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Why Problem-Solving Skills Are Essential for Leaders in Any Industry

Business man leading team in problem-solving exercise with white board

  • 17 Jan 2023

Any organization offering a product or service is in the business of solving problems.

Whether providing medical care to address health issues or quick convenience to those hungry for dinner, a business’s purpose is to satisfy customer needs .

In addition to solving customers’ problems, you’ll undoubtedly encounter challenges within your organization as it evolves to meet customer needs. You’re likely to experience growing pains in the form of missed targets, unattained goals, and team disagreements.

Yet, the ubiquity of problems doesn’t have to be discouraging; with the right frameworks and tools, you can build the skills to solve consumers' and your organization’s most challenging issues.

Here’s a primer on problem-solving in business, why it’s important, the skills you need, and how to build them.

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What Is Problem-Solving in Business?

Problem-solving is the process of systematically removing barriers that prevent you or others from reaching goals.

Your business removes obstacles in customers’ lives through its products or services, just as you can remove obstacles that keep your team from achieving business goals.

Design Thinking

Design thinking , as described by Harvard Business School Dean Srikant Datar in the online course Design Thinking and Innovation , is a human-centered , solutions-based approach to problem-solving and innovation. Originally created for product design, design thinking’s use case has evolved . It’s now used to solve internal business problems, too.

The design thinking process has four stages :

4 Stages of Design Thinking

  • Clarify: Clarify a problem through research and feedback from those impacted.
  • Ideate: Armed with new insights, generate as many solutions as possible.
  • Develop: Combine and cull your ideas into a short list of viable, feasible, and desirable options before building prototypes (if making physical products) and creating a plan of action (if solving an intangible problem).
  • Implement: Execute the strongest idea, ensuring clear communication with all stakeholders about its potential value and deliberate reasoning.

Using this framework, you can generate innovative ideas that wouldn’t have surfaced otherwise.

Creative Problem-Solving

Another, less structured approach to challenges is creative problem-solving , which employs a series of exercises to explore open-ended solutions and develop new perspectives. This is especially useful when a problem’s root cause has yet to be defined.

You can use creative problem-solving tools in design thinking’s “ideate” stage, which include:

  • Brainstorming: Instruct everyone to develop as many ideas as possible in an allotted time frame without passing judgment.
  • Divergent thinking exercises: Rather than arriving at the same conclusion (convergent thinking), instruct everyone to come up with a unique idea for a given prompt (divergent thinking). This type of exercise helps avoid the tendency to agree with others’ ideas without considering alternatives.
  • Alternate worlds: Ask your team to consider how various personas would manage the problem. For instance, how would a pilot approach it? What about a young child? What about a seasoned engineer?

It can be tempting to fall back on how problems have been solved before, especially if they worked well. However, if you’re striving for innovation, relying on existing systems can stunt your company’s growth.

Related: How to Be a More Creative Problem-Solver at Work: 8 Tips

Why Is Problem-Solving Important for Leaders?

While obstacles’ specifics vary between industries, strong problem-solving skills are crucial for leaders in any field.

Whether building a new product or dealing with internal issues, you’re bound to come up against challenges. Having frameworks and tools at your disposal when they arise can turn issues into opportunities.

As a leader, it’s rarely your responsibility to solve a problem single-handedly, so it’s crucial to know how to empower employees to work together to find the best solution.

Your job is to guide them through each step of the framework and set the parameters and prompts within which they can be creative. Then, you can develop a list of ideas together, test the best ones, and implement the chosen solution.

Related: 5 Design Thinking Skills for Business Professionals

4 Problem-Solving Skills All Leaders Need

1. problem framing.

One key skill for any leader is framing problems in a way that makes sense for their organization. Problem framing is defined in Design Thinking and Innovation as determining the scope, context, and perspective of the problem you’re trying to solve.

“Before you begin to generate solutions for your problem, you must always think hard about how you’re going to frame that problem,” Datar says in the course.

For instance, imagine you work for a company that sells children’s sneakers, and sales have plummeted. When framing the problem, consider:

  • What is the children’s sneaker market like right now?
  • Should we improve the quality of our sneakers?
  • Should we assess all children’s footwear?
  • Is this a marketing issue for children’s sneakers specifically?
  • Is this a bigger issue that impacts how we should market or produce all footwear?

While there’s no one right way to frame a problem, how you do can impact the solutions you generate. It’s imperative to accurately frame problems to align with organizational priorities and ensure your team generates useful ideas for your firm.

To solve a problem, you need to empathize with those impacted by it. Empathy is the ability to understand others’ emotions and experiences. While many believe empathy is a fixed trait, it’s a skill you can strengthen through practice.

When confronted with a problem, consider whom it impacts. Returning to the children’s sneaker example, think of who’s affected:

  • Your organization’s employees, because sales are down
  • The customers who typically buy your sneakers
  • The children who typically wear your sneakers

Empathy is required to get to the problem’s root and consider each group’s perspective. Assuming someone’s perspective often isn’t accurate, so the best way to get that information is by collecting user feedback.

For instance, if you asked customers who typically buy your children’s sneakers why they’ve stopped, they could say, “A new brand of children’s sneakers came onto the market that have soles with more traction. I want my child to be as safe as possible, so I bought those instead.”

When someone shares their feelings and experiences, you have an opportunity to empathize with them. This can yield solutions to their problem that directly address its root and shows you care. In this case, you may design a new line of children’s sneakers with extremely grippy soles for added safety, knowing that’s what your customers care most about.

Related: 3 Effective Methods for Assessing Customer Needs

3. Breaking Cognitive Fixedness

Cognitive fixedness is a state of mind in which you examine situations through the lens of past experiences. This locks you into one mindset rather than allowing you to consider alternative possibilities.

For instance, your cognitive fixedness may make you think rubber is the only material for sneaker treads. What else could you use? Is there a grippier alternative you haven’t considered?

Problem-solving is all about overcoming cognitive fixedness. You not only need to foster this skill in yourself but among your team.

4. Creating a Psychologically Safe Environment

As a leader, it’s your job to create an environment conducive to problem-solving. In a psychologically safe environment, all team members feel comfortable bringing ideas to the table, which are likely influenced by their personal opinions and experiences.

If employees are penalized for “bad” ideas or chastised for questioning long-held procedures and systems, innovation has no place to take root.

By employing the design thinking framework and creative problem-solving exercises, you can foster a setting in which your team feels comfortable sharing ideas and new, innovative solutions can grow.

Design Thinking and Innovation | Uncover creative solutions to your business problems | Learn More

How to Build Problem-Solving Skills

The most obvious answer to how to build your problem-solving skills is perhaps the most intimidating: You must practice.

Again and again, you’ll encounter challenges, use creative problem-solving tools and design thinking frameworks, and assess results to learn what to do differently next time.

While most of your practice will occur within your organization, you can learn in a lower-stakes setting by taking an online course, such as Design Thinking and Innovation . Datar guides you through each tool and framework, presenting real-world business examples to help you envision how you would approach the same types of problems in your organization.

Are you interested in uncovering innovative solutions for your organization’s business problems? Explore Design Thinking and Innovation —one of our online entrepreneurship and innovation courses —to learn how to leverage proven frameworks and tools to solve challenges. Not sure which course is right for you? Download our free flowchart .

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About the Author

problem solving leadership competency

Problem-solving in Leadership: How to Master the 5 Key Skills

The role of problem-solving in enhancing team morale, the right approach to problem-solving in leadership, developing problem-solving skills in leadership, leadership problem-solving examples.

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What’s the Role of Problem-solving in Leadership?

  • Getting to the root of the issue:  First, Sarah starts by looking at the numbers for the past few months. She identifies the products for which sales are falling. She then attempts to correlate it with the seasonal nature of consumption or if there is any other cause hiding behind the numbers. 
  • Identifying the sources of the problem:  In the next step, Sarah attempts to understand why sales are falling. Is it the entry of a new competitor in the next neighborhood, or have consumption preferences changed over time? She asks some of her present and past customers for feedback to get more ideas. 
  • Putting facts on the table:  Next up, Sarah talks to her sales team to understand their issues. They could be lacking training or facing heavy workloads, impacting their productivity. Together, they come up with a few ideas to improve sales. 
  • Selection and application:  Finally, Sarah and her team pick up a few ideas to work on after analyzing their costs and benefits. They ensure adequate resources, and Sarah provides support by guiding them wherever needed during the planning and execution stage. 
  • Identifying the root cause of the problem.
  • Brainstorming possible solutions.
  • Evaluating those solutions to select the best one.
  • Implementing it.

Problem-solving in leadership

  • Analytical thinking:   Analytical thinking skills refer to a leader’s abilities that help them analyze, study, and understand complex problems. It allows them to dive deeper into the issues impacting their teams and ensures that they can identify the causes accurately. 
  • Critical Thinking:  Critical thinking skills ensure leaders can think beyond the obvious. They enable leaders to question assumptions, break free from biases, and analyze situations and facts for accuracy. 
  • Creativity:  Problems are often not solved straightaway. Leaders need to think out of the box and traverse unconventional routes. Creativity lies at the center of this idea of thinking outside the box and creating pathways where none are apparent. 
  • Decision-making:  Cool, you have three ways to go. But where to head? That’s where decision-making comes into play – fine-tuning analysis and making the choices after weighing the pros and cons well. 
  • Effective Communication:  Last but not at the end lies effective communication that brings together multiple stakeholders to solve a problem. It is an essential skill to collaborate with all the parties in any issue. Leaders need communication skills to share their ideas and gain support for them.

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Problem Solving Ability

Definition: anticipating, analyzing, diagnosing, and resolving problems..

Leaders with an aptitude for problem-solving have the ability to analyze, diagnose and deal with problems effectively. Whether the problem is linear and “tame,” or nonlinear and “wicked,” adept problem solvers have a natural propensity to discover and help lead others to solutions. The leaders of tomorrow must learn to be collaborative problem-solving facilitators, instead of solitary master problem-solvers. Problem-solving ability is a multi-faceted competency that uses other skills discussed throughout the Leaders Are Clear Thinkers section, including conceptual thinking, planning and organization, and creativity. In this section you’ll discover resources and activities to sharpen your problem-solving skills.

Join our community  to learn more about problem-solving skills, and to access resources and activities to help you along the way. 

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Problem solving: a critical leadership skill.

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Today’s leadership responsibilities and roles aren’t limited to delegating and management. Instead, when it comes to effective leadership, problem solving is not only an important skill, but a crucial role for leaders to take on.

Faced with more complex challenges in business and the world at large, many leaders are embracing what some traditionalists may call anti-leadership. Instead of focusing primarily on managing their people, many leaders are fixing their attention on the problems at hand, and unintentionally leading people excited about the solutions they are striving for. Founder of the MIT Leadership Center Deborah Ancona and Executive Director Hal Gregersen have labeled this problem-led leadership , and are reporting an increase in this distinctive style.

Even on a smaller scale, problem solving is a critical component for leaders who must strive to eliminate barriers and challenges that can otherwise hinder their people’s or their business’ progress. In a Harvard Business Review study about the skills that influence a leader’s success, problem solving ranked third out of 16.

As a leader, you need to approach problem solving as an opportunity, with a broad perspective and a calm demeanor. And, you’ll want to arm yourself with a few critical approaches to hone your problem-solving skills.

How to Develop Problem Solving Skills

Identify and define the problem.

Implementing a solution too early may not fully address the problem. Instead, invest time in understanding and defining the scope and nature of the problem to generate several good solutions before taking action. Don’t confuse a generic label of the problem (for example, the sales forecast is wrong) with the real definition of the problem. To truly define the problem, you would need to indicate something like: I know our department anticipated twice the revenue shown in the forecast here, and only three salespeople are represented from a staff of 10. Then, you also need to identify when and what the resolution needs to be: In one week, I need the correct forecast available for a board meeting.

Analyze the Problem

You will also want to assess the degree to which the problem has affected the overall business. In the example above, perhaps the sales forecast report has impacted other departments in the company as well. Look for overall patterns and ask questions about who, what, when, where, why and how to understand the scale of the impact. The objective is to find the root cause to allow you to implement a permanent resolution instead of a temporary fix.

Data offers a fact-based perspective on a problem and can help you define the issue. Learn what types of data are available for you and how to interpret the datasets. And, be sure to translate your findings in clear and meaningful ways for stakeholders who can support resolutions.


You will need to cultivate good communication skills, to allow you to clearly and effectively relay the problem to key stakeholders. Then, you’ll also need to inspire the people who are supporting the solution to remain connected to the task until it is resolved.  

Transparency is a key tenant of communication to ensure all aspects of a problem are understood. This is also critical when proposing solutions, as you need to understand different perspectives and concerns before implementing what you believe to be the right approach. Sometimes, this may entail keeping team members accountable for giving honest feedback, as not everyone feels comfortable sharing, particularly negative or dissenting opinions.

Finally, once you have a plan, you’ll need to communicate unambiguously to implement it.

Be Open-Minded

Problem solving cannot be done well if leaders are change- or risk-averse – or worse, allowing team members to mask inefficiencies. You’ll need to be able to assess a problem outside of immediate, obvious details, and be open to taking risks to find a better, more innovative approach. Problem solving is best conducted when many people can contribute their best ideas and skills, and you’ll need to keep an open mind to hear from top talent and innovate ideas across the organization, and to take on a new perspective.

