Essay on Peace

500 words essay peace.

Peace is the path we take for bringing growth and prosperity to society. If we do not have peace and harmony, achieving political strength, economic stability and cultural growth will be impossible. Moreover, before we transmit the notion of peace to others, it is vital for us to possess peace within. It is not a certain individual’s responsibility to maintain peace but everyone’s duty. Thus, an essay on peace will throw some light on the same topic.

essay on peace

Importance of Peace

History has been proof of the thousands of war which have taken place in all periods at different levels between nations. Thus, we learned that peace played an important role in ending these wars or even preventing some of them.

In fact, if you take a look at all religious scriptures and ceremonies, you will realize that all of them teach peace. They mostly advocate eliminating war and maintaining harmony. In other words, all of them hold out a sacred commitment to peace.

It is after the thousands of destructive wars that humans realized the importance of peace. Earth needs peace in order to survive. This applies to every angle including wars, pollution , natural disasters and more.

When peace and harmony are maintained, things will continue to run smoothly without any delay. Moreover, it can be a saviour for many who do not wish to engage in any disrupting activities or more.

In other words, while war destroys and disrupts, peace builds and strengthens as well as restores. Moreover, peace is personal which helps us achieve security and tranquillity and avoid anxiety and chaos to make our lives better.

How to Maintain Peace

There are many ways in which we can maintain peace at different levels. To begin with humankind, it is essential to maintain equality, security and justice to maintain the political order of any nation.

Further, we must promote the advancement of technology and science which will ultimately benefit all of humankind and maintain the welfare of people. In addition, introducing a global economic system will help eliminate divergence, mistrust and regional imbalance.

It is also essential to encourage ethics that promote ecological prosperity and incorporate solutions to resolve the environmental crisis. This will in turn share success and fulfil the responsibility of individuals to end historical prejudices.

Similarly, we must also adopt a mental and spiritual ideology that embodies a helpful attitude to spread harmony. We must also recognize diversity and integration for expressing emotion to enhance our friendship with everyone from different cultures.

Finally, it must be everyone’s noble mission to promote peace by expressing its contribution to the long-lasting well-being factor of everyone’s lives. Thus, we must all try our level best to maintain peace and harmony.

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Conclusion of the Essay on Peace

To sum it up, peace is essential to control the evils which damage our society. It is obvious that we will keep facing crises on many levels but we can manage them better with the help of peace. Moreover, peace is vital for humankind to survive and strive for a better future.

FAQ of Essay on Peace

Question 1: What is the importance of peace?

Answer 1: Peace is the way that helps us prevent inequity and violence. It is no less than a golden ticket to enter a new and bright future for mankind. Moreover, everyone plays an essential role in this so that everybody can get a more equal and peaceful world.

Question 2: What exactly is peace?

Answer 2: Peace is a concept of societal friendship and harmony in which there is no hostility and violence. In social terms, we use it commonly to refer to a lack of conflict, such as war. Thus, it is freedom from fear of violence between individuals or groups.

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essay on world peace

essay on world peace

Category:  Essays and Paragraphs On November 22, 2018 By Mary

World peace

World peace can be referred to as the state of people from all countries in the world being happy and living harmoniously with each other.

World peace creates one international community that can concentrate on greater issues that are affecting the planet like climate change.

When countries work together, they benefit their citizens since they can freely move from one country to another for employment, education or tourism.

Importance of world peace

  • World peace leads to  increased globalization . Globalization is the act where people from different countries are able to interact freely with each other in various aspects.
  • World peace also leads to the  promotion of tourism . With peace, people are freer to tour any country of their choice without fear of violence.
  • World peace also contributes to  cultural exchanges . People are able to interact freely with each other and they can learn different cultures from other people.
  • World peace also contributes to  more   developed economies . This is because people are able to carry out both domestic and foreign investments without fear of the risk of future violence.
  • World peace also contributes to the  unification of people to fight unfair vices.  People are able to speak with one voice to get rid of vices like racism, religious discrimination and gender inequality.
  • World peace also contributes to the  reduction of wars . Warring countries or internal nation conflicts can be reduced if world peace existed. War is the main cause of human suffering in the world.
  • With world peace, you are also assured of  increased freedom of people . People get more freedom whether they are from different religions, race or country. This promotes global cohesion.

How to achieve world peace

  • We can achieve world peace through having  international bodies  that will ensure that every nation upholds world peace. Such a body is United Nations and other world organizations that ensure every country has the responsibility of promoting peace.
  • We can also achieve world peace through  upholding democracy . The main cause of world violence is dictatorship. When countries have the freedom to vote, they are able to choose the right leaders who are peace friendly.
  • World peace is also achieved through  globalization . When globalization is encouraged, countries will uphold peace since they will avoid going into war with countries that have economic ties with them.
  • We achieve world peace when there is  equal representation of nations in international bodies.  This will ensure that no nation is oppressed and no nation is left behind. When some nations are not represented, it creates inequality which may stir violence.
  • World peace can also be achieved by  raising awareness  of the importance of world peace. Nations can create awareness to their citizens by teaching them on the benefits that they will get when they have peaceful coexistence with other nations.
  • World peace can also be achieved by  sharing the country’s wealth equally . This is by giving equal opportunities to all and not overtaxing the poor. This will reduce the cases of rebel movements.

World peace is very important in the growth and prosperity of the entire global community. This is because with world peace, we are able to have more social cohesion and interactions that are beneficial to everyone.

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Today, the United Nations will ring the Peace Bell in New York City to inaugurate the International Day of Peace. While you might think this day was put on the calendars nearly 100 years ago when Woodrow Wilson famously called World War I “the war to end all wars,” the International Day of Peace has a quirkier and more recent history.

The International Day of Peace, interestingly enough, did not originate directly from the end of either of the World Wars. Its origin can be traced to 1981, when a pair of odd bedfellows – the United Kingdom and Costa Rica – sponsored a UN resolution to set aside the opening day of the General Assembly, usually the 3rd Tuesday of September, as the International Day of Peace. Costa Rica has a long track record of peace – since 1948 it has been one of few countries in the world without a military . 

Image: Flickr, Fated Snowfox

Read more: International Day of Peace: 7 Quotes to Inspire You

In 2001, the General Assembly planned to open early, on September 11. This day, of course, would change the course of the world irrevocably.

Kofi Annan, the Secretary General of the UN at the time, released a statement that changed the nature of the International Day of Peace, as well. Not only would the UN continue to recognize the International Day of Peace, but it declared September 21 to be “a day of global ceasefire and non-violence.” 

Since then, Secretary General Ban-Ki Moon has kept up this tradition, by each year requesting that a global ceasefire be upheld. In 2008, this worked quite well – as Afghanistan experienced a 70% reduction in violence on the International Day of Peace.

Palestinian children in Gaza, 2014. Image: Flickr, UN Photo/Shareef Sarhan

Over the years, the International Day of Peace has focused on different themes. These include: disarmament and non-proliferation (2009), youth for peace development (2010), and last year’s theme, dignity for all. This year’s International Day of Peace focuses on the Sustainable Development Goals. It has been a landmark year for global climate change initiatives, given the amount of countries who have signed on to the COP21 in 2016.

With the advent of the Internet and social media, the message of the International Day of Peace has grown significantly in the past half decade. Last year, 610 million people were aware of Peace Day, compared to 280 million in 2012. You can expect that number to grow this year.

It is an important time to increase awareness of this event, as much of the world still suffers from war and violence. The Global Peace Index , which is produced by Vision of Humanity, found that in 2016 the world is 2.4% less peaceful than it was a year ago. The conflict in Syria has displaced more than 11 million people since 2011 and throughout the world 3.7 million children lack proper access to education.

Read more: Half of All Child Refugees Aren’t in School: Why This Is a Massive Problem

With that in mind, there are some bright spots to celebrate today on the International Day of Peace, such as a 12 percent increase in UN peacekeeping funding and a decrease in the global amount of external armed conflicts fought.

You can follow the International Day of Peace on Twitter through the hashtag #InternationalDayofPeace .

Demand Equity

Why We Celebrate the International Day of Peace

Sept. 21, 2016

World Peace Essay: Prompts, How-to Guide, & 200+ Topics

Throughout history, people have dreamed of a world without violence, where harmony and justice reign. This dream of world peace has inspired poets, philosophers, and politicians for centuries. But is it possible to achieve peace globally? Writing a world peace essay will help you find the answer to this question and learn more about the topic.

In this article, our custom writing team will discuss how to write an essay on world peace quickly and effectively. To inspire you even more, we have prepared writing prompts and topics that can come in handy.

  • ✍️ Writing Guide
  • 🦄 Essay Prompts
  • ✔️ World Peace Topics
  • 🌎 Pacifism Topics
  • ✌️ Catchy Essay Titles
  • 🕊️ Research Topics on Peace
  • 💡 War and Peace Topics
  • ☮️ Peace Title Ideas
  • 🌐 Peace Language Topics

🔗 References

✍️ how to achieve world peace essay writing guide.

Stuck with your essay about peace? Here is a step-by-step writing guide with many valuable tips to make your paper well-structured and compelling.

1. Research the Topic

The first step in writing your essay on peace is conducting research. You can look for relevant sources in your university library, encyclopedias, dictionaries, book catalogs, periodical databases, and Internet search engines. Besides, you can use your lecture notes and textbooks for additional information.

Among the variety of sources that could be helpful for a world peace essay, we would especially recommend checking the Global Peace Index report . It presents the most comprehensive data-driven analysis of current trends in world peace. It’s a credible report by the Institute for Economics and Peace, so you can cite it as a source in your aper.

Here are some other helpful resources where you can find information for your world peace essay:

  • United Nations Peacekeeping
  • International Peace Institute
  • United States Institute of Peace
  • European Union Institute for Security Studies
  • Stockholm International Peace Research Institute

2. Create an Outline

Outlining is an essential aspect of the essay writing process. It helps you plan how you will connect all the facts to support your thesis statement.

To write an outline for your essay about peace, follow these steps:

  • Determine your topic and develop a thesis statement .
  • Choose the main points that will support your thesis and will be covered in your paper.
  • Organize your ideas in a logical order.
  • Think about transitions between paragraphs.

Here is an outline example for a “How to Achieve World Peace” essay. Check it out to get a better idea of how to structure your paper.

  • Definition of world peace.
  • The importance of global peace.
  • Thesis statement: World peace is attainable through combined efforts on individual, societal, and global levels.
  • Practive of non-violent communication.
  • Development of healthy relationships.
  • Promotion of conflict resolution skills.
  • Promotion of democracy and human rights.
  • Support of peacebuilding initiatives.
  • Protection of cultural diversity.
  • Encouragement of arms control and non-proliferation.
  • Promotion of international law and treaties.
  • Support of intercultural dialogue and understanding.
  • Restated thesis.
  • Call to action.

You can also use our free essay outline generator to structure your world peace essay.

3. Write Your World Peace Essay

Now, it’s time to use your outline to write an A+ paper. Here’s how to do it:

  • Start with the introductory paragraph , which states the topic, presents a thesis, and provides a roadmap for your essay. If you need some assistance with this part, try our free introduction generator .
  • Your essay’s main body should contain at least 3 paragraphs. Each of them should provide explanations and evidence to develop your argument.
  • Finally, in your conclusion , you need to restate your thesis and summarize the points you’ve covered in the paper. It’s also a good idea to add a closing sentence reflecting on your topic’s significance or encouraging your audience to take action. Feel free to use our essay conclusion generator to develop a strong ending for your paper.

4. Revise and Proofread

Proofreading is a way to ensure your essay has no typos and grammar mistakes. Here are practical tips for revising your work:

  • Take some time. Leaving your essay for a day or two before revision will give you a chance to look at it from another angle.
  • Read out loud. To catch run-on sentences or unclear ideas in your writing, read it slowly and out loud. You can also use our Read My Essay to Me tool.
  • Make a checklist . Create a list for proofreading to ensure you do not miss any important details, including structure, punctuation, capitalization, and formatting.
  • Ask someone for feedback. It is always a good idea to ask your professor, classmate, or friend to read your essay and give you constructive criticism on the work.
  • Note down the mistakes you usually make. By identifying your weaknesses, you can work on them to become a more confident writer.

