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Higher Degree by Research Scholarship Policy

Section 1 - audience, section 2 - executive summary, section 3 - relaxation clause, section 4 - scholarship types, section 5 - eligibility, section 6 - periods of support, section 7 - rate, section 8 - relocation allowance, stipend - domestic scholars, stipend - international scholars, section 9 - overseas student health cover (oshc), section 10 - applications, selection process and offers, applications, section 11 - commencement, section 12 - supervision and facilities, section 13 - attendance, stipend – full time, stipend – part time, section 14 - leave, section 15 - leave of absence, international scholars, section 16 - employment, section 17 - enrolment variations, transfer of program within the university, variation of study load, conversion of program, section 18 - temporary cessation of stipend payments, section 19 - research activities at other organisations, section 20 - suspension of scholarship, donor funded and business and industry:, section 21 - termination, international scholars, section 22 - obligations, section 23 - appeal.

(1) This policy applies to University of Newcastle ( University ) funded Higher Degree by Research (HDR) scholarship recipients, excluding Research Training Program scholarships covered under the Research Training Program Scholarship Policy .

(2) The University offers a wide range of scholarships to support PhD and Research Masters candidates with a proven capacity for research .

(3) This policy supports the University's commitment to recruiting and funding higher degrees by research through the provision of living allowance and tuition fee scholarships.

(4) This policy provides a comprehensive referral point for University-funded HDR scholarships.

(5) To provide for exceptional circumstances arising in a particular case, the Dean of Graduate Research may relax any provision of this Policy, in consultation with the partner institution/donor/industry partner if applicable. In the context of this document, a partner institution is the other university (alongside the University ) where a Dual Award or Jointly Awarded candidate will undertake part of their studies.

(6) This scholarship policy applies to all scholarship listed on the HDR Scholarships List .

(7) Applicants  to an approved Master Degree (Research) or Doctoral Degree (Research/Professional) at the University may apply for a scholarship where:

  • the applicant is not already receiving a scholarship which includes course tuition; and
  • enrolled as a full-time candidate and is compliant with international student visa requirements as specified by Department of Home Affairs (DOHA).

(8) Specific eligibility:

  • UNIPRS: An applicant must be an international candidate . UNIPRS scholars must also be awarded a living allowance scholarship and subject to funding source, Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) and equivalent benefits to a UNRSC. The living allowance scholarship may be in the form of a UNRSC or UNRSE.
  • CSC: Subject to availability of sponsor funding, an applicant must hold a living allowance scholarship awarded by the CSC, and be commencing a HDR program in an area of research concentration as identified by the CSC or the University , and have met the University's English proficiency requirements.
  • VIED: Subject to availability of sponsor funding, an applicant must be a citizen of Vietnam, and nominated for scholarship by VIED. The scholar must remain an international candidate throughout their candidature at the University .
  • copy of their Academic Integration Plan; or
  • letter from AccessAbility outlining the impact of their condition/s on HDR study.
  • Vice-Chancellor’s HDR Training Scholarship: refer to the Vice-Chancellor's Higher Degree by Research Training Scholarships Guidelines for specific eligibility guidelines.

(9) Applicants  to an approved Master Degree (Research) or Doctoral Degree (Research/Professional) at the University may apply for a scholarship where:

  • they are enrolling as a full-time candidate or have approval to undertake part-time study;
  • they are not receiving an equivalent award , scholarship or salary providing a benefit greater than 75% of the Stipend base rate to undertake the proposed program (income earned from sources unrelated to the program of study is not subject to the 75% rule);
  • they will be enrolled on campus and will remain enrolled on campus for the majority of the degree (also refer to Section 19 Research activities at other institutions); and
  • for international applicants , they are enrolling as a full-time candidate and are compliant with international student visa requirements as specified by DOHA .

(10) Specific eligibility:

  • Donor funded and Business and Industry: The applicant may be nominated for a scholarship by, or in consultation with, the Donor/Industry partner. The scholar must also remain enrolled on campus or at the Business and Industry Partner's facilities for the majority of the degree.
  • DADD and JADD: Subject to an executed Candidate Agreement between the University  and the partner institution, which sets out the arrangements agreed upon by both institutions and the individual doctoral candidate undertaking a Jointly Awarded Doctoral Degree (JADD) or  Dual Award Doctoral Degree (DADD) .
  • a copy of their Academic Integration Plan; or
  • a letter from AccessAbility outlining the impact of their condition/s on HDR study.

(11) If a scholarship is awarded to a scholar already undertaking a HDR program , the period of support will be reduced acknowledging the scholar’s prior tenure.

(12) A full-time scholarship may be held for two years to support a full-time Master Degree (Research), or four years for a full-time Doctoral Degree (Research/Professional).

(13) A full-time scholarship may be held for a maximum of two years to support a full-time Master Degree (Research) or a maximum of three and a half years for a full-time Doctoral Degree (Research/Professional).

(14) Disability Support PhD Scholarship: A maximum of four years for a full-time Doctoral Degree (Research/Professional).

(15) The rate applicable to each scholarship round is available on the Graduate Research website.

(16) Scholars from within Australia who relocate to within 50 kms of their campus of study will be eligible for a one-off relocation reimbursement of up to $1,500. Claimable expenses upon production of tax invoices/receipts include:

  • Travel to within 50 kms of their campus of study equivalent to the economy or student airfare, for the scholar, spouse and dependents;
  • Removalist expenses; and
  • A pre-determined per kilometre allowance if travelling by car, up to the equivalent economy/ student airfare costs.

(17) Where a Dual Award Doctoral Degree (DADD)  or Jointly Awarded Doctoral Degree (JADD)  scholar has not previously claimed a relocation allowance, they may receive a one-off relocation allowance of $1,500 to relocate to the partner institution.

(18) Scholars cannot claim for accommodation, meal costs, or direct petrol costs.

(19) International scholars receive a one-off relocation allowance of $1,500 to relocate to within 50 kms of their campus of study from an overseas country to take up their scholarship.

(20) OSHC is provided to Stipend international scholars for the duration of their student visa and any approved upgrade to the scholar’s program. Where the Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) is extended on the basis of an extension to candidature, the scholar will be liable for any additional OSHC costs. The scholar must advise Graduate Research of the departure date from Australia following thesis submission or award of degree. OSHC will cease at the award of your degree, or if a scholar withdraws or is terminated from their program of study.

(21) Dual Award Doctoral Degree (DADD)  and Jointly Awarded Doctoral Degree (JADD) : OSHC will be ceased at the time of final departure from Australia or at award of degree, whichever is earlier.