Develop Solutions

Once the problem has been identified and analyzed and you’ve brainstormed solutions, you’ll want to narrow down a few fully developed solutions. Presenting every idea on the list to stakeholders or clients can hamper decisions. With a narrowed list, you can design a long-term solution or two that consider the time, cost, and technology required to support the solution.  

Learn From Mistakes

Mistakes are a natural part of growth and development, and fostering solid problem-solving skills will likely entail some errors along the way. But mistakes can provide learning opportunities and improve your overall process and approach – as long as you appreciate them as a learning opportunity. Even if you aren’t grappling with an obvious mistake, take time to reflect on the overall process and approach and determine if you would change anything to boost efficiency, creativity, or speed the next time.

Cultivating strong problem-solving skills is critical for leaders at any level and career stage, and starting now ensures as you advance, you’ll be fine-tuning this vital skill instead of trying to play catch up.


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6 Problem Solving Skills That All Leaders Should Work On

  • Anouare Abdou
  • January 3, 2023

Table of Contents

Chances are, if you are a leader, you are also a pretty good problem-solver . You have come this far because you are proactive about finding solutions. You know how to think critically, strategize and execute. You foster collaboration in your team and make the most of the strengths of each team member. You lean on your communication skills to overcome challenges. 

If you want to take your ability to solve complex problems to the next level, however, you’ll need to actively work on the specific problem-solving skills that differentiate great leaders from excellent ones. 

“More than ever, leaders are facing highly complex, challenging situations that don’t have simple solutions. These include the intersection of employee mental health, diversity and equity expectations, supply chain issues, societal crises, and more,” according to Dr. Mira Brancu , award-winning leader, author, and consulting psychologist. “Employees and customers are expecting more from companies, and therefore the leaders that are needed today are those who have more than just technical expertise in their field – they also have the ability to solve complex problems.” 

On that note, here are six problem-solving skills that all leaders should work on these days. 

1. Calculating the critical path 

Every leader should know how to calculate the critical path in a project, according to Christina Wallace , senior lecturer of Entrepreneurial Management at Harvard Business School, angel investor, and author of “The Portfolio Life: How to Future-Proof Your Career, Avoid Burnout, and Build A Life Bigger Than Your Business Card .” 

Wondering what that even means? In project management, the critical path is the longest sequence of activities that must be completed to ensure a project is finished. Every project has a set of tasks and sub-tasks. Some of them can happen concurrently, while others need to happen in a certain sequence. Identifying all those activities and the dependencies between them allows you to calculate the critical path that leads to the project end date – in simple words, it lets you forecast how long it will take to wrap up your project while anticipating bottlenecks. 

“If you’ve ever been stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic while three lanes winnow down to one, you are familiar with the idea of a bottleneck and its frustrations. It’s the moment when too many things (cars, deadlines) are demanding the same resources at once (roadway, time on your calendar), creating congestion in the system,” says Wallace. Calculating the critical path helps prevent bottlenecks before they happen. Use a Gantt chart , a graphic that displays activities against time, to visualize the critical path of a project – most project-management platforms offer the option to create one. “Visualizing the bottlenecks gives you the opportunity to move things around, add in buffers or simplify processes to ensure your plan is not only feasible but also realistic,” adds Wallace 

2. Sensitivity analysis

If you manage a budget, you’ll also want to know how to run a sensitivity analysis – a technique that tests how robust your predictions are.

“If the economy suddenly hits a recession, will that affect the demand for your work or the pricing power you have over your rates? Are there expenses that could see a sizable change, like the cost of living significantly increasing in a fast-growing city? What about one-off costs that you don’t regularly budget for? According to Wallace, ” do you have a plan to mitigate them?” are questions to ask yourself about your financial planning. The idea of a sensitivity analysis is to consider the assumptions built into your financial model – say, assuming that your team is going to hit certain targets– and assess the likelihood of those assumptions being wrong. 

“A sensitivity analysis gives you the ability to consider multiple scenarios and understand how your financial plans may need to change if the future looks different than you anticipate,” says Wallace. No need to be a CFO to do this either – if you have a budget, you should unpack the assumptions involved in your plan. 

3. Critical thinking 

Speaking of assumptions, how often do you challenge your own biases and seek to look at problems in a variety of ways? It’s a crucial aspect of critical thinking – and critical thinking is a crucial aspect of solving problems. To flex your critical thinking muscles, you’ll want to look at issues from different perspectives. 

“Critical thinking involves seeing an issue from many angles, zooming out to the big picture and zooming into the details and back, and being able to imagine the impact of making different decisions on multiple stakeholders before making a final decision,” says Brancu. 

Practice this with every problem you solve and you may find yourself pleasantly surprised at the solutions that you come up with and the opportunities that open up as a result. 

4. Data gathering 

Data gathering is another important problem-solving skill to work on. Knowing how to gather both qualitative and quantitative data to solve problems is key, according to Brancu. 

“This involves taking the time to speak with critical stakeholders, and business data, and garnering other information to ensure that you are not missing anything important before making a decision. It helps you address your own blind spots,” she says. Gathering information about a challenge before making a move is not time wasted – it’s time gained down the line. 

5. Leveraging advisors 

Wallace says that leaders should build their own personal “board of directors” to solve problems more effectively. Leveraging your relationships in that way is an underrated but powerful problem-solving ability. 

Your advisors should include a collection of folks that you go to for advice, introductions, a fresh perspective, or some hard truth, says Wallace. “They bring their experience, judgment, and network to the table, providing counsel, access, and feedback. Rather than looking for one mentor who can be all things for an indefinite period of time, you can seek out directors who may do a rotation on your board for a few years, maybe more, maybe less.” 

To be clear, you don’t need to officially ask them to be part of your “board.” You simply have to make a point of connecting with them on a regular basis because you appreciate their experience and trust their advice. According to Wallace, you should seek to cover five key roles: a coach, a negotiator, a connector, a cheerleader, and a truth-teller. Turn to them when you’re unsure about how to move forward. 

6. Change-management skills 

Every leader should possess change-management skills when solving problems in this day and age. “Any decision that is made to address a problem needs to consider both the actual change that is required, as well as the people who would be affected. Most leaders overlook the impact and reactions of the people who are affected by any change, or they spend insufficient time considering how to involve different groups of people at different phases of a change process,” according to Brancu. 

“As a result, the problem might get worse because the leader didn’t get buy-in, didn’t communicate the concern or plan sufficiently or didn’t sufficiently address concerns raised,” she adds. 

If you become adept at change management, you’ll solve issues before they even happen. Talk about a useful problem-solving skill.

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Mastering Problem Solving Leadership Skills for Effective Coaching

Key takeaways.

Effective coaching is rooted in a solid understanding of problem-solving fundamentals. By categorizing issues and defining problems clearly, leaders can guide their teams towards innovative solutions.

A systematic approach to problem-solving, along with fostering a growth mindset and diverse thinking, enhances a team's resilience and creativity, enabling more thorough and innovative solutions.

Coaching methods such as using real-world scenarios, reflective practice, and promoting peer coaching are essential in developing problem-solving leadership skills within the team.

Transforming challenges into opportunities for growth involves shifting perspectives, encouraging accountability, and fostering collaboration to cultivate a proactive and innovative team environment.

Continuous learning, leveraging technology, and celebrating small victories are key strategies for sustaining a culture of improvement and innovation within the team.


For emerging leaders, developing the ability to coach team members towards innovative solutions is key to organizational success. This article explores how honing your problem-solving leadership skills can transform challenges into opportunities for growth, empowering you to lead by example and drive your team towards excellence.

Understanding the fundamentals of problem solving in leadership is crucial for effective coaching. Not all problems are created equal; routine issues can often be managed with established methods, while complex problems require innovative thinking. Defining a problem clearly, through careful questioning and data collection, sharpens focus and aids in finding effective solutions. Embracing a systematic approach, which includes identifying the problem, generating, evaluating, and implementing solutions, ensures thoroughness. Encouraging a growth mindset and facilitating diverse thinking within your team promotes resilience and creativity.

Supporting problem solving also involves effective decision-making, where weighing options and considering risks come into play. Analytical tools such as SWOT analysis and root cause analysis provide a structured approach. Leaders should model problem-solving behaviours and promote collaboration, leveraging each team member’s strengths. Reflecting on past problems and solutions can offer valuable insights for future challenges. Emotional intelligence is essential for understanding team dynamics and navigating conflicts, while flexibility ensures that strategies can adapt to new information, leading to innovative solutions. Continuous improvement by refining processes and anticipating challenges prevents recurring problems.

Coaching is a powerful platform for enhancing problem-solving leadership skills. Encouraging curiosity through open-ended questions stimulates deeper thinking, while real-world scenarios and reflective practices post-problem-solving enhance learning. Promoting peer coaching and setting incremental challenges build resilience and confidence. Recognising the emotional aspects of problem solving and modelling these behaviours yourself sets standards for the team.

Leaders should provide continuous feedback and encourage trial and error within a safe space, fostering ownership and accountability. Developing cross-functional knowledge broadens perspectives, while leveraging technology can streamline problem-solving processes. Celebrating solutions, adapting coaching styles, and maintaining a long-term perspective nurture a robust problem-solving mindset within the team.

Transforming challenges into opportunities for growth is a hallmark of effective leadership. Shifting perspectives to see problems from different angles can reveal hidden opportunities. Encouraging experimentation without fear of failure spurs creativity. Fostering accountability, leveraging diverse skills, and promoting continuous learning equips the team to face challenges confidently. Celebrating small victories boosts morale, while modelling resilience and utilizing external insights can offer fresh perspectives. Adaptive strategies and fostering collaboration lead to more comprehensive solutions, aligned with organizational goals. Using technology wisely and reflecting on past challenges provide valuable insights for the future, helping build an innovative culture.

By integrating these strategies, emerging leaders can develop strong problem-solving skills within their teams. This ability to navigate complex challenges drives team success, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.


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Understanding the Fundamentals of Problem Solving in Leadership

Effective coaching hinges on understanding the basics of problem solving in leadership. Getting these fundamentals right empowers you to guide your team towards innovative solutions and excellence.

Begin by recognizing that not all problems are created equal. Categorize issues into routine and complex. Routine problems can often be addressed with established methods, while complex ones require innovative thinking.

Knowing how to define a problem is crucial. A clear problem statement helps pinpoint the issue, making it easier to find solutions. This involves asking the right questions and gathering relevant data.

Embrace a systematic approach to problem-solving. The process often includes identifying the problem, generating solutions, evaluating these solutions, and then implementing the best one. A step-by-step approach ensures thoroughness and prevents oversight.

Encourage your team to adopt a growth mindset. Leaders should model this approach by viewing challenges as opportunities for learning and improvement. This fosters resilience and adaptability within the team.

Facilitate diverse thinking. Different perspectives can lead to more creative solutions. As a leader, create a space where all voices are heard and valued.

Decision-making is a key component of problem-solving. Leaders must weigh options, consider potential risks, and make informed choices. This skill improves with practice and reflection.

Teach your team to use analytical tools. Methods such as SWOT analysis, root cause analysis, and brainstorming sessions can provide structure and clarity. Introduce these tools during coaching sessions to build problem-solving leadership skills among team members.

Promote an environment of collaboration. Problems are often best solved collectively. Encourage team members to share knowledge and leverage each person’s strengths.

Reflect on past problems and solutions. Learning from previous experiences can provide insights that improve future problem-solving efforts. Use case studies and real-world scenarios to illustrate successful strategies.

Emotional intelligence is also crucial. Understanding the emotional dynamics within your team can help you navigate conflicts and foster a supportive environment for problem-solving.

Encourage flexibility and adaptability. The ability to pivot and adjust strategies in response to new information is essential for effective leadership. This readiness to change course can lead to discovering unexpected, innovative solutions.

Emphasize the importance of continuous improvement. Effective leaders don’t just solve problems; they seek to prevent them by refining processes and anticipating challenges.

Developing problem-solving leadership skills is an ongoing journey. The more you practice these fundamentals, the better equipped you’ll be to coach your team towards achieving remarkable results.

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Developing Problem Solving Leadership Skills Through Coaching

Coaching provides a powerful platform for developing problem-solving leadership skills. The role of a leader extends beyond making decisions; it involves guiding others to think critically and solve problems effectively. Here are some practical ways through coaching that can enhance these essential skills:

Foster a culture of inquiry. Encourage curiosity within your team by posing open-ended questions. This stimulates deeper thinking and a broader exploration of potential solutions.

Use real-world scenarios. Ground your coaching sessions in actual problems faced by the team. Discuss the challenges and collaboratively brainstorm potential solutions.

Implement reflective practice. After addressing problems, take time to review the process with your team. Reflecting on what worked, what didn’t, and why can provide valuable insights and improve future approaches.

Promote peer coaching. Encourage team members to coach each other. This not only distributes the coaching load but also reinforces problem-solving methods and peer-to-peer learning.

Set incremental challenges. Introduce progressively difficult problems to solve. This helps build confidence and resilience as team members enhance their problem-solving capabilities.

Validate emotional intelligence. Recognize and address the emotional aspects of problem-solving. Understanding team dynamics and emotional responses can lead to more effective and harmonious solutions.

Model problem-solving behaviours. Demonstrate problem-solving techniques yourself. When leaders actively engage in problem-solving, it sets a standard and serves as a live example for the team.

Provide continuous feedback. Constructive feedback helps individuals understand their strengths and areas for improvement. Regular feedback cycles enhance learning and development.

