
Essay on Video Games

Students are often asked to write an essay on Video Games in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

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100 Words Essay on Video Games


Video games are interactive digital entertainment platforms. They are played on devices like computers, consoles, or mobiles.

Types of Video Games

There are many types of video games. Some are educational, others are adventure-based or sports-themed.

Benefits of Video Games

Video games can improve hand-eye coordination, problem-solving skills, and strategic thinking. They can also be a fun way to relax.

Drawbacks of Video Games

Excessive gaming can lead to health issues like eye strain and lack of physical activity. It can also impact social skills if not balanced with real-world interactions.

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250 Words Essay on Video Games

Video games, a form of interactive entertainment, have evolved dramatically from their rudimentary origins in the 1970s. They have penetrated almost every aspect of modern society, becoming a significant part of our culture and a powerful force in the entertainment industry.

The Evolution of Video Games

In their inception, video games were straightforward, consisting of basic graphics and gameplay. However, as technology advanced, so did the complexity and visual appeal of these games. Today, video games are immersive experiences, boasting high-definition graphics, complex narratives, and intricate gameplay mechanics.

The Impact on Society

Video games have a profound impact on society. They have transformed how we spend our leisure time, and have even created new professions, such as professional e-sports players and game developers. In addition, video games have educational potential, as they can develop problem-solving and strategic thinking skills.

Controversies and Criticisms

Despite their popularity, video games have attracted controversy. Critics argue that they promote violence, addiction, and social isolation. However, research on these issues remains inconclusive, and many argue that the benefits of video games outweigh potential negatives.

500 Words Essay on Video Games

Video games, a form of digital entertainment that has dramatically evolved over the past few decades, have become a significant part of contemporary culture. They offer a unique blend of interactive storytelling, art, and technology, engaging players in a way that no other medium can. Video games are more than just a pastime; they are a platform for expression, learning, and innovation.

The history of video games is a testament to the incredible technological advancements of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. From the rudimentary pixel graphics of the 1970s to today’s immersive virtual reality experiences, video games have continuously pushed the boundaries of what is technologically possible. They have transformed from simple, solitary experiences into complex, social phenomena, connecting people from all walks of life.

The Impact of Video Games

The benefits and concerns.

Despite the criticisms often associated with video gaming, such as addiction and violence, numerous studies have highlighted the potential benefits. Video games can improve cognitive skills, such as problem-solving and spatial awareness, and can also foster social interaction and cooperation when played in groups. They can serve as therapeutic tools, helping to manage conditions like anxiety and depression. However, it is essential to maintain a balanced perspective, acknowledging the potential risks and promoting responsible gaming.

The Future of Video Games

The future of video games is as exciting as it is unpredictable. With emerging technologies like virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence, and cloud gaming, the possibilities for innovation are limitless. Video games are poised to become even more immersive, interactive, and personalized, offering experiences that were once the stuff of science fiction.

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Benefits of Video Games

Children and young adults love video games as they are fun and help to relax. At the same time, many adults claim that children spend too much time playing, which makes them violent and do not bring any benefit. However, facts indicate that video games are useful for the cognitive development of children and adults, while the myth of increased violence of players is not supported.

Video games are not a tool to solve all problems, but they have more advantages than many people think. First, games have a positive effect on cognitive and intellectual development (Etchells). For example, a player needs attentiveness, fast reaction, and often logical thinking to complete a mission in a shooter. Other games require attention and concentration, as well as ingenuity, to find a solution to a problem or task. Educational programs can also be built in the form of online games and bring more benefits than memorizing rules from books. Besides, games for adults also have such an advantage as they help developmental skills and memory. For example, Barr conducted a study and found that students playing video games improved their communication, resourcefulness, and adaptability significantly. At the same time, the idea that violent video games force people to be crueler has no convincing evidence, and scientists argue that the connection between the game process and increased aggression is very weak (Etchells). Consequently, video games cannot be called useless, harmful, or dangerous.

In conclusion, video games can be useful for a person’s development as they help to develop various cognitive and intellectual skills. In addition, since the myth that video games make people more violent still has not found cconfirmed it is difficult to talk about their harm. However, all these statements are correct with an average number of playing hours, since a strong passion for any activity, even useful, can harm the mental and physical health of a person.

Barr, Matthew. “ Video Games Can Turn University Graduates into Better Employees ” The Guardian , Guardian News and Media, 2019.

Etchells, Pete. “ Five Damaging Myths about Video Games – Let’s Shoot ‘Em Up .” The Guardian , 2019.

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Essays About Video Games: Top 12 Examples and Prompts

Video games have revolutionized the way we have fun today. If you are writing essays about video games, check out our guide to inspire your writing.  

Few can contest the fact that video games have taken over the world. From the basic, almost “primitive” games of the 1970s like Pong to the mind-bending virtual reality games of the 2020s, they have been a source of entertainment for all. Moreover, they have proven quite profitable; countries like Japan and the United States have made tens of billions of dollars solely from the video game market.

Despite their popularity, much has been debated over the potentially harmful side effects that video games may have, particularly on children. One side argues that playing certain video games can lead to people exhibiting violence in the future, while others believe that video games teach players essential life skills. Regardless, they will continue to be a part of our lives for the foreseeable future. 

For engaging essays about video games, read the essay examples featured below for inspiration.


1. What electronic games can teach us by Kendall Powell

2. designers are imagining video games without guns by keith stuart, 3. playing video games all summer won’t make you feel worse by nicole wetsman, 4.  violent video games bad by andrea newman.

  • 5. ​​The health effects of too much gaming by Peter Grinspoon

Writing Prompts For Essays About Video Games

1. video games: good or bad, 2. the benefits of video games, 3. what is your favorite video game, 4. do video games cause people to become violent, 5. video games in your life, 6. video games vs. traditional games, 7. is the video game rating system enough.

“In other studies, researchers found that gamers who trained on Tetris were better at mentally rotating two-dimensional shapes than those who played a control game. Students who played two hours of All You Can E.T., an educational game designed to enhance the executive function of switching between tasks, improved their focus-shifting skills compared with students who played a word search game.”

Powell explains a few possibilities of applying video games to education. As it turns out, certain video games can improve players’ skills, depending on the mechanics. Researchers are inspired by this and hope to take advantage of the competitive, motivational nature of gaming to encourage children to learn. New games are designed to help kids improve their focus, coordination, and resilience, and game designers hope they will succeed. 

