
Writing practice worksheets terms of use, finish the story writing worksheets.

  • Beginning Finish the Story - The Snow Day
  • Beginning Finish the Story - The Fair
  • Beginning Finish the Story - Summer Camp
  • Beginning Finish the Story - The Birthday Party
  • Beginning Finish the Story - The Halloween Costume
  • Beginning Finish the Story - The 4th of July
  • Intermediate Finish the Story - The Beach Trip
  • Intermediate Finish the Story - The Great Find
  • Intermediate Finish the Story - Which Way?
  • Intermediate Finish the Story - Finding Muffin
  • Intermediate Finish the Story - The Zoo
  • Advanced Finish the Story - The Troublemaker

Question Response Writing Worksheets

  • Beginning Question Response - Your Favorite Color
  • Beginning Question Response - Your Favorite Day
  • Beginning Question Response - Your Favorite Number
  • Beginning Question Response - In Your Family
  • Beginning Question Response - Your Favorite Sport
  • Beginning Question Response - Your Favorite Clothes
  • Beginning Question Response - Your Favorite Music
  • Beginning Question Response - How You Relax
  • Beginning Question Response - Lunch Time
  • Beginning Question Response - With Your Friends
  • Beginning Question Response - Collecting Stamps
  • Beginning Question Response - Your Birthplace
  • Beginning Question Response - Starting Your Day
  • Intermediate Question Response - Your Favorite Food
  • Intermediate Question Response - Your Favorite Movie
  • Intermediate Question Response - Your Favorite Song
  • Intermediate Question Response - TV Programs
  • Intermediate Question Response - Your Favorite Time
  • Intermediate Question Response - Which Country?
  • Intermediate Question Response - The Wisest Person
  • Intermediate Question Response - Someone You Admire
  • Advanced Question Response - A Great Accomplishment
  • Advanced Question Response - The Most Exciting Thing
  • Advanced Question Response - Oldest Memory
  • Advanced Question Response - The Most Productive Day of the Week
  • Advanced Question Response - An Interesting Person
  • Advanced Question Response - What Have You Built?
  • Advanced Question Response - What You Like to Read

Practical Writing Worksheets

  • Beginning Practical - Grocery List
  • Beginning Practical - TO Do List
  • Beginning Practical - At the Beach
  • Beginning Practical - The Newspaper
  • Intermediate Practical - Absent From Work
  • Intermediate Practical - Your Invitation
  • Intermediate Practical - Paycheck
  • Intermediate Practical - The New House
  • Advanced Practical - Soccer Game Meeting
  • Advanced Practical - Note About Dinner
  • Advanced Practical - A Problem
  • Advanced Practical - A Letter to Your Landlord
  • Advanced Practical - A Product

Argumentative Writing Worksheets

  • Intermediate Argumentative - Cat, Star, or Book?
  • Intermediate Argumentative - Soccer or Basketball?
  • Intermediate Argumentative - Giving and Receiving
  • Intermediate Argumentative - Does Practice Make Perfect?
  • Advanced Argumentative - Five Dollars or a Lottery Ticket?
  • Advanced Argumentative - The Most Important Word
  • Advanced Argumentative - An Apple
  • Advanced Argumentative - Too Many Cooks

Writing Worksheets

  • Beginning Writing Worksheet
  • Intermediate Writing Worksheet
  • Advanced Writing Worksheet

Using Precise Language

  • Using Precise Language - An Introduction
  • Using Precise Language Practice Quiz

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Creative Writing Worksheets

Writing worksheets.

Creative Writing Worksheets

PIN TO READ LATER You’re welcome to use these creative writing worksheets for teaching in class or online. I only ask that you do not redistribute them as your own. Thank you!

If you’re short on time, you can download 1 master PDF containing all of the worksheets in the Coterie Library .

  • Things I Love
  • Character Quirks
  • City Building
  • Killing Characters
  • Escaping a Tight Spot
  • Love Your Antagonist
  • Plot Hole Gapping
  • Licence to Write
  • Character Motivation
  • Ticking Clock
  • Make Trouble
  • Solving a Mystery
  • Opening Scene
  • Try/Fail Cycle
  • Creating Mood
  • Metaphors & Similes
  • Partners in Love
  • Points of View
  • Reconnect with your Story
  • Life Themes
  • Creating Suspense
  • Who Knows What When
  • Rites & Rituals
  • Scene Writing
  • Good Dialogue
  • Synopsis Writing
  • Naming Characters
  • Your Readership
  • Editing Checklist
  • Choose a Genre
  • Decision Making
  • Occupations
  • Set the Scene
  • Idea Engine
  • Quick Character Creator

More Writing Worksheets

Find the growing index of 150+ writing worksheets here .

More Writing Resources

  • Genre mindmaps
  • Blogging worksheets for novelists
  • The One Page Novel plot formula
  • Flash fiction prompts
  • Novel in a month notebook
  • Creative writing tools I love
  • Inspiration ebook
  • Imagination ebook
  • Creative writing syllabus

You can find a complete PDF of all of the writing worksheets to date in the Coterie Library.

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Roses, book & quill

I write about literature, language, love, and living off your pen. Also, fortifying fiction, personal amelioration, and tea.

creative writing activities high school pdf

Lay out your story on one page.


Build a framework for stronger characters.


Form a paper model of your story world.


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20 Writing Prompts For High School Seniors [PDF Included]

Hello, high school seniors! Are you struggling to come up with ideas for your next writing assignment? Do you find yourself staring at a blank page, feeling uninspired and unmotivated?  

Well, fear not! We have compiled a list of writing prompts that will help kickstart your creativity and get those words flowing. Today’s high school students have to engage in a lot of writing, particularly in their academic settings. And the only way to get better at it is through continuous practice.

