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Nursing Assignment Writing

Mastering the Art of Nursing Assignment Writing

Nursing assignment writing is an integral part of your academic journey as a nursing student. It’s not just about putting words on paper; it’s about mastering the art of effectively communicating crucial healthcare information. Let’s delve into the world of nursing assignment writing, exploring its significance, key elements, and tips for success.

The Significance of Nursing Assignment Writing

Nursing assignment writing serves several vital purposes in your educational and professional development:

  • Skill Development: It hones your ability to research, analyze, and critically evaluate healthcare concepts, preparing you for real-world scenarios.
  • Knowledge Application: Assignments bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application, helping you understand how to use what you’ve learned in a clinical setting.
  • Communication Skills: Effective writing is essential in nursing. Clear, concise, and accurate communication is vital when conveying patient information or writing medical reports.
  • Assessment and Evaluation: Assignments are a means for instructors to gauge your understanding of nursing topics, ensuring you’re on the right track in your studies.
  • Professional Growth: As future healthcare professionals, the skills you acquire through nursing assignment writing will serve you well in your career, enabling you to provide the best care possible to your patients.

Key Elements of Nursing Assignment Writing

Successful nursing assignment writing involves attention to key elements that contribute to its effectiveness:

  • Clarity and Conciseness: Your writing should be clear and concise, avoiding jargon or overly complex language. Aim for simplicity and accuracy in conveying your message.
  • Relevance: Stay focused on the assignment’s topic and objectives. Avoid going off on tangents or including irrelevant information.
  • Evidence-Based Practice: Incorporate evidence-based research to support your arguments. Cite credible sources and ensure your information is up to date.
  • Structure: Organize your assignment with a clear structure, including an introduction, body, and conclusion. Use headings and subheadings to enhance readability.
  • Professionalism: Maintain a professional tone throughout your writing. Avoid slang or colloquial language.

Tips for Excelling in Nursing Assignment Writing

  • Understand the Assignment: Read the assignment instructions carefully. Understand the topic, objectives, and formatting requirements before you begin.
  • Research Thoroughly: Gather information from reputable sources, including peer-reviewed journals, textbooks, and official healthcare websites.
  • Plan Your Time: Allocate sufficient time for research, writing, and editing. Avoid last-minute rushes, which can lead to errors.
  • Create an Outline: Outline your assignment’s structure before writing. This will serve as a roadmap for your content.
  • Draft and Revise: Write a draft and then revise it for clarity, coherence, and accuracy. Check for grammar and spelling errors.
  • Seek Feedback: If possible, have a peer or instructor review your assignment. Constructive feedback can help you improve your writing.
  • Cite Properly: Use the appropriate citation style (e.g., APA, MLA) and ensure you cite all sources correctly to avoid plagiarism.
  • Proofread: Before submitting your assignment, proofread it meticulously. Look for typos, grammatical errors, and formatting issues.

In Conclusion

Nursing assignment writing is a fundamental aspect of your nursing education. Embrace it as an opportunity to develop essential skills, apply your knowledge, and prepare for a successful nursing career. By mastering the art of nursing assignment writing, you’ll not only excel academically but also contribute to better patient care through effective communication and evidence-based practice.

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A Complete Guide To Writing Nursing Paper For Medical Students

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Medical students have to endure countless hardships during their tenure in the college. Among them, the difficult one is writing a nursing paper on a topic related to their field. It’s not just about composing words after going through the research. It relates to their future learning and demonstrating professionalism in their nursing career.

Don’t worry if this explanation seems daunting or a deal-breaker! Today, we will embark on a journey to understand this topic deeply from within. We will learn why these nursing topics are so complicated and how we can write them without any trouble. Furthermore, we will discuss the importance of evidence-based practice for nursing students. The bonus will be the medical topics that are sure to broaden the extent of your knowledge. Without further ado, let’s get ready!

Table of Contents

What Is a Nursing Paper? (What’s All The Fuss About)

A nursing paper is an assignment given to medical students to develop their understanding of clinical practices. They go through the topic under the strict guidelines from the American School of Nursing & Allied Health. By doing this, they collect vital information related to this field and equip themselves with practical knowledge prior to starting a professional career.

Since it’s a critical care profession that revolves around saving human lives, therefore it requires mistake-free decision-making. Every nursing professional must be equipped with nerves of steel because they cannot perform their job without it. Nursing assignments tend to challenge the student’s comfort zone and take them out of it. That’s why these learners require nursing paper writing service to complete their assignments appropriately.

Different Types of Nursing Papers

There are different types of nursing papers for medical students depending on the discipline they choose. Like medical science that has various branches, similarly, nursing has many types that are explained below.

  • Pediatric Nursing
  • Geriatric Nursing
  • Medical Nursing
  • Nephrology Nursing
  • Hepatology Nursing
  • Ophthalmology Nursing
  • Endocrinology Nursing
  • Neurology Nursing
  • Psychiatric Nursing
  • Orthopedic Nursing
  • Pulmonology Nursing
  • Oncology Nursing
  • Radiology Nursing
  • Dental Nursing
  • Emergency Nursing
  • Dermatology Nursing

How to Write a Nursing Research Paper?

It’s not easy to write a nursing paper without appropriate professional tips . Each word of nursing students is critically examined with a critical eye. They need to understand the subject and patient care that will be provided later in their profession. 

Let’s start learning the basics of writing a nursing assignment from scratch. It will be the best guide you’ll ever get in your career.

Understand the Prompt and Requirements

The first step that every student overlooks is not understanding the assignment prompt. A half-hearted look at the essay prompt is bad for your grades. If a student doesn’t understand or read what the assignment or their professor wants from them, it’s impossible to make it as required from them.

Secondly, every assignment has some requirements, such as making it on a specific disease or patient type. Similarly, your professor might want to assess your knowledge on the latest nursing guidelines or new major breakthroughs in patient care, etc. Here’s how you can improve your practices by following these steps:

  • Don’t just read your prompt but chew on it. Read at least three times to have knowledge from all perspectives.
  • Ask your professor promptly before you start your assignment blindly
  • Evaluate your skills in comparison with the demands of the topic
  • In case where you feel it will overwhelm you, ask your professor to change the subject.
  • Many students who have pre-existing phobias such as hemophobia should avoid such topics that discuss blood or anything related to its types. 
  • If you’re more interested in patient education than direct patient care, then you should discuss this with your professor to assign you topics related to that discipline.

Understanding the requirements also helps your professor to make an accurate judgment about your work. Since your task is about how you’ll cope with real-world pressure when helping or caring for patients, you must demonstrate your best skills at your subject. 

Choose a Nursing Research Paper Topic

The second step is choosing a topic that helps you present your stance on a subject. Whether it’s a topic you’ve been given or chosen, it has to justify your skills and capabilities as a certified nurse or medical practitioner. Your subject should be broad and can accommodate new research or findings to modify guidelines or challenge the existing ones.

In picking a topic, students must remember to do this process by targeting a niche that helps them navigate in one direction rather than all over the place. Subject selection is difficult if you’re doing it on your own, especially for new students. It’s a time-consuming one. To overcome your shortcomings in this part, you should brainstorm the topics that excite not only you but also your audience.

Secondly, for subject selection, you can explore new books, medical journals or articles related to nursing and patient care. Since patient care is a discipline that’s evolving continuously, therefore choosing a topic that talks about best nursing practices may take the crown. Here we will present an example of a topic related to nursing that may help you in this process:

Nursing Care in Type-1 Diabetics

Having a topic that has plenty of research available will help you broaden your investigation into a multi-faceted one. If you choose a topic that can only accommodate narrow or single-sided research, it’s better to choose a new one. Your subject is your hallmark so you must choose one that helps you expand your knowledge base and skill set. After the selection of the topic, you should move on to the research section.

Start Your Investigation

Research in nursing papers is pivotal to your success. To start your investigation into your topic, you must take a deep dive into reading books to gather credible sources. Research can be divided into two or three sections depending on the nature of the investigation and requirements. Here we will discuss the research methods that students will employ in making their nursing papers .

Research Methods For Nursing Papers

The first step for students is to gather primary sources of research methods. This part includes reading books, journals, and articles directly related to your topic and its outcomes. Since it’s the most valuable part of your investigation, you should give it ample time for appropriate evidence collection. Primary research sources are the ones that are written by doctors or physicians, medical experts etc. Adding these pieces of evidence makes your assignment paper strong and authentic.

In cases where it’s impossible to acquire primary data, you may gather secondary research sources. Secondary sources or evidence is the one that is based on primary evidence, reviews, interviews and expert’s opinion are its examples.

Sometimes your topic requires you to add secondary evidence to support primary research or evidence. This is known as consolidating your arguments in academic practices. So it’s essential to add both research sources in your nursing paper.

For higher education in nursing subjects where they are working alongside medical professionals, adding tertiary sources of research is a plus. Your three-way research supports your arguments and covers all the logic to strengthen your stance on the subject.

After you collect primary, secondary and tertiary sources of research, organize them according to their category. This way you’ll know where to use these evidences and understand their effective usage.

Develop Your Thesis Statement

Researching provides you with the ground for developing your thesis statement. Your thesis sentence is your short research-based answer on your research question. Without doing good research, you won’t be able to compose it. After having sufficient information, you may narrow down the answer into a few lines. Your entire paper will be based on it. In making a thesis statement, do remember the following points:

  • It should be between one or a maximum of two lines
  • Make it using persuasive words so your readers can grab the core idea without going through the entire content
  • Place your thesis statement in the introduction paragraph
  • Your entire paper must be based on your premise statement. Every argument and evidence should point to it.

After developing a thesis statement, you may start working on your paper’s content. A thesis sentence example may look like this if you’re working on your nursing paper.

“IDF (International Diabetes Federation) and ADA (American Diabetes Association) both agree that Type-2 Diabetics have three-fold risk of developing “Nephropathy” within five years of diagnosis”.

By following the above example, you can easily make a premise statement for your paper.

Write the Introduction Paragraph

The introduction part is where you need to make a difference. It’s the first writing part of your paper that will be seen and read by your professors and peers. Therefore, it must be good and thought-provoking. A nursing essay’s introduction contains three parts, a hook sentence, background information and a thesis statement. These parts of the intro’s outline are essential and help you present your opinion on the topic.

A hook sentence is the first sentence at the start of the paper and captures your reader’s attention quickly. It can be a quote, fact, historical information or thought-provoking statement. Its primary job is to make your readers stay on the page so they feel excited about the information you added in the paper.

Background information is where you provide information related to your topic’s history. Here you must inform your audience about the existence of the problem and the need for a solution. With historical context, it’s easy for your readers to understand the issue and show interest in finding its solution.

The last part is a thesis statement that we already talked about and it will be placed after providing a background to your readers. Let’s have a look at a nursing paper introduction example on “Diabetes”.

“According to the IDF (International Diabetes Federation), 90% of diabetics are suffering from CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease). From 1812 diabetes was classified as a disease but there was no information available related to its treatment and onset. In 1979 the classification and its mechanism was understood by physicians in America and the UK. Now diabetes is the leading cause of ESRD (End Stage Renal Disease) around the world with more than 10 million deaths every year”.

Add Your Arguments in Body Paragraph(s)

The body part is where you must add your arguments and supporting evidence. Your academic challenges start here and end here. An immaculate body paragraph guarantees your dominance over the subject under discussion. Medical students need to structure their papers in a specific, organized form that helps them convey their opinions.

Academic learners may start the body paragraph of their nursing assignment with a topic sentence that summarizes the entire content in one line. By reading this sentence, your audience knows what’s inside the paragraph and its content.

