• PhD Study in Spain - A Guide for 2024

Written by Chris Banyard

More than just a sunny holiday location, Spain is also a popular international study destination with historic universities and a range of PhD study opportunities. PhDs in Spain are well-structured to provide high-quality training and professional development.

This guide covers everything you’ll need to know about PhDs in Spain, complete with information on universities, funding and applications.

PhD opportunities in Spain – what’s on offer for 2024?

Spain is regularly regarded as one of the most popular destinations for international study, and it’s not hard to see why.

Its Mediterranean climate and beautiful beaches make the country an enjoyable (and relaxing!) place to learn and research. But, Spanish universities are still renowned for high-quality teaching and impact across many research areas.

Spain puts particular emphasis on doctoral training and development, with structured course content and strong relationships with non-academic partners.

Of course, Spain also has an exceptional heritage when it comes to the Arts, Literature and Science, including figures such as Pablo Picasso, Salavador Dalí, Francisco la Goya, Antoni Gaudí, Miguel de Cervantes, Salvador de Madariaga and Santiago Ramón y Cajal.

Here are some of the highlights you can expect if you study a PhD in Spain this year:

  • International outlook – Spanish universities are welcoming to international students and the country has strong travel connections to other countries of Europe
  • Learn Spanish – Spain is the best place to learn the world’s second most spoken language, even if your PhD isn’t taught in it
  • Cultural heritage – with the third largest number of UNESCO world heritage sites in the world, lively cities and many exciting festivals, Spain has no shortage of historical and cultural attractions
  • Climate and atmosphere – Spain offers famously sunny and comfortable weather, beautiful beaches and countryside
  • Affordable – the cost of living in Spain and tuition fees are relatively low for doctoral students compared to the rest of Europe

Spain’s famously relaxed atmosphere may also help balance the pressures of a PhD. Tricky experiments and research materials are bound to look better after a little siesta .

PhD Study in Spain - Key Details
University of Salamanca (1218)
3 years
€2,300-5,500 or less per year
September to August

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Spanish universities

Spain’s higher education system is divided into public and private universities and university institutes. All are registered in the Register of Universities, Centres and Qualifications of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. 50 of these institutions are public, with the remaining 36 being private. There are also non-university institutions, but these do not award doctorates.

PhDs in Spain are offered by a specific university’s doctoral college or at a university research institute (separate training centres formed by collaborating universities and independent partners).

The UK and Spain's education agreement

The UK and Spain has recently signed an education cooperation agreement which makes study abroad between the two countries more accessible.

Spanish university cities

There are several cities in Spain with one or more universities and large numbers of students:

  • Study in Madrid
  • Study in Barcelona
  • Study in Granada
  • Study in Murcia
  • Study in Pamplona
  • Study in Salamanca
  • Study in Santa Cruz de Tenerife
  • Study in Seville
  • Study in Tarragona
  • Study in Valencia

Spanish university rankings

The universities of Spain perform respectably across the three main rankings tables, with several universities present in the top 500 in the world.

Top 10 Spanish Universities in 2024
University THE 2024 QS 2024 ARWU 2023
University of Barcelona =152 =164 201-300
Autonomous University of Barcelona 201-250 =149 301-400
Pompeu Fabra University 201-250 =310 301-400
301-350 280 501-600
Autonomous University of Madrid 351-400 =199 301-400
Complutense University of Madrid 501-600 =171 301-400
University of Granada 501-600 403 201-300
Rovira i Virgili University 501-600 701-800 -
University of Valencia 501-600 485 301-400
University of Basque Country 601-800 621-630 401-500
World University Rankings, and . Visit their websites for more information.

PhD structure

PhDs in Spain follows well-defined guidelines about structure and supervision. It is organised by a university’s Academic Commission , formed of appointed academics and researchers.

In Spain, full-time PhD studies last for a maximum of three years . It is possible to have enrolment on a doctoral programme extended for an additional two years, but this must be specially approved by your university’s Academic Commission. Part-time PhD programmes last for five years.

Although the main activity during a PhD is research, you may also need to attend training courses, seminars and partake in other academic activities. These are coordinated by your Academic Commission.

Often, Spanish doctorates are formed from two stages ( ciclos ): the first stage (during the first-year) focusses on the training courses to the value of 60 ECTS credits; the second stage focusses on research and writing of the thesis.

Student status

As a PhD candidate in Spain, your status will be registered in one of two ways:

  • University student – very similar status and rights to other university students
  • University student and research trainee – common for doctoral students, includes funding status (grant or contract) and has additional rights


In addition to the Academic Commission, each doctoral programme has two supervisors, with different responsibilities:

  • Mentor – equivalent to the traditional PhD supervisor, responsible for monitoring your interaction with the Academic Commission.
  • Thesis director – responsible for planning your training activities and ensuring the thesis has sufficient impact and novelty. This may be your mentor, and the Academic Commission can change this individual at any point.

There may also be additional supervisory figures, such as co-directors in the case of a PhD programme that is multi-disciplinary or based at multiple institutions.

In addition to the doctoral thesis, PhD candidates in Spain are assessed through several other pieces of work:

  • Personal activity portfolio – this documents all relevant training and research activities carried out throughout your doctorate, and is regularly reviewed by your mentor and thesis director
  • Research plan – this details your prospective methodology, objectives, and the resources of your research. This can be amended throughout your doctorate, but must be completed before the end of your first year and approved by your mentor and thesis director
  • Written agreement – this is signed after admission and establishes your rights and responsibilities


To successfully complete you PhD in Spain, you must write a doctoral thesis demonstrating expertise in a research field and the ability to carry out independent research.

This must be examined at a public defence . After the thesis is completed, it is given public status to allow fellow researchers to review your work. The public defence session takes place in front of a board of expert examiners, most of which will be external to your university.

The Academic Commission will also assess your research plan, personal activity portfolio, and progress reports as part of your assessment.

Fees and funding

In general, the cost of PhD study in Spain is lower than in most other countries in Western Europe. Spanish tuition fees are relatively affordable, and there are several sources of doctoral funding available.

Spanish PhD fees

Tuition fees in Spain are calculated per ECTS credit instead of per semester or year. This is currently set between €22 and €36 per credit.

As most of the set hours of study of a PhD are carried out in the first year, this equates to around €2,200-3,600 for the initial year of study . Subsequent years still have tuition costs for training and research costs, but these can be typically significantly lower at around €200-600 per year (plus other administration costs).

International students are usually charged higher tuition fee rates than domestic students, and the fees may vary by university and research discipline. You can check the specific tuition fee costs at your prospective university’s website.

Spanish PhD funding

Scholarships and funding opportunities, or becas , are available for PhD study in Spain. Some of these are available for international students, and can be found from the following sources:

  • The Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) – offers grants and assistantships in the fields of Development Cooperation, Arts, Education and Culture
  • Fundación Carolina – has opportunities for doctorate scholarships at Spanish and Latin American universities
  • The Spanish Ministry of Education and Professional Training – provides grants and scholarships to pursue doctoral studies
  • Santander – the Santander bank advertises grants for study, research and mobility at Spanish-speaking universities

PhD funding in Spain

Our guide to PhD funding in Spain has more information on the scholarship opportunities and how to pay for your doctorate.

Applying for a PhD in Spain

PhD applications in Spain are made directly to the individual university, doctoral college or university institute. Although the process and admission criteria can vary, in general Spanish PhD applications are relatively straightforward.

Application process

Applications for PhDs in Spain are made directly to your potential university and / or doctoral programme’s Academic Commission . In the first instance, you should contact your programme coordinator to gauge the availability of PhD positions and learn more about the application process at the specific university or doctoral college.

PhD programmes in Spain can have varying application deadlines and start dates, depending on your university of choice, research discipline, and any associated training components. Most Spanish universities will want to receive enquiries about prospective doctoral study between January and May in preparation for the following academic year.

You will usually need to submit additional application materials such as a research proposal , CV , references and even attend an interview . Certain official documents to be submitted may also require an official Spanish ‘sworn translation’.

Admission requirements

To successfully apply for a PhD in Spain, you will normally need to hold both a Bachelors and Masters degree relevant to your research field. Equivalent degrees are acceptable, provided they correspond to at least 300 ECTS credits overall. Other qualifications will need to be recognised by Spanish National Recognition Information Centre (NARIC) or at the Spanish Ministry of Education .

PhD entry requirements

The general eligibility criteria for PhD applications in Spain is similar to most other countries in the Europe. Our guide explains entry requirements for a prospective PhD student.

Language requirements

Although more courses in Spain are being taught in English, it is still the case that many doctoral programmes are administered in Spanish. In this case, your prospective university will have Spanish language requirements – the nature of these depend on the university’s individual policy and the PhD programme structure. You may have to demonstrate your Spanish through the completion of Spanish language tests . Even if Spanish is not required on your PhD programme, you will find proficiency in the language very useful both for study and daily life.

Student visas

There are several immigration procedures that must be completed to study a PhD in Spain. The specific details and processes required depends on your country of origin.

Visa information for UK students in Spain

UK students will no longer be EU citizens from the 2021-22 academic year onwards. This means you may be considered as an international student when studying in Spain. You may be subject to different visa requirements and fee rates, unless otherwise stated.

Non-EU / EEA students are required to have a valid student visa (type-D) to initially enter Spain. This is not required for EU / EEA students; a valid passport or identity card is sufficient.

The initial study visa is valid for the first three months of residence in Spain, and during the first month it must be extended to a long-term visa in person at your local Diplomatic Mission or Consular Post. The initial study visa should be applied for at a Spanish embassy or consulate in your home country with plenty of time before your move to Spain.

Typically, the materials required to apply for a visa are:

  • A completed application form
  • Passport-style photographs
  • A valid passport
  • Proof of university enrolment
  • Proof of health insurance (where not covered by the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), private international healthcare insurance is mandatory with a minimum coverage of €30,000 for full duration of your PhD)
  • Proof of financial support (usually to equivalent of €657 per month of the academic year)
  • Proof of address in Spain

Additionally, there will be an associated €60 application fee for each visa application.

Residence registration

All doctoral students living in Spain must register with the Central Register of Foreign Nationals ( Registro Central de Extranjeros ) within the first three months of residence. The application requires similar documentation as the visa application. You can register in person at either:

  • Your local Register’s office ( Oficina de Extranjería )
  • Your local police station

Completion of registration grants you a Foreigner’s Identity Number (NIE) which enables you to open a Spanish bank account, use Spanish health services and be eligible for student discounts.

Implications of student status

As a PhD candidate, you could be classified as a ‘student’ or as a ‘research trainee’. This distinction may have implications on your immigration procedure regarding employment status. You should contact your prospective university’s international office for more information.

More information regarding travel and immigration procedures can be found on the Spanish government’s Immigration Portal or by contacting your prospective university’s international office.

The structure and content of PhDs in Spain is designed towards professional skills development and often involves close relationships with industry partners. As such, PhD graduates from universities in Spain can expect to gain excellent training and a globally recognised degree ideal for entering highly-skilled careers.

In particular, Spanish language ability is a highly sought-after skill and enables communication with some of the world’s most important industries and businesses.