Writing skills are bound to improve with a daily writing habit. Whether you’re a budding novelist, a poet, or a nonfiction writer, these prompts will spark your imagination and give you the inspiration you need to write your next masterpiece. So grab your favorite pen or laptop and let’s get started!

Writing prompts for high school seniors

  • Write a letter to yourself in middle school. What would you want them to know?
  • Write an essay about what role technology plays in your life
  • Write a story about how peer pressure affects all of the characters in the story
  • Select your favorite song lyric and turn it into a poem
  • Write an ode to your favorite subject in high school
  • What is the state of the globe now that global warming has reached its worst point?
  • Write a poem including something from each year of high school
  • What is trending on social media currently and what are your views regarding it?
  • What will you miss the most about high school?
  • Write an ode to your high school friends. 
  • Reflect on a defining moment in your high school career and how it shaped you as a person.
  • Write about a challenge you faced during high school and how you overcame it.
  • Imagine that you are giving a graduation speech to your peers. What advice would you give them as they embark on the next phase of their lives?
  • Write about a person who has had a significant impact on your life and why they are important to you.
  • Reflect on a time when you had to make a difficult decision and how you came to that decision.
  • Write about a skill or talent that you developed during high school and how it has helped you grow as a person.
  • Imagine that you have the opportunity to travel back in time and give advice to your freshman self. What would you say?
  • Write about a book, movie, or song that has had a profound impact on your life and why it is meaningful to you.
  • Reflect on a time when you had to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. What did you learn from the experience?
  • Imagine that you are interviewing for your dream job. What skills and experiences have you gained in high school that make you a strong candidate?

Writing Prompts For High School Seniors

Transforming your writing from meh to marvelous: Tips and strategies for high schoolers

Writing can be a daunting task, like a high-stakes game of Jenga where one wrong move could send everything crashing down. But fear not, my fellow word-wielders! With a few tips and strategies, you can stack your ideas into a towering masterpiece without breaking a sweat.

From brainstorming to editing, it’s all about finding the right balance and not being afraid to take risks. So grab your pen (or keyboard) and let’s dive into the wild world of writing! 

  • Start with a plan: Before you begin writing, take a few minutes to brainstorm and outline your ideas. This will help you organize your thoughts and make sure your writing stays on track.
  • Be concise: High schoolers often have a tendency to be wordy in their writing. Try to be as clear and concise as possible, and avoid using unnecessary words or phrases.
  • Use active voice: Active voice makes your writing more engaging and direct. Instead of saying “the ball was thrown by John,” say “John threw the ball.”
  • Use strong verbs and adjectives: Using strong verbs and adjectives can help make your writing more vivid and engaging. Instead of saying “the car was fast,” say “the car zoomed down the road.”
  • Edit your work: Take the time to review your writing and make sure it is free from errors. Read your work aloud to catch any awkward phrasing or grammar mistakes.
  • Get feedback: Share your writing with others and ask for feedback. This can help you identify areas where you can improve and make your writing stronger.
  • Read widely: Reading widely can help you develop your writing skills by exposing you to different writing styles and techniques. Make a habit of reading regularly, both for pleasure and for academic purposes.
  • Practice, practice, practice: Writing is a skill that takes time and practice to develop. Set aside time each day to write, even if it’s just for a few minutes. The more you write, the better you will become.

Furthermore, high schoolers can also be indulged in some creative writing activities , to help them facilely sail through the turbulent waters of high school.

Writing prompts can be an excellent tool for high school seniors to enhance their writing skills and discover their unique writing styles. Writing prompts can be used for personal expression, college applications, scholarships, and even future careers. By practicing writing prompts, students can build their confidence and writing abilities, which can benefit them in various aspects of life.

Writing is an essential skill that can never be overlooked, and it is critical to learn how to express oneself in writing effectively. So, high school seniors, embrace the power of writing prompts and creative writing topics , and who knows, you might end up discovering your passion for writing and becoming the next great author, journalist, or blogger. Happy writing!

creative writing activities high school pdf

Sananda Bhattacharya, Chief Editor of TheHighSchooler, is dedicated to enhancing operations and growth. With degrees in Literature and Asian Studies from Presidency University, Kolkata, she leverages her educational and innovative background to shape TheHighSchooler into a pivotal resource hub. Providing valuable insights, practical activities, and guidance on school life, graduation, scholarships, and more, Sananda’s leadership enriches the journey of high school students.

Explore a plethora of invaluable resources and insights tailored for high schoolers at TheHighSchooler, under the guidance of Sananda Bhattacharya’s expertise. You can follow her on Linkedin

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55 Creative Writing Activities and Exercises

Creating writing activities

Have you ever heard these questions or statements from your students?

  • I don’t know where to begin.
  • How can I make my story interesting?
  • I’m just not creative.
  • What should my story be about?

If so, you won’t want to miss these creative writing activities. 

What Are Creative Writing Activities?

Activities that teach creative writing serve as drills to exercise your student’s writing muscle. When used effectively, they help reluctant writers get past that intimidating blank paper and encourage the words to flow. 

When I think of creative writing exercises , writing prompts immediately come to mind. And, yes, writing from a prompt is certainly an example of a creative writing activity (a highly effective one). 

However, writing prompts are only one way to teach creative writing. Other types of activities include games, collaboration with others, sensory activities, and comic strip creation to name a few.

Unlike writing assignments, creative writing activities aren’t necessarily meant to create a perfectly polished finished project. 

Instead, they serve as more of a warmup and imagination boost.

Picture-based writing exercises are especially fun. You can download one for free below!

Creative Writing Exercises

get this picture prompt printable for free!

How to use creative writing exercises effectively.

When teaching creative writing , the most effective exercises inspire and engage the student. 

Remember that worn-out prompt your teacher probably hauled out every year? 

“What I Did This Summer…” 

Cue the groaning. 

Instead of presenting your student with lackluster topics like that one, let’s talk about ways to engage and excite them. 

