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Research Topics & Ideas: Environment

100+ Environmental Science Research Topics & Ideas

Research topics and ideas within the environmental sciences

Finding and choosing a strong research topic is the critical first step when it comes to crafting a high-quality dissertation, thesis or research project. Here, we’ll explore a variety research ideas and topic thought-starters related to various environmental science disciplines, including ecology, oceanography, hydrology, geology, soil science, environmental chemistry, environmental economics, and environmental ethics.

NB – This is just the start…

The topic ideation and evaluation process has multiple steps . In this post, we’ll kickstart the process by sharing some research topic ideas within the environmental sciences. This is the starting point though. To develop a well-defined research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , along with a well-justified plan of action to fill that gap.

If you’re new to the oftentimes perplexing world of research, or if this is your first time undertaking a formal academic research project, be sure to check out our free dissertation mini-course. Also be sure to also sign up for our free webinar that explores how to develop a high-quality research topic from scratch.

Overview: Environmental Topics

  • Ecology /ecological science
  • Atmospheric science
  • Oceanography
  • Soil science
  • Environmental chemistry
  • Environmental economics
  • Environmental ethics
  • Examples  of dissertations and theses

Topics & Ideas: Ecological Science

  • The impact of land-use change on species diversity and ecosystem functioning in agricultural landscapes
  • The role of disturbances such as fire and drought in shaping arid ecosystems
  • The impact of climate change on the distribution of migratory marine species
  • Investigating the role of mutualistic plant-insect relationships in maintaining ecosystem stability
  • The effects of invasive plant species on ecosystem structure and function
  • The impact of habitat fragmentation caused by road construction on species diversity and population dynamics in the tropics
  • The role of ecosystem services in urban areas and their economic value to a developing nation
  • The effectiveness of different grassland restoration techniques in degraded ecosystems
  • The impact of land-use change through agriculture and urbanisation on soil microbial communities in a temperate environment
  • The role of microbial diversity in ecosystem health and nutrient cycling in an African savannah

Topics & Ideas: Atmospheric Science

  • The impact of climate change on atmospheric circulation patterns above tropical rainforests
  • The role of atmospheric aerosols in cloud formation and precipitation above cities with high pollution levels
  • The impact of agricultural land-use change on global atmospheric composition
  • Investigating the role of atmospheric convection in severe weather events in the tropics
  • The impact of urbanisation on regional and global atmospheric ozone levels
  • The impact of sea surface temperature on atmospheric circulation and tropical cyclones
  • The impact of solar flares on the Earth’s atmospheric composition
  • The impact of climate change on atmospheric turbulence and air transportation safety
  • The impact of stratospheric ozone depletion on atmospheric circulation and climate change
  • The role of atmospheric rivers in global water supply and sea-ice formation

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Topics & Ideas: Oceanography

  • The impact of ocean acidification on kelp forests and biogeochemical cycles
  • The role of ocean currents in distributing heat and regulating desert rain
  • The impact of carbon monoxide pollution on ocean chemistry and biogeochemical cycles
  • Investigating the role of ocean mixing in regulating coastal climates
  • The impact of sea level rise on the resource availability of low-income coastal communities
  • The impact of ocean warming on the distribution and migration patterns of marine mammals
  • The impact of ocean deoxygenation on biogeochemical cycles in the arctic
  • The role of ocean-atmosphere interactions in regulating rainfall in arid regions
  • The impact of ocean eddies on global ocean circulation and plankton distribution
  • The role of ocean-ice interactions in regulating the Earth’s climate and sea level

Research topic idea mega list

Tops & Ideas: Hydrology

  • The impact of agricultural land-use change on water resources and hydrologic cycles in temperate regions
  • The impact of agricultural groundwater availability on irrigation practices in the global south
  • The impact of rising sea-surface temperatures on global precipitation patterns and water availability
  • Investigating the role of wetlands in regulating water resources for riparian forests
  • The impact of tropical ranches on river and stream ecosystems and water quality
  • The impact of urbanisation on regional and local hydrologic cycles and water resources for agriculture
  • The role of snow cover and mountain hydrology in regulating regional agricultural water resources
  • The impact of drought on food security in arid and semi-arid regions
  • The role of groundwater recharge in sustaining water resources in arid and semi-arid environments
  • The impact of sea level rise on coastal hydrology and the quality of water resources

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Topics & Ideas: Geology

  • The impact of tectonic activity on the East African rift valley
  • The role of mineral deposits in shaping ancient human societies
  • The impact of sea-level rise on coastal geomorphology and shoreline evolution
  • Investigating the role of erosion in shaping the landscape and impacting desertification
  • The impact of mining on soil stability and landslide potential
  • The impact of volcanic activity on incoming solar radiation and climate
  • The role of geothermal energy in decarbonising the energy mix of megacities
  • The impact of Earth’s magnetic field on geological processes and solar wind
  • The impact of plate tectonics on the evolution of mammals
  • The role of the distribution of mineral resources in shaping human societies and economies, with emphasis on sustainability

Topics & Ideas: Soil Science

  • The impact of dam building on soil quality and fertility
  • The role of soil organic matter in regulating nutrient cycles in agricultural land
  • The impact of climate change on soil erosion and soil organic carbon storage in peatlands
  • Investigating the role of above-below-ground interactions in nutrient cycling and soil health
  • The impact of deforestation on soil degradation and soil fertility
  • The role of soil texture and structure in regulating water and nutrient availability in boreal forests
  • The impact of sustainable land management practices on soil health and soil organic matter
  • The impact of wetland modification on soil structure and function
  • The role of soil-atmosphere exchange and carbon sequestration in regulating regional and global climate
  • The impact of salinization on soil health and crop productivity in coastal communities

Topics & Ideas: Environmental Chemistry

  • The impact of cobalt mining on water quality and the fate of contaminants in the environment
  • The role of atmospheric chemistry in shaping air quality and climate change
  • The impact of soil chemistry on nutrient availability and plant growth in wheat monoculture
  • Investigating the fate and transport of heavy metal contaminants in the environment
  • The impact of climate change on biochemical cycling in tropical rainforests
  • The impact of various types of land-use change on biochemical cycling
  • The role of soil microbes in mediating contaminant degradation in the environment
  • The impact of chemical and oil spills on freshwater and soil chemistry
  • The role of atmospheric nitrogen deposition in shaping water and soil chemistry
  • The impact of over-irrigation on the cycling and fate of persistent organic pollutants in the environment

Topics & Ideas: Environmental Economics

  • The impact of climate change on the economies of developing nations
  • The role of market-based mechanisms in promoting sustainable use of forest resources
  • The impact of environmental regulations on economic growth and competitiveness
  • Investigating the economic benefits and costs of ecosystem services for African countries
  • The impact of renewable energy policies on regional and global energy markets
  • The role of water markets in promoting sustainable water use in southern Africa
  • The impact of land-use change in rural areas on regional and global economies
  • The impact of environmental disasters on local and national economies
  • The role of green technologies and innovation in shaping the zero-carbon transition and the knock-on effects for local economies
  • The impact of environmental and natural resource policies on income distribution and poverty of rural communities

Topics & Ideas: Environmental Ethics

  • The ethical foundations of environmentalism and the environmental movement regarding renewable energy
  • The role of values and ethics in shaping environmental policy and decision-making in the mining industry
  • The impact of cultural and religious beliefs on environmental attitudes and behaviours in first world countries
  • Investigating the ethics of biodiversity conservation and the protection of endangered species in palm oil plantations
  • The ethical implications of sea-level rise for future generations and vulnerable coastal populations
  • The role of ethical considerations in shaping sustainable use of natural forest resources
  • The impact of environmental justice on marginalized communities and environmental policies in Asia
  • The ethical implications of environmental risks and decision-making under uncertainty
  • The role of ethics in shaping the transition to a low-carbon, sustainable future for the construction industry
  • The impact of environmental values on consumer behaviour and the marketplace: a case study of the ‘bring your own shopping bag’ policy

Examples: Real Dissertation & Thesis Topics

While the ideas we’ve presented above are a decent starting point for finding a research topic, they are fairly generic and non-specific. So, it helps to look at actual dissertations and theses to see how this all comes together.

Below, we’ve included a selection of research projects from various environmental science-related degree programs to help refine your thinking. These are actual dissertations and theses, written as part of Master’s and PhD-level programs, so they can provide some useful insight as to what a research topic looks like in practice.

  • The physiology of microorganisms in enhanced biological phosphorous removal (Saunders, 2014)
  • The influence of the coastal front on heavy rainfall events along the east coast (Henson, 2019)
  • Forage production and diversification for climate-smart tropical and temperate silvopastures (Dibala, 2019)
  • Advancing spectral induced polarization for near surface geophysical characterization (Wang, 2021)
  • Assessment of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter and Thamnocephalus platyurus as Tools to Monitor Cyanobacterial Bloom Development and Toxicity (Hipsher, 2019)
  • Evaluating the Removal of Microcystin Variants with Powdered Activated Carbon (Juang, 2020)
  • The effect of hydrological restoration on nutrient concentrations, macroinvertebrate communities, and amphibian populations in Lake Erie coastal wetlands (Berg, 2019)
  • Utilizing hydrologic soil grouping to estimate corn nitrogen rate recommendations (Bean, 2019)
  • Fungal Function in House Dust and Dust from the International Space Station (Bope, 2021)
  • Assessing Vulnerability and the Potential for Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) in Sudan’s Blue Nile Basin (Mohamed, 2022)
  • A Microbial Water Quality Analysis of the Recreational Zones in the Los Angeles River of Elysian Valley, CA (Nguyen, 2019)
  • Dry Season Water Quality Study on Three Recreational Sites in the San Gabriel Mountains (Vallejo, 2019)
  • Wastewater Treatment Plan for Unix Packaging Adjustment of the Potential Hydrogen (PH) Evaluation of Enzymatic Activity After the Addition of Cycle Disgestase Enzyme (Miessi, 2020)
  • Laying the Genetic Foundation for the Conservation of Longhorn Fairy Shrimp (Kyle, 2021).

Looking at these titles, you can probably pick up that the research topics here are quite specific and narrowly-focused , compared to the generic ones presented earlier. To create a top-notch research topic, you will need to be precise and target a specific context with specific variables of interest . In other words, you’ll need to identify a clear, well-justified research gap.

Need more help?

If you’re still feeling a bit unsure about how to find a research topic for your environmental science dissertation or research project, be sure to check out our private coaching services below, as well as our Research Topic Kickstarter .

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research topics on climate change and environment


Researched PhD topics on environmental chemistry involving dust and water

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Research topics on environmental geology


Thanks for the research topics….I need a research topic on Geography


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Implications of climate variability on wildlife conservation on the west coast of Cameroon

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I want a topic on environmental sustainability

Micah Evelyn Joshua

It good coaching

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Top 15 Conservation Issues of 2021 Include Big Threats—and Potential Bright Spots

Wildfire control policies, suffocating corals, and rise in satellites among matters that warrant study, panel says.

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As 2021 dawns, people, ecosystems, and wildlife worldwide are facing a panoply of environmental issues. In an effort to help experts and policymakers determine where they might focus research, a panel of 25 scientists and practitioners—including me—from around the globe held discussions in the fall to identify emerging issues that deserve increased attention.

The panel, coordinated by the U.K.-based Cambridge Conservation Initiative, conducted a horizon scan—an effort to spot early signs of significant phenomena—of global biological conservation issues. For the resulting study , which was funded by the U.K.’s Natural Environment Research Council and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, the panel winnowed down an initial list of 97 topics, settling on the following 15 because of their novelty or their potential to move the conservation needle in either a positive or negative direction over the coming decade.

Seabirds could help spot illegal fishing

Seabirds often follow fishing vessels to score easy meals. Now, scientists are hoping to exploit this behavior to help spot illegal, unregulated, and unreported fishing, which accounts for up to $23.5 billion worth of seafood every year, or 1 in 5 fish sold. Researchers have had some success attaching transmitters to seabirds to locate fishing vessels in the Indian Ocean, but more study is needed to validate the use of this tactic.

Marine vessels and GPS spoofing

Vessels plying the ocean navigate and transmit their locations and identities mainly through the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) and automatic identification system (AIS). The panel points out that a recent rise in GNSS spoofing and AIS cloning incidents could facilitate the trade of illegal goods and hamper authorities’ efforts to identify vessels engaged in illicit resource extraction activities such as fishing and dredging.

More corals may suffer from lack of oxygen

Several factors—including climate-driven marine heat waves and nutrient runoff from land—can lower oxygen levels in the ocean. Corals in the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific oceans have died from this hypoxia, and, although those events weren’t widespread, some scientists fear that the threat may grow significantly as climate change further warms the ocean. Research is needed to better understand the extent and impact of low oxygen conditions on coral reefs.

Understanding the impacts of increased dissolved iron on coastal polar ecosystems

Coastal zones in polar latitudes are among Earth’s most productive—that is, they create and support large numbers of organisms ranging from tiny marine plants to animals such as polar bears and seals—a characteristic driven by the availability of dissolved iron from glaciers and ice. Increased melting in the polar regions will result in higher iron concentrations, which in turn will probably fuel more intense phytoplankton blooms and enable organisms on the seafloor to capture more carbon and other nutrients. Such changes could have wide-ranging effects— including impacts on the structure of the region’s marine ecosystems and on carbon sequestration—and warrants investigation.

What to do with a growing number of decommissioned offshore energy platforms

It is estimated that 3,000 offshore oil and gas platforms will be decommissioned in the coming decades and that the number of offshore wind farms will continue to grow. Currently, decommissioning practices vary by country and include full removal, conversion of platforms to artificial reefs, and abandonment. As new offshore energy infrastructure is built and old platforms are phased out, nations will need to evaluate the immediate and long-term impacts of their decommissioning strategies on the marine environment.

A drug problem in the water

When some chemicals used in pharmaceuticals and in garden and farm products are introduced into waterways—usually through runoff or via sewage systems directly or in human waste— they can cause changes in fish and other organisms, including altering the number of female to males in a population, lower fertility, and deformities. There is emerging evidence that the effects of exposure can be multigenerational, affecting organisms that were never directly exposed.

Changes in low cloud cover

Low clouds shade sizable portions of the planet in subtropical regions. It is predicted that these clouds will become increasingly unstable if atmospheric carbon dioxide continues to rise at current rates. The resulting changes could have negative effects on wildlife and human communities.

Tree planting as a simple carbon sequestration solution

Pledges to plant large areas of trees to help tackle climate change are often perceived as a win for conservation. However, tree planting must be planned and implemented with a clear understanding of regional ecosystems to avoid negative effects on biological diversity.

Logging to reduce fire risk

As nations around the world contend with more extreme wildfires, some policymakers suggest that tree removal may be part of the solution. However, the effectiveness of such policies is uncertain, and any short-term gains from removing trees are often offset by the growth of non-native grasses and flowering plants, which may themselves be highly flammable.

Large-scale adoption of sustainable farming techniques across India

Driven by government policies and local innovations, sustainable farming practices are becoming more prevalent in India. The state government of Sikkim has adopted organic farming as policy, and the state of Andhra Pradesh, with 6 million farmers, plans to adopt natural farming practices by 2025. Other states across the country plan to follow suit. Early evaluations indicate that these large-scale transitions boost crop yields and incomes, improve the health of farmers, and increase women's access to microfinance. With such results, there is the potential for similar large-scale shifts in other parts of the world.

Low earth-orbiting satellites may mislead animals responding to celestial cues

More than 2,600 artificial satellites currently orbit the Earth, a number that is rapidly increasing. Many species of mammals, insects, and birds use celestial cues to migrate long distances and to orient themselves in local habitats and could be affected by the proliferation of satellites.

Bitcoin mining with stranded energy

An emerging use for stranded energy sources, such as low-value methane byproducts vented from oil wells and excess energy produced by wind turbines and solar panels, is to power computers used for Bitcoin mining—the process of creating new Bitcoin by solving complex algorithms. Monetizing stranded energy in this way is a mixed bag that decision-makers will probably have to evaluate. The practice could increase carbon emissions from marginal fossil fuel sources but also could incentivize the deployment of renewable energy by guaranteeing a minimum selling price.

Open-source investigations of environmental threats

Scientists demonstrated some success with using online videos, social media posts, and other open-source data to document the effects of the locust swarms in East Africa in 2020. As faster internet connections and access to smartphones continue to grow globally, the use of open-source data may become an effective tool for researchers.

Self-healing building materials

The potential to engineer building materials made of chemicals, polymers, and bacteria that can fix themselves when damaged could reduce the need for repairs and shrink the environmental footprints of construction projects. Recently, scientists at the University of Colorado at Boulder used a type of cyanobacteria found in the ocean, along with other materials, to engineer a living building material that can regenerate when fractured.

A waterway to connect the Baltic and Black seas

A planned 1,200-mile inland navigable waterway connecting the Baltic and Black seas would alter the flow of cargo and trade in the region. However, the waterway, which would pass through Poland, Belarus, and Ukraine, could alter habitat in 70 wildlife areas and numerous international conservation areas, introduce non-native species, and change the region’s rivers and wetlands. Additionally, dredging in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone could disrupt radioactive sediment.

Jim Palardy is a project director with The Pew Charitable Trusts’ conservation science program. He served on this year’s horizon scan panel and is a co-author on the resulting study.

Jim Palardy

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Home » 500+ Environmental Research Topics

500+ Environmental Research Topics

Environmental Research Topics

Environmental research is a crucial area of study in today’s world, as we face an increasing number of complex and pressing environmental challenges. From climate change to pollution, biodiversity loss to natural resource depletion, there is an urgent need for scientific inquiry and investigation to inform policy, decision-making, and action. Environmental research encompasses a broad range of disciplines, including ecology, biology , geology, chemistry , and physics , among others, and explores a diverse array of topics , from ocean acidification to sustainable agriculture. Through rigorous scientific inquiry and a commitment to generating evidence-based solutions, environmental research plays a vital role in promoting the health and well-being of our planet and its inhabitants. In this article, we will cover some trending Environmental Research Topics.

