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226 Hot Public Health Thesis Topics For Top Grades

public health thesis topics

Are you stuck trying to get the best current public health research topics for thesis and writing it? If yes, know you are not alone. A lot of students find the tasks challenging, but we are here to help. Keep reading our informative guide that demonstrates how to prepare an engaging public health paper.

We will also highlight hot 226 health policy topics for paper and other public health ideas for dissertation that you can use for top grades. Why settle for less when we can help you select the best college or university papers?

What Is Public Health?

Before looking at the top public health statistics undergraduate thesis topics or other public health research ideas, let’s start with the definition. So, what is public health?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), public health is “the art and science of preventing diseases, helping to prolong life and promote health using organized efforts. Good examples of public health efforts include preventing outbreaks, educating the public on health choices, promoting fitness, preparing for emergencies, and avoiding the spread of infectious diseases. Public health

How To Write A Great Public Health Dissertation

If you are a graduate or masters student, one of the most comprehensive documents that you need to prepare is the dissertation. It is an expansive paper and comes at the end of your course. Remember that you need to ensure it is prepared well because a team of professors will ultimately evaluate it. So, here are the main steps that you need to follow to prepare a high quality dissertation:

Identify the topic of study Comprehensively research the topic and identify the main points to support it Develop the thesis statement for the dissertation (this thesis will ultimately be tested after gathering your data) Develop an outline for the dissertation. This guide should tell you what to write at what specific instance. Here is a sample outline: Topic of the study Introduction. Start with the thesis statement, followed by the objectives of the study. Then, the rest of the introduction should be used to set the background for the study. Literature review: Review relevant resources about the topic. Methodology: Explain the methodology that was used during the study. Is Results and analysis: Provide the results gathered during the study. Discussion and conclusion: Here, you should discuss the study results and demonstrate whether they approve or disapprove the thesis statement. If you found any gaps in the previous studies, highlight them too and call for further studies. Bibliography: This is a list of all the resources you used to prepare the paper. Write the first draft following the outline we have just listed above. Write the final copy by refining the first draft, proofreading, and editing it.

Awesome Public Health Thesis Topics

Here are the leading thesis topics in public health for top grades. You can use them as they are or tweak a little to suit your preference.

Public Health Thesis Topics In Mental Issues

  • What is the role of public health in addressing mental issues in society?
  • Seasonal affective disorder: A review of the disorder’s prevalence rates.
  • Society should always listen to the needs of mentally ill persons.
  • Eating disorders in adults: A review of the treatment strategies used for adults in the UK.
  • What is the relation between climate change and emerging public health issues?
  • Comparing depression prevalence rates in the UK to those of the US.
  • What are the main causes of anxiety disorders in society?
  • A review of the connection between HIV/AIDS and mental health issues in society.
  • Running a public health facility: What is the most important equipment?
  • Emerging public health issues in developing countries.
  • Analyzing the psychological problems of breast cancer.
  • What strategies should people use to prevent their mental health from social media dangers?
  • A review of the public health benefits associated with active lifestyles.
  • Stress: Why is it a major risk factor for mental health in many communities?
  • What are the most common mental health issues in society today?
  • Comparing the rates of depression and stress in China and the UK.
  • Addressing anxiety-related disorders: Is cognitive-behavior therapy the best treatment method?
  • A review of the economic burden of living with a person suffering from anxiety disorders.
  • How does depression impact the quality of life?
  • Comparing training of public health officers in the US to India.

Unique Research Topics In Public Health

  • Surrogacy: A review of associated ethical issues.
  • Prevalence of medical errors in hospitals: A review of the policies used to prevent the problem in the United States.
  • Blood transfusion: What are the side effects?
  • A review of doctors’ roles in promoting healthy lifestyles.
  • Maintaining healthy body weight: Comparing the effectiveness of the recommended methods.
  • A review of organ donation trends in Europe and Asia.
  • Analyzing the ethical factors around cloning: When should it be allowed?
  • The ethics of human experimentation.
  • Comparing the rates of heart attacks in women to men in the United States.
  • What are the main causes of heart attacks? Can it be prevented?
  • Progress in diabetes studies and treatment: Is it possible to get a cure in the future?
  • Biological weapons and their impacts on society: A review of the Leukemia rates in Japan.
  • Pre-diabetes in children: What are the main symptoms, and how can it be addressed?

Public Health Paper Topics On COVID-19

  • How will COVID-19 change life?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of self-isolation?
  • Life lessons that you learned during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • What challenges has your community faced during COVID-19 pandemic?
  • School life during COVID-19 pandemic.
  • A review of mass media operations during pandemic.
  • What projects did you undertake during the pandemic?
  • A review of projects that your community undertook during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • A closer look at the backlash against Asians in Europe at the start COVID-19 pandemic period.
  • Preparing for the next pandemic: What lessons did the world learn from the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • The best strategies for staying healthy during a pandemic.
  • Is there anything that we could have done to prevent the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • Comparing the effectiveness of Europe and American healthcare preparedness for tackling disasters.
  • A review of mental health status in a community of your choice during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • A review of COVID-19 emergence theories: Which one do you think is more credible?
  • Comparing the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic to Ebola.
  • Vaccines development for viral infections: What made the development of the COVID-19 vaccine possible so fast, whereas that of HIV/AIDS has taken so long?
  • A review of the vaccine development process.
  • Time for review: How effectively do you think your government responded to the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • Rethinking public health on a global scale: Demonstrating why effective healthcare is only possible when looked at globally.

Interesting Public Health Research Topic Ideas

  • What is the importance of learning public health in school?
  • Identify and review a common public health issue in your community.
  • The history of human health: Comparing what was considered healthy in ancient times to what is referred to as healthy today.
  • Going vegan: How can it impact your health?
  • Excessive weight: Is it the new threat to human civilization?
  • Is bodybuilding healthy?
  • Body positive: Is it a new health standard or ignorance of body issues?
  • Things to consider when selecting healthy food to eat.
  • Why psychological health should be part of every community in society.
  • The health of newborns: What is the difference between their healthcare and that of adults?
  • Emerging trends in the healthcare industry: How can the latest trends benefit society?
  • Comparing depression and anxiety in two countries of your choice.
  • Physical wellness must include healthy behavioral patterns and nutrition.
  • A sense of belonging is paramount to personal and community health.
  • What is the relationship between spirituality and public health?
  • A review of stigmatization of mental health issues in a community of your choice.
  • Is it possible to prevent depression?
  • At what point should children start learning sex-related education?
  • Comparing the two main public health issues in two cities: London and New York.
  • What is the relationship between poverty and public health?

Hot Researchable Topics In Public Health

  • The resurgence of measles in society: The best guidance for clinicians.
  • Tackling the growing national drug problem.
  • Bioterrorism preparedness for global disasters.
  • A review of recent vitamin D recommendations for older adults.
  • Strategies for maintaining maternal mortality at low levels across the globe.
  • Efforts by Asian governments to reduce infections from using unsafe water.
  • Over-the-counter drug abuse in Europe: Compare two countries of your choice.
  • Health care providers’ roles in preventing bullying in society.
  • Knowledge management in the UK healthcare organizations.
  • The health benefits of good healthcare waste management.
  • Characteristics of dental wastes in hospitals.
  • Comparing the most prevalent public health issues in developed and developing nations.
  • Latest trends in financing public health.
  • The relevance of clinical epidemiology in public health.
  • Evidence based public health.
  • Epidemiological burden of HIV/AIDS in developing countries.
  • Addressing cervical cancer in developing countries: Is it possible to eliminate it completely?
  • Ethics in public health clinical research.
  • Comparing the strategies used in teaching and motivating public health professionals in developing and developed countries.

Research Topics In Public Health For Masters

  • Advertising and impacts on food choices in the community.
  • The use of stem cell technologies for cancer treatment: What are the latest trends?
  • Bio-printing: Is it the future of organ transplants?
  • Nutrition education: How does it promote healthy diets?
  • Exercising: What role does it play in promoting strength and balance in the elderly?
  • Weight loss surgery: What are the key advantages and disadvantages?
  • Heart disease is a major public health issue in society.
  • Alternative strategies for treating depression in society: Are they effective?
  • Healthcare leadership and its importance in public health.
  • Legal aspects of public health care in the society.
  • Mental disabilities in patients: A review of the emerging trends in the UK.
  • How does the United States promote the development of public health?
  • Inequalities in medicine: What impact does it have in public health?
  • The most controversial issues in public health in the UK.
  • What are the most preferred storage systems for medical supplies in the UK public health facilities?
  • Reimagining the public health systems on the globe: Where do you see the UK health system in the next 20 years?

Top Thesis Topics In Dental Public Health

  • Common oral health issues in Ireland.
  • A review of common problems of endodontically treated teeth.
  • The role of good leadership skills in dental education.
  • Child management techniques between male and female practitioners.
  • What role does ergonomics play in dentistry?
  • Dental material and bio-engineering: What are the latest trends?
  • A review of the relationship between diabetes and oral health in the society.
  • The role of electronic health care record systems used in public health.
  • Comparing dental health issues in the developing and developed countries.
  • A review of public awareness of dental health issues in a community of choice.
  • How can you ensure that all the food you buy is safe and healthy?
  • What strategies are used by your local health community to promote dental awareness?
  • Dental health management in California: What do you think should be done differently?
  • Are you satisfied with the strategies used to address dental issues?

Hot Thesis Topics Public Health

  • Mandatory overtime work for medical staff: How does it impact their commitment to their job?
  • Nursing shortage and its impact in public health.
  • Strategies for improving public health in the EU.
  • Mental health issues among asylum seekers in the United States.
  • Common mental issues among veterans returning from war: A case study of the United States.
  • What functions does management play in healthcare settings when handling key public health issues?
  • How poor relationships between nurses and doctors can impact public health services delivery.
  • Third-party players in public health and their roles.
  • Financial reporting standards in public health facilities.
  • What is the correlation between revenue collection in society and the quality of patient services?
  • Reviewing the coordination of public health officials during disasters.
  • The importance of staff training on quality of health services.
  • Comparing the differences between alternative medicine and conventional medicine in addressing public health issues in society.
  • Obesity: What are the main causes in child-going age?
  • A review of health consequences of caffeine.
  • Medical marijuana: What are the main pros and cons?
  • A review of the US Farm Bill Amendments that legalized use of cannabis in the US.
  • Doing sports: Is it always healthy?
  • Low-fat or low-carb diet: Which one is better in addressing overweight and diabetes issues?
  • Preventing communicable diseases: Evaluating the prevention strategies used in Asia.
  • What is the estimated cost of treating heart problems?

Controversial Public Health Dissertation Topics

  • Smoking and impacts of current efforts to address cancer in the society.
  • A review of the main causes of heart attacks in society today.
  • Tobacco ads: Evaluating their impacts and the relationship to the current cancer trends in the society.
  • Sleep disorders: Explain why they should be considered a public health issue.
  • Staffing shortage and the impacts in fighting COVID-19 pandemic in Asia.
  • Analyzing risk management of treating different diseases in the community.
  • COVID-19 pandemic in numbers: Comparing the infection rates in the developed and developing countries.
  • Reviewing strategies used in the US public health system to achieve equity: How effective are they?
  • Analyzing the main challenges in the UK medical care system.
  • Rising cases of suicides in the society: What are the main causes?
  • A comprehensive review of strategies used to prevent suicides in the 21st century in the US.
  • Use of vaccines to prevent diseases: Do adults still need the vaccines?
  • Heat-related deaths: What strategies should be adopted?
  • Chronic-diseases prevention: Comparing the strategies used in developing and developed countries.
  • Are we becoming too dependent on antibiotics in fighting diseases?
  • Opioid crisis: Are the doctors to blame for it?
  • Use of blockchain in growing accuracy of clinical trials in medicine.
  • What dangers are posed by nuclear wastes in society?
  • Assessing US industrial facilities compliance rates to cut down emissions.
  • Using clean energy as a strategy of improving public health: What are the expectations?
  • What is the healthiest country?
  • Evaluating the correlation between gaming and deviant behavior among children in society.
  • COVID-19 could have been prevented if WHO was more vigilant?

Public Health Research Questions

  • Is the high cost of medical healthcare in the United States justified?
  • What is the correlation between poverty and poor health in society?
  • Should health care for homeless people be free?
  • Unconventional medicine: Should it be part of the UK healthcare system?
  • Should doctors be responsible for medical errors?
  • Should medical officers or health facilities be allowed to promote selective medical products?
  • Should all healthcare facilities in the UK be required to have translators for non-English speaking clients?
  • Mental health issues associated with domestic violence: A case study of France.
  • Is it a good idea to legalize euthanasia?
  • What are the benefits of using surgical masks in public?
  • What are the most important lessons from the different waves of the COVID-19 pandemic reported on the globe?
  • Who is more responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • Ebola or COVID-19 pandemic: Which is worse?
  • What are the main causes of epidemics on the globe?
  • Public health planning: What are the most important things to think about?
  • Should governments pay the cost of rehabilitating drug addicts in society?
  • Teaching children healthy lifestyles: What are the best strategies?
  • What problems do people with autism face in society?
  • What are the leading causes of child mortality in your community?
  • Gun violence in the United States: Should it be considered a public health issue?
  • What illnesses are considered foodborne?

Easy Topics In Public Health

  • All workplaces should support breastfeeding.
  • What are the best strategies to reduce pollution in society?
  • Public health benefits of recycling waste in society.
  • Reviewing the causes of poor water quality in the developing world.
  • Comparing water quality standards policies in the UK and US.
  • Health impacts of the rapid depletion of o-zone depletion.
  • Better planning of infrastructural development is important for healthier societies: Discuss.
  • The US is better prepared to handle pandemics that might arise after the COVID-19 pandemic. Discuss.
  • A review of common diseases spread by vectors.
  • A review of key policies installed to protect employee health.
  • Legal age for consuming energy drinks should be set by the government to address the problem of diabetes.
  • Smoking: Should it be banned in public?
  • What are the best strategies for raising awareness in public?
  • Can reducing the workload of employees in manufacturing facilities improve their health?
  • Sunbathing should be restricted to prevent the risk of cancer: Discuss.
  • Should abortion be banned in society?
  • School-related stress: How can it be prevented?
  • Should birth control be made available and free for all teenagers?
  • What should be categorized as a bad health habit?
  • Compare and contrast two common treatment methods for treating behavioral disorders.
  • Internet addiction: What are the main dangers of internet addiction?

