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Reported speech

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  • Reported requests and orders
  • Reported speech exercise
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  • Indirect speech - worksheet
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reported speech test pdf b2

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  • English Grammar Exercises for B2 – Reported speech
  • English Grammar Exercises for B2

1. Change the direct speech into reported speech.

1   ‘You must take these tablets twice a day.’

      The doctor says I ………………………………………….

2   ‘I’m going to the gym tomorrow.’

      Ben told me ………………………………………….

3   ‘You don’t have to wait for me.’

       Liz said that I ………………………………………….

4   ‘I took my final exam yesterday.’

       Jack told me ………………………………………….

5   ‘I haven’t told you the complete truth.’

       Pablo said ………………………………………….

6   ‘I’ll meet you later today.’

       Jim tells me ………………………………………….

7   ‘I prefer this café to the one opposite.’

      Julia says ………………………………………….

8   ‘I’ll always remember meeting you.’

      Ann told me ………………………………………….

1    must take these tablets twice a day.

2   (that) he was going to the gym the next day.

3    didn’t have to wait for her.

4   (that) he had taken his final exam the day before.

5    (that) he hadn’t told me the complete truth.

6    (that) he’ll meet me later today.

7   (that) she prefers this café to the one opposite.

8    (that) she would always remember meeting me.

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. Do not change the order of the words. Use a maximum of five words including the words in brackets.

1   Will asked us …………………………… (time / game / start) the next day.

2   The assistant asked him if …………………………… (he / like / try) on a smaller jacket.

3   My teacher asked me …………………………… (I / finish) the exercise and I said I hadn’t.

4   I asked Maria …………………………… (which / film / seen) the night before.

5   The dentist asked …………………………… (me / why) never used an electric toothbrush before.

6   She asked him if …………………………… (he / going) the park and he said he wasn’t.

7   I asked the policeman whether …………………………… (he / help / us) and he said he could.

1 what time the game started   2 he would like to try

3 if I had finished   4 which film she had seen

5 me why I had   6 he was going to   7 he could help us

3. Change the direct speech into reported speech. Begin with My mum asked me .

1   ‘Why are you home so late?’


2   ‘Did you leave school on time today?’

3   ‘You’ve got lots of homework to do, haven’t you?’

4   ‘When are you doing to tidy your room?’

5   ‘Have you seen your brother this afternoon?’

6   ‘Will you help me with the shopping tomorrow?’

7   ‘Would you like me to give you some money for a pizza?’


1   My mum asked me why I was home so late.

2    … if I had left school on time that day.

3    … if I had (got) lots of homework to do.

4    … when I was going to tidy my room.

5    … if I had seen my brother that afternoon.

6    … if I’d help her with the shopping the next day.

7    … if I’d like her to give me some money for a pizza.

4. Report the dialogue using say or ask in the past simple.

Dan     Are you going to the concert tomorrow evening?

Zoe      No, I’m not. I haven’t got any money.

Dan     I’ll lend you some. How much do you need?

Zoe      That’s really kind of you, but I have to finish my homework too.

Dan     Would you like me to help you finish it?

Zoe      Do you speak German?

Dan     No, I don’t. Your cousin does, doesn’t she?

Zoe      Yes, she does. Perhaps I should ask her.


Dan asked Zoe if she was going to the concert the next evening. Zoe said she wasn’t. She said she didn’t have any money. Dan said he’d lend her some. He asked her how much she needed. Zoe said that was really kind of him, but she had to finish her homework too. Dan asked her if she’d like him to help her finish it. Zoe asked him if he spoke German. Dan said he didn’t. He asked her if her cousin did. Zoe said she did. She said perhaps she should ask her.

5. Write a second sentence that has a similar meaning to the first. Use the words in brackets.

1   ‘Do you know the answer to these questions?’ Sally asked me. (if)


2   ‘I mustn’t be late for the trip tomorrow,’ said Bella. (next)

3   ‘Have you heard the band’s new album yet?’ asked Kostas. (me)

4   ‘I won’t be at school next week,’ said Mark. (says)

5   ‘Will you be getting a new phone soon?’ asked Harry. (whether)

6   ‘My plane arrives at ten in the morning,’ said Andrew. (tells)

1   Sally asked me if I knew the answer to the / those questions.

2    Bella said that she mustn’t be late for the trip the next day.

3    Kostas asked me if I’d heard the band’s new album yet.

4    Mark says that he won’t be at school next week.

5    Harry asked (me) whether I’d be getting a new phone soon.

6    Andrew tells me that his plane arrives at ten in the morning.

6. Rewrite the sentences using reported speech.

1   ‘I’ll never wear this outfit again.’