Key Points to Remember while composing body section

  • Topic sentence should start your paragraph and must be relatable to your thesis statement.
  • After writing this sentence, break it down and explain each point with evidence.
  • Evidence that you’ve collected from books, journals, articles or online videos must be mentioned here. You must back your argument with the evidence collected from the sources mentioned above.
  • Presenting evidence is not as important as analyzing it and proving your point. You might want to challenge the findings. Hence you must present your analysis on it.
  • If you have plenty of evidence, add them one by one and comment on them similarly.
  • Use transitions to connect two different ideas or continuation of your narrative.

Have a look at a mock example of a nursing research paper for a better understanding:

“Since the 1960s diabetes has caused a rapid increase in mortality and comorbidity in patients. On average, diabetics live 15 to 20 years less than non-diabetics. ADA (American Diabetes Association) conducted a study in 2001 that provides mean results that prove Diabetics live 8 years less than non-diabetics. Diabetes is the biggest reason for MI (Myocardial Infarction) and ACD (Acute Coronary Disease).

Moreover, Diabetes costs American insurance companies more than 25$ Billion every year in treatments. With continuous evolution in diagnostics and biotechnology in detecting early onset, diabetes is spreading rapidly. IDF (International Diabetes Federation) has predicted that by 2030, there will be a 12% increase in patients suffering from diabetes.

While many healthcare governing bodies like WHO, IDF, EASD and ADA are doing their best, it’s still not enough. UKPDS and ADVANCE-ON studies have shown quantitative results in which the majority of diabetics have no or less information regarding their disease. These results highlight the importance and value a “Diabetes Educator” can play in spreading valuable information to patients.

The benefits of a medical check-up with your physician are important, but a home visit by a diabetes educator can help in overcoming this pandemic. In France, it’s mandatory for patients to have a weekly home appointment with an educator. That’s a primary reason France has seen a 13% decline in hospitalization of diabetics in 2013.

Based on the above discussion, we can safely conclude that Diabetes is a global pandemic. Healthcare bodies are doing their best to curb its damages by issuing new guidelines and approval of new medicines such as “Semaglutide” , “DPP4” inhibitors and “Sulfonylureas”.  Along with physicians, diabetes educators can prevent the severity and further complications of this disease.

Add a Conclusion

A conclusion summarizes the paper’s discussion in one paragraph by a few techniques that we will mention here. To start a nursing assignment’s conclusion, you must restate your thesis statement and provide a connection between the intro, body and its ending. 

Secondly, a summary of the main discussion provides your audience with an overview of the entire story. Even if they missed an important point of the topic, they can read it in the summary of the main points. A conclusion provides you an opportunity for a last chance to persuade your readers and convince them of your stance. 

Common mistakes that might make your concluding paragraph powerless are mentioned below:

  • Using repetitive words, same as used in the above paragraphs.
  • Don’t force your audience but persuade them through evidence and their significance.
  • Use new words but don’t change your narrative because changing the narrative will also change the context.
  • A closing statement should not be your thesis statement but your personal opinion based on your research. Avoid repetition in making this part redundant.

An example of a mock conclusion

“In this paper, we have seen multiple results that point to premature deaths in diabetics regardless of the medication used. Diabetes does result in complications like nephropathy, retinopathy, neuropathy, macro and microvascular complications. The role of primary care physicians, endocrinologists and diabetes educators is more important than anyone else. By making mandatory home visits, diabetes educators can help in managing diabetes and informing patients on the consequences of this disease.” 

Student attendants can follow this example and effortlessly write amazing research in nursing paper.

Choosing Appropriate Citation Style

The last part of writing a nursing research paper is choosing the appropriate citation style. This format style guides you on how to cite sources you’ve collected in APA or MLA. The most commonly used citation format is APA (American Psychological Association) and then MLA (Modern Language Association).

Nursing Papers Unveiled: Impact and Significance

Students need to understand the academic importance of nursing papers. These assignments played a significant role in their medical understanding and development of professionalism. Let’s discuss this topic thoroughly:

Importance of Nursing Papers in Student’s Life

Medical assignments are the most important factor in a student’s life. They help develop thoughts and provide opportunities to research and understand disease and its treatment. An assignment for medical nursing students plays the following role in their lives.

  • Providing hands-on experience in understanding the subject matter from a practitioner’s point of view.
  • It provides them with in-depth information on a particular topic and lets them brainstorm.
  • Promotes medical knowledge that will be pivotal in their clinical practices and patient care.
  • Enhancing problem solutions without wasting time.
  • Understanding the critical needs of patients and managing them appropriately.
  • Preparing students beforehand so they perform better in real-world or healthcare practice.
  • Finding better treatment prophylaxis and helping in the continual improvement of medical care.
  • Working with Medical Specialists and learning from their experiences

These are some of the important roles these medical assignments play in students’ lives.

Exploring Trending Nursing Paper Topics

If you’re searching for the best subjects for your nursing assignment, end your search here. Thoroughly check this list and choose any one of your likings that fulfills the criteria.

20+ Interesting Nursing Paper Topics

  • Managing patients in an oncology ward
  • Treatment for ACS (Acute Coronary Syndrome)
  • How to care for a first-degree burn patient?
  • Metabolic acidosis in CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) patients
  • Five basic rules of blood transfusion
  • Treatment prophylaxis for skin lesions
  • Protocols for Covid-19 patients
  • Use of PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) in medical facility
  • Fundamentals of Dialysis Center
  • DKA (Diabetic Ketoacidosis) and its protocols of treatment
  • Snake bites and use of anti-venom in standing urgent care and medical emergency
  • Food poisoning and its treatment
  • Supervision of cannabis usage in patients suffering from cancer
  • Managing patient care in remote areas
  • AIDS and patient care
  • Orthopedic patient care and mobility issues
  • Misuse of drugs by medical staff
  • Responsibilities of nursing staff
  • Sexual relationships between nurses 
  • Clinical malpractices and how to avoid it
  • Inaccurate physician’s assessment and tackling it 
  • Rapid plasma glucose checkup
  • Treating patients of STD (Sexual Transmitted Disease)
  • Needs of rape victims in a healthcare facility
  • Psychological support to patients 

Check this out, we have written 200 Nursing topics to help you better understand.

These carefully curated topics will help you find your niche in medical nursing assignments. Help yourself by choosing anyone and make a powerful impact on your class.

Integrating Evidence-Based Practice in Your Paper

It’s vital for students to establish evidence-based practice in nursing papers and create an effective plan to implement them in their work. There are many ways you can achieve the best results by following them:

  • Take guidelines from CMDT (Current Medical Treatment & Diagnosis).
  • Regularly visit the website of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) for new practice guidelines.
  • Apply for membership in the Nursing and Allied Health Resources Section. You can get authentic resources of practice and take notes of them for using them in your assignment.
  • Read CDC (Center for Disease Control) and FDA (Food and Drug Administration) guidelines on different disease treatment protocols and latest trials.

You can easily apply evidence-based practice in nursing papers by visiting these sources.

Nurturing Ideas: Crafting Pediatric Nursing Papers

Pediatrics is a field of medical science that deals with treating diseases that affect children up to the age of 16 years. It’s the same as treating general patients who are adults but treatment protocols here change due to the less potent immune systems of children and neonates. Similarly, pediatric nursing papers are the backbone of innovation and new drug introduction. Nursing students who like to practice in the pediatric department need to work twice as hard as in the general medicine department.

Additionally, pediatric nursing papers present new challenges, and students must be able to withstand them. A small mistake can have catastrophic outcomes. Hence students are required to do 6 months of supervision work with trained nurses before they are allowed to practice alone.

Guide to Geriatric Nursing Papers

Similar to pediatrics, geriatrics nursing papers are equally challenging. In medical science, geriatrics deals with patients older than 60 or 65 years. These patients require special care because of their age and vulnerability to getting sick quickly due to weaker immune systems.

To make geriatric nursing papers with absolutely no mistakes, students must spend a few hours in this speciality. Students may take notes from their ward visits, review each case and brainstorm for the best treatment and care solutions. Students are more likely to adopt best practices by doing this every day.

Ethics in Nursing Papers: Navigating Moral Dilemmas

Composing medical assignments challenges your skills and knowledge and offers a view for moral perspectives. There are many ethical considerations in nursing papers that students must adhere to. These reservations include the following points:

  • Always use scientific data from reputable sources.
  • Never claim anything without properly identifying the nature and results of the research.
  • Only use sources after getting prior authorization to use them in your nursing paper.
  • Patient care always comes first, regardless of the nature or conflicts in medical treatment.
  • Always acquiring and using patient data with signed and attested papers for research purposes and informing them of all the intricacies.
  • Never copy data or details of other students’ work to use in your research paper unless your professor allows it.

Nursing learners must adhere to these ethical considerations in nursing papers. Following these principles and moralities serve their profession well and make them honest in their work.

Avoid These Mistakes While Writing Your Research Paper on Nursing

Students make many mistakes when they start a research paper on nursing. Some of the common ones are mentioned below:

  • Using irrelevant data
  • Not doing thorough research
  • Not having enough understanding of the disease
  • Making assumptions on disease prognosis without evidence
  • Using proprietary research without authorization
  • Selecting a topic out of discipline or nature of scope
  • Using plagiarized content
  • Adding disputed research with dubious record
  • Non-adherence to academic rules and guidelines provided by your professor

Abstract Writing for Nursing Papers

An abstract is your summary of the entire research, it’s a concise 300 to 600 words section. Nursing paper abstracts are sometimes lengthier than typical research papers. Here is an example of this section:

“Diabetes causes various types of disease that range from macro and micro vascular ones to metabolic. This research paper has acquired data from IDF and EASD and came to a conclusion that more than 80% of patients suffer premature deaths and renal failures. The data acquisition method is quantitative with retrospective diagnosis and diagnostic tests such as eGFR, Random Blood Serum and Fasting Blood Serum Testing kits in use. Majority of the patients have elevated serum glucose level 240 mg/dl or above. eGFR of 92% patients was between 60ml/min that puts them on stage 3 CKD. It’s evident that diabetes causes mortality and renal failure.”

It’s hard for students to compose nursing paper abstracts from scratch. This mock example will help them in the long term.

Perfecting Your Nursing Paper: Editing and Proofreading

Editing and proofreading is the last thing you must consider when making last-minute changes to your content. Polishing your nursing paper helps you present your opinion clearly and concisely without vague statements.

Writing a nursing paper is only possible when students know all the medical details of this profession. Our guide provides you with sufficient medical details related to this subject. Read it carefully, and you’ll be able to create amazing assignments for medical class. This expert’s guide helps to overcome the gaps in this field by allowing students to jump-start the learning process.

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Chapter 7: Drafting and Writing a Paper

Writing Conclusions

Studies have shown that the human brain is more likely to remember items at the beginning and end of lists, presentations, and other texts. Recollection of the last thing a person reads or hears is called the recency effect – they’re remembering the most recent information they’ve encountered. This is why your conclusion is so important. It’s your final chance to make an impression on your readers.

Conclusions have two jobs :

  • Leave readers with something to think about.
  • Clarify why your topic matters to them and the larger community. Some people refer to a conclusion as the so what ? section of a text, because it helps readers understand the significance of your subject. See Figure 7.7 .

Figure 7.7 : The conclusion as the “so what?” section

What techniques can keep readers thinking about the topic at the end of a piece of writing?  Some of the same methods that work for the introduction also work for the conclusion, but the formula  is a little different:

You’re trying to end your piece, so don’t start making new claims or sharing new research. Instead, try to help readers see how they relate to your subject matter. Sometimes this means suggesting that the reader do something specific: a call to action. You could also end by raising questions related to your topic or by making suggestions for how this topic may develop in the future. Leaving readers with interesting ideas to think about is the key to a successful conclusion. See Film Clip 7.2 about writing conclusions.

Film Clip 7.2 : Writing conclusions [1:03]

See Table 7.6  for methods and examples for concluding your writing and giving your readers a sense of closure or an idea of what you would like them to think about or do next.

