Comparative Politics

Student writing in Notebook

The field of Comparative Politics at Harvard is the study of cross- and sub-national differences in these areas:

  • Development
  • Political institutions
  • Ethnic-religious politics.

Our diverse faculty has expertise in Africa, Eastern and Western Europe, East and South Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East. In short, it represents all major theoretical and methodological approaches in the field. Harvard’s well-endowed international and regional centers also offer extensive institutional ties to research communities across the globe as well.

Department Faculty

Alisha c. holland.

Alisha C. Holland Headshot

Chase H. Harrison

Chase H. Harrison Headshot

Daniel Ziblatt

Daniel Ziblatt headshot

Dustin Tingley

best comparative politics phd programs

Elizabeth J. Perry

Elizabeth J. Perry Headshot

Feyaad Allie

best comparative politics phd programs

Frances Hagopian

Frances Hagopian Headshot

Grzegorz Ekiert

best comparative politics phd programs

Mashail Malik

Mashail Malik Headshot

Melani Cammett

best comparative politics phd programs

Nara Dillon

best comparative politics phd programs

Peter A. Hall

Peter A. Hall Headshot

Peter Buisseret

Peter Buisseret Headshot

Pia Raffler

Pia Raffler Headshot

Stephen Peter Rosen

Stephen Peter Rosen Headshot

Steven Levitsky

best comparative politics phd programs

Theda Skocpol

Theda Skocpol Headshot

Timothy Colton

Timothy Colton Headshot

Torben Iversen

best comparative politics phd programs

Graduate Program

Pushing the Scholarly Frontier

PhD in Political Science

Our doctoral students are advancing political science as a discipline. They explore the empirical phenomena that produce new scholarly insights—insights that improve the way governments and societies function. As a result, MIT Political Science graduates are sought after for top teaching and research positions in the U.S. and abroad. Read where program alumni are working around the world.

How the PhD program works

The MIT PhD in Political Science requires preparation in two of these major fields:

  • American Politics
  • Comparative Politics
  • International Relations
  • Models and Methods
  • Political Economy
  • Security Studies

We recommend that you take a broad array of courses across your two major fields. In some cases, a single course may overlap across the subject matter of both fields. You may not use more than one such course to "double count" for the course distribution requirement. Keep in mind that specific fields may have additional requirements.

You are free to take subjects in other departments across the Institute. Cross-registration arrangements also permit enrollment in subjects taught in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at Harvard University and in some of Harvard's other graduate schools.


1. number of subjects.

You will need two full academic years of work to prepare for the general examinations and to meet other pre-dissertation requirements. Typically, a minimum of eight graduate subjects are required for a PhD.

2. Scope and Methods

This required one-semester seminar for first-year students introduces principles of empirical and theoretical analysis in political science.

3. Statistics

You must successfully complete at least one class in statistics.
You must successfully complete at least one class in empirical research methods.

5. Philosophy

You must successfully complete at least one class in political philosophy.

6. Foreign language or advanced statistics

You must demonstrate reading proficiency in one language other than English by successfully completing two semesters of intermediate-level coursework or an exam in that language, or you must demonstrate your knowledge of advanced statistics by successfully completing three semesters of coursework in advanced statistics. International students whose native language is not English are not subject to the language requirement.

7. Field research

We encourage you to conduct field research and to develop close working ties with faculty members engaged in major research activities.

8. Second Year Paper/workshop

You must complete an article-length research paper and related workshop in the spring semester of the second year. The second-year paper often develops into a dissertation project.

9. Two examinations

In each of your two elected fields, you must take a general written and oral examination. To prepare for these examinations, you should take at least three courses in each of the two fields, including the field seminar.

10. Doctoral thesis

As a rule, the doctoral thesis requires at least one year of original research and data collection. Writing the dissertation usually takes a substantially longer time. The thesis process includes a first and second colloquium and an oral defense. Be sure to consult the MIT Specifications for Thesis Preparation as well as the MIT Political Science Thesis Guidelines . Consult the MIT academic calendar to learn the due date for final submission of your defended, signed thesis.

Questions? Consult the MIT Political Science Departmental Handbook or a member of the staff in the MIT Political Science Graduate Office .

Comparative Politics

flags flying

Investigates the similarities and differences in patterns of politics around the world. 

Scholars in comparative politics research a range of topics, from the causes of civil war to the effective provision of public goods. The field embraces cross-national and cross-regional research, as well as "within country" studies that evaluate differences among states, districts or towns, or across policy spheres.

Xu teaching 2022

Comparativists utilize many methods — including qualitative and quantitative analysis — and often develop expertise in particular countries or regions in the course of their work. This knowledge is important for accurate description and for theory building and testing; it also helps reveal causal relationships that immersion in our own societies and cultures might lead us to ignore.  

Princeton's comparative politics faculty — which includes experts on East Asia, the Middle East and South Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America and other areas — represents a range of methodological approaches and area specialties.

Centers & Programs

The Mamdouha S. Bobst Center for Peace and Justice organizes conferences and other activities focused on fostering peace and justice around the world.

The Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies (PIIRS) offers a variety of programs for students, faculty and visiting scholars that support research, learning and dialogue on world cultures and issues of global importance. 

The Program on Race, Ethnicity, and Identity in Politics (PREIP) organizes thematic events and other initiatives linked to the study of race, ethnicity, and identity, including a department-wide speakers’ series and workshops on research issues related to the study of the politics of racial, ethnic, and other minoritized subpopulations. This inter-subfield program intends to create a supportive and generative community of faculty and graduate students working on a range of related topics including racism, colonialism, citizenship, contentious politics, social movements, and gender inequalities.

Mark Beissinger

Mark R. Beissinger

Carles Boix

Carles Boix

Woman in white sweater

Rafaela Dancygier

Tanushree Goyal

Tanushree Goyal

Saad Gulzar

Saad Gulzar

Matias Iaryczower

Matias Iaryczower

Amaney A. Jamal

Amaney A. Jamal

Atul Kohli

Nicholas Kuipers

helen milner headshot

Helen V. Milner

Liz Nugent

Elizabeth Nugent

Portrait photo of Grigo Pop-Eleches

Grigore Pop-Eleches

Rory Truex headshot

Guadalupe Tuñón

James raymond vreeland.

Leonard Wantchekon headshot

Leonard Wantchekon

Jennifer Widner

Jennifer Widner

andreas wiedemann headshot

Andreas Wiedemann

Xu Xu Headshot

Deborah Yashar

Georgetown University.

College of Arts & Sciences

Georgetown University.

Comparative Government

best comparative politics phd programs

Georgetown University has a long tradition of excellence in the study of comparative politics, with faculty who receive national and international acclaim and who regularly publish in the discipline’s top journals and presses.

The comparative faculty cover a wide array of substantive topics, with particular strengths in political economy ( Carnes , Gustafson , Klašnja , Looney , Rudra , Simmons , Weaver ), contentious politics, conflict, and political violence ( Balcells , Berman , Girod ), political regimes and institutions ( Banchoff , Berman , Brumberg , Kapiszewski , King , Klašnja , Langenbacher ) and nationalism and citizenship ( Anderson , Balcells , Howard , King , Smith ). The faculty study these questions in virtually every corner of the world and do so using a comprehensive methodological toolkit.

Georgetown’s comparative politics faculty is well-integrated with other subfields and has frequent intellectual engagement with colleagues situated elsewhere in the university, such as the Walsh School of Foreign Service , the McCourt School of Public Policy , and the McDonough School of Business .

Along with the Mortara Center for International Studies , the comparative subfield hosts the Current Research on Issues and Topics in Comparative Scholarship ( CRITICS ) speaker series.

For more information about our Comparative Government Ph.D., please contact the Field Chair or the Graduate Program Officer .

Research and Teaching

Comparative politics, subfield coordinator : scott straus.

Berkeley has a longstanding tradition of distinction in comparative politics. Members of the department’s comparative politics faculty are widely recognized as national and international leaders, and the department’s strengths have grown in recent years.

Coverage of substantive themes, methodological approaches, and geographic expertise is extremely broad. Comparative political economy, political regimes and regime change, political parties and organizations, and social mobilization are the subject of great interest among faculty and graduate students. Some comparative faculty and graduate students rely largely upon formal theory in their work. Some are highly proficient in quantitative methods, while others use case studies and qualitative methods. Many faculty and graduate students use multi-method approaches. The faculty emphasizes rigor of method—whether applied in formal, statistical, or qualitative work. All graduate students in comparative politics are expected to achieve proficiency in all methods prevalent in the field.

The faculty and graduate student population is diverse; no single theoretical orientation or methodology enjoys status as orthodoxy. Generally speaking, Berkeley comparativists pursue “big” questions that have broad implications for political life and public policy as well as social science. Such questions include when and why Chinese peasants resist unjust authority; why the Chinese economy has grown so rapidly and what other countries can learn from it; how transformations in the global economy are reshaping the welfare state in advanced industrialized countries; how economic structures and resource flows mold state and market institutions in the Middle East; why economic liberalization has proved difficult in Japan and how it may yet come about; why democracy is failing in Russia while working in Indonesia; why opposition forces succeed in forging electoral alliances in some African polities but not others; how party systems influence the provision of public goods across the Indian states; and how labor organizations are responding to transformations in economic policy in Latin America.

