The Modal component is a basic way to present content above an enclosing view.

View Props ​

Inherits View Props .

Deprecated. Use the animationType prop instead.

animationType ​

The animationType prop controls how the modal animates.

Possible values:

  • slide slides in from the bottom,
  • fade fades into view,
  • none appears without an animation.
enum( , , )

hardwareAccelerated Android ​

The hardwareAccelerated prop controls whether to force hardware acceleration for the underlying window.


onDismiss iOS ​

The onDismiss prop allows passing a function that will be called once the modal has been dismissed.


onOrientationChange iOS ​

The onOrientationChange callback is called when the orientation changes while the modal is being displayed. The orientation provided is only 'portrait' or 'landscape'. This callback is also called on initial render, regardless of the current orientation.

onRequestClose ​

The onRequestClose callback is called when the user taps the hardware back button on Android or the menu button on Apple TV. Because of this required prop, be aware that BackHandler events will not be emitted as long as the modal is open. On iOS, this callback is called when a Modal is being dismissed using a drag gesture when presentationStyle is pageSheet or formSheet


The onShow prop allows passing a function that will be called once the modal has been shown.

presentationStyle iOS ​

The presentationStyle prop controls how the modal appears (generally on larger devices such as iPad or plus-sized iPhones). See for details.

  • fullScreen covers the screen completely
  • pageSheet covers portrait-width view centered (only on larger devices)
  • formSheet covers narrow-width view centered (only on larger devices)
  • overFullScreen covers the screen completely, but allows transparency
enum( , , , ) if if

statusBarTranslucent Android ​

The statusBarTranslucent prop determines whether your modal should go under the system statusbar.

supportedOrientations iOS ​

The supportedOrientations prop allows the modal to be rotated to any of the specified orientations. On iOS, the modal is still restricted by what's specified in your app's Info.plist's UISupportedInterfaceOrientations field.

When using presentationStyle of pageSheet or formSheet , this property will be ignored by iOS.
array of enums( , , , , )

transparent ​

The transparent prop determines whether your modal will fill the entire view. Setting this to true will render the modal over a transparent background.

The visible prop determines whether your modal is visible.

  • animationType
  • hardwareAccelerated Android
  • onDismiss iOS
  • onOrientationChange iOS
  • onRequestClose
  • presentationStyle iOS
  • statusBarTranslucent Android
  • supportedOrientations iOS
  • transparent

Create a modal

Edit this page

In this tutorial, learn how to create a modal from React Native to select an image.

In this chapter, we'll create a modal that shows an emoji picker list.

Declare a state variable to show buttons

Before implementing the modal, we are going to add three new buttons. These buttons will only be visible when the user picks an image from the media library or decides to use the placeholder image. One of these buttons will trigger the emoji picker modal.

Add buttons

Let's break down the layout of the option buttons we will implement in this chapter. The design looks like this:

Break down of the layout of the buttons row.

  • label : the text label displayed on the button.
  • onPress : the function called when the button is pressed.

Open in Snack

Let's take a look at our app on Android, iOS and the web:

Button options displayed after a image is selected.

Create an emoji picker modal

  • onClose : a function that closes the modal.
  • children : used later to display a list of emoji.

Let's learn what the above code does.

  • Its visible prop takes the value of isVisible and controls if the modal is open or closed.
  • Its transparent prop is a boolean value that determines whether the modal fills the entire view.
  • Its animationType prop determines how it enters and leaves the screen. In this case, it is sliding from the bottom of the screen.
  • Lastly, the <EmojiPicker> onClose prop is called when the user presses the close <Pressable> .
  • Then, create an isModalVisible state variable with the useState hook. It has a default value of false to ensure that the modal is hidden until the user presses the button to open it.
  • Replace the comment in the onAddSticker() function to update the isModalVisible variable to true when the user presses the button. This will open the emoji picker.
  • Create a onModalClose() function to update the isModalVisible state variable.
  • Place the <EmojiPicker> component at the bottom of the <App> component, above the <StatusBar> component.

Here is the result after this step:

A modal working on all platforms

Display a list of emoji

Display the selected emoji.

Now we'll put the emoji sticker on the image.

This component receives two props:

  • stickerSource : the source of the selected emoji image.

We successfully created the emoji picker modal and implemented the logic to select an emoji and display it over the image.

In the next chapter, let's add user interactions with gestures to drag the emoji and scale the size by tapping it.

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Creating a pop-up modal in React Native 

presentation style modal react native

Modals are a great tool for improving user interfaces. Essentially, a modal is a screen that appears above another screen, directing a user’s attention towards critical information or guiding them to the next step in a process. An active modal disables the original screen, which is still visible, prompting the user to interact with the new one.

Creating Pop Up Modal React Native

In this tutorial, we’ll look at some practical use cases for modals and improve our understanding of them by creating the following in React Native:

  • A modal that opens when a user clicks a button
  • A reusable modal with child components
  • A pop-up modal that opens when a user navigates to a screen

You can find the source code for this project on my GitHub .

Initialize the project

First, to initialize the project, type the following code into your terminal:

If you’re adding the modal to an existing project instead of starting from scratch, skip this step, add react-native-modal to your project, and select the title  option.

Select the tabs (TypeScript) option, which should look like the code block below:

A browser window will pop up with instructions for opening the Expo project. Now, you can open your favorite IDE. If you’re using VS Code, enter code . in your terminal to open it.