🦄 World Peace Essay Writing Prompts

Looking for an interesting idea for your world peace essay? Look no further! Use our writing prompts to get a dose of inspiration.

How to Promote Peace in the Community Essay Prompt

Promoting peace in the world always starts in small communities. If people fight toxic narratives, negative stereotypes, and hate crimes, they will build a strong and united community and set a positive example for others.

In your essay on how to promote peace in the community, you can dwell on the following ideas:

  • Explain the importance of accepting different opinions in establishing peace in your area.
  • Analyze how fighting extremism in all its forms can unite the community and create a peaceful environment.
  • Clarify what peace means in the context of your community and what factors contribute to or hinder it.
  • Investigate the role of dialogue in resolving conflicts and building mutual understanding in the community.

How to Promote Peace as a Student Essay Prompt

Students, as an active part of society, can play a crucial role in promoting peace at various levels. From educational entities to worldwide conferences, they have an opportunity to introduce the idea of peace for different groups of people.

Check out the following fresh ideas for your essay on how to promote peace as a student:

  • Analyze how information campaigns organized by students can raise awareness of peace-related issues.
  • Discuss the impact of education in fostering a culture of peace.
  • Explore how students can use social media to advocate for a peaceful world.
  • Describe your own experience of taking part in peace-promoting campaigns or programs.

How Can We Maintain Peace in Our Society Essay Prompt

Maintaining peace in society is a difficult but achievable task that requires constant attention and effort from all members of society.

We have prepared ideas that can come in handy when writing an essay about how we can maintain peace in our society:

  • Investigate the role of tolerance, understanding of different cultures, and respect for religions in promoting peace in society.
  • Analyze the importance of peacekeeping organizations.
  • Provide real-life examples of how people promote peace.
  • Offer practical suggestions for how individuals and communities can work together to maintain peace.

Youth Creating a Peaceful Future Essay Prompt

Young people are the future of any country, as well as the driving force to create a more peaceful world. Their energy and motivation can aid in finding new methods of coping with global hate and violence.

In your essay, you can use the following ideas to show the role of youth in creating a peaceful world:

  • Analyze the key benefits of youth involvement in peacekeeping.
  • Explain why young people are leading tomorrow’s change today.
  • Identify the main ingredients for building a peaceful generation with the help of young people’s initiatives.
  • Investigate how adolescent girls can be significant agents of positive change in their communities.

Is World Peace Possible Essay Prompt

Whether or not the world can be a peaceful place is one of the most controversial topics. While most people who hear the question “Is a world without war possible?” will probably answer “no,” others still believe in the goodness of humanity.

To discuss in your essay if world peace is possible, use the following ideas:

  • Explain how trade, communication, and technology can promote cooperation and the peaceful resolution of conflicts.
  • Analyze the role of international organizations like the United Nations and the European Union in maintaining peace in the world.
  • Investigate how economic inequality poses a severe threat to peace and safety.
  • Dwell on the key individual and national interests that can lead to conflict and competition between countries.

✔️ World Peace Topics for Essays

To help get you started with writing, here’s a list of 200 topics you can use for your future essTo help get you started with writing a world peace essay, we’ve prepared a list of topics you can use:

  • Defining peace
  • Why peace is better: benefits of living in harmony
  • Is world peace attainable? Theory and historical examples
  • Sustainable peace: is peace an intermission of war?
  • Peaceful coexistence: how a society can do without wars
  • Peaceful harmony or war of all against all: what came first?
  • The relationship between economic development and peace
  • Peace and Human Nature: Can Humans Live without Conflicts?
  • Prerequisites for peace: what nations need to refrain from war?
  • Peace as an unnatural phenomenon: why people tend to start a war?
  • Peace as a natural phenomenon: why people avoid starting a war?
  • Is peace the end of the war or its beginning?
  • Hybrid war and hybrid peace
  • What constitutes peace in the modern world
  • Does two countries’ not attacking each other constitute peace?
  • “Cold peace” in the international relations today
  • What world religions say about world peace
  • Defining peacemaking
  • Internationally recognized symbols of peace
  • World peace: a dream or a goal?

🌎 Peace Essay Topics on Pacifism

  • History of pacifism: how the movement started and developed
  • Role of the pacifist movement in the twentieth-century history
  • Basic philosophical principles of pacifism
  • Pacifism as philosophy and as a movement
  • The peace sign: what it means
  • How the pacifist movement began: actual causes
  • The anti-war movements: what did the activists want?
  • The relationship between pacifism and the sexual revolution
  • Early pacifism: examples from ancient times
  • Is pacifism a religion?
  • Should pacifists refrain from any kinds of violence?
  • Is the pacifist movement a threat to the national security?
  • Can a pacifist work in law enforcement authorities?
  • Pacifism and non-violence: comparing and contrasting
  • The pacifist perspective on the concept of self-defense
  • Pacifism in art: examples of pacifistic works of art
  • Should everyone be a pacifist?
  • Pacifism and diet: should every pacifist be a vegetarian?
  • How pacifists respond to oppression
  • The benefits of an active pacifist movement for a country

✌️ Interesting Essay Titles about Peace

  • Can the country that won a war occupy the one that lost?
  • The essential peace treaties in history
  • Should a country that lost a war pay reparations?
  • Peace treaties that caused new, more violent wars
  • Can an aggressor country be deprived of the right to have an army after losing a war?
  • Non-aggression pacts do not prevent wars
  • All the countries should sign non-aggression pacts with one another
  • Peace and truces: differences and similarities
  • Do countries pursue world peace when signing peace treaties?
  • The treaty of Versailles: positive and negative outcomes
  • Ceasefires and surrenders: the world peace perspective
  • When can a country break a peace treaty?
  • Dealing with refugees and prisoners of war under peace treaties
  • Who should resolve international conflicts?
  • The role of the United Nations in enforcing peace treaties
  • Truce envoys’ immunities
  • What does a country do after surrendering unconditionally?
  • A separate peace: the ethical perspective
  • Can a peace treaty be signed in modern-day hybrid wars?
  • Conditions that are unacceptable in a peace treaty

🕊️ Research Topics on Peace and Conflict Resolution

  • Can people be forced to stop fighting?
  • Successful examples of peace restoration through the use of force
  • Failed attempts to restore peace with legitimate violence
  • Conflict resolution vs conflict transformation
  • What powers peacemakers should not have
  • Preemptive peacemaking: can violence be used to prevent more abuse?
  • The status of peacemakers in the international law
  • Peacemaking techniques: Gandhi’s strategies
  • How third parties can reconcile belligerents
  • The role of the pacifist movement in peacemaking
  • The war on wars: appropriate and inappropriate approaches to peacemaking
  • Mistakes that peacemakers often stumble upon
  • The extent of peacemaking : when the peacemakers’ job is done
  • Making peace and sustaining it: how peacemakers prevent future conflicts
  • The origins of peacemaking
  • What to do if peacemaking does not work
  • Staying out: can peacemaking make things worse?
  • A personal reflection on the effectiveness of peacemaking
  • Prospects of peacemaking
  • Personal experience of peacemaking

💡 War and Peace Essay Topics

  • Counties should stop producing new types of firearms
  • Countries should not stop producing new types of weapons
  • Mutual assured destruction as a means of sustaining peace
  • The role of nuclear disarmament in world peace
  • The nuclear war scenario: what will happen to the world?
  • Does military intelligence contribute to sustaining peace?
  • Collateral damage: analyzing the term
  • Can the defenders of peace take up arms?
  • For an armed person, is killing another armed person radically different from killing an unarmed one? Ethical and legal perspectives
  • Should a healthy country have a strong army?
  • Firearms should be banned
  • Every citizen has the right to carry firearms
  • The correlation between gun control and violence rates
  • The second amendment: modern analysis
  • Guns do not kill: people do
  • What weapons a civilian should never be able to buy
  • Biological and chemical weapons
  • Words as a weapon: rhetoric wars
  • Can a pacifist ever use a weapon?
  • Can dropping weapons stop the war?

☮️ Peace Title Ideas for Essays

  • How the nuclear disarmament emblem became the peace sign
  • The symbolism of a dove with an olive branch
  • Native Americans’ traditions of peace declaration
  • The mushroom cloud as a cultural symbol
  • What the world peace awareness ribbon should look like
  • What I would like to be the international peace sign
  • The history of the International Day of Peace
  • The peace sign as an accessory
  • The most famous peace demonstrations
  • Hippies’ contributions to the peace symbolism
  • Anti-war and anti-military symbols
  • How to express pacifism as a political position
  • The rainbow as a symbol of peace
  • Can a white flag be considered a symbol of peace?
  • Examples of the inappropriate use of the peace sign
  • The historical connection between the peace sign and the cannabis leaf sign
  • Peace symbols in different cultures
  • Gods of war and gods of peace: examples from the ancient mythology
  • Peace sign tattoo: pros and cons
  • Should the peace sign be placed on a national flag?

🌐 Essay Topics about Peace Language

  • The origin and historical context of the word “peace”
  • What words foreign languages use to denote “peace”
  • What words, if any, should a pacifist avoid?
  • The pacifist discourse: key themes
  • Disintegration language: “us” vs “them”
  • How to combat war propaganda
  • Does political correctness promote world peace?
  • Can an advocate of peace be harsh in his or her speeches?
  • Effective persuasive techniques in peace communications and negotiations
  • Analyzing the term “world peace”
  • If the word “war” is forbidden, will wars stop?
  • Is “peacemaking” a right term?
  • Talk to the hand: effective and ineffective interpersonal communication techniques that prevent conflicts
  • The many meanings of the word “peace”
  • The pacifists’ language: when pacifists swear, yell, or insult
  • Stressing similarities instead of differences as a tool of peace language
  • The portrayal of pacifists in movies
  • The portrayals of pacifists in fiction
  • Pacifist lyrics: examples from the s’ music
  • Poems that supported peace The power of the written word
  • Peaceful coexistence: theory and practice
  • Under what conditions can humans coexist peacefully?
  • “A man is a wolf to another man”: the modern perspective
  • What factors prevent people from committing a crime?
  • Right for peace vs need for peace
  • Does the toughening of punishment reduce crime?
  • The Stanford prison experiment: implications
  • Is killing natural?
  • The possibility of universal love: does disliking always lead to conflicts?
  • Basic income and the dynamics of thefts
  • Hobbesian Leviathan as the guarantee of peace
  • Is state-concentrated legitimate violence an instrument for reducing violence overall?
  • Factors that undermine peaceful coexistence
  • Living in peace vs living for peace
  • The relationship between otherness and peacefulness
  • World peace and human nature: the issue of attainability
  • The most successful examples of peaceful coexistence
  • Lack of peace as lack of communication
  • Point made: counterculture and pacifism
  • What Woodstock proved to world peace nonbelievers and opponents?
  • Woodstock and peaceful coexistence: challenges and successes
  • Peace, economics, and quality of life
  • Are counties living in peace wealthier? Statistics and reasons
  • Profits of peace and profits of war: comparison of benefits and losses
  • Can a war improve the economy? Discussing examples
  • What is more important for people: having appropriate living conditions or winning a war?
  • How wars can improve national economies: the perspective of aggressors and defenders
  • Peace obstructers: examples of interest groups that sustained wars and prevented peace
  • Can democracies be at war with one another?
  • Does the democratic rule in a country provide it with an advantage at war?
  • Why wars destroy economies: examples, discussion, and counterarguments
  • How world peace would improve everyone’s quality of life
  • Peace and war today
  • Are we getting closer to world peace? Violence rates, values change, and historical comparison
  • The peaceful tomorrow: how conflicts will be resolved in the future if there are no wars
  • Redefining war: what specific characteristics today’s wars have that make them different from previous centuries’ wars
  • Why wars start today: comparing and contrasting the reasons for wars in the modern world to historical examples
  • Subtle wars: how two countries can be at war with each other without having their armies collide in the battlefield
  • Cyber peace: how cyberwars can be stopped
  • Information as a weapon: how information today lands harder blows than bombs and missiles
  • Information wars: how the abundance of information and public access to it have not, nonetheless, eliminated propaganda
  • Peace through defeating: how ISIS is different from other states, and how can its violence be stopped
  • Is world peace a popular idea? Do modern people mostly want peace or mainly wish to fight against other people and win?
  • Personal contributions to world peace
  • What can I do for attaining world peace? Personal reflection
  • Respect as a means of attaining peace: why respecting people is essential not only on the level of interpersonal communications but also on the level of social good
  • Peacefulness as an attitude: how one’s worldview can prevent conflicts
  • Why a person engages in insulting and offending: analysis of psychological causes and a personal perspective
  • A smile as an agent of peace: how simple smiling to people around you contributes to peacefulness
  • Appreciating otherness: how one can learn to value diversity and avoid xenophobia
  • Peace and love: how the two are inherently interconnected in everyone’s life
  • A micro-level peacemaker: my experiences of resolving conflicts and bringing peace
  • Forgiveness for the sake of peace: does forgiving other people contribute to peaceful coexistence or promote further conflicts?
  • Noble lies: is it acceptable for a person to lie to avoid conflicts and preserve peace?
  • What should a victim do? Violent and non-violent responses to violence
  • Standing up for the weak : is it always right to take the side of the weakest?
  • Self-defense, overwhelming emotions, and witnessing horrible violence: could I ever shoot another person?
  • Are there “fair” wars, and should every war be opposed?
  • Protecting peace: could I take up arms to prevent a devastating war?
  • Reporting violence: would I participate in sending a criminal to prison?
  • The acceptability of violence against perpetrators: personal opinion
  • Nonviolent individual resistance to injustice
  • Peace is worth it: why I think wars are never justified
  • How I sustain peace in my everyday life

