
School President Speech

School president speech generator.

how to write a good speech for class president

Embark on your journey to becoming an inspiring school president with our detailed guide, packed with exceptional speech examples. From crafting your message to delivering it with confidence, we provide invaluable insights for aspiring leaders. Our guide, enriched with diverse speech examples , is designed to help you create a powerful, resonating school president speech. Gain the skills to influence and inspire your school community, leaving a lasting impact.

When you were in your elementary or high school years, have you ever tried running for president or for a position of power in your class? Did you or anyone you knew won and what position did they run for?  As we all know, those who run for positions of power often make good promises to those who would be voting for them. What most of them do not know is when they win, they are told to make a speech . This is shocking news for some students because it was either they were forewarned or they were never told until they won.

What Is a School President Speech?

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You read that right, a speech. Those who won say as president are told to make their first speech. You may be wondering what kind of speech they are supposed to make and why they are going to be making one in the first place. There are a lot of reasons as to why they should but the most common one is to say thank you to those students who voted for them. But how do you make a good school president speech? Is there a trick to it? If you want to know, you should check this out now.

School President Format

1. opening salutation.

Greet the Audience : Start by acknowledging everyone present. Example: “Good [morning/afternoon/evening], Ladies and Gentlemen, Respected Teachers, Esteemed Guests, and My Fellow Students .”

2. Introduction

Introduce Yourself : Briefly state who you are. Example: “I am [Your Name], and I am honored to stand before you today as your School President.”

3. Purpose of the Speech

State the Occasion : Clearly mention the purpose of your speech. Example: “We are gathered here today to celebrate/reflect on/discuss [specific occasion or event].”

4. Reflect on Past Achievements or Goals

Highlight Key Achievements : Reflect on past accomplishments if it’s a farewell or recap. Example: “Over the past [years/months], we have achieved remarkable milestones such as [mention specific achievements].”

5. Share Your Vision and Goals

Discuss Your Vision : Outline your goals and vision for the future. Example: “My vision for our school is to foster an inclusive, supportive, and vibrant community. My goals include [list key goals].”

6. Acknowledgments

Thank Key Individuals : Express gratitude to those who have supported you. Example: “I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to our teachers, staff, and administration for their unwavering support.”

7. Encouragement and Motivation

Inspire the Audience : Offer words of encouragement and motivation. Example: “Together, we can achieve great things. Let’s continue to support one another and strive for excellence.”

8. Closing Remarks

Conclude with a Quote or Thought : End with a meaningful quote or a final thought. Example: “In closing, I’d like to share a quote that resonates with me: ‘The best way to predict the future is to create it.’”

9. Thank the Audience

Express Gratitude : Thank everyone for their time and attention. Example: “Thank you once again for this incredible opportunity. Let’s make this school year the best one yet.”

10. Sign Off

Formal Goodbye : End with a formal sign-off. Example: “Thank you, and farewell.”

School President Speech Example

Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen, Respected Teachers, Esteemed Guests, and My Fellow Students , I am [Your Name], and I am deeply honored to stand before you today as your newly elected School President. This moment fills me with immense pride and a profound sense of responsibility. Thank you all for your trust and confidence in me. Introduction When I first decided to run for School President, I was motivated by a vision of what our school could become—a place where every student feels valued, heard, and empowered. Today, as I step into this role, I am more committed than ever to making that vision a reality. Reflecting on Our Achievements Over the past few years, we have seen incredible progress and numerous achievements. Our academic scores have improved, our sports teams have won championships, and our arts programs have flourished. These successes are a testament to the hard work and dedication of our students, teachers, and staff. It is a reminder of what we can achieve when we work together towards a common goal. My Vision and Goals As your School President, my vision is to create an inclusive, supportive, and vibrant school community. Here are some of the goals I aim to achieve during my tenure: Enhance Student Participation : I will work to increase opportunities for students to engage in extracurricular activities, clubs, and sports. By diversifying and expanding these opportunities, we can ensure that everyone finds something they are passionate about. Improve Communication : I will establish a student suggestion box and hold regular meetings with representatives from each grade to ensure that all voices are heard and considered in decision-making processes. Promote a Positive School Culture : I will organize events and initiatives that promote kindness, respect, and collaboration among students. This includes anti-bullying campaigns, peer support programs, and community service projects that bring us closer together. Support Academic Excellence : I will advocate for additional resources to help students succeed academically, such as tutoring programs, study groups, and access to learning materials. Our goal is to create an environment where academic support is readily available to all students. Enhance School Facilities : I will work with the administration to improve our school’s facilities, ensuring that classrooms are well-equipped, restrooms are clean, and common areas are inviting. A comfortable and welcoming environment is essential for effective learning and personal well-being. Gratitude I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to our teachers and staff for their unwavering dedication and support. Your commitment to our education and personal development is truly inspiring. To my fellow students, thank you for believing in me. Serving as your School President is a privilege, and I promise to be a leader who listens, who cares, and who works tirelessly to make our school a better place for everyone. Encouragement and Motivation Together, we can achieve great things. Let us continue to support one another, strive for excellence, and embrace the values that make our school community so special. Remember, “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” Let’s come together to create a future we can all be proud of. Closing Thank you once again for this incredible opportunity. I am excited to serve as your School President and to work alongside each of you to make this school year the best one yet. Thank you, and let’s make this year unforgettable. [Your Name]

