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Social Work Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Osteoarthritis, social role participation, and satisfaction with life: A quantitative study informed by the Social Identity Model of Identity Change (SIMIC) , Stephanie E. Rosado

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Transition of Persons with Developmental Disabilities from Parental to Sibling Co-Residential Care: Effects on Sibling Caregiver Well-Being and Family Functioning , Richard Steven Glaesser

An Exploratory Study of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Communication among Haitian Mother–Daughter Dyads in West Central Florida , Stacy Eileen Kratz

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

An Exploration of the Relationship between Child Welfare Workers’ Ambivalent Sexism and Beliefs about Father Involvement , Katrina Lee Brewsaugh

Physical, Verbal, Relational and Cyber-Bullying and Victimization: Examining the Social and Emotional Adjustment of Participants , Melanie Mcvean

Understanding the Experience of Early-Onset Bipolar Disorder: A Phenomenological Study of Emerging Adults , Kristin M. Smyth

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

A Mixed Methods Inquiry of Caregivers of Veterans with Sustained Serious "Invisible" Injuries in Iraq and/or Afghanistan , Bina Ranjit Patel

Exploring the Relationship of Healthy Lifestyle Characteristics with Food Behaviors of Low-Income, Food Insecure Women in the United States (US) , Kimberly Ann Wollard

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Development of the Professional School Social Work Survey: A Valid and Reliable Tool for Assessment and Planning , Catherine E. Randall

Clinical and Criminal Justice Outcomes in the Jail Diversion and Trauma Recovery (JDTR) Program , Daniel Harold Ringhoff

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Evidence-Based Practice Attitudes, Knowledge and Perceptions of Barriers Among Juvenile Justice Professionals , Esther Chao Mckee

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

The Efficacy of Aggression Replacement Training with Female Juvenile Offenders in a Residential Commitment Program , Jody Anne Erickson

Rural Communities: How Do Individuals Perceive Change When Industry Enters the Area? , Katherine Danielle Ferrari

The Baby Blues: Mothers' Experiences After Adoption , Brigette Barno Schupay

Use of Services by Female Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence: In Their Own Words , Michele M. Scordato

Efforts to Engage Parents and Case Outcomes in the Child Welfare System , Patty Sharrock

Continuing Attachment Bonds to the Deceased: A Study of Bereaved Youth and Their Caregivers , Erica Hill Sirrine

Spiritual Life Review With Older Adults: Finding Meaning in Late Life Development , Alicia Margaret Stinson

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Children Who Die of Abuse: An Examination of the Effects of Perpetrator Characteristics on Fatal Versus Non-Fatal Child Abuse , Donald L. Dixon

The Mediating Role of Social Support and Fulfillment of Spiritual Needs in End of Life Care , Kimberley A. Gryglewicz

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

Examination of the Effect of Child Abuse Case Characteristics on the Time a Caseworker Devotes to a Case , Christopher J. Card

Evaluating Social Work Students’ Attitudes Toward Physical Disability , Rachael A. Haskell

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

Prevalence of Client Violence against Social Work Students and Its Effects on Fear of Future Violence, Occupational Commitment, and Career Withdrawal Intentions , Pamela Myatt Criss

An evaluation of the influence of case-method instruction on the reflective thinking of MSW students , Marleen Milner

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

Developing a School Social Work Model for Predicting Academic Risk: School Factors and Academic Achievement , Robert Lucio

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School of Social Work Dissertations and Theses

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Social Justice in Social Work: A Critical Discourse Analysis , Erica Fonseca

Understanding the Other: Mentor Ethnocultural Empathy and Relationship Quality and Duration in Youth Mentoring , Miriam Miranda-Diaz

The Mirror Project: Reflections on the Experiences of African-American Female Adolescents Experiencing Foster Care , Bahia Anise-Cross DeGruy Overton

Living on the Outskirts of Things: Women and Nonbinary People of Color with Cognitive Disabilities Describe Their Employment Experiences , Laura Spura Rodriguez

Towards a New Discourse on Success in Alternative Education , Samuel Thomas Settelmeyer

Feeling Otherwise: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study of Queer and Trans Youth of Color Who Create and Embody Fursonas , Hazel Ali Zaman

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Does Structural Racism Influence How Black/African Americans Define Memory Loss and Cognitive Impairment? An Africana Phenomenological Study , Andre Pruitt

Prosecutors or Helpers: An Institutional Ethnography of Child Protective Services Casework , Anna Maria Rockhill

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

A Critical Discourse Analysis of How Youth in Care Describe Social Support , Jared Israel Best

Examining Demographic and Environmental Factors in Predicting the Perceived Impact of Cancer on Childhood and Adolescent Cancer Survivors , Nazan Cetin

Health Literacy and People Diagnosed with Mental Illness , Beckie Child

High School Persisters and Alternative Schools , Hyuny Clark-Shim

Examining the Role of Social Support and Neighborhood Deprivation in the Relationship Between Multiple ACEs and Health Risk Behaviors , Marin L. Henderson-Posther

A Typology of Foster Home Quality Elements in Relation to Foster Youth Mental Health , Paul Sorenson

"I'm Very Enlightened:" Assisting Black Males Involved in the Criminal Justice System to Deal With and Heal From Racism , Darnell Jackie Strong

The Mechanisms Connecting State Marijuana Policies to Parent, Peer, and Youth Drug Perception Leading to Youth Marijuana Use , Eunbyeor Sophie Yang

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

E(Raced): Race and Use of Self Amongst BIPOC Social Workers , Anita Reinette Gooding

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

A Colorless Nature: Exploring the Mental Health (Help-Seeking) Experiences of Pre-Adolescent Black American Children , Christopher Ashley Burkett

The Economically Disadvantaged Speak: Exploring the Intersection of Poverty, Race, Child Neglect and Racial Disproportionality in the Child Welfare System , Angela Gail Cause

Examining the Narratives of Military Sexual Trauma Survivors , Maria Carolina González-Prats

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Our Vision of Health for Future Generations: an Exploration of Proximal and Intermediary Motivations with Women of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma , Danica Love Brown

Interrogating the Construction and Representations of Criminalized Women in the Academic Social Work Literature: a Critical Discourse Analysis , Sandra Marie Leotti

Learning From Culturally Specific Programs and Their Impact on Latino Parent Engagement , Analucia Lopezrevoredo

Physical and Emotional Sibling Violence and Child Welfare: a Critical Realist Exploratory Study , Katherine Elizabeth Winters

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Is Therapy Going to the Dogs? Evaluating Animal Assisted Therapy for Early Identified At-Risk Children , Leah Faith Brookner

Investigating Time During Residential Program Until Transition for Adjudicated Youth: a Mixed Methods Study Using Event History Analysis with Follow-Up Interviews , Emily Carol Lott

Role of Spouse/Partner in Fertility Preservation Decision Making by Young Women with Cancer , Aakrati Mathur

Exploring the Association of Victimization and Alcohol and Marijuana Use among American Indian Youth Living On or Near Reservations: a Mixed Methods Study , Lindsay Nicole Merritt

The Intersections of Good Intentions, Criminality, and Anti-Carceral Feminist Logic: a Qualitative Study that Explores Sex Trades Content in Social Work Education , Meg Rose Panichelli

Latinas and Sexual Health: Correlates of Sexual Satisfaction , Christine Marie Velez

A Foucaultian Discourse Analysis of Person-Centered Practice Using a Genealogical Framework of Intellectual Disability , Nick Winges-Yanez

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Foundational Knowledge and Other Predictors of Commitment to Trauma-Informed Care , Stephanie Anne Sundborg

An Analysis of Oregon Youth Authority Populations: Who Receives Treatment and What Factors Influence Allocation of Treatment Resources? , Rebecca Arredondo Yazzie

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

The Importance of Online Peer Relationships During the Transition to Motherhood: Do They Decrease Stress, Alleviate Depression and Increase Parenting Competence? , Bobbie Sue Arias

Bridging the Worlds of Home and School: a Study of the Relational Worlds of First-Generation Students in a School of Social Work , Miranda Cunningham

An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis of Long-Term Mentoring Relationships from the Youth Perspective , Kevin Richard Jones

The Development and Validation of the Social Recovery Measure , Casadi "Khaki" Marino

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

A Queer Liberation Movement? A Qualitative Content Analysis of Queer Liberation Organizations, Investigating Whether They are Building a Separate Social Movement , Joseph Nicholas DeFilippis

Got Hair that Flows in the Wind: The Complexity of Hair and Identity among African American Female Adolescents in Foster Care , Lakindra Michelle Mitchell Dove

Assessing the Impact of Restrictiveness and Placement Type on Transition-Related Outcomes for Youth With and Without Disabilities Aging Out of Foster Care , Jessica Danielle Schmidt

Fathers Caring for Children with Special Health Care Needs: Experiences of Work-Life Fit , Claudia Sellmaier

Investigating the Impact of Sibling Foster Care on Placement Stability , Jeffrey David Waid

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Understanding Sexual Assault Survivors' Willingness to Participate in the Judicial System , Mildred Ann Davis

The Relationship between Mindfulness and Burnout among Master of Social Work Students , Jolanta Maria Piatkowska

Out of the Way and Out of Place: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of the Experiences of Social Interactions of Bisexually Attracted Young People , A. Del Quest

Strengths in Action: Implementing a Learning Organization Model in a Human Service Setting , Barbara Ann Whitbeck

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

"Who Would Have Thought, With a Diagnosis Like This, I Would be Happy?": Portraits of Perceived Strengths and Resources in Early-Stage Dementia , Jutta Elisabeth Ataie

Lost in the Margins? Intersections Between Disability and Other Non-Dominant Statuses with Regard to Peer Victimization and Psychosocial Distress Among Oregon Teens , Marjorie Grace McGee

Teachers' Negative Comments Toward Youth in Foster Care with Disabilities: How Do They Relate to Youths' Problem Behaviors, School Attitudes, and School Performance? , Sunghwan Noh

Exploring the Effects of Multi-Level Protective and Risk Factors on Child and Parenting Outcomes in Families Participating in Healthy Start/Healthy Families Oregon (HS/HFO) , Peggy Nygren

Public Opinion and the Oregon Death with Dignity Act , Peggy Jo Ann Sandeen

The Role of Psycho-Sociocultural Factors in Suicide Risk Among Mong/Hmong Youth , TangJudy Vang

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Increasing Social Work Students' Political Interest and Efficacy: The Experience and Impact of a Social Welfare Policy Course from the Students' Perspective , Christie Dianne Bernklau Halvor

Exploring Support Network Structure, Content, and Stability as Youth Transition from Foster Care , Jennifer E. Blakeslee

Understanding the Experience of Air Force Single Parents: A Phenomenological Study , Samantha Everhart Blanchard

Implementer Perspectives: The Implementation of a School-Based Mentoring Program , Amanda Angela Fixsen

Risk Factors for Homelessness Among Community Mental Health Patients with Severe Mental Illness , Rupert Talmage van Wormer

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Gender, Culture, and Prison Classification: Testing the Reliability and Validity of a Prison Classification System , Aimée Ryan Bellmore

An Investigation of the Relationships between Violence Exposure, Internalizing and Externalizing Problems, and Adolescent Alcohol Use , Gregory Lloyd Forehand

Identifying Modifiable Factors associated with Depression across the Lifespan in Stroke Survivor-Spouse Dyads , Michael Joseph McCarthy

Investigating the Predictors of Postsecondary Education Success and Post-College Life Circumstances of Foster Care Alumni , Amy Michele Salazar

Runaway and Homeless Youth: Changing the Discourse by Legitimizing Youth Voice , Donald Dale Schweitzer

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

Visions and Voices: An Arts-Based Qualitative Study Using Photovoice to Understand the Needs and Aspirations of Diverse Women Working in the Sex Industry , Moshoula Capous Desyllas

Somatization and Engagement in Mental Health Treatment , Teresa Chianello

Parental Differential Treatment (PDT) of Siblings: Examining the Impact and Malleability of Differential Warmth and Hostility on Children's Adjustment , Brianne H. Kothari

Understanding the Development of Self-determination in Youth with Disabilities in Foster Care , Jennifer L. Powers

Child Welfare Workforce Turnover: Frontline Workers' Experiences with Organizational Culture and Climate, and Implications for Organizational Practice , Melanie Dawn Sage

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

Developing One's Self: Adoption and Identity Formation Through the Eyes of Transracially Adopted Native American Adults , Jody Becker-Green

Primary Care, Males, Masculinity, and Suicide : a Grounded Theory Study , John Thomas Casey

Dependent Care and Work-Life Outcomes : Comparing Exceptional Care and Typical Care Responsibilities , Lisa Maureen Stewart

Factors Associated with Inclusion of Spirituality in Secular Social Work Education , Leslie Grace Wuest

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

Up a Creek : the Perilous Journey of Recently Uninsured Low-Income Adults in Oregon , Heidi Allen

Attributes of Effective Head Start Mental Health Consultants : a Mixed Method Study of Rural and Urban Programs , Mary Dallas Allen

Staying Within the Margins: The Educational Stories of First-Generation, Low-Income College Students , Diane Lyn Cole

Children with Incarcerated Parents : a Longitudinal Study of the Effect of Parental Incarceration on Adolescent Externalizing Behaviors , Jean Mollenkamp Kjellstrand

The Child Care Self-Sufficiency Scale: Measuring Child Care Funding and Policy Generosity across States , Karen Tvedt

Theses/Dissertations from 2007 2007

Family-Friendly Workplace Culture, Flexibility, and Workplace Support for Dependent Care : the Perspectives of Human Resource Professionals , Katherine June Huffstutter

Family Participation : Exploring the Role it Plays in Outcomes for Youth with Serious Emotional Disorders , Jodi Lee Kerbs

"Creative Interpretation and Fluidity in a Rights Framework": the Intersection of Domestic Violence and Human Rights in the United States , Karen Lynn Morgaine

Food Security and Hunger among Low income US Households: Relations to Federal Food Assistance Program Participation , Rebecca Elizabeth Sanders

Engaging Our Workforce: How Job Demands and Resources Contribute to Social Worker Burnout, Engagement and Intent to Leave , Sara Laura Schwartz

Theses/Dissertations from 2006 2006

Is It Just Me? Felt HIV -Related Stigma among Adults with HIV , Rebecca Gila Block

Social Workers Addressing Student-Perpetrated Interpersonal Violence in the School Context : Awareness and Use of Evidence-Supported Programs , Natalie Diane Cawood

Sons Providing Care at End-of-Life : Common Threads and nuances , Patricia Ebert

Theses/Dissertations from 2004 2004

Applying the Transtheoretical Model to Cigarette Smoking by Pregnant and Parenting Adolescent Females , Barbara Mary Sussex

Theses/Dissertations from 2002 2002

Identifying and Building on Strengths of Children With Serious Emotional Disturbances , Michael Orval Taylor

Theses/Dissertations from 2001 2001

A Dissertation on African American Male Youth Violence: "Trying to Kill the Part of You that Isn’t Loved" , Joy DeGruy Leary

Theses/Dissertations from 1999 1999

Voices of our past: the rank and file movement in social work, 1931-1950 , Richard William Hunter

The Assessment of Children with Attachment Disorder: The Randolph Attachment Disorder Questionnaire, the Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale, and the Biopsychosocial Attachment Types Framework , Alice Myrth Ogilvie

Theses/Dissertations from 1997 1997

Grandmothers Laughing: Intergenerational Transmission of Cultural Beliefs About Pregnancy and Childbirth Among Native American Women , Claudia Robin Long

Theses/Dissertations from 1983 1983

The needs of older people as seen by themselves and support providers , Sarah Movius Schurr

Theses/Dissertations from 1981 1981

Non-work-Related Services at the Workplace: An Exploratory Study , William Roland Adix

Assessment of Needs of Adolescent Mothers in Washington County , John L. Arnold

The Portland, Oregon ASAP: an Evaluation of Treatment Effectiveness , Joan M. Wildebush Berry

Burnout: Multi-Dimensional Study of Alienation Among Social Service Workers in the Willamette Valley , Sally Carignan

Alternative Agencies: An Exploratory Study , Linda Crane

An Alumni Survey of the School of Social Work, Portland State University , Stephen R. Fishack

A Description and Evaluation of the Self-Help Information Service , Cathy Tuma and John Wadsworth

Theses/Dissertations from 1980 1980

Multiple Impact Therapy: Evaluation and Design for Future Study , Jacqueline H. Abikoff

Salem Teen Mother Program: A Follow-up Study , Frances L. Barton

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185 Social Work Dissertation Topics: Creative List

185 Social Work Dissertation Topics

If you are a student of social work, then there are so many subjects that you can write about in your dissertation topic. Social work, in simple terms, is a set of functions that allow you to improve the lives of others. Social workers help adults and children cope with everyday issues, relationship troubles, personal issues and family issues. Given the scope of work of a social worker, finding the right social work dissertation topics can be challenging as there are so many pressing issues to cover.

In order to write a good paper and choose a topic that interests you, here are a few things that you should consider:

Choose a topic that is close to your heart : If you have chosen social work as your field of study, then there must be some area of work that intrigues you. This could be related to child care, women’s rights or health. To write a good paper, choose a subject that is of interest to you and will help you in your line of work going forward. Make sure your topic is supported by data : Choose topics that have enough data to present strong arguments and discussions. The paper should be thought provoking : Once you have got an approval on your proposed social work dissertation topics, use as much information that is relatable. The readers should take back some ideas from your paper and also have questions about how the system can be improved to fulfill the purpose of social work. This means that you need to find loopholes in the system and address them in your paper effectively.