Environmental Research Topics

Environmental Research Topics are as follows:

  • Climate change and its impacts on ecosystems and society
  • The effectiveness of carbon capture and storage technology
  • The role of biodiversity in maintaining healthy ecosystems
  • The impact of human activity on soil quality
  • The impact of plastic pollution on marine life
  • The effectiveness of renewable energy sources
  • The impact of deforestation on local communities and wildlife
  • The relationship between air pollution and human health
  • The impact of agricultural practices on soil erosion
  • The effectiveness of conservation measures for endangered species
  • The impact of overfishing on marine ecosystems
  • The role of wetlands in mitigating climate change
  • The impact of oil spills on marine ecosystems
  • The impact of urbanization on local ecosystems
  • The impact of climate change on global food security
  • The effectiveness of water conservation measures
  • The impact of pesticide use on pollinators
  • The impact of acid rain on aquatic ecosystems
  • The impact of sea level rise on coastal communities
  • The effectiveness of carbon taxes in reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • The impact of habitat destruction on migratory species
  • The impact of invasive species on native ecosystems
  • The role of national parks in biodiversity conservation
  • The impact of climate change on coral reefs
  • The effectiveness of green roofs in reducing urban heat island effect
  • The impact of noise pollution on wildlife behavior
  • The impact of air pollution on crop yields
  • The effectiveness of composting in reducing organic waste
  • The impact of climate change on the Arctic ecosystem
  • The impact of land use change on soil carbon sequestration
  • The role of mangroves in coastal protection and carbon sequestration
  • The impact of microplastics on marine ecosystems
  • The impact of ocean acidification on marine organisms
  • The effectiveness of carbon offsets in reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • The impact of deforestation on climate regulation
  • The impact of groundwater depletion on agriculture
  • The impact of climate change on migratory bird populations
  • The effectiveness of wind turbines in reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • The impact of urbanization on bird diversity
  • The impact of climate change on ocean currents
  • The impact of drought on plant and animal populations
  • The effectiveness of agroforestry in improving soil quality
  • The impact of climate change on water availability
  • The impact of wildfires on carbon storage in forests
  • The impact of climate change on freshwater ecosystems
  • The effectiveness of green energy subsidies
  • The impact of nitrogen pollution on aquatic ecosystems
  • The impact of climate change on forest ecosystems
  • The effectiveness of community-based conservation initiatives
  • The impact of climate change on the water cycle
  • The impact of mining activities on local ecosystems
  • The impact of wind energy on bird and bat populations
  • The effectiveness of bioremediation in cleaning up contaminated soil and water
  • The impact of deforestation on local climate patterns
  • The impact of climate change on insect populations
  • The impact of agricultural runoff on freshwater ecosystems
  • The effectiveness of smart irrigation systems in reducing water use
  • The impact of ocean currents on marine biodiversity
  • The impact of climate change on wetland ecosystems
  • The effectiveness of green buildings in reducing energy use
  • The impact of climate change on glacier retreat and sea level rise
  • The impact of light pollution on nocturnal wildlife behavior
  • The impact of climate change on desert ecosystems
  • The effectiveness of electric vehicles in reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • The impact of ocean pollution on human health
  • The impact of land use change on water quality
  • The impact of urbanization on bird populations
  • The impact of oil spills on marine ecosystems and wildlife
  • The effectiveness of green energy storage technologies in promoting renewable energy use
  • The impact of climate change on freshwater availability and water management
  • The impact of industrial pollution on air quality and human health
  • The effectiveness of urban green spaces in promoting human health and well-being
  • The impact of climate change on snow cover and winter tourism
  • The impact of agricultural land use on biodiversity and ecosystem services
  • The effectiveness of green incentives in promoting sustainable consumer behavior
  • The impact of ocean acidification on shellfish and mollusk populations
  • The impact of climate change on river flow and flooding
  • The effectiveness of green supply chain management in promoting sustainable production
  • The impact of noise pollution on avian communication and behavior
  • The impact of climate change on arctic ecosystems and wildlife
  • The effectiveness of green marketing in promoting sustainable tourism
  • The impact of microplastics on marine food webs and human health
  • The impact of climate change on invasive species distributions
  • The effectiveness of green infrastructure in promoting sustainable urban development
  • The impact of plastic pollution on human health and food safety
  • The impact of climate change on soil microbial communities and nutrient cycling
  • The effectiveness of green technologies in promoting sustainable industrial production
  • The impact of climate change on permafrost thaw and methane emissions
  • The impact of deforestation on water quality and quantity
  • The effectiveness of green certification schemes in promoting sustainable production and consumption
  • The impact of noise pollution on terrestrial ecosystems and wildlife
  • The impact of climate change on bird migration patterns
  • The effectiveness of green waste management in promoting sustainable resource use
  • The impact of climate change on insect populations and ecosystem services
  • The impact of plastic pollution on human society and culture
  • The effectiveness of green finance in promoting sustainable development goals
  • The impact of climate change on marine biodiversity hotspots
  • The impact of climate change on natural disasters and disaster risk reduction
  • The effectiveness of green urban planning in promoting sustainable cities and communities
  • The impact of deforestation on soil carbon storage and climate change
  • The impact of noise pollution on human communication and behavior
  • The effectiveness of green energy policy in promoting renewable energy use
  • The impact of climate change on Arctic sea ice and wildlife
  • The impact of agricultural practices on soil quality and ecosystem health
  • The effectiveness of green taxation in promoting sustainable behavior
  • The impact of plastic pollution on freshwater ecosystems and wildlife
  • The impact of climate change on plant-pollinator interactions and crop production
  • The effectiveness of green innovation in promoting sustainable technological advancements
  • The impact of climate change on ocean currents and marine heatwaves
  • The impact of deforestation on indigenous communities and cultural practices
  • The effectiveness of green governance in promoting sustainable development and environmental justice
  • The effectiveness of wetland restoration in reducing flood risk
  • The impact of climate change on the spread of vector-borne diseases
  • The effectiveness of green marketing in promoting sustainable consumption
  • The impact of plastic pollution on marine ecosystems
  • The impact of renewable energy development on wildlife habitats
  • The effectiveness of environmental education programs in promoting pro-environmental behavior
  • The impact of deforestation on global climate change
  • The impact of microplastics on freshwater ecosystems
  • The effectiveness of eco-labeling in promoting sustainable seafood consumption
  • The impact of climate change on coral reef ecosystems
  • The impact of air pollution on human health and mortality rates
  • The effectiveness of eco-tourism in promoting conservation and community development
  • The impact of climate change on agricultural production and food security
  • The impact of wind turbine noise on wildlife behavior and populations
  • The impact of light pollution on nocturnal ecosystems and species
  • The effectiveness of green energy subsidies in promoting renewable energy use
  • The impact of invasive species on native ecosystems and biodiversity
  • The impact of climate change on ocean acidification and marine ecosystems
  • The effectiveness of green public procurement in promoting sustainable production
  • The impact of deforestation on soil erosion and nutrient depletion
  • The impact of noise pollution on human health and well-being
  • The effectiveness of green building standards in promoting sustainable construction
  • The impact of climate change on forest fires and wildfire risk
  • The impact of e-waste on human health and environmental pollution
  • The impact of climate change on polar ice caps and sea levels
  • The impact of pharmaceutical pollution on freshwater ecosystems and wildlife
  • The effectiveness of green transportation policies in reducing carbon emissions
  • The impact of climate change on glacier retreat and water availability
  • The impact of pesticide use on pollinator populations and ecosystems
  • The effectiveness of circular economy models in reducing waste and promoting sustainability
  • The impact of climate change on coastal ecosystems and biodiversity
  • The impact of plastic waste on terrestrial ecosystems and wildlife
  • The effectiveness of green chemistry in promoting sustainable manufacturing
  • The impact of climate change on ocean currents and weather patterns
  • The impact of agricultural runoff on freshwater ecosystems and water quality
  • The effectiveness of green bonds in financing sustainable infrastructure projects
  • The impact of climate change on soil moisture and desertification
  • The impact of noise pollution on marine ecosystems and species
  • The effectiveness of community-based conservation in promoting biodiversity and ecosystem health
  • The impact of climate change on permafrost ecosystems and carbon storage
  • The impact of urbanization on water pollution and quality
  • The effectiveness of green jobs in promoting sustainable employment
  • The impact of climate change on wetland ecosystems and biodiversity
  • The impact of plastic pollution on terrestrial ecosystems and wildlife
  • The effectiveness of sustainable fashion in promoting sustainable consumption
  • The impact of climate change on phenology and seasonal cycles of plants and animals
  • The impact of ocean pollution on human health and seafood safety
  • The effectiveness of green procurement policies in promoting sustainable supply chains
  • The impact of climate change on marine food webs and ecosystems
  • The impact of agricultural practices on greenhouse gas emissions and climate change
  • The effectiveness of green financing in promoting sustainable investment
  • The effectiveness of rainwater harvesting systems in reducing water use
  • The impact of climate change on permafrost ecosystems
  • The impact of coastal erosion on shoreline ecosystems
  • The effectiveness of green infrastructure in reducing urban heat island effect
  • The impact of microorganisms on soil fertility and carbon sequestration
  • The impact of climate change on snowpack and water availability
  • The impact of oil and gas drilling on local ecosystems
  • The effectiveness of carbon labeling in promoting sustainable consumer choices
  • The impact of marine noise pollution on marine mammals
  • The impact of climate change on alpine ecosystems
  • The effectiveness of green supply chain management in reducing environmental impact
  • The impact of climate change on river ecosystems
  • The impact of urban sprawl on wildlife habitat fragmentation
  • The effectiveness of carbon trading in reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • The impact of ocean warming on marine ecosystems
  • The impact of agricultural practices on water quality and quantity
  • The effectiveness of green roofs in improving urban air quality
  • The impact of climate change on tropical rainforests
  • The impact of water pollution on human health and livelihoods
  • The effectiveness of green bonds in financing sustainable projects
  • The impact of climate change on polar bear populations
  • The impact of human activity on soil biodiversity
  • The effectiveness of waste-to-energy systems in reducing waste and emissions
  • The impact of climate change on Arctic sea ice and marine ecosystems
  • The impact of sea level rise on low-lying coastal cities and communities
  • The effectiveness of sustainable tourism in promoting conservation and community development
  • The impact of deforestation on indigenous peoples and their livelihoods
  • The impact of climate change on sea turtle populations
  • The effectiveness of carbon-neutral and carbon-negative technologies
  • The impact of urbanization on water resources and quality
  • The impact of climate change on cold-water fish populations
  • The effectiveness of green entrepreneurship in promoting sustainable innovation
  • The impact of wildfires on air quality and public health
  • The impact of climate change on human migration patterns and social systems
  • The impact of noise pollution on bird communication and behavior in urban environments
  • The impact of climate change on estuarine ecosystems and biodiversity
  • The impact of deforestation on water availability and river basin management
  • The impact of climate change on plant phenology and distribution
  • The effectiveness of green marketing in promoting sustainable consumer behavior
  • The impact of plastic pollution on freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity
  • The impact of climate change on marine plastic debris accumulation and distribution
  • The effectiveness of green innovation in promoting sustainable technology development
  • The impact of climate change on crop yields and food security
  • The impact of noise pollution on human health and well-being in urban environments
  • The impact of climate change on Arctic marine ecosystems and biodiversity
  • The effectiveness of green transportation infrastructure in promoting sustainable mobility
  • The impact of deforestation on non-timber forest products and forest-dependent livelihoods
  • The impact of climate change on wetland carbon sequestration and storage
  • The impact of plastic pollution on sea turtle populations and nesting behavior
  • The impact of climate change on marine biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in the Southern Ocean
  • The effectiveness of green certification in promoting sustainable agriculture
  • The impact of climate change on oceanographic processes and upwelling systems
  • The impact of noise pollution on terrestrial wildlife communication and behavior
  • The impact of climate change on coastal erosion and shoreline management
  • The effectiveness of green finance in promoting sustainable investment
  • The impact of deforestation on indigenous communities and traditional knowledge systems
  • The impact of climate change on tropical cyclones and extreme weather events
  • The effectiveness of green buildings in promoting energy efficiency and carbon reduction
  • The impact of plastic pollution on marine food webs and trophic interactions
  • The impact of climate change on algal blooms and harmful algal blooms in marine ecosystems
  • The effectiveness of green business partnerships in promoting sustainable development goals
  • The impact of climate change on ocean deoxygenation and its effects on marine life
  • The impact of noise pollution on human sleep and rest patterns in urban environments
  • The impact of climate change on freshwater availability and management
  • The effectiveness of green entrepreneurship in promoting social and environmental justice
  • The impact of deforestation on wildlife habitat and biodiversity conservation
  • The impact of climate change on the migration patterns and behaviors of birds and mammals
  • The effectiveness of green urban planning in promoting sustainable and livable cities
  • The impact of plastic pollution on microplastics and nanoplastics in marine ecosystems
  • The impact of climate change on marine ecosystem services and their value to society
  • The effectiveness of green certification in promoting sustainable forestry
  • The impact of climate change on ocean currents and their effects on marine biodiversity
  • The impact of noise pollution on urban ecosystems and their ecological functions
  • The impact of climate change on freshwater biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
  • The effectiveness of green policy implementation in promoting sustainable development
  • The impact of deforestation on soil carbon storage and greenhouse gas emissions
  • The impact of climate change on marine mammals and their ecosystem roles
  • The effectiveness of green product labeling in promoting sustainable consumer behavior
  • The impact of plastic pollution on coral reefs and their resilience to climate change
  • The impact of climate change on waterborne diseases and public health
  • The effectiveness of green energy policies in promoting renewable energy adoption
  • The impact of deforestation on carbon storage and sequestration in peatlands
  • The impact of climate change on ocean acidification and its effects on marine life
  • The effectiveness of green supply chain management in promoting circular economy principles
  • The impact of noise pollution on urban birds and their vocal communication
  • The impact of climate change on ecosystem services provided by mangrove forests
  • The effectiveness of green marketing in promoting sustainable fashion and textiles
  • The impact of plastic pollution on deep-sea ecosystems and biodiversity
  • The impact of climate change on marine biodiversity hotspots and conservation priorities
  • The effectiveness of green investment in promoting sustainable infrastructure development
  • The impact of deforestation on ecosystem services provided by agroforestry systems
  • The impact of climate change on snow and ice cover and their effects on freshwater ecosystems
  • The effectiveness of green tourism in promoting sustainable tourism practices
  • The impact of noise pollution on human cognitive performance and productivity
  • The impact of climate change on forest fires and their effects on ecosystem services
  • The effectiveness of green labeling in promoting sustainable seafood consumption
  • The impact of climate change on insect populations and their ecosystem roles
  • The impact of plastic pollution on seabird populations and their reproductive success
  • The effectiveness of green procurement in promoting sustainable public sector spending
  • The impact of deforestation on soil erosion and land degradation
  • The impact of climate change on riverine ecosystems and their ecosystem services
  • The effectiveness of green certification in promoting sustainable fisheries
  • The impact of noise pollution on marine mammals and their acoustic communication
  • The impact of climate change on terrestrial carbon sinks and sources
  • The effectiveness of green technology transfer in promoting sustainable development
  • The impact of deforestation on non-timber forest products and their sustainable use
  • The impact of climate change on marine invasive species and their ecological impacts
  • The effectiveness of green procurement in promoting sustainable private sector spending
  • The impact of plastic pollution on zooplankton populations and their ecosystem roles
  • The impact of climate change on wetland ecosystems and their services
  • The effectiveness of green education in promoting sustainable behavior change
  • The impact of deforestation on watershed management and water quality
  • The impact of climate change on soil nutrient cycling and ecosystem functioning
  • The effectiveness of green technology innovation in promoting sustainable development
  • The impact of noise pollution on human health in outdoor recreational settings
  • The impact of climate change on oceanic nutrient cycling and primary productivity
  • The effectiveness of green urban design in promoting sustainable and resilient cities
  • The impact of plastic pollution on marine microbial communities and their functions
  • The impact of climate change on coral reef bleaching and recovery
  • The impact of deforestation on ecosystem services provided by community-managed forests
  • The impact of climate change on freshwater fish populations and their ecosystem roles
  • The effectiveness of green certification in promoting sustainable tourism
  • The impact of noise pollution on human stress and cardiovascular health
  • The impact of climate change on glacier retreat and their effects on freshwater ecosystems
  • The effectiveness of green technology diffusion in promoting sustainable development
  • The impact of plastic pollution on sea grass beds and their ecosystem services
  • The impact of climate change on forest phenology and productivity.
  • The effectiveness of green transportation policies in promoting sustainable mobility
  • The impact of deforestation on indigenous peoples’ livelihoods and traditional knowledge
  • The impact of climate change on Arctic ecosystems and their biodiversity
  • The effectiveness of green building standards in promoting sustainable architecture
  • The impact of noise pollution on nocturnal animals and their behavior
  • The impact of climate change on migratory bird populations and their breeding success
  • The effectiveness of green taxation in promoting sustainable consumption and production
  • The impact of deforestation on wildlife corridors and ecosystem connectivity
  • The impact of climate change on urban heat islands and their effects on public health
  • The effectiveness of green labeling in promoting sustainable forestry practices
  • The impact of plastic pollution on sea turtle populations and their nesting success
  • The impact of climate change on invasive plant species and their ecological impacts
  • The effectiveness of green business practices in promoting sustainable entrepreneurship
  • The impact of noise pollution on urban wildlife and their acoustic communication
  • The impact of climate change on alpine ecosystems and their services
  • The effectiveness of green procurement in promoting sustainable agriculture and food systems
  • The impact of deforestation on soil carbon stocks and their effects on climate change
  • The impact of climate change on wetland methane emissions and their contribution to greenhouse gas concentrations
  • The effectiveness of green certification in promoting sustainable forestry and timber production
  • The impact of plastic pollution on marine mammal populations and their health
  • The impact of climate change on marine fisheries and their sustainable management
  • The effectiveness of green investment in promoting sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation
  • The impact of noise pollution on bat populations and their behavior
  • The impact of climate change on permafrost thaw and its effects on Arctic ecosystems
  • The impact of deforestation on ecosystem services provided by sacred groves
  • The impact of climate change on tropical cyclones and their impacts on coastal ecosystems
  • The effectiveness of green technology transfer in promoting sustainable agriculture and food systems
  • The impact of plastic pollution on benthic macroinvertebrate populations and their ecosystem roles
  • The impact of climate change on freshwater invertebrate populations and their ecosystem roles
  • The effectiveness of green tourism in promoting sustainable wildlife tourism practices
  • The impact of noise pollution on amphibian populations and their communication
  • The impact of climate change on mountain ecosystems and their biodiversity
  • The effectiveness of green certification in promoting sustainable agriculture and food systems
  • The impact of deforestation on indigenous peoples’ food security and nutrition
  • The impact of climate change on plant-pollinator interactions and their ecosystem roles
  • The impact of plastic pollution on freshwater ecosystems and their services
  • The impact of climate change on oceanic currents and their effects on marine ecosystems
  • The effectiveness of green investment in promoting sustainable transportation infrastructure
  • The impact of noise pollution on human sleep quality and mental health
  • The impact of climate change on marine viruses and their effects on marine life
  • The effectiveness of green labeling in promoting sustainable packaging and waste reduction
  • The impact of deforestation on ecosystem services provided by riparian forests
  • The impact of climate change on insect-pollinated crops and their yields
  • The effectiveness of green procurement in promoting sustainable waste management
  • The impact of plastic pollution on estuarine ecosystems and their services
  • The impact of climate change on groundwater recharge and aquifer depletion
  • The effectiveness of green education in promoting sustainable tourism practices
  • The impact of climate change on coral reefs and their biodiversity
  • The effectiveness of green labeling in promoting sustainable clothing and textile production
  • The impact of deforestation on riverine fish populations and their fishery-dependent communities
  • The impact of climate change on mountain water resources and their availability
  • The effectiveness of green certification in promoting sustainable tourism accommodations
  • The impact of plastic pollution on deep-sea ecosystems and their biodiversity
  • The impact of climate change on sea-level rise and its effects on coastal ecosystems and communities
  • The effectiveness of green energy policies in promoting renewable energy production
  • The impact of noise pollution on human cardiovascular health
  • The impact of climate change on biogeochemical cycles in marine ecosystems
  • The effectiveness of green labeling in promoting sustainable personal care and cosmetic products
  • The impact of deforestation on carbon sequestration and its effects on climate change
  • The impact of climate change on wildfire frequency and severity
  • The effectiveness of green procurement in promoting sustainable energy-efficient technologies
  • The impact of plastic pollution on beach ecosystems and their tourism potential
  • The impact of climate change on marine mammals and their habitat range shifts
  • The effectiveness of green urban design in promoting sustainable and livable neighborhoods
  • The impact of noise pollution on urban human and wildlife communities
  • The impact of climate change on soil microorganisms and their roles in nutrient cycling
  • The effectiveness of green labeling in promoting sustainable electronics and e-waste management
  • The impact of deforestation on watershed services and their effects on downstream ecosystems and communities
  • The impact of climate change on human migration patterns and their impacts on urbanization
  • The effectiveness of green investment in promoting sustainable water management and infrastructure
  • The impact of plastic pollution on seabird populations and their nesting success
  • The impact of climate change on ocean acidification and its effects on marine ecosystems
  • The effectiveness of green certification in promoting sustainable fisheries and aquaculture
  • The impact of noise pollution on terrestrial carnivore populations and their communication
  • The impact of climate change on snow and ice dynamics in polar regions
  • The effectiveness of green tourism in promoting sustainable cultural heritage preservation
  • The impact of deforestation on riverine water quality and their effects on aquatic life
  • The impact of climate change on forest fires and their ecological effects
  • The effectiveness of green labeling in promoting sustainable home appliances and energy use
  • The impact of plastic pollution on marine invertebrate populations and their ecosystem roles
  • The impact of climate change on soil erosion and its effects on agricultural productivity
  • The effectiveness of green procurement in promoting sustainable construction materials and waste reduction
  • The impact of noise pollution on marine mammal populations and their behavior
  • The impact of climate change on ocean circulation and its effects on marine life
  • The effectiveness of green investment in promoting sustainable forest management
  • The impact of deforestation on medicinal plant populations and their traditional uses
  • The impact of climate change on wetland ecosystems and their carbon storage capacity
  • The effectiveness of green urban planning in promoting sustainable and resilient cities
  • The impact of plastic pollution on seabed ecosystems and their biodiversity
  • The effectiveness of green certification in promoting sustainable palm oil production
  • The impact of noise pollution on bird populations and their communication
  • The impact of climate change on freshwater quality and its effects on aquatic life
  • The effectiveness of green labeling in promoting sustainable food packaging and waste reduction
  • The impact of deforestation on streamflow and its effects on downstream

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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Environmental Policy

This curated collection brings together policy perspectives and policy-relevant research from across PLOS’ environmental journals: PLOS Climate , PLOS Sustainability & Transformation , and PLOS Water . This diverse collection spans a wide range of environmental topics, and shines a light on research findings of special relevance to policy-making, the impact of specific policy interventions, opportunities for innovation in policy design, and the need for further targeted research to inform evidence-based decision-making processes.