School President Speech Short Example

Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen, Respected Teachers, Esteemed Guests, and My Fellow Students , I am [Your Name], and I am deeply honored to stand before you today as your newly elected School President. Thank you all for your trust and confidence in me. Introduction When I decided to run for School President, I was inspired by a vision of our school as a place where every student feels valued, heard, and empowered. Today, I am committed to making that vision a reality. My Vision and Goals Enhance Student Participation : Increase opportunities for involvement in extracurricular activities, clubs, and sports, ensuring everyone finds something they are passionate about. Improve Communication : Establish a student suggestion box and hold regular meetings with representatives from each grade to ensure all voices are heard. Promote a Positive School Culture : Organize events and initiatives that promote kindness, respect, and collaboration among students, including anti-bullying campaigns and peer support programs. Support Academic Excellence : Advocate for additional resources such as tutoring programs, study groups, and access to learning materials to help all students succeed. Enhance School Facilities : Work with the administration to improve our school’s facilities, ensuring classrooms are well-equipped and common areas are inviting. Gratitude I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to our teachers and staff for their unwavering dedication and support. To my fellow students, thank you for believing in me. I promise to be a leader who listens, cares, and works tirelessly for our school community. Closing Together, we can achieve great things. Let’s support one another, strive for excellence, and make our school a place where everyone can thrive. Thank you once again for this incredible opportunity. Let’s make this school year the best one yet! Thank you. [Your Name]

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How to Write a School President Speech?

Presenting a good school president speech takes time, practice and a good composed speech as well. If you are planning on running for school president, you must be equipped with the best school president speech to knock your competitors. Check out the following guidelines for you to try. Read away.

1. Always Introduce Yourself to the Crowd

The beginning of your speech should be introducing yourself to the crowd of students. Never assume that the majority of them know you. Remember, you are running for school president, there are a lot of people who may not know who you are. Part of your speech should be telling who you are and what position you are planning on running for. When doing your introduction, make sure to make eye contact.

2. State Your Reason for Running

Never assume that the people know what position you are running for nor the reason. State the reason for running for the position in your speech. Give them doable facts and reasons to make them believe you are capable of the position. Your reasons have to be clear and concise as well. Never give them a shallow or hollow reason, nor give them a reason that may not sound as sincere or true. This is the opportunity you have to convince them to vote for you.

3. Convince the Crowd to Vote for You

As you write your speech, make sure that you are able to give them a convincing reason to vote for you. This part of your speech is a critical part. Use words that they are able to understand and are able to relate to. So when you write, make sure to use simple language and not words that may have a different interpretation. You are there to show them you can do it. Using words that may not be familiar may lead to misunderstandings and a lot of issues. Avoid that at all costs. If you are not sure about what you are writing, ask someone to help you.

4. Add the Issues and Your Solutions

Before you end your speech, add the issues you believe you can help solve or you can solve. For each issue you write, place a doable solution. Avoid making a solution that you think is doable as well as avoid putting an issue you know you may not be able to solve. The whole point of you writing your speech is to convince, and to convince them is to help rid problems that you know you are capable of solving.

5. Say Thank You at the End of Your Speech

When you end your speech, do not forget to thank everyone for listening to you. For giving their time of day to listen to you. You may end your speech with a short anecdote or a quote that matches the theme. But apart from that, the best way to end your speech is to give a smile and say thank you. Be sincere.

How to write a high school election speech?

1. Understand the Guidelines:

Review any guidelines or rules provided by your school or student council regarding speech length, content, and the election process.

2. Audience Analysis:

Consider the concerns and interests of your fellow students. What issues matter most to them? What improvements would they like to see in the school?

3. Choose a Strong Opening:

Begin your speech with an attention-grabbing introduction. You can use a quote, a personal story, or a surprising fact to captivate your audience.

4. Introduce Yourself:

Briefly introduce yourself, mentioning your name, grade, and any relevant involvement in school activities or leadership roles.

5. Express Your Motivation:

Clearly state your motivation for running for the position. Explain why you want to represent your fellow students and make a difference in the school.

6. Highlight Your Qualifications:

Share your qualifications and experiences that make you a suitable candidate. Mention any leadership roles, community service, academic achievements, or extracurricular activities.