Learn more on this topic:

  • If I Could Change the World Essay: Examples and Writing Guide
  • Ending the Essay: Conclusions
  • Choosing and Narrowing a Topic to Write About
  • Introduction to Research
  • How the U.S. Can Help Humanity Achieve World Peace
  • Ten Steps to World Peace
  • How World Peace is Possible
  • World Peace Books and Articles
  • World Peace and Nonviolence
  • The Leader of World Peace Essay
  • UNO and World Peace Essay
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A very, very good paragraph. thanks

Peace and conflict studies actually is good field because is dealing on how to manage the conflict among the two state or country.

Keep it up. Our world earnestly needs peace

A very, very good paragraph.


Tips on how to Create a Perfect Essay on World Peace


You are probably here because you do not know what to write in your world peace essay. Well, your visit was predetermined, and it is the very reason we have this guide on how to write a world peace essay.

To start us off, we can agree that world peace is among the most debated topics. Although achieving absolute world peace is a challenge, various stakeholders have fronted diverse efforts.

It is a great honor for a student to write a world peace essay finally. Although general a topic, it is always a chance to remind the audience that peace is not the absence of war and that there is more to it.

As such, whether it comes out as a synthesis, argumentative, persuasive, narrative, or descriptive essay, you must ensure that it is a creative piece of writing.

Now, let us go on a discovery journey for helpful tips and ideas on how to create a winning world peace essay.

Steps to Writing an Outstanding World Peace Essay

1. study the world peace essay prompt and rubric..

The requirements for writing creative essays differ from college to college and from professor to professor. Therefore, instead of assuming, as most students do, concentrate on the rubric and the essay prompt. These documentations help you understand the formatting style for your essay, whether it is to be submitted in MLA, APA, or Chicago. They also entail information on the list of potential topics. Most importantly, they also guide you on the expected word count for the essay. Therefore, instead of asking whether a world peace essay is a 500-word or 1000-word essay , the rubric can help.

2. Pick a topic that interests you.

Although we have said this almost in every guide we have written, we emphasize its importance as it aids in writing an essay that gets you communicating with the audience (the marker). Think about a topic in the news, peace in a given country, or draw from your experience. Sometimes, even a movie can be the genesis of a world peace topic. Be whatever it may, ensure that you choose a topic you are comfortable to spend hours researching, writing, and reading about.

3. Research and choose credible sources.

The hallmark of writing an excellent essay is doing research. A well-researched and organized essay tickles grades even from the strict professor. The secret of creating a winning peace essay lies in the depth and scope of your research. With the internet awash with sources, choosing credible scholarly sources can define an A+ peace essay from a failing one. Now, as you research, you will develop insights into your chosen topic, generate ideas, and find facts to support your arguments. Instead of just plain or flat paper, proper research will birth a critical world peace essay. By critical, you will consider the models of peace, theories of peace, some treaties and global laws/legislations, and the process of peace where necessary.

4. Create a detailed outline.

One of the most straightforward strategies to write an essay fast is to have an outline for the essay. The outline offers you a structure and guide when you finally start writing the essay on world peace. Like a roadmap to the best world peace essay, the outline entails the skeleton of what you will fill to make the first draft. An excellent outline makes you logically organize your essay. Thus, skipping this step is disastrous to your grade pursuit.

5. Write the rough draft.

The first draft is a bouncing baby of the essay outline. To complete the first draft, fill in the spaces in your outline. With the essay hook, background, and thesis in the introduction, it is now a great time to polish up the introduction to make it outstanding. Besides, with the topic sentences and main points for each paragraph identified in the outline, when writing the first draft, it is your turn to support each paragraph with facts from the resources identified in the research phase. As this is your first draft, do not focus much on grammar and other stylistic and methodological essay writing errors: leave those for the next phase, proofreading.

6. Proofread the rough draft and turn it into a final draft.

Proofreading is as important as writing an essay. You cannot skin an entire cow and eat it whole. Now, with the analogy, proofreading helps dissect the essay. It helps you identify the grammar and stylistic errors as well as logical essay mistakes and weed them out. When proofreading, always endeavor to make every page count by making it perfect. If you are not as confident with your proofreading skills, try using software such as RefWorks (to check correctness and consistency of citations) and Grammarly or Ginger Software to check your grammar. You can also use plagiarism checkers to identify some areas with similarities and paraphrase further. If you feel all this is too much work, especially given you have written for hours, you can hire an editor to correct your essay .

Interesting World Peace Essay Topics to Write About

  • The role of diplomacy in achieving world peace.
  • The impact of economic development on global peace.
  • The influence of cultural exchange on international peace efforts.
  • The role of the United Nations in promoting world peace.
  • How nuclear disarmament contributes to global peace.
  • The effect of global trade agreements on world peace.
  • The role of education in fostering a culture of peace.
  • How environmental sustainability can contribute to world peace.
  • The impact of international law on global peacekeeping.
  • The relationship between human rights and world peace.
  • The role of peace education in conflict resolution.
  • The influence of religion on global peace efforts.
  • The impact of media on the promotion of world peace.
  • How social justice initiatives contribute to global peace.
  • The role of women in promoting and sustaining world peace.
  • The effect of terrorism on global peace.
  • The role of non-governmental organizations in fostering world peace.
  • The influence of global leadership on international peace efforts.
  • How poverty alleviation can contribute to world peace.
  • The impact of immigration policies on global peace.
  • The role of youth in promoting world peace.
  • How technological advancements can promote or hinder world peace.
  • The effect of arms control agreements on global peace.
  • The relationship between mental health and world peace.
  • The impact of climate change on global peace and security.
  • The role of international organizations in conflict prevention.
  • How economic inequality affects global peace.
  • The influence of cultural diversity on world peace.
  • The role of humanitarian aid in promoting global peace.
  • The impact of colonial history on current global peace efforts.
  • The effect of global health initiatives on world peace.
  • The relationship between gender equality and global peace.
  • The role of conflict resolution strategies in achieving world peace.
  • The influence of political stability on global peace.
  • The impact of global communication networks on world peace.
  • How international cooperation can foster world peace.
  • The role of ethical leadership in promoting global peace.
  • The effect of sanctions on global peace efforts.
  • The impact of global financial systems on world peace.
  • The influence of regional alliances on international peace efforts.
  • The role of peace treaties in maintaining world peace.
  • How global education standards can contribute to world peace.
  • The effect of international migration on global peace.
  • The relationship between democracy and world peace.
  • The impact of global public health initiatives on world peace.
  • The role of grassroots movements in promoting world peace.
  • The influence of social media on global peace efforts.
  • How international sports events can promote world peace.
  • The impact of global governance on world peace.
  • The effect of international peacekeeping missions on global peace.
  • The role of conflict mediation in achieving world peace.
  • The influence of art and culture on global peace.
  • The impact of international humanitarian law on world peace.
  • The role of global citizenship in promoting world peace.
  • The effect of economic sanctions on global peace.
  • The impact of international relations theories on global peace efforts.
  • The influence of global education campaigns on world peace.
  • The role of non-violent resistance in achieving world peace.
  • The impact of digital diplomacy on global peace efforts.
  • The effect of peacebuilding initiatives on post-conflict societies.
  • The role of global economic institutions in promoting world peace.
  • The influence of historical memory on current global peace efforts.
  • The impact of social media on the perception of global peace.
  • The effect of international development aid on world peace.
  • The role of global partnerships in achieving world peace.
  • The influence of music and literature on global peace efforts.
  • The impact of cross-cultural communication on world peace.
  • The effect of international refugee policies on global peace.
  • The role of global financial stability in promoting world peace.
  • The influence of international humanitarian interventions on global peace.
  • The impact of global inequality on world peace.
  • The effect of international environmental policies on global peace.
  • The role of intercultural dialogue in promoting world peace.
  • The influence of international human rights organizations on global peace.
  • The impact of peace journalism on world peace.
  • The effect of global health crises on international peace efforts.
  • The role of international peace conferences in promoting world peace.
  • The influence of global technological innovation on world peace.
  • The impact of international trade disputes on global peace.
  • The effect of global labor rights on world peace.
  • The role of international academic exchange in promoting world peace.
  • The influence of global media coverage on international peace efforts.
  • The impact of global population growth on world peace.
  • The effect of international economic cooperation on global peace.
  • The role of peace studies programs in fostering a culture of peace.
  • The influence of international conflict resolution models on global peace.
  • The impact of global food security on world peace.
  • The effect of international sanctions on global peacekeeping efforts.
  • The role of global cultural heritage preservation in promoting world peace.
  • The influence of international volunteerism on global peace efforts.
  • The impact of global water security on world peace.
  • The effect of international environmental agreements on global peace.
  • The role of global social movements in promoting world peace.
  • The influence of international youth organizations on global peace efforts.
  • The impact of global economic crises on world peace.
  • The effect of international migration trends on global peace.
  • The role of global education reform in promoting world peace.
  • The influence of international tourism on global peace efforts.
  • The impact of global technological disruptions on world peace.
  • The effect of international legal frameworks on global peace.
  • The importance of world peace treaties.
  • The significance of International Peace Day.
  • Is peace the absence of war?
  • Defining peace.
  • Benefits of living in peace.
  • Is global peace attainable?
  • Can peace, like war, be human-made?
  • Can humans and nature live without conflicts?
  • Distinguishing hybrid war and hybrid peace.
  • Defining peace in contemporary society.
  • The role of community policing in maintaining peace within the community.
  • The role of criminal justice and law enforcement systems in peace management.
  • Is world peace a dream or an attainable phenomenon?
  • The process of peacemaking.
  • The role of mediation in the political peacemaking process.
  • Peace in South Sudan.
  • Peace in Iraq.
  • Impediments to peace between Israel and Palestine.
  • The role of political leaders in creating peace.
  • The role of peacekeepers in maintaining peace.
  • Could Free Hugs Day make the world peaceful?
  • Can ceasefires bring peace?
  • Causes of lack of peace.
  • Why people should always give peace a chance.
  • Human rights and freedoms in the context of world peace.
  • Strategies to prevent the telltale signs of war.
  • The role of the United Nations in global peace.
  • Solving conflicts between humans and animals.
  • The importance of national peace.
  • Terrorism as a threat to world peace.
  • The stance of Mahatma Gandhi on peace.
  • How poverty and hunger combine as barriers to a world truce.
  • The role of Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama in world peace.
  • The relationship between peace and freedom.
  • Humanitarian interventions as a means of achieving peace.
  • Can religion be the genesis of peace in the world?
  • Factors limiting peace in countries at war.
  • Is it possible to intervene between two warring countries?
  • The origins of peacekeeping.
  • Does the peacemaking process work?
  • Conflict transformation versus conflict resolution.
  • Does a peaceful world mean a peaceful world?
  • Techniques for peacekeeping.
  • International law and peacemakers.
  • Prospects of peacemaking.
  • How the sale of weapons affects world peace.
  • Military intelligence and peace.
  • The impacts of technological development on global peace.
  • The role of social media in promoting world peace.
  • Nuclear disarmament and world peace.
  • Is it worth being a superpower and funding wars in other areas?
  • Imagine a world without weapons—what would it be like?
  • The most peaceful city in the world.
  • Does peace have its roots in culture?
  • The impacts of cultural beliefs on world peace.
  • The link between peace and development.
  • Is the rainbow a sign of peace?
  • The pros and cons of having a peace sign tattoo.
  • The role of street art and graffiti in global peace.
  • Can art be used to rally support for global peace?
  • The place of leaders in achieving global peace.
  • Peace declarations and traditions of Native Americans.
  • The dove with an olive branch as a symbol of peace.
  • Why flags should unite a nation.
  • Nationalism, patriotism, and national peace.
  • Political correctness and global peace.
  • Communication and negotiation as key skills for attaining peace.
  • Pacifist nations and their influence on global peace.
  • "Us versus them" as a genesis of war.
  • Pacifist representation in movies.
  • The implications of the Stanford Prison Experiment.
  • Counterculture and pacifism.
  • The profits of peace.
  • The impact of the Cold War between China and the United States on world peace.
  • Why the UAE remains peaceful and developed.
  • The role of the United States, UK, and Russia in world peace.
  • Has globalization worsened or created a peaceful world?
  • How individuals can contribute to world peace.
  • The role of peace in the development of Rwanda.
  • Lessons on peace the world can learn from the Rwandan Genocide.
  • Creating a peaceful society through cyber peace.
  • How to convince ISIS, Al Qaeda, and other terrorist groups to embrace peace.
  • Peace in Syria.
  • The future of peace in a world full of individualism.
  • How social skills can help inspire peace.
  • Architecture as an expression of peace.
  • Pacifist representation in fiction.
  • Pacifist lyrics in music.
  • Can music be used to create world peace?
  • How global peace awards can inspire peace.
  • The role of the Nobel Prize for Peace in promoting global peace.
  • Why a peaceful world depends on a peaceful community.
  • The role of Interpol in maintaining world peace.
  • Interprofessional collaboration to achieve world peace.
  • How learning different languages can promote peace.
  • Can interracial marriages bring peace to the world?
  • The importance of teaching children about peace from a young age.
  • The role of the Catholic Church in attaining world peace.
  • The role of Oman as a regional mediator in the Middle East.
  • The future of peace in Yemen.

