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Home > Learning and assessment > Course Profiles > Assessment > Assessment Plan

Assessment tasks for a course provide opportunities for students to demonstrate achievements of the expected student learning outcomes. In reviewing the assessment plan, Course Convenors are encouraged to seek peer review and moderation to ensure that the assessment is appropriate to the learning outcomes of the course.

This section should include details of all the assessment items used to measure the attainment of the learning outcomes of the course.

In section 5.1 Convenors are required to:

  • provide a summary of both formative and summative assessment items in the course, including the number, type, weighting, the due date and the assessment criteria and processes to be applied in marking each item of assessment, students must not be advised that a course has  pre-determined grade cut-offs;
  • map the assessment items to the Learning Outcomes specified in section 2.2;
  • ensure that the total assessment weighting total 0* or 100% (*0 may be used for the first part of multi-component courses, except the final component which must have a weighting of 100%);
  • specify the method for the submission and the return of each assessment item, including the use of text matching software, for either formative or summative purposes;
  • specify an assessment item/s, with a due date prior to week 8, that is used for the Tier 1 Assessment process as outlined in Section 3.1 of the Academic Standing, Progression and Exclusion Policy. This assessment item/s is to identify students at risk of failing the course and losing their good academic standing status of green. The Tier 1 assessment items are to provide opportunities for academic recovery using either resubmit or reattempt;
  • ensure that where there is a final examination, no major assessment items fall due after Week 11 of the trimester (the definition of 'major assessment items' is one worth 20% or more of the total assessment); any deviation from this requirement must be approved by the Dean (Learning and Teaching);
  • ensure that an end of trimester centrally organised exam is of standard duration (120 minutes and 10 minutes perusal) or request an exemption that must be approved by the Dean (Learning and Teaching);
  • ensure that school based exams or ‘test or quiz’ assessment tasks that have a submission date within the official exam period are organised as school based activities for which the School/Department is responsible.
  • A 10 credit point course is required to involve more than a single assessment item, and normally includes 2 - 4 summative assessment items.
  • In the Course Profile System the Student View of the Profile will present this information as 2 separate items: 5.1, Course Assessment Plan and 5.2, Assessment Detail.

Course Convenors are required to submit proposals to alter the assessment requirements of a course (constituting a major change) to the Dean, Learning and Teaching for approval. The Dean shall determine whether the proposed revised assessment requirements are consistent with those originally approved in terms of their relationship to learning outcomes and its overall demands on the students.

After commencement of the course only in exceptional circumstances can the Dean (Learning and Teaching), on the advice of the Course Convenor, approve a variation of details in the assessment requirements of a course, providing any such variation maintains the relationship between the assessment methods and the learning outcomes expected for the course. Notification of the change must be provided to students in written and/or electronic form. In giving approval for the change, the Dean (Learning and Teaching) must be satisfied that students are not disadvantaged by the change or the timing of it.

When preparing your Course Profile please refer to the 10 Steps to Finalising Your Marks Entry Spreadsheet (MESS) document.

New functionality and other changes - Set of Tasks and Mandatory Pass Component  (with effect from Trimester 3, 2019)

With the implementation of the new Grade Management module in Trimester 3, 2019 there have been a number of changes in the course profile system in support of this new solution.

The following information provides an overview of these changes:

Set of Tasks

Where an assessment item which has multiple components for which separate marks are awarded and where the possible marks to be awarded are of equal value (eg:  Test or Quiz, Lab Reports etc..) these items should be configured as a Set of Tasks in the assessment plan.

The new functionality allows you to include the number of sub-tasks, how many sub-tasks will contribute to the overall mark for the task, indicate the 'best of' number of tasks to be completed and the marks which can be awarded for each sub-task.

Using this functionality will ensure the application and calculation of the marks for the item will be less complicated.  It will also make the 'mapping of assessment' in the Grade Management module easier and most importantly the information provided to students will be much clearer.

Where the 'marked out of' value for the sub-tasks are not the same , a separate row should be configured for each sub-task. Configuring these tasks as a one-line item will make the calculation of the final grade complex.