(22) The Application process is available on the Graduate Research PHD and Research Degrees Apply Now  website.

(23) VIED and CSC: The Committee or its nominee(s) undertake selection on the recommendation of the funding body and relevant School , and in accordance with the agreed disciplines listed in the Memorandum of Understanding.

(24) Dual Award Doctoral Degree (DADD)  and Jointly Awarded Doctoral Degree (JADD) : The award of a centrally funded scholarship is at the Dean of Graduate Research's discretion.

(25) Business and Industry: Selection is undertaken by the Business and Industry Scholarship Selection Committee, which may include the Dean of Graduate Research, the College  ADRT, the prospective supervisor, and a representative from the industry partner.

(26) Vice-Chancellor’s HDR Training Scholarship: refer to the Vice-Chancellor's Higher Degree by Research Training Scholarships Guidelines for specific application, scholarship process and offers guidelines.

(27) All other Stipend and Tuition scholarships: The Selection process applicable to each scholarship round is available on the Graduate Research website.

(28) Successful applicants will receive an offer via email to the email address stipulated on their application form or existing University  email account.

(29) The scholar must be enrolled in a HDR and commence the scholarship no later than the date specified in the scholarship offer. The offer will be forfeited if this condition is not met, unless deferral has been approved.

(30) The University's Code of Practice for Higher Degree by Research Candidature  applies in relation to HDR supervision and facilities.

(31) A scholar must undertake an approved Master Degree (Research) or Doctoral Degree (Research/Professional) at the University upon commencement of the scholarship and enrol as a full-time candidate , unless the Dean of Graduate Research has approved part-time study.

(32) The Dean of Graduate Research may approve a part-time Stipend scholarship to a domestic candidate where the applicant is able to demonstrate:

  • Carer responsibilities for a pre-school aged child;
  • Carer responsibilities for school-aged children as a sole parent with limited access to outside support;
  • Carer responsibilities for an invalid or disabled spouse, child or parent; or
  • A medical condition that limits their capacity to undertake full-time study, supported by medical certification.

(33) The Australian Government ESOS Act specifies that international candidates with a Student Visa cannot study on a part-time basis in Australia and therefore will not be awarded a scholarship on a part-time basis.

(34) The Dean of Graduate Research may approve part-time study under exceptional circumstances for scholars studying outside Australia.

(35) Business and Industry: Approval to undertake part time study is required from the Business and Industry Partner.

(36) Dual Award Doctoral Degree (DADD)  and Jointly Awarded Doctoral Degree (JADD) : Approval to undertake part time study is required from both the University  and the partner institution.

(37) All types of leave must be discussed with, and approved by, the relevant supervisor.

  • Business and Industry: Approval for leave is also required from the Business and Industry Partner.
  • Dual Award Doctoral Degree (DADD)  and Jointly Awarded Doctoral Degree (JADD) : Approval for leave is required from both the University  and the partner institution.

Annual Leave 

(38) Scholars are entitled to up to 20 working days paid annual leave each year calculated on a pro-rata basis within the period of the scholarship. This may be accrued over the tenure of the scholarship.

(39) Stipend scholars are entitled to up to 10 working days paid sick leave each year calculated on a pro-rata basis within the period of the scholarship. This may be accrued over the tenure of the scholarship.

(40) Sick leave entitlements may also be used by scholars with family responsibilities, to care for sick children or relatives.

(41) For periods of illness lasting longer than 10 working days and where there is medical certification confirming the illness, scholars may receive up to a total of 60 working days paid sick leave in addition to the normal duration of the scholarship, depending on the source of scholarship funding.

(42) Applications for sick leave exceeding the 10 working days ' provision must be accompanied by medical certification, and submitted to Graduate Research prior to the scholarship expiry date.

Parental Leave

(43) Stipend scholars who are primary carers may receive up to 60 working days paid parental leave for childbirth or adoption occurring within the tenure of the scholarship, depending on the source of scholarship funding. 

(44) Periods of paid parental leave are in addition to the normal duration of the scholarship.

(45) All applications for parental leave must be accompanied by medical/adoption certification, and submitted within the tenure of the scholarship.

(46) Paid parental leave is not available within the first 12 months of the scholarship.

(47) Unpaid parental leave may be applied for as Leave of Absence under this policy.

Partner Leave

(48) Stipend scholars who are partners may receive up to 10 working days paid partner leave for a childbirth or adoption occurring within the tenure of the scholarship, depending on the source of scholarship funding. For the purposes of this clause “partner” means the partner of the primary carer, which includes a spouse or de facto.

(49) Paid partner leave must be taken during the three-week period prior to the expected birth or placement of the child, or up to six months after the actual birth or placement of the child.

(50) Periods of paid partner leave are in addition to the normal duration of the scholarship.

(51) All applications for parental leave must be accompanied by medical/adoption certification and submitted within the tenure of the scholarship.

(52) Paid partner leave is not available within the first 12 months of a scholarship.

Unused Leave

(53) Any unused leave will be forfeited when the scholarship is completed or terminated.

Leave Entitlements for Part-time Scholars

(54) A part-time Stipend scholar is expected to progress at half the rate of a full-time scholar and therefore receives approximately half of the leave entitlements listed above (where applicable) for each year of study.

(55) Periods of approved leave of absence will not be deducted from the overall scholarship tenure, with the exception of the Stipend for grant funded scholarship as per clause 63.

(56) After 12 months' full time equivalent, a scholar may apply to the relevant Pro Vice-Chancellor (or nominee) for a leave of absence of scholarship for a period of up to 12 months during the tenure of the scholarship.

(57) For Doctoral Degree (Research/Professional) scholars only: any leave of absence applications exceeding 12 months during the tenure of the scholarship can only be approved by the Dean of Graduate Research where the scholar can demonstrate exceptional circumstances beyond the scholar's control. The maximum period of any further extension will be 12 months.

(58) After 12 months' full time equivalent, a scholar may apply to the Dean of Graduate Research for a leave of absence of scholarship for a period of up to 12 months during the tenure of the scholarship.

(59) The Dean of Graduate Research will only approve any further leave of absence where the scholar can demonstrate exceptional circumstances beyond the scholar's control. The maximum period of any further extension will be 12 months.

(60) Business and Industry: Approval for leave of absence must also be sought from the Business and Industry partner.

(61) DADD and JADD: Approval for leave is required from both the University and the partner Institution.

(62) Donor funded : The Donor, via Graduate Research, must be notified of any leave of absence.