Other Public Health Topics For Research

  • How to stay healthy and safe during a pandemic.
  • Using a bicycle instead of driving is healthier.
  • Common mental disorders in India.
  • What is the biggest health issue among young people?
  • The impact of exercising in teenagers.
  • Why do teenagers experiment with drugs?
  • What impact does dispositional violence have on mental disorders?
  • Is telemedicine helpful in promoting better healthcare?
  • Unproven alternative medicine: What are the associated risks?
  • What alternatives do we have for antibiotics?
  • What is the difference between private and public healthcare?
  • A review of the main health issues associated with puberty.
  • What is the most dangerous disease of the 21st century?
  • Why are some people still afraid of vaccines?
  • Experimental treatment: Why do people agree to undergo it?
  • How can we improve the health of people living with chronic illnesses?
  • The best strategies to make people aware of the basics of healthcare.
  • A review of the growing awareness about reproductive health in the society.

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UKnowledge > College of Public Health > Public Health M.P.H. Theses & Dr.P.H. Dissertations

Theses and Dissertations--Public Health (M.P.H. & Dr.P.H.)

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Cardiovascular Disease among commercially insured adults with type 1 diabetes in the US , 2016-2019 , Orighomisan F. Agboghoroma

Improving Black Maternal Outcomes in Christian County, KY: A Social Marketing Approach to Perinatal Provider Change , Ariel A. Arthur

Current Linkage to Treatment and Recovery Support Services for Patients with a Substance Use Disorder: A Survey of Kentucky Physicians , Seif Atyia, Terry Bunn, Dana Quesinberry, and Timothy S. Prince

Empirical Insights into Survivorship Care: A Cross-Sectional Study of CoC Accredited Hospitals in Kentucky , Amanda M. Beckett

Changes in Primary Care Availability in Appalachia , Whitney Beckett

Redefining ED Utilization: A Rabies Post-Exposure Prophylaxis Perspective , David Bennington

The Relationship Between Social Vulnerability and Cardiovascular Disease Outcomes in Kentucky , Karcyn Brummett

The Effects of Stigma within the PrEP Care Cascade Among People Who Inject Drugs in Rural Kentucky , Abby Burton

Implementation of a Postpartum Depression Program in a Rural Kentucky County , Abby Cecil

Dental Outreach in Academic Dental Settings , Tisha Clayborn

A Case Study in Prospective Program Evaluation , Sarai Rosemary Combs

A Case Study in Program Evaluation: A Prospective Program Evaluation of Timely Reporting and Action of an Infectious Disease Outbreak , Destiny Cozart


Fall 2023 COVID-19, Influenza, and Respiratory Syncytial Virus Vaccine Uptake in Kentucky , Abigail Dial

Human papilloma virus type 16 seroprevalence among men living with HIV , Ashley Duff

Adolescent Vaccination Rates and Pharmacists' Ability to Prescribe and Administer , Paul Jake Faulkner

McCovid Campaign – A Social Media Implementation to Decrease Vaccine Hesitancy in Rural Counties , Harper Ford

Interprofessional Collaboration in a Lung Cancer Screening Learning Collaborative , Angela Fu

Novel cannabinoid use among young adults in Lexington, Kentucky , Victoria A. Hamilton

Evaluating a High School MRSA Prevention Program: A Case Study , Jamie Henning

The Distribution of CP-CRE cases from 2013-2020 in the Commonwealth of Kentucky , Hannah Hiscox


Patient Access to GLP-1 RA’s: A Medicare Part D Policy Analysis , Celine Hummer


Characterizing the Relationship Between the Presence of Depression Risk, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Benzodiazepine Use to Get High , Julia Kollitz

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151+ Public Health Research Topics [Updated 2024]

public health research topics

The important area of public health research is essential to forming laws, influencing medical procedures, and eventually enhancing community well-being. As we delve into the vast landscape of public health research topics, it’s essential to understand the profound impact they have on society.

This blog aims to provide a comprehensive guide to selecting and understanding the diverse array of public health research topics.

Overview of Public Health Research Topics

Table of Contents

Public health research encompasses a wide range of subjects, reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of the field. From epidemiology and health policy to environmental health and infectious diseases, researchers navigate through various dimensions to address complex health challenges.

Each category holds its own significance, contributing to the overall understanding of public health dynamics.

Key Considerations in Selecting Public Health Research Topics

  • Current Relevance: Assess the timeliness of potential topics by considering recent health trends, emerging issues, and societal concerns.
  • Impact on Public Health: Evaluate the potential impact of the research on improving health outcomes, addressing disparities, or influencing policy and interventions.
  • Feasibility and Resources: Gauge the practicality of conducting research on a particular topic, considering available resources, data accessibility, and research infrastructure.
  • Ethical Considerations: Scrutinize the ethical implications of the research, ensuring it aligns with ethical standards and guidelines, especially when dealing with vulnerable populations or sensitive topics.

Top 151+ Public Health Research Topics


  • The Impact of Social Determinants on Disease Outcomes
  • Patterns and Trends in Emerging Infectious Diseases
  • Investigating Health Disparities among Different Ethnic Groups
  • Childhood Obesity and its Long-Term Health Consequences
  • Assessing the Effectiveness of Contact Tracing in Disease Control

Health Policy

  • Universal Healthcare: Comparative Analysis of Global Models
  • The Role of Telemedicine in Improving Healthcare Access
  • Evaluating Mental Health Policies and Their Impact on Communities
  • Assessing the Impact of Affordable Care Act on Public Health
  • Vaccine Policies and Public Perception: A Comprehensive Study

Environmental Health

  • Climate Change and Health: Adapting to the Challenges
  • Air Quality and Respiratory Health in Urban Environments
  • Waterborne Diseases and Strategies for Safe Water Supply
  • Occupational Health Hazards: A Comprehensive Workplace Analysis
  • The Impact of Green Spaces on Mental Health in Urban Areas

Infectious Diseases

  • Antimicrobial Resistance: Strategies for Mitigation
  • Vaccination Strategies and Herd Immunity
  • Global Health Security: Preparedness for Pandemics
  • The Impact of Vector-Borne Diseases on Public Health
  • Emerging Trends in Antibiotic-Resistant Infections

Chronic Diseases

  • Lifestyle Interventions for Preventing Cardiovascular Diseases
  • Genetic Factors in the Development of Cancer: A Comprehensive Study
  • Aging and Health: Addressing the Healthcare Needs of the Elderly
  • Diabetes Prevention Programs: Efficacy and Implementation
  • Mental Health in Chronic Disease Patients: Bridging the Gap

Maternal and Child Health

  • Maternal Mortality: Understanding Causes and Prevention
  • The Impact of Breastfeeding on Infant Health and Development
  • Childhood Immunization: Barriers and Strategies for Improvement
  • Teenage Pregnancy and Its Long-Term Health Consequences
  • Mental Health Support for Postpartum Women: Current Gaps and Solutions

Health Behavior and Promotion

  • Smoking Cessation Programs: Effectiveness and Challenges
  • Physical Activity Promotion in Schools: Strategies for Success
  • Nutrition Education and Its Impact on Healthy Eating Habits
  • Mental Health Awareness Campaigns: Assessing Public Perceptions
  • The Role of Social Media in Health Promotion

Global Health

  • Assessing the Impact of International Aid on Global Health
  • Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Programs in Developing Countries
  • The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in Global Health
  • Communicable Disease Control in Refugee Populations
  • Global Access to Essential Medicines: Challenges and Solutions

Community Health

  • Community-Based Participatory Research: Best Practices and Challenges
  • The Impact of Community Health Workers on Health Outcomes
  • Health Literacy and its Relationship to Health Disparities
  • Assessing the Effectiveness of Mobile Health (mHealth) Interventions
  • Community Resilience in the Face of Public Health Crises

Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety

  • Hospital-Acquired Infections: Strategies for Prevention
  • Patient Safety Culture in Healthcare Organizations
  • Quality Improvement Initiatives in Primary Care Settings
  • Healthcare Accreditation: Impact on Patient Outcomes
  • Implementing Electronic Health Records: Challenges and Benefits

Mental Health

  • Stigma Reduction Programs for Mental Health Disorders
  • Integrating Mental Health into Primary Care Settings
  • The Impact of COVID-19 on Mental Health: Long-Term Implications
  • Mental Health in the Workplace: Strategies for Employee Well-being
  • Suicide Prevention Programs: Effectiveness and Outreach

Health Disparities

  • Racial Disparities in Healthcare: Addressing Systemic Inequities
  • LGBTQ+ Health Disparities and Inclusive Healthcare Practices
  • Socioeconomic Status and Access to Healthcare Services
  • Geographical Disparities in Health: Rural vs. Urban
  • The Impact of Gender on Health Outcomes and Access to Care

Public Health Education

  • Evaluation of Public Health Education Programs
  • Innovative Approaches to Teaching Public Health Concepts
  • Online Health Education Platforms: Opportunities and Challenges
  • Interdisciplinary Training in Public Health: Bridging Gaps
  • Continuing Education for Public Health Professionals: Current Landscape

Digital Health

  • The Role of Wearable Devices in Health Monitoring
  • Telehealth Adoption: Barriers and Opportunities
  • Health Apps for Chronic Disease Management: User Perspectives
  • Blockchain Technology in Healthcare: Privacy and Security Implications
  • Artificial Intelligence in Disease Diagnosis and Prediction

Health Economics

  • Cost-Effectiveness of Preventive Health Interventions
  • The Impact of Healthcare Financing Models on Access to Care
  • Pharmaceutical Pricing and Access to Essential Medicines
  • Economic Evaluation of Health Promotion Programs
  • Health Insurance Coverage and Health Outcomes: A Global Perspective

Innovations in Public Health

  • 3D Printing in Healthcare: Applications and Future Prospects
  • Gene Editing Technologies and their Ethical Implications
  • Smart Cities and Public Health: Integrating Technology for Well-being
  • Nanotechnology in Medicine: Potential for Disease Treatment
  • The Role of Drones in Public Health: Surveillance and Intervention

Food Safety and Nutrition

  • Foodborne Illness Outbreaks: Investigating Causes and Prevention
  • Sustainable Food Systems: Implications for Public Health
  • Nutritional Interventions for Malnutrition in Developing Countries
  • Food Labeling and Consumer Understanding: A Critical Review
  • The Impact of Fast Food Consumption on Public Health

Substance Abuse

  • Opioid Epidemic: Strategies for Prevention and Treatment
  • Harm Reduction Approaches in Substance Abuse Programs
  • Alcohol Consumption Patterns and Public Health Outcomes
  • Smoking and Mental Health: Exploring the Connection
  • Novel Psychoactive Substances: Emerging Threats and Strategies

Occupational Health

  • Workplace Stress and Mental Health: Intervention Strategies
  • Occupational Hazards in Healthcare Professions: A Comparative Analysis
  • Ergonomics in the Workplace: Improving Worker Health and Productivity
  • Night Shift Work and Health Consequences: Addressing Challenges
  • Occupational Health and Safety Regulations: A Global Overview

Disaster Preparedness and Response

  • Pandemic Preparedness and Lessons from COVID-19
  • Natural Disasters and Mental Health: Post-Traumatic Stress
  • Emergency Response Systems: Improving Timeliness and Efficiency
  • Communicating Health Risks During Emergencies: Public Perception
  • Collaborative Approaches to Disaster Response in Global Health

Cancer Research

  • Precision Medicine in Cancer Treatment: Current Advancements
  • Cancer Screening Programs: Efficacy and Challenges
  • Environmental Factors and Cancer Risk: Exploring Connections
  • Survivorship Care Plans: Enhancing Quality of Life after Cancer
  • Integrative Therapies in Cancer Care: Complementary Approaches

Sexual and Reproductive Health

  • Access to Contraception in Developing Countries: Challenges and Solutions
  • Comprehensive Sex Education Programs: Impact on Teen Pregnancy
  • Reproductive Health Rights: Global Perspectives and Challenges
  • Infertility Treatment: Ethical Considerations and Societal Impact
  • Maternal and Child Health in Conflict Zones: Addressing Challenges

Cardiovascular Health

  • Hypertension Prevention Programs: Strategies and Effectiveness
  • Cardiovascular Disease in Women: Gender-Specific Risk Factors
  • Innovations in Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs
  • Artificial Heart Technology: Advancements and Ethical Implications
  • Impact of Air Pollution on Cardiovascular Health: A Global Concern

Social Determinants of Health

  • Educational Attainment and Health Outcomes: Exploring Links
  • Income Inequality and its Impact on Population Health
  • Social Support Networks and Mental Health: A Comprehensive Study
  • Neighborhood Environments and Health Disparities
  • Employment and Health: The Interplay of Work and Well-being

Genomics and Public Health

  • Population Genomics and its Implications for Public Health
  • Genetic Counseling and Education: Empowering Individuals and Families
  • Ethical Issues in Genetic Research: Privacy and Informed Consent
  • Pharmacogenomics: Tailoring Drug Therapies to Individual Genotypes
  • Gene-Environment Interactions in Disease Risk: Unraveling Complexities

Public Health Ethics

  • Informed Consent in Public Health Research: Current Practices
  • Ethical Challenges in Global Health Research: Balancing Priorities
  • Confidentiality in Public Health Reporting: Striking the Right Balance
  • Research with Vulnerable Populations: Ethical Considerations
  • Ethical Implications of Emerging Technologies in Healthcare

Health Communication

  • The Role of Media in Shaping Public Health Perceptions
  • Health Literacy Interventions: Improving Understanding of Health Information
  • Social Media Campaigns for Public Health Promotion: Best Practices
  • Tailoring Health Messages for Diverse Audiences: Cultural Competency
  • Risk Communication in Public Health Emergencies: Lessons Learned


  • Personalized Nutrition Plans based on Genetic Makeup
  • Impact of Nutrigenomics on Chronic Disease Prevention
  • Ethical Considerations in Nutrigenomics Research
  • Public Perceptions of Nutrigenomic Testing: A Qualitative Study
  • Integrating Nutrigenomics into Public Health Policies

Public Health and Artificial Intelligence

  • Predictive Analytics in Disease Surveillance: Harnessing AI for Early Detection
  • Ethical Considerations in AI-Driven Health Decision Support Systems
  • Machine Learning in Epidemiology: Predicting Disease Outbreaks
  • Natural Language Processing in Public Health: Text Mining for Insights
  • Bias in AI Algorithms: Implications for Health Equity

Health Disparities in Aging

  • Geriatric Health Disparities: Bridging the Gap in Elderly Care
  • Ageism in Healthcare: Addressing Stereotypes and Discrimination
  • Social Isolation and Health Consequences in Aging Populations
  • Access to Palliative Care for Older Adults: A Global Perspective
  • Alzheimer’s Disease and Ethnic Disparities in Diagnosis and Treatment
  • Loneliness and Mental Health in the Elderly: Interventions and Support

Research Methodologies in Public Health

Public health research employs various methodologies, including quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods approaches. Each method brings its own strengths to the research process, allowing researchers to gain a comprehensive understanding of the complex issues they investigate. 

