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veterinary personal statement cv examples

July 11, 2024

Vet School Personal Statement Examples to Guide You

veterinary personal statement cv examples

You’ve done the work you needed to to prepare yourself for vet school. The academic work. The volunteer work. The clinical work. And now you must answer the VMCAS (Veterinary Medical College Application Service) essay prompt “Why do you want to pursue a career in veterinary medicine?”  You have just 3,000 characters with which to do so.  

Many vet school candidates find writing scientific lab reports or manuscripts easier than writing a narrative vet school personal statement. And there are so many suggestions of what you should and should not do when writing a personal statement that it’s easy to get overwhelmed.  

To help you better understand what a strong vet school personal statement looks like, in this post, we present the following example, which was written by an Accepted client who ultimately received several offers of acceptance.  

Titans. In Greek mythology, the Titans were the pre-Olympians, the elder gods. They ruled the Earth and had enormous amounts of strength. In my childhood, I had a titan too, a canine. At the age of nine my family adopted a healthy Leonberger puppy that we named Titan. Little did we know at the time that his name would not only represent his size but also his unwavering strength. At the age of one, he was diagnosed with a multitude of chronic health issues and was not expected to make it to two years of age. However, as a true titan, he proved everyone wrong. I watched his bravery and will to live as the veterinarians went above and beyond to help Titan with numerous treatment plans all while showing great kindness and empathy. This helped me realize I wanted to be a veterinarian to help other animals and foster strong relations between clients and veterinarians; Titan was my defining moment.

Growing up, I lacked self-confidence and avoided talking to people I did not know. With Titan as my constant companion, I had a plethora of strangers ask me questions about him, thus fostering my interpersonal communication skills. Being able to confidently answer questions about Titan, his breed, and his health helped to prepare me for similar conversations I currently have in my position as a veterinary assistant. I am able to handle both easy and difficult conversations with pet owners by being an engaged listener, an empathetic pet owner, and having confidence in my knowledge of animals and in myself. I also recognize that not all owners have the courage or understanding to ask the questions needed to best support their animals. With this in mind, one goal I have as a future veterinarian is to help bridge the gap of knowledge that exists between animal owners and those in the veterinary industry by providing more education for owners about their animals.

 Another aspect that I will bring to the veterinary profession is inclusivity. My older brother has special needs and I have seen the progress he has made through interactions with our dogs and cats. He has gained confidence, become more social, and is able to more freely express himself. My long-term goal to contribute to the field of veterinary medicine is to create a veterinary practice that employs people with disabilities. My future practice would offer a valuable and engaging place of employment by helping decrease the stigma surrounding the capabilities of those with special needs, and foster meaningful relationships between people and animals.

The connection and experiences I had with Titan started me on my path to becoming a veterinarian. I have persevered through every opposition I have faced, learning from my mistakes and successes while remaining dedicated to my goal of becoming a veterinarian. By being a strong communicator and working well with others I have shown my ability to lead by example. All of these attributes and more are why I will be a successful veterinarian. 

This vet school personal statement has three key strengths: 

#1: The initial narrative about the applicant’s childhood pet, Titan, coupled with the writer’s ability to be vulnerable (e.g., stating that they lacked self-confidence), allows an adcom reader to form an image of the candidate and want to learn more. Furthermore, the connection between the candidate and their dog clearly lays the foundation for their interest in the field of veterinary medicine.  

#2: This applicant not only refers to their position as a veterinary assistant but also notes very specific skills they’ve cultivated in that role, such as being an engaged listener and their ability to have difficult conversations. This demonstrates that the applicant is actively invested in the process of learning as much as possible while working.  

#3: The applicant does a great job of highlighting their vision of their future as a practitioner, both holistically (i.e., wanting to be a good educator) and specifically (i.e., wanting to employ staff with special needs). This lets the adcom know that the applicant is thinking not just about the point of matriculation but also about being a provider who will contribute to the growth and development of the field.  

Valerie Wherley admissions expert headshot

As the former assistant dean of student affairs and career development at the William Beaumont School of Medicine, Dr. Valerie Wherley worked directly with the dean of the School of Medicine, the associate dean of student affairs, the associate dean of clinical curriculum, and the assistant dean of admissions, as well as with Year 4 students on both residency application reviews/critiques and mock interview preparation. Work with Valerie! Schedule a free consultation today!

Related Resources:

  • Highlighting Your Leadership Experience in Your Application
  • Four Tips for Displaying Teamwork in Your Application Essays
  • How Personal Is Too Personal In Your Application Essays?

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Vet school personal statement examples

Vet School Personal Statement Examples

When you are putting together an application for vet school, vet school personal statement examples will be a great way to learn how to write your own. Samples statements are like templates, or a beaten path showing you the way forward.

You’ve consulted the vet school rankings , made your decision, and are getting set to apply to your top-choice schools. You need to ace the personal statement to go right along with your polished grad school resume and grad school letter of recommendation .

This article will give you a few veterinarian school personal statement examples to look over so you can perfect your own statement. We will also cover some helpful hints to make your statement as effective as possible, and some pointers on what writing mistakes you should avoid.

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Article Contents 10 min read

Vet personal statement example #1.

“Saddle up,” is my favorite phrase of all time and it conveys with it a sense of adventure that few other phrases ever can. I suppose a lot of this comes from my early years where I loved cowboy stories, but it continued on through my life once I started learning about horses. I think that’s why I loved stories of the wild west to begin with: the horses – majestic, powerful, and almost living embodiments of freedom and adventure.

I grew up with horses. My cousin, Brianne, had horses and I spent as much of my time at Brianne’s place as I could. I found that other girls my age liked the idea of owning a pony, but weren’t as interested in the care of the animal. I didn’t mind it. I made connections, and learned rudimentary caring techniques. As I grew, I became more invested, and I started learning about how to care for animals on a deeper level.

My favorite thing that I learned was about trimming horse hooves. There are different schools of thought about shoeing, but I have always favored trimming and caring for horse hooves in their natural state. It is a difficult skill to master, but one of many I learned while looking after horses.

With that in mind, I took up my next job working in an animal shelter, and we dealt with all kinds of different animals that came through, mostly dogs and cats, but one animal we wound up with for a time was a chameleon named Fred who had been abandoned and neglected by his owner.

Fred proved to be a challenge – a less familiar creature than typical housepets. I started to read up on the care of lizards, tropical animals, and other exotic pets. I had to keep his cage warm, but mist it with water, and I learned that if another chameleon came into the store I would have to keep them separate, since they prefer living alone. I became fascinated with this lizard for these unique care items, and for his strange feet and rotating eyes. I knew that this was an area of study I wanted to pursue.

In case you were worried, Fred the chameleon is fine; I adopted him and he says, “Hello,” in his lizard way.

As much as I loved my job at the shelter, I decided that my experience would best come from the zoo. We live fairly near the city zoo, and a short bus ride brought me to work every day. I got first-hand experience working with exotic animals, and at last, my career goals, my love of exotic animals, and my love of adventure came all together to form one, clear path forward.

Whenever the zoo’s vets would come by and make their rounds, I would ask them questions and offered to help them with their activities. Through this, I got to “assist” on several routine events, usually with helping to control the animals and keep them still while medicine was being administered or a checkup was happening.

One of those doctors, Dr. Martin Bellford, offered to help me out with my studies, and has proved to be as inexhaustible at answering questions as I am at asking them. He has let me come with him on all subsequent zoo visits and has explained a lot of exotic animal medicine to me. He taught me about how to stay on my toes. There are so many different kinds of animals that a vet needs to know about!

My extracurricular activities inspired my academic pursuits. I have been studying biology extensively, and my favorite classes are my biology labs. I was a bit uncomfortable dissecting frogs; I didn’t know how to feel as an animal-enthusiast. I was grateful for the ability to learn about animal anatomy, but I do believe strongly in ethically caring for animals and ensuring their health and wellbeing, as well as their rights and welfare.

Someday, I hope to be an exotic animals specialist who works with strange, wild species. I’d also like to continue to care for horses, and serve as an expert or volunteer for organizations, like the World Wildlife Fund, to continue to aid the cause for wildlife preservation. Lofty goals, but goals that are filled with adventure and animals.

Saddle up.

I was screaming at a birthday party, trying to fold in on myself so completely that I couldn’t be seen by the dog sniffing me. My best friend Jake had a dog and I was terribly afraid of dogs. I had been knocked over when I was little and I guess that memory stayed with me long enough to develop a Pavlovian reaction to seeing a canid.

But, here I am, all these years later, writing this letter with two dogs’ heads resting on my lap. I went from terrified to an enthusiast.

This change of outlook happened while pet-sitting for a family friend. I was forced to come up against dogs. At first, I was all nerves and anxiety, but one of the dogs, named Lion, really was insistent that I play fetch. At first I was throwing the ball to get Lion away from me; without realizing it, I began to throw it for fun. That evening, I found myself petting Lion while watching TV. I made friends, and started to love those dogs.

I wanted to know more about animals and work with them. My uncle Carl is a vet, and in early high school days I asked if I could work for him at his clinic. He agreed, and while I mostly did menial office tasks befitting a summer job, I also got to help out with the animals

Most of what I did there was feed the animals and look after any overnight patients, but sometimes Uncle Carl would show me about a particular procedure, and he always made time to answer my questions. One day he got me to help him with a dog’s hurt hindleg – how to settle the animal, hold it gently but firmly, and how to dress the wound so that it would heal.

Again, my thirst for knowledge took over, and eventually Uncle Carl couldn’t keep up with me questions. He told me which classes I should be taking in school to learn more. I took as many biology classes as I could, and I read up on extra material. I found that I learned best by re-wording what I learned, and wrote several extra essays just so I could understand the material better.

Through working at Uncle Carl’s practice, I have discovered that I gravitate towards domestic animals. Pets are so important to me, and I want to enter a field where I can provide care for the fuzziest of family members

Last year, Uncle Carl promoted me, and I have been more directly helping with the animals under his supervision. I have come to appreciate and understand the complexities of the vet profession, and have received many hours of direct experience with medicines, evaluations, care, and treatment options for household pets. Dogs, cats, rabbits, mice, and a few spiders and snakes have all come under my purview.

I also volunteer several days every month with an animal shelter, bringing in my knowledge of how to care for these animals and help them with their health

I don’t have lofty ambitions of changing the world on a global scale; I want to be a family vet, caring for pets. I think that’s plenty of world-changing for many people who need their family cared for and their pets looked after. I have seen the relationship that vets have with their patients, and it is rewarding and wonderful.

There was nothing I could do, because when you have a three-inch gash across the stomach of a seven-inch piglet, it’s almost guaranteed to die. But hopelessness is for other professions. I’m a farm boy, so I dosed the piglet with Stresnil, grabbed a needle and thread, and sewed the little guy up.

Life on a farm has taught me a lot of things. It’s taught me about how to be tackled repeatedly by my older brother, how to fall in creeks your parents didn’t even know were there, and how to care for animals. I have seen every aspect of animal care, and participated in most of them as well.

I was there to welcome in newly-farrowed piglets, to care for them as they grew, to administer medicines and vaccinations, to feed them, scratch their backs, and put them down as quickly and humanely as possible when all else failed. Never have I lost an animal I haven’t fought for, and never have I given up on them, even in the last hours.

There is no question that this life has given me an excellent skillset and a lifetime of experience in working with animals, caring for them, and coming to understand their needs. As much as I appreciate being a farmer, my favorite aspect of the job is the care for the animals, and I want to focus on that. That’s why I want to go into the veterinary profession instead of following in my family’s business. Don’t worry, my brothers will keep the legacy going.

Maybe I shouldn’t tell you about my failures, but I feel like they were an important part of my journey, so I will. In college, when I started to study subjects I would need to become a vet, I found I had to get over myself. My experiences were valuable, but I didn’t know nearly enough. I had brought an arrogance with me; because I had direct experience with animal care, I thought I would breeze through my coursework and studies. I was wrong.

My first test score I got back for my environmental science course took me down a peg or two and I found out the hard way that I needed a better attitude, better studying habits, and to move into the hard sciences with more determination.

The attitude was a fairly easy adjustment. I have three brothers, and between their teasing and besting me in wrestling matches, my ego isn’t so fragile that it can’t take another hit. I accepted the fact that I needed to learn even more than my peers – I had allowed myself to fall behind. Then I fixed my study habits by setting a regular routine – I would always study directly after doing chores in the barn.

Finally, I took a whole new approach to my studies: I went in ignoring my grade entirely and instead just asking one question after another, allowing my curiosity to fuel my search forward. I have found that a need to understand is a far better incentive than a grade. A grade-seeker gets nothing more than a number, but a curious mind receives knowledge.

I won’t say I’m pleased that my grades have greatly improved, although they have, because I am far more wary of becoming egocentric again, but I will tell you that my studies are fairing better. I put in the work and have done some extra credit work to make up for my slow start.

