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Your personal statement

The purpose of a personal statement is to showcase your relevant skills and experience against the job requirements.  The statement is your opportunity to give examples of how you fit the requirements of the job.  When writing a personal statement it is important that you:

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  • Read the job specification so you are clear about the job requirements.
  • Outline the skills and experience that you have that are relevant to the job and use examples to help demonstrate this.   Wherever possible include specific facts and figures that demonstrate the tangible results of your work.
  • Keep to the word limit. If your statement is too brief it will not provide the required depth of detail and evidence to be assessed fully. 
  • Proofread your statement before submitting it to make sure it is clear, easy to read and relevant.

How we recruit

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For some jobs, you will be asked to provide a CV (curriculum vitae) as part of your application. Here you can find information on how to write the best CV.

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Behaviours are the things that people do that result in effective performance. Read more about the behaviours we use to assess you.

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Assessments and interviews

Read about the different kinds of assessments you might be asked to do, after you’ve submitted an application form.

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The Civil Service recruits using Success Profiles. This means that for every role, we consider what you’ll need to demonstrate to be successful. 

Leadership – How to Write a 250 Word Statement For a Civil Service Application

civil service leadership

  • Updated January 15, 2024
  • Published September 29, 2023

In the Civil Service, leadership is crucial. But how do you highlight your experiences and proficiency in these areas in a concise 250-word statement during your civil service application?

This becomes an even more delicate balance when it comes to showcasing your leadership skills. This article helps you craft a concise yet compelling narrative that effectively highlights your leadership credentials.

Whether you’re a seasoned leader or an emerging talent, understanding how to convey your capabilities within a concise 250-word limit is pivotal. Dive in to gain insights and tips on making every word count!

What Does Leadership Mean in Civil Service?

Leadership within the Civil Service is more than just occupying a higher position or making pivotal decisions. It embodies a commitment to public service, steering multidisciplinary teams with integrity, and aligning departmental goals with broader societal values. Leaders in this realm are not just visionaries but also stewards of public trust. They understand the multifaceted nature of government work, realizing that decisions have long-term ramifications affecting diverse communities.

Leadership in the Civil Service, therefore, hinges on collaboration, adaptability, and transparency. It’s about listening as much as directing, understanding the nuances of policy implications, and fostering an environment where every team member feels valued and empowered.

Leaders in civil roles often find themselves navigating complex terrains of bureaucracy, public expectation, and departmental objectives. Success in such positions requires a delicate balance of assertiveness and empathy, strategic thinking, and a grounded understanding of community needs.

Showcasing Leadership in Your 250-Word Personal Statement

In your 250-word personal statement for the Civil Service, it’s crucial to emphasize your unique leadership traits. A practical way to do this is by detailing a particular experience using the STAR method, which covers the Situation, Task, Action, and Result.

This approach helps to not only showcase the results of your leadership but also the reasoning and values behind your choices. Highlight moments where you championed teamwork, tackled intricate problems, or led an initiative with significant community effects.

In the Civil Service, leadership isn’t about flashy actions but creating genuine, community-focused results through thoughtful and caring leadership.

  • Changing & Improving – How to Write a 250-Word Statement For a Civil Service Application
  • Communicating & Influencing – How to Write a 250-Word Statement For a Civil Service Application
  • Delivering at Pace – How to Write a 250-Word Statement For a Civil Service Application
  • Making Effective Decisions – How to Write a 250-Word Statement For a Civil Service Application

How to Structure a 250-word Personal Statement?

Are you applying for a job in the Civil Service? The 250-word statement on the application is your chance to make a strong first impression. They want to see if you can describe your leadership style effectively. 

Are you wondering how to fit this in a small space? Use the STAR method. It’s a simple way to discuss what you’ve done and how. Let’s dive into how you can structure your 250-word personal statement.

  • Begin with a compelling introduction that succinctly states your core belief about leadership. This belief or philosophy should encapsulate your unique approach and perspective on leadership. For instance, “I’ve always believed that leadership is not about wielding authority but about empowering every team member.”
  • Following your opening statement, elaborate briefly on your style or approach to leadership. For example, “Adopting a collaborative and transformative leadership style, I prioritize open communication and mutual respect, ensuring everyone feels valued and heard.”
  • Situation : Describe the context. Maybe your team faced a particular challenge, or there was a pivotal project at hand.
  • Task : Outline your specific role or responsibility in that situation. Highlight any goals or objectives you were aiming for.
  • Action : Detail the actions you undertook as a leader. Did you initiate team meetings? Mediate a conflict? Introduce a new strategy? This should resonate with your previously mentioned leadership style.
  • Result : Conclude with the outcome. Showcase the positive impact of your leadership, such as achieved goals, improved team dynamics, or successful project completion.
  • Wrap your statement by tying back to your core belief about leadership. Reaffirm your commitment to this leadership style in the Civil Service context, like, “In the Civil Service, I am eager to uphold this leadership philosophy, striving for collective success through collaboration.”

Quick Tips :

  • Stay succinct and avoid jargon.
  • Ensure there’s a logical flow between each section.
  • Proofreading is vital! Eliminate any grammatical errors or ambiguities.

By following this structure and leveraging the STAR method, you’ll craft a compelling narrative that showcases your leadership skills and suitability for the Civil Service.

How to Write a Personal Statement Within the 250-Word Limit

Crafting a 250-word personal statement for a Civil Service application can initially appear challenging, given the limited space to convey your qualifications and aspirations. However, when structured efficiently, it offers a concise snapshot of your skills, particularly when highlighting leadership capabilities.

The STAR method is a tried-and-true method to achieve this clarity, allowing applicants to present evidence of their leadership prowess through personal experiences succinctly.

Tips for an Effective 250-Word Statement :

  • Start Strong : Your opening sentence should grab attention and make clear the skill you’re emphasizing – in this case, leadership.
  • Situation : Briefly set the context. Where were you, and what was the challenge?
  • Task : Define your responsibility in that situation.
  • Action : Detail the steps you took as a leader to address the challenge.
  • Result : Conclude with the positive outcome derived from your actions.
  • Stay Focused : With a tight word limit, hone in on one significant leadership experience rather than trying to cover multiple events.
  • Use Active Voice : This makes your statement more dynamic and easier to read.
  • Edit and Proofread : Eliminate any unnecessary words and ensure clarity. A polished statement will make a strong impression.

By employing the STAR method in your personal statement, you offer a clear narrative of your leadership journey, ensuring evaluators recognize your potential and dedication to the Civil Service’s values.

Example Personal Statement Civil Service

Below, we discuss five different examples of civil service personal statements.

Example 1: Civil Service Leadership

Leadership, especially within the Civil Service, isn’t just about holding a title or directing teams—it’s a profound commitment to public welfare, characterized by vision, integrity, and the ability to galvanize collective effort toward meaningful outcomes. Over the years, I’ve always tried to lead in a way that makes a real difference for people.

Situation : Upon joining the Department of Urban Development, I identified a significant gap: our projects were solid, but public engagement and inter-departmental collaboration were lacking, leading to bottlenecks in execution.

Task : As a newly appointed Division Head, I was entrusted with the twin challenges of enhancing public involvement in our projects and fostering better inter-departmental synergy.

Action : Recognizing the power of collective insight, I spearheaded an initiative called “Together We Build.” This involved monthly town hall meetings where public feedback was actively sought. Additionally, I instituted quarterly cross-departmental strategy sessions, breaking down silos and ensuring a more unified approach. Communication channels were established, responsibilities clearly defined, and feedback loops rigorously maintained.

Result : Within a year, project approval ratings from the public surged by 65%. More gratifyingly, inter-departmental project delays were reduced by 50%. The success of our projects became not just a departmental achievement but a collective triumph.

In the world of the Civil Service, I want to be the kind of leader who brings people together, comes up with new ideas, and always thinks about what’s best for the public.

Example 2: Civil Service Leadership

In the Civil Service, being a leader is about more than just leading a team. It’s about creating a place where honesty, dedication, and caring for the public come first. I’ve always led by these ideas, making sure that what we do is better for everyone involved.

Situation : At the Department of Environmental Initiatives, our projects were technically sound but faced resistance from local communities, impacting implementation timelines.

Task : As the appointed Project Lead, my challenge extended beyond administrative duties. I was to bridge the communication gap with the communities and streamline our projects to align with their concerns.

Action : I launched “EcoTalks,” a series of community engagement sessions. This platform wasn’t just for the department to elucidate project details but also for community members to voice their apprehensions and suggestions. I also initiated a mentorship program within the department, pairing experienced staff with newer members, ensuring knowledge dissemination, and fostering a culture of internal collaboration.

Result : By the end of the fiscal year, community resistance had diminished by 70%, with three major projects rolling out without hurdles. Internally, the mentorship program led to a 30% increase in project efficiency, and inter-departmental collaborations reached an all-time high.

Working in the Civil Service can be challenging, so a good leader needs to be flexible, welcoming, and strong-willed. With what I’ve learned so far, I’m ready to help out and make sure that everyone gets a chance to be a leader in their own way.

Example 3: Civil Service Leadership

Being a leader in the Civil Service means leading teams while also understanding what the public wants. It’s not just about making decisions but also about really getting what different people need and want. My experience has taught me that leadership is as much about listening as it is about guiding.

Situation : When I took charge of the Department of Transportation’s outreach team, I encountered a significant challenge. Several public transit proposals, though well-intentioned, were met with skepticism and pushback from local communities.

Task : Beyond my standard duties, I recognized an urgent need to rebuild public trust and realign our proposals to better match community needs.

Action : I established “TransitTalks,” interactive town-hall sessions allowing communities to engage directly with our department. These weren’t just informative but dialogic, providing a platform for feedback and concerns. Internally, I championed a mentor-mentee system, ensuring new recruits had guidance and a clearer understanding of our department’s ethos and objectives.

Result : Six months in, not only did public opposition to our transit proposals drop by 60%, but our projects also began incorporating invaluable community insights, leading to more sustainable and accepted initiatives. The mentorship initiative led to a more synchronized team, reducing project lead times by 25%.

In the world of the Civil Service, being a leader is about bringing different things together to create a clear and strong story. Based on what I’ve learned and done, I want to promote a way of leading where everyone works together, respects each other, and grows together.

Example 4: Civil Service Leadership

Being a leader in the Civil Service is about more than just giving orders. It’s about leading while also listening and working together with your team and the public to solve problems. I think a real leader is someone whose ideas connect with others and who makes decisions that really make a difference.

Situation : When I stepped into the role at the Department of Community Development, I was met with a team that was technically proficient but often faced challenges in harmonizing with the communities they served.

Task : Beyond the typical administrative roles, I aimed to revitalize our department’s relationship with the communities and bolster internal team collaboration.

Action : I instituted “Community Voices” – forums where community leaders and citizens could directly discuss their aspirations and concerns with our department. This ensured we didn’t just work for the community but with them. Simultaneously, I launched internal workshops fostering cross-functional collaboration and peer learning, breaking silos and creating a unified departmental vision.

Result : Over the next year, our projects witnessed a 50% increase in community endorsements and support. Internally, project collaboration led to a 35% decrease in delivery times and enhanced team morale.

Within the dynamic framework of the Civil Service, I am driven by a vision of leadership that is both participative and impactful. It’s a vision where leadership is not a position but a shared journey towards creating meaningful societal change.

FAQ: Civil Service Leadership

  • Leadership in the Civil Service revolves around guiding teams, shaping departmental strategies, and driving impactful policies, all while adhering to public service values and principles.
  • As the Civil Service is instrumental in implementing public policies and programs, effective leadership ensures these are carried out efficiently, transparently, and in the best interest of the public.
  • Showcase specific experiences where you’ve led teams, influenced decision-making, or spearheaded projects. Utilize the STAR method in personal statements or interviews to clearly convey your leadership journey.
  • While various leadership styles can be effective, the Civil Service often values collaborative, inclusive, and adaptive leadership that prioritizes teamwork, stakeholder engagement, and continuous learning.
  • Many departments offer leadership training programs, mentoring opportunities, and rotational assignments to help employees cultivate and enhance their leadership capabilities.
  • Leaders might grapple with balancing policy directives with public feedback, managing inter-departmental collaborations, and navigating the complexities of governmental processes and regulations.
  • No. Leadership is valued at all levels. Even early-career civil servants can display leadership by taking initiative, championing ideas, or leading small teams and projects.
  • Civil Service leadership often involves more stakeholder engagement, a stronger emphasis on public welfare, and navigating unique bureaucratic and regulatory landscapes.
  • Seek feedback regularly, participate in available training, engage in cross-departmental projects, and stay updated on best practices and leadership trends.