“Imagine a game where you’re a war reporter seeking to capture the most iconic, representative images in a battle environment: You’d still get the sense of peril that audiences expect from action adventures, but your relationship with the environment would be more profound. It would be Call of Duty from the perspective of a creative participant rather than a violent interloper.”

The graphic nature of some video games is said to make kids violent, so it is only natural that some creators try to change this. Stuart writes that it is possible to maintain the fun that shooter-type games induce without using guns. He gives examples of games where you do not kill your enemy, simply stunning or capturing them instead. He also suggests photography as an alternative to killing in a “shooting” game. Finally, he suggests basing video games around helping others, making friends, and doing more peaceful, creative tasks.

“Any role video games play in skewing well-being that did pop up in the study was too small to have a real-world impact on how people feel, the authors said. People would have to play games for 10 more hours per day than their baseline to notice changes in their well-being, the study found.”

Wetsman counters the widespread belief that video games “destroy your brain.” Research done with a sample of 39,000 players over six weeks has shown that whether one plays video games for long or short periods, their mental health is not impacted much. There are some exceptions; however, there are not enough to conclude that video games are, in fact, harmful.

“Some people believe that the connection between violent games, and real violence is also fairly intuitive. In playing the games kids are likely to become desensitized to gory images;which could make them less disturbing, and perhaps easier to deal with in real life. While video games aren’t about violence their capacity to teach can be a good thing.”

In her essay, Newman writes about the supposed promotion of violence in some video games. However, she believes this violence does not cause people to be more aggressive later. Instead, she believes these games expose children to certain atrocities so they will not be traumatized if they see them in real life. In addition, these games supposedly promote connections and friendships. Finally, Newman believes that these “harmful” can make you a better person.

5. ​​ The health effects of too much gaming by Peter Grinspoon

“Gamers need to be educated on how to protect their thumbs, wrists, and elbows, their waistlines, their emotional state, their sleep, and their eyes. Simple education around taking breaks, stretching, eating healthy snacks, and resting and icing your thumb, wrist, or elbow when it starts hurting can address injuries early, before they become significant. For the eyes, gamers can try the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, try to look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.”

Grinspoon discusses both the benefits and the health risks of gaming. Video games allow people to interact with each other remotely and bond over specific missions or tasks, and some research shows that they have cognitive benefits. However, some gamers may develop vision problems and hand and wrist injuries. Gaming and “staring in front of a screen the whole day” is also associated with obesity. Overall, Grinspoon believes that gaming is best done in moderation.

Looking for more? Check out these essays about hobbies .

Many parents believe that their children’s “bad behavior” is because of video games. Based on your experience and others, decide: are video games good or bad for you? Make sure to read viewpoints from both sides and write an essay based on your position. Would you encourage others to play video games? Discuss these pros and cons for an interesting argumentative essay.

Like anything else, video games have both positive and negative aspects. Explain the good that video games can do for you: the skills they can equip you with, the lessons they can teach, and anything else. Also, include whether you believe their benefits outweigh the disadvantages they may pose. 

For your essay, write about your favorite video game and why you chose it. What is its meaning to you, and how has it affected your life? Describe the gameplay mechanics, characters, storyline, and general impact on the gaming community or society. You can write about any game you want, even if you have not played it; just ensure the content is sufficient.

Many claim that playing violent video games can make you violent in the future. Research this phenomenon and conclude whether it is true or not. Is the evidence sufficient? There are many resources on this topic; support your argument by citing credible sources, such as news articles, statistics, and scientific research.

Video games have been a part of almost all our lives. Recall a treasured experience with video games and explain why it is significant. How old were you? Why do you remember it fondly? How did this experience make you feel? Answer these questions in your own words for an exciting essay.

Essays About Video Games: Video games vs. Traditional games

There are stark differences between video and traditional games, such as board games and card games. For an engaging essay, compare and contrast them and write about which is more entertaining, in your opinion. Be creative; this should be based on your own opinions and ideas.

The video game content rating system is used to classify video games based on their appropriateness for specific ages. However, parents complain that they are not strict enough and allow the display of violent content to children. Explore the criteria behind the rating system, decide whether it needs to be changed or not, and give examples to support your argument.

If you are interested in learning more, check out our essay writing tips !

Tip: If writing an essay sounds like a lot of work, simplify it. Write a simple 5 paragraph essay instead.


Essay on Video Games

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In the rapidly evolving digital age, video games have emerged as a dominant form of entertainment and a significant cultural phenomenon. Their influence extends beyond mere amusement, affecting cognitive development, social interactions, and even physical health. This essay aims to explore the multifaceted impact of video games, shedding light on their benefits and challenges while offering a balanced perspective for students participating in essay writing competitions.

Video Games

Video games have undergone a remarkable evolution since their inception in the 1950s. From simple pixelated games to immersive virtual realities, they have transformed into complex narratives that captivate players’ imaginations. This evolution reflects technological advancements and the growing sophistication of gamers’ tastes and demands.

Cognitive Benefits

Research has shown that video games can enhance various cognitive skills. They improve problem-solving abilities, spatial awareness, and multitasking skills. Games that require strategic thinking, such as puzzles or role-playing games, can significantly boost players’ decision-making processes and adaptability to changing situations.

Educational Potential

Educators have begun to recognize the potential of video games as learning tools. Educational games can make learning more engaging and interactive, providing a practical application of concepts in a controlled environment. This approach can cater to different learning styles and paces, potentially transforming traditional educational methodologies.

Social Interaction and Community Building

Online multiplayer games offer vast platforms for social interaction, allowing players to collaborate, compete, and communicate with others across the globe. This virtual socialization can foster teamwork, leadership skills, and a sense of community among players, challenging the stereotype of gaming as an isolating activity.

Physical and Mental Health Impacts

The impact of video games on physical and mental health is a subject of ongoing debate. While excessive gaming can lead to sedentary lifestyles and associated health issues, active games like those using motion sensors can promote physical activity. Moreover, video games can offer therapeutic benefits, such as stress relief and improved mood, and have been explored as treatment aids for anxiety and depression.

Positive Impacts

  • Cognitive Skills: Certain video games, especially those involving strategy and problem-solving, can improve cognitive functions such as memory, attention, and spatial reasoning.
  • Hand-Eye Coordination: Action and simulation games often require precise movements, enhancing hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.
  • Social Interaction: Online multiplayer games can foster social connections and teamwork, providing opportunities for individuals to make friends and collaborate with others.
  • Stress Relief: Engaging in video games can serve as a stress reliever and a way to unwind from daily pressures.
  • Educational Value: Many educational games are designed to teach specific skills or subjects, making learning more engaging and interactive.
  • Pain Distraction: Some video games have been used in healthcare settings to distract patients from pain or discomfort during medical procedures.

