Essay On Why I Love My India

why i love indian culture essay

Table of Contents

Short Essay On Why I Love My India

India is a country that is rich in history, culture, diversity, and natural beauty. It is a country that has a special place in my heart, and one that I love deeply for many reasons.

Firstly, I love India for its rich cultural heritage. From the ancient civilizations that once thrived on its land, to the intricate architecture and art that can be seen in its temples and palaces, India is a country that is steeped in history and tradition. The vibrant and diverse cultures that make up India are a source of constant inspiration and wonder for me, and I am proud to be a part of this rich cultural tapestry.

Secondly, I love India for its diversity. India is a country that is home to people from many different ethnic, religious, and linguistic backgrounds. This diversity is a source of strength and resilience for India, and it makes the country a unique and fascinating place to live. I am proud to be a part of a nation that values and celebrates its diversity, and I believe that this is what makes India truly special.

Thirdly, I love India for its natural beauty. From the majestic Himalayas in the north, to the tropical beaches in the south, India is a country that is full of breathtaking landscapes and natural wonders. I have had the opportunity to travel to many parts of India, and each time I am struck by the beauty and majesty of this country.

Lastly, I love India for its people. India is a country that is full of kindness, generosity, and hospitality. The people of India have always been warm and welcoming to me, and I am grateful for their friendship and support. I believe that the people of India are what make this country truly great, and I am proud to be a part of this vibrant and loving community.

In conclusion, I love India for its rich cultural heritage, its diversity, its natural beauty, and its people. It is a country that holds a special place in my heart, and one that I am proud to call my home.

Long Essay On Why I Love My India

India is a nation of many cultures, religions, and languages; its rich heritage has made it a country that I have come to love deeply. In this article, I will be exploring why I feel such an affinity for India and how the diverse population and its culture have affected me profoundly.


I have always been proud to be an Indian. I love my country and its rich culture and heritage. India is a land of diversity, with people of different religions and cultures living together in harmony.

I love the food of India, the vibrant colors of our traditional clothes, and the beautiful architecture of our temples and monuments. I am also proud of our scientific and technological achievements. India is a land of opportunity, where anyone can realize their dreams.

I am patriotic towards my country and I believe that India has a lot to offer to the world. We are a nation of justice, equality, and peace. We have a rich history and culture that we should be proud of. I believe that India is a great country with immense potential.

Historical overview of India

India is a land of ancient civilization with a rich cultural heritage. The first Indian civilization flourished around the Indus river valley between 4000 and 2000 BCE. This was followed by the Vedic period, which saw the rise of Hinduism and the composition of the Vedas, India’s sacred texts. The subsequent centuries were marked by the establishment of large empires, such as the Maurya and Gupta empires, and by periods of foreign rule, including the Mughal Empire and the British Raj.

India achieved independence from British rule in 1947, after which it became a secular, democratic republic. The country has since then seen considerable economic development, although it continues to face challenges such as poverty, illiteracy, and social inequality. India is now home to over 1.3 billion people, making it the second most populous country in the world.

Culture and Customs of India

India is one of the most unique and culturally rich countries in the world. From the vibrant colors of its traditional clothing to the delicious food, there is so much to love about Indian culture. Here are just a few reasons why I love my India:

The Colors: Indian clothes are some of the most colorful in the world. From brightly patterned saris to intricately embroidered shawls, Indian clothing is always eye-catching. I especially love all the gold and silver jewelry that Indian women wear. It’s so beautiful!

The Food: Indian cuisine is absolutely amazing. I could eat curry and rice every day and never get bored. And don’t even get me started on all the delicious snacks like samosas and pakoras! Yum!

The Festivals: India is home to so many wonderful festivals throughout the year. From Diwali, the festival of lights, to Holi, the festival of colors, there’s always something to celebrate in India. I love how these festivals bring people together and create such a joyful atmosphere.

Importance of Family and Friends in Indian Society

It is said that no man is an island and this applies to India as well. The family is the basic unit of Indian society and it is important to have a strong support system in order to survive and thrive. The extended family system is still very much alive in India and it is not uncommon for several generations to live together under one roof. This can be both a blessing and a curse but it does provide a sense of security and belonging that is hard to find elsewhere.

Friends are also an important part of Indian society. In a country with over 1 billion people, it can be easy to feel lost and alone. But if you have even just a few good friends, you will always have someone to turn to in times of need. Friends can provide emotional support, practical help, or simply a shoulder to cry on. They are invaluable assets and should be cherished.

Education System in India

The education system in India has been through many changes since independence. The Constitution of India guarantees free and compulsory education to all children between the ages of 6 and 14. However, the reality is that not all children in India have access to quality education. There are still many rural areas where schools are not easily accessible or are underfunded.

There are also a number of issues with the quality of education in India. Many schools lack basic facilities like clean drinking water and toilets. Teachers are often poorly trained and underpaid, which leads to low morale and poor teaching standards. As a result, many students do not receive the education they deserve.

Despite these challenges, there are also many positive aspects to the education system in India. There are now more schools and colleges than ever before, and enrollment rates have increased significantly over the past few years. The government has also made a commitment to improving the quality of education by investing in teacher training and infrastructure development. As a result, the education system in India is slowly but surely improving.

Economy of India

India is one of the world’s fastest-growing economies and is projected to be the second-largest economy in the world by 2030. India’s economic growth has been driven by a number of factors, including a young and rapidly growing population, increasing urbanization, and a booming services sector.

The Indian economy is diversified, with sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, and services all contributing to GDP growth. India is also a major exporter of goods and services, and has a large and thriving diaspora community that is heavily involved in the country’s economic development.

Overall, the Indian economy is in good shape and is expected to continue growing at a rapid pace in the coming years. This positive outlook bodes well for the future of India and its people.

Tourism in India

There are many reasons why I love India, but the main reason is its diversity. India is a land of many cultures, languages, and religions. It is this diversity that makes India such a fascinating and unique place to visit.

No matter what your interests are, there is sure to be something in India that will appeal to you. If you love history, there are countless ancient temples and palaces to explore. If you’re a nature lover, you can head to the Himalayas for some stunning scenery or go on safari in one of the many national parks. And if you’re looking for a beach vacation, there are plenty of options along the coastlines of both the Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea.

Of course, no trip to India would be complete without experiencing some of the amazing food the country has to offer. From spicy curries to sweet desserts, there is something for everyone’s taste buds. And with so many different regions to explore, you could spend months trying new dishes and still not scratch the surface.

So why do I love India? There are simply too many reasons to list them all here. But suffice it to say that India is a country that has something for everyone. Whether you’re looking for adventure, relaxation, culture, or cuisine, you’ll find it all here in this incredible country.

Benefits of Living in India

India is my home and I love it. Here are some of the many reasons why I think India is a great place to live:

1. The people in India are some of the most friendly and hospitable people in the world.

2. India is a land of diversity with so many different cultures and religions coexisting peacefully.

3. There are so many amazing places to see in India, from the Taj Mahal to the backwaters of Kerala.

4. The food in India is absolutely incredible, with such a wide variety of delicious dishes to choose from.

5. The climate in India is perfect, with hot summers and cool winters.

6. The cost of living in India is very reasonable, especially when compared to other developed countries.

My India is a country that I am proud to call my home. It has given me the opportunity to grow and learn, as well as explore its vast culture and history. From the beautiful Himalayas in the north to the sun-soaked beaches of Goa in the south, India’s landscapes are breathtakingly diverse. The people here are warm and friendly, always willing to lend you a helping hand when you need it most. Each day brings something new and exciting for me to discover about this great nation – that is why I love my India so much!

Manisha Dubey Jha

Manisha Dubey Jha is a skilled educational content writer with 5 years of experience. Specializing in essays and paragraphs, she’s dedicated to crafting engaging and informative content that enriches learning experiences.

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why i love indian culture essay

9 reasons why you'll fall in love with the culture in India


Recently updated on August 13th, 2023 at 11:34 am

India is an enormous country, filled with incredible people and an amazing diversity of traditions, cuisines and religions. Every traveller who visits India quickly falls in love with the friendly locals, the ancient spirituality and of course, the traditional Indian food!  From the vibrant festivals to the warm hospitality and the art of bargaining, here are 9 things you’ll love about Indian culture.

1. Indians love to celebrate

Indian woman covered in colourful powder celebrating Holi

You’ve probably heard of a few famous festivals in India, but that’s only scratching the surface of the enormous number of religious festivals celebrated here! You’ll marvel at the joyous celebrations in India, like beautiful Diwali , the five-day Festival of Light. Whether you want to throw colourful powder at Holi , the vibrant Festival of Colours, or witness sacred ceremonies performed on the River Ganges, there are endless ways to embrace your spirituality in India. 

2. Tolerance of all religions and cultures

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Religion plays a very important role in many people’s lives in India. While over 80% of the country identifies as Hindu, all religions and cultures are accepted here. India is a secular state, meaning the country does not favour any particular religion. You’ll find everyone from Buddhists and Sikhs to Jains and Muslims to Christians and Jews peacefully practising their faith.

They’ve done so for centuries, as India is the birthplace of four major religions – Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. It’s also home to the world’s third-largest Muslim population and has welcomed a Christian population since the 1st Century CE. You’ll see ornate Hindu temples standing by mosques and cathedrals everywhere, and it’s all testament to the tolerant nature of Indian culture.

On top of this religious diversity, Indians themselves are a unique bunch. You’ll find different traditions among the different cultures all over India, from the northern mountains to the southern beaches. Take a trip around this amazing country and you’ll discover just how diverse Indian culture can be!

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3. The spiritual side of Indian culture

Indian man praying Indian culture

The deeply devotional nature of Indian culture can be found everywhere, from the beautiful temples to the locals quoting the Gita. Indians have an ancient philosophical culture, and for many, their indigenous religions aren’t just religions – they’re a way of life. Travellers have been drawn to India for centuries in their pursuit for holy wisdom and you’re sure to come away with more than a few gems of spiritual clarity.

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4. The art of bargaining with a smile

Just one trip to the market and you’ll be amazed by the art of Indian bargaining . Nearly everything is negotiable in India, from vegetables to clothes to taxi rides – and it’s always done with a smile. Bargaining is part of Indian culture and it’s not all about “winning” the negotiation by driving down the price. You should always be polite and have fun with it! Don’t haggle over petty amounts and once the seller accepts your price, don’t keep negotiating or say you don’t want to buy, as this is very rude. 

As a general rule, don’t accept a price that’s less than 30% off the original asking price. Always shop around at the market and it’s also helpful to speak some of the local language. Try saying “”Yeh kitne ka hai?” (“How much is this?” in Hindi) to break the ice – they’ll appreciate your efforts. You can also ask your Trafalgar Travel Director to help you bargain in the markets too. They’ll be happy to show you the ropes. A quick tip: Many shopkeepers in India believe the first sale of the day is lucky, so get in early and you may get a better price! 

EXPERIENCE IT FOR YOURSELF: Uncover India: Delhi to Kerala

5. Indian culture is all about family

Indians have a fierce sense of love and protection for their family. You’ll see dozens of family members over generations living under a single roof, from children to great-grandparents. Everyone plays a role, whether you work or care for the children and elders, and no one gets left behind. Once you are part of an Indian family, they will always stick by you. If you’re lucky enough to be invited into a home in India, you’ll quickly get a real insight into their strong family ties.

6. Indians are the best hosts

You’ll also get a wonderful insight into India’s legendary hospitality and generosity. It can all be summed up with their motto, the Sanskrit phrase “Atithi Devo Bhava” meaning “Guest is equivalent to God”. You’ll find people all over the country willing to help you with everything from getting directions to learning about their culture. If you do get the chance to eat in an Indian home, be warned that your hosts will probably make you eat twice what you normally do, plus dessert! 

7. The traditional Indian food

Speaking of Indian food… it’s delicious! Tasting the real Indian cuisine is one of the best parts of any trip to this wonderful country. You can’t miss all the fragrant curries, soups and rice dishes and you’ll marvel at the perfect balance of spices. Plus, you’ll get to know all kinds of Indian dining etiquette – like the art of eating with your fingers! They say you can learn a lot about cultures by eating their food and this is especially true in India. So dig in!

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Indian feast traditional Indian food

8. The ABCs of India

If you’re wondering what to talk about in India, just remember the ABCs of India – Astrology, Bollywood and Cricket. This is the holy trio that is sure to fire up conservation almost anywhere here. These three topics actually attract the most internet traffic in India too. So if you want to get a deeper insight into Indian culture or simply chat with the locals, be sure to brush up on Indian religion, Bollywood movies, and their beloved game of cricket.

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9. Big fat Indian weddings

Indian bride and groom Indian wedding

Indian weddings are a big deal. It’s not just one day of celebration. The average Indian wedding lasts for around three days and some can last a week, with multiple rituals and ceremonies. Also, you don’t just get married on any old day in India. Families of the future couple consult with priests and astrologers to pick an auspicious date. The horoscopes of the couple must also be checked for compatibility.

Throughout the wedding, the bride and groom will be decked out in the most beautiful traditional Indian wedding clothing. The whole event is a joyous affair with plenty of singing, dancing and food. If you’re lucky enough to experience an Indian wedding, it’s sure to be a day (or three!) you’ll never forget.

What are your favourite Indian traditions? Let us know in the comments below!


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Essay on Indian Culture in 500 Words

why i love indian culture essay

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  • Dec 5, 2023

Essay on Indian Culture

Did you know that Indian culture is one of the oldest and richest cultures in the world? Mark Twain once said, ‘India is the one land that all men desire to see, and having seen once, even a glimpse, would not give that glimpse for all the shows of all the rest of the globe combined.’ Indian culture is known for its rich beauty, traditional values, ethics, and social norms.

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‘We should proudly follow our cultural and traditional values, as they connect us to our age-old customs and what our culture means to us. India’s ethno-linguistically diverse culture has always been successful in catching global attention. Popular festivals like Diwali, Holi, Navratri, etc. are not only celebrated in India but also in other parts of the world.’

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Why is Indian Culture Famous?

India’s rich and diverse culture has always attracted people from different parts of the world. A series of factors are responsible for Indian culture’s popularity, which include;

  • Cultural diversity all over the country. 
  • Variety of religious and spiritual practices. 
  • Connections with the ancient Indus Valley Civilization, which is one of the oldest civilizations.
  • Concepts like yoga and meditation, which gained popularity all over the world.
  • Tradition art practices such as classical dance forms like Odissi, Bharatnatyam, Kuchipudi, etc. 
  • Traditional art forms like Tanjore and Madhubani paintings have gained global attention.
  • Our vibrant and colorful festivals like Diwali, Holi, Eid, etc. are celebrated in not just India but in other countries as well. 
  • Our flavourful dishes and curries like roti sabzi, dal chawal, puri halwa, samosa, biryani, mithaiya, etc. are now sold all over the world.

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Interesting Facts About Indian Culture?

There are dozens of interesting facts about Indian culture, starting from ancient civilizations to modern times.