Community-based participatory research is another valuable approach, emphasizing collaboration with communities to address their specific health concerns.

Challenges and Opportunities in Public Health Research

While public health research is immensely rewarding, it comes with its own set of challenges. Funding constraints, ethical dilemmas, the need for interdisciplinary collaboration, and the integration of technology pose both obstacles and opportunities. 

Researchers must navigate these challenges to ensure their work has a meaningful impact on public health.

In conclusion, public health research topics are diverse and dynamic, reflecting the complex nature of the field. As researchers embark on their journeys, they must carefully consider the relevance, impact, and ethical implications of their chosen topics. 

The collaborative and interdisciplinary nature of public health research positions it as a powerful tool in addressing the health challenges of our time. By exploring the depths of these topics, researchers contribute to the collective effort to build healthier and more equitable communities. 

As we move forward, a continued exploration of relevant public health research topics is essential for shaping the future of healthcare and improving the well-being of populations worldwide.

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70 Public Health Dissertation Topics

70 Public Health Dissertation Topics

Developing a dissertation on healthcare is usually one of the final steps in your learning process before receiving a degree. This academic paper is extremely important because it is designed to help you come up with your own vision on a particular issue, show off your exceptional research, analytical, and writing skills. However, choosing dissertation topics in public health might often appear to be a long and tricky process. Below you will find the newest prompts on how to collect the most promising public health topics for research and compose an excellent dissertation within the shortest terms.

How to Select the Best Public Health Dissertation Topics

The process of writing a dissertation might take you weeks and months. Therefore, it is vital to know how to choose a dissertation topic to complete this type of academic assignment with a desirable result. Here are a few tips that will allow you to make the process of making the right choice smoother and faster. 

Follow Your Interests 

What can make your writing more effective? The truth is that you can compose your academic papers and develop brilliant writing if you are truly interested in the chosen field. Consequently, when searching for a winning public health research topic, always follow your interests. You might come through dozens of easy options you might have heard dozens of times. However, if you show zero interest in the chosen niche, your process of writing will likely be slowed down. The secret here is to grab an inspiring solution that will make you do the research, collect the arguments, and explore the niche with enthusiasm. In other words, becoming a passionate writer is one of the keys to success in developing high-quality dissertations. 

Try to Be Unique 

It is often difficult to find a truly original niche to write about. However, it is still possible to find gaps in different studies to develop your dissertation. It is not recommended to choose a topic everyone is also writing about. If you want to get extra points for your academic assignment, it is better to stick to new notions that will be interesting for the audience. By the way, if you fail to find this unique golden niche to write about, it might be great to compose a paper that describes some common concepts from an original angle. 

Avoid Being Vague 

Although a dissertation is an academic paper of an impressive volume, it shouldn’t cover ambiguous topics or concepts. It should be tightly written and precise writing that reflects particular ideas and research done in a chosen field. Furthermore, this paper should have a 100% clear structure and no blurred descriptions or unfitting examples. Thus, avoid grabbing a concept that is too broad. Remember that you will need to do an advanced analysis of the selected niche and come up with concise conclusions. There are many interesting health topics to write about, but it is necessary to pick only precise and comprehensive ones. 

Do the Research Beforehand

When choosing a topic for your dissertation, always do research before you start developing a thesis. You can collect several solutions and choose the one that has more relevant sources you can use during writing. This simple trick will help you select an easier-to-write-about solution. 

Be Realistic 

You might already have a couple of exciting topics you can write about. However, you shouldn’t be blind to the weak points of the chosen solution. The truth is that some of your favorite ideas might not be suitable to compose a paper of your academic level. Stay away from weak notions that will not be supported by numerous facts and trustworthy sources. Try to analyze your topic from different sides to get an unbiased vision of whether it suits your expectations. 

If you feel lost in dozens of examples of research topics in public health, it is always a good idea to consult the mentor or professor. As a rule, these are people with amazing experience who can help you make the best possible choice. However, it is better to come up with several topics you will choose from during the consultation. 

Don’t Hesitate to Switch to Another Topic 

Sometimes it happens that you feel disappointed with the chosen topic after you’ve started writing. If you feel that your solution is too difficult or irrelevant, it is better to select another one until you go too far. It is absolutely normal to switch to another topic when writing a dissertation. 

Hot Research Topics in Public Health for Masters

If you are looking for up-to-date and comprehensive topics to write about, this list is likely to suit all your needs. Grab one of the ideas below and compose a superior dissertation in no time. 

  • Dementia: how to help the patient’s relatives.
  • Innovative preventing methods of mental diseases.
  • How to stop racism and other forms of discrimination in the healthcare sector. 
  • Measures to prevent child obesity.
  • Should schools have lessons related to public health?
  • Poverty and access to quality healthcare.
  • Depression: how to help children and teenagers suffering from this condition?
  • Sexual abuse in the public health sector.
  • The correlation between sleep disorders and mental illnesses.
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder: newest ways of medical treatment. 
  • Legal issues in private healthcare institutions.
  • Audit and finances in big hospitals.
  • The role of insurance in healthcare. 
  • The correlation between diet and diabetes. 
  • How to manage drug addiction.
  • The benefits and dangers of using opioids.
  • The importance of regular full-body diagnostics.
  • Most effective ways for managing pain.
  • The genetic epidemiology of CRND.
  • Cannabis treatment for children: risks and benefits.
  • Newest technologies in healthcare. 
  • The future of TeleTrade healthcare.
  • Can doctors have the right to consult patients online?
  • Fitness applications and diet.
  • The ways to treat deep venous thrombosis.

Most Interesting Dissertation Ideas for Easy Writing 

When it comes to composing a dissertation, you might face the need to develop some pieces of the dissertation to meet urgent deadlines. If you don’t have enough free time to work on your academic paper, these topics might become true life-savers.

  • Anxiety disorders: how to help young parents. 
  • Epidemiologic evidence in the toxic torts.
  • Correlation between human genetics and epidemiology. 
  • Maternal health and kids’ behavioral patterns.
  • Public health policies: an advanced comparison.
  • Survival rates of children with different age groups.
  • Socio-economic environment and public health. 
  • Most common mental issues of Africans and Europeans. 
  • The most important features and equipment for trauma-specialized clinics.
  • Cancer prevention and early diagnostics. 
  • The dangers of too intense physical workouts for teenagers. 
  • How to improve the quality of life of patients with Alzheimer’s.
  • Should governments pay more attention to the control of pesticides? 
  • The role of technology in healthcare.
  • The most effective ways of sanitation COVID-19 hospitals. 
  • Should people without insurance have access to vaccination?
  • Drug addiction among young people and communicable diseases. 
  • Should public places have any equipped smoking areas?
  • Should smoking be banned in public places?
  • How to stop AIDS spread among young people.
  • Public health access issue in the United States. 

Best Epidemiology Project Ideas

Epidemiology is currently one of the most disputable topics among hundreds of scientists all over the world. There are many project topics on epidemiology you can write about. However, it is better to select the most relevant options. 

  • Healthcare issues in rural areas. 
  • COVID-19 vaccination: pros and cons.
  • Immune system and COVID-19: myths and facts.
  • Should people have the flu vaccination in the era of the coronavirus crisis?
  • Most common post-covid health issues. 
  • Vaccination and the children’s health. 
  • Role of humanitarian missions in undeveloped countries.
  • The real dangers of vaccination. 
  • The possible impact of brain injuries on mental health.
  • Mutation of viruses: myth vs. reality.
  • The future of organ transplantation. 
  • Most common issues of molecular epidemiology. 
  • Should scientists use animals for testing medications?
  • The real advantages and drawbacks of homeopathic medicine.
  • Placebo effects: myths and facts.
  • Most common reasons for genetic illnesses.
  • Child healthcare during the COVID-19 crisis. 
  • Ebola epidemic: how to prevent it in the future? 
  • Coronavirus mutation: are there any risks for humanity?
  • Preventing coronavirus: should there be a third vaccination?
  • Pfizer vs. Moderna: Which vaccination is better for elderly people?
  • Will vaccination stop the coronavirus spread in the developed countries? 
  • Ways to engage people to make a vaccine against coronavirus.
  • Practice and knowledge in the treatment of chickenpox. 

Most Effective Way to Write a Perfect Dissertation 

Even the most experienced students often face difficulties when writing a dissertation. Some of them fail to pick a winning topic, while the others find collecting arguments and examples too challenging. If you are stuck with writing, there is still an excellent solution to solve all your writing issues. Our experienced dissertation writers can help you complete your academic assignment on public health within the shortest terms. 

What are our benefits? First, we hire only skilled writers with a proven record in different niches, including healthcare, nursing, biology, and other fields. Second, we offer top-notch quality guarantees to all our customers. Third, we always deliver academic papers on time, so you can rely on our writing service. Fourth, receiving academic help on our website is safe and easy. Just try, and you will be amazed by the premium quality of the papers written by our experts.

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Public Health Dissertations

Dissertations from 2024 2024.

Distinguishing Collaboration From Other Forms of Group Work to Build and Pilot a New Collaboration Assessment Tool For More Informed and Effective Collaboration , Leigh Alderman

Improving Understanding of Overdose Trends in the United States Using Multiple Surveillance Data Sources , Shannon Casillas

One in Two: Lived Experiences of HIV Seroconversions among Black Sexual Minority Men in the HIV Workforce , Daniel Driffin

Understanding the Role of Mindfulness for Physical Activity Among Black/African American Women with Arthritis , Elizabeth Fallon

Evaluating the Effectiveness and Impact of This is a TEST , Lauren Finklea

Exploration Of Tobacco Use Behaviors Amid Societal Or Policy Changes And Rise Of E-cigarettes In US , Nikita Gajanan Kute

Participatory Community-Academic Research Partnerships for Health Equity , Michelle Marcus

Examining Disrespect in Maternity Healthcare Settings: Lifting Black Women's Voices to Improve Maternal Health Outcomes , Sherry Maxy

A Comprehensive Policy Analysis to Address the Public Health Dilemma of Systemic Ableism and Patient Distress Following Prenatal Screening for Disabilities , Stephanie Meredith

“If You Build It, Will They Come? Yes.” Enhancing Delivery of Mindfulness Interventions Via Telehealth: Insights From Researchers and Interventionists Serving Racial and Ethnic Minoritized Communities , Josephine Mhende

Risk and Protective Factors in the Caregiving Context for Violence Exposure Outside of the Home, HIV Risk, and HIV Infection Among Youth Ages 13 to 24 in Lesotho , Elizabeth Perry

Arrested Mobility™: Policy Grounded Health Equity Solutions and Actions for Georgia , Tony Price

Mathematical Modeling to Support Public Health Officials with Evaluating Immunization and Non-pharmaceutical Intervention Strategies During and Outside Periods of Outbreak Response , Gabriel Rainisch

The Place-Based Impacts of Social Determinants of Health: An Examination of Social and Structural Influences , Nikita Rao

COVID-19 Vaccination During Pregnancy Among Women with a Live Birth: Findings from The Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, 25 US Jurisdictions, 2021. , Beatriz Salvesen von Essen

Describing at risk populations and emerging trends in opioid and stimulant co-occurrence in drug use, nonfatal overdoses, and fatal overdoses in the United States , Herschel W. Smith IV

Nicotine, Tobacco, Marijuana Use Typologies among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth and Young Adults in the United States , Michael Brandon Talley

Novel Tools to Measure Latent Tuberculosis Infection Among Populations at Higher Risk in the United States , Laura A. Vonnahme

Dissertations from 2023 2023

Relationships between Body Mass Index, Adiposity Distribution and Treatment Outcomes among Patients with Tuberculosis from the Country of Georgia , Tsira Chakhaia

Application of epidemiologic methods to investigate the heterogenous impact of COVID-19 , Sushma Dahal

Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Tobacco Use, Tobacco Advertising Exposure and Its Effects on Subsequent Tobacco Use Among U.S. Youth , Vuong Van Do

Pandemics, Epidemics, and Public Health Crises– Oh My! An Examination of Tobacco Use During Public Health Emergencies , Robert T. Fairman

Buprenorphine Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder: An Examination of Benefits and Barriers. , Olivia K. Golan

Food Insecurity and Chronic Disease Among Working-Age US Adults , Kiara Maddox

Community Engagement in the International Emergency Response to Ebola, 2014-2016 , Daniel W. Martin

Examing how Nurses' Personal Experiences with Mental Illness Relate to Stigma and Discrimination against People with Mental Illness in Rural Northern Uganda. , Connie Olwit

