Essay on AIDS for Students and Children

500+ words essay on aids.

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or better known as AIDS is a life-threatening disease. It is one of the most dreaded diseases of the 20 th century. AIDS is caused by HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus, which attacks the immune system of the human body. It has, so far, ended more than twenty-nine million lives all over the world. Since its discovery, AIDS has spread around the world like a wildfire. It is due to the continuous efforts of the Government and non-government organizations; AIDS awareness has been spread to the masses.

essay on aids

AIDS – Causes and Spread

The cause of AIDS is primarily HIV or the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. This virus replicates itself into the human body by inserting a copy of its DNA into the human host cells. Due to such property and capability of the virus, it is also known as a retrovirus. The host cells in which the HIV resides are the WBCs (White Blood Cells) that are the part of the Human Immune system.

HIV destroys the WBCs and weakens the human immune system. The weakening of the immune system affects an individual’s ability to fight diseases in time. For example, a cut or a wound takes much more time to heal or the blood to clot. In some cases, the wound never heals.

HIV majorly transmits in one of the three ways – Blood, Pre-natal and Sexual transmission. Transfusion of HIV through blood has been very common during the initial time of its spread. But nowadays all the developed and developing countries have stringent measures to check the blood for infection before transfusing. Usage of shared needles also transmits HIV from an infected person to a healthy individual.

As part of sexual transmission, HIV transfers through body fluids while performing sexual activity. HIV can easily be spread from an infected person to a healthy person if they perform unprotective sexual intercourse through oral, genital or rectal parts.

Pre-natal transmission implies that an HIV infected mother can easily pass the virus to her child during pregnancy, breastfeeding or even during delivery of the baby.

AIDS – Symptoms

Since HIV attacks and infects the WBCs of the human body, it lowers the overall immune system of the human body and resulting in the infected individual, vulnerable to any other disease or minor infection. The incubation period for AIDS is much longer as compared to other diseases. It takes around 0-12 years for the symptoms to appear promptly.

Few of the common symptoms of AIDS include fever , fatigue, loss of weight, dysentery, swollen nodes, yeast infection, and herpes zoster. Due to weakened immunity, the infectious person falls prey to some of the uncommon infections namely persistent fever, night sweating, skin rashes, lesions in mouth and more.

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AIDS – Treatment, and Prevention

Till date, no treatment or cure is available for curing AIDS, and as a result, it is a life-threatening disease. As a practice by medical practitioners, the best way to curb its spread is antiretroviral therapy or ART. It is a drug therapy which prevents HIV from replicating and hence slows down its progress. It is always advisable to start the treatment at the earliest to minimize the damage to the immune system. But again, it is just a measure and doesn’t guarantee the cure of AIDS.

AIDS prevention lies in the process of curbing its spread. One should regularly and routinely get tested for HIV. It is important for an individual to know his/her own and partner’s HIV status, before performing any sexual intercourse activity. One should always practice safe sex. Use of condoms by males during sexual intercourse is a must and also one should restrict oneself on the number of partners he/she is having sex with.

One should not addict himself/herself to banned substances and drugs. One should keep away from the non-sterilized needles or razors.  Multiple awareness drives by the UN, local government bodies and various nonprofit organizations have reduced the risk of spread by making the people aware of the AIDS – spread and prevention.

Life for an individual becomes hell after being tested positive for AIDS. It is not only the disease but also the social stigma and discrimination, felling of being not loved and being hated acts as a slow poison. We need to instill the belief among them, through our love and care, that the HIV positive patients can still lead a long and healthy life.

Though AIDS is a disease, which cannot be cured or eradicated from society, the only solution to AIDS lies in its prevention and awareness. We must have our regular and periodical health checkup so that we don’t fall prey to such deadly diseases. We must also encourage and educate others to do the same. With the widespread awareness about the disease, much fewer adults and children are dying of AIDS. The only way to fight the AIDS disease is through creating awareness.

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Essay About HIV/AIDS


Human Immunodeficiency Virus, abbreviated as HIV, attacks the body’s immune system, and if left untreated, it can cause AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). HIV is a retroviral disease transmitted through unprotected sexual activity, from mother to child, blood transfusion, contact with infected body fluids, or hypodermic needles (Melhuish & Lewthwaite, 2018). The disease originated from a zoonotic animal, a chimpanzee in Central Africa. The virus version in chimpanzees, Simian Immunodeficiency Virus, is thought to have been passed to humans during their hunting activities way back in 1800. The disease has further been spread across Africa over the decades and eventually into other parts of the world. Its existence in the United States occurred between the mid to late 1970s.

Disease Manifestation

HIV weakens the immune system through infection and destruction of the CD4+ T cells, leading to immunodeficiency at the later stages of the disease. The virus adheres to the CD4+ protein on its surface and other cells to gain entry into the body  ( Melhuish & Lewthwaite, 2018 ).  Other coreceptors such as CCR5 and CXCR4 are essential in enabling the virus to gain complete access and cause infection to the body cells. HIV infection undergoes three stages: acute illness, chronic infection, and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) (Velloza et al., 2020). The first stage usually develops between 2 to 4 weeks after initial exposure. The stage often goes unrecognized because of the occasionally mild and nonspecific symptoms. Some of the clinical manifestations observed in the first stage include typical rushes distributed on the face and trunk, although they may also appear in the palms and soles. Oral and genital mucocutaneous ulceration is also another clinical manifestation that can be experienced during the first stage. In this stage, gastrointestinal manifestation, facial nerve palsy, acute encephalopathy, and many other clinical symptoms may participate.

In the second stage of infection, the virus continues to multiply but at low levels. Infected individuals who are in this stage may not have any alarming symptoms. The stage can last for up to 10 to 15 years, although it may move so fast in some individuals c. AIDs infection occurs in the third stage. The infection may be manifested by symptoms such as rapid loss of weight, recurring fever, extreme tiredness, prolonged swelling of the lymph glands in the groin, armpits, or neck, sores in the mouth, diarrhea that lasts for more than a week, or memory loss and other neurologic disorder (Nasuuna et al., 2018). When infected individuals are not treated, they may develop severe diseases such as serious bacterial infections, cryptococcal meningitis, tuberculosis, and cancers like Kaposi’s sarcoma and lymphomas.

Diagnosis and Treatment

HIV diagnosis can be made by a rapid diagnostic test that provides results on the same day. Individuals may also test themselves using an HIV self-test kit, although a confirmatory test has to be done later on by a qualified health professional (Mayo Clinic, 2020). The diagnostic test works by detecting antibodies produced by a person as part of their immune response to fight the virus. When the results turn out positive, immediate treatment should be done to manage the virus (Mayo Clinic, 2020). A combination of three or more antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) or antiretroviral therapy (ART) may suppress the symptoms and viral replication within an individual hence allowing recovery of the immune system and regain the ability to protect the body from opportunistic infections.

The public health measures of HIV prevention can be divided into three categories; primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention. Primary prevention measures protect an individual from acquiring HIV infection. It involves strategies such as abstaining from sex, not sharing needles and sharp objects and using condoms when engaging in sexual activities. Prevention medicines such as PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) and PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) may also be used to protect yourself from the infection (Mayo Clinic, 2020). Secondary HIV prevention involves measures that should be directed to infected individuals to prevent transmission to negative people (Mayo Clinic, 2020). Strategies used in secondary prevention entails giving health education to those who are infected, supporting ART adherence efforts, providing ongoing risk assessment regarding substance use and sexual behavior, encouraging infected individuals to disclose their HIV status to their sexual and drug use partners, prescribing condoms for positive individuals and providing counseling to them (Mayo Clinic, 2020). Tertiary prevention measures ensure the improved treatment to reduce the impact of HIV/AIDS disease and promote recovery. A tertiary prevention strategy aims at reducing complications that may be caused by HIV infection.

Surveillance measures

Local surveillance of HIV may be carried out using various reporting tools to fill HIV infection cases and later submitted to the local health departments for further analysis. The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) plays a big role in collecting, analyzing, and disseminating data for national surveillance on HIV/AIDS. The CDC’s National surveillance system monitors HIV trends in the U.S (CDC, 2020). Moreover, the World Health organization can conduct international surveillance of HIV/AIDS, which surveys on HIV sentinel, STDs, and behavior.

Prevalence and Incidence

According to WHO (2020), the global prevalence of HIV is estimated to be over 37.7 million people, including 1.7 million children. The percentage prevalence in adults is 0.7%. Additionally, the incidence of HIV infection was 1.5 million (WHO, 2020). Most people living with HIV live in low and middle-income countries, with East and Southern Africa being the most affected region globally. In 2020, there were 670,000 new cases which amounted to 20.6 million infected individuals in East and Southern Africa.

Interesting facts

According to the WHO, some of the current interesting facts about HIV/AIDS is that it has claimed over 36.3 million people since its emergence; hence, it is still a major public health concern (WHO, 2021). Additionally, over 37.7 million were HIV positive in 2020, whereby 25.4 million were in the WHO African region. WHO also reports that over 680 thousand individuals succumbed to HIV-related infections, and over 1.5 million people acquired HIV/AIDS.

CDC. (2020, June 19).  Tracking AIDS Trends . Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Eisinger, R. W., & Fauci, A. S. (2018). Ending the HIV/AIDS pandemic.  Emerging infectious diseases ,  24 (3), 413.

Mayo Clinic. (2020, February 13).  HIV/AIDS – Symptoms and causes .

Melhuish, A., & Lewthwaite, P. (2018). Natural history of HIV and AIDS.  Medicine ,  46 (6), 356-361.

Nasuuna, E., Kigozi, J., Babirye, L., Muganzi, A., Sewankambo, N. K., & Nakanjako, D. (2018). Low HIV viral suppression rates following the intensive adherence counseling (IAC) program for children and adolescents with viral failure in public health facilities in Uganda.  BMC Public Health ,  18 (1), 1-9.

Velloza, J., Kemp, C. G., Aunon, F. M., Ramaiya, M. K., Creegan, E., & Simoni, J. M. (2020). Alcohol use and antiretroviral therapy non-adherence among adults living with HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis.  AIDS and Behavior ,  24 (6), 1727-1742.