Can I work in Spain after my PhD?

In addition to updating your visa and residence registration to reflect your new employment status, you will also need to obtain a valid work permit (if you are a non-EU / EEA national) and register at your local National Institute of Social Security (INSS). Some post-doctorate jobs within academia and research are highly valued, and therefore may not require a work permit.

Graduates of Spanish universities with high-skilled / high-paid jobs, originally from non-EU / EEA countries, are eligible to apply for an EU Blue Card granting permanent residence.

Find a PhD in Spain

Ready to start browsing some current PhD opportunities in Spain ? Alternatively, you can look at our other guides to PhD study abroad .

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Doctoral programmes

A group of university students sitting around a table talking

The University of Granada is firmly committed to excellence across all of its doctoral programmes – excellence delivered by expert teaching staff with a solid scientific and technical track record who participate in major research projects at national and international level. We have long-standing experience in educating doctors and supporting candidates in producing high-quality theses with an international impact.

Why pursue a doctorate at the UGR?

1. a high-ranking university.

National and international rankings reflect the UGR’s outstanding position among the top universities in Spain and the best in the world. The 2019 Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU)—the most influential system of its kind on the globe—places the UGR as the fourth-highest ranked university in Spain and among the top 300 institutions in the world.

In total, 35 subjects taught at the University feature in the 2019 ARWU. Three of these UGR subjects feature among the world top 50.

2. World-class research

The UGR is internationally renowned for its excellence in diverse research fields, such as ICT (world top 50), health sciences, mathematics, cultural heritage, psychology, and linguistics, among others. Its 500+ research groups work in all areas of scientific knowledge, collaborating closely with other national and international leaders, as well as key industries.

In 2019, the UGR set a new record, with 35 academic subjects taught at our institution featuring in the Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universities. Particularly noteworthy are the University’s achievements in the subjects of Library & Information Sciences (36th worldwide); Food Science & Technology (37th worldwide); Mining and Mineral Engineering (47th worldwide), Computer Science & Engineering (global top 76-100); and Mathematics (global top 76-100).

We find a similar trend reflected in another leading ranking system — the 2019 CWTS Leiden Ranking — in which the UGR is currently ranked 5th in Spain.

3. A truly international experience

The UGR is the most popular global destination among European exchange students (Erasmus+) and the European leader in figures of both incoming and outgoing Erasmus students. It is a welcoming cosmopolitan university; about 30% of those enrolled on our doctoral programmes are international students.

Moreover, as a doctoral candidate at the UGR you will have the opportunity to participate in an extensive range of mobility programmes, thanks to the exchange agreements we maintain with higher education institutions in over 100 countries.

By completing a research period abroad, you can also obtain an “International Doctorate” Mention, greatly enhancing the value of your qualification.

4. A wide range of programmes and degrees

The UGR offers an extensive selection of high-quality academic programmes with a clear international vocation. In the academic year 2019-2020 the UGR will offer over 100 master’s degrees; 18 of which in international partnerships, as well as 28 doctoral programmes in three interdisciplinary schools.

5. Outstanding services and facilities

The UGR offers top-quality services for its students and staff, covering all aspects of university life (world-class research facilities, accommodation options, well-stocked libraries, high-speed Wi-Fi, canteens, disability services, sports facilities and many more). Our International Welcome Centre (IWC) caters directly to the needs of international doctoral candidates, researchers, postdocs and visiting staff — before, during and after their mobility period at the UGR.

6. Language learning opportunities

Students can learn Spanish and other languages alongside the 8,000 local and international students who enrol each year on courses offered by the UGR’s Modern Languages Centre, Confucius Institute (Chinese) and “Russkiy Mir” Russian Centre.

7. An ideal university city

Granada, a safe modern city, also has an outstanding geographical location just 40 minutes from the Mediterranean Coast with its tropical climate, and 30 minutes from the Sierra Nevada ski resort. The University merges with the city, its schools and campuses distributed throughout Granada, giving the city a lively student atmosphere (56,000 students in a city of 240,000 inhabitants). The UGR is also an intercontinental university, since it has campuses in both Granada and North Africa (Ceuta and Melilla).

8. A culturally and historically rich city

Granada is an enchanting city, full of monuments, history and, of course, the University. Along with its charm, its many cultural and recreational activities make it a great city to explore and a magnificent destination for students from around the world. Granada offers a wide range of cultural activities including festivals of flamenco, jazz, tango, theatre, poetry, magic, music, and dance.

The world-renowned Alhambra and Generalife palaces, which form the backdrop of Granada’s cityscape, are widely regarded as being among the most outstanding examples of Islamic architecture in the world. In 1984 these palaces, along with the labyrinth-like historical quarter known as the Albaicín, became UNESCO world heritage sites, further adding to Granada’s reputation as one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

Doctoral School in Health Sciences (EDCS)

Doctoral Programme in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Doctoral Programme in Biomedicine

Doctoral Programme in Clinical Medicine and Public Health

Doctoral Programme in Nutrition and Food Sciences

Doctoral Programme in Pharmacy

Doctoral Programme in Psychology

Doctoral School in Humanities, Social Sciences and Law (EDHCSJ)

Doctoral Programme in Arts and Education

Doctoral Programme in City, Territory, and Sustainable Planning

Doctoral Programme in Criminology

Doctoral Programme in Economics and Business Studies

Doctoral Programme in Education Sciences

Doctoral Programme in History and the Arts

Doctoral Programme in Language, Text and Context

Doctoral Programme in Legal Sciences

Doctoral Programme in Migration Studies

Doctoral Programme in Philosophy

Doctoral Programme in Social Sciences

Doctoral Programme in Women´s Studies, Gender Practices and Discourses

Doctoral School in Science, Technology and Engineering (EDCTI)

Doctoral Programme in Biogeochemical Fluid Dynamics and its Applications

Doctoral Programme in Chemistry

Doctoral Programme in Civil Engineering

Doctoral Programme in Earth Sciences

Doctoral Programme in Fundamental and Systems Biology

Doctoral Programme in Information and Communication Technologies

Doctoral Programme in Mathematical and Applied Statistics

Doctoral Programme in Mathematics

Doctoral Programme in Physics and Mathematics

Doctoral Programme in Physics and Space Sciences

General entry requirements

Generally speaking, in order to apply to a doctoral programme at the University of Granada you must hold a bachelor’s degree issued in Spain or an equivalent qualification issued abroad, as well as a master’s degree.

Foreign applicants must hold a degree issued in accordance with their national education system, but do not require official recognition of their qualifications (in Spanish: homologación de títulos extranjeros) by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, provided the degree proves a level of training which is equivalent to that of an official master’s degree (postgraduate level) in Spain and entitles you to enrol on a doctoral programme in the country in which it was issued.

Please note that before applying online you must first consult the specific entry requirements on the webpage of the doctoral programme in which you are interested.. 

For comprehensive information on entry requirements for doctoral programmes at the UGR please visit: 

International School for Postgraduate Studies: Entry requirements

For information on how to complete the online self-registration process please download this PDF:

Online registration in doctoral programmes 2020-2021

When can I apply?

The application period for UGR doctoral programmes typically runs between July and October every year, while an extraordinary application period (for vacant places on programmes) normally runs from January to February every year. Please note that the 2020-2021 academic calendar still has to be ratified by the Governing Council and, accordingly, the following dates may be subject to modification.

Regular application period 2020-2021

Application period

Publication of provisional list of successful and unsuccessful applicants

Review and appeal period

Publication of definitive list of successful applicants

Registration period

* The deadline is 24:00 (midnight) Spanish time (GMT+2)

Extraordinary application period 2020-2021

Please note that applications submitted during the extraordinary application period will only be accepted if there are vacant places remaining on the doctoral programme in question.

Application period

Publication of provisional list of successful and unsuccessful applicants

Review and appeal period

Publication of definitive list of successful applicants

Registration period 

Please visit the website of the International School for Postgraduate Studies for further information on the UGR’s doctoral programmes: International School for Postgraduate Studies

Contact information

Important notice regarding our Covid-19 protocols:

For information related to Covid-19 protocols at the UGR, including communiqués, advice and practical information, please visit: Covid-19 Action Plan at the UGR

You can find extensive information on a wide range of topics related to studying and living in Granada in the following guides:

Guide for International Researchers  (available in English and Spanish)

Information for our partner universities   


International School for Postgraduate Studies




General information about programmes: 

Entry requirements and admissions: 


+34 958 241000  /  +34 958 248043  /  +34 958 220548


Avenida de Madrid, 13, 18012 Granada

Opening hours

09:00 – 14:00 from Monday to Friday

  • Plan Your Studies
  • Study Programs
  • Universities in Spain
  • Moving to Spain
  • Living in Spain

137 Top PhDs in Spain for 2023

There are 137 study programs available at 4 universities in Spain , according to data provided by Erudera.com.

Why should you study in Spain?

Spain is one of the world's top study destinations for international students and definitely a higher education paradise. In Spain, you will find countless prestigious and top-ranked universities , hundreds of specialized study programs to choose from, degrees that are valued globally, and affordable studies. Not to mention, Spain is a country with a unique culture, dynamic lifestyle, and many interesting places to explore during your studies here.

Pompeu Fabra University

University of Deusto

Polytechnic University of Catalonia

Autonomous University of Barcelona

University of Deusto logo.png

Análisis Económico

Animal medicine and health, animal production, antropología social y cultural, applied economics, biochemistry, molecular biology and biomedicine, biodiversity, biología celular, biología y biotecnología vegetal, bioquímica, biología molecular y biomedicina, biotechnology, biotecnología, cellular biology, ciencia política, políticas públicas y relaciones internacionales, ciencia de materiales, ciencia de los alimentos, ciencia y tecnología ambientales, cirugía y ciencias morfológicas, clinical and health psychology, cognitive science and language, communication and journalism, comparative, political and social history, computer science.

  • 1 (current)

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Related fields of study levels.

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Complutense University of Madrid

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PhD Programmes

  • Art and Humanities
  • Sciences and Engineering
  • Health Sciences
  • Social Sciences and Law

phd programs in spain in english

PhD Programmes foster the development of fundamental skills essential to operating successfully as a professional researcher in any setting.

Complutense offers an invaluable experience to graduate students which includes the opportunity to work alongside leading academics in the finest libraries, laboratories, museums and collections.

The existing range of Faculties and programmes offers a wealth of possibilities for those interested in finding a programme that will closely match their individual needs.

phd programs in spain in english

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  • Best Universities to Study Environmental Engineering in Spain
  • Best Universities to Study Finance in Spain
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English-Taught Universities in Spain

Spain has become a popular destination for international students over the past years, mainly for its English-offered programs. Many students choose Spain as the go-to place to study their favorite program, as the country offers hundreds of degrees at different levels in English. Spain has an intense cultural and historical heritage and a reasonable cost of living.  

While pursuing your higher education in Spain, you can also take courses for learning the Spanish language. This way, you can learn another language and connect with locals outside the academic environment. Public universities are your safest bet if you’re looking for an affordable degree in Spain. They offer reasonably priced study programs with tuition fees ranging from 700 to 3,500 per academic year. 

phd programs in spain in english

StudiesIn is the #1 digital student consultancy for studies in Spain and provides end-to-end services and counselling for students and parents.