7. Connect with Your Peers:

Make a connection with your audience by showing that you understand their concerns and needs. Empathize with their experiences and aspirations.

8. Your Vision and Goals:

Present your vision for the role and your goals if elected. Be specific about the changes or improvements you aim to bring to the school. Address key issues you’ve identified.

9. Key Initiatives:

Discuss a few key initiatives or projects you plan to undertake as a student leader. These should be relevant and beneficial to the student body.

10. Inclusivity and Representation:

Emphasize your commitment to inclusivity and representing the diverse voices within the school. Highlight your intention to listen to and advocate for all students.

11. Transparency and Communication:

Stress your commitment to transparency and open communication with your peers. Explain how you plan to gather feedback and involve students in decision-making.

12. Inspiration and Motivation:

Inspire your audience by sharing an inspiring message or quote that reflects your dedication to making a positive difference in the school.

13. Call to Action:

Conclude your speech with a strong call to action. Ask your fellow students to support your campaign and vote for you. Encourage them to get involved in school activities and initiatives.

How do you start a school president speech?

1. Choose a Strong Opening:

Begin with an engaging and memorable opening that immediately grabs the audience’s attention. Some effective opening techniques include:

  • A Quote: Start with a relevant and inspiring quote that sets the tone for your speech.
  • An Anecdote: Share a personal story or anecdote that relates to the theme of your speech.
  • A Question: Pose a thought-provoking question that gets your audience thinking about the topic.
  • A Bold Statement: Begin with a powerful or surprising statement that piques interest.

2. Introduce Yourself:

After your attention-grabbing opening, introduce yourself. State your name, grade, and the position you’re running for (school president).

3. Express Your Motivation:

Immediately convey your motivation for running for school president. Why are you seeking this leadership role? What drives you to represent your fellow students and make a positive impact?

4. Set the Tone:

Establish the tone and mood of your speech. Let your audience know whether your speech will be inspiring, informative, or a combination of both.

5. Engage Your Audience:

Make a connection with your peers by acknowledging their presence and shared experiences. Express your understanding of their concerns, challenges, and aspirations.

6. State the Purpose:

Clearly state the purpose of your speech. Let your audience know what they can expect to learn or gain from your words.

7. Preview Your Key Points:

Provide a brief overview of the key points you’ll be covering in your speech. This gives your audience a roadmap of what to expect.

8. Relate to the Audience:

Establish common ground by mentioning shared experiences or challenges you and your fellow students face. Show empathy and understanding.

9. Inspiration:

Conclude the opening by offering an inspiring message or quote that sets a positive and motivating tone for the rest of your speech.


A kind of speech that candidates of the position make to convince, explain and express their reasons for running. This kind of speech is made especially for anyone who wants to run for president or vice president in their school. It consists of the introduction, the body which explains their reasons and the conclusion or their parting words.

How does one make a good school president speech?

To make a good president speech, all you have to do is to follow the following guidelines above. You may also use some of the example templates found in this article.

How long is a school president speech?

A good solid one page is enough. If it is too long, your audience may lose interest. As well as there may be some time limit for each candidate to talk. A good one page document is fine.

What is the role of a school president?

The school president leads the student body, represents student interests, and organizes events to improve the school community.

What topics should I cover in my speech?

Discuss your goals, plans for the school, recent accomplishments, and how you intend to address student concerns.

How can I make my speech engaging?

Use personal stories, humor, and rhetorical questions to connect with your audience and keep them interested.

What tone should I use in my speech?

Adopt a positive, confident, and inspiring tone to motivate and energize your audience.

How do I address school issues in my speech?

Acknowledge the issues honestly, propose practical solutions, and show your commitment to addressing them.

Should I use visual aids in my speech?

Visual aids can enhance your message, but ensure they are relevant and not distracting from your speech.

How do I conclude my school president speech?

Summarize your key points, reiterate your commitment, thank your audience, and end with a strong closing statement.


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How to Write a High School President Speech

Last Updated: October 16, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Lynn Kirkham and by wikiHow staff writer, Danielle Blinka, MA, MPA . Lynn Kirkham is a Professional Public Speaker and Founder of Yes You Can Speak, a San Francisco Bay Area-based public speaking educational business empowering thousands of professionals to take command of whatever stage they've been given - from job interviews, boardroom talks to TEDx and large conference platforms. Lynn was chosen as the official TEDx Berkeley speaker coach for the last four years and has worked with executives at Google, Facebook, Intuit, Genentech, Intel, VMware, and others. There are 10 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 1,019,691 times.

Campaigning for school president is an exciting opportunity to build your leadership skills and bring change to your school. If you want to win the presidency, you’ll need to give a persuasive campaign speech to get people to vote for you. To make your speech effective, plan out what you want to say before you start writing. Then, you can structure your speech to keep it clear and concise. Finally, use a tone that fits your audience so your speech will be engaging.