Comparative Politics Directory

Profile picture for user Christopher Ansell

Christopher Ansell

Profile picture for user Leonardo R. Arriola

Leonardo Arriola

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Henry Brady

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George Breslauer

Profile picture for user Jennifer Bussell

Jennifer Bussell

Profile picture for user Pradeep K Chhibber

Pradeep K Chhibber

Amanda Clayton

Amanda Clayton

Profile picture for user David Collier

David Collier

Profile picture for user Ruth B. Collier

Ruth Berins Collier

Profile picture for user Thad Dunning

Thad Dunning

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Barry Eichengreen

Profile picture for user M. Steven Fish

M. Steven Fish

Susan D. Hyde

Katerina Linos

Andrew little.

Profile picture for user Cecilia Hyunjung Mo

Cecilia Hyunjung Mo

Profile picture for user Kevin J. O'Brien

Kevin O'Brien

Profile picture for user T.J. Pempel

T.J. Pempel

Profile picture for user Alison Post

Alison Post

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Gerard Roland

Profile picture for user Hillel Soifer

Hillel David Soifer

Profile picture for user Scott Straus

Scott Straus

Profile picture for user Steven VOGEL

Steven VOGEL

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Martha Wilfahrt

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Jason Wittenberg

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Comparative Politics

Field of study | phd in political science.

Comparative Politics

PhD in Political Science Courses | Fields of Study | Requirements 🗗 | Funding 🗗 | Admissions 🗗

Comparative Politics covers the study of political experience within more than one nation-state for the purpose of making systematic comparisons. Within comparative politics, there are two main approaches, the cross-national approach, and the area studies approach. The cross-national approach involves the simultaneous study of a large number of nation-states to address particular theoretical questions of broad applicability, and the tools normally involve quantitative analysis of empirical data. The area studies approach emphasizes in-depth analysis within a particular country or region of the world, and the necessary tools normally involve immersion in the language and culture of the geographical region being studied. Although the comparative politics faculty of the department includes experts on the politics of several specific countries and geographical regions of the world, the approach emphasized in this program is a cross-national study, usually involving quantitative analysis. Hence, although some courses deal with the particular features of political experience in a given country or region, the greater emphasis in the graduate curriculum is upon topically-oriented courses and research projects, and all students are prepared in quantitative methods.

Students choosing comparative politics as a major or supporting field will become familiar with the broad-ranging literature of the field, with its methods and tools of research, and with available data sources covering a broad range of countries and topics. A student in this program is likely to concentrate his or her studies in a topical area such as comparative governmental institutions, comparative political organizations, comparative political economies, or comparative political behavior. Within those broader areas, students may focus upon such topics as executive cabinets, legislatures, decentralization/federalism, democratization, political parties, politics of national/ethnic identity, and voting behavior. Students may, within these contexts, also develop area expertise in European or Latin American Politics.

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best comparative politics phd programs

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  • Program Areas

Comparative Politics

Our courses explore ideas about politics within countries across the world. We have particular strengths in the study of political regimes and democratization, internal conflict and civil war , political parties , citizens’ vote choice and other forms of political behavior , and the political economy of development.

Training in Comparative Politics

Students pursuing comparative politics as a first field are strongly advised to take the Comparative Politics Proseminars I and II (PS 450 and 460) and additional courses that fit their research interests.  Students pursuing comparative politics as a second field are strongly advised to take both proseminars and three additional courses offered by Comparative Politics faculty, earning a B+ or higher in each course.

Comprehensive Exams in Comparative Politics

Students should meet with the Field Chair early in their exam preparations.  The exam will cover material from graduate seminars offered in the department as well as other major themes in comparative politics.  Students should familiarize themselves with major works and contemporary debates in the field beyond their seminar work and consult exams from previous years. Information about the exam format can be found here .

Comparative politics faculty and students are active in

  • Comparative Historical Social Science Cluster
  • Equality Development and Globalization Studies
  • Middle East and North Africa Working Group
  • Program of African Studies
  • Political Parties Working Group
  • Latin American and Caribbean Studies
  • Comparative Politics Workshop

Faculty and Graduate Students

  • Comparative Politics faculty
  • Comparative Politics graduate students

Top Political Science Graduate Programs for Comparative Politics

Maria scinto.

Comparative politics often focuses on comparing the political systems of different countries.

Comparative politics is a subdiscipline of political science that involves comparing one or more aspects of different countries to draw conclusions based on their similarities and differences. Topics to be compared may include such areas as health care, economy and system of government. Comparative politics may be addressed during the coursework for a political science bachelor's degree, but most of the in-depth research in this area is being done at the graduate level. Several top schools made the "U.S. News and World Report" list of graduate programs in comparative politics.

Explore this article

  • Harvard University
  • Stanford University
  • Princeton University
  • University of California -- Berkeley

1 Harvard University

Harvard University, ranked by "U.S. News and World Report" as having the nation's top graduate program in comparative politics, offers this discipline as one of the specialties within its Weatherhead Center for International Affairs. Recent research in this field has covered topics such as the rise of fringe parties in Greece and the changing relations of the U.S. and Latin American governments, and has been published in such popular venues as "The Wall Street Journal" and "The Boston Globe" as well as in peer-reviewed journals including "Comparative Politics" and "World Politics."

2 Stanford University

Stanford University's Department of Political Science can boast one very prominent faculty member who lectures on the topic of comparative politics: none other than former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. In 2010 she presented at a conference called "Technology, Governance and Global Development," serving as co-keynote speaker along with Microsoft founder Bill Gates. Stanford's political science department also hosts regular comparative politics workshops where faculty and graduate researchers share their latest findings. Recent topics have included an analysis of political responses to economic polarization and results from an experiment involving attempts to change the legal system in rural Liberia.

3 Princeton University

Comparative politics is one of six main fields of study that fall under Princeton University's Department of Politics. Princeton's comparative politics faculty members specialize in area studies of Africa, Russia, Europe, Japan, China, India and Latin America. Current research topics undertaken in this field include the origins of political polarization, attitudes toward democracy, the effectiveness of welfare states, the development of political party systems, the settlement of civil wars and post-conflict institution building. This research is supported by The Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies, and the comparative politics group also works in conjunction with the staff of the Center for the Study of Democratic Politics as well as the law and public affairs and political economy programs.

4 University of California -- Berkeley

At the University of California -- Berkeley, comparative politics faculty members pursue a diverse approach toward the topic, both in how they conduct research and the areas in which they specialize. The focus is on broad-ranging questions such as what other countries can learn from the rapid growth of the Chinese economy, why democracy is failing in Russia while managing to succeed in Indonesia, and how the changing global economy is reshaping the welfare state of advanced industrialized countries. Graduate students in the field of comparative politics gain experience using different methods of research, such as case studies and quantitative analysis.

  • 1 College Board: AP Central: Comparative Politics Made Simple
  • 2 Harvard University Weatherhead Center for International Affairs: Fields of Interest: Comparative Politics
  • 3 Harvard University: Steve Levitsky: Publications
  • 4 Europe Center Stanford: Technology, Governance and Global Development
  • 5 Princeton University Department of Politics: Comparative Politics
  • 6 Berkeley Political Science: Comparative Politics

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PhD in Political Science

Doctor of philosophy in political science.

Our program maintains the traditional concentrations of the field. Students must select one major and one minor concentration in either

  • political philosophy/political theory
  • American politics/constitutional law; or
  • comparative politics/international relations.

Each of these three traditional areas of concentration, however, will be informed by a set of questions and themes, grounded in the training and research of our faculty, which make this program unique. We focus on the foundations and operation of constitutional government, the character and cultivation of political leadership, and the relation of both to civil society and to the task of educating citizens for the exercise of liberty. Civic education involves learning the mechanics of government, but it also involves the formation of citizens through involvement with civil society and service to the community. Proper civic institutions do not merely buttress individuals from the abuse of political power; they also shape the habits of mind and heart necessary for responsible citizenship and political leadership.

Our program also allows doctoral students to work in an interdisciplinary concentration , such as "Religion and Politics" or "Politics and Literature." This concentration allows students to draw on programs throughout the university, such as Church-State Studies, English, history, philosophy and sociology.

Most importantly, our doctoral program takes as its calling not simply the education of future scholars but also the education of teachers. Teaching apprenticeships -with a one-on-one relationship between an apprentice and a teacher-is another distinguishing feature of our program. Graduate students serve as apprentices for undergraduate courses, and are then given the opportunity to teach them. Doctoral students also have the opportunity to work in Baylor's long-established program in Philanthropy and Public Service.

Political Philosophy/Political Theory

We offer courses in the history of political thought, from the Greeks to the present, as well as in contemporary debates in political theory and in the social sciences as a whole. Related to our program themes of the philosophic origins and development of constitutional government and the character of statecraft and citizenship, are questions about the future and evolution of liberalism; the nature and function of civil society; the condition of its complex web of intermediate institutions such as family, church, and civic organizations; the nature and preconditions of justice; the virtues demanded by good citizenship; and the challenges of politics in a global society.

Our graduate seminars in the history of political thought - Classical Political Thought, Medieval Political Thought, and Modern Political Thought - provide students with an exceptional foundation in the history of Western political thought. "Contemporary Political Thought" explores such thinkers as Oakeshott, Voegelin, and Strauss, or a theme such as just war theory. "Contemporary Democratic Theory" explores recent debates concerning a properly "deliberative democracy" and assesses the special challenges for citizenship and public culture posed by a radically multicultural and pluralistic political setting. Our course in "Politics and Literature" may focus on such topics as "Shakespeare as a Political Thinker," "The American Political Novel," and "Greek Drama and Political Theory." Finally, "Advanced Study in Political Phlosophy" allows professors and students to explore a particular thinker or theme in great depth, and prepares students for their own dissertation research.