(63) Grant Funded:  Unless evidence of medical or compassionate grounds is provided, stipend payments will be relinquished for the period of leave of absence.

(64) Leave of absence from scholarship may only be approved where the scholar can demonstrate exceptional circumstances beyond the scholar's control. The University is required to report to the DOHA in all such cases.

(65) Scholars must not undertake paid employment of more than eight hours per week within the hours of 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday.

(66) Scholars are not required to undertake paid employment as a condition of the scholarship.

(67) Business and Industry: Scholars may undertake a limited amount of part time paid employment. The number of hours per week the scholar is permitted to work is at the discretion of the Dean of Graduate Research, in consultation with the Business and Industry Partner.

(68) A scholar with a student visa may not undertake employment that is inconsistent with the conditions of their visa.

(69) A scholarship may be transferred to another program of study subject to:

  • the scholar receiving formal approval for entry to that program by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (or nominee);
  • the Dean of Graduate Research's approval of the transfer; and
  • if transferring to another School or College , the funding being available in that School or College .
  • CSC, VIED, Business and Industry, Donor funded and Dual Award Doctoral Degree (DADD)  and Jointly Awarded Doctoral Degree (JADD) : Approval from the sponsor, Industry partner, Donor or partner institution is also required.

(70) The Dean of Graduate Research may approve a request to alter a scholar's study load on application.

(71) Applications are considered on a case by case basis.

(72) Where the variation of study load is approved, the remaining period of scholarship will be extended, or reduced on a pro rata basis.

(73) Dual Award Doctoral Degree (DADD)  and Jointly Awarded Doctoral Degree (JADD)  and Business and Industry: Scholars must gain partner institution or Industry partner approval prior to applying for conversion.

(74) If the Pro Vice-Chancellor (or nominee) approves a conversion of candidature :

  • A Master Degree (Research) scholar may upgrade to a Doctoral Degree (Research) program during the tenure of the scholarship. The Tuition scholarship duration then becomes four years.
  • A Doctoral Degree (Research) scholar may convert to a Master Degree (Research) program during the tenure of the scholarship. The maximum Tuition scholarship duration then becomes two years, including any previous tenure.
  • A Master Degree (Research) scholar may upgrade to a Doctoral Degree (Research) program during the tenure of the scholarship. The maximum stipend and allowances duration then becomes three and a half years.
  • A Doctoral Degree (Research) scholar may convert to a Master Degree (Research) program during the tenure of the scholarship. The maximum stipend and allowances duration then becomes two years, including any previous tenure.

(75) Where a scholar does not comply with clauses 10(a), (b) and (c) or 66:

  • Stipend payments will be forfeited; and
  • The periods of study undertaken towards the degree during this time will be deducted from the maximum period of scholarship tenure.

(76) After the completion of the first six months of candidature , scholars may undertake periods of research activities (e.g. industry placement, research internships, professional practice) at other organisations for a maximum of 12 months’ duration (unless a case for exceptional circumstances can be made).

(77) Research activities at other organisations are subject to the approval of the scholar’s principal supervisor, the relevant Pro Vice-Chancellor or nominee, and the Dean of Graduate Research.

(78) Scholar’s stipend payments may continue for the duration of research activities, if:

  • the scholar already holds a stipend.
  • there is no other income associated with these activities.
  • the maximum duration of the academic program has not been reached; and
  • the thesis has not been submitted for examination.

(79) Scholars undertaking research activities at other institutions are not eligible to have their stipend scholarship extended beyond 4 years full-time or part-time equivalent.

(80) Business and Industry: The Business and Industry partner must also approve research at other institutions.

(81) Jointly Awarded Doctoral Degree (JADD)  and Dual Award Doctoral Degree (DADD) : This clause does not apply. Periods of research at another organisation are stipulated in the relevant Candidate Agreement.

(82) Suspension of scholarship payments may occur if:

  • Scholars do not enrol in their program of study by the census date for each semester; 
  • The Dean of Graduate Research finds the scholar has failed to observe any condition of the Higher Degree by Research Policy , the Code of Practice for Higher Degree by Research Candidature or any additional condition outlined in the scholar’s scholarship offer, or;
  • The Dean of Graduate Research believes on reasonable grounds that the scholar's study is affected by circumstances that prevent the scholar from pursuing the program .

(83) Scholarship payments may be suspended if the required reports are not provided within the requested timeframes.

(84) Scholarship benefits will be terminated if the scholar does not hold a valid student visa. It is the responsibility of international scholars to ensure they hold a valid student visa while in Australia.

(85) A scholarship will terminate:

  • on the expiry of the period for which the scholarship was granted;
  • upon submission of the thesis or creative component for examination;
  • if the scholar ceases to meet the eligibility criteria specified in this policy;
  • if candidature is terminated for any reason;
  • upon the death or incapacity of the scholar; or
  • if the scholar sends written resignation or withdrawal from enrolment to Graduate Research.

(86) Once a scholarship is terminated, it cannot be re-activated unless re-enrolment is required.

(87) A scholarship will terminate:

  • 14 calendar days after the submission of the thesis or where applicable, creative component for examination;
  • if the scholar ceases to meet the eligibility criteria specified in Section 7 of this policy, other than during a period in which the scholarship has been temporarily relinquished or during a period of approved leave;
  • if the Research Training Sub-Committee finds the scholar has failed to observe any condition of the Higher Degree by Research Policy , the Code of Practice for Higher Degree by Research Candidature Policy or any additional condition outlined in the scholar’s scholarship offer, in which event any monies paid to the scholar subsequent to that breach shall immediately become repayable to the University ;
  • upon the death or incapacity of the scholar;
  • if the scholar sends written resignation or withdrawal from enrolment to Graduate Research;
  • if the scholar does not resume study at the conclusion of a period of Leave of Absence or does not obtain approval to extend that period of Leave of Absence;
  • when the scholar ceases to be a full-time scholar and when approval has not been obtained to hold the scholarship on a part-time basis; or
  • if the scholar fails to notify Graduate Research whilst in receipt of another benefit greater than 75% of the Stipend.

(88) Once a scholarship is terminated, it cannot be re-activated.

(89) Scholars must accept the award of the scholarship subject to the conditions described in this policy and any additional conditions outlined in the scholar’s scholarship offer, and agree to abide by the conditions and any subsequent variations to this policy.

(90) Scholars are required to conform to the rules and policies of the University governing their program .

(91) Donor funded : Scholars are required to provide additional reports to Graduate Research as requested.