Now that you know what a good social work dissertation paper entails, here is a list of topics to help you start your journey. However if you have more interesting things to do, remember you have an opportunity to buy dissertation and get the best result.

Social Work Dissertation Ideas

These are good dissertation topics for social work students at all academic levels:

  • Write an in-depth paper on the perception and attitude of oppression between the community and healthcare professionals.
  • Write about the inherent perceptions related to social work among different cultures.
  • A comprehensive review of different approaches to strengthen users of social services.
  • The role of social workers in end-of-life decisions.
  • Is evidence based learning an excellent way of learning for social workers?
  • What are your views on the law of reflection and its role in social work?
  • What are the challenges faced by social workers with respect to inter-professional practices?
  • Is tutoring an integral part of social work training? Write your views.
  • Social work and government policies: Write a detailed review.
  • How social work interventions can protect vulnerable adults.
  • The common security issues faced by personal social workers.
  • Transitioning from employment to social work: Challenges and advantages.
  • Substance abuse among young adults. The role of social workers in prevention and management.
  • A review on why women choose to remain in abusive relationships.
  • The contribution of social services in helping families cope with a member with dementia.
  • The relationship between social work and communities of faith.
  • The role of social workers in promoting ethnic minorities.
  • The best ways in which social workers can improve the life of the elderly.
  • Does social work impact the quality of life of senior citizens?
  • Disparities in the society that can be resolved to improve the lives of ethnic minorities.
  • The importance of being gender sensitive in addressing the issues faced by the LGBTQ community.
  • Is rehabilitation of young offenders the new way of ensuring restorative justice?
  • Laws that allow the representation of marginalized societies in the government.
  • Can prohibition of alcohol preserve law and order in a community?
  • The role of drug addiction in increasing relationship problems within families.
  • The primary factors contributing to juvenile delinquency.
  • Does imposing a curfew on minors lead to increased chances of premarital sex?
  • The role of the media in determining the electoral process of any country.
  • Provide great examples of good governance with respect to the recovery of a city or locality after being affected by a natural calamity.
  • Provide a social work perspective on the growing popularity of political figures and icons.
  • How does education contribute to the ability of leaders to shape the social and political structure of a country?
  • Can reactivating the death penalty change the rate of crime in our society?
  • Do individuals who are in illicit relationships perceive the norms of a marriage differently?
  • Experiences with healthcare of people who have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia.
  • Culture-based activism and its impact on the lives of Native Americans.

Easy Social Work Research Topics

These social work research topics cover a range of relatable and controversial subjects for you to write about.

  • How can survivors of domestic violence get better employment opportunities?
  • A study of women with sexual addiction.
  • Reintegration of individuals who have survived abuse into the society.
  • The primary causes and the best ways to prevent juveni;e recidivism.
  • Examples of great women leaders in our community.
  • Should immigrants be given health services?
  • What are the best housing options to support young people?
  • Medical care for the elderly: The challenges.
  • A detailed study of the relationships of HIV positive individuals.
  • Is customer satisfaction the most important goal for a business?
  • The barriers in social work with respect to climate change.
  • The experience of a home care worker in a caring relationship.
  • Are voluntary tourism communities in Chile an example of social development?
  • Why do we still hesitate to talk about sex?
  • How does organizational culture contribute to marginalism?
  • The role of leadership practices in eliminating new forms of marginalism.
  • Graduate students and the attitude towards couples therapy.
  • Review the employment services for domestic violence survivors in your region/ country.
  • Evaluate eviction risks based on social and cultural perceptions.
  • Write about the experiences of women who are in a relationship with an individual who is sexually addicted.
  • Provide a qualitative study of resilience and risk associated with young people.
  • How does health affect the employment of refugee and immigrant women?
  • Does encouraging traveling among women promote community leadership?
  • Humanities and the relationship with citizenship.
  • The perspectives of youth and service providers on the impact of housing options for young adults.
  • The role of arts in boosting healing processes.
  • How has dance impacted society?
  • How to improve medical facilities in rural areas?
  • The experiences of rural individuals with social workers.
  • How do the concepts of our society affect the lives of individuals with HIV and AIDs?
  • Improving care for individuals with HIV and AIDS.
  • Explore the nature of collaboration between individuals who suffer from poverty and various organizations in regions that are at a high economic and social risk.
  • The importance of sexual health education for immigrant women.
  • The social risks of gender identity.
  • How can the theory of dynamic systems be applied to countries that are in a war situation?

Child Protection Dissertation Ideas

Here are some good dissertation topics for social work students who are interested in childcare services:

  • The impact of agencies in protecting children: Provide a review of literature based on real practices.
  • Will children who experience or witness abuse and violence within the family perpetuate the same type of behavior?
  • Impact of family support and protection in child protection intervention by social workers.
  • The health problems of adults who have survived child sexual abuse.
  • The contribution of social workers in carrying out effective interventions for survivors of child sexual abuse.
  • Factors that contribute to adopted children seeking out their biological parents.
  • The impact of domestic violence on children and the resulting consequences for a social worker.
  • Review the educational achievements with respect to childcare in your region.
  • Review of literature of education and childcare in California and what the world can learn from it.
  • The effect of gambling on the lives of children.
  • The common factors that affect the socio-economic requirements of children.
  • How can social workers aid the emotional growth of children?
  • The impact of pornography in increasing the rate of crime and violence against chidlren.
  • The views of sexual abuse victims on pedophilia.
  • How do the physical changes during puberty affect the psyche of a child?
  • The risks associated with child welfare decisions.
  • How can education prevent violence against children?
  • An analysis of the maternal experiences of victims of child sexual abuse.
  • The experience of new social workers in child welfare.
  • Secondary traumatic stress between young counselors and children.
  • The best ways to protect a child in custody.
  • Support strategies to prevent child poverty in your country.
  • A study of resilience in individuals when building a strong future after emerging from a difficult childhood. Provide examples.
  • Immigrant families and adolescent development.
  • Is gender neutral upbringing overrated or is it the need of the hour?
  • How does the environment in the school impact the self esteem of children?
  • A case study to review the challenges of children with learning disabilities.
  • The benefits of studying child development in improving the contributions of social services.
  • The reason for the ignorance of child development for several years in history.
  • Write a detailed paper on the formation of ego with respect to different stages of development.
  • The effect of an absent parent on the developing years of a child.
  • How does domestic violence affect the concept of self in a child?
  • Child education and the impact of single parenting.
  • Factors that contribute to the retention of employees in childcare.
  • The causes and best strategies for the protection of runaway children.
  • The role of gender differences in shaping the outlook of children.
  • Why is play an important educational tool?
  • The best policies to promote the rights of children.
  • Factors that influence the quality of food in child care centers.
  • The risk factors and effects of bullying.
  • The best ways to reduce behavioral issues in children in foster care.
  • The relationship between disability and the chances of a child ending up in foster care.
  • The lack of child support and the effects on child care.
  • How does group therapy help children in foster care?
  • The impact of constant changes of family in orphaned toddlers.
  • How does homelessness impact the psyche of a child?
  • Recurring displacement and the effects on homeless children.
  • Factors that contribute to an antisocial lifestyle in children in foster care.
  • The effects of substance abuse on the lives of children.
  • The trauma of child-parent separation on the lifestyle and health of children.

Social Work Dissertation Topics Mental Health

Mental health contributes to some of the most important dissertation topics for social work students.

  • Why do individuals with obsessive compulsive disorders struggle to cope with society?
  • The effects of living with bipolar parents on the health and lifestyle of a child.
  • Why should we socially interrogate the stigma associated with mental health?
  • The role of social workers in improving support for individuals with mental health issues.
  • The occurrence of suicidal tendencies in military units and the best ways to address them.
  • The impact of death on the collective well-being of any family unit.
  • The positive impact of sponsors on the lives of recovering addicts.
  • Provide a clinical study on the current anti-depressants and their effectiveness.
  • How to stop social elimination of children suffering from Down Syndrome.
  • The role of a family in exacerbating depression.
  • The impact of alcoholism on personal lifestyle, family and society.
  • Provide a detailed analysis of the similarities and differences between ADHD and Dyslexia.
  • The best ways to improve awareness on degenerative mental health issues like Dementia.
  • The need for more awareness among educators about learning disabilities.
  • The most effective learning tools for children who suffer from ADHD, dyslexia and other learning disorders.
  • A detailed evaluation of socio-sexual education programs for individuals with developmental disorders.
  • Evaluation on the impact of developmental disabilities in the life events of an individual.
  • Life with a spouse who has memory loss.
  • Provide an exploratory study of different aids available to the primary caregivers of children with autism.
  • The meaning of well-being based on the cultural and ethic backgrounds of individuals.
  • Building resilience towards traumatic incidents using the mind-body connection of yoga.
  • Is the stigma against mental health disorders greater for women? Conduct a comparative study.
  • The perspectives of a woman living with mental illness and receiving assistance from community services.
  • Investigate how smoking gives individuals with depression a sense of belonging or acceptance.
  • Are mental health services equally accessible to minorities and other oppressed groups?
  • Do mental health service providers avoid detention of young males in their psychiatric units?
  • The relationship between government policies and effective mental health assistance.
  • Common behavioral issues of children in dysfunctional families.
  • The impact of foster care on the mental health of teenagers.
  • The effect of poverty and scarcity on the psyche of young children.

Social Work Masters Dissertation Topics

If you are writing a dissertation paper for your master’s degree, here are some interesting topics for you to choose from:

  • How is the lifestyle of a metropolitan city failed by the criminal justice system?
  • What are some sure shot signs of trauma in the workplace?
  • The effects of racial disparity on our society.
  • The best ways to control substance abuse and addiction.
  • How can the facilities at nursing homes for the elderly be improved?
  • The negative impact of food banks.
  • Government policies that have improved welfare conditions.
  • The impact of homophobia on our community.
  • Primary factors contributing to violence in a family.
  • The effects of unemployment on society.
  • Stigma and social issues faced by welfare mothers.
  • Experiences of women who live in shelter homes.
  • The inherent challenges of transracial adoption.
  • How to make wellness therapy more sustainable?
  • The impact of first-time menstrual experience on teenage girls living in foster homes.

Common Dissertation Topics For Social Work Students

If you wish to get top grades, here are some topics that give you a lot of literature and data to review.

  • Birth control laws and their negative impact.
  • The challenges of increasing housing costs on the youth.
  • Workplace abuse and the relationship with paid labor.
  • The impact of cultural belief on relationships.
  • The negative impact of teenage pregnancy.
  • Low income neighborhoods and the increasing cases of substance abuse.
  • The hazards of confinement and why they need our attention.
  • The need for therapy of poorly represented groups.
  • Misdiagnosis of mental health issues and its impact.
  • How can empathy improve social services?
  • The need for qualitative examination of foster homes.
  • The contributing factors for violence in correctional systems.
  • Do therapists need therapy?
  • How trafficking impacts societal well-being.
  • The reasons for unreported abuse cases.
  • The hidden trauma of survivors of natural calamities.
  • Traumatic experiences of children in foster homes. A clinical study with measures to prevent them.
  • Growing in a war zone and the psychological impact.
  • Common myths about child services and foster care.
  • Is there a disability disparity among social workers?

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examples of social work dissertations

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'she's the reason i do it': the impact of and responses to post-2010 austerity on lone parent families in north edinburgh (scotland) , “it’s not just a job, it’s my life”: long term foster carers’ experiences of placement endings in scotland , troubling the ‘troubled teen industry’: institutional violence, epistemic injustice, and psychiatrised youth , care-experienced mothers and the legacy of social work , critiquing the presence and absence of children and young people's participation in policies for looked after children in scotland , interrogating the ethics of telecare services: a conceptual framework for dementia home care professionals , forever home the complexity of adoption breakdown in scotland , exploring experiences of children who migrate to delhi: understanding gender and space , looking after grandchildren: the motivation, pattern, and the impact of intergenerational engagements on grandparents in rural china , topping up the tank: enhancing the emotional resilience of social workers in local authority adult services , intergenerational transmission of the effects of maternal childhood adversities via poor infant outcomes , contributing to the development of social pedagogy in the uk: a case study at 'santiago 1' residential care home in spain , helping the 'problem child' become loveable again a discourse analysis on childhood adhd in switzerland and implications for social work , health needs and services for refugee women and children in uganda’s settlements: articulating a role for social work , unpicking social work practice skills: an interactional analysis of engagement and identity in a groupwork programme addressing sexual offending , turkish fathering today: an enquiry and discussion arising from the views of turkish fathers and turkish young people , twenty first century contact: young people in care and their use of mobile communication devices and the internet for contact , quickening steps: an ethnography of pre-birth child protection , low income employment in dhaka: women’s lives, agency and identity , partnership, power and policy: a case study of the scottish partnership on domestic abuse .

examples of social work dissertations

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Dissertations on Social Work

Social Work is a profession that focuses on improving the well-being of individuals, encouraging positive relationships in communities, and improving people's lives. Social Work can relate to human behaviour, social behaviour, and various aspects of the community.

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Social Work

Latest Social Work Dissertations

Including full dissertations, proposals, individual dissertation chapters, and study guides for students working on their undergraduate or masters dissertation.

KEEP Intervention: Reducing Behaviors Problems in Foster Toddlers

Dissertation Examples

The primary aim of this study is to assess the efficacy of the KEEP intervention on decreasing externalizing behavior problems for toddlers in out-of-home foster placements....

Last modified: 21st Feb 2022

Relationships in Youth Work Practice

This study aims to discover if the youth worker relationship has a significant place within contemporary youth work. The question being asked is: “what is the place of relationships in contemporary youth work practices?”....

Last modified: 14th Dec 2021

Looked After Children and Access to Tertiary Education

This dissertation has used a historical timeline of Governmental changes to policies and laws as a background to describe the evolving importance of looked after children and education....

Last modified: 5th Nov 2021

Psychological Effects of Imprisonment on Young Offenders

The aim of this dissertation is to examine the claim of authors such as Harrington and Bailey (2005) that a substantial proportion of young offenders in the UK suffer from severe mental illness....

Last modified: 4th Nov 2021

Enjo Kosai Girls: Identity Confusion

This paper aims to show that negative family factors are an antecedent of enjo kosai girls in Hong Kong, as well as analysing that these girls tend to be in the identity diffusion status....

Last modified: 4th Oct 2021

Social Work Dissertation Topics

Dissertation Topics

We have provided a selection of example social work dissertation topics to help and inspire you when choosing a topic for a social work dissertation....

Last modified: 16th Aug 2021

Social Work Dissertation Titles

Dissertation Titles

Social Work Dissertation Titles. We have provided this selection of example social work dissertation titles to help and inspire you....

Experiences of Black Women with a Social Work PhD

Dissertation Methodologies

This chapter will describe the research design and methodology used to understand the experiences of Black women who have earned their Ph.D. in social work....

Last modified: 19th Mar 2021

The Insight and Factors That Promote Job Longevity in Child Welfare Social Workers

The high turnover rates among child welfare social workers have been a chronic issue that society has yet to resolve.  In attempt to understand this problem, we looked at contributing factors....

Last modified: 9th Mar 2021

Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children and their Post-Arrival Experiences in the UK.

Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children and their Post-Arrival Experiences in the UK. 1.      Introduction The experiences of children who leave their cou...

Last modified: 18th May 2020

Evaluation for Peer Support Programme for Disabled Persons

ABSTRACT Purpose The peer support programme as run by Helderberg Association for Persons with Disabilities (HAPD) uses people who have disabilities to support people with disabilities (PWD) in their ...

Last modified: 16th Dec 2019

Does Domestic Violence/Abuse Affect a Childs' Behaviour and Future Development?

This assignment aims to critically analyse three primary research journal articles that were chosen to assist answering the research question: Does domestic violence/abuse have an influence on affect...

Effect of Bullying on Substance Abuse

Substance abuse in adolescents and young adults as a coping mechanism, due to negative experiences caused by bullying. Bullying is a major problem for any adolescent. It can lead to significant em...

Last modified: 13th Dec 2019

Personality Disorder Carer and Family Support Impact


Last modified: 12th Dec 2019

Effectiveness of Support for Children in Homeless Families

The whole issue of parents and children in need is a vast, complex and ethically challenging one. This review is specifically charged with an examination of those issues which impinge upon the stresse...

Last modified: 11th Dec 2019

Effects of Parental Bereavement in Childhood

The aim of this study is to present a general overview of the evidence base in relation to the effects of parental bereavement in childhood.  The primary focus is upon research conducted during the p...

Runaway Children: Causes and Strategies for Protection

Abstract Surprisingly there is less knowledge to our public of the significance of runaway children and their problems particularly in less developed Asian countries which include Pakistan. A general ...

Evolution of Community Kitchens

Abstract Community kitchen, as a concept is critical for ensuring the food security of the vulnerable population. It is a gathering point where groups of people come together to pool their resources t...

Support Networks For Young Homeless People

The support network of leaving care and statutory homeless young people 16 and 17 years old living in homeless hostels Contents 1. Introduction 2. “Legal” literature 2.1. Youth homelessness in En...

Country Comparison of At-risk Children in Care

The Children in Institutional Care in the world and contemporary foster care The children at risk in European and Brazil contrasts between the Institutional Care and contemporary foster care   Intro...