Image Credit: Silas Baisch by Unsplash

Over the last decade many large world cities have scaled up efforts at climate adaptation, a primary focus of which is protecting…

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The Reporter

US Environmental Policies, the Environment, and the Economy

US environmental regulations have expanded dramatically since passage of the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and similar laws a half century ago. Today, these policies face growing debate. While they have improved environmental quality, they also impose important costs. Moreover, their benefits and costs can have uneven impacts across racial and income groups.

Economists have long studied the effectiveness, efficiency, and equity of environmental policy, but three obstacles have impeded this research. One is a dearth of data on individual firms and households that could enable analysis of a broad range of policy impacts. Another is the challenge of quantifying the stringency of regulation for different entities and in different years. A third is the complexity of combining data, econometric methods, and economic theory to infer impacts on hard-to-observe outcomes such as consumer and producer surplus and social welfare.

Our joint and independent recent work on how US regulation of air, water, and climate pollution has affected households and firms combines newly available administrative data with insights from research on trade, industrial organization, and public finance to help address these challenges. This summary reviews some of this work.

Administrative Data

Many government agencies routinely collect data to administer policies, and recent expansions in data access allow analysts to use these data for research. The availability of confidential microdata through the US Census Bureau’s research data centers is particularly valuable. These data provide large sample sizes and spatial detail, which can enable better research designs than in past research. They also support new linkages across databases and new variables within existing data, expanding the range of feasible research.

For example, research often uses industry-level aggregates, since they are publicly available, and many environmental policies apply to an industry rather than to a firm or establishment. Plants and firms within industries, however, differ in ways that may be important to consider when designing policy or determining the overall welfare effects of existing policies. Our work with Eva Lyubich uses the Census Bureau’s plant-level information on energy and other intermediate goods to assess the importance of heterogeneous firm externalities for environmental policy design within industries. 1 The analysis measures both plant-level CO 2 emissions and emissions from the plant’s unique supply chain. It finds vast heterogeneity in output produced per unit of energy used within even narrowly defined industries. For example, given $1 of energy input, a plant at the 90th percentile of a given industry’s distribution of energy productivity produces 580 percent more output than a plant at the 10th percentile of the same industry. Heterogeneity in output per unit of energy input substantially exceeds heterogeneity in other standard productivity measures.

As another example, researchers and policymakers have long been concerned about who ultimately bears the burden of Pigouvian taxes, taxes which, like a carbon tax, are levied on households or firms to internalize the cost of pollution emissions and other activities that generate externalities. However, little is known about the ability of fossil fuel-intensive firms and industries to pass these costs through to consumers, as public data provide little information on firm prices or marginal costs. The Census Bureau, however, collects data on plant-level production quantities and unit prices for a few homogeneous industries. Our work with Sharat Ganapati uses this price data to study how shocks to energy input prices affect firms’ product prices. 2 These estimates of cost pass-through help inform the incidence of a future carbon tax, as they shed light on firms’ ability to pass energy costs along to consumers. We find that the pass-through of energy prices in the short to medium run is incomplete, which implies that the share of the welfare cost that consumers bear relative to producers is smaller than is often assumed.

A final example of research enabled by newly available administrative data uses linkages between establishment characteristics and worker earnings histories to shed light on the labor market implications of environmental policy. For example, how do Clean Air Act (CAA) regulations affect the labor force? Walker uses these linked data to follow workers over time, before and after the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments which regulated polluting industries in polluted counties. 3 Focusing on workers rather than industries helps reveal the long-run earnings losses from regulation-induced job transitions and nonemployment, both of which are unobservable in publicly available data on industry wages or employment. Workers in newly regulated establishments experience substantial and persistent earnings penalties, largely due to long-run costs of job loss and lower future wages in subsequent employment [Figure 1].

Figure 1 2022 number 2 Shapiro Walker summary

Data from Open Record Requests and Private Firms

Quantifying regulatory stringency is a challenge in research on energy and environmental policy. Just one environmental policy, for example, can fill hundreds of pages of legal text. Newly collected data on subsidies and regulated pollutants have enabled analysis of policies that previously had received limited research attention.

David Keiser and Shapiro study $650 billion in total expenditures due to grants the federal government gave cities through the Clean Water Act to improve municipal treatment of water pollution. 4 Their analysis links detailed data on 35,000 individual Clean Water Act grants, obtained from Freedom of Information Act requests, to information on water quality at millions of points along a network model of all US streams and rivers. The research finds that these grants were associated with substantially decreased water pollution for at least 25 years, though their impact on nearby home values was smaller than their costs.

Another example concerns the CAA, which has created almost 500 local emissions markets for air pollution. Due to a lack of publicly available data, these markets have received little attention from researchers, even though transactions in these markets can help identify the overall efficiency of existing regulation. Under the CAA, a polluting firm may only open or expand a plant in a polluted city if an existing plant permanently decreases its emissions of the same pollutant in that city. An incumbent must certify these emissions reductions with a regulator and can then sell these “offsets” to the entrant. We obtained records of these transactions and used them to determine the marginal costs of cleaning up pollution. 5 By comparing offset prices to estimates of the marginal benefits of cleaning up air pollution, we found that the marginal benefits of additional pollution regulation are on average 10 times greater than the marginal costs of emission reductions, though the ratio varies by market.

Market intelligence firms also provide increasingly important databases for research. One illustration arises in the study of how environmental damage leads to adverse health outcomes, including deaths. It is widely understood that individuals can undertake defensive investments to protect themselves from the adverse effects of pollution. These defenses represent a cost of the pollution, but can be difficult to quantify. Olivier Deschenes, Michael Greenstone, and Shapiro use data from healthcare interactions for employees and dependents of many large firms to study the importance of medication expenditures, such as for asthma inhalers, which represent one important defense against pollution. 6 They study a cap-and-trade market that began in 2003 and regulated pollution in the summer months for 19 Eastern states [Figure 2]. The decrease in medication costs associated with the operation of these markets almost alone offsets the market’s costs. Accounting for prevented premature mortality would make the benefits even larger.

Figure 2 2022 number 2 Shapiro Walker summary

Data from Remote Sensing and Satellite Imagery

Increasingly available remote sensing data have greatly expanded the set of questions researchers can answer. Between 1990 and 2015, for example, only 40 percent of 3,143 US counties had any Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) monitors for air pollutants regulated under the CAA. With so few monitors, it is difficult to know the overall burden of pollution exposure in the US, or how burdens differ between racial groups. Janet Currie, John Voorheis, and Walker use new satellite-based measurements of ambient PM 2.5 exposure in the entire US to explore trends in racial inequality in pollution exposure and the drivers of these gaps over time. 7 The analysis confirms that African Americans disproportionately live in polluted areas. This Black-White gap in mean pollution exposure, however, has closed substantially since 2000. Spatially targeted CAA regulations are the largest contributor to this convergence.

In related work, Meredith Fowlie, Edward Rubin, and Walker leverage these satellite-based data to assess the extent to which EPA monitors over- or underestimate true exposure to PM 2.5 pollution. 8 Official monitors miss much spatial variation in pollution within a region. Because US regulation depends on ambient concentrations, this measurement error can lead to both over- and underregulation. Surprisingly, however, redesigning policies to capture more spatially resolved measures of pollution exposure is not guaranteed to improve health outcomes overall.

Connecting Theory to Data

Many important questions involve concepts that data cannot directly report, such as the marginal willingness to pay for environmental goods or the effects of counterfactual policies. Some recent work develops methods to study how actual and counterfactual environmental policies affect such outcomes.

In a recent study, we model how firms trade off producing goods and emitting pollution. 9 Pollution in many high-income countries has declined in recent decades. Several factors could explain this, including outsourcing dirty production to low-income countries, productivity growth, or environmental regulation. We use plant-level data from the Census Bureau to construct empirical analogs to the concepts in our model. The model analyzes how environmental and economic policies affect firm abatement and production decisions. We invert the model to use observed data on firm abatement and production decisions to infer what types of environmental and economic policies firms faced over the past few decades. We then use the model to learn how counterfactual policies would affect outcomes and find that environmental regulation, rather than productivity growth or changes in trade, accounts for most of the decrease in pollution.

A related study examines how trade policies affect climate change. Countries have proposed imposing tariffs proportional to the carbon emissions embodied in traded goods to prevent relocation of dirty production abroad (“leakage”) as a result of climate change policies. In a recent paper, Shapiro studies existing tariffs and other trade policies like quotas to see if countries already impose higher trade protection on dirty goods. Such protection would be an implicit carbon tariff. 10 Data across countries, years, and policies, however, consistently show the opposite: countries have greater protection on clean goods and lower protection on dirty goods, which constitutes an implicit subsidy to climate change embodied in trade policy. The paper models trade and the environment to predict how changing tariffs and nontariff trade barriers on clean versus dirty goods would affect the environment and the economy. It indicates that harmonizing trade policy between clean and dirty goods would substantially decrease global emissions, without decreasing GDP.

A final example of research that uses administrative data comes from air pollution exhaust standards for vehicles, the centerpiece of the CAA’s regulation of transportation. Mark Jacobsen, James Sallee, Shapiro, and Arthur van Benthem examine comparable microdata on the pollution emissions of every make, model, and trim of new passenger vehicle sold in the US in the last half century, the exhaust standards for these vehicles, and over 60 million vehicle pollution readings. 11 This analysis finds that the emissions per mile of new US vehicles have fallen by more than 99 percent since the setting of exhaust standards began in the 1960s. Exhaust standards caused a majority of that decline. A quantitative model of the new and used vehicle fleets highlights that standards are not cost-effective because they exempt the large share of pollution from older used vehicles.

Taken together, our research suggests that environmental policy can have large but unequal environmental benefits and economic costs that, even a half century after passage of many environmental laws, we are still working to understand.


More from nber.

“ Regulating Mismeasured Pollution: Implications of Firm Heterogeneity for Environmental Policy ,” Lyubich E, Shapiro J, Walker R. NBER Working Paper 24228, January 2018, and AEA Papers and Proceedings 108, 2018, pp. 136–142.  

“ Energy Cost Pass-Through in US Manufacturing: Estimates and Implications for Carbon Taxes ,” Ganapati S, Shapiro JS, Walker R. NBER Working Paper 22281, July 2019, and American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 12(2), 2020, pp. 303–342.  

“ The Transitional Costs of Sectoral Reallocation: Evidence from the Clean Air Act and the Workforce ,” Walker WR. The Quarterly Journal of Economics 128(4), 2013, pp. 1787–1835.  

“ Consequences of the Clean Water Act and the Demand for Water Quality ,” Keiser DA, Shapiro JS. NBER Working Paper 23070, June 2018, and The Quarterly Journal of Economics 134(1), 2019, pp. 349–396.  

“ Is Air Pollution Regulation Too Stringent? ” Shapiro JS, Walker R. NBER Working Paper 28199, December 2020.  

“ Defensive Investments and the Demand for Air Quality: Evidence from the NOx Budget Program ,” Deschenes O, Greenstone M, Shapiro JS. NBER Working Paper 18267, August 2012, and  American Economic Review 107(10), 2017, pp. 2958–2989.  

“ What Caused Racial Disparities in Particulate Exposure to Fall? New Evidence from the Clean Air Act and Satellite-Based Measures of Air Quality ,” Currie J, Voorheis J, Walker R. NBER Working Paper 26659, October 2021.  

“ Bringing Satellite-Based Air Quality Estimates Down to Earth ,” Fowlie M, Rubin E, Walker R. NBER Working Paper 25560, February 2019, and AEA Papers and Proceedings   109, 2019, pp. 283–288.  

“ Why Is Pollution from US Manufacturing Declining? The Roles of Environmental Regulation, Productivity, and Trade ,” Shapiro JS, Walker R. NBER Working Paper 20879, January 2015, and  American Economic Review 108(12), 2018, pp. 3814–3854.  

“ The Environmental Bias of Trade Policy ,” Shapiro JS. NBER Working Paper 26845, May 2020, and The Quarterly Journal of Economics 136(2), 2021, pp. 831–886.  

“ Regulating Untaxable Externalities: Are Vehicle Air Pollution Standards Effective and Efficient? ” Jacobsen MR, Sallee J, Shapiro J, van Benthem A. NBER Project. 2022.  

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15th Annual Feldstein Lecture, Mario Draghi, "The Next Flight of the Bumblebee: The Path to Common Fiscal Policy in the Eurozone cover slide

© 2023 National Bureau of Economic Research. Periodical content may be reproduced freely with appropriate attribution.

LBJ School of Public Affairs home

Environmental Policy

Austin, UT leaders gather for a press conference on the LBJ Plaza

Project to Tackle Effects of Extreme Climate Unveiled by Doggett, UT and City of Austin

The University of Texas at Austin is leading a federally funded research project with the City of Austin to better understand the impact of extreme climate shifts on Texas communities and their infrastructure. U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett, who obtained initial approval for the project in a House appropriations bill, made the announcement today at UT.


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One more try: the international solar alliance and india's search for geopolitical influence.

Cover of Energy Strategy Reviews

The International Solar Alliance (ISA) is a new initiative launched at the 2015 Paris climate conference by India, jointly with France. The ISA is the first international organization headquartered in India and aims to promote solar electricity in the sunshine belt of states mostly between the tropic of Cancer and tropic of Capricorn. One of India's key aims in co-founding the ISA is as an instrument for geopolitical influence. However, India has limited capacity to provide financial support for this effort and is not a solar technology innovator or source of low-cost solar products such as panels or inverters (in contrast to far greater Chinese strength in these areas). This raises the question about whether and how India can reap geopolitical rewards from the ISA. This article explores the potential and limits for India to use the ISA as an instrument of geopolitics. We find that India's large domestic market and some of its recent success in scaling-up solar may provide some avenues for exercising leadership in the solar space and that those in turn may yield some opportunities for exercising wider geopolitical influence if those achievements are recognized. We theorize the stages of India's attempted journey from achieving solar leadership to exerting global influence and identify several barriers that must be overcome for success. These include overcoming challenges to its domestic solar program, ensuring institutional strength, and standing out in a crowded global renewables ecosystem of organizations.

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Top 150 Environmental Science Research Topics

Environmental Science Research Topics

Hey there, fellow explorers of the environmental world. Ready to dive into the kingdom of Environmental Science? We’ve got an epic list of the Top 150 Environmental Science Research Topics waiting for you. 

From climate change mysteries to wildlife wonders, this treasure covers it all. Ever wondered about the impact of pollution on our oceans or how to protect endangered species? Curious about sustainable energy or the future of our planet’s forests? We’ve got you covered.

Whether you’re a student seeking inspiration for a killer research paper or just passionate about saving our planet, these topics are your launchpad into discovering, exploring, and understanding the world around us. Get ready to free your inner environmental scientist and make a difference one topic at a time.

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Understanding The Concept Of Environmental Science

Table of Contents

Environmental science is a multidimensional field that examines relationships between human beings and the environment. It delves into understanding, protecting, and sustaining our planet’s health. Here’s a quick glance.

What is Environmental Science?

  • Interdisciplinary Study: Environmental science combines elements of biology, chemistry, physics, geology, and social sciences to understand environmental issues comprehensively.
  • Study of Systems: It focuses on ecosystems, examining how various components interact and influence each other within the environment.

Key Components

  • Biodiversity: Understanding and conserving the variety of life forms on Earth.
  • Climate Change: Examining the impacts of human activities on the Earth’s climate system.
  • Pollution: Investigating the sources, effects, and mitigation strategies for air, water, and soil pollution.
  • Resource Management: Exploring sustainable practices for using and conserving natural resources.

Importance of Environmental Science

  • Critical Problem-Solving: Addresses pressing issues like habitat loss, water scarcity, and global warming.
  • Policy Formation: Provides scientific data to guide environmental policies and regulations.
  • Community Engagement: Educates and involves communities in environmental conservation efforts.

Careers in Environmental Science

  • Environmental Scientist: Conducts research to identify and solve environmental problems.
  • Conservation Biologist: Focuses on protecting and managing natural resources.
  • Environmental Engineer: Designs systems to address environmental challenges.

Future Challenges

  • Sustainable Development: It includes Balancing economic growth via environmental conservation.
  • Climate Resilience: Adapting to and mitigating the impacts of climate change.
  • Global Cooperation: Addressing environmental issues requires international collaboration.

Environmental science plays a pivotal role in shaping policies, technologies, and behaviors that contribute to a sustainable future. Understanding its significance empowers us to take proactive steps in preserving our planet for generations to come.

Updated 2024: Top 150 Environmental Science Research Topics

Now we are presenting an extensive collection of current and relevant subjects shaping the field. Covering climate change, biodiversity conservation, pollution, renewable energy, and much more, this curated list reflects the latest trends and pressing issues in environmental science. Dive into these topics to explore cutting edge research opportunities and contribute to the solutions that our planet urgently needs.

