Teacher Tech blog with Alice Keeler

Paperless Is Not a Pedagogy

Alice keeler, google classroom: make a copy for each student.

Alice Keeler

Google Docs TABS – Organize Your Document

google classroom assignment copy for each student

Google Classroom Tutorial: How Students Turn in Work

google classroom assignment copy for each student

Who Didn’t Respond to a Google Form

creating copies in google classroom

Google Classroom gives you 3 ways to attach documents in an assignment.

  • Students can view file
  • Students can edit file
  • Create a copy for each student

Choosing “Create a copy for each student” creates a copy of YOUR original at the moment you attach it in Google Classroom. This means when you make updates to your original, the updates are NOT reflected in Google Classroom even if zero students have accessed the assignment.

Google Classroom does not create a copy of the teachers document until the student clicks on the OPEN button and opens the document. If the you check the assignment folder in Google Drive, you will notice it is empty when you initially assign. As students open the file the assignment folder in Google Drive will be populated. If a student does not open the assignment, no document for that student will be found in the assignment folder.

“Do Not Edit”

In Google Drive there is a folder that says “Classroom.” Within that folder is a folder for each class you create. Within the class folder is a folder marked “Templates – DO NOT EDIT.”

Here is my tip: You can edit!

When you attach a document into an assignment in Google Classroom a COPY of your original is created and placed in the “Templates – DO NOT EDIT” folder. Each time a student opens the assignment the student copy is created off of the copy that is in the “Templates – DO NOT EDIT” folder.

Any edits you make to the document in “Templates – DO NOT EDIT” will only take effect for students who have NOT accessed the assignment already. Once a student makes a copy by clicking on the assignment in Google Classroom, it is locked. It is a copy and is no longer connected to the original.

If you can manage to make your updates before students have opened the assignment, then all students can have the corrected version of your template.

My trick is to go to my real original where I have made my updates and use Control A to select all. Control C copies. Then I go to the “Templates – DO NOT EDIT” folder and find the template of my original document and open that file. I then Control A select all on that document. Control V paste to override what is on the doc.

But… Students Already Accessed

If some of your students have already made a copy, there is nothing you can do about that. You have access to each student’s document so you COULD open each student’s file and Control A select all and Control V paste the new template onto their document. If the student has made any edits at all, they will probably be upset that you did this.

For the students who have not yet opened the assignment, if you edited the file in the “Templates – DO NOT EDIT” folder, they will receive the updated version.

Updating an Assignment

Unfortunately, you can NOT add a document to an assignment as “Make a copy for each student” after you have assigned the assignment. When you go to edit the assignment your only choices are to attach a file as can view and can edit.

In Google Classroom, click on the 3 dots on the assignment in the stream to edit the assignment. Choose to attach a LINK. Use Control V to paste the link to your document. BEFORE you click “Add,” change the /edit at the end of the link to /copy. See my blog post on this .  When students click on the link on the assignment they will be prompted to make a copy. This copy does NOT go in the Google Classroom assignment folder, but rather to the students Google Drive and it is not shared with the teacher.

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24 thoughts on “ google classroom: make a copy for each student ”.

You just blew my mind. So many times I have deleted and reposted an assignment because I needed to edit the document I was sharing with students. Thank you for this post!

This post just saved me a bunch of work! Thanks very much…

How can I create a copy for each student in google slides? I do not get this option

Make a copy for each student works in Google Slides. Make a copy does not work after you’ve already assigned.

Hi Alice, Is there a way to share an entire folder with students instead of just a document or would you just use doctopus?

Sure, you just need to change the sharing permissions. If you go into any attached document in Google Classroom and click on the blue share button you will notice that Google Classroom makes a group of students. It’s a wonky looking email that won’t work as an email. Use that group identifier as who you share the folder with. Now link to the folder in an assignment. It’s a hack but it works.