Guidance Note for setting "Mandatory Pass Components" within Courses across Programs

Why would you choose to set a 'mandatory pass component' in a course?

Mandatory Pass Components (MPCs), or 'assessment hurdles', are most often applied in summative assessment tasks, they usually mandate a minimum level of performance as a condition of passing the course and are often used to ensure students can demonstrate the learning outcomes of a course.

The purpose of having a range of assessment tasks in a course is to allow students to demonstrate their knowledge in a range of ways over the duration of the course.  The rationale is that students can often demonstrate their learning outcomes some types of assessment tasks better than others due to personal circumstances. Multiple assessment items spread over the course allows for these variations. This is the way an employee's performance in professional life is assessed by managers, ie. over time and in a range of ways. So, an authentic assessment regime should allow for these kinds of variations in skills and peaks/troughs in performance. This is not possible when an MPC becomes a 'make or break' hurdle.

In some disciplines mastery of a particular skill(s) can be argued as essential for a qualification to be awarded, and that a particular assessment task is required to assess this skill, in which case a MPC may be justified. MPCs are also often implemented in courses on the grounds of professional accreditation requirements. Similarly, it is sometimes argued that a MPC is the only way that the achievement of certain learning outcomes can be assured.

Guidelines for mapping Mandatory Pass Components across a Program

Program Directors need to be aware of the MPCs in effect across their Programs and the implications of these MPCs for student progression. Where MPCs are used within Programs, Program Directors should take a program view and work with Course Convenors to ensure there is consistency in the application of MPCs or they are only used in specific courses where they may assist in ensuring Program Learning outcomes.

What are the implications of setting Mandatory Pass Components in a course?

The implications of setting MPCs in courses can be severe for the student. For example, if a student achieves an overall mark of 50 or above but does not meet an MPC, the student will either:

  • fail the course if the MPC was a 'must submit' or
  • achieve a Grade of 3 or 4 if the MPC related to obtaining a minimum threshold which was not met in the case where a Supplementary Assessment is offered.

The more MPCs set within a course the higher the risk to the student of not passing. MPCs that include a 'must submit' component are the most severe as students who do not meet this MPC are unable to sit Supplementary Assessment (if offered) as per Assessment Policy.

Guidelines for using Mandatory Pass Components in a course

Assessment Policy does not provide information about the MPCs in general or types of MPCs. Cognisant of the background information above, these Guidelines are provided to assist Course Convenors in making decisions when choosing to implement MPCs in courses.

If setting MPCs, Course Convenors should consider the following broad principles:

  • MPCs are typically used to meet minimum competency standards or to demonstrate 'fitness to practice' for courses related to professional practice
  • The use of MPCs should be minimised. For example, it would generally not be appropriate to have an MPC on the final exam AND on any weekly knowledge quizzes.
  • MPCs should be avoided where possible for assessment tasks weighted at less than 20% of the total assessment.
  • Any summative assessment task specified as a MPC should be clearly identified as such within the Course Profile.
  • The consequences of not meeting a MPC should be made explicit to students/

Assessment Groups:

With effect from Trimester 3, 2019 the assessment plan in your course profile will interface with the new grade management module, as will the student marks recorded in the mark centre - Learning@Griffith.

Whilst the assessment group functionality is available in the course profile system, the new grade management module does not accommodate assessment grouping, as it adds complexity to the calculation process and as such requires one assessment plan per profile.

Therefore we ask where there are no differences in the assessment groups - please remove all redundant assessment groups OR where there are differences in offerings of the same course code, configure the assessment plan for the relevant profile ie: include the Nathan assessment plan in the Nathan iteration of the profile, Logan assessment in the Logan profile etc..

Submission Guidelines

The course profile and course site should clearly indicate the method of submission for all relevant assessment tasks.