Support for Transitioning Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Background Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability that can result in significant social, communication, and behavioral challenges (CDC, 2016). Currently, the rate of ASD diagnos...

Last modified: 10th Dec 2019

Preventing Juvenile Delinquency

Juvenile delinquency can cycle into a youth becoming a repetitive adult criminal offender; however, through prevention, intervention, awareness, and behavior reform, a juvenile can be rehabilitated ...

Last modified: 9th Dec 2019

Social and Cultural Aspects of Child Abuse

Example Literature Reviews

LITERATURE REVIEW: In the article he discussed that children are a very vulnerable sector of our society. Child abuse can occur in every sector of our society, but some children are at a higher risk f...

Last modified: 6th Dec 2019

Child Abuse Interventions Within Black African Families

Introduction Child abuse within Black African families is an important topic which has been given extensive attention in British social work research and literature to date. However, only a limited re...

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UKnowledge > College of Social Work > Theses & Dissertations

Theses and Dissertations--Social Work

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Fathers’ Perspectives on the Role of Spirituality in Substance Misuse Disorder Treatment and Engaging with Their Children , Kendra Michelle Eubank


Exploring the Therapeutic Relationship in Mental Health Therapy with Queer and Disabled Adults , Rachel Womack

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023


Factors Associated with Successful Military-to-Civilian Transition Among Special Forces Veterans , Edward Richter

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022


Conceptualizing Attorney Motivation: A Study of the Representatives for Parents and Children in the Child Welfare System , Shannon Moody



Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021


Hospital Nurses' Moral Distress and Coping during COVID-19: A Pilot Study , Abigail Latimer



Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

National Guard Members with Suicide Ideation: The Impact of Stigma, Mental Health, and Trauma History on Treatment-Seeking Outcomes , Amy Brown



Olmstead Mandated Statewide Implementation of Assertive Community Treatment: Precipitating Factors and Participant Experiences , Elizabeth Nelson-Cooke



Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Veterans' Treatment Courts in Kentucky: Examining How Personal Characteristics and During-Program Occurrences Influence Program Completion and Criminal Recidivism , Monica Lynn Himes





Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018


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Social Work Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

A Mixed Method Study of How Teachers’ Racial Bias Relates to Student-Teacher Relationships , Tasha Marie Childs

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Place Identity and Gentrification-Induced Social and Cultural Displacement Among Longstanding Black American Residents: Theory, Case, and Innovating Methodology , Brittany B. Davis

Where the Home Fires Burn: The Heart of Geographic Mobility in Rural Southern America , Mariah Moran

Black and Blue: An Exploratory Investigation Of Black College Students’ Experiences of Exposure to Police Killings , Betty L. Wilson

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Younger Residents Through the Looking Glass: Perceptions of the Residential Experience of Non-Traditionally Aged Residents Living in the Long Term Care Setting , Sara J. English

Correlates of Attitudes Toward Violence and Dating Violence Perpetration Among U.S. College Students , Jeongsuk Kim

Association Between Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms in Persons with Alzheimer's Disease and Depression in Caregivers from Low Income Families , Weizhou Tang

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Family And School Impact On Psychological Functioning From Childhood To Late Adolescence: A Longitudinal Study Of Rural Chinese Youth , Yang Yue

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Broke but not without Hope: Exploring Exits from Housing First and Returns to Homelessness , Jennie Ann Cole

Acculturation Stress And Depression Among First-Year International Graduate Students From China And India At The University Of South Carolina , Kyunghee Ma

African American End-Stage Renal Disease And Medication Adherence: What Are The Effects Of Everyday Racism? , Tamara Estes Savage

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

People Who Live Unsheltered: The Role of Trust In the Bond Component Of Their Working Alliances , Candice Morgan

On Becoming An Ecologically Conscious Social Worker: Exploring Professional Identities That Include A Response To The Environmental Crisis , Meredith C. F. Powers

Race, Place, And Access To Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention Among Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder In South Carolina , Marissa E. Yingling

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Vocational Readiness: The Effect of Pre-Prison and Incarceration-Based Trauma on Cognitive Appraisals and Self-Perceptions of Incarcerated Women , Joi Dykes Anderson

Parent To Parent Support For Parents Of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders: Perspectives Of Parents And Program Staff , Nina Nelson

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Non-offending Mothers of Sexually Abused Children: How They Decide Whom to Believe , Lynn McMillan

How Welfare Reform Act Affects Elderly Immigrants' Health and Healthcare Service Utilization: Comparisons Before and After Welfare Reform , Younsook Yeo

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Identity Journeys: Life Stories of Women Adopted Transnationally As Children , Stephanie Kripa Cooper-Lewter

Effects of Family Ses, Multiple Types of Child Abuse, and Parental Attachment On Early Sexual Activity: Analysis of the National Longitudinal Study On Adolescent Health (Add Health) , Mugdha Galande

Juggling Demands and Resources: Low Wage Women Making Sense of Bill-Paying Hardships , Susan Taylor Parlier

Flying' Female Sex Workers in Kolkata, India: Using "Cultural Biography" to Understand HIV Risk Perceptions , Sunny Sinha

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Stress, Coping, Social Support, and Psychological Distress Among MSW Students , Frank Patrick Addonizio

Caught Between Two Worlds: The Experiences of Newly Arrived Mexican Immigrant High School Students , Maria Lourdes del Castillo-Gonzalez

Individual- and Unit-Level Coping Among Combat Veterans Subject to Army Force Stabilization System Personnel Policy , Ronald James Whalen

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

Marital Attitudes of Never Married Black Women , Kendra Pili DeLoach


Starting the Journey: From Novice to Expert Social Worker Through Cognitive Apprenticeship , Robert Jay Palmer

Summated Scale Construction: Development of the Inventory of Professional Competencies (Ipc) , Melissa Catherine Reitmeier

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

The University of South Carolina School of Social Work, 1934-1954 , Elaine Walker Townsend

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Social Work Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

Predictive Validity of CU Traits on Conduct Disorder-Related Antisocial Behaviors in Canadian Adolescents: Advancing Understandings Relevant to the DSM-5 Specifier With Limited Prosocial Emotions , Derek Campbell

Exploring Paradoxical Advantages of Latin Americans in Canada: Secondary Analytic Expositions of Contextualized Resiliencies and Vulnerabilities , Keren M. Escobar

An Exploration of Encounters Between People with Lived Experience of Mental Illness and Police Officers , Sarah Faubert

The Role of the Social Worker in Long-Term Care in Ontario: An Exploratory Qualitative Study Examining Perspectives of Social Workers About Their Roles. , Candace Hind

Exploration of the Relationship between Social Support and Healthcare Utilization Among Adult Immigrants to Canada , Naomi Ruth Levitz Shobola

Mental Illness Through the Eyes of Iraqi Ontarians: Unheard Voices for Conventional Mental Health Supports , Mohamad Musa

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Preserving My Arab Self While Finding My Home in Canada: First Generation Recent Arab Immigrant Emerging Adults’ Perspectives on Acculturation Experiences and Canadian Society’s Role in Fostering Equitable Participation , Riham Al-Saadi

Examining Tension in the Provision of Palliative Care: Social Workers’ Experiences , Michael R. Bennett

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Predictive Effects of (Neo)Colonialism and Other Forms of Structural Violence on Involuntary Contacts with the Criminal Justice System in Canada: A Statistical Analysis with an Autoethnographic Perspective , Amy M. Alberton

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Factors Affecting Health Care Access among Transgender People in the United States , Luisa Kcomt

Peer influences on antisocial and prosocial behaviours in group home foster care: evidence of greater protections in better resourced homes and higher income neighborhoods , Gershon Osei

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Examining the Socioeconomic Patterns of Service Utilization among Canadian Women at Risk for Developing Eating Disorders: A Prevalence Study , Jenni Hotte

Critical Thinking in Social Work Education: A Delphi Study of Faculty Understanding , Patricia Louise Samson

The Praxis of Privilege: How Social Workers Experience their Privilege , Akin Taiwo

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Parent Perceptions and Experiences in Child Custody Decision-Making , Beth Archer-Kuhn

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

Recovery from mental illness – The experiential perspective , Jean Laforge

Experiences of Mennonite immigrant women accessing and receiving services in the mental health care system in Essex County , Diane Quadros

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

A qualitative examination of best practices in the provision of specialized mental health services to individuals with a dual-diagnosis in London and Middlesex County , Tara-Ann C. Glasgow

An evaluation of the Family Well-Being program at the Windsor-Essex Children's Aid Society , Jennifer L. Walker

Theses/Dissertations from 2007 2007

Social correlates of depression and suicide among youth: A meta-analytic review. , Adelina Greco

Voices from the field: Exploring how social workers articulate their practice. , Colleen A. Mitchell

Coping strategies of single mothers of children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). , Michelle Dawn Sullivan

Theses/Dissertations from 2006 2006

Perceptions of health and environmental contamination on the Aamjiwnaang First Nation reserve (Ontario). , Kizzy Bedeau

Acquired brain injury: Journeys from pre-injury to return to work. , Catherine Boyce

How consumers understand private security: The case of an Ontario neighbourhood security program. , Jeffrey G. Brown

Ontario Domestic Violence Protection Act: An analysis of discourse. , April Girard

Governing female sexuality: Prostitution, problematic associations and the subcommittee on solicitation laws. , Olga Marques

Apparent lesbian performances, heteroflexibility and sexual identity: Fluid sexuality among young women in public places. , Allisa Scott

Race/ethnicity as a predictor of time spent in out-of-home care: Meta-analytic support for ethnic sensitive practice. , Laura Wygiera-Mitchell

Theses/Dissertations from 2005 2005

Campaigns of corporate social responsibility: The case of Canadian oil producer EnCana (Ecuador). , David. Demant

Ethno-racial groups and income attainment in Canada: Investigating the mosaic. , Tamara Rayvon Ferron

Examining the national longitudinal survey of children and youth: A profile of Canadian adolescent sexuality. , Rita Gillis

The governance of agriculture: Global programs of development and agricultural biotechnology. , Kelly Greenfield

Guilty by association: The impact of mainstream media portrayal of African Canadian male criminal participation on the African Canadian community. , Phyllis A. Kumi

Ethno-racial groups and occupational attainment: Influence of human capital and social capital. , Koyel Ranu

Governing at-a-distance: Outsourcing, network prudentialism and quality assurance standards. , Dale Spencer

Theses/Dissertations from 2004 2004

Mapping the lines: An exploration of mobility and urban spaces amongst bicycle couriers. , Philip J. Boyle

Multiple voices in HIV and AIDS: A comparison of the discourses of Christian religion and public health (Kenya). , Chris Brouillard-Coyle

Postmodern penality? GPS electronic monitoring and the new penology. , Ryan S. Cotter

Into the interior: An exploration of development policies and the representation of Amerindians in Guyana. , Suzanne Friemann

The Pacifica Foundation, the "New York Times" and the propagation of a mature commercial ideology: Objectivity vs. subjectivity and the future of a journalism for the public (Lewis Hill) , Stephen Landry

Orphanhood, informal orphan caregiving and the impact of community-based organizations in the context of HIV/AIDS, in Nyanza, Kenya. , Tamara M. M. Landry

Governing cultural heritage: UNESCO's World Heritage Convention. , Kevin K. Manuel

Identifying factors of stigma influencing the reintegration of ex-inmates as law-abiding citizens. , Richard Phillips

Theses/Dissertations from 2003 2003

UNHCR and the politics of refugee repatriation. , Melaku T. Awoke

The serial murder of sex workers: The social construction of serial killers by sex worker advocacy groups , Heidi Rebecca Charlotte Baker

Camouflaged liaisons: The social organization of Turkish male sexual minorities. , Tarik. Bereket

Walking the contested terrain: An exploration of the lifer identity post-release and its role in reintegration. , Catherine Lynn. Brooke

Sex offenders and the criminal justice system: An exploration of public opinion. , Michelle Anne Coghlan

Policing the corporate image: A case study of in-house security governance and the management of risk in a mass private property in Canada. , Steven David. Hutchinson

Theoretical perspective on mutliple risk behaviour: The influence of social capital on substance use and sexual-risk taking among young men and women. , Sheri-Lynn. Medaglia

The construction of ecstasy as a social problem in Toronto newspapers (Ontario). , Sean Cristin. Miller

Self-control vs. social control as an explanation for delinquency. , Marcel Joseph Parent

Constructing victims: The gendering of domestic violence in the print media. , Kameron Morgana Eve. Perchaluk (nee Robinson)

Theses/Dissertations from 2002 2002

Technologies of governance: The convergence of risk and discipline in an open custody facility for young offenders. , Dale A. Ballucci

Human capital, social capital, and income attainment in Canada. , Daniele. Cerri

Affirming the voices of teen mothers: Exploring the influences of the reconstruction of the welfare state on teen mothers in Ontario. , Treena L. Clift

Learning to conform: Globalization, governance and UNESCO's basic education. , Christiana Maria. Gauger

Alcoholism, Native and non-Native treatment technologies and the discourse of difference. , Kelly Lynn. Henley

Social status and computer use: Sophisticated computer use as a cultural capital? , Daniel James. Holland

Street crime, Casino Windsor, and the theory of routine activities (Ontario). , Lauretta. Loong

Women in transition: Discourses of menopause. , Sue. McPherson

Governing the politics of consent: Gender, expert knowledge, and Bill C-49. , Marcia Leanne. Oliver

Social capital and socio-economic status as determinants of physical, mental, and self-rated overall health in Canada. , Lisa Katherine. Smylie

Theses/Dissertations from 2001 2001

Sex work as work. , Sasha R. Drummond

An exploration of animal abuse in the context of family violence. , Amy Jean Fitzgerald

High expectations for high-risk offenders: A pre-post evaluation of the Federal Offender Rehabilitation Program "Counter-Point". , Bonnie Lee. McKinnon

Sentencing circles for Aboriginal offenders in Canada: Furthering the idea of Aboriginal justice within a Western justice framework. , Melanie Leigh Spiteri

Learning to pour: An exploration into the socialization of the male night shift bartender. , Adam Gordon Park. Stubbs

Theses/Dissertations from 2000 2000

Femininity, sexuality and sport: A case study of female inter-university varsity athletes. , Carolyn L. Dutot

The population of India as a colonial category: The British Censuses of 1872--1911. , Michael Don. Haan

Domestic violence and the state: Abused women's perspectives on the "new" integrated services approach. , Sharron Lynne. Jarvis

Women's smoking and drinking behaviours: The importance of structural inequality, social roles and traumatic experience. , Laura. Landstrom

Theses/Dissertations from 1999 1999

Foreign or domestic?...I'll take foreign! , David. Badalamenti

Intolerance, ignorance, and insensitivity: An examination of anti-gay attitudes and behaviours within a university population. , Ken. Dowler

Exploring the links between sexual coercion and condom negotiation. , Shannon Leigh. Ferguson

Controlling youth crime: A qualitative analysis of informal and formal social controls. , Jill Elizabeth. Johns

The social construction of the economy: Ideology, hegemony, and control , Carolyn M. Lewandowski

Moral reform and the rise of the burlesque industry in London, Ontario. , Kelly MacDonald

The liberal ideal and aboriginality: Concepts of citizenship and self-determination. , Russell. Nahdee

Single white attractive female searching for Mr. Right: Characteristics in mate selection. , Mona. Sleiman

Perceptions of arranged marriages by young Pakistani Muslim women living in a western society. , Arshia Urooj. Zaidi

Theses/Dissertations from 1998 1998

A phenomenological perspective of client aggression and violence on community living support workers. , Brian Richard. Cogliati

The effect(s) of the visual media upon female body image. , Jessica Mary Elsie. Cummings

Defining successful integration: An examination into the life of Grenadian transmigrants in Toronto (Ontario). , Paula Patricia. Green

Youth violence: A study of moral panics in terms of schismogenic loops. , Gary Jonathan. Hsu

Gender and the flower industry in Ecuador. , Nicole Anne. Noel

The medicalization of the 'battered woman' in Ontario, 1974--1996. , Katherin. Podgorny

Exploring links between the social reform, nationalist, and women's movements in India. , Jasvinder Kaur. Sanghera

Honor without women: Honor and the legitimization of murder in the criminal courts of Lebanon. , Randa Bassem. Serhan

Racist intelligentsia: Pathway to the far right's epistemology. , Frank. Tridico

Theses/Dissertations from 1997 1997

Tracing the emergence of corporal phase discipline and punishment in a modern society: The Argentine case (1969-1979). , Michael Victor. Agostinis

Delinquents' perceptions of family upbringing: An interpretive interactionist investigation of family patterns common in the youth of criminally charged adults. , Timothy John. Armaly

The disappearance of FLQ terrorism and the cycle of social protest in Quebec, 1963-1976. , Paul William. Lynd

Dying to be thin: The social construction of the female beauty ideal and eating disorders. , Susan Elizabeth. Martell

An exploration of northeastern Thai women's perception of personal risk of contracting HIV and their intentions, strategies, and barriers to self-protection (Immune deficiency). , Karen. Metcalfe

Strippers reveal the naked truth: A case study of women employed in the stripping occupation in London clubs (Ontario). , Karen Joan. Orton

Down but not out: A study of a men's shelter from a symbolic interactionist perspective. , Scott Daniel. Rogers

Exploring sexual exploitation of children from a criminal events perspective. , Shelley. Young

Academic misconduct at the University of Windsor: An examination of prevalence, policy, and practice (Ontario). , Jennifer Lynn. Zubick

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Social Work BSc: IHRSOW399 Research Dissertation

  • IHRSOW108 Preparation for Social Work Practice
  • IHRSOW109 Psychological Approaches to Human Behaviour and Lifespan Development
  • IHRSOW111 Values, Ethics and Dilemmas in Social Work Practice
  • IHRSOW110 Social Change and Social Justice in Social Work
  • IHRSOW204 Introduction to Research in Social Work
  • IHRSOW205 Assessed Practice Learning
  • IHRSOW212 Effective Communication in Social Work Practice
  • IHRSOW216 Social Work Research
  • Social Work with Children and Families: Law, Policy and Practice
  • IHRSOW302 Current Practice, Policy and Legislation
  • IHRSOW301 Assessed Practice Learning
  • IHRSOW399 Research Dissertation
  • Mental Health and Social Justice for Children and Adults
  • IHRIPL302 The Professional in the Team
  • IHRSOW306 Critical Social Work and Social Justice
  • Social Work with Adults: Law, Policy and Practice
  • Databases and Journals
  • Books and e-books
  • Using Images, Media and Specialist Websites
  • Latest Library News

Welcome to your reading list for Research Dissertation . Here you will find the resources to support you throughout your module.

