• Open access
  • Published: 26 August 2024

Institutional and personal determinants of nursing educators’ job satisfaction and turnover intention: a cross-sectional study

  • Sheila A. Boamah 1 ,
  • Chiedozie James Alumona 2 , 3 ,
  • Ogochukwu Kelechi Onyeso 2 &
  • Oluwagbohunmi Adetunji Awosoga 2  

BMC Nursing volume  23 , Article number:  594 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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Nursing educators play a critical role in training future nurses, and high turnover can disrupt the training quality and process. This study identified the institutional and personal factors influencing Canadian nursing educators’ job satisfaction and turnover intention.

This cross-sectional study used an online survey to obtain the levels of job satisfaction, turnover intention, role description, and institutional and personal/demographic characteristics of nursing faculty across Canadian institutions. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics, chi-square, bivariate linear regression, and hierarchical linear regression.

A total of 645 participants, with a mean ± SD age of 48.82 ± 10.11 years, returned a completed questionnaire. The average/maximum job satisfaction and turnover intention scores were 12.59/20 ± 3.96 and 6.50/15 ± 3.05, respectively. Higher job satisfaction was significantly associated with lower turnover intention ( β =-0.559, p  < 0.001). The multivariate analysis showed that having a partner or being married ( β  = 0.086, p  = 0.031), working ≤ 40 h weekly ( β =-0.235, p  < 0.001), teaching ≤ 4 courses annually ( β =-0.115, p  = 0.007), and having higher than bachelor’s degree qualification ( β =-0.091, p  = 0.042) predicted high job satisfaction, while high turnover intention was associated with faculty in the Prairie region ( β  = 0.135, p  = 0.006) and working ≥ 41 h weekly ( β  = 0.151, p  = 0.001).

Having a partner, manageable workload, and advanced qualifications positively influenced job satisfaction, while high turnover intention was associated with high workloads. Institutions may benefit from ensuring proportionate faculty workloads, fostering career advancement, and providing robust support systems that can stabilise the workforce and preserve the quality of nursing education.

Peer Review reports


The nursing profession is the backbone of the healthcare industry; however, the profession has been plagued with a workforce shortage [ 1 ]. Possible reasons for the nursing shortage include an ageing workforce, nurses’ burnout, poor remuneration, and low nursing programme enrolment post-COVID-19 pandemic [ 2 , 3 ]. Moreover, nursing is a female-dominated profession, with peak professional-productive years coinciding with childbearing and more family responsibilities [ 1 ]. The need for a family-work-life balance reduces the nursing workforce and creates high burnout among nurses [ 4 ]. The COVID-19 pandemic further exacerbated the nursing shortage, as many nurses lost their lives [ 5 ], and others quit their jobs due to the increased risk of morbidity and high job demands [ 6 , 7 ].

The unprecedented nursing shortage places enormous demands on nurse faculty to train more nurses and provide extra clinical support in some settings. However, there are insufficient nursing educators/ instructors in Canada [ 8 ]. The shortage of nursing educators has been premised on low job satisfaction amidst multiple responsibilities and high-performance expectations [ 9 ]. Within the scope of this paper, “nursing educator” refers to nurses holding academic positions in post-secondary institutions, covering teaching, research, community service, and clinical roles [ 8 ].

Job satisfaction measures workers’ contentment with their jobs [ 10 ]. It is the overall perception of workers towards different aspects of their work, including tasks, colleague relationships, compensation, work environment, and growth opportunities [ 11 ]. Workers with high job satisfaction find their jobs fulfilling, meaningful, and enjoyable, contributing to organisational performance and enhancing workplace productivity [ 12 ]. Job satisfaction has been studied extensively among Canadian nurses in the healthcare sector [ 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 ] with little or no attention given to nurse faculty despite their double role as clinical and classroom educators [ 5 ].

Turnover is the rate at which employees leave a workforce and are replaced [ 18 ]. Similar to job satisfaction, enormous research has focused on the turnover intention of nurses working in hospitals and continuing care facilities [ 3 , 15 , 18 ] but little emphasis on the factors influencing turnover intention among academically employed nurses. High turnover destabilises organisations and diminishes the quality and integrity of programs [ 19 ].

Recruitment and retention of qualified nursing educators is an institutional goal among nursing programmes [ 20 ]. Therefore, understanding the factors influencing nurse educators’ job satisfaction and turnover decisions is paramount to nursing programme stability and the continual supply of graduate nurses for global health care needs. Our overarching study hypothesis was that there would be significant associations among nursing educators’ job satisfaction, turnover intention, and personal (demographic) factors, role characteristics, and institutional factors. Exploring these factors may help post-secondary institutions create and maintain a more robust and effective nursing workforce.

Study design

The study was an online cross-sectional survey. The design offers advantages such as reaching remote participants across Canada, reducing logistical costs, and allowing respondents to complete the survey at their convenience. Ethics approval was obtained from the Hamilton Integrated Research Ethics Board (HiREB-#1477). After providing a detailed explanation of the study protocol, informed consent was obtained from participants. Participants’ anonymity, data confidentiality, and other guidelines from the Helsinki Declaration on research involving human subjects were strictly adhered to [ 21 ]. The study was reported following the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) guidelines for reporting cross-sectional studies [ 22 ].

Participant eligibility

Participants were included in the study if they: (1) were nursing educators working full-time or part-time in Canadian universities and colleges, (2) had a nursing professional degree and working solely in a nursing programme, (3) had at least one year of working experience, and (4) completed an online informed consent form. Adjunct or visiting professors were excluded from the study.

Sampling and sample size

Potential participants were recruited through their institution’s online profile using convenience sampling. A post hoc power analysis was performed using G*Power software based on a 0.05 alpha level, 645 sample size, and 28 predictors under the linear regression fixed model. The calculated power of 0.99 was enough to detect a small effect size of 0.10. Hence, our study was sufficiently powered.

The instruments for data collection were (1) a job satisfaction questionnaire, (2) a turnover intention questionnaire, and (3) a self-developed demographic questionnaire capturing the personal, role, and institutional characteristics. The job satisfaction survey was a five-point Likert scale that contained four questions about the extent to which participants agree with statements relating to their satisfaction with the job, their desire to stay in the job until retirement, and the supportiveness of the working environment [ 23 ]. Higher scores indicate higher job satisfaction. The instrument’s structural validity was established through the confirmatory factor analysis [ 23 ], and internal consistency was reported to be α = 0.86 [ 24 ]. The recalculated Cronbach’s alpha based on the present data was 0.88.

The turnover intention questionnaire was a three-item instrument with five-point Likert response options [ 25 ]. A higher total score indicates a higher intention to leave the job. The scale is a common, reliable, and validated tool for assessing turnover intentions [ 25 ]. The internal consistency was reported to be α = 0.92 [ 25 ] and 0.76 in the present study. The demographic questionnaire obtained personal data such as gender, age, marital status, education level, and ethnicity. The role characteristics included academic rank, tenureship status, nature of appointment, years worked, weekly work hours, services on graduate thesis committees, the number of assigned courses annually, and percentage role distribution. Others include institutional characteristics such as institution type, size, and location.

Data collection procedure

The online survey was created using Qualtrics and shared via a web link. The link was emailed to the participants identified through their institution’s online profile. Two reminders were sent to participants after the third and fourth week of the initial email. The data collection period was from May 2021 to July 2021. The first page of the survey contained the study’s objectives and descriptions, participant eligibility criteria, data privacy and confidentiality information, and informed consent. The participants could either consent by clicking “yes” before proceeding to the questions or decline by clicking “no” and exiting the survey. Therefore, completing the questionnaire implied giving their consent. Completed surveys were securely saved on the Qualtrics database and later downloaded for analysis.

Primary outcomes were continuous variables, job satisfaction (5–20) and turnover intention (5–15). Personal/demographic factors were nominal variables: gender (male, female), age group (≤ 49, ≥ 50 years), marital status (have partner, have no partner), ethnicity (Caucasian, non-Caucasian), and the ordinal variable, educational qualification (Bachelors, Masters, Doctorates). Role characteristics were nominal variables: years worked (≤ 10 years, ≥ 11 years), nature of appointment (full-time, part-time), academic rank (instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, full professor), and tenure status (tenured, tenure-track, non-tenure track, clinical track), work hours per week (≤ 40, ≥ 41 h), graduate thesis committee (yes, no), and number of courses per year (≤ 4, ≥ 5), role distribution pattern (teaching, research, service, clinical work). Institutional characteristics were nominal variables: institution type (university, college), region of the institution (Central Canada/ Prairie/ West Coast/ Atlantic and Northern territories), and the ordinal variable, institution size (small, medium, large).

Data analysis

The data were analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 29 software. The data had no missing values and met the statistical assumptions of normality (skewness test), univariate outliers (standardised z-score > ± 3.29), and multivariate outliers (Mahalanobis distance) [ 26 , 27 ]. Multicollinearity was read off the regression output via variance inflation factor < 4 [ 26 , 27 ].

Participants’ characteristics were summarised using descriptive statistics: frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Chi-square was used to analyse participant distribution (crosstabulation) between job tracks, workload, and employment duration. The bivariate association between personal (demographic) factors, role characteristics, institutional factors, job satisfaction, and turnover intention were analysed using simple linear regression. Differences in job satisfaction and turnover intentions between full-time and part-time nursing educators were analysed using independent-samples t-tests, and one-way ANOVA was used for tenure status (tenured vs. tenure-track vs. non-tenure track vs. clinical track). Since no subgroup differences were found (supplementary file 1 ), all participants were included in the multivariate regression models. Hierarchical linear regression was used to estimate the contributions of personal factors (step 1), role characteristics (step 2), and institutional factors (step 3) to the overall job satisfaction and turnover intentions of the participants. The alpha level was set at 0.05.

Participants’ characteristics

A total of 645 out of 1649 invited respondents returned a completed survey, accounting for 39% response rate. Respondents’ mean ± SD age was 48.82 ± 10.11 years. The average job satisfaction and turnover intention scores were 12.59 ± 3.96 (range 5 to 20) and 6.50 ± 3.05 (range 5 to 15), respectively. Table  1 shows that most respondents were females (93.6%), less than 50 years old (52.7%), married/had a partner (78.9%), Caucasians (83.1%), and master’s degree holders (52.7%). The role distribution (Fig.  1 ) shows that 33.0% of the respondents were assigned concurrent teaching, research, and service responsibilities, and 18.3% had teaching, research, service, and extra clinical workload. Table  2 shows a significant association between job tracks and annual course load ( χ 2 =13.85, p  = 0.003), weekly work hours ( χ 2 =44.27, p  < 0.001), and years of employment ( χ 2 =58.82, p  < 0.001). The majority of the tenured faculty (67.1%) had spent over a decade in their institutions; 61.8% were teaching fewer than five courses annually, but 80.3% committed over 40 h weekly. In contrast, many nurse faculty on a clinical track (73.9%) had shorter employment duration in their institutions (10 years or less), 58.7% put in 40 h or less weekly, and 68.1% taught four or fewer courses annually. Supplementary File 2 shows a correlation matrix among all study variables.

figure 1

Participants’ role distribution

Bivariate analysis

High job satisfaction was significantly associated with low turnover intention ( β =-0.559, p  < 0.001). Table  3 shows that being an associate professor ( β =-0.092, p  = 0.019), working ≥ 41 weekly hours ( β =-0.207, p  < 0.001), teaching ≥ 5 courses per year ( β =-0.162, p  < 0.001), and having concurrent teaching, research, service, and clinical role ( β =-0.092, p  = 0.020) significantly associated with low job satisfaction. However, having a partner or being married ( β  = 0.091, p  = 0.020) was significantly associated with high job satisfaction.

Low turnover intention was significantly associated with having a partner or being married ( β =-0.085, p  = 0.031), working in an institution in (Ontario or Quebec) central region ( β =-0.082, p  = 0.038), being a tenured staff ( β =-0.087, p  = 0.027), and sitting on graduate thesis committees ( β =-0.092, p  = 0.020). Conversely, working in the Prairie region ( β  = 0.124, p  = 0.002), being an associate professor ( β  = 0.080, p  = 0.042), working ≥ 41 h per week ( β  = 0.085, p  = 0.031), and teaching ≥ 5 courses per year ( β  = 0.080, p  = 0.042) were significantly associated with high turnover intention.

