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My Worst Nightmare Essay

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Cinema , Family , Parents , Violence , Dreams , Movies , Thinking , Sleep

Published: 02/19/2020


My worst nightmare occurred when I was in high school. I was trying to get used to watching horror movies. I knew my weakness and I had never tried to watch such movies alone without the company of friends. On this day, I was home alone so I decided to watch a movie about vampires. Watching the vampires scared me and I could not sleep easily. I stayed in bed just wondering if vampires really existed. After a short time of meditation I got tired, my eyes were heavy with sleep and I dozed off. No sooner had I started sleeping than I started having a horrible nightmare that everyone in my neighborhood had turned into a vampire. My family members were never affected and we were the only human beings in the area. In my dream, it occurred to me that the other vampires had realized that there were people around. This meant that we would act as their source of food on that day, and it also meant that after being bitten we would be turned into vampires. In the dream, I saw myself waking up to peep through the window to see if they were really coming for us. I was not the only who heard roars. My parents and my brother were already awake thinking of a way that they could use to prevent the vampires from attacking us. At this point, I was already sweating and my heart was beating fast. I gave up and woke up I searched for my phone and called my brother so I could explain to him, maybe I would have gotten comfort. It is normally said that what a person dreams is normally in their thoughts. Now the vampires were getting closer, at this point we had to think of ways that would keep them from reaching our house. My parents suggested will light a fire because they feared light. However, it was too late. Some of them had already reached the door and were already pushing. The windows had already been broken and they were trying so hard to get in the house. I started screaming, however, I heard no voice. Since I could not run, I had to hold my brother tight thinking he was the one who would rescue me. I heard a loud knock on the door causing me to wake up. My heart was beating fast and when I peeped through my window, I saw our neighbors standing outside. I opened the door so I could hear what was happening. One of them asked if everything was okay, claiming he heard screams all night. It is at this point that I realized that I had my worst nightmare.


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Worst Nightmare of My Childhood : Essay , Paragraph

Worst nightmare of my childhood : article.

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Worst Nightmare of My Childhood ~ Nightmare means very unpleasant and horrible scenes while we are sleeping. They are not real but many astrologists and experts tell that there may be some meaning behind a specific nightmare. For example, if a person sees that he is dead then may be it means that the person will have long life. Scientists revealed that there are many scientific reasons behind nightmares, for example, neural networks, health issues etc. Especially when a person is suffering from stomach problem then he may see very horrible nightmares. But nightmare is nightmare, it really scares us.

Worst Nightmare of My Childhood

I want to share my bad experience of nightmare which I experienced in my childhood. Whenever I think about that nightmare, it scares my till now. But sometimes I used to laugh on my thinking and on that nightmare, because it had no meaning and I was frightened without any special reason.

It was a dark night and I was suffering from fever. My father asked me to eat something but I denied. He told me that if I eat something and take medicine then he will took me to that tree in the colony and will show me a genie (a Fay, or you may call it a ghost). I became exited and became ready to see that genie. My father took me near to that big tree in our colony and said, “Look! there is Fay on the top of the tree”, I looked up and suddenly that genie (Fay) jumped on me. Hooowwwwwwww…….

Oh my God, that was so scary, so frightening, thanks God it was only a nightmare. But I always became scared when I see that tree in our previous residence area. Nightmares are usually the result of unhealthy conditions so avoid them otherwise you will be stuck in them and they may affect your daily routine. Enjoy Nightmares 😉

Essays on Nightmare

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100-word horror story

100-word horror story

Since tomorrow is Insecure Writers’ Support Group day, I’ll make this post short and sweet.

I was recently challenged to write a 100-word horror story. Feel free to write your own and share it in the comments, if you like.

The questions began every evening. I tried my best to answer them.

 “daddy, why is the sky blue”,  i sighed with relief—this one i knew. “it isn’t really—it’s colorless. the reflection of the sun’s rays makes it seem blue.”,  she paused for a moment. her next question was a little harder.,  “daddy, where did mommy go”,  the thought of her mother still made my chest tight. “mommy got sick, and the angels took her away so she wouldn’t suffer.”,  her last question was the most difficult.,  “daddy, why did you kill me”,  i wish i had the answer., 1 part newsletter, 1 part unnerving updates, 2 parts sneak peeks of new projects., 35 comments.