  • One of the oldest cities in the world, Varanasi, was named the Tourism and Cultural Capital for the year 2022-23 by the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).
  • One of the seven wonders of the world, the Taj Mahal, is located in India, which attracts millions of tourists every year.
  • Zero (0) and decimal systems, used in mathematics, were invented in India. The modern numeral system is based on Indian numerical notations. (0,1,2,3, etc.)
  • India is home to the world’s oldest holistic healing system; Ayurveda.
  • The world’s longest epic, the Mahabharata, is based in India. This legend consists of over 1 lakh couplets (shlokas).

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Things We Can Learn from Our Culture

Our culture connects us to our age-old belief system and social norms. We are born with our cultural beliefs, values, and practices. Our culture teaches us to:

  • Understand why people do things the way they want to.
  • Respecting everyone around us, especially our elders.
  • Emphasize the relationship between family and bloodline.
  • Respecting other people’s culture and traditions.
  • Reflecting on adaptability to new systems and values.
  • Connects us to our roots and gives us an identity.
  • Encourages the preservation of our traditional and historical knowledge.
  • Emphasizes generosity and hospitality towards our guests and neighbors. 
  • It focuses on creating a sense of belonging in a community and mutual support.

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Paragraph on Indian Culture

Indian culture is one of the oldest, most diverse, and richest cultures in the world because of several factors. Our welcoming attitude towards everyone is encouraged all over the world. There is diversity in every aspect of our culture, from religious practices to festivals, foods, and traditional art forms. Popular leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Subhash Chandra Bose, and several others led mass movements in the pre-independence era to revive the Indian culture and belief practices. Our culture is our identity, as it connects us to our ancestors and gives us an identity. Today, India is a secular country, meaning people have free will to practice their religion and cultural practices. Indian culture is our way of life, as it sets us apart from the rest of the world. 

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Ans: Indian culture is one of the most oldest and popular cultures in the world. Our culture is known for its rich diversity, traditional values, ethics, and social norms. We should proudly follow our cultural and traditional values, as they connect us to our age-old customs and what our culture means to us. India’s ethno-linguistically diverse culture has always been successful in catching global attention. Popular festivals like Diwali, Holi, Navratri, etc. are not only celebrated in India but also in other parts of the world.

Ans: Indian culture is one of the oldest cultures in the world; Zero (0) and decimal systems were first used in Indian culture; Indian culture was the first one to follow the practice of Ayurveda, one of the oldest healing systems; world’s oldest legends, the Ramayana and Mahabharata, were recorded in India; and the name India is derived from a Greek word ‘Indica.’

Ans: India was ruled by various Muslim dynasties during the Medival period. They gave this land the name Hindustan, which is derived from the Persian word Hindu from the Sanskrit word Sindhu.

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Essay on Indian Culture and Tradition 1000+ Words

Indian culture and tradition, akin to a captivating mosaic, are comprised of myriad vibrant components that constitute the nation’s multifaceted heritage. With deep historical roots, they are commemorated through various avenues such as festivals, art forms, and daily customs. As we embark on this essay, we will delve into the profound essence and importance of Indian culture and tradition. This exploration will encompass their distinctive attributes, their societal significance, and their enduring pertinence.

Diversity in Unity

Indian culture and tradition are renowned for their diversity. India is home to a multitude of languages, religions, cuisines, and customs. Despite this diversity, there is a strong sense of unity that binds the nation together.

Historical Significance

India’s culture and traditions have evolved over thousands of years. The Indus Valley Civilization, the Vedas, and the teachings of ancient sages have all played a role in shaping the culture we see today.

Festivals and Celebrations

India is known for its vibrant festivals, such as Diwali, Holi, Eid, Christmas, and more. These celebrations bring people together, fostering a sense of unity and joy.

Cultural Art Forms

Indian culture finds expression in various art forms such as classical dance, including Bharatanatyam and Kathak, as well as music, encompassing Carnatic and Hindustani traditions, and theater. Furthermore, these art forms boast a rich historical heritage and persistently flourish in contemporary times.

Traditional Clothing

Indian clothing is a reflection of culture and tradition. Attire like the saree, dhoti, and kurta are not just clothing items but symbols of identity.

Expert Opinions

Cultural scholars like Dr. Kapila Vatsyayan emphasize the role of culture in shaping society and providing a sense of identity. They believe that culture is a dynamic force that evolves with time.

Spiritual Practices

Religion and spirituality play a significant role in Indian culture. Practices like meditation, yoga, and visiting temples or mosques are common ways for individuals to connect with their spirituality.

Traditional Medicine

Ayurveda, India’s traditional system of medicine, has been practiced for centuries. It emphasizes holistic well-being and natural healing methods.

Family Values

Indian culture places a strong emphasis on family values. Respect for elders, strong family bonds, and the concept of joint families are integral to Indian society.

Conclusion of Essay on Indian Culture and Tradition

In conclusion, Indian culture and tradition, as a testament to the country’s rich history, diversity, and unity, provide a sense of identity and belonging to millions of people. Moreover, as India continues to evolve in the modern world, it is crucial to preserve and celebrate these cultural treasures. By valuing diversity, promoting cultural exchange, and passing on traditions to future generations, we can ensure that Indian culture and tradition continue to thrive and enrich the lives of all who embrace them. Consequently, India’s cultural heritage is a source of pride and inspiration, forming a tapestry of traditions that we must cherish and protect for generations to come.

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Essay on Indian Culture and Tradition for Students in English

January 7, 2020 by Sandeep

Indian Culture and Tradition Essay: India is a land of rich cultural diversity. Our culture is inclusive of the customs and traditions we follow, festivals we celebrate, art practices, handicrafts, folklore, food habits, music and dance etc. Our multi religious society caters to all religions and languages alike. Our countrymen follow various social beliefs, wear different dresses, and conduct various celebrations. National festivals are celebrated with great enthusiasm towards the country.

Essay on Indian Culture and Tradition in 500 Words

Below we have provided Indian Culture and Tradition Essay in English, suitable for class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10.

India – The treasure house of rich cultural heritage and traditions

When one pronounces the word “India,” one is draped in the smell in spices, sarees, the smell of pickles and rain, the loud music and dances, the happy faces of innocent people quite untouched by the evolving westernization. India encapsulates all of those emotions and more. India thrives on love, languages, religion, and culture due to the diverse race of people living in the country. It can be hands down referred to as one of the world’s most culturally enriched countries.

Being a country that is the home to such diverse cultures and traditions, religion plays a very significant role. Various religions founded and followed in the country include Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism, etc. Apart from these, there are also huge majorities of people having Islamic faith, following Christianity or Buddhism and various other religions which do not have an Indian origin. Most of the religions founded in India are based on the concept of non-violence.

According to the 2011 census, 79.8% of the population of India practice Hinduism. Islam (14.2%), Christianity (2.3%), Sikhism (1.7%), Buddhism (0.7%) and Jainism (0.4%) forms the major religions of the country. Apart from that, there are also several other religions practiced in the heart of the country.

Marital Rituals

According to the early marital rituals of India, back in the 1950’s, Indians primarily lived in large joint families where the parents, children and the next generation on offspring lived together under the same roof. However, in the more recent times due to modernization creeping into the society and western cultures being quickly inherited, joint-families are almost rare and non-existent. Nucleated families are more common as children decide on separating from their parent’s houses to afford to have more independence and privacy. The system of arranged marriages is also highly prevalent to this day in the country. The average age for marriage for girls has gone up to 21 years according to the 2011 census, as opposed to an earlier age of 16 to 18 years.

Indian Festivals

Suffice to say that festivals form an important part of Indian culture and heritage. Due to the varied religions practiced here, the festivals are also different for each section of people. Popular religious festivals include the Hindu festivals of Navratri, Janmashtami, Diwali, Maha Shivratri, Ganesh Chaturthi, Durga Puja, Holi, Rath Yatra, Ugadi, Onam, Vasant Panchami, Raksha Bandhan, and Dussehra.

Other than these, there are also several harvest festivals celebrated by farmers such as Makar Sankranti, Sohrai, Pusnâ, Chapchar Kut, Pongal, and Raja Sankranti. Islam forms a major part of the religion dynamics in India and festivals which are observed as a public holiday in India are Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Adha (Bakri Eid), Milad-un-Nabi, Muharram and Shab-e-Barat. Christianity is also practiced by people of India and important days for Roman Catholics such as Christmas, and Good Friday has been declared as national holidays in the Republic of India as well.

Just like its religion and festivals, the cuisine in India is also equally diverse. Foods are influenced by people belonging to different parts of the country, their way of living, the environment, and availability of goods. It is imperative that Indian food is primarily influenced by the diversity of people living in it. Hindu cuisine includes rice, chapatti, vegetable curry, fish, parathas, etc. Islamic cuisine includes Biriyani, Raita, Haleem, Kheema, etc. In the South Indian states, people generally cook food using coconut oil as opposed to the common mustard oil or sunflower oil. This is because coconuts are so easily available in large quantities in the South. South Indian food includes Idli, Sambar, Dosa, Vada, etc.

Traditional clothing is the essence of Indian culture. Clothes depend on the place of origin, climate, and heritage of the particular place. In the state of West Bengal, and also in several southern states such as Tamil Nadu and Karnataka the authentic clothing for women is the Saree that is a single, long piece of fabric draped around the body. For men, the authentic Bengali clothing in Dhoti and Kurta. In the state of Punjab, salwar kameez and Kurti form the traditional clothing for women while men wear headgear or turban known as the Dastar. The Bindi, Mehendi, bangles, and earrings are a part of the attire for women.

The first ever literary work created in India was the Rigveda, in the 19th Century. Written in Sanskrit, the Rigveda laid the foundation of several religious scriptures and literary works in later years. Written by the Aryans, the Yajur Veda and Atharva Veda also soon followed. Other popular literary works created in ancient India are Ramayana by Rishi Valmiki and Mahabharata by Rishi Vyasa. Biographies of kings such as Babarnama (biography of Babur; founder of Mughal Empire) and Akbarnama (biography of Akbar, the greatest king of India) are also priceless literary pieces that give us information about the era. Apart from this certain scripture written by foreign travellers such as Fa Hein and Huein Tsung gives us information about the traditions and lifestyles of people in India.

Global Gallivanting

21 reasons why i love india so much.

why i love india

21 Quirky, little reasons why I love India so much

It’s no secret how much I love India – since I first set foot in this incredible country in 2013 it has taken me on a life changing, exhilarating journey. At first it was difficult and a little overwhelming, but now I feel incomplete whenever I’m not in India – this country has just captivated me so much!

For me, travel is all about the experience, it’s more about feelings than iconic sights. I don’t travel to tick off a bucket list of famous sights  and often I find that it’s the little things beyond the tourist attractions that give you the most meaningful connection and insight into a country. These become the things that you love the most, that remain as the most treasured memories and linger long in your mind and heart even after you’ve left.

These are the moments that made me love India, the moments that you can never truly experience by looking at photographs, reading an book or even watching a movie. It’s the little things that count, that create the journey and for that you have to go there to experience it yourself and to fall in love!

Incredible Indian hospitality love India

Traveling in India is an experience for all the senses and the reasons I love India are not due to the obvious, famous attractions like the Taj Mahal or even the beaches of Goa (although they are pretty hard to leave!) It’s the little everyday things, everyday sights, sounds and smells that leave a lasting impression and keep me returning to this incredible country again and again…

21 quirky, little reasons why I love India so much

Here are 21 little things that made me love India

Friendly cows enjoiyng the sunset on Morjim beach, Goa

  • There are animals everywhere, holy cows, skittish goats, friendly dogs, mischievous monkeys,  pigs and wild boars and even the odd elephant and camel all freely roam India’s crazy, chaotic and captivating streets.
  • The smell of incense and the sound of soft chanting from the temples at sunset and the golden dewy glow of sunrise or sunset across the paddy fields that give everything a magical and mystical aura.
  • The flash of colour and glitter of the colourful and elegant saris

Women in colourful saris at the temples in Mahabalipuram in Tamil Nadu

  • Watching the countryside rumble past from the open windows of the train
  • Life is lived in the open and is uncensored and unsanitized, it may be a little overwhelming at first but it’s real and it makes me feel so alive!
  • India is so diverse, everywhere is different it feels like many countries all in one. With so much diversity you could never get bored – in fact it would take a lifetime to see and experience all India has to offer!
  • Everyone is family, everyone is auntie or uncle or sister or brother. The unity and tolerance in this densely populated country is quite inspiring.

The lovely women or 'aunties' who helped me get dressed in a sari

  • The kindness of strangers is humbling – there is always someone to help you out in India not to mention the famous Indian hospitality. You will never feel lonely in India and the people are one of the biggest reasons I love India.
  • Sweet, milky chai in the morning and creamy mango lassis
  • The Indian head wobble – confusing at first; it could mean yes, no, maybe, I haven’t a clue, but you’ll soon start to make sense of it and it’s infectious you’ll soon find you own head wobbling too!

A shrine to the goddess Durga in Kolkata

  • God is everywhere! The colour, variety, stories, devotion and tolerance in India’s kaleidoscope of religions is intoxicating. There is a god in India for every inclination and a festival for every occasion.
  • There is a surprise around every corner and every day is a new adventure.
  • Getting change in sweets.
  • Vibrant festivals and the celebration and embrace of simply being alive!
  • I love how everything is decorated even the trucks – making a utilitarian object into something of joy and celebration in a unique Indian way!

Ingeniuos 'coracle' boat in Hampi

  • Life is lived more fluidly here, it may seem chaotic at first but there is a method in the madness.
  • Everything is possible in India!
  • India can teach you to worry less, to just go with the flow and let go of the need to control, understand and explain everything.
  • ‘ Jugaard’ – Indian’s have ingenious and imaginative ways of fixing things it’s fascinating to watch and after a while you may find yourself thinking creatively and coming up with your own ‘jugaard ‘solutions!
  • India is imperfect, it is raw, it is real and the beauty in the dirt and the faith within the chaos reassures me that it’s ok not to be perfect.
  • India can really teach you alot and can be a transformative and life changing place to travel in.

Feeling reflective at Auroville, Tamil Nadu

How has traveling in India changed you? Why do you love India!?

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Read why these Top Female Travel Bloggers Love Traveling in India

Find out How to Prepare for your First Trip to India

Check out my Top Tips for Women Traveling in India

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21 quirky, little reasons why I love India so much

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30 travelers share why they love traveling in India  – BreatheDreamGo 

6 Reasons why Traveling in India is a Life Changing Expereince – ThoughCatalog

10 Things to Love About India by 2 Backpackers

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“Getting change in sweets” made me smile. Had a really awful day. Thank you for the smile. I love the way you write.

Thank you so much for your super kind comments Sangeeta! So lovely to hear from you and what a compliment – you’ve made my day – that is until I get my favourite sweet as change! I love it because I don’t feel guilty about buying and eating sweets when they are just given to me instead of change! 🙂 Hope your day improves!

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Very well written Especially love #20

Thank you so much! 🙂 I think India can teach you alot – the part about not having to be perfect was a good lesson for me to learn!

