Research Question Generator for Free

If you’re looking for the best research question generator, you’re in the right place. Get a list of ideas for your essay, research paper, or any other project with this online tool.

  • 🎓 How to Use the Tool
  • 🤔 What Is a Research Question?
  • 😺 Research Question Examples
  • 👣 Steps to Making a Research Question

📝 Research Question Maker: the Benefits

🔗 references, 🎓 research question generator: how to use it.

Research can’t be done without a clear purpose, an intention behind it.

This intention is usually reflected in a research question, which indicates how you approach your study topic.

If you’re unsure how to write a good research question or are new to this process, you’ll surely benefit from our free online tool. All you need is:

  • Indicate your search term or title
  • Stipulate the subject or academic area
  • Press “Generate questions”
  • Choose a suitable research question from the generated list.

As you can see, this is the best research question generator requiring minimal input for smart question formulation. Try it out to see how simple the process is.

🤔 Why Make an Inquiry Question?

A research question is a question that you formulate for your scientific inquiry . It is a question that sets the scope for your study and determines how you will approach the identified problem, gap, or issue.

Questions can be descriptive , meaning they aim to describe or measure a subject of the researcher's interest.

Otherwise, they can be exploratory , focusing on the under-researched areas and aiming to expand the existing research evidence on the topic.

If there's enough knowledge about the subject, and you want to dig deeper into the existing trends and relationships, you can also use an explanatory research question.

What Makes a Strong Research Question?

The strength of your formulated research question determines the quality of your research, whether it’s a short argumentative essay or an extensive research paper . So, you should review the quality of your question before conducting the full-scale study.

Its parameters of quality are as follows:

  • Clarity . The question should be specific about the focus of your inquiry.
  • Complexity . It should not be self-obvious or primitively answered with a “yes” or “no” variant.
  • Focus . The question should match the size and type of your academic assignment.
  • Conciseness . It should be brief and understandable.
  • Debatability . There should be more than one potential answer to the question.

😺 Research Question Examples: Good & Not So Good

Here are some examples to illustrate what we mean by quality criteria and how you can ensure that your question meets them.

Lack of Clarity

The bad example is too general and does not clearly estimate what effect you want to analyze or what aspect of video gaming you're interested in. A much better variant is in the right column.

Look at some other research question examples that are clear enough:

  • Terrorism: what is it and how to counter it?
  • Sex trafficking: why do we have to address it?
  • Palliative care: what constitutes the best technique for technicians communication with patients and families?
  • How do vacuum cleaners work?
  • What does it mean to age well?

Lack of Focus

The bad example is not focused, as it doesn’t specify what benefits you want to identify and in what context the uniform is approached. A more effective variant is in the right column.

Look at some other research question examples that are focused enough:

  • How are biochemical conditions and brain activity linked to crime?
  • World wars and national conflicts: what were the reasons?
  • Why does crime exist in society?
  • Decolonization in Canada: what does decolonization mean?

The bad example is too simplistic and doesn’t focus on the aspects of help that dogs can give to their owners. A more effective variant is in the right column.

Look at some other research question examples that are complex enough:

  • How is resource scarcity impacting the chocolate industry?
  • What should the Brazilian government do about reducing Amazon’s deforestation?
  • Why is a collaborative approach vital during a pandemic?
  • What impact has COVID-19 had on the economy?
  • How to teach handwriting effectively?

Lack of Debatability

The problem of diabetes is well-known and doesn’t cause any doubts. So, you should add debatability to the discussed issue.

Look at some other research question examples that are debatable enough:

  • Online vs. print journalism: what is more beneficial?
  • Why will artificial intelligence not replace human in near future?
  • What are the differences between art and design?
  • Crime TV: how is criminality represented on television?

The question in the left column is too long and ambiguous, making the readers lose focus. You can shorten it without losing the essence.

Look at some other research question examples that are concise enough:

  • What is the best way to address obesity in the US?
  • Doctoral degree in nursing: why is it important?
  • What are the benefits of X-rays in medicine?
  • To what extent do emotions influence moral judgment?
  • Why did the Industrial Revolution happen in England?

👣 Steps to Generate Research Questions

Now, it’s time to get down from science to practice. Here is a tried-and-tested algorithm for killer research question generation.

  • Pick a topic . Once you get a writing assignment, it’s time to find an appropriate topic first . You can’t formulate a thesis statement or research question if you know nothing about your subject, so it's time to narrow your scope and find out as much as possible about the upcoming task.
  • Research the topic . After you’re brainstormed several topic options, you should do some research. This stage takes the guesswork out of the academic process, allowing you to discover what scholars and other respected people think about your subject.
  • Clarify who your audience is . Think about who will read your piece. Will it be the professor, your classmates, or the general audience consisting of laypersons? Ensure the research question sounds competent enough for a professor and understandable enough for laypeople.
  • Approach the subject critically . With a well-articulated topic at hand, you should start asking the "why's" and "how's" about it. Look at the subject as a kid; don't limit your curiosity. You're sure to arrive at some interesting topics to reveal the hidden sides of the chosen issue.
  • Evaluate the questions . Now that you have a couple of questions about your topic, evaluate them in terms of research value. Are all of them clear and focused? Will answering all of them take time and research, or is the answer already on the surface? By assessing each option you’ve formulated, you’re sure to choose one leader and use it as your main research question for the scientific study.

Thank you for reading this article! If you need to quickly formulate a thesis statement, consider using our free thesis maker .

❓ Research Questions Generator FAQ

Updated: Oct 25th, 2023

  • Developing research questions - Library - Monash University
  • Formulation of Research Question – Stepwise Approach - PMC
  • Examples of Good and Bad Research Questions
  • How To Write a Research Question: Steps and Examples
  • Narrowing a Topic and Developing a Research Question
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With our question generator, you can get a unique research question for your assignment, be it an essay, research, proposal, or speech. In a couple of clicks, our tool will make a perfect question for you to ease the process of writing. Try our generator to write the best work possible.

Research Question Generator: Best Tool for Students

Stuck formulating a research question? Try the tool we’ve made! With our research question generator, you’ll get a list of ideas for an academic assignment of any level. All you need to do is add the keywords you’re interested in, push the button, and enjoy the result!

Now, here comes your inspiration 😃

Please try again with some different keywords.

Why Use Research Question Generator?

The choice of research topic is a vital step in the process of any academic task completion. Whether you’re working on a small essay or a large dissertation, your topic will make it fail or fly. The best way to cope with the naming task and proceed to the writing part is to use our free online tool for title generation. Its benefits are indisputable.

  • The tool generates research questions, not just topics
  • It makes questions focused on your field of interest
  • It’s free and quick in use

Research Question Generator: How to Use

Using our research question generator tool, you won’t need to crack your brains over this part of the writing assignment anymore. All you need to do is:

  • Insert your study topic of interest in the relevant tab
  • Choose a subject and click “Generate topics”
  • Grab one of the offered options on the list

The results will be preliminary; you should use them as an initial reference point and refine them further for a workable, correctly formulated research question.

Research Questions: Types & Examples

Depending on your type of study (quantitative vs. qualitative), you might need to formulate different research question types. For instance, a typical quantitative research project would need a quantitative research question, which can be created with the following formula:

Variable(s) + object that possesses that variable + socio-demographic characteristics

You can choose among three quantitative research question types: descriptive, comparative, and relationship-based. Let's consider each type in more detail to clarify the practical side of question formulation.


As its name suggests, a descriptive research question inquires about the number, frequency, or intensity of something and aims to describe a quantitative issue. Some examples include:

  • How often do people download personal finance apps in 2022?
  • How regularly do Americans go on holidays abroad?
  • How many subscriptions for paid learning resources do UK students make a year?


Comparative research questions presuppose comparing and contrasting things within a research study. You should pick two or more objects, select a criterion for comparison, and discuss it in detail. Here are good examples:

  • What is the difference in calorie intake between Japanese and American preschoolers?
  • Does male and female social media use duration per day differ in the USA?
  • What are the attitudes of Baby Boomers versus Millennials to freelance work?


Relationship-based research is a bit more complex, so you'll need extra work to formulate a good research question. Here, you should single out:

  • The independent variable
  • The dependent variable
  • The socio-demographics of your population of interest

Let’s illustrate how it works:

  • How does the socio-economic status affect schoolchildren’s dropout rates in the UK?
  • What is the relationship between screen time and obesity among American preschoolers?

Research Question Maker FAQ

In a nutshell, a research question is the one you set to answer by performing a specific academic study. Thus, for instance, if your research question is, “How did global warming affect bird migration in California?," you will study bird migration patterns concerning global warming dynamics.

You should think about the population affected by your topic, the specific aspect of your concern, and the timing/historical period you want to study. It’s also necessary to specify the location – a specific country, company, industry sector, the whole world, etc.

A great, effective research question should answer the "who, what, when, where" questions. In other words, you should define the subject of interest, the issue of your concern related to that subject, the timeframe, and the location of your study.