Negative Impacts

  • Sedentary Lifestyle: Excessive gaming can lead to a sedentary lifestyle, contributing to physical health issues such as obesity, cardiovascular problems, and muscular weaknesses.
  • Sleep Disturbances: Late-night gaming sessions can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to sleep deprivation, which can negatively affect mental and physical health.
  • Addiction: Video game addiction can lead to social isolation, neglect of responsibilities, and adverse psychological effects, resembling addiction to substances.
  • Violence and Aggression: Some studies suggest a correlation between violent video games and increased aggressive behavior, although the causation remains debated.
  • Eye Strain and Physical Discomfort: Prolonged screen time can lead to eye strain, headaches, and physical discomfort, often referred to as “gamer’s thumb” or “text neck.”
  • Social Isolation: While some video games promote social interaction, excessive gaming can lead to isolation from real-life social activities, potentially impacting mental health negatively.
  • Escapism and Avoidance: Video games can become a form of escapism, allowing individuals to avoid dealing with real-life problems and responsibilities, which can lead to mental health issues.
  • Reduced Academic or Work Performance: Excessive gaming can interfere with academic or work-related responsibilities, leading to decreased performance and productivity.
  • Emotional Well-Being: While some games offer an enjoyable experience, others may be emotionally distressing or promote negative emotions, affecting mental health negatively.
  • Financial Consequences: In-game purchases and microtransactions can lead to financial strain when not managed responsibly.

Economic Impact

The video game industry has become a significant economic force, with revenues surpassing those of the movie and music industries combined. It has created millions of jobs worldwide in various sectors, including development, marketing, and esports. The industry’s growth has spurred technological innovation, driving advancements in software development, graphics, and artificial intelligence.

Cultural Influence

Video games have transcended entertainment to become influential cultural artifacts. They influence fashion, music, and movies and are a driving force behind major technological and social trends. Games like “Minecraft” and “Fortnite” have become cultural phenomena, influencing everything from playground activities to online communities.

Ethical Considerations and Responsibility

As video games become more lifelike and immersive, ethical considerations come to the forefront. Issues such as the portrayal of gender, race, and violence in games have sparked discussions about the social responsibilities of game developers. Promoting diversity and avoiding stereotypes in games can contribute to broader cultural understanding and sensitivity.

The Future of Gaming

The future of video gaming promises even more immersive experiences with advancements in virtual and augmented reality. The integration of artificial intelligence can lead to more personalized and adaptive gaming experiences, potentially revolutionizing how we interact with digital environments. As technology progresses, the ethical, social, and health-related implications of gaming will continue to be critical areas of research and discussion.

In conclusion, Video games are a complex and dynamic form of entertainment with far-reaching impacts on individuals and society. While they offer numerous benefits in terms of education, cognitive development, and social interaction, they also pose challenges related to health, addiction, and ethical concerns. As the industry continues to evolve, it is imperative for players, developers, and policymakers to balance the positive aspects of gaming with its potential drawbacks. Engaging with video games critically and responsibly can maximize their benefits while mitigating adverse effects, ensuring that gaming remains a positive force in the digital age.


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Exploring the Pros and Cons of Video Games as a Part of Modern Culture

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Benefit of Playing Video Games

This essay will discuss the benefits of playing video games, challenging the common negative perceptions. It will cover cognitive, social, and emotional advantages, such as improved problem-solving skills, enhanced hand-eye coordination, and opportunities for social interaction. The piece will also consider the educational potential of video games and their role in skill development. Moreover, at PapersOwl, there are additional free essay samples connected to Video Game.

How it works

Video games are seen as a useless entertainment to many parents and even some educators believe that they damage a child’s brain. Over the years, violent video games have been blamed for leading people to a life of crime because they believe that games are the cause of kids becoming violent or develop an antisocial behavior. In reality many psychologists and scientists have found that playing video games can actually have benefits towards a person’s brain. Video games can eventually teach kids skills that they will need and use in their lives.

Today everyone has played video games for fun, but some have put it to the test to use video games for research purposes. In a study done in New York, one set of surgeons played video games for 3 hours a week, while the other set played none. The set who played the video games made 37 percent fewer mistakes during laparoscopic (Medical bag). In another study, those who play action video games on a regular basis can process visual information faster and can track 30 percent more objects than non gamers. Action video games are shown to increase one’s contrast sensitivity, or the ability to notice minute changes in color against a uniform background. One group of gamers played action games, like Call of Duty, while the others played The Sims. The Call of Duty group showed a 38 percent increase in aforementioned sensitivity, whereas the Sims group showed none whatsoever. Video games can also slim you down. Wii Fit, for example, has players doing yoga, stretches and other exercise in order to unlock fun and exercise. Dance Dance Revolution requires players to dance by placing their feet on the corresponding arrows. After a while, players work up a sweat due to the required rapid movement. Gaming can also make you smarter. People who play video games display fluid intelligence and problem solving. Managing multiple objectives and multiple resources is one of the goals that helps you become smarter. Learning the rules of the game and what strategy works best for you also helps you.

When playing video games, the coordination and concentration can physically, socially, and mentally benefit the user. Research today shows that certain video games can reduce fat and therefore promote weight loss. Other sources state that doctors have instructed parents to let their children play video games to help control focus. Active video games are also being marketed for adults. New Gaming companies have been turning their gaming systems into exercise machines. The workout levels are increasing stamina causing weight loss and health awareness. The new video machines can drastically change an adults workout routine.

Video games can also improve visual skills and brain function. Action video games train the brain to better process certain visual information. When people play action video games, they’re changing the brain’s pathway responsible for visual processing. When people play action games, they’re changing the brain’s pathway responsible for visual processing. These games push the human visual system to the limits and the brain adapts to it, and we’ve seen the positive effect remains even two years after the training was over. By playing Action video games, vision improves up to 58 percent. Video games that involve high levels of action, such as first-person-shooter games, increase a player’s real-world vision, according to research in today’s Nature Neuroscience. The ability to discern slight differences in shades of gray has long been thought to be an attribute of the human visual system that cannot be improved. But Daphne Bavelier, professor of brain and cognitive sciences at the University of Rochester, has discovered that very practiced action gamers become 58 percent better at perceiving fine differences in contrast. Normally, improving contrast sensitivity means getting glasses or eye surgery. However, this will need further testing in people with this condition. As a treatment for poor eyesight generally though, gaming is unlikely to replace conventional approaches in the near future. Bavelier had previously found that game players had better vision when compared with non-game players. She says that these video games, and spending time in front of the computer, may not be harmful to our vision. The researchers suggest that this indicates that playing video games could have potential for improving some conditions such as amblyopia (Rochester.edu). Additionally, evidence has shown that gaming can help with psychological problems and games reduce symptoms of depression more than conventional treatment. Another research team at Oxford University found that playing Tetris shortly after exposure to something very upsetting in the experiment, a film of traumatic scenes of injury and death was used, can actually prevent people from having disturbing thoughts (oxford.edu). Therefore playing games can also help in releasing tension and help a person to have lighter thoughts.

