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pcb presentation

One of the key concepts in electronics is the printed circuit board or PCB. It's so fundamental that people often forget to explain what a PCB is . This tutorial will breakdown what makes up a PCB and some of the common terms used in the PCB world.

Blank PCB from the ClockIt Kit

Over the next few pages, we'll discuss the composition of a printed circuit board, cover some terminology, a look at methods of assembly, and discuss briefly the design process behind creating a new PCB.

Suggested Reading

Before you get started you may want to read up on some concepts we build upon in this tutorial:

  • What is Electricity?
  • What is a Circuit?
  • Voltage, Current, Resistance, and Ohm's Law
  • Connector Basics
  • Soldering 101 - PTH


Minh Tuấn was kind enough to translate this tutorial to Vietnamese. You can view the translation here .

What's a PCB?

Printed circuit board is the most common name but may also be called "printed wiring boards" or "printed wiring cards". Before the advent of the PCB circuits were constructed through a laborious process of point-to-point wiring. This led to frequent failures at wire junctions and short circuits when wire insulation began to age and crack.

Mass of wire wrap

A significant advance was the development of wire wrapping , where a small gauge wire is literally wrapped around a post at each connection point, creating a gas-tight connection which is highly durable and easily changeable.

As electronics moved from vacuum tubes and relays to silicon and integrated circuits, the size and cost of electronic components began to decrease. Electronics became more prevalent in consumer goods, and the pressure to reduce the size and manufacturing costs of electronic products drove manufacturers to look for better solutions. Thus was born the PCB.

LilyPad PCB

PCB is an acronym for printed circuit board . It is a board that has lines and pads that connect various points together. In the picture above, there are traces that electrically connect the various connectors and components to each other. A PCB allows signals and power to be routed between physical devices. Solder is the metal that makes the electrical connections between the surface of the PCB and the electronic components. Being metal, solder also serves as a strong mechanical adhesive.


A PCB is sort of like a layer cake or lasagna- there are alternating layers of different materials which are laminated together with heat and adhesive such that the result is a single object.

alt text

Let's start in the middle and work our way out.

The base material, or substrate, is usually fiberglass. Historically, the most common designator for this fiberglass is "FR4". This solid core gives the PCB its rigidity and thickness. There are also flexible PCBs built on flexible high-temperature plastic (Kapton or the equivalent).

You will find many different thickness PCBs; the most common thickness for SparkFun products is 1.6mm (0.063"). Some of our products- LilyPad boards and Arudino Pro Micro boards- use a 0.8mm thick board.

Perf board

Cheaper PCBs and perf boards (shown above) will be made with other materials such as epoxies or phenolics which lack the durability of FR4 but are much less expensive. You will know you are working with this type of PCB when you solder to it - they have a very distictive bad smell. These types of substrates are also typically found in low-end consumer electronics. Phenolics have a low thermal decomposition temperature which causes them to delaminate, smoke and char when the soldering iron is held too long on the board.

The next layer is a thin copper foil, which is laminated to the board with heat and adhesive. On common, double sided PCBs, copper is applied to both sides of the substrate. In lower cost electronic gadgets the PCB may have copper on only one side. When we refer to a double sided or 2-layer board we are referring to the number of copper layers (2) in our lasagna. This can be as few as 1 layer or as many as 16 layers or more.

Exposed Copper on PCB

PCB with copper exposed, no solder mask or silkscreen.

The copper thickness can vary and is specified by weight, in ounces per square foot. The vast majority of PCBs have 1 ounce of copper per square foot but some PCBs that handle very high power may use 2 or 3 ounce copper. Each ounce per square translates to about 35 micrometers or 1.4 thousandths of an inch of thickness of copper.

The layer on top of the copper foil is called the soldermask layer. This layer gives the PCB its green (or, at SparkFun, red) color. It is overlaid onto the copper layer to insulate the copper traces from accidental contact with other metal, solder, or conductive bits. This layer helps the user to solder to the correct places and prevent solder jumpers.

In the example below, the green solder mask is applied to the majority of the PCB, covering up the small traces but leaving the silver rings and SMD pads exposed so they can be soldered to.

Green Solder Mask

Soldermask is most commonly green in color but nearly any color is possible. We use red for almost all the SparkFun boards, white for the IOIO board, and purple for the LilyPad boards.

The white silkscreen layer is applied on top of the soldermask layer. The silkscreen adds letters, numbers, and symbols to the PCB that allow for easier assembly and indicators for humans to better understand the board. We often use silkscreen labels to indicate what the function of each pin or LED.

PCB with silkscreen

Silkscreen is most commonly white but any ink color can be used. Black, gray, red, and even yellow silkscreen colors are widely available; it is, however, uncommon to see more than one color on a single board.


Now that you've got an idea of what a PCB structure is, let's define some terms that you may hear when dealing with PCBs:

  • Annular ring - the ring of copper around a plated through hole in a PCB.

Annular ring on resistor

Examples of annular rings.

  • DRC - design rule check. A software check of your design to make sure the design does not contain errors such as traces that incorrectly touch, traces too skinny, or drill holes that are too small.
  • Drill hit - places on a design where a hole should be drilled, or where they actually were drilled on the board. Inaccurate drill hits caused by dull bits are a common manufacturing issue.

Bad drill hits

Not so accurate, but functional drill hits.

  • Finger - exposed metal pads along the edge of a board, used to create a connection between two circuit boards. Common examples are along the edges of computer expansion or memory boards and older cartridge-based video games.
  • Mouse bites - an alternative to v-score for separating boards from panels. A number of drill hits are clustered close together, creating a weak spot where the board can be broken easily after the fact. See the SparkFun Protosnap boards for a good example.

LilyPad Protosnap with mouse bites

Mouse bites on the LilyPad ProtoSnap allow the PCB to be snapped apart easily.

Breaking PCBs for Science

  • Pad - a portion of exposed metal on the surface of a board to which a component is soldered.

PTH Pads

PTH (plated through-hole) pads on the left, SMD (surface mount device) pads on the right.

  • Panel - a larger circuit board composed of many smaller boards which will be broken apart before use. Automated circuit board handling equipment frequently has trouble with smaller boards, and by aggregating several boards together at once, the process can be sped up significantly.
  • Paste stencil - a thin, metal (or sometimes plastic) stencil which lies over the board, allowing solder paste to be deposited in specific areas during assembly.

Abe does a quick demonstration of how to line up a paste stencil and apply solder paste.

  • Pick-and-place - the machine or process by which components are placed on a circuit board.

Bob shows us the SparkFun MyData Pick and Place machine. It's pretty awesome.

  • Plane - a continuous block of copper on a circuit board, define by borders rather than by a path. Also commonly called a "pour".

PCB ground pour

Various portions of the PCB that have no traces but has a ground pour instead.

  • Plated through hole - a hole on a board which has an annular ring and which is plated all the way through the board. May be a connection point for a through hole component, a via to pass a signal through, or a mounting hole.

Plated through hole resistor

A PTH resistor inserted into the FabFM PCB, ready to be soldered. The legs of the resistor go through the holes. The plated holes can have traces connected to them on the front of the PCB and the rear of the PCB.

  • Pogo pin - spring-loaded contact used to make a temporary connection for test or programming purposes.

Pogo Pin

The popular pogo pin with pointed tip . We use tons of these on our test beds.

  • Reflow - melting the solder to create joints between pads and component leads.
  • Silkscreen - the letters, number, symbols, and imagery on a circuit board. Usually only one color is available, and resolution is usually fairly low.


Silkscreen identifying this LED as the power LED.

  • Slot - any hole in a board which is not round. Slots may or may not be plated. Slots sometimes add to add cost to the board because they require extra cut-out time.


Complex slots cut into the ProtoSnap - Pro Mini . There are also many mouse bites shown. Note: the corners of the slots cannot be made completely square because they are cut with a circular routing bit.

  • Solder paste - small balls of solder suspended in a gel medium which, with the aid of a paste stencil, are applied to the surface mount pads on a PCB before the components are placed. During reflow, the solder in the paste melts, creating electrical and mechanical joints between the pads and the component.

alt text

Solder paste on a PCB shortly before the components are placed. Be sure to read about *paste stencil above as well.*

  • Solder pot - a pot used to quickly hand solder boards with through hole components. Usually contains a small amount of molten solder into which the board is quickly dipped, leaving solder joints on all exposed pads.
  • Soldermask - a layer of protective material laid over the metal to prevent short circuits, corrosion, and other problems. Frequently green, although other colors (SparkFun red, Arduino blue, or Apple black) are possible. Occasionally referred to as "resist".

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Solder mask covers up the signal traces but leaves the pads to solder to.

  • Solder jumper - a small, blob of solder connecting two adjacent pins on a component on a circuit board. Depending on the design, a solder jumper can be used to connect two pads or pins together. It can also cause unwanted shorts.
  • Surface mount - construction method which allows components to be simply set on a board, not requiring that leads pass through holes in the board. This is the dominant method of assembly in use today, and allows boards to be populated quickly and easily.
  • Thermal - a small trace used to connect a pad to a plane. If a pad is not thermally relieved, it becomes difficult to get the pad to a high enough temperature to create a good solder joint. An improperly thermally relieved pad will feel "sticky" when you attempt to solder to it, and will take an abnormally long time to reflow.


On the left, a solder pad with two small traces (thermals) connecting the pin to the ground plane. On the right, a via with no thermals connecting it completely to the ground plane.

  • Thieving - hatching, gridlines, or dots of copper left in areas of a board where no plane or traces exist. Reduces difficulty of etching because less time in the bath is required to remove unneeded copper.
  • Trace - a continuous path of copper on a circuit board.

Traces on PCB

-> A small trace connecting the Reset pad to elsewhere on the board. A larger, thicker trace connects to the 5V power pin. <-

  • V-score - a partial cut through a board, allowing the board to be easily snapped along a line.
  • Via - a hole in a board used to pass a signal from one layer to another. Tented vias are covered by soldermask to protect them from being soldered to. Vias where connectors and components are to be attached are often untented (uncovered) so that they can be easily soldered.

alt text

Front and back of the same PCB showing a tented via. This via brings the signal from the front side of the PCB, through the middle of the board, to the back side.

  • Wave solder - a method of soldering used on boards with through-hole components where the board is passed over a standing wave of molten solder, which adheres to exposed pads and component leads.

Designing Your Own!

How do you go about designing your own PCB? The ins and outs of PCB design are way too in depth to get into here, but if you really want to get started, here are some pointers:

  • Community support: are there a lot of people using the package? The more people using it, the more likely you are to find ready-made libraries with the parts you need.
  • Ease-of-use: if it's painful to use it, you won't.
  • Capability: some programs place limitations on your design- number of layers, number of components, size of board, etc. Most of them allow you to pay for a license to upgrade their capability.
  • Portability: some free programs do not allow you to export or convert your designs, locking you in to one supplier only. Maybe that's a fair price to pay for convenience and price, maybe not.
  • Look at other people's layouts to see what they have done. Open Source Hardware makes this easier than ever.
  • Practice, practice, practice.
  • Maintain low expectations. Your first board design will have lots of problems. Your 20th board design will have fewer, but will still have some. You'll never get rid of them all.
  • Schematics are important. Trying to design a board without a good schematic in place first is an exercise in futility.

