1. Full article: The socialpsychology of Islamist terror

    The Salafist ideology - both that of the 'Islamic State' and that of the non-violent groups - is supposed to be understood as sectarian from a theological point of view and literally from a textual point of view. They seek to create a new world order on the foundations of an early Islamic-Sunni theology (Cui & Glinert, 2016 ).

  2. The Religious Sources of Islamic Terrorism

    The non-Islamic etiologies of this phenomenon include political causes (the Israeli-Arab conflict); cultural causes (rebellion against Western cultural colonialism); and social causes (alienation, poverty). While no public figure in the West would deny the imperative of fighting the war against terrorism, it is equally politically correct to add the codicil that, for the war to be won, these ...

  3. The Rise and Fall of Islamic State: Current Challenges and Future

    Its definition is anyone who exceeds the proper limits by ascribing to himself any of the rights of God. 8 Hassan Hassan, 'The Sectarianism of the Islamic State: Ideological Roots and Political Context' Research Paper, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, June 2016, pp. 6-7. 9 Ibid., p. 1.

  4. The Islamic State (IS): Threat of terrorism and policy issues in

    Based on current terrorism and security issues, this article investigates IS's roots and how it has spread Islamic extremism in order to develop and expand its territory. A descriptive research design based on secondary and primary data sources was used to conduct a qualitative study.

  5. PDF The Motivation behind Islamic Terrorism

    What most connects Tucker's findings to this paper's hypothe-sis, however, is his mention of revenge as a motivation behind Islamic terrorism, because revenge is something that is very closely connected to resentment and could even have a cause-and-effect relationship with it, as will be explained later.

  6. Middle East and North Africa: Terrorism and Conflicts

    Given its strategic location and oil wealth, MENA plays a pivotal role in world stability and economic prosperity. The spillover of terrorism to Europe and North America, coupled with the recent refu...

  7. Challenging Terrorism as a Form of "Otherness": Exploring ...

    This paper sets out to do a comparative analysis of far-right extremism and Muslim religious extremism to challenge the notion that terrorism and violent extremism is a form of "Otherness." This article draws parallels between far-right and Muslim religious extremism in the realm of tactics and ideology.

  8. Vol. 15, No. 4, August 2021 of Perspectives on Terrorism on JSTOR

    Perspectives on Terrorism could be characterized as 'nontraditional' in that it dispenses with some of the traditional rigidities associated with commercial pri...

  9. Islamic State's Financing: Sources, Methods and Utilisation

    Patrick Blannin This paper examines multiple sources of paper follows these intellectual footprints, Islamic State (IS) terrorist group's funding and some counter-mechanisms deployed by the global anti-IS coalition. The paper analyses: a) how IS exploits the volatile political situations and security vulnerabilities across the Middle East and North Africa to generate funding, and b) exposes ...

  10. PDF Strategic Analysis of Al-Shabaab

    This research paper contributes to the body of literature involving the Somali insurgent group Al-Shabaab by applying strategic logic and rational choice theory.

  11. Terrorism in Pakistan: the psychosocial context and why it matters

    This special paper helps to explain the psychosocial perspective of terrorism in Pakistan that leads to violent radicalisation. It identifies the terrorist acts in the background of Pakistan's history, current geopolitical and social scenario. The findings may also act as a guide on addressing this core issue.

  12. Topics in terrorism research: reviewing trends and gaps, 2007-2016

    The topical focus of research on terrorism has frequently been critiqued for being too narrow, too event-driven and too strongly tied to governments' counterterrorism policies. This article uses ke...

  13. PDF The Psychology of Terrorism: a Case Study of Osama Bin Laden

    Ulema. "The learned ones" including past and present scholars who made it their business to know and study every aspect of Islam. As guardians and interpreters of sharia, the ulema traditionally hold a prominent place in Muslim society. The consensus of the umma—which in reality translates into the consensus of the ulema—is second only to the Koran and sunna in authority and is seen as ...

  14. PDF The Religious Sources Of Islamic Terrorism

    Therefore, to treat Islamic terrorism as the consequence of political and socioeconomic factors alone would not do justice to the significance of the religious culture in which this phenomenon is rooted and nurtured. In order to comprehend the motivation for these acts and to draw up an effective strategy for a war against terrorism, it is necessary to understand the reli-gious-ideological ...

  15. PDF Patterns of Islamic State-Related Terrorism, 2002--2015

    BACKGROUND REPORTPatterns of Islamic State-Related Terrorism, 2002--2015For more than a decade, the organization now known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISI. ), or simply the Islamic State, has carried out deadly terrorist attacks. Beginning as a small network led by Jordanian Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the first terrorist attack ...

  16. PDF Introduction: Religion and Terrorism

    In the contemporary West people tend to perceive terrorism as violence against innocent non-combatants carried out by religious fanatics.1 Western militant secularists in particular tend to push this perspective. Yet, after read-ing any number of current analyses of terrorism by contemporary "terrorism experts," one walks away with the impression that religion is little more than an ...

  17. Islam and the Patterns in Terrorism and Violent Extremism

    Any analysis of the patterns in terrorism faces major challenges simply because of the lack of reliable and comparable data, and the tendency to compartmentalize analysis to deal with given threats, nations, and regions. The problem becomes much greater when the analysis attempts to deal with issues as controversial as the links between Islam, extremism, and terrorism.

  18. PDF Pakistan Journal of Terrorism Research, Vol-04, Issue-

    Pakistan Journal of Terrorism Research (PJTR) 4:2|2022. 1. Introduction. The argument in the paper is that there has been a wave of religious terrorism that emerges from the ashes of the Soviet-Afghan War in 1979 to the growth of Hindutva, a form of religious extremism, in India. The primary study issue is centered on the origins and ground ...

  19. Insurers face massive hit after Taylor Swift concerts canceled due to

    Insurers face millions of dollars in claims after a foiled attack forced three Taylor Swift concerts in Austria to be canceled, though several providers will share the hit, two people involved in ...

  20. Women and Islamic-State Terrorism: An Assessment of How Gender

    This paper discusses Western women's involvement with Islamic State terrorism, to evaluate how governments and civil society can comprehensively develop countering violent extremism (CVE) strategies that are inclusive of gender perspectives.

  21. Psychopathologies Among European Women Involved in Islamist

    The phenomenon of European women supporting and joining the Islamic State (IS) has become an area of increasing concern in the field of Islamist radicalization research. According to a recent syste...

  22. Recommendations for Research

    As is the case throughout this report, we highlight Islamic-based terrorism, but many of the research recommendations cover a wider range of terrorist activities.

  23. Online hate analysts are calling for greater eSafety powers after study

    Online hate analysts are calling for greater eSafety powers after study finds rise in anti-Semitism and Islamophobia