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Essay on Memorable Day – Samples, 10 Lines to 1500 Words

Short Essay on Memorable Day

Essay on Memorable Day: Memories are what make our lives meaningful and worth living. Every now and then, we experience moments that stay with us forever, shaping our thoughts and actions. In this essay, we will explore the concept of a memorable day and its significance in our lives. From joyous celebrations to heartbreaking losses, these days leave a lasting impact on us, teaching us valuable lessons and helping us grow as individuals. Let’s delve into the essence of a memorable day and how it shapes our journey through life.

Table of Contents

Memorable Day Essay Writing Tips

1. Choose a specific memorable day to write about: The first step in writing an essay on a memorable day is to choose a specific day that stands out in your memory. This could be a birthday, a holiday, a special event, or any other day that holds significance for you.

2. Reflect on the significance of the day: Once you have chosen a memorable day to write about, take some time to reflect on why this day is so memorable to you. What made it stand out from other days? What emotions or experiences do you associate with this day?

3. Create an outline: Before you start writing your essay, create an outline to organize your thoughts and ideas. This will help you structure your essay and ensure that you include all the important details and events from the memorable day.

4. Start with a strong introduction: Begin your essay with a strong introduction that grabs the reader’s attention and sets the tone for the rest of the essay. You could start with a brief description of the day or an interesting anecdote that relates to the memorable day.

5. Describe the events of the day: In the body of your essay, describe the events of the memorable day in detail. Include specific details, such as where you were, who you were with, and what you did. Use descriptive language to paint a vivid picture for the reader.

6. Reflect on the impact of the day: After describing the events of the memorable day, take some time to reflect on the impact it had on you. How did the day change you or your perspective on life? What did you learn from the experience?

7. Conclude with a strong ending: Finally, conclude your essay with a strong ending that ties everything together. You could reflect on how the memorable day has shaped you as a person or leave the reader with a thought-provoking question.

8. Edit and revise: Once you have finished writing your essay, take the time to edit and revise it. Check for any spelling or grammar errors, and make sure that your ideas flow smoothly from one paragraph to the next.

9. Get feedback: Before submitting your essay, consider getting feedback from a friend, family member, or teacher. They can provide valuable insights and suggestions for improving your essay.

10. Finalize your essay: Once you have made any necessary revisions, finalize your essay by formatting it according to the guidelines provided by your instructor. Make sure to proofread one last time before submitting your essay.

Essay on Memorable Day in 10 Lines – Examples

1. The sun was shining brightly on that memorable day. 2. It was a day filled with laughter, joy, and love. 3. We spent the day exploring new places and trying new things. 4. The memories we made will last a lifetime. 5. We shared delicious meals and enjoyed each other’s company. 6. The feeling of happiness and contentment was palpable. 7. We took countless photos to capture the special moments. 8. The day seemed to fly by in a blur of excitement. 9. As the sun set, we reflected on the amazing day we had just experienced. 10. It was a day that will always hold a special place in our hearts.

Sample Essay on Memorable Day in 100-180 Words

One of the most memorable days of my life was when I graduated from college. It was a day filled with mixed emotions of pride, accomplishment, and a little bit of sadness knowing that my time as a student was coming to an end.

The day started early with a sense of excitement as I put on my cap and gown and walked across the stage to receive my diploma. Seeing my family and friends cheering me on from the audience made me feel incredibly grateful for their support throughout my academic journey.

After the ceremony, we celebrated with a big party filled with laughter, good food, and plenty of photos to capture the moment. It was a day that I will never forget, as it marked the end of one chapter of my life and the beginning of a new and exciting journey ahead.

Short Essay on Memorable Day in 200-500 Words

One of the most memorable days of my life was when I graduated from college. It was a day filled with a mix of emotions – excitement, pride, and a tinge of sadness as I said goodbye to a chapter of my life. The day started early with a sense of anticipation as I got ready in my cap and gown, surrounded by my family who had come to celebrate this milestone with me.

The ceremony itself was a blur of speeches, cheers, and the sound of Pomp and Circumstance playing in the background. As I walked across the stage to receive my diploma, I felt a rush of pride and accomplishment wash over me. All those late nights studying, the stress of exams, and the hard work had finally paid off. I couldn’t help but smile as I looked out at my family, who were beaming with pride.

After the ceremony, we gathered for a celebratory lunch where we laughed, shared memories, and toasted to the future. It was a bittersweet moment as I realized that this chapter of my life was coming to an end. But I was also filled with excitement for what lay ahead – new opportunities, new challenges, and the chance to make my mark on the world.

As the day came to a close, I reflected on all the experiences and friendships I had made during my time in college. I was grateful for the lessons I had learned, the growth I had experienced, and the memories I had created. It was a day I would never forget, a day that marked the end of one journey and the beginning of another.

In the years since my graduation, that day has remained etched in my memory as a reminder of what I am capable of achieving when I set my mind to it. It serves as a source of inspiration during times of doubt or uncertainty, a reminder that hard work and perseverance can lead to great things.

Overall, my graduation day was a truly memorable experience that I will cherish for the rest of my life. It was a day of celebration, reflection, and looking towards the future with hope and excitement. It was a day that marked the end of one chapter and the beginning of another, and I am grateful for every moment of it.

Essay on Memorable Day in 1000-1500 Words

A memorable day is a day that stands out in our minds for various reasons. It could be a day filled with joy and happiness, or a day marked by a significant event or milestone. For me, one of the most memorable days of my life was the day I graduated from college.

I had been looking forward to this day for years. It was the culmination of four years of hard work, late nights, and countless hours spent studying and writing papers. The day had finally arrived, and I was filled with a mix of emotions – excitement, pride, and a little bit of sadness at the thought of leaving behind the friends and professors who had become like family to me.

The day started early with a sense of anticipation in the air. I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock blaring, but instead of groaning and hitting the snooze button like I usually did, I jumped out of bed with a sense of purpose. Today was the day I had been waiting for, and I was determined to make the most of it.

I got ready quickly, putting on my cap and gown and making sure my hair was just right. As I looked at myself in the mirror, I couldn’t help but smile at the reflection staring back at me. I had worked so hard to get to this point, and now I was finally here – ready to walk across the stage and receive my diploma.

The ceremony was held in a large auditorium filled with friends, family, and fellow graduates. As I took my seat among my classmates, I felt a sense of camaraderie and pride in what we had all accomplished together. The room buzzed with excitement and nervous energy as we waited for the ceremony to begin.

When my name was called, I walked across the stage with a mix of emotions swirling inside me. I was proud of myself for all that I had achieved, but I was also sad to be leaving behind the familiar routine of college life. As I shook hands with the dean and received my diploma, I felt a sense of accomplishment wash over me.

After the ceremony, my family and friends gathered outside to take pictures and celebrate. We laughed and hugged and shared stories of our time together. It was a bittersweet moment, knowing that we were all going our separate ways but grateful for the memories we had created together.

That evening, we had a small party at my house to celebrate. There was food and music and laughter, and I felt surrounded by love and support from those closest to me. As I looked around at the faces of my friends and family, I felt a deep sense of gratitude for all that they had done to help me reach this point.

As the night wore on, I found myself reflecting on the day’s events and the journey that had led me to this moment. I thought about the late nights spent studying, the early mornings in the library, and the moments of doubt and uncertainty that had crept into my mind along the way. But through it all, I had persevered, and now I was reaping the rewards of my hard work.

As I lay in bed that night, I couldn’t help but smile at the memories of the day that had just passed. It was a day I would never forget – a day filled with joy and pride and a sense of accomplishment that would stay with me for the rest of my life.

In conclusion, the day I graduated from college was one of the most memorable days of my life. It was a day filled with pride and joy, surrounded by friends and family who had supported me every step of the way. It was a day that marked the end of one chapter and the beginning of another, and I will always treasure the memories of that special day.

