assignment for marketing management

Marketing Assignment Topics

Table of Contents

The Importance of Marketing Assignments

99 marketing assignment topics, 📱 digital marketing, 🛍️ consumer behaviour marketing, 📺 telemarketing, 📣 word-of-mouth marketing, 📧 personalized marketing, 💬 influencer marketing, 🤳 social media marketing, 📍 local marketing, 📔 print media strategies, 🏷️ niche marketing , narrowing things down helps.

Marketing Assignment Topics

Regardless of whether you are majoring in Digital Marketing, MBA, or Sociology, taking a look at the various marketing assignment topics will be essential for your success. The most important is to determine what kind of sub-topic you require or what promotional take is studied. Starting with the case study ideas to analysis and comparison of the different methods, you must explore your initial requirements and think about a good topic. Our friendly marketing assignment writing service has collected a selection of relevant marketing ideas to keep you inspired. Take your time to explore them and choose the one that fits!

In simple terms, digital marketing relates to promotion and advertisement of certain ideas and services via electronic means. While it’s mostly related to Internet technologies, digital marketing also covers mobile phones, digital street banners, online intellectual property protection, and anything where electronic platforms are used. It makes exploring digital marketing assignment topics a rather popular choice for college researching as can be seen below:

  • How has content marketing changed during Covid-19 times?
  • The pecularities of search engine optimization and political bias.
  • The legislation in the United States used to protect intellectual property online.
  • Google Ads vs YouTube advertisement systems: the pros and cons.
  • The role of website design for the digital marketing.
  • Sustainability of Internet of Things.
  • The role of Machine Learning technology for the digital marketing.
  • The use of Livestreaming in education.
  • Leadership styles through the lens of account-based marketing.
  • Telling a story online vs physical interaction in 2022.

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The purpose here is to estimate and understand how people (customers) make certain decisions when they choose particular services or puchase what they want. It’s a study of their needs and related behaviors. See some consumer behavior assignment topics below:

  • How important is the variety of available products for behavior patterns?
  • The use of AI-based tools to predict consumer behavior.
  • The role of family influencing for consumer choices.
  • Available resources through the lens of Maslow’s Theory of Needs.
  • Search for information and the reasoning to purchase things.
  • Consumer behavior and tourism marketing during pandemic times.
  • Perception of risks when dealing with unknown products.
  • Evaluation of product alternatives: analysis vs experience.
  • Recognition of needs: what drives consumers in 2022?
  • Modern data collection method: digital means vs word-of-mouth.

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Also known as the phone marketing, this type of sales is still quite popular these days. It involves both initiation and closure of commercial operations by making a call to certain customers. It is usually based on already existing services where specific groups of people are targeted.

  • Establishment of strong customer relations in outbound vs inbound practices.
  • Dealing with technical issues and the role of recommendations.
  • Selling things from a distance: global vs local sales approach.
  • Transformation of a phone call into a deal: the role of the time factor.
  • What does represent a quality lead in 2022?
  • Cold calling vs inside sales: persuasive rhetorics.
  • Setting objectives in telemarketing: how long should an introduction be?
  • Business to Business approach: why does taking a special niche helps?
  • Improving marketing data: the most efficient method to study your customers’ needs.
  • Analysis of modern telemarketing methods via online messengers.

It’s one of those areas where every college student majoring in marketing can turn to personal experience or focus on various case studies. When marketing data is being passed from person to person, among friends or family members, it belongs to word-of-mouth. See the subjects below for inspiration:

  • Product giveaways: how much risk does it include?
  • Brand ambassadors and the degree of honesty in marketing.
  • Sharing buzzworthy skills: is using psychological processing acceptable?
  • Referrals on social media: can one person become an influencer?
  • Pinterest: the network that uses individual marketing approach.
  • Coca-Cola and the branding strategies: popularity factor.
  • Identification and nurturing: professional word-of-mouth marketing vs amateur techniques.
  • Word of mouth for the small business: should testimonials be obligatory?
  • How to create personal recommendations using marketing management?
  • Brand generation methods: like-minded individuals or knowing your audience matters.

While it can take virtually any form thesedays, turning to personalization in the field of modern marketing is essential. It always starts with a detailed research of the target market by focusing on individuals that are already interested in services on offer. For example, promoting car safety tools among street racers or cargo companies can be one of the examples.

  • The pros and cons of the “always on” marketology.
  • Targeted emails: is email marketing still relevant in 2022?
  • Custom video messages and online learning.
  • The phenomenon of the fear of missing out.
  • Product recommendations based on data mining methods.
  • Adjusting brands to investor’s expectation: target market changes.
  • Amazon’s case study: content personalization.
  • Privacy of the purchase history online: what are the safety guarantees.
  • Purchase recommendations based on artificial intelligence.
  • In-store personal guidance vs online customer service marketing methods.

This type of marketing is one of the most relevant and important these days when we have celebrities, bloggers, and various athletes using their status to promote certain products. At the same time, every college student can become an influencer by setting a positive example. Here are some ideas to consider:

  • The negative influence of celebrities for promotion of low-quality products.
  • Quality matters: why do customers ignore quality concerns when the fame factors comes up?
  • The role of YouTube marketing mix feature for promotion of influencers.
  • Child influencers: does it help to promote business skills and responsibilities?
  • Marketing agreements: what are the limitations of being an influencer?
  • Social campaigns: the most important social marketing campaigns.
  • Negative body image and marketing influencers: beauty models and healthcare concerns.
  • The culture of shout outs by media personalities: a “sponsor me” controversy.
  • Branded hashtags: what are the pros and cons of digital branding?
  • The role of online bloggers for promotion of products and services.