Essential Reading

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Skills for Care

Social Care Institute for Excellence

Research Mindedness

Recommended Reading

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Braun, V. and Clarke, V. (2006) 'Using Thematic Analysis in Psychology',  Qualitative Research in Psychology , 3(2), pp. 77-101.

Cover Art

Flyvbjerg, B. (2006) 'Five Misunderstandings About Case-Study Research',  Qualitative Inquiry , 12(2), pp. 219-224 .

Cover Art

Hall, P. (2017) ‘Mental Health Act Assessments – Professional Narratives on Alternatives to Hospital Admission’, Journal of Social Work Practice , 31(4), pp. 445-459

Cover Art

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Dissertation examples

Listed below are some of the best examples of research projects and dissertations from undergraduate and taught postgraduate students at the University of Leeds We have not been able to gather examples from all schools. The module requirements for research projects may have changed since these examples were written. Refer to your module guidelines to make sure that you address all of the current assessment criteria. Some of the examples below are only available to access on campus.

  • Undergraduate examples
  • Taught Masters examples

These dissertations achieved a mark of 80 or higher:

The following two examples have been annotated with academic comments. This is to help you understand why they achieved a good 2:1 mark but also, more importantly, how the marks could have been improved.

Please read to help you make the most of the two examples.

(Mark 68)

(Mark 66)

These final year projects achieved a mark of a high first:

For students undertaking a New Venture Creation (NVC) approach, please see the following Masters level examples:

Projects which attained grades of over 70 or between 60 and 69 are indicated on the lists (accessible only by students and staff registered with School of Computer Science, when on campus).

These are good quality reports but they are not perfect. You may be able to identify areas for improvement (for example, structure, content, clarity, standard of written English, referencing or presentation quality).

The following examples have their marks and feedback included at the end of of each document.





The following examples have their feedback provided in a separate document.


School of Media and Communication .

The following outstanding dissertation example PDFs have their marks denoted in brackets.

(Mark 78)
(Mark 72)
(Mark 75)

(Mark 91)
(Mark 85)
(Mark 85)
(Mark 85)
(Mark 91)

(Mark 85)
(Mark 75)

This dissertation achieved a mark of 84:


LUBS5530 Enterprise

MSc Sustainability




The following outstanding dissertation example PDFs have their marks denoted in brackets.

(Mark 70)

(Mark 78)

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The Social Work Dissertation: Using Small-Scale Qualitative Methodology

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Julie Fish, The Social Work Dissertation: Using Small-Scale Qualitative Methodology, The British Journal of Social Work , Volume 43, Issue 8, December 2013, Pages 1667–1668,

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Social work gained recognition by the Economic and Social Research Council, the Government funded research council, as a research discipline in 2006. Disciplinary recognition, and subsequent designation as a priority research area, was achieved because social work research makes a distinctive contribution to knowledge about the effective design and delivery of social care services or interventions to promote well being. Achieving a vibrant and heterogeneous research discipline requires solid foundations: qualifying social workers need to be both active consumers and producers of research. Carey makes this argument early in this second edition of his book: social work students are uniquely placed among social science undergraduates and postgraduates to apply their research in practice. Social work researchers are able to build upon their practice experience of working alongside service users to bring about positive outcomes in their lives.

Competing demands on the qualifying curriculum following the Munro Review may lead some universities to question the need for an extended piece of work, such as a dissertation; Carey argues, in the first chapter, that conducting a dissertation enables students to understand social ‘problems’ in context and, at the same time, develop core social work skills. The text does much to demystify research from social work students' own disciplinary base. In chapter 2, Carey takes the reader through the stages of undertaking a dissertation: through choosing a topic to writing up and disseminating the findings. Choosing a topic is illustrated by practice examples, stimulating students' interest in core social work issues, including the assessment skills of care managers, safeguarding work with children and the needs of residents with learning disabilities in supported living. Students can thus visualise that the dissertation enables them to develop understanding and expertise about a key area of social work practice: to further investigate a problem they have encountered on placement, develop their understanding of people's experiences of service provision or pursue a topic about which they are passionate.

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Phd program, dissertation instructions.

The dissertation is an original piece of scholarly research on a topic that has been jointly agreed upon by the student and her/his Supervisory Committee members. It is a major undertaking that should reflect the highest standards of scholarship and make a significant contribution to knowledge and practice in the field of social welfare and the profession of social work.

"A candidate must present a dissertation demonstrating original and independent investigation and achievement. A dissertation should reflect not only mastery of research techniques but also ability to select an important problem for investigation and to deal with it competently." ( University of Washington Graduate School )

Dissertation Research 

After the dissertation prospectus has been approved by the Supervisory Committee and the PhD Steering Committee, the student normally works primarily under the direction of the chair. The extent to which other members are involved during the course of the dissertation research is determined on a case-by-case basis. If a dissertation study significantly changes as it progresses from that originally approved in the Prospectus by the Supervisory Committee and Steering Committee, the changes must be reviewed and approved by the Reading Committee members of the Supervisory Committee. 1

Dissertation Research Colloquium

At some point during the dissertation process each candidate is required to make a 30-minute presentation of her/his research at a Dissertation Colloquium. 2  The colloquium is an open assembly of Social Welfare Faculty, PhD students, and others (e.g., faculty from the School of Social Work and other departments, MSW and BASW students, and community persons) who have interest in the proposed research. The Dissertation Colloquium provides (1) a forum for the productive and timely exchange of ideas, suggestions, and resources with doctoral candidates as they work on their first major independent research endeavor and (2) an opportunity for doctoral candidates to articulate to others their research goals, plans, and questions. The timing of the colloquium will depend on the specific needs of each student and be determined by the student and Supervisory Committee. Two options are available:

  • At any point during the dissertation research process when the student and Supervisory Committee determine that a public presentation of the research and findings would be useful for the student. (This could be as a practice job talk or for the general purpose of sharing the research with the community.) The student’s Supervisory Committee is typically in attendance, and one member serves as discussant and facilitator of the Colloquium.
  • As an opening presentation during the Oral Dissertation Defense. (If this option is chosen the Social Work community must be invited to the presentation. Note: Graduate School guidelines recommend that at least a portion of the Oral Dissertation Defense be open to the public.)

Consistent with the program’s emphasis on providing opportunities for students to strengthen their skills in presenting their work, students are strongly encouraged to invite not only social work faculty and students but also any other relevant university colleagues or community members to attend the Colloquium. At least two weeks prior to the date of the Colloquium the student sends an email announcement with the presentation information and an abstract.

Writing and Submitting the Dissertation

Two general formats have been approved by the Graduate School and the social welfare faculty. The first, more traditional within the Arts and Sciences, is the monograph or “book” format for a dissertation. In this format, the dissertation is organized as an integrated set of chapters written as a logical progression of ideas pertaining to a central topic.  The second dissertation format, more prevalent in the health sciences, is a series of three to four research papers that may differ in topic but are clearly reflective of a coherent program of research. (*When the dissertation is composed of a set of research papers that are inclusive of co-authored manuscripts, the candidate must be the primary contributor and lead author on all published papers.)  Each format has advantages and disadvantages having to do with publication goals and career plans, and these should be carefully considered by the candidate in consultation with his/her dissertation committee.

For instructions on formatting the Dissertation, follow the School of Social Work Dissertation Style Guidelines . Also referenced in the guidelines document are templates for the required preliminary pages  and for paragraph styles . The final dissertation must be submitted to the Doctoral Program Office for approval before it is submitted to the Graduate School, thus students need to contact the Program Office during the final stages of writing to ensure that all the guidelines are understood and complied with. For submitting the final to the Graduate School, students must follow the procedures outlined in the  Graduate School’s Dissertation Submission Guidelines  for Theses and Dissertations. This document outlines the process for submission of doctoral dissertations.

All members of the Supervisory Committee must be provided a draft of the dissertation chapters at least 6 weeks in advance of the Oral Defense and a complete draft of the dissertation (with all required sections) at least 2 weeks in advance of the Defense. 2

Resources for Dissertation Research and Writing

All-But-Dissertation Survival Guide This monthly newsletter provides practical strategies for successfully completing your doctoral dissertation, periodic interviews with scholars about the tips they wish they'd known at the beginning of their own careers, and teleworkshops. 

Phinished  A discussion and support site aimed at helping people finish their dissertations.

Summary Notes of  Writing for Social Scientists Presents an outline of Howard S. Becker's suggestions for writing.  Taken from his book,  Writing for Social Scientists: How to Start and Finish Your Thesis, Book, or Article  (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1986). 

Thinking About Your Thesis This article by Erika Simpson provides guidelines for finishing a thesis or dissertation.

Writing and Presenting Your Thesis or Dissertation This article by S. Joseph Levine provides guidelines for thinking about a thesis or dissertation, writing a proposal, completing the project, and defending it.. 

Final Program Office Check

Before scheduling the oral defense, the student must contact the PhD Program Assistant Director for a final degree check, which will be done via email. This will ensure that all degree requirements have been met.

SSW Approval of the Dissertation

Once the entire dissertation is complete, it must be submitted it to the School of Social Work Doctoral Program Office for approval before submitting the final to the Graduate School. Each document will be checked page-by-page, and notations made of all errors to be fixed. 

As a general guideline, the SSW check should be arranged at least 2 weeks prior to the time the final will be submitted to the Graduate School. For formatting guidelines, see the  School of Social Work Dissertation Style Guidelines .  Contact the PhD Program Assistant Director in advance to request this check. Provide electronic files for checking instead of paper copy. This check can usually be accomplished in 1-2 working days if scheduled in advance.

Final Examination: Oral Defense

When the dissertation is complete and the doctoral Supervisory Committee agrees that the candidate is prepared to take the Final Examination (Oral D efense), the Program Director, Assistant Director, and Graduate School must be informed of the decision . 3

All members of the Supervisory Committee must be provided an initial draft of all chapters at least 6 weeks prior to the Oral Defense and a complete draft of the dissertation (with all required sections) at least 2 weeks in advance of the Defense. 4

All members of the Supervisory Committee (including the GSR) must be consulted by the student and approve the date, time, and location for the Oral Defense. The student then logs in to MyGrad to request  scheduling of the Defense . (This must be done at least 2 weeks prior to the date of the oral defense.) As soon as the request is made, the student  must send an email to the Assistant Director of the Social Welfare Program indicating that the request has been made (the MyGrad system tells students that the departments are being notified, but that's not true). The Assistant Director will approve the request through MyGrad. 

The Final Oral Defense is intended as an opportunity for the student to clarify, elaborate, or justify the procedures used and the findings obtained. At least four members of the Supervisory Committee (including the Chair, all other members of the Reading Committee, and the GSR) must be present at the defense, and all members of the Reading Committee (composed of at least 3 members of the Supervisory Committee, including the Chair) must approve the final product. (The GSR must be there in person; any other members may participate by phone or video-conferencing.) The student may choose to present the public Dissertation Colloquium as part of the Defense (see Dissertation Colloquium section above).

The defense session is normally about 2 hours. The committee Chair completes the  Dissertation Evaluation Form . After the defense has been conducted, the committee may approve the dissertation or require the student to make additional modifications or additions. Upon a successful defense and acceptance of the dissertation by the SSW and the Graduate School, the PhD in Social Welfare is conferred. 

The Reading Committee approves a dissertation through an online process. All members of a Committee must log into MyGrad Committee View , including non-UW Reading Committee Members. Members log in using their UW NetIDs and will see the option to approve the dissertation after the student's final exam has been scheduled. Any non-UW Reading Committee members must obtain a UW NetID when the join the committee. The PhD Program GPA can assist in this process.

Participating in Commencement Exercises

Consistent with the eligibility criteria for participation in the University of Washington’s June commencement exercises, individuals are eligible for participation in the School of Social Work’s June commencement exercises if the doctoral degree has been earned during the preceding Summer, or the Fall or Winter term of the current academic year. Alternatively, if a doctoral candidate has a reasonable expectation of graduating in either Spring or Summer of the current academic year he/she may choose to participate.  “Reasonable expectation of graduation” is interpreted as having progressed sufficiently in the writing of a dissertation that is of sufficient academic standard that there is strong consensus by the candidate’s Reading Committee that a dissertation defense can be scheduled in sufficient time for graduation by the end of the Summer term (after the commencement exercises).   

The PhD Program Director must approve commencement participation for any student who has not completed all requirements, including submission of the final dissertation to the Graduate School.

  • For information on participating in the  School of Social Work commencement .  To apply and participate in the University of Washington’s June commencement exercises go to the Graduation, Commencement, and Diplomas page .
  • Approved by Steering Committee, 5/26/98.
  • Approved by the PhD Steering Committee, 11/6/2012.
  • Graduate School revisions in General Examination and Defense Process instituted May 2009.
  • Approved by Steering Committee, 12/7/2010.

examples of social work dissertations

Dissertation Structure & Layout 101: How to structure your dissertation, thesis or research project.

By: Derek Jansen (MBA) Reviewed By: David Phair (PhD) | July 2019

So, you’ve got a decent understanding of what a dissertation is , you’ve chosen your topic and hopefully you’ve received approval for your research proposal . Awesome! Now its time to start the actual dissertation or thesis writing journey.

To craft a high-quality document, the very first thing you need to understand is dissertation structure . In this post, we’ll walk you through the generic dissertation structure and layout, step by step. We’ll start with the big picture, and then zoom into each chapter to briefly discuss the core contents. If you’re just starting out on your research journey, you should start with this post, which covers the big-picture process of how to write a dissertation or thesis .

Dissertation structure and layout - the basics

*The Caveat *

In this post, we’ll be discussing a traditional dissertation/thesis structure and layout, which is generally used for social science research across universities, whether in the US, UK, Europe or Australia. However, some universities may have small variations on this structure (extra chapters, merged chapters, slightly different ordering, etc).

So, always check with your university if they have a prescribed structure or layout that they expect you to work with. If not, it’s safe to assume the structure we’ll discuss here is suitable. And even if they do have a prescribed structure, you’ll still get value from this post as we’ll explain the core contents of each section.  

Overview: S tructuring a dissertation or thesis

  • Acknowledgements page
  • Abstract (or executive summary)
  • Table of contents , list of figures and tables
  • Chapter 1: Introduction
  • Chapter 2: Literature review
  • Chapter 3: Methodology
  • Chapter 4: Results
  • Chapter 5: Discussion
  • Chapter 6: Conclusion
  • Reference list

As I mentioned, some universities will have slight variations on this structure. For example, they want an additional “personal reflection chapter”, or they might prefer the results and discussion chapter to be merged into one. Regardless, the overarching flow will always be the same, as this flow reflects the research process , which we discussed here – i.e.:

  • The introduction chapter presents the core research question and aims .
  • The literature review chapter assesses what the current research says about this question.
  • The methodology, results and discussion chapters go about undertaking new research about this question.
  • The conclusion chapter (attempts to) answer the core research question .

In other words, the dissertation structure and layout reflect the research process of asking a well-defined question(s), investigating, and then answering the question – see below.

A dissertation's structure reflect the research process

To restate that – the structure and layout of a dissertation reflect the flow of the overall research process . This is essential to understand, as each chapter will make a lot more sense if you “get” this concept. If you’re not familiar with the research process, read this post before going further.

Right. Now that we’ve covered the big picture, let’s dive a little deeper into the details of each section and chapter. Oh and by the way, you can also grab our free dissertation/thesis template here to help speed things up.

The title page of your dissertation is the very first impression the marker will get of your work, so it pays to invest some time thinking about your title. But what makes for a good title? A strong title needs to be 3 things:

  • Succinct (not overly lengthy or verbose)
  • Specific (not vague or ambiguous)
  • Representative of the research you’re undertaking (clearly linked to your research questions)

Typically, a good title includes mention of the following:

  • The broader area of the research (i.e. the overarching topic)
  • The specific focus of your research (i.e. your specific context)
  • Indication of research design (e.g. quantitative , qualitative , or  mixed methods ).

For example:

A quantitative investigation [research design] into the antecedents of organisational trust [broader area] in the UK retail forex trading market [specific context/area of focus].

Again, some universities may have specific requirements regarding the format and structure of the title, so it’s worth double-checking expectations with your institution (if there’s no mention in the brief or study material).