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Memories Essay | Essay on My Best Memories for Students and Children in English

July 22, 2021 by Prasanna

Memories Essay: Memories are an essential part of our bodies. They shape our character as the entirety of our insight and past encounters are put away there. We all have Memories, both great and awful. You have Memories from some time in the past and furthermore from ongoing occasions. Besides, a few Memories assist us with getting extreme days and make us happy on great days.

Memories are the easily overlooked details that help in running our lives easily. As such, Memories are indispensable and they are extremely dear to us. They assist us with learning our missteps and improve us. As I would like to think, one’s cherished Memories are the dearest to anybody. They help in keeping the kid in you alive. In addition, it likewise is a justification for our grins in the middle of grown-up life.

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Beloved Memories are a remarkable piece of our life. The clever, most joyful, delightful, best, superb and remarkable Memories of youth days are very difficult to quit recalling. Youth is truth be told the most awesome aspect of anybody’s life.

Essay on Childhood Memories

Memories are perhaps the most essential things which we can treasure for the duration of our life. They develop our character as the entirety of our insight and past encounters are put away there. Memories can be both acceptable and awful. There are Memories either from quite a while in the past or from the late past. On our crucial occasions, we may get some reward by reviewing our Memories. We can run our lives easier with the assistance of these Memories. Memories help us from numerous points of view. We can correct ourselves from previous slip-ups. Beloved Memories are loved by us all. They make us grin even at our advanced age.

Cherished Memories are exceptionally huge in our lives. We can review the best occasions of our lives. Beloved Memories develop our future and perspective. Individuals with great beloved Memories are cheerful people. On the opposite side, some terrible beloved Memories likewise influence the fate of a person.

A cherished memory certainly doesn’t characterize anybody however they assume an essential part in one’s life. It isn’t required that an individual with great Memories consistently carries on with a prosperous life while an individual with terrible Memories consistently carries on with a dangerous life. Here and there, repulsive beloved Memories make a man more grounded.

By the by, one might say that the internal identity is kept alive by cherished Memories. There is consistently a kid inside each individual. It might come out of nowhere at any stage throughout everyday life.

Some might be energized on seeing swings; some may behave like a kid when they see panipuri. The purpose for the realities is we are reminded by our cherished Memories without fail. Thus, cherished Memories assume an exceptionally fundamental part in our lives.

Childhood Memories

I was conceived and raised in an entirely cute family. I have grown up with my senior sibling with whom I used to play a ton. I recollect every single game we used to play together. Each second is extremely valuable to me. In the early evening, we used to play cricket in our close by ground. The Memories of playing in the ground together are entrancing.

Another lovely thing I can recollect is flying kites. It used to be quite possibly the most intriguing thing of my youth. Indeed, even the senior individuals from the family took an interest in us. We used to fly kites on our porch. The kite-flying project would keep going for the whole day.

Another excellent thing I can recall is my meeting at the zoo with my family. We made one zoo visit each year. They used to be those exceptionally basic yet sensational family cookout minutes. We would convey stuffed food from home that my mom used to cook. My senior sibling would click a few photos of us. At the point when I take a gander at those photos now, the Memories wake up. Today, such countless things have changed yet my beloved Memories is still new in my heart. It feels so invigorating to remember them over and over. My beloved Memories are exceptionally near my heart and make me grin on my troublesome days.

We should all love our cherished Memories as they can generally be our friend, our “joy of isolation.” Simple things hold grave significance when they are from the youth days. The days were liberated from intricacies and loaded with guiltlessness. Thus, they are so close to heart. Everybody adores their cherished recollections. It is the stage that establishes the framework of a kid’s character and future. Tragically, we can’t get those days back now yet we ought to be content for having particularly stunning adolescence.

Childhood Memories Essay

FAQ’s on Memories Essay

Question 1. Why are memories important in life?

Answer: Memories are exceptionally fundamental in our lives since they permit us to develop and figure out how to be a superior individual. Our memories can show us vital life exercises, exhibit abilities and capacities and can cause us to feel cheerful and engaged. We can recall where we did our missteps and gain from them.

Question 2. What are happy memories?

Answer: At the point when you consider lovely memories, you can portray it as thinking back. You can allude to the recollections as memories or then again, in the event that you truly need to overdo it, maybe a little, sweet memory.

Question 3. Why are memories so powerful?

Answer: Different neurons in the mind should fire in synchrony to make constant recollections attached to extreme feelings, new exploration has found. Memories connected with compelling feelings regularly become singed in the mind. What’s as yet a secret is a reason these recollections, recorded by the cerebrum’s hippocampus, become so solid.

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A Memorable Day in My Life [100, 120, 150, 200-250 Words]

A Memorable Day in My Life: W all have at least one memorable day in our life. In this article, you are going to learn how to write a paragraph or an essay on ‘a most memorable day in my life’. Here you’ll get to read 4 paragraphs on this topic (100, 120, 150, 200-250 Words). These paragraphs will be helpful for the students from class 1 to class 12. So, let’s begin.

Table of Contents

A Memorable Day in My Life: 100 Words

During the summer vacation, I visited Mussoorie with my parents. I had never been to Mussoorie before. So it was a new experience for me. Everywhere there was a great hustle and bustle. The weather was very pleasant. Mussoorie is Rightly called the ‘Queen of Hills’. It transports one into a heaven of joy.

My parents took me to Lal Tibba, the highest point in Mussoorie. Lal Tibba provides a mesmerizing view of Himalayan mountain peaks. I was mesmerized to see beautiful scenery and high mountains. We also visited Happy Valley, Kempty Falls and Mussoorie lake. Visiting Mussoorie was the most memorable incident in my life.

Memorable Day of My Life

Memorable Day of My Life: 120 Words

Last month, our school arranged a trip to the Taj Mahal, Agra. The beauty of the Taj Mahal seemed to have no parallel.  It is made of white marble on the bank of the river Yamuna. The garden in front of it has tall cypress trees, colourful flowers, and rows of mountains. Many precious gems and stones are seen set on the tomb.

I found in the Taj Mahal the artistic and cultural heritage of India. Every stone of this building tells the story of the true love of Shah Jahan and Mumtaz. The white marble structure unrolled before me a new world of beauty. It is, indeed, matchless in beauty and grandeur. That’s why it is considered one of the seven wonders of the world. I was greatly charmed by its beauty. I felt breathless for a white. It was undoubtedly the most memorable day of my life.

Memorable Day of My Life

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Most Memorable Day of My Life: 150 Words

A memorable incident is an incident which leaves an everlasting impression on our minds. The most memorable incident of my life is when I got an opportunity to exhibit my talent on stage in front of a huge audience. I always dreamt of becoming a singer. As a kid, I used my toothbrush as the mike and treated my dolls as my audience.

I was enrolled in a vocal training course in an eminent singer’s singing class and from there, based on my performance I was selected to display my skills at the Zee Sa Re Ga Ma Pa. Initially, I was a bit nervous, but got over it soon when I heard the tune. My performance was well received and the audience acclaimed me with their applauds and kept yelling “once more”. The incident made me feel on top of the world.

Most Memorable Day of My Life

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Memorable Day of My Life Essay: 200-250 Words

A moment which is sweet lasts long in our memory. I distinctly remember the day. My H. S. examination was over and I was having a relaxed time. One day, after spending the afternoon with my friends, I returned home.

My parents were waiting for me. Sister also came running. She was carrying a big envelope in her hand. They all seemed to be very excited and their faces bore reflections of animated joy. My sister shouted that there was a good news for me in the envelope and she would not tell unless she got a heavy bakshis.

After much cajoling, I could get the letter. Lo and behold! It was the admission letter from the I.I.T, Kharagpur. My joy then knew no bounds, I did quite well in the joint entrance examination. But to get selected finally in the highly competitive all-India test was something none could be sure of. In fact, I was a little tense to know the result.

Parents blessed me for my success. Neighbours also came. They all congratulated me again and again. I was lost in golden dreams. At last, I was going to join an institution of international fame! It was the happiest and most memorable day in my life because my future career got a definite direction that day. But that happy day taught me a lesson, too. I made up my mind to work hard in order to be successful in my career.