Top 10 Research Topics On Climate Change Adaptation Strategies

  • Coastal Protection Measures
  • Resilient Infrastructure Development
  • Sustainable Agriculture in Changing Climates
  • Community-Based Adaptation Initiatives
  • Water Resource Management Strategies
  • Urban Heat Island Mitigation
  • Forest Conservation and Restoration
  • Climate-Resilient Housing Solutions
  • Biodiversity Conservation for Adaptation
  • Renewable Energy Integration for Climate Resilience

Top 10 Research Topics On Biodiversity Conservation

  • Endangered Species Protection Programs
  • Habitat Restoration Initiatives
  • Effects of Climate Change on Biodiversity
  • Conservation Genetics and Species Preservation
  • Sustainable Management of Ecosystems
  • Role of National Parks in Biodiversity Conservation
  • Community-Based Conservation Efforts
  • Biodiversity Hotspots and Priority Areas
  • Wildlife Corridors and Connectivity Conservation
  • Invasive Species Management Strategies

Top 10 Environmental Science Research Topics On Renewable Energy Sources

  • Solar Energy: Advancements and Applications
  • Wind Power: Harnessing Renewable Energy
  • Hydroelectricity: Sustainable Hydropower Technologies
  • Biomass Energy: Sustainable Fuel Sources
  • Geothermal Energy: Earth’s Renewable Heat Source
  • Tidal and Wave Energy: Harnessing Ocean Power
  • Biofuels: Sustainable Alternatives for Transportation
  • Solar Photovoltaic Technology: Efficiency and Innovation
  • Wind Turbine Technology: Evolution and Efficiency
  • Sustainable Energy Policies and Implementation

Top 10 Research Topics On Pollution Control And Mitigation

  • Air Pollution Control Strategies
  • Water Pollution Remediation Techniques
  • Soil Contamination Management
  • Industrial Pollution Prevention Methods
  • Waste Management and Recycling
  • Noise Pollution Reduction Measures
  • Emission Reduction in Transportation
  • Green Chemistry for Pollution Control
  • Urban Planning for Pollution Mitigation
  • Policy Frameworks for Pollution Control

Top 10 Environmental Science Research Topics On Sustainable Agriculture Practices

  • Organic Farming Techniques and Benefits
  • Agroforestry: Integrating Trees in Agriculture
  • Permaculture: Sustainable Farm Design
  • Soil Health Management in Agriculture
  • Precision Agriculture for Resource Efficiency
  • Crop Rotation and Diversification
  • Water-Efficient Irrigation Methods
  • Integrated Pest Management Strategies
  • Sustainable Livestock Farming Practices
  • Climate-Smart Agriculture Techniques

Top 10 Research Topics On Urban Environmental Management

  • Urban Green Spaces and Biodiversity
  • Waste Management in Urban Areas
  • Air Quality Monitoring and Improvement
  • Sustainable Urban Transportation
  • Urban Heat Island Mitigation Strategies
  • Stormwater Management in Cities
  • Noise Pollution Control Measures
  • Green Building and Sustainable Architecture
  • Community Engagement in Urban Sustainability
  • Urban Resilience and Adaptation Strategies

Top 10 Research Topics On Water Resource Management

  • Urban Water Conservation Strategies
  • Water Recycling and Reuse Methods
  • Sustainable Groundwater Management
  • Drought Management and Preparedness
  • Efficient Agricultural Water Use
  • River Basin Management and Restoration
  • Stormwater Management Techniques
  • Water Quality Monitoring and Protection
  • Community-Based Water Resource Management
  • Technology for Water Efficiency

Top 10 Environmental Science Research Topics On Air Quality Improvement

  • Urban Air Pollution Control Measures
  • Industrial Emission Reduction Strategies
  • Indoor Air Quality Management
  • Impact of Transportation on Air Quality
  • Green Technologies for Air Purification
  • Role of Vegetation in Air Quality Improvement
  • Clean Energy Transition and Air Quality
  • Air Quality Monitoring and Assessment
  • Public Health Interventions for Air Pollution
  • Policy Initiatives for Air Quality Enhancement

Top 10 Research Topics On Ecosystem Restoration

  • Wetland Restoration Strategies
  • Reforestation and Afforestation Programs
  • Coral Reef Rehabilitation Efforts
  • River and Stream Restoration Initiatives
  • Urban Green Spaces and Restoration
  • Degraded Land Restoration Techniques
  • Coastal and Marine Habitat Restoration
  • Ecological Restoration in Mining Areas
  • Restoring Biodiversity in Disturbed Ecosystems
  • Restoring Indigenous Ecosystems and Habitats

Top 10 Environmental Science Research Topics On Environmental Policy And Governance

  • Climate Change Policies and Agreements
  • Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations
  • National and International Conservation Laws
  • Green Taxation and Incentive Programs
  • Sustainable Development Goals Implementation
  • Biodiversity Conservation Policies
  • Water Resource Management Policies
  • Waste Management Legislation
  • Air Quality Control and Regulations
  • Forest Protection and Governance

Top 10 Research Topics On Wildlife Conservation And Management

  • Wildlife Population Monitoring Techniques
  • Conservation Genetics for Endangered Species
  • Human-Wildlife Conflict Resolution
  • Wildlife Trafficking and Illegal Trade
  • Habitat Fragmentation and Conservation
  • Protected Area Management and Expansion
  • Wildlife Migration Patterns and Conservation
  • Conservation of Keystone Species
  • Captive Breeding and Reintroduction Programs
  • Wildlife Forensics and Crime Investigation

Top 10 Research Topics On Ocean And Coastal Studies

  • Coral Reef Conservation and Restoration
  • Marine Biodiversity Monitoring
  • Coastal Erosion and Management Strategies
  • Ocean Acidification Impacts and Mitigation
  • Marine Pollution: Causes and Solutions
  • Oceanography: Understanding Marine Systems
  • Sustainable Fisheries Management
  • Tsunami and Storm Surge Studies
  • Marine Protected Areas and Conservation
  • Seabed Mining Impacts and Regulations

Top 10 Environmental Science Research Topics On Environmental Health And Toxicology

  • Air Quality and Human Health
  • Water Contamination and Public Health
  • Pesticides and Human Exposure
  • Heavy Metals and Health Impacts
  • Endocrine Disruptors in the Environment
  • Occupational Health in Hazardous Environments
  • Environmental Carcinogens and Risks
  • Risk Assessment in Toxicology
  • Environmental Impact on Reproductive Health
  • Neurotoxicity of Environmental Pollutants

Top 10 Research Topics On Green Technology Innovations

  • Smart Grid Technology for Energy Efficiency
  • Energy-Efficient Building Designs
  • Electric Vehicles and Sustainable Transportation
  • Advanced Waste-to-Energy Technologies
  • Nanotechnology in Environmental Remediation
  • Green Chemistry : Sustainable Manufacturing
  • Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology
  • Vertical Farming and Urban Agriculture
  • AI and IoT in Environmental Monitoring
  • Biodegradable Materials and Packaging

Top 10 Environmental Science Research Topics On Climate Change Adaptation Strategies

  • Coastal Zone Adaptation Measures
  • Agriculture Resilience to Climate Change
  • Water Resource Management under Climate Change
  • Infrastructure Adaptation for Extreme Weather
  • Forest and Biodiversity Resilience Strategies
  • Health Sector Adaptation to Changing Climates
  • Indigenous Knowledge in Climate Adaptation
  • Climate-Resilient Energy Infrastructure

And there you have it, folks, our ultimate list of 150 Environmental Science Research Topics. We’ve covered everything from climate change and biodiversity to pollution and renewable energy. But hey, this isn’t the end; it’s just the beginning of your eco-journey. Dive into these topics, explore what sparks your interest, and dig deep into making our planet a better place. Whether it’s studying ways to protect endangered species or finding innovative solutions for a greener tomorrow, there’s a topic here for everyone. So, grab your thinking cap, pick a topic, and let’s get cracking on saving the planet one research topic at a time.

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50 Best Environmental Science Research Topics

May 31, 2023

Environmental science is a varied discipline that encompasses a variety of subjects, including ecology, atmospheric science, and geology among others. Professionals within this field can pursue many occupations from lab technicians and agricultural engineers to park rangers and environmental lawyers. However, what unites these careers is their focus on how the natural world and the human world interact and impact the surrounding environment. There is also one other significant commonality among environmental science careers: virtually all of them either engage in or rely on research on environmental science topics to ensure their work is accurate and up to date.

In this post, we’ll outline some of the best environmental science research topics to help you explore disciplines within environmental science and kickstart your own research. If you are considering majoring in environmental science or perhaps just need help brainstorming for a research paper, this post will give you a broad sense of timely environmental science research topics.

What makes a research topic good?

Before we dive into specific environmental science research topics, let’s first cover the basics: what qualities make for a viable research topic. Research is the process of collecting information to make discoveries and reach new conclusions. We often think of research as something that occurs in academic or scientific settings. However, everyone engages in informal research in everyday life, from reading product reviews to investigating statistics for admitted students at prospective colleges . While we all conduct research in our day-to-day lives, formal academic research is necessary to advance discoveries and scholarly discourses. Therefore, in this setting, good research hinges on a topic in which there are unanswered questions or ongoing debates. In other words, meaningful research focuses on topics where you can say something new.

However, identifying an interesting research topic is only the first step in the research process. Research topics tend to be broad in scope. Strong research is dependent on developing a specific research question, meaning the query your project will seek to answer. While there are no comprehensive guidelines for research questions, most scholars agree that research questions should be:

1) Specific

Research questions need to clearly identify and define the focus of your research. Without sufficient detail, your research will likely be too broad or imprecise in focus to yield meaningful insights. For example, you might initially be interested in addressing this question: How should governments address the effects of climate change? While that is a worthwhile question to investigate, it’s not clear enough to facilitate meaningful research. What level of government is this question referring to? And what specific effects of global warming will this research focus on? You would need to revise this question to provide a clearer focus for your research. A revised version of this question might look like this: How can state government officials in Florida best mitigate the effects of sea-level rise?

 2) Narrow

Our interest in a given topic often starts quite broad. However, it is difficult to produce meaningful, thorough research on a broad topic. For that reason, it is important that research questions be narrow in scope, focusing on a specific issue or subtopic. For example, one of the more timely environmental science topics is renewable energy. A student who is just learning about this topic might wish to write a research paper on the following question: Which form of renewable energy is best? However, that would be a difficult question to answer in one paper given the various ways in which an energy source could be “best.” Instead, this student might narrow their focus, assessing renewable energy sources through a more specific lens: Which form of renewable energy is best for job creation?

 3) Complex

As we previously discussed, good research leads to new discoveries. These lines of inquiry typically require a complicated and open-ended research question. A question that can be answered with just a “yes” or “no” (or a quick Google search) is likely indicative of a topic in which additional research is unnecessary (i.e. there is no ongoing debate) or a topic that is not well defined. For example, the following question would likely be too simple for academic research: What is environmental justice? You can look up a definition of environmental justice online. You would need to ask a more complex question to sustain a meaningful research project. Instead, you might conduct research on the following query: Which environmental issue(s) disproportionately impact impoverished communities in the Pacific Northwest? This question is narrower and more specific, while also requiring more complex thought and analysis to answer.

4) Debatable

Again, strong research provides new answers and information, which means that they must be situated within topics or discourses where there is ongoing debate. If a research question can only lead to one natural conclusion, that may indicate that it has already been sufficiently addressed in prior research or that the question is leading. For example, Are invasive species bad? is not a very debatable question (the answer is in the term “invasive species”!). A paper that focused on this question would essentially define and provide examples of invasive species (i.e. information that is already well documented). Instead, a researcher might investigate the effects of a specific invasive species. For example: How have Burmese pythons impacted ecosystems in the Everglades, and what mitigation strategies are most effective to reduce Burmese python populations?

Therefore, research topics, including environmental science topics, are those about which there are ample questions yet to be definitively answered. Taking time to develop a thoughtful research question will provide the necessary focus and structure to facilitate meaningful research.

10 Great Environmental Science Research Topics (With Explanations!)

Now that we have a basic understanding of what qualities can make or break a research topic, we can return to our focus on environmental science topics. Although “great” research topics are somewhat subjective, we believe the following topics provide excellent foundations for research due to ongoing debates in these areas, as well as the urgency of the challenges they seek to address.

1) Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation

Although climate change is now a well-known concept , there is still much to be learned about how humans can best mitigate and adapt to its effects. Mitigation involves reducing the severity of climate change. However, there are a variety of ways mitigation can occur, from switching to electric vehicles to enforcing carbon taxes on corporations that produce the highest carbon emission levels. Many of these environmental science topics intersect with issues of public policy and economics, making them very nuanced and versatile.

In comparison, climate change adaptation considers how humans can adjust to life in an evolving climate where issues such as food insecurity, floods, droughts, and other severe weather events are more frequent. Research on climate change adaptation is particularly fascinating due to the various levels at which it occurs, from federal down to local governments, to help communities anticipate and adjust to the effects of climate change.

Both climate change mitigation and adaptation represent excellent environmental science research topics as there is still much to be learned to address this issue and its varied effects.

2) Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is another fairly mainstream topic in which there is much to learn and research. Although scientists have identified many forms of sustainable energy, such as wind, solar, and hydroelectric power, questions remain about how to best implement these energy sources. How can politicians, world leaders, and communities advance renewable energy through public policy? What impact will renewable energy have on local and national economies? And how can we minimize the environmental impact of renewable energy technologies? While we have identified alternatives to fossil fuels, questions persist about the best way to utilize these technologies, making renewable energy one of the best environmental science topics to research.

3) Conservation

Conservation is a broad topic within environmental science, focusing on issues such as preserving environments and protecting endangered species. However, conservation efforts are more challenging than ever in the face of a growing world population and climate change. In fact, some scientists theorize that we are currently in the middle of a sixth mass extinction event. While these issues might seem dire, we need scientists to conduct research on conservation efforts for specific species, as well as entire ecosystems, to help combat these challenges and preserve the planet’s biodiversity.

4) Deforestation

The Save the Rainforest movement of the 1980s and 90s introduced many people to the issue of deforestation. Today, the problems associated with deforestation, such as reduced biodiversity and soil erosion, are fairly common knowledge. However, these challenges persist due, in part, to construction and agricultural development projects. While we know the effects of deforestation, it is more difficult to identify and implement feasible solutions. This is particularly true in developing countries where deforestation is often more prevalent due to political, environmental, and economic factors. Environmental science research can help reduce deforestation by identifying strategies to help countries sustainably manage their natural resources.

Environmental Science Topics (Continued)

5) urban ecology.

When we think of “the environment,” our brains often conjure up images of majestic mountain ranges and lush green forests. However, less “natural” environments also warrant study: this is where urban ecology comes in. Urban ecology is the study of how organisms interact with one another and their environment in urban settings. Through urban ecology, researchers can address topics such as how greenspaces in cities can reduce air pollution, or how local governments can adopt more effective waste management practices. As one of the newer environmental science topics, urban ecology represents an exciting research area that can help humans live more sustainably.

6) Environmental Justice

While environmental issues such as climate change impact people on a global scale, not all communities are affected equally. For example, wealthy nations tend to contribute more to greenhouse-gas emissions. However, less developed nations are disproportionately bearing the brunt of climate change . Studies within the field of environmental justice seek to understand how issues such as race, national origin, and income impact the degree to which people experience hardships from environmental issues. Researchers in this field not only document these inequities, but also identify ways in which environmental justice can be achieved. As a result, their work helps communities have access to clean, safe environments in which they can thrive.

7) Water Management

Water is, of course, necessary for life, which is why water management is so important within environmental science research topics. Water management research ensures that water resources are appropriately identified and maintained to meet demand. However, climate change has heightened the need for water management research, due to the occurrence of more severe droughts and wildfires. As a result, water management research is necessary to ensure water is clean and accessible.

8) Pollution and Bioremediation

Another impact of the increase in human population and development is heightened air, water, and soil pollution. Environmental scientists study pollutants to understand how they work and where they originate. Through their research, they can identify solutions to help address pollution, such as bioremediation, which is the use of microorganisms to consume and break down pollutants. Collectively, research on pollution and bioremediation helps us restore environments so they are sufficient for human, animal, and plant life.

9) Disease Ecology

While environmental science topics impact the health of humans, we don’t always think of this discipline as intersecting with medicine. But, believe it or not, they can sometimes overlap! Disease ecology examines how ecological processes and interactions impact disease evolution. For example, malaria is a disease that is highly dependent on ecological variables, such as temperature and precipitation. Both of these factors can help or hinder the breeding of mosquitoes and, therefore, the transmission of malaria. The risk of infectious diseases is likely to increase due to climate change , making disease ecology an important research topic.

10) Ecosystems Ecology

If nothing else, the aforementioned topics and their related debates showcase just how interconnected the world is. None of us live in a vacuum: our environment affects us just as we affect it. That makes ecosystems ecology, which examines how ecosystems operate and interact, an evergreen research topic within environmental science.

40 More Environmental Science Research Topics

Still haven’t stumbled upon the right environmental science research topic? The following ideas may help spark some inspiration:

  • The effects of agricultural land use on biodiversity and ecosystems.
  • The impact of invasive plant species on ecosystems.
  • How wildfires and droughts shape ecosystems.
  • The role of fire ecology in addressing wildfire threats.
  • The impact of coral bleaching on biodiversity.
  • Ways to minimize the environmental impact of clean energies.
  • The effects of climate change on ocean currents and migration patterns of marine species.

Environmental Justice and Public Policy

  • Opportunities to equalize the benefits of greenspaces for impoverished and marginalized communities.
  • The impact of natural disasters on human migration patterns.
  • The role of national parks and nature reserves in human health.
  • How to address inequalities in the impact of air pollution.
  • How to prevent and address the looming climate refugee crisis.
  • Environmentally and economically sustainable alternatives to deforestation in less developed countries.
  • Effects of environmental policies and regulations on impoverished communities.
  • The role of pollutants in endocrine disruption.
  • The effects of climate change on the emergence of infectious diseases.

AP Environmental Science Research Topics (Continued)

Soil science.

  • Effects of climate change on soil erosion.
  • The role of land management in maintaining soil health.
  • Agricultural effects of salinization in coastal areas.
  • The effects of climate change on agriculture.

Urban Ecology

  • How road construction impacts biodiversity and ecosystems.
  • The effects of urbanization and city planning on water cycles.
  • Impacts of noise pollution on human health.
  • The role of city planning in reducing light pollution.

Pollution and Bioremediation

  • The role of bioremediation in removing “forever” chemicals from the environment.
  • Impacts of air pollution on maternal health.
  • How to improve plastic recycling processes.
  • Individual measures to reduce consumption and creation of microplastics.
  • Environmental impacts of and alternatives to fracking.

Environmental Law and Ethics

  • Ethical implications of human intervention in the preservation of endangered species.
  • The efficacy and impact of single-use plastic laws.
  • Effects of religious and cultural values in environmental beliefs.
  • The ethics of climate change policy for future generations.
  • Ethical implications of international environmental regulations for less developed countries.
  • The impact and efficacy of corporate carbon taxes.
  • Ethical and environmental implications of fast fashion.
  • The ethics and efficacy of green consumerism.
  • Impacts of the hospitality and travel industries on pollution and emissions.
  • The ethical implications of greenwashing in marketing.
  • Effects of “Right to Repair” laws on pollution.

Final Thoughts: Environmental Science Research Topics

Environmental science is a diverse and very important area of study that impacts all aspects of life on Earth. If you’ve found a topic you’d like to pursue, it’s time to hit the books (or online databases)! Begin reading broadly on your chosen topic so you can define a specific research question. If you’re unsure where to begin, contact a research librarian who can connect you with pertinent resources. As you familiarize yourself with the discourse surrounding your topic, consider what questions spring to mind. Those questions may represent gaps around which you can craft a research question.

Interested in conducting academic research? Check out the following resources for information on research opportunities and programs:

  • Research Opportunities for High School Students
  • Colleges with the Best Undergraduate Research Programs
  • College Success
  • High School Success

Emily Smith

Emily earned a BA in English and Communication Studies from UNC Chapel Hill and an MA in English from Wake Forest University. While at UNC and Wake Forest, she served as a tutor and graduate assistant in each school’s writing center, where she worked with undergraduate and graduate students from all academic backgrounds. She also worked as an editorial intern for the Wake Forest University Press as well as a visiting lecturer in the Department of English at WFU, and currently works as a writing center director in western North Carolina.

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Climate change, energy, environment and sustainability topics research guide

What is climate change.

Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. The world is now warming faster than at any point in recorded history, which disrupts the usual balance of nature and is a threat to human beings and other forms of life on Earth. This topic guide includes sample keywords and search terms, databases to find sources, and samples of online books.

Example keywords and subtopics

Example keywords or search terms:  

  • Climate change
  • global warming
  • greenhouse effect or greenhouse gas
  • climate crisis
  • environmental change
  • clean energy
  • alternative energy or renewable energy
  • green energy or renewable energy or clean energy
  • Low carbon or carbon neutral
  • Carbon offsetting
  • sustainability environment or sustainability
  • environmental protection
  • pollution or contamination
  • impact or effect or influence
  • cost or price or expense or money or financial
  • fossil fuels or coal or oil or gas

Tip: This is a big topic with lots written so you can often focus on one or two subtopics. This will help to find more relevant sources, more quickly and be a better fit for an assignment. 