Dissertations stacked up


This page provides you with an opportunity to say thank you to those who helped you along your research journey. Generally, it’s optional (and won’t count towards your marks), but it is academic best practice to include this.

So, who do you say thanks to? Well, there’s no prescribed requirements, but it’s common to mention the following people:

  • Your dissertation supervisor or committee.
  • Any professors, lecturers or academics that helped you understand the topic or methodologies.
  • Any tutors, mentors or advisors.
  • Your family and friends, especially spouse (for adult learners studying part-time).

There’s no need for lengthy rambling. Just state who you’re thankful to and for what (e.g. thank you to my supervisor, John Doe, for his endless patience and attentiveness) – be sincere. In terms of length, you should keep this to a page or less.

Abstract or executive summary

The dissertation abstract (or executive summary for some degrees) serves to provide the first-time reader (and marker or moderator) with a big-picture view of your research project. It should give them an understanding of the key insights and findings from the research, without them needing to read the rest of the report – in other words, it should be able to stand alone .

For it to stand alone, your abstract should cover the following key points (at a minimum):

  • Your research questions and aims – what key question(s) did your research aim to answer?
  • Your methodology – how did you go about investigating the topic and finding answers to your research question(s)?
  • Your findings – following your own research, what did do you discover?
  • Your conclusions – based on your findings, what conclusions did you draw? What answers did you find to your research question(s)?

So, in much the same way the dissertation structure mimics the research process, your abstract or executive summary should reflect the research process, from the initial stage of asking the original question to the final stage of answering that question.

In practical terms, it’s a good idea to write this section up last , once all your core chapters are complete. Otherwise, you’ll end up writing and rewriting this section multiple times (just wasting time). For a step by step guide on how to write a strong executive summary, check out this post .

Need a helping hand?

examples of social work dissertations

Table of contents

This section is straightforward. You’ll typically present your table of contents (TOC) first, followed by the two lists – figures and tables. I recommend that you use Microsoft Word’s automatic table of contents generator to generate your TOC. If you’re not familiar with this functionality, the video below explains it simply:

If you find that your table of contents is overly lengthy, consider removing one level of depth. Oftentimes, this can be done without detracting from the usefulness of the TOC.

Right, now that the “admin” sections are out of the way, its time to move on to your core chapters. These chapters are the heart of your dissertation and are where you’ll earn the marks. The first chapter is the introduction chapter – as you would expect, this is the time to introduce your research…

It’s important to understand that even though you’ve provided an overview of your research in your abstract, your introduction needs to be written as if the reader has not read that (remember, the abstract is essentially a standalone document). So, your introduction chapter needs to start from the very beginning, and should address the following questions:

  • What will you be investigating (in plain-language, big picture-level)?
  • Why is that worth investigating? How is it important to academia or business? How is it sufficiently original?
  • What are your research aims and research question(s)? Note that the research questions can sometimes be presented at the end of the literature review (next chapter).
  • What is the scope of your study? In other words, what will and won’t you cover ?
  • How will you approach your research? In other words, what methodology will you adopt?
  • How will you structure your dissertation? What are the core chapters and what will you do in each of them?

These are just the bare basic requirements for your intro chapter. Some universities will want additional bells and whistles in the intro chapter, so be sure to carefully read your brief or consult your research supervisor.

If done right, your introduction chapter will set a clear direction for the rest of your dissertation. Specifically, it will make it clear to the reader (and marker) exactly what you’ll be investigating, why that’s important, and how you’ll be going about the investigation. Conversely, if your introduction chapter leaves a first-time reader wondering what exactly you’ll be researching, you’ve still got some work to do.

Now that you’ve set a clear direction with your introduction chapter, the next step is the literature review . In this section, you will analyse the existing research (typically academic journal articles and high-quality industry publications), with a view to understanding the following questions:

  • What does the literature currently say about the topic you’re investigating?
  • Is the literature lacking or well established? Is it divided or in disagreement?
  • How does your research fit into the bigger picture?
  • How does your research contribute something original?
  • How does the methodology of previous studies help you develop your own?

Depending on the nature of your study, you may also present a conceptual framework towards the end of your literature review, which you will then test in your actual research.

Again, some universities will want you to focus on some of these areas more than others, some will have additional or fewer requirements, and so on. Therefore, as always, its important to review your brief and/or discuss with your supervisor, so that you know exactly what’s expected of your literature review chapter.

Dissertation writing

Now that you’ve investigated the current state of knowledge in your literature review chapter and are familiar with the existing key theories, models and frameworks, its time to design your own research. Enter the methodology chapter – the most “science-ey” of the chapters…

In this chapter, you need to address two critical questions:

  • Exactly HOW will you carry out your research (i.e. what is your intended research design)?
  • Exactly WHY have you chosen to do things this way (i.e. how do you justify your design)?

Remember, the dissertation part of your degree is first and foremost about developing and demonstrating research skills . Therefore, the markers want to see that you know which methods to use, can clearly articulate why you’ve chosen then, and know how to deploy them effectively.

Importantly, this chapter requires detail – don’t hold back on the specifics. State exactly what you’ll be doing, with who, when, for how long, etc. Moreover, for every design choice you make, make sure you justify it.

In practice, you will likely end up coming back to this chapter once you’ve undertaken all your data collection and analysis, and revise it based on changes you made during the analysis phase. This is perfectly fine. Its natural for you to add an additional analysis technique, scrap an old one, etc based on where your data lead you. Of course, I’m talking about small changes here – not a fundamental switch from qualitative to quantitative, which will likely send your supervisor in a spin!

You’ve now collected your data and undertaken your analysis, whether qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods. In this chapter, you’ll present the raw results of your analysis . For example, in the case of a quant study, you’ll present the demographic data, descriptive statistics, inferential statistics , etc.

Typically, Chapter 4 is simply a presentation and description of the data, not a discussion of the meaning of the data. In other words, it’s descriptive, rather than analytical – the meaning is discussed in Chapter 5. However, some universities will want you to combine chapters 4 and 5, so that you both present and interpret the meaning of the data at the same time. Check with your institution what their preference is.

Now that you’ve presented the data analysis results, its time to interpret and analyse them. In other words, its time to discuss what they mean, especially in relation to your research question(s).

What you discuss here will depend largely on your chosen methodology. For example, if you’ve gone the quantitative route, you might discuss the relationships between variables . If you’ve gone the qualitative route, you might discuss key themes and the meanings thereof. It all depends on what your research design choices were.

Most importantly, you need to discuss your results in relation to your research questions and aims, as well as the existing literature. What do the results tell you about your research questions? Are they aligned with the existing research or at odds? If so, why might this be? Dig deep into your findings and explain what the findings suggest, in plain English.

The final chapter – you’ve made it! Now that you’ve discussed your interpretation of the results, its time to bring it back to the beginning with the conclusion chapter . In other words, its time to (attempt to) answer your original research question s (from way back in chapter 1). Clearly state what your conclusions are in terms of your research questions. This might feel a bit repetitive, as you would have touched on this in the previous chapter, but its important to bring the discussion full circle and explicitly state your answer(s) to the research question(s).

Dissertation and thesis prep

Next, you’ll typically discuss the implications of your findings . In other words, you’ve answered your research questions – but what does this mean for the real world (or even for academia)? What should now be done differently, given the new insight you’ve generated?

Lastly, you should discuss the limitations of your research, as well as what this means for future research in the area. No study is perfect, especially not a Masters-level. Discuss the shortcomings of your research. Perhaps your methodology was limited, perhaps your sample size was small or not representative, etc, etc. Don’t be afraid to critique your work – the markers want to see that you can identify the limitations of your work. This is a strength, not a weakness. Be brutal!

This marks the end of your core chapters – woohoo! From here on out, it’s pretty smooth sailing.

The reference list is straightforward. It should contain a list of all resources cited in your dissertation, in the required format, e.g. APA , Harvard, etc.

It’s essential that you use reference management software for your dissertation. Do NOT try handle your referencing manually – its far too error prone. On a reference list of multiple pages, you’re going to make mistake. To this end, I suggest considering either Mendeley or Zotero. Both are free and provide a very straightforward interface to ensure that your referencing is 100% on point. I’ve included a simple how-to video for the Mendeley software (my personal favourite) below:

Some universities may ask you to include a bibliography, as opposed to a reference list. These two things are not the same . A bibliography is similar to a reference list, except that it also includes resources which informed your thinking but were not directly cited in your dissertation. So, double-check your brief and make sure you use the right one.

The very last piece of the puzzle is the appendix or set of appendices. This is where you’ll include any supporting data and evidence. Importantly, supporting is the keyword here.

Your appendices should provide additional “nice to know”, depth-adding information, which is not critical to the core analysis. Appendices should not be used as a way to cut down word count (see this post which covers how to reduce word count ). In other words, don’t place content that is critical to the core analysis here, just to save word count. You will not earn marks on any content in the appendices, so don’t try to play the system!

Time to recap…

And there you have it – the traditional dissertation structure and layout, from A-Z. To recap, the core structure for a dissertation or thesis is (typically) as follows:

  • Acknowledgments page

Most importantly, the core chapters should reflect the research process (asking, investigating and answering your research question). Moreover, the research question(s) should form the golden thread throughout your dissertation structure. Everything should revolve around the research questions, and as you’ve seen, they should form both the start point (i.e. introduction chapter) and the endpoint (i.e. conclusion chapter).

I hope this post has provided you with clarity about the traditional dissertation/thesis structure and layout. If you have any questions or comments, please leave a comment below, or feel free to get in touch with us. Also, be sure to check out the rest of the  Grad Coach Blog .

examples of social work dissertations

Psst... there’s more!

This post was based on one of our popular Research Bootcamps . If you're working on a research project, you'll definitely want to check this out ...



many thanks i found it very useful

Derek Jansen

Glad to hear that, Arun. Good luck writing your dissertation.


Such clear practical logical advice. I very much needed to read this to keep me focused in stead of fretting.. Perfect now ready to start my research!


what about scientific fields like computer or engineering thesis what is the difference in the structure? thank you very much


Thanks so much this helped me a lot!

Ade Adeniyi

Very helpful and accessible. What I like most is how practical the advice is along with helpful tools/ links.

Thanks Ade!


Thank you so much sir.. It was really helpful..

You’re welcome!

Jp Raimundo

Hi! How many words maximum should contain the abstract?

Karmelia Renatee

Thank you so much 😊 Find this at the right moment

You’re most welcome. Good luck with your dissertation.


best ever benefit i got on right time thank you

Krishnan iyer

Many times Clarity and vision of destination of dissertation is what makes the difference between good ,average and great researchers the same way a great automobile driver is fast with clarity of address and Clear weather conditions .

I guess Great researcher = great ideas + knowledge + great and fast data collection and modeling + great writing + high clarity on all these

You have given immense clarity from start to end.

Alwyn Malan

Morning. Where will I write the definitions of what I’m referring to in my report?


Thank you so much Derek, I was almost lost! Thanks a tonnnn! Have a great day!

yemi Amos

Thanks ! so concise and valuable

Kgomotso Siwelane

This was very helpful. Clear and concise. I know exactly what to do now.

dauda sesay

Thank you for allowing me to go through briefly. I hope to find time to continue.

Patrick Mwathi

Really useful to me. Thanks a thousand times

Adao Bundi

Very interesting! It will definitely set me and many more for success. highly recommended.


Thank you soo much sir, for the opportunity to express my skills

mwepu Ilunga

Usefull, thanks a lot. Really clear


Very nice and easy to understand. Thank you .

Chrisogonas Odhiambo

That was incredibly useful. Thanks Grad Coach Crew!


My stress level just dropped at least 15 points after watching this. Just starting my thesis for my grad program and I feel a lot more capable now! Thanks for such a clear and helpful video, Emma and the GradCoach team!


Do we need to mention the number of words the dissertation contains in the main document?

It depends on your university’s requirements, so it would be best to check with them 🙂


Such a helpful post to help me get started with structuring my masters dissertation, thank you!

Simon Le

Great video; I appreciate that helpful information

Brhane Kidane

It is so necessary or avital course


This blog is very informative for my research. Thank you


Doctoral students are required to fill out the National Research Council’s Survey of Earned Doctorates

Emmanuel Manjolo

wow this is an amazing gain in my life

Paul I Thoronka

This is so good

Tesfay haftu

How can i arrange my specific objectives in my dissertation?


  • What Is A Literature Review (In A Dissertation Or Thesis) - Grad Coach - […] is to write the actual literature review chapter (this is usually the second chapter in a typical dissertation or…

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Part 1: Introduction to research

5. Writing your literature review

Chapter outline.

  • Reading results (16 minute read)
  • Synthesizing information (16 minute read)
  • Writing a literature review (18 minute read)

Content warning: examples in this chapter contain references to domestic violence and details on types of abuse, drug use, poverty, mental health, sexual harassment and details on harassing behaviors, children’s mental health, LGBTQ+ oppression and suicide, obesity, anti-poverty stigma, and psychotic disorders.

5.1 Reading results

Learning objectives.

Learners will be able to…

  • Describe how statistical significance and confidence intervals demonstrate which results are most important
  • Differentiate between qualitative and quantitative results in an empirical journal article

If you recall from section 3.1 , empirical journal articles are those that report the results of quantitative or qualitative data analyzed by the author. They follow a set structure—introduction, methods, results, discussion/conclusions. This section is about reading the most challenging section: results.

Read beyond the abstract

At this point, I have read hundreds of literature reviews written by students. One of the challenges I have noted is that students will report the results as summarized in the abstract, rather than the detailed findings laid out in the results section of the article. This poses a problem when you are writing a literature review because you need to provide specific and clear facts that support your reading of the literature. The abstract may say something like: “we found that poverty is associated with mental health status.” For your literature review, you want the details, not the summary. In the results section of the article, you may find a sentence that states: “children living in households experiencing poverty are three times more likely to have a mental health diagnosis.” This more specific statistical information provides a stronger basis on which to build the arguments in your literature review.

Using the summarized results in an abstract is an understandable mistake to make. The results section often contains figures and tables that may be challenging to understand. Often, without having completed more advanced coursework on statistical or qualitative analysis, some of the terminology, symbols, or diagrams may be difficult to comprehend. This section is all about how to read and interpret the results of an empirical (quantitative or qualitative) journal article. Our discussion here will be basic, and in parts three and four of the textbook, you will learn more about how to interpret results from statistical tests and qualitative data analysis.

Remember, this section only addresses empirical articles. Non-empirical articles (e.g., theoretical articles, literature reviews) don’t have results. They cite the analysis of raw data completed by other authors, not the person writing the journal article who is merely summarizing others’ work.

examples of social work dissertations

Quantitative results

Quantitative articles often contain tables, and scanning them is a good way to begin reading the results. A table usually provides a quick, condensed summary of the report’s key findings. Tables are a concise way to report large amounts of data. Some tables present descriptive information about a researcher’s sample (often the first table in a results section). These tables will likely contain frequencies (N) and percentages (%). For example, if gender happened to be an important variable for the researcher’s analysis, a descriptive table would show how many and what percent of all study participants are of a particular gender. Frequencies or “how many” will probably be listed as N, while the percent symbol (%) might be used to indicate percentages.

In a table presenting a causal relationship, two sets of variables are represented. The independent variable , or cause, and the dependent variable , the effect. We’ll go into more detail on variables in Chapter 8 . Independent variable attributes are typically presented in the table’s columns, while dependent variable attributes are presented in rows. This allows the reader to scan a table’s rows to see how values on the dependent variable change as the independent variable values change. Tables displaying results of quantitative analysis will also likely include some information about which relationships are significant or not. We will discuss the details of significance and p-values later in this section.

Let’s look at a specific example: Table 5.1. It presents the causal relationship between gender and experiencing harassing behaviors at work. In this example, gender is the independent variable (the cause) and the harassing behaviors listed are the dependent variables (the effects). [1] Therefore, we place gender in the table’s columns and harassing behaviors in the table’s rows.

Reading across the table’s top row, we see that 2.9% of women in the sample reported experiencing subtle or obvious threats to their safety at work, while 4.7% of men in the sample reported the same. We can read across each of the rows of the table in this way. Reading across the bottom row, we see that 9.4% of women in the sample reported experiencing staring or invasion of their personal space at work while just 2.3% of men in the sample reported having the same experience. We’ll discuss  p values later in this section.

Table 5.1 Percentage reporting harassing behaviors at work
Subtle or obvious threats to your safety 2.9% 4.7% 0.623
Being hit, pushed, or grabbed 2.2% 4.7% 0.480
Comments or behaviors that demean your gender 6.5% 2.3% 0.184
Comments or behaviors that demean your age 13.8% 9.3% 0.407
Staring or invasion of your personal space 9.4% 2.3% 0.039
Note: Sample size was 138 for women and 43 for men.

While you can certainly scan tables for key results, they are often difficult to understand without reading the text of the article. The article and table were meant to complement each other, and the text should provide information on how the authors interpret their findings. The table is not redundant with the text of the results section. Additionally, the first table in most results sections is a summary of the study’s sample, which provides more background information on the study than information about hypotheses and findings. It is also a good idea to look back at the methods section of the article as the data analysis plan the authors outline should walk you through the steps they took to analyze their data which will inform how they report them in the results section.

Statistical significance

The statistics reported in Table 5.1 represent what the researchers found in their sample. The purpose of statistical analysis is usually to generalize from a the small number of people in a study’s sample to a larger population of people. Thus, the researchers intend to make causal arguments about harassing behaviors at workplaces beyond those covered in the sample.