Multivariate analysis

Table  4 shows a three-step hierarchical linear regression model for predictors of job satisfaction, including personal factors (step 1), role characteristics (step 2), and institutional factors (step 3). Step 1 (only demographic/personal factors) did not show any significant predictor of job satisfaction. When the model was adjusted for both personal factors and role characteristics (Step 2), having a partner or being married ( β  = 0.086, p  = 0.031), higher than bachelor’s degree qualification ( β = -0.091, p  = 0.042), less than 41-hour work per week ( β = -0.235, p  < 0.001), and teaching less than five courses per year ( β = -0.115, p  = 0.007) were significant predictors of higher job satisfaction. The best model (significant F -statistics and highest R -squared change) was obtained in Step 2: F (22, 610) = 2.906, p  < 0.001, adjusted R 2  = 0.062, R 2 change = 0.081. All significant predictors in Step 2, except academic qualification, remained significant in Step 3 when the model was controlled for institutional factors.

A multivariate model (Step 1) showed no significant association between personal factors and turnover intention (Table  5 ). The best model for the predictors of turnover intention was obtained in Step 2 after adjusting for role characteristics ( F [22, 610] = 1.977, p  = 0.005, adjusted R 2  = 0.033, R 2 change = 0.054) with working more than 40 h weekly ( β  = 0.151, p  = 0.001) being the only significant predictor. After controlling for institutional characteristics in Step 3, high workload ( β  = 0.151, p  = 0.001) and working in the Prairie region ( β  = 0.135, p  = 0.006) became the significant predictors of high turnover intention.

Nursing educators play a critical role in training future nurses, and high turnover can disrupt the training quality and process. From a policy perspective, addressing the nursing educator shortage requires a comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing job satisfaction and turnover intentions. Therefore, we explored the personal, role, and institutional correlates of Canadian nursing educators’ job satisfaction and turnover intentions. Our findings highlight important areas that may require policy actions to stabilize and enhance the nursing education workforce.

The sociodemographic characteristics were similar to the profiles obtained among nursing professionals in Canada [ 7 , 14 ], corroborating that the nursing profession comprises mainly females. One-third of the participants had the traditional post-secondary job description, including teaching, research, and community service, whereas 18.3% had an added clinical responsibility. The mean job satisfaction and turnover intention were moderate. Although Limbocker and Richardson [ 28 ] reported that the intention to leave usually overestimates the actual turnover; management should take cognizance of this factor as it can result in low morale among faculty and negatively impact job satisfaction, leading to poor training quality.

The bivariate association showed that an increase in job satisfaction was associated with a decrease in turnover intention. Low job satisfaction was correlated with being an associate professor and having a high workload, while having a partner or being married was associated with high job satisfaction. Concurringly, high turnover intention was associated with being an associate professor, having a high workload, being single, and working in the Prairie region. Conversely, working in Central Canada and being a tenured staff member were associated with less turnover intention. The multivariate analysis showed that having a partner or being married, higher than bachelor’s degree qualification, and lower workloads predicted high job satisfaction, while high turnover intention was associated with faculty in the Prairie region and higher workloads.

Zhang et al. [ 29 ] corroborated the negative association between job satisfaction and turnover intention, implying that satisfied nursing educators are less likely to seek other employment opportunities. Employees with high job satisfaction tend to be more committed to the institution [ 30 ], connect with colleagues [ 31 ], experience lower levels of work stress and burnout, and maintain work-life balance [ 4 ], thereby reducing the inclination to leave their jobs [ 32 ]. Similar to our findings, Saner and Eyüpoğlu [ 33 ] reported that married people were satisfied with their jobs, leading to a low turnover intention. Having a household income to which partners contribute may allow them to focus more on enjoying their jobs and worry less about money. Additionally, partnerships’ emotional/ social support may equip individuals to cope with workplace challenges. Beyond job satisfaction, married people with children tend to maintain specific jobs and reside longer in a particular location to enhance family stability [ 34 ].

Our findings showed that being an associate professor and having a high workload were associated with low job satisfaction and high turnover intention. Consistent with our findings, Fuegen and Hatchett [ 35 ] reported that psychology associate professors were more likely to seek another position elsewhere. Though Fuegen and Hatchett [ 35 ] did not discuss the reasons for this observation, anecdotally, faculty members usually appear stagnated at the associate professorial level as they spend many years before being promoted to full professor. Associate professors tend to have high workloads to meet the demands of publishing articles, securing grants, and excelling in teaching and administrative responsibilities [ 35 ]. Previous studies reported that faculty leave their institutions because of excessive workloads [ 32 , 36 ]. Moreover, nurse faculty have an additional clinical workload aside from the usual responsibilities of post-secondary educators [ 8 ]. The lack of or delayed career progression and increased workload may lead to feelings of frustration and job dissatisfaction, which in turn increases the turnover intention. The high turnover intention may create a cycle where the departure of experienced faculty exacerbates the shortage, further increasing the workload and dissatisfaction among the remaining staff.

Consistent with our findings, Bender and Heywood [ 37 ] reported an association between being a tenured academic and job satisfaction, reducing turnover intention. Being tenured offers greater autonomy, institutional support, and remuneration, reduces the concerns of losing jobs, and provides long-term career stability [ 38 ], decreasing the desire to seek employment elsewhere. Khan et al. [ 39 ] reported that faculty members may leave their institutions due to denial of tenure status. Nurse faculty are often required to teach, research, and engage in clinical and community services. Anecdotally, a nonuniformity in the distribution of these responsibilities may result in disparity among colleagues, with consequences for professional growth, job satisfaction, and turnover intention. It appears that faculty members on the tenure track put in more hours and had higher course loads with less time for research and community services. Relative to the tenured staff, people on non-tenure and clinical tracks taught fewer courses annually, committed fewer hours, and had shorter employment time, highlighting the importance of being tenured for program stability and staff retention.

In line with the findings of an association between nursing educators in the Prairie region and high turnover intention, Farenhorst et al. [ 40 ] reported that more than one-third of the region’s natural sciences and engineering (NSE) faculty had considered quitting their jobs. Prairie faculty turnover intention can be attributed to lower remuneration and high workload [ 40 , 41 ]. Over two-thirds of the NSE faculty in the Prairie reported insufficient time to complete their enormous tasks, with more than half dissatisfied with their work-family balance [ 40 ]. Regional differences in turnover intentions suggest the need for localised strategies to address specific regional challenges. This might include adjusting compensation to meet local living costs, providing additional professional development opportunities, and improving institutional facilities to enhance overall job satisfaction.

Implications for nursing education

Job satisfaction is pivotal in educators’ willingness to continue in their positions. With moderate levels of job satisfaction and turnover intention reported, there is a clear need for strategies to enhance job satisfaction to retain quality educators. For instance, recognising the significant impact of workload on job satisfaction, educational institutions could implement policies to manage and distribute the workload more effectively among nursing educators, especially those with additional clinical responsibilities. Flexible work arrangements, part-time faculty hiring, and job-sharing can alleviate workload without significant financial burden [ 42 ]. Studies show that these strategies improve job satisfaction and reduce turnover, ultimately stabilizing staffing levels and controlling costs. Additionally, efficiency improvements through technologies such as Learning Management Systems, simulation software, virtual reality, automated grading tools, and telehealth platforms, along with wellness programs, can enhance job satisfaction [ 43 ]. By adopting these balanced approaches, institutions can improve nursing educators’ job satisfaction and retention without compromising staffing needs or financial stability.

The dissatisfaction among associate professors, who report higher turnover intentions, indicates a need for transparent and supportive promotion processes alongside mentorship programs to assist associate professors in advancing their careers, which might enhance job satisfaction and reduce turnover. Improving nursing educators’ job satisfaction will not only stabilise the workforce but will also contribute to the overall goal of improving the quality of nursing education, thereby ensuring a competent and effective nursing workforce for the future.


The non-probability sampling method could limit the generalizability of the study findings. Faculty members who were unresponsive or whose contact information was unavailable from their institution’s website were not included in the study, a limitation inherent in convenience sampling. Additionally, we did not obtain a comprehensive administrative record of all Canadian colleges and universities offering nursing programs or link specific nursing faculty members to their institutions to avoid breaching our ethics agreement. Consequently, we cannot account for the proportion of Canadian nursing institutions and faculty members represented in this study.

Although our demographic distribution was similar to the previous Canadian nurse educator survey, a 39% response rate can result in non-response bias – where non-responders could have significantly affected the results. Common among questionnaire-based studies, the authors cannot ascertain the veracity of responses, including self-report bias, job satisfaction, and turnover intention. The respondents’ subjective report of weekly work hours and percentage breakdown of their workload under the four duty areas, should not be misconstrued as an objective measure of workload among respondents.

The study identified some personal, role-related, and institutional factors influencing Canadian nursing educators’ job satisfaction and turnover intentions. Higher job satisfaction, linked to marital status, advanced qualifications, and manageable workloads, significantly diminishes the propensity for turnover. Conversely, factors such as being an associate professor, high workloads, and working in the Prairie region escalate turnover intentions. Our findings may prompt reflection on institutional strategies to manage workloads, foster career advancement, and provide robust support systems that can stabilise the workforce and preserve the quality of nursing education.

Data availability

The dataset for this study is available from the corresponding authors upon reasonable request.


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We appreciate our research assistants and all the nurse faculty who participated in the study.

The study was funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (#478306)

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Authors and affiliations.

Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Nursing, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada

Sheila A. Boamah

Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, AB, Canada

Chiedozie James Alumona, Ogochukwu Kelechi Onyeso & Oluwagbohunmi Adetunji Awosoga

Department of Physiotherapy, College of Basic Medical Sciences, Chrisland University, Abeokuta, Ogun, Nigeria

Chiedozie James Alumona

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SAB contributed to the conception of this study. SAB, CJA, OKO, and OAA substantially contributed to the design, data acquisition, and statistical analysis. CJA and OKO were responsible for drafting the article. SAB, CJA, OKO, and OAA contributed to its critical revision. All authors approved the final manuscript for publication.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Chiedozie James Alumona .

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Boamah, S.A., Alumona, C.J., Onyeso, O.K. et al. Institutional and personal determinants of nursing educators’ job satisfaction and turnover intention: a cross-sectional study. BMC Nurs 23 , 594 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12912-024-02245-9

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Received : 08 May 2024

Accepted : 08 August 2024

Published : 26 August 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1186/s12912-024-02245-9

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Critical Thinking in Nursing: Tips to Develop the Skill

4 min read • February, 09 2024

Critical thinking in nursing helps caregivers make decisions that lead to optimal patient care. In school, educators and clinical instructors introduced you to critical-thinking examples in nursing. These educators encouraged using learning tools for assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation.

Nurturing these invaluable skills continues once you begin practicing. Critical thinking is essential to providing quality patient care and should continue to grow throughout your nursing career until it becomes second nature. 

What Is Critical Thinking in Nursing?

Critical thinking in nursing involves identifying a problem, determining the best solution, and implementing an effective method to resolve the issue using clinical decision-making skills.

Reflection comes next. Carefully consider whether your actions led to the right solution or if there may have been a better course of action.

Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all treatment method — you must determine what's best for each patient.

How Is Critical Thinking Important for Nurses? 

As a patient's primary contact, a nurse is typically the first to notice changes in their status. One example of critical thinking in nursing is interpreting these changes with an open mind. Make impartial decisions based on evidence rather than opinions. By applying critical-thinking skills to anticipate and understand your patients' needs, you can positively impact their quality of care and outcomes.