American Politics/Constitutional Law

In addition to our courses in institutions, policy, administration, and behavior, our doctoral program in American politics emphasizes the study of constitutional government, especially constitutional law. Our "Seminar in Public Law," which can be taken up to three times for credit, covers a broad range of questions concerning the American judicial system, including judicial politics, constitutional and judicial theory, and jurisprudence. "The American Founding" studies the politics and principles that played a role in the American Founding, utilizing the debates at the 1787 Constitutional Convention, the First Congress, and early fundamental decisions of the Supreme Court that were seminal in its future interpretation. "American Political Development" examines the interaction between institutional structures created by the Constitution and the practice of American politics from the founding period to the present. At issue in both these courses is the relation between political ideas and practical politics, including the institutional, economic, and social constraints both in which statecraft operates and which are in turn shaped by political ideas and actions. We also offer "Presidential Rhetoric," which surveys theories of the rhetorical presidency and genres of presidential discourse in selected eras of American history, from the early republic through the present.

"Comparative Constitutional Law" enables students to study constitutional and legal issues in a comparative perspective. However important the American contribution to the theory and practice of constitutional government, constitutionalism is today a global phenomenon. Through this course students explore the problems and prospects of the fastest growing form of government in the world today. Moreover, this course not only helps to complete their education in American politics and constitutional law, but also serves as a bridge to our third subfield: comparative politics/international relations.

Comparative Politics/International Relations

In addition to our basic seminars in "International Relations" and "Comparative Politics," which offer graduate students introductions to these fields, and "Comparative Constitutional Law," mentioned above, we offer a range of graduate seminars. "American Foreign Policy" examines the intellectual background of American diplomacy, the interaction of constitutional, legal, and informal institutions that shape official actions, and the dilemmas confronting the United States at the beginning of the twenty-first century. Students with interests in both international relations and political theory will enjoy "The Development of International Relations Thought," which studies the realist, rationalist, and revolutionary traditions, as articulated by such thinkers as Hobbes, Grotius, and Kant, and the relation of these traditions to contemporary international relations thought. So, too, "The Development of Strategic Thought" examines the ideas of strategic thinkers who lived in a variety of historical periods, including Thucydides, Sun Tzu, Machiavelli, and Clausewitz.

We also offer senior-level courses for graduate credit (as in the other subfields) in courses in "Grand Strategy," "Terrorism," "Intelligence and Covert Action," "Diplomacy," "International Law," "International Organizations," "International Political Economy," and "Power, Morality, and International Relations." In the area of comparative politics, we offer courses in the governments and politics of such countries or areas as Britain, the Middle East, Asia, Latin America, Mexico, and Russia.

Course work in other departments

Having elected a major and minor field of study in political science, graduate students may take approved courses in other departments that supplement their overall plan of study in political science. In the past, graduate students who have wished to study politics and literature, for example, or religion and politics, have supplemented Political Science offerings in these areas with courses in other departments, such as English, Philosophy, History, Communication Studies, Religion, and Great Texts. We think that such courses can deepen a student’s understanding of the contributions of theology, philosophy and literature (epic poetry, comedies and tragedies, novels, etc.) to fundamental questions of political philosophy and to the formation of a nation’s or an individual’s spiritual and political self-understanding. Such courses can also deepen a student’s grasp of constitutional and political issues, such as religious freedom and its place in liberal government, or the role of civil society in linking the individual to the broader political community and in fostering a responsible and engaged citizenry.

Methodology Requirement

"Seminar in Research Design and Research Methods" provides an introduction to the discipline of political science, introduces the logic of research design as well as specific research strategies and techniques, whether quantitative or qualitative, and discusses questions related to the philosophy of science.

In addition, students are required either to demonstrate competence in one foreign language (Classical or Modern), as defined by the Graduate School, or to take an advanced methodology course, such as SOC 5312, Social Science Data Analysis (cross-listed as PSC 5312).

Teaching Apprenticeship Requirements

In their second and third years of the program, students have the opportunity to serve in an apprenticeship with a faculty member each semester. Apprenticeships will be arranged on an individual basis by the student in consultation with the graduate director. The apprenticeship will ordinarily involve full participation in planning and executing an undergraduate course. Apprentices will attend the classes of their faculty mentor, and help with student evaluation.

While apprentices, students may take a section of the 5000-level course, "Teaching Political Science," a directed readings course with a faculty member for whose course they serve as apprentice. The readings will involve the subject matter of the undergraduate course, and the requirements might involve a graduate level paper on those materials, or an annotated bibliography of materials that might be used in the undergraduate course. One section of 5396 is required of all graduate students, but no more than two are permitted to count toward the PhD requirements. "Teaching Political Science" courses count toward the major and minor.

During the third or fourth year of their program, students will have responsibility for at least one course, in most cases a course of the same kind in which they served their apprenticeship. For example, an apprentice for "Government and Politics of Latin America" or for "Government and Politics of the Middle East" might then teach a section of "Comparative Politics," depending on student preference and departmental need. "American Constitutional Development" has proven particularly useful for apprenticeships, which have prepared many of our doctoral students to teach sections of their own of this course. Student evaluations administered by the University will be given and become part of a student's placement file, along with the faculty member's evaluation.

In addition to the department's teaching apprenticeships, Baylor graduate students have the opportunity to participate in Seminars for Excellence in Teaching .

Department of Political Science

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Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science – Track: Comparative Politics

Doctoral programs at CEU are fully funded study programs with a standard duration of 4 years that award a US and an Austrian degree.

The structure of the PhD program in Political Science is based on a system of "tracks" (areas of specialization, or "majors"). The tracks represent academic fields/sub-fields or research areas that reflect the major strengths and interests of our faculty.

The doctoral school offers five specializations based on a system of  "tracks":

  • Comparative and International Political Economy
  • Comparative Politics
  • International Relations
  • Political Theory
  • Public Policy
  • Graduate Program
  • Current Students

Fields & Field Requirements

  • Comparative Politics


The integration of theoretical rigor, empirical sophistication and depth of knowledge both within and across traditional regional boundaries is the defining feature of comparative politics at UCSD. We pride our department both for the breadth of its substantive and theoretical expertise. This expertise is augmented greatly by the department's faculty in the American, International Relations, Methodology, and Theory fields, as well as associated faculty at the School of Global Policy and Strategy  (GPS), the Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies , the Center for Iberian and Latin American Studies , the Center for Comparative Immigration Studies , and the Center on Global Justice .

The nexus of theoretical precision and substantive knowledge is a direct outgrowth of the department's emphasis on the application of sophisticated theory and methods, often developed in the study of U.S. and Western European politics, to a more broadly comparative perspective. Our commitment to theoretical development is evident in our leading position in the study of democratic institutions, political economy, and political and economic development.  Kaare Strom , William Chandler , and Arend Lijphart (emeritus) are known internationally for their contributions to the study of parliamentary and presidential systems. UCSD political scientists have also made fundamental theoretical contributions to the study of political and economic systems and reforms in Asia ( Peter Cowhey ,  Stephan Haggard , Ellis Krauss , Germaine Hoston , Megumi Naoi ,  Samuel Popkin , Molly Roberts , Susan Shirk ), Europe ( Peter Gourevitch ,  Victor Magagna ), Latin America ( Scott Desposato , Simeon Nichter , Sebastian Saeigh ,  Peter Smith,   Wayne Cornelius  (emeritus),    Ann Craig (emeritus), Paul Drake (emeritus)). Soviet successor states ( Philip Roeder ), and Africa ( Claire Adida ,  Karen Ferree , Clark Gibson ) . The unifying element in this large and diverse body of work is a commitment to empirically informed research that advances the state of theoretical precision within the discipline.

Our students enjoy an impressive breadth and depth of substantive and regional expertise and resources. Our department is home to many preeminent scholars of Latin American politics, and students are positioned to take advantage of the incredibly diverse opportunities and resources available through the Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies and the Center for Iberian and Latin American Studies. Similarly, our department has cemented its position as an academic powerhouse for the study of China, and students in the department benefit from new programs such as the 21st Century China Program housed at the School for Global Policy and Strategy . Other UC-wide programs for the study of politics, such as the Institute on Global Cooperation and Conflict and the Center for Comparative Immigration Studies, offer intellectual and financial resources, and have funded UC students' dissertations through research and travel grants. With our adjunct faculty at the School of Global Policy and Strategy (GPS), we can boast an impressive breadth of faculty, academic programs, and research projects regarding Asia and the Pacific Rim. The launch of the Policy Design and Evaluation Lab in 2013 has provided comparative faculty and graduate students alike significant opportunities for research funding and networking.

It is our commitment to theoretically informed, empirically precise analysis that has put recent UCSD graduates at the forefront of their field. UCSD graduates can be found researching and teaching at some of the nation's finest departments. Over the past five years, we haver placed our comparative graduate students at the University of Georgia, UCSD's School of Global Policy and Strategy, the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, the University of British Columbia, Syracuse University, the University of Arizona, the University of Houston, the London School of Economics, Harvard University, Dartmouth College, and CIDE (Mexico).

Students in comparative politics are required to take the core course sequences in both principles and methods in addition to two core field seminars, Institutions and State and Society (see Field Requirements for more detail). The department offers graduate seminars on comparative topics such as divided societies, immigration, development, authoritarian politics, and the politics of post-Soviet transition, as well as regional and country-specific courses on Africa, East Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America, Mexico, China, Japan and the former Soviet Union.

