How to Write a Resume with No Experience [21+ Examples]

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It’s time for your first job hunt !

You need to write a resume , which can be nerve-wracking if you don’t have any real-life work experience.  

You don’t know where to start, what to include, or which resume format to choose.

On top of that, most advice you find online isn’t relevant because it focuses on emphasizing professional background.

Chances are, you’re straight out of college with no experience to speak of. 

Or maybe you're a high-school student applying for a part-time job.

Whichever the case may be, you’re probably having trouble filling in the blank space on your resume that’s supposed to be the work experience section.

Worry not, though. In this guide, we’re going to help you create an AMAZING resume, no work experience is needed.

  • How to format your resume with no work experience
  • 4 sections to replace work experience (that help you stand out)
  • 2 no-work experience resume samples (guaranteed to land you the job)

How to Format Your Resume [with No Work Experience + Examples] 

A resume format is the layout of your resume .

The ideal resume format usually depends on how much work experience you have. 

But what happens when you have none?

For a no-experience resume, we recommend that you use the reverse-chronological format . 

no experience resume format

It’s the most popular format amongst applicants and a recruiter favorite.  

The sections in your reverse-chronological resume will be: 

  • Header : Contact Information and Resume Statement
  • Internships, extracurricular activities, projects, volunteer work  (These sections will replace your work experience)

In this article, we’ll walk you through each of these sections, and explain how to write them in a way that you stand out from the crowd.

Let’s dive in.

Start With Your Resume Header

resume header example

Your resume header includes your contact information and your resume statement.  

Below, we’ll show you how to write both of these elements and how to include them in your header section.

Put Down Your Contact Information

Just like the name suggests, the first thing you add to your header is your personal and contact information.

It’s the easiest part to get right, just keep it short and to the point.

In your contact information section, mention the following:

  • First and Last Name
  • Phone Number
  • E-mail Address
  • A link to a professional profile (e.g. LinkedIn ) or personal webpage (if you have one)

Make sure to use a professional-sounding E-mail.

I.e. something along the lines of “[email protected].” 

You’re sure to leave a wrong impression if you use an email you created back in preschool ( “[email protected]” ).

Make sure to double-check, triple-check your contact information. After all, the recruiter can’t contact you if you have a typo in your phone number.

(Optional) Write Your Resume Objective

A resume objective is a short heading statement in your resume, where you describe your professional goals and aspirations.

Fun fact - hiring managers look at your resume for 5-6 seconds max .

Yep, that’s right. In most cases, the hiring manager is literally drowning in resumes. So, they have a couple of seconds to skim each one.

Well, this section is your chance to catch their attention (and let them know you’ve got what it takes).

A resume objective is usually 3-4 sentences max and includes information on:

  • What your field of study is;
  • What your skills and experiences are (ones that are relevant to the job );
  • Why you’re applying for this position and/or this company.

As with contact information, you don’t need to label your resume objective with a title. Just write it underneath your contact information section.

Here’s an example of what a resume objective looks like:

“ Recent Communications graduate looking to apply for the role of Secretary at XYZ inc. Extremely organized with good writing and multitasking skills. Practical experience in management gained through several university projects, which involved coordinating tasks between different team members and ensuring that everyone was in sync with the latest information. ”

Emphasize Your Education

education section on resume no experience

In your average resume, the first section would be work experience.

Since you don’t have any, though, you’ll want to omit that and replace it with the education section.

This way, you bring a lot more attention to your education, which is one of your main selling points. 

What should you include in the Education section? 

List the following features in this order:

  • Name of the degree
  • Name of the institution
  • Years attended
  • Location of the institution (optional)
  • GPA (optional)
  • Honors (optional)
  • Relevant coursework (optional)
  • Exchange programs (optional) 

As a general rule, if you studied in a prestigious university, you can add the name of the institution before the degree . This way, you will catch the recruiter’s attention faster.

Now, let’s go through some real-life examples:

BA in Computer Science

Tufts University

Medford and Somerville, Massachusetts

10/2015 - 06/2018

Magna Cum Laude

  • Exchange Program in Greenville, NY

University of the Arts London

BA in Interior Design 

10/2017 - Ongoing

Westwood High

Boston, Massachusetts

Class of 2018 

Education Section Q&A

Still have some questions about the education section? Worry not, we’re about to give you all the answers!

Do I include my GPA?

  • The answer here is a “maybe.” We’d recommend including a GPA if it’s higher than 3.5. Anything lower than that, and you might be underselling yourself. Keep in mind, though, that most employers don’t care about your grades.

Should I include my coursework?

  • Yep, but just as long as it’s relevant. If you have no work experience, including courses can help establish your expertise in a field. Feel free to skip out on any basic courses, though. No one cares about your Maths 101 course.

Do I mention my degree if I dropped out?

  • If you studied for more than 2-3 years, yes. A half-finished degree is still better than no degree. If you dropped out after a semester, though, that doesn’t really mean much.

Do I mention my high school degree?

  • Only if it’s your only degree. If you have any higher education, your high school degree will only take up space.

4 Sections to Replace Work Experience [With Examples]

Now that you’ve listed your education, it’s time to fill that work experience gap in your resume.

You aren’t still worried about your lack of experience, right?

Because here are four sections you can use instead:

1) Internships

Have you done an internship that is relevant to the position you are applying for?

Now’s the time to mention it. 

Here is how you add an internship to your resume:

First , place the Internship section right after the education section. 

Title it: Internships

Second , write your internship title and role . Be specific.

If your internship was in the marketing department, instead of just “Intern”, say “Marketing Intern”. 

Third , put down the company name , location , and duration of the internship - in that order.

Marketing Intern

Full Picture

New York, NY

09/2019 - 12/2019

Easy and straightforward, right?

One more step:

Last , add a list of responsibilities you had as an intern in bullet point form. 

If you have any tangible achievements , even better! Write those in as well.

Finally, tailor both the responsibilities and achievements to the role you’re applying for.

Here’s how that looks in practice:

You used to be an Advertising Intern .

You’re applying for the position of Social Media Assistant . 

Here’s how you would put down your internship entry:


Full Picture Company

  • Analyzed various social media platforms for trending content
  • Managed company social media accounts
  • Posted interested content on company Facebook page, increasing engagement by 25%

The listed responsibilities and achievements are directly connected to the Social Media Assistant job requirements.

You’re applying for a Content Writer position. Take a look at the same entry now:

  • Assisted the Marketing Manager in writing press releases and new blog posts , which increased web traffic by 25%.

Notice how the internship title remains the same. 

But in this case you’re applying for a Content Writer position, so you are highlighting your writing experience instead.

For more examples, check out our full guides to an internship resume and how to write a cover letter for an internship .

2) Extracurricular activities

Still have a ton of empty space in your resume?

Extracurricular activities are always a great addition!

Whether they’re related to the job you’re applying for or not, they still show one thing:

You’re hard-working and motivated.

Imagine you’re the HR manager, and you can pick between these 2 candidates:

  • Josh Johnson. Studied at Massachusetts State. 4.0 GPA, but that’s all he did in college - no extracurricular activities, internships, or anything else.
  • Suzie Activeson. Also studied at Massachusetts state. 3.2 GPA. Vice-president of the business club. Served as a student government senator for 2 semesters. Organized several events as part of the marketing club.

Sure, Josh is probably qualified, but we don't know anything about him, other than that he studied a lot.

Suzie, on the other hand, can manage a team (business club VP), organize events (marketing club), and is passionate about making a change (student government).

So, which one would you pick?

Now, let’s explain how to list extracurricular activities on your resume:

  • Title of the section: Extracurricular Activities
  • Name of the organization and/or team 
  • Your role in the organization
  • Time period
  • Noteworthy awards or achievements

Extracurricular Activities

Public Speaking Club


09/2018 - 09/2019

  • Organized 10+ public speaking lectures
  • Brought in speakers from all over the state
  • Conducted public speaking workshops

3) Volunteering Experience

Volunteering shows dedication and passion to apply yourself. 

And there’s nothing recruiters love more than a committed employee.  

Whether you spend your free time in a soup kitchen, or you helped collect trash in the countryside, you can mention it in your resume!

But how do you list volunteering experience?

Well, it follows the same logic as your internship and extracurriculars:

  • Title of the section: Volunteering Experience
  • Name of the organization
  • Relevant tasks and achievements (bullet points)

Volunteering Experience

Grand Archive Library Volunteer

Washington, D.C

08/2017 - 02/2019

  • Performed secretarial activities, such as sorting mail, filing documents, answering phone calls, and taking messages. 
  • Led a poetry reading event twice a month. 

4) Projects

In this section, you can add any relevant projects you were part of during your time in school or at an internship.

Your capstone project, graduation thesis, or research project go here. 

No need for work experience!

You can also mention any other type of project you’ve worked on in school, including:

  • Business project for a real-life client
  • Mock website you created in Web Design 101
  • Fake magazine you created as a capstone project
  • Market research you did as part of your graduation thesis
  • Software you developed in Software Engineering class

...And so on!

Here’s how you put them down:

  • Title of the section: Projects
  • Project name
  • Project type
  • Related organization 
  • Relevant responsibilities and achievements (optional)

And now, for some practical examples. Here’s what a journalism student project could look like:

Online Privacy and Social Media: a Journalistic Study of Facebook and Cambridge Analytica

Journalism Capstone Project

Harvard University

09/2018 - 11/2018

And here’s a law school example:

In-House Pro Bono Project

Columbia Law School

11/2018 - 03/2019

  • Completed a full petition for U nonimmigrant status, interviewed legal persons and drafted affidavits.

If you have anything physical to back up your project with, feel free to include a link.

For example, if you’re a developer, you could include a link to your GitHub profile.

Stand out with your Skills 

skills section no work experience resume

There are two types of skills you can include on your no-experience resume: 

Soft skills and hard skills. 

What’s the difference? 

Soft skills are attributes or habits that describe how you work. They are not specific to a job, but indirectly help you adapt to the work environment. 

Here are some of the most popular ones: teamwork, responsibility, leadership, creativity, etc.  

Hard skills , on the other hand, refer to specific tools, technical knowledge and training and other work-specific skills. They apply directly to the job. 

Technical writing, C++, financial accounting, etc. are all examples of hard skills.

So, which of these skills should you include? 

That depends on a lot of factors, but as someone with no work experience, you should opt more for hard skills .

See, you could write all the cool buzzwords like “Critical Thinking” and “Leadership,” but the recruiter won’t believe you.

Fun fact - that’s what 90% of students do.

Instead, you should focus on skills that make you stand out , and in most cases, those are hard skills.

So, how do you decide which hard skills to mention? Easy! Just check the job ad you’re applying for.

Let’s say you’re applying for an entry-level creative internship, and you find these requirements in the job description: 

  • Video editing experience (Premiere, After Effects)
  • UI design experience
  • Photo editing experience (Photoshop)
  • Photography experience
  • Experience with Adobe Illustrator

You’d transfer this into your skills section:

  • Premiere & After Effects - Expert
  • Photoshop - Expert
  • UI Design - Intermediate
  • Adobe Illustrator - Intermediate
  • Photography - Intermediate

Not sure which skills to mention? Check out our article on 150+ must-have skills for all sorts of professions !

Other Sections You Could Include in a No-Experience Resume

A resume without experience does have one advantage: extra space . 

You can use this space to create other sections that highlight how awesome you are!

Here are some sections you could include:

  • Hobbies and Interests . Add flair to your resume by showing your genuine passion and interest in the industry.
  • Languages. Do you know a second language? Or even a third? Awesome! Most companies these days are pretty international and appreciate an extra language skill or two. Be mindful not to over-exaggerate your proficiency, though. Only knowing how to ask “¿Donde está la biblioteca?” doesn’t warrant a Spanish entry on your resume.
  • Awards & Certifications . Do you have any fancy pieces of paper that show you’re smart? Maybe it’s an award for a terrific essay in a competition, or a certificate from an online course . Whichever the case may be, awards and certifications show that you’re a winner, so definitely include them in their own respective section.

Need Inspiration? 2 No Work Experience Resume Samples

Do you still have questions or don’t know where to begin?

That’s when a resume sample comes in handy. 

It provides you with a predetermined format.

It also helps you picture how your no-experience resume is supposed to look like. 

As Picasso put it: Good artists copy; great artists steal! 

Here are 2 no work experience resume samples you can borrow ideas from:

Business Student Resume Sample

no experience resume sample

High-school Student Resume Sample

high school no experience resume sample

Create a Matching Cover Letter

All done with your resume?

It’s not over yet. You need to write a cover letter to go with it.

A cover letter is a single-page letter that accompanies your resume and is part of your job application.

Look at it this way: your resume describes your experiences, and your cover letter explains (in simple words) how they’re relevant to the job.

Now, here’s a quick infographic on what to include in a cover letter:

cover letter format for no experience resume

Finally, as with everything else in your resume, make sure to keep your cover letter relevant, short, and concise.

The hiring manager doesn’t have time to read an autobiography, they’ll only review your cover letter for a few minutes. 