For Kids or Beginners

Early writers tend to possess misconceptions about writing. Many picture sitting down for hours straight, polishing a story from beginning to end. 

Even for experienced writers, this is next-to-impossible to do. It’s preconceived ideas like these that overwhelm and discourage students before they’ve even started. 

Instead of assigning an essay to complete, start with simple, short writing exercises for elementary students such as:

  • Creating comic strips using a template
  • Talking out loud about a recent dream
  • Writing a poem using rhyming words you provide
  • Creating an acrostic from a special word

Creative writing exercises don’t have to end in a finished piece of work. If the exercise encouraged creative thinking and helped the student put pen to paper, it’s done its job. 

For Middle School

Creative writing activities for middle school can be a little more inventive. They now have the fundamental reading and writing skills to wield their words properly. 

Here are some ideas for middle school writing exercises you can try at home:

  • Creating Mad Lib-style stories by changing out nouns, verbs, and adjectives in their favorite tales
  • Storyboarding a short film
  • Writing a family newsletter
  • Creating crossword puzzles

For High School 

Your high school student may be starting to prepare for college essays and other important creative writing assignments. 

It’s more critical than ever for her to exercise her writing skills on a regular basis. 

One great way to keep your high schooler’s mind thinking creatively is to have her make “listicles” of tips or facts about something she’s interested in already. 

Another fun and effective creative writing exercise for high school is to have your student retell classic stories with a twist. 

List of 55 Creative Writing Activities for Students of All Ages

No matter what age range your students may be, I think you’ll find something that suits their personality and interests in this list of creative writing ideas. Enjoy! 

  • Using only the sense of hearing, describe your surroundings. 
  • Write a paragraph from your shoes’ point of view. How do they view the world? What does a “day in the life of a shoe” look like?
  • Imagine what the world will be like in 200 years. Describe it. 
  • Write a letter to someone you know who moved away. What has he or she missed? Should he or she move back? Why? 
  • Make up an imaginary friend. What does he or she look like? What does he or she like to do?
  • Create a story about a person you know. Use as many details as possible.
  • Write a poem that describes a place you have been.
  • Soak up the season you’re in with seasonal creative writing prompts. Here are some ideas for fall and winter .
  • Write a song where each line starts with the next letter in the alphabet. 
  • Create a list of words related to something you love.
  • Write a short story based on a true event in your life.
  • Rewrite a chapter of your favorite book from the antagonist’s point of view. 
  • Write a letter to your future self. What do you want to make sure you remember?
  • Go on a five-senses scavenger hunt. Find three items for each sense. Create a story using the items you found. 
  • Create a story around an interesting picture ( try these fun picture writing prompts! )
  • Find an ad in a magazine or elsewhere and rewrite the description to convince people NOT to buy the advertised item.
  • Write a story using the last word of each sentence as the first word of the next.
  • Describe everything you’re sensing right now, using all five senses.
  • Write a list of animals A to Z with a one-sentence description of each one. Feel free to include imaginary animals.
  • Design your dream room in detail.
  • Write a script of yourself interviewing a famous person. Include his or her answers.
  • Describe what high school would be like if you lived on the moon. What would you be learning about? How would you be learning it?
  • Describe a day in the life of a famous person in history. Include both mundane and exciting details of things they may have experienced on a normal day.
  • Pick up something on a bookshelf or end table nearby. Now write a commercial script for it to convince your audience that they absolutely must own this thing.
  • Plan a birthday party for your best friend. Describe the decorations, food, and everything else.
  • Write a very short story about three siblings fighting over a toy. Now rewrite it twice, each time from a different character’s perspective.
  • Tell a story from the point of view of a pigeon on a city street.
  • Create a menu for a deli you’ll be opening soon. Name each sandwich after something or someone in real life and list the fillings and type of bread.
  • Pretend you just became famous for something. Write 3 exciting newspaper headlines about the topic or reason behind your newfound fame.
  • Keep a one-line-a-day journal. Every day, write down one thought or sentence about something that happened that day or how you felt about the day.
  • Have you ever had a nightmare? Write what happened but with a new ending where everything turns out okay (perhaps the monster was your dad in a costume, preparing to surprise you at your birthday party).
  • Write a “tweet” about something that happened to you recently, using only 140 characters. 
  • Take an important event in your life or the life of someone in your family. Write one sentence answering each of the 6 journalistic questions: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How.
  • Set a timer for 5 minutes and write nonstop, starting with the words “I remember.” If you get stuck, write “I remember” again until you get unstuck.
  • Pick something you use often (a toothbrush, your desk, etc). Then tell the story of how it was invented. If you don’t know, make something up.
  • Choose a princess or hero and write a one-paragraph story about him or her traveling to a distant land.
  • Pretend you are a tour guide for a local attraction. It can be a library, a park, or a museum, but it could also be a place that wouldn’t normally hold tours (such as an arcade). Write a speech about what you tell your tour group as you walk around the attraction.
  • Create a marketing brochure for your favorite activity or fun place to go.
  • Make a list of 10 future story settings. Write one sentence describing each. For example, “ in the dark, musty cellar of my grandmother’s house, surrounded by dried-up jars of canned peaches… ”
  • Make a list of foods included in a dinner party catered by the world’s worst cook, describing how each course looks, smells, and tastes. Include your reactions while eating it.
  • Write out your own version of instructions for playing your favorite game.
  • Pretend you’ve lost your sight for one night. Describe going out to eat at a restaurant, using smells, textures, and sounds to tell your story.
  • Write a script for an interesting phone conversation in which the reader can only hear one side. 
  • Tell the story of an object someone threw away from the perspective of the person who tossed it out. Then tell the story of that same object from the perspective of a person who finds it and deems it a treasure.
  • List your 3 least favorite chores. Pick one and write a one paragraph detailing why you can’t possibly complete that chore ever again.
  • Write an excerpt from your dog’s diary (pretend he keeps one).
  • Write the script for a movie trailer—real or imagined.
  • Create an acrostic for a holiday of your choice. 
  • Pretend you’re the master of a role-playing game, describing a sticky situation in which the other players now find themselves. Describe the scenario in writing.
  • Compose a funny or dramatic caption for a photo.
  • Parents, place a textured object in a box without letting your student see it. Have him or her reach in, touch the object, and then describe how it feels.
  • Write lyrics for a parody of a song.
  • Make a list of 10-20 songs that would be played if a movie was made about your life.
  • Describe the sounds, smells, sights, and textures you’d experience if you went to the beach for the day.
  • Write an election speech with ludicrous and impossible campaign promises.

