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How To Write Discursive Essays

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How To Write Discursive Essays

1. What is a Discursive Essay?

A discursive essay is an essay which involves a discussion. You’re encouraged to examine different perspectives on the issue so that the discussion you provide is a balanced one! You are on the right track if your essay sheds light on the issue by looking at it from different viewpoints.

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2. How do I Identify a Discursive Essay Topic?

Let’s take a look at some of the discursive essay topics from past year papers:

2021 O-Level: “Young people are changing the world for the better.” What is your opinion?

  • 2019 O-Level: “Most young people today are obsessed with fame and imitating celebrities.” What are your views?

In recent years, “What is your opinion?” and “What are your views?” are common signposts used to indicate a discursive essay topic. However, there are also instances where such questions are not used. Consider:

  • 2012 O-Level: People all over the world are living longer. What are the advantages and disadvantages of their increased life expectancy?
  • 2010 O-Level: What important lessons in life are learned away from school?

So note that the question can still indicate discursive writing even when it does not contain “What is your opinion?” or “What are your views?”

3. What is the Difference Between a Discursive Essay, an Argumentative Essay and an Expository Essay?

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Now that we’ve cleared that up, let’s look at the differences in requirements for a discursive and an argumentative essay.

Argumentative: you are required to take an explicit stand on the issue. Your essay is structured in a manner that argues towards this stand. When writing an argumentative essay, your goal is to persuade, to convince the reader to be in support of your stand.

Discursive: you are not required to take an explicit stand on the issue. In other words, you do not need to pick a side. You may choose to pick a side; that’s perfectly fine! Just note that the goal here is not to persuade or to convince; it is to provide the reader with a balanced discussion by examining the issue from various viewpoints.

Now that you’ve learnt how to identify a discursive question and gotten a better idea of what it requires, let’s look at how to plan a discursive essay.

4. How do I Approach or Structure a Discursive Essay?

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Some essays require  a binary approach , meaning to say you tackle the issue by addressing the positive and the negative aspects of the question at hand. 

Here is how you can plan your body paragraphs for such topics:

2019 O-Level:
Most young people today are obsessed with fame and imitating celebrities. What are your views?
Body 1: 1  point on why and how they   obsessed with fame and imitating celebrities.
Body 2: 2  point on why and how they   obsessed with fame and imitating celebrities.
Body 3: 1  point on why and how they   obsessed with fame and imitating celebrities.
Body 4: 2  point on why and how they   obsessed with fame and imitating celebrities.
2012 O-Level: 
People all over the world are living longer. What are the advantages and disadvantages of their increased life expectancy?
Body 1: 1    of increased life expectancy
Body 2: 2    of increased life expectancy
Body 3: 1    of increased life expectancy
Body 4: 2    of increased life expectancy

Now, it’s your turn! Try planning an outline for the following topics:

  • 2017 O-Level: It is often said that people
  • are too concerned with getting things and spending money. What is your opinion? 

On the other hand, there are topics which are not suited for such a binary approach. Consider questions such as:

  • Give 3 x features (1 per body paragraph)
  • Give 3 x important lessons (1 per body paragraph)

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5. How do I Brainstorm Ideas for a Discursive Essay to Achieve a Balanced Discussion?

Give yourself 10 minutes to do a proper planning. It’s useful to approach the issue at hand by exploring its significance and relevance in different spheres and domains : Education, Ethics or Morals, Technology, Law etc.

Instead of giving 3 different points from an education perspective, why not broaden your scope and look at the issue from not just an educational perspective, but also a technological perspective and an ethical perspective?

This is what makes for a matured, holistic response. 

Let’s use the following topic as an example:

Young people   changing the world for the better Young people   changing the world for the better
Education] youth advocates are helping to make education available to girls in less developed countries  [Politics] many youths are politically apathetic
[Environment] youths are advocating for leaders to change environmental policies Environment] youths are the primary consumers of fast fashion, which depletes valuable natural resources.
[Technology] young people are driving social media advancements [Technology] the younger generation is  abusing technology.

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If you run out of ideas, you can also examine two sides of a coin in a single domain. For example, you’ll see that in the example, that for the technological sphere, there are instances of youths making and  not changing the world for the better.  

Now that the brainstorming is done, let’s put pen to paper and start writing!

6. How do I Write an Introduction for a Discursive Essay?

  • Share an insight or observation regarding the issue. Why is this issue worth discussing? What are the implications of the issue? You can also use 5W1H questions to help you generate ideas.
  • Define your scope of discussion and if needed, define the keywords in the topic by setting out what is meant by, for instance, “young people” and “for the better”.