Contrary to the popular belief, social media marketing (SMM) is not limited to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. We also have platforms like TikTok, LinkedIn, and Snapchat that also generate a lot of traffic. SMM is further divided into six sub-sections that are: social networking, creation of bookmarks, sharing social news, media sharing, addressing blog posts, and participating in online forums like Reddit and Quora. Here are some ideas to consider:

  • Transition of Facebook into Meta Inc: what marketing challenges became apparent?
  • Instagram and the role of intellectual property protection online.
  • Twitter and the political bias encountered in microblogging.
  • LinkedIn’s approach to business networking: marketing research case study analysis.
  • Methodology of attracting new users via Instagram’s feed.
  • Discord and the ethical limitations of promotion.
  • The use of trends and the youth culture for modern marketing.
  • Publication of news on social media: the problem of a primary source.
  • Motivational posts: cryptic media promotion methods.
  • Generation of social lift in 2022: from green energy to the rules of engagement.

Local marketing represents a special market niche where your products and services are advertised within a limited geographic area. Unlike global digital marketing, in most cases, you are focusing on the local customers by using street advertisement methods and even various print outlets like promotional leaflets and flyers.

  • The use of promotional coupons: what information must be included?
  • Creation of the local marketing plan and the prognosis aspect.
  • Brand perception by the local audience vs national marketing’s vision.
  • The challenges of Local Relevance in the rural areas of the United States.
  • What customer data is acceptable to ask for locally?
  • Cooperation with Google for local marketing.
  • The role of public relations and territorial television for promotional purposes.
  • Legal sources of data collection that are acceptable for regional marketing.
  • The use of governmental funding for localized marketing.
  • Socio-cultural factor of the brand perception of the American South.

The use of print media still remains relevant today, which became even clearer during the times of social distancing when people have turned to explanatory materials and various print outlets that they had available. These include manuals and promotional data that has been sent. The examples include real estate advertisement techniques and product manuals.

  • Are newspapers in print becoming obsolete?
  • The role of marketing in print for the fashion industry.
  • Magazines and the role of business promotion.
  • Healthcare articles and promotion of pharmacology.
  • Politics and the role of leaflets for elections.
  • The role of frequency of publications.
  • Limitations of print media strategies.
  • The use of questionnaries in the print advertisement.
  • The art of telling a story: the unique benefits of print media.
  • The tactile factor: why marketing requires something one can hold.

As the name implies, niche marketing aims for those areas where we have specific, limited appeal with low competition. At the same time, it represents a strong demand and the needs that have not been met. For example, specific sports equipment or ethnic musical instruments. Here are some good topic ideas to consider:

  • Creation of brand loyalty in 2022.
  • The most efficient methods to improve one’s outreach.
  • The use of monetization and digital solutions vs in-store contact.
  • How to analyze one’s target audience when dealing with global markets?
  • Faster business growth vs cost-effective methods.
  • Reverse engineering and study of the competitors.
  • Content creation system: simplification with the AI.
  • SEO optimization and conversion of contacts to sales.
  • The art of the thought leadership method for niche marketing.

Choosing assignment topics for marketing, remember that you should narrow things down for the best results as it will help you to focus on particular events or practices. It makes it easier to set an example and provide at least one piece of evidence for your marketing assignment. Take your time to research the subject first and play with the wording to make your paper’s title reflect your thesis statement. By doing so, you will be able to create a strong hook for your introduction and the topic sentence for each relevant paragraph. Solve your problems with assignment writing help from AssignmentBro

assignment for marketing management

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  • May 5, 2017

The 14 Steps to Writing a Great Marketing Assignment

Updated: Jun 23, 2023

A line of Chartered Institute of Marketing Graduates

Here are the only 14 steps you'll ever need to know when planning to tackle a Professional Marketing Qualification Assignment. Some of these steps you may want to change in terms of sequence, but make sure you cover each one in whatever sequence you feel fits you best.

1. Read the assignment in full

2. consider the marking, 3. choose an organisation, 4. make a timeline, 5. understand the syllabus, 6. do your research, 7. gather real-life examples, 8. bulletpoint each answer, 9. add the content, 10. presentation, 11. reference correctly, 12. get a second opinion, 13. read, read and read it backwards, 14. don’t leave it until the last minute, 1. read the assignment in full.

Reading the assignment in full a few times will help you to understand what is required holistically. Although each task and question has its own set of requirements, the idea is that the assignment is fully integrated with each question holding relevance with the others, which means they will all need to knit together.

Before even considering starting to answer the assignment, read it a few times and let it sink in. Go back and start to make some brief notes on how you think you’d tackle each question and any elements you don’t fully understand.

You are not expected to understand everything straight away, but this task can be a great way to break the ice and for you to fully understand what is required, what is known and elements that you will need to understand better than you do at the moment.