StudiesIn offers guidance to students from the moment they decide to study abroad to local relocation support in Spain to finding a job after graduation, arranging all necessary legal permits along the journey.

Here are the top 10 English-Taught Universities in Spain:

1. University of Barcelona

The University of Barcelona provides many programs in all education cycles in English. The University of Barcelona aims to excel in public service for higher education. With the highest level of quality, through study, teaching, and practical knowledge transfer management, it has been attracting students worldwide. Since the university is close to Barcelona and Catalonia, it combines traditional values with innovation, quality, and inclusion. In addition to being one of the oldest universities in Catalonia, the University of Barcelona reflects the country’s most momentous political, social, and economic events.

Here are some programs at Bachelor’s level in English:

  • Bioinformatics
  • Business Administration and Management
  • English Studies
  • International Business
  • Tourism 
  • Physiotherapy 

Here are some programs at the Master’s level in English:

  • Analytic Philosophy 
  • Applied Linguistics and Language Acquisition in Multilingual Contexts 
  • Advanced Mathematics
  • Plant Biology, Genomics and Biotechnology
  • Paleobiology and Fossil Record 
  • Research in Behavior and Cognition 
  • Translational Medicine 
  • Labour Economics
  • International Relations 

2. Autonomous University of Madrid

The Autonomous University of Madrid is one of the best public universities in Spain. The university has a reputation for excellence both in research and academia, and for this reason, International students are prone to pick the Autonomous University of Madrid for higher education studies. With its eight faculties and around sixty departments, you will find special study programs at three higher education levels. Moreover, eight research institutes at the university allow specialists in their fields to collaborate on cutting-edge projects. What makes this university special is the space that it offers students, such as libraries and IT rooms, as well as two separate library buildings

  • International Economics
  • Molecular Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
  • Pharmacological Research
  • Democracy and Government
  • Biomolecules and Cell Dynamics
  • Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling
  • Mathematics and Applications
  • Formal Methods in Computer Science
  • ICT Research and Innovation 
  • Quantitative Economic Analysis 
  • Research and Nursing Care for Vulnerable Populations
  • Applied Chemistry

3. Autonomous University of Barcelona

The Autonomous University of Barcelona has facilities in and around Barcelona. The primary languages of instruction are Catalan and Spanish, but you can find several bachelor’s and a number of master’s degree programs in English. The UAB strives to set the foundations for a university model that bases its activity on basic principles of autonomy, participation, and social commitment. Currently, the Autonomous University of Barcelona stands as a highly regarded university in Spain for its teaching quality, ability to attract international talent, and growing impact on research. 

  • Archaeology
  • Biomedical Sciences
  • Physiotherapy
  • Veterinary Medicine
  • Biochemistry
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
  • Accounting and Finances
  • Advertising and Public Relations
  • Social Education
  • Biomedical Data Science
  • Computer Vision
  • Advanced Genetics
  • Economics and Business Administration
  • Political Science
  • Quantum Science and Technology
  • Sport Management
  • Telecommunication Engineering
  • International Security

4. The Complutense University of Madrid

As one of the biggest and oldest universities in the world, the Complutense University of Madrid has more than 500 years of experience. Students at the University can join several student organizations, many of which welcome and organize special events for international students. In addition to student organizations, the university hosts conferences where students can meet professors and guest speakers and discuss current issues. The University has six different sports areas on campus, which allow outdoor and indoor activities. The University’s sports facilities are open to all students and faculty.

  • Computer Science
  • Business Administration
  • Business Management 
  • Finance 
  • International Business 

5. Pompeu Fabra University

Pompeu Fabra University is one of Spain’s most distinguished institutions. Through its commitment to tackling the major challenges of the 21st century, Pompeu Fabra University creates, transmits, and transfers new knowledge across many disciplines. Through UPF’s education model, students are likely to thrive in a global, changing, and highly competitive job market. Academically, the institution is well-known for its selective student attendance, with more than half of its degrees having among the top university entry grades in the Catalan university system.

  • Global Studies
  • Computer Engineering 
  • Audiovisual Systems Engineering
  • Telecommunications Network Engineering
  • International Business Economics
  • Bioinformatics for Health Sciences 
  • Research in Economics, Finance, and Management
  • Finance and Banking 
  • Political Philosophy
  • Digital Culture and Emerging Media
  • Intelligent Interactive Systems
  • Sound and Music Computing
  • Theoretical and Applied Linguistics 

6. University of Navarra

The University of Navarra stands out from other universities for its irreplaceable contribution to higher education. As a Christian-inspired institution, its activity professor, research, and welfare operate without profit motive. The university’s mission is to seek and transmit truth and contribute to its students’ academic, cultural, and personal development. When pursuing your education at the University of Navarra, you will have all the means of studying, such as library services, information on grants, and financial aid. As part of your study program, you can cooperate with other universities and university-related institutions such as research centers, educational organizations, and art centers. 

Here are some programs at Bachelor’s level in English: 

  • Geopolitics and Diplomacy 
  • Global Business and Economic Affairs 
  • Human Nutrition and Dietetics 
  • Law and Philosophy
  • Economics and Law
  • Biology and Environmental Sciences
  • Chemistry and Biochemistry 
  • History and Journalism 
  • Data Analytics 
  • Banking and Financial Regulations 
  • Executive MBA 
  • Pharma-Biotech Company Management 
  • Industrial Engineering 
  • General Health Psychology 
  • Biomedical Research 
  • Architectural Theory and Design 
  • Architecture 
  • Marriage and the Family 
  • Digital Law 

7. IE University

IE University is an international university combining practice-based and theory-based learning. IE University has two campuses in Spain: an urban campus in Madrid and a historical and cultural campus in Segovia. If you are a student who approaches learning as a way of life, then IE University is the place to choose. IE University has a personalized, student-centric community with diverse individuals, ideas, and approaches. IE University is committed to educating professionals who will make a difference in society. IE University will be the ideal choice if you want an inspiring and challenging education that will shape who you are and who you will become. 

  • Business Administration 
  • Data and Business Analytics
  • Behavior and Social Sciences 
  • Philosophy, Politics, Law and Economics 
  • Communication and Digital Media
  • Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence 
  • Data and Business Analytics 
  • Business for Architecture and Design 
  • Corporate and Marketing Communication
  • Digital Transformation and Innovation 
  • Global Executive MBA
  • International Development 
  • Talent Development and Human Resources
  • Strategic Interior Design 
  • Real Estate Development
  • Visual and Digital Media 
  • Computer Science and Business Technology 

8. Polytechnic University of Catalonia

The Polytechnic University of Catalonia is a public institution with a mission to serve society. The university offers higher education in various technical, artistic, and humanistic fields. One of the UPC’s key strengths is producing competent professionals for employment in the global economy. UPC intends to put its students at the heart of their learning process. This process involves solid theoretical training, experiences, and projects that take a holistic approach. A vital aspect of the teaching model is the combination of solid academic training and the opportunity to participate in real-world projects.

Here are some programs at the Bachelor’s level in English: 

  • Design, Animation and Digital Art
  • Informatics Engineering
  • Video Game Design and Development 
  • Industrial Technologies and Economic Analysis 
  • Civil Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Advanced Mathematics and Mathematical 
  • Applied Telecommunications and Engineering 
  • Bio and Pharmaceutical Materials Science 
  • Electrical Power Systems and Drives 
  • Decentralized Smart Energy System 
  • Engineering Physics
  • Urban Mobility 
  • Advanced Studies in Design 
  • Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions

9. Charles III University of Madrid 

Charles III University of Madrid is an innovative research university with a distinctly international profile. It offers a broad range of master’s and bachelor’s degree programs in English, and 20% of the student body consists of international students. It is one of the top universities in Spain and Europe. UC3M stands out due to its reputation among employers, human resources managers, and company CEOs. 

UC3M´s mission is to contribute to the improvement of society through teaching of the highest quality and cutting-edge research in line with stringent international guidelines. The university aspires to excellence in all its activities, intending to become one of the top universities in Europe.

  • Employment and Labor Relations 
  • Film Television and Media Studies 
  • History and Politics 
  • Cultural Studies 
  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Biomedical Engineering 
  • Management and Technology 
  • Sound and Image Engineering 
  • Engineering Physics  

Here are some programs at the Master’s level in English: 

  • European Union Law
  • International Advocacy
  • Human Resources Management 
  • Business and Finance 
  • Computational Social Science
  • Geopolitics and Strategic Studies
  • Advertising Communication 
  • Film and Television 
  • Big Data Analytics 
  • Computational and Applied Mathematics

10. Valencia Polytechnic University

The Polytechnic University of Valencia is a modern, innovative and efficient institution that offers quality structured training. As a public university, it stands out due to the values of integrity, equality, solidarity, and integration. From an international perspective, the university develops its activities professionally and competently while also being creative, dynamic, and innovative. It is the policy of the UPV to facilitate the integration of new students. 

As an international student, you will find the student council and other university offices that will help you with your transition phase in Spain. The Valencian Plythechnic University, together with the Spanish Ministry, and the Regional Ministry responsible for education, are quite inclusive in terms of grants and scholarships to all students. To be eligible for university grants, you must meet the basic requirements that the university sets on its announcements. 

  • International Business Management
  • Tourism Management and Planning
  • Law and Criminology
  • Classical Philology
  • Modern Languages and Literature
  • Journalism 
  • Advanced English Studies
  • Computer Engineering

Here are some programs at the Master’s level in English:  

  • Applied Paleontology
  • Telecommunications Engineering 
  • Business Strategy
  • Interculturalism, Communication, and European Studies
  • Social Welfare 
  • Secondary Education Training

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PhD Handbook

PhD in Spain: A Guide on PhD in Spain for International Students


Spain is perhaps the most interesting country in the world to get a PhD. It's also a great place to become a researcher, with world-class universities offering a wide variety of PhD programs in almost every field. If you, too, are planning to study PhD in Spain, there are many perks to expect in near future.

The first on the list is the quality of the education, some of the best universities in Europe, beautiful historic buildings, job opportunities, etc. In this article, we'll talk about some of the reasons why looking for PhD programs in Spain can be a career-shifting decision.

Let’s begin!

Why Study Phd in Spain?

Three of Spain’s cities have made it to the QS Best Student City Ranking 2023. This clearly, signifies the enthusiasm of international students to pursue their education in Spain. However, enthusiasm alone is not sufficient to choose this country, let’s explore the other features of this country.

  • For centuries, Spain has been a country synonymous with sunshine, sangria, and siestas. But today, Spain is also known for being one of the best countries in the world to study in. It is a cheap place to relocate/learn and has world-class universities offering a wide variety of programs. It is very feasible and affordable for Indian students who want to study in Spain. The approximate cost of living for international students in Spain is 900-1,100 EUR.
  • Getting a Spanish PhD, especially in the fields of arts, is a very prestigious achievement. Besides, Spain has had a substantial historical impact on this field. The country offers more than 76 courses in Spain. Some popular PhD courses are literature, philosophy, cultural studies, geography, history, and linguistics.
  • The research environment in Spain is unique for pursuing PhD in Spain for international students. It provides you with access to the top universities and the most prestigious research centres and institutes in the world. The country offers more than 76 universities. They provide you with a unique chance to work with some of the world's leading experts and scholars.
  • The country offers a range of benefits, from access to the best universities to access to the best teaching to a cheap cost of living. Additionally, you can enjoy a unique cultural experience while you study PhD in Spain.