There’s a lot more to creating a good cover letter than what we just explained.

For a complete, all-you-need-to-know walk-through, check out our Complete Guide on How to Write a Cover Letter !

Key Takeaways

...and that’s a wrap!

At this point, you should know everything there is to know about writing a killer no-experience resume.

Just to keep things fresh, though, let’s quickly go through everything we’ve learned so far:

  • When creating your no-experience resume, use the reverse-chronological format.
  • You can create a killer no-experience resume by emphasizing your education instead. Include relevant internships, soft & hard skills, and projects.
  • Other sections you can include on your resume are hobbies & interests, languages, certifications, or achievements.
  • Keep all the content on your resume clear, precise, and relevant. Use bullet points for all your descriptions.
  • After you’re done with your resume, you want to write an awesome cover letter that goes with it. The cover letter is a one-page letter that tells the story behind your resume content and reemphasizes why you’re a great fit for the job.

Related Resume Examples

  • Internship Resume
  • High School Resume
  • Research Assistant Resume
  • College Resume
  • Students and Graduates Resume
  • Teacher Resume

Recommended Readings:

  • 43+ Resume Tips and Tricks to Land Your Next Job in 2024
  • 20+ One-Page Resume Templates [Free Download]
  • 35+ Common Interview Questions and Answers [Complete List]

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35 Impressive College Student Resume Objective Examples

The objective statement is the first place you get to pitch yourself to a potential employer. It’s the hook to draw a reader into looking at your resume in full. In your objective statement, you need to concisely convince the hiring manager that you understand what the job entails and that you are the best candidate for the job. Whether you are looking for a part-time job while studying, or for your first job out of college, you will want to make your very best first impression.

Examples of College Student Objective Statements

Below are some examples of objectives statements for college students and college graduates to guide you in writing a powerful opening to your resume:

  • Computer science student seeking part-time work with ABC University in IT support, eager to gain first-hand experience while contributing to troubleshooting problems experienced by members of the university community.
  • Courteous and responsible student with a stellar driving record and well-maintained 4-door vehicle seeking a position as a part-time rideshare driver.
  • Recent graduate with B.S. in Accounting looking for a data entry and bookkeeping position at Fin Corporation, bringing excellent attention-to-detail, enthusiasm to learn and adaptability to take on new tasks.
  • Flexible and joyful student pursuing a degree in early childhood education, seeking a role as a teaching assistant and coming with fluency in online tools and the capability to learn quickly.
  • Dependable and flexible animal-lover seeking a position as a pet sitter with Creature Comforts LLC, coming with the ability to work independently and an excellent attention-to-detail.
  • Reliable book enthusiast and current English major looking to work as a library assistant, bringing an understanding of the library system and an eagerness to learn library management processes.
  • Self-motivated, focused and friendly student with a reliable car, insurance and a clean driving record seeking an on-demand runner or delivery driver position, coming with ability to provide a great experience to customers.
  • Forward-thinking and dedicated team player seeking part-time work as a graphic designer with XYZ College, leveraging extensive knowledge of a wide variety of design software and tools, and superior command of layout principals and aesthetic design concepts.
  • Responsible and outgoing student seeking a part-time host or waiting position at a restaurant, coming with two years of barista experience and an excitement for learning new skills.
  • Highly motivated software engineering graduate with strong customer service and communication skills seeking to join Great North Casualty Company, leveraging ability to write code in JAVA, HTML5, and CSS3.
  • Personable student looking for a part-time job as a sales clerk at a retail clothing store, coming with two summers of experience working at a café and gift shop.
  • Punctual, responsible and hardworking student looking for a job as a barista at Café Coffee, leveraging a love of coffee, a team-oriented attitude, and an enthusiasm for making people smile.
  • Emotionally mature and adaptable recent college graduate with a passion for bringing smiles to children, looking for a nanny position, coming with reliable transportation, CPR and First Aid certification, and references.
  • Looking for a part-time job as a social media assistant at ABC Staffing, leveraging deep knowledge of various social media platforms, strong organizational skills and attention-to-detail to develop and maintain a professional and welcoming online presence for the benefit of the company.
  • Chemistry student with an excellent academic track record, seeking a summer job as a lab assistant at First Labs to support research scientists and explore the possibility of pursuing a research career.
  • Friendly and professional team player seeking a part-time job as a customer service associate, leveraging flexibility, great phone presence, and highly organized ability to work quickly and accurately.
  • Accomplished student with an aptitude for programming, seeking part-time work with Big Time Realty in support of its IT requirements, bringing superior customer service skills, strong knowledge of various computer hardware and software, and an unbeatable work ethic.
  • Outstanding mathematics student seeking part-time work as a math tutor, leveraging exemplary academic track record and ability to communicate complex mathematical concepts to children from primary to secondary levels.
  • Detail-oriented accounting college senior (GPA 3.8) seeking a part-time job with Alton Accountants to gain practical experience in accounting, coming with knowledge from coursework and excitement about starting a career in accounting.
  • Dependable student seeking weekend job as a lifeguard at Community Pool, leveraging Red Cross First Aid and CPR certifications, and three summers of experience in lifeguarding.
  • Punctual and organized art student with a passion for oil painting seeks part-time job in an art supply shop, coming with two years of customer service experience gained through work in cafes and restaurants.
  • To obtain a part-time dental office assistant position at Henley Clinic to utilize administrative experience while increasing knowledge of dentistry as a pre-med student.
  • Reliable finance student looking to gain work experience as a part-time bank teller, coming with excellent customer service skills and an interest in banking.
  • Political science student hoping to pursue a career in law, seeking a summer job as an office assistant at Gray Law Firm to gain first-hand insight into legal practice.
  • To secure part-time work as an office assistant, experienced in providing administrative support as a receptionist and coming with fast typing ability (45+ wpm), superior organizational skills, and a desire to work hard.
  • Mechanically inclined and reliable student seeking a part-time job at Cycle Store, bringing a passion for cycling and an understanding of cycle maintenance and repair.
  • Self-starter and current culinary student seeking a part-time position as a kitchen assistant, confident in fast-paced kitchens and bringing skills in various cuisines.
  • Statistics student planning on pursuing a career in business analytics, looking for a part-time job to gain understanding of practical applications of analyses and to contribute to fulfilling the analytical needs of a corporate team.
  • Innovative and solutions-oriented student seeking a part-time position within a marketing agency to leverage creativity to gain practical experience for the benefit of the company.
  • Art student seeking a part-time job as a receptionist at Art Museum, bringing excellent reception skills gained as a restaurant hostess and a passion for art, particularly oil painting.
  • Hardworking and punctual student seeking warehouse packing work, bringing endless energy, optimism, and excellent verbal and written communication skills.
  • Biology student seeking to obtain a position as part-time receptionist at Medical Office, drawing on over two years of office support and reception experience.
  • Enthusiastic sophomore seeking a part-time position as a tour guide at State University, looking to apply excellent communication and hosting skills gained as a waitress to show prospective students and their families around campus and give them insight into student life.
  • Responsible and driven student eager to gain work experience through part-time work, willing to learn new skills and perform ad hoc duties as required.
  • To obtain a part-time analyst position with Econo Analytics, bringing skills gained through mathematics and statistics studies, able to contribute insights into both macro and microeconomic trends.

Getting a good job that is in line with your career goals while you are still in college is a great way to roadtest your career choice and gain experience. If jobs within your future profession aren’t available, getting a different job with transferable skills is another good idea. Think about talking to people you know who might be able to put your resume in front of decision-makers. Whether you have a warm lead from someone in your network or are applying cold to an online job posting, make sure your objective statement is compelling and free from error. This is will get your resume noticed and make a strong first impression.


Career Sidekick

Resume Summary with No Experience: Examples for Students and Fresh Graduates

By Biron Clark

Published: December 18, 2023

Recent Grads | Resume/CV

Biron Clark

Biron Clark

Writer & Career Coach

If you’re looking for how to write a summary for your resume with no work experience , you’ve come to the right place. I’m going to walk you through exactly what to do, and then we’ll look at resume summary examples for entry-level job seekers, students and fresh graduates. 

How to Write a Summary For Your Resume With No Experience:

First, a resume summary is different than an objective . And it’s much better. Putting an objective on your resume is outdated and unnecessary. Resume objectives are useless because they don’t share anything the hiring manager doesn’t already know (such as “my goal is to obtain a position in the ___ industry”). So what we’re doing here is better and will help your resume stand out from people who simply put an objective. Whereas, the resume summary gives a quick highlight reel of your qualifications, education, and more. If you’re not sure what a resume summary actually is, check out this article on 10 resume summary examples . And while it’s easier to figure out what to put if you’ve built up some work experience, you can still write an effective resume summary with no work experience whatsoever.

So in this article, I’m going to show you how. What should go into your summary when you don’t have any work experience? 

1. Put academic accomplishments and leadership

What did you study? Did you just graduate with a degree? Mention that. If you took a leadership role in your class projects, or clubs/groups at your school, you can mention that too. Leadership doesn’t need to be in a job to get the hiring manager’s attention! Taking a leadership role in a sports environment is impressive as well. You’re not going to mention specific accomplishments in your resume summary usually (you can do that later in your resume), but you can say things like “proven leadership” or “natural leader”, etc.

2. Put your interests and passions

Are you passionate about startups and technology? Great, put that. Want to make a difference in the world, and focus your career on social impact? Mention that. This can include the grades you received, but also leadership positions you led, and clubs/groups you participated in.

3. Put “hard” skills

If you’re proficient in any tools, technologies, etc… you can include that in your resume summary. Don’t list 20 things. That’s what your “Skills” section is for. But pick the three or four things that are most relevant for the job you’re applying for.

Coming up in this article, we’re going to look at two resume summary examples for people with no experience. .. and in the second example, you’ll see how this would look.

4. Include soft skills

Are you great at analytical thinking? Do you love working as a part of a team? Are you great at multi-tasking and handling a fast-paced team environment? While these shouldn’t be the main focus of your resume summary section, they can be worth mentioning. It’s especially good to include soft skills that you see mentioned in the job description.

For example, if you see they mention wanting someone who’s great at multi-tasking in a fast-paced environment, and you feel that describes you well, then your resume summary is the perfect place to include this.

5. Put statements that will grab the employer’s interest and make them want to ask you questions!

If you mention leadership they’ll want to ask you more about your leadership experiences. That’s a good thing. Remember, whatever you put, they’ll probably ask you about. So as you write your summary for your resume, try to think about what you want them to discuss with you, and what you want a chance to talk about. And try to “tailor” your resume to fit the companies you’re applying to. If you’re applying to large corporations don’t start your summary by saying “Startup enthusiast”.

3 Resume Summary Example for Students, Fresh Graduates and Entry-Level Job Seekers:

In this section, I’m going to share three examples of how to write a summary for your resume with no experience. You can use these resume summary examples as a student, entry-level job seeker, or any job search where you don’t have experience:

Resume Summary with No Experience – Example #1: Economics Student

Enthusiastic, highly-motivated Economics student with proven leadership capabilities, who likes to take initiative and seek out new challenges.

In this example above, you’re showing that you completed your Economics degree and have an interest in the subject, and you’re mentioning leadership and making the reader want to learn more about this. You’re also making yourself sound ambitious and motivated at the end, which is always a good thing (I’m referring to the part that says “who likes to take initiative and seek out new challenges). Notice the format too. This is how I recommend phrasing it. Don’t say “I am a ___”. Just start with the descriptive words.

This is a simple yet effective resume summary example for students OR recent graduates.

Resume Summary with No Experience – Example #2: Fresh Graduate in Computer Science

Computer Science graduate passionate about data engineering and machine learning. Highly-capable leader, having led multiple Senior class projects to completion. Proficient in a range of modern technologies including Python, Java and Scala.

This is another good example of a student or fresh graduate resume summary that still shows your skills and academic focus, even if you have no formal work experience.  In this entry-level resume summary example, you’re highlighting accomplishments and leadership as a student and you’re also showing that you’re passionate about your work. Saying you’re passionate about data engineering is much better than just saying, “Looking for a job in data engineering.” They’ll know you’re looking for jobs because you applied. Taking up space to say it is a bad use of this area of your resume, and is why I never recommend having a resume “Objective” section. The summary exists instead of an “Objective” and is much better.

The example above also included some great programming keywords (Python, Java, Scala) to help get past any automated application systems and grab the hiring manager’s attention very quickly when they first look at your resume. If you work with any tools or technologies that have names like these, you can include it in your entry-level resume summary if you’d like. Other examples of tools/technologies: Photoshop, MS Excel, etc.

If you decide not to include these on your resume summary, make sure to include them elsewhere such as your Education or Skills section .

Resume Summary Example with No Experience #3: Math Student Graduating Soon

4th year mathematics student passionate about statistics and data analysis. Proven project leader. Active member of Boston University’s Mathematics Club. Speaker at 2018 “New York Young Mathematicians Conference.”