Related Posts:

  • How to write a perfect descriptive essay.
  • How to write an argumentative essay. 
  • Tips for writing a discursive essay.
  • Tips for essays on poverty.
  • Writing a great essay on the death penalty.

Even with the world peace essay topics at your disposal, it is possible to face challenges with writing. All these topics on world peace are only great if you know how to write papers. GradeCrest has essay writers for hire who are ready to help you with creating great essays from scratch. If you feel like you need a hand because you have been struggling with writing, place an order, and we will help you. Go to our home page and fill out the order form to get instant help.


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Word "peace" projected on UNESCO HQ Building - 15 November 2015

International Day of Peace

The International Day of Peace celebrates the power of global solidarity for building a peaceful and sustainable world.

This has never been so important at a time of unprecedented challenges. New forces of division have emerged, spreading hatred and intolerance. Terrorism is fuelling violence, while violent extremism seek to poison the minds of the vulnerable and young. In the poorest and least-developed parts of the world, climate-related natural disasters are compounding existing fragility, increasing forced migration and heightening the risk of violence.

The barriers to peace are complex and steep - no one country can solve them alone. Doing so requires new forms of solidarity and joint action, starting as early as possible. 

Peace Symbol

Establishing a culture of peace and sustainable development are at the heart of UNESCO’s mandate

Training and research in sustainable development are among the priorities, as well as human rights education, skills for peaceful relations, good governance, Holocaust remembrance, the prevention of conflict and peace building.

"Being responsible for peace means acting to overcome the flaws and injustices which continue to prevent us from achieving an egalitarian world. Because a planet eroded by division is a planet which knows no peace."

UNESCO Director-General

What UNESCO does



  • Plurilingual


United Nations and World Peace Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

United Nations is an international organization that unites world countries in the common goal to ensure peace and human rights. Even thought it was formed after the Second World War, its peacekeeping efforts have been somewhat limited, as has been proven by a great amount of wars, civil upraises and terrorist acts all over the world.

The United Nations was formed with a great and honorable purpose of keeping peace on the planet. Superpowers have found it their duty and immediate obligation to join the common efforts in stopping violence and human rights violations. One of the major points present in the rules of United Nations is that it will “…first of all, seek a solution by negotiation, enquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or arrangement, or other peaceful means of their own choice” (Baylis, 313).

The interesting fact is that United Nations admits the use of force in some instances, if necessity demands violence. It is obvious that not all conflicts can be resolved peacefully but if the primary duty of UN is to make sure peace is kept globally, then determining actions must be taken. The nations that are involved in the organizations have enough political and manpower to unite in the withdrawal of all weapons.

It seems pointless for UN forces to make their presence merely visible, in a country where open military violence is taking place. One of UN’s goals is to not interfere and get involved in any violence, but it is able to stay a neutral observer while people, just steps away, are firing at each other.

If the organization presents itself as a world peacemaker than why some countries are not allowed to join? “It has proved to be impossible to reach agreement on new permanent members” (Baylis, 315) but how can anything be done if UN calls something “impossible”? If this cannot be achieved then what is possible? If the world leaders with their superior intellect cannot come to agreement and find a way to make it possible, then how can regular public be expected to keep peaceful?

The fact is that no matter how high and morally correct UN’s goals might be it is still bound by rules and politics that cannot allow certain things. The limitations that exist, clearly illustrate the human nature of the organization. It is not a secret that there were and still are a number of missions that have failed on many levels.

One out of a number examples is the crisis that took place in Rwanda (Sitkowski, 123). Not only the UN forces were killed and injured but the resolution was not achieved to any degree. It is seems strange that genocide and civil wars, as well as rebellions against governments, are taking place and the peacekeeping organization is not able to achieve any cessation of violence.

The rules and policies produced by the United Nations are not centered on a global involvement in de-weaponizing countries, as everyone is full of fear that a group of terrorists will be able to overtake a country that is unarmed. But if this is the case, then the governments should work on devices that will partially paralyze the enemy without significant harm to a person’s health.

There is no doubt that there are more people in the world who want peace and so, if United Nations allowed for everyone wanting to stop violence to join, people could be given designated authority to make sure peace is kept in their community. The decentralization of government would ensure that local authorities take control of any violent outbreaks.

The function of United Nations is representative of the want of people to reach world peace. It is a very respectable cause and a lot has been accomplished but the amount of countries and people participating in peacekeeping is too small, compared to those who upset the order. More countries must be allowed to join, to unite the efforts in fighting violence and preventing wars.

Works Cited

Baylis, John. The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations. New York, United States: Oxford University Press, 2010. Print.

Sitkowski, Andrzej. United Nations Peacekeeping . Westport, United States: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2006. Print.

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  • Ethnic Conflicts in International Relation Policies
  • UN and Its Advocacy Groups
  • World Political Science Discussion: Conflict Analysis
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  • Why Is the UK’s Relationship With the Rest of the EU So Difficult?
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  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2019, April 14). United Nations and World Peace.

"United Nations and World Peace." IvyPanda , 14 Apr. 2019,

IvyPanda . (2019) 'United Nations and World Peace'. 14 April.

IvyPanda . 2019. "United Nations and World Peace." April 14, 2019.

1. IvyPanda . "United Nations and World Peace." April 14, 2019.


IvyPanda . "United Nations and World Peace." April 14, 2019.

world peace day essay introduction

International Day of Peace

21 september.

world peace day essay introduction



TOGETHER: A global campaign to change perceptions and attitudes towards refugees and migrants


What Can YOU Do for the U.N. International Day of Peace?


1984 First Major Local Global United Nations Peace Day Celebration


The International Day of Peace (“Peace Day”) is observed around the world each year on 21 September. Established in 1981 by unanimous United Nations resolution, Peace Day provides a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to Peace above all differences and to contribute to building a Culture of Peace.

This is a long-established universal website that serves all involved in Peace Day, beginning annually with the 100-day Countdown.

This year is particularly significant: It is the   20th Anniversary   of the UN Resolution on the Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace.   A/RES/53/243 B

Let us all create Peace Day every day!

UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, delivers his 100-day countdown to the International Day of Peace message.


world peace day essay introduction

2024 Global Peace Day Theme: Cultivating a Culture of Peace

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the United Nations General Assembly’s adoption of the Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace.

Learn more HERE


world peace day essay introduction

From education to the arts, social justice to sports, health to the environment, neighborhood issues to service for others, there are many ways to participate in Peace Day! We invite you to create a public or private activity related to peace, spread the word about Peace Day and/or attend an event in your community.


  • How To Create A World Peace Essay
  • Achieving World Peace with Essay

Achieving World Peace with Essay

What to Write in a World Peace Essay

Tips on writing a world peace essay, world peace essay topic ideas, get help with a world peace essay.

It would be great if everyone had a will to write how to achieve world peace essays without any impact from external forces like a school teacher or a college professor. No matter what your motivation was to create such a paper, we're here to help you write it. There are lots of thoughts on this topic, and this text will highlight some of them that look like the most effective ones. Prepare for saving the world! Or do it together with us – just say, " Someone write my essay !"

It may seem weird, but all how to achieve world peace essays are similar regardless of the topic. All needed instructions and arguments for achieving peace already exist, and the world is literally one step behind it. All you need is to use these arguments and instructions to develop your topic efficiently. And here they are:  

Grown-up individuals tend to transfer the responsibility for their lives to parents, family, partners, friends, bosses, governments, extraterrestrial and supernatural powers. In the best case, the other people cannot know how you want to live your life. They make decisions concerning your life from their point of view and often bring you only disappointment. It leads to your anger and frustration, which you translate to other people, which evokes the same feelings in them. And this becomes an avalanche of discontent, hatred, and aggression.

Moreover, sometimes people use your indifference to decision-making to satisfy their goals, which sometimes are evil and even inhumane. And this causes wars. Want to stop it? Begin with yourself: take control of your life and be responsible for your decisions. It is a 100% guarantee of coming closer to world peace.

Actually, people know everything about reaching peace for many years. The problem is that not everyone wants to implement it. The main reason here is the absence of trust between people in general and (mostly!) decision-makers in particular.

We are afraid of being fooled in real-life situations for no logical reason, as this encourages general distrust. We will not stop relations with the other people but are suspicious towards them at first sight. It also leads to this avalanche effect.

Maintaining this status quo doesn't create a positive atmosphere. Though it is hard and takes much time, we need to trust as many other people as possible to make faith a new institution. Then politicians would hesitate to begin war operations way more.