Patterns of Tobacco Product Use in the US Population using the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health Study , Wellington C. Onyenwe

Unintended Pregnancies Among Adult Mothers Who Have Not Graduated High School: Family Planning Intentions, Birth Control Practices, and Optimal Interpregnancy Intervals , Alexandria L. Parham

Using Community-Based Participatory Research to Assess the Service Needs of Youth Experiencing Homelessness in Atlanta , Jasmine Rockwell Heard

Virtual Delivery in Home Visiting: A Qualitative Exploration of SafeCare® Provider Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic , Ashley E N Watson

Dissertations from 2022 2022

Understanding the Role of Preemption in the United States and the Relationship between State-level Preemption Policies and Vulnerability and Mortality during the COVID-19 Pandemic , Maeh Al-Shawaf

Exploring Issues of Substance Use Among Special Populations , Victoria Churchill

Postpartum Social Support Experiences of Black Mothers with Depression during COVID , Brooke DiPetrillo

Factors Affecting Healthcare Access Among Diverse Populations: Implications for the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond , Michelle Mavreles Ogrodnick

Measuring Progress Toward Epidemic Control in a High-Prevalence District: Comparison of Alternate Methods of Incidence Estimation, Trends in HIV Incidence, and Impact of Misclassification on Outcome Estimates in the Chókwè Health and Demographic Surveillance System , Robert Nelson

Analyzing and Contextualizing Experiences of Sexual Violence Among Sexual and Gender Minority Populations , Zainab G. Nizam

A Longitudinal Examination of the Sociality of Cardiovascular Disease and its Most Common Risk Factor, Hypertension , Brenda Parker

Assessing for Social and Economic Inequities in Vocational Rehabilitation Services among Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities , Bridgette M. Schram

Comparative Assessment of Methodology to Forecast and Assess the Transmission Potential of Epidemics/Pandemics , Amna Tariq

Role of Anti-tobacco Campaign and Tobacco Marketing in Tobacco Use Behaviors among the US Population , Yu Wang

Public Health and Economic Implications of Non-pharmaceutical Interventions in the State of Georgia , Renee White

Dissertations from 2021 2021

Water Quality in the Chattahoochee River Watershed, 2010-2019: An Analysis of Spatiotemporal Variations of Total Coliforms, Escherichia Coli, Turbidity, and Optical Brighteners along Surface Waters , Sarah N. Anderson

Examining the Relationship between Perceived Neighborhood Context on Sexual Risk Behaviors among Black Men who Have Sex with Men in the South , Terrika Barham

Leveraging Federal Policies to Prevent and Respond to Communicable Disease Outbreaks , Samuel Clasp

Use of Cigarette and Non-cigarette Combustible Tobacco Products Among African Americans: An Examination of Risk Factors and Protective Factors , Cherell Cottrell-Daniels

Longitudinal Analyses Of Frailty Trajectories Among European Older Adults , Linh Dinh

Differences in the Association between Use of Electronic Vaping Products and Subsequent Tobacco and Marijuana Use among US Youth , Zongshuan Duan

Optimizing Personal Protective Equipment Use and Infection Prevention Behaviors to Protect Healthcare Workers , Kimberly Erukunuakpor

HIV and HCV Outcomes Among People Who Inject Drugs: Identifying those at most risk for transmission and opportunities for prevention , Kimberly N. Evans

Making The Case to Improve the Availability and Reliability of Public Health Spending Data: An Examination of Preventive Care Expenditures among High-Income Countries from 2000 to 2019 , Kristy Hayes

Violence against Children and Youth, Adverse Childhood Experiences, and Their Associated Health Outcomes: Global Perspectives from Nigeria, Zambia, and a Systematic Scoping Review , NaeHyung Lee

A Longitudinal Analysis of Trajectories and Predictors of Fidelity Using the SafeCare Parenting Model , Matthew J. Lyons

Epidemiology of Malaria and Other Diseases of Public Health Importance and Implications for Interventions in High Transmission Settings in Sub-Saharan Africa , Leah Moriarty

Expanding U.S. Unintentional Drug Overdose Surveillance Using Novel Data Sources and Analyses , Desiree Mustaquim

Correlates and Contexts of High-Risk Sexual Behaviors Among Youth in the Slums of Kampala: Implications for HIV Prevention and Program Development , Jane B. Palmier

Post-Tuberculosis Metabolic Disease and Mortality Among Patients Treated for Tuberculosis , Argita Salindri

Characterizing Household Preparedness and Emergency Supply Kit Possession in the United States -- 2020-2021 , Amy Helene Schnall

Local Health Department activities to address health disparities: What do public health practitioners view as impactful? , Shaunda Scruggs DrPH

Hypoglycemia in the Hospital and in the U.S. Population , Payal Suresh Shah

Population-level Characterization of Nocardiosis in the United States , Rita M. Traxler

Understanding and Enhancing the Beliefs and Practices of Parent Educators and the Use of Corporal Punishment by Caregivers , Jyll Walsh

Dissertations from 2020 2020

Characterization of Men with Hemophilia B and Factors Associated with Treatment Practices, Participating in the Community Counts Registry from 2014 to 2018. , Fiona M. Bethea

Justice Involvement and Stress in U.S. Adult Women , Joy Burns

Associations of Chronic Infectious and Non-infectious Disease Comorbidities with HIV Clinical Outcomes , Nang Kyaw

Comparative Assessment of Epidemiological Models for Analyzing and Forecasting Infectious Disease Outbreaks , Kimberlyn Roosa

Predictors of Late Stage Cervical Cancer Diagnoses and Disparities in the U.S. (A Closer Look at the Interactions Between Characteristics of Access, Women & Place) , Yamisha Rutherford

Dissertations from 2019 2019

An Epidemiology of Adolescent Obesity in Latin America and the Caribbean , Lynnette A. Ametewee

An Examination of Family and Provider Factors Predicting Behavior Change in Real-World Implementations of a Behavioral Parenting Model , Jessica Brown

The Impact of Child Maltreatment on Suicidal Ideation, Polysubstance Use, and Sexual Risk Behaviors , Rachel Culbreth

Examining the Relationships between Early Sexual Debut and Social Norms, Sexual Behaviors, and Sexual Violence in Nigerian Girls and Young Women , Natasha Deveauuse-Brown

Encouraging Action During Overdose Events – the Good, the Bad, and the Barriers , Thomas Griner

Race, Discrimination, and Substance Use , Dina Jones

Transgender Women's Health: HIV/AIDS and Beyond... , Krishna Kiran Kota

Dissertations from 2018 2018

Social Media Marketing to Encourage HIV Testing among Young Black College Men , Jamal Jones

Factors Associated with Adults’ Perceptions of Nicotine and Nicotine e-Liquid Harm to Young Children and Associations with Nicotine Handling Behaviors in the Home , Catherine Blanchard Kemp

Measuring Parent Engagement in a Group-based Parent-focused Prevention Program (Legacy for Children TM) to Improve Child Development Outcomes , Akilah Heggs Lee

Differences in Exposure to Perfluorocarbons and Renal and Liver Function among Foreign-Born U.S. Residents , Reynolds A. Morrison

Child Maltreatment Victimization and Adolescent Weapon Carrying: Exploring the Role of In-Home Firearm Access and Parent-Child Relationships , Melissa Osborne

Evaluating Racial and Geospatial Disparities and Contextual Factors in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer among Women with Breast Cancer , Lia Scott

Beyond an Epidemic: Examining the Syndemic Relationship between Alcohol, Violence and HIV among Youth Living in the Slums of Kampala , Malikah Waajid

The Impact of Medical Home on Outcomes for Children with Special Health Care Needs , Rebecca Wells

Child Maltreatment-Related Homicides: Examining Characteristics and Circumstances in the Context of Victim-Perpetrator Relationship , Rebecca Wilson

Opioid Misuse Among Students Pursuing Higher Education , Heather A. Zesiger PhD

Dissertations from 2017 2017

Bicycling for Transportation: Health and Destination, Results of a survey of students and employees from a southern urban university , Joseph M. Bryan

An Examination of the Gender Disparities in Receiving Diabetes-specific Healthcare Services , Matthew Jackson

The Concurrent and Longitudinal Associations of Bullying Perpetration, Acceptance of Partner Violence, and Adolescent Dating Violence Perpetration , Alana M. Vivolo-Kantor

The Connection between Marijuana, Cigarette Smoking and Metabolic Syndrome among Adults in the United States , Barbara Yankey

Dissertations from 2016 2016

Machine Learning Approaches for Assessing Moderate-To-Severe Diarrhea in Children , Tracy L. Ayers

Health Literacy in High-Risk Populations , Iris Feinberg

Evidence-based Child Maltreatment Prevention: An Examination of Risk and Novel Approaches , Katelyn Guastaferro

Quality Improvement in Stroke Care and Its Impact: the Georgia Coverdell Acute Stroke Registry Experience , Moges Ido

Combined Environmental and Social Stressors in Northwest Atlanta's Proctor Creek Watershed: An Exploration of Expert Data and Local Knowledge , Na'Taki Osborne Jelks

Syndromic Surveillance using Poison Center Data: An Examination of Novel Approaches , Kai Yee Law

The Influence of Caregiver Mental Health On Parenting Focused Intervention Service Utilization and Parenting Behavior Change , Tia McGill Rogers

Effects of an Evidence-Based Parenting Program on Physiological Markers of Stress among at-risk Parents for Child Maltreatment , Ashwini Tiwari

Examination of Latin American Community-Based Interventions to Promote Physical Activity in Public Spaces: Analyzing Effectiveness, Applicability and Transferability Across National Contexts , Andrea D. Torres

Access To Care and Social/Community Characteristics and for People Diagnosed and Living with HIV in California, 2014 , William H. Wheeler

Dissertations from 2015 2015

Psychosocial and Oxidative Stress and Health of Adults , Francis Annor

Electronic Cigarettes: Associated Beliefs and Reasons for Use among US Adults , Ban A. Majeed

Exploring Leading Causes of Childhood Morbidity using the Global Enterics Multicenter Study (GEMS), Rural Western Kenya, 2008-2012 , Katharine A. Schilling

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Public Health Theses & Dissertations

About this collection.

The works in this student research collection have been approved by the Graduate Faculty of Georgia Southern University as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master's and Doctorate degrees in Public Health from the Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health.

  • All Electronic Theses and Dissertations (1964-present)
  • Electronic Theses and Dissertations by Subject Area (1964-present)
  • Legacy Theses and Dissertations (1964-2006)

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Theses/Dissertations from 2024 2024

The Introduction Of A Digital, Evidence-Based Clinical Decision Support Tool In Sub-Saharan African Medical Schools: Predictors Of Use , Julie Rosenberg

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Factors Associated With Patient Portal Utilization, Preventive Services Utilization, and Health Promoting Behaviors Among Adults in the United States , Elizabeth Ayangunna

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022


Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Passing the Baton: An Integrated Approach to Succession Planning for Local Health Departments , Isabella M. Hardwick

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

The Effect of Patient and Hospital-level Factors on 30-Day Readmission After Initial Hospitalization Due to Stroke , Emmanuel Akowuah

Standardized Knowledge and Behavior of Food-Protection Staff to Help Reduce the Potential for Incidences of Foodborne Illness , Joshua A. Dufresne

Application of the Andersen Health System Utilization Framework in the Investigation of the use of Traditional Medicine in Kumasi, Ghana , Pascal Felix

Life Table Analyses of the Impact of Eliminating Particular Causes of Death Using the United States 2016 Population , Deborah A. Kanda

A New Measure of Diagnostic Accuracy With Cut-Points Criterion for k-Stage Classification Disease Based on Concordance and Discordance , Jing X. Kersey

Nonparametric Misclassification Simulation and Extrapolation Method and Its Application , Congjian Liu

Exploring The Relationship between Social Determinantes of Health and Oral Health-related Quality of life (OHRQOL) Among Adults: A Case Study in a Public Health Dental Clinic in Georgia , Rakhi Trivedi

A Content Analysis of Institutions of Higher Education's Sexual Assault Policies: Assessing Response to Sexual Assault in Georgia , Brianna Williams

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Community Perceptions on Access to and Communication Gaps Regarding Dementia-Specific Health Resources and Services , Randi G. Bastian

Emissions of Pollutants from Tire Burning for Meat Processing, Associated Biomarker of Exposure, and Respiratory Function: A Cross-Sectional Study in Ghana , Alicia A. Brown

Exploring The Factors Associated With Social Media Use In Local Health Departments , Suzanne Lamarca Madden

Variable Selection in Accelerated Failure Time (AFT) Frailty Models: An Application of Penalized Quasi-Likelihood , Sarbesh R. Pandeya

Public Health Workforce Perceived Impact of Emerging Issues in Public Health , Kristie C. Waterfield

Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy and Offspring Obesity: An Association Effect-Modified by Gestational Age , Felicia Yeboah

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Factors Associated with Continuous Improvement by Local Boards of Health , Tran Nguyen

Examining the Issue of Compliance With Personal Protective Equipment Among Wastewater Workers Across the Southeast Region of the United States , Tamara L. Wright

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Exploring Job Satisfaction and Preceptorship Capacity Among Applied Epidemiologists , Jessica C. Arrazola

An Analysis of Factors Impacting Adherence to Follow-up Care for Cervical Cancer among Women in Georgia Using Andersen’s Healthcare Utilization Model , LaTisha Oliver

Universal Coverage in Developing Countries: A Summative Evaluation of Maternal Policies in Ghana and Burkina Faso , Kiswendsida Aida Sawadogo

Application of the Misclassification Simulation Extrapolation (Mc-Simex) Procedure to Log-Logistic Accelerated Failure Time (Aft) Models In Survival Analysis , Varadan Sevilimedu

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

A Simpler Approach for Mediation Analysis for Dichotomous Mediators in Logistic Regression: An Application to Children’s Health Conditions Associated with Obesity , Jingxian Cai

Missing Data in Clinical Trial: A Critical Look at the Proportionality of MNAR and MAR Assumptions for Multiple Imputation , Theophile B. Dipita