How individual assessment tasks should be submitted is indicated for each assessment task in the Submission Guidelines field. Choose one or more of the following submissions methods by selecting the relevant check box:

  • via the 'Assignments' tool in Learning@Griffith
  • Text Matching Tool - Turnitin
  • Text matching tool - SafeAssign
  • Submitting in person at the School/Department
  • via Australia Post

Further details around the submission of assessment tasks, please refer to the Assessment Submission and Return Procedures document.

Add a new assessment item

Assessment Types in Use at Griffith University are outlined in Schedule A of the Assessment Policy .

Adding a non-exam type

Choose ( Add Assessment) The Assessment Summary: Add Task window will be displayed. Select the required assessment type from the drop-down list. Choose ( Next ). The Assessment Summary: Add Task window will be displayed The assessment type selected on the previous page will display on the current page Select whether the item is a group or individual activity . Select if there is a self-assessment activity included in the assessment item. Indicate whether the item can be resubmitted or reattempted - where yes is selected for either of these please ensure the conditions under which the task is to be resubmitted or reattempted are provided in the free text field provided. Add an appropriate assessment title Add the weighting of the task Select an appropriate mark type *  (score is standard); Pass/Fail; Complete/Not Complete; Competent/Not Competent) Indicate what the assessment task will be marked out of (NB:  where the Mark Types of Pass/Fail; Complete/Not Complete; Competent/Not Competent have been selected the Marked out o f field will automatically populate with the value '1'. Configure Task Description details in the free text field provided Provide the Due Date details - these include Start due date, time, finish due date, time, and/or other due information and the maximum period for an extension Map the activity to the appropriate Learning Outcomes by selecting the required check-boxes. Provide the criteria and marking details for each piece of assessment Indicate whether the task includes a set of subtasks (eg: set of quizzes, labs, presentations etc) - where 'Yes' is selected you will need to indicate the number of sub-tasks in the task; how many sub-tasks will contribute towards the overall mark for the task and how many marks will be allocated for each sub-task .  The system will automatically calculate the marks to be awarded for the task overall .   Where there are no sub-tasks included please continue  to complete the details for the assessment task. Mandatory Pass Component - A mandatory pass component (hurdle) is an additional requirement mandating a minimum level of performance as a condition of passing a course. This requirement is in addition to achieving a pass overall for the course. Where required Select 'Yes' to the question 'Does this assessment task have a mandatory pass component? ' If 'Yes' is selected, indicate whether this assessment task is required to be submitted to pass the course by selecting one of: 1. Yes, all tasks 2. Yes 3. No (standard practice) Where 'Yes' has been selected in response to 'Does this assessment task have a mandatory pass component?' select Yes or No to 'Is a minimum percentage mark required for this task to pass the course?   If Yes, indicate the minimum percentage mark in the field provided as well as indicating how the min. percentage mark is to be applied - either to the Overall Task Mark or to the Individual Sub-Task Mark. Each selection will generate a standard statement which will populate in section 5.4 of the Assessment Plan. Choose (Save) to save your changes. Check the Student View of the profile to ensure the item displays as required.

Adding an exam type (also refer to the details above)

Choose  (Add Assessment). The Assessment Summary:  Add Task window will be displayed. Select the required assessment type from the drop down list. Choose (Next). The Assessment Summary:  Add Task details window will be displayed. Select whether the item is centrally organised or a school based activity. Selecting the school based activity values will display including additional timing of the exam, whether the exam will be proctored and due date fields. Selecting the centrally organised activity values will display additional standard duration or exemption required fields. Complete the required fields. Map the activity to the appropriate Learning Outcomes by selecting the required check-boxes. Choose  (Save) to save your changes or Choose  (Cancel) to close the screen without saving the changes.

Edit Assessment Task

Choose  (Edit Assessment Item) for the required assessment item. The Assessment Summary: Add Task window will be displayed. Make the required changes. Choose (Save) to save your changes or Choose (Cancel) to close the screen without saving the changes.

Delete an Assessment Item

Choose (Delete Assessment Item) for the required assessment item. The confirmation dialog box will be displayed. Choose (OK) to confirm the deletion.