Finally, a few words on the utility of designing your own circuit boards. If you plan on making more than one or two of a given project, the payback on designing a board is pretty good- point-to-point wiring circuits on a protoboard is a hassle, and they tend to be less robust than purpose-designed boards. It also allows you to sell your design if it turns out to be popular.

Resources and Going Further

Interested in learning more foundational topics.

See our Engineering Essentials page for a full list of cornerstone topics surrounding electrical engineering.

Take me there!

pcb presentation

PCBs are just the beginning! From here we recommend you explore:

  • How to Read a Schematic
  • How to install and setup Eagle PCB software
  • How to layout PTH PCBs: Schematic
  • How to layout PTH PCBs: Board Layout
  • Creating SMD Footprints
  • Creating SMD PCBs
  • T³: Etching Your Own Circuit Boards
  • Electronics Assembly

If you'd like to share your PCB creations with the world, check out these tutorials:

  • Using GitHub
  • Using GitHub to share with SparkFun
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Creative Commons tutorials are CC BY-SA 4.0
  • Your Account

Electronic Circuits and Diagrams-Electronic Projects and Design

PCB Design Basics: Beginners Guide to Get Started

A Printed Circuit Board or PCB is one component that is present in almost all the electronic equipment we use in our daily life. It forms the foundation of any circuit. A PCB is where all the electrical/electronic components are held together and interconnected without any wires. The connections on the PCB, is not only permanent but also fairly neat and easily understood. 

If you are keen on building an electronic circuit, you need to be really familiar with the basics of PCB design.   

In this article, I will break down some of the commonly used PCB terminologies, the PCB design process, and some of the popular PCB design software . 

But first, let me explain what is a PCB really!

What is a Printed Circuit Board (PCB)?

Have you ever opened up an old, worn-out electronic equipment like tv remote or mobile phone? If yes, then you must have seen a green sheet(sometimes red, blue) with lots of silver threads and components. This sheet is nothing but a PCB.

Basics of PCB Design

At first, understanding the circuit may seem like an uphill task. However, once you get familiar with its design, these complications may instigate your inner electronics nerd.   

PCB forms the foundation of various complex circuits and is one of the main reasons that you get slimmer TVs, Mobile phones, and laptops. They are manufactured with either one, two, or multi-layer depending upon the complexity of the circuit.  

You can imagine PCB to be like a trifle made with layers of different materials- all laminated together to form a single PCB sheet. 

If we take a typical two-layer PCB, it will have a composition like this:

pcb presentation

Here the Substrate refers to the non-conductive dielectric part, I mentioned above. 

The popular choice for the substrate is FR4 glass, owing to its stability with variance in temperature. It is also easy to sandwich between layers of copper strands(the conductive sheets). For complex circuits, where only minimal losses can be allowed, the PTFE substrate is used. 

In the pictorial depiction above, two copper sheets cover the substrate and is referred to as a double layer PCB. For simple circuits like that used in musical toys, thisPCB will be enough to suffice the purpose. An increase in the number of layers ensures more wiring areas for high-end circuits, such as that of your smartwatch or smartphone. 

The copper strand is masked by a layer called a solder mask to prevent accidental contact with any conducting leads. This layer gives the board its green (In some cases red) color.  The numbering, lettering, and other markings (usually in white) which you see on the PCB surface is done through a silkscreening process.

You need a really good design tool to realise the circuit idea in your mind. Why don’t you read our list of 10+ Circuit Design and Simulation tools ?

PCB: Terminologies

As we dive into the design process of PCB, let me get you familiar with a couple of commonly used words from the PCB glossary. 

  • Soldermask – The green/red/blue (non-conducting) layer that you see on top of any PCB. It shields the entire PCB from a possible short circuit. It also makes the entire soldering process a tad easy.
  • Silkscreen – The white markings on the PCB which depicts the letters, component symbols, manufacturer’s logo, and other important symbolic information regarding the circuit connection.
  • Pads – Small surface of copper on the board, which are used to make the electric connection between the components and the copper tracks using solder.
  • Layers – Each surface that is bound together to form PCB. The outermost layer is where the mounting/soldering of components happens. The inner layers are used for connecting the components internally.
  • Footprint – All the information available of pads and the circuit online are saved in the PCB design software as footprints.
  • Jumper – A saver in the time when the circuit demands are so that the copper tracks overlap each other. It helps to connect two different points on the PCB.
  • Via or thru-hole via – The current gets a path through the PCB outer layers (top and bottom). You can spot them on the PCB board by the colored pads (usually yellow)
  • Blind Via – They connect between the outer layer(either top or bottom) and its immediate layer and not just the outer layers. If your PCB allows light through it, it has blind vias
  • Buried Via – Same like blind via. It connects the inner layers in the case of multi-layer PCB.
  • Copper Traces – Coloured conductive tracks that connect the components, vias, pads.
  • Annular Ring – The copper ring that encircles the plated hole.
  • Design rule check (DRC) – Software-based check to find any glitches in the circuit design.
  • Gerber file – File generated during the software design of the circuit. It contains important information like where to make holes, copper traces, names of the components etc.

Now that you are familiar with the basic definition and design of PCB, the next thing you need to know is the types of PCB available. Basic knowledge of it will help you choose the right type for your circuit.

PCB: Classification 

Once you start designing the circuit, the different types of PCB might overwhelm you.

I have put out a simple list below; a breakdown of types according to different aspects. 

First we classify the PCB type according to the way the components are connected to the PCB.

Classification based on the mounting technology used

In a typical PCB, the components are connected on its surface using two technologies, based on which it can be classified as:

Through-hole PCB 

As the name suggests, in this PCB type, the components are connected to the lead wires which go through the holes of PCB. This method can be easily implemented in a single layer PCB. However, as the layers increase, the difficulty to implement it also increases. 

Due to this reason, this technology is now seldom used and is on the verge of being an obsolete one. 

Surface Mount PCB

One of the newer technologies, here the need to drill holes to connect the leads to SMD components is eliminated. The components are directly mounted on to the PCB. This is easy to implement irrespective of the number of layers a PCB has.

Classification based on the number of layers

Single layer pcb.

True to its name, this type has only one layer of a conductive material such as a copper sheet. The conductive sheet is then protected by a solder mask followed by the silkscreen to mark all the components. 

You can easily identify a single layer PCB, as it will have markings and traces only on one side. 

 It is used in relatively simple circuits like digital camera circuits, toy circuits, radio and stereo sets etc. 

Double Layer PCB

 Double-layer PCB has two layers of conductive material. 

 A non-conductive material such as a fiber or glass is sandwiched between two sheets of copper. This is one of the popular types of PCB for medium to complex circuitry. It is so because it allows close routes tracing unlike a single-sided PCB. 

Multi-Layer PCB

Multi-layer PCB refers to PCB with more than 2 layers of conductive material. It can be viewed as batches of double-layer PCB where the 2 conductive foils are glued and laminated with a dielectric sheet placed in between them. 

The manufacturing process is quite tedious. As the number of layers increases, the thickness of copper sheets is kept in check, so that the overall circuit board does not look bulky. 

As more and more layers are incorporated in a PCB, it results in a powerful high-density assembly. This is the reason behind the high capacity and speed of multi-layer PCB. 

Here the electrical connection between the layers is achieved through “vias”. Since the layers are more, multiplayer PCB are highly reliable and durable for high-end applications like smartphones, GPS circuit, etc. 

Type of PCB based on their flexibility

Next, PCBs can be grouped into three categories depending upon their flexibility. It solely depends on the substrate used.

Here the substrate or the dielectric used is quite rigid and abstains the PCB from any kind of twisting and turning. One of the commonly used substrates for Rigid PCB is the FR4(with stiffener).

As the name suggests, once this PCB is manufactured it cannot be folded to fit any shape. It has good strength and life and is therefore preferred for computer motherboard.

Flexible PCB

Flexible PCB or Flex PCB as it is commonly referred is one that can be bent easily. It saves space and also is lighter in weight when compared to a rigid PCB. Here the non-conducting part is made of materials like polyamide, PEEK (Polyether ether ketone) or transparent conductive polyester film. Since these are easy to fabricate, it is available as single, double and multi-layer PCB

Its application includes: LCD Fabrication, Flex solar panels, smartwatches 

Rigid-Flex PCB

This PCB type has a combination of both rigid and flexible layers. Since flexible PCB lacks strength, combining it with rigid layers gives the PCB the flexibility and rigidity in its structure. These can be fabricated as single layer, double layer and multi-layer PCBs. 

Owing to its space and weight optimal design it is an ideal choice for medical electronics circuit like a pacemaker, and can be used circuits related to aerospace, phones, etc.  

PCB Design Process

The first step to designing  PCB is to draw a schematic on a PCB design software. There is numerous software available. Some of which I have listed out in the next section of this article. 

Use the component library and prepare a circuit diagram on your computer screen. Here you can change the circuit layout to fit into the PCB board in the most optimal way. 

Next, once the circuit diagram is done, you are ready to generate it on a plastic sheet. The Gerber file is sent to be printed as a mask or a negative image on the plastic sheet. 

This helps you to pick up the right substrate sheet that would best fit the purpose of your circuit. You can choose from unbreakable glass, fiber sheets etc. The next task is to create vias by drilling through the PCB. This can be done manually or using a computer numerical control (CNC) machine. 

 Once you sort this out, you can print the circuit using a laser printer on the copper sheets. 

Now you’ve reached halfway through the process. Next once the circuit is on the copper paper, prepare to take it to the next step of etching and striping. The board goes through the rigorous chemical wash to remove the unwired copper traces. At the end of the process, you will get a PCB with a distinct copper outline. 

The PCB is now ready to undergo the testing process. Nowadays you have an automatic testing kit like ATG test kit, to ensure that the PCB would work and serve its purpose well. 

PCB Designing Software

In this last section, I have listed out 5 popular PCB design software you can try. We have published a big list of pcb design and layout tools – where you can learn about all the popular software’s out there.

pcb layout basics - drawing tool

KiCad is free software and a Cross-Platform, Open Source Electronics Design Automation Suite. It comes with a 3D schematic view and a PCB Editor which can produce PCB layouts for up to 32 copper sheets. 

Altium Designer

Pioneer in 3D visualization of PCB directly from the PCB editor, Altium also offers features like FPGA,  schematic capture, and release data management. It can be used to develop a schematic of medium to complex circuits.  

Autodesk Eagle 

One of the most popular schematic platforms is the Autodesk eagle, formerly known as CadSOFT Eagle boosts of several useful features. Some of them include schematic editor , PCB layout editor for designing PCBs, component placement, and PCB routing. It is compatible with most of Operating system like linux, windows, and Mac. 

pcb presentation

Upverter , is one of the web-based collaborative Electronic design automation(EDA) platform, owing to its open-source hardware design format. It boasts of features like 3D view, easy export to hardware, PCB editor , schematic capture to name a few.  

