How to Write a Great Postdoc Cover Letter

While a good cover letter makes an explicit connection between how your past experience will help you succeed in the postdoc position, a great cover letter sparks the PI’s interest and ensures they read your CV. Here are some tips to make sure your cover letter is a great one.

Before you start writing, learn as much as you can about the position and the lab. Do some research on the department’s website and talk to your mentors about the group. It’s also a good idea to take a look at their recent papers to familiarize yourself with the kind of work they do. Once you have a good understanding of the position and group, you can determine which of your qualifications would be most applicable. Be sure to emphasize them in your cover letter.

The Cover Letter Format

A cover letter starts like a formal letter with the date at the top followed by the name and work address of the job poster. This is followed by the salutation. For a postdoc position, you will often be addressing your letter to the PI. However, if it is not clear from the advertisement who the job poster is, you can always address the letter to “members of the search committee).

The Introduction

The opening paragraph should explain why you are writing this letter. Indicate the specific position you are applying for and where you saw it advertised. If another professor at the university or someone the PI knows suggested that you apply for the position, mention it here. Follow it up with a short description of yourself that will allow the reader to place you academically. This could be something like “I am in the final year of my PhD in (field) at (name of university) and will be graduating/defending/finishing in (month). My dissertation is titled (title) and is supervised by Professor (name)”.

The Body Paragraphs

The bulk of your cover letter will be spent demonstrating how you are the right candidate for this postdoc by highlighting your qualifications and showing how they will benefit this specific project. One of the biggest mistakes you make is not tailoring this section to each position you apply for.

In a postdoc cover letter, it is common to dedicate one paragraph to your dissertation or current research project. Summarize your research topic, your key findings or arguments and why they matter to the field.

Now, this next step is important: you must translate your dissertation and previous research to the postdoc project. What expertise will you bring to the project by virtue of your past research that no one else can? Give specific examples that show you understand the proposed projects. Work in reference to you major awards and accomplishments while doing so. Depending on the requirements of the position, it might also be relevant to discuss your teaching experience here. Remember, the theme throughout the body paragraphs should be how your research experience will make this postdoc project successful.

The Final Paragraph

This last paragraph covers some job applicant formalities. In it, you should write that you have attached your CV and other necessary documents in your application. Mention that you look forward to hearing from them and are available to discuss the position further in an interview. Finally, thank them for their consideration before signing off.

Get Feedback

Once you have written your postdoc cover letter, ask your supervisor or a mentor to review it for you. They are likely to have had some experience hiring and will be able to make valuable suggestions from the other side of the table. They can also check that your cover letter is formatted according to the conventions of your field.

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application letter for a postdoctoral

How to write a killer cover letter for a postdoctoral application

Bill Sullivan

Many graduate students applying for their first postdoctoral positions underestimate the importance of the cover letter. While it may be true that your awesomeness is beautifully outlined on your curriculum vitae, your cover letter often will dictate whether the busy principal investigator puts your application at the top of the heaping pile or into triage.

First impressions are everything for some people, so leave nothing to chance. If you provide only your CV, you aren’t being very personable, and you lose a precious opportunity to highlight some things that make you stand out. On the other hand, a cover letter is also an opportunity to shoot yourself in the foot, so here are a few do’s and don’ts.

A few do's

Start off right. Address your potential future PI properly, as “Dr. (insert surname here).” If you begin your letter with “Dear Sir/Madam” or “To Whom It May Concern,” your application could be dismissed as generic and untailored for the position. A letter that appears to come off an assembly line is likely to ride directly into the trash bin. If you do not invest the time to learn about the PI and his or her research, then the PI is not likely to invest the time to read your application.

After the salutation, the first statement should be a formality that states why you are writing to the PI. It is important to respect how hectic a day in the life of a PI can be, so get right to the point — something like, “I am applying for the postdoctoral position available in your laboratory that was recently advertised (where).”

The second sentence should specify your current position, place of work and mentor. If you are not immediately available for hire, it is useful to mention when you will be able to start. End the first paragraph with just one or two concise sentences that hint at why you are the ideal candidate for the position — you will expand on these points next.

In the second paragraph, elaborate on why you should be considered for the postdoc — not just any postdoc, mind you, but this particular postdoc in this particular lab. Yes, it is infinitely easier to use the same cover letter for the dozens of postdoctoral positions for which you are applying, but that is not going to cut it. These uniform letters are easy to detect and usually dismissed as lazy and insincere. If you fail to convince the PI that you are taking the postdoc search seriously, then the PI is not likely to take you seriously. It is essential that you customize your letter, emphasizing how your background is aligned to the PI’s studies and the specifics called for in the advertisement. Consider this the first demonstration to your future PI that you are resourceful and thoughtful — if you fail to do your homework, it does not build confidence that you will be diligent with your project. Equally important to convincing the PI that you have the right stuff is conveying your excitement for learning something special that is studied by his or her lab. Strive to balance what you would give to the lab and what you would gain from it.

In paragraph three, it is time to brag about a few key achievements, such as your most important paper or two, a grant or fellowship, or other notable honors (an award-winning presentation at a conference, for example). You also can briefly mention that you have experience training more junior people if that is the case. But don’t give a laundry list of every minor award — that is why you submit a CV. The cover letter is the trailer, and your CV is the movie.

End your cover letter with the same professionalism you used at the opening. Thank the PI for his or her time and consideration. Be sure to provide your contact information and state that you look forward to hearing from him or her. Everything discussed above should fit onto a single page — 1 ½ pages at most.  

A few don'ts

There are a number of important don’ts that apply to cover letters. Things that might seem trivial to you actually can be turnoffs. Use plain email stationary free of distracting backgrounds or pictures. Choose a font that is not too big, not too small, not in color, definitely not comic sans and NOT IN CAPS. A plain, boring font like 12-point Arial or Helvetica is easy on the sore eyes of a PI struggling to read the 87th postdoc application. At midnight. After struggling with an online manuscript submission. I can hear the chorus of nonconformists arguing that unconventional fonts and graphics make their applications stand out. Of course it does, but I contend that it is a gamble to present yourself in this manner. If you have the goods, you don’t need the glam.

Some applicants waste valuable sentences describing how they “deeply admire” the “esteemed” laboratory or how they always dreamed about working with the PI. When the cover letter is heavy on flattery, the applicant usually is light on talent or productivity. If your cover letter contains significant blocks of text copied straight from the advertisement, you may be construed as someone with poor language skills or unable to paraphrase. It should go without saying that spelling and grammatical mistakes are inexcusable and often taken as a sign of laziness and carelessness — two of the worst attributes a scientist could possess. Finally, avoid slang and attempts at humor, and do not end your sentences with an exclamation point!

I hope these tips help you land that perfect postdoctoral position.

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Bill Sullivan is a professor at Indiana University School of Medicine and the author of several books.

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Postdoc cover letter example

Postdoc cover letter example

Cover letter header

Cover letter greeting, cover letter introduction, cover letter closing , writing psychology: one step further.

You wrote a successful dissertation to get your PhD. How hard can it be to write the papers needed to get a postdoc job? 

With 125+ cover letter examples and occupation-specific writing guides, is here to make an impressive postdoc cover letter easier than you think. This guide, along with our postdoc cover letter examples, will cover these topics:

  • The best format for structuring a postdoc cover letter
  • How each cover letter section speaks to your strengths as an ideal postdoc job match: header, greeting, introduction, body and conclusion
  • Writing psychology to persuade the person making hiring decisions
  • Common cover letter mistakes to avoid.

Best format for a postdoc cover letter

The simplicity of structuring a postdoc cover letter may seem like a treat when you’re accustomed to writing academic research papers. Like any type of letter, it includes these sections:

Cover letter body

  • Cover letter closing.

Before taking a closer look at each part to ensure it hits the mark, here are a few general tips. Always assume the PI or search committee recipient is busy with many preoccupations — including other postdoc job applications to weed through. Making that person’s life easier will automatically earn you bonus marks when your cover letter is:

  • Short — no more 400 words on a single page.
  • Inviting to read at first glance — neat, clean, streamlined and professionally polished, with ample white space.
  • Easy to read all the way through — reflecting suitable choices of fonts and sparing graphic touches.

Here is an adaptable postdoc cover letter example that you can customize for the position and hiring organization:

Dear Professor Knightly, Having completed my doctorate in Slavonic Studies last semester, I am applying to continue my Postdoc research in the area of the Old Church Slavonic language. Researching the homeland and language of the Slavs has always been a passion and I have undertaken many translation projects that have contributed to the modern understanding of how language influenced the early Slavonic church in the Moravian Empire. I will be spending much of my Postdoc period in libraries across Eastern Europe, presenting at local symposia and writing my second book on the development of early Proto Slavic and Common Slavonic languages in conjunction with a number of leaders in the field. My travel has mostly been funded by the publishers, but given the considerable expense in my work I am continuing to request the bursary from the university. I teach classes for local students and will continue to lead seminars six times a year on my return trips to Chicago. I enclose my latest research paper for your interest. It has received critical acclaim in over 15 industry publications. After analyzing over 2,000 church manuscripts, it is fascinating to see the evolution. I was proud to receive my doctorate, but the work is just beginning. Understanding the origins of language is helping to unlock the secrets of the early Slav Church – exploring many of the rituals that still hold firm to this day. Sincerely, Simon Bartley

The header of your postdoc cover letter sets you apart from other job candidates in a visually distinctive manner. It also serves the important practical purpose of making your contact information readily available for recruiters to get in touch. In addition to your name, phone number, email and relevant address or location information such as city, include your LinkedIn and possibly other social media or website links. Check out our postdoc cover letter sample for more ideas on creating a great header.

A good match The minimal extra effort it takes to create a visually matched cover letter and resume design — notably in the header — is a worthwhile way to impress recruiters who may be inundated with postdoc application documents.

Goal of the cover letter header: Stand out from scores of other postdoc candidates with a distinctive-looking header that identifies who you are and how recruiters can reach you.

Typically, postdoc cover letters are addressed to a professor, often the principal investigator (PI) for the research position in question. Try to find out who your cover letter recipient will be so you can address that person by name. Check the institution’s website or LinkedIn profiles, or just make a phone call and ask.  This traditional cover letter greeting is recommended: “Dear <Dr.> <Mr.> <Ms.> Surname.” Unless you’re confident the workplace culture is informal enough, “Dear” alternatives such as “Hi,” “Hello” or “Greetings” are not a good idea.. If you’re unable to identify any specific recruiter by name, address your letter to “Search Committee Chair” or “Search Team Members.” The ill-advised option “To Whom It May Concern” sounds lazy as well as cold and pompous. 

Goal of the cover letter greeting: Start off by directly addressing the postdoc recruiter in a friendly, professional manner.

Dear Professor Knightly,

The introduction is where your postdoc cover letter seeks to intrigue the PI or search team members enough to keep reading and then learn more in your CV.

Ensure the basics are covered somewhere in these two or three opening sentences: the status of your PhD — earned or still in progress — the field and institution, your dissertation title and supervising professor. Strike the most relevant high notes of your academic background in ways that resonate right off the top. A mere synopsis of your brightest research accomplishments does not go far enough. A successful cover letter introduction helps postdoc employers understand your motivation and potential contributions to their research projects. How does this institution stand to benefit from your expertise and enthusiasm? And how compatible are your career goals with the institution’s investigative mission? What about your personality and work style? For recruiters to envision whether you are a good lab team fit, they need evidence of your efforts to learn everything possible about the postdoc role in question. They are interested in the research skills you brought to bear for that purpose, not just for your dissertation.

If your postdoc job application was prompted by a lead from another university professor or someone you and the hiring PI know in common, mention it in your cover letter introduction.

Goal of the cover letter introduction: Appeal to the specific postdoc hiring needs by emphasizing the value you would bring to this research project.

Here’s an introduction idea from our postdoc cover letter sample:

Having completed my doctorate in Slavonic Studies last semester, I am applying to continue my Postdoc research in the area of the Old Church Slavonic language.

