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Energy Conservation Essay | Essay on Energy Conservation for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Energy Conservation Essay: Conservation of energy is an essential aspect of human existence. Without conserving energy, there is no way in which can survive in the future. One might wonder why conservation of energy is vital for survival. The reason lies in the renewable and non-renewable resources. All the resources of a country get utilized in the production of energy. Thus energy has various forms. The energy that is generated from tidal waves is called tidal energy. The energy that is made from wind is called wind energy.

Hydroelectricity is the electric energy that is generated at dams. Windmills are used to harness the power of winds and transform them into energy. Here we have written essays covering the topic which is beneficial for students concerning their exams and assignments.

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Long and Short Essays on Energy Conservation for Kids and Students in English

Here we have provided one brief long essay of 500 words, one short essay of 100-150 words, and ten important lines covering the topic.

Essay on Energy Conservation

Long Essay on Energy Conservation in English 500 words

Energy Conservation Essay is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Since this law of conversation is held to be true, it means that it is up to humans to save energy in every possible way. All of us at a point of time in our lives must have got a scolding for leaving our room without switching off the fans and lights. At that time, it might have occurred to us that our parents scream at us because they have to pay a hefty electricity bill.

However, that is always not the case. It is also about not wasting energy unnecessarily. If the lights and the fan are kept on even if no one is in the room, then that means resources are being put to use without any purpose. That becomes a wastage of support which is something we are to avoid at all costs.

What is vital about the conservation of energy is human habits and practice. Most people do not feel it to be necessary or important to save energy for the future. It does not occur to them that reckless spending of energy can be disastrous for their children when they grow up. There are many ways in which conservation of energy can happen.

Apart from the usual, one can use air conditioners during the summers on alternate days. Those who have their cars can switch off the engine when they stop at a red light for a considerable amount of time. One can even judiciously use the geysers in his or her house.

That will not just save energy, but it will also save water. Geysers utilize a lot of current electricity because they run at a very high voltage. Switching off the geyser the right time and using it only once a day can save both water and electricity. When it comes to offices, energy can be conserved in various ways. This includes shutting down computers when not in use, not using internet facilities when they are not required and switching off unnecessary lighting. In schools and colleges, it is often seen that students forget to switch off the fans and lights when not in use or at the end of the day.

The one who is in charge of housekeeping operations usually does that during his or her shift. This causes a massive use of excess energy. Conservation of energy is not natural and takes a lot of time. This is because all the energy that is saved is not much when added up together. However, every little step that is taken towards the idea brings us an inch closer to a pollution-free word.

Conservation of energy reduces pollution because it lowers down the number of resources that are put to use. This causes less of toxins being released into the air. In the end, however, it is also to be considered that the conservation of energy is all about human behavior. If human beings choose to behave irrationally and forget about their future, then neither is conservation possible nor is the future safe for the generations that are yet to come.

Short Essay on Energy Conservation in English 150 words

Energy Conservation Essay is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Conservation of energy is mostly related to generating awareness. Most of people are not aware of the state of the earth due to global warming and ozone layer depletion. However, with a little amount of awareness, a change in the habit of the individuals can be brought about. A change in their pattern can bring about a difference in the world. Energy conservation is related not only to behavior and practice but also to time.

People do not spend time thinking about what might happen if there are no resources left to produce electricity. The absolutely cannot fathom how essential it is to switch off a car’s engine at the red light. Switching off the car does not save energy only, but it also reduces pollution in the environment. By the law of conservation of energy we neither can add fresh energy to the environment, nor can energy die out. Therefore we should do all that we can to preserve it for the future.

10 Lines on Energy Conservation Essay in English

  • Energy is neither creation nor destruction of matter.
  • Energy can transform itself.
  • Most people do not feel it to be necessary or essential to save energy for the future.
  • Without conserving energy, there is no way in which can survive in the future.
  • Conservation of energy is not natural and takes a lot of time.
  • Conservation of energy reduces pollution because it lowers down the number of resources that are put to use.
  • Energy conservation is related not only to behavior and practice but also to time.
  • Those who have their cars can switch off the engine when they stop at a red light for a considerable amount of time.
  • A change in their habit can bring about a difference in the world.
  • Conservation of energy is related to awareness.

Frequently Asked Questions on Energy Conservation Essay

Question 1. How can the conservation of energy be done in a systematic manner?

Answer: Energy is conserved in various ways in which it can be saved utilized for future use.

Question 2. How is the conservation of energy-related to pollution?

Answer: Less of energy consumption leads to the lowering of toxins in the air. This is how energy conservation can control pollution.

Question 3. Why do humans forget to conserve energy?

Answer: Humans behave irrationally when it comes to energy conservation because they have no idea of what the future has in store for them.

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Essay on Energy Conservation

Energy is all around us, and it’s what makes our world work. From the lights in our homes to the cars on the road, energy is essential for our daily lives. However, it’s important to remember that energy is not an infinite resource. We need to use it wisely and conserve it for the future. This is where energy conservation comes into play. In this essay, I will argue that energy conservation is crucial for a sustainable and bright future.

What is Energy Conservation?

Energy conservation means using less energy to do the same tasks. It involves finding ways to reduce our energy consumption while still meeting our needs. For example, turning off lights when we leave a room, using energy-efficient appliances, and insulating our homes to keep them warm in the winter and cool in the summer are all ways to conserve energy. By doing these things, we can save money on our energy bills and help protect the environment.

Why is Energy Conservation Important?

Energy conservation is essential for several reasons. First and foremost, it helps reduce our impact on the environment. When we use less energy, we produce fewer greenhouse gases, which are responsible for climate change. By conserving energy, we can slow down the warming of the Earth and protect our planet for future generations.

Secondly, energy conservation can save us money. When we use less energy, our energy bills go down. Imagine if you could save money every month just by being more mindful of how you use energy! That extra money can be used for other important things, like education, healthcare, or fun activities with your family.

How Can We Conserve Energy?

There are many simple ways we can conserve energy in our everyday lives. One way is to use energy-efficient light bulbs. These bulbs use less electricity and last longer, which means we save money and reduce our energy consumption. Another way is to unplug electronic devices when we’re not using them, like chargers, computers, and TVs. Even when these devices are turned off, they can still use energy if they’re plugged in.

Additionally, we can save energy by using public transportation or carpooling instead of driving alone in our cars. When we drive less, we use less gasoline, which helps reduce air pollution and save money on fuel. Moreover, we can turn off the tap while brushing our teeth to save water heating energy and make sure our homes are well-insulated to keep the heat or air conditioning inside.

The Impact of Energy Conservation

The impact of energy conservation goes beyond just saving money and protecting the environment. It also helps create a more sustainable future. Sustainable means that we can meet our needs today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. By conserving energy, we ensure that there will be enough energy for everyone in the future.

Imagine a world where there is not enough energy to power our homes, schools, and hospitals. It would be a challenging and uncertain place to live. But if we start conserving energy now, we can avoid that future and make sure that energy is available for everyone, now and in the years to come.

Conclusion of Essay on Energy Conservation

In conclusion, energy conservation is not just a good idea; it’s a crucial step toward a better future. It helps us reduce our impact on the environment, save money, and ensure that there will be enough energy for everyone in the future. We can all do our part to conserve energy by making small changes in our daily lives, like using energy-efficient light bulbs and turning off devices when we’re not using them.

So, let’s work together to conserve energy and create a more sustainable and brighter future for ourselves and the generations to come. By doing so, we can enjoy the benefits of energy conservation and make our world a better place for everyone.

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Importance of Saving Energy & Energy Conservation Benefits

Energy is something that we have taken for granted for centuries. Whether it is burning fires to create heat or generating electricity to power our homes, it is there when we need it. Needless to say, our modern lifestyles come complete with various energy demands 10 . We use an incredible amount of energy every day, with global demand increasing by 2.3% in 2018.

Despite increasing efforts, our switch to clean, renewable energy remains a work in progress. As such, we still burn fossil fuels for a lot of our energy needs, which is contributing to global warming. More than ever, this highlights the importance of energy efficiency and saving energy .

The truth is, without energy, we would not be able to continue living in the way we do. From powering our cars with fuel to charging our phones and heating our homes, we are a  society reliant on consistent energy to fuel our lifestyles.

However, as we face climate change and the impacts now being felt worldwide, we can choose to make a difference. Saving energy, simply put, means we have to produce less. Together, we can make a considerable impact where we all save more energy. What’s more, we can save money on our energy bills too.

Why Do We Need to Save Energy?

Our relentless use of and growth in energy demand has led to huge increases in supply. Most of which is generated from fossil fuels. Yet, humans are now facing one of the biggest problems we have ever seen - global warming 5 .

Our constant need to meet energy demands has come with the production of greenhouse gases. Energy production has caused us to release harmful carbon dioxide and other gases into the atmosphere. This has resulted in numerous problems that put ecosystems and wildlife at risk 4 . And impact human lives.

Unfortunately, decades or even centuries of carelessness have put us in a precarious position where we have little real control over what is going to happen. However, one thing is for sure, we need to make changes to make a difference. The importance, therefore, of saving energy cannot be underestimated.

The reality is that if we can do all we can to save energy, we give ourselves a chance to save the environment.

Power plants can no longer keep pumping harmful gases into the atmosphere. We can no longer needlessly delve into fossil fuel reserves as they are running out 7 . We have to take a considered approach to how we save energy. We have to act to reduce our energy consumption.

Energy Conservation is Critical

This is going to take a global commitment. Every single person is going to have to play their part. Businesses will have to commit, and governments will need to invest time, money, and effort.