You can ask yourself these questions to help you with your intro:

  • Who are “young people”?
  • In which domains are youths making significant impact?
  • Why do some people believe that they are making the world a better place?
  • Why do other people not trust youth to positively impact the world?
  • What is my thesis?

Simply answer these questions + include your thesis. Voila, you have a solid introduction!

Young people are often described as the changemakers of society, the future leaders, and the hope of our world. From advocating for the environment to spearheading social justice causes, the young people of today undoubtedly have the potential to change our world for the better. Having said that, one must question if this potential is somewhat overshadowed by charges of laziness, selfishness, irresponsibility et. cetera that are often levelled, sometimes legitimately I might add, against the younger generation. In this essay, I assess if the actions of today’s youths truly, on balance, lead us to a brighter future by exploring the impact they are making in the domains of education, environment, and technology.

7. How do I Write the Body Paragraphs for a Discursive Essay?

Students, you must have heard of the PEEL method by now. We introduce the POINT in the first sentence, ELABORATE on the point, then substantiate with EVIDENCE or EXAMPLES , and finally, we round it all off by LINKING back to the point.

It sounds easy enough, doesn’t it?

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Each body paragraph should only discuss one main idea , and only one! Introduce the main idea in your topic sentence (the first sentence of your body paragraph), not after you’ve given your example or when you’re wrapping up the paragraph.

A good topic sentence is straightforward and clear .

Here is an example of a coherent and concise topic sentence:  

  • In the sphere of education, youth activists are making positive changes by advocating to make education available to girls in less developed societies.

After you have crafted your topic sentence, it’s time to elaborate on your main point. A well-developed body paragraph elaborates by delving deeper into the main point and substantiating with relevant examples or evidence.

For our point on “education”, consider asking and answering the following questions:

  • Education imparts knowledge and skills to girls, which then grants more employment opportunities. In turn, they break free from the poverty cycle.
  • Don’t stop here! Make sure to link back to the idea of “making the world a better place”.
  • This means lower poverty rates in the world and society also benefits from the contributions that the girls go on to make in the workforce.

Important Reminders:

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a. Your essay  must not be example-driven ! It must always be point-driven. 

b. Remember to make the link from your examples/ evidence back to your topic sentence. This illustrates the relevance and strength of your evidence and reinforces your main point. 

For our example, a coherent body paragraph could look like this: 

[ ] In the sphere of education, youth activists are making positive changes by advocating to make education available to girls in less developed societies. [ ] It is because of their efforts that young women formerly deprived of education, due to reasons like patriarchal mindsets, are now able to access learning. [ ] A notable example is the Pakistani activist, Malala Yousafzai, who began her activism by bravely speaking out against the Taliban’s ban on education for girls. Her story did much to raise awareness about the existing barriers to education. She also co-founded the Malala Fund, which advocates for policy changes to prioritize girls’ education globally. Partnering with UNESCO, Malala’s fund has helped over 5,000 girls in countries like Egypt and Tanzania gain access to education. [ ] By giving these girls an education and helping them out of the poverty cycle, activists like Malala are helping to raise global literacy rates and reduce problems associated with poverty. Society gets a chance to benefit from what these young women can contribute to the workforce. [ ] It is clear the tireless efforts of these activists have made significant impact in the education domain. 


8. How to Write a Conclusion for a Discursive Essay?

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Many students just reiterate the points in conclusion. But that is… you guessed it, boring. Last impression lasts!   You want to provide an insight to this issue to demonstrate your maturity of thought. Apart from summarising your points, link your conclusion back to the introduction so that your essay comes a full circle. You can also use a quote or thought-provoking question for readers to make their own conclusion.

Check out this conclusion:I conclude by pointing out that it is unfair to generalise all young people; in every generation, there will be individuals who give that generation a bad name and those who, as this question suggests, make the world a better place. As shown in this essay, many youths in this generation are attempting to make an impact in different segments of society. But whether the efforts of these young trailblazers are, on balance, bettering the world is still a matter of debate. Furthermore, whether these efforts ultimately result in lasting positive changes depends not just on young people, but also on global leaders and international organisations. So perhaps the real question we should be asking is this: how can we, and not just the young people, work together to change this world for the better?   

Students, this is how you tackle a discursive essay. Try applying these tips to one of the topics above!

