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How To Write an IELTS Process Diagram Essay

An IELTS process diagram question can contain a wide variety of different types of graphics. It could be a natural process such as the water cycle, a manufacturing process or a diagram of a system.

Using these 5 steps will help you to write a high-scoring process diagram essay:

1)  Analyse the question

2)  Identify the main features

3)  Write an introduction

4)  Write an overview

5)  Write the details paragraphs

In this lesson, we’re going to work through the 5 stages step-by-step as we answer a practice question.

Before we begin, here’s a model essay structure that you can use as a guideline for all IELTS Academic Task 1 questions.

Ideally, your essay should have 4 paragraphs:

Paragraph 1  – Introduction

Paragraph 2  – Overview

Paragraph 3  – 1 st  main feature

Paragraph 4  – 2 nd  main feature

We now have everything we need to begin planning and writing our IELTS process diagram essay.

Here’s our practice question:

The diagrams below show a structure that is used to generate electricity from wave power.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

Generating Electricity From The Sea

how to write diagram essay ielts

Source: Official website IELTS Essentials

Step 1 –  Analyse the question

The format of every Academic Task 1 question is the same, with the instruction sentence (highlighted below) identical in every question. Here is our practice question again.

Every question consists of:

  • Sentence 1 – A brief description of the graphic
  • Sentence 2 – The instructions
  • The graphic – diagram, chart, graph, table, etc.

Sentence 2 tells you what you have to do.

You must do 3 things:

1.     Select the main features.

2.     Write about the main features.

3.     Compare the main features.

All three tasks refer to the ‘ main features ’ of the graphic. You  do not  have to write about everything. Just pick out 2 or 3 key features and you’ll have plenty to write about.

Step 2 – Identify the Main Features

The graphic in IELTS process diagram questions should not be difficult to understand. There are not usually any numbers to analyse as in other types of question, just a diagram to interpret or, as in our practice question, two diagrams which each show part of the process.

All you are looking for are the main features. These should be the easiest things to spot. There will be lots of information in the graphic to help you identify them, especially, titles, labels and captions.

Here are some useful questions to ask?

1) Is it a linear or a cyclical process?

A linear process starts and finishes at different places. It will often involve the manufacture or creation of something, starting with the raw materials going in at one end and the finished product coming out the other end. An example of this can be seen in this diagram from a past IELTS process diagram question about the manufacture of bricks.

Linear process

how to write diagram essay ielts

A cyclical process, on the other hand, is a process that goes back to the beginning and repeats over and over again, such as the life cycle of a frog or a butterfly.

Cyclical process

how to write diagram essay ielts

2) Where does the process start and end?

For a linear process this will usually be obvious. It may be harder to determine for a cyclical process so it’s important that you examine the graphic carefully to find out.

3) How many steps are there to the process?

If there are a lot, it can be helpful to number them from 1 to whatever number the final stage is.

4) Can the process be easily broken down into stages?

In the brick-making graphic, for example, there are three stages:

a) Creating the bricks from clay

b) Manufacturing the finished product by drying and firing

c) Packaging and delivery

In the life cycle graphic above, there are also three distinct stages as the frog passes through different stages of development – egg, juvenile, adult.

5) What are the raw materials? What is produced at the end of the process?

These questions obviously apply only to manufacturing processes.

For other types of process, it might be more appropriate to ask the following question.

6) What is the end result of the process?

This question is relevant for our practice IELTS process diagram question which shows a process that creates something using a particular structure. The end result is the production of electricity.

So, what main features stand out in our practice graphic? Here it is again.

how to write diagram essay ielts

This graphic doesn’t contain very much detail. There are only two stages to the process:

Stage 1:  Electricity is generated as the wave flows into the structure (Diagram A).

Stage 2:  Electricity is also created as the receding wave draws air back down the column (Diagram B).

Other diagrams are more complex and you have to go through them stage by stage to work out what’s happening and then pick out just 2 or 3 main feature to write about.

The key features you select will be the starting point for your essay. You will then go on to add more detail later. However, with just 20 minutes allowed for Task 1, and a requirement of only 150 words, you won't be able to include many details.

We’re now ready to begin writing our essay. Here’s a reminder of the 4 part structure we’re going to use.

Step 3 – Write an Introduction 

In the introduction, you should simply paraphrase the question, that is, say the same thing in a different way. You can do this by using synonyms and changing the sentence structure. For example:

Introduction (Paragraph 1): 

The two diagrams illustrate a method of creating electricity from the force of waves using a specifically designed man-made construction.

This is all you need to do for the introduction.

Step 4 – Write an Overview (Paragraph 2)

In the second paragraph, you should give a general description of the diagram/s or process. The detail comes later in the essay.

State the information simply using synonyms where possible. No elaborate vocabulary or grammar structures are required, just the appropriate words and correct verb tenses.

For example:

Overview  (Paragraph 2): 

The structure, consisting of a wave chamber and a tall column containing a turbine, is erected on a steeply sloping coastal cliff or sea wall where it is subject to the movement of the ocean waves.

Step 5  – Write the 1st Detail Paragraph

Paragraphs 3 and 4 of your IELTS process diagram essay are where you include more detailed information. In paragraph 3, you should explain the first key feature in more detail.

For this question, we will expand on the first stage of the process. Here it is again:

Stage 1: Electricity is generated as the wave flows into the structure (Diagram A).

And this is an example of what you could write:

Paragraph 3 :

The first diagram shows how the incoming wave fills a large chamber and forces the air inside this space up the column and through the turbine. The pressure of the air rotates the turbine which generates a current of electricity. The process does not end there for the structure is able to continue producing power as the sea recedes as can be seen in the second diagram.

Step 6  – Write the 2nd Detail Paragraph

For the fourth and final paragraph, you do the same thing for your remaining key features or, for this question, the second stage of the process.

Here it is again:

Stage 2: Electricity is also created as the receding wave draws air back down the column (Diagram B).

Here’s an example of what you could write:

Paragraph 4 :

As the water now flows away from the structure, it draws air back down the column and downwards through the turbine in the same direction as the previous upward flow of air. The turbine continues to turn thus generating even more electricity. 

Here are the four paragraphs brought together to create our finished essay.

Finished IELTS Process Diagram Essay

how to write diagram essay ielts

This sample IELTS process diagram essay is just over the minimum word limit so you can see that you don’t have space to include very much detail at all. That’s why it is essential to select just a couple of main features to write about.

Now use what you’ve learnt in this lesson to practice answering other IELTS process diagram questions. Start slowly at first and keep practicing until you can plan and write a complete essay in around 20 minutes.

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Understanding Task 1 Questions  – How to quickly and easily analyse and understand IELTS Writing Task 2 questions.

How To Plan a Task 1 Essay  –  Discover  3 reasons why you must plan, the 4 simple steps of essay planning and learn a simple 4 part essay structure.

Vocabulary for Task 1 Essays  –  Learn key vocabulary for a high-scoring essay. Word lists & a downloadable PDF.

Grammar for Task 1 Essays   – Essential grammar for Task 1 Academic essays including, verb tenses, key sentence structures, articles & prepositions.

The 7 Question Types:

Click the links below for a step-by-step lesson on each type of Task 1 question.

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IELTS Writing task 1: describing a diagram

In this lesson you will learn how to describe a diagram in IELTS Writing task 1 .

We will deal with a process diagram . Although diagrams are not very common in IELTS, they do appear in Writing and are very different from other types of graphs you can get. So it's a good idea to learn how to structure your answer when describing a diagram.

  • See IELTS Writing digram question
  • Learn how to write a band 9 answer
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  • See video tutorial

As an example, let's take a look at the following question card:

The diagram illustrates how steel rods are manufactured in the furniture industry.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Diagram in IELTS Writing task

You can watch a video tutorial on how to describe diagrams in IELTS Academic Writing task 1:

  • Introduction
  • General overview
  • Specific features

Now we'll take a look at each part of the answer.

1. Introduction

The first paragraph of your answer should be an introduction. For the introduction, you need to paraphrase the topic in your own words. It shouldn't be longer that 2 sentences.

And this is a possible way to write your introduction:

You could also write the introduction in another way:

In fact, there are plenty of ways to write your introduction. Just keep in mind that you should use synonyms and paraphrase the topic from your question card.

2. Overview

  • how the process begins and ends
  • the number of stages

If the diagram has loops or repeating stages, or your process is cyclic - write that in your overview too!

Here is a good way to write a general overview:

Overall, the process consists of eleven stages, beginning with the raw material and ending up with the product’s inspection.

Always use word overall to start your overview. This way you will indicate the examiner that you’re describing general trends.

3. Specific features

After you've given the overview, you should write about specific details of your diagram. To do that, you need to describe each stage of your process in detail . Don't forget that you should provide information in a logical way!

This is a possible way of describing the specific features of our diagram:

First of all, iron ore, yellow ore and carbon are collected to serve as a raw material for steel rods manufacturing. After that, the raw material is melted in a melting slit, where it is heated to a temperature in range of 1300-1500 °C. The melted mass is then transferred to a smelting cabin to undergo refinement. Next, the candescent metal is put in a pouring machine and poured into ingots.

In the next stage, the ingots are connected to a cooling reservoir, where the temperature falls to 60-100 °C. Metal goes through special nozzles and cools down, forming strands. Following this, the metal strands proceed to rollers that change their shape. Next, the products are put into a heating machine, where they undergo heat treatment. Subsequently, a measuring automaton completes a surface check of the products.

After that, the metal rods are sized by special cutters and get ID stamping. Finally, the products undergo inspection and are ready for use.

Using connectors

  • first of all
  • in the next stage
  • following this
  • subsequently

Using additional information

Your diagram will often provide you some additional information and hints for most stages of the process. Make sure that you use all that information while describing specific features of your diagram!

However, sometimes you may see that some stage lacks information for description . For example, we only know that the third stage of our process is called refinement and it happens in a smelting cabin . But we don't know what exactly happens during this stage.

In this case, you can use a verb to undergo . To undergo = to experience. For example, you can write: " the material undergoes refinement in a smelting cabin ".

And don't forget that you should NOT write a conclusion in Writing task 1 as you're not giving your opinion, you're describing the data.

Practice. Choose the correct options:

  • The table shows the amount of students who study abroad in 2001 and 2011. The table shows the number of students who study abroad in 2001 and 2011.

Amount or number? Note that students are countable.

  • The graph illustrate China's annual growth rate of exports of goods. The graph illustrates China's annual growth rate of exports of goods.

Look at the verb that follows the word graph . Hmm, the graph should be singular, so illustrates is the correct option.

  • The line graph shows how many Finnish people went to the cinema between June and October 2014. The line graph shows how much Finnish people went to the cinema between June and October 2014.

You can say how much water or how much effort (these nouns are uncountable). But people are countable, so you should use how many in this case.

  • The pie charts compare the world population of 1900 with 2000 . The pie charts compare the world population in 1900 and 2000 .

You should use phrase in + year , not of + year or at + year . Moreover, it seems like you compare population with year in the first sentence.

  • The bar chart gives information about average household expenditure in Japan. The bar chart shows information about average household expenditure in Japan.

You can use either gives information about or shows , but not both at the same time.

Preparation for the IELTS Exam

IELTS writing task 1: The process of making milk and cheese

Writing task 1 ielts academic process diagram..

Updated: April 2024

Describing a process in  IELTS academic writing task 1 needs specific grammar, such as the passive and sequencers for showing how something is made or processed. In this lesson, I will look at how to use accurate vocabulary and grammar, the correct structure, and a model answer for a diagram showing how milk, cheese, and butter are made for commercial sale.