Researchers have posited that saving energy, or energy conservation, is critical. And even more important than efficiency, which can lower costs and result in even more consumption 9 .

Meanwhile, as policy changes, renewable energy installation and use are accelerating. Clearly, this is good news as we start to realize the advantages of wind energy and the benefits of solar energy .

However, it will take time for us to move over to renewable energy for the majority of our energy needs. A number of countries are now targeting between 2030 and 2050. Thus, saving energy can help reduce demand and, in turn, reduce fossil fuels being burnt to light and heat our homes. This will remain the case for at least a decade or two 6 .

Save Energy, Save the Environment

So, global warming is happening right now. Scientists have been discussing the possible outcomes of global warming for decades, yet we can now see the effects. It is affecting health and causing problems such as extreme weather and natural disasters. Further forecasts suggest a massive movement of people due to droughts and rising sea levels will challenge us all 1 .

Around the world, we meet most of our energy needs by burning fossil fuels such as coal or crude oil. This is how we have been doing it for decades. It meets our demands, but our environment and the planet feel the effects. Carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and sulfur dioxide are just a few of the harmful emissions that enter the atmosphere as a result.

Less Energy Demand Means Fewer Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The Greenhouse Effect is a real thing 8 , and carbon dioxide is to blame.

As CO2 enters the atmosphere, it absorbs the warmth of the sun, and so, it traps the heat in the same way as a greenhouse. Whilst this happens naturally, humans have compounded the problem. As we have pumped more CO2 into the atmosphere, it has meant more heat gets trapped than is natural. This is causing a multitude of problems, such as:

  • Increasing temperatures
  • Changing weather patterns such as heatwaves and drought
  • Melting ice caps
  • Rising sea levels
  • Damage to our health

It does not matter whether we make huge changes or we all contribute small changes; we all have to play our part. The UK Government has set targets to reduce emissions by responding to various scenarios 2 . While the Australian government has set targets to make the switch to renewable energy.

Countries such as Germany, Denmark, and Sweden now have targets. Progress is being made from one side of the world to the other.

However, many argue we need to get to move faster. The Greenhouse Effect is a ticking time bomb, and once it goes off, there is no turning back the clock because the damage will be done. Arguably the importance of saving energy has never been more timely or prominent.

The Benefits

We all need to reduce our carbon footprint. Or in other words, both understanding and taking steps to reduce the number of greenhouse gases we are each responsible for.

From large, global businesses to homeowners, we can all take practical steps to reduce our energy use. In doing so, we help to realize numerous different benefits that will impact our lives in different ways. And, all going well, help to prevent the worst effects of climate change radically impacting our children and their children’s generations.

We Conserve Natural Resources

Most of us know that our natural resources will run out. Gas could run out by the middle of the 21st century, while oil could run out sooner. What’s more, we could run out of coal by the end of the 21st century.

This highlights yet another reason why it is important to save energy. If we can reduce our energy use, we can conserve natural resources. We can stop damaging the planet and leave our fossil fuels alone. To do this, we should take a two-pronged approach which would involve us all being energy-savvy and switching fast to renewable energy.

If we reduce our energy use in homes and factories, it saves money and resources. The lower demand will slow down the rate at which we consume our finite natural resources.

We Save Wildlife and Ecosystems

From mining natural resources to polluting production processes, fossil-fuel energy causes harm to wildlife as well as ecosystems.

Despite an increase in renewable energy use, we still draw on fossil fuels. We have already used up a large portion of fossil fuels, and in doing so, we have destroyed habitats. Along with this, biodiversity is disappearing at an alarming rate . One of the main reasons for the loss of biodiversity is air pollution 3 .

Meanwhile, the big oil companies cannot escape the fact that oil spills have occurred over the years resulting from fossil fuel energy production . These man-made disasters have killed marine life and wildlife and altered the oceans' chemical balance.

What’s more, as coal and oil-fueled power plants create toxic waste, some inevitably find their way into rivers and streams. This waste is poisonous to animals and humans.

We Can Save Money

Another benefit of saving energy is that we can save money. While this is not going to turn around the negative effects of producing energy from polluting sources, energy costs matter to homeowners and businesses.

Just by turning off lights, altering our heating settings, or investing in insulation, we can make our homes more energy-efficient. In turn, we can see the results of less energy usage tangibly with cheaper electric bills.

Towards a Cleaner Future

Quite simply put, we need to consume less energy. Along with this, we also need to conserve more. For more ideas on what actions you can take to save energy, check out our tips to save electricity at home , at school , and for kids .

While homeowners may feel as though their small changes are insignificant, these small steps can make a big difference. The truth is, that even the smallest of changes can change our levels of energy consumption.

For example, if every person in the US changed just one inefficient lightbulb for an energy-efficient lightbulb, it would equate to removing 1.3 million cars from the roads . While installing energy-efficient appliances when the time comes can save 20% of their usage on average.

Renewable Energy & Energy Conservation

The reality is that it is not just about using less. Of course, this can greatly impact how much energy we use, but it is not enough. Therefore, we need to consider switching to the various types of renewable energy that provide cleaner alternatives.

We can all also help accelerate the move to renewable energy to reduce the worst impacts of climate change. We can take the time to understand the role renewable energy has in reducing climate change .

Armed with this knowledge, we can choose to support companies using renewable energy . Homeowners and businesses can make the switch to green energy suppliers . They could even install their own solar or wind energy systems.

We need to seek new ways in which we can harness energy, and this is where a renewable energy future becomes crucial.

The technology that surrounds solar energy and wind energy is evolving. It is fast becoming cheaper, more efficient, and more widely used. Despite this, there is still a lot of work to be done.

Our goal and main focus are to save energy. Our planet needs help, and we are the only ones who can attempt to do anything about it. We cannot and should not ignore the importance of saving energy, and now it is time for us to do our bit.

Diaz JH. . Am J Disaster Med. 2007 Jan-Feb;2(1) 33-42. PMID: 18268873.
PAUL EKINS, GABRIAL ANANDARAJAH & NEIL STRACHAN (2011) , Climate Policy, 11:2, 865-882, DOI: 10.3763/cpol.2010.0126
. Jerry R. Barker and David T. Tingey.
Peters, G., Andrew, R., Boden, T. et al. . Nature Clim Change 3, 4–6 (2013) doi:10.1038/nclimate1783
IRENA (2018), , International Renewable Energy Agency, Abu Dhabi.
Shahriar Shafiee, Erkan Topal, , Energy Policy, Volume 37, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 181-189, ISSN 0301-4215, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2008.08.016
Horace Herring, , Energy, Volume 31, Issue 1, 2006, Pages 10-20, ISSN 0360-5442, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2004.04.055
. Edited by Terry Barker, Paul Ekins and Nick Johntone. Global Environment Change Programme.


Essay on Save Energy For Bright Future

Students are often asked to write an essay on Save Energy For Bright Future in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Save Energy For Bright Future

Conserve energy for a sustainable future:.

Energy conservation is crucial for securing a brighter future. Utilizing energy efficiently helps reduce reliance on fossil fuels, which contribute to environmental degradation. Conserving energy also minimizes greenhouse gas emissions, mitigating climate change impacts.

Efficient Energy Use:

Adopting energy-efficient practices in our daily lives can make a significant difference. Turning off lights when not in use, unplugging electronics when not needed, and using energy-efficient appliances can reduce energy consumption. Additionally, using public transportation, walking, or biking instead of driving whenever possible also contributes to energy conservation.

Renewable Energy Sources:

Investing in renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydropower is essential for a sustainable energy future. These sources produce clean energy without emitting greenhouse gases, reducing our dependence on fossil fuels. Promoting the use of renewable energy technologies can help create a cleaner and greener world.

250 Words Essay on Save Energy For Bright Future

Why saving energy is important.

Saving energy is like saving money. When we use less electricity or fuel, we pay less on our bills. But it’s not just about saving money. Using less energy helps our planet too. The more energy we use, the more we harm our environment. This is because most of the energy we use comes from burning fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas. This burning releases gases that make the Earth warmer, which is not good for us or animals and plants.

Simple Ways to Save Energy

The future depends on us.

By saving energy, we’re helping to make sure there’s enough for everyone in the future. It also means we’re doing our part to keep the air and water clean. If we all do small things to save energy, it adds up to a big difference. This way, we can help make sure our planet is a good place to live for us and for future generations. Saving energy is not just good for our wallets, it’s good for the Earth too.

500 Words Essay on Save Energy For Bright Future

In today’s world, energy plays a crucial role in our daily lives. We use energy to power our homes, schools, offices, and transportation. However, the way we produce energy often comes at a cost to our environment. By saving energy, we can help reduce our impact on the environment and create a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come.

Energy and the Environment

The production of energy, especially from fossil fuels like coal and oil, releases harmful pollutants into the air and water. These pollutants contribute to climate change, which leads to rising sea levels, more extreme weather events, and other devastating consequences. By saving energy, we can reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and help mitigate the effects of climate change.

Save Energy Today

There are many ways to save energy in our daily lives. Here are a few simple tips:

Benefits of Saving Energy

Saving energy not only helps the environment but also has several benefits for you and your family:

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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Save Electricity Essay – 10 Lines, Short & Long Essay For Kids


Key Points To Note: Essay On ‘Save Electricity’ For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on ‘save electricity’ for kids, a paragraph on ‘save electricity’ for children, short essay on ‘save electricity’ for kids, long essay on ‘importance of saving electricity’, what will your child learn from this essay.