Escape from hurry and fuss with any possibility to open the world in its beauty. Share these emotions with folks, random people in coffee shops, colleagues at work, and so on. Make other people think that enjoying life is not a household appliances brand's motto but a regular and preferable person's choice.

It could reduce the level of negative emotions that often convert to violence and aggression. Violence at houses and on the streets contributes to the legitimation of wars as the society tolerates these methods.

Accept human beings the way they are because differences make us fight each other while similarities lead to a peaceful world. You should not discriminate against a human by race, religion, and/or else. Learn to forgive people for breaking the vicious circle of transferring adverse attitudes.

It is critical to respect every living creature. Entire nations can easily find everyday speech with each other with words of respect and love, and you can explain the best terms to do that. It is quite a good idea for how to achieve world peace essay.

To avoid wars globally and in a particular country, it is also essential to battle against and not tolerate the violence; never support politicians & activists that provoke or promote war. Once again: wars destroy our Earth and life on it!

Knowing the major arguments for writing how to achieve world peace essays may not be enough to create an excellent paper. That is why we propose you get an acquaintance with the following advice to make creative essay writing :

  • Do the research. You cannot stand for something without knowing arguments for and against it. Dive deep into the background of the topic as the theme is specific. 
  • Use essay structure. Stick to the standard introduction-body-conclusion configuration of your text to achieve more readability. Look at a five paragraph essay example  to get a picture of your essay structure.
  • Create an outline. It would help in case you're stuck and to be more logical while developing your ideas.
  • Avoid cliches . Beginning such a paper with meaningless words like "there are many wars nowadays" is the best way to attract the reader's attention to something more interesting. 
  • Have rest. Provide yourself with a rest from your completed writing for at least a few hours, and proofreading and editing will be more efficient. 

Now you need to choose the topic. It should be quite easy as you can rely on your preferences. If encountering difficulties with a choice, look through the list of topics ideas for how to achieve world peace essay below:

  • Introducing Free Hugs day.
  • Human rights and freedoms.
  • People should give peace a chance.
  • Various religions and their life values.
  • Ways to prevent the first sign of the war.
  • Analyzing the article by Mahatma Gandhi .
  • The impact of natural resources on the peace.
  • Palestine and Israel: is regional peace possible?
  • Previous attempts to make everyone leave in peace.
  • A new page in the history of building peaceful nations.
  • The role of political figures in reaching the world's peace.
  • The role of love in achieving global peace and friendly relations.
  • Ways to prevent the destruction of one country by other nations.
  • Changing the future of the planet with the help of peace movements.
  • The role the United Nations plays in peace movements around the globe.

That is everything you need to know about how to write world peace essay. Who knows — your paper may become an excellent start for improvements. You should not be shy when it comes to sharing personal thoughts regarding such an important topic. If you need any help with your writing or wish to order full essays written from scratch, we can do this for you. The order process is easy, so check it out!

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1 JANUARY 1990



1. In our day, there is a growing awareness that world peace is threatened not only by the arms race, regional conflicts and continued injustices among peoples and nations, but also by a lack of due respect for nature , by the plundering of natural resources and by a progressive decline in the quality of life. The sense of precariousness and insecurity that such a situation engenders is a seedbed for collective selfishness, disregard for others and dishonesty.

Faced with the widespread destruction of the environment, people everywhere are coming to understand that we cannot continue to use the goods of the earth as we have in the past. The public in general as well as political leaders are concerned about this problem, and experts from a wide range of disciplines are studying its causes. Moreover, a new ecological awareness is beginning to emerge which, rather than being downplayed, ought to be encouraged to develop into concrete programmes and initiatives.

2. Many ethical values, fundamental to the development of a peaceful society , are particularly relevant to the ecological question. The fact that many challenges facing the world today are interdependent confirms the need for carefully coordinated solutions based on a morally coherent world view.

For Christians, such a world view is grounded in religious convictions drawn from Revelation. That is why I should like to begin this Message with a reflection on the biblical account of creation. I would hope that even those who do not share these same beliefs will find in these pages a common ground for reflection and action.

I. "And God saw that it was good"

3. In the Book of Genesis, where we find God's first self-revelation to humanity ( Gen 1-3), there is a recurring refrain: "And God saw that it was good" . After creating the heavens, the sea, the earth and all it contains, God created man and woman. At this point the refrain changes markedly: "And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good ( Gen 1:31). God entrusted the whole of creation to the man and woman, and only then - as we read - could he rest "from all his work" ( Gen 2:3).

Adam and Eve's call to share in the unfolding of God's plan of creation brought into play those abilities and gifts which distinguish the human being from all other creatures. At the same time, their call established a fixed relationship between mankind and the rest of creation. Made in the image and likeness of God, Adam and Eve were to have exercised their dominion over the earth ( Gen 1:28) with wisdom and love. Instead, they destroyed the existing harmony by deliberately going against the Creator's plan , that is, by choosing to sin. This resulted not only in man's alienation from himself, in death and fratricide, but also in the earth's "rebellion" against him (cf. Gen 3:17-19; 4:12). All of creation became subject to futility, waiting in a mysterious way to be set free and to obtain a glorious liberty together with all the children of God (cf. Rom 8:20-21).

4. Christians believe that the Death and Resurrection of Christ accomplished the work of reconciling humanity to the Father, who "was pleased ... through (Christ) to reconcile to himself all things , whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross" ( Col 1:19-20). Creation was thus made new (cf. Rev 21:5). Once subjected to the bondage of sin and decay (cf. Rom 8:21 ), it has now received new life while "we wait for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells" (2 Pt 3:13). Thus, the Father "has made known to us in all wisdom and insight the mystery . . . which he set forth in Christ as a plan for the fulness of time, to unite all things in him, all things in heaven and things on earth" ( Eph 1:9-10).

5. These biblical considerations help us to understand better the relationship between human activity and the whole of creation . When man turns his back on the Creator's plan, he provokes a disorder which has inevitable repercussions on the rest of the created order. If man is not at peace with God, then earth itself cannot be at peace: "Therefore the land mourns and all who dwell in it languish, and also the beasts of the field and the birds of the air and even the fish of the sea are taken away" ( Hos 4:3).

The profound sense that the earth is "suffering" is also shared by those who do not profess our faith in God. Indeed, the increasing devastation of the world of nature is apparent to all. It results from the behaviour of people who show a callous disregard for the hidden, yet perceivable requirements of the order and harmony which govern nature itself .

People are asking anxiously if it is still possible to remedy the damage which has been done. Clearly, an adequate solution cannot be found merely in a better management or a more rational use of the earth's resources, as important as these may be. Rather, we must go to the source of the problem and face in its entirety that profound moral crisis of which the destruction of the environment is only one troubling aspect.

II. The ecological crisis: a moral problem

6. Certain elements of today's ecological crisis reveal its moral character. First among these is the indiscriminate application of advances in science and technology. Many recent discoveries have brought undeniable benefits to humanity. Indeed, they demonstrate the nobility of the human vocation to participate responsibly in God's creative action in the world. Unfortunately, it is now clear that the application of these discoveries in the fields of industry and agriculture have produced harmful long-term effects. This has led to the painful realization that we cannot interfere in one area of the ecosystem without paying due attention both to the consequences of such interference in other areas and to the well-being of future generations.

The gradual depletion of the ozone layer and the related "greenhouse effect"has now reached crisis proportions as a consequence of industrial growth, massive urban concentrations and vastly increased energy needs. Industrial waste, the burning of fossil fuels, unrestricted deforestation, the use of certain types of herbicides, coolants and propellants: all of these are known to harm the atmosphere and environment. The resulting meteorological and atmospheric changes range from damage to health to the possible future submersion of low-lying lands.

While in some cases the damage already done may well be irreversible, in many other cases it can still be halted. It is necessary, however, that the entire human community - individuals, States and international bodies - take seriously the responsibility that is theirs.

7. The most profound and serious indication of the moral implications underlying the ecological problem is the lack of respect for life evident in many of the patterns of environmental pollution. Often, the interests of production prevail over concern for the dignity of workers, while economic interests take priority over the good of individuals and even entire peoples. In these cases, pollution or environmental destruction is the result of an unnatural and reductionist vision which at times leads to a genuine contempt for man.

On another level, delicate ecological balances are upset by the uncontrolled destruction of animal and plant life or by a reckless exploitation of natural resources. It should be pointed out that all of this, even if carried out in the name of progress and well-being, is ultimately to mankind's disadvantage.

Finally, we can only look with deep concern at the enormous possibilities of biological research. We are not yet in a position to assess the biological disturbance that could result from indiscriminate genetic manipulation and from the unscrupulous development of new forms of plant and animal life, to say nothing of unacceptable experimentation regarding the origins of human life itself. It is evident to all that in any area as delicate as this, indifference to fundamental ethical norms, or their rejection, would lead mankind to the very threshold of self-destruction.

Respect for life, and above all for the dignity of the human person, is the ultimate guiding norm for any sound economic, industrial or scientific progress.

The complexity of the ecological question is evident to all. There are, however, certain underlying principles, which, while respecting the legitimate autonomy and the specific competence of those involved, can direct research towards adequate and lasting solutions. These principles are essential to the building of a peaceful society; no peaceful society can afford to neglect either respect for life or the fact that there is an integrity to creation.

III. In search of a solution

8. Theology, philosophy and science all speak of a harmonious universe, of a "cosmos" endowed with its own integrity, its own internal, dynamic balance. This order must be respected . The human race is called to explore this order, to examine it with due care and to make use of it while safeguarding its integrity.

On the other hand, the earth is ultimately a common heritage, the fruits of which are for the benefit of all . In the words of the Second Vatican Council, "God destined the earth and all it contains for the use of every individual and all peoples" ( Gaudium et Spes , 69). This has direct consequences for the problem at hand. It is manifestly unjust that a privileged few should continue to accumulate excess goods, squandering available resources, while masses of people are living in conditions of misery at the very lowest level of subsistence. Today, the dramatic threat of ecological breakdown is teaching us the extent to which greed and selfishness - both individual and collective - are contrary to the order of creation, an order which is characterized by mutual interdependence.

9. The concepts of an ordered universe and a common heritage both point to the necessity of a more internationally coordinated approach to the management of the earth's goods . In many cases the effects of ecological problems transcend the borders of individual States; hence their solution cannot be found solely on the national level. Recently there have been some promising steps towards such international action, yet the existing mechanisms and bodies are clearly not adequate for the development of a comprehensive plan of action. Political obstacles, forms of exaggerated nationalism and economic interests - to mention only a few factors - impede international cooperation and long-term effective action.

The need for joint action on the international level does not lessen the responsibility of each individual State . Not only should each State join with others in implementing internationally accepted standards, but it should also make or facilitate necessary socio-economic adjustments within its own borders, giving special attention to the most vulnerable sectors of society. The State should also actively endeavour within its own territory to prevent destruction of the atmosphere and biosphere, by carefully monitoring , among other things, the impact of new technological or scientific advances. The State also has the responsibility of ensuring that its citizens are not exposed to dangerous pollutants or toxic wastes. The right to a safe environment is ever more insistently presented today as a right that must be included in an updated Charter of Human Rights.

IV. The urgent need for a new solidarity

10. The ecological crisis reveals the urgent moral need for a new solidarity , especially in relations between the developing nations and those that are highly industrialized. States must increasingly share responsibility, in complimentary ways, for the promotion of a natural and social environment that is both peaceful and healthy. The newly industrialized States cannot, for example, be asked to apply restrictive environmental standards to their emerging industries unless the industrialized States first apply them within their own boundaries. At the same time, countries in the process of industrialization are not morally free to repeat the errors made in the past by others, and recklessly continue to damage the environment through industrial pollutants, radical deforestation or unlimited exploitation of non-renewable resources. In this context, there is urgent need to find a solution to the treatment and disposal of toxic wastes.

No plan or organization, however, will be able to effect the necessary changes unless world leaders are truly convinced of the absolute need for this new solidarity, which is demanded of them by the ecological crisis and which is essential for peace. This need presents new opportunities for strengthening cooperative and peaceful relations among States.