Hi. Thank you for the post. My question is how to create a document that lets that highlight but not change text that’s already there, but also give them room to type a response, like in a table cell. Is there some way to format like that? Is there some way to share a document with only “edit” or “view” properties? Thanks for any help. JK

Use Sheets, you can lock down cells. Try my alicekeeler.com/templatetab

It is possible, using Google Classroom, to make a copy for each student of both a Google Form and its spreadsheet? If not, is there any simple way of distributing both? Thank you very much.

Yes, try sharing the spreadsheet that is linked to a Form. I think that does the trick.

Can you give insight into this issue: when I post an assignment and make a copy to each student it seems to disable the grammar functions of google (like no red spelling/grammar underlines show up). Thanks!

that makes no sense. It would have to be universal

HI Alice, hope all is well. If you add students to an existing google classroom and have already shared a copy of something with the existing students, will the new students automatically get the copies?

Yes they will.

Hello, I’m trying to attach a document from my drive and make a copy for each student. However, I’m only seeing two options: View only and Edit capabilities. Is there an option to make a copy for each student?

If you are EDITING an assignment you do not have the copy option.

I have the same issue. What do you mean by editing an assignment. For example, I create an assignment then I want to attach a form that makes a copy for each student. It only gives me two options. This happens whether I’m on the form or not. I have even created another copy of the form and attached it and it gives me the 2 options only.

I created an assignment with a google doc attachment using the “Make a copy for each student”. However, the students tell me they cannot edit their copy, thus they cannot answer the questions. What did I miss??

Hello! I accidentally attached an assignment with the answer key and chose the “make a copy for each student” option. Even though I deleted the assignment post completely, the kids still have access to the file in their Google drive. How can I undo this??

Unfortunately not easily. If the kids are the owners you can not delete a file they own.

Hello, Is there an easy way to ‘make a new copy for each student’ for a google site? As I’d like students to have their own copy of my google site template – instead of having to go through the steps of them creating it on their own.

There is not.

Is there a way to make a copy for each student, but turn off their editing privileges? I am creating a grade sheet that I want to copy for each student, but I only want them to be able to view it, while I need to retain editing privileges to add grades.

Not with Google classroom. You can use … I think… https://alicekeeler.com/copydocsclasses

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Google Classroom  - Creating Assignments and Materials

Google classroom  -, creating assignments and materials, google classroom creating assignments and materials.

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Google Classroom: Creating Assignments and Materials

Lesson 2: creating assignments and materials.


Creating assignments and materials

Google Classroom gives you the ability to create and assign work for your students, all without having to print anything. Questions , essays , worksheets , and readings can all be distributed online and made easily available to your class. If you haven't created a class already, check out our Getting Started with Google Classroom lesson.

Watch the video below to learn more about creating assignments and materials in Google Classroom.

Creating an assignment

Whenever you want to create new assignments, questions, or material, you'll need to navigate to the Classwork tab.

clicking the Classwork tab

In this tab, you can create assignments and view all current and past assignments. To create an assignment, click the Create button, then select Assignment . You can also select Question if you'd like to pose a single question to your students, or Material if you simply want to post a reading, visual, or other supplementary material.

clicking the Assignment option in the Create menu

This will bring up the Assignment form. Google Classroom offers considerable flexibility and options when creating assignments.

Click the buttons in the interactive below to become familiar with the Assignment form.

assignment form interactive

This is where you'll type the title of the assignment you're creating.


If you'd like to include instructions with your assignment, you can type them here.

Here, you can decide how many points an assignment is worth by typing the number in the form. You can also click the drop-down arrow to select Ungraded if you don't want to grade an assignment.

You can select a due date for an assignment by clicking this arrow and selecting a date from the calendar that appears. Students will have until then to submit their work.

In Google Classroom, you can sort your assignments and materials into topics. This menu allows you to select an existing topic or create a new one to place an assignment under.


You can attach files from your computer , files from Google Drive , URLs , and YouTube videos to your assignments.

Google Classroom gives you the option of sending assignments to all students or a select number .