Possible subtopics ideas:  Pick one or two subtopics and then add those words to your search.

  • Health impacts of climate changes (e.g. air pollution, water pollution, etc.)
  • impacts on a specific city, state, region or country
  • political impacts (e.g. voting, government policy, etc.)
  • impact on specific population or culture (e.g. children, elderly, racial or ethic group, country, etc.)
  • specific types of renewable or alternative energy (e.g. solar, wind, bio, etc.) 
  • example of new technology (e.g. electric cars or electric vehicles or hybrid vehicles
  • economic impacts (e.g. business, employment, industry (e.g. oil, coal, etc.)
  • weather and impacts (e.g. rising sea levels, flooding, droughts or heat waves, etc.)
  • media aspects (e.g. news coverage, advertising, misinformation, movies, music, etc.) 
  • Tutorial: Creating an effective search strategy

Creating an effective search strategy tutorial video. 3 minutes 24 seconds.

  • Use meaningful keywords to find the best sources
  • Apply search strategies like AND and OR to connect keywords
  • Tutorial: What is a library database and why should I use one?

What is a library database and why should I use one tutorial video. 3 minutes.

  • Identify what a library database is
  • Recognize the two main types of library databases
  • Know why you should use them
  • Understand why searching a library database is different than searching the general internet

Databases for finding sources

Article Databases - 

Use articles to find new research, specific information and evidence to support or refute a claim. You can also look at the bibliography or works cited to find additional sources. Some articles give an overview of a specific topic -- sometimes called "review articles" or "meta-analyses" or "systematic review." Databases are like mini-search engines for finding articles (e.g. Business Source Premier database searches business journals, business magazines and business newspapers). Pick a database that searches the subject of articles you want to find. 

  • Agricultural & Environmental Science Database Search journals and literature on agriculture, pollution, animals, environment, policy, natural resources, water issues and more. Searches tools like AGRICOLA, Environmental Sciences & Pollution Management (ESPM), and Digests of Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) databases.
  • GreenFILE Collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles. Multidisciplinary by nature, GreenFILE draws on the connections between the environment and agriculture, education, law, health and technology. Topics covered include global climate change, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more.
  • Ethnic NewsWatch Ethnic NewsWatch is a current resource of full-text newspapers, magazines, and journals of the ethnic and minority press from 1990, providing researchers access to essential, often overlooked perspectives.
  • Opposing Viewpoints in Context Find articles on current issues, including viewpoint articles, topic overviews, statistics, primary documents, magazine and newspaper articles.

Sample of online books

Below are a selection of online books and readings on the broad topic. We have more online books, journal articles, and sources in our Libraries Search and article databases.  

Cover Art

  • A climate policy revolution : what the science of complexity reveals about saving our planet by Roland Kupers ISBN: 9780674246812 Publication Date: 2020 "In this book, Roland Kupers argues that the climate crisis is well suited to the bottom-up, rapid, and revolutionary change complexity science theorizes; he succinctly makes the case that complexity science promises policy solutions to address climate change."

Cover Art

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  • Peer Research Consultants Make an online 30 minute appointment for one-on-one peer assistance with your research. Get help with researching your topic, finding sources, citing sources and more. Peer Research Consultants can also help you get started with faculty-sponsored research.
  • Chat 24/7 online with the Libraries Ask us anything! Chat with a librarian, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with any research or library questions.
  • Meet with a librarian Schedule an online consultations for personalized research support primarily for University of Minnesota faculty, instructors, graduate and undergraduate students and staff.

Environmental Policy Research Paper Topics

Academic Writing Service

This page is designed to provide students with a comprehensive list of environmental policy research paper topics , expert advice on how to select the most suitable topic, and guidelines on how to write an impactful research paper on environmental policy. Additionally, the page introduces iResearchNet’s professional writing services, which can assist students in crafting custom research papers on any environmental policy topic. The services offered by iResearchNet are characterized by their high quality, in-depth research, custom formatting, and timely delivery, among other features.

100 Environmental Policy Research Paper Topics

The field of environmental policy is vast and diverse, offering a multitude of topics for research. This section provides a comprehensive list of environmental policy research paper topics, divided into ten categories with ten topics in each. These topics span a wide range of issues, from policy analysis and international environmental policy to the role of environmental policy in various sectors.

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Policy Analysis

  • The effectiveness of the Clean Air Act in urban areas.
  • The impact of the Endangered Species Act on biodiversity conservation.
  • The role of the Environmental Protection Agency in enforcing environmental laws.
  • The influence of the Kyoto Protocol on global greenhouse gas emissions.
  • The effectiveness of the Paris Agreement in mitigating climate change.
  • The role of policy in promoting renewable energy adoption.
  • The impact of environmental policy on industrial pollution.
  • The role of policy in managing water resources.
  • The effectiveness of policy in controlling deforestation.
  • The impact of environmental policy on sustainable agriculture.

 International Environmental Policy

  • The role of the United Nations in shaping global environmental policy.
  • The impact of international treaties on national environmental policies.
  • The role of international law in protecting the global commons.
  • The effectiveness of international cooperation in addressing climate change.
  • The role of trade agreements in promoting environmental sustainability.
  • The impact of international policy on biodiversity conservation.
  • The role of the World Bank in promoting sustainable development.
  • The influence of international policy on national renewable energy adoption.
  • The effectiveness of international policy in controlling marine pollution.
  • The impact of international policy on global deforestation.

Environmental Policy and Economics

  • The role of environmental policy in shaping economic development.
  • The impact of environmental regulations on business operations.
  • The influence of economic incentives on environmental protection.
  • The effectiveness of market-based environmental policies.
  • The role of environmental policy in promoting green jobs.
  • The impact of environmental taxes on pollution levels.
  • The role of economic analysis in environmental policy-making.
  • The influence of environmental policy on consumer behavior.
  • The effectiveness of economic instruments in promoting renewable energy.
  • The impact of environmental policy on economic inequality.

Environmental Policy and Politics

  • The role of political institutions in shaping environmental policy.
  • The impact of political ideology on environmental policy-making.
  • The influence of public opinion on environmental policy.
  • The effectiveness of political activism in promoting environmental protection.
  • The role of political parties in shaping environmental policy.
  • The impact of lobbying on environmental policy-making.
  • The role of political leadership in promoting environmental sustainability.
  • The influence of electoral politics on environmental policy.
  • The effectiveness of political campaigns in promoting environmental awareness.
  • The impact of political conflict on environmental policy implementation.

Environmental Policy and Law

  • The role of legal institutions in shaping environmental policy.
  • The impact of environmental laws on pollution levels.
  • The influence of legal precedents on environmental policy-making.
  • The effectiveness of environmental litigation in promoting environmental protection.
  • The role of legal sanctions in enforcing environmental laws.
  • The impact of legal rights on environmental policy-making.
  • The role of the judiciary in interpreting environmental laws.
  • The influence of constitutional law on environmental policy.
  • The effectiveness of legal instruments in promoting environmental justice.
  • The impact of legal reforms on environmental policy implementation.

Environmental Policy and Society

  • The role of social movements in shaping environmental policy.
  • The impact of societal values on environmental policy-making.
  • The influence of social norms on environmental behavior.
  • The effectiveness of social marketing in promoting environmental protection.
  • The role of societal institutions in enforcing environmental norms.
  • The impact of social inequality on environmental policy outcomes.
  • The role of social science research in informing environmental policy.
  • The influence of societal change on environmental policy evolution.
  • The effectiveness of social policies in promoting environmental justice.
  • The impact of social media on environmental policy debates.

Environmental Policy and Technology

  • The role of technological innovation in shaping environmental policy.
  • The impact of environmental policy on technological development.
  • The influence of technology diffusion on environmental outcomes.
  • The effectiveness of technology policy in promoting environmental sustainability.
  • The role of technology assessment in environmental policy-making.
  • The impact of information technology on environmental awareness.
  • The role of technology transfer in international environmental policy.
  • The influence of emerging technologies on environmental policy challenges.
  • The effectiveness of technology standards in reducing environmental impacts.
  • The impact of technology-driven changes on environmental policy needs.

Environmental Policy and Education

  • The role of environmental education in shaping environmental policy.
  • The impact of environmental policy on education systems.
  • The influence of educational attainment on environmental attitudes.
  • The effectiveness of education policy in promoting environmental literacy.
  • The role of schools in fostering environmental citizenship.
  • The impact of environmental curriculum on student outcomes.
  • The role of higher education in advancing environmental research.
  • The influence of educational resources on environmental awareness.
  • The effectiveness of environmental education programs in changing behavior.
  • The impact of education reform on environmental learning opportunities.

Environmental Policy and Health

  • The role of health considerations in shaping environmental policy.
  • The impact of environmental policy on public health outcomes.
  • The influence of health research on environmental risk assessment.
  • The effectiveness of health policy in addressing environmental health risks.
  • The role of health impact assessments in environmental policy-making.
  • The impact of environmental exposures on health disparities.
  • The role of health agencies in enforcing environmental regulations.
  • The influence of health advocacy on environmental policy debates.
  • The effectiveness of health-based standards in controlling environmental hazards.
  • The impact of health care practices on environmental sustainability.

Environmental Policy and the Future

  • The role of future scenarios in shaping environmental policy.
  • The impact of environmental policy on future generations.
  • The influence of future-oriented thinking on environmental decision-making.
  • The effectiveness of policy measures in addressing future environmental risks.
  • The role of foresight methods in environmental policy planning.
  • The impact of future technological changes on environmental policy needs.
  • The role of future studies in informing environmental policy debates.
  • The influence of future uncertainties on environmental policy strategies.
  • The effectiveness of future-proofing measures in environmental policy design.
  • The impact of future climate changes on environmental policy responses.

In conclusion, the field of environmental policy offers a wealth of research topics that can cater to various interests and academic requirements. Whether you’re interested in policy analysis, international environmental policy, environmental economics, or any other aspect of environmental policy, there’s a topic for you. Remember, the key to a successful research paper is choosing a topic that not only interests you but also aligns with your academic and career goals.

Environmental Policy Research Guide

In today’s world, environmental issues have become a pressing concern, requiring urgent attention and action. As our planet faces complex challenges such as climate change, pollution, deforestation, and resource depletion, it has become crucial to understand the role of environmental policy in addressing these issues. Environmental policy plays a pivotal role in shaping regulations, laws, and initiatives aimed at preserving and protecting our natural environment.

This page serves as a valuable resource for students studying environmental science and engaging in research paper writing. Here, we delve into the realm of environmental policy research and provide a comprehensive guide to help students explore this fascinating field. By delving into the various aspects of environmental policy research, students can gain a deeper understanding of the intricate relationship between policy decisions and environmental outcomes.

The primary objective of this page is to equip students with the necessary knowledge and tools to embark on their own environmental policy research journey. By delving into diverse environmental policy research paper topics and providing expert advice on topic selection, we aim to inspire students to explore the multifaceted world of environmental policy and contribute meaningfully to the field.

As students, you have the power to influence the future of environmental policy through your research and insights. By examining the intersection of environmental science and policy, you can contribute to the development of effective strategies and solutions that promote sustainability, conservation, and equitable environmental outcomes.

Throughout this page, we will explore a comprehensive list of environmental policy research paper topics, spanning various categories and addressing critical issues in environmental governance. Additionally, we will provide expert advice on how to choose suitable research topics within the realm of environmental policy. Furthermore, we will guide you through the process of writing an impactful environmental policy research paper, offering essential tips to enhance your writing and research skills.

Moreover, we understand the challenges that students face when it comes to meeting academic deadlines and the need for high-quality, well-researched papers. To address these needs, we introduce our writing services, where you can order a custom environmental policy research paper on any topic of your choice. Our team of expert degree-holding writers is dedicated to providing you with top-quality, customized solutions tailored to your specific requirements. With our in-depth research, adherence to custom formatting styles, and flexible pricing options, we strive to make your experience seamless and successful.

By combining your passion for environmental science with our expertise in research and writing, together, we can make a meaningful impact in the field of environmental policy. So, whether you are just beginning your research journey or seeking assistance with your environmental policy research paper, we are here to support you every step of the way.

Choosing an Environmental Policy Topic

Choosing the right research topic is a critical step in the process of writing an impactful environmental policy research paper. With a plethora of issues and areas to explore within the realm of environmental policy, it can be challenging to narrow down your focus and select a topic that is both relevant and engaging. To assist you in this endeavor, we have compiled expert advice and 10 essential tips to guide you in choosing environmental policy research paper topics that are meaningful, well-defined, and aligned with your interests and academic goals.

  • Identify your passion and interests : Start by reflecting on your personal interests within the field of environmental policy. What aspects of environmental governance intrigue you the most? By choosing a topic that resonates with your passion, you will be more motivated and engaged throughout the research and writing process.
  • Stay updated with current issues : Environmental policy is a rapidly evolving field, with new challenges and developments emerging constantly. Stay informed about current environmental issues, policy debates, and emerging trends to identify timely and relevant environmental policy research paper topics that contribute to ongoing discussions and address pressing concerns.
  • Consider the scope and depth of the topic : Assess the scope and depth of the topic you wish to explore. Is it broad enough to provide a comprehensive analysis, or does it require further refinement to ensure a focused and manageable research paper? Strike a balance between a topic that is sufficiently narrow to allow in-depth analysis and one that is broad enough to provide substantial content.
  • Conduct a preliminary literature review : Before finalizing your research topic, conduct a preliminary literature review to familiarize yourself with existing scholarship and research gaps in the field of environmental policy. This will help you identify areas that have been extensively studied and areas that require further exploration, providing valuable insights for topic selection.
  • Consider the policy context : Environmental policy is shaped by various social, political, economic, and cultural factors. When selecting a research topic, consider the policy context within which it operates. Analyze the stakeholders, policy frameworks, and implementation challenges associated with your chosen topic to ensure its relevance and significance.
  • Engage in interdisciplinary perspectives : Environmental policy research often requires an interdisciplinary approach. Consider incorporating perspectives from other disciplines such as economics, sociology, law, or public health to enrich your analysis and provide a holistic understanding of the environmental policy issue you are investigating.
  • Seek inspiration from real-world case studies : Real-world case studies provide valuable insights and practical implications for environmental policy research. Look for successful or failed policy interventions, case studies of environmental conflicts, or instances where policy measures have made a substantial impact. These examples can serve as a source of inspiration and provide a solid foundation for your research.
  • Evaluate the feasibility of data collection : Before finalizing your research topic, consider the availability of data and the feasibility of data collection. Determine if the necessary data sources, such as government reports, surveys, or existing datasets, are accessible for your chosen topic. Adequate data availability is essential for conducting rigorous and evidence-based research.
  • Consider the social and environmental justice dimensions : Environmental policy intersects with social and environmental justice issues. Explore environmental policy research paper topics that address issues of equity, inclusivity, and the distribution of environmental benefits and burdens. Consider how your research can contribute to advancing social and environmental justice within the realm of environmental policy.
  • Seek guidance from mentors and experts : Engage in discussions with your mentors, professors, and experts in the field of environmental policy. Seek their guidance and input during the topic selection process. They can provide valuable insights, suggest relevant literature, and help you refine your research topic to ensure its academic rigor and contribution to the field.

By following these expert tips, you will be able to choose an environmental policy research paper topic that aligns with your interests, contributes to the existing body of knowledge, and addresses critical environmental challenges. Remember, the topic you choose is the foundation of your research, and investing time and effort in selecting the right one will set the stage for a successful and impactful research paper.

How to Write an Environmental Policy Research Paper

Writing an environmental policy research paper requires careful planning, critical analysis, and effective communication of ideas. To assist you in navigating the process and producing a high-quality research paper, we have compiled ten essential tips that will guide you from the initial stages of research to the final writing and presentation of your findings. Follow these steps to ensure that your environmental policy research paper is well-structured, thoroughly researched, and effectively communicated.

  • Define your research question : Start by clearly defining your research question or objective. This will serve as the guiding principle throughout your research and help maintain focus and clarity in your paper. Ensure that your research question is specific, relevant, and aligned with the broader objectives of environmental policy research.
  • Conduct a comprehensive literature review : Before diving into your own research, conduct a thorough literature review to familiarize yourself with existing scholarship on the topic. Identify key theories, concepts, and empirical studies that have shaped the understanding of environmental policy in your chosen area. This will help you situate your research within the existing body of knowledge and identify research gaps.
  • Develop a coherent research methodology : Based on your research question, identify and employ appropriate research methods and data collection techniques. Consider whether your research requires qualitative or quantitative approaches, primary or secondary data, surveys, interviews, or case studies. Justify your chosen methodology and ensure that it aligns with the research question and objectives.
  • Collect and analyze data : Collect data in accordance with your research methodology and analyze it using appropriate analytical tools and techniques. Ensure that you maintain a systematic approach to data collection, organization, and analysis to ensure the reliability and validity of your findings. Use data visualization techniques to present your results effectively.
  • Use theoretical frameworks and conceptual models : Incorporate relevant theoretical frameworks and conceptual models into your research paper to provide a theoretical foundation for your analysis. These frameworks will help you analyze and interpret your findings in the context of existing theories and concepts in environmental policy.
  • Consider policy implications : Environmental policy research aims to inform policy-making and contribute to the development of effective environmental policies. Analyze the policy implications of your findings and provide recommendations for policymakers, practitioners, and stakeholders. Consider the feasibility and practicality of your recommendations within the political and institutional context.
  • Structure your paper effectively : Follow a clear and logical structure for your research paper. Include sections such as an introduction, literature review, research methodology, findings and analysis, discussion, conclusion, and references. Use headings and subheadings to organize your content and facilitate readability.
  • Write in a clear and concise manner : Communicate your ideas in a clear and concise manner, using language that is accessible to your target audience. Avoid jargon and technical terms unless necessary, and provide clear explanations for complex concepts. Use proper grammar, punctuation, and citation style to maintain academic integrity.
  • Support your arguments with evidence : Ensure that your arguments are supported by robust evidence and relevant examples. Cite credible sources such as academic journals, government reports, and reputable organizations to strengthen the validity of your claims. Include both primary and secondary sources to provide a well-rounded perspective.
  • Revise, edit, and proofread : Take the time to revise, edit, and proofread your research paper to ensure clarity, coherence, and accuracy. Check for consistency in formatting, citations, and references. Read your paper multiple times, and consider seeking feedback from peers or mentors to identify areas for improvement.

By following these tips, you will be able to produce an environmental policy research paper that is well-researched, well-structured, and contributes to the existing body of knowledge in the field. Remember to allocate sufficient time for each stage of the research process, seek guidance from your professors or mentors, and maintain a disciplined approach to your work.