Comparative Politics Faculty

  • Claire L. Adida , Associate Professor. PhD, Stanford University. Comparative politics
  • William M. Chandler , Emeritus Professor. PhD, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Comparative politics, Western Europe
  • Jasper Cooper , Assistant Professor. PhD, Columbia University. Comparative Politics, Sub-Saharan and Southeast Asia politics
  • Wayne A. Cornelius , Emeritus Professor. PhD, Stanford University. Comparative politics, Latin America
  • Gary W. Cox , Emeritus Professor. PhD,California Institute of Technology. American politics, formal theory, comparative politics
  • Ann L. Craig , Emeritus Professor; Emeritus Provost, Eleanor Roosevelt College. PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Comparative Politics, Latin America
  • Scott W. Desposato , Professor. PhD, UCLA. Comparative Politics, Latin America, Methodology
  • Paul W. Drake , Emeritus Professor. PhD, Stanford University. Comparative politics, Latin America
  • Maureen C. Feeley , Associate Teaching Professor. PhD, UC San Diego. Comparative Politics, Sub- Saharan Africa.
  • Karen E. Ferree , Associate Professor. PhD, Harvard University. Comparative Politics
  • Clark C. Gibson , Professor. PhD, Duke University. Comparative politics, environmental politics
  • Peter A. Gourevitch , Distinguished Professor. PhD, Harvard University. Comparative politics, Western Europe, international politics, political economy
  • Germaine A. Hoston , Professor. PhD,Harvard University. Comparative politics
  • Arend Lijphart , Emeritus Professor. PhD, Yale University. Comparative politics, democratic institutions, ethnicity and politics
  • Victor V. Magagna , Associate Professor. PhD, UC Berkeley. Comparative politics, political theory
  • Megumi Naoi , Associate Professor. PhD, Columbia University. Comparative Politics, Political Economy, East Asia
  • Gareth Nellis , Assistant Professor. PhD, Yale University. Comparative Politics, Political Economy, South Asia
  • Simeon Nichter , Associate Professor. PhD, UC Berkeley. Comparative politics, Latin America
  • Agustina Paglayan , Assistant Professor. PhD, Stanford University. Comparative Politics, Political Economy, Public Policy, American Politics, Quantitative and Archival Methods
  • Samuel L. Popkin , Emeritus Professor. PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Voting Behavior, comparative politics
  • Margaret E. Roberts , Associate Professor, PhD, Harvard. Methodology, China.
  • Philip G. Roeder , Professor. PhD,Harvard University. Authoritarian politics, ethnic policies, post-Soviet politics
  • Sebastian M. Saiegh , Professor. PhD, New York University. Comparative Politics, Latin America
  • Christina J. S chneider , Professor, Political Science. PhD,University of Konstanz. International organizations: IPE, European Union, distributional conflicts
  • Peter H. Smith , Distinguished Emeritus Professor. PhD, Columbia University. Comparative politics, Latin America
  • Kaare Strom , Distinguished Professor. PhD, Stanford University. Comparative politics, Western Europe, democratic institutions
  • Tom K. Wong , Associate Professor. PhD, UC Riverside. Immigration politics and policy, border controls, immigrant political behavior, global governance of refugees, human rights of migrants
  • Field Requirements
  • American Politics
  • International Relations
  • Political Theory
  • Methodology

Secondary Menu

Intro to comparative politics: how to compare the incomparable, typically offered.

  • Our 89 Year History
  • Location & Directions
  • Statement on Workplace Environment
  • Why Major in Political Science?
  • Major Requirements
  • American Political Institutions and Behavior
  • Decision Theory and Data Science
  • International Relations
  • Law and Political Theory
  • Political Economy
  • Certificate: Philosophy, Politics & Economics
  • Certificate: Decision Sciences
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Independent Study
  • Honors Program
  • Internships
  • Global Education
  • American Values & Institutions Program
  • American Grand Strategy Program
  • Peter G. Fish Fellowship
  • Ralph Bunche Summer Institute
  • Student Association
  • Post-Undergraduate Fellows Opportunity
  • Trinity Ambassadors
  • M.A. Requirements
  • M.A. Analytical Political Economy (MAPE)
  • Ph.D. Requirements
  • Ph.D. Alumni Placements
  • Good Standing
  • Qualifying Procedure
  • Preliminary Exam
  • Dissertation
  • Normative Political Theory & Philosophy
  • Political Behavior & Identities
  • Political Institutions
  • Political Methodology
  • Security, Peace & Conflict
  • Theme Fields
  • Ph.D. Financial Support
  • How to Apply and FAQ
  • Living in Durham
  • Graduate Advising & Mentoring
  • Job Market Candidates
  • All Courses
  • Primary Faculty
  • Secondary Faculty
  • Affiliated Faculty
  • Postdoctoral Fellows
  • PhD Students
  • Masters Students
  • MAPE Students
  • Exchange Students
  • Polarization Lab
  • Worldview Lab
  • Duke Initiative on Survey Methodology
  • Duke Program in American Grand Strategy
  • Politcal Institutions and Public Choice
  • Triangle Institute for Security Studies
  • Political Theory in the Triangle
  • Research Support and Endowments
  • Selected Works
  • Alumni Network

Comparative Politics

Globe on desk

The field of Comparative Politics at Stanford includes area studies, comparative political economy, the study of ethnic conflict, and institutions. Our faculty are experts in Western and Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America. 

  • Avidit Acharya
  • Lisa Blaydes
  • Brandice Canes-Wrone
  • James Fearon
  • Vasiliki Fouka
  • Anna Grzymala-Busse
  • Stephen Haber
  • Jens Hainmueller
  • David D. Laitin
  • Beatriz Magaloni
  • Michael McFaul
  • Soledad Artiz Prillaman
  • Condoleezza Rice
  • Jonathan Rodden
  • Kenneth Schultz
  • Michael Tomz
  • Barry R. Weingast

The top of an open book

MPhil in Politics (Comparative Government)

  • Entry requirements
  • Funding and Costs

College preference

  • How to Apply

About the course

The MPhil in Politics (Comparative Government) is an advanced two-year graduate degree which provides training in research techniques and methodology and enables you to acquire substantive knowledge in this sub-area of the discipline. It is also suitable if you wish to embark later upon doctoral research.

The MPhil in Politics (Comparative Government) emphasises the research-led study of government and political institutions from area-specific and comparative perspectives, and provides a range of educational experiences in a variety of learning environments to develop your written and oral communication skills as well as other technical skills.

The MPhil will provide you with a solid foundation for a wide range of careers, including academic, professional, commercial, diplomatic and governmental positions.

The Department of Politics and International Relations (DPIR) is internationally recognised as a leading centre for teaching and research in comparative government and empirical political science, and counts among its members a number of acknowledged authorities within this discipline.

The approach to teaching comprises intensive and interactive work between you and your supervisor and course teachers, combined with a carefully planned programme of classes, seminars and lectures, as well as directed self-study.

In the first year, you must complete the core classes and tutorials in comparative government and a programme of research methods training, which includes core courses in statistics and research design and specialised elective courses. Progression to the second year is conditional on satisfactory performance in the first.

In your second year you must write a thesis and complete two specialist option papers. Options that have been offered in recent years include:

  • Collective Political Violence
  • Comparative Political Economy of Advanced Democracies
  • The Politics and Government of China
  • EU Foreign Policy
  • The Politics of Race, Ethnicity and Immigration


The allocation of graduate supervision is the responsibility of the Department of Politics and International Relations and it is not always possible to accommodate the preferences of incoming graduate students to work with a particular member of staff. Supervisors are usually selected from the  academic staff  within the Department of Politics and International Relations. Under exceptional circumstances a supervisor may be found outside the Department of Politics and International Relations. Students can expect to meet with their supervisor approximately three times each term.

Progression to the second year is conditional on passing examinations and/or coursework in research methods as well as the core course.

At the end of the course, you will complete two option papers of your choice assessed by examination or coursework and submit a thesis.

Graduate destinations

Graduate work in politics will prepare you for an academic career in the field, either in Oxford or elsewhere, but the DPIR also celebrates the substantial number of its graduates working in government, in diplomatic services, and in senior positions in the private sector.

The DPIR is committed to engaging with its alumni community  through its Inspires alumni email newsletter and Alumni Career Conversations series of online talks.

Changes to this course and your supervision

The University will seek to deliver this course in accordance with the description set out in this course page. However, there may be situations in which it is desirable or necessary for the University to make changes in course provision, either before or after registration. The safety of students, staff and visitors is paramount and major changes to delivery or services may have to be made in circumstances of a pandemic, epidemic or local health emergency. In addition, in certain circumstances, for example due to visa difficulties or because the health needs of students cannot be met, it may be necessary to make adjustments to course requirements for international study.

Where possible your academic supervisor will not change for the duration of your course. However, it may be necessary to assign a new academic supervisor during the course of study or before registration for reasons which might include illness, sabbatical leave, parental leave or change in employment.

For further information please see our page on changes to courses and the provisions of the student contract regarding changes to courses.

Entry requirements for entry in 2024-25

Proven and potential academic excellence.

The requirements described below are specific to this course and apply only in the year of entry that is shown. You can use our interactive tool to help you  evaluate whether your application is likely to be competitive .

Please be aware that any studentships that are linked to this course may have different or additional requirements and you should read any studentship information carefully before applying. 

Degree-level qualifications

As a minimum, applicants should hold or be predicted to achieve the following UK qualifications or their equivalent:

  • a first-class or strong upper second-class undergraduate degree with honours in political science or international relations, or in a related discipline such as economics, history, philosophy, sociology or law.

However, each application will be assessed upon its own merits, therefore candidates with a degree in an unrelated discipline are welcome to demonstrate the relevance of their academic background to their proposed subject or topic of study. 

Entrance is very competitive and most successful applicants have a first-class degree or its equivalent.

For applicants with a degree from the USA, the minimum GPA sought is 3.7 out of 4.0.