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How to write a discursive essay: step-by-step guideline

Updated 23 Jul 2024

how to write discursive essay

Many students struggle with discursive writing as it can be tricky. It’s hard to manage different opinions and create a well-organized argument, leaving learners feeling unsure. In this article, we want to make creating discursive essays less confusing by giving helpful tips. If you grasp the essential information and follow our advice, you can tackle the challenges of this essay style and learn how to express convincing and well-thought-out ideas. Come with us as we explore the basic dos and don’ts for making successful writing.

What is a discursive essay? 

This type of academic writing explores and presents various perspectives on a particular topic or issue. Unlike an argumentative essay, where the author takes a clear stance on the subject, discursive writing aims to provide a balanced and nuanced discussion of different viewpoints. What is the discursive essay meaning? The first word implies a conversation or discussion. So, the text encourages an exploration of diverse opinions and arguments.

This homework, commonly assigned in higher academia, serves various purposes:

  • Students analyze diverse perspectives, fostering critical thinking as they weigh different viewpoints before forming a conclusion.
  • Such essays involve thorough research, requiring students to synthesize information from various sources and present a comprehensive understanding of the topic.
  • When struggling with how to write my essay for me , students develop their communication skills as they should express complex ideas clearly and coherently, creating smooth transitions between arguments.
  • While not demanding a fixed stance, discursive papers require persuasive writing skills. The authors present each perspective convincingly, regardless of personal endorsement.
  • Encouraging an appreciation for the issue’s complexity, the essays promote tolerance for diverse opinions.

In summary, these papers contribute to developing analytical, research, and communication skills, preparing students for nuanced engagement with complex topics in academic and professional settings.

What is the difference between discursive and argumentative essays?

While these documents may exhibit certain similarities, it’s crucial to underscore the notable distinctions that characterize them, delineating their unique objectives and methodologies. 

Discursive essays

  • Objective presentation: A five paragraph essay of this type aims to provide a comprehensive discussion on a particular topic without necessarily taking a clear stance.
  • Multiple perspectives: Writers explore different viewpoints, neutrally presenting arguments and counterarguments.
  • Complexity: These essays often deal with complex issues, encouraging a nuanced understanding of the subject.
  • Balanced tone and language: Such writing allows for a more open expression of different ideas using objective and formal language. 
  • Flexible structure: These texts allow for a free-flowing topic analysis and may express numerous ideas in separate sections. 
  • Conclusion: While a discursive essay example may express the writer's opinion, it doesn’t necessarily require a firm conclusion or a call to action.

Argumentative essays

  • Clear stance: This type involves taking a specific position and defending it with strong, persuasive arguments.
  • Focused argumentation: The primary goal is to convince the reader of the writer's position, providing compelling evidence and logical reasoning.
  • Counterarguments: While an argumentative essay acknowledges opposing views, the focus is on refuting them to strengthen the writer’s position.
  • Assertive tone: This type aims to present ideas from the writer’s perspective and convict the reader using evidence and reasoning.
  • Rigid structure: These texts come with a clear structure with a distinct introduction, thesis statement, body paragraphs with arguments and reasoning, and a conclusion that highlights the author’s stance.
  • Call to action or conclusion: Such papers often conclude with a clear summary of the arguments and may include a call to action or a statement of the writer’s position.

The key distinction lies in the intent: discursive texts foster a broader understanding by presenting multiple perspectives. At the same time, argumentative papers aim to persuade the reader to adopt a specific viewpoint through strong, focused arguments.

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Discursive writing types

When delving into discursive essay format, exploring three primary forms of writing is essential.

1. Opinion essay.

  • In an opinion essay, your viewpoint on the discussed problem is crucial.
  • State your opinion in the introduction, supported by examples and reasons.
  • Present the opposing argument before the conclusion, explaining why you find it unconvincing.
  • Summarize your important points in the conclusion.

2. Essay providing a solution to a problem.

  • Focus on discussing an issue and proposing solutions.
  • Introduce the issue at the beginning of the text.
  • Detail possible solutions in separate body paragraphs.
  • Summarize your opinion in the conclusion.

3. For and against essay.

  • Write it as a debate with opposing opinions.
  • Describe each viewpoint objectively, presenting facts.
  • Set the stage for the problem in your discursive essay intro.
  • Explore reasons, examples, and facts in the main body.
  • Conclude with your opinion on the matter.

If you need professional writers' support when working on your homework, you may always pay for essay writing . Our experts can explain how to create different types of papers and suggest techniques to make them well-thought-out and compelling.

Discursive essay structure

Discover a concise outline that will help structure your thoughts and arguments, allowing for a comprehensive and articulate presentation of your ideas.

