Treatment - Gender dysphoria

Treatment for gender dysphoria aims to help people live the way they want to, in their preferred gender identity or as non-binary.

What this means will vary from person to person, and is different for children, young people and adults. Waiting times for referral and treatment are currently long.

Treatment for children and young people

If your child may have gender dysphoria, they'll usually be referred to one of the NHS Children and Young People's Gender Services .

Your child or teenager will be seen by a multidisciplinary team including a:

  • clinical psychologist
  • child psychotherapist
  • child and adolescent psychiatrist
  • family therapist
  • social worker

The team will carry out a detailed assessment, usually over 3 to 6 appointments over a period of several months.

Depending on the results of the assessment, options for children and teenagers include:

  • family therapy
  • individual child psychotherapy
  • parental support or counselling
  • group work for young people and their parents
  • regular reviews to monitor gender identity development
  • referral to a local Children and Young People's Mental Health Service (CYPMHS) for more serious emotional issues

Most treatments offered at this stage are psychological rather than medical. This is because in many cases gender variant behaviour or feelings disappear as children reach puberty.

Hormone therapy in children and young people

Some young people with lasting signs of gender dysphoria who meet strict criteria may be referred to a hormone specialist (consultant endocrinologist). This is in addition to psychological support.

Puberty blockers and gender-affirming hormones

Puberty blockers (gonadotrophin-releasing hormone analogues) are not available to children and young people for gender incongruence or gender dysphoria because there is not enough evidence of safety and clinical effectiveness.

From around the age of 16, young people with a diagnosis of gender incongruence or gender dysphoria who meet various clinical criteria may be given gender-affirming hormones alongside psychosocial and psychological support.

These hormones cause some irreversible changes, such as:

  • breast development (caused by taking oestrogen)
  • breaking or deepening of the voice (caused by taking testosterone)

Long-term gender-affirming hormone treatment may cause temporary or even permanent infertility.

However, as gender-affirming hormones affect people differently, they should not be considered a reliable form of contraception.

There is some uncertainty about the risks of long-term gender-affirming hormone treatment.

Children, young people and their families are strongly discouraged from getting puberty blockers or gender-affirming hormones from unregulated sources or online providers that are not regulated by UK regulatory bodies.

Transition to adult gender identity services

Young people aged 17 or older may be seen in an adult gender identity clinic or be referred to one from a children and young people's gender service.

By this age, a teenager and the clinic team may be more confident about confirming a diagnosis of gender dysphoria. If desired, steps can be taken to more permanent treatments that fit with the chosen gender identity or as non-binary.

Treatment for adults

Adults who think they may have gender dysphoria should be referred to a gender dysphoria clinic (GDC).

Find an NHS gender dysphoria clinic in England .

GDCs have a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals, who offer ongoing assessments, treatments, support and advice, including:

  • psychological support, such as counselling
  • cross-sex hormone therapy
  • speech and language therapy (voice therapy) to help you sound more typical of your gender identity

For some people, support and advice from the clinic are all they need to feel comfortable with their gender identity. Others will need more extensive treatment.

Hormone therapy for adults

The aim of hormone therapy is to make you more comfortable with yourself, both in terms of physical appearance and how you feel. The hormones usually need to be taken for the rest of your life, even if you have gender surgery.

It's important to remember that hormone therapy is only one of the treatments for gender dysphoria. Others include voice therapy and psychological support. The decision to have hormone therapy will be taken after a discussion between you and your clinic team.

In general, people wanting masculinisation usually take testosterone and people after feminisation usually take oestrogen.

Both usually have the additional effect of suppressing the release of "unwanted" hormones from the testes or ovaries.

Whatever hormone therapy is used, it can take several months for hormone therapy to be effective, which can be frustrating.

It's also important to remember what it cannot change, such as your height or how wide or narrow your shoulders are.

The effectiveness of hormone therapy is also limited by factors unique to the individual (such as genetic factors) that cannot be overcome simply by adjusting the dose.

Find out how to save money on prescriptions for hormone therapy medicines with a prescription prepayment certificate .

Risks of hormone therapy

There is some uncertainty about the risks of long-term cross-sex hormone treatment. The clinic will discuss these with you and the importance of regular monitoring blood tests with your GP.

The most common risks or side effects include:

  • blood clots
  • weight gain
  • dyslipidaemia (abnormal levels of fat in the blood)
  • elevated liver enzymes
  • polycythaemia (high concentration of red blood cells)
  • hair loss or balding (androgenic alopecia)

There are other risks if you're taking hormones bought over the internet or from unregulated sources. It's strongly recommended you avoid these.

Long-term cross-sex hormone treatment may also lead, eventually, to infertility, even if treatment is stopped.

The GP can help you with advice about gamete storage. This is the harvesting and storing of eggs or sperm for your future use.

Gamete storage is sometimes available on the NHS. It cannot be provided by the gender dysphoria clinic.

Read more about fertility preservation on the HFEA website.

Surgery for adults

Some people may decide to have surgery to permanently alter body parts associated with their biological sex.

Based on the recommendations of doctors at the gender dysphoria clinic, you will be referred to a surgeon outside the clinic who is an expert in this type of surgery.

In addition to you having socially transitioned to your preferred gender identity for at least a year before a referral is made for gender surgery, it is also advisable to:

  • lose weight if you are overweight (BMI of 25 or over)
  • have taken cross-sex hormones for some surgical procedures

It's also important that any long-term conditions, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, are well controlled.

Surgery for trans men

Common chest procedures for trans men (trans-masculine people) include:

  • removal of both breasts (bilateral mastectomy) and associated chest reconstruction
  • nipple repositioning
  • dermal implant and tattoo

Gender surgery for trans men includes:

  • construction of a penis (phalloplasty or metoidioplasty)
  • construction of a scrotum (scrotoplasty) and testicular implants
  • a penile implant

Removal of the womb (hysterectomy) and the ovaries and fallopian tubes (salpingo-oophorectomy) may also be considered.

Surgery for trans women

Gender surgery for trans women includes:

  • removal of the testes (orchidectomy)
  • removal of the penis (penectomy)
  • construction of a vagina (vaginoplasty)
  • construction of a vulva (vulvoplasty)
  • construction of a clitoris (clitoroplasty)

Breast implants for trans women (trans-feminine people) are not routinely available on the NHS.

Facial feminisation surgery and hair transplants are not routinely available on the NHS.

As with all surgical procedures there can be complications. Your surgeon should discuss the risks and limitations of surgery with you before you consent to the procedure.

Life after transition

Whether you've had hormone therapy alone or combined with surgery, the aim is that you no longer have gender dysphoria and feel at ease with your identity.

Your health needs are the same as anyone else's with a few exceptions:

  • you'll need lifelong monitoring of your hormone levels by your GP
  • you'll still need contraception if you are sexually active and have not yet had any gender surgery
  • you'll need to let your optician and dentist know if you're on hormone therapy as this may affect your treatment
  • you may not be called for screening tests as you've changed your name on medical records – ask your GP to notify you for cervical and breast screening if you're a trans man with a cervix or breast tissue
  • trans-feminine people with breast tissue (and registered with a GP as female) are routinely invited for breast screening from the ages of 50 up to 71

Find out more about screening for trans and non-binary people on GOV.UK.

NHS guidelines for gender dysphoria

NHS England has published what are known as service specifications that describe how clinical and medical care is offered to people with gender dysphoria:

  • Non-surgical interventions for adults
  • Surgical interventions for adults
  • Interim service specification for specialist gender incongruence services for children and young people

Review of gender identity services

NHS England has commissioned an independent review of gender identity services for children and young people. The review will advise on any changes needed to the service specifications for children and young people.

Page last reviewed: 28 May 2020 Next review due: 28 May 2023


Private care

There are several private gender services which charge fees but which may have significantly shorter waiting lists than the NHS. You may wish to use these services while on the waiting list for an NHS service. It can overwhelming trying to choose which gender service to be referred to, but you can find useful tips on how to choose on our  Choosing a Gender Service page .

An important note

This list is for information and should not be considered an endorsement of any particular practitioner(s) or clinic. Similarly, absence from the list does not imply that we would not endorse a particular practitioner or clinic. We cannot check the quality or safety of services on this page, it is your responsibility to do so before choosing a private provider.

All ages
All ages
with All ages

All of the clinics on this list accept self-referrals.

Note that while some services will see patients younger than 18 for an assessment, not all will offer hormone therapy. You may wish to contact services to find out if they are willing to prescribe to under 18s before paying money to a service.

Other private services

Whilst they do not have clinicians who can prescribe hormones or refer you for surgery, Gender Health Care offer help, advice and support from registered health professionals with personal and professional experience of non-conforming gender identities. They provide services to people of all ages including offering specialist advice, administering injections, and taking blood samples.

Gender GP is based outside of the UK, but they provide services for trans patients internationally. This includes hormone prescribing and counselling.

Surgeons offering both private and NHS services

You can find a complete list of UK surgeons who can be accessed via the NHS on  the NGICNS website . Many of these surgeons will see patients “privately” also – that is, where the patient pays for the surgery themselves, rather than it being paid for by the NHS.

Private-only surgery teams in the UK

A small number of UK surgeons offering gender surgeries will only take private patients. We are aware of the following surgery teams in the UK:

  • Multiple surgery types  are performed by the  The Hamlet Clinic , and  Ardeshir Vahidi
  • Chest surgery  is performed by  Miles Berry and Dai Davies ,  Mohsen El Gammal ,  Mysore Chandrashekar ,  Guy Sterne , and Ionnis Ntanos (a choice of UK or Greece).
  • Feminising genital surgery  is performed by  Christian Seipp  (including orchidectomy)
  • Facial surgery  is performed by  Nik Maini ,  Brian Musgrove , and  Moorthy Halsnad

There are many other private surgery teams based outside of the UK. You might want to have surgery abroad for many reasons, such as access to techniques not available from UK surgeons, lower cost of surgery in other countries, or wanting surgery from a specific surgeon who does not operate in the UK. However, there are a number of potential disadvantages to surgery abroad that are also worth considering carefully. There is information to help you make these decisions on  the UK Government website  and on  the NHS website .

Take a look at the Travelling abroad for surgery page for some more information on the experience of having surgery abroad.

Costs for private services vary significantly. Appointments with private clinicians tend to cost £250-500, and you are likely to be asked to attend:

  • at least one or two initial assessment appointments (or more if under 18)
  • an appointment with an endocrinologist to be prescribed hormones
  • periodic followup appointments with the endocrinologist

You may also need to pay prescription costs, costs for blood tests, and costs for injection supplies, depending on whether your GP agrees to a shared care agreement with the private clinic.

Appointment costs

Most private gender services list information about fees on their websites.

  • GenderCare fees
  • The Gender Hormone Clinic fees
  • Gender Identity South West fees
  • Harley Street Gender Clinic fees
  • London Transgender Clinic fees
  • Dr Lenihan fees
  • YourGP fees

You can find a helpful summary of the costs of using private services that has been put together by community members in  this Reddit thread .

Prescription costs

If you are using private gender services to obtain medications, the service will normally ask your GP to write you NHS prescriptions. Your GP may or may not agree to do this – it is up to them. Guidance on shared care that you may wish to give to your GP to help them make this decision has been produced by  NHS England  and  NHS Wales .

If your GP agrees to prescribe on the NHS, the cost of your medication is the same as any other NHS prescription. You do not have to pay the full cost of medication you are prescribed on the NHS. You are not asked to pay anything at all in  Northern Ireland ,  Scotland  and  Wales . In England, people are asked to pay a small charge for each item on their prescriptions. There are ways you can reduce or avoid this cost, which you can read about on  the NHS website .

If your GP does not agree to prescribe on the NHS, the private service can write you private prescriptions, which you will have to pay the full cost of yourself. Typical prices for commonly used medications (as of February 2022) are:

  • testosterone gel : around £50 for a two month supply
  • testosterone injections : around £5-6 every 2-4 weeks for Sustanon, £100 for three months for Nebido
  • oestrogen gel : around £10 for a 2-8 weeks supply
  • oestrogen patches : around £10 for a 2-4 weeks supply
  • oestrogen pills : around £10 for a 1-4 weeks supply
  • GnRH agonists : around £250-300 for a 3 month supply

The private service may sometimes charge you an additional fee for writing the private prescription.

If you are taking a medication that is injected, you will also need injection supplies. You can find information about how to obtain these supplies cheaply and easily on ‘s  self-injection page .

If your GP does not agree to perform blood testing for you, you will also need to arrange for this, which may cost you additional money. You can find out more about arranging blood testing on  our hormones and blood testing page .

Fees will vary depending on the team and on your particular surgical requirements. Some private surgery providers will include their fees on their website, and others you’ll need to e-mail to ask. Always ask what is and isn’t included in the quoted fee, and what (if anything) you would need to pay extra for if you experience a complication.

When calculating the cost of private surgery, remember to factor in travel and accommodation costs (for pre-surgical and post surgical appointments as well as for your surgical date), any medication or supplies you will need to buy to aid your recovery.

There are other factors apart from costs that you may want to consider when choosing a private service. You can read more about things to consider on our  Choosing a Gender Service page .

You can find useful tips for deciding which surgery team to use on  the Umbrella Cymru website .

You can find more information about private hospitals in the UK by searching on  the Private Healthcare Information Network website .

Errors or omissions

Is there something missing from this page? Have you spotted something that isn’t correct? E-mail [email protected] to let us know.