WHO. (2021, June 9).  HIV/AIDS . WHO | World Health Organization.

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  • Essay on AIDS


HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is an infection that causes cells in the body that help it fight infections, making a person more susceptible to other infections and diseases. Interaction with certain bodily secretions of an HIV-positive individual, most commonly during unprotected intercourse (sex without the use of a condom or HIV treatment to prevent or treat HIV), or sharing injection drug equipment spreads the virus.

If HIV is not treated, it can progress to AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). HIV cannot be eradicated by the human body, and there is no effective HIV cure. As a result, whether you have HIV, you will have it for the rest of your life.

Long and Short AIDS Essay in English

There are many diseases causing microorganisms, like bacteria, viruses, fungi etc. The symptoms of the diseases depend on the type of microorganism that is spreading it. It can vary from mild to severe. AIDS which stands for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome is a viral disease that is rampant in growth. It was only in the last century that this viral disease has proved to be lethal and fatal, taking away about twenty million lives globally. The awareness about the disease and the virus causing it which is HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus is more now compared to earlier. In this HIV AIDS essay, we can go through the important information about it and burst some myths.

Below are different ways to write an AIDS essay in English. The essay on HIV AIDS can be of 2 formats, a long essay on HIV AIDS or a short AIDS essay.

Short Essay on Aids

This AIDS essay is a brief one and will cover the important notes about the disease and the ways one can prevent it.

The way of occurrence of this disease is in the name itself, AIDS stands for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. The disease is acquired via the virus which is called Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It is not an auto-immune disease in the early stages of infection where the immune system in the body fights off infection to protect the body from diseases that go against itself. The virus enters from an outside source and destroys the efficiency of our immune system.

AIDS is transmitted through contact. The contact with infected blood of the HIV OR AIDS patient in any form can easily transfer this viral disease. It can also be transmitted through contact with semen or vaginal fluids of the infected person. This occurs in the case when one is sexually exposed to a person with HIV.

HIV once enters the body, invades and conquers the immune system making the body susceptible to other diseases. It is then very easy for the simple flu or cold infection to be severe as the immune system is no longer fit to fight it.

When detected in the early period can be battled with, but more often than not people assume the symptoms to not be AIDS so it spreads and kills the individual. To be protected when having sex and not sharing any form of toiletries with others is the way to prevent and keep this deadly virus at bay.

Long Essay on AIDS

This is the long format of an essay on HIV AIDS where its workings, causes and effects and remedies are discussed.

There are some diseases that have been borne by the living in this world which has created a ruckus in human history and the struggle to find a permanent cure still exists. AIDS is one such disease. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome is the name of the disease which is also shortened as AIDS.

It has since only the 20 th century affected the human race and many people lost their lives, more than 20 million of them. The virus that aids in the transmission of this disease is Human Immunodeficiency Virus or also called HIV. Due to the same property of immunodeficiency, it is referred to as HIV/AIDS.

Since it affects the immune system severely, the cells and the workings of it in our body must be clearly understood. The immune system’s role in the body is that of a soldier wherein it identifies any sort of anomalies that enters or infiltrates the body and prepares antibodies against it. And kills them in order to prevent infection that has the probability of causing a harmful disease.

Since the cells of the immune system have already created the antibodies, the cell memory is activated when the entry occurs again and the immune system fights and destroys such foreign and harmful matter.

What Happens when HIV Enters the Body?

When a person is infected with the Human immunodeficiency virus, it directly attacks the immune system making the cells weak and incapable of creating antibodies for this particular virus. As they become weak their function to perform the task of defending against other microorganism entrants is also weakened.

When the fighter in our bodies becomes weak, we are more likely to fall ill. The illness can be a simple flu or an allergy and our body cannot fight any further. The symptoms once infected will start to appear within the first two weeks. The symptoms are very flu-like for instance, one will be more tired than usual and fatigue will be more frequent and regular. Other symptoms include sore throat and fever. The risk of opportunistic infections like tuberculosis and herpes also increases. Some people however remain asymptomatic even for longer periods after being infected with the virus.

Cause of HIV/AIDS

The main and only cause of this dreadful disease is the contact through blood, semen, pre-seminal fluid, vaginal fluids, rectal fluids and breast milk. The semen and vaginal fluids are transferred through sex and rectal fluids through anal sex. When people have multiple partners, and they have unprotected sex the transmission is highly likely. The contact through blood can also be via the unhygienic practice of sharing an infected person’s razors, blades. Even unsterilized syringes while taking drugs or even a tattoo parlor where they use unsterilized machines on the body can transmit the virus easily. The transmission means are endless so one must proceed with utmost caution to keep themselves safe either way.

What is the Life Expectancy for the Patients Carrying HIV or AIDs with Them?

Many factors can affect the life expectancy of people living with HIV. Depending on these factors there are many differences in the outcomes between people, and other factors. The factors on which life expectancy depend are:

Access to effective HIV treatment and quality health care.

Start HIV treatment as soon as possible after HIV infection, before your CD4 cell count drops to a low level. The sooner you are diagnosed and start HIV treatment, the better your long-term chances are.

Having serious HIV-related illnesses in the past. This may occur before HIV is diagnosed and/or before HIV treatment is started. These diseases have a detrimental effect on life expectancy.

Results one year after starting HIV treatment. Studies show that life expectancy is better for people who respond well within a year of starting treatment than people who do not respond. In particular, people with a CD4 count of at least 350 and an undetectable viral load during the year have a much better chance long-term.

Year of Diagnosis - HIV treatment and medical care have improved over the years. People who have been diagnosed in recent years are expected to live longer than people who were diagnosed long ago.

Heart diseases, liver diseases, cancer and other health conditions are more likely to be the cause of death than HIV or AIDs.

Injecting drug use - Life expectancy is short for people with HIV who inject drugs, due to drug overdose and viral infections.

Social and Economic Conditions - there are significant differences in life expectancy depending on where you grew up, your income, education, social status and more.

Gender – Men are supposed to live for a shorter period of time than women.

Genetics - you may have certain conditions if close relatives have.

Mental and Emotional Well-being - high levels of stress are associated with reduced life expectancy.

Lifestyle - longevity for people who eat a balanced diet, are physically active, maintain a healthy weight, avoid alcohol abuse or use drugs, and stay in touch with the community. Avoiding smoking is very important in life.

There are a few myths surrounding this disease. It is believed earlier that AIDS can spread even through contact or touch without any exchange of fluids. Like through a hug or just by being near the infected person. That myth has been debunked and it is absolutely untrue. One can freely hug an AIDS patient without worry.

The other one was when kissing, there is an exchange of saliva which is also a fluid and AIDS can spread through kissing, which also proved to be untrue. And HIV always means AIDS that is fatal was another rumor or myth, and this myth is proven wrong where many people have lived longer with HIV by medication and taking care of their health.

There is no permanent cure yet for treating HIV/AIDS, so it is our responsibility to look out for ourselves. The way one can first prevent themselves from being infected is by getting vaccinated. It is important to get tested in your adult life if you have multiple sexual partners and also get your partner tested for the same. The other way is being monogamous. The most used form of prevention is having protected and safe sex and using condoms that creates a barrier for transmission. Do check for sterilized needles in case you decide to get a tattoo or injected.  Lessen the use of alcohol and drugs as that is anyway weakening and altering the immune system.

According to the estimates of the Indian government  2.40 million Indians are living with HIV wherein, the infected ones fall in the age group of 15-49, and 39 %of them that is 9,30,00 of them are women. The numbers are alarming and the rate of increase is not slowing down anytime soon. We as a country must break the traditions and conversations about sex should be open and safe. It is high time we lose our lives to this disease which can be prevented.


FAQs on Essay on AIDS

1. Is AIDS an Autoimmune Disease?

In the early stages of HIV infection that leads to AIDS, the immune system only weakens so it is not an auto-immune disease. But during the later and final stages, the workings of the immune system are similar to that of an auto-immune system where it works against itself. And in such cases, the body of the individual is susceptible to many more diseases. AIDS, a disease found in immune deficiency disorder, is caused by HIV and weakens the human immune system. Autoimmune diseases, on the other hand, are where the immune system turns, attacking healthy cells.

2. Does one die from HIV Infection?

The HIV infection results in many symptoms that make the body weaker day by day. But some do not even suffer those symptoms and they may live longer than the ones showing severe symptoms. In any case, it is important to take medications that are prescribed to reduce the severity of symptoms and live a little longer. The best way is to keep healthy and lead an active lifestyle as much as possible. Although the death toll from AIDS has dropped dramatically around the world, this situation increases the risk of contracting a fatal disease — potentially leading to death. No treatment or cure is present for HIV.

3. What method was adopted by the hospitals to report HIV or AIDs cases?

The doctors took the active initiative for the reporting and diagnosis of HIV or AIDs cases all over the world. The methods that all the French hospital wards were known for, for their role in controlling HIV infection, were asked to report the 2000 deaths among HIV-positive adults. The causes of death were recorded using a standard questionnaire. The Mortality 2000 study was launched to explain the distribution of the leading causes of death of HIV-positive people at the national level in France in the year 2000.

4. What is the way of determining the root cause of death in AIDs patients?

Following the International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision (ICD-10) to death, the information contained in the questionnaire was used to determine the single cause of death. The causes of AIDS were categorized as one cause of death, followed by definitions of AIDS-related diseases. If a standard questionnaire was lost, summarized quarter notices were used to determine the underlying cause of death, if possible. Determination of the AIDs cases was set to the most important things in the list, which was done from the abstracted quarterly notifications from the questionnaires.

5. Is Vedantu a reliable website for knowing about AIDs disease?

Vedantu is the most reliable website for referring to information about AIDs disease. Being one of the most dangerous diseases in the world with no proper treatment or cure, the world's physicians are still under pressure to decipher the way to save a person from this disease. The Vedantu website contains authentic or updated information about this disease and thus the readers and viewers can rely on this source of information for perfect knowledge about the disease and its prevention also.

Prevention and Treatment of HIV/AIDS Expository Essay

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The role of other organizations, recommendation.