A. Hook or opening statement

B. Background information on the topic

C. Thesis statement (indicate the topic and your stance, if applicable)


(number of paragraphs can vary based on essay length)

A. Presentation of perspective (1)

1. Statement of perspective (1)

2. Supporting evidence/examples

3. Analysis and discussion


B. Presentation of perspective (2)

1. Statement of perspective (2)

2. Supporting evidence/examples

3. Analysis and discussion


C. Presentation of perspective (3) (if applicable)

1. Statement of perspective (3)

2. Supporting evidence/examples

3. Analysis and discussion


D. Presentation of counterarguments

1. Acknowledge opposing views

2. Refute or counter opposing arguments

3. Provide evidence supporting your perspective


A. Summary of main points

B. (if applicable)

C. Closing thoughts or call to action (if applicable)

The length of the discursive introduction example and the number of body paragraphs can vary based on the topic's complexity and the text's required length. Additionally, adjust the outline according to specific assignment guidelines or your personal preferences.

10 steps to create an essay

Many students wonder how to write a discursive essay. With the following guidelines, you can easily complete it as if you were one of the professional  essay writers for hire . Look at these effective steps and create your outstanding text. 

1. Choose an appropriate topic:

  • Select a topic that sparks interest and is debatable. Ensure it is suitable for discursive examples with multiple viewpoints.

2. Brainstorm your ideas:

  • Gather information from various sources to understand different perspectives on the chosen topic.
  • Take notes on key arguments, evidence, and counterarguments.

3. Develop a clear thesis:

  • Formulate a thesis statement that outlines your main idea. This could include your stance on the topic or a commitment to exploring various viewpoints.

4. Create a discursive essay outline:

  • Structure your text with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
  • Outline the main points you want to cover in each section.

5. Write the introduction:

  • Begin with a hook to grab the reader's attention.
  • Provide background information on the topic.
  • Clearly state your thesis or the purpose of the essay.

6. Create body paragraphs:

  • Start each paragraph with a clear topic sentence.
  • Present different perspectives on the topic in separate paragraphs.
  • Support each perspective with relevant evidence and examples.
  • Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each viewpoint.
  • Use smooth transitions between paragraphs.

7. Suggest counterarguments:

  • Devote a section to acknowledging and addressing counterarguments.
  • Refute or explain why you find certain counterarguments unconvincing.

8. Write the conclusion:

  • Summarize the main points discussed in the body paragraphs.
  • Restate your thesis or the overall purpose of the essay.
  • Provide a concise discursive essay conclusion, highlighting the significance of the topic.

9. Proofread and revise:

  • Review your work for clarity, coherence, and logical flow.
  • Check for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors.
  • Ensure that your arguments are well-supported and effectively presented.

10. Finalize and submit:

  • Make any necessary revisions based on feedback or additional insights.
  • Ensure every discursive sentence in your paper meets specific requirements provided by your instructor.
  • Submit your well-crafted document.

Following these steps will help you produce a well-organized and thought-provoking text that effectively explores and discusses the chosen topic.

Dos and don’ts when completing a discursive essay

If you want more useful writing tips, consider the dos and don’ts to create an impactful and compelling text.

  • Thorough research: Do conduct extensive research on the topic to gather a diverse range of perspectives and solid evidence. It will strengthen your discursive thesis statement and demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the subject.
  • Clear structure: Do organize your essay with a clear introduction, body paragraphs that present different viewpoints, and a concise conclusion. Use a separate paragraph to introduce every point. This structure helps readers follow your argument effectively.
  • Neutral tone: Do maintain a balanced tone and impersonal style throughout the essay. Avoid being overly emotional or biased, as the goal is to present a fair discussion of various perspectives.
  • Critical analysis: Do critically analyze each perspective, highlighting strengths and weaknesses. Build your discursive thesis on trustworthy sources and make appropriate references following the rules of the required citation style. This showcases your critical thinking ability and contributes to a more nuanced discussion.
  • Smooth transitions: Do use smooth transitions between paragraphs and arguments to create a cohesive flow. The use of linking phrases and words enhances the readability of your text and makes it easier for the reader to follow your line of reasoning.