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  • Delivering at Pace – How to Write a 250 Word Statement For a Civil Service Application
  • Communicating & Influencing – How to Write a 250 Word Statement For a Civil Service Application
  • Changing & Improving – How to Write a 250 Word Statement For a Civil Service Application
  • Civil Service Interview Questions & Answers

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Natalja Atapin

Natalja Atapin is a seasoned job interview and career coach at and brings a decade of recruitment and coaching experience across diverse industries. Holding a master's degree in Organisational Psychology, she transitioned from coaching to managerial roles at prominent companies like Hays. Natalja's passion for simplifying the job search process is evident in her role at, where she contributes practical strategies to assist professionals and fresh graduates.

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Public Services Personal Statement

I have always been attracted to a career in public services as it allows me to combine my own personal interests with my desire to make a positive impact within my community. As I have progressed through my studies, I have encountered several areas in which this combination has allowed me to excel, including health and fitness and criminology, and I have worked hard to ensure that I perform to the highest standard.

I am currently undertaking a Level 3 BTEC Diploma in Public Services, Psychology and Criminology, fully preparing me for the diverse and rewarding nature of undergraduate study within a range of fields. My essential interest lies in accounting for, and positively influencing, the behaviour of people; whether through understanding how sport and fitness can affect their well-being or understanding the causes and effects of anti-social behaviour. While the course covers a great deal of ground, allowing me to also gain significant transferable study skills across multiple research methods and building on my previous academic performance, there is a through-line which connects all of my interests, based on attempting to understand and influence people’s actions for the better.

The conclusion that I have drawn from studying this interests further is that strong leadership is an essential attributes for creating a positive impact on individuals or societies. I have worked hard to develop these qualities through my own interests in sport and fitness. As a YMCA fitness instructor, I have become adept at planning and executing sessions for a wide range of attendees. I have also studied and taught Tae Kwon Do for a number of years. The discipline of martial arts has shown me how to give and receive respect, increasing my leadership abilities and my confidence when dealing with others. Alongside this individual discipline, I am also a keen participant in team sports, such as cricket, football and rugby, and racquet sports, such as badminton. My own personal fitness, needless to say, is hugely important to me and I am a regular gym goer and I have also spent a great deal of time researching nutrition and health online to make sure that I am as healthy as possible. This has fostered my interest in translating this into one potential future career, developing my knowledge in this area through study so as to supplement my already significant coaching skills.

Teamwork and communication are also essential attributes for any career which attempts to understand and influence people’s behaviour. In order to hone these skills in the real world, I have undertaken several customer service roles within the retail sector. Learning how to communicate with customers and to respond to their needs has improved my ability to talk to a range of people, while being given responsibility for handling cash and undertaking other essential duties has fostered a sense of responsibility.

I have shown myself to be a driven, hardworking and dedicated student, successfully balancing study, sport and work to make sure that I achieve all of my targets in each aspect of my life. Having grown more and more passionate about translating the interests I have encountered into a future career, I am inspired by the possibility of building on my knowledge in these areas through undergraduate study, working hard to achieve similarly strong results throughout. Ultimately, my goal is to make a positive impact on the community in which I live, whether this is through a career in a public service, such as policing, or through harnessing the power of sport to change lives. Having witnessed the positive impact of various inspirational figures in both fields within my own life, I can imagine nothing more rewarding than attempting to emulate them within my own career.

We hope that this example Public Services personal statement will be helpful when writing your own.

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A guide to personal statements for public and civil service jobs: how to sell yourself, both on application forms and in person

A cartoon of recruiters looking at CVs for johs

Recruiting managers may have to sift through hundreds or even thousands of applications, while i nterviewers are likely to be meeting multiple candidates. So how do you ensure you stand out from the crowd? Writing a short but perfectly formed personal statement or selling yourself at interview in just a few well-chosen words could make all the difference. Danielle Littlejohn tells you how    

A personal statement is a summary of what you offer an employer whether you’re a school leaver, graduate, or an established career mover. By condensing your experience and skills into a few sentences, the aim is to highlight what sets you apart from others whether you are applying for a new role and writing a personal statement to go with your CV, or relaying your experience during an interview or more relaxed meeting. These days we need to be able to promote our professional worth in just one or two minutes.  

Be it a written or verbal personal statement, recruiting managers and interviewers are looking for a short, sharp clarification of who you are, what makes you stand out, and what makes you the best person for the job.  

Not everyone knows the term ‘elevator pitch’ but I have always quite liked the analogy. If you found yourself in a lift with the employer of your dreams and had only the time it takes to travel a few floors, how would you sell yourself? Ideally, you should incorporate your personal values, and unique selling point (USP), as well as skills and experience. It can be the clincher in an employer’s mind as to your organisational fit so it can be the perfect thing to say at the beginning of the interview when you are asked: “So tell me a little about yourself”.

These days, our careers and their progression can be quite fluid. When you’re looking to move forward, it’s advisable to hone your skillsets and have clear aspirations of where you want them to take you. To paraphrase the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland, when she finds herself lost in the woods and asks directions: “If you don’t know where you are going, how are you going to know when you get there?”

How to structure a written personal statement

Lucy Ventrice, senior HR business partner at Amazon, suggests you start by creating a ‘mind map’ of both yourself and one of your potential employers. By comparing the two, you will have something to build from and an idea of what they are looking for, enabling you to make the application bespoke.

In the opening sentence, you want to grab the reader so it should include your job title, number of years’ experience, expertise, and some positive or active ‘hook’ words. Your personal statement will obviously vary according to where you are in your career. If you have achievements that are relevant to the employer, it’s an idea to mention these briefly. It’s a good idea to give an idea of what you’re looking for in the closing sentence, for example, specific goals and why you would like to work for that employer.

Beyond that we want to keep the personal statement as concise as possible without jargon or repetition and with a real focus on grammar and spelling.

Pinning down your elevator pitch face-to-face

In the same way as written personal statements, an elevator pitch should be a quick synopsis of your background and experience but, as it is generally delivered face-to-face, it should be more relaxed and affords us the opportunity to inject a little more personality into it.

It is great to have something up your sleeve for job fairs, networking events and other professional activities as it sounds corporate, explains you in the terms they are after, and gives you a head start on something to say about yourself rather than getting tongue-tied.

As this is verbal, we need to think about our delivery and particularly not speaking too fast, so keep it short – ideally up to one minute.  

Ensure you have some intonation and that you’re not rambling. Be aware of our body language. You should be approachable without being overbearing – don’t frown, don’t slouch.

As with any public speaking, it is a good idea to have something practised and polished that can be adapted on the spot to suit the audience or individual you are talking to.

Dos and don’ts for personal statements

  • Do highlight what sets you apart.
  • Do make it relevant – tailor to the person or role in question.
  • Do be specific (on what can you offer) and succinct (two-three sentences).
  • Do make it engaging – think about your hook.
  • Do be passionate.
  • Don’t be negative.
  • Don’t exaggerate or embellish.

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Danielle Littlejohn provides a range of professional development courses as part of Global Government Forum’s training portfolio. Courses she runs include Delivering Results at Work – Essential Success Skills for New Managers , Creating and Growing a Productive Team – Interviewer Skills and Breaking Through the Glass Ceiling .

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About Danielle Littlejohn

Danielle Littlejohn provides a range of professional development courses as part of Global Government Forum’s training portfolio. Courses she runs include Delivering Results at Work – Essential Success Skills for New Managers, Creating and Growing a Productive Team – Interviewer Skills and Breaking Through the Glass Ceiling.

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Sample Public Administration Personal Statement (Columbia, Harvard, NUS)

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by Talha Omer, M.Eng., Cornell Grad

In personal statement samples by field.

The following essay is written by an applicant who got accepted to top graduate programs in public administration (MPA). Variations of this personal statement got accepted at Columbia’s SIPA school, Harvard’s Kennedy School, and NUS (National University of Singapore). Read this essay to understand what a top personal statement in public administration should look like.

Related Personal Statement:  Sample Public Policy Personal Statement (MPP)

Here is the example personal statement for MPA

Being part of the top Bureaucracy in Brazil, I have realized the importance of public administration and policymaking in serving the public better. Moreover, through my experiences as the head of town municipal administration, I have learned that robust policymaking is far too significant to overlook. Well-directed policies have always reaped great benefits – such as those by Enrique Penalosa, mayor of Bogota, who implemented several successful public policy initiatives.

Inspired by Penalosa’s bold measures, I initiated several sustainable administrative initiatives while serving as Commissioner in Pico Do Calcado, a small resort at Serra do Caparaó. Pico Do Calcado’s proximity to two major fault lines made it highly susceptible to high-intensity earthquakes. Yet, to my astonishment, no statistics or detailed evacuation plans were available from the Town Administration. Upon my inquiry, I discovered that a nearly dormant project aimed at the town’s Multi Risk Hazard Assessment was lingering. In collaboration with National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) and Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA), UNDP initiated it several years ago.

As the head of civil administration, I immediately grasped the opportunity, called in a meeting involving all the stakeholders, and expedited the project. The local community was involved in the process and was made aware of the importance of the project. I led all pertinent government departments to work fervently towards the project objectives. I also directed them to incorporate the component of micro-zonation and evacuation strategies for the project to be more meaningful and relevant.

The entire project took 14 months to complete. By the end, we had established a Municipal Disaster Management Centre within Commissioner’s Office. In addition, we devised a comprehensive evacuation plan for the entire city, advertised locally.

Alongside this, I imparted training to highly vulnerable members of society, such as children, women, and the elderly. I sent separate teams to schools and colleges to train students and sensitize the common citizens. Moreover, I also demarcated different areas of the city based on their susceptibility to hazards, including flash floods, landslides, snow, etc.

Furthermore, I also organized awareness seminars to inform people how to mitigate such disasters by making simple changes to their building designs. I then shared the most crucial information with the Federal Government, which used it to formulate a detailed master plan of the city.

Pico Do Calcado, the constituency of the Chief Minister himself, had always attracted special attention from the day this Government was sworn in. Various development schemes were initiated, and infrastructure projects were undertaken perpetually. These projects were required to uplift the area and the welfare of the people. But I realized there was a lack of proper planning and a shortage of prioritization. This desultory development posed a serious threat to the existing vulnerable environment of Pico Do Calcado.

I started taking up this matter during the Steering Committee meetings and persuaded the members to declare Pico Do Calcado an environmentally sensitive area. Having done this, I impressed upon an otherwise weary Forest Department to protect the forest land from the ills of the ongoing development. Seeing a lack of action on their part, I, without waiting any further, carried out a complete boundary of the forest land and handed over its possession to the Forest Department. My efforts were later recognized through a letter of appreciation from Secretary Forest.

Being a Public Servant and a public administration practitioner, I still have over 28 years of public service left. After putting in 5 years of service, I believe the time is ripe for me to get a formal education in the art of administration and management with a focus on development and related issues. Like other developing countries, Brazil is beset with financial mismanagement, distorted visions of education and health, and poorly laid infrastructure and communication networks. Ailing development priorities have led to a state heavily dependent on international aid. However, its marginalized population, widely portrayed as a drain on scarce resources, has the potential to be turned into an asset if the issues of bad governance are addressed through sincere policy review.

My future career plan is to continue public service with an enlightened mind that leaves indelible marks on the fabric of society. In ten years, I see myself as a Secretary to the Government, heading a department. The skill set acquired during my stay at Harvard will help me utilize my knowledge to successfully carry out government initiatives. In addition, I will be able to give advice based on my education and my own practical experience gained while working in different positions within the Government, which will help formulate policy frameworks.


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Application Forms , Personal Statements

Civil service personal statement examples.


When you apply for any Civil Service job, you will need to complete an online application form that requires you to submit a personal statement. The personal statement will be assessed against the relevant Civil Service success profiles and strengths that are applicable or the role


Civil Service Personal Statement Examples


So, how do you write a personal statement for a civil service job? Let’s start by looking at what you should include.

What Should a Civil Service Personal Statement Include?

Your personal statement should be used to compliment your CV and further outline why you are suitable for the role.

The key to a great civil service personal statement is to provide evidence against the Civil Service Success Profiles to show you match them and that you are perfect for the role. The Civil Service Success Profiles, otherwise known as the “essential criteria” will be outlined on the job advert or job description. Using these, you should demonstrate your previous experience and your skills that can be transferred to your new role within the Civil Service.

Remember, you must back up these skills and experience, and a great way to do this, is to demonstrate how you acquired the experience and skills in your previous roles.

Your personal statement should form around ‘how’ and ‘what’ you have previously done, all whilst matching the Success Profiles.

You will usually get just 250 words for your answers.

BONUS TIP – How do I write a CV for a government job?