Install react-native-modal

react-native-modal is what you would get if you took React Native’s modal component to the beauty salon and asked for a full makeover. It builds on React Native’s modal component, providing beautiful animations and customizable styling options.

Run the following code to install react-native-modal :

Creating a basic modal

A modal is triggered by a preceding action, like navigating to/from a screen or clicking a button.

Open screens/TabOneScreen . Change the code to look like the code block below:

Let’s take a closer look.

The React useState Hook returns isModalVisible , a stateful value, and setIsModalVisible , a function to update it.

The initial state is false , so we can’t see the modal until we change the state. In our case, we’ll use a button.


Pressing the button will call handleModal and return the opposite state. True becomes false, and false becomes true.

<Modal />

Modal has a property called isVisible that accepts a Boolean value. Because we pass isModalVisible to isVisible , the modal knows when it should appear.

Your finished modal will look like the image below:

Finished Basic React Native Modal

Creating a reusable modal

The previous example created a modal and buttons for opening and closing it. Now that we know these steps, let’s build a custom modal and a button for booting it.

presentation style modal react native

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presentation style modal react native

Let’s start with a simple button to open and close our modal. In the components folder, create a new file called Button.tsx and add the following code:

Your output should look like the image below:

Button React Native Modal

Now that we’ve built a button, we’ll create our modal. In your components folder, create a file called Modal.tsx and add the following code:

We’ve exported the original modal component from the first example as Modal . Did you notice the animation and backdropTransitions props? These props are what give the native modal component that makeover I was talking about.

For a full list of available props, check out the documentation .

Child components and dot notation

Using dot notation , we’ll export Modal as a module with child components. If you’d like to add a header, you can access the header component with Modal.Header .

ModalHeader accepts a string in the title prop. Modal.Container , Modal.Body , and Modal.Footer accept children. A child component can be anything you want it to be, like an image, some text, buttons, or a ScrollView .

Now that we have a modal and a button, head back over to screens/TabOneScreen . In just two steps, we’ll put it all together.

Import our new button and modal by changing the import statements from the code block above to the code block below, respectively:

Do the same for the modal component in the return statement:

The result should look similar to the image below:

Reusable React Native Modal Buttons Dot Notation

You can find all the changes on GitHub.

Creating a pop-up modal

Now, we have a modal that appears when we tell it to. Let’s add pop-ups that appear when we want to prompt the user to see or do something. To start, we’ll create a call to action scenario.

Let’s pretend that a user must subscribe to have access to a particular screen. We want to create a call to action if the user lands on the screen but isn’t subscribed.

Head over to screens/TabTwoScreen and swap out the current code for the code below:

useEffect re-renders when the dependencies in the dependency array change, indicated by [] . useEffect causes the Modal component to appear when you navigate to the screen.

Since we haven’t passed any dependencies, useEffect will only render once. setTimeout is used to simulate checking if the user is subscribed:

Your modal should look like the image below:

Finished React Native Pop Up Module

In this tutorial, we’ve learned what modals are and how they work. We then created three custom modals that can improve any React Native application.

As you can see, modals are a great tool for implementing calls to action. There are several other libraries that work similarly, like r eact-native-modal-datetime-picker , so it’s worth browsing on npm . Depending on your use case, you might save some time building a customized component!

I hope you’ve enjoyed learning about modals in this tutorial. Happy coding!

LogRocket : Instantly recreate issues in your React Native apps

presentation style modal react native

LogRocket is a React Native monitoring solution that helps you reproduce issues instantly, prioritize bugs, and understand performance in your React Native apps.

LogRocket also helps you increase conversion rates and product usage by showing you exactly how users are interacting with your app. LogRocket's product analytics features surface the reasons why users don't complete a particular flow or don't adopt a new feature.

Start proactively monitoring your React Native apps — try LogRocket for free .

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React Native Modal Tutorial with Examples

A Modal is a pre-defined component that helps in creating the modal popup to React Native. Ordinarily, a Modal component is a primary way to present content above an enclosing view.

If you need more control over how to present modals over the rest of your app, then consider using a top-level Navigator.

Working with modal popups has been made easy by built-in React Native Modal component. In this tutorial, we will check out the various react-native modal examples, and show you how you can add different controls over the modal component to customize it to the next level.

Table of Contents

Prerequisite, initiate react native project, run react native app with xcode emulator, add button to open modal dialog, show react native modal, close react native modal popup, modal methods & properties, react native basic modal, react native modal example.

Following tools, frameworks, and packages required to get started with this tutorial.

  • React-Native
  • React-Native CLI
  • Text Editor or IDE
  • Xcode or Android Studio

Run command in the terminal to globally Install the latest React Native CLI version.

Let’s start installing the React Native app first.

Head over to the project directory.

Run the command to check the installed React Native version:

The Xcode IDE is at the center of the Apple development experience. Robustly blended with the Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks, Xcode is an astonishingly productive environment for developing apps for Mac, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and Apple TV.

Here is the process to download Xcode from Apple site.

  • Visit Apple Developer
  • Click on develop
  • Click on downloads and sign in
  • Scroll to the bottom and click see more downloads
  • Use the search bar to search up Xcode
  • Click the little plus icon on the row with the Xcode version you want
  • Click download on the zip file

Or even you can visit the following URL to download Xcode .