Between school and farming I don’t have a lot of spare time, but I have made space to volunteer with an animal rescue organization, and I have even been fortunate enough to join them when they go out to retrieve loose animals. I have helped out with countless animals now, of many different kinds, and I am starting to expand my knowledge of the animal kingdom beyond those found on farms.

With that said, I do want to specialize in farm animals and become a veterinarian for farms. I might not be taking over for my parents, but I still love that life and those animals. I can’t save every piglet with a heavy wound, but I can try. What’s more, with training, I have the best chance possible of making every animal’s life a little bit better.

Each personal statement needs to answer one crucial question: why do you want to be a veterinarian? Answering that question is the main point of your VMCAS essay , but it must be more than that, or that reason won’t be impactful. Anybody can say “I like animals,” you need to say and show why, and you need to tell the story of your journey to getting to where you are.

The reason is because your personal statement being good also hinges on whether or not your story is personal, unique, and shows your journey in the best light. You’re going to show the application committee why you are the perfect fit for the profession of veterinarian.

You have probably done more than one thing, focused on something other than just being a vet, have a hobby or multiple types of experiences in the professional or academic fields \u2013 highlight that diversity in your life. Just make sure you stick to 2-3 main experiences. You don\u2019t need to include every connection you have with animals, just a couple of your finest experiences. Showing the admissions committee a well-rounded individual with a variety of experiences and accomplishments will go a long way to being an impressive candidate. "}]">

Could your personal statement apply to any number of candidates? Then it isn\u2019t good. Your personal statement should be, first and foremost, personal to you. The more unique it is, the more it highlights your individual traits and experiences, the more valuable it is to you. "}]">

A personal statement is one of the best ways to stand out to the applications committee. This makes you more than a number or a list of accomplishments. It gives context to those accomplishments and shows your humanity and uniqueness – two very important factors in your acceptance and moving towards your future as an animal doctor.

Different schools process applications in their own way – including personal statements. With that said, most aren’t going to mark or grade the statement. That’s why it’s so imperative to make a statement that grabs your reader and makes you stand out. It needs to be a statement that makes the committee think, “I need to interview this person; I want to meet them.”

Again, it really depends on the institution; some will weight the statement more or less than others.

What you need to know is that your statement needs to grab the attention of the reader and that you should consider all aspects of your application to be of utmost importance.

All kinds are valid, and more types are better.

If you have cared for pets, volunteered at a shelter, or have more direct, medical experience with animals, anything is on the table and valid. Get as many different types as you can. More impressive candidates will demonstrate a rapport with animals – caring for them – as well as medical and scientific knowledge.

No, it isn’t. Obviously, if you have direct contact with the kind of animal you want to specialize in, that’s great, but wanting to be an elephant doctor or somebody who helps save pandas from extinction are great goals, and you won’t be penalized because you’re not one of the rare few people who have access to pandas.

Focus on the experiences you do have to get to the ones you don’t.

No, but you should be an animal lover, so to speak. Even if you aren’t 100% sold on creep-crawlies like millipedes, you can still love animals and want to care for them. Nobody’s asking you to give a shot to an arthropod, anyway.

Animal shelters, farms, pet stores, zoos, aquariums, and possibly even a vet’s clinic will all be places you can volunteer or work to gain experience working with animals.

Not at all. You just have to be interested in animals and their wellbeing, the skillset, and the requisite academic requirements and experiences. Pet owner can be part of that, but it’s not the only factor.

Brainstorm for a couple minutes. Just take a paper and pen and free-associate about vets and animals for two minutes. Time yourself and stop at the end of those two minutes; you’ll probably have a lot to work with.

If you’re still stuck, try thinking of the moment or series of events that led you to your decision to be a vet. Start telling that story, highlight your achievements and growth along the way, and you’ll mostly be done your statement right there.

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veterinary personal statement cv examples

veterinary personal statement cv examples

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5 Veterinarian Resume Examples for the Job in 2024

Stephen Greet

Veterinarian Resume

  • Veterinarian Resumes by Experience
  • Veterinarian Resumes by Role
  • Write Your Veterinarian Resume
  • Entry-Level
  • Senior-Level

Vet student resume example with pet sitting experience

Dogs, lizards, cats, horses, and goats are often much more than pets—they’re family. So, your job as a veterinarian is pretty important! With every assessment, diagnosis, treatment plan, supplement recommendation, and animal medical procedure, you’re helping a loved one.

But how do you convey your passion for your work in your resume? Does your resume template allow you to tailor your veterinary skills for each job to make you stand out?

Don’t sweat it! We’ve helped vets like you for years. We can give you a leg up with our five veterinarian resume examples and resume tips !

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Veterinarian resume example with 8 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • Highlighting specific accomplishment rates in practice, such as client appointments, consultation, diagnosis, imaging and surgery would give you an upper hand.

Veterinarian Assistant Resume

Veterinarian assistant resume example with 3 years of experience

  • Don’t hesitate to show your proficiency in tools you used for veterinary medicine and animal care, such as Smiths Medical SurgiVet V6004 and AVImark, because that will be an added advantage.

Vet Student Resume

Vet tech resume example with 7 years of experience with pet care project experience

  • A peek at Hailey’s highlights of her volunteering at PetCare Crew and StrayCare should give you enough inspiration to craft an attention-worthy resume. Again, make sure to illuminate tangible outcomes from your interventions in these organizations.

Veterinary Practice Manager Resume

Veterinary practice manager resume example with 8 years of experience

  • For example, you could talk about saving an animal hospital a specific dollar amount in software subscription fees or spearheading a training program for staff. In addition, don’t let those moments when your advocacy for using particular software contributed to streamlined operations (think pet record management, client service, marketing, and inventory management) sit in the shadows.

Vet Tech Resume

Vet tech resume example with 7 years of experience with 7 years of experience

  • Be sure to support each achievement with a measurable metrics to give recruiters a view of your potential.

Related resume examples

  • Medical Assistant
  • Physician Assistant
  • Physical Therapist

Tailor Your Veterinarian Resume to the Job Requirements

Job seeker stands with hands in air, questioning how to fill out job materials

While friendliness and other soft skills are invaluable when you’re helping clients with difficult situations or making sure their pets stay calm, they should take a back seat in your skills list. Focus on the technical side of things.

Use active verbs in your skills section and employ enthusiastic language to show your passion for your work once you get to your experience section. Don’t say “did” when you can say “completed” or “achieved”.

As for which of your many abilities to pick for your resume, make a list of what makes you a uniquely good vet and take a look at the job description again. Where’s the overlap? List what you can do based on each job ad to show you’re the perfect fit!

Need some skill ideas?

15 best veterinarian skills

  • Cornerstone
  • Surgical Instruments
  • X-ray Machines
  • Capnography
  • Endoscopy Equipment
  • Fluid Pumps

veterinary personal statement cv examples

Your veterinarian work experience bullet points

Now, you’re going to hear a lot about revisiting the job description to make sure your resume is top-notch in terms of what they’re looking for. But you don’t want to just repeat the job duties in your experience section! Leverage experiences to show your prowess with X-rays or feline supplement recommendation instead.

Each experience point should give a streamlined snapshot of how you made a difference, utilizing active verbs and language to set off your final impact in the vet clinic. And make sure you use quantifiable data to back up your achievements! Recruiters want metrics.

  • Reduced labor hours show your ability to work efficiently with a team
  • Your clinic’s ROI thanks to your inventory management and equipment maintenance
  • Client/patient return percentages show that your work is excellent
  • Personal ratings from customers demonstrate your soft skills and bedside manner

See what we mean?

  • Handled daily clinic operations using EzyVet, facilitating real-time appointment adjustments, improving daily clinical procedure rates and efficiency by 27%
  • Designed enrichment programs that enhanced shelter animals’ mental and emotional well-being, achieving a personal rating of 4.8/5 stars
  • Assisted in the recovery of animals undergoing endoscopic procedures and maintained a 98% procedure success rate
  • Incorporated Plumb’s Veterinary Drugs in daily operations to make informed decisions for treatment plans, reducing manual planning hours by 7 per week
  • Provided an interactive diagnostic DICOM Viewer with comprehensive image processing capability, improving data accessibility and collaboration by 34%

9 active verbs to start your veterinarian work experience bullet points

  • Incorporated
  • Collaborated

3 Tips for Writing a Veterinarian Resume Without Much Experience

  • If you’re low on experience but have everything it takes to be an excellent veterinarian, highlight some fresh skills and qualifications in a resume objective ! State why you and the company both want you to get the job, and briefly use some extra (not repeated!) skills to reinforce your credibility.
  • If you earned any additional certifications alongside your high school diploma or degree in Veterinary Technology, don’t leave them out! Include stuff like a Approved Veterinary Assistant (AVA) since these can help fill any gaps left by a limited job history.
  • If you ever had the chance to shadow a veterinarian as part of your education, that’s a great way to showcase your ability to keep up with the job role. Internships can also reinforce applicable skills like capnography and basic animal radiology.

3 Tips for Writing a Veterinarian Resume if You’ve Got Some Experience So Far

  • While an objective statement is great for setting your sights on a career goal, a summary highlights the greatness that’s already gotten you there. Give a concise overview of some skills and experiences that qualify you for the veterinarian role.
  • If you’ve already had some professional experiences and you’ve achieved a college degree in Veterinary Science or Veterinary Technology, there’s no need to state that you graduated high school—it’s implied!
  • Be selective about your accomplishments in your experience section, too. Use reverse-chronological order to put a spotlight on the trend of advancement you’ve already demonstrated, and put your crowning achievements at the top.

Revisit the job description . While you don’t want to simply toss back requirements word-for-word, certain technical buzzwords like “X-rays,” “DICOM Viewer,” and “anesthesia” are your keys through the gate so that recruiters can get their hands on your resume.

Context, context, context! Make sure you lead with those active verbs and pepper energetic language throughout your experience points about why and how you did what you did. Who did you help, and what difference did you make for your vet clinic?

Maybe . . . maybe not! It doesn’t matter whether you have an extensive list of professional experiences or you’re just starting out with plenty of other sections to bolster your limited experience. If your resume already looks complete while presenting only high-quality content about your veterinary qualifications, you’re good!

Create my free resume now

Top 17 Veterinarian Resume Objective Examples

Photo of Brenna Goyette

Updated July 8, 2023 13 min read

A resume objective is a short introduction statement on your resume that explains why you are the right fit for the veterinarian position. It should be tailored to the specific job and company, highlighting your skills and experience that make you an ideal candidate. When writing a resume objective for a veterinarian position, it’s important to include keywords from the job listing such as “animal care” or “veterinary medicine.” Additionally, you may want to emphasize any special qualifications or certifications that demonstrate your expertise in this field. For example, an effective resume objective might read: “Recent veterinary school graduate with two years of field experience and specialized certification in small animal care seeking to leverage knowledge in providing quality care at ABC Veterinary Clinic.” By including relevant information and emphasizing your qualifications, you can create an effective resume objective that will stand out among other applicants.

Veterinarian Resume Example

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Top 17 Veterinarian Resume Objective Samples

  • To obtain a position as a Veterinarian utilizing my expertise in animal health and welfare to provide the highest quality of care.
  • To secure a position as a Veterinarian with an established practice that will allow me to utilize my knowledge and experience in veterinary medicine.
  • Seeking a challenging role as a Veterinarian where I can use my skills and experience to help animals stay healthy and happy.
  • To work as a Veterinarian in an environment that promotes professional growth while providing exceptional care for animals.
  • To join an organization as a Veterinarian where I can contribute my extensive knowledge of animal health and welfare.
  • Looking for an opportunity to work as a Veterinarian with an organization that values compassionate care for all animals.
  • To become part of an esteemed team of veterinarians, providing excellent medical care for animals in need.
  • Seeking employment as a Veterinarian, offering dedication, compassion, and skillful medical treatments to improve the lives of animals.
  • Aiming to work in an environment where I can use my expertise in veterinary medicine to help promote animal health and wellness.
  • To join a veterinary practice that is focused on providing top-notch care for their patients while also promoting humane treatment of all animals.
  • Seeking employment as a Veterinarian with the goal of helping improve the lives of animals through compassionate medical care.
  • Looking for an opportunity to apply my knowledge and experience in veterinary medicine at a reputable clinic or hospital setting.
  • Aspiring to work as part of an experienced team of veterinarians, offering comprehensive medical services while ensuring the best possible outcomes for all patients.
  • Desire to join an organization where I can utilize my skills in veterinary medicine to ensure the highest level of patient care is provided at all times.
  • To bring my expertise in animal health and welfare into play by working as a Veterinarian at an established practice or hospital setting.
  • Seeking employment with an organization that values excellence in veterinary medicine, allowing me to make meaningful contributions towards improving animal lives every day.

How to Write a Veterinarian Resume Objective

A veterinarian resume objective is an important part of any veterinarian’s job application. It conveys your relevant qualifications, experience and goals to potential employers. A well-crafted resume objective should be concise, focused and tailored to the position you are applying for.