We use electricity for almost everything nowadays, and it seems impossible to live without it. However, we waste too much electrical energy without considering the consequences. This article will discuss the topic ‘save electricity’ for classes 1, 2 and 3. We must save electricity to use it in the future, and we must preserve energy so future generations can benefit from it. Conservation of electricity essay is the best way to teach kids about the rising concern of electricity. It will sensitise them about the importance of the conservation of electricity, and they will learn how they can cooperate to achieve the same.

Your child should keep a few key aspects in mind when writing an essay on this topic. Let us demonstrate how to create an essay about electricity conservation for your youngster:

  • The first stage is to have your youngster organise the concepts (in their heads) regarding the electricity conservation that they wish to write about.
  • Allow your kid to jot down their thoughts to create an outline that will allow them to cover all of the themes while writing the essay in the second phase.
  • They will build easy-to-read short and basic phrases in the third phase.
  • Your child can write about the value of electricity conservation, how saving electricity can save mankind, and so on.

Consider what your life would be like if you didn’t have access to electricity. There will be no tablets, light bulbs, or snack refrigerators. Isn’t it difficult to imagine? We have a few lines below that will help children write an essay for classes 1 and 2 on saving electricity in English.

  • Electricity is an important resource today. We need electricity for everything that we do, so we must try to save it as much as possible.
  • Electricity is derived from coal and other natural resources extracted from the earth, so we can save the earth by saving electricity.
  • Electricity is also harnessed from water, which is a crucial natural resource.
  • We must use energy-saving products such as LED blulbs.
  • If we switch off all the lights and fans when not in use, we can save a lot of electricity.
  • We should turn off electric appliances to save electricity when they are not in use.
  • We also can save electricity by using energy-efficient refrigerators, air coolers, and air conditioners.
  • Solar panels are a great alternative to reducing energy consumption.
  • We can burn less fuel and conserve water to save electricity.
  • If we save electricity, it can be distributed more efficiently.

Electricity is important for everyone, and children are the future, so we should teach them to save electricity. Below is the paragraph that will help children write an essay on saving electricity:

Electricity is one of humanity’s greatest discoveries. The discovery of electricity signalled the start of bigger findings relevant to humankind. Electricity has transformed our way of living, and it should be saved at home and in the workplace, organisations, and classrooms. Every individual should be responsible for saving power. Saving electricity saves money as well. We, as students, must take responsibility for switching off lights and equipment when not in use. Appliances that are not in use should also be unplugged. Installing solar panels is beneficial and cost-effective.

Power drives the world, and if we have plenty of it, we also have responsibility. Given below is the essay for classes 1, 2 and 3 on saving electricity.

We should conserve energy. We require electricity at all times and for a variety of social purposes. Electricity is seen as the heart of existence, without which the entire world remains black at night in the current world. Our healthcare, teaching, farming, technology, and other specialised activities depend on electricity. The expert in the activity theatre, the engineer in the industry, the engine technician in the garage, the officer at the workplace, and the passengers at the train station, all benefit from the administration provided by electricity. Indeed, even our minor efforts to conserve electricity will be beneficial. We should be careful about the electric devices we use at home. Fans, lighting, air conditioning systems, coolers, and water heaters must be used properly. TVs should not be turned on when nobody is watching them. We should use sunlight wherever we can as it will help conserve energy. We should all make an effort to preserve electricity.

Electricity saved is electricity generated. This essay for class 3 on saving electricity will help your child organise their thoughts:

Electricity is one of the most important resources for any lifestyle. Our daily lives are powered by electricity. It is difficult to picture living without electricity now. Thus, preserving electricity is critical for human survival.

Uses of Electricity

We use electricity in nearly every aspect of our lives; we require it to live a pleasant life full of comforts and services. Without power, the world will become dormant. Electricity, for example, powers all medical and educational institutions. If there is no power, a surgeon cannot execute the necessary surgeries, and students cannot obtain practical experience, for which the internet is crucial. Similarly, workers in workshops and engineers in plants rely on electricity to perform properly. Passengers on the railway and airport may also travel securely because there is electricity around.

Why Is It Important to Save Electricity?

Electricity sources are likely to run out. Energy, it is true, cannot be generated or destroyed. However, the energy sources from which it is derived are expected to diminish. For example, coal, which significantly contributes to the creation of power, is rapidly decreasing. This necessitates energy conservation. Saving electricity aids in the conservation of natural resources, allowing for economic savings.

Ways To Save Electricity

There is no industrial sector or other areas in today’s world where electricity is not utilised. People must realise that even little steps may go a long way toward saving power.

  • We should use natural light more often and turn off the lights in the morning and afternoon when it is not needed.
  • We should make every effort to make our own homes more energy efficient.
  • Remember to disconnect your electrical appliances when they are not in use since even when they are inactive, they consume 10% of the power. Unplug them to conserve electricity.
  • All outdated appliances that use a lot of power should be replaced.
  • One of the most effective strategies to save power is to use renewable energy sources such as solar and wind energy.

Your child will learn to think about different aspects of electricity. It will develop their observation and thought process toward electricity. They will also learn about the importance of saving electricity.

1. Who Invented Electricity, And When?

Benjamin Franklin invented electricity in 1752.

2. What Are The Names Of Some Less Useful Electric Appliances?

  • Backyard Lamps
  • Egg boilers

Writing an essay on topics like saving electricity plays a major role in developing their social and mental ability. Your child will observe the importance of electricity around them and try to write them down, improving their creative and expressive skills.

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Home — Essay Samples — Science — Energy — Review Of Energy Conservation And Its Importance


Review of Energy Conservation and Its Importance

  • Categories: Energy Renewable Energy

About this sample


Words: 813 |

Published: Dec 16, 2021

Words: 813 | Pages: 2 | 5 min read

Table of contents

Introduction, the importance of saving energy, economic benefits of energy conservation, environmental advantages of energy conservation, health and well-being benefits of energy conservation.

  • U.S. Department of Energy. (2021). Energy conservation. https://www.energy.gov/energy-conservation
  • International Energy Agency (IEA). (2021). Energy efficiency 2021. IEA.
  • American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE). (2021). Energy efficiency and the Clean Energy Standard. ACEEE.
  • United Nations. (2021). Sustainable development goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all. https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal7
  • Environment and Climate Change Canada. (2021). Energy conservation and efficiency. https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/environmental-indicators/energy-conservation-efficiency.html
  • Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES). (2021). Energy efficiency and conservation. https://www.c2es.org/content/energy-efficiency-conservation/
  • World Health Organization (WHO). (2021). Ambient (outdoor) air quality and health. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/ambient-(outdoor)-air-quality-and-health

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importance of saving energy essay


Paragraph on Energy Conservation

Energy Conservation is the agenda of saving energy for mother earth. As a part of this natural environment, we all are obliged to save energy. The portion of the energy we are sharing for our use need not be wasted. For focusing on the energy conservation topic, we have created some important paragraphs. Kindly read it as per your need.

Short and Long Paragraphs on Energy Conservation

Paragraph 1 – 100 words.

Energy Conservation includes the conservation of electricity, fuels, natural gases, coal, etc. Energy sources are scarce and easily exhaustible. It is important to use it in a very efficient way. The world is blessed with energy naturally provided by the earth.

Sources of Energy are the backbone of science and technology. From the normal light bulb to the engines of vehicles everywhere, energy is involved. For preserving energy, it is important to reduce the consumption of energy. Conservation of energy is important; they are making our life easy. In our normal day to day life, we can include the habit of conserving energy.

Paragraph 2 – 120 Words

Energy conservation is a hot topic for the world. There are various forms of energy available on earth. For mankind, it is important to know the importance of energies available. Electricity, fuels, nuclear power plants, windmills, etc are the forms of energy sources for common use. The wise use of these forms of energy is necessary. The cutting down of energy consumption is beneficial for all of us. Let’s focus on the need for energy conservation:

  • Energy Conservation is necessary for coping with the expenses spent on energy services.
  • Energy Conservation is necessary for reducing air pollution.
  • For preserving the natural resources for future generations energy conservation is necessary.
  • For availing the natural scarce resources to rural to urban areas its conservation is necessary.

Paragraph 3 – 150 Words

Energy conservation is a common phenomenon for the world of the growing population. In real sense, energy is the service that the world is using on a daily basis. The growing population demands more and more energy to be consumed. This can create a misbalance between the energy available for society and the energy which is continuously spending.

For financial security and nation wise social security conserving the energy services are necessary. Worldwide securing the energy is a common phenomenon. There are various methodologies and simple steps that we can include in our day-to-day life for saving energy. What are we using today; we have to secure it for the future.

By keeping this thing in mind, energy saving can be done on a mass level. Refrigerators and Air Conditioners are said to the appliances that consume electricity on a large basis. The gases produced by these coolers are harmful to the environment. Thus, simple habits like the installation of stabilizers for maintaining the voltage can consume less electricity.

Paragraph 4 – 200 Words

Energy Conservation is the preventive measures for conserving the naturally available energy. It involves the maximum utilization of energy in an efficient way. There are various ways that can be counted as energy conservation methods. These are as follows:

  • Using LED and CFL Light Bulbs instead of traditional light bulbs.
  • Using appliances that are energy efficient.
  • Installation of Power strips as they will provide an option of using various appliances’ switches at the same time.
  • Turning off the T.V., Radio, Microwave, PC, etc appliances after using it.
  • Switching to Thermostat based devices form the traditional appliances of maintaining the temperature.
  • Using water heaters of lower voltage.
  • Changing our day-to-day behavior of using Energy services.
  • Using the Upgraded method of the HVAC system in households.
  • Keeping a check on water uses.
  • While using Washing Machines, the laundry part should be done carefully.
  • Fossil fuels or Fuels should be used in an efficient way.
  • On the Red signals of road, turning off the vehicle engines can be a smart move for saving the fuels.
  • Energy audits at home can be a move for saving energy.
  • Installation of Solar Panels, Rain Water harvesting system can contribute to conserving energy.