Table 7.6: Methods and examples for conclusions

Method Example

Make a call to action: prompt readers to do something.

Nurses are uniquely positioned to advocate for better public policy to limit and restrict the consumption of sugar.

Ask a rhetorical question: a question asked for mere effect. A rhetorical question is meant to make people think, but not necessarily come to an answer. Often, the answer to rhetorical questions is clear right away, but the deeper significance needs to be pondered.

Have you considered the impact of sugar consumption on your health or the clients you care for?

  Student Tip

Optimizing Your Conclusion

Avoid introducing new ideas in the conclusion . But don’t simply copy and paste your thesis from earlier in the text. You’ve likely had a whole conversation in the text since the reader first encountered that thesis. Simply repeating it, or even replacing a few key words with synonyms, doesn’t acknowledge that bigger conversation. Instead, try pointing the reader back to the main idea in a new way.

Attribution statement

  Content from this page was remixed with our own original content and adapted, with editorial and organizational changes, from:

The Word on College Reading and Writing  by Carol Burnell, Jaime Wood, Monique Babin, Susan Pesznecker, and Nicole Rosevear, licensed under a  Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted. Download for free at:

The Scholarship of Writing in Nursing Education: 1st Canadian Edition Copyright © 2019 by Jennifer Lapum; Oona St-Amant; Michelle Hughes; Andy Tan; Arina Bogdan; Frances Dimaranan; Rachel Frantzke; and Nada Savicevic is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Writing Tips for Nursing School Students

NurseJournal Staff

  • Nursing School Writing Types
  • Writing a Nursing Essay
  • Citations Guide
  • Common Writing Mistakes
  • Writing Resources

Are you ready to earn your online nursing degree?

Young African-American female sitting and working on her laptop in a coffee shop during the day.

Writing is an essential skill nurses should achieve proficiency in early in their career. It is a crucial part of the profession, as nurses need to be able to effectively communicate with patients, families, and other healthcare professionals.

While verbal communication also plays a vital role in nursing, being able to write well builds the nurse’s ability to provide better care.

Being able to accurately detail a patient’s personal history, symptoms, and diagnosis allows for the execution of a precise treatment plan that is clearly communicated to all parties involved, both professional and personal.

From registered nurses to clinical nurses and beyond, being able to communicate effectively and efficiently is a critical soft skill that will help nurses in any role increase their ability to treat their patients.

This guide provides an overview of the types of writing nurses will experience throughout their educational training. Utilize the following tips and tricks to help strengthen your writing skills, which will ultimately help in the development of transferable career skills .

Types of Writing Nurses Will Do in School

Personal statements for nursing school.

Nursing schools want candidates who meet academic and professional requirements. They also want a candidate who demonstrates a sincere passion for patient care and individual connections. You should always craft a personal statement, even when the application doesn’t explicitly require one. Personal statements allow you to describe your goals, characteristics, credentials, volunteer work, and meaningful life experiences. A well-crafted essay can help you stand out among other qualified applicants. And, as with any piece of writing, you must take the time to revise.

In your personal statement, you should portray yourself as determined and empathetic, with characteristics, goals, work ethic, and healthcare philosophy that align with a program’s values. Some nursing schools ask for a general personal statement, while others require a specific prompt. Colleges commonly ask students to describe a hardship they overcame, a difficult task they accomplished, or a professional goal they hope to achieve through the program. Many schools also ask students to detail previous experiences in healthcare. You may decide to write about how you connect with patients or how you provide practical and emotional support to loved ones.

You will also encounter writing prompts during examinations, including standardized tests like the GRE or MCAT, nursing school entrance exams , and course-specific evaluations. You may also take exams to get state licensure or professional certification. In most of these instances, you will need to write one or several long-form essays. Proper planning is key. Though you won’t know what specific prompt the test will require, you can expect certain common topics. You can search online or use study guides to determine which prompts usually appear on each test.

On test day, you should begin by creating an outline that lists three main points in response to the prompt. Using these points, work backwards to write a central thesis to guide the essay’s structure. Review what you’ve written to ensure that the essay actually responds to the prompt at hand. Be sure to leave time to correct spelling, grammar, and stylistic errors.

Research Papers

Like essays, research papers follow a long-form structure. Unlike an essay, which heavily relies on the writer’s point of view, a research paper presents an in-depth investigation of a topic using data, expert opinions, and insights. While an essay evaluates general critical thinking and writing skills, a research paper tests your knowledge, research skills, and original contributions. Research papers also allow you to prove you understand what has been argued and discovered about a topic. Research papers, especially at the graduate and doctoral levels, require independent research and analyses. These papers sometimes take months or years to complete.

To write a successful research paper, you should pick a topic relevant to your interests and the nursing field. Possibilities include elderly care challenges, patient safety and ethics, mental health treatment and regulations in the U.S., and nursing shortages and possible solutions. Whatever your choice, you must plan accordingly. Advanced papers such as dissertations may require funding or help from professors. Research papers often consist of the following sections: abstract, introduction, literature review, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, and references. You should keep this general structure in mind as you prepare notes and outlines.

How Do You Write a Nursing Essay?

In nursing school, essay writing includes academic papers, personal narratives, and professional compositions. You should become familiar with each of the five major forms below. There are many similarities between these essay types, such as an overarching thesis and a supportive, logical structure. You should support claims with factual, statistical, anecdotal, and rhetorical evidence. However, each form requires distinct skills to achieve specific results.


Cause and effect, citations guide for nursing students.

Citations allow readers to know where information came from. By citing sources, you avoid plagiarizing or stealing another person’s ideas, research, language, and analyses. Whether intentional or unintentional, plagiarism is one of the most egregious errors one can make. Consequences for plagiarism include automatic course failure, disciplinary actions from the university, and even legal repercussions. You should take special care to ensure you properly cite sources.

Which Style Should Nursing Students Use?

Because nurses rely on scientific terms and information, professionals in the field usually use APA style. Regardless of the purpose and specific genre of your text, you should always strive for concise, objective, and evidenced-based writing. You can expect to learn APA style as soon as you enroll in a major course. However, you should also prepare to learn other styles as part of your academic training. For example, freshman composition classes tend to focus on MLA guidelines.

Common Writing Mistakes Students Make

Active vs. passive voice.

Active and passive voice represent two different ways to present the same piece of information. Active voice focuses on the subject performing an action. For example, the dog bites the boy. This format creates clear, concise, and engaging writing. Using active voice, nurses might write, I administered patient care at 11:00. Passive voice, on the other hand, focuses on the object of the sentence or the action being performed. For example, the boy was bitten by the dog. A passive sentence is usually one that contains the verb “to be.” Using passive voice, you might write, patient care was administered at 11:00.

Professionals in the sciences often use passive voice in their writing to create an objective tone and authorial distance. Passive voice can prioritize specific terms, actions, evidence, or research over the writer’s presence. Additionally, nurses use passive voice because it is usually clear that the reported thoughts, actions, and opinions come from them. However, you must also learn how to use active voice.


There are 14 punctuation marks in the English language, each with multiple and sometimes overlapping uses. Additionally, certain punctuation marks only make sense in highly specific and nuanced grammatical instances. To master punctuation, you must learn through practice, particularly by revising your own writing.

For example, colons and semicolons are often used interchangeably, when they actually serve distinct purposes. Generally used before itemized lists, colons stand in for the phrases “here is what I mean” or “that is to say.” For example, I am bringing three things to the picnic: applesauce, napkins, and lemonade. Semicolons separate two independent clauses connected through topic or meaning. For example, It was below zero; Ricardo wondered if he would freeze to death. Comma splices, which create run on sentences, are another common mistake. You can identify a comma splice by learning the differences between an independent and dependent clause.

Grammar refers to the rules of a particular language system. Grammar determines how users can structure words and form sentences with coherent meaning. Aspects include syntax (the arrangement of words to convey their mutual relations in a sentence) and semantics (how individual words and word groups are understood). Unless you major in writing, literature, etymology, or another related field, you generally won’t examine English grammar deeply. Through years of cognitive development and practice, native users implicitly understand how to effectively employ the language.

Distinct grammatical systems exist for each language and, sometimes, even within a single language. For example, African American Vernacular English uses different syntactic rules than General American English. You should learn grammatical terms and definitions. Common errors include subject/verb agreement, sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, and vague or incorrect pronoun usage. Hasty writers can also misuse phonetically similar words (your/you’re, its/it’s, and there/their/they’re).

Writing Resources for Nursing Students

Apa style central, reviewed by:.

Portrait of Shrilekha Deshaies, MSN, RN

Shrilekha Deshaies, MSN, RN

Shri Deshaies is a nurse educator with over 20 years of experience teaching in hospital, nursing school, and community settings. Deshaies’ clinical area of expertise is critical care nursing and she is a certified critical care nurse. She has worked in various surgical ICUs throughout her career, including cardiovascular, trauma, and neurosurgery.

Shri Deshaies is a paid member of our Healthcare Review Partner Network. Learn more about our review partners here .

Page last reviewed November 30, 2021

Whether you’re looking to get your pre-licensure degree or taking the next step in your career, the education you need could be more affordable than you think. Find the right nursing program for you.

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The Ultimate Guide to Nursing Assignments: 7 Tips and Strategies

Nursing assignments are a critical component of every nursing student’s academic journey. They serve as opportunities to test your knowledge, apply theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios, and develop essential skills necessary for your future nursing career. However, tackling nursing assignments can often be overwhelming, particularly when you’re juggling multiple responsibilities. In this comprehensive guide, we provide valuable tips, strategies, and expert assignment help services to help you excel in your nursing assignments. Whether you’re struggling with research, structuring your assignment, or proofreading, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Understanding the Nursing Assignments

To excel in nursing assignments , it’s crucial to start by thoroughly understanding the requirements. Take the time to carefully read the assignment prompt, paying close attention to the topic, word count, formatting guidelines, and any specific instructions provided by your instructor. Understanding these key components will ensure that you meet all the necessary criteria.

Impressive nursing essays

Conducting Thorough Research

Once you have a clear understanding of the assignment, it’s time to conduct thorough research. Solid research forms the foundation of any successful nursing assignment. Begin by gathering relevant and credible sources, such as nursing textbooks, scholarly articles, reputable websites , and academic databases specific to nursing. These resources will provide you with evidence-based information to support your arguments and demonstrate your understanding of the topic.

Creating a Well-Structured Outline

A well-structured outline is essential for organizing your thoughts and ensuring a logical flow in your nursing assignment. An effective outline acts as a roadmap, guiding you through the writing process and ensuring that you cover all the necessary points.

At [Your Service Name], our expert writers can assist you in creating a comprehensive outline tailored to your specific assignment. By collaborating with us, you can receive personalized guidance in organizing your ideas effectively and structuring your assignment in a logical manner. Our writers understand the nuances of nursing assignments and can help you identify the most important concepts and supporting evidence to include.

Using a Professional Tone

Maintaining a professional tone throughout your nursing assignment is crucial. As aspiring healthcare professionals, it’s essential to communicate your ideas with clarity, conciseness, and professionalism. Use clear and concise language, avoiding jargon or slang that may hinder the reader’s understanding. Present your arguments and supporting evidence in a logical and coherent manner, demonstrating your ability to think critically and apply nursing principles.

Our expert writers have extensive experience in academic writing within the field of nursing. They possess a deep understanding of the professional tone required for nursing assignments and can ensure that your assignment is written to the highest standards. By collaborating with us, you can receive guidance in maintaining a professional tone and effectively conveying your ideas.

Nursing homework

Incorporating Practical Examples

In addition to a professional tone, incorporating practical examples into your nursing assignment can greatly enhance its quality. Practical examples bring theoretical concepts to life, illustrating their application in real-life scenarios. They demonstrate your understanding of nursing principles and showcase your ability to bridge the gap between theory and practice.