I love all the points that have you made. After my returning from my second to trip in India, I found a lot more reasons to love India. I couldn’t agree more… amongst all the choas there is a method to the maddness. I really hope to return for a third visit in July. Happy travels!!

Thanks Angie! 🙂 Yes, I also find that with each trip I love India even more and now it’s almost impossible to bring myself to leave! It takes a bit of getting used to I guess but once you see the method in the madness I think you develop a whole new appreciation for this captivating country! I hope you get to return soon – I miss India so much when I’m not here!

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I love India so much and mainly for the reasons you have mentioned in your great article.. I miss it as soon as i leave.. can’t wait to get back and explore yet another fascinating region of this incredible country..

Yes, I know how you feel! I feel the same!

After reading about Jugaad, I can say that you really know evertyything India has to offer.. :). So inspired with your post. I have started to see India in a different way, appreciating even more that India has to offer.

Thanks so much! Such a wonderful compliment – I love so many things about India but still there is always more to discover, learn and love. India surprises me everyday! 🙂

After almost 6 years on and off in India I can say: All the points are true! And like one American nicely put it: India is organized chaos in perfection 🙂

Thanks, Wow, that’s such a great quote! I love it – so true! I might use it in a future post! 🙂

Thank you. Your points sum up how I feel about India perfectly. In 2 days we leave Australia for our fourth trip to India in 3 years. People constantly ask us why we keep going back – these points sum up our passion for Indian culture and people perfectly.

Thanks so much! So glad to hear that you like my post! 🙂 Yes, I’m on 4 visits in 3 years too and people always ask me why I spend so much time in India and why don’t I travel somewhere else but there is just so much to see, learn and love it would take a lifetime and so I find it hard it leave! So glad that these points resonated with you and hope you enjoy your trip! 🙂

Love the list! I’m heading off on my second India trip soon. What do you suggest for avoiding getting a parasite and subsequent hospital trip this time??

Thanks! Glad you liked it! I got sick on my first trip too but have been OK ever since I think your stomach gets stronger and more used to the Indian germs I also drink pro biotic yogurts which I think make the good bacteria in your stomach stronger. I haven’t written about this yet but theres some good tips here – Hope you don’t get sick on your next trip! 🙂

what about andaman ,lakshwadweep island

I haven’t had a chance to go there but would love to!

Thank u so much mam

Come to UTTRAKHAND sometime Mam..I will Show u much more.

I want to visit hopefully one day!

Yes. I agree with all 21 reasons ……

Thanks! Glad u liked it

I agree with all 21! When people ask me why I love being in India so much, it’s easy to talk about the colour, the food, the architecture, etc, which are definitely good reasons. But as you’ve said in a number of different ways, the real reason I love being there is something much more intangible and hard to explain – it’s to do with vitality, honesty, openness, acceptance, love, energy, spirit, connection, possibility, wonder and feeling – something like that!

Yes I totally agree with you – there are all the obvious reasons but then there is something spritual that you just can’t explain to people who haven’t been to India!

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AwW…ANNA, I just loved this article it was awesome….!!!! I love India …in fact i ve been there once, I love to go there, live my life, and have my own joys and absolutely my experiences,but, my dad…pooh-pooh!he wont let me because he was with me on that trip, he is so strict and obsessive that’s why he wont let me, because he believes that countries like India are not safe enough for girls, besides he thinks people can only make progress in countries like America, etc. so I can admit he is more interested in western culture but unfortunately I’m not, I love eastern architecture, culture, their foods, and THEIR HISTORY the most, ill be a fashion designer soon and more interested to start my job in a country I love in all of my sketches you can find so many Indian features in fact I’m only able to draw thing in this way I think its better to follow you heart than just stay see what happens …! Anyway, I enjoyed it a lot…thanks for your phenomenal words,for a second I felt they were my own words! Love, all the way from here(!)

Wow! Thanks so much for your lovely comment. So nice to hear from someone whos as passionate about India as me! I’m so glad you liked my post and I’m sorry to hear that your Dad won’t let you go to India – maybe show him this blog and others it will prove that solo women can travel in India safely and enjoyably or perhaps take a tour – safety in numbers right!? Anyway hope you get to visit India soon – the culture is so fascinating and rewarding and the clothes are super colourful.

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Hi Anna, I loved your “Jugaard” comment! It is so true!!!!

Ha ha! Thanks! 🙂 I do love jugaard and I’m getting quite good at it myself.

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I’m so touched by your sweet views about India(I’m Indian also). Often found people who hate India and Indians just because India is a developing country and not much developed like other countries. You made me smile at the end of the day. Thanks. God bless you☺

Hi Aish. Thanks so much for your kind comment! I love India, its full of spirit and character and the people are amazing. I can’t get enough of the place and I’m so glad you liked my post 🙂

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welcome to East and Northeast India mam, a wonderful place, one of the beauties present on earth, a gift from Nature

Yes, I’ve visited North East India twice now! I loved it there such a special place – you can read about my adventures meeting headhunters and tribal people in Nagaland, Arunachal and Assam here – 🙂

Thank you 🙂 I visited North East India – I especially loved Arunachal and Nagaland and I also went to the Sundarbans! So many amazing things to see and experience in Incredible India! 🙂

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Great post! I enjoyed a lot. You have captured the essence of India. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful piece of information about Incredible India.

Thanks so much! Glad you liked it – there is so much to love about India! 🙂

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Hahaha love this! Totally agree with you. I live in Punjab and you see jugaards everywhere aka the temporary permanent solution!!! Rather than replace an iron one uses cardboard to wrap around it. Who needs a lock on the bathroom door when you can pull it shut with rope attached to the handle when you need to go. Their creativity astounds me. Love your work.

Ha ha glad you liked the post 🙂 Yes jugaard is one of the many things that makes India so fascinating – I did a jugaard myself today – I did too much shopping and needed a bag but feeling too stingy to buy one so I found some boxes instead but it was too small so I tore up two boxes and fashioned them into a box that fitted my shopping and stuck in together with tape and rope – worked a dream and I thought to myself ‘ I am turning so Indian!’ 🙂 Thanks for stopping by 🙂

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So many lovely things about India, some I’ve never heard of before. Love getting change in sweets!

Yes India is different from anywhere else and always surprising! 🙂

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Your are one of the most resourceful blogs that we consider relying upon. We hope to see you going higher

Great to hear! Thanks 🙂

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Glad to find someone who loves India for the very same reasons that make people hate it 🙂 goes to show how everything is subjective, eh?

Come to Karnataka sometime, I’d love to show you around!

Hey Bhumika – thanks 🙂 yeah some people have a love/hate relationship with India. I like Karnataka spent time volunteering in Bangalore and visited Mysore, Belur and Halebid and a few more places but still lots more to see! Where abouts in Karnataka do you stay?

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I love all the points that have you made. As an Indian, I am totally agree with you Travelling in India is such a great experience for every visitors. It’s culture different from other culture. It is a spiritual country.

Thank you – yes India is amazing and traveling here can be a spiritual journey

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Hello I’m Michelle Andrews and I was reading your blog and it was good. And the topic you wrote is actually India, it is a great country for travel and I like to travel to India also. So thanks for continuing to share and share these amazing posts.

Thanks Michel! India is certainly such an amazing place to travel in and explore! 🙂

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do visit the places in Andhrapradesh like Thirumala, Vijayawada temple, godavari districts which are named for natural beauty, araku valley near Vishakapatnam city.

you should taste the food like Gongura, Avakaya, Pappu, hyderabad chicken biryani and many more tastes (but a little more spicy than Tamilnadu)

Thanks so much for the tips! 🙂

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Nice article! I’m glad you love my country so much! I’m yet to explore so much about my own country but I’m getting there albeit slowly! Come to Bombay (Mumbai). I can show you around 🙂

Thanks so much for the offer – no plans to visit Bombay again atm tho

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nice post i also love india culture thanks for sharing this

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Superb Article Please come to RAJASTHAN in INDIA

Thanks, I love Rajasthan I’ve been many times 🙂

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I used to hate my country due to some reasons but after reading this I’m in love with my country! Thank you so much!💞

Glad you liked it – I love India its really such an amazing country! 🙂

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Thanks for sharing these all wonderful reasons, Dancing is one of India’s most highly developed arts and was an integral part of worship in the inner shrines of every temple. It is notable for its expressive hand movements.

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This is such an awesome list Anna! Some points made me feel proud of being an Indian, while others made me laugh hard in appreciation 🙂 Thanks for sharing so many wonderful things about India!

Thanks! Glad you liked it 🙂

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With many regions, attire, languages and food habits, the culture in India is rich to explore. Thanks for sharing your words with us.

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Thank you so much to write this article. I enjoyed your article. Your article is really educational.

I’m also a blogger and Youtuber. I also write articles on Indian culture.

Thanks Tousif – glad you liked my blog. Happy writing and traveling to you too 🙂

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I enjoyed your article, thank you so much

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  • Indian Culture and Tradition Essay


Essay on Indian Culture and Tradition

As students grow older, it is important for them to improve their understanding and hold over the language. This can be done only through consistent reading and writing. Writing an essay is a task that involves cooperation and coordination of both the mind and body. Students must be able to think as well reproduce their thoughts effectively without any confusion. This is important when it comes to writing answers and other important documents as ones go to higher classes. The art of writing effectively and efficiently can be improved by students through writing essays. To help students in this domain, Vedantu provides students with numerous essays. Students can go through the same and learn the correct manner of writing the essay. 

Indian Culture and Tradition

India enjoys a wide variety of cultural and traditional presence amongst the 28 states. Indian origin religions Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism are all based on dharma and karma. Even, India is a blessed holy place which is also a native place for most of the religions. Recently, Muslim and Christianity also practised working amongst the whole India population. The pledge also added the line, ‘India is my country, and I am proud of its rich and varied heritage.’  

Indians are great with cooking; their spices are special for medicinal purposes, so visitors are difficult to adjust to with such heavy spices. The cricketers touring Indian pitches are out due to such food. Frequently, it's been observed that the sportsperson arrived in India either with cooking skills or with a cook. Spices such as cumin, turmeric and cardamom have been used for a long period, to make the dishes more delicious and nutritional. Wheat, rice and pulses help to complete the meal. The majority of the population is a vegetarian one due to their religious aspects.

Talking about the language, India is blessed with a wide range of languages used. Each state has its own language. A major part of the state is unable to speak other languages than the native one. Gujrathi, Malayalam, Marathi, Tamil, Punjabi, Telugu and many more are the representative languages of the respective state. It's easy to recognize the person with the language he spoke. There are 15 regional languages but almost all of them Hindi is the national language of the country. Sanskrit is considered an ancient and respected language. And most of the legendary holy texts are found in Sanskrit only. Along with these, most of the people are aware of plenty of foreign languages. 

Indian clothing is adorable to most of the foreigners. Woman wearing a sari is the pride of a nation. These create a pleasant effect and she looks so beautiful that a majority of foreign country’s female want to be like her. The origin of the sari is from the temple dancers in ancient times. Sari allows them to maintain modesty and freedom of movement. On the other hand, men traditionally wear a dhoti and kurta. Actually, Dhoti is a type of cloth without any further attached work done on it. The great Mahatma Gandhi was very fond of it and in their dignity, most of the people used to wear the same. 

Apart from all the above facts, Indians are legends with arts and studious material. Shah-rukh Khan, Sachin Tendulkar, Dhirubhai Ambani, Amitabh Bachchan Rajnikant, Sundar Pichai are many more faces of India who are shining and representing India on a global scale. There are 20-30 grand festivals celebrated every year in which every festival pops up with history and respect to the respective religion. Even in terms of business, India is not behind. Agriculture is the best occupation of 70% of people in India. It’s our duty to protect the wonderful culture that we have. 

Indian culture is one of the oldest and most unique cultures known across the globe. It has various kinds of traditional values, religion, dance, festivals, music, and cloth, which varies from each state or town even. Indian art, cuisine, religion, Literature, Education, Heritage, Clothes etc has a huge impact on the whole world where everyone admires and follows it. It is known as the land of cultural diversity.  India thrives on a variety of languages, religions, and cultures due to the diverse race of people living in the country. It can be referred to as one of the world’s most culturally enriched countries. When one thinks of India, they picture colors, smiling faces of children running in the streets, bangle vendors, street food, music, religious festivals etc. 


India is a land where different religious beliefs are followed. It is the land of many religions such as Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Jainism and Buddhism.  Four Indian religions namely Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism, and Buddhism were born in India while others are not of Indian origin but have people following those faiths. The people of India keep a solid belief in religion as they believe that following a faith adds meaning and purpose to their lives as it is the way of life. The religions here are not only confined to beliefs but also include ethics, rituals, ceremonies, life philosophies and many more.


Family plays a vital role in every Indian household. Indians are known to live together as a joint family with their grandparents, uncles and aunts, and the next generation of offspring as well. The house gets passed down from family to family throughout the generations. But with the new modern age, nuclear families are starting to become more common as children go out of town into cities for work or studies and get settled there, also everyone now prefers to have their own private life without any interference. But still, the concept of family get together and family gatherings are not lost as everyone does come together frequently. 

Indian Festivals

India is well known for its traditional festivals all over the world. As it is a secular country with diversity in religions, every month some festival celebration happens. These festivals can be religious, seasonal or are of national importance. Every festival is celebrated uniquely in different ways according to their ritual as each of them has its unique importance. National festivals such as Gandhi Jayanti, Independence Day and Republic Day are celebrated by the people of India across the entire nation. Religious festivals include Diwali, Dussehra, Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Zuha, Christmas, Ganesh Chaturthi, etc. All the seasonal festivals such as Baisakhi, Onam, Pongal, Bihu etc are celebrated to mark the season of harvest during two harvesting seasons, Rabi and Kharif. 

Festivals bring love, bond, cross-cultural exchange and moments of happiness among people.

Indian cuisine is known for a variety of spicy dishes, curry, rice items, sweets etc. Each cuisine includes a wide range of dishes and cooking techniques as it varies from region to region. Each region of India cooks different types of dishes using different ingredients, also food varies from every festival and culture as well. Hindus eat mostly vegetarian food items such as pulao, vegetables, daal, rajma etc whereas people from Islamic cultural backgrounds eat meat, kebabs, haleem etc. In the southernmost part of India, you will find people use a lot of coconut oil for cooking purposes, they eat a lot of rice items such as Dosa, Idli, Appam etc with Coconut chutney, sambhar.

Indian Clothing is considered to be the epitome of modesty and every style is very different in each region and state. But the two pieces of clothing that represent Indian culture are dhoti for men and saree for women. Women adorn themselves with a lot of bangles and Payal that goes around their ankles. Even clothing styles varied from different religions to regions to cultures. Muslim women preferred to wear salwar kameez whereas Christian women preferred gowns. Men mostly stuck to dhoti, lungi, shalwar and kurta.In modern days, people have changed their sense of style, men and women now wear more modern western clothes. Indian clothes are still valued but are now in more trendy and fashionable styles. 