Assessment Views

The numbering in staff view will skip 5.2. In student view, assessment is renumbered.

Displaying assessment

Assessment should be displayed in chronological order.

Displaying assessment tasks in groups

If this course has more than one content areas and is taught by more than one person you can group the assessment tasks according to person or area.

  • The Assessment summary: view groups window will be displayed
  • The assessment summary: view groups window will display the Add/edit group field
  • Enter the required group title

Student streams

This feature must be set up by the Academic Support Officer.

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  • Staff Portal | 

Ask Us > Future student

Future students

How do i apply for an extension of my higher degree by research (hdr) candidature.

See making changes to candidature for details on how to request an extension, as well as information about conditions and requirements. The Extend Max Submission Date service request can be submitted via myGriffith > My program > My Candidate centre.

Please note: an extension of up to six months of candidature may be granted in exceptional circumstances where progress has been delayed by factors beyond your control. Extension requests of more than six months require approval from the Dean, Griffith Graduate Research School and will not normally be granted unless the circumstances are exceptional.

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Published answers.

  • My thesis was not submitted by my maximum submission date and my higher degree by research (HDR) candidature has lapsed. What can I do to complete?
  • How long do I have to complete my higher degree by research program?
  • Can my higher degree by research (HDR) candidature be terminated?
  • Can I take leave from my higher degree by research (HDR) candidature?
  • I am an international student. Where and how do I apply for a transfer release?

Answer ID: 1185

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The Policy Library contains all approved University policies and procedures.

All policy documents in the Policy Library are governed by the Policy Governance Framework and have been categorised under the three headings of Academic, Governance and Operational. Our Framework reflects and embeds our values of fairness, equity, diversity and inclusion and provides a safe and supportive environment for all staff and students.

You can search for policies and procedures by using the text search bar at the top of this page or by clicking on one of the policy document categories below.

We have a range of resources to support the development, review and approval of policy documents.

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Operational policy documents relate to mandatory practice and decision-making principles for areas of University business and operations that do not fall within the definition of academic or governance.

Academic policy documents relate to the academic business of the University including all matters relating to teaching and learning, programs and courses, student administration and support, research and research training.

Governance policy documents are those for which the Council, and Committees of Council, are responsible as the governing authority (which have not otherwise been delegated) including all matters of which the Council cannot delegate its power under the Act. This covers the University’s strategic direction, budget, policies, delegations of authority and ensuring effective overall management of the University.


Our policy documents are regularly reviewed, and sometimes new policy documents need to be developed. The following resources support Policy Advisors with review and development, as outlined in the Policy Governance Policy and Policy Governance Procedure.

For information about the Policy Governance Framework, or for help with governance or operational policy documents please contact the Policy Library Manager in Corporate Governance at [email protected] .

For help with academic policy documents please contact Student Credentials at [email protected] .

Policy Template

Procedure Template

Guidelines Template

Frameworks Template

Local Protocol Template

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Standard Template

Policy Approval Information Sheet

Inclusive and Accessible Policy Guide

Delegations Framework

Consultation Feedback Log Template

Implementation and Communication Plan Template

Policy Style Guide

Policy Library Glossary


Policy approval is determined through delegated authority. Only Council can delegate this authority. Only the Vice Chancellor can sub-delegate authority to approve policy documents that have been delegated to her.

This delegated or sub-delegated authority includes the approval of new policy documents, and amendments to, or recission of, existing policy documents.

For Policy Approval Information

Council and Committee Policy Approval

Policy Approval Process

Vice Chancellor Policy Approval

Submission to VC

Other University Officer Policy Approval

Submission to University Officer

IMPORTANT: Policy and Delegations Review Project

A major review of the University’s policy documents and delegations is currently underway as we transition to the Policy Governance Framework and the Delegations Framework.  As policy documents and delegations are reviewed, they will be:

  • Converted to new templates (existing policy documents will remain on the old template until the major review is complete).
  • Updated to reflect changes brought about by the R2S Program and the Chancellery Review unless immediate change is required for operational or compliance reasons.