When creating your resume objective, start by introducing yourself and your current qualifications. Give a brief overview of your education, certifications and prior work experience that are applicable to the role you’re seeking. This will help employers understand why you are qualified for the position.

Next, emphasize what makes you stand out from other applicants. Do this by listing specific skills or abilities that you possess that make you a great fit for the job. For example, if you have a strong background in animal nutrition or behavioral health, mention these as points of strength on your resume objective. Additionally, include any veterinary-related research projects or volunteer work that demonstrate your commitment to the field.

Finally, explain how the role you’re applying for aligns with your career goals. Be sure to keep it brief and specific – simply state why you believe this particular opportunity is right for you at this stage in your career journey and how it will help propel you forward towards achieving future objectives.

By following these steps when crafting a veterinarian’s resume objective, employers will gain insight into who you are as a professional and what value you can bring to their organization. This will give them an understanding of why they should consider bringing you aboard their team!

Related : What does a Veterinarian do?

Key Skills to Highlight in Your Veterinarian Resume Objective

Crafting a compelling resume objective is crucial for any job application, and the field of veterinary medicine is no exception. Your resume objective should not only reflect your passion for animal care but also highlight your key skills that make you an ideal candidate for the position. This section will delve into the essential skills to emphasize in your veterinarian resume objective, from technical expertise to interpersonal abilities, that can help set you apart in this highly competitive field.

1. Anesthesia administration

A Veterinarian requires the skill of anesthesia administration as they often need to perform surgeries or procedures that require an animal to be unconscious or sedated. This skill is crucial for a resume objective because it showcases the ability to safely and effectively manage an animal's pain during these procedures, ensuring their well-being and comfort. It also demonstrates a high level of technical medical expertise, which is essential in the field of veterinary medicine.

2. Surgical expertise

Surgical expertise is a crucial skill for a veterinarian as it directly relates to the core responsibilities of the job. This includes performing surgeries on animals for various reasons like injuries, diseases or neutering. Demonstrating this skill in a resume objective shows potential employers that the candidate is capable of handling complex medical procedures and can provide high-quality care for animals. It also indicates that they have the necessary technical knowledge and hands-on experience, which could set them apart from other candidates.

3. Radiology interpretation

Radiology interpretation is a critical skill for a veterinarian as it involves analyzing diagnostic images to identify and treat various medical conditions in animals. This ability not only demonstrates technical proficiency but also problem-solving skills, attention to detail, and knowledge of animal anatomy and physiology. Including this skill in a resume objective can show potential employers that the candidate is capable of providing comprehensive veterinary care and making informed decisions about treatment plans.

4. Ultrasound proficiency

Ultrasound proficiency is a critical skill for a veterinarian as it allows them to diagnose and monitor various health conditions in animals. This includes pregnancy, tumors, heart conditions, and other internal issues that cannot be detected through physical examination alone. By including this skill in a resume objective, it shows potential employers that the candidate has the necessary technical knowledge and hands-on experience to provide high-quality care for animals. It also demonstrates their ability to use advanced veterinary technology effectively which can enhance their efficiency and accuracy in diagnosis and treatment planning.

5. Dental care

A Veterinarian needs the skill of dental care to provide comprehensive medical services to animals. This includes oral health examinations, cleanings, extractions, and surgeries. Having this skill indicates a well-rounded ability to care for all aspects of an animal's health and can make a candidate more appealing to potential employers. It also demonstrates a commitment to preventative care, which is crucial in veterinary medicine.

6. Endoscopy techniques

Endoscopy techniques are essential for a veterinarian as they allow for non-invasive diagnostic procedures and treatments on animals. This skill demonstrates the ability to diagnose and treat internal medical issues effectively, reducing the need for invasive surgery. Including this skill in a resume objective shows potential employers that the candidate is capable of using advanced veterinary techniques, which can improve animal care and recovery times, leading to increased client satisfaction.

7. Orthopedic knowledge

Orthopedic knowledge is essential for a veterinarian as it involves understanding the musculoskeletal system of various animals. This skill is crucial for diagnosing and treating conditions related to bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles in animals. It also includes performing surgeries if necessary. Highlighting this skill in a resume objective shows potential employers that the candidate has the specialized knowledge needed to handle complex health issues in animals, thereby improving their chances of getting hired.

8. Ophthalmology assessment

A veterinarian with ophthalmology assessment skills is highly valuable as this demonstrates their ability to diagnose and treat eye diseases in animals. This specialized skill can significantly improve an animal's quality of life and is essential for comprehensive veterinary care. Including this on a resume objective shows potential employers the candidate's commitment to providing a wide range of veterinary services, which may increase their chances of securing a job.

9. Dermatology treatments

Dermatology treatments skill is needed for a Veterinarian's resume objective because skin conditions are common in animals and can be a significant part of a vet's daily work. This skill shows the ability to diagnose and treat various skin diseases, allergies, and other dermatological issues in animals. It demonstrates the candidate's comprehensive knowledge in a specialized area of veterinary medicine, enhancing their professional credibility and making them more attractive to potential employers.

10. Emergency triage

Emergency triage is a critical skill for a veterinarian as it involves quickly assessing and prioritizing animals based on the severity of their condition in an emergency situation. This skill demonstrates the ability to work under pressure, make quick yet informed decisions, and prioritize tasks effectively. Having this skill can be crucial in a veterinary practice where emergencies are common. Therefore, mentioning this skill in a resume objective would showcase the candidate's competence in handling high-stress situations and their commitment to providing immediate care to animals in need.

Top 10 Veterinarian Skills to Add to Your Resume Objective

In conclusion, the objective section of your veterinarian resume should effectively showcase a mix of your key skills. These skills should not only reflect your technical competence and knowledge in veterinary medicine, but also highlight your interpersonal abilities and other relevant soft skills. By doing so, you will present yourself as a well-rounded candidate who can handle both the scientific and social aspects of being a veterinarian. Remember to tailor these skills to match the specific requirements of the job you are applying for, ensuring they align with the needs of potential employers.

Related : Veterinarian Skills: Definition and Examples

Common Mistakes When Writing a Veterinarian Resume Objective

A veterinarian resume objective is an important part of any job application and should be crafted carefully. While there are many ways to write a good resume objective, there are also common mistakes that can be easily avoided. This essay will discuss three of the most common mistakes made when writing a veterinarian resume objective.

The first mistake is not tailoring the resume objective to the position. A generic objective statement such as “seeking a position as a veterinarian” does not provide enough information about why you would be a good fit for the job. Instead, make sure to mention specific skills, experiences, and qualifications that relate directly to the job description. This will show employers that you have taken the time to research their requirements and demonstrate your enthusiasm for the role.

The second mistake is being too vague in your objectives. It’s important to use clear language and provide concrete examples of how you can contribute value to the company or organization. Avoid using vague phrases such as “I want to make a difference” or “I am passionate about animals” without providing evidence of why this is true or how it applies to the position.

Finally, another common mistake is making your resume objective too long or wordy. An effective resume objective should be concise and no longer than two sentences long; if it goes beyond this length, it may become difficult for employers to read quickly and absorb all of the information provided. Keep it short and sweet while still conveying all relevant information about yourself and why you would be an excellent addition to their team!

In conclusion, crafting an effective veterinarian resume objective requires careful consideration in order to avoid common mistakes such as not tailoring it specifically enough, being too vague, or making it too lengthy. By following these tips, you can ensure that your resume stands out from other applicants and gives employers a positive impression of your skillset and qualifications!

Related : Veterinarian Resume Examples

Veterinarian Resume Objective Example

The right resume objective for a veterinarian should focus on the candidate's experience, qualifications, and skills that make them a great fit for the role, while the wrong resume objective would be too generic and not tailored to the specific job.

Editorial staff

Photo of Brenna Goyette, Editor

Brenna Goyette

Brenna is a certified professional resume writer, career expert, and the content manager of the ResumeCat team. She has a background in corporate recruiting and human resources and has been writing resumes for over 10 years. Brenna has experience in recruiting for tech, finance, and marketing roles and has a passion for helping people find their dream jobs. She creates expert resources to help job seekers write the best resumes and cover letters, land the job, and succeed in the workplace.

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Veterinarian Resume Example

Healing paws, but your resume feeling sickly? Delve into this Veterinarian resume example, polished with Wozber free resume builder. See how effortlessly you can fuse your animal-caring expertise with job specifics, crafting a career journey that's as healthy and robust as your furry patients!

Veterinarian Resume Example

Veterinarian Resume Templates

Veterinarian Resume Template #1

How to write a Veterinarian Resume?

Embarking on a journey to craft a standout Veterinarian resume that speaks directly to your skills, experiences, and the unique requirements of the veterinary world? Look no further. Here, we dive deep into the art of creating a resume that not only passes through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) with ease but also catches the eye of hiring managers. Leveraging the capabilities of Wozber's free resume builder , complete with ATS-friendly resume templates and an ATS resume scanner for keyword optimization, we will guide you through each step to ensure your resume stands as a powerful advocate for your professional journey.

Personal Details

The personal details section is your opening handshake with potential employers. In the veterinary field, where professionalism and precision are key, presenting these details effectively can set the tone for your entire resume. Let's explore how to polish this section to shine in the Veterinarian job market.

1. Name with Purpose

Your name is the banner under which all your accomplishments and skills are showcased. Make sure it's prominently placed at the top, using a clear, professional font. For a job that saves lives, both animal and sometimes human, your name should stand proudly, signaling the beginning of your professional narrative.

2. Match Your Title

Directly beneath your name, align yourself with the position by adopting the exact job title - in this case, 'Veterinarian'. This small, yet strategic placement can powerfully affirm your qualifications and readiness for the role.

3. Essentials Only

  • Phone Number: List a reliable contact number; this isn't just a detail, it's a line that might connect you to your dream job in veterinary care.
  • Professional Email Address: A professional email should follow the format of [email protected], mirroring the serious nature of the profession and ensuring there's no confusion when they reach out to schedule an interview.

4. Location Matters

State your location upfront to align with the job's geographical requirements. For instance, indicating 'Seattle, Washington' directly corresponds with the job posting and reassures the hiring manager of your availability and readiness to serve in the local community.

5. Digital Footprint

Including a professional website or LinkedIn URL can provide a broader picture of your professional standing, offering a window into your credentials, endorsements, and even your commitment to continuing education – a critical component in the veterinary field.

A well-crafted introduction isn't just about meeting the basic requirements; it's an opportunity to immediately establish your professionalism and alignment with the job. Keep it concise, relevant, and reflective of both your career ambitions and the compassionate professionalism inherent to veterinary care.

In a profession dedicated to care and precision, your experience section is more than a timeline – it's a narrative of your commitment, skill, and impact. Let's delve into aligning your veterinary experience with the job description, emphasizing the partnership between your journey and the needs of your future employer.

  • Diagnosed, treated, and managed a range of diseases, resulting in a 20% increase in positive patient outcomes.
  • Performed over 300 surgeries, including spaying and neutering, with a 95% success rate, ensuring animal welfare and overpopulation control.
  • Prescribed and administered medications for 500+ pets, tailoring treatment to specific animal needs, increasing client satisfaction scores by 25%.
  • Educated an average of 20 pet owners monthly on preventive care, leading to a 15% reduction in common pet diseases in the clinic's catchment area.
  • Collaborated with a team of 5 veterinary staff to ensure highest standards of patient care, reducing clinic errors by 30%.
  • Assisted in diagnosing and managing a range of small animal health issues, increasing the clinic's patient volume by 15%.
  • Supported senior veterinarians in 200+ surgeries, achieving a 90% procedure success rate.
  • Initiated a vaccination awareness program resulting in a 10% increase in annual vaccinations at the clinic.
  • Successfully addressed client queries and concerns, significantly improving clinic's online ratings and reviews.
  • Contributed to the training of 3 veterinary interns, improving the overall clinic's expertise and service quality.

1. Reflect on Job Needs

Begin with a deep dive into the job requirements. Highlight keywords or phrases that resonate with your own experiences. For a Veterinarian, focus on those that relate to diagnostic, surgical, and dental skills, alongside your ability to educate and communicate effectively with pet owners and colleagues.

2. Structure with Purpose

Frame your roles chronologically, emphasizing recent positions that best showcase your suitability for the Veterinarian role. For each position, clearly list your title, the organization, and your tenure, forming a clear timeline of your professional growth.

3. Highlight Relevant Achievements

Within each role, detail your responsibilities and successes, particularly those that resonate with the job ad. For instance, if you've increased positive patient outcomes by a significant percentage, it showcases not just your skill, but your impact.

4. Quantify Your Impact

Adding numbers to your achievements brings a tangible clarity to your experience. Did you perform over 300 surgeries with a high success rate? Quantifying such achievements paints a vivid picture of your expertise and dedication.

5. Relevant Skills Only

In veterinary medicine, the specifics matter. Tailor your experience to the role, focusing on technical skills and soft skills relevant to the position. This isn't the place for unrelated accolades; it's where every achievement speaks directly to your ability to excel as a Veterinarian.