Suggested: Best Courses in Spain for International Students

With this information, next, let’s check out the top PhD programs in Spain.

Popular PhD Programs in Spain

The Spanish education system is one of the best in the world and is certainly one of the most affordable. The country offers a great variety of PhD programs in a wide range of academic fields. Whether you want to study at a university, a private college, or even a language school, you'll be able to find a PhD program that suits your needs at a price you can afford.

A full-time PhD program in Spain lasts for a maximum of three years, while you can do a part-time program for a maximum of five years. The academic commission of a university organises the PhD programs.

To study PhD in Spain program, a student will follow these two cycles/stages:

  • The First Stage - It is for 60 credits and is concentrated on training the student.
  • The Second Stage - It concentrates on the student writing and researching for the thesis.

Besides, the students can register for PhD programs in Spain in two ways:

  • University Student - A standard university student like any other.
  • University Student and research trainee - This category of student has additional rights.

Further, let’s check the PhD in Spain for international students specialisation options.

Specialisations for PhD in Spain for international students

With over 76 PhD specialisations, Spain is home to some of the world's best PhD programs. PhD in Spain for international students is also renowned for its quality, with many Spanish PhD graduates securing prestigious academic positions around the world. Here is a list of some of the top PhD specialisations in Spain, which are sure to get your curiosity piqued.

  • Economics and Business
  • Art History
  • Environments Science and Technology
  • Health Sciences
  • Linguistics
  • Cultural Studies

Suggested: Top Universities in Spain for Masters

Next, let’s explore the universities in Spain for PhD.

Top 5 Universities for PhD in Spain

Some of the most prestigious universities if you want to get a PhD in Spain for international students:

  • Pompeu Fabra University
  • Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • Autonomous University of Barcelona
  • University of Navarra
  • University of Barcelona

1.  Pompeu Fabra University

Spain is a country that has a lot to offer to the students, not only in terms of culture but also in terms of education. One of the best universities in Spain for PhD is Pompeu Fabra University, which is located in Barcelona.

This university offers an expansive variety of interesting programs in a number of fields, ranging from philosophy to political science and from mathematics to linguistics. The university has a long history, having been originally founded in Barcelona in 1857.


401,12 EUR

PhD in Biomedicine

PhD in History

PhD in Humanities

PhD in Law

PhD in Communication

PhD in Economics, Finance and Management

PhD in Political and Social Sciences

PhD in Information and Communication Technologies

PhD in Translation and Language Sciences

2.  Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

The main advantage of studying at the Autonomous University of Madrid is that you'll be living in of the most exciting cities in Europe. Madrid is a sprawling metropolis with great food, culture, and nightlife. Some of the very best universities in Spain for PhD can be seen, which means you'll have access to the brightest and sharpest minds in the world. It's a great place to get your education and make lifelong friends.


234 - 390 EUR

PhD in Arts and Humanities

PhD in Engineering

PhD in Health Sciences

PhD in Social and Legal Sciences

PhD in Sciences

3.  Autonomous University of Barcelona

The Autonomous University of Barcelona, better known as UAB, is a public university located in the Spanish city of Barcelona. One of the largest universities in Spain, UAB offers over 350 undergraduate and graduate programs and serves over 45,000 students. UAB is also one of the most academically diverse universities in the world, with students and faculty representing over 130 countries. UAB was founded in 1450, making it one of the oldest universities globally.


401 EUR

PhD in Arts and Humanities

PhD in Health Sciences

PhD in Sciences

PhD in Social Sciences and Law

PhD in Technological Sciences

4.  University of Navarra         

The University of Navarra is one of Spain's most prestigious and historic universities, and it was founded in 1254 and has been a central part of the academic landscape ever since.

The university's location in Pamplona, Spain's ancient capital city, means that it is ideally situated to study the country's history, culture, and language. It also offers a wealth of student life opportunities, including a student association, sports teams, and a language centre.


800-1000 EUR

PhD in Engineering

PhD in Marketing

PhD in Psychology

PhD in Medicine

PhD in Education

5.  University of Barcelona      

The University of Barcelona is among the most prestigious institutions in Spain and the best place to pursue a PhD in the country. With a world-class faculty and state-of-the-art facilities, the university offers a first-class education in a beautiful, Mediterranean setting.

The city of Barcelona is one of the most vibrant and lively cities in Europe, and the University of Barcelona is located right in the centre of the city and close to beaches, world-class museums, and exciting nightlife. The university also has campuses in Madrid, Valencia, and Zaragoza, so you can choose the location that is best for you.


380 EUR

PhD in Biotechnology

PhD in Physics

PhD in Genetics

PhD Medieval Cultures

PhD in Citizenship and Human Rights

Suggested: Top 5 Cheap Universities in Spain

Application Process for PhD in Spain for International Students

To study PhD in Spain the application process can seem daunting and complicated at first, but there really is nothing to worry about. The process is quite simple and straightforward. All you need to do is get your CV and other relevant documents together, and then you’re ready to start the application process. The first thing you’ll need to do is to find a PhD program that matches your requirements and preferences. Then curate the following documents:

  • Academic documents, such as certificates (for which you have your due credits), transcripts, and a CV/resume.
  • Academic references like letters of recommendation are encouraged from one or two academics or relevant persons who have worked with you.
  • A study visa is one of the most important documents without which you will not be granted admission.
  • Every student that wants to study in Spain must have residence registration and be registered under Registro Central de Extranjeros within three months of their stay.
  • Research proposal may be needed when applying to your college.
  • Language certificate showcase the knowledge of the Spanish language as a 'professional skill.'

Suggested: Cost of Studying in Spain

Now you know the document requirements to study PhD in Spain for international students. Next, let’s check the eligibility.

Eligibility to Study PhD in Spain

Following is the eligibility criteria to study PhD in Spain.

  • You must hold a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree
  • Your degree must be equivalent to 300 ECTS
  • All registered qualifications must be recognized by the National Recognition Information Centre (NRIC) or the Spanish Embassy
  • You must fulfil the basic Spanish Language requirements

Next, let’s check the duration of PhD programs in Spain.

Duration of PhD Programs in Spain

When studying for a PhD in Spain, each year is divided into two cycles: the first is a training phase, and the second is a research phase. Applications begin as early as January and can go on to July. Full-time courses go on for about three years, while part-time courses may go up to five years.

Structure of PhD in Spain

Doctoral programs can vary between universities and courses. Usually, pursuing a doctorate in Spain consists mainly of original research work, with some courses taught during the first year. You may also be expected or even invited to tutoring and teaching sessions during your PhD, which are limited to 40 hours per week. At the end of the course, you should have written a doctoral thesis that matches the requirements of the faculty.

Cost to Study PhD in Spain

Here is the cost of PhD in Spain. Let’s go through it and plan a budget accordingly:

Average tuition fees

200-300/Academic year

25096/Academic year




Food cost



Transportation cost



Basic Utility cost



Suggested: What is the Cost of Living in Spain?

Next, let’s explore the scholarships to reduce the financial burden while pursuing PhD in Spain.

Scholarships for Phd in Spain for International Students

Spain is a country with an extensive history and culture. It is also a country with a lot of opportunities for education. You can get a PhD in Spain with scholarship options. Through scholarships in Spain, students can obtain an education at a reduced cost. This allows students to afford an education in a foreign country while still maintaining the budget.

Offers assistance and grants for those pursuing a PhD in the fields of Arts, Education, Culture and Development Cooperation

Here, grants are offered to those studying in Latin American or Spanish Universities.

The Spanish Ministry offers grants and scholarships to deserving students

A grant offered by Santandar bank for those studying in Spanish-speaking universities

Suggested: Top Public Universities in Spain

Career Scope after PhD in Spain

If you want to find a career in Spain, a PhD could help you do just that. Studying for a PhD can help you learn a lot and open up a range of new career opportunities. You could become a teacher-researcher or chase your own research interests. Or you could use your PhD to help others, perhaps through a job in the education sector or as a career adviser.

College professor


PhD Chemistry


Scientific Researcher



Minimum of 18000

Suggested: Part-time Jobs in Spain for International Students

All this information can be intimidating for a student who is planning to study abroad for the first time. Therefore, if you need end-to-end guidance from our expert counsellors, choose Yocket Premium . This step will surely make your study abroad dream a success!

Frequently Asked Questions on PhD Programs In Spain

Are PhD students paid in Spain?

PhD students in Spain are not typically paid a salary for the time spent in school. Instead, students receive a stipend for each month of school, needed to complete their degree. Stipends are not very high but can amount to around 900 EUR per month. This can still be a large sum of money for a student living in Spain.

Is a PhD in Spain free?

PhDs in Spain are not inherently free, though there are many scholarships and grants that are offered to international students to study at a reduced price. You may even be able to get a fully funded PhD in Spain.

Can PhD students work in Spain?

International students may ask for a work permit that allows them to work up to 20 hours per week.

How should I prepare a cover letter after PhD in Spain?

When applying for a job, the most important thing you can do is prepare a compelling cover letter that highlights your skills, experiences, and why you're a good fit for the position. A good cover letter can increase your chances of getting an interview and can even help you get offers. Your cover letter must not be longer than a single page and should include a short introduction about yourself and why you're interested in this position, a clear statement about why you're the right fit for the position and the skills you bring to the job, and a short section at the end where you can share any additional information about yourself, such as additional experience or education.

What are the options to finance my education in Spain?

Spain poses a variety of options that can allow you to study there. These options ensure that you get a funded PhD in Spain. Some options to look at are: 1) Apprenticeships 2) Fellowships 3) Scholarships 4) Grants 5) Part-time jobs


Sumeet Jain

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PhD in Spain

No colleges record, why study phd (doctor of philosophy) in spain.

1. Academic Excellence: Spain is known for its excellent higher education system and prestigious universities. Spanish universities are recognized worldwide for their quality of education and research output. Pursuing a PhD in Spain allows you to learn from renowned professors and researchers in your field, enabling you to gain expertise and knowledge in your chosen area of study.

2. Research Opportunities: Spain provides a conducive environment for research and innovation. The country has invested significantly in research and development, leading to the establishment of state-of-the-art research facilities and laboratories. By pursuing a PhD in Spain, you can access these resources and engage in cutting-edge research projects. Collaborative opportunities with other researchers and institutions are also abundant, providing you with a rich research network.

3. International Environment: Spain attracts a diverse community of international students and researchers. Studying for a PhD in Spain allows you to interact with scholars from various cultural backgrounds, fostering cross-cultural exchange and expanding your global network. This multicultural environment can enhance your research perspectives, promote collaboration, and contribute to your personal and professional growth.

4. Funding Opportunities: Spanish universities and research institutions offer various funding options for PhD students. These can include scholarships, research grants, and fellowships. These financial resources can help support your studies, cover living expenses, and provide opportunities for conference participation and research-related travel.