Custom Research Paper Writing Services

When it comes to tackling a complex and important topic like environmental policy, it’s understandable that you may seek assistance in crafting a well-researched and insightful research paper. At iResearchNet, we offer custom writing services tailored to meet the unique needs of students studying environmental science. Our team of expert writers, with advanced degrees in environmental science and related fields, is committed to delivering high-quality, customized research papers that adhere to academic standards and address the specific requirements of your assignment. Here are 13 features that set our writing services apart:

  • Expert degree-holding writers : Our team consists of experienced writers with advanced degrees in environmental science and related disciplines. They have the expertise and knowledge to tackle complex environmental policy topics with precision.
  • Custom written works : We understand the importance of originality and tailor each research paper to meet your specific requirements. Our writers start from scratch and create unique, plagiarism-free content for every order.
  • In-depth research : Our writers are skilled researchers who are adept at conducting comprehensive literature reviews and gathering relevant data to support your environmental policy research.
  • Custom formatting : We follow the required citation styles and formatting guidelines to ensure that your research paper meets the academic standards and is properly formatted.
  • Top quality : We are committed to delivering high-quality research papers that demonstrate critical thinking, analytical skills, and a deep understanding of environmental policy issues.
  • Customized solutions : We understand that each research paper is unique, and we tailor our approach to meet your specific research objectives and requirements. Our writers work closely with you to ensure that your paper reflects your ideas and perspective.
  • Flexible pricing : We offer competitive and flexible pricing options to accommodate the budgetary constraints of students. We strive to provide affordable services without compromising on quality.
  • Short deadlines : We understand that deadlines can be tight, and we are equipped to handle urgent orders. Our writers work efficiently to deliver quality research papers even within short timeframes.
  • Timely delivery : We prioritize timely delivery and understand the importance of submitting your research paper on time. You can rely on us to meet your deadlines without compromising the quality of your paper.
  • 24/7 support : Our customer support team is available round the clock to assist you with any queries or concerns you may have. We are dedicated to providing a seamless and responsive support system throughout the writing process.
  • Absolute privacy : We prioritize the confidentiality of our clients. Your personal information and order details are kept strictly confidential, and we have robust measures in place to ensure data security.
  • Easy order tracking : Our user-friendly platform allows you to track the progress of your order and communicate directly with your assigned writer. You can stay updated on the status of your research paper at every stage.
  • Money back guarantee : We are committed to your satisfaction. If, for any reason, you are not fully satisfied with the final research paper, we offer a money-back guarantee to ensure your peace of mind.

By choosing iResearchNet for your custom environmental policy research paper, you can be confident that you are working with a trusted and reliable service provider. Our dedicated team of writers and support staff is committed to delivering a research paper that meets your academic requirements and exceeds your expectations. Place your order today and let us assist you in achieving your academic goals.

Order Your Custom Research Paper Today

Are you ready to elevate your environmental policy research to new heights? Look no further than iResearchNet, your trusted partner in custom research papers. Our team of expert writers, specialized in environmental science and policy, is here to provide you with the support and expertise you need to excel in your academic journey.

With our writing services, ordering a custom environmental policy research paper is quick, easy, and hassle-free. Experience the benefits of working with expert writers, receiving custom-written works, enjoying in-depth research, and ensuring proper formatting according to your preferred citation style. Our flexible pricing options, short deadlines, and commitment to timely delivery ensure that you can meet your academic requirements without compromising quality.


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Environmental Topics

Epa environmental topics.

EPA's environmental topics guides you to the most popular pages in your topic of interest.

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Search the  A-Z Topic Index  for specific terms.

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  • Criteria (NAAQS) Air Pollutants
  • Particulate Matter (PM)
  • Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions

Chemicals and Toxics Category

Chemicals, Pesticides, and Toxics

  • Chemicals under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)
  • Formaldehyde
  • Managing Chemical Risks
  • Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)

Chemicals, Pesticides, and Toxics Topics

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Environmental Information by Location

  • Cleanups in My Community
  • Environmental Justice in Your Community
  • Radon Zones: Maps and Supporting Documents by State
  • Toxic Chemical Releases

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  • Children's Health Protection  
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  • Endocrine Disruption
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  • Pesticides and Food: Healthy, Sensible Food Practices

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environmental policy research topics

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EPA Articles and News Releases

Recent EPA Perspectives Articles:

EPA staff at a nature center, around a table

Activating the Building Blocks of Sustainability

One thing I’ve learned through my work with local communities is that they love celebrating what makes them unique. I love learning what they are most proud of and helping them turn their greatest assets into actions that matter for their community.

  • Date: July 1, 2024
  • By: Chip Gurkin

A man carrying a golf bag, walking along a golf course

Urban Golf and the Partnerships for Progress

In many ways golf is more than just a game. There’s a special place, right down the street from our Region 3 office in Center City Philadelphia, that is reimaging how kids can experience greenspaces.

  • Date: May 3, 2024
  • By: Hunter Pates

Cherry tomatoes in a child's hand

For Local Communities, the Sky is the Limit

Local Foods, Local Places' community-driven approach unleashes local creative minds to envision innovative paths to overcome the complex legacies of social and environmental problems and inequities.

  • Date: April 18, 2024
  • By: John Foster

Recent EPA News Releases:

EPA Settles with Nevada Company over Hazardous Waste and PCB Issues at Landfill

EPA News Release: EPA Settles with Nevada Company over Hazardous Waste and PCB Issues at Landfill

  • Release Date: July 17, 2024

EPA Completes Drinking Water and Wastewater Mission in Lahaina

Agency to stay engaged in Maui through Sustainability Advisor mission, partnership with state and local agencies

EPA News Release: EPA Completes Drinking Water and Wastewater Mission in Lahaina

EPA fines construction firm for alleged violations of federal lead-based paint rule

EPA News Release: EPA fines construction firm for alleged violations of federal lead-based paint rule

EPA requires Safe Drinking Water Act compliance at Nooksack water systems

EPA News Release: EPA requires Safe Drinking Water Act compliance at Nooksack water systems

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Black and white landscape photo of Bryce Canyon National Park with text that says "We need your voice" and "speak up".

Speak Up For Nature: Your Guide to Environmental Issues in 2022

Follow this guide on conservation issues and act for your planet.

October 04, 2020

How to Use This Guide

The past couple of years have been a difficult and humbling reminder that no matter where you live, your life is connected to the health of the natural world. When we degrade our planet, we make it more difficult for nature to provide the food, water and air we all rely on.

It doesn’t have to be this way. There are better, smarter paths rooted in science and in nature’s resilience. The more we speak up about these paths to our leaders, the more positive change we can make.

The first step is to start building your understanding of top environmental and conservation issues. No, you don’t need to be able to recite the Clean Water Act by heart.

Dig into the topics in this guide until you’re comfortable with them. Then, take one (or more) of these actions...

5 Things You Can Do

Icon of speech bubbles

  • Talk About These Issues

Let your friends and family know what's important to you and why...maybe they'll join you in speaking up next time! Here's how to talk about climate change.

Icon of government building

  • Contact Your Local Leaders

Local, state and federal, ask your elected leaders to support the things you care about. They are there to represent you, and they can't do it if you don't talk to them. Learn who's representing you in your state.

Icon of mobile phone

  • Contact Congress

Weigh in on critical, timely issues. You can call the Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121, or send messages on a range of issues through our Action Center.

Icon of ballot box

  • Take Our Pledge

Your voice can make a difference. Every single action you take in your community can have a real impact on how we meet the needs of our Earth and everyone on it. Add your voice.

Icon depicting person to person sharing

Share Your Thoughts

Use this guide to inform your social network and encourage them to speak up with us. There's power in numbers! You can start by sharing this message!

Black and white photo of a person holding an umbrella against a dark and rainy city street.

Climate Change

The science is clear: the more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the warmer it gets. The warmer it gets, the higher our seas, the more intense our storms, the less ice in our Arctic and the more stresses on wildlife. Worse, we're running out of time.

The good news? We know what we need to do and how to do it.

It comes down to switching to cleaner energy like solar, protecting and restoring natural places that can store more carbon, updating our electric grid (which is older than the TV) , and inventing the next great technology.

We put people on the moon. We made supercomputers that fit in your pocket. We are fully capable of doing all of these things, and doing them in time.

5 Ways to Speak Up

  • Share this Guide on Twitter

We can do these things if we make it known that we believe in the promise of clean energy, not only to lessen the impacts of climate change but to support jobs and economic growth.

Take action and speak up for climate solutions today. Start with these 5 actions.

Want to Dig Deeper?

Smart climate policy : Reinventing how we generate, transport and use energy resources.

Choosing Clean Energy : New technologies, better choices and lower costs.

Natural Climate Solutions : Conservation, restoration and management of natural lands to reduce emissions.

Grid modernization : Improve reliability and efficiency of our power and reduce costs.

Climate Change FAQs : The best information at hand about climate change's challenges and solutions, from scientists at The Nature Conservancy.

Black and white photo of three bison walking through steam at the Grand Prismatic Spring in Yellowstone National Park.

Protecting Our Nation's Land & Water

Back in 1977, conservation and recreation made up 2.5% of the federal government's total budget. Today, it's less than 1%. This doesn't make any sense given that our need for healthy land, clean water and open spaces has dramatically increased as our population has grown. 

We’ve had some policy wins (thank you, Great American Outdoors Act) , but our usage demands of lands far outpace the resources coming into them. National and state parks alone host around 1 billion visits each year.

That's hikers, hunters and anglers, but also people going to weddings, reunions and summer camp. Throw in city parks with the baseball games and soccer tournaments and visitor numbers go through the roof. 

Outside of being awe-inspiring, public lands clean our water and our air, and they protect us from coastal storms and heavy rains. They also have a massive positive impact on our economy . Outdoor recreation (often on public lands) generates $887 billion in annual consumer spending, directly supporting 7.6 million jobs.

It’s time to better care for the lands that care for us…but how?

There are plenty of ways to put money back into our lands and waters, if we make the right choices today. There's infrastructure investments that include wetlands and trees, not just levees and seawalls .  There's tax reforms that incentivize private investment in restoring wetlands and forests or donating land for conservation. But, we need to let our elected officials know this is where we want our money to go. 

Take action and speak up for our protecting our lands and waters today. Start with these 5 actions.

Want to dig deeper?

Land and Water Conservation Fund : Standing up for America’s premier conservation program.

Tropical Forest Conservation Act : Protecting tropical forests and biodiversity.

Water management systems : Ensuring sustainable water supplies during drought.

Modernizing fishing data : Using technology to build sustainable fisheries.

Investments in nature : Supporting strong conservation funding and policies.

International conservation funding : Protecting natural resources abroad through U.S. programs.

Tax incentives : Reforming tax policy to incentivize investments in conservation.

Black and white photo of a doorway with multiple hurricane flood levels marked: Matthew 2016, Arthur 2014, Dorian 2019.

Reduce Risks to Communities from Natural Disasters

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For the past several years, we've seen more frequent, more intense natural disasters ravage communities across the globe. How many “once-in-a-lifetime” disasters must we encounter…in our lifetimes? And what can we do about it?

Because climate change has made these disasters more intense, we have to prevent the worst warming from happening. And, we have to better protect our communities. To do both of those things, we can turn to nature as a part of the solution. Yes, nature!

Healthy forests filter water and can reduce the risk of megafires. Sand dunes, marshes and reefs naturally protect our coasts from the storm surge that arrives with a hurricane. You might be thinking, I see forests and sand dunes all the time, don't we have enough? 

One key word with forests is "healthy." We’ve suppressed natural fires in some forests, making them unhealthy tinderboxes. And while we may have some sandy coastlines, we’ve bulldozed our natural sand dunes and oyster reefs that were our first line of defense for our coasts. 

Nature can bounce back if we give it the chance. Just like we must invest in bridges and roads, we must invest in restoring forests and sand dunes. Nature IS infrastructure. Nature IS investment. Nature IS a solution.

And the best part is while nature reduces risk for us, it also cleans our water and air, gives wildlife a home and gives us great parks to visit. We need to ensure consideration of nature and nature-based solutions in community infrastructure projects. 

Take action and speak up for our natural infrastructure today. To get started, follow our 5 Ways to Speak Up. 

Transportation bill : Advancing nature-based solutions to infrastructure challenges

Natural infrastructure : Protecting communities from storms

Disaster relief funding : Increasing resilience when rebuilding after disasters

National Flood Insurance Program : Planning for floods to reduce risk

Water Resources Development Act : Managing waterways to benefit people and nature

Black and white photo of the Escalante River winding through Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument.

Safeguarding Core Environmental Laws

Before Congress passed environmental laws in the 1960s and 1970s, our air was more polluted than ever and rivers had so many pollutants that they actually caught fire.

Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle decided that our health and the health of our natural places were basic values. They worked together to create laws like the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act and others.

Air and water in this country dramatically improved. Species came back from the brink. And generations of Americans have benefited.

Our country’s successful, bipartisan environmental laws are increasingly under attack. Many proposed changes to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and Clean Water Act have no basis in science and would erode the laws’ fundamental protections. 

Take action and speak up for core environmental protections today. To get started, follow our 5 Ways to Speak Up. 

Foundational environmental laws : Protecting critical conservation policies that keep our water clean and our lands healthy.

Greater sage grouse :   Actions to save an iconic Western bird would also reduce threats for people

Sign Our Pledge :  Contact your elected officials and speak up for nature.  

Black and white aerial photo of a mountaintop coal mine in West Virginia, showing degraded land surrounded by forest.

Advancing Clean Energy

Humanity has been burning fossil fuels (coal, petroleum and natural gas) at an accelerated rate for around 140 years. Scientists have known for many decades that these forms of energy emit greenhouse gases that are unnaturally warming the planet. In 2018, fossil fuels were responsible for 93% of human-caused carbon emissions in the U.S.

Transitioning to clean energies like wind and solar would make an enormous difference in helping the planet avoid the worst effects of climate change, such as extreme droughts, stronger storms and crippling coastal flooding. And yet, renewables make up less than 10% of the nation's energy mix. 

Over the last decade, the cost of solar has dropped 92% and wind turbines by nearly 50%.  In most parts of the U.S., new renewable energy costs less than coal. The time is right to make the switch.

To quicken and ease this transition, we need to make our power system more reliable by modernizing our century-old electric grid and advancing energy storage. And we need to put those turbines and panels in smart places. We don't need to knock down more forest and prairie; there's enough land already developed to meet our clean energy needs 17 times over.

The benefits of a clean energy shift go way beyond stopping climate change. The shift gives us cleaner air, more consumer choices and more jobs.

Take action and speak up for clean energy today. Start with these 5 actions.

Smart Climate Change Policy : Creating a low-carbon future that benefits everyone.

Black and white photo looking up at a power line tower from the bottom center.

Modernizing Our Electrical Grid

Our electric grid is the physical network that sends power to our homes and businesses by connecting them in real time to energy plants scattered around the country. This network, much of which is over 75 years old, wasn't built for the technologies our climate-threatened future depends on, like scattered wind turbines and rooftop solar panels. 

It's also not efficient or reliable enough for our needs. It doesn’t take a natural disaster to shut the power off. Currently, something as small as a squirrel can cause an outage that ripples into a larger blackout. 

Technological advances like the internet allow utilities and consumers to relay real time info about energy supply, demand and cost. This is a trove of useful information but its value is held back by infrastructure older than the television. We can build a modernized electrical grid that turns that information into smarter, more efficient choices that let cleaner energy sources shine.

Small changes to how and when we use energy can save us money and make a huge dent in the carbon emissions that cause climate change. 

The U.S. Department of Energy estimates they need an additional $100 billion to fully modernize the grid. That's a lot of money, but those upgrades would save consumers $2 trillion over the next 20 years.

With the current grid causing economic losses of roughly $150 billion a year, there’s never been a better time to start. Let’s bring cutting-edge technology to the grid so it pollutes less, lowers costs for customers and creates jobs.

Take action and speak up for smarter energy today. To get started, follow our 5 Ways to Speak Up. 

We no longer need to choose between abundant energy and a cleaner environment. A renewable energy revolution is happening across the United States. Learn what this means.

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If you have a voice, you have a choice. And together, our voices are powerful. Speak up for nature, and for us all.

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As Economic Concerns Recede, Environmental Protection Rises on the Public’s Policy Agenda

Partisan gap on dealing with climate change gets even wider, how we did this.

For this report on the public’s policy agenda for the current year, we surveyed 1,504 U.S. adults by telephone in January 2020. The surveys were conducted in both English and Spanish over the phone under the direction of Abt Associates. Respondents to this survey were randomly selected via a combination of landline and cell phone random-digit-dial samples. To ensure that the results of this survey reflects a balanced cross section of the nation, the data are weighted to match the U.S. adult population by gender, age, education, race and ethnicity and other categories.

Here are the questions used for the report , along with responses, and its methodology .

For the first time, environmental protection rivals the economy among the public’s top policy priorities

Reflecting a strong U.S. economy, Americans’ policy priorities have changed in recent years. The public now places less priority on economic and job concerns than it did just a few years ago. At the same time, environmental protection and global climate change are rising on the public’s agenda for the president and Congress.

For the first time in Pew Research Center surveys dating back nearly two decades, nearly as many Americans say protecting the environment should be a top policy priority (64%) as say this about strengthening the economy (67%).

In addition, while a smaller share (52%) rates dealing with global climate change as a top priority, this is 14 percentage points higher than just three years ago. Today, similar shares rate climate change and improving the job situation (49%) as top policy priorities for President Donald Trump and Congress. Three years ago, 68% said jobs were a top priority, compared with just 38% who named climate change.

The public’s concerns about jobs and the economy have decreased as perceptions of the national economy have improved. (For more on economic attitudes, see “ Views of Nation’s Economy Remain Positive, Sharply Divided by Partisanship .”)

While environmental concerns have increased overall, partisanship continues to be a major factor in attitudes about the environment and climate change. Since 2017, virtually all the increase in the share of Americans saying global climate change should be a top priority has come among Democrats. Still, members of both parties are more likely to rate protecting the environment a top policy priority than did so a year ago, though this continues to be a much higher priority for Democrats than Republicans.

The national survey by Pew Research Center, conducted Jan. 8-13 on cellphones and landlines among 1,504 adults, finds that defending the country against terrorism remains a top priority among the public overall, as has been the case since 2002. Currently, 74% say defending the country from future terrorist attacks should be a top priority for the president and Congress this year – the highest of the 18 items included in the survey.

Defending against terrorism is followed by strengthening the economy, reducing health care costs and improving education, each of which is named as a top policy priority by 67% of the public. Nearly as many say that protecting the environment (64%) and taking steps to make Social Security financially sound (63%) should be top policy priorities.

Wide partisan gaps on climate change, environment, guns and stronger military

The issue of climate change highlights the deep partisan divides in views of many public priorities. Dealing with global climate change ranks at the bottom of the list of 18 policy priorities for Republicans and Republican-leaning independents (just 21% call it a top priority). By contrast, climate change is near the top of the list of issues among Democrats and Democratic leaners (78% call it a top priority).

Large majorities of Democrats also place top priority on protecting the environment (85%), reducing health care costs (80%) and improving the educational system (80%). For Republicans, no more than about half rate these issues top priorities. And there is a sizable divide on the importance of addressing gun policy: Democrats are roughly 40 percentage points more likely than Republicans to view this as a top priority for the president and Congress (66% vs. 25%).

Among Republicans, defending the country from terrorist attacks (87%) ranks as the leading policy priority for the president and Congress, followed by strengthening the economy (74%) and dealing with the issue of immigration (73%). By contrast, about six-in-ten Democrats rate strengthening the economy (61%) and defending against terrorism (60%) as top priorities; fewer than half say this about dealing with immigration (40%). Republicans also are much more likely than Democrats to say strengthening the U.S. military should be a top priority for the president and Congress (66% vs. 30%).

Changing views of the environment and climate change

Environment rises as a priority, but partisan gap persists

Over the past year, both Republicans and Democrats have become more likely to say protecting the environment should be a top priority. However, when it comes to dealing with global climate change, Democrats place greater importance on the issue than they did a year ago, while views among Republicans have not changed.

Overall, 85% of Democrats say protecting the environment should be a top priority for the president and Congress, up 11 percentage points from the share who said this in 2019. Fewer than half as many Republicans (39%) rate environmental protection as a major priority; still, this is up 8 points since last year and is the largest share of Republicans saying this in Pew Research Center surveys over the past decade.

Democrats and Republicans have long been far apart in their views of the importance of climate change. But the differences are now wider than ever: 78% of Democrats say addressing this issue is a top priority, up from 67% who said this last year. By contrast, the relatively small share of Republicans who say addressing climate change is a top priority (21%) is unchanged from a year ago.