This resume summary example for students shows how you can list accomplishments even if you’ve never formally worked before. Did you participate in any clubs at school? Have you led any class projects? These are impressive pieces you can add to your resume summary with no experience formally working. 

How to Write a Resume Summary For Students/Fresh Graduates – Quick Recap

  • Skip buzzwords like “hard-working” and put real academic accomplishments instead, like projects you produced and tasks you led
  • Include what you’re interested in and passionate about to show them why you are applying for this position
  • Mention hard skills like “Java Programming” or “Excel,”  especially if they’re listed on the job description
  • Include soft skills as well like, “excellent at multi-tasking”, especially if you saw these keywords anywhere on the job description
  • Include statements in your resume summary that will catch the employer’s interest and make them want to talk with you and ask you more. Remember – the entire goal of your resume is to get invited to interview. So if you did anything unique like giving presentations, working in an internship , participating in a school club, etc., you can include this in your entry-level resume summary.

If you follow the tips above, you’ll have a great entry-level resume summary that will stand out and catch a recruiter’s or hiring manager’s attention so you can get more interviews.

After you write your entry-level resume summary, here are two more articles that may be helpful when job searching with no experience:

  • The best times of year to job search
  • How to create a great elevator pitch for job hunting

Biron Clark

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More Resume Tips & Guides

Crafting the perfect resume for teens (template & expert advice), are resume writers worth it, don’t say you’re a quick learner on your resume, what do recruiters look for in a resume, chronological resume: the best format (and how to write it), the 3 best colors for a resume, career change resume: examples and tips from experts, what makes a good resume 9 ways to know, how long should a resume be, walk me through your resume: answer examples, 7 thoughts on “resume summary with no experience: examples for students and fresh graduates”.

This site was pretty helpful in guiding me throughout my school resume, would love other tips would do well.

This is a great guide. If only schools were actually interested in teaching children real life skills like this.

Hi, I am a student who has been finding it very difficult to make resumes due to the lack of working experience. I am currently trying to find a job while studying at the same time. I am in University completing a certificate and will soon be applying for a BA in Psychology and Criminolgy. However, I wish to apply for a part time job in the fashion industry. Can you please leave me some tips about what I can do to ensure that I can find a job without needing experience.

Your page has really helped, Thank you.

Hi, I’m a job seeker with 2 years experience working as a cart collector at grocery store and an Associate’s Degree in Computer Information Systems, is this a good professional summary?: “Reliable team member with a keen interest in information technology and other applications. Capable of handling multiple projects within deadlines. Eager to apply my professional and academic background as an Administrative Assistant at Bogdan Contracting.”

I’ve been job seeking since October 2018, I’m hoping I can start a career in tech support as soon as possible.

Hi Marcais,

I think it sounds pretty good. My least favorite part is the first word, though. “Reliable” sounds pretty average/boring. Sure, you show up, do your job, etc. That’s what I think when I hear “reliable”. But not much more.

I’d look for a better word to lead off with.

I would like to say thank you for making this article about writing a summary for a resume. For the past couple of months, I have been struggling to find someone who can help me with that because I don’t have a lot of experience in my field (i.e. engineering). I do have one question though. Is it appropriate to use first-person nouns in the summary section? I have seen people do that, but I find it quite odd.

Please let me know as soon as you can. Thank you.

Hi Frances,

I’d avoid saying, “I” if that’s what you’re asking.

Just say “Led team of 7 people to accomplish ___”

Just start without a pronoun.

Another example: “Highly-accomplished accounting professional who has ____”

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Cover Letters and Resume Samples

10 High School Student Resume Objective Examples

As a high school student embarking on your professional life, you should not overstate the importance of a well-written resume.

As the first section of your resume, the objective statement serves as a brief introduction and a powerful encapsulation of your energetic potential and passion.

Below are 10 excellent objective examples you can use on your resume as a high school student.

Each is crafted to assist you in leveraging your strengths and goals to create a lasting impression in a competitive job marketplace.

Through these carefully constructed examples, you can learn how to effectively combine your ambitions with a professional demeanor, ensuring that your resume stands out as a dynamic invitation for potential employers.

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10 Exemplary Resume Objectives for High School Students

Banner How to Write a Great Objective for a High School Student Resume?

Crafting an Outstanding Objective for a High School Student Resume

Writing an impressive resume objective for a high school student can set the foundation for a favorable impression among potential employers. Here’s a concise guide to crafting an exceptional resume objective:

1. Clarity and Brevity:

  • Keep your objective compact, using a sentence or two to underline the primary skills and aspirations you bring to the table.

2. Personalization is Key:

  • Construct your resume objective with the specific role or internship in mind, ensuring alignment with the prospective organization’s requirements and culture.

3. Your strengths in the Spotlight:

  • Emphasize the personal abilities and knowledge pertinent to the job, from scholastic success to relevant extracurricular activities.

4. Use Action-Oriented Language:

  • Initiate your objective with powerful verbs that command attention, presenting yourself as a candidate of action and determination.

5. Show Enthusiasm:

  • Let your genuine excitement for the industry or field shine through, showing potential employers your zeal and readiness to engage and learn.
To enhance your objective, ensure it reflects your unique experiences and goals. Remember to revise your objective for each job application, targeting it to the specific role and company.

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Reader Reviews and Comments

“These examples are incredibly helpful! I’m updating my resume for a summer job, and these objectives align perfectly with my experiences and aspirations.”
“Thank you for this post! I was struggling to express my goals in my resume, and these examples gave me the direction I needed.”
“The clarity and brevity tips were game-changers for me. My resume objective had been a bit too long, and now it feels much more concise and impactful.”

Michael R.:

“Fantastic resource for any high school student starting out in the job market. The action-oriented language suggestions made my objective pop!”
“I appreciate the emphasis on personalizing the resume objective. It really helped me tailor my resume to the specific job I’m applying for.”
“Great post! The examples and tips provided are practical and easy to adopt. I feel much more confident about my resume now.”
“Loved this! The step-by-step guide on crafting a high school student resume objective was exactly what I needed. Thanks for the clear advice!”
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20 Best Resume Objective Examples for High School Student with No Work Experience

Resume Objective Examples for High School Student with No Work Experience

This post presents best resume objective examples for high school student with no work experience, to help you learn how to make one for your resume/CV and improve your chances of having the recruiter/employer read it.

If you are writing a resume/CV for a high school student position without work experience, it must begin with a very good objective statement before it can convince the recruiter/employer that you are the one they are looking for.

It is important to have the employer/recruiter get into your high school student resume to read all parts of it and not just a section of it.

This will make your offer known to the recruiter/employer and enable them to decide if you are the candidate they are looking for and therefore give you an interview even if you have no work experience.

To make a great resume that gets you an interview with an employer/recruiter, it is important to learn about various resume statistics before writing your resume. According to novoresume, these resume statistics will give you helpful insight into the prevailing HR trends, guide you in making the right decision about your job hunting, and in creating an effective resume.

How to Make a Great Resume Objective Statement for High School Student Position Without Experience

To make a resume objective statement for a high school student position that does not need any work experience, you need to first learn about the position from the recruiter/employer with a view to understanding what they want for the position.

You will be able to learn about the high school student position by studying the job description and requirements published by the employer/recruiter.

You will be able to discover the duties and responsibilities associated with the role and the qualities, skills, education, etc. needed by the recruiter/employer that candidates should meet to be hired or approved for the position.

The above information will help you to make an assessment of your qualification for the high school student position and to craft an impactful objective statement for your resume.

To be highly impactful, your resume objective statement should highlight some of the major skills, abilities, knowledge, relevant activities, and projects that match what the recruiter/employer stated in the published job description and requirements for the high school student position.

Remember that you have no work experience to show in your resume objective, so you need to emphasize other qualities and activities, including project work and internship that you have had.

Now, let’s see some examples of high school student resume objective statements to further increase your knowledge of writing one for your resume/CV.

  • Team-oriented individual willing to work at LIKS ICE CREAM as an Ice Cream Scooper with excellent interpersonal communication, math, and problem-solving skills. Looking to utilize the ability to maintain a friendly, high energy attitude when interacting with Liks’ customers and other employees.
  • Energetic individual with a team player, reliable, positive attitude, and hard-working skills seeking to apply for a Server position with Texas Roadhouse. Coming with the ability to demonstrate great salesmanship and create a wonderful rapport with guests. Also bringing the ability to use the POS system effectively and handle cash without losses.
  • To obtain a position with Starbucks to deliver legendary customer service to all customers. Bringing strong interpersonal skills and the ability to build relationships, work as part of a team, and understand and carry out verbal and written instructions. Also coming with the competence to follow Starbucks operational policies and procedures.
  • Passionate individual seeking a lifeguard position with Onelife Fitness, to utilize profound ability to greet all members, guests, and visitors as they enter the pool area. Also bringing excellent verbal and nonverbal communication skills, exceptional listening skills, strong work ethic, demonstrated knowledge of first-aid practices and techniques, and knowledge of swimming pool operations.
  • Safety conscious individual with the ability to follow established food safety guidelines, recipes, standards, and procedures, desirous of a Prep Cook position with Outback Steakhouse, to passionately prepare, portion, and cook food items to quality specifications.

More Resume Objective Examples for High School Student with No Work Experience [6-10]

6. Individual with a strong ability to learn fast interested in the position of a Box Office Cashier at Star Cinema Grill, to apply exceptional customer service and communication skills on the job. Also bringing a positive and helpful attitude and great personal drive.

7. Team-oriented individual eager to work at Old Republic Title Holding Company as a Receptionist, bringing detailed oriented skills and the ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously in a fast-paced environment. Also coming with the ability to consistently meet deadlines, demonstrate a strong follow-through, and work as a team player.

8. Passionate individual hopeful for a High School Student position with CRH, to work as a Production Laborer. Coming with the ability to apply common sense of understanding to accomplish detailed written and verbal instructions. Also bringing the capability to operate a variety of hand tools, and assist the lead operator in preparing for shift production.

9. Seeking a Construction Laborer position with McGuire and Hester where the ability to operate jackhammers and drills to break up concrete and pavement will be applied. Also coming with strong interpersonal and teamwork skills, planning and organizational skills, flexibility, and dependability, as well as the ability to use spray guns to apply materials on surfaces.

10. Extremely organized individual interested in securing a Landscaping Laborer position with Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation, to bring the competence to perform heavy physical activity during snow removal. Also coming with profound skills to install and maintain the exterior landscape at the Foxwoods Casino and the Reservation.

More Resume Objective Examples for High School Student with No Work Experience [11-15]

11. Individual with strong reasoning proficiency seeks a Dog Walker position at Austin Pets Alive. Coming with exceptional ability to handle large dogs safely and walk them and other dogs to playgroup. Also coming with skills in ensuring dogs have water, and the ability to perform daily wellness checks, lock checks, and other opening and closing duties.

12. Seeking the job of a Pet Sitter where the willingness to enjoy walking and some light jogging with pets will be utilized. Coming with a valid driver’s license and pet-friendliness. Also bringing strong ability to commit to the position for more than 12 months from the date of hire, as well as strong ability to pass a background check and become a local full-time resident of CT.

13. Hardworking individual seeking a Babysitter position with New York Sports Club looks to apply the willingness to care for children. Also bringing a High School diploma, excellent written and verbal communication skills, strong interpersonal skills, and good judgment, and strong attention to detail.

14. Certified student with a High School Diploma longs for a Housekeeper position with Crimmins Residential Staffing to oversee children’s schedules and activities, and drive them to and from school each day. Also coming with a driver’s license, and a professional, good listening and proactive, honest, discreet, and completely trustworthy personality.

15. Talented individual seeking to work with PPD Industries as a Delivery Driver. Coming with great driving skills, a valid driver’s license, and the ability to work flexible retail hours including weekends. Also bringing strong ability to assist customers, calculate surface volume and paint tint, and make local deliveries to customers.

More Resume Objective Examples for High School Student with No Work Experience [16-20]

16. Hopeful to gain employment with Salem Keizer Public School District as an Avid Tutor to conduct virtual and in-person tutorial sessions that underscore the principle of collaborative learning and the practice of students teaching other students through a discussion of class and text notes. Also bringing NYS Certification in Elementary and the ability to provide constructive feedback online and in-person on student work.

17. To obtain a position with Hannaford as a Part-time Grocery Store Associate to leverage the ability to communicate with and assist customers in the selection of products. Bringing effective communication, customer service, and selling skills to the job. Also coming with effective interpersonal skills and the desire to work in a team environment and scan customers’ purchases into the cash register efficiently and accurately.

18. Highly skilled individual seeking a Variety Stocker position at WinCo Foods where strong ability to maintain an atmosphere of friendly, enthusiastic interpersonal communication with an emphasis on taking care of the customer. Also bringing the capacity to consistently provide world-class customer service to internal and external customers.

19. Hopeful to gain employment with Trader Joe’s as a Crew Member to answer questions, offer suggestions, and ensure customers know they are welcomed and cared for. Also coming with strong ability to work on teams to accomplish goals and create signage to inform and delight customers.