Craft this section as a testament to your passion and proficiency in veterinary medicine. It's not just about where you've worked, but how you've made a difference. Through careful selection and presentation of your experience, you're not just listing your past roles; you're demonstrating your readiness and suitability for the Veterinarian position.

In a field as specialized and demanding as veterinary medicine, your education is not just a requirement, but a cornerstone of your expertise. Let's explore how to present your educational background in a way that shines a light on your qualifications and readiness to take on the Veterinarian role.

1. Core Requirements

Firstly, acknowledge the non-negotiables. For this Vet position, that's a DVM degree. Make sure your highest relevant qualification, in this case, your Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) degree, is front and center, clearly indicating where and when you earned it.

2. Simple Structure

Organize this section for easy scanning. Begin with your degree, followed by the field of study, institution, and graduation date. This straightforward format ensures the hiring manager can quickly confirm your qualifications.

3. Degree Specifics

It's crucial to match the degree listed to the job requirement. If the position calls for a DVM, list it exactly as such. Accuracy here reaffirms your qualifications and helps in ATS optimization.

4. Highlight Pertinent Courses

If there were particularly relevant courses or specializations during your studies, mention these briefly. This can underscore your specific areas of interest or expertise within veterinary medicine.

5. Additional Achievements

Were you a part of any veterinary associations, or did you receive any awards during your studies? Highlighting these achievements can demonstrate your early commitment to the field and excellence within it.

Your educational section is more than just a list; it's a narrative of your journey into veterinary medicine. Presenting it with clarity and relevance not only checks a box for qualifications but also demonstrates your dedication to and passion for this career path.


In the ever-evolving world of veterinary care, certifications can set you apart as a practitioner committed to excellence and continuous learning. Let's navigate through framing your certifications in ways that resonate most with this Veterinarian position.

1. Linking with Job Requirements

Firstly, revisit the job description to underline any specific certifications required, like a valid state veterinary license. Your ability to align your certifications closely with these requirements speaks directly to your eligibility.

2. Prioritize Pertinence

When listing certifications, keep relevance to the forefront. Your state veterinary license, for example, is essential and should be highlighted. This ensures hiring managers see the most critical information at first glance.

3. Clarify Validity

For certifications with expiration dates, be clear about the validity. This transparency can be pivotal, especially for licenses or certifications that are crucial to practicing in your state or specialty.

4. Keep Updated

The field of veterinary medicine is constantly advancing. Show your commitment to staying at the forefront by regularly updating your certifications and seeking out new learning opportunities, especially those that align with your career goals.

Your certifications are not just formalities; they're evidence of your ongoing dedication to veterinary excellence. By carefully selecting and presenting those most relevant to the role, you underscore your readiness and eagerness to contribute meaningfully in the Veterinarian position.

The skills section of your resume is a pivotal point where you can shine a spotlight on the specific abilities that make you an exceptional candidate for the Veterinarian role. Let's dissect how to tailor this section to not only pass ATS filters but to also vividly showcase your competence and commitment.

1. Decipher Job Needs

Begin with a thorough analysis of the job listing. Extract both the stated and implied skills, focusing on those critical for a Veterinarian, such as diagnostic, surgical, and dental skills, alongside soft skills like communication and collaboration.

2. Mirror Job Listing Skills

List skills that align with those mentioned in the job description. This direct correlation not only optimizes your resume for ATS but also demonstrates a clear match between your qualifications and the job's requirements.

3. Organize for Clarity

Highlight your skills in a neat, organized manner. Prioritize those most pertinent to the Veterinarian position, ensuring they capture a hiring manager's attention and underscore your capability in these critical areas.

Your skills section is a compact, powerful testament to your readiness for the Veterinarian role. Carefully curated, it reinforces your proficiency, aligning seamlessly with the demands of the position and illustrating the unique value you bring to the table.

In a globally connected world, linguistic skills can broaden the scope of your veterinary practice, enhancing communication with a diverse clientele. Here's how to effectively showcase your language proficiency in a way that adds value to your application for the Veterinarian role.

1. Scope Out Job Requirements

Examine the job posting for any language requirements or preferences. Given the emphasis on 'Fluent English' for this role, ensure this is clearly highlighted in your resume to meet the fundamental communication need.

2. Highlight Fundamental Languages

List any languages required by the job at the top of this section, rating your proficiency honestly. For additional languages beyond English, categorize your proficiency level to offer a clear understanding of your communicative abilities.

3. Detail Additional Languages

While not expressly required, additional languages can be a significant bonus. They showcase your ability to connect with a broader range of clients and colleagues, enriching the collaborative and care environment.

4. Honesty in Proficiency

Use clear terms to define your level of fluency. Whether 'Native', 'Fluent', 'Intermediate', or 'Basic', a true representation of your skills can set clear expectations and foster trust in your professional interactions.

5. Understand the Role's Global Impact

While this specific role may not emphasize a need for multiple languages, understanding and communicating effectively in today's diverse world can only enhance your appeal as a compassionate and versatile veterinarian.

Your linguistic abilities symbolize more than just the capability to converse; they signify your openness to diverse perspectives and your readiness to serve a wider community. Highlighting these skills demonstrates not only professional versatility but a deeper commitment to compassionate veterinary care.

The summary section is your resume's elevator pitch, providing a snapshot of your professional identity and making a compelling case for your candidacy. Let's pinpoint how to craft a summary that reflects your qualifications, experience, and readiness to thrive in the Veterinarian role.

1. Absorb Job Essence

Begin with an immersive review of the job posting. Understand the core requirements and preferred skills, allowing you to tailor your summary in a way that speaks directly to these needs.

2. Present Your Persona

Introduce yourself with a strong, confident statement about your professional standing. For instance, mentioning your '6 years of hands-on experience in small animal health issues' explicitly connects your career trajectory with the demands of the job.

3. Echo Key Requirements

Briefly highlight your specific skills and achievements that align with the job's criteria, like your proven track record in performing surgeries or prescribing tailored treatments. This not only reinforces your suitability but also showcases your understanding of the job's impact.

4. Precision and Punch

Your summary should be concise yet impactful, distilling your professional essence into 3-5 potent lines. Aim to spark interest and encourage the hiring manager to delve deeper into your resume, eager to uncover the full narrative of your veterinary prowess.

Crafting a compelling summary is like opening the door to your career narrative, inviting hiring managers to step inside and explore further. By aligning closely with the job requirements, you not only demonstrate your qualifications but also your eager anticipation to contribute to the veterinary field. Let this be the engaging introduction to the detailed story that unfolds throughout your resume.

Launching Your Veterinarian Journey

With these insights and the power of Wozber's free resume builder at your disposal, including ATS-friendly resume templates and an ATS resume scanner for optimal keyword alignment, crafting a resume that resonates with hiring managers and sails through ATS filters becomes a guided, manageable journey. Your veterinarian resume is more than a document; it's a testament to your commitment, skill, and the compassionate care you're ready to bring to your next role. Let it be the key that unlocks the door to new opportunities and the next chapter in your professional life.

  • Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) or equivalent degree from an accredited university.
  • Minimum of 3 years of clinical experience in small animal practice.
  • Valid state veterinary license and must be compliant with state continuing education requirements.
  • Strong diagnostic, surgical, and dental skills with proficiency in conducting routine check-ups and vaccinations.
  • Excellent communication skills and ability to work collaboratively in a team-oriented environment.
  • Fluent English is a requirement for this position.
  • Must be located in Seattle, Washington.
  • Diagnose, treat, and manage a variety of diseases and injuries in animals.
  • Perform surgeries, including spaying and neutering, and dental procedures.
  • Prescribe and administer appropriate medications and vaccinations.
  • Educate clients on animal care, preventive care, and treatment options.
  • Collaborate with veterinary staff, including veterinary technicians, to ensure the highest standard of patient care.

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Becoming a Veterinarian: Resume Guide and Template for 2024

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This is especially true for veterinarians who are often responsible for the well-being of beloved pets and animals.

In this guide, we will explore the key components of a well-crafted veterinary resume that will help you stand out as a qualified and valuable candidate. Whether you are just starting out in your veterinary career or looking to make a career change, this guide provides essential tips and tricks to help you succeed.

Overview of Being a Veterinarian

Being a veterinarian involves much more than simply treating sick animals. Veterinarians may work in a variety of settings, from private practices to research institutions. They may specialize in a particular type of animal or type of care, such as surgery or emergency medicine. No matter the specialization or setting, however, veterinarians share one overarching goal: to promote animal health and welfare.

Importance of a Well-Crafted Veterinary Resume

A well-crafted veterinary resume is essential to securing the job you want. As a veterinarian, you are responsible for the health and well-being of animals, so potential employers need to be confident in your skills and qualifications. A strong resume should showcase your experience, skills, and accomplishments in a clear and concise manner.

Understanding the Role of a Veterinarian

Aspiring veterinarians must have a clear understanding of the job duties and responsibilities as well as the required education, traits, and skills that make a great veterinarian. They must also understand the job outlook and salary expectations for the profession.

A. Duties and Responsibilities of a Veterinarian

The primary responsibility of a veterinarian is to provide healthcare services to animals. They are tasked with diagnosing and treating animals with illnesses and injuries as well as administering vaccines and performing surgeries. Veterinarians also perform routine checkups and provide preventative care to healthy animals.

veterinary personal statement cv examples

They also have a responsibility to educate pet owners on how to properly care for their pets and inform them of any potential health issues that may arise. Veterinarians are also responsible for maintaining accurate medical records for all patients and communicating effectively with their staff.

B. Required Education

Becoming a veterinarian requires extensive education and training. A Bachelor’s degree is required, and a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) is also required for licensure. The DVM program typically takes four years to complete and includes courses in anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, parasitology, and pathology.

After earning a DVM, candidates must pass a licensing exam to practice veterinary medicine.

C. Important traits and skills of a veterinarian

Successful veterinarians possess a range of skills that help them excel in their job. Some of the most important traits and skills include:

  • Compassion and empathy towards animals
  • Communication skills for working with pet owners and staff members
  • Problem-solving and critical thinking abilities to diagnose and treat animals
  • Patience and adaptability to handle challenging cases
  • Dexterity and hand-eye coordination for performing surgeries and administering treatments
  • Attention to detail for accurately recording medical information

D. Job Outlook and Salary Expectations

The job outlook for veterinarians is positive, with job growth expected to increase by 18% from 2018 to 2028, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Salaries can range depending on location, experience, and specialty. The median annual salary for a veterinarian is $93,830, with the highest 10% earning more than $162,450.

Becoming a veterinarian requires not only a love for animals, but also extensive education and training as well as important skills and traits. The profession offers a positive job outlook and competitive salaries.

Resume Building Basics

Now that you have completed your veterinary school, it’s time to start your job search. One important tool you’ll need is a well-crafted resume that showcases your skills and experience. Here are some essential points to consider when building a winning resume.

A. Types of Resumes

There are several types of resumes, each serving different purposes. The most popular types of resumes are:

  • Chronological: This format presents your work experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent job. This type of resume is suitable for those with a strong work history in the same field.
  • Functional: This format emphasizes your skills and achievements rather than your work history. It’s ideal for career changers or those with limited work experience.
  • Combination: This format combines both the chronological and functional formats, highlighting both your work history and skills.

Choose the type of resume that best showcases your skills, experience, and career goals.

B. Importance of a Clear and Concise Resume Format

Your resume should be clear and easy to read. Use a basic font and formatting style that’s easy on the eyes. Additionally, avoid lengthy paragraphs and instead use bullet points to highlight your achievements and responsibilities.

A clear and concise format not only makes your resume visually appealing but also helps the hiring manager quickly grasp your qualifications and suitability for the job.

C. Tips to Write an Effective Resume

Here are some tips to help you craft an impressive resume:

veterinary personal statement cv examples

  • Customize your resume to the job you’re applying for by highlighting relevant skills and experience.
  • Start your resume with a strong objective statement that summarizes your career goals and qualifications.
  • Use action verbs to describe your achievements and responsibilities.
  • Quantify your accomplishments, such as the number of pets treated or surgeries performed.
  • Mention any relevant certifications or awards.

D. Common Mistakes to Avoid

As you draft your resume, keep in mind these common mistakes to avoid:

  • Using a generic resume rather than tailoring it to the job.
  • Including irrelevant information, such as hobbies or personal details.
  • Failing to proofread for typos and grammatical errors.
  • Being dishonest about your qualifications or experience.

Your veterinary resume is your best chance to showcase your skills, experience, and personality to potential employers. A clear and concise format, showcasing your relevant achievements and skills, can help secure the job you’ve been preparing for. So, follow these tips to craft a winning resume and land your dream job!

Preparing for Your Resume

When it comes to crafting a winning resume, preparation is key. Before diving in and putting words on paper, take some time to research and plan out your approach. This section will guide you through the initial steps, researching job postings and employers, identifying key skills and qualifications, and outlining your professional experiences.