In this lesson we will look at:

1. Example of a process diagram task.

2. ielts academic writing task 1 structure., 3. grammar needed for a process diagram., 4. example task and model answer., example process diagram..

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The diagram below shows the production and processing of milk and dairy products for commercial sale.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.


IELTS academic writing task 1 always has the same structure. In writing about process diagrams we are mainly describing how something works or how something is made .

You will need to have an introduction which paraphrases the question, a short overview of the process (about 2 sentences) and 2 body paragraphs explaining in detail, but no conclusion is needed.

The grammar for this kind of task is the present simple passive, sequencers and sometimes the present perfect passive. For linking the steps you can use sequencers (first, next, subsequently, after that, finally)

IELTS writing task 1 structure

Grammar for an IELTS process diagram.

This type of process needs the present simple passive and active to describe what happens in each step, also you will need sequencers such as ‘ Firstly, subsequently, next, following this, after that, then, finally etc.’ . to show this as a step by step process . Another grammar point to help link sentences is the present perfect passive . Take a look at the examples below.

Present Simple Passive.

object + to be + past participle:  This is used to describe a process where the person is not important, also the passive is used for the stages of production.

  • The cows are milked by a milking machine twice a day.
  • The milk is put into refrigeration storage.
  • The milk is delivered by tanker to the dairy.
  • Cream, cheese and butter are produced from the milk.
  • The items are packed into boxes
  • The tea leaves are picked.

Present Simple Active.

object+verb: The active is used to describe natural processes.

  • Cows graze in the fields.
  • Cows eat grass every day.
  • The sun shines.
  • Flowers grow.
  • Tea grows in India.
  • The moon rises in the evening.


These are necessary when describing the stages in academic task 1 process diagrams for better cohesion and flow.

  • First of all
  • To begin with
  • at this point
  • following this
  • after which
  • the next step is
  • subsequently
  • the last step is…

Example sentences:

In the first four stages , cows graze in the fields. After that , the cows are put into a milking machine twice a day. Following this , the milk is put into refrigeration storage,  after which it is transferred to a tanker. Subsequently , it is pasteurised, processed and made into cheese The last step is the milk and dairy products are sent out to supermarkets.

Present Perfect Passive.

object + to be + past participle:  We can use once and when + present perfect passive to join two processes together.

Once the milk has been transferred to a tanker, it is then delivered to the dairy. When  the milk has been delivered  to the dairy, it is subsequently put through a pasteurisation process… As soon as the milk and dairy products have been processed and packaged , they are then sent out to supermarkets where they are then stacked onto shelves ready for purchase.

Paraphrasing hint: In the question, it says “The diagram below shows the production and …” this needs to be paraphrased by changing the word “shows” to “indicates” or “illustrates” . The word Diagram is not paraphrased because there is no way to paraphrase that word. It will always be a diagram.

Grouping the information.

In IELTS task 1 academic it is important to group the information logically as this improves overall coherence. In this case, the main body paragraph one is about the first four stages and main body two is about the last four stages. I included the stage where the cows graze as that is part of the whole process.

Model answer

Notice the paraphrased introduction with a short overview starting with the word ‘overall’ and the use of the passive with sequencers.


The diagram illustrates the way milk is produced and processed into cheese, cream and butter and packaged for sale to consumers. Overall, there are eight stages in the process, starting with cows grazing on the grass, to the milk processed at the dairy and the sale of dairy products in supermarkets and shops.

In the first four stages, cows graze in the fields, after which they are taken to a milking machine to be milked twice a day. Following this, the milk is put into refrigeration storage. In the next step, the milk is put into a tanker where it is then ready to be delivered to the dairy on a daily basis.

In the last four stages, once the milk is delivered to the dairy, it is put through a pasteurisation process. It is also turned into various dairy products such as cheese, cream and butter. Finally, as soon as the milk and dairy products have been processed and packaged, they are then sent out to supermarkets and shops where they are displayed and ready for purchase by consumers.

Any comments? leave them below.

9 thoughts on “ielts writing task 1: the process of making milk and cheese”.

The pictures give detailed information about the process by which milk and dairy products are manufactured to sell. Overall, it is clear that there are a total of 8 steps which can be organized into three main stages in the production, namely the feeding cows, tasks in the factory with special machines, and the delivery process to customers. It is worth mentioning that advanced technologies such as refrigerators and others are utilized in the process of production. Looking at the details, the process begins when the cows start grazing. After that, milk is taken by a special machine from the cows twice a day. Gotten milk is refrigerated in the storage before daily delivery by tanker to the factory of dairy. After being delivered, dairy products are prepared, to be more precise cheese, cream, and butter. Following this, prepared products are pasteurized and packaged. Finally, the end products are delivered to customers.

can you check it?

It’s a good attempt,but the overview is very long…for detailed corrections check out the writing correction service here: https://ieltsfocus.com/writing-correction-service/

How many paragraphs are required or recommended?

In a task 1 report you need an introduction and overview, then 2 body paragraphs, no conclusion… so thats 3 paragraphs total.

superb! Thanku

great information! Thanks

it is a well structured explanation of a process. You saved my life!

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IELTS Writing Task 1 Process Diagram Tips, Vocabulary


Updated On Aug 02, 2024


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The article provides tips for writing IELTS Writing Task 1 reports on process diagrams. It emphasizes using passive voice for manufacturing processes, starting points, linking words, and useful sentence structures.

IELTS Writing Task 1 Process Diagram Tips, Vocabulary

Table of Contents

Use the following conjunctions to make more complex sentences.

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IELTS Writing Prediction Questions for 2024

In IELTS Writing Task 1 , different types of graphs, charts, maps or process diagrams are given on the basis of which you have write your report. In Process diagrams, there are 2 types of processes which include Manufacturing Process (MP) and Natural Process (NP). Passive voice is preferred for MP while NP is active voice.

Below are some useful tips, sentence structures and vocabulary for this IELTS Writing Task 1.

  • Follow the same initial steps for writing about a graph, e.g. use tips and vocabulary to describe a graph or chart
  • In the introduction you can use: The diagram/picture/chart shows/illustrates/describes/depicts the process of/how… For example: Topic : The diagram below shows how the Australian Bureau of Meteorology collects up-to-the-minute information on the weather in order to produce reliable forecasts. ==> Essay: The figure illustrates the process used by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology to forecast the weather.
  • Find a starting point and write the process as a series of steps
  • Useful connecting words you can use are:
  • first/firstly/first of all, to star with, … or The first step | is involved + Ving
  • secondly, thirdly
  • then/next/after that/following that/following on from this, …
  • subsequently/in the subsequent stage/ subsequent to that, finally..

==> Example: To begin with , the food is processed. The next step is when it is packed. Finally , it is delivered.

Prepositions: At the beginning of…/ At the end of…

The following sentence structure will help you achieve a top IELTS band score in writing. Make sure you implement them while using IELTS Writing practice tests that you need to take up regularly.

– when/once/as soon as/immediately/whereas….

Eg: Once obtained, raw materials and manufactured components are stored for later assembly

The manufacturing stages involve the storage, assembly, inspection, packing to the sales methods whereas the research stages include market & product research, design and advertisement.

– before + clause or gerund

Eg: Most consumer goods go through a series of stages before they emerge as finished products ready for sale.

– after + clause or gerund

Eg: After the production planning is complete the assembly, inspection, testing and packaging stages are done sequentially.

– where/from where/after which

Eg: Assembly first depends upon the production planning stage, where it is decided how and in what quantities the stored materials will be processed to create sufficient quantities of finished goods.

Useful Sentence Structures

X=The chart/diagram….

1, X (shows/describes/illustrates) how + clause

E.g: The diagram below shows how salt is removed from sea water to make it drinkable

2, X (shows/describe/illustrates) + noun

E.g: The charts below show the result of public survey

3, X (provides/gives) information about……….

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The diagram illustrates the process that is used to manufacture bricks for the building industry. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.

(Post your writing in the comment, your writing will be corrected in 24 hours)


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Frequently Asked Questions

How to attempt an IELTS process diagram essay?

How is Grammar and Vocabulary important when writing the process diagram essay?

Can contractions or idioms be used for describing process diagrams in the IELTS Writing Task 1?

What words and phrases to avoid in the process diagram essay?

Is it always necessary to paraphrase the question in the process diagram of IELTS Academic Writing Task 1?

Practice IELTS Writing Task 1 based on report types

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Nafia Zuhana is an experienced content writer and IELTS Trainer. Currently, she is guiding students who are appearing for IELTS General and Academic exams through ieltsmaterial.com. With an 8.5 score herself, she trains and provides test takers with strategies, tips, and nuances on how to crack the IELTS Exam. She holds a degree in Master of Arts – Creative Writing, Oxford Brookes University, UK. She has worked with The Hindu for over a year as an English language trainer.

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Process Diagrams on the IELTS Academic Writing Test

Tips on how to use process diagrams on writing tasks

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Written by Angela Rutherford


Like any test, the IELTS exam can be stressful, so it helps if you can find some fun in it. For example, when I see a process diagram on the Academic writing test, I get a little excited because I like to learn about how things are made or how they work. 

I’m hoping that, with some tips and practice, you too will enjoy these tasks. In this blog, after looking at various types of diagrams, I will show you how your description can fit into a basic formula that can be used for all academic task one reports. I will also demonstrate how the overview paragraph differs slightly from those about charts, graphs, or maps.

What do process diagrams look like?

Process diagrams can show cyclic processes like the life cycle of a pond frog from egg to adult. Notice how arrows are often used to lead you through the stages in the diagrams.

This drawing guides you through the steps for making freeze-dried coffee from start to finish. This is a linear process.

You can also encounter processes that are linear with a cyclic element, like the generation of hydro-electric power. Note how there is a start and finish but also a cycle of water that helps generate the power. 

Sometimes you might see two pictures about a related process, such as the following linear production of cement. Note that it has a start and finish before it is added to the mix for concrete.  

What information is important and how do you organize your writing?

The structure of these reports is no different than any other academic task one writing.   

Introductory paragraph  

Overview paragraph  

Detail paragraphs  

The introduction rephrases the prompt, such as for the one in the cement and concrete example above, you might write:  The diagrams illustrate how cement is made and then how it is used in the production of concrete for construction.

When you write your overview paragraph, think of summarizing the important features of the process- don’t bother with the specifics or data because you will present that information in the detail paragraphs.   Here are some simple questions you can ask yourself when formulating the overview. I will use the cement/concrete example to demonstrate how to answer. 




Starts with the combination of raw materials and ends by mixing the product with 3 other ingredients to produce cement. 


5 steps to make cement before mixing concrete 


Crushed, mixed, heated, ground and bagged, then combined 

Crusher, mixer, rotating heater, grinder, concrete mixer

You can now select from this information to summarize in the overview:  

The 5-step process of making cement is linear and starts with the combination of three raw materials that are crushed, mixed, heated, ground, and bagged. The cement is then added to a concrete mixer with three other ingredients to produce concrete.  

3. Once you have outlined the steps or stages, it is so much easier to fill in the details and, because it is a process, you simply describe what happens in sequence. 

  The making of concrete has several steps. Limestone and clay are crushed into powder and mixed together. This powder then passes through a rotating heater. After being heated, the mixture is ground down to form cement. The cement is then bagged for easy transport.   