One of the best ways to encourage students to write regularly is by providing fun creative writing activities . 

They serve to encourage both the habit and mindset of writing with imagination. If you need extra help with that, check out Creative Freewriting Adventure :

Creative Freewriting Adventure

bring excitement into your student’s writing – no prep required!

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Printable Creative Writing Worksheets

Reading Worksheets, Spelling, Grammar, Comprehension, Lesson Plans

Writing Worksheets

Writing can be one of the most daunting skills for some students to learn. Over time, however, students of any skill level can learn to write effectively with the right practice and instruction. We've developed a set of different writing worksheets around specific areas like editing and proofing, writing conclusions, choosing topic sentences, and how to use transition words.  We've also included some helpful writing worksheets for writing prompts and some fun lined paper themes. Each worksheet we create is aligned to common core standards and designed for different grade levels from kindergarten to high school.

Editing and Proofing Worksheets

How to Editing and Proof a Paragraph - Printable Writing Activity

Students practice recognizing errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, and word usage and making corrections.

Handwriting Worksheets

Handwriting Practice - A, E, T

Below you’ll find a full set of printable print handwriting and cursive handwriting worksheets on lined paper. Check out all of our writing worksheets !

Lined Writing Paper

Summer Lined Paper for Writing

Here we’ve included several different styles of lined paper writing templates for kids. You’ll find standard lined paper and ones with graphic themes like Christmas and Valentine’s Day!

Sentence Patterns

creative writing activities high school pdf

Help your students develop stronger writing skills, by understanding how to vary sentence patterns to engage readers. Here you’ll find helpful worksheets that you can use in class or at home.

Sentence Starters

Printable Cards - Sentence Starters

Topic Sentences Worksheets

Writing Worksheet Activity - Topic Sentences

Topic sentences state the central focus of the paragraph and provide cohesion for the paragraph. These activities help students learn to write clear and concise topic sentences.

Transition Words

Identify The Transition Words - Printable Worksheet Activity

Transition words, such as “although,” “however,” and “for example,” play an important role in writing. They tie two thoughts together and add fluency to writing.

Writing Conclusions Worksheets

Write a Conclusion Writing Activity - Why the Moon?

How to Write an Introduction

Writing Introductions Worksheet - Introducing a Topic: Telling a Story

Here you’ll find writing worksheets to help your students write great essay introductions.

Writing Poetry

Printable Poetry Worksheet - Robert Frost

Writing Prompts

Mother's Day Writing Prompt - Mom and Me

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51 Creative Writing Activities For The Classroom: Comics, Prompts, Games, And Pretend Play

January 4, 2024 //  by  Milka Kariuki

Creative writing can be tough for learners of any age. From knowing where to start to establishing the vocabulary to develop their story, there are a bunch of different skills they’ll need to perfect their creative writing pieces. There are so many creative writing activities out there, but which ones are best for your kiddos? Our list of 51 creative writing activities is the perfect place to start looking if you’ve got a creative writing unit coming up! Read on and see which ones might grab your little writers’ attention!

1. Make Your Own Comic Books

creative writing activities high school pdf

We bet your kiddos just love comic books! Let them create their very own in the style of the super popular Diary of a Wimpy Kid books! Encourage your students to come up with their own plot, dialogue, and illustrations to spark their creativity. Even your most reluctant writers will love this fun activity! 

Learn More: Puffin Schools

2. Mad Libs

creative writing activities high school pdf

Using Mad Libs is a super popular way to develop your little creative writers! Use these free printables to get their creative juices flowing as they try to come up with words to fill the gaps to create weird and wonderful new stories. The best thing is that you can use these printables as many times as you like as their answers will be different each time!

Learn More: Teacher Vision

3. Flash Fiction

creative writing activities high school pdf

Flash fiction is a fantastic way to get your kiddies writing creatively while keeping things short and sweet! Use the range you prompts included in this resource to challenge them to write a creative story in less than 100 words. Flash fiction is amazing because your students won’t be overwhelmed by a huge writing task and it also means that your more confident writers will need to focus on the quality of their work, not the quantity! 

Learn More: TES

4. Write a Story Based on the Ending

creative writing activities high school pdf

Test your students’ creativity by providing them with writing prompts that start at the end! In backward story writing, your budding writers will need to plan and pen a story that eventually leads to the ending you give them. This idea is a fantastic way to turn your traditional creative writing lesson on its head and in many ways take the pressure off your kids, as ending their stories is often the most difficult part for them!

Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers

5. Found Poetry

creative writing activities high school pdf

Your learners will love this fun and creative found poetry activity. You can encourage them to collect words or a group of words from a favorite story or song then write them on a piece of paper or cut them out of a printed page. The overall goal is to have them rearrange the words differently to make an interesting poem with a unique writing style or genre!

Learn More: Homeschooling Ideas

6. Picture Dictionary

creative writing activities high school pdf

A picture dictionary is a brilliant way to support every member of your younger elementary class in their creative writing. The words paired with pictures give your writers a ‘dictionary’ that they can use pretty independently, so your less confident writers or non-native English-speaking students can still access your writing lessons! 