The middle section, or body, of your postdoc cover letter substantiates why you belong in this research lab. It’s the place to elaborate on your most directly relatable accomplishments from the recruiter’s standpoint.

Citing facts and figures to illustrate your most impressive investigative findings should come naturally to postdoc job candidates. For added impact, anecdotal accounts also have their place in this cover letter section. Tell a story or two about unique or unexpected outcomes that reflect your curiosity, creativity and determination in pursuing discoveries. Goal of the cover letter body: Build the recruiter’s confidence in your ability to help advance research project goals. This postdoc cover letter sample illustrates what you might include in the middle part:

Researching the homeland and language of the Slavs has always been a passion and I have undertaken many translation projects that have contributed to the modern understanding of how language influenced the early Slavonic church in the Moravian Empire. I will be spending much of my Postdoc period in libraries across Eastern Europe, presenting at local symposia and writing my second book on the development of early Proto Slavic and Common Slavonic languages in conjunction with a number of leaders in the field. My travel has mostly been funded by the publishers, but given the considerable expense in my work I am continuing to request the bursary from the university. I teach classes for local students and will continue to lead seminars six times a year on my return trips to Chicago. I enclose my latest research paper for your interest. It has received critical acclaim in over 15 industry publications. After analyzing over 2,000 church manuscripts, it is fascinating to see the evolution.

The concluding paragraph of your postdoc cover letter is more than just a final formality. Yes, do the courtesy of thanking the PI or search committee members for their time and interest in your application. And remind them why you are an ideal match for this postdoc position, perhaps offering to discuss ideas or otherwise contribute in some specific way. In addition, be sure to include a call to action that puts some onus on the postdoc recruiter to respond. Ask for a phone call or meeting, and even propose a time when this might be possible.

At least express how much you look forward to hearing back.

Finally, close with a professional sign-off: your full name below “Sincerely,” or “Best regards.” 

Aim of the cover letter closing: End with a call to action, ideally resulting in an interview.

Below is the closing section of our postdoc cover letter example.

I was proud to receive my doctorate, but the work is just beginning. Understanding the origins of language is helping to unlock the secrets of the early Slav Church – exploring many of the rituals that still hold firm to this day. Sincerely, Simon Bartley

An average postdoc cover letter makes connections between your PhD accomplishments and potential contributions in this postdoc role. An excellent cover letter takes that one persuasive step further by showing you’ve done your homework. Thoroughly research the research project itself and the lab setting, along with the PI, co-investigators and perhaps even their mentors. Review team members’ recent papers to become as familiar with their background as you are with the goals you aspire to help achieve. An exceptional postdoc cover letter also reveals your “why.” Obviously, with a newly acquired PhD, you’re ready for the next academic career stepping stone. But why do you want this postdoc job more than any other? What excites you most and makes you eager to make your mark? Why would the PI and others on the research team consider you an asset and enjoy working with you?

A complimentary remark about the hiring institution’s academic accomplishments could be an interview-winning way to command attention in your cover letter introduction. Implying that your motivation to work in this lab shows long-term promise could also make a difference.

Common cover letter mistakes to avoid

All scholars know how critically important it is to get their writing right, well before submitting a paper for peer review . A postdoc cover letter requires just as much diligence. Make no mistakes that could jeopardize your chances, including any of the following.

  • Losing full marks for a mass-produced generic cover letter evidently going to multiple employers would serve you right for obvious reasons: failure to research each postdoc position and demonstrate your findings.
  • Dwelling on your academic background and career goals without giving enough sense of how hiring professors stand to benefit is a job interview deterrent.
  • If precision, conciseness and clarity are academic writing hallmarks, then meaningless clichés and fluff are the last things recruiters want to see in a postdoc cover letter.
  • Again, no slack will be cut for any PhD-level document containing typos, spelling mistakes and grammatical goofs.
  • Design and formatting flaws can be perceived as carelessness, if not disregard for the research institute’s credibility, reputation and image. A professionally-designed cover letter template can help eliminate these errors.

Key takeaways for a postdoc cover letter

  • Starting with an outstanding cover letter, postdoc job applicants can take advantage of the essential writing skills they’ve relied on in all of their academic pursuits and research endeavors.
  • Every postdoc cover letter calls for a customized approach reflecting your knowledge of the position and hiring institution. This in itself showcases your research strengths.
  • To a greater extent than a resume allows, cover letters can shed light on the curiosity, creativity and determination driving your research endeavors.
  • Check out our postdoc cover letter sample for more ideas on designing a great page layout.

Best of luck at this pivotal postdoc career turning point! For related education cover letter examples and writing guides, check out the following:

  • Graduate cover letter example
  • Student cover letter sample
  • University cover letter sample
  • Teacher cover letter example
  • Scholarship cover letter sample
  • Masters cover letter example

Free professionally designed templates

application letter for a postdoctoral

Postdoc Cover Letter Example

application letter for a postdoctoral

Written by Mark DeGrasso

May 4, 2023.

A postdoctoral position is an excellent opportunity for early-career scientists to develop their research skills and make significant contributions to their chosen field. However, before securing a postdoc position, you must write a compelling postdoc cover letter that captures the attention of potential employers. In this article, we will discuss the essential components of an effective postdoc cover letter, common mistakes to avoid, and provide an example to guide you in crafting a cover letter that will help you stand out in the fierce competition.

What Employers Look for In A Postdoc Cover Letter

Postdoctoral positions are highly competitive, and employers receive numerous applications from qualified candidates. A well-written postdoc cover letter can make a significant difference in your chances of getting selected. Employers use postdoc cover letters to assess your qualifications and determine if you are a suitable candidate for the position. To increase your chances of getting selected, it’s essential to identify the needs of your potential employer and tailor your cover letter accordingly.

One of the critical factors that employers look out for in postdoc cover letters is relevant research experience. Employers seek postdocs who are skilled in conducting research and have experience in the field. Highlighting your research experience and how it aligns with the position you are applying for can make you a desirable candidate.

Another essential factor that employers consider is publications. Having one or more scholarly publications to your name is a valuable asset. It shows that you have a track record of producing high-quality research that has been peer-reviewed and published in reputable journals. If you have publications, be sure to mention them in your cover letter and highlight their relevance to the position.

Collaboration is an essential aspect of postdoc research. Employers look for candidates who can work effectively in a team and collaborate with others. Highlighting your ability and experience in collaboration can make you a desirable candidate. Provide examples of collaborative projects you have undertaken and how you contributed to their success.

Finally, employers also look for unique qualifications. Emphasizing your unique skills and experience relevant to the postdoc position can distinguish you from other candidates. If you have specialized skills or experience that aligns with the position, be sure to highlight them in your cover letter.

In conclusion, keeping these factors in mind as you write your postdoc cover letter ensures that you capture your potential employer’s attention and improves your chances of success. Remember to tailor your cover letter to the specific position and employer, highlighting your qualifications and how they align with the job requirements. Good luck!

A postdoctoral position is an exciting opportunity to further your research career and gain valuable experience. As such, it is essential to craft a cover letter that showcases your skills and experiences in a clear and concise manner. In the header section of your cover letter, include your full name, address, phone number, and email address. Additionally, add the date of writing the cover letter to show that you are timely and organized. When addressing your cover letter, it is crucial to avoid using a generic ‘Dear Sir/Madam.’ Instead, research the name of the person who will be reviewing your application, and address them directly. This personal touch shows that you have put in effort and are genuinely interested in the position. In the introduction section, introduce yourself and state the postdoctoral position you are applying for. Keep this section brief, as the body of your cover letter will provide more detail about your qualifications. The body of your cover letter should address the essential components of the postdoc position. For example, if the position requires experience in a specific research technique, highlight your experience in that area. Additionally, highlight any publications, presentations, or awards that demonstrate your research skills. Be sure to connect your skills and experiences to the requirements of the position. In the conclusion section, summarize your main points and express your enthusiasm for the position. This section is your final opportunity to make a strong impression on the hiring committee, so make it count. Finally, end your cover letter with a professional sign-off and your name. Ensure that your formatting is appropriate and that your letter does not exceed two pages. These factors demonstrate your attention to detail and professionalism, which can set you apart from other applicants. In conclusion, crafting a well-organized and professional postdoc cover letter can increase your chances of being selected for an interview. Highlight your skills and experiences, connect them to the requirements of the position, and express your enthusiasm for the opportunity. Good luck!When it comes to applying for a postdoc position, the cover letter is one of the most important documents you’ll submit. It’s your chance to showcase your skills, experience, and passion for the field. However, there are several common mistakes that applicants make that can hurt their chances of getting the job.One of the most common mistakes is not following the instructions provided in the job advertisement. Employers often provide specific guidelines on what they want to see in a cover letter, such as the skills and experiences they’re looking for. If you don’t follow these instructions, you risk coming across as unprofessional or not paying attention to detail.Another mistake is forgetting to address the cover letter to the potential employer. Using a generic salutation such as “To Whom It May Concern” can give the impression that you didn’t take the time to research the company or the person who will be reading your cover letter. It’s important to personalize the letter and make a connection with the reader.Failing to demonstrate compatibility with the postdoc position advertised is another common mistake. Your cover letter should show that you have the skills and experience needed to excel in the position. It’s important to highlight your relevant accomplishments and explain how they make you a good fit for the job.Using too much technical jargon and acronyms is also a mistake that can make your cover letter difficult to read and understand. While it’s important to showcase your knowledge and expertise, it’s equally important to communicate clearly and concisely. Always define technical terms if necessary.Lastly, including information that is not relevant to the postdoc position that you’re applying for is a mistake that can make your cover letter seem unfocused and unprofessional. Stick to the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the job and explain how they make you a good fit for the position.By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure that your cover letter stands out and gains the attention of your potential employer. Remember to personalize the letter, highlight your relevant accomplishments, and communicate clearly and concisely. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to landing your dream postdoc position.

Final Steps On Writing Your Postdoc Cover Letter

Writing a postdoc cover letter can be a daunting task, but with the right approach, it can be a rewarding experience. As you near the end of the writing process, there are a few final steps you should take to ensure your cover letter is as strong as possible.

First and foremost, it’s important to proofread your cover letter thoroughly. This means checking for grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and formatting issues. Even the smallest typo can detract from the overall quality of your letter, so it’s worth taking the time to go over it with a fine-tooth comb.

Once you’ve proofread your cover letter, it’s a good idea to have someone else read it as well. This could be an academic mentor, a colleague, or a career development officer. Getting an outside perspective can help you identify any areas that may need improvement, and can give you valuable feedback on how to make your cover letter even stronger.

When you receive feedback on your cover letter, it’s important to take it seriously and make any necessary changes. This may involve rewording certain sentences, expanding on certain points, or reorganizing the overall structure of your letter. Remember, the goal of your cover letter is to convey your suitability for the postdoc position you’re applying for, so every word and sentence counts.

Finally, before you hit send on your cover letter, take a moment to review the job posting one last time. Make sure you’ve addressed all of the key requirements and qualifications mentioned in the posting, and that you’ve highlighted your relevant skills and experience. By doing so, you’ll increase your chances of standing out from the competition and landing the postdoc position you’ve been dreaming of.

Example Postdoc Cover Letter

Here’s an example postdoc cover letter to help you write your cover letter.

Overall, I believe that my research experience, teaching and mentoring skills, and collaborative nature make me a strong candidate for this position. I am excited about the opportunity to work with your team and contribute to the ongoing research projects in your department. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Postdoc Cover Letter FAQ

Are you looking to apply for a postdoc position? Do you want to make your application stand out from the rest? Here are some frequently asked questions about a postdoc cover letter to help you get started:

What is the purpose of a postdoc cover letter?

A postdoc cover letter is your chance to introduce yourself to your potential employer and showcase your skills and qualifications. It is a critical component of your application that can help you stand out from other candidates. Your cover letter should highlight your achievements, research experience, and your passion for the field.

How long should a postdoc cover letter be?

A postdoc cover letter should be concise and not exceed more than two pages. It is essential to keep your cover letter brief and to the point while still providing enough information to convince the hiring manager that you are the best candidate for the position.