Encourage trial and error. Create a safe space where failure is seen as a learning opportunity. This can lead to more innovative and bold problem-solving approaches.

Develop cross-functional knowledge. Encourage team members to learn from different departments or fields. This broadens their perspective and can lead to more innovative solutions.

Leverage technology and tools. Familiarize your team with analytical tools and software that can aid in solving complex problems. Providing resources can streamline the problem-solving process.

Recognize and celebrate solutions. Acknowledge successful problem-solving efforts. Celebrating wins boosts morale and reinforces the value of creative thinking and persistence.

Adapt coaching styles. Tailor your coaching approach to match the learning styles and personalities of team members. Flexibility in coaching enhances engagement and effectiveness.

Enable autonomy. Empower team members to take initiative in solving problems. Autonomy encourages ownership and accountability, leading to more dedicated problem-solving efforts.

Maintain a long-term perspective. Emphasize that problem-solving skills develop over time. Patience and continuous effort are key to building a robust problem-solving leadership mindset.

By integrating these strategies into your coaching practices, you help develop strong problem-solving leaders within your team. The ability to navigate complex challenges and find effective solutions will not only drive your team's success but also foster a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.

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Transforming Challenges into Opportunities for Growth

Transforming challenges into opportunities for growth is a hallmark of effective problem solving in leadership. Leaders who excel in this area not only address issues head-on, but also use these situations as catalysts for team development and innovation. Here are several ways to transform challenges into growth opportunities:

Shift perspectives : Encourage your team to view challenges from different angles. This can illuminate hidden opportunities and foster a more comprehensive understanding of the problem.

Create a safe space for experimentation : Allow your team to try out new approaches without fear of failure. This encourages creativity and can lead to unexpected breakthroughs.

Encourage accountability : Foster a sense of ownership over challenges. When team members feel responsible, they are more likely to invest in finding effective solutions.

Leverage diverse skills : Utilize the unique skills and experiences within your team. Diverse viewpoints can lead to more innovative and robust solutions.

Promote continuous learning : Encourage ongoing education and skill development. Facing challenges becomes less daunting when team members are equipped with a broad and robust skill set.

Celebrate small victories : Acknowledge and celebrate progress, even if it's incremental. This boosts morale and reinforces a culture of continuous improvement.

Model resilience : Demonstrate calm and positive responses to challenges. Your behaviour sets the tone for how the team approaches difficulties.

Utilize external insights : Sometimes, external feedback or a fresh perspective can uncover opportunities that internal team members might overlook.

Implement adaptive strategies : Be flexible in your approach to problem-solving. Adaptability in strategy can lead to discovering more efficient or effective solutions.

Foster collaboration : Encourage team members to work together when solving problems. Collaborative efforts often yield richer and more comprehensive solutions than individual attempts.

Align with goals : Make sure that problem-solving efforts are aligned with broader organizational goals. This ensures that solutions contribute to the overall success of the organization.

Use technology wisely : Leverage appropriate tools and software to aid in problem-solving. Technological support can streamline processes and make tackling challenges more manageable.

Reflect on past challenges : Analyse previous problems and their solutions. Learning from past experiences can provide valuable insights and inform future problem-solving efforts.

Build an innovative culture : Encourage a mindset where innovation is valued and pursued. An innovative culture is more likely to see challenges as opportunities rather than obstacles.

Incorporate feedback loops : Establish mechanisms for regular feedback. Continuous feedback helps in adjusting approaches promptly and keeps the team aligned and informed.

These strategies not only enhance problem-solving leadership skills but also prepare teams to turn obstacles into opportunities. In the ever-evolving landscape of modern organizations, the ability to transform challenges into growth is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge and fostering an environment where innovation and improvement are the norms.

In conclusion, mastering problem-solving leadership skills is a critical endeavour for emerging leaders. It transcends mere technical prowess, venturing deeply into the realm of effective coaching and team empowerment. Understanding the fundamentals of problem-solving within a leadership context is foundational. Recognizing the different types of problems, defining issues clearly, and adopting a systematic approach are all steps that pave the way for innovative solutions.

In your coaching journey, foster a culture of inquiry and reflective practice, harnessing real-world scenarios and incremental challenges to build resilience. Encourage peer coaching, validate emotional intelligence, and provide continuous, constructive feedback, thus cultivating an environment where problem-solving is not just an activity but a shared ethos.

Furthermore, transforming challenges into growth opportunities requires a shift in perspective. Encourage experimentation, accountability, and collaboration, while also leveraging diverse skills and external insights. Celebrate progress, no matter how incremental, and model resilience through your own behaviour. Align problem-solving efforts with broader organizational goals, and utilize technology strategically to aid in tackling complex issues.

As you develop these problem-solving leadership skills, you aren't merely resolving today's issues; you're laying a solid foundation for continuous improvement and innovation. This journey of mastering problem-solving in leadership is ongoing, demanding patience, practice, and a commitment to creating a dynamic, collaborative team environment. By doing so, you empower your team to navigate challenges adeptly and drive towards excellence, ultimately ensuring organizational success.

In this way, not only do you become a more effective leader, but you also foster a culture where every challenge is seen as an opportunity for growth, learning, and improvement—transforming obstacles into stepping stones towards greater achievements.

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Maximizing Leadership Potential with Coaching: A Strategic Approach - Explore how integrating coaching into leadership enhances team communication, engagement, and problem-solving for transformative results.

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The Critical Leadership Skill of Creative Problem-Solving

Dr. paul schempp.

  • June 1, 2017

Creative problem-solving

There is a common misconception that leaders merely manage creative efforts; rather than become active participants in the process. Recent research indicates quite the opposite (Friedrich, Mumford, Vessey, Beeler, & Eubanks, 2010).  Leaders, it seems, play a crucial role in the creative problem-solving process.  The leadership skills they possess can significantly affect the quality of the innovative outcome. Consequently, as organizations increasingly depend on new products and processes to fuel their future, creative problem-solving stands as a critical leadership skill.

For leaders, the creative thought process is sequentially different than for individual contributors. Specifically, successful leaders initiate the process by soliciting and evaluating others’ ideas for solving a particular problem.  The clearer the problem to be solved, the easier for team members to produce potential solutions and a leader to evaluate the quality of those solutions. Seeing and clarifying problems, either solo or in collaboration thus becomes the first challenge to a leader’s creative skillset.

Creative problem-solving

The second progressive task is identifying potential solutions to be analyzed and evaluated.  Evaluating proposed solutions normally ignites the leader’s creative thinking and they begin to generate additional ideas, discover alternative perspectives, and redefine the original problem. Sharing their alternatives, insights, and additions stimulates team members to continue solution generation and development. At this phase, solution standards are appraised, potential solution outcomes predicted, old ideas revised and new ideas put forth by leaders and contributors collectively.

As potential and probable solutions surface, the third challenge for the leader becomes identifying and encouraging buy-in by the multiple stakeholders within the organization. As a result, the leader not only evaluates the potential logistical implications of solution implementation but also the social and political implications as well. Consequently, a leader needs to be skilled in evaluating creative ideas, as well as forecasting the varied outcomes associated with the different areas of the organization involved in the innovation.

A leader’s creative problem-solving skills vary, however, depending on the type of problem being solved.  Evaluative and judgment skills are in high demand if the problem requires a process innovation.  When the solution is intended to result in a product innovation, a leader’s skill in generating clear problem definitions and workable solutions will influence the ultimate success of the innovative outcome.

For an organization to grow and prosper, fresh products and efficient processes are constantly needed. What worked yesterday is not guaranteed to work tomorrow.  Leaders with creative problem-solving skills have the ability to stimulate, challenge and inspire others to continually pursue prominent problems and devise creative solutions to feed future organizational growth and success.

Our guest blogger is Professor Dr. Paul Schempp , a professional speaker managed by The Persimmon Group Speakers Agency . Dr. Schempp directs a research laboratory at the University of Georgia where he has spent more than two decades studying the characteristics and development of expertise and human performance. Paul has dedicated his professional life to helping people reach their full potential through award-winning research, testing what it takes to achieve greatness.

He is the author of six books including the award-winning, 5 Steps to Expert: How to Go from Business Novice to Elite Performer . 

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  • Step 3 – Collaborative Performance Developing Planning
  • Competencies by Job Description
  • Step 4 – Managing Career Development
  • Anticipates, identifies, and defines problems
  • Seeks root causes
  • Develops and implements practical and timely solutions.
Proficiency Levels – What it looks like
Being Developed
Asks questions and looks for data that helps to identify and differentiate the symptoms and root causes of every day, defined problems Investigates defined issues with uncertain cause Applies problem-solving methodologies and tools to diagnose and solve operational and interpersonal problems Diagnoses problems using formal problem-solving tools and techniques from multiple angles and probes underlying issues to generate multiple potential solutions Anticipates problem areas and associated risk levels with objective rationale
Suggests remedies that meet the needs of the situation and those directly affected Solicits input in gathering data that help identify and differentiate the symptoms and root causes of defined problems Determines the potential causes of the problem and devises testing methodologies for validation Proactively anticipates and prevents problems Uses formal methodologies to forecast trends and define innovative strategic choices in response to the potential implications of multiple integrated options
Resolves problems and escalates issues appropriately Suggests alternative approaches that meet the needs of the organization, the situation, and those involved Shows empathy and objectivity toward individuals involved in the issue Devises, facilitates buy-in, makes recommendations, and guides implementation of corrective and/or preventive actions for complex issues that cross organizational boundaries and are unclear in nature Generates and solicits the approval of senior leadership prior to defining critical issues and solutions to unclear, multi-faceted problems of high risk which span across and beyond the enterprise
Resolves problems and escalates issues with suggestions for further investigation and options for consideration as required Analyzes multiple alternatives, risks, and benefits for a range of potential solutions Identifies potential consequences and risk levels
Recommends resource requirements and collaborates with impacted stakeholders Seeks support and buy-in for problem definition, methods of resolution, and accountability

What it Doesn’t Look Like

  • Addressing symptoms instead of the problem
  • Driving to solution without properly defining the problem or completing a thorough analysis
  • Using only one tool or approach to solve all problems
  • Looking at the issue from only one perspective
  • Committing to solutions too early

Questions to Consider

  • Have I clearly and accurately defined the problem?
  • Is my problem statement really a solution?
  • What techniques can I use to sort through this mess of interrelated issues?
  • What would an appreciative inquiry approach to solving this problem look like?
  • Would it be helpful to use the Simplex Process with it’s eights steps to ensure our problem is accurately defined and solution is creative, robust and complete?

Learning and Development Activities

Choose one or two activities that support your preferred learning style

Select activities by learning style
Doing Listening Observing Training Reading

(By clicking on the symbol, those activities relating to the learning style will appear)


Suggestions for activities you can do on the job

  • Select a relatively simple problem. Use the Five Whys technique to get to the root of the problem quickly. i.e. Why is….? Why were…? Why did…? Why did…? Why didn’t…?
  • Define the problem
  • Generate alternatives
  • Evaluate and select alternatives
  • Implement solutions.
  • Identify the Problem
  • Record observations (is) answering questions i.e. What is the process effected? Where do we see the problem? When did the problem occur? How big is the problem?
  • Record comparisons (is not) i.e. What other similar parts could be affected but are not? Where else could I expect to see this problem? When else could the problem have occurred? How big could it be?
  • Identify likely causes
  • Test, if a likely cause does not explain the is vs. is not data, it is not the cause
  • Use an Affinity diagram to organize different elements of information into common themes, then identify the relationship between elements
  • Use CATWOE problem solving technique with peers to stimulate thinking about a problem and/or implementing a solution. For each category come up with 3-4 questions, then work through responses to the questions together.
  • Work with a peer or group using a Cause and Effect Diagram to generate viable solutions to a problem which you already know the cause of.
  • For a business process problem, create together a Flow Chart, Swim Lane Diagram or Systems Diagram to visualize and help determine how the various activities and inputs interact. Look for missing elements and bottlenecks that may be causing the problem.

With your Manager/Team Lead

  • Work together using the Drill Down technique to separate your complex problem into smaller units, which can be solved appropriately as you uncover the factors contributing to the problem.
Listening and Observing

Here are some ideas that can be pursued on the job, with some coordination. Use these reflective questions to gain more from your learning experience:

  • What are three key things I have learned from this experience?
  • What will I do differently in my work as a result of this experience?
  • Over the next month, attend three problem solving meetings where different techniques are used. Was the technique selected effective? What worked well? How could the problem solving process have been enhanced?
  • Identify someone who is good at problem solving. Ask them to walk you through the process they use from start to finish on two different problems. What did they do that was particularly effective?
Training Programs

UBC Training Programs offered through Organization Development and Learning

  • Thinking Outside the Box: Connecting with the Creative Subconscious
  • Shift Happens
  • Mind Mapping

For UBCO course offerings, please visit the Events page. http://web.ubc.ca/okanagan/facultystaff/events.html

Consider working with a coach following training, to aid in anchoring your learning: http://www.hr.ubc.ca/coaching/


Choose to read one or two of the books listed below. Consider the reflective questions to enhance your learning:

  • What are the key points the author is making?
  • What are three key things I have learned from this reading?
  • What will I do differently in my work as a result of gaining this knowledge?
  • The Back of the Napkin (Expanded Edition): Solving Problems and Selling Ideas with Pictures; (2009), D. Roam; Portfolio Hardcover. There is no more powerful way to see hidden solutions than to pick up a pen and draw out the pieces of our problem. This book teaches how to clarify any problem or sell any idea using a simple set of tools. It shows how thinking with pictures can help you discover and develop new ideas, solve problems in unexpected ways, and dramatically improve your ability to share your insights.
  • The Memory Jogger Two; (2010), M. Brassard & D. Ritter; GOAL/QPC. An easy to use compact reference guide of tools that are useful in the problem solving process. Suggests when each tool would be most effective and provides an easy to follow example.
  • Problem Solving 101: A Simple Book for Smart People; (2009), K. Watanabe; Portfolio Hardcover. teaches us to recognize the common elements in the decisions we face every day, and how to think carefully about them. It offers tricks and tips for all from Students to business leaders. The author uses sample scenarios to illustrate his techniques, which include logic trees and matrixes.