Learn More: Twinkl

7. Creative Journal Writing

creative writing activities high school pdf

Why not start a creative journal with your kiddos? Have them engage in daily journaling activities by giving them a different creative prompt each day. For instance, write a story about what would happen if dogs took over the world or what would you do if you were the security guard at a zoo and someone stole an animal? The fun is never-ending with these prompts!  

Learn More: Think Written  

8. Roll a Story

creative writing activities high school pdf

Roll-a-Story is one of the best ways to help any of your kids who are suffering from a bout of writer’s block! They’ll roll the dice to discover the character, setting, and problem for their story then set to work weaving their creative tale! It could be a story about a wise doctor being chased by a mysterious creature in a casino, or maybe a rich artist losing their wallet in a library. Then it’s up to your students to fill in the gaps!

Learn More: TPT

9. Pass-it-on Story Writing

creative writing activities high school pdf

There’s no telling quite where this fun writing game will end up! Start by writing the first sentence of a story on a piece of paper then pass it around your class, having your kids come up with a sentence that continues the story. The paper is then passed around the whole class until every student has contributed. Finally, once it makes its way back to you, read out your collaborative story to the whole class!

Learn More: Minds In Bloom

10. Picture Writing Prompts

creative writing activities high school pdf

Creative writing prompts activities test not only your little ones’ imaginations but also their ability to craft a story and dialogue from that. Display an intriguing picture prompt for your class and have a discussion about it, recording their ideas. You could discuss what the person or animal in the picture is doing or what they’re thinking, where they think the picture was taken, and much more. They can use your collective notes to inspire their story!

Learn More: Pandora Post

11. What’s the Question?

creative writing activities high school pdf

What’s the Question is a simple, yet super engaging game that requires your young learners to think creatively. Spark their creativity by writing an answer on the whiteboard such as “the moon would explode,” and task your kiddos with coming up with a question to match it. There’ll be lots of laughs as everyone shares what they came up with!

Learn More: That Afterschool Life

12. Creative Writing Printables

creative writing activities high school pdf

This website is absolutely full of quick and fun graphics for children that’ll encourage their creative writing! The cute graphics and simple directions make it an easy bellringer activity for your writing class. Just print out some of these cool sheets and let your students get creative as they write thank-you notes to helpful heroes or finish little cartoon comics!

Learn More: Jarrett Lerner

13. Paint Chip Poetry

Nothing says creative writing quite like figurative language! Grab some of these free paint swatches from your local home improvement store and have your students create metaphors about their chosen color! We love this low-prep activity as once your kids have finished their poems, they’re a ready-made multi-colored display that’ll brighten the walls of your classroom! 

Learn More: Fabulous In Fifth

14. Story Storm Activities

creative writing activities high school pdf

Once again, these Jarrett Lerner activities do not disappoint! Your students will have a blast pretending they are the principal for a day and they’ll get to create their very own rules for the school. Not only will this be an engaging writing exercise that we’re sure they’ll love getting creative with, but it also challenges children to think about why rules in school are important.

Learn More: Tara Lazar

15. Story Bag

creative writing activities high school pdf

Story bags are a fantastic way to destroy any kind of writer’s block! Grab an assortment of random objects from your home or classroom and pop them into the story bag. Next, gather your students around and pull out all the objects in the bag. Can they then write a story connecting all the items? Be sure to leave time to let them share their stories at the end of the lesson!

Learn More: Life Hack

16. Change the Ending

creative writing activities high school pdf

An easy way to ease your kiddos into the writing process is by having them rewrite part of a story. Grab their favorite read-aloud, and challenge them to come up with a new ending! They’ll need to finish the story in a way that makes sense, but aside from that, they can be as creative as they like! Your reluctant readers will like this one as much of the work on setting and characters has already been done! 

Learn More: Make Beliefs Comix

17. Plot Twist Writing Prompts

creative writing activities high school pdf

BUT WAIT – there’s a twist…This fun writing practice is perfect for older middle or high school but could also be simplified for younger students. Write these twist prompts on notecards and have your kids draw one each before letting them go off and write a story around their chosen twist! They’ll be eager to share their finished work with classmates at the end. After all, who doesn’t love a good plot twist?

Learn More: Pinterest

18.  Craft Box Craft

creative writing activities high school pdf

Every kid loves the book The Day the Crayons Quit for its creative narrative about this familiar box of coloring supplies! This extension activity rolls art and creative writing into one! Your students will have fun coming up with dialogue for each of the different crayons and you could even make it into a fun display for your classroom walls!

Learn More: Buggy And Buddy

19. Dialogue Pictures

creative writing activities high school pdf

Personalizing writing activities always makes it more engaging for kids! Print out a picture of yourself with a blank speech bubble, and model how to add in some dialogue. Then, let your kiddos practice speech bubbling with a photo of themselves, a pet, or a favorite celebrity, and have them come up with some interesting things for each of their subjects to say!

Learn More: SSS Teaching

20. Figurative Language Tasting

creative writing activities high school pdf

Your students will be creative writers in no time after practicing their figurative language with food tasting! Not only do tasty treats make this activity incredibly fun, but it also brings the writing process of metaphors and hyperbole to life. Just give each of your kids a few pieces of candy or snacks, and have them practice writing figures of speech relating to each one! They’ll have the words on the tip of their tongue- literally! 

Learn More: It’s Lit Teaching

21. Explode the Moment

creative writing activities high school pdf

One of my favorite writing concepts as a teacher is ‘exploding the moment’. This method is perfect for showing your kiddies that even the smallest moment can be turned into an imaginative, descriptive story! Start by having them brainstorm some ideas and expand on tiny memories like losing a tooth, getting a pet, or making a winning goal in a soccer game!