Alex J. Cavanaugh

That is chilling. Didn’t see it coming.


Thanks so much, Alex! You ROCK.

susan scott

yikes, totally out of left field!

I’ll take that as a compliment, Susan. 😀

Mason Canyon

Wow, I’m like Alex. I totally didn’t see that ending coming. Makes me want to know more.

Thoughts in Progress and MC Book Tours

Thanks so much, Mason! Who knows…maybe, like the best horror movie characters, they’ll come back.


Wow. Just Wow!

Aw, thanks Denise. Everyone is being so kind. I didn’t expect such a wonderful response–I’m a little overwhelmed. 🙂

Samantha Bryant

That was amazing, and horrifying. I’ll have to play with something really short like this. I’m surprised how powerful it could be with so few words.

@mirymom1 from Balancing Act

Thanks, Samantha. I’m glad you liked it. The PR team at Samhain asked me to write it, and when they first suggested it, I thought, “I can’t do that–a horror story in 100 words? That’s crazy!”

Turns out I can! 😀

If you try it, tag me.

Heather M. Gardner

*chills* *chills* *chills*

That is SO creepy!

Aw, thanks Heather! *hugs*

Madeline Mora-Summonte

Totally chilling!

And you know how much I love micro fiction AND horror. 🙂

Thanks, Madeline! It’s great to hear from a master of the genre.


It begs for an encore. Nicely done. 🙂

Thanks so much, Henry! And thanks for posting your own on my Facebook page . That was awesome.

You’re welcome. It was a fun challenge. I wish more people would give it a try.

You and me both!

Lisa S.

Creepy. Makes me want to hear more.

Thanks, Lisa. You never know…maybe these two will speak to me some more one day, demanding a novel of their own.

Adam Dooley

Thanks so much, Adam! Welcome to my blog. 🙂

Chrys Fey

That ending is chilling! This reminded me of something I read before. I swear I’ve read something before about a child asking a dad questions and each one was harder for him to answer. Hmm…I can’t think of where I read it, though. Oh well. Great job! I should try 100 word stories. 🙂

Thanks, Chrys. Is it possible you read it when I promoted it for Samhain? They were the ones who asked me to write it initially, and I shared it back then.

Roland Yeomans

Yep. That ending was chilling all right. Oh, the ghost of Mark Twain just followed your Twitter account — on account you were pretty he said, wagging his eyebrows! Sigh. Forgive the old rascal. He’s mostly harmless except to himself!! 🙂

Well, I’m flattered, Roland. And you can tell Mr. Twain I said so.


Wow! I did not see that coming and that is downright creepy but it would make a great book and movie

Wow, you’re too kind, Birgit! Thanks so much. 🙂

Mary Aalgaard

Horrifying, really. Well done.

Thanks so much, Mary!


CREEPY!!!! I love it. =) <3

Thanks, Nikki. I adore you!

Patricia Lynne

That was great. I didn’t see that ending.

Thanks, Patricia!

sophia eze

i lovgfe your pageeeeeee

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6 Sincerely Spooky Stories in 100 Words or Less

Raven on the empty, spooky cemetery

Halloween is upon us, but here in the digital age, it’s hard to find the time to read a short story, let alone a full-length horror novel. Here, then, are six blood-curdling tales for the digital age, each 100 words or less.

RELATED : 10+ Short Scary Stories You Definitely Don’t Want To Read Alone

Sally’s parents went out for a Halloween dinner, so Sally decided to invite a few friends over. There was some booze and pot, some slasher DVDs, and then the spooky highlight: a Ouija board.

Just gibberish at first and then, to their horror and delight, messages.

Specific messages.

S-A-L-L-Y , the board spelled out.

“Who is this?” said Sally.


“Are you dead?”

“How did you die?”

“Who are you?”


Sally is still screaming when the police car arrives, and a single officer, cap respectfully in his hands, approaches the house.

Old cabinet in night vision

© fourblueeyes/flickr

Driscoll and Smedley are grave robbers. Their night’s work done, they head to the hospital on a cart loaded with fresh corpses.

No honor among thieves: Driscoll plans to cut Smedley’s throat after they get paid. Driscoll cackles to himself as they traverse the London dawn. He looks at Smedley, thinking: He has no idea.