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This page is based on information originally posted on  with permission.

A disclaimer: TransActual do not provide medical, health, or legal advice. The content of this page is intended for information purposes only. It is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from a medical professional. It is not a substitute for advice from a legal professional. We strongly suggest you consult a healthcare professional or legal professional for specific advice about your situation. TransActual do not advocate or recommend the purchase of any specific product and we do not endorse or guarantee the credentials or appropriateness of any health care provider, any product or any provider of legal services.

Page last updated:

Simply Better Transgender

Welcome to Simply better transgender

Dai Davies has over 20 years’ experience of Transgender Surgery and an International reputation for his surgical expertise. His staff provide an understanding and caring environment and work with both private patients and NHS referrals from all over the country. Together with Miles Berry  a major paper  was published in JPRAS  (Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery) . This reported the scientific analysis of 100 cases of Female to Male Transgender Chest Reconstruction and is currently the world’s largest series.

FtM Chest Wall Surgery

how much is gender reassignment surgery uk

M2F Breast Augmentation

how much is gender reassignment surgery uk

Facial Feminisation

how much is gender reassignment surgery uk

Body Contouring and Shaping

how much is gender reassignment surgery uk

Before & After Gallery

View examples of patient before and after photos

how much is gender reassignment surgery uk

Make an enquiry

In association with, the london gender clinic..

The London Gender Clinic is run by the well-respected and highly experienced Dr Richard Curtis.

As the largest private Transgender clinic in the United Kingdom it provides comprehensive healthcare tailored to the individual to act as both supporters and facilitators of well-informed solutions involving gender reassignment.

Gender Care

GenderCare is a network of individual healthcare practitioners, all qualified, Consultant-level professionals experienced in the gender field. We work directly with a number of practitioners including Dr Stuart Lorimer

Harley Street Gender clinic

Providing guidance, support and treatment toward authentic gender expression in association with Dr Vickie Pasterski.

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Gender transition

  • Michelle Lopacki , Corporate Lead Clinician
  • Dr Naveen Puri , Associate Clinical Director
  • Rachael Mayfield-Blake , Freelance Health Editor
  • Page last reviewed: March 2021
  • Next review date: March 2024

This information is aimed at people aged 17 and older

The sex you’re said to have (assigned) when you’re born may not match the gender you identify with. This mismatch isn’t a problem. But if it makes you feel uncomfortable or distressed that’s not okay. This is sometimes called gender dysphoria or gender incongruence. If you’re feeling like this, it’s important to get help and support.

Gender dysphoria

Everyone is unique and so too are our experiences. Some people notice the misalignment between the sex they were assigned at birth and their gender identity when they’re a child. For others, it happens later when they’re a teenager or adult. The medical term for this mismatch is gender dysphoria, or gender incongruence.

You may identify with the following.

  • You may feel very strongly that your gender identity doesn’t align with the sex you were assigned at birth.
  • You might feel more comfortable when people treat you in line with your gender identity. For example, if they talk about you using words you prefer, such as him, her or them. These kind of words that are used instead of your name are called pronouns.
  • You may feel uncomfortable and have a strong desire to hide or change characteristics that associate you with the sex you were assigned at birth. For example, your chest, genitals, body hair or voice.

People who identify as non-binary can experience these feelings too. If you identify as non-binary, you may feel that your gender identity falls between the binary model (for example, boy and girl, or man and woman), or outside of them completely. You may identify as having no gender or a different gender completely. Your gender identity may also be fluid, fixed or change over time.

Help and support

If you feel that your gender doesn’t match the sex you were assigned at birth you might need some support. You may find it helps to talk to someone you trust at first, such as friends or family. Or you could speak to a counsellor, or your GP. You can take someone along to your appointment if you’ll feel more comfortable.

Your GP can help you to access services and support in the best way possible. They’ll talk to you about how you’ve been feeling and may do a general check-up to prepare for any future treatment.

It helps to prepare for your appointment. You might want to think about what type of care you feel would help you. For example, you might be interested in hormone therapy or mental health support. Not all GPs have experience of gender dysphoria and gender transition so don’t be afraid to lead the conversation around how you want to be addressed and any other needs.

If you don’t feel that your GP can help you, make an appointment to see a different doctor. You could also try contacting a charity or organisation that can help you to access the care you need. Some of these are listed at the bottom of this page.

You might also find it helps to speak to people in a similar situation to yourself through online or offline peer-to-peer support groups. If your feelings are affecting your mental health, there is support available. See the section Mental health support below for more information on these services.

Gender dysphoria clinics (GDC)

Your GP may refer you to an NHS Gender Dysphoria Clinic (GDC). You might have also heard these called Gender Identity Clinics (GICs). A GDC includes a team of health professionals from a range of specialists who can help you. These include:

  • endocrinologists (hormone therapy experts)
  • sexual health physicians
  • speech and language therapists
  • psychologists
  • counsellors

Other health professionals such as psychologists, psychiatrists or a sexual health centre can also refer you to a GDC.

The clinic can help you to access specialist advice and care and discuss your needs and options going forward. But, while these services are available, the reality is that access to GDC services can be limited. There will likely be a very long waiting list. If you’re able to, you can also refer yourself and pay to access private gender specialist services.

Deciding to transition

There are lots of things you can do that might help you to feel more comfortable in yourself. What works for one person, might not work for another, and you might not want to make any changes at all. It’s your decision to make. Take your time, explore your options and make a decision that’s right for you.

This is the process of changing certain things about yourself to help you feel closer to the gender you identify with and is sometimes called transitioning. Transitioning is different for everyone, and it can include medical and non-medical options.

Non-medical options include:

  • changing your name
  • using pronouns that better reflect your gender identity, such as he/his, she/her, or non-binary pronouns like them/their or ze/hir
  • changing how you dress, use make-up or wear your hair
  • changing your voice and mannerisms

Medical options include:

  • taking hormone therapy
  • having surgery

Non-medical transition

There are lots of non-medical ways to change the way you express your gender. You might choose to do one or all of these. You might also choose to medically transition as well. Usually, you’ll be expected to make some non-medical changes first.

Changing your legal gender

You can apply for a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC) to legally change your gender once you meet certain criteria. Contact Citizens Advice if you need help with the process. It’s quite easy to change your name by deed poll and once it’s done, you can change your gender on identity documents, such as your passport and driving licence . You can change your name at any time, without meeting any criteria first.

Modifying your body shape

There are several stores that specialise in creating garments for transgender and non-binary people to change their body shape. For example, you may want to flatten your chest with a breast binder or chest tape. You can also buy breast forms and genital packers.

Although wearing these things can help your mental wellbeing, some of them can also cause physical symptoms. For example, using a chest binder can cause pain in your back and chest, and shortness of breath.

Research around binding is limited – there aren’t any official, evidence-based guidelines, but you may find it helps to take days off from binding. If you’re considering it, speak to a medical professional about the risks, benefits and actions you can take to reduce the chance of any problems.

Sometimes you might be able to find lower cost or even free binders from local charities and organisations that support transgender and non-binary people.

There are lots of different ways to remove or reduce any unwanted body hair. Some of these you can do yourself at home, such as shaving, waxing or using hair removal cream. You can also see a trained professional by visiting a beauty salon. This can sometimes be safer and less painful than trying to do it yourself.

You might find it stressful to go to a salon for the first time. Some charities and organisations list beauty salons that are welcoming to transgender and non-binary people so that you can feel safe and secure when you’re booking an appointment.

For longer-term hair removal there are also treatments such as electrolysis and laser treatment.

Help with hair pieces, transplants and wigs is also available. Ask your GDC for advice.

Changing the way that you speak

For some people, the tone or depth of their voice causes them to experience gender dysphoria. Speech and language therapy (SLT) can help you learn and practise changes in the way you speak and communicate. This is also sometimes called voice and communication therapy. Your GDC, and possibly your GP, can help with a referral to see a speech and language therapist. This might be one to one, as part of a group, or you can pay to see them privately.

Hormone therapy

Hormone therapy is when you take specific hormones designed to enhance certain characteristics. This is one of many gender affirming medical treatments available.

There are lots of different types of hormones that have different jobs around your body, but the ones involved here are your sex hormones. In general, testosterone is known as the ‘male’ sex hormone and oestrogen as the ‘female’ sex hormone. These hormones produce changes in your body during puberty. These include developing breasts or facial and body hair, and changes to your voice and body shape.

Your doctor may also prescribe you hormone ‘blockers’ to stop your own body from producing hormones so the prescribed hormones can work better.

The aim of hormone therapy is to suppress your current sex characteristics and enhance those of the gender you identify with. This may make you feel more at ease with yourself, both physically and psychologically.

The type and dose of hormone therapy differs from one person to the next. It’ll depend on things like:

  • the effect you want to achieve
  • if you have any underlying medical conditions

There are also different ways that you can take hormone therapy, which include tablets, gels, patches and sprays. The way you take your hormones might change over time. Your doctor should monitor your progress regularly.

Below is information about the results you may see if you start hormone therapy. You can alternatively download Bupa's Effects of hormone therapy document  (PDF, 0.1 MB).  But it’s important to remember that everybody is different and will respond to hormone therapy in different ways. If you have any concerns about the effect your hormone therapy is having, then speak to your GP. 

Transmasculine hormone therapy

Using hormone therapy to make your body appear more masculine can involve:

  • testosterone hormones to enhance what are traditionally considered more ‘masculine’ (male) characteristics
  • blocker medicines, such as goserelin, leuprorelin or cyproterone acetate to suppress (slow down) the release of oestrogen into your body

Below we outline some of the effects and approximate timescales of hormone therapy. Some changes may be permanent, while others can be reversed. So, make sure you discuss your treatment fully with your doctor before you begin.

Effects of transmasculine hormone therapy
Effects of hormone therapy When you may start to see a change  How long it may take to get the full effect
Oily skin, and possibly acne (you may have acne for up to a couple of years) 1-6 months -
Hair growth on your face and body increases 3-6 months 3-5 years
Balding (this will vary and depends on factors such as your age and genes) >12 months -
Increased muscle and strength (this will depend on how much exercise you do) 6–12 months 2–5 years
Fat is redistributed (less fat on your hips and thighs and more around your stomach) 3-6 months 2–5 years
Changes in your menstrual cycle and decreased fertility (this can affect your chances of conceiving in the future) 2–6 months -
Your clitoris gets bigger 3–6 months 1–2 years
Changes in your vagina, such as dryness and thinning of the vagina wall 3–6 months 1–2 years
Voice gets deeper 3–6 months 1–2 years

Transfeminine hormone therapy

Using hormone therapy to make your body appear more feminine can involve:

  • oestrogen hormones to enhance traditionally more ‘feminine’ characteristics
  • blocker medicines, such as goserelin and leuprorelin, to suppress (slow down) the production and function of some hormones, mainly testosterone. While testosterone is part of a wider group of hormones called androgens. So, you might hear these medicines called anti-androgens.
Effects of transfeminine hormone therapy
Effects of hormone therapy When you may start to see a change How long it may take to get the full effect
Fat is redistributed to your hips and thighs 3–6 months 2–5 years
Muscles and strength decreases (this will depend on how much exercise you do) 3–6 months 1–2 years
Skin becomes soft and less oily 3–6 months Unknown
Libido (sex drive) decreases 1–3 months 1–2 years
Random erections become less common 1–3 months 3–6 months
Difficulty getting an erection and/or difficulty ejaculating Variable Variable
Breast growth 3–6 months 2–3 years

Risks of hormone therapy

Your doctor will talk to you about the risks and benefits of different hormone therapy. Depending on what you want to achieve and your personal situation, you may need to take hormone therapy for the rest of your life.

Among other things, hormone therapy can potentially cause problems with your heart and circulation and increase your risk of certain cancers. It’s important to discuss these risks with your doctor so you have the information to consent to the therapy if you decide to go ahead. No hormone medicine is completely safe – they all come with an element of risk. But there are things you can do to help improve your chances of staying safe and well. For example, stay a healthy weight and don’t smoke .

Your healthcare team will regularly monitor your health while you take hormone therapy.

Buying medicines online

It’s important to get medical support with hormone therapy. While you can buy hormones online or from other outlets, it can be dangerous. Your GP can arrange a referral for you to discuss and access hormone treatment safely at a GDC. While it may take time to get an appointment, it’s worth the wait to ensure you get safe care.

Your GP may be able to give you what’s called a ‘bridging prescription’, while you wait to access specialist care. This will give you the option to start you treatment while you wait to be seen at a GDC.

Having children

If you would like to have children in the future, tell your doctor before you start hormone therapy. You may be able to store your eggs or sperm. Your GDC team can give you advice about your options and next steps.

Adoption and fostering are other routes to consider if you want to have children in future. UK law supports the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community when it comes to adoption, whether you’re in a relationship or doing it alone. Organisations such as New Family Social can provide further information and support if you need it.

There are different types of operations that may help you to feel closer to your gender identity. What, and how much surgery you have, is up to you. Surgery is part of medically transitioning.

If you choose to have surgery, your healthcare team – including your surgeon and mental health professionals – will discuss your options with you. Together, you can decide what’s right for you. Before you go ahead with any procedures, they’ll make sure that you’re well enough both physically and mentally to have the surgery. Depending on the type of surgery, you may need one or two referrals from a mental health professional.