Once you're happy with the assignment you've created, click Assign . The drop-down menu also gives you the option to Schedule  an assignment if you'd like it to post it at a later date.

You can attach a rubric to help students know your expectations for the assignment and to give them feedback.

Once you've completed the form and clicked Assign , your students will receive an email notification letting them know about the assignment.

Google Classroom takes all of your assignments and automatically adds them to your Google Calendar. From the Classwork tab, you can click Google Calendar to pull this up and get a better overall view of the timeline for your assignments' due dates.

clicking Google Calendar

Using Google Docs with assignments

When creating an assignment, there may often be times when you want to attach a document from Google Docs. These can be helpful when providing lengthy instructions, study guides, and other material.

When attaching these types of files, you'll want to make sure to choose the correct setting for how your students can interact with it . After attaching one to an assignment, you'll find a drop-down menu with three options.

selecting the Students Can View File option

Let's take a look at when you might want to use each of these:

  • Students can view file : Use this option if the file is simply something you want your students to view but not make any changes to.
  • Students can edit file : This option can be helpful if you're providing a document you want your students to collaborate on or fill out collectively.
  • Make a copy for each student : If you're creating a worksheet or document that you want each student to complete individually, this option will create a separate copy of the same document for every student.

Using topics

On the Classwork tab, you can use  topics to sort and group your assignments and material. To create a topic, click the Create button, then select Topic .

clicking the Topic option in the Create menu

Topics can be helpful for organizing your content into the various units you teach throughout the year. You could also use it to separate your content by type , splitting it into homework, classwork, readings, and other topic areas.

showing a class with three topics

In our next lesson , we'll explore how to create quizzes and worksheets with Google Forms, further expanding how you can use Google Classroom with your students.




When creating an assignment, keep the title short and use the instructions area for your detailed instructions. You can attach a file, video or link. You can assign the same assignment to multiple classes. You can post the assignment immediately, schedule a date and time for the post to go live or save the post as a draft. You can set a due date and time - assignments with a due date will be added to the class calendar. Assignments default to no due date so if you want it due on a particular date, be sure you change it. You can create topics for each assignment. The Stream can then be filtered by topic so students (and teachers) can find things quicker.

google classroom assignment copy for each student

Make a Copy for Each Student

Have a template that you would like students to start from? Create an assignment and make a copy of the template for each student. Each student gets his or her own copy and your original is unchanged.

google classroom assignment copy for each student

When you distribute a document in this way, as soon as the student opens his or her template you have access to that student's document. You can provide feedback to the student as they are working.

Attach Multiple Files to Classroom Assignment

You can attach multiple items to one Google Classroom assignment. This video shows you how to attach a template (make a copy for each student), a rubric, a link to an article and a YouTube video all to the same assignment. Classroom keeps everything for this one assignment together and makes it easy for students to access everything they need to complete the assignment.

Student Created Google Assignment

You want students to create a Doc, Sheet, Slide, Drawing for an assignment. Post the assignment to Google Classroom with the instructions to use the Create option to create the document. Students don't need to go out to Drive to create a new document and the assignment is named for them. When they are finished they select Turn In to submit the assignment.

google classroom assignment copy for each student

When students create a document in this way, you have immediate access to the document. Instead of waiting until the student turns the document in to give feedback, you can give the student feedback as they work on the document.

Collect Digital Creations Other Than Google Files

Assign a Haiku Deck or a ThingLink or a PowToon? How do you collect those assignments? Use Classroom! Students use the Add link option and select Turn In to submit.

google classroom assignment copy for each student

Share to Classroom

Look for the Share to Classroom option in many of your favorite websites. Some of the websites that include this option are Quizizz, EDpuzzle, Quizlet, PBS, American Museum of Natural History, Discovery Education, Duolingo, TIME Edge. More options are being offered all the time so be sure you check your favorite website!

google classroom assignment copy for each student

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google classroom assignment copy for each student

Along with instruction and assessment, assignments form the foundation of the teaching and learning process. They provide opportunities for students to practice the skills and apply the knowledge that they have been taught in a supportive environment. It also helps the teacher gauge how well students are learning the material and how close they are to mastery.