Choosing the Function of Baseline Run-in Data for use as a Covariate in the Analysis of Treatment Data from Phase III Clinical Trials in Hypertension , Yi Hao

Evaluating the Efficiency of Treatment Comparison in Crossover Design by Allocating Subjects Based On Ranked Auxiliary Variable , Yisong Huang

Bayesian Multivariate Regression for High-dimensional Longitudinal Data with Heavy-tailed Errors , Viral Panchal

Evaluation of Tattoo Artists' Perceptions of Tattoo Regulations in the United States , Jessica L.C. Sapp

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Public Health Professionals’ Prepardness and Challenges In Implementing Certified Electronic Health Records Technology , Vibha Kumar

Explicit Estimates for Cell Counts and Modeling The Missing Data Indicators in Three-Way Contingency Table by Log-Linear Models , Haresh D. Rochani

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

A Study of Suicide: A Latent Class-Evidence Based Model for Screening of Suicidal Behaviors among Adolescents Living in the United States from 1991-2011 , Ryan Christopher Butterfield

Robustness of Multiple Imputation under Missing at Random (MAR) Mechanism: A Simulation Study , Priyanka Garg

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Size and Power of Tests of Hypotheses on Parameters When Modeling Time-to-Event Data with the Lindley Distribution , Macaulay Okwuokenye

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Global Health Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Genetic Counseling Student Self-Efficacy, Exam Anxiety, and Opinions Related to Study Materials for the Genetic Counseling Board Certification Exam. , Jessica F. Stanton

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Evaluation of the Humoral Immune Responses to Plasmodium vivax Circumsporozoite Protein (CSP)-based Pre-Erythrocytic Vaccine Candidates , Jack Esquenazi

Healthcare Decision Makers' Perspectives on Barriers and Facilitators to Hiring Genetic Counselors in Huntington Disease (HD) Clinic Settings , Bailey Hummel

Identifying Barriers and Facilitators to Family Communication Regarding Genetic Testing for Hereditary Cancer , Andrea K. Shields

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Inaccuracies in Patient Self-Report of Genetic Testing Results for Hereditary Cancer Risks Could Impact Risk-Management Practices , Brittany Faye Sears

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Evaluation of a Spanish-language Educational Tool for Inherited Cancer , Stefania Alastre

Using Artificial Intelligence to Decipher Epigenetic Code of Drug Resistance in the Deadliest Human Malaria Parasite , Samira Jahangiri

Investigation of an Alternative Protocol for the Production of SARS-CoV-2 Antigenic Proteins , Nichole Ninaltowski

The Perceived Utility of Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing Marketed for Athletic Ability , Katherine L. Zimmerman

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

The Development and Testing of the Genetic Counseling Communication Checklist (GCC): A Novel Process Measure , Katherine N. Hehmeyer

CARE: Collecting and Assessing Cancer Family History to Identify at Risk Individuals Educational Intervention for Community Health Workers , Laura Moreno

Counseling Skills and Behaviors of Genetic Counselors: A Qualitative Study , Abigail Zale

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Medical Decision Making among Individuals with a Variant of Uncertain Significance in a Hereditary Cancer Gene and those with a CHEK2 Pathogenic Variant , Deanna J. Almanza

Localization of Five Target Proteins in Tachyzoites of Toxoplasma gondii , Abigail M. Kaiser

A Feasibility Analysis of a Pilot Study Comparing Prenatal Genetic Service Delivery Outcomes Using the Self-Determination Theory , Lindsey N. Victoria

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Identification of Novel Hits Against , Ala A. Azhari

Partial Characterization Of Plasmodium Falciparum Protein Kinase ABCk2 (PfABCk2) , Muhammad Khalid

A Multivariate Approach for an Improved Assessment of Pre-erythrocytic Stage Therapies Targeting Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum , Alison E. Roth

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Evaluation of a microsphere-based immunoassay (MIA) in measuring diagnostic and prognostic markers of dengue virus infection , Jason H. Ambrose

Analysis of Antibody-Induced Plasmodium falciparum Sporozoites Through Scanning Electron Microscopy , Sagorika Bera

Validation of Chimeric Viruses in Plaque Reduction Neutralization Test in Arboviral Disease Diagnostics , Jasmine Boykin

Development of Tools for Stable Transfection in the Human Filarial Parasite Brugia malayi via the piggyBac transposon system , Johan Chabanon

A Novel Abi-domain Protein Controls Virulence Determinant Production in Staphylococcus aureus , Stephanie Michelle Marroquin

The Effect of Antigen Polymorphisms on Serological Antibody Detection Assays Based Upon the , Kristi M. Miley

Development of a Transfection System for the Free-Living Amoeba Naegleria fowleri Using the piggyBac Vector , Kati Räsänen

Spatial-temporal Distribution of Mosquito Larval Hot Spots in Papoli, Uganda: A Community-Based Approach to Mosquito Control , Ryan E. Tokarz

Geospatial and Negative Binomial Regression Analysis of Culex nigripalpus, Culex erraticus, Coquillettidia perturbans, and Aedes vexans Counts and Precipitation and Land use Land cover Covariates in Polk County, Florida , Joshua P. Wright

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

The Ecological Succession of Mosquitoes Inhabiting Waste Tires in a Subtropical Swamp and Upland Forest in Central West Florida , Emily Thuong Nguyen Dinh

Development and Validation of a Remote Sensing Model to Identify Anthropogenic Boreholes that Provide Dry Season, Refuge Habitat for Anopheles Vector Mosquitoes in Sub-Saharan Africa , James Pkemoi Kukat

An Examination of The Distribution of Diabetes Mellitus Among TB Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis and Drug Resistant Tuberculosis In The State Of Florida, USA. , Mandzisi Mbongeni Mkhontfo

Predictive Mapping of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis at the County Level in the State of Florida , Ali Moradi

Development of a RT-PCR-ELISA Wuchereria bancrofti Detection Assay for the Monitoring Of Mosquito Vector Infection and Infectivity , Nompumelelo Mzizi Mzizi

Quantifying the Association between Active Tuberculosis Incidence and Migrant Farm Worker Populations among Florida Counties, 2009-2013: An Ecological Study , Ryan Nicolas Ortega

Reclaiming the Activity of Lost Therapeutics , Rallya Telussa

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Applying Voronoi Tessellations as a Non-Orthogonal Grid Methodology to Inform Public-Private Mix Efforts in Nigeria: An Examination of the Distribution of Private Healthcare Providers in Six States and the Covariates Underlying Their Utilization , Trinadh Dontamsetti

Efficacy and Resistance Potential of JPC-3210 in Plasmodium falciparum , Siobhan Marie Flaherty

MMV Malaria Box Activity Screening in Dormant Plasmodium falciparum Phenotypes , Sandra Galusic

Gene Expression Analysis Of Upregulated Genes By 20-OH Ecdysone in Brugia malayi , Monica Lazaro

Effect of Timely Treatment on Malaria Gametocytemia in Esmeraldas, Ecuador , Miguel Reina-Ortiz

A Forward Genetic Screen Identifies Factors Associated with Fever Pathogenesis in Plasmodium falciparum , Phaedra J. Thomas

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Overwintering and Early Season Amplification of Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus in the Southeastern United States , Andrea Bingham

Molecular Evidence for Vector Implication of Onchocerca lupi in Los Angeles County, CA , Shanna June Bolcen

Perspectives of HIV + Women on the Mother to Child Transmission of HIV in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia , Kimberly Anne Fleek

Development of an efficient human hepatocyte culture platform for assessing novel therapeutic efficacy against Plasmodium liver parasites , Steven Patrick Maher

Differentiating Geo-Spatiotemporal Aquatic Larval Habitats of Anopheles gambiae complex in Urban Agriculture and Urban Non-Agriculture Environments in Accra, Ghana , Samia Mckeever

Water and Health in the Nandamojo Watershed of Costa Rica: Community Perceptions towards Water, Sanitation, and the Environment , James Mcknight

Pathogenic mechanisms and signaling pathways in Plasmodium falciparum , Jennifer L. Sedillo

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

The Effect of Drug Resistance on Plasmodium falciparum Transmission and Gametocyte Development , Samantha Olivia Aylor

Partial Characterization of PF13_0027: A Putative Phosphatase of Plasmodium falciparum , Christopher Campbell

Development of a Confirmatory PCR Assay to Detect Onchocerca volvulus in Pools of Vector Black Flies , Alex Jeanne Talsma

Eco-Epidemiology of Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus , Patrick Vander Kelen

Complete Genome Sequences and Phylogeny of West Nile Virus Isolates from Southeastern United States, 2003-2012 , Crystal Wedin

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Cloning of the Gene, Purification as Recombinant Protein and Functional Characterization of Leishmania mexicana Cytochrome b5 Reductase , Ala Azhari

Analysis of Variable Effects on Presence of Cryptosporidium Oocysts and Giardia Cysts in Effluent Water from Wastewater Treatment Utilities in Florida from 1998 to 2010 , Katherine Jane Barkan

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Development of an ELISA for Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus that can Differentiate Infected from Vaccinated Horses , Andrea Bingham

Discovery of a Functional Ecdysone Response Element in Brugia malayi , Tracy Enright

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

Core Promoter Function in Brugia malayi , Michelle Bailey

Inactivation of Ascaris suum by Ammonia in Feces Simulating the Physical-Chemical Parameters of the Solar Toilet Under Laboratory Conditions , Ligia Maria Cruz Espinoza

Characterization of Unidentified Viruses from Florida , Jessie L. Dyer

Epidemiological Study of Contributing Factors in the Development of Peptic Ulcer and Gastric Cancer Initiated by Helicobacter Pylori Infection in India , Rahul Suresh Mhaskar

Phenotypic and Genotypic Analysis of In Vitro Selected Artemisinin Resistant Plasmodium falciparum , Matthew Scott Tucker

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

Active Surveillance and Incidence Rate of Dengue Infection in a Cohort of High Risk Population in Maracay, Venezuela. , Carlos Espino

Factors Surrounding and Strategies to Reduce Recapping Used Needles by Nurses at a Venezuelan Public Hospital , Luis J. Galindez Araujo

Maternal knowledge, attitudes and practices and health outcomes of their preschool-age children in urban and rural Karnataka, India , Angela Lloyd

Functional characterization of cytochrome b5 reductase and its electron acceptor cytochrome b5 in Plasmodium falciparum , Lucio Malvisi

Artemisinin-Based Combination Therapy (ACTs) Drug Resistance Trends in Plasmodium falciparum Isolates in Southeast Asia , Jessica L. Schilke

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

Luminex Microsphere Immunoassay Offers an Improved Method in Testing for Antibodies to Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus in Sentinel Chicken Sera , Kelly Ann Fitzpatrick

Impact of West Nile Virus on the Natural History of St. Louis Encephalitis Virus in Florida , Christy L. Ottendorfer

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Public Health Dissertation Topics Ideas & examples

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Is your public health dissertation playing havoc with your health? Are you going through mental stress and anxiety because it has become a health hazard?

The world health assembly defined health as  “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”.

In your public health dissertation, you will have to cover all aspects of health including mental health, public health, environmental health, and physical health Topics.

Physical health implies being physically fit. It mostly results in regular exercise and proper nutrition .

Some Public Health Dissertation Topics

Here’s a list of 50 potential dissertation topics in public health:

  • The Impact of Social Determinants of Health-on-Health Disparities in Underserved Communities.
  • Strategies for Improving Vaccination Rates in Developing Countries.
  • Mental Health Stigma Reduction Programs: Effectiveness and Implementation Challenges.
  • The Role of Technology in Promoting Healthy Behaviors among Adolescents.
  • Addressing Maternal and Child Health Disparities in Rural Areas.
  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of Community Health Worker Programs in Low-Income Neighborhoods.
  • Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Public Health: Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies.
  • The Intersection of Public Health and Urban Planning : Creating Healthy Cities.
  • Implementing Tobacco Control Policies: Lessons Learned and Future Directions.
  • Exploring the Relationship Between Access to Healthcare and Health Outcomes.
  • Strategies for Preventing and Managing Chronic Diseases in Aging Populations.
  • Promoting Sexual Health Education in Schools: Challenges and Opportunities.
  • The Role of Nutrition Education in Combatting Childhood Obesity.
  • Disaster Preparedness and Response: Strengthening Public Health Systems.
  • Integrating Mental Health Services into Primary Care Settings.
  • Addressing Substance Abuse and Addiction: Prevention, Treatment, and Harm Reduction.
  • The Impact of Environmental Pollution on Public Health.
  • Promoting Healthy Aging: Strategies for Enhancing Quality of Life in Older Adults.
  • Exploring the Social and Cultural Determinants of Mental Health.
  • Enhancing Access to Reproductive Health Services for Women in Developing Countries.
  • The Role of Public Health Campaigns in Promoting Physical Activity.
  • Assessing the Effectiveness of School-Based Health Programs.
  • Strategies for Preventing and Controlling Infectious Diseases in Refugee Camps.
  • Addressing Health Inequities Among Indigenous Populations.
  • Promoting Health Literacy: Strategies for Improving Health Communication.
  • The Impact of Socioeconomic Status on Health Outcomes.
  • Implementing Health Equity Initiatives in Healthcare Systems.
  • Exploring the Relationship Between Housing and Health.
  • The Role of Community-Based Participatory Research in Public Health.
  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of Workplace Wellness Programs.
  • Promoting Healthy Eating Behaviors: Interventions and Policy Approaches.
  • Assessing the Impact of Air Quality Regulations on Respiratory Health.
  • Mental Health and Homelessness: Strategies for Intervention and Support.
  • The Role of Telemedicine in Improving Access to Healthcare Services.
  • Exploring the Link Between Education and Health Outcomes.
  • Promoting Health Equity in LGBTQ+ Communities.
  • Addressing Health Disparities Among People with Disabilities.
  • The Impact of Social Media on Health Behaviors and Outcomes.
  • Strategies for Reducing Healthcare-Associated Infections in Hospitals.
  • Exploring the Health Effects of Climate Change on Vulnerable Populations.
  • Promoting Healthy Aging through Social Engagement and Community Programs.
  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of Health Promotion Campaigns.
  • Addressing Mental Health Needs in Post-Conflict Settings.
  • The Role of Pharmacists in Public Health: Opportunities and Challenges.
  • Exploring the Impact of Racial and Ethnic Discrimination on Health.
  • Promoting Reproductive Health and Rights in Adolescents.
  • Assessing the Effectiveness of Harm Reduction Programs for Drug Users.
  • The Role of Public Health Law in Protecting Population Health.
  • Exploring the Relationship Between Access to Green Spaces and Health.
  • Promoting Health Equity through Policy Advocacy and Community Mobilization.