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Study Paragraphs

My Happiest Memory Essay & Paragraphs for Students

As a kid, I have experienced many wonderful moments that bring me joy. However, one day stands out as my single happiest memory. In this essay, I will share the special details of this incredible experience that left such a happy impression on me. I hope you will understand why it means so much to relive this treasured memory through writing.

Table of Contents

Essay On My Happiest Memory

A perfect picnic.

It was a beautiful summer day when my friend group decided to get together for a picnic. We packed blankets, snacks, and activities, then headed to a shady spot under enormous trees at the park. (Topic sentence) Setting up, I remember giggling at silly inside jokes and anticipating treats like sandwiches and juice boxes. Bright sunshine dappled green grass as we played together carefree like the warmth never intended to leave our skin.

A Memorable Treasure Hunt

To entertain ourselves, we devised an epic scavenger hunt around the whole park with riddles we had to solve to find various items to earn points. Racing through tulip patches and playgrounds with others cheering us on brought such glee. (Transition) My friend gave the best clue, hinting at a hidden spot near three oaks, which led me to discover a fake diamond ring – the round goes to me! (Topic sentence) Coming together for play lifted smiles as high as songbirds singing praise.

A Picnic Masterpiece

After working up an appetite with activities, we claimed a spot under willow branches hanging low as curtains to share our feast. Homemade cookies, fruits cut like flowers, and sandwiches cut into star shapes became art on our plates to savor and could not wait to taste. (Transition) Cool lemonade and giggles between bites kept shoulders touching in the shade of a tree aloft, a luminous sphere rising golden through leafy boughs overhead. (Topic sentence) Not a single drop of blue remained in the skies by the picnic’s end, yet its imprint stayed upon my heart.

Day’s End Delight

That afternoon was strung too perfectly with moments meant not to last, so basking in its beauty while daylight still embraced us seemed most wise. Slide down a grassy hill could lift any spirit skyward, then float back down, unraveling laughter’s melody once more. (Transition) Waving goodbye, holding memory near outlined in light spilled across the clouds, and I found refuge under knowing joy’s tune played on within. (Topic sentence) Though years may pass between, not a note could be forgotten of picnic played for keeps upon that summer’s sweetest day.

Cherished Gem

Simply reliving this happiest memory through writing brings my heart the same comfort felt among dear ones that dusk. The carefree play, shared treats, and bonding make it a treasured gem to hold near whenever the skies cloud over. Though many wonderful memories await, precious few may shine as bright as the favorite, happiest picnic’s glow. I am blessed to have such company and moments to revisit wherever life finds me.

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Essays on Memories

Exploring the depths of memory through essays.

Writing about memories offers a unique opportunity to delve into the personal and the universal, connecting individual experiences with broader themes. Whether reflecting on moments of joy, lessons learned through struggle, or the intricate dance of relationships, memories essays allow writers to explore the fabric of their lives. An important aspect of crafting these essays is not just recounting events but weaving these recollections into narratives that resonate with insight, emotion, and universality.

Choosing the right topic is just the beginning. To truly bring your memories essay to life, consider drawing from a diverse range of experiences and emotions. For those seeking inspiration or examples of how to craft a compelling narrative, we've gathered a collection of memoir examples crafted for college students : these examples can provide valuable insights into structuring your essay, developing your voice, and connecting with your audience.

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memory day essay

Childhood Memories Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on childhood memories.

Memories are a vital component of our bodies. They shape our personality as all our knowledge and past experiences are stored there. All of us have memories, both good and bad. You have memories from long ago and also from recent times. Furthermore, some memories help us get by tough days and make us cheerful on good days.

Childhood Memories Essay

Memories are the little things which help in running our lives smoothly. In other words, memories are irreplaceable and they are very dear to us. They help us learn from our mistakes and make us better. In my opinion, one’s childhood memories are the dearest to anyone. They help in keeping the child in you alive. Moreover, it also is a reason for our smiles in between adult life.

Importance of Childhood Memories

Childhood memories are very important in our lives. It makes us remember the best times of our lives. They shape our thinking and future. When one has good childhood memories, they grow up to be happy individuals. However, if one has traumatic childhood memories, it affects their adult life gravely.

Thus, we see how childhood memories shape our future. They do not necessarily define us but they surely play a great role. It is not important that someone with traumatic childhood memories may turn out to be not well. People get past their traumatic experiences and grow as human beings. But, these memories play a great role in this process as well.

Most importantly, childhood memories keep the inner child alive. No matter how old we get, there is always a child within each one of us. He/She comes out at different times.

For instance, some may act like a child on seeing swings; the other may get excited like a child when they see ice cream. All this happens so because we have our childhood memories reminding us of the times associated with the things we get excited about. Therefore, childhood memories play a great role in our lives.

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My Childhood Memories

Growing up, I had a very loving family. I had three siblings with whom I used to play a lot. I remember very fondly the games we use to play. Especially, in the evenings, we used to go out in the park with our sports equipment. Each day we played different games, for example, football on one day and cricket on the other. These memories of playing in the park are very dear to me.

Furthermore, I remember clearly the aroma of my grandmother’s pickles. I used to help her whenever she made pickles. We used to watch her do the magic of combining the oils and spices to make delicious pickles. Even today, I can sometimes smell her pickles whenever I look back at this memory.

Most importantly, I remember this instance very clearly when we went out for a picnic with my family. We paid a visit to the zoo and had an incredible day. My mother packed delectable dishes which we ate in the zoo. My father clicked so many pictures that day. When I look at these pictures, the memory is so clear, it seems like it happened just yesterday. Thus, my childhood memories are very dear to me and make me smile when I feel low.

Q.1 Why is Childhood Memories important?

A.1 Childhood memories shape our personality and future. They remind us of the good times and help us get by on tough days. Moreover, they remind us of past experiences and mistakes which help us improve ourselves.

Q.2 What can be a common childhood memory for all?

A.2 In my opinion, a childhood memory most of us have in common is the first day of school. Most of us remember what we felt like on the first day. In addition, our birthdays are also very common childhood memory that reminds us of gifts and celebrations on that day.

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101 Memory Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Memory Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Memory is a fascinating and complex aspect of human cognition. From childhood memories to traumatic events, our memories shape who we are and how we perceive the world around us. If you're looking for inspiration for a memory essay, we've compiled a list of 101 topic ideas and examples to help get you started.

Childhood Memories:

  • My earliest childhood memory
  • A day at the beach with my family
  • Playing with my favorite toy as a child
  • My first day of school
  • Learning to ride a bike
  • Family vacations from my childhood
  • The first time I lost a tooth
  • My favorite birthday party as a child
  • A day spent with my grandparents
  • The first time I tried a new food

Travel Memories: 11. My first trip abroad 12. A memorable road trip with friends 13. Exploring a new city for the first time 14. Getting lost in a foreign country 15. A cultural experience that changed my perspective 16. Meeting new people while traveling 17. A memorable meal from a trip 18. Overcoming a challenge while traveling 19. A moment of cultural shock while abroad 20. My favorite travel memory

Personal Growth Memories: 21. Overcoming a fear or phobia 22. A moment of self-discovery 23. A mistake that taught me a valuable lesson 24. The importance of failure in my life 25. A time when I had to stand up for myself 26. A moment of personal triumph 27. The impact of a mentor on my life 28. A life-changing experience 29. The role of gratitude in my life 30. Reflecting on my personal growth over the years

Family Memories: 31. A family tradition that is important to me 32. A lesson learned from a family member 33. A family gathering that stands out in my memory 34. My relationship with my siblings 35. The importance of family in my life 36. A family vacation that brought us closer together 37. A memorable holiday celebration with my family 38. My relationship with my parents 39. A difficult family situation that taught me resilience 40. The impact of my family on my values and beliefs