Because of the nature of assignments, managing them can get hectic. That’s why its best to use a platform like Google Classroom to help you manage assignments digitally. In today’s tip, we will discuss 48 ways that you can use Classroom to manage student assignments.

  • Assignment Status – Easily check how many students turned in an assignment as well as how many assignments have been graded by going to the Classwork tab and clicking on the title of the assignment.
  • Assign to Multiple Classes – Post an assignment to multiple classes by using the “for” drop-down menu when creating an assignment.
  • Brainstorm – Use Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, or Drawings to brainstorm for class assignments.
  • Calendar of Due Dates – Link a Google Calendar with due dates for assignments, tests, and other important dates into Classroom.
  • Check Homework – Classroom makes checking homework easy with a quick glance at the assignment page. If more detailed grading is needed, just access the grading interface for the assignment.
  • Choice Boards – Give students a choice in how they demonstrate what they know by creating a choice board and uploading it as an assignment. Choice boards allow students to choose between several assignments and can be created directly in Classroom, using Google Docs, or with third-party apps.
  • Co-Teach Classes – Invite others to co-teach in your Classroom. Each teacher is able to create assignments and post announcements for students.
  • Create Questions Before a Socratic Seminar – Create an assignment for students to develop questions before a Socratic seminar. During the collaborative process, students can eliminate duplicate questions.
  • Detention Assignment Sheet – Create a detention assignment sheet using Google Docs. The assignment sheet can then be shared with the detention teacher and individual students privately through Classroom.
  • Differentiate Assignments – Assign work to individual students or groups of students in Classroom.
  • Differentiate by Product – Differentiate by product in Classroom by providing a challenge, variety, or choice or by using a continuum with assignments.
  • Digital Portfolios – Students can create digital portfolios of their work by uploading documents, pictures, artifacts, etc. to Classroom assignments.
  • Directions Document – Use Google Docs to create instruction documents for assignments in Classroom.
  • Distribute Student Work/Homework – Use Classroom to distribute student assignments or homework to all students, groups of students, or individual students.
  • Diversify Student Submissions – Create alternative submission options for students through the assignment tool. For example, one group of students may be required to submit a Google Doc while another group is required to submit a Slides presentation.
  • Do-Now Activities – Use Classroom to post Do-Now Activities.
  • Draft Assignments – Save posts as drafts until they are ready for publishing.
  • Feedback Before Student Submits – Provide feedback to students while their assignment is still a work in progress instead of waiting until submission. This will help the student better understand assignment expectations.
  • Get Notified of Late Assignments – Select notification settings to get notified each time an assignment is turned in late.
  • Global Classroom – Partner with international teachers to create a co-teaching classroom without borders where students can work on collaborative assignments.
  • Graphic Organizers – Upload graphic organizers for students to collaborate on assignments and projects.
  • Group Collaboration – Assign multiple students to an assignment to create a collaborative group. Give students editing rights to allow them access to the same document.
  • HyperDocs – Create and upload a hyperdoc as an assignment.
  • Link to Assignments – Create links to assignments not created in Classroom.
  • Link to Class Blog – Provide the link to a class blog in Classroom.
  • Link to Next Activity – Provide a link to the next activity students must complete after finishing an assignment.
  • Make a Copy for Each Student – Chose “make a copy for each student” when uploading assignment documents to avoid students having to share one copy of the document. When a copy for each student is made, Classroom automatically adds each student’s name to the document and saves it to the Classroom folder in Google Drive.
  • Move to Top/Bottom – Move recent assignments to the top of the Classwork feed so students can find new tasks more quickly.
  • Multiple File Upload – Upload multiple files for an assignment in one post.
  • Naming Conventions for Assignments – Create a unique naming system for assignments so they can be easily found in the Classroom folder in Google Drive.
  • Offline Mode – Change settings to allow students to work in offline mode if internet connections are weak. Once an internet connection is established, students can upload assignments to Classroom.
  • One Student One Sheet – In Google Sheets, assign one tab (sheet) per student for the student to complete the assignment.
  • One Student One Slide – In Google Slides, assign one slide to each student to present findings on a topic or to complete an assignment.
  • Organize Student Work – Google Classroom automatically creates calendars and folders in Drive to keep assignments organized.
  • Peer Tutors – Assign peer tutors to help struggling students with assignments.
  • Protect Privacy – Google Classroom only allows class members to access assignments. Also, it eliminates the need to use email, which may be less private than Classroom.
  • Provide Accommodations – Provide accommodations to students with disabilities in Google Classroom by allowing extra time to turn in assignments, using text to speech functions, and third-party extensions for colored overlays.
  • Reorder Assignments by Status – Instead of organizing assignments by student first or last name, organize them by status to see which students have or have not turned in work.
  • Reuse Posts – Reuse post from prior assignments or from other Classrooms.
  • See the Process – Students don’t have to submit their assignments for you to see their work. When you chose “make a copy for each student” for assignments, each student’s work can be seen in the grading tool, even if it’s not submitted. Teachers can make comments and suggestions along the way.
  • Share Materials – Upload required materials such as the class syllabus, rules, procedures, etc. to a Class Resources Module, or upload assignment materials within the assignment.
  • Share Resources – Create a resource list or a resource module for students.
  • Share Solutions to an Assignment – Share solutions to an assignment with a collaborator or students after all assignments have been turned in.
  • Stop Repeating Directions – By posting a directions document to assignments, the need to continually repeat directions is lessened, if not eliminated altogether. Keep in mind that some students will still need directions to read orally or clarified.
  • Student Work Collection – Use Classroom to collect student work from assignments.
  • Summer Assignments – Create summer assignments for students through Classroom.
  • Templates – Create templates for projects, essays, and other student assignments.
  • Track Assignments Turned In – Keep track of which students turned in assignments by going to the grading tool.