If you don’t know how to write a compelling research question, use our automated tool to complete the task in seconds. You only need to insert your subject of interest, and smart algorithms will do the rest, presenting a set of workable, interesting question suggestions.

Research Question Generator Online

Are you looking for effective aid in research question formulation? Try our research question generator and get ideas for any project instantly.

  • 🤖 How to Use the Tool

❗ Why Is a Research Question Important?

🔖 research question types & examples, 🗺️ how to generate a research question.

  • 👀 More Examples
  • 🔍 References

🤖 How to Use a Research Question Generator?

Struggling to develop a good research question for your college essay , proposal , or dissertation ? Don't waste time anymore, as our research question generator is available online for free.

Our tool is designed to provide original questions to suit any subject discipline.

Generate your questions in a few easy steps as shown below:

  • Add your research group and the influencing factor.
  • Indicate your dependent variable (the thing you’re planning to measure).
  • Add the optional parameters (the second research group and the time frame).
  • Look at the examples if necessary.

Once you get the initial results, you can still refine the questions to get relevant and practical research questions for your project.

The main importance of formulating a research question is to break down a broad topic and narrow it to a specific field of investigation . It helps you derive a practical knowledge of the topic of interest. The research question also acts as a guiding structure for the entire investigation from paragraph to paragraph. Besides, you can define research issues and spot gaps in the study.

The research questions disclose the boundaries and limitations of your research, ensuring it is consistent and relevant. Ultimately, these questions will directly affect the research methods you will use to collect and analyze data. They also affect the process of generating a thesis statement . With a checker proposal, you can also polish your research question to ensure it aligns with the research purpose.

The research writing process covers different types of questions, depending on the depth of study and subject matter. It is important to know the kind of research you want to do; it will help you in the formulation of an effective research question. You can select quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods studies to develop your questions.

Let us explore some of these question types in detail to help you choose a workable option for your project:

Quantitative Research Questions

Quantitative questions are specific and objective, providing detailed information about a particular research topic . The data you collect from this research type is quantifiable and can be studied using figures.

These questions also delineate a relationship between the research design and the research question.

Quantitative questions focus on issues like:

  • "How often"
  • "How intense"
  • "Is there a statistical relationship"

They illustrate the response with numbers.

In addition, quantitative questions help you to explore existing patterns in data from a specific location or context. The collected information allows researchers to make logical and data-driven conclusions.

This type of research question can be classified further into 3 categories.

The picture lists the three types of quantitative research questions.

Descriptive Research Questions

Such questions seek to describe a quantifiable problem and investigate the numbers, rates, or intensity of the issue. They are usually used to write descriptive papers .

Comparative Research Questions

As the name suggests, comparative questions intend to compare and contrast two or more issues in a research project. These questions are used in comparative papers . To formulate such a question, identify two or more variables, choose a standard for comparison, and present an in-depth discussion.

Let's look at a few examples.

Relationship-based Research Questions

Relationship-based questions reveal and identify a connection between two or more research variables . Such questions entail a dependent variable, an independent variable, and a socio-demographic of the population you are interested in studying.

Qualitative Research Questions

Qualitative research questions are open-ended and aim to explore or explain respondents' subjective meanings and experiences . You can't measure the data you collect from a qualitative research question in figures, as it's mostly narrative. Some of the common types include those described below.

The picture lists the two types of qualitative research questions.

Exploratory Research Questions

These questions investigate a particular research topic without any assumptions.

Explanatory Research Questions

These questions examine the reasons and find connections between existing entities.

Mixed Methods Studies

When you combine quantitative and qualitative research questions, you will get a mixed-method research study . It answers your research question more comprehensively since it combines the advantages of both research methods in a pragmatic study .

This mixed study can focus on quantitative data (score comparison with attitude ranking) and qualitative insights from student interviews about attitudes.

We have outlined a few steps to generate exceptional questions for students who don't know how to write them effectively.

The picture lists the steps to generating a research question.

👀 More Research Question Examples

  • Why do minorities delay going to the doctor?
  • What makes humans mortal genetically?
  • Why and how did the US get involved in the Korean War?
  • The virus COVID-19: what went wrong?
  • What is cancel culture, and can it go too far?
  • How do human infants acquire a language?
  • Eastern vs. Western religions: what’s the difference?
  • Why is capitalism better than socialism?
  • What do Hamlet and Oedipus have in common?
  • How does language influence our world?
  • Competence for nurses: why is it important?
  • COVID-19 pandemic: what we can learn from the past?

❓ Research Question Generator FAQ

❓ how to form a research question.

You should select an interesting topic related to the subject you are studying. Carry out preliminary research with our research question generator online and pick the question from the list of offered suggestions. Refine the question until you are satisfied with the result.

❓ What makes a good research question?

An effective research question should focus on a single issue and clearly state the research direction you will take. The topic should neither be too broad nor too narrow – just enough to keep you focused on the main scope of the study. Also, it should be answerable with a comprehensive analysis.

❓ How to find the research question in an article?

In an academic article, the research question is usually placed at the end of the introduction, right before the literature review. At times, it may be included in the methods section – after the review of academic research.

❓ How to write a quantitative research question?

Identify what claim you want to make in your research purpose. Choose a dependent variable, an independent variable, and a target population, and formulate the assumed relationship between the variables for that respondent group. Ensure the data you collect is measured within a specific context.

🔗 References

  • Types of Research Questions With Examples
  • Developing research questions - Library - Monash University
  • Research Question - Research Guide - LibGuides
  • How To Write a Research Question: Steps and Examples
  • How to Write a Research Question - GMU Writing Center


Research Question Generator

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AI4Chat's Research Question Generator: A Tool for Quick and Intelligent Questions

Introducing the research question generator.

The Research Question Generator by AI4Chat is an advanced tool designed for generating stimulating research questions in just one click. It leverages the power of top-performing AI technologies, like ChatGPT, Google Bard and GPT4, to deliver seamless, high-quality, and context-relevant questions for an array of research fields.

How the Research Question Generator Works

Making use of cutting-edge AI, the Research Question Gallery ingests a range of data, evaluates it in real-time, and produces a viable research question. The tool is intuitive to use, requiring no prior technical knowledge. Researchers simply input their topic or keyword, and the tool generates a range of pertinent research questions.

Expanding Research Scope with AI4Chat

AI4Chat's Research Question Generator is not just about producing questions; it's an innovative and transformative approach to how research is conducted. It helps researchers broaden their horizons by providing alternative perspectives, leading to more comprehensive and inclusive research endeavors.

Questions about AI4Chat? We are here to help!

For any inquiries, drop us an email at [email protected] . We’re always eager to assist and provide more information.

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PICOT Research Question Generator

Welcome to the PICOT Research Question Generator! My name is Eric Heidel, PhD, PStat, and I am an Associate Professor of Biostatistics at the University of Tennessee Graduate School of Medicine (UTGSM) as well as an Accredited Professional Statistician. I have taught the PICOT ( Population , Intervention , Comparator , Outcome , and Time ) framework for creating research questions to thousands of medical professionals over the past 14 years (see About page; opens in new window). I created the PICOT Research Question Generator to help researchers create valid research questions using the PICOT framework.

You will be prompted below to choose one of four potential statistical objectives for your PICOT question. Then, you will enter text related to your PICOT question into text boxes that reflect each of the five PICOT components. Finally, you will click on a button and the PICOT Research Question Generator will present the following:

  • Your PICOT question
  • Your null and alternative hypotheses
  • Your independent variable
  • Your dependent variable
  • The statistical test used to answer your PICOT question

It should take you less than five minutes to complete the web form below. If you want to create a PICOT research question related to between-subjects, within-subjects, correlational, multivariate, interventions, prevention, prognosis, diagnosis, or etiology, please use the PICOT question examples page (opens in new window). You can also use the full version of the PICOT Research Question Generator, which will take you between 15-20 minutes to complete (opens in new window). Or, check out the page that shows how PICOT can be "mapped" onto 21 popular statistical tests by visiting the PICOT question and statistics page (opens in new window).

Please Like or Share this website on Facebook! Thank you for using the PICOT Research Question Generator!

What is the statistical objective of your PICOT question?

What is the statistical objective of your PICOT research question? Choose an option below and then select the answers that best fit your statistical objective.

The PICOT Question

Population and picot.

In the text box below, enter text describing the population for your study in general terms and click on the Submit button.

Intervention and PICOT

In the text box below, enter text describing the intervention that is being administered and click on the Submit button.

Comparator and PICOT

In the text box below, enter text describing the comparator that is being administered and click on the Submit button.

Outcome and PICOT

In the text box below, enter text describing the outcome that will be measured for in your study and click on the Submit button.

Time and PICOT

In the text box below, enter text describing the time frame for your study and click on the Submit button.

Your PICOT Question

Click on the button below to generate your PICOT question, research hypotheses, independent and dependent variables, and statistical tests.

Quantitative Research Question Generator

A research question is the core of any academic paper. Yet, the formulation of a solid quantitative research question can be a challenging task for students. That’s why the NerdyRoo team created an outstanding tool that will become your ultimate academic assistant.