2. Consider the Marking

One thing a lot of people forget is the mark allocation for each question. This is important to factor in as it highlights the weighting of marks for each question, providing an indication of how much content is required per question to gain the most marks.

For example, if an assignment is allocated 4,750 words maximum and there are a total of 100 marks available, it would make sense that you should be looking to achieve 1 mark per 47.5 words. This can also be done per question to work out how much should be written.

Make a note of these numbers and let this be a guide to you throughout your studies.

Each Marketing assignment is usually based on an organisation of your choosing. The sooner you do this, the sooner you will be able to start to form practical answers, specific to this organisation.

This is hugely important and it will form the basis for ALL your answers. Without understanding an organisation and how the questions fit around it you are left with only theoretical answers that will not gain marks

Don’t be fooled into thinking that choosing a large organisation will be easier either as the more specific and focused you can make your chosen organisation the better your answers will be (trust me). If you are struggling with this, try picking a specific division, product or service within a company. That way you can be really focused on what you are writing.

Being accountable can be the difference between passing and failing and having something other than a final deadline to work towards can be a real asset.

Work backwards from the final deadline date of handing in your assignment and use markers at certain points leading up to this date that you will need to hit.

For example, you may want to section off weeks or a month to complete each task by, even each question. That way you know if you are falling behind and need to set aside some additional time to catch up.

You could go one further here and plot specific dates where you will have answered each question and the time you will be using to achieve this – a bit like a Gantt chart or a Project Management tool to keep you on track.

The syllabus is what all the assignment questions will be based on and each of these will cover various elements of it. Understanding what the core concepts are will help you in producing answers that gain markings.

Don’t skip this step unless you will end up writing an answer that isn’t following the syllabus.

Another reason to do this is to highlight any gaps within your knowledge that you may need to address. For example, if a learning outcome of the syllabus is to ‘demonstrate methods of generating customer awareness within a digital environment’, then the questions you need to be asking yourself are;

Do I know the digital marketing mix?

Can I evaluate methods of communication?

Do I understand keywords, content and creative?

If you don’t or can’t, better get the books out!

Following on from the above, this is where a lot of people fail as they are faced with the unknown a lot of the time, but doing your research into the gaps in your knowledge will help you not only answer the assignment but make you a better marketer.

This doesn’t have to be in book form as research comes from many different areas. This could be an ebook, video, podcast, blog, etc. As long as it’s a valid source and, if used in your assignment you reference it correctly, it can be used.

Gathering real-life examples to use throughout your assignment is essential for a number of reasons:

1 – Expands your knowledge

2 – Provides insights into what other organisations are doing that is working

3 – Applied correctly they can help in backing up any statements you may be making when answering questions

4 – A great way to gain marks

This can also be easily done by setting up some email alerts from reputable online sources such as Marketing Week. That way the examples are coming to you. Just make sure they a relevant and can be referenced!

Before diving right into your answers wholeheartedly it is much better to provide a basic structure and highlight the main points you want to get across.

I find that using bullet points is the best way to do this, which you can use as markers in order to make sure you maintain focus in your answers as well as covering all the most important elements –these may include;

Real-life examples.

Models and theory.

Specific references.

The main titles and headings required.

Most importantly the main points for context to cover within your answer.

Once you have bullet-pointed each answer, you should then be able to start to add more and more content, making each answer relevant to the question posed and the requirements of the syllabus.

If you have not done your research you may struggle with this point and one thing to avoid would be a question that rambles on and doesn’t get to the main elements quickly enough, wasting valuable word space.

A lot of people forget about the presentation, to which 10% of the overall marks can be attributed to. The best rule here is to think; if it’s easy to read, it’s easy to mark!

For each task, there will be a requirement to structure your answers to a specific style (usually in a report format or as a briefing paper or marketing plan). You’d be mad not to stick to these styles.

You want your assignment to stand out for all the right reasons, so using tables, images and screenshots does not only enhance your answer but makes an entire assignment much easier to read, understand and again… mark!

A simple point but a big one. Always, always, always, reference your work and give credit to those that deserve it.

If you are unsure how to do this, you need to review the Harvard Referencing system… ask Google. This must be done throughout your assignment as well as at the back.

Sometimes you can go copy blind, covering the same questions over and over again, so it will do you no harm to get some feedback from a tutor, your accredited study centre or even a work colleague, just to give you peace of mind that;

a) You’ve answered each question

b) It makes sense holistically

c) It is easy to read and well-presented

d) Nothing is obviously missing

Now it’s your turn. Take a few hours and read the assignment, then reread it and read it backwards. This is a great trick in spotting any spelling mistakes a spell checker may not catch – if you’re like me and a terrible speller!

One tip here- Make sure your name is NEVER on any part of the assignment, use a fake name or a job title instead.

Make sure you leave enough time (a few days) between the deadline and when you actually complete your assignment as you never know what may happen – email bounces back, sent directly to a junk folder, pigeon didn’t arrive in time. This way you have at least a day to rectify the situation and not just a few hours or even minutes

The final hidden step (number 15)

Relax and celebrate the fact you have completed your assignment, which is an achievement in itself. Well done you!

I hope you’ve found these steps useful and if any of them are unclear, let’s chat about it and clear it up so you can get on with passing your Marketing Qualification.