Over the past several years, climate change has increased markedly as a policy priority among Democrats. In 2015, 46% of Democrats said it was a top priority, ranking it among the lower half of Democrats’ priorities for the president and Congress. Since then, the share of Democrats rating it as a major priority has increased more than 30 points; today it is in the top tier of Democrats’ policy concerns, along with environmental protection, health care costs and education.

Long-term declines in the shares rating economic concerns as priorities

Far fewer in both parties say jobs a top priority than said this a decade ago

In 2011, 88% of Republicans and 87% of Democrats said strengthening the economy was a top priority for the president and Congress. Since then, there has been a gradual decline in the shares of both groups who place top priority on the economy, though the decline has been somewhat steeper among Democrats. In the current survey, the share of Democrats who say strengthening the economy is a top priority is down to 61%, while the share of Republicans who say this has fallen to 74%.

The priority placed on improving the job situation also has fallen sharply among partisans in the last decade. Overall, 51% of Democrats and 45% of Republicans say strengthening the job situation is a top priority for the president and Congress. In 2011, large majorities of both groups (87% and 86%, respectively) saw this as a top priority.

Deficit reduction has declined as a policy priority since Obama’s presidency

Currently, deficit reduction (53% top priority) ranks close to climate change as a mid-tier public priority. Among the public overall, concern over the deficit is down sharply from the start of Barack Obama’s second term (73% called it a top priority in 2013).

The nation’s debt and annual budget deficit have continued to increase in recent years, with the overall debt load exceeding the nation’s gross domestic product . Yet in both parties, reducing the budget deficit has declined as a priority since 2013. Currently, 62% of Republicans and 45% of Democrats say reducing the budget deficit should be a top priority for the president and Congress.

Age and gender differences in policy priorities

The policy priorities of younger and older Americans differ in several key respects. Older people are more likely to prioritize a range of issues such as strengthening the military and making the Social Security system financially sound. On the other hand, younger people are more likely to prioritize environmental issues.

Environment a top priority for younger adults; older Americans prioritize defense, Social Security

A majority of adults ages 50 and older (57%) say strengthening the military should be a top priority for the president and Congress. Fewer of those ages 30 to 49 (42%) rate this as a top priority, as do just 28% of those under 30.

The age differences are nearly as stark in views of keeping Social Security financially sound. Majorities of those older than 30 say this should be a top priority, compared with 46% of those younger than 30.

Several other policy priorities – including reducing crime, cutting the budget deficit and defending the nation against terrorism – also are viewed as top priorities by larger shares of older adults than by young people.

By contrast, Americans under the age of 30 are more likely to prioritize protecting the environment (77% vs. 55%), improving the educational system (74% vs. 59%) and dealing with climate change (61% vs. 45%) than are older Americans.

Women are more likely than men to prioritize a range of policy goals, particularly dealing with gun policy and addressing global climate change.

Women are more likely than men to prioritize gun policy, climate change

While a 56% majority of women say dealing with gun policy is a top priority, only about a third of men (36%) say the same. And women are 16 percentage points more likely than men to say that dealing with global climate change should be a top policy priority (60% vs. 44%).

Larger shares of women than men also prioritize reducing health care costs, dealing with the problems of the poor and needy, improving the job situation and protecting the environment.

For their part, men are slightly more likely than women to prioritize reducing the budget deficit (57% vs. 49%), dealing with immigration (59% vs. 51%) and dealing with global trade (46% vs. 38%).

Public’s policy priorities: 2012-2020

Nearly half now say improving U.S. infrastructure is a top policy priority, up since 2012

There have been sizable changes in the public’s policy priorities since 2016 and 2012, the previous presidential election years.

Economic concerns have declined since 2012, when the unemployment rate was more than double its current level of 3.6% .

The share of Americans who say improving the job situation is a top priority has declined by 33 percentage points since 2012 and 15 points since 2016. Similarly, while an overwhelming share of the public (86%) cited strengthening the economy as a major priority in 2012, and 75% did so four years later, that has now fallen to 67%.

Over the same period, protecting the environment has risen on the public’s agenda. In 2012, 43% of Americans rated this as a top priority. Today, more than six-in-ten (64%) do so. And 49% of Americans now say improving the country’s roads, bridges and public transportation systems should be a top priority, up from 30% in 2012.

Yet the public’s views of several priorities have shown little change during the past eight years. Currently, nearly three-quarters of Americans (74%) say defending against terrorism should be a top priority; this is comparable to shares saying this in 2016 (75%) and 2012 (69%). And there have been only modest changes in the shares rating strengthening Social Security as a top priority over this period.

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Environmental Research Topics

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Are you looking for environmental research paper topics? With ongoing debates about global warming, air pollution, and other issues, there is no shortage of exciting topics to craft a research paper around. Whether you’re studying ecology, geology, or marine biology, developing the perfect environmental research topic to get your science research assignment off the ground can be challenging. Stop worrying – we got you covered. Continue reading to learn about 235 different ideas on environmental research topics. In this article, we will discuss environmental topics and show you how to choose an interesting research topic for your subject. We will also provide a list of various environmental topics from our research paper services . In addition, we will present you with environmental science research topics, discuss other ideas about the environment for research papers, and offer our final thoughts on these topics for research papers.

What Are Environmental Topics?

Environmental topics provide an analysis of environmental issues and their effect on people, culture, nature, or a particular place, often interdisciplinary, drawing from sciences, politics, economics, sociology, and public policy. Topics about environmental science may include environmental justice, engineering and communication, regulation, economics, and health. Environment research topics may focus on environmental sustainability, impact assessment, management systems, and resources. In addition, these areas for research papers offer a few opportunities to explore our relationship with the environment and consider how human activities influence it through climate change, pollution, or other factors such as natural resource usage as well as biodiversity loss.

What Makes a Good Environmental Research Topic? 

When choosing an environmental research topic, it is essential to consider what makes good environmental topics. Below is an expert list outlining what your topic should be like:

  • It should be interesting and relevant to your study field.
  • It's essential to consider the topic's potential implications on environment-related policies. Think about the possible positive or negative effects this topic could have when implemented in terms of protecting our environment.
  • A good topic should be specific enough to provide a focus for your research paper and allow you to explore a particular issue in depth.
  • The research topic should be feasible and manageable to ensure that you can find the necessary information and resources.
  • Environmental sciences research topics should be current and relevant to ecological developments.

How to Choose Environmental Science Topics?

When choosing research topics for environmental science, it is essential to research the available information and determine its relevance. It all depends on whether the research topic is feasible and has the potential for exploration. Environmental issue topics should be well-defined and interesting to the researcher. The reason is that the researcher should be able to provide solutions or make suggestions on improvement strategies. You can follow the below steps when choosing environmental science topics for research:

Step 1: Identify topics that are relevant to your research context. Step 2: Develop a list of research areas by extracting critical concepts from the available literature.

Step 3: Select interesting and feasible topics by considering the methods available for analysis.

Step 4: Analyze these topics to identify the gaps in current research and formulate questions for further investigation. Step 5: Review the available literature to gain insights about the chosen topic and develop a research proposal.

Step 6: Consult experts in this field to get feedback and refine the proposed research.

Don’t have time for writing your environmental research paper? Count on StudyCrumb. Send us a ‘ write a research paper for me ’ message and get professional assistance in a timely manner. 

List of Environment Research Paper Topics

Environmental topics for a research paper can be overwhelming to navigate due to the vast number of issues you can discuss in your article. To help narrow down your research paper search, below is a list of environmental research topics that include climate change, renewable energy, ecology, pollution, sustainability, endangered species, ecosystems, nature, and water management. You can choose one of them as a guide to writing an excellent essay

Environmental Research Topics on Climate Change

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues that humanity is currently facing due to increased temperature levels. Climate change is amongst the most debated environmental research topics among researchers, policymakers, and governments. Here are critical areas related to climate change that you can use for your environmental science research paper topics:

  • Causes and effects of climate change.
  • Climate change adaptation strategies.
  • Climate change impact on rural communities.
  • Role of renewable energy sources in mitigating climate change.
  • Carbon dioxide emission policies.
  • Global warming and its impact on ocean acidification.
  • Social effects of climate change.
  • Permafrost melting and its implications.
  • Role of international organizations in climate change.
  • Climate change and forest fire: examining the role of climate change on wildfire season, frequency, and burned area.

Environmental Science Research Topics on Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is essential due to its potential to reduce ecological damage from burning fossil fuels and provides valuable topics in environmental science. You can use renewable energy technologies as a cleaner alternative for generating electricity and heating. In addition, renewable energy is crucial for cooling homes and factories in the world. The following are environmental science topics for research paper on renewable energy:

  • Renewable energy types, sources, and their impact on the environment.
  • Economic benefits of renewable energy.
  • Research on new technologies in renewable energy.
  • Role of renewable energy in protecting businesses from legal actions.
  • Hydropower and its role in renewable energy.
  • Chemical batteries for renewable energy storage.
  • Green microgrids in optimizing renewable energy usage.
  • Ocean energy and its effects on the environment.
  • Geothermal drilling and its consequences.
  • Biomass resources and their use in renewable energy.

Environment Research Topics on Ecology

Ecology studies how living organisms interact with each other and their environment. Also, it is an important area of research for understanding how the environment affects the function of various species and ecosystems. It also gives a background for one of the best environment research paper topics. Below are topics for environmental research paper on ecology:

  • Biodiversity conservation strategies.
  • Impact of pollution on ecosystems.
  • Ecological research on saving endangered species from extinction.
  • Role of environment in migrations patterns of animals.
  • Habitat fragmentation effects on the environment.
  • Ecological implications of climate change.
  • Ecology and pest control strategies.
  • Ecological effects of deforestation.
  • Ecology and conservation of marine life.
  • Ecological consequences of urbanization.

Research Topics in Environmental Science About Pollution

Pollution is an issue at the forefront of scientific research. As one of the environmental science paper topics, it offers insights into how pollution destroys the environment and its negative impact on human and animal health. Stated below are hot environmental science research topics on pollution which you can use for your article:

  • Air pollution: causes & effects.
  • Water pollution and its consequences for people and other living organisms.
  • Issue of urban & industrial pollution.
  • Noise pollution and environment-related health risks.
  • Marine plastic pollution in oceans.
  • Radiological waste disposal policies.
  • Nuclear energy, radiation & health impacts.
  • Sustainable waste management solutions.
  • Impact of pollution on biodiversity.
  • Soil pollution and its effects on agriculture.

Environmental Topics for Research Papers on Sustainability

One of the many topics for environmental research papers is sustainability. Sustainability is an important topic to explore, as it involves finding a way for humans to reduce their ecological footprint and ensure that the environment can recover from our activities. Stated below are environmental topics for research paper on sustainability which you can explore:

  • Strategies for sustainable development.
  • Renewable energy sources and their effects.
  • Environmental sustainability and its economic benefits.
  • Sustainable energy sources and their effects.
  • Implications of sustainable agriculture on the environment.
  • Ecological impacts of sustainable forestry.
  • Social implications of renewable energy use.
  • Strategies for mitigating ecological impact from unsustainable development.
  • Psychological effects of ecological awareness on sustainable practices.
  • Influence of ecological sustainability on economic growth.

Environmental Topics to Write About Endangered Species

Endangered species are one of the environmental topics of great importance to research and find solutions for their conservation. Poaching, habitat destruction, and climate change negatively impact endangered species. Also, human activities have put other species at risk of extinction by competing for resources as well as introducing invasive species. Below is a list of cool environment topics to write about endangered species:

  • Endangered species conservation.
  • Causes & effects of habitat fragmentation.
  • Wildlife conservation strategies.
  • Climate change impacts on endangered species.
  • Illegal wildlife trade and trafficking.
  • Marine protected areas for conserving marine life.
  • Ecological restoration and reintroduction programs.
  • Endangered species in developing nations.
  • Human rights & animal welfare laws .
  • Captive breeding for conservation purposes.

Environmental Research Paper Topics on Ecosystems

Ecosystems are fascinating to explore in environmental paper topics because they contain a variety of living organisms and are a complex web of interactions between species, the environment, and humans. The subject provides environmental issues topics for research paper essential in exploring the dynamics of ecosystems and their importance. Below is a list of topics for environmental science research paper:

  • Ecosystem services & their value.
  • Climate change impacts on ecosystems.
  • Hydrological cycle & effects on ecosystems.
  • Ecological restoration & biodiversity conservation.
  • Invasive species & their impact on native species.
  • Biodiversity hotspots: areas of high endemism.
  • Soil degradation & its impact on ecosystems.
  • Sustainable forestry practices.
  • Ecological restoration of wetlands.

Environmental Topics About Nature

Nature is a broad topic that includes ecological conservation, protection, and sustainability issues. Environmental research topics about nature allow us to explore areas that focus on preserving and conserving the environment. Research papers about nature can provide insight into utilizing nature as a resource, both from a practical and ecological aspect. Below is a list of environment topics that you can explore in your essays:

  • Nature conservation & preservation strategies.
  • Climate change effects on natural environments.
  • Natural resource management strategies.
  • Policies for natural resources management.
  • Impact of human development on wildlands.
  • Sustainable use of natural resources.
  • Role of ethics in nature conservation.
  • De-extinction: pros & cons of bringing back extinct species.
  • Protected areas & conservation of rare species.

Environmental Issues Topics on Water Management

Water management is an issue that has a significant impact on the environment. Exploring a topic related to water management can provide experts, among others, with insights into environmental science issues and their implications. When it's time to write your project related to water management, you can explore the following topics for environmental issues:

  • Water pollution & its control.
  • Groundwater management strategies.
  • Climate change impact on water resources.
  • Integrated water resources management.
  • Wetland conservation & restoration projects.
  • Industrial effluents role in water pollution.
  • Desalination technologies for freshwater production.
  • Urbanization impact on groundwater resources.
  • Inland & coastal water management strategies.
  • Wastewater treatment & reuse technologies.

Environmental Science Topics in Different Areas

Environmental science studies ecological processes and their interactions with living organisms. Exploring environmental science related topics can provide valuable insights into environmental science issues, their ecological implications, and conservation efforts. In addition, these topics can also be explored in different areas, providing a comprehensive understanding of how different factors impact the environment. This section delves into various environmental science topics for projects related to law, justice, policy, economics, biology, chemistry, and health science.

Environmental Law Research Topics

Environmental law governs environmental processes and their interactions with living organisms. Delving into environmental law can uncover invaluable information on environment paper topics, ranging from legal matters and their consequences to preservation initiatives. Students can use the following environmental issue topics for research papers for their essays:

  • Climate change liability & lawsuits.
  • Strategies for conservation and protection under environmental law.
  • Consequences of non-compliance with regulations on the environment.
  • Impact of trade agreements on environment protection.
  • Regulatory strategies for hazardous waste disposal.
  • Strategies for enforcement and compliance with environment-related laws.
  • International environment treaties and their implications.
  • Effects of climate change legislation on the environment.
  • Corporate environmental policies and regulations and their effects.
  • Role of law in mitigating environment-related issues.

Environmental Justice Research Topics

Environmental justice seeks to ensure equitable treatment and meaningful involvement of all people in ecological protection, regardless of their race, sex, or economic status. Environment topics related to justice can provide valuable insights into ecological issues and their impacts. Listed below are justice-related Environmental topics to research:

  • Implications of unequal access to resources.
  • Disproportionate impacts of climate change on vulnerable populations.
  • Consequences of marginalization of marginalized communities from environmental processes.
  • Links between poverty and environment degradation.
  • Effects of non-participation in environment-related decision-making.
  • Policies to ensure access to clean air and water.
  • Impact of social inequality on environment protection.
  • Intersection between gender, race, and environment justice.
  • Ecological consequences of corporate negligence of marginalized communities.
  • Disproportionate implications of climate change on vulnerable populations.

Environmental Policy Research Paper Topics

Environmental policy is a set of laws, rules, and regulations created to protect the environment as well as its resources. Studying environment-related policies provides an area for students to explore a range of subjects related to the environment, ranging from local to global. Below are potential environmental sciences research topics for your reference.

  • Environmental policy initiatives' implications on global climate change.
  • Effectiveness of carbon taxes for air pollution control.
  • Land use and development impact on the environment.
  • Water quality in the united states, focusing on natural resource governance.
  • Educational initiative's impact on public opinion and policy outcomes.
  • Social aspects of policy making and implementation on the environment.
  • Promoting sustainability from a global perspective.
  • Potential for justice initiatives in promoting equitable and effective management.
  • Rise of green economy its impact.
  • Environment policies and their potential for success.

Environmental Economics Research Topics

Environmental economics seeks to understand environmental issues from an economic perspective. Examining environmental studies topics can offer insights into ecological conservation and sustainability while connecting protection efforts with economic interests and helping inform policies. The following are creative topics about environmental science related to economics:

  • Economic impacts of regulating the environment.
  • Strategies for environmentally sustainable economic growth.
  • Consequences of non-compliance with environment-related regulations.
  • Environment conservation and protection using economic incentives.
  • Taxes and subsidies and their implications on the environment.
  • Economic implications of climate change legislation.
  • The private sector role in environment conservation and protection.
  • Green finance role in mitigating ecological issues.
  • Economics of pollution control and management.
  • Conservation and protection of the environment in the face of economic interests.

>> Learn more: Economics Research Topics

Environmental Biology Research Topics

Environmental biology is a field of science that focuses on understanding the interactions between living organisms and their environment. It covers environmental biology topics such as biodiversity, conservation, pollution, management, health, and sustainability. The following are environment research paper topics related to biology:

  • Biodiversity conservation in managing the environment.
  • Role of biotechnology in reducing air pollution.
  • Environment degradation and its consequences on wildlife.
  • Role of microorganisms in maintaining soil fertility.
  • Ecological consequences of over-exploitation of natural resources.
  • Habitat fragmentation and its role in species conservation.
  • Education's role in environment conservation.
  • Environment degradation and its effects on food security.
  • Invasive species and their impacts on ecosystem.

Keep in mind that we have a whole blog on biological topics if you need more ideas in this field.

Environmental Chemistry Research Topics

Environmental chemistry research is a complex interdisciplinary field aiming to understand the behavior of a chemical process within an environment. It involves researching the impact of pollutants in the air, soil, water, and other ecological media. Possible research topics about the environment related to this field include:

  • Effect of agricultural chemicals on water systems.
  • Air pollution control strategies and their effectiveness.
  • Climate change impacts on aquatic ecosystems.
  • Sources and implications of persistent organic pollutants.
  • Air quality monitoring for urban areas.
  • Water quality monitoring in coastal areas.
  • Characterization and fate of toxic compounds in soil and groundwater.
  • Impact of hazardous chemical waste on the environment.
  • Monitoring and remediation of contaminated sites.
  • The roles of environmental chemistry in climate change research.

Need more ideas? There is one more blog with  chemistry research topics  on our platform.

Environmental Health Science Research Topics

Environmental health is a diverse field focusing on the natural environment as well as its effects on human health. It is an interdisciplinary field that offers environment topics for research, such as environmental epidemiology, toxicology, and ecology, in addition to risk assessment. Provided below is a list of topics for an environmental science project that is suitable for your research paper:

  • Air pollution effects on human health.
  • Climate change effects on health.
  • Water pollution and public health.
  • Noise pollution effects on well-being.
  • Mental health effects of environment-related toxins.
  • Human health effects of natural disasters.
  • Urbanization's effect on human health.
  • Sustainable development and public health.
  • Role of social media in promoting environmental health and awareness.
  • Biodiversity preservation and its impact on human health.

Other Ideas & Topics About Environment for Research Papers

Ecological crisis is a key issue that has continuously affected planet earth. People are becoming more aware of environmental problems as well as their impact on health, well-being, and quality of life. As such, ecological fields for research are becoming ever more critical. This section will explore interesting environmental topics related to current ecological issues, controversial, interesting topics, easy research questions for projects, as well as unique research areas which students might study. These environmental issue project ideas below will help you develop interesting fields for research papers.

Current Issues in Environmental Science

Current ecological issues are a hot topic that has become increasingly important. They provide outstanding environmental issues to write about due to their impact on the environment and human health. The following are environmental issue topics for paper writing that are currently in discussion:

  • Global warming and how to prevent its impact.
  • Sustainable energy and its role in protecting the environment.
  • Water conservation practices.
  • Renewable energy role in global ecological protection.
  • Carbon footprint and climate change.
  • Ozone layer depletion and its effects on human health.
  • Plastic pollution and its impact.
  • Land degradation and soil erosion.
  • Energy industry activities effects on ecological health.
  • Air pollution and its impact on human health.
  • Deforestation and its consequences.
  • Effect of agricultural practices on ecological health.
  • Overuse and exploitation of natural resources.
  • Industrial waste impact on health.
  • Green technology role in ecological protection.

Controversial Environmental Topics for Research Paper

Environmental controversies constitute a significant challenge facing society today. From climate change to air and water pollution, the effects of human activity on our natural environment are increasingly becoming a focus of public debate and research. Research papers on environmental controversial topics can help inform the public as well as policymakers about the potential impacts of human activities on the environment. The following are examples of environmental controversy topics for research paper:

  • Climate change: is human activity a primary cause of global warming.
  • Deforestation: are current logging practices sustainable in the long term.
  • Air pollution: what are the health impacts of air pollution.
  • Water pollution: how is water pollution impacting biodiversity and ecosystems.
  • Geothermal energy: what potential impacts does geothermal energy extraction have on the environment.
  • Renewable energy: are wind and solar energy carbon-neutral.
  • Arctic drilling: is drilling for oil in the arctic ocean a viable option given current climate conditions.
  • Nuclear power: what health risks are associated with nuclear power plants.
  • Biodiversity loss: what steps can you take to protect biodiversity from human activities.
  • Endangered species: how protecting endangered species can impact conservation efforts and how they live.
  • GMO foods: are genetically modified organisms safe for human consumption? how does GMO food affect humans.
  • Pesticides: how does pesticide use affect our health and the environment.
  • Ocean acidification: how is ocean acidification impacting marine ecosystems.
  • Waste management: what are the most effective ways to manage waste and reduce pollution.
  • Resource exploitation: how does the exploitation of natural resources impact local communities.

Interesting Environmental Research Topics

In the context of environmental subjects, research topics explore the effects of human activities on the environment as well as the potential solutions to the identified problems. In addition to providing insight into ecological protection and conservation, research areas in this category cover social issues related to environmentalism and ecological justice. Below are interesting environmental science topics to consider when looking for a research topic in the future:

  • Effects of environment-related toxins on human health.
  • Climate change effects on coastal habitats.
  • Agricultural activities impacts on the environment.
  • Groundwater contamination and its effects on water quality.
  • Pollution from factories and its impact on the environment.
  • Waste management strategies and their impacts.
  • Consequences of water contamination on local wildlife.
  • Impacts of mining.
  • Deforestation effects on ecosystems and species diversity.
  • Industrial fishing practices effects.
  • Sustainable forestry practices and their impact on ecosystems.
  • Nuclear energy production and its consequences.
  • Reducing emissions from vehicles and their effects on air quality.
  • Landfills implications on the environment.
  • Implications of plastic pollution.

Easy Environmental Research Questions for Projects

When it comes to environmental science topics for project work, there are plenty of easy options. Research projects in this category can explore ecological issues as well as their consequences or potential solutions to these problems. The following is a list of the top fifteen most accessible environment project topics for your research project.

  • Air pollution levels impact on urban areas.
  • Agricultural practices effects on the environment.
  • Developing strategies for sustainable development.
  • Causes of water contamination.
  • Factors contributing to global warming.
  • Natural disasters effects on the environment.
  • Land use changes effects on the environment.
  • Energy consumption impacts on the environment.
  • Climate change effects on the environment.
  • Industrialization and its consequences.
  • Impact of plastic pollution.
  • Health risks associated with air pollution.
  • Deforestation impacts on the environment.
  • Soil erosion and its effects on the environment.
  • Causes and consequences of species extinction.

Unique Environmental Research Topics for Students

As environmental issues become increasingly complex, research fields for students become more varied. Unique environmental research topics for college students can range from local ecological concerns to global ones. The following are fifteen unique environmental science research topics for high school students and college students:

  • Climate change impact on water quality.
  • Acid rain and its effects.
  • Urbanization's effect on biodiversity.
  • Effects of offshore drilling.
  • Ocean acidification and its impact.
  • Impact of privatization on natural resources.
  • Effectiveness of renewable energy sources.
  • Relationship between energy consumption and the environment.
  • Potential impacts regarding genetic engineering on biodiversity.
  • Toxic waste disposal and its impacts.
  • Environment-related policies impact on water quality.
  • Deforestation and its effects on soil quality.
  • Causes and consequences of ozone layer depletion.
  • Relationship between pollution and public health issues.

Final Thoughts on Environmental Topics for Research Papers

This article has provided 235 environmental science research topics for research papers as well as project work that high school and college students can use. Topics range from local issues, such as assessing air pollution levels in an urban area, to global concerns, like examining the ecological effects of plastic pollution. Whether its health risks are associated with air pollution in an environment or the impacts of industrialization, research can help shape your understanding of how to protect as well as preserve our planet. It is up to the students to identify good environmental research topics that are interesting and relevant to them and to delve deeper to understand the earth better.


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Energy Policy

We research complex policy problems in the context of evolving regulations, fiscal constraints, and unique environmental challenges such as global climate change.

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Environmental research areas include:

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  • Environmental policy making in developing countries
  • Transaction costs and benefit–cost analysis
  • Human behavior and resource use
  • Options for carbon sequestration
  • Endangered species management
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Energy research focuses on:

  • Transportation and electricity technology assessment
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  • Perceptions and motivations related to energy use
  • Economic analysis of new technologies
  • The human dimensions of energy use
  • Global climate governance
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US Federal Environmental Justice Strategic Plans Aim to Advance Equity in Agency Operations

  • environmental justice
  • Climate Equity

President Joe Biden’s commitment to addressing climate and environmental injustices faced by vulnerable and historically marginalized communities is demonstrated by his administration’s transformative approach to federal agency operations.

Through a series of executive orders, including Executive Order 14096 the administration has laid the groundwork for restructuring agency operations and programs to prioritize environmental justice and equity .

A significant requirement under this new framework is for agencies to update and strengthen their Environmental Justice Strategic Plans (EJSPs). These updated plans are a key component of the administration’s “all-of-government” approach to addressing the climate crisis, designed to ensure accountability and embed and operationalize environmental justice in relevant federal activities.

Harmonizing Environmental Justice Strategic Plans with Broader Strategies and Public Engagement

Biden’s approach signifies a departure from previous administrations, emphasizing a holistic and inclusive strategy. EJSPs are designed to be harmonized and aligned with other operational strategies, such as Equity Action Plans , Agency Strategic Plans and Climate Adaptation and Resilience Plans, to ensure effective coordination across departmental programs. This alignment is critical for identifying and addressing programmatic barriers that may impede the achievement of agency environmental justice goals.

Like each of these plans, EJSPs must be developed with a robust process that allows for meaningful public engagement. However, the format, structure and content of EJSPs is further guided by input from environmental justice movement leaders on the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council (WHEJAC). Their recommendations focus on strengthening previous EJSP approaches by enabling departments to create more effective roadmaps for decision-making, resource allocation, performance measurement and updated reporting requirements.

By incorporating the insights of these leaders, EJSPs will better support the implementation of more than 500 federal programs aimed at ensuring disadvantaged communities receive at least 40% of the overall benefits from federal climate investments covered by the Justice40 Initiative .

Draft EJSPs are under development and will soon be available for public review and feedback. Some agencies have already started engaging the public through webinar events to develop their plans. The final version of federal agency plans must be submitted to the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) by October.

Public Accessibility of Existing Federal Environmental Justice Strategic Plans

The U.S. Government Accountability Office conducted a review of federal environmental justice activities including the status of agency EJSPs in 2019. Their report found that “agencies’ progress toward environmental justice is difficult to gauge, however, because most do not have updated strategic plans and have not reported annually on their progress or developed methods to assess progress.”

For this article, we conducted a systematic review of online resources from 24 federal agencies, including their official websites. This review, undertaken without reaching out to agency personnel, aimed to compile a comprehensive understanding of the historical development and accessibility of EJSPs. The objective was to establish a baseline understanding of existing agency plans and identify areas for improvement as agencies prepare updated draft EJSPs for public feedback.

Our review uncovered significant deficiencies in the accessibility of previous plans, as several agencies did not have their EJSPs readily available on their websites. In certain cases, these plans were neither accessible online nor referenced in other operational documents of the agencies. The timeline of publication for agency plans was elucidated by the historical context provided in the background sections of the few EJSPs we managed to locate online. Despite some agencies having developed multi-year plans, these documents were frequently absent from available online resources.

These findings highlight significant gaps in the public accessibility and continuity of EJSP documentation across federal agencies, underscoring the need for improved transparency and consistency in the availability of these critical documents.

US Federal Agency Environmental Justice Strategic Plans


312 65
211 2
202 0
404 146
404 13
211 4
422 0
312 39
422 75
303 79
202 0
312 26
101 2
101 11
101 1

Framework and Implementation Guidelines

A critical change for 2024 EJSPs is to intentionally “foster transparency, consistency, and accountability," which is driven by the directives in a new set of agency guidelines released by CEQ . This comprehensive roadmap is intended to provide direction on the development of a structured plan outline, a detailed step-by-step process for developing a strategic planning logic tool and a planning guide with a checklist to ensure effective implementation. These resources aim to ensure uniformity across agencies in meeting the mandates of Executive Order 14096. Specifically, to maintain consistency of information and to enhance transparency, plans will include:

New Definitions from Executive Order 14096:

Environmental Justice: “the just treatment and meaningful involvement of all people, regardless of income, race, color, national origin, Tribal affiliation, or disability, in agency decision-making and other Federal activities that affect human health and the environment so that people:

(i) are fully protected from disproportionate and adverse human health and environmental effects (including risks) and hazards, including those related to climate change, the cumulative impacts of environmental and other burdens, and the legacy of racism or other structural or systemic barriers; and

(ii) have equitable access to a healthy, sustainable, and resilient environment in which to live, play, work, learn, grow, worship, and engage in cultural and subsistence practices.”

Federal Activity: "any agency rulemaking, guidance, policy, program, practice, or action that affects or has the potential to affect human health and the environment, including an agency action related to climate change.”

  • An environmental justice vision statement that provides insight into the agency’s intended impact from addressing environmental inequities on the public they serve overall in the coming year, over the four years of the EJSP, and in the long-term.
  • An overview of the agency's public engagement and tribal consultation process during the development of the EJSP.
  • Public reporting by regulated entities.
  • Use of pollution measurement and other environmental impact or compliance assessment tools such as fenceline
  • Improve the effectiveness of remedies to provide relief to individuals and communities with environmental justice concerns, such as remedies that penalize and deter violations and promote future compliance, including harm mitigation and corrective action.
  • Consider whether to remove exemptions or waivers that may undermine the achievement of human health or environmental standards.

Biden’s approach to EJSPs broadens the scope of actions that agencies must consider in their strategies. The updated definitions of "federal activity" and "environmental justice" in Section 2 of Executive Order 14096 (see text box) now encompass actions related to climate change. Additionally, the revised definition for environmental justice now includes tribal affiliation and disability, expanding the groups that agencies must consider. These updates will help streamline agency responses to address the systemic barriers faced by communities disproportionately impacted by climate change and pollution.

Plans will also be available through the annual Environmental Justice Scorecard to provide transparency and accessibility to the public. CEQ developed this new tool to track and measure the progress of federal agencies in advancing environmental justice goals. The significance of the scorecard lies in its ability to hold agencies accountable, promote transparency, and ensure that environmental justice considerations are integrated into federal policies and programs, ultimately driving more effective and equitable environmental outcomes.

All updated EJSPs must be submitted to CEQ and made available to the public online by Oct. 21 and are required to be updated every four years. However, considering these initiatives result from presidential executive orders, the operational framework could change or be jeopardized under a different administration.

Environmental Justice Strategic Plan Timeline

April 21, 2023Signing of Executive Order 14098.
Nov. 3, 2023CEQ releases “Strategic Planning to Advance Environmental Justice” guidelines and template for agency EJSPs.
April 21, 2023 – Oct. 20, 2024Public input and feedback; agency EJSP development.
Oct. 21, 2024Deadline for agencies to submit final plans to CEQ.
Oct. 21, 2025CEQ submits report to the President on the implementation of EO 14098 and includes all agency EJSPs.
Oct. 21, 2026Agencies submit an assessment that evaluates the effectiveness of the EJSP.
Oct. 28, 2028Agencies submit an updated EJSP.

Evaluating the Efficacy of New Environmental Justice Strategic Plans

Since the signing of Executive Order 12898 in 1994, federal agencies have been mandated to develop and publish agency-wide environmental justice strategies and report on their implementation progress. Despite this requirement, most agency plans from previous years were not available online and consisted of sporadic updates rather than a complete, consecutive series of updates over the years. Progress reports were also mostly missing from agency websites.

Now, 30 years later, CEQ has provided comprehensive guidance for the development of the 2024 EJSPs, Biden established a framework for prioritizing environmental justice, and environmental justice leaders are engaged through WHEJAC. Given this momentum, there is hope that this iteration of EJSPs can serve as robust mechanisms for addressing longstanding inequities, advancing procedural fairness and equitable distribution of benefits through inclusive policymaking and targeted resource allocation in agency activities.

The strategic organization and implementation of these plans represent critical investments in federal agencies' operations. Therefore, immediate establishment of monitoring processes of these plans’ implementation by CEQ, coupled with required updates to the public on agency actions, is essential.

Additionally, a comprehensive and comparative evaluation of the 2024 EJSPs could reveal how well environmental justice principles are integrated into agency operations across the federal landscape. This assessment may reveal gaps or redundancies in agency coordination on environmental justice strategies to be addressed quickly and demonstrate the potential of the new strategic approach to address environmental injustices and systemic barriers for underserved communities.

This proactive approach will enhance transparency, facilitate timely improvements of any shortcomings in plans, and foster significant strides in advancing environmental justice.

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Assessment of utilizing hard-to-recycle plastic waste from the packaging sector in architectural design—case study for experimental building material.

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Cudzik, J.; Kropisz, K. Assessment of Utilizing Hard-to-Recycle Plastic Waste from the Packaging Sector in Architectural Design—Case Study for Experimental Building Material. Sustainability 2024 , 16 , 6133. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16146133

Cudzik J, Kropisz K. Assessment of Utilizing Hard-to-Recycle Plastic Waste from the Packaging Sector in Architectural Design—Case Study for Experimental Building Material. Sustainability . 2024; 16(14):6133. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16146133

Cudzik, Jan, and Klaudia Kropisz. 2024. "Assessment of Utilizing Hard-to-Recycle Plastic Waste from the Packaging Sector in Architectural Design—Case Study for Experimental Building Material" Sustainability 16, no. 14: 6133. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16146133

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All change? Implications of the new government for commercial real estate in the UK

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The result was expected. Manifestos have been scrutinised. But, as we wake up to a new UK government, it is worth recapping some of the most important points for commercial real estate. We believe that the new government's recent commentary, manifesto pledges, and events in the wider world culminate in at least five key themes of significance for commercial real estate. In short, the combination of activity in these policy areas could support real estate markets in the UK by:

1. Helping to contain borrowing costs; 2. Stimulating economic growth and occupational real estate demand across the country; 3. Removing barriers to development activity; 4. Providing clarity on ESG standards and requirements; 5. Bolstering the UK's relative attractiveness in a turbulent geopolitical environment

We explore these themes in more detail below.

The prospect of a 'stability dividend' for the UK. For a document that was (literally, on some pages) covered in the word change, the Labour manifesto contained a strong focus on continuity, at least in the fiscal sense. That should be good news for anyone still scarred by memories of the infamous unfunded tax cuts of the 2022 mini-budget, and the spike in bond yields that followed. And if stability seems a modest victory, then one must only look to France, where bond yields have risen in response to recent political uncertainty. In the eyes of European real estate investors, the UK today looks, arguably, a little more like its pragmatic former self.

It's certainly not continuity for all. While corporation tax won't change from the current 25%, business rates will be replaced, but with what, we are not yet sure. As Stephen Springham notes, meaningful, tangible and actionable reform of business rates is perhaps highest on the retailer wish-list. Labour was seemingly the most radical in its pledge to abolish business rates altogether and replace them with a revenue-neutral system that levels the playing field between online and high streets. Industrial strategy – but on a budget. Much has been said of Labour's industrial strategy, but unlike the Inflation Reduction Act in the US, this is not one of the big spending promises, mainly because the fiscal capacity isn't there. There is to be a relatively small fund making investments in ports, supply chains, and green industries. Financial services are mentioned in a positive light. And, as Jennifer Townsend notes, Labour has recognised the importance of life sciences to UK growth - although some ideas may not be as far-reaching as the science community would like. Critics argue that the plan lacks the radical, transformative changes needed to achieve Labour's ambitious target of the highest sustained economic growth among G7 nations.

What the strategy does do is correctly identify that a lack of business investment has been one of the key reasons for low growth in the UK. The gamble is that economic and political stability, combined with targeted government backing in specific areas, will be sufficient to entice investors back to the UK, with knock-on effects for real estate demand. Planning and infrastructure reform. Labour wants to streamline the planning system, admittedly with a focus on housing rather than, necessarily, on commercial real estate. The addition of one planning officer per local authority may not move the dial too far. However, the strategy again looks to the private sector for support, with UK pension funds seen as one potential source of capital for long-term infrastructure investment. This is not a new idea but one that, if implemented well, offers significant promise.

As Darren Mansfield notes, the new government intends to relax planning policies to facilitate the construction of new data centres. This includes classifying data centres as nationally significant infrastructure projects, allowing planning decisions to be made by ministers rather than local councils. This move aims to bypass local opposition, particularly for data centres proposed on green belt land.

Meanwhile, Claire Williams highlighted several policies that should be supportive of the logistics sector. These include the manifesto pledge to invest up to £1.8bn into port infrastructure across the UK, as well as substantial investments in new roads, railways, and other significant infrastructure projects, along with a focus on fixing potholes and upgrading the electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure.

Environmental considerations. Despite the watering down of earlier spending promises, the drive towards net-zero remains intact, and once again, private capital is sighted as one of the levers. The UK would be a green finance capital, with banks, asset managers, pension funds, insurers and FTSE 100 companies required to have credible transition plans.

Improvements in energy infrastructure will be crucial, according to Flora Harley . Labour's renewable energy targets would require the deployment in wind and solar to double, if not quadruple, over the next six years. Manifesto proposals include minimum energy efficiency standards tightening on private rental properties by 2030, but do not specify the level. Commercial (non-domestic) properties were not mentioned.

The new government has said that it will mandate UK-regulated financial institutions – including banks, asset managers, pension funds, and insurers – and FTSE 100 companies to develop and implement credible transition plans that align with the 1.5°C goal of the Paris Agreement. This is aligned to the EU's recently adopted Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence directive. For commercial property, the implications could be enhanced ESG-related due diligence on lending, and stricter criteria or financial repercussions for inefficient assets.

The UK's position in a changing world. A somewhat more centrist leadership in the UK comes at a time of rising political uncertainty in the US and large parts of Europe. Although both the Labour Party and the EU have employed careful language, a gradual tightening of trading relationships might be possible along practical, rather than ideological lines. As Claire Williams notes, Labour's manifesto emphasised plans to improve the UK's trade relationship with the EU by removing unnecessary trade barriers and streamlining border checks. This should help to facilitate smoother logistics operations and reduce costs, particularly for food and other perishable items.

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