Elements of Critical Thinking in Nursing

To assess situations and make informed decisions, nurses must integrate these specific elements into their practice:

  • Clinical judgment. Prioritize a patient's care needs and make adjustments as changes occur. Gather the necessary information and determine what nursing intervention is needed. Keep in mind that there may be multiple options. Use your critical-thinking skills to interpret and understand the importance of test results and the patient’s clinical presentation, including their vital signs. Then prioritize interventions and anticipate potential complications. 
  • Patient safety. Recognize deviations from the norm and take action to prevent harm to the patient. Suppose you don't think a change in a patient's medication is appropriate for their treatment. Before giving the medication, question the physician's rationale for the modification to avoid a potential error. 
  • Communication and collaboration. Ask relevant questions and actively listen to others while avoiding judgment. Promoting a collaborative environment may lead to improved patient outcomes and interdisciplinary communication. 
  • Problem-solving skills. Practicing your problem-solving skills can improve your critical-thinking skills. Analyze the problem, consider alternate solutions, and implement the most appropriate one. Besides assessing patient conditions, you can apply these skills to other challenges, such as staffing issues . 

A diverse group of three (3) nursing students working together on a group project. The female nursing student is seated in the middle and is pointing at the laptop screen while talking with her male classmates.

How to Develop and Apply Critical-Thinking Skills in Nursing

Critical-thinking skills develop as you gain experience and advance in your career. The ability to predict and respond to nursing challenges increases as you expand your knowledge and encounter real-life patient care scenarios outside of what you learned from a textbook. 

Here are five ways to nurture your critical-thinking skills:

  • Be a lifelong learner. Continuous learning through educational courses and professional development lets you stay current with evidence-based practice . That knowledge helps you make informed decisions in stressful moments.  
  • Practice reflection. Allow time each day to reflect on successes and areas for improvement. This self-awareness can help identify your strengths, weaknesses, and personal biases to guide your decision-making.
  • Open your mind. Don't assume you're right. Ask for opinions and consider the viewpoints of other nurses, mentors , and interdisciplinary team members.
  • Use critical-thinking tools. Structure your thinking by incorporating nursing process steps or a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) to organize information, evaluate options, and identify underlying issues.
  • Be curious. Challenge assumptions by asking questions to ensure current care methods are valid, relevant, and supported by evidence-based practice .

Critical thinking in nursing is invaluable for safe, effective, patient-centered care. You can successfully navigate challenges in the ever-changing health care environment by continually developing and applying these skills.

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how critical thinking is used in the nursing process


What is Critical Thinking in Nursing? (Explained W/ Examples)


Last updated on August 23rd, 2023

Critical thinking is a foundational skill applicable across various domains, including education, problem-solving, decision-making, and professional fields such as science, business, healthcare, and more.

It plays a crucial role in promoting logical and rational thinking, fostering informed decision-making, and enabling individuals to navigate complex and rapidly changing environments.

In this article, we will look at what is critical thinking in nursing practice, its importance, and how it enables nurses to excel in their roles while also positively impacting patient outcomes.


What is Critical Thinking?

Critical thinking is a cognitive process that involves analyzing, evaluating, and synthesizing information to make reasoned and informed decisions.

It’s a mental activity that goes beyond simple memorization or acceptance of information at face value.

Critical thinking involves careful, reflective, and logical thinking to understand complex problems, consider various perspectives, and arrive at well-reasoned conclusions or solutions.

Key aspects of critical thinking include:

  • Analysis: Critical thinking begins with the thorough examination of information, ideas, or situations. It involves breaking down complex concepts into smaller parts to better understand their components and relationships.
  • Evaluation: Critical thinkers assess the quality and reliability of information or arguments. They weigh evidence, identify strengths and weaknesses, and determine the credibility of sources.
  • Synthesis: Critical thinking involves combining different pieces of information or ideas to create a new understanding or perspective. This involves connecting the dots between various sources and integrating them into a coherent whole.
  • Inference: Critical thinkers draw logical and well-supported conclusions based on the information and evidence available. They use reasoning to make educated guesses about situations where complete information might be lacking.
  • Problem-Solving: Critical thinking is essential in solving complex problems. It allows individuals to identify and define problems, generate potential solutions, evaluate the pros and cons of each solution, and choose the most appropriate course of action.
  • Creativity: Critical thinking involves thinking outside the box and considering alternative viewpoints or approaches. It encourages the exploration of new ideas and solutions beyond conventional thinking.
  • Reflection: Critical thinkers engage in self-assessment and reflection on their thought processes. They consider their own biases, assumptions, and potential errors in reasoning, aiming to improve their thinking skills over time.
  • Open-Mindedness: Critical thinkers approach ideas and information with an open mind, willing to consider different viewpoints and perspectives even if they challenge their own beliefs.
  • Effective Communication: Critical thinkers can articulate their thoughts and reasoning clearly and persuasively to others. They can express complex ideas in a coherent and understandable manner.
  • Continuous Learning: Critical thinking encourages a commitment to ongoing learning and intellectual growth. It involves seeking out new knowledge, refining thinking skills, and staying receptive to new information.

Definition of Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is an intellectual process of analyzing, evaluating, and synthesizing information to make reasoned and informed decisions.

What is Critical Thinking in Nursing?

Critical thinking in nursing is a vital cognitive skill that involves analyzing, evaluating, and making reasoned decisions about patient care.

It’s an essential aspect of a nurse’s professional practice as it enables them to provide safe and effective care to patients.

Critical thinking involves a careful and deliberate thought process to gather and assess information, consider alternative solutions, and make informed decisions based on evidence and sound judgment.

This skill helps nurses to:

  • Assess Information: Critical thinking allows nurses to thoroughly assess patient information, including medical history, symptoms, and test results. By analyzing this data, nurses can identify patterns, discrepancies, and potential issues that may require further investigation.
  • Diagnose: Nurses use critical thinking to analyze patient data and collaboratively work with other healthcare professionals to formulate accurate nursing diagnoses. This is crucial for developing appropriate care plans that address the unique needs of each patient.
  • Plan and Implement Care: Once a nursing diagnosis is established, critical thinking helps nurses develop effective care plans. They consider various interventions and treatment options, considering the patient’s preferences, medical history, and evidence-based practices.
  • Evaluate Outcomes: After implementing interventions, critical thinking enables nurses to evaluate the outcomes of their actions. If the desired outcomes are not achieved, nurses can adapt their approach and make necessary changes to the care plan.
  • Prioritize Care: In busy healthcare environments, nurses often face situations where they must prioritize patient care. Critical thinking helps them determine which patients require immediate attention and which interventions are most essential.
  • Communicate Effectively: Critical thinking skills allow nurses to communicate clearly and confidently with patients, their families, and other members of the healthcare team. They can explain complex medical information and treatment plans in a way that is easily understood by all parties involved.
  • Identify Problems: Nurses use critical thinking to identify potential complications or problems in a patient’s condition. This early recognition can lead to timely interventions and prevent further deterioration.
  • Collaborate: Healthcare is a collaborative effort involving various professionals. Critical thinking enables nurses to actively participate in interdisciplinary discussions, share their insights, and contribute to holistic patient care.
  • Ethical Decision-Making: Critical thinking helps nurses navigate ethical dilemmas that can arise in patient care. They can analyze different perspectives, consider ethical principles, and make morally sound decisions.
  • Continual Learning: Critical thinking encourages nurses to seek out new knowledge, stay up-to-date with the latest research and medical advancements, and incorporate evidence-based practices into their care.

In summary, critical thinking is an integral skill for nurses, allowing them to provide high-quality, patient-centered care by analyzing information, making informed decisions, and adapting their approaches as needed.

It’s a dynamic process that enhances clinical reasoning , problem-solving, and overall patient outcomes.

What are the Levels of Critical Thinking in Nursing?


The development of critical thinking in nursing practice involves progressing through three levels: basic, complex, and commitment.

The Kataoka-Yahiro and Saylor model outlines this progression.

1. Basic Critical Thinking:

At this level, learners trust experts for solutions. Thinking is based on rules and principles. For instance, nursing students may strictly follow a procedure manual without personalization, as they lack experience. Answers are seen as right or wrong, and the opinions of experts are accepted.

2. Complex Critical Thinking:

Learners start to analyze choices independently and think creatively. They recognize conflicting solutions and weigh benefits and risks. Thinking becomes innovative, with a willingness to consider various approaches in complex situations.

3. Commitment:

At this level, individuals anticipate decision points without external help and take responsibility for their choices. They choose actions or beliefs based on available alternatives, considering consequences and accountability.

As nurses gain knowledge and experience, their critical thinking evolves from relying on experts to independent analysis and decision-making, ultimately leading to committed and accountable choices in patient care.

Why Critical Thinking is Important in Nursing?

Critical thinking is important in nursing for several crucial reasons:

Patient Safety:

Nursing decisions directly impact patient well-being. Critical thinking helps nurses identify potential risks, make informed choices, and prevent errors.

Clinical Judgment:

Nursing decisions often involve evaluating information from various sources, such as patient history, lab results, and medical literature.

Critical thinking assists nurses in critically appraising this information, distinguishing credible sources, and making rational judgments that align with evidence-based practices.

Enhances Decision-Making:

In nursing, critical thinking allows nurses to gather relevant patient information, assess it objectively, and weigh different options based on evidence and analysis.

This process empowers them to make informed decisions about patient care, treatment plans, and interventions, ultimately leading to better outcomes.

Promotes Problem-Solving:

Nurses encounter complex patient issues that require effective problem-solving.

Critical thinking equips them to break down problems into manageable parts, analyze root causes, and explore creative solutions that consider the unique needs of each patient.

Drives Creativity:

Nursing care is not always straightforward. Critical thinking encourages nurses to think creatively and explore innovative approaches to challenges, especially when standard protocols might not suffice for unique patient situations.

Fosters Effective Communication:

Communication is central to nursing. Critical thinking enables nurses to clearly express their thoughts, provide logical explanations for their decisions, and engage in meaningful dialogues with patients, families, and other healthcare professionals.

Aids Learning:

Nursing is a field of continuous learning. Critical thinking encourages nurses to engage in ongoing self-directed education, seeking out new knowledge, embracing new techniques, and staying current with the latest research and developments.

Improves Relationships:

Open-mindedness and empathy are essential in nursing relationships.

Critical thinking encourages nurses to consider diverse viewpoints, understand patients’ perspectives, and communicate compassionately, leading to stronger therapeutic relationships.

Empowers Independence:

Nursing often requires autonomous decision-making. Critical thinking empowers nurses to analyze situations independently, make judgments without undue influence, and take responsibility for their actions.

Facilitates Adaptability:

Healthcare environments are ever-changing. Critical thinking equips nurses with the ability to quickly assess new information, adjust care plans, and navigate unexpected situations while maintaining patient safety and well-being.

Strengthens Critical Analysis:

In the era of vast information, nurses must discern reliable data from misinformation.

Critical thinking helps them scrutinize sources, question assumptions, and make well-founded choices based on credible information.

How to Apply Critical Thinking in Nursing? (With Examples)


Here are some examples of how nurses can apply critical thinking.

Assess Patient Data:

Critical Thinking Action: Carefully review patient history, symptoms, and test results.

Example: A nurse notices a change in a diabetic patient’s blood sugar levels. Instead of just administering insulin, the nurse considers recent dietary changes, activity levels, and possible medication interactions before adjusting the treatment plan.

Diagnose Patient Needs:

Critical Thinking Action: Analyze patient data to identify potential nursing diagnoses.

Example: After reviewing a patient’s lab results, vital signs, and observations, a nurse identifies “ Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity ” due to the patient’s limited mobility.

Plan and Implement Care:

Critical Thinking Action: Develop a care plan based on patient needs and evidence-based practices.

Example: For a patient at risk of falls, the nurse plans interventions such as hourly rounding, non-slip footwear, and bed alarms to ensure patient safety.

Evaluate Interventions:

Critical Thinking Action: Assess the effectiveness of interventions and modify the care plan as needed.

Example: After administering pain medication, the nurse evaluates its impact on the patient’s comfort level and considers adjusting the dosage or trying an alternative pain management approach.

Prioritize Care:

Critical Thinking Action: Determine the order of interventions based on patient acuity and needs.

Example: In a busy emergency department, the nurse triages patients by considering the severity of their conditions, ensuring that critical cases receive immediate attention.

Collaborate with the Healthcare Team:

Critical Thinking Action: Participate in interdisciplinary discussions and share insights.

Example: During rounds, a nurse provides input on a patient’s response to treatment, which prompts the team to adjust the care plan for better outcomes.