There are 4 ingredients used to make cement which is a simpler process. The proportions of these materials are 15% cement, 10% water, 25% sand and 50% gravel. They are combines together in a specialized mixer to form concrete that is used for building purposes.

Here is what the response would look like when put together:  

The diagrams illustrate how cement is made and then how it is used in the production of concrete for construction.  

The making of concrete has several steps. Limestone and clay are crushed into powder and mixed together. This powder then passes through a rotating heater. After being heated, the mixture is ground down to form cement. The cement is then bagged for easy transport.  

There are 4 ingredients used to make cement which is a simpler process. The proportions of these materials are 15% cement, 10% water, 25% sand and 50% gravel. They are mixed together in a specialized mixer to form concrete that is used for building purposes.  

In addition, after reading this, I hope you will see that you do not need to be intimidated by how complicated they can sometimes appear. 

Use the questions in the chart to formulate the overview and then organize your writing using the simple formula. With enough practice, you might even smile if you find one of these on your exam. Good luck and have fun with it.

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How to describe a process diagram

Process diagrams are usually a student's least favorite IELTS task 1 rubrics. Personally, I think they are much easier than some of the other tasks out there.

The first thing that we must remember is you need an overview.

The best kind of overview is to state the number of steps in the process, also include both the first and final steps. For example:

The diagram shows the production of milk, with x number of steps starting with cows grazing and ending with bottled milk delivery. 

You can also mention what the result of this production is, tea? concrete? What do we have when the process is complete?

If there are a few different processes then compare them in your overview, and mention the number of stages. For example:

The process diagrams illustrate the production of five different teas, from harvest to packaging. There is also a diagram showing a similar six step process for coffee beans. 

Here is a possible introduction for a hydroelectric process:

Power begins with the sun heating up the sea water and the process ends with hydroelectric power being pumped into hospitals and schools and factories for consumption.

You are allowed to use all the words that you see in the task, however, avoid using the language word for word that you had in the prompt.

So, in the actual test question itself, you don't want to copy pieces of that language, but you are most certainly allowed to use the words that appear here in the actual diagram.

Grammatical range and accuracy

Passive / active voice

Process diagrams test your ability to know when to use the passive and when to use the active voice.

Some verbs can't be used in the passive, to determine which voice to use, ask yourself, who is doing this action?

Do we know who is doing the action?

It can be a machine, a worker, nature or something else.

Relative clause

after which - can refer to the whole of the (action of the) preceding clause or sentence.

The milk is then filtered, after which it is sent to be bottled and packed. 

Verbs for describing a process diagram

Depending on the particular diagram, there are a lot of different verbs you could use and they are much simpler than you imagine.

Below is a list of useful verbs with their prepositions, some are in the passive and others in the active.

I think learning them with their prepositions is tremendously more effective than learning them as single words.

Processed by - The tea leaves are processed by a mixing machine.

Added to - The mixture is added to the raw product… 

Passed onto - After drying, the tea leaves are passed onto the next stage.

Passes through - The clay passes through the pipe, to later form bricks. 

Goes into - The water then goes into the main collection bowl… 

Flows out of - The liquid flows out of the first container and into the bowl...

Placed into - After the first step, the tea leaves are placed under the dryer. 

Enters a / the- The mixture enters a final stage before reaching the furnace. 

Formed - The bricks are formed by molding machines. 

Sent to / for - The final product is sent to the finishing stage 

Enters - At this step the product enters the penultimate step before delivery. 

Distribute - The product can now be distributed via the firm's logistics department. 

Stored in the - After finishing, the bricks are stored in a dry chamber. 

Transfer - The product is transferred to the nearest bakery. 

Begins with - This process begins with the raw materials arriving at the loading bay. 

For some processes, you could say that it is placed, which is passive voice or you could say it enters which is active voice. Both are grammatically correct.

It depends on the graphic you have to describe.

Cohesion and coherence 

Object pronouns are especially helpful because they allow you to avoid repetition.

Following this...

... following this step,

followed by

first, second, and finally

after this step is completed...

Lexical resource

All the phrases below are suitable to use in a process diagram description, but please remember to adapt them to your specific rubric.

A multi step process ...

The process starts with … and ends at ....

We have a six step process, whereby water undergoes a purification process.

... which causes it to ...

The final product is sent to the finish stage ...

It consists of … steps starting with … and ending with / at.

It consists of seven steps, starting with cows grazing in the field and ending with milk products being stored in supermarkets and shop shelves. 

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  • How to use percentages in academic task 1
  • How to get band 9 for IELTS academic task 1
  • Marking criteria for task 1 writing task
  • Describing a line graph
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Model IELTS Academic Writing Task 1: Process Diagram 

Dec 20, 2021 | IELTS , IELTS Test , IELTS Writing

Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of IELTS Reading Tips by Andrew Turner at English With An Expert 9

IELTS Writing Task 1 is the biggest challenge for most test candidates. The main reason is that there is such a big variety of them.

In this post, we tackle the Process Diagram. The main thing to remember is that an overview for a process diagram should break the process down into stages. 

The essay follows the following format:

1st Body Paragraph : a paraphrase of the question and an overview

2nd Body Paragraph : all the details

The Question

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. 

The flowchart below shows the order processing system for a computer hardware company.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

You should write at least 150 words. 

IELTS Process Diagram © englishwithanexpert.com

The flow chart shows how a computer hardware store has structured its ordering process. The process consists of three main stages: accepting the request, ensuring the item is available, and then dispatching it. A question must be answered at each stage before the product can progress through the process.

When the company receives and checks a request, the first test is whether the order is valid. Should this be the case, it will then be confirmed, at which point the company will check whether the item is available to dispatch. Here, one of two scenarios can occur: if the item is available, the customer is notified. If not, the company will produce and store the item, and subsequently notify the customer. At this point a third question arises: whether or not payment for the item has been received. Assuming it has, the item will be given to a courier, then sent directly to the customer. Should there be a problem with the payment, the customer will be notified, before the order progresses to the delivery stage. 

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How to write ielts task 1 academic ‘process diagrams’.

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There are 3 main types of diagrams in Writing Task 1 Academic: a.) Dynamic graphs   b.) Static graphs    c.) Diagrams   ( Maps , Processes) <–  we’re talking about processes 

In this post I will show you how to write about  Process Diagrams. 

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Fortunately, the essay structure for every type of Task 1 is basically the same. 

Structure: Task 1 – Academic 4 paragraphs 1.) Summary / Introduction 2.) Overview 3.) Body 1 4.) Body 2

What are Process Diagrams?

Process diagrams describe the sequence of steps either to show how something is made or how something works. The steps of each process are numbered or labelled to help you understand it 

For example, this process diagram shows how glass containers are made . The steps of the process are numbered 1 to 9.

How to write IELTS Writing Task 1 Academic Process Machines Diagram essays with Mark Teacher

Sometimes you might see a natural process . For example, this process diagram shows the life cycle of a fish.

How to write IELTS Writing Task 1 Academic Process Machines Diagram essays with Mark Teacher

But in most cases, an IELTS Writing Task 1 process diagrams depict a manmade structure :

How to write IELTS Writing Task 1 Academic Process Machines Diagram essays with Mark Teacher

You might also get a diagram with 2 separate processes. For example, this process diagram shows how a hot air balloon ascends (goes up) and descends (goes down) . The steps for each process are labelled.

How to write IELTS Writing Task 1 Academic Process Machines Diagram essays with Mark Teacher

In this blog post we will look at how to approach all kinds of IELTS Writing Task 1 process diagrams, paragraph-by-paragraph.

1.) Process Diagram Introduction / Summary

The introduction paragraph in Task 1 only needs to be 1 or 2 sentences. Like all IELTS Writing Task 1 essays, your introduction should present the main purpose of the graph to the reader in your own words. This means paraphrasing the official IELTS diagram description if you can.

In most cases, you can use one of the following phrases to start your introduction: 

  • The diagram shows … the glass+gerund process / cycle 
  • The diagram depicts … the process of + Gerund
  • The diagram explains … how [noun] is made / is done / is created

We use the Present Simple because the process is always the same.

Here is a language table which you can use to help you create Process Diagram introductions:



Here are some examples of introduction/summary paragraphs using the language table above.

How to write IELTS Writing Task 1 Academic Process Machines Diagram essays with Mark Teacher

  • The pictures show … how plastic bottles are recycled
  • The diagram shows … the process of recycling plastic bottles. 
  • The diagram shows … the plastic bottle recycling process.

Another example:

How to write IELTS Writing Task 1 Academic Process Machines Diagram essays with Mark Teacher

  • The images illustrate … the process of flying a hot air balloon. 
  • The diagram depicts … how a hot air balloon is flown and operated. 

You try! – Write an introduction sentence for this process diagram task. Use the table above to help you. 

How to write IELTS Writing Task 1 Academic Process Machines Diagram essays with Mark Teacher

  • The diagram explains … the process of shaping glass containers. 
  • The pictures depict … how glass containers are created and shaped.

2.) Map Diagram Overview

The purpose of the overview paragraph is to give a short summary of the main features. 

In process diagrams, the main features can include:

  • The starting actions of the process and the final outcome .  
  • The machines that have the most significant effect or have similar functions. e.g. ovens/kilns for heating – crushers/mixers for breaking down the material, generators/turbines for creating electricity or energy)  
  • The changes in the state of the materials (liquid > metal / cold > hot / shaped > destroyed)

Here is a language table you can use to help you create your own process diagram overviews:

​- Overall, we can see that … the plastic bottles go through a 9-stage process, as sellable products.

Overall, we can see that … the sugar cane goes through a 7-stage production process, and harvested

​- Overall we can see that … the geothermal power plant uses a series of , and to generate electricity.  

– Overall, we can see that glass is put through a series of and to eventually be shaped into a finished product. 

– Overall, we can see that used plastic bottles before into a range of different products.

– Overall, we can see that … the raw and then in a 7-stage process, before it is ready to be sold.

In some cases, to make a longer overview it is also possible to [combine] some of the features above. I do this in my examples below:

How to write IELTS Writing Task 1 Academic Process Machines Diagram essays with Mark Teacher

  • Overall, we can see that the plastic bottles go from being collected to re-made as consumer items , [during which time] they are taken from empty used bottles and are reduced to a raw material through a series of compressing machines and crushers .

How to write IELTS Writing Task 1 Academic Process Machines Diagram essays with Mark Teacher

In process diagrams about how machines work, the most common main feature is to highlight the main machinery or mechanisms in the diagram and describe what their function is. For example:

  • Overall, we can see that … the operator of the hot air balloon primarily uses a system of cords, valves and burners to control the height of the balloon. 
  • Overall, we can see that … controlling the height of the hot air balloon involves a system of cords, valves and burners , which allow the operator to lift and lower the balloon.

You try! – Write an overview paragraph for this process diagram task. Use the table above to help you. 

How to write IELTS Writing Task 1 Academic Process Machines Diagram essays with Mark Teacher

  • Overall, we can see that … glass is put through a series of furnaces , kilns and moulds to eventually be shaped into a finished product.
  • Overall, we can see that … glass pieces are melted down before being pressed and moulded into a container-like shape and eventually checked for quality .

3.) Body Paragraphs

Next are the Body paragraphs of your Task 1 report. You can write 2 or 3 Body paragraphs. 

Body paragraphs describe the main features of the process in detail, including the specific actions or machines used in every step. 

It is absolutely best to go through the process chronologically (from start to finish). 

To help the reader follow the process, you should also use signposts to tell the reader when  you are describing the next step. 

You can use basic signposts or advanced signposts.