Friendship Memories: 41. A memorable friendship from my childhood 42. A friend who has had a significant impact on my life 43. Overcoming a conflict with a friend 44. A fun day spent with friends 45. The importance of friendship in my life 46. A moment of betrayal in a friendship 47. A time when a friend supported me through a difficult time 48. The qualities I value in a friend 49. A memorable adventure with friends 50. Reflecting on the importance of friendship in my life

Traumatic Memories: 51. A traumatic event that shaped who I am today 52. Overcoming a traumatic experience 53. Dealing with loss and grief 54. A moment of vulnerability and strength 55. The impact of trauma on my mental health 56. Seeking help and support after a traumatic event 57. The process of healing from trauma 58. How trauma has influenced my relationships 59. Finding meaning and growth after a traumatic experience 60. Reflecting on resilience in the face of trauma

Cultural Memories: 61. A cultural tradition that is important to me 62. The impact of my cultural background on my identity 63. A moment of cultural pride 64. Overcoming stereotypes and prejudice 65. The importance of diversity in my life 66. Exploring different cultures and perspectives 67. A cultural celebration that holds significance for me 68. The influence of culture on my values and beliefs 69. Embracing my cultural heritage 70. Reflecting on the richness of diversity in the world

Special Events Memories: 71. A milestone birthday celebration 72. A memorable graduation ceremony 73. A wedding day to remember 74. Celebrating a special anniversary 75. A holiday celebration that stands out in my memory 76. Attending a live concert or performance 77. A memorable sporting event 78. Participating in a charity event or fundraiser 79. A surprise party that left a lasting impression 80. Reflecting on the significance of special events in my life

Nature Memories: 81. A memorable hike or outdoor adventure 82. A day spent at the beach or in the mountains 83. Watching a sunrise or sunset that moved me 84. Connecting with nature and the environment 85. A moment of awe and wonder in nature 86. The healing power of nature 87. Overcoming a fear of the outdoors 88. The importance of conservation and environmental awareness 89. A camping trip that stands out in my memory 90. Reflecting on the beauty and majesty of the natural world

Career Memories: 91. A memorable job interview experience 92. Overcoming challenges in my career 93. A moment of professional growth and development 94. The impact of a mentor or role model on my career 95. Dealing with work-related stress and burnout 96. A significant achievement in my career 97. Balancing work and personal life 98. Reflecting on my career goals and aspirations 99. The importance of finding fulfillment in my work 100. A memorable moment in my professional journey 101. Reflecting on the lessons learned from my career experiences

These memory essay topic ideas and examples are just a starting point for exploring the rich tapestry of memories that shape our lives. Whether you choose to reflect on childhood memories, travel experiences, personal growth, family dynamics, friendship, trauma, cultural influences, special events, nature, or career milestones, there are endless possibilities for exploring the power of memory in shaping who we are and how we navigate the world around us. Happy writing!

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Essay on Unforgettable Childhood Memories

Students are often asked to write an essay on Unforgettable Childhood Memories in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Unforgettable Childhood Memories

My first bicycle ride.

I will never forget the day I learned to ride a bike. It was a bright, sunny morning. My dad held the back of the seat, running beside me. Suddenly, he let go, and I was riding on my own. The wind in my hair and the feeling of freedom were incredible. It was a moment of pure joy and achievement.

Building a Treehouse

Another unforgettable memory is building a treehouse with my best friend. We found old wood and borrowed tools from our parents. It took us days, but seeing our finished treehouse was amazing. It was our secret hideout for years.

Family Holidays

Family holidays were always special. Whether it was a trip to the beach or camping in the mountains, these times brought us closer. The excitement of exploring new places, the laughter, and the stories shared around a campfire are cherished memories. These moments made my childhood unforgettable.

250 Words Essay on Unforgettable Childhood Memories

Defining childhood memories.

Childhood memories are those special moments and experiences that shape and stay with us throughout our lives. They are like treasured photographs that help us relive the innocence and joy of being a child. These memories can range from simple everyday moments to extraordinary events that leave a lasting impression on our young minds.

A Tapestry of Moments

Every childhood is unique, and so are the memories that come with it. Some common themes that often emerge include family gatherings, holidays, playing with friends, exploring the outdoors, learning new things, and experiencing laughter and love. These moments may seem ordinary at the time, but they weave together to create a rich tapestry of memories that define our childhood.

Nostalgia and Reflection

As we grow older, the memories of our childhood often take on a nostalgic glow. We may find ourselves reminiscing about the past, longing for the simpler days when the world seemed full of wonder and possibility. Reflecting on these memories can bring a sense of comfort, warmth, and inspiration. They remind us of where we came from and the people who helped shape our lives.

Lessons Learned

Childhood memories are not just about fun and laughter. They also play a crucial role in teaching us valuable lessons about life. Through our experiences, we learn about friendship, empathy, resilience, and the importance of family and community. These lessons help us grow and develop as individuals and guide us as we navigate the challenges and joys of adulthood.

Unforgettable childhood memories are a precious gift that we carry with us throughout our lives. They are the foundation of our identity and the source of our strength and resilience. By cherishing and reflecting on these memories, we can stay connected to our inner child and the joy and wonder that comes with it.

500 Words Essay on Unforgettable Childhood Memories

Childhood: a time of wonder and adventure.

Childhood is a time of wonder and adventure, a time when the world is new and everything is possible. It is a time of laughter and joy, of friendship and exploration. It is a time that we will never forget.

The First Day of School

One of the most unforgettable childhood memories is the first day of school. This is the day when we leave the safety of home and venture out into the big, wide world. We meet new teachers, make new friends, and learn new things. It is a day that is both exciting and scary, but it is also a day that we will never forget.

Summer Vacations

Family vacations.

Family vacations are also unforgettable childhood memories. This is the time when we get to spend time with our loved ones and create memories that will last a lifetime. We can go to the beach, the mountains, or the amusement park. We can play games, go for hikes, or just relax and enjoy each other’s company. These are the moments that we will cherish forever.


Friendships are an important part of childhood. Friends are the people who make us laugh, cry, and everything in between. They are the people who we can always count on, no matter what. They are the people who make childhood so special.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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Memorial Day

By: Editors

Updated: May 15, 2024 | Original: October 27, 2009

HISTORY: Memorial Day

Memorial Day is an American holiday, observed on the last Monday of May, honoring the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. Memorial Day 2024 will occur on Monday, May 27.

Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971. Many Americans observe Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries or memorials, holding family gatherings and participating in parades. Unofficially, it marks the beginning of the summer season.

The Birthplace of Memorial Day and Early Observances 

The Civil War , which ended in the spring of 1865, claimed more lives than any conflict in U.S. history and required the establishment of the country’s first national cemeteries.

By the late 1860s, Americans in various towns and cities had begun holding springtime tributes to these countless fallen soldiers, decorating their graves with flowers and reciting prayers.

It is unclear where exactly this tradition originated; numerous different communities may have independently initiated the memorial gatherings. And some records show that one of the earliest Memorial Day commemorations  was organized by a group of formerly enslaved people in Charleston, South Carolina less than a month after the Confederacy surrendered in 1865. Nevertheless, in 1966 the federal government declared Waterloo, New York , the official birthplace of Memorial Day .

Waterloo—which first celebrated the day on May 5, 1866—was chosen because it hosted an annual, community-wide event, during which businesses closed and residents decorated the graves of soldiers with flowers and flags.

Did you know? Each year on Memorial Day a national moment of remembrance takes place at 3:00 p.m. local time.

Decoration Day

On May 5, 1868, General John A. Logan, leader of an organization for Northern Civil War veterans, called for a nationwide day of remembrance later that month. “The 30th of May, 1868, is designated for the purpose of strewing with flowers, or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village and hamlet churchyard in the land,” he proclaimed.

The date of Decoration Day , as he called it, was chosen because it wasn’t the anniversary of any particular battle.

On the first Decoration Day, General James Garfield made a speech at Arlington National Cemetery , and 5,000 participants decorated the graves of the 20,000 Civil War soldiers buried there.