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assignment for marketing management

10 Tips For Writing Marketing Assignments

You are currently viewing 10 Tips For Writing Marketing Assignments

  • Post author: Cyrus Nambakhsh
  • Post published: September 1, 2023
  • Post category: Content Marketing

Page Contents

Everyone, from celebrities to businesspeople, relies on marketing to get exposure, add value, and increase their worth. Hence, the demand for professionals and marketing assignments is increasing rapidly. 

However, the path to becoming a marketing major and expanding your reach through organic marketing is not easy. One has to take exams, write assignments, and participate in several group activities before getting that degree. Sounds like too much work? 

In this article, we’ll introduce you to top marketing assignment tips that will allow you to maximize the effectiveness of your efforts.

Once and for all, let’s try to end the dilemma of marketing assignments. According to reports, 46% of youngsters in a survey said they would pursue a career in marketing!

Aside from hiring experts who will write your assignment for you or having group studies and sharing the burden, here are 10 other ways you can master marketing tasks quickly and write marketing assignments perfectly:

#1 Know the Assignment First

One major mistake marketing students make is not spending time dissecting the task. Often, the tasks are not just assignments but case studies, PowerPoint presentation defense , projects, dissertations, and more. This means each task demands a different kind of writing and presentation.

Hence, know the assignment type and what the topic means. Break down the topic and think of ways to cover it. What other slants can you insert to elevate the resonating factor of the topic? 

It is better to spend time on understanding the needs of the topic rather than rushing in by completely misunderstanding it.

#2 Pick an Example

First-year marketing students often fail to realize that their work will be more impactful if they add an example to strengthen the topic. Pick a brand or organization for your paper and use it as an example. This will allow you to find practical answers and develop logical results.

Also, papers with information on renowned brands and big names attract more audiences, making the paper more impactful. However, don’t think of public attention only when picking big organizations; think of your capabilities to justify them to make the paper notable.

#3 Put a Self-Deadline

Of course, your professor will allot a deadline, but setting your own will only push you to finish on time. However, do not confuse this step with rash writing. Have an organized routine and set a deadline to complete it on time before the actual date.

Students who do this don’t have to worry about late submissions. This also gives the writer extra time to revise, which is often overlooked.

#4 Research Fiercely

This tip is quite common to any other assignment type out there. Yet this is the step that makes a major difference. Research as much as you can. There will be many competitors in your class. 

Some may even pick the same topic as yours. The only way to stand out in such competition is through research. Students who are lazy with their research end up with shallow or superficial information. Such students rarely make it above the average mark.

Hence, to stand out, you must do in-depth research and find information from the deepest pits of the internet. Scout through many online and offline books, journals, and more to get the most real and deepest data on the topic. The professor will see through your efforts and hard work, and you can be awarded with grace marks for it.

#5 Real Events Make an Impression

Whether it’s marketing assignments or history assignments, real events never fail to make an impression. Your work will be read by others who always resonate with real-life examples. 

This is again where your capacity to research shows. Those who research without excuses can find excruciating facts that make the topic shine.

Find accurate figures and data that validate your work. Some like introducing these statistics and events at the beginning and slowly unfolding them later in the paper to keep the audience hooked.

Try to find some related data to your work which will bring thousands of readers to explore the topic. Some students also take the extra step of conducting surveys, interviews, and even doing online polls to find information on the topic and add it to their assignments.

#6 Choose the Correct Writing Style

Various writing styles depend on the topic and purpose. Students can pick a business writing style or a personal writing style. Pick one that your audience finds dependable. Aim for a blend of sophisticated and simple terms rather than making it entirely simple or sophisticated.

Using complicated words for the context is okay. But avoid using overly challenging words, which an ordinary audience may find difficult to work with. 

Do not forget to pick the one you are most comfortable with. Some writers can rock simple writing styles and still get good grades. Maintain writing flair and add authenticity to speak to your readers.

#7 Cite Correctly

With any assignment, finding online information is quite obvious. This is why you need to cite your sources. Citing means giving credit to the original writers whose information you have used in your paper. This gives credit to the original writer and helps the writer avoid plagiarism issues.

With marketing assignments, too, students need to cite the sources. There are plenty of citation styles, and one can pick the style which they prefer. Be cautious of different citing styles to avoid any mistakes and do it justice. 

Learning how to cite can take some extra time, so you can hand over this part to someone who can do it for you, leaving no errors behind.

#8 Get a Second Consultation

Both beginners and professionals need a helping hand sometimes. Students who are uncertain about their work can contact professionals or their professors. They can review the work and make suggestions to improve the quality of the paper.

Experts can suggest better examples and better brands to use and even offer effective writing tips. If you are uncomfortable with an expert, consult your friends, siblings, and family members to be more comfortable with them. Together, you can make a remarkable paper that meets everyone’s expectations.

#9 Use Online Tools

Although many find this tip controversial, we strongly agree with it. There are plenty of tools online, and the best thing is that they can be used. 

Students can find tools to improve their writing and grammar, find plagiarism issues, and even check the quality of their papers.

The best thing about these tools is that they are free, and several are available online, making them a favorable option for students. These tools also highlight problem areas, making it easier for students to correct them. 

Overall, find a trustworthy tool because numerous tools out there may not give you the desired result.