Next, set the Xcode path for command line tool. Go to Xcode > Preferences > Locations Here set the Command Line Tools: Xcode xx.x.x (version number) from the dropdown.

Run React Native App in Xcode Emulator

Next, run the following command to install cocoapods .

Next, get inside the ios folder of your project.

Now, run the command while staying in the ios folder.

Then, we are all set with configuration, come out from the iOS folder and run the command in the terminal to start the app in the iOS emulator using Xcode.

demo modal react native

To run your app in an Android device or emulator, you have to set the android development environment in your machine and run the following command.

We are about to add a cool stylish button in our react-native application, and this button will be responsible for opening the Modal when the user clicks on this button.

However, we are not going to use the Button component. Instead, we will use the TouchableOpacity component to create and add a custom styling in a button.

Open the App.js file and replace with the following code.

In this step we will learn how to implement Simple Modal in React Native with some content (Image and Text). Open the App.js file and place the following code in it.

We imported the Modal component along with Image and Text components.

We defined the initial state of the Modal, the displayModal() is a function that set the Modal state to true if its false.

In the following react native modal example, we implemented the animated Modal by just setting the animation property to ‘slide’ . Apart from that, you can also choose ‘fade’ or ‘none’ prop to animate the modal.

To set the React Native Modal’s transparent background, we set the transparent property to false.

We are showing The image and text in the Modal and added the style for the components using { styles.className } property.

Next, we will understand how to close the React Native Modal, add the following code inside the Modal component.

Here is the style for close button.

And, here is the final App.js code.

There are various other properties which can allow us to customize Modal to some extent. We will have a look at the useful methods and properties to work with Modal. However, you can visit the following URL to check out the full details about Modal props.

Visible – This property makes sure whether your modal should be visible or not. It takes two parameters, either true or false.

supportedOrientations: The supportedOrientations prop lets the modal to be wheeled to any of the specified orientations.

On iOS, the modal is still restricted by what’s specified in your app’s Info.plist’s UISupportedInterfaceOrientations field. When using presentationStyle of pageSheet or formSheet, this property will be ignored by iOS.

animationType: The animationType prop manages how modal should be animated. However, the default prop is set to be none.

  • fade into view
  • slides in from the bottom
  • shows without animation

hardwareAccelerated: This property examines whether to enforce hardware acceleration for the underlying window.

presentationStyle: This value examines how the modal should appear (usually on larger devices like iPad or larger iPhones).

  • fullScreen comprises the screen perfectly
  • formSheet overlays narrow-width composition centered
  • pageSheet covers portrait-width view centered (exclusively on larger devices)
  • overFullScreen includes the screen effectively but concedes clarity

Have you thought of a modal that we can observe in a lot of simplistic applications? In such cases, the perceptibility of the modal is handled privately by some component’s local state.

Possibly something similar to this:

Thats it for now, finally we have completed React Native Modal tutorial in this tutorial we have learned how to display modal in iOS and Android app with some data. We have learned how to show and hide modal popup in React native app and also focused on basic styling of components using style.classname property in React Native.

You can get the full code of this tutorial on this GitHub repo .

Happy Coding!

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React Native Modal Box - Everything you Need to Know

React Native Modal Box - Everything you Need to Know

Fady Soliman

You can go to our GitHub Repository through this link .

React Native Modal Box App Demo

Although there are several other plugins, that we will mention throughout this post and the differences between them, that accomplish the same objective but, we decided to build our React Native Modal demo app using just the built-in Modal component shipped with the ‘react-native’ library.

React Native Modal Close on Click Outside

Creating a React Native Modal Reusable Component

Second, create a new component class called CustomModal  in a new directory called “components” exactly as structured in the demo repository that you cloned. The CustomModal component will act as the reusable component that the other parent screens will call.

First, the imports of this component are nothing more than a React Native View , Modal , StyleSheet , Dimensions and TouchableWithoutFeedback . It’s clear that CustomModal uses only the basic React Native components as shown below.

React Native Modal Style Example

A full overview of the StyleSheetFactory class is like the following code snippet:

React Native Modal Full Screen

Those navigation parameters will act as the CustomModal configurations.

Setting the transparent navigation parameter to false , will let the screen to show the modal box as follows:

React Native Modal Full Screen

The CustomModal hosted inside the BasicScreen should look like the following code snippet:

React Native Modal Not in Full Screen Mode

This behavior is the opposite configuration of the full screen mode. Simply if the transparent navigation parameter is set to true . The background screen will start to show and the modal will appear as a popover above it as shown in the below screenshot:

React Native Modal not full screen

Bottom-Half React Native Modal

Showing a React Native Modal in the bottom-half section of the screen with our setup is beyond simple. You could have already noticed that there is a boolean property inside CustomModal called bottomHalf that could be set to true or false to show the modal in the bottom-half mode.

React Native Modal Bottom Half Screen

Closing the React Native Modal on Clicking Outside

Then, CustomModal delegates the click event of the touchable to the calling parent components that will then, decide to do some action if the touchable is clicked. This action, in our case, will be setting the visible local state to false in BasicScreen .

React Native Modal Close on Clicking Outside

Other React Native Modal Plugins

We found both plugins interesting, and we added some useful examples how to include them and call them in your project. As we know, some plugins have always advantages over the others and what we found through integrating both plugins is very interesting.