If your degree is not from the UK or another country specified above, visit our International Qualifications page for guidance on the qualifications and grades that would usually be considered to meet the University’s minimum entry requirements.

GRE General Test scores

No Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or GMAT scores are sought.

Other qualifications, evidence of excellence and relevant experience

  • Research or working experience that is relevant to your proposed study may provide further evidence of your academic potential.
  • Publications are not expected, but a demonstrably peer-reviewed publication in political science or an allied discipline may be taken as prima facie evidence of aptitude for research.

English language proficiency

This course requires proficiency in English at the University's  higher level . If your first language is not English, you may need to provide evidence that you meet this requirement. The minimum scores required to meet the University's higher level are detailed in the table below.

Minimum scores required to meet the University's higher level requirement
TestMinimum overall scoreMinimum score per component
IELTS Academic (Institution code: 0713) 7.57.0

TOEFL iBT, including the 'Home Edition'

(Institution code: 0490)

110Listening: 22
Reading: 24
Speaking: 25
Writing: 24
C1 Advanced*191185
C2 Proficiency 191185

*Previously known as the Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English or Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) † Previously known as the Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English or Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE)

Your test must have been taken no more than two years before the start date of your course. Our Application Guide provides  further information about the English language test requirement .

Declaring extenuating circumstances

If your ability to meet the entry requirements has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic (eg you were awarded an unclassified/ungraded degree) or any other exceptional personal circumstance (eg other illness or bereavement), please refer to the guidance on extenuating circumstances in the Application Guide for information about how to declare this so that your application can be considered appropriately.

You will need to register three referees who can give an informed view of your academic ability and suitability for the course. The  How to apply  section of this page provides details of the types of reference that are required in support of your application for this course and how these will be assessed.

Supporting documents

You will be required to supply supporting documents with your application. The  How to apply  section of this page provides details of the supporting documents that are required as part of your application for this course and how these will be assessed.

Performance at interview

Interviews are not normally held as part of the admissions process.

How your application is assessed

Your application will be assessed purely on your proven and potential academic excellence and other entry requirements described under that heading.

References  and  supporting documents  submitted as part of your application, and your performance at interview (if interviews are held) will be considered as part of the assessment process. Whether or not you have secured funding will not be taken into consideration when your application is assessed.

An overview of the shortlisting and selection process is provided below. Our ' After you apply ' pages provide  more information about how applications are assessed . 

Shortlisting and selection

Students are considered for shortlisting and selected for admission without regard to age, disability, gender reassignment, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity, race (including colour, nationality and ethnic or national origins), religion or belief (including lack of belief), sex, sexual orientation, as well as other relevant circumstances including parental or caring responsibilities or social background. However, please note the following:

  • socio-economic information may be taken into account in the selection of applicants and award of scholarships for courses that are part of  the University’s pilot selection procedure  and for  scholarships aimed at under-represented groups ;
  • country of ordinary residence may be taken into account in the awarding of certain scholarships; and
  • protected characteristics may be taken into account during shortlisting for interview or the award of scholarships where the University has approved a positive action case under the Equality Act 2010.

Initiatives to improve access to graduate study

This course is taking part in a continuing pilot programme to improve the selection procedure for graduate applications, in order to ensure that all candidates are evaluated fairly.

For this course, socio-economic data (where it has been provided in the application form) will be used to contextualise applications at the different stages of the selection process.  Further information about how we use your socio-economic data  can be found in our page about initiatives to improve access to graduate study.

Processing your data for shortlisting and selection

Information about  processing special category data for the purposes of positive action  and  using your data to assess your eligibility for funding , can be found in our Postgraduate Applicant Privacy Policy.

Admissions panels and assessors

All recommendations to admit a student involve the judgement of at least two members of the academic staff with relevant experience and expertise, and must also be approved by the Director of Graduate Studies or Admissions Committee (or equivalent within the department).

Admissions panels or committees will always include at least one member of academic staff who has undertaken appropriate training.

Other factors governing whether places can be offered

The following factors will also govern whether candidates can be offered places:

  • the ability of the University to provide the appropriate supervision for your studies, as outlined under the 'Supervision' heading in the  About  section of this page;
  • the ability of the University to provide appropriate support for your studies (eg through the provision of facilities, resources, teaching and/or research opportunities); and
  • minimum and maximum limits to the numbers of students who may be admitted to the University's taught and research programmes.

Offer conditions for successful applications

If you receive an offer of a place at Oxford, your offer will outline any conditions that you need to satisfy and any actions you need to take, together with any associated deadlines. These may include academic conditions, such as achieving a specific final grade in your current degree course. These conditions will usually depend on your individual academic circumstances and may vary between applicants. Our ' After you apply ' pages provide more information about offers and conditions . 

In addition to any academic conditions which are set, you will also be required to meet the following requirements:

Financial Declaration

If you are offered a place, you will be required to complete a  Financial Declaration  in order to meet your financial condition of admission.

Disclosure of criminal convictions

In accordance with the University’s obligations towards students and staff, we will ask you to declare any  relevant, unspent criminal convictions  before you can take up a place at Oxford.

The DPIR provides a stimulating research environment in which you can pursue your interests beyond the formal demands of the syllabus.

Many of the academic staff who teach and supervise on the programme also organise extracurricular research seminars for  graduate students, such as the Politics Research Colloquium and the DPhil Politics Research in Progress Seminar, which take place throughout term.

The DPIR also hosts a wide range of research centres and programmes which actively seek to develop collaborative research activity via conferences, workshops and other academic events, and which include graduate students in their activities.

Research centres provide opportunities for you to present your own work in research seminar series and at conferences in the department and beyond. The research centres have an established and popular visitors’ programme which has allowed many scholars of international repute to participate in the DPIR’s research activities.

At Oxford you have access to an extensive range of libraries, books, journals, online resources, manuscripts and more. The Bodleian Libraries  is the main library service supporting the University of Oxford. The Bodleian Libraries include the Bodleian Library, which has been a library of legal deposit for 400 years, as well as the Bodleian Social Science Library . This is located on the ground floor of the Manor Road Building and houses the main collection for Politics and International Relations alongside a wide range of other social sciences resources.

SOLO (Search Oxford Libraries Online)  is the search engine for all library collections across the university. It provides access to information in over 100 libraries including college and departmental libraries as well as the Bodleian Libraries. Your Single Sign-On offers easy access to subscription resources through SOLO. The Politics and International Relations subject guide  provides up-to-date advice and the contact details of your Subject Librarian for further support.

Politics and International Relations

The Department of Politics and International Relations (DPIR) at Oxford is an internationally-renowned centre of excellence for teaching and research.

The study of these disciplines at Oxford has a long and distinguished history and the DPIR is now one of the largest in the field in the UK. DPIR is ranked first for research overall in the most recent THES global university rankings for Politics and International Studies and second in the 2023 QS World University Rankings.

The department's large community of academic staff work in research areas that extend in geographical scope across the globe, cover both historical and contemporary sources, and address technical, practical, and philosophical problems in networks that extend beyond the DPIR to other departments, universities, and global and local organisations.  

Graduate students have access to an unrivalled range of expertise and activity in the fields of government and politics, political theory, and international studies. Teaching is based on the most rigorous contemporary scholarship and students are trained in the highest standards of critical analysis, and in the understanding and use of rigorous research methods and techniques. The department’s graduate courses include both taught master's degrees (one-year research preparation MSc and two-year MPhil) and three- to four-year doctoral research degrees (DPhil). However, all taught degrees involve a research element, and all research degrees will involve some taught components, including quantitative and qualitative research methods. The DPIR graduate community currently numbers just over 300, with 150 students studying the taught courses and around 170 undertaking doctoral research.

View all courses   View taught courses View research courses

The University expects to be able to offer over 1,000 full or partial graduate scholarships across the collegiate University in 2024-25. You will be automatically considered for the majority of Oxford scholarships , if you fulfil the eligibility criteria and submit your graduate application by the relevant December or January deadline. Most scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic merit and/or potential. 

For further details about searching for funding as a graduate student visit our dedicated Funding pages, which contain information about how to apply for Oxford scholarships requiring an additional application, details of external funding, loan schemes and other funding sources.

Please ensure that you visit individual college websites for details of any college-specific funding opportunities using the links provided on our college pages or below:

Please note that not all the colleges listed above may accept students on this course. For details of those which do, please refer to the College preference section of this page.

Further information about funding opportunities for this course can be found on the department's website.

Annual fees for entry in 2024-25


IMPORTANT : Please note that while most of the content of these pages relates to the course starting in 2024-25, this information about course fees and the additional information section on this page relate to entry in 2025-26 . The remaining content will be updated for 2025-26 entry later in September.

Information about course fees

Course fees are payable each year, for the duration of your fee liability (your fee liability is the length of time for which you are required to pay course fees). For courses lasting longer than one year, please be aware that fees will usually increase annually. For details, please see our guidance on changes to fees and charges .

Course fees cover your teaching as well as other academic services and facilities provided to support your studies. Unless specified in the additional information section below, course fees do not cover your accommodation, residential costs or other living costs. They also don’t cover any additional costs and charges that are outlined in the additional information below.

Where can I find further information about fees?

The Fees and Funding  section of this website provides further information about course fees , including information about fee status and eligibility  and your length of fee liability .

Additional information

There are no compulsory elements of this course that entail additional costs beyond fees and living costs. However, as part of your course requirements, you may need to choose a dissertation, a project or a thesis topic. Please note that, depending on your choice of topic and the research required to complete it, you may incur additional expenses, such as travel and vaccination expenses, conference attendance, research expenses, and field trips. You will need to meet these additional costs, although you may be able to apply for small grants from your department and/or college to help you cover some of these expenses.