Many Northern states held similar commemorative events and reprised the tradition in subsequent years; by 1890 each one had made Decoration Day an official state holiday. Southern states, on the other hand, continued to honor the dead on separate days until after World War I .

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The Harlem Hellfighters

The Harlem Hellfighters were an African‑American infantry unit in WWI who spent more time in combat than any other American unit. Despite their courage, sacrifice and dedication to their country, they returned home to face racism and segregation from their fellow countrymen.

Vet Discusses the WWII Generation

WWII veteran Samuel Hynes talks about the lasting effects of the war on his generation.

Flashback: Memorial Day – 1936

In the shadow of Hitler’s rise to power, Americans observe Memorial Day in 1936 with a sense that another worldwide conflict might be on the horizon. General John Pershing, who led America’s forces during WWI, argues that peace should be sought at any cost.

History of Memorial Day

Memorial Day, as Decoration Day gradually came to be known, originally honored only those lost while fighting in the Civil War. But during World War I the United States found itself embroiled in another major conflict, and the holiday evolved to commemorate American military personnel who died in all wars, including World War II , The Vietnam War , The Korean War and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan .

For decades, Memorial Day continued to be observed on May 30, the date General Logan had selected for the first Decoration Day. But in 1968, Congress passed the Uniform Monday Holiday Act, which established Memorial Day as the last Monday in May in order to create a three-day weekend for federal employees. The change went into effect in 1971. The same law also declared Memorial Day a federal holiday.

Memorial Day Traditions and Rituals 

Cities and towns across the United States host Memorial Day parades each year, often incorporating military personnel and members of veterans’ organizations. Some of the largest parades take place in Chicago , New York and Washington, D.C.

Americans also observe Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries and memorials. Some people wear a red poppy in remembrance of those fallen in war—a tradition that began with a World War I poem . On a less somber note, many people take weekend trips or throw parties and barbecues on the holiday, perhaps because Memorial Day weekend—the long weekend comprising the Saturday and Sunday before Memorial Day and Memorial Day itself—unofficially marks the beginning of summer.

One of the Earliest Memorial Day Ceremonies Was Held by Freed African Americans

At the close of the Civil War, people recently freed from slavery in Charleston honored fallen Union soldiers.

What Is the Difference Between Veterans Day and Memorial Day?

Both Memorial Day and Veterans Day honor U.S. military personnel—but they arose for different reasons.

9 Things You May Not Know About Memorial Day

From its Civil War origins to its modern‑day traditions, find out more about America’s most solemn holiday.

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Trees flank the stall sone monument as flags completely cover the field under a clear blue sky.


Why do we celebrate Memorial Day—and should it return to its roots?

Not to be confused with Veterans Day, this federal holiday honors those who lost their lives in service of their country.

For many Americans, Memorial Day signifies the start of the summer season, as well as a much-needed long weekend filled with activities like sporting events and barbecues. But that wasn’t the original purpose of the day—and its evolution over the years has been rife with controversy.

Celebrated on the last Monday in May, Memorial Day commemorates those who have lost their lives serving their country—unlike Veterans Day , on November 11, which celebrates all people who have served in the military. Since the end of the Civil War, when it was known as Decoration Day, the holiday has been marked by solemn parades and ceremonies and the placing of flowers on the graves of fallen service members.

( Here's more on how Veterans Day became a national holiday. )

However, some critics have complained that the holiday has drifted too far toward frivolous fun and should be restored to a more respectful observance. Here’s how the holiday got started and why it has sparked debate throughout its history.

Warm light spills onto the parade procession casting long shadows, men hold flags and guns dressed in uniforms.

Who really started Memorial Day?

Even the origins of Memorial Day remain debated—and controversial. Some scholars have noted that the practice of decorating graves with flowers on specific days in spring is an ancient custom , and may thus represent the true roots of the holiday. However, most say that the holiday began in the bloody wake of the nation’s most divided time: the Civil War.

From the silence of sorrowful hours The desolate mourners go, Lovingly laden with flowers Alike for the friend and the foe; Francis Miles Finch

The U.S. Civil War was devastating for families on both sides of the conflict—nearly 500,000 men died, or about 2 percent of the U.S. population at the time. During the battle of Gettysburg , the Union and Confederacy lost more than 7,000 people.

You see three soldiers hands holding the American flag and folding it together.

The conflict ended in April 1865 and in subsequent years women, especially in the South, began tending to the graves of fallen soldiers, often regardless of which side they fought for. Their willingness to overlook past divisions was lauded in newspapers in the North. Their kindness was viewed as an olive branch to many, including northerner Francis Miles Finch, who in 1867 wrote the popular poem “ The Blue and The Grey ” praising those efforts.

The specific event that sparked the first Memorial Day remains a matter of debate.   Some say the first Memorial Day took place on May 1, 1865, when a large group of recently freed African Americans held a parade in Charleston, South Carolina , to honor fallen Union soldiers. Dozens of other cities around the country claim the title, too, for their early Civil War remembrance ceremonies. Still other observers have pointed to President Abraham Lincoln’s commemoration of the dead at Gettysburg in 1863 as a possible origin of the holiday.

President Lyndon B. Johnson would later weigh in on the lingering question in 1966, when he officially recognized Waterloo, New York’s ceremony on May 5, 1866, as the “birthplace” of Memorial Day. Waterloo’s supporters argued that event was deserving of the notice because it was formal and city wide, and included closing of local businesses.

How Memorial Day became a federal holiday

After years of local celebrations, the holiday was first celebrated nationwide in May 1868, when former Civil War General John A. Logan led a commemoration at Arlington National Cemetery. He issued a proclamation calling for "Decoration Day" to be observed each May 30 across the country.

( General Grant's surprising rise from cadet to commander .)

Logan, who would eventually run for vice president, called it Decoration Day because he said the fallen should be honored by "strewing with flowers, or otherwise decorating, the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion." The month of May was likely chosen due to an abundance of spring flowers.

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After World War I , in which America lost more than 100,000 soldiers , Decoration Day was expanded to honor all those who had died while fighting—not just those from the Civil War. The name of the holiday also gradually shifted, with Memorial Day becoming more popular in the 20th century.

Congress made Memorial Day an official national holiday in 1971. Instead of May 30, however, the day was pegged to the last Monday in May to create a long weekend. In the years since, Memorial Day evolved into a three-day weekend filled with barbecues, sports, and store discounts, which often overshadow the day's more somber origins.

Rows of headstones have small American flags next to them.

How Memorial Day is celebrated today

The American Legion has called for a return to a more serious observance of Memorial Day. In 2010, the organization wrote a resolution that called for ending the long weekend and restoring Memorial Day to May 30, noting , "The majority of Americans view Memorial Day as a time for relaxation and leisure recreation rather than as a solemn occasion and a time to reflect and pay tribute to the American servicemen and women who sacrificed their lives in defense of our Nation."

The late Hawaii Senator Daniel Inouye, a World War II veteran and Congressional Medal of Honor recipient who served in the Senate from 1963 to 2012, introduced legislation to move Memorial Day back to May 30 several times, without success. Some communities continue to host Memorial Day events on May 30 as well.

We should guard their graves with sacred vigilance. ... Let no neglect, no ravages of time, testify to the present or to the coming generations that we have forgotten as a people the cost of a free and undivided republic. Maj. Gen. John A. Logan

Many solemn observances of the day remain, however. Since 2000, people across the country have been asked to join in a moment of remembrance at 3:00 p.m. local time. Bells are tolled and NASCAR races are put on hold. Flags are flown at half-mast until noon, to signify a day of mourning.

Over Memorial Day weekend, more than 135,000 people visit Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia. Traditionally, the president or vice president lays a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. More than 280,000 flags are placed at headstones for all those who have laid down their lives for their country.

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Home Essay Samples Culture Memorial Day

What Memorial Day Means to Me: A Time of Reflection and Remembrance

Table of contents, reflecting on sacrifice, honoring the fallen, preserving history, fostering gratitude and humility, passing on the legacy, conclusion: a day of reflection and commitment.