🚀 Why Use Our Generator?

🔎 what is a quantitative research question.

  • ✍️ Writing Steps
  • ✨ Question Examples

🔗 References

Doubting whether our quantitative research question generator is worth using? It is! Our tool has many benefits:

  • It’s entirely free
  • It’s accessible online and without registration
  • It’s easy to use
  • It saves your time
  • It boosts productivity
  • It instantly generates a high-quality quantitative research question.

Quantitative questions are close-ended questions used for gathering numerical data. Such questions help to collect responses from big samples and, relying on the findings, make data-driven conclusions. A research question is essential to any quantitative research paper because it presents the topic and the paper's aim.

Quantitative research questions always contain variables : things that are being studied. It's crucial to ensure your variables are attainable and measurable. For example, you cannot measure organizational change and emergency response, but you can determine the frequency of organizational change and emergency response score.

Types of Quantitative Research Questions

Do you know that there are 3 types of quantitative research questions? Take a look at them and decide which type is the most suitable for your paper.

Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research Questions

Many students confuse quantitative and qualitative research . Despite having similar-sounding names, they're very different:

  • Quantitative questions are aimed at collecting raw numerical data.
  • Qualitative questions have an answer expressed in words. They also allow getting respondents’ personal perspectives on a research topic.

Let’s examine the main differences between qualitative and quantitative research :

✍️ How to Write a Quantitative Research Question

Want to craft an outstanding quantitative research question? We know how to help you! Follow the 5 steps below and get a flawless result:

1. Choose the type of research question.

Decide whether you need a descriptive, comparative, or relationship-based quantitative research question. How your question starts will also depend on the type.

2. Identify the variables.

See how many variables you have. Don't forget to distinguish between dependent and independent ones .

3. Set the groups.

Your study will focus on one or more groups. For example, you might be interested in social media use among Gen-Z Americans, male Millennials, LGBTQ+ people, or any other demographic.

4. Specify the context.

Include any words that will make your research question more specific, such as "per month," "the most significant," or "daily."

5. Compose the research question.

Combine all the elements from the previous steps. Use our quantitative research question generator to ensure the highest result quality!

✨ Quantitative Research Question Examples

Now, let's look at some well-formulated quantitative research questions with explanations for variables and groups.

Thanks for visiting our webpage! Good luck with your quantitative research. Use our online tool and share it with your friends!

❓ Quantitative Research Questions FAQs

❓ what is an example of a quantitative research question.

A quantitative research question might be the following: "What is the relationship between website user-friendliness and customer purchase intention among male and female consumers of age 25 to 30?" Another example would be: "What percentage of Bachelor's graduates acquire a Master's degree?"

❓ What are the quantitative questions?

Quantitative questions are close-ended questions used for collecting numerical data. Such questions help gather responses from big samples and trace patterns in the selected study area. Relying on the finding of quantitative research, the researcher can make solid decisions.

❓ How do you write a quantitative research question?

  • Identify the variables.
  • Decide on the focus groups.
  • Specify the context.

To ensure the best result, use our online generator. It will create a flawless research question for free in a couple of seconds!

❓ What questions does quantitative research answer?

Quantitative research answers any kind of question involving numerical data analysis. For example, it may help to determine the interdependence of variables, examine current trends within the industry, and even create forecasts.

  • Developing Your Research Questions: Nova Southeastern University
  • How to Write a Research Question: George Mason University
  • Quantitative Methods: University of Southern California
  • Research Question Overview: North Central University

Research Question Maker

Please try again with some different keywords or subjects.

Looking for a research question maker to get a ready research question or build one from scratch?

Search no more!

This 2-in-1 online research question making tool can do both in seconds.

Try our it and break free from the stressful experience. The tool is user-friendly, and you can easily access it online for free.

  • ️🤔 How to Use the Tool?
  • ️🕵🏽 What Is a Research Question?
  • ️🔢 Research Question Formula
  • ️🔎 Research Question Types
  • ️✅ Research Question Checklist
  • ️👀 Examples
  • ️🔗 References

🤔 Research Question Maker: How to Use the 2-in-1 Tool?

Getting a ready research question.

You don't have to stress over our research question generator because you get impressive results within a few seconds.

Get your research question by following the steps below:

  • Enter the keywords related to the research question you are interested in exploring.
  • Choose your study area if necessary.
  • Run the search and wait for the results.
  • Look at the many ideas that the question maker will propose.

You can refresh the search button until you find the question that suits your research paper.

Building a Tailor-made Research Question

Another option of this 2-in-1 tool enables you to build a tailor-made research question from scratch. To get one quickly, perform the following steps:

🕵🏽 What Is a Research Question?

A research question is important in guiding your research paper, essay, or thesis. It offers the direction of your research and clarifies what you want to focus on.

Good research questions require you to synthesize facts from several sources and interpret them to get an answer.

It is essential to understand the features of a good research question before you start the formulation process.

The picture lists the criteria of a good research question.

Your question should be:

  • Focused. It should focus on one research issue.
  • Specific. The question should contain narrowed ideas .
  • Researchable. You should get answers from qualitative and quantitative research sources .
  • Feasible. It should be workable within the practical limitations
  • Original. The question should be unique and authentic.
  • Relevant. It needs to be based on your subject discipline.
  • Complex. It should offer adequate scope for analysis and discussion.

Research papers or essays require one research question, as a rule. However, extensive projects like dissertations and theses can have several research questions focusing on the main research issue.

The thesis statement is the response you develop; it sets the direction of your arguments. It should be relevant to the research question.

Thus, you can also use an online thesis maker to ensure it aligns with your formulated questions.

🔢 Research Question Formula

In research writing , you must begin with a topic of interest. Analyzing the original title, you have chosen will give you a good and well-defined research question.

There is an effective formula you can use when formulating your research question.

Topic + Concept = Research question

The topic should be specific with a strong focus on a subject matter, while the concept surrounding it should be from a broad field.

For example:

Your topic could be social media, nursing, standardized tests, cybersecurity, etc. Conversely, concepts can be the risks and benefits of your topic, the recent trends, challenges faced by the industry, etc.

Let us explore the formula and create a few research questions.

  • Standardized tests (topic) + recent trends (concept) = How have standardized tests impacted the education sector? (research question)
  • Cybersecurity (topic) + effect (concept) = How has cybersecurity affected the evolution of technology? (research question)

Therefore, ensure your research question is neither too broad nor too narrow. Broad topics and concepts might overwhelm you with numerous sources. On the other hand, narrow questions will limit you when exploring the project's scope.

🔎 Research Question Types

When formulating your research question, choose from 3 fundamental types that your academic paper can focus on.

The picture lists the research question types.

Descriptive Research Question

When your investigation intends to disclose existing patterns within the research subject, you should use this type.

A descriptive question urges you to collect measurable information about the attributes of subjects with certain views. It could be a number, occurrence, or amount that describes a research problem.

Here are some examples:

  • What is the percentage of people with fitness apps in 2022?
  • What is the average debt load of an American?
  • How often do students use online writing services in the UK?

Relational Research Question

This type focuses on comparing two or more entities in a research investigation. After picking your variables, you must choose a comparison parameter and provide its detailed discussion.

Some examples are as follows:

  • What is the difference between men and women's salaries in IT?
  • What is the correlation between alcohol and depression?
  • Is there a relationship between a vegan diet and the low-income bracket?

Causal Research Question

This is a cause-and-effect type of research question. It seeks to prove how one variable affects another one.

Great examples are:

  • How does advertising impact consumer behavior?
  • Do public opinion polls alter voter inclinations?
  • How does employee training affect performance in the employment market?

✅ How to Make a Research Question Stronger? The Checklist

Developing questions seems like a simple task for students. But it can be quite challenging if you want to create an effective research question. The latter can make or break your paper, so you should focus on strengthening and refining it.

How do you make your research question strong? The criteria below will show whether you've already arrived at a workable question.

👀 Research Question Examples

  • What does a change-ready organization look like?
  • Wearable medical devices: how will they transform healthcare?
  • What effect did the World War II wartime experience have on African americans?
  • Biodiversity on the Earth: why is it crucial for the environment?
  • What makes William Shakespeare relevant in the modern day?
  • How did the Civil War affect the distribution of wealth in the United States?
  • What is love?
  • Why should businesses embrace remote work?
  • What impact has feminism had in the study of women and crime?
  • How to construct a mixed methods research design?
  • What is a halogenated hydrocarbon?

Thank you for reading this article! If you need to formulate a research title, try using our title-generating tool .

❓ Research Question Maker Tool FAQ

❓ what is a good research question.

A great research question is specific and answerable within a workable time frame. It should focus on one topic and be researchable using primary and secondary data. In short, it should have a clear statement of what the researcher is supposed to do to get practical answers.

❓ How to formulate a research question?

To understand how to create a research question, you need to think about how your topic affects a particular population. You should also consider the period of investigation and the location – it could be an organization, country, or commercial industry.