Living costs

In addition to your course fees, you will need to ensure that you have adequate funds to support your living costs for the duration of your course.

For the 2024-25 academic year, the range of likely living costs for full-time study is between c. £1,345 and £1,955 for each month spent in Oxford. Full information, including a breakdown of likely living costs in Oxford for items such as food, accommodation and study costs, is available on our living costs page. The current economic climate and high national rate of inflation make it very hard to estimate potential changes to the cost of living over the next few years. When planning your finances for any future years of study in Oxford beyond 2024-25, it is suggested that you allow for potential increases in living expenses of around 5% each year – although this rate may vary depending on the national economic situation. UK inflationary increases will be kept under review and this page updated.

Students enrolled on this course will belong to both a department/faculty and a college. Please note that ‘college’ and ‘colleges’ refers to all 43 of the University’s colleges, including those designated as societies and permanent private halls (PPHs). 

If you apply for a place on this course you will have the option to express a preference for one of the colleges listed below, or you can ask us to find a college for you. Before deciding, we suggest that you read our brief  introduction to the college system at Oxford  and our  advice about expressing a college preference . For some courses, the department may have provided some additional advice below to help you decide.

If you are a current Oxford student and you would like to remain at your current Oxford college, you should check whether it is listed below. If it is, you should indicate this preference when you apply. If not, you should contact your college office to ask whether they would be willing to make an exception. Further information about staying at your current college can be found in our Application Guide. 

The following colleges accept students on the MPhil in Politics (Comparative Government):

  • Balliol College
  • Blackfriars
  • Brasenose College
  • Campion Hall
  • Christ Church
  • Corpus Christi College
  • Exeter College
  • Green Templeton College
  • Harris Manchester College
  • Hertford College
  • Jesus College
  • Keble College
  • Kellogg College
  • Lady Margaret Hall
  • Linacre College
  • Lincoln College
  • Magdalen College
  • Mansfield College
  • Merton College
  • New College
  • Nuffield College
  • Oriel College
  • Pembroke College
  • The Queen's College
  • Regent's Park College
  • Reuben College
  • St Anne's College
  • St Antony's College
  • St Catherine's College
  • St Cross College
  • St Edmund Hall
  • St Hilda's College
  • St Hugh's College
  • St John's College
  • St Peter's College
  • Somerville College
  • Trinity College
  • University College
  • Wadham College
  • Wolfson College
  • Worcester College
  • Wycliffe Hall

Before you apply

Our  guide to getting started  provides general advice on how to prepare for and start your application. You can use our interactive tool to help you  evaluate whether your application is likely to be competitive .

If it's important for you to have your application considered under a particular deadline – eg under a December or January deadline in order to be considered for Oxford scholarships – we recommend that you aim to complete and submit your application at least two weeks in advance . Check the deadlines on this page and the  information about deadlines and when to apply  in our Application Guide.

Application fee waivers

An application fee of £75 is payable for each application to this course. Application fee waivers are available for the following applicants who meet the eligibility criteria:

  • applicants from low-income countries;
  • refugees and displaced persons; 
  • UK applicants from low-income backgrounds; and 
  • applicants who applied for our Graduate Access Programmes in the past two years and met the eligibility criteria.

You are encouraged to  check whether you're eligible for an application fee waiver  before you apply.

Do I need to contact anyone before I apply?

You are advised to review the  profiles of academic staff  before you apply as successful applications always depend on the DPIR's capacity to offer appropriate supervision. However, you do not need to contact academic staff members before you apply. 

Completing your application

You should refer to the information below when completing the application form, paying attention to the specific requirements for the supporting documents .

For this course, the application form will include questions that collect information that would usually be included in a CV/résumé. You should not upload a separate document. If a separate CV/résumé is uploaded, it will be removed from your application .

If any document does not meet the specification, including the stipulated word count, your application may be considered incomplete and not assessed by the academic department. Expand each section to show further details.

Proposed field and title of research project

Under the 'Field and title of research project' please enter your proposed field or area of research if this is known. If the department has advertised a specific research project that you would like to be considered for, please enter the project title here instead.

You should not use this field to type out a full research proposal. You will be able to upload your research supporting materials separately if they are required (as described below).

Proposed supervisor

If known, under 'Proposed supervisor name' enter the name of the academic(s) whom you would like to supervise your research. Otherwise, leave this field blank.

Referees: Three overall, academic preferred

Whilst you must register three referees, the department may start the assessment of your application if two of the three references are submitted by the course deadline and your application is otherwise complete. Please note that you may still be required to ensure your third referee supplies a reference for consideration.

Your application must be supported by academic references, ie each referee should be able to testify to your academic abilities, achievements and motivation. In most cases, the academics who have taught you or who have known your academic work during earlier university-level study will be best placed to testify to these capabilities. When that is not possible, a professional reference from a colleague who has worked with you in a research capacity or is otherwise able to comment on your academic capabilities is acceptable in place of a tutor’s reference.

Official transcript(s)

Your transcripts should give detailed information of the individual grades received in your university-level qualifications to date. You should only upload official documents issued by your institution and any transcript not in English should be accompanied by a certified translation.

More information about the transcript requirement is available in the Application Guide.

Statement of purpose: A maximum of 1,000 words 

Your statement should be in English and focus on the following criteria:

  • Your academic motivation for applying for this course at Oxford
  • Your relevant academic experience (including field work) and education
  • Your understanding of the specific areas that interest you and/or you intend to specialise in for your research project. Where possible, you should include a description of your proposed research project, including the research question, design and methods, and their significance.

If possible, please ensure that the word count is clearly displayed on the document.

Written work: Two essays, a maximum of 2,000 words each

You should submit academic essays on any subject or theme within the discipline of politics but preferably ones that relate to your proposed field of study.

The essays may be written specially for the application or may have been produced for other purposes, for instance as a coursework submission within a previous degree programme. Essays that comprise extracts or excerpted sections from longer pieces are acceptable but should be prefaced with a brief note that places them in context.

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Show map of Russia Show map of Voronezh Oblast Show map of European Russia
Coordinates: 39°12′38″E / 51.67167°N 39.21056°E / 51.67167; 39.21056
Founded1585 or much earlier
City status since1585
  Total601 km (232 sq mi)
Elevation 154 m (505 ft)
  Estimate  1,047,549
  Subordinated toVoronezh
   ofVoronezh Oblast, Voronezh Urban Okrug
  Urban okrugVoronezh Urban Okrug
   ofVoronezh Urban Okrug
(   )
+7 473
City DayThird Saturday of September

Foundation and name

17th to 19th centuries, 20th century, 21st century, administrative and municipal status, city divisions, demographics, construction, clusters of voronezh, urban layout, transportation, education and culture, notable people, sister cities, further reading and cultural references, external links.

Scythian vessel from Voronezh, 4th century BC. Hermitage Museum. Beker van Voronezj Voronezh drinking vessel (4e eeuw v. Chr. 4th century BC).jpg

The first chronicle references to the word "Voronezh" are dated 1177, when the Ryazan prince Yaropolk, having lost the battle, fled "to Voronozh" and there was moving "from town to town". Modern data of archeology and history interpret Voronezh as a geographical region, which included the Voronezh river (tributary of the Don ) and a number of settlements. In the lower reaches of the river, a unique Slavic town-planning complex of the 8th – early 11th century was discovered, which covered the territory of the present city of Voronezh and its environs (about 42   km long, about 13 forts and many unfortified villages). By the 12th – 13th centuries, most of the old towns were desolate, but new settlements appeared upstream, closer to Ryazan . [14] [15] [16] [17]

For many years, the hypothesis of the Soviet historian Vladimir Zagorovsky dominated: he produced the toponym "Voronezh" from the hypothetical Slavic personal name Voroneg . This man allegedly gave the name of a small town in the Chernigov Principality (now the village of Voronizh in Ukraine [18] ). Later, in the 11th or 12th century, the settlers were able to "transfer" this name to the Don region, where they named the second city Voronezh, and the river got its name from the city. [19] [20] However, now many researchers criticize the hypothesis, since in reality neither the name of Voroneg nor the second city was revealed, and usually the names of Russian cities repeated the names of the rivers, but not vice versa.

The linguistic comparative analysis of the name "Voronezh" was carried out by the Khovansky Foundation in 2009. There is an indication of the place names of many countries in Eurasia, which may partly be not only similar in sound, but also united by common Indo-European languages: Varanasi , Varna , Verona , Brno , etc. [21]

A comprehensive scientific analysis was conducted in 2015–2016 by the historian Pavel Popov. His conclusion: "Voronezh" is a probable Slavic macrotoponym associated with outstanding signs of nature, has a root voron- (from the proto-Slavic vorn ) in the meaning of "black, dark" and the suffix -ezh (-azh, -ozh ). It was not “transferred” and in the 8th - 9th centuries it marked a vast territory covered with black forests (oak forests) - from the mouth of the Voronezh river to the Voronozhsky annalistic forests in the middle and upper reaches of the river, and in the west to the Don (many forests were cut down). The historian believes that the main "city" of the early town-planning complex could repeat the name of the region – Voronezh. Now the hillfort is located in the administrative part of the modern city, in the Voronezh upland oak forest. This is one of Europe's largest ancient Slavic hillforts, the area of which – more than 9 hectares – 13 times the area of the main settlement in Kyiv before the baptism of Rus. [17] [22]

In it is assumed that the word "Voronezh" means bluing - a technique to increase the corrosion resistance of iron products. This explanation fits well with the proximity to the ancient city of Voronezh of a large iron deposit and the city of Stary Oskol. As well as the name of Voroneț Monastery known for its blue shade.