Generalizing is key to understanding statistical significance . According to Cassidy and colleagues, (2019) [2] 89% of research methods textbooks in psychology define statistical significance incorrectly. This includes an early draft of this textbook which defined statistical significance as “the likelihood that the relationships we observe could be caused by something other than chance.” If you have previously had a research methods class, this might sound familiar to you. It certainly did to me!

But statistical significance is less about “random chance” than more about the null hypothesis . Basically, at the beginning of a study a researcher develops a hypothesis about what they expect to find, usually that there is a statistical relationship between two or more variables . The null hypothesis is the opposite. It is the hypothesis that there is no relationship between the variables in a research study. Researchers then can hopefully reject the null hypothesis because they find a relationship between the variables.

For example, in Table 5.1 researchers were examining whether gender impacts harassment. Of course, researchers assumed that women were more likely to experience harassment than men. The null hypothesis, then, would be that gender has no impact on harassment. Once we conduct the study, our results will hopefully lead us to reject the null hypothesis because we find that gender impacts harassment. We would then generalize from our study’s sample to the larger population of people in the workplace.

Statistical significance is calculated using a p-value which is obtained by comparing the statistical results with a hypothetical set of results if the researchers re-ran their study a large number of times. Keeping with our example, imagine we re-ran our study with different men and women from different workplaces hundreds and hundred of times and we assume that the null hypothesis is true that gender has no impact on harassment. If results like ours come up pretty often when the null hypothesis is true, our results probably don’t mean much. “The smaller the p-value, the greater the statistical incompatibility with the null hypothesis” (Wasserstein & Lazar, 2016, p. 131). [3] Generally, researchers in the social sciences have used 0.05 as the value at which a result is significant (p is less than 0.05) or not significant (p is greater than 0.05). The p-value 0.05 refers to if 5% of those hypothetical results from re-running our study show the same or more extreme relationships when the null hypothesis is true. Researchers, however, may choose a stricter standard such as 0.01 in which only 1% of those hypothetical results are more extreme or a more lenient standard like 0.1 in which 10% of those hypothetical results are more extreme than what was found in the study.

Let’s look back at Table 5.1. Which one of the relationships between gender and harassing behaviors is statistically significant? It’s the last one in the table, “staring or invasion of personal space,” whose p-value is 0.039 (under the p<0.05 standard to establish statistical significance). Again, this indicates that if we re-ran our study over and over again and gender did not  impact staring/invasion of space (i.e., the null hypothesis was true), only 3.9% of the time would we find similar or more extreme differences between men and women than what we observed in our study. Thus, we conclude that for staring or invasion of space only , there is a statistically significant relationship.

For contrast, let’s look at “being pushed, hit, or grabbed” and run through the same analysis to see if it is statistically significant. If we re-ran our study over and over again and the null hypothesis was true, 48% of the time (p=.48) we would find similar or more extreme differences between men and women. That means these results are not statistically significant.

This discussion should also highlight a point we discussed previously: that it is important to read the full results section, rather than simply relying on the summary in the abstract. If the abstract stated that most tests revealed no statistically significant relationships between gender and harassment, you would have missed the detail on which behaviors were and were not associated with gender. Read the full results section! And don’t be afraid to ask for help from a professor in understanding what you are reading, as results sections are often not written to be easily understood.

Statistical significance and p-values have been critiqued recently for a number of reasons, including that they are misused and misinterpreted (Wasserstein & Lazar, 2016) [4] , that researchers deliberately manipulate their analyses to have significant results (Head et al., 2015) [5] , and factor into the difficulty scientists have today in reproducing many of the results of previous social science studies (Peng, 2015). [6] For this reason, we share these principles, adapted from those put forth by the American Statistical Association, [7]  for understanding and using p-values in social science:

  • P-values provide evidence against a null hypothesis.
  • P-values do not indicate whether the results were produced by random chance alone or if the researcher’s hypothesis is true, though both are common misconceptions.
  • Statistical significance can be detected in minuscule differences that have very little effect on the real world.
  • Nuance is needed to interpret scientific findings, as a conclusion does not become true or false when the p-value passes from p=0.051 to p=0.049.
  • Real-world decision-making must use more than reported p-values. It’s easy to run analyses of large datasets and only report the significant findings.
  • Greater confidence can be placed in studies that pre-register their hypotheses and share their data and methods openly with the public.
  • “By itself, a p-value does not provide a good measure of evidence regarding a model or hypothesis. For example, a p-value near 0.05 taken by itself offers only weak evidence against the null hypothesis. Likewise, a relatively large p-value does not imply evidence in favor of the null hypothesis; many other hypotheses may be equally or more consistent with the observed data” (Wasserstein & Lazar, 2016, p. 132).

Confidence intervals

Because of the limitations of p-values, scientists can use other methods to determine whether their models of the world are true. One common approach is to use a confidence interval , or a range of values in which the true value is likely to be found. Confidence intervals are helpful because, as principal #5 above points out, p-values do not measure the size of an effect (Greenland et al., 2016). [8] Remember, something that has very little impact on the world can be statistically significant, and the values in a confidence interval would be helpful. In our example from Table 5.1, imagine our analysis produced a confidence interval that women are 1.2-3.4x more likely to experience “staring or invasion of personal space” than men. As with p-values, calculation for a confidence interval compares what was found in one study with a hypothetical set of results if we repeated the study over and over again. If we calculated 95% confidence intervals for all of the hypothetical set of hundreds and hundreds of studies, that would be our confidence interval. 

Confidence intervals are pretty intuitive. As of this writing, my wife and are expecting our second child. The doctor told us our due date was December 11th. But the doctor also told us that December 11th was only their best estimate. They were actually 95% sure our baby might be born any time in the 30-day period between November 27th and December 25th. Confidence intervals are often listed with a percentage, like 90% or 95%, and a range of values, such as between November 27th and December 25th. You can read that as: “we are 95% sure your baby will be born between November 27th and December 25th because we’ve studied hundreds of thousands of fetuses and mothers, and we’re 95% sure your baby will be within these two dates.”

Notice that we’re hedging our bets here by using words like “best estimate.” When testing hypotheses, social scientists generally phrase their findings in a tentative way, talking about what results “indicate” or “support,” rather than making bold statements about what their results “prove.” Social scientists have humility because they understand the limitations of their knowledge. In a literature review, using a single study or fact to “prove” an argument right or wrong is often a signal to the person reading your literature review (usually your professor) that you may not have appreciated the limitations of that study or its place in the broader literature on the topic. Strong arguments in a literature review include multiple facts and ideas that span across multiple studies.

You can learn more about creating tables, reading tables, and tests of statistical significance in a class focused exclusively on statistical analysis. We provide links to many free and openly licensed resources on statistics in Chapter 16 . For now, we hope this brief introduction to reading tables will improve your confidence in reading and understanding the results sections in quantitative empirical articles.

Qualitative results

Quantitative articles will contain a lot of numbers and the results of statistical tests demonstrating associations between those numbers. Qualitative articles, on the other hand, will consist mostly of quotations from participants. For most qualitative articles, the authors want to put their results in the words of their participants, as they are the experts. Articles that lack quotations make it difficult to assess whether the researcher interpreted the data in a trustworthy, unbiased manner. These types of articles may also indicate how often particular themes or ideas came up in the data, potentially reflective of how important they were to participants.

Authors often organize qualitative results by themes and subthemes. For example, see this snippet from the results section in Bonanno and Veselak (2019) [9] discussion parents’ attitudes towards child mental health information sources.

Data analysis revealed four themes related to participants’ abilities to access mental health help and information for their children, and parents’ levels of trust in these sources. These themes are: others’ firsthand experiences family and friends with professional experience, protecting privacy, and uncertainty about schools as information sources. Trust emerged as an overarching and unifying concept for all of these themes. Others’ firsthand experiences. Several participants reported seeking information from other parents who had experienced mental health struggles similar to their own children. They often referenced friends or family members who had been or would be good sources of information due to their own personal experiences. The following quote from Adrienne demonstrates the importance of firsthand experience: [I would only feel comfortable sharing concerns or asking for advice] if I knew that they had been in the same situation. (Adrienne) Similarly, Michelle said: And I talked to a friend of mine who has kids who have IEPs in the district to see, kind of, how did she go about it. (Michelle) … Friends/family with professional experience . Several respondents referred to friends or family members who had professional experience with or knowledge of child mental health and suggested that these individuals would be good sources of information. For example, Hannah said: Well, what happened with me was I have an uncle who’s a psychiatrist. Sometimes if he’s up in (a city to the north), he’s retired, I can call him sometimes and get information. (Hannah) Michelle, who was in nursing school, echoed this sentiment: At this point, [if my child’s behavioral difficulties continued], I would probably call one of my [nursing] professors. That’s what I’ve done in the past when I’ve needed help with certain things…I have a professor who I would probably consider a friend who I would probably talk to first. She has a big adolescent practice. (Michelle) (p. 402-403)

The terms in bold above refer to the key themes (i.e., qualitative results) that were present in the data. Researchers will state the process by which they interpret each theme, providing a definition and usually some quotations from research participants. Researchers will also draw connections between themes, note consensus or conflict over themes, and situate the themes within the study context.

Qualitative results are specific to the time, place, and culture in which they arise, so you will have to use your best judgment to determine whether these results are relevant to your study. For example, students in my class at Radford University in Southwest Virginia may be studying rural populations. Would a study on group homes in a large urban city transfer well to group homes in a rural area?

Maybe. But even if you were using data from a qualitative study in another rural area, are all rural areas the same? How is the client population and sociocultural context in the article similar or different to the one in your study? Qualitative studies have tremendous depth, but researchers must be intentional about drawing conclusions about one context based on a study in another context.

Key Takeaways

  • The results section of empirical articles are often the most difficult to understand.
  • To understand a quantitative results section, look for results that were statistically significant and examine the confidence interval, if provided.
  • To understand a qualitative results section, look for definitions of themes or codes and use the quotations provided to understand the participants’ perspective.

Select a quantitative empirical article related to your topic.

  • Write down the results the authors identify as statistically significant in the results section.
  • How do the authors interpret their results in the discussion section?
  • Do the authors provide enough information in the introduction for you to understand their results?

Select a qualitative empirical article relevant to your topic.

  • Write down the key themes the authors identify and how they were defined by the participants.

5.2 Organizing information

  • Describe how to use summary tables to organize information from empirical articles
  • Describe how to use topical outlines to organize information from the literature reviews of articles you read
  • Create a concept map that visualizes the key concepts and relationships relevant to your working question
  • Use what you learn in the literature search to revise your working question

This section will introduce you to three tools scholars use to organize and synthesize (i.e., weave together) information from multiple sources. First, we will discuss how to build a summary table containing information from empirical articles that are highly relevant—from literature review, to methods and results—to your entire research proposal. These are articles you will need to know the details of back-to-front because they are so highly related to your proposed study.

Second, we’ll discuss what to do with the other articles you’ve downloaded. As we’ve discussed previously, you’re not going to read most of the sources you download from start-to-finish. Instead, you’ll look at the author’s literature review, key ideas, and skim for any relevant passages for your project. As you do so, you should create a topical outline that organizes all relevant facts you might use in your literature that you’ve collected from the abstract, literature review, and conclusion of the articles you’ve found. Of course, it is important to note the original source of the information you are citing.

Finally, we will revisit concept mapping as a technique for visualizing the concepts in your study. Altogether, these techniques should help you create intermediary products—documents you are not likely to show to anyone or turn in for a grade—but that are vital steps to a final research proposal.

Organizing empirical articles using a summary table

Your research proposal is an empirical project. You will collect raw data and analyze it to answer your question. Over the next few weeks, identify about 10 articles that are empirically similar to the study you want to conduct. If you plan on conducting surveys of practitioners, it’s a good idea for you to read in detail other articles that have used similar methods (sampling, measures, data analysis) and asked similar questions to your proposal. A summary table can help you organize these Top 10 articles: empirical articles that are highly relevant to your proposal and working question.

Using the annotations in Section 4.2 as a guide, create a spreadsheet or Word table with your annotation categories as columns and each source as new row. For example, I was searching for articles on using a specific educational technique in the literature. I wanted to know whether other researchers found positive results, how big their samples were, and whether they were conducted at a single school or across multiple schools. I looked through each empirical article on the topic and filled in a summary table. At the end, I could do an easy visual analysis and state that most studies revealed no significant results and that there were few multi-site studies. These arguments were then included in my literature review. These tables are similar to those you will find in a systematic review article.

A basic summary table is provided in Figure 5.1. A more detailed example is available from Elaine Gregersen’s blog , and you can download an Excel template from Raul Pacheco-Vega’s blog . Remember, although “the means of summarizing can vary, the key at this point is to make sure you understand what you’ve found and how it relates to your topic and research question” (Bennard et al., 2014, para. 10). [10] As you revisit and revise your working question over the next few weeks, think about those sources that are so relevant you need to understand every detail about them.

A good summary table will also ensure that when you cite these articles in your literature review, you are able to provide the necessary detail and context for readers to properly understand the results. For example, one of the common errors I see in student literature reviews is using a small, exploratory study to represent the truth about a larger population. You will also notice important differences in how variables are measured or how people are sampled, for instance, and these details are often the source of a good critical review of the literature.

A 3 by 3 table with purpose, methods, and results as columns and sources 1, 2, and 3 as rows

  • Using your folder of article PDFs from you’ve downloaded in previous exercises, identify which articles are likely to be most relevant to your proposed study. This may change as you revise your working question and study design over the next few weeks. Create a list of 10 articles that are highly relevant to the extent that you will need to remember key details from each section of the article.
  • Create a spreadsheet for your summary table and save it in your project folder on your hard drive. Using one of the templates linked in this chapter, fill in the columns of your spreadsheet. Enter the information from one of the articles you’ve read so far. As you finalize your research question over the next few weeks, fill in your summary table with the 5 most relevant empirical articles on your topic.

Synthesizing facts using a topical outline

If we’re only reading 10 articles in detail, what do we do with the others? Raul Pacheco-Vega recommends using the AIC approach : read the abstract, introduction, and conclusion (and the discussion section, in empirical articles). For non-empirical articles, it’s a little less clear but the first few pages and last few pages of an article usually contain the author’s reading of the relevant literature and their principal conclusions. You may also want to skim the first and last sentence of each paragraph. Only read paragraphs in which you are likely to find information relevant to your working question. Skimming like this gives you the general point of the article, though you should read in detail the most valuable resource of all—another author’s literature review.

It’s impossible to read all of the literature about your topic. You will read about 10 articles in detail. For a few dozen more (there is no magic number), you will read the abstract, introduction, and conclusion, skim the rest of the article, but ultimately never read everything. Make the most out of the articles you do read by extracting as many facts as possible from each. You are starting your research project without a lot of knowledge of the topic you want to study, and by using the literature reviews provided in academic journal articles, you can gain a lot of knowledge about a topic in a short period of time. This way, by reading only a small number of articles, you are also reading their citations and synthesis of dozens of other articles as well.

As you read an article in detail, we suggest copying any facts you find relevant in a separate word processing document. Another idea is to copy anything you’ve annotated as background information in Section 4.2 into an outline. Copying and pasting from PDF to Word can be difficult because PDFs are image files, not documents. To make that easier, use the HTML version of the article, convert the PDF to Word in Adobe Acrobat or another PDF reader, or use the “paste special” command to paste the content into Word without formatting. If it’s an old PDF, you may have to simply type out the information you need. It can be a messy job, but having all of your facts in one place is very helpful when drafting your literature review.

You should copy and paste any fact or argument you consider important. Some good examples include definitions of concepts, statistics about the size of the social problem, and empirical evidence about the key variables in the research question, among countless others. It’s a good idea to consult with your professor and the course syllabus to understand what they are looking for when reading your literature review. Facts for your literature review are principally found in the introduction, results, and discussion section of an empirical article or at any point in a non-empirical article. Copy and paste into your notes anything you may want to use in your literature review.

Importantly, you must make sure you note the original source of each bit of information you copy. Nothing is worse than needing to track down a source for fact you read who-knows-where. If you found a statistic that the author used in the introduction, it almost certainly came from another source that the author cited in a footnote or internal citation. You will want to check the original source to make sure the author represented the information correctly. Moreover, you may want to read the original study to learn more about your topic and discover other sources relevant to your inquiry.

Assuming you have pulled all of the facts out of multiple articles, it’s time to start thinking about how these pieces of information relate to each other. Start grouping each fact into categories and subcategories as shown in Table 5.2. For example, a statistic stating that single adults who are homeless are more likely to be male may fit into a category of gender and homelessness. For each topic or subtopic you identify during your critical analysis of each paper, determine what those papers have in common. Likewise, determine which differ. If there are contradictory findings, you may be able to identify methodological or theoretical differences that could account for these contradictions. For example, one study may sample only high-income earners or those living in a rural area. Determine what general conclusions you can report about the topic or subtopic, based on all of the information you’ve found.

Create a separate document containing a topical outline that combines your facts from each source and organizes them by topic or category. As you include more facts and more sources in your topical outline, you will begin to see how each fact fits into a category and how categories are related to one another. Keep in mind that your category names may change over time, as may their definitions. This is a natural reflection of the learning you are doing.