❓ How to write a qualitative research question?

Your questions should reveal research issues and opinions from the respondents in your study. Qualitative questions seek to discover and understand how people make sense of their life experiences and events. The results of qualitative research are analyzed narratively, so don't try to quantify them.

❓ How to find a research question?

If you find it difficult to compose a unique research question, use our question maker tool and get it within a few seconds. Just enter the right keywords about your subject of interest, and the smart algorithms will produce a list of questions that suit your case.

🔗 References

  • How to Write a Research Question - GMU Writing Center
  • How to Write a Research Question: Steps and Examples
  • Narrowing a Topic and Developing a Research Question
  • Formulation of Research Question – Stepwise Approach - PMC
  • Writing Research Questions: Purpose & Examples -

Inquiry Question Generator

Get your perfect inquiry in 3 simple steps:

  • Input the keywords
  • Press the button
  • Get the list and repeat if needed.

Input the keyword(s)

Please try using other keywords in your search.

🔬 What Is an Inquiry Question?

✨ types of inquiry questions.

  • ✍️ Writing Steps
  • 📝 Inquiry Question Checklist
  • 🌟 Good & Bad Examples

🔗 References

An inquiry question is a subject your research is addressing. Its primary function is directing research by concentrating on a specific facet, trend, or factor. A compelling core inquiry question should be:

Why Is an Inquiry Question Important?

If the research question is formulated correctly, it will assist you in defining the matter you wish to address. It helps you organize your study and anticipate any issues that arise in the process.

A research inquiry will:

  • Maintain your interest and keep you concentrated on the subject.
  • Help you locate some other minor questions that will make your research more detailed.
  • Suggest the sources you need to look for or the data you need to acquire.
  • Direct you to the people you should consult for assistance.

There are six different ways of addressing inquiry questions. Each focuses on the specific needs and objectives of the research paper. Let’s study them in more detail.

✍️ How to Develop an Inquiry Question Step by Step

Now that you’re familiarized with the theory, it’s time to see how to actually write an inquiry. This next segment will describe the process of creating a key question step by step.

Step 1. Choose a Broad Topic

The first stage in creating an inquiry is to select a general area of research . The broader the topic is, the deeper your research will delve into the matter. We recommend you pick a subject that appeals to you personally. This way, the research process will be more fun.

Step 2. Conduct Your Research

After choosing a subject, you can start your preliminary research. A quick analysis of relevant literature will help you identify the topics that scholars and other researchers are debating. You’ll acquire relevant knowledge and structure your future research around it.

Step 3. Narrow Down Your Topic

When you have enough information on the subject, you can concentrate on a narrow field of study:

  • One way to do it is to focus on the research gaps that still need to be studied in depth.
  • Problematization is another method of narrowing topics down. It allows you to carefully examine presumptions that back up the theoretical positions of other researchers.

Choose whichever way you prefer and proceed to the next step.

Step 4. Think about Your Audience

The next step is to find out if your readers are interested in the question you are addressing. If you make it compelling, it will add value to your research. Additionally, knowing your target audience can help you focus on factors that are relevant to them. All of that will help you refine your research question.

Step 5. Make a List of Potential Questions

Pose as many open-ended questions related to your topic as possible. Once you've written down a handful of general questions, test them to see if they're good enough for your research. Additionally, while examining them, consider how they will influence the final result of your study.

Step 6. Construct Your Key Inquiry Question

The final step is to write an inquiry. There are two frameworks that you can choose from when doing it:

📝 Good Inquiry Question: A Practical Checklist

If you want to ensure your inquiry is good enough, it’s vital to know which factors can make a difference. The checklist below will help you: if your question has all the following qualities, it's perfect.

🌟 Inquiry Question Examples

Need help to figure out what a perfect inquiry is like? Check out our examples! They will also show you how to turn weak questions into much better ones.

Now you know all about inquiries and how to write them. Make sure to use AssignZen’s free inquiry question maker! With its help, you will create excellent key questions in a few clicks. Have a great day, and good luck in your studies!

❓ Inquiry Question Maker FAQ

❓ what are 5 good research questions.

  • How did the US economy respond to the impact of worker unions?
  • How can educational strategies stop teenage drug abuse?
  • How did Sigmund Freud’s psychology research affect modern psychoanalysis?
  • How can governmental laws fight pollution?
  • How can hereditary components of alcoholism affect hospital procedures?

❓ What are the 6 types of research questions?

  • Exploratory questions find more information about a subject.
  • Predictive questions predict the consequences.
  • Interpretive questions analyze people’s reactions.
  • Descriptive questions describe a particular phenomenon.
  • Comparative questions compare two things.
  • Relationship-based questions explain how an object is affected by a subject.

❓ What is a question generator?

An inquiry question generator is AI-powered software that can create a key question based on the information you type in. It is made to help students and researchers find inquiry examples and boost knowledge and imagination.

❓ Which question can be answered by scientific inquiry?

Scientific inquiries aim to explain anything that occurs in the natural world. Inquiries can concern objects, living beings, and various phenomena. They may be addressed by empirical studies that create explanations based on evidence and facts.

❓ What is a question of inquiry?

A question of inquiry question is a question posed by a researcher to explore a specific topic in a systematic and structured manner. This question serves as the foundation of a research study. In particular, it shapes the investigation's objectives, methodology, and scope.

Updated: Apr 9th, 2024

  • Formulating a Research Question: Harvard University
  • Narrowing a Topic and Developing a Research Question: Indiana University
  • Types of Research Questions: California State University, Northridge
  • How to Write a Research Question: Steps and Examples: Indeed
  • What Makes a Good Research Question?: Virginia Commonwealth University

Research Question Generator for Students

Our online topic question generator is a free tool that creates topic questions in no time. It can easily make an endless list of random research questions based on your query.

Can't decide on the topic question for your project? Check out our free topic question generator and get a suitable research question in 3 steps!

Please try again with some different keywords.

  • 👉 Why Use Our Tool?

💡 What Is a Topic Question?

✒️ how to write a research question.

  • 📜 Research Question Example

🔗 References

👉 why use our topic question generator.

Our research topic question generator is worth using for several reasons:

  • It saves you time. You can develop many ideas and formulate research questions for all of them within seconds.
  • It is entirely free. Our tool doesn’t have any limits, probation periods, or subscription plans. Use it as much as you want and don’t pay a cent.
  • It is download- and registration-free. Use it in any browser from any device. No applications are needed. You also don’t have to submit any personal data.
  • It’s easy to use. You can see an explanation for every step next to each field you need to fill in.
  • You can easily check yourself. Spend a couple of seconds to check your research question on logic and coherence.

A research topic question is a question you aim to answer while researching and writing your paper. It states the matter you study and the hypothesis you will prove or disprove. This question shares your assumptions and goals, giving your readers a basic understanding of your paper’s content.

It also helps you focus while researching and gives your research scope and limitations. Of course, your research question needs to be relevant to your study subject and attractive to you. Any paper will lack an objective and specificity without an adequately stated research question.

Research Topic Vs. Research Topic Question

‘Research topic’ and ‘research question’ are different concepts that are often confused.

Research Question Types: Quantitative and Qualitative

Another essential differentiation to know – there are quantitative and qualitative research questions.

  • Quantitative research questions are more specific and number-oriented . They seek clear answers such as “yes” or “no,” a number, or another straightforward solution. Example: How many senior high school students in New York failed to achieve the desired SAT scores due to stress factors?
  • Qualitative research questions can be broader and more flexible. They seek an explanation of phenomena rather than a short answer. Example: What is the role of stress factors in the academic performance of high school senior students who reside in New York?

Now let’s get to know how to create your own research question. This skill will help you structure your papers more efficiently.

Step 1: Choose Your Research Topic

If you’ve already received general guidelines from your instructor, find a specific area of knowledge that interests you. It shouldn’t be too broad or too narrow. You can divide it into sub-topics and note them. Discuss your topic with someone or brainstorm to get more ideas. You can write down all your thoughts and extract potential issues from this paragraph or text.

Step 2: Research

After you’ve chosen a topic, do preliminary research . Search for keywords relevant to your topics to see what current discussions are in the scientific community. It will be easier for you to cross out those ideas that are already researched too well. In addition, you might spot some knowledge gaps that you can later fill in. We recommend avoiding poorly researched areas unless you are confident you can rely solely on the data you gather.

Step 3: Narrow Your Topic

At this stage, you already have some knowledge about the matter. You can tell good ideas from bad ones and formulate a couple of research questions. Leave only the best options that you actually want to proceed with. You can create several draft variations of your top picks and research them again. Depending on the results you get, you can leave the best alternatives for the next step.

Step 4: Evaluate What You’ve Got

Evaluate your topics by these criteria:

  • Clarity . Check if there are any vague details and consider adjusting them.
  • Focus . Your research matter should be unambiguous , without other interpretations.
  • Complexity . A good topic research question shouldn’t be too difficult or too easy.
  • Ethics . Your ideas and word choice shouldn’t be prejudiced or offensive.
  • Relevance . Your hypothesis and research question should correspond with current discussions.
  • Feasibility . Make sure you can conduct the research that will answer your question.