5. Quality of Life: Spain offers a high standard of living with a rich cultural heritage, vibrant cities, and a pleasant climate. The country's diverse landscapes, from beautiful beaches to historical landmarks, provide a conducive atmosphere for a well-rounded lifestyle. Spain's rich cultural heritage, cuisine, and lively social scene contribute to an enjoyable experience while pursuing your PhD.

6. Career Prospects: A PhD from a Spanish university can enhance your career prospects. Spain has a strong emphasis on research and development, making it attractive to industries, research institutes, and academia. Completing your PhD in Spain can open up opportunities for academic positions, research positions in both the public and private sectors, and even entrepreneurial ventures.

PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) Specializations in Spain

University of Barcelona

Computer Science

3-4 years

€1,500 - €3,000 per year

Complutense University of Madrid


3-5 years

€1,000 - €4,000 per year

Autonomous University of Madrid


3-4 years

€1,500 - €3,500 per year

University of Valencia


3-5 years

€1,000 - €4,000 per year

Pompeu Fabra University


3-4 years

€1,500 - €3,500 per year

Technical University of Catalonia


3-4 years

€1,500 - €3,000 per year

University of Granada


3-5 years

€1,000 - €4,000 per year

University of Seville


3-4 years

€1,500 - €3,500 per year

University of Zaragoza

Biomedical Sciences

3-5 years

€1,000 - €4,000 per year

University of Santiago de Compostela

Environmental Science

3-4 years

€1,500 - €3,500 per year

Admission Intake for PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Spain

1. September Intake: Many universities offer admission for PhD programs starting in September. This intake is quite common and allows students to begin their studies at the beginning of the academic year.

2. February Intake: Some universities also have a second admission intake in February. This intake provides an additional opportunity for prospective students to join PhD programs at a different time of the year.

Top 10 Universities in Spain for PhD (Doctor of Philosophy)

Universidad de Barcelona

Various disciplines including Sciences, Humanities, Social Sciences


Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Sciences, Engineering, Social Sciences, Humanities


Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

Life Sciences, Engineering, Social Sciences, Humanities


Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities


Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña

Engineering, Computer Science, Architecture


Universidad Pompeu Fabra

Economics, Humanities, Social Sciences, Communication


Universidad de Navarra

Business, Law, Communication, Sciences


Universidad de Granada

Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities


Universidad de Valencia

Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities


Universidad de Zaragoza

Sciences, Engineering, Social Sciences, Humanities


Tuition Fees for PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Spain

1. For EU/EEA students:  PhD tuition fees in Spain are often lower and sometimes even waived. Many universities charge only nominal registration and administrative fees, which can range from approximately €200 to €500 per year.

2. For non-EU/EEA students:  Tuition fees for PhD programs in Spain are typically higher. The fees can vary widely between universities and programs. On average, non-EU/EEA students can expect to pay tuition fees ranging from approximately €3,000 to €8,000 per year.

Cost of Studying PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Spain


400 - 800

4,800 - 9,600


200 - 400

2,400 - 4,800


40 - 80

480 - 960


80 - 150

960 - 1,800

Health Insurance

60 - 100

720 - 1,200

Study Materials

50 - 100

600 - 1,200


100 - 200

1,200 - 2,400


930 - 1,830

11,160 - 21,960

Eligibility for doing PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Spain

1. Master's Degree: To be eligible for a PhD program, candidates are usually required to hold a master's degree or an equivalent postgraduate qualification. In some cases, exceptional candidates with a strong academic background and a bachelor's degree may be considered for direct admission to a PhD program.

2. Academic Excellence: Applicants are expected to have a strong academic record, including a high GPA (Grade Point Average) in their previous degrees. A minimum GPA requirement may be specified by the university or the program.

3. Research Proposal: Candidates are typically required to submit a research proposal outlining their intended research topic or area of interest. The proposal should demonstrate the candidate's research skills, knowledge of the field, and the potential contribution of their research to the academic community.

4. Language Proficiency: Proficiency in the language of instruction (usually Spanish) or the ability to conduct research in the chosen language is generally required. Universities may ask for language proficiency test scores, such as the DELE (Diploma in Spanish as a Foreign Language) or other recognized language proficiency certificates.

5. Letters of Recommendation: Applicants are usually required to provide letters of recommendation from academic professionals who can attest to their academic abilities and potential for research.

6. Entrance Examination or Interview: Some universities or programs may require applicants to pass an entrance examination or participate in an interview to assess their suitability for the PhD program.

Documents Required for PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Spain

1. Application Form: Universities usually provide an online application form that needs to be completed with your personal and academic information.

2. Curriculum Vitae (CV): A comprehensive CV that includes your educational background, research experience, publications (if any), work experience, and any other relevant academic or professional achievements.

3. Academic Transcripts and Certificates: Official transcripts and certificates of your previous degrees, including bachelor's and master's degrees or their equivalents. These documents should be officially translated into Spanish or English if they are in a different language.

4. Research Proposal: A detailed research proposal outlining your research objectives, methodology, and potential contribution to the field. This document should demonstrate your research skills and knowledge of the subject area.

5. Letters of Recommendation: Typically, two to three letters of recommendation from academic professionals who are familiar with your academic abilities and can provide insights into your potential as a researcher.

6. Language Proficiency Certificate: Proof of your language proficiency, usually in Spanish or English, depending on the language of instruction. This could include language test scores such as DELE (Diploma in Spanish as a Foreign Language) or other recognized language proficiency certificates.

7. Identification Documents: Photocopies of your passport or national identification card.

8. Passport-sized Photographs: Recent passport-sized photographs of yourself, usually in a specific format specified by the university.

9. Statement of Purpose: A statement outlining your motivation for pursuing a PhD, your research interests, and how the program aligns with your career goals.

10. Additional Documents: Some universities or programs may require additional documents such as a copy of your research publications, proof of funding or scholarships, or any other specific requirements mentioned in the application guidelines.

Scholarships for PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Spain

1. Spanish Government Scholarships: The Spanish government offers various scholarships for international students, including the "Fulbright Program," "Becas MAEC-AECID," and "Becas de la Fundación Carolina." These scholarships are open to students from different countries and cover tuition fees, living expenses, and other allowances.

2. University Scholarships: Many universities in Spain provide their own scholarships and funding opportunities for PhD students. These scholarships may be merit-based or need-based and can cover various expenses. It's recommended to check the websites of individual universities to find out about the specific scholarships available.

3. Regional Scholarships: Some autonomous regions in Spain offer scholarships specifically for students pursuing doctoral studies. For example, the "La Caixa Foundation Fellowship Program" provides scholarships for doctoral studies in different fields.

4. Research Grants: PhD students in Spain can also apply for research grants offered by government bodies, research institutions, and funding agencies. These grants support research projects and cover expenses related to the research, such as travel, materials, and equipment.

5. European Union Funding: Students from EU countries may be eligible for funding opportunities provided by the European Union, such as the "Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions" (MSCA) program. MSCA offers funding for PhD students to carry out research and gain international experience.

6. Industrial Collaborations: Some PhD programs in Spain have collaborations with industry partners, which may offer scholarships or research positions to students. These collaborations provide students with valuable industry experience and financial support.

7. Non-Governmental Organizations and Foundations: Various NGOs and foundations in Spain offer scholarships and grants for doctoral studies in specific fields or disciplines. Examples include the "Ramon Areces Foundation" and the "Botín Foundation."

Jobs and Salary after PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Spain

1. Academic Careers: Many PhD graduates choose to pursue academic careers as professors or researchers at universities and research institutions. As a postdoctoral researcher or a faculty member, the salary can vary depending on the university, position, and experience. Typically, the salary for an assistant professor in Spain can range from €30,000 to €45,000 per year, while associate professors and full professors may earn higher salaries.

2. Research and Development: PhD holders can work in research and development roles in industries, government organizations, or research centers. Salaries in these positions can vary depending on the industry, the specific field, and the level of experience. On average, research and development professionals in Spain can earn between €25,000 and €50,000 per year, with higher salaries possible as one progresses in their career.

3. Consulting and Advisory Roles: PhD graduates can work as consultants or advisors in various sectors, providing expertise and specialized knowledge. Salaries in consulting can vary widely depending on the employer, the nature of the work, and the level of experience. In general, consultants in Spain can earn between €30,000 and €70,000 per year or more, depending on their specialization and the consulting firm.

4. Government and Public Sector: PhD graduates may find opportunities in government agencies, public research institutions, or policy-making organizations. Salaries in the public sector can vary depending on the specific role, the level of responsibility, and the government entity. Generally, salaries can range from €25,000 to €50,000 per year or more, depending on the position and the level of experience.

5. Industry and Private Sector: PhD holders can work in various industries such as technology, pharmaceuticals, finance, or engineering. Salaries in the private sector can be highly variable and depend on factors such as the industry, company size, location, and the level of expertise and experience. In Spain, salaries for PhD graduates in the private sector can range from €30,000 to €60,000 per year or more, depending on the specific role and industry.

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Study and Go Abroad

12 Universities in Spain where You Can Study in English

When it comes to studying overseas, a fantastic opportunity for any student is studying in Spain. Spain is a country with an intense cultural and historical heritage, a reasonable cost of living and when you add in the option of studying in English, Spain becomes a very popular destination for international students. Expand your horizons and live the ultimate student experience, in one of Europe’s most beautiful countries.

Give yourself the best chance to learn another language. Learning another language is one of the biggest reasons students elect to study abroad and Spain is a great country to do it in. Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world, so master this language and it will likely enrich your resumé significantly.

Here is a brief overview of some of the great Spanish schools that offer you the option of studying in English.

EU Business School, Barcelona

The EU Business School in Barcelona is an accredited, diverse and prominent business school. It is part of a network that was established in 1973 and the school has other campuses in Geneva, Montreux and Munich.  As well, there is also the option to study online.

The EU Business School offers various courses at foundation, bachelor, master and doctoral levels. EU’s programs include Leisure and Tourism Management, Business Finance, Sports Management, International Relations, Business Administration, Communication and Public Relations, Entrepreneurship and E-Business; this list is not exhaustive.

ESEI International Business School, Barcelona

ESEI International Business School, based in Barcelona, is an institute of higher education. Founded by Mr. Jorge Estera-Sanza, a practised manager and business leader, in 1989, the school offers authenticated British degrees. ESEI is well-known as a top educational establishment and it offers English taught undergraduate and postgraduate business degrees.

Since 1989, ESEI has been promoting ‘creativity, new ideas, and trends’ and is very proud of this. Students come to study at ESEI from all over the world and all students have the opportunity to do an internship while carrying out their degree.

UIBS, Barcelona & Madrid

The United International Business Schools organization (UIBS) is a private training institution with accredited campuses in Belgium, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland and Asia. UIBS offers adaptable undergraduate, graduate, post graduate and executive level business and management programs. Based on the American higher education model, UIBS’s programs permit students to select their programs dependent on course conditions, prior studies, recent interests and future goals.

Foundation, professional and online business and management programs are also available. UIBS’ community of students and faculty is comprised of over 85 nationalities from all over the world.

