How to List Conference Presentations on Résumé

how to include conference presentations in resume

The benefits of presenting papers, and attending conferences, conventions as well as workshops will be invaluable for your career development. The conference offers you the opportunity not only to network with colleagues, to learn new topics, and to present research but also to add these skills to your resume.

A resume that emphasizes your speaking engagements and presentations is an effective way to show off your ability to communicate. Providing proof of your skills and making your resume memorable can help employers determine your expertise in your career field. These resume tips and tricks from certified resume helpers will help you learn how to highlight your conference experiences.

Find out what to include in your resume when it comes to presentations when it is a smart decision to showcase conferences on resume, and how to list conference presentations on resume.

When Should You Include Presentations on the Resume?

If you are wondering how to put conference presentations on resume, you should know that there’s typically a section dedicated to conference information in a CV. The experience of presenting at conferences can be helpful whether you want a job that is academically or business-oriented. Consider mentioning a particular conference experience in your cover letter if you want to further emphasize it.

Listing merely the conference names might not be very useful and may be perceived as trying a bit too hard. Tell the interviewer about the ways in which you have demonstrated your commitment in your cover letter instead.

Listing seminar presentations can enhance your resume, but only if you use that information wisely. You may want to include information about conference presentations on your CV. Do this if you are aiming at a position that includes a lot of public speaking. Providing it displays your expertise and dedication to career advancement, you should definitely include it.

As if that’s not enough, here’s more example of when to include presentations in your CV:

  • Your public speaking activities should be related to the job positions (positions where regular meetings, conferences, and presentations are a part of your job). If you want to emphasize on your acting skills, we have some tips for you .
  • Also, you can list presentations where you contributed to a project or event to provide education on a subject relevant to the job description.
  • You can also use presentations to position yourself as an industry leader or an expert.
  • Connecting the objectives, and goals of the organization with your past presentations and speeches can also be a good idea.

More Tips on Adding Presentations to the Resume

And in case you are asking yourself when to avoid incorporating presentations in resume, here’s what you need to know.

Be sure to exclude any obligatory presentations you gave during your education or employment. Such presentations are typically considered necessary, and as such, are not valued. Rather than listing them separately on your resume, list these presentations under your work or educational history.

As you prepare your resume, keep in mind that employers will also be looking out for so-called resume padding. Those with little or no experience in the field sometimes use this tactic. They try to claim they possess more knowledge, experience, and skills than they actually do.

It is important that you include conferences outside your workplace. In addition, if you gave guest lectures as part of your presentation, do not include them. It would make sense not to include conferences you have attended but have not presented at.

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With the evolving nature of the professional world, showcasing certifications like Six Sigma on your resume can speak volumes about your commitment to continuous learning and development. Incorporating Six Sigma into your resume narrative helps demonstrate your strategic and analytical skills, making you a strong candidate in the eyes of prospective employers.

How to Add Conference Presentations on Resume


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On the left side of the listing, add the most important conference information, just like in other sections. Begin your presentation with the title of the talk or a forum, followed by a description of the conference. Be sure to include the year that the conference talk took place.

Additionally, consider including the month, of course, if it is relevant to the job. When looking for a way to demonstrate you’re capable of presenting on various subjects within a short period of time, you might mention how many presentations you gave over a specified time frame.

You can add a separate section on your resume and name it “Invited Presentations” or “Conference Speaking”. This might be a good section to include under the Education and Work Experience section. Putting it close to sections such as “Volunteer”, “Awards”, or “Professional Affiliations” is a smart thing to do.

Considering that resumes can be formatted in any way, you can place this section anywhere in the document. Logically, it will depend on the nature of the job you are applying to.

If public speaking is an essential part of a particular position, you might put it in the work experience section. As an alternative, if public service is a priority, the conference section could be placed under the “Volunteer” section.

Here are some additional tips on how to add conferences to resume:

  • Put presentations in a separate section;
  • List the most relevant events first;
  • Make sure that the title of the presentation is in Italics;
  • Provide the date of the conference along with the name;
  • Include examples of the conference topic;
  • Add related presentation publications.

Your resume is your personal marketing tool, and listing conference presentations adds a level of expertise. It can make a significant difference in presenting a professional, well-rounded resume that attracts potential employers.

Listing of Presentations with Related Publications

Listing all the presentations you ever attended in your resume might not be a good idea. If you are wondering how to list conferences on resume there are a few more tips you need to learn. You won’t gain many advantages from conference presentations and summits unless you’re applying to a communication-related position, and mentioning them could backfire as it can look like “resume padding”.

That being said, peer-reviewed publications published in prestigious journals provide the most value. There is no need to list them all, but rather list two or three relevant and recent papers. Thus, listing the relevant ones, and explaining briefly what role you played in each study will be enough.

Check out more useful information on listing the patents on your resume .

The topic of writing a resume always comes with questions and raises discussion. So is the question: “Can you put conferences attended on resume?”. Here are some more resources that may be useful.

Secret Tips for Including Presentations on a Resume

Here are some additional tips on how to put conferences on resume to keep in mind:

  • You should only list your presentations if they are in line with the job you are applying for
  • If you did not speak at any conferences or events, leave them out
  • Describe any honors or awards you have received as a result of your presentations
  • In the case of a co-presentation, indicate your involvement in it by adding a modifier to the title
  • Make sure to include some information in your resume summary about your presentations, as a demonstration of your proficiency

How Do I Document Speaking Engagements on My CV?

Your resume should include a section that mentions your speaking engagements. If you gave a lecture, specify the topic, where and when it was held, and the size of the audience. This is the safest way of listing conference presentations on resume.

How Are Conferences Displayed on Your Resume or CV?

You should include the name and date of the speech where you participated beneath the title of your presentation. Including the year and the month is just as important.

How Do I Cite a Panel Presentation in a CV?

To properly display your panel presentation title, paper, or poster, you need to align it along the left margin. For the title, it is not recommendable to alter the font, and you don’t have to underline or use italics. Besides, you shouldn’t put anything like “paper title:” before the title of the paper.

While listing conference presentations can demonstrate your expertise, showcasing other certifications like series 7 on your resume can add another layer of value. This can help to create a compelling resume that underscores your versatility and skills, opening more doors in your career path.

It all comes down to effectively marketing yourself if you want the position or internship.

You should have a strong CV and a cover letter that showcases your qualifications, and your interest in the job. Unfortunately, many applicants include unnecessary items on their CVs and some of them are conference lists they have attended.

Most people fail to understand the importance of writing a new resume for every job posting they apply for. Customizing resume for the job post you are applying for allows you to determine whether you should include such information.


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How to List Your Presentation Skills on a Resume/CV

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Although not as common as other elements in a CV or resume , presentation skills can make or break your application. A resume full of presentations you have previously given illustrates presentation skills, which can effectively showcase not only your public speaking, communication, and organization skills but also your expertise or field knowledge. Nevertheless, if you want to find out more, we have a dedicated article on how to improve your presentation skills just for you!

Anyways, if you have experience giving presentations on topics related to the position you are applying for, it could make your CV or resume stand out in the applicant pool and have a better chance to be viewed more as your expertise is vouchered for. But the question remains, how do I list presentation skills on a resume?

In this article, you will learn when and how to list presentations on CVs and resumes with resume presentation examples in our step-by-step guide.

Table of Contents

When to List Presentation Skills on a CV/Resume?

How to list presentation skills on a resume/cv, 5 tips for adding presentation skills to a resume/cv.

The presentation information you put on your CV or resume should be relevant to your target position and career industry. Here are 5 circumstances when one should list their presentation skills on their CV/resume.

1) Your role requires you to speak in public a lot

If the role you are seeking requires public speaking skills and experience, it would be beneficial to include your conferences and presentations on your resume and CV. For instance, jobs such as conference speaker, lecturer , or news anchor would benefit from showing extensive presentation skills on their resumes.

2) You want to showcase your expertise in your career field

One would need a certain level of expertise in their field to deliver a presentation about the industry to a group audience. Thus, listing your oral presentation experience on your CV could serve as strong evidence of your subject knowledge and industry expertise.

For example, if you are looking for a job in telecommunications and you’ve created a presentation on the features and benefits of 5G technology, it can be effective to include the presentation experience in your CV or resume.

3) The experience is related to the position you are applying for

If you previously made a presentation or talked in an event that is related to the job you are targeting, then including that presentation experience in your resume might give you the upper hand during the application process.

If you are changing career paths , this is a great way to showcase your existing knowledge and expertise in the new field to make up for your lack of relevant experience. 

4) The experience is noteworthy in your industry or prestigious in a particular field

You might have experienced being invited to be a guest speaker at a special event in your industry to share innovative projects, research, or personal insight. Or, you did a Ted Talk that has a million views on the Internet.

Even if it is just a one-off presentation on a special occasion that is not directly relevant to the career field you are pursuing, you could still include the presentation experience in your CV or portfolio to showcase a noteworthy achievement.

5) It is common practice to include a resume addendum in your field

In the academic field, job seekers often include pertinent papers, research, lectures, or presentations on their CV/resume with an addendum. It is also common for career fields like scientists, researchers, or medical professionals. The citation length would depend on the number of completed presentations and other accomplishments. 


Here are 5 steps you could take on how to add and cite presentations on a CV/resume.

1. Include the presentation title

First and foremost, start by including the presentation title. You could also distinguish the text by using boldface , to make it stand out more on your resume/CV. If the presentation has a long title, you could shorten it to briefly illustrate what your presentation is about.

2. List the name and date of the event where you presented

Start a new line right under your presentation title and list the name and date (month & year) of the event or conference where you deliver your presentation.

3. Mention the main topic of the presentation

Then, provide some brief details about the main topic of the presentation on your resume or CV and try to keep it within one sentence (or more if the space allows). For instance, you could mention the research topic you did or the issues discussed in your presentation.

4. Mention any awards (if any)

List the relevant awards you received for your presentation underneath, if any. Like how you would put certifications on a resume/CV, you would enter each award on a separate line with relevant details such as the full name of the award and the year you received it.