Step 5: Edit Your Research Question

Now you can create the final version of your research question. Use our tool to compare your interpretation with the one produced by artificial intelligence. Though you might change it based on your findings, you must create a perfect statement now. You need to make it as narrow as possible. If you don’t know how to make it more specific, leave it till you get the first research results.

📜 Research Question Generator: Examples

Compare a good and bad research question to understand the importance of following all rules:

Thank you for reading till the end. We hope you found the information and tool useful for your studies. Don’t forget to share it with your peers, and good luck with your paper!

Updated: Apr 19th, 2024

  • The Writing Center | How to Write a Research Question | Research Based Writing
  • How to Write a Research Question: Types, Steps, and Examples |
  • Pick a Topic & Develop a Research Question – CSI Library at CUNY College of Staten Island Library
  • UConn Library
  • Research Now
  • Get Started
  • Forming a Research Question

Get Started — Forming a Research Question

  • Reading (and Understanding) Your Assignment
  • Background Research
  • Initial Searching
  • Help & Other Resources
  • Research Now Homepage

Writing out your research question will help you articulate (to yourself and others) the direction of your research – what you need to be looking for as you prepare to gather specific information.

Forming the Research Question

Performing Background Research and Initial Searching develops your general area of interest so that you can form a more focused topic.

As you review the information you've found from these steps and the ideas you've encountered, these questions may help you to form a focus for your research:

  • What am I trying to accomplish?
  • How interested am I in this idea?
  • How much time do I have?
  • What information and resources are available?

(From Guided Inquiry: Learning in the 21st Century by Carol Kuhlthau, Leslie Maniotes, and Ann Caspari)

Your Research Log helps you to keep track of and think about your research.  Look back through your log and consider: 

What have you found? How does the information and ideas you've encountered fit together?  What themes have emerged ? What important question do you want to develop from the ideas and information you have found? What do you want to explore in more detail? What do you want your research to focus on? 

And - does your research question answer the assignment?

You'll want to make sure that you're not trying to answer too many questions  - think about the time you have available. You'll want to focus on one aspect of your topic.

  • Research Questions - The Good and the Not So Good

(Credit: William Badke)

How do I Know if My Topic is Sustainable?

You will not really know if your topic will work until you start searching for information. The information you found while exploring your topic doing background research should give you an idea of whether or not your topic is sustainable.

Test your topic in a few databases by searching for the key concepts or terms. 

  • Are you finding too much information? Perhaps your topic is too general . Add a few more terms to your search and explore (for example, you might feel like you're finding too much on "College Students." Looking for information about "Freshmen," though, will give you fewer and more specific results).
  • Are you finding too little information? Perhaps your topic is  too specific . Try searching again using broader synonyms for your search terms (for example, you might not find much on the topic "UConn Students." "College Students" will give you more information).

As you develop your research question, you might find that you need to ask a broader or narrower question, depending upon the resources available and the time you have to complete your assignment.

Sometimes it's hard to determine if a topic is too broad or specific. Try checking in with your instructor (who has a good idea of the field of research!) or a librarian (who has a good idea of the available resources!).

  • Ask a Librarian Chat with a UConn librarian.

Developing a Research Question

(Credit: Wilfrid Laurier University Library)

Now apply what you've learned! These tools will  help you write out your research question.

  • Research Question Generator Worksheet A tool to help you develop your research question.

research project question generator

Test Your Knowledge: Forming a Research Question

  • Test your knowledge: Too Broad, Too Narrow Get some practice evaluating a research question.

Does Your Research Question Actually Answer a Question?

Sometimes this is referred to as the "so what" - what makes your project interesting and important.

What makes your question important? What makes your question interesting or exciting? Does your question require anything more of you than just repeating the information you've found? (If you find you're just repeating the information found, you probably don't have a very good question).

  • << Previous: Initial Searching
  • Next: Help & Other Resources >>
  • Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024 3:43 PM
  • URL:

Creative Commons


Free Research Question Generator

Introducing Vappingo’s Free Research Question Generator , an advanced AI-driven tool developed to formulate robust, concise, and argumentative research questions aligned with your basic research idea.

By tapping into the power of state-of-the-art AI models, this tool ensures your research question is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

If you have been struggling to develop a SMART research question to guide your dissertation or thesis or are finding yourself languishing at the all but dissertation stage of your academic journey, this tool can be the perfect starting point.

AI Research Question Generator

Simply complete the fields below and hit generate to quickly and easily generate your SMART research question.

Once you have generated a research question, you have laid a strong groundwork for organizing your thoughts and structuring your study.

Next, you may wish to take take advantage of our free research outline generator to chart out how you’ll present your main ideas in your research.

Please bear in mind that these tools are designed to help you tap into the powers of AI to facilitate your research and writing process.

You should always run any text you generate by a human editor to ensure it is clear and concise and doesn’t contain any AI errors.

Enlist the services of a dissertation proofreader or essay editor to make sure you get the best possible results.

What is a SMART Research Question?

We have gone into more detail on SMART research question in a previous article: How to Write a SMART Research Question .

But it’s worth a quick recap.

A SMART research question is a well-defined and focused inquiry that meets specific criteria to ensure its effectiveness and feasibility.

SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound, outlining the key characteristics that a research question should possess.

Specifically, a SMART research question should be:

Infographic presenting an overview of SMART research question generation

Clearly defining the scope and purpose of the inquiry.


Allowing for the collection of tangible data or evidence to evaluate the outcomes.


It should be possible to answer the question using the resources, time, and expertise available for the research.

The research question should address a significant problem or gap in knowledge within the field.


The research question should be underpinned by a realistic timeline for conducting the research and achieving the desired outcomes.

By adhering to these SMART criteria, you can formulate research questions that are focused, feasible, and conducive to producing meaningful results.

Why Use Vappingo’s Free Research Question Generator

Here are seven pretty rock-solid reasons to bookmark and share Vappingo’s SMART Research Question Generator:

  • Time-saving: Wave goodbye to staring at a blank page in frustration. Generate a robust research question effortlessly with just one click.
  • Enhance your research: Your SMART research question will consistently maintain precision and focus throughout your project.
  • Access a variety of research questions at different complexity levels. Choose the question that best suits your research style and objectives.
  • No registration necessary: Protect your privacy while utilizing our free SMART Research Question Generator, with no need for personal information.
  • User-friendly design: Our platform is intuitively designed for easy navigation, catering to users of all backgrounds and ages.
  • Completely free: Enjoy unlimited access to our Research Question Generator without any hidden charges or restrictions.
  • Multilingual support: Generate compelling research questions in your preferred language for enhanced accessibility and inclusivity.

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Research Topic Generator 📚🎓🖋️

Unleashing creativity with the research topic generator.

Finding a compelling and original topic for research can often be a daunting task for students and scholars alike. Whether it's for a dissertation, thesis, or a research paper, the inception of any great work begins with selecting the right topic. Enter the Research Topic Generator , your go-to tool for sparking creativity and innovation in academic research.

What is the Research Topic Generator?

The Research Topic Generator is an ingenious online tool designed to assist students, academics, and researchers in discovering unique and focused topics for their dissertations, theses, and research papers. By eliminating the overwhelming challenge of topic selection, this generator opens up a world of exploration and discovery.

How to Use the Research Topic Generator?

Utilizing the Research Topic Generator is as simple as clicking a button:

  • Visit the Tool: Go to the Research Topic Generator page.
  • Generate: All you need to do is hit the Generate button.
  • Get the Topic: Instantly, you'll receive a singular, concise research topic name, ready to inspire your next academic endeavor.

Sample Research Topics Generated:

Why use the research topic generator.

  • Diverse Range of Topics: From science and technology to humanities and arts, the generator pulls from a vast database to provide topics across numerous disciplines.
  • Saves Time: Spend less time brainstorming and more time researching with instant topic suggestions.
  • Boosts Creativity: Often, the suggested topics can inspire new angles on existing ideas or even spark completely new interests.
  • Easy to Use: Its user-friendly interface ensures that everyone can benefit from it without any hassle or complications.

Who Can Benefit from Random Research Topics Generator?

  • Undergraduates and Graduates: Whether you're at the beginning of your academic journey or deep into postgraduate studies, finding the right topic is crucial.
  • Academic Researchers: Scholars looking for fresh angles on existing fields of study can find unexpected inspiration.
  • Writers and Content Creators: Anyone in need of a research-based article or paper can utilize this tool to find trending and relevant topics.

Incorporating the Generator into Your Workflow

The Research Topic Generator is more than just a tool; it's a launchpad for your academic and creative projects. Use it at the start of your research planning phase to define a clear and focused question that will guide your study.

FAQs on Thesis Topics Generator

Is the Conclusion Generator free to use?

Yes, it's accessible to everyone at no cost.

Can it generate more than one conclusion?