20. A well-organized individual with the ability to identify, price, and tag special orders and notify customers of their arrival. Seeking employment with LifeSource Natural Foods as a Grocery Clerk to utilize strong ability to answer staff and customer questions regarding out of stocks, ETA’s, and product discontinuations.

Your objective statement for a resume or CV for high school student with no experience position should show relevant qualities, skills, knowledge, etc. that are required to succeed on the job.

This post provides great ideas and examples to help you learn and master writing an effective objective for your high school student resume when you don’t have work experience yet.

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18 High School Student Resume Examples Created for 2024

Stephen Greet

High School Student Resume

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High school is one of the best times of your life, but it can also be one of the most difficult when looking for your first or second job. You’ve got to fill out applications, prep for interviews, and write your resume.

Using ChatGPT for resumes  is a cool idea, but can still feel daunting and overwhelming. We’ve all been there, and what you really need is a free AI resume builder and solid student cover letters to get you on your way.

We’ve analyzed countless high school resumes to discover  what would get students job interviews in 2024 . While you may want to start with a simple  resume outline , keep reading to find 18 high school resume samples (plus writing tips) that are jam-packed with essential techniques and tricks.

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High school student resume example with 2 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • If you choose to use a template, make sure you adjust the  resume’s formatting  so that your text is big enough to read with one-inch margins on the side.
  • However, you should write your bullet points like you would for a job. Highlight any responsibilities and accomplishments relevant to the job you’re applying for now.
  • For example, if you’re looking for a job in sales, emphasize your ability to work in groups and create a good customer experience.

High School Student No Experience Resume

High school student no experience resume example with no experience

  • If you don’t have work history, include projects and volunteer work instead. Treat them like a job and write bullet points according to your responsibilities.
  • Make sure you start every bullet point with active verbs, and always double-check for typos. You’ve got this!
  • Include your unique skills, your desired position, and the company you hope to work for to make your objective stand out from the rest!

First Job High School Student Resume

First job high school student resume example with 2+ years of experience

  • To remedy that problem, add a  skills section on your resume  to give hiring managers an important overview of your strengths.
  • To really highlight your abilities, incorporate the same skills in your work experience, too. Demonstrate how you used your skills to better your workplace, and you can’t go wrong!
  • Adding stylistic elements like color and different fonts can help you show a bit of your personality (and make your resume more fun to read). 

Experienced High School Student Resume

Experienced high school student resume example with 2+ years of experience

  • Remember, your resume is a highlight reel, so you need to include what’s most important (like your achievements and relevant metrics). 
  • You can adjust your layout, font sizes, and margins, but keep it easy to read. 
  • Use a bit of color and some fun fonts, provided it still looks professional. You’ve got this!

High School Senior Resume

High school senior resume example experience with project experience

  • This statement must align with the potential employer’s needs, proving you understand the job requirements and have gone the extra mile to address doubts about your capabilities. As for experiences that might have prepared you for the job, workshops and volunteering programs you’ve participated in are prominent candidates.

Out of High School Resume

Out of high school resume example with project experience

  • Leisure activities range from soccer, hiking, drawing and sketching, robotics, and photography to journalism. But how do they fit in the picture? Well, a penchant for drawing and sketching could reflect creativity and an eye for detail, while journalism stints could hint at strong communication and critical thinking.

High School Graduate Resume

High school graduate resume example with newspaper and photography experience

  • Right from the first line of the career objective, you can see the candidate’s passion and willingness to work in this field. Notice how Serai’s love for photography is clearly backed by a previous project for a school newspaper.
  • These details will be perfect when Serai’s ready for the AI cover letter generator to bring her application to perfection.

High School Diploma Resume

High school diploma resume example with part time jobs' experience

  • In the education section of your high school diploma resume, include your diploma, the school’s name, and your start and end date. Add some useful software skills to the mix to secure your seat in any undergraduate program.

Recent High School Graduate Resume

Recent high school graduate resume example with fast food crew member experience

  • Begin with clearing which stream and degree you want to pursue. Next, follow suit with your mission and what you hope to gain by completing the program. Try some more personalization by linking your career goal with the college’s agenda.

High School Student Scholarship Resume

High school student scholarship resume example with volunteer and project experience

  • Your high school student scholarship resume should vividly show your positive contributions to noble causes, such as offering ADLs to seniors, and emphasize your impact on society.

High School Student College Application Resume

High school student college application resume example with 1 year of work experience

  • Ensure your high school student college application resume shows your practical and classwork achievements that emphasize your grand vision to make a positive contribution to society.

High School Student for College Resume

High school student for college resume example with 3 years of experience

  • Before hitting “submit,” always  check your resume  for typos and other minor errors. It’s amazing what you can miss during your first few reviews.
  • A good GPA can demonstrate, at least in part, your willingness to work hard. We’d recommend including your GPA only if it’s above 3.5, but anything above a 3 is a good average.

High School Student for Customer Service Resume

High school student for customer service resume example with 4 years of experience

  • Including projects, volunteer work, or club memberships is a great way to add value to your resume.
  • Your resume should focus on your abilities and other activities you’ve engaged in that will show your value.
  • Read the responsibilities and qualifications to look for key skills and tasks. Then, incorporate some of those skills and responsibilities into your high school student customer service resume.

High School Student Internship Resume

High school student internship resume example with 3 years of experience

  • For example, if the job description lists responsibilities like writing and analyzing data, include “written communication” and “data analysis” in your skills section.
  • One easy way to customize your resume is by focusing your  resume skills  on things that apply to the internship. 
  • Make sure you keep your resume professional and to the point. You don’t want to include anything too personal about your beliefs, religion, politics, or personal information.
  • For example, you can list “volunteering at local church,” but avoid saying “fasting every weekend.” It doesn’t show off relevant skills and is a bit too forward for a resume.

High School Student Office Worker Resume

High school student office worker resume example with 5 years of experience

  • Good projects include anything that demonstrates your leadership abilities or desire for knowledge. Senior projects, personal blogs, or even being on a sports team are all good examples to include!
  • Add work experience directly under your contact information and name, then add any relevant projects if you’re low on space. 
  • While there are plenty of  resume writing tips , your resume should be as unique as you. Don’t get so caught up in what you think you “should” do that your resume is bland and cookie-cutter. 

High School Student Sales Resume

High school student sales resume example with 6 years of experience

  • Numbers demonstrate your value, and they’re useful tools for the Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) software that hiring managers use to sort through job applicants.
  • Trust us, and incorporate metrics into at least 80% of your bullet points!
  • For example, you know that different  resume templates  can change your resume’s appearance, but different templates can also stretch or streamline your content. 
  • Mess with multiple templates to see what your content will look like—you may find a template that allows for more room, or one that allows you to highlight your skills better.

High School Student Athlete  Resume

High school student athlete resume example with 4 years of athletic experience

  • Think of a time you proved you were the MVP on your team—Did you lead your team to a championship? Perhaps you made the game-winning shot in a crucial, nail-biting game?

High School Student Music Resume

High school student music resume example with 4 years of music experience

  • When you include hobbies like songwriting or your interest in classical music in your high school student music resume , it conveys to your recruiter that you’re super dedicated and passionate about your craft.
  • You can also include hobbies that are different, too. For example, if you enjoy experimenting with new recipes from around the world, that can show you’re ready to give new genres a whirl or that you understand that music—while art—is still supposed to be fun and adventuresome.

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Writing a resumé with no experience

Getting your first full-time job is an exciting milestone. It’s the start of your independence and a big part of establishing life as an adult. But before you can take that first step there’s something you need to do: write your resumé.   

Writing an eye-catching resumé is one of the biggest challenges for first-time job seekers. It’s an essential part of applying for jobs , but if you don’t have any work history to share, your resumé can feel a little bare. This is especially the case when it comes to resumés for students with no experience.

In this article, we show you how to make a standout resumé with no experience, with resumé examples and a first-job beginner resumé sample that you can use as a guide when crafting your own.

Downloadable resumé template

If you’re not sure how to write a resumé with no job experience, you can start by downloading one of our free resumé templates . With no job history, you will have to tailor the template to only showcase skills, qualifications and extra-curricular experiences. You can refer to the template as you review the rest of this article, where we cover the content to include in each section. 

Resumé template sections

Even a resumé with no experience can include quite a bit of information, even if you’re removing the job history section. Here are the sections you should include:

  • Contact information:  your phone number, email address and any social media links.
  • Resumé summary (optional): a sentence or two about who you are and what you can offer.
  • Objective statement (optional): a sentence or two about your goals and aspirations .
  • Education: a summary of your academic achievements and qualifications.
  • Skills:  a list of relevant skills you can bring to the role.
  • Projects or special coursework: if you have any school or tertiary projects that are relevant to the role.
  • Volunteer experience:  a summary of any charitable, non-paid work you’ve done.
  • Extracurricular activities:  any sports clubs or hobby groups you’re in.
  • Awards:  a list of any relevant awards you’ve received.
  • References available on request: a note to say that references can be provided – or if the rest of your resumé is light, you might want to include your references on it.

As you can see, there’s plenty of information you can include on your resumé, even when you’ve never had a job before. You don’t have to include all of the above, though. Only include details on your resumé that are relevant to the job you’re applying for.

Let’s take a closer look at what you can put in each section.  

Contact information

The contact information section of your resumé with no experience is where you list the ways that any prospective employer can get in touch with you. This does not have to include your address, but should have your phone number and your email address. Here’s a simple beginner resumé example for contact info:

  • Name: your first and last name – include your pronouns in parentheses after your name, if desired
  • Email:  triple-check for accuracy and make sure it’s a professional-sounding address
  • Phone: phone number with area code
  • Social Media:  links to any social profiles you want to include

Resumé summary

A resumé summary can be a good way to start your resumé, because it gives the hiring manager a quick idea of who you are and the skill set you offer. This is a chance to make a good first impression, so keep it concise, highlighting your main goals, skills, aspirations and unique selling points.

For example:

“Bi-lingual media graduate with proficiency in video-editing apps and social media content creation. Excellent communication skills, with majors in scriptwriting, speech writing and journalism.” 

Objective statement  

The next (optional) part of your resumé for students with no experience is an objective statement . This is similar to a summary, and can be used instead of a summary, if you have some professional experience. The difference between a resumé summary and an objective statement is that the latter should demonstrate your key skills and sum up your main goals in applying for this particular role or job. It should show your ambitions and career aspirations.

“Finance honours graduate with a background in accounting, looking to launch a career in forecasting and budget planning as a financial analyst. Strong communication and problem-solving abilities, coupled with proficiency in Oracle, Axiom and IMB financial planning software.”

The education section is one of the most important parts of a resumé with no experience. Here’s where you list the schools, colleges, universities and other establishments you’ve attended, alongside the qualifications you have. There’s no need to include any grades, unless they are particularly impressive or it’s required by your field. List the subjects you took and the projects you completed, if they’re relevant to the job.

2020–2023 Bachelor of Engineering Science, University of Technology Sydney Courses: Civil Engineering, Data Science Engineering, Chemical Process Engineering, Renewable Energy Engineering 

2018-2019 Higher School Certificate, Sydney Science College Courses: Mathematics Extension 2, Science Extension 1 (Major Project: The Most Efficient Power Transmission Methods)

You may not have any experience, but you likely still have some of the skills employers look for . Here’s your chance to list them, tailoring them to the requirements of the job you’re applying for. On a resumé with no experience template, skills are listed in bullet-point form and in two columns. Include any languages you know, other than English. If you have mastered a few different software packages you can also list these out in a separate section called Software Proficiency.

  • Excellent written communication 
  • Typing (60 wpm)
  • Basic bookkeeping
  • Project management

Software Proficiency

  • Microsoft Word (advanced)
  • Microsoft Excel (advanced)
  • Microsoft PowerPoint (advanced)
  • Illustrator (intermediate) 

Projects or coursework 

Many resumé or CV examples for students with no experience list projects or coursework relevant to the job. This can showcase knowledge or abilities in a field, without having any professional history.

For example: 

2019 HSC Major Work

MYTHOLOGY (paper, clay, metal): A series of sculptures influenced by indigenous culture. Using traditional hand-building techniques, referencing dot paintings and incorporating mineral pigments. Work featured in ArtExpress 2022.

Volunteer experience 

Volunteer work always looks good on a resumé. It shows that you have empathy and the motivation to work outside of receiving a salary. Volunteer work is as valuable on a resumé as paid work and often teaches transferable skills that any employer would find valuable. List out any volunteer experiences you have had, highlighting skills you learned that are relevant to the job you’re applying for. 

Animal attendant, Adelaide Dogs’ Home Duties: cleaning dog crates and kennels, walking and socialising dogs, liaising with customers, administering medications, processing sales Skills:  Customer service, data entry, POS inventory management, maintenance and cleaning, dog-walking, data entry

Extracurricular activities

Your graduate resumé should include any extracurricular activities relevant to your field. In this section, list hobbies, sports or other interests, with particular focus on those that are relevant to the role. This section can be called Extracurricular or Hobbies and Interests and can include things like sports memberships, any instruments you play (and your level), any special-interest groups you belong to, like bird-watching, chess or salsa dancing. Even if your hobbies aren’t relevant to the job, it can be useful to list them, as they help make you more memorable to the hiring manager and paint a picture of a well-rounded person .  