Paragraph 5 – 250 Words

Energy Conservation is the method of conserving the naturally available energy sources and energy services for the world. There are various methods of conserving the energy but question is that why there is a need for conserving it? The main motto of energy conservation is to fulfill the demands of the future generations.

The government has implemented a tax policy for energy services. This taxation policy involves a tax on electricity, water, gas available for households. This policy is implemented by the motive of less-consumption of energy services by households. This is also a contribution towards the poor and rural people for availing of the energy services.

The wastage of energy sources can be lower down due to the fear of heavy tax implemented on its use. Energy Conservation can also be termed as energy–efficiency. Electricity, Fossil Fuels, Water, Heat, and Natural Gases are naturally found and processed form of energy which we are using in our daily life.

In the United States, energy-efficiency methods are announced by the government itself. The use of HVAC constructed buildings is also one of the architectural plans. Various campaigns and NGOs are working for the Energy Conservation. In India, Power-Cut is a nationwide issue. This is because of the scarcity of Energy sources. One of the reasons behind less consumption of energy is forgery and fraud of electricity while distributing it. Rural India is still not much boon by electricity. For resolving all these social issues Conservation of Energy is necessary.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Ans. Conventional Sources of energy are those in which fuel is naturally available.

Ans. Non-conventional sources include the sources which are newly recognized.

Ans. The development that doesn’t affect the nature is sustainable development.

Ans. We can save energy by using the fuels in limited quantity and following non conventional methods of energy.

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Student Essays

Essay on Energy Conservation

Essay on Energy Conservation [ How to Conserve Energy ]

This essay talks about the Energy conservation, its meaning and concept, importance of Energy conservation, Benefits of Energy Conservation, How to conserve energy. This essay is written in simple English and in easy to understand words for children and students.

Essay on Energy Conservation | Importance & Ways how to Conserve Energy

Energy is an important resource for the development of any country. It is required in various sectors like industry, transportation, domestic purposes etc. The ever increasing demand for energy has led to the raising of its prices which in turn has given rise to the need of energy conservation.

Essay on Energy Conservation

Meaning and Concept

The energy conservation is the reduction in the consumption of energy by using less energy without compromising the quality of work. It means that we should use less energy to perform the same task. The concept of energy conservation is very important in today’s world because the finite resources are getting depleted at an alarming rate and if we do not conserve them now, they will be finished very soon. Energy conservation can be achieved through various means like using energy efficient appliances, using renewable sources of energy, etc.

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Benefits of Energy Conservation

The importance of energy conservation is very important in today’s world because the finite resources are getting depleted at an alarming rate and if we do not conserve them now, they will be finished very soon. Energy conservation is important because:

1. It Saves Money – By using less energy, you can save a lot of money on your electricity bills. Also, by using energy efficient appliances, you can further reduce your electricity consumption and save even more money.

2. It Helps in Reducing Pollution – The burning of fossil fuels releases a lot of harmful pollutants into the environment which is one of the leading causes of pollution. By using less energy, we can help in reducing pollution.

3. It Helps in Preserving the Environment – The depletion of natural resources is one of the major problems faced by our planet today. By using less energy, we can help in preserving the environment.

4. It Increases the Lifespan of Appliances – By using less energy, you can increase the lifespan of your appliances as they will not have to work as hard and will not get damaged as easily.

5. It Helps in Reducing Global Warming – The burning of fossil fuels releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere which is one of the leading causes of global warming. By using less energy, we can help in reducing global warming.

How to Conserve Energy?

There are multiple ways by which we can conserve energy as follow

1. Use energy-efficient appliances – One of the best ways to conserve energy is by using energy efficient appliances. These appliances use less energy to perform the same task and are thus more economical in the long run.

2. Use renewable sources of energy – Another great way to conserve energy is by using renewable sources of energy like solar energy, wind energy, etc. These sources of energy are environmentally friendly and help in reducing pollution.

3. Reduce your electricity consumption – One of the best ways to reduce your electricity consumption is by using less electrical appliances. Try to use natural light as much as possible and switch off the lights when not needed.

4. Insulate your home – Another great way to conserve energy is by insulating your home. This will help in keeping your home warm in winter and cool in summer, thus reducing your energy consumption.

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5. Follow the 3 Rs – One of the best ways to conserve energy is by following the 3 Rs which stand for reduce, reuse, recycle. By doing so, you can help in reducing pollution and saving energy. Thus, we see that the concept of energy conservation is very important in today’s world. We should all try to conserve energy in order to save our planet.

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Essay on Electricity


Imagine if we had to endure the unbearable heat during the summers or live in darkness during the night. We can’t think of a life without a fan or light, can we? But have you wondered what makes them work? Electricity is the beautiful phenomenon that is behind the running of various appliances today. We cannot underestimate the power of electricity in our lives, and this long essay on electricity will help your kids to be familiar with its uses and benefits.

Essay on Electricity

Importance of Electricity

There is hardly anything that does not work on electricity. Whether we need to watch TV or run a grinder, electricity is an important component that makes them function. This long essay on electricity shows how electricity makes our lives easier and more comfortable. Earlier, if we relied on handmade fans to keep ourselves cool, we now have to simply tap on the switch to run our electric fans, pedestal fans or ceiling fans. Similarly, the old kerosene lamps are now replaced by modern lights and tubes that fill the whole place with light. In this manner, electricity has given us many comforts, and it is hard for us to imagine going back to living without it.

Nearly every aspect of human life has benefited from using electricity. Apart from simplifying our lives at home by inventing electrical appliances, electricity has enabled easy communication through the introduction of telephones and fax machines. Besides, its use is found in many industries and factories to run large machines. If electric trains took the place of steam engines in the transportation industry, new devices and instruments, like X-ray machines, scanning devices, ECG and such, have changed the way the medical industry operates. Thus, we can say that the unseen presence of electricity has filled our lives with hope and joy.

Ways to Save Electricity

We all know that we get electricity from coal and water. Coal and petroleum are non-renewable resources, and there is a limit to using them, as it would take enormous time to replenish these resources. Thus, it is important to use electricity productively. Give your children this free printable essay on electricity from BYJU’S so that they understand its significance.

In this save electricity essay, there are some effective tips to conserve energy. We often tend to switch on the lights even in broad daylight or use a fan when it is extremely cold. Such unnecessary use of electricity must be avoided as you can open your windows to let in light and wind. Limit the charging of your phones and laptops, and remember to unplug them after it is fully charged. Also, try to spend maximum time outdoors so that you can restrict the time of watching TV. Thus, by taking such simple measures, we can save electricity.

Found this essay interesting? You can access more essays similar to the essay on electricity, along with a range of kid-friendly learning resources, on BYJU’S website.

Frequently Asked Questions

Explain how electricity is produced..

Electricity is mainly produced from non-renewable sources, like coal and petroleum. But nowadays, electricity is also generated from wind, flowing water, sun and tides to make electricity cheap and easily available.

What are the uses of electricity?

Electricity is widely used in homes, industries and factories. Inventions like fans, lights and other electrical devices, like washing machines, refrigerators, televisions, computers and grinders, work on electricity.

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importance of saving energy essay

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Essay on Save Water and Electricity for Children and Students

iit-jee, neet, foundation

Table of Contents

Water and electricity are the two important necessities of today’s world. A human settlement cannot be imagined without the two of these basic amenities, but ironically the world is losing out fast on both of them. Though, water constitutes over 70% of earth’s mass; only 1% of it is fresh water that we use for our everyday works. On the other hand, growing population and the capacity to purchase electrical equipments have increased the demand for electricity; although, the electricity production capacity hasn’t improved much. There isn’t any feasible solution in view to counter this crisis, except to save water and electricity by whatever means possible. Any effort in this regard must be collectively thought and executed. It is our duty to save these two prime resources for our future generation.

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Long and Short Essay on Save Water and Electricity in English

We have provided below short and long essay on save water and electricity in English.

The essays have been written in simple yet effective English language so that they can be easily remembered and presented when needed.

After going through these save water save electricity essays you will know the importance of water and electricity conservation, how to teach students about water and electricity consumption, tips to save water and electricity etc.

These ‘short and long’ save water and electricity essay will be helpful in your school/college events of speech giving, essay writing or debate.

Short Essay on Save Water and Electricity – Essay 1 (350 words)


Without water there is no life. Even desert dwelling fauna and flora need some measure of water to survive and thrive. Yet, most of us don’t think twice about leaving water running from a tap or polluting the rapidly diminishing sources of fresh water. This ignorance and inaction has resulted in a growing crisis – the possibility that we will run out of drinkable water in the near future.

The situation is slightly different when it comes to electricity. Electricity is a modern discovery but in just over a century it has become a mainstay in our existence. We use electricity for pretty much everything – from lighting up our homes to running machinery and even helping us come up with new technological innovations. However, the sources that provide us energy are non-renewable resources such as natural gas and coal. Sooner or later, we are going to run out of them.

Why we should Save Water and Electricity

There are plenty of reasons to save both water and electricity and some of them are very similar. First of all, from the individual’s point of view, saving these two resources means saving money. It’s simple – when you save water, your water bill isn’t high and the same principle works for electricity.