Osmond PCB is purely tailored for Macintosh users and provides a high resolution of 10 Nanometers, to give a high precision output. It gives you flexible features like supporting both metric and imperial unit system, provides tools to modify traces, re-structure the circuit at any point, unlimited board sizes and many more. 

With this, we come to the end of the article, Hope it was able to give you a brief idea about a PCB and its design process. 

Thank you for reading. 

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Your Guide to PCB Design Basics & Steps

pcb presentation

Your time is valuable, which is why you want to design your printed circuit board correctly from the start. In our comprehensive guide, we cover everything you need to know, including PCB design basics and steps, materials and composition, best practices, and more so that you’re prepared to design the best possible printed circuit board.

PCB Design Basics

Step by Step PCB Design Guide

PCB Design Best Practices

Pcb composition & materials, pcb layout capabilities, pcb and flex design basics.

A printed circuit board (PCB) is a flat plate or base of insulating materials that contains a pattern of conducting material and components, and some projects can be quite complex. But all PCBs have to start somewhere — and that’s with design.

Why are PCB design basics so important? Multiple extensive revisions can seriously delay the completion of your project — costing you time and money. It’s important to work with engineering experts from the beginning so that you can design for manufacturability and ensure a final, cost-effective product that works efficiently and effectively.

Step-by-Step PCB Design Guide

From the initial drawings to the final files, here are the 9 steps toward designing a printed circuit board:

1. Understand the electrical parameters.

Before starting a PCB design, you should know and understand the electrical parameters of the system, including:

  • Current maximums
  • Signal types
  • Capacitance limitations
  • Impedance characteristics
  • Shielding considerations
  • Type and location of circuit components and connectors
  • Detailed net wire listing and schematic

2. Creating the schematic.

One of the first steps is always creating a schematic, which refers to the design at the electrical level of the board’s purpose and function. At this point, it’s not yet a mechanical representation.

3. Use a schematic capture tool to create your PCB layout.

The right PCB provider will work with principal engineers to develop a schematic with a software platform such as Mentor PADS® , Allegro , or Altium , which shows you exactly how your board will operate and where the components will be placed. After you create your schematic, the mechanical engineer will load the design and determine how it will fit in the intended device.

4. Design your PCB stackup.

This is important to consider early on in the PCB design stage due to impedance, which refers to how much and how quickly electricity can travel down a trace. The stackup plays a role in how the mechanical engineer can design and fit the PCB into the device.

5. Define design rules and requirements.

This step is largely dictated by standards and acceptability criteria from the IPC , which is the industry association for PCB and electronics manufacturing. These standards tell you everything you need to know regarding PCB manufacturing. An important tip: Find a PCB layout provider who is extremely familiar with IPC standards; this can help you avoid major revisions and project delays.

6. Place your components.

In many cases, the customer and PCB provider will discuss design and layout guidelines when it comes to the placement of components. For example, there may be standards indicating that certain components cannot be placed near others because they create electrical noise in the circuit. The PCB provider will have data sheets on every component (in most cases these are connectors), which will then be placed in the mechanical layout and sent to the customer for approval.

7. Insert drill holes.

This step is driven by the components and a connection. About half of the flex circuits on the market are double-sided, which means they have connection to the drill hole on the bottom layer.

8. Route the traces.

After you’ve placed the components and drill holes, you’re ready to route the traces, which means connecting segments of the path.

9. Add labels and identifiers.

Now is the time to add any labels, identifiers, markings, or reference designators to the layout. Reference designators are helpful in showing where specific components will go on the board.

10. Generate design/layout files.

This is the final step in the layout process. These files contain all the information pertaining to your printed circuit board, and once they have been generated, your PCB is now ready for fabrication and manufacturing and assembly .

It’s important to communicate with the PCB or flex application engineer during the beginning of any PCB design job and discuss everything you need or require for your project. Open and constant communication with your PCB provider ensures that you’re both on the same page, which can reduce the need for multiple extensive revisions.

While it is rare that a printed circuit board is 100% perfectly designed on the first try, communication will help ensure that your PCB is properly designed from the start and that any revisions are not major ones that will derail your project and timeline.

When you submit a design, you also need to have the right board size, trace width, materials, component placement, and tolerances. Plus, in the case of flex,  you’ll need to determine whether the design is static, partly flexible, or dynamic.

It’s also important to consider the environment in which the product has to function. Is the printed circuit board or flex circuit designed for a non-extreme environment, such as your cell phone, or the highest of extremes, such as an explosion?

You’ll likely have questions about the PCB design and layout process, which means it’s best to find a reputable PCB provider with extensive engineering experience who can answer your questions and ensure a smooth project from start to finish.

A copper-clad substrate or polyimide-based film is often used for flex circuits, and FR4 (or an FR4 stiffener) is used for rigid-flex. FR4 allows you to build up the layers as the technology content is created.

A solder mask is also used, which is a technique where everything on the circuit board is coated with an epoxy-based LPI or cover coat for flex, except the contacts to be soldered, the gold-plated terminals of any card-edge connectors, and fiducial marks.

PCBs also include a legend application, which are the decals and reference designators in epoxy ink on a board. The name refers to the method of application in which the ink is automatically applied similar to ink jet printers

Cirexx can configure digital, analog, mixed signal technology, controlled impedance, matched length pairs DDR, RF layout, and high speed signals up to 100+ GHz for all of the following PCB structures:

  • Flex circuits
  • Rigid-flex circuits
  • Rigid circuits
  • Hybrid circuits
  • BGA/micro BGA
  • Buried vias
  • Surface mount/thru-hole/chip (die)
  • High-Density Interconnect (HDI)

Are you looking for help with your next PCB design? Contact us today to learn more about our capabilities or to consult with one of our engineering experts on your next project.

Don Kaufman is our Business Development Manager and has been with Cirexx International since 2006. He has over 33 years of sales and technical experience in the printed circuit board industry, which provides intrinsic value to customers. Don has extensive knowledge regarding integrated circuits, materials, specialty laminates, chemicals and equipment. He also prides himself on staying current with the very latest techniques and procedures in PCB Layout and manufacturing.

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Basics of PCB

Basics of PCB

What is PCB?  

PCB is a copper laminated and non-conductive Printed Circuit Board , in which all electrical and electronic components are connected together in one common board with physical support for all components with base of board. When PCB is not developed, at that time all components are connected with a wire which increases complexity and decreases reliability of the circuit, by this way we cannot make a very large circuit like motherboard. In PCB, all components are connected without wires, all components are connected internally , so it will reduce the complexity of the overall circuit design. PCB is used to provide electricity and connectivity between the components, by which it functions the way it was designed. PCBs can be customised for any specifications to user requirements. It can be found in many electronics devices like; TV, Mobile, Digital camera, Computers parts like; Graphic cards, Motherboard, etc. It also used in many fields like; medical devices, industrial machinery, automotive industries, lighting, etc.

Types of PCB:

There are several types of PCB available for the circuit. Out of these types of PCB, we have to choose the appropriate type of PCB according to our application.

  • Single-layer PCB
  • Double-layer PCB
  • Multi-layer PCB
  • Flexible PCB
  • Aluminium backed PCB
  • Flex-rigid PCB

1) Single Layer PCB:

A single layer PCB is also known as single sided PCB . This type of PCB is simple and most used PCB because these PCBs are easy to design and manufacture. One side of this PCB is coated with a layer of any conducting material. Generally, copper is used as conducting material for PCB, because copper has very good conducting characteristic. A layer of solder mask is used to protect PCB against oxidation followed by silk screen to mark out all of the components on the PCB. In this type of PCB, only one side of the PCB is used to connect different types of electrical or electronics components like resistor, capacitor, inductor, etc. These components are soldered. These PCBs are used in low cost and bulk manufacturing application like calculators, radio, printers and the solid-state drive.

Single Layer PCB

2) Double Layer PCB:

Double layer PCB is also known as double sided PCB . As name suggests, in this type of PCB, a thin layer of conducting material, like copper is applied to both top and bottom sides of the board. In PCB, on different layer of board, consist via, which has two pads in corresponding position on different layers. These are electrically connected by a hole through the board, which is shown in figure-2b. More flexible, relatively lower cost, and most important advantage of this type of PCB board is its reduced size which makes circuit compact. This type of PCB is mostly used in industrial controls, converter, UPS system, HVAC application, Phone, Amplifier and Power monitoring systems.

Double Layer PCB

3) Multi-Layer PCB:

Multilayer PCB has more than two layers. It means that, this type of PCB has at least three conductive layers of copper. For securing the board glue is sandwiched between the layer of insulation which ensures that the excess heat will not damage any component of circuit. This type PCB designing is very complex and used in very complicated and large electrical task in very low space and compact circuit. This type of PCB is used in large application like GPS technology, satellite system, medical equipment, file server and data storage.

Multi-Layer PCB

4) Flexible PCB:

Flexible PCB is also known as Flex circuit . This type of PCB used flexible plastic material like polymide, PEEK (Polyether ether ketone) or transparent conductive polyester film. The circuit board is generally place in folded or twisted. This is very complex type of PCB and it also contains different range of layers like single sided flex circuit, double sided flex circuit and multisided flex circuit. Flex circuit is used in organic light emitting diode, LCD fabrication, flex solar cell, automotive industries, cellular telephones, camera and complex electronics devices like laptops.

Flexible PCB

5) Rigid PCB:

Rigid PCBs are made out of solid material which don’t allow PCB from twisting. Same as flex PCB, Rigid PCB also have different layer configuration like single layer, double layer and multi-layer Rigid PCB. Shape of this PCB is not change after installation. This PCB cannot be bent according to shape of base that’s why this PCB is known as RIGID PCB. Lifespan of this type of PCB is very high, so this is used in many parts of computer like RAM, GPU and CPU . Simple in design and most used and most manufacture PCB is single sided rigid PCB. Multi-layer rigid PCB can more compact by containing 9-10 layers.

6) Flex-rigid PCB:

Combination of Flexible circuit and rigid circuit is most important board. Flex-rigid boards consists of multiple layers of flexible PCB attached to a number of rigid PCB layer. Flex-rigid board is as shown in figure. It is used in cell phones, digital cameras and automobiles etc.

Flex rigid PCB

Types of PCBs According to Mounting System

  • Through-hole PCB
  • Surface mounted PCB

1) Through-hole PCB:

In this type of PCB, we have to make hole using drill on PCB. In these holes, leads of components are mounted and soldered to pads situated on opposite side of PCB. This technology is most useful because it gives more mechanical support to electrical components and very reliable technology for mounting of components but drilling in PCB make it more expensive. In single layer PCB, this mounting technology is easy to implement, but in case of double layer and multi-layer PCB making hole is more difficult.

Through-hole PCB

2) Surface mounted PCB:

In this type of PCB, components are small in size because these components have very small lead or no leads are required for mounting on the board. Here, in this technology, SMD components are directly mounted on the surface of the board and not require to make hole on board.

Surface mounted PCB

Different Parts of PCB:

Parts of PCB

Pad: Pad is nothing but a piece of copper on which lead of components are mounted and on which soldering are done. Pad provides the mechanical support to the components.