Hobbies & Interests

  • Tennis – member of Carlton Gardens Tennis Club since 2020
  • Piano (grade 8)
  • Member of the Carlton Community Choir
  • Recording music 

Awards or honours 

In a resumé with no experience you should list any special awards or honours you’ve attained. This might include sports awards or academic prizes you won at school or university. It’s a chance to highlight unique achievements that are relevant to the role. If it’s not relevant, you don’t need to include it – just leave this section off your resumé. 

Awards & Accolades

  • Alfred Deakin Medal 2019, Deakin University
  • Nominated for 2017 AIS Emerging Athlete 

References available on request

At the bottom of your resumé, include a note that references are available on request. Most of the time, employers check references in the final stages of an interview, so they’re not required up front. However, if you have high-profile or well-respected referees you think will help you make a strong first impression, feel free to include them. For someone with no work experience, it’s okay to provide character references from former teachers, club leaders and even family friends. 

There are many ways you can make a resumé with no experience stand out from the rest. Even without official employment, there are skills, qualifications and experiences you can highlight to demonstrate that you’d be a great person for the job. Remember to tailor your resumé to the role and let your positive attitude shine through in your resumé summary. 

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How to Write a Professional Resume Summary? [+Examples]

Kaja Jurčišinová — Staff Writer

Do you want to land more job interviews? The easiest way to achieve this is by attracting a recruiter’s attention straight away by summarizing the highlights of your career right at the start of your resume — in a section called the resume summary. 

The purpose of this resume section, which is also known as a professional summary or resume statement, is to create a good first impression. It sums up your work experience , skills, and achievements into a short and concise sales pitch where you are the product. 

Do it well, and your future employers will be more inclined to read the rest of your resume.

Without further ado, let’s show you how to write an exceptional professional summary that will not only get you to more job interviews but will also help you land a job. 

This guide will show you:

What is a professional summary?

Why do you need a professional summary, how to write a professional summary.

  • What to do when you don’t have any experience in the field?
  • What are a resume objective and a resume profile?
  • Examples of professional summaries from real professionals.

TL;DR video guide: How to write a professional summary for a resume 

A professional summary gives the hiring manager a quick overview of your skills and achievements without them having to dive into the rest of your resume. It sits at the top of your resume, beneath your name and contact information. You can think of it as a teaser for the rest of your resume.

It should sum up your top skills, experiences, and achievements as they pertain to the job description.

Take a look at the sample below to see what it looks like in practice: 

The professional summary section is also known as a:  

  • Resume summary 
  • Qualifications summary 
  • Resume statement 
  • Heading statement 
  • Competencies 
  • Career summary
  • Experience summary
  • Personal statement 

However, don’t mistake a professional summary for a resume objective or profile . We’ll discuss the differences between them later in this guide. 

How long should a professional summary be? 

Generally speaking, a resume summary should be quite short. The most common length is 3-5 sentences or bullet points. It shouldn't be longer than 5-6 concise bullet points , but it also shouldn't be shorter than 2 bullet points. 

You can also replace the first bullet point with a short introductory paragraph that includes your job title, years of experience, and specialization. 

professional summary on a resume

While many people still don't include the resume profile section in their resumes, it's a mistake. But why is it a mistake?

  • You want to grab the recruiter's attention from the get-go.
  • You'll make their life a bit easier because you'll immediately tell them who you are.

The thing is, recruiters are busy people , they go through dozens, sometimes hundreds of resumes before they can find a few qualified candidates. 

Do you know what this means? Shortcuts. At first, recruiters will be skimming resumes in search of specific keywords and phrases that align with what the company is searching for.

That’s why you want to include the best resume summary you can come up with because a good summary section consists of nothing but these juicy bite-size phrases and keywords that a recruiter can spot at a glance. 

In short, a professional summary allows you to turn a recruiter's time limitation into an advantage. 

Christy's word of advice

While recruiters are indeed busy, did you know that the information that recruiters only give each resume 6 seconds of their time isn't true? 

“This one's a little bit of a myth. It takes about six seconds to screen the resume for the key information that I'm looking for, such as location, summary, keywords, or if there's a skills section. Within this time frame, I should be able to get a feel for who you are and what you're looking for. But it's mainly about six seconds for me to pick out the basic information I need. It doesn't mean that I'm going to spend just six seconds on it or that I won't continue reading after. ” —   Christy Morgan , Kickresume's Resident HR Expert

resume summary kickresume

As we said before, a good professional summary should compel an employer to read the next section of your resume — that’s all. If it manages to do that, then it has accomplished its purpose. 

However, doing this is easier said than done, as it can be tricky to cram the most exciting bits of your career into a 3-5 bullet points summary. 

Luckily, there are a few tips and tricks you can use to craft an impressive resume summary.

Before you start writing:

  • Write other resume sections, and then write your professional summary last. It’s surprisingly easy once you’ve already written other sections of your resume. All you have to do is cherry-pick the most impressive facts and stats.
  • Pick the essential keywords from the job listing, so you can tailor your summary. Start with the job listing that made you apply for the job. Carefully reread it and find the most important keywords. These are the nouns or phrases that best describe the job position, related skills, as well as the ideal candidate. Before you begin to write, think about how they intersect with your own skills and experiences. In this way, you also have a higher chance to get through the ATS systems which companies use .

Once you start writing:

  • In the first bullet point, write your professional title. Don’t forget to add the number of years of experience. You want to communicate your professional identity immediately. You can also write it in bold. It can look something like this: “Certified Project Management Professional with over 4 years of experience”.
  • Pick the 3-4 most impressive parts of your resume and reword them into snappy bullet points. Tease your potential employer into reading further. Did you earn a recognition for the best customer service? Or hit 95% of sales targets for five consecutive years? These are the things that deserve a mention at the top of your resume!
  • Translate each achievement into numbers. Each bullet point should contain at least one piece of quantifiable data. Use percentages, numbers, or impressive sales figures. It gives the hiring manager a better idea of how you performed in your previous jobs. Numbers attract attention. Take advantage of that.
  • Sum up what you have to offer. Instead of saying what you want, keep in mind what they want. Make clear what values you can bring to the company. Look for common threads in your work history and for skills that apply most to the job.

How to use keywords in a resume summary

A professional summary can do more than catch the attention of the recruiter. It can also make your resume more ATS-friendly. 

It's a great place where you can squeeze in one or two ATS-friendly keywords , and it will still look natural.

Such keywords can be your industry-relevant hard skills, previous job positions, notable clients, certificates and courses from notable institutions, or a note-worthy university (if you recently finished your degree). 

Moreover, you should add keywords and relevant skills from the job listing.

Don't get too creative with the heading, though. While replacing the professional summary headline with “Snapshot” sounds great, ATS doesn't know what it means and therefore wouldn't recognize it.

Pro tip: Remember, while it's important to incorporate keywords into your resume summary, it's crucial to ensure these keywords align with your abilities and experiences. The ATS might shortlist your resume, but the hiring manager will quickly realize in an interview if those keywords were merely resume filler. Always maintain honesty and authenticity while drafting your summary.

summary resume example

Professional resume summary examples for most common careers

Now that you know the ins and outs of writing a resume summary, here are a few examples that can inspire you when writing your summary:

Professional summary example for customer service

Performance-driven and motivated customer service rep offering 4+ years of relevant experience. Eager to join the Techia team and contribute to the growth of the company. In the previous role, the ability to make customers comfortable and relaxed allowed for 98% customer service survey results and had 25% more sales than the average employer. 

Professional resume summary example for retail

Dedicated and hard-working storekeeper with a Business Administration degree. Eager to bring my strong attention to detail and accuracy to J&R inc. Adept at communicating with vendors and suppliers, coordinating various business operations, and maintaining documents and files in order. In the past jobs brought an extra $50k of sales per quarter and increased customer satisfaction by 20%. 

Professional summary example for nursing resume

Motivational and resourceful Orthopedic Nurse with 10 years of experience with in-depth knowledge in trauma recovery, aggressive pain management techniques, and post-surgical recovery. Especially proficient in providing external fixation care and continuous motion therapy along with neuromuscular status monitoring. Committed to work as an orthopedic nurse for people who are struggling with mobility issues due to accidental injuries and degenerative disease affecting bones and muscles.

Professional summary example for administrative assistant

Self-driven and accurate Executive Assistant skilled at performing various office/administrative duties, such as coordinating meetings, maintaining calendar and schedule, filing documents, and managing company correspondence. Highly self-motivated with a solid work ethic and multitasking abilities.

Professional summary example for data analyst

A graduate in Information Systems with two years of hands-on data analytics experience. Passionate about working with large amounts of data and to turn this data into information, information into insight and insight into business decisions. I also have a keen interest in the field of data visualization and am fascinated by the power to compress complex datasets into approachable and appealing graphics.

Professional summary example for warehouse worker

Hard-working and dedicated Warehouse Worker with 2+ years of extensive experience in inspecting incoming shipments, preparing and processing orders, and performing various administrative duties. The Employee of the Month Award winner with a strong attention to detail and accuracy and determination to achieve exceptional results. Offers excellent time management skills and important ability to work independently or in a team.

Professional summary example for receptionist 

Customer-oriented and performance-driven Front Desk Assistant skilled at performing various administrative tasks, improving all office processes and procedures, and providing support to Office Managers. Great communicator with a Business Administration degree from a well-known university and an exceptional ability to remain calm in stressful situations. Possess well-developed communication skills and excellent time management abilities.

Resume summary example for management

A Project Manager with 16 years of experience in IT projects. Responsible for the management of teams of up to 15 direct and 7 indirect employees. Has High level knowledge in project execution using best practices of waterfall and agile methodologies. High level knowledge of Jupyter Notebook, MS Project, MS Excel, MS Word. 

Professional summary example for project manager

Logistics & Planning PMO for Anheuser-Busch InBev with +7 years of experience in Supply Chain Operations & Project Management. Lived and worked for ABI in 6 cities in past years, managed +300 direct & indirect employees and +0.5 billion BRL over the years. At ABI experienced the routines in breweries operations & urban distribution. As Project Manager build the Zone Logistics Project area for ABI LAN, being responsible for 4.0 Supply Chain, integrating the technologies WMS, YMS, TMS and Tracking.

Resume summary example for stay-at-home mother

Performance-driven and knowledgeable Stay At Home Mother skilled at conducting detailed market research, developing new sales tools, creating reports, and promoting products and services. Certified Marketing Management Professional with an extensive knowledge of multiple marketing software programmes, great communication skills, and excellent teamwork abilities. Currently looking for any Marketing related remote part-time job.

Professional summary example for student

Self-driven and knowledgeable computer science student with demonstrated experience in developing user-friendly software applications, coding and testing features, and providing engineering support. Oracle Certified Professional with extensive knowledge of multiple programming languages and software development tools, excellent problem-solving skills, and ability to perform well in a team.

fresh graduate resume summary example

How to write a resume summary if you're a fresh graduate/student?

If you’re a student or a fresh graduate, you probably don’t have much to brag about in your resume yet.

But that’s true only to some extent. Even as an entry-level candidate, you already have at least some experience and skills. You just have to find the right way to articulate them.

What’s more, it’s quite likely that the other candidates are just as inexperienced as you are. After all, experienced professionals rarely apply for entry-level positions. 

Because of that, your primary goal is to stand out and make the employer remember you . And you can do that even if your experience is limited.

It’s not like you’ve just spent most of your life at school and learned nothing. You just need to understand how your studies intersect with the job’s requirements.

 Here’s how you can write your professional resume summary as a student/fresh graduate:

  • State your field of study, degree, and GPA (if it’s above 3.0).
  • Mention relevant skills gained in internships, part-time jobs, and volunteer work.
  • Add related coursework or school projects.
  • Also, try to translate your most notable achievements into numbers. Maybe you were on the student council. You can mention how you received 800 votes and helped organize 5 large school events that were attended by 2,000 students.

In the end, a fresh graduate resume summary should look a bit like this: 

Hired by Bupa — Business Administration Intern

  • An adaptable and responsible graduate seeking an entry-level position in the Business Analytics market, Business Consultancy or Financial market.
  • My double degree in Business and Law and my previous job as a financial controller have provided me with a well-rounded background and enabled me to develop an analytical/logical approach to tasks, software skills, and the ability to work under pressure.
  • In short, I am reliable, hard-working with strong attention to detail and eager to learn about new technologies and business issues. I am able to work well both on my own initiative and as a part of a team. I’m also able to travel abroad.

How to write a resume summary as an experienced professional?

If you have 10 to 15 years of professional experience under your belt, you’ve probably developed a long list of job-related accomplishments. Your qualifications summary is the ideal place to showcase the most impressive of them. 

On the other, with that extent of experience, it may be quite challenging to pick and choose the right information for your professional summary. 