Second, conserving both is good for the environment. Less use of energy means that fewer fossil fuels are burnt and less pollution from that burning is released into the atmosphere. Conserving water ensures that we don’t deplete our sources of fresh water; more importantly, we don’t pollute water with pesticides and harmful chemicals that leave fresh water undrinkable and harm ecosystems that rely on that water.

Third, while electricity is generated using natural resources, water is a natural resource. Conserving both leads to conservation of resources that we are rapidly running out of and that are non-renewable.

Both water and electricity are essential to our lives. Without water, there will be no life. Without electricity, most of our daily necessities and needs will be unattainable. However, the stress on both these resources and the amounts that are being used need to reduce or soon there won’t be enough water or electricity to go around.

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Essay on Importance of Saving Water and Electricity – Essay 2 (400 words)

There are two resources that are essential to a thriving life – water, which is required to keep you alive and healthy and electricity which runs so much of our daily life that we would be quite lost without it. Both these resources occur in nature in a way. Water is directly found in water bodies, ice fields and glaciers. Electricity is generated using coal or natural gas, both of which can be extracted from the earth by mining.

Importance of Water and Electricity Conservation

Although both resources occur more or less naturally, both are finite. Only around 3.5 percent of all the water on the planet is fresh water and only one percent is accessible to us. Similarly, coal and natural gas deposits have only a certain amount of these resources. The major problem here is that the world’s population is increasing by leaps and bounds and the demand for both these resources is extremely high.

Since these resources are finite, the demand far outstrips the supply. It is even believed by many scientists and geologists that unchecked, we will consume so much of both that we will soon run out. The consequences of this are quite frightening. Without electricity, our modern way of life will collapse since so much of it depends on energy. Without water, we ourselves won’t survive very long.

Another point here is that we are polluting the water bodies that supply us and damaging the environment, through water pollution and through the mining practices we use to extract coal and natural gas. This means that not only are additional sources of fresh water unsafe for human consumption but also the environment is under attack. Under this kind of abuse, our environment will soon not be able to sustain us.

It becomes obvious then that these resources need to be used judiciously, if we are to have any hope of making them last. We need to realize the problem of shortage before it occurs and do whatever we can to save electricity and water. In addition, we need to spread awareness so that more and more people take steps towards conservation.

In the end, it is up to us to use measures that will ensure availability of water and electricity for a longer time. If charity begins at home, so does conservation. We need to take small, simple and consistent steps to see to it that these precious resources aren’t wasted.

Essay on Urging Students to Save Electricity and Water – Essay 3 (450 Words)

Water and electricity are considered basic resources to live in modern times. Water is the most important because without it there literally would be no life. Electricity also holds a place of grave importance because most of modern existence is powered by it. However, there are only so many sources of fresh water in the world. Similarly, there is only a limited amount of fossil fuels that can be used to generate electricity. These two resources are essentially finite. Our population, on the other hand, keeps growing every day. As this happens, the demands for these two resources increases but their sources become scarce.

Unfortunately, we are so used to having an abundance of both that we have grown careless. Every day in many ways we waste huge amounts of these resources without thinking twice. For many of us it is habit that we have cultivated from childhood. Ensuring that the next generation does not follow the same wasteful habits is now a priority.

Teaching Students about Water and Electricity Conservation

We need to ensure that the urgency of dwindling natural resources, the reality of environmental damage and the immediate need for conservation is something that new generations understand very well. The best way to do so is by educating students. Students need to be aware of this because they are the agents of change. They are the ones who gain the latest knowledge and they are the ones idealistic enough to utilize it for everyone’s betterment. For this reason, environmental sciences need to be taught in every grade.

Students are learning as they grow up that these resources are essential to our existence. They’re also learning that the same resources are finite. Students more open to new ideas and thoughts. Therefore, when shown the impact of the lack of resources and conservation of those same resources, students are much more likely to follow steps for conservation. They are also more likely to involve their families and communities in the effort to conserve these two resources. Most importantly, though, students have inventive minds and are most likely to come up with ideas that can help us use less or conserve more of water and electricity.

If we want generations to grow up with conservation as one of their values, it is very important that we teach them this value right from the beginning. The earlier we do so, the more well embedded these values will be. In our efforts to conserve electricity and water students must be the forerunners. Only then will we see effective change.

Essay on Conservation of Water and Electricity – Essay 4 (600 words)

Water and electricity are two resources we absolutely need – water because it is essential to life and electricity because the modern world would not be possible without it. Unfortunately, these resources are finite; there is only so much fresh water in the world and electricity is generated from fossil fuels which are a dwindling natural resource. What makes matters worse is that the global population increases day by day making the demand for these resources higher. In order to ensure that future generations have enough of both resources, we need to conserve them.

Conservation of Water

There is no denying the fact that we need water to survive. Some studies have speculated that the human body can go only three days without water. This isn’t surprising since sixty percent of our body is made up of water. However, this is also the resource that gets wasted the most. We leave taps running, don’t pay attention to leaks and pollute the sources of fresh water we so desperately need. It is becoming imperative that we take steps to reverse this or we will soon lose this resource completely.

There are certain steps all of us can take on an individual level to help conserve water. Some of them are:

  • When you shave or brush your teeth in the morning, don’t leave the water running. By turning of the tap you can save around nineteen litres of water a day.
  • You can buy water conserving adapters and have them fitted to your taps. They will halve the flow of water from the taps.
  • Fill up the sink to the halfway mark with water when you wash the dishes, instead of using running water. You can save around thirty litres every fifteen minutes this way.
  • Make sure that all leaks are repaired properly. Thirty litres of water a day is lost through leaks.
  • Shower instead of taking a bath in the bathtub. The difference between the latter and the former is one hundred and ten litres.

Conservation of Electricity

Electricity plays such a major role in our lives that we feel the pinch the moment power gets cut. Pretty much every appliance we use in the house is dependent on electricity. However, when we leave these things connected and running even though we are not using them, we end up wasting huge amounts of electricity.

Some steps we can take to conserve electricity are:

  • Switch off lights and fans when we leave a room.
  • Use energy-efficient bulbs rather than the regular ones. They are brighter and use much less electricity.
  • When not using an appliance such as a washing machine or television, switch them off from where they’re connected into the socket.
  • When not charging electronic devices, make sure to turn off the chargers or disconnect them.
  • In summer, find times when you can open up the windows for air circulation and cooling instead of switching on the air conditioner.

There are many small ways in which we can conserve electricity and water. When we take these steps not only will they reduce the amount of water or energy you need to use but also lower the bills you have to pay for them. Making these steps a habit will serve everyone better in the long run.

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Essay on Saving Water and Electricity: Small Changes, Big Rewards – Essay 5 (800 words)

Water is an absolutely essential resource for us. This is not surprising considering the fact that more than sixty percent of our bodies are made up of water. In fact, water is more than a mere resource; it is life. Without water, there would be no life on this planet. Even today, if we are deprived of water, we would die out very quickly.

Electricity doesn’t hold the same importance as water in the overall scheme of things; we would certainly not die without it. It is an invention of the modern era, however, and everything we use in these times is powered by electricity. Without electricity our entire way of life will be set back by at least five hundred years.

Saving Water and Electricity

Considering how important the two resources are – one to our survival and one to our way of life – there can be no doubt about the fact that everyone needs these resources. The problem is that since the population of the earth is growing every day, the demand for these resources is also increasing. However, these resources are not infinite.

Indeed, even though water covers seventy percent of the planet, only around two point five percent is fresh water and one point five percent of that is trapped in ice fields and glaciers. We only have access to the remaining one percent which can be found in lakes, ponds and rivers and in underground pockets. It is this groundwater that we usually tap into. Unfortunately, the levels of water under the earth are either diminishing because of the enormous demand or are contaminated due to chemicals that seep into the ground. In short, we are running out of water.

Electricity is mostly generated using fossil fuels such as natural gas and coal. These are naturally occurring substances generally found in the earth or refined from crude deposits. Since modern life runs on electricity supplies, the demand for it is high and increasing every day. The increasing population requires more electricity to be generated but the resources that generate this electricity are finite. To put it simply we are running out of coal and petroleum which yields natural gas.

This is why it is imperative that we save these resources. If we do not take steps now, soon we may no longer have them at our disposal.

Tips to Conserve Water and Electricity

In light of this looming crisis, it becomes every individual’s responsibility to conserve these resources. Fortunately, there are quite a few small steps we can take to save water and electricity. These small steps can have a huge impact if the majority of people follow them. There are some simple hacks that we can utilize to conserve both.

  • When washing clothes in a washing machine, ensure that you have put in a full load of clothes so that you don’t need to run it multiple times. This saves both water and electricity.
  • Instead of using the dryer function, hang your clothes out to dry. This simple step can save you a lot of electricity.
  • Use bio-friendly soap while washing clothes to ensure that the run-off doesn’t pollute sources of fresh water.
  • When leaving a room, ensure that electrical appliances are not running needlessly. Switch them off.
  • When going to take a shower, collect the cold water that first comes out in a bucket. You can put this water in jugs for use around the house.
  • Unplug any chargers that are not charging a device.
  • In summers, if the heat allows it, turn off the air conditioner and instead open up some windows. This ensures circulation of air, keeping your home cool. At the same time, it lessens the use of electricity and keeps your power bills lower.
  • Switch from regular bulbs to fluorescent bulbs. They use a fraction of the electricity that a normal bulb uses and are brighter.
  • Instead of washing dishes under running tap water, fill the sink halfway and wash dishes in that water.
  • Don’t leave the tap running while brushing your teeth or performing any other ablutions.
  • Locate any leaks in the plumbing and have them repaired immediately. You can save close to thirty litres of water this way.