Absolutely! You can generate as many conclusions as you need until you find the perfect one for your document.

How unique are the generated conclusions?

The generator is designed to produce a wide range of unique conclusions, with a minimal chance of repeating suggestions.

Can I specify the type of document for more tailored conclusions?

Currently, the generator provides random conclusions. However, its vast database ensures relevance across many types of documents.

The Research Topic Generator stands as a beacon of inspiration in the vast sea of academic research. By providing targeted, unique research topics at the click of a button, it not only simplifies the research process but also enriches it, allowing students and researchers to embark on their projects with a renewed sense of purpose and excitement.

Say goodbye to the frustration of topic selection and hello to the ease and efficiency of the Research Topic Generator.

Capstone and PICO Project Toolkit

  • Starting a Project: Overview
  • Developing a Research Question
  • Selecting Databases
  • Expanding a Search
  • Refining/Narrowing a Search
  • Saving Searches
  • Critical Appraisal & Levels of Evidence
  • Citing & Managing References
  • Database Tutorials
  • Types of Literature Reviews
  • Finding Full Text
  • Term Glossary

Defining the Question: Foreground & Background Questions

In order to most appropriately choose an information resource and craft a search strategy, it is necessary to consider what  kind  of question you are asking: a specific, narrow "foreground" question, or a broader background question that will help give context to your research?

Foreground Questions

A "foreground" question in health research is one that is relatively specific, and is usually best addressed by locating primary research evidence. 

Using a structured question framework can help you clearly define the concepts or variables that make up the specific research question. 

 Across most frameworks, you’ll often be considering:

  • a who (who was studied - a population or sample)
  • a what (what was done or examined - an intervention, an exposure, a policy, a program, a phenomenon)
  • a how ([how] did the [what] affect the [who] - an outcome, an effect). 

PICO is the most common framework for developing a clinical research question, but multiple question frameworks exist.

PICO (Problem/Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome)

Appropriate for : clinical questions, often addressing the effect of an intervention/therapy/treatment

Example : For adolescents with type II diabetes (P) does the use of telehealth consultations (I) compared to in-person consultations  (C) improve blood sugar control  (O)?

Framing Different Types of Clinical Questions with PICO

Different types of clinical questions are suited to different syntaxes and phrasings, but all will clearly define the PICO elements.  The definitions and frames below may be helpful for organizing your question:


Questions addressing how a clinical issue, illness, or disability is treated.

"In__________________(P), how does__________________(I) compared to_________________(C) affect______________(O)?"

Questions that address the causes or origin of disease, the factors which produce or predispose toward a certain disease or disorder.

"Are_________________(P), who have_________________(I) compared with those without_________________(C) at_________________risk for/of_________________(O) over_________________(T)?" 

Questions addressing the act or process of identifying or determining the nature and cause of a disease or injury through evaluation.

In_________________(P) are/is_________________(I) compared with_________________(C) more accurate in diagnosing_________________(O)?


Questions addressing the prediction of the course of a disease.

In_________________(P), how does_________________(I) compared to_________________ (C) influence_________________(O)?

Questions addressing how one experiences a phenomenon or why we need to approach practice differently.

"How do_________________(P) with_________________(I) perceive_________________(O)?" 

Adapted from: Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2011). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Beyond PICO: Other Types of Question Frameworks

PICO is a useful framework for clinical research questions, but may not be appropriate for all kinds of reviews.  Also consider:

PEO (Population, Exposure, Outcome)

Appropriate for : describing association between particular exposures/risk factors and outcomes

Example : How do  preparation programs (E) influence the development of teaching competence  (O) among novice nurse educators  (P)?

SPIDER (Sample, Phenomenon of Interest, Design, Evaluation, Research Type)

Appropriate for : questions of experience or perspectives (questions that may be addressed by qualitative or mixed methods research)

Example : What are the experiences and perspectives (E) of  undergraduate nursing students  (S)  in clinical placements within prison healthcare settings (PI)?

SPICE (Setting, Perspective, Intervention/phenomenon of Interest, Comparison, Evaluation)

Appropriate for : evaluating the outcomes of a service, project, or intervention

Example : What are the impacts and best practices for workplace (S) transition support programs (I) for the retention (E) of newly-hired, new graduate nurses (P)?

PCC (Problem/population, Concept, Context)

Appropriate for : broader (scoping) questions

Example : How do nursing schools  (Context) teach, measure, and maintain nursing students ' (P)  technological literacy  (Concept))throughout their educational programs?

Background Questions

To craft a strong and reasonable foreground research question, it is important to have a firm understanding of the concepts of interest.  As such, it is often necessary to ask background questions, which ask for more general, foundational knowledge about a disorder, disease, patient population, policy issue, etc. 

For example, consider the PICO question outlined above:

"For adolescents with type II diabetes does the use of telehealth consultations compared to in-person consultations  improve blood sugar control ?

To best make sense of the literature that might address this PICO question, you would also need a deep understanding of background questions like:

  • What are the unique barriers or challenges related to blood sugar management in adolescents with TII diabetes?
  • What are the measures of effective blood sugar control?
  • What kinds of interventions would fall under the umbrella of 'telehealth'?
  • What are the qualitative differences in patient experience in telehealth versus in-person interactions with healthcare providers?
  • << Previous: Starting a Project: Overview
  • Next: Selecting Databases >>
  • Last Updated: Apr 18, 2024 3:22 PM
  • URL:

Research Title Generator

Looking for a research title generator? Try this tool! It can make a research topic or question for your proposal, essay, or any other project. 100% free, no registration required.

  • Type a word or a phrase on which you want to focus your research.
  • Click the button “Generate.”
  • Pick the research topic from the list or generate more by clicking the same button.

3 hours!

Struggling with writing? We can help you out and deliver a paper within 3 hours! Learn More

Have you ever asked yourself why you need to spend hours looking for a perfect research topic? You could have just picked a random idea and go with it. But we know that your inner voice is telling you to work on it harder, and it is right!

Here is why:

First of all, the wrong topic can lead to struggles with gathering and analyzing information. If you are not knowledgeable in the chosen field, you might end up spending most of the precious time studying it! What’s more, beginners can find themselves trapped if the topic appears to be overcomplicated. Again, it might be too late when you realize it.

Moreover, a research topic that doesn't fire you up and seems boring can be considered a failure. After spending days on it, you just end up burned out because the issue you are researching doesn’t motivate you any longer…

Therefore, try to make this lengthy process as pleasant and fun as possible. Put some effort into coming up with a decent research topic.

How can you do so?

To avoid all these horrible things described above, you should just check out our research paper topic generator ! Our team created it because we care about students and researchers like you. We can't let your precious work fail.

The whole process of writing an academic paper would benefit from a correctly selected topic. But picking up a quality research topic is not an easy thing to do. So getting some help with it might be a good idea. And our generating tool is a real catch. No more struggles, no more worries! You don’t have to believe us, just try it!

  • Good Topic Qualities
  • Research Question
  • 6 Research Title Tips


Freewriting, what is a good research topic.

Good research topics don’t just lie around; you have to look for them. You may use some lists of ideas according to the area. Since there is an excellent research topic generator on our website, you don’t have to be concerned about it.

But the question is: What is a good topic?

Let’s suppose you have already used our generator and found the research topic. Sometimes it might not meet your requirements and needs some adjustments.

There are a few moments you need to keep in mind while improving your topic.

Any research topic can be good when you’re passionate about it.

Qualities of a Good Research Topic

Let's consider the main attributes a good research topic should:

Do you know how people become successful by setting distinct goals? It works the same with research. A good topic should be able to set up goals and objectives for you.

Once again, working on the issue that you are just slightly familiar with is just a waste of time. Instead of actually writing your paper, you would waste time trying to educate yourself on the topic.

There are specific criteria you should have received. For example, your tutor expects you to highlight some issues or discuss a case. So try to make these requirements when picking a topic. If you need help, you can always use our topic idea generator.

It gives you a chance to switch from one subcategory to another, while still sticking to the main idea. Moreover, it provides you an abundance of sources and information. However, there is a downside.

If you feel overwhelmed and lost in the flow in information, narrowing down your topic might help. Our narrow topic generator can become your loyal helper with this! Once you have a specific area of research, it can help you keep on track and see the aim clearly. But be careful; if the topic is too narrow, finding reliable sources might become problematic.

Do a quick check up on every potential topic before you start writing your paper! It needs to have plenty of credible sources, such as books, articles, and journals, to work with.

As we already discussed, burnouts are a real thing. If you are not interested in a topic, your whole research process can turn into a dreadful duty.

From a Research Topic to a Research Question

The next important step after narrowing down your research topic is turning it into a question. Why? Having a question can guide you towards the aim of your studies.

Think about it:

When you have a question, you already have a clear picture of how a conclusion looks like. Moreover, it is a neat way to check the relevance of your topic. If you pick a good and narrow subject, Google struggles to give a simple answer. Then you know that your research topic is debatable. It shows that the idea relies on thorough analysis, reflection, and examination. And we are going through all these processes below.