Ethical Decision-Making:

Critical Thinking Action: Analyze ethical dilemmas and make morally sound choices.

Example: When a terminally ill patient expresses a desire to stop treatment, the nurse engages in ethical discussions, respecting the patient’s autonomy and ensuring proper end-of-life care.

Patient Education:

Critical Thinking Action: Tailor patient education to individual needs and comprehension levels.

Example: A nurse uses visual aids and simplified language to explain medication administration to a patient with limited literacy skills.

Adapt to Changes:

Critical Thinking Action: Quickly adjust care plans when patient conditions change.

Example: During post-operative recovery, a nurse notices signs of infection and promptly informs the healthcare team to initiate appropriate treatment adjustments.

Critical Analysis of Information:

Critical Thinking Action: Evaluate information sources for reliability and relevance.

Example: When presented with conflicting research studies, a nurse critically examines the methodologies and sample sizes to determine which study is more credible.

Making Sense of Critical Thinking Skills

What is the purpose of critical thinking in nursing.

The purpose of critical thinking in nursing is to enable nurses to effectively analyze, interpret, and evaluate patient information, make informed clinical judgments, develop appropriate care plans, prioritize interventions, and adapt their approaches as needed, thereby ensuring safe, evidence-based, and patient-centered care.

Why critical thinking is important in nursing?

Critical thinking is important in nursing because it promotes safe decision-making, accurate clinical judgment, problem-solving, evidence-based practice, holistic patient care, ethical reasoning, collaboration, and adapting to dynamic healthcare environments.

Critical thinking skill also enhances patient safety, improves outcomes, and supports nurses’ professional growth.

How is critical thinking used in the nursing process?

Critical thinking is integral to the nursing process as it guides nurses through the systematic approach of assessing, diagnosing, planning, implementing, and evaluating patient care. It involves:

  • Assessment: Critical thinking enables nurses to gather and interpret patient data accurately, recognizing relevant patterns and cues.
  • Diagnosis: Nurses use critical thinking to analyze patient data, identify nursing diagnoses, and differentiate actual issues from potential complications.
  • Planning: Critical thinking helps nurses develop tailored care plans, selecting appropriate interventions based on patient needs and evidence.
  • Implementation: Nurses make informed decisions during interventions, considering patient responses and adjusting plans as needed.
  • Evaluation: Critical thinking supports the assessment of patient outcomes, determining the effectiveness of intervention, and adapting care accordingly.

Throughout the nursing process , critical thinking ensures comprehensive, patient-centered care and fosters continuous improvement in clinical judgment and decision-making.

What is an example of the critical thinking attitude of independent thinking in nursing practice?

An example of the critical thinking attitude of independent thinking in nursing practice could be:

A nurse is caring for a patient with a complex medical history who is experiencing a new set of symptoms. The nurse carefully reviews the patient’s history, recent test results, and medication list.

While discussing the case with the healthcare team, the nurse realizes that the current treatment plan might not be addressing all aspects of the patient’s condition.

Instead of simply following the established protocol, the nurse independently considers alternative approaches based on their assessment.

The nurse proposes a modification to the treatment plan, citing the rationale and evidence supporting the change.

This demonstrates independent thinking by critically evaluating the situation, challenging assumptions, and advocating for a more personalized and effective patient care approach.

How to use Costa’s level of questioning for critical thinking in nursing?

Costa’s levels of questioning can be applied in nursing to facilitate critical thinking and stimulate a deeper understanding of patient situations. The levels of questioning are as follows:

Level 1: Gathering 1. What are the common side effects of the prescribed medication?
2. When was the patient’s last bowel movement?
3. Who is the patient’s emergency contact person?
4. Describe the patient’s current level of pain.
5. What information is in the patient’s medical record?
1. What would happen if the patient’s blood pressure falls further?
2. Compare the patient’s oxygen saturation levels before and after administering oxygen.
3. What other nursing interventions could be considered for wound care?
4. Infer the potential reasons behind the patient’s increased heart rate.
5. Analyze the relationship between the patient’s diet and blood glucose levels.
1. What do you think will be the patient’s response to the new pain management strategy?
2. Could the patient’s current symptoms be indicative of an underlying complication?
3. How would you prioritize care for patients with varying acuity levels in the emergency department?
4. What evidence supports your choice of administering the medication at this time? 5. Create a care plan for a patient with complex needs requiring multiple interventions.
  • 15 Attitudes of Critical Thinking in Nursing (Explained W/ Examples)
  • Nursing Concept Map (FREE Template)
  • Clinical Reasoning In Nursing (Explained W/ Example)
  • 8 Stages Of The Clinical Reasoning Cycle
  • How To Improve Critical Thinking Skills In Nursing? 24 Strategies With Examples
  • What is the “5 Whys” Technique?
  • What Are Socratic Questions?

Critical thinking in nursing is the foundation that underpins safe, effective, and patient-centered care.

Critical thinking skills empower nurses to navigate the complexities of their profession while consistently providing high-quality care to diverse patient populations.

Reading Recommendation

Potter, P.A., Perry, A.G., Stockert, P. and Hall, A. (2013) Fundamentals of Nursing

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Enhancing Critical Thinking in Clinical Practice

Implications for critical and acute care nurses.

Shoulders, Bridget MS, ACNP-BC, CCRN-CMC; Follett, Corrinne MS, FNP-BC, CCRN, RN-BC, RCIS; Eason, Joyce MS, ANP-BC, RN-BC

Bridget Shoulders, MS, ACNP-BC, CCRN-CMC , is a nurse practitioner in the cardiology department at the James A. Haley VA Hospital in Tampa, Florida.

Corrinne Follett, MS, FNP-BC, CCRN, RN-BC, RCIS, is a nurse practitioner in the cardiology department at the James A. Haley VA Hospital in Tampa, Florida.

Joyce Eason, MS, ANP-BC, RN-BC, is a nurse practitioner in the cardiology department at the James A. Haley VA Hospital in Tampa, Florida.

The authors have disclosed that they have no significant relationship with, or financial interest in, any commercial companies pertaining to this article.

Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Bridget Shoulders, MS, ACNP-BC, 31047 Whitlock Dr, Wesley Chapel, FL 33543 ( [email protected] ).

The complexity of patients in the critical and acute care settings requires that nurses be skilled in early recognition and management of rapid changes in patient condition. The interpretation and response to these events can greatly impact patient outcomes. Nurses caring for these complex patients are expected to use astute critical thinking in their decision making. The purposes of this article were to explore the concept of critical thinking and provide practical strategies to enhance critical thinking in the critical and acute care environment.

The complexity of patients in the critical and acute care settings requires that nurses be skilled in early recognition and management of rapid changes in patient condition. The interpretation and response to these events can greatly impact patient outcomes. The purpose of this article is to explore the concept of critical thinking and provide practical strategies to enhance critical thinking in the critical and acute care environment.

The complexity of patients in the critical and acute care settings requires that nurses be skilled in early recognition and management of rapid changes in patients’ condition. Caring for patients with complex conditions, decreased length of stay, sophisticated technology, and increasing demands on time challenges new and experienced nurses alike to use astute critical thinking in clinical decision making. The decisions made directly affect patient care outcomes. 1 Bedside nurses, preceptors, and nurse leaders play a pivotal role in the development of critical thinking ability in the clinical setting. The purposes of this article were to explore the concept of critical thinking and to provide nurses with practical strategies to enhance critical thinking in clinical practice.


Critical thinking is a learned process 2 that occurs within and across all domains. There are numerous definitions of critical thinking in the literature, often described in terms of its components, features, and characteristics. Peter Facione, an expert in the field of critical thinking, led a group of experts from various disciplines to establish a consensus definition of critical thinking. The Delphi Report, 3 published in 1990, characterized the ideal critical thinker as “habitually inquisitive, well-informed, trustful of reason…, diligent in seeking relevant information, and persistent in seeking results.” Although this definition was the most comprehensive attempt to define critical thinking 4 at the time, it was not nursing specific.

Scheffer and Rubenfeld 4 used the Delphi technique to define critical thinking in nursing. An international panel of expert nurses in practice, education, and research provided input into what habits of the mind and cognitive skills were at the core of critical thinking. After discussion and analysis, the panel provided the following consensus statement: “Critical thinking in nursing is an essential component of professional accountability and quality nursing care. Critical thinkers in nursing exhibit these habits of the mind: confidence, contextual perspective, creativity, flexibility, inquisitiveness, intellectual integrity, intuition, open-mindedness, perseverance, and reflection. Critical thinkers in nursing practice the cognitive skills of analyzing, applying standards, discriminating, information seeking, logical reasoning, predicting and transforming knowledge.” This definition expanded on the consensus definition in the Delphi Report to include the additional components of creativity and intuition.

Skilled critically thinking nurses respond quickly to changes in patients’ conditions, changing priorities of care based on the urgency of the situation. They accurately interpret data, such as subtle changes in vital signs or laboratory values. 5 They are not just looking at the numbers but also assessing the accuracy and relevancy of the findings. Critical thinking helps the nurse to recognize events as part of the bigger picture and center in on the problem.

Lack of critical thinking is evident when nurses depend heavily on structured approaches, such as protocols, to make clinical decisions. These guidelines should not be viewed as mandates because the practice is always more complex than what can be captured by pathways and protocols. 6 Without critical thinking, nurses are merely performing task-oriented care.

One example of how nurses use critical thinking is with medication administration. This task may appear to be primarily a technical process, but it requires astute critical thinking. Eisenhauer and Hurley 7 interviewed 40 nurses to illustrate their thinking processes during medication administration. The nurses described communicating with providers, sharing their interpretation of patient data to ensure safe administration of medication. They used their judgment about the timing of as-needed medication (eg, timing pain medication before physical therapy). Nurses integrated their knowledge of the patient’s laboratory values or pattern of response to medication to determine the need for a change in the drug dose or time. They assessed whether a medication was achieving the desired effect and took precautionary measures in anticipating potential side effects. It is evident in these examples that safe administration of medication involves critical thinking beyond the 5 rights that nurses are taught in the academic setting .


Nursing research is a scientific process that validates and refines existing knowledge and generates new knowledge that influences nursing practice. 8 Evidence-based practice integrates the best available research with clinical expertise and patient’s needs and values. Different types of evidence have different strengths and weaknesses in terms of credibility. The typical evidence hierarchy places meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials at the top and expert opinion at the bottom of what counts as good evidence. 6

It is important to recognize that nursing knowledge is not always evidence based. Nurses have historically acquired knowledge through a variety of nonscientific sources such as trial and error, role modeling, tradition, intuition, and personal experiences. 8 Although these sources have been “handed down” over the years and continue to influence nursing practice, nurses are expected to use the best available evidence to guide their decision making. Evidence-based practice redirects nursing from making decisions based on tradition to practicing based on the best research evidence.

Barriers for nurses to implement evidence-based practices include lack of knowledge of research, difficulty interpreting findings and applying to practice, lack of time, and lack of autonomy to implement changes. 9 Universities can overcome these barriers by incorporating nursing research throughout all clinical and nonclinical courses. Joint endeavors between hospitals and universities to educate nurses in the use of research will increase the level of comfort with evidence-based practice. 10 Specialized research departments devoted to promotion and education of staff nurses in research evaluation, utilization, and implementation would allow nursing staff to experience an increased level of support and awareness of the need for research utilization.

Nurse leaders need to create an environment that supports transformation from outdated practices and traditions. Nurses must feel empowered to question nursing practice and have available resources to support the search for evidence. Critical thinking and evidence-based practice must be connected and integrated for nurses, starting in their basic education programs and fostered throughout their lifetime. 11


The nursing process is the nurse’s initial introduction to a thinking process used to collect, analyze, and solve patient care problems. The steps of the nursing process are similar to the scientific method. In both processes, information is gathered, observations are made, problems are identified, plans are developed, actions are taken, and processes are reviewed for effectiveness. 8 The nursing process, used as a framework for making clinical judgments, helps guide nurses to think about what they do in their practice.