These are some of the tips that you can utilize every day in your home and even at work to conserve water and electricity. In doing so, not only will these resources last longer, but also reduce the carbon footprint of your home or work. In all ways, this is a win-win scenario for you and for the environment.

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Example essay on the Importance of Saving Energy

It is very necessary to realize the importance of energy to be able to save it for positive environmental, personal, and financial results. It is also important to create awareness among the people regarding the effect they have on their environment and surroundings. If you use the resources efficiently, the negative impact on the environment will be reduced. Also, quality of life will be improved.

The importance of saving energy is an important aspect which must be built in the character of an individual. People must have the natural urge to reduce their energy usage and its negative impacts on the surrounding. So, it is important to make sure that your character itself has the strength to analyze what is wasted and what is used.

The more energy consumption results in the more wastage of money. The use of inefficient appliances, material, and resources causes the loss of energy and money in the long run. It is important to make sure that you eliminate the wasteful practices from your life, home, and business to be able to save a great deal of money.

The balance of the natural system gets disturbed with the increased use of fossil fuels, sunlight, renewable sources, and stored carbon. It is really important for humans to regain the natural balance and processes to be able to live a healthy and prosperous life.

You need to discover new healthy ways and hobbies to accomplish greater and better things in life. For instance, you can develop hobbies like gardening, riding a bicycle, walking, and renewing old products for better use. This won’t only fascinate you but also enable you to enjoy a natural life in which the wastage of energy is minimal.

Human Health

The major drawback of high energy consumption is the danger to human body health. Since it affects the environment and vegetation growth methods as well, you need to be aware of the number of pollutants which are generated by the average energy use of an individual or family. To be able to regain your health, you can reduce the use of energy from your daily routine activities. For instance, you can use those lights in your home which require less energy to keep functioning.

Geyser and Heaters

You can save a great amount of energy by using efficient geysers and heaters in your home. With the recent advances in technology, the use of solar light geysers has become very common. It can help save almost 20% of your utility bills. Moreover, you can buy high-quality products from reputable manufacturers and suppliers.  

You can also set timers to your geyser to make sure that it is not running when you don’t need it. Such small yet smart tasks can help save a lot of your money from being wasted by energy consumption.

While making a new home, you can get energy efficient materials and solar panels installed on your roof. It would help make your home cool in summers and warm in winters without using any energy.

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✍️Essay on Natural Resources: Samples in 100, 150 and 200 Words 

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  • Nov 2, 2023

Essay on Natural Resources

Wondering about how the resources provided by our planet Earth are depleting? Well, that’s true. We have come to the stage where we should start working towards saving our planet. We humans have used our resources in a humongous quantity. Therefore, it’s time we start working towards saving our planet for our future generations. Today we will provide you with a few samples of essay on natural resources which will help you write on this topic easily. 

Table of Contents

  • 1 What are Natural Resources?
  • 2 Types of Natural Resources
  • 3 Essay on Natural Resources in 100 Words
  • 4 Essay on Natural Resources in 150 Words
  • 5 Essay on Natural Resources in 200 Words

What are Natural Resources?

Natural Resources are resources which are present in nature independent of human actions. 

These are the resources that are created naturally by the environment, without any help from humans. Soil, stone, sunlight, air, plants, animals, fossil fuels, etc. are all natural resources.

In simple language, natural resources are naturally occurring materials which are useful to humankind. They can also be useful in a variety of ways such as in technological, economic or social contexts. These resources include building, clothing materials, food, water, fertilisers and geothermal energy. Natural resources were traditionally within the purview of the natural sciences.

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Types of Natural Resources

Speaking of the type of natural resources, there are mainly two types of natural resources. These include Renewable and Non-renewable resources. 

Renewable Resources: These are those resources which are endlessly available to humans for several uses. These resources are trees, wind, and water.

Non-Renewable Resources: These resources are available to humans in infinite quantities as they are not renewable and their supply may eventually run out. Minerals and fossil fuels are a few examples.

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Essay on Natural Resources in 100 Words

Natural resources are parts of the natural world that are useful to humans. Renewable resources are those that can be swiftly replenished, these include soil, water, and air., Non-renewable resources are those that need time to recover, such as minerals, oil, natural gas, etc. 

One should note that the survival of all life on Earth depends on natural resources. However, the usage of natural resources in excess use can cause ecosystem disruption. Many nations are taking action these days to protect their natural resources. Natural resources shouldn’t be used for purposes outside our needs. In order to preserve non-renewable resources, we should utilise renewable resources more frequently than non-renewable ones.

Essay on Natural Resources in 150 Words

The organic aspects of nature that contribute to our way of life are known as natural resources. For survival, we rely on natural resources. Natural resources include things like air, water, soil, minerals, crops, etc. Resources like minerals, oil, and other resources are found in non-living organisms and take eons to regenerate. 

The distribution of natural resources is not even. Resources like these are also the primary driver of international trade relations for many nations. However, with time, these natural resources have now been overused by the human mankind beyond their limits. 

However, the unrestricted exploitation of natural resources is a challenge for all nations these days. To control this, a lot of nations are emphasising garbage recycling and employing more renewable resources than non-renewable ones. 

Sustainable development is the use of natural resources for current requirements without wasting them while keeping an eye on the future. It refers to the wise use of natural resources without sacrificing what coming generations will need.

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Essay on Natural Resources in 200 Words

Natural resources are materials found in the environment that humans use to survive.  From the very start, humans have been dependent on these resources. While some of these resources can be restored more rapidly than others, some require more time. Resources like sunlight, water, air, and other renewable resources are readily available and have higher recovery rates than consumption rates.

On the other hand, the formation and processing of non-renewable resources, such as minerals, oil, and natural gas, take a long time. Even the usage rate of these non-renewable resources is higher as compared to the renewable resources. While some natural resources are used immediately, others must first undergo processing.

Even while renewable resources are available in huge quantities, they should also be used responsibly. Both renewable and non-renewable resources require time to be created and processed. Therefore, it is very important for humans to use these resources in a limited quantity and leave some for future generations.

With time, humans are using these resources excessively. With the ever-increasing population, humans have already created a huge impact on the environment. To begin, humans are continuously polluting the air, water and noise. Buildings are being constructed on more land. The land is becoming less valuable in this way. Humans are soon becoming the biggest reason behind depleting natural resources, such as land, water, and air. 

Therefore, we mustn’t undervalue these resources. The moment has come for us to recognise the importance of using these resources sustainably.

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Natural Resources are substances which are naturally obtained from nature. Here are the 5 natural resources: Coal, Oil, Natural Gas, Sand, Gems, and Metals.

Renewable resources are natural resources that can be replenished or regenerated at a rate comparable to the rate at which they are consumed or harvested. For example: Solar energy, Wind energy, Biomass, Geothermal energy, etc.

Conserving and saving natural resources is essential for sustainable development and the preservation of the environment. Here are some easy tips to save natural resources: Implementing the 3Rs in daily life; Adopting energy-efficient practices such as using energy-saving appliances; Reducing water wastage by fixing leaks, using water-efficient appliances, and practising mindful water usage in daily activities, etc.

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Malvika Chawla

Malvika is a content writer cum news freak who comes with a strong background in Journalism and has worked with renowned news websites such as News 9 and The Financial Express to name a few. When not writing, she can be found bringing life to the canvasses by painting on them.

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Essay on Save Environment for Students and Children

500+ words essay on globalization.

Environment refers to the natural surroundings and conditions in which we live. Unfortunately, this Environment has come under serious threat. This threat is almost entirely due to human activities. These human activities have certainly caused serious damage to the Environment. Most noteworthy, this damage risks the survival of living things on Earth. Therefore, there is an urgent need to save the Environment.

Essay on Save Environment

Ways of Saving Environment

First of all, planting trees should be given massive attention. Above all, a tree is the source of oxygen. Unfortunately, due to construction, many trees have been cut down. This certainly reduces the amount of oxygen in the environment. Growing more trees means more oxygen. Hence, growing more trees would mean better life quality.

Similarly, people must give attention to forest conservation. Forests are vital for the Environment. However, deforestation certainly reduces the area of forests around the World. The government must launch programs to conserve the forests. The government must make harming forests a criminal offense.

Soil conservation is yet another important way to save the Environment. For this, there must be control of landslides, floods, and soil erosion . Furthermore, there should also be afforestation and tree plantation to conserve the soil. Also, terrace farming and using natural fertilizers are some more ways.

Waste management is a powerful way of protecting the environment. There must be proper disposal of wastes. Most noteworthy, this would help to keep the surroundings healthy. The government must ensure to clean the streets and other polluted land areas. Furthermore, there should be toilets in every house. Also, the government must provide enough public toilets.

Pollution is probably the biggest danger to the Environment. Smoke, dust, and harmful gases cause air pollution. These causes of air pollution come from industries and vehicles mostly. Furthermore, Chemicals and pesticides cause land and water pollution.

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Benefits of Saving Environment

First of all, the world climate will remain normal. Harming the Environment and causing pollution have caused global warming. Due to this many humans and animals have died. Hence, saving the environment would reduce global warming .

The health of people would improve. Due to pollution and deforestation, the health of many people is poor. Conserving the Environment would certainly improve the health of people. Most noteworthy, saving Environment would reduce many diseases.

importance of saving energy essay

Saving Environment would certainly protect the animals. Extinction of many species will not take place due to saving Environment. Many endangered species would also increase in population.