Sample Speeches

how to write a good speech for class president

Planning Your Speech

Step 1 Decide on 2 or 3 issues you want to address as president.

  • For example, let’s say your school has rules in place that require students to get approval before they can hang posters on the school walls, even if the posters are related to school activities. If you know other students are constantly complaining about this rule, you might campaign on changing it.
  • As another example, your school may have an ineffective process for lining up at lunchtime, which causes students to spend most of their lunch period purchasing food. To address this issue, you might suggest a new way of lining up or an alternative process for handing out food.
  • For another option, let's say your school has tried to do programs to help students, such as anti-bullying programs or extended library hours, but limited funding made the programs ineffective. You might run on a platform of doing fundraising activities and promoting volunteerism to help support these valuable programs.

Tip: Make sure the issues you focus on are things you can actually change. For instance, getting better pizza in the cafeteria might be an issue that people care about, but it might be impossible for you to actually achieve.

Step 2 List all of the ways you’re involved in your school.

  • Student government positions you’ve held
  • Clubs or teams you've participated in
  • School events you've attended
  • School events you've helped plan
  • Volunteer positions you've taken

Step 3 Think of ways you’ve proven your leadership or decision making abilities.

  • For example, you might include prior work with your school’s student government or a leadership role you held in a club.
  • Similarly, you could include the time you planned set designs for a community theater production or your stint as a summer camp counselor.

Step 4 Choose clear transitions to guide the audience through your speech.

  • For example, you might use words like "first," "second," "next," "then," "additionally," "similarly," "alternatively," and "furthermore."
  • Repetitive phrasing can serve as a useful signpost during the speech. You might, for instance, say “The first time we came together to change things for the better” before describing an accomplishment, then introduce the second with “The second time we came together….”

Step 5 Remember to KISS—Keep It Short and Simple.

  • For example, make sure your speech doesn't go over the time limit. Time your speech to make sure it's about 3-7 minutes long, depending on what your school allows.
  • Whenever possible, give yourself enough time to write several drafts of a speech. Each time you revise a draft, look for ways to trim the language, phrasing, and focus down to the essentials.

Structuring Your Speech

Step 1 Introduce yourself simply and quickly.

  • Say, “Hello, everyone. My name is Jacob Easton. I’m a junior, and I want to be class president because we need a fresh vision for making Acme High a more welcoming and inclusive school.” In this example, your “why” statement starts a theme of inclusivity.

Step 2 Explain the 2-3 major issues you’ll address as class president.

  • For instance, if you’re using the “inclusivity” theme, you might pledge to start an anti-bullying program and a peer mentoring club.
  • You might say, "Together, we can make our school a better place for all students. If elected, I will work with all of you to create an anti-bullying club so that no student is afraid to come to school. Additionally, we will form a peer mentoring club to encourage students to guide others and act as a support system."

Step 3 Tell your classmates why you believe you’re qualified to be president.

  • If you’ve held other leadership positions, identify them and mention for each how you achieved something related to your overarching theme.
  • If you haven’t held official leadership positions, identify life experiences in which you had to be both decisive and collaborative.
  • You might say, “As president of the debate club, I’ve expanded club membership, worked with local lawyers to build a mentorship program, and acquired donations from local office supply stores so students have the materials they need for tournaments. If you elect me to be your president, I’ll bring the same type of leadership to the student government.”

Step 4 Explain how you're different from your opponents without attacking them.

  • For instance: “While our current class leadership has done good work in reviving school spirit, I will dedicate myself to making sure all students feel the embrace of that spirit and have opportunities to shape it.”

Step 5 Close by asking your classmates to vote for you.

  • Say, “Together, we can make our school inclusive for all. Thank you for your time this afternoon. I’m Jacob Easton, and I want your vote.”
  • You might also decide to go with a catchy slogan, like, “Next Tuesday, ‘Get Awake and Vote for Jake!’”

Using the Right Tone

Step 1 Show confidence through...

  • You can smile or keep your facial expression neutral.
  • Practice your body language in front of a mirror before you give your speech.

Step 2 Use a conversational tone to seem relatable to your peers.

  • For instance, you might say, “We all want to support our classmates with motivational posters. However, current rules make it hard to have school spirit. Let's change that."
  • Read the speech out loud as your write it. This will help ensure that each sentence fits the way you speak. If the sentence doesn’t sound right or feel natural coming from your mouth, revise it.
  • Because you’re focused on clarity and brevity, you might use sentence fragments or repeat words or phrases in ways you wouldn’t normally if you were writing an essay.

Step 3 Opt for a formal or serious tone if your school is very traditional.

  • To make your speech more formal, use grammatically correct sentences and stronger words, while avoiding casual phrasing. For example, don't use contractions or sentence fragments, which create a more conversational tone. Instead, speak in full sentences.
  • To help you find a more serious tone, imagine that you're giving your speech to your teachers rather than your classmates.
  • If you plan to give a formal speech, you might watch videos of famous speeches on YouTube to get an idea of what people expect.

Step 4 Add humor to make your speech more engaging.

  • When choosing the right jokes and stories for your speech, steer clear of anything that might be perceived as offensive.
  • Always keep your audience in mind. An "inside joke" that your friends understand might not be funny to the student body as a whole.
  • If possible, connect the humor to the overall theme of your speech. For instance, let’s say your speech is about changing the rules for hanging posters on school walls. You might tell a humorous story about the time your school hung up “Go team” posters for a football game that had already happened two weeks prior because it took so long for the posters to get approved.

Step 5 Create a tone of cooperation by using words like “we” instead of “I.”

  • For example, you’d say, “If we work together, we make it easier to get through the lunch line so we all have more time to eat,” rather than, “If I’m elected, I’ll do everything in my power to fix the lunch lines so students have more time to eat.”

Tip: In a campaign speech, write about what “we” can accomplish “together,” not about what “I” will do.

Expert Q&A

Lynn Kirkham

  • Use your other campaign materials as supports for the ideas you'll express in your speech. For example, you may have campaign signs, buttons, and flyers to promote your candidacy. Incorporate the same issues you talk about in your speech onto your campaign materials. Similarly, if you use a slogan on your signs, say that slogan during your speech. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Dress appropriately on the day that you give your speech. Depending on the culture at your school, this might mean a nice casual outfit, like a dress or pants with a collared shirt or blouse, or a formal outfit, such as a suit, slacks, or a skirt. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

how to write a good speech for class president

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  • ↑ https://grammar.yourdictionary.com/style-and-usage/writing-a-school-election-speech.html
  • ↑ https://www.forbes.com/sites/jeffschmitt/2013/07/16/10-keys-to-writing-a-speech/?sh=72f108694fb7
  • ↑ http://grammar.yourdictionary.com/style-and-usage/writing-a-school-election-speech.html
  • ↑ https://www.comm.pitt.edu/structuring-speech
  • ↑ https://blog.prepscholar.com/how-to-get-elected-class-president
  • ↑ http://passport.vec.vic.gov.au/vote/write-up-an-election-speech/
  • ↑ Lynn Kirkham. Public Speaking Coach. Expert Interview. 20 November 2019.
  • ↑ https://sps.columbia.edu/news/five-ways-improve-your-body-language-during-speech
  • ↑ https://finley-h.schools.nsw.gov.au/content/dam/doe/sws/schools/f/finley-h/localcontent/how_to_write_a_speech.pdf
  • ↑ https://www.bps.org.uk/psychologist/politics-pronouns

About This Article

Lynn Kirkham

To write a high school president speech, choose a few important, clear points to emphasize. Avoid long, wordy sentences and a complicated outline. Instead, keep the structure and content of your speech simple so your audience can easily follow along with what you’re saying. As you write, read your speech out loud to ensure that it sounds natural and conversational. Also, use words like “we” and “us” and reference shared experiences to build rapport with your audience. For tips on writing a campaign speech, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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how to write a good speech for class president

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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, running for class president, any speech tips.

Hi everyone! I've decided to run for class president and I need to deliver a speech to my peers. Any suggestions on what key points and issues to address in my speech? How can I make it engaging and memorable?

Hello! Running for class president is a fantastic opportunity to showcase your leadership skills and passion for your school. Here are some tips to help you craft a memorable and engaging speech:

1. Start with a hook: Catch the attention of your peers from the get-go by opening your speech with a surprising fact, an interesting story, or a funny anecdote related to your school or your own experiences. This will set you apart from other candidates and help you make a strong first impression.

2. Clearly state your goals: Outline your key proposals and aims for your term as class president. Be specific about what you hope to achieve and the initiatives you plan to introduce to benefit your classmates and improve your school community. Focus on 2-3 main ideas so your speech doesn't feel overwhelming.

3. Address relevant issues: Consider the pressing issues affecting your school or class, and discuss how you plan to address them. This can include social or academic concerns, facilities upgrades, or school spirit initiatives. Show your classmates that you understand their concerns and are dedicated to making real change.

4. Showcase your qualifications: Share any relevant experiences or achievements that demonstrate why you're the best candidate for the job. This can be previous leadership roles, volunteering, or extracurricular activities where you've shown initiative and responsibility.

5. Build rapport with your audience: Connect with your peers by using inclusive language, such as "we" and "our," to show that you view your class as a team, and that you're ready to work collaboratively. Address the audience directly and maintain eye contact to establish a connection and convey sincerity.

6. Be genuine and passionate: Avoid using cliche phrases or making promises you can't keep. Speak from the heart and be honest about your intentions and goals. Your classmates will appreciate your authenticity and be more likely to support you.