Trace: In PCB, components are not connected with the help of wires. All components are connected with a conducting material like copper. This copper part of PCB which is used to connect all components that is known as trace. Trace is looks like below figure.

Layers: According to application, cost and available space of circuit, user can choose the layer of PCB. Most simple in construction, easy to design and most useful in routine life is single layer PCB. But for very large and complex circuit, double layer PCB or Multi-layer PCB is most preferred compared to single layer PCB. Now a day, in multi-layer PCB, 10-12 layers can be connected and most critical thing is to communicate between the components in different layer.

Silk layer: Silk layer is used for printing line, text or any art on the surface of PCB. Usually, for screen printing epoxy ink is used. Silk layer can be used in top and/or bottom layer of PCB according to user requirement which is known as silk screen TOP and silk screen BOTTOM.

Top and bottom layer: In Top layer of PCB, all components are mounted in this layer of PCB. Generally, this layer is green coloured. In bottom layer of PCB, all components are soldered through the hole and lead of components is known as bottom layer of PCB. Sometime, in top and/or bottom layer PCB is coated with green colour layer, which is known as solder mask.

Solder Mask: There is one additional layer on the top of copper layer called as Solder Mask. This layer generally has green color but it can be of any color. This insulating layer is used for to prevent accidental contact of pads with other conductive material on PCB.

PCB Materials:

The main element is dielectric substrate which is rigid or flexible. This dielectric substrate is used with conducting material like copper on it. As dielectric material, the glass epoxy laminates or composite materials are used.

FR is stand for FIRE RETARDENT. For all type of PCB manufacturing, most common glass laminated material is FR4. Based on woven glass-epoxy compounds, FR4 is a composite material which is most useful because it provides very good mechanical strength.




With higher glass transition temp.


Halogen free


2) FR-1 and FR-2:

This material is made from paper and phenol compounds and this material is used for only single layer PCB. Both FR1 and FR2 has similar characteristic, the only difference is glass transition temperature. FR1 has higher glass transition temperature compared to FR2. These materials is also sub divided in standard, halogen free and non-hydrophobic.

These material is made from paper and two layer of woven glass epoxy and phenol compounds and this material is used for Single sided PCB only. CEM-1 can used instead of FR4, but price of CEM1 is higher than FR4.

this material is white coloured, glass epoxy compound which is mostly used in double layer PCB. CEM-3 has lower mechanical strength compared to FR4, but it is cheaper than FR4. So, this is a good alternative of FR4.

5) Polyimide:

This material is used in flexible PCB. This material is made from kepton, rogers, dupont. This material has good electrical properties, felicity, wide temperature range and high chemical resistance. Working temperature of this material is -200 ͦC to 300 ͦC.

6) Prepreg:

Prepreg means pre-impregnated. It is a Fiberglass impregnated with resin. These resins are pre- dried, so that when it heated, it flows, sticks and completely immersed. Prepreg has adhesive layer which gives strength similar to FR4. There are many versions of this material according to resin content, SR- standard resin, MR- medium resin and HR- high resin. This is chosen according to required thickness, layer structure and impedance. This material also available in high glass transition temperature and halogen free.

PCB designing software:

Below are some of the most popular PCB design software. You can know more about these PCB design software here .

EAGLE is a most popular and easiest way to design PCB. EAGLE stands for Easily Applicable Graphical Layout Editor which is previously developed by CadSoft Computer and currently Autodesk is developer of this software. For designing circuit diagram, EAGLE has a schematic editor.  EAGLE file extension is .SCH and different parts and components are define in .LBR extension. Board file extension is .BRD.

Multisim is also very powerful and easy learning software. Which is originally developed by Electronics Workbench and now it is a division of National Instruments (NI). It includes microcontroller simulation (MultiMCU) and integrated import export features to the PCB layout software. This software is widely used in academic and also in industry for circuit education.

EasyEDA is a software which is used to design and simulate circuits. This software is an integrated tool for schematic capture, SPICE circuit simulation, based on Ngspice and PCB layout. Most important advantage of this software is that, it is web based software and used in browser window. So, this software is independent from OS.

Altium Designer:

This software is developed by Australian software company Altium Limited. The main feature of this software is schematic capture, 3D PCB design, FPGA development and release/data management. This is first software which offer 3D visualization and clearance checking of PCB directly from PCB editor.

KiCad: This software is developed by jean-pierre charras. This software has tools which can create BoM (Bill of Material), artwork and 3D view of PCB as well as all components used in circuit. Many components are available in the library of this software and there is feature that user can add their custom components. This software is support many human languages.

CircuitMaker: This software is also developed by Altium. Schematic editor of this software includes basic component placement and this software is used to design advanced multichannel and hierarchical schematics. All schematic is uploaded to server and these files are available to view by anyone, provided that you need a CircuitMaker account.

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The printed circuit board (PCB) design

Published by Bryan Carson Modified over 9 years ago

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The Ultimate Guide to PCB Manufacturing Process Flow

Before the advent of circuit boards, circuit connections were made by point-to-point wiring. However, as the service life of electronic products increases, the aging phenomenon of circuits becomes more and more detailed. This is a serious line reliability problem, and the rupture of the line will lead to an open circuit or short circuit of the line node. To deal with these issues, new PCB manufacturing technologies have been adopted. In this article, FS Technology will split each step of the circuit board fabrication process and give a detailed explanation and presentation. Next, let’s watch a video of the PCB manufacturing process from YouTube.

After watching the above video on the PCB manufacturing process , I hope that you have a deeper understanding of how to manufacture PCB boards. Now, we will further enhance your understanding of the process through the below sections of text.

PCB Manufacturing Process Flow Chart

With the ongoing development of science and technology, more and more types of PCBs are emerging. According to the number of faces and layers, PCBs can be divided into single-layer, double-layer and multilayer PCBs , as well as single-sided, double-sided PCBs, etc. The manufacturing process of different PCB types varies and the greater the number of sides, the more complex the PCB fabrication steps are. The following figures are PCB manufacturing flow charts of a variety of PCB types from FS Technology:

  • Single-sided PCB manufacturing flow chart:

Single-layer boards are the simplest type of boards, so the manufacturing process is relatively simple, but as the number of stacked layers of printed circuit boards increases, the complexity and number of steps increases.

Complete single-layer PCB manufacturing flow chart

  • Double-sided PCB f abrication  flow chart :

The difference between the manufacturing steps of single-layer and double-layer PCB can be clearly found from the upper and lower comparison diagrams. In fact, PCB manufacturers do not need to carry out copper sinking and pattern plating when manufacturing single-layer panels, but circuit structures with more than two layers do.

manufacturing process of double sided pcb

  • Multilayer PCB m anufacturing p rocess f low chart

We call a circuit structure with more than two layers a multilayer printed circuit board . As the number of layers increases, manufacturers need to add more inner layer processes and laminations when manufacturing these boards.

multi layer pcb manufacturing process

Complete PCB manufacturing process

The first step in making a pcb: design.

The design of a PCB is an important step in the PCB production process and it is usually referred to as PCB design or PCB layout. The boards should be strictly compatible with both the components that will be mounted/soldered on the board as well as the overall project that requires the PCBs and due to these needs, designers typically will create a PCB layout using PCB design tools . The PCB design steps can be subdivided into the following components:

  • PCB Schematic: A diagram used to represent the connections of components on a circuit board . It can be said that the drawing of the schematic diagram is the focus of the circuit board manufacturing process and the bloodline of the circuit board. The quality of the schematic is closely related to the quality of the project.
  • PCB Diagram: This refers to the installation diagram of the basic electronic components . With some knowledge of PCB boards, you may know that the PCB board is used to cover the metal foil on the underlying insulating plate, and then, the unnecessary parts of the metal foil are corroded. The remaining metal foil is subsequently used as the connections of the PCBA components as now, the components can be assembled according to the marks on the PCB diagram.
  • BOM file: This refers to the procurement documents and for turnkey projects, these documents are required for PCBA component procurement , patch processing and soldering.
  • Component Footprint Library: A prototype library of the components used on schematics.
  • PCB package library: This refers to the external package library of chips, resistors, capacitors, etc. on the PCB board.
  • CAM file: This file refers to the Geber and NC Drill files, which can be exported by all design software and are mainly used by PCB manufacturers.

Designing printed circuit boards requires the use of design tools and here at FS Technology, we recommend several popular applications including Altium, Eagle, KiCad, Cadence, OrCAD, Pads, etc.

NOTE: Before the PCB fabrication process , designers should inform their contract manufacturers about the version of the PCB design software used to design the circuit as it helps to avoid problems caused by differences. Once a PCB design is approved for production, designers can then export the design to a format supported by their manufacturer. The most commonly used file type is called a Gerber file .

The second step of the PCB manufacturing process: CCL Manufacturing

CCL is a substrate material which can be divided into rigid CCL and flexible CCL. The copper-clad laminate is key to determining the signal transmission speed, energy loss, and characteristic impedance in a circuit. It plays the role of interconnection conduction, insulation, and support in the PCB. The detailed CCL manufacturing process is as follows: PP cutting → pre-stacking → combination → pressing → disassembly → cutting inspection → packaging → storage → shipment. As the core of the circuit board, dust on the surface of the CCL may cause the final circuit to short circuit or open-circuit, so we need to add a cleaning link in the PCB manufacturing process.

The figure below is a detailed explanation of the inner layer of a 10-layer PCB. The printed circuit board is bonded by the copper-clad laminate and the copper film through the prepreg. The production sequence is to start from the middlemost core board, continuously stack them together, and then fix them.

Internal layer diagram of 10-layer PCB

The third step of the PCB fabrication process: Inner Line

After cleaning the CCL, we need to stick the photosensitive film on the surface of the PCB substrate to prepare for the subsequent image transfer. This film has a property that it cures when exposed to light. Therefore, we can use this film to form a protective film on the copper foil of the CCL.

In order to accurately place the stacking position of the PCB layout film, we need to insert the two-layer PCB layout film and the double-layer copper-clad laminate into the upper layer of the PCB layout film.

After the above preparations are completed, the photosensitive film is exposed to light and cured, and the purpose is to transfer the image of the substrate to the photosensitive film. There are light-transmitting and opaque parts in the film. When the photosensitive film passes through the photoreceptor, the UV lamp cures the photosensitive film in the light-transmitting position.  The cured part is the inner circuit of the PCB we need, and the uncured part is removed with lye.

With the photosensitive film removed and the hardened resist covering the copper we want to keep, the CCL goes to the next stage: unwanted copper removal. Just like alkaline solutions remove resist, stronger chemicals will remove excess copper. A copper solvent solution bath removes all exposed copper. At the same time, the desired copper remains fully protected under the hardened layer of photoresist.

Not all copper plates are the same. Some heavier boards require larger amounts of copper solvent and different exposure times. Also, heavier copper boards require extra attention to track spacing. Most standard PCBs rely on similar specifications.