5. Mention any related publications (if any)

Last but not least, mention any publications such as trade/scholarly journals, academic articles, books, or popular magazines directly related to your presentations on your resume. This would further emphasize your commitment to the career industry you are pursuing.

Still not sure how to add presentations on your CV or resume? To effectively organize your presentation skills on resumes/CVs, refer to the examples below.


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1) List the most relevant presentation in the first place

Unlike how you would list your work history in reverse chronological order , put your presentation in the order of relevancy on your resume. 

In the US, resumes are career summaries that are a 1-2 page snapshot of your qualifications, while CVs are academic biographies that include further details about your experiences and publications. If you are creating an American-style resume, ‌choose up to five most relevant presentations to list in your resume. 

Otherwise, include as many of your presentations and publications as necessary for your target position.

2) Mention your exact role (speaker, co-speaker, etc.)

If you spoke with a co-speaker, specify it next to the presentation title on your resume, or include the other presenter(s) names to precisely show your involvement in the presentation. You could also distinguish your name from other co-speakers by using a different text style such as underlining their names.

3) List your presentations under a separate “Presentations” section

Create a dedicated section for listing your presentations in your resume if you have multiple speaking events and experience. The presentations section should come after your work experience section as additional information relevant to the job.

It is best to include your presentation section at the bottom of your resume/CV for recruiters to scan through at once to see the bigger picture of your authority and what you can contribute to the organization.

4) If you don’t have much experience, list your presentations under the work experience

If you conducted a few presentations during your previous work experience, list them directly in the work history section to provide the context of each presentation. Here’s an example:


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  • Presentation : Latest News and Trends in the Market (2021), provide a thorough overview of what to expect in the upcoming industry changes.

5) If the presentation is given as a special honor, include it in your career summary/objective

How to list conference presentations on your resume or CV even though you have just one or few of them? Basically, if you spoke at a prominent event that is relevant to your job or industry, add it to your career objective.

A career summary or objective is placed at the beginning of a CV/resume. It showcases your most crucial skills and experience and how you can bring value to the company. 

For instance, mentioning that you have spoken at a Ted Talk right at the beginning of your resume attracts recruiters to read further as it resembles credibility for your achievements.

Key Takeaways

In this article, we’ve gone through the basics of when and how to list presentation skills and experience on a resume/CV. When it’s relevant to the job or it’s a common practice in your field, you should list presentations on your CV.

How to list oral/poster presentations on a CV? Review the 5 steps for listing presentations on a resume above, and try it on your own by following the examples shown.

Whether it is oral/poster, single/co-speaker presentations, or with rewards/publications, as long as you include the most relevant information and keep your resume concise, you are well-prepared to send out the application. Good luck!

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--- Originally written by Sandy Tuo ---

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Including a Conference or Seminar in a CV

a man giving a presentation to a group of people.

Conferences and seminars are an  excellent way to learn new skills  and meet new people. They can also be a great way to network with other professionals in your industry, improve your credentials and even find new job opportunities. However, many people are unsure about whether or not to add a seminar or conference on a CV.

If you are among this group and undecided if you should mention these events  when building your CV , the first step is to understand the  difference between a conference and a seminar .

A conference is a formal meeting where people gather to discuss a specific issue. Seminars, on the other hand, are educational forums where members meet to gain academic knowledge about a particular topic, and may include several workshops.

Understanding this difference is key to knowing how to add seminars on a resume, and  whether or not you should include conferences in your CV . In this post, we explore whether it is always worth adding these professional events to a resume, where on the document you can include them, and the correct format.

Should I always add conferences and seminars on a CV?

Before we dive into when and how to include conferences in your resume, let us reassure you that  you don’t have to write everything . The CV is your chance to let your skills and expertise shine and convince recruiters that you might have just the profile they’re looking for.

A short CV works to your advantage . By leaving unnecessary information out, you’ll make sure that the reader focuses only on what you want — specific, job-tailored elements that you’ll have carefully selected to be the most convincing. 

Remember that HR professionals can only spend seconds on your document. If you keep things short and to the point and  favour readability , you will have made things easier for them.

Everyone says that the ideal CV is between 1 to 2 pages long. However, many hiring managers report that they actually prefer documents that  stay within one page .

It’s only normal that some things may have to be left out with such strict limitations. Ultimately, you might decide  emphasizing job experience is more important  than including workshops, conferences and seminars on a CV.

When to add seminars and conferences on a CV

As with many other elements, whether to add seminars, workshops, or conferences in a CV  depends on the nature of the job  and the specific event in question.

Of course, there are certain  professions where seminars and symposia play an important role . That’s the case, for example, for academics.

For others, it’s essential to consider the  relevance of the event to include . On one hand, showing commitment to professional development is always positive. The more the experience was directly related to the position you’re applying for, the better.

Moreover, if your role in the conference establishes you as an expert in the field (for example,  if you were part of the panel  or have facilitated a workshop), then the occurrence indeed deserves a spot in your resume. 

On the other hand, it’s considered normal for professionals to sign up for lectures and talks. If you’ve been in the workforce for 15 years, you’re expected to stay up to date with the latest developments and recruiters won’t be surprised by the fact that you routinely attend events.

Try to ask yourself:

  • Was the conference especially relevant for this job? 
  • Was it organised by a professional association?
  • Can it prove that I acquired extraordinary skills?
  • Can it be considered an achievement or even an award? (This is the case, for example, for competitive workshops that can be accessed only based on merit.)
  • Was I given a certificate?
  • How did I participate? Did I hold a speech or worked in the planning of the event?

If the answer to one or more of the above questions is Yes, then you should consider mentioning the seminar or conference in your CV.

Can I put Coursera on my CV?

Things don’t change much when it comes to  online courses and other forms of alternative education  and  extracurricular activities .

Including these types of training and workshops in a CV can help show:

  • Initiative. You’re proving to be resourceful and proactive. Maybe you were working towards a career change or expanding your skillset while at home for your kids or unemployed. Either way, enrolling in an online course says a lot about your ability to think outside the box to reach your full potential.
  • Independence. Signing up for a course also highlights that you’re capable of making your own decisions and move forward independently. Prospective employers may take it as a sign that they won’t need to micromanage you in the future.
  • Going the extra mile. You worked hard to get where you want. Coming home after a busy day and study on your computer at night isn’t for everyone and shows your determination.

On the other hand and again,  keep it relevant . If you haven’t developed skills that you can use in your new position, then the space on the page may be taken up by something more pertinent. And if the course was completed many years ago, what you learned may be outdated now. 

How do you add conferences to your CV?

You should follow the following format when contemplating how to list conferences on your resume:

  • Include the name of the conference.
  • Include the location and date of the event.
  • Briefly describe what your role was in organizing, planning and running this event (if applicable)
  • List all activities you participated in during this event (e.g., attending presentations or workshops, leading discussions). You can also list other roles such as speaker/facilitator/panelist if applicable to your experience and CV goals.
  • If you won any awards for your involvement with this event (for example: Best Speaker) list those here too!

Of course, this is only a suggested involvement, and you  may prefer to keep the mention of the conference brief  and to one line. Perhaps within a job description, as we’ll see below.

Where to add conferences to a resume?

Although there’s no one-fit-all rule for how to list conferences on a resume, for most candidates it’s  best not to list a long series  of events and conferences on a CV .

A better idea could be to handpick the most impressive events and include them  under the job description for a particular role  (that was relevant to that position).

You can also strategically place them  as proof of your expertise  as you add  skills to your CV .

Other people prefer to only include those that can be considered achievements — for example, if funding was granted to outstanding applicants to attend the conference. In that case, a separate section (such as ‘Awards’ or ‘ Achievements ’) could be created.

Where to add seminars on a resume

As this type of event is more about gaining  educational experience , it’s a good idea to add them under the  ‘Education’ subheading  if you decide to include seminars on a CV .

As for how to add seminars to your CV, you should  follow the same format as that described above  for how to add conferences on a resume

Remember that if you can’t find the right spot on the page to include training and workshops in your CV , you can always talk about independent courses and events in the  cover letter  if you think they should be part of your application.

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A resume is your ticket to a great job, and in today’s competitive job market, standing out is more critical than ever. One impactful way to shine your resume is by incorporating a “Resume Presentation” section. This article shows you a resume presentation, brings you tips on how to write a resume with presentations, and also, discusses the advantages and disadvantages of this approach in Presentation design services!

Table of Contents

What is a Resume Presentation?

A “Resume Presentation” section is a designated part of your resume where you spotlight your experience, skills, and accomplishments related to presentations. A resume Presentation is an excellent opportunity to show the ability to communicate effectively, convey complex ideas, and engage with diverse audiences.

How to Write a Resume with Presentations?

1-dedicate a section:.

Begin by creating a distinct section titled “Resume Presentation” or something similar. Place it after your contact information and objective or summary statement (if included) before your work experience and education.

2-List Your Presentations:

List your presentations chronologically under the “Resume Presentation” section. Include the presentation’s title, the time, the venue (if appropriate), the organization or event, and the date. For clarity, use bullet points.

  • Presentation Title: “Digital Marketing Trends in 2023”
  • Date: May 15, 2023
  • Event: Marketing Insights Conference
  • Location: New York City, NY

3-Highlight Key Achievements:

For each presentation entry, provide a concise description of your key achievements or the impact of your presentation—share metrics, feedback, or outcomes that illustrate your effectiveness as a presenter.

  • We successfully delivered a 45-minute presentation on emerging digital marketing trends to a diverse audience of 300 industry professionals.
  • Received a 92% audience satisfaction rating and was invited to present at the following year’s conference.
  • We increased attendee engagement through interactive polls and Q&A sessions.

4-Emphasize Relevant Skills:

This section emphasizes skills pertinent to effective presentations, such as public speaking, storytelling, data visualization, and audience engagement.

5-Tailor to the Job:

Customize your “Resume Presentation” section for each job application. Highlight presentations that align with the specific presentation skills or industry expertise the employer seeks.