      Monica said ……………………………………..

2   ‘I don’t believe you.’

      My dad told my sister ……………………………………..

3   ‘I’ve been talking to Frank.’

      Susanna tells me ……………………………………..

4   ‘You mustn’t tell anyone.’

       Harry told me ……………………………………..

5   ‘I’ll give you an answer tomorrow.’

      Jenny told Tom ……………………………………..

6   ‘I was at a friend’s house yesterday.’

      Lisa said ……………………………………..

1    (that) she would never wear that outfit again

2    (that) he didn’t believe her

3    (that) she’s been talking to Frank

4    (that) I mustn’t tell anyone

5    (that) she would give him an answer the next day

6    (that) she had been at a friend’s house the day before

7. Rewrite the questions using reported speech.

1   ‘Did you see the football match yesterday?’

      Jimmy asked me ……………………………………..

2   ‘You’ve ordered the pizzas, haven’t you?’

      I asked Eddie ……………………………………..

3   ‘What languages do you speak?’

      The tourist asked me ……………………………………..

4   ‘You’re going out later, aren’t you?’

      My dad asked me ……………………………………..

5   ‘Do you like Indian food?’ ‘Yes, I do’

      They asked me ……………………………………..

6   ‘Where does your brother work?’

      I asked Emma ……………………………………..

7   ‘Were you late for school this morning?’

      My mum asked my sister ……………………………………..

8   ‘Are you tired?’ ‘No, I’m not.’

      We asked him ……………………………………..

1   if / whether I had seen the football match the day before.

2   if / whether he had ordered the pizzas

3   what languages I spoke

4   if / whether I was going out later

5   if / whether I liked Indian food and I said I did

6   where her brother worked

7   if / whether she had been late for school that morning

8   if / whether he was tired and he said that he wasn’t

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Reported Statements:

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  • Present Continuous Reported Statement Exercise (quite easy) (in PDF here)
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Reported Questions:

  • Present Simple Reported Yes/No Question Exercise (intermediate) (in PDF here)
  • Present Simple Reported Wh Question Exercise (intermediate) (in PDF here)
  • Mixed Tense Reported Question Exercise (intermediate) (in PDF here)

Reported Orders and Requests:

  • Reported Requests and Orders Exercise (intermediate) (in PDF here)
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Reported speech – B2 English Grammar Test

  • Grammar Tests for B2

1   In 1–4, underline the original verbs and reported verbs, then decide the reason (A, B or C) the tense of the reported verbs does not change.

1   ‘They ’re changing the speed limit soon.’ → I found out that they ’re changing the speed limit soon . … B …

2   ‘In Japan they also drive on the left.’ → He informed us that in Japan they also drive on the left . ……

3   ‘What time is it?’ → He’s asking what the time is . ……

4   ‘Are you coming by car tomorrow?’ → She asked if you’re coming by car tomorrow . ……

A   The events are true at any time.

B   The events reported are not in the past.

C   The reporting verb is in the present tense.

2    drive → drive – A

3    is → is – C

4    Are … coming → ’re coming – B

2   Complete the reported sentences. Change the verb tense only where necessary. When the reported verb stays the same, give the reason (A, B or C) from Exercise 1.

1   ‘There are always traffic jams on this road.’

      My mum warned me that …… there are always …… traffic jams on this road. … A …

2   ‘We’re going to be early.’

      She thought that they ………………………… to be early, yet they arrived just on time. ……

3   ‘Can I have some more cake, please?’

      Are you asking me if you ………………………… some more cake? ……

4   ‘My train gets to Milan at 11.15 tomorrow morning.’

      He reminded me that his train ………………………… to Milan at 11.15 tomorrow morning. ……

5   ‘Have you filled up the car with petrol?’