The effects are not always so positive, however. Indiana University researchers carried out brain scans on young men and found evidence that violent games can alter brain function after as little as a week of play, affecting regions in the brain associated with emotional control and causing more aggressive behaviour (Indiana.edu). But Daphne Bavelier, one of the most experienced researchers in the field, says that the violent action games that often worry most parents may actually have the strongest beneficial effect on the brain (Bavelier). Games like Mortal Kombat, Grand Theft Auto, Doom and others, have taken the blame for various heinous crimes (Gross). Certain government officials have even gone as far as filing lawsuits against the developing companies in an attempt to outlaw video games in general. Not only that, but they have also been under inspection for supposedly causing a gaming “”addiction””.

Some of the other controversial video games are also the ones with the greatest potential benefits. Fast-paced, FPS like BioShock Infinite, Halo, Half-Life, Borderlands and third-person equivalents like God of War: Ascension, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, and Force Unleashed have all been accused of being too violent, but the benefits gamers gain from playing them are astounding. Researchers like Daphne Bavelier and C. Shawn Green have been able to demonstrate in multiple laboratory tests that playing these fast-paced games increases a person’s ability to try multiple pieces of visual information and decrease reaction time. They also have worked with another researcher, Alexandre Pouget, and showed that fast-action games also decrease decision making time. Basically, these games have so much going on all the time that for someone not used to following and tracking so much information it can be overwhelming. Gamers have no trouble keeping up with this information overload. The players are able to assess, make decisions and react quickly because they have learned how to do so in order to play and advance. If they are playing by themselves they may have to give orders to their computer allies. If they are playing with other humans then they have to be able to communicate effectively with them while tracking all the other data. This shows how playing video games cna help a person be more confident in telling others what to do and helps their communication skills and interact with others better. The brains of gamers adapt so quickly, that they can keep track of all the information they need to. Bavelier and her team found that a video gamer’s brain physically changes so that the player can process all of this information, and, most importantly, use it. A video gamer is capable of making accurate, informed decisions faster than a non-gamer with the same percentage of right answers. Bavelier and Green demonstrated that this benefit from fast-action video games sticks around for at least six months after a test subject has played only 10 hours over the course of 2 weeks. This means that every person can gain this benefit without actually being a gamer, as long as he or she is willing to put in a few hours a week to train his or her brains. This is really exciting because many of these changes have immediate benefits other senacios such as driving because when driving, the increased awareness, ability to track the many things going on around us and to make correct, fast decisions about likely outcomes of movements is invaluable in the prevention of car accidents. Playing video games has a huge impact on an individual’s brain and as a result has a direct impact on how gamers interact with and navigate our world.

Many gamers are told over and over that they have trouble focusing, but they do so well in focusing when there is so much happening on their screens all the time. Exciting new research, again from Daphne Bavelier and her team, is showing that gamers’ attention and focus is actually better than that of non-gamers. They are capable of resolving visual conflicts faster, which is frequently used in the lab to determine attention and focus capabilities. However, video game detractors point to information released by the Centers of Disease Control (CDC) regarding increased Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) diagnosis rates since 1997 with growth rates as high as 22% between 2003 and 2007. They argue that more and more children are being exposed to video games and more and more educators and parents are complaining that their children are unable to focus on things like classroom instruction the female orgasm and homework (Sucutti). What has been found, though, is that these child gamers’ brains, as well as the brains of their already adult counterparts, are very capable of focusing and they can maintain the same level of performance in what we find in many video games like World of Warcraft, much of the Final Fantasy series, and the previously mentioned first person shooters for hours. However, Gabe Zicherman, a leader in the development and application of “”gamification””, disagrees with such views. He suggests that it is adults that need to catch up and keep up with kids, not slow down kids to their slower pace.

Today’s kids play games in which they’re expected to chat in text and voice, operate a character, follow long and short term objectives, and deal with their parents interrupting them all the time to talk to them. Kids have to have an extraordinary multi-tasking skill to be able to achieve things today. It should then not be a surprise to discover that children who have become excellent learners in high-stimulus virtual environments may have trouble settling down into a sedate classroom with other children who are also conditioned to learning through video games. Tom Chatfield has written multiple articles and a book on how video games are the perfect education and motivation tools. He points out that children are constantly learning in a virtual environment where there are consequences to not accomplishing a task, losing a life, a tool, or not meeting a time requirement. There are also clearly stated rewards to completing the task as well as possible unexpected rewards that are doled out at calculated increments. Video game designers have been fine tweaking the ratio of difficulty, rewards and consequences to being a dumbass so that they know exactly how much to throw at a gamer at what level in each game in order to keep that person engaged and coming back for more. Educators could learn a lot from what these designers already know; children who are engaged and rewarded in an interactive learning process can and do give their entire attention and focus.

The fact that video games are a tool that can be used for education, and therefore do have an impact on the human brain, means we do need to be aware of what the potential negative impacts of those changes could be. What most every person has heard as an argument against video games is that they encourage violence and aggression in the people who play them. Multiple studies have been published on the topic, but when those studies have been reviewed and compared, it was found that they contradicted each other, and in many cases, used flawed methods to reach their conclusion regardless of the results. Christopher J. Ferguson with Texas A&M University used meta-analysis to review 12 studies available to him at the time of his publishing and found that researchers often used flawed methodology, drew conclusions that were not supported by their evidence, or in general could find no link between video games and violence. Holly Bowen and Julia Spaniol of the Dept. of Psychology with Ryerson University found that there is no indication that people who play violent video games have any long-term emotional desensitization to violence in their immediate surroundings. They do acknowledge that there may be a period immediately after playing these violent games that a gamer may be desensitized, but it is not an effect that could be attributed to an increase violence and aggressive behavior in those test subjects. Essentially, the evidence so far is showing that video games have a short-term impact on how people respond to violence and are likely desensitized to violence and possibly even reading for a short period after they play violent video games, but there is little evidence that there is a long-term impact. The heart of the argument against violent video games is based on the idea of a long-term, negative impact on gamers. Research just does not support that position.