When writing your cover letter, ensure that you use a simple font and spacing to give your cover letter an organized appearance. The hiring manager should be able to read your letter easily without any distractions.

Should I follow up after submitting a postdoc cover letter?

Yes, it’s ok to follow up with an email to check the status of your application. Following up shows that you’re interested and keeps your application at the top of the hiring manager’s mind. However, avoid making multiple follow-up attempts, which can seem pushy and harm your chances.

When following up, make sure to be polite and professional. Thank the hiring manager for their time and consideration and express your continued interest in the position. This gesture can go a long way in showing your enthusiasm for the postdoc position.

Can I use the same cover letter for different postdoc positions?

While it may be tempting to use the same cover letter for different postdoc positions, it’s best to tailor your cover letter to the specific job that you are applying for. Employers appreciate when applicants take the time to customize their cover letters to the job advertisement.

Make sure to highlight the skills and experiences that align with the requirements of the position you are seeking. This approach shows the hiring manager that you have taken the time to research the position and that you are genuinely interested in the job.

In conclusion, writing an effective postdoc cover letter requires understanding the essential components, crafting it to fit the job advertisement, and proofreading it to eliminate errors. Follow our recommendations, avoid common mistakes and use our example to guide you in writing an excellent cover letter. With these tips, you can improve your postdoc application and increase your chances of securing the postdoc position you seek in your field.

Remember, your cover letter is your chance to make a great first impression. Take the time to craft a compelling letter that showcases your skills, experience, and passion for the field. Good luck with your postdoc application!

Table of Contents

  • Your Job Search
  • Developing Application Materials

Cover Letter Best Practices

A cover letter introduces you to a potential employer and should accompany your résumé, unless the employer requests otherwise. If there is an option to include a cover letter, we always recommend doing so. While a résumé provides a summary of your relevant skills, experiences, and achievements, a cover letter allows you to develop a narrative for your career, demonstrating the skills you have honed, and articulating your enthusiasm for the role.

If you think of your résumé as a map to a new city that the hiring manager has not visited before, the cover letter would be the guidebook. It will not cover everything on the map, but it will highlight the most relevant stops along the way and provide additional context. Cover letters and résumés work together and should be in conversation with the job posting.

  • Strong Cover Letters
  • Anatomy of a Cover Letter
  • Give a clear indication of the skills and experiences that make the applicant a good fit. Your cover letter should translate how your experiences have developed both technical and non-technical skills necessary for the role.
  • Provide evidence of the skills in action. Show, do not tell—provide concrete examples that craft a compelling narrative.
  • Make an explicit connection between applicant and job. A cover letter should articulate your understanding of the organization you are applying to and how you fit in.

Use a business-letter format and stick to one page of 3-5 paragraphs. Like a résumé, each cover letter you write should be tailored to the specific position and employer to align with the organization’s culture and the requirements of the role.

  • Use the same header on both your cover letter and résumé for a cohesive and polished look.
  • When available, include the name, title, company, and address of the person you are writing.
  • If you do not know the recruiter or hiring manager’s name, address your letter to “Recruiting Team” or “Hiring Manager.” Avoid using “To whom it may concern.”
  • Use the opening paragraph to introduce yourself. State why you are writing and how you learned about the position. If someone referred you or you have established a contact through networking, include the person’s name and affiliation with the employer.
  • The first paragraph should also articulate what you know about the organization and what draws you to a role. Be sure to review the job posting and carefully research the company to identify the most important skills to highlight as well as why you want to join the team. Conveying genuine enthusiasm is essential! It is often helpful to conclude the opening paragraph with a clear assertion of your skills, much like a thesis statement for your cover letter. This last sentence also helps structure your body paragraphs.
  • The body paragraphs should emphasize and elaborate on your strongest qualifications and key relevant experiences. Address qualifications specified in the job description and give concrete examples of when you have demonstrated the skills the employer is seeking. Do not repeat all the content from your résumé; instead, select 2-3 experiences that showcase the positive impact of your relevant skills.
  • The final paragraph reiterates what draws you to the organization and the skillsets and experiences you bring to the table. You should also use the closing paragraph to express thanks for consideration and to request an opportunity to discuss the position.
  • If you are using the header from your résumé, do not repeat your contact information in the signature.

Once you have a draft, get feedback! Graduate students can make career advising appointments at NCA through Handshake to receive individualized feedback from our dedicated PhD advisers on application materials. They can also pop into our virtual drop-in hours for quick questions. Postdoctoral fellows can contact the  Office of Postdoctoral Affairs for feedback on their materials. The Graduate Writing Place is another wonderful resource for both grad students and postdocs, and their fellows provide feedback on academic and non-academic application materials.

Clinical psychology

Psychotherapy, personality, cover letter for a postdoc (5 samples).

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Samples of postdoc cover letters

To get a postdoc position, you need a well-written cover letter that showcases your passion for and dedication to the industry. When writing a postdoc cover letter, these are some of the essential things to include in your letter:

Dr. Harold Bergman

Enteny University

Enteny, Illinois, 60002

I would appreciate the opportunity to continue my research in your laboratory and pursue a long-term future with Enteny University. I believe the nature of my research relates to your lab because, as the leading institution in fuel cell research, my chosen field of study is extremely relevant to your efforts. I think my knowledge and experience surrounding PEDs and battery longevity could aid in your research.

[123 Company Address]

Dear [Dr./Mr./Ms./Mx.] [Hiring Manager’s Last Name],

Kajol Samra

Head of the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Pondicherry University

Chinna Kalapet

As an alumnus of Pondicherry University, I was thrilled to learn about the Post-Doctoral Fellow position available at the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology. During my PhD studies at Pondicherry University, I researched the relationship between circadian regulation and neurodegenerative diseases and wrote my doctoral thesis “Circadian activity and memory performance in Alzheimer’s patients” under the supervision of professor Qadim Ray. Seeing that Pondicherry University hopes to move to the forefront of neurodegenerative disease research with a new team led by professor Abbas Sengupta, I believe that my analytical skills and academic experience could be a great asset to this programme.

The fellowship offer mentions you’re looking for candidates skilled in the areas of lab management, cytometry for apoptosis detection, and data collection. I am happy to say that I possess all of those qualities:

What makes me particularly interested in your post-doctorate fellowship program is the chance to continue my research. Having worked with Alzheimer’s patients, I have seen first-hand how this disease influences the quality of life of not just the patients themselves, but also their loved ones. I believe that working together with other researchers under the guidance of professor Abbas Sengupta can lead to significant discoveries in the nature of neurodegenerative diseases. Recently, I have observed how another team of researchers at Pondicherry University achieved a major breakthrough in the study of endosome function and dysfunction. I believe that professor Sengupta’s team can replicate this success and lead to a better understanding of diseases that afflict over 50 million people worldwide.

Anshu Mahajan”

Having completed my doctorate in Slavonic Studies last semester, I am applying to continue my Postdoc research in the area of the Old Church Slavonic language.

Researching the homeland and language of the Slavs has always been a passion and I have undertaken many translation projects that have contributed to the modern understanding of how language influenced the early Slavonic church in the Moravian Empire.

I will be spending much of my Postdoc period in libraries across Eastern Europe, presenting at local symposia and writing my second book on the development of early Proto Slavic and Common Slavonic languages in conjunction with a number of leaders in the field. My travel has mostly been funded by the publishers, but given the considerable expense in my work I am continuing to request the bursary from the university.

I teach classes for local students and will continue to lead seminars six times a year on my return trips to Chicago. I enclose my latest research paper for your interest. It has received critical acclaim in over 15 industry publications. After analyzing over 2,000 church manuscripts, it is fascinating to see the evolution.

Simon Bartley”

“New Haven, June 26, 2020

Professor B. Hawthorne

Faculty Search Committee

Stanford University

Stanford, CA 94305

Dear Professor Hawthorne,

It was found that severity of suicidal ideation didn’t reliably predict the severity of NSSH, i.e. its actual objective risk to life. However, it was found that gender was a reliable predictor of location of NSSH, with females mostly harming their arms and legs, while males were more likely to harm their chest and private areas. It was also found that the combined strength of social support was a significant predictor in the severity of NSSH, i.e. depth and angle. Early time of contact with a therapist was not affecting severity of NSSH, but had a significant correlation with frequency of harm.

Best Regards,


[email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do i write a cover letter for healthcare.

“I am writing to express my interest in applying for the [specific position name] listed on your website. Between my educational background and relevant experience, I am confident that I can help support your hospital’s mission of [reference to facility’s specific values and mission].”

How do you grab attention in a cover letter?

How to Create an Attention-Grabbing Cover Letter:,%5Bsummary%20of%20your%20research%5D.

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application letter for a postdoctoral

Postdoc Application Cover Letter Template

Postdoc Application Cover Letter Template

When used as a cover letter, the postdoc application letter format is generally 3 to 4 paragraphs long and begins with an introductory paragraph. Writing a postdoctoral cover letter is basically the same as writing any other cover letter.

Postdoc Application Cover Letter Template I #1

September xx, xxxx

Associate Professor

University of Pennsylvania

Dear Dr. xxxx

I am applying for the postdoctoral position in your Laboratory. I have done my PhD under the guidance of Dr xxxxx, Director, xxx, xxxx and am presently working as senior research fellow in her laboratory at xxxx. I have submitted my thesis to the university and awaiting Viva-Voice which will be held very soon. I would be immediately available to join your lab.

I am highly motivated to work in the field of T cell activation and differentiation. During the course of my graduate work, I have developed an interest in the inflammation and pathways regulating T cell function. I am especially intrigued by T cell signaling and how different signals TCR, cytokine signaling and co-receptors like xxx and TLR work together to induce T cell proliferation and differentiation. How Notch regulates xxx signal strength by regulating E3-Ubiquitin ligases and thereby modulates T cell differentiation. Kinetics of NF-κB signaling in T cells and role of Notch signaling in the formation of lipid raft and immune synapse are other aspects which excites me.

My graduate work has focused on the immune dysfunction in oral cancer and role of immunosuppressive factors/cells present in the tumor microenvironment. I have worked on the lymphoid as well as myeloid cells during the course of PhD. I have analyzed the different regulators (positive as well as negative) of T cell signaling and how they modulate the T cell function in cancer setting. The important among them was the Notch signaling which has implications in increasing the efficacy of T cell based therapy. We have addressed the root cause of immune dysfunction and its association with MDSCs, Tregs and Th17 cells. We have addressed how MDSCs accumulate, their life span, suppressive potential, and also how they induce Th17 differentiation and inhibit Treg differentiation in in vitro conditions.

Apart from this I have also worked on project “xxxx signaling in regulating effector functions of xxxx cells. I am well versed with the biology and in vitro expansion of xxxxx cells.

During my doctoral program I have thoroughly used multicolor flow cytometry (nine color), western blotting, real-time PCR, siRNA, molecular cloning, co-culture assays, Mixed leukocyte reactions, Immunomagnetic sorting of cells (MDSCs, Tregs, Naïve CD4 cells and CD3 cells, γδ T cells), cytometric bead array and ELISA for quantitation of cytokines, proliferation assay (Dye dilution and tritiated thymidine assay), 51Cr release assay, confocal microscopy, chemotaxis assays to perform the experiments.

I have learned animal handling especially animal dissection, harvesting of liver, spleen, mammary glands, vertebrae and femur bones, Tail vein injection.

I have basic Knowledge about mass spectrometry sample processing; however, I would be highly fascinated to gain expertise in each aspect involved in the project.

I am interested in the work going on in your laboratory and could be an asset to your Laboratory because of my experience and skill.

I envision my future research to span across some interrelated sub-areas of immune function and dysfunction. I believe that I am an outstanding researcher in my specialty, based on my background and achievements. Having succeeded in the current research, employing the knowledge from different fields of molecular biology and Immunology, I feel well prepared for the further challenging studies and research in the fields of molecular immunology, perhaps on very different topics, as well as on the topics I am familiar with. The main motivation here is to make advances in our understanding of molecular mechanisms of T cell function and its interaction with the tumor.

Enclosed is a copy of my CV and thesis.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely Yours

Postdoc Application Cover Letter Template I #2

Dear Dr. XXX,

I am writing this mail to express my interest in conducting my post-doctoral research under your supervision. I am interested in working on the advertised project of understanding the epigenetic regulation and role of steroid synthesis on physiology and development.

I have also previously worked on the xxx, which is differentially expressed in adult xxx cells during the xxx development and inhibits steroidogenesis by reducing the expression of xxx enzymes. In this study, I proved that the overexpression of xxx in mice testis (mediated by adenovirus) has the potential of inhibiting the differentiation of testicular and prostatic cells by reducing the size of testis and prostate but has no effect on the growth of seminal vesicles. It has also found to reduce the level of xxx and xxx by reducing the steroidogenic enzymes such as xxx, xxx and xxxx. This is the first study reporting a time-course analysis of the implications of long term overexpression of xxx in mice testis and its effect on other organs such as prostate and seminal vesicles. This study suggested that xxxx may play an important role in the differentiation of male reproductive organs such as testis and prostate.

I would further like to extrapolate my substantial experience and research more in this field by analysing the transcription circuitry of steroid biosynthesis at single xxx cell level and thereby on its application in prostate cancer biology.

I have completed Ph.D in xxx (xxx) from Department of xxx, xxxx University. My thesis project entitled as “xxxxxxxxxx”. The research concentrated upon exploring the role of xxx, a xxxxx-anchored adhesion protein in pathogenicity of xxxxx, a causative agent of xxxx using interdisciplinary approach of molecular biology, cell biology and biochemistry. Through my doctoral study, I have proposed a model of how the xxxx protein matures in the xxxx lumen upon xxxx anchor attachment. I have then further explore this adhesion protein and the linked signaling pathways in xxxx and published several papers related to this work.

My avid interest and motivation towards research has kept enforcing me to work along while pursuing my job. I worked on varied project like xxxxxxx and some more in association with Dr. xxxxx, professor at xxxx University.

I have conducted immunization based studies on mouse animal model such as Sprague Dawley rats and FVB mice that involves mice handling, xxxx extraction, purification of Primary Leydig Cells, Preparation of Recombinant Adenovirus, Adenovirus injection, immunohistochemistry, FACS (Fluorescence activated cell sorting), Radioimmunoassay, Western blot analysis, ELISA, Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) Assays, neutralization assay, agglutination, immunofluorescence along with using molecular biology approach i.e. molecular cloning, PCR and expression analysis at both transcript and protein level, mutational studies by side-directed mutagenesis approach and biophysical tools like MALDI-TOF/TOF analysis, Mass SpectrometryI dentification of Proteins, Circular Dichroism (CD), Transmission electron Microscopy (TEM) and data analysis using bioinformatics approach like 2D-Progenesis Samespot Software, functional analyses and pathways generation using Ingenuity Pathways Analysis and top gene suite, PCA analysis along with R-programming package “FactoMineR” to reduce the complexity of the dataset, Modelling and Docking Studies using Rosetta 3.2 biomolecular comparative modelling and docking suite, Expasy server, EBI server, CHIMERA software, Multiple alignments, similarity searches, BLAST, Microbial BLAST , FASTA, ClustalW version 1.8, ClustalX 1.8, primer designing.

I believe that these features of knowledge on steroid synthesis, in vivo studies on mice models using interdisciplinary approach, a substantial research experience, skills command over the molecular, cell biology and biochemistry subjects and professional experience in training students along with the strong motivation will go a long way in pursuing the post-doctoral research in your prestigious institute under your guidance. I feel well prepared for the further challenging studies and research to epigenetic regulation of steroid synthesis in Leydig cells and its role in development. Given the opportunity, I am confident that I will be able to contribute successfully to this project with the motivation, commitment and determination with hands on experience in this field to succeed in this area.

Please find enclosed the attached Curriculum Vitae (CV) including the references details. Do suggest if any other information is required from my side.

Thanking You,

Yours sincerely

Postdoc Application Cover Letter Template I #4

Dear Professor,

Hope this email finds you well.

This is to bring your attention to a postdoctoral position in your group.

I, xxxx and have completed my Ph.D. in xxxx under the mentorship of Dr. xxx, Discipline of Chemistry, xxxxx, India. The title of my thesis is “xxxxxxxxx”.

Currently, I am working a postdoctoral research associate, School of xxxxx xxx, xxxxx University, South Korea.

Under the thesis title ‘xxxxx’, my work was focused on the synthesis of simple xxx complexes at xxxx condition, solid-state structural reactivity, and their applications as molecular precursors for nanostructures synthesis and performance evaluations of these nanostructures in catalysis, waste-water treatment through adsorption or photocatalysis, and sensing of hazardous contaminants. Moreover, I have also tried to explore the application of the metal-organic frameworks/coordination polymers for dye adsorption and catalysis.

I have used various techniques for characterization and analysis purpose such as molecular structure determination by Single-crystal X-ray diffraction, powder-XRD, FT-IR, XPS, BET-surface area, AFM, SEM-EDAX, TEM, TGA, combustion method (CHNS and O analysis), particle size analyzer (DLS analysis), LCMS, GC-MS, UV-Vis, cyclic voltammetry and photocatalytic reactor. I am also familiar with software which is necessary for the determination of the structure of the metal complexes, characterization of nanomaterials and data analysis such as CrysAlisPro RED software and Win GX, ChemDraw, Diamond 3.1, Mercury, and Origin.

Due to my research expertise and hands-on synthesis in both material and chemistry with the handling of different instrumentations, this would be surely helpful to attain more pronounced results.

I believe my candidature would suffice for a postdoctoral position in your group.

I have enclosed a copy of my curriculum vitae. If you require any other information then kindly let me know. I will be happy to provide the same. Your kind consideration of my application is requested and I hope that you will give me a chance to pursue my research in your group.

I look forward to hearing back from you.

Best regards,

P.S., CV in brief:


Thesis title: “XXXXXX”

List of publications: Published: Journals-xxxx, Book Chapters-xxx

Submitted/under preparation: Journals-xxx

Research Interest: Inorganic/or Nano-materials, Waste-water treatment (adsorption/photocatalysis) using Nano-materials, Sensors (electrode modifications and detection of contaminants), Heterogeneous catalysis, Crystal engineering (solid-state structural transformation).

Best Regards,

xxx xxxx, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Research Associate

xxxx, xxx University

xxx, Republic of Korea

E-mail: [email protected]


Postdoc Application Cover Letter Template I #5

[email protected] , +91 xxx

Dear Dr. xxxx,

With great confidence and enthusiasm I would like to submit my CV for the position of a postdoctoral researcher in your lab. I have obtained my Ph.D. degree in xxx from xxx University, India; I have worked in the lab of Dr. xxx based at xxxx, xxxx. My PhD dissertation focussed on understanding the shape-function relationship of multidomain protein xxxx as a function of temperature using SAXS as a major technique. Currently, I am looking for positions where my skills sets can be put to use in overcoming new and exciting challenges.

It has been a long standing research interest to exploit the tools of biophysics to explore newer possibilities and better drugs for efficacious treatment regimes as well as diagnostic methods; this reason has motivated me to apply for this position in your lab. During my Ph.D. dissertation I got a chance to explore the therapeutically important protein – xxx, a multidomain xxx sensitive protein from a perspective of temperature. The SAXS data analysis showed that the protein remains semi-active at physicological temperatures thereby enabling activation of protein even at semi-optimal concentrations. This data has been published in the journal xxx (xxx). Another part of my study revolved around a truncated yet active version of xxx, here SAXS data coupled with TEM and FPLC helped us to discover temperature induced amyloid formation in native xxx. These amyloids were capable of releasing active protein over prolonged incubation, this was particularly important observation as this could exploited for shipping of therapeutic protein at ambient temperature as well as a sustained release mechanism of treatment. This study was also published in the journal xxx (xxx). Apart from my dissertation project I was involved in numerous other projects in lab which has enabled me to learn following skills:



Strong background in structural biology

o  A strong understanding and experience in other techniques such as Peptide Mass Fingerprinting (PMF), CD (Circular Dichroism), Mass Spectroscopy (MS), X-ray Diffraction (XRD).

Small Angle X-ray Scattering

o   Expert at handling and data collection on SAXSpace (Anton Paar GmbH, Austria)

o Adept at performing SAXS data analysis using ATSAS suite of programs (Data reduction, Data analysis and Molecular modelling)

o Expert at studying shape changes of protein as a function of protein or ligand binding as well as changes in extrinsic factors

o Capable of performing data collection on solution as well as solid samples

Experience in Protein biology

Recombinant protein purification


o Extensive experience (~6 years) in recombinant expression of protein of human origin from blood plasma, kidney as well as biosimilars and bacterial xxx.

o These proteins were purified using affinity, ionic, hydrophobic interaction and gel filtration chromatography.

o  Expert in operating Äkta purification systems (Pure, Start and Xplorer)

Experience in molecular biology

o Accomplished gene cloning for recombinant protein expression from bacteria

o  Can perform site directed mutagenesis of genes to generate protein truncates and mutants to investigate role of domains of specific residues in protein function and stability

Protein Functional Assays

o  Adept at protein functional assays both colorimetric as well as fluorescent assays

o  Trained in amyloid characterisation using a milieu of techniques such as TEM, Congo Red staining as well as ThT assay

o  Well versed with ELISA (competitive, sandwich and direct), Western Blotting, Densitometry and biotin mediated pull down assays

o  Can perform PMF of proteins and their MASCOT analysis

In addition to my scientific writing I also have experience in preparing and delivering presentations and reports for funding agency as well as key opinion leaders. Apart from my bench work I was extensively involved in other lab duties such as purchasing of lab reagents and maintaining the in house SAXS facility by scheduling and maintaining the records of beamtime allotment. I could accomplish all this due to my high work ethics combined with my targeted approach and interpersonal skills. Post Ph.D. I have briefly worked as Research Associate in lab of Dr. xxx, where my role was to perform field trials of the DNA aptamer based xxx estimation kit developed in the lab. Currently, I am looking for a challenging role and be a part of the team where my technical as well as soft skills can be implemented to contribute constructively in ongoing as well as future projects. I am confident that if I join your lab then my vast experience in SAXS data collection and analysis shall be extremely useful in exploring structural-function relationship of proteins and use this data to develop novel drugs. My particular interest would be high throughput screening of small molecules using SAXS data as well as exploring the possibilities of drug repurposing in cancer targets.

I have enclosed a copy of my CV for your better understanding of my skills and qualifications. I shall more than welcome the opportunity to be interviewed or discuss my experience with you. I may be contacted on +91 xxx or [email protected] . Thank you for your time and consideration. Looking forward to hear from you.

Postdoc Application Cover Letter Template I #6

This is in reference to the Postdoctoral position in your laboratory. I have completed my PhD under the mentorship of Dr. XXX, PI, Structural and xxx xxx Lab., xxxxxxxxx, India. Presently, I am working on CRISPR-Cas9 system and generating cancer-causing knock-in/out mutations in human cell lines, in xxx Lab., xxxx, xxxxx, India.

During the course of my graduate work, I have worked on human DNA intercrosslink repair proteins mainly xxxx and xxx. I have performed structural & functional characterization of xxx xxx repeat, xxxx xxx, xxx xxx domain and pathogenic mutants. In xxxx repeat, we find xxx motif that binds to major groove of dsDNA (xxxxx et. al.,xxx, xxx). In xxxx, we did the comparative studies of xxx Domain and pathogenic mutants (xxxx et. al. manuscript under preparation). Furthermore, we performed protein-protein interactions studies and found that xxx xxx repeat and xxx xxx domain interacts with xxx xxx (xxxx xxx et. al., xxx, xxx). I have performed molecular and essential dynamics of xxx and it’s phosphorylated analogs to address the effect of phosphorylation at the structural and functional level (xxxx et. al., xxx, xxxx). During my PhD, I have also worked in a team to explore the structure and functions of different homologous recombination repair proteins such as xxxx, xxxx, xxxx, xxxx and effect of novel anticancer drugs on apoptosis and cancer (list all relevant collaborative workxxxx, p. xxx9, xxx; xxxx,) (more details in my CV).

I have extensive experience in protein biochemistry. I am well versed with Cloning, Site directed mutagenesis, Protein expression & purification, Protein characterization and protein-protein interactions, cell biology techniques such as cell culture maintenance, electroporation, transfection, transduction, and western blotting. I am experienced in protein crystallization, structure determination using molecular replacement and molecular modelling, dynamics and docking. However, I have an appetite to learn more interdisciplinary skills, and to solve a biologically relevant question.

I am applying for this position because I am interested to work on Structural Biology and Cellular Biochemistry. Opportunity to work on the proposed project will fulfil my ambition to become a successful researcher. I’m sure, I’ll grow under your competent supervision.

My future goal is research in integrative Structural biology that may help to understand the basic mechanisms of the disease or pathway. I want to pursue my career in research and academia.

Enclosed is a copy of my CV.

Yours Sincerely,

Postdoc Application Cover Letter Template I #7

Dear Dr. xxx,

I have worked on cancer xxx during my Ph.D and with this letter; I would like to apply for the postdoctoral position in your laboratory as advertised on Currently, I am finalizing my doctoral thesis and expecting to complete all the formalities of my doctoral degree by xxx/ xxx xxx.

I believe, the postdoc position in your laboratory will provide me an opportunity to further strengthen my current skills as well as learn new scientific methods to achieve my long term goal of establishing my independent research group.

From the days of my masters’ degree in biotechnology, I had a vivid interest in cancer biology; therefore, for PhD, I joined ‘xxxx Group’ headed by Dr. xxxx at xxx, xxx, India. Under my thesis title ‘xxxxx’, my work was focused on the understanding the mechanism of differential xx post-translational modifications in human xxxx cancer. By working with human tissue samples, animal model and several in-vitro studies, I could gain significant insight how different xxx alter with clinical parameters and can be helpful in defining filed cancerization. I could also dissect the regulatory pathway of xxx and identify its xxxx mediated increase in xxx cancer. Further, I also showed the synergistic effect of xxx inhibitors in combinatorial chemotherapy as pretreatment of xxx lead to the chromatin relaxation and increase in the amount of DNA bound chemotherapy drugs and cell death. Moreover, out of my immense interest in tumor microenvironment, I could also report that, how differential composition tumor microenvironment can give a false negative impression and attribute the expression of any protein to tumor cells. Apart from my thesis work, I have also worked on role of xxx variants in cancer and DNA damage response. From my PhD, I would get xxx first author papers (one is published and rest two will be uploaded soon) and a review article. I have also co-authored xxx papers and a book chapter in reputed journals and trained six students for their short term dissertation. Thus, during my PhD, I have got significant experience in the field of xxx as well as communication and leadership skills.

I am highly motivated, hardworking and results driven researcher. Taken together, based on my exposure and expertise gained during PhD, I find myself a suitable candidate for the postdoc position in your laboratory where I can both contribute to the ongoing research and propose and work on new questions at the same time.

I have enclosed a copy of my CV which includes a list of publications, contact details of the referees and a summary of my research experience. Thank you very much for your consideration and looking forward to hearing back from you.

Postdoc Application Cover Letter Template I #8

Dear Dr. xxxxxx,

This is xxx from xxx Lab, xxxxx.

Here are some points may bring your attention:

· For Post-Doc position I’ll arrange my own fellowship through xxx-fellowship of xxxx. (If you ask for)

· I work in the field of xxx Biology.

· I am very much Interested in you lab and seeking a Post-Doctoral Position under your supervision.

· We have talked before in a Conference in xxx, India during xxxx.

I am a xxx year Ph.D. student working under the Guidance of Dr. xxx. This is my last year of the Ph.D. course and I will be getting my Degree in this year (Within xxx xxx). The Project I am working on is “xxxxxxx”. I have published my work in xxx international peer reviewed journals this year.

Our lab focus on xxx, the structural details of protein degradation process as well as its role in cellular homeostasis in normal and cancer cells. Recently we have reported a novel function of xxx as a xxx modulator, through its interaction with xxxx. Apart from that I am involved in a project to find out altered signaling pathway in cancer mediated by xxxx an oncoprotein involved in many cancers. I am also working towards understand the role of xxx in xxx stem cell differentiation. Although my PhD work is based on molecular cell biology I have a lot of interest in understanding the molecular mechanism of Protein degradation by xxx and its role in mammalian cell physiology. Since your lab is focusing on understanding the molecular mechanisms protein degradation in mitochondria as well as the fundamental details of structure and function of xxx and xxx, it would be great if I can get an opportunity to work with you as Post-Doc fellow and begin my real research career under your supervision. Since I would like to pursue my carrier in the xxx BIOLOGY, your research group found to be a best fit for me.

(I have attached my CV, and my xx published paper for your reference, please find the attachment).

Thanking you in anticipation for a reply.

Postdoc Application Cover Letter Template I #9

Date: xx-xx-xxxx

Your affiliation address

Mob: xxxxxxxxxxxx

E-mail: xxxx@xxxxx

Dr. XYZ Designation

Dear Dr. xyz

Re: Postdoctoral position

I am writing to apply for the position of postdoctoral fellow in your laboratory at the University of Somewhere School of Medicine as advertised on Currently, I am pursuing my Ph.D. in xxx with specialization in xxx under the guidance of Dr. xyz. During my doctoral studies, I have been working on the xxxxx. My Ph.D. thesis has been submitted, and final viva-voce examination is expected by mm-yyyy.

The fundamental aim of my doctoral research work was to discover [Briefly write about your research topic, key findings with citations if any]

In order to achieve my research endeavours, [Write about key techniques and assays you used to achieve your research goals].

Since you are seeking an individual interested in [Write about research areas they are looking for]; I consider myself a suitable candidate for this position with a working hand in [List few relevant expertise], which is well evident by my first-author publication on this subject (xyz et al, 20xx). Moreover, I have an experience in designing the experiments, writing the manuscript, and guiding other fellows. A postdoctoral position in your laboratory will further strengthen my research capabilities as an independent investigator.

I am attaching my most-updated CV, which includes list of publications and contact information of three referees. Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions.

Looking forward to listen from you Thank You

Sincerely ,

Postdoc Application Cover Letter Template I #10

I am writing to indicate my interest for the position of postdoctoral fellow in your research group. Your research work is very much related to my research experiences. I have seen your nature of work and publications. I would love to be a part of such groups and thus would like to apply for the postdoctoral position.

I, XYZ, have completed my Ph.D. work in xxxx Research Institute (xxx, xxx, India) and submitted the thesis to xxx University. My thesis work is entitled as “Identification of molecular mechanism for XYZ”. I have expertise in animal handling, dosing, and dissection, especially in rat and mouse models. During my Ph.D., I got experience in primary cell culture and maintenance of cell lines, transfection, and siRNA.

I am well acquainted with various cell and molecular biology techniques such as DNA Isolation, RNA isolation, and Real Time-PCR along with protein analysis techniques including Native/denaturing PAGE, 2D gel electrophoresis, LC-MS, western blotting, co-immunoprecipitation and immunoprecipitation.

I have a deep interest in in vitro as well as animal model based mechanistic assessment of different cellular pathways using different molecular and cell biological techniques. My curriculum-vitae containing details of the referees and my research experience is attached with this mail along with the publications (first author).

These above mentioned reasons motivated and boosted my keenness to join your research group. I am looking forward to this potential opportunity. Anticipating for positive response.

Postdoc Application Cover Letter Template I #11

This is in reference to your advertisement on regarding postdoctoral position in your laboratory. I have worked on interaction of xxx in tumor biology and therapeutic interventions at xxx Research Institute, xxx, India under the mentorship of Dr. xxx (http://www.xxxx). I have successfully defended my doctoral research in xxx.

During my Ph.D, I have investigated role of xxx on xxx cancer progression and their molecular signaling involved. Enhanced xxx was found in tissue as well as in serum, and associated with poor and/or better outcome in clinical patients suggesting complex role of xxx in xxx cancer progression (xxxx et al; journal, xxxx). I investigated regulatory pathway of xxx in xxx cancer metastasis and identified xxx mediated invasion and migration of xxx cancer cells (Manuscript communicated). In addition, I have uncovered regulation of xxx by xxx and their dependency on xxx axis in xxx cancer cells (Manuscript under preparation). Moreover, I have elucidated crosstalk of autophagy and apoptosis induced by xxx analogue (xxxx et al; journal, xxxx). I further deciphered the role of xxx and DNA damage response pathway in anti-cancer activity of xxxx hybrid (xxxx et al; journal, xxxx). Apart from my thesis work, I have also worked on identification and mechanism of action of novel molecular entity against cancer (xxxx et al; journal; xxxx; xxxx et al; journal, xxxx; xxxx et al; journal, xxxx).

I believe postdoctoral position in your laboratory will provide me an opportunity to further strengthen my current skills as well as learn new scientific methods to achieve my long term goal of establishing my independent research group. I am a focused and hardworking researcher.

I have enclosed a copy of my curriculum vitae, which includes a list of publications and contact details of the referees.

Waiting to hear back from you.

Thesis title: xxxxx

Lab: xxxx’s lab (http://www.xxxx).

List of publications: First/equal first author-xx, Co-author-xx.

Research Interest: Cancer progression, metastasis, DNA damage, autophagy, therapeutic intervention and d rug discovery.

PhD Application Cover Letter Template I #12

Lab xxxx, xxxxx Division

xxxxx Institute,

xxxxx, India

Assistant Profesor

National Centre for Biomolecular Research

Masaryk University

Kamenice 5/A4

Brno 625 00

Czech Republic

xxxst, July xxxx

Dear Dr. xxxxx,

I am writing to apply for postdoc position (Biomolecular Chemistry-xxx lab) in your Group at National Centre for Biomolecular Research, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. I hold M.Sc degree with first division in Biotechnology from xxxx University, xxx-India. Currently I am a research fellow on a project “Elucidating the role of xxx and xxxx damage response pathways in novel Anti cancerous xxxx” at xxxx Research Institute, xxx, India.

I am a highly driven person, and my studies in Life Sciences have fuelled my motivation with passion. After completing my Masters, I have decided to prolong my stay at xxxx Institute xxxxx – India driven by my passion for science and the desire to learn as much as possible. I joined this institute to gain an upper hand in experimental expertise. In this time I have successfully carried a project on xxx damage and xxx pathway, aimed at elucidating the role of xxxx kinases in xxx phopshorylation upon drug-induced xxxx damage and showed that xxx binds to xxxx groove of xxxx to instigate xxxx damage and stabilizes xxx by post translational modification which in part causes perturbation of xxx interaction. For these studies, we employed various key concepts and techniques ranging from cell and molecular biology techniques which include but not limited to flowcytometry, western blotting, comet assay, confocal/fluorescence microscopy, Plasmid and siRNA transfection, in vitro kinase assay, in vivo ubiquitination assay, co-immunoprecipitation and chromatin-immunoprecipitation along with luciferase reporter assay. In addition I also worked in close association with clinicians on differential role of xxxx variants in regulating xxx for this I successfully cloned xxxx and xxxx with the help of site directed mutagenesis in third generation tet-on system and further made stable cell lines of xxx stably expressing these variants. In our lab we also demonstrated xxx induces ROS mediated xxxx through activation of endoplasmic reticulum stress and inhibition of xxx pathway (author et al, xxx) so I am well versed with experimental procedures associated with Autophagic studies. I also developed orthotopic syngenic murine mouth and breast cancer model. Thanks to these projects, I developed a keen interest in studying basic cellular processes, in particular DNA damage, Autophagy and their interplay with cancer risk. I now feel ready to undertake the challenge of a PhD. I want to pursue a career in science and I am fully aware of the fundamental importance of seeking the highest level of training, and of the necessity to expand my sphere both in terms of scientific and personal life.

While looking for a suitable PhD position, I found your lab, gone through your research attention and therefore decided to contact you for this PhD position, as it is a strong match and combine the fields I am passionate about with the added advantage of studies involving DDR pathways. This will positively help to expand my understanding of basic cellular processes in a physiological context, in particular during development. Importantly, this PhD would offer me the opportunity to join, one of the best Universities. Getting training here will be in my interest as Masaryk University is known for uncompromising in high quality of research. I would like to have this possible opportunity to receive the level of training that can be the foundation of my future scientific career, to broaden my horizons and develop as a scientist and as a person.

Please find the attached CV, I would like the opportunity to be interviewed and share more about my qualifications.

Thank you for your time and consideration and letting me know the possibilities.

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How to write a cover letter for a postdoctoral application

player ready…

This post contains an example of a successful cover letter for a postdoctoral application. 

  • Quick takeaways for writing a cover letter
  • The most important thing to keep in mind when writing a cover letter
  • Why I applied to only six total postdoc positions

cover letter for a postdoctoral application

Example of a Successful Cover Letter for a Postdoctoral Application

Dear Professor X,

I am applying for the postdoctoral position available in your laboratory for the Y project. I am currently a Ph.D. candidate in Physics at Ohio State University, advised by Prof. Z. I will be graduating in May of 2018 and available to start this position thereafter. Due to my experience building and deploying the fourth mission of the Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA-IV), I am well placed to make strong contributions to detector development, testing, calibration, and deployment of the Y mission scheduled for flight in 2020.

Working on the ANITA project for my Ph.D. has given me the opportunity to develop strengths and skills that are transferable and relevant to a long-duration balloon experiment in the particle astrophysics field such as Y. For the ANITA-IV mission, I have played a leading role in the development, testing, and commissioning of new hardware and electronics, ensuring a timely launch during the early onset of the polar vortex and remotely operating mission-critical electronics on the payload during its flight. I was deployed in Antarctica for two months, including a month prior to launch and a month post-launch. I gained experience working in the unique environment of the NASA LDB facility on Ross Island and succeeded in combating the challenges of a balloon experiment.

This postdoctoral position would be an excellent opportunity to contribute to the development and commissioning of silicon detectors which are at the heart of the Y instrument. This is well-aligned with my interest in learning new detection techniques and in making contributions that are critical to the Y project and the physics it is trying to probe. My work on the ANITA-IV instrument led to almost tripling the livetime of the experiment, as described in the pre-print found at and currently under review by Nuclear Instruments and Methods A. I wrote this paper as the corresponding author on behalf of the ANITA collaboration. I would strive to achieve the success of a similar or greater magnitude for the Y project.

Kindly consider my application for this postdoctoral position. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing back from you at your convenience.

Oindree Banerjee

This cover letter was part of my application for a postdoc position in the Physics department of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). I was selected for an interview and visited MIT on a cold, cold day in the month of February. Good thing the MIT buildings that I ended up in were mostly all connected so I was indoors, albeit the numbering of these buildings made no sense. Oh well, more on that later.

Quick Takeaways for Writing the Cover Letter for a Postdoctoral Application

  • If you do not know the name of the professor who is hiring then stop right here and find that out! It’s about what you know and who you know. If you don’t know them already, chances are low for getting an interview.
  • The cover letter should be no more than a few powerful paragraphs. Don’t make any paragraph too big a block of text.
  • In the very first sentence, you should say what you are writing them for, that is, to apply for a position. Be specific. Say which position with what project.
  • Then say who you are.
  • Follow this up with when you will be graduating and when you can start the position.
  • Finish the first paragraph with a strong statement about why you are more than perfect for the job.
  • The next paragraph is all about  elaborating on why you are perfect for the role. Elaborate away but as succinctly as you can. Any experience you speak about should be relevant to the particular role you are applying for. Keyword: relevant . No one cares about the other stuff you know.
  • The professor(s) will KNOW if you are just sending them a generic cover letter that you send to every other school just with the school’s name changed. Trust me, they know. It takes work and time to make sure each cover letter is perfect for that particular role.

This is why I applied to only six total postdocs and fellowships!

People thought that was crazy. But I got interviews for ALL but one of them. That is a high success rate for applying to postdocs.

If you are not writing a cover letter specifically for a given role – you should really ask yourself if you even care enough to bother applying for that role. This is what I did and ended up applying to so few places.

The truth is I  don’t  care about everything and that’s a good thing.

By the time you are applying for postdocs, it is not cute to like everything anymore. You want to be highly skilled, choosy, passionate, opinionated, and annoyingly specific, in order to make a strong case.

For the cover letter sample provided here, I was selling my background in a particle astrophysics balloon-payload experiment in Antarctica to apply for a job doing a different particle astrophysics balloon-payload experiment in Antarctica. The detection methods (RF antennas vs Si(Li) detectors) and science questions (ultra-high-energy neutrinos vs dark matter detection) addressed by each experiment were actually quite distinct from each other, however, there was enough in common between them (broadly, both were in the field of particle astrophysics, both balloon payloads, both in Antarctica) to make a case for the postdoc.

  • The third paragraph should be like a very short research statement – packed with strong statements about what it is you’d like to do and why the role is well-aligned with your goals. Mention achievements that are, again, relevant to the position.
  • It is nice to put a big achievement near the end so you are leaving them with a reminder that you are an absolute goddess.
  • I always end by asking them to kindly consider the application and that I look forward to hearing from them – which is pretty standard.

I outline what happened with each application in my book . There is a story and important lessons associated with each one. I do want to stress here, though, that applying to fewer places helped my case of making strong applications at each place.

You can also read about my experience applying cold and without knowing the hiring team in this post .

Story of a terrible phone screen and the mistake on a cover letter that you cannot afford

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The second sentence should specify your current position, place of work and mentor. If you are not immediately available for hire, it is useful to mention when you will be able to start. End the first paragraph with just one or two concise sentences that hint at why you are the ideal candidate for the position you will expand on these points next. In the second paragraph, elaborate on why you should be considered for the postdoc not just any postdoc, mind you, but this particular postdoc in this particular lab. Yes, it is infinitely easier to use the same cover letter for the dozens of postdoctoral positions for which you are applying, but that is not going to cut it. These uniform letters are easy to detect and usually dismissed as lazy and insincere. If you fail to convince the PI that you are taking the postdoc search seriously, then the PI is not likely to take you seriously. It is essential that you customize your letter, emphasizing how your background is aligned to the PI s studies and the specifics called for in the advertisement. Consider this the first demonstration to your future PI that you are resourceful and thoughtful if you fail to do your homework, it does not build confidence that you will be diligent with your project. Equally important to convincing the PI that you have the right stuff is conveying your excitement for learning something special that is studied by his or her lab. Strive to balance what you would give to the lab and what you would gain from it.

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I do not even know how I ended up here, but I thought this post was good. I don’t know who you are but definitely you’re going to a famous blogger if you aren’t already 😉 Cheers!

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thank you!!!

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application letter for a postdoctoral

Postdoc Recommendation Letter

[Your Name]

[Your Title/Position]

[Your Affiliation/Institution]

[Your Email Address]

[Today's Date]

[Recipient's Name]

[Recipient's Title/Position]

[Recipient's Affiliation/Institution]

[Recipient's Email Address]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I am writing this letter in strong support of [Applicant's Name] and their application for a postdoctoral position at [Recipient's Institution/Department]. As [Applicant's Title/Position] at [Your Affiliation/Institution], I have had the privilege of closely working with [Applicant's Name] and have come to recognize them as an exceptional researcher with immense potential.

Throughout [Applicant's Name]'s doctoral tenure in our lab, I have been consistently impressed by their dedication, intelligence, and creativity. Their research focused on [briefly mention the research topic or area], and they made significant contributions to the field. [Applicant's Name] demonstrated a remarkable ability to formulate innovative research questions and design rigorous experiments to address them.

Moreover, I have been particularly impressed by [Applicant's Name]'s strong analytical skills, attention to detail, and proficiency in handling complex datasets. Their ability to analyze and interpret results in a nuanced manner has led to several breakthrough findings during their doctoral research. They also possess excellent technical expertise in various laboratory techniques and software relevant to their field of study.

Aside from their impressive academic accomplishments, [Applicant's Name] has a collaborative and team-oriented approach. They have effectively collaborated with other researchers in the lab, fostering a positive and stimulating research environment. Furthermore, their strong communication skills have allowed them to present their work at conferences and publish in reputable peer-reviewed journals.

I firmly believe that [Applicant's Name]'s expertise, passion for research, and strong work ethic make them an ideal fit for a postdoctoral position at [Recipient's Institution/Department]. Their research interests align perfectly with the ongoing work in your lab, and I have no doubt that their contributions would significantly enhance your research endeavors.

I am confident that [Applicant's Name] will continue to excel in their academic and research pursuits during their postdoctoral work. They have consistently demonstrated the ability to take on challenging projects and deliver results of the highest quality. I believe that the unique perspective and expertise they would bring to your team will undoubtedly make a substantial impact on your research objectives.

If you require any further information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Email Address]. Thank you for considering [Applicant's Name] for the postdoctoral position at your esteemed institution.

application letter for a postdoctoral

Call for Applications: Postdoctoral Fellowship (2024-2025) Training Program for Stanford Postdocs

OFFER / Fellowship / 25 July 2024

To provide training to Stanford postdocs in developing the skills and capabilities needed to pursue research that delivers public impact.


A training and professional development program for Stanford postdoc scholars who are passionate about using research to address social problems, are motivated to engage with partner(s) outside of the university setting, and are eager to join a cohort of other postdocs working in parallel to leverage their research expertise to tackle challenging social problems.

How to apply

Please complete and submit your application by clicking on the 'Download Application' button. Applications are due Tuesday, September 3, 2024.

Do you believe research has a role to play in addressing the world’s most pressing social problems?

About Stanford Impact Labs

Stanford Impact Labs inspires leaders in government, business, the nonprofit sector and higher education to work together to tackle the world’s most complex social problems with new evidence and practical solutions.

We support teams of scholars and practitioners working together to develop, test, and expand new solutions to stubborn challenges like unequal access to healthcare, climate change, or political polarization, to name a few. We run innovative education and training programs to give scholars the skills and capabilities they need to pursue research that delivers public impact. We are also committed to building a broader culture of public impact in higher education so that social science —when paired with, and informed by, first-hand experience in communities—can do more for more people.

We encourage interested postdoctoral fellowship   applicants to  read more about our approach . 

Postdoctoral Program

Applications are now open to Stanford postdoctoral scholars for the 2024-2025 Stanford Impact Labs Postdoctoral Fellowship training program. The fellowship is a training and professional development program for Stanford postdocs who are passionate about using research to address social problems, are motivated to engage with partner(s) outside of the university setting, and are eager to join a cohort of other postdocs working in parallel to leverage their research expertise to tackle challenging social problems. 

Once a month, fellows will gather for interactive, activity- and discussion-based workshops designed to engage postdocs in identifying and refining their understanding of a particular social problem and how their research contributes towards solutions; mapping and forging external partnerships and building a shared agenda of research; and developing an operational plan for giving life to their vision of impact and partnership. This curriculum is designed with acknowledgement of the gap that often exists between the skills and knowledge required to do impactful research in partnership, and the skills and knowledge that traditional doctoral programs provide.

Workshops are led by professional staff, with contributions from guest faculty already working in this space. The Stanford Impact Labs team has designed the workshops to be stimulating, engaging, and practically rewarding, so as to guide fellows closer to their vision of impact-focused research. Fellows also attend quarterly cohort social events, as well as an annual retreat.

Eligibility & Criteria

This program is open to researchers who are already employed, or will be employed, as postdoctoral scholars or fellows at Stanford University as of October 1, 2024 and at least until June 1, 2025. We welcome applications from postdocs in any academic discipline, in any department on campus.

We seek candidates who: 

  • Have some familiarity with and interest in solutions-oriented, partnership-based research. This could be demonstrated by past research experience and/or the research focus of the lab they work with at Stanford; 
  • Hold a belief in the role of science as a tool for tackling social problems; 
  • Are open-minded learners, flexible, and humble; and 
  • Exhibit a desire to engage with, and contribute toward, a cohort of postdocs committed to achieving outcomes beyond the university.

Additionally, candidates must be able to commit to attending all cohort sessions (held in person on Stanford’s campus), a commitment of about 2 hours per month, October 2024 - June 2025, and a two-day, one-overnight retreat the week of November 18, 2024. Workshop curriculum is cumulative, therefore it is essential that all members are present. Cohort sessions are scheduled taking into account all cohort members’ availability, and all sessions are catered with food and drinks.

Applications will be evaluated by a panel of Stanford Impact Labs’ staff, Stanford faculty, and current Stanford Impact Labs postdocs.

  • Tuesday, September 3, 2024    – Applications due 
  • Late September 2024 – Fellowship cohort selected
  • October 2024 - Fellowship begins

Application Materials and Instructions

To apply, please download the application at the link and send your completed application as a single PDF with subject line “Last Name_SIL Postdoc Application” to  [email protected] by Tuesday, September 3, 2024.  

More Information  

Learn more about the fellowship from postdocs who have participated in the program in prior years. You can find their names and details on our  website . 

Please note: This is a professional development opportunity for postdocs who are already at Stanford to gain skills and knowledge relevant to conducting solutions-oriented, partnership based research. It’s also an opportunity to create community with like-minded postdocs from across Stanford’s campus who are committed to making an impact through their research. This is not a program that sets up postdocs with already established research projects or positions, and there is no funding associated with this program.

Questions? Contact Alex Carr at  [email protected]

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Bio Careers    

Career service dedicated to expanding professional options for life science PhDs and MDs. It provides online career resources, job postings to post-graduate and alumni candidates, and recruitment services to employers.

Click on the link, select the University of Southern California as your institution, and use your USC email address as your username.

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A digital hub for life science news and jobs.  It provides essential insights, opportunities, and tools to connect innovative organizations and talented professionals who advance health and quality of life across the globe. 

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H-Net: Humanities & Social Sciences Online

Offers academic and non-academic job announcements in non-profit and for-profit fields and government. Announcements of events, upcoming conferences, calls for papers, calls for publication, programs, workshops, sources of funding, and fellowships.

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A free online career exploration and planning tool for Ph.D. students and postdoctoral scholars in the humanities and social sciences. Assess your career-related skills, interests, and values, explore career paths appropriate to your disciplines, create goals and map out the next steps for career and professional development success

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An online platform that allows PhD-level scientists and humanists, regardless of professional stage, to explore future career options. It engages with an individual’s interests and extrapolates these interests to positions in actual professional settings in industry, academia, and government sectors. While the simulations do not evaluate an individual’s performance on the task, they offer insight into the specific, real-life duties of varying career paths.

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A unique, web-based career-planning tool tailored to meet the needs of PhD students and postdocs in the sciences.

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Pathways to Science

Provides programs and resources for prospective and current STEM graduate students — including funding opportunities and professional development programs and resources.



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Office of Research and Innovation

USC offers faculty, postdocs, and research administrators a wide range of internal and external funding sources across the university for research and other scholarly projects.

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Dornsife Graduate Resources

Dornsife Graduate students have access to fellowships, grants, and awards throughout their graduate careers. ______________________________________________________________________________________


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USC Office of Postdoctoral Affairs

The USC Office of Postdoctoral Affairs is the central resource on campus serving as a liaison between the Office of the Provost, postdoctoral scholars, faculty, and staff to disseminate university initiatives and policies.  It works closely with academic units to help recruit a diverse cadre of the best junior scholars to the university and facilitate the training and preparation of postdoctoral scholars for careers as independent researchers, academics, and leaders of their chosen fields.  

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Awards and Fellowships Database

Searchable database for fellowships. 


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A searchable federal database with opportunities from all federal agencies.

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University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

Postdoctoral research fellow.

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A postdoctoral research position is available in the lab of Dr. Hrish Kulkarni, a NIH-funded laboratory in the UCLA Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care. We are seeking a postdoctoral fellow to drive how local innate immune responses, such as the complement system, modulates the severity of bacterial pneumonia. The overarching goal of our research program is to determine how epithelial cell-derived proteins can be harnessed to mitigate the risk of acute lung injury in various settings, to ultimately reduce the burden of end-stage lung disease. We utilize state-of-the-art technical modalities including conditional knockout mouse models, primary epithelial cell lines, flow cytometry, ELISA, protein and DNA-based molecular biology, biochemistry, cell/tissue culture, fluorescence and confocal microscopy, and DNA/RNA sequencing.

Eligible candidates must have a Ph.D. in biomedical sciences. The project involves both in vitro and in vivo experimentation at the intersection of immunology, cell biology, molecular biology and microbiology. Experience with standard cell biology techniques as well as murine in vivo models is required, as well as microscopy and flow cytometry. Experience in molecular biology or structural biology is encouraged but is not mandatory.

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Postdoctoral Research Associate Cover Letter Sample

Get more job offers and find inspiration for your cover letter with this customizable Postdoctoral Research Associate cover letter sample. Copy-paste this cover letter sample at no cost or rewrite it directly in our professional cover letter builder.

Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

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Postdoctoral Research Associate Cover Letter Sample (Full Text Version)

Martin lambert.

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am a Doctorate of Molecular and Cellular Biology graduate and I am excited to apply for this opportunity.

While studying at the University of Sunnybank, I served as a part-time undergraduate Microbiology Instructor, teaching Genome Expression and Organization and Genetic Manipulation. I was responsible for planning and delivering high-quality instruction in both physical and virtual settings, as well as administering and evaluating assessments. I am proud to mention that my classes achieved an average pass rate of 97%.

In addition to my instructional responsibilities, I contributed to the research and writing of "Chapter 2: Molecular Cell Biology of Diabetic Complications" in Erick Miska’s (2017) Molecular Cell Biology Advances in the 21st Century (Persimmon Press).

With six years of research and teaching experience, along with my recent doctorate and Master of Biology degree, I have also participated in various professional workshops and courses.

I have greatly appreciated the research opportunities at the University of Sunnybank, and now that my doctorate is complete, I am seeking a postdoctoral research associate role that will allow me to further contribute to the field of molecular cell biology.

I have attached my curriculum vitae for your review. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to hearing from you regarding next steps.

Sincerely, Martin Lambert

Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

Milan Šaržík, CPRW

Milan’s work-life has been centered around job search for the past three years. He is a Certified Professional Résumé Writer (CPRW™) as well as an active member of the Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Careers Coaches (PARWCC™). Milan holds a record for creating the most career document samples for our help center – until today, he has written more than 500 resumes and cover letters for positions across various industries. On top of that, Milan has completed studies at multiple well-known institutions, including Harvard University, University of Glasgow, and Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.

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Post-doctoral Associate - Synthetic Biology and Metabolic Engineering for Biomass Oil

Apply now Job no: 531357 Work type: Post Doc Associate Location: Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) Categories: Biology/Life Science, Agricultural Sciences Department: 60080000 - AG-AGRONOMY

Classification Title:

Postdoc Aso

Job Description:

The is creating an environment that affirms community across all dimensions. We particularly welcome applicants who can contribute to such an environment through their scholarship, teaching, mentoring, and professional service. If an accommodation due to a disability is needed to apply for this position, please call 352-392-2477 or the Florida Relay System at 800-955-8771 (TDD) or visit .

The at University of Florida, headed by Fredy Altpeter, is seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral research associate with experience in modular assembly of recombinant DNA constructs, plant genetic engineering, molecular biology and project management to join our team. The research program focuses on designing high biomass crops for enhanced productivity and production of biomass oil using the “plants as factories” concept.

The successful candidate will apply established transformation protocols and accelerated DBTL cycles to validate regulatory elements and target genes for crop improvement and develop transgenic strategies for metabolic engineering to enhance the quality and quantity of biomass lipids using molecular, biochemical and phenotypic characterization of genetically modified events under controlled environment conditions. This will allow to select best performing events for field evaluation similar in scope to our earlier publications:   

Hooghvorst I, Altpeter F. 2023. dCas9-3xSRDX-mediated transcriptional repression in sugarcane. Plant Cell Rep. 42:1837-1840.

Cao, V.D., Kannan, B., Luo, G., Liu, H., Shanklin, J. and Altpeter, F. 2023. Triacylglycerol, total fatty acid and biomass accumulation of metabolically engineered energycane grown under field conditions confirms its potential as feedstock for drop-in fuel production. GCB-Bioenergy 15:1450-1464.

Cao, V.D., Luo, G., Korynta, S., Liu, H., Liang, Y., Shanklin, J. and Altpeter, F. 2023. Intron-mediated enhancement of 1 expression in energycane promotes a step change for lipid accumulation in vegetative tissues. Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts 16:153.

Liang, Y., Yu, X., Anaokar, S., Shi, H., Dahl, W., Cai, Y., Luo, G. , Chai, J., Molla-Morales, A., Altpeter, F. 2023. Ernst, E., Schwender, J., Martienssen, R. and Shanklin, J. Engineering triacylglycerol accumulation in Duckweed ( ). Plant Biotechnology J. 21:313-330.

Baskaran K. , Liu H., Shanklin J., Altpeter F. 2022. Towards oilcane: Field evaluation of metabolically engineered sugarcane with hyper-accumulation of triacylglycerol in vegetative tissues. Molecular Breeding 42:64.

Luo G. , Viet D.C. , Kannan B. ,Liu H., Shanklin J., Altpeter F. 2022. Metabolic engineering of energycane to hyperaccumulate lipids in vegetative biomass. BMC Biotechnol 22: 24.

Maitra, S., Viswanathan, M., Park, K., Kannan, B. , Cano-Alfanar, S. , McCoy, S., Cahoon, E., Altpeter, F., Leakey, A. and Singh, V. 2022. Bioprocessing, recovery, and mass balance of vegetative lipids from metabolically engineered “oilcane” demonstrates its potential as an alternative feedstock for drop-in fuel production. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 10:16833–16844.

Parajuli S., Kannan B., Karan R., Sanahuja G., Liu H., Garcia-Ruiz E., Kumar D., Singh V., Zhao H., Long S., et al. Towards oilcane: Engineering hyperaccumulation of triacylglycerol into sugarcane stems. GCB Bioenergy. 2020;12:476–490.

The is a Land-Grant, Sea-Grant, and Space-Grant institution, encompassing virtually all academic and professional disciplines, with an enrollment of more than 56,000 students.  UF is a member of The Association of American Universities.  The includes the , the , the , the , the program, and encompasses 16 on-campus academic departments and schools, 12 Research and Educational Centers (REC) located throughout the state, 6 Research sites/demonstration units administered by RECs or academic departments, and Florida Cooperative Extension Service offices in all 67 counties (counties operate and maintain). The School of Natural Resources and Environment is an interdisciplinary unit housed in IFAS and managed by several colleges on campus.  UF/IFAS employs nearly 4,500 people, which includes approximately 990 salaried faculty and 1,400 permanent support personnel located in Gainesville and throughout the state. IFAS, one of the nation’s largest agricultural and natural resources research and education organizations, is administered by a Vice President and four deans: the Dean of the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, the Dean for Extension and Director of the Florida Cooperative Extension Service, the Dean for Research and Director of the Florida Agricultural Experiment Station, and the Dean for the College of Veterinary Medicine.  UF/IFAS also engages in cooperative work with Florida A&M University in Tallahassee.

Annual Salary: Salary will be commensurate with experience and includes benefits.

Expected Salary:

Commensurate with education and experience

Minimum Requirements:

A PhD in plant molecular biology or related field is required. Recent graduates are encouraged to apply. This work requires excellent interpersonal and communication skills in English as well as excellent writing skills as demonstrated by a strong publication record in peer reviewed journals. The recruited candidate is expected to publish at least one peer reviewed publication per year. Extensive background in molecular genetics is essential, including design and construction of multi-gene  vectors using modular cloning platforms like Golden Gate assembly, analysis of RNAseq data, plant tissue culture, biolistic gene transfer, molecular, biochemical and phenotypic characterization of transgenic plants under greenhouse and field environments and statistical analysis of data. Candidates must also have a commitment to . 

Preferred Qualifications:

Knowledge in synthetic biology, plant metabolism, physiology and genomic regulation is desirable.

Special Instructions to Applicants:

Application must be submitted by 11:55 p.m. (ET) of the posting end date.

and submit:

Selected candidate will be required to provide an official transcript to the hiring department upon hire. A transcript will not be considered “official” if a designation of “Issued to Student” is visible.  Degrees earned from an education institution outside of the United States are required to be evaluated by a professional credentialing service provider approved by .

Hiring is contingent upon eligibility to work in the US. The University of Florida is a public institution and subject to all requirements under Florida Sunshine and Public Record laws.

The is an Equal Opportunity Institution. The University and greater Gainesville community enjoy a variety of cultural events, restaurants, year-round outdoor recreational activities, and social opportunities.

Health Assessment Required: No

Advertised: 26 Apr 2024 Eastern Daylight Time Applications close: 05 Aug 2024 Eastern Daylight Time

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Search results

Position Department Location Closes
60080000 - AG-AGRONOMY Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
The Crop Biotechnology Research Program at University of Florida, headed by Fredy Altpeter, is seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral research associate with experience in modular assembly of recombinant DNA constructs, plant genetic engineering, molecular biology and project management to join our team. The research program focuses on designing high biomass crops for enhanced productivity and production of biomass oil using the “plants as factories” concept.

Current Opportunities

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  • Post Doc Associate 1
  • Agricultural Sciences 1
  • Biology/Life Science 1
  • Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) 1
  • 60080000 - AG-AGRONOMY 1
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Equal Opportunity Employer

The University is committed to non-discrimination with respect to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, marital status, national origin, political opinions or affiliations, genetic information and veteran status in all aspects of employment including recruitment, hiring, promotions, transfers, discipline, terminations, wage and salary administration, benefits, and training.

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Postdoctoral Researcher / Data Scientist (m/f/d) | Geospatial data and/or remote sensing

Job Code: 14/2024

The Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry (MPI-BGC) in Jena is dedicated to interdisciplinary fundamental research in the field of Earth system sciences with a focus on climate and ecosystems. The internationally renowned institute, which currently employs around 250 people, celebrated its 25 th anniversary in 2022. Jena is known for high-tech industry, internationally renowned research institutions and a modern university, but it also has a beautiful natural setting in the green Saale valley with steep limestone slopes. The city of Jena has an active student scene and a diverse cultural life.

We are looking for a Postdoctoral Researcher / Data Scientist (m/f/d) in the field of geospatial data and/or remote sensing , full-time, for 2 years, extension possible.

Background and position description

We are looking for an enthusiastic scientist to complement our team efforts in tackling current research questions in the field of data-driven estimates of European and global land ecosystem-atmosphere fluxes. The position involves integration and participation in multiple large projects from Horizon Europe and the European Space Agency

The Global Diagnostic Modelling group coordinates the FLUXCOM initiative (, Jung et al. 2020) which develops approaches to integrate satellite remote sensing data, eddy-covariance flux observations, and machine learning to generate global products of land-atmosphere carbon and energy fluxes. FLUXCOM is developed by a diverse team with backgrounds in ecophysiology, data science, machine learning, and remote sensing.

We are looking for a team member who can  integrate new and high spatial resolution observational datasets into the existing FLUXCOM workflow. This will involve building tailored data extraction and pre-processing pipelines to generate analysis ready data (ARD). Additionally, the person will implement a novel machine learning model structure that is able to account for the mismatch in observational supports (i.e. spatial footprints) between eddy covariance measurements and satellite observations. In practice, this will require characterising the dynamic nature of both types of footprints and evaluate the representativity of the matching area in both space and time.

Our new colleague will also have space to complement the research activities of the FLUXCOM team by developing and realizing own research ideas. These may focus on more technical or applied questions according to the applicant’s interests. There will further be opportunities for collaboration and exchange beyond FLUXCOM, notably within the department of Biogeochemical Integration, and with external national and international colleagues. The candidate is encouraged to author and/or contribute to scientific publications of the group.

  • Develop tailored data workflows to extract and process satellite remote sensing datasets from existing EU infrastructures to make them ready for FLUXCOM and other applications
  • Improve the consistency between on-the-ground measurements and remote sensing images via precision spatiotemporal sampling and developing/implementing methodologies for a consistent remote sensing-eddy covariance integration
  • Analyse effects of new data streams and methodologies on the accuracy of the data-driven flux estimates
  • Produce and/or contribute to scientific publications of the group

Your profile

  • Completed PhD in remote sensing, geoinformatics, computer science, physics, meteorology, geoecology, or related field
  • Experience with the programming language Python is an asset
  • Experience with technology currently used by the FLUXCOM team is also an asset, i.e.: HPC computing, GIT version control, zarr data cubes
  • A good understanding of the terrestrial carbon cycle and machine learning is an asset
  • Very good written and spoken English is required
  • Enjoy working collaboratively

This position is full-time and is to be filled as soon as possible, for two years and the possibility of extension. Part-time work is generally possible. The position will be evaluated and graded following the collective agreement according to TVöD Bund; in addition, we will provide a pension plan based on the public service (VBL)

The Max Planck Society (MPS) strives for gender equality and diversity. The MPS aims to increase the proportion of women in areas where they are underrepresented. Women are therefore explicitly encouraged to apply. We welcome applications from all fields. The MPS has set itself the goal of employing more severely disabled people. Applications from severely disabled persons are expressly encouraged.

Your application

Dr. Jacob Nelson ( [email protected] ) will be happy to answer further questions. Are you interested? Please send us your application with cover letter, curriculum vitae as well a s names and contact information of two references summarised in a PDF file (max. 10 MB) by e-mail to [email protected] or to the

Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry Personalbüro: Kennwort “14/2024” Hans-Knöll-Straße 10 07745 Jena Germany

by 30th August 2024 , quoting the reference number 14/2024 . We ask that you do not use application folders, but only submit copies, as your documents will be destroyed in accordance with data protection regulations after the application process has been completed. We look forward to receiving your application!

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    3. Write your introduction. Use your beginning paragraph to explain why you are writing the cover letter. Refer to the position you're applying to and explain where you heard about the opportunity. If you have a personal connection who works with the PI, job poster or hiring manager, you can mention them here.

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  3. Postdoc Cover Letter Sample & Writing Tips

    In this order, the three sections of a standard postdoc cover letter include an introduction, a research summary, and a section discussing your fit in the target position. 1. Write a direct and information-rich introduction. Include identifying information, such as your:

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  5. How to Write a Great Postdoc Cover Letter

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  6. Cover Letter for Postdoc Position: Sample Application Letter

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  7. How to write a killer cover letter for a postdoctoral application

    End your cover letter with the same professionalism you used at the opening. Thank the PI for his or her time and consideration. Be sure to provide your contact information and state that you look forward to hearing from him or her. Everything discussed above should fit onto a single page — 1 ½ pages at most.

  8. Postdoc Cover Letter Examples & Expert Tips ·

    With 125+ cover letter examples and occupation-specific writing guides, is here to make an impressive postdoc cover letter easier than you think. This guide, along with our postdoc cover letter examples, will cover these topics: The best format for structuring a postdoc cover letter. How each cover letter section speaks to your ...

  9. Best Postdoc Cover Letter Examples for 2024

    Some of the hard skills you may include for a postdoctoral cover letter include: Responsible research methods. Social media skills. Data analysis skills. Some soft skills that most postdoc applicants should have include: Communication skills. Professionalism. Leadership skills. 3.

  10. How to write a postdoc cover letter (with example)

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  11. Postdoc Cover Letter Example

    Here's an example postdoc cover letter to help you write your cover letter. Dr. John DoeDepartment of BiologyUniversity of CaliforniaCalifornia, United States 1st July, 2021 Dr. Jane SmithFaculty of MedicineUniversity of TorontoToronto, Canada Dear Dr. Smith, I am writing to apply for the postdoctoral research position advertised in your ...

  12. PDF Writing your CV and Cover Letter

    that you lay out the 'backbone' of your CV first, by. picking 3-8 section headings that reflect the scope of your work. Then, begin writing/cutting and pasting your information into those sections. Then keep trying to fill out each section by fleshing out the descriptive text of each of your experiences. Write in 20-60 minute bursts.

  13. Cover Letter Best Practices: PhD and Postdoc Success

    Use a business-letter format and stick to one page of 3-5 paragraphs. Like a résumé, each cover letter you write should be tailored to the specific position and employer to align with the organization's culture and the requirements of the role. Use the same header on both your cover letter and résumé for a cohesive and polished look.

  14. Postdoc Cover Letter: Samples & Templates to Fill

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  15. How to Write a Postdoc Cover Letter (With Example)

    How to write a postdoc cover letter. You can follow these step-by-step instructions to create an engaging postdoc cover letter that increases your chances of securing the position: 1. Include a header with your contact information. It's a good practice to begin the cover letter with your name and contact information to make it easy for the ...

  16. Cover Letter For A Postdoc (5 Samples)

    When writing a postdoc cover letter, these are some of the essential things to include in your letter: Address the employer with a formal salutation. For example, "Dear/Hello (name of the recipient or hiring manager).". The next step is to state the position you are applying for and how you found the opening.

  17. Postdoctoral Researcher Cover Letter Sample

    [email protected]. NKJ International, Inc. Miami, FL, United States of America. 02 February 2021. Application for Postdoctoral Researcher. Dear Hiring Manager, I am writing to express my interest in the postdoctoral researcher opportunity as a Doctorate of Environmental Sciences graduate with a strong passion for addressing climate change ...

  18. Sample Postdoc Application Letter

    A well-written postdoc application letter alerts a hiring committee that you are interested in a particular postdoctoral position and motivates them to move you to short list of qualified candidates. Format and Content. When used as a cover letter, the postdoc application letter format is generally 3 to 4 paragraphs long and begins with an ...

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  20. Postdoc Application Cover Letter Template

    When used as a cover letter, the postdoc application letter format is generally 3 to 4 paragraphs long and begins with an introductory paragraph. Writing a postdoctoral cover letter is basically the same as writing any other cover letter. Postdoc Application Cover Letter Template I #1 . September xx, xxxx. Dr. XXXX. Associate ...

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    I am confident that [Applicant's Name] will continue to excel in their academic and research pursuits during their postdoctoral work. They have consistently demonstrated the ability to take on challenging projects and deliver results of the highest quality.

  23. Call for Applications: Postdoctoral Fellowship (2024-2025)

    The Stanford Impact Labs Postdoctoral Fellowship is a training and professional development program for Stanford postdoctoral scholars who are passionate about using research to address social problems, are motivated to engage with partner(s) outside of the university setting, and are eager to join a cohort of other postdocs working in parallel to leverage their research expertise to tackle ...

  24. Resources for Doctoral and Postdoctoral Scholars

    A free online career exploration and planning tool for Ph.D. students and postdoctoral scholars in the humanities and social sciences. Assess your career-related skills, interests, and values, explore career paths appropriate to your disciplines, create goals and map out the next steps for career and professional development success. InterSECT

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    A copy of the KAUST Host PI Letter should be uploaded by the candidate on the application form. Support letters should be drafted using the provided template or similar and should include all required information. The KAUST Host PI will be notified via email about the final submission of the application including the host PI support letter.

  28. University of Florida

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    Description. Area: Law. Duration: One-year, with a possibility of a renewal for another year. Start Date: Flexible, before January 15, 2025. Salary: $45,000 per year plus benefits . The Faculty of Law is accepting applications for one or two positions as Postdoctoral Associates in the law and policy related to cybersecurity.. Job Description: The postdoctoral scholar will engage in research on ...

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    We are looking for a Postdoctoral Researcher / Data Scientist (m/f/d) in the field of geospatial data and/or remote sensing, full-time, ... Please send us your application with cover letter, curriculum vitae as well a s names and contact information of two references summarised in a PDF file (max. 10 MB) by e-mail to [email protected] ...