      Before we left, I asked him ………………………… the car with petrol. ……

6   ‘I’m injured.’

      Before the race, he claimed that he ………………………… injured. ……

7   ‘Do you like driving?’

      He asked me ………………………… driving. ……

2   were going

3   can have – C

4   gets – B

5   if he had filled up

7   if I like – A

3   Complete the table with the verbs in the box. Some verbs can go in more than one place.

agree     confess     deny     enquire     insist

persuade     point out     suggest


+ to + verb


+ + verb


+ verb + -ing


+ sentence


+ + verb + -ing


+ + verb + -ing


+ + verb + -ing


+ to + verb


+ + verb

suggest, deny

+ verb + -ing

insist, suggest, point out, deny,

+ sentence

confess, agree

+ + verb + -ing


+ + verb + -ing


+ + verb + -ing

4   Complete the second sentences in each pair so they have a similar meaning to the first, with ONE of the words given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

1   ‘Yes, I’ll pick you up at 6.15. No problem,’ Jamie said.

      Jamie …… agreed to pick me up …… at 6.15. AGREED / DENIED

2   ‘It was me. I scratched your car. Sorry!’ said Max.

      Max ………………………… my car. SUGGESTED / CONFESSED

3   ‘Why don’t we get a taxi instead of taking public transport?’ Beatrice said.

      Beatrice ………………………… instead of taking public transport. SUGGESTED / AGREED

2    confessed to scratching / having scratched

3    suggested getting a taxi

5   Cross out the mistakes in the sentences. Write the correct sentences.

1   The doctor says that in one week he would take off my bandage.

      ……The doctor says that in one week he will take off my bandage. ……

2   I tried to persuade them. I say them that nothing bad will happen and I was right.


3   I warned him that it will be slower that way and he took ages.

4   She asked me where do I live.

5   I said eight o’clock, but she insisted to come earlier.

2   I tried to persuade them. I told / said to them that nothing bad would happen and I was right.

3   I warned him that it would be slower that way and he took ages.

4   She asked me where I live / lived .

5   I said eight o’clock, but she insisted on coming earlier.

6  Complete the story with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use reported speech where necessary.

Last month I stupidly left my rucksack on the coach. I immediately phoned the coach company and 1 …… asked …… (ask) them whether someone 2 ……………………. (find) it. They told me that someone 3 ……………………. (call) me back within the hour, but of course they didn’t, so I rang again. They asked me where I 4 ……………………. (live) so that they could send it to me if it 5 ……………………. (turn up). It still hasn’t turned up! A week later, I received a package. I couldn’t believe it. I 6 ……………………. (send) someone else’s bag. When I told them, they completely denied 7 ……………………. (make) any mistake. They said the postman must have 8 ……………………. (take) it to the wrong house. Can you believe it?

2   had found

3   would call

4   live/lived

5   turns up/turned up

6   had been sent

7   making / having made

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Upper-intermediate grammar exercise (B2 level): reported speech

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English grammar practice exercise, upper-intermediate.

In this exercise you will practise reported speech.

Exercise instructions

Rewrite the following using reported speech:

Structure of reported speech
direct speech
reported speech to wait.
direct speech
reported speech to Spain.
Reported speech – common mistakes
Common mistakes Correct version Why?
She said me that she wasn't able to do it. She me that she wasn't able to do it. After we mention the listener. After we don't mention the listener.
She told me that she is looking for her handbag.
He told me he hasn't seen her before.
She told me she will see him later.
She told me that she for her handbag.
He told me her before.
She told me she see him later.
If the reporting verb (in this case ) is in the past tense, we usually change the tense of the verb which follows:

I told him don't go there. I told him there. When we report a command or warning, we use .

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Anonymous - November 3, 2020, 6:18 am Reply

Good exercise.

Anonymous - November 20, 2022, 6:26 pm Reply

Great excercise

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casdoij - April 23, 2024, 11:25 am Reply

Yesss!!! Very GReAT!!11!11!! 11/10

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ihsdhf - April 23, 2024, 11:34 am Reply

Very honestly 100% good exercise.