6-Use Action Words:

Incorporate powerful action verbs when describing your presentation experience. Words like “presented,” “facilitated,” “articulated,” and “engaged” convey your active involvement and effectiveness.

7-Quantify Achievements:

Whenever possible, quantify your achievements. Mention the audience size, percentage improvements, or any other measurable outcomes. Numbers lend credibility to your claims.

Tips for Writing an Effective Resume Presentation

Start with a strong and attention-grabbing headline.

Personal branding is about more than just the way you dress, it’s also your headline. Your headline should be clear and to the point – which means keeping things simple without any unnecessary words or phrases that could confuse readers into thinking something else entirely (I’m looking at YOU marketing professionals). Make them want to learn more by using an attention-grabbing tone in both text AND picture forms!

how to write resume with presentations

Use typography to make your resume stand out

Create a more visually appealing resume by using different fonts and sizes. You can also use typography to highlight important information, such as your skills or experience- so make sure it’s easy for employers to see what they need!

Stick to a simple, easy-to-read layout

Make sure to keep your resume easy and straightforward. You don’t want it so complicated that the employer can’t find what they need in a hurry, which will probably mean lost opportunity!

Prioritize Relevance

Select presentations that align with the job you’re applying for. Quality matters more than quantity.

Use Keywords

Incorporate industry-specific keywords to enhance your resume’s searchability through applicant tracking systems (ATS).

write resume with presentations

Use bullets and lists to organize your information

It’s not just about the content you create, but also how well organized and easy to read it is. If people are unable to comprehend what they’re reading because of too much jargon or complexity in writing style then there’s no reason for them to get drawn into your message! Use bullets (or lists) like I did here by adding items one sentence at a time until complete with an introduction about who we are before getting down into all those wonderful benefits that will help us grow our business together.

Tailor Each Entry

Customize your presentation descriptions to emphasize skills or accomplishments relevant to the job description.

Include only relevant information

There are three types of resumes that employers will receive: functional, chronological, and detailing. For a job posting where only the basics need to be covered (i.e., not including specific skills), it is best practice to use one with these templates; however, if there’s more than enough information available then feel free to Customize your own!

Highlight your skills and experience in resume presentations

Highlight your skills and experience

Highlight your skills and experience that are relevant to the job you’re applying for. This will help employers see why you’d be a good fit for their position!

Highlight Impact

Focus on the outcomes and impact of your presentations, such as increased revenue, improved processes, or enhanced customer satisfaction.

Include a call to action

It’s time for you to shine! Before sending off your resume, make sure it ends with an irresistible call-to-action so employers know what they should do next. For example: include some of YOUR information and contact info if interested in learning more about this perfect candidate.

Highlight your skills and experience in resume presentations

Make sure your contact information is easily accessible

A “Resume Presentation” section can significantly enhance your resume and showcase your ability to effectively communicate, educate, and engage with audiences. Follow the tips to make this section a powerful testament to your skills and accomplishments. It can set you apart in the competitive job market and help you secure the job of your dreams.

What is a single-slide resume?

You can use one Slide Resume Template for PowerPoint, which is a free resume template for Microsoft PowerPoint. single-slide resume can be used to make a simple resume. Job search is a time-consuming task and process. This template will help prospects to facilitate and tackle the job search process.

What are presentation skills on a resume?

Presentation skills include organizing slides and content in a way your audiences can understand. It also includes some technical skills like knowledge of presentation software like Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, Keynote, and more

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  • Resume Tips

How to Include Public Speaking Skills on Your Resume (+ Examples)

Elizabeth Openshaw

While it might send you into a spin and get your knees knocking at the very thought of having to stand up in front of people and give a presentation, the skill of public speaking is considered a valuable asset within many professions. Public speaking on your resume is a great quality to add to your repertoire. Many employers place a premium value on public speaking skills. 

Candidates who possess polished and articulate public speaking skills are often placed in prominent roles within a company, with many finding themselves on a fast-track to securing leadership positions. This is because a leader often needs to speak and present to a roomful of people. You can’t ask someone who’s shy and retiring to do this. Or someone with a distinct lack of confidence. So you turn to the employees who have shown promise and know how to hold a crowd.

But what if you are angling for another role? How do you include public speaking skills on a resume?

No need to fret. You have come to the right place. We have the know-how you need to make employers aware of your valuable communication style by showing how to present public speaking on your resume.

What is public speaking?

First up, let’s quantify what public speaking actually is. It is the ability to stand up in front of an audience and deliver an oral speech or presentation. It works whether that is a live audience or a remote one, as you are still presenting to a large number of people in public.

It can be used to sell a product or a service to a client, galvanize your team, or pitch for a new contract. Presentations can incorporate many different topics and have many different goals – to entertain, educate, inform, or even influence listeners.

The presentation needs to be engaging, powerful, and memorable. You have got to hold the audience in the palm of your hand so as not to lose their interest. These are great assets to have throughout your career.

These types of presentations can be the difference between failure and success. So, presenting information effectively and clearly is key when connecting with your audience and getting your message out there.

Why do public speaking skills matter?

It’s important to understand why public speaking skills are in such high demand. For someone comfortable with communicating ideas effortlessly, public speaking skills might seem like something that everyone can do, at the drop of a hat. After all, we are communicating with other people every single day of the year.

However, lots of people are not that comfortable when speaking in a public setting. Many shrink from being called upon in class, business, or conference meetings, or other settings where there is a large group. Others are wary of being asked to make presentations, train up other employees, or take on a role that puts them under the spotlight.

Call it stage fright, if you will. The average professional just isn’t all that excited about being the center of attention in any training session or discussion. And employers understand that fact. Most organizations have dealt with employees who struggle to communicate ideas when they’re put in those types of settings. As a result, those employers recognize just how rare and important public speaking skills truly are--and really value those job candidates who possess them.

Read our experts' opinion on the best skills to put on your resume in 2023 .

Public speaking and communication skills list

Unlike some types of skills, public speaking is not a single skill that you can simply list on a resume. Instead, public speaking skills encompass a variety of skills that combine to make you come across as an effective public communicator on your resume . Moreover, you are unlikely to find too many job postings that specifically ask for public speaking skills.

Instead, many of these postings will mention relevant key skills that might make you an effective public speaker. By learning to recognize these communication capabilities, you can more effectively convey your public speaking ability to a potential employer.

They include:

The ability to read your audience

One of the most important public speaking skills is the ability to accurately read your audience, or “read the room” as this modern phrase sums it up, by picking up on subtle, nonverbal cues of your attendees. You should be able to determine what they need to hear, adjusting your communication during the speech to accommodate their reaction. Do they seem engaged? Are they visibly bored? Restless? Confused?

A speaker who can read the room well knows how to stay on the right track to get across their message.

An articulate presentation of ideas

Are you an articulate speaker? In this scenario, articulate doesn’t just mean the ability to speak clearly. It means being able to convey complex ideas in an easily understood manner. If your skills include being articulate, be sure to mention those attributes of public speaking in your resume.

An engaging presence and style

Do you command presence when you are on a stage, enter a room, or during a meeting? Have you got that certain je ne sais quoi or X factor? The best public speakers, trainers, and educators have an engaging way about them. They also have a style that captures and sustains the attention of any audience. Employers can always utilize employees with these types of public speaking skills.

The ability to write a speech or presentation

Whether you’re a solid writer or someone who composes presentations on the fly, based on something you scribbled on the back of an envelope 10 minutes ago, composition skills are critical. If your public speaking skills include the ability to compose presentations, be sure to convey that information on your resume. And don’t forget to include key composition skills like research ability, organization of ideas, and storytelling.

Knowledge of presentation technology

These days, no set of public speaking skills is complete without some sort of familiarity with technology. For example, skills in this area include the ability to create presentation slides and manage the functional operation of a presentation.

But it can strike horror into the heart of any audience member when a speaker stands up, declaring, “I’ve just got 100 slides to get through this morning.” While PowerPoint presentations are commonly used for seminars, meetings, and other public speaking engagements, keep these to a minimum, reduce the number of words, and pack them full of images.

Your slides should not make that much sense without you telling the story alongside. You want members of the audience to be focused on you speaking--not on the slides.

Key Takeaway


Don't just say that you have public speaking skills. Instead, describe those specific skills that demonstrate your oratory abilities.

Job descriptions might mention leading meetings, presenting information, or speaking at conferences. This can encompass many job titles, such as teachers and educators, managers, and sales and marketing positions.

Examples of public speaking skills on a resume

Now that you have a clearer idea of what public speaking skills are, let’s put it into practice by showing off some examples of how to include public speaking on your resume.

You can tailor the examples below to suit your own situations, positions, and responsibilities.

Showcases well-honed public speaking skills, developed over the course of a 10-year career as a sales trainer, marketing consultant, and seminar speaker.

Presented technical studies and project proposals on a regular rolling programme across the year at ABC Corp.

Created and led the mentor advisory board at XYZ Inc, training more than 100 corporate mentors.

Conducted client / employee workshops for ABC Corp on a bi-annual basis.

Skilled in presentation composition, communications technology including PowerPoint, and engaging, articulate audience presentations.

Final thoughts

Public speaking skills can be a quality that sets you apart from job search competitors. When you recognize that fact, and properly include them in your resume, those skills can be the key to landing you an interview and the great job that you deserve.

Best of luck with your ongoing job search.

Still not quite sure how to add public speaking onto your resume? Well, it’s your lucky day. Delve into a freebie by uploading your resume to ZipJob’s free resume review and see where it takes you.

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Elizabeth Openshaw, Editor & Content Writer, Elizabeth Openshaw, Editor & Content Writer

Elizabeth Openshaw is an Elite CV Consultant with over 12 years of experience based in Brighton, UK, with an English degree and an addiction to Wordle! She is a former Journalist of 17 years with the claim to fame that she interviewed three times Grand Slam winner and former World No.1 tennis player, Andy Murray, when he was just 14 years old. You can connect with her at Elizabeth Openshaw | LinkedIn .