HIV/AIDS has become a concern to everybody in the world. Many countries and individuals have found it very hard to deal with it because of the lack of funds. Therefore, organizations have come up to help them handle this problem. Notable organizations that have offered their support include WHO, PEPFAR, the Clinton’s AIDS Initiative, the Gates Foundation and the Global Fund.

WHO HIV/AIDS Treatment and Prevention Program Policy

The World Health Organization Department of HIV/AIDS provides normative and policy support to its members basing on enough evidence ( WHO | Guidelines, 2014). The purpose of this support is to improve the treatment, care provision and prevention services ( WHO | Guidelines, 2014).

The global vision of WHO is to eradicate HIV infections, deaths and discrimination against infected people. It aims at attaining universal and comprehensive HIV prevention, treatment and care. It also aims at combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases ( WHO | Guidelines, 2014). WHO developed strategic directions that health units should adopt in achieving its goals. They are:

  • Optimizing the prevention, diagnosis and provision of care for HIV victims ( WHO | Guidelines, 2014)
  • Leveraging wider outcomes in health through appropriate response to HIV ( WHO | Guidelines, 2014)
  • Reducing susceptibility and getting rid of barriers to accessing services ( WHO | Guidelines, 2014)

The World Health Organization also proposes treatment and preventive methods that are specific to the needs of individual countries. Among the methods it proposes for the countries include the use of male and female condoms, male circumcision, antiretroviral therapy, prophylaxis and behavior change counseling ( WHO | Guidelines, 2014).

WHO also volunteered to expand HIV prevention methods in every country ( WHO | Guidelines, 2014). Currently, it has plans to develop a HIV prevention strategy based on national evidence and push for the creation of better prevention methods and interventions.

Global Fund

The Global Fund partners with governments, civil societies, the private sector and victims of AIDS, Tuberculosis, and malaria in 140 countries worldwide ( HIV/AIDS-The Global Fund, 2014). It spends over $4 billion every year on these partnerships. This support has greatly accelerated the rate at which the prevalence of AIDS reduces.

The fund was developed with the purpose of giving HIV victims financial support to reduce the rate of infections ( HIV/AIDS-The Global Fund, 2014). In addition, the Global Fund ensures that all infected people in the world can access antiretroviral therapy. By last year, the fund had helped 6 million victims of HIV get access to ARV ( HIV/AIDS-The Global Fund, 2014).

Its efforts have largely depended on the realization that ARV reduces the chances of HIV transmission by close to 90%. The Global Fund concentrates its services and support in areas where the effects of HIV/AIDS are more prevalent. It looks for geographic and demographic information, making it easier to focus on certain countries and populations around the world. It mostly focuses on stigmatized groups such as women, girls, drug users, migrant workers and inmates.

Gates Foundation

The main objective of the Gates Foundation is “to reduce the incidence of HIV infection and extend the lives of people living with HIV” ( HIV, 2014, par. 4). The organization offers support to all the efforts of reducing worldwide transmission of HIV. It also helps the victims of the virus live long and healthy lives.

The organization mainly focuses on populations living in Sub-Saharan regions of Africa. HIV has greatly affected the population in these regions ( HIV, 2014). These regions are very poor and cannot afford HIV medication without support. The foundation gives grants to organizations that fight HIV. It also offers financial support to the Global Fund.

So far, it has given approximately $2.5 billion to organizations in all countries and $1.4 billion to the Global Fund ( HIV, 2014). The foundation also advocates sustainability and increase in funding programs that aim at reducing HIV/AIDS prevalence.

The fund also supports the search for a HIV vaccine. It invests in research that aims at coming up with the vaccine. It partners with private institutions, individual researchers and governments in researching on several types of possible vaccines. It also provides antiretroviral therapy and other products such as vaginal rings and injections to the victims.

In addition to other activities, the foundation provides tools for carrying out voluntary male circumcision in 14 Sub-Saharan countries ( HIV, 2014). It also supports efforts by governments and other private institutions to diagnose and measure the prevalence of HIV.

Clinton’s AIDS Initiative

The Clinton Health Access Initiative was established with the purpose of helping all victims of HIV get access to medication and reduce its cost ( HIV/AIDS , 2014). Since its inception, the number of people accessing HIV medication has risen from 200, 000 in 2002 to over 8 million today ( HIV/AIDS , 2014).

In addition, the cost of the treatment has fallen from $ 10, 000 to approximately $100. The initiative has partnered with many countries around the world in formulating programs aimed at fighting HIV/AIDS ( HIV/AIDS , 2014). The best example of such partnerships includes the partnership with Ukraine.

This partnership aimed at increasing the access to HIV/AIDS treatment. President Clinton and Preval’s agreement to expand HIV/AIDS services and strengthen health systems in Haiti and the partnership with UNITAID that focused on reducing the prices of important AIDS medicine were also part of this initiative ( HIV/AIDS , 2014).

The main goal of PEPFAR is to save many lives through upgrading existing strategies and supporting efforts by different countries to improve their people’s health ( The U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, 2014). In 2008, the president of America signed an act that authorized the use of $ 48 billion in the fight against HIV, malaria and TB.

PEPFAR also aims at promoting sustainable AIDS eradication programs ( The U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, 2014). This initiative also supports countries in responding to HIV because of the belief that fighting AIDS is more effective when countries take charge of their affairs ( The U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, 2014). PEPFAR also focuses on other challenges that come with HIV/AIDS such as stigma and opportunistic diseases.

The organizations should provide more material support compared to money since most countries misuse the funds they receive.

Many countries in the Sub-Saharan Africa are too poor to provide good preventive and treatment methods of HIV/AIDS to their citizens. Close to 18% of their population is infected with the virus.

This situation has prompted many private and international organizations to come to their rescue. WHO, PEPFAR, the Clinton’s Organization and the Gates Foundation have provided support in these regions for a long time.

Private and International organizations have been very supportive in the fight against HIV/AIDS. Many countries and individuals could not afford the HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment without the support of PEPFAR, WHO, Clinton’s AIDS Initiative, Gates Foundation and other organizations. These organizations have invested lots of money and material support in regions with the most prevalent cases of HIV/AIDS.

HIV/AIDS (2014). Web.

HIV/AIDS – The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (2014). Web.

HIV – Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (2014). Web.

The U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief: Five-Year Strategy (2014). Web.

WHO | Guidelines: HIV (2014). Web.

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Last updated on Jan 13, 2023

ProWritingAid Review: Is this Grammarly for Serious Writers?

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Reedsy's editorial team is a diverse group of industry experts devoted to helping authors write and publish beautiful books.

About Martin Cavannagh

Head of Content at Reedsy, Martin has spent over eight years helping writers turn their ambitions into reality. As a voice in the indie publishing space, he has written for a number of outlets and spoken at conferences, including the 2024 Writers Summit at the London Book Fair.

ProWritingAid is a writing tool that aims to help you improve your craft by flagging grammar, spelling, and other writing errors or weaknesses in your text and suggesting appropriate remedies. It’s available as a browser extension, an online web editor, a desktop app, and an add-on feature for Office and Google Docs.

This review will go over ProWritingAid’s functions, accuracy, cost, and how it stacks up against the competition. At the end, we’ll also provide a discount code for 10% off a yearly subscription if you’re ready to take the plunge. But first, here's a quick summary:

Given its functions and its broad compatibility with other writing platforms, ProWritingAid is considered one of the best alternatives to Grammarly. In fact, the “ Grammarly vs. ProWritingAid ” question is a hot topic in the realm of grammar checkers — one which we will address later on in the post. Before we get there, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of ProWritingAid’s functions and costs. 

For the full user experience, you have to subscribe to ProWritingAid’s Premium plan.  Beyond the basic real-time grammar and spelling checks, this package gives you access to the desktop app, where documents of various formats (Scrivener files included!) can be imported and scanned for a range of different reports. We’ll go over these features below. 

Real-time grammar, spelling, and stylistic suggestions   

Real-time suggestions are the bare minimum you should expect of any grammar app. With a real-time function and browser extensions, ProWritingAid follows whatever you type and underlines words and phrases that it thinks can do with some improvement as you go. The suggestions are color-coded for your ease of use:

  • Spelling mistakes in red; 
  • Grammatical errors in blue; 
  • Sticky words and crutch words in yellow; 
  • Passive voice in purple.

You can then hover your mouse over the underlined word or phrase, and a list of suggestions for improvements will appear. Whether you make a correction or ignore these suggestions is entirely up to you. 

This real-time function can be used on multiple platforms, including Word, Google Docs, and our free writing tool, Reedsy Studio (which also provides a real-time spell-checker). 

ProWritingAid | Used with the Reedsy Studio

You can also update the app’s dictionary and language preferences to suit your needs, i.e., to include the spelling of names that are not common in English or to follow British spelling and punctuation rules rather than American ones. 

Be aware, though, that not every suggestion that ProWritingAid makes will be correct — particularly regarding grammar. This, of course, is an AI limitation shared by all of PWA’s competitors.

ProWritingAid | Grammar Mistake Made by App

As such, it’s important to remember that even though ProWritingAid is good at spotting breaks from standard English syntax, it can’t replace actual human insight into the nuances of the language. It is helpful in that it visibly highlights potential mistakes. However, you still need to make a judgment call yourself on whether to act on suggested fixes or work with a professional editor with enough expertise. 

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In-app explanations are a great educational tool

If the app only makes suggestions and you still have to exercise some personal judgment, is it actually that helpful? Google Docs and Microsoft Word have grammar- and spell-checking features, while the Hemingway App also provides sentence length and passive voice recommendations . What might make a writer want to use ProWritingAid more than these other writing apps?

Well, the added benefit of this particular tool is its focus on educating the user. Rather than expecting you to make sense of its suggestions on your own, every underlined instance briefly explains why it’s flagged. For a more extensive learning experience, you can access videos and quizzes in the desktop version. That way, you can feel better equipped to make an informed decision as you self-edit your work!

ProWritingAid | In-app Explanations for Mistakes

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Specific reports to tighten your prose 

All that said, the real thing that sets ProWritingAid apart from other programs is the range of reports that it offers. With the Premium plan, you get access to 20+ reports on different aspects of your document. Below are some of the reports available which go beyond the usual grammatical recommendations. 