The fourth step of the PCB construction process: AOI Inspection

PCB testing includes many methods of testing such as visual inspection, AOI optical inspection , electrical inspection, functional testing, etc. Usually, AOI testing is used after SMT assembly is completed, but to ensure the yield of PCB, an AOI test is also required after the inner layer circuit manufacturing process is completed. This is because, when the circuit board enters the lamination process, even if the inner layer is found to be wrong, it cannot be modified. Therefore, the copper-clad laminate enters the AOI inspection equipment and after scanning, the equipment will transmit the data of the bad image to the VRS, and then the commissioner is responsible for overhauling.

The Fifth Step of Formal PCB production link: Lamination

As the name suggests, lamination refers to the bonding of the layers of a PCB together to connect the outer layers to the inner layers, a process that occurs in two steps: delamination and bonding. This step is an actual PCB manufacturing process, which means that the green board (or other colors) we see is formed after lamination. The basic form of PCB consists of laminates, the core materials of which are epoxy resin and glass fiber, and also known as substrate materials . The copper-clad laminate is the specific type of laminate used in PCB production, as mentioned above. In this link, we need to use a new raw material – prepreg. This material has good insulation and can help the bonding between the core boards and the outer copper foil.

In the inner layer structure of the PCB, the lower copper foil and two layers of prepreg are fixed in advance through the alignment hole and the lower iron plate. Then, the fabricated core board is placed in the alignment hole, and finally, the two layers of prepreg, one layer of copper foil and one layer of the pressure-bearing aluminium plate will cover the core board

After the lamination is completed, the printed circuit board clamped by the iron plate is placed on the holder, and then sent to a vacuum heat press for lamination. The high temperature will melt the epoxy resin in the prepreg, and finally, under the action of atmospheric pressure, the core board and the copper foil are fixed together.

After the above process is completed, the iron plate and the pressure-bearing aluminum plate on the upper layer of the PCB are removed. At this time, both sides of the PCB will be covered by a layer of smooth copper foil, and the lamination process is completed. It is important to note that, in addition to the pressure-bearing function, the aluminum plate also plays the responsibility of isolating different PCBs and smoothing the outer copper foil of the PCB. 

The above steps are only used for the manufacture of circuit boards with more than four layers.

The sixth step in the PCB fabrication process: Drilling

PCB Hole spacing

The purpose of drilling holes in the stacked board is to connect the four layers of copper without contact , and all components mounted on the PCB rely on the precision of the precision drilling. The diameter of the drill is thinner than human hair, about 100 microns. To achieve precise drilling, we need to perform the following steps with the help of compact instruments:

First, we need to run through the entire printed circuit board, and then metallize the hole wall to conduct electricity. To find these tiny holes, precise positioning of the inner core of the PCB is required through sophisticated X-ray drilling equipment. After finding the hole position on the CCL, to ensure that the hole passes through the center of the hole when drilling, it is necessary to make a positioning hole on the PCB . Plus, in order not to tear the copper foil on the PCB when punching, it is necessary to cover a layer of aluminum plate on the upper and lower layers of the circuit board, and finally put the whole board into a punching machine for punching. To improve the efficiency of PCB manufacturing, we usually drill several identical PCB stacks together.

The seventh link of the PCB manufacturing process: Panel Plating

The connections between different layers of the circuit board are all through perforations. After drilling is completed, electroplating is required. FS Technology considers a good connection to be a copper film thickness greater than 25 microns on the hole wall, but since the hole wall is composed of non-conductive epoxy resin and fiberglass board, this makes it difficult. Therefore, we need to put the PCB into a copper plating bath containing sulfuric acid and copper sulfate, so that a layer of conductive material is deposited on the wall of the hole. When we conduct electricity into the solution, copper deposits on the surface of the conductive substance of the circuit board. After the copper plating is completed, tin plating is required, and the plating on the PCB surface is an etching barrier. 

The process of transferring the outer layer PCB layout to the copper foil requires the use of photocopied film and photosensitive film, which is similar to the principle of the inner layer copper-clad laminate layout transfer. The difference is that in the transfer of the outer PCB layout, the position where the photosensitive film is cured is not the line. We need to first use copper and then tin the areas where there is no film. After the electroplating is completed, film stripping and tin stripping treatment are carried out. The circuit pattern is preserved on the PCB due to the protection of tin.

As mentioned earlier, the recommended thickness of a copper film should be greater than 25 microns. Therefore, in order to ensure that the holes have good electrical conductivity, the entire copper plating process is automatically controlled by a computer.

The eighth step of the circuit board manufacturing process: Secondary Inspection

For circuit boards, the most important aspect after production is the traces as we know that bare boards won’t work on their own. The working principle of PCBs is to realize the electrical connection between components through traces to complete various instructions, so it is necessary to perform secondary AOI detection on traces. The secondary inspection of PCB is facilitated in the same manner as the previous AOI inspection conducted, so I will not describe it too much here.

The Final Link of the PCB Manufacturing Process: Outer Layer Processing

The layers that make up a PCB include a silkscreen layer, solder mask, copper Layer, and substrate layers. The content of the inner layer has been described above but this section is mainly to explain the outer parts of the PCB layer – the silkscreen layer and solder mask layer.

PCB Solder Mask Layer

Solder Mask Layer

The application of a solder mask is an important part of the PCB manufacturing process as it can protect the PCB board. Before applying the solder mask to both sides of the board, it is critical to clean the PCB and cover it with epoxy solder mask ink. 

In terms of cleaning, FS Technology uses pickling, ultrasonic washing and other cleaning processes to remove board oxides and increase the roughness of the copper surface. After the cleaning process is completed, the manufacturing of the PCB solder mask begins. The process is as follows:

Cover the solder resist ink at the position that does not need to be soldered → Dry the solvent in the solder resist ink → Form a polymer by irradiating the hardened solder resist ink with a UV lamp → Remove the sodium carbonate solution in the unpolymerized ink → Secondary drying.

Silk Screen Layer

The near-finished circuit board receives inkjet writing on its surface to indicate all the important information related to the PCB. 

Additional PCB Fabrication Processes: Paid Items

By reading the full text, you will find that the PCB process flow presentation provided by FS Technology has only 9 steps, while the PCB fabrication process flow chart is more complicated. In fact, what is displayed in the flow chart is the full range of services that the manufacturer provides to customers, including procurement, repair and payment services.

Surface Coating

To add extra soldering capabilities to the PCB , we can electroplate them with gold or silver. At this stage, some PCBs can also receive hot air flat pads. Hot air levelling results in an even pad. This process results in the creation of a surface finish. FS Technology can handle many types of surface treatments according to the specific requirements of customers.

Electrical test

As a last resort, technicians can conduct electrical tests on the PCB although automated procedures will already confirm the functionality of the PCB and its consistency with the original  design. At FS Technology, we offer an advanced type of electrical testing called flying probe testing, which relies on moving probes to test the electrical performance of each net on a bare circuit board.

The above are all the answers to the common question of “ How is a PCB made step-by-step ?” In fact, within the professional PCB manufacturing process, due to the different requirements of customers for different circuit board materials and different requirements for the PCB process, there will be slight gaps in the PCB board fabrication process. However, FS Technology will continue to update this topic in the PCB Knowledge Blog, and of course, if you have unique insights into the manufacturing steps of PCB , you can leave us a message at any time.

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How to Design a Printed Circuit Board in 10 Easy Steps

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Printed circuit board (PCB) design and layout is both an art and a science, and it can be difficult to get started designing a new circuit board from scratch. If you’re new to electronics and circuit board design, and you’re still learning about designing a custom circuit board in Altium Designer ® , we’ve compiled the 10 important steps you can use to create modern PCB layouts. In this tutorial, we'll show all the steps involved in creating your circuits and schematics, then we'll transition into creating a circuit board design that can actually be manufactured.

There is a lot that goes into any engineered circuit board design , from a basic printed circuit to a complex non rigid PCB. Any new electronic device will start as a block diagram and/or a set of electronics schematics. Once you have your schematics finished and validated, you can follow the steps below to create modern PCB designs and layouts in Altium Designer. Here's the full list of PCB design steps:

  • Create the Schematic
  • Create a Blank PCB Layout
  • Schematic Capture: Linking to Your PCB
  • Designing Your PCB Stackup
  • Defining Design Rules and DFM Requirements
  • Place Components
  • Insert Drill Holes
  • Route Traces
  • Add Labels and Identifiers
  • Generate Design Files

Printed Circuit Board Design in 10 Steps

When designing a circuit board it may sometimes seem as though arriving at the final design is going to be a long and arduous journey. Whether it’s the basics of micromanaging your copper and solder, or trying to ensure that your circuit board ends up printed after all, or going into more specific design problems such as through-hole technology or layout design with vias, pads, and any number of signal integrity issues, you’ll want to make sure you have the right circuit board design software.

If you’ve been doing this for decades, you don’t need me to tell you how valuable knowing your circuit board design software is to getting your printed boards designed right. Laying out traces for routing and copper placement, or managing the layer needed for solder can become difficult without an accurate and reliable integration from schematic capture to layout.

Though a deep program, Altium Designer’s user-experience is highly rewarding for new and experienced PCB board designer experiences alike. It offers a design environment built from the ground up for a streamlined custom circuit board design process within a single, unified printed circuit board layout environment. Let's go over the general PCB design steps.

  • Step 1: Schematic Capture

Whether you are generating your circuit board design from a template or creating your printed circuit board from scratch, it is probably best to begin with the schematic. Your schematic is similar to the blueprints for your new device, and it is important to understand what is shown in your schematics. First, your schematics show you the following:

  • Which components are used in your circuit board design
  • How components are connected together
  • The relationships between groups of components in different schematics

The last point above is quite important, as complex designs may use hierarchical schematics . You can enforce significant organization in your new board if you take a hierarchical approach to your circuit board design and place different circuit blocks in different schematics.

  • Learn more about schematic capture and how to create readable schematics

Schematic editor

The schematic editor in Altium Designer

Not only is circuit interconnectivity easier to define and edit, but converting a schematic to a circuit board layout is much easier than designing directly on the board. For components, Altium Designer has an extensive database of parts libraries. Additionally, you can utilize the Altium Vault, which provides access to thousands of component libraries and adds flexibility to your project management and product development. However, you can also design your own schematic symbols and create footprints . Or, if you would like to take advantage of pre-existing component footprints, try using the Manufacturer Part Search Panel .

It's also important to annotate your schematics, as well as name nets when schematics get large and complex. As higher pin count devices are added to schematics, you can use net name assignments to keep things organized and easily track connectivity between components. Using net names is also helpful once you're in the PCB layout as you'll be able to quickly identify nets during placement and routing. This will also help once you go to test your finished prototype as you'll be able to quickly track nets in the corresponding PCB layout in Altium Designer.

Annotation in PCB design

Net names can be assigned in the schematics to help you stay organized. Take advantage of the view configuration features to quickly find what you need.

  • Step 2: Create a Blank PCB Layout

After you’ve created your schematic, for the next PCB design step you’ll need to use the schematic capture tool in Altium Designer to import components into a blank PCB layout. First, create a blank printed circuit board document which will generate a PcbDoc file. This is done from the main menu in Altium Designer, as shown below. 