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How to List Conference Presentations on Resume

Did you recently attend a professional conference? Are you looking to add some valuable conference experience to your resume? Or maybe you’re looking for a new opportunity and want to make sure your resume is as strong as possible.

Either way, adding conference experience can be a great way to demonstrate your skills and interests. It can give you an edge over other job applicants.

However, it’s important to do it correctly. Here is a guide to help you list conference experience to your resume.

how to include conference presentations in resume

Should I include conferences attended in my resume?

If you’re wondering whether or not to include conferences attended on your professional resume , the answer is generally yes. Adding conference experience can be a great way to demonstrate your skills and interests. It can give you an edge over other job applicants. However, it’s important to do it correctly.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when adding conference experience to your resume:

  • Make sure the conference is relevant to the position you’re applying for. If it’s not, skip it.
  • Include the name of the conference, the dates you attended, and the location.
  • If you gave a presentation at the conference, definitely include that information!
  • If you helped organize the conference, that’s also worth mentioning.
  • If you have any photos or other visual aids from the conference, consider including them in your resume.

Following these tips will help ensure that your conference experience is an asset, rather than a liability, on your resume.

When It’s Appropriate to Add Conference to a Resume

  • -When the conference is relevant to the position you’re applying for
  • -When you gave a presentation at the conference
  • -When you helped organize the conference
  • -When you have any photos or other visual aids from the conference

When It’s Not Appropriate to Add

  • -When the conference is not relevant to the position you’re applying for
  • -When you did not give a presentation at the conference
  • -When you did not help organize the conference
  • -When you do not have any photos or other visual aids from the conference

Adding conference presentations to a resume can help boost your credentials and show potential employers that you’re a well-rounded candidate. Here’s how to do it:

Choose which one to include

When deciding which conference presentations to include on your resume, think about which will impress potential employers the most. If you’re applying for a job in academia, for example, they’ll likely be more interested in presentations that are relevant to your field of study. If you’re applying for a job in the business world, on the other hand, they may be more interested in presentations that demonstrate your leadership skills. Choose the presentations that will make the biggest impact and leave off any that are less impressive or relevant.

Include basic information such as the Name of Presentation and Conference

For each conference presentation you include on your resume, be sure to list the title of the presentation, the name of the conference, and the date (or range of dates) on which you presented. You can also include a brief description of the presentation if space permits.

Add section title

If you have enough conference presentations to warrant their own section on your resume, you can give that section a title such as “Conference Presentations” or “Professional Presentations.” Otherwise, you can simply list them under a heading such as “Professional Experience” or “Relevant Experience.”

Add Location and Date

Be sure to include the location and date of each conference you list on your resume. This will give potential employers a sense of where you’ve presented and how recent your experience is. If you have a lot of conference presentations, you may want to list only the most recent or relevant ones.

Bullet point your credentials

In addition to listing basic information about each conference presentation, you can also use bullet points to highlight your credentials. For example, you might say that you were the keynote speaker at a major conference or that your presentation was well-received by attendees.

Include links

If you have any video recordings or slideshows of your conference presentations, be sure to include links to them on your resume. This will give potential employers a chance to see your speaking style and get a sense of the content of your presentation.

By following these tips, you can make sure your conference presentations stand out on your resume and give you a competitive edge in the job market.

Does attending a conference add value to your resume? If yes, what value does it add?

Yes, attending a conference can add value to your resume. It shows that you’re interested in staying up-to-date in your field and that you’re willing to invest time and money in professional development.

Conference attendance can also demonstrate your ability to network and build relationships with people in your industry. If you’re able to secure a speaking role at a conference, that’s even better – it shows that you’re an expert in your field and that other professionals are interested in hearing what you have to say.

Ultimately, anything you can do to make your resume stand out from the competition is valuable, and conference attendance is one way to do that.

If you’re looking for a way to make your resume stand out, consider adding conference presentations to it. This will show potential employers that you’re interested in staying up-to-date in your field and that you’re willing to invest time and money in professional development. To learn more about how to add conference presentations to your resume, check out the tips in this article.

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Publications On Your Resume: How to List Them

Adding Publications on your Resume

Getting published is a huge accomplishment. For some professions, published works are almost as important as job experience or professional certifications. So, if you’re seeking a position in academics, science, or other fields that put an emphasis on published works, by all means be sure to include details on your resume.

Not only will listing publications on a resume show potential employers that you possess writing and research skills , but it will also demonstrate your organizational skills, perseverance, and level of experience. Like a professional certification , publications will also display your knowledge of and dedication to your field.

Not sure how to add publications to your resume ? Or where to list them? We have some resume examples that show you how to do exactly this.

So, be sure to go over these examples before you use our online resume builder to put together a champion resume that is sure to put you in the running for the next position you seek.

This article includes:

Who Should List Their Publications on a Resume?

Some professionals who should list their publications on their resume include:

  • Assistant professors
  • Book authors
  • Researchers
  • Research scientists
  • Research assistants
  • Laboratory directors
  • Marketing professionals
  • Public relations professionals

What Kind of Publications Can You Add to Your Resume?

The types of publications that you would generally include on a resume are:

  • Scientific journals
  • Magazine articles
  • Speaker presentations
  • Research papers
  • Newspaper features

Where Can You List Publications on Your Resume?

Typically, you would list publications on the resume in their own section , “Publications.” Or, perhaps “Research and Publications.”

This section is generally placed following the education section . However, it depends entirely on you and your situation when it’s time to decide where to put your publications on your resume.

Ordinarily, a resume is a one or two-page document , and if you can fit your publications within the body of the resume, that’s great.

If the position you are applying for puts more weight on publications , and you wish to include as many as possible to help your resume stand out and reflect your ability to assume the role for which you are applying, it is acceptable to have publications listed on a separate page.

Add publications under a heading “ Additional Activities ” if you have only a few but believe that listing them is relevant to the position you are seeking.

You might even list publications after the skills section , as published works reflect various skills. You can check out some resume examples to see what might work best for you.

Using APA and MLA Style to Add Publications to Your Resume

APA style (developed by the American Psychological Association ) is a writing style and format for academic documents such as scholarly journal articles and books in specific fields, such as psychology or engineering.

So, if you’re listing journal articles or books you authored or co-authored, they should be formatted as such:


  • [Last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year of publication). Book title: Subtitle. Location: Publisher.]

When listing books, the same format as above is used.

Note: When using APA style, only the first word of the title and not the entire title is capitalized.

MLA ( Modern Language Association ) style can also be used for resume publications. MLA is used mainly in fields such as literature and the humanities. MLA format looks like this:

  • [Last name], [First initial]. “[Article title].” [Journal name] [Volume number]. Issue number: [Pages]

Book publications in MLA style follow this format:

  • [Author’s name. _Title of Book: Subtitle. _Publisher, Year.]

Example of APA Style Journal Article and Book Listed on a Resume

A journal article listed on a resume in APA style would look like this:

  • Parker, P. & Smith, S. (2018). A comparison of body structures of insects and arachnids. Journal of Insect Life, 147, 160-171.

For book publications , a listing in APA style would look thus:

  • Freud, S. (2019). Cognitive development: a psychological overview. New York City: American Association of University Presses.

Example of MLA Style Journal Article and Book Listed on a Resume

Here is how to list publications on a resume when it comes to journal articles in MLA style:

  • Kent, Clark. “The Origin of Superman.” International Journal of Comic Heroes, vol. 30, no. 2, 2016, pp. 100-106.

If you have books to list on your resume and are using MLA style, your publications would look like this:

  • Campbell, Sebastian. Canine Metabolic Disorders: Obesity-related Metabolic Dysfunction in Dogs. Duke University Press, 2014.

How to Include Blog Publications on Your Resume

For blogs, if you are applying for a position that includes blogging and have experience in that field, then details can essentially be added in the Experience section. For example:

Conservation Blogger Today’s World

January 2020 – Present

  • Research, write, and edit two blogs per day covering species extinction and environmental subjects such as climate change or pollution.
  • Publish through a Creative Commons model, leading to re-publication in various social media platforms and online publications.
  • Increased readership by 45% over a six-month period.

You can add additional information such as any awards your blogging might have garnered, or if your blogging allowed you to develop specialized skills, such as search engine optimization, site sharing, or bookmarking.

How to Include Presentations and Public Speaking on Your Resume

Being a keynote speaker or presenting a paper at a conference can also be included in a publications list on a resume.

To include a presentation or speech on a resume, you would start with the role you played, followed by the topic or paper title, the name of the conference or forum, and then the location and date of the conference.

Conference Keynote

  • Presenter, “The Next Decade in SEO” Digital Search Habits, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, June 2020.

How to Include Research Publications on Your Resume

Did you complete an extensive graduate research project? Oversee research for a professional project? Have you collaborated with a research team in a professional setting to prepare a report?

Including research among, or in addition to, your resume publications shows potential employers your ability to:

  • Gather and analyze data
  • Apply critical thinking
  • Communicate
  • Pay attention to detail
  • Effectively organize yourself and your material
  • Problem-solve
  • Work efficiently in a team
  • Demonstrate technical knowledge
  • Schedule and plan

You can put research into your publications section , add it under a skills section, or list it under your experience if the research was completed in one of your last positions.

Example of Research in the Experience Section of Your Resume

Let’s see an example you can follow to list your research experience on your resume:

English Department, University of North Florida

February 2021-December 2021

  • Key participant in a research project on the works of Edgar Allan Poe.
  • Analyzed his use of imagery and symbolism in selected stories and poems to prepare a paper intended for publication in major literary journals.
  • Collaborated with other members of the research team to evaluate selected literary works and gather research from outside sources, including scholarly papers and reviews.
  • Analyzed similar works of gothic horror by key authors of the same time period, who employed the use of imagery and symbolism to draw parallels.
  • Prepared research findings in a 25-page report.
  • Presented findings to heads of the English department.

We hope this post has helped you understand which publications to put on your resume, when, and how to do so.

Remember, use the ResumeGiants builder to help you list your publications correctly.