11. It must also be said that the proper ecological balance will not be found without directly addressing the structural forms of poverty that exist throughout the world. Rural poverty and unjust land distribution in many countries, for example, have led to subsistence farming and to the exhaustion of the soil. Once their land yields no more, many farmers move on to clear new land, thus accelerating uncontrolled deforestation, or they settle in urban centres which lack the infrastructure to receive them. Likewise, some heavily indebted countries are destroying their natural heritage, at the price of irreparable ecological imbalances, in order to develop new products for export. In the face of such situations it would be wrong to assign responsibility to the poor alone for the negative environmental consequences of their actions. Rather, the poor, to whom the earth is entrusted no less than to others, must be enabled to find a way out of their poverty. This will require a courageous reform of structures, as well as new ways of relating among peoples and States.

12. But there is another dangerous menace which threatens us, namely war . Unfortunately, modern science already has the capacity to change the environment for hostile purposes. Alterations of this kind over the long term could have unforeseeable and still more serious consequences. Despite the international agreements which prohibit chemical, bacteriological and biological warfare, the fact is that laboratory research continues to develop new offensive weapons capable of altering the balance of nature.

Today, any form of war on a global scale would lead to incalculable ecological damage. But even local or regional wars, however limited, not only destroy human life and social structures, but also damage the land, ruining crops and vegetation as well as poisoning the soil and water. The survivors of war are forced to begin a new life in very difficult environmental conditions, which in turn create situations of extreme social unrest, with further negative consequences for the environment.

13. Modern society will find no solution to the ecological problem unless it takes a serious look at its life style . In many parts of the world society is given to instant gratification and consumerism while remaining indifferent to the damage which these cause. As I have already stated, the seriousness of the ecological issue lays bare the depth of man's moral crisis. If an appreciation of the value of the human person and of human life is lacking, we will also lose interest in others and in the earth itself. Simplicity, moderation and discipline, as well as a spirit of sacrifice, must become a part of everyday life, lest all suffer the negative consequences of the careless habits of a few.

An education in ecological responsibility is urgent: responsibility for oneself, for others, and for the earth. This education cannot be rooted in mere sentiment or empty wishes. Its purpose cannot be ideological or political. It must not be based on a rejection of the modern world or a vague desire to return to some "paradise lost" . Instead, a true education in responsibility entails a genuine conversion in ways of thought and behaviour. Churches and religious bodies, non-governmental and governmental organizations, indeed all members of society, have a precise role to play in such education. The first educator, however, is the family, where the child learns to respect his neighbour and to love nature.

14. Finally, the aesthetic value of creation cannot be overlooked . Our very contact with nature has a deep restorative power; contemplation of its magnificence imparts peace and serenity. The Bible speaks again and again of the goodness and beauty of creation, which is called to glorify God (cf. Gen l:4ff; Ps 8:2; 104:1ff; Wis 13:3-5; Sir 39:16, 33; 43:1, 9). More difficult perhaps, but no less profound, is the contemplation of the works of human ingenuity. Even cities can have a beauty all their own, one that ought to motivate people to care for their surroundings. Good urban planning is an important part of environmental protection, and respect for the natural contours of the land is an indispensable prerequisite for ecologically sound development. The relationship between a good aesthetic education and the maintenance of a healthy environment cannot be overlooked.

V. The ecological crisis: a common responsibility

15. Today the ecological crisis has assumed such proportions as to be the responsibility of everyone . As I have pointed out, its various aspects demonstrate the need for concerted efforts aimed at establishing the duties and obligations that belong to individuals, peoples, States and the international community. This not only goes hand in hand with efforts to build true peace, but also confirms and reinforces those efforts in a concrete way. When the ecological crisis is set within the broader context of the search for peace within society, we can understand better the importance of giving attention to what the earth and its atmosphere are telling us: namely, that there is an order in the universe which must be respected, and that the human person, endowed with the capability of choosing freely, has a grave responsibility to preserve this order for the well-being of future generations. I wish to repeat that the ecological crisis is a moral issue .

Even men and women without any particular religious conviction, but with an acute sense of their responsibilities for the common good, recognize their obligation to contribute to the restoration of a healthy environment. All the more should men and women who believe in God the Creator, and who are thus convinced that there is a well-defined unity and order in the world, feel called to address the problem. Christians, in particular, realize that their responsibility within creation and their duty towards nature and the Creator are an essential part of their faith. As a result, they are conscious of a vast field of ecumenical and interreligious cooperation opening up before them.

16. At the conclusion of this Message, I should like to address directly my brothers and sisters in the Catholic Church, in order to remind them of their serious obligation to care for all of creation. The commitment of believers to a healthy environment for everyone stems directly from their belief in God the Creator, from their recognition of the effects of original and personal sin, and from the certainty of having been redeemed by Christ. Respect for life and for the dignity of the human person extends also to the rest of creation, which is called to join man in praising God (cf. Ps 148:96).

In 1979, I proclaimed Saint Francis of Assisi as the heavenly Patron of those who promote ecology (cf. Apostolic Letter Inter Sanctos : AAS 71 [1979], 1509f.). He offers Christians an example of genuine and deep respect for the integrity of creation. As a friend of the poor who was loved by God's creatures, Saint Francis invited all of creation - animals, plants, natural forces, even Brother Sun and Sister Moon - to give honour and praise to the Lord. The poor man of Assisi gives us striking witness that when we are at peace with God we are better able to devote ourselves to building up that peace with all creation which is inseparable from peace among all peoples.

It is my hope that the inspiration of Saint Francis will help us to keep ever alive a sense of "fraternity" with all those good and beautiful things which Almighty God has created. And may he remind us of our serious obligation to respect and watch over them with care, in light of that greater and higher fraternity that exists within the human family.

From the Vatican, 8 December 1989.


Copyright © Dicastero per la Comunicazione - Libreria Editrice Vaticana

  • Get involved

World peace is not only possible but inevitable

September 20, 2020.

world peace day essay introduction

Nika Saeedi

Team Leader, Prevention of Violent Extremism, UNDP's Global Focal Point on MHPSS; Religion; and Hate Speech

COVID-19 has shifted our world. Over the last six months, no matter where we live, our lives, assumptions, and relationships have changed. Now, more than ever, we have witnessed people from all backgrounds and all ages rise to assist each other

While communities have formed networks of mutual support, many of the institutions mandated to support them have failed to fully harness and amplify the wealth of capacities and support structures that already exist. In international development in particular, a key blind spot that limits the effectiveness of our work exists in the rhetoric we use to understand the communities we work with.

UNDP, along with many other partners, continues to advance new approaches to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, but our continued use of terminology that fails to fully embrace the power of people impedes the transformative potential of our work. This can also lead to inadequate policy and programming, or to insufficient – or inappropriate – action. One of the most prominent examples of this is our tendency to target support to individuals and communities facing poverty, conflict, or other sources of instability by identifying them as ‘vulnerable’ people.

For example, the problem with categorizing  women as vulnerable group project women’s passivity and helplessness, denying them agency and power in the processes of change. A radical reaction to portraying women as vulnerable in recent years has been an over glorification of women’s role as fighters in support of violent extremist groups, hindering their capacity and role as peacebuilders.

Words matter. They shape mindsets, and mindsets shapes approaches and outcomes. There is an important distinction between a vulnerable person and a person living in a vulnerable circumstance. When we define people by their circumstances, we fail to engage with them as multidimensional beings. It’s time for UNDP to move from using ‘vulnerability’ as a means of defining the people it supports, to considering all people as protagonists for change.

This might allow us  to meet people’s aspirations  and assist us in assessment and conceptualization of where inequality stems from and who has a role in combating it. By moving away from a deprivation perspective, which leads to divisive mentalities about the capacity of particular groups of people, we are better positioned to recognize the reality of humanity’s common journey in building a peaceful world, and the role of each individual as a protagonist in it. We can start this journey by changing the words we use and therefore the whole narrative from vulnerability to empowerment and constructive resilience.

Whether this reconceptualization of what unites us to be reached only after a global crisis such as this pandemic has revealed the cost of humanity’s stubborn clinging to old patterns of behaviour, or is to be reached through consultation and dialogue, is the choice before all.

We can choose to graduate from the idea of labeling women, youth, racial, religious and ethnic minorities as ‘vulnerable groups in the discussions that guide our decision-making. We can embark on a journey with greater clarity of vision and determination to question and reflect on how our policy and programming promote the nobility of them and draw on their experience.

To accept that the individual, the community, and the institutions of society are the protagonists of civilization building, and to act accordingly, opens up great possibilities for human happiness and allows for the creation of environments in which the true powers of the human spirit can be released.

Several opportunities to enhance our work with peacebuilders, activists, and other populations in bringing about sustainable change and to ensure we recognize and articulate with greater clarity their latent capacity may include the following:

  • To  stand with women peacebuilders to ensure they are recognized for their work and courage, have full inclusion and representation in local and global peace and recovery processes and are protected against threats and are receiving the resources  to carry out their work. This year will mark the 20th anniversary of WPS, and UNDP is proud to join the International Civil Society Action Network(ICAN) and the Women’s Alliance for Security Leadership (WASL) as they launch the global #shebuildspeace call to action and campaign building on our partnership on Invisible Women .  
  • To recognize the powers endowed in people of faith, especially women of faith, at all levels. Women of faith are actively engaging in the local peace process and they are advocating against hate speech, initiatives addressing issues connected to the environment, like climate. UNDP and UN Women report on Conflicting Identities: The Nexus between Masculinities, Femininities and Violent Extremism in Asia recommend Programming take a whole-of-family and hole-of-community approach when designing interventions. 
  • To recognize the essentiality of community-based peacebuilding as parallel or pre-requisite to high-level negotiations. The effects of COVID-19 proved that local trust, access and resilience is essential part of social cohesion .  
  • To include and appreciate young climate change advocates , environmental defenders and environmental journalists who have recognized that creation is an organic whole and they are promoting systems required to respect the earth and to organize and fully utilize its raw materials. Their inclusion in essential in programs that promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies. 
  • To acknowledge the role of storytellers who provoke conversations, initiate reflections and ; and work of volunteer online defenders  and work of volunteer online defenders from across the globe combating trolls who spread hate speech.
  • To show gratitude to the unique contribution of Indigenous peoples to our planet and our common future. 
  • To recognize persons with disabilities as having significant experience and innovative approaches to navigating barriers in their daily lives.
  • To learn how people make decisions and act on them, how they think about, influence, and relate to one another, and how they develop beliefs and attitudes. We are working with young people to apply behavioral insights to address violent extremism in countries such as Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

The innovation and resilience shown by communities amidst the pandemic have underscored the need for more expansive understandings of human relationships, and to place more emphasis on identifying the latent capacities and desires of those we hope to serve. This means believing in people and their desires to be sources of peace and justice. This means opening our eyes to the extent of people’s capacity so that we can see more peacebuilders and changemakers in more places. This means embracing the oneness of humankind and human nobility as a foundation for how we develop our policies and programmes.

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Are you tired of hearing about conflicts, wars, and violence around the world?

Then it's time to celebrate World Peace Day!

This annual observance, also known as the World Day of Peace, is a reminder that peace is possible and that we all have a role to play in making it a reality. In this blog, we will explore the meaning behind World Peace Day and how we can all work towards building a more peaceful world. So, let's dive in and discover the beauty of peace!

This day, established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1981, is a reminder of the need for peace in our world and a call to action to work towards a better future. The true meaning of World Peace Day goes beyond the absence of violence and calls for building a world where everyone can thrive.

A Global Call for Harmony and Unity

Every year on September 21st, people all around the world come together to celebrate World Day of Peace, also known as the International Day of Peace . This important day was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1981 to promote peace and non-violence on a global scale. The peace day meaning goes beyond just the absence of conflict, it's about creating a world where everyone can live together in harmony and mutual respect.