– First, 

– Before, 

– Then, 

– Afterwards / After that,  

– Next,

– Finally, 

– After the glass has melted, … 

– Once the plastic has been crushed, … 

– When the water has been heated, … 

– As the hot air leaves the balloon, … 

– With the sugar turned into syrup, … 

Use the labels on the diagram to help you write. Often these labels have a verb or adjective form. You can also use the active voice or passive voice of the verb to avoid repetition and show your vocabulary/grammar ability. 

For example:

How to write IELTS Writing Task 1 Academic Process Machines Diagram essays with Mark Teacher

Sorting : to sort Passive Voice: is / are sorted –  “The bottles are sorted into 2 groups…”  Adjective: sorted –  “The sorted bottles are sent to … [Step 4]” . 

In most cases, the Passive Voice is the most common voice to use in IELTS Task 1 process diagrams, that’s for two reasons: 

  • The process is the same every time (it doesn’t matter who does it) 
  • We don’t always know who operates the machines (it’s not an important feature)

Here are some examples of full essays that use the same tips as above. The [signposts] and [the passive voice] have been highlighted. 

How to write IELTS Writing Task 1 Academic Process Machines Diagram essays with Mark Teacher

Introduction: The diagram shows the process of recycling plastic bottles. 

Overview: Overall, we can see that the plastic bottles go from being collected to re-made as consumer items, during which time they are taken from empty used bottles and are reduced to a raw material through a series of compressing machines and crushers. 

Body 1 : [First of all], disposed of plastic bottles are collected from recycling bins. [ Before], a garbage truck transports the bottles to a recycling centre . [ After they have arrived,] the bottles are sorted into two categories based on their viability, and the usable bottles are compressed into large blocks. 

Body 2 : [After that] , these blocks are crushed into small pieces of plastic, where they are then washe d . The small plastic pellets that are produced and then are put into another machine which creates heated pellets that form raw material . [Finally] , this raw material is used to produce brand new products such as bottles, clothes, recycled bags and even pencils.  (162 words)

How to write IELTS Writing Task 1 Academic Process Machines Diagram essays with Mark Teacher

Introduction : The diagram depicts how a hot air balloon is flown and operated. 

Overview : Overall, we can see that controlling the height of the hot air balloon involves a system of cords, valves and burners, which allow the operator to lift and lower the balloon. 

Body 1 : (focus on ascending) In order to ascend, the pilot must [first] open the gas tanks located inside the passenger basket and ignite the burners. With the valve at the top of the hot air balloon closed, this allows more hot air to fill the balloon envelope, which causes the balloon to rise. 

Body 2 : (focus on descending) In contrast, to descend the balloon, the gas tanks and burners must be closed and turned off . [Then, once the valve cord is pulled by the operator] , the valve at the top of the balloon opens and allows the hot air to be released . [As the hot air leaves the balloon] , the entire craft begins to return to the ground. (164 words)

You try! – Write the body paragraphs for this process diagram task. Use the examples above to help you.

How to write IELTS Writing Task 1 Academic Process Machines Diagram essays with Mark Teacher

Overview: Overall, we can see that glass is put through a series of furnaces, kilns and moulds to eventually be shaped into a finished product.

Body 1: [First] small glass pieces are put into a furnace and are heated at 105 degrees Celsius to create hot glass.   [When the glass has melted] it is then placed inside the first mould of the process and pressed , shaping the glass into a cup or container. [Afterwards] the glass is moved to a second mould where air is allowed inside. This makes the glass wider and taller in shape.

Body 2: [Then] the newly moulded cup is heated again in a kiln, this time at a lower temperature of 482 degrees. [After that] the cup is allowed to cool for 60 minutes at just 25 degrees, during which time the heat is also released . [Finally] the cooled glass is checked and sorted into two categories, one to be packaged and sold , the other to be discarded as waste.

There you go! A high-band approach, several examples and a reliable framework for you to use in your own IELTS Writing test. 

Questions? Write them in the comments below. 

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How to Write A Task 1 Process Diagram Band 9 Report

How to Write A Task 1 Process Diagram Band 9 Report - ieltsluminary.com

Process diagrams are common questions in IELTS Writing Task 1. They show a picture or drawing of how a final product is made or a machine works. Many students find this question intimidating, not because it's difficult, but because they're not sure how to approach it. But don't worry, we'll show you how to answer this question with confidence, step by step.

Instead of discussing the whole picture, focus on the big picture and identify the major stages. This will help you to avoid confusion and stay on track.

On this page, we'll guide you through the 7 major steps for answering the IELTS Task 1 Process Diagram question:

Analyse the question

Identify the major features

Remember the 4-paragraph structure

Paraphrase the question sentence

Write an Overview paragraph

Write Body paragraph 1

Write Body paragraph 2

For all questions in the IELTS Academic Writing Task 1, using the 7-step strategy can give you an advantage in writing.

However, if you want to ensure you get the band score you need, consider using our  Writing Feedback Service . A former IELTS examiner will provide you with detailed feedback and step-by-step guidance towards achieving your target band score.

In addition, we offer high-band guaranteed  eBooks   filled with top-quality content written by a team of former IELTS examiners. These  eBooks  provide powerful tips and strategies to help you achieve a high band score by revealing band 9 secrets. Our team of examiners has conducted extensive research to provide in-depth discussions in the  eBooks  covering all aspects of every possible IELTS essay type.

IELTS Writing Task 1 Process Diagram Question Example

Source: Cambridge English IELTS Past Papers

1. How to Analyse A Process Diagram Question

We need to find three major areas in the question sentence: 

Topic Words / Keywords (General area of the question topic)

Micro Keywords (It helps us prepare a specific answer, rather than being general)

Action Words ( The words that tell you what you need to do )

Topic Words:  u niversity enrolment  procedure

Micro Keywords:  high school graduates

Action Words:  Write a report to a lecturer  describing the information

After completing the question analysis part, we need to find the major features in the diagrams.

How to Achieve a High Band Score in IELTS Academic Task 1 Report - eBook by IELTS Luminary

2. How to Identify the Key Features in A Task 1 Process Diagram

Finding the major features in an IELTS task 1 process diagram question is crucial to understanding the overall process and writing an effective response. Here are some steps to guide you:

Start Broad: Initially, take a step back and observe the diagram as a whole to get a clear idea of the process. Identify what it's about, the beginning and end points, and the overall purpose or output.

Identify the Main Stages: Next, look for the main stages of the process. These are significant points that divide the process into key sections or phases. You can often identify these stages by changes in the process direction, the involvement of different elements, or the initiation of new actions.

Spot Significant Steps: Within these main stages, note the individual steps that are essential for moving from one stage to the next. Key actions, transformations, or interactions between elements usually mark these steps.

Look for Sequences or Patterns: If there are repeating steps or patterns in the process, make a note of these, as they're important features. They can also help simplify the process when you describe it in your report.

Spot the Actors: Identify the main 'actors' or elements involved in the process. These might be people, machines, natural elements, or even intangible factors like time or temperature.

Consider Quantities and Proportions: If the diagram provides data in terms of quantities, percentages, or proportions, these figures can represent major features and should be included in your report.

Remember, the goal is not to describe every minor detail but to provide a clear, concise, and coherent description of the process. Being able to find and focus on the major features in the diagram is a crucial skill for achieving a high band score on your IELTS writing task 1.

Let's apply this above mentioned techniques to find the key features in our sample question:

Three major possibilities:

Provisional Acceptance (additional documents required)

If rejected:

Either cancel the application or continue it for an alternative course.

IELTS Speaking eBook - How to Achieve a High Band Score in IELTS Speaking - IELTS Luminary

3. Task-1 Process Diagram Report Writing Structure

We can complete the essay using only 10 sentences! Yes, it is that much simple! Take a look how we place the 10 sentences in our 4 paragraph essay structure. The  eBook   gives you an in-depth discussion on how to write each paragraph perfectly.

1. Paraphrasing the Question Sentence

Paraphrase the question statement using just one or two sentences. 

2. Overview Paragraph

Sentence 1: summary statement 1(preview of the essay without presenting data)

Sentence 2: summary statement 2 (more preview without presenting data)

3. Body Paragraph 1

Sentence 1: first major point

Sentence 2: second major point

Sentence 3: extension sentence 1 (compare/combine the major points stated above)

Sentence 4: extension sentence 2 (extension of the previous sentence, or adding an exceptional feature).

4. Body Paragraph 2

Sentence 1: exceptional feature 

Sentence 2: extension of the exceptional feature

Sentence 3: final sentence (wrapping-up the whole essay, completely based on the discussion above, nothing new)

Let's develop the answer step by step applying the above-stated 4 paragraph essay structure.

Before we delve into writing the process diagram report, let's introduce you to an effective tool.

You know achieving success in IELTS Writing requires more than just answering the question. You need a strong grasp of structure, vocabulary, organization, and grammar to effectively convey your ideas. That's where our IELTS Essay Correction Service comes in - an incredible platform for students seeking to improve their IELTS writing skills and achieve a high score on the exam.

With expert feedback from a former IELTS examiner and 24/7 support, our tailored approach will prepare you to confidently achieve a band score of 7 or higher on the IELTS exam. Therefore, without further delay, check the  IELTS Essay Correction Service and take the guaranteed leap towards success.

4. Paraphrasing the Question Sentence

The first paragraph of our IELTS Task 1 essay is focused on paraphrasing the question statement. This means you'll restate the question sentence in your own words without changing its meaning. To write this paragraph effectively, you'll need to have a good grasp of paraphrasing techniques. 

The purpose of this paragraph is to demonstrate to the examiner how well you've understood the question. It's important to nail this paragraph to make a good first impression. You can check the  eBook  where former IELTS examiners have shared powerful tips and strategies how to paraphrase most effectively.

Let's look at the actual question statement that we are using on this page:

"The diagram shows the procedure for university entry for high school graduates.

Write a report for a university or college lecturer describing the information."

We can paraphrase the statement above as:

"The diagram depicts a sequential process outlining the various steps a high school graduate can take to enrol in a university."

Congratulations, you have completed the first paragraph with just 20 words out of the allotted 150. Now, let's proceed to the next section of the essay, which is the Overview Paragraph.

5. Task-1 Process Diagram Overview Paragraph

The second paragraph of our IELTS Writing Task 1 essay is called the Overview, and it's the most important paragraph of the essay. Without an Overview, you can't score higher than band 5 in the IELTS Writing section. Therefore, it's essential to pay special attention to this paragraph. Considering the significance of this paragraph, the  eBook has dedicated an entire chapter providing effective tips and strategies how to write a perfect overview paragraph.

Remember, the overview is a brief summary of the primary features that you'll discuss in the body paragraphs, so don't include any data in this paragraph, just state the apparent features that you see in the diagrams. The p urpose of this paragraph is to provide the readers with a general idea about your essay.

Overview Paragraph Struc tur e

Remember our Overview paragraph structure:

Sentence 1: summary statement 1(pre v iew of the es say without presenting data)

Let's form the paragraph:

Sentence 1(Summary Statement 1)

"Overall, any high school graduate can apply for university admission, but the administration will determine whether to accept the applicant outright, accept provisionally, or reject the application."

Sentence 2(Summary Statement 2)

"However, if the application is rejected or provisionally accepted, applicants have options to continue the enrolment process."

Complete Overview Paragraph

"Overall, any high school graduate can apply for university admission, but the administration will determine whether to accept the applicant outright, accept provisionally, or reject the application. However, if the application is rejected or provisionally accepted, applicants have options to continue the enrolment process."