In addition to our free online resume builder , you’ll also find helpful resume templates that make it quick and easy to produce the type of polished document that will catch the eye of potential employers in any industry.

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How to list speaking engagements on a resume.

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Speaking engagements can help your resume stand out and should be presented in a section highlighting professional experiences that aren't classified as skills or previous jobs . Presenting speaking engagements on your resume tells prospective employers you have good verbal communication skills and you're not afraid of public speaking. It suggests you have expertise in your field, you're passionate about your industry and you're a thought leader.

Create a Heading

Create an appropriate heading and list your speaking engagements in a special section. Use a heading that draws readers' attention to that area, such as Public Speaking Events or Professional Appearances .

If you only have one or two speaking engagements under your belt, use a heading such as Additional Professional Experience or Career Highlights that allows you to add other information, such as article publications, professional awards and conferences and workshops you attended. A section that's too brief can make your resume appear unbalanced or portray you as an amateur.

Narrow It Down

Stuffing your resume with irrelevant speaking engagements may hurt you instead of helping. Only list speaking engagements that are relevant to the position you're applying for and those that support your career goals. List the presentations that allow you to use targeted words first. Employers commonly scan resumes looking for specific keywords. If a job ad says applicants must have advanced knowledge of WordPress, listing a presentation you gave about tips and tricks for navigating WordPress helps you appear qualified for the job and tells readers you've tailored your resume for that position.

Provide the Details

Present the speaking engagements in a bullet list format. Include the topic or title of each presentation. Specify when and where it occurred, and focus on the outcome by including details – such as attendance numbers – or noting if the event was sold out. Make your presentations come to life by including links to online videos of the presentations you list.

Include the name of the hosting organization if it works in your favor. Speaking at an event sponsored by a large, reputable organization can improve your prospects. But be careful to avoid listing information that may work against you, such as details suggesting religious and political affiliations or linking you to controversial issues.

Minimize Extensive Speaking History

Be mindful of space so your resume doesn't get too long. Summarize your experience if you have a lot of speaking engagements to report. State how many presentations you've given within a specific time frame. For example, you may have headlined 10 events in the past two years. After your summary, create a short bulleted list of a few speaking engagements that are likely to grab the reader's attention.

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Felicia Dye graduated from Anne Arundel Community College with an associate's degree in paralegal studies. She began her writing career specializing in legal writing, providing content to companies including Internet Brands and private law firms. She contributes articles to Trace


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Dive Into Expert Guides to Enhance your Resume

Publications on the resume.

How to include your academic and professional publications.

Greg Faherty

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Listing publications on your resume can give you the competitive edge you need in the job market. Publications demonstrate your  expertise and commitment  to your field to potential employers.

By including them, you not only highlight your experience but also showcase your ability to conduct research, contribute to the advancement of knowledge, and communicate your findings effectively.

For professionals in academia, publications are especially crucial, as they exemplify your scholarly achievements and research impact.

In this article,  you’ll learn :

  • The different kinds of publications you should include in your resume
  • How to list publications on your resume for impact
  • What elements to consider when listing publications

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What Kind of Publications Can You Include in Your Resume?

You can feature  different types  of publications on your resume, ranging from those with a broad readership, such as blog posts, to more specialized pieces, such as academic or scientific publications:

  • Press publications  or citations
  • Books and e-books
  • Industry journal publications
  • Trade association magazines
  • Science articles
  • Research publications
  • Other academic publications

While blogs can be a valuable asset, you should carefully  evaluate if your blog content is relevant  to the position you’re applying for. It’s also equally important to ensure you don’t include any content that contains errors or incorrect information.

Any publications cited on a resume should always be relevant and accurate.

A curious hiring manager is very likely to examine the publications you listed on your resume. Recruiters typically pay attention to your writing style, the topics you address, and the strength of the arguments you present to better assess your suitability for the role.

Use our step-by-step  online resume builder  for additional tips and guidance. Craft a powerful resume that includes your publications and gets you the job you’re looking for.

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Key Elements to Consider when Adding Publications to Your Resume

When it comes to listing publications on your resume, it’s important to consider the industry and the job you are applying for.

Typically, professionals in academia, public relations, and marketing include publications in their resumes. However, these are particularly important for scientists too.

To make a strong impact, ensure you  take the following elements into consideration :

  • Relevance : Prioritize the publications that are most relevant to the position you are applying for. This could include research papers, articles, or books that demonstrate your expertise in the field.
  • Chronological order : List your publications in reverse chronological order, with the most recent ones first. This allows employers to see your most recent work and track the progression of your career.
  • Thorough citations : Include complete and accurate citations for each publication, including the title, authors, publication name, date, and any relevant page numbers. This helps prospective employers verify your work and provides them with additional context.
  • Context : For each publication, briefly describe its significance or impact. Explain any awards or recognition it has received, and highlight how it relates to the job you are applying for. This will help employers understand the value and relevance of your work.
  • Formatting : Maintain a consistent format for all your publications. Use the same citation style throughout and ensure that the formatting is clean and professional.

Remember, the  goal is to display your expertise  and demonstrate your ability to contribute to the company or organization. Organizing and presenting your publications effectively is essential to make a strong impression on prospective employers.

How to list publications on a resume

If you have printed work that you want to include, there are several ways of  documenting  publications on a resume  to pick the curiosity of hiring managers.

Take a look:

Structure for Written Publications

  • Author’s last name, author’s first and middle names or initials Title of article/chapter + name of journal/magazine/website etc.
  • Year of publication Publishers or issue number + volume number + (if applicable) page numbers Remember to include the URL if the publication is online.

Structure for Presentations/Conferences

  • Role e.g. presenter; panelist; keynote speaker.
  • Title/topic discussed.
  • Forum/conference name.
  • Date and location.

Publication Categories on Your Resume

Categorizing your publications on your resume is an  effective way to organize  and present your resume in a clear and structured manner. Grouping your publications into specific categories helps you emphasize different aspects of your research and showcase your experience in various areas.

Find below several  publication categories  you should consider:

  • Research papers : Shows your talent to conduct rigorous research and contribute to the academic community.
  • Conferences : Features your ability to disseminate your findings and engage with peers in your field.
  • Authored or co-authored books : Highlights your involvement in longer-form academic or professional publications.
  • Journal articles and magazine features : Ideal to demonstrate your ability to communicate complex ideas to a broader audience.
  • Technical reports and whitepapers : Showcases your capacity to effectively communicate technical information and expertise.

Remember to tailor these categories to align with the job application and the skills required for the position.

By categorizing your publications, you can provide prospective employers with a clear overview of your research and accomplishments in a way that is easy to navigate and understand.

how to include conference presentations in resume

Where to Put Publications on Your Resume

When it comes to including publications on your resume, there are  a few options for placement  depending on your preference and the structure of your resume:

  • Create a separate publications section:  If publications are a significant part of your academic or professional profile, it may be advantageous to create a separate section specifically for your publications. This allows you to place your research and accomplishments prominently. Add this section after your education or experience section, depending on its significance.
  • Include publications within relevant sections:  You can also integrate your publications within relevant sections of your resume. For example, if you have published research papers related to a particular job application, include those publications within the relevant education or experience section.
  • Placement within education section:  To highlight your research and academic achievements, include these under the corresponding degree or program within the education section.
  • Placement within experience section:  If your publications are closely tied to specific professional experiences, you can include them within the corresponding work experience entry. Recruiters will be impressed by your ability to apply your research and contribute to your field in a practical setting.

When deciding whether to create a separate section or integrate publications within other resume sections, consider the significance of your publications to the position you are applying for.

If your publications are highly relevant and demonstrate your expertise in the field, a separate section can help make a strong impact.

However, if your publications are not the primary focus or if they are closely tied to specific experiences or educational achievements, integrating them within the relevant sections can be very effective without cluttering your resume.

Ultimately, the goal is to make your publications easily accessible and highlight their relevance to potential employers. Think about the overall structure and flow of your resume to determine the most suitable placement option for your publications.

Unpublished Works

Including unpublished works on your resume requires careful consideration to accurately represent your ongoing research and achievements.

Here are some  tips to present your unpublished works  effectively:

  • “In Press” status : If you have works that are currently in the process of being published but are not yet available, list them as “in press” on your resume. Include as much information as possible, such as author names, the type of publication, name of the publication, and any known issue or volume numbers.
  • Avoid unapproved publication s: Under no circumstances should you include publications on your resume that have not been approved or accepted for publishing. Only include works that have gone through the necessary review and acceptance process, as this reflects your credibility and ensures you are not misleading potential employers.

You can accurately represent your unpublished works and maintain professional integrity on your resume by adhering to these guidelines.

It is crucial to provide comprehensive and accurate information about the status of your works, enabling employers to assess your potential contributions to their organization.

If you’re still unsure as to whether you  should include publications on a resume , it may be useful to review the different  resume templates  to see if a publications section is ideal in your career situation.

How to List Publications on a CV

Academic positions often require a thorough evaluation of an applicant’s research experience and scholarly activities. Hiring committees and academic institutions need to assess an individual’s track record of research, publications, and contributions to their field.

A CV  allows applicants to present a detailed overview  of their academic accomplishments, such as the publication of research articles in peer-reviewed journals, conference presentations, and other research-related activities.

Establish a separate section on your CV  specifically for your publications. Place this section  after your experience and education sections  and choose only one citation style.

Below are examples of publication citations in  different styles :

  • APA Style :

Smith, J., & Johnson, A. (2022). The Importance of Teamwork in Project Management. Journal of Project Management, 15(3), 45-60.

  • MLA Style :

Smith, John, and Amanda Johnson. “The Importance of Teamwork in Project Management.” Journal of Project Management 15.3 (2022): 45-60.

  • Chicago Style :

Smith, John, and Amanda Johnson. “The Importance of Teamwork in Project Management.” Journal of Project Management 15, no. 3 (2022): 45-60.

how to include conference presentations in resume

Publication Format Examples

The examples in this section cover different categories, including keynote speaker appearances, written publications, and digital publications, providing you with a clear understanding of how to feature your publications.