Managers/Team Leads

  • Visual Meetings: How Graphics, Sticky Notes and Idea Mapping Can Transform Group Productivity; (2010), D. Sibbet; Wiley. Use eye-popping visual tools to energize your people! Just as social networking has reclaimed the Internet for human interactivity and co-creation, the visual meetings movement is reclaiming creativity, productivity, and playful exchange for serious work in groups. The book explains how anyone can implement powerful visual tools, and how these tools are being used in Silicon Valley and elsewhere to facilitate both face-to-face and virtual group work.

Additional Questions

Please contact your Human Resources Representative with any additional questions.

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A leader as someone who can look at the mistakes and failures of their past to help make a better decision in the future. As a result, they are unlikely to make the same mistake twice, and when the same problem comes along, they are more likely to solve it properly. Let's look at problem solving.

Problem solving is a form of thinking, often considered to be the most complex of all intellectual functions that a person can have. Problem solving is defined as a higher-order cognitive skill and it occurs in an organism if it does not know how to proceed from a given state to achieve a desired goal. There are several types of problems that can be exceedingly difficult to solve, and require the skills of a great leader or problem solver to handle them. Here are a few examples:

  • Intransparency - This a problem where there is a lack of clarity of the situation. A good example of this is someone who owns a boat, but rarely is on the water, but now has to deal with a hurricane which they have never had to face before.
  • Polytely - This is where multiple goals must be achieved. A good example of this is a person who has a business report due that must not only show how to cut costs, but also to do it without firing anyone, while allowing revenue to increase for the company.
  • Complexity - This is a large number of items and decisions to take into consideration for the problem. An example of this is a situation where someone will be dealing with many complex factors at once, like a financial sheet, where they have to make it balance properly.
  • Dynamics - This is a problem with time considerations. A military leader who is facing the onslaught of the enemy in five minutes needs to devise a plan quickly.

What makes problem solving so important to leadership? Well, the short answer is that without problem solving skills, a leader will not be able to solve the many problems they will face in their lifetime, from the mundane to the critical.

Problem solving is a lot like leadership; those who have it are both born with it and learn how to use it.

People may be born with a highly logical mind that allows them to assess situations quickly and determine the best course of action, but without the practice of using that in various situations, that skill can fade away. Like any talent, it must be honed and practiced to make it work properly.

Leaders often possess problem solving capabilities, but it is up to them to make those capabilities work properly. They need to be able to look at the problems they have faced in the past and to be able to use those experiences to figure out their current predicament.

For example, if a great military commander is on the high seas and he finds himself surrounded by three other ships, he has only a few options. He can flee, he can attack them one at a time, or he can use them against themselves. Now, say he has faced this situation once before and he attacked one at a time, only to nearly lose his ship before he fled. In this present situation, he can look at that past experience and realize that attacking one at a time is not the way to go. So, instead he uses his hopefully faster and more agile ship to go around the other ships and force them to fire at him, only to hit the ships of their fellow countrymen.

Therefore, by looking at the past situation, the military commander was able to know what not to do and reduce his three difficult choices to only two. This gave him much better odds.

Problem solving works like this. Thousands of years ago, as our species was first hunting big game, we probably chased after them as a group, only to have them outrun us. So, we learned from that and we decided to chase after game and send them towards other hunters, who could then take down the prey. Therefore, the problem solving worked by relying on past experiences to solve the problem.

Again, we see that supervision is associated with leadership, but not actually something leadership needs.

Also, people can be taught how to look at problems, how to assess them, and how to create the solutions that may be needed. School is an excellent example of this concept, where children are taught in math how to solve many different problems. In fact, tests in nearly every subject are completely dependent on problem solving.

  • You need to look at all the elements of the problem first and understand the forces that are affecting the situation. This could be looking at enemy forces coming over the hill, figuring out which of your running backs is open, or perhaps it is looking at the variables in a math question.
  • Next, you need to understand the causes behind the problem. Why are those troops charging at us, what is the other team doing to stop our player, how do these variables play into the math question?
  • Understand the roles of those with you, and those against you. This may not apply to math questions, but it certainly applies to sports and war, and as a result many great leaders are lauded in these two avenues for their ability to problem solve.
  • Last, evaluate the ability of those on your side, and those on the other side to affect the situation. You may think a barrage of arrows will stop the troops coming at you, but if you fail to think that the other commander thought of that and has his archers already firing, you may end up on the losing end of a battle .

This process shows just how a leader will problem solve in a situation. When we look at leaders in the past, people are astounded by their ability to solve problems that many would deem to be nearly impossible to solve. As well, we often see them going up against the odds and winning, in no small part due to their problem solving abilities. Let's look at historical leaders and see how problem solving played a role in their legendary achievements.

  • Julius Caesar conquered a huge portion of Europe using his wits and the troops in his army with innovative methods.
  • Alexander the Great conquered most of the known world by using problem solving techniques, including building a huge bridge to transport siege equipment across, just in order to take a small island.
  • Boadicea defeated the Romans in London, despite being outnumbered, by using her knowledge of the terrain and her own problem solving skills, to her advantage.
  • Gandhi looked at the problem of British occupation in India and came up with his own solution that would work given the dominance of the British: Non-violent resistance. Looking at the number of his people versus the number of the British, it was the clear solution.
  • Epicurus routinely used problem solving to look at the world around him and devise solutions as to why the world is the way it is.
  • Horatio Nelson's life was based on problem solving, overcoming the odds, and defeating the enemy with new and innovative methods.

When we look at the world of problem solving, it is clear to see why it is an important leadership characteristic. When there is a problem that needs to be solved, it is not up to the followers to find the solution, although a good leader will get their input on the matter. It is up to the leader to look at the problem, the information they have been provided, and be able to find a solution to it, using whatever information they have at their disposal.

Because planning is very important in problem solving, we also need to discuss planning here as well

This emphasizes the importance of planning. It means knowing the situation you are in, figuring out a way to get through it, and then, implementing that solution. Writers call it a plot outline, computer programmers call it a flowchart, leaders call it destiny or their grand plan, but no matter what, they all have the ability to plan to solve problems.

There may be problems that are immediate, like how to deal with an irate subordinate, or they may be more long term, like how to deal with climate change. It could be something personal for the leader, like planning their own march into the history books, or it may be a plan for someone else. Boadicea burned London down in the First Century, A.D. because Roman soldiers killed her husband and raped her daughters. She planned the attack and she executed it for personal reasons, but didn't do it alone.

Can You Lead Without Planning?

Some people believe that it is possible to lead people without planning a course of action. There are some who can do this, but they are not leaders, they are lucky. Those that are lucky look like great leaders because of the luck, but eventually luck catches up with them and turns from good to bad.

Planning is core to leadership. Even supervision needs planning. When a supervisor is showing someone how to work on a new piece of machinery, they need a plan of action to help them through the steps. They need to be able to start from the basics and progress through the difficult parts to teach the employee what they need to know about the machinery. They cannot just show them what it does and walk away.

Leaders need to plan because it shows those around them that not only do they calmly assess situations in looking for the best way out, but they do not simply go blindly into a situation, which in terms of war, can have disastrous consequences. When a leader shows that they have concern for their troops, the troops will follow them to Hell and back again.

How Do Leaders Plan?

Essentially, they plan like anyone else, they just do a much better job of it. The important thing that leaders do when they plan is that they look at the entire situation and then they determine the best course of action. Does this sound a lot like problem solving? It should, because as we stated earlier, it is an integral part of planning.

Here are some of the key things leaders do when they plan a course of action for themselves, and those around them:

  • They look at the situation as a whole before they ever break it down to see the integral parts of the problem or goal.
  • They talk to those around them to get their opinions. They may not follow the opinions, but a good leader always tries to understand what their followers and advisors think.
  • They use their own 'gut feeling'. One of the most important things a leader has at their disposal is a gut feeling. This is their intuition and when a leader is planning a course of action, they always listen to it. If they have an uneasy feeling about a situation, they will not take that course of action and they will readjust their plan. For a leader, a gut feeling is one of their greatest tools.
  • They look at the end result that they want to achieve and the situation that they are in at that time. Afterwards, they plan how to get from point A to point B in the best manner.
  • Once they have decided on a plan, they go through with that plan and they do not waver from it. If you remember from Lesson One, we learned that sticking to your guns was a huge part of being a leader, and if a leader wants people to follow them, they should not flip-flop.

Leaders will plan in different ways, but the end result will always be the same. Either they will succeed, and then they will know that the plan they just implemented was the best for the job. Or they will fail, and they will then use that experience to determine how best to proceed when faced with the same situation in the future.

Planning for the Best

Chance Favors the Prepared

The above statement is a good way to look at how leaders think. They leave nothing to chance and they plan out every scenario that they can, so they will have the desired result. This then comes down to the next statement:

Hope for the Best, Prepare for the Worst

We all hope for the best, but very few of us plan for the worst. More often than not, people will hope the leaders around them will take care of that, and that is what separates leaders from the rest of the people. They prepare for the worst because they know that while they hope for the best, there is no guarantee that it will happen. When you don't get the best result, you don't want to be caught off guard.

The point is that a leader has to plan for the future and they have to plan for the best, as well as the worst outcome. This means that a leader does not only have one plan of action in their head, they have dozens, or more. Military commanders in the past had to plan their attack, and, at the same time, plan what to do if they were flanked by the enemy's cavalry. In addition, they also had to plan what to do if the enemy had forces hidden in reserve.

To be a great leader, you need to be able to problem solve. To be able to problem solve, you need to be able to plan.

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Eggcellent Work

Importance of problem solving skills in leadership – make a difference and be successful.

Great leaders in U.S. history showed how you can make a difference and be successful. They are exemplars of the importance of problem solving skills in leadership:

  • George Washington  led a ragtag army of colonial soldiers against the professional army of a world power. He overcame almost insurmountable problems as a military leader and as the first president of a new republic.
  • Abraham Lincoln  was the president of a country coming apart at the seams. His determined leadership and overcoming problems, during a time when others gave up, preserved our republic through an unprecedented crisis.
  • Franklin D. Ro osevelt assumed office during the nation’s Great Depression. His administration was focused on solutions with the goal of restoring hope and confidence during a time of hardship and economic crisis.
  • Martin Luther King  attacked the problems of racial discrimination and prejudice with fearless resolve and unparalleled leadership. His “I have a dream” speech is a classic call to solve lingering problems of unfulfilled promises of the American dream.

How Recruiters Identify the Best Potential Leadership and Problem Solvers

The career path to the C-suite is paved by organizations that increasingly seek solid leadership skills when adding talent to their workforce.

According to  Stephany Samuels , a senior vice president at an IT recruiting and staffing firm, “Companies thrive and grow when their workforce is comprised of leaders that instinctively explore creative solutions and bring out the best in their colleagues.”

What are the leadership traits and qualities recruiters should be looking for? According to this  CNBC article , problem-solving ranks in the top three. Employers want to recruit talented people, “who are quick on their feet and comfortable resolving conflicts with unique solutions.”

  • Critical Thinking vs Problem Solving: What’s the Difference?
  • Top 12 Soft Skills Consulting Firms Look For

Why Problem Solving Skills are a Vital Ingredient in Your Leadership Tool Bag

Duke Ellington  once observed that “A problem is a chance for you to do your best.” If you leverage your problem-solving skills, you can encourage the best performance from your team.

Effective leaders are high-level thinkers and students of human behavior. They find answers to difficult questions because their approach is rooted in strong problem-solving skills. Your own workplace problems can result from conflict, competition for resources, or poor communication. You can harness that energy with dynamic problem-solving skills.

By adapting  problem-led leadership  styles to your work culture, you can identify and proactively solve complex problems in the leadership challenges of your business. You can excite your team and bring unity in the organization. That unity and team spirit taps into everyone’s expertise to solve problems.

Types of leadership problems and their solutions

As a leader, you will face several types of problems. Some examples are problems that:

  • were never faced before: e.g., the recent pandemic and new challenges faced by remote workers—productivity, network security, etc.
  • require multiple solutions to sometimes conflicting goals: e.g., a need to cut costs without having to lay off any employees.
  • are complex: e.g., a solution involving a large number of known or unknown factors—stake holders who have conflicting agendas and questionable loyalty to the entire organization.
  • are dynamic: e.g., a problem with a non-negotiable deadline for solving it

Problem solving can be learned through techniques that involve:

  • looking at the elements of the problem and understanding the dynamics affecting the situation
  • understanding the causes behind the problem
  • knowing how to leverage your advantage as well as understanding what difficulties you are facing
  • evaluating the strengths of your team and their ability to help in solving the problem

Read More: Life Of A Leader: What A Leader Does Everyday To Be Successful

How Leaders Solve Problems

Albert Einstein once said this about problem solving: “We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.” You cannot expect problems to go away on their own. Problem solving requires creative and proactive solutions and skills.