Our team consists of experienced nursing professionals who can assist you in incorporating relevant practical examples into your assignment. Drawing from their extensive knowledge and expertise, they can provide you with real-life scenarios or case studies that strengthen the impact and credibility of your work. By collaborating with us, you can elevate the quality of your assignment by demonstrating your ability to apply nursing concepts in practical settings.

Proofreading and Editing

Proofreading and editing are essential steps in the assignment writing process. They ensure that your nursing assignment is polished, error-free, and effectively communicates your ideas. After completing the initial draft, it’s crucial to take a break and return to your work with fresh eyes. During the proofreading stage, carefully review your assignment for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. Correct any errors and inconsistencies that may affect the clarity and professionalism of your writing.

At , we have a dedicated team of proofreaders and editors who specialize in nursing assignments. They meticulously review your work, ensuring that it adheres to formatting guidelines and meets the highest standards of academic writing. Our proofreaders and editors will help you refine your assignment, ensuring that it is polished and error-free. By collaborating with us, you can rest assured that your assignment will be thoroughly reviewed and refined before submission.

Seeking Help When Needed

In addition to proofreading and editing, it’s important to seek help when needed. Nursing assignments can be challenging, and it’s perfectly normal to require assistance. Whether you’re facing difficulties in understanding the assignment prompt, need guidance in specific areas, or simply want a fresh perspective on your work, don’t hesitate to reach out for support.

Our friendly and knowledgeable support team is always available to address any questions or concerns you may have. We understand the unique challenges faced by nursing students and can provide you with the guidance and clarification you need. By seeking help when needed, you can overcome obstacles and ensure the successful completion of your nursing assignments.


Mastering nursing assignments is within your reach with the right tips, strategies, and expert assignment help services. At we are committed to supporting nursing students in excelling in their academic pursuits. Our experienced writers, proofreaders, and editors can provide personalized assistance throughout the assignment writing process, ensuring that your assignments meet the highest standards of quality and professionalism.

With our help, you can confidently tackle your nursing assignments and overcome any challenges you may face. Visit our website to learn more about our services and how we can support you in achieving academic excellence. Whether you need guidance in understanding the assignment, conducting thorough research, creating a well-structured outline, using a professional tone, incorporating practical examples, or ensuring a polished final product, we are here to assist you. Trust us for reliable and professional assignment help tailored to your needs.

Don’t let the challenges of nursing assignments hold you back—reach out to us for reliable and professional assignment help tailored to your needs.

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Common Assignments: Writing in Nursing

Although there may be some differences in writing expectations between disciplines, all writers of scholarly work are required to follow basic writing standards such as writing clear, concise, and grammatically correct sentences; using proper punctuation; demonstrating critical thought; and, in all Walden programs, using APA style. When writing in nursing, however, students must also be familiar with the goals of the discipline and discipline-specific writing expectations.

Nurses are primarily concerned about providing quality care to patients and their families, and this demands both technical knowledge and the appropriate expression of ideas (“Writing in nursing,” n.d). As a result, nursing students are expected to learn how to present information succinctly, and even though they may often use technical medical terminology (“Writing in nursing,” n.d.), their work should be accessible to anyone who may read it. Among many goals, writers within this discipline are required to:

  • Document knowledge/research
  • Demonstrate critical thinking
  • Express creative ideas
  • Explore nursing literature
  • Demonstrate understanding of learning activities. (Wagner, n.d., para. 2)

Given this broad set of objectives, nursing students would benefit from learning how to write diverse literature, including scholarly reports, reviews, articles, and so on. They should aim to write work that can be used in both the research and clinical aspects of the discipline. Walden instructors often ask nursing students to write position and reflective papers, critique articles, gather and analyze data, respond to case studies, and work collaboratively on a project. Although there may be differences between the writing expectations within the classroom and those in the workplace, the standards noted below, though more common in scholarly writing, require skills that are transferrable to the work setting.

Because one cannot say everything there is to say about a particular subject, writers present their work from a particular perspective. For instance, one might choose to examine the shortage of nurses from a public policy perspective. One’s particular contribution, position, argument, or viewpoint is commonly referred to as the thesis and, according to Gerring et al. (2004), a good thesis is one that is “new, true, and significant” (p. 2). To strengthen a thesis, one might consider presenting an argument that goes against what is currently accepted within the field while carefully addressing counterarguments and adequately explaining why the issue under consideration matters (Gerring et al., 2004). The thesis is particularly important because readers want to know whether the writer has something new or worthwhile to say about the topic. Thus, as you review the literature, before writing, it is important to find gaps and creative linkages between viewpoints with the goal of contributing innovative ideas to an ongoing discussion. For a contribution to be worthwhile you must read the literature carefully and without bias; doing this will enable you to identify some of the subtle differences in the viewpoints presented by different authors and help you to better identify the gaps in the literature. Because the thesis is essentially the heart of your discussion, it is important that it is argued objectively and persuasively.

With the goal of providing high quality care, the healthcare industry places a premium on rigorous research as the foundation for evidence-based practices. Thus, students are expected to keep up with the most current research in their field and support the assertions they make in their work with evidence from the literature. Nursing students also must learn how to evaluate evidence in nursing literature and identify the studies that answer specific clinical questions (Oermann & Hays, 2011). Writers are also expected to critically analyze and evaluate studies and assess whether findings can be used in clinical practice (Beyea & Slattery, 2006). (Some useful and credible sources include journal articles, other peer-reviewed sources, and authoritative sources that might be found on the web. If you need help finding credible sources contact a librarian.)

Like other APA style papers, research papers in nursing should follow the following format: title, abstract, introduction, literature review, method, results, discussion, references, and appendices (see APA 7, Sections 2.16-2.25). Note that the presentation follows a certain logic: In the introduction one presents the issue under consideration; in the literature review, one presents what is already known about the topic (thus providing a context for the discussion), identifies gaps, and presents one’s approach; in the methods section, one would then identify the method used to gather data; and in the results and discussion sections, one then presents and explains the results in an objective manner, noting the limitations of the study (Dartmouth Writing Program, 2005). Note that not all papers need to be written in this manner; for guidance on the formatting of a basic course paper, see the appropriate template on our website.

In their research, nursing researchers use quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods. In quantitative studies, researchers rely primarily on quantifiable data; in qualitative studies, they use data from interviews or other types of narrative analyses; and in mixed methods studies, they use both qualitative and quantitative approaches. A researcher should be able to pose a researchable question and identify an appropriate research method. Whatever method the researcher chooses, the research must be carried out in an objective and scientific manner, free from bias. Keep in mind that your method will have an impact on the credibility of your work, so it is important that your methods are rigorous. Walden offers a series of research methods courses to help students become familiar with the various research methods.

Instructors expect students to master the content of the discipline and use discipline- appropriate language in their writing. In practice, nurses may be required to become familiar with standardized nursing language as it has been found to lead to the following:

  • better communication among nurses and other health care providers,
  • increased visibility of nursing interventions,
  • improved patient care,
  • enhanced data collection to evaluate nursing care outcomes,
  • greater adherence to standards of care, and
  • facilitated assessment of nursing competency. (Rutherford, 2008)

Like successful writers in other disciplines and in preparation for diverse roles within their fields, in their writing nursing students should demonstrate that they (a) have cultivated the thinking skills that are useful in their discipline, (b) are able to communicate professionally, and (c) can incorporate the language of the field in their work appropriately (Colorado State University, 2011).

If you have content-specific questions, be sure to ask your instructor. The Writing Center is available to help you present your ideas as effectively as possible.

Beyea, S. C., & Slattery, M. J. (2006). Evidence-based practice in nursing: A guide to successful implementation .

Colorado State University. (2011). Why assign WID tasks?

Dartmouth Writing Program. (2005). Writing in the social sciences .

Rutherford, M. (2008). Standardized nursing language: What does it mean for nursing practice? [Abstract]. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing , 13 (1).

Wagner, D. (n.d.). Why writing matters in nursing .

Writing in nursing: Examples. (n.d.).

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conclusion for nursing assignment

What are the Points to Keep in Mind While Concluding a Nursing Assignment?

Nursing Assignment Help - How to Write a Conclusion

Table of Contents

In the healthcare profession, nursing is indeed a thriving field. Thousands of students pursue this field, which is taught as a subject throughout many Australian universities. Students interested in a career in health and medicine are studying this difficult but fascinating subject to be ready for themselves and contribute to a healthier community. This selfless service to humanity is remarkable in and of itself. Nursing necessitates various forms of learning and frequently takes students on a rough road to achieving their academic objectives. Online Assignment Expert has established Nursing assignment help, where a dedicated team of assignment help experts in nursing topics will help you complete your assignments on time. Our experts are familiar with updated knowledge in the medical world and also specialize in all nursing-related academic works.

Nursing is an essential clinical field responsible for handling the logistics and care of complex medical functions. As a result, it necessitates rigorous and ongoing learning to implement the science and art of medicine. Nursing courses in Australia attract nearly a thousand students each year who want to advance their careers and learn about the latest advances in medicine. The crucial link between a general nurse and a district nurse is that both fields require a good command of practical and theoretical skills for holistic care development expertise.

What are the elements of a good nursing assignment?

A good nursing assignment requires a planned format of academic writing. It includes:-

  • Data gathering and analysis -  This procedure necessitates the creation of a client database, which must contain their health information.
  • Data management -  If the patient has a medical problem in this section, it must be estimated and analyzed.
  • Developing a nursing diagnosis -  It is concerned with the treatment procedure.
  • Prioritizing your health -  If a patient has numerous issues, there should be a systematic approach to treating each illness, with the much more severe illness receiving priority.
  • Identifying the client's objectives and desired outcomes -  The efficiency and assessment of treatment procedures are part of this process.
  • Choosing necessary nursing interventions -  This is a critical component that necessitates nursing intervention when necessary.
  • Evaluation -  Last but not least, it is crucial to assess nursing treatment and the entire treatment process for future reference. Through nursing assignment help , you can avail the help of medical industry professionals on our team and complete your nursing assignments with the best grades possible. With their expertise, you can learn and, at the same time, avail the best academic guidance at any time of the day.

Nursing Assignment Conclusions

Nursing assignments require strong, practical, applicable and evidence-based conclusions. Therefore, writing a good conclusion in academic nursing papers is important. According to Kief (2018), the significance of a good nursing assignment is to interlink the practical and theoretical elements of nursing knowledge. It further provides students with the ability to analyze and recommend practices to improve healthcare facilities. To write a good conclusion in your nursing assignment, certain points have to be kept in mind:

  • The conclusion should briefly address all the main points made in the lengthy nursing assignment -  Nursing assignments usually address a specific health issue, which involves various discussions and finding by different writers. A well–researched assignment would include all the prevalent points with its conclusion drawing these points to reach an individualistic answer.
  • Conclusive statements must only present the points that have been established in the assignment -  Writing a conclusion is the last section of your paper. Therefore, it should cover only the information given previously. Doing this provides a complete picture. New information in the concluding paragraph only makes the assignment more complex and difficult for the reader to understand.
  • Conclusive statements must represent the research findings that have been made throughout the assignment -  The conclusion section is important for suggestive measures that include improvisations in the area of the assignment topic and must create a tone for welcoming future arguments. Therefore, while writing conclusive statements, the students should keep in mind all the findings and points and encourage future debates for achieving academic excellence.

Students who do not feel they have enough time or energy to devote to this subject can seek Nursing assignment help to keep up to date with their knowledge and submissions. We also offer various assignment help Nursing solutions, as there are several ways of writing a good nursing assignment written by our experts which you don't want to miss out on.