Chabeli 12 described how critical thinking can be facilitated using the framework of the nursing process. During the assessment phase, the nurse systematically gathers information to identify the chief complaint and other health problems. The nurse uses critical thinking to examine and interpret the data, separating the relevant from the irrelevant and clarifying the meaning when necessary. During the diagnosis phase, nurses use the diagnostic reasoning process to draw conclusions and decide whether nursing intervention is indicated. The planning and implementation of interventions should be mutual, research based, and realistic and have measurable expected outcomes. The evaluation phase addresses the effectiveness of the plan of care and is ongoing as the patient progresses toward goal achievement. The author concludes that when the nursing process is used effectively for the intended purpose, it is a powerful scientific vehicle for facilitating critical thinking.


Nurses initially learn to think critically in the academic environment, using assessments designed to measure critical thinking. It is conceivable that a nurse could pass an examination in the classroom but have difficulty making the transition to think critically in the clinical setting. Improving critical thinking ability should be viewed as a process and, as with the development of any skill, requires practice. 13

Most nurses develop their critical thinking ability as they gain clinical expertise. Patricia Benner 14 described the development of clinical expertise, as nurses transition from novice to expert. The beginning, or novice nurse, has theoretical knowledge as a foundation and minimal practical experiences to draw from. As similar situations are encountered, experience is accrued over time as the nurse evolves toward competency. As proficiency is developed, the nurse is able to perceive situations as a whole and recognize the significant aspects. As the proficient nurse reaches toward expertise, decision making becomes automatic, drawing from the enormous background of experience acquired over the years. Experience is more than the passage of time and is required at each stage before progressing to the next level of clinical expertise. As nurses progress along the novice-to-expert continuum and gain competence, they develop their ability to think critically. 15

Preceptors play a significant role in transitioning nurses into professional practice. It is essential that preceptors have the necessary skills to facilitate the critical thinking development of new nurses. Forneris and Peden-McAlpine 16 investigated the impact of the preceptor’s coaching component of a reflective learning intervention on novice nurses’ critical thinking skills. The following coaching strategies were used to educate preceptors: context (eg, understanding the big picture), dialogue, reflection, and time (eg, the use of past experiences to discern change over time). After completing the educational intervention, the preceptors used these strategies to coach the novice nurses in the development of their critical thinking skills. This study found that these strategies stimulated the novice nurses to engage in an intentional, reflective dialogue. The preceptors acknowledged a change in their preceptor style, moving from describing critical thinking as prioritizing and organizing task to a dialogue to share thinking and understand rationale.

Nurses must have the necessary dispositions (eg, attributes, attitudes, habits of the mind) to be effective critical thinkers. 11 Finn 17 defined thinking dispositions that influence critical thinking. Open mindedness was described as the willingness to seek out and consider new evidence or possibilities. Fair mindedness referred to an unprejudiced examination of evidence that might question beliefs or a viewpoint contrary to the nurse’s own beliefs. Reflectiveness was described as the willingness to gather relevant evidence to carefully evaluate an issue, rather than making hasty judgments. Counterfactual thinking referred to the willingness to ponder what could or would happen if the facts were considered under different conditions or perspectives. The opposite thinking styles directed toward maintaining the status quo included being close minded, biased, and rigid.

Rung-Chaung et al 18 investigated the critical thinking competence and disposition of nurses at different rankings on the clinical ladder. Using Benner’s novice to expert model as their theoretical framework, a stratified random sampling of 2300 nurses working at a medical center were classified according to their position on the clinical ladder. Ten to fifteen percent of this population were randomly selected for each ladder group, with the final sample size totaling 269. Data were collected using a modified version of the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal tool, designed to assess critical thinking competence in the categories of inference, recognition of assumptions, deduction, interpretation, and evaluation. The participants’ cumulative average score for critical thinking competence was 61.8 of a possible score of 100, ranking highest in interpretation and lowest in inference. Participants completed a modified version of the California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory, designed to measure the following characteristics of critical thinking: inquisitiveness, systematic analytical approach, open mindedness, and reflective thinking. Participants scored highest in reflective thinking and lowest in inquisitiveness.

Analysis of the data indicated that older nurses with more years of experience and a more prominent position on the clinical ladder were predictive of a higher critical thinking disposition. Overall, critical thinking was shown to be only partially developed. The authors recommended training programs, such as problem-based learning, group discussion, role-playing, and concept mapping be adopted to enhance nurse critical thinking skills.

Chang el al 19 examined the relationship between critical thinking and nursing competence, using the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal and the Nursing Competence Scale. A total of 570 clinical nurses participated in the study. These nurses scored highest in interpretation ability and lowest in inference ability. These findings were consistent with the results reported in the Rung-Chuang study. Analysis of the data indicated that critical thinking ability was significantly higher in older nurses and nurses with more than 5 years of experience. The findings of this study indicated that critical thinking ability, working years, position/title, and education level were the 4 significant predictors of nursing competence. There were significantly positive correlations between critical thinking ability and nursing competence, indicating that the higher the critical thinking ability, the better the nursing competence is.


To improve critical thinking, the learning needs of nurses must first be identified. The Performance Based Development System, a scenario-based tool, was used in a study to identify critical thinking learning needs of 2144 new and experienced nurses. 20 Results were reported as either meeting (identifying the appropriate actions) or not meeting the expectations. Most participants (74.9%) met the expectations by identifying the appropriate actions. Of the approximately 25% who did not meet the expectations, the learning needs identified included initiating appropriate nursing interventions (97.2%), differentiating urgency (67%), reporting essential clinical data (65.4%), anticipating relevant medical orders (62.8%), understanding decision rationale (62.6%), and problem recognition (57.1%). As expected, nurses with the most experience had the highest rate of identifying the appropriate actions on the Performance-Based Development System assessment. These findings were consisted with Benner’s novice to expert framework. These types of assessment tools can be used to identify learning needs and help facilitate individualized orientation. The authors acknowledged that further research is needed to identify areas of critical thinking deficiency and to test objective, educational strategies that enhance critical thinking in the nursing population.

The Institute of Medicine report on the future of nursing 21 emphasized the importance of nursing residency programs to provide hands-on experience for new graduates transitioning into practice. According to the report, these programs have been shown to help new nurses develop critical competencies in clinical decision making (eg, critical thinking) and autonomy in providing patient care. Implementing successful methods to expedite the development of critical thinking in new nurses has the potential to improve patient safety, nurse job satisfaction, and recruitment and retention of competent nurse professionals. 22

Although critical thinking skills are developed through clinical practice, there are many experienced nurses who possess less than optimal critical thinking skills. 5 As part of an initiative to elevate the critical thinking of nurses on the frontline, Berkow et al 23 reported the development of the Critical Thinking Diagnostic, a tool designed to assess critical thinking of experienced nurses. The tool includes 25 competencies, identified by nursing leaders as core skills at the heart of critical thinking. These competencies were grouped into 5 components of critical thinking: problem recognition, clinical decision making, prioritization, clinical implementation, and reflection. The potential application of this tool may enable nurse leaders to identify critical thinking strengths and individualize learning activities based on the specific needs of nurses on the frontline.

The critical thinking concepts, identified in the Delphi study of nurse experts, were used to teach critical thinking in a continuing education course. 24 The objective of the course was to help nurses develop the cognitive skills and habits of the mind considered important for practice. The course focused on the who, what, where, when, why, and how of critical thinking, using the case study approach. The authors concluded that critical thinking courses should include specific strategies for application of knowledge and opportunities to use cognitive strategies with clinical simulations.

Journal clubs encourage evidence-based practice and critical thinking by introducing nurses to new developments and broader perspectives of health care. 11 Lehna et al 25 described the virtual journal club (VJC) as an alternative to the traditional journal club meetings. The VJC uses an online blog format to post research-based articles and critiques, for generation of discussion by nurses. Recommendations for practice change derived from the analysis are forwarded to the appropriate decision-making body for consideration. The VJC not only exposes the nursing staff to scientific evidence to support changing their practice but also may lead to institutional policy changes that are based on the best evidence. The VJC overcomes the limitations of the traditional journal clubs by being available to all nurses at all times.

The integration of simulation technology in nursing exposes nursing students and nurses to complex patient care scenarios in a safe environment. Kirkman 26 reported a study to investigate nursing students’ ability to transfer knowledge and skill learned during high-fidelity simulations to the clinical setting, over time. The sample of 42 undergraduate students were rated on their ability to perform a respiratory assessment, using observation and a performance evaluation tool. The findings indicated there was a significant difference in transfer of learning demonstrated by participants over time. These results provide evidence that students were able to transfer knowledge and skills from high-fidelity simulations to the traditional clinical setting.

Jacobson et al 27 reported using simulated clinical scenarios to increase nurses’ perceived confidence and skill in handling emergency situations. During a 7-month period, the scenarios were conducted a total of 97 times with staff nurses. Each scenario presented a patient’s evolving story to challenge nurses to assess and synthesize the clinical information. The scenarios included a critical point at which the nurses needed to recognize and respond to significant deterioration in the patient’s condition. Postproject survey data found that most of the nurses perceived an improvement in their confidence and skill in managing emergency situations. More than half of the nurses reported that their critical thinking skills improved because of participation in this project.

Individual nurses can enhance critical thinking by developing a questioning attitude and habits of inquiry, where there is an appreciation and openness to other ways of doing things. Nurses should routinely reflect on the care provided and the outcomes of their interventions. Using reflection encourages nurses to think critically about what they do in everyday practice and learn from their experiences. 28 This strategy is beneficial for nurses to validate knowledge and examine nursing practice. 5 Nurses must be comfortable with asking and being asked “why” and “why not.” Seeking new knowledge and updating or refining current knowledge encourage critical thinking by practicing based on the evidence. “We’ve always done it that way” is no longer an acceptable answer. A list of other useful strategies for enhancing critical thinking is included in Table 1 .



Case studies provide a means to attain experience in high-risk and complex situations in a safe environment. The purpose of a case study is to apply acquired knowledge to a specific patient situation, using actual or hypothetical scenarios. Waxman and Telles 32 discussed using Benner’s model to develop simple to complex scenarios that match the learning level of the nurse. The case study should ideally provide all the relevant information for analysis, without directing the nurse’s thinking in a particular direction. Participants are encouraged to use thinking processes similar to that used in a real situation.

A well-developed case study defines objectives and expected outcomes. The questions should be geared toward the outcomes to be met. 30 The focus of the questions should be on the underlying thought processes used to arrive at the answer, rather than the answer alone. This helps nurses identify the reasons behind why a decision is made. In some cases, the case study may build on the information shared, instead of presenting all the information at one time. At the very least, case studies should have face validity or represent what they were developed to represent. 33

Case studies can be developed for specific purposes, such as analyzing data or improving the nurse’s skill in responding to specific clinical situations. 30 This strategy can be useful in building nurses’ confidence in managing complex or emergency situations. The case can be tailored to specific patient populations or clinical events. Covering the course of care that a patient receives over time is effective in putting together the whole picture. 31 For the purpose of improving patient outcomes, the case study should represent the overall patient experience. Case studies may be used to review specific actions that led to positive outcomes or the processes that led to negative outcomes. This can help determine if the care was the most appropriate for the situation. 34

The use of case studies with simulation technology provides nurses with the opportunity to critically think through a critical situation in a controlled setting. The latest human patient simulators (HPSs) are programmed to respond to the nurse’s intervention, with outcomes determined as a result of the intervention. Howard et al 35 compared the teaching strategies of HPSs and the traditional interactive case study (ICS) approach, using scenarios with the same subject matter. A sample of 49 senior nursing students were given pretest and posttest designed to measure the students’ knowledge of the content presented and their ability to apply that content to clinical problems. Participants in the HPS group scored significantly higher on the posttest than the ICS group did. Students reported that the HPS assisted them in understanding concepts, was a valuable learning experience, and helped to stimulate their critical thinking. There was no significant difference between the HPS and ICS groups’ responses to the statement that the educational intervention was realistic.

The Figure depicts an example of a heart failure case study with the objective of applying critical thinking to a common problem encountered in practice. Expert clinical nurses would be ideal to serve as facilitators of this learning experience. Their role would be to present the scenario, describe the physiological findings, ask open-ended questions that require thinking and analysis, and guide the discussion and problem-solving process. Discussion and questioning strategies that are helpful in eliciting reflective responses during the learning experience are included in Table 2 . This case study could be tailored to meet the learning needs of the target audience.