A great personal statement still needs a good CV. Here is what you should include on your CV/Resume. Firstly, include an outline of your previous job experience, detailing the length of time you held each previous job role for, and a short breakdown of the responsibilities, tasks, and the work you did for each role. You should also include any awards, achievements or significant projects you previously obtained or worked on. This is your chance to shine, so don’t be afraid to sell yourself and big yourself up in the best light possible. If you have ever had any training or if you have been awarded any qualifications that are relevant to the Civil Service, or that showcase your commitment, ability to learn, or diversify, then you should highlight these too.

How to Structure a Civil Service Personal Statement?

The most important thing to do is structure your responses clearly and ensure that your statement focusses on the Success Profiles/Essential Criteria.

You are allowed to use heading or bullet points if this works best for you, but remember all of this will eat into your word count. Further below in this blog we have provided a breakdown of the 9 Civil Service Success Profiles and what you need to consider when preparing your statement for each Success Profile.

What Should you Avoid in a Personal Statement?

With 100s of people applying to Civil Service roles, it is important that your personal statement is NOT thrown aside because you’ve made one of the following common mistakes:

  • Poor spelling and grammar – always check your spelling and grammar before submitting!
  • Not tailoring your answers for the role – ensure you use the job description and align your skills and experience with the role you’re applying for.
  • Using the same answers multiple times for multiple applications in the Civil Service (each application for a new role needs new answers).
  • Not aligning your statement to the Civil Service Success Profiles – this is key!
  • Using redundant or unnecessarily complicated language and cliches – keep it simple and easy to read – the assessor shouldn’t have to decipher your statement!

Writing the Perfect Civil Service Personal Statement – What are the Civil Service Success Profiles?

Seeing the big picture.

The Civil Service success profile of seeing the big picture requires you to have knowledge of how your job fits in with the public sector mission and objectives. It is important that you demonstrate within your 250-word personal statement that you have the ability to carry out your work in the best interests of the nation.


Whilst working in the Civil Service you must be open to continually changing and improving. If you do not improve your performance at work, or embrace change positively, the Civil Service will not be able to meet its objectives. Again, when creating your Civil Service personal statement and online application form, you will need to demonstrate within 250 words your ability to meet the changing and improving success profile!


All members of the Civil Service, regardless of their role, are required to make effective decisions that demonstrate value money and efficiency. When making effective decisions, you must use an evidence-based approach and carefully consider your options, including an assessment of the risk involved and implications posed. Make sure you provide evidence of this Civil Service success profile within 250 words.


Another of the Civil Service success profiles and strengths is that of communicating and influencing. Within your chosen civil service job, you must communicate with clarity and purpose and always respect the needs, views and opinions of others. To meet the assessment for this success profile you will need to create a personal statement of just 250 words!


Teamwork is absolutely vital when working in the Civil Service. Regardless of the position you are applying for, working with others must be demonstrated within your personal statement by way of using the STAR technique – situation, task, action and result. Within your personal statement, demonstrate you can work effectively with other people both within your team and also with external stakeholders or contractors. (250 words maximum!)

Can you demonstrate pride and passion for delivering service within an organisation? Are you able to value other people’s opinions and ensure your team is diverse in nature so that the expectations and needs of customers are met? If so, then you probably have what it takes to mee the Civil Service success profile of leadership! Once again, make sure you write a personal statement that demonstrates your ability to provide leadership within just 250-words.


Can you work at pace and deliver results to a high standard? If the answer is yes, then you might just have what it takes to work within the Civil Service. Again, another one of the success profiles is that of delivering at pace, and we strongly advise you provide a specific example of where you have been able to work quickly and accurately in a previous role when completing your personal statement. Aim to provide evidence of this success profile within your personal statement all within just 250 words!


Taking responsibility for your own development and the development of others is a vital aspect of all civil Service roles. If you are required to write a personal statement that demonstrates your ability of developing self and others, provide a specific example within 250 words of where you have focused on this important success profile.


The Civil Service has a strong reputation for managing and delivering a quality service. Regardless of the department you are hoping to join within the Civil Service, there is a strong possibility you will be assessed against this important success profile. Again, provide a solid 250-word personal statement that gives evidence of where you have taken control of the delivery of a fantastic service to meet the needs of a customer or a client.


personal statement on public service

Richard McMunn

2 thoughts on “ civil service personal statement examples ”.

personal statement on public service

Are the 9 examples specific using STAR to a certain situation or are they generic like the youtube videos

personal statement on public service

Hi Abul, that is a great question. The answer is a mixture. The way I have provided the answers is so that you can adapt them to use your own past experience with ease and create your own unique answer. My answers provide a structure as well as demonstrate what keywords and content needs to be in a high-scoring answer. This should allow you to develop your own unique answers quickly 🙂 I wish you the best of luck with your Civil Service Application! Let me know how it goes 🙂

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Unique & Effective Civil Service Personal Statement Examples

Table of Contents

When sending an application for a civil service job, you may be required to include a personal statement. This document gives more insight into your abilities as a candidate. The personal statement summarizes your skills, experiences, and accomplishments and demonstrates why you’re a good fit for the job. It is the first item employers glance through when reviewing your application, so it helps to make it the most effective document you write. You may not have written one before, but this article’s  civil service personal statement example  provides a solution. 

Your personal statement will pave the way for success if it’s well written. You’re on your way to landing your dream job if you create an excellent first impression with a well-written personal statement . Let’s see some relevant examples that you can draw inspiration from!

What is A Personal Statement?

A personal statement is a document written as part of a job application. It includes details about yourself, your skills, experience, and accomplishments and lets the recruiter know why you’re interested in the position. The personal statement is your chance to leave a lasting impression about yourself. It’s a chance to call attention to your achievements and explain how you can be an asset to the company.

Your personal statement helps the employer to assess your suitability for a job role . Although your resume accounts for your career experience and qualifications, it says nothing about who you are. The personal statement enables you to highlight why you are the best fit for the position. Including a personal statement in your resume will make you stand out. And give the recruiter the notion that you’ll be the best person to work with. 

Why the Civil Service Requests Personal Statements

When a vacancy is advertised, employers provide a job description that enumerates the job’s important criteria, responsibilities, and desirable skills. 

If put into proper use, your statement is ideal for aligning what you can offer to the organization with the job details. A well-articulated statement will show that your skills and personality fit the available role. It is only by your statement that your recruiter confirms if you are eligible for the position or not.

Things to consider when Writing a Personal Statement?

unknown persons using computer indoors

  • Your personal statement should not be less than 500 words or more than 750 words. Keep it brief and concise. State only essential details and leave out those things that are important. You should properly edit your written statement despite the word count.
  • Ensure that you’re well-prepared. Adequate preparation is essential, and a great tip is to take the vital criteria and group them under common themes. 
  • Write at most a hundred words underneath a point. Your first draft may exceed the word count, but you should remove unnecessary information and retain the essential ones.
  • Before you write your statement, outline how you’ll go about it. Then, as you write, weave these ideas into your text and link them to specific examples that prove your success.
  • Be bold in talking about your capabilities. You don’t have to exaggerate facts or boast about your achievements. Mention your great qualities and outline your strengths. 

How to Introduce Yourself in a Personal Statement?

Your opening paragraph will either gain or lose the attention of the employers. And that is why you need to introduce yourself properly, as this will determine your success.

There are two things you should do:

  • Provide a personal profile. State only important information, like your years of experience, your strength, and anything else relevant.
  • State your reasons for applying. Explain how relevant your skills and experiences are to the role. You can also narrate what inspired you to be a part of the Civil Service.

Civil Service Personal Statement Example

As someone with a strong interest in public policy, I am keen to pursue a career in the civil service. The challenge of working within a complex and ever-changing environment is something that appeals to me. And the Civil Service offers unrivaled opportunities for professional development. 

Through my academic studies, I have developed expertise in political analysis and policymaking processes. This I hope to apply in a practical setting during my career. My previous work experience has given me an insight into the realities of working in government. This will stand me in good stead should I successfully secure a role within the Civil Service.

I am an experienced civil servant looking for a new challenge. I have a proven track record in delivering results and thrive in busy, fast-paced environments that require hard work, teamwork, and accountability. In my previous role as an auditor for the government of Alberta, I developed strong analytical skills and critical thinking abilities. My experience has also taught me how to communicate effectively with people at all levels within an organization. 

With my combination of skills and abilities, I would be an excellent candidate for a position in civil service. I am committed to delivering high-quality services that meet the needs of everyone, and my skills and experience would be valuable in this environment. I would be a valuable asset to your team and can provide tangible results in any role you appoint me to.

When writing your statement, outline your experience, skills, and achievements. This way, you give the recruiter insight into who you are and your experiences . Tailor your statement to the exact role that you are applying for. Lastly, employ the use of positive language.

Using Hey INK , you can generate a personal statement similar to the civil service personal statement example above.

Unique & Effective Civil Service Personal Statement Examples

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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Woodrow Wilson School MPA and MPP Personal Statement

posted on November 12, 2015

“Your personal statement should showcase your strengths and provide an overview of your background, goals, academic and professional aspirations, and a commitment to public service. The personal statement should be approximately two to four pages. If you wish to address any weaknesses in your application, it is better to write a separate, succinct, fact-based explanation as an addendum.” You have two to four pages to say what you need to say, which is a wide range and gives you space to work with. Just because they give you four pages doesn’t mean you  need to fill the full four pages. A well written and concise statement is better than filling it the to the max. Let’s start with the last phrase which is critical to this application component, “ a commitment to public service .” Think hard about what your commitment to public service actually is. What they’re really asking is: what draws you to this work?  Why have you chosen to pursue a career in public service? When answering, don’t fall into platitudes, like “I want to serve my country” or “I care about using policy to improve the lives of others.” Go personal. The personal statement is the place where your application comes alive and you become more than test scores and transcripts. If you’re having trouble articulating what it is that really motivates you, sit down with a friend or family member and have them interview you, probing for stories that have influenced you along the way. This should draw out the elements of public service that stimulate you the most, the elements that cause you to want to get up in the morning and work long days. Again, the more personal the better. Show the depth of your personality and the basis for your commitment to public service. “ Goals, academic and professional aspirations . “ This is another section that trips up many applicants. Make sure you’re clear in your goals, that you describe them in a compelling way, and that they make sense, particularly for this program. Academic and professional aspirations may be slightly different from other goals or they may be one and the same; I find it most helpful to think of them all together. One way to tackle this is to lay out 3, 5, 10 and 20 year goals. You may not choose to write about all of them, but it’s a way to think about where you’re going, where you want to end up, and everything along the way. Once you think you have a good set of goals to include in the personal statement, run them by someone else alongside the articulation of your commitment to public service and make sure the two complement each other. Finally, your   talk about your  background . This is just another space Woodrow Wilson is allowing you to tell your story. Hopefully, your answer is linked to your commitment to public service and you can tell them about where you come from and/or what you’ve done academically and professionally. How does what you are saying support the arc, or continuity, of your story? You want the admissions officer reading your statement to get a sense of you as a person, what makes you tick and why. You want to give them facts that support your claims and goals. Don’t regurgitate your resume or your transcripts–they have those in front of them. If you need ideas, mention a job you had or a course you took (only if you have more to say about it). Was it a pivotal time for you? Did it shift they way you thought about something? If yes, then feel free to mention. Finally, think about this: if you had 3 minutes of time in front of the person making the decision about your acceptance, would what you say to sway them? Why you? Make sure to include this in your personal statement. (Note: Contrary to some other programs that may encourage you to address weaknesses in your application in the personal statement, WWS specifically tells you not to do this and instead discuss those in an addendum. Pay attention to this and don’t include this in the Statement. Following the rules is the #1 rule of these applications.) Once you feel happy with the content of your statement, have a few friends read it over to make sure they come away with the message you intended. Ask them what their take-aways were after reading your statement and what they’ve learned about you as an applicant. This will provide valuable insight into how compelling your essay is. After you’ve made any adjustments these conversations generate, next ask 2-3 people (and it could be the same people) to read it over for grammar errors and typos. There is no excuse for these mistakes in your personal statement. Don’t give the admissions officer any reason to discount your otherwise great story! 

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  • Public Administration Masters Personal Statement Sample

Written by Sarah Hastings-Woodhouse

This is an example personal statement for a Masters degree application in Public Administration. See our guide for advice on writing your own postgraduate personal statement .

What has always fascinated (and troubled) me about local and national governance is the enduring difficulty of implementing positive change, despite the best intentions of policymakers. Of particular interest are the deeply engrained political, social, and economic barriers that continue to impede our efforts to tackle the climate crisis.

My ultimate aspiration is to pursue a career in climate policy at the national level, to help combat one of the most urgent threats facing our own and future generations. My hope is that studying your Masters in Public Administration will equip me with the skills necessary to do so.