There is no single language that is spoken all over India; however , Hindi is one common language most Indians know and can speak or understand. Every region has a different language or dialect. As per the official language act, Hindi and English are the official languages in India. Other regions or state wise languages include- Gujarati, Marathi, Bangla, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Kashmiri, Punjabi etc. 


FAQs on Indian Culture and Tradition Essay

1. What are the Popular Spices in India?

Popular spices in India include - Haldi(Turmeric), Chakri Phool(Star Anise), Til (Sesame seeds/ Gingili seeds), Saunf(Fennel Seeds), Kesar(Saffron), Laal Mirch(Red chilli), Khas(Poppy seeds), Jayphal(Nutmeg), Kalonji(Nigella Seeds), Rai/Sarson(Mustard Seeds), Pudina(Mint), Javitri(Mace), Patthar ke Phool​(Kalpasi), Kala Namak/ Sanchal/ Sanchar powder(Black salt/ Himalayan rock salt/ Pink salt), Sonth(Dry ginger powder), Methi dana(Fenugreek seeds), Suva Bhaji/ Sua Saag(Dill)

Kadi Patta(Curry Leaves), Sukha dhania(Coriander seeds), Laung(Cloves), Dalchini(Cinnamon), Sabza(Chia seeds), Chironji(Charoli), Ajwain(Carom seeds, thymol or celery seeds), Elaichi(Cardamom), Kali Mirch(Black Pepper (or White Pepper), Tej Patta(Bay Leaf), Hing(Asafoetida), Anardana(Pomegranate seeds), Amchoor(Dry mango powder)

2. What is the Language Diversity Available in India?

The Indian constitution has 22 officially recognized languages. Apart from it, there are around 60 languages that are recognized as smother tongue with more than one million speakers. India also has around 28 minor languages spoken by over one hundred thousand and one million people. Apart from these, there are numerous dialects spoken by a various sect of people based on their region of origin. 

3. Who are Some of the Most Famous Indian Celebrities Popular Across the Globe? 

India has people excelling in all aspects of art and activities. Few prominent celebrities to garner global fame include - Sudha Murthy, Amitabh Bacchan, Virat Kohli, Saina Nehwal, Sania Mirza, Priyanka Chopra, MS Dhoni, Sachin Tendulkar, Mohanlal, A R Rehman, Mukesh Ambani, Ratan Tata, Narayana Murthy, Kiran Majumdar Shah, Narendra Modi, Amith Shah. all these people have received great accolades in their respective area of expertise globally and getting recognition to India on a global level. 

4. How to Improve Writing and Reading Skills for Producing Good Essays?

Writing an essay becomes a tedious task when the mind and hand do not coordinate. It is important for you to be able to harness your mental ability to think clearly and reproduce the same on paper for a good essay. Always remember the first few thoughts that you get as soon as you see an essay topic is your best and purest thoughts. Ensure to note them down. Later you can develop your essay around these points. Make sure your essay has an introduction, body and the final conclusion. This will make the reader understand the topic clearly along with your ability to convey the any information without any hesitation or mistake. 

5. How many religions are there in India? 

As of now, there are a total of 9 major religions in India with Hinduism being the majority. The remaining religion includes- Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism and the Baha'i Faith. 

6. Which is the oldest language in India? 

Indian classical oldest language is Sanskrit, it belongs to the Indo- Aryan branch of Indo- European languages. 

7. What are the few famous folk dances of India? 

Folk dances are the representation of a particular culture from where they are known to originate. Eight famous classical dances are- Bharatnatyam from Tamil Nadu, Kathakali from Kerala, Kathak from North, West and Central India, Mohiniyattam from Kerala, Kuchipudi from Andhra Pradesh, Odissi from Odisha, Manipuri from Manipur, Sattriya from Assam. 

8. How many languages are spoken in India? 

Other than Hindi and English there are 22 languages recognised by the constitution of India. However, more than 400 languages and dialects in India are still not known as they change after every town. Over the years, about 190 languages have become endangered due to very few surviving speakers. 

9. Describe the Indian Culture. 

Indian culture is very diverse and the people of India are very warm and welcoming. They have a strong sense of family and firmly believe in unity in diversity. In India, there's a saying saying 'Atithi Devo Bhava'  means 'the guest is equivalent to god'. So if one visits India, they will never feel unwanted.


Essay on Values of Indian Culture

Students are often asked to write an essay on Values of Indian Culture in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Values of Indian Culture


Indian culture, rich and diverse, is renowned worldwide. It is a unique blend of various customs, traditions, and rituals which have been passed down from generation to generation.

Respect for All

A key value of Indian culture is respect for all. This includes not only elders and teachers, but also all forms of life. It is ingrained from an early age.

Unity in Diversity

Despite numerous languages, religions, and cuisines, Indians are united by a common thread of cultural values. This unity in diversity is a remarkable feature of Indian culture.

Indian culture, with its values, forms the backbone of the Indian society, promoting harmony and peace.

250 Words Essay on Values of Indian Culture

The essence of indian culture.

Perhaps the most striking feature of Indian culture is its diversity. The country’s vast geographical expanse and historical influences have given rise to a multitude of languages, religions, and cuisines. Yet, amidst this diversity, there exists an underlying unity, as the values of tolerance, respect, and harmony are deeply ingrained in the Indian psyche.

The Spirit of Non-violence

Non-violence, a value propagated by Mahatma Gandhi, is deeply rooted in Indian culture. It is not just about abstaining from physical violence, but also encompasses mental and emotional non-violence. This principle is reflected in the Indian way of life, where respect for all living beings is emphasized.

Holistic Living

Indian culture promotes a holistic approach to life, integrating physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Practices like Yoga and Ayurveda, which originated in India, embody this philosophy. They advocate for a balanced lifestyle, focusing on the symbiosis of mind, body, and spirit.

Respect for Nature

Indian culture reveres nature and considers it sacred. This value is evident in the traditional practices and folklore, which often revolve around nature and its elements. The belief in sustainable living and coexistence is a crucial aspect of Indian culture.

In conclusion, the values of Indian culture are not just philosophical concepts but practical guidelines for leading a harmonious life. They are the pillars that have sustained the culture’s vitality through millennia, making it a beacon of wisdom and resilience.

500 Words Essay on Values of Indian Culture

Indian culture, often referred to as the cradle of human civilization, is one of the oldest and richest cultures in the world. It is a unique amalgamation of diverse customs, traditions, and rituals, all of which have been passed down from generation to generation. The values of Indian culture are deeply rooted in its philosophy and spirituality, which have guided the moral, ethical, and social conduct of its people for centuries.

Harmony in Diversity

One of the most significant values of Indian culture is its acceptance and celebration of diversity. India is a land of multiple religions, languages, cuisines, and art forms. Yet, it has always fostered a sense of unity in diversity, promoting mutual respect and tolerance. This value of coexistence has not only enabled India to maintain its cultural diversity but also helped in fostering a harmonious society.

Respect for Nature and All Life Forms

Indian culture places great emphasis on the respect for nature and all life forms. This is reflected in the concept of ‘Ahimsa’ or non-violence, which extends beyond humans to animals and the environment. The reverence for rivers, mountains, plants, and animals as sacred entities is a testament to this value. The tradition of Yoga and Ayurveda, which promote holistic well-being, also exemplify this deep-rooted respect for nature.

Emphasis on Family and Community

Spirituality and philosophical depth.

Indian culture is known for its spiritual depth and philosophical insights. The teachings of Vedanta, Upanishads, and Bhagavad Gita have provided profound wisdom about life, death, karma, and dharma. The value of seeking inner peace and liberation (Moksha) from the cycle of birth and death is a central theme in Indian philosophy.

Artistic and Intellectual Contributions

Indian culture has made significant artistic and intellectual contributions. The classical dance forms, music, literature, and architectural marvels like the Taj Mahal are a reflection of India’s rich cultural heritage. The ancient universities of Nalanda and Takshashila, the mathematical concept of zero, and the medical science of Ayurveda showcase the intellectual prowess of ancient India.

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By Rajiv Malik

September 2 2019


Why Manipur excels in Sports and connect with local Culture

Why Manipur excels in Sports and connect with local Culture

July 29 2021

Why Manipur excels in Sports and connect with local Culture Read More...

Portrayal of Women in Ramayana-A Different Perspective

Portrayal of Women in Ramayana-A Different Perspective

July 21 2021

Portrayal of Women in Ramayana-A Different Perspective

Pratimas of Durga Mahishasuramardini through the ages

Pratimas of Durga Mahishasuramardini through the ages

July 18 2021

Pratimas of Durga Mahishasuramardini through the ages



By Sumesh Subramanian

June 7 2021


What do KIRTIMUKHA in Indian Temples mean

What do KIRTIMUKHA in Indian Temples mean

June 16 2021

What do KIRTIMUKHA in Indian Temples mean

What is a TEMPLE

What is a TEMPLE

By Deepika Kothari and Ramji Om

June 8 2021

What is a TEMPLE

Temples of Kashmir You May Not Know Of

Temples of Kashmir You May Not Know Of

By Namrata Wakhloo

May 22 2021

Temples of Kashmir You May Not Know Of

Weapons seen in the hands of Deities-Hindu Temple Iconography

Weapons seen in the hands of Deities-Hindu Temple Iconography

May 18 2021

Weapons seen in the hands of Deities-Hindu Temple Iconography Read More...

47 short stories that will touch the Indian within you

47 short stories that will touch the Indian within you

By Kalyan Gullapalli

April 30 2021

47 short stories that will touch the Indian within you Read More...

Jewellery in Indian Iconography

Jewellery in Indian Iconography

April 17 2021

Jewellery in Indian Iconography

TALES of Bharat

TALES of Bharat

By Rati Hegde

April 15 2021

TALES of Bharat

TRILOKNATH Temple Mandi, Himachal Pradesh

TRILOKNATH Temple Mandi, Himachal Pradesh

March 16 2021

TRILOKNATH Temple Mandi, Himachal Pradesh

Stories of Bharat 15-Do not lie/WhoisWise/Mother Heart/HurrytoDie

Stories of Bharat 15-Do not lie/WhoisWise/Mother Heart/HurrytoDie

March 5 2021

Stories of Bharat 15-Do not lie/WhoisWise/Mother Heart/HurrytoDie

The Temple of Dance-Ramappa Temple Complex in Palampet, Telangana

The Temple of Dance-Ramappa Temple Complex in Palampet, Telangana

February 23 2021

The Temple of Dance-Ramappa Temple Complex in Palampet, Telangana Read More...

Stories of Bharat 14-Cool-headed, Cobbler, FeedingOthers

Stories of Bharat 14-Cool-headed, Cobbler, FeedingOthers

February 11 2021

Stories of Bharat 14-Cool-headed, Cobbler, FeedingOthers

WATER Conservation in India, then and now

WATER Conservation in India, then and now

By Dr. V. Gouri Suresh

February 8 2021

WATER Conservation in India, then and now

The Doorway to the Temple Sanctum-Understanding the sculptures and motifs

The Doorway to the Temple Sanctum-Understanding the sculptures and motifs

February 2 2021

The Doorway to the Temple Sanctum-Understanding the sculptures and motifs Read More...

About Nishan Sahib and Khanda

About Nishan Sahib and Khanda

By Dr Satish K Kapoor

January 29 2021

About Nishan Sahib and Khanda

Modi must connect with Lord Murugan in Tamil Nadu

Modi must connect with Lord Murugan in Tamil Nadu

January 27 2021

Modi must connect with Lord Murugan in Tamil Nadu Read More...

Stories of BHARAT 13 - Sudarshan Chakra, Tripurantaka and Shiv ji

Stories of BHARAT 13 - Sudarshan Chakra, Tripurantaka and Shiv ji

January 25 2021

Stories of BHARAT 13 - Sudarshan Chakra, Tripurantaka and Shiv ji Read More...

What is INDIA

What is INDIA

January 20 2021

What is INDIA

The marvel of Straight Line Temples

The marvel of Straight Line Temples

January 19 2021

The marvel of Straight Line Temples

Snake, Nag worship in India

Snake, Nag worship in India

January 12 2021

Snake, Nag worship in India

Temple tales Tamil Nadu

Temple tales Tamil Nadu

By V Sanjanaa

January 7 2021

Temple tales Tamil Nadu

How were Forts made in Mewar, Rajasthan

How were Forts made in Mewar, Rajasthan

December 15 2020

How were Forts made in Mewar, Rajasthan

Sri Ram in West Bengal

Sri Ram in West Bengal

December 9 2020

Sri Ram in West Bengal

Tibetan Culture and Traditions

Tibetan Culture and Traditions

December 4 2020

Tibetan Culture and Traditions

What do Ganas, Gandharvas, Mithuna Couples and Dancing girls on Temple Walls tell us

What do Ganas, Gandharvas, Mithuna Couples and Dancing girls on Temple Walls tell us

December 2 2020

What do Ganas, Gandharvas, Mithuna Couples and Dancing girls on Temple Walls tell us Read More...

SAFFRON the Miracle Spice

SAFFRON the Miracle Spice

By Chandra Venkatasubramaniam

December 1 2020

SAFFRON the Miracle Spice

Contribution of Itihasas to International Law-A Case Study of Ramayana and Mahabharata

Contribution of Itihasas to International Law-A Case Study of Ramayana and Mahabharata

November 26 2020

Contribution of Itihasas to International Law-A Case Study of Ramayana and Mahabharata Read More...

Two Esoteric Temples of Kerala

Two Esoteric Temples of Kerala

By Dr R Asha

October 26 2020

Two Esoteric Temples of Kerala

Relevance of Sanskrit in Modern World

Relevance of Sanskrit in Modern World

By Neerja Bhatt

September 30 2020

Relevance of Sanskrit in Modern World



By HathYogi

September 26 2020




September 18 2020


BINDI capturing the evolution of the Indian forehead dot

BINDI capturing the evolution of the Indian forehead dot

By Anmol Bains

September 15 2020

BINDI capturing the evolution of the Indian forehead dot Read More...

Sabudana Khichdi Is Your New Favorite Comfort Food

Sabudana Khichdi Is Your New Favorite Comfort Food

By Justin Osborne

September 8 2020

Sabudana Khichdi Is Your New Favorite Comfort Food




September 3 2020


The charisma of Nine Gems NAVRATNA

The charisma of Nine Gems NAVRATNA

By Isha Priya Singh

August 30 2020

The charisma of Nine Gems NAVRATNA

India-Her Culture and Civilization, Documentary series on India`s Cultural Continuities

India-Her Culture and Civilization, Documentary series on India`s Cultural Continuities

August 24 2020

India-Her Culture and Civilization, Documentary series on India`s Cultural Continuities Read More...