(92) Applicants and scholars may appeal in writing to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) against decisions made by the Dean of Graduate Research or the Research Training Sub-Committee on the grounds of procedural deficiency.

(93) Written appeals can be submitted to Graduate Research within 20 working days of notification of a decision of the Dean of Graduate Research. The determination by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) is final.

© Copyright University of Newcastle, 2017

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Electronic access.

Full text digital University of Newcastle Higher Degree theses from the beginning of 2012 are available in the University's digital repository, NOVA . Some exceptions apply

You can search for theses in NOVA by using author, title or keyword.

You can also use Library Search to find UON theses held in NOVA. Simply use author, title or keyword.

Print copies

Copies of all University of Newcastle PhD and Research Masters theses, as well as selected Honours theses relevant to the region, are held in Special Collections within Auchmuty Library.

For PhD and Masters theses completed at the Ourimbah Campus please see Ourimbah Library staff. 

You can use Library Search to find any hardcopy UON theses held in Special Collections. Simply use author, title or keyword.

N.b.  Copies of Honours and DBA (Doctor of Business Administration) theses are not held by the library. Please contact the appropriate School or College  for more information.

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PhD (Clinical Psychology)

How to apply.

This is a three-step application process you must complete in order to be considered as a suitable candidate for the programme.

Follow the formal application process for all Higher Degrees by Research at the University of Newcastle. This process is clearly outlined on the GR website

In order to be admitted into the program you need to follow the formal application process for all Higher Degrees by Research at the University of Newcastle. The process is clearly outlined on the Graduate Research website. This process includes identifying a suitable supervisor in the School of Psychology AND gain the agreement of said supervisor to supervise you. This arrangement needs to be negotiated prior to submitting an application.

Submit a PhD (Clinical Psychology) Admissions portfolio to Graduate research using this application form .

In addition, you will need to satisfy the School of Psychological Sciences of your suitability for the professional practice of Clinical Psychology. When evaluating suitability, the School will take into account previous relevant experience, reports of referees, units of study previously completed, and the outcome of a selection interview. Selection criteria will also be based on applicants demonstrating a clear understanding of Clinical Psychology and the areas in which a Clinical Psychologist might work. Desirable criteria include research experience additional to Honours and involvement with professional organisations (e.g., Australian Psychological Society). In order to demonstrate your suitability, you need to submit your PhD (Clinical Psychology) Admission portfolio to Graduate Research using the online application form. This admission portfolio will also need to be supported by two referee reports. Once considered by the School of Psychological Sciences, and if your portfolio is deemed satisfactory, you will be invited to an interview.

The interview

The interview will be held either in person or via zoom at the School of Psychological Sciences typically in July and November each year. The panel usually consist of 2-3 University of Newcastle and external clinical psychologists.

In order for your application to be considered, please contact the Psychological Sciences administration team for information on application cut-off dates.

Email: [email protected] Phone: +61 2 492 15000

You will be offered admission to the program if you meet the expectations and requirements from both Graduate Research and the School of Psychological Sciences.

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Are you visiting our site from South Asia ? Head to our dedicated page with all the information you need to study at the University of Newcastle.


18 fully funded phd programs at university of newcastle, australia.

Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? University of Newcastle, Australia invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.

Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal. 

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in Marine Neurotoxin

Summary of phd program:.

This project aims to characterise the genetic basis for the production of tetrodotoxin; a potent neurotoxin of ecological and biomedical significance. We hypothesise that tetrodotoxin is produced by microorganisms and transferred via the food web to pufferfish (Fugu), the blue-ringed octopus, and other marine animals. Our integrated genomic and synthetic biology approach, targeting key biosynthesis genes, will reveal pathways for the production of tetrodotoxin and other potentially valuable compounds. In addition to providing unprecedented insight into the ecology and biosynthesis of this enigmatic toxin, the data generated will enable improved management of seafood safety and provide a foundation for the future development of novel neuroactive compounds.

Application Deadline: 31 January 2024

2. fully funded phd position in rna nanomedicines.

The purpose of the PhD project is to take what is already very promising class of immune modulator (successful oncology and respiratory programs now in the clinic) with huge commercial potential and determine if immunooncology indication can be expanded by developing TAM-targeting Pam2cys-loaded RNAi-based nanomedicines. Using RNAi-based nanoparticles to explore novel applications for drugs in the clinic Liang and Bartlett have recently developed novel polymer hybrid nanoparticles able to carry a range drug payloads (including RNA, TLR agonists) efficiently into multiple cell types (tumour cells, primary airway epithelial cells). (Kan, Bartlett, Liang et al TLR7 agonist loaded airway epithelial targeting nanoparticles stimulate innate immunity and suppresses viral replication in human bronchial epithelial cells Int J Pharmaceutics 2022).

Application Deadline: 01 December 2023

Follow FellowshipBard for daily updates!

3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Grip Strength, Body Composition, Nutritional Status

This PhD project aims to examine the correlates of grip strength by examining the relationship to body composition (muscle and fat mass), genomics (SNPs), physical activity (accelerometry) and circulating concentrations of key determinants of protein intake in the children and mothers. The project will be supervised by a collaborative team from the University of Newcastle (Professors David Cameron-Smith and Ron Potnikoff) and the Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences (SICS), a research institute of the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore. The successful candidate will be eligible to apply for an additional A*STAR Research Attachment Programme (ARAP) allowing dedicated time and supervision at the University of Newcastle and Singapore. Under the ARAP program it is anticipated that a portion of your PhD candidature will be spent in Singapore.

Application Deadline: 31 October 2023

4. fully funded phd position in 3d-printing in the micro-and nano-scale.

The proposed 3D-printing platform will consist of a spinneret that used to extrude a solution for printing, and a precision motion stage with nanoscale resolution. This project will focus on several key research challenges in devising this platform, including mechanical design and advanced control of the 3D-printing system, electrohydrodynamic analysis and experimental testing. The printed micro-structures will be characterized and tested for applications such as in tissues engineering.

5. Fully Funded PhD Position in Microbiome-Gut-Brain Axis

The main focus of the work is understanding how interactions between our microbiome, diet and digestive system influence mental health, including anxiety, depression and cognitive function. Techniques in the project will include collecting and analysing clinical data and samples, immune and histological analysis, microbiome analysis (bioinformatics) and using lab-based models to study biological function. The project may be tailored to suit candidates with clinical, allied health or biomedical degree qualifications including medicine, nursing, psychology, dietetics, biotechnology, or biology degrees.

Application Deadline: 01 October 2023

6. fully funded phd position in acute myeloid leukaemia.

Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) is a predominantly fatal disease characterised by frequent relapse and epigenetic dysregulation. Treatment-induced intra-tumoural heterogeneity may promote relapse by opening new opportunities for cells to evade therapy. This project will test whether therapeutic stress promotes relapse by opening new opportunities for cells to evade therapy.

Application Deadline: 29 September 2023

7. fully funded phd position in imaging algorithms.

This project aims to develop new atomic force microscopy methods that can image below the surface of a sample to build up a 3D model of the structure. This project focuses on the development of new algorithms for subsurface imaging, which will include implementing finite-element techniques to reconstruct the subsurface structure of a sample using force spectroscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy. It will suit students with an interest in materials, solid mechanics, and microscopy.

Application Deadline: 15 September 2023

10 best ai cover letter builders, 8. fully funded phd position in subsurface atomic force microscopy.

This project is focussed on the design, fabrication, and instrumentation of atomic force microscope cantilevers, which will include MEMs design and fabrication, sensor circuit design and instrumentation, and atomic force microscope imaging. This project will suit students interested in learning MEMs design methods, electronics design, and experimental methods.

Application Deadline: 14 September 2023

9. fully funded phd position in odyssey travel.

One of the great challenges for Australian-based students of Classics and Ancient History is the cost of travel to the sites of Greek and Roman influence and habitation. While there is much that can be learned from literary sources, visiting the places referred to in the literature provides a deeper understanding of and facilitates new insights into ancient culture, myth and history. Hence the Odyssey Travel Scholarship provides students with the opportunity to increase their knowledge and understanding of the Greek and/or Roman world through experiencing the landscape, geography, culture and artefacts of the countries and regions bordering the northern Mediterranean.

Application Deadline: 31 August 2023

10. fully funded phd position in hunter research foundation.

The Hunter Research Foundation was established as a community response to the 1955 floods as a mechanism to direct flood mitigation efforts and safeguard the Hunter Valley’s economy. It has been built on partnerships of trust with many hundreds of organisations and individuals including clients and sponsors over several decades. Some of the Foundation’s key achievements include establishing a common understanding of the Hunter as a cohesive geographic and economic unit.

11. Fully Funded PhD Position in Evaluating Mothers, Obstetrics and Multicultural Support

This research proposal aims to comprehensively evaluate the Mothers, Obstetrics and Multicultural Support (MOMS) Program in Hunter New England Local Health District (HNELHD), NSW, Australia. This mixed-methods study will investigate the perceptions and views of health professionals and culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) mothers receiving the program’s services. By identifying strengths and areas for improvement, this research aims to enhance the program’s effectiveness in addressing the region’s unique healthcare challenges faced by CALD communities.

12. Fully Funded PhD Position in Creating Biosensors Through Microbial Transcriptomics

This project aims to study plant-derived commensal microbes at the genome level to allow the development of better techniques to culture these microbes in the lab. The cultured microbes will then be examined for their ability to activate gene responses to threats such as infection, toxins and pollutants. The identified gene responses will be used to transform simple lab bacterial strains into biosensors with the aim of using their responses for diagnostic and detection purposes.

13. Fully Funded PhD Position in Construction Workers’ Safety Behaviour

The PhD project aims to provide lessons for construction industry health and safety management in the short and medium term but also to identify ways to enhance health and safety knowledge and skill development for future generations of construction management graduates. If there is greater health and safety literacy and skills application built into construction management qualifications, there will be a better understanding of the interventional study from a health and safety perspective. This can enable greater consistency in applying best practice approaches to site management and achieving better health and safety outcomes right across the industry.

14. Fully Funded PhD Position in Construction Supervisor’s Safety Leadership and Communication Style

The PhD project aims to provide lessons for construction industry health and safety professionals in the short and medium term but also to identify ways to enhance health and safety knowledge and skill development for future generations of construction management professionals. If there is greater health and safety literacy and skills application built into construction management professional development training, there will be a better understanding of the interventional study from a health and safety perspective. This can enable greater consistency in applying best practice approaches to site management and achieving better health and safety outcomes right across the industry.

15. Fully Funded PhD Position in Development of a Holistic Understanding of the Rugby League Pathways Environment

This PhD project will focus on the holistic development of junior rugby league players across the pathways program at the Newcastle Knights. The PhD candidate will be required to explore, develop and apply best-practice sport science as well as strength and conditioning practices with the aim of maximising the development of players between 14 to 19 years of age. The goal of the PhD will be to explore methods of preparation that prepares the junior players to transition into elite professional rugby league across physical, wellbeing, mental and technical domains within the stages of a pathways environment.

Application Deadline: 28 August 2023

16. fully funded phd position in methylomic characterisation of diffuse midline glioma.

As palliative radiation therapy is the only option available to children and young adults diagnosed with DMG, understanding the influence of DNA methylation on the signalling pathways sustaining tumour growth/survival will advance the search for treatments that enhance patient survival. The utility of the analyses performed will be tested using in in vitro and in vivo disease models, assessing drugs targeting characteristics identified as relevant in the methylomic studies.

Application Deadline: 21 August 2023

17. fully funded phd position in modified clay minerals for phosphate fertiliser and biofertiliser.

We are seeking suitable candidates for two PhD positions. Projects are Australian Research Council (ARC)-funded (3.5 years). The successful candidates will be enrolled in the Global Centre for Environmental Remediation (GCER), the University of Newcastle, Australia. Both students will work directly with Laureate Professor Ravi Naidu and Dr Bhaba Biswas. The project also includes Dr Tom Cresswell from ANSTO. GCER hosts a node of applied clay research group consisting of at least four junior to senior experience researchers, three PhD students, and national and international collaborators. GCER, which is the research engine house for crcCARE, is a world-class research centre delivering many industry projects, high-quality PhD completions and research outputs.

Application Deadline: 18 August 2023

18. fully funded phd position in engineering.

In 2012, Dr Ken Moss served as Chancellor of the University of Newcastle. During his time at university, Dr Moss served as a member and President of the Board of the University Union and as a member of the Students’ Representative Council. He was elected an honorary life member of the Union, was a director of various subsidiary boards, a foundation board member of Hunter Medical Research Institute, a board member of Hunter Area Health Service and a non-executive director of several companies including NAB.

Application Deadline: Open until filled


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Search this blog, unlocking scholarships in australia: the gpa you need to succeed, multiple fully funded phd scholarship positions at newcastle university, australia.