Where position titles have changed, the equivalent new position will have the same accountability under the policy as the previous position did, until such time as the document is updated. For those instances where an equivalent position does not exist in the new structure, section 3.1 (c) of the Delegations Policy applies: ‘Authorities held by a delegate are included in those held by the delegate’s line manager, subject to any professional qualification requirements. The delegate’s line manager may exercise the delegated authority in the absence of the delegate, subject to compliance with legislation and University policy’.

If you have any queries or think that a policy requires urgent change for operational or compliance reasons, please contact the Policy Advisor listed on the policy document or send an enquiry to [email protected] .

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  • Facilities Management and Campus Access and Use…

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Policy and Delegations Update

The Policy and Delegations update is a quarterly digest featuring the latest news on University policy documents and delegations of authority, including the implementation of both the Policy Governance Framework and Delegations Framework.

If you missed the latest edition in your Inbox, please find it below:

Policy and Delegations Newsletter (June 2024)

Policy and Delegations Newsletter (March 2024)

Policy and Delegations Newsletter (Dec 2023)

Access previous editions from the Policy and Delegations update Archive.


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  • Assessment and exams

For Open Universities Australia students

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All you need to know about your assessments and exams

Your studies will be assessed by a mixture of assignments and exams.

Find out about our exam services, how to submit an assignment, and how to apply for special consideration and extensions.

All OUA exams will remain online indefinitely. For more information, please visit the OUA Exams website.

OUA Exams website

Assessment applications

You can apply for an assessment application including an assignment extension or a deferred assessment. You can also apply for special consideration if you have been seriously disadvantaged or affected when completing an assessment item.

Submitting assignments

There are several ways to submit your assignment online. The most popular are:

Updated assessment practices

To take some pressure off you during the coronavirus pandemic, Griffith has made some adjustments to assessment practices, including:

  • Assessment extensions
  • Supplementary assessment

Deferred assessment

Deferred assessment would normally be applied for it you have been prevented from attending an assessment task that is scheduled to occur on a specific date, such as:

  • presentation (technical or professional)
  • performance (artistic)
  • guided discussion with peers; or
  • test or quiz

Deferral of other assessment tasks, if you are unable to submit them by the due date, are applied for using an assignment extension.

Lodgement of deferred assessment applications

Applications for a deferred assessment must be submitted through the online application form no later than three working days after the assessment was scheduled to take place.

Deferred assessment application

My application status

Criteria and supporting documentation required for deferred assessment

Deferred assessment will only be approved in the following circumstances. Your application must include appropriate documentation to support the grounds on which you are requesting your assessment to be deferred.

  • illness -  medical certificate
  • accident - statutory declaration
  • temporary disability - medical certificate
  • bereavement - bereavement notice or statutory declaration
  • sporting or cultural commitment at state, national or international representative level - letter from sporting body
  • technical difficulties that prevented you from attempting your scheduled assessment  - timestamped screenshot, proof of help request, statutory declaration
  • other compassionate circumstances - statutory declaration.

You will be emailed of the outcome of your application for deferred assessment. The status and outcome of your application can be viewed at any time using ‘My application status’ .

Deferred final exam times

Refer to the OUA Academic Calendar or Key Dates website for the deferred/supplementary exam period dates

If you are awarded an end of study period or study session deferred exam, you are no longer eligible for a supplementary exam. Further deferment is NOT possible. A significant concession has already been given. If you are still unable to sit your deferred or supplementary exam because of exceptional circumstances, you may apply to withdraw after the census date due to special circumstances.

Special consideration

You may apply for special consideration for an assessment item if you:

  • feel your performance was seriously affected, or
  • were seriously disadvantaged when the assessment item was attempted.

Lodgement of special consideration applications

Applications for special consideration is only applicable where the assessment item has been submitted or attempted. Applications must be lodged online no later than three working days after the date of the exam or the due date of the assessment item.

Special consideration application

Criteria and supporting documentation required for special consideration

Special consideration will only be approved in the following circumstances. Only those applications that have attached appropriate supporting documentation will be considered.