EAE Business School, Barcelona

EAE Business School was founded in 1958 and has educated more than fifty thousand executives and managers. The school has campuses in Barcelona and Madrid in Spain and in 2009 MERCO ranked EAE the 4th best business school in Spain.

EAE has created an Online Business School, which provides a wide variety of postgraduate courses. Aside from the Barcelona and Madrid campuses, EAE students can study a semester abroad in Paris or New York. The university also has branches in Lima (Peru), Bogotá (Colombia) and Mexico City (Mexico) the purpose of these branches is to strengthen the university’s position in Latin America.

ESADE Business School, Barcelona

ESADE Business School was established in 1958 in Barcelona. The Business School is part of ESADE and Ramon Llull University. As well as in Barcelona, the school has campuses in Madrid, Buenos Aires and Casablanca.

The ESADE Business School offers graduate business programs including a full-time MBA, a part-time MBA, a one-year MBA, an MSc in International Management, an MSc and CEMS MIM and an MSc in Marketing Management. Another fact worth mentioning is that ESADE has signed co-operation agreements with more than one hundred universities around the world. Through EQUIS, AACSB, and AMBA accreditation, ESADE is one of only 35 business schools around the world to have been awarded the triple crown.

C3S Business School, Barcelona

C3S Business School is located in the centre of Barcelona and is internationally-accredited. As the school is situated in a diverse city, it has students from all over the world and has a distinctive teaching method that is focussed on a real-world approach.

As C3S offers a wide range of courses that include diplomas, bachelors, masters and doctorates, the school is able to meet the high expectations of students and working partners. C3S is continually growing and expanding its network of partnerships with top class universities.

La Salle – Universidad Ramon Llull, Barcelona

La Salle University in Barcelona began to serve the Catalonian industry as a pioneer school in 1903, and has been innovating education ever since. The campus in Barcelona is part of the International Association of Lasallian Universities (IALU) which has more than 70 universities around the world. The University’s faculty works to provide a top quality education for the youth of tomorrow. La Salle believes that in society, people must come first.

Schiller International University, Madrid

Schiller International University’s educational mission is to train students, professionally and personally, for future leadership positions in global environments. Schiller programs demonstrate the competencies students need for professional careers and further academic study.

Schiller International University offers US accredited undergraduate programs in International Relations and Diplomacy and Business Administration, as well as an MBA program. Programs are taught in English and university admission is year-round.

Studying in Madrid is a fantastic opportunity for students seeking an international education to be immersed in one of the world’s top cultural capitals.

Suffolk University, Madrid

Suffolk University was established in 1906, initially as a law school. Located in Boston, Massachusetts, this private university operates three international campuses, including one in Madrid. The Madrid campus was created with a liberal arts perspective and management style to education. Programs offered include art history, computer science, English, government, business, communication, history, science, sociology and Spanish.

Students can complete up to two years of study in Madrid before moving to the main campus in Boston or transferring to another American university to complete their degree.

European University of Madrid

The European University of Madrid was established in 1995 and is a private university with two campuses in Madrid, one in Villaviciosa de Odón and a new one in Alcobendas. The university currently has 12,500 students from over 60 countries.

One of the many advantages this university offers is the option of gaining dual degrees at universities worldwide. The European University offers a range of bachelor programs, as well as master’s and doctorate degrees. The teaching is student-focused and constantly updated to be relevant to a developing global environment.

Saint Louis University, Madrid

Saint Louis University-Madrid, is the Spanish branch of Saint Louis University in Missouri. Established in 1818, SLU is an American Jesuit University. The Madrid campus started in the 1960s as a study abroad program and was officially recognized as a university in 1996. SLU-Madrid offers degree programs in Political Science/International Relations, Spanish Language and Literature, Communication, Business Administration/International Business, English and Economics.

In addition to this, programs are offered in Ibero-American Studies and Business Administration and graduate programs in Spanish and English. SLU-Madrid offers students the chance to complete the first two years of over 85 more majors in Spain.

Málaga Business College, Málaga

Created in 2000, Málaga Business College is situated in the southern Spanish city of Málaga. Part of the Madrid Management Centre, the Business College strives to offer high quality education in areas of Economics, Management, Finance and the Social Sciences. The Málaga Business College provides several BSc degrees along with a Diploma for graduates from the University of London, under the academic direction of the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Some of the other courses offered include foundation courses for British university degree programs and the Cambridge International Diploma in Business.

You can find more english speaking schools and universities in Spain at SpainExchange.com .

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Discussion 51 comments.

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So please there are no English university in Zaragoza

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I really want to study at any Spanish university. I want an update on any program related to the agricultural field. And if there are scholarship opportunities… I would like to know about that too. Thank you

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I would like to complete my masters in Spain university which teaches in English , in from Dubai and I work also.

so please provide me with the full details .

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WHATSAPP ME +254714441067

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Helo sir I have done masters of commerce M.Com. I have completed in 2018 and it is my wish to continue my study MBA in Spain any university which teach in English. Please provide me a link or guideline through which I aply for study Thanks

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Greetings!!! sir I am doing M.Phil from FCCU lahore pakistan. for my further studies I want to move any university in Spain which offer 100% scholarship. please guide me in this lane.

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Its really hard to study in Spain. Just because of language . And in private uni its really very expensive . I have been living in Spain since last 3 years . Amd km also from Lahore Pakistan . And my name is Sumbal as well…😉

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I would like to finish my undergraduate degree programme in a Spanish university which offer courses in biochemistry in english language. I’ll appreciate it if you can connect me with one, preferably in catalonia region where I reside for some years now. Your urgent response will be appreciated. Thanks

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I would love to study in Spain as an international student, which school can I apply and what will it cost?

From Nigeria. Chikeluejohn@gmail.com

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Dear Fatma, I am an independent admissions advisor for all major Spanish universities that teach in English. My services are free and I will be happy to talk to you. Please write to studialia@outlook.com or WhatsApp at ++34 699076763.

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studialia@outlook.com can i talk with regarding spain universities?

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I want to complete my honours in spain Barcelona in english.which University will be helpfull and well for me..please mem suggest me

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I am living on Sint Maarten part of the united kingdom( Netherlands Antilles) i want to know what are the possibilites i have to work and study in Spain??

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Hello, my name is Miguel, i need a bachelor degree in computer engineering taught in english and a preparation year before.

Dear Luisa, I am an independent admissions advisor for all major Spanish universities that teach in English. My services are free and I will be happy to talk to you. Please write to studialia@outlook.com or WhatsApp at ++34 699076763.

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Am interested to study in an English taught university in Spain Seville precisely. Masters in computer science related

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Good day, I am a product of CapePeninsula University of Technology in Capetown,South Africa ),I have done National Diploma in Public Management, I would like to continue with my studies in any of following in Spain:International Management or international relations,Political Science,Business Management or Business Administration,Marketing or Marketing Management ,communication,Diplomacy.

Please I am looking forward to be informed about any university teaching in english as well scholarships.

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Hi my name is Chris. wish and willing to ho for a masters program in theology Am English speaking thanks!!!!!

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i need a university with english taught programmes for a bachelor degree in law !!!

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Hi, if you found one, please let me know.

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Hello, I am looking for an University in Galicia, which only gives English subjects. Can anyone tell me if it’s possible?

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I would like to do a bachelors in accounting in English..which universities in Spain would you suggest

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C3S business school is great for taking up an English language course. My friend recently moved to Barcelona and is pursuing the same course at C3S, overall he is satisfied till now.

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Hi! Where in Spain can you study Aerospace Engineering, in english? Thank you!

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Is there any university in Spain offering civil or mechanical Engineering in English?

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merci pour vos efforts

thanks a lot

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Hello, am from Nigeria, can I get to study health and social care in Spain taught in English language?

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Hello Eze.Did you get an answer to this?

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Hello everyone, http://www.studialia.com is a free education consultancy specialized in Spain. Here you can get objective information on study options, student visa process and Spanish language accredited courses. WhatsApp: ++34/636943789

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Hello , any universities in spain that provide degrees in medicine with english language only ? All what i’m finding is universities with the mix of both

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I am looking for the same thing… please let me know if you ever find one!

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where can i study medicine in english in madrid w a low price?

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i want to study in spain .science computer can you advance me universites

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Can i know of Universities in Spain that offer Bachelors in Liberal Arts in English Medium

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I want to study international relations in the Spanish university if am giving the chance to do.

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hi , iwant to study architecture\ Bachelor degree in a public university can i find one who teach in english , and if there is not, where can i apply to study spanish and continue my architectur studies at the same university? thank you . im a lebanes student

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I want to study in spain and id like a inquire about the application process

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The main reason I wanna study abroad in Spain is because that it can improve my Spanish and English skills. I wanna immerse my self with the super mario 64 and Spanish culture more and learn more.

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I am forever indebted to geometry dash you for your acts of kindness and selflessness.

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I am grateful for the meticulous attention to detail exhibited by the creators of this website

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To get the most value out of this important event, you should prepare for it in advance if possible, and follow up afterwards. Here are some tips on how to make the best use of your time at the Study and Go Abroad university fairs:

Before the fair:

  • See which institutions are attending by viewing the  exhibitor list
  • Read the profiles of the institutions that are of direct interest to you; also have a look at the other profiles as well – you may be surprised which university or college offers what you are looking for
  • If you are not sure of what study topic you want to pursue, start with the countries you want to study in; you can sort by country on the  exhibitor listing  (use arrow toggle over ‘country’) and see which schools are located in which countries and explore from there
  • Visit  www.studyandgoabroad.com and find out more about the various countries – you will find country facts and figures under the ‘Study Overseas’ drop down menu – and read up on some articles about student experiences, fields of study, etc.
  • If you already know what you are looking for, bring along your transcripts, portfolio, résumé – whatever you have already on hand to present to the representatives. If you don’t have them, that is okay as well – you will find out what you need once you discuss your plans

During the fair:

  • Use the Fair Guide you will get when you enter to navigate your way around the room
  • Attend the free  seminars : These information sessions are for you to learn in depth about the presentation topics and to ask questions; visit the presenters afterwards at their stands for more details
  • Ask as many questions as you need to; the fair is for you to research and learn about the many institutions in attendance
  • Collect information resource materials from the schools that are of interest to you and from the other service providers
  • Don’t rush through: It is not often that you will have the chance to visit with so many representatives in your city, so take your time!