About Lingaraja Temple, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

About Lingaraja Temple, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

August 20 2020

About Lingaraja Temple, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

ASHADA - the Hindu Holy Month

ASHADA - the Hindu Holy Month

By Padmini Natarajan

August 17 2020

ASHADA - the Hindu Holy Month

The grandeur of ARUNACHALA

The grandeur of ARUNACHALA

By Dr Chithra Madhavan

July 26 2020

The grandeur of ARUNACHALA

About LAKES of Udaipur, Water Conservation ahead of its time

About LAKES of Udaipur, Water Conservation ahead of its time

By Maharana Mewar Historical Publ

July 25 2020

About LAKES of Udaipur, Water Conservation ahead of its time Read More...

Making of Rao Jodha Rock Park, Jodhpur and contribution of rock-miners, the KHANDWALIYAS

Making of Rao Jodha Rock Park, Jodhpur and contribution of rock-miners, the KHANDWALIYAS

By Pradip Krishen

July 19 2020

Making of Rao Jodha Rock Park, Jodhpur and contribution of rock-miners, the KHANDWALIYAS Read More...

Reflections, post the Supreme Court order on Padmanabhaswami Temple

Reflections, post the Supreme Court order on Padmanabhaswami Temple

By Uma Maheswari

July 15 2020

Reflections, post the Supreme Court order on Padmanabhaswami Temple Read More...

The tradition of Palm Leaf writing in Odisha

The tradition of Palm Leaf writing in Odisha

By Debi Prasanna Nanda

July 13 2020

The tradition of Palm Leaf writing in Odisha



June 14, 2020


Satyakam`s Odyssey for Truth

Satyakam`s Odyssey for Truth

By Dr Nidhi Mishra

June 13 2020

Satyakam`s Odyssey for Truth

Naul and Dhar A Cultural Heritage of Himalayas HINDI

नौल व धार हिमालय की एक सांस्कृतिक धरोहर

By Chandarshekhar Tewari

June 11 2020

नौल व धार हिमालय की एक सांस्कृतिक धरोहर

Naul and Dhar  - A Cultural Heritage of Himalayas

Naul and Dhar - A Cultural Heritage of Himalayas

June 2 2020

Naul and Dhar - A Cultural Heritage of Himalayas Read More...

Significance of Namaste - in the context of Coronavirus

Significance of Namaste - in the context of Coronavirus

By Jyoti Subramanian

March 14 2020

Significance of Namaste - in the context of Coronavirus Read More...

Womanhood, an Indic Perspective

Womanhood, an Indic Perspective

March 7 2020

Womanhood, an Indic Perspective

What is TIRTHA

What is TIRTHA

By Swami Narasimhananda

What is TIRTHA

GURU SISHYA PARAMPARA - The Reservoir of Authentic Rishiculture Yoga

GURU SISHYA PARAMPARA - The Reservoir of Authentic Rishiculture Yoga

By Yogacharya Dr Ananda Balayogi

February 20 2020

GURU SISHYA PARAMPARA - The Reservoir of Authentic Rishiculture Yoga Read More...

I Love India, its Culture and Thoughts

I Love India, its Culture and Thoughts

February 4 2020

I Love India, its Culture and Thoughts

Vivekananda and the Social Movements in Kerala

Vivekananda and the Social Movements in Kerala

By Shankari Prasad Basu

January 16 2020

Vivekananda and the Social Movements in Kerala

Enter the Sacred Kavu Groves of Kerala

Enter the Sacred Kavu Groves of Kerala

By Aravind Gopal

January 9 2020

Enter the Sacred Kavu Groves of Kerala

Stories of Bharat 12 - Guru Nanak, Mahamantri Timmarusu, Syamantaka Mani

Stories of Bharat 12 - Guru Nanak, Mahamantri Timmarusu, Syamantaka Mani

January 7 2020

Stories of Bharat 12 - Guru Nanak, Mahamantri Timmarusu, Syamantaka Mani Read More...

Benoy K. Behl brings ancient wonders of the Ajanta Caves to Light

Benoy K. Behl brings ancient wonders of the Ajanta Caves to Light

By Benoy K Behl

December 7 2019

Benoy K. Behl brings ancient wonders of the Ajanta Caves to Light Read More...

Contribution of Brahmins to Indian Society and Culture

Contribution of Brahmins to Indian Society and Culture

Contribution of Brahmins to Indian Society and Culture

Introduction to PANCHANG and the Indian Calendar

Introduction to PANCHANG and the Indian Calendar

December 3 2019

Introduction to PANCHANG and the Indian Calendar

The Cow in History and Hindu Tradition

The Cow in History and Hindu Tradition

November 27 2019

The Cow in History and Hindu Tradition

Rama`s Will Prevails

Rama`s Will Prevails

November 23 2019

Rama`s Will Prevails



By Lalita Ramakrishna

November 19 2019


Stories of Bharat 11 - Concentration, Parents, Ayachi Mishra

Stories of Bharat 11 - Concentration, Parents, Ayachi Mishra

November 14 2019

Stories of Bharat 11 - Concentration, Parents, Ayachi Mishra Read More...

What is PUJA

What is PUJA

November 4 2019

What is PUJA

Commemorating the educational spirit of Gandhi through a new ONAM

Commemorating the educational spirit of Gandhi through a new ONAM

By M. Nageswara Rao

October 30 2019

Commemorating the educational spirit of Gandhi through a new ONAM Read More...

Raskhan - The Real Sufi

Raskhan - The Real Sufi

October 21 2019

Raskhan - The Real Sufi

Voices Against Monasticism

Voices Against Monasticism

October 14 2019

Voices Against Monasticism

Impact of Gurukula System in India

Impact of Gurukula System in India

By Sushant Kumar

October 12 2019

Impact of Gurukula System in India

Stories of Bharat 10 - Keechaka Vadh, Tirupati Balaji Govinda & Sword of Shivaji Maharaj

Stories of Bharat 10 - Keechaka Vadh, Tirupati Balaji Govinda & Sword of Shivaji Maharaj

October 9 2019

Stories of Bharat 10 - Keechaka Vadh, Tirupati Balaji Govinda & Sword of Shivaji Maharaj Read More...

DHARI DEVI Shakti Sthal Srinagar, DEV BHOOMI

DHARI DEVI Shakti Sthal Srinagar, DEV BHOOMI

October 5 2019

DHARI DEVI Shakti Sthal Srinagar, DEV BHOOMI

Stories of Bharat 9 - Jassa Singh, Ganga Dussehra, ShivaVishnu

Stories of Bharat 9 - Jassa Singh, Ganga Dussehra, ShivaVishnu

September 27 2019

Stories of Bharat 9 - Jassa Singh, Ganga Dussehra, ShivaVishnu Read More...

The importance of Mahabharata in Our knowledge tradition and nationhood

The importance of Mahabharata in Our knowledge tradition and nationhood

By B S Harishankar

September 25 2019

The importance of Mahabharata in Our knowledge tradition and nationhood Read More...

Hanumanji was an Ideal Diplomat Minister and Spy

Hanumanji was an Ideal Diplomat Minister and Spy

By Shashank Poddar

September 19 2019

Hanumanji was an Ideal Diplomat Minister and Spy

Bronze (Panchaloha) Moorthy making in Swamimalai, Tamil Nadu

Bronze (Panchaloha) Moorthy making in Swamimalai, Tamil Nadu

By Navachola

September 17 2019

Bronze (Panchaloha) Moorthy making in Swamimalai, Tamil Nadu

SATRA Culture in Assam

SATRA Culture in Assam

By Polly Rajkhowa

SATRA Culture in Assam

Colours of the TRINITY

Colours of the TRINITY

Colours of the TRINITY

Indian Epics and Environment Conservation

Indian Epics and Environment Conservation

Indian Epics and Environment Conservation

Kashmir`s radiant knowledge tradition

Kashmir`s radiant knowledge tradition

September 7 2019

Kashmir`s radiant knowledge tradition

Stories of Bharat 8 - Ekalavya, Child Freedom Fighters and This too shall pass

Stories of Bharat 8 - Ekalavya, Child Freedom Fighters and This too shall pass

Stories of Bharat 8 - Ekalavya, Child Freedom Fighters and This too shall pass Read More...

Stories of Bharat 7 - Ravana & Ma Kali, Naama-Japa and Gratitude

Stories of Bharat 7 - Ravana & Ma Kali, Naama-Japa and Gratitude

August 19 2019

Stories of Bharat 7 - Ravana & Ma Kali, Naama-Japa and Gratitude Read More...

The importance of Shishtachar

The importance of Shishtachar

By Anand Krishna

The importance of Shishtachar

Why Sanskrit is Relevant - Today and Tomorrow

Why Sanskrit is Relevant - Today and Tomorrow

August 8 2019

Why Sanskrit is Relevant - Today and Tomorrow

Stories of Bharat 6 - Do today, Prophecy and Value of Money

Stories of Bharat 6 - Do today, Prophecy and Value of Money

August 6 2019

Stories of Bharat 6 - Do today, Prophecy and Value of Money Read More...

The True Essence of Womanhood in Sanatan Dharma

The True Essence of Womanhood in Sanatan Dharma

July 31 2019

The True Essence of Womanhood in Sanatan Dharma

Jainism, Science, and Intermittent Fasting

Jainism, Science, and Intermittent Fasting

By Dr. Minal Mehta

Jainism, Science, and Intermittent Fasting



By Swami Sivananda

July 28 2019


Sacred Plants of India

Sacred Plants of India

By Nanditha Krishna

July 24 2019

Sacred Plants of India

RAAVAN by Amish - Book Review

RAAVAN by Amish - Book Review

July 19 2019

RAAVAN by Amish - Book Review

The Guru - Shishya Tradition in Indic Culture

The Guru - Shishya Tradition in Indic Culture

July 18 2019

The Guru - Shishya Tradition in Indic Culture

Stories of Bharat 5 - Destiny, Animal Sacrifice, Power of Surrender

Stories of Bharat 5 - Destiny, Animal Sacrifice, Power of Surrender

July 17 2019

Stories of Bharat 5 - Destiny, Animal Sacrifice, Power of Surrender Read More...

Stories of Bharat 4 - Buddha Purnima, Tenzing Norway and Athithi Devo Bhava

Stories of Bharat 4 - Buddha Purnima, Tenzing Norway and Athithi Devo Bhava

July 1 2019

Stories of Bharat 4 - Buddha Purnima, Tenzing Norway and Athithi Devo Bhava Read More...

Traditional Dress and Ornaments of Garwhal and Kumaon

गढ़वाल व कुमाऊं अंचल में प्रचलित पारम्परिक वस्त्रा-भूषण

June 20 2019

गढ़वाल व कुमाऊं अंचल में प्रचलित पारम्परिक वस्त्रा-भूषण

Stories of Bharat 3 - Kamadhenu, Sita Navami, Narasimha Jayanti

Stories of Bharat 3 - Kamadhenu, Sita Navami, Narasimha Jayanti

June 15 2019

Stories of Bharat 3 - Kamadhenu, Sita Navami, Narasimha Jayanti Read More...

Appreciating Indian Temple Architecture - An Indian viewpoint

Appreciating Indian Temple Architecture - An Indian viewpoint

June 12 2019

Appreciating Indian Temple Architecture - An Indian viewpoint




Recontextualizing Caste based on Swami Vivekananda`s Views & Postcolonial Ideology

Recontextualizing Caste based on Swami Vivekananda`s Views & Postcolonial Ideology

By Dr R Lekshmi

June 6 2019

Recontextualizing Caste based on Swami Vivekananda`s Views & Postcolonial Ideology Read More...

Stories of Bharat 2 - Mother`s Day, Mohini Avatar, Tiger stories Ayyappa

Stories of Bharat 2 - Mother`s Day, Mohini Avatar, Tiger stories Ayyappa

May 29 2019

Stories of Bharat 2 - Mother`s Day, Mohini Avatar, Tiger stories Ayyappa Read More...

Bell Temple Assam - Tilinga Mandir

Bell Temple Assam - Tilinga Mandir

Bell Temple Assam - Tilinga Mandir

Why do Indians Worship Animals, feed them

Why do Indians Worship Animals, feed them

By Raksha Paharia

May 22 2019

Why do Indians Worship Animals, feed them

Stories of Bharat 1 - Guru, Ganga Saptami, Sambhaji Maharaj

Stories of Bharat 1 - Guru, Ganga Saptami, Sambhaji Maharaj

May 20 2019

Stories of Bharat 1 - Guru, Ganga Saptami, Sambhaji Maharaj Read More...

ZINC Mining in Zawar region of Rajasthan-Interview with Dr. Paul T. Craddock

ZINC Mining in Zawar region of Rajasthan-Interview with Dr. Paul T. Craddock

By Vangmayi Parakala

ZINC Mining in Zawar region of Rajasthan-Interview with Dr. Paul T. Craddock Read More...

The concept of Varnashramadharma in Ancient Indian Society

The concept of Varnashramadharma in Ancient Indian Society

April 22 2019

The concept of Varnashramadharma in Ancient Indian Society

Benefits of Millets and Risks

Benefits of Millets and Risks

By Devi Lakshmikutty

March 25 2019

Benefits of Millets and Risks

Reclaiming the Mahabharata for India`s 21st Century manifestation

Reclaiming the Mahabharata for India`s 21st Century manifestation

By Gautam Chikermane

Reclaiming the Mahabharata for India`s 21st Century manifestation

Teachings of SANKARADEVA Assam

Teachings of SANKARADEVA Assam

February 9 2019

Teachings of SANKARADEVA Assam

Sri Muruga and Traditional Knowledge Systems are intrinsic to Tamil Culture

Sri Muruga and Traditional Knowledge Systems are intrinsic to Tamil Culture

February 4 2019

Sri Muruga and Traditional Knowledge Systems are intrinsic to Tamil Culture Read More...

History of Copper Utensils

History of Copper Utensils

By Praveen Mishra

January 28 2019

History of Copper Utensils

VEDIC VALUE SYSTEM, Why we are what we are

VEDIC VALUE SYSTEM, Why we are what we are

January 23 2019

VEDIC VALUE SYSTEM, Why we are what we are Read More...

Significance of KOLAMS

Significance of KOLAMS

January 20 2019

Significance of KOLAMS

Sabarimala is also connected with Tamil Culture

Sabarimala is also connected with Tamil Culture

January 1 2019

Sabarimala is also connected with Tamil Culture

Symbolism of NANDI

Symbolism of NANDI

December 17 2018

Symbolism of NANDI

Was Sabarimala a Buddhist shrine and Jains persecuted

Was Sabarimala a Buddhist shrine and Jains persecuted

December 13 2018

Was Sabarimala a Buddhist shrine and Jains persecuted

SIVA Tandava Stotra

SIVA Tandava Stotra

December 8 2018

SIVA Tandava Stotra

What does SHANTI mean

What does SHANTI mean

November 19 2018

What does SHANTI mean



By Ashita Saxena


KARTIKEYA temple in Haryana

KARTIKEYA temple in Haryana

November 13 2018

KARTIKEYA temple in Haryana

All you wanted to know about worship of Swami Aiyappan

All you wanted to know about worship of Swami Aiyappan

By Bhawani Cheerath Rajagopalan

November 11 2018

All you wanted to know about worship of Swami Aiyappan Read More...