Your healthcare team will make sure you have all the information you need to give your informed consent for a procedure to go ahead. This will include information on the risks and benefits. If you have any doubts, talk to your surgeon and don’t be afraid to change your mind. This is your decision, so make sure that you feel comfortable with it.

Breast or chest surgery

You can have surgery to:

  • masculinise your chest, for example by removing your breasts (mastectomy) – this is often known as ‘top surgery’
  • feminise your chest, for example by enhancing or creating breasts – this is also called a breast augmentation

Genital surgery

Genital surgery is also known as gender affirmation surgery. You might sometimes hear it called gender reassignment surgery (GRS).

You may also hear people referring to this type of surgery more generally as ‘bottom surgery’. There are lots of different types and what you have done will depend on your personal situation and goals.

If you were assigned female at birth, you may have the following.

  • Surgery to remove your womb (a hysterectomy) and ovaries (ovariectomy, also known as oophorectomy).
  • Surgery to remove and/or seal your vagina (vaginectomy).
  • Surgery to create a scrotum (scrotoplasty).

You can also have surgery to create a penis. Speak to your surgeon about which type of surgery would be best for you. There are two main types.

  • Metoidioplasty (‘meta’ surgery) or phalloplasty, which involves creating a penis from your clitoris. The penis will be small and will depend on how large your clitoris grew following hormone therapy. Your surgeon can add tissue to increase the length and the girth.
  • Phalloplasty involves using donor skin (a graft) from another part of your body, for example your forearm, to create an entirely new penis. Some surgeons can leave your clitoris uncovered to make sexual stimulation easier after your operation.

If you were assigned male at birth, you can have surgery to remove your penis (penectomy) and testicles (orchiectomy), and to create:

  • a vaginal opening (vaginoplasty)
  • the outer part of the genitals (the vulva and labia) known as a vulvoplasty
  • a clitoris (clitoroplasty)

Other procedures

There are also many other surgical and cosmetic options, such as:

  • facial feminisation surgery (FFS) which can change features, such as the shape of your jaw, Adam's apple, and hair line
  • liposuction and lipofiling
  • injectable fillers which can enhance features such as your lips, cheekbones, and jawline
  • hair transplants to replace hair loss or change your hair line
  • tattooing to increase your nipple size, enhance your eyebrows or create make-up effects
  • changing the shape of an area of your body such as your waist or chest
  • voice feminising surgery to change the pitch and tone of your voice

Supporting your mental health

If you feel uncomfortable with your gender, it can affect your mental health. Or you may experience mental health symptoms because of how society perceives you. You might also experience upsetting reactions from your family or friends. If your feelings are affecting your mental health, your GP can refer you to a mental health professional.

Ask if they have experience in working with transgender people. There are specialists available. You can also access these services yourself without seeing a GP first. Organisations such as Gender Identity Research & Education Society can help you to find someone.

Mental health professionals can help you to understand the different types of gender identity and explore your own. They can also help you with coming out to family and friends . Their goal is to help you to feel comfortable and equipped to deal with challenges and thrive going forward.

Mental health professionals may use talking therapies, such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) or psychotherapy to help you. They can also help you if you have anxiety  and depression , or any other mental health problems. They also play an essential role in assessing your mental wellbeing before your doctor refers you to a specialist, for example an endocrinologist for hormone therapy.

Your gender identity is your sense of your own gender. This may or may not match the sex you were assigned (given) when you were born. You might identify as male, female, non-binary, or another gender. Gender identity and gender expression are different. You can’t assume someone’s gender identity purely based on the ways they express themselves, such as what they wear or how they talk. A person’s gender also shouldn’t be confused with their sexual orientation (who they are sexually attracted to).

We don’t know exactly how many people experience gender dysphoria, but it’s safe to say that you’re not alone. We do know that we have data suggesting there are around 200,000 to 500,000 transgender people in the UK. But it’s likely that this figure is an underestimate. We also know that there are currently thousands of referrals to gender identity clinics (GICs) being processed.

Transitioning means changing the way you present yourself to match the gender you identify as. You can do this by changing the way you dress, or with medicines and surgery. But transitioning doesn’t always have to be a physical or outside change; it can be a mental affirmation too. For more information about transitioning see our section ‘Help and support’.

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∧ The health information on this page is intended for informational purposes only. We do not endorse any commercial products, or include Bupa's fees for treatments and/or services. For more information about prices visit:

This information was published by Bupa's Health Content Team and is based on reputable sources of medical evidence. It has been reviewed by appropriate medical or clinical professionals and deemed accurate on the date of review. Photos are only for illustrative purposes and do not reflect every presentation of a condition.

Any information about a treatment or procedure is generic, and does not necessarily describe that treatment or procedure as delivered by Bupa or its associated providers.

The information contained on this page and in any third party websites referred to on this page is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice nor is it intended to be for medical diagnosis or treatment. Third party websites are not owned or controlled by Bupa and any individual may be able to access and post messages on them. Bupa is not responsible for the content or availability of these third party websites. We do not accept advertising on this page.

  • Gender Identity Clinic (GIC)
  • The Clare Project

Discover other helpful health information websites .

  • Supporting transgender and gender-diverse people. Royal College of Psychiatrists., reviewed April 2021
  • Gender identity and gender dysphoria. Oxford handbook of psychiatry. Oxford Medicine Online., published online June 2019
  • Gender dysphoria. Garg G, Elshimy G, Marwaha R., last update 20 July 2021
  • Gender dysphoria. Patient., last edited 14 May 2018
  • Non-binary inclusion. LGBT Foundation., accessed 31 August 2021
  • Managing patients with gender dysphoria. British Medical Association., updated 12 August 2021
  • Personal communication, Michelle Lopacki, RGN, Corporate Lead Clinician, UK Insurance, 14 October 2021
  • Gender pronouns. Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer Plus (LGBTQ+) Resource Center., accessed 31 August 2021
  • Personal communication, Dr Naveen Puri, Associate Clinical Director, and Lead Medical Appraiser, Bupa Global & UK, 20 December 2021
  • Apply for a gender recognition certificate. GOV.UK., accessed 31 August 2021
  • Change the name or gender on your driving licence. GOV.UK., accessed 31 August 2021
  • Applying for a passport – information for transgender and transsexual customers. GOV.UK., published 15 August 2013
  • Change your name by deed poll. GOV.UK., accessed 31 August 2021
  • Marks DH, Hagigeorges D, Manatis-Lornell AJ, et al. Excess hair, hair removal methods, and barriers to care in gender minority patients: a survey study. J Cosmet Dermatol 2020; 19(6):1494–98. doi: 10.1111/jocd.13164
  • Endocrine system anatomy. Medscape., updated 29 June 2016
  • Endocrine system anatomy. Gross anatomy. Medscape., updated 29 June 2016
  • Normal puberty. Oxford handbook of endocrinology and diabetes. Oxford Medicine Online., published online March 2014
  • Standards of care for the health of transsexual, transgender, and gender nonconforming people. World Professional Association for Transgender Health., updated 2012
  • Child adoption. GOV.UK., accessed 4 October 2021
  • Lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans (LGBT+) and thinking about adoption? First4adoption., accessed 6 September 2021
  • Phalloplasty. Formation of the phallus. St Peter's Andrology Centre London., accessed 1 September 2021
  • Healthcare for transgender and gender diverse individuals. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists., published March 2021
  • Wellbeing. Stonewall., published 5 June 2020
  • Busa S, Janssen A, Lakshman M. A review of evidence based treatments for transgender youth diagnosed with social anxiety disorder. Transgend Health 2018; 3(1):27–33. doi: 10.1089/trgh.2017.0037
  • Written evidence submitted by GIRES to the transgender equality inquiry. Gender Identity Research and Education Society., published 2015
  • Glossary of terms. Stonewall., accessed 5 October 2021
  • Gender identity services for adults (non-surgical interventions). NHS England., published July 2019
  • Trans healthcare. General Medical Council., accessed 29 October 2021
  • Trans people in the UK. Government Equalities Office., published 2018
  • WHO/Europe brief – transgender health in the context of ICD-11. World Health Organization., accessed 1 April 2022
  • Non-Binary Inclusion. LGBT foundation., accessed 1 April 2022
  • Gender Identity Clinic. NHS., accessed 1 April 2022
  • How to gain the appearance of a flat chest. Gendered Intelligence. www., last updated 2015
  • Waiting times. NHS., accessed 1 April 2022

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About Cadogan Clinic

Multi-award winning clinic in the heart of Chelsea

  • Cosmetic Surgery

Cadogan Clinic is a leading specialist cosmetic surgery clinic based in the heart of London. We’re home to the leading specialists in Breast Augmentation, Liposuction, and a comprehensive range of face, breast and body treatments.

Breast Surgery

Cadogan Clinic offers a full range of cosmetic breast surgery to help make the changes you want to your breasts under the guidance of the best surgeons in the UK.

  • Breast Enlargement
  • Breast Reduction
  • Breast Lift
  • Natural Breast Enlargement
  • Breast Implant Replacement
  • Breast Reconstruction
  • Nipple Reduction

Body Surgery

Cadogan Clinic offers a range of cosmetic surgery to help make the changes you want to your body under the guidance of the very best surgeons in the UK.

  • Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)
  • Liposuction
  • Mummy Makeover
  • Laser Liposuction
  • Vaser Liposuction
  • Buttock Lift
  • Cellulite Treatment
  • Extended Tummy Tuck
  • Hernia Surgery
  • 360 Liposuction
  • Scar Revision
  • Umbilicoplasty

Cosmetic Gynaecology

Cadogan Clinic provides a wide range of cosmetic gynaecological surgery procedures performed by a multi-disciplinary team of the best surgeons in the UK.

  • Labiaplasty
  • Gynaecological Fat Transfer
  • Vaginal Rejuvenation
  • Vaginal Tightening

Facial Surgery

Cadogan Clinic offers a wide range of facial cosmetic surgery procedures to help you make the changes you want, under the guidance of the very best surgeons.

  • Rhinoplasty
  • Mini Facelift
  • Eyelid Surgery
  • Chin Liposuction
  • Alar Base Reduction
  • Chin Augmentation
  • Buccal Fat Removal
  • Deep Plane Facelift
  • Earlobe Repair
  • Forehead Reduction
  • Micro Facelift
  • Nose Tip Rhinoplasty
  • Septoplasty
  • Septorhinoplasty

Fat Transfer

Fat transfer, also referred to as fat grafting and lipofilling, has become widely accepted as the optimal means of soft-tissue filling in all areas of the body, including the face, breasts, hands and buttocks

  • Fat Transfer to Face
  • Fat Transfer to Body
  • Fat Transfer to Breasts

Cadogan Clinic provides both female and male cosmetic surgery. Almost all of our procedures are suitable for men as well as women.

  • Blepharoplasty for Men
  • BBL for Men
  • Face Lift for Men
  • Hair Transplant
  • Male Breast Reduction
  • Otoplasty for Men
  • Penis Enlargement
  • Rhinoplasty for Men
  • Liposuction for Men
  • Abdominoplasty for Men

Gender Surgery

Gender dysphoria is a term used to describe how an individual feels a strong sense of disassociation between their gender identity and biological sex.

Facial Feminisation Surgery

  • FTM Top Surgery

MTF Top Surgery

Non-Binary Surgery

Below you will find some key information to help you prepare for surgery and make necessary arrangements to ensure you have the support you need and that everything runs smoothly on the day.

  • Scar Management
  • Your Journey With Us
  • Dermatology

Cadogan Clinic is a leading dermatology clinic based in the heart of London. We’re home to some of the leading acne, eczema and rosacea specialists, and are experts in the mole and skin cancer diagnosis and removal process.

General Dermatology

Skin is incredibly important to your health and your appearance. The Cadogan Clinic has one of the largest and experienced teams of consultant dermatologists.

  • Acne Treatments
  • Hair Loss Treatment
  • Milia Removal
  • Paediatric Dermatology
  • Bacterial Skin Infections
  • Excess Hair Growth
  • Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating)
  • Pigmentation
  • Skin Allergies
  • Skin Health MOT
  • Vaginal Dermatology
  • Verruca Removal
  • Viral Skin Infections

Mole & Skin Cancer

We are all becoming increasingly aware of the risks posed by sun damage to the skin, as well as the need to protect our skin in day-to-day life.

  • Mole Removal
  • Cryotherapy
  • Mohs Surgery
  • Cyst Removal
  • Skin Cancers and Melanomas
  • Skin Lumps (Warts, Moles, Skin Tags)
  • Lipoma Removal

Skin Rejuvenation

At the Cadogan Clinic, we offer a comprehensive range of non-surgical cosmetic treatments, to refresh and rejuvenate your appearance.

  • Microneedling Dermapen
  • Varicose Veins
  • Scar Treatment
  • Non-Surgical Eyelid Reduction


Cadogan Clinic is a leading non-surgical cosmetic clinic based in the heart of London. We’re home to some of the leading injectables and dermal filler specialists, and are experts in the anti-ageing process.

There are many factors which contribute to ageing skin and when deciding on a treatment solution, these are important to consider.

  • Anti-Wrinkle Injections
  • Cheek Fillers
  • Dermal Fillers
  • Lip Fillers
  • Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty
  • Tear Trough Filler
  • 8 Point Facelift
  • Dissolving Filler
  • Hand Rejuvenation
  • Jawline Filler
  • Non-Surgical Facelift
  • Temple Filler
  • Cheek Concerns
  • Eye Concerns
  • Filler Complications
  • Forehead Concerns
  • Lower Face Concerns
  • Nose and Mouth Concerns
  • Skin Concerns

All Services

Cadogan Clinic is a leading day case centre of excellence based in the heart of London. Alongside our international team of plastic surgeons and dermatologists, we’re home to some of the leading gynaecologists, ophthalmologists, podiatrists and urologists in the country.