My Bachelors in Environmental Politics has equipped me with an in-depth knowledge of the ecological crisis we face, as well as the ways in which governments have attempted to address it, both in the UK and internationally. What became abundantly clear is that even where policymakers are ideologically united on the problem of climate change, many of the obstacles to implementing meaningful change are administrative, logistical, or bureaucratic.

For this reason, I was particularly interested in the aspect of your course that examines how we can improve collaboration between policymakers and scientists. I would love the opportunity to attain the management and leadership skills necessary to bridge the gap between politics and climate science, and to find innovative ways that experts can work together in our collective interest.

Outside of academia, I have gained extensive experience that I feel would be of relevance to this course. During my degree, I volunteered for the Green Party, which involved canvassing and helping with social media campaigns. I had personal interactions with our constituency’s candidate and gained valuable insight into the processes behind policy development and strategic communications.

After graduating, I completed a 12-week internship in the UK’s Civil Service, where I worked in internal communications. This allowed me to develop a deeper understanding of how governmental organisations operate, and how we can promote cohesion amongst members. I am interested in how this course can help me apply this understanding to the larger goal of uniting multiple sectors around a shared purpose.

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Sarah Hastings-Woodhouse

Sarah joined FindAMasters as a Content Writer in 2021 and produces polished and thoroughly researched pages to inspire and inform prospective postgraduate students. In her time at FindAMasters, she has gained a comprehensive understanding of the postgraduate journey and has engaged with hundreds of prospective postgraduates while manning the advice stand at our popular study fairs.

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5 MPA Personal Statement Tips for Driven Applicants

5 MPA Personal Statement Tips for Driven Applicants-image

Most graduate degree programs require applicants to submit a statement of purpose, sometimes called a personal statement, along with their other application materials. The statement of purpose is your opportunity to tell your story, describe your motivations, and explain why you would be a good candidate for the program. 

But as a future Master of Public Administration (MPA) student, you must tailor your statement of purpose to your long term career goals specifically in the field of public affairs and public administration. Here are five tips to doing exactly that. 

Make yourself a competitive leader in public affairs; learn more about Cornell’s dedication to career management and professional development within the MPA program.

MPA Personal Statement Tips

When it comes to graduate school admission, the personal statement represents your chance to truly shine.  In addition to providing a tremendous opportunity to convey the quality of your writing to admissions committees, the personal statement allows you to highlight your purpose for pursuing graduate studies."   Thomas O’Toole Executive Director of Public Affairs Programming at the Cornell Brooks School

From specific motivations for applying to exploring your goals in public affairs, here are a few tips to submitting a fantastic statement of purpose . 

1. Be specific about why you're applying to the MPA program

Why is this the right time for graduate study for you .

You have many graduate programs to choose from — and there are myriad MPA programs to choose from across the country as well. For this reason, It is important to detail specifically why you are applying to the MPA program of your choosing: what aspects of the program are you drawn to? Why do you think you are a good fit for this MPA program in particular?

Be specific and really dive into your personal reasons for wanting to join the MPA program you are passionate about and be sure to include details regarding what you will contribute to the community at large

2. Make it personal to your unique experiences

Knowledge, skills, and abilities you will bring to enrich our community (why are you the right person).

What are your personal motivations for obtaining an MPA? What personal experience have inspired you to pursue a mission-driven, impactful career in public affairs ? These are incredibly important questions to answer within your personal statement as they provide context for what is going to drive you throughout your time in the program and beyond.

Detail the kinds of challenges or problems you have encountered during your lived experience and connect those to your dedication to impact societal, systemic change.

3. Describe your long term career goals related to public affairs.

How can the brooks mpa uniquely address your academic and professional interests (why is this the right place).

Within the field of public affairs and public administration, there are nearly countless diverse and dynamic career opportunities. Whether you want to work in environmental , economic , infrastructure , or social policy , there is a public service career for you . 

Take some time to evaluate your long term career goals and describe the specific role or industry in which you want to transform peoples’ lives for good.

Ready for more?   Interested in learning more about public service careers and where our MPA graduates are working today? Download our Career Report.

4. Include relevant professional experiences that will augment your time in the MPA program.

You will want to highlight your professional accomplishments within your statement of purpose. Be sure to include examples of volunteer work, positions of responsibility, and any other life experiences that have contributed to your interest in public affairs.

In doing so, you will exemplify your dedication to professional development , show your commitment to lifelong learning, and demonstrate how you are well prepared to continue gaining the skills needed to lead in the field.

5. Proofread

You are strongly encouraged to proofread carefully before submitting your personal statement. There are no additional writing samples within the application–this is the best way to show what you are capable of. 

Because public affairs is a writing intensive field, writing quality matters. So this should tell you something about the weight we place on these essays in our overall evaluation.”

Proofread your personal statement multiple times to be sure everything is correct before sending it our way.

6. Be proud; be confident; be passionate.

The field of public affairs and public administration is one of the most transformative fields in existence today. 

Our industry is a deeply ‘human’ field, and the more your passion and motivation come through in your writing, the more success you will have in the application process.” 

Armed with an MPA, you will enter the field with the marketable skills needed to make a difference, and for that reason, you should be excited, proud, and confident in your decision to apply to the MPA program of your choice.

Here’s How to Apply to Cornell’s MPA Program

At the Cornell Jeb E. Brooks School of Public Policy, we make applying to the MPA program as easy and as accessible as possible. Here are the six steps you need to take to apply.

  • Complete Cornell’s Online Graduate School Application . For questions pertaining to any technical issues or errors, contact the Graduate School office at 607-255-4884.
  • Submit unofficial copies of your college and university transcripts. Do not send official transcripts to the MPA Program. Before matriculating, all admitted students will be required to submit an official transcript to the Graduate School. Review submission parameters on the Graduate School’s website .
  • Submit your résumé and three letters of recommendation (academic and/or professional are acceptable).
  • Applicants for whom English is a second language will need to meet minimum scores on either the TOEFL or IELTS exams. Required minimum scores on the TOEFL exam are: writing 20, listening 15, reading 20, speaking 22. Our field requirements for the IELTS exam are an overall score of at least 7.0.
  • Submit both a Statement of Purpose and an Essay. ( See this page for more information .)
  • You will be sent email instructions to participate in an online interview to complete your application.

Check out our recorded webinar about applying to the MPA program!

Jumpstart Your Public Service Career at the Cornell Brooks School MPA Program

You have the valuable opportunity to obtain a Master of Public Administration degree that will prepare you to launch your career in public service. 

Are you ready to take the plunge?

Take the first step in your next career venture by requesting information or starting your online application today. You can also visit our Webinar Library or Resource Library for additional webinar recordings and downloadable guides.

An Educational Guide for Future Leaders in Public Affairs   Download our resource, An Educational Guide for Future Leaders in Public Affairs, to learn more about the value of getting an MPA.

Is Working for a Nonprofit Worth It? (Hint: It is with an MPA Degree)

5 Careers That Change the World & How To Get Them with an MPA



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Richenda Gambles

What should i include in my personal statement.

The personal statement plays a key role when our Admissions Committee are considering applications.

MPP students after exams

Your personal statement is your opportunity to succinctly tell us why we should accept you on our MPP.

It is usually the first thing we look at when assessing your application – and we want to see your commitment and motivation shine through. We ask you to answer four specific questions, as detailed on our admissions pages, with each response coming to no more than 200 words, and so a total piece of  no more than 800 words . Here we elaborate on what we want to hear about. 

Your motivation for studying an MPP

First up is a question about your motivation. Tell us clearly why you want to do the MPP and why it’s such a critical next step for you in relation to your focus on public service. Make clear how the MPP flows from what you have done to date and how it will cement the work and learnings you have had.

Commitment to public service

Second, we ask you to make clear the ways in which you are, and intend to remain, committed to public service. Here we want you to outline where you see your public service career going in the years following the MPP. What sort of work do you see yourself doing and how is the MPP essential for deepening your success with this?

Demonstration of impact

We look for change-makers and people who are able to work with others to get things done. So the third question we ask you is about the most significant and impactful work you have done to date. This could, for example, relate to your involvement in a university campaign on an issue of importance to you; or it could be a piece of work you have been involved with or led in your professional life. We want to hear about the specific role you played in this work, but also what you learnt from the experience and what, if you had a similar opportunity, you might do differently in the future.

Leadership qualities

We also want people who are leaders. Leadership can take many forms – being directly responsible for the delivery of a project; being key to the strategy for a piece of work to be executed by a group of individuals; or being someone who supports and enables others to also carry out a task. In the final question we want you to address, we want you to outline a situation where you have played a role in leading a project or a team. Tell us what you did, how you approached this, what you learnt from the experience ,and what you might do differently in the future.

The personal statement is your opportunity to showcase your motivation and achievements to date – as well as your ability to reflect on what you have done and how you want to further your learning through our MPP. It is a chance for us to understand the essence of what you are about and it always makes for a fascinating and inspiring read!

Richenda Gambles is Director of Admissions at the Blavatnik School of Government. Find out more about how to apply for the Master in Public Policy .

Breaking down the MPA/MPP personal statement, personal essay, and supplemental essay

Essays for graduate study cover a myriad of topics. Here at SPIA, we hope our essays help reflect and speak to our culture, our community, and our values—the stuff we care about. We require a variety of essays and short answer written responses, and each serves a slightly different purpose toward helping us to understand the academic and professional trajectory of each person as well as the motivation for graduate study at Princeton. No one thing is determinative in our process or application; we read each file individually and holistically, and admissions decisions are based on the totality of information in the file. 

The personal statement should answer the prompt and include an explanation of one’s commitment to a career in public service. We are interested in a clear description of the policy areas of interest to you and why you care about them as well as how your previous academic, personal, and professional experiences have shaped your career goals. We want to know why you want to enroll at SPIA, what you hope to gain from our program, as well as your career plans in terms of policy issues and agencies or organizations you wish to work with and why. We are looking to understand Why Princeton. Why now. And what’s next.

SPIA’s supplemental essay has long been the part of our application where we ask you to go beyond the other dimensions of the file and where we seek to get to know you on a more personal and individual basis. We all come from somewhere and it shapes us – both in who we become and what we value. We’re interested in your story and what shaped you. What do you value? This essay often helps us to further understand the person behind the paper.

This year, the Graduate School introduced the personal essay . The announcement of this essay reaffirms Princeton’s strong commitment to welcoming students from diverse backgrounds and experiences. It provides applicants an additional space to describe how their academic interests and life experiences will help them contribute to Princeton’s scholarly community. We hope to further understand how you will contribute to our tight-knit and vibrant campus community.

We understand there may be some similarities and overlap in how you interpret and write each essay. Our hope, of course, is that each essay will reveal something new and that each provides space and opportunity to translate through as rich and as full a description of your background, goals, and aspirations as possible. 

Through each of them, we are looking for you to tell us your story in the way that only you can.

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One of The Best Public Service Essay Examples for Grad School

EssayEdge > Blog > One of The Best Public Service Essay Examples for Grad School

If you do not know for sure how to write a public service essay, look through this sample to get some ideas or inspiration.

“To be nobody but yourself—in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else—means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.” When I first read this passage by E.E. Cummings, I realized I have been fighting the same battle my whole life. When choosing the direction for my future, I have often accepted jobs based on a compromise between my own dreams and what others thought my dreams should be. This, of course, has led to an unfulfilling career.

Looking back, I always knew that I wanted to work in public service; but I also knew my staunchly conservative father would not be pleased. To him, the government is too big, too intrusive and too wasteful. I see things differently. And yet, his approval means a lot to me and his opinion has certainly influenced my the direction of my career. But I have finally come to understand that I must pursue my own path. After careful deliberation, I am confident that public service is, without a doubt, the right career for me.

Ever since my childhood I have detected in myself a certain compassion and innate desire to help others. I was the kid that dragged in every stray cat or dog I came across—and I still do. When I was eight years old, I rescued a rat from my sister’s psychology lab and brought her home. I even coaxed my father into taking Alice—I called her Alice—to the vet when she became ill. But aside from my humanitarian kindness to animals, as a child I learned first-hand about America’s need to reform and improve medical care. I spent years of my childhood on crutches and in hospitals because of a tumor that hindered the growth of my leg. Without adequate health insurance and proper care, I might still be on crutches, but I was fortunate. Today, as a public servant, I still desire to help others who are not so fortunate. Providing health care to 44 million uninsured Americans, while keeping insurance affordable, is one of the most difficult challenges facing policymakers. I want to work in state or local government to resolve this health care crisis and ensure that the disadvantaged get the care they need and deserve.