Traditional Rice Varieties of India

Traditional Rice Varieties of India

October 10 2018

Traditional Rice Varieties of India

What does word DANAM mean

What does word DANAM mean

October 2018

What does word DANAM mean

Connections between Krishna and the Gond Prophet Lingo

Connections between Krishna and the Gond Prophet Lingo

By Bibhu Dev Misra

September 2018

Connections between Krishna and the Gond Prophet Lingo

Kutiyattam is India`s oldest living theatrical art form

Kutiyattam is India`s oldest living theatrical art form

August 2018

Kutiyattam is India`s oldest living theatrical art form

Creating Modern Drama with Natyashastra

Creating Modern Drama with Natyashastra

By Rashma N. Kalsie

August 20 2018

Creating Modern Drama with Natyashastra

Coexistence of Hindu, Buddhist and Jain monuments and pilgrimages

Coexistence of Hindu, Buddhist and Jain monuments and pilgrimages

Coexistence of Hindu, Buddhist and Jain monuments and pilgrimages Read More...

Worshipping the NAVAGRAHAS

Worshipping the NAVAGRAHAS

Worshipping the NAVAGRAHAS

Jnanadanandini Devi Tagore is an unsung heroine who led a social revolution in Bengal during the 19th century

Jnanadanandini Devi Tagore is an unsung heroine who led a social revolution in Bengal during the 19th century

By Ninad Dange

Jnanadanandini Devi Tagore is an unsung heroine who led a social revolution in Bengal during the 19th century Read More...

Who is a RISHI in HINDI

कौन होता है ऋषि?

कौन होता है ऋषि?


धर्म क्या है?

धर्म क्या है?

Why ONLY Hindus, Buddhists, Jains and Sikhs should be allowed entry into Puri Jagannath Temple

Why ONLY Hindus, Buddhists, Jains and Sikhs should be allowed entry into Puri Jagannath Temple

Why ONLY Hindus, Buddhists, Jains and Sikhs should be allowed entry into Puri Jagannath Temple Read More...

About Turbans of India

About Turbans of India

By Akanksha Gupte Puri

About Turbans of India

Bastar Craft and Culture

Bastar Craft and Culture

June 18, 2018

Bastar Craft and Culture

Culture is the root of Indian nationhood

Culture is the root of Indian nationhood

June 12, 2018

Culture is the root of Indian nationhood

Who is a RISHI

Who is a RISHI

June 7, 2018

Who is a RISHI

Learning the Mother Tongue

Learning the Mother Tongue

May 18, 2018

Learning the Mother Tongue

Masterful Carvers of Rajasthan

Masterful Carvers of Rajasthan

By Bhagwan Das Rupani

May 7, 2018

Masterful Carvers of Rajasthan

Two pundits on the road

Two pundits on the road

By Niranjan Rajadhyaksha

April 18, 2018

Two pundits on the road

Kiradu Temples Barmer

Kiradu Temples Barmer

March 22, 2018

Kiradu Temples Barmer



By Dr. Pushpendra Singh Ranawat

January 22, 2018


Introduction to PARSI Culture and Festivals

Introduction to PARSI Culture and Festivals

By Ishani Gupta

January 5, 2018

Introduction to PARSI Culture and Festivals

Reflections on Hinduphobia A Perspective from a Scholar - Practitioner

Reflections on Hinduphobia A Perspective from a Scholar - Practitioner

By Dr. Jeffery D. Long

January 4, 2018

Reflections on Hinduphobia A Perspective from a Scholar - Practitioner Read More...

Origin of chess aka Chaturanga

Origin of chess aka Chaturanga

By Pooja Bhatia

December 26, 2017

Origin of chess aka Chaturanga

Assam the Land of Devotion

Assam the Land of Devotion

October 26, 2017

Assam the Land of Devotion

Mirabai Soulful Love of God

Mirabai Soulful Love of God

By Mariellen Ward

October 2017

Mirabai Soulful Love of God

Light and Sound Show Somnath

Light and Sound Show Somnath

By Vimla Patil

Light and Sound Show Somnath

The Giant Dance of Shiva

The Giant Dance of Shiva

By Shruti Bidwaikar

The Giant Dance of Shiva

Chants & Shlokas at Somnath Light & Sound show

Chants & Shlokas at Somnath Light & Sound show

Chants & Shlokas at Somnath Light & Sound show Read More...

What is Dharma

What is Dharma

What is Dharma

Sister Nivedita`s Observations on Indian History and Culture

Sister Nivedita`s Observations on Indian History and Culture

By C Jayanarayanan

February 2017

Sister Nivedita`s Observations on Indian History and Culture

Approach to the study of Women in Sanskrit Buddhist Narrative Literature

Approach to the study of Women in Sanskrit Buddhist Narrative Literature

By Dr. Kakali Ghosh

December 2016

Approach to the study of Women in Sanskrit Buddhist Narrative Literature Read More...

The magnificence of Somnath Temple

The magnificence of Somnath Temple

By Pooja Pandey

The magnificence of Somnath Temple

Mumbai is an excellent union of the old and the new

Mumbai is an excellent union of the old and the new

06 October 2016

Mumbai is an excellent union of the old and the new Read More...

Photographic Exhibition Temples of India

Photographic Exhibition Temples of India

Photographic Exhibition Temples of India

The `BHAKTI MOVEMENT` of Maharashtra and Karnataka

The `BHAKTI MOVEMENT` of Maharashtra and Karnataka

The `BHAKTI MOVEMENT` of Maharashtra and Karnataka

The Beginning of Fire Worship and its Veneration in Indian Culture

The Beginning of Fire Worship and its Veneration in Indian Culture

The Beginning of Fire Worship and its Veneration in Indian Culture Read More...

On the man who knew infinity

On the man who knew infinity

By Ajit Balakrishnan

On the man who knew infinity

The men who knew infinity - India`s lost history of mathematical genius

The men who knew infinity - India`s lost history of mathematical genius

By MINT editorial

The men who knew infinity - India`s lost history of mathematical genius Read More...




Our Cultural legacy and Bharatvarsh

Our Cultural legacy and Bharatvarsh

By R.Upadhyay

Our Cultural legacy and Bharatvarsh

Cultural Orphans - Indians ashamed of their own heritage

Cultural Orphans - Indians ashamed of their own heritage

By Major General Mrinal Suman

Cultural Orphans - Indians ashamed of their own heritage Read More...

Draupadi - A Complex Journey through Dharma, Status and Power

Draupadi - A Complex Journey through Dharma, Status and Power

By Koral Dasgupta

November 2015

Draupadi - A Complex Journey through Dharma, Status and Power Read More...

Santhara - Civilisational ethos vs Canon Law

Santhara - Civilisational ethos vs Canon Law

Santhara - Civilisational ethos vs Canon Law

Vedic Chanting and its Relation to Indian Music

Vedic Chanting and its Relation to Indian Music

By Dr. Subhadra Desai

Vedic Chanting and its Relation to Indian Music

Why do we in Indian Culture

Why do we in Indian Culture

By Vedanta Kesari

Why do we in Indian Culture

The Wonders of Indian Culture

The Wonders of Indian Culture

By Swami Vivekananda

The Wonders of Indian Culture

Core Aspects of Indian Culture

Core Aspects of Indian Culture

By KS Viswanath

Core Aspects of Indian Culture

12 Major Achievements of Indian Civilization

12 Major Achievements of Indian Civilization

By Michel Danino

12 Major Achievements of Indian Civilization

Uniqueness of Indian Culture

Uniqueness of Indian Culture

By K S Subramaniyam

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The Spiritual Basis of Indian Culture

The Spiritual Basis of Indian Culture

By Swami Brahameshananda

The Spiritual Basis of Indian Culture

Origin of Indian Culture

Origin of Indian Culture

By nvc swamy

Origin of Indian Culture

Indian Culture and Indian Youth

Indian Culture and Indian Youth

By Aravindan Neelkandan

Indian Culture and Indian Youth

Bhakti in Indian Culture

Bhakti in Indian Culture

By Swami Lakshmidharananda

Bhakti in Indian Culture

The Indian Tradition of Respecting and Celebrating Food

The Indian Tradition of Respecting and Celebrating Food

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Indian Women - The Custodian of India`s Ageless Culture

Indian Women - The Custodian of India`s Ageless Culture

By Prema Nandakumar

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Is Indian Culture Spiritual

Is Indian Culture Spiritual

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The Meaning of Samskriti or Culture

The Meaning of Samskriti or Culture

By Swami Harshananda

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Dharma, the basis of Indian Culture

Dharma, the basis of Indian Culture

By Swami Sakhyananda

Dharma, the basis of Indian Culture

India`s Timeless Culture

India`s Timeless Culture

India`s Timeless Culture

Indian Culture - Its Ageless Charm and Timeless Appeal

Indian Culture - Its Ageless Charm and Timeless Appeal

Indian Culture - Its Ageless Charm and Timeless Appeal Read More...

Women and Spirituality in the Hindu Tradition

Women and Spirituality in the Hindu Tradition

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Divine Marriage - Meenakshi Temple Madurai

Divine Marriage - Meenakshi Temple Madurai

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The Divine Search - the Baul Singers of Bengal

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Darshan of the Divine - Chola Bronzes

Darshan of the Divine - Chola Bronzes

Darshan of the Divine - Chola Bronzes

Women and Environment Conservation

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By Dwaita Hazra

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The Knowledge superpower

The Knowledge superpower

By Shyam Sunder

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Todai-ji Monastery Amalgamation of Indo Japanese Spirituality

Todai-ji Monastery Amalgamation of Indo Japanese Spirituality

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Todai-ji Monastery Amalgamation of Indo Japanese Spirituality

Eclipse - An Ancient Indian Perspective

Eclipse - An Ancient Indian Perspective

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The Reality of the Kali Yuga

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By Bhaskar Menon

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The Reality of the Kali Yuga

Can we save the immortal Ganga

Can we save the immortal Ganga

By KP Prabhakaran Nair

Can we save the immortal Ganga

Jallikattu and the Pink Revolution

Jallikattu and the Pink Revolution

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Women Seer-saints of India and Their Songs

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Ramayana - The Game of Life

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20 kitchens like this feed 12 lakh children daily

20 kitchens like this feed 12 lakh children daily

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What Indian Youth Need to Know About Indian Culture

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What India can learn from Vidya Balan

What India can learn from Vidya Balan

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Essence of Womanhood in India

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By Swami Sandarshanananda

December 2013

Essence of Womanhood in India

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A few questions on the Mahabharata and clarifications

By T.N.Sethumadhavan

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Nandi Bull - The Mysterious and Unknown Temple

Nandi Bull - The Mysterious and Unknown Temple

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Nandi Bull - The Mysterious and Unknown Temple

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Bhagavatpada Sankara and Dasanami Tradition

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Different parts of India contributed to its Religious Life

Different parts of India contributed to its Religious Life

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Rudra tandava of Ardhnarishwar

Rudra tandava of Ardhnarishwar

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Kedarnath-Wrath of the Devas

Diagnosing and Remedying Backwardness

Diagnosing and Remedying Backwardness

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HR and CE`s relentless iconoclasm

HR and CE`s relentless iconoclasm

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HR and CE`s relentless iconoclasm

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HR and CE razes Vijayanagar era temple

HR and CE razes Vijayanagar era temple

Shiva-A Confluence of Diverse Traditions

Shiva-A Confluence of Diverse Traditions

By Subrata Sanyal

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India Growth- Caste as Social Capital

India Growth- Caste as Social Capital

By Dr R. Vaidyanathan

India Growth- Caste as Social Capital

The Heritage of Vaishali

The Heritage of Vaishali

By Vinita Agarwal

The Heritage of Vaishali

An Amazing Phenomenon Called the Kumbha Mela

An Amazing Phenomenon Called the Kumbha Mela

By Swami Ishadhyanananda

An Amazing Phenomenon Called the Kumbha Mela

Sri Lankan Reflections on Siva-A Response To Hoole

Sri Lankan Reflections on Siva-A Response To Hoole

By Romesh Jayaratnam

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Etymology of Samantabhadri, Prajaparamita, Palden Lahmo and Taras names and parallel Hindu Goddesses

Etymology of Samantabhadri, Prajaparamita, Palden Lahmo and Taras names and parallel Hindu Goddesses

September 2012

Etymology of Samantabhadri, Prajaparamita, Palden Lahmo and Taras names and parallel Hindu Goddesses Read More...

Significance of Pitru Paksh, Shraaddh and Tarpan

Significance of Pitru Paksh, Shraaddh and Tarpan

Significance of Pitru Paksh, Shraaddh and Tarpan

Dynamics of Morality and Justice in the Smritis

Dynamics of Morality and Justice in the Smritis

By Swami Samarpananda

Auguest 2012

Dynamics of Morality and Justice in the Smritis

Demystifying Caste

Demystifying Caste

Demystifying Caste

A poem titled `Lifeline of India`

A poem titled `Lifeline of India`

A poem titled `Lifeline of India`

Alavandar- The Glory of a King and a Saint

Alavandar- The Glory of a King and a Saint

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The little known birdlife of Konkan

The little known birdlife of Konkan

Is the Panchatantra just bed time stories

Is the Panchatantra just bed time stories

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Is the Panchatantra just bed time stories

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But what about the original Satyameva Jayate

But what about the original Satyameva Jayate

Indians and Europeans -divided or united by DNA

Indians and Europeans -divided or united by DNA

By Rakesh Krishnan Simha

Indians and Europeans -divided or united by DNA

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TEN Architectural wonders of India

TEN Architectural wonders of India

Ravana, Atma-Linga and Murdeshwara

Ravana, Atma-Linga and Murdeshwara

January 2012

Ravana, Atma-Linga and Murdeshwara

Relevance of the Mahabharata

Relevance of the Mahabharata

By Dr Narendra Kohli

December 2011

Relevance of the Mahabharata

Why Indian food is not just `CURRY`

Why Indian food is not just `CURRY`

October 2011

Why Indian food is not just `CURRY`

When Amrit or Nectar comes to the Earth

When Amrit or Nectar comes to the Earth

When Amrit or Nectar comes to the Earth

The Puratan Shivalaya in Ambernath Maharashtra

The Puratan Shivalaya in Ambernath Maharashtra

September 2011

The Puratan Shivalaya in Ambernath Maharashtra

Sacred Symbols in Indian Culture

Sacred Symbols in Indian Culture

Sacred Symbols in Indian Culture

Coconut - Fruit of Lustre in Indian Culture

Coconut - Fruit of Lustre in Indian Culture

Coconut - Fruit of Lustre in Indian Culture

Animals in Indian Culture create an `inclusive universe`

Animals in Indian Culture create an `inclusive universe`

Animals in Indian Culture create an `inclusive universe`

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How much do we know about Cave architecture of India

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The World`s Most Romantic Leaf is Heart-Shaped

The World`s Most Romantic Leaf is Heart-Shaped

Chidambaram Temple and the Podu Dikshitars

Chidambaram Temple and the Podu Dikshitars

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Chidambaram Temple and the Podu Dikshitars

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What does your BINDI say about you

What does your BINDI say about you

India is home to 25000 wild elephants - the largest Asian elephant population in the world

India is home to 25000 wild elephants - the largest Asian elephant population in the world

India is home to 25000 wild elephants - the largest Asian elephant population in the world Read More...