These topics cover a wide range of issues within the field of public health and can be adapted or expanded upon based on specific interests and research objectives.

Some physical health dissertation topics

  • The effects of exercise on cardiovascular health
  • The impact of diet on obesity rates
  • The relationship between physical activity and mental health
  • The effectiveness of physical therapy for chronic pain management
  • The role of genetics in physical health and disease susceptibility
  • The impact of stress on physical health and well-being
  • The role of sleep in maintaining physical health
  • The impact of air pollution on respiratory health
  • The effects of substance abuse on physical health
  • The impact of technology use on physical health and well-being
  • The benefits of outdoor recreation on physical health
  • The relationship between physical activity and the aging process
  • The impact of the built environment on physical activity levels
  • The effectiveness of rehabilitation programs for individuals with physical disabilities
  • The role of mindfulness in physical health and well-being
  • The impact of the gut microbiome on physical health
  • The effectiveness of physical activity interventions for individuals with chronic illness
  • The impact of sedentary behavior on physical health
  • The role of nutrition in the prevention and management of chronic diseases
  • The effects of environmental toxins on physical health and disease development
  • The Impact of Physical Health Problems for Persons with Severe Mental Disorders.
  • How to overcome physical handicaps in the workplace?
  • Physical health problems for my workers.
  • Physical health problems accompanying post-traumatic stress disorder.

Mental Health Dissertation Topics

Mental health refers to an individual’s emotional and psychological well-being. Some Mental health dissertation topics can be:

  • The effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy for depression
  • The impact of trauma on mental health and well-being
  • The role of mindfulness in managing anxiety
  • The impact of childhood abuse on adult mental health
  • The effectiveness of pharmacotherapy for the treatment of mental illness
  • The impact of social support on mental health outcomes
  • The impact of poverty on mental health
  • The effectiveness of virtual reality therapy for the treatment of mental health disorders
  • The impact of culture and ethnicity on mental health attitudes and access to care
  • The role of exercise in maintaining mental health and well-being
  • The impact of sleep deprivation on mental health
  • The effectiveness of group therapy for the treatment of mental illness
  • The impact of the workplace on employee mental health
  • The role of genetics in mental health and illness
  • The impact of social media on mental health and well-being
  • The effectiveness of trauma-focused therapies for individuals with PTSD
  • The impact of spiritual beliefs on mental health
  • The role of technology in the treatment and management of mental illness
  • The impact of stigma on mental health attitudes and help-seeking behaviors
  • The effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions for the treatment of depression and anxiety.
  • Organic (identifiable brain malfunction) versus Functional (not due to simple structural abnormalities of the brain).
  • What is the universally agreed cut-off point between normal behavior and behavior associated with mental illness?
  • Suicidal feelings in college students.
  • Mental stress disorder in housewives.

Environmental health dissertation topics

Environmental health is the branch of public health that is concerned with all aspects of the natural and built environment that may affect human health. Some environmental health dissertation topics:

  • The role of climate change in the spread of infectious diseases
  • The impact of water pollution on aquatic ecosystems and human health
  • The effectiveness of environmental regulations in reducing environmental health hazards
  • The impact of environmental toxins on child development and health
  • The relationship between environmental exposure and cancer incidence
  • The impact of urbanization on environmental health and well-being
  • The role of environmental degradation in the displacement of communities
  • The impact of food production and agriculture on environmental health
  • The effectiveness of renewable energy solutions in reducing environmental health hazards
  • The role of public transportation in reducing air pollution and promoting environmental health
  • The impact of environmental disasters on public health
  • The impact of environmental degradation on mental health
  • The effectiveness of environmental education programs in promoting environmental health
  • The impact of environmental policy on health disparities
  • The role of community involvement in promoting environmental health
  • The impact of green space on urban environmental health
  • The impact of plastic pollution on marine ecosystems and human health
  • The effectiveness of waste management programs in promoting environmental health
  • The impact of environmental sustainability on global health and well-being.
  • Vector-Borne and Zoonotic (animal to human) Disease.
  • Drinking-Water Exposure to Chemical and Pathogenic Contaminants.

In conclusion, the diverse array of public health dissertation topics presented here underscores the multifaceted nature of the field and the critical importance of addressing various health challenges facing populations worldwide.

By delving into these topics, researchers can contribute significantly to advancing knowledge, informing policy decisions, and ultimately improving public health outcomes.

Through rigorous investigation and analysis, public health dissertation topics serve as vehicles for identifying gaps in current understanding, exploring innovative interventions, and promoting health equity across communities.

As scholars continue to engage with these public health dissertation topics, they play a pivotal role in shaping the future of public health research, practice, and policy, driving positive change and fostering healthier societies globally.

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Dissertations on Public Health

Public health concerns the wellbeing and health of the general public as a whole. Through organised efforts, public health bodies look to inform the choices of society to help protect from threats to their health and prolong and improve the quality of life.

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Mental Health Dissertation Topics & Titles

Published by Carmen Troy at January 9th, 2023 , Revised On June 10, 2024

You probably found your way here looking for mental health topics for your final year research project. Look no further, we have drafted a list of issues, and their research aims to help you when you are brainstorming for dissertation or thesis topics on mental health.

PhD-qualified writers of our team have developed these topics, so you can trust to use these topics for drafting your dissertation.

You may also want to start your dissertation by requesting a brief research proposal or full dissertation service from our writers on any of these topics, which includes an introduction to the topic, research question , aim and objectives, literature review , and the proposed research methodology to be conducted. Let us know if you need any help in getting started.

Check our dissertation examples to understand how to structure your dissertation .

Also read: Psychology dissertation topics & nursing dissertation topics

List Of Trending Mental Health Research Topics & Ideas

  • The Impact of Social Media on Body Image and Self Esteem in Youngsters. 
  • How Does Loneliness Link to Depression in People Above the Age of 70
  • The Effects of Israeli-Palestinian Conflicts on the Mental Health of Children in Gaza 
  • The Impact of Posting Pictures From War on the Mental Health of Viewers
  • The Effectiveness of Excercise Programs in Managing Symptoms of Depression 
  • Role of Cultural Competency in Providing Effective Mental Healthcare for Diverse Populations
  • The Impact of Social Stigma on Help-Seeking Behaviours for Mental Health Concerns
  • The Effectiveness of Art Therapy Interventions in Managing Symptoms of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (Ptsd)
  • How Group Therapy Interventions Impacts Promoting Social Connection and Reducing Loneliness
  • Animal-Assisted Therapy Interventions in Reducing Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression
  • Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy in Treating Eating Disorders

Latest Mental Health Dissertation Topics

Review the step-by-step guide on how to write your dissertation here .

Topic 1: An assessment of the Influence of Parents' Divorce or Separation on Adolescent Children in terms of long-term psychological impact.

Research Aim: This study aims to investigate the level of traumas experienced by the children of divorced or separated parents. The principal aim of this study is to explore the long-term psychological impacts of parents’ divorce on the life of children regardless of their gender and age in terms of mental wellbeing, academic performance, and self-worth.

Topic 2: An investigation of the impact of Trauma and Health-related quality of life on the Mental health and Self-worth of a child.

Research Aim: This study aims to assess the long-term impacts of the trauma children face in their early years of life on their overall mental health. Also, numerous studies have emphasised improving the quality of life for children who tend to experience multiple traumas and take them along in adulthood. Therefore, this study also proposed the impacts of traumatic childhood experiences on self-worth, mental health, and vitality of implementing firm intervention before the child reaches adulthood.

Topic 3: Assessing the effect of Psychological training on males suffering from Post-Surgery Anxiety in the UK.

Research Aim: Postoperative problems may occur as a result of surgical stress. This study aims to examine different approaches to control post-surgical anxiety and improve patients’ lives in the short and long term, focusing on male patients in the UK. It will also give us an understanding of how psychological training and interventions affect anxiety in male patients and help them overcome this through a systematic review.

Topic 4: Investigating the Relationship between Mental illness and Suicides- A case study of UK's Young Adults.

Research Aim: This study aims to find the relationship between mental illness and suicides and risk factors in the UK. This study will specifically focus on young adults. It will examine different mental disorders and how they have led to suicide and will analyse further studies of people who have died by suicide and find evidence of the presence or absence of mental illness.

Topic 5: Examining the behaviour of Mental Health Nurses taking care of Schizophrenia Patients in the UK.

Research Aim: Negative behaviours and discrimination have been usually reported as a reason for the inconvenience in the treatment of mentally ill or schizophrenia patients, which negatively impacts the patient’s results. Healthcare professionals’ attitudes have been regarded as being more negative than the general public, which lowers the outlook for patients suffering from mental illness. This study will examine the behaviour of mental health nurses regarding schizophrenia patients in the UK and also focus on the characteristics associated with nurses’ attitudes.

COVID-19 Mental Health Research Topics

Topic1: impacts of the coronavirus on the mental health of various age groups.

Research Aim: This study will reveal the impacts of coronavirus on the mental health of various age groups

Topic 2: Mental health and psychological resilience during COVID-19

Research Aim: Social distancing has made people isolated and affected their mental health. This study will highlight various measures to overcome the stress and mental health of people during coronavirus.

Topic 3: The mental health of children and families during COVID-19

Research Aim: This study will address the challenging situations faced by children and families during lockdown due to COVID-19. It will also discuss various ways to overcome the fear of disease and stay positive.

Topic 4: Mental wellbeing of patients during the Coronavirus pandemic

Research Aim: This study will focus on the measures taken by the hospital management, government, and families to ensure patients’ mental well-being, especially COVID-19 patients.

Best Mental Health Topics for Your Dissertation

Topic 1: kids and their relatives with cancer: psychological challenges.

Research Aim: In cancer diagnoses and therapies, children often don’t know what happens. Many have psychosocial problems, including rage, terror, depression, disturbing sleep, inexpiable guilt, and panic. Therefore, this study is designed to identify and treat the child and its family members’ psychological issues.

Topic 2: Hematopoietic device reaction in ophthalmology patient’s radiation therapy

Research Aim: This research is based on the analysis of hematopoietic devices’ reactions to ophthalmology radiation.

Topic 3: Psychological effects of cyberbullying Vs. physical bullying: A counter study

Research Aim: This research will focus on the effects of cyberbullying and physical bullying and their consequences on the victim’s mental health. The most significant part is the counter effects on our society’s environment and human behaviour, particularly youth.

Topic 4: Whether or not predictive processing is a theory of perceptual consciousness?

Research Aim: This research aims to identify whether or not predictive processing is a theory of perceptual consciousness.

Topic 5: Importance of communication in a relationship

Research Aim: This research aims to address the importance of communication in relationships and the communication gap consequences.

Topic 6: Eating and personality disorders

Research Aim: This research aims to focus on eating and personality disorders

Topic 7: Analysis of teaching, assessment, and evaluation of students and learning differences

Research Aim: This research aims to analyse teaching methods, assessment, and evaluation systems of students and their learning differences

Topic 8: Social and psychological effects of virtual networks

Research Aim: This research aims to study the social and psychological effects of virtual networks

Topic 9: The role of media in provoking aggression

Research Aim: This research aims to address the role of media in provoking aggression among people

Mental Health Topics for Your Dissertation For Research

Topic 1: what is the impact of social media platforms on the mental wellbeing of adults.

Research Aim: the current study aims to investigate the impact social media platforms tend to have on adults’ mental well-being with a particular focus on the United Kingdom. While many studies have been carried out to gauge the impact of social media platforms on teenagers’ mental well-being, little to no research has been performed to investigate how the health of adults might be affected by the same and how social media platforms like Facebook impact them.

Topic 2: The contemporary practical management approach to treating personality disorders

Research Aim: This research will discuss the contemporary practical management approach for treating personality disorders in mental health patients. In the previous days, much of the personality disorder treatments were based on medicines and drugs. Therefore, this research will address contemporary and practical ways to manage how personality disorders affect the mental state of the individuals who have the disease.

Topic 3: How is Prozac being used in the modern-day to treat self-diagnosed depression?

Research Aim: In the current day and age, besides people suffering from clinical depression, many teens and adults have started to suffer from self-diagnosed depression. To treat their self-diagnosed depression, individuals take Prozac through all the wrong means, which harms their mental state even more. Therefore, the current study aims to shed light on how Prozac is being used in the modern age and the adverse effects of misinformed use on patients.

Topic 4: Are women more prone to suffer from mental disorders than men: A Comparative analysis

Research Aim: There have been several arguments regarding whether women are more likely to suffer from mental disorders than men. Much of the research carried out provides evidence that women are more prone to suffer from mental disorders. This research study aims to conduct a comparative analysis to determine whether it’s more likely for men or women to suffer from mental disorders and what role biological and societal factors play in determining the trend.

Topic 5: The impact of breakups on the mental health of men?

Research Aim: Several studies have been carried out to discuss how women are affected more by a breakup than men. However, little research material is available in support of the impact the end of a relationship can have on men’s mental health. Therefore, this research study will fill out the gap in research to determine the impact of a breakup on men’s mental health and stability.

Topic 6: A theoretical analysis of the Impact of emotional attachment on mental health?

Research Aim: This research aims to analyse the theories developed around emotional attachment to address how emotional attachment can harm individuals’ mental health across the globe. Several theories discuss the role that emotional attachment tends to play in the mind of a healthy being, and how emotional attachment can often negatively affect mental well-being.