  • Pacing Check: looking at paragraph length and use of dialogue to flag potential slow-paced sections.
  • Readability Report: using the Flesch Reading Score’s scale to detect overwrought phrasing .
  • Dialogue Tags Check : highlighting unusual/inappropriate dialogue tags or opportunities to show rather than tell.
  • Diction Report: flagging up instances of vague words that make sentences unnecessarily long and inefficient.

When you choose your desired report, suggestions for that particular facet of the writing craft will show up via underlines throughout your document — just as with basic errors in the real-time editor. 

With these reports, you can see why ProWritingAid claims to be a writing mentor as well as a grammar checker. What's more, the reports are fit for many purposes: the Pacing and Dialogue Tag Checks will be best appreciated by novelists, while copywriters might find more use in the Readability Report. 

However, remember that these are computer-generated recommendations, so they can sometimes be formulaic and unsuited to the context. The heftiness of the program also means the app can sometimes be slow or even crash, especially if you’re using the Web Editor rather than the desktop app and you’ve imported a heavy file. 

Plagiarism checks available on demand

The final ProWritingAid feature we want to highlight is its plagiarism detection tool. It scans your document for any sentences similar to existing sources, either written by others or yourself, so that you can either rephrase or add accurate references. The similarity is measured in percentage so you can know how far you need to adjust your writing. 

With the Premium subscription plan, you’ll have to top-up your plagiarism checking credit, the minimum amount for which is $10. With that, you get 10 checks, and each check covers a maximum of 2,000 words — the more credit you buy, the lower the price of each check. 

This added extra can be a convenient tool for any writer who wants to publish something, be it books, magazine articles, or academic papers. In any case, it's a helpful add-on for anyone who needs it on top of the editing suggestions.

Plans available for all budget levels

Thus far, we’ve reviewed the Premium plan features since it’s the plan that would probably be the most useful to most writers. But you might be glad to know that there is also a feature-light, free version of ProWritingAid and a super-premium package for those feeling a bit flush. 











- Web extension


- Google Docs/MS Office add-ons


- Web Editor 


- Desktop app


Limited to 500 words

For documents of any length


-60 plagiarism checks per month 

The most crucial difference between the free and Premium plan is access to the downloadable desktop app, which tends to be better for long-form writers because:

  • It’s less likely to crash due to document size than the browser version 
  • It can import and export documents in a wider variety of files, including Scrivener and Final Draft ones (the Web Editor only exports Word documents) 

The free version may suffice if you’re just writing for communication purposes (i.e., emails, presentations, short articles). But if you’re working on a lengthier project and you think you can benefit from this writing tool’s features, then the Premium plan is the way to go. 

The Premium Plus plan is similar to the Premium one, only with 60 plagiarism checks per month. Academic writers who regularly rely on these kinds of checks might find this package handy. 

10% off ProWritingAid Subscriptions

For readers of the Reedsy Blog, we’ve secured a discount of 10% off a yearly ProWritingAid subscription! To take advantage of this rate, sign up with this unique link . 

ProWritingAid vs Grammarly

Now that we’ve covered the functions and pricing of ProWritingAid, it’s time to address the elephant in the room: how does this app compare to the grammar-checking giant Grammarly? Both are grammar checkers with free and premium plans, compatible with various platforms, and offer a desktop app. 

However, some key differences between the two might mean that one is better suited for authors and long-form writers.  

While Grammarly tends to be more accurate in its suggestions, its criteria for good writing are based mainly on how concise and efficient the text is. Unlike ProWritingAid, Grammarly is not designed to consider pacing, dialogue, and more complex aspects of the craft — as we explain more in detail in our Grammarly review.

Naturally, Grammarly thus has fewer features, even though its premium plan costs more than ProWritingAid. If you use our discount code, then the monthly subscription for the latter will only cost a fraction of the former’s!

So if you’re a writer, and you work with long texts that you’re planning on publishing, then ProWritingAid might be the more suitable option. If you want help polishing your day-to-day professional writing, Grammarly could be the way to go. 

Is ProWritingAid right for you?

If you’re still uncertain if ProWritingAid is a good fit, this 30-second quiz can provide a quick recommendation as to what writing tool will suit your needs best!

Which writing app is right for you?

Find out here! Takes 30 seconds

Generally, there are several situations in which ProWritingAid can be helpful:

  • When you’re drafting your book on Scrivener and want to polish your prose as you go;
  • When you’re revising a draft before sending it for review from an editor or a peer.

Regardless, you should try to see ProWritingAid like a pair of special glasses — ones that scan your document, highlight potential errors, and recommend amendments. These “glasses'' might help you combat the weariness of re-reading and correcting your writing by preventing things from slipping through the cracks. However, there limits to the correcting power of such a tool. Your ProWritingAid goggles cannot be used instead of a professional editor if you’re preparing your manuscript for publication. 

Hopefully, this comprehensive breakdown has given you a clear idea of what ProWritingAid offers and that you’ll find the appropriate assistance for perfecting your draft!

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Explore The Best Writing Tools For Students To Enhance Your Skills

Discover tools to help with writing and improve academic performance. These essential writing aids every student can use.

Writing Tools for Students: Digital Writing Aids 

In the vast ocean of academic tasks, writing is a challenging and crucial skill for success at school and beyond. Whether drafting an essay, composing a research paper, or jotting down notes for class, having the right tools can make all the difference. With a wide array of digital writing aids, finding the most effective ones can be daunting.

If you’re struggling to keep up with your writing assignments or want to enhance your written work, remember that an essay writing service that can write my essay is always available to help. Now, let’s explore some lesser-known yet highly effective digital writing tools for students that can transform how you approach writing tasks.

What Are Writing Tools?

Understanding digital writing tools.

When we talk about writing tools, we refer to applications and software designed to assist with writing. These tools can help you organize your thoughts, check grammar and spelling, enhance your style, and even ensure the originality of your work. For students at every level, digital writing tools are invaluable for achieving academic excellence. They are particularly useful in developing coherent arguments, managing research notes, and maintaining a clear narrative flow in academic papers, thus becoming essential tools to help with writing.

Why Use Writing Tools?

Utilizing these tools can significantly streamline your writing process, reducing stress and freeing time for other academic activities. They support structuring your work, ensuring consistency, and polishing your final draft, making them essential components of a student’s digital toolkit. Online writing tools for college success also foster effective communication by providing readability scores and suggestions for simplifying complex language, vital skills in academic and professional settings.

Best Writing Tools for Students

1. prowritingaid.

ProWritingAid goes beyond simple grammar checks, providing detailed reports to enhance clarity, style, and tone. Ideal for college students looking to refine their essays, this tool also integrates with word processors to provide real-time improvements. It’s recognized as one of the best writing tools for students who require in-depth writing analysis to enhance academic and creative works.

2. Hemingway Editor

Hemingway Editor is a minimalist tool that enhances readability. It highlights dense and complex sentences, urging you to simplify your writing. This tool is perfect for students who want to make their essays more accessible and engaging. It serves as a critical reviewer by pointing out passive voice, adverbs, and complicated phrases.

3. Scrivener

Scrivener is more than a word processor. It’s an all-in-one writing suite. It offers a unique interface that helps you organize and structure long documents like dissertations and novels. This tool is excellent for students involved in extensive writing projects, providing comprehensive studying tools that cater to fiction and non-fiction writers.

4. FocusWriter

FocusWriter is designed to eliminate distractions by providing a clean, full-screen writing environment. Its customizable themes and built-in timer are perfect for students who need to maintain focus during writing sessions. This program is especially useful when engaging in lengthy writing sessions, promoting deep focus with its serene environment.

5. Cite This For Me

Cite This For Me is an essential tool for handling citations and bibliographies. With support for various referencing styles, it ensures that all your citations are accurate, which is crucial for avoiding plagiarism. It’s one of the most valuable free online writing tools for students who frequently need to manage multiple source types and citation formats in their academic papers.

6. Grammarly

Grammarly is widely recognized for its comprehensive writing support. Offering everything from grammar and punctuation checks to style advice, this tool ensures your writing is error-free and refined. Grammarly benefits students and non-native English speakers looking to improve their writing abilities.

Specialized Tools for Every Need

Tools for students with disabilities.

Specialized tools like Ghotit and Kurzweil 3000 offer tailored support for students with disabilities. These platforms provide advanced spell-checking, grammar assistance, and text-to-speech features, making writing more accessible. They are pivotal in creating an inclusive learning environment and supporting diverse educational needs.

Free Online Writing Tools for Students

Students on a budget will find value in free platforms like Google Docs and Apache OpenOffice, which provide basic writing features and cloud storage accessible from any device. These platforms also serve as excellent writing tools for students with disabilities by being compatible with various accessibility features, ensuring that all students have equal opportunities to succeed in their academic pursuits.

In the academic journey, writing tools for students are more than just aids. They are partners in your path to success. Whether you are looking for tools to help with writing, digital writing tools for students, or free online writing aids, the right tools can elevate your writing skills and academic performance. Leverage these online writing tools to enhance your capabilities and achieve your academic ambitions. Check out these leading writing tools for students today and learn how they can elevate your writing experience.

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Whether we’re proofreading and editing , checking for plagiarism or AI content , generating citations, or writing useful Knowledge Base articles , our aim is to support students on their journey to become better academic writers.

We believe that every student should have the right tools for academic success. Free tools like a paraphrasing tool , grammar checker, summarizer and an  AI Proofreader . We pave the way to your academic degree.

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Our team helps students graduate by offering:

  • A world-class citation generator
  • Plagiarism Checker software powered by Turnitin
  • Innovative Citation Checker software
  • Professional proofreading services
  • Over 300 helpful articles about academic writing, citing sources, plagiarism, and more

Scribbr specializes in editing study-related documents . We proofread:

  • PhD dissertations
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  • Journal articles
  • Capstone projects

Scribbr’s Plagiarism Checker is powered by elements of Turnitin’s Similarity Checker , namely the plagiarism detection software and the Internet Archive and Premium Scholarly Publications content databases .

The add-on AI detector is powered by Scribbr’s proprietary software.