We are experts in a wide range of Andrology treatments, in both elective and medical conditions.

  • Adult Circumcision
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Frenuloplasty
  • Male Fertility
  • Penile Implants
  • Peyronie's Disease
  • Premature Ejaculation


  • Coil Insertion / Removal
  • Hysterectomy
  • Hysteroscopy
  • Myomectomy (Fibroid Removal)
  • Ovarian Cystectomy
  • Perineum and Pelvic Floor Repair
  • Prolapse Surgery
  • Polyp Removal

Hand Surgery

We are experts in a wide range of hand problems, in both elective and traumatic conditions.

  • Carpal Tunnel Treatment
  • Dupuytren's Contracture Surgery
  • Hydrocortisone Injections
  • Ganglion Hand Cysts
  • Trigger Finger Surgery
  • Non Surgical

Cosmetic foot surgery can help by firstly eliminating the sources of chronic pain or deformity and secondly, reshaping the feet for aesthetic appeal, often resulting in smaller, slimmer feet with a reduced shoe size.

  • Bunion Removal
  • Cinderella Foot Surgery
  • Corn Removal
  • Toe Shortening & Straightening

We were founded in 2004 by world renowned plastic surgeon Mr Bryan Mayou, best known for his pioneering work in the area of liposuction, lasers and microvascular surgery. We continue to collaborate with pioneers in our field.

Face & Eyes

Surgery For Men

All Departments

Podiatry (Foot Surgery)

Laurel Wreath for Awards

at Cadogan Clinic, London’s Leading Cosmetic Surgery Specialists. 

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We have invited only the very best consultants to practice at our specialist clinic.

how much is gender reassignment surgery uk

Our state-of the-art award winning facilities are located right in the heart of London.

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Best Clinic London 2024

We were awarded Best Clinic London at the industry-leading 2024 Aesthetics Awards.

CQC ‘Outstanding’

Our Leadership is rated ‘Outstanding’ by the independent healthcare regulator in England.

20 Years of Safety

We’ve enjoyed a spotless safety track record over 20 years at the top of our field.

96% Excellence Rating

We support 30,000 patient appointments each year, 96% of which were rated 5*.

Medically Reviewed 19 February 2024, by Mr. Bryan Mayou (GMC: 1414396) - founder of the Cadogan Clinic and one of the world's leading plastic surgeons

What is FTM Top Surgery?

FTM top surgery (or female to male top surgery) is a surgical procedure, carried out for transgender men to create a flatter, more masculine-looking chest. Many patients find this gender-affirming procedure extremely liberating.

This involves removing the breasts in a procedure known as a mastectomy and any excess skin and fat around the breast area before repositioning the nipples and areolas. There are a number of different surgical methods your surgeon may choose from depending on the size of the breasts and the elasticity of the skin. As leading top surgery UK surgical providers, we understand the trust that is placed in our care for these life-changing procedures. Every patient enquiry is treated with the respect you deserve.

London FTM top surgery is a permanent alternative to chest binding, which can cause problems such as skin irritation and breathing difficulties when carried out long term. 

Between 2022 and 2023 we experienced a 5x increase in the number of MTF top surgeries carried out at Cadogan Clinic.

FTM Top Surgery At a glance

Surgery Time

Time off work

Hospital Stay

Reasonable Mobility

Bras & Garments

Full Recovery

Why do people have FTM top surgery?

Female to male top surgery is used to create a natural-looking male chest. Top surgery helps to address gender dysphoria, a condition that causes great distress and stems from a feeling of disconnect between a person’s biological sex and gender identity. 

Gender reassignment helps to treat gender dysphoria as well as alleviating other mental health conditions that are associated with this diagnosis, such as depression and anxiety. FTM top surgery will help to increase your confidence and self-esteem and have a positive impact on your quality of life. The aim of this and any gender affirming surgery is to help you feel at ease with your identity and to allow you to present in the way you feel comfortable.

Who is suitable?

Our specialist gender reassignment surgeons will meet you for a one to one consultation to assess your suitability for surgery. Your surgeon will examine your chest in order to decide which the best method of London top surgery would be for you.

They will discuss your expectations of surgery and ensure you understand the individual results that are possible from your procedure. They will also assess your general physical and mental health to make sure you are suitable for a general anaesthetic procedure, this may include your weight, and any medical and mental conditions you have. You must be over 18 to have this procedure, and your surgeon may request referrals from other gender reassignment specialists you are already working with to be able to go ahead with your surgery. Your patient advisor will be able to help you with getting these referrals if you don’t already have them.

Words from our clients:

"I was extremely satisfied with the care and treatment I received at the Cadogan Clinic. My surgeon was friendly and informative and explained the procedure fully. My procedure went very well and with the excellent care of the nursing staff, I made a speedy and full recovery. Would recommend to anyone." Eva Berry "At the beginning before the operation the nurse taking care of me made me feel so comfortable. The surgeon and anesthetist helped me feel so calm. Fantastic before and after treatment" Scarlett Elliott "The girls on the reception at the clinic were very pleasant and professional. The nurse who took out my stitches after my surgery was just lovely and took me through step by step what she was doing and she also recommended a great cream to use to help with healing." Georgina Nolan “I was treated with care and provided with thorough knowledge about the procedure I was undertaking. My surgeon was very methodical (a perfectionist) and I felt I received A class treatment." Courtney O'Sullivan "Outstanding experience from the first appointment to being discharged. Very professional, friendly and a fantastic outcome." Gemma Stevenson "Reception staff very welcoming and efficient. Both nurses who I dealt with were fantastic, and the whole team (anaesthetist, surgeon etc) were friendly but professional, and really put my mind at ease. That I was able to stay later than I perhaps needed after my surgery to fit in with my husbands schedule was greatly appreciated." Emma Davies Trustpilot The cost of FTM Top Surgery UK Enquire for our competitive FTM top surgery UK prices with Cadogan Clinic in Chelsea, London. Get in touch 0207 901 8500 Included in this treatment Up to two 60 minute consultations with a leading specialist plastic surgeon at our award-winning premises in Chelsea Your procedure carried out at London’s leading specialist cosmetic surgery centre of excellence 24/7 on call nurse assistance Dedicated Patient Co-ordinator, as a personal point of contact through your journey with Cadogan A pre-operative medical assessment to ensure you are fit for surgery Comprehensive post-operative aftercare courtesy of our specialist cosmetic nurses The main types of female to male top surgery Female to Male Top Surgery in London is a surgical procedure that is performed under general anaesthetic which takes 3-4 hours to complete. The exact time of your procedure will depend on the amount of breast tissue which needs to be removed and the method of surgery your surgeon recommends for your procedure. It is not dissimilar to a mastectomy. There are 3 main 'types' of tops surgery: the double incision, the periareolar, and the keyhole. Double incision top surgery This is the most common method used in FTM top surgery. Your surgeon will remove your areolas and nipples and make them smaller. They will then make long incisions to remove the breast tissue, known as a mastectomy before using liposuction to remove any excess fat. Finally, any excess skin is removed so the incision can be closed leaving a flat chest. Your surgeon will use special sutures to create a flat line and prevent any puckering around the incision sites. Periareolar top surgery Periareolar Top Surgery is suited to patients with smaller chests, and is also known as a Donut Procedure. Two circular incisions are made, one inside the other, around the border of the areola. The breast tissue is then removed and liposuction is used to remove any excess fat. The edges of the larger incision are then pulled together, resizing the areola. Keyhole top surgery This particular method of FTM top surgery is only suited for patients with very small chests and tight skin. A small incision is made along the bottom half of the areola, leaving it partially attached to the body. Similar to periareolar top surgery, the breast tissue is removed and liposuction carried out to remove any excess fat, if required. The nipples will be resized and the incision closed. FTM Top Surgery Surgeons We have invited a selection of the country's very best consultants to join us at the Cadogan Clinic so that you can be sure that whatever the nature of your treatment, you will be seeing one of the top practitioners in the country. Our Surgeons Mohsen El Gammal Plastic Surgeon What to expect Below you will find some key information to help you prepare for surgery and make necessary arrangements to ensure you have the support you need and that everything runs smoothly on the day. Find Out More 01. The Consultation You will meet your specialist gender reassignment surgeon for up to two consultations at our award-winning Chelsea based clinic to discuss FTM Top Surgery and your hopes for surgery. Your surgeon will discuss your medical history and the steps you have taken in your transition so far. They may ask to review 1-2 referral letters from other gender specialists you have previously worked with. This is to ensure that you are at the right point in your transition to undergo top surgery. We recommend writing any questions you have for your surgeon down, while you are preparing for your consultation. This will allow you to get the most out of your consultation and allow you to walk away feeling confident and fully prepared. Your surgeon will also carry out a general health and wellness check, take your measurements and take photos for your medical records. This will help them to put together your surgical plan in as much detail as possible. Following your consultation, your surgeon will send your completed surgical plan to your patient advisor. Your advisor will explain the plan and the procedure your surgeon has suggested for you, as well the pricing and your surgeon’s available dates for surgery. You will then have a compulsory two week cooling off period to consider the options that have been given to you and whether you would like to go ahead with surgery. 02. Leading up to Procedure  If you decide to proceed with FTM Top Surgery, there are certain steps your surgeon will ask you to follow in preparation for surgery: You will receive two questionnaires, one about your medical and one about your psychological health. Once completed, your surgeon and anaesthetist will review these to confirm you are ready for surgery. If you smoke or vape, your surgeon will ask you to give up six weeks before your procedure. This will significantly improve your healing and recovery process. You will also be asked to cut down on drinking alcohol in the weeks running up to your surgery. You shouldn’t drink any alcohol in the 48 hours before your procedure. In the 7 days running up your procedure you will be asked to not to take any anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen and aspirin, as well as herbal supplements as these may increase your chances of bleeding in your surgery. You must ask a friend or family member to come and collect you following your procedure. They must be able to either accompany you in a taxi or drive you in a private car before staying with you overnight. In the 6 hours before you arrive at the clinic, you cannot consume any solid food, juice or milk (including tea or coffee). You can have sips of clear liquids (water, or black tea and coffee) up to 2 hours before you arrive at the clinic 03. On the day Your arrival time will be an hour before your surgery is due to begin. The nurses will prepare you for surgery by taking your blood pressure, height and weight and asking you to change into a surgical gown and compression socks. Your surgeon and anaesthetist will come to greet you and answer any questions. Your surgeon will then make any markings they need to carry out your procedure. When you are taken into theatre, your anaesthetist will administer your general anaesthetic. All procedures at Cadogan Clinic are performed using TIVA (Total Intravenous Anaesthesia) as it has a faster initial recovery time and less risk of post-operative nausea and vomiting. Once your surgery is finished, you will be taken to our recovery ward, where you will wake up from the anaesthetic and a nurse will check your vital health signs. Once you are awake and comfortable, you will be taken into our ambulatory ward to have something to eat and drink. When you are ready, a nurse will talk you through any medication and aftercare you will need once you leave. You will then get changed and your chaperone will come to collect you. 04. Treatment Recovery In the first few days following surgery, you will likely experience some pain, bruising and swelling, this is completely normal and will calm down within the first 2 weeks. Most patients are mobile within 2-3 days and can bathe normally after this time. Your surgeon will ask you to wear a compression vest for up to 8 weeks post-surgery to preserve your results and to reduce the swelling. They may also ask you to sleep on your back for the first few weeks of recovery to prevent any pressure being placed on your chest. One week after your surgery you see our nurses so they can assess your incisions and make sure you are healing well. They will explain how to look after and change your dressings from this point onwards and will answer any questions you have about your aftercare. Six weeks after your surgery you will see your surgeon so they can discuss your results and recovery. After this point, if you have any questions or concerns you will still be able to contact our nurses or your patient advisor who will be able to organise for you to speak with your surgeon if necessary. The Patient Journey. A breakdown of what you can expect on your journey with us We are deeply invested in ensuring that every step of your surgical journey with us is as informative and reassuring to you as it can be. This article outlines what you can expect at each stage of the journey The Patient Journey Frequently Asked Questions Ask a question What are the benefits of FTM surgery? FTM surgery helps to alleviate gender dysphoria by bringing a person’s body in line with their gender identity. Most people who have top surgery will find that they have an improved self-image once the operation is completed and the body has had a chance to heal. By helping trans men to feel happier and more connected with their bodies, this usually has an overwhelmingly positive impact on all areas of their life. FTM surgery helps to restore confidence and improves mental health, alleviating the symptoms of depression and anxiety. This newfound confidence can help in the workplace, in social situations and aid with forming romantic relationships. Top surgery results in a more masculine-looking chest, replacing female characteristics. Our surgeons at the Cadogan Clinics are experts in their field and have the knowledge and skills to help you to reach your body goals. What type of surgeon is best for FTM top surgery? The best surgeon to perform top surgery is an aesthetic surgeon who has specific training in gender-affirming surgeries. Here at the Cadogan Clinic, all of our surgeons are world-class experts in their field. This expertise means that our surgeons are highly sought after to perform female to male surgery in London. What kind of scarring can I expect following top surgery? You should expect a degree of scarring following any type of top surgery. Scarring from surgical incision looks like a thin, raised line on top of the skin. As it heals, it will darken and flatten. The size, length and exact location of these scars in FTM top surgery depends on the surgical technique used. The keyhole and periareolar methods of top surgery are  less invasive than double incision top surgery. As a result, this generally results in less scarring. The good news is that any scarring will gradually fade, but the speed of this varies from person to person. Three months after surgery you can start to use bio oil on your scars to help lessen their appearance. You should avoid smoking, tanning, excessive scrubbing and scratching the area during the healing process as these can make scarring worse. Some people have a condition called keloid that causes excessive tissue growth in the wound area. Keloid scars are thicker and more noticeable than regular scars. In the unlikely event that you acquire an infection of the wound, this can also make scars thicker and it takes longer for them to go. The Cadogan Clinic provides every patient with access to one of London’s most advanced scar minimisation programmes, led by our scar prevention team here at the clinic. What kind of results can I expect following top surgery? After the post-surgery swelling subsides, you should expect to have a flatter, contoured, more masculine-looking chest. There may be some scarring, depending on which technique is used in your top surgery. You may also find that you experience a reduction or loss of nipple sensation, depending on which surgical technique is used during the operation. Once you have recovered from your operation, you can begin to enjoy a new body which helps to heal the feeling of disconnect caused by gender dysphoria. You should notice an overall boost in your mental health and wellbeing, as well as a boost in self-confidence. Is top surgery painful? You can expect some discomfort for around four or five days after your FTM top surgery. In the event that you do experience any mild to moderate pain or discomfort, this can be controlled with over-the-counter painkillers. The chest area will be swollen and on average this will take two to three weeks to subside. However you may find the area is still swollen for anywhere up to six months after surgery. As part of your treatment with the Cadogan Clinic, you will have access to 24/7 on-call nurse assistance for the duration of your recovery. Can I get top surgery on the NHS? Yes, it is possible to get FTM top surgery on the NHS if you meet the criteria. However the NHS waiting list for female to male gender reassignment is very long. If you choose the Cadogan Clinic for your FTM top surgery, there are no waiting times and you will get your treatment sooner. Can you reverse top surgery? Top surgery is permanent. Your breasts will not grow back after the operation and any reconstructive surgery will not return your chest to the way it looked before. It is therefore of paramount importance that you are 100 percent certain about your goals before taking such major steps to change your body. You must also have realistic expectations about what FTM top surgery can achieve. Book an appointment with one of our expert surgeons here at the Cadogan Clinic who will run through the options with you. Can I breastfeed after top surgery? If the milk ducts are removed during top surgery, then you will not be able to breastfeed or chestfeed. If some of these milk-producing ducts are left behind, then it may be possible. If you are taking testosterone as part of your treatment, then this may affect the production of the hormone needed for lactation. It is important to note that many factors can affect a person’s ability to breastfeed or chestfeed. A person who has all their milk ducts and is not taking hormones may still find they do not produce enough milk. Formula milk is a perfectly healthy and safe way to feed a baby. Is top surgery the same as mastectomy? A mastectomy (breast removal) is just part of FTM top surgery. Liposuction is also used to remove excess fatty tissue to create an improved contour and the nipples will also be repositioned to a more natural-looking position. Depending on the results of your FTM top surgery, the surgeon may feel that further procedures are necessary. This may include more liposuction, dog-ear surgery to remove puckered skin at the end of the scar line, and possible nipple reconstruction if required. Words from Our Founder Mr. Bryan Mayou FTM Top Surgery is a hugely transformative procedure that aligns a patient's physical appearance with gender identity, offering positive benefits to transgender individuals. By removing breast tissue and reshaping the chest, we achieve a more masculine image, alleviating symptoms of gender dysphoria and enhancing self-confidence. This procedure is not just about cosmetic changes; it's about empowering individuals to live comfortably in their bodies. FTM Top Surgery plays a vital role in the journey towards gender affirmation and self-acceptance.