Video games have become a part of our culture and a part of our lives in many ways. As a society we need to focus our energy and attention on is how to use them to make our lives better. We’ve already seen research that shows how video games can be used to help with several tasks with real world applications. We can use video games to increase our ability to track multiple objects and thus be able to monitor more of our surroundings while driving. They teach people how to be able to focus and maintain attention in situations where there is a lot of information to absorb in very short period of time. Video games can help us to better analyze what is going on around us and make quick decisions about the best action to take in a variety of situations. New research about the benefits of video games is coming out every year. It is time for us all to step forward and embrace the technology around us that has so many benefits and work together to mitigate the deficits that are present. Our society will not be ruined by this action, but will instead be enhanced further. There is one further thing we need to do. We need to sit down and pick up a controller. We leave ourselves at a disadvantage if we refuse to play out of false concerns regarding violence and aggression. Video games are a form of media that is often believed to be associated with negative health consequences. However, they are a great source of stress relief and improvement and development of mental health for social skills. They are engaging and immersive on a level different from traditional board games and other forms of entertainment. The player actively contributes to the level of satisfaction they attain because of the willingness to engage in the elements of the video game. The amount of play time can also be an important factor to the effects of playing certain games. In other words, excessive screen time can have its negative consequence, but if used correctly, video games possess advantages not present in other learning environments and can be a powerful tool to help children improve and develop life skills. Playing video games has become a normal part of childhood for many children and gaming in its proper manner can be healthy, fun, and educational to all ages.


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The Benefits of Video Games essay

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Video Games Essay | Negative & Positive Effects

A brief essays and paragraph about video games are given below. These paragraphs briefly answers the queries:  Are video games good or not?. Also read advantages and disadvantages.

There is no doubt that the video game industry is massive. Every year, billions of dollars are spent on video games, and the market is only growing. But what draws people to them? What is it about video games that entice people to keep playing them?

Table of Contents

Short Paragraph On Video Games

There are numerous theories, but one of the most widely accepted is the concept of escapism. People play video games to distract themselves from reality. They want to forget about their problems and simply have fun for a while. Video games provide a distinct form of entertainment that is difficult to find elsewhere.

Another reason people enjoy video games so much is that they are extremely immersive. When you’re playing a game, you completely immerse yourself in it. You lose track of time and become completely absorbed in the world on the screen. This is a sensation that is difficult to replicate through other forms of entertainment.

Essay about video games

I’ve been thinking a lot about video games lately, and how they’ve changed my perspective on the world. Since I began playing them at the age of 11, they have brought me joy that few other things can match. I was hooked from the moment I got Mario Kart 64 to play with friends or try out all those new tracks. I began to play more and more, learning every trick in the game and eventually beating it with all of my friends. This was only the beginning of my fascination with video games.

Soon after, I obtained the Pokemon Blue version and began collecting fakemon to add to a new team, battling with them online on Game boys or trying out all of the new games like Pokémon.

Does that appear to be something to be taken lightly? Are gamer simply lazy kids who spend too much time playing video games and don’t get enough exercise to burn off those calories? I’m sure some people use it. How could you live with yourself if you were one of them?

I believe that many of the negative stereotypes about gamer stem from the fact that adults are less likely to play video games. It’s something you do as a child, not after you graduate from high school. This is most likely why we don’t hear much about adult gamer and instead concentrate on children.

The truth is that people who play video games are not slackers. They’re just people who have a different hobby than the rest of us. And there are numerous advantages to playing video games. For starters, they can assist you in improving your problem-solving abilities. Games like Portal and Super Meat Boy necessitate quick thinking and precise movements, which can be applied in real life.

Games can also aid in the development of your hand-eye coordination. This is especially critical for athletes and surgeons. Sports like Street Fighter and Dance Dance Revolution have helped people improve their skills in sports and surgery.

Furthermore, video games can help you improve your social skills. Playing online games with people from all over the world can teach you how to communicate with strangers and make new friends through online chat. Also, because they will most likely be talking about something they enjoy rather than forcing conversation, playing video games is a great way for shy people to feel more comfortable around others.

While some gamer do not get out as much as they should, the majority of negative stereotypes about gamer are simply false. There are numerous advantages to playing video games that can help you improve your life in some way. Don’t pass judgment on someone who is playing a video game the next time you see them. Simply think to yourself, “that person must be having fun because there’s no way they’d be playing a game if they didn’t enjoy it.”

Finally, there are numerous reasons why people enjoy video games. Some enjoy the challenge, while others enjoy the escapism and immersion they provide. Whatever the reason, it is obvious that video games are here to stay.

Argumentative Essay On Video Games | Positive And Negative Effects

1. Introduction

Video games have become a ubiquitous part of modern society, with people of all ages and backgrounds engaging with them on a daily basis. From console games to mobile games, the video game industry has grown significantly in recent years, and shows no signs of slowing down.

2. Positive Effects Of Video Games

Video games can have a number of positive effects on players. For example, they can improve hand-eye coordination and reaction time, as well as cognitive skills such as problem-solving and critical thinking. Additionally, video games can serve as a form of stress relief, allowing players to relax and unwind after a long day.

3. Negative Effects Of Video Games

However, there can also be negative effects associated with playing video games. Excessive gaming can lead to addiction, and can also negatively impact social relationships and physical health. Furthermore, some video games can contain violent or inappropriate content that may not be suitable for all players.

4. Conclusion

Overall, while video games can have both positive and negative effects, it is important for players to be aware of these potential effects and to use moderation when playing. Parents should also monitor the games that their children are playing and ensure that they are appropriate.

Essay on Video Games and Violence

The relationship between video games and violence has been the subject of ongoing debate and research for many years. Some studies have suggested that playing violent video games can lead to an increase in aggressive behavior, while others have found no significant link between the two.

One argument for a link between video games and violence is that playing violent games can desensitize individuals to real-world violence and make them more likely to engage in aggressive behavior. This theory is based on the idea that repeated exposure to violent imagery can lead to a decrease in the emotional response to violence, making it easier for individuals to commit acts of aggression.

On the other hand, other studies have found no significant correlation between playing violent video games and increased aggression. Some researchers argue that other factors, such as a person’s overall level of aggression or their environment, may play a greater role in determining their behavior. Additionally, it has also been suggested that playing violent video games can actually serve as a outlet for aggression and help to reduce the likelihood of real-world violence.