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National Archives News

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Memorial Day: A Commemoration

The tombstones at Arlington National Cemetery are decorated with the U.S. flag on Memorial Day 1985 NAID 6393199

Memorial Day, initially referred to as Decoration Day, was observed by many communities after the Civil War, when the nation suffered more than 620,000 military deaths, roughly 2 percent of the total population at the time. John A. Logan, the Commander-in-Chief of the Grand Army of Republic, chose May 30, 1868, as a day to decorate the graves of Union troops across the nation. From this beginning, Memorial Day is now designated as an annual day of remembrance to honor all those who have died in service to the United States during peace and war.  Veterans Day, November 11, celebrates the service of all U.S. military veterans.

Armistice Day, 1922

The Nation’s Sacrifice: The Origins and Evolution of Memorial Day

Memorial Day began as a way to honor those who died in the Civil War and has become a day to honor all American veterans who gave their lives in sacrifice to our nation. Learn more about its history in the Pieces of History blog from the National Archives History Office.

Video Resources

Archivist Rod Ross remembers the founder of Memorial Day, John A. Logan, whose 1868 proclamation led to today’s holiday. He also traces his own connection to a Civil War memorial in his home town of Batavia, IL, through his work as an archivist at the National Archives in Washington, DC.

The Unknowns: The Untold Story of America’s Unknown Soldier and WWI’s Most Decorated Heroes Who Brought Him Home Patrick O'Donnell discusses the creation of the Tomb, the selection of the body to represent the thousands of unidentified American soldiers lost in WWI, and the moving ceremony during which the Tomb was consecrated. (June 8, 2018)

"In Honor of our Veterans: Caring for Our Heroes"—a panel discusses these questions: "What has Congress done to aid active service members, veterans, and their families? What lessons can we learn from how veterans from previous conflicts were supported upon their return? What challenges do we face as the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq continue to take their toll? (November 15, 2015)

Holiday Celebrations at G.H.Q., Chaumont, 1918–1919. Services at a Chaumont cemetery, Memorial Day, 1918. Gens. Pershing and McAndrew review a parade on July 4, 1918. Allied officers review a French-U.S. parade on July 14, 1918. Graves are decorated at Chaumont on Memorial Day, 1919.

President Calvin Coolidge attends the Grant Memorial dedication, reviews parades, and attends Memorial Day services at Arlington National Cemetery.

Memorial Services at Arlington National Cemetery (1920) Boy Scouts and veterans of past wars decorate graves. Addresses are made in the old amphitheater and the new amphitheater is dedicated. Veterans and soldiers decorate graves and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Universal News Volume 17, Release 300, Reels 1 & 2 of 2. June 6, 1944. Eve of Battle tells the story of the preparation for the Normandy invasion through motion pictures produced by service film units of the Allied Expeditionary Forces.

Articles and Blogs

Prologue: Quarterly of the National Archives

Honoring Our War Dead: The Evolution of the Government Policy on Headstones for Fallen Soldiers and Sailors"  ( Prologue,  Spring 2003)

"World War I Gold Star Mothers Pilgrimages" ( Prologue,  Summer 1999)

Remembering Gus Siko: The FDR Library’s Gold Star Staff Member (Forward with Roosevelt)

Eleanor Roosevelt—My Day: May 22–31 (Forward with Roosevelt)

Cemetery Time Capsule Artifacts Provide Glimpse Into History  (National Archives News)

The Nation’s Sacrifice: The Origins and Evolution of Memorial Day  (National Archives News)

Gold Star Mothers of World War I (Pieces of History)

100th Anniversary of the Return of the Wheaton  (Pieces of History)

National Archives Commemorates Memorial Day  (Pieces of History)

A Scrap of Silk Tells an Airman’s Story  (Pieces of History)

Whitman’s Report on Cemeteries (Pieces of History)

NPRC Helps Solve Headstone Riddle at Arlington National Cemetery (Pieces of History)

100th Anniversary of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (Unwritten Record)

100th Anniversary of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Moving Image Records  (Unwritten Record)

As the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Turns 100, We Look Back at Cartographic Records Spanning the History of Arlington National Cemetery (Unwritten Record)

Looking Back at the Korean War Veterans Memorial Competition (Unwritten Record)

A Worthy Resting Place: American Military Cemeteries Overseas (Unwritten Record)

Newly Digitized Series: Initial Burial Plats for World War I American Soldiers (Unwritten Record)

Presidential Libraries

John F. Kennedy Presidential Library:  1963 Memorial Day ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery (photos)

Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library:  1963 Memorial Day speech  as Vice President at Gettysburg, PA, that foreshadowed the Civil Rights Act

Ronald Reagan Presidential Library: Proclamations ( 1981 , 1982 , 1983 , 1984 , 1985 , 1986 , 1987 , 1988 ) and Remarks at Arlington Cemetery ( 1982 , 1984 , 1986 ) 

George H.W. Bush Presidential Library: 1989 Proclamation and Remarks ( 1989 , 1990 , 1992 )

George W. Bush Presidential Library: Proclamations ( 2001 , 2002 , 2003 , 2004 , 2005 , 2006 , 2007 , 2008 ) and 2007 Remarks

Barack Obama Library: Presidential Proclamations and Remarks at Arlington Cemetery

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Three historic houses comprise the Webb-Deane-Stevens Museum.


The Wethersfield Memorial Day Parade will take place Saturday, May 25, 2024 stepping off at 9:00 a.m., followed by a Memorial Day Ceremony at Village Cemetery immediately following the parade.

The information on this web site highlights the day's activities being planned which includes the ceremonies held following the parade.

The Memorial Day Committee would like to encourage all residents to demonstrate their support for the veterans and our country by displaying the American Flag during the weekend.

The 2019 Wethersfield Memorial Day Committee.

Wethersfield Memorial Day Committee 2019

Pictured from left to right: Rick Newell, James Clynch, Salvatore Cucia, Former Mayor Dan Camillieri, Councilor Mary Breton, Councilor Michael Rell. Missing from photo: Paul Doyle, State Representative Russell A. Morin, State Representative John Fonfara, John Ewaski, John Console, Lt. Thomas Mitney, Beverly Olis, Lee Sekas and Deputy Fire Chief Robert Keleher.

Contact Information

For more information about the event e-mail the committee at [email protected] .

Deceased Veterans Honor Roll

Roll of Honor

As part of the ceremonies to be held at the Village Cemetery, the committee has compiled a list of veterans from Wethersfield who have died between April 1, 2018 and March 31, 2019. The committee cordially invites family members and friends to join us on Saturday, May 23rd, for the reading of their loved ones names.

Sponsorship / Support

The Memorial Day and Veterans Day Committees would like to thank the Wethersfield business community, organizations and volunteers who have given their support and who are helping to make this year's events memorable. If you would like to consider helping us in any manner, please contact the committee at [email protected] .

Memorial Day Ceremonies

The Memorial Day Ceremony will take place in Village Cemetery immediately following the parade, approximately 10:30 a.m.

At the conclusion of the parade, a Memorial Day Ceremony will be held at the Village Cemetery on Marsh Street. Guest speakers and parade guests commemorate the day.

Memorial Day Address Speaker

Tom is a Connecticut native, born in Stamford and raised in New Milford.  He currently lives in Fairfield with his wife Nancy.

Tom enlisted and started his military service in August 1983.  He completed basic combat training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri and then graduated as a Commander’s Graduate at Fort Huachuca, Arizona as an interrogator.  Tom then qualified as a Russian linguist from the Presidio of Monterey, California.

From California Tom was sent to Ansbach, West Germany, where he was detached for duty along the Czechoslovakian border as liaison with the West German military, customs and law enforcement agencies and the US military.

Upon competition of his military service, Tom went to work for the US Postal Service which he retired from after 27 years.

As a member of the American Legion for 31 years, he has served at the Post, District and Department level in various positions as an officer and a committee Chairman, culminating in his election as Commander in July 2023.