To generate a research question from a topic, start asking yourself "why" and "how" concerning your research topic. After that, double-check the relevance of the question. Analyze why it matters.

Try to come up with several research questions.

Without evaluation, you don't know whether your question is good enough. Therefore, try to determine whether it is clear, specific, and complex. The last one is especially important.

If you ask a general question, there is nothing else to do than just answer "yes" or "no." Open-ended questions, on the other side, require much more research and effort, which makes your work more valuable.

Just to guide yourself a little bit more, you can imagine a debate on the issue you chose. How will you answer this question? What counterarguments might your opponent have? Does your support evidence look persuasive enough?

However, if your brain needs a break after all these steps, you can use some help from our tool. This generator can inspire you to ask the right questions!

Try to evaluate your parents’ understanding of the research question.

Make a Research Title: 6 Tips

There are a few characteristics of a good research topic that we have discussed in the previous sections. However, we know you don't just want a "good" title; you want a perfect one!

To create something practical and impressive, you should take into account a few more aspects:

  • the method that you implement in your study
  • the findings

For example:

“Quantitative research of the positive effects of everyday meditation on the emotional well-being among Yale students.”

Here you can see the topic (everyday meditation), the research method (quantitative), sample (Yale students), and the outcome (positive effects).

It is pretty much the ultimate formula for a great title. And guess what? With the help of our generator, a research paper title can be created in a few minutes!

Your title should be from 5 to 15 words, so try not to exceed the limit. Save all the details you want to include for the thesis statement. The title should be catchy but informative. Then your readers can get a glimpse of your research paper and get interested.

Replace a few words for more precise terms, make it sound more official. Keep in mind that the tone of your title should reflect the tone of your paper.

For instance, see the title, "Many people get better sleep after using blue light filter glasses." Here, too vague terms like "many people" and "better" should be replaced

which will ensure that your paper can be found during a keywords search. Such a simple thing can significantly boost the popularity and relevance of your research paper.

of your educational institution. If you're editing your research paper for an academic journal or a particular project, consider their criteria as well. Do it before you start writing. It is easier than trying to tailor your finished work to a specific outline or word limit.

for a reader and predicts the core message accurately. If the title is boring, the value of your paper automatically drops because readers are not involved.

Use words that create a positive impression in your research title.

Even after you have used our research topic generator, you should go through these tips to double-check your title!

How to Come up with a Research Idea?

Remember the moment you found out about your assignment? The first thing you did (we hope at least) was to read the requirement carefully. However, we bet you had a crisis when it was time to find a topic for your writing... We feel you. It is not so easy to come up with argumentative research paper topics.

In the following section, you can find four methods on how to gather ideas for research. These techniques allow you to estimate how much you already know about the subject. And if it seems too little, you can still switch to a different area on this stage of writing.


You shouldn’t miss the main points of using generating methods! The ideas you come up with can be handy for your study in the following ways:

  • The insights should help you to understand which way to move. The ideas you get allow you to pick the right research question. As you already know, it serves as a roadmap during the whole writing process.
  • You get more arguments. Among the abundance of topics, you can use many of them as supportive pieces of evidence. Maybe a few might be used as counterarguments.
  • These ideas can help you understand how you can improve the existing topic. Just use our research idea-generating tool and then adjust the topic! Simple as that! And it is much easier than going through gazillion ideas you brainstormed with the single purpose to filter all the weak ones.

There is no need to follow all the requirements for your arguments or research topic on this stage.

Cubing method got its name thanks to six different perspectives you use to generate some research paper ideas. It may not be the best technique to create an entirely new topic, but it helps to review the existing one from a fresh perspective.

Basically, what you do is answering six questions about the idea you've got:

  • First of all, you need to describe the idea, just generally what it is about.
  • Then, you contrast and compare it to some random issue.
  • Come up with some associations — for instance, note down the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the idea.
  • The next step is analyzing the idea. You need to think of the parts it includes.
  • How can it be applied? Think about its relevance.
  • Write down arguments and counterarguments. Try to be as objective as possible.

You can do all the steps at once, or you may put it away for a little bit. Sleeping with these questions helps to have a fresh look the next morning.

There is a very similar method to cubing.

If you think having a lot of ideas to choose from is better than having a few weird ones, then this method is for you.

Brainstorming is one of the most effective ways to create a list of topics for research papers. It literally makes your brain work so hard it may seem like there is a storm inside of your head. Moreover, it leaves you not only with a bunch of ideas but makes you feel satisfied with your intellectual productivity.

Just as with other methods, there are some recommendations so that you get the maximum benefit from it:

  • Your actions are straightforward: write down any idea related to a chosen area that comes up to your mind.
  • You can find it helpful to set a time limit. Usually, it depends on how many topics you intend to generate but try not to cross the 30-minute limit. You may get not as effective as you want after the first 20 minutes.
  • Don't try too hard to write down full sentences. The point is to squeeze out of your brain as many keywords and phrases as you can.
  • There are no "bad" ideas in this method! Even if it seems crazy, write it down. During the process, you should remain unbiased. Only during the process of the filtration, you judge the topics and select the ones that you think meet your requirements.

You can type ideas instead of writing them during the brainstorming sessions.

Freewriting is a bit different from brainstorming. However, it is a bit more intense and has its benefits. For example, it lowers the chance that you might skip a worthy idea. If you wonder how it works, just read the description.

Just like brainstorming, freewriting is all about the flow of thoughts and setting the time limit. Moreover, there is also a set of rules that are meant to increase productivity:

  • Note down everything that comes to your mind, without judging. Instead of phrases, write in paragraphs and full sentences.
  • Don’t come back to correct grammar and spelling mistakes. You can even try to close your eyes to resist the temptation.
  • Even if you are stuck on with one idea, just keep writing. Eventually, you will move from the seemingly dead end.
  • If your first language is not English, try to use some of the words in your native language to express your thoughts more precisely.
  • Set a timer for around 15-20 minutes. When you finish, choose the best idea from your paper and repeat the process but focusing on the concept you picked.

Take a break if the freewriting is too unfocused to use.

So you can see that freewriting allows you to track the flow of your thoughts to catch anything you might find worthy. It is a kind of descriptive writing, but when you describe your own mind.

Mapping is an excellent method when you already have topic ideas but don't know where to move next. It is also great for people that prefer visuals over simple lists.

There are two ways of mapping. Choose whatever seems more comfortable for you:

  • The first way starts with briefly writing down any words and phrases related to your topic. It should be done on a large piece of paper because those phrases should be noted in random places. Your next task would be connecting ideas that are associated. Clustering the themes can help you with creating arguments to support your topic. Or it can assist in finding a perfect thesis question.
  • The second one is all about coming up with ideas while creating the web. You would start by putting your topic in the circle in the center and then drawing a few lines from it. Then, each line needs to have a related idea. It's almost like you would narrow the subject down. After that, repeat the same with every new circle you create.

Mapping can help you to come up with new ideas, persuasive arguments, and ways to improve your topic.

Research Title Maker FAQ

For a controversial research paper, consider global climate change, pandemic, and gun control.

Thank you for reading the article! We hope it was useful for you. Make sure to send our research topic generator to those who are struggling with their research paper.

Updated: Apr 5th, 2024

  • 4 Important Tips on Choosing a Research Paper Title: Enago Academy
  • The Research Problem-Question, Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper: Research Guides atUniversity of Southern California
  • Narrowing a Topic and Developing a Research Question: George Mason University Writing Center
  • Identifying & Developing a Topic, Research Process: Research Guides at Mesa Community College
  • Choosing a Topic: Purdue Online Writing Lab, College of Liberal Arts, Purdue University
  • How to Write a Research Question: The Writing Center Guides, George Mason University
  • Brainstorming: The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • 5 Brainstorming Strategies for Writers: Mark Nichol for Daily Writing Tips
  • Step 1 - Generate Ideas: Eric Grunwald for the Writing Process, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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  • Writing Strong Research Questions | Criteria & Examples

Writing Strong Research Questions | Criteria & Examples

Published on 30 October 2022 by Shona McCombes . Revised on 12 December 2023.

A research question pinpoints exactly what you want to find out in your work. A good research question is essential to guide your research paper , dissertation , or thesis .

All research questions should be:

  • Focused on a single problem or issue
  • Researchable using primary and/or secondary sources
  • Feasible to answer within the timeframe and practical constraints
  • Specific enough to answer thoroughly
  • Complex enough to develop the answer over the space of a paper or thesis
  • Relevant to your field of study and/or society more broadly

Writing Strong Research Questions

Table of contents

How to write a research question, what makes a strong research question, research questions quiz, frequently asked questions.

You can follow these steps to develop a strong research question:

  • Choose your topic
  • Do some preliminary reading about the current state of the field
  • Narrow your focus to a specific niche
  • Identify the research problem that you will address

The way you frame your question depends on what your research aims to achieve. The table below shows some examples of how you might formulate questions for different purposes.