#10 Proofread Using Innovative Ways

Finally, the last step is to proofread your paper. Again, this is a very basic step that many people overlook. Proofread your paper before making the final submission. Do not jump into this process just after writing. 

Wait a few days to make the process fruitful. You can also use innovative proofreading techniques to make the process fun.

Some ways of proofreading are:

●       Reading it backward,

●       Reading one section at a time,

●       Having a list of mistakes,

●       Reading it out aloud.

It keeps the proofreading process simple and interesting, eliminating the chances of any errors.

Marketing assignments involve various aspects. Combining them and doing justice is not an easy job. Hopefully, the tips above will show you how to write impeccable marketing assignments and get your deserved score.

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Cyrus Nambakhsh

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  • Prof. Duncan Simester


  • Sloan School of Management

As Taught In

Learning resource types, marketing management, assignments, cases generally.

The cases facilitate the discussion of marketing problems in real situations. You should read these cases carefully and come to class prepared to provide constructive input as the class works together to address the issues of the case. The best way to prepare is to attempt to answer the discussion questions (posted on the website). If you can answer each question well, you will understand the basic issues of the case.

We strongly encourage you to discuss the case within your group. You will benefit from defending your ideas and you will learn by discussing other group members’ approaches. For the cases that are not due as written cases, you may discuss the general issues with other students at Sloan. However, you should not discuss these cases with any students who may have studied them in a prior year. For the three written group cases you should discuss the cases only within your group. All group members should contribute to the case write-up, which is expected to be original material.

Group Case Reports ( PDF )

Each group will be required to hand in three case write-ups. You may choose from the following menu:

  • Vestron or Barco
  • Optical Distortion or Tweeter etc.
  • Boston Whaler or Michael Bregman

Use the following sets of questions to guide your report:

Barco Projection Systems ( )
Boston Whaler ( )
Michael Bregman ( )
Optical Distortion ( )
Tweeter ( )
Vestron ( )
Vicks Healthcare ( )

Individual Case Reports

In addition to your three group case write-ups, each person must hand in an individual report on each case (not including the three cases that comprise your group report). This report should be no more than one page in length and should briefly summarize the answer to each of the case questions.

You will receive credit simply for handing in each of these reports on time. These reports will not be individually graded or returned, however, they will be used to help determine final grades for students close to the letter cutoffs.

Final Exercise ( PDF )

A final exercise will be handed out at the start of the semester. It will be a group exercise. Instructions will be provided. A report will be due on the Monday following the final class session.


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Resources: Discussions and Assignments

Module 13 assignment: marketing mix examples.

Open Pedagogy Assignments are assignments in which students use their agency and creativity to create knowledge artifacts that can support their own learning, their classmates’ learning, and the learning of students around the world. (See this peer-reviewed article for more details.) The assignment on this page is aligned to the learning outcomes of Introduction to Business and we’ve identified the module where the reading appears. All of the assignments can be created with a cell phone camera or any video recording device, Google or Word documents, and your learning management system.

In the Marketing Function module, we cover the 4Ps: Products, Promotion, Place, and Price. Even if you haven’t had experience with marketing, you have a lot of experience as a customer. What is the marketing mix of one of your favorite brand? Think of the marketing mix as a recipe that can be adjusted—through small adjustments or dramatic changes—to support broader company goals.

Using your cell phone or any other recording device, create a short video about the 4Ps of one of your favorite products. You don’t have to edit or create a professional-grade film. You’ve most likely have done this type of recording already on social media, so feel free to use the same informal conversational tone.

Do an internet search for a product of your choice. Research for areas of their website where they mention details about their products, promotions, places, and price. Think of your audience as fellow students who are interested to learn about these ideas because they want to learn important marketing concepts. In your video, you can address the following:

  • What are some interesting points on the website about the product?
  • What are their promotions? What’s the price? Where can you find the product?
  • If you have had experience with the company of your choice, and you feel comfortable sharing your experience, tell your audience what worked or didn’t work for you about their marketing. What can they improve?

A Note To Teachers: For this assignment, the first term students will be creating the videos, and then the next term’s students can respond to the videos. After you have two terms of examples, use the best three from the batch as examples and start the process over again. Using the videos as starting points for OL discussion boards may work as well. If you are using the Salty Paws Case Study, you could refer back to that assignment as guidance for your students who may be learning these concepts for the first time.

  • Open Pedagogy Assignment: Marketing Mix Examples. Authored by : Lumen Learning. License : CC BY: Attribution

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Marketing Project Management Guide: Expert Tips, Workflows, and Skills

By Joe Weller | September 2, 2020 (updated September 29, 2023)

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Project management in marketing involves multiple moving parts and teams composed of people from varying disciplines. Three experts share collaboration and communication tips to meet project goals and top management approval.

Inside this article you’ll find an infographic on how to work with marketing project management stakeholders , learn how to solve common challenges, and discover best practices .

What Is Marketing Project Management?

Marketing project management is a systematic process that covers all aspects of content administration and development, from concept to creation to completion.

Fiona Remley

Project management for marketing has become a necessity for both in-house marketing departments and agencies. “There are competitive pressures that drive the need to deliver results and shorten schedules,” says Fiona Remley , Global Advertising Leader for Worldwide Programs, Content, and Creative Operations with Amazon Advertising. “For example, my goals to reduce SLA [service level agreements between marketing and sales teams to drive revenue] timeframes have been cut by approximately 20 percent before 2021, the third reduction in the past five years. That’s the nature of the business now.”