Use these samples as a guide to highlight your research contributions and expertise effectively:

  • Keynote Speaker Appearances :

Smith, J. (2022). “Emerging Trends in Artificial Intelligence.” Keynote Speech presented at the International Conference on Technology Innovation, New York, NY.

  • Written Publications:

Johnson, A. (2021). “The Role of Leadership in Organizational Change.”  Journal of Organizational Behavior , 15(2), 78-95.

Johnson, A., & Smith, J. (2023). “E-commerce in plastics manufacturing.”  American Plastics Foundation Monthly . 312: 111-117

  • Digital Publications:

Smith, J. (2020). “10 Tips for Effective Social Media Marketing.”  Digital Marketing Magazine . Retrieved from .

  • Presentation:

UX Research and Design in Online and Distance Learning .  The UX Conference . 2016. London.

By following these examples, you can effectively feature your publications on your resume.

Please note that the  specific format and details included may vary  depending on the style and conventions of your industry or the specific job you are applying for.

Adapt these examples to suit your needs and ensure they  align with the requirements of the position  you are targeting.

To  simplify the process of including publications on a resume , try our  online resume builder . It offers on-the-go tips and practical examples to guide you craft this less known resume section.

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how to include conference presentations in resume

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How To Add Public Speaking Skills To a Resume

Need to add public speaking skills to your resume? Here’s how, including what skills to highlight and real bullet point examples.

2 years ago   •   4 min read

Whether you’re a professional speaker or just need to present at the occasional conference, public speaking is a valuable — and rare — skill to have. It’s also a soft skill , which makes it a little tricky to list on a resume. Unlike hard skills, you can’t just add “public speaking” to your skills section and be done with it. So, what can you do instead?

The answer is to demonstrate public speaking skills through your resume accomplishments . While hiring managers hate reading buzzwords like “excellent communicator” or “strong motivator,” they love concise, action-focused bullet points that show how you’ve actually used those skills.

Ready to begin? Here’s a quick-start guide on how to add public speaking skills to your resume.

How to write a resume for a public speaker

  • Determine how much public speaking is required by the job. A resume for a full-time public speaker is going to look very different from one where it’s an occasional duty.
  • Search the job description for specific public speaking skills you’ll need in the job.
  • Brainstorm examples of when you’ve used similar skills in a professional context. Try to come up with one example for each job duty listed.
  • Write these examples down in bullet point format, starting with a strong action verb .
  • Finish with a metric that describes the results of your actions.
  • Get feedback on your resume from an ATS resume scanner to identify any missing skills or keywords.

How to write action-focused resume bullet points that highlight public speaking skills

How to say you’re good at public speaking

Like any other soft skill, the best way to include public speaking skills on your resume is in the work experience section . If possible, choose examples of accomplishments that closely match the duties listed in the job posting — for example, if you’ll be presenting in front of large groups, try to come up with at least one time when you’ve presented in front of a group . If you’ll be speaking with a particular aim in mind — like sales, education, or mediation — include skills related to that specific purpose.

Example of a resume work experience section featuring public speaking skills

If you’re changing careers or just starting out, you can use your bullet points to highlight transferable skills instead. These can include other types of experience instead of purely work experience — Were you a member of your college debate team? Hosted a large function for a local sports team or community group? Participated in a stand-up comedy event? Those can all be used to demonstrate public speaking skills as part of an ‘Activities’ or ‘Community Involvement’ section.

Find out if your resume shows public speaking skills

A good way to find out if your resume highlights your public speaking skills is to upload it to the tool below — it’ll scan your resume and let you know if you have shown soft skills such as public speaking, working well under pressure, multitasking and teamwork the right way.

Action verbs for public speaker resumes

Resume accomplishments need to stay focused on what you did, which means that every good bullet point should start with an action verb. Try starting your public speaking accomplishments with action verbs like:

  • Interviewed
  • Co-ordinated

Jobs for people who are good public speakers

If you’re good at public speaking, why not consider some of these potential careers:

  • Motivational speaker
  • Training specialist
  • Sales representative
  • Spokesperson
  • TV presenter
  • News reporter
  • Speech writer
  • Speaking trainer

Interested in pursuing a public speaking career but not sure how to start writing your resume? Here are some of the essential public speaking skills you’ll need for these jobs.

If you’re not sure which skills to include in your skills section, use the tool below to search for the public speaking job you’re applying for and it’ll give you a list of relevant skills. For example, type News Reporter to get a list of skills News Reporters are expected to have.

Public speaking skills to highlight on a resume

Public speaking doesn’t exist in a vacuum — you’ll also need related skills like:

  • Interpersonal skills
  • Communication
  • Negotiation
  • Active listening
  • Speech writing
  • Organization
  • Problem solving
  • Decision making
  • Good memory
  • Sales acumen
  • Instructional abilities
  • Subject matter knowledge

Bear in mind, these are all soft skills that shouldn’t be listed directly on your resume. Instead, highlight them through your resume bullet points.

Need some tips? Here are a few examples to get you started.

Public speaking resume examples

Here are some examples of public speaking resume accomplishments to provide some inspiration for writing your own bullet points.

Organized a variety of different events, including sales events, showcases, and free seminars with attendees averaging from 150-200, gaining over $70,000 in direct sales.

If you’ll be involved in public speaking events, your accomplishments should also highlight skills like organization, communication, and event planning.

Coordinated and planned 10+ training sessions for 50+ workers across 2 main offices; set agenda and produced minutes for C-suite executives.

If you’ll be delivering training, workshops, or professional development, choose an accomplishment that demonstrates your ability to train and lead others.

Managed business relationships with 10 clients, including Volkswagen, Deutsche Bank and McDonalds and presented marketing strategies to senior management to drive ROI and re-engineer sales operations, generating $2MM+ in annual revenue.

Sales and public speaking often go hand in hand. If you’ll be speaking to external clients or stakeholders, emphasize metrics like business growth and revenue generation.

Produced 185 radio news stories for on-air morning and afternoon programs and hosted a Resume Worded afternoon radio show conducting over 495 hours of live on-air radio time and 257 hours of on-air interviews.

If you’re applying for a job well within the public sphere, like journalism or entertainment, include bullet point examples of previous experience presenting live or to a large audience.

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how to include conference presentations in resume

Thank you for the checklist! I realized I was making so many mistakes on my resume that I've now fixed. I'm much more confident in my resume now.

how to include conference presentations in resume

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What is the best practice to mention "conference presentations" in CV

I'm going to apply to a graduate program which asks me to declare my conference presentations in my CV.

I have 9 proceeding papers, 8 of which are presented by myself, and I have another section in my CV, called "publications", in which the papers are meticulously cited.

Now, I am thinking of the best approach to mentioning my presentations, which can be some references to the publications section of the CV without rewriting complete information of each paper (such as its title, venue, etc.) as the following:


9 - Me, et al., "the title 9", venue, pp., 20XX,

8 - Me, et al., "the title 8", venue, pp., 20XX,

1 - Me, et al., "the title 1", venue, pp., 20XX,


Sept. 20XX - Presenter of the 9th Proceeding Paper, venue 9,

Sept. 20XX - Presenter of the 7th Proceeding Paper, venue 7,

Sept. 20XX - Presenter of the 1st Proceeding Paper, venue 1,

I'm wondering whether this kind of referring is the etiquette and is kinda professional or I better rewrite information of all papers again.

  • 1 Have you considered looking at what people who are attending the program do on their CVs? –  Dawn Commented Sep 16, 2017 at 3:24
  • 1 My experience is that paper presentations are not reported separately on a CV. More distinguished presentations, like invited talks or keynotes, would be listed under a section called something like "Invited Talks" –  David Commented Sep 16, 2017 at 3:37
  • 1 @Dawn: Unfortunately, I couldn't find any sort of related CVs. –  user41207 Commented Sep 16, 2017 at 3:56
  • 1 @David: As I explicitly stated: I've been asked to do so. –  user41207 Commented Sep 16, 2017 at 3:57
  • What field is this (I guess CS?)? Do you have any publications that are not proceeding papers or any presentations without a proceeding paper? –  user64845 Commented Sep 17, 2017 at 17:20

I would try to avoid having the same information twice or referring to another section in your CV, that makes it complicated to read.

What I would do, but this is of course something subjective, is having one section for "journal papers", one for "conference papers", depending on your field they might be worth as much as journal papers, if that's the case then just one section, for example "peer reviewed articles". And one for "oral contributions including conference papers". I guess there's a better name for that but I would put the presentation and the paper into one entry:

How to write a CV DSVA , Some else, another person presented at some conference, 01.01.1971, the internet published in: Me, et al., "the title 1", venue, pp., 20XX,

If the authors are the same I would leave out the second line.

The alternative would be just adding the information about the talk to the paper section by adding:

Presented by DSVA in an oral communication at some conference, date

Since the conference paper and the presentation seem to be very tied together this would make a lot of sense.

  • Thanks. I think "the alternative" is so compact and effective. –  user41207 Commented Sep 17, 2017 at 21:54

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how to include conference presentations in resume

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How To List Presentations On Resume

Paul D

How To Include Presentations On Your Resume

The following steps show you how to write your resume to include presentations, public speaking events and other conferences you participated in:

Create a section for presentations.

Place the most relevant presentation first.

Include the presentation title in italics.

List the name and date of the conference.

Provide examples of the presentation topic.

List related publications with presentations.

Why Do Public Speaking Skills Matter

Itâs important to understand why these skills are in such high demand. For someone who feels comfortable with communicating ideas, public speaking skills may seem like something everyone should possess. After all, donât we all communicate with others every day?

Unfortunately, most people are not really that comfortable speaking in a public setting. Many shrink from being called upon in class, business and conference meetings, or other large-group settings. Many more are leery of being asked to make presentations, train other employees, or otherwise take on any role that puts them under the harsh glare of the spotlight.