Easily done! In the first paragraph, we used 20 words to paraphrase the question sentence. In the second paragraph, we added 44 more words to write the Overview. With this, we've completed two out of the four paragraphs that we recommend for writing the IELTS Task 1 essay. That means we're halfway there! It's time to move on to Body Paragraphs 1 and 2.

6. Body Paragraph 1

In the overview paragraph, we have given just a general statement of significant features, we haven't discussed any detail. Now it's time to explain them in the two body paragraphs.

Body Paragraph 1 Structure

Remember our Body Paragraph 1 structure:

Sentence 3: extension sentence 1 (compa re/combine the major points stated above)

Let's form the paragraph following the above-stated structure:

Sentence 1(First Major Point)

"The possession of a high school diploma is a prerequisite for applying for admission to a university, yet it may not be enough."

Sentence 2(Second Major Point)

"Additional documentation may be necessary for final enrolment."

Sentence 3(Extension Sentence 1)

"Successful applicants may be able to enrol directly if they meet the admission requirements."

Sentence 4(Extension Sentence 2)

"However, further documentation may be required for enrolment if additional requirements are not met."

Complete Body Paragraph 1

"The possession of a high school diploma is a prerequisite for applying for admission to a university, yet it may not be enough. Additional documentation may be necessary for final enrolment. Successful applicants may be able to enrol directly if they meet the admission requirements. However, further documentation may be required for enrolment if additional requirements are not met."

The first body paragraph of our IELTS Task 1 essay is now complete, with an additional 64 words added. We have made significant progress with our essay as we have already covered 75% of the total required words. Our approach is simple, describing the most prominent features depicted in the given images.

The first paragraph contained 20 words, the second contained 44, and the third contained 64, bringing our total to 128 words used out of the required 150. With just one more paragraph remaining, we need to write a minimum of 22 more words to complete the essay. We are making great progress, and it's time to proceed to the final paragraph, the Body Paragraph 2.

7. Body Paragraph 2

The last paragraph of our IELTS Task 1 essay is called Body Paragraph 2. It's the simplest one, as we just need to mention some additional features in the first sentence, make a comparison statement in the second sentence, and wrap up the essay with a summary in the final sentence. So, let's follow this structure for the second body paragraph.

Body Paragraph 2 Structure

Sentence 1(Exceptional Feature)

"Applicants may face the possibility of rejection during the application process."

Sentence 2(Extension of the Exceptional Feature) 

"In the event of rejection, they may choose to apply for alternative courses or face the cancellation of their application."

Sentence 3(Final Sentence)

"Therefore, meeting the primary requirement of a high school graduation is necessary for a university admission, yet acceptance, provisional acceptance, or rejection with alternative course options are all possible outcomes."

Complete Body Paragraph 2

"Applicants may face the possibility of rejection during the application process. In the event of rejection, they may choose to apply for alternative courses or face the cancellation of their application. Therefore, meeting the primary requirement of a high school graduation is necessary for a university admission, yet acceptance, provisional acceptance, or rejection with alternative course options are all possible outcomes."

We've added 60 more words to the previous 128, and just finished the final part of our 4 paragraph essay. That means we have completed an IELTS Task 1 essay with 188  words, which is absolutely okay. In fact, you might always need to write somewhere between 170 and 220 words for giving a good description.

In conclusion, we can say that creating a stellar Task 1 Process Diagram Band 9 report may initially seem daunting, but with the correct understanding and adequate practice, you can master it. The right mix of summarizing and detailing, adopting a logical sequence, and incorporating varied language are all key facets of a top-notch report. If you've been pondering "how to write a process diagram IELTS task 1" or "IELTS academic writing task 1 process diagram example", this comprehensive guide should put all your worries to rest. Remember, it's not only about comprehending the process diagram but also about portraying it effectively and accurately in your writing.

Whether you're at the early stage of asking "what is a process diagram in IELTS writing task 1" or you're seeking advanced tips to elevate your Band 7 report to a Band 9, the techniques shared in this post should prove invaluable. With consistent practice, employing the steps detailed here, you'll be well on your way to mastering your Band 9 report writing skills.

The IELTS writing task 1 process diagram band 9 report doesn't have to be an insurmountable hurdle; in fact, with the right approach, it can become a stepping stone towards your academic success. So, put these insights into practice, fine-tune your skills, and step closer to your IELTS success story.

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How to Describe a Diagram in IELTS

How to Describe a Diagram in IELTS? A Complete Guide to Ace Writing Task 1

The International English Language Testing System popularly also known as the IELTS exam is an English language proficiency test. This test is used to examine a candidate’s command of the English language through listening, reading, writing, and speaking sections. This test is conducted across the world and nearly 150 countries across the globe use IELTS’s result to provide admissions into the universities and permanent residences to people from other nations. The main purpose of this test is to see whether the candidate has the ability to use English to deal with real-life situations.

Exam Pattern

There are two categories of IELTS tests:

#2 Academic

General is for people moving abroad for Job purposes or PR.

Academic is for candidates wanting to move abroad for higher studies.

IELTS evaluates your English proficiency skills based on:

#1 Receptive skills

#2 Productive skills

Tests in IELTS

Now, under these skills, different tasks are present to test your command over the language:

#1 Receptive Skills

  # Listening (40 min)

  # Reading (60 min)

#2 Productive Skills

  # Writing (60 min)

  # Speaking (11-14 min)

The Listening, Speaking, and Writing sections are conducted at once, in a time span of 2 hours 40 minutes without any break while the speaking test will be conducted on the same day, or before, after seven days to the test.

Moving further, the writing test is again divided into two different categories i.e, task 1 and task 2 where task 1 mostly consists of writing a response to the given diagram, table, graph, pie chart, or process.

In this article, we will see how to answer diagram-type questions in IELTS and how to describe a diagram in IELTS.

IELTS Diagram

The IELTS Diagram task is often described as a tough task, but you need to understand that the examiner is looking for your ability to identify and describe the given visual. Hence, for all those worrying about how to crack diagram questions in IELTS, summarise every detail of what you see in the diagram in a structured manner in a short time. Let us see how it can be done.

How to Describe a Diagram in IELTS?

First of all, examine the diagram well in three stages:

#1 Firstly, observe the title of the diagram and see what it depicts.

#2 Secondly, examine the diagram and pay attention to every little detail like the main parts of the diagram and their subdivisions, the relationship between those parts, and further explanations.

#3 Lastly, think of the points you want to mention and keep in mind that your answer must contain a minimum of 150 words.

Structure Your Description

Think of how to structure your description. Usually, the structure consists of three parts, i.e.,

#1 Introduction: In the introduction, write the purpose of the diagram.

#2 Body of the text: Explain in detail every description of the diagram.

#3 Summary: In the end, sum up the idea of the diagram.

Complete Your Diagram in 8 Simple Step

#1 Read the title and write the introduction.

#2 Describe every detail in the body of your text.

#3 Add sequencing words to connect your sentences.

#4 Include the passive form in the body to tell the activity is done.

#5 Paraphrase your lines and avoid redundancy.

#6 Use synonyms.

#7 Summarise the idea of the diagram.

#8 Proofread your work and clear the errors.

Tips for Better Description of the Diagram

Use connectors.

Describing the diagram can be a series of events in a process. Hence, the correct usage of connectors is very much important. This will make your text look effective. A few examples are:

#1 first of all

#3 to begin with

#4 after that

#7 in the next stage

#8 following this

#9 subsequently

#10 Finally

Use Correct Vocabulary

Most students worry when they see the process of a diagram as it seems to have a complicated vocabulary. For example, in some diagrams, difficult and unrelated words are used, and their synonyms are mostly unknown. But this step is not difficult. In fact, process diagrams usually contain most of the vocabulary that you need to describe in the diagram. You just need to make some small alterations to the grammar to avoid redundancy and make it look good while reading.

Avoid Giving Biased Opinion

In this task, you are not allowed to give your personal opinions. You should simply describe what is given in the diagram. You cannot use words like “I think this is the reason for the damage or loss”, but you can certainly describe which process in the diagram led to the other without mentioning it as your opinion. Keep in mind that everything you are writing should be visible in the diagram.

Use Passive Voice

The use of passive voice is not very common in English, but it is commonly used when people describe the process of diagrams in the IELTS. When passive voice is used, we don’t know who is doing an action or what is causing the action. In passive voice, we emphasise the action and not on the person doing the action. In the same way, in the IELTS diagram task, we don’t know who is doing the action, and the concentration must be on the action done, i.e., the diagram.

For example, rather than saying “______ sent provisions,” we can instead say, “Provisions are received.” This is useful because we don’t know who is sending them, and we are not allowed to give our personal guesses or information in this task of IELTS. If we wanted to include the fact that the process results in receiving provisions, we could say it in a general way using passive voice. Hence, we need to use passive voice in IELTS Writing task 1.

Hold Back from Being Impersonal

In your text, words like “You, I, or My” shouldn’t be used anywhere; instead, keep your work general.

Instead of using words like, “We can see that” or “I think it’s notable”, use words like “It can be seen that” and “A notable feature of the diagram is”. Use of the later sentences will make the structure of your work a passive voice.

To inculcate all the above habits in your writing, try to attempt as many mock tests as possible and solve different types of questions, previous papers, sample questions before the exam to be well prepared. While writing the test, keep in mind what the evaluator wants, i.e., the ability to describe the information and proceed on that path. Move as per the time, and complete your task in 20 given minutes.

We hope that you received the answer for how to answer diagram questions in IELTS. Describing a diagram in an IELTS writing task is not a cakewalk, but with all the tips, effective strategies, and right preparation, you can perform well in the task and score a good band.

Continue reading IELTS Ninja ’s numerous blogs and articles that will help you gain a clear perspective on how to score a good band. For more help, IELTS Ninja ‘s personal mentor with years of experience will help you in every step towards your dream of migrating abroad for a better life. They will help you solve your doubts, keep track of your progress, and help improve in weak areas. Don’t miss the free demo class and experience the teaching methodology of IELTS Ninja before making the next-best decision to join them. For more details, visit the IELTS Ninja website now.

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This article was very helpful for the writing task, I was able to crack the mock test after trading this, what are the kind of questions which you feel difficult?

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Shilpa is a professional web content writer and is in deep love with travelling. She completed her mass communication degree and is now dedicatedly playing with words to guide her readers to get the best for themselves. Developing educational content for UPSC, IELTS aspirants from breakthrough research work is her forte. Strongly driven by her zodiac sign Sagittarius, Shilpa loves to live her life on her own notes and completely agrees with the idea of ‘live and let live. Apart from writing and travelling, most of the time she can be seen in the avatar of 'hooman' mom to her pets and street dogs or else you can also catch her wearing the toque blanche and creating magic in the kitchen on weekends.

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2x Process Diagram Model Essays

Posted by David S. Wills | Jun 26, 2017 | Model Essays | 0

2x Process Diagram Model Essays

This week I’m giving you two sample essays from IELTS writing task 1 (academic). In the past I have given answers to line graphs and bar charts , but this week we’ll look at a more tricky type of question – process diagrams . It’s important to remember to take time to read the diagram, and then think about how to change the verbs to passive form .

Beneath the essays, I have written some comments that I think will be useful. They explain some points about my sample essays that should help you to understand them better and incorporate my suggestions into your own unique work.

I hope these examples can help you write your own excellent IELTS essays. Good luck!