A state of the art, award winning clinic.

Founded in 2004 by world renowned plastic surgeon Mr Bryan Mayou, we now work with over 100 leading consultants and successfully treat over 20,000 patients each year. We have been winning industry awards since inception.

how much is gender reassignment surgery uk

Best in Class Facilities

All of our treatments take place at our beautiful boutique premises in Chelsea. We have six consulting rooms and five operating rooms, as well as a dedicated pre and post-operative suite, and a full team of specialist nursing staff.

A Strong Tradition of Innovation

We were founded in 2004 by world renown plastic surgeon Mr Bryan Mayou, best known for his pioneering work in the area of liposuction, lasers and microvascular surgery. We continue to collaborate with pioneers in our field.

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We are proud that our state of the art award-winning clinic is located in one of the best neighbourhoods in the country

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We offer surgical consultations in London, Birmingham, Chelmsford and Bristol, and attract international patients from all corners of the globe such as as the USA, the Middle East and Europe.

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The Risks of FTM Top Surgery

Before proceeding with FTM Top Surgery, it is vital to be aware of the potential risks and complications that can occur during any surgical procedure. Your surgeon will discuss these risks with you and explain how they may impact your procedure.

  • Hematoma - This is the build up of blood beneath the skin and will require treatment from your surgeon
  • Seroma - This is the formation of a lump under the skin caused by buildup of fluid around the incision sites. This will require treatment from your surgeon.
  • Poor wound healing - Healing complications or infection can affect the incision sites
  • Asymmetry - Occasionally, your chest may appear uneven - this can sometimes be a temporary part of healing, but may be long term and require further intervention.
  • Excessive bleeding 
  • Allergic reaction to general anaesthetic
  • Infection at the surgical site
  • Deep vein thrombosis (blood clot in a vein)

Occasionally, a revision surgery is required in the event of a complication or unwanted outcome. This can arise due to factors out of your surgeon’s control. All of Cadogan Clinic’s gender specialist surgeons are highly qualified consultants who have performed FTM Top Surgery many times.

Related Treatments

We believe in the delivery of excellent outcomes and results, and exceptional levels of service. Our outcomes are natural and long-lasting, and we remain the premier choice for cosmetic surgery treatments in the UK.

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Top Tips on How to Pay for Gender Reassignment Surgery

Are you thinking about how you could afford to pay for gender reassignment surgery? You are not alone: in the UK, an increasingly tolerant and accepting climate means that more and more people are feeling free to explore their gender identity. Trans issues and the existence of queer, non-binary and non-gender conforming people of all persuasions have finally reached the mainstream. This is thanks, in part, to the work of numerous trans rights activist and famous celebrities, such as Caitlyn Jenner and India Willoughby, who have been brave enough to publicly describe their own transition surgeries in detail .

For some people, transitioning means identifying as a gender that is different to that which they were assigned at birth. Some trans people may feel that gender reassignment surgery is ultimately necessary so that they can live a life that they feel is true to their innate sense of identity. In recognition of this, the procedures are sometimes referred to as gender confirmation surgery.

Becoming the person you truly are, has, in many ways, never been easier, despite the fact that many trans people continue to face extremely high levels of discrimination and aggression. And one barrier, which many trans people face, is the financial aspect of the transition process. There are many hidden expenses which can have a detrimental impact on someone trying to be honest about their true self. This article will explore the costs of gender reassignment surgeries in the UK and ways that these can be funded.

What exactly is gender reassignment surgery?

Gender reassignment surgery or sex reassignment surgery is an umbrella term given to a number of procedures that aim to realign a person’s physical characteristics with their internal sense of gender. It is often the end of a process of transition that begins with superficial changes, such as clothes, makeup and hair and continues with hormone therapy.

Someone who has always felt like a woman, for example, but has the physical characteristics of a man, might opt for surgery to remove male biological features and have surgeries giving them more stereotypically feminine features, such as breasts and a vagina. A woman identifying as a man can also have surgery and treatment that will help them to look like a man.

It is important to note that for many trans people, surgery is not part of their journey, and surgery should not be undertaken lightly, not least because of the significant risks and side-effects, as with any surgical procedure. In the UK, gender reassignment surgery is only an option for those who are over 18 and pre-surgery counselling is also a requirement.

The different types of surgical procedure for gender reassignment surgery

  • Male to female surgery
  • Male to female surgery is easier and more likely to be successful and for this reason is considerably less expensive than female to male surgery than involves highly challenging constructive techniques.

For many male to female trans people, the main surgical treatments are:

  • Phallectomy (removing the penis)
  • Orchiectomy (removing the testicles)
  • Vaginoplasty (where a surgeon creates a vagina)
  • Breast implants
  • Labioplasty – the creation of labia

Other popular surgical treatments include:

  • Chondrolaryngoplasty – this is a shaving of the part of the trachea commonly known as the Adam’s apple, making it less pronounced and less visible.
  • Vocal Folds Shortening and Retrodisplacement of the Anterior Commissure’ ( VFSRAC) or voice feminisation surgery – this surgery alters the voice box resulting in a voice that is higher pitched than a man’s.
  • There are also many types of facial reconstruction surgeries that modify strongly masculine bone and cartilage structures. These are not usually available on the NHS.

Female to male surgeries include:

  • Phalloplasty – the construction of a penis. This sometimes involves the constriction of a ‘neophallus’ using tissue from sensitive parts of the body such as the inside of the elbow that allow a feeling of sexual sensation. Extending the urethra to stretch through the entire penile shaft to ideally permit urination whilst standing up is considered by many surgeons to be the most challenging part of the surgery.
  • Mastectomy – the removal of the breasts
  • Scrotoplasty – the creation of realistic scrotum

Some transmen also want surgery that removes all aspects of their female biology:

  • Hysterectomy – the removal of the womb
  • Oophorectomy – the removal of the ovaries

Do people sometimes regret their gender reassignment surgeries?

Transition is often a fraught process and it is not uncommon for trans people to lose their friends and family and sometimes even their jobs. There are many stories of people who regret their ‘bottom surgery’ on the internet but statistical evidence suggests that this is relatively rare. People who wish to undergo gender reassignment surgery need to be aware that it isn’t a panacea for the problems caused by the underlying condition of gender dysphoria, although it may well help to alleviate many of the symptoms.

How much does gender reassignment surgery cost?

The costs of transitioning vary enormously. For some people, the act of changing their gender on their passport and driving license may be enough which costs under £100 in the UK. No surgery is involved in these cases.

Other may be happy with basic gender reassignment surgery, while others feel the need for repeated surgeries before they can feel comfortable in their new bodies. Costs can range from £10,000 to £100,000.

Is it available on the NHS?

The good news is that gender reassignment is available on the NHS but the bad news is that there are often long waiting lists, depending on the demand in your area. The average waiting time for sex change therapy for an adult is approximately 9 months -and this is just the start of the process. In the UK, it is considered good practice for individuals to receive counselling for at least two years before any surgery. Receiving hormone therapy for at least six months is also usually a given. However, this is not set in stone and there are exceptions to every rule. If a trans man, for example, is suffering health issues caused by breast binding, surgery may be offered as an alternative to hormone treatment.

The first step is to visit your GP and ask to be referred to a gender identity clinic where transgender health services are available. You will be expected to undergo an assessment by a psychiatrist at some point. The healthcare professionals will help you determine whether or not gender reassignment surgery is the right option for you.

Paying for private gender reassignment surgery

Of course, if you can afford the costs, private surgery is significantly quicker. The cost of a straightforward male to female surgery is approximately £20,000, a figure that includes aftercare. Female to male surgery is very expensive and can easily cost more than £60,000. Your private surgeon will discuss the costs prior to the operation.

How to pay for private gender reassignment surgery

If you have decided or are unable to have a sex change surgery via the NHS, you will need to consider how to pay for treatment that costs such a lot of money.

Medical Insurance

Unfortunately, most UK health insurance providers specifically exclude gender surgery. However, there is one exception. In 2016, Lloyds Health Insurance became the first major UK provider to offer health insurance for employees transgender surgery via pre-existing health care plans on BUPA.

Pros: excellent source of funding if you work for Lloyds

Cons: this is hardly available to anyone in the UK

Credit Card

Credit cards are typically used for smaller purchases but they can be used for this type of expense.  If you need to finance a few thousand pounds or cover the remaining amount that a lender wouldn’t loan you, or the card has an interest-free introductory period and you can pay it off quickly then they are a viable option.

Pros: A few cards have zero-interest introductory periods on purchases for up to 21 months.

Cons: Interest rates can vary widely. Your credit limit may not be high enough to fully cover surgery, and having a high balance can hurt your credit.

Secured loan

If you own a house or have another form of collateral, you may be able to apply for a secured loan. This means, however, that if you fail to make the monthly repayments, your home could be at risk. Another option could be to extend your mortgage, but you should seek advice from your a financial advisor as this may not be the cheapest option in the long-term.

Pros:  Low-cost borrowing, very quick

Cons:  Not a good option for someone with precarious health and employment prospects.

Online Unsecured Loan

Most people in employment can successfully apply for an online unsecured loan. If you can prove that you can meet the monthly repayments, this could be a good option for you. Always read the terms and conditions first and make sure you understand the full amount of interest that you will have to repay over the lifetime of the loan before you proceed. Paul Spencer from WageDayAdvance  says “We know how important treatment plans and surgery can be for those struggling with their gender identity so whilst we would never tell anyone not to do it, it’s generally not a good idea to use loans or any kind of credit for a medical procedure like this. But if you have no other choice then do make sure you can keep up with the repayments. A medical procedure like this can add value to your life to the point where the repayments and interest charges are a worthwhile investment.”