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In order to succeed in my endeavors toward public service, I now realize that a master’s degree in public policy is essential. But when I graduated from college in 1990, I didn’t know how to continue my education, only that I should. For a while, I considered such options as law school or international relations, but I always returned to my desire to impact public life. My career in public policy began as a legislative assistant at the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a non-profit educational organization that couples voices from the state legislature and the private sector to work on salient policy issues. My enthusiasm for ALEC’s mission was evident, as I quickly moved up from legislative assistant to the director of two task forces. As manager of ALEC’s task force on federalism and its tax and fiscal policy task force, I explored these issues thoroughly, never quite satiating my appetite for more information and knowledge. I found my integral role in the legislative process to be the most valuable and worthwhile experience I’ve had in my career to date.

Following ALEC, I took a position as a junior lobbyist for the Automotive Parts and Accessories Association (APAA). As a lobbyist, I voiced the APAA’s concern over regulatory and environmental issues affecting the automotive aftermarket. Although I was able to help small automotive parts manufacturers battle the “Big Three” automakers, I quickly realized that being an advocate for the automotive aftermarket was not my calling in life. I wanted to promote policies which had the potential to improve life for the greater public, for I could not see myself spending a lifetime working within an isolated industry.

With that frame of mind, I accepted employment as a policy analyst in the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) research department in Washington, D.C. Helping small business owners is a cause close to my heart. For nearly 30 years, my family has owned a barbecue restaurant in the Washington, D.C. area. I’ve worked in the business at several different times, since the age of 14. Because of my involvement in my family’s business, I understand the unique problems facing small business owners. At the NFIB, I valued my contributions because I know small businesses have a huge economic impact on our country and they are unquestionably an important constituency. Nevertheless, I felt uncomfortable working for a special interest group—even for one I deeply cared about.

From my experiences at the APAA and the NFIB, I have learned how I want to shape my future. My goals are now clear: I want to develop and advocate policy decisions that will benefit society as a whole, not just a few influential special interest groups. I want to uncover the objective truth of issues and tackle them in the best interests of the nation, not distort the facts for the benefit of a small group. I know I am able to look beyond partisan politics to solve problems for this country. Because of these unbending desires to reveal truth and to remain committed to fair and equal advancement for all citizens, I think of myself as an ideal candidate for public service.

Additionally, I consider my active interest in politics to aid my pursuit of a career in public policy. I’ve always found my interest in politics exceptional, ever since my college roommates used to tease me for faithfully watching C-SPAN. However, my faith in the political process began to wane as I witnessed sensible public policy proposals torn apart by partisan conflict. I saw advocacy groups distort facts, and provide extreme, over-blown examples, jeopardizing prudent policy decisions. I observed how powerful elected officials, ensnared in their own partisan rancor, would block fair and balanced legislation which offered the most practical solution for their constituents. But I also encountered many thoughtful and wise people who devote their lives to public service. These devoted individuals inspired me. Like them, I want to be actively involved in the design and delivery of essential government services that improve the lives of the citizens in our society today. I am positive that by avoiding partisanship and urging the private industry, the public sector and non-profit groups to collaborate, many difficult problems can be resolved.

In order to be an effective public servant, I recognize the indispensability of an advanced degree. I’ve gained a lot of “real world” experience, but I need more training in the fundamentals of economics and statistics, as well as direction in sharpening my analytical and quantitative skills. I also want to devote time to studying the ethical dimensions of policy decisions. In graduate school, I’ll have the opportunity to truly understand and appreciate the competing interests surrounding so many complex issues like health care reform, environmental protection and economic policy.

I’ve chosen Duke’s public policy program for several reasons. Duke’s program stands out because there is an emphasis on quantitative and analytical skills, which are so critical to policy analysis. As I mentioned, I feel that if I can strengthen my ability to approach problems logically and systematically, I will have succeeded in sharpening skills I consider necessary to succeed in the public realm. And possibly even more importantly, Duke’s program bridges the gap between abstract principles and reality. This interdisciplinary approach is essential for responding to today’s policy problems. I am excited by the possibility of combining the MPP program with the Health Policy Certificate Program. I am particularly interested in studying the problem of reforming state health to reduce the number of uninsured, and I believe Duke’s curriculum will offer me a chance to do just that. From my own research into Duke, I feel confident in my knowledge of the public policy program and its potential to teach me. And after meeting with Helen Ladd, the Director of Graduate Studies, I’m even more convinced that Duke’s program is right for me.

On the road “to be nobody but” myself, I’ve encountered twists and turns, and some detours—it is unquestionably the hardest battle I could fight. However, in the process, I’ve accumulated a tremendous amount of valuable experience and knowledge. My diversity of experience is my biggest asset. Because I can relate a Duke education to concrete examples from my own past, it is the perfect time for me to join the public policy program. I know that my past can be used to prepare myself for the promises of the future. At Duke, I hope to synthesize the two and truly learn what it means to become myself.

We are glad to see that public service programs are still in demand. Use our template to see how you should depict your fascination for this profession. Let our graduate admission essay editing service proofread your essay and fix the mistakes. It’ll help admissions officers make the right choice.

Robin W. - professional essay editor and proofreader

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How To Write a Civil Service Personal Statement (+ Template)

by BobUSA | Jul 6, 2023 | Resumes

How To Write a Civil Service Personal Statement (+ Template)

A ‌Civil Service personal statement holds the power to open doors to prestigious‍ and rewarding job opportunities in ⁣the public sector. It ⁢serves as your passport to showcasing‌ your skills, ‌experiences, and aspirations to potential employers.​ Whether you’re a‌ recent graduate ⁤or ‌a seasoned professional looking‍ to⁢ make⁣ a career change, the process ‌of crafting an ‍impactful personal statement can be⁤ overwhelming. Fear ‌not! In this article, we⁢ will guide you through the essential⁤ steps of writing ⁤a compelling Civil⁤ Service personal ⁤statement. ⁣We’ll provide you ⁣with a tried-and-tested template and valuable tips to help you present yourself as the ideal candidate for your dream job in ⁤the ⁢civil ⁣service. So,⁤ let’s get ‌started ⁤on your journey to securing a successful and fulfilling career serving‍ the public.

Understanding ⁢the Purpose of​ a Civil Service Personal Statement

When applying for a civil⁢ service job in the USA, one crucial component of your application is the personal statement. This‌ document ⁤provides a ⁤unique opportunity for ‌you ⁣to showcase⁣ your skills, qualifications, and experiences that make you the ⁢ideal ‍candidate ​for the position. The purpose of a ‌civil service personal statement is to demonstrate your⁤ suitability‍ and⁢ fit for the specific job you⁢ are ‍seeking.

Highlighting relevant competencies: ‍ The ​personal statement allows you to expand on the information provided in ​your⁤ resume and ‌cover letter. It provides a platform for you to detail your relevant competencies and skills that⁤ align with the requirements‍ of the civil service job .‌ By clearly ⁤outlining your abilities, you can demonstrate ​to hiring‍ managers that ⁤you have the‍ necessary qualifications to ⁢excel in the ⁤role.

Showcasing your passion and motivation: Beyond⁤ qualifications and competencies,‌ the ⁣personal statement also allows you to express your passion and motivation for the civil service position. Here, ‌you ⁣can illustrate why you are drawn to this career ⁢field, what specific aspects of civil service work ⁤inspire ​you,⁣ and⁤ how‌ your experiences‍ have prepared you for the challenges and opportunities within⁣ the industry.

An⁢ opportunity to stand out: With numerous applicants vying for​ civil service roles, a‌ well-crafted personal statement can help you stand out from the crowd. It offers a chance to showcase your unique experiences, accomplishments, and perspectives that set you apart from other candidates. By effectively​ communicating your strengths and aligning them with the demands ⁤of the job, you increase ⁤your chances of being considered ​for an ⁢interview and ultimately securing your desired civil⁤ service position.

Key Elements to Include in Your Civil Service‌ Personal Statement


A ⁤civil service‌ personal statement is an integral part‌ of your job application when applying ⁢for‌ positions within the civil service sector ​in the⁤ United States. ‍It ⁢is your opportunity⁤ to highlight your skills,⁤ experiences,⁢ and qualifications, and demonstrate why you are the ideal candidate for the role. When writing⁤ your personal statement, ‌there are several key elements that you should ‍include to make a strong​ and compelling impression‍ on the ⁤hiring manager.

Relevant ⁤Skills and Experiences

One of the ⁢ is a clear​ outline of your relevant skills and experiences. Consider the specific requirements and responsibilities of the role you are⁣ applying for⁤ and showcase how your skills align with ⁢those‌ requirements. Focus on relevant experiences such as internships, volunteer work, ‍or ⁢previous employment that demonstrate your ability to handle challenging situations, work well in a team,⁤ or possess⁤ strong communication skills. Highlighting these skills ‍and experiences​ will show​ the hiring ⁢manager that you are qualified and prepared for the demands of the civil service role.

Passion for ‌Public ⁤Service

Demonstrating your passion for public service is‍ crucial in‍ your ⁤civil service personal statement. Government positions within​ the civil service sector require individuals⁢ who‌ are ‍committed to serving the public and ‌making a positive ⁣impact. Use ⁤your⁤ personal statement to explain why you⁤ are drawn to working within the ​civil service sector and how​ your personal and professional goals align‍ with⁢ this passion. Showcasing your dedication to public service will help set‍ you apart ‍from other applicants and ‍convey your genuine desire to⁣ contribute ‌to the well-being of your community and country.

Including these key elements in ‌your civil service personal statement ⁤will increase your ​chances of standing out to hiring managers and‍ securing a position within​ the civil​ service ‍sector. Remember to tailor your personal statement to the specific role and organization you are applying to,‌ highlighting the skills and experiences that are most relevant. With a properly crafted personal statement, you can showcase your qualifications, passion, and commitment to public service, ultimately increasing your ​chances of success in your civil service career.

Crafting a Compelling⁤ Introduction ‌for Your Civil Service ‌Personal ‌Statement

When writing your ​civil service personal statement, it’s crucial to grab⁣ the attention of the hiring managers right from the beginning. Your introduction sets the tone⁣ for the rest of your statement,​ so it’s essential ⁣to make it compelling and⁣ engaging. Here are some tips to help you create an introduction that will make you stand out amongst other candidates:

1. Start with a captivating opening sentence: Begin⁤ your personal statement with a powerful statement or a thought-provoking question that immediately sparks the interest ⁤of the readers.​ This will help to create a strong connection between ‌you and the ⁢hiring managers.

2. ​Highlight your relevant skills and experiences: In ‌the introduction, briefly mention​ the skills and‍ experiences you possess that make you a strong​ fit for the‌ civil service position. ⁢This will provide a‌ glimpse‍ into your qualifications‌ and generate curiosity in the readers to learn more ⁤about you.

3. Show enthusiasm and‍ passion: Express your enthusiasm and passion for working ⁢in the civil service‌ industry. Share why you are interested in this particular field and how your personal and professional goals align with the mission of the ⁢civil service. This will demonstrate your ‌dedication and commitment, leaving ‌a lasting ⁢impression⁢ on the hiring managers.

In ⁢the table below, you’ll find some essential qualities that​ civil service employers often look for in⁢ candidates. ‍Use this as a reference when crafting⁤ your introduction to ‌emphasize traits that align with the industry’s expectations:

Qualities Description
Leadership The ability to guide⁣ and influence others effectively.
Problem-solving An ​aptitude ⁣for analyzing complex ⁤situations and finding practical solutions.
Interpersonal​ skills The ⁢capacity to communicate and collaborate with ⁤diverse groups ‍of⁢ individuals.
Adaptability The willingness to adjust to new​ situations and challenges.
Integrity A commitment to ethical⁢ decision-making and ⁣accountability.

Remember, ⁤your introduction is your chance to make a strong initial impression. ⁣By following these tips and highlighting the qualities⁢ valued‌ in‍ the ‌civil service industry, you can create an introduction that captures ⁣the attention of the hiring⁤ managers and sets you‌ apart from the competition.

Showcasing ‌Relevant Skills and Experience in‌ Your Civil Service Personal Statement

When writing a civil ⁢service personal statement, it is ⁤crucial to highlight‌ your relevant skills and ⁢experience in a clear and concise manner. ‌This section of your statement serves as an opportunity to demonstrate your qualifications and ⁣show‍ how they align with the requirements of the civil ‌service job you are applying for. Here are ⁢some​ essential tips ​to‍ help‌ you effectively showcase your skills and experience:

1.‍ Tailor your experiences

Take the time to carefully review the job description and identify the key skills and experience sought by the hiring agency or⁢ department. Then, tailor your personal statement to highlight those ⁢specific qualifications and achievements that ⁢are most relevant to the position. By aligning your experiences⁣ directly ⁤with the job requirements, you can demonstrate that you possess the necessary skills to ​excel in the role.