Topic 7: How do social media friendships contribute to poor mental health?

Research Aim: This research idea aims to address how social media friendships and networking can often lead to a lack of self-acceptance, self-loathing, self-pity, self-comparison, and depression due to the different mindsets that are present in today’s world.

Topic 8: What role do parents play in ensuring the mental well-being of their children?

Research Aim: It is assumed that parents tend to stop playing a role in ensuring that the mental health and well-being of their children are being maintained after a certain age. Therefore, this study will aim to put forward the idea that even after the children pass the age of 18, activities and their relationship with their parents will always play a role in the way their mental health is being transformed.

Topic 9: A study on the mental health of soldiers returning from Iraq?

Research Aim: This topic idea puts forward the aim that the mental health of soldiers who return from war-struck areas is always a subject of interest, as each of the soldiers carries a mental burden. Therefore, it is vital to understand the soldiers’ mental health returning from Iraq, focusing on what causes their mental health to deteriorate during the war and suggestions of what to do or who to call if they do become unwell.

Topic 10: How the contemporary media practices in the UK are leading to mental health problems?

Research Aim: The media is known to have control and influence over people’s mindsets who are connected to it. Many of the contemporary media practices developed in the UK can negatively impact the mental well-being of individuals, which makes it necessary to analyse how they are contributing to the mental health problems among the UK population.

Topic 11: What is the impact of television advertising on the mental development of children in the UK?

Research Aim: This topic aims to address how television advertising can negatively impact children’s mental development in the United Kingdom, as it has been observed in many studies that television advertising is detrimental to the mental health of children.

Topic 12: How deteriorating mental health can have an Impact on physical health?

Research Aim: This research aims to address the side-effects of deteriorating mental health on the physical health of individuals in society, as it is believed that the majority of the physical ailments in the modern-day age are due to the deteriorating mental health of individuals. The study can address the treatments for many ailments in our society due to deteriorating mental health and well-being.

Topic 13: The relationship between unemployment and mental health

Research Aim: How unemployment relates to concepts, such as a declining economy or lack of social skills and education, has been frequently explored by many researchers in the past. However, not many have discussed the relationship between unemployment and the mental health of unemployed individuals. Therefore, this topic will help address the problems faced by individuals due to unemployment because of the mental blocks they are likely to develop and experience. In the future, it will lead to fewer people being depressed due to unemployment when further research is carried out.

Topic 14: The mental health problems of prisoners in the United Kingdom

Research Aim: While prisoners across the globe are criticised and studied for the negativity that goes on in their mindsets, one would rarely research the mental health problems they tend to develop when they become prisoners for committing any crime. It is often assumed that it is the life inside the prison walls that impacts the prisoners’ mental health in a way that leads to them committing more crimes. Therefore, this research topic has been developed to study prison’s impact on prisoners’ mental well-being in the United Kingdom to eventually decrease the number of crimes that occur due to the negative environment inside the prisons.

Topic 15: Mental well-being of industry workers in China

Research Aim: While many research studies have been carried out regarding the conditions that the workers in China tend to be exposed to, there is very little supporting evidence regarding the impact such working conditions have on the mindset and mental health of the workers. Therefore, this study aims to address the challenges faced by industry workers in China and the impact that such challenges can have on their mental well-being.

Topic 16: Is the provision of mental health care services in the United Kingdom effective?

Research Aim: Many people have made different assumptions regarding the mental health care services provided across the globe. However, it seems that little to no research has been carried out regarding the efficiency and effectiveness of the provision of mental health care services in the United Kingdom. Therefore, this study aims to put forward research into the mental health care services provided in well-developed countries like the United Kingdom to gauge the awareness and importance of mental health in the region.

Topic 17: What are the mental health problems that minorities in the United Kingdom face?

Research Aim: It is believed that minorities in the United Kingdom are likely to experience physical abuse, and societal abuse and are often exposed to discrimination and unfair acts at the workplace and in their social circle. The study investigates the range of mental problems faced by minorities in the UK, which need to be addressed to have equality, diversity, and harmony.

Topic 18: The impact the Coronavirus has had on the mental health of the Chinese people

Research Aim: The spread of the deadly Coronavirus has led to many deaths in the region of China, and many of those who have been suspected of the virus are being put in isolation and quarantine. Such conditions tend to hurt the mental health of those who have suffered from the disease and those who have watched people suffer from it. Therefore, the current study aims to address how the Coronavirus has impacted the mental health of the Chinese people.

Topic 19: How to create change in mental health organisations in China?

Research Aim: Research suggests little awareness about mental health in many Asian countries. As mental health problems are on the rise across the globe, it is necessary to change mental health organisations. Therefore, the study aims to discuss how to create change in mental health organisations in the Asian region using China’s example.

Topic 20: Addressing the mental health concerns of the Syrian refugees in the UK

Research Aim: This research project would address the concerns in terms of the refugees’ mental health and well-being, using an example of the Syrian refugees who had been allowed entry into the United Kingdom. This idea aims to put forward the negative effects that migration can have on refugees and how further research is required to combat such issues not just in the United Kingdom but worldwide.

How Can ResearchProspect Help?

ResearchProspect writers can send several custom topic ideas to your email address. Once you have chosen a topic that suits your needs and interests, you can order for our dissertation outline service which will include a brief introduction to the topic, research questions , literature review , methodology , expected results , and conclusion . The dissertation outline will enable you to review the quality of our work before placing the order for our full dissertation writing service!

Important Notes:

As a mental health student looking to get good grades, it is essential to develop new ideas and experiment on existing mental health theories – i.e., to add value and interest in the topic of your research.

Mental health is vast and interrelated to so many other academic disciplines like civil engineering ,  construction ,  project management , engineering management , healthcare , finance and accounting , artificial intelligence , tourism , physiotherapy , sociology , management , project management , and nursing . That is why it is imperative to create a project management dissertation topic that is articular, sound, and actually solves a practical problem that may be rampant in the field.

We can’t stress how important it is to develop a logical research topic based on your entire research. There are several significant downfalls to getting your topic wrong; your supervisor may not be interested in working on it, the topic has no academic creditability, the research may not make logical sense, and there is a possibility that the study is not viable.

This impacts your time and efforts in writing your dissertation as you may end up in a cycle of rejection at the initial stage of the dissertation. That is why we recommend reviewing existing research to develop a topic, taking advice from your supervisor, and even asking for help in this particular stage of your dissertation.

While developing a research topic, keeping our advice in mind will allow you to pick one of the best mental health dissertation topics that fulfill your requirement of writing a research paper and add to the body of knowledge.

Therefore, it is recommended that when finalising your dissertation topic, you read recently published literature to identify gaps in the research that you may help fill.

Remember- dissertation topics need to be unique, solve an identified problem, be logical, and be practically implemented. Please look at some of our sample mental health dissertation topics to get an idea for your own dissertation.

How to Structure Your Mental Health Dissertation

A well-structured dissertation can help students to achieve a high overall academic grade.

  • A Title Page
  • Acknowledgements
  • Declaration
  • Abstract: A summary of the research completed
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction : This chapter includes the project rationale, research background, key research aims and objectives, and the research problems. An outline of the structure of a dissertation can also be added to this chapter.
  • Literature Review : This chapter presents relevant theories and frameworks by analysing published and unpublished literature available on the chosen research topic to address research questions . The purpose is to highlight and discuss the selected research area’s relative weaknesses and strengths whilst identifying any research gaps. Break down the topic, and key terms that can positively impact your dissertation and your tutor.
  • Methodology : The data collection and analysis methods and techniques employed by the researcher are presented in the Methodology chapter which usually includes research design , research philosophy, research limitations, code of conduct, ethical consideration, data collection methods, and data analysis strategy .
  • Findings and Analysis : Findings of the research are analysed in detail under the Findings and Analysis chapter. All key findings/results are outlined in this chapter without interpreting the data or drawing any conclusions. It can be useful to include graphs, charts, and tables in this chapter to identify meaningful trends and relationships.
  • Discussion and Conclusion : The researcher presents his interpretation of results in this chapter and states whether the research hypothesis has been verified or not. An essential aspect of this section of the paper is to draw a linkage between the results and evidence from the literature. Recommendations with regard to the implications of the findings and directions for the future may also be provided. Finally, a summary of the overall research, along with final judgments, opinions, and comments, must be included in the form of suggestions for improvement.
  • References : This should be completed following your University’s requirements
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices : Any additional information, diagrams, and graphs used to complete the dissertation but not part of the dissertation should be included in the Appendices chapter. Essentially, the purpose is to expand the information/data.

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ResearchProspect is the world’s best academic writing service that provides help with Dissertation Proposal Writing , PhD Proposal Writing , Dissertation Writing , Dissertation Editing, and Improvement .

Our team of writers is highly qualified. They are experts in their respective fields. They have been working in the industry for a long, thus are aware of the issues and the trends of the industry they are working in.

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How to find mental health dissertation topics.

To find mental health dissertation topics:

  • Research recent mental health issues.
  • Examine gaps in existing literature.
  • Consider diverse populations or perspectives.
  • Explore treatment approaches or therapies.
  • Look into stigma and societal factors.
  • Select a topic that resonates with you for in-depth study.

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A Comprehensive Guide to Master’s Degrees in Public Health

  • Kate Gibson

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  • Public Health

Women, doctors and tablet for night medical research, surgery planning and teamwork in hospital. Nurse, healthcare and worker collaboration on technology in late shift for wellness thinking and ideas

In today’s rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, the importance of advanced degrees in public health cannot be overstated. In the aftermath of a global pandemic, many public health professionals are seeking new ways to effectively prepare for the increasingly complex challenges our current healthcare system faces. 

As a result, many are turning to advanced education to better understand how to drive innovations and improve global health outcomes. However, choosing the right degree is essential for aligning your education with your career goals. There are several non-clinical degree programs that can help you become a more informed healthcare professional. 

Here’s an overview of master’s degrees in public health and which one is right for you. 

Why Earn a Master’s Degree in Public Health

Investing in a master’s degree in public health is a significant commitment—both financially and personally. However, the benefits of advanced education in this field are substantial and can lead to a rewarding and impactful career. 

A master’s degree in public health equips professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to tackle some of the most pressing health issues facing communities today. It provides a comprehensive understanding of public health principles, from epidemiology and biostatistics to health policy and environmental health, ensuring graduates are well-prepared to address complex health challenges.

An advanced degree can also open up a wide range of career opportunities. With the healthcare sector continuously evolving, there’s a growing demand for highly trained public health professionals who can lead initiatives, drive policy changes, and implement innovative health solutions. 

For example, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment for health educators and community health workers is projected to grow 14 percent from 2022 to 2032 —much faster than the average for all occupations. This demand highlights the value of advanced education in securing impactful roles within the industry.

“These advanced degree programs aim to prepare individuals to become future leaders and innovators in this space,” Maniar says.

As a result, many institutions offer public health master’s degrees to shape the future of this field. Prospective public health professionals can earn degrees such as:

  • Master of Public Health (MPH)
  • Master of Science in Public Health (MSPH)
  • Master of Public Health Policy (MPHP)
  • Master of Public Administration (MPA)

Despite their varying focuses, these degrees frequently lead to similar professional opportunities, helping you achieve your career goals. 

msc public health dissertation topics

“There are several degrees available to a public health professional, but many times these credentials are very similar with slightly different names,” Maniar notes. “And in addition, as healthcare, healthcare administration, and public health grow in scope, there’s more overlap between these degrees, ensuring more versatility and transferability among them.”

Despite this overlap, many still wonder which degree is right for them. If that’s the case, here’s a closer look at the various master’s degrees you can get in public health and how to determine which one is right for you.

Overview of Master’s Degrees in Public Health

Master of public health.

The Master of Public Health (MPH) degree is a comprehensive and versatile program designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to address a wide range of public health issues.

The MPH curriculum typically includes courses in:

  • Epidemiology
  • Biostatistics
  • Environmental health
  • Health policy

In addition, MPH programs emphasize addressing social determinants of health. Students are trained to understand the complex factors that influence health outcomes and to develop strategies to reduce health disparities.

“Public health professionals need to understand that as we prepare for the future of public health, we cannot let go of those foundational competencies, those foundational areas of knowledge and expertise that are really the bedrock of good public health practice,” Maniar says.

As a result, MPH graduates make a significant impact on various public health sectors. 

For example, MPH graduates have been pivotal in addressing the opioid epidemic in the United States. They conduct research to identify the root causes of opioid misuse, design intervention programs to support affected communities, and implement policies to regulate the prescription of opioids.

This is just one example of how versatile an MPH program is, ensuring graduates are well-prepared to tackle diverse public health challenges, drive meaningful change, and promote healthier communities worldwide.

Master of Science in Public Health

The Master of Science in Public Health (MSPH) degree is designed for individuals who want to focus on the research and scientific aspects of public health. It provides a rigorous foundation in public health methodologies, preparing graduates to contribute to public health knowledge through research, data analysis, and advanced study.

The MSPH curriculum typically includes courses in:

  • Health services research

This comprehensive coursework equips students with the skills necessary to design, conduct, and analyze public health research, ensuring they’re well-prepared to contribute to the scientific community.

This focus on research and academic training teaches students how to apply quantitative and qualitative research methods to public health problems, interpret and present research findings, and develop evidence-based solutions.

“Research is the backbone of public health advancements,” Maniar adds. “An MSPH degree equips professionals with the tools to uncover critical insights and drive health innovations.”

Consider public health professionals’ role in environmental health research. MSPH graduates investigate the health effects of environmental exposures, such as air pollution and hazardous chemicals, and develop interventions to mitigate these risks. 

These tactics can make a huge impact on respiratory health and help advocate for policies to reduce emissions and protect vulnerable populations.

Master of Public Health Policy

The Master of Public Health Policy (MPHP) degree is designed to equip students with the expertise needed to influence and shape health policy at local, national, and global levels. It combines a thorough understanding of the intricacies of health policy and prepares graduates to create and implement policies that improve public health outcomes.