Pros:  Affordable and quick

Cons:  Expensive in the long-term. If your credit isn’t in great shape, you’ll pay a very high-interest rate too.

If you have an overdraft facility that is interest-free, you may be tempted to max it out for the surgery. However, it’s really important to make sure that you don’t exceed the limit or you be faced with hefty bank charges and fees. If you have a good credit rating, it is possible to extend the interest-free periods by repeatedly switching providers but to do this successfully, you need to be pretty organised and financially savvy.

Pros:  Money can be accessed quickly.

Cons:  The risk of incurring high interest and expensive fees if you exceed the authorised limit.

Credit Union

Credit Unions are becoming increasingly popular in the UK . They are small community-run organisations that enable people to access low-cost loans and encourage savings. The interest charged is extremely small. To apply for a loan, however, you will first need to make regular savings into your credit union account for a certain period of time, usually from six months to a year. The amount you can borrow is then calculated based on your savings accrued so far. It’s also a very ethical way of borrowing money.


There are several crowdfunding websites that exist to help people pay for all sorts of personal projects, from, fixing a broken car to paying for an overseas trip. If you have a large number of friends and family, why not set up a crowd-funding page?

Simply explain your situation, state the amount you need to raise, add a few pics and hopefully, you should be able to raise some money towards your surgery. Crowdfunding is more likely to be successful if you have a big social media presence and a social circle that is sympathetic to your cause. But more and more people are turning towards it .

Pros: Enlisting the help of family and friends can be a very positive process and it can be an incredibly quick way of raising money.

Cons:  You might not be able to raise enough money and it’s also not a good option for shy introverts who aren’t keen on publicity.


Why not enlist the help of your local LGBTQ community and see if they can help you host some fundraising events to raise awareness and hopefully the money for your surgery. Perhaps you could host a fundraising party in your local LGBT nightclub and a portion of the money raised could be used to fund your surgery with the rest going to the organisation.

Pros: Supporting LGBTQ charities, no hidden costs, potentially raising all the money you need.

Cons: The costs vary according to which method you choose.

Thre are many potential sources of funding for your gender confirmation surgery, For more information about what your gender journey is likely to involve, you might be interested in contacting the several transgender support organisations in the UK that may be able to offer additional advice and support, such as, , and

18 thoughts on “ Top Tips on How to Pay for Gender Reassignment Surgery ”


Wow this article was amazing for me just what I have wanted and needed to know. Before I go to a doctor about it. I have been conforming for a long time now and just getting a divorce which has prompted me to go yes I can be who I am.


The part about waiting 9 months to be seen by a gender clinic is way off. My wait time is 31 months for the first appointment.


Answered some of many questions I had, thanks.


better late then never but i need this and i pray my prayer is answered from above.


At 57 years of age, some people may question me wanting the final piece of my trans jigsaw being put in place.

i am luckier than some, i had facial reconstructive surgery done 30 years ago ( took 15 years to heal mentally).

i was born without an adams apple and have had Gynamastia from my asigned at birth Klinefelters 47xxy(y).

Having gained a lot of advice about the risks with my other complex health disabilities, I will now get out there and be the real me as a female instead of confused dit come.

With the helpful advise gained so far, and trying to re invent my confidence and fitness, once more, using holistics, meditation, i hope to make that goal a reality, in wharever time it takes… Smile and the world smiles with you 🙂


Are you kidding… I get really bad anxiety about pectus excavatum. It makes me look awful. Yet I have to pay for surgery privately. The GP advised me that she cannot refer me anywhere because in my case it does not affect my breathing etc, so there is no medical reason for surgery, she advised me it would be classed as cosmetic. Which makes sense logically, so why are transgender people put on a pedestal and all other issues get overlooked. The NHS waiting list is huge for transgender people looking for gender re-assignment, there have been news reports on this. However why should that be prioritised anymore than mental health issues, for example. The waiting list for support when you are in a crisis is long, diagnosis takes a long time. Yet the NHS will happily pay ££££££ for hormones & various surgerys, that is cosmetic.


I still can’t believe this says “A woman identifying as a man”… I expected less ignorance from a website called transunite.


After two years of HRT/anti-androgen medication (thanks to GenderGP), I have breasts, fuller hips, thighs and butt. I want to go full time and live and work as a woman. I have just been registered with a GIC and am told I will have to wait 38 months for my first appointment. I was just hoping for support with facial feminisation and breast augmentation much sooner than that to help me start my ‘real life test’ more comfortably and confidently. SRS can come later. But NOTHING will happen until my first appointment in April 2023!


I’ve been told 3 – 4 years for my first GIC appointment. I’m trying to work out how I can fund top surgery alone 🙁 I’m genuinely so depressed by the wait and having no resources to makes myself


Well done you Katie. 38 months is a long time to wait that’s for sure. Wondering if overseas surgeons could do it for less with just as finer quality. Your picture is small but you seem to have lovely cheekbones. Pretty to.


Interested mtf surgery


My hubby has just received his letter to say he has been referred to the gender clinic and and the wait is in excess of 2.5 years !!!! for his first appointment .


I am MTF Trans… I started taking Decapeptyl 2 years ago and 2 mg Estridol on a daily basis of which my Endocrinologist prescribed.. I personally would forget going via the Tavistock for any help as takes years to even be seen. I paid private for my appointments which has speeded things up for me, I am having full reassignment Surgery this year, cost me £22,350 .. but at least I can be who I need to de… good luck all


I was referred to gender clinic in 2018 and still waiting for hormones treatment to start

I ended up going private to be diagnosed then paid extra for Endocrinologist I am lucky enough to have saved for years for any event for potential surgery, I have been on Decapeptyl 11.25 mg for 2 years and 10Mg Daily Estradiol again all privately done.. had I have waited for the Tavistock, I would still be waiting (4 years on) I have already had nose feminisation, Adams Apple Shave, Breast Implants, Jaw and Chin re structured, face lift, so anyone waiting to get this done on the NHS God help you..!!!!


Sweet baby Jesus, 10mg a day, I’d love to see your blood results Vicky for Oestrogen levels, I bet they are well above the WPath requirements for safe dosages, interesting..


9 months waiting time?! I’ve been on the waiting list 13 years, show me anyone waiting less time I’m stealing their appointment.


Rlly interested in mtf surgery but it’s either a lot of wait or a lot of money

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Gender Identity Service at Parkside Hospital

Parkside Hospital offers Trans Gender Services led by our expert consultants who are supported by our team of specialist gender nurses, service lead and pathway coordinators. Here at Parkside Hospital, we offer both feminisation and masculinisation surgery.

What is genital reconstructive surgery?

Genital reconstructive surgery (GRS) involves reshaping the male genitals to anatomically and, as far as possible, functionally resemble that of female genitalia. Prior to surgery, patients undergo hormone replacement therapy and counselling from recognised gender specialists.

Other associated operations that patients may elect to have are facial feminisation surgery and breast augmentation. The Gender Identity Service at Parkside Hospital currently offers vaginoplasty , labiaplasty and orchidectomy .

Our support services

One of our specialist gender nurses will be dedicated to your care, should you choose to have the surgery at Parkside Hospital. Their role is to see you through, from the first consultation to post-operative check-ups, and are available to advise you at any time. Our Clinic Coordinator will navigate your pathway with us to ensure you have continued care and support during your journey.

How to book a consultation

If you are a  private patient , or if you have private insurance which covers gender treatment, you can book a consultation with one of our consultants below by calling our Client Service Advisors on 020 8971 8026.

If you are an  NHS patient please contact your GP on the first instance who will refer you to your local Gender Identity Clinic.

Our consultants

Mr James Bellringer


Specialty Urology

Miss Catherine Milroy

BM, BCh, FRCS(eng), FRCS(plas)

Specialty Plastic Surgery

Miss Tina Rashid

BSc (Hons) MBBS (Eng) MRCS (Eng) FRCS (Urol)

Miss Victoria Rose


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Ms Eleni Mavrides

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Miss Sarita Vamadeva

Miss Sarita Vamadeva

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You are here: Home > Services > Surgery services > Chelsea Centre for Gender Surgery (CCGS)

Chelsea Centre for Gender Surgery (CCGS)

Chelsea Centre for Gender Surgery (CCGS)

Our Trust has been commissioned by NHS England to provide lower masculinising surgery (metoidioplasty and phalloplasty,) lower feminising surgery and masculinising top surgery. The Chelsea Centre for Gender Surgery is passionate about helping patients alleviate their gender dysphoria. We work with service specialists and the transgender community to deliver a high quality, patient centred service, supporting patients through their surgical journey. 

The Chelsea Centre for Gender Surgery service is based at the St Stephen Centre at our Chelsea site.

Get in touch

For more information, please visit the  Chelsea Centre for Gender Surgery  microsite. You can also contact us on the below email address. E:   [email protected]

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Gender Clinic

Gender reconstruction surgery (GRS) (also known as gender reassignment surgery, gender confirmation surgery, sex realignment surgery or, colloquially a sex change) is the surgical procedure (or procedures) by which a transgender person’s physical appearance and function of their existing sexual characteristics are altered to resemble that of their identified gender. It is part of a treatment for gender dysphoria in transgender people.

Gender Clinic services are available at:

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Gender Reassignment Surgery Cost (MTF & FTM)

Explore the rising demand for gender reassignment surgery worldwide. Learn about the various procedures and their detailed costs in this comprehensive article.

  • Transgender Surgery

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Gender reassignment surgery cost varies depending on the type of transition. 

  • For male to female (MTF) transition, the cost ranges from $2438 to $6095 and  
  • For female to male (FTM) transition, the cost falls between $4876 and $9752 .

When considering the cost of gender reassignment surgery, it's important to note that these figures encompass the surgical expenses alone. Additional costs, such as:

  • pre-operative consultations
  • post-operative care
  • hospitalization may also be involved

For a precise cost estimate that aligns with your specific needs, it is highly recommended that you consult reliable healthcare providers or clinics.

Begin with clarity. Contact us for detailed cost insights now.

There are two broad types of gender reassignment surgery : top surgery and bottom surgery. The top surgery is performed for both people assigned female at birth (AFAB) and assigned male at birth (AMAB). 

  • Male to female or non-binary (MTF/N): This procedure entails using saline or silicone implants to boost chest size and form for a more feminine or female appearance. Male-to-female top surgery is done under general anesthesia.
  • Female to male or non-binary (FTM/N):  During FTM top surgery, breast tissue is removed and the chest is shaped to give the patient a flat, masculine, or male appearance. Following this, a nipple graft is planted to give a complete look .
Before we discuss each service's cost, let's take a quick look at overall transgender surgery costs in different countries.

Cost Comparison of Gender Reassignment Surgery

You must be curious to know the gender change surgery cost of different surgical procedures. Let's read.

What is the Cost of Male-to-Female Top Surgery?

Breast augmentation or augmentation mammoplasty is another name for MTF and MTN top surgery. 

The MTF/N top surgery or breast augmentation surgery cost in India is around USD 1290 to USD 1940 . The surgeon's expertise and experience are two of the most critical aspects that affect the cost.

Cost of Male-to-Female Top Surgery

For the duration of the surgery, you will be put under general anesthesia. Your surgeon may choose different breast augmentation methods depending on your desired chest size, implant kind, and incision site. The average time for MTF and MTN top surgery is 1 to 2 hours .

The insertion cost and the implant cost are the two components of the surgery cost.

(depending on the manufacturer).
Navigating your options?  Contact us today for more information on cost!

What is the cost of female-to-male top surgery?

An FTM or FTN top surgery procedure takes from   1.5 to 4 hours . Various treatments are performed to get a more flat, masculine, or male-looking chest. Double incision, periareolar, and keyhole are the most popular procedures used by surgeons. 

The FTM top surgery cost ranges around USD 3870 .

Female-to-male top surgery

Double incision top surgery with nipple graftsThe cost of double incision with nipple grafts is around USD 3000 – 5000 (additional charges for anesthesia).
Periareolar top surgeryThe cost ranges from USD 2000 – to USD 2500.
Keyhole top surgerycosts around USD 2000 – USD 2500 per procedure.
Now that we have already discussed top surgery costs, let's take a look at how much mtf bottom surgery costs.

AFAB and AMAB people can undergo bottom surgery as part of their gender confirmation process. Bottom surgery involves transforming or reconstructing the bottom or genitalia. This involves Vaginoplasty, penile transplant , phalloplasty, and metoidioplasty.

What is the cost of male-to-female bottom surgery?

Vaginoplasty surgery is the major procedure performed in bottom surgery . There are three main options under Vaginoplasty. Penile inversion, non-penile inversion Vaginoplasty, and recto-sigmoid or colon graft.

The clitoris is moulded from the head/tip of the penis in all three surgical approaches. The Vaginoplasty cost is around USD 3870 to USD 4520.

Penile inversionPenile inversion surgery costs between USD 3230 and USD 4520.
Recto-sigmoid vaginoplastyRecto-sigmoid vaginoplasty costs between USD 3870 and USD 5160
Scrotectomy surgeryThis will usually be part of the whole treatment but its individual cost will be around 258-387 USD
PenectomyCosts between USD 1100 to USD 1230
VulvoplastyThe average Vulvoplasty cost is around USD 4000 to USD 20,000
Now, let's look at female to male bottom surgery cost.