7. Add a personal touch: Share a story, a personal experience, or even a hobby that connects you to your peers or explains your motivations for running for class president. This will help humanize you and make your speech more relatable.

8. Conclude with a memorable statement: Finish your speech with a memorable quote, motto, or call-to-action that will leave a lasting impression on your audience. Make sure it aligns with your overall message and is something your classmates can rally behind.

9. Practice, practice, practice: Rehearse your speech multiple times to ensure smooth delivery, proper pacing, and confidence on the stage. You can practice in front of a mirror, record yourself, or ask friends and family for feedback.

Keep these tips in mind while crafting your speech, and don't forget to engage with your classmates before and after your speech to answer any questions and gather more support. Good luck with your campaign!

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Class President Speech | Speech on Class President Format for School and College Students 

June 2, 2021 by Prasanna

Class President Speech: Participation for school president is an energizing chance to fabricate your administration abilities and carry change to your school. On the off chance that you need to win the administration, you’ll need to give a convincing effort to get individuals to decide in favor of you. To deliver your discourse viable, plan out what you need to say before you begin composing. At that point, you can structure your discourse to keep it clear and succinct. At long last, utilize a tone that accommodates your crowd so your discourse will be locked in.

A decent class president epitomizes attributes like generosity, activity, authority, and brotherhood. Building up these qualities and needing school to be a good time for everybody will separate you from some other class president.

Students should make sure the speech should not be more than 4 to 7 minutes long. Also, try to include some funny lines to make the speech interesting.

Class President Speech Format

The format of Speech as a Class President should be very confined and notable. Students who are participating in the election of Class president should make sure that his/her classmates are pleased with the speech or should feel promising. Talk about the students’ problems they are facing in the school or colleges or in the class due to management or rules of the educational institute.

Discuss the ways by which you will always stay connected with the students and be involved with them.Consider ways you’ve demonstrated your initiative or dynamic capacities. Incorporate things you’ve accomplished for your school and how you’ve taken an interest locally. You can utilize this experience to persuade your schoolmates that you have the right stuff and capacities important to be understudy body president.

The format of the class president speech should include:

  • Introduction: Introduce yourself with greetings, declare why you are running for school president
  • Body: Here you will discuss what are the problems students are facing and how your presidentship will help them to deal with it. Give your motive or goals to become a president. Express your uniqueness from others.
  • Conclusion: If the students are convinced with your speech, ask them for their votes and make a promise that you will work for the betterment of the students always.

Speech on Class President

Class President Speech in School

Hi, my name is Nargis. I’m not the sort of student who will be bunking class with you or playing pranks, however that likely isn’t what you need in a class president in any case. What I do offer is relentlessness, difficult work and the capacity to work with others in any event, during troublesome conditions while as yet keeping an awareness of what’s actually funny.

A year ago, when the cafeteria quit serving the self-service counter, I had the option to get it restored by beginning a request, having a significant number of you sign it and taking it to Principal Smith. Since we cooperated, we had the option to bring the self-service counter back, and now it’s better than anyone might have expected.

During the most recent three years at High School, I’ve been engaged with numerous exercises. I’ve played ball, spent a brief timeframe in the school band, dealt with different boards of trustees and aided coach understudies after school. A year ago, I was embraced into the National Honor Society and began an after-school club for plane lovers that meets once per week.

As your pupil committee president, I pledge to end all schoolwork. Simply joking. I can’t do that, yet what I can do is be your voice with the school organization and work to make this the greatest year Sample High has at any point had. I will present thoughts for occasions, for example, a week by week sock jump after secondary school b-ball games and we’ll cooperate to help the local area through humanitarian effort and showing them exactly how committed the understudies at Williams are.

I would see the value in your decision in favor of the president. Whenever I choose, I will keep on battling for the things that are essential to understudies, regardless of how huge or little they may be. How about we cooperate to make our stamp on this local area and on the world.

Class President Speech After Graduation

Hello Everyone. In the interest of my schoolmates, I might want to invite all workforce, family, companions, and visitors to ABC School of 2021 Commencement. I’m regarded to have the advantage of talking before all of you.

All things considered, in this class, it’s been a year, however, we made it. Despite the fact that we were unable to meet face to face, me, the staff of Waunakee secondary school, and your families couldn’t be more glad for the entirety of your achievements. Today is a vital day. For a few of us, it is the most joyful day of our lives, a snapshot of win and movement. For other people, it is the saddest as it denotes the conclusion of an important time period. However, we would all be able to conquer the year 2021 and live with us for eternity. Our year that will live in disgrace. Despite the fact that our encounters have been nothing similar to what we envisioned, we will come out more grounded, solidified, and arranged for the remainder of our lives.