Process Diagram 1

The process diagram shows how coffee is produced by using a dry method. There are twelve stages altogether, beginning with the beans being sorted and ending with the coffee being packed and sold at a supermarket or shop. To begin with, the beans are sorted by hand and then cleaned by using a sieve. Next, they are dried in the sun for four weeks, before being raked and turned. Then they are stored in a silo until the time when they are sent to a mill in a truck. At the mill, the beans are hulled and graded before they are bagged. After the process of being bagged, the coffee is sold in bulk to retailers, who will undertake the last two steps of the process. Finally, it is roasted, packed, and then sold again to the consumer in a shop. The bag of coffee is the final product.

In the IELTS Writing Task 1 , you really aren’t allowed to add anything extra; however, in this essay I have stated a few extra details that I think are most likely true from the diagram. This is that the bags of coffee are sold to consumers in a shop and that the coffee is sold in bulk to retailers. I think it would be hard to dispute either of those facts.

Note also how I have taken the verbs from the diagram and altered them into the passive voice. This is very important. When describing a process diagram, you should always change the verbs to passive voice. Take stage 4 for example:

  • the man rakes and turns the beans
  • the beans are raked and turned

Finally, I have been very careful in my use of transition phrases to show the passage of time. Some students will say “first, second, third…” and so on, which sounds a little basic. Try to get some variety, and remember that you can put two or more stages into the same sentence to avoid this.

Process Diagram 2

process diagram

There are two diagrams showing industrial processes. The first shows the production of cement, while the second shows the production of concrete. It is apparent from the beginning of the second picture that cement is used in the production of concrete, and so these images are linked as part of one longer process to make concrete from a number of different materials. In the diagram showing cement production, limestone and clay are tipped into a crusher until they become powder. This powder is then fed into a mixer and then later into a rotating heater. The resulting material is ground into cement, which is then bagged in large sacks. These bags of cement are poured into a concrete mixer with water, gravel, and sand. This mixture must be carefully measured according to the percentages on the diagram. The concrete mixer will combine the ingredients by rotating in order to produce concrete.

In this diagram, we are not given any verbs to use, so we need to change the nouns (like “crusher” and “heater”) into verbs. Remember again to change these into the passive voice.

This exercise is harder than the first one because you have to look at the diagram for longer to understand it. It doesn’t just go 1,2,3,4,5… However, you’ll see that in my introduction I have explained how it functions, with the first diagram leading into the second. This longer description means I wrote two shorter paragraphs actually describing the processes.

About The Author

David S. Wills

David S. Wills

David S. Wills is the author of Scientologist! William S. Burroughs and the 'Weird Cult' and the founder/editor of Beatdom literary journal. He lives and works in rural Cambodia and loves to travel. He has worked as an IELTS tutor since 2010, has completed both TEFL and CELTA courses, and has a certificate from Cambridge for Teaching Writing. David has worked in many different countries, and for several years designed a writing course for the University of Worcester. In 2018, he wrote the popular IELTS handbook, Grammar for IELTS Writing and he has since written two other books about IELTS. His other IELTS website is called IELTS Teaching.

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IELTS Diagram Paragraphs and Organisation

IELTS writing task 1 diagrams must be clearly organised with logical paragraphs. This is part of the marking criteria of Coherence and Cohesion which is 25% of your marks. Most IELTS diagrams show a type of process which is divided into stages or given as a cycle. Also remember that writing task 1 is a report, not an essay.

You must organise your IELTS diagram into different paragraphs. Look at the process below and then answer the questions to learn about organising information.

IELTS Water Cycle Diagram:

Source: Diagram not designed by IELTS Liz.

Learn to analyse and organise your IELTS diagram by answering the following questions:

  • Tips: Never have only one body paragraph.
  • Tip: Use the arrows and always organise the information logically.

Read the answers very carefully and look at each point given in the diagram.  Click below to reveal the answers:

1. There should be 4 paragraphs for this report.

2. You should put the following information in each paragraph:

  • Introduction : You need to introduce the content of the diagram (the process of the water cycle).
  • Overview : Put the key stages in this statement (a continual cycle of evaporation, cloud formation, rain and water returning to the sea).
  • Body paragraph A : Water in the ocean, evaporation, condensing water vapour and cloud formation.
  • For the body paragraphs, you need to describe each stage in detail using full sentences linked together. You should divide the body into two or three paragraphs for all diagrams.

Example Introduction and Overview

The diagram illustrates the key stages in the water cycle.

Overall, the water cycle is a continual process of water evaporating and forming clouds which then return the water to the land and sea in the form of rain.

  • Note: You can see that the introduction is short and brief. You can see that the overview contains the key words as well as the key stages in summary.
  • It is possible to put these two sentences into one paragraph.

IELTS Writing Task 1

For writing task 1 model answers and more tips, see this page: IELTS Writing Task 1 Model Answers & Tips

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The diagram illustrates the key stages of the water cycle.

Overall, the water cycle is a continuous process of evaporation and cloud formation which return the water to the land and sea in the form of rain.

Initially, the water from ocean evaporates and condenses as a water vapor. The overwhelming majority (approximately 80%) of them in the atmosphere originates from the ocean. Under the sun heating, the water vapor transforms into a cloud. The water returns to the land and lakes as the precipitation from a cloud.

While the rainwater that landed on hills or lakes directly transfers deeper into underground until eventually becomes groundwater, the rainwater that dropped on a high altitude place ends up as a snow and then by surface runoff reaches the same destination. Next, the groundwater travels in an impervious layer and proceeds under self water intrusion process. Finally, the groundwater reaches the ocean, from which the cycle begins again.

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The aim of my website isn’t to provide feedback, but I do have time today for a few points: 1) Great writing. Your grammar is very good. The report is well structured. The overview is well written. However, there are just a few vocabulary errors to fix: 2) vapour is uncountable so you can’t write “a water vapour”, you just write “condenses as water vapour” without any article (a/the). It also means you can’t use “them” in the following sentence. 3) “sun heating” should either be “the Sun’s heat” or “heat from the Sun”. The word “Sun” should be capitalised because all unique items are capitalised such as “the Sun” and “the Moon” when writing about our Sun or our Moon specifically. However, if we are writing about another planet and its sun or many suns, then it is without a capital letter.

Thanks, Liz. I see where I made a mistake. I haven’t realize until your comment that vapour is essentially a gas. Therefore, it should be uncountable. What surprised me most was your comment that all unique items should be capitalized. It is great that there is such a site that helps students prepare for IELTS for free. I really appreciate it.

You’re welcome. I love that people can come here to learn more 🙂

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Thank you Liz for detailed explanation. Could we use such overview or this is too long:

Overall, the water cycle is a continuous process consisting of six main stages, starting with the evaporation of water from the ocean, followed by condensation and cloud formation, leading to precipitation. The water then flows as surface runoff and undergoes saltwater intrusion, and the cycle starts again.

It’s quite long and contains a lot of small details. Your aim isn’t to summarise all steps but to highlight the key stages. You do get a lower score if you get lost in detail and can’t present key features. For example: Overall, evaporation and transpiration lead to the formation of clouds and rain, which then falls on the surface of the land and water. This eventually leads back to the ocean and the cycle starts again.

Thanks Liz, for a quick response. I got confused specially in case of a circular diagram, but thanks for clarifying.

Can I write overview like this:

Overall, the water cycle consists of six stages. These stages includes eveproration of water from ocean, condensation, cloud formation, precipitation, surface runoff, and salt water instrusion.

This also isn’t an option. All you’ve done is list words. You are being marked on your ability to select and present key features – not list them. I’m glad you are asking these questions because it’s the only way to learn.

Thanks again.

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The diagram illustrates the key events involved in the water cycle.

Overall, the water cyle is a continous process in which the water gets evaporated to form clouds which then return the water to the land and the sea in the form of rain.

Firstly, the water from the waterbodies gets evaporated by the heat of the sun, among which the ocean contributes about 80% of total water vapour in air. Condensation of these water vapours result in the formation of clouds in the sky, which occurs repeatedly and continously until the cloud becomes too heavy to hold any more water droplets.

At this stage, the water droplets from the clouds precipitate as rain and fill up the lakes and ponds, which will eventually replenish the groundwater. Similarly, water melted from the snow runs off the surface and joins the groundwater. Finally, water from the impervious layer of soil leads the water back into the ocean. Then, the first step of the process beings again to keep this water cycle a continous process.

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The diagram illustrates how ocean water is continually recycled through the atmosphere and back to the ocean. Overall, ocean water amounts to about 80% of atmospheric water in total and is taken up into the air as vapor, which condenses, form clouds, released as rain, and recycled back into the ocean through various channels. The stages of water cycles begin with ocean water taken up to the atmosphere through a process called evaporation. Sunlight contributes to this stage in that energy released traps ocean water into the clouds in the form of vapor and the vapor thickens the cloud. When the atmosphere is rid of energy in form of sunlight, the thick cloud precipitates, releasing the trapped water, as rain or snow on surface of the earth, plants, and lakes. The rainwater that fell on plants is soaked into the inner layer of soil. Additionally, rainwater collected as snow melts and runs off the earth surface into the ocean and the cycle is repeated.

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The given diagram shows the life cycle process of water with the effect of temperature. Overall, it is illustrated how water from the ocean changes its state at four different stages by converting into water vapors, snow, rain and ground water to keep the cycle flowing for needs of the ecosystem. At first ocean water transforms into water vapors due to heat from the sun. The water vapors are stored in the clouds. Secondly, the water filled clouds are carried to mountainous regions by the wind. Here the vapors fall in the form of precipitation and snow. Some of this rain and snow water gets collected in lakes, while the majority runoffs the surface in the form of groundwater through the impervious layer. Lastly, water in the ground goes through saltwater intrusion near the coast and is then mixed back into the ocean to keep this cycle going. It is important to note that primary source of water vapors in the air is the ocean.

Be careful adding information that isn’t given. This cycle is something that is part of the eco system and it’s a very important part. But this information isn’t given. You’ve added that yourself. This will cause you to lose marks. Only state what is given in the diagram.

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The diagram described the formation and processes involved in the water cycle. Overall, water on land moves in a continuous cycle and processes like evaporation, condensation and precipitation and the whole cycle is aided by the sun. in details, the heat from the sun rays evaporates some of the water into water vapour. Evaporated water from the sea sums up to about 80% of the total atmospheric water vapour . Through condensation process, water vapour is condensed to form clouds. Clouds formed are poured down to the land in the form of precipitation or snow. Snow and water precipitations that hit the ground run off into the ground water. Ground. water in the impervious layer mix with salt water runs to the sea. This cycle continues over and over again

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The diagram demonstrates the main steps involved in the water cycle. Overall, water goes through an ongoing process starting at evaporation of water coming from the ocean. This evaporation leads to cloud formation and precipitation of water to the land, to finally make its way back to the ocean. First, the heat of the rays of the sun causes ocean water to evaporate which makes up around 80% of the total water vapor in the air. Then, this hot water vapor coming from the ocean experiences a condensation process that causes the formation of clouds. Next, when enough water vapor accumulates in the clouds it leads to precipitation. Some of the rainwater that falls to the earth contributes to the formation of lakes. Another portion of the water, both from the rain and from the melting of snow seeps into the ground as groundwater. This groundwater runs down through the impervious layer to finally get mixed with salt water and return to the ocean to start the process again.