Marketing Project Management Benefits

The primary benefit of structured marketing project management is that it sets specific goals and requirements — every task and activity focuses on maximum efficiency. Marketing project management’s guardrails reduce complexity, improve performance, and shorten timelines. 

Cari Jaquet

Cari Jaquet, Vice President of Marketing for BigPanda , observes that a lack of structure is a stumbling block to high performance for projects. “Marketers need to construct and administer the discipline that characterizes effective project management: clearly stating the objective, defining roles and responsibilities, and specifying deadlines. As they say, you can’t build the plane while you’re flying it.” 

The C-suite often scrutinizes marketing projects. Despite their high profile, many such projects suffer from lack of organization. Implementing campaigns, digital projects, and other content deliverables is a “messy” business with lots of moving parts and players. This unruliness is precisely why marketing projects benefit from a unified solution (in the form of spreadsheets or project management software) that also satisfies your ultimate client. 

The multiple benefits of project management for marketing teams include the following:

  • Project Oversight and Organization: Effective marketing project management is all about ensuring every activity and stakeholder serves project goals in the most economical way possible. 
  • Optimized Team Communication: Stay in touch with everyone involved in the project so that you can understand current and potential roadblocks.
  • Operational Excellence: With accountability measures in place, every team member sees the flow of value to the customer and where to repair that flow before it breaks down.
  • Highest Use of Resources: Strive to get the most out of tools, technology, time, materials, team members, freelancers, and consultants.
  • Increased Productivity and Shorter Timelines: Projects move forward faster when everyone functions with a single goal and streamlines tasks.
  • Repeatable Methodology: Once you complete projects and gain historical information, data, and results, you can use what works best and discard the rest to create your own best practices.
  • Provable ROI: At the end of every project, the marketing project manager should note ROI and what senior management uses to rate your project as a failure or success.

Marketing ROI Calculator Template

assignment for marketing management

At the start of your project, define your metrics relative to KPIs (key performance indicators). Generate marketing ROI (MROI) by reporting content-generated revenue minus the cost of content production. In this template, you’ll find space for multiple marketing initiatives so you can compare their relative value.

Download the MROI Calculator Template - Excel

Learn more about validating and calculating project performance and use an ROI calculation template to get started.

Marketing Project Management Solves Common Challenges

Today, project management and marketing go hand in glove. Pros bring a combination of hard (expert knowledge) and soft (personal interaction and engagement) skills to execute work successfully and overcome the common challenges: 

  • Scoping and Budgets: Amazon’s Remley explains, “The scoping and the budget work-back conundrum is one of the great challenges of marketing project management. In an ideal world, clients bring you their business problem and ask you to help solve it. But it usually works the other way around, as most marketing clients know what they’re trying to achieve and have a budget, but may not know what business problem they’re trying to solve. You face the dilemma of delivering a square peg for the price of a round hole. The strategy is to work with the client to unearth the business problem and deliver a logical solution within the budget or negotiate a new one.”  Remley advises, “With a set budget, you work backward and meet the requested timeline. The logic of a constricted timeline is that sometimes you make more profit by delivering the end product faster.”

Sonia Schecter

  • New Product Development and Launch: A new product supports company business objectives, such as boosting revenue, beating the competition, or increasing market share. A new product and its launch involve the entire organization at some point. The process also usually includes outside vendors, as is the case with the multichannel integrated strategic campaigns that BigPanda's Jaquet runs." With the interdependencies of integrated campaigns and their crossover teams, it's not necessarily a linear or four- or five-step process. For example, your marketing team may need to rework a web page after launch, so that you may take a slight step back. Even one missed milestone at any stage of a new product launch can lead to a domino effect with disastrous consequences. Remain vigilant, stay flexible, keep an eye on dependencies, and manage the process with a tool that provides good communication and document sharing, like Smartsheet or Asana." 
  • Honoring Creatives: Most marketers have worked on a project with clients who think they can write copy, design, or act as an art director. Marxent's Schechter knows the problem well. Marxent is a 3D commerce and visualization company that produces explainer and other videos to use as a marketing tool and on behalf of clients. "Video projects are far more expensive and time-consuming to rework than other marketing projects," says Schechter. "People can now make videos on their phone or have a perspective they want illustrated. Everyone thinks that they are a genius at this stuff. To make schedules and budgets work, you must enforce expertise, rein in clients, and stop the changes." Schechter adds, "The hardest, and yet most necessary, thing to do is to trust your creatives and stop yourself from requesting a slew of changes. Without fail, you'll see things that could (theoretically) make a video project better. However, you must be honest about which changes are truly worth the time, energy, and effort." To avoid expensive alterations, Schecter suggests, "Provide your input and what you want for the project upfront — and document everything — so that you're not stuck haggling with the creative over details in post-production. If the team and its experts have clarity on requirements and documentation (e.g., a script, meeting notes), you can compare the final product to the original specifications, and it's less emotionally taxing for all." 

Learn how to increase your organization's efficiency and improve results with Smartsheet's definitive “Project Management Guide .”