Parade Marshals

This year's parade marshals are Anthony Martino and Doug Shipman. 

Anthony (Tony) Martino

Anthony (Tony) Martino was born on September 24, 1947, and grew up in Hartford.  He was part of the first graduating class of South Catholic High School in 1965.  Tony was a member of the 103d Fighter Group, CT Air National Guard from September 1, 1966 to September 1, 1991.  He started his military career with Basic Training at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas. After basic training he went to Fort Lee Virginia to attend Army Quartermaster Cooking School. From Fort Lee he went to Westover Air Force Base to finish his active-duty training in the Westover Hospital Kitchen.  After completing his six months of training Tony returned to Bradley Air National Guard Base and was assigned to the 103d Combat Support Squadron Food Service Section. In addition to cooking, he took on the responsibility of performing the section’s administrative function. In October 1974 Tony was selected by his commander to be the Unit’s Airman of the Month. In April 1980 Tony went to the Air National Guard Academy of Military Service, at McGhee Tyson Air National Guard Base in Knoxville, Tennessee where he completed the Reserve Office Training Course and was Commissioned a Second Lieutenant on June 5, 1980. Upon his return from Tennessee, he was assigned the duty as Administrative Officer for the 103rd Combat Support Squadron with the additional duty of Food Service Officer and Mortuary Officer.  Five years later when the 103d Services Flight was formed he was made its Commander. This put him in charge of Food Service; Billeting; Mortuary Affairs and Moral & Welfare Services.  Tony participated in many deployments. He and his airmen oversaw support functions for several 9th Air Force Exercises in Savannah Georgia, as well as Honolulu Hawaii, Alpena Michigan and Volk Field Wisconsin. He also taught courses at the Air Guard Training Center in McGhee Tyson, Tennessee and was a member of an Air National Guard Center Computer Board at Andrews Air Force Base.  His military commendations include: Air Force Presidential Unit Citation; (2) Air Force Commendation Medals; (2) Air Force Achievement Medals; Air Force Longevity Service Award; State of Connecticut Medal of Merit and State of Connecticut Long Service Medal for 25 Years of Service.   Tony worked as a manager for Travelers in the group field insurance sales administration before coming to work for the Town of Wethersfield in 1992.  He worked for the Town as an operations analyst until his retirement in 2011.  Tony then went on to serve on Wethersfield Town Council for 6 years (2013-2019) serving as deputy mayor for the last two years. Tony moved to Wethersfield in 1978 with his wife and raised both of his kids in town. Tony currently serves on EDIC and Redevelopment Agency and is a proud member of UNICO, Knights of Columbus and the Incarnation Men’s Club.

Doug Shipman was born on October 2, 1959, and grew up in Glastonbury, Connecticut. He is descended from some of the earliest settlers of Windsor, Wethersfield and Glastonbury (John Mason, Matthew Grant, John Hollister and Stephen Shipman). This family history and his love of reading fostered his life-long interest in history and the military. Shipman graduated from Glastonbury High School in 1977 and attended Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia where he graduated Phi Beta Kappa with a BA in Politics and was commissioned a second lieutenant in the Regular Army Infantry in 1981. Shipman received his Infantry Officer Basic training at Fort Benning, GA, and graduated from Army Airborne and Ranger schools before his first assignment as a rifle platoon leader with the 3-39th Infantry in the 9th Division at Fort Lewis, WA. He served in positions of increasing responsibility culminating in promotion to captain and command of a 160-man infantry rifle company with the 4th-23rd Infantry, before resigning his active-duty commission and joining the Army Reserves in 1986. In the Reserves, Shipman served in Virginia’s 80th (Blue Ridge) Division while beginning his civilian career in history museums, first at Colonial Williamsburg and then the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation, and completing an MA in Education at the College of William and Mary. During his time in Virginia, Shipman was promoted to major and then lieutenant colonel, and served a variety of key positions including command of the Division’s Drill Sergeant School, and graduated from the Army Command and General Staff College.  Shortly after the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, Shipman returned with his family to Connecticut to direct the Wethersfield Historical Society. In 2003 he joined the 98th (Iroquois) Division based in Rochester, NY, and soon deployed to support Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). While in Iraq he was promoted to the rank of colonel, and led teams to advise and train the Iraqi 3d Division and the Nineva Police Department in Mosul, Iraq. Following his year-long tour in Iraq, Shipman returned to the 98th Division in 2005 to serve as Division Operations Officer (G-3) and later Chief of Staff of the 4,000-person Division which oversaw reserve training units from Maine to Puerto Rico. In 2009 he deployed once again to support the formation of a new advisory team, the Office of Program Manager – Facilities Security Forces, to help train Ministry of Interior security forces for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to protect the country’s critical infrastructure. There he worked closely with Saudi forces before concluding his two-year tour in Saudi Arabia and retiring at the rank of colonel in 2011. During his 30-year career, Shipman earned numerous awards and citations, including the Army Parachute Badge, Ranger Tab, and Expert Infantryman’s Badge, as well as the Iraq Campaign Medal with Campaign Star, Joint Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (4th Award), Joint Service Commendation Medal, Bronze Star Medal, and the Legion of Merit.

Shipman currently lives in Wethersfield, and directs the Windsor Historical Society. He has five children and two grandchildren. 

Essay Contest

Silas Deane Middle School students participated in this year's Dan Camilliere Memorial Day essay contest themed "The 80th Anniversary of D-Day."

This year's winners are Adeena Aijaz, Collette Rochideau and Roge Williams.

2024 Winning Essays

memorial Day posters

This year's Memorial Day posters, which are displayed on the first floor of Town Hall, were created by 6th graders at Charles Wright Elementary School. 

memory day essay

Flags of Appreciation

In recognition of all veterans, the GFWC/CT of Newington/Wethersfield Womens Club, a member of the General Federation of Womens Clubs, will be displaying a "Flags of Appreciation" to honor our veterans. A series of flags will be displayed in front of the Hurlburt-Dunham house at 212 Main Street during the weekend as a thank you to all our Veterans and members of our Armed Forces.

Information for Marchers for 2024

Marcher General Information

Line of March Wethersfield Memorial day parade 2024

Line of March  (Revised 5/23/24)

Parade Route 2024

The parade will step off at 9:00 a.m. and will head west on State Street to Nott Street then to Garden Street. It will then proceed down Garden Street, left onto Church Street and then right onto Main Street. The parade will continue on Main Street, then take a left back onto Garden Street to Broad Street. The Reviewing Stand will be on the Broad Street Green. We will then proceed north on Broad Street and cross Marsh Street to the Village Cemetery (behind First Church) for the cemetery services.

Parking 2024

Parking for spectators will be available throughout the parade route. Spectators may also park on any residential street not marked by "no parking" signs. Parking for marchers will be available at the Department of Motor Vehicle on State Street rear lot. The rear parking lot of the DMV will also be available for buses to park during the parade.

Street Closings 2024

Below is a list of street closings and approximate times they will be closed. (All times listed below are approximate.)

  • State Street (entire length) — 8:30 a.m. to 9:45 a.m.
  • Nott Street (from Garden Street to State Street) — 8:30 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.
  • Garden Street (from Nott Street to Church Street) — 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
  • Church Street (from Garden Street to Main Street) — 9:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.
  • Main Street (from Church Street to Garden Street) — 9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
  • Garden Street (from Main Street to Broad Street) — 9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
  • Broad Street (west side, from Garden Street north to Marsh Street) — 9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.
  • Marsh Street (from Main Street to Broad Street) — 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

In addition, the following streets will be posted with temporary "No Parking" signs:

  • State Street: From Hartford Avenue to the west driveway of DMV — both sides
  • Nott Street: Around monument island at Hartford Avenue and Nott Street; from Hartford Avenue to Garden Street — both sides
  • Garden Street: From Nott Street to Church Street — both sides
  • Church Street: From Garden Street to Main Street — both sides
  • Garden Street: From Main Street to Broad Street — both sides
  • Broad Street: From Garden Street to Marsh Street — both sides
  • Nott Street/State Street intersection
  • Nott Street: Between State Street and Garden — both sides
  • Main Street: From Church Street to Garden Street — both sides (Saturday morning only)

In the event of inclement weather, the ceremonies will be moved indoors to Wethersfield High School and will begin at 10:00 a.m. The latest information will be announced on the Parks and Recreation Department program information line at (860) 721-2890.  An announcement will also be posted in the announcements area of the home page of the town web site .