The Scribbr Citation Generator is developed using the open-source Citation Style Language (CSL) project and Frank Bennett’s citeproc-js . It’s the same technology used by dozens of other popular citation tools, including Mendeley and Zotero.

You can find all the citation styles and locales used in the Scribbr Citation Generator in our publicly accessible repository on Github .

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  • HIV Treatment as Prevention
  • Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)
  • Post-exposure Prophylaxis (PEP)
  • Preventing Sexual Transmission of HIV
  • Alcohol and HIV Risk
  • Substance Use and HIV Risk
  • Preventing Perinatal Transmission of HIV
  • HIV Vaccines
  • Long-acting HIV Prevention Tools
  • Microbicides
  • Who Should Get Tested?
  • HIV Testing Locations
  • HIV Testing Overview
  • Understanding Your HIV Test Results
  • Living with HIV
  • Talking About Your HIV Status
  • Locate an HIV Care Provider
  • Types of Providers
  • Take Charge of Your Care
  • What to Expect at Your First HIV Care Visit
  • Making Care Work for You
  • Seeing Your Health Care Provider
  • HIV Lab Tests and Results
  • Returning to Care
  • HIV Treatment Overview
  • Viral Suppression and Undetectable Viral Load
  • Taking Your HIV Medicine as Prescribed
  • Tips on Taking Your HIV Medicine as Prescribed
  • Paying for HIV Care and Treatment
  • Other Health Issues of Special Concern for People Living with HIV
  • Alcohol and Drug Use
  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) and People with HIV
  • Hepatitis B & C
  • Vaccines and People with HIV
  • Flu and People with HIV
  • Mental Health
  • Mpox and People with HIV
  • Opportunistic Infections
  • Sexually Transmitted Infections
  • Syphilis and People with HIV
  • HIV and Women's Health Issues
  • Aging with HIV
  • Emergencies and Disasters and HIV
  • Employment and Health
  • Exercise and Physical Activity
  • Nutrition and People with HIV
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  • Traveling Outside the U.S.
  • Civil Rights
  • Workplace Rights
  • Limits on Confidentiality
  • National HIV/AIDS Strategy (2022-2025)
  • Implementing the National HIV/AIDS Strategy
  • Prior National HIV/AIDS Strategies (2010-2021)
  • Key Strategies
  • Priority Jurisdictions
  • HHS Agencies Involved
  • Learn More About EHE
  • Ready, Set, PrEP
  • Ready, Set, PrEP Pharmacies
  • AHEAD: America’s HIV Epidemic Analysis Dashboard
  • HIV Prevention Activities
  • HIV Testing Activities
  • HIV Care and Treatment Activities
  • HIV Research Activities
  • Activities Combating HIV Stigma and Discrimination
  • The Affordable Care Act and HIV/AIDS
  • HIV Care Continuum
  • Syringe Services Programs
  • Finding Federal Funding for HIV Programs
  • Fund Activities
  • The Fund in Action
  • About PACHA
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  • Subcommittees
  • Prior PACHA Meetings and Recommendations
  • I Am a Work of Art Campaign
  • Awareness Campaigns
  • Global HIV/AIDS Overview
  • U.S. Government Global HIV/AIDS Activities
  • U.S. Government Global-Domestic Bidirectional HIV Work
  • Global HIV/AIDS Organizations
  • National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day February 7
  • HIV Is Not A Crime Awareness Day February 28
  • National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day March 10
  • National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day March 20
  • National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day April 10
  • HIV Vaccine Awareness Day May 18
  • National Asian & Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day May 19
  • HIV Long-Term Survivors Awareness Day June 5
  • National HIV Testing Day June 27
  • Zero HIV Stigma July 21
  • Southern HIV/AIDS Awareness Day August 20
  • National Faith HIV/AIDS Awareness Day August 25
  • National African Immigrants and Refugee HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis Awareness Day September 9
  • National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day September 18
  • National Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness Day September 27
  • National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day October 15
  • World AIDS Day December 1
  • Event Planning Guide
  • U.S. Conference on HIV/AIDS (USCHA)
  • National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
  • AIDS 2020 (23rd International AIDS Conference Virtual)

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Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a virus that attacks cells that help the body fight infection. There's no cure, but it is treatable with medicine.

What Is HIV?

HIV ( human immunodeficiency virus ) is a virus that attacks cells that help the body fight infection, making a person more vulnerable to other infections and diseases. It is spread by contact with certain bodily fluids of a person with HIV, most commonly during unprotected sex (sex without a condom or HIV medicine to prevent or treat HIV), or through sharing injection drug equipment.

If left untreated, HIV can lead to the disease AIDS ( acquired immunodeficiency syndrome ).

The human body can’t get rid of HIV and no effective HIV cure exists. So, once you have HIV, you have it for life. Luckily, however, effective treatment with HIV medicine (called antiretroviral therapy or ART) is available. If taken as prescribed, HIV medicine can reduce the amount of HIV in the blood (also called the viral load) to a very low level. This is called viral suppression. If a person’s viral load is so low that a standard lab can’t detect it, this is called having an undetectable viral load. People with HIV who take HIV medicine as prescribed and get and keep an undetectable viral load can live long and healthy lives and will not transmit HIV to their HIV-negative partners through sex .

In addition, there are effective methods to prevent getting HIV through sex or drug use, including pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) , medicine people at risk for HIV take to prevent getting HIV from sex or injection drug use, and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) , HIV medicine taken within 72 hours after a possible exposure to prevent the virus from taking hold. Learn about other ways to prevent getting or transmitting HIV .

What Is AIDS?

AIDS is the late stage of HIV infection that occurs when the body’s immune system is badly damaged because of the virus.

In the U.S., most people with HIV do not develop AIDS because taking HIV medicine as prescribed stops the progression of the disease.

A person with HIV is considered to have progressed to AIDS when:

  • the number of their CD4 cells falls below 200 cells per cubic millimeter of blood (200 cells/mm3). (In someone with a healthy immune system, CD4 counts are between 500 and 1,600 cells/mm3.) OR
  • they develop one or more opportunistic infections regardless of their CD4 count.

Without HIV medicine, people with AIDS typically survive about 3 years. Once someone has a dangerous opportunistic illness, life expectancy without treatment falls to about 1 year. HIV medicine can still help people at this stage of HIV infection, and it can even be lifesaving. But people who start HIV medicine soon after they get HIV experience more benefits—that’s why HIV testing is so important.

How Do I Know If I Have HIV?

The only way to know for sure if you have HIV is to get tested . Testing is relatively simple. You can ask your health care provider for an HIV test. Many medical clinics, substance abuse programs, community health centers, and hospitals offer them too. If you test positive, you can be connected to HIV care to start treatment as soon as possible. If you test negative, you have the information you need to take steps to prevent getting HIV in the future.

To find an HIV testing location near you, use the HIV Services Locator .

HIV self-testing is also an option. Self-testing allows people to take an HIV test and find out their result in their own home or other private location. With an HIV self-test, you can get your test results within 20 minutes. You can buy an HIV self-test kit at a pharmacy or online. Some health departments or community-based organizations also provide HIV self-test kits for a reduced cost or for free. You can call your local health department or use the HIV Testing and Care Services Locator to find organizations that offer HIV self-test kits near you. (Contact the organization for eligibility requirements.)

Note: State laws regarding self-testing vary and may limit availability. Check with a health care provider or health department Exit Disclaimer for additional testing options.

Learn more about HIV self-testing and which test might be right for you .

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Essay On AIDS | AIDS Essay for Students and Children in English

February 12, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on AIDS:  AIDS or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is a life-threatening disease that one can contract via contact with blood or via sexual activity. It refers to when HIV or human immunodeficiency virus makes its way into a person’s body. HIV/AIDS affects the immune system so that the bodies of those affected with AIDS find difficulty in fighting minor illnesses.

You can read more  Essay Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Long and Short Essays on AIDS for Students and Kids in English

Given below are two essays in English for students and children about the life-threatening disease AIDS in both long and short form. The first is a long essay on the terrible disease, AIDS, of 400-500 words, which is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9, and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on AIDS of 150-200 words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below.

Long Essay on AIDS 500 Words in English

Below we have given a long essay on AIDS of 500 words. Long Essay on AIDS in English for classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants

AIDS or Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome is a life-threatening disease which is caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV. This is the reason why the anagrams of HIV/AIDS are often grouped with each other. The virus threatens its victim’s life as it weakens the host body’s immune system. This is incredibly dangerous to people who have weak immune systems, and even more so for those with a disease like AIDS. First, we need to know the function of the immune system to understand the severity of an immunodeficiency syndrome.

The immune system is the bodily system that defends or protects the body from infections, illnesses, and other such problems. It builds antibodies within our bodies against diseases that we have suffered from before, so it can protect us from sickness again. In simple terms, the immune system is the part of your body that fights off infections and keeps you safe and healthy. With this being said, you should now understand better why somebody with a weak immune system is more prone to illnesses.

When HIV enters the body, it attacks the immune system by destroying CD4 cells. These cells are the ones responsible for fighting off illnesses, and HIV destroys them, weakening the system so that it fails to defend the body from other diseases. This is the reason why we call it life-threatening because it makes the body of the sufferer physically vulnerable. With HIV/AIDS, even a controllable infection like the common cold can become fatal, as the immune system is unable to fight it off.

AIDS is called the ‘Acquired’ Immuno Deficiency Syndrome because it is a disease that you can only acquire from another person, including your mother, who can pass it down to you at childbirth. The main mode of transmission of HIV/AIDS is via unprotected sexual activity, which makes it a sexually transmitted disease (STD), or if you come in contact with an HIV-positive individual’s blood. This can be by sharing a needle, coming in connection with a bleeding wound, etc. which can transmit the syndrome to you.

The most unfortunate part of suffering from AIDS is that there is no permanent cure for it as of yet. However, there is the treatment to help keep the level of CD4 cells high and reduce the amount of virus in the body. This means that once someone has been diagnosed with AIDS, they must be extremely careful living their life and follow their treatment to the dot so that they can live the best lives possible for them in that situation.

Many celebrities have also been diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, such as actor Charlie Sheen, singer Freddie Mercury, comedian Steve Moore (who even made an HBO special about it), among several others. HIV/AIDS activism is a relatively new concept that calls for the normalization and destigmatization of positive individuals. While HIV/AIDS is a terrible disease to take people over, it is a must to remember that there is always hope, even on the darkest days.