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How to Create an Assignment in Google Classroom

google classroom assignment copy for each student

Lee Stanton Lee Stanton is a versatile writer with a concentration on the software landscape, covering both mobile and desktop applications as well as online technologies. Read more September 22, 2021

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Google Classroom is one of the top tools for teaching online classes. If you’re a teacher, learning how to manage assignments on the platform is a great skill. In addition to creating them, you can save draft versions, copy them, schedule them to be sent later, choose which students receive them, etc.

If you’re new to Google Classroom and wondering how to make an assignment, you’ve come to the right place. This article will discuss assigning them to all or specific students as well as offer tips and tricks to fully take advantage of Google Classroom.

How to Create an Assignment in Google Classroom for Each Student

Sometimes, you’ll need to create different assignments for different students. Whether your students need extra homework, want a better grade, or received detention and need to make up a lesson, learning how to make assignments for individual students is essential. Fortunately, Google Classroom made the process easy.

How to Create an Assignment in Google Classroom for Each Student on a PC

Here’s how to make an assignment for individual students in Google Classroom:

  • Go to Google Classroom .

google classroom assignment copy for each student

  • Select the students.

google classroom assignment copy for each student

How to Create an Assignment in Google Classroom for Each Student on an Android

If you’re on the go or don’t have your computer nearby, you can use the Google Classroom app on your Android device. Although you may think it’s hard to work on a smaller screen, Google Classroom did an excellent job of making the process quick and simple.

Follow these steps to create assignments for each student on your Android device:

google classroom assignment copy for each student

  • Tap “All students” twice to deselect them.
  • Type the names of the students to which you want to send the assignments.
  • Tap “Assign” to send the assignment right away or schedule it.