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Reported speech exercises PDF

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  • PDF worksheets
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Reported speech

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  • Grammar rules PDF

English grammar books PDF

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PDF exercises with answers to download for free.

Reported speech PDF exercise 1

Key with answers 1

  • Complete sentences: "It is too late." - I said it was too late.

Reported speech PDF exercise 2

Key with answers 2

  • A multiple choice choice test: "Sam may contact you." - He said Sam might contact me.

Reported speech PDF exercise 3

Key with answers 3

  • Reported speech to direct speech: She said she lived in York. - "I live in York," she said.

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  • Time in reported speech: We will set off tomorrow." - They said they would set off the next day.

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  • Correct mistakes: "I have been with Jill since yesterday," said Joe on Friday morning. On Friday morning Joe said he had been with Jill since yesterday. Correct: On Friday morning Joe said he had been with Jill since the day before .

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  • All changes in reported speech: Tim said he had worked with them the previous month. - "I worked with them last month," said Tim.

Reported questions + commands exercises PDF Practise questions, commands and requests in the reported speech.

Online exercises with answers:

Direct and indirect speech exercises Multiple choice and gap-filling exercises on reported statements, questions and commands.

Grammar rules PDF:

Reported speech rules PDF Changes of tenses, pronouns, time and place in reported statements, questions and commands.

English grammar PDF All PDF rules with examples on this website to download for free.

The reported speech is used if we want to report what other people said, thought or felt. We use reporting verbs such as say, tell, explain, think, hope, etc. If these verbs are in the past tense, we change the following: a) verb tenses and verb forms b) pronouns c) adverbs of time and place

A) Verb tenses

We change the tenses in the following way.

  • Present simple - past simple: "I work in York," Joe said. - Joe said (that) he worked in York.
  • Present continuous - past continuous: "We are playing a game," Jane explained. - Jane explained (that) they were playing a game.
  • Past simple - past perfect simple: "Sarah came back," I thought. - I thought (that) Sarah had come back.
  • Past continuous - past perfect continuous: "I was talking to our new neighbour," Ben told me. - Ben told me (that) he had been talking to our new neighbour.
  • Present perfect simple - past perfect simple: "I have eaten all sandwiches," he admitted. - He admitted (that) he had eaten all sandwiches.
  • Present perfect continuous - past perfect continuous: "I have been driving for three hours," he comnplained. - He complained (that) he had been driving for three hours.
  • Will - would I will wait outside the station," he reminded me. - He reminded me (that) he would wait outside the station.

Note: Some modal verbs change in a specific way, whereas other verb forms remain the same in special cases.

Read more: Direct and indirect speech

B) Pronouns

Personal pronouns

We have to change pronouns in the reported speech to keep the same meaning. "We are in Italy," he said. - He said they were in Italy. "They invited us," Betty said. - Betty said they had invited them. "I admire your new garden," she told me. - She told me she admired my new garden. "You can take my car," Peter said. - Peter said I could take his car.

This and these

This and these are usually substituted. "They will move this year," my mum said. - My mum said they would move that year. "I like these shoes," Tim insisted. - Tim insisted he liked the shoes.

C) Time and place

The time expressions change as follows.

now - then, today - that day, tomorrow - the next day/the following day, the day after tomorrow - in two days' time, yesterday - the day before, the day before yesterday - two days before, next week/month - the following week/month, last week/month - the previous week/month, a year ago - a year before/the previous year

Marion: "I will do it tomorrow." - Marion said she would do it the next day. Dan: "We arrived last week." - Dan said they had arrived the previous week. Judith: "Brian got married a year ago." - Judith said Brian had got married a year before.

Here and there

Here usually becomes there . But sometimes we have to make different adjustments. "I'll stay here till the evening," he said. - He said he would stay there till the evening. In the hospital: "We'll meet here." - He said they would meet in the hospital.

  • All PDF exercises and grammar rules from this website.

Reported Speech for B2 Level - Free PDF Worksheets

Level Age Topic PDF
B215Daily Routine
B215Daily Routine

Notification Bell

Reported Speech

Mark Jackson

Mark Jackson

A worksheet with a Listening task to help students understand reported speech.

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Reported Speech


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  2. PDF Unit 12B Grammar: Reported Speech(2)

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