Table 5.2 Topical outline

A complete topical outline is a long list of facts arranged by category. As you step back from the outline, you should assess which topic areas for which you have enough research support to allow you to draw strong conclusions. You should also assess which areas you need to do more research in before you can write a robust literature review. The topical outline should serve as a transitional document between the notes you write on each source and the literature review you submit to your professor. It is important to note that they contain plagiarized information that is copied and pasted directly from the primary sources. In this case, it is not problematic because these are just notes and are not meant to be turned in as your own ideas. For your final literature review, you must paraphrase these sources to avoid plagiarism. More importantly, you should keep your voice and ideas front-and-center in what you write as this is your analysis of the literature. Make strong claims and support them thoroughly using facts you found in the literature. We will pick up the task of writing your literature review in section 5.3.

  • In your folder full of article PDFs, look for the most relevant review articles. If you don’t have any, try to look for some. If there are none in your topic area, you can also use other non-empirical articles or empirical articles with long literature reviews (in the introduction and discussion sections).
  • Create a word processing document for your topical outline and save it in your project folder on your hard drive. Using a review article, start copying facts you identified as Background Information or Results into your topical outline. Try to organize each fact by topic or theme. Make sure to copy the internal citation for the original source of each fact. For articles that do not use internal citations, create one using the information in the footnotes and references. As you finalize your research question over the next few weeks, skim the literature reviews of the articles you download for key facts and copy them into your topical outline.

Putting the pieces together: Building a concept map

Developing a concept map or mind map around your topic can be helpful in figuring out how the facts fit together. We talked about concept mapping briefly in Chapter 2 , when we were first thinking about your topic and sketching out what you already know about it. Concept mapping during the literature review stage of a research project builds on this foundation of knowledge and aims to improve the “description of the breadth and depth of literature in a domain of inquiry. It also facilitates identification of the number and nature of studies underpinning mapped relationships among concepts, thus laying the groundwork for systematic research reviews and meta-analyses” (Lesley, Floyd, & Oermann, 2002, p. 229). [11] Its purpose, like other question refinement methods, is to help you organize, prioritize, and integrate material into a workable research area—one that is interesting, answerable, feasible, objective, scholarly, original, and clear.

Think about the topics you created in your topic outline. How do they relate to one another? Within each topic, how do facts relate to one another? As you write down what you have, think about what you already know. What other related concepts do you not yet have information about? What relationships do you need to investigate further? Building a conceptual map should help you understand what you already know, what you need to learn next, and how you can organize a literature review.

This technique is illustrated in this YouTube video about concept mapping . You may want to indicate which concepts and relationships you’ve already found in your review and which ones you think might be true but haven’t found evidence of yet. Once you get a sense of how your concepts are related and which relationships are important to you, it’s time to revise your working question.

  • Create a concept map using a pencil and paper.
  • Identify the key ideas inside the literature, how they relate to one another, and the facts you know about them.
  • Reflect on those areas you need to learn more about prior to writing your literature review.
  • As you finalize your research question over the next few weeks, update your concept map and think about how you might organize it into a written literature review.
  • Refer to the topics and headings you use in your topical outline and think about what literature you have that helps you understand each concept and relationship between them in your concept map.

Revising your working question

You should be revisiting your working question throughout the literature review process. As you continue to learn more about your topic, your question will become more specific and clearly worded. This is normal, and there is no way to shorten this process. Keep revising your question in order to ensure it will contribute something new to the literature on your topic, is relevant to your target population, and is feasible for you to conduct as a student project.

For example, perhaps your initial idea or interest is how to prevent obesity. After an initial search of the relevant literature, you realize the topic of obesity is too broad to adequately cover in the time you have to do your project. You decide to narrow your focus to causes of childhood obesity. After reading some articles on childhood obesity, you further narrow your search to the influence of family risk factors on overweight children. A potential research question might then be, “What maternal factors are associated with toddler obesity in the United States?” You would then need to return to the literature to find more specific studies related to the variables in this question (e.g. maternal factors, toddler, obesity, toddler obesity).

Similarly, after an initial literature search for a broad topic such as school performance or grades, examples of a narrow research question might be:

  • “To what extent does parental involvement in children’s education relate to school performance over the course of the early grades?”
  • “Do parental involvement levels differ by family social, demographic, and contextual characteristics?”
  • “What forms of parent involvement are most highly correlated with children’s outcomes? What factors might influence the extent of parental involvement?” (Early Childhood Longitudinal Program, 2011). [12]

In either case, your literature search, working question, and understanding of the topic are constantly changing as your knowledge of the topic deepens. A literature review is an iterative process, one that stops, starts, and loops back on itself multiple times before completion. As research is a practice behavior of social workers, you should apply the same type of critical reflection to your inquiry as you would to your clinical or macro practice.

There are many ways to approach synthesizing literature. We’ve reviewed the following: summary tables, topical outlines, and concept maps. Other examples you may encounter include annotated bibliographies and synthesis matrices. As you are learning how to conduct research, find a method that works for you. Reviewing the literature is a core component of evidence-based practice in social work. See the resources below if you need some additional help:

Literature Reviews: Using a Matrix to Organize Research  / Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota

Literature Review: Synthesizing Multiple Sources  / Indiana University

Writing a Literature Review and Using a Synthesis Matrix  / Florida International University

Sample Literature Reviews Grid  / Complied by Lindsay Roberts

Literature review preparation: Creating a summary table . (Includes transcript) / Laura Killam

  • You won’t read every article all the way through. For most articles, reading the abstract, introduction, and conclusion are enough to determine its relevance. It’s expected that you skim or search for relevant sections of each article without reading the whole thing.
  • For articles where everything seems relevant, use a summary table to keep track of details. These are particularly helpful with empirical articles.
  • For articles with literature review content relevant to your topic, copy any relevant information into a topical outline, along with the original source of that information.
  • Use a concept map to help you visualize the key concepts in your topic area and the relationships between them.
  • Revise your working question regularly. As you do, you will likely need to revise your search queries and include new articles.
  • Look back at the working question for your topic and consider any necessary revisions. It is important that questions become clearer and more specific over time. It is also common that your working question shift over time, sometimes drastically, as you explore new lines of inquiry in the literature. Return to your working question regularly and make sure it reflects the focus of your inquiry. You will continue to revise your working question until we formalize it into a research question at the end of Part 2 of this textbook.

5.3 Writing your literature review

  • Describe the components of a literature review
  • Begin to write your literature review
  • Identify the purpose of a problem statement
  • Apply the components of a formal argument to your topic
  • Use elements of formal writing style, including signposting and transitions
  • Recognize commons errors in literature reviews

Congratulations! By now, you should have discovered, retrieved, evaluated, synthesized, and organized the information you need for your literature review. It’s now time to turn that stack of articles, papers, and notes into a literature review–it’s time to start writing!

Writing about research is different than other types of writing. Research writing is not like a journal entry or opinion paper. The goal here is not to apply your research question to your life or growth as a practitioner. Research writing is about the provision and interpretation of facts. The tone should be objective and unbiased, and personal experiences and opinions are excluded. Particularly for students who are used to writing case notes, research writing can be a challenge. That’s why its important to normalize getting help! If your professor has not built in peer review, consider setting up a peer review group among your peers. You should also reach out to your academic advisor to see if there are writing services on your campus available to graduate students. No one should feel bad for needing help with something they haven’t done before, haven’t done in a while, or were never taught how to do. 

If you’ve followed the steps in this chapter, you likely have an outline, summary table, and concept map from which you can begin the writing process. But what do you need to include in your literature review? We’ve mentioned it before, but to summarize, a literature review should:

  • Introduce the topic and define its key terms.
  • Establish the importance of the topic.
  • Provide an overview of the important literature related to the concepts found in the research question.
  • Identify gaps or controversies in the literature.
  • Point out consistent findings across studies.
  • Synthesize that which is known about a topic, rather than just provide a summary of the articles you read.
  • Discuss possible implications and directions for future research.

Do you have enough facts and sources to accomplish these tasks? It’s a good time to consult your outlines and notes on each article you plan to include in your literature review. You may also want to consult with your professor on what is expected of you. If there is something you are missing, you may want to jump back to section 2.3 where we discussed how to search for literature. While you can always fill in material, there is the danger that you will start writing without really knowing what you are talking about or what you want to say. For example, if you don’t have a solid definition of your key concepts or a sense of how the literature has developed over time, it will be difficult to make coherent scholarly claims about your topic.

There is no magical point at which one is ready to write. As you consider whether you are ready, it may be useful to ask yourself these questions:

  • How will my literature review be organized?
  • What section headings will I be using?
  • How do the various studies relate to each other?
  • What contributions do they make to the field?
  • Where are the gaps or limitations in existing research?
  • And finally, but most importantly, how does my own research fit into what has already been done?

The problem statement

Scholarly works often begin with a problem statement, which serves two functions. First, it establishes why your topic is a social problem worth studying. Second, it pulls your reader into the literature review. Who would want to read about something unimportant?

examples of social work dissertations

A problem statement generally answers the following questions, though these are far from exhaustive:

  • Why is this an important problem to study?
  • How many people are affected by this problem?
  • How does this problem impact other social issues relevant to social work?
  • Why is your target population an important one to study?

A strong problem statement, like the rest of your literature review, should be filled with empirical results, theory, and arguments based on the extant literature. A research proposal differs significantly from other more reflective essays you’ve likely completed during your social work studies. If your topic were domestic violence in rural Appalachia, I’m sure you could come up with answers to the above questions without looking at a single source. However, the purpose of the literature review is not to test your intuition, personal experience, or empathy. Instead, research methods are about gaining specific and articulable knowledge to inform action. With a problem statement, you can take a “boring” topic like the color of rooms used in an inpatient psychiatric facility, transportation patterns in major cities, or the materials used to manufacture baby bottles, and help others see the topic as you see it—an important part of the social world that impacts social work practice.

The structure of a literature review

In general, the problem statement belongs at the beginning of the literature review. We usually advise students to spend no more than a paragraph or two for a problem statement. For the rest of your literature review, there is no set formula by which it needs to be organized. However, a literature review generally follows the format of any other essay—Introduction, Body, and Conclusion.

The introduction to the literature review contains a statement or statements about the overall topic. At a minimum, the introduction should define or identify the general topic, issue, or area of concern. You might consider presenting historical background, mentioning the results of a seminal study, and providing definitions of important terms. The introduction may also point to overall trends in what has been previously published on the topic or on conflicts in theory, methodology, evidence, conclusions, or gaps in research and scholarship. We also suggest putting in a few sentences that walk the reader through the rest of the literature review. Highlight your main arguments from the body of the literature review and preview your conclusion. An introduction should let the reader know what to expect from the rest of your review.

The body of your literature review is where you demonstrate your synthesis and analysis of the literature. Again, do not just summarize the literature. We would also caution against organizing your literature review by source—that is, one paragraph for source A, one paragraph for source B, etc. That structure will likely provide an adequate summary of the literature you’ve found, but it would give you almost no synthesis of the literature. That approach doesn’t tell your reader how to put those facts together, it doesn’t highlight points of agreement or contention, or how each study builds on the work of others. In short, it does not demonstrate critical thinking.

Organize your review by argument

Instead, use your outlines and notes as a guide what you have to say about the important topics you need to cover. Literature reviews are written from the perspective of an expert in that field. After an exhaustive literature review, you should feel as though you are able to make strong claims about what is true—so make them! There is no need to hide behind “I believe” or “I think.” Put your voice out in front, loud and proud! But make sure you have facts and sources that back up your claims.

I’ve used the term “ argument ” here in a specific way. An argument in writing means more than simply disagreeing with what someone else said, as this classic Monty Python sketch demonstrates. Toulman, Rieke, and Janik (1984) identify six elements of an argument:

  • Claim: the thesis statement—what you are trying to prove
  • Grounds: theoretical or empirical evidence that supports your claim
  • Warrant: your reasoning (rule or principle) connecting the claim and its grounds
  • Backing: further facts used to support or legitimize the warrant
  • Qualifier: acknowledging that the argument may not be true for all cases
  • Rebuttal: considering both sides (as cited in Burnette, 2012) [13]

Let’s walk through an example. If I were writing a literature review on a negative income tax, a policy in which people in poverty receive an unconditional cash stipend from the government each month equal to the federal poverty level, I would want to lay out the following:

  • Claim: the negative income tax is superior to other forms of anti-poverty assistance.
  • Grounds: data comparing negative income tax recipients to people receiving anti-poverty assistance in existing programs, theory supporting a negative income tax, data from evaluations of existing anti-poverty programs, etc.
  • Warrant: cash-based programs like the negative income tax are superior to existing anti-poverty programs because they allow the recipient greater self-determination over how to spend their money.
  • Backing: data demonstrating the beneficial effects of self-determination on people in poverty.
  • Qualifier: the negative income tax does not provide taxpayers and voters with enough control to make sure people in poverty are not wasting financial assistance on frivolous items.
  • Rebuttal: policy should be about empowering the oppressed, not protecting the taxpayer, and there are ways of addressing taxpayer spending concerns through policy design.

Like any effective argument, your literature review must have some kind of structure. For example, it might begin by describing a phenomenon in a general way along with several studies that provide some detail, then describing two or more competing theories of the phenomenon, and finally presenting a hypothesis to test one or more of the theories. Or, it might describe one phenomenon, then describe another that seems inconsistent with the first, then propose a theory that resolves the inconsistency, and finally present a hypothesis to test that theory. In applied research, it might describe a phenomenon or theory, then describe how that phenomenon or theory applies to some important real-world situation, and finally, may suggest a way to test whether it does, in fact, apply to that situation.

Use signposts

Another important issue is  signposting . It may not be a term you are familiar with, but you are likely familiar with the concept. Signposting refers to the words used to identify the organization and structure of your literature review to your reader. The most basic form of signposting is using a topic sentence at the beginning of each paragraph. A topic sentence introduces the argument you plan to make in that paragraph. For example, you might start a paragraph stating, “There is strong disagreement in the literature as to whether psychedelic drugs cause people to develop psychotic disorders, or whether psychotic disorders cause people to use psychedelic drugs.” Within that paragraph, your reader would likely assume you will present evidence for both arguments. The concluding sentence of your paragraph should address the topic sentence, discussing how the facts and arguments from the paragraph you’ve written support a specific conclusion. To continue with our example, I might say, “There is likely a reciprocal effect in which both the use of psychedelic drugs worsens pre-psychotic symptoms and worsening psychosis increases the desire to use psychedelic drugs.”

examples of social work dissertations

Signposting also involves using headings and subheadings. Your literature review will use APA formatting, which means you need to follow their rules for bolding, capitalization, italicization, and indentation of headings. Headings help your reader understand the structure of your literature review. They can also help if the reader gets lost and needs to re-orient themselves within the document. We often tell our students to assume we know nothing (they don’t mind) and need to be shown exactly where they are addressing each part of the literature review. It’s like walking a small child around, telling them “First we’ll do this, then we’ll do that, and when we’re done, we’ll know this!”

Another way to use signposting is to open each paragraph with a sentence that links the topic of the paragraph with the one before it. Alternatively, one could end each paragraph with a sentence that links it with the next paragraph. For example, imagine we wanted to link a paragraph about barriers to accessing healthcare with one about the relationship between the patient and physician. We could use a transition sentence like this: “Even if patients overcome these barriers to accessing care, the physician-patient relationship can create new barriers to positive health outcomes.” A transition sentence like this builds a connection between two distinct topics. Transition sentences are also useful within paragraphs. They tell the reader how to consider one piece of information in light of previous information. Even simple transitional words like ‘however’ and ‘similarly’ can help demonstrate critical thinking and link each building block of your argument together.

Many beginning researchers have difficulty incorporating transitions into their writing. Let’s look at an example. Instead of beginning a sentence or paragraph by launching into a description of a study, such as “Williams (2004) found that…,” it is better to start by indicating something about why you are describing this particular study. Here are some simple examples:

  • Another example of this phenomenon comes from the work of Williams (2004)…
  • Williams (2004) offers one explanation of this phenomenon…
  • An alternative perspective has been provided by Williams (2004)…

Now that we know to use signposts, the natural question is “What goes on the signposts?” First, it is important to start with an outline of the main points that you want to make, organized in the order you want to make them. The basic structure of your argument should then be apparent from the outline itself. Unfortunately, there is no formula we can give you that will work for everyone, but we can provide some general pointers on structuring your literature review.

The literature review tends to move from general to more specific ideas. You can build a review by identifying areas of consensus and areas of disagreement. You may choose to present historical studies—preferably seminal studies that are of significant importance—and close with the most recent research. Another approach is to start with the most distantly related facts and literature and then report on those most closely related to your research question. You could also compare and contrast valid approaches, features, characteristics, theories – that is, one approach, then a second approach, followed by a third approach.

Here are some additional tips for writing the body of your literature review:

  • Start broad and then narrow down to more specific information.
  • When appropriate, cite two or more sources for a single point, but avoid long strings of references for a single idea.
  • Use quotes sparingly. Quotations for definitions are okay, but reserve quotes for when something is said so well you couldn’t possible phrase it differently. Never use quotes for statistics.
  • Paraphrase when you need to relay the specific details within an article
  • Include only the aspects of the study that are relevant to your literature review. Don’t insert extra facts about a study just to take up space.
  • Avoid reflective, personal writing. It is traditional to avoid using first-person language (I, we, us, etc.).
  • Avoid informal language like contractions, idioms, and rhetorical questions.
  • Note any sections of your review that lack citations from the literature. Your arguments need to be based in empirical or theoretical facts. Do not approach this like a reflective journal entry.
  • Point out consistent findings and emphasize stronger studies over weaker ones.
  • Point out important strengths and weaknesses of research studies, as well as contradictions and inconsistent findings.
  • Implications and suggestions for further research (where there are gaps in the current literature) should be specific.