React Native Modal Plugins Demo

Here’s a chart that emphasizes the popularity difference:

React Native Modals Popularity Chart

React-Native-Modal Integration Results

The next step is to import the plugin using the following import statement:

The next step is calling the modal plugin you’ve just imported in order to display a modal on the screen.

React Native Pop up with close link

React-Native-Modals Integration Results

The following imports might be needed according to your requirements.

To call the modal component, you can place the following code snippet in your project as a simple example:

React Native modal with close outside

As a Conclusion

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  • 2 Dependencies
  • 612 Dependents
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  • 📣 We're looking for maintainers and contributors! See #598
  • 💡 We're brainstorming if/how we can make a JavaScript-only version of react-native-modal . See #597
  • 🙏 If you have a question, please start a new discussion instead of opening a new issue.

npm version

If you're new to the React Native world, please notice that React Native itself offers a component that works out-of-the-box .

An enhanced, animated, customizable React Native modal.

The goal of react-native-modal is expanding the original React Native <Modal> component by adding animations, style customization options, and new features, while still providing a simple API.

  • Smooth enter/exit animations
  • Plain simple and flexible APIs
  • Customizable backdrop opacity, color and timing
  • Listeners for the modal animations ending
  • Resize itself correctly on device rotation

This library is available on npm, install it with: npm i react-native-modal or yarn add react-native-modal .

Since react-native-modal is an extension of the original React Native modal , it works in a similar fashion.

  • Import react-native-modal :
  • Create a <Modal> component and nest its content inside of it:
  • Then, show the modal by setting the isVisible prop to true :

The isVisible prop is the only prop you'll really need to make the modal work: you should control this prop value by saving it in your wrapper component state and setting it to true or false when needed.

A complete example

The following example consists in a component ( ModalTester ) with a button and a modal. The modal is controlled by the isModalVisible state variable and it is initially hidden, since its value is false . Pressing the button sets isModalVisible to true, making the modal visible. Inside the modal there is another button that, when pressed, sets isModalVisible to false, hiding the modal.

For a more complex example take a look at the /example directory.

Available props

Name Type Default Description
or Modal show animation
Timing for the modal show animation (in ms)
or Modal hide animation
Timing for the modal hide animation (in ms)
Move the modal up if the keyboard is open
Will use RN component to cover the entire screen wherever the modal is mounted in the component hierarchy
Render the backdrop
The backdrop background color
The backdrop opacity when the modal is visible
The backdrop show timing (in ms)
The backdrop hide timing (in ms)
The custom backdrop element
The modal content
Device height (useful on devices that can hide the navigation bar)
Device width (useful on devices that can hide the navigation bar)
Show the modal?
Called when the Android back button is pressed
Called when the backdrop is pressed
Called before the modal hide animation begins
Called when the modal is completely hidden
Called before the modal show animation begins
Called when the modal is completely visible
Called when the swipe action started
Called on each swipe event
Called when the has been reached
Called when the has not been reached
The threshold for when the panResponder should pick up swipe events
When > 0, disables swipe-to-close, in order to implement scrollable content
Used to implement overscroll feel when content is scrollable. See directory
Used to implement scrollable modal. See directory for reference on how to use it
Set to true if your scrollView is horizontal (for a correct scroll handling)
Swiping threshold that when reached calls
or Defines the direction where the modal can be swiped. Can be 'up', 'down', 'left, or 'right', or a combination of them like
Defines if animations should use native driver
Defines if animations for backdrop should use native driver (to avoid flashing on android)
Enhances the performance by hiding the modal content until the animations complete
or Allows swipe events to propagate to children components (eg a ScrollView inside a modal)
Style applied to the modal

Frequently Asked Questions

The component is not working as expected.

Under the hood react-native-modal uses react-native original Modal component . Before reporting a bug, try swapping react-native-modal with react-native original Modal component and, if the issue persists, check if it has already been reported as a react-native issue .

The backdrop is not completely filled/covered on some Android devices (Galaxy, for one)

React-Native has a few issues detecting the correct device width/height of some devices. If you're experiencing this issue, you'll need to install react-native-extra-dimensions-android . Then, provide the real window height (obtained from react-native-extra-dimensions-android ) to the modal:

How can I hide the modal by pressing outside of its content?

The prop onBackdropPress allows you to handle this situation:

How can I hide the modal by swiping it?

The prop onSwipeComplete allows you to handle this situation (remember to set swipeDirection too!):

Note that when using useNativeDriver={true} the modal won't drag correctly. This is a known issue .

The modal flashes in a weird way when animating

Unfortunately this is a known issue that happens when useNativeDriver=true and must still be solved. In the meanwhile as a workaround you can set the hideModalContentWhileAnimating prop to true : this seems to solve the issue. Also, do not assign a backgroundColor property directly to the Modal. Prefer to set it on the child container.

The modal background doesn't animate properly

Are you sure you named the isVisible prop correctly? Make sure it is spelled correctly: isVisible , not visible .

The modal doesn't change orientation

Add a supportedOrientations={['portrait', 'landscape']} prop to the component, as described in the React Native documentation .

Also, if you're providing the deviceHeight and deviceWidth props you'll have to manually update them when the layout changes.