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About the scholarship positions: 

The University of Newcastle is looking for candidates with exceptional research potential who are interested in undertaking research in multiple PhD projects across various disciplines in the university. Both domestic and eligible international students who are interested in the available projects can apply for these scholarship positions. Students from all nationalities with related research interests are encouraged to apply. The scholarships will cover tuition fees, living costs, relocation allowance, overseas student health, and other financial benefits as specified in the offer conditions.

You can find a guide on how to apply for these scholarships at the end of this post. Some pro-tips to help you along the way.

Who is eligible to apply?

  • All those who meet the University entry requirements
  • All applicants who meet the various project academic requirements and relevant backgrounds
  • Applicants with exceptional research potentials and backgrounds
Don't Forget To

How to apply for these scholarships

To apply for these scholarships, all interested applicants will have to send an expression of interest email to the relevant project coordinators or supervisors to discuss their interest. These emails must include:

  • scanned copies of their academic transcripts,
  •  CV, 
  • a brief statement of their research interests, 
  • and a proposal that specifically links them to the research project.

Have you ever reached out to potential supervisors to inquire about student positions? If not, you can learn how to craft an effective first email to a prospective supervisor . Discover the tips and tricks for composing cold emails that will increase your chances of receiving a response from your very first email.

The various Scholarship Details and projects

  methylomic characterisation of diffuse midline glioma – the run dipg ‘warrior jack’ scholarship.

The RUN DIPG Warrior Jack Scholar will be conducting a study on diffuse midline glioma (DMG) using a combination of cell and molecular biology techniques along with bioinformatics analysis. The objective of the study is to understand how DNA methylation influences the aberrant signalling pathways that sustain DMG growth by evaluating its methylomic characteristics.

  • Application Deadline: 31 January 2024

Who to contact:

  • Supervisor: Professor Matt Dun
  • Contact Alicia Douglas
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone: +61 2 4055 3042

Visit  Project details

2. Progressive Voices/Movements in Islamic Theology in the (Post-)Secular Society of 21st Century

The primary objective of this proposed research project is to advance the scholarly understanding of progressive perspectives in Islamic theology, specifically with an emphasis on Islamic liberation theology approaches. The research will examine how these perspectives have evolved in response to the main challenges of living in (post-)secular and (post-)colonial societies.

  • Application Deadline: Not mentioned

Who to contact

Visit  Project Details

3. Discovery of the Genetic Basis for Marine Neurotoxin (Tetrodotoxin) Biosynthesis

If you are interested in applying, please send an email to [email protected] by 5 pm on January 31, 2024. The email should include your academic transcripts, CV, a brief statement of your research interests, and a proposal that specifically links them to the research project.Application Deadline: 31 January 2024

Explore more MSc and PhD scholarship opportunities at the University of New Castle

Application Guide: Some Quick tips to apply for these PhD scholarships : 

  • First you must check at the University of Newcastle minimum entry requirements . Only proceed with the application if you meet them ie to the second step below
  • Secondly, heck the entry criteria for these scholarships projects above and relevant required academic backgrounds. Only proceed to the next step if you meet them
  • Thirdly, Contact these Prospective Supervisor mentioned above at the University of Newcastle to express your interest in their projects and their support your candidature.. See a guide on  how to contact potential supervisors  asking for  PhD scholarship position and supervision. You will have to send the expression of interest email along with all the requested documents as they specified above in the various projects. If they find your application suitable for the project, they will then instruct or guide you with the rest of the application process
  • The final step will be to apply
  • General PhD scholarship requirements   for research degree programs,
  • A guide on  How to apply for research PhD scholarships and admissions , 
  • A guide on  How to apply successfully to scholarships abroad . 
  • Another essential guide that you must look at is   How to contact potential supervisors  when asking for a PhD Studentship position
  • how to write a captivating research proposal for scholarship  applications, 
  • And finally  Research Proposal Guide for Successful Admission/Scholarship applications

Discover other related scholarships below:  

Undergraduate scholarships fully funded masters scholarships fully funded ph.d. scholarships top scholarships infos and guides   list of australian universities with no application fee general undergraduate scholarship requirements to study abroad(australia) general postgraduate coursework degree program scholarship requirements a list of fully funded government and institution sponsored scholarships   don't hesitate to leave a comment below, tell us about your experience in applying for a scholarship abroad, your difficulties and how we can assist you if you need any help.  please  subscribe  here for all future updates and opportunities. if you don't follow us yet, connect with us on  facebook ,   instagram ,  twitter , and  linkedin  for more content and updates. if you have questions that need a wide response, feel free to join our  facebook group community  of 80k+ active members to interact.   h ave a question or need advice talk to any of our admin directly on  instagram .thanks, post a comment, scholarship types.

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Newcastle University

Our vision is of Newcastle as a civic university with a global reputation for academic excellence. At Newcastle University, we have always been focused both on academic excellence and the impact of our academic work. Today, these long-held ideals are more relevant than ever and define our vision for the University – the kind of university we wish to be. We are committed to certain fundamental values, shared throughout the higher education sector, including: academic freedom the pursuit of knowledge and understanding a sound academic disciplinary base a methodology based on reason and evidence social responsibility transparency In addition, we: are committed to excellence value diversity respond to societal challenges place equal importance on research and teaching educate for life are globally ambitious and regionally rooted invest in excellent staff

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PhD Scholarships, University of Newcastle, Australia

Opportunities are available to undertake PhD studies at the University of Newcastle, Australia to advance our understanding of the physics of the origins of magnetic activity on the Sun.

We are looking for a motivated, independent student with good communication skills, an excellent academic record and Bachelors degree in physics (or equivalent). We pride ourselves on being a gender-balanced physics department who value healthy lifestyles, work-life balance and a collegiate atmosphere. Women and applicants from under-represented groups are strongly encouraged to apply.

For further more information please see this link: https://www.newcastle.edu.au/study/research/phd-scholarships/phd-scholarships/origins-of-magnetic-activity-on-the-sun

The University of Newcastle, Australia

How do I apply for Postgraduate Psychology?

The University of Newcastle offers four separate postgraduate Psychology qualifications. Each has specific admission requirements and pathways. 

Master of Clinical Psychology The Master of Clinical Psychology has one intake each year (Semester 1). Admission is competitive, and places are offered to the highest ranked applicants.  To be considered for admission to the Master of Clinical Psychology, applicants must apply via the University Admissions Centre (UAC), and also submit an admission portfolio and referee reports (as outlined in the program handbook ).  Applications for 2024 are now open and will close on Tuesday 3 October.  Late applications cannot be considered. 