What is the Cost of Female-to-Male Bottom Surgery?

This procedure involves the removal of the female organs in the lower region and reassigning them to male sexual parts. It includes removing the uterus, vaginal remodeling, labia reconstruction, metoidioplasty, and phalloplasty.

The whole procedure may cost somewhere around USD 5160 to USD 10,335 . 

Cost of Female-to-Male Bottom Surgery

HysterectomyThe average cost of hysterectomy is around USD 985.
Salpingo oophorectomy surgeryThe cost of salpingo-oophorectomy is around USD 1630 to USD 3430.
Phalloplasty surgeryThe phalloplasty surgery cost is around $1300 to $3880.
Metoidioplasty surgeryThe cost of metoidioplasty surgery is around $ 3000 to $ 10, 000. The metoidioplasty cost is around $3,000 to $10,000.
Penile implant surgeryThe penile implant surgery cost in India begins from USD 1100.
Testicular prosthesis or testicular implant surgeryThe cost of this procedure may vary from $ 500 to $ 1000.
UrethroplastyThe cost of this treatment is around USD 3490 to USD 3860.
Scrotoplasty surgeryThe scrotoplasty treatment cost around USD 3500 to USD 8000
Glansplasty surgeryThe cost of this is around 1290 USD to USD 9000. 
Labioplasty surgeryThe Labioplasty cost ranges from USD 2800 to USD 3100
To get a clearer picture of gender reassignment surgery cost, connect with us now .

What is the Cost of Facial Feminization Surgery?

Facial feminization surgery is a technique that involves changing your facial characteristics to make them appear more feminine. FFS is concerned with bone structure and nose shape. FFS is distinct for each person and can affect any part of the face or neck.

The facial feminization surgery cost is USD 1350 . 

Cost of Facial Feminization Surgery

Tracheal shaveTracheal shave cost is USD 650
Voice feminization surgeryThe cost of voice feminization surgery cost is around USD 1035 to USD 1292.
Cheek implantsThe cheek implants cost starts from USD 3669
Forehead implantsForehead implant cost is $ 26000
Chin augmentation or Chin implantChin implant cost is between USD 1100 to USD 15500. 
Jawline augmentation/ implantJawline augmentation/implant cost is USD 1100 to USD 15500. 

What is Hormonal Replacement Cost?

Hormonal replacement therapy is for both MTF/N and FTM/N transitioning.

how much is gender reassignment surgery uk

MTF/N: The hormones for a male-to-female transition enhance the alignment of your gender identity. It helps induce physical changes in your body produced by female hormones during puberty (gender congruence). Male secondary sex traits can be avoided if feminizing hormone therapy like progesterone is initiated before male puberty. The hormonal replacement therapy cost for MTF/N is USD 12/month.

how much is gender reassignment surgery uk

FTM/N: You'll be administered the male hormone testosterone during masculinizing hormone therapy. It suppresses your menstrual cycles and lowers oestrogen synthesis in your ovaries.  The hormonal replacement therapy cost FTM/N is USD 7/month.

To make a more informed decision, talk to us today.

Factors affecting the cost of gender reassignment surgery:

  • Hospital charges:  It depends on the type of hospital you choose. Moreover, the cost also depends on whether you are admitted to a general ward or a private room.
  • Psychiatrist : If you need a psychiatrist to deal with your physical changes, your cost will impact you. A psychiatrist is recommended to understand better the complex procedures and adjustments you will need before and after your surgery.
  • Clinical Experts and Surgeons : You will discuss the specifics of your gender change surgery with your doctor. It includes an assessment of your medical health status, discussing your long-term gender confirmation goals, and evaluating which procedures may be most appropriate to assist you in your journey. You can ask for specific details such as risks, benefits, and what to expect from the surgery.
  • Medical Insurance:  Your medical insurance will play an essential role in the procedure, saving you a lot of money.
  • Accommodation Charges:  The accommodation charges are included for international patients.
  • Medication charges : These charges include all the medication you will receive before and after the procedure ends.
  • Pre- and Post-treatment charges:  The pre-treatment charges include doctor consultation fees, diagnosis charges, etc. The post-treatment charges may include medicine costs, doctor's revisit charges, etc.
Your health is too important to ignore –  schedule your appointment now.

Do Insurance Companies Cover Gender Reassignment Surgery?

Yes, insurance companies that cover gender reassignment surgery! There is no legal prohibition for that. Not all employers provide insurance coverage to unmarried or live-in partners of straight employees. But, several organizations nowadays provide medical insurance to their employees' same-sex partners, including coverage for gender-reassignment surgery.

Some independent companies have made it a goal to try and incorporate this coverage into their medical insurance for employees.  

Note: This article is on the cost of gender reassignment surgery, and data about it is only for your informational purposes and is subject to change.  

1. Side effects of gender reassignment surgery

  • Infections.
  • Side effects of anesthesia.
  • Difficulty in urinating.
  • Severe complications in intestines.
  • Leakage of urine through openings.
  • Closure of vaginal opening.

2. Who typically undergoes gender reassignment surgery?

Gender reassignment surgery is typically undergone by individuals who experience gender dysphoria, a condition where an individual's gender identity does not match their assigned sex at birth. It is usually recommended as a last resort after other treatments such as therapy, hormone therapy, and social transition have been tried.

3. What are the types of gender reassignment surgery?

The two main types of gender reassignment surgery are "top surgery," which refers to surgeries that alter the chest and breast area, and "bottom surgery," which refers to surgeries that alter the genital area. Top surgery may involve a mastectomy, breast augmentation, or breast reduction. Bottom surgery may involve genital reconstruction, orchiectomy, metoidioplasty, or phalloplasty. 4. Do the costs vary for different types of gender affirmation procedures? Yes, the cost can vary based on the specific surgeries involved, such as chest or breast augmentation, facial feminization, or genital reconstruction. References:

Dr. Josef Hadeed Plastic Surgery | Beverly Hills & Los Angeles (

The Economic Times: Business News, Personal Finance, Financial News, India Stock Market Investing, Economy News, SENSEX, NIFTY, NSE, BSE Live, IPO News (

Market research reports, consulting: Global Market Insights Inc. (

Transgender surgery – Knowledge gap among physicians impacti... : Current Urology (  

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Question and Answers

48 yaşında bir erkeğim trans birey olarak kadın olmak istiyorum hormon tedavisi istiyorum. hangi ilaçlardan başlamalıyım.

For someone who is 48 years old and seeking to transition from male to female, it's important to consult with an endocrinologist before starting any hormone therapy. They will guide you on the appropriate medications and dosages based on your specific needs. 

Answered on 2nd Aug '24

Dr. Vinod Vij

Dr. Vinod Vij

if I have top surgery without T can I develop pecs if I hit the gym a lot?

If you don't take testosterone or undergo top surgery, you can still build your pecs by lifting weights. Pecs, short for pectoral muscles, can grow with exercises like chest presses and push-ups, which target these muscles. Pace yourself, use the correct form, and be consistent with your workouts. Your pecs can still develop even without testosterone.

Answered on 29th July '24

I'm male and would like to know how to grow breasts without HRT?

Hormones and surgery are the only ways of growing breasts safely. The appearance of women's breasts in some regions is partly dependent on hormones during puberty and pregnancy. Trying to get a larger breast by force can cause some serious medical issues. If you are worried about your body, it's important to talk to a plastic surgeon for safe and honest guidance.

Answered on 22nd Aug '24

I am a 32 years old male who has got into cross dressing some 8 years back, now my urge of being like this has grown, last two years I have been I’m eating dian35 prescribed by a doctor in Malaysia, but now I believe I shall be needing more strong dose since the transformation is already 2 years and can see few changes

It seems like you may be going through some changes about turning into the opposite sex. Understand that these changes are complicated and might need some medical interventions. You might require different amounts of hormones to help you through the process. Talk about what is bothering you and your symptoms with a doctor who can help you figure out the best way forward.

Answered on 18th July '24

Namaste , I am a transgender and I am feeling desperate about my facial hair and tried many ways to reduce facial hair but my hairs are growing continuously. I want to know solution

For transgender individuals, hormone therapy can often help reduce facial hair growth. It's important to consult with an endocrinologist , who specializes in hormone-related conditions, for personalized advice and treatment options. They can guide you on the best course of action tailored to your needs.

Answered on 10th July '24

Transgender Surgery Hospitals In Other Cities

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Gender Confirmation Surgery (GCS)

What is Gender Confirmation Surgery?

  • Transfeminine Tr

Transmasculine Transition

  • Traveling Abroad

Choosing a Surgeon

Gender confirmation surgery (GCS), known clinically as genitoplasty, are procedures that surgically confirm a person's gender by altering the genitalia and other physical features to align with their desired physical characteristics. Gender confirmation surgeries are also called gender affirmation procedures. These are both respectful terms.

Gender dysphoria , an experience of misalignment between gender and sex, is becoming more widely diagnosed.  People diagnosed with gender dysphoria are often referred to as "transgender," though one does not necessarily need to experience gender dysphoria to be a member of the transgender community. It is important to note there is controversy around the gender dysphoria diagnosis. Many disapprove of it, noting that the diagnosis suggests that being transgender is an illness.

Ellen Lindner / Verywell

Transfeminine Transition

Transfeminine is a term inclusive of trans women and non-binary trans people assigned male at birth.

Gender confirmation procedures that a transfeminine person may undergo include:

  • Penectomy is the surgical removal of external male genitalia.
  • Orchiectomy is the surgical removal of the testes.
  • Vaginoplasty is the surgical creation of a vagina.
  • Feminizing genitoplasty creates internal female genitalia.
  • Breast implants create breasts.
  • Gluteoplasty increases buttock volume.
  • Chondrolaryngoplasty is a procedure on the throat that can minimize the appearance of Adam's apple .

Feminizing hormones are commonly used for at least 12 months prior to breast augmentation to maximize breast growth and achieve a better surgical outcome. They are also often used for approximately 12 months prior to feminizing genital surgeries.

Facial feminization surgery (FFS) is often done to soften the lines of the face. FFS can include softening the brow line, rhinoplasty (nose job), smoothing the jaw and forehead, and altering the cheekbones. Each person is unique and the procedures that are done are based on the individual's need and budget,

Transmasculine is a term inclusive of trans men and non-binary trans people assigned female at birth.

Gender confirmation procedures that a transmasculine person may undergo include:

  • Masculinizing genitoplasty is the surgical creation of external genitalia. This procedure uses the tissue of the labia to create a penis.
  • Phalloplasty is the surgical construction of a penis using a skin graft from the forearm, thigh, or upper back.
  • Metoidioplasty is the creation of a penis from the hormonally enlarged clitoris.
  • Scrotoplasty is the creation of a scrotum.

Procedures that change the genitalia are performed with other procedures, which may be extensive.

The change to a masculine appearance may also include hormone therapy with testosterone, a mastectomy (surgical removal of the breasts), hysterectomy (surgical removal of the uterus), and perhaps additional cosmetic procedures intended to masculinize the appearance.

Paying For Gender Confirmation Surgery

Medicare and some health insurance providers in the United States may cover a portion of the cost of gender confirmation surgery.

It is unlawful to discriminate or withhold healthcare based on sex or gender. However, many plans do have exclusions.

For most transgender individuals, the burden of financing the procedure(s) is the main difficulty in obtaining treatment. The cost of transitioning can often exceed $100,000 in the United States, depending upon the procedures needed.

A typical genitoplasty alone averages about $18,000. Rhinoplasty, or a nose job, averaged $5,409 in 2019.  

Traveling Abroad for GCS

Some patients seek gender confirmation surgery overseas, as the procedures can be less expensive in some other countries. It is important to remember that traveling to a foreign country for surgery, also known as surgery tourism, can be very risky.

Regardless of where the surgery will be performed, it is essential that your surgeon is skilled in the procedure being performed and that your surgery will be performed in a reputable facility that offers high-quality care.

When choosing a surgeon , it is important to do your research, whether the surgery is performed in the U.S. or elsewhere. Talk to people who have already had the procedure and ask about their experience and their surgeon.

Before and after photos don't tell the whole story, and can easily be altered, so consider asking for a patient reference with whom you can speak.

It is important to remember that surgeons have specialties and to stick with your surgeon's specialty. For example, you may choose to have one surgeon perform a genitoplasty, but another to perform facial surgeries. This may result in more expenses, but it can result in a better outcome.

A Word From Verywell

Gender confirmation surgery is very complex, and the procedures that one person needs to achieve their desired result can be very different from what another person wants.

Each individual's goals for their appearance will be different. For example, one individual may feel strongly that breast implants are essential to having a desirable and feminine appearance, while a different person may not feel that breast size is a concern. A personalized approach is essential to satisfaction because personal appearance is so highly individualized.

Davy Z, Toze M. What is gender dysphoria? A critical systematic narrative review . Transgend Health . 2018;3(1):159-169. doi:10.1089/trgh.2018.0014

Morrison SD, Vyas KS, Motakef S, et al. Facial Feminization: Systematic Review of the Literature . Plast Reconstr Surg. 2016;137(6):1759-70. doi:10.1097/PRS.0000000000002171

Hadj-moussa M, Agarwal S, Ohl DA, Kuzon WM. Masculinizing Genital Gender Confirmation Surgery . Sex Med Rev . 2019;7(1):141-155. doi:10.1016/j.sxmr.2018.06.004

Dowshen NL, Christensen J, Gruschow SM. Health Insurance Coverage of Recommended Gender-Affirming Health Care Services for Transgender Youth: Shopping Online for Coverage Information . Transgend Health . 2019;4(1):131-135. doi:10.1089/trgh.2018.0055

American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Rhinoplasty nose surgery .