Digital Marketing Project Management

Digital project management is the oversight of planning, tracking, and deliverables of tech-centered projects generated and delivered online. Examples include digital marketing campaigns, mobile apps, website development, UI/UX designs, and conversion rate optimization. 

Digital asset management (DAM) software makes digital projects possible and is part of project implementation, which organizes and stores media files and secures brand assets. DAM also supports team collaboration and file distribution, and often offers additional functionality, such as scheduling asset distribution. 

If you’re thinking about purchasing DAM, find buying tips by reading “ Expert Advice on Choosing the Digital Asset Management System That’s Right for Your Company .”

Who Uses Marketing Project Management?

A variety of stakeholders with an investment in a project’s success use marketing project management. They can be project managers, team members with assigned tasks, or organizations or individuals with approval powers. 

Marketing Project Management Stakeholders

Here’s a breakdown of the role of different marketing project stakeholders, whether they work in house or at an agency:

  • Marketing Project Manager: The manager is ultimately responsible for ensuring team members stick to their tasks and deadlines, collaborate, and are held accountable to everyone on the team. In house, the project manager may be a marketing director, marketing manager, or other marketing staff members. At marketing or PR agencies, account managers or project managers may hold the title. 
  • Internal Stakeholders: In-house groups or individuals tasked with responsibilities to complete the project are internal stakeholders. Examples of internal stakeholders are senior managers, department executives, marketing staff, sales teams, and technical and creative professionals. 
  • External Stakeholders: Freelancers or vendors and suppliers, SEO specialists, web designers and developers, and copywriters working on a project are external stakeholders. Other external stakeholders can be customers, users, or investors. 

“Learn how to speak the lingo of stakeholders as much as you can,” says Amazon’s Remley. “Trust and synergy are scaffolded with tailored communication skills.”

Marketing Project Management Communication Infographic

Marketing Project Management Skills

Marketing project management skills include strategic thinking, time management, effective leadership of cross-functional teams, problem-solving, task delegation, competent communication, negotiation, and organization.

Marketing Project Plans to Identify Specific Requirements and Goals

A marketing project plan provides a map of what’s necessary to complete a project. First, determine the overall marketing strategy, then describe the project, its goals, and estimated time to completion in the document.

For greater detail about how to develop your plan and project plan templates, see “ Free Marketing Project Plan Templates .”

Marketing Project Management Workflows

Once you complete the project plan, organize the project process into workflows, which includes scheduling and process development.

Workflows map out task sequence. Scheduling organizes and shares activities, deliverables, and milestones within a project. The marketing project manager will share the document with team members/stakeholders when it’s most effective. Process development establishes a set of repeatable activities for accomplishing organizational goals in similar projects such as product launches, campaigns, or branding.

BigPanda’s Jaquet says that attention to process development has paid off for her team and the organization. “At this point, we just use our collaboration tools, and most of our projects go from start to finish with virtually no meetings at all,” Jaquet says with pride.

While marketing project workflows vary in detail depending on the type of project, team members, and budget, there’s a framework that should take your marketing project from start to finish. Here are the four phases of the marketing project management process:

  • Define/Quantify Goals/KPIs: Set the metrics you and the team want to achieve.
  • Research: Gather the necessary background information, including internal documents, sales projection, competitive landscape, or other factors that affect your project.
  • Prioritize: Pinpoint priorities that will help you reach your goal.
  • Clarify Project Requirements: What are the elements that need to be pulled together or executed to ensure success?
  • Assess Resources: These include experts, internal or external team members, materials, technology, trades, or associations that need to be on hand.
  • Budget: Create a work-back budget. When the budget doesn’t match requirements, it’s time to go back to your funder and ask for more financial resources or see where you can make changes. 
  • Break Project into Tasks: Evaluate the goal, resources, budget, and team, and then break everything down into assignments.
  • Set Milestones: Set the time frames associated with each task and what’s necessary to meet specific achievements. 
  • Select and Prep the Team: Based on your recourse assessment and potential team, use the RACI (responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed) system to clarify individual or group roles for each task. For more information, look to “A Comprehensive Project Management Guide for Everything RACI .”
  • Create Content: Now it’s time to tackle the tasks associated with the project. The project manager oversees the work to be sure it gets done on time and budget. Take a deeper dive with “Content Marketing Project Management Toolkit: Workflows, Templates, and Checklists .” 
  • Communicate with the Team: While communication with team members is essential throughout all project phases, it’s particularly critical during the execution phase.
  • Check and Approve: Review every task and milestone and ensure that all executive and legal approvals are complete.
  • Review and Review Again: The final approvers should review all relevant materials, obtain signatures, make any needed changes, and perform one last review before delivering the project.
  • Publish and Distribute Content: Based on your plan, disseminate the final project product. 
  • Measure and Assess: Review the project’s impact on your stated KPIs and goals. 
  • Team Post-Mortem: Ask for input from the team and compile a learning list. 
  • Action Plan for Follow-Ups and Improvements: Put together your own best practices guide to enrich your methodology.

Learn more by visiting our  marketing workflow guide .

Marketing Project Management Workflow and Schedule Template 

Marketing Project Management Workflow and Schedule Template

This customizable template provides a tracking tool for each phase of your marketing project. The model captures administrative details; lists each activity, start and end dates, responsible party, and duration; and provides a space for comments. The accompanying Gantt chart provides visual documentation of the progress of each phase and task progress, so you can track the project’s milestones.