  • Avoid biased language: Don’t use biased language or favor one perspective over another. Maintain an objective tone and present each viewpoint with equal consideration.
  • Don’t oversimplify: Avoid oversimplifying complex issues. Acknowledge the nuances of the topic and provide a nuanced discussion that reflects a deep understanding of the subject matter.
  • Steer clear of generalizations: Don’t make broad generalizations without supporting evidence. Ensure that relevant and credible sources back your arguments to strengthen your position.
  • Don’t neglect counterarguments: Avoid neglecting counterarguments. Acknowledge opposing views and address them within your discursive essays. It adds credibility to your work and thoroughly examines the topic.
  • Don’t be too personal : Avoid expressing your personal opinion too persistently, and don’t use examples from your individual experience. 
  • Refrain from unsupported claims: Don’t make claims without supporting them with evidence. Substantiate your arguments with reliable sources and statistics with proper referencing to enhance the credibility of your document.

By adhering to these dos and don’ts, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the complexities of writing a discursive text and present a well-rounded and convincing discussion.

Final thoughts 

Mastering the art of writing a discursive essay is a valuable skill that equips students with critical thinking, research, and communication abilities. If your essay-writing journey is challenging, consider seeking assistance from EduBirdie, a trusted companion that guides students through the intricacies of these papers and helps them answer the question, “What is discursive writing?”. With our support, you can navigate the challenges of crafting a compelling and well-rounded discourse, ensuring success in your academic endeavors. Embrace the assistance of EduBirdie and elevate your writing experience to new heights.

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Written by Steven Robinson

Steven Robinson is an academic writing expert with a degree in English literature. His expertise, patient approach, and support empower students to express ideas clearly. On EduBirdie's blog, he provides valuable writing guides on essays, research papers, and other intriguing topics. Enjoys chess in free time.

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English National 5 Essay Examples Available

The English Department have sent more resources for National 5 critical essay revision to this site for inclusion.

They take the form of exemplar timed essays on the novels studied in the course: Stone Cold, Of Mice and Men and Animal Farm.

Find them on the dedicated critical essay revision page . The PDF files are named according to: the novel they are concerned with; whether they are the first or second example (1 or 2); and each example is numbered into parts – (i) – (iv).

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How to Write a Discursive Essay: Tips to Succeed & Examples

So, you need to accomplish your discursive essay writing. The typical questions most students ask are: How do you write it? What is discursive essay?

A discursive essay is an academic paper that involves a discussion on a particular topic. It is usually assigned to college students. You may be required to write a paper wherein you have to do one of the following:

  • argue for the issue or against it;
  • present your points of view on both sides;
  • provide your unprejudiced opinion on that matter.

Don’t panic!

Check out the tips from  Custom-writing.org  experts below. They will assist you in discursive writing and encourage you to examine essay examples. Moreover, in this article, you’ll also learn about different types of discursive essay, and its introduction, main body, and conclusion structure.

  • ❓ What Is It?
  • 🏁 Main Types


  • Basic Don’Ts
  • ✏️ Frequent Questions

❓ What Is a Discursive Essay?

First of all, let’s figure out what the discursive essay is.

You may think it’s similar to the argumentative essay. Yes, but there’s a difference between them in the structure and purpose of these two types of assignments:

Purpose To provide a reliable and unbiased assessment of an issue. Nevertheless, your discursive writing does not have to be completely neutral. You should write it using the facts and research reports to present both sides of the issue. To persuade the reader in your position, providing supporting evidence. This essay type relies on thorough research so that the author can both convince and educate the reader. However, the result should be less passionate and more concise than that of a .
Structure Its style is more impersonal and formal in comparison with other assignment types: Its style is general for essays as the reader should understand what you stand for

We will take a detailed look at how to structure a discursive essay later, and now let’s find out what are the types of this assignment.

Keep reading!

🏁 Discursive Essay: Main Types

You have to think more critically and more in-depth when reviewing all viewpoints and aspects of discursive writing. Check these three main types of essay writing:

  • Opinion Essay  requires the author’s opinion on an issue which is stated in the introductory paragraph. It should be clearly presented and followed by reasons and supporting examples. Also, this essay paper should contain an opposing argument that comes before the conclusion. The writer must explain to readers why the mentioned argument is considered to be unconvincing. The writer’s opinion should be restated/summarized in the conclusion.
  • For and Against Essay  provides readers with a thorough debate on the topic with the help of opposing points of view. Each point should be discussed objectively and described in details. The introductory paragraph puts the issue under consideration. The main body of this essay paper should present examples, reasons, and arguments supported by justifications. The author’s own opinion with balanced reflections on the topic should be stated only in conclusion.
  • Essay Suggesting Solution to a Problem  discusses problems and finds the main solutions. The introduction paragraph explicitly declares a problem and analyses its causes and consequences. The main body of the essay should offer some suggestions for a possible solution to the problem and potential state consequences or expected results. In conclusion, author’s opinion should be distinctly summarized.