A. Initial Steps

The first step in preparing your resume is to gather all relevant information about yourself, including past work experience, education, and any certifications or licenses you may hold. You should also consider your career goals and what type of position you are seeking.

Next, review any guidelines or requirements provided by potential employers or job postings to ensure your resume meets their specific needs. This could include formatting, length, or specific keywords that should be included.

B. Researching Job Postings and Employers

To make your resume stand out from the competition, it’s important to research potential employers and the positions you are interested in. Review job postings to get a sense of the skills and qualifications required for these roles. Take note of the language used in these postings and use it to tailor your resume to the job at hand.

In addition, research potential employers to learn more about their values, mission, and company culture. This information can help you craft a resume that reflects both your own experience and the organization’s values.

C. Identifying Key Skills and Qualifications

Once you have a sense of the skills and qualifications required for the positions you are interested in, identify which of these you possess and prioritize them in your resume. Focus on quantifying any achievements or specific experiences that demonstrate your abilities in these areas.

In addition, consider any transferable skills you possess that may be useful in the veterinary field, such as teamwork, communication, or problem-solving abilities.

D. Outlining Your Professional Experiences

Finally, it’s time to outline your professional experiences in a way that showcases your skills and achievements. Use a reverse chronological format, starting with your most recent experience and working backwards.

For each position, provide a brief summary of your duties and responsibilities, followed by specific achievements that demonstrate your skills and impact. Quantify your achievements whenever possible to make them more tangible to potential employers.

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to crafting a winning resume that highlights your skills, experience, and potential as a veterinary professional.

Creating Your Veterinary Resume – A Comprehensive Guide

As a veterinary professional, your resume is an essential tool for showcasing your skills and experience. Here’s a comprehensive guide to creating a top-notch veterinary resume that will grab the attention of potential employers and help land you the job you want.

A. Basic Formatting Guidelines

To ensure that your veterinary resume is polished and professional, follow these formatting guidelines:

Heading : Your heading should include your full name, mailing address, phone number, and email address. Be sure to use a professional email address, such as your first and last name, and avoid using nicknames or personal email addresses.

Objective/Summary : Your objective or summary should be a brief, one or two sentence statement that highlights your career goals and qualifications. This is often the first thing potential employers will see, so make sure it’s impactful.

Education : List your education in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent degree or program. Include the name of the institution, degree earned, date of graduation, and any honors or academic achievements.

Experience : List your work experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent job. Include the name of the employer, title of the position, dates of employment, and a description of your responsibilities and accomplishments.

Licenses and Certifications : If you have any professional licenses or certifications, list them here. Include the name of the license or certification, issuing organization, and date obtained.

Skills : List any relevant skills or areas of expertise, such as animal handling, surgical procedures, lab techniques, or software proficiency.

References : It’s not necessary to include references on your resume, but it’s a good idea to have a list of professional references ready to provide upon request.

B. Writing Your Veterinary Resume

When crafting your veterinary resume, think carefully about how to highlight your skills and experience in a clear, concise manner that sets you apart from other candidates. Here are some tips to help you create a winning resume:

Objective/Summary : Your objective or summary should be tailored to the specific job you’re applying for, highlighting your qualifications and how they align with the job requirements.

Education : Highlight any specialized training or coursework that’s relevant to the job you’re applying for. If you’re a recent graduate or new to the field, emphasize your academic achievements and any hands-on experience gained through internships or externships.

Professional Experience : When describing your work experience, focus on your accomplishments rather than simply listing your job duties. Use action verbs and quantify your achievements whenever possible (for example, “Implemented new clinic protocols that led to a 20% increase in client satisfaction”).

Licenses and Certifications : If you have any licenses or certifications that are particularly relevant to the job you’re applying for, highlight them prominently in your resume.

Optimizing Your Resume

Your resume is your first impression to prospective employers. It is essential to optimize your resume to highlight your skills and experiences that align with the job description. In this section, we will discuss four essential strategies to optimize your resume for the job search.

A. Keywords

Keywords are the words or phrases that describe specific skills, experiences, or qualifications that an employer is seeking in a candidate. It is crucial to tailor your resume with relevant keywords to make it more visible to the hiring team. Scan the job posting for keywords that match your skills and incorporate them in your resume. Use them in your job descriptions, objective statement, and skills section. However, avoid stuffing your resume with too many keywords that may make it difficult to read.

B. Tailoring Your Resume to the Job

One size fits all is not the right approach when it comes to your resume. It is essential to tailor your resume to the specific job you are applying for. This means highlighting your most relevant experiences, skills, and achievements for the job. Before applying, research the company and job description to ensure that you have included the most relevant information.

C. Formatting Your Resume for Applicant Tracking System

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) are software tools that many companies use to screen resumes before human eyes review them. To ensure that your resume passes through the ATS screening, format it appropriately. Avoid using images, fancy fonts, and templates. Use clean, simple and easy to read fonts like Arial or Times New Roman. Use bullet points and headings to organize your information effectively.

D. Proofreading

Spelling and grammatical errors can harm your chances of landing an interview. Proofread your resume multiple times to ensure that it is error-free. Ask a friend or family member to review it for you as sometimes we can overlook our own mistakes. If you have trouble with proofreading, consider using online tools like Grammarly or Hemingway Editor that can help you spot errors.

Optimizing your resume is important in your job search. By incorporating relevant keywords, tailoring it to the job, formatting it for ATS, and proofreading it, you increase your chances of landing an interview and ultimately landing your dream job.

Example Veterinary Resumes

If you’re looking for inspiration as you build or update your veterinary resume, here are three examples to consider:

Resume Example 1: New Graduate

This resume is geared toward recent graduates with limited work experience in the field. It highlights education and relevant coursework, as well as any hands-on experience gained through internships or volunteer work.

Objective: Highly motivated and enthusiastic recent graduate seeking a challenging role in the field of [field]. Eager to apply knowledge gained through coursework and internships to contribute to a dynamic organization.

Education: Bachelor of Science in [Field] University Name, City, State

  • Relevant Coursework: [List relevant courses]
  • Honors/Awards: [List any academic achievements or honors]

Clinical Experience: Intern, Veterinary Clinic, City, State

  • Assisted veterinarians in performing examinations, vaccinations, and surgical procedures
  • Administered medications and monitored patient recovery
  • Maintained accurate records and assisted in client communication

Extracurricular Experience: Volunteer, Animal Shelter, City, State

  • Provided care and support for animals in need
  • Assisted in adoption events and fundraising initiatives
  • Collaborated with shelter staff to ensure animal welfare
  • Proficient in medical record keeping software
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills
  • Ability to work effectively in a team environment
  • Detail-oriented and able to multitask in a fast-paced setting

Key components:

  • Objective statement that lists the candidate’s career goals and showcases their enthusiasm for the field
  • Detailed education section, including relevant coursework and honors/awards
  • Clinical experience section, with bullet points that summarize key responsibilities and accomplishments
  • Extracurricular and volunteer experience sections, to showcase related skills and commitments outside of coursework and internships

Resume Example 2: Experienced Veterinarian

This resume is geared toward experienced veterinary professionals, and emphasizes past employment history, as well as key skills and accomplishments.

Professional Summary: Experienced veterinarian with a proven track record of providing high-quality care and building strong client relationships. Skilled in diagnostics, surgery, and preventive medicine. Passionate about animal welfare and committed to delivering exceptional veterinary services.

Employment History: Veterinary Hospital, City, State Veterinarian

  • Conducted thorough examinations, diagnosed illnesses, and developed treatment plans
  • Performed surgical procedures including spays, neuters, and soft tissue surgeries
  • Educated pet owners on preventive care and provided guidance on nutrition and behavior
  • Managed a caseload of [number] patients, maintaining accurate medical records

Specialized Skills:

  • Proficient in ultrasound diagnostics and interpretation
  • Extensive experience with exotic animals, including reptiles and birds
  • Strong knowledge of dental care and oral surgery in companion animals
  • Skilled in emergency medicine and critical care

Certifications and Awards:

  • Board Certified Veterinarian (American Board of Veterinary Practitioners)
  • Member, [Professional Organization]
  • Recipient of [Award] for excellence in veterinary medicine
  • Professional summary that highlights the candidate’s key skills, accomplishments, and areas of expertise
  • Detailed employment history section, with bullet points that summarize key responsibilities and accomplishments at each job
  • Specialized skills section, with bullet points that highlight unique areas of knowledge or training (e.g. experience with exotic animals or proficiency in ultrasound)
  • Certifications and awards section, to showcase professional achievements (e.g. board certification or membership in professional organizations)

Resume Example 3: Specialized Veterinary Career

This resume is geared toward candidates pursuing specialized careers within the veterinary field, such as research or academia. It emphasizes relevant training and research experience, as well as academic credentials.

Professional Summary: Passionate and dedicated veterinary professional with a strong interest in specialized veterinary careers. Experienced in research, teaching, and academic settings. Committed to advancing knowledge in the field and contributing to the growth of veterinary science.

Education: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) University Name, City, State

  • Research Experience: [List research projects and contributions]
  • Teaching Experience: [List teaching responsibilities and courses taught]
  • Relevant Coursework: [List specialized courses or areas of focus]

Research Experience: Research Assistant, Veterinary Research Institute, City, State

  • Conducted independent research on [specific area of research]
  • Analyzed data, prepared research reports, and contributed to scientific publications
  • Presented findings at national conferences and participated in collaborative research projects

Teaching and Mentoring Experience: Teaching Assistant, Veterinary School, City, State

  • Assisted professors in delivering lectures and conducting laboratory sessions
  • Mentored veterinary students and provided guidance on clinical skills and case management
  • Developed educational materials and participated in curriculum development initiatives

Memberships and Affiliations:

  • Member, [Specialized Veterinary Association]
  • Member, [Professional Research Society]
  • Volunteer, [Relevant Animal Welfare Organization]
  • Professional summary that highlights the candidate’s key skills, accomplishments, and areas of expertise, with a focus on specialized career aspirations
  • Detailed education section, including not only degrees earned, but also research experience, teaching experience, and relevant coursework
  • Research experience section, with bullet points that summarize key research projects, publications, and presentations
  • Teaching and mentoring experience section, to showcase experience in these specialized areas
  • Membership in relevant professional organizations or societies, to highlight involvement in the field beyond academic achievements.

No matter where you are in your veterinary career, there is always room to improve and update your resume. Consider these examples as you build or refine your own, and remember to keep it clean, concise, and tailored to the job you want.

Cover Letter Writing for Veterinarians

As a veterinarian, your cover letter is your opportunity to introduce yourself and make a strong impression on potential employers. A well-crafted cover letter can set you apart from other candidates and demonstrate your passion and qualifications for the job.

A. Importance of a Cover Letter

Your cover letter serves as a personal introduction and summary of your qualifications. It allows you to showcase your skills, experience, and achievements in a way that cannot be conveyed in your resume alone. A strong cover letter can pique the interest of a hiring manager and lead to an invitation for an interview.

B. Types of Cover Letters

There are two main types of cover letters: application letters and prospecting letters. An application letter is sent in response to a specific job opening, while a prospecting letter is sent to inquire about potential opportunities. Both types should be tailored to the specific needs and interests of the employer.

C. Tips for Writing an Effective Cover Letter

To write an effective cover letter, consider the following tips:

  • Use a professional and personalized tone
  • Address the letter to the hiring manager by name
  • Highlight your relevant skills and experience
  • Provide specific examples of your achievements
  • Emphasize your passion and enthusiasm for the job
  • Keep your letter concise and easy to read
  • Proofread for errors and typos

D. Example Veterinary Cover Letter

Dear [Hiring Manager],

As a practicing veterinarian with [number] years of experience in small animal medicine, I am excited to apply for the Veterinary Associate position at [Hospital Name]. I am impressed by the hospital’s reputation for exceptional patient care and modern diagnostic capabilities, and I believe that my skill set and enthusiasm would make me a valuable addition to the team.

In my current role at [previous employer], I have gained extensive experience in surgical procedures, dentistry, and preventive care. I take pride in my ability to build strong relationships with clients and their pets, and I am passionate about promoting animal welfare and health through comprehensive and compassionate care.

I am particularly drawn to [Hospital Name]’s commitment to continuing education and professional development. I am confident in my ability to contribute to the team’s success and growth through my willingness to learn and my dedication to high-quality patient care.

Thank you for considering my application to join the team at [Hospital Name]. Please find my resume and additional materials attached for your review. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to your hospital’s mission.

Job Search Strategies

When it comes to finding employment as a veterinarian, there are several job search strategies one can take. In this section, we will explore some of the most popular methods to help you find the perfect position.

A. Job Search Engines

Job search engines such as Indeed, Monster, and Glassdoor can be a great resource for job seekers. To use them effectively, start by creating a professional profile and uploading your resume. This will make it easier for potential employers to find you.