Create A Separate Research And Publications Section

One way to list your published works is to create a separate section for them on your resume. Use this method if you have a few publications. This method is ideal for people who have been published in respectable industry publications.

The major benefit of highlighting your publications in this way is that it helps draw attention to your published works without cluttering the rest of your resume. That way, you can showcase research and writing skills without obscuring your other professional qualities. When listing your publications, mention the title of the work, publication date, name of the publication, and other relevant details.

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How To Put Poster Presentation On Resume

  • Create a “Presentations section”
  • Include the location where the conference was held
  • List the most relevant poster presentations chronologically

Example template:

, . . Poster presented at:

Practical example:


Johnson A.T. , Brown M.P. The effect of unemployment policies on the unemployment rate and willingness to find a job. Poster presented at: 2019 Labor Economics Conference October 2019 New York City, NY.

Stevens K., Johnson A.T . Employment incentives impact on labor force participation. Poster presented at: Nacional Economics Conference February 2019 Los Angeles, CA.

Choose Which One To Include

Marketing Resume. Visual presentation of marketing experience in the ...

When deciding which conference presentations to include on your resume, think about which will impress potential employers the most. If youre applying for a job in academia, for example, theyll likely be more interested in presentations that are relevant to your field of study. If youre applying for a job in the business world, on the other hand, they may be more interested in presentations that demonstrate your leadership skills. Choose the presentations that will make the biggest impact and leave off any that are less impressive or relevant.

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Business Unit Manager Presentation Technologiesresume Examples & Samples

  • Supervise day to day operation of the captive Presentation Technologies Center ensuring that the quality of work produced is of a high standard and that adequate staff are available to meet the service demands
  • Issue management of issues raised against both teams is investigated and resolved satisfactorily in a timely fashion
  • Ensure regular checks or sign off of GARS review and access rights, application licensing approvals, business recovery planning, audit and security compliance, queue access permissions, building and restricted access approval
  • Primary responsibility of overseeing the recruitment process
  • Manage the development of all staff with the assistance of Shift Leads creating opportunities for team development
  • Relationship management with key stakeholders of the service
  • Collaborate with Global IBD PresTech management in coordination of service pilots and roll-outs, managing user lists, internal handling processes, setting staff roles / expectations and training process, setting service level agreements
  • Collate with the local PB Presentations team to share recruitment, training and workflow best practices and design resources. Work with key local facilities and HR staff in Warsaw to support the unit appropriately
  • Excellent customer service, relationship and people management skills
  • Flexible and prepared to work varied hours across shifts
  • Higher level degree

Example : Experience Bullet Points

Business Analyst applying for the position of Project Manager

Remember that behind the mask of every professional, there is a human being. Recruiters also enjoy specific activities.

This fact allows you to stand out among other candidates in the Passions Section. The employer might have similar preferences to yours. Therefore, it is highly possible to like you as a person and continue with the interview process. Do not forget to concentrate on actions, not empty words!

This candidate is evidently good at public speaking, which means they know how to communicate their ideas and influence others. Recruiters search for people who can impact others and help them become the best versions of themselves. Follow this example and write down interests regarding the skills needed for the position you are applying for.

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How Do I Cite An Online Conference Presentation In Apa

Complete the reference with the conference location and the DOI or URL. Add the full title of the conference followed by a comma. Then, add the city, state abbreviation, and country where the conference took place. Finally, add the DOI in the form of https :// OR add the URL to the conference paper.

The Experience Is Noteworthy In Your Industry Or Prestigious In A Particular Field

You might have experienced being invited to be a guest speaker at a special event in your industry to share innovative projects, research, or personal insight. Or, you did a Ted Talk that has a million views on the Internet.

Even if it is just a one-off presentation on a special occasion that is not directly relevant to the career field you are pursuing, you could still include the presentation experience in your CV or portfolio to showcase a noteworthy achievement.

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Example Presentation With Publications

Techniques in Early Childhood EducationAssociation of Early Childhood Educators annual conference, June 2018

Techniques and approaches to scaffolded instruction for early childhood and primary education

*Related publication: Using Scaffolded Instruction in the Primary Years*Education News Report, March 2017

A peer-reviewed article on the scaffolding methodology of instruction

*Related publication: Approaches to Early Childhood Education*Education Today Magazine, April 2016

A research study on early childhood academic achievement using scaffolded instruction

Skills & Activities That Help You Show Admirable Powerpoint Presentation Skills

These are the most valuable set of PowerPoint presentation skills that will make employers call you the moment they read your resume:

  • Public speaking and communication : a great speaker knows how to have an impact. Communicating your ideas in the right way gives you the chance to convince people of your beliefs, thus reaching your goals.
  • Project templates and presentation design : they provide evidence that you have strong computer skills, also indicating experience in planning and communicating ideas.
  • Tables, charts, and other features : knowing how to use these PowerPoint features proves that you can work with complex information and present it understandably.
  • Training presentation skills : training PowerPoint presentations skills is a sign of strong experience in the field. This way, you have better chances to get hired because recruiters value mentors.

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Converting A Curriculum Vitae To Resume

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Converting a Curriculum Vitae to Resume

View short informational videos on cover letter and resume writing, internship and job search, interviewing, and networking. Check back periodically for new content.

Workshop Recording: Converting a CV to a Resume

A curriculum vitae or CV is used for academic positions or sometimes for senior research positions outside of academia . For the majority of positions in the private sector, a resume is the document most often required by employers. Note, in Europe a CV actually means resume. If you are unsure which the employer wants, it is best to ask.

Relevant to both resumes and CVs

  • Used to get an interview
  • Tailored for the specific position you are applying for
  • Format is consistent
  • Grammar and spelling has been checked

Differences Between a Resume and CV

How do i convert my cv to a resume.

Begin by studying the job description and considering exactly what skills and qualifications are relevant to the position. Evaluate your CV and determine what information you will be highlighting based upon the skills and requirements for the job.

Review an example of a resume and CV for the same individual .

Re-format your CV into a resume by including the following sections and headings:

  • Objective – use this only if you are seeking a very specific position or to indicate a particular time frame, for example, “Seeking summer internship position, part-time programmer at Intel Corp.”
  • Summary of Qualifications and Skills .

Finally Follow Industry Rules

Best Poster Presentation Resumes

When including publications on an academic or scientific resume, you might consider using the formatting rules of a particular field such as APA or MLA. This demonstrates your knowledge of the industry. If you choose to use a specific citation format, check your work to avoid any mistakes.

Once you have decided that sharing your publications will contribute positively to your resume, you can easily modify your resume to include them. Depending on how many publications you have and the purpose of your resume, you can decide on a variety of different formats. Regardless of the type of publications you are listing, they should be relevant and organized.

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It Is Common Practice To Include A Resume Addendum In Your Field

In the academic field, job seekers often include pertinent papers, research, lectures, or presentations on their CV/resume with an addendum. It is also common for career fields like scientists, researchers, or medical professionals. The citation length would depend on the number of completed presentations and other accomplishments.

How To Put Research On Your Resume

Resumes are important documents for all kinds of application packages jobs, scholarships, grad school, etc. Your resume should fit within the total package highlighting your achievements in a concise manner that can be further expounded upon in your personal statement, cover letter, or your letters of reference. It is important to custom tailor your resume to any particular position, or program you are applying for. Some information needs to be emphasized more than other depending on what the reviewers may be looking for.

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Boston Lead Product Presentationresume Examples & Samples

  • Utilize exceptional customer service skills, sales techniques, and product knowledge to connect customers with the right product and drive sales
  • Maintain knowledge of all store departments with expertise in store visuals
  • Provide expertise in one or more areas or functions
  • Seek an ongoing training and education to further develop expertise
  • Lead formal on boarding and training programs for associates
  • Operational responsibilities including opening and closing the store
  • Physical requirements include the ability to twist, bend, squat, reach, climb a ladder and stand for extended periods of time

What Publications To Include

Include on your curriculum vitae any authoritative work you have had published or is about to be published. Publications are typically peer-reviewed, meaning experts on the topic have assessed the article before it is published to make sure it is accurate and of good quality. This can include:

Academic books Research papers published in journals Research papers waiting to be published Scholarly articles Conference papers

Avoid listing blogs, websites or articles published in magazines or nonscientific publications. If your thesis was not published in a journal, list it in the Education section of your CV rather than under publications.

Publications to list on a resume might include:

Trade conference presentations Articles in trade association magazines Publications in industry journals

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How To Demonstrate Powerpoint Presentation Skills On Your Resume:

  • Held a business presentation in front of the board of directors
  • Taught interns how to use advanced features in PowerPoint
  • Designed PowerPoint project templates for every department of the company

Sometimes, stating that you have experience with PowerPoint presentations wont help you take the lead among other candidates. Remember, everyone can put such skills in resumes. In fact, this is why it is essential to show actions to prove your professionalism. Here are snippets that you can use as a guide in building your own resume.

Where To Put Publications On My Resume:

  • In education section

If you dont have peer-reviewed publications or your articles are listed in magazines or nonscientific publications, its better to include them in your education section.

What is more, if you only have one publication, you should also list it under your Education. There is no need to make a separate section for only one article.

  • In a separate section

When you have more than one peer-reviewed publication, you could make a separate section in your resume called Publications. There you could easily follow the step-by-step guide we made earlier in the article.

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How Do You List Ongoing Research On A Resume

Add research to the skills section

If there is a skills section on your resume, add the specific skills that you have used within your work. Refer back to your list of research skills that the employer indicated they want in a candidate. Add the applicable skills from that list to the skills section of your resume.

When Should You Include Presentations On Your Resume

Modern Resume Example skills Word

Including presentations or public speaking events on your resume is most suitable when relevant to the job you are applying to. For instance, if you are applying to a job in sustainability and you created a presentation about the benefits and applications of solar energy, it can be an effective element to include on your resume because it showcases your expertise in your field as well as your commitment to your career advancement.