So what should you do? 

  • Start by carefully rereading the job advertisement.
  • Highlight any skills you already possess that match this job offer.
  • See if you can think of any past accomplishments that show how you successfully used those skills in your previous job.

For instance, are you an experienced sales and customer service professional? Sell it. Mention how you developed strategies that resulted in an over 15 % increase in new customers. Or how your rewards program reached a customer success rate of over 45 %. Numbers can be much more persuasive than words . 

Also, always remember to use action words and relevant keywords.

Here’s a professional summary resume example from an experienced professional: 

HubSpot — Director of Business Development Resume Summary Example

  • Passionate Business Amplifier.
  • Thrives in complex market segment entry and sales and marketing launch plans for technical products and services. Founder of the highly-impactful "HubSpot for Veterans" initiative. 
  • Proven Growth Consultant and Entrepreneurial Coach for over 200 organizations. Advocate of lean startup and data-backed strategy. 
  • Leadership spans career with direct application towards startups, Techstar accelerators, corporate business development, and government. ROI-focused relationship builder.
  • Lifelong teacher and learner: Startup Institute, Techstarts, HubSpot Partner programs.

How to write a professional summary if you’re changing careers?

As a career changer , try to show how your past experience relates to the position you’re applying for or how it can help your future employer grow.

Are you a software developer who wants to work with a new programming language, let’s say Python? You can mention how you’ve already developed 7 mobile apps using JavaScript and HTML. Even something as small as completing a Python online course on CodeAcademy can work wonders.

But if you still feel like you don’t have any relevant job experience, consider writing a resume objective instead. Instead of past achievements and experiences, it highlights your transferable skills and motivation. Moreover, it explains why you seek to switch to a different industry.

On the other hand, make sure that you have absolutely no other solution, as a resume summary always makes a better impression than a resume objective . To learn more about a resume objective just scroll to the following chapter. 

Here’s an example of a professional summary for someone changing careers:

  • Marketing professional with over three years of experience in digital advertising, aiming to transition from marketing to human resources
  • Certified Human Resources Assistant with a working knowledge of all software programs needed for the position such as Bamboo HR and Zenefits.
  • Was in charge of recruiting and supervising summer interns and co-managing marketing budgets.
  • Won the Employee of the Month Award for completing all assigned tasks and projects in a timely manner.

How to write a professional summary for a resume with no work experience? 

A lot of people with no work experience default to writing a resume objective because they think they have nothing to summarize.

However, this usually ends up backfiring as the resume objective brings little to the table. That’s because the resume objective’s main focus is on you as opposed to a professional summary which focuses on solving the needs of a company.

Also, writing a summary objective can make you appear more inexperienced than you truly are. 

Instead, as someone with no work experience, you can write a professional summary by including: 

  • Your education level;
  • Adjectives that emphasize your work ethic (such as competent, decisive, and accountable);
  • Relevant skills gained at school, volunteering , or internships; 
  • Professional hobbies (for example if applying for an IT position, include that app side project you worked on). 

In addition, if you have volunteered or interned, know that regardless of whether they were paid or not, they're still considered work experience. As the skills and knowledge gained as a volunteer or intern can be quite valuable to an employer. 

With that said, here’s an example of a professional summary for someone with no work experience:

People United Foundation – Fundraiser Volunteer 

  • Resourceful and talented fundraiser who uses new forms of technology and existing techniques to help raise money for organizations and groups. 
  • Experienced in raising funds for various charitable and nonprofit institutes. 
  • Adept at researching and presenting an array of innovative fundraising ideas to a variety of donor audiences. 
  • Keen negotiator with exceptional communication time management and networking abilities. 

what is a resume objective

Resume summary vs resume objective and resume profile

While these terms are often interchangeable, a resume summary, a resume objective, and a resume profile are all slightly different things. Scroll below to see how. 

What is a resume objective?

First of all, a resume objective isn't the same thing as a resume summary. They share several common features but each serves a different purpose.

Like a resume summary, a resume objective also sits at the top of your resume. Though, it’s a bit shorter — usually about one to two sentences long . 

The biggest difference is that instead of your past accomplishments, it details your future goals.

Although a resume objective might not help hiring managers decide whether you’re qualified enough to solve their company’s problems, it may help you shift their attention away from your lack of experience.

With that said, resume objectives are a bit old-fashioned as they used to be more common in past. So it should only be written as a last resort.

resume objective sample

What is a resume profile?

Most people think that the resume profile and resume summary are the same exact thing. And they aren't that wrong. 

However, there are some slight differences between the two. 

A resume profile tends to be a little longer than a resume summary. Still, you should try to keep it under 500 characters. Additionally, while a resume summary is simply a condensed version of your resume placed at the top of it, a resume profile focuses more on your professional accomplishments and successes. 

Still — a resume summary and a resume profile are basically the same thing. So don't worry too much about the difference between the two. Just make sure you'll include either of them in your resume. 

Final tips and tricks

We've already mentioned almost everything you need to write an effective professional summary. These are some of the final tips that didn't fit anywhere else in this guide:

  • Emphasize proven experience. Instead of simply listing your skills , mention your previous accomplishments. For example, it’s much more impactful to say that you had your articles published in Forbes than to plainly claim that you’re a skilled writer.
  • Try to avoid using the word “I” . It's not really necessary, especially if you write in bullet points. 
  • Structure it well. Take it from a professional writer — bullet points are a godsend when you need to structure your text clearly without giving it too much effort. Not only will they naturally order your resume statement into clearly delineated logical parts, but they'll also make it look good and read well. Also, make sure to write your current job title in bold.
  • Keep it short. Your summary shouldn’t be longer than 5 short sentences (or bullet points). Having a long summary sort of defeats the point of having a resume summary at all. Don’t add random things. The key is to be specific.
  • Read it after yourself. When you’re finished writing, read through your summary from the perspective of a hiring manager, asking “Why should we hire you?” .

Oh, and if you want to turn your LinkedIn profile into a polished resume with just one click, we've got you covered.

How to write a resume summary?

Write your professional summary last. It’s surprisingly easy once you’ve already written other sections of your resume. In the first bullet point, include your job title and years of experience. Then cherry-pick the most impressive achievements and cram them into 4–5 bullet points.

There are some slight differences between a resume profile and a resume summary. A resume profile tends to be a little longer than a resume summary. Still, you should try to keep it under 500 characters. A resume profile also focuses more on your professional accomplishments and successes than a resume summary. 

Kaja Jurčišinová — Staff Writer

Kaja Jurčišinová

Kaja Jurcisinova is a fresh graduate and a junior copywriter at Kickresume. Kaja completed her undergraduate degree in Art History at the University of St Andrews in 2018 and graduated with a Master’s in Arts and Culture from the University of Groningen in 2021. She was an intern at multiple cultural institutions across Europe, including the Dutch Museum Association in Amsterdam, the Matter of Art Biennale in Prague, and the European Cultural Centre in Venice. At the moment, she resides in Visby on the Swedish island of Gotland.

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  • Resume and Cover Letter
  • Seven Key Resume Sections and...

Seven Key Resume Sections and How to Organize Them

13 min read · Updated on March 05, 2024

Ken Chase

Not sure how to organize your resume? We've got you covered

Did you know that most employers only spend about six seconds skimming each resume that hits their desk? That's right; no matter how qualified you might be, your resume needs to capture a hiring manager's interest in just a few short moments. If you do grab their attention, they'll give the rest of the document more consideration. Fortunately, you can increase your resume's readability by including the right resume sections and organizing them in a structured way.

In this post, we'll explain why organization matters and explore the seven key resume sections that you should include in your resume. We'll also provide some useful tips that can help you to maximize the effectiveness of each section of your resume.

Why the order of your resume sections matters

Resumes need to do more than just provide basic information about your skills and employment history. They need to deliver a compelling message about the value that you can bring to any organization that's fortunate enough to hire you. To convey that narrative, however, you need to arrange your resume sections in a way that tells a story about your skills, professional experience, and achievements.

As we go through each of the key resume sections, you'll notice that each is designed to include a specific type of employment information. Several of the sections will also have their own headings, to ensure that employers can quickly locate those specific details. In addition, certain types of information will be formatted using bullet points to make those details even easier for employers to find.

Seven key resume sections

Though there are many ways to organize your resume, we recommend focusing on a seven-section structure. Those seven sections are:

Contact information

Resume headline

Professional summary

Core competencies

Professional experience

Optional section (or sections)

To better understand why we organize resumes this way, let's go through each section and explain its important role in establishing your career narrative.

1.     Contact Information

This part of a resume may seem obvious, but a TopResume study found that 25% of people either forget to include all the necessary pieces of contact information or fail to format them in a way that can be read by an ATS. When writing your resume, be sure to include the following personal details at the top of the document, just below the header section:

Full name: Include your preferred first name (e.g. Bill instead of William) and last name on your resume. Then, make sure you use the same version of your name on all your other job-search materials, such as your LinkedIn profile, cover letter, and business cards. The key is to be consistent.

Cell phone number: It's best to include the phone number to your personal cell phone on your resume. That way, you have control over the voicemail recording, who answers calls, and when.

Address: Contrary to popular belief, it's no longer necessary to include your full mailing address on your resume. Instead, include your city, state, and zip code if you're seeking work near your home. If you're conducting a long-distance job search or you're open to relocation, you may opt to not include any mailing address information.

Email address: Create an email address that's dedicated to your job-search activities with a modern provider like Gmail, so that it's easy to manage your job applications and communication with recruiters and valuable networking contacts.

Social media: The most common social media profile to include on a resume is a customized URL to your public LinkedIn profile . Other social media profiles should only be added if they're relevant to your line of work. If you work in a creative field, you may also want to add a link to your online portfolio or blog.

Related post : How Should I Format My Contact Information on a Resume ?

2.     Resume headline

The professional title part of a resume is fairly straightforward. Below your contact information, add a line that describes the type of role you're pursuing. For instance, if you're pursuing a position as a Director or Senior Manager of FP&A, you may put “Senior Financial Planning & Analysis Professional” as your professional title.

When you're submitting your resume for a specific job, it's common to change your professional title to match the one listed in the job posting. If you're updating your resume after changing careers and feel weird about putting a title you've never held before at the top, you can place the word “Objective:” in front of it to provide some context for the reader.

3.     Professional Summary

A resume professional summary - also referred to as a career summary, executive summary, or career statement - has taken the place of the resume objective statement you likely learned how to write back in college.

Historically, a standard resume objective statement focused on the job seeker's wants, needs, and goals. A resume professional summary, however, focuses on what the job seeker has to offer a prospective employer, by describing his or her qualifications. Click on the following link to view some resume statement examples .

If you're still unsure about how to create a winning resume summary statement, just use our simple template:

[Professional title] with [years of experience] in [job-related specializations and experiences]. [Describe a measurable achievement that demonstrates your value]. [Describe a second professional achievement that highlights your skills and how you used them to create value for an employer. Use real numbers to quantify that value].

4.     Core competencies

Your “Core Competencies” or "Key Skills" section is a great place to incorporate the all-important keywords that will help your resume get found in searches. Focus on highlighting the hard and soft skills that are most relevant to the role you're pursuing.

If you're unsure what to include in this part of your resume, gather a few job descriptions that interest you and run them through a word cloud generator. This will help you to quickly identify which terms routinely pop up for this type of job opportunity. If you possess that skill, be sure to incorporate it into this section of your resume, your professional summary, and even your work history, where appropriate.

It's also vital to examine the job posting to see which skills and experiences the company cites as required qualifications. There's always a good chance that those qualifications may be used as keywords by applicant tracking systems. Try to use those exact terms in your resume, to increase your chances of being found.

5.     Professional Experience

The most popular resume format lists your work experience in reverse chronological order. This means that your most recent professional experience will appear toward the top of your resume and your earliest experiences will be listed towards the end of your document. The rule of thumb is to elaborate on the most recent 10-15 years of experience only.

The work history part of the resume can include a variety of professional experiences beyond a full-time job, from unpaid internships to consulting gigs and relevant volunteer work. That can be vitally important if your work experience is a little thin – for example, if you're trying to change careers and suffer from a lack of experience in your chosen industry.

It's also important to make sure that you include measurable achievements for each job title you've held. Instead of listing that role's duties and responsibilities, focus attention on how you used your skills to provide your employers with real value. Aim for four or more bullet point examples of these achievements and quantify each one with numbers. For example:

Increased client acquisition by 23%, boosting sales revenue by an average of $120,000 each year

Led network acquisition and implementation effort that reduced workplace inefficiencies by 30%

Created a new sales training program that reduced onboarding time by 20%, while increasing team productivity and sales goal achievement by 13% and 31% respectively

6.     Education

If you're a recent college graduate, chances are your newly minted diploma is one of your top selling points at this stage in your career. If that's the case, then this information should appear near the top of your resume, just above your work experience. However, if you're no longer an entry-level professional, it's best to move your education details to the end of your resume. 