Learn More: Raise The Bar Reading

22. Round-Robin Storytelling

creative writing activities high school pdf

Round-robin storytelling is the perfect collaborative creative writing activity! This one can be done verbally or in writing, and it challenges your class to build a story using a given set of words. They’ll have a fun and challenging time figuring out how to incorporate each piece into one cohesive story.

Learn More: Random Acts Of Kindness

23. Acrostic Poems

creative writing activities high school pdf

Acrostic poetry is one of the least intimidating creative writing exercises as there are no rules other than starting each line with the letter from a word. Challenge your kiddies to use each letter in their name to write lines of poetry about themselves, or they could choose to write about their favorite food or animal!

Learn More: Surfin’ Through Second

24. Sentence Sticks

creative writing activities high school pdf

This exercise requires minimal prep and can be used in so many different ways. All you’ll need are some craft sticks in which you will write sentences with blanks and word banks. Your young writers can then pull a stick and fill in the blanks to practice creative thinking! Task them with a different goal each time; can they make the sentence silly or sad for example?

Learn More: Liz’s Early Learning Spot

25. Conversation Prompts

These fun prompts require your kids to think creatively and answer a range of interesting questions. They’ll be excited to write stories about waking up with a mermaid tail or describe what is in a mystery package delivered to their doorstep! These creative prompts are perfect for bellringers or transitions throughout the school day!

Learn More: Twitter

26. Pretend Play Writing

creative writing activities high school pdf

Do you remember playing with fake money and fake food when you were younger? This idea takes it a step further by incorporating some writing practice! All you’ll have to do is print the templates for dollars, shopping lists, and recipes then let your little learners have fun with these play-pretend writing ideas!

Learn More: Prekinders

27. Question Cubes

Your class will be on a roll with these amazing question cubes! Whether the cubes are used for responding to a story, brainstorming the plot of a story, or practicing speech and listening, they are an easy, affordable tool for your little readers and writers! You can snag some foam dice at the dollar store and hot glue questions on each side to spark some creative writing ideas for your class.

Learn More: A Love 4 Teaching

28. Balderdash

creative writing activities high school pdf

Not only is Balderdash an addicting board game, but it can even be used in the classroom! Your little learners will have a blast as they create made-up, imaginative definitions for words, important people, and dates. Whoever guesses the real answer out of the mix wins the points!

Learn More: EB Academics

29. Two Sentence Horror Story

creative writing activities high school pdf

This creative writing exercise is best for older students and would be a great one to try out around Halloween! You’ll be challenging your learners to write a story that runs chills up their readers’ spines, but there’s a twist…the story can only be two sentences long! Your kiddos will love writing and sharing their writing to see who can come up with the spookiest short story!

30. Telephone Pictionary

creative writing activities high school pdf

Another game that your kids will be begging to play over and over again is telephone pictionary! The first player will write down a random phrase, and the next person must draw their interpretation of the phrase. The third player will write what they think the picture is and so on!

Learn More: Imagine Forest

31. Consequences

You need at least two players for this fun creative writing game. Each pair or group of kids will start by having one person write a random phrase and conceal it by folding the paper. Then, they pass it to the next student to fill in the blank using the prompt. Once all the blanks are filled in, let them unfold the paper and get ready to reveal some seriously silly stories!

32. Story Wands

creative writing activities high school pdf

​​Story wands are a fun way to have your kids respond to stories and study what makes something their favorite. Responding to what they’re reading is a super helpful exercise in preparing them for creative writing as it allows your students to connect to their favorite stories. By figuring out what elements make stories great, this is sure to help them in their own creative writing assignments!

Learn More: Little Lifelong Learners

33. The Best Part of Me

creative writing activities high school pdf

Probably my favorite creative writing activity, this one is infused with social-emotional learning and self-esteem building! Let your students get to choose their favorite physical characteristics about themselves; whether it be their eyes, hands, feet, etc. Then, they take a picture to attach to their written reasoning! Make sure to boost the creative element of this writing task by encouraging your learners to use a bunch of adjectives and some figurative language!

Learn More: Sarah Gardner Teaching

34. Me From A-Z

creative writing activities high school pdf

Challenge your kiddos to get creative by coming up with 26 different words to describe themselves! Me From A-Z gives your students the opportunity to explore who they are by coming up with words describing them in some way using each letter of the alphabet. Why not let them decorate their lists and turn them into a display celebrating the uniqueness of each of your class members?

35. How to Make Hot Chocolate

creative writing activities high school pdf

How-to writing is a great way to get the creative writing wheels turning in your kiddies’ brains! They’ll have a fun time coming up with their instructions and ways to explain how to make hot chocolate! Do they have a secret recipe that’ll make the best-ever hot cocoa!? Once they’ve written their instructions, be sure to try them out and do a taste-test of their recipes!

Learn More: Teacher Mama

36. Give Yourself a Hand

creative writing activities high school pdf

Hands up if you love this idea! For this creative writing activity, have your little ones trace their hand on a piece of paper and decorate it with accessories. Then, encourage them to write a list of all the different things they do with their hands all over their tracing! This is a great warm-up to get the creative gears turning.

Learn More: Write Now Troup

37. Word Picture Poem

creative writing activities high school pdf

A word picture poem is a fantastic way to challenge your kids to write descriptive poetry about a common object! Your little poets will learn to find beauty in ordinary things and strengthen their sensory language skills and their vocabulary. For some added fun, you can even task them with writing a short story about the item as well! The results are sure to be fun to read!

Learn More: Teaching With Terhune

38. Shape Poem

creative writing activities high school pdf

Shape poems are some of the most creative poetry as they combine words and art into one! First, your young poets can choose an object to use as their muse and lightly trace an outline onto some paper. Then, they’ll write words along the outlined shape in the form of a poem that describes the object! The result is a bunch of fun and striking poems that’ll look great displayed around your classroom!