How to Create an Assignment in Google Classroom for Each Student on an iPhone or iPad

The Google Classroom app is also available for iPhone/iPad users. Creating an assignment for each student can be done in several clicks. Follow the instructions below to make an assignment for individual students on your iPhone/iPad:

google classroom assignment copy for each student

  • Add a student by typing their name. You can select up to 100 students.

google classroom assignment copy for each student

How to Create an Assignment in Google Classroom for All Students

If you’ve prepared one assignment for the whole class, Google Classroom allows you to send it to all students at once. In fact, this is the default option that you can customize if necessary. You can also choose whether you want to save it as a draft, assign it right away, schedule it for later, etc.

How to Create an Assignment in Google Classroom for the Whole Class on a PC

Create an assignment for all students in your class by following the steps below:

google classroom assignment copy for each student

How to Create an Assignment in Google Classroom for the Whole Class on an Android Device

If you’re not near your computer but want to send the assignment to your students, you can use the Google Classroom app for Android. Creating and sending an assignment on your Android is just as easy as doing it on your computer.

Here’s what you need to do:

google classroom assignment copy for each student

  • Double-check whether the “All students” option is selected.
  • Send the assignment right away, schedule it for later, or save it as a draft.

How to Create an Assignment in Google Classroom for the Whole Class on an iPhone

iPhone/iPad users will be happy to know they can download the Google Classroom app from the App Store . Navigating through the app is straightforward, so you can create assignments for all your students even when you’re not at home or near your computer.

Here’s how to make an assignment in Google Classroom for all students on your iPhone/iPad:

google classroom assignment copy for each student

How to Make a Copy of an Assignment in Google Classroom

If you have one assignment for multiple classes or want to use one from previous years, the good news is you don’t have to waste time creating it from scratch. Instead, Google Classroom offers the “Reuse” option that enables you to send an existing assignment to students in other classes.

How to Make a Copy of an Assignment in Google Classroom on a PC

If you’re using a PC and want to create a copy of an existing assignment, here’s what you need to do:

  • Select the class to which you want to send the assignment.

google classroom assignment copy for each student

  • If you want, you can change information, customize the attachments or instructions.

google classroom assignment copy for each student

How to Make a Copy of an Assignment in Google Classroom on an Android Device

Google Classroom’s “Reuse” option is perfect for when you’re not near your computer and want to “recycle” an old assignment. The Android app allows you to do this in just a few clicks:

google classroom assignment copy for each student

  • Edit the assignment’s information if you want.

google classroom assignment copy for each student

How to Make a Copy of an Assignment in Google Classroom on an iPhone

iPhone/iPad users can copy an existing Google Classroom assignment and share it with a class or save it for later. Follow the steps below to do it:

  • If needed, change information or edit existing attachments.

Google Classroom Has a Lot to Offer

As one of the best online teaching tools, Google Classroom allows you to take advantage of numerous options regarding assignments. It’s available on both your computer and phone/tablet, which makes creating assignments more convenient. If you’ve already created an assignment, you can easily copy it and send it to a different class, which can be a real time-saver.

We hope this article taught you how to make an assignment in Google Classroom. Along with that, we hope you learned additional information about the app’s useful options.

Have you ever used Google Classroom? Which option is your favorite? Tell us in the comments section below.

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google classroom assignment copy for each student

How to Make Assignments in Google Classroom

google classroom assignment copy for each student

New to the digital teaching world and looking for a quick way to add assignments to Google Classroom?

Here are 8 easy steps on how to get started.

google classroom assignment copy for each student

Open your Google Classroom page in your browser. Google Classroom will automatically open up to the Stream tab. Think of the Stream tab as the notification center, similar to the homepage on Facebook. Here, students will see announcements, classwork, questions, and resources.

google classroom assignment copy for each student

Select the Classwork tab. This is where you will see and add assignments.

google classroom assignment copy for each student

Click the Create button and select “Assignment” from the list.

You can also select the options: Quiz assignment, Question, Material, or Reuse post.

Here’s a mini explanation of each.

  • Quiz assignment : Uses Google Forms to auto-grade assessments.
  • Question: Post a quick, open-ended question for students to answer from the Stream page.
  • Material: Need to quickly share a digital resource with students? Select Material from the list and add a link, PDF, or video for students to view.
  • Reuse post: Find yourself retyping instructions again and again? Select Reuse post from the list to use a previous post as a template.