You can hone problem-solving skills with the sharp edges of a positive outlook. That approach is the opposite of the energy-draining commitment to unproductive struggle, which reinforces inertia.

When blame and repercussions and saying “oh, no!” poison your team, the classic movie  Apollo 13  line  “Houston, we have a problem”  could be “Oh, no! Houston, we’re gonna die up here!”

In  Apollo 13,  the ground crew found solutions with only the material at hand. You can emulate that approach by saying “yes” to problems. Do that and you will employ, promote, and encourage an approach that focuses on strengths and opportunities. That approach includes:

1.  Identifying the problem : Spend extra time defining problems and avoiding premature, inadequate solutions. The  governing philosophy  here is “A problem well stated is half solved.”

2.  Evaluating the problem:  You can get to the root cause of a problem by:

  • looking for common patterns
  • asking questions—what? who? where? when? and how?
  • avoiding assigning blame and engaging in negativity
  • seeking knowledge of every aspect of the issue in order to move forward

3.  Backing up proposed solutions with data : By using data already accumulated over time, you can bring a persistent problem into perspective. Data analysis often connects the dots and leads to discoveries through common patterns.

4.  Practicing honest communication and transparency.  When you have a clear plan of action to resolve a problem, you can avoid the appearance of having a hidden agenda. The road to trust, respect and confidence from your team is through transparency. Transparency will keep the team invested and motivated in solving the problem.

5.  Breaking down silos : With transparent communication, you also promote an organization without boundaries and the hidden agendas of silos. Silos prolong and support hidden agendas and can be the major cause of most workplace problems—turf wars, fear of speaking out, etc. In sum, silos are team-wrecking mechanisms that make it difficult to solve problems through isolation and blocking communication.

6.  Making solutions actionable through testing : Following brainstorming sessions with those invested in the solution, you should encourage and assist the team to develop lists with logical actions, priorities, and timelines.

Your job as the leader is to assess the costs of those solutions in time and resources. Your next step is to communicate that information back to the team and do any tweaks and necessary adjustments.

7.  Learning from mistakes:  When mistakes and errors occur, you should incorporate the lessons learned as the foundation of further growth. Often, problem solving skills in leadership promote a culture of risk taking, where the results can be more than the sum of the risks.

You can practice positive problem-solving.

You know the value of saying “yes” to problems. That spills over into the value of acquiring positive problem-solving skills. That is where  you shift the focus to the solution  and away from the problem by:

Expecting the unexpected:  You can deal with unexpected situations or unforeseen complications by anticipating the “what-ifs” and adding the “just in case” scenarios. It could be as simple as remaining composed when faced with the unfamiliar and adopting an attitude of concerned detachment.

Accepting the unexpected : Stuff happens, despite your best plans. Feeling frustrated is natural. As a leader, you need to stay positive and focus on the solution. When a leader gets angry, the team runs for cover and takes shelter in keeping their own counsel.

Staying optimistic : When things go awry in your problem-solving task, you should stifle your negative thoughts and bite your tongue when it comes to expressing feelings around others. Avoid comments like “This should have never happened” or “Who’s at fault here?”

Look for a learning experience in the setback. When you do that, you are showing the positive mental attitude that is expected from problem-solving leaders.

Consulting others : It is likely that some colleague or counterpart has gone through similar experiences in solving a difficult problem. You should check with your team, consult experts, or take advantage of professional social media like LinkedIn.

Don’t be afraid to ask for advice and consider multiple solutions and points of view. You are going for a wider perspective, and that perspective can expand your options and lead to solutions you may have overlooked.

Be a critical and creative thinker : The power of the mind is a wonderful and untapped tool. In its critical mode, it recognizes dissonance, inconsistency, and illogical conclusions.

In its creative mode, your mind goes deeper into an amazing subconscious process that generates and inspires options or innovative solutions. Then the mind explores those solutions in its critical role. The secret is to work on  improving your critical thinking skills  and trust the process.

Planning for results : When you find the successful solution, work backwards to discover the best way to make it happen. A problem manifests itself through a history of bad outcomes, which can be articulated and quantified. Focus on the problem, and you can cure the symptoms.

Never Give Up

Some problems defy your best efforts to find solutions. What you might need is fresh eyes and new approaches from unexpected sources. Perhaps some adjustments and compromises are required.

Don’t give up. Always remember the importance of problem solving skills in leadership. Next to your title in the company roster is the implied leadership role of “problem solver.”

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Jenny Palmer

Founder of Eggcellentwork.com. With over 20 years of experience in HR and various roles in corporate world, Jenny shares tips and advice to help professionals advance in their careers. Her blog is a go-to resource for anyone looking to improve their skills, land their dream job, or make a career change.

Further Reading...

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Enhancing Leadership Through Soft Skills

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, leaders are discovering that the key to success lies not only in technical expertise, but also in the development of soft skills. These essential qualities, such as effective communication, emotional intelligence, and problem-solving abilities, are becoming increasingly vital for leaders to navigate challenges and inspire their teams.

Meet James Whittaker, an entrepreneur who embodies the ‘Win the Day’ mentality, showing that perseverance and determination can lead to great achievements.

Join us as we explore the transformative power of soft skills in enhancing leadership and driving innovation.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Improving soft skills enhances leadership abilities
  • Communication skills are essential for effective leadership
  • Developing emotional intelligence helps leaders understand and connect with their team
  • Problem-solving skills enable leaders to find creative solutions

The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership

Developing emotional intelligence helps leaders understand and connect with their team, ultimately enhancing their effectiveness in leadership roles.

One key aspect of emotional intelligence is empathy, which plays a crucial role in effective leadership. By empathizing with their team members, leaders can better understand their needs, concerns, and perspectives. This allows them to build trust and collaboration within their leadership.

When leaders demonstrate empathy, they create a supportive and inclusive environment where team members feel valued and heard. This not only boosts morale but also encourages open communication and teamwork.

Empathy also helps leaders make more informed decisions by considering the impact on their team members.

Overall, emotional intelligence and empathy are essential tools for leaders to build strong relationships, foster trust, and drive collaboration within their teams.

Developing Effective Communication Skills for Leaders

Improving their communication skills allows leaders to effectively connect and convey their messages to their team. To enhance their communication abilities, leaders can utilize active listening techniques, which involve fully focusing on and understanding what others are saying. This promotes better understanding and collaboration within the team.

Additionally, leaders can overcome communication barriers by being aware of potential obstacles such as language barriers, cultural differences, and personal biases. By actively addressing and finding solutions to these barriers, leaders can foster an inclusive and open communication environment.

Effective communication is essential for innovative leadership as it enables leaders to share their vision, inspire their team, and drive positive change. By continuously developing their communication skills, leaders can create a cohesive and high-performing team that thrives on innovation and success.

Problem-Solving Strategies for Strong Leadership

Leaders can effectively solve problems by utilizing critical thinking skills and seeking innovative solutions. Problem-solving techniques are crucial for leadership development, as they enable leaders to tackle challenges head-on and find effective resolutions.

Effective problem-solving involves analyzing the situation, identifying the root cause, and brainstorming creative solutions. Leaders who prioritize problem-solving skills foster a culture of innovation and encourage their team members to think outside the box. They understand the importance of continuous learning and encourage their team to develop their problem-solving abilities.

By embracing problem-solving strategies, leaders can navigate complex situations with confidence and guide their team towards success. They demonstrate adaptability and resilience in the face of adversity, setting a positive example for their organization.

Overall, problem-solving skills are essential for strong leadership and driving innovation in today’s rapidly changing business landscape.

Navigating Change and Adapting as a Leader

Navigating change and adapting as a leader requires flexibility and resilience in order to successfully navigate the challenges of a rapidly changing business environment. To thrive in uncertainty, leaders must possess the following key skills:

Adapting to Change: Effective leaders understand that change is inevitable and embrace it as an opportunity for growth. They are open-minded, willing to learn new skills, and can quickly adjust their strategies to align with shifting circumstances.

Leading Through Uncertainty: Leaders who can inspire and motivate their teams during times of uncertainty are essential. They provide clarity, communicate effectively, and instill confidence in their employees, helping them navigate ambiguity with confidence and purpose.

Embracing Innovation: In a rapidly evolving business landscape, leaders must encourage innovation and embrace new ideas. They foster a culture of creativity, encourage risk-taking, and continuously seek out opportunities for improvement and growth.

The Role of Empathy in Effective Leadership

Developing empathy allows leaders to understand and connect with their team on a deeper level, fostering a supportive and inclusive work environment.

Empathy driven leadership approaches recognize the importance of emotional intelligence and its impact on team dynamics. By actively listening, putting themselves in others’ shoes, and understanding the unique perspectives and experiences of team members, leaders can build strong teams that feel valued and understood.

Empathy serves as a tool for building strong teams by creating an atmosphere of trust, collaboration, and mutual respect. It allows leaders to effectively communicate and address the needs of their team members, resulting in increased productivity, engagement, and overall success.

In an innovative and forward-thinking workplace, empathy is not just a nice-to-have trait, but an essential quality for leaders to cultivate.

Building Trust and Collaboration Within Leadership

Building trust and collaboration within a leadership team is essential for fostering a positive and cohesive work environment. To achieve this, leaders must prioritize certain actions and strategies:

Open and Transparent Communication: Leaders should encourage open and honest communication among team members. This creates a sense of trust and allows for effective collaboration.

Empowering Team Members: Leaders should empower their team members by delegating tasks and giving them autonomy. This fosters collaboration as team members feel valued and are more likely to contribute their ideas and expertise.

Building Relationships: Leaders should invest time and effort into building strong relationships with their team members. This includes getting to know them on a personal level and showing genuine interest in their growth and development. Trust is built when team members feel supported by their leader.

The Power of Self-Awareness in Leadership Development

In building trust and collaboration within leadership, self-awareness plays a crucial role in leadership development. Self-reflection is an essential tool that allows leaders to understand their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for growth.

By being self-aware, leaders can better recognize and manage their emotions, leading to improved emotional intelligence. This connection between self-awareness and emotional intelligence enables leaders to navigate complex interpersonal dynamics, make more informed decisions, and foster positive relationships with their team.

Self-awareness also helps leaders identify their values, purpose, and align their actions accordingly. By regularly engaging in self-reflection, leaders can continuously evolve, learn from their experiences, and adapt their leadership style to meet the needs of their team and organization.

Ultimately, self-awareness empowers leaders to be more effective, empathetic, and innovative in their leadership approach.

Enhancing Decision-Making Skills for Effective Leadership

Improving decision-making skills empowers leaders to make informed choices and drive effective outcomes. To enhance critical thinking skills and decision-making techniques, leaders can implement the following strategies:

Seek diverse perspectives: Encouraging different viewpoints fosters innovative thinking and prevents groupthink. Leaders can gather input from team members with varied backgrounds and experiences to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the situation.

Utilize data-driven analysis: Making decisions based on data and evidence minimizes bias and increases the likelihood of successful outcomes. Leaders should gather and analyze relevant information to make informed choices that align with organizational goals.

Embrace experimentation: Taking calculated risks and learning from failures promotes growth and innovation. Leaders can adopt an experimental mindset, testing and iterating ideas to uncover creative solutions and drive continuous improvement.

Cultivating Resilience and Perseverance in Leadership

Cultivating resilience and perseverance enables leaders to overcome challenges and achieve long-term success in their endeavors. Building mental resilience is crucial for leaders to navigate obstacles and maintain a positive mindset. Overcoming obstacles requires a combination of mental strength, adaptability, and problem-solving skills.

Leaders who possess these qualities are better equipped to handle setbacks and find innovative solutions. By developing resilience, leaders can bounce back from failure, learn from their experiences, and continue to progress towards their goals. They understand that obstacles are inevitable, but they choose to view them as opportunities for growth and improvement.

Through perseverance, leaders demonstrate determination and dedication, inspiring their teams to push through adversity and reach new heights of success.

Fostering Creativity and Innovation in Leadership

Fostering creativity and innovation allows leaders to think outside the box and generate fresh ideas that propel their teams and organizations forward. Here are three ways leaders can promote creativity and innovation:

Create a supportive environment: Leaders should encourage open communication, brainstorming sessions, and the sharing of ideas. By fostering a safe and collaborative space, team members are more likely to feel comfortable expressing their innovative thoughts.

Embrace diversity: Diversity in backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences can lead to a wider range of ideas and insights. Leaders should actively seek diverse perspectives and encourage inclusion to promote creativity and innovation within their teams.

Encourage experimentation and risk-taking: Innovation often requires taking risks and trying new approaches. Leaders should give their teams the freedom to experiment, learn from failures, and take calculated risks in order to foster a culture of innovation.

The Impact of Soft Skills on Organizational Leadership Success

Effective leaders understand that the impact of strong soft skills on organizational success cannot be underestimated. Soft skills, such as empathy and fostering creativity, play a crucial role in leadership development.

Empathy allows leaders to understand and connect with their team members on a deeper level, fostering trust and collaboration. By demonstrating empathy, leaders create a positive and inclusive work environment that promotes creativity, innovation, and problem-solving. In turn, this leads to increased employee engagement, productivity, and ultimately, organizational success.