New project options in Altium Designer dialog

Starting a new PCB project in Altium Designer

If the printed circuit board shape, dimensions, and layer stackup for your board have already been determined, you can set them now. If you don’t want to do these tasks now, don’t fret, your board shape, size, and layer stackup (see Step 4 below) can be changed later. Schematic information is made available for the PcbDoc by compiling the SchDoc. The compilation process includes verifying the design and the generation of your several project documents that allow you to inspect and correct the design prior to transfer to the PcbDoc, such as those shown below.  It is highly recommended that you review and update the Project Options at this point, which are used to create the PcbDoc information. 

 Project Options for Conversion to PCB

Project Options for Conversion to PCB

  • Step 3: Synchronize Schematics to Your PCB Board Design

All the tools in Altium Designer work in a united design environment, where the schematic, printed circuit board layout, and BOM are interlinked and can be accessed simultaneously. Other programs force you to manually compile your schematic data, but Altium Designer does this for you automatically while you create your circuit board design. To transfer SchDoc information to the newly created PcbDoc, click on Design » Update PCB {Filename of your new PCB}.PcbDoc. An Engineering Change Order (ECO) dialog will open listing all components and nets from the schematic, similar to the one below.


Engineering Change Order example

Verify the changes (addition of the SchDoc information to the project without error) by clicking on the Validate Changes tab. If the status for all items is green, then click on the Execute Changes tab. To complete the process, close the dialog. Altium Designer can save you a substantial amount of time during this PCB design step.

  • Step 4: Designing Your PCB Stackup

When you transfer your schematic information to the PcbDoc the component footprints are shown in addition the board outline specified. Prior to placing components you should define the PCB layout (i.e. shape, layer stackup) using the Layer Stackup Manager, shown below.

If you’re new to the printed circuit design world, most modern PCB board design concepts will start with a 4-layer board on FR4, although you can define any number of layers you like in Altium Designer. You can also take advantage of the Materials Stackup Library; this lets you choose from a range of different laminates and unique materials for your printed circuit board.

Layer stack manager in Altium Designer

Defining layer stack

If you’re working on a high speed/high frequency circuit board design, you can use the built-in impedance profiler to ensure impedance control in your board. The impedance profile tool uses an integrated electromagnetic field solver from Simberian to tailor the geometry of your traces to meet a target impedance value.

Impedance profile in high speed PCB design

Defining an impedance profile for routing in high speed PCB board design

Make sure you decide your routing style before you start calculating impedances. For example, will you be using a coplanar line on a thicker dielectric layer, such as in this example, or will you be using a standard microstrip/stripline on a thinner dielectric? These choices are important because they affect the trace width you can use in the circuit board design; different routing styles will enforce different trace widths in order to hit your required impedance.

Also note whether you'll be using any differential pair routing in the design. The impedance solver in the Layer Stack Manager  enables differential pair solutions as well as single-ended, so you can determine both requirements and use these when routing. After the layer stack is created and any impedance profiles are determined, it's time to set up your circuit board design rules so that you can start placing and routing components.

  • Step 5: Defining PCB Board Design Rules and DFM Requirements

The number of PCB board design rule categories is extensive and you may not need to use all of these available rules for every design. You can select/deselect individual rules by right clicking on the rule in question from the list in the PCB Rules and Constraints Editor , below. Your PCB board design rules are divided into several categories, which includes:

  • Clearances between objects in the PCB layout, such as between traces and pads
  • Copper or solder mask feature size limits, such as holes and solder mask slivers
  • Routing rules, including trace width and length limitations that can be enforced on certain nets
  • High speed and signal integrity limits, such as overshoot
  • Board fabrication limits and clearances, such as board edge clearance

This is just a sample of the rules that can govern any PCB layout, but these rules are designed to help ensure a board is manufacturable at the required scale with your fabricator's standard capabilities. These rules can be applied to individual objects or to groups of objects using queries or using Net Class objects. Take a look at this article to see how you can set up a Net Class in Altium Designer .

PCB design rules

The PCB Rules and Constraints editor in Altium Designer

The rules that you do use, especially for manufacturing, should be inline with the specifications and tolerances for your PCB board manufacturer’s equipment. Advanced circuit board designs, such as impedance controlled designs and a number of high speed/high frequency designs, may require very specific design rules that need to be followed in order to ensure your product works properly. Always check your component datasheets for these design rules. If necessary, you can create new circuit board design rules by following the steps of Altium Designer’s Design Rule Wizard.

PCB design rule creation wizard

PCB Design Rule Wizard in Altium Designer

Altium Designer will treat your custom design rules just like the built-in design rules. As you place components, vias, drill holes, and traces, the unified design engine in Altium Designer will automatically check the layout against these rules and will flag you visually if there is a violation.

  • Step 6: Place Components

Altium Designer provides a great deal of flexibility and allows you to quickly place components on your circuit board. You can have your components automatically arranged or you can place them manually. You can also use these options together, which allows you to take advantage of the speed of auto-placement and ensure your board is laid out according to good component placement guidelines . An added advanced feature of this latest version of Altium Designer is the ability to arrange components as groups. You can define these groups in the PCB layout, or you can define groups on the schematic using Cross Select Mode, which is accessible from the Tools menu.

  • Learn more about PCB layout best practices

Component Placement using Cross Select Mode

Component Placement using Cross Select Mode

  • Step 7: Insert Drill Holes

Before routing your traces, it is a good idea to place your drill holes (mounting and vias). If your circuit board design is complicated you may need to modify at least some of the via locations during trace routing. This can be done easily from the via Properties dialog, shown below.

Drill Hole Options Dialog

Drill Hole Options Dialog

Your preferences here should be guided by the design for manufacturing (DFM) specifications of your PCB manufacturer. If you already defined your PCB DFM requirements as design rules (see Step 5 ), Altium Designer will automatically check these rules as you place vias, drill holes, pads, and traces in your layout. 

  • Step 8: Route Traces

Once you’ve placed your components and any other mechanical elements, you’re ready to route your traces in this PCB design step. As you route your board, try to come up with a strategy to finish your important routes first, then fill in the gaps with the remaining connections as needed. Some of the important routes will include your power nets, any impedance-controlled nets, and any noise-sensitive nets like low-level analog signals. Be sure to utilize good routing guidelines and take advantage of Altium Designer tools to simplify the process, such as highlighting nets and interactive routing features.

  • Learn more about PCB routing and some best practices

Color Coded Via Routing

Color Coded Via Routing

Altium Designer includes a number of important tools to help make your routing experience easier and more productive. There is an autorouter engine that uses a modern algorithm to route traces, as well as traverse layer pairs with vias. The auto-interactive routing tools allow you to guide an automated routing feature so that you can speed up complicated routes between components, and the online DRC engine will automatically enforce design rules as you route. These tools will operate on multiple nets simultaneously, making it easy to route a large number of traces in tandem.

  • Step 9: Add Labels and Identifiers

With the circuit board layout verified you are ready to add labels, identifiers, markings, logos, or any other imagery to your board. It is a good idea to include reference designators for components as this will assist in PCB board assembly. Also, make sure to keep any polarity indicators, pin 1 indicators, and any other labels visible as these will aid PCB assembly and testing. It will also help if you ever need to debug the board while testing. You can also add a company logo and part numbers using the image tools and text tools in the PCB Editor. These elements need to be placed in the Top Overlay or Bottom Overlay layers in the PCB layout.

PCB silkscreen logo

Logos and part numbers can be added to the silkscreen (overlay layers)

  • Step 10: Generate Design Output Files

Before you create your manufacturer deliverables, it’s always a good idea to verify your circuit board layout by running a design rule check (DRC). Altium Designer will do this automatically as you layout your components and route your circuit board design, but it never hurts to run another DRC manually. If your board checks out, then you’re ready to release your manufacturer deliverables.

Once your board has passed the final DRC, you need to generate the design files for your manufacturer. The design files should include all the information and data necessary to build your board; including any notes or special requirements to ensure that your manufacturer is clear on what you require. For most manufacturers, you will be able to use a set of  Gerber files as shown below; however, some manufacturers prefer other manufacturing file formats (IPC-2581 or ODB++).

  • Read more about design output files for manufacturing

Gerber files

Set of Gerber files

By following the above PCB design steps, the process of creating a comprehensive PCB board design is as easy as counting to ten. Using a systematic approach such as this ensures that all aspects of your circuit board design are accounted for inherently during the process, with minimal need to retrace your steps. 

Circuit designers, PCB layout engineers, and simulation engineers trust the complete set of circuit board design tools in Altium Designer ® . When a circuit board design is finished and ready to be released to manufacturing, the Altium 365 ™ platform makes it easy to collaborate and share your projects. The functionality and capabilities discussed here only scratch the surface of what is available to you. To explore these and other options, try Altium Designer yourself with a free trial.

We have only scratched the surface of what’s possible with Altium Designer on Altium 365. Start your free trial of Altium Designer + Altium 365 today .

About Author

Zachariah Peterson has an extensive technical background in academia and industry. He currently provides research, design, and marketing services to companies in the electronics industry. Prior to working in the PCB industry, he taught at Portland State University and conducted research on random laser theory, materials, and stability. His background in scientific research spans topics in nanoparticle lasers, electronic and optoelectronic semiconductor devices, environmental sensors, and stochastics. His work has been published in over a dozen peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings, and he has written 2500+ technical articles on PCB design for a number of companies. He is a member of IEEE Photonics Society, IEEE Electronics Packaging Society, American Physical Society, and the Printed Circuit Engineering Association (PCEA). He previously served as a voting member on the INCITS Quantum Computing Technical Advisory Committee working on technical standards for quantum electronics, and he currently serves on the IEEE P3186 Working Group focused on Port Interface Representing Photonic Signals Using SPICE-class Circuit Simulators.

Related Resources

What is PCB Design?

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Table of Contents

  • Circuit Board Design in 10 Steps

Take advantage of the world's most trusted PCB design system.

One interface. One data model. Endless possibilities.

Effortlessly collaborate with mechanical designers.

The world's most trusted PCB design platform

Best in class interactive routing

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Try Altium Designer

Which best describes you, don’t miss updates, easy, powerful, modern.

The world’s most trusted PCB design system.


An integrated PCB editor along with real-time connection to multiple domains.

Unparalleled Schematic Capture

Easily design schematics of any complexity.

High-Speed PCB Design

Simple solutions to high-speed design challenges.


Jul 17, 2014

560 likes | 1.16k Views

PCB. ( Printed Circuit Board) Presented By S.Muthumari. Content. PCB Bread Board Thickness of copper Types Manual printing Photo resist method Screen printing method Using software Etching process Schematic diagram layout.