39. Crazy Hair Poetry

creative writing activities high school pdf

Here’s another one that combines writing and art! Start by guiding your kiddos in drawing a self-portrait then adding some crazy hair by blowing watercolor paints around! After the paint dries, have your kids come up with a short but creative poem describing their hair art.

Learn More: Grade School Giggles

40. Fingerprint Poetry

creative writing activities high school pdf

Nothing is more creative than getting your kiddies to let down the barriers in their mind and tap into their stream of consciousness! Show them how to pick a topic and then let their words flow straight from mind to paper in a swirling pattern. This fingerprint idea can be used for a get-to-know-you activity as well!

Learn More: Kristen Dembroski

41. Doggie Haiku Poems

creative writing activities high school pdf

Put a fun twist on classic haiku poetry! Your students will have a paw-some time writing three-line poems about dogs which they can then illustrate afterwards! Before starting the activity, you can use Dogku by Andrew Clements as a read-aloud to get your class hooked on this idea!

Learn More: Teaching Fourth

42. Fractured Fairy Tale

creative writing activities high school pdf

Ever wondered if the Big Bad Wolf was framed? Or if Sleeping Beauty was actually a snorer? Your writers in training will have a fun time taking a classic fairytale and putting their own spin on it! Following five simple steps, your kids will be funky fairytale authors in no time!

43. Letter Writing

creative writing activities high school pdf

These creative letter-writing prompts are sure to boost your kiddies’ imaginative writing skills! Whether writing to a pen pal or a favorite celebrity, letter writing is a great way to practice handwriting, word flow, descriptive language, and communicating all rolled into one! Have your writers grab their pencils and let the creativity flow as they write fun response letters to these prompts!

44. Hersey’s Kisses Similes

creative writing activities high school pdf

Teach sensory language and similes by connecting this tasty treat with the sense of taste! Your students will have a lovely time brainstorming how chocolate connects to each of our senses and applying that knowledge by writing some sweet similies! What a fantastic way to teach them how to use these essential creative writing tools!

Learn More: Teacher By The Beach

45. Sensory Poetry

creative writing activities high school pdf

Another great way to teach sensory details is to have your learners write poems about their favorite foods! Task them with writing a line for each sense to describe the food! Everyone will be hungry after this creative writing lesson so it might be a good idea to have some snacks on hand!

Learn More: Mrs. Tice’s Class

46. Season Personification

creative writing activities high school pdf

Each season of weather has an array of characteristics making this the perfect activity to practice personification in creative writing! Allow your little writers to choose a season to write about as if it were a person with human characteristics. Winter is a no-brainer! It’s Elsa!

Learn More: Write Shop

47. Class Book of Character Traits

creative writing activities high school pdf

To be creative writers, your kids need to know how to create realistic characters for their stories. For this class book, you’ll start by giving each student two opposing character traits. Next, have them demonstrate these traits by illustrating two characters and displaying them through dialogue!

Learn More: Crafting Connections

48. Socialgrams

creative writing activities high school pdf

With Instagram being all the rage these days, your kiddos will have a fun time creating a ‘socialgram’ on paper! Challenge them to create a descriptive and engaging caption to go along with their “photo” in the post. Then, classmates can comment on each other’s work! 

Learn More: Breezy Special Ed

49. Story Introduction Worksheets

creative writing activities high school pdf

Creative writing worksheets are a simple, minimal-prep tool to use in your creative writing units. Print out a variety of options, and have your kids practice their skills by finishing imaginative story introductions. By giving them a place to start their story, you can really take the pressure off your kids which will help ease them into the creative writing process!

Learn More: Lanternfish ESL

50. Dialogue Worksheets

creative writing activities high school pdf

Here’s another low-prep option for the last-minute planners! Pre-written dialogue can help guide the mood of the story and allow your kiddies to just focus on filling in the characters’ actions. This is also a great way to model how dialogue is spaced out and balanced in a story!

Learn More: ESL Writing Worksheets

51. Character Trait Posters

creative writing activities high school pdf

In this personalized character trait activity, your students will create a poster of themselves and label it with a bunch of different character traits. Descriptive, interesting characters are what make a story captivating, so this is a great introduction to understanding characters and their physical as well as personality traits! This is an activity that’s sure to help them build a strong foundation for their creative writing skills to build from!

Learn More: Life In First Grade


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  1. PDF Creative Writing Activity Packet

    Creative Writing Activity Packet. Creative Writing Activity Packet. tha. are simple, engaging, and fun. While students are at home, their imaginations are stil. active and can f. ourish with a little prompting. The following activities require nothing m. re than a pencil and paper, can be done alone or in pairs/groups, and are app.

  2. PDF 100 Creative Writing Prompts for High School Students

    Mystery and Thriller •Missing Person: Write a story about a person who goes missing under mysterious circumstances. How do the investigators piece together the clues? •Haunted House: Describe a character's experience in a haunted house.What secrets do they uncover? •Secret Agent: Create a story about a high school student who is secretly a government

  3. Creative Writing Worksheets High School PDF

    Small, realistic goals for assignments also help kids who are struggling with creative writing. Encourage kids to write for 10 minutes daily or to compose one or two paragraphs. With an end goal in sight, even students who dislike writing will know what they can expect and will have an easier time completing the task.

  4. 50 Writing Prompts For High School Sophomores [PDF Included]

    Furthermore, they can also be used in many creative writing activities. So, here's a list of 50 creative writing prompts to help young sophomores experiment with their creativity! Write a story about a time traveler who goes back in time to prevent a tragedy. Imagine a world where animals can talk. Write a story about a young girl who ...

  5. PDF 101 Creative Writing Prompts That Will Get You Excited to Write

    at's hard about it. This is your hard line. Write what's scary about it. This is your scary line. Step Two: Now write four separate lines. bout your weird line, one line each for what's weird, stupid. hard and scary about your weird line. Then do this for your original stupid, hard.