It is important to note that the majority of research in this area has found that video games are not the sole or even primary cause of violence. Rather, a complex interplay of genetic, psychological, and environmental factors are typically at play in determining an individual’s likelihood of committing acts of aggression.

In conclusion, while some studies have suggested a link between video games and violence, the evidence is not conclusive. Further research is needed to fully understand the relationship between the two, and it is important not to jump to conclusions about the effects of video games on behavior without considering other potential factors.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Can video games be addictive?

A: Yes, excessive gaming can lead to addiction, and it is important for players to use moderation when playing.

Q: Are video games bad for children?

A: Not necessarily, but it is important for parents to monitor the games that their children are playing and ensure that they are appropriate.

Q: Can video games improve cognitive skills?

A: Yes, video games can improve cognitive skills such as problem-solving and critical thinking.

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Essay: Advantages and disadvantages of video games

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  • Subject area(s): Information technology essays
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  • Published: 10 March 2022*
  • Last Modified: 23 July 2024
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  • Words: 1,281 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 6 (approx)
  • Tags: Video games essays

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Pros of playing Video Games (Advantages)

1. of course video games are fun, 2. promotes problem solving skills, logical and quick thinking.

A lot of video games require the player to solve a puzzle or other problems in a short amount of time without loosing accuracy. This helps the development of his ability of problem solving and logical thinking, which can be used in real life.

3. Improves hand-eye coordination

In most video games, the player is holding a controller and watching the screen, he then acts as fast as he possibly can according to what is happening on the screen. In shooting games, the character may be running and shooting at the same time. This requires the player to keep track of the position of the character, where it is heading, its speed, where the gun is aiming, if the gunfire is hitting the enemy, and so on. All these factors need to be taken into account, and then the player must then coordinate the brain’s interpretation and reaction with the movement in his hands and fingertips. This process requires a great deal of eye-hand coordination, and in some cases, it even improves reflexes.

4. Opportunity for multitasking and managing multiple objectives

In strategy games, for instance, while developing a city, an unexpected surprise like an enemy might emerge. This forces the player to be flexible and quickly change tactics or rethink his goals.

5. Increases social interaction

Multiplayer video games improve teamwork, cooperation, and could be a great way for social interaction. While players need to act as a team to win the game, they need to communicate with each other in order to win. This type of teamwork can be used in real life to improve team work.

6. Opportunity for planning and resource management

Video games teach the player to make management decisions and manage the effective use of limited resources. Also, the player decides the best use of resources, the same way as in real life.

7. Promotes situational awareness

A lot of strategy games require the player to become mindful of sudden situational changes in the game and adapt accordingly.

Defense News reported that the Army include video games to train soldiers to improve their situational awareness in combat.

8. Develops reading and math skills

The player reads to get instructions, follow storylines, and gather information from the game texts. Also, using math skills is important to win in many games. such as games that involves quantitative analysis like managing resources.

9. Encourages perseverance

In a game, the player usually fails the first time around, but he keeps on trying until he wins and then moves on to the next level.

10. Develops inductive reasoning and hypothesis testing

A player in an action game must constantly try out combinations of weapons and powers to use to defeat an enemy. If one does not work, he changes hypothesis and try the next one. So the player tests out several solutions to achieve his goal in the game.

11. Could be a good source of energy

When playing the Nintendo Wii, you can actually get a reasonable physical workout playing it! Games like Wii Fit or Just Dance require physical activity and have workout/sweat modes.

12. Could turn into a career.

A career in Video Game Testing could be a dream job, giving one access to the newest, cutting edge video games in production.

Cons of playing Video Games (Disadvantages)

1. can become addictive.

There is a big level of addictiveness in certain video games. People who are unable to deal with their problems might just resort to go to video games in order to escape their problems. It might be rare and uncommon, but some players have actually lost their jobs and lives over video games. In some severe and rare cases, players died because they did not stop playing to go eat or sleep.

2. Promotes violence

  • Most of the bad effects of video games come from the violence they contain. people who play more violent video games are more likely to have aggressive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. They also could become immune to it, more inclined to act violently themselves, and are less likely to behave emphatically.
  • The player is in control of the violence and experiences the violence in his own eyes (killings, kicking, stabbing and shooting). In many games, the player is rewarded for being more violent. This active participation, repetition and reward are effective tools for learning behavior.
  • The American Psychological Association (APA) also concluded that there is a “consistent correlation” between violent game use and aggression, but finds insufficient evidence to link violent video play to criminal violence.

3. Promotes poor health

Video games may also have bad effects on some children’s health, including obesity, video-induced seizures. and postural, muscular and skeletal disorders, such as tendonitis, nerve compression, carpal tunnel syndrome.

4. Some video games teach kids the wrong values.

Violent behavior and aggression are rewarded. Which is not the case in the real-world. Also, when playing online, the player can pick up bad language and behavior from other people, and may be vulnerable to online dangers.

5. Games can confuse reality and fantasy.

6. affects academic achievement.

Depending on the over-all time spent playing video games, many game players would skip their homework to play games. This could affect their performance in school and would result in poor school grades.

Recommendations for Video Games

Because of the popularity of video games, completely eliminating them from a child’s life might be difficult. However, a parent can decrease the negative impact that they have by following a few tips:

  • Parents can best protect their children by remaining engaged with them to better understand the content, how they react, and providing limits and guidance as necessary
  • Video consoles and computers should be placed in common areas of the home, rather than in children’s bedrooms.
  • Set limits on the amount of time youths can play these games.
  • Encourage participation in sports or school activities in which youths can interact with peers in person rather than online.
  • Know the rating of the video games your child plays.
  • Supervising a child’s Internet use as there are now many “video games” available for playing online.
  • Take the time to discuss with a child the games he is playing or other media he is watching.

The ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board) looks at a number of factors when rating games, Similar to the movie industry’s rating system. In particular, it considers the amount of violence, sex, controversial language, and substance abuse found in a game. Based on its developed guidelines, it then gives an age recommendation and content descriptor to each game submitted.

The following are the rating symbols currently in use, according to the ESRB Web site.

Early Childhood (EC)

Content is intended for young children.

Everyone (E)

Content is generally suitable for all ages. May contain minimal cartoon, fantasy or mild violence and/or infrequent use of mild language.

Content is generally suitable for ages 13 and up. May contain violence, suggestive themes, crude humor, minimal blood, simulated gambling and/or infrequent use of strong language.