AIDS Essay

Short Essay on AIDS 200 Words in English

Below we have given a short essay on AIDS of 200 words. short essay on AIDS is suitable for students of classes 1,2,3,4,5 and 6.

AIDS is a horrible disease which threatens the life of the people who have got it. It is a disease that a person can get when a virus called HIV enters our bodies. It is very dangerous for our bodies and can even lead to death.

In our bodies, we have a system called the immune system that takes care of us by fighting off any infection that comes to us. HIV destroys the cells in our immune system that saves us from becoming unwell. This means that if HIV enters the body, even small illnesses like a cold can make someone very sick.

A person can get AIDS when they come in contact with the blood of a person who has HIV. They can also contract it while doing some kind of sexual activity. Another way to get HIV/AIDS is by being born with it, but this only happens if your mother who gave birth to you had it. AIDS is not a natural disease, but it comes from somewhere else into the body.

It is challenging to live with HIV/AIDS because it can’t be cured. However, doctors can help you control it so that you can live happily.

10 Lines About AIDS Essay

  • AIDS stands for Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome
  • AIDS is an autoimmune disorder and a sexually transmitted disease (STD).
  • When the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) enters the body, it causes a syndrome that we call AIDS.
  • The immune system has CD4 cells that are responsible for the antibodies that fight off infections. Weaker immune systems have less CD4 cells, thus less protection from infections.
  • HIV targets CD4 cells in the body, which is how it weakens the immune system to the point that it can even prove deadly.
  • HIV/AIDS is something that you acquire either from your mother during birth (if she is HIV-positive), via contact with a positive individual’s blood or via unprotected sexual activity.
  • There is no permanent cure for HIV/AIDS yet.
  • The closest thing to a cure for HIV/AIDS is control of the virus via medicines, which help increase CD4 cells in the body.
  • HIV/AIDS activism is a growing movement for the destigmatization of AIDS patients.
  • Many celebrities have also been diagnosed with AIDS.

Essay About AIDS

FAQ’s on Essay on AIDS

Question 1. What is AIDS?

Answer: AIDS is the Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome caused by the presence of a virus called the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in the body. It weakens the immune system in a life-threatening manner.

Question 2. What’s the difference between AIDS and HIV?

Answer: The mere difference between AIDS and HIV is that the former is a disorder with the immune system, and the latter is the virus that causes this disorder.

Question 3. How can a person get HIV/AIDS?

Answer: AIDS can be transmitted in one of three ways – by contact with HIV-positive blood, sexual activity with an HIV-positive individual, or via childbirth if your biological mother is HIV-positive.

Question 4. Is there a cure for HIV/AIDS?

Answer: No, there is no cure for AIDS, unfortunately, so for the individuals who suffer from it. However, there is a treatment that patients must take precisely the way they are prescribed to them, which helps increase the body’s illness-fighting cells.

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8 Must-Try AI Essay Generator Tools for Perfect Writing

essay writing aids

The growing reliance on technology in education and content creation has led students, professionals, and businesses to seek efficient ways to produce high-quality essays and relevant content. In eCommerce, where content drives engagement, the need for AI essay generator tools that cater to specific needs and different formats is more pressing than ever. AI writing tools have become essential for generating content that meets high standards of quality and originality.

Hypotenuse provides a comprehensive suite of content creation services designed to optimize digital marketing and SEO efforts. It specializes in bulk content production and tailors its services to match the brand's voice and specific requirements. With AI tools that optimize for search engines, brands can achieve maximum visibility. These advanced functionalities allow businesses to monitor and improve product performance, ensuring relevant content reaches the target audience.

Built on our depth of experience, we've put together this guide to explore the top AI essay generator tools. We’ll examine their key features, ease of use, and how they can enhance your essay writing process. By the end, you’ll discover how these tools can save you much time and help you achieve an excellent grade with quality content tailored to your needs.

Let's start!

Top 8 AI Essay Generator Tools for Perfect Writing

The rise of AI essay generator tools has transformed how students and professionals approach writing. These tools offer efficiency, creativity, and precision, making them invaluable for producing high-quality essays. Explore our list of the top 8 AI essay generators that can elevate your writing to the next level.

1. Hypotenuse AI - Best AI Essay Generator

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Hypotenuse AI excels in providing tailored content solutions that meet the specific needs of various industries. As an AI essay generator, they specialize in creating high-quality, SEO-optimized content that aligns with a brand’s unique voice. They focus on delivering precise and relevant content that meets their client's requirements, making them a top choice for businesses seeking reliable content generation.

Hypotenuse AI is designed to enhance efficiency and accuracy in content creation, allowing writers to rewrite sentences in a more fluid and concise manner. Notably, it boasts SEO-optimized content generation, ensuring that all content is crafted with search engine rankings in mind. Hypotenuse AI offers seamless integration with existing content management systems (CMS), simplifying content workflows for businesses and allowing them to rewrite paragraphs with ease.

Notable Features of Using Hypotenuse AI

  • SEO Optimization: Hypotenuse AI incorporates SERP and PAA data to create content that ranks well in search engine results, improving visibility.
  • Custom Brand Voice: The platform adapts to your brand's unique writing style, ensuring that all content is consistent with your brand identity.
  • Bulk Content Generation: Generate thousands of pieces of content simultaneously, streamlining the process for e-commerce businesses with extensive product catalogs.
  • Real-Time Factual Research: The AI conducts up-to-date research to ensure all content is accurate and relevant.

Hypotenuse AI Pricing Plans

Hypotenuse AI offers several pricing plans to cater to different needs:

  • Entry Plan: $19/month (billed annually), includes 50,000 words, one seat, and basic features like SEO blog articles and CMS integration.
  • Essential Plan: $56/month (billed annually), offers 180,000 words, plagiarism checks, and premium features for freelancers or small teams.
  • Blog Pro Plan: Starting at $150/month, designed for SEO teams needing advanced features like technical blog writing and real-time research.
  • Blog Custom Plan: Custom pricing tailored to specific team needs, including custom content types and dedicated account management.

Ecommerce brands and SEO-driven companies gain significant advantages from using Hypotenuse AI. This platform is particularly suited for businesses that need large quantities of SEO-optimized content, customized to meet specific brand standards. Additionally, by integrating a rewording tool like Hypotenuse AI, companies can effortlessly refine and adapt their content to maintain consistency and clarity across various channels. 

2. WriteGenius - Best for Long-form Content Generation

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WriteGenius excels as an AI essay generator by creating in-depth, well-researched content tailored for long-form writing. It is particularly effective for generating high-quality, SEO-optimized essays and articles that maintain a consistent tone and structure across multiple sections. This tool is designed for users who must quickly and efficiently produce comprehensive content.

WriteGenius offers a range of features specifically for long-form content creation. Users can generate entire articles with just one click, including titles, introductions, H2s, H3s, and conclusions. The tool also provides advanced SEO optimization, ensuring that the content is engaging and ranks well in search engines. Additionally, WriteGenius includes options for content customization, allowing users to fine-tune the output to match their brand voice.

Notable Features of Using WriteGenius

  • SEO Optimization: Ensures all generated content is optimized for search engines, improving visibility and ranking.
  • Customizable Templates: Offers a library of 30+ pre-built templates for various content types, saving time on formatting.
  • Content Structuring: Automatically structures content with appropriate headings and subheadings, enhancing readability.
  • Instant Article Generation: Allows users to create a full-length article in minutes, from topic selection to final draft.

WriteGenius Pricing Plans

Users are encouraged to contact WriteGenius directly for specific pricing details, as the pricing information is unavailable on their website. However, basic monthly plans are $49, catering to individual users and small teams.

WriteGenius is ideal for marketing agencies, content creators, and businesses that require scalable content production. Its target audience includes industries like tech, SaaS, and digital marketing, where consistent and high-quality content is essential.

3. HyperWrite - Best for Structured Essay Writing

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HyperWrite specializes in creating well-structured and coherent essays through its AI essay generator tool, EssayMaster. This tool is designed to help users produce high-quality academic and professional essays with clear organization and logical flow. HyperWrite ensures that each essay is grammatically correct and effectively communicates the intended ideas.

HyperWrite offers a range of features that make it ideal for essay writing. These include the ability to input specific essay topics and key points, which the AI then uses to generate a structured essay with an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. The tool also provides real-time research capabilities to ensure well-written, factually accurate, and properly cited essays.

Notable Features of Using HyperWrite

  • Custom Essay Generation: Users can input their essay topics and key points, and the AI generates a structured essay with a clear and logical flow.
  • Real-Time Research: The tool integrates real-time research to provide citation-backed content, ensuring accuracy and relevance.
  • Grammar and Style Check: Automatically corrects grammatical errors and improves writing style for a polished final product.
  • Content Customization: Offers options to adjust the tone and style of the essay to match the user's preferences.

HyperWrite Pricing Plans

HyperWrite offers two main pricing plans tailored to different user needs:

  • Premium Plan: $19.99/month – Includes 250 AI messages, real-time research, and three custom personas.
  • Ultra Plan: $44.99/month – Includes 1000 AI messages, ten custom personas, and priority access to experimental features.

HyperWrite mainly benefits students, educators, and professionals who must quickly create structured and well-researched essays. Its target audience includes individuals in academic research, education, and business report writing.

4. EssayGenius - Best for Comprehensive Essay Drafting

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EssayGenius is an AI essay generator specializing in creating comprehensive and well-structured essay drafts. This tool is designed to assist students and professionals in generating high-quality essays quickly and efficiently. EssayGenius is particularly strong in providing a working draft in under a minute, significantly reducing the time spent on the initial writing process.

Users can input detailed essay information, including title, course level, and citation requirements. The AI then generates a full essay draft, which can be refined and personalized using additional tools like paraphrasing, summarizing, and plagiarism checking. The tool also supports multiple languages and a wide range of citation styles.