  • Sporting or cultural commitment at state, national or international representative level  - letter from sporting body
  • Technical difficulties that seriously affected your performance when an assessment item was attempted or submitted -  timestamped screenshot, proof of help request, statutory declaration
  • compassionate circumstances - statutory declaration.

You will be emailed of the outcome of your application for special consideration. The status and outcome of your application can be viewed at any time using ‘My application status’ .

For more information, refer to Sections 3.8.2 and 3.8.3 of the Assessment Procedure for Students .

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Ask Us > Current student

Current students

Can i apply for an extension of time to complete my program of study.

Yes. The Program Director may grant an extension, of up to 1 year (12 months), to the maximum period for completing your program. You should apply for the extension in writing to your Program Director.

NOTE: If you are studying an Honours program that is end-on to a bachelor degree, extending the maximum time to complete your program is not permitted.

You can find more information in Section 3.11 of the Enrolment Procedure .

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Answers others found helpful.

  • How long do I have to complete my degree/program?
  • What is the maximum time limit to complete my end-on Honours program?
  • How do I apply for an extension on an assessment (e.g. assignment)?
  • How long do I have to complete my higher degree by research program?
  • What if I need more time to complete my dissertation?

Answer ID: 356

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Gold Coast • Logan • Brisbane | Australia


  1. Assignment extensions

    Submit an assignment extension form online. For individual assessment items, supporting documentation is not required for extensions up to and including three calendar days, unless you are enrolled in a course through Open Universities Australia (OUA) *. For group assessment, all OUA assessment and extensions greater than three calendar days ...

  2. Assessment applications

    All you need to know about assignment extensions, deferred assessment, special consideration and alternate exam sittings Modified assessment arrangements may be provided to a student in the event that their capacity to demonstrate their true level of competence in an assessment item was, is, or will be significantly impaired as a result of ...

  3. How do I apply for an extension on an assessment (e.g. assignment)?

    To apply. Navigate to the Assessment Application Landing page in myGriffith. Make the appropriate selection for your circumstances. Complete the application form. If required, attach appropriate documentary evidence to support your application. Supporting documentation may include a medical certificate, statutory declaration, bereavement notice ...

  4. Frequently Asked Questions

    If you are applying for an assignment extension, your application must be submitted using the online application form by the due date. Learn more about grounds for extensions and application requirements: Assessment Applications. To apply. Review the Assessment Applications page for the application requirements.

  5. Can I get an extension to submit my assignment (assessment) after the

    Once approved, you may need to download and attach your Assessment Extension Approved Items coversheet to your assignment. This coversheet can be generated via your Assessment Application Status page. Important: There are penalties if you have not received approval for an extension.

  6. Assessment Support

    Assignment Extensions. Before the Due Date, you can apply for an extension in specific circumstances. Alternate Exam Sitting. If you are unable to sit your exam at the scheduled time during an exam period, but have other availability during the designated dates, you may apply for an alternate exam sitting. Deferred Assessment

  7. Is there a policy on exams and assessment?

    Is there a policy on exams and assessment? Updated 12/01/2023 11.42 AM. Yes. There are many rules and requirements you must be aware of and adhere to. For more information see the Assessment Procedures for Students and the Assessment Procedure for Staff.

  8. PDF Procedure Assessment Procedure for Students

    There are five broad categories of assessment types at Griffith. These are: • assignments • exams • observations or records of practice • other types (e.g., presentation, portfolio, other) • assessment based on research. Assessment can be formative (processes and tasks designed to inform the development of your work), and summative.

  9. Late submission

    This section contains guidelines on how late submission is to be dealt with in the course. In accordance with University policy, the following statement is to be included: An assessment item submitted after the due date, without an approved extension, will be penalised. The standard penalty is the reduction of the mark allocated to the ...