Folk etymology claims the name comes from combining the Russian words for raven ( ворон ) and hedgehog ( еж ) into Воронеж . According to this explanation two Slavic tribes named after the animals used this combination to name the river which later in turn provided the name for a settlement. There is not believed to be any scientific support for this explanation.

In the 16th century, the Middle Don basin, including the Voronezh river, was gradually conquered by Muscovy from the Nogai Horde (a successor state of the Golden Horde ), and the current city of Voronezh was established in 1585 by Feodor   I as a fort protecting the Muravsky Trail trade route against the slave raids of the Nogai and Crimean Tatars . The city was named after the river. [2]

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A monument to Peter the Great Pamiatnik Petru 1.JPG

In the 17th century, Voronezh gradually evolved into a sizable town. Weronecz is shown on the Worona river in Resania in Joan Blaeu 's map of 1645. [23] Peter the Great built a dockyard in Voronezh where the Azov Flotilla was constructed for the Azov campaigns in 1695 and 1696. This fleet, the first ever built in Russia, included the first Russian ship of the line , Goto Predestinatsia . The Orthodox diocese of Voronezh was instituted in 1682 and its first bishop, Mitrofan of Voronezh , was later proclaimed the town's patron saint.

View of Voronezh in the 18th century Voronezhold.jpg

Owing to the Voronezh Admiralty Wharf, for a short time, Voronezh became the largest city of South Russia and the economic center of a large and fertile region. In 1711, it was made the seat of the Azov Governorate , which eventually morphed into the Voronezh Governorate .

In the 19th century, Voronezh was a center of the Central Black Earth Region . Manufacturing industry (mills, tallow-melting, butter-making, soap, leather, and other works) as well as bread, cattle, suet , and the hair trade developed in the town. A railway connected Voronezh with Moscow in 1868 and Rostov-on-Don in 1871.

World War II

During World War II , Voronezh was the scene of fierce fighting between Soviet and combined Axis troops. The Germans used it as a staging area for their attack on Stalingrad , and made it a key crossing point on the Don River. In June 1941, two BM-13 (Fighting machine #13 Katyusha ) artillery installations were built at the Voronezh excavator factory. In July, the construction of Katyushas was rationalized so that their manufacture became easier and the time of volley repetition was shortened from five minutes to fifteen seconds. More than 300 BM-13 units manufactured in Voronezh were used in a counterattack near Moscow in December 1941. In October   22, 1941, the advance of the German troops prompted the establishment of a defense committee in the city. On November   7, 1941, there was a troop parade, devoted to the anniversary of the October Revolution . Only three such parades were organized that year: in Moscow, Kuybyshev , and Voronezh. In late June 1942, the city was attacked by German and Hungarian forces. In response, Soviet forces formed the Voronezh Front . By July   6, the German army occupied the western river-bank suburbs before being subjected to a fierce Soviet counter-attack. By July   24 the frontline had stabilised along the Voronezh River as the German forces continued southeast into the Great Bend of the Don. The attack on Voronezh represented the first phase of the German Army's 1942 campaign in the Soviet Union, codenamed Case Blue .

German mechanized forces on their way to Voronezh, July 1942 Niemiecki woz pancerny w drodze do Woroneza (2-960).jpg

Until January   25, 1943, parts of the Second German Army and the Second Hungarian Army occupied the western part of Voronezh. During Operation Little Saturn , the Ostrogozhsk–Rossosh Offensive , and the Voronezhsko-Kastornenskoy Offensive, the Voronezh Front exacted heavy casualties on Axis forces. On January   25, 1943, Voronezh was liberated after ten days of combat . During the war the city was almost completely ruined, with 92% of all buildings destroyed.

By 1950, Voronezh had been rebuilt. Most buildings and historical monuments were repaired. It was also the location of a prestigious Suvorov Military School , a boarding school for young boys who were considered to be prospective military officers, many of whom had been orphaned by war. [24]

In 1950–1960, new factories were established: a tire factory, a machine-tool factory, a factory of heavy mechanical pressing, and others. In 1968, Serial production of the Tupolev Tu-144 supersonic plane was established at the Voronezh Aviation factory. In October 1977, the first Soviet domestic wide-body plane, Ilyushin Il-86 , was built there.

In 1989, TASS published details of an alleged UFO landing in the city's park and purported encounters with extraterrestrial beings reported by a number of children. A Russian scientist that was cited in initial TASS reports later told the Associated Press that he was misquoted, cautioning, "Don't believe all you hear from TASS," and "We never gave them part of what they published", [25] and a TASS correspondent admitted the possibility that some "make-believe" had been added to the TASS story, saying, "I think there is a certain portion of truth, but it is not excluded that there is also fantasizing". [26] [27]

City Day in Voronezh in 2008 Ploshchad' Lenina v den' goroda.jpg

From 10 to 17 September 2011, Voronezh celebrated its 425th anniversary. The anniversary of the city was given the status of a federal scale celebration that helped attract large investments from the federal and regional budgets for development. [28]

On December   17, 2012, Voronezh became the fifteenth city in Russia with a population of over one million people. [29]

Today Voronezh is the economic, industrial, cultural, and scientific center of the Central Black Earth Region . As part of the annual tradition in the Russian city of Voronezh, every winter the main city square is thematically drawn around a classic literature. In 2020, the city was decorated using the motifs from Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky 's The Nutcracker . In the year of 2021, the architects drew inspiration from Hans Christian Andersen 's fairy tale The Snow Queen as well as the animation classic The Snow Queen from the Soviet Union. The fairy tale replica city will feature the houses of Kai and Gerda, the palace of the snow queen, an ice rink, and illumination. [30] [31]

In June 2023, during the Wagner Group rebellion , forces of the Wagner Group claimed to have taken control of military facilities in the city. Later they were confirmed to have taken the city itself. [32] [33] [34]

The Mayor's office of Voronezh Meriia.Voronezh.jpg

Voronezh is the administrative center of the oblast . [1] Within the framework of administrative divisions , it is incorporated as Voronezh Urban Okrug —an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts . [1] As a municipal division , this administrative unit also has urban okrug status. [7]

The city is divided into six administrative districts :

  • Zheleznodorozhny (183,17   km²)
  • Tsentralny (63,96   km²)
  • Kominternovsky (47,41   km²)
  • Leninsky (18,53   km²)
  • Sovetsky (156,6   km²)
  • Levoberezhny (123,89   km²)
Historical population
Source: Census data

At the time of the official 2021 Census, the ethnic makeup of the city's population whose ethnicity was known (960,357) was: [35]


The leading sectors of the urban economy in the 20th century were mechanical engineering , metalworking , the electronics industry and the food industry .

In the city are such companies as:

  • Voronezh Aircraft Production Association (where, amongst other types, the Tupolev Tu-144 was built)

Tupolev Tu-144 RIAN archive 566221 Tu-144 passenger airliner.jpg

  • Voronezhselmash (agricultural engineering)
  • Sozvezdie [36] (headquarter, JSC Concern “Sozvezdie”, in 1958 the world's first created mobile telephony and wireless telephone Altai
  • Verofarm (pharmaceutics, owner Abbott Laboratories ),
  • Voronezh Mechanical Plant [37] (production of missile and aircraft engines, oil and gas equipment)
  • Mining Machinery Holding - RUDGORMASH [38] (production of drilling, mineral processing and mining equipment)
  • VNiiPM Research Institute of Semiconductor Engineering [39] (equipment for plasma-chemical processes, technical-chemical equipment for liquid operations, water treatment equipment)
  • KBKhA Chemical Automatics Design Bureau with notable products:. [40]
  • Pirelli Voronezh. [41]

On the territory of the city district government Maslovka Voronezh region with the support of the Investment Fund of Russia, is implementing a project to create an industrial park, "Maslowski", to accommodate more than 100 new businesses, including the transformer factory of Siemens. On September 7, 2011 in Voronezh there opened a Global network operation center of Nokia Siemens Networks, which was the fifth in the world and the first in Russia.

In 2014, 926,000 square meters of housing was delivered. [42]

In clusters of tax incentives and different preferences, the full support of the authorities. A cluster of Oil and Gas Equipment, Radio-electronic cluster, Furniture cluster, IT cluster, Cluster aircraft, Cluster Electromechanics, Transport and logistics cluster, Cluster building materials and technologies. [43]

Information about the original urban layout of Voronezh is contained in the "Patrol Book" of 1615. At that time, the city fortress was logged and located on the banks of the Voronezh River. In plan, it was an irregular quadrangle with a perimeter of about 238 meter. inside it, due to lack of space, there was no housing or siege yards, and even the cathedral church was supposed to be taken out. However, at this small fortress there was a large garrison - 666 households of service people. These courtyards were reliably protected by the second line of fortifications by a standing prison on taras with 25 towers covered with earth; behind the prison was a moat, and beyond the moat there were stakes. Voronezh was a typical military settlement ( ostrog ). [44] In the city prison there were only settlements of military men: Streletskaya, Kazachya, Belomestnaya atamanskaya, Zatinnaya and Pushkarskaya. [45] The posad population received the territory between the ostrog and the river, where the Monastyrskaya settlements (at the Assumption Monastery) was formed. Subsequently, the Yamnaya Sloboda was added to them, and on the other side of the fort, on the Chizhovka Mountain, the Chizhovskaya Sloboda of archers and Cossacks appeared. As a result, the Voronezh settlements surrounded the fortress in a ring. The location of the parish churches emphasized this ring-like and even distribution of settlements: the Ilyinsky Church of the Streletskaya Sloboda, the Pyatnitskaya Cossack and Pokrovskaya Belomestnaya were brought out to the passage towers of the prison. The Nikolskaya Church of the Streletskaya Sloboda was located near the marketplace (and, accordingly, the front facade of the fortress), and the paired ensemble of the Rozhdestvenskaya and Georgievskaya churches of the Cossack Sloboda marked the main street of the city, going from the Cossack Gate to the fortress tower. [46]

