felt truly connected, it is likely that this was a moment of being in harmony with your purpose.  

Words on a wall: What Gives You Meaning?

Live a purposeful life

man with beard pruning plants

Discover your calling

woman seated outdoors, looking down in contemplation

Identify your values

woman looking thoughtful with notebook in hand

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    Purpose Of Life Essay Setting priorities by knowing themselves through doing or action will help define purpose in one's life. For example, A purpose can be found in the necessary things people do, like cooking for their loved ones, a purpose can be in someone's career, personal activities, and providing for their family.

  18. What Does It Mean to Live Life with Purpose

    Finally, living with purpose is beneficial for your health. Being needed, helpful and adding value to the lives of others has a measurable effect on both your physical and mental health. Living a purposeful life decreases your risk of heart disease and stroke, while it is also protecting you against depression.

  19. What Is My Purpose in Life?

    That's why my purpose in life is to finally prove to myself that the person that I want to be is the person that I am. As I child, I was overflowing with confidence. I didn't have to try to mask any insecurities as I was proud of every part of myself, flaws and all. Like most people, this all began to fade as I got older and matured.

  20. My Purpose Of Life Essay

    My Purpose Of Life Essay. 746 Words3 Pages. My Purpose of Life We often question why we are placed on this planet or do we serve a greater meaning to the evolution of this generation. Life's meaning is a question that no one can really put into one definition and that is because there is no one answer. Every person has their own set of goals ...

  21. What Is Life Purpose?

    Your life purpose consists of the central motivating aims of your life—the reasons you get up in the morning.Purpose can guide life decisions, influence behavior, shape goals, offer a sense of direction, and create meaning. For some people, purpose is connected to vocation—meaningful, satisfying work. For others, their purpose lies in their responsibilities to their family or friends.

  22. My Life's Purpose: An Essay

    My Life's Purpose: An Essay. This essay sample was donated by a student to help the academic community. Papers provided by EduBirdie writers usually outdo students' samples. I used to think my life was meant to be planned out by my parents. They set their expectations to be higher than I could achieve, and designated me on a path to pursue the ...

  23. What Is the Purpose of Life: Essay

    Some people believe that their purpose is to make God happy by living a religious life and some people are ready to sacrifice their life to make their life meaningful. Some say that their purpose in life is to make it meaningful through some doings or acts that give them inner satisfaction and happiness.