You can also use these search engines to filter job listings by location, experience level, and salary range. Some sites even offer alerts to notify you when new job postings are added that match your criteria.

B. Veterinary Job Boards

There are several job boards specifically dedicated to veterinary positions. Some of the most popular include AVMA Career Center, VetMed Careers, and Veterinary Jobs. These boards offer a targeted search experience and cater to individuals looking for positions in the veterinary field.

It is important to note that not all positions may be listed on these job boards. It is still worthwhile to utilize a variety of job search methods to increase your chances of finding the right opportunity.

C. Networking

Networking can be a valuable tool when searching for employment. This can include attending job fairs, conferences, or reaching out to individuals in your professional network. Consider joining professional organizations, such as the AVMA, to connect with potential employers and other professionals in the field.

It is important to approach networking with a genuine intent to build relationships and not just to secure a job. Building strong connections with others in your industry can lead to valuable opportunities in the future.

D. Vet School Career Center

Many veterinary schools offer career centers to help graduates find employment. These centers offer resources such as job postings, career counseling, and networking events. Utilize your school’s career center to take advantage of these resources and find opportunities post-graduation.

In addition to these job search strategies, it is also important to tailor your resume and cover letter to each job application. Taking the time to research the company and position and highlighting your relevant skills and experience can make all the difference.

Remember, your job search may take time and effort, but with persistence and the right strategies, you can find the perfect position as a veterinarian.

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Successful Personal Statement For Veterinary Medicine At Cambridge

Last Updated: 6th April 2022

Author: Rohan Agarwal

Table of Contents

Welcome to our popular Personal Statement series where we present a successful Personal Statement, and our Oxbridge Tutors provide their feedback on it. 

Today, we are looking through a Veterinary Medicine applicant’s Personal Statement that helped secure a place at Cambridge University. The Veterinary Medicine Course at Cambridge offers a world-class opportunity to study the scientific basis of veterinary medicine and clinical veterinary science.

Read on to see how this candidate managed to secure an offer from a world-class department.  

Here’s a breakdown of the Personal Statement (the applicant uses most of the 4,000 characters available):


The universities this candidate applied to were the following:



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Veterinary Medicine Personal Statement

Witnessing the birth of a calf was a wonderful experience and has helped to confirm my long-term ambition to be a vet. This desire has been a motivating force in all my decisions at school. Veterinary medicine is a challenging and worthwhile career that encapsulates my profound interest in animal welfare, scientific enquiry and problem solving.  It will satisfy my passion to work with people and animals as well as my love of science. It requires academic rigour, is scientifically-based and provides opportunities for further research either in laboratory or clinical settings. It involves considerable practical skills and the potential for great job satisfaction with the possibility of running my own practice.

My work experience has been thoroughly enjoyable and included working with a country vet, a farrier, at a private stables, a commercial reptile centre, a dairy farm and a small animal clinic. With the country vet I observed two successful treatments on cows to correct displacement of the abomasum by external manipulation and surgery. I helped with TB testing, learning the process, its importance and the wider context. Working with the farrier opened my mind to other people who interact with the veterinary profession. Whilst involved in cleaning and feeding at the private stables I developed a great respect for horses including an awareness of the danger they can pose for humans and other animals. At the reptile centre I handled a bearded dragon, monitor lizard and snakes whilst assisting in an educational talk and at Beaver World learnt to care for guinea pigs, rabbits, beavers, pheasants and fish. During my nine-day stay on a dairy farm I took part in the daily routine of milking, and as well as observing the birth of a calf, I saw the deterioration of a cow and the eventual decision to put her down. It was apparent that working in a small animal clinic involves many routine operations like the castration and spaying of cats and dogs. I learnt that diagnosis involves history-taking, examination and investigations such as blood tests and diagnostic imaging. To gain more experience I plan to work at a city farm, participate in the delivery of lambs and carry out placements at London Zoo and the London Aquarium.

I attended VetMedlink at Nottingham University, thirty six lectures on all aspects of veterinary care. As part of this course I voluntarily undertook my own research into potential new uses of stem cells and submitted a paper which was marked and for which I received a distinction. This is due to be published on-line sometime this year. My focus was how stem cells inserted into the brain could be used in the future to improve intelligence and treat neural problems such as Alzheimer’s disease. Furthermore, I will be attending a course in November to enable me to administer aid to stranded or injured marine mammals.

As well as good examination grades, my other school achievements include prize certificates in mathematics and biology; I was especially pleased to win Gold Certificates in the UK Maths Challenge. This year I was commended for the quality of my answers in the Chemistry Challenge set by my school which required logical reasoning skills. I have a special aptitude for mathematics and attended six maths lectures at Greenwich University on themes which included matrices and types of mathematical proof.

I aim to involve myself whole-heartedly in university life, using my musical skills by playing the keyboard and perhaps playing in or starting a sports team.

I truly believe I have the ability to work effectively with people and animals. I am excited about the veterinary course since it offers the opportunity to undertake research projects, understand the scientific basis of medicine, gain in-depth knowledge of veterinary practice and develop key practical skills. I am determined to become a vet and eager to begin the formal course of training in what I know will prove to be a fascinating field of study.

For more inspiration, take a look through our other successful Personal Statement a nalysis articles:

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Good Points Of The Personal Statement

A well written and well-structured statement that provides a good insight into the student’s character and development, both academically as well as personally. The student demonstrates a good scientific foundation, achieving various degrees of academic excellence and also demonstrates a wide range of different work-experience attachments giving insight into different specialities of veterinary medicine. This is particularly important due to the wide range of differences between different animal species. The broader the experience before starting the degree, the better. Furthermore, the work-experience placements will provide valuable contacts for when the student will be required to conduct care attachments during his/her studies at university.

Bad Points Of The Personal Statement

One of the central points of veterinary medicine not related to the academic side is the funding structure. Recognising the challenges that come in regard to the treatment of patients, as well as in regard to the interaction with owners, is an important component. Since the student experienced care in different practice settings, it is likely that he/she has come across this issue.

UniAdmissions Overall Score:

Good statement giving good detail about the student and his/her motivation as well as his/her individual development. It could be improved by additional reflection on the challenges of veterinary practice, for example, the existing funding structures.

This Personal Statement for Vet Med is a good example of demonstrating motivation and development which is vital to Admissions Tutors.

Remember, at Cambridge, these Admissions Tutors are often the people who will be teaching you for the next few years, so you need to appeal directly to them.

Go to our Free Personal Statement Resources page for even more successful personal statements and expert guides.

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Veterinary Science Personal Statement Examples

veterinary personal statement cv examples

What is a veterinary medicine personal statement?

Your veterinary medicine personal statement is an opportunity to sell yourself to admissions tutors, and tell them why you would make a great candidate on their course.

Your statement should include how you meet all the entry requirements for a veterinary science degree and demands of the course. For example, your love of animals, patience, empathy, and your academic and practical skills.

How do I write a veterinary medicine personal statement?

Most veterinary medicine candidates open their personal statement with why they want to become a vet. Motivations for wanting to study any course at university are always important.

We recommend you write a series a notes about your skills, experience, hobbies, extracurricular activities, career plans and anything else that is relevant to your application.

When you have put an initial draft together, proofread it and leave yourself plenty of time to amend your statement.

Ask family, friends and tutors to read your veterinary medicine personal statement, and invite them to make suggestions, comments and any other feedback to help you improve it.

What should I include in my veterinary medicine personal statement?

  • Your passion for animals should be obvious from the outset. Think about what made you want to pursue a career in veterinary medicine in the first place - was it a childhood experience or something you read or encountered? Were you inspired by a family member or friend who is already a qualified vet?
  • Talk about any work experience (paid or unpaid) or voluntary roles that have helped you gain experience in the veterinary science field. This will help demonstrate your skills, commitment and ambition to the university admissions tutors.
  • If you're applying to Oxbridge, your personal statement will need to be exemplary. Veterinary medicine is a highly competitive course, so you have to show that you are a talented, dedicated and enthusiastic student that meets all the academic and vocational requirements.

For more help and advice on what to write in your veterinary medicine personal statement, please see:

  • Personal Statement Editing Services
  • Personal Statement Tips From A Teacher
  • Analysis Of A Personal Statement
  • The 15th January UCAS Deadline: 4 Ways To Avoid Missing It
  • Personal Statement FAQs
  • Personal Statement Timeline
  • 10 Top Personal Statement Writing Tips
  • What To Do If You Miss The 15th January UCAS Deadline.

What can I do with a veterinary medicine degree?

There are many career options available to those wanting to study veterinary medicine, including:

  • Animal nutritionist
  • Veterinary surgeon
  • Animal physiotherapist

However, there are other job roles where your veterinary science degree could be useful, such as:

  • Animal technician
  • Veterinary nurse
  • Environmental consultant
  • Nature conservation officer.

For more information about careers with a veterianary science degree, please see Prospects and The Times .

What are the best UK universities for veterinary medicine?

Currently the best UK universities for veterinary medicine are:


For more information about UK university rankings for veterinary science, please see The Complete University Guide and The Guardian .

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Veterinary Nurse CV example

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Build your CV on this template 

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You became a veterinary nurse so that you could make a difference to the lives of animals and their owners every day.

But that sentiment alone is not enough to land you the job, you need to create an engaging CV that carefully highlights your training, experience and skills.

If you need a little help writing your application, check out our top tips below, complete with a veterinary nurse CV example.

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Veterinary Nurse CV example

Veterinary Nurse CV 1

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Veterinary Nurse CV 2

This is a good example of a Veterinary Nurse CV which contains all of the information that a hiring manager will need to be impressed, and presents it in a well- structured, easy-to-read format.

Take some time to study and understand this CV, and refer to it throughout the writing of your own CV for best results.

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Build your CV now 

Veterinary Nurse CV format and structure

The format and structure of your CV is important because it will determine how easy it is for recruiters and employers to read your CV.

If they can find the information they need quickly, they’ll be happy; but if they struggle, your application could be overlooked.

A simple and logical structure will always create a better reading experience than a complex structure, and with a few simple formatting tricks, you’ll be good to go.

How to write a CV

Tips for formatting your Veterinary Nurse CV

  • Length: If you want to hold the reader’s attention and ensure your CV isn’t yawn-worthy, it’s best to stick to two sides of A4 or less. This is more than enough room to highlight why you’re a good match for the role – anything more can quickly become tedious!
  • Readability : To help busy recruiters scan through your CV, make sure your section headings stand out – bold or coloured text works well. Additionally, try to use bullet points wherever you can, as they’re far easier to skim through than huge paragraphs. Lastly, don’t be afraid of white space on your CV – a little breathing space is great for readability.
  • Design & format: While it’s important that your CV design looks good, it also needs to be functional (which means easy for recruiters to read) Keep the design simple to achieve a good balance between looking good and reading well.
  • Photos: Headshot photos aren’t required in a CV by most employers, but some creative and artistic industries like to see them. If you decide to include one, make sure you look smart and professional in the picture.

Quick tip: Creating a professional CV style can be difficult and time-consuming when using Microsoft Word or Google Docs. To create a winning CV quickly, try our quick-and-easy CV Builder and use one of their eye-catching professional CV templates.

CV formatting tips

CV structure

As you write your CV , divide and sub-head into the following sections:

  • Name and contact details – Always start with these, so employers know exactly how to get in touch with you.
  • CV profile – Add a short summary of your relevant experience, skills and achievements, which highlights your suitability.
  • Core skills section – A 2-3 columned list of your key skills.
  • Work experience – A detailed list of any relevant work experience, whether paid or voluntary.
  • Education – An overview of your academic background and any training you may have completed.
  • Hobbies and interests – A brief overview of your hobbies and interests, if they’re relevant (optional).

Now you understand the basic layout of a CV, here’s what you should include in each section of yours.

Contact Details

Contact details

Begin by sharing your contact details, so it’s easy for employers to give you a call. Keep to the basics, such as:

  • Mobile number
  • Email address – It should sound professional, with no slang or nicknames. Make a new one for your job applications if necessary.
  • Location – Simply share your vague location, for example ‘Manchester’, rather than a full address.
  • LinkedIn profile or portfolio URL – Remember to update them before you send your application.

Veterinary Nurse CV Profile

Make a strong first impression with recruiters by starting your CV with an impactful profile (or personal statement for junior applicants).

This short introduction paragraph should summarise your skills, experience, and knowledge, highlighting your suitability for the job.

It should be compelling enough to encourage recruiters to read through the rest of your CV.

CV profile

How to write a good CV profile:

  • Make it short and sharp: Recruiters are busy, so to ensure your profile is actually read, it’s best to keep it short and snappy. 3-5 punchy lines makes for the perfect profile.
  • Tailor it: Before writing your CV, make sure to do some research. Figure out exactly what your desired employers are looking for and make sure that you are making those requirements prominent in your CV profile, and throughout.
  • Don’t add an objective: Avoid discussing your career goals in your CV profile – if you think they’re necessary, briefly mention them in your cover letter instead.
  • Avoid generic phrases: Cheesy clichès and generic phrases won’t impress recruiters, who read the same statements several times per day. Impress them with your skill-set, experience and accomplishments instead!