Voronezh experiences a humid continental climate ( Köppen : Dfb ) with long, cold winters and short, warm summers. [47]

Climate data for Voronezh (1991–2020, extremes 1918–present)
Record high °C (°F)8.3
Mean daily maximum °C (°F)−3.4
Daily mean °C (°F)−6.0
Mean daily minimum °C (°F)−8.5
Record low °C (°F)−36.5
Average mm (inches)42
Average extreme snow depth cm (inches)16
Average rainy days86812131513101314139134
Average snowy days21201430.20000.13122093
Average (%)84827766616768677379858575
Mean monthly 628612518426828428625418511145381,928
Source 1:
Source 2: NOAA (sun, 1961–1990)

Vokzal Voronezh-1.jpg

The city is served by the Voronezh International Airport , which is located north of the city and is home to Polet Airlines. Voronezh is also home to the Pridacha Airport , a part of a major aircraft manufacturing facility VASO ( Voronezhskoye Aktsionernoye Samoletostroitelnoye Obshchestvo , Voronezh aircraft production association) where the Tupolev Tu-144 (known in the West as the "Concordski"), was built and the only operational unit is still stored. Voronezh also hosts the Voronezh Malshevo air force base in the southwest of the city, which, according to a Natural Resources Defense Council report, houses nuclear bombers . [ citation needed ]

Since 1868, there is a railway connection between Voronezh and Moscow. [50] Rail services form a part of the South Eastern Railway of the Russian Railways . Destinations served direct from Voronezh include Moscow, Kyiv, Kursk, Novorossiysk, Sochi, and Tambov. The main train station is called Voronezh-1 railway station and is located in the center of the city.

There are three bus stations in Voronezh that connect the city with destinations including Moscow , Belgorod , Lipetsk , Volgograd , Rostov-on-Don , and Astrakhan .

Voronezh State Medical University VGMU (VGMI) -2.jpg

The city has seven theaters, twelve museums, a number of movie theaters, a philharmonic hall, and a circus. It is also a major center of higher education in central Russia. The main educational facilities include:

  • Voronezh State University
  • Voronezh State Technical University
  • Voronezh State University of Architecture and Construction
  • Voronezh State Pedagogical University
  • Voronezh State Agricultural University
  • Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies
  • Voronezh State Medical University named after N. N. Burdenko
  • Voronezh State Academy of Arts
  • Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov
  • Voronezh State Institute of Physical Training
  • Voronezh Institute of Russia's Home Affairs Ministry
  • Voronezh Institute of High Technologies
  • Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Air Force «N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh)
  • Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Voronezh branch)
  • Russian State University of Justice [51]
  • Admiral Makarov State University of Sea and River Fleet (Voronezh branch)
  • International Institute of Computer Technologies
  • Voronezh Institute of Economics and Law

and a number of other affiliate and private-funded institutes and universities. There are 2000 schools within the city.

  • Voronezh Chamber Theatre [52]
  • Koltsov Academic Drama Theater [53]
  • Voronezh State Opera and Ballet Theatre [54]
  • Shut Puppet Theater [55]

Platonov International Arts Festival [56]

ClubSportFoundedCurrent LeagueLeague
1947 1st
1989 1stRudgormash Stadium
1977 2ndYubileyny Sports Palace
VC Voronezh 2006Women's Higher Volleyball League A2ndKristall Sports Complex

Annunciation Orthodox Cathedral in Voronezh Annunciation Cathedral in Voronezh1.jpg

Orthodox Christianity is the predominant religion in Voronezh. [ citation needed ] There is an Orthodox Jewish community in Voronezh, with a synagogue located on Stankevicha Street. [57] [58]

In 1682, the Voronezh diocese was formed to fight the schismatics. Its first head was Bishop Mitrofan (1623-1703) at the age of 58. Under him, the construction began on the new Annunciation Cathedral to replace the old one. In 1832, Mitrofan was glorified as a saint by the Russian Orthodox Church .

In the 1990s, many Orthodox churches were returned to the diocese. Their restoration was continued. In 2009, instead of the lost one, a new Annunciation Cathedral was built with a monument to St. Mitrofan erected next to it.

There are ten cemeteries in Voronezh:

  • Levoberezhnoye Cemetery
  • Lesnoye Cemetery
  • Jewish Cemetery
  • Nikolskoye Cemetery
  • Pravoberezhnoye Cemetery
  • Budyonnovskoe Cemetery
  • Yugo-Zapadnoye Cemetery
  • Podgorenskоye Cemetery
  • Kominternovskoe Cemetery

Ternovoye Cemetery is а historical site closed to the public.

Source: [59]

Date Sister City
1989 , ,
1991 , ,
1992 ,
1995 ,
1996 , ,
  • Voronezh radar

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Neustroevs-Bashkirov manor house is a architectural ensemble in the downtown Nizhny Novgorod. The main building was founded in the 1806, the building wing was built in the 1902–1903.

Viktor Nikolaevich Nikitin was a Russian writer, playwright and editor. He was a member of the Union of writers of Russia.

The People's Party of Russia  was a Russian center-left political party created by political strategist Andrei Bogdanov, which existed in 2012-2019. Journalists often called it the spoiler party.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Voronezh-1 railway station</span>

Voronezh-1 is the main railway station in Voronezh, Voronezh Oblast, Russia. It is a junction station of South Eastern Railway.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Aleksandr Gusev (politician)</span> Russian politician (born 1963)

Aleksandr Viktorovich Gusev , is a Russian statesman, who is currently serving as the 7th governor of Voronezh Oblast since 15 September 2018.

The 2022–23 Russian Premier League was the 31st season of the premier football competition in Russia since the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the 21st under the current Russian Premier League name.

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  • Воронежская областная Дума.   Закон   №87-ОЗ   от   27 октября 2006 г. «Об административно-территориальном устройстве Воронежской области и порядке его изменения», в ред. Закона №41-ОЗ от   13 апреля 2015 г.   «О внесении изменений в Закон Воронежской области "Об административно-территориальном устройстве Воронежской области и порядке его изменения"». Вступил в силу   по истечении 10   дней со дня официального опубликования. Опубликован: "Молодой коммунар", №123, 3 ноября 2006 г. (Voronezh Oblast Duma.   Law   # 87-OZ   of   October   27, 2006 On the Administrative-Territorial Structure of Voronezh Oblast and on the Procedures of Changing It , as amended by the Law   # 41-OZ of   April   13, 2015 On Amending the Law of Voronezh Oblast "On the Administrative-Territorial Structure of Voronezh Oblast and on the Procedures of Changing It" . Effective as of   after 10   days from the day of the official publication.).
  • Воронежская областная Дума.   Закон   №66-ОЗ   от   31 октября 2005 г. «О наделении муниципального образования город Воронеж статусом городского округа». Вступил в силу   по истечении 10   дней со дня официального опубликования (18 ноября 2005 г.). Опубликован: "Коммуна", №171, 8 ноября 2005 г. (Voronezh Oblast Duma.   Law   # 66-OZ   of   October   31, 2005 On Granting Urban Okrug Status to the Municipal Formation of the City of Voronezh . Effective as of   the day which is 10   days after the official publication date (November   18, 2005).).
  • Charlotte Hobson's book, Black Earth City , is an account of life in Voronezh at the time of the fall of the Soviet Union based on her experiences after spending a year in Voronezh as a foreign student in 1991–1992.
  • Nadezhda Mandelstam 's Hope Against Hope , the first volume of her memoirs concerning her husband, the poet Osip Mandelstam , provides many details about life in Voronezh in the 1930s under Stalinist rule.
  • Alan Sillitoe , the English writer, published a collection of poems entitled Love in the Environs of Voronezh and Other Poems in 1968.
  • In the song Red Army Blues by the Waterboys , on the album A Pagan Place , there is a line "Took the train to Voronezh, that was as far as it would go."
  • Official website of Voronezh
  • Official website of Voronezh (in Russian)
  • Unofficial website of Voronezh (in Russian)
  • Panoramic views of Voronezh
: •
Cities and towns
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  21. Top Universities in Voronezh Oblast

    What are the top Universities in Voronezh Oblast? uniRank answers this question by publishing the 2024 uniRank University Ranking of 6 Voronezh Oblast higher-education institutions meeting the following uniRank selection criteria:. being chartered, licensed or accredited by the appropriate Russian higher education-related organization; offering at least three-year bachelor's degrees or ...

  22. Aleksandr Gusev (politician)

    Aleksandr Viktorovich Gusev (Russian: Александр Викторович Гусев; born on 27 July 1963), is a Russian statesman, who is currently serving as the 7th governor of Voronezh Oblast since 15 September 2018.. He had served as the mayor of Voronezh from 2013 to 2017.. He had also served as the general director of Voronezhsintezkauchuk, the city's major rubber and plastic ...

  23. Voronezh

    The linguistic comparative analysis of the name "Voronezh" was carried out by the Khovansky ... There are 2000 schools within the city. Theaters. Voronezh Chamber Theatre [52] Koltsov Academic ... The People's Party of Russia was a Russian center-left political party created by political strategist Andrei Bogdanov, which existed in 2012-2019 ...