Effective leaders also recognize the importance of fostering creativity within their teams. They encourage open communication, value diverse perspectives, and create a safe space for experimentation and risk-taking. By nurturing creativity, leaders inspire their team members to think outside the box, explore new ideas, and drive innovation within the organization.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can leaders develop emotional intelligence.

Leaders can develop emotional intelligence by developing self-awareness and building meaningful relationships. Self-awareness helps leaders understand their own emotions, while building relationships allows them to empathize with others and effectively manage their emotions.

What Are Some Effective Communication Techniques for Leaders?

Effective communication techniques for leaders include active listening, which allows them to fully understand others’ perspectives, and nonverbal communication, such as body language and gestures, to convey messages clearly and build rapport.

How Can Leaders Enhance Their Problem-Solving Abilities?

Leaders can enhance their problem-solving abilities by developing critical thinking skills and building a growth mindset. These skills allow leaders to approach challenges with creativity and adaptability, fostering innovative solutions for their teams and organizations.

What Strategies Can Leaders Use to Navigate and Adapt to Change?

Leaders can navigate and adapt to change through effective change management techniques. They need to develop flexibility and adaptability skills to thrive in dynamic environments. Being open-minded and embracing innovation are key strategies for successful leadership in times of change.

How Does Empathy Contribute to Effective Leadership?

Empathy in decision making and building relationships is essential for effective leadership. It allows leaders to understand and connect with their team, making informed choices and fostering a positive work environment.

problem solving leadership competency



Competency: 25 Performance Review Phrases Examples

Performance review phrases and paragraphs examples: competency, 5 – outstanding.

Outstanding performance rating is reserved for those who consistently excel in their roles, going above and beyond the expectations of their position. They demonstrate a strong commitment to their work, are highly skilled in their area of expertise, and often serve as role models for their peers, taking their work to new levels and inspiring others with their dedication and expertise.

Phrases Examples:

  • Consistently exceeds all goals and targets
  • Displays exceptional problem-solving abilities
  • Demonstrates excellent leadership skills

Paragraph Examples

“Jane consistently demonstrates exceptional skills and abilities in her role. Her problem-solving abilities have led to outstanding results, significantly improving overall team performance. She consistently exceeds expectations for time management, completing tasks well ahead of schedule without compromising quality. Jane’s communication is always clear and concise, making her a valuable team member with strong collaborative relationships.”

“John’s technical prowess and high level of competency allow him to excel in his role. He consistently displays a willingness to take on new challenges and adapt to changing technologies. He is an invaluable resource for the team, as his expertise is sought after by colleagues. John is known for his attention to detail, ensuring his work is completed with precision every time.”

“Susan displays an unwavering commitment to achieving the company’s goals and consistently performs at a level that exceeds expectations. She demonstrates strong analytical abilities, enabling her to make well-informed decisions that support organizational growth. Susan is a proactive and reliable employee, often suggesting new initiatives and volunteering for additional responsibilities.”

“Peter is an exceptional leader with the consistent ability to motivate his team members. His performance continuously stands out, thanks to his dedication to achieving and surpassing project objectives. He is attentive to his team’s needs and actively fosters an environment of collaboration and continuous improvement. Peter’s confident and knowledgeable demeanor is an asset to the organization.”

“Mary consistently exceeds all goals and targets. Her exceptional problem-solving abilities and excellent leadership skills have made her an invaluable asset to the team. She is always motivating her team members to push themselves to reach their full potential.”

4 – Exceeds Expectations

  • Consistently meets and often surpasses objectives
  • Develops and implements innovative solutions
  • Proactively takes on additional responsibilities

“John consistently goes above and beyond in their role, taking on additional responsibilities and actively seeking ways to improve their performance. Their strong initiative and willingness to collaborate with colleagues have positively impacted the team’s productivity and morale. They have demonstrated excellent problem-solving skills and consistently deliver high-quality work on time. John’s proactive approach to professional development reflects their commitment to personal growth and the success of the company.”

“Sarah has displayed exceptional communication skills, fostering a positive atmosphere within the team and effectively engaging with clients. They have proven their ability to manage multiple high-priority projects without sacrificing attention to detail or quality. Sarah’s strong organizational skills and ability to anticipate potential issues have contributed to smooth project execution and successful outcomes. This individual’s performance significantly exceeds expectations, as evidenced by their impressive results and contributions to the team’s objectives.”

“David excels in stakeholder management and consistently fosters strong relationships with clients and colleagues. Their ability to navigate complex situations and negotiate effectively has resulted in numerous mutually beneficial collaborations. David demonstrates excellent leadership qualities, providing valuable guidance to team members and creating an inclusive and supportive environment. Their commitment to continuous improvement and willingness to embrace new challenges position them as a valuable asset to the organization.”

“Emily is a highly motivated individual who consistently seeks opportunities to enhance their skills and apply new learnings to their role. Their innovative thinking and creative problem-solving abilities have led to the implementation of more efficient processes and improved outcomes for the team. Emily sets an excellent example for peers, consistently demonstrating a positive attitude and a collaborative spirit. Their strong work ethic and commitment to quality are evident in the exceptional results they deliver, significantly exceeding expectations.”

“John consistently meets and often surpasses his objectives. His ability to develop and implement innovative solutions has significantly improved the team’s productivity. John proactively takes on additional responsibilities and is always eager to contribute to the success of the organization.”

3 – Meets Expectations

When an employee consistently delivers work that is of quality, accurate, and on time, it is considered that they are meeting expectations. The following phrases and examples provide a picture of what performance review phrases might look like for an employee who meets expectations.

  • Generally achieves established goals
  • Shows good problem-solving skills
  • Effectively collaborates with team members

“John consistently demonstrates competence in his primary tasks. He completes projects on time and meets the quality standards set by the company. Although he may not always exceed expectations, his work is reliable, and he has a solid understanding of his role within the team. He maintains a positive attitude and cooperates well with his colleagues. To encourage continued growth, it would be beneficial for John to seek additional responsibilities or attend training to expand his skill set.”

“Sarah is an effective team member who meets expectations in her day-to-day tasks. She is proficient in her assigned duties, and her work is accurate and thorough. She has a good understanding of the company’s goals and always acts in accordance with established procedures. While she meets expectations, there may be opportunities for Sarah to go above and beyond by seeking out new challenges or offering input on process improvements.”

“Mike is a conscientious employee who consistently meets expectations. He is detail-oriented, ensuring that his work is of a high standard, and he consistently delivers results on time. His communication skills are effective both with clients and internal team members. Mike is also proactive in seeking feedback and implementing it, demonstrating his commitment to continuous improvement. Identifying areas where he can take on additional tasks or leadership roles will help further Mike’s career development.”

“Sarah generally achieves her established goals. She demonstrates good problem-solving skills and works effectively with her team members to overcome challenges. As a valuable contributor, Sarah helps keep projects on track and ensures team efficiency.”

2 – Needs Improvement

In this section, we will provide some examples of phrases and paragraphs that can be used when evaluating an employee’s performance in the “Needs Improvement” category.

  • Struggles to achieve certain goals
  • Needs guidance in problem-solving techniques
  • Requires assistance with teamwork and communication

“John consistently puts forth an effort but may struggle to meet all their job requirements. They are often late on project deadlines and need assistance when facing challenges. In order to improve, John should seek guidance from colleagues and supervisors and prioritize tasks to better manage their time.”

“Samantha has shown improvement in their technical skills, but communication remains an area of concern. Their emails and reports may be unclear or lack essential information. Samantha should focus on enhancing their written communication skills by attending relevant training programs, proofreading their work, and asking for feedback from team members.”

“Alex has demonstrated initiative in several projects; however, their teamwork skills need improvement. They often work alone or are reluctant to share ideas and collaborate with others. This could hinder the team’s overall productivity. To address this, Alex should focus on building trust with team members and take part in team-building activities.”

“Emma has a satisfactory performance in accomplishing routine tasks but exhibits difficulty adapting to change or accepting new approaches. This resistance may have slowed progress in some projects. It is essential for Emma to develop an open mindset and embrace new tools, methods, and ideas to improve their adaptability.”

“David demonstrates a strong work ethic but struggles with time management, which sometimes leads to missed deadlines and lower-quality work. To improve their performance, David needs to prioritize tasks according to their urgency and allocate adequate time for completing them. Implementing strategies like time-blocking can help in better management and organization.”

“Mark struggles to achieve his goals and could use guidance in problem-solving techniques. His teamwork and communication skills require development to function optimally within the team. With additional support and coaching, Mark has the potential to make significant progress in his role.”

1 – Unacceptable

Employees rated as “Unacceptable” demonstrate a significant lack of competency in their job. They frequently need close supervision, and their actions might adversely impact the team’s productivity and the organization’s goals. It is crucial for managers to address these issues and provide support to help the employee improve and reach an acceptable level of performance.

  • Lack of initiative: The employee consistently fails to take initiative and requires constant supervision to complete tasks. They do not show the needed motivation to improve their performance.
  • Poor time management: The employee has not demonstrated an ability to manage their workload effectively, consistently missing deadlines and causing delays for their colleagues.
  • Unreliable: The employee is often absent without notice and fails to meet their commitments, resulting in disruptions to the team’s operations and project timelines.
  • Inadequate communication skills: The employee consistently struggles to express their ideas or understand instructions from their team members, causing confusion and miscommunications.
  • Unwillingness to adapt: The employee resists change and does not make an effort to learn new skills or adapt to new situations, thereby hindering the progress of the team and the organization as a whole.
  • Does not achieve established goals
  • Fails to find solutions to problems independently
  • Has difficulties collaborating with team members

“John consistently fails to meet deadlines, leading to increased pressure on fellow team members. His lack of time management and organizational skills has hindered the team’s overall progress. John needs to immediately address these issues and develop a plan to improve his performance.”

“Emily has shown an inability to work efficiently within the team environment. She demonstrates poor communication skills, often creating misunderstandings and conflicts among colleagues. It is crucial for Emily to seek professional development opportunities to enhance her communication abilities and become an effective team player.”

“Michael has not shown a willingness to take on new tasks or seek learning opportunities to increase his competencies. This lack of initiative results in limited contributions to the team’s overall performance. For Michael to improve, he must actively seek feedback and take responsibility for his personal growth to meet the required expectations.”

“Samantha is consistently unresponsive to feedback from peers and supervisors. She has not shown any effort to implement the suggested changes to her work habits, which has hindered her growth and performance. Samantha must become receptive to feedback and take the necessary steps to make improvements in her role.”

“David exhibits a negative attitude and regularly discourages team efforts to achieve project goals. This behavior affects the overall team morale and productivity. To move forward, David must adopt a collaborative approach and work on building positive relationships with his colleagues.”

“Mary fails to meet established goals and lacks the initiative to find solutions to problems independently. She is consistently falling behind and has difficulties collaborating with team members. Immediate intervention and support are necessary to improve Mary’s performance.”

Performance Review Questions: Competency

1. Did the employee meet the goals and objectives set for them during the review period? 2. Did the employee demonstrate the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their job effectively? 3. Did the employee show initiative and take on additional responsibilities beyond their job description? 4. Did the employee work collaboratively with their colleagues and contribute to a positive team environment? 5. Did the employee demonstrate a willingness to learn and grow professionally? 6. Did the employee consistently meet deadlines and produce high-quality work? 7. Did the employee handle challenges and setbacks effectively, and seek help when needed? 8. Did the employee adhere to company policies and procedures, and demonstrate ethical behavior? 9. Did the employee communicate effectively with their supervisor and colleagues, and seek feedback to improve their performance? 10. Did the employee demonstrate a strong work ethic and commitment to their job?

  • Flexibility: 25 Performance Review Phrases Examples
  • Initiative: 25 Performance Review Phrases Examples
  • Job Knowledge Performance Review Phrases (Examples)
  • Productivity: 25 Performance Review Phrases Examples
  • Attention to Detail: 25 Performance Review Phrases Examples
  • Problem Solving Skills: 25 Performance Review Phrases Examples

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published:26 Aug 2024
  • Coaching Solutions

Mastering the Art of Leadership: Unleashing NLP Techniques

problem solving leadership competency

In the dynamic world of leadership, staying ahead requires more than just experience and intuition. Enter Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), a powerful set of techniques that can transform your leadership style and effectiveness. NLP offers leaders a toolkit to enhance communication, influence, and personal development, ultimately leading to more inspired and productive teams [1] .

By incorporating NLP techniques into your leadership practice, you can expect to see improvements in self-awareness, relationship building, and problem-solving abilities. These benefits not only enhance your personal leadership journey but also create a positive ripple effect throughout your organization. As we delve deeper into the world of NLP and its applications in leadership, prepare to unlock new potentials and discover innovative ways to inspire and guide your team towards success.

Understanding Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) in Leadership

Neuro-Linguistic Programming, at its core, is an approach to communication, personal development, and psychotherapy that focuses on the connection between neurological processes, language, and behavioral patterns learned through experience [2] . In the context of leadership, NLP provides a framework for understanding how we process information, communicate with others, and achieve our goals.

The fundamental premise of NLP is that our neural (neuro), linguistic (language), and behavioral (programming) patterns are interconnected and can be modified to achieve specific outcomes. For leaders, this means that by understanding and applying NLP principles, they can enhance their communication skills, influence more effectively, and create positive change within themselves and their teams.