Notable Features of Using EssayGenius

  • Instant Essay Drafts: Generates a complete essay draft in under a minute, quickly starting the writing process.
  • Multilingual Support: Supports essay writing in 28 languages, catering to a global audience.
  • Citation Assistance: This service offers various citation styles, including APA and MLA, and ensures that all references are properly formatted.
  • Plagiarism Checking: Includes a built-in plagiarism checker to ensure originality and avoid content duplication.

EssayGenius Pricing Plans

EssayGenius provides flexible pricing plans suitable for different needs:

  • Monthly Plan: $14.99/month, ideal for users with short-term needs, offering unlimited AI-powered writing assistance and up to 100 full essay drafts per month.
  • Annual Plan: $12.00/month (billed yearly), best value for ongoing writing projects, providing the same benefits at a reduced annual cost.

EssayGenius suits students, educators, and writers who must quickly produce structured and well-researched essays. Its target audience includes those working on academic assignments, college applications, and research papers.

5. Caktus - Best for Academic-Focused Essay Writing

essay writing aids

Caktus specializes in generating well-structured and academically focused essays using its AI essay generator. This tool is designed to assist students by providing customized essays that align with specific academic requirements. Caktus is known for producing high-quality content geared towards bypassing AI detectors, making it an ideal solution for students aiming to produce original work.

The AI tool allows users to input their essay prompt and select the desired word count, generating a fully developed essay with citations. Additionally, Caktus includes options to refine and customize the essay to match the user’s tone and style, ensuring a personalized and academically sound final product.

Notable Features of Using Caktus

  • AI Detector Bypass: Generates essays designed to bypass AI detection, ensuring originality.
  • Customizable Outputs: Users can adjust their essays' tone, length, and style to meet specific academic needs.
  • Citation Integration: Provides high-quality citations by scanning a large academic database, making research more accessible.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The platform is designed to be intuitive, allowing users to generate essays quickly and efficiently.

Caktus Pricing Plans

Caktus offers two main pricing plans:

  • Monthly Plan: $24.99, includes unlimited AI outputs, writing tools, and citation tools.
  • Annual Plan: $199.99 per year, offering the same features as the monthly plan but at a reduced daily cost.

Caktus is particularly beneficial for students and educators who need reliable and academically sound content. Its target audience includes higher education students, such as college students and academic researchers, who require high-quality, well-cited essays.

6. EssayFlow - Best for Undetectable AI Writing

essay writing aids

EssayFlow specializes in producing essays that closely resemble human writing, using its AI essay generator with an undetectable mode. This tool is designed to help users create original, plagiarism-free content that passes AI detection tests. It is ideal for students and professionals who need their work to appear authentically written.

EssayFlow provides an undetectable writing mode, which ensures that generated essays mimic human writing styles, reducing the likelihood of detection by AI detectors. Users can also generate essays in multiple languages, with real-time AI detection score reports, to verify the content’s authenticity before submission.

Notable Features of Using EssayFlow

  • Undetectable Writing Mode: Ensures essays are indistinguishable from human-written content, bypassing AI detectors.
  • Multi-Language Support: Allows users to generate essays in over 50 languages, catering to a global audience.
  • AI Detection Score Report: Provides a detailed report on the detectability of the essay using integrated AI detectors.
  • Large Database of Samples: Offers access to a vast collection of essay samples to guide content creation.

EssayFlow Pricing Plans

EssayFlow offers three main pricing plans designed to meet different user needs:

  • Basic Plan: $17.98/month (if billed annually), includes 10,000 words per month and access to undetectable writing mode.
  • Pro Plan: $21.98/month (if billed annually), provides 50,000 words per month and has enhanced features, including a large database of essay samples.
  • Unlimited Plan: $49.98/month (if billed annually), offers unlimited monthly words, perfect for users needing extensive content generation.

EssayFlow is ideal for students, educators, and professionals who require undetectable and original essays. Its target audience includes academic writers, business professionals, and anyone seeking to create authentic, AI-generated content that meets high originality and quality standards.

7. Smodin - Best for Versatile Essay Writing

essay writing aids

Smodin specializes in providing a versatile, comprehensive AI essay generator that caters to various essay types. Whether users need to write academic essays, research papers, or business reports, Smodin’s AI-powered tools ensure that each essay is structured, coherent, and tailored to the specific requirements of the task.

Users can input essay topics and key points, allowing the AI to generate well-structured content with automatic references. The tool also includes a research assistant that helps find credible sources and add citations, essential for maintaining academic integrity. Smodin’s AI can handle various essay types, making it versatile for different writing needs.

Notable Features of Using Smodin

  • AI-Powered Research Assistant: Quickly find and incorporate relevant information into essays, ensuring accuracy and credibility.
  • Automatic References: Generates accurate citations in APA and MLA styles, making it easier to maintain academic standards.
  • Structured Essay Creation: Guides users through the essay writing process, helping to create clear and logical essays.
  • Plagiarism Detection: Ensures all essays are original and free from plagiarism, with tools to remove any AI-generated plagiarism.

Smodin Pricing Plans

Smodin offers several pricing plans to cater to different user needs:

  • Starter Plan: $0/month, limited to 3 writing credits per week and 1000 characters per entry.
  • Essentials Plan: $12/month (billed annually), includes 200 writing credits per month, unlimited rewrites, and 4000 characters per entry.
  • Productive Plan: $24/month (billed annually), offers 500 writing credits per month, unlimited rewrites, and 12,000 characters per entry.
  • Ultimate Plan: $63/month (billed annually), provides 1500 writing credits per month, unlimited rewrites, and 12,000 characters per entry.

Smodin is ideal for students, educators, and professionals across various industries who require flexible and efficient essay writing tools. Its target audience includes academic researchers, college students, and business professionals who must regularly produce high-quality, well-researched essays.

8. Simplified - Best for Quick and Multilingual Essay Generation

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Simplified is designed to help users generate high-quality essays efficiently. It is particularly effective for users who need to create essays quickly across various languages and styles. Simplified excels in breaking down writer's block and streamlining the essay writing process.

Simplified allows users to select different essay styles and languages, ensuring the generated content meets specific requirements. The tool also guarantees plagiarism-free content, allowing users to produce original essays confidently. Simplified provides instant research assistance, helping users generate well-informed essays.

Notable Features of Using Simplified

  • Multilingual Essay Generation: Supports essay creation in multiple languages, catering to a global audience.
  • Plagiarism-Free Content: Ensures that all generated essays are unique and plagiarism-free.
  • Custom Essay Styles: Allows users to choose various essay styles to match their needs.
  • Instant Research Integration: Provides real-time research assistance to enrich the content with accurate information.

Simplified Pricing Plans

Simplified offers a range of pricing plans to accommodate different needs:

  • Free Plan: Ideal for creators, includes essential features with unlimited design projects.
  • Pro Plan: $10/month, offers 100,000 AI words/month, AI Blog Writer with SEO mode, and access to 80+ AI templates.
  • Enterprise Plan: Tailored for large teams with custom pricing, including advanced workflow automation and premium support.

Simplified is perfect for students, content creators, and professionals who must generate essays quickly and efficiently. Its target audience includes individuals across educational and professional sectors who require a versatile and reliable writing tool.

Ethical Considerations in Using AI Essay Generator Tools

essay writing aids

Using an AI essay generator offers convenience, especially when facing tight deadlines or a challenging essay topic. Nevertheless, using these tools raises ethical considerations that must be carefully addressed to uphold academic integrity and ensure the delivery of ethical, high-quality work.

1. Authenticity of Generated Content

An AI essay generator can help streamline the writing process, but ensuring the final product remains authentic is essential. Academic essays should genuinely reflect the student's understanding and perspective, not just the output of an AI essay writer. To maintain this authenticity, balance AI-generated content with your input. While AI can provide a solid foundation, the generated text must be supplemented with original content and critical thinking skills.

2. Maintain Academic Integrity

Maintaining academic integrity is crucial when using AI essay writing tools. While an AI essay generator can offer stylistic suggestions and help with structuring, the human writer must ensure that the content adheres to academic standards. Acknowledge any significant influence of the AI tool on the final product to uphold transparency and academic honesty.

3. Acknowledge AI Assistance

While AI essay writers are becoming increasingly sophisticated, it is vital to acknowledge their role in the writing process, particularly in academic contexts where original content is highly valued. Clearly stating the use of an AI writer can help distinguish between the tool's contributions and the writer's efforts, thereby preserving the essay’s credibility.

4. Balance AI and Human Input

An AI essay generator offers advanced features like natural language processing and plagiarism checkers, which are excellent tools for refining essays. However, relying solely on AI-generated content can lead to a lack of depth and personal insight. Human writers should use AI to enhance their writing, not replace it. Balancing AI input with human creativity ensures that the final product is not only technically correct but also meaningful and engaging.

5. Dependence on Technology

Overdependence on AI essay writing tools can diminish writing skills over time. While these tools can ease the daunting writing task, they should be manageable. Developing and maintaining strong writing and critical thinking skills is essential for producing high-quality academic essays. AI tools, including free versions and trials, should be used to complement, not replace, the skills honed through traditional writing practices.

Key Takeaway

Using the best AI essay generator tools offers many benefits for writing essays, research papers, and blog posts. These tools can help overcome writer’s block, make an essay longer , and ensure you hit your desired word count. Whether you're working on different types of essays or more complex research papers, a good AI essay writer can guide you through the process with its robust features and ability to add specific details.

However, it is crucial to approach artificial intelligence in content creation with ethical considerations. While AI can expand content and enhance key points, human input is necessary to maintain authenticity and responsibility. Incorporating AI into the writing process should involve humanizing the content and ensuring the final piece reflects thoughtful and ethical writing practices. Good AI tools can assist in content creation, but they should complement human creativity and effort.

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8 Best Writing Assistant Software in 2024

Millie Dinsdale headshot

By Millie Dinsdale

best writing assistant software

Table of Contents

Features to look for in a writing assistant, 5 best ai writing assistants, 3 best ai writing apps, how to find the best ai writing tool.

If you are looking for the best writing assistant software, you’re in the right place.

AI writing tools can help you write articles quicker, produce ad copy at the click of a button, draft outlines to presentations, craft to-do lists, and so much more.

But how do you know which one out of the 100s available is best for you?

As writers, we know there is no one-tool-fits-all solution to writing. That’s why we have compiled a varied list of tools, all with unique features at different price points, for you to choose from.

The best writing assistant software will help you with all four steps of the writing process: ideation, drafting, editing, and proofing. Within each of these stages, here are some useful features you should look out for.

Ideation Features

Ideation is the process in which a writer generates ideas, brainstorms the validity of those ideas, and narrows down what they want to write about. The features that can be useful for this stage are:

Ideation templates : Mind mapping, storyboarding, brainstorming, sketching, and other templates can be helpful to allow you to organize your ideas.

Idea generator : This is a feature where you enter a concept or prompt, and the tool comes up with related ideas.

Outline generator : Some tools can generate a full outline after you have provided them with a brief, which saves you time.

Drafting Features

Drafting is the process of putting pen to paper and writing. Some writers will have one draft, and others will write hundreds. Here are some features that can help with the drafting process:

Focus mode : This can help you get your initial ideas down on the page without distractions.

Personalizable dictionary : Red underlines can be distracting, especially if you use slang, made up places and names, and different languages.

Editing Features

Editing is when a writer reviews what they have written and ensures it says what was intended in the way it was intended. There are three stages of editing: structural editing, line editing, and copyediting . Here are some features that can help with the three stages of editing:

Structural checks : Structural checks help you keep writing engaging by ensuring you have a balance of long and short sentences and fast and slow paragraphs.

Repeats checks : Repetition can make writing feel stagnant, but it’s difficult to notice them by yourself. An AI checker can help.

Readability scores: It is important to match the complexity of your text to your readers. If your writing is too simple or complex, it will not have the desired effect.

Proofing Features

Proofreading involves reviewing text and correcting grammatical, structural, factual, and spelling mistakes. Here are some features that can aid the proofreading process:

Spell checkers : Running your writing through a spell checker that is personalized to your country, for example British vs US English, is an essential step before sharing your work.

Grammar checkers : Correct grammar ensures clarity and prevents miscommunication.

Consistency checkers : It’s important to check for consistency with hyphenation, quote usage, ellipses, capitalization, and more.


ProWritingAid is an all-in-one AI powered writing assistant designed for creative, business, academic, and technical writing.

The tool offers 20+ writing reports that help with every aspect of writing, from improving sentence length and structure, to adding transitions, to highlighting overused words, to correcting spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors, and even providing suggestions to enhance dialogue.

In addition to this, you can also see in-tool articles, videos, and quizzes so you can learn and improve as you go.

With a Premium Pro license, you also get access to Sparks, which is an AI generative tool that provides more options than almost any other software on the market. With Sparks, you can improve fluency, summarize text, add sensory descriptions, expand from notes, change to present or past tense, add dialogue, quotes, emphasis, counterarguments, and so much more.

Integrations : Windows, Mac, MS Word (Windows & Mac), Google Docs, Scrivener, Final Draft, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge

Price : ProWritingAid has three pricing options: free, Premium, and Premium Pro. The free plan allows users to access 20+ reports with a 500 word limit. The Premium plan has an unlimited word count, and it costs just $10 a month. The Premium Pro plan comes with 50 rephrases a day and costs $12 a month.

Conclusion : If you want a writing assistant that can help you with every aspect of writing, including generative AI, then try ProWritingAid for free .

Claude is an AI writing assistant that is accessible through a simple chat interface.

It is designed for business professionals and can help with coding, content generation, customer support, editing, translation, summarization, and more.

One of the most popular features of the tool is the high level of security. Unlike many other generative AI tools on the market, Claude does not use user data to train its models. This makes it perfect for businesses who need help working with sensitive information.

Integrations : Zapier

Price : There are two options, Claude instant and Claude 2. Claude instant is good for lightweight requests at a reasonable price. Claude 2 is a more expensive and advanced version of the tool that is designed for complex tasks. Each plan is priced per million tokens, which are used to complete actions.

Conclusion : Claude is an excellent option for business professionals who frequently encounter limits and issues with other free generative AI tools. However, if you are a casual user, its functionality is probably more advanced than you need.


LanguageTool is a paraphraser, text editor, and grammar checker.

It can fix punctuation mistakes, help with formatting, and allow you to set up your own style guide. Premium users also have access to unlimited rephrasings, whilst free users are limited to five per day.

Additionally, LanguageTool works in over 25 languages, including English, Spanish, French, and Italian —a lthough it doesn’t offer the option to translate any text.

Integrations : Chrome, Edge, Google Docs, Firefox, and more

Price : There are three plans: free, premium, and teams. The free plan offers basic features, with the advanced features behind a paywall. The premium plan offers four payment intervals with the cheapest being the two-year plan, and the most expensive being the monthly. The team plan is priced according to the number of users and offers additional features like team style guide and dictionary.

Conclusion : LanguageTool’s price is on the lower end, and it offers a fair selection of features. However, the lack of a plagiarism checker, tone checker, and structural reports means that academic and creative writers may need to carry out additional edits.

QuillBot is a writing assistant that is designed for students and working professionals.

QuillBot offers seven features: paraphraser, grammar checker, co-writer, plagiarism checker, summarizer, translator, and citation generator. The most well-known of these features is the paraphraser, which has a variety of modes, including standard, fluency, and creative.

The tool is available in over 20 languages, including English, Spanish, German, and French.

Integrations : Chrome, Google Docs, Microsoft Word, and more

Price : There are two plans available: free and premium. The free plan is limited and gives users an idea of what the tool can do. The premium plan includes all features and is available in three different payment plans: annual, semi-annual, and monthly. The annual plan costs $99.95 a year, and the monthly plan totals to $239.40 a year.

Conclusion : The plagiarism checker and citation generator make QuillBot a useful tool for students, although the pricing is on the higher end for academic aids.

Wordtune is an AI writing assistant designed for working professionals.

It helps to speed up the writing process with a variety of tools. “Rewrites and Spices” allow you to edit and fine-tune your writing. “AI prompts” allow you to create content from scratch. “AI summaries” give you an outline of anything, such as an email or an article.

Integrations : Chrome, Edge, Microsoft Word, and more

Price : There are four plans: free, plus, unlimited, and business. The free plan is limited and gives users an idea of what the tool can do. The plus plan costs $10 a month and has more rewrites and prompts than the free plan. The unlimited plan costs $15 a month and has unlimited rewrites, AI prompts, and summaries. The business plan has pricing on request and comes with enhanced security options.

Conclusion : It’s a competitively priced, rounded option for business professionals, but it isn’t designed for students or creative writers.

Rytr is an AI writing assistant designed for content creators.

It can create blog outlines, copywriting frameworks, emails, social media posts, SEO meta titles, product descriptions, job descriptions, and more.

The tool works in over 30 languages, and it has a built-in plagiarism checker, which ensures all copy is original. It also has an image generator, although this is limited on every plan, including unlimited.

Integrations : Chrome and desktop apps for Mac and PC

Price : There are three plans: free, saver, and unlimited. The free plan allows you to generate 10,000 characters per month. The saver plan costs $9 a month and allows you to generate 100,000 characters and 20 images. The unlimited plan costs $29 a month and allows for unlimited content generation.

Conclusion : It’s adept at generating short-form copy, such as social media posts and emails, but it isn’t as good at creating long-form content, such as reports and articles.

Like ProWritingAid, Grammarly is an AI and writing assistant tool that checks your writing in real time. It is designed to streamline the writing process and reduce writing errors.

It’s available for multiple different English dialects, including British English, American English, Canadian English, and Australian English.

Some of its most popular features are its spell checker, citation generator, grammar checker, synonym checker, readability score, writing style suggestions, plagiarism detection, tone adjustments, and writing assistant.

Integrations : Windows, Mac, MS Word (Windows & Mac), Google Docs, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge

Price : Grammarly offers four different subscriptions: free, premium, business, and enterprise. The free plan is simple and corrects written mistakes. The premium plan includes rewrites, plagiarism checks, and more. The business and enterprise plans are designed for teams and organizations, and they include enhanced security and customized integrations.

Conclusion : This is a generalized tool that is suitable for most types of writers. However, if you are looking for a targeted tool that offers customized writing options for creative, academic, or business writers, other tools may be better suited. is a generative AI writing assistant software designed for marketing and sales teams.

It can be used to generate blog posts, social media posts, emails, and more. One of its top features is that it is available in over 25 languages, including English, Chinese, and Spanish.

Integrations : Zapier, Chrome, and desktop apps for Windows and Mac

Price : There are five pricing options: free, pro, team, growth, and scale. The free option is designed for individuals, so if you only need the tool for yourself, you are in luck. The other plan options are based on team size. For example, a pro license has up to five seats and costs $36 a month. The scale option has up to 200 seats and costs $3,000 a month.

Conclusion : is a suitable tool for single users because it’s free, but if you have a larger team, it can be prohibitively expensive.

There is no one master tool that is perfect for everyone because each writer has different requirements. Instead, here are a few questions you should ask in order to work out which tool is best suited to you.

What stages of the content creation process would you like help with? Do you need help with the ideation, drafting, editing, or proofing stages, or a mixture of them?

What level of help do you want? Do you want a tool that will lead the way and generate content using artificial intelligence, or would you rather have a tool that works with you rather than for you?

What features are important for you? Do you need writing suggestions, plagiarism detection, a summarizer, a translator, a consistency checker, or something else?

Which integrations are important? Do you prefer to write online, offline, in an app, or in your favorite tools?

What is your budget? Are you looking for a free tool you can use part time, or do you need an advanced tool for your company?

For writers who are looking for an in-depth tool that teaches you how to improve your writing rather than doing it for you, then ProWritingAid is a great option.

ProWritingAid helps you to perfect your writing skills and learn from your mistakes at the same time. It also offers over 20 reports that can do everything from improving the structure, to detecting inconsistencies, to improving written transitions, to highlighting repeats, and more.

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Be confident about grammar

Check every email, essay, or story for grammar mistakes. Fix them before you press send.

Millie Dinsdale

Millie is ProWritingAid's Content Manager. A recent English Literature graduate, she loves all things books and writing. When she isn't working, Millie enjoys gardening, re-reading books by Agatha Christie, and running.

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