After the fair:

  • Follow up with representatives you met and keep in touch with questions and planning
  • Read through the materials you collected during the fair
  • Make up a comparison chart of important issues that you extract from the various brochures and websites of different schools of interest to you, to help you with your decisions
  • Discuss your ideas and plans with friends and family; this often helps to clarify issues
  • Study in UK/British Council: www.britishcouncil.ca  and  study-uk.britishcouncil.org
  • Study in the USA:  educationusacanada.ca
  • Study in Germany/German Academic Exchange: www.daad-canada.ca/en/
  • Universities Canada:  www.univcan.ca
  • Colleges and Institutes Canada: www.collegesinstitutes.ca
  • Study in Australia:  www.studyaustralia.gov.au
  • Study in France/Campus France: www.canada.campusfrance.org and www.campusfrance.org/en  and francecanadaculture.org/ higher-education/student/ campus-france/
  • Study in Holland:  www.studyinholland.nl and www.netherlandsandyou.nl
  • Study in Hungary –  http://studyinhungary.hu
  • Education Ireland:  www.educationireland.com
  • Study in Korea –  www. studyinkorea.go.kr
  • Study in New Zealand: www.studyinnewzealand.com
  • Study in Norway: www.studyinnorway.no
  • Study in Scotland: www.scotland.org/study/
  • Study in Spain:  www.studying-in-spain.com
  • Study in Sweden: www.studyinsweden.se

The upcoming Study and Go Abroad / SchoolFinder fairs are for everyone interested in looking for undergraduate or post-graduate programs in Canada overseas, or in taking a volunteer program, working or taking an internship abroad, considering a gap year or career break, or adventure travel.

The event is focused on post-secondary education, hosting top-ranking university and college recruiters from Canada and around the world. As well, there are several vocational, work experience and Gap Year/Career Break program providers.

You should attend if you are:

  • Looking for undergraduate programs in Canada or overseas
  • Looking for masters/doctoral programs in Canada or overseas
  • Considering a gap year or a career break
  • Wanting to upgrade your education or skills, or change career path
  • Looking to take advantage of Working Holiday Visas to work abroad – changed
  • Researching universities for exchange programs
  • Wanting to travel and experience the world
  • Inspired to broaden your horizons!

phd programs in spain in english

and we'll send you a reminder for the next Study and Go Abroad Fair as well.

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  • Hispanic Studies
  • College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences

Ph.D. in Spanish with a Concentration in Linguistics or Literature (FACE-TO-FACE)

Department of Hispanic Studies University of Houston 3553 Cullen Boulevard, Room 416 Houston, TX 77204-3062 713.743.3007 Contact Us

phd programs in spain in english

The Department of Hispanic Studies is at the forefront of research and teaching of Hispanic literature and Spanish linguistics. Our offering in Hispanic literature and Hispanic linguistics now encompasses the literatures written throughout the Americas and Spain. Given Houston’s location, as well as Arte Público Press and the Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Project at UH, our Ph.D. program offers an optimal environment in which to achieve excellence.

For more information about the course work, expectations and the progression of the PhD program please see the PhD Students Handbook.

General Requirements

Minimum requirements for unconditional admission to the ph.d. in spanish.

  • A completed M.A. degree in Spanish,or its equivalent
  • Hispanic literature of the United States
  • Latin American literature through Modernism
  • Latin American literature since Modernism
  • Peninsular literature through the XVII century
  • Peninsular literature, centuries XVIII through XX
  • Formal linguistics
  • Applied linguistics
  • Sociolinguistics
  • Completed online application through CollegeNet   [all required documents are to be directly uploaded to your account during the application process. Please prepare them beforehand. Official individual mark sheets in certain countries, transcripts, and degree certificates must be sent directly to the Graduate school and to the Graduate Admissions Advisor in Hispanic Studies at the addresses included below]
  • A statement of research in Spanish (between 1000 and 1500 words) explaining your academic interests and projects (see this link to find the guidelines you must follow for writing your  statement ).
  • Three letters of recommendation from the applicant’s professors detailing the potential of the applicant at the Ph.D. level (sent directly by recommenders via CollegeNet)
  • Writing sample (Graded)
  • Transcripts that are not in English must be sent along with an official translation made by a certified interpreter .
  • Please see the Graduate School guidelines for transcripts and diploma verification

Additional Requirements for International Students

  • Certified copy of diploma: besides official transcripts and their translation, international students must send a copy of their graduation diploma. If the document is not in English, an official translation made by a certified interpreter must be attached. The diploma must be sent to the University of Houston Graduate School (102 E. Cullen Building Houston, Texas 77204-2012).
  • TOEFL: Test of English as a Foreign Language: A score of at least 79 on the (international students only, unless they have earned a college degree from an American university)
  • Duolingo English Test for English proficiency exams. The exam costs $49 (USD) and may be taken from any computer that has a camera, audio and reliable internet. The exam portion of the Duolingo English Test contains a series of speaking, reading, writing and listening exercises. Following the exam, there will be an interview portion that will ask you to respond to various prompts in 30 to 90 seconds. The exam will take about 45 minutes to complete and you will need either a passport, driver license, or national or state ID to show the camera. The score results are generally received within a few days of exam completion. A minimum score of 105 is required.

For information on the TOEFL visit the Educational Testing Service web site . (UH Code: 6870)


Once admitted to the program

  • No course in which a grade below B- (2.67) is received may count towards Ph.D. degree.
  • A minimum grade point average of 3.0 (B) for all graduate courses attempted is required for a graduate degree; failure to maintain this average will result in a warning, probation, or suspension.
  • Qualifying written and oral examinations are required to obtain admission to candidacy
  • The student must develop a dissertation on a topic in literature which can be considered to be original and of significance to scholarship.
  • Four college semesters at the undergraduate level (or equivalent proficiency as demonstrated by testing) in another Romance language.
  • Reading knowledge of Latin or any other approved language, as demonstrated either by satisfactory scores on the Educational Testing Service examinations for that language, or the completion of two semesters of graduate reading courses in the language chosen with a grade of B- or higher.

Application Fees

Fees payable by check, money order or online (Credit Card) with application

  • Total cost, $50
  • Payable to University of Houston
  • Total cost, $80
  • The Spanish PhD Program only has admissions for the Fall semester.
  • All documents and information must be uploaded through CollegeNet and/or sent to the University of Houston by January 15 th

For applications and advisement, please write, call, or e-mail:

Dr. Paola Arboleda-Ríos, Interim Graduate Director, at [email protected]

* Phone interviews will be conducted after application file is reviewed.

UMD UMD School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Logo White

Spanish Language and Literature Ph.D.

The Ph.D. is primarily a research and specialization degree, culminating in the writing of a dissertation.

Quick Links

  • Spanish Program Home
  • Spanish Graduate Programs
  • Spanish Ph.D. Dissertation Abstracts
  • Spanish Language and Literature M.A.
  • Hispanic Applied Linguistics M.A. 
  • Spanish Program Graduate Funding

Our graduate programs include a Ph. D degree with specializations in both Spanish and Latin American Literature and Culture. Our Ph.D. students are mentored by our faculty, engage in substantive research projects, and benefit from rigorous teaching training. We offer courses that cover most geographical areas and time periods and guide students through relevant theoretical and methodological developments. Courses are complemented with lecture series and events that enrich our students’ intellectual and life experiences.

To be considered for admission applicants must:

  • Have earned an M.A. degree or have equivalent training;
  • Submit a paper in Spanish produced at the M.A. level;
  • Submit a statement of purpose;
  • Submit three letters of recommendation from academic references;

In addition, non-native speakers of English are required to take the TOEFL examination prior to admittance. Candidates must meet the minimum TOEFL standards established by the University of Maryland Graduate School (score of 100). For information students should contact the SLLC graduate coordinator.

Students on the "short list" may be interviewed by the graduate director in person or by phone.

Prior to admission to candidacy the student must demonstrate/fulfill the following:

  • A thorough knowledge of the literary and cultural production in the main area of study;
  • An in-depth knowledge of research tendencies in the field of specialization;
  • At least two courses in the secondary area;
  • A graduate course in the History of the Spanish Language;
  • A minimum of one course in literary theory and/or criticism;
  • A total of 30 credits of coursework (in very exceptional cases, fewer);
  • Reading proficiency in a third language other than Spanish or English, appropriate to the student's field of study.

What do I need to apply?

To be considered for admission applicants must submit:

  • Online application
  • Application fee $75 -> Information about fee waiver
  • Official transcripts of an M.A. degree or equivalent training.
  • A paper in Spanish produced at the M.A. level.
  • A statement of purpose.
  • Three letters of recommendation from academic references.
  • Non-native speakers of English are required to take the TOEFL examination prior to admittance. Candidates must meet the minimum TOEFL standards established by the University of Maryland Graduate School (score of 100). For information students should contact the SLLC graduate coordinator. Apply here Step-by-Step Guide to Applying English Language Proficiency Requirements for International Students **Due to deferrals, graduation delays during pandemic and reductions in available funding, admissions to our graduate programs will be more competitive for Fall 2021. Applicants should note that we are an affirmative action department and that we remain especially interested in recruiting strong African American, Hispanic American, and Native American students to our Ph.D. and M.A. programs. 

Qualifying Examination: Procedures and Evaluation

Students who obtained their M.A. at another institution must take a qualifying examination after their first semester in the Ph.D. program. The goal of the exam is to ensure that students have both the specific field knowledge and the theoretical and/or critical background to continue in the program.

A student must declare her/his intention to take the qualifying examination in writing to the director of graduate Studies at least 60 days prior to the examination date, and at this time s/he should select the areas or fields and faculty advisor with whom s/he wants to work in preparation for the qualifying. The exam will be given every January, before the beginning of the spring semester. A committee consisting of two department faculty members (including the advisor) will meet to evaluate the examination and discuss the student's overall progress in the Ph.D. program. Written notification of the results will be sent to the student within one month of completing the exam. In the event that the student does not pass the exam, her/his advisor and the director of graduate studies may recommend that the student retake the examination in May. If a student does not pass the retake exam, s/he will not be allowed to continue in the Ph.D. program.

The examination is based on a list of 10 primary texts in the fields of Latin American and/or Spanish literature chosen by the student in consultation with her/his faculty advisor. The list of 10 books should focus on the student’s specific area of interest, as the purpose of the exam is to evaluate a student’s reading and writing skills as s/he continues to pursue a doctoral degree. The director of graduate studies must receive and approve the list of 10 texts as soon as the decision is made. Once the list is approved by the DGS, the student will have a maximum of 10 business days to select five (5) books from the list of 10 primary texts to prepare for the exam and inform the DGS and her/his faculty advisor of her/his decision. The DGS will then, in consultation with the student, establish the exact date of the examination in January (or May in the event of a retake).

The examination will be formulated by the faculty advisor and will include the following: (a) a close reading of a passage of no more than 500 words from one (1) book from the student’s list of five, which would lead to (b) an extrapolation to a wider set of ideas pertaining to the whole book and/or to the five (5) books selected. The student will receive the examination question by hand at the time of the exam and will have 4 hours to answer it in a room on a computer provided by the department with no internet access. The exam will be written in Spanish, with the exception of English for students who are specialized in U.S. Latina/o Studies. No notes or bibliography may be consulted, although a bilingual dictionary may be used.

The exam will be proctored by the Director of Graduate Studies or the SLLC Graduate Coordinator.

Route to Ph.D. Candidacy

After Ph.D. coursework has been completed, students proceed through a pre-candidacy stage consisting of three components: the comprehensive examination, the language reading (or “translation”) exam and the dissertation proposal and defense. Following successful completion of these three elements, students are advanced to candidacy and are considered “ABD” (all but dissertation). 

Comprehensive Examination  The comprehensive examination consists of three essays written over a span of three weeks. The essays are based on the courses a student has taken and on reading lists tailored to his or her sub-fields of focus (two in the main area and one in the secondary area). The three reading lists are created in consultation with faculty specialists in the areas of examination.