📑 How to Write a Discursive Essay

Well, it’s time to talk about the structure of a discursive essay. Like most of the assignments, a discursive paper starts with an introduction and ends with a conclusion:

The first question you may ask is how to start a discursive essay introduction. Simple!

  • Give your readers a hook – something that would sound interesting to them.
  • Provide a short explanation of the problem. You may use quotations, as well as rhetorical questions.
  • Show your readers both sides of the arguments and sum up.

You may be wondering…

Is there something I should avoid in my discursive essay introduction?

Yes. No stereotypes and generalizations, please!

The next step under formal essay writing you should take is to compose the body.

Tips on how to write a discursive essay.

There are a few points you should remember:

  • First and foremost: stay unprejudiced . Assess all of the aspects of an issue. Leave your feelings behind or for another essay type.
  • Second: build your argumentation . If you have several arguments for your viewpoint—provide them in separate paragraphs. This will help you to keep your essay comprehensible and distinct. Don’t forget to submit supporting evidence.
  • Third: write the body of an essay in an alternate manner. What does it mean? If your first paragraph supports the paper’s argument, then in the second paragraph you should write something in the opposite of it. Such a combination of supporting and opposite paragraphs will make your essay look apparent, and well researched. Besides, it will help you to remain neutral.
  • Fourth: include topic sentences and evidence . Write a summary of the argument at the beginning of the paragraph. It will allow the reader to easier understand what the paragraph is about. Provide evidence to show that you’re not making the facts up.

Well, you’ve almost finished your writing. Now you should focus on the last section. Keep reading, and you will learn how to write a conclusion for a discursive essay.

  • In the last section, you should summarize your article including the main points, specified in the body paragraphs.
  • You may also logically express your opinion. Remember: it should resonate with your evidence stated in the body paragraphs.
  • Don’t repeat findings, just summarize them.

Keep it short. Your conclusion length should not exceed one paragraph.

👍 Do’s and Don’ts

Do you want more discursive essay writing tips? Fine! Just check them below:

Basic Do’s of a Discursive Essay

  • Write in formal, impersonal style.
  • Introduce each point in a separate paragraph
  • Use topic sentences for each paragraph
  • Write well-developed paragraphs
  • Give reasons and examples for each point
  • Use sequencing
  • Use linking words and phrases
  • Make references to other sources and make sure that you follow proper citation style
  • Identify used sources

Basic Don’Ts of a Discursive Essay

  • Don’t use short forms, like I’ll, don’t, they’ve
  • Don’t use informal/colloquial language, for example: old as the hills, ain’t, gonna, etc.
  • Don’t use very emotional language, since it might make your discursive article look prejudiced
  • Don’t use over-generalizations. Extending the features of some elements from a group more than it is reasonable will lead to generous and inaccurate conclusions.
  • Don’t express your personal opinion too insistently
  • Don’t refer to statistics without proper referencing (check our citation guides )
  • Don’t use personal examples, leave it for a personal experience essay

Well, now you know what discursive essay means, what are its main types, and how to structure it.

Tips on how to write a discursive essay.

Discursive Essay Topics

  • Discussion of risk factors that impact human health. 
  • Discuss the necessity of understanding cultural heritage to provide efficient health care.
  • Analyze different opinions on withdrawing patients’ treatment.
  • Examine different views on the Civil War.
  • Discuss what hostile emotional states are and how they impact human life. 
  • Discuss the meaning of metaphors used by Virgil in Aeneid . 
  • Describe different opinions on telehealth in nursing homes.
  • The ethicality of stem cell technology.
  • Explore the effectiveness of motivational interviewing. 
  • Discuss how people present themselves online .
  • Discuss the reasons for Coca-Cola’s marketing success.
  • Analyze the food safety issues and the ways to improve the situation.
  • Examine the essential meaning of sleep for people’s physical and mental health.
  • Explore various complications of working with groups.
  • Discussion of the modern issues with virtue ethics. 
  • Describe different views on the definition of love. 
  • Give the for and against arguments considering food security technologies.  
  • Discuss how the concept of the American dream is presented in the film The Great Gatsby.
  • Analyze the influence of family problems on children and suggest ways to improve the situation.
  • Present the various points of view on the ethical concepts of Buddhism.
  • Examine the attitudes towards the problem of homelessness and the suggested ways of its solution.
  • Explore different opinions on the American revolution and its consequences.
  • Discuss various policies and views around the globe on abortion. 
  • Discussion of the history of food foraging in different communities.
  • Multiple thoughts on civility on the Internet .
  • Analyze arguments on the effectiveness of hand sanitizers.
  • Discuss the importance of visual aids in learning.
  • Present and evaluate the theories of international development .
  • Discuss how to prevent the spread of the West Nile Virus (WNV).
  • Is embracing renewable energy sources beneficial for both environment and the global economy?
  • Examine the correctness of the statement that the ideology of pleasure is the foundation of social activism.
  • Discussion of the ethical dilemma of population control.
  • Discuss the ethics of experimental studies .
  • Analyze the topic of gun violence and gun control laws.
  • Explore the reasons for opioid crises in the US.
  • Give arguments for and against random drug testing.
  • Discuss the problem of endangered species .
  • Express your opinion on the necessity of parents to be included in children’s education .
  • Present your attitude towards working in a bureaucratic organization.
  • Discuss the issue of the nursing shortage and suggest a solution.  
  • Give different viewpoints on the definition of beauty .
  • Analyze the problem of police misconduct. 
  • Discuss the description of violence of African people in literature.
  • Examine the views on Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory. 
  • Describe the various opinions on mysticism and express your attitude towards it.
  • Discuss the diverse standpoints on spirituality.
  • Is nature protection an urgent problem?
  • Analyze different ideas on physical privacy at work.
  • Discussion on the Jewish heritage in nursing.
  • Examine the views on the meaning of life.  