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  • automatic screen printing
  • still popular
  • low volume production
  • hand drought


Presentation Transcript

PCB (Printed Circuit Board) Presented By S.Muthumari

Content • PCB • Bread Board • Thickness of copper • Types • Manual printing • Photo resist method • Screen printing method • Using software • Etching process • Schematic diagram • layout

Difference between PCB Layout and bread board connection


PCB A printed circuit board, or PCB, is used to mechanically support and electrically connect electronic components using conductive pathways, tracks or signal traces etched from copper sheets laminated onto a nonconductive substrate. It is also referred to as printed wiring board(PWB) or etched wiring board. Printed circuit boards are used in virtually all but the simplest commercially produced electronic devices. Components used for PCB • Copper cladded sheets There are subdivided into, • paper phinally • glass epoxy

Advantages of PCB • Inexpensive/cheaper • High volume production • Automated soldering is possible • Highly reliable • Hold the component easily

Thickness Of Copper • 0.8mm(used for low power component( e.g.: slim phone,smd,multimeter) • 1.6mm(used in commercial purpose) • 3.2mm(power electronics side Examples: MOSFET, Diode.

Types • Manual printing. • Photo resist method. • Screen printing • Using software

Manual printing • Get the required size copper board. • Draw the layout on the board using permanent marker or nail police. • Etching process. • Fix the component on the board • Check the output

Photo-resist method • The main properties characterizing the photo resist types are: • Photo resists are classified into two groups: positive resists and negative resists • positive resist method • negative resist method

Positive resist method A positive resist is a type of photo resist in which the portion of the photo resist that is exposed to light becomes soluble to the photo resist developer. The portion of the photo resist that is unexposed remains insoluble to the photo resist developer. • Negative resist method A negative resist is a type of photo resist in which the portion of the photo resist that is exposed to light becomes insoluble to the photo resist developer. The unexposed portion of the photo resist is dissolved by the photo resist developer.

Characteristic Positive Negative Adhesion to Silicon Fair Excellent Relative Cost Less Expensive Developer Base Aqueous Organic Minimum Feature 0.5 μm and below ± 2 μ step Coverage Better Lower Wet Chemical Resistance Fair Excellent

Exposing • Sun light (minimum 3 mins) • Mercury lamp(8 mins) • Tube light (15mins)

Screen printing • Screen printing printed circuit boards is typically performed in a clean, dust free room using semi-automatic or fully-automatic screen printing presses. The most common PCB panel size is 53 x 72 cm, with the printing area around 50 x 70 cm. The printed panel may contain many PCB panels that are printed at once, and will eventually be separated.

1.4 Soldering Methods 1.4.1. Hand soldering:It is the oldest method of soldering, it is still popular method in certain kinds of applications: Development of prototype boards • Low volume production • Soldering of extremely temperature sensitive components • Solder reflow of fine pitch components using hot bar • Rework or repair of machine soldered boards • The main disadvantages are operator training, speed, and consistent quality. 

1.4.2 Machine Soldering:Two prominently used machine soldering types are:A. Wave Soldering Primarily used for soldering through-hole components on to PCBs. B. Reflow Soldering. Used for soldering SMD components on to PCBs. Reflow soldering of SM components have the following advantages over manual soldering: • Mass soldering • Consistency in manufacture through precise control of process parameters. • flexible for small production runs as well.

Etching process • The following are used for etching • HCL • Cupric chloride • Ferric chloride • Ammonium chloride. Fecl3+cu->cucl3+fe

Method of etching • Hand drought method • Splash method • Spray method

Solder mask • Solder mask is used to prevent oxidization • solder able solder mask • Un solder able solder mask

Why masking? • a. Protect tracks from environmental effects suc as corrosion • b. avoid between two electrical components during soldering, testing. • c. Protects PCB material from environmental effects.

Plating • To avoid corrosion • brightness • easy solder able • deposit harder than ordinary plating • corrosion resistance • non-staining • non-toxic

Software • Eagle 6.2.0 version (Easily Applicable Graphically Layout Editor) • PCB Wizard • Pad2pad • Spark PCB

Schematic Diagram

SMD Component Layout

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PCB production . Next steps. MMSW. PCBs (1.2 x 0.5 m 2 ) were ordered at Eltos Delivery confirmed for middle of next week (from Eltos ) Foils with resistive strips 8 foils with sputtering have been delivered by A. Ochi

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PCB manufacturing. PCBpro.com. Step#1 Film Generation: Generated from your design files, we create an exact film representation of your design. We will create one film per layer. Step#2 Shear Raw Material:

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PCB. Team: Prof. Sachin S. Sapatnekar. Layer and Packaging. In our design, we need to use Eagle to make Lbr , Sch , Brd . And then send to the fabrication company to print out the PCB boards. There are two things that we need to consern :

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PCB separator

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Buy best quality PCB separator machine with stable performance machines. We have best design and price as compared to market.

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PCB Assembly

PCB Assembly

Useful Links http://pageantiques.com.au/ http://narromineshiredentalsurgery.com.au/ http://parkbeachdentalsurgery.com.au http://www.triodepcb.com/ PCB Assembly Development of the methods used in the modern printed circuit boards started in the early in the 20th century. PCB is a printed circuit board (PCB) manufacturer supplying PCB's at overseas prices.We specialize in the manufacturing of PCB's and PCB assembly.We can utilize production ready tooling for larger volumes to save you the repeat tooling costs.We have a control over the PCB Manufacturing,so we can make your orders happen with minimum time. PCB Assembly 1)Assembly Capabilities Triode Group Limited ia a leading manufacturer of PCB Assemblies, providing full turnkey for a single point of contact. 2)Prototype PCB Assembly(PROTOTYPES & NPI ASSEMBLY) At Triode we understand the importance of rapid prototype PCB assembly is to validate electronic designs and bring new products to the market. 3)Production PCB Assembly Two automatic Surface Mount Assembly lines are with capacity greater than 32,000 components per hour. Aim is Triode is your partner to move your products into mass production. 4)PCB Assembly Rework (THROUGH HOLE ASSEMBLY) To maintain quality manual assembly,our through hole assemblers work accurately and efficiently. 5)RoHS Lead Free Assembly PRODUCT ASSEMBLY Electronic product assembly requires a quality production facility and a many range of capabilities. 1)Box Build Assemblies triode performs a complete mechanical and box build assembly for all electronic products. Triode Group Limited provides a complete product supply solutions to our customers. Assembly & Packaging Benefits are : No minimum order quantity High quality production All manufacturing under in 1 company. Full turnkey or consignment. 2)Product testing 3)Functional Testing 4)Cable & Harness Assembly 5)Final Packaging MATERIAL MANAGEMENT 1)Full & Partial Turnkey 2)Consignment Services 3)Component Sourcing 4)Quick-Turn Procurement 5)Customer Inventory Login TRIODE GROUP LIMITED purchases the business products of Precision Manufacturing Solutions Ltd.

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PCB Manufacturer

PCB Manufacturer

Useful Links http://pageantiques.com.au/ http://narromineshiredentalsurgery.com.au/ http://parkbeachdentalsurgery.com.au http://www.triodepcb.com/ PCB Manufacturer A PCB is printed circuit board, also known as a printed wiring board. It is used in electronics to build electronic devices. A PCB serves 2 purposes in the construction of an electronic device. It is a place to mount the components it provides the means of electrical connection between the components. A PCB populated with the electronic components and is a printed circuit assembly(PCA),also known as a printed circuit board assembly(PCBA). Steps in PCB Circuit Board Manufacturing 1)Film Generation Films for all of the copper and soldermask layers are made from photographically exposed mylar. 2)Select Raw Material Industry standard 0.059" thick FR-4 laminate copper clad on two sides. 3)Drill Holes Through holes required are created from your submitted files for your PCB design, using NC drill machines and carbide drill bits. 4)Electroless Copper In order for the through holes to electrically connect to the different layers of the PCB,a thin layer of copper is a chemically deposited into the through holes. This copper will later be thickened through electrolytic copper plating. 5)Apply Photo-resist and Image To transfer the PCB design from the electronic CAD data to the physical circuit board. 6)Pattern Plate This step is an electrochemical process which builds copper thickness into the holes and onto the surface of the PCB. 7)Strip & Etch This process takes place in multiple steps.The first is to chemically remove the photo resist from the panel. 8)Soldermask Next we coat the entire panel with a liquid soldermask layer.Using films and high intensity UV light we expose the solderable areas of the PCB. 9)Nomenclature(silkscreen) Next we print the reference designators, logos and the other information contained in the electronic files,onto the panel. 10)Surface Finish Applied This surface finish is used to protect the copper from oxidation as well as a site for soldering of components to the PCB. 11)Fabrication We route the perimeter of the PCB from the larger panel using NC equipment. We can assemble up to 400mm*400mm without any difficulty. We can provide a DFM report for all new products assembled at Triode.If you would like a pre-job review, contact us and one of our Process Engineers will review your products.

221 views • 12 slides

PCB Assembly

Useful Links http://pageantiques.com.au/ http://www.triodepcb.com/ http://www.heuristic.com.au PCB Assembly Triode Group Company History In 2008 Precision Manufacturing Solutions Limited founded by three electronics manufacturing professionals this dedicated to low volume prototype PCB assembly and electronics rework. Here we purchased our first automatic surface mount assembly line and its opened for production. Triode group is a leading manufacturer of PCB assemblies and its providing a full turnkey assembly for a single point of contact. Triode group is a ISO 9001:2008 certified. Providing SMT and Through Hole Assembly Providing Single or double sided mixed technology PCB assembly Its providing Simple to very complex PCB assemblies. Its providing Quick Turn Assemblies In this Prototype and Production Quantities are very good Its providing a RoHS and leaded Assembly It is also providing a Mechanical Assembly Services. You will get a Design for Manufacturability(DFM) feedback. Functional Testing process also carried out here. IC programming done here We offer best and fully ROHS complaint PCB assembly services. Here we provide a full trasition path from existing Tin-lead solder based assembly to RoHS complaint assembly. You may send us your components as a kit or else you may ask us for Turnkey assembly this means we source the components. Here we are having Strong relationship with local and offshore components suppliers. From various vendors,in planning,leadtime issues, and in kitting we remove all the customers pains in sourcing components. You may send us your components as a kit or you may ask us for Turnkey assembly that means we source the componenets. Strong relationship with local and offshore componenet suppliers. Here we remove all the customers pains in sourcing components from various vendors,in planning,leadtime issues, and in kitting.

208 views • 10 slides

PCB Manufacturer

Useful Links http://www.triodepcb.com/ http://pageantiques.com.au/ http://www.heuristic.com.au The Manufacturing Process 1)Double-sided PCBs Photoworks-First of all the plots are made and Photoplots are developed according to the data supplied by the customer. Cam-Bearbeitung-The data records from the various software solutions supported in the PCB-POOL are standardized in the Ext. Gerber Format (RS 274X). Material Preparation-The copper-clad panels along with the drill entry material and a back-up-board are then cut to the size. Drilling and pinning-At this stage the reference and tooling holes are drilled.The PCB-POOL panel is then pinned onto the CNC machine. CNC drilling-With the help of CNC drill machines the through-hole plated and component drills are produced. Through-hole plating-Now an electrographic film (e.g Palladium)is electroplated to the wall of the drill cavity,this allows for galvanization with copper to occur at a later stage.