“Excellent,” shouts Dr. Barron from a casement window as they draw up with their grisly cargo. “You’ve brought me those seven corpses I need!”

” ‘Ere,” says Driscoll. “There’s only six on the cart! You told me—”

“Yeah,” says Smedley, drawing his revolver. “I did, didn’t I?”

They entered the chamber.

Kendall was gripped by foreboding. There was the altar stone with its spiral pattern, carved millennia ago.

Glover shone his torch around the gloom. “The legends say this place makes people vanish.”

“Hard to see where anyone could vanish to.”

“Ten have, over the last 200 years.”

Kendall stared into the spiral carving; as he did so, he felt an awful sense of unease. Suddenly, he saw infinity. The same pattern repeating, over and over, reminding him of something. And then he was remembering, screaming—

Kendall was gripped by foreboding…

The Old Well

Frightened human eye pupil with a skull within it

© @Doug88888/flickr

I fell down the old well. Fortunately, I wasn’t hurt. At the bottom, there was a skeleton, a horrid thing in the tatters of a summer dress. I was terrified. I climbed out and ran back to the house but I couldn’t find my family, only a man and a woman I didn’t know. I approached them; the man ignored me, but the woman screamed, and then I realized there was something important I had forgotten.

Then I was back in the dark well again, with that horrible skeleton.

What have I forgotten? What was it?

From Room 116 come the sounds of flamenco in the hot Seville night. The clacking of castanets, the shuffle of heels, the melancholy guitar.

“Christ,” says Benson. “For the third night running!”

Before he knows it, he’s out of bed and hammering on the door of 116. “Keep that bloody noise down!”

The noises stop abruptly. The door creaks open.

On the bare floorboards are a broken guitar, cracked castanets and a pair of mouldering high-heeled shoes.

The dust is thick. Undisturbed.

All Benson can hear now is the sound of his own breathing, hard and fast.

Long Distance Call

Telephone handset hanging in the air

© helloturkeytoe/flickr

At the hideout, the phone rang. Trembling, Dan answered.

“Dan! It’s Tony.”

Dan gasped.

“I thought you were—”

“Just listen. Guess the bank job didn’t go like we planned, huh? Still. At least one of us got away.”

“What are you—”

“Shhh. I had to describe it. This place.”

“Whispering shadows. The sky white with ash. The horizon roars, and the streets are bleached bone…”

“Nobody has a face.”

“This isn’t funny.”

“I mean, I expected flames, and pitchforks, laughing devils. Not this.”

“But you’ll see. Soon enough, Danny Boy. You’ll see.”

Cover photo: ifeel_infinite/flickr

This article was originally published on November 1, 2014

nightmare essay 100 words

Short Paragraph on My Worst Nightmare (390 Words)

nightmare essay 100 words

Here is your short Paragraph on My Worst Nightmare !

We often hear people saying that “it was a nightmare for me.” Well in my case, I did often hear this statement being said by people around me and I kept wondering what actually they meant by this statement, until one day I really understood what they meant!

We had a math teacher who joined recently to our school. At first we were not that were scared of her as she walked in with a smile and introduced herself in a such a pleasing manner. As time passed by, we realized that she was a very strict teacher.

She was very particular that we did our homework on time and attended classes’ very attentitively. If there were any distractions during her class hours, she used to go with very harsh punishments and made us work extra. She used to tell us that we need to come prepared for the next class and on some days, she used to put up surprise tests. In those tests if anyone failed, they would be punished badly and asked to stand out of the class for the entire day!


Gradually she started become our nightmares! Even in our sleep we used to think of only math’s, the sums, the problems that we did in the classroom during the day and so on. Discussions among ourselves were only of maths and not any other subject. If there was a test announced, we were all panic to attend it, because if by any chance we failed, we had to face severe punishments. It got so extreme that our parents also felt the pressure on us. They went up to the school managements and spoke about the matter. Our maths teacher was advised not to impose such pressure on us. At first we thought, she might punish us for this too, but we found that she slowly started to change.

The change was so obvious that the transformation was welcomed by us and we also supported our teacher. Now she is one among our favorite teaches who teaches us well and does not punish us. Earlier we used to learn maths only because we feared her, but now we learn maths, because we love her. She was indeed a nightmare for us, once upon a time.