Master of Professional Psychology.  The Master of Professional Psychology has one intake each year (Semester 1). Admission is competitive, and places are offered to the highest ranked applicants.  To be considered for admission to the Master of Professional Psychology, applicants must apply via the University Admissions Centre (UAC), and also submit an admission portfolio and referee reports (as outlined in the program handbook ).  Applications for 2024 are now open and will close on Tuesday 3 October.. Late applications cannot be considered. 

Master of Business Psychology. The Master of Business Psychology is available for admission in all Semesters and Trimesters each year. Applications are made directly to UON . Applications close two weeks prior to the commencement of each intake.

Is this answer helpful?

Related answers.

  • I have completed an undergraduate degree in Psychology, can I apply for Honours?
  • How do I apply for a postgraduate program?
  • Do I have to complete a placement during the Master of Clinical Psychology or Master of Professional Psychology?
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  • How do I apply for end-on Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours)?
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  • PhD and Doctoral Study
  • Newcastle University
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What is a PhD and Doctorate?

A PhD – which stands for Doctor of Philosophy - is a doctoral degree that emphasises research in a specific field. It’s characterised by its theoretical orientation and requires research efforts to contribute to new knowledge. 

In contrast, the term doctorate degree serves as a broad category encompassing various doctoral-level degrees. This category can be divided into two main types: academic (PhD) and professional. 

Doctorates are the highest level of degree you can earn, meaning that you have mastered a specific area of study. 

Types of courses 

You might be considering the difference between a doctorate and a PhD, and if there are any other study options. 

In some areas of study, you can decide between a professional doctorate and a PhD. For example, you could earn a PhD in Education or a Doctor of Education (EdD). At Newcastle, we offer three types of doctoral study: PhDs, Integrated PhDs (IPHDs) and Professional doctorates. Find out what each one means, below. 

PhDs at Newcastle 

A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) concentrates on original research that makes significant contribution to the knowledge of a specific subject. Your research will enable you to become an expert in your chosen topic. It requires a significant time commitment, usually three years full time. 

You'll develop your project with help from an academic supervisor or team of supervisors. This could be theoretical or involve working with an industrial partner to develop new products. It depends on your subject and research interests. 

To complete a PhD you will produce a piece of work (80,000 – 100,000 words) in the form of a supervised thesis. It should show evidence of originality and be suitable for publication. 

You'll attend research training sessions and carry out independent research with advice and supervision provided by a designated academic team.  

PhDs are awarded in all subject areas. For professionally qualified doctors, an MD (Doctor of Medicine) is awarded. 

Integrated PhDs at Newcastle 

Our Integrated PhDs (IPhDs) address changes in the knowledge and skills demanded of PhD graduates. They are flexible, practical programmes, which combine advanced training in research skills with original research. 

Each integrated PhD contains: 

a significant and tailored taught component 

an annual assessment 

a research project written up as a thesis 

The taught component is the main difference between the IPhD and a standard PhD programme. 

Lasting from three to four years full time, some IPhDs can be taken part-time over a longer period. 

IPhDs are intended for middle or senior level managers that may work in public or private sector organisations. A broad and advanced knowledge base is required, as well as an understanding of disciplinary enquiry. 

Integrated PhDs at Newcastle include: 

Computer Science  

Educational and Applied Linguistics  

Engineering and Science in the Marine Environment  

Linguistics and English Language  

Phonetics and Phonology  

Professional doctorates 

Professional doctorates are different from other doctoral awards. They fulfil the formal training required for particular professions. 

They are practical programmes combining original research with taught modules and work placements. The balance between these components varies depending on the requirements of the profession. 

The main difference between a professional doctorate and a PhD is the focus on work-based practice. This is contrast to research in an academic context. Your research project will be informed by your professional practice. 

Professional doctorates at Newcastle include: 

Doctorate of Education  

Educational Psychology  

Why study a PhD or Doctorate Newcastle University? 

With an outstanding reputation for academic excellence, we’ve been recognised as a global top 130 university (QS World University Rankings 2025). Research shows we're one of the UK universities that top graduate employers target the most. We were awarded 5 QS Stars for Student Employability (2024).  

When studying a postgraduate research (PGR) degree with us, you’ll be supported through our Doctoral College. This includes: 

a customised research development programme featuring workshops tailored to your academic and career objectives 

career consultations, workshops, and coaching sessions 

participation opportunities in competitions and events 

personalised training needs analysis and research development training provided to each student 

Extra support from our doctoral training centres, faculty training programmes, and award-winning  Research Student Support Team is available throughout your studies with us. 

Newcastle Business School

Postgraduate Research (PhD & Mphil)

Phd and research masters.

The following research Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Master of Philosophy degrees are offered by the Newcastle Business School:

  • PhD and Master of Philosophy (Management)
  • PhD and Master of Philosophy (Economics)
  • PhD and Master of Philosophy (Health Economics)
  • PhD and Master of Philosophy (Accounting and Finance)
  • PhD and Master of Philosophy (Business Systems and Analytics)
  • PhD (Leisure and Tourism)
  • PhD and Master of Philosophy (Politics)

Our research strengths

  • Economics and Health Economics
  • Accounting and Finance
  • Business Systems and Analytics
  • Leisure and Tourism

How to apply

Graduate research Learn more about PhD and research masters and how to apply

Find a supervisor

All research degree candidates require a supervisor. It is recommended you start actively searching for potential supervisors in your chosen field before you submit your application.

You can search for a supervisor by researcher name or area of expertise.

Further information

To find out more about research degree opportunities available in the Newcastle Business School, please contact:

T: +61 2 4921 5030 E: [email protected]

The University of Newcastle acknowledges the traditional custodians of the lands within our footprint areas: Awabakal, Darkinjung, Biripai, Worimi, Wonnarua, and Eora Nations. We also pay respect to the wisdom of our Elders past and present.

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  1. University of Newcastle

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  2. PhD Scholarship in Medical Education at University of Newcastle in

    phd newcastle university australia

  3. University of Newcastle, Australia

    phd newcastle university australia

  4. University of Newcastle International PhD Scholarships in Geomicrobial

    phd newcastle university australia

  5. Phd Courses in University of Newcastle

    phd newcastle university australia

  6. University of Newcastle Australia PhD Scholarship for International

    phd newcastle university australia


  1. PhD scholarships and opportunities

    Closing Date: 24 July 2024. PhD Scholarship. This University of Newcastle PhD Scholarship supports the important collaboration between the university and the Mark Hughes Foundation (MHF). Since 2021, the MHF has made a significant philanthropic commitment of $15 Million to the university which has allowed the establishment of the MHF Centre for ...