Content is generally suitable for ages 17 and up. May contain intense violence, blood and gore, sexual content and/or strong language.

Adults Only (AO)

Content suitable only for adults ages 18 and up. May include prolonged scenes of intense violence, graphic sexual content and/or gambling with real currency.

Rating Pending (RP)

Not yet assigned a final ESRB rating. Appears only in advertising, marketing and promotional materials related to a “boxed” video game that is expected to carry an ESRB rating, and should be replaced by a game’s rating once it has been assigned.


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Effects of Video Games Essay

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School performance, effects on social relationships.

The society has been immensely influenced by the technological changes, which are reshaping some of the activities. The emerging technologies in one way or another have affected every member of society, irrespective of age.

Video Games have had the greatest influence on the lives of children. Children no longer appreciate the outdoor games as was before, as most of their time is spend indoors playing video games.

Although this trend may have a positive impact on the lives of the concerned children as far as their knowledge of computer is concerned, there are various negative impacts.

Various educationists have confirmed that outdoor plays are very important to the development and growth of children.

It helps them develop socially as they meet with their friends and learn to share discussions, get involved in physical activities and develop physically through such games. The paper talks about some of the negative effects of computer games (Finkel, 1995).

It is established through research that computer games do not help children grow academically. In fact, computer games contribute to inactivity of body cells, which might lead to oversight hence causing diseases such as hypertension and diabetes.

Moreover, indoor games contribute to poor academic performance among students because most of the time is spend on useless games that do not offer any academic lessons.

Lastly, computer games lead to the development of antisocial behavior whereby a student is not interested in interacting with his or her peers.

Available literature shows that more children are growing obese owing to the fact that they spend little time exercising and engage frequently with the computer.

Research shows that children who take part in physical exercises are more healthy, intelligent, and active in class. The study conducted by American Heart Association proved that children are contracting heart diseases mainly because of lack of physical activity.

The research indicated that the number of obese children increased by four percent in 1974. Those affected were children aged six to eleven years.

However, the percentage increase could not be compared with the study conducted in 2006 whereby the increase rate was seventeen percent. As from 1971 to 2006, the number of adolescents thought to be obese increased from 6.1 percent to 17.6 percent.

The percentage increase was shocking. Furthermore, the increase was attributed to lack of physical activity and video games (Wiegman, & van Schie, 1998).

Overweight is a costly condition that leads to a number of illnesses among school going children. According to experts at the University of Michigan, obese children have higher risks of contracting diseases such as diabetes, heart diseases, and high blood pressure.

Other illnesses associated with overweight include high cholesterol levels in the body, hyperlipidemia, sleep apnea, respiratory problems, gastrointestinal malfunctions, early adolescence, and finally mental problems.

Studies show that obese children tend to have a low sense of worth and despair.

As AHA records show, obese children are likely to be obese when they attain the adulthood age. This would even cause more problems because they would be exposed to a number of diseases.

A study conducted by Media Literacy Clearinghouse indicated that children had developed a habit towards computer games. Video games had gained relevance among children aged eight and eighteen years to an extent that the rate at which children played computer games rose from an average of 26 minutes in 1999 to 73 minutes in 2009.

Generally, the rate at which children interacted with the computer daily rose from six hours in 1999 to seven hours in 2009. A report compiled in 2004 at the University Hospital of Zurich revealed that a strong link between obesity and video games exist.

It can be concluded that video games do not help children in any way but instead it affects their health. Video games interfere with the children’s eating habits because such children would tend to consume food with high calories.

In this regard, parents need to monitor the behavior of their children as regards to physical fitness.

In the United States, a study conducted to ascertain the effects of computer games on the performance of students proved that PlayStations and other video games such as Xbox Video affects the concentration of children in class.

Furthermore, the study revealed that children who are like using playing video games could not compete favorably with those who prefer physical games. One of the researchers was quoted saying that the performance of students who engage in physical exercises will always improve with time.

Boys are affected more by the new trend since they would rarely improve in class. Their performance would always remain stagnant for a period.

Moreover, boys cannot develop skills that would help them to read and write well in case they are allowed to interact with the computer frequently (Sakurai, 1984).

It should be noted that video games might not necessarily cause poor performance among school going children but the time spent in watching the games or playing them would consume the time that a student would be expected to read, do some homework, and write a good composition.

Definitely, a student would register a poor grade in case he or she does not engage in a serious research. Video games have a tendency of instilling negative reading attitudes to students. This is because a student would find reading a storybook or solving a mathematics problem boring.

Video games are very fast and demand a higher concentration unlike other academic activities that need time for conceptualization. In a joint study conducted in Australia, researchers concluded that video games affect the performance of students in many ways.

Students who spend time playing video games would always perform dismally in class. In fact, the study revealed that computer games do not help children perform well in any of the subjects. This is because students who spend time watching and playing computer games would always score low in each subject.

This research contradicts some of the assumptions that computer games help children to perform well in some subjects. The Australian study revealed that there is no single positive correlation between academic performance and computer games.

Video games are known to influence the cognitive and educational dexterities of children. Moreover, the games can as well as define the children’s social relationships. In a traditional setting, the relationship between the child and the parent or other senior members of society is clearly defined.

The video games have changed meaning that social relations are no longer the same. Studies indicate that video games, especially those that are violent, reshape the behavior of children. Moreover, video games could contain some sort of competition and aggression, which affect the reasoning of children.

In the current society, the rate at which conflicts occur in society has increased. Youths are currently violent because of the new games. The main objective of video games, according to Nintendo and Sega Genesis Center, is violence.

Any game played by children via the computer does not have anything new other than violent content. The companies specializing in selling computer games would convince parents that the games are non-violent but in the real sense, they are not.

A study conducted in 1998 confirmed that many children, over 80%, were familiar to a violent game referred to as Duke Nukem. Unfortunately, only 5% of parents were aware of the game meaning that children are access even those games that are supposed to be accessed by only the adults.

This trend affects the social life of children. In 1999, students at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado engaged in a destructive demonstration mainly because of the influence of computer games.

Students shot at their fellow teens and other people because they experienced it through video games. Such kind of behavior is destructive because it could lead to social anomy (Griffith, 1999).

Studies across the world indicate that violent video games increase an individual’s hostility and aggression. Aggressive games would lead to a habit whereby students prefer to play the games rather than engage in physical exercises.

This is even related to overweight. Children who are used to video games tend to be indifferent and unresponsive to the sufferings of other children. They would easily bully their fellow students without mercy.