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google classroom assignment copy for each student

When creating an assignment, you will want to complete the following steps:

  • Title your assignment
  • Write instructions
  • Select which subject this assignment is for
  • Create a point value (if the assignment is being graded)
  • Select a due date
  • Select or create a topic (This will make it easy for you and your students to filter through assignments throughout the school year. I’d suggest not skipping this step!)
  • Select which students should complete this assignment. (This is a great way to differentiate!)

google classroom assignment copy for each student

Select the Add button and select the source where you will be attaching your resource from. If your assignment is interactive, you’ll most likely select Google Drive.

If you have purchased your assignment through Teachers Pay Teachers you’ll want to make sure that you have made a copy of the resource to your Google Drive. You can do this by selecting File -> Make Copy within the resource or through a special link provided to you by the Teachers Pay Teachers author.

Don’t Forget: You must make your own copy of the resource and add it to your Google Drive account before posting to Google Classroom.

google classroom assignment copy for each student

Find the assignment you’d like students to complete and click the Add button.

google classroom assignment copy for each student

The next step is important. Select the dropdown menu to the right of

the assignment. Select the option “Make a copy for each student” from the menu list. If you do not select this option students will open the same Google resource and will be able to edit the same document. (Cue the raised hands or emails!) It can make for quite a mess.

Just as you would pass out a paper-based assignment in class to each student, be sure to select “Make a copy for each student” from the menu list.

Once selected, review your assignment, and press the Assign button.

Once you have assigned your assignment you will be redirected to the teacher page. From here you will see which students you’ve assigned work to and how many have completed the assignment. This page will help you keep track of your students’ work!

That’s it! Now you’re ready to assign your first assignment in Google Classroom!

Looking for digital resources that are aligned to standards and fun? These digital reading units for Google Classroom are easy to assign and easy for students to use. All of the slides (except the reading passages) are interactive!


3rd Grade Fiction and Nonfiction Digital Reading Bundle

3rd Grade Digital Reading Bundle

google classroom assignment copy for each student

4th Grade Digital Reading Bundle

Fiction and Nonfiction Digital Reading Bundle for 5th Grade

5th Grade Digital Reading Bundle

If you’re interested in reading more about Google Classroom check out these blog posts below:

Google Classroom™ FAQ

Why You Will Love Using Google Slides™

How to Support ALL Students Using Google Slides™

The Teacher Next Door - Creating upper elementary resources that target standards for busy teachers

  • Read more about: Technology

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Hi, I’m Jenn, CEO and owner of The Teacher Next Door!

I know that you strive to be an effective upper elementary teacher while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

In order to do that, you need resources that are impactful, yet simple .

The problem is that most resources and curriculums out there are far from simple. The pages upon pages of daily lesson plans are just plain overwhelming .

At TTND, we believe teachers should be living their lives outside of the classroom, and not spend hours lesson planning and searching for resources.

We understand that now, more than ever, teachers need space to be themselves which is why we create and support teachers with timesaving tips and standards-aligned resources.

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  1. How to Make a Copy for Each Student in Google Classroom

    Open the file you want to add to the assignment you shared as a copy to each student. Highlight the URL link. Right-click the URL and select Copy. Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + C ...

  2. when assigning material how do I make a copy for each student?

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  3. Google Classroom: Make a Copy for Each Student

    Here is the trick. Open up your original and use Control L to highlight the URL and Control C to copy. In Google Classroom, click on the 3 dots on the assignment in the stream to edit the assignment. Choose to attach a LINK. Use Control V to paste the link to your document.

  4. Make a copy for each student in Google Classroom

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  7. Create a Copy for Each Student in Google Classroom

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  8. Google Classroom: Creating Assignments and Materials

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  9. How attachments are shared in Classroom

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  20. For some reason "make a copy for each student" is no ...

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