298 views • 17 slides

PCB Assembly

Useful Links http://www.triodepcb.com/ http://pageantiques.com.au/ http://www.heuristic.com.au PCB Assembly Services of PCB Assembly Material Management Triode provides a turnkey concepts to material management that is having the aspects of component procurement and the inventory control. Rework and modifications Sometimes deisign is not working as we accepted or planned.From chip components to BGA’s Triode team can perform all he types of rework and modifications. Production PCB Assembly Here Two automatic surface Mount Assembly lines are here with the capacity of greater than 32,000 components per hour.Here Triode is our partner to move products into large mass production. Component Sourcing Our manufacturing services is having full turnkey assembly.Here Triode partners are with leading domestic and international authorised distributors for the supply of PCB’s and components. ProtoTypes and NPI Assembly Here at Triode we understand the importance of rapid prototype PCB assembly.This is to validate electronic designs and bring all the new products into the market. PCB Assembly Capability Summary Here Triode group Limited is a leading manufacturer of PCB Assemblies. Through Hole Assembly Here Our through hole assemblers work accurately and efficiently to get quality manual assembly.We can perform all levels of PTH assembly here.

256 views • 10 slides

PCB Manufacturer

PCB Manufacturer A contract manufacturer is a best manufacturer that is contracting a firm for components or products.This process is strong in outsourcing and is beneficial to all companies involved.Here in Triode each and every company can focus on their main core competencies.Bearing the burden of running a manufacturing facility,our customers are focussing their efforts on the design,a marketing,a sales, and other essential business aspects. Benefits of contract manufacturing are Cost Savings : Here they do not have to pay for a facility,the equipment needed for production so in this way companies save on their cost of capital. Advanced Skills : The main focus of Triode group is electronic assembly.We are continuously improving our production methods day by day to make gains in quality and efficiency. Cash flow : Here Customers can enjoy up to 50 days to pay after receiving all the goods. Economies of scale : We have a multiple customers here.Which here we produce and are making purchases for components and a circuit boards weekly multiple times.

206 views • 8 slides

PCB Assembly

PCB Assembly PCB Assembly Capability Summary For a single point of contact triode group providing a full turnkey assembly.Triode is a leading manufacturer of PCB assemblies. It is a 9001:2008 certified company.SMT and through Hole assembly is supported by the triode.Single or double sided mixed technology PCB Assembly supporting by the triode. Simple to very complex assemblies is done by the triode company.To handle virtually any device having all the types of BGAs,CGAs,QFNs,DFNs,CSPs, and SONs,this capability is supporting by the triode company.0402 chip components to 54mm connectors and IC’s is supporting by the triode group.Quick turn assemblies is also supporting by the triode group.Dedicated SMT line for prototype and low volume production is also provided.Prototype and production quantities is providing by the triode company. Consigned components or turnkey,Leaded Assembly and RoHS,Mechanical Assembly,Design for manufacturability feedback,cable and harness assembly these all concepts supporting by the triode group of company. Functional testing,IC programming,Conformal Coating and Epoxy Potting,state of the art surface mount and through hole equipment including a automatic pick and place,Next BGA rework and wave soldering,Fully RoHS complaint PCB Assembly services these all function are provided by the triode group. Useful Links http://www.triodepcb.com/ http://pageantiques.com.au/

191 views • 10 slides

PCB Prototypes, PCB Production

PCB Prototypes, PCB Production

PCB Prototypes! Super PCB is certified with TS16949, ISO9001 and UL. We offer highest quality PCBs, PCB Production etc. at very competitive prices.

260 views • 6 slides

Order PCB

Order PCB fast with our simple ways to place your order of circuit board! We provide instant online orders, quotations, and status of your printed circuit boards.

162 views • 7 slides

Launching PCB Assembly - PCB Power Market

Launching PCB Assembly - PCB Power Market

PCB POWER offers the most suitable assembly set up for its small quantity end users, R&D houses, students & hobbyists: a solution for assembly of proto & small quantity PCBs with SMD. https://goo.gl/M7jTrA

85 views • 1 slides

PCB Manufacturing

PCB Manufacturing

Our high quality products and services will help you improve the quality of your products, bring you price advantage, and ultimately make you more competitive in your market.Visit us :http://gospeed.com.cn/for more detail .

64 views • 5 slides

Pcb fabrication

Pcb fabrication

High Quality PCB Co., Limited is a leading PCB(Printed Circuit Board) Manufacturer in China since 1995. Dedicate to the technologies innovation, being engaged in IC Substrates, High-Density Interconnect PCB, Multi-layer PCB, Rigid Flexible PCB, Flexible, Radiofrequency PCB. Both prototypes and mass production projects are available for High Quality PCB. High end and new technologies promote enterprise progress to meet customersu2019 satisfaction. Taking great efforts to concentrate on high quality, competitive pricing, and the best service as well. Products are applied to a wide range of High-tech industries, Like as aerospace, military, automobile, medical device, communications equipment, etc. 80% of all products export to Europe, American, Japan, and other Asia-pacific countries.

94 views • 7 slides

PCB Traces

PCB Traces. CK Cheng CSE Dept. UCSD. PCB Traces. AC Resistance and Skin Effect at 1GHz. Magnetic Field of Strip Line. Trace loss from -13 0 C to 67 0 C. Non-TEM Modes. DC Handling. Signal Reflection. Trace Compensation. Source Termination. End Termination. Fly-by Termination.

314 views • 30 slides

PCB prototype | China PCB manufacturer | 2020

PCB prototype | China PCB manufacturer | 2020

China is the best place where a lot of electronic products are manufactured. The circuit board manufacturers who are from this country are producing the best and also innovative circuit boards are quite popular. As the technology is evolving and along with that there is a rise in the demand of the printed boards as well. View more: https://www.greatpcb.com/pcb-assembly/

154 views • 10 slides

PCB Assemble Factory - Impedance Control PCB

PCB Assemble Factory - Impedance Control PCB

The company further makes sure that they meet the double sided board processing within 24 hours where they also make sure to complete multi-layer processing, which is within 2 to 4 days.

51 views • 4 slides


  1. PCB Basics

    Printed circuit board is the most common name but may also be called "printed wiring boards" or "printed wiring cards". Before the advent of the PCB circuits were constructed through a laborious process of point-to-point wiring. This led to frequent failures at wire junctions and short circuits when wire insulation began to age and crack.

  2. PCB Manufacturing Production and Process Presentation

    Learn tips and techniques to approach 3D PCB design that will help you take your unified design process to the next level. Being able to properly visualize your spacing, sizing, and layout is crucial to success. Learn more from this 3D PCB Design presentation, and click the PDF above to read more in this presentation overview.

  3. PCB Design Basics: Beginners Guide to Get Started

    PCB Design Basics: Beginners Guide to Get Started. June 1, 2020. A Printed Circuit Board or PCB is one component that is present in almost all the electronic equipment we use in our daily life. It forms the foundation of any circuit. A PCB is where all the electrical/electronic components are held together and interconnected without any wires.

  4. Printed Circuit Board Design

    A printed circuit board (PCB) mechanically supports and electrically connects the electronic components using conductive tracks, pads and other features etched from copper sheets laminated onto a non- conductive substrate. ... "Printed Circuit Board Design"— Presentation transcript: 1 Printed Circuit Board Design Avnish Kumar Dept. of ...

  5. An Introduction to Printed Circuit Boards

    A printed circuit board is a rigid structure that contains electrical circuitry made up of embedded metal surfaces called traces and larger areas of metal called planes. Components are soldered to the board onto metal pads, which are connected to the board circuitry. This allows components to be interconnected.

  6. PCB Design Guide

    Section 16 - PCB Design: Vendor Management. Learn about vendor management, impedance message, and more. Read Section. This series is a step-by-step guide on printed circuit board design with information for beginners to graduate-level users. You can start from the beginning of the series or skip to any topic.

  7. PCB Design

    pcb design ppt - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. The document discusses printed circuit boards (PCBs), including what they are, their history, types, materials, and manufacturing process. PCBs electrically connect electronic components through copper traces on a non-conductive substrate.

  8. PDF An Introduction to Printed Circuit Board Design

    Surface Mount Devices (SMD) The device is soldered on one side of the board. Smaller, but harder to solder. Sometimes microscope is necessary to solder. Maybe consider stencil, solder paste, and oven. Through Hole Devices. The device is attached by wires going through a hole on the PCB. Device attached to one side and soldered on the other.

  9. Lecture 1 Basics of PCB

    Lecture 1 Basics of PCB.pptx - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. This document provides an overview of a course on electric circuit design and printed circuit board (PCB) manufacturing. The course will teach students how to design a custom PCB by converting a breadboard prototype into a printed circuit.

  10. PCB Design Steps & Complete Guide

    1. Understand the electrical parameters. Before starting a PCB design, you should know and understand the electrical parameters of the system, including: 2. Creating the schematic. One of the first steps is always creating a schematic, which refers to the design at the electrical level of the board's purpose and function.

  11. Basics of PCBs (What is PCB, Types of PCB, PCB Materials & PCB Software)

    Multi-layer PCB. Flexible PCB. Aluminium backed PCB. Flex-rigid PCB. 1) Single Layer PCB: A single layer PCB is also known as single sided PCB. This type of PCB is simple and most used PCB because these PCBs are easy to design and manufacture. One side of this PCB is coated with a layer of any conducting material.

  12. The printed circuit board (PCB) design

    Presentation on theme: "The printed circuit board (PCB) design"— Presentation transcript: 1 The printed circuit board (PCB) design PCB design is part of the design process of a product in electronics industry. PCB is a piece of insulating plastic board, on and in which there are several layers of metal (copper) connections that connects parts ...

  13. Six Basic Design Rules for Any PCB Design

    Learn more about the PCB design in this episode with David Haboud where you'll get the highlights of six basic design rules for any PCB design to help ensure...

  14. What is a PCB and PCB Design?

    A printed circuit board (PCB) is an electronic assembly that uses copper conductors to create electrical connections between components. PCBs also provide mechanical support for electronic components so that a device can be mounted in an enclosure. All PCBs are built from alternating layers of conductive copper with layers of electrically ...

  15. Hot Topics in PCB Design Presentation

    Learn more from this 3D PCB Design presentation, and click the PDF above to read more in this presentation overview. Or view the Read Article PCB Designers Become an expert PCB Designer when you use Altium Designer software. Benefits to the Unified Data Model Approach include not just time savings, but the potential of simultaneous design that ...

  16. PCB Manufacturing Process

    By reading the full text, you will find that the PCB process flow presentation provided by FS Technology has only 9 steps, while the PCB fabrication process flow chart is more complicated. In fact, what is displayed in the flow chart is the full range of services that the manufacturer provides to customers, including procurement, repair and ...

  17. How PCB is manufactured? Printed circuit board Manufacturing ...

    How PCB is manufactured? Printed circuit board Manufacturing Process in PCBWayProducing a PCB is a complex process of many steps. This film covers the most i...

  18. How to Design a Printed Circuit Board in 10 Easy Steps

    Step 7: Insert Drill Holes. Before routing your traces, it is a good idea to place your drill holes (mounting and vias). If your circuit board design is complicated you may need to modify at least some of the via locations during trace routing. This can be done easily from the via Properties dialog, shown below.

  19. PPT