The MPHP curriculum typically includes courses in:

  • Health policy analysis
  • Health economics

This comprehensive coursework provides students with the skills to evaluate existing policies, design new health policies, and understand the legal and ethical considerations involved in public health decision-making.

As a result, students learn to critically assess the impact of health policies on various populations, advocate for effective policy changes, and understand the political and economic contexts in which these policies are made. 

“The ability to navigate and influence health policy is crucial for driving systemic changes that can lead to significant improvements in public health,” Maniar says.

For instance, during the COVID-19 pandemic, public health policy professionals played a critical role in formulating and implementing policies to mitigate the spread of the virus. They advised government officials on social distancing measures, mask mandates, and vaccination strategies. 

Their expertise in health policy analysis and strategic planning has been crucial in developing evidence-based responses to health crises like these.

Master of Public Administration

The Master of Public Administration (MPA) degree is designed for individuals seeking to develop leadership and management skills in the public and nonprofit sectors. It provides a comprehensive foundation in public administration principles, preparing graduates to effectively manage public programs, implement policy, and lead organizations in serving the public interest.

The MPA curriculum typically includes courses in:

  • Public policy analysis
  • Financial management
  • Human resources

This comprehensive coursework equips students with the skills necessary to design, manage, and evaluate public programs, ensuring they are well-prepared to contribute to effective governance and administration.

These competencies can be particularly useful for public health professionals who want to lead large-scale health initiatives, develop policies that address community health needs, and implement programs that improve health outcomes and reduce disparities in various populations.

Public health administration is another area where MPA graduates have made a difference. 

They’ve managed public health departments, overseen vaccination campaigns, and coordinated public health initiatives. For example, public administrators have led efforts to improve vaccination rates by managing logistics, ensuring equitable distribution, and engaging with communities to increase trust and participation.

Take the First Step Toward a Career in Public Health

Choosing the right advanced degree in public health is a critical step in shaping your career and making a meaningful impact on community health. With a variety of programs available, each offers unique opportunities to address public health challenges in different ways.

“It’s important to think about how you want to use the degree to achieve your career goals,” Maniar concludes. “All of these programs offer unique opportunities, but understanding the focus and outcomes of each can help you make the best decision for your future.”

Northeastern University offers a robust MPH program that emphasizes experiential learning and real-world application. Whether you’re passionate about combating epidemics, improving mental health services, or advocating for health equity, Northeastern’s MPH program provides the tools and experiences necessary to drive meaningful change.

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Healthcare management is a field of study that elaborates on the administrative aspects of healthcare facilities. The maintenance of public health facilities is one of the fundamental duties of the government. Various students and researchers are keen to explore new healthcare management dissertation topics so they can play a vital role in improving healthcare services.

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The crucial role of thoughtful topic selection in healthcare management dissertations.

Choosing good healthcare management dissertation topics is crucial. They form the basis for impactful research in the healthcare sector. A well-chosen topic shapes the trajectory of academic inquiry. Researching diabetes allows for focused investigation into a prevalent health concern while exploring infectious disease or global health research topics opens avenues for valuable insights in healthcare management.

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Whether it's formulating research questions about healthcare or investigating health policy topics, the chosen dissertation topic becomes a compass guiding scholars toward impactful contributions to the field. The spectrum of healthcare management thesis topics and examples of research questions in public health provides a diverse range of avenues for scholars to explore, ensuring that the resulting research adds depth to our understanding of healthcare systems, policies, and practices.

Note : Be sure to check our website frequently because our expert writers will add to the list of thesis topics in healthcare management. They are completely free for students to read and get an idea for their dissertation.

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List of Public Health Project Topics and Research Materials PDF Download

Showing 1–138 of 209 results

Resilience Through Nutrition Business for Mitigating Economic Challenges and Promoting National Development

sold by Amaka Rita

Gestational Diabetes Among Women Attending Antenatal Care at General Hospital, Okigwe

sold by Olamide Samuel

The Role of Logistics in the Distribution of Medical Suppliers in the Remote Rural Setting in Ghana. A Case Study of Selected Chips Compound in Bolgatanga Municipality.

Emerging trends adaptability in the professional training and practice of primary health care (phc) workers in the achievements of sustainable health development in delta state., determinants of choice of health care services among pregnant women in etche local government area of river state, knowledge, attitude, and practice of safety measures among healthcare workers in khana local government area of river state, factors affecting the utilization of primary healthcare in kaduna (case study sabo ugwan sunday chikun local government area kaduna), assessment of oral health and hygiene among selected secondary school students in osogbo osun state, vaccine hesitancy to childhood immunisation among mothers in maiduguri, assessment of the factors affecting the implementation of immunization programs in makurdi benue state, mental toughness in nursing professional training and practice for excellent performance and sustainable national development, assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of waiting list management and its impact on service delivery among patients in federal medical center abeokuta (fmc), personal demographics and adherence to standard precautions among health care givers in yala local government area of cross river state, perception and effect of the use of psychoactive substances on the health of young adults (ekpan community uviwe local government area, effrun delta state, nigeria), creating connections, building bridges: initiating paradigm shift in health education school safety and security in ethiope west local council, addressing school children’s health challenges (communicable diseases) in delta state through health education and promotion, research proposal on the relevance of medical/healthcare social services in tertiary health institutions in nigeria, a study of university of abuja teaching hospital, the relevance of medical/healthcare social services in tertiary health institutions in nigeria, a study of university of abuja teaching hospital, assessment of knowledge and practice of menstrual health and hygiene among adolescent school girls in ede, mental toughness inclusion in curriculum development and implementation of professional training and practice of nursing for excellent practice and sustainable national development, addressing the challenges of the health care delivery system in nigeria through aggressive implementation of the national primary health care development policy (nphcd), availability and use of protective equipment among health care workers in muhammad abdullahi wase teaching hospital kano, the activities of world health organization in nigeria: a case study of abuja, the prevalence of overweight and underweight as a diet-related health problem among students of excellence bridge private school in tina community of jos north local government, the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on mental health and wellbeing, effects of 4 weeks of aerobic dance exercise on the cardiovascular variables of registered gym users of delta state college of education, understanding and tackling rampaging global poverty through community-based health initiatives, reduction in healthcare disparities among marginalized populations through ict utilization in delta state, overcoming barriers and bridging gaps in delivering healthcare to underserved communities through innovative strategies in riverine communities of ughelli-south council, area, the place of legislation in overcoming accident and emergency unit concerns in public health centres in delta state, addressing the challenges of health care delivery system in nigeria through aggressive implementation of the national health insurance scheme.

sold by Damian Chibueze

Evaluation of Air Pollution on Human Health in Industrial Estate

Evaluation of pollution on human health in industrial estate, nutritional knowledge and status of secondary school students in port harcourt, knowledge and attitude of overweight and obesity among the residents of eti-osa east lga lagos state, factors affecting the utilization of health care system in lagos state university teaching hospital, technology educator’s perception of strategies for effective learning of technology courses during covid-19 locked down era in tertiary institutions in anambra state, knowledge and practice of frequent hand washing among the students of university of maiduguri in reducing the spread of covid19, an assessment of the use of social media in the campaign against the spread of corona virus disease in portharcourt city lga, assessment of environmental practice among citizens of konduga local government area, borno state, nigeria, client satisfaction among attendees of general hospitals in lagos state, an assessment of environmental sanitation in the control of mosquito breeding site in jos north, assessment of online covid 19 vaccine educational messages on youth behavior, knowledge, risk and challenges of waste handlers in selected tertiary health institutions in ekiti state, the impact of delta state contributory health scheme on workers health attitude, behaviour and practice in delta state civil service, asaba, implication of omicron variant red-listing of nigeria by uk government on nigerian citizens (case study of public perception), public perception on the effectiveness of indigenous healthcare delivery system in enugu state, newspapers campaign of hepatitis and its impact on public behaviour towards the illness in calabar metropolis, pattern of overweight and obesity among secondary school students in benue state of nigeria, a critical examination of the immunization status of children in a rural suburb areas of lagos state, a critical investigation of birth preparedness and emergency readiness plans of antenatal clinic attendees in general hospital enugu state, a critical investigation of breast cancer and its risk factors in a tertiary hospital in abuja, achieving the mdg 4 – an assessment of the quality of child health services in the public primary health care facilities in nigeria ( a case study of nnewi north lga, anambra state., an evaluation of expanded programme on immunization and the factors influencing community participation ( case study of elimina sub-district), an evaluation of the perception of citizens on health care delivery system and fake drugs in delta state, an investigation of injury patterns and emergency care in road traffic accidents in accra, ghana., nutritional status of primary school children in eguare primary school irrua edo state, impact of care given by community health workers on management of elderly person in gokana lga, assessment of health care workers compliance on covid19 protocols at specialist hospital bauchi, the impact of sanitation and hygiene among women: a case study of egbele, esan north east local government area.

sold by Festus Ogunsakin

Prevalence of Hard Drug use among youths in Anambra East LGA, Anambra state of Nigeria

The damages caused by global covid-19 pandemic on human health and the effect on financial and economic bantiquism in the country, assessment of knowledge and prevention of lassa fever among people attending primary health care, effectiveness of communication methods in mobilizing people for polio immunization, the health implications of sexual behaviours among adolescent, awareness and perception to ondo state contributory health insurance scheme among women in ese-odo local government area, factors affecting the uptake of family planning services in rural communities: a case study of uturu in isuikwuato lga, abia state., impact of poor maintenance of government hospitals in edo north senatorial district, the harmattan phenomenon and its effect on the environment, knowledge,prevalence and awareness of coronavirus epidemic in nigeria.

sold by ibitayo Damaris

Improper waste disposal on public health in Nigeria

Public health implications of the internally displaced people amidst covid-19, factors influencing health seeking behaviour among women of reproductive age, big brother and its mental health influence, lack of awareness on prevention of anaemia in pregnancy among pregnant women in rural area, knowledge and acceptability of cervical cancer screening among female student in the federal university of technology owerri, effect of health and safety on employees productivity, impact of community health workers on care and management of elderly condition, impact of covid 19 on schools in nigeria, psycho–demographic variables and adherence to anti-retroviral therapy among people living with hiv/aids, assessing knowledge and awareness of risk factors and impacts of occupational injuries among primary health care workers, sanitation practices and its implications on students health, assessment of anaemia in pregnancy a case study of pregnant women attending and in university of uyo teaching hospital (uuth), prevalence and determinants of obsessive compulsive disorder among the student at college of nursing and midwifery birnin kudu, perception and acceptance of cecarean section towards woman and pregnant women in ovia south west, perceived emotional effect of lassa fever among nurses and midwives working in general hospital, nurses perception on improving productivity for quality patient care in muhammad abdullahi wase specialist hospital kano, evaluation of nutritional status and dietary management of in-patient diabetics in university of nigeria teaching hospital, challenges of exclusive breast feeding among working class mother’s of birnin kudu general hospital, attitude, knowledge and practice of exclusive breastfeeding among nursing mothers in badawa area of nassarawa local government area kano state., assessment of pattern and treatment outcome of children with musculoskeletal injuries, the impact of infectious epidemic on agriculture and food security a case study of coronavirus disease.

sold by FAVOUR

The Impact Of Social Distancing And Frequent Hand Washing In Reducing The Spread Of Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) In Nigeria

Seminar write up on anaemia in pregnant women, the impact of social distancing and frequent hand washing in reducing the spread of corona virus (covid 19) in nigeria, the impact of infectious epidemic on social gathering a case study of coronavirus disease, the impact of infectious epidemic on internally displaced person a case study of coronavirus disease, the impact of infectious epidemic on manufacturing industry a case study of coronavirus disease, the impact of infectious epidemic on educational sector a case study of coronavirus disease, attitude, knowledge and perception of health workers on transmission and prevention of covid-19 (a case study of health workers in the outpatient department of university college hospital, ibadan), knowledge of causes and prevention of coronavirus (covid-19) among student of taraba state university, effect of coronavirus on global economy, the effect of convid-19 on human body and it’s environment., motivational factors as determinants of exercise adherence among university of ibadan female undergraduate students, prevalence of cancer and prevention through awareness programmes among women in anambra state, effect of different carbon sources on the growth of antimicrobial producing, biocontrol potential of bacillus thuringiensis isolated from soil samples against larva of mosquito, hepatitis c virus among pregnant women people living with hiv aids attending clinic, antibacterial activity of honey on staphylococcus aureusescherichia coli and streptococcus pyogen isolated from wound, environmental effects of the use of agro- chemicals for rice cultivation, rural management as a strategy for reducing rural, an investigation in the suitability of accident sensor in the control of industrial, the relevance of tools and machinery in accident prevention, the effect of land use activities on the health and safety of the environment, assessment of the problems in the management of urban housing, the problem of solid waste management in nigerian cities, analysis of industrial waste management practice in brewery industry., parasitological examination of some ready to eat fruits sold, isolation and identification of bacteria from food vendors and some vegetable available, prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility of gram negative bacteria in the urine of caritas university students, comparative analysis of pipe borne water and other sources of water, comparative analysis of antimicrobial strength of three most common antibiotics used, isolation and characterization of bacteria associated with hawked suya- meat, incidence of candidacies among single and married women of different age group, prevalence study of hepatitis b (australian antigen) among patient in national orthopediae hospital, microobial evaluation of ram milk from a diary farm, antibacterial activity of three types of medicated soaps on starhyrococcus aureus form would infections, incidence of salmonella and escherchia coli in livestock, bacterial contaminants associated with commercial poultry feed from, bacheriological examination of idodo river, evaluation of microorganisms on garri, prevalence of streptococcus pneumonia in pneumonia patients, antibacterial activity of sweet orange citrus sinensis on staphylococcus aureus, epidemology survey for sctristosomiasis among pupils in amagunze community, anaemia in pregnancy, isolation and characterization of micro-organisms, study of exclusive breastfeeding among nursing mothers.



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