This section should include the name of the school, its location (city and state), the degree you earned, and any honors with which you graduated (such as summa cum laude). If you graduated college within the past 15 years, include the year that you received your degree; otherwise, leave the date off.

Note also that it's only necessary to include details about your GPA and some of the 400-level courses you completed if you're new to the workforce and need more fodder to demonstrate your employability to companies.

If you've earned multiple degrees, list these accolades in chronological order, starting with the most recent. This part of the resume is also a great place to list any relevant certifications, licenses, training, or professional development coursework you've completed that will make you a more desirable candidate.

7.     Optional: additional parts of a resume

In addition to these standard resume components, you may want to include some of the following sections, depending on your experience and the role you're targeting.

Career highlights: This section, which is typically used by senior-level professionals with more than 10 years of experience, may be included in addition to, or in lieu of, a professional summary. It calls attention to relevant, noteworthy achievements that may be scattered throughout a professional's extensive work experience. By highlighting these accomplishments at the top of the first page of the resume, you're helping readers to understand the value you bring to the table and enticing them to thoroughly read your resume to learn more.

Volunteer experience: Hiring managers and recruiters alike look favorably on professionals who engage in philanthropic activities such as volunteering for non-profits and mentoring programs. If you actively volunteer for a non-profit organization, consider sharing this information on your resume and LinkedIn profile.

Technical hard skills: If you work in a technical field, this section may take the place of your “Core Competencies” at the top of your resume. However, if you work in a non-technical profession but use many technical platforms to do your job - and these tools are often noted in the job descriptions you're interested in - then you may want to add a section at the end of your resume to list all these tools.

Language skills: If you're multilingual, be sure to note these language proficiencies in your professional summary and detail them out in a separate section toward the end of your resume. Only list the language on your resume if you would feel comfortable going to an interview that was spoken in that language.

Publications: If you are seeking work in the medical, dental, academic, scientific, or research field, then your academic resume - also known as an academic CV - will likely include a section to showcase the presentations you've given or publications you've written or been featured in.

Tips for making the most of your resume sections

To help you quickly get up to speed on how to organize your resume sections and make the most of each one, we've compiled some helpful tips.

Choose the right resume section order

While it's important to include the six essential sections (plus any optional sections) in your resume, there may be times when you need to use a different structure than that provided above. For example:

1.      Resume sections for students are often organized using a different order: contact information, resume headline, resume objective statement, education, experience, skills, optional sections.

 The goal of that structure is to focus on your educational qualifications and career objective, to compensate for your lack of experience and skill.

 2.      Experienced professionals may use a structure that emphasizes their work history and achievements: contact information, resume headline, resume summary, work experience, education, skills, optional sections.

 In most instances, an employee with a great deal of experience in their industry will want to emphasize their career trajectory and achievements rather than their skills.

 3.      Career changers often want to use a structure that focuses attention on transferable skills and related achievements. The following structure can help to draw attention to those qualifications: contact information, resume headline, resume summary (including career objective), key skills, work experience (focusing on related experience and emphasizing achievements), education, and optional sections.

Keep it brief

While it might seem as though seven sections will require a lot of resume space, your goal should be to limit the total length of your resume to no more than two pages. One is even better. Remember, hiring managers may be put off by longer resumes, especially if they have dozens or hundreds of other applicants to consider.

Make it readable and informative

Use bullet points for your skills and work achievements. To save space, you should consider formatting your core competencies section into two or three columns.

Don't just list skills in your core competencies section. You should scatter mentions of them throughout your resume, including in your resume summary paragraph and work history achievements.

Don't use the same resume for every job submission. Instead, tailor your base resume to each job you're seeking. To learn more, check out this related post: How to Tailor Your Resume to a Specific Job Description .

Make sure that your resume is easy to read and pleasing to the eye. If everything seems a little cramped on the page, try to adjust your margins, fonts, and other page elements to ensure that there's enough white space on the page to make for easy reading.

Always use a blank space or a solid line to separate the different sections on your page. Include headings for your core competencies, professional history, education, and any optional sections, to help hiring managers quickly locate the information they're seeking.

Using the right resume sections is vital for telling the right story

As you design your resume's structure, consider the story you're relaying to your reader. Each resume section is there for a purpose and plays a vital role in convincing the employer that you have what it takes to be a valuable member of their team. With the right resume section structure and a keen commitment to conveying your value as a professional, you can increase your odds of landing that essential interview!

If you're unsure about what should be in a resume, don't be afraid to ask for help. Request a free resume review today to find out how to improve your chances of landing the interview.

This article was originally written by Amanda Augustine and has been updated by Ken Chase.

Recommended reading:

11 Steps to Writing the Perfect Resume

How to Tailor Your Resume for a Specific Application

10 of the Worst Cover Letter Mistakes to Avoid

Related Articles:

Do Hiring Managers Actually Read Cover Letters?

How to Create a Resume With No Education

Why You Lose When You Lie on Your Resume: Learning From Mina Chang

See how your resume stacks up.

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Hi there! Are you struggling to build a resume with no professional work experience? It’s a common dilemma for many of us, but we can help! Through this workshop, we will discuss how you can become confident in marketing yourself and your skills by highlighting your various areas of experience. We will show you how to highlight class projects, volunteer experiences, research involvement, and more in your resumes for future job/internship opportunities. 

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Part Time Job Resume

Ai generator.

student resume objective no experience

Dive into a resourceful guide infused with professional insights on creating a compelling part-time job resume. This comprehensive piece not only offers tangible examples to emulate but also provides accessible, step-by-step instructions on crafting your tailored resume. Elevate your application with proven tips and grab the opportunity to download a selection of refined resume samples, meticulously designed to set you apart in the competitive job market. Your journey to securing that coveted position begins here!

What is a Part Time Job Resume? – Definition

A part-time job resume is a tailored document that effectively showcases an individual’s skills, experiences, and qualifications relevant to a part-time position they are applying for. Unlike resumes for full-time roles, these are often more concise and focused on flexibility and efficiency, highlighting the applicant’s ability to contribute value in a part-time capacity. It includes essential elements like contact information, a summary or objective, work history, education, and specific skills aligning with the job requirements.

What is the Best Resume Example for a Part Time Job?

[your name].

Phone: [Your Phone]

Email: [Your Email]

LinkedIn: [LinkedIn Profile] (optional)

Address: [Your Address] (optional)

Enthusiastic and dedicated professional with strong communication, organizational, and multitasking skills. Eager to bring a positive attitude and contribute to [Company Name]’s team while gaining hands-on experience in a [Industry/Field] environment.

[Degree Earned, e.g., High School Diploma, Associate’s Degree in Business]

  • [School Name], [City, State]
  • Graduated [Month, Year]
  • (Include any relevant coursework or achievements if applicable)

Work Experience

Sales Associate | [Previous Employer Name], [City, State] | [Month, Year] – [Month, Year]

  • Assisted customers in selecting products, offering recommendations and providing product information
  • Handled transactions and provided excellent customer service, increasing customer satisfaction by 30%
  • Maintained cleanliness and order in the store, restocking shelves and organizing displays

Volunteer | [Organization Name], [City, State] | [Month, Year] – [Month, Year]

  • Organized and participated in community cleanup, collecting over 500 lbs of waste
  • Assisted in planning and coordinating events, improving community engagement
  • Conducted outreach to increase participation, raising awareness for environmental conservation
  • Customer Service
  • Time Management
  • Communication
  • Organizational Abilities
  • Basic Computer Skills
  • Cash Handling

Certifications (if applicable)

CPR and First Aid Certified, [Month, Year]

[Any other certification relevant to the job]

Extracurricular Activities (optional)

Member, [Club or Organization Name]

Volunteer, [Volunteer Organization Name]

Languages (optional)

English (Native)

[Any other language] (Intermediate)

Available upon request.

1. Part Time CV Example for Care Assistant

Part Time CV Example for Care Assistant

Size: 85 KB

Discover our detailed “Part-Time CV Example for Care Assistant,” crafted to showcase skills, experiences, and qualifications tailored for aspiring care assistants. This template highlights compassionate care, efficiency, and adaptability, offering a standout CV that aligns with the unique requirements and expectations of top healthcare employers. Elevate your application and step into a rewarding care role!]

2. Sample Resume for Student Seeking a Part Time Job

Sample Resume for Student Seeking a Part Time Job

Size: 157 KB

Explore our “Sample Resume for Student Seeking a Part-Time Job”, a resource designed to help students effectively showcase their academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and developing skills. Tailored to highlight adaptability and eagerness to learn, this resume is a stepping stone to landing rewarding part-time employment while studying. Make your first career steps count!

3. Part Time Casual Resume Example

Part Time Casual Resume Example

Size: 186 KB

Uncover our “Part-Time Casual Resume Example,” ideal for those seeking flexible employment. This template emphasizes adaptability, informal experiences, and versatile skills. It’s meticulously crafted to appeal to employers offering casual, part-time roles, ensuring your abilities and character shine. Navigate casual employment opportunities with confidence and professionalism!

4. Part Time Job Resume Example

Part Time Job Resume Example

Size: 131 KB

Dive into our “Part-Time Job Resume Example,” a guide tailored for professionals eyeing part-time positions. Showcasing strategic formatting and keyword optimization, this example illuminates your pertinent skills and experiences. Adapt and personalize to narrate your career story effectively, making a lasting impression on potential employers in the part-time job market.

5. Part Time Job Resume For Freshers

Part Time Job Resume For Freshers

Size: 154 KB

Explore our “Part-Time Job Resume for Freshers” template, especially designed for new entrants in the job market. This resource emphasizes educational achievements and innate skills, offering freshers a foundation to project their potential. Make your first impression count with a resume tailored to secure that desired part-time position!

6. Part Time Job Resume with Experience

Part Time Job Resume with Experience

Size: 150 KB

Discover “Part-Time Job Resume with Experience,” a template crafted for seasoned professionals. Highlighting significant achievements and advanced skills honed over the years, this resume is your key to standing out. Tailored to encapsulate your journey and potential, it’s engineered for those seeking to make a marked impact in part-time roles.

7. Part Time Job Resume and Cover Letter

Part Time Job Resume and Cover Letter

Size: 42 KB

Unlock our “Part-Time Job Resume and Cover Letter” package, a dual toolset designed to enhance your job application. Expertly crafted to weave your skills and experiences into a compelling narrative, this combo not only highlights your qualifications but also adds a personalized touch, elevating your profile in the competitive job landscape.

8. Undergraduate Student Part Time Job Resume Examples

Undergraduate Student Part Time Job Resume Examples

Size: 280 KB

Dive into our “Undergraduate Student Part-Time Job Resume Examples,” curated for college students seeking part-time employment. These samples skillfully meld academic accomplishments and extracurricular involvements to showcase a budding professional’s potential. Navigate and conquer the job market by presenting a resume that resonates with employers and underscores your talents!

9. Part Time Job Resume Guide Example

Part Time Job Resume Guide Example

Size: 657 KB

Explore our “Part-Time Job Resume Guide Example,” your roadmap to crafting an impactful resume. This comprehensive guide, infused with examples, navigates each resume section, offering insights to articulate your skills and experiences compellingly. Step into the part-time job market armed with a resume that speaks volumes about your potential and readiness.

10. Part Time Sample Resume Example

Part Time Sample Resume Example

Size: 135 KB

Delve into our “Part-Time Sample Resume Example,” a blueprint for job seekers eyeing part-time opportunities. Balancing conciseness and comprehensive detail, this example underscores key skills and accomplishments. Tailor it to your journey, ensuring your application not only meets employer expectations but exceeds them, securing your spot in the part-time workforce.

11. Part Time Job Resume Format Example

Part Time Job Resume Format Example

Size: 41 KB

Unveil our “Part-Time Job Resume Format Example,” engineered for aspirants desiring impactful part-time roles. This format highlights precision and aesthetic, ensuring your skills and experiences are showcased efficiently. Every section is optimized for readability and appeal, making your application a standout in the crowded part-time job market. Elevate your application’s potency now!

Job Description Example for Part Time Job Resume

Sales associate (part-time).

[Company Name] – [City, State]

Duration: [Month, Year] – Present

Key Responsibilities:

  • Customer Service: Assist customers in a friendly and professional manner, addressing queries and offering solutions based on their needs.
  • Product Knowledge: Maintain up-to-date knowledge of store products to offer accurate information and current promotions to customers.
  • Sales Transactions: Operate the cash register, handle cash and card payments efficiently, and provide receipts.
  • Store Upkeep: Restock shelves as needed, organize displays to maintain an appealing store environment, and assist with inventory counts.
  • Team Collaboration: Work closely with team members to meet daily sales targets and participate in team meetings to discuss strategies and improvements.
  • Returns and Exchanges: Handle customer returns and exchanges by ensuring company policies are followed and customers leave satisfied.
  • Safety and Cleanliness: Ensure the store environment is clean and safe for both customers and staff, reporting any potential hazards to management.


  • Recognized as “Employee of the Month” in [Month, Year] for outstanding customer service.
  • Assisted in achieving store’s highest monthly sales record in [Month, Year].
  • Introduced and implemented a product display technique that increased product visibility and sales by 20%.