The conclusion should summarize your literature review, discuss implications, and create a space for further research needed in this area. Your conclusion, like the rest of your literature review, should make a point. What are the important implications of your literature review? How do they inform the question you are trying to answer?

You should consult with your professor and the course syllabus about the final structure your literature review should take. Here is an example of one possible structure:

  • Establish the importance of the topic
  • Number and type of people affected
  • Seriousness of the impact
  • Physical, psychological, economic, social, or spiritual consequences of the problem
  • Definitions of key terms
  • Supporting evidence
  • Common findings across studies, gaps in the literature
  • Research question(s) and hypothesis(es)

Editing your literature review

Literature reviews are more than a summary of the publications you find on a topic. As you have seen in this brief introduction, literature reviews represent a very specific type of research, analysis, and writing. We will explore these topics further in upcoming chapters. As you begin your literature review, here are some common errors to avoid:

  • Accepting a researcher’s finding as valid without evaluating methodology and data
  • Ignoring contrary findings and alternative interpretations
  • Using findings that are not clearly related to your own study or using findings that are too general
  • Dedicating insufficient time to literature searching
  • Reporting statistical results from a single study, rather than synthesizing the results of multiple studies to provide a comprehensive view of the literature on a topic
  • Relying too heavily on secondary sources
  • Overusing quotations
  • Not justifying arguments using specific facts or theories from the literature

For your literature review, remember that your goal is to construct an argument for the importance of your research question. As you start editing your literature review, make sure it is balanced. Accurately report common findings, areas where studies contradict each other, new theories or perspectives, and how studies cause us to reaffirm or challenge our understanding of your topic.

It is acceptable to argue that the balance of the research supports the existence of a phenomenon or is consistent with a theory (and that is usually the best that researchers in social work can hope for), but it is not acceptable to ignore contradictory evidence. A large part of what makes a research question interesting is uncertainty about its answer (University of Minnesota, 2016). [14]

In addition to subjectivity and bias, writer’s block can obstruct the completion of your literature review. Often times, writer’s block can stem from confusing the creating and editing parts of the writing process. Many writers often start by simply trying to type out what they want to say, regardless of how good it is. Author Anne Lamott (1995) [15] terms these “shitty first drafts,” and we all write them. They are a natural and important part of the writing process.

Even if you have a detailed outline from which to work, the words are not going to fall into place perfectly the first time you start writing. You should consider turning off the editing and critiquing part of your brain for a while and allow your thoughts to flow. Don’t worry about putting a correctly formatted internal citation (as long as  you know which source you used there) when you first write. Just get the information out. Only after you’ve reached a natural stopping point might you go back and edit your draft for grammar, APA style, organization, flow, and more. Divorcing the writing and editing process can go a long way to addressing writer’s block—as can picking a topic about which you have something to say!

As you are editing, keep in mind these questions adapted from Green (2012): [16]

  • Content: Have I clearly stated the main idea or purpose of the paper? Is the thesis or focus clearly presented and appropriate for the reader?
  • Organization: How well is it structured? Is the organization spelled out and easy to follow for the reader ?
  • Flow: Is there a logical flow from section to section, paragraph to paragraph, sentence to sentence? Are there transitions between and within paragraphs that link ideas together?
  • Development: Have I validated the main idea with supporting material? Are supporting data sufficient? Does the conclusion match the introduction?
  • Form: Are there any APA style issues, redundancy, problematic wording and terminology (always know the definition of any word you use!), flawed sentence constructions and selection, spelling, and punctuation?

Social workers use the APA style guide to format and structure their literature reviews. Most students know APA style only as it relates to internal and external citations. If you are confused about them, consult this amazing APA style guide from the University of Texas-Arlington library. Your university’s library likely has resources they created to help you with APA style, and you can meet with a librarian or your professor to talk about formatting questions you have. Make sure you budget in a few hours at the end of each project to build a correctly formatted references page and check your internal citations.

Of course, APA style is about much more than knowing there is a period after “et al.” or citing the location a book was published. APA style is also about what the profession considers to be good writing. If you haven’t picked up an APA publication manual because you use citation generators, know that I did the same thing when I was in school. Purchasing the APA manual can help you with a common problem we hear about from students. Every professor (and every website about APA style) seems to have their own peculiar idea of “correct” APA style that you can, if needed, demonstrate is not accurate.

Here are some additional resources, if you would like more guidance on writing your literature review.

Doing a literature review  / University of Leicester

Get lit: The literature review  / Texas A&M Writing Centre

Guidebook for social work literature reviews / by Rebecca Mauldin and Matthew DeCarlo

  • A literature review is not a book report. Do not organize it by article, with one paragraph for each source in your references. Instead, organize it based on the key ideas and arguments.
  • The problem statement draws the reader into your topic by highlighting the importance of the topic to social work and to society overall.
  • Signposting is an important component of academic writing that helps your reader follow the structure of your argument and of your literature review.
  • Transitions demonstrate critical thinking and help guide your reader through your arguments.
  • Editing and writing are separate processes.
  • Consult with an APA style guide or a librarian to help you format your paper.

Look at your professor’s prompt for the literature review component of your research proposal (or if you don’t have one, use the example question provided in this section).

  • Write 2-3 facts you would use to address each question or component in the prompt.
  • Reflect on which questions you have a lot of information about and which you need to gather more information about in order to answer adequately.

Outline the structure of your literature review using your concept map from Section 5.2 as a guide.

  • Identify the key arguments you will make and how they are related to each other.
  • Reflect on topic sentences and concluding sentences you would use for each argument.

Media Attributions

  • Numbers © Pop and Zebra is licensed under a CC0 (Creative Commons Zero) license
  • summary table © Laura Frederiksen is licensed under a Public Domain license
  • problem-2731501_1920 © Geralt is licensed under a CC0 (Creative Commons Zero) license
  • sign-2080927_1920 © MariaMichelle is licensed under a CC0 (Creative Commons Zero) license
  • It wouldn’t make any sense to say that people’s workplace experiences cause  their gender, so in this example, the question of which is the independent variable and which are the dependent variables has a pretty obvious answer. ↵
  • Cassidy, S. A., Dimova, R., Giguère, B., Spence, J. R., & Stanley, D. J. (2019). Failing grade: 89% of introduction-to-psychology textbooks that define or explain statistical significance do so incorrectly. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science ,  2 (3), 233-239. ↵
  • Wasserstein, R. L., & Lazar, N. A. (2016). The ASA statement on p-values: context, process, and purpose. The American Statistician, 70 , p. 129-133. ↵
  • Head, M. L., Holman, L., Lanfear, R., Kahn, A. T., & Jennions, M. D. (2015). The extent and consequences of p-hacking in science. PLoS biology, 13 (3). ↵
  • Peng, R. (2015), The reproducibility crisis in science: A statistical counterattack. Significance , 12 , 30–32. ↵
  • Greenland, S., Senn, S. J., Rothman, K. J., Carlin, J. B., Poole, C., Goodman, S. N., & Altman, D. G. (2016). Statistical tests, P values, confidence intervals, and power: a guide to misinterpretations.  European journal of epidemiology ,  31 (4), 337-350. ↵
  • Bonanno, R., & Veselak, K. (2019). A matter of trust: Parents attitudes towards child mental health information sources.  Advances in Social Work ,  19 (2), 397-415. ↵
  • Bernnard, D., Bobish, G., Hecker, J., Holden, I., Hosier, A., Jacobson, T., Loney, T., & Bullis, D. (2014). Presenting: Sharing what you’ve learned. In Bobish, G., & Jacobson, T. (eds.)  The information literacy users guide: An open online textbook . ↵
  • Leslie, M., Floyd, J., & Oermann, M. (2002). Use of MindMapper software for research domain mapping. Computers, informatics, nursing,  20(6), 229-235. ↵
  • Early Childhood Longitudinal Program. (2011).  Example research questions . ↵
  • Burnett, D. (2012). Inscribing knowledge: Writing research in social work. In W. Green & B. L. Simon (Eds.),  The Columbia guide to social work writing  (pp. 65-82). New York, NY: Columbia University Press. ↵
  • University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing. (2016). This is a derivative of  Research Methods in Psychology  by a publisher who has requested that they and the original author not receive attribution, which was originally released and is used under CC BY-NC-SA. This work, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a  Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ↵
  • Lamott, A. (1995). Bird by bird: Some instructions on writing and life . New York, NY: Penguin. ↵
  • Green, W. Writing strategies for academic papers. In W. Green & B. L. Simon (Eds.),  The Columbia guide to social work writing  (pp. 25-47). New York, NY: Columbia University Press. ↵

report the results of a quantitative or qualitative data analysis conducted by the author

a quick, condensed summary of the report’s key findings arranged by row and column

causes a change in the dependent variable

a variable that depends on changes in the independent variable

(as in generalization) to make claims about a large population based on a smaller sample of people or items

"Assuming that the null hypothesis is true and the study is repeated an infinite number times by drawing random samples from the same populations(s), less than 5% of these results will be more extreme than the current result" (Cassidy et al., 2019, p. 233).

the assumption that no relationship exists between the variables in question

“a logical grouping of attributes that can be observed and measured and is expected to vary from person to person in a population” (Gillespie & Wagner, 2018, p. 9)

summarizes the incompatibility between a particular set of data and a proposed model for the data, usually the null hypothesis. The lower the p-value, the more inconsistent the data are with the null hypothesis, indicating that the relationship is statistically significant.

a range of values in which the true value is likely to be, to provide a more accurate description of their data

a statement about what you think is true backed up by evidence and critical thinking

the words used to identify the organization and structure of your literature review to your reader

what a researcher hopes to accomplish with their study

Graduate research methods in social work Copyright © 2021 by Matthew DeCarlo, Cory Cummings, Kate Agnelli is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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  1. Social Work Theses, Projects, and Dissertations

    what is the readiness of social work students to work with autistic individuals?, ignacio aguilar pelaez. pdf. examining experiences among social workers working with parents who suffer from substance use disorder, alicia alvarado and eleno zepeda. pdf. covid-19, social isolation, and msw students' mental health, cassandra barajas. pdf

  2. Social Work Theses and Dissertations

    Theses/Dissertations from 2017. An Exploration of the Relationship between Child Welfare Workers' Ambivalent Sexism and Beliefs about Father Involvement, Katrina Lee Brewsaugh. Physical, Verbal, Relational and Cyber-Bullying and Victimization: Examining the Social and Emotional Adjustment of Participants, Melanie Mcvean.

  3. Dissertations

    Dissertations. 2023. Li, Ke (2023) Social Isolation and Psychological Well-being of U.S. Older Adults: Exploring the Moderating and Mediating Effects of Psychosocial Factors. VanHook, Cortney (2023) A Person-Centered Approach to Increase the Uptake of Mental Health Services among Young Black Men. Ballard, Adrian (2023) Development, Validation ...

  4. School of Social Work Dissertations and Theses

    Theses/Dissertations from 2024. PDF. Social Justice in Social Work: A Critical Discourse Analysis, Erica Fonseca. PDF. Understanding the Other: Mentor Ethnocultural Empathy and Relationship Quality and Duration in Youth Mentoring, Miriam Miranda-Diaz. PDF.

  5. 185 Social Work Dissertation Topics

    Common Dissertation Topics For Social Work Students. If you wish to get top grades, here are some topics that give you a lot of literature and data to review. Birth control laws and their negative impact. The challenges of increasing housing costs on the youth. Workplace abuse and the relationship with paid labor.

  6. Social Work thesis and dissertation collection

    Topping up the tank: enhancing the emotional resilience of social workers in local authority adult services . Rose, Sarah (The University of Edinburgh, 2022-11-17) The emotional resilience of social workers has increasingly been a focus of research, particularly in response to high levels of stress in the profession.

  7. Social Work Dissertations

    Dissertations on Social Work. Social Work is a profession that focuses on improving the well-being of individuals, encouraging positive relationships in communities, and improving people's lives. Social Work can relate to human behaviour, social behaviour, and various aspects of the community. View All Dissertation Examples.

  8. Theses and Dissertations--Social Work

    Theses/Dissertations from 2022. THE INFLUENCE OF DISTANCE LEARNING ON UNDERGRADUATE SOCIAL WORK COMPETENCY: AN EXPLORATORY STUDY AT A PRIVATE UNIVERSITY, Christine K. Fulmer. Conceptualizing Attorney Motivation: A Study of the Representatives for Parents and Children in the Child Welfare System, Shannon Moody.

  9. Social Work Theses and Dissertations

    Theses/Dissertations from 2017. PDF. Broke but not without Hope: Exploring Exits from Housing First and Returns to Homelessness, Jennie Ann Cole. PDF. Acculturation Stress And Depression Among First-Year International Graduate Students From China And India At The University Of South Carolina, Kyunghee Ma. PDF.

  10. Theses and Dissertations in the area of social work

    Theses/Dissertations from 2018. PDF. Examining the Socioeconomic Patterns of Service Utilization among Canadian Women at Risk for Developing Eating Disorders: A Prevalence Study, Jenni Hotte. PDF. Critical Thinking in Social Work Education: A Delphi Study of Faculty Understanding, Patricia Louise Samson. PDF.

  11. Social Work Theses, Projects, and Dissertations


  12. PDF Contemporary Social Work Practice: The struggles of

    A thesis submitted to The University of Gloucestershire in accordance with the ... "Social work is a practice-based profession and an academic discipline that promotes social change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment and liberation of people. Principles of social justice, human rights, collective responsibility and

  13. Social Work BSc: IHRSOW399 Research Dissertation

    The Social Work Dissertation: ... Offering a step-by-step approach to conducting literature reviews, features new research, examples, and references from the social, behavioral, and health sciences, expanded coverage of qualitative research, updated and revised meta-analysis procedures, a brand new glossary of key terms, double the number of ...

  14. PDF Qualitative Social Work Thesis

    THE PROPOSAL. The aim of your thesis proposal is to outline a plan of action that you will follow in pursuing your research - you are giving yourself and your committee a road map. The proposal needs to provide clear answers to various questions that your committee (and you) might have about your plan.

  15. PDF Writing a Doctoral Thesis or Dissertation in the Social Sciences

    • Alternative approaches to thesis development. • Characteristics of an empirically-based thesis - o Scholarly sources. o Data based o Sources cited • Your goals • Defending a thesis means that your evidence - • your data will speak for you. • What a thesis is not. • What a thesis is.

  16. Dissertation examples

    Dissertation examples. Listed below are some of the best examples of research projects and dissertations from undergraduate and taught postgraduate students at the University of Leeds We have not been able to gather examples from all schools. The module requirements for research projects may have changed since these examples were written.

  17. Dissertation Abstracts

    This dissertation addresses these gaps. In response to Kemp's (2011) and Jack's (2010, 2015) impassioned calls for the social work profession to advance place research among vulnerable populations, this qualitative study examined Filipino youths' (15-23) experiences of place (s) and geographic environment (s) in Hawai′i.

  18. Theses and Dissertations

    This is only available to students and staff at the University. To access the repository, please enrol on the Undergraduate Dissertations Moodle site . All examples on the repository received a mark of 2:1 or above. Examples are available from a number of subject areas, including Business and Management, Dental Technology and Health and Social ...

  19. Social Work: Dissertation & Thesis

    There are two polarities of relevance to child protection in this thesis: the one involves understanding the mind-set and modus operandi of the sex offenders who sexually abuse children and the second involves understanding the entrapment and vulnerability of the victim. Understanding of these polarities has been synthesized to discern their ...

  20. DSpace

    Doctorate in Social Work (DSW) Dissertations. This series contains dissertations from Penn's Doctorate in Social Work program. For more information about University of Pennsylvania dissertation requirements and guidelines, please consult the dissertation manual.

  21. Social Work Dissertation: Using Small-Scale Qualitative Methodology

    The Social Work Dissertation: Using Small-Scale Qualitative Methodology, Malcolm Carey, Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill/ Open University Press, 2nd edition 2013, ISBN-13: 978--33-522549-1, £24.90. Julie Fish. Julie Fish ... Choosing a topic is illustrated by practice examples, stimulating students' interest in core social work issues, including the ...

  22. Dissertation Instructions

    At some point during the dissertation process each candidate is required to make a 30-minute presentation of her/his research at a Dissertation Colloquium. 2 The colloquium is an open assembly of Social Welfare Faculty, PhD students, and others (e.g., faculty from the School of Social Work and other departments, MSW and BASW students, and ...

  23. Dissertation Structure & Layout 101 (+ Examples)

    Time to recap…. And there you have it - the traditional dissertation structure and layout, from A-Z. To recap, the core structure for a dissertation or thesis is (typically) as follows: Title page. Acknowledgments page. Abstract (or executive summary) Table of contents, list of figures and tables.

  24. 5. Writing your literature review

    Chapter Outline. Reading results (16 minute read); Synthesizing information (16 minute read); Writing a literature review (18 minute read); Content warning: examples in this chapter contain references to domestic violence and details on types of abuse, drug use, poverty, mental health, sexual harassment and details on harassing behaviors, children's mental health, LGBTQ+ oppression and ...