In leadership roles, NLP techniques can be applied in various ways:

  • Improving communication: Leaders can use NLP to adapt their communication style to better resonate with different team members, ensuring their message is understood and embraced.
  • Enhancing emotional intelligence: NLP techniques can help leaders become more aware of their own emotions and those of others, leading to improved relationships and team dynamics.
  • Goal setting and achievement: NLP provides tools for setting clear, achievable goals and creating effective strategies to reach them.
  • Conflict resolution: Leaders can use NLP techniques to navigate and resolve conflicts more effectively, fostering a more harmonious work environment.
  • Personal development: NLP offers methods for continuous self-improvement, allowing leaders to grow and adapt to new challenges.

By integrating NLP principles into their leadership approach, managers and executives can develop a more nuanced understanding of human behavior and motivation, leading to more effective and inspiring leadership [3] .

Key NLP Techniques for Effective Leadership

To harness the power of NLP in leadership, it’s essential to understand and practice key techniques. These tools can significantly enhance your ability to connect with, influence, and inspire your team. Let’s explore four fundamental NLP techniques that every leader should master:

NLP TechniqueLeadership Application
Rapport BuildingEstablishing trust and connection with team members
AnchoringAccessing resourceful states for confident decision-making
ReframingTransforming challenges into opportunities
Modeling ExcellenceAdopting successful behaviors of top performers

Rapport Building

Rapport building is the foundation of effective communication and relationship management. In NLP, rapport is established by matching and mirroring the other person’s body language, tone of voice, and language patterns. This technique creates a sense of familiarity and trust, making others more receptive to your ideas and leadership [4] .

To build rapport:

  • Observe and subtly mirror body posture and gestures
  • Match the pace and tone of speech
  • Use similar language patterns and vocabulary

Anchoring is a technique that associates a specific stimulus (like a touch or a word) with a particular emotional state or response. Leaders can use anchoring to access resourceful states in themselves and to help team members recall positive emotions or experiences when needed.

To use anchoring:

  • Identify a positive state you want to anchor (e.g., confidence)
  • Choose a unique anchor (e.g., touching your thumb and forefinger together)
  • Intensify the positive state and apply the anchor
  • Test the anchor by reapplying it and observing the response

Reframing is the process of changing the way a situation, experience, or behavior is perceived by putting it in a different context or “frame.” This technique is particularly useful for problem-solving and helping team members overcome limiting beliefs.

To apply reframing:

  • Identify the current frame or perspective
  • Consider alternative viewpoints or contexts
  • Present the situation in a new, more empowering frame

Modeling Excellence

Modeling excellence involves studying and replicating the behaviors, strategies, and mindsets of highly successful individuals. This technique allows leaders to adopt and integrate effective practices into their own leadership style [5] .

To model excellence:

  • Identify a person who excels in the area you want to improve
  • Observe and analyze their behaviors, language patterns, and strategies
  • Practice and integrate these elements into your own approach
  • Refine and adapt the modeled behaviors to fit your unique style

By mastering these key NLP techniques, leaders can significantly enhance their ability to communicate effectively, inspire their teams, and navigate complex leadership challenges. As you incorporate these tools into your leadership practice, you’ll likely notice improvements in team cohesion, motivation, and overall performance.

Enhancing Communication Skills with NLP

Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful leadership, and NLP offers powerful tools to enhance this critical skill. By understanding and applying the NLP Communication Model, leaders can dramatically improve their ability to convey ideas, listen actively, and foster understanding within their teams.

The NLP Communication Model is based on the premise that our internal representations of the world significantly influence how we communicate and interpret information. This model emphasizes three main components: Visual (what we see), Auditory (what we hear), and Kinesthetic (what we feel) [6] .

ComponentDescriptionExample Phrase
VisualWhat we see or imagine“Let’s look at this from a different perspective”
AuditoryWhat we hear or think about hearing“This idea resonates with our goals”
KinestheticWhat we feel or sense“Let’s grasp the core of this issue”

To leverage this model and enhance your communication skills:

  • Observe the language patterns and behaviors of your team members
  • Notice if they use predominantly visual, auditory, or kinesthetic words and phrases
  • Adapt your communication style to match their preferences
  • Incorporate words and phrases that appeal to all senses
  • For visual communicators, use phrases like “Let’s look at this from a different perspective”
  • For auditory communicators, try “This idea resonates with our goals”
  • For kinesthetic communicators, say “Let’s grasp the core of this issue”
  • Pay attention to both verbal and non-verbal cues
  • Reflect back what you’ve heard to ensure understanding
  • Ask clarifying questions to delve deeper into the speaker’s message
  • Be prepared to shift your communication style based on the situation and audience
  • Use a mix of communication channels (e.g., verbal, written, visual aids) to cater to different preferences
  • The NLP Meta Model is a set of language patterns and questions designed to clarify and challenge vague or distorted information
  • Use specific questions to uncover hidden assumptions and gather more precise information
  • For example, when someone says “They never listen,” ask “Who specifically doesn’t listen, and what makes you think they’re not listening?”

By incorporating these NLP-based communication strategies, leaders can create a more inclusive and effective communication environment. This not only improves understanding and collaboration within the team but also enhances the leader’s ability to influence and inspire [7] .

Remember, effective communication is not just about transmitting information; it’s about ensuring that your message is received and understood as intended. By adapting your communication style to match your audience’s preferences and using NLP techniques to clarify and enrich your messages, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a more effective and inspiring leader.

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Developing Influential Leadership Skills Through NLP

Influence is a crucial aspect of effective leadership, and NLP provides powerful tools to enhance this skill. By mastering NLP techniques, leaders can significantly improve their ability to persuade, motivate, and inspire their team members [8] .

One key aspect of influential leadership is the use of persuasive language patterns. NLP offers several language models that can enhance a leader’s persuasive abilities:

  • The Milton Model: This model, based on the work of hypnotherapist Milton Erickson, uses intentionally vague language to bypass conscious resistance and speak directly to the unconscious mind. Leaders can use this to create a sense of possibility and inspire creative thinking.
  • Presuppositions: These are implicit assumptions embedded in language. By carefully crafting statements that presuppose positive outcomes, leaders can influence team members’ expectations and behaviors.
  • Metaphors and Analogies: These powerful linguistic tools can simplify complex ideas and make them more relatable and memorable.

Another crucial element of influential leadership is the effective use of non-verbal cues. NLP emphasizes the importance of congruence between verbal and non-verbal communication. Leaders can enhance their influence by:

  • Maintaining consistent eye contact
  • Using confident and open body language
  • Modulating voice tone and pace to match the message’s emotional content

By integrating these NLP-based influence techniques, leaders can significantly enhance their ability to guide their teams, gain buy-in for new ideas, and create a compelling vision for the future [9] .

Boosting Emotional Intelligence with NLP Techniques

Emotional intelligence (EI) is a critical component of effective leadership, and NLP offers valuable techniques to enhance this crucial skill. By developing emotional intelligence, leaders can better understand and manage their own emotions while empathizing with and influencing the emotions of others [10] .

NLP techniques that can boost emotional intelligence include:

  • Self-awareness exercises: NLP provides tools like “perceptual positions” that allow leaders to view situations from different perspectives, enhancing self-awareness and empathy.
  • Anchoring positive states: This technique helps leaders access resourceful emotional states when needed, improving emotional self-management.
  • Rapport building: As mentioned earlier, this NLP technique enhances a leader’s ability to connect with others, a key component of social awareness and relationship management in EI.
  • Reframing negative experiences: This NLP skill helps leaders and team members find positive aspects in challenging situations, promoting resilience and optimism.

By incorporating these NLP techniques, leaders can significantly enhance their emotional intelligence, leading to improved team dynamics, more effective conflict resolution, and a more positive work environment [11] .

Problem-Solving and Conflict Resolution Using NLP

NLP offers powerful tools for problem-solving and conflict resolution, enabling leaders to navigate challenges more effectively. The reframing technique, in particular, is invaluable in this context.

Reframing involves changing the conceptual or emotional viewpoint in relation to a situation. In problem-solving, this might mean:

  • Viewing a “problem” as an “opportunity for improvement”
  • Considering a “failure” as a “learning experience”
  • Seeing a “challenge” as a “chance to innovate”

For conflict resolution, NLP techniques can help leaders:

  • Understand different perspectives using perceptual positions
  • Identify common ground and shared objectives
  • Use language patterns that de-escalate tension and promote collaboration

By applying these NLP strategies, leaders can transform conflicts into opportunities for growth and innovation, fostering a more positive and productive work environment [12] .

Integrating NLP into Coaching and Mentoring Practices

NLP techniques can significantly enhance leadership coaching and mentoring practices. By incorporating NLP into these developmental relationships, leaders can more effectively guide their team members towards personal and professional growth [13] .

Key NLP techniques for coaching and mentoring include:

  • Goal-setting using the Well-Formed Outcome model
  • Values elicitation to understand motivations
  • Timeline techniques for personal development planning
  • Modeling excellence to identify and replicate successful behaviors

By integrating these NLP techniques into coaching and mentoring sessions, leaders can create more impactful and transformative experiences for their team members, fostering a culture of continuous learning and development.

Incorporating NLP techniques into your leadership practice can lead to profound improvements in communication, influence, emotional intelligence, problem-solving, and coaching abilities. By mastering these powerful tools, you can unlock your full potential as a leader and inspire your team to achieve extraordinary results.

Remember, like any skill, NLP techniques require practice and refinement. As you begin to integrate these approaches into your leadership style, be patient with yourself and open to learning from each experience. Over time, you’ll find that NLP becomes a natural and invaluable part of your leadership toolkit, enabling you to navigate challenges with greater ease and inspire your team to new heights of success.

The journey to mastering leadership through NLP is ongoing, but the rewards – in terms of personal growth, team performance, and organizational success – are well worth the effort. Start implementing these techniques today, and watch as your leadership effectiveness transforms, creating a ripple effect of positive change throughout your organization.

Frequently Asked Questions

The time it takes to see results can vary depending on the individual and the specific techniques being implemented. However, many leaders report noticing improvements in their communication and influence within a few weeks of consistent practice. More significant changes in team dynamics and overall leadership effectiveness may become apparent within 3-6 months. It’s important to remember that NLP is a skill set that requires ongoing practice and refinement for optimal results.

While NLP can be a powerful tool for leadership, it’s important to use these techniques ethically and responsibly. Some potential concerns include the risk of manipulation if used with harmful intent, or the possibility of creating unrealistic expectations. Leaders should always prioritize transparency, respect for individual autonomy, and the well-being of their team members. It’s also crucial to recognize that NLP is not a substitute for genuine empathy, integrity, and sound decision-making in leadership.

NLP can complement many existing leadership models and approaches. For example, it can enhance emotional intelligence frameworks by providing specific techniques for self-awareness and empathy. NLP can also support transformational leadership by offering tools for inspiring and motivating teams. The key is to view NLP as a flexible toolkit that can be integrated with other leadership practices. Leaders should focus on identifying areas where NLP techniques can enhance their current approach and experiment with integrating these tools gradually.

While NLP was developed before many modern neuroscientific discoveries, recent research has provided support for some NLP concepts. For instance, studies on mirror neurons support the idea of rapport building through mirroring and matching. Neuroscience also validates the importance of emotional states in decision-making, aligning with NLP’s emphasis on state management. However, it’s important to note that not all NLP techniques have been scientifically validated, and leaders should approach NLP with a balance of openness and critical thinking.

Organizations can support leaders in adopting NLP techniques through several approaches. This might include providing access to NLP training programs or workshops, incorporating NLP concepts into existing leadership development initiatives, and offering coaching or mentoring to help leaders apply NLP techniques in their specific contexts. Organizations can also create opportunities for leaders to practice and share their experiences with NLP, fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement in leadership skills.

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  • ^ Tosey, P., & Mathison, J. (2010). Exploring inner landscapes through psychophenomenology: The contribution of neuro-linguistic programming to innovations in researching first person experience. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal , 5(1), 63-82. https://doi.org/10.1108/17465641011042035
  • ^ Kotera, Y., & Sheffield, D. (2017). Disney strategy for Japanese university students' career guidance: A mixed methods pilot study. Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling , 38(1), 52-61. https://doi.org/10.20856/jnicec.3808
  • ^ Linder-Pelz, S., & Hall, L. M. (2007). The theoretical roots of NLP-based coaching. The Coaching Psychologist , 3(1), 12-17. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/285047346_The_theoretical_roots_of_NLP-based_coaching
  • ^ Wood, J. A. (2006). NLP revisited: Nonverbal communications and signals of trustworthiness. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management , 26(2), 197-204. https://doi.org/10.2753/PSS0885-3134260206
  • ^ Tosey, P., & Mathison, J. (2010). Neuro-linguistic programming as an innovation in education and teaching. Innovations in Education and Teaching International , 47(3), 317-326. https://doi.org/10.1080/14703297.2010.498183
  • ^ Lazarus, J. (2010). Successful NLP: For the results you want. Crimson Publishing .
  • ^ Kong, E. (2012). The potential of neuro-linguistic programming in human capital development. The Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management , 10(2), 131-141. https://academic-publishing.org/index.php/ejkm/article/view/934
  • ^ Vlok, A. (2012). A leadership competency profile for innovation leaders in a science-based research and innovation organization in South Africa. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences , 41, 209-226. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.04.025
  • ^ Tosey, P., Lawley, J., & Meese, R. (2014). Eliciting metaphor through clean language: An innovation in qualitative research. British Journal of Management , 25(3), 629-646. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8551.12042
  • ^ Neale, S., Spencer-Arnell, L., & Wilson, L. (2011). Emotional intelligence coaching: Improving performance for leaders, coaches and the individual . Kogan Page Publishers.
  • ^ Kotera, Y., & Van Gordon, W. (2019). Japanese managers' experiences of neuro-linguistic programming: a qualitative investigation. The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice , 14(3), 174-185. https://doi.org/10.1108/JMHTEP-06-2018-0033
  • ^ Cheal, J. (2008). Exploring the role of NLP in the management of organisational paradox. Current Research in NLP , 1, 51-65. https://anlp.org/files/exploring-the-role-of-nlp-in-the-management-of_51_651.pdf
  • ^ Linder-Pelz, S. (2010). NLP coaching: An evidence-based approach for coaches, leaders and individuals . Kogan Page Publishers.