Good luck with your discussions and discursive essays! Be sure to check out the articles on our blog for more academic wisdom. By the way, on the Custom-Writing website, you may find the best essay topics for your academic writing.

And don’t forget to share your opinion in the comments below.

You might also be interested in:

  • Friendship Essay: Writing Guide & Topic Ideas about Friendship
  • Teamwork Essay: Quick Guide on How to Write a Good Paper
  • Compare and Contrast Essay Writing Tips and Examples
  • Transportation Essay: Writing Tips and Brilliant Topics

✏️ Discursive Essay FAQ

There is no one definitely correct answer to this question. Like any other essay, the text should have a clear structure with an introduction, body, and conclusion. The most important thing is that the overall book needs to be cohesive, persuasive, and exciting to read.

An example of a step by step guide is:

1. Take a closer look at the topic, think about the points to cover.

2. Choose the most relevant points and compose the Body of the essay.

3. Add an appropriate Introduction and Conclusion.

To write a good conclusion, you need to have the rest of the essay finished. Does the body of your essay present well-structured points? Great, then see what you can conclude based on that. If possible, make a connection between the introduction and the conclusion.

To ensure that your essay has a perfect structure, start with creating an outline. Based on such a plan, you can present your points step by step. Your text should have a relevant introduction, several points in the main body (with examples), and a logical conclusion.

🔗 References

  • Writing an Opinion Essay: Grace Fleming, ThoughtCo
  • How to Write a Good Argumentative Essay: Easy Step-by-Step Guide: Master Class
  • Ending the Essay: Conclusions: Harvard College Writing Center
  • Academic Writing Style: University of Southern California
  • Cite Your Sources: Library Guides at University of California, Santa Cruz
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  • Share to email

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  1. PDF National 5 Discursive Folio Piece

    National 5 Discursive Folio Piece. For your first folio piece, you are required to write a discursive essay of 500-1000 words. This essay will be worth 15% of your total mark. You will be doing a Persuasive essay. ... -Use of examples.-Use of facts and statistics.-Quotes from reliable experts.

  2. Discursive writing

    National 5; Discursive Discursive writing. Discursive writing presents an argument related to a given topic. It can either examine both sides of the issue in a balanced way or argue persuasively ...

  3. Writing Folio

    National 5 Folio 2 - WB 9th December. SAMPLE FOLIO: On-the-Edge-SAMPLE. Writing Types. 1) Discursive. There are two basic types of discursive essay. Firstly there are persuasive essays in which you can argue strongly either in favour of or against a given discussion. Alternatively, there are argumentative essays.

  4. PDF National 4 and national 5 discursive essay writing

    Planning your Discursive Essay - Writing Assessment for Nat. 4 or Nat. 5. You should take your topic and create a title for your discursive essay. Your title should be either: A question. A statement followed by the word 'Discuss'. For example: Topic - Social Media.

  5. PDF National 5 Folio: Persuasive Essay Writing

    Task 1: Talk to friends and family and come up with 3 possible topics you could research and write about. Write down your 3 possible topics. It is unrealistic to take a wide topic and say: 'My essay is on Scottish Independence'. You must narrow your focus and have a clear argument based around your topic.