Objectives of Writing a Good Conclusion for Nursing Assignment

The objectives of writing a good conclusion are important in the nursing practice. By transcending important theoretical findings into practical application, the conclusive findings provide efficient solutions. The following objectives of writing a good nursing conclusion are:

  • It encourages hospitals and clinics to use evidence-based nursing care plans.
  • It promotes and familiarizes patients to receive holistic treatment that addresses their physical, social, mental, and emotional well-being.
  • It reviews the updated nursing care plan results and applies the fundamental findings in similar situations.
  • Nursing diagnoses
  • Client problems
  • Expected outcomes
  • Nursing interventions and rationales

As you can see, developing a nursing assignment and writing an excellent conclusion takes a lot of time and effort, and students can spend months or even years mastering a single topic. Assignment help is recommended for students who are having difficulties. Our nursing assignment experts are well-versed in the medical field and can help you navigate any academic situation.

In conclusion, this time-consuming task necessitates thorough research that must be applied to your assignments. Our Nursing Assignment Help experts are available to help you learn more research and academically inclined perspectives that can help you write the best nursing conclusions and any nursing inquiries. We know that Nursing is hugely influenced by college kids who would like to obtain knowledge in the medical field. Nursing is indeed a focus that is constantly evolving. To achieve better nursing academic results, it is recommended that you ask for assistance from Nursing assignments help and be equipped for anything that may stand in the way of a sustainable and healthy future.


Meet Jeffery, an expert in reflective writing. With a passion for self-expression and introspection, Jeffery specializes in guiding individuals through the reflective writing process. Whether it's personal essays, journals, or academic reflections, Jefferyempowers writers to explore their thoughts and experiences with clarity and insight. Trust Jeffery to help you articulate your innermost thoughts effectively.

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How to Write a Conclusion in My Nursing Paper

Robert russell.

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The conclusion is one of the most important parts of an essay. It provides the final opportunity to leave a lasting impression on the reader. If the essay is complicated and technical, the conclusion provides a reference point and general overview for the reader. If the essay is personal in tone, such as a nursing-school application essay, the conclusion provides an opportunity to leave the reader with a lasting impression of why you are the ideal candidate.

Explore this article

  • Reread your essay
  • Summarize the main points
  • Proofread the conclusion

1 Reread your essay

Reread your essay and refresh yourself with its main ideas and arguments. Outline the major points on a piece of paper. Take time to reflect on the essay. Think about what you have learned. Does the essay raise questions and issues you would like to pursue in the future?

2 Summarize the main points

Summarize the main points of the essay in the conclusion. Avoid introducing new information. Use the conclusion to remind the reader of the primary purpose of the essay. For example, if the essay is part of an application for nursing school, adopt a personal touch. Remind the reader why you are interested in a nursing career, why you think you are qualified, and what type of career you are interested in. If the essay is written for a nursing course requirement, apply for a scholarship, or to present at a professional nursing conference or journal, maintain an academic and scholarly attitude. Remind the reader that the purpose of essay was to address a particular problem in the nursing field. Tell the reader how you answered or solved the problem. Anticipate and answer possible criticisms and objections to your paper.

3 Proofread the conclusion

Proofread the conclusion. Ask yourself if it accurately summarizes the paper's content. Will it make a strong impact on the reader?

About the Author

Robert Russell began writing online professionally in 2010. He holds a Ph.D. in philosophy and is currently working on a book project exploring the relationship between art, entertainment and culture. He is the guitar player for the nationally touring cajun/zydeco band Creole Stomp. Russell travels with his laptop and writes many of his articles on the road between gigs.

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Nursing School Assignments and Tips to Ace All of Them


If you are about to start nursing school or considering enrolling in a nursing program, you would want to know what to expect. You will write many papers in nursing school and do many other assignments. This is true whether you pursue ADN, BSN, MSN, DNP, or PhD in Nursing.

Before we delve into the types of assignments and papers to expect in nursing school, let us begin by dispelling the myth that nursing school is hell; it is NOT. Instead, it is a beautiful and exciting journey into a noble profession. It entails a commitment to life-long continuous learning for you to grow.

Nursing school writing assignments are an excellent way for students to understand concepts taught in the classroom. You might wonder what kinds of assignments nursing students do. These assignments come in various forms and help students build critical thinking, creativity, research, clinical reasoning, and problem-solving skills that are critical in clinical settings.

This blog post looks at the diverse assignments you should expect or will cover in nursing school, including some tips to help you ace them and get better grades.

Common Nursing School Writing Assignments

Classwork forms the core of most nursing programs. You must have high-quality assignment submissions to attain better grades in nursing school. As soon as you decide to become a nursing student, you sign up for a marathon of writing different types of papers.

Whether you love or hate it, you will write papers before graduating from nursing school; that is the norm. Although not so many, you will encounter a few homework and assignments where you must submit a well-researched, formatted, and organized nursing paper.

The typical nursing school assignments include essays, research papers, term papers, and case studies. Others are article critiques/reviews, critical appraisal, evidence synthesis tables (synthesis matrix), PowerPoint Presentations, posters, discussion posts/ responses, and policy analysis papers. Other advanced papers include nursing care plans, SBAR template papers, evidence-based papers, capstone projects, theses, dissertations, proposals, etc.

These assignments are submitted either individually or as a group. Let us expound on this so you have a clear picture.

Essays for nursing classes come in various forms, including admission essays , scholarship essays, descriptive essays, persuasive essays, speech essays, expository essays, and narrative essays.

Notably, nursing essays focus on a single perspective, argument, or idea, which constantly forms the thesis of the paper.

Nursing essays focus on various topics relating to nursing practice and the broader healthcare field. You can write an essay examining a nursing theory or non-nursing theory or discuss a nursing issue .

Some essays, such as reflective nursing essays, use reflective models to reflect, analyze, and understand personal and professional encounters during clinical practice.

Each nursing essay should demonstrate your understanding of the topic, critical analysis, and organization skills. Besides, you should use evidence from peer-reviewed scholarly sources to support your arguments and ideas.

Discussion Board Posts

If you pursue a hybrid or exclusively online nursing program, you will be assigned to write weekly discussion forum posts and responses. Discussion board posts are short essay-like assignments posted in a threaded format so students can discuss nursing and healthcare topics.

You will write an original discussion post, between 200 and 300 words long, and post it on the forum. You are also expected to write a peer-response post in response to or to comment on an original post done by your peers.

Discussion boards help nursing students advance theoretical concepts, learn from one another, share ideas, and get feedback that can help them advance their knowledge in clinical reasoning and practice.

Research Papers

Nursing practice is evidence-driven, translating evidence into practice to ensure quality, accessible, and affordable healthcare. As such, nursing research takes precedence during studies and when practicing.

Nursing professors assign nursing students to write research papers on various evidence-based practice topics. The students must prove their worth by researching, analyzing, and organizing facts.

Related Writing Guides:

  • How to write a nursing school research paper.
  • Systematic Reviews vs Literature Review

Research papers help student nurses to review literature, conduct research, implement solutions, and draw evidence-based conclusions.

Research papers are critical in developing research and writing skills, maintaining good communication, and fostering creativity and clinical reasoning.

Potential nursing research paper topics can be quality improvement, healthcare/nursing informatics , healthcare policies, practice privileges, nursing ethics, ethical dilemmas , pathophysiology, and epidemiology .

Term Papers

In nursing school, a term paper is a type of assignment completed and submitted toward the end of the semester.

Usually, a professor can assign you a specific term paper topic, or they can let you choose a topic and consult with them for approval.

Term papers can be done individually or as a group project. A term paper has an impact on your final grade.

You should use credible scholarly sources published within the last five years for recent information.

Besides, also ensure that you plan your time well, do everything as per the instructions, and submit the nursing term paper before the deadline.

A term paper can also be a nursing process change report that is expected to address an area that needs change.

Case Studies

Nursing school case study assignments are an essential learning tool.

Most professors assign hypothetical clinical case studies or case scenarios (snippets) to test your clinical reasoning skills.

As a nursing educational tool, nursing case studies help you to develop practical, theoretical knowledge by simulating real-world experiences.

When analyzing a case study, you must use concepts and knowledge from class and class text to assess a patient, plan and implement care, and evaluate the outcomes.

Sometimes, you encounter simulated or digital clinical experience case studies such as iHuman and Shadow Health .

You should be very keen when analyzing a case study and when writing the analysis report.

Case studies help you get beyond books and use your creativity, clinical reasoning, problem-solving, and analytical skills to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world problems.

Your professor can give you a case study of a patient presenting with a given condition and expect you to take them through the care planning process, including admission and discharge, as you would in a real healthcare setting.

Other times, you can be asked to develop a hypothetical case study of a patient presenting with a chronic disease or a disorder and then use the case study guidelines, including head-to-toe assessment , diagnosis , nursing care planning , and discharge planning.

Related Guides:

  • How to write a great nursing case study.
  • How to complete a case conceptualization report (for psychiatric nursing students)

Nursing Care Plans and SOAP Notes

A nursing care plan can be part of a case study or a stand-alone assignment. Nursing care plans are essential in nursing education as they help students develop effective nursing care planning. Formulating a nursing care plan for a patient scenario or case helps treat them as you define the guidelines and roles of nurses in caring for the patient.

You also develop solid action plans for focused and patient-centred care by documenting the patient's needs. When they are part of an assignment, you can tabulate the nursing care plan using columns so that you explore every aspect independently.

Remember to use evidence from peer-reviewed scholarly sources when giving rationale.

The SOAP notes are a clinical tool healthcare professionals use to organize patient information to minimize confusion and assess, diagnose, and treat patients. Check our comprehensive guide on developing good SOAP Notes in nursing school .

Concept Maps

Another common nursing school assignment is concept maps. Concept mapping helps you visually organize, compartmentalize, and categorize information about nursing care planning, medical diagnosis, pathophysiology, SBAR, nursing responsibilities, etc.

A nursing concept map assignment equips you with strong critical thinking, analytical, and problem-solving skills. You also hone your clinical reasoning skills in the process.

Whether it is part of an assignment or a stand-alone, learn how to write great concept maps to score the best grades.

Concept Analysis Papers

If you are taking BSN, MSN, or DNP, you will likely be assigned to write a concept analysis paper. Make sure to distinguish this from a concept paper that is a proposal. A concept analysis paper examines the structure and function of a nursing concept.

The process entails a review of the literature and creativity in coming up with borderline, related, contrast, inverted, and illegitimate cases.

You also explore the antecedents and consequences of the concept before finalizing with empirical referents.

If you need to learn about the structure of a good concept analysis paper, check out our nursing concept analysis guide . We have listed concepts you can analyze depending on your speciality, instructions, and passion.

Capstone Projects

At an advanced stage in nursing school, students are expected to submit longer research papers; capstone project papers. A nursing capstone project is a final project that allows students to demonstrate the skills, knowledge, and concepts gained throughout the nursing program.

In nursing education, the capstone project typically covers an evidence-based practice issue or problem. You can write a nursing change paper, look into a clinical process, problem, or issue, and then develop recommendations based on a study.

Most of the MSN and DNP capstone projects focus on clinical change or quality improvement. You will be expected to develop a PICOT question and formulate a research study to examine the issue, implement a change process using evidence-based models, and make recommendations.

Nursing capstone projects are individual research projects based on nursing topics either of your professional or personal interest. You have to demonstrate competency and commitment to improve health outcomes.

Apart from capstone projects, you will also write a nursing thesis and dissertation papers, which depend on the program requirements and your professor's preferences.

Check out these specific writing guides for advanced papers:

  • How to write a nursing dissertation or thesis
  • Tips for choosing the best nursing dissertation topic
  • How to write an excellent capstone project paper
  • List of capstone project topics for nursing school
  • How to formulate a PICOT question
  • PICOT question examples to inspire nursing students

Group Assignments

In nursing school and practice, collaboration and teamwork are highly recommended. You will encounter collaborative group assignments such as presentations (PowerPoint slides, Prezi, or other platforms), simulation assignments, writing nursing reports, and group research projects.