For quite a long time, everything I could summon were those couple of sentences. I was lost. Confounded. Upset. Truly, following quite a while of anticipating this discourse, I continued pushing it off. I would not like to confront the four years of companionship, recollections, and giggling that formed me into who I am today. I would not like to confront the battle of missing our last semester, last school dance, or last game season. However, I particularly didn’t have any desire to confront the way that this was the end, the last page of our secondary school section. Not any more great mornings from the Waunakee grounds, no more suggestions to move our vehicles from staff leaving by Ms. Harrison, and, for those of you who know me well, no more remarks about my penmanship. In any case, I surmise I can live with that final remaining one.

Life inside during this isolate has been troublesome, truly troublesome. We have forfeited face to face discussions with colleagues, educators, and cohorts, supplicated that breaking quarantine wouldn’t get some answers concerning our most recent web-based media update, managed Schoology crashes, insufferably lethargic WiFi, and many sites springing up obstructed, including Yahoo Answers. However, perhaps the most troublesome, possessing ourselves for an entire day, all week long as opposed to carrying on with our ordinary lives.

FAQ’s on Class President Speech

Question 1. What makes a student a good class president?

Answer: A decent class president epitomizes attributes like generosity, activity, authority, and brotherhood. Building up these qualities and needing school to be a good time for everybody will separate you from some other class president.

Question 2. How to write a class president speech?

  • Introduce yourself with greetings. Say Hello/Good Morning/Good Evening Everyone. My Name is [_____].
  • Explain why you are the best to acquire the president position and what problems are faced by the students.
  • Discuss your plans or moves, after getting president positions for students.
  • End the speech with a slogan.

Question 3. Who is a good leader or class representative?

Answer: A class leader or representative should be Goal-oriented. Honest. Hard-working. Willing to serve others. A good listener. A good communicator. A good decision-maker. Encouraging.

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How to Win a Student Election, by a Former Class President



Hoping to be your class president? Winning the position takes a lot of work, but you can absolutely make it happen. Why should you trust me? I was my Junior Class President and Student Government President my senior year, so I know what it takes to get there. In this article, I've outlined every step you need to take to become class president: starting with just getting on student council freshman year, all the way through running in a big election as a senior. 

Why Do You Want to Be Class President?

Before I talk about how to get elected, I want you   to think about why you want to become class president. Do you want to improve school dances? Do you want to have a wider variety of school lunch options? Create a class field trip? Start a fundraiser?

All of these reasons are legitimate. You need to figure out what your own goal is. If you're having trouble, sit down and brainstorm. Think about all the events your student government plans. Which did you attend? Were there issues at these events? What could have been done better? Is it something you could change? This brainstorming should lead you to some ideas of why you want to become president of your class or school.

Why do you need a reason to want to be class president? It'll keep you motivated during your campaign, and it'll help you explain to your classmates why they should vote for you. I'll delve into this in-depth later on in this article. 

First, I'll go over the two major steps you need to follow in order to run a successful campaign.

Step 1: Start Early

If you want to be president of your class or high school some day, you need to start working towards that goal early.

Plan to join student council your freshman year, but don’t expect to be elected president.  Freshman student council elections are usually a mess. Freshman elections typically happen within a month of starting school, so no one knows each other. The person elected president is usually the person whose name other students have heard the most. It’s not usually based on competence or trust.

My recommendation for freshman student council elections: Run for one of the “smaller” offices such as secretary or treasurer.  There is usually less competition for these positions, so you’ll have a better shot of being elected.  During freshman year, your aim should just be to get on the council. Once you're on it, you’ll be able to prove your effectiveness as a leader and can start the climb towards president. I was elected Freshman Treasurer, and then Sophomore Vice President, and then Junior Class President.

But by starting early, I don’t just mean joining the council early...

Step 2: Maintain Relationships

You need to work from the start to build relationships with your classmates so that they know and trust you. This is the most important step to becoming Class President.

Students want to elect someone they like and know is competent.  Be a leader in the classroom. Participate in class discussions and get good grades, it’s how you’ll prove your competence. Don’t be the class clown or the student who’s always on their cell phone or asleep.

Interact with the students around you.  Sit with different groups at lunch. Talk to them about their concerns and what changes they’d like to see happen at the school.

If you’re not currently on student council, ask if you can attend their meetings.  Some student councils allow students who’re interested in joining to sit in on their meetings, and some host an occasional meeting (monthly, bi-monthly, annual, etc.) for students who’re not on the council to voice their concerns and ideas.

Also, if you’re not currently on student council, ask members of student council if they need help with their events.  It’s a great way to test out student council to see if it’s right for you, and it's also a great way to show you’re fit to be on student council/leading student council.


With my advice, you won't be quite so lonely!

How to Run a Winning Election

The two steps I mentioned above will start you on the path to becoming president of your class, but to run a winning election you’ll need to do more.