  6. Structure

    Structure. A basic structure employed when planning a discursive essay could include: An interesting introduction. A clear indication of your position in relation to the topic. Your first argument ...

  7. PDF National 5 English Writing Folio

    Discursive: style. ♦ The features of the chosen genre are deployed effectively ♦ Language is varied and often used to create particular effects ♦ The structure of the piece enhances the purpose/meaning. ♦ The features of the chosen genre are deployed, mostly successfully ♦ Language is apposite and used at times to create an effect ♦ ...

  8. Writing

    Writing. Descriptive. Description is used to convey an impression of a person or place and to create an atmosphere. The best writers select only those descriptive details which help create these ...

  9. National 5 English

    Find SQA National 5 English past papers, specimen question papers and course specification and important subject updates here. ... Examples of candidate evidence with commentaries. Examples of candidate evidence with commentaries; Webinar (recording) Changes to course assessment from academic session 2017-18 onwards. Download webinar; Audio ...

  10. PDF National 5 Critical Essays

    Purpose of the Critical Essay • A DISCURSIVE essay on a text • Presenting an ARGUMENT - clear line of thought which is linked throughout and is fully developed. • You are the EXPERT on the text. Assertive stance which your genuine personal response/interpretation of the text • Must have a CLEAR FOCUS and fully address the

  11. All levels

    Follow the steps to writing a good discursive essay. Higher English tuition: improve your Higher English grade. Sign up at www.myetutor.tv

  12. How To Write Discursive Essays

    Your essay is structured in a manner that argues towards this stand. When writing an argumentative essay, your goal is to persuade, to convince the reader to be in support of your stand. Discursive: you are not required to take an explicit stand on the issue. In other words, you do not need to pick a side. You may choose to pick a side; that ...

  13. PDF The Discursive Essay

    Discursive (adj) [dis-ker-siv]: talking or writing about things that are not highly organized. moving from topic to topic without order. passing aimlessly from one topic to another. SYNONYMS: rambling, digressive, erratic, long-winded. Think of discursive as a BLEND of expository and argumentative because it uses elements from both:

  14. How to Write a Discursive Essay: Tips, Dos & Don'ts

    State your opinion in the introduction, supported by examples and reasons. Present the opposing argument before the conclusion, explaining why you find it unconvincing. Summarize your important points in the conclusion. 2. Essay providing a solution to a problem. Focus on discussing an issue and proposing solutions.

  15. English National 5 Essay Examples Available

    The English Department have sent more resources for National 5 critical essay revision to this site for inclusion. They take the form of exemplar timed essays on the novels studied in the course: Stone Cold, Of Mice and Men and Animal Farm. Find them on the dedicated critical essay revision page. The PDF files are named according to: the novel ...

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    National 5. Persuasive Writing Unit. By completing this unit, you will develop your skills in a number of areas. Some of these areas are noted below. Reading. You will be able to find, sort, summarise, link and use information from different sources (Lit 4-14a) You will be able to make notes and organise them to develop your thinking (Lit 4-15a)

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    HOW TO PASS NATIONAL 5 ENGLISH: 2018-19 Introduction ... We have included definitions and examples in this booklet to help with this. Ask your child ... Help them with research and ideas for discursive essays by discussing topical subjects that are on TV and in the quality press. Once they have decided on a topic, play the Devils

  18. Discursive Writing

    In a discursive piece you are expected to discuss a given topic and present an argument related to it. There are two basic types of discursive essay. Firstly there are persuasive essays in which ...

  19. PDF National 5 Portfolio-writing and Performance-spoken lanugauge

    This document contains instructions for candidates for the National 5 English portfolio- writing and performance-spoken language, and recording documentation for the performance-spoken language. It must be read in conjunction with the course specification. The portfolio-writing is worth 30 marks. It consists of one piece, which is ...

  20. How to Write a Discursive Essay: Tips to Succeed & Examples

    Start with an introduction to the topic. Discuss each essay question in a single paragraph. Begin each paragraph with a powerful issue sentence. Paragraphs with one point usually followed by a counterpoint paragraph. Its style is general for essays as the reader should understand what you stand for.

  21. About the National 5 English course Section Two

    National 5; About the National 5 English course Section Two - Critical Essay. The National 5 English course is assessed on folio writing, a spoken language assessment, a final exam as well as ...

  22. Persuasive Writing for National 5 / Higher Portfolio

    This explains the difference between discursive and persuasive writing and why a persuasive essay is the better choice for an English folio. It also suggests...