Group projects allow you to research, learn, and organize ideas together so that you can understand concepts better. It is essential to avoid social loafing in a group to gain more. Besides, plan your time well and avoid excuses.

You can also be assigned to work on simulation exercises as a group of nursing students. The aim of such exercises is to build a collaborative, teamwork, and decision-making spirit among the team.

When in such groups, expect to work with your peers to assess the hypothetical patient, communicate with your peers, formulate a care plan, and manage any arising issues as you would in clinical settings. Do not take such activities for granted; they contribute significantly to your grade.


Your professor can assign you to design a PowerPoint Slide accompanied by speaker notes and send it for grading or present it online or in class. Under presentations, you will also be requested to design flyers, posters, and other visual documents to disseminate information.

It could be about a disease, health promotion, or nursing research. You must also make PowerPoint slides when presenting a thesis, dissertation, or capstone for assessments. Remember, this is the chance to bring out your creativity.

Expect other assignments such as dosage calculations, HESI test exams, skills checkoffs, electronic medical record documentation, nursing student portfolio, online quizzes, drug write-ups, process recordings, group drug presentations, etc.

In most cases, you will be given a template to use wisely and make it as appealing as possible.

Tips to Help You Ace Nursing Assignments

A lot goes into getting the best grades in nursing school. One of the main determinants of your nursing school grades is the assignments, which you are required to do and complete within set deadlines.

Even though many nursing students perform better on clinical, that needs to reflect in written assignments. Most students fear research and writing or do not take writing assignments seriously. Regardless of the assignment, here are some practical and effective tips to help you ace your nursing school writing assignments and surprise everyone, including yourself.

1. Plan your Time

The number one challenge for nursing students that inhibits them from completing assignments is the need for more time management.

Most students are juggling studies and work to make ends meet. It worsens when you have a massive workload from more than one class and a family to look after.

The simple trick to beat this is to manage your time well. You can schedule your assignments for periods when you are free and when you can concentrate and cover more. Assignments have deadlines ranging from hours to days or a few weeks.

To succeed, keep track of your assignments and other academic activities, such as mid-term and final examinations, so that you can plan your study periods. You can use online time management tools and apps to allocate your nursing school homework time.

With proper planning, you should be reassured about the last-minute rush to complete your assignment, which is responsible for the colossal failure we are experiencing in nursing schools.

2. Follow the Course Guidelines to the T

Guidelines, prompts, and reading materials accompany each writing assignment and homework. Sometimes a professor can be generous enough also to give you access to the Rubric, which breaks down how they will assess assignments. Ensure you read everything and note what is required before working on any paper.

Pay attention to these, read, and familiarize yourself with the course guidelines. Understand the formatting requirements preferred by your school, such as Vancouver, APA, or Harvard. Most nursing schools will specify this in the course documents. Also, check the databases and journal articles you can use when writing your nursing assignments.

Preparing in advance by reading the course materials to identify the recommended study materials. You will have a deeper understanding, knowledge, and skills to handle every nursing assignment correctly.

3. Have an Active Study Buddy

A nursing study buddy can be one of your classmates whom you study with. Study buddies offer mutual support, which comes in handy when completing assignments.

Select a bright and committed person with something to offer so you are not only giving. Set the study hours and have accountability follow-ups to ensure you cover much of the syllabus and concepts in time.

A study buddy can help you understand nursing concepts, theories, models, and frameworks. They can also help you review your written papers and give valuable feedback when editing and proofreading your nursing papers.

A knowledgeable, accountable, committed study partner can help you revamp your grades by submitting high-quality assignments.

4. Join a Study Group

A study group is a tried and tested means of completing nursing assignments. Apart from building your teamwork and collaborative skills, you can brainstorm ideas, critique one another, and learn more about the class assignments. With diversity in thoughts, you can get valuable insights and inputs for personal-level work.

Besides, you are also guaranteed to ace the nursing group assignments with ease. When doing group work, try to rotate into new groups so that you can appreciate the diversity of thoughts and reasoning. You can also identify individuals from your groups, those that are active, as your study buddies.

When you have accountability partners within the group, you commit to given tasks and make necessary follow-ups. If you are a part-time student, consider having students whose free time is similar to yours to benefit everyone.

5. Get Writing Assignment Help

As with other subjects in college and university, nursing students face challenges such as time management, complexity of assignments, too many assignments, and writer's block. When you feel overwhelmed with completing your nursing class assignments, you can always pay someone to handle the class for you or at least do your coursework or assignments.

One sure way to get assistance without drawing too much attention is by trusting assignment help websites like with your papers. Many students do not have time to complete assignments or find them challenging. Consequently, many hire nursing assignment helpers from nursing paper writing platforms.

If you feel like hiring the right professionals, use NurseMyGrade. We offer customized writing solutions to nursing students at different academic levels. Our nursing experts can complete short and lengthy assignments. You will have a well-researched and formatted paper written in Vancouver, APA, MLA, ASA, AMA, Harvard, or any citation style you choose.

You can use the tips and insights above to master nursing school assignments. We wish you all the best as you strive towards excellence. Don't worry about the many assignments. Instead, be grateful that they will equip you with knowledge, skills, and experience to make you the best nurse.

How Many Papers to Write in Nursing School

We have so far covered the general aspects of the types of assignments to expect in nursing school. Under the assignments, you may ask yourself if you must write many papers in nursing school.

While the answer depends on your professor, institutional curriculum requirements, and nursing level, you will undoubtedly write a couple of academic papers before graduating from nursing school. You will write research papers, essays, proposals, white papers, policy analysis papers, capstone project papers, case studies, scholarship essays, personal statements, quality improvement reports, etc.

Suppose you are pursuing a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) program. In that case, you will likely write between 13 and 15 papers during the LPN program, including short and long essays, reflective journals, essays, patient-based case studies, and others as your professor pleases.

If you are in a 2-year ADN program, expect to complete about 20 to 30 papers, including care plans, SBAR reports, essays, case studies analyses, research papers, reports, and other assignments.

For a 4-year Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program, you will write between 35 and 50 papers. If you are taking the online class program options, like the WGU BSN program, you might write more papers because they form the basis for your assessment.

BSN-level papers are demanding because you must strictly adhere to the formatting styles and be critical and organized in your presentation.

If you are taking a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) program, an advanced-level study for registered nurses (RNs), you will do about 20-50 papers, given that it offers the foundation for nursing research. Again, at an advanced level, the MSN writing assignments are complex.

You need to plan well, research widely, and analyze facts thoroughly before drawing conclusions. During this level, expect to write papers such as MSN essays, discussion posts and responses, specialized case studies, research papers, clinical reports, advanced SOAP notes, nursing care plans, policy papers, position papers (white papers), dissertations, theses, capstone papers, project papers, and change project papers.

You are expected to show exquisite research skills for the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program, considered the highest level or terminal degree in nursing practice. At this level, you have specialized, advanced your knowledge, and have adequate experience.

Mostly, DNP papers are a little longer. You will write between 20-30 papers; depending on your nursing school curriculum and supervisor's preference, it could be less or more.

If you opt for the research route, you will write many research papers, technical papers, policy analysis papers, white papers, reflection papers, nursing dissertations, PICOT-based change project papers (DNP change project papers), and other assignments.

Finally, for the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in nursing programs, you should expect to write between 10 and 15 papers covering research-oriented topics.

Attaining this degree makes you the epitome of success in the field. You can advance into a nursing researcher, educator, leader, or manager.

We have writers that can help you handle all these types of papers regardless of the academic level. Our Online Nursing Writing pros are available for hire anytime and any day.

Having worked successfully with many nursing clients/students, we are confident to help you achieve your dreams.

Before you go ...

There are many assignments and papers to complete in nursing school, including written assignments, quizzes, exams (oral and written), reflective journals, journal entries, e-Portfolio, integrative reviews, teaching plans, presentations, etc. Whether taking an LPN program or advancing your career by pursuing a Ph.D. in Nursing, you will do many nursing school assignments.

Do not take assignments as a punishment. Instead, consider them as tools to equip and shape you into a desirable nurse practitioner.

If you feel overwhelmed, stressed, and anxious about completing the assignments, you can hire our nursing writers to help you. We can help you ace nursing assignments online and ensure that you get 100% well-researched, organized, and proofread papers.

Our papers are 100% original and non-plagiarized. The writers understand how to structure nursing papers, formulate great paragraphs using the MEAN, PEEL, or TEEL formats, and write desirable papers consistently, scoring the best grades. You can call us your nursing assignment slayers or acers because, in a few hours, we will help you get it all behind you. We can help you ace online nursing classes and tests/quizzes .

Click on the Order button and fill out the form to get our writers started in making you a nursing paper that gives the best grade. No topic is challenging for us, and we allow you direct communication with the writer in the process of getting help.

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How to Write a Nursing Essay Introduction

by ella | Feb 11, 2024 | Medical and Health

Writing an essay starts with making a good introduction. The introduction helps grab the reader’s attention and explains what the essay will be about. In nursing, it’s important to make your introduction clear, interesting, and related to healthcare. This article will guide you on how to write a nursing essay introduction step by step, making it easier to create a good start to your essay. Through simple tips and explanations, you’ll learn how to catch your reader’s interest and prepare them for what you will discuss in your essay. Introductory Paragraph Definition The introductory paragraph is the first part of your essay that readers see. It’s like a door to your essay. When readers go through it, they get to know what topic you’ll be talking about. This paragraph helps catch readers’ attention and gives them a reason to keep reading. It often starts with something interesting, like a surprising fact or a short story. Then, it briefly explains the topic of your essay. Finally, it states your main point or argument, a thesis statement. The introductory paragraph sets the ground for everything else in your essay, making it crucial for getting your readers interested and understanding what to expect as they read on. How Long Should an Introduction Be? When you write an essay, the introduction is the starting point where you tell your readers what the essay is about. Now, how long should this introduction be? A good rule is to make it about 8% to 9% of your essay’s total words. So, if your essay is 1000 words, the introduction would be around 80 to 90 words long. Why this length? Well, it’s long enough to give your readers a clear idea about your topic and get them interested, but not too long that it gets boring or gives away too much information. It’s just the right length to introduce your topic, grab the reader’s attention, and tell them your main argument, the thesis statement, without diving into the main points you’ll discuss in the rest of the essay. What Makes a Good Introduction A good introduction acts like a map that guides your readers into the main part of your essay. Here’s what makes an introduction good:

Catches Attention: A good introduction starts with something interesting to catch your reader’s attention, like a surprising fact, a question, or a short story.

Introduces the Topic: It tells your readers what the essay is about clearly and simply.

Has a Thesis Statement: A good introduction includes a thesis statement and a clear and strong point or argument you will make in your essay. It tells the reader what to expect as they read on.

Not Too Long or Short: It should be just the right essay length, not too long to lose interest, and not too short to miss important information.

Engaging: It should make your readers want to read more. It’s like inviting them into your essay, making them curious about what comes next.

Clear and to the Point: It should be clear, straightforward, and concise so readers can easily understand what the essay will discuss.

Previews What’s Coming: A good introduction previews what topics or points will be covered in the essay without giving away too much.