2. Provide concrete examples

Support your claims with concrete examples⁣ of past​ accomplishments or experiences that demonstrate your skills. Use ⁤the STAR ⁢method (Situation,⁤ Task, ⁤Action, Result)⁢ to describe specific situations where you successfully applied your skills and the positive outcomes that resulted. This not only adds ​credibility to​ your ⁣claims but ⁢also provides⁤ tangible evidence of your abilities.

3. Emphasize transferable skills

While ⁢it is important to highlight skills specific ⁤to the civil service role you ⁢are applying for, ​don’t forget to emphasize transferable skills that​ can be valuable in any professional setting. These may include ⁢communication skills, problem-solving abilities, leadership qualities, and adaptability. By showcasing a diverse range⁤ of skills, you can demonstrate‌ your suitability‌ for various‌ roles within the civil service.

By following these tips, you can effectively showcase⁢ your relevant skills and experience in your civil ​service personal statement, increasing your chances of securing a position in the⁢ civil service industry.

Structuring and Formatting Your ‍Civil Service Personal Statement

Structuring⁣ your civil‌ service personal statement.

When‌ it comes​ to structuring your Civil​ Service personal‌ statement, ​it’s important to have​ a clear and concise format that ⁢highlights your ⁣qualifications,⁢ skills, and experiences. Start with an introduction that grabs the reader’s attention and provides ‌a brief overview of your background. ‌Then, move on ‌to the main body of your statement, where you can​ expand on⁢ your relevant work⁤ experience, ‌education, and any ‍specific achievements or⁣ projects that ⁣demonstrate⁤ your⁣ suitability for​ the role.

Consider using⁤ subheadings⁤ to organize ‍your statement and make it⁤ easier to read. For example, you could use subheadings such as “Work Experience,” “Education,” and ​”Skills ‍and⁤ Personal Qualities.” This helps the reader quickly navigate your statement ‌and find the information ⁣they are looking​ for. Additionally, using bullet points or numbered lists can help break up your content and make it more digestible.

Formatting Your ‌Civil Service ‍Personal ​Statement

Formatting your ⁣personal statement ‍is just as important as ⁤the content itself. Ensure your statement is easy ‍to read by ⁤using a clear and​ legible font, such as Arial or ​Times New ⁢Roman, and ⁣a font⁣ size between 10 and 12 points. Aim to keep ⁣your paragraphs short and use line spacing of at least ‌1.5, as this makes your statement more visually appealing⁣ and easier to follow.

Here are⁢ some formatting tips to keep ⁣in mind:

  • Use headings and subheadings to break⁤ up your‌ statement
  • Use⁣ bold ⁢or italics to highlight key points⁤ or important information
  • Avoid using excessive formatting, as it can ‍make your statement look cluttered⁣ and unprofessional

Example Table:‍ Relevant Skills

Skill Description
Excellent communication Clear and ​concise written and verbal communication ‍skills
Strong analytical skills Ability to gather and analyze complex information effectively
Attention ⁣to detail Paying close attention to accuracy and thoroughness​ in tasks

Remember, the formatting of your personal statement should enhance the ‍readability and overall ⁣professional appearance of ⁤your ⁤document. By carefully⁣ , you can effectively showcase your qualifications and⁤ increase your chances of securing ⁣your desired job in the USA.

Expert Tips and Recommendations from the Job/Career Industry

Expert tips‍ for writing a winning civil service personal⁢ statement.

Writing a compelling civil service personal statement‌ is crucial⁢ to stand out⁢ from the competition and increase your chances of securing a job in the industry. Here are some expert ‍tips⁣ that can help you ​craft a winning⁣ personal statement:

  • Showcase your relevant skills and experiences: Highlight your qualifications, work experience, and any transferable skills ⁣that are relevant to the ‍civil service. This will demonstrate your⁢ suitability for‌ the role and​ grab the attention ⁣of the hiring manager.
  • Provide concrete examples: Use specific‍ examples to illustrate your skills and experiences. ⁤This can include successful projects you have completed, leadership⁣ roles you have taken on, or challenges ‌you have overcome. These examples will add depth to your personal statement and make it more memorable.
  • Address⁢ the job ⁤requirements: Tailor your personal statement⁣ to the specific job requirements outlined in the job⁢ description. Use the⁢ language and ‍keywords used in ⁣the job posting to show that you understand the ​expectations and have ⁣the necessary qualifications.
  • Keep it ‍concise and focused: ​Your personal statement should be concise and ‍to the point. Avoid lengthy paragraphs and unnecessary details. ​Instead, focus on key ⁢experiences and⁣ skills that make ​you a strong candidate for‍ the position.
  • Edit and proofread: ⁢ After‍ writing your‍ personal ‍statement, take the time to edit and proofread it carefully. Ensure that there are ‌no‍ grammatical or ⁣spelling errors that could detract from your professional image. ⁢Consider asking someone else‍ to review ‍it for a fresh perspective.

Recommendations for a ​Standout Civil Service Personal Statement

Here are some recommendations to make your civil service personal ⁤statement stand ​out from the crowd:

  • Research ⁤the organization: Before⁤ writing your ⁤personal statement,⁤ thoroughly research the organization you are applying to and understand their mission,⁤ values, and goals. This ⁢will enable you to align your personal ⁣statement with their requirements​ and emphasize your fit within⁢ their culture.
  • Show your enthusiasm: Demonstrate your passion for working in the civil service industry. ‍Discuss ⁢why you are interested in pursuing⁤ a career‌ in this field and how your personal goals align​ with⁢ the organization’s mission. This will show that you are‌ committed and motivated.
  • Highlight your ​commitment to public service: Civil service ⁤positions often⁣ require ⁢a genuine commitment to serving the public. Showcase​ your ​dedication‍ to making a positive impact on ‌society​ and ‌any previous experiences you have had in public service roles.

Table: Relevant⁢ Skills for Civil Service Personal Statements

Skill Description
Ability to ‍guide⁣ and motivate teams, ⁤make decisions, and take charge in challenging situations.
Capability to effectively manage time, resources, and projects to meet deadlines and accomplish ‌tasks efficiently.
Proficiency in verbal and written communication, including the ability to convey information clearly and concisely.
Aptitude for gathering and evaluating data, identifying⁤ patterns, and drawing logical ⁤conclusions for informed decision-making.
Capability to identify challenges, develop solutions,⁢ and implement effective strategies to⁤ overcome obstacles.

Remember, your civil ‍service personal statement is ‌an opportunity to present yourself as​ the ideal candidate for ‍the ‍job. By‍ following these expert tips and recommendations, you ⁤can craft a personal statement that showcases your ‍qualifications, ​stands out from the competition, and increases your chances of success in the job application process.

Template + FAQ

Use the following template as a guide when crafting your civil service‍ personal⁣ statement:

Start with a captivating ‌opening that highlights your passion for public service and your relevant experiences.
Provide a brief ⁢overview of your educational background, emphasizing any degrees or certifications that are relevant to the civil service⁤ position.
Skills and ​Abilities
Showcase your key skills and abilities that make you a strong candidate ‌for the civil service‍ role. This can include organizational skills, teamwork, problem-solving, attention to detail,⁣ and‍ communication skills.
Relevant Experience
Highlight ⁢your past work ​experience or volunteer‍ activities ⁢that demonstrate your commitment to public service⁢ and your ability to⁤ excel in ‌a civil ‌service role.
Future ‍Goals
Discuss your long-term career goals ⁣and how the civil service role ⁤aligns ⁢with your aspirations.
End ​your personal statement with a strong closing ‍paragraph that summarizes your qualifications and expresses your enthusiasm for the opportunity‌ to serve ‍in the civil service.

People Also Ask

What should i include in my civil service personal statement.

In your civil service personal statement, you ⁢should include an‍ introduction that​ highlights‌ your passion for public service, a brief background ⁤overview, your ‌key skills and abilities, relevant experience, and your long-term career goals. ⁢Remember to end with⁢ a strong closing paragraph‌ summarizing⁤ your qualifications and enthusiasm.

How long should a civil service‍ personal ​statement be?

A‌ civil⁣ service personal statement should generally be around‌ 500 to 700 words. However, it’s important to check the specific guidelines provided by the ‌organization or agency you ⁤are applying to in order ‌to ⁣ensure ‌you meet‌ their requirements.

What‌ can I do to make my civil service personal statement ​stand out?

To make your civil service‍ personal statement stand⁤ out, focus on showcasing your unique experiences and attributes that make⁣ you a strong candidate. Be specific ​and provide⁤ examples of how your skills and ‍experiences align ⁤with the requirements of​ the⁤ civil service role. Additionally, ensure your statement is well-written, organized, ⁤and free of ​errors.

Writing a civil service personal statement can be a⁤ daunting task, but with⁢ the right⁣ understanding‌ and approach, you can⁢ create​ a compelling document that highlights your skills‍ and experiences. By following ⁤the key elements outlined in this article, ‍you can ensure‌ that your personal ⁤statement stands out from⁤ the competition and effectively conveys your ‌suitability ‍for the civil service role you are applying for.

Remember that the purpose of your personal statement is to showcase your abilities and demonstrate why you are the ideal⁣ candidate⁤ for ⁤the position. Take the time to thoroughly understand the ‌job requirements ⁢and‌ tailor your statement accordingly, highlighting specific skills‌ and ​experiences‌ that​ directly‍ align with the​ job‍ description.

Crafting a compelling‍ introduction is​ crucial to capturing the attention of the reader and setting the tone for⁢ the rest of your personal⁤ statement.‌ Use engaging language and personal anecdotes‌ to draw the reader in and make‍ a strong ⁤first impression. Additionally, remember​ to ⁢highlight ⁤your relevant​ skills and experiences throughout ​the ⁣document, providing concrete examples to support your ⁣claims.

To ⁢ensure that your personal statement is well-structured and easy to read, follow​ a clear format that⁢ includes⁢ an introduction, body ‌paragraphs, and a conclusion. ​Use subheadings ⁢and ‍bullet ⁣points to organize your thoughts and‌ make your statement more ​visually⁣ appealing.

Incorporating expert tips and recommendations from‍ the job and career industry ‍can‍ further enhance the quality of your‍ personal statement. ‌Seek advice from professionals in⁢ the field, read sample personal statements, and consider seeking ⁤feedback from ‍trusted ​mentors ‍or friends.

Now that⁣ you have ⁢a ⁤comprehensive understanding⁣ of how ⁤to write ⁤a ⁣civil service​ personal statement, it’s time to put your knowledge into ‌practice.​ Start by utilizing the provided template as a guide and create a personal statement that ⁢effectively represents your skills, experiences, and passion for public service. With⁢ dedication and effort, you can craft a compelling personal statement that ‍increases your chances of success in the competitive ⁢world ⁢of civil service. Good luck on your journey!

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  • How to Write Your Personal Statement | Strategies & Examples

How to Write Your Personal Statement | Strategies & Examples

Published on February 12, 2019 by Shona McCombes . Revised on July 3, 2023.

A personal statement is a short essay of around 500–1,000 words, in which you tell a compelling story about who you are, what drives you, and why you’re applying.

To write a successful personal statement for a graduate school application , don’t just summarize your experience; instead, craft a focused narrative in your own voice. Aim to demonstrate three things:

  • Your personality: what are your interests, values, and motivations?
  • Your talents: what can you bring to the program?
  • Your goals: what do you hope the program will do for you?

This article guides you through some winning strategies to build a strong, well-structured personal statement for a master’s or PhD application. You can download the full examples below.

Urban Planning Psychology History

Table of contents

Getting started with your personal statement, the introduction: start with an attention-grabbing opening, the main body: craft your narrative, the conclusion: look ahead, revising, editing, and proofreading your personal statement, frequently asked questions, other interesting articles.

Before you start writing, the first step is to understand exactly what’s expected of you. If the application gives you a question or prompt for your personal statement, the most important thing is to respond to it directly.

For example, you might be asked to focus on the development of your personal identity; challenges you have faced in your life; or your career motivations. This will shape your focus and emphasis—but you still need to find your own unique approach to answering it.

There’s no universal template for a personal statement; it’s your chance to be creative and let your own voice shine through. But there are strategies you can use to build a compelling, well-structured story.

The first paragraph of your personal statement should set the tone and lead smoothly into the story you want to tell.

Strategy 1: Open with a concrete scene

An effective way to catch the reader’s attention is to set up a scene that illustrates something about your character and interests. If you’re stuck, try thinking about:

  • A personal experience that changed your perspective
  • A story from your family’s history
  • A memorable teacher or learning experience
  • An unusual or unexpected encounter

To write an effective scene, try to go beyond straightforward description; start with an intriguing sentence that pulls the reader in, and give concrete details to create a convincing atmosphere.

Strategy 2: Open with your motivations

To emphasize your enthusiasm and commitment, you can start by explaining your interest in the subject you want to study or the career path you want to follow.

Just stating that it interests you isn’t enough: first, you need to figure out why you’re interested in this field:

  • Is it a longstanding passion or a recent discovery?
  • Does it come naturally or have you had to work hard at it?
  • How does it fit into the rest of your life?
  • What do you think it contributes to society?

Tips for the introduction

  • Don’t start on a cliche: avoid phrases like “Ever since I was a child…” or “For as long as I can remember…”
  • Do save the introduction for last. If you’re struggling to come up with a strong opening, leave it aside, and note down any interesting ideas that occur to you as you write the rest of the personal statement.

Once you’ve set up the main themes of your personal statement, you’ll delve into more detail about your experiences and motivations.

To structure the body of your personal statement, there are various strategies you can use.

Strategy 1: Describe your development over time

One of the simplest strategies is to give a chronological overview of key experiences that have led you to apply for graduate school.

  • What first sparked your interest in the field?
  • Which classes, assignments, classmates, internships, or other activities helped you develop your knowledge and skills?
  • Where do you want to go next? How does this program fit into your future plans?

Don’t try to include absolutely everything you’ve done—pick out highlights that are relevant to your application. Aim to craft a compelling narrative that shows how you’ve changed and actively developed yourself.

My interest in psychology was first sparked early in my high school career. Though somewhat scientifically inclined, I found that what interested me most was not the equations we learned about in physics and chemistry, but the motivations and perceptions of my fellow students, and the subtle social dynamics that I observed inside and outside the classroom. I wanted to learn how our identities, beliefs, and behaviours are shaped through our interactions with others, so I decided to major in Social Psychology. My undergraduate studies deepened my understanding of, and fascination with, the interplay between an individual mind and its social context.During my studies, I acquired a solid foundation of knowledge about concepts like social influence and group dynamics, but I also took classes on various topics not strictly related to my major. I was particularly interested in how other fields intersect with psychology—the classes I took on media studies, biology, and literature all enhanced my understanding of psychological concepts by providing different lenses through which to look at the issues involved.

Strategy 2: Own your challenges and obstacles

If your path to graduate school hasn’t been easy or straightforward, you can turn this into a strength, and structure your personal statement as a story of overcoming obstacles.

  • Is your social, cultural or economic background underrepresented in the field? Show how your experiences will contribute a unique perspective.
  • Do you have gaps in your resume or lower-than-ideal grades? Explain the challenges you faced and how you dealt with them.

Don’t focus too heavily on negatives, but use them to highlight your positive qualities. Resilience, resourcefulness and perseverance make you a promising graduate school candidate.

Growing up working class, urban decay becomes depressingly familiar. The sight of a row of abandoned houses does not surprise me, but it continues to bother me. Since high school, I have been determined to pursue a career in urban planning. While people of my background experience the consequences of urban planning decisions first-hand, we are underrepresented in the field itself. Ironically, given my motivation, my economic background has made my studies challenging. I was fortunate enough to be awarded a scholarship for my undergraduate studies, but after graduation I took jobs in unrelated fields to help support my parents. In the three years since, I have not lost my ambition. Now I am keen to resume my studies, and I believe I can bring an invaluable perspective to the table: that of the people most impacted by the decisions of urban planners.

Strategy 3: Demonstrate your knowledge of the field

Especially if you’re applying for a PhD or another research-focused program, it’s a good idea to show your familiarity with the subject and the department. Your personal statement can focus on the area you want to specialize in and reflect on why it matters to you.

  • Reflect on the topics or themes that you’ve focused on in your studies. What draws you to them?
  • Discuss any academic achievements, influential teachers, or other highlights of your education.
  • Talk about the questions you’d like to explore in your research and why you think they’re important.

The personal statement isn’t a research proposal , so don’t go overboard on detail—but it’s a great opportunity to show your enthusiasm for the field and your capacity for original thinking.

In applying for this research program, my intention is to build on the multidisciplinary approach I have taken in my studies so far, combining knowledge from disparate fields of study to better understand psychological concepts and issues. The Media Psychology program stands out to me as the perfect environment for this kind of research, given its researchers’ openness to collaboration across diverse fields. I am impressed by the department’s innovative interdisciplinary projects that focus on the shifting landscape of media and technology, and I hope that my own work can follow a similarly trailblazing approach. More specifically, I want to develop my understanding of the intersection of psychology and media studies, and explore how media psychology theories and methods might be applied to neurodivergent minds. I am interested not only in media psychology but also in psychological disorders, and how the two interact. This is something I touched on during my undergraduate studies and that I’m excited to delve into further.

Strategy 4: Discuss your professional ambitions

Especially if you’re applying for a more professionally-oriented program (such as an MBA), it’s a good idea to focus on concrete goals and how the program will help you achieve them.

  • If your career is just getting started, show how your character is suited to the field, and explain how graduate school will help you develop your talents.
  • If you have already worked in the profession, show what you’ve achieved so far, and explain how the program will allow you to take the next step.
  • If you are planning a career change, explain what has driven this decision and how your existing experience will help you succeed.

Don’t just state the position you want to achieve. You should demonstrate that you’ve put plenty of thought into your career plans and show why you’re well-suited to this profession.

One thing that fascinated me about the field during my undergraduate studies was the sheer number of different elements whose interactions constitute a person’s experience of an urban environment. Any number of factors could transform the scene I described at the beginning: What if there were no bus route? Better community outreach in the neighborhood? Worse law enforcement? More or fewer jobs available in the area? Some of these factors are out of the hands of an urban planner, but without taking them all into consideration, the planner has an incomplete picture of their task. Through further study I hope to develop my understanding of how these disparate elements combine and interact to create the urban environment. I am interested in the social, psychological and political effects our surroundings have on our lives. My studies will allow me to work on projects directly affecting the kinds of working-class urban communities I know well. I believe I can bring my own experiences, as well as my education, to bear upon the problem of improving infrastructure and quality of life in these communities.

Tips for the main body

  • Don’t rehash your resume by trying to summarize everything you’ve done so far; the personal statement isn’t about listing your academic or professional experience, but about reflecting, evaluating, and relating it to broader themes.
  • Do make your statements into stories: Instead of saying you’re hard-working and self-motivated, write about your internship where you took the initiative to start a new project. Instead of saying you’ve always loved reading, reflect on a novel or poem that changed your perspective.

Your conclusion should bring the focus back to the program and what you hope to get out of it, whether that’s developing practical skills, exploring intellectual questions, or both.

Emphasize the fit with your specific interests, showing why this program would be the best way to achieve your aims.

Strategy 1: What do you want to know?

If you’re applying for a more academic or research-focused program, end on a note of curiosity: what do you hope to learn, and why do you think this is the best place to learn it?

If there are specific classes or faculty members that you’re excited to learn from, this is the place to express your enthusiasm.

Strategy 2: What do you want to do?

If you’re applying for a program that focuses more on professional training, your conclusion can look to your career aspirations: what role do you want to play in society, and why is this program the best choice to help you get there?

Tips for the conclusion

  • Don’t summarize what you’ve already said. You have limited space in a personal statement, so use it wisely!
  • Do think bigger than yourself: try to express how your individual aspirations relate to your local community, your academic field, or society more broadly. It’s not just about what you’ll get out of graduate school, but about what you’ll be able to give back.

You’ll be expected to do a lot of writing in graduate school, so make a good first impression: leave yourself plenty of time to revise and polish the text.

Your style doesn’t have to be as formal as other kinds of academic writing, but it should be clear, direct and coherent. Make sure that each paragraph flows smoothly from the last, using topic sentences and transitions to create clear connections between each part.

Don’t be afraid to rewrite and restructure as much as necessary. Since you have a lot of freedom in the structure of a personal statement, you can experiment and move information around to see what works best.

Finally, it’s essential to carefully proofread your personal statement and fix any language errors. Before you submit your application, consider investing in professional personal statement editing . For $150, you have the peace of mind that your personal statement is grammatically correct, strong in term of your arguments, and free of awkward mistakes.

A statement of purpose is usually more formal, focusing on your academic or professional goals. It shouldn’t include anything that isn’t directly relevant to the application.

A personal statement can often be more creative. It might tell a story that isn’t directly related to the application, but that shows something about your personality, values, and motivations.

However, both types of document have the same overall goal: to demonstrate your potential as a graduate student and s how why you’re a great match for the program.

The typical length of a personal statement for graduate school applications is between 500 and 1,000 words.

Different programs have different requirements, so always check if there’s a minimum or maximum length and stick to the guidelines. If there is no recommended word count, aim for no more than 1-2 pages.

If you’re applying to multiple graduate school programs, you should tailor your personal statement to each application.

Some applications provide a prompt or question. In this case, you might have to write a new personal statement from scratch: the most important task is to respond to what you have been asked.

If there’s no prompt or guidelines, you can re-use the same idea for your personal statement – but change the details wherever relevant, making sure to emphasize why you’re applying to this specific program.

If the application also includes other essays, such as a statement of purpose , you might have to revise your personal statement to avoid repeating the same information.

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McCombes, S. (2023, July 03). How to Write Your Personal Statement | Strategies & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from

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Writing the Personal Statement

The personal statement, your opportunity to sell yourself in the application process, generally falls into one of two categories: 

The general, comprehensive personal statement:  This allows you maximum freedom in terms of what you write and is the type of statement often prepared for standard medical or law school application forms. 

  • The response to very specific questions: Often, business and graduate school applications ask specific questions, and your statement should respond specifically to the question being asked. Some business school applications favor multiple essays, typically asking for responses to three or more questions. 

What's special, unique, distinctive, and/or impressive about you or your life story? 

What details of your life (personal or family problems, history, people or events that have shaped you or influenced your goals) might help the committee better understand you or help set you apart from other applicants? 

When did you become interested in this field and what have you learned about it (and about yourself) that has further stimulated your interest and reinforced your conviction that you are well suited to this field? What insights have you gained? 

How have you learned about this field—through classes, readings, seminars, work or other experiences, or conversations with people already in the field? 

If you have worked a lot during your college years, what have you learned (leadership or managerial skills, for example), and how has that work contributed to your growth? 

What are your career goals? 

Are there any gaps or discrepancies in your academic record that you should explain (great grades but mediocre LSAT or GRE scores, for example, or a distinct upward pattern to your GPA if it was only average in the beginning)? 

Have you had to overcome any unusual obstacles or hardships (for example, economic, familial, or physical) in your life? 

What personal characteristics (for example, integrity, compassion, and/or persistence) do you possess that would improve your prospects for success in the field or profession? Is there a way to demonstrate or document that you have these characteristics? 

What skills (for example, leadership, communicative, analytical) do you possess? 

Why might you be a stronger candidate for graduate school—and more successful and effective in the profession or field than other applicants? 

What are the most compelling reasons you can give for the admissions committee to be interested in you? 

If you are applying to several schools, you may find questions in each application that are somewhat similar. 

Don't be tempted to use the same statement for all applications. It is important to answer each question being asked, and if slightly different answers are needed, you should write separate statements. In every case, be sure your answer fits the question being asked. 

  • Think in terms of showing or demonstrating through concrete experience. One of the worst things you can do is to bore the admissions committee. If your statement is fresh, lively, and different, you'll be putting yourself ahead of the pack. If you distinguish yourself through your story, you will make yourself memorable.
  • Don't, for example, state that you would make an excellent doctor unless you can back it up with specific reasons. Your desire to become a lawyer, engineer, or whatever should be logical, the result of a specific experience that is described in your statement. Your application should emerge as the logical conclusion to your story.
  • If you're like most people, your life story lacks drama, so figuring out a way to make it interesting becomes the big challenge. Finding an angle or a "hook" is vital.
  • The lead or opening paragraph is generally the most important. It is here that you grab the reader's attention or lose it. This paragraph becomes the framework for the rest of the statement.
  • The middle section of your essay might detail your interest and experience in your particular field, as well as some of your knowledge of the field. Too many people graduate with little or no knowledge of the nuts and bolts of the profession or field they hope to enter. Be as specific as you can in relating what you know about the field and use the language professionals use in conveying this information. Refer to experiences (work, research, etc.), classes, conversations with people in the field, books you've read, seminars you've attended, or any other source of specific information about the career you want and why you're suited to it. Since you'll have to select what you include in your statement, the choices you make are often an indication of your judgement.
  • There are certain things best left out of personal statements. For example, references to experiences or accomplishments in high school or earlier are generally not a good idea. Don't mention potentially controversial subjects (for example, controversial religious or political issues).
  • If a school wants to know why you're applying to it rather than another school, do some research to find out what sets your choice apart from other universities or programs. If the school setting would provide an important geographical or cultural change for you, this might be a factor to mention.
  • Be meticulous. Type and proofread your essay very carefully. Many admissions officers say that good written skills are command of correct use of language are important to them as they read these statements. Express yourself clearly and concisely. Adhere to stated word limits.
  • A medical school applicant who writes that they are good at science and want to help other people is not exactly expressing an original thought. Stay away from often-repeated or tired statements.