The water level would rise. Damage to Environment has severely reduced the level of groundwater. Furthermore, there is a scarcity of clean drinking water around the World. Due to this, many people fell ill and die. Saving Environment would certainly avoid such problems.

In conclusion, Environment is a precious gift on this planet. Our Environment is facing a big danger. Saving Environment is the need of the hour. Probably, it is the biggest concern of Humanity right now. Any delay in this regard could be disastrous.

{ “@context”: “https://schema.org”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Name any two ways for soil conservation?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “First of all, the ways for soil conservation are many. Two of them are afforestation and using natural fertilizers.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How world climate would become normal because of saving the Environment?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”Saving Environment would certainly make the world climate normal. This is because there would a reduction of global warming.”} }] }

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9 misconceptions about saving energy at home that could cost you money.

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A smart thermostat can help control your HVAC.

Savvy homeowners are always looking for ways to lower their electricity bills — which, in turn, will help them save money and also help the environment in the process. However, some of these ways don’t actually work, and may end up costing you more money.

These are some of the misconceptions about saving energy in your home.

#1: Energy Efficient Light Bulbs Are Too Expensive

According to Dan Mock, vice president of operations at Mister Sparky , light bulbs do indeed cost more to purchase in-store than they used to. “Thanks to federal regulations, traditional, cheap, incandescent bulbs have all but disappeared from the market, replaced with options like compact fluorescent bulbs, LEDs and halogen bulbs that all have a higher price tag.” However, Mock says these modern bulb options use far less electricity and have longer life spans than incandescents, so you’ll actually save money in the long run.

Lighting makes up approximately 15% of electricity use in the average U.S. home, and switching to LEDs could save $225 in energy costs each year, according to Energy.gov.

#2: Handwashing Dishes Is More Efficient Than Running The Dishwasher

While I prefer to wash dishes by hand, I don’t do it thinking that I’m saving money. I’m impatient, and usually, I only have one or two dishes, so it’s more convenient to wash them by hand (also, I actually like washing dishes). However, an ENERGY STAR certified dishwasher can save, on average, over 8,000 gallons of water each year – especially if you load it properly and skip pre-rinsing the dishes in the sink. And if you have an old dishwasher, consider this: an ENERGY STAR certified model uses 12% less energy and 30% less water than your outdated appliance.

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Best 5% interest savings accounts of 2024, #3: weatherization is for old houses.

If you have a newer home, you may think it doesn’t need to be weatherized. “Homeowners often overlook the importance of weatherization (upgrades that improve a home’s energy efficiency), especially if there are no signs of leakage,” says D.R. Richardson, co-founder at Elephant Energy . But regardless of your home’s age, he tells me that weatherization is crucial to minimizing leakage, so you can avoid the unnecessary expense of “heating the neighborhood,” which means your conditioned air is escaping your home through doors, windows, etc. “In fact, it's estimated that approximately 25% of heat loss in homes can be attributed to inefficient building infrastructure and leakages,” Richardson says.

Sometimes, you may get red flags, like the home is drafty, the temperatures are inconsistent in differing rooms, or your energy bills may be high. However, Richardson says it’s quite possible that you may not observe any problems. “Setting up an energy audit can help you identify issues with your heating, cooling, insulation, sealing, and more, and from there, you can determine which energy efficiency upgrades will have the greatest impact,” he says.

#4: I Only Need To Think About Attic Insulation In The Winter

Attic insulation is indeed important during those cold winter months. However, Michael DiMartino, senior vice president of installations at Power Home Remodeling , tells me that it’s also important in the summer because your attic is primarily where your HVAC system is housed.

“Without insulation, all of the hot air that collects in your attic tends to escape through cracks that you didn’t realize existed, and as a result, your HVAC system has to work harder to keep temperatures stable throughout the rest of your house.” Adding insulation improves airflow, and he says it helps your HVAC system last longer, and prevents bigger issues — like mold and rotting wood — from developing.

#5: I Don't Need To Power Off Computers And Other Electronics When Not In Use

“Most computers, televisions, and other modern electronic devices go into sleep or hibernation mode when they haven't been used for a period of time,” says Mock. But he explains that hibernating is not the same as fully powering down. When you leave a computer in sleep mode, Mock says that it still draws electricity — and electronics experience tiny but cumulative wear and tear. “Save electricity and prolong the life of your devices by shutting them off and unplugging them when you don't need to use them for several hours,” he advises.

#6: Heat Pumps Don’t Work in Cold Climates

Despite misconceptions, heat pumps do work in cold climates, according to Richardson. He admits they may not be sufficient for winter in the coldest geographies, but says heat pump technology has come a long way in the past decade, and there are models now guaranteed to operate down to -20 degrees F.

“We’ve installed hundreds of air source heat pumps in cold climates all over the Front Range in Colorado and Greater Boston, and heat pumps — and heat pump water heaters, for that matter — can take both the cold and the heat,” Richardson shares. And he says heat pumps have also been proven to be effective solutions in states like Alaska and Maine.

However, you’ll need to get a heat pump that’s designed for cold climates and sized appropriately. “If the system is too big for the home, that leads to extra cost upfront; if the system is too small, it might not be able to keep up on the coldest days,“ Richardson says.

#7: Setting The AC To Frigid Will Cool My House Down Quicker

Walking into your home and setting the HVAC to the coldest setting in the summer or the warmest setting in the winter won’t help the home reach the desired temperature any faster. “Your air conditioner cools at the same rate regardless of how hard it has to work to meet your thermostat setting,” Mock explains — and the same theory applies to heat. “So, if you turn the dial to its lowest setting, you won't cool off any faster, but you will waste electricity once the machine passes your desired temperature and keeps on trucking to cool the house even further,” he warns. Investing in a smart thermostat is one of the ways to lower cooling costs in the summer .

#8: Only Hot Water Can Get My Laundry Clean

Heating your water accounts for 18% of your utility bill, and it’s the second largest energy expense. On average, U.S. households use 25 gallons of hot water in just the clothes washer. However, most clothes can be laundered in cold water, which not only saves money, but also helps your clothes look newer for longer, since warm and hot water can increase shrinking and fading. There are also cold-water detergents that are specifically designed for either regular or high-efficiency (HE) washing machines.

For heavily soiled laundry, as well as towels and bedding, hot water may be better, but for everything else, consider cold water to save energy and money.

#9: Solar Energy Isn’t An Option For Me

It’s true that solar panels produce the best results in climates with a lot of clear, sunny days, but Mock says homes in cloudy or rainy regions of the country can also benefit from them. “Fog and clouds block some of the sun's energy, but not all of it, so residents of famously weather-obscured cities like Seattle and San Francisco can still get good value by installing a solar array on their roofs.”

Also, you may be thinking that your home isn’t compatible with solar roofing panels. “For example, you may think your roof can’t withstand the installation of a solar panel system because of its age and condition,” DiMartino says. He admits that the roof needs to be in good condition, but says it doesn’t have to be brand new.

Even if you rent your home, you may be able to benefit from the use of solar energy. “Community solar allows renters and homeowners to simply subscribe to a local solar farm and receive discounts on their electricity bill,” says Bruce Stewert, CEO of Perch Energy . He says participation is free and helps you save between 5% to 20% a year. “This is an easy-to-take step that opens doors to savings for all, regardless of homeownership status.”

Terri Williams

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A ray of light falls on the family budget

Author: Guzal Fayzieva

August 26, 2024

a person standing in front of a computer

Khusnida Karimjanova

How an ordinary rural family saves on electricity bills

Oydin and Khusnida Karimzhanovs are the wives of two brothers, “ovsinlar” in Uzbek, members of one large family in the rural hinterland – the village of Bakhrin in the Khodjabad district of the Andijan region of Uzbekistan. This is where you can feel the Uzbek traditional way of life, centuries-old foundations and customs. In the provinces, people mostly live in large families consisting of several generations. The heroines of our story developed friendly and almost familial relationships - living under the same roof, they became accustomed to helping each other.

A warm summer breeze sways the trees, quails sing leisurely, and a family is having breakfast sitting on a topchan, a traditional Uzbek wooden piece of furniture that is a square platform with small walls, designed for relaxing and dining outdoors. Strong green tea is poured into bowls – strictly half full, which signifies respect and honor; right there on the dastarkhan (tablecloth) is golden “navvat” – crystal sugar, popular in eastern countries, and hot flatbreads, straight from the tandoor... The conversation is going about the latest news that the elder daughter-in-law Oydin brought. She works as a cashier at a local bank, and today she learned from colleagues there is an opportunity to get subsidies for solar panels - devices that convert sunlight into electricity. By installing them on the roof of the house, it is possible to significantly reduce energy costs and ensure its sustainability. And most importantly, women are provided with a higher rate of subsidies! This news caused lively debates in the family - of course, it is scary to try something new and unusual. We have lived without it so far, and we have enough expenses already… However, using solar panels could help to avoid sudden power outages - and this is a strong argument. The electricity supply in rural areas is a sore subject, especially in winter. After heated discussions, it was decided - Oydin goes to apply for a loan in her own name.

a little girl standing next to a child

Oydin Karimjonova with her children

Subsidies for energy efficient technologies and materials are provided in Uzbekistan within the framework of the project “Market transformation for sustainable rural housing in Uzbekistan”, which is implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with the financial support of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and in cooperation with the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Republic of Uzbekistan. When purchasing products such as solar photovoltaic panels and energy storage systems, solar water heaters, heat pumps, double-glazed windows and heat-insulating materials for external walls and roofs, part of their cost is covered by subsidies from the UNDP/GEF project. The use of the listed materials and technologies helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which is the main goal of the project - to provide the rural population of Uzbekistan with improved and affordable housing conditions that do not harm the environment. Thus, the project contributes to increasing demand for energy-efficient and low-carbon housing among the rural population of Uzbekistan. At the same time, women, pensioners and persons with disabilities, as well as those included in the “iron notebook”, are provided with higher subsidy rates - by 2.5% more.

a group of people standing in front of a window

To receive subsidies, it is necessary to conclude a purchase-sales agreement or a service agreement with the supplier company and obtain a subsidized loan from the nearest bank branch with an additional partial subsidy from the UNDP/GEF project. Next step is installing energy-efficient building materials and equipment in the house, which is what the Karimzhanovs family did on the initiative of their elder daughter-in-law, Oydin. According to the terms of the project, the woman received a 32.5% subsidy for the purchase. Soon after completing the paperwork, specialists came to their house to install solar panels on the roof, which aroused the interest and curiosity of the neighbors.