What Are the 3 Parts of an Introduction Paragraph? The introduction paragraph is important as it helps the reader understand what your essay will be about. It’s made up of three main parts: Part 1: Essay Hook The essay hook in the introduction of a nursing essay acts as a catalyst to ignite the reader’s curiosity and ensure they continue reading. In nursing, this initial hook carries a particular significance as it provides a window into a field that is as emotionally charged as it is technical.  For instance, in a nursing essay focused on patient care, the hook might take the form of a compelling narrative of a nurse’s experience on a hectic night shift. The activities in a ward, the emotions of patients and their families, and amidst it all, the steadfast presence of a nurse could be the scene set as the hook. This imagery captures the essence of nursing and resonates with the reader, drawing them into the narrative. Similarly, if the essay is geared towards exploring the evolving role of nurses in modern healthcare, the hook could present a stark statistic highlighting the growing responsibilities shouldered by nurses. Through the hook, the readers are not merely observers but become emotionally invested, making the subsequent exploration of the nursing profession deeply engaging and insightful. The 5 Types of Hooks for Writing Here are some simple ways to create a hook in your essay:

A Common Misconception: This is about sharing many people’s false beliefs or misunderstandings and correcting them. Example: “Many believe that nurses only follow doctors’ orders, but they make crucial decisions that impact patient care daily.”

Statistics: Sharing a surprising or interesting number or data related to your topic. Example: “Research shows that nurses spend up to 60% of their time on paperwork, taking them away from patient care.”

Personal Story: Telling a brief story from real life or your own experience that connects to your essay topic. Example: “My sister’s caring nature as a nurse brought comfort to fearful patients, making me realize the emotional impact nurses have.”

Scenes: Painting a picture with words about a certain scene or situation related to your topic. Example: “Imagine a busy hospital ward, nurses swiftly moving from one patient to another, showcasing their ability to multitask and provide personalized care.”

Thesis Statement: Stating the main point or argument of your essay in a clear and precise way. Example: “This essay will delve into the indispensable role of nurses in improving the patient experience and healthcare outcomes.”

Part 2: Connections “Connections” in an introduction represent the bridge between the initial hook and the main topic or thesis of the essay. This section further draws the reader into the central theme by establishing context, relevance, and the importance of the subject. It ensures the reader isn’t left hanging after the hook, making the transition smoother. In nursing essays, connections might explore why a particular misconception, statistic, or story (from the hook) is significant to the broader world of nursing or healthcare. For example, suppose the hook was a statistic about the number of hours nurses spend with patients. In that case, the connection might discuss the significance of nurse-patient interactions, how they are at the heart of patient care, or how they can significantly influence a patient’s recovery and overall hospital experience. In essence, the “connections” part links the specific instance or fact from the hook to the broader implications or themes you’re about to explore in your essay, ensuring the reader understands why what they’re about to read matters. Part 3: The Thesis Statement The thesis statement is the most important part of an introduction paragraph. It is usually the last sentence of the introduction. The thesis statement clearly states the main idea or argument of the entire essay in one concise sentence. It answers the prompt or question asked in the assignment.  The thesis sets up the entire essay by establishing the focus and purpose of the writing. A good thesis statement is clear, focused, take a stand or position, and can be supported by evidence. The rest of the essay will provide details, facts, arguments, and evidence that support the thesis statement.  The thesis gives the essay direction and focus. The thesis statement must be narrow enough to fully cover the essay but broad enough for analysis and discussion. The reader should finish the introduction paragraph understanding exactly what the essay will be about based on the thesis statement. Steps to Write an Essay Introduction Here are the steps to write an effective nursing essay introduction: Step 1. Engage Your Reader The opening sentence or “hook” of an introduction paragraph grabs the reader’s attention. A strong hook makes the reader interested and want to keep reading. Here are some tips for engaging the reader right from the start:

Ask a thought-provoking question

Use an interesting, shocking, or intriguing statistic

Open with a relevant quotation, anecdote, fact, news story, vivid description, or definition

Create a conversation, scenario, or narrative to draw the reader in

Use humor, irony, or an unusual perspective to surprise the reader

The goal is to create curiosity, emotion, and connection immediately so the reader feels invested. An engaging hook gives a reason to care about the topic and hooks the reader into wanting to read more. After an attention-grabbing beginning sentence, the introduction can provide context and background to transition smoothly into the essay’s main argument. But a strong, thoughtful hook comes first to capture interest and attention. Step 2. Give Background Information After grabbing the reader’s attention with an opening hook, the next step is to give some context and background information about the essay’s topic. The background should be brief but informative, helping the reader understand the topic and its significance.  The background information should be connected to and help frame the essay’s main argument. It allows the writer to define key terms, frame the scope, provide historical context, or share social/political background before transitioning to the essay’s thesis.  The goal is to orient the reader without overloading them with too many details at the start. A few concise but meaningful sentences of background can set the stage before delivering the essay’s central argument in the thesis statement. Step 3. Expose Your Thesis Statement The thesis statement is the most integral part of an introduction. It comes at the end of the intro paragraph and establishes the essay’s central argument or main point. The thesis directly responds to the prompt or question posed in the assignment. It lays out the essay’s key position and focus in one concise, declarative statement. All the background information should lead up to and frame this thesis. This thesis takes a clear stand while summarizing the main argument. The rest of the essay will provide evidence and analysis to support and develop this position. The thesis statement gives the reader insight into the essay’s purpose and direction. It must be argumentative, focused, and thoughtful – a signpost for the essay’s content. With an engaging hook, informative background, and clear thesis statement, an introduction orients readers and sets an essay up for success. Step 4. Draft Your Essay Structure After writing a solid thesis statement, the next step is to map out the main points supporting and developing that central argument throughout the essay. Planning the basic structure gives the writer a logical progression and flow for the essay’s body paragraphs. For example, each body paragraph could contain a major reason why the thesis is true. Drafting a basic outline ensures the essay will thoroughly explain the thesis. The structure provides organization and direction. While the outline may change as the essay develops, having a planned structure guides the writer. The introduction doesn’t need to preview the full outline, but the thesis should directly lead to the topics of the body paragraphs. This continuity reinforces the central argument and establishes the logical support and analysis to validate the essay’s claim. Step 5. Revise After drafting the introduction paragraph, including an opening hook, background information, thesis statement, and outline, the next step is to revise. Revising allows the writer to strengthen and refine the introduction. Here are tips for revising an essay introduction:

Make sure the hook immediately draws in the reader.

Check that background info is brief but informative. Cut unimportant details.

Read the thesis statement carefully. Is it clear, focused, arguable, and well-written?

Ensure the thesis directly answers the prompt or assignment question.

Review that the essay outline logically flows from the thesis.

Check for varied sentence structure and smooth transitions between sentences.

Ensure the introduction is written in the student’s original, unique voice.

Ask – does this intro give the reader essential context and clearly state the essay’s central argument?

Revising the introduction allows the writer to catch any underdeveloped, awkward, or unclear areas. Refining the intro before writing the full essay ensures the foundation is established to convince readers of the thesis logically. Catchy Introductions for Different Essay Types Here are some examples of writing catchy introductions tailored to different essay types: Narrative Introduction The lights were bright and the room was freezing. I could hear the muffled cries of the two-day-old infant in the incubator beside me as I carefully calculated the dosage. This was my first time administering medication on the job as a nursing student in the NICU. I knew neonatal nursing would be challenging, but I realized in that moment it would also reshape my perspective.

The fragility of life was tangible, yet amidst wires and monitors, there was hope. This experience taught me that something as small as an injection has the power to heal and comfort. My nursing journey began with that first nervous med pass late one night in the NICU, starting me on a path I could not yet fully envision. This introduction establishes the narrative scene while hinting at the insights explored in the essay. The hook places the reader in the story while introducing the reflective tone and theme. The background about starting nursing school and working in the intensive care unit provides context. The thesis hints at a transformative experience that led to a new understanding, setting up the reflective narrative about this memory’s significance. The introduction draws readers into the moment while establishing the personal growth narrative to come. Analytical Introduction The current nursing shortage in the United States has reached critical levels, with the deficit of registered nurses projected to exceed 500,000 by 2025. This shortage impacts healthcare facilities nationwide, diminishing the quality of care and patient outcomes. While an aging workforce and increased healthcare demands contribute to the problem, the root causes are unsatisfactory working environments, leading to high turnover rates.

Inadequate staffing ratios, lack of leadership support, workplace violence, and burnout exacerbate nurse shortages. However, developing effective retention strategies to improve modifiable workplace factors could help healthcare organizations recruit and retain qualified nurses. Targeted interventions to empower nurses and cultivate supportive, collaborative environments will be essential to overcoming the nursing shortage crisis. This introduction establishes the nursing shortage problem and notes some surface-level contributing factors. The thesis then points to underlying workplace environment issues as the root causes. This analytical stance sets the essay to examine these modifiable factors and the solutions they highlight rather than just describing the problem. The introduction primes readers for an analytical discussion on empowering nursing workplace improvements. Persuasive Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed cracks in the foundation of the United States healthcare system. Addressing the longstanding nurse staffing crisis has become urgent as nurses comprise the largest segment of the health workforce. For decades, research has shown inadequate nurse staffing increases patient and nurse risks. However, hospitals and legislators have delayed mandating minimum nurse-to-patient ratios. With recent data revealing up to 20% of nurses plan to leave their positions, safe staffing levels are imperative.

Implementing minimum staffing ratios in every unit, improving work environments, and increasing wages can retain experienced nurses, attract new nurses, and ensure safe patient care. Now is the time to persuade lawmakers and healthcare administrators to enact evidence-based nurse staffing ratio legislation. Doing so will strengthen nursing, prevent future gaps in care, and ultimately save lives. This introduction uses the COVID-19 pandemic context to establish the urgent need for minimum staffing ratios. It references past research and alarming turnover data to highlight the significance of the problem. This leads to the thesis advocating minimum ratio legislation to improve staffing conditions and nurse retention. The intro generates urgency while summarizing the persuasive argument to come – that evidence shows implementing specific nurse staffing reforms will strengthen healthcare. Personal Introduction I remember the sterile smell of the hospital hallway as I walked into my patient’s room for the first time. As a nursing student, I had prepared extensively for this initial clinical rotation. I had memorized lab values, medications, and procedures. Yet textbook knowledge could not prepare me for the wave of nerves I felt seeing my patient lying in the stark, white hospital bed. She looked weary and frail. This was no rubber dummy I had practiced on. This was a living, breathing human who needed my care.

My textbook training came second to forging a true human connection at that moment. Sitting beside her, I listened as she shared her story, goals, and worries. The beeping monitors faded, and I saw her as so much more than a diagnosis. My first clinical rotation taught me that treating patients extends beyond treating their illnesses. In nursing, empathy and compassion for humanity manifest as acts of care. This personal nursing essay introduction draws readers into a poignant clinical scene. It sets up the student’s transition from textbook knowledge to human understanding. The vivid details and reflections establish the introspective tone and theme focused on compassion in nursing care. Tips for Writing a Winning Introduction Paragraph Here are some tips for writing an effective introduction paragraph that grabs attention and sets the stage for the essay:

Start with a strong, thought-provoking hook. Open with an interesting fact, statistic, question, an essay quote, anecdote, vivid description, etc.

Provide brief but valuable context and background on the topic. Define key terms and give relevant historical or social framing.

Build a smooth transition from the background to the specific focus of the essay. Use transitional phrases like “In light of this…”

State the thesis clearly and directly. Present the central argument or position in a concise, one-sentence statement.

Ensure the thesis responds to the prompt and launches the essay’s body.

Structure the introduction logically, moving from a broad to an increasingly narrow focus.

Engage the reader’s interest while also communicating the essay’s purpose.

Revise thoroughly to refine language, improve flow, and bolster impact.

An effective introduction grabs attention, provides a framework, presents a compelling thesis, and primes readers for future discussion. Crafting a thoughtful, polished introduction can get any essay off to a winning start. Final Thoughts The introduction of your nursing essay is your chance to grab the reader’s attention, provide insight into your chosen topic, and set the stage for the following discussion. It’s crucial to nail this part to make a compelling first impression. However, it’s a common struggle for many nursing students to pen down an engaging introduction amidst demanding academic and practical schedules. Struggling to Start Your Nursing Essay? Kickstart your nursing essay with an introduction that resonates. Click Here to Secure a Strong Start with Our Expert Assistance! Let us pave the way for your academic achievements.