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Essay on “A Nightmare” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

A Nightmare

 Don’t eat just before going to bed!” my mother used to tell me. “You might get a nightmare.” How right she was. I never believed her until it happened to me. It was on a night when I felt hungry just as I was about to go to bed. So I made myself a peanut-butter sandwich and a large cold glass of milk. After consuming them I went to bed. Soon I drifted off into a troubled sleep. I dreamt that I was with a group of people looking for an old woman. I was not sure why we were looking for her but we all seemed afraid of her. Somehow we had to find her. So there I was, searching high and low for her in frightful places I had never been before. Sometimes I seemed to be flying while at other times I seemed unable to move. The whole atmosphere was one of fear, like a dreadful horror-movie in which I was a victim. After some searching, I entered a darkened room and saw a figure sleeping on a bed. As I got nearer the figure suddenly threw away the blanket, got up and stared at me. It was an ugly old woman with shiny golden teeth. She raised her claw-l”e fingers and walked towards me. I wanted to run but was unable to. I tried to scream but found that I could not. In horror I struggled and struggled to get away from the frightful woman. The next moment I gave a muffled yell and found myself panting on my bed. My goodness, what a horrible nightmare it was! For a minute or so I lay on my bed not daring to close my eyes for fear of falling asleep again and continuing the nightmare. Then I sat up on my bed until the horrible feeling passed. From then on I never ate just before going to sleep.

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    Short Paragraph on My Worst Nightmare (390 Words) Article shared by: Here is your short Paragraph on My Worst Nightmare ! We often hear people saying that "it was a nightmare for me.". Well in my case, I did often hear this statement being said by people around me and I kept wondering what actually they meant by this statement, until one ...

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    A Mothers Worst Nightmare On a very cold March day my son Garrett and my daughter Jordan were playing ball in our backyard when Garrett's ball went into the neighbor's yard. Garrett proceeded to go into their yard to get the ball not realizing how long their dog's chain was. The dog lunged forward and grabbed Garrett by the back of his ...

  18. Essay on "A Nightmare" English Essay for Class 8, 9, 10 and 12

    Essay | Paragraph | Speech on "A Nightmare" English Essay for Class 8, 9, 10 and 12 EssayFor more English Essay | Paragraph Subscribe Our Channel "Masterji A...

  19. Essay on topic Nightmare in 100 words

    Find an answer to your question Essay on topic Nightmare in 100 words. aaryan1700 aaryan1700 01.12.2020 English Primary School answered • expert verified Essay on topic Nightmare in 100 words ... - write message/ theme of the story in your own words ..."" how the camel got his hump "".. NOTE .( class 8 ncert English supp ch-1 )(((( GIVE ME ...

  20. Nightmare Essay 100 Words

    Nightmare Essay 100 Words: ABOUT US . Andersen, Jung & Co. is a San Francisco based, full-service real estate firm providing customized concierge-level services to its clients. We work to help our residential clients find their new home and our commercial clients to find and optimize each new investment property through our real estate and ...

  21. My Worst Nightmare Essay 100 Words

    My Worst Nightmare Essay 100 Words - Show More. ID 27260. 1(888)499-5521. 1(888)814-4206. ID 11550. Write essay for me and soar high! ... My Worst Nightmare Essay 100 Words, Pay For Professional Persuasive Essay On Hillary, Online Professional Resume Writing Services Albany Ny, Magical Book Series Problem Solving Puzzles By K Kundan, Close ...

  22. Essay on "A Nightmare" Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and

    A Nightmare. Don't eat just before going to bed!" my mother used to tell me. "You might get a nightmare.". How right she was. I never believed her until it happened to me. It was on a night when I felt hungry just as I was about to go to bed. So I made myself a peanut-butter sandwich and a large cold glass of milk.

  23. Nightmare Essay 100 Words

    Nightmare Essay 100 Words. 4.8/5. Bennie Hawra. #29 in Global Rating. The narration in my narrative work needs to be smooth and appealing to the readers while writing my essay. Our writers enhance the elements in the writing as per the demand of such a narrative piece that interests the readers and urges them to read along with the entire writing.