"They ask, what is this thing on your roof, what is it for? Do you think it will work? And then, when there was a sudden power outage in the area, how surprised everyone was that the lights were still on in our house», - Oydin Karimjanova remembers with a smile. «We thought it would be difficult to operate such equipment, but actually there is nothing difficult, and the panels do not require special care. It's been a few months since we installed these panels, everything works great, and how much money we've saved! For example, electricity consumption in our house has decreased by almost 40 percent. The most important, during the cold weather, our children are warm and cozy".

a young boy sitting on a bed

According to experts, the main conditions for success are competent placement of solar panels and an effective control system. Such power supply enables to be practically independent of the centralized electricity supply. 

"Once my daughter had a birthday party, we invited guests, relatives, neighbors, set the table. We were sitting, and suddenly the lights went out. And it was unknown when it would be turned back on. Well, what to do, we turned on the flashlights on our phones, lit candles, and somehow celebrated the holiday. Now we are insured against such cases. And most importantly, in winter the air conditioner and heater work well, which is the most important thing", - Khusnida Karimjanova shared in an interview.

In addition to housework, Khusnida does sewing and takes orders at home - her working tool, a sewing machine, is always at hand, and therefore the availability of electricity is especially important for her. But this is temporary, and when her children grow up a little, she, like Oydin, plans to go to work in her specialty - as a biology teacher at a local school. Khusnida graduated from the Namangan State University, she has two specialties - biologist and agronomist.

a sunset over a city

"It is important for a woman to get an education, to have a profession that will generate income. I am pleased to see that in our country women reach great heights, it is inspiring. And even this project provides women with a higher subsidy rate – thanks to such measures we feel supported and encouraged to move forward", - says Khusnida Karimjanova.

In the evening the whole family gathers around the TV watching their favorite “soap opera”- the cozy moments of harmony. The bulb under the ceiling lights the room, the air conditioner provides cooling, the foreign characters play they roles on the TV screen – the power supply is uninterrupted.

a group of people in a room

Khusnida Karimjanova with her family

To date, the UNDP/GEF project has provided subsidies worth almost 500 million soums. To receive subsidies for energy-efficient technologies and materials, one must contact the banks that are partners of the project, or submit an application on the website  www.energymarket.uz . Suppliers of these products can also register on the online platform  www.energymarket.uz to participate in the project. Follow the news about the provision of subsidies on the Telegram channel @ BMTTDsubsidiyasi.

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WHO calls on Pacific leaders to make health and climate a high priority at regional leaders’ meeting

The World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Director for the Western Pacific joined prime ministers and presidents from across the Region and United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, at the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) Leaders Meeting in Tonga this week. At the high-level meeting, Dr Saia Ma’u Piukala called on leaders of Pacific islands and other countries to make health a high priority on their agenda, in the context of the climate catastrophe that is putting the Pacific in peril. 

During the PIF Plenary on 28 August, Dr Piukala made the case for putting health on the annual agenda of the Leaders Meeting . He highlighted three areas in particular. First, he emphasized the urgent need to take action to protect populations in the Pacific from the impacts of climate change on health – specifically, the need for resilient health infrastructure. Dr Piukala noted that a recent review of 76 hospitals in 14 Pacific island countries found that 62% of health facilities were within 500 metres of the sea or a river. This has resulted in health facilities in Fiji, Nauru, Niue and Tonga having to be relocated due to risks of inundation and flooding during extreme weather events. 

Second, Dr Piukala called for critical investments in the health workforce. He urged leaders to invest in training and retention of health workers so that they remain in their countries to serve the needs of their populations. Lastly, he called for a major acceleration of efforts to address noncommunicable diseases such as obesity, diabetes and heart disease, which are responsible for at least 70% of deaths in the Region. 

Climate change as a major focus 

Climate change was a major focus of the PIF meeting, with wide recognition by the leaders of the devastation it is causing to a region already prone to natural disasters and emergencies. 

On the first day of the meeting, when heavy rainfall and a 6.9 magnitude earthquake struck Tonga, Dr Piukala said: "This is a reminder for all of us of how important it is to work together to strengthen disaster preparedness and climate resilience.” 

According to recent reports, tropical cyclones account for 76% of disasters in the Pacific, driving several health impacts including infrastructure damage, injury and death. Across the South-West Pacific 1 , hydrometeorological hazard events – such as storms and floods – resulted in more than 200 deaths and affected the lives of more than 25 million people last year alone. 

During the meeting this week, Secretary-General Guterres launched a new technical brief on surging seas in a warming world . “I am in Tonga to issue a global SOS – Save Our Seas. The world must act, and answer the SOS before it is too late…If we save the Pacific, we also save ourselves,” said Secretary-General Guterres. The brief describes the potentially devastating effects of climate-driven coastal hazards and sea-level rise on coastal ecosystems and the economic sector. “Such impacts are already or are likely to create risks to livelihoods, settlements, health and wellbeing, food and water security,” said Secretary-General Guterres. 

WHO’s work with countries 

WHO is working with governments and partners across the Region to make health systems and communities more climate resilient including the recent work in Fiji, focusing on health-care facilities assessment, as well as in Kiribati and Vanuatu. In Kiribati, WHO is supporting the Ministry of Health and Medical Services in implementing the four-year Te Mamauri project – which received US$ 6 million in funding from the Korea International Cooperation Agency − to increase the climate resilience of the health system, including retrofitting health facilities with solar energy, assessing drinking water quality and facilitating community empowerment to take adaptive action to reduce the health risks of climate change. And after Vanuatu was hit by tropical cyclones Judy and Kevin in March 2023, WHO and the Ministry of Health established a multisectoral One Health Committee to address the health impacts of leptospirosis outbreaks.  

As Pacific leaders concluded their meeting this week, Dr Piukala called for increased investment in climate-resilient and environmentally sustainable healthcare facilities, as well as increased international climate financing to support the transition. With rising sea levels and extreme weather events, and health crises happening more and more frequently, the resilience of the region will depend on continued collaboration, innovative solutions, and the unwavering commitment of Pacific leaders and their communities. 


1 The World Meteorological Organization South-West Pacific Region is composed of: Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, French Polynesia, Indonesia, Kiribati, Malaysia, Nauru, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Niue, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Samoa, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu.

About WHO: 

The World Health Organization (WHO) is the United Nations’ specialized agency for health. Dr Saia Ma’u Piukala is the first person from the Pacific to ever be elected WHO Regional Director. Since February 2024, he has led the Organization’s work in the Western Pacific from Manila, Philippines. As part of the Western Pacific Regional Office, WHO’s Division of Pacific Technical Support in Suva, Fiji, provides tailored, timely support to 21 Pacific Island countries and areas. The Division has six other offices across the Pacific, in Kiribati, Federated States of Micronesia, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Vanuatu. 

Media Contacts

Mr Ruel E. Serrano

Senior Communications Associate WHO Western Pacific

WHO Regional Director Dr Saia Ma'u Piukala’s remarks at the 53rd Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting

More information on the 53rd Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting

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IMF Working Papers

Taming public debt in europe: outlook, challenges, and policy response.


Saioa Armendariz ; Ezequiel Cabezon ; Larry Q Cui ; Silvia Domit ; Alina Iancu ; Giacomo Magistretti ; Rohan Srinivas ; Yu Ching Wong

Publication Date:

August 23, 2024

Electronic Access:

Free Download . Use the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this PDF file

Disclaimer: IMF Working Papers describe research in progress by the author(s) and are published to elicit comments and to encourage debate. The views expressed in IMF Working Papers are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of the IMF, its Executive Board, or IMF management.

Public debt ratios in Europe increased significantly in response to the pandemic and energy shocks and have remained higher than before the pandemic in most countries. Going forward, the projected public debt trajectories are broadly flat overall in advanced Europe but have a rising profile in emerging Europe. Government financing needs are still elevated, and the unwinding of quantitative easing by major central banks adds to financing pressures. Moreover, there are important medium- to long-term spending pressures from defense, climate transition, and aging, which are not fully reflected in the projected baseline trajectories. Against this backdrop, the risk that debts will not stabilize in the medium term has increased. Debt stabilization will hinge critically on achieving ambitious fiscal consolidation and sustained growth. Facing these elevated risks, policymakers need to implement carefully-calibrated fiscal adjustments that ensure debt sustainability while supporting growth. They could target debt stabilization over a longer, 10-year, horizon—while adhering to credible fiscal rules such as the reformed EU Economic Governance Framework—but with a high probability to reassure markets that debts will indeed be tamed.

Working Paper No. 2024/181

Fiscal consolidation Fiscal policy Fiscal stance Public debt



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