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Top Supply Chain Manager Skills:

Navigating the complexities of modern logistics.

Supply chain managers play a crucial role in ensuring the smooth flow of goods and services. To excel, they must possess a combination of soft and hard skills. Here are the key skills that top supply chain managers need.

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Soft Skills

Adaptability in Supply Chain Management

Adapting to market demands and disruptions is crucial for supply chain managers. Quickly shifting strategies helps maintain the flow of goods and services, especially during unexpected challenges.

Conflict Resolution Skills

Effective conflict resolution is key for managing relationships and minimizing disruptions. Addressing issues promptly prevents them from escalating and maintains a smooth workflow.

Effective Communication

Strong communication skills are essential for conveying information, negotiating with suppliers, and collaborating with teams. Clear and regular updates help prevent misunderstandings and align goals.

Decision-Making Abilities

Sound judgment is vital for evaluating options and making informed decisions. Effective decision-making enhances efficiency and aligns with business goals.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence helps in managing emotions and fostering a positive work environment. It builds strong relationships and enhances team collaboration.

Leadership in Supply Chain Management

Strong leadership inspires teams and delegates tasks effectively. Motivating the team and providing clear direction are essential for achieving organizational goals.

Negotiation Skills

Skilled negotiation in contracts and pricing secures favorable outcomes. Strategic negotiations lead to cost savings and better terms, benefiting the organization.


Maintaining strong relationships with suppliers and stakeholders is crucial for smooth operations. Effective relationship-building enhances collaboration and operational efficiency.

Time Management

Organizational skills are key for prioritizing tasks and meeting deadlines. Effective time management ensures timely project completion and optimal resource use.

Problem-Solving Skills

Identifying and solving problems enhances supply chain efficiency. A systematic approach to problem-solving prevents disruptions and optimizes processes.

Hard Skills

Data Analysis

Proficiency in tools like Excel, Tableau, or Power BI is vital for analyzing supply chain data. Effective data analysis identifies trends, optimizes operations, and enhances decision-making.

ERP Systems

Experience with ERP systems such as Oracle or SAP is crucial for managing procurement, production, and inventory. These systems streamline processes and boost operational efficiency.

Forecasting & Demand Planning

Mastery of forecasting techniques is essential for predicting demand and managing inventory . Accurate forecasting prevents stockouts and overstock, leading to cost savings and improved inventory management.

Inventory Management

Understanding inventory management principles is key to optimizing stock levels and reducing costs. Effective management ensures products are available when needed.

Logistics & Transportation

Familiarity with logistics practices ensures timely and cost-effective deliveries. Efficient logistics and transportation enhance customer satisfaction and reduce costs.

Production Planning

Knowledge of capacity planning and MRP is crucial for efficient resource use and meeting production targets. Effective planning ensures resources are utilized efficiently and production goals are met.

Quality Management

Expertise in methodologies like Six Sigma or TQM is essential for maintaining high product quality and regulatory compliance. Effective quality management ensures products meet standards and regulations.

Regulatory Compliance

Awareness of regulatory requirements, including customs and environmental regulations, is crucial for avoiding legal issues and ensuring ethical operations.

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Key soft skills developers need to elevate to senior roles or management.

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Tigran Sloyan is the cofounder and CEO of CodeSignal , a technical interview and assessment platform.

Think of the highest-performing senior engineers and engineering managers at your organization. What qualities and skills do they have that make them so effective?

Chances are, what comes to mind isn’t just "hard" technical skills in relevant coding languages, frameworks and technologies—it’s likely also "soft skills," like the ability to collaborate, problem-solve and see the big picture.

Supply for this kind of talent is in demand: An analysis of job trends found that demand for engineering managers will increase 21% by 2028. To fill this gap in their engineering teams, leaders will need to foster career growth and leadership from within.

As CEO and co-founder of a company that helps engineering teams hire and develop great talent, I've observed firsthand the major role that soft skills play in career progression and excellent leaders. Here are the five critical soft skills that I've seen propel developers to the next level:

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Innovationrx: myocarditis from covid-19 is much more severe than from vaccination, new password hacking warning for gmail, facebook and amazon users, 1. communication.

Communication is the backbone of any successful engineering team. Senior developers and engineering managers must articulate complex technical concepts to both their engineering colleagues and nontechnical stakeholders clearly, and with the appropriate context.

A 2019 study by LinkedIn revealed that 92% of hiring managers say soft skills, particularly communication, are crucial for hiring the right candidate. This should not be surprising. In my experience partnering with technical recruiting teams at large companies, “communication” tops the list of soft skills hiring teams look for in their engineering candidates.

Building your team members’ verbal and written communication skills is a key step to helping them advance their careers.

2. Problem-Solving

Problem-solving is at the heart of software development and is a foundational skill for any developer aspiring to move into a senior role or engineering management—just behind communication, in my experience.

Effective problem solvers can identify issues, analyze complex situations and devise innovative solutions quickly. What makes senior- and management-level engineers stand out is their ability to see the big picture of the problems they're solving: not just what's technically required to address them, but why doing so matters for the business.

3. Collaboration

No engineer is an island. To build great products, engineers need to collaborate with colleagues, stakeholders and cross-functional teams to achieve their goals. In fact, Stanford University researchers found that employees who collaborate are much more effective at completing tasks .

Senior developers and engineering managers should be excellent collaborators who can facilitate communication on their teams, delegate tasks appropriately and create a culture where every team member feels respected.

4. Leadership

Leadership isn’t just about having authority; it’s about inspiring and guiding a team toward a common goal. Leadership skills are also in short supply: A recent Gartner analysis found that engineering leaders struggled to develop (subscription required) leadership skills among their senior engineers.

Aspiring senior developers and engineering managers must demonstrate leadership by taking initiative on projects, making strategic decisions aligned with business objectives and providing mentorship to junior team members. When your team members demonstrate these leadership qualities while still in a junior role, it can help them move up the ladder more quickly.

5. Adaptability

The tech industry is characterized by rapid change and continuous innovation—now more than ever with the groundbreaking advancements in AI technology.

Senior developers and engineering managers must be adaptable and keep apprised of new technologies and industry trends. Staying current with these trends and being open to change—and learning—are key skills for career advancement.

Encouraging A Culture Of Ongoing Learning

CTOs and other business leaders play an important role in fostering a culture of continuous learning and development within their teams. A growth mindset here is key: While some team members may seem like “natural” communicators, it’s important to remember that communication and other soft skills can be learned.

Invest in building a leadership pipeline at your organization that includes opportunities for engineers to practice soft skills on the job. One simple and effective way to do this is by investing in learning resources and tools designed to help engineers build soft skills. Leaders can also support mentoring programs within their engineering teams where senior-level engineers meet regularly with their junior-level colleagues to share career advice and strategies.

Building leaders from within your organization can enhance your team’s performance, reduce the need to recruit externally and boost employee engagement and retention.

Advancing from a developer role to a senior position or engineering management requires more than just technical chops. When engineers hone their skills in communication, problem-solving, collaboration, leadership and adaptability, they are better prepared to advance in their careers—whether as individual contributors or managers.

CTOs and business leaders must support this development through both a culture of ongoing learning and real investment in upskilling resources that equip your engineering teams to grow from within.

Forbes Technology Council is an invitation-only community for world-class CIOs, CTOs and technology executives. Do I qualify?

Tigran Sloyan

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    Leaders with creative problem-solving skills have the ability to stimulate, challenge and inspire others to continually pursue prominent problems and devise creative solutions to feed future organizational growth and success. Our guest blogger is Professor Dr. Paul Schempp, a professional speaker managed by The Persimmon Group Speakers Agency. Dr.

  9. 7 Problem-Solving Skills That Can Help You Be a More ...

    Improve your problem-solving skills. Problem-solving is an important skill for managers, and it involves analysing the situation, communicating effectively, and coming up with creative solutions. As a current or future manager looking to build your problem-solving skills, it is often helpful to take a professional course.

  10. 8 Key Leadership Competencies (With Tips for Improvement)

    You can gain problem-solving skills from practical work experience. Part of problem-solving is combining your knowledge of your job, your practical experience and creative thinking to solve any issues that arise. Some ideas for improving your problem-solving skills include: Studying the details of how your job, workplace and industry function

  11. PDF Proficiency Levels for Leadership Competencies

    Level 4 - Advanced. Applies the competency in considerably difficult situations. Generally requires little or no guidance. Creates new methods for planning, designing, and carrying out program objectives. Organizes and leads cross-divisional work group in developing creative solutions to address problems.

  12. The 4 Most Effective Ways Leaders Solve Problems

    Breaking down silos allows a leader to more easily engage their employees to get their hands dirty and solve problems together. It becomes less about corporate politicking and more about finding ...

  13. How To Solve A Problem Like A Leader

    Problem-solving is not a recipe with known inputs, established steps, and a predictable outcome. Curiosity allows us to enter problem-solving as a learning process because we must close our ...

  14. Problem Solving

    Applies problem-solving methodologies and tools to diagnose and solve operational and interpersonal problems. Diagnoses problems using formal problem-solving tools and techniques from multiple angles and probes underlying issues to generate multiple potential solutions. Anticipates problem areas and associated risk levels with objective rationale.

  15. How to Solve Problems Like a Leader

    Therefore, the problem solving worked by relying on past experiences to solve the problem. This is how leadership and problem solving co-exist. A good leader learns from their mistakes and they use these experiences to solve future problems. Essentially, when you get right down to it, a leader is a problem solver.

  16. Importance Of Problem Solving Skills In Leadership

    Why Problem Solving Skills are a Vital Ingredient in Your Leadership Tool Bag. Duke Ellington once observed that "A problem is a chance for you to do your best.". If you leverage your problem-solving skills, you can encourage the best performance from your team. Effective leaders are high-level thinkers and students of human behavior.

  17. The Most Important Leadership Skill You Probably Never Learned

    Complex problem solving is an essential leadership skill. Leadership consultancy Zenger Folkman recently surveyed over 300,000 managers and found it was the second most-important competency for ...

  18. Effective project leadership : project manager skills and competencies

    This paper focuses on identifying those project leadership skills and competencies critical to project success; it also looks at the project characteristics that can affect these skills and competencies and the potential gaps between the project manager's skills and competencies and the project manager's role and work. ... solving problems, and ...

  19. How to overcome these most common leadership challenges

    Leverage your leadership skills to achieve a resolution where all parties feel satisfied, allowing the team to move forward without lingering tensions. ... Leaders must navigate a myriad of general business challenges, such as problem-solving after a poor quarter or high turnover rates. Strategic decision-making is crucial, especially when high ...

  20. Leadership Skills: 25 Performance Review Phrases Examples

    Performance Review Phrases and Paragraphs Examples: Leadership Skills 5 - Outstanding An employee with outstanding leadership skills consistently exceeds the expectations of their role. They are highly skilled in managing teams, setting goals, and driving their team members to achieve success. They excel at problem-solving, decision-making, and conflict resolution. These employees are top ...

  21. Enhancing Leadership Through Soft Skills

    Overall, problem-solving skills are essential for strong leadership and driving innovation in today's rapidly changing business landscape. Navigating Change and Adapting as a Leader Navigating change and adapting as a leader requires flexibility and resilience in order to successfully navigate the challenges of a rapidly changing business ...

  22. Competency: 25 Performance Review Phrases Examples

    "Mary consistently exceeds all goals and targets. Her exceptional problem-solving abilities and excellent leadership skills have made her an invaluable asset to the team. She is always motivating her team members to push themselves to reach their full potential." 4 - Exceeds Expectations Phrases Examples:

  23. Mastering the Art of Leadership: Unleashing NLP Techniques

    Problem-Solving and Conflict Resolution Using NLP. NLP offers powerful tools for problem-solving and conflict resolution, enabling leaders to navigate challenges more effectively. The reframing technique, in particular, is invaluable in this context. Reframing involves changing the conceptual or emotional viewpoint in relation to a situation.

  24. Supply Chain Manager Skills

    Leadership in Supply Chain Management. Strong leadership inspires teams and delegates tasks effectively. Motivating the team and providing clear direction are essential for achieving organizational goals. ... Problem-Solving Skills. Identifying and solving problems enhances supply chain efficiency. A systematic approach to problem-solving ...

  25. Key Soft Skills Developers Need To Elevate To Senior Roles

    Building your team members' verbal and written communication skills is a key step to helping them advance their careers. 2. Problem-Solving. Problem-solving is at the heart of software ...