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The diagram shows the wheel of life for water in which it undergoes different phases that, as a constant cycle, start from evaporation to precipitation. Overall, this continual cycle can be divided into three prominent stages namely evaporation, condensation, and finally precipitation. This process repeats in this manner throughout. Initially, using the Sunlight, Water from Ocean will be evaporated and subsequently rises to the sky in the form of vapor. It is pertinent to note that although there are different sources from which water-vapour is formed, Oceans contribute nearly 80% to the formation. From this point, water vapor in the air will be subjected to condensation through which clouds are formed. Water from both melting of snow and precipitation of clouds either gets collected in the form of lakes or runs down the surface in the form of groundwater. Through an Imperious layer, Groundwater along with saltwater, from the intrusion of ocean water, moves back to the Ocean and entire process repeats again to form a cycle .

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The diagram picture illustrates the main water cycle process in the earth, how it’s goes from the ocean to evaporate then rain and end to ocean again. Overall, water cycle it’s a constant process which starts with evaporation of ocean water and complete it’s journey of remaining water to the seas or the oceans. Oceans are the biggest salty water container in the earth which it’s responsible for 80% of evaporation process, the rain fall on the mountains, heights, flat earth and others for forming lakes and rivers which it’s important for humans, animals and planets, the extra water goes again to the oceans to repeat the previous cycle again and again.

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The diagram shows the process and activities on the Earth sùrface by which water is continuously circulated. Overall, the water cycle is sustained by the continuous evaporation of water, mainly from surfaces of water bodies, the accompanying cloud formation in the atmosphere as a result of water saturation and condensation to vapour which is precipitates to liquid falling back to the lakes, mountain and other parts of the biosphere as rain.

The ocean contributes 80% of the total evaporated water from the lower spheres of the Earth. At elevated temperatures of the sun, evaporation is at its peak, precipitating water vapors to rain water. Rain falls to the surfaces of lakes, mountains and even bare lands on valleys. Run offs from snows formed at mountain tops and lands percolates the impervious ground layer and filters back to the sea when there is an intrusion. This cycle is repeated to give rise to the water cycle diagram on Earth surface.

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The picture illustrates the key stages in the water cycle. The stages that is familiar would be evaporation, condensation, cloud formation then precipitation. Water cycle is a continual process of water and forming clouds which then return the water to the land and sea in the form of rain.

Ocean is the biggest body of water in the earth and it contributes about 80% of total water vapour in air. Once the water from the sea evaporates it fills the clouds through condensation of water vapour, thus the cloud formation. These cloud formations are filled with evaporated water from the sea that will serves as rain during a rainfall.

After the forming of clouds, precipitation will follow. The water that produces by precipitation will be the rain or snow. Rainwater could be stuck in the lakes or just flows underneath the soil through the surface underground. Some rainwater also goes down to the impervious layer of the ground. In addition, some rain water also goes back to the ocean with salt water intrusion and the process starts again as the water returns to the ocean.

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The diagram illustrates the water cycle model on Earth. Overall, the cycle is responsible for the rainfall we get. This process involves different stages such as evaporation, condensation, cloud formation and precipitation. Initially, the water from water bodies evaporate due to the heat of the sun, it is to be noted that almost 80% of the water vapour is contributed by the oceans. Secondly, the water vapour condenses to form the clouds and this process is known as condensation. Finally, when the clouds are heavily dense it gives water in the form of rain back to the water sources such as lakes. This process is usually called as precipitation. Gradually, the groundwater, the water from mountain snow and the surface run off water all flow through the impervious layer of earth to join the ocean, where the sweet water is intruded with the salt water. And the above cycle repeats.

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The diagram illustrates the cycle process of water on earth. The phenomenon is described in between ocean, lakes, and mountain regions, which contributes to the various steps occurring in the water cycle phenomenon.

Overall, three major phenomena are happening throughout the water cycle process, these are Evaporation, Condensation, and Precipitation. The water is evaporated to condense and later on precipitated to complete the entire water cycle process.

To begin with, the evaporation step is backed up majorly by the water present in the ocean (80%). The heat from the sun is used to form water vapors from the ocean, which is condensed to form clouds by the condensation process. Once, there is enough cloud formed, it gets blocked by the massive mountain regions which lead to precipitation.

During precipitation, the water returns to the earth through the rain to fill the lakes and ocean. However, this is not the only contributor, there is surface runoff of groundwater from mountain regions, Also the groundwater increases from the water coming from trees too. This creates an impervious layer, which flows back to the ocean. The merging of water from lake and ocean is known as saltwater intrusion, with this the water cycle phenomenon is completed.

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The diagram demonstrates the key stages in the water cycle on earth. All in all , water cycle is a constant process which starts with the evaporation of water from oceans and culminating in the precipitation and return journey of remaining water to the seas or oceans.

The formation of majority of water vapors about four fifth allocated to atmosphere by oceans. Afterwards, it condenses to form giant clouds, which ended up in rain or precipitation. The rainwater is distributed among different sources on earth.

Some water again drain out in lakes and other water bodies. Some volume of it getting absorbed by plants .little bit of it goes to the impervious layer of earth . The water from upper regions like mountains , also contributes to soil erosion. In this way, this process keep on occurring in biosphere.

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Wow this is an amazing answer. I hope I also have that wide idea of yours

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This is really helpful Parminder, Thank you.

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Thank you for your all information Liz, Did anyone write full essay by using this introduction? I’ve tried a little, but i’m not sure it’s completely correct. Can you please share?

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Thanks for sharing Liz. Tomorrow is my exam and this representation cleared lots of doubts. Wish me good luck.

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Thanks for sharing.

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Hi Liz, Thanks a ton for your advices. Would you please help me with a detailed orientation on writing task 2 …It will be great if you can share a broad guidelines for writing the intro , main ideas and sub ideas and the conclusion. Regards

Free tips: https://ieltsliz.com/ielts-writing-task-2/ . Advanced lessons: https://elizabethferguson.podia.com/

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This IELTS water cycle diagram is the example for Academic or General Training module

See this page: https://ieltsliz.com/ielts-gt-academic-writing-differences/

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Thanks Liz. You are really good at it. You simplified it in a way I love to learn.

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Hi Liz, Thank you very much for your great lessons. Could you please do some writing lessons on illustrating tables, maps, specially process (ex: life cycle of butterfly). Thanks

There are over 300 pages of lessons like this one for IELTS. Go to the RED BAR and click the section you want to study. This is the main writing task 1 page: https://ieltsliz.com/ielts-writing-task-1-lessons-and-tips/

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Thank you Liz for this informative post. I really like the thoroughness with which you approach this task as well as the invaluable tips you provide.

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IELTS Process Diagram

It is less common in the writing test, but sometimes you will get an IELTS process diagram to describe.

This should follow the same format as any task 1:

  • Introduce the diagram
  • Give an overview of the main point/s
  • Give the detail

Follow this link about how to write a task 1.  However, there are different types of task 1 ( line graphs, pie charts, maps etc ) and each requires knowledge of a certain type of language .

This lesson will look at how to write an IELTS process diagram for task 1.

We also have a video lesson on writing an IELTS Process.

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What is an IELTS Process Diagram?

To begin, look at this question:

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task .

The diagram illustrates the process that is used to manufacture bricks for the building industry.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

IELTS Process Diagram Brick Making

A process will have a number of stages that are in time order .  So you should start at the beginning, and describe each stage through to the last one.

In the example above, this is fairly clear. It begins with the digging of the clay, and ends with delivery. Processes are not always this clear, and you may have to look more carefully to spot the beginning, and there may also be two things happening at the same time .

So it is important that you look at other sample processes to get a good understanding of how they can vary.

The Key Writing Steps

Introduce the diagram.

As with any task 1, you can begin by  paraphrasing the rubric :

The diagram explains the way in which bricks are made for the building industry.

As you can see, this has been taken from the question, but it has not been copied. You need to write it in your own words.

Highlight the Main Points

An IELTS process diagram is different to a line, bar, pie chart or table in that there are not usually key changes or trends to identify.  However, you should still  give an overview  of what is taking place.

The IELTS  public band descriptors  state that to achieve a band 6 or more for ‘ task response ’ the student must  provide an overview  in a task 1.

As there are no trends to comment on, you can make a comment on, for example, the  number of stages in the process  and how it  begins and ends :

Overall, there are eight stages in the process, beginning with the digging up of clay and culminating in delivery.

Give the Detail

Now you need to explain the IELTS process diagram, and there are two key aspects of language associated with this:

1) Time Connectors

A process is a  series of events , one taking place after the other.  Therefore, to connect your stages, you should use ‘ time connectors ’. 

Here is the rest of the answer with the time connectors highlighted (notice that you simply go from the beginning to the end of the process):

To begin , the clay used to make the bricks is dug up from the ground by a large digger. This clay is  then  placed onto a metal grid, which is used to break up the clay into smaller pieces. A roller assists in this process.

Following this , sand and water are added to the clay, and this mixture is turned into two differing types of brick by either placing it into a mould or using a wire cutter.  Next , these bricks are placed in an oven to dry for 24 – 48 hours.

In the subsequent stage , the bricks go through a heating and cooling process. They are heated in a kiln at a moderate and  then  a high temperature (ranging from 200c to 1300c),  followed by  a cooling process in a chamber for 2 – 3 days.  Finally , the bricks are packed and delivered to their destinations.

These connectors are the same you would use to write a graph over time  when you explain a series of changes.

These are some common IELTS process diagram connectors:

To begin Following this Next Then After After that Before** Subsequently Finally

** If you use  before , this means that you will be mentioning a later stage before an earlier stage, so you need to use it carefully.  If you can use it properly though, it will get noticed. 

Here is an example using stages four and five:

Before being dried in the oven, the mixture is turned into bricks by either placing it into a mould or using a wire cutter.

2) The Passive

When we describe an IELTS process that involves humans (a man-made process as opposed to a natural one), the focus is on  the activities , NOT the person doing them. 

When this is the case, we use  the  passive voice , not the active. For a natural process , such as the life-cycle of a frog, we use active as there is not a person doing the activity in the diagram.

This is a brief explanation of how to use the passive voice, but if you are new or unsure about using it, you should do some further study and practice.

Most sentences use this structure:

  • Subject  +  Verb  +  Object
  • A large digger   digs up   the clay in the ground.

In the active voice (as above), the digger is doing the verb i.e. the digger is doing the digging.

When we use the passive voice, we make the object (the clay) the subject, and make the subject (the digger) the object. We also add in the verb ‘to be’ and the past participle (or Verb 3).

  • (S) The clay in the ground (V) is dug up (O) by the digger.

So throughout most of your description for your IELTS process diagram, you should be using the passive voice. 

This is difficult as some verbs cannot take the passive. For example, 'to go' cannot be passive, so it is kept in the active voice:

  • ...the bricks go through a heating and cooling process.

This is why you need to make sure you practice the passive so you know exactly how to use it.

Also, as you will see from the description, it is more usual to to comment on who or what is doing the action so the ' by.... " phrase is excluded.

Here is the same example description with uses of the passive highlighted:

The Passive Voice:

To begin, the clay (which)  is   used  to make the bricks  is dug up  from the ground by a large digger. This clay is then placed onto a metal grid,  onto a metal grid, which  is used  to break up the clay into smaller pieces. A roller assists in this process.

Following this, sand and water  are added  to the clay, and this mixture  is turned  into bricks by either placing it into a mould or using a wire cutter. Next, these bricks  are placed  in an oven to dry for 24 – 48 hours.

In the subsequent stage, the bricks go through a heating and cooling process. They  are heated  in a kiln at a moderate and then a high temperature (ranging from 200c to 1300c), followed by a cooling process in a chamber for 2 – 3 days. Finally, the bricks  are packed  and  delivered   to their destinations.