  10. Assessment Plan

    Assessment Types in Use at Griffith University are outlined in Schedule A of the Assessment Policy. Adding a non-exam type. Choose (Add Assessment) The Assessment Summary: Add Task window will be displayed. Select the required assessment type from the drop-down list. Choose (Next). The Assessment Summary: Add Task window will be displayed

  11. Assessment, exams and grades

    All you need to know about assessment, grades, academic performance and academic integrity. Find out about different types of assessment, how to submit an assignment, when and where your exams will take place, how to view your grades and what to do if you can't complete your assessment tasks. Information about academic performance, academic ...

  12. PDF NOTE: Effective from Trimester 3 2023 Assessment Procedure for Staff

    Appendix 2: Assessment types at Griffith 5.0 Information 6.0 Related policy documents and supporting documents 1.0 Purpose This procedure outlines the requirements of assessment practices for staff at Griffith University. It should be read in conjunction with the Assessment Policy and the Assessment Procedure for Students and related

  13. How do I apply for an extension of my higher ...

    09/12/2020 01.09 PM. See making changes to candidature for details on how to request an extension, as well as information about conditions and requirements. The Extend Max Submission Date service request can be submitted via myGriffith > My program > My Candidate centre. Please note: an extension of up to six months of candidature may be ...

  14. Is it possible for an assignment extension to be granted?

    My late enrolment form was only approved last Thursday and on that same day I saw that I have an assignment due in 4 days. I'm wondering if it's possible for an extension to be granted because I didn't really have much time to do it. It's a pretty big assignment that is worth 20 percent.

  15. Is there a penalty if I submit my assessment (assignment) late?

    Is there a penalty if I submit my assessment (assignment) late? Yes. An assessment item submitted after the due time on the due date, without an approved extension, will be penalised. Section 3.5.2 of the Assessment Procedure for students explains penalties for late submission.

  16. Deferred assessment

    Deferred assessment is awarded when you are unable to attempt an exam, test, quiz or performance on the date it is scheduled. An assignment extension provides additional time for you to complete an assessment item (e.g. case studies, essays, reports, presentation) if you are unable to submit the assessment item by the due date and time.

  17. Griffith University Policy Library

    The Policy Library contains all approved University policies and procedures. All policy documents in the Policy Library are governed by the Policy Governance Framework and have been categorised under the three headings of Academic, Governance and Operational. Our Framework reflects and embeds our values of fairness, equity, diversity and ...

  18. Submitting assignments

    Select a submission type, e.g. Upload to upload a file from your computer (either via selecting the Choose a file to upload or dragging and dropping the file from your computer). Once uploaded, your file will be saved as an assignment submission draft. When you are ready to submit your assignment, click the Submit Assignment button.

  19. What should I do if I am unable to submit an assignment (assessment) by

    What should I do if I am unable to submit an assignment (assessment) by the due date? Updated 15/11/2022 10.48 AM. See assignment extension for processes to follow for late submissions of assignments, presentations, performances, seminars and group assignments.

  20. Assignment extension : r/GriffithUni

    Assignment extension Just wondering if anyone has an idea how long it usually takes to get a response in regards to an application for an extension? I've submitted the application for two assignments due to personal reasons and received one response the same day (approved), however for the second one I'm still waiting and the due date is today.

  21. Assessment and exams

    For Open Universities Australia students. All you need to know about your assessments and exams. Your studies will be assessed by a mixture of assignments and exams. Find out about our exam services, how to submit an assignment, and how to apply for special consideration and extensions.

  22. How do I apply for a deferred assessment (e.g. deferred exam)?

    Applications for deferred assessment must be submitted no later than three calendar days after the assessment date. To apply. Navigate to the Assessment Application Landing page in myGriffith. Make the appropriate selection for your circumstances. Complete the application form. Attach appropriate documentary evidence to support your application.

  23. Can I apply for an extension of time to complete my program of study?

    The Program Director may grant an extension, of up to 1 year (12 months), to the maximum period for completing your program. You should apply for the extension in writing to your Program Director. NOTE: If you are studying an Honours program that is end-on to a bachelor degree, extending the maximum time to complete your program is not permitted.