Wethersfield Town Hall

505 Silas Deane Highway Wethersfield, CT 06109 (860) 721-2800 Get Directions

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  • Hersh Goldberg-Polin

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At the Jerusalem synagogue where Hersh Goldberg-Polin danced in life, grief and anger reign after his death

memory day essay

JERUSALEM — Three hundred and thirty-two days after Hersh Goldberg-Polin danced in the courtyard next to his Jerusalem synagogue on the holiday of Simchat Torah, more than a thousand people gathered there in grief and prayer to mourn his murder by Hamas terrorists in Gaza.

During the Sunday night vigil, the courtyard railings were lined with oversized yellow ribbons to symbolize advocacy for the hostages, Hapoel Jerusalem soccer flags — the 23-year-old’s favorite team — and posters that read, “We love you, stay strong, survive,” a mantra coined by his mother, Rachel Goldberg-Polin.

Just hours earlier, one of the posters had been hanging over the balcony of the home of Shira Ben-Sasson, a leader of Hakhel, the Goldberg-Polins’ egalitarian congregation in the Baka neighborhood of Jerusalem.

“We were sure we would take it down when he came home,” Ben-Sasson said.

The community wanted to unite while respecting the Goldberg-Polins’ desire for privacy, she said, prompting them to organize the prayer gathering.

“But it’s like a Band-Aid or giving first aid, it’s what you do in an emergency. I don’t know how we go on after this,” she said.

memory day essay

A covered courtyard at the Hakhel congregation was filled with mourners the day after Hersh Goldberg-Polin, whose family are prominent members, was found to have been killed in Gaza. Hundreds of other people crowded outside the gates, Sept. 1, 2024. (Deborah Danan)

She added that the community, which has a large contingent of English-speaking immigrants, was not prepared for the High Holidays, which begin in about a month. She said, “Seeing his empty seat is hard.”

For Ben-Sasson, who wore a T-shirt bearing the Talmudic dictum “There is no greater mitzvah than the redeeming of captives,” the tragedy is especially painful because, she said, it could have been avoided with a ceasefire agreement that freed hostages.

“Hersh was alive 48 hours ago. We think a deal could have saved him. There is no military solution to this,” she said.

That feeling of bereavement, often mixed with betrayal, pervaded gatherings across Israel on Sunday, as the country struggled with the news that six hostages who may have been freed in an agreement were now dead as negotiations continue to stall. Speakers at protests in Tel Aviv blamed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who himself apologized for not getting the hostages out alive but blamed Hamas for obstructing a deal. The country’s labor union, the Histadrut, has called a national strike on Monday to demand a deal.

A rare early September rain lashed parts of Israel on Sunday, leading to a widespread interpretation: God, too, was weeping.

Some at the Jerusalem gathering, including the relative of another former hostage, said Netanyahu had chosen defeating Hamas over freeing the captives.

memory day essay

Josef Avi Yair Engel’s grandson Ofir was released from Hamas captivity in November. He paid tribute to Hersh Goldberg-Polin, murdered in captivity, in Jerusalem, Sept. 1, 2024. (Deborah Danan)

Josef Avi Yair Engel, whose grandson Ofir, 18, was released from Hamas captivity in November during that month’s ceasefire deal, expressed shock over Hersh’s murder but said he was not surprised, given the wartime policies of Netanyahu’s government.

“We knew months ago this was going to happen. Bibi’s formula, to dismantle Hamas and return the hostages, wasn’t logical. It’s an either/or situation,” Engel said, referring to Netanyahu by his nickname. “He’s tearing the country apart. I’m afraid that in the coming months there won’t be a state at all.”

Engel said he felt a close bond with Hersh’s father Jon Polin, not only because of their joint activism in the hostage families’ tent outside the Prime Minister’s Residence, but also because of their shared identity as Jerusalemites.

“There aren’t many of us in the hostage circle,” he said. “We’re like family.”

Sarah Mann, who did not know the family personally, said the weekend’s tragedy reminded her of Oct. 7.

“This day has sparks of the seventh, which created numbness and an inability to talk. Just complete shock,” she said.

memory day essay

Mourners left notes at a gathering at Hersh Goldberg-Polin’s family synagogue in Jerusalem. Many of the messages used the Hebrew word for “sorry.” (Deborah Danan)

Part of the reason for that, Mann said, was Rachel, who she described as a “force of faith.” Goldberg-Polin’s mother emerged as the most prominent advocate for the hostages globally and became a symbol in her own right as she crisscrossed the world calling for her son’s freedom.

“Millions of people around the world held onto her. Once that was cut, people’s ability to hold onto faith was knocked out today. But even though this has shattered us, we need to keep holding onto God,” Mann said.

For Susi Döring Preston, the day called to mind was not Oct. 7 but Yom Kippur, and its communal solemnity.

She said she usually steers clear of similar war-related events because they are too overwhelming for her.

“Before I avoided stuff like this because I guess I still had hope. But now is the time to just give in to needing to be around people because you can’t hold your own self up any more,” she said, tears rolling down her face. “You need to feel the humanity and hang onto that.”

Like so many others, Döring Preston paid tribute to the Goldberg-Polins’ tireless activism. “They needed everyone else’s strength but we drew so much strength from them and their efforts, “she said. “You felt it could change the outcome. But war is more evil than good. I think that’s the crushing thing. You can do everything right, but the outcome is still devastating.”

memory day essay

Guy Gordon, with his daughter Maya, added a broken heart to the piece of tape he has worn daily to mark the number of days since the hostage crisis began, Sept. 1, 2024. (Deborah Danan)

Guy Gordon, a member of Hakhel who moved to Israel from Dublin, Ireland, in the mid-1990s, said the efforts towards ensuring Hersh’s safe return have been an anchor for the community during the war. The community knew him as the family described him in its announcement of his funeral on Tuesday, as “a child of light, love and peace” who enjoyed exploring the world and coming home to his family, including his parents and younger sisters, Leebie and Orly.

“It gave us something to hope for, and pray for and to demonstrate for,” he said. “We had no choice but to be unreasonably optimistic. Tragically it transpired that he survived until the very end.”

Gordon, like many others in the crowd, wore a piece of duct tape marked with the number of days since Oct. 7 — a gesture initiated by Goldberg-Polin’s mother. Unlike on previous days, though, his tape also featured a broken red heart beside the number.

Nadia Levene, a family friend, also reflected on the improbability of Hersh’s survival.

“He did exactly what his parents begged him to do. He was strong. He did survive. And look what happened,” Levene said.

She hailed Rachel Goldberg-Polin’s “unwavering strength and belief in God,” adding, “There were times I lost faith. I suppose I was angry with God. But she just kept inspiring us all to pray, pray, pray.”

memory day essay

Leah Silver of Jerusalem examined stickers showing Rachel Goldberg-Polin’s mantra for her son Hersh, who was murdered in captivity in Gaza, at a gathering after Hersh’s death, Sept. 1, 2024. (Deborah Danan)

Jerusalem resident Leah Silver rejected politicizing the hostages’ deaths.

“Everything turns political so quickly. I came here because I felt that before all the protests, we need to just mourn for a moment and to pray. And show respect for each other,” she said. “We’ve become confused about who the enemy is. It’s very sad.”

But not everyone at the gathering joined in to sing Israel’s national anthem at the closing of the prayer gathering.

“I’m sorry, I can’t sing ‘Hatikvah,'” Reza Green, a Baka resident who did not know the Goldberg-Polins personally, said. “I’m too angry. We shouldn’t be here.”

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