South Indian Bronzes- Masterpieces of Indian Art

South Indian Bronzes- Masterpieces of Indian Art

South Indian Bronzes- Masterpieces of Indian Art

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Why is `Akshaya Tritiya` a day for GOLD

Why is `Akshaya Tritiya` a day for GOLD

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Siva- His Form and Cosmic Dance

January 2011

Siva- His Form and Cosmic Dance

Evolution of Baidya Community of Bengal - Its Origin and development

Evolution of Baidya Community of Bengal - Its Origin and development

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Bharat Varsha India- a monsoon island

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Bharat Varsha India- a monsoon island

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Surya, the `destroyer of darkness`

Dance of the Peacocks

Dance of the Peacocks

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Dhamma-Ashoka`s 4 -way moral code is the need of the hour

Dhamma-Ashoka`s 4 -way moral code is the need of the hour

Dhamma-Ashoka`s 4 -way moral code is the need of the hour Read More...

Traditional Methods of Water Harvesting and applicability

Traditional Methods of Water Harvesting and applicability

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Durga Saptashati (Devi Mahatmyam)

Durga Saptashati (Devi Mahatmyam)

Vithoba of Pandharpur

Vithoba of Pandharpur

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Saraswati the lost river

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Understanding Hinduism

Understanding Hinduism

By Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, Neasden, London

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Understanding Hinduism

Andal the Divine maiden

Andal the Divine maiden

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Andal the Divine maiden

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Eco-Religion of the Bishnois of Rajasthan

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Hindu women as life partner

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Hindu women as life partner

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Questions and Answers Indian Culture

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The importance of Saucha in our lives

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Who is a Guru

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Essay: The hidden agendas in the ‘I LOVE …’ sign

On how these signs sprouting everywhere from megacities to mountain towns are a metaphor for a new india.

India’s unity-in-diversity, a thing we had been forced to assume as a thing of the past or even of the imagination, is suddenly evident everywhere. Climate and class, gender and geography, caste and lineage – all of these recede into the background, for wherever we now go, we are reminded of one fundamental trait in our DNA. No, not the reminder of being an Indian but of being a lover. For in every town and city, even neighbourhoods and piss-stops in the mountains, is a sign that says ‘I LOVE …’, followed by the name of a place. A heart sign that often replaces the ‘o’ in ‘LOVE’ – as if one of these, the word or the heart sign alone, wouldn’t be enough; the heart sign must do the work of italicisation.

“In every town and city is a sign that says ‘I LOVE …’, followed by the name of a place. A heart sign that often replaces the ‘o’ in ‘LOVE’... (Shutterstock)

The ‘I LOVE …’ sign, primarily in blue with the heart sign in red – the colours borrowed from digital culture, they do not come from history – is a metaphor of a new India. Then there’s the literality – everything must be said, pronounced aloud, with no scope for a missed syllable or slipped meaning. We must say that we love – just feeling it isn’t enough, it has to be articulated, but orality isn’t enough either, so it must be committed to writing. And even that is not enough – so people, both tourists and local residents, stand in front of the sign to get their photos taken. This optic, offered almost as evidence, as much to the world as to themselves, makes them look like signs on a Google map, a 3D hologram of a few things: the visit, the ‘love’, and themselves. One must become part of one’s GPS, one must become Google Maps itself.

In an older time, one stood before the Taj Mahal or the Kanchenjunga. These photos, without accompanying words or location in albums, demanded an acquaintance with history and geography in the viewer. That has now been made unnecessary – one just needs to stand before a sign declaring its location. It’s a substitution of a manner of reading, based on an intuitive and playful indexical relationship with the world, built on attention, history and memory, by words that could well be the ‘destination’ on a railway ticket. In this is a simultaneous loss of subtlety and the ability to read the latent unexpressed, which I understand as the sign of a good and even efficient lover. One has to say ‘I love …’ – that seems to be enough today. In South Asian cultures, where love was rarely expressed in words – I couldn’t be the only one who has never heard their parents say ‘I love you’ to each other – this is only in line with a new politics.

“In an older time, one stood before the Taj Mahal or the Kanchenjunga. These photos, without accompanying words or location in albums, demanded an acquaintance with history and geography in the viewer.” (Shutterstock)

One must say ‘Jai Shri Ram’, for instance, to prove one’s allegiance to their religion. Just the private practice of its ideals is no longer enough. Everything must be said, everything must be versions of ‘I LOVE …’ To be an Indian, therefore, is an unceasing performance of one’s Indianness – ‘I LOVE INDIA’ and the Indian flag are ‘profile photos’ that are offered as evidence of their nationalism. Bhakti must be revealed repeatedly – not only in the way, for instance, Hanuman bared his chest to show Ram and Sita, but in words, so that if this were to happen today, it is possible that Hanuman would have had to either tattoo Ram and Sita’s Aadhar cards on his chest or appended an ‘I LOVE …’ to their images.

Though these signs are new to our eyes, I feel like I’ve heard the likeness of its sound before. Days pass before I am able to trace their aural lineage – it’s from Yeh Duniya Ek Dulhan , a song in the Hindi film Pardes , from a quarter of a century ago, when the grease of globalisation was just beginning to accumulate inside India’s arteries. The refrain of the song is Yeh mera India, I love my India … The words that come before this, in the second stanza for instance, are “London dekha, Paris dekha, aur dekha Japan, Michael dekha, Elvis dekha, Sab dekha meri jaan, Saarey jag main kahin nahin hai dusra Hindustan ”. The names of places, of Paris and London and Japan, have been replaced by the names of places in India, the sum ‘India’ in ‘I love my India’ by its parts, the different places that come together to make India; and the bindiya of “ Dulhan ke mathey ki bindiya” by the red heart sign in the ‘I LOVE …’ construction.

Mahima Chaudhry in Pardes (1997) (Film still)

The ‘Love is …’ comic strip – created by the New Zealand cartoonist Kim Casali in the 1960s – that helped inaugurate and sustain many romantic relationships in the English newspaper-reading world, such as in India, worked to a different syntax of thought. I do not only mean the replacement of ‘Love is …’ by ‘I LOVE …’, the replacement of the abstract noun ‘love’ by the strong verb ‘love’, but the difference in their approaches. The comic strip, created from notes by Kim Casali for her future husband and therefore emerging from the nerves of specificity, was meant to articulate the unsaid and the unsayable (‘Love is … turning his head’, for instance); the ‘I LOVE …’ syntax of pronoun-verb-proper noun has no room for the unsaid – everything is known and understood and complete. The hyper-confidence in the construction, both the sentence and the visual architecture of the sign, Disneyfied as the colours are, leave no room for the sibilants that we experience in love: shyness, subtlety, slowness, a subterranean nervous energy.

“The ‘Love is …’ comic strip – created by the New Zealand cartoonist Kim Casali in the 1960s – that helped inaugurate and sustain many romantic relationships in the English newspaper-reading world, such as in India, worked to a different syntax of thought,” (

‘I LOVE …’ is not an innocent sign. It is emblematic of the loss of synecdoche from Indian culture and the Indian nation. Krishna could be imagined through just the sound of his flute, he could be drawn in four lines, his flute, and his crown and his two feet; Gandhi with a few strokes, his glasses, a line for his bald head, a stick; a Hindu goddess with just her third eye. What has replaced it is an urge where one must be shown everything and told everything, a favourite habitat of the right wing – this neoclassical temperament, that has no patience with the synecdoche or the fragmentary, buttressed and packaged by a Disney-like dumbing down ethos of both word and image, is what has led to this ‘I LOVE Sonipat/Keshtopur/Chandigarh …’ sign. It’s the iteration of a template, of a uniform as it were – the same packaged emotion, the same colours, like an application form, with just the name of the place changed.

A stamp featuring Magritte’s ‘This is Not a Pipe’. (spatuletail /Shutterstock)

This new culture, imported primarily from the United States, where everything is named or explained, whether a tap in the toilet or where one must not put one’s feet while walking, such is the distrust of the citizen’s intelligence – the opposite of, say, Magritte’s ‘This is Not a Pipe’, that mocks this easy understanding or meaning or decidability – indulges the belief that love is knowable, verifiable, and must be constantly articulated, like the proof of one’s patriotism through the production of one’s citizenship papers or saying “Jai Hind”. It is the Uniform Geographical Code.

Sumana Roy is a poet and writer.

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Indian Culture Essay

In this Indian Culture Essay , we had described cultural diversity in India with the importance of Indian culture & lot more.

The culture of India indicates the thoughts, beliefs, customs and social behaviour of the people in the society; it suggests the way people live in the community.

In this article  Essay on Indian Culture , we had provided the essays in different word limits, which you can use as per your need:

Essay on Indian Culture 100 words:

India is a world-famous country for its culture and tradition, it is a land of different culture and tradition & it is the country of the oldest civilizations in the world.

The essential components of Indian culture are good manners, politeness, decent communication, values, beliefs, values etc.

Even after everyone’s lifestyle is modern, the Indian people have not changed their traditions and values.

The wealth of solidarity between people of different cultures and traditions has made India a unique country.

People here live peacefully in India, following their culture and traditions.

Indian Culture essay

Essay on Indian Culture 150 words:

The culture of India is the oldest in the world around 5,000 years, it is considered the world’s first and highest culture.

There is a common saying about India that “ unity in diversity ” means India is a diverse country where people of many religions live in peace with their different cultures.

People of different religions differ in their language, food traditions, rituals, etc., although life in unity.

The national language of India is Hindi, although it has around 22 official languages in India in its various states and territories and 400 other languages are spoken daily.

According to history, India has been recognized as the birthplace of religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism.

The vast population of India belongs to Hinduism, other forms of Hinduism are Shaivism, Shaktism, Vaishnavism, etc.

Indian Culture Essay 200 words:

Indian culture has gained immense popularity worldwide and considered to be the oldest and very interesting culture in the world.

People living here belong to different religions, traditions, food items, clothing etc.

People of different cultures and traditions living here are socially interdependent as to why strong bonds in the diversity of religions exist.

People are born into different families, castes, subcaste and religious communities live in peace and restraint in a group.

The social bonds of the people here are long-lasting; everyone has a good feeling about their hierarchy and a sense of respect, respect and rights towards each other.

People in India are highly devoted to their culture and know good manners to maintain social relations.

Different religions peoples have their own cultures and tradition in India, they have their festivals and fairs, and they celebrate according to their rituals.

People follow a variety of food culture such as beaten rice, bread ole, banana chips, poha, potato papad, puffed rice, upma, dosa, idli, sugar, etc.

People of other religions have some different food like seviyan, biryani, such as tandoori, fenugreek, etc.

Indian Culture

Essay on Indian Culture 250 words:

India is a rich country of cultures where people live in their own learning, and we respect our Indian culture very much.

Culture is everything, with other ideas, customs, way of dealing, art, handicrafts, religion, food habits, fairs, festivals, music and dance are part of the culture.

India is a vast country with a high population where people of different cultures live with a unique culture.

Some of the major religions of the country are Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and Zoroastrianism.

India is a country where different languages are spoken in different parts of the country.

People here generally use varieties in costumes, social beliefs, and customs and food habits.

They observe and follow different customs and traditions according to their respective religions.

We celebrate our festivals according to their own rituals, keep fast, bathe in the holy waters of the Ganges, worship and pray to God, sing ritual songs, dance, have a delicious dinner, wears colourful clothes and does a lot of activities.

We also celebrate some national festivals by mixing various social events like Republic Day, Independence Day, and Gandhi Jayanti.

In different parts of the country, people of different religions celebrate their festivals with great enthusiasm and eagerness.

Some events like Gautam Buddha (Buddha Purnima), Lord Mahavir birthday (Mahavir Jayanti), Guru Nanak Jayanti (Guruparva), etc. are jointly celebrated by people of many religions.

India is a country famous for its various cultural dances such as classical (Bharat Natyam, Kathak, Kathakali, Kuchipudi) and folklore by region.

The Punjabis enjoyed Bhangra, the Gugrati enjoyed the Garba, the Rajasthanis enjoyed the Ghoomar, and the Assamese enjoyed the Bihu, while the Maharashtrian enjoyed the Lavani.

Indian Culture

Indian Culture Essay 300 words:

India is a country of rich culture and heritage where people have humanity, tolerance, unity, secularism, strong social bonds and other good qualities.

Indians are always famous for their gentle and gentle behaviour & they are always praised for their caring and calm nature without changing their principles and ideals.

India is a country of great legends where great people were born and still inspiring personalities, inspire us.

India is a land where Mahatma Gandhi was born and gave a high culture of non-violence.

He told us that every people on this earth are hungry for love, respect, care and respect; if you give them all, then surely they will follow you.

Gandhiji always believed in non-violence and fact he succeeded one day in getting India independence from British rule.

He asked the Indians to show their power of unity and mildness and then see the change.

India is not a country of separate men and women, castes and religions, but it is a country of unity where people of all ranks and creeds live together.

People in India are modern and follow all the changes according to the modern era, but they are still in touch with their traditional and cultural values.

India is a spiritual country where people believe in spirituality.

People here believe in yoga, meditation and other spiritual activities.


The social system of India is great where people still leave in a large joint family with grandparents, uncles, aunts, uncles, tau, cousins, sisters, etc.. Hence, people here are born about their culture and tradition. Learn in

Essay on Indian Culture 400 words:

Culture in India is everything like inherited thoughts, people’s way of living, beliefs, values, values, habits, care, gentleness, knowledge, etc.

India is the oldest civilization in the world where people still follow their ancient culture of humanity.

Culture is the way we treat others, how soft we respond to things, our understanding of values, morals, principles and beliefs.

People of older generations pass on their cultures and beliefs to their next generations.

Therefore, every child here treats others well, as he already knew about the culture of parents and grandparents.

Here we can see culture in all things like dance, fashion, artistry, music, behaviour, social norms, food, architecture, dressing sense etc.

India is a vast melting pot with different beliefs and practices that gave birth to different cultures here.

The origins of various religions here are ancient by about five thousand years, and it is believed that Hinduism originated from the Vedas.

All the Hindu scriptures are written in the sacred Sanskrit language; it is also believed that Jainism has ancient origins and existed in the Indus Valley.

Buddhism is another religion that originated in the country following the teachings of Lord Gautama Buddha.

Christianity was later brought here by French and British people who ruled for a long time for almost two centuries.

In this way, various religions originated in ancient times or were somehow brought into this country.

However, people of every religion live here in peace without affecting their rituals and beliefs.

The diversity of the ages has come and gone, but no one was so powerful as to change the influence of our real culture.

The culture of the younger generation is still connected to the older generations through the umbilical cord.

Our ethnic culture always teaches us how to behave well, respect elders, care for helpless people and still help needy and poor people.