Example CV profile for Veterinary Nurse

What to include in your veterinary nurse cv profile.

  • Experience overview: Start with a brief summary of your relevant experience so far. How many years experience do you have? What type of companies have you worked for? What industries/sectors have you worked in? What are your specialisms?
  • Targeted skills: Make your most relevant Veterinary Nurse key skills clear in your profile. These should be tailored to the specific role you’re applying for – so make sure to check the job description first, and aim to match their requirements as closely as you can.
  • Important qualifications: If the jobs you are applying to require candidates to have certain qualifications, then you must add them in your profile to ensure they are seen by hiring managers.

Quick tip: If you are finding it difficult to write an attention-grabbing CV profile, choose from hundreds of pre-written profiles across all industries, and add one to your CV with one click in our quick-and-easy CV Builder . All profiles are written by recruitment experts and easily tailored to suit your unique skillset.

Core skills section

Add a core skills section below your profile to draw attention to your most applicable skills and make them stand out to readers.

This should consist of 2-3 columns of bullet points that emphasise your relevant skills.

Before creating this section, review the job description and compile a list of any specific skills, specializations, or knowledge needed. Incorporate these findings into your list to portray yourself as the ideal candidate for the position.

Core skills section CV

Important skills for your Veterinary Nurse CV

Animal Care – Providing comprehensive care for animals, including monitoring health, administering medications, and managing nutrition.

Surgical Assistance – Assisting veterinarians during surgical procedures, including preparing the surgical site, monitoring anaesthesia, and maintaining sterile conditions.

Diagnostic Imaging – Operating and interpreting diagnostic imaging equipment, such as X-rays and ultrasound, to aid in diagnosing and treating animal conditions.

Laboratory Techniques – Utilising knowledge of laboratory procedures, including sample collection, analysis, and interpretation of results to assist in diagnosing and monitoring animal health.

Anaesthesia Management – Utilising knowledge of anaesthesia protocols, monitoring vital signs during anaesthesia, and ensuring the safe recovery of animals.

Patient Monitoring – Performing comprehensive patient monitoring, including vital signs assessment, pain management, and post-operative care.

Emergency Care – Providing immediate care and assistance during veterinary emergencies, such as trauma, cardiac arrest, or respiratory distress.

Client Communication – Educating and counselling pet owners on animal care, treatment plans, and preventive healthcare.

Records Management – Maintaining accurate and organised documentation of patient information, treatments, and procedures in electronic or paper medical records.

Quick tip: Our quick-and-easy CV Builder has thousands of in-demand skills for all industries and professions, that can be added to your CV in seconds – This will save you time and ensure you get noticed by recruiters.

Work experience

Recruiters will be itching to know more about your relevant experience by now.

Kick-start this section with your most recent (or current) position, and work your way backwards through your history.

You can include voluntary and freelance work, too – as long as you’re honest about the nature of the work.

Work experience

Structuring each job

Whilst writing your CV, it’s essential to look at it from the eyes of a recruiter.

If they’re met with giant blocks of text which are impossible to navigate, they might get frustrated and skip onto the next CV.

Instead, make use of the 3-step structure shown below, to give them a pleasant reading experience.

Role descriptions

Start with a solid introduction to your role as a whole, in order to build some context.

Explain the nature of the organisation you worked for, the size of the team you were part of, who you reported to and what the overarching purpose of your job was.

Key responsibilities

Next, write up a punchy list of your daily duties and responsibilities, using bullet points.

Wherever you can, point out how you put your hard skills and knowledge to use – especially skills which are applicable to your target role.

Key achievements

Lastly, add impact by highlight 1-3 key achievements  that you made within the role.

Struggling to think of an achievement? If it had a positive impact on your company, it counts.

For example, you might increased company profits, improved processes, or something simpler, such as going above and beyond to solve a customer’s problem.

Sample job description for Veterinary Nurse CV

Oversee various nursing duties, share best practice with colleagues, and support the development of graduates, for a global company committed to making a positive impact on people and pets through preventive, general, specialty, and emergency veterinary care and diagnostics.

Key Responsibilities

  • Complete basic administrative tasks, such as answering phone calls, greeting customers upon entry, arranging post, and managing diaries.
  • Offer owners emotionally supportive services to promote animal welfare.
  • Execute in/out-patient care, client counselling, and medication administration under the supervision of a licenced vet.
  • Interact with other staff to schedule appointments, perform exams, and record test results.

Quick tip: Create impressive job descriptions easily in our quick-and-easy CV Builder by adding pre-written job phrases for every industry and career stage.

Education section

Next up, you should list your education and qualifications.

This can include your formal qualifications (a degree, A-Levels and GCSEs), as well as sector-specific Veterinary Nurse qualifications and/or training.

While school leavers and recent grads should include a lot of detail here to make up for the lack of work experience, experienced candidates may benefit from a shorter education section, as your work experience section will be more important to recruiters.

Hobbies and interests

Although this is an optional section, it can be useful if your hobbies and interests will add further depth to your CV.

Interests which are related to the sector you are applying to, or which show transferable skills like leadership or teamwork, can worth listing.

On the other hand, generic hobbies like “going out with friends” won’t add any value to your application, so are best left off your CV.

When putting together your Veterinary Nurse CV, there are a few key points to remember.

Always tailor your CV to the target role, even if it means creating several versions for different roles.

Additionally, remember that the structure and format of your CV needs just as much attention as the content.

Good luck with your job search!

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  • Veterinarian

Veterinarian CV Examples & UK Templates

Veterinarian CV Examples & UK Templates

Just as the doctor tends to our ailments, veterinarians look after the needs of our pets and other animals. As a veterinarian, you have a set of skills that are in high demand. However, you'll need a top veterinarian CV to land the job you want.

While veterinarians are in high demand, they’ll need an expertly-crafted CV to convey the years of schooling and experience that make them qualified to do this job. That’s why we’ve created this veterinarian CV example and writing guide. Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • The best way to structure your CV is to make it easy for the hiring manager to pick out the most critical aspects of your skills and expertise.
  • How to optimise your CV with relevant keywords and get it through the applicant tracking systems.
  • The fundamentals of formatting your CV and what you can do to ensure your CV is formatted in the best way for your profession.
  • The mistakes you may be making which prevent you from reaching the interview stage!

Expert tip: Resume.io is a provider of professional career resources and tools for job seekers in all fields and stages of their career. Check out our collection of job-specific CV examples and guides for even more guidance.

What does a veterinarian do?

Veterinarians are people who love animals and are qualified to treat a range of ailments. Unlike people, animals don’t know how to tell their owners when they’re feeling sick, so it’s the responsibility of the owner to look out for any unusual signs in their pet. The veterinarian will look at the animal or pet and determine what is wrong with them, providing the appropriate medical care as required. However, veterinary positions can encompass more than just caring for our household furry friends. Food safety, slaughterhouses, and farms are just some examples of other areas that need qualified veterinarians.

A veterinarian may work in different types of areas, including general practice, which is where they act as the first point of contact for animal care, dealing with health checks, vaccinations, neutering, etc. They may also choose to work in emergency care, where they are on hand to deal with urgent cases. Emergency care is usually open 24 hours a day or outside of regular veterinary surgery opening hours. Referral practice is another option, and this involves looking at complex cases in animals.

There’s a huge shortage of vets in the UK, according to the British Veterinary Association . Brexit has limited the number of veterinarians whose qualifications are recognised in the UK and hundreds of jobs remained unfilled in all regions. Foreign qualifications may still be recognised, but you may be asked to sit an additional examination in order to be recognised by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons as a qualified veterinarian.

How to write a veterinarian CV

Veterinarians are highly qualified, professional individuals and their CVs must reflect that. This is the standard format that most CVs will follow:

  • The CV header
  • The CV summary (aka profile or personal statement)
  • The employment history section
  • The CV skills section
  • The education section

Increase your chances of getting past the automated CV scanners in use at most large organisations by placing keywords from the job description into the appropriate sections of your CV. A keyword is generally any duty or skills emphasised by the employer. Take care to use the exact language from the job description.

Choosing the best CV format for veterinarians

Reverse chronological is the best CV format for veterinarians with some work experience (including internships) to show. This format focuses on the employment history section where you can list your previous positions going back through the past ten years. This is the preferred CV format of hiring managers and automated CV scanners.

While other CV formats exist, they are better suited to career starters or self-employed applicants. 

CV summary example: your love of animals

The summary is the 3-5 sentences at the top of your CV where you’ll be able to speak directly to the employer and tell them what makes you qualified for the role. This is the one place on your CV that you’ll also be able to convey your passion and love of animals. If you hold a required licence or are a member of a veterinary association, don’t forget to mention it here. Check out the summary from our CV sample below.

Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons registered veterinarian with five years of experience working in a range of clinical settings. Specialised in orthopaedics of small animals. Skilled in strategising and supporting growth of specialised departments and leading empathetic communications with clients from varied backgrounds. 

Employment history sample: experience counts

The main priority for anyone recruiting a veterinarian is usually their experience with animals. The employment history section is the place to list your previous jobs going back through your veterinary experience. Include the employer name, job title, dates worked and location. If you’re just starting out, you may include positions with transferable skills, but vet-related work is always preferable. See our employment history CV sample below.

Veterinarian at South Yorkshire Veterinary Partnership, Sheffield June 2020 - Present

  • Lead veterinarian in growing orthopaedics department.
  • Executing advanced orthopaedic surgeries.
  • Assisting with building specialist orthopaedic teams.
  • Communicating with clients from range of backgrounds.

Veterinary Technician at Riverside Animal Clinic, Aberdeen September 2018 - June 2020

  • Performed routine dental care and immunisation of small animals.
  • Executed emergency callouts and stabilised critical patients.
  • Interpreted diagnostic images of small animals in orthopaedic department.
  • Assisted lead veterinarian with complex orthopaedic surgeries.

veterinary personal statement cv examples

CV skills example: soft skills are key

Veterinarians need to be fully qualified to do the job, which means plenty of textbook knowledge. In addition to this, and just as important, specific soft skills are critical to work in this environment. Make sure your CV skills section includes a mix of all of these attributes. This is also the section to point out any areas of expertise or specialities you may have. Below you’ll find our CV sample for the skills section.

  • Orthopaedic Surgery
  • Diagnostics of Small Animals
  • Adaptability
  • Strong Communication
  • Advanced Analytical Thinking

Veterinarian CV education example: what matters

Your education is what qualifies you to be a veterinarian so don’t forget to list it here. Veterinarian certifications are also essential, and depending on the state you live in, you may also need additional licences. If you don’t have any relevant experience, your education can be placed under the summary, where it will become more prominent.

BSci Veterinary Medicine and Surgery, Royal Veterinary College October 2012 - June 2017

CV layout and design

Veterinarians are qualified professionals, and as such, you should use a format that reflects this. Make sure to choose a professional font style and stay consistent with the sizes throughout your CV. A balance of white space to text helps lead the eye down the page and avoid visual fatigue for the reader. 

Consider using a professionally-designed CV template to avoid costly errors in your layout.

Key takeaways for a veterinarian CV

  • Make sure you follow a set structure throughout your CV. The reverse chronological format is best for veterinarians.
  • Get a good understanding of the employer’s work style and core values so that you can tailor your CV for these factors.
  • The hiring manager should finish reading your CV with a strong sense of your adoration for animals and your caring nature. After all, these are vital qualities in this role.
  • Check out our adaptable CV summary for more ideas on creating a great layout and design.

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veterinary personal statement cv examples

Veterinary Surgeon CV Example (2024 Guide)


As a veterinary surgeon, you will be responsible for diagnosing and treating the injuries or illnesses of animals.

There are limited vacancies for this role and competition is high, so it is essential that you have a strong veterinary surgeon CV that will increase your chances of being invited for a job interview.

This guide has been created to help you achieve this goal – let’s get started!

  • Veterinary surgeon CV example

How to structure and format your CV

  • How to write a perfect CV (a step-by-step guide)
  • Personal profile statement example
  • Duties to add to your CV
  • Useful skills to add to your CV
  • Tips on making your CV more effective

Sean Tucker

33 Holyhead Road Lancashire LF4 2ES Mob: 079 4577 8594       Email: [email protected]

Personal profile statement

I am an accomplished, sympathetic and caring Veterinary Surgeon with a 1st class degree in veterinary science and extensive practical experience working in a busy small animal practice within a team of five vets and six nurses. I am experienced in diagnosing and managing a variety of diseases and conditions, performing a broad range of surgeries, performing euthanasia and using specialist medical equipment and computer programs to effectively perform my duties. I am very passionate about animal welfare, and I always endeavour to provide the highest care to the animals I treat.