Varying your Language

Sometimes it may be appropriate just to use the same language that you are given in the IELTS process diagram to describe it, but you should try to vary it.

You may be able to use nouns from the diagram as your verbs.  For example, the noun packaging in stage seven becomes:

Finally, the bricks are packed …

Follow this link from the model task 1 pages to see a full IELTS process diagram model answer for this process.

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How to write about process diagrams in IELTS Writing Task 1

By ielts-jonathan.com on 17 June 2022 0

IELTS Task 1 Questions – Process Diagrams


Before you start learning how to describe Process Diagrams in IELTS Task 1, it would be useful for you to study these articles first.

If you are familiar with the content, you can continue to the next section.

IELTS TASK 1 Describing changes and trends           

IELTS TASK 1 Working correctly with numbers      

IELTS TASK 1 Increase your band score with Adjectives/Adverbs

IELTS TASK 1 Using Compare and Contrast language

When writing about Process Diagrams there are usually two main features that you need to notice – the order and stages of the process presented, what kind of process it is and whether it is one process or repeated. 

For this type of essay it is standard to write a four paragraph essay, namely An Introduction, An Overview and probably one or two body paragraphs.

Have a look at my articles below if you need further information

How to write an Introduction

How to write an Overview      

How to write the Main Bodies  

You can now study the Process Diagrams below and look at the suggested structure:

IELTS Writing Task 1: Describing a Process Questions

ielts Process Diagrams

Although it’s a less common type of question in the writing test (you’re more likely to get a Graph and Chart question) sometimes you will get an  IELTS Process Diagram that needs to be described.

This format of question is very visual and therefore seems easier to answer than other formats, and because they are less common, students often prepare less for it.

This is a mistake as it is really important to be prepared for all types of IELTS questions. But, the good news is that the preparation won’t take as long as you might think.

Process Questions follow the same format as any IELTS Task 1:

  • Introduce the diagram
  • Give an overview of the main point/s (necessary for Band 6 and above)
  • And provide the detail

This post will explain:

  • The two types of process question
  • The tried and tested method for answering any process question
  • How to write the introduction
  • How to write about the detail in sequence
  • How to finish with a great overview
  • The commons mistakes IELTS students make

What is an IELTS Process Question?

These questions can be divided into two types: natural cycles and man-made processes.

Official IELTS practice questions have featured natural cycles such as the life cycle of frogs, moths or butterflies, the natural water cycle or how cows produce milk for their calves.

In contrast, practice questions have included man-made processes such as how coffee, tea or leather is made, bricks are produced or a satellite signal is transmitted and received.

More good news is that the same skills and principles can be applied to both man-made and natural cycles.

Let’s consider a typical question first.


Here is the diagram we are going to use.


A Good Teacher’s Guide to IELTS Planning.

Any good teacher will tell you that to be effective in Task 1  you need to understand  the task quickly and plan an answer quickly too. You can do this like so:

Get an overall visual understanding of the process

  • Paraphrase the question
  • Consider an overview
  • Divide the process into parts
  • Include time to proofread your writing

Gaining an overall understanding of the process

A process has a  number of stages  that are in  time order ed.   So, you should start at the beginning, follow the process and describe each stage through to the final one.

In the example above, this is fairly obvious.  It begins with the removal of clay, and ends with delivery of the finished product.

However, processes are not always as clear as this, and you may need to look more carefully to notice the beginning, and two things may happen at the same time. In this example, it’s clear that two processes might take place as one arrow becomes two, for example, the bricks are moulded or cut.

It’s quite a challenge to write about something you have never seen, so it is important that you  look at other sample processes  to get a good understanding of how they might vary.

Don’t worry , it doesn’t need to be perfect, you only have 15 minutes and just need to notice the main features and report them in an accurate way.

TOP TIPS for understanding

  • Identify where the process begins and ends
  • Is it a circular process or linear with a start and a finish?
  • Count the number of stages?
  • Is it natural or a man-made process?
  • Is anything added to the process?
  • What is the function of each stage of the process?
  • Is there a relationship between these stages?
  • What is produced at the end?

By answering these questions you will have already started planning your essay

Good News – Remember the IELTS task is not there to trick you, and you won’t be given a complicated process to describe. Your task is to report effectively and accurately.

Introduce the Diagram


As with any Task 1, you can begin by  paraphrasing sentence (1)

This is the rubric or instructions.

Paraphrasing is a task that is worth learning to do well, and a good knowledge of paraphrasing will also help you in the Reading, Listening and Speaking part of the test.

Simply put, paraphrasing for IELTS means using different words and/or word order so the original meaning remains the same.

In order to remain the same, different words need to be synonyms, so Man, male and person have a similar meaning, they are synonymous, but man, male, person and girl are not all synonymous.


As you can see, all the information in the three sentences has been taken from the question, but it has not been copied.

If you do copy directly then those words are not used towards the word count and you will fail on TASK ACHIEVEMENT.

You need to write it in your own words.

In any Academic Task 1 question you can rewrite (paraphrase) the questions and this will be the first paragraph. Well done! You can then move on further and consider the next section, the Overview.

Overview of the Process

The ‘ public band descriptors ’ state that to achieve a Band 6 or above for ‘ task response ’ the student must  provide an overview  in a Task 1. Without one, you are less likely to get a high score.

If you started planning at the beginning then writing a good overview will be a lot easier near the end.

Remember, the questions I asked you to consider. These should be sufficient to provide the 2 sentences you need to construct the basic overview.

  • Where does the process begin and end?
  • Circular process or linear with a start and a finish?
  • Number of stages?
  • Natural or a man-made process?
  • Additions to the process?
  • What is produced at the end

An IELTS process diagram is different to a chart or table as there aren’t usually any key changes or trends to identify.

So, as there are no trends to comment on, you could mention, for example, the  number of stages in the process  and how it  begins and ends instead.


Providing the Detail

Now that you have completed paraphrasing the question and given the overview, the next stage is to explain the IELTS process diagram in detail.

You can do this by:

  • Stating what each stage does
  • What is produced?
  • Are any materials added?
  • Is there a relationship between stages?

Before you do this you need to consider the most suitable language that reflects the sophistication of the task.

Consider the most suitable language

In order to describe the process well there are two key aspects of language to be considered. These are sequencing and choice of grammar.

1) Time Connectors

As a process is a  series of events , for example, one taking place after the other, to connect your stages, you should sequence them using suitable ‘ time connectors ’.

By using these well, your writing instantly becomes more logical, cohesive, sophisticated and most importantly, more impressive to the examiner.

Here is my sample answer with the time connectors highlighted that simply describe from the start to the end of the process.


Other examples of sequencing Time Connectors are:


BUT you need to be familiar with the meaning and correct use of these words so you need to have practised using them well.

If you use one incorrectly, it will stand out and be noted and penalised by the examiner.

For example, BEFORE means that you will mention a later stage first and then an earlier stage, as in this example

Before being dried, the mixture is shaped into bricks by placing into a mould or using a wire cutter.

So be careful.

2) Passive Tense

When we describe an IELTS process, the focus is on the activities in the process rather than the person.

So to describe the activities you use passive, not the active grammar.

If you need to know more about the Passive voice you can read the review below, but the good news is

  • The IELTS task will provide most of the verbs that you need to use
  • Using the passive will avoid using the words as they appear in the text
  • You only need to use the passive in the present simple tense – that’s the Present Simple Passive

Most sentences use this structure:

  • Subject + Verb + Object

A mechanical digger removes the clay from the ground.

In this active voice the digger does the verb i.e. the digger is doing the digging.

In the passive voice,

  • the object (the clay) becomes the subject,
  • and the subject (the digger) becomes the object.
  • and the verb ‘to be’ and the past participle (or Verb 3) is also added.

The clay from the ground is removed by a mechanical digger.

The second example is far more appropriate for the IELTS Process Diagram question and far more sophisticated in choice of language.

Most of the description in your IELTS process diagram will use the passive voice but some verbs cannot be passive so are written as active.

An example of this ‘go’

‘the bricks go through a heating and cooling process. ’

A solution to this problem might be to use a synonymous word, as in this example I have used in the final text

the bricks are put through a heating and cooling process

Here’s my example. I’ve highlighted the passives in the text.


Varying your language

One final tip for a higher score is variation in language.

Occasionally, it may be appropriate just to use the same language that you are given in the IELTS process diagram to describe it, but you should try to vary it.

You may be able to use nouns from the diagram as your verbs.

For example, the noun packaging near the end of the process becomes:

Finally, the bricks are packed.

Common Errors

A very basic error seen in Task 1 introduction is basic verb agreement.

Look at the two genuine examples below.

The image show

The diagrams show s

In both examples it is unclear about the number of nouns discussed

Here is the correction:


Common Errors using the Present Simple Passive

  • Make sure you practise the passive so you know exactly how to use it.

Also, as you will see from the description, it is more unusual to comment on who or what is doing the action so the ‘by….” phrase is often excluded.

  • Singular or Plural

Notice these examples are incorrect.

The brick are dried   the bricks is dried

This is a really common mistake In Task 1 writing!

Here are the corrections:

IELTS Process errors Jonathan

Finally, check your Essay

Ideally, you need to allow 3 to 4 minutes at the end of the test to check and improve your writing. Often students don’t do this because they spend 20 minutes writing, but it is far better to write for about 15 minutes and allow 5 minutes to check and improve your writing.

From my experience the points you should check for are:

  • Are there any obvious spelling or punctuation errors?
  • Are the verbs the correct tense?

Additionally, you should consider these questions, but if you followed my planning advice you should be ok.

  • Do the verbs agree with the subject?
  • Does the process make sense? Does it follow the visual?
  • Is there any repetition in vocabulary?
  • Could this be improved with synonyms?
  • Have I written over 150 words?
  • Have I organised the text into at least 3 paragraphs?
  • Have I noticed only the obvious features from the diagram?
  • Have I included the prominent features in the overview?
  • Have I NOT included my personal opinion?

Once you have done this, be proud of the final product!

The diagram illustrates the process that is used to manufacture bricks for the building industry.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

Here’s my sample.

Sample Answer Process Diagrams.

The diagram shows the process used to make bricks for use in the building industry.

To begin, the clay used to make the bricks is removed from the ground by a mechanical digger. This clay is then placed onto a metal grid, which is used to break down the clay into smaller pieces. A roller assists in this process.

Following this, sand and water are added to the clay, and this mixture is transformed into brick by either placing it into a mould or using a wire cutter. After that, the bricks are placed in an oven to dry for between 24 to 48 hours.

In the final stages, the bricks are put through a heating and cooling process. They are heated in a kiln at a moderate and then a high temperature (ranging from 200c to 1300c), followed by a cooling process in a kiln cooling chamber for 2 to 3 days. Finally, the bricks are removed, packed, and delivered to their final destinations.

Overall, there are eight stages in the process, beginning with the removal of clay from the ground and finishing in the delivery of the final product. Despite the use of modern machinery and tools, the production of brick remains a lengthy and complex process.                                  


I hope you found this article useful. Comments are welcome and so is sharing!

I’m Jonathan

I’ve taught IELTS and University English in more than a dozen universities and schools around the world.

I’m a parent, traveller and passionate about language teaching and helping students achieve their dreams.

Whilst living in Austria or working in Asia, I run IELTS courses to help students get to where they want to be.

If you are serious about IELTS, connect with me to see how I can help you.

how to write diagram essay ielts

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