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How to Write A Conclusion For My Nursing Essay Assignment?

At the very outset, let’s begin by understanding the essay terms. You need to decide whether your essay is going to be analytical or reflective. The essay terms indicate whether you want to write an essay by comparing and contrasting various topics. Is the essay is a critical analysis of a topic that you been learning in the past few months or years? If you get hold of the essay terms, you are better placed to write that essay.


How to Write a Nursing Essay?

If you have to write a nursing essay, you need to understand a few fundamental concepts of good nursing. You must explain what you think an excellent is nurse and compare and contrast various types of nurses or nursing. You may also have to critically analyze good nursing.

While the nursing essay remains the same throughout the entire essay, the way you approach each concept and the way you structure your essay will depend on the essay terms. Understanding essay terms will empower you to execute the essay terms with finesse.

Tips on Writing a Nursing Essay: Outstanding Writers’ Guide:

Get a handful of tips on how to get started with your first nursing assessment. First thing first, Plan an intriguing structure of the essay. Before you embark upon writing, it is imperative to curate the relevant information wisely. Begin by selecting the powerful elements of the topic for the Nursing essay that you will focus on.

  • You need to provide a glimpse of the Nurse’s life and career.
  • Start your essay with a firm note to set the tone of the readers’ expectations.
  • Do not forget to summarize the key points in the conclusion.
  • Reinforce the purpose of the essay in the conclusion.

Nursing essay introduction:

You may have written a good nursing essay but may have missed on attacking the actual topic that you are writing for, you may have missed to compare and contrast nursing.

  • You need to stick to the essay terms right from the introduction paragraph of your essay.
  • A strong yet concise introduction makes a good start to both your nursing essay and assignment.
  • An introduction provides a holistic idea about the topic or the person you are going to talk about.
  • The introduction must not be too weak, long, short, or does not shed any light on the actual essay topic that it is going to be about.

Conclusion About Nursing Essay

Your nursing essay paper must have a conclusion paragraph.

  • Writing the conclusion paragraph is about reinforcing your concepts through rewording or reiterating the concepts you have covered earlier.
  • Summing up the key points is critical when you are writing the conclusion of your nursing essay paper.

Important Thing About Write a Effective Nursing Essay Assignment Conclusion:

  • Review your Definition’s main Points
  • Close attention Getter
  • Tie your Conclusion back to the introduction
  • Close with an Explanation of how your definition has effected you.

How to Write The Best Nursing Conclusion Paragraph?

  • You need to summarize the points in the conclusion that you want to highlight.
  • Avoid coining or introducing new information or topic in the conclusion’s paragraph.
  • Using the conclusion to remind and remember the primary purpose of the nursing essay.
  • If the essay is about a nursing school application, adopt a personal touch.

Also, make sure you remind the readers about your additional information on the topic.

Nursing Essay Conclusion Examples for Student

  • The nursing conclusion is a retelling of the key concepts touched upon through the essay. You may like to mention a few data points, answers, and evidence to reinforce your point of view or stance.
  • You may like to show in the conclusion of how your approach was crucial to arrive at the resolution.
  • Add a final comment in the conclusion.

Here is an example of a conclusion that light gives you the same idea about conclusion writing.

Casestudyhelp is an abode to highly-qualified and experienced Nursing Experts to write your Well structure Conclusion of Nursing Essay Assignment. Hire our Experts Today!

Sample Example:

“The start of the university-educated for nurses has allowed nurses to keep updated with continuous medical advances. Their roles have changed throughout recent years. Their working conditions have improved and their wages. The ability to assess patients has improved. However, the ability to provide understanding care has slowly abolished because of sound bases that we base university education on.”

Nursing Essay Examples and Format

5 essential elements of your essay introduction are the aim, purpose, relevance, implication, and all relevant definitions.

  • You need to cite in the description box, an actual real-life working example of a nursing essay.
  • The final tip is to follow the structure of Personal, Professional, Political, and social for your nursing essay.
  • In the relation to the concept of a good nurse, you need to write your personal view of what a good nurse is.
  • The professional explains what the documents indicate what makes a good nurse.
  • The political aspect of a good nurse comprises the view and the reports which states what a good nurse would involve data, statistics, real-life examples, etc.
  • The last is social. This explains how society views nurses and nursing as a profession. Society may influence, implicate, or change the way the nurses behave.
  • The last thing to remember is that you need to link your paragraphs very well through a logical flow of the progression of the topic.

Assignment Sample for Nursing Student:

Nursing provides holistic care for the health services disabled, injured, and the dying during the treatment or recovery phase. Their role is to assist the medical experts as needed.

Nursing Assignment Requirements:

  • Understanding the role of nursing in a healthcare center
  • Understand the detailed explanation of the nursing procedure
  • Decide on the premise of the assignment
  • Explain nursing is relevant as community service
  • Carry out thorough research before writing the assignment
  • Explain nursing in the assignment
  • Use case studies with relevant examples
  • Cite facts and figures, statistical data, and graph from approved sources.

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  1. How To Conclude A Nursing Essay [Nursing Essay Conclusion + Examples

    Keep it to around 150 words. Move the reader forward. Use strong verbs and images to convey your point of view and move the reader forward in the essay by providing a sense of closure or hope for the future. Keep it simple. Use concrete examples and analogies to help explain complex concepts. End with a hook.

  2. How to Write a Nursing Case Study Paper (A Guide)

    Ensure your summary has at least the case presentation, the nursing assessment/diagnosis, the intervention, and the key recommendations. At the very end of your conclusion, add a closing statement. The statement should wrap up the whole thing nicely. Try to make it as impressive as possible. 9.

  3. Nursing Reflection Essays: A Guide, Outline, Models, and Tips

    The hook or attention grabber. Thesis statement. Main points of each body paragraph (topic sentence, evidence, examples, illustrations, etc.) Conclusion (restated thesis and call-to-action) With the outline done, you should take a break and resume writing your first draft of the nursing reflection essay.

  4. Academic essays part 3: how to pass an assignment

    Academic essays part 3: how to pass an assignment. 10 September 2020. From staff nurse to nurse consultant. John Fowler. Educational Consultant, explores how to survive your nursing career. 02 September 2020. Volume 29 · Issue 16. ISSN (print): 0966-0461. ISSN (online): 2052-2819.

  5. Nursing Assignment Writing

    In Conclusion. Nursing assignment writing is a fundamental aspect of your nursing education. Embrace it as an opportunity to develop essential skills, apply your knowledge, and prepare for a successful nursing career. By mastering the art of nursing assignment writing, you'll not only excel academically but also contribute to better patient ...

  6. PDF Critical Thinking and Writing for Nursing Students

    nursing and making a case regarding how the nurse might proceed. At the end of the essay we offer notes that explain the critical thinking and writing features of Stewart's work. N.B. Remember, copying essays such as this, submitting them as a whole or in part for assessment

  7. Writing A Nursing Paper From Scratch: The Fundamentals

    To start a nursing assignment's conclusion, you must restate your thesis statement and provide a connection between the intro, body and its ending. Secondly, a summary of the main discussion provides your audience with an overview of the entire story. Even if they missed an important point of the topic, they can read it in the summary of the ...

  8. Writing Conclusions

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  9. Nursing Essay: Guide, Steps, Tips, Structure, Format, & Topics

    Nevertheless, you will primarily write nursing essays, including persuasive, definition, descriptive, argumentative, reflective, and narrative essays. ... The first step in the process of writing a nursing assignment is to know the question. You can do this by reading the prompt in the portal (Blackboard or Canvas), email from the lecturer, or ...

  10. Writing Tips For Nursing School Students

    You will also encounter writing prompts during examinations, including standardized tests like the GRE or MCAT, nursing school entrance exams, and course-specific evaluations. You may also take exams to get state licensure or professional certification. In most of these instances, you will need to write one or several long-form essays.

  11. How To Write A Nursing Assignment Conclusion?

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  12. Ultimate Guide to Nursing Assignments: 7 Tips and Strategies

    Conclusion. Mastering nursing assignments is within your reach with the right tips, strategies, and expert assignment help services. At we are committed to supporting nursing students in excelling in their academic pursuits. Our experienced writers, proofreaders, and editors can provide personalized assistance throughout ...

  13. Academic writing: what you need to know

    Nursing is an evidence-based discipline. Reflect this in your writing by avoiding opinion and using the third person. This creates a tone of objectivity and provides evidence. For example, instead of saying: "I think that…", you might use: "research has found that…" or "studies show that…". Nursing is an evidence-based discipline

  14. Academic Guides: Common Assignments: Writing in Nursing

    Walden instructors often ask nursing students to write position and reflective papers, critique articles, gather and analyze data, respond to case studies, and work collaboratively on a project. Although there may be differences between the writing expectations within the classroom and those in the workplace, the standards noted below, though ...

  15. Nursing Assignment Help

    Nursing Assignment Conclusions. Nursing assignments require strong, practical, applicable and evidence-based conclusions. Therefore, writing a good conclusion in academic nursing papers is important. According to Kief (2018), the significance of a good nursing assignment is to interlink the practical and theoretical elements of nursing knowledge.

  16. How to Write a Conclusion in My Nursing Paper

    The conclusion is one of the most important parts of an essay. It provides the final opportunity to leave a lasting impression on the reader. If the essay is complicated and technical, the conclusion provides a reference point and general overview for the reader. If the essay is personal in tone, such as a ...

  17. Writing Assignments in Nursing: Common Types, Tips, and Guide

    Notably, nursing essays focus on a single perspective, argument, or idea, which constantly forms the thesis of the paper. Nursing essays focus on various topics relating to nursing practice and the broader healthcare field. You can write an essay examining a nursing theory or non-nursing theory or discuss a nursing issue.

  18. How to Write a Nursing Essay Introduction

    Step 3. Expose Your Thesis Statement The thesis statement is the most integral part of an introduction. It comes at the end of the intro paragraph and establishes the essay's central argument or main point. The thesis directly responds to the prompt or question posed in the assignment.

  19. Creating a Nursing Care Plan from Case Study

    Conclusion. The aim of this assignment was to analyse a case study and create a care plan. Initially the patient's medical diagnosis was explored, following by identification and examination of the top seven prioritised nursing issues. Subsequent to this the top nursing problem-mobility, was considered in more detail.

  20. Academic essays part 9: Use of your own experience

    As discussed in previous articles in this series (Fowler, 2020), the foundation of an assignment should be the critical appraisal of relevant evidence-based literature. This is something that the junior nursing student has to grapple with in their initial assignments because the temptation can be to simply describe what happened to a single patient they have nursed..

  21. How to Write A Conclusion For My Nursing Essay Assignment?

    Casestudyhelp is an abode to highly-qualified and experienced Nursing Experts to write your Well structure Conclusion of Nursing Essay Assignment. Hire our Experts Today! Sample Example: "The start of the university-educated for nurses has allowed nurses to keep updated with continuous medical advances. Their roles have changed throughout ...

  22. Nursing Essays

    Community Health and Population Focused Nursing Field Experience. Example essay. Last modified: 25th Aug 2021. The identified community health diagnosis discovered during my windshield survey for Manatee County, Florida is an increased risk for obesity for adults and older adults related to poor nutrition, availability of fast food and lack of physical activity demonstrated by an above average ...

  23. Pediatric psychiatric inpatients' perspectives of aggression management

    Conclusion. The participant's voices expand understanding of nurse's use of discernment at the doorway of a patient room to ensure the most therapeutic care is provided to the patient in these spaces through a secure nurse-patient relationship. ... The nursing implication is for a nurse to discern in the doorway of the pediatric inpatient's ...