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Information on the 2024 Campaign is available now.   Click here to find out more.

Statement From U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle

I would like to start by extending my deepest condolences to the family and friends of Corey Comperatore, who was killed during the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump’s life in Butler, Pennsylvania, Saturday, as well as those who were injured during this senseless act of violence.

Secret Service personnel on the ground moved quickly during the incident, with our counter sniper team neutralizing the shooter and our agents implementing protective measures to ensure the safety of former president Donald Trump. 

Since the shooting, I have been in constant contact with Secret Service personnel in Pennsylvania who worked to maintain the integrity of the crime scene until the FBI assumed its role as the lead investigating agency into the assassination attempt. I have also been coordinating with the protective detail for former President Trump and have briefed President Biden on the details of the incident.   

The Secret Service is working with all involved Federal, state and local agencies to understand what happened, how it happened, and how we can prevent an incident like this from ever taking place again. We understand the importance of the independent review announced by President Biden yesterday and will participate fully. We will also work with the appropriate Congressional committees on any oversight action.

The incident in Pennsylvania has understandably led to questions about potential updates or changes to the security for the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. The U.S. Secret Service, in conjunction with our Federal, state and local law enforcement and public safety partners, designs operational security plans for National Special Security Events (NSSE) to be dynamic in order to respond to a kinetic security environment and the most up-to-date intelligence from our partners.

I am confident in the security plan our Secret Service RNC coordinator and our partners have put in place, which we have reviewed and strengthened in the wake of Saturday’s shooting. The security plans for National Special Security Events are designed to be flexible. As the conventions progress, and in accordance with the direction of the President, the Secret Service will continuously adapt our operations as necessary in order to ensure the highest level of safety and security for convention attendees, volunteers and the City of Milwaukee. In addition to the additional security enhancements we provided former President Trump's detail in June, we have also implemented changes to his security detail since Saturday to ensure his continued protection for the convention and the remainder of the campaign. 

The Secret Service is tasked with the tremendous responsibility of protecting the current and former leaders of our democracy. It is a responsibility that I take incredibly seriously, and I am committed to fulfilling that mission.  

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Who Is Laura Loomer, the Far-Right Activist Who Traveled With Trump?

After fellow Republicans criticized her appearance on the trail, noting her history of offensive remarks, former President Donald J. Trump praised her but later said he disagreed with some of her statements.

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A woman in a cap with a backpack on speaks to someone with a video camera in a tripod in front of some low buildings.

By Ken Bensinger

Five years ago Laura Loomer, a far-right activist with a history of expressing bigoted views and a knack for generating publicity, filed an application for a trademark to protect her work in “the field of political activism.”

Ms. Loomer, 31, part of a generation of web-savvy right-wing influencers, decided to trademark the term she had coined for her signature move of ambushing people with unexpected, often embarrassing questions. She called it getting “Loomered.”

Already a well-known figure among internet obsessives thanks to her anti-Muslim activism, undercover sting operations and political stunts, Ms. Loomer found herself at the center of the presidential campaign this week when she traveled with former President Donald J. Trump . She went with him to Philadelphia for the presidential debate, and then accompanied him to Sept. 11 memorial events in New York City and Shanksville, Pa., which drew pointed criticism from Democrats and Republicans because she had previously called Sept. 11 “an inside job.”

Here’s more about Laura Loomer.

Why are politicians from both parties criticizing her?

Ms. Loomer has made a number of racist, sexist, homophobic and Islamophobic comments in the past. She has described Islam as a “cancer,” used the hashtag “#proudislamophobe” and once seemed to celebrate the deaths of migrants crossing the Mediterranean. In 2018, after Twitter banned her for frequent anti-Muslim content, she handcuffed herself to the company’s headquarters in New York and wore a yellow Star of David similar to those Nazis forced Jews to wear during the Holocaust (Ms. Loomer is Jewish).

After the billionaire Elon Musk bought Twitter, her account was reinstated, and she has since built up a following of more than 1.2 million people on the site (which Mr. Musk later renamed X) and has a web show. She often blasts out content praising Mr. Trump and viciously attacking anyone she might perceive as a rival.

Two days before she traveled with Mr. Trump to the debate, she wrote in a post on X that if Vice President Kamala Harris, whose mother was Indian American, won the election, the White House would “smell like curry.”

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  1. Our service provide statement purpose for public health master MPH

    personal statement on public service

  2. How to write an effective public statement in 3 steps

    personal statement on public service

  3. 🔥 Personal statement about yourself example. How to write the best

    personal statement on public service

  4. Personal Statement On Public Service

    personal statement on public service

  5. How to Write an MPH Personal Statement with Examples

    personal statement on public service

  6. Examples to Inspire Your Winning Personal Statement

    personal statement on public service



  2. Public service announcement from the DNC

  3. Personal Statement for Univeristy Admissions

  4. Public Service Approach || Public Administration || Lecture 08

  5. 'Pakistan Will Never Go Bankrupt' Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar Big Statement

  6. How to Start a Personal Statement


  1. Civil Service Making Effective Decisions

    Crafting a compelling 250-word personal statement for your civil service application requires a thoughtful and structured approach. Given the limited word count, every word and sentence must count towards showcasing your qualifications and suitability for the role. Begin by introducing yourself briefly and explaining your interest in the position.

  2. How To Write a Civil Service Personal Statement in 4 Steps

    2. Create a list of your experiences and qualifications. Before writing your personal statement, consider writing a list of all your experiences and qualifications. You can create this list from your resume and use it to choose the most relevant qualifications for your personal statement based on the job requirements for the civil service ...

  3. How to write your PS

    When writing a personal statement it is important that you: Read the job specification so you are clear about the job requirements. Outline the skills and experience that you have that are relevant to the job and use examples to help demonstrate this. Wherever possible include specific facts and figures that demonstrate the tangible results of ...

  4. Civil Service Delivering at Pace

    Showcasing Delivering at Pace in Your 250-Word Personal Statement. In writing your 250-word statement, the balance between speed and diligence should shine through. It's your canvas to paint a picture where you've prioritized tasks, driven teams, or channeled resources effectively under time constraints. Yet, the narrative should also ...

  5. Civil Service Leadership

    In your 250-word personal statement for the Civil Service, it's crucial to emphasize your unique leadership traits. A practical way to do this is by detailing a particular experience using the STAR method, which covers the Situation, Task, Action, and Result. This approach helps to not only showcase the results of your leadership but also the ...

  6. Public Services Personal Statement

    Public Services Personal Statement. I have always been attracted to a career in public services as it allows me to combine my own personal interests with my desire to make a positive impact within my community. As I have progressed through my studies, I have encountered several areas in which this combination has allowed me to excel, including ...

  7. How to write personal statements for civil and public service jobs

    Do highlight what sets you apart. Do make it relevant - tailor to the person or role in question. Do be specific (on what can you offer) and succinct (two-three sentences). Do make it engaging - think about your hook. Do be passionate. Don't be negative. Don't exaggerate or embellish.

  8. Sample Public Administration Personal Statement ...

    The following essay is written by an applicant who got accepted to top graduate programs in public administration (MPA). Variations of this personal statement got accepted at Columbia's SIPA school, Harvard's Kennedy School, and NUS (National University of Singapore). Read this essay to understand what a top personal statement in public ...


    Nov. When you apply for any Civil Service job, you will need to complete an online application form that requires you to submit a personal statement. The personal statement will be assessed against the relevant Civil Service success profiles and strengths that are applicable or the role. DOWNLOAD RICHARD MCMUNN'S SET OF 9 CIVIL SERVICE ...

  10. Application Pro Tip

    "Your personal statement should showcase your strengths and provide an overview of your background, goals, academic and professional aspirations, and a commitment to public service. The personal statement should be approximately two to four pages, double-spaced. If you wish to address any weaknesses in your application, it is better to write ...

  11. Unique & Effective Civil Service Personal Statement Examples

    Example 1. As someone with a strong interest in public policy, I am keen to pursue a career in the civil service. The challenge of working within a complex and ever-changing environment is something that appeals to me. And the Civil Service offers unrivaled opportunities for professional development.

  12. Woodrow Wilson School MPA and MPP Personal Statement

    posted on November 12, 2015. "Your personal statement should showcase your strengths and provide an overview of your background, goals, academic and professional aspirations, and a commitment to public service. The personal statement should be approximately two to four pages. If you wish to address any weaknesses in your application, it is ...

  13. How to Write a Civil Service Personal Statement for Jobs

    How to write a personal statement for a civil service job. Follow these steps to write a personal statement to get a job in this sector: 1. Introduce yourself. Briefly introduce yourself to the employer with a summary of your interests or skills that are relevant to the job. It's also useful to state your interest in the job, and you can share ...

  14. 3 templates to land your dream job in the public service

    This new series of templates, created in collaboration with public servants around the world, will provide a framework for you to get started on common tasks and skills required in public service job applications, from writing a personal statement to preparing answers for a job interview. Work experience & CV template: How to get started

  15. Public Administration Masters Personal Statement Sample

    Written by Sarah Hastings-Woodhouse. This is an example personal statement for a Masters degree application in Public Administration. See our guide for advice on writing your own postgraduate personal statement. What has always fascinated (and troubled) me about local and national governance is the enduring difficulty of implementing positive ...

  16. 5 MPA Personal Statement Tips for Driven Applicants

    6. Be proud; be confident; be passionate. The field of public affairs and public administration is one of the most transformative fields in existence today. Our industry is a deeply 'human' field, and the more your passion and motivation come through in your writing, the more success you will have in the application process.".

  17. What should I include in my personal statement?

    The personal statement is your opportunity to showcase your motivation and achievements to date - as well as your ability to reflect on what you have done and how you want to further your learning through our MPP. It is a chance for us to understand the essence of what you are about and it always makes for a fascinating and inspiring read!

  18. Breaking down the MPA/MPP personal statement, personal essay, and

    The personal statement should answer the prompt and include an explanation of one's commitment to a career in public service. We are interested in a clear description of the policy areas of interest to you and why you care about them as well as how your previous academic, personal, and professional experiences have shaped your career goals.

  19. 12 Winning Personal Statement Examples (With Tips)

    Here are 12 personal statement examples for school or career to help you create your own: 1. Personal statement example for graduate school. A personal statement for graduate school differs greatly from one to further your professional career. It's usually an essay, rather than a brief paragraph.

  20. One of The Best Public Service Essay Examples for Grad School

    Graduate Samples. EssayEdge > Blog > One of The Best Public Service Essay Examples for Grad School. If you do not know for sure how to write a public service essay, look through this sample to get some ideas or inspiration. "To be nobody but yourself—in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else—means to ...

  21. How To Write a Civil Service Personal Statement (+ Template)

    A ‌Civil Service personal statement holds the power to open doors to prestigious‍ and rewarding job opportunities in ⁣the public sector. It ⁢serves as your passport to showcasing‌ your skills, ‌experiences, and aspirations to potential employers. Whether you're a‌ recent graduate ⁤or ‌a seasoned professional looking‍ to⁢ make⁣ a career change, the process ‌of ...

  22. How to Write Your Personal Statement

    Strategy 1: Open with a concrete scene. An effective way to catch the reader's attention is to set up a scene that illustrates something about your character and interests. If you're stuck, try thinking about: A personal experience that changed your perspective. A story from your family's history.

  23. Writing the Personal Statement : School of Public Health & Health

    Writing the Personal Statement. The personal statement, your opportunity to sell yourself in the application process, generally falls into one of two categories: The general, comprehensive personal statement: This allows you maximum freedom in terms of what you write and is the type of statement often prepared for standard medical or law school ...

  24. Statement From U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle

    The U.S. Secret Service, in conjunction with our Federal, state and local law enforcement and public safety partners, designs operational security plans for National Special Security Events (NSSE) to be dynamic in order to respond to a kinetic security environment and the most up-to-date intelligence from our partners.

  25. Who Is Laura Loomer, the Far-Right Activist Who Traveled With Trump

    A few hours later, he wrote on his social media site, Truth Social, "I disagree with the statements she made but, like the many millions of people who support me, she is tired of watching the ...