  • First class degree in BSc Veterinary Nursing degree from Bristol University
  • Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (MRCVS)
  • Actively involved in charitable work for animal welfare

Relevant Modules:

  • Veterinary Nursing (77%)
  • Animal Welfare (76%)
  • Anatomical Science
  • Anastasia and Surgery (73%)
  • Animal Care (72%)

Biology: A Chemistry: B Sociology: B

12 GCSEs at Grades A*- C.

Work experience

Main duties performed:

  • Developing and regularly monitoring individual treatment plans for animals, which could include medication, changes in diet or surgery recommendations
  • Handling, restraining and examining animals in clinic
  • Examining and treating a range of animal species, including pets and farm animals
  • Diagnosing diseases and conditions, including the use of diagnostic imaging
  • Liaising with owners and discussing their animals’ treatment
  • Taking blood and urine samples and sending them to the lab for diagnostic testing
  • Interpreting results of x-ray and ultrasound images and the blood samples’ lab analysis
  • Performing and monitoring euthanasia
  • Performing routine and specialist surgery, including castrations, caesarean section, removal of skin tumours, mastectomy, dewclaw removal, biopsy of lymph nodes, hind limb amputation and gastrostomy
  • Providing aftercare following treatment or surgery
  • Performing general health checks and giving vaccinations against viruses and diseases
  • Giving antiparasitic medication
  • Treating wounds, injuries and infections
  • Providing dental treatment, including extractions
  • Carrying out daily consultations
  • Liaising and corresponding with different teams and referral clinics
  • Advising animal owners about feeding and general care for the animals
  • Carrying out visits to farmyards and stables to monitor health of livestock
  • Responding to emergency call-outs
  • Providing suitable paperwork for animals travelling abroad
  • Handling and assisting in the treatment of animals, including pets and livestock
  • Discussing treatment of animals with their owners
  • Assisting in routine tests and examinations of animals
  • Assisting with animal surgery
  • Logging and updating veterinary records
  • Vaccinating animals to protect against viruses and diseases


  • CAW Level 1 Diploma in Animal Care
  • CAW Level 3 Diploma in Veterinary Nursing
  • First Aid at Work – St. John’s Ambulance
  • Sensitive to the animal owners’ needs and emotional wellbeing, listening attentively and being sympathetic to their concerns
  • Excellent communication skills with a proven ability to interact in a way that is both compassionate and easy to understand
  • In depth knowledge of veterinary science, demonstrated in understanding of a wide range of ailments and technical expertise
  • Skilful in using diagnostic equipment, including ultrasonography and radiography
  • Proven flexibility, with an ability to adapt to and carry out the wishes of clients
  • Highly professional, demonstrated an ability to work in a methodical and skilled manner under difficult circumstances
  • Good planning skills and time management, reflected in regular monitoring of animals’ progress and organised logging of veterinary history

Hobbies and interests

On weekends, I usually go out with my family and friends and have a good time after a hard week working. I am also actively involved in animal welfare campaigns, participating in a range of fundraising activities for reputable animal charities. Due to my knowledge and experience in the field, I also sometimes contribute to veterinary science journals and online blogs.


What makes this CV effective?

  • The information is presented in a structured and well-organised manner, making it easier for employers to find key information.
  • The length of the CV does not exceed 2 A4 pages.
  • The candidate has done a great job in showcasing their relevant skills, achievements and experiences that are relevant to the job. They have carefully studied the job specifications and have produced a tailored document that will impress employers.
  • Readability: Use subheadings, bullet points, short sentences, appropriate spacing, and plenty of white space to make your CV easier to scan and read.
  • Length: The maximum length of a standard CV should be 2 A4 pages. This is because employers receive tens or hundreds of CVs for each job opening and they spend around 30 seconds glancing through each CV. Any CV that is long-winded or contains too much information will most likely be rejected.
  • Avoid using images, logos, fancy colours and designs.
  • Use a professional font to write your CV . A veterinary surgeon job is a senior-level position so your CV should reflect this by adopting a conventional and high-legibility font such as Times New Romans, Arial, Verdana or Helvetica.

How to write a veterinary surgeon CV (step-by-step guide)

Personal details.

At the top of your CV, write down your personal details such as your full name, address or location, telephone number and email address.

You can also include your LinkedIn profile if you have one.

  • Julia Sanders
  • 34 Avenue Road, Shropshire, S34 0DJ
  • Mob: 07983367297       Email: [email protected]

Personal profile

A personal profile, also known as a CV summary, is the opening statement of your CV. It is a short introduction (around 3-5 lines) that outlines your personal characteristics, abilities, experience and future career ambitions.

An effective profile should demonstrate your skills and achievements with real-life examples , rather than vague statements. As they say, talk is cheap!

Veterinary surgeon CV personal profile statement:

I am a skilled and experienced veterinary surgeon with a degree in Veterinary Medicine and more than five years of experience in the industry. I am passionate about caring for animals and giving them the best medical treatment that is available. My expertise include using diagnostic equipment, performing surgeries and giving advice to pet owners. I have excellent interpersonal skills, demonstrated in my current role as a Vet at Pets Clinic Ltd. where I have worked with many veterinary nurses, technicians and clients.

Click here for more personal profile examples.

You can “spice up” your CV by listing your key achievements in this section.

Employers are more interested in your achievements than your duties so keep the details about your day-to-day responsibilities concise and concentrate more on the positive results of your actions.

What are examples of achievements?

  • Awards received
  • Promotions at work
  • Identified and solved a major problem
  • Good grades and results
  • Saved money for the company
  • Excellent customer feedback
  • 1st class degree in Veterinary Medicine
  • Effectively managed a team of ten veterinary staff
  • Received excellent feedback from clients

Employment and work experience

The employment section is arguably the most important part of your CV. It should tell the potential employer in a quick glance…

  • What work you have done,
  • Where you’ve done it, and;
  • When you have done it.

Each job entry should consist of the following information:

  • The name of the company you have worked in
  • The dates (from-to)
  • Your job title
  • Your primary responsibilities (and achievements, if applicable)

Main duties and responsibilities performed:

  • Performed general health checks on small animals including cats, dogs and rabbits.
  • Diagnosed and treated animal illnesses according to their medicinal condition.
  • Prepared animals for surgeries
  • Conducted surgeries (including emergency mass removals)
  • Treated and dressed wounds
  • Vaccinated animals against various diseases
  • Prescribed medication according to the medical condition
  • Created treatment plans
  • Educated pet owners on animal care and welfare

Vet duties to add to your CV

  • Perform physical examinations on small animals such as cats, dogs and rabbits.
  • Dress and treat minor wounds and injuries.
  • Carry out blood analyses to diagnose illnesses.
  • Use medical diagnostics tools (e.g. X-ray, CT and MRI machines).
  • Spay and neuter animals.
  • Perform operations.
  • Prescribe medication.
  • Advise animal owners on how to take care of their pets.
  • Supervise veterinary nurses and assistants.
  • Maintain and update client records.

Education and training

Mention your important education, training and qualifications in this section.

Each education entry should consist the following information:

  • Date of the course or qualification
  • Institution name
  • Course/qualification name
  • Results and/or relevant modules studied
First class honours.
  • Introduction to the whole animal and to systems strands
  • Population medicine and veterinary public health
  • Cardiovascular and respiratory
  • Neurology and special senses
  • Reproduction
  • Intramural clinical rotations

Biology (A), Physics (A) and Maths (B).

Find out how to present your degree on your CV .

The qualifications section of your CV should contain a list of additional qualifications that you have have gained on top of the education that you have listed in the previous section. Mostly, these are professional training qualifications.

  • Level 2 Diploma for Veterinary Care Assistants
  • City & Guilds Level 1 Diploma in Work-based Animal Care

Next, highlight your key skills, strengths and abilities in the skills section.

Many roles require a specific skillset which is required to do the job well. Employers highly value applicants that possess these skills or are willing to learn them.

  • Outstanding problem-solving and analytical skills, demonstrated in my ability to rapidly diagnose illnesses based on symptoms and tests.
  • Excellent animal care and welfare skills
  • Ability to work with animals in stressful situations
  • IT skills: Microsoft Office, medical databases and specialist diagnostic systems

Useful skills to add to your vet CV

  • Interpersonal skills – the ability to work communicate and interact with clients
  • Analytical skills – using analytics data to diagnose conditions
  • Compassion – showing care and concern for animals and their owners
  • Performing operations – carrying out various surgical procedures
  • Providing advice to pet owners about animal welfare
  • The ability to follow safety procedures
  • Problem-solving – animals are unable to verbally communicate their needs so vets need to have excellent problem-solving skills to diagnose problems.

Hobbies and interests (optional)

Your hobbies are not as important as your education or work experience. However, mentioning your hobbies and interests on your CV can have several benefits:

  • They demonstrate your skills and interests relevant to the job
  • They make your CV more individual and personal
  • They give a more complete picture of you to the employer

Note: only include interests that are relevant and add value to your CV.

The last part of your CV is the references section.

Here you are required to provide details of two people (known as referees) who know you well, have worked with you before and who can vouch for you to the employer. They will provide a character assessment based on what they know about you from past interactions. Your references can give an independent overview of your skills, abilities, punctuality, character and general conduct to the employer.

If you do not wish to disclose your references on your CV, simply write, “References available upon request.” and give the references to the employer at a later stage in the recruitment process when requested.

Tips to make your CV more effective

  • Show your passion: Many veterinary surgeons love their jobs and love working with animals. Don’t be afraid to mention on your CV that you have a passion for working with animals and their owners. You can do this either in the personal profile at the top of your CV or, preferably, in the hobbies and interests section.
  • Write an effective personal profile: Your personal profile is very important so spend some extra time perfecting it. Use the examples above to help you create a personal profile that is effective and will encourage the employer to invite you for a job interview.
  • Showcase your skills and abilities: Your veterinarian CV should contain examples of a variety of skills and abilities that you possess and which are relevant to the role. For example, vets are expected to have excellent interpersonal skills in order to work with other veterinary staff, clients and third-party healthcare professionals. You can demonstrate that you have excellent interpersonal skills by giving real-life examples of how you successfully worked or interacted with other people in the past.

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The University of Liverpool's veterinary science department gets straight to the point when it comes to making an application to its veterinary science department: 'the competition is fierce.'

This is where a good personal statement can be an asset. 'Most applicants will have good predicted grades and references, so your personal statement is your main opportunity to set yourself apart from the rest,’ the Royal Veterinary College adds.

Work experience: do your research

Normally, you will need to have a range of relevant work experience before you apply and to reflect on this in your statement. The quality of your insights into the profession is crucial.

You also need to be clear about what individual veterinary schools expect, because it varies. For instance, Liverpool requires a minimum of ten weeks’ experience, while most others require a minimum of four or six weeks. The range of experience typically needs to include:

  • at least one veterinary practice
  • working with large domestic animals on a livestock farm, especially dairy or lambing
  • other animal experience such as stables, kennels, catteries, zoos, wildlife, or rescue centres, pig or poultry farms, or something more unusual

A day at an abattoir may be especially beneficial, and observing research in a veterinary or biomedical laboratory could be valuable too.

Do note that the University of Cambridge's requirements are slightly different, as they are more concerned about your interest in 'the scientific principles that underlie both the health and disease of animals.' They do require you to demonstrate a commitment to the profession and say that some experience will be useful, but they don't want you to give up on your other extra-curricular interests for the sake of gaining extensive work experience.

It's essential to research this in detail beforehand. Check out department websites and, where possible, attend open days or events.

Getting the balance and flow right

With the required experience under your belt, the next step is to achieve the right balance between brevity and detail in your statement, and to gear it to what your chosen universities are looking for. It will probably be a challenge to condense it all down to 47 lines, but here are some key points you could include:

  • Motivation: show what has motivated you to follow this career path. Be specific, and make it current or recent. What aspects are of special interest to you? Where do you hope the degree will lead? Reflect on what it is that’s driving you now, not something out-of-date.
  • Experience: provide some detailed evidence that shows you’re realistic and informed about the challenges you will face. Describe some of your experiences and observations, both of veterinary practice and from your wider animal experience. Get the balance right. They want you to show the breadth of your experience, but they want depth as well. Try to write briefly but reflectively about some of the highlights and what you learned from them. Also, try to include something that demonstrates your understanding of why interpersonal skills are crucial.
  • Academic interests and wider reading: give them a glimpse of your current academic and scientific interests, whether it’s from your studies, a project or issues you’ve come across in journals, books, blogs, events you’ve attended, and so on. If Cambridge is amongst your choices, it’s especially important to demonstrate your intellectual curiosity and your passion for science.
  • Extra-curricular activities: demonstrate your resilience, initiative, self-motivation, compassion, or other relevant transferable skills. This could be through the contribution you have made to school, college, or community activities, volunteering, your part-time work, or any wider interests, personal achievements, or responsibilities. Again, be specific!

Then consider the flow of your statement. Tell them enough to engage them and win yourself an interview, but leave enough unsaid that can be discussed in more depth at the interview itself. Remember that everything you write could be used as an interview starting point.

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