Several more instances when you should add your presentations to a resume include:

Relating your public speaking events to roles where regular meetings, conferences and presentations occur as part of the job requirements

Listing presentations where you volunteered as part of a project or event to educate an audience about a specific topic related to the job description

Highlighting presentations that position you as an industry leader or expert in your career field

Connecting your past speaking events and presentations to the organization’s mission or goals

Presenting at special events as a guest speaker to share research, data or other innovative projects related to new developments in your career field

Learn more: 10 Resume Writing Tips to Help You Land a Job

Recommended Reading: How To Add Promotion On Resume

Questions For Preparing A Curriculum Vitae For Residency Applications

We will request a CV from you in your third year for our use during the MSPE process. The will collect these and will be available for consultation in their preparation. You will find that an up-to-date CV will be helpful to apply to away rotations , make uploading information into your ERAS application easier, and for reference on the residency interview trail . It may also help you to identify unique characteristics to use for the MSPE. This document should be as long as you need it to be especially if you have a previous career, a number of publications or extensive volunteering etc.

1. Personal information a. Name d. Should only be listed on the first page

2. Layout a. Standard type b. 10-12 point font c. 1-inch margins d. Bold or italics should be used sparingly e. Page Number

3. Section Headings

For Publications:

It is appropriate to list manuscripts in various stages of preparation but those that are not officially published should be included in the Peer Reviewed Journal Articles/Abstracts section and distinction as to submitted, provisionally accepted, accepted or in-press should be provided.

If a manuscript is in preparation , you could include this within the research description bullet. To include in the publication section could be viewed as an empty promise.

If a poster was accepted as an oral presentation, it should be listed only once as an oral presentation.

For Presentations:


What Is A Powerpoint Presentation Skill

Presentation skills require enthusiasm and honesty, electrifying stage presence, focus on the public and great body language. In contrast, admirable PowerPoint presentation skills demand additional knowledge like creating presentation design, tables and charts, motion graphics, etc.

Dont think of PowerPoint as a 2nd grader tool that might be mentioned once in your resume just to fill in the gaps. If you want to demonstrate professionalism within your resume, you should describe and explain your PowerPoint presentation skills in a specific manner.

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How To Include Public Speaking Skills On Resume

ZipJob Team

Though it might not seem obvious at first glance, public speaking continues to be an important skill for many professions. In fact, many employers place a premium value on public speaking skills. Candidates who possess those public speaker skills are often placed into prominent roles within a company. Many find themselves on a fast-track to leadership. But how do you include public speaking skills on a resume?

We have the tips you need to make employers aware of your valuable communication skills.

What Are 5 Different Types Of Public Speaking

Public Speaking 5 different SPEECH TYPES

  • Public Speaking how knowing the speech types will help you.
  • Public Speaking inform or educate.
  • Public Speaking persuade or sell.
  • Public Speaking entertaining or amusing.
  • Public Speaking inspiring or motivational.
  • Public Speaking transformational.

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Top Tips On Presenting Effectively

There are so many ingredients that go into a great presentation. Naturally not every speech is the same, but many of the same elements will come up. The main tips you should keep in mind before giving a speech are as follows:

  • Keep your calm
  • Measure the pace of your speech
  • Show you care about the subject
  • Engage with the whole audience
  • Look and listen out for feedback
  • Ask questions
  • Stay flexible

Communication is always a highly prized skill in the workplace and being an effective public speaker is a great way to demonstrate that. By making sure the details of your ability to give a mean presentation are present on your resume youll be able to put your skills to the test in your new better job.

Designing a resume with ResumeCoach can take some of the time and effort out of creating a document that will showcase your public speaking skills. Our step-by-step resume building tools and easy to tweak templates are fully optimized so your professional profile can be submitted easily electronically and impress with their visuals.

How To Write Expected Graduation Date On Resume

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  1. Conference Resume Samples

    how to include conference presentations in resume

  2. Conference Resume Samples

    how to include conference presentations in resume

  3. Conference Coordinator Resume Samples

    how to include conference presentations in resume

  4. Conference Planner Resume Samples

    how to include conference presentations in resume

  5. Conference Resume Samples

    how to include conference presentations in resume

  6. Presentation Resume Samples

    how to include conference presentations in resume


  1. How to Add a Conference or Seminar to Your Resume

    Name of the talk. The organization hosting the event or the name of the event. Location. For example, you would write conferences on your resume like this. Smith J and O'Neill T (2021, August) Example Presentation. Presented at Example Conference, New York.

  2. PDF How to List Conference Presentations in a Resume

    experiences into your resume. 1. Choose which conference presentations to include. If you have many, choose the top five to include based on how impressive the venue was or which are most recent. 2. Add the section title to your resume. If you're listing all the presentations, call it "Conference Presentations." If you chose the top five, call ...

  3. How to Write a Resume With Presentations (With Tips, Templates and

    The following steps show you how to write your resume to include presentations, public speaking events and other conferences you participated in: Create a section for presentations. Place the most relevant presentation first. Include the presentation title in italics. List the name and date of the conference.

  4. How to List Conference Presentations in a Resume

    Start with the title of your conference talk, followed by the name of the institution or conference at which you presented the information. Then include the year of the conference talk. You can also include the month of the talk, but only if it's relevant to the job. For example, if you want to show that you're capable of presenting on many ...

  5. How to Put Conference Presentations on Resume

    Here are some additional tips on how to add conferences to resume: Put presentations in a separate section; List the most relevant events first; Make sure that the title of the presentation is in Italics; Provide the date of the conference along with the name; Include examples of the conference topic;

  6. Make a Splash With Presentations on Your Resume

    What presentations to include on your resume. The types of presentations you can include on your resume include traditional styles like PowerPoint presentations, client briefings, and conference speaking, as well as digital and remote presentations, such as Zoom conferencing and Google Slide presentations.

  7. How To Include a Poster Presentation in a CV in 7 Steps

    If the title is too long to reasonably include in the CV, shorten it to convey the topic of your presentation. End the section with a period. 5. Write the event or conference name. Once you add the title, add the event's name and the location where the presentation occurred.

  8. How to List Publications on a Resume or CV (With Template)

    People use CVs instead of resumes when applying for jobs in academic, scientific or medical fields. A CV might include your: • Education • Teaching experience • Awards and achievements • Research • Publications • Conference presentations • Professional affiliations A curriculum vitae is usually longer than a resume. It might be ...

  9. How to List Your Presentation Skills on a Resume/CV

    1. Include the presentation title. First and foremost, start by including the presentation title. You could also distinguish the text by using boldface, to make it stand out more on your resume/CV. If the presentation has a long title, you could shorten it to briefly illustrate what your presentation is about. 2.

  10. How to Write a Resume with Presentations (With Examples)

    Consider the following steps for writing a resume with presentations: 1. Create a resume section for research or presentations. Create a section of your resume for your presentations or research for an organized layout. You can place this section under your employment history to put your presentation in context with your experience.

  11. How to add seminars and conferences on a resume

    Include the name of the conference. Include the location and date of the event. List all activities you participated in during this event (e.g., attending presentations or workshops, leading discussions). You can also list other roles such as speaker/facilitator/panelist if applicable to your experience and CV goals.

  12. How to create a perfect resume presentation: tips and tricks

    List your presentations chronologically under the "Resume Presentation" section. Include the presentation's title, the time, the venue (if appropriate), the organization or event, and the date. ... Received a 92% audience satisfaction rating and was invited to present at the following year's conference. We increased attendee engagement ...

  13. How to Include Public Speaking Skills on Your Resume (+ Examples)

    These days, no set of public speaking skills is complete without some sort of familiarity with technology. For example, skills in this area include the ability to create presentation slides and manage the functional operation of a presentation. But it can strike horror into the heart of any audience member when a speaker stands up, declaring ...

  14. How to List Publications on Resume (With Examples)

    List them in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent publications. Include the title of the publication, the journal, or magazine where it was published, and the issue and volume number. If you published the work online, include the URL and digital identity. 3. Summarize your publications.

  15. How to List Conference Presentations on Resume

    Include basic information such as the Name of Presentation and Conference. For each conference presentation you include on your resume, be sure to list the title of the presentation, the name of the conference, and the date (or range of dates) on which you presented. You can also include a brief description of the presentation if space permits.

  16. Publications On Your Resume: How to List Them

    How to Include Presentations and Public Speaking on Your Resume Being a keynote speaker or presenting a paper at a conference can also be included in a publications list on a resume. To include a presentation or speech on a resume, you would start with the role you played, followed by the topic or paper title, the name of the conference or ...

  17. How to List Speaking Engagements on a Resume

    Provide the Details. Present the speaking engagements in a bullet list format. Include the topic or title of each presentation. Specify when and where it occurred, and focus on the outcome by including details - such as attendance numbers - or noting if the event was sold out. Make your presentations come to life by including links to ...

  18. How To Write Conference Proceedings In Resume

    Underneath your presentation title, list the name and date of the conference or event where you gave your presentation. Include the month and the year. Additionally, list your presentations based on what is most relevant to the job rather than in reverse-chronological order like your employment history.

  19. How to List Publications on Your Resume

    Structure for Written Publications. Author's last name, author's first and middle names or initials. Title of article/chapter + name of journal/magazine/website etc. Year of publication. Publishers or issue number + volume number + (if applicable) page numbers. Remember to include the URL if the publication is online.

  20. How To Add Public Speaking Skills To a Resume

    A resume for a full-time public speaker is going to look very different from one where it's an occasional duty. Search the job description for specific public speaking skills you'll need in the job. Brainstorm examples of when you've used similar skills in a professional context. Try to come up with one example for each job duty listed.

  21. What is the best practice to mention "conference presentations" in CV

    The alternative would be just adding the information about the talk to the paper section by adding: Presented by DSVA in an oral communication at some conference, date. Since the conference paper and the presentation seem to be very tied together this would make a lot of sense. Share. Improve this answer.

  22. How To List Presentations On Resume

    The following steps show you how to write your resume to include presentations, public speaking events and other conferences you participated in: Create a section for presentations. Place the most relevant presentation first. Include the presentation title in italics. List the name and date of the conference. Provide examples of the ...