Using your research problem to develop your research question

Note that while most research questions can be answered with various types of research , the way you frame your question should help determine your choices.

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Research questions anchor your whole project, so it’s important to spend some time refining them. The criteria below can help you evaluate the strength of your research question.

Focused and researchable

Feasible and specific, complex and arguable, relevant and original.

The way you present your research problem in your introduction varies depending on the nature of your research paper . A research paper that presents a sustained argument will usually encapsulate this argument in a thesis statement .

A research paper designed to present the results of empirical research tends to present a research question that it seeks to answer. It may also include a hypothesis – a prediction that will be confirmed or disproved by your research.

As you cannot possibly read every source related to your topic, it’s important to evaluate sources to assess their relevance. Use preliminary evaluation to determine whether a source is worth examining in more depth.

This involves:

  • Reading abstracts , prefaces, introductions , and conclusions
  • Looking at the table of contents to determine the scope of the work
  • Consulting the index for key terms or the names of important scholars

An essay isn’t just a loose collection of facts and ideas. Instead, it should be centered on an overarching argument (summarised in your thesis statement ) that every part of the essay relates to.

The way you structure your essay is crucial to presenting your argument coherently. A well-structured essay helps your reader follow the logic of your ideas and understand your overall point.

A research hypothesis is your proposed answer to your research question. The research hypothesis usually includes an explanation (‘ x affects y because …’).

A statistical hypothesis, on the other hand, is a mathematical statement about a population parameter. Statistical hypotheses always come in pairs: the null and alternative hypotheses. In a well-designed study , the statistical hypotheses correspond logically to the research hypothesis.

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McCombes, S. (2023, December 12). Writing Strong Research Questions | Criteria & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved 29 April 2024, from

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Research Question Generator

List the substantives.

Make a list of all the relevant substantives (nouns) for your project. These include:

  • Historical Periods/Eras/Epochs/Years/Events/Figures
  • Methodologies

Plot the Substantives

If you have ten substantives on your list, draw a 10×10 grid. An Excel spreadsheet is handy if you have many substantives. List all ten substantives on the X axis. List all ten substantives again on the Y axis. Cross out the boxes where the values of X and Y are the same.

Questions to ask:

For each box in your grid, ask questions about the X and Y that intersect in that box. Some of the questions will be nonsensical. Some will be dead ends. But a few questions might help you generate the research question(s) that will drive your arguments.

Use the  list of critical verbs to help you refine the following questions.

  • Does X impact/affect/change/cause/trigger/account for/facilitate/negate/repudiate/presuppose Y? If yes, how?
  • If temporal, which comes first? Can you assume this temporal order (i.e., is it a “warrant” or a “given”) or do you have to make an argument about the temporal sequence?
  • Causal? How does X cause Y? Can we assume that X causes Y (i.e., is it a “given” in your field) or do you have to make the case?
  • Exemplary (in that X is an example of Y)? How typical is X as an example of Y? Do other scholars take it as given that X is an example of Y or do you have to make the case?
  • Authorial? Did X write Y? Is authorship a given or do you have to make the case?
  • What is the difference between X and Y?
  • How does X represent/exemplify/reflect/invoke/articulate/interrogate/adapt/exemplify/incorporate/build on/obviate Y?
  • What happens if we look at X through Y lens? (This question works well if Y is a methodology.)

Refining Your Grid

You may find in the course of asking and answering the questions that you need to subdivide a substantive into more granular categories. Conversely, you may find that you want to merge categories. For example, “medieval” and “book” might become a single substantive if you discover that you aren’t interested in anything other than the “medieval book.”

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AI Can Create Unique Research Questions

Table of Contents

Research questions are the cornerstone of any research report.

A good research question should be clear, purposeful, and able to be answered in the research report. Every researcher struggles to find questions that are on-topic and relevant to the research.

The research questions generator makes it easier for you to come up with research questions. This article takes a closer look at research questions and what makes a great research question.

research project question generator

What Is a Research Question?

A research question is a question formulated for scientific research . The question delineates the scope of your research. In addition, it determines a researcher’s approach to the identified problems.

Research questions can take different structures. Sometimes, they describe the researcher’s interest. Questions can be descriptive, meaning they aim to describe or measure a subject of the researcher’s interest.

In this case, such research questions are what we call descriptive research questions. In other cases, your research question can be explanatory. This type of research question aims to expand existing research on a topic.

What Makes a Good Research Question

A good research question must have certain qualities, irrespective of whether the study is a short or long one. Below are the most important qualities expected of your research question.

The question has to be clear and devoid of vagueness and ambiguity. The specificity of the question is vital, which will ensure that the answer comes back with great accuracy .


You shouldn’t bore readers with long research questions. The more concise your research questions are, the more likely you’ll produce quality research. Therefore, you should create it in a way that it won’t take too much time to understand the information therein.


When drafting it, make sure you use words in a way that makes your idea debatable. Readers shouldn’t be able to predict the result of your research process by simply reading the research question. Thus, you need to leave it open-ended and debatable.

Use an AI Research Questions Generator Today

Instead of spending hours trying to gather your ideas to write your research question, an AI tool can help you out. An AI-powered research questions generator is typically part of a main AI writing tool.

AI writing tools help students, academics, and researchers to make their writing process faster. From brainstorming to writing and editing, these tools are always ready to work for you.

Using these tools is no longer a luxury but a necessity. For example, you can create different types of content you want with only a click. To use an AI tool to generate research questions, you’ll have to provide some information. The information includes:

  • Your keyword (including terms relevant to your paper).
  • A bit of context
  • Your preferred tone

The tool will typically generate multiple options. Read through and choose the one that best suits you. You can keep repeating the steps until you find the right one you can use.

Final Words

AI writer tools are new and exciting. They can free you of many problems related to creating written pieces.

With AI, you don’t have to search the ends of the world to get ideas for your writing again. You can trust AI tools to deliver because they learn from real human writing. It identifies patterns and generates human-sounding output for users.

AI Can Create Unique Research Questions

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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  4. How to Develop a Strong Research Question

    research project question generator

  5. Research Question Generator for Students

    research project question generator

  6. How to Develop a Strong Research Question

    research project question generator


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  7. Writing Strong Research Questions

    A good research question is essential to guide your research paper, dissertation, or thesis. All research questions should be: Focused on a single problem or issue. Researchable using primary and/or secondary sources. Feasible to answer within the timeframe and practical constraints. Specific enough to answer thoroughly.

  8. 10 Research Question Examples to Guide your Research Project

    The first question asks for a ready-made solution, and is not focused or researchable. The second question is a clearer comparative question, but note that it may not be practically feasible. For a smaller research project or thesis, it could be narrowed down further to focus on the effectiveness of drunk driving laws in just one or two countries.

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  11. Key Inquiry Question Generator

    This next segment will describe the process of creating a key question step by step. Step 1. Choose a Broad Topic. The first stage in creating an inquiry is to select a general area of research. The broader the topic is, the deeper your research will delve into the matter.

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  13. Get Started

    As you develop your research question, you might find that you need to ask a broader or narrower question, depending upon the resources available and the time you have to complete your assignment. Sometimes it's hard to determine if a topic is too broad or specific. Try checking in with your instructor (who has a good idea of the field of ...

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    Research proposal examples. Writing a research proposal can be quite challenging, but a good starting point could be to look at some examples. We've included a few for you below. Example research proposal #1: "A Conceptual Framework for Scheduling Constraint Management".

  17. Developing a Research Question

    A "foreground" question in health research is one that is relatively specific, and is usually best addressed by locating primary research evidence. Using a structured question framework can help you clearly define the concepts or variables that make up the specific research question. Across most frameworks, you'll often be considering:

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  19. Writing Strong Research Questions

    A good research question is essential to guide your research paper, dissertation, or thesis. All research questions should be: Focused on a single problem or issue. Researchable using primary and/or secondary sources. Feasible to answer within the timeframe and practical constraints. Specific enough to answer thoroughly.

  20. Research Question Generator

    Questions to ask: For each box in your grid, ask questions about the X and Y that intersect in that box. Some of the questions will be nonsensical. Some will be dead ends. But a few questions might help you generate the research question (s) that will drive your arguments. Use the list of critical verbs to help you refine the following questions.

  21. AI Can Create Unique Research Questions

    An AI-powered research questions generator is typically part of a main AI writing tool. AI writing tools help students, academics, and researchers to make their writing process faster. From brainstorming to writing and editing, these tools are always ready to work for you. Using these tools is no longer a luxury but a necessity.

  22. What Is a Research Design

    A research design is a strategy for answering your research question using empirical data. Creating a research design means making decisions about: Your overall research objectives and approach. Whether you'll rely on primary research or secondary research. Your sampling methods or criteria for selecting subjects. Your data collection methods.

  23. PDF Formulating a Research Question

    Formulating a Research Question. Every research project starts with a question. Your question will allow you to select, evaluate and interpret your sources systematically. The question you start with isn't set in stone, but will almost certainly be revisited and revised as you read. Every discipline allows for certain kinds of questions to be ...