The workplace environment can enhance or hinder nurses’ motivation to develop their critical thinking abilities. Cornell and Riordan 36 reported an observational study that assessed workflow barriers to critical thinking in the workplace. A total of 2061 tasks were recorded on an acute care unit during 35.7 hours of observation. The activities found to consume nearly 70% of the nurses’ time included verbal communication, walking, administering medications, treatments, and documentation. Nurse workflow was characterized by frequent task switching, interruptions, and unpredictability. The authors recommended reallocating duties, delegating appropriate task to nonnursing personnel, reducing waste, deploying technology that reduces repetitive task, and continuing education and training to help nurses cope with the complex demands of nursing.

Factors in the work environment conducive to the development of critical thinking include an atmosphere of team support, staffing patterns that allow continuity of care, and exposure to a variety of patient care situations. Creating an environment where contributions are valued, nurses feel respected, and there is comfort with asking probing questions is very important in enhancing the development of critical thinking skills.

Critical thinking is an essential skill that impacts the entire spectrum of nursing practice. Studies have shown that the higher the critical thinking ability, the better the nursing competence is. It is essential that critical thinking of new and experienced nurses be assessed and learning activities developed based on the specific needs of the nurses. The concept of critical thinking should be included in orientation, ongoing education, and preceptor preparation curriculums. These educational offerings should be designed to help nurses develop the cognitive skills and habits of the mind considered important for practice.

Bedside nurses can integrate a critical thinking approach by developing clinical expertise, making a commitment to lifelong learning, and practicing based on the evidence. Nurses should routinely reflect on the care provided and the outcomes of their interventions.

Further research is needed to identify areas of critical thinking deficiency and evaluate strategies aimed at enhancing critical thinking. These strategies will ultimately lead to improved clinical decision making and patient outcomes. Bedside nurses, preceptors, and nurse leaders are encouraged to work together collaboratively to create a culture where critical thinking is an integral part of nursing practice.

Acute care; Critical thinking; Decision making

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The Value of Critical Thinking in Nursing

Gayle Morris, MSN

  • How Nurses Use Critical Thinking
  • How to Improve Critical Thinking
  • Common Mistakes

Male nurse checking on a patient

Some experts describe a person’s ability to question belief systems, test previously held assumptions, and recognize ambiguity as evidence of critical thinking. Others identify specific skills that demonstrate critical thinking, such as the ability to identify problems and biases, infer and draw conclusions, and determine the relevance of information to a situation.

Nicholas McGowan, BSN, RN, CCRN, has been a critical care nurse for 10 years in neurological trauma nursing and cardiovascular and surgical intensive care. He defines critical thinking as “necessary for problem-solving and decision-making by healthcare providers. It is a process where people use a logical process to gather information and take purposeful action based on their evaluation.”

“This cognitive process is vital for excellent patient outcomes because it requires that nurses make clinical decisions utilizing a variety of different lenses, such as fairness, ethics, and evidence-based practice,” he says.

How Do Nurses Use Critical Thinking?

Successful nurses think beyond their assigned tasks to deliver excellent care for their patients. For example, a nurse might be tasked with changing a wound dressing, delivering medications, and monitoring vital signs during a shift. However, it requires critical thinking skills to understand how a difference in the wound may affect blood pressure and temperature and when those changes may require immediate medical intervention.

Nurses care for many patients during their shifts. Strong critical thinking skills are crucial when juggling various tasks so patient safety and care are not compromised.

Jenna Liphart Rhoads, Ph.D., RN, is a nurse educator with a clinical background in surgical-trauma adult critical care, where critical thinking and action were essential to the safety of her patients. She talks about examples of critical thinking in a healthcare environment, saying:

“Nurses must also critically think to determine which patient to see first, which medications to pass first, and the order in which to organize their day caring for patients. Patient conditions and environments are continually in flux, therefore nurses must constantly be evaluating and re-evaluating information they gather (assess) to keep their patients safe.”

The COVID-19 pandemic created hospital care situations where critical thinking was essential. It was expected of the nurses on the general floor and in intensive care units. Crystal Slaughter is an advanced practice nurse in the intensive care unit (ICU) and a nurse educator. She observed critical thinking throughout the pandemic as she watched intensive care nurses test the boundaries of previously held beliefs and master providing excellent care while preserving resources.

“Nurses are at the patient’s bedside and are often the first ones to detect issues. Then, the nurse needs to gather the appropriate subjective and objective data from the patient in order to frame a concise problem statement or question for the physician or advanced practice provider,” she explains.

Top 5 Ways Nurses Can Improve Critical Thinking Skills

We asked our experts for the top five strategies nurses can use to purposefully improve their critical thinking skills.

Case-Based Approach

Slaughter is a fan of the case-based approach to learning critical thinking skills.

In much the same way a detective would approach a mystery, she mentors her students to ask questions about the situation that help determine the information they have and the information they need. “What is going on? What information am I missing? Can I get that information? What does that information mean for the patient? How quickly do I need to act?”

Consider forming a group and working with a mentor who can guide you through case studies. This provides you with a learner-centered environment in which you can analyze data to reach conclusions and develop communication, analytical, and collaborative skills with your colleagues.

Practice Self-Reflection

Rhoads is an advocate for self-reflection. “Nurses should reflect upon what went well or did not go well in their workday and identify areas of improvement or situations in which they should have reached out for help.” Self-reflection is a form of personal analysis to observe and evaluate situations and how you responded.

This gives you the opportunity to discover mistakes you may have made and to establish new behavior patterns that may help you make better decisions. You likely already do this. For example, after a disagreement or contentious meeting, you may go over the conversation in your head and think about ways you could have responded.

It’s important to go through the decisions you made during your day and determine if you should have gotten more information before acting or if you could have asked better questions.

During self-reflection, you may try thinking about the problem in reverse. This may not give you an immediate answer, but can help you see the situation with fresh eyes and a new perspective. How would the outcome of the day be different if you planned the dressing change in reverse with the assumption you would find a wound infection? How does this information change your plan for the next dressing change?

Develop a Questioning Mind

McGowan has learned that “critical thinking is a self-driven process. It isn’t something that can simply be taught. Rather, it is something that you practice and cultivate with experience. To develop critical thinking skills, you have to be curious and inquisitive.”

To gain critical thinking skills, you must undergo a purposeful process of learning strategies and using them consistently so they become a habit. One of those strategies is developing a questioning mind. Meaningful questions lead to useful answers and are at the core of critical thinking .

However, learning to ask insightful questions is a skill you must develop. Faced with staff and nursing shortages , declining patient conditions, and a rising number of tasks to be completed, it may be difficult to do more than finish the task in front of you. Yet, questions drive active learning and train your brain to see the world differently and take nothing for granted.

It is easier to practice questioning in a non-stressful, quiet environment until it becomes a habit. Then, in the moment when your patient’s care depends on your ability to ask the right questions, you can be ready to rise to the occasion.

Practice Self-Awareness in the Moment

Critical thinking in nursing requires self-awareness and being present in the moment. During a hectic shift, it is easy to lose focus as you struggle to finish every task needed for your patients. Passing medication, changing dressings, and hanging intravenous lines all while trying to assess your patient’s mental and emotional status can affect your focus and how you manage stress as a nurse .

Staying present helps you to be proactive in your thinking and anticipate what might happen, such as bringing extra lubricant for a catheterization or extra gloves for a dressing change.

By staying present, you are also better able to practice active listening. This raises your assessment skills and gives you more information as a basis for your interventions and decisions.

Use a Process

As you are developing critical thinking skills, it can be helpful to use a process. For example:

  • Ask questions.
  • Gather information.
  • Implement a strategy.
  • Evaluate the results.
  • Consider another point of view.

These are the fundamental steps of the nursing process (assess, diagnose, plan, implement, evaluate). The last step will help you overcome one of the common problems of critical thinking in nursing — personal bias.

Common Critical Thinking Pitfalls in Nursing

Your brain uses a set of processes to make inferences about what’s happening around you. In some cases, your unreliable biases can lead you down the wrong path. McGowan places personal biases at the top of his list of common pitfalls to critical thinking in nursing.

“We all form biases based on our own experiences. However, nurses have to learn to separate their own biases from each patient encounter to avoid making false assumptions that may interfere with their care,” he says. Successful critical thinkers accept they have personal biases and learn to look out for them. Awareness of your biases is the first step to understanding if your personal bias is contributing to the wrong decision.

New nurses may be overwhelmed by the transition from academics to clinical practice, leading to a task-oriented mindset and a common new nurse mistake ; this conflicts with critical thinking skills.

“Consider a patient whose blood pressure is low but who also needs to take a blood pressure medication at a scheduled time. A task-oriented nurse may provide the medication without regard for the patient’s blood pressure because medication administration is a task that must be completed,” Slaughter says. “A nurse employing critical thinking skills would address the low blood pressure, review the patient’s blood pressure history and trends, and potentially call the physician to discuss whether medication should be withheld.”

Fear and pride may also stand in the way of developing critical thinking skills. Your belief system and worldview provide comfort and guidance, but this can impede your judgment when you are faced with an individual whose belief system or cultural practices are not the same as yours. Fear or pride may prevent you from pursuing a line of questioning that would benefit the patient. Nurses with strong critical thinking skills exhibit:

  • Learn from their mistakes and the mistakes of other nurses
  • Look forward to integrating changes that improve patient care
  • Treat each patient interaction as a part of a whole
  • Evaluate new events based on past knowledge and adjust decision-making as needed
  • Solve problems with their colleagues
  • Are self-confident
  • Acknowledge biases and seek to ensure these do not impact patient care

An Essential Skill for All Nurses

Critical thinking in nursing protects patient health and contributes to professional development and career advancement. Administrative and clinical nursing leaders are required to have strong critical thinking skills to be successful in their positions.

By using the strategies in this guide during your daily life and in your nursing role, you can intentionally improve your critical thinking abilities and be rewarded with better patient outcomes and potential career advancement.

Frequently Asked Questions About Critical Thinking in Nursing

How are critical thinking skills utilized in nursing practice.

Nursing practice utilizes critical thinking skills to provide the best care for patients. Often, the patient’s cause of pain or health issue is not immediately clear. Nursing professionals need to use their knowledge to determine what might be causing distress, collect vital information, and make quick decisions on how best to handle the situation.

How does nursing school develop critical thinking skills?

Nursing school gives students the knowledge professional nurses use to make important healthcare decisions for their patients. Students learn about diseases, anatomy, and physiology, and how to improve the patient’s overall well-being. Learners also participate in supervised clinical experiences, where they practice using their critical thinking skills to make decisions in professional settings.

Do only nurse managers use critical thinking?

Nurse managers certainly use critical thinking skills in their daily duties. But when working in a health setting, anyone giving care to patients uses their critical thinking skills. Everyone — including licensed practical nurses, registered nurses, and advanced nurse practitioners —needs to flex their critical thinking skills to make potentially life-saving decisions.

Meet Our Contributors

Portrait of Crystal Slaughter, DNP, APRN, ACNS-BC, CNE

Crystal Slaughter, DNP, APRN, ACNS-BC, CNE

Crystal Slaughter is a core faculty member in Walden University’s RN-to-BSN program. She has worked as an advanced practice registered nurse with an intensivist/pulmonary service to provide care to hospitalized ICU patients and in inpatient palliative care. Slaughter’s clinical interests lie in nursing education and evidence-based practice initiatives to promote improving patient care.

Portrait of Jenna Liphart Rhoads, Ph.D., RN

Jenna Liphart Rhoads, Ph.D., RN

Jenna Liphart Rhoads is a nurse educator and freelance author and editor. She earned a BSN from Saint Francis Medical Center College of Nursing and an MS in nursing education from Northern Illinois University. Rhoads earned a Ph.D. in education with a concentration in nursing education from Capella University where she researched the moderation effects of emotional intelligence on the relationship of stress and GPA in military veteran nursing students. Her clinical background includes surgical-trauma adult critical care, interventional radiology procedures, and conscious sedation in adult and pediatric populations.