The comprehensive examination is offered three times per year, in January, May and August. On three consecutive Mondays, the student will receive a question to be answered in essay form, each related to a particular sub-field. These essays will be due by 3:00 p.m. on the Thursday of each respective week.

Sixty days prior to the desired examination start date, the candidate must inform the director of graduate studies as well as the professor assigned to administer the exam of his/her intention to sit for the examination. This notification should be submitted in writing, outlining the areas and sub-fields in which the student will be examined.

Exams will be evaluated by a committee consisting of two faculty members per subfield.  Where appropriate, and in only one instance per student, the same faculty member may be called upon to evaluate two of the essays.

In the case of an unsuccessful examination, the student’s Ph.D. advisor and the director of graduate studies may recommend that the student sit a second time for the comprehensive examination. Continuation in the Ph.D. program depends on the successful outcome of any second attempt.

Language Reading (“Translation”) Examination                                                         This examination consists of a “for sense” translation from a third language into English or Spanish. The topic of the text will be related to the student's field of specialization. The choice of the language will be determined by its usefulness as a tool for the student's dissertation research. This exam may be repeated once. The student will choose a book or a long article together with a professor qualified to evaluate the third language (the examiner) and then notify the DGS of when the exam is to take place. The examiner will select a passage from the book or long article, which must be between 1,000 and 1,500 words. The examiner must submit the passage to the DGS for review at least two weeks prior to the exam. The student will have three hours to complete the exam, which will take place on campus and be proctored. Please note that only a printed dictionary (not an electronic source) is allowed to assist with the translation exam. For your information, please note that professors Igel and Lima are authorized to conduct examinations in Portuguese; and professors Naharro and Benito-Vessels are authorized to conduct examinations in French. Any questions about who is qualified to conduct the exam should be directed to the DGS. Please note also that dissertation advisors are not allowed to administer exams to their advisees. The examiner evaluates the exam and communicates the result directly to the DGS, who will then advise the student. The reading exam can be taken at any point prior to advancement to candidacy. 

Dissertation Proposal and Defense The final stage of the pre-candidacy period is focused on preparation for the writing of the dissertation. In consultation with an advisory committee consisting of the dissertation director and three members of the faculty, the student will write a dissertation proposal that aims to give a clear sense of the intended corpus of study, intellectual aims and methodology. The proposal should include a review of the literature, an outline of projected chapters and a selected bibliography. Proposals should be about 25-30 pages in length and are expected to be completed within four months to one year after the comprehensive examination.

The advisory committee and the candidate will then convene for the defense of the proposal. All faculty in the department are welcome to attend the defense.

The Dissertation

As stated previously, the Ph.D. is essentially a research degree. This means that coursework taken for the Ph.D. is intended as a preparation for the dissertation. It is therefore of the utmost importance that the student identify his/her field of interest as soon as possible. Early in the first semester, students should consult with one or more professors and explore the research possibilities in the field, period, genre, author(s) of his/her particular interest and select an academic advisor accordingly.

Dissertation Defense

When the candidate has completed the dissertation, the director of graduate studies notifies the Graduate School of its completion. The dean of the Graduate School, upon the recommendation of the director of graduate studies, appoints an examining committee for the candidate. This examining committee will include four members of the department and one member from another academic unit who acts as the graduate dean's representative. The committee will be chaired by the dissertation director.

All members of the examining committee will read the dissertation in its final form and take part in an oral examination in which the candidate defends his/her findings. Copies of the dissertation must be given to members of the examining committee at least 10 days before the date set for the oral examination. The Graduate School has established procedures for the dissertation examination. For details on these and all other aspects regarding the dissertation, please see the Thesis and Dissertation Forms and Guidelines. In addition, the student must provide the department with one copy of the final version of his/her dissertation.

Students are expected to defend the dissertation within 4 years of advancing to candidacy.  The director of graduate studies may approve an extension of up to one year in cases of extenuating circumstances.

Application for Graduation

Students must apply for a graduate diploma early in the semester in which they intend to receive their degree. Deadlines are published in the Schedule of Classes.

Note: Once students are done they MUST file an EXIT form with the Graduate School and, if applicable, an address change form.

Graduate Student Handbook

The purpose of the Graduate Student Handbook is to aid you in understanding the context of graduate education at UMD. The goal is to provide you with resources, information, practices, and policies that will help you in navigating the graduate experience. 

Teaching Handbook

The  Teaching Handbook is intended to familiarize graduate students with the procedures, policies, and expectations in teaching, research and administrative environments as an integral part of their education. 


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  4. How to Successfully Move to Barcelona for Your PhD: Insider Secrets from a PhD Graduate

  5. University tour

  6. الدراسة في اسبانيا Study in Spain


  1. 189 PhD programmes in Spain

    Applied Mathematics. Ph.D. / Full-time, Part-time / On Campus. 635 EUR / year. 4 years. Polytechnic University of Catalonia Barcelona, Spain. Ranked top 2%.

  2. PhD Study in Spain

    Spanish PhD fees. Tuition fees in Spain are calculated per ECTS credit instead of per semester or year. This is currently set between €22 and €36 per credit. As most of the set hours of study of a PhD are carried out in the first year, this equates to around €2,200-3,600 for the initial year of study.

  3. Study in Spain: the ultimate guide for a PhD in 2025

    There are many affordable universities in Spain where international students won't have to pay more than 4,000 EUR per year. And numerous study programmes actually start at only 100-150 EUR per year. Still, keep in mind that non-EU/EEA students don't always enjoy the same low tuition as EU/EEA citizens. 2.

  4. Doctoral programmes

    The UGR offers an extensive selection of high-quality academic programmes with a clear international vocation. In the academic year 2019-2020 the UGR will offer over 100 master's degrees; 18 of which in international partnerships, as well as 28 doctoral programmes in three interdisciplinary schools. 5. Outstanding services and facilities.

  5. Top PhDs in Spain for 2023

    Browse all 137 PhDs available in English and Spanish language. ... Moving to Spain. Living in Spain. Statistics. 137 Top PhDs in Spain for 2023. There are 137 study programs available at 4 universities in Spain, according to data provided by Erudera.com. ... List of Universities with PhD Programs in Spain: Pompeu Fabra University University of ...

  6. Study PhD in Spain

    For example, the PhD programs in Communication, Law, and History (to name a few) at Pompeu Fabra University use Catalan, Spanish, and English as the medium of instruction during training activities. On the other hand, the PhD program in Information and Communication Technologies at the same university is taught entirely in English.

  7. PhD Programmes

    PhD Programmes foster the development of fundamental skills essential to operating successfully as a professional researcher in any setting. Complutense offers an invaluable experience to graduate students which includes the opportunity to work alongside leading academics in the finest libraries, laboratories, museums and collections. The ...

  8. English Studies

    PhD in English Studies - Barcelona

  9. List of PHD Programs in English Language And Literature in Spain

    University and Program Search. Find the list of all PHD Programs in English Language And Literature in Spain with our interactive Program search tool. Use the filters to list programs by subject, location, program type or study level.

  10. Language Studies in Spain: 2024 PhD's Guide

    Explore your Language Studies degree. Language Studies degrees focus on two main aspects: the first is teaching students at least one foreign language, like English, German, French, Spanish, etc. The second is exploring the structure and functions of language and communication and their impact on human societies.

  11. All PhD programmes

    All PhD programmes. The UAB has over 65 PhD programmes regulated by Royal Decree 99/2011, on PhD studies, and these are categorised in 5 areas of interest: Arts and Humanities, Sciences, Social and Juridical Sciences, Health Sciences and Engineering. Furthermore, from 2014 the UAB holds the distinction " HR Excellence in Research ", which ...

  12. English-Taught Universities in Spain

    Here are the top 10 English-Taught Universities in Spain: 1. University of Barcelona. The University of Barcelona provides many programs in all education cycles in English. The University of Barcelona aims to excel in public service for higher education. With the highest level of quality, through study, teaching, and practical knowledge ...

  13. PhD in Spain: A Guide on PhD in Spain for International Students

    It is a cheap place to relocate/learn and has world-class universities offering a wide variety of programs. It is very feasible and affordable for Indian students who want to study in Spain. The approximate cost of living for international students in Spain is 900-1,100 EUR. Getting a Spanish PhD, especially in the fields of arts, is a very ...

  14. PhD in Spain 2024

    Typically, the salary for an assistant professor in Spain can range from €30,000 to €45,000 per year, while associate professors and full professors may earn higher salaries. 2. Research and Development: PhD holders can work in research and development roles in industries, government organizations, or research centers.

  15. 12 Universities in Spain where You Can Study in English

    Saint Louis University, Madrid. Saint Louis University-Madrid, is the Spanish branch of Saint Louis University in Missouri. Established in 1818, SLU is an American Jesuit University. The Madrid campus started in the 1960s as a study abroad program and was officially recognized as a university in 1996.

  16. Best English Graduate Programs in Spain 2024+

    Types of Graduate English Programs in Spain. Students who want to study English at the graduate level might pursue a Masters in English (MA), and/ or a PhD in English degree. Some graduate schools for English may roll these degrees together for students who want to seamlessly earn both degrees. Many graduate English programs also offer ...

  17. List of PHD Programs in Spain

    Find the list of all PHD Programs in Spain with our interactive Program search tool. Use the filters to list programs by subject, location, program type or study level. ... and Artificial Intelligence Dentistry Development Studies Earth and Marine Sciences Economics and Econometrics Economics and English Language and Literature Education and ...

  18. Translation and Intercultural Studies

    Administration. Departament of Traslation and Interpreting. 08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona) Phone: 93 581 30 54. Fax: 93 581 27 62. E-mail: [email protected]. PhD in Translation and Intercultural Studies' Website.

  19. Ph.D. in Spanish with a Concentration in Linguistics or Literature

    The Spanish PhD Program only has admissions for the Fall semester. All documents and information must be uploaded through CollegeNet and/or sent to the University of Houston by January 15 th; For applications and advisement, please write, call, or e-mail: Dr. Paola Arboleda-Ríos, Interim Graduate Director, at [email protected]

  20. Education in Spain: 2024 PhD's Guide

    Studying Education in Spain is a great choice, as there are 5 universities that offer PhD degrees on our portal. Over 82,000 international students choose Spain for their studies, which suggests you'll enjoy a vibrant and culturally diverse learning experience and make friends from all over the world. We counted 180 affordable PhD degrees in ...

  21. Spanish Language and Literature Ph.D.

    Spanish Program Graduate Funding. Our graduate programs include a Ph. D degree with specializations in both Spanish and Latin American Literature and Culture. Our Ph.D. students are mentored by our faculty, engage in substantive research projects, and benefit from rigorous teaching training. We offer courses that cover most geographical areas ...

  22. Search 11 online PhD programmes in Spain

    4,000 EUR / year. 3 years. GBSB Global Business School Barcelona, Spain. View Programme Information. Add to compare. Try adjusting your filters for more results. Previous. 1 of 1. Study your master's online from a university in Spain with one of the 11 online phd programmes available to you with Mastersportal.