Download Marketing Project Management Workflow and Schedule Template

Excel | Smartsheet

Having the right tools to handle workflows and schedules, like project schedule templates , can help you minimize complications.

Best Practices and Expert Tips to Improve Marketing Project Management

Marketing project management best practices address areas that need improvement: efficiency, accountability, collaboration, and tools usage.

  • Limit Hours: Try to keep tasks to 80 hours or less. Tasks that exceed 80 hours are difficult to track and manage. 
  • Honor Timelines: Team members need to understand the timeline and treat turnaround requests with urgency. 
  • Enforce Check-Ins: Create a recurring check-in for both core/working teams and the other stakeholders.
  • Define Ownership: Be clear about responsibility assignments from the beginning and use your tools wisely when alerting, scheduling, and assigning tasks. 
  • Balance Communications: Amazon’s Remley builds a communications plan tailored to each stakeholder for every project. Remley and BigPanda’s Jaquet recommend holding down the noise and avoiding inundating people with communications, specifically too many emails. 
  • Highlight Alignment: “Ensure everyone aligns on the end state: When this project is over, what does it look like? What are the key deliverables?” Jaquet advises. “At the highest level, everyone should understand dependencies and inter-connected work and product streams.” 
  • Cross-Functional Education: Educate cross-functional teams, functional managers, senior management, and any other stakeholders with quarterly newsletters or internal posts.
  • Cultivate Champions: Develop champions who have clout in the organization and understand your challenges and goals.
  • Empower Owners: Jaquet’s advice differs from general project management wisdom. She finds that when project deliverables and dates are defined by their owners, deadlines are typically met. 
  • Team Buy-In: “Agree with team members on the project toolset that best works for the organization,” Jaquet suggests. “Define which project visualization, like Kanban or Gantt, is preferred so you can build the underlying trackers correctly.”
  • Follow the Best Examples: Publish and share with your team “best of breed” examples of deliverables, productive teams, and processes. “Chances are you can reuse something already developed for another client,” suggests Remley. “If you do leverage an existing tool or template, consider the core issue: does this solution answer the client’s central business challenge? Or have you just kicked the can down the road?”

Frequently, the tool that can get your team further, faster is project management software customized to fit your needs.

Learn more about what's required to deliver marketing projects on time and budget by reading about the macro and micro marketing project management skills to master  in today's competitive climate.

Marketing Project Management Software

Marketing project management software is purpose-built to enable a unified, fast-paced approach to the creative work involved in marketing. The goal is to improve collaboration, transparency, time, and budget management.

Marketing project management software typically includes anywhere access from any device and customizable views. Some solutions are more elaborate and include time and traffic monitoring, customer relationship management features, and invoicing. All those options can make it challenging to select a just-right tool for your in-house department or agency. 

For helpful buying guidelines, refer to “How to Pick Marketing Project Management Tools and Software .”

Improve Marketing Project Management with Smartsheet for Marketing

The best marketing teams know the importance of effective campaign management, consistent creative operations, and powerful event logistics -- and Smartsheet helps you deliver on all three so you can be more effective and achieve more. 

The Smartsheet platform makes it easy to plan, capture, manage, and report on work from anywhere, helping your team be more effective and get more done. Report on key metrics and get real-time visibility into work as it happens with roll-up reports, dashboards, and automated workflows built to keep your team connected and informed.

When teams have clarity into the work getting done, there’s no telling how much more they can accomplish in the same amount of time. Try Smartsheet for free, today.

Improve your marketing efforts and deliver best-in-class campaigns.


Marketing Management-I

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Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout.

  • Defining Marketing
  • Core concepts in Marketing
  • Evolution of Marketing
  • Marketing Planning Process
  • Contemporary Issues and Practices
  • The value chain
  • Core Competencies
  • Strategic Planning Process
  • Competition Analysis
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Role of Marketing Information
  • System in Managerial Decision Making Process
  • Components of Marketing Information systems
  • The Marketing Research Process: An overview
  • Defining the Management Decision Problem and Marketing Research Problem
  • Framing Research Objectives and developing the research plan
  • Exploratory vs. Conclusive Research
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Consumer buying process model
  • What Influences Consumer Behavior
  • Key Psychological Processes
  • The Buying Decision Process: The Five Stage Model
  •  Other Theories of Consumer Decision Making 
  •  Industrial Buyer Behavior
  •  Concept of Buying Center
  •  Industrial buying process model
  •   Influence of Economic and Behavioral Factors
  •   Influence of Procurement Organization
  •   Role of Negotiation Process 
  •  Defining Market Segmentation 
  •  Bases of segmentation 
  •  Evaluation and Targeting Market Segments
  • Brand Positioning and Differentiation

Books and references

Instructor bio.

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Prof. Jayanta Chatterjee

assignment for marketing management

Prof. Shashi Shekhar Mishra

Course certificate.

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Marketing Management Assignment

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Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Elective
Duration : 8 weeks
Category :
Credit Points : 2
Start Date : 14 Sep 2020
End Date : 06 Nov 2020
Enrollment Ends : 25 Sep 2020
Exam Date : 19 Dec 2020 IST