Portrait of Nicholas McGowan, BSN, RN, CCRN

Nicholas McGowan, BSN, RN, CCRN

Nicholas McGowan is a critical care nurse with 10 years of experience in cardiovascular, surgical intensive care, and neurological trauma nursing. McGowan also has a background in education, leadership, and public speaking. He is an online learner who builds on his foundation of critical care nursing, which he uses directly at the bedside where he still practices. In addition, McGowan hosts an online course at Critical Care Academy where he helps nurses achieve critical care (CCRN) certification.

Critical thinking definition

how critical thinking is used in the nursing process

Critical thinking, as described by Oxford Languages, is the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgement.

Active and skillful approach, evaluation, assessment, synthesis, and/or evaluation of information obtained from, or made by, observation, knowledge, reflection, acumen or conversation, as a guide to belief and action, requires the critical thinking process, which is why it's often used in education and academics.

Some even may view it as a backbone of modern thought.

However, it's a skill, and skills must be trained and encouraged to be used at its full potential.

People turn up to various approaches in improving their critical thinking, like:

  • Developing technical and problem-solving skills
  • Engaging in more active listening
  • Actively questioning their assumptions and beliefs
  • Seeking out more diversity of thought
  • Opening up their curiosity in an intellectual way etc.

Is critical thinking useful in writing?

Critical thinking can help in planning your paper and making it more concise, but it's not obvious at first. We carefully pinpointed some the questions you should ask yourself when boosting critical thinking in writing:

  • What information should be included?
  • Which information resources should the author look to?
  • What degree of technical knowledge should the report assume its audience has?
  • What is the most effective way to show information?
  • How should the report be organized?
  • How should it be designed?
  • What tone and level of language difficulty should the document have?

Usage of critical thinking comes down not only to the outline of your paper, it also begs the question: How can we use critical thinking solving problems in our writing's topic?

Let's say, you have a Powerpoint on how critical thinking can reduce poverty in the United States. You'll primarily have to define critical thinking for the viewers, as well as use a lot of critical thinking questions and synonyms to get them to be familiar with your methods and start the thinking process behind it.

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Critical Thinking in Nursing

  • First Online: 02 January 2023

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how critical thinking is used in the nursing process

  • Şefika Dilek Güven 3  

Part of the book series: Integrated Science ((IS,volume 12))

1276 Accesses

Critical thinking is an integral part of nursing, especially in terms of professionalization and independent clinical decision-making. It is necessary to think critically to provide adequate, creative, and effective nursing care when making the right decisions for practices and care in the clinical setting and solving various ethical issues encountered. Nurses should develop their critical thinking skills so that they can analyze the problems of the current century, keep up with new developments and changes, cope with nursing problems they encounter, identify more complex patient care needs, provide more systematic care, give the most appropriate patient care in line with the education they have received, and make clinical decisions. The present chapter briefly examines critical thinking, how it relates to nursing, and which skills nurses need to develop as critical thinkers.

Graphical Abstract/Art Performance

how critical thinking is used in the nursing process

Critical thinking in nursing.

This painting shows a nurse and how she is thinking critically. On the right side are the stages of critical thinking and on the left side, there are challenges that a nurse might face. The entire background is also painted in several colors to represent a kind of intellectual puzzle. It is made using colored pencils and markers.

(Adapted with permission from the Association of Science and Art (ASA), Universal Scientific Education and Research Network (USERN); Painting by Mahshad Naserpour).

Unless the individuals of a nation thinkers, the masses can be drawn in any direction. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

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Güven, Ş.D. (2023). Critical Thinking in Nursing. In: Rezaei, N. (eds) Brain, Decision Making and Mental Health. Integrated Science, vol 12. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-15959-6_10

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-15959-6_10

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Critical thinking in nursing clinical practice, education and research: From attitudes to virtue


  • 1 Department of Fundamental Care and Medical Surgital Nursing, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, School of Nursing, Consolidated Research Group Quantitative Psychology (2017-SGR-269), University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
  • 2 Department of Fundamental Care and Medical Surgital Nursing, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, School of Nursing, Consolidated Research Group on Gender, Identity and Diversity (2017-SGR-1091), University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
  • 3 Department of Fundamental Care and Medical Surgital Nursing, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, School of Nursing, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
  • 4 Multidisciplinary Nursing Research Group, Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR), Vall d'Hebron Hospital, Barcelona, Spain.
  • PMID: 33029860
  • DOI: 10.1111/nup.12332

Critical thinking is a complex, dynamic process formed by attitudes and strategic skills, with the aim of achieving a specific goal or objective. The attitudes, including the critical thinking attitudes, constitute an important part of the idea of good care, of the good professional. It could be said that they become a virtue of the nursing profession. In this context, the ethics of virtue is a theoretical framework that becomes essential for analyse the critical thinking concept in nursing care and nursing science. Because the ethics of virtue consider how cultivating virtues are necessary to understand and justify the decisions and guide the actions. Based on selective analysis of the descriptive and empirical literature that addresses conceptual review of critical thinking, we conducted an analysis of this topic in the settings of clinical practice, training and research from the virtue ethical framework. Following JBI critical appraisal checklist for text and opinion papers, we argue the need for critical thinking as an essential element for true excellence in care and that it should be encouraged among professionals. The importance of developing critical thinking skills in education is well substantiated; however, greater efforts are required to implement educational strategies directed at developing critical thinking in students and professionals undergoing training, along with measures that demonstrate their success. Lastly, we show that critical thinking constitutes a fundamental component in the research process, and can improve research competencies in nursing. We conclude that future research and actions must go further in the search for new evidence and open new horizons, to ensure a positive effect on clinical practice, patient health, student education and the growth of nursing science.

Keywords: critical thinking; critical thinking attitudes; nurse education; nursing care; nursing research.

© 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

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Nursing process.

Tammy J. Toney-Butler ; Jennifer M. Thayer .


Last Update: April 10, 2023 .

  • Introduction

In 1958, Ida Jean Orlando started the nursing process that still guides nursing care today. Defined as a systematic approach to care using the fundamental principles of critical thinking, client-centered approaches to treatment, goal-oriented tasks, evidence-based practice (EDP) recommendations, and nursing intuition. Holistic and scientific postulates are integrated to provide the basis for compassionate, quality-based care. [1] [2] [3]

The nursing process functions as a systematic guide to client-centered care with 5 sequential steps. These are assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation.

Assessment is the first step and involves critical thinking skills and data collection; subjective and objective. Subjective data involves verbal statements from the patient or caregiver. Objective data is measurable, tangible data such as vital signs, intake and output, and height and weight.

Data may come from the patient directly or from primary caregivers who may or may not be direct relation family members. Friends can play a role in data collection. Electronic health records may populate data and assist in assessment.

Critical thinking skills are essential to assessment, thus the need for concept-based curriculum changes.

The formulation of a nursing diagnosis by employing clinical judgment assists in the planning and implementation of patient care.

The North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) provides nurses with an up-to-date list of nursing diagnoses. A nursing diagnosis, according to NANDA, is defined as a clinical judgment about responses to actual or potential health problems on the part of the patient, family, or community.  

A nursing diagnosis encompasses Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and helps to prioritize and plan care based on patient-centered outcomes. In 1943, Abraham Maslow developed a hierarchy based on basic fundamental needs innate to all individuals. Basic physiological needs/goals must be met before higher needs/goals can be achieved such as self-esteem and self-actualization. Physiological and safety needs provide the basis for the implementation of nursing care and nursing interventions. Thus, they are at the base of Maslow's pyramid, laying the foundation for physical and emotional health. [4] [5]

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

  • Basic Physiological Needs: Nutrition (water and food), elimination (Toileting), airway (suction)-breathing (oxygen)-circulation (pulse, cardiac monitor, blood pressure) (ABCs), sleep, sex, shelter, and exercise.
  • Safety and Security: Injury prevention (side rails, call lights, hand hygiene, isolation, suicide precautions, fall precautions, car seats, helmets, seat belts), fostering a climate of trust and safety (therapeutic relationship), patient education (modifiable risk factors for stroke, heart disease).
  • Love and Belonging: Foster supportive relationships, methods to avoid social isolation (bullying), employ active listening techniques, therapeutic communication, and sexual intimacy.
  • Self-Esteem: Acceptance in the community, workforce, personal achievement, sense of control or empowerment, accepting one's physical appearance or body habitus.
  • Self-Actualization: Empowering environment, spiritual growth, ability to recognize the point of view of others, reaching one's maximum potential.

The planning stage is where goals and outcomes are formulated that directly impact patient care based on EDP guidelines. These patient-specific goals and the attainment of such assist in ensuring a positive outcome. Nursing care plans are essential in this phase of goal setting. Care plans provide a course of direction for personalized care tailored to an individual's unique needs. Overall condition and comorbid conditions play a role in the construction of a care plan. Care plans enhance communication, documentation, reimbursement, and continuity of care across the healthcare continuum.

Goals should be:

  • Measurable or Meaningful
  • Attainable or Action-Oriented
  • Realistic or Results-Oriented
  • Timely or Time-Oriented


Implementation is the step that involves action or doing and the actual carrying out of nursing interventions outlined in the plan of care. This phase requires nursing interventions such as applying a cardiac monitor or oxygen, direct or indirect care, medication administration, standard treatment protocols, and EDP standards.

This final step of the nursing process is vital to a positive patient outcome. Whenever a healthcare provider intervenes or implements care, they must reassess or evaluate to ensure the desired outcome has been met. Reassessment may frequently be needed depending upon overall patient condition. The plan of care may be adapted based on new assessment data.

  • Issues of Concern

According to a 2011 study conducted in Mekelle Zone hospitals, nurses lack the knowledge to implement the nursing process into practice and factors such as nurse-patient ratios inhibit them from doing so. Ninety percent of study participants lacked sufficient experience to apply the nursing process to standard practice. The study also concluded that a shortage of available resources, coupled with increased workloads due to high patient-nurse ratios, contributed to the lack of the nursing process implementation in the delivery of patient care. [6] [7] [8]

  • Clinical Significance

The utilization of the nursing process to guide care is clinically significant going forward in this dynamic, complex world of patient care. Aging populations carry with them a multitude of health problems and inherent risks of missed opportunities to spot a life-altering condition.

As explored by Salmond and Echevarria, healthcare is changing, and the traditional roles of nurses are transforming to meet the demands of this new healthcare environment. Nurses are in a position to promote change and impact patient delivery care models in the future. [9] [10]

  • Other Issues

Critical thinking skills will play a vital role as we develop plans of care for these patient populations with multiple comorbidities and embrace this challenging healthcare arena. Thus, the trend towards concept-based curriculum changes will assist us in the navigation of these uncharted waters. 

Concept-Based Curriculum

Baron further explores this need for a concept-based curriculum as opposed to the traditional educational model and the challenges faced with its implementation. A direct impact on quality patient care and positive outcomes. Nursing practice and educational environments form a bond with clinical knowledge and expertise, and that bond facilitates the transition into the current workforce as an indispensable team player and leader in this new wave of healthcare. 

Learning should be the focus and the integration into current practice. Learning is a dynamic process, propelled by a force that must coexist within the same learning milieu between educator and student, preceptor and novice, mentor, and trainee. 

IN the future, nurses must be able to problem-solve in a multitude of situations and conditions to meet these new adversities: challenging nurse-patient ratios, multifaceted approaches to prioritization of care, fewer resources, navigation of the electronic health record as well as functionality within the team dynamic and leadership style.

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Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs for Nursing Contributed by Tammy J. Toney-Butler, AS, RN, CEN, TCRN, CPEN

Disclosure: Tammy Toney-Butler declares no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

Disclosure: Jennifer Thayer declares no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

This book is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ ), which permits others to distribute the work, provided that the article is not altered or used commercially. You are not required to obtain permission to distribute this article, provided that you credit the author and journal.

  • Cite this Page Toney-Butler TJ, Thayer JM. Nursing Process. [Updated 2023 Apr 10]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-.

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Critical Thinking and the Nursing Process

In today’s health care arena, the nurse is faced with increasingly complex issues and situations resulting from advanced technology, greater acuity of patients in hospital and community settings, an aging population, and complex disease processes, as well as ethical and cultural factors.  Traditionally, nurses have used a problem-solving approach in planning and providing nursing care. Today the decision-making part of problem solving has become increasingly complex and requires critical thinking.