The theme for this year's World Day of Peace is "Shaping Peace Together". It's a reminder that peace is not just the responsibility of governments and international organizations, but also each and every one of us. This theme calls for unity and solidarity to build a more peaceful world.

woman catching white bird paper stands for peace day

On this day, people from all walks of life are encouraged to participate in various activities that promote peace and unity, such as peace walks, community events, and meditation sessions. The ringing of the United Nations Peace Bell also marks the beginning of this special day.

World Day of Peace serves as a reminder that despite our differences, we all share a common desire for a peaceful and prosperous world. It's a day to reflect on the challenges we face and to come together to find solutions to build a better world for all. Join us in celebrating World Day of Peace and let's work together towards a more peaceful future.

Celebrating International Peace Day: A Global Call for Unity and Non-Violence

two birds stands for  peace day

International Peace Day, also known as Peace Day, is observed on September 21st every year. This day was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1981 to promote non-violence and global ceasefire. It is a day to recognize the importance of peace and to work towards creating a world free from violence and conflict.

International Peace Day reminds us that we are all connected and that peace is a collective responsibility. It is a day to come together, put our differences aside, and work towards building a more peaceful world for all. Let's celebrate International Peace Day on September 21st and commit to making the world a better place.

International Peace Day is not to be confused with National Peace Day, which is celebrated in many countries on different dates. September 21st is the designated day for the global celebration of peace. The theme for this year's International Peace Day is "Recovering Better for an Equitable and Sustainable World." It is a reminder that peace is not just about the absence of war, but also about creating a world where everyone can thrive.

person catching white bird paper stands for peace day

Celebrating International Peace Day 2023

Activities and quotes for a peaceful world.

Happy Peace Day 2023! Every year on September 21st, the world comes together to celebrate World Peace Day, also known as International Peace Day. This day was established by the United Nations General Assembly to promote global ceasefire and non-violence. It is a day to recognize the importance of peace and to work towards creating a world free from conflict and violence.

To mark this day, various peace day activities 2023 are organized around the world, such as peace walks, concerts, and conferences. These activities aim to raise awareness about the importance of peace and non-violence.

hands catching white bird paper stands for peace day

They are also an opportunity for people to come together, put their differences aside, and work towards building a more peaceful world for all.

International Peace Day 2023 is a reminder that we are all connected and that peace is a collective responsibility. It is a day to celebrate our unity and to commit to making the world a better place. Let's all take a moment to reflect on how we can contribute to a more peaceful world, both in our personal lives and on a global scale.

December 2, 2021

Peace Is More Than War’s Absence, and New Research Explains How to Build It

A new project measures ways to promote positive social relations among groups

By Peter T. Coleman , Allegra Chen-Carrel & Vincent Hans Michael Stueber

Closeup of two people shaking hands

PeopleImages/Getty Images

Today, the misery of war is all too striking in places such as Syria, Yemen, Tigray, Myanmar and Ukraine. It can come as a surprise to learn that there are scores of sustainably peaceful societies around the world, ranging from indigenous people in the Xingu River Basin in Brazil to countries in the European Union. Learning from these societies, and identifying key drivers of harmony, is a vital process that can help promote world peace.

Unfortunately, our current ability to find these peaceful mechanisms is woefully inadequate. The Global Peace Index (GPI) and its complement the Positive Peace Index (PPI) rank 163 nations annually and are currently the leading measures of peacefulness. The GPI, launched in 2007 by the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP), was designed to measure negative peace , or the absence of violence, destructive conflict, and war. But peace is more than not fighting. The PPI, launched in 2009, was supposed to recognize this and track positive peace , or the promotion of peacefulness through positive interactions like civility, cooperation and care.

Yet the PPI still has many serious drawbacks. To begin with, it continues to emphasize negative peace, despite its name. The components of the PPI were selected and are weighted based on existing national indicators that showed the “strongest correlation with the GPI,” suggesting they are in effect mostly an extension of the GPI. For example, the PPI currently includes measures of factors such as group grievances, dissemination of false information, hostility to foreigners, and bribes.

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The index also lacks an empirical understanding of positive peace. The PPI report claims that it focuses on “positive aspects that create the conditions for a society to flourish.” However, there is little indication of how these aspects were derived (other than their relationships with the GPI). For example, access to the internet is currently a heavily weighted indicator in the PPI. But peace existed long before the internet, so is the number of people who can go online really a valid measure of harmony?

The PPI has a strong probusiness bias, too. Its 2021 report posits that positive peace “is a cross-cutting facilitator of progress, making it easier for businesses to sell.” A prior analysis of the PPI found that almost half the indicators were directly related to the idea of a “Peace Industry,” with less of a focus on factors found to be central to positive peace such as gender inclusiveness, equity and harmony between identity groups.

A big problem is that the index is limited to a top-down, national-level approach. The PPI’s reliance on national-level metrics masks critical differences in community-level peacefulness within nations, and these provide a much more nuanced picture of societal peace . Aggregating peace data at the national level, such as focusing on overall levels of inequality rather than on disparities along specific group divides, can hide negative repercussions of the status quo for minority communities.

To fix these deficiencies, we and our colleagues have been developing an alternative approach under the umbrella of the Sustaining Peace Project . Our effort has various components , and these can provide a way to solve the problems in the current indices. Here are some of the elements:

Evidence-based factors that measure positive and negative peace. The peace project began with a comprehensive review of the empirical studies on peaceful societies, which resulted in identifying 72 variables associated with sustaining peace. Next, we conducted an analysis of ethnographic and case study data comparing “peace systems,” or clusters of societies that maintain peace with one another, with nonpeace systems. This allowed us to identify and measure a set of eight core drivers of peace. These include the prevalence of an overarching social identity among neighboring groups and societies; their interconnections such as through trade or intermarriage; the degree to which they are interdependent upon one another in terms of ecological, economic or security concerns; the extent to which their norms and core values support peace or war; the role that rituals, symbols and ceremonies play in either uniting or dividing societies; the degree to which superordinate institutions exist that span neighboring communities; whether intergroup mechanisms for conflict management and resolution exist; and the presence of political leadership for peace versus war.

A core theory of sustaining peace . We have also worked with a broad group of peace, conflict and sustainability scholars to conceptualize how these many variables operate as a complex system by mapping their relationships in a causal loop diagram and then mathematically modeling their core dynamics This has allowed us to gain a comprehensive understanding of how different constellations of factors can combine to affect the probabilities of sustaining peace.

Bottom-up and top-down assessments . Currently, the Sustaining Peace Project is applying techniques such as natural language processing and machine learning to study markers of peace and conflict speech in the news media. Our preliminary research suggests that linguistic features may be able to distinguish between more and less peaceful societies. These methods offer the potential for new metrics that can be used for more granular analyses than national surveys.

We have also been working with local researchers from peaceful societies to conduct interviews and focus groups to better understand the in situ dynamics they believe contribute to sustaining peace in their communities. For example in Mauritius , a highly multiethnic society that is today one of the most peaceful nations in Africa, we learned of the particular importance of factors like formally addressing legacies of slavery and indentured servitude, taboos against proselytizing outsiders about one’s religion, and conscious efforts by journalists to avoid divisive and inflammatory language in their reporting.

Today, global indices drive funding and program decisions that impact countless lives, making it critical to accurately measure what contributes to socially just, safe and thriving societies. These indices are widely reported in news outlets around the globe, and heads of state often reference them for their own purposes. For example, in 2017 , Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez, though he and his country were mired in corruption allegations, referenced his country’s positive increase on the GPI by stating, “Receiving such high praise from an institute that once named this country the most violent in the world is extremely significant.” Although a 2019 report on funding for peace-related projects shows an encouraging shift towards supporting positive peace and building resilient societies, many of these projects are really more about preventing harm, such as grants for bolstering national security and enhancing the rule of law.

The Sustaining Peace Project, in contrast, includes metrics for both positive and negative peace, is enhanced by local community expertise, and is conceptually coherent and based on empirical findings. It encourages policy makers and researchers to refocus attention and resources on initiatives that actually promote harmony, social health and positive reciprocity between groups. It moves away from indices that rank entire countries and instead focuses on identifying factors that, through their interaction, bolster or reduce the likelihood of sustaining peace. It is a holistic perspective.  

Tracking peacefulness across the globe is a highly challenging endeavor. But there is great potential in cooperation between peaceful communities, researchers and policy makers to produce better methods and metrics. Measuring peace is simply too important to get only half-right. 

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Essay on peace: need and importance of peace.

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Essay on Peace: Need and Importance of Peace!

The issue of war and peace has always been a focal issue in all periods of history and at all levels relations among nations. The concern of the humankind for peace can be assessed by taking into account the fact that all religions, all religious scriptures and several religious ceremonies are committed to the cause of peace and all these advocate an elimination of war. The Shanti Path recited by the Hindus, the sermons of Pope and the commands of all the holy scriptures of the Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs and all other communities hold out a sacred commitment to peace.

Yet the international community fully realized the supreme importance of the virtue of peace against the evil of war only after having suffered the most unfortunate and highly destructive two World Wars in the first half of the 20th century. The blood soaked shreds of humanity that lay scattered in several hundred battle grounds, particularly on the soils of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, cried for peace, peace and peace on the earth.

The UN Charter and International Peace and Security:

The human consciousness then rallied in the Charter of the United Nations to affirm. “We the people of the United Nations determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our life time has brought untold sorrow to humankind…. and to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security….. have resolved to combine our efforts to accomplish these aims.”

Since 1945, the United Nations and its specialized agencies, several international associations and institutions, international peace movements, global and national level human rights movements and in fact all members of the international community have been consistently and strongly advocating the need for the preservation and promotion of peace against war.

In contemporary times, the most urgent and important international objective has been to preserve protect and defend peace against terrorism and terrorist organizations like A1 Qacda, Talibans, and other enemies of peace.

How International Community has been trying to secure peace:

Through international peace keeping under the aegis of the United Nations through the development and use of international law; creation of more international and regional institutions committed to promote peace, promotion of friendly cooperation for development among the member countries; popularization of peaceful means of conflict-resolution, institutionalization of relations among nations; integration of international community through strengthening of human consciousness in favour of peace against war; and by enhancing the ability for crisis-management, the humankind has been trying to secure peace against war.

Currently, through:

(i) Globalization i.e. by encouraging the free flow of people goods, information services and knowledge;

(ii) Establishment of non-official people to people socio-economic-cultural relations;

(iii) Organisation of international peace movements against nuclear weapons, armament race, militarisation, and environmental pollution;

(iv) Launching of special drives for elimination of such evils as apartheid, poverty, illiteracy; ill-health, hunger, disease, inequalities, tyranny and terrorism; and

(v) organised attempts at environment protection and protection of Human Rights of all, the international community has been making meaningful attempts to limit the chances of war.

What is Peace?

One elementary way of defining peace has been to say that peace is absence of war. This is, however, a very narrow view of peace. No doubt absence of war is the first condition of peace, yet peace is not merely an absence of war. It is in reality a condition characterised by peaceful, cooperative and harmonious conduct of international relations with a view to secure all-round sustainable development of the people of the world.

Nevertheless, since absence of war is the first condition of peace, one of the major concerns of all scholars and statesmen has been to formulate and follow the principles and devices needed for securing this primary objective. The cold war that kept the world preoccupied during 1945-90, indirectly secured this objective in a negative way by developing a balance of terror in international relations.

While it was successful in preventing a global war, it failed to prevent local wars and in fact gave rise to several tensions, stresses, strains and crises in international relations. The international community had to work very hard for keeping the conflicts and wars limited. It, however, successfully exhibited a welcome and positive ability in the sphere of crisis-management.

In fact, till today there have been present several hindrances in way of securing a stable, healthy and enduring peace. Fortunately, the final end of cold war came in the last decade of the 20th century and the world found herself living is an environment characterised by a new faith and commitment to peace, peaceful co-existence, peaceful conflict-resolution, liberalisation, cooperation for development and attempts at sustainable development.