I can't show multiple modals one after another

Unfortunately right now react-native doesn't allow multiple modals to be displayed at the same time. This means that, in react-native-modal , if you want to immediately show a new modal after closing one you must first make sure that the modal that your closing has completed its hiding animation by using the onModalHide prop.

I can't show multiple modals at the same time

See the question above. Showing multiple modals (or even alerts/dialogs) at the same time is not doable because of a react-native bug. That said, I would strongly advice against using multiple modals at the same time because, most often than not, this leads to a bad UX, especially on mobile (just my opinion).

The StatusBar style changes when the modal shows up

This issue has been discussed here . The TLDR is: it's a know React-Native issue with the Modal component 😞

The modal is not covering the entire screen

The modal style applied by default has a small margin. If you want the modal to cover the entire screen you can easily override it this way:

I can't scroll my ScrollView inside of the modal

Enable propagateSwipe to allow your child components to receive swipe events:

Please notice that this is still a WIP fix and might not fix your issue yet, see issue #236 .

The modal enter/exit animation flickers

Make sure your animationIn and animationOut are set correctly. We noticed that, for example, using fadeIn as an exit animation makes the modal flicker (it should be fadeOut !). Also, some users have noticed that setting backdropTransitionOutTiming={0} can fix the flicker without affecting the animation.

The custom backdrop doesn't fill the entire screen

You need to specify the size of your custom backdrop component. You can also make it expand to fill the entire screen by adding a flex: 1 to its style:

The custom backdrop doesn't dismiss the modal on press

You can provide an event handler to the custom backdrop element to dismiss the modal. The prop onBackdropPress is not supported for a custom backdrop.

Available animations

Take a look at react-native-animatable to see the dozens of animations available out-of-the-box. You can also pass in custom animation definitions and have them automatically register with react-native-animatable. For more information on creating custom animations, see the react-native-animatable animation definition schema .


  • React Native's built-in <Modal> component
  • React Native Paper <Modal> component
  • React Native Modalfy


Thanks @oblador for react-native-animatable, @brentvatne for the npm namespace and to anyone who contributed to this library!

Pull requests, feedbacks and suggestions are welcome!

  • react-native

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npm i react-native-modal


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Native Stack Navigator

Native Stack Navigator provides a way for your app to transition between screens where each new screen is placed on top of a stack.

This navigator uses the native APIs UINavigationController on iOS and Fragment on Android so that navigation built with createNativeStackNavigator will behave exactly the same and have the same performance characteristics as apps built natively on top of those APIs. It also offers basic Web support using react-native-web .

One thing to keep in mind is that while @react-navigation/native-stack offers native performance and exposes native features such as large title on iOS etc., it may not be as customizable as @react-navigation/stack depending on your needs. So if you need more customization than what's possible in this navigator, consider using @react-navigation/stack instead - which is a more customizable JavaScript based implementation.

Installation ​

To use this navigator, ensure that you have @react-navigation/native and its dependencies (follow this guide) , then install @react-navigation/native-stack :

API Definition ​

💡 If you encounter any bugs while using createNativeStackNavigator , please open issues on react-native-screens rather than the react-navigation repository!

To use this navigator, import it from @react-navigation/native-stack :

The Stack.Navigator component accepts following props:

Optional unique ID for the navigator. This can be used with navigation.getParent to refer to this navigator in a child navigator.

initialRouteName ​

The name of the route to render on first load of the navigator.

screenOptions ​

Default options to use for the screens in the navigator.

The following options can be used to configure the screens in the navigator:

String that can be used as a fallback for headerTitle .

headerBackButtonMenuEnabled ​

Boolean indicating whether to show the menu on longPress of iOS >= 14 back button. Defaults to true .

Requires react-native-screens version >=3.3.0.

Only supported on iOS.

headerBackVisible ​

Whether the back button is visible in the header. You can use it to show a back button alongside headerLeft if you have specified it.

This will have no effect on the first screen in the stack.

headerBackTitle ​

Title string used by the back button on iOS. Defaults to the previous scene's title, or "Back" if there's not enough space. Use headerBackTitleVisible: false to hide it.

headerBackTitleVisible ​

Whether the back button title should be visible or not.

headerBackTitleStyle ​

Style object for header back title. Supported properties:

headerBackImageSource ​

Image to display in the header as the icon in the back button. Defaults to back icon image for the platform

  • A chevron on iOS
  • An arrow on Android

headerLargeStyle ​

Style of the header when a large title is shown. The large title is shown if headerLargeTitle is true and the edge of any scrollable content reaches the matching edge of the header.

Supported properties:

  • backgroundColor

headerLargeTitle ​

Whether to enable header with large title which collapses to regular header on scroll.

For large title to collapse on scroll, the content of the screen should be wrapped in a scrollable view such as ScrollView or FlatList . If the scrollable area doesn't fill the screen, the large title won't collapse on scroll. You also need to specify contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior="automatic" in your ScrollView , FlatList etc.

headerLargeTitleShadowVisible ​

Whether drop shadow of header is visible when a large title is shown.

headerLargeTitleStyle ​

Style object for large title in header. Supported properties:

headerShown ​

Whether to show the header. The header is shown by default. Setting this to false hides the header.

headerStyle ​

Style object for header. Supported properties:

headerShadowVisible ​

Whether to hide the elevation shadow (Android) or the bottom border (iOS) on the header.

headerTransparent ​

Boolean indicating whether the navigation bar is translucent.