  6. PDF Creative Writing Teach Yourself to Write and Tell a Good Story

    r. ourself to becom. a good writer are:1. Write, write, write2. ead, read, readThe more you write, the more you will improve. Don't wait for inspiration to strike, don't aspire to writing, do. 't be embarrassed if you're not as good as you want to be. Just sit down, and, as Orson Scott Card says, "writ.

  7. Free 12th grade creative writing worksheets

    Students can use this to map out fictional characters of their own creation or to take a more in-depth look at a character in an established work. This worksheet asks about the character's appearance, thoughts, words, actions, and motivations. 6 th - 12 th. Creative Writing, Literature, Reading. FREE.

  8. Writing Practice Worksheets

    In these writing practice worksheets, students practice reading and practical writing. Each worksheet begins with a prompt that gives students a chance to write practically. Each prompt features a real world writing activity. Example answers are provided for students to read and model their answer after. Beginning Practical - Grocery List.

  9. Creative Writing Worksheets

    Inspiration ebook. Imagination ebook. Creative writing syllabus. You can find a complete PDF of all of the writing worksheets to date in the Coterie Library. Click Here to Join the Coterie. 150+ writing worksheets to help writers with common story, character and worldbuilding problems. Free for educational use.

  10. Free high school creative writing resources

    Free Winter Creative Writing Activities Lighten up the winter blues with these fun creative writing activities for the winter season. Correlated to the Common Core State Standards for Writing, this 13-page document (nine student handouts and two pages for examples & teacher's guide) includes poetry prompts, short story activities and prompts, and a fun narrative prompt using Twitter for ...

  11. Teach Creative Writing In High School With 10 Fun Activities

    Here are the few ways how high schoolers can benefit from creative writing -. 1. Imagination. When you write creatively, you expand your imagination by creating new environments, scenarios, and characters. This way, you are also boosting and stretching your imagination, as well as "thinking out of the box.".

  12. 20 Writing Prompts For High School Seniors [PDF Included]

    Use active voice: Active voice makes your writing more engaging and direct. Instead of saying "the ball was thrown by John," say "John threw the ball.". Use strong verbs and adjectives: Using strong verbs and adjectives can help make your writing more vivid and engaging. Instead of saying "the car was fast," say "the car zoomed ...

  13. PDF 1000 writing Ideas

    1000 writing Ideas Contains 1000 practical, relevant, and interesting writing prompts and writing ideas for journal and creative writing activities for anyone, but especially for those students who struggle with inventing their own. Provides other ready-to-use, practical and visually appealing, reproducible worksheets for your writing program.

  14. Creative Writing Activities for High School

    for high school and build off the idea that we all are creative in our own ways. There you have it! Six creative writing activities that for you to inspire students. When she is not teaching or writing, she is probably reading, drinking coffee, chasing her three kids and two dogs, or binge-watching documentaries with her husband.

  15. Printable High School Writing Prompts Worksheets

    Change It. Some of the ideas will be totally outrageous, but that is what makes the activity fun. Teachers should anticipate having the students to write at least 5 methods. Make the hamster wheel spinning for your high school graders with our high school worksheets. Those include journal writing and creating haikus.

  16. PDF High School Creative Writing Curriculum

    Unit 1: Creative Process Subject: Creative Writing Grade: 11-12 Name of Unit: Introduction to Creative Writing Length of Unit: 2 Weeks Overview of Unit: This is the beginning unit for this class and requires time to establish comfort, boundaries, and one's writing and speaking voice. These activities and others, coupled

  17. 55 Creative Writing Activities for All Ages

    Write a story using the last word of each sentence as the first word of the next. Describe everything you're sensing right now, using all five senses. Write a list of animals A to Z with a one-sentence description of each one. Feel free to include imaginary animals. Design your dream room in detail.

  18. PDF A beginning Curriculum for High School Writing Developed by: Razell

    3. Unit Two-Writing Informational and Persuasive Text-This unit was designed to increase the student's written communication skills. 4. Unit Four-Creative Writing-This unit helps student develop creative writing skills for both school and lifelong learning. 5. Unit Five-Reflective Writing-This unit assists the student in using

  19. PDF How to Teah Reative Writing

    Creative Writing Activity for High School Students . 3 GENERAL. 4 How to Teach reative Writing Activities Students may feel reluctant and threatened by a blank piece of paper and a request to write a story about a given topic. However, with some inspiration and fun activities, reluctant

  20. PDF A Collection of Activities to Teach Writing

    Activity: Snapshots Age Range: 3rd+ Focus: Idea Development. What You'll Need: • Pencil/Pen • Paper •. Preparation: This activity is aimed at helping students develop a simple idea into great descriptive writing. Take time to make a list of about 5-10 simple sentences that lack details.

  21. Printable Creative Writing Worksheets

    Worksheet. Journal Writing Task Cards #1. Worksheet. Use these 24 cards for daily writing exercises, or hand them out to encourage variety in writing! Descriptive Writing: Picture Prompt #9. Worksheet. Descriptive Writing: Picture Prompt #11. Worksheet. Summer Creative Writing Prompt #3: The Captivating Carnival.

  22. Writing Worksheets

    65 Worksheets. Even the most prolific and adept writers may get writer's block. That empty page can make any writer, young or old, draw a total blank. It's especially frustrating to young writers who may not have the…. Free, printable writing worksheets including writing prompts, and other ELA printables. For classrooms or at home.

  23. 51 Creative Writing Activities For The Classroom: Comics, Prompts

    By figuring out what elements make stories great, this is sure to help them in their own creative writing assignments! Learn More: Little Lifelong Learners. 33. The Best Part of Me. Probably my favorite creative writing activity, this one is infused with social-emotional learning and self-esteem building!