The people began focusing their attention on the need for the protection of human rights of all, protection of environment and securing of a real and meaningful international integration. However several negative factors, ethnic conflict, ethnic violence, ethnic wars, terrorism in its several dimensions, neo-colonialism, hegemony n-hegemony and the like kept on acting as big hindrances.

The need to secure peace by controlling these evils continues to be a primary aim of international community. Crises have been repeatedly coming and these are bound to keep coming. This makes it very urgent for the humankind to prepare and act for managing crises through collective efforts and by the use of several devices.

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World peace facts for kids

The Earth seen from Apollo 17

World peace is an idea of freedom , peace , and happiness among everyone. World peace is an idea of a world without violence , where nations try to work with each other. World peace could mean equal human rights , technology , free education for everyone, engineering , availability of medicine , diplomats and/or an end to all forms of fighting .

A report in May 2011 on the Global Peace Index, found that if the world had been 25% more peaceful in the previous year, the global economy would have had an additional $ 2 trillion . This amount would have covered 2% of the GDP per year required to avoid the worst effects of global warming , cover all costs to achieve the Millennium Development Goals , cancel the public debt held by Greece , Ireland and Portugal , and cover the one-time rebuilding costs for the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami .

Many religions believe in world peace. The League of Nations and the United Nations were created to make world peace. Many theorists, however, believe that humans were born to be violent and preventing it would not be possible because it is nature . Others have said that criminal s do not believe in peace and will continue to commit crimes.

Images for kids

Mt. Ecclesia-3

A long-standing suggestion for World Peace Meditation, along with annual purposeful devotional dates, as faithfully performed by a fraternal organization whose founder taught, in the 1910s, that " Peace is a matter of education , and impossible of achievement until we have learned to deal charitably, justly, and openly with one another, as nations as well as individuals ."

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  • Library of Congress
  • Research Guides

World of 1898: International Perspectives on the Spanish American War


  • Overview Essay
  • Cuba in 1898
  • Chronology of Cuba in the Spanish-American War
  • Philippine Perspective
  • The Changing of the Guard: Puerto Rico in 1898
  • The Spanish-American War of 1898: a Spanish View
  • American Perspective
  • Emilio Aguinaldo y Famy
  • Russell Alexander Alger
  • Thomas McArthur Anderson
  • Basilio Augustin y DĂĄvila
  • RamĂłn Auùón y VillalĂłn
  • RomĂĄn Baldorioty de Castro
  • JosĂŠ Celso Barbosa
  • Clara Barton
  • Segismundo Bermejo
  • RamĂłn Emeterio Betances
  • RamĂłn Blanco y Erenas
  • AndrĂŠs Bonifacio
  • John Rutter Brooke
  • Jules-Martin Cambon
  • Pascual Cervera y Topete
  • Grover Cleveland
  • Stephen Crane
  • George W. Davis
  • Federico Degetau y GonzĂĄlez
  • George Dewey
  • JosĂŠ de Diego
  • Manuel V. Domenech
  • Enrique Dupuy de LĂ´me
  • Oswald Herbert Ernst
  • Maximo GĂłmez Baez
  • John Milton Hay
  • Guy Vernon Henry
  • Eugenio MarĂ­a de Hostos y Bonilla
  • Tulio Larrinaga
  • Fitzhugh Lee
  • William Ludlow
  • Antonio Maceo
  • Manuel MacĂ­as
  • William McKinley
  • Nelson Appleton Miles
  • Luis MuĂąoz Rivera
  • Whitelaw Reid
  • Lola RodrĂ­guez de TiĂł
  • Manuel Rojas
  • Theodore Roosevelt
  • PrĂĄxedes Mateo Sagasta
  • William T. Sampson
  • Juan Manuel SĂĄnchez y GutiĂŠrrez de Castro
  • Theodore Schwan
  • William Shafter
  • MartĂ­n Travieso
  • JoaquĂ­n Vara de Rey y Rubio
  • James Franklin Wade
  • Richard Wainwright
  • Valeriano Weyler
  • Walt Whitman
  • Henry H. Whitney
  • James Harrison Wilson
  • Coamo and Aibonito
  • MayagĂźez, Hormigueros, and Arecibo
  • Cienfuegos Bay
  • Abolition of Slavery in Puerto Rico
  • American Ships in the Spanish-American War
  • Balzac v. Porto Rico
  • Foraker Act (Organic Act of 1900)
  • Grito de Balintawak
  • Grito de Lares
  • Hurricane San Ciriaco
  • Anti-Imperialist League
  • Military Government in Puerto Rico
  • Olmsted Amendment
  • Peace Agreement in Puerto Rico
  • Reconcentration Policy
  • Rough Riders
  • Spanish Ships in the Spanish-American War
  • Teller and Platt Amendments
  • Treaty of Paris of 1898
  • U.S.S. Gloucester
  • Additional Resources
  • Acknowledgements

Guide Editor: María Daniela Thurber, Reference Librarian, Hispanic Reading Room, Latin American, Caribbean, and European Division

Content Authors: Please visit the Acknowledgement page for information on all authors and contributors to the original The World of 1898: The Spanish-American War web project.

Note: This guide is adapted from The World of 1898: The Spanish-American War , the first online collection mounted on the web by the Hispanic Reading Room.

Created: Spring 2022

Last Updated: February 28, 2023

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The war of the United States with Spain was very brief. Its results were many, startling, and of world-wide meaning. --Henry Cabot Lodge

world peace day essay introduction

On April 25, 1898 the United States declared war on Spain following the sinking of the Battleship Maine in Havana harbor on February 15, 1898. The war ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris on December 10, 1898. As a result, Spain lost its control over the remains of its overseas empire -- Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines Islands, Guam, and other islands.

Beginning in 1492, Spain was the first European nation to sail westward across the Atlantic Ocean, explore, and colonize the Amerindian nations of the Western Hemisphere. At its greatest extent, the empire that resulted from this exploration extended from Virginia on the eastern coast of the United States south to Tierra del Fuego at the tip of South America excluding Brazil and westward to California and Alaska. Across the Pacific, it included the Philippines and other island groups. By 1825 much of this empire had fallen into other hands and in that year, Spain acknowledged the independence of its possessions in the present-day United States (then under Mexican control) and south to the tip of South America. The only remnants that remained in the empire in the Western Hemisphere were Cuba and Puerto Rico and across the Pacific in Philippines Islands, and the Carolina, Marshall, and Mariana Islands (including Guam) in Micronesia.

world peace day essay introduction

Kurz & Allison. Destruction of the U.S. battleship Maine in Havana Harbor Feby 15th. Havana, Cuba, ca. 1898. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.

world peace day essay introduction

A view of our battleship MAINE as she appears today. Havana Harbor, ca. 1900. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.

world peace day essay introduction

Raising of battleship Maine. Havana, Cuba. 1911. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.

Following its declaration of war against Spain issued on April 25, 1898, the United States added the Teller Amendment asserting that it would not attempt to exercise hegemony over Cuba. Two days later Commodore George Dewey sailed from Hong Kong with Emilio Aguinaldo on board. Fighting began in the Phillipines Islands at the Battle of Manila Bay on May 1 where Commodore George Dewey reportedly exclaimed, "You may fire when ready, Gridley," and the Spanish fleet under Rear Admiral Patricio Montojo was destroyed. However, Dewey did not have enough manpower to capture Manila so Aguinaldo's guerrillas maintained their operations until 15,000 U.S. troops arrived at the end of July. On the way, the cruiser Charleston stopped at Guam and accepted its surrender from its Spanish governor who was unaware his nation was at war. Although a peace protocol was signed by the two belligerents on August 12, Commodore Dewey and Maj. Gen. Wesley Merritt, leader of the army troops, assaulted Manila the very next day, unaware that peace had been declared.

In late April, Andrew Summers Rowan made contact with Cuban General Calixto García who supplied him with maps, intelligence, and a core of rebel officers to coordinate U.S. efforts on the island. The U.S. North Atlantic Squadron left Key West for Cuba on April 22 following the frightening news that the Spanish home fleet commanded by Admiral Pascual Cervera had left Cadiz and entered Santiago, having slipped by U.S. ships commanded by William T. Sampson and Winfield Scott Schley. They arrived in Cuba in late May.

War actually began for the U.S. in Cuba in June when the Marines captured Guantánamo Bay and 17,000 troops landed at Siboney and Daiquirí, east of Santiago de Cuba, the second largest city on the island. At that time Spanish troops stationed on the island included 150,000 regulars and 40,000 irregulars and volunteers while rebels inside Cuba numbered as many as 50,000. Total U.S. army strength at the time totalled 26,000, requiring the passage of the Mobilization Act of April 22 that allowed for an army of at first 125,000 volunteers (later increased to 200,000) and a regular army of 65,000. On June 22, U.S. troops landed at Daiquiri where they were joined by Calixto García and about 5,000 revolutionaries.

U.S. troops attacked the San Juan heights on July 1, 1898. Dismounted troopers, including the African-American Ninth and Tenth cavalries and the Rough Riders commanded by Lt. Col. Theodore Roosevelt went up against Kettle Hill while the forces led by Brigadier General Jacob Kent charged up San Juan Hill and pushed Spanish troops further inland while inflicting 1,700 casualties. While U.S. commanders were deciding on a further course of action, Admiral Cervera left port only to be defeated by Schley. On July 16, the Spaniards agreed to the unconditional surrender of the 23,500 troops around the city. A few days later, Major General Nelson Miles sailed from Guantánamo to Puerto Rico. His forces landed near Ponce and marched to San Juan with virtually no opposition.

Representatives of Spain and the United States signed a peace treaty in Paris on December 10, 1898, which established the independence of Cuba, ceded Puerto Rico and Guam to the United States, and allowed the victorious power to purchase the Philippines Islands from Spain for $20 million. The war had cost the United States $250 million and 3,000 lives, of whom 90% had perished from infectious diseases.

What's included in this guide

This presentation provides resources and documents about the Spanish-American War, the period before the war, and some of the fascinating people who participated in the fighting or commented about it. Information about Cuba, Guam, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Spain, and the United States is provided in chronologies, bibliographies, and a variety of pictorial and textual material from bilingual sources, supplemented by an overview essay about the war and the period. Among the participants and authors featured are such well-known figures as Presidents Grover Cleveland, William McKinley, and Theodore Roosevelt, as well as Admiral George Dewey and author Mark Twain (United States), together with other important figures such as Antonio Maceo and JosĂŠ MartĂ­ (Cuba), RomĂĄn Baldorioty de Castro and Lola RodrĂ­guez de TiĂł (Puerto Rico), JosĂŠ Rizal and Emilio Aguinaldo (Philippines), and Antonio CĂĄnovas del Castillo and RamĂłn Blanco (Spain).

Related Research Guides by the Library of Congress

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Spanish-American War: A Resource Guide

The Spanish-American War (1898) was a conflict between the U.S. and Spain, ending with the loss of Spain’s overseas empire and the U.S. emerging as a world power. This guide compiles digital material, external websites, and a selected print bibliography.

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Spanish American War: Topics in Chronicling America

A guide for researching the topic of the "Spanish American War," which took place from April 25 until December 10,1898, in the Chronicling America digital collection of historic newspapers.

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Spain: Hispanic Reading Room Country Guide

This guide provides curated Library of Congress resources for the study of Spain, including digitized primary source materials in a wide variety of formats, books and periodicals, online databases, and tips for searching.

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Cuba: Hispanic Reading Room Country Guide

This guide provides curated Library of Congress resources for researching Cuba, including digitized primary source materials in a wide variety of formats, books and periodicals, online databases, and tips for searching.

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Philippine-American War: Topics in Chronicling America

After the Treaty of Paris, the Phillippine-American War occurred from February 1899 to July 1902. This guide provides access to materials related to the “Philippine-American War” in the Chronicling America digital collection of historic newspapers.

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  • Last Updated: Jan 12, 2024 2:02 AM
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