  2. PhD and Research Masters

    Studying a PhD or Research Masters through the School of Education can open up boundless opportunities for you to contribute to the educational future of your community. The University of Newcastle, Australia Study Research Engage Campus Life Our Uni Degree comparison tool Degree comparison tool. Search.

  3. Higher Degrees by Research

    Graduate Research [email protected] +61 2 4921 6537 The University of Newcastle acknowledges the traditional custodians of the lands within our footprint areas: Awabakal, Darkinjung, Biripai, Worimi, Wonnarua, and Eora Nations.

  4. PhD

    Teaching and learning is an important focus for our University. With student enrolments reaching a record 35,500, we are striving to make the students' experience the best it can be through a program of innovative initiatives including the expansion of our work integrated learning program. Providing infrastructure to meet the needs of our ...

  5. AskUON / The University of Newcastle, Australia

    AskUON / The University of Newcastle, Australia. UON Homepage. Future Students & Past Students. Current Students. MyHub.

  6. Higher Degree by Research Scholarship Policy

    Section 1 - Audience (1) This policy applies to University of Newcastle (University) funded Higher Degree by Research (HDR) scholarship recipients, excluding Research Training Program scholarships covered under the Research Training Program Scholarship Policy. Top of Page Section 2 - Executive Summary (2) The University offers a wide range of scholarships to support PhD and Research Masters ...

  7. Theses and Dissertations: Find University of Newcastle theses

    Full text digital University of Newcastle Higher Degree theses from the beginning of 2012 are available in the University's digital repository, NOVA. Some exceptions apply. You can search for theses in NOVA by using author, title or keyword. You can also use Library Search to find UON theses held in NOVA. Simply use author, title or keyword ...

  8. PhD (Clinical Psychology)

    PhD (Clinical Psychology) How to apply. This is a three-step application process you must complete in order to be considered as a suitable candidate for the programme. Step 1. Follow the formal application process for all Higher Degrees by Research at the University of Newcastle. This process is clearly outlined on the GR website

  9. Newcastle University

    Through world-class research we tackle some of the biggest challenges facing society globally. Through high quality teaching we educate for life, nurturing the next generation of creative practitioners, clinicians. #129 Ranking. 74 PhDs. 32 Scholarships. 1,699 Academic Staff. 29,345 Students. 7,709 Students (int'l)

  10. University of Newcastle

    The University of Newcastle is home to some of the world's best researchers. Our teams have won national and international awards for their work in engineering, cancer prevention, education, humanities, Indigenous studies and more. These accolades recognise their contributions to the advancement of new knowledge and the calibre of talent we ...

  11. HDR Programs

    The University of Newcastle, Australia Study Research Engage Campus Life Our Uni Degree comparison tool Degree comparison tool. ... Graduate Research [email protected] +61 2 4921 6537 The University of Newcastle acknowledges the traditional custodians of the lands within our footprint areas: Awabakal, Darkinjung, Biripai ...

  12. 18 Fully Funded PhD Programs at University of Newcastle, Australia

    18. Fully Funded PhD Position in Engineering. Summary of PhD Program: In 2012, Dr Ken Moss served as Chancellor of the University of Newcastle. During his time at university, Dr Moss served as a member and President of the Board of the University Union and as a member of the Students' Representative Council.

  13. PhDs

    It is a postgraduate research degree awarded by universities in the United Kingdom. It is recognised as a mark of advanced knowledge in a particular subject. Most PhD's take three to four years of full-time study. This can vary depending on the field of research and the individual's progress. During a PhD students will conduct original research.

  14. Newcastle University PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

    NIHR Newcastle Biomedical Research Centre and Haleon PhD Studentship: Investigation into the links between periodontal disease and inflammatory bowel disease. Newcastle University Translational and Clinical Research Institute. Award summary . 100% of home tuition fees paid and stipend at UKRI rate, currently £19,237 per year.

  15. Multiple fully funded PhD scholarship positions at Newcastle University

    The University of Newcastle is looking for candidates with exceptional research potential who are interested in undertaking research in multiple PhD projects across various disciplines in the university. Both domestic and eligible international students who are interested in the available projects can apply for these scholarship positions ...

  16. PhD

    At Newcastle University, we have always been focused both on academic excellence and the impact of our academic work. Today, these long-held ideals are more relevant than ever and define our vision for the University - the kind of university we wish to be. We are committed to certain fundamental values, shared throughout the higher education ...

  17. Economics PhD

    Our PhD in Economics programme aims to develop rigorous scholars who can advance both academic knowledge and practice in the area of economics. You are currently viewing course information for entry year: 2024-25. Start date (s): September 2024. January 2025. View course information for 2025-26. Fees and funding.

  18. How do I change my degree from a Master of Philosophy to a PhD?

    Approval must be obtained from your supervisor. The form is then to be submitted to UON Graduate Research at [email protected], who will arrange for approval by the Head of School and Assistant Dean (Research Training). For more details please visit the HDR program page.

  19. PhD Scholarships, University of Newcastle, Australia

    Opportunities are available to undertake PhD studies at the University of Newcastle, Australia to advance our understanding of the physics of the origins of magnetic activity on the Sun. We are looking for a motivated, independent student with good communication skills, an excellent academic record and Bachelors degree in physics (or equivalent).

  20. How do I apply for Postgraduate Psychology?

    To be considered for admission to the Master of Professional Psychology, applicants must apply via the University Admissions Centre (UAC), and also submit an admission portfolio and referee reports (as outlined in the program handbook). Applications for 2024 are now open and will close on Tuesday 3 October.. Late applications cannot be considered.

  21. Graduate Research

    You can apply to undertake a PhD or research masters at the University of Newcastle after completing an Australian honours degree. The University of Newcastle, Australia Study Research Engage Campus Life Our Uni Degree comparison tool Degree comparison tool. ... Graduate Research [email protected] +61 2 4921 6537

  22. PhD and Doctoral Study

    A PhD - which stands for Doctor of Philosophy - is a doctoral degree that emphasises research in a specific field. It's characterised by its theoretical orientation and requires research efforts to contribute to new knowledge. In contrast, the term doctorate degree serves as a broad category encompassing various doctoral-level degrees.

  23. Postgraduate Research (PhD & Mphil)

    The University of Newcastle, Australia Study Research Engage Campus Life Our Uni Degree comparison tool Degree comparison tool. ... (PhD & Mphil) PhD and research masters. The following research Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Master of Philosophy degrees are offered by the Newcastle Business School: ... The University of Newcastle acknowledges ...