Definition of Critical thinking

Critical thinking is a multidimensional skill, a cognitive or mental process or set of procedures. It involves reasoning and purposeful, systematic, reflective, rational, outcome-directed thinking based on a body of knowledge, as well as examination and analysis of all available information and ideas. Critical thinking leads to the formulation of conclusions and the most appropriate, often creative, decisions, options, or alternatives. Critical thinking includes metacognition, the examination of one’s own reasoning or thought processes while thinking, to help strengthen and refine thinking skills. Independent judgments and decisions evolve from a sound knowledge base and the ability to synthesize information within the context in which it is presented. Nursing practice in today’s society mandates the use of high-level critical thinking skills within the nursing process. Critical thinking enhances clinical decision making, helping to identify patient needs and to determine the best nursing actions that will assist the patient in meeting those needs. Critical thinking and critical thinkers have distinctive characteristics. As indicated in the above definition, critical thinking is a conscious, outcome-oriented activity; it is purposeful and intentional. The critical thinker is an inquisitive, fair-minded truth seeker with an open-mindedness to the alternative solutions that might surface.

Critical thinking Process: Rationality and Insight

Critical thinking is systematic and organized. The skills involved in critical thinking are developed over time through effort, practice, and experience. Skills needed in critical thinking include interpretation, analysis, evaluation, inference, explanation, and self-regulation. Critical thinking requires background knowledge and knowledge of key concepts as well as standards of good thinking. The critical thinker uses reality-based deliberation to validate the accuracy of data and the reliability of sources, being mindful of and questioning inconsistencies. Interpretation is used to determine the significance of data that are gathered, and analysis is used to identify patient problems indicated by the data. The nurse uses inference to draw conclusions. Explanation is the justification of actions or interventions used to address patient problems and to help a patient move toward desired outcomes. Evaluation is the process of determining whether outcomes have been or are being met, and self-regulation is the process of examining the care provided and adjusting the interventions as needed. Critical thinking is also reflective, involving metacognition, active evaluation, and refinement of the thinking process. The critical thinker considers the possibility of personal bias when interpreting data and determining appropriate actions. The critical thinker must be insightful and have a sense of fairness and integrity, the courage to question personal ethics, and the perseverance to strive continuously to minimize the effects of egocentricity, ethnocentricity, and other biases on the decision making process.

Components of Critical thinking

Certain cognitive or mental activities can be identified as key components of critical thinking. When thinking critically, a person will do the following:

  • Ask questions to determine the reason why certain developments have occurred and to see whether more information is needed to understand the situation accurately.
  • Gather as much relevant information as possible to consider as many factors as possible.
  • Validate the information presented to make sure that it is accurate (not just supposition or opinion), that it makes sense, and that it is based on fact and evidence.
  • Analyze the information to determine what it means and to see whether it forms clusters or patterns that point to certain conclusions.
  • Draw on past clinical experience and knowledge to explain what is happening and to anticipate what might happen next, acknowledging personal bias and cultural influences.
  • Maintain a flexible attitude that allows the facts to guide thinking and takes into account all possibilities.
  • Consider available options and examine each in terms of its advantages and disadvantages.
  • Formulate decisions that reflect creativity and independent decision making.

Critical thinking requires going beyond basic problem solving into a realm of inquisitive exploration, looking for all relevant factors that affect the issue, and being an “out-of-the-box” thinker. It includes questioning all findings until a comprehensive picture emerges that explains the phenomenon, possible solutions, and creative methods for proceeding. Critical thinking in nursing practice results in a comprehensive patient plan of care with maximized potential for success.

Critical thinking In Nursing Practice

Using critical thinking to develop a plan of nursing care requires considering the human factors that might influence the plan. The nurse interacts with the patient, family, and other health care providers in the process of providing appropriate, individualized nursing care. The culture, attitude, and thought processes of the nurse, the patient, and others will affect the critical thinking process from the data-gathering stage through the decision-making stage; therefore, aspects of the nurse-patient interaction must be considered. Nurses must use critical thinking skills in all practice settings—acute care, ambulatory care, extended care, and in the home and community. Regardless of the setting, each patient situation is viewed as unique and dynamic. The unique factors that the patient and nurse bring to the health care situation are considered, studied, analyzed, and interpreted. Interpretation of the information presented then allows the nurse to focus on those factors that are most relevant and mostsignificant to the clinical situation. Decisions about what to do and how to do it are then developed into a plan of action.

Fonteyn (1998) identified 12 predominant thinking strategies used by nurses, regardless of their area of clinical practice:

Recognizing a pattern

  • Setting priorities
  • Searching for information
  • Generating hypotheses
  • Making predictions
  • Forming relationships
  • Stating a proposition (“if–then”)
  • Asserting a practice rule
  • Making choices (alternative actions)
  • Judging the value
  • Drawing conclusions
  • Providing explanations

Fonteyn further identified other, less prominent thinking strategies the nurse might use:

  • Posing a question
  • Making assumptions (supposing)
  • Making generalizations

These thought processes are consistent with the characteristics of critical thinking and cognitive activities discussed earlier. Fonteyn asserted that exploring how these thinking strategies are used in various clinical situations, and practicing using the strategies, might assist the nurse–learner in examining and refining his or her own thinking skills.

Throughout the critical thinking process, a continuous flow of questions evolves in the thinker’s mind. Although the questions will vary according to the particular clinical situation, certain general inquiries can serve as a basis for reaching conclusions and determining a course of action. When faced with a patient situation, it is often helpful to seek answers to some or all of the following questions in an attempt to determine those actions that are most appropriate:

  • What relevant assessment information do I need, and how do I interpret this information? What does this information tell me?
  • To what problems does this information point? Have I identified the most important ones? Does the information point to any other problems that I should consider?
  • Have I gathered all the information I need (signs/symptoms, laboratory values, medication history, emotional factors, mental status)? Is anything missing?
  • Is there anything that needs to be reported immediately? Do I need to seek additional assistance?
  • Does this patient have any special risk factors? Which ones are most significant? What must I do to minimize these risks?
  • What possible complications must I anticipate?
  • What are the most important problems in this situation? Do the patient and the patient’s family recognize the same problems?
  • What are the desired outcomes for this patient? Which have the highest priority? Does the patient see eye to eye with me on these points?
  • What is going to be my first action in this situation? How can I construct a plan of care to achieve the goals?
  • Are there any age-related factors involved, and will they require some special approach? Will I need to make some change in the plan of care to take these factors into account?
  •  How do the family dynamics affect this situation, and will this have an affect on my actions or the plan of care?
  • Are there cultural factors that I must address and consider?
  • Am I dealing with an ethical problem here? If so, how am I going to resolve it?
  • Has any nursing research been conducted on this subject?

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The characteristic that distinguishes a professional nurse is cognitive rather than psychomotor ability. Nursing practice demands that practitioners display sound judgement and decision-making skills as critical thinking and clinical decision making is an essential component of nursing practice. Nurses’ ability to recognize and respond to signs of patient deterioration in a timely manner plays a pivotal role in patient outcomes (Purling & King 2012). Errors in clinical judgement and decision making are said to account for more than half of adverse clinical events (Tomlinson, 2015). The focus of the nurse clinical judgement has to be on quality evidence based care delivery, therefore, observational and reasoning skills will result in sound, reliable, clinical judgements. Clinical judgement, a concept which is critical to the nursing can be complex, because the nurse is required to use observation skills, identify relevant information, to identify the relationships among given elements through reasoning and judgement. Clinical reasoning is the process by which nurses observe patients status, process the information, come to an understanding of the patient problem, plan and implement interventions, evaluate outcomes, with reflection and learning from the process (Levett-Jones et al, 2010). At all times, nurses are responsible for their actions and are accountable for nursing judgment and action or inaction.

The speed and ability by which the nurses make sound clinical judgement is affected by their experience. Novice nurses may find this process difficult, whereas the experienced nurse should rely on her intuition, followed by fast action. Therefore education must begin at the undergraduate level to develop students’ critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills. Clinical reasoning is a learnt skill requiring determination and active engagement in deliberate practice design to improve performance. In order to acquire such skills, students need to develop critical thinking ability, as well as an understanding of how judgements and decisions are reached in complex healthcare environments.

As lifelong learners, nurses are constantly accumulating more knowledge, expertise, and experience, and it’s a rare nurse indeed who chooses to not apply his or her mind towards the goal of constant learning and professional growth. Institute of Medicine (IOM) report on the Future of Nursing, stated, that nurses must continue their education and engage in lifelong learning to gain the needed competencies for practice. American Nurses Association (ANA), Scope and Standards of Practice requires a nurse to remain involved in continuous learning and strengthening individual practice (p.26)

Alfaro-LeFevre, R. (2009). Critical thinking and clinical judgement: A practical approach to outcome-focused thinking. (4th ed.). St Louis: Elsevier

The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health, (2010). https://campaignforaction.org/resource/future-nursing-iom-report

Levett-Jones, T., Hoffman, K. Dempsey, Y. Jeong, S., Noble, D., Norton, C., Roche, J., & Hickey, N. (2010). The ‘five rights’ of clinical reasoning: an educational model to enhance nursing students’ ability to identify and manage clinically ‘at risk’ patients. Nurse Education Today. 30(6), 515-520.

NMC (2010) New Standards for Pre-Registration Nursing. London: Nursing and Midwifery Council.

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Thompson, C., Aitken, l., Doran, D., Dowing, D. (2013). An agenda for clinical decision making and judgement in nursing research and education. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 50 (12), 1720 - 1726 Tomlinson, J. (2015). Using clinical supervision to improve the quality and safety of patient care: a response to Berwick and Francis. BMC Medical Education, 15(103)

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how critical thinking is used in the nursing process

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Why Critical Thinking Skills in Nursing Are Essential

Written by: university of tulsa   •  feb 29, 2024.

Nurse with a tablet speaking to another health care professional.

Why Critical Thinking Skills in Nursing Are Essential ¶

Working in health care requires quick thinking and confident decision-making to care for patients. While nurses use a broad range of technical skills to provide quality care, an essential skill that’s easy to overlook is critical thinking. Nursing professionals should explore the benefits of critical thinking skills in nursing, how to apply them, and the ways that advanced education can sharpen their ability to make precise decisions.

Critical Thinking Skills: A Definition ¶

Critical thinking is the process of evaluating facts, interpreting information, and analyzing situations to make informed decisions in various situations. Finding the correct answer to a complex problem isn’t easy. When situations don’t have clear answers and many factors to consider, critical thinking can help individuals move forward and make decisions.

Critical thinking competencies can be applied to a wide range of workplaces and personal situations. In nursing, critical thinking skills can help deliver effective care, handle a patient crisis, and assess the efficacy of treatment plans.

The Importance of Critical Thinking Skills in Nursing ¶

The fast-paced nursing environment requires prompt, data-driven decisions. Nurses use critical thinking daily, reviewing information and making decisions to promote quality care for patients. The following benefits of critical thinking highlight the importance of this skill in nursing careers:

Improves decision-making speed. A critical thinking mindset can help nurses make timely, effective decisions in difficult situations. A systematic method to evaluate decisions and move forward is a powerful tool for nurses.

Refines communication. Improving professional communication allows for factual, efficient, and empathetic conversations with patients and other health care professionals.

Promotes open-mindedness. It’s easy to overlook certain opinions or viewpoints in a high-pressure situation. Thankfully, critical thinking promotes open-mindedness in exploring solutions.

Combats bias. A critical look at different behaviors, contexts, and viewpoints can be helpful for identifying and addressing bias. Nurses must actively seek out ways to confront and remove bias in the workplace.

Critical Thinking in the Nursing Process ¶

There are many ways to apply critical thinking skills to nursing situations. The nursing process is a five-step process to assist nurses in applying critical thinking skills to their daily duties. Experienced nurses and professionals considering a career change to nursing should review the steps as part of their critical thinking process.

Step 1: Assessment ¶

Assessing a patient means far more than taking their vital signs. It also includes collecting sociocultