tum thesis latex template

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Thesis Writing Tips

Templates & guidelines.

  • TUM Thesis LaTeX Template
  • TUM Thesis Guidelines
  • For citations in your thesis follow the TUM Citation Guide  and choose one of the TUM recommended citation styles, which you will also find in there.
  • Exposé: 3-5 pages
  • Guided Research: 8-12 pages
  • Bachelor's Thesis: 40-60 pages
  • Master's Thesis: 50-80 pages
  • Your thesis should contain a maximum of two levels of subsections as in the example below. Restructure your thesis to avoid more than two levels.

         1. Section             1.1 First Subsection Level                1.1.1 Second Subsection Level

  • Use “we“ to refer to yourself or possible co-authors. Even in theses having only one author, “we“ is commonly used to draw the reader into the discussion at hand, as in “the author and the readers“. However, using the passive voice is also acceptable.

Thesis Example Structure

The following structure is intended for orientation purposes. Usually, the thesis is written in consultation with the supervisor, which may result in a different structure.

  • Cover Page  ( Formatting according to the TUM Guidelines )
  • Title Page  ( Formatting according to the TUM Guidelines )
  • TUM Declaration & Handwritten Signature  ( Content and Formatting acccording to the TUM Guidelines )
  • Acknowledgements  (optional)
  • Briefly state the problem and solution your thesis is about. Should not be more than half a page.
  • Table of Contents
  • The Introduction should include the problem statement and motivation of your research, the objective and the research question(s) you will adress.
  • At the end you can give a short overview of your research approach.
  • This part should include relevant related research to your topic based on an in-depth literature review.
  • The main part should be organized in several chapters in a way that reveals best the intention of the thesis.
  • The core part should represent - in conjunction with the previous sections - a comprehensive exposition that does not require additional literature in order to be fully understood.
  • Methods - State your research design and used methods. 
  • Experiments - State your different conducted experiments.
  • Results - Present the results of your experiments in a suitble way.
  • Discuss your thesis results critically. 
  • Explain the advantages and disadvantages of your evaluation methods.
  • State the limitations of your thesis results.
  • Discuss possible impacts of your results on future research.
  • Summarize the most vital parts of your thesis.
  • Essential experiences may be decribed as well.
  • At the end, you may describe your own view about future developments in the research field covered by your thesis.
  • Appendix (if necessary)
  • List of Figures
  • List of Tables
  • Glossary (optional)
  • List of Symbols (optional)
  • List of Abbreviations
  • A complete and consistent list of all references.

Exposé Example Structure

The following structure is intended for orientation purposes. Usually, the exposé is written in consultation with the supervisor, which may result in a different structure.

  • State the theoretical foundations and refer to 3-5 related works that you have already identified during a literature search.
  • State the research methods and experiments that you plan to conduct.
  • Include a timetable for your research.
  • Include a provisional table of contents for your thesis.
  • A complete and consistent list of all references you used for the exposé.

Incoming references

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  • TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
  • Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Verfassen mathematischer Arbeiten mit LaTeX

Seit dem Wintersemester 2008/09 bieten wir – finanziert aus Mitteln der Studienbeiträge – einen Anlaufpunkt für Fragen zu und Problemen mit dem Textsatz-System LaTeX an.

Arbeiten, die mathematische Formeln enthalten, werden weltweit fast ausschließlich mit LaTeX erzeugt. Auch für studentische Zwecke – etwa Folien für Seminarvorträge oder Ihre Bachelorarbeit – ist es zu empfehlen. Und es ist auch nicht schwer!

Sie können ohne große Vorkenntnisse loslegen – die Informationen auf dieser Seite helfen Ihnen dabei.


Prinzipiell benötigen Sie nur einen Text-Editor Ihrer Wahl, in dem Sie Ihren LaTeX-Quelltext schreiben, und einen LaTeX-Compiler. Es existieren bereits eine Reihe von Editoren, die speziell für das Arbeiten mit LaTeX entwickelt wurden. Dort haben Sie die Möglichkeit, Ihren Quelltext mit einem Klick zu kompilieren und gleich die Ausgabedatei anzusehen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auch unter LaTeX project: Obtaining LaTeX .

  • LaTeX-Distribution: MikTeX  
  • Installation einiger weiterer Tools erforderlich (z.B. Viewer, um die Ausgabe-Dateien im .dvi oder .ps oder .pdf-Format ansehen zu können):  proTeXt   hilft Ihnen dabei.
  • Als Editor ist u.a. WinShell   zu empfehlen.



  • in der Regel schon enthalten
  • diverse Editoren (z.B. gedit) unterstützen Syntax Highlighting für LaTeX

Nützliche Links

Hier finden Sie Wissenswertes rund um LaTeX:

  • CTAN   – The Comprehensive TeX Archive Network:  Getting started
  • The LaTeX Project
  • The Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN)
  • Deutsche Anwendervereinigung TeX e.V. (DAnTe)
  • TeX Users Group (TUG)

Beispiele und Vorlagen

  • LaTeX-Vorlage: Abschlussarbeit
  • LaTeX-Vorlage: Beispiel Anwendung
  • LaTeX-Vorlage: Selbsterklärendes Beispiel
  • LaTeX-Vorlage Seminarvortrag
  • pdflatex (deutsch)
  • pdflatex (englisch)
  • latex (deutsch)
  • latex (englisch)

The (Not So) Short Introduction to LaTeX2e  liefert Ihnen alle Informationen, um LaTeX von Grund auf zu lernen:  Introduction to Latex

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Technical University of Munich

  • Chair of Media Technology
  • TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
  • Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Writing Your Thesis

General information.

Approximate number of pages to be written:

(core content, number of pages excluding abstract, table of contents, references, list of figures/tables, etc.)

  • Diplomarbeit / Master's Thesis: 60-80 pages
  • Bachelor's Thesis: 30-40 pages
  • IDP: 30-40 pages
  • Research Internship (Forschungspraxis): 20-30 pages

You may write your thesis in German or English.

Key criteria for grading a thesis:

(organization, perception, creativity, duration*, ...) 

(compared to the initial goals, quality and accuracy of the results, ...)

(structure, documentation of own contributions, layout, ...)

* E. g. the student is expected to work 6 months full time for his master's thesis.

The final version of your thesis has to be given to the supervisor seven days prior to your final presentation. If you miss this deadline, the final presentation may be postponed to the next available date.

Please hand in 2 copies and the PDF version of your thesis.

Document Structure

Your thesis should comprise the following parts:

  • Type of this thesis (Master's Thesis, etc.)
  • Name of university, institute, and professor
  • The author's name,
  • matriculation number,
  • address, and
  • Email address.
  • Name of the supervisor(s)
  • End (usually the day of the final presentation)
  • Abstract Present in short the problem and solution your thesis is about. Must not be more than half a page.
  • Kurzfassung German version of the abstract. May be omitted when writing in English.
  • Introduction The introduction should explain the field of research you are working in and describe in more detail what your thesis is about. At the end, a short overview of the thesis should be given.
  • Main Part The main part should comprise a discussion about the state of the art, based on references to current literature. Then, the results of your own work should be presented. Intermediate steps that were important for the final result may be included. The main part should be organized in several chapters in a way that reveals best the intention of the thesis. The core part should represent - in conjunction with the introduction - a comprehensive exposition that does not require additional literature in order to be fully understood.
  • Conclusion The most vital parts of the thesis have to summarized in the conclusion. Essential experiences may be decribed as well. At the end, the author may describe his own view about future developments in the research field covered by this thesis.
  • Appendix (if necessary)
  • List of Figures
  • List of Tables
  • Glossary (optional)
  • List of Symbols (optional)
  • List of Abbreviations
  • Bibliography A complete list of all literature and Internet references. The entries have to be consistent and complete: Author(s), full title, how resp. where published (name of magazine, conference, URL, etc.), date of publication. References are denoted by the abbreviation of the authors' names, followed by the year of publication. (LaTeX style "alpha"). An article from a magazine: [GLL90] Griswold, J. S.; Lightle, T. L.; Lovelady, J. G.: Hurricane Hugo: Effect On State Government Communications. IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 28, Nr. 6, S. 12-17, 1990. A book: [EV97] Eberspächer, J.; Vögel, H.-J.: GSM - Global System for Mobile Communication. Vermittlung, Dienste und Protokolle in digitalen Mobilfunknetzen. Teubner, Stuttgart, 1997. A URL: [Arn99] Arnaud, B. St.: Gigabit Internet to every Canadian Home by 2005. www.canet2.net/archeng/home.html , 1999. Throughout the thesis, literature is referenced as follows: "..., as shown in [EV97], ..." or " ... there are several solutions [Arn99,GLL90] ..."
  • Index (optional)

Please use the LMT LaTeX template for your thesis . A description of LaTeX is available at the computer center LRZ . Alternatively, you may want to use the graphical editor lyx for editing, which allows export in LaTeX.

The copies of your thesis should be perfect-bound ("Klebebindung"): Use a transparent front cover so the title page can be easily read; and if possible a blue paper for the back cover. The pages should be single-sided.

The pages should be numbered (using Arabic numerals) starting with the introduction as page "1". The preceding pages may be numbered using Roman numerals. Page numbers are not shown on the title page and the first page of each chapter. Figures and tables should be numbered (numbers should include the chapter) and apropriately captioned. Use Arial or Roman fonts, a character size of 12pt, and single spacing.

Please note that symbols for physical quantities and their respective units have a defined typography:

  • Italic Style: Physical Quantities (e.g. U for voltage), variables (e.g. x ), as well as variable functions and operators (e.g. f(x) ).
  • Upright Style: Units and their prefixes (e.g. kg, pF), numbers, and well defined functions and operators (e.g. sin, lg).

Example of TUM Thesis format

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Example of TUM Thesis format

TUM Thesis — Template for authors

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Technical University of Munich

Approved by publishing and review experts on SciSpace, this template is built as per for TUM Thesis formatting guidelines as mentioned in Technical University of Munich author instructions. The current version was created on and has been used by 476 authors to write and format their manuscripts to this journal.

Heliyon template (Elsevier)

SciSpace is a very innovative solution to the formatting problem and existing providers, such as Mendeley or Word did not really evolve in recent years.

- Andreas Frutiger, Researcher, ETH Zurich, Institute for Biomedical Engineering

What to expect from SciSpace?

Speed and accuracy over ms word.

With SciSpace, you do not need a word template for TUM Thesis.

It automatically formats your research paper to Technical University of Munich formatting guidelines and citation style.

You can download a submission ready research paper in pdf, LaTeX and docx formats.

Time comparison

Time taken to format a paper and Compliance with guidelines

Publisher Logos

Freedom from formatting guidelines

One editor, 100K journal formats – world's largest collection of journal templates

With such a huge verified library, what you need is already there.


Easy support from all your favorite tools

Automatically format and order your citations and bibliography in a click.

SciSpace allows imports from all reference managers like Mendeley, Zotero, Endnote, Google Scholar etc.

Frequently asked questions

1. can i write tum thesis in latex.

Absolutely not! Our tool has been designed to help you focus on writing. You can write your entire paper as per the TUM Thesis guidelines and auto format it.

2. Do you follow the TUM Thesis guidelines?

Yes, the template is compliant with the TUM Thesis guidelines. Our experts at SciSpace ensure that. If there are any changes to the journal's guidelines, we'll change our algorithm accordingly.

3. Can I cite my article in multiple styles in TUM Thesis?

Of course! We support all the top citation styles, such as APA style, MLA style, Vancouver style, Harvard style, and Chicago style. For example, when you write your paper and hit autoformat, our system will automatically update your article as per the TUM Thesis citation style.

4. Can I use the TUM Thesis templates for free?

Sign up for our free trial, and you'll be able to use all our features for seven days. You'll see how helpful they are and how inexpensive they are compared to other options, Especially for TUM Thesis.

5. Can I use a manuscript in TUM Thesis that I have written in MS Word?

Yes. You can choose the right template, copy-paste the contents from the word document, and click on auto-format. Once you're done, you'll have a publish-ready paper TUM Thesis that you can download at the end.

6. How long does it usually take you to format my papers in TUM Thesis?

It only takes a matter of seconds to edit your manuscript. Besides that, our intuitive editor saves you from writing and formatting it in TUM Thesis.

7. Where can I find the template for the TUM Thesis?

It is possible to find the Word template for any journal on Google. However, why use a template when you can write your entire manuscript on SciSpace , auto format it as per TUM Thesis's guidelines and download the same in Word, PDF and LaTeX formats? Give us a try!.

8. Can I reformat my paper to fit the TUM Thesis's guidelines?

Of course! You can do this using our intuitive editor. It's very easy. If you need help, our support team is always ready to assist you.

9. TUM Thesis an online tool or is there a desktop version?

SciSpace's TUM Thesis is currently available as an online tool. We're developing a desktop version, too. You can request (or upvote) any features that you think would be helpful for you and other researchers in the "feature request" section of your account once you've signed up with us.

10. I cannot find my template in your gallery. Can you create it for me like TUM Thesis?

Sure. You can request any template and we'll have it setup within a few days. You can find the request box in Journal Gallery on the right side bar under the heading, "Couldn't find the format you were looking for like TUM Thesis?”

11. What is the output that I would get after using TUM Thesis?

After writing your paper autoformatting in TUM Thesis, you can download it in multiple formats, viz., PDF, Docx, and LaTeX.

12. Is TUM Thesis's impact factor high enough that I should try publishing my article there?

To be honest, the answer is no. The impact factor is one of the many elements that determine the quality of a journal. Few of these factors include review board, rejection rates, frequency of inclusion in indexes, and Eigenfactor. You need to assess all these factors before you make your final call.

13. What is Sherpa RoMEO Archiving Policy for TUM Thesis?


Green Can archive pre-print post-print or publisher's version/PDF
Blue Can archive post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing) or publisher's version/PDF
Yellow Can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing)
White Archiving not formally supported
  • Pre-prints as being the version of the paper before peer review and
  • Post-prints as being the version of the paper after peer-review, with revisions having been made.

14. What are the most common citation types In TUM Thesis?

1. Author Year
2. Numbered
3. Numbered (Superscripted)
4. Author Year (Cited Pages)
5. Footnote

15. How do I submit my article to the TUM Thesis?

16. can i download tum thesis in endnote format.

Yes, SciSpace provides this functionality. After signing up, you would need to import your existing references from Word or Bib file to SciSpace. Then SciSpace would allow you to download your references in TUM Thesis Endnote style according to Elsevier guidelines.

with TUM Thesis format applied

Fast and reliable, built for complaince.

Instant formatting to 100% publisher guidelines on - SciSpace.

tum thesis latex template

No word template required

Typset automatically formats your research paper to TUM Thesis formatting guidelines and citation style.

tum thesis latex template

Verifed journal formats

One editor, 100K journal formats. With the largest collection of verified journal formats, what you need is already there.

tum thesis latex template

Trusted by academicians

tum thesis latex template

I spent hours with MS word for reformatting. It was frustrating - plain and simple. With SciSpace, I can draft my manuscripts and once it is finished I can just submit. In case, I have to submit to another journal it is really just a button click instead of an afternoon of reformatting.

tum thesis latex template

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Technische Universität München

  • Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Geschäftsprozessmanagement
  • TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
  • Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München

Theses at the Chair of Prof. Rinderle-Ma

  • All theses have to be written in English (at our chair).
  • All theses have to be written in LaTeX (use Template for import in ShareLatex/Overleaf or local writing).
  • All prototypes created as part of theses are to be hosted on our servers, thus Linux/backend and programming knowledge is mandatory.

We highly recommend to attend the (Master-)Seminar - Scientific Methods in Information Systems in advance.

Please send all applications with a CV, Grade Report (Leistungsnachweis), and an Application Form (including a detailed motivation). Contract work for companies is not a thesis. Please note that every thesis must make a separate, independent scientific contribution. External topics can be supervised only when there is a close link to the research topics and areas of competence of this research group.

Please always contact us with your tum/cit.tum e-mail adress (emails from other addresses will not be answered).

Contact: [email protected] , [email protected]

Bachelor Thesis Topics

The topics listed below are examples, concrete topics will be discussed in the regular meetings, to which you are invited after sending all necessary application documents.

Prerequisite for a thesis at this chair: Einführung in die Wirtschaftsinformatik (IN0021) and one of the Practical Courses / Seminars of the Chair.

  • Robot Palletizing
  • Robot Movement to Process Model
  • Process Tree Difference Calculation and Visualization  
  • Process Data Flow Visualization (SVG)
  • Process Resource Visualization (SVG)
  • Process Model Generator for CPN IDE

Master Thesis Topics

Prerequisite for a thesis at this chair: Business Process Technologies and Management (IN2105) or one of the Advanced Practical Courses of the Chair.

  • Process Engine Based Edge Nodes for High Performance Sensor Data Collection
  • Conformance Checking in Processes Choreographies
  • Privacy and Confidentiality Mechanisms for Process Mining
  • Equivalences and Properties of Petri Nets vs. Block-structured Business Process Modeling Languages
  • Master Thesis: Overcoming Challenges in Integrating Process Engines in Engineering Processes

Theses at the KrcmarLab

Please note that since Prof. Krcmar retired in October 2020, he only supervises selected topics. You can find topics offered by his research group in the list below.

If you want to apply for a student thesis or project at the KrcmarLab, please send the following documents directly to the contact person indicated in the topic offering and give us your motivation for the chosen topic(s) in your application letter/email:

  • Application form  (max. three topics): application form
  • Current grades ("Notenauszug") from TUMonline

The following guidelines apply for theses and projects at the KrcmarLab:

  • Theses can be written in German or in English
  • Theses can be written using Word or LaTeX
  • Guidelines for student theses and projects at Krcmar Lab: Deutsch | English
  • Reader for scientific writing: Deutsch | English
  • Example of thesis formatting: Template


  • Digital Health Interventions & Applied AI in Healthcare: Predicting Overcrowding in the Emergency Department (MA)
  • Organizational and Power Dynamics in Data Management and Governance (MA)

*BA = Bachelor's Thesis, MA = Master's Thesis, IDP = Interdisciplinary Project, GR = Guided Research

Theses at the Wittges Lab

You can find topics offered by Wittges research group / SAP UCC in the list below.

If you want to apply for a student thesis or project at the Wittges Lab, please send the following documents directly to the contact person indicated in the topic offering and do not forget to include your motivation for the chosen topic(s) in your application letter/email:

The following guidelines apply for theses and projects at the Wittges Lab:

  • Please note that Bachelor's theses are oriented around the Information Systems degree programme and have a duration of 5 months. Therefore students of Information Systems are prioritised when assigning topics


E-Sport data analysis using IBM WatsonX and SAP HANA (BA/MA)

BA = Bachelor's Thesis, MA = Master's Thesis, IDP = Interdisciplinary Project

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TUM Thesis Template - LaTeX template in the new corporate design of TU München (inofficial)


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Tum thesis template.

Inofficial LaTeX template with a cover inspired by the new TUM Corporate Design - i.e. minimalistic typography with sans-serif Helvetica font. The default serif font for the content part is Palatino, with a slightly wider column width than the vanilla LaTeX book class. For theses, seminars, homeworks etc at TU München.

PDF preview


Download the template folder via...

  • the .zip file from GitHub (green download button)
  • or git clone
  • open the main file (default name is TUM_Thesis_Template.tex )
  • fill the placeholders with your own personal data
  • set the "quick settings" in the main document
  • if required, adapt the settings.tex file (e.g. additional packages or margins)
  • add your own chapters

This template was tested with Texmaker on Linux & Tex Live on Windows and Sharelatex (sharelatex.com).

A printed example with cardboard cover:

tum thesis latex template

This LaTeX template uses the WTFPL license - do whatever you want with it :)

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich thesis template

A LaTeX template designed for Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU) theses.

This template was originally published on ShareLaTeX and subsequently moved to Overleaf in November 2019.

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich thesis template

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  1. GitHub

    tum thesis latex template

  2. LaTeX Thesis Template [EN]

    tum thesis latex template

  3. Latex Template Dissertation

    tum thesis latex template

  4. Template for LaTeX PhD thesis title page

    tum thesis latex template

  5. How to Write a Thesis in LaTeX (Part 1): Basic Structure

    tum thesis latex template

  6. Master's Thesis

    tum thesis latex template


  1. TUM Thesis for Informatics Template

    This is a template for the Bachelor and Master theses in the Department of Informatics for students at the Technical University of Munich. This template has ... An online LaTeX editor that's easy to use.

  2. A LaTeX template for TUM Bachelor/Master theses.

    Download and extract the template, or upload it to an online editor such as Overleaf or ShareLaTeX.If you prefer to use Git, just clone/fork the repository. If your editor provides support for compiling LaTeX, set it up to use pdflatex and biber.Set the master document to main.tex.Alternatively, you can use the provided Makefile to generate a PDF in the build directory (requires latexmk).

  3. Thesis Informatics

    Bachelor's thesis / Master´s thesis. From 15 January 2024, all final theses in the School of Computation, Information and Technology will be managed via the CIT portal. Once you have found a topic and a supervising chair for your thesis, you will be registered by the supervising chair. You will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your ...

  4. Templates

    LaTeX Template for the Technical University of Munich, Technische Universität München, TUM, Exposé for Doctoral School, DocGS. This template should be similar enough to the Word template given by DocGS. Produce beautiful documents starting from our gallery of LaTeX templates for journals, conferences, theses, reports, CVs and much more.

  5. TUM dissertation/PhD thesis LaTeX template

    An unofficial Latex template for a TUM dissertation/PhD thesis that aims to satisfy the new 2016 corporate design guidelines of the TUM regarding titlepage header and color usage. Made by Andre Richter with help from his colleagues .

  6. GitHub

    Your compiled document will be found in the base project directory under main.pdf. Note for IDE: If you are using an IDE, you may be able to specify the -shell-escape flag in its settings or to specify an option specific to your builder in the main.tex file. For example, this is known to work for the latex-tools package for Atom and Sublime:

  7. Thesis Mathematics

    Please submit the thesis as a PDF file to bachelor(at)ma.tum.de or master(at)ma.tum.de within the deadline. If you have to hand in code or other files, please e-mail all files collected in a zip folder. ... Thesis Templates for LaTeX. LaTeX-Template Bachelor / Master. Literature. The TUM Library does not only offer outstanding access to a wide ...

  8. Thesis Template TUM Economics of Innovation

    Thesis Template TUM Economics of Innovation. This is the template for your Bachelor or Master Thesis. General note: - "Red" marked parts in the pdf need to be adjusted in the source code and you need to remove the \textcolor {} {} command. - Comments and instructions in the source files refer to the changes you may/can do to the code or are ...

  9. Thesis, Presentation & Templates

    Thesis, Presentation & Templates - Chair of Communication Networks. Home. Student Thesis. Thesis, Presentation & Templates. FAQ & Templates. On the following pages you can information about writing your thesis, giving a talk and important template files for download: Writing your thesis.

  10. Thesis Writing Tips

    Templates & Guidelines. TUM Thesis LaTeX Template; TUM Thesis Guidelines; For citations in your thesis follow the TUM Citation Guide and choose one of the TUM recommended citation styles, which you will also find in there.; Approximate number of pages to be written (this is supposed to be a general orientation value and the number of pages may differ in your case):

  11. tum-dissertation-latex/dissertation.tex at master

    This is especially unwanted for figures, % shows the captions and the figure is invisible. % Using the caption package fixes this behaviour. Example citations~\cite {barham2003xen, LIS}. Example acronym usage \gls {cpu}. Latex template for a TUM dissertation/PhD thesis. Contribute to TUM-LIS/tum-dissertation-latex development by creating an ...

  12. LaTeX

    Arbeiten, die mathematische Formeln enthalten, werden weltweit fast ausschließlich mit LaTeX erzeugt. Auch für studentische Zwecke - etwa Folien für Seminarvorträge oder Ihre Bachelorarbeit - ist es zu empfehlen. Und es ist auch nicht schwer! Sie können ohne große Vorkenntnisse loslegen - die Informationen auf dieser Seite helfen ...

  13. TUM Thesis for Informatics Template

    Ein einfach bedienbarer Online-LaTeX-Editor. Keine Installation notwendig, Zusammenarbeit in Echtzeit, Versionskontrolle, Hunderte von LaTeX-Vorlagen und mehr

  14. Writing Your Thesis

    Layout Please use the LMT LaTeX template for your thesis.A description of LaTeX is available at the computer center LRZ.Alternatively, you may want to use the graphical editor lyx for editing, which allows export in LaTeX. The copies of your thesis should be perfect-bound ("Klebebindung"): Use a transparent front cover so the title page can be easily read; and if possible a blue paper for the ...

  15. TUM Thesis Template

    TUM Thesis. Approved by publishing and review experts on SciSpace, this template is built as per for TUM Thesis formatting guidelines as mentioned in Technical University of Munich author instructions. The current version was created on and has been used by 476 authors to write and format their manuscripts to this journal. SciSpace is a very ...

  16. Gallery

    LaTeX Template for the Technical University of Munich, Technische Universität München, TUM, Exposé for Doctoral School, DocGS. This template should be similar enough to the Word template given by DocGS. Produce beautiful documents starting from our gallery of LaTeX templates for journals, conferences, theses, reports, CVs and much more.

  17. Gallerie

    An unofficial thesis LaTeX template for students at the Technical University of Munich. It is designed for physics master's students but can be adopted to other scenarios too. ... Thesis Template TUM Economics of Innovation. This is the template for your Bachelor or Master Thesis.

  18. Theses at the KrcmarLab

    Theses at the Wittges Lab. You can find topics offered by Wittges research group / SAP UCC in the list below. If you want to apply for a student thesis or project at the Wittges Lab, please send the following documents directly to the contact person indicated in the topic offering and do not forget to include your motivation for the chosen topic(s) in your application letter/email:

  19. christian-hiebl/tum-thesis-latex-template

    Download and extract the template, or upload it to an online editor such as Overleaf or ShareLaTeX. If you prefer to use Git, just clone/fork the repository. If your editor provides support for compiling LaTeX, set it up to use pdflatex and biber. Set the master document to main.tex. Alternatively, you can use the provided Makefile to generate ...

  20. GitHub

    TUM Thesis Template Inofficial LaTeX template with a cover inspired by the new TUM Corporate Design - i.e. minimalistic typography with sans-serif Helvetica font. The default serif font for the content part is Palatino, with a slightly wider column width than the vanilla LaTeX book class.

  21. PHD Thesis Latex Template Tum

    Phd Thesis Latex Template Tum - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document discusses the challenges of thesis writing and introduces HelpWriting.net as a solution. It states that crafting a thesis requires dedication across many complex steps from research to formatting. The technical requirements like LaTeX templates add further difficulty.

  22. Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich thesis template

    Author. Uploaded from ShareLaTex. Last Updated. 5 years ago. License. Other (as stated in the work) Abstract. A LaTeX template designed for Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU) theses. This template was originally published on ShareLaTeX and subsequently moved to Overleaf in November 2019.