It is our religious culture to keep fast, worship, offer Ganga water, greet the sun, touch the feet of the elders in the family, do yoga and meditation daily, give food and water to the hungry and disabled.

Also, read 1.   Essay on India 2. National Integration 3. Value education 4. Social Media Essay

Our nation has a high culture that we should always welcome our guests like a god, with great pleasure, which is why India is famous for a common saying like “Atithi Devo Bhava”.

The roots of our high culture are humanity and spiritual practice.

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I love my India

August 15, 2011 02:59 pm | Updated November 13, 2021 09:33 am IST

Kolkata: Children are watching a cultural performance during the I-Day celebration in Kolkata on Sunday. Photo: Arunangsu Roy Chowdhury. August 15, 2010.

Kolkata: Children are watching a cultural performance during the I-Day celebration in Kolkata on Sunday. Photo: Arunangsu Roy Chowdhury. August 15, 2010.

August 15 is a memorable day in the history of India. It was on August 15, 1947, that India won her independence after a long and bitter struggle. At the stroke of midnight, Jawaharlal Nehru read out his “Tryst with destiny” speech, proclaiming India's independence. He became the first Prime Minister of Independent India. Today, as befitting the day, there are celebrations all over the nation with the national flag being hoisted. From the ramparts of the Red Fort in New Delhi, the Prime Minister delivers his message to the nation. His speech highlights the achievements of the government during the past year and also pays tribute to freedom fighters.

On August 15 we celebrated our 64th Independence Day. Kids wrote in to say what they loved most about India. While some said it was the varied culture and heritage, others spoke of the beauty of the country.

Unity in diversity

India is a land of different cultures, heritages, many languages and religions. Despite the differences our India is united in its diversity.

The people of this country, its beautiful cultures, its languages, the places and the good heart of the Indians make us feel proud that we are born in such a beautiful land. Our mother India has been teaching her children different skills and talents such as sports, archery, defences, music, dance, art, humanity, kindness, love, tenderness and acting, .When we have such a beautiful land to live in, then why will not our heart be filled with pride?.

SHREYANK S. KOTIAN , IX C, Milagres P.U. College, Mangalore

My soul — India

This is a land of picturesque beauty, the crown of our pride, the land of diversities, the land of culture and style and it fills me with pride. We are like different beads joined together by an invisible string . Our country's legacy, history, deep-rooted value system binds us as one.

MEENASHY JOY , VIII B, Excel Public School, Kunnamkulam, Kerala

Land of peace

I love my country because India is a nation with unity in diversity. It is a proponent of peace. Peace especially through spirituality is a basic and unique quality of India. People from other nations are getting attracted towards India to achieve peace of mind. India is a land of festivals. Festivals like Diwali, Holi, do not belong to any one community but is celebrated by all.

Numerous languages, and cuisines are also unique to India. Our Tricolour represents peace, prosperity and renunciation with the Ashoka Chakra being the wheel of law of Dharma. India is a democratic country, that is, it is by the people, of the people, for the people. We all have the right to express ourselves in building the Nation.

SANJANA R.P., VII-E, Bal Bharati Public School, GRH Marg, New Delhi

I am an Indian

India is the largest democracy in the world in the truest meaning of the word “democracy”. India is secular. In the midst of various languages spoken, castes and customs the country remains united. You can travel from Kanyakumari to Himalayas as an ‘Indian'. We have Free Press, Media, Judiciary, Election Commission, C.V.C., N.H.R.C., Right to Information Act, Food Act (on the anvil) and more and all this fascinates me making me say, I am a happy and proud citizen of India. I would like to quote Nehru, “Our country is a very big country and there is a great deal to be done by all of us. If every one of us does his/her mite, then all mounts up and our country can prosper and go ahead.”

K. NANDAKUMAR, XI., Chennai Public School, Chennai

I love festivals

A great salute to our national flag on the 64th Independence Day. It is a national festival that is celebrated with joy and happiness by all of us. India is the birth place of so many fairs and festivals. They represent our rich cultural heritage and help promote unity among all religions. A number of religious festivals like Dusserah, Christmas, Ramzan, and important national days like Independence Day, Republic Day and Children's Day are celebrated. Age-old traditions, customs, rituals, prayers, dresses, ornaments, dance and music forms, varieties of food items are unique features of festivals in India and attract many foreigners from different countries to visit India. I like our Indian festivals and feel proud to say that India celebrates numerous festivals.

C. V .S. JITENDRA , IV B, Mahita Public School, Vijayawada

Best place to be

August 15 is an important day for us because that is the day our country got its independence. I love India because it is blessed with a wonderful heritage. Visitors from other countries have commented that there is no better place than India. The strong hope and faith in the potential of the people makes me feel proud about her .Jai Hind !

A.V.S.VAISHNAVI, IX, Little Angels School, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh

Unique country

I love my India, because it is so unique. Being an Indian give me great pride. I have been inspired a lot by the many patriotic poems that I have read and probably that is the reason for this sense of great patriotism in me. The land that gives me food, water all the resources I need; the land that would one day make me move ahead to achieve my goals through a so-called Indian personality. I really love my India not only because of my sustenance but also because of its tremendous achievements in almost all the fields. A sense of awe arises within me when I sing the national anthem. Many great people were born in India.

According to me, a true Indian is the one who respects India in his heart throughout his life. I love my India because of its various cultures and traditions. The fact that I am introduced to so many religions makes me feel good. I think to be an Indian is to be an amalgamation of all the cultures of India. The 64 glorious years of post -independence should be celebrated by all, in order to commemorate all those who died in making it so.

R.HUMSINI, XI B, Ramjas School, New Delhi

Incredible India

When we say the name “India” we get a feeling of being together. India is said to be incredible because many languages are spoken here and many people from different religions live together.

Indians are said to be the second smartest in the world because of their intelligent thinking. I am an Indian. It is a unique country which practises different cultures. In my street there are people of different religions, but we are united.

India is rich in agriculture. The most valuable crops are grow here. For example rice and wheat are good crops which are grown the most in our country.

One thing I hate about my country is the corruption. When India is made corruption-free then our governance will be responsive and transparent. As Abdul Kalam said the youth are going to make India corruption-free by 2020. Youth are the wonders of India. When we get rid of corruption we call our country “The Incredible India”.

India is rich in resources. The flora and fauna is also something to be proud of.

India is famous for its beautiful temples, sculptures, statues and drawings. Tanjore paintings are beautiful and sculptures are amazing.

India is a beautiful country — Goa with its beaches, trees and rivers, Jammu and Kashmir, Kochi, Rameshwaram and so many other places.

KODEESHWARAN, IX Grade, St. Joan of Arc International School, Tiruchi

It's my family

I love my India because I am born here. My parents, sister, grandparents and relatives live here. India is mother to all her citizens. Whenever I travel, I feel very homely in any part of India. Hindi and food are the main connecting bonds between people all over India. Indians are considered very intelligent all over the world. Hence I feel proud to be an Indian.

APOORVA. R.P., III-C, Bal Bharati Public School, Pusa Road, New Delhi

Long, varied history

I love India because of its history. It has a history that dates back to the days when America was not even known to the world. In fact, it was because of India's wealth and spices that Columbus sailed around the world and accidentally found America! With a very large timeline and countless number of heroes and villains, kings and ministers, I think India is the mother of history. But the most impressive thing about India is her freedom fighters who risked their lives to save our peaceful country for us to enjoy. All this makes me feel proud to be an Indian. Now it's our job to drive away poaching, poverty, pollution and corruption from our country. Jai hind!


Simply the best

India's diversity in culture, relationship values and its unity in diversity are some of the things one cannot find in any other nation. I am proud to say that I belong to the land of many great people like Mahatma Gandhi. Indians have never let their culture and nation to be under estimated. They have fought for their freedom and no Indian feels ashamed to say ‘I am an Indian'. India's national anthem was even voted to be one of the best national anthems in the world which makes me proud. When I grow up I will surely help this country and people here and will not serve any other country because this is the country which has given me everything I need.

ANGITHA, XI-B, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Andrews Ganj, New Delhi

Mystical place

India is a very beautiful country. It has a lot of trees, plants and forests. It is a mystical place. No wonder they call it “Incredible”.

The climate is very good. There is nothing better than a walk in the morning on the streets of India.

The cultures in India are mixed together. When the British left India they left some of their lifestyle to us. We follow them in the office and at home. We merge those lifestyles and follow our own habits. This is a thing which you see nowhere except in India.

One thing to be considered is that India is the second smartest country in the world and others depend on India.

So I conclude that India is a very incredible and mystical — yet to be discovered. Even though it has things like corruption which we have to work towards getting rid off, one day we will become the best and I love my India.

P.V NARASIMAN , IX Grade, St. Joan of Arc International

Sare jahan se achcha

I love my India and I am proud to say I am an Indian — sare jahan se achcha .

I am proud of its natural resources and its friendly people. We celebrate many different festivals here and my heart fills with pride for my motherland.

MEGHNA MURALI, V A , Holy Angels ISC School, Nanthancode, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

She makes me proud…

Hovering over us is corruption, terrorism and mishaps. But what makes me proud is — “We are one”. The 28 diversities unite to form India. The land where pride begins, the land where sorrows end and smiles originate, that is India. Customs, tradition and perceptions don't matter.

The vast diversities cannot seek an end but flow into the vast sea “Unity”. Yes, the land where unity rises and discrimination sets, that's the land — India.

FARZANA MUMTAZ , VIII B, Excel Public School, Arthat , Kunnamkulam, Kerala

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    The culture in India is everything from people's living, rituals, values, beliefs, habits, care, knowledge, etc. Also, India is considered as the oldest civilization where people still follows their old habits of care and humanity. Additionally, culture is a way through which we behave with others, how softly we react to different things, our ...

  6. 9 reasons why you'll fall in love with the culture in India

    Whether you want to throw colourful powder at Holi, the vibrant Festival of Colours, or witness sacred ceremonies performed on the River Ganges, there are endless ways to embrace your spirituality in India. 2. Tolerance of all religions and cultures. Religion plays a very important role in many people's lives in India.

  7. Essay on Indian Culture for Students and Children

    The culture of India refers to a collection of minor unique cultures. The culture of India comprises of clothing, festivals, languages, religions, music, dance, architecture, food, and art in India. Most noteworthy, Indian culture has been influenced by several foreign cultures throughout its history. Also, the history of India's culture is ...

  8. Essay on Indian Culture in 500 Words

    Ans: Indian culture is one of the most oldest and popular cultures in the world. Our culture is known for its rich diversity, traditional values, ethics, and social norms. We should proudly follow our cultural and traditional values, as they connect us to our age-old customs and what our culture means to us.

  9. Essay on Indian Culture and Tradition

    India, often referred to as a 'subcontinent', is a fascinating mosaic of cultures and traditions. This vast nation is characterized by its diversity, yet there is a deep-rooted sense of unity that binds its people together. The Indian culture and tradition are a rich amalgamation of the past and the present, reflecting a civilization that ...

  10. Essay on Indian Culture

    A striking aspect of Indian culture is its unity in diversity. India is a confluence of diverse languages, religions, and regional traditions. This diversity is celebrated and respected, underpinning the Indian ethos of "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" - the world is one family. Despite the myriad of cultures, there is an underlying unity that ...

  11. Essay on Why I Love My India

    Why I Love My India Essay 10 Lines (100 - 150 Words) 1) Everyone loves their country and so do I. 2) I love India because it is one of the best countries in the world. 3) My nation and countrymen support and secure each other. 4) India has a rich heritage and culture. 5) I love India because it is full of festivals and celebrations.

  12. Essay on Indian Culture and Tradition 1000+ Words

    Indian culture and tradition, akin to a captivating mosaic, are comprised of myriad vibrant components that constitute the nation's multifaceted heritage. With deep historical roots, they are commemorated through various avenues such as festivals, art forms, and daily customs. As we embark on this essay, we will delve into the profound ...

  13. 19 Reasons Why We Love India

    19 Reasons Why We Love India - The Globetrotting Detective. India is a truly incredible country and it's a country you can fall in love for a myriad of reasons. After spending two months in India, I can tell you that calling India incredible India is no exaggeration. My stay in India was a trip of a lifetime. I can't wait to be back again.

  14. Incredible India Essay for Students and Children

    The culture, the language, the traditions and the clothes of this region are incredible and you will love to visit this region. Get the huge list of more than 500 Essay Topics and Ideas. Indian Culture and Religion. India's culture is among the world's oldest; civilization in India began about 4,500 years ago. India has 29 states with ...

  15. Essay on Indian Culture and Tradition for Students in English

    January 7, 2020 by Sandeep. Indian Culture and Tradition Essay: India is a land of rich cultural diversity. Our culture is inclusive of the customs and traditions we follow, festivals we celebrate, art practices, handicrafts, folklore, food habits, music and dance etc. Our multi religious society caters to all religions and languages alike.

  16. Essay on India For Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on India. India is a great country where people speak different languages but the national language is Hindi. India is full of different castes, creeds, religion, and cultures but they live together. That's the reasons India is famous for the common saying of " unity in diversity ". India is the seventh-largest country in ...

  17. 21 Reasons Why I Love India So Much

    Here are 21 little things that made me love India. There are animals everywhere, holy cows, skittish goats, friendly dogs, mischievous monkeys, pigs and wild boars and even the odd elephant and camel all freely roam India's crazy, chaotic and captivating streets. The smell of incense and the sound of soft chanting from the temples at sunset ...

  18. Indian Culture and Tradition Essay for Students in English

    Essay on Indian Culture and Tradition. As students grow older, it is important for them to improve their understanding and hold over the language. This can be done only through consistent reading and writing. Writing an essay is a task that involves cooperation and coordination of both the mind and body. Students must be able to think as well ...

  19. Essay on Values of Indian Culture

    250 Words Essay on Values of Indian Culture The Essence of Indian Culture. Indian culture, one of the oldest and richest in the world, is a testament to the country's historical evolution and philosophical ethos. It is a vibrant amalgamation of various customs, traditions, and values that have been passed down through generations. Unity in ...

  20. Essay on Indian Culture : Why Namaste, Why Bindi, Origin of Sari, Dharma

    Despite its diversity there is an underlying unity, an ever-present thread that runs through all forms of India`s cultural heritage. This section explores Essay on Indian Culture.

  21. Essay: The hidden agendas in the 'I LOVE

    No, not the reminder of being an Indian but of being a lover. For in every town and city, even neighbourhoods and piss-stops in the mountains, is a sign that says 'I LOVE …', followed by the ...

  22. Indian Culture Essay

    Essay on Indian Culture 400 words: Culture in India is everything like inherited thoughts, people's way of living, beliefs, values, values, habits, care, gentleness, knowledge, etc. India is the oldest civilization in the world where people still follow their ancient culture of humanity. Culture is the way we treat others, how soft we respond ...

  23. I love my India

    I love my India. On August 15 we celebrated our 64th Independence Day. Kids wrote in to say what they loved most about India. While some said it was the varied culture and heritage, others spoke ...