#1: Get Your Name Out There

To win an election, you need to market yourself.  Start by creating a slogan, even if it’s as simple as “Lauren for Junior Class President.” You want to use one slogan for your campaign that will be used on all of your marketing materials so that your name becomes recognizable. If you don't come up with one slogan and instead use multiple slogans or designs, people may get confused. You want one good slogan that you'll use across all of your material to ensure a clear, focused campaign that'll create name recognition. Think about all of the US presidential campaigns; the posters always have one design from which they never stray.  

#2: Put Up Posters With Your Slogan

The posters can be super simple; even just a print out of the slogan on normal computer paper will work. However, you should have a lot of them.  The exact number will vary proportionally to the number of students in your class (or school, if you’re running for the overall Student Government President). What I mean by that is if your class has 100 students, 10 posters may be enough, but if you have 1000 students in your class, you may want to put up 50 or more posters. Count on some posters being ripped down or disappearing. Most schools have rules against this, but it’s hard to catch someone ripping down a poster. Plan on making extras.

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#3: Create Something to Hand Out 

This can be a sticker, button, pencil, etc. You can make these super cheaply by buying labels, printing your slogan onto the labels, and handing them out as “stickers” or putting these labels onto pencils. Again, as I said for posters, the number of handouts you should make will vary based on the number of students in your class or school. If you can afford it, I’d recommend making at least one sticker/handout per student in your class.  The campaigns usually last multiple days, so try to make sure you have enough handouts to give a second sticker or pencil to other students who may misplace the first.

NOTE: You may not be able to use all of my suggestions above. Different schools have different campaign rules. For example, some schools don’t allow you to hand anything out. Check with a teacher or school administrator to make sure you know what the rules are.


What’s the Point of Marketing Yourself? 

You won’t win an election if people don’t know who you are and why you’re running. As I said before, students want to elect people they like and know are competent. Even if you’re a leader in the classroom and getting good grades, if you’re in a class of 1000, you may not know half of your classmates. You want the other half of students who don’t know you personally to know your name and to talk about you with their friends.

Posters help create name visibility.  People will start to recognize your name and will hopefully start to talk to their friends about you. 

Handouts (i.e. stickers or pencils) also help create name visibility and offer you an opportunity to meet more students you don’t know.  At lunch time, travel around your cafeteria, walk up to people you don’t know and ask if they’d like a sticker or pencil . It’s a GREAT excuse to talk to people and will give you an opportunity to convince them to vote for you. 

Make sure you tell them why you want to be president. As I mentioned earlier, whatever reason you decided to run (whether it was to improve school dances or improve the lunch menu) tell it to them! Ask them what they’d like to see happen at the school next year. Show them you’ll be a good listener as well as a good leader!

#4: Ace Your Campaign Speech

Some schools have candidates give speeches or debate.   My school did not. If your school allows you to give a speech, definitely do so!

Here are my recommended points to hit in your speech/debate.

  • Introduce yourself (It may seem obvious, but it will help students who may not know you).
  • “Hi, I’m Lauren Jones, and I’m running for Junior Class President.”
  • Say why you want to be president and why you’re qualified. Your qualifications will be  a combination of personal characteristics and past experiences and successes.
  • “I'm responsible and a good listener. I served as Sophomore Class VP and fundraised more than $1,000 for the Red Cross.”
  • State your platform (what you plan to do differently).
  • “I plan to move our school dance to the Marriott Ballroom instead of our gym.”
  • Say how you plan to accomplish your goals.
  • “I will raise the money to move our dance to the Marriott Ballroom by hosting a school-wide bake sale.”
  • End with your campaign slogan.
  • “Remember, Lauren for Junior Class President.”  

These should be the main points you hit, but I’d recommend injecting some humor into it to make it more interesting. However, your speech should not be too long (I’d recommend 2-3 minutes maximum).  Make it concise and to the point or you’ll lose your audience.

If you market yourself well along with starting early, building a solid reputation, and maintaining relationships, you'll have yourself a winning campaign!

What’s Next?

If you’re interested in becoming class president in part to put it on your college application, you should learn about what makes an amazing extracurricular activity for your college applications . Also, you should learn  how many extracurricular activities you need for college.

Interested in learning about other great extracurricular opportunities? Learn more about job shadowing , community service , and volunteer abroad programs.

Aiming to get into Harvard and the Ivy League? Read our  How to Get Into Harvard guide  for everything you need to know to get accepted.

Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?   We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download them for free now:

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As an SAT/ACT tutor, Dora has guided many students to test prep success. She loves watching students succeed and is committed to helping you get there. Dora received a full-tuition merit based scholarship to University of Southern California. She graduated magna cum laude and scored in the 99th percentile on the ACT. She is also passionate about acting, writing, and photography.

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