Rights Group: More U.S. Companies Covering Cost of Gender Reassignment Surgery. CNS News.

The Sex Change Capital of the US. CBS News.

By Jennifer Whitlock, RN, MSN, FN Jennifer Whitlock, RN, MSN, FNP-C, is a board-certified family nurse practitioner. She has experience in primary care and hospital medicine.

London Transgender Clinic, Christopher Inglefield, MD, London

+44 204 513 2244

[email protected]

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Home » Colovaginoplasty

MtF Gender Confirmation Surgery/Sex Reassignment Surgery colovaginoplasty is the surgical procedure using a part of the large bowel/intestine to create a functioning neovagina in a transfemale patient. This technique is uncommon in a primary procedure (no previous GCS) but is our preferred technique for patients who have had a failed first MtF GCS/SRS procedure.

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Summary of Colovaginoplasty

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Reason For Surgery

  • To create good vaginal depth and calibre to permit vaginal intercourse
  • To positively address genital dysphoria associated with gender dysphoria

The majority of transgender individuals at London Transgender Clinic will achieve a good functioning neovagina with a depth of up to 20 – 22cm. The majority of our patients having this as a primary GCS/SRS have the ability to orgasm following surgery.

Colovaginoplasty FAQ’s

How much does it cost.

The price of MtF GCS/SRS is approximately £34,310. This includes all your pre and post-operative aftercare up to one year, as well as your stay in hospital. For an exact quotation please book a consultation with a member of our team.

What happens at the consultation?

You will meet your primary surgeon and one of our nurses who will ask you about your goals and concerns. A full medical history and examination will be done, before agreeing a plan for you and discussing the surgery and recovery and risks in detail.

Following this consultation you will also meet with the assisting surgeon who dissects the large bowel/intestine for use in the colovaginoplasty. They will need to complete their own medical history and examination to ensure you are a suitable candidate for the colovaginoplasty surgery.

You may be required to undergo medical investigations such as blood tests, ECG or other, as medically advised by your surgeon.

How do I prepare for my surgery?

Prior to surgery you must have had a psychological and psychiatric assessment by a gender specialist to discuss the surgery and whether it is the right time for you to proceed. They must provide you with a letter of support prior to proceeding with surgery.

Once you have your consultations and your surgery is booked, you will have a pre-operative assessment with your nurse 2 weeks before surgery, during which any outstanding questions will be answered. Your preparation for surgery will be reviewed and information will be provided regarding medications, diet, bowel preparation and post operative care.

You will not need to stop your hormone therapy, however if you are taking oral oestrogen we will ask you to change to a transdermal patch or gel 4 weeks before your surgery.

You must stop smoking a minimum of 2 weeks before your surgery and up to 12 weeks postoperatively.

What happens on the day of my surgery?

On the day of your surgery you will wake up in the hospital as you will have been admitted the night before. You will be assessed again by your surgeons and your anaesthetist before going to the theatre. The hospital team will complete the necessary pre operative health checks.

Following your surgery you will be bed bound and closely monitored by your surgeons and the hospital medical team. They will assist you with anything you need. You will be tired and spend most of this time resting.

What aftercare will be provided for me?

LTC provides a premium aftercare service. Your primary surgeon will visit you in hospital daily for the first week. You will then be assessed in clinic 2 weeks, 6 weeks, 12 weeks, 6 months and 1 year post operatively to monitor your progress.

You will be provided with post operative manual lymphatic drainage therapy to reduce swelling and promote better healing.

LTC also has a nurse on call 24/7 in the event you have any emergencies following discharge from hospital. You will be seen immediately if medically required or appropriate advice will be provided.

What happens if there is a complication?

In the event of a complication you will be medically assessed as soon as possible by your surgeon or a qualified member of our nursing team. In the unlikely event you need to return to theatre this will be arranged for you by our team. Hospital and anaesthetist fees may be charged, however there will be no surgical fee. Further information is outlined in our terms and conditions.

Related Services

  • Facial Feminisation Surgery
  • Breast Augmentation Surgery
  • Body Feminisation Surgery
  • Laser Hair Removal

Alternative Services

  • Speech and Vocal Therapy

We support and endorse the Guidelines for the Standards of Care for transgender, trans-individuals set out by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH).

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Gender affirmation surgery

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This is also known as sex-reassignment surgery or gender-reassignment surgery. These surgeries help patients’ physical appearance and function, as well as resemble their identified gender.

The surgery can be divided into “top surgery” and “bottom surgery.”

  • “Top surgery” creates breasts for male-to-female transgender patients or removes breasts for female-to-male transgender patients.
  • “Bottom surgery” for male-to-female transgender patients includes removing male genitalia and creating female genitalia.
  • “Bottom surgery” for female-to-male transgender patients includes creating male genitalia from one’s own tissues or using of implants in combination with one’s own tissue.


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how much is gender reassignment surgery uk


  1. How Gender Reassignment Surgery Works (Infographic)

    how much is gender reassignment surgery uk

  2. Transgender Surgery Cost Infographic: Male To Female Sex Change Operation

    how much is gender reassignment surgery uk

  3. Gender change: How much does it cost to get the male to female surgery?

    how much is gender reassignment surgery uk

  4. How Much Does Transgender Surgery Cost in 2024?

    how much is gender reassignment surgery uk

  5. Gender Transition Still Comes at a Staggeringly High Price in 2017

    how much is gender reassignment surgery uk

  6. Gender reassignment surgery common procedures and costs

    how much is gender reassignment surgery uk


  1. Gender reassignment surgery😄😅 "Do i contradict myself? Whatever, i contain multitudes" W. Whitman😄

  2. Things I didn't expect after gender reassignment surgery |Transgender MTF

  3. Gender reassignment steering

  4. The BEST Doctor For Sexual Reassignment Surgery.. (SRS)

  5. It’s expensive to be Trans! Costs of Gender Transition Explained. MTF Transgender Debate

  6. Gender Reassignment Surgery M-T-F


  1. Price List

    5 areas: £550. 6 areas: £600. Neck (platysma muscle) - £450. Square jaw reduction (masseter) with botulinum toxin. £500 per session (usually 4 sessions needed) Hyperhidrosis. Underarms bilateral: £600. Palms bilateral: £750. Feet bilateral: £900.

  2. Gender dysphoria

    Treatment Gender dysphoria. Treatment. Treatment for gender dysphoria aims to help people live the way they want to, in their preferred gender identity or as non-binary. What this means will vary from person to person, and is different for children, young people and adults. Waiting times for referral and treatment are currently long.

  3. Private care for trans people in the UK

    oestrogen gel: around £10 for a 2-8 weeks supply. oestrogen patches: around £10 for a 2-4 weeks supply. oestrogen pills: around £10 for a 1-4 weeks supply. GnRH agonists: around £250-300 for a 3 month supply. The private service may sometimes charge you an additional fee for writing the private prescription.

  4. About MtF Gender Confirmation Surgery

    MtF gender confirmation surgery GCS or gender reassignment surgery, the final stage in the physical transitioning of a transgender person. Menu Bar +44 204 513 2244 ... 📰 NEWS OF THE WEEK UK ONE OF THE WORST PLACES "A massive thank you to Miss Berridge and Charli.

  5. Gender Reassignment Surgery

    Gender reassignment surgery; Gender reassignment surgery . Overview; Overview. Enquire now. 0300 123 6200. Back to top. Enquire now. Or call us on. 0300 123 6200. Ways to pay. Nuffield Health promise. Our prices are all-inclusive. We will equal any comparable price. There are no time limits on your aftercare.

  6. Gender Surgery London

    Gender reassignment surgery is used to help the person concerned to resolve this disconnect by permanently altering the body parts associated with their biological sex. There are a number of different surgeries that fall under the category of gender reassignment. Top surgery encompasses surgery that is carried on the upper half of the body ...

  7. Home

    Welcome to Simply better transgender. Dai Davies has over 20 years' experience of Transgender Surgery and an International reputation for his surgical expertise. His staff provide an understanding and caring environment and work with both private patients and NHS referrals from all over the country. Together with Miles Berry a major paper was ...

  8. Gender transition: Gender dysphoria, help and support

    You might sometimes hear it called gender reassignment surgery (GRS). ... Change the name or gender on your driving licence. GOV.UK., accessed 31 August 2021; Applying for a passport - information for transgender and transsexual customers. GOV.UK., published 15 August 2013 ...

  9. FTM Top Surgery London

    The cost of FTM Top Surgery UK. Enquire for our competitive FTM top surgery UK prices with Cadogan Clinic in Chelsea, London. Get in touch 0207 901 8500. Included in this treatment. Up to two 60 minute consultations with a leading specialist plastic surgeon at our award-winning premises in Chelsea. Your procedure carried out at London's ...

  10. Top Surgery in London

    At The London Transgender Clinic they offer TOP surgery, as a procedure to remove the female breast tissue. Menu Bar +44 204 513 2244 ... Prior to surgery you must have had a psychological assessment by a gender specialist to discuss the surgery and whether it is the right time for you to proceed. They must provide you with a letter of support ...

  11. Top Tips on How to Pay for Gender Reassignment Surgery

    In the UK, gender reassignment surgery is only an option for those who are over 18 and pre-surgery counselling is also a requirement. The different types of surgical procedure for gender reassignment surgery. ... How much does gender reassignment surgery cost? The costs of transitioning vary enormously. For some people, the act of changing ...

  12. Gender Identity Service, Parkside Hospital

    If you are a private patient, or if you have private insurance which covers gender treatment, you can book a consultation with one of our consultants below by calling our Client Service Advisors on 020 8971 8026. If you are an NHS patient please contact your GP on the first instance who will refer you to your local Gender Identity Clinic.

  13. Gender reassignment surgery: Expert specialists in 2024

    Find and compare the very best gender reassignment surgery specialists in your area. Read patient reviews and book an appointment, video call or private chat with top-rated doctors. Only the best specialists worldwide

  14. Chelsea Centre for Gender Surgery (CCGS)

    Our Trust has been commissioned by NHS England to provide lower masculinising surgery (metoidioplasty and phalloplasty,) lower feminising surgery and masculinising top surgery. The Chelsea Centre for Gender Surgery is passionate about helping patients alleviate their gender dysphoria. We work with service specialists and the transgender ...

  15. Gender Clinic

    Gender Clinic. Gender reconstruction surgery (GRS) (also known as gender reassignment surgery, gender confirmation surgery, sex realignment surgery or, colloquially a sex change) is the surgical procedure (or procedures) by which a transgender person's physical appearance and function of their existing sexual characteristics are altered to resemble that of their identified gender.

  16. Gender Reassignment Surgery Cost (MTF & FTM)

    Gender reassignment surgery cost varies depending on the type of transition. For male to female (MTF) transition, the cost ranges from $2438 to $6095 and ; For female to male (FTM) transition, the cost falls between $4876 and $9752.; When considering the cost of gender reassignment surgery, it's important to note that these figures encompass the surgical expenses alone.

  17. Transgender Surgery London

    London Transgender Clinic offers facial and body feminisation and Gender confirmation surgery for transgender patients in London. Menu Bar +44 204 513 2244 [email protected] Visit our Facebook Page Visit our X ... 📰 NEWS OF THE WEEK UK ONE OF THE WORST PLACES "A massive thank you to Miss Berridge and Charli.

  18. Bottom Surgery: Cost, Recovery, Procedure Details, and More

    Recovering from bottom surgery. Three to six days of hospitalization is required, followed by another 7-10 days of close outpatient supervision. After your procedure, expect to refrain from work ...

  19. PDF A guide to lower surgery for those assigned female, identifying ...

    Sex Reassignment Surgery Without a One-Year Real Life Experience: Still No Regrets. Paper presented at the XVII Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association' Symposium, Galveston, Texas, 31 October - November 4. 6 Lawrence, A.A. (2003) Factors Associated with Satisfaction of Regret Following Male to Female Sex Reassignment Surgery.

  20. Gender Confirmation Surgery

    The cost of transitioning can often exceed $100,000 in the United States, depending upon the procedures needed. A typical genitoplasty alone averages about $18,000. Rhinoplasty, or a nose job, averaged $5,409 in 2019. Insurance Coverage for Sex Reassignment Surgery.

  21. Colovaginoplasty London

    Benefits. The majority of transgender individuals at London Transgender Clinic will achieve a good functioning neovagina with a depth of up to 20 - 22cm. The majority of our patients having this as a primary GCS/SRS have the ability to orgasm following surgery.

  22. Gender affirmation surgery

    Gender affirmation surgery. This is also known as sex-reassignment surgery or gender-reassignment surgery. These surgeries help patients' physical appearance and function, as well as resemble their identified gender. The surgery can be divided into "top surgery" and "bottom surgery.". "Top surgery" creates breasts for male-to ...

  23. Trans woman allegedly denied urgent treatment at Dublin ...

    Paige Behan, a trans woman who underwent gender reassignment surgery in Munich last month, says she was denied urgent treatment when she presented to St James's Hospital A&E, in Dublin, with a wound infection. The 26-year-old trans woman first became unwell on Wednesday, August 14, and the following day, she contacted her GP, who recommended…