Finkel, S. (1995). Causal analysis with panel data. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage

Griffith, M. (1999). Violent video games and aggression: A review of the literature. Aggression and Violent Behavior , 4(2), 203-212.

Sakurai, S. (1984). Construction of the Social Desirability Scale for Children. Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology , 32(2), 310-314.

Wiegman, O., & van Schie, E. (1998). Video game playing and its relations with aggressive and pro-social behavior. British Journal of Social Psychology , 37(2), 367- 378.

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IvyPanda. (2019, April 3). Effects of Video Games. https://ivypanda.com/essays/effects-of-video-games/

"Effects of Video Games." IvyPanda , 3 Apr. 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/effects-of-video-games/.

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Effects of Video Games'. 3 April.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Effects of Video Games." April 3, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/effects-of-video-games/.

1. IvyPanda . "Effects of Video Games." April 3, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/effects-of-video-games/.


IvyPanda . "Effects of Video Games." April 3, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/effects-of-video-games/.

young person playing video game at desk with purple light

Study shows video games can improve mental wellbeing – but you can have too much of a good thing

video games advantages essay

Associate Professor of Psychology, Bond University

video games advantages essay

Associate professor of psychology, Bond University

video games advantages essay

Professor in Psychology, Bond University

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The authors do not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and have disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

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A study of almost 100,000 people in Japan aged 10 to 69 found playing video games – or even owning a console – can be good for mental health. But playing too much each day can harm wellbeing.

Video games and other forms of online media consumption are an everyday part of life .

Surveys have shown playing video games can have positive effects on stress levels and creativity . But concern remains about the potential negative effects on, for example, general wellbeing, aggressive behaviour and social development, especially for young people.

The World Health Organization lists gaming disorder as a mental health condition, and a severe social withdrawal condition called hikikomori has been described in Japan.

The new survey showed links between gaming and wellbeing and researchers found a way to show cause and effect – that even owning a gaming console improved wellbeing.

What the study found

The research was conducted between 2020 and 2022 – during the COVID pandemic. The researchers used measures of psychological distress and life satisfaction and asked 97,602 people in Japan about their gaming use.

The survey coincided with supply chain shortages. These led retailers to use a lottery system for the purchase of two consoles: Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 5. Of the overall survey group, 8,192 participated in the lottery.

Researchers compared the 2,323 lottery winners against those who did not win the opportunity to purchase one of the new consoles (over five rounds of surveys). They found those who won the lottery had improved distress scores and better life satisfaction.

The results were not all positive. Over time, the scores indicated drops in wellbeing for those who played more than three hours a day. Scores continued to drop for each additional time increment measured.

The study had some limitations.

Firstly, the survey was conducted when the COVID pandemic presented a particularly challenging time for mental health. It also brought changes in social, occupational and lifestyle behaviours.

The study focused mainly on general gaming habits without distinguishing between different types of games, which could have varying impacts on mental health.

Further, participants chose whether to enter the lottery, so it was not a random sample. And the study could not specifically attribute findings to the effects of playing video games versus the effects of winning the lottery.

Finally, we know self-reported studies are not always reliable .

Gaming pros and cons

We know from other surveys video games can be useful stress relievers and aid social connection (albeit online). We also know some games can improve particular cognitive skills such as visuo-spatial navigation and problem solving .

Games and technologies can also specifically target mental health issues , such as social anxiety or phobias, address ADHD symptoms and enhance motivation and performance.

Yet, concerns remain about possible long-term consequences, particularly in terms of reductions in “real-life” socialisation , participation in physical activity, school performance and other health consequences , including sleep and eating behaviours.

boy sits at computer screen at night

3 tips for positive gaming

While video games can offer some benefits, it’s important to maintain a balanced approach to gaming. Here are a few tips to help manage gaming habits and promote overall wellbeing:

1. Set time limits

Encourage moderate gaming by setting clear time limits to ensure it doesn’t interfere with sleep, physical activity or other important daily activities. The Australian institute of Family Studies recommends creating a media plan that includes limits on screen time and balances gaming with other activities.

2. Choose games wisely

Opt for games that are age-appropriate and consider their content. Some games can promote problem-solving skills and creativity , but it’s important to be mindful of those that might encourage aggression or excessive competition.

3. Monitor eating and sleeping habits

Pay attention to eating patterns and ensure meals are not skipped in favour of gaming. Encourage regular sleep patterns and avoid gaming close to bedtime to prevent disruptions in sleep .

While the new study provides promising insights into the potential positive effects of video games on mental wellbeing, these findings should be approached with caution due to the limits of the survey.

While the potential benefits are encouraging, it is essential to adopt a balanced approach to gaming and pursue further research to fully understand its long-term impact on mental health.

  • Video games
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  • Video gaming

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Study suggests video game playing may have mental health benefits under some conditions

by Bob Yirka , Phys.org

Nintendo Switch

A team of mental health, human behavior and economic specialists affiliated with several institutions in Japan has found that under the right conditions, playing video games may be good for mental health.

In their study, published in the journal Nature Human Behavior, the group sent questionnaires to people sequestered at home during the COVID-19 lockdown, some of whom were able to purchase video game consoles and games during a lottery.

Prior research has found mixed results regarding the mental health impacts of regular, long-term playing of video games. Some have suggested it can lead to addictive symptoms; in teens, it may lead to social isolation , and in some cases, aggressive behavior . The World Health Organization went so far as to classify "gaming disorder" as a mental illness .

Other studies have suggested such findings are overblown. One of the problems those in the field have encountered while attempting to study such impacts is quantification difficulty—most studies have been done in controlled environments, which could have impacted results.

For this new study, the research team found an opportunity to study the impact of video games on large numbers of people outside of a lab—people stuck at home during the early days of the pandemic.

During the lockdown in Japan, demand for video game consoles and associated games skyrocketed. Console makers attempted to make things fair by holding lotteries—winners had the option of purchasing either a Sony PlayStation 5 or a Nintendo Switch; losers had to find other ways to amuse themselves.

The research team realized this represented an opportunity to test the impact of video game playing on a captive group of players. They created a questionnaire designed to measure mental health and the amount of time spent playing games and sent it to people participating in the lotteries. They received 97,602 of them, filled out and ready for analysis.

The research team found a pattern in the responses—people playing video games appeared to have a greater sense of life satisfaction, a key component of mental health, than those who were not playing games. They also found that the benefits had limits: Those playing more than three hours a day experienced the same benefits as those playing just three hours a day.

Journal information: Nature Human Behaviour

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