Skills on Resume Required for a Part Time Job

Customer service skills:.

Communication: Clearly conveying information and ideas to individuals or groups to ensure that they understand and retain the message.

Listening: Paying attention to others, understanding, and acknowledging their points, and responding appropriately.

Problem Solving: Identifying and resolving issues promptly and effectively.

Technical Skills:

Computer Literacy: Basic understanding of computer operations, including the use of word processing and spreadsheet software.

POS Systems: Experience with handling Point Of Sale systems (if applicable).

Organizational Skills:

Multitasking: Handling multiple tasks simultaneously and effectively.

Time Management: Efficiently managing your time and the time of others.

Interpersonal Skills:

Teamwork: Collaborating with others to achieve common goals.

Adaptability: Being open to change and adjusting to new environments or work structures.

Sales Skills (for retail or sales roles):

Persuasion: Convincing others to change their minds or behavior.

Negotiation: Bringing others together and trying to reconcile differences.

Numeracy Skills (for cash handling roles):

Mathematical Reasoning: The ability to choose the right mathematical methods or formulas to solve a problem.

Number Facility: The ability to add, subtract, multiply, or divide quickly and correctly.

Other Soft Skills:

Initiative: Taking on responsibilities and challenges willingly.

Dependability: Being reliable, responsible, and dependable in fulfilling obligations.

Part Time Job Resume Objectives Examples

1. retail sales associate.

“Motivated retail professional with over 2 years of experience in fast-paced environments. Adept at customer service and upselling, aiming to leverage skills to contribute to the success of [Company Name] as a Part-Time Sales Associate.”

2. Waitstaff/Server

“Friendly and detail-oriented server with 3 years of experience in busy restaurant environments. Seeking to provide exceptional customer service and enhance the dining experience at [Restaurant Name] as a part-time server.”

3. Administrative Assistant

“Organized and results-driven administrative professional with excellent communication and multitasking skills, eager to support [Company Name] with administrative and organizational tasks as a part-time assistant.”

4. Customer Service Representative

“Customer-centric individual with a strong background in solving problems and promoting positive customer experiences. Aspiring to support [Company Name] in maintaining excellent customer service standards as a part-time representative.”

5. Library Assistant

“Detail-oriented and organized student with a passion for literature and education. Looking to assist [Library Name] in offering top-notch services to the community as a part-time library assistant.”

“Enthusiastic and knowledgeable tutor experienced in assisting students improve academic performance. Eager to contribute to [Learning Center Name] by offering individualized support to students as a part-time tutor.”

“Creative and customer-oriented barista with a passion for crafting memorable coffee experiences. Seeking a part-time role at [Café Name] to contribute to a warm and inviting atmosphere for customers.”

How do I write a good resume for a part-time job?

1. understanding the job requirements.

Research: Thoroughly read the job description to understand the skills and experiences the employer values.

Keywords: Identify specific keywords and phrases in the job description and integrate them into your resume where applicable.

2. Formatting and Structure

Layout: Choose a clean, professional layout. Online templates can be helpful.

Length: Keep it concise; one page is typically sufficient for part-time job applications.

3. Contact Information

Include your name, phone number, email address, and optionally, a LinkedIn profile or personal website.

4. Objective Statement (optional)

Write a brief statement mentioning the job you’re applying for, your main skills, and how you aim to benefit the employer.

5. Experience

  • Relevance: List past jobs, focusing on the most relevant tasks and accomplishments.
  • Action Words: Start bullet points with action verbs to demonstrate what you’ve achieved.
  • Quantify: Use numbers to highlight your achievements, such as “increased sales by 25%.”

6. Education

Include your most recent educational achievements, along with relevant coursework or honors if applicable.

Job-Related: List skills that are directly applicable to the job, like “customer service” for a retail position.

Transferable Skills: Identify skills from other experiences that are relevant.

8. Volunteer Work and Extracurricular Activities

Highlight experiences that demonstrate relevant skills and a strong work ethic.

9. Tailoring Your Resume

Customization: Adjust your resume for each job application, emphasizing the most relevant skills and experiences.

Company Culture: Research the company’s culture and values, and reflect similar language in your resume.

10. Proofreading and Editing

Attention to Detail: Proofread meticulously to avoid typos or grammatical errors.

Feedback: Consider seeking feedback from mentors or peers.

11. Digital Optimization

File Format: Save your resume in a widely accepted file format, like PDF.

ATS Friendly: If applicable, ensure your resume is optimized for Applicant Tracking Systems.

12. Cover Letter

Although not always required, consider including a tailored cover letter to expand on your suitability for the job.

Example Part-time Job Resume

Here’s a basic template, including essential elements for a strong part-time job application:

  • Contact Information: Clearly listed at the top.
  • Objective Statement: Tailored to the specific role and company.
  • Experience: Chronological listing, with emphasis on relevant skills and achievements.
  • Education: Concise, including relevant accolades or coursework.
  • Skills: A mix of hard and soft skills, tailored to the job description.
  • Volunteer Work/Extracurriculars: Demonstrating character, skills, and work ethic.

How do I write a part-time CV with no experience?

Positive mindset.

Focus on Strengths: Concentrate on your skills and strengths. Everyone starts somewhere, and employers understand that.

2. Professional Layout

Readability: Use a clean, easy-to-read layout. Make use of online templates if necessary.

Clearly list your name, phone number, email address. Consider adding a LinkedIn profile if you have one.

4. Objective Statement

Clarity: Clearly state your career objective. Be specific about the role you’re applying for and how you can contribute.

5. Education

Details: Include your schooling and any relevant coursework, projects, or achievements.

List Skills: Include both hard and soft skills. Focus on those that are transferable to the workplace.

Examples: Provide examples of where you’ve applied these skills, perhaps in a school or volunteer setting.

7. Volunteer Work

Experience: List any volunteer experience. Focus on roles and responsibilities that align with the job you’re applying for.

8. Extracurricular Activities

Involvement: Include clubs, sports, or other group involvements. Highlight leadership roles and team collaborations.

9. Personal Projects

Showcase: If you have personal projects that demonstrate your skills, include them. They can be blogs, art, coding projects, etc.

10. Certifications and Awards

Include: Any certificates or awards, even those not directly related to the job, can demonstrate your skills and commitment.

11. Language Skills

Multilingual: If you’re multilingual, list the languages you speak and your proficiency levels.

12. Tailoring Your CV

Adapt: Adapt each CV to the specific job. Emphasize the most relevant skills and experiences.

13. Professional Tone

Language: Use professional language. Avoid slang and maintain a formal tone.

14. Proofread

Errors: Proofread meticulously. Consider using online grammar tools or seek feedback from others.

Example CV for Someone with No Experience:

  • Contact Information: Clearly listed.
  • Objective Statement: Tailored, concise, focusing on what you can offer.
  • Education: Emphasized, including relevant projects or achievements.
  • Skills: A comprehensive list, with examples of application.
  • Volunteer Work: Detailed, focusing on applicable skills and achievements.
  • Extracurricular Activities: Highlighting leadership and teamwork.
  • Certifications and Awards: Listed to show achievement and initiative.

Crafting a resume for a part-time job involves highlighting your relevant skills, experiences, and education. Be concise, tailor content to the specific role, and showcase transferable skills. Use a professional format, incorporate keywords from the job description, and proofread for a polished, error-free presentation. Each tailored resume is your personal marketing tool for potential employers.


Text prompt

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  • Professional

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  4. How to Make a Resume With No Experience: Examples

    How to format a resume with no experience: Follow the reverse-chronological order (i.e. put the most recent info up top). Add section headings to make your first-job resume easier to navigate. Use professional-looking fonts that are easy on the recruiter's eyes. Stick to the 11-12pt size range for regular text.

  5. How to Make a Resume With No Experience (With Examples)

    Here's how to write a resume when you have no formal work experience, step-by-step: Build My Resume. Our free-to-use resume builder can make you a resume in as little as 5 minutes. Just pick the template you want, and our software will format everything for you. 1. Choose the best format and style for your resume.

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    If this is your first time applying for a job and you're writing a resume with no experience, a resume objective is the best choice. This type of introduction emphasizes your potential, which is perfect when you don't have any work-related accomplishments. ... 3 additional student resume objective examples. Here are some additional examples ...

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    1. Industrious high school student with an outstanding work ethic and a positive demeanor. Looking for an entry-level role that will allow me to contribute actively to a dynamic team in a busy work environment. 2. Top-performing high school student with a record of exceeding expectations of teachers and mentors.

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    College student resume objective. Hardworking college freshman majoring in International Business. Gained communication skills as a part-time barista throughout all four years of high school. Confident I can make a positive impact on prospective students and increase enrollment as a Tour Guide at Regent University.

  13. Objective for a Student Resume: Definition and Examples

    Consider following these steps to write an effective objective for your student resume: 1. Review the job posting. You may begin by looking closely at the job posting. Identify the necessary qualifications for the position and make a list of those requirements. Consider the skills, experience, training, and education the employer is seeking.

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    Student Resume Objective Example [Candidate with No Experience] Right. Dedicated team player (captain of the swim team for 2 years) (education) with proven leadership and communication skills (strong traits). Seeking an opportunity to leverage my talents as a server at the Mele e Pere Restaurant (position and company).

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    College Student resume objective example. Third Year Accounting student at Georgia Institute of Technology with nine months of work experience in admin at Smith & Waterhouse Accounting. As an organized and mathematically-minded individual, I will add significant value to the internship role at Myer Accounting.

  17. 4 High School Student Resume Examples & Templates

    6. Write an Impressive High School Student Resume Objective. I'd typically tell you to write a resume summary if you worked during your teenage years. However, any teen jobs you've held aren't lengthy enough to be considered "experienced," so do the same as a resume for high school students with no experience: write a resume objective.

  18. High School Resume Templates & Examples [Free Download]

    Example resume for a high school student with no experience. This high school resume highlights career objectives, a summary of qualifications and professional skills, above work history and education. In doing so, the hiring manager can quickly gauge the transferable skills that this student has to offer.

  19. How to Write a Resume With No Experience

    A resume's career objective section should have some, if not all, of the following: Your current or desired job title. Your degree or any certification relevant to the position. What you hope to achieve in the role. The skills that qualify you for the position. A specific achievement that helps you stand out.

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    Pro tip: consider adding a resume headline under your name to boost your resume. STEP 5 Highlight your strengths in a no experience resume objective . Every resume needs a summary or objective statement.For a beginner resume, we recommend a resume objective to explain your goals for the job and highlight some of your job-relevant skills.

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    Culinary resume objective examples. Industrious line cook with over two years kitchen experience ready to move into a role of increased responsibility. Looking for work as a cook in a fast-paced establishment. Fully trained in food safety, sanitation and preparation techniques at restaurant serving 500 customers daily.

  23. Writing a resumé with no experience: template & examples

    Here's a simple beginner resumé example for contact info: Name: your first and last name - include your pronouns in parentheses after your name, if desired. Email: triple-check for accuracy and make sure it's a professional-sounding address. Phone: phone number with area code.

  24. How to Write a Professional Resume Summary? [+Examples]

    Here's how you can write your professional resume summary as a student/fresh graduate: State your field of study, degree, and GPA ... it may help you shift their attention away from your lack of experience. With that said, resume objectives are a bit old-fashioned as they used to be more common in past. So it should only be written as a last ...

  25. Seven Key Resume Sections and How to Organize Them

    1. Resume sections for students are often organized using a different order: contact information, resume headline, resume objective statement, education, experience, skills, optional sections. The goal of that structure is to focus on your educational qualifications and career objective, to compensate for your lack of experience and skill. 2.

  26. Resume Building Workshop: No Work Experience? No Problem!

    Through this workshop, we will discuss how you can become confident in marketing yourself and your skills by highlighting your various areas of experience. We will show you how to highlight class projects, volunteer experiences, research involvement, and more in your resumes for future job/internship opportunities.

  27. Resume for Teens: Examples & Writing Tips

    2. Resume Objective. Motivated student at [High School Name], highly skilled at [skill 1], [skill 2], and [skill 3]. Experienced in [volunteer work/extracurricular role/job responsibilities]. Seeking to use my talent for [talent] and develop my skill set to become a valued member of your team at [Company Name]. 3. Education

  28. Part Time Job Resume

    Example Part-time Job Resume. Here's a basic template, including essential elements for a strong part-time job application: Contact Information: Clearly listed at the top. Objective Statement: Tailored to the specific role and company. Experience: Chronological listing, with emphasis on relevant skills and achievements.

  29. Sales Resume Examples & Templates [2024]

    The best resume format for a sales role depends on your level of work experience and career goals. We've detailed each format below so that you can decide which one is right for you. Chronological format: This format will benefit entry-level applicants.The layout focuses on skills such as communication, negotiation and relationship-building, allowing you to showcase everything you can do as ...

  30. What to know about Kamala Harris, from prosecutor to politician

    Here's what to know about Kamala Harris's life and the moments that defined her in politics.