Defaults to false . Setting this to true makes the header absolutely positioned - so that the header floats over the screen so that it overlaps the content underneath, and changes the background color to transparent unless specified in headerStyle .

This is useful if you want to render a semi-transparent header or a blurred background.

Note that if you don't want your content to appear under the header, you need to manually add a top margin to your content. React Navigation won't do it automatically.

To get the height of the header, you can use HeaderHeightContext with React's Context API or useHeaderHeight .

headerBlurEffect ​

Blur effect for the translucent header. The headerTransparent option needs to be set to true for this to work.

Supported values:

  • systemUltraThinMaterial
  • systemThinMaterial
  • systemMaterial
  • systemThickMaterial
  • systemChromeMaterial
  • systemUltraThinMaterialLight
  • systemThinMaterialLight
  • systemMaterialLight
  • systemThickMaterialLight
  • systemChromeMaterialLight
  • systemUltraThinMaterialDark
  • systemThinMaterialDark
  • systemMaterialDark
  • systemThickMaterialDark
  • systemChromeMaterialDark

headerBackground ​

Function which returns a React Element to render as the background of the header. This is useful for using backgrounds such as an image or a gradient.

headerTintColor ​

Tint color for the header. Changes the color of back button and title.

headerLeft ​

Function which returns a React Element to display on the left side of the header. This replaces the back button. See headerBackVisible to show the back button along side left element.

headerRight ​

Function which returns a React Element to display on the right side of the header.

headerTitle ​

String or a function that returns a React Element to be used by the header. Defaults to title or name of the screen.

When a function is passed, it receives tintColor and children in the options object as an argument. The title string is passed in children .

Note that if you render a custom element by passing a function, animations for the title won't work.

headerTitleAlign ​

How to align the header title. Possible values:

Defaults to left on platforms other than iOS.

Not supported on iOS. It's always center on iOS and cannot be changed.

headerTitleStyle ​

Style object for header title. Supported properties:

headerSearchBarOptions ​

Options to render a native search bar on iOS. Search bars are rarely static so normally it is controlled by passing an object to headerSearchBarOptions navigation option in the component's body. You also need to specify contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior="automatic" in your ScrollView , FlatList etc. If you don't have a ScrollView , specify headerTransparent: false .

Only supported on iOS and Android.

Supported properties are described below.

autoCapitalize ​

Controls whether the text is automatically auto-capitalized as it is entered by the user. Possible values:

Defaults to sentences .

autoFocus ​

Whether to automatically focus search bar when it's shown. Defaults to false .

Only supported on Android.

barTintColor ​

The search field background color. By default bar tint color is translucent.

tintColor ​

The color for the cursor caret and cancel button text.

cancelButtonText ​

The text to be used instead of default Cancel button text.

disableBackButtonOverride ​

Whether the back button should close search bar's text input or not. Defaults to false .

hideNavigationBar ​

Boolean indicating whether to hide the navigation bar during searching. Defaults to true .

hideWhenScrolling ​

Boolean indicating whether to hide the search bar when scrolling. Defaults to true .

inputType ​

The type of the input. Defaults to "text" .

  • "text"
  • "phone"
  • "number"
  • "email"

obscureBackground ​

Boolean indicating whether to obscure the underlying content with semi-transparent overlay. Defaults to true .

placeholder ​

Text displayed when search field is empty.

textColor ​

The color of the text in the search field.

hintTextColor ​

The color of the hint text in the search field.

headerIconColor ​

The color of the search and close icons shown in the header

shouldShowHintSearchIcon ​

Whether to show the search hint icon when search bar is focused. Defaults to true .

A callback that gets called when search bar has lost focus.

onCancelButtonPress ​

A callback that gets called when the cancel button is pressed.

onChangeText ​

A callback that gets called when the text changes. It receives the current text value of the search bar.

Custom header to use instead of the default header.

This accepts a function that returns a React Element to display as a header. The function receives an object containing the following properties as the argument:

  • navigation - The navigation object for the current screen.
  • route - The route object for the current screen.
  • options - The options for the current screen
  • back - Options for the back button, contains an object with a title property to use for back button label.

To set a custom header for all the screens in the navigator, you can specify this option in the screenOptions prop of the navigator.

Note that if you specify a custom header, the native functionality such as large title, search bar etc. won't work.

statusBarAnimation ​

Sets the status bar animation (similar to the StatusBar component). Defaults to fade on iOS and none on Android.

  • "fade"
  • "none"
  • "slide"

On Android, setting either fade or slide will set the transition of status bar color. On iOS, this option applies to appereance animation of the status bar.

Requires setting View controller-based status bar appearance -> YES (or removing the config) in your Info.plist file.

Only supported on Android and iOS.

statusBarHidden ​

Whether the status bar should be hidden on this screen.

statusBarStyle ​

Sets the status bar color (similar to the StatusBar component). Defaults to auto .

  • "auto"
  • "inverted" (iOS only)
  • "dark"
  • "light"

statusBarColor ​

Sets the status bar color (similar to the StatusBar component). Defaults to initial status bar color.

statusBarTranslucent ​

Sets the translucency of the status bar (similar to the StatusBar component). Defaults to false .

contentStyle ​

Style object for the scene content.

customAnimationOnGesture ​

Whether the gesture to dismiss should use animation provided to animation prop. Defaults to false .

Doesn't affect the behavior of screens presented modally.

fullScreenGestureEnabled ​

Whether the gesture to dismiss should work on the whole screen. Using gesture to dismiss with this option results in the same transition animation as simple_push . This behavior can be changed by setting customAnimationOnGesture prop. Achieving the default iOS animation isn't possible due to platform limitations. Defaults to false .

gestureEnabled ​

Whether you can use gestures to dismiss this screen. Defaults to true . Only supported on iOS.

animationTypeForReplace ​

The type of animation to use when this screen replaces another screen. Defaults to pop .

  • push : the new screen will perform push animation.
  • pop : the new screen will perform pop animation.

animation ​

How the screen should animate when pushed or popped.

  • default : use the platform default animation
  • fade : fade screen in or out
  • fade_from_bottom : fade the new screen from bottom
  • flip : flip the screen, requires presentation: "modal" (iOS only)
  • simple_push : default animation, but without shadow and native header transition (iOS only, uses default animation on Android)
  • slide_from_bottom : slide in the new screen from bottom
  • slide_from_right : slide in the new screen from right (Android only, uses default animation on iOS)
  • slide_from_left : slide in the new screen from left (Android only, uses default animation on iOS)
  • none : don't animate the screen

presentation ​

How should the screen be presented.

  • card : the new screen will be pushed onto a stack, which means the default animation will be slide from the side on iOS, the animation on Android will vary depending on the OS version and theme.
  • modal : the new screen will be presented modally. this also allows for a nested stack to be rendered inside the screen.
  • transparentModal : the new screen will be presented modally, but in addition, the previous screen will stay so that the content below can still be seen if the screen has translucent background.
  • containedModal : will use "UIModalPresentationCurrentContext" modal style on iOS and will fallback to "modal" on Android.
  • containedTransparentModal : will use "UIModalPresentationOverCurrentContext" modal style on iOS and will fallback to "transparentModal" on Android.
  • fullScreenModal : will use "UIModalPresentationFullScreen" modal style on iOS and will fallback to "modal" on Android. A screen using this presentation style can't be dismissed by gesture.
  • formSheet : will use "UIModalPresentationFormSheet" modal style on iOS and will fallback to "modal" on Android.

orientation ​

The display orientation to use for the screen.

  • default - resolves to "all" without "portrait_down" on iOS. On Android, this lets the system decide the best orientation.
  • all : all orientations are permitted.
  • portrait : portrait orientations are permitted.
  • portrait_up : right-side portrait orientation is permitted.
  • portrait_down : upside-down portrait orientation is permitted.
  • landscape : landscape orientations are permitted.
  • landscape_left : landscape-left orientation is permitted.
  • landscape_right : landscape-right orientation is permitted.

autoHideHomeIndicator ​

Boolean indicating whether the home indicator should prefer to stay hidden. Defaults to false .

gestureDirection ​

Sets the direction in which you should swipe to dismiss the screen.

  • vertical – dismiss screen vertically
  • horizontal – dismiss screen horizontally (default)

When using vertical option, options fullScreenGestureEnabled: true , customAnimationOnGesture: true and animation: 'slide_from_bottom' are set by default.

animationDuration ​

Changes the duration (in milliseconds) of slide_from_bottom , fade_from_bottom , fade and simple_push transitions on iOS. Defaults to 350 .

The duration of default and flip transitions isn't customizable.

navigationBarColor ​

Sets the navigation bar color. Defaults to initial status bar color.

navigationBarHidden ​

Boolean indicating whether the navigation bar should be hidden. Defaults to false .

freezeOnBlur ​

Boolean indicating whether to prevent inactive screens from re-rendering. Defaults to false . Defaults to true when enableFreeze() from react-native-screens package is run at the top of the application.

Requires react-native-screens version >=3.16.0.

The navigator can emit events on certain actions. Supported events are:

transitionStart ​

This event is fired when the transition animation starts for the current screen.

Event data:

  • - Boolean indicating whether the screen is being opened or closed.

transitionEnd ​

This event is fired when the transition animation ends for the current screen.

  • - Boolean indicating whether the screen was opened or closed.

The native stack navigator adds the following methods to the navigation prop:

Replaces the current screen with a new screen in the stack. The method accepts following arguments:

  • name - string - Name of the route to push onto the stack.
  • params - object - Screen params to pass to the destination route.

Pushes a new screen to top of the stack and navigate to it. The method accepts following arguments:

Pops the current screen from the stack and navigates back to the previous screen. It takes one optional argument ( count ), which allows you to specify how many screens to pop back by.

Pops all of the screens in the stack except the first one and navigates to it.

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Is there a way to get this type of iOS modal in react native?

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  • Before you start
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In human-centered design, when we speak about a modal (or modality), we often refer to a set of techniques, aimed at bringing user attention to a specific event / screen / action / etc. Those often require user input. A pop-up on a website, a file deletion confirmation dialogue on your computer, or an alert asking you to enable location service on your phone - these can all be considered modals.

A modal is a term used in native iOS world ( full description here ), while on Android, dialogs are often used to create similar or identical behavior, alongside other techniques.

Presenting modals #

Modal can be displayed by invoking the Navigation.showModal() command, as shown in the example below:

Here's how the Modal looks on both platforms.

Adding a dismiss button #

Modals should always have a dismiss button, on left-to-right devices it's typically placed as a left button in the TopBar.

After we've added our dismiss button, we need to dismiss the modal when the button is pressed.

For the LeftButton to be visible, the screen must be displayed in a Stack.

Transparent modals #

Showing transparent modals is a nice technique to increase immersiveness while keeping the user in the same context. When a modal is displayed the content behind it (either root or modal) is removed from hierarchy. While this behavior improves performance, it's undesired when showing transparent modals as we need to see the content behind it.

To configure this behaviour, we'll need to change the modalPresentationStyle option to overCurrentContext and change the layout background color to 'transparent' .

Preventing a Modal from being dismissed #

Preventing a modal from being dismissed is done differently for each platform. While preventing the user from dismissing the modal is possible, the modal could still be dismissed programmatically by calling Navigation.dismissModal()

If the modal has a dismiss button, of course you'll need to handle it your self and avoid calling Navigation.dismissModal() when the button is pressed.

On Android, modals can be dismissed with the hardware back button. You can handle the back press your self by adding a BackHandler

While iOS devices don't have a hardware back button, PageSheet modals can be dismissed by swipe gesture from the top of the screen. To disable it, set swipeToDismiss option to false.

Presentation Style #

The presentation style determines the look and feel of a screen displayed as modal.

  • Presenting modals
  • Adding a dismiss button
  • Transparent modals
  • Presentation Style

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IOS Modal Presentation Style. #1226


arunabhverma commented Dec 12, 2022 • edited Loading

If it is possible with the current version of this library then please guide me on how to can I implement it.

Because this is a native ios style to show a full-screen modal. And this library provides us with all things like the bottom sheet and modal if there is a way to implement ios modal presentation it will be the cherry on the cake.

I'll prefer to use reanimated for this type of animation.

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github-actions bot commented Dec 12, 2022

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nrwinner commented Dec 21, 2022

Why not just use a regular Modal from React Native here? you can set the prop to "pageSheet" to get the look you're after.

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github-actions bot commented Jan 21, 2023

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github-actions bot commented Jan 26, 2023

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arunabhverma commented Feb 1, 2023 • edited Loading

you can set the prop to "pageSheet" to get the look you're after.

This is a good idea but if we go for this we are not able to use the swipe down to close in android.

We have to build another component for this.

nrwinner commented Feb 1, 2023

Hmm, in that case I'd recommend checking out the native modals in or . This repo is specifically for bottom sheets and most likely will not implement iOS modals directly.

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react-navigation native-stack, how to change the modal height?



this is my current screen for modal

i wannna make like this this is my target

is there any possible to change the height using the react-navigation native-stack v6? i already look at the documentation which it does not mention any styling which can change the height of modal

im expecting the height of modal can be change

  • react-native
  • react-navigation
  • react-navigation-native-stack

One's user avatar

2 Answers 2

Adding a to the root of my app seemed to interfere with the that was already there (which already uses PortalProvider under the hood). Only every other bottom sheet I opened would become visible.

I got mine working simply by wrapping my react-navigation modal screen's contents in a :

Mahammad Momin's user avatar

  • i already did based on your code, however the height still same as picture given. My expectation is i want to control the height modal. <BottomSheetModalProvider> for this one, which library that you used? –  One Commented Jan 30 at 12:52
  • I just update please try it should work –  Mahammad Momin Commented Jan 30 at 12:58
  • thanks for update, however i want to use library react-navigation. i dont want to use other library –  One Commented Jan 31 at 7:42

The modal's height should now match the value you entered in the styles' height attribute.modalCard object.

Pratik Prakash Bindage's user avatar

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  3. Opening a modal

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  4. react-native-modal/react-native-modal

    An enhanced, animated, customizable React Native modal. The goal of react-native-modal is expanding the original React Native <Modal> component by adding animations, style customization options, and new features, while still providing a simple API.

  5. Modal

    Presenting modals. Modal can be displayed by invoking the Navigation.showModal() command, as shown in the example below: Or by declaring modal as a Component inside render function: Available for Android only, for iOS please use Modal from react-native. ( Full code can be found in the Playground ).

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  8. Opening a full-screen modal

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  10. Stack Navigator

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  13. react-native-modal

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  14. Native Stack Navigator

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  15. Is there a way to get this type of iOS modal in react native?

    Yes, you can use the Modal component from React Native: https: ... Reply reply jsizzle96 • Just a note that the UI varies for iOS and Android using this presentation style. On iOS pageSheet is user dismissible (via drag) in iOS13+ so keep that in mind as well. Not sure if a prop is exposed to prevent this. ...

  16. Modal

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  17. IOS Modal Presentation Style. · Issue #1226 · gorhom/react-native

    Because this is a native ios style to show a full-screen modal. And this library provides us with all things like the bottom sheet and modal if there is a way to implement ios modal presentation it will be the cherry on the cake. Possible implementation. I'll prefer to use reanimated for this type of animation. Code sample

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    It seems like you need to specify this information for a group, rather than for the specific screen. You were also assigning properties which the typescript compiler did not think were valid for React Navigation 6. Check that your text editor is showing the compiler errors as you type. <Stack.Group. screenOptions={{.

  19. react-navigation native-stack, how to change the modal height?

    The modal's height should now match the value you entered in the styles' height attribute.modalCard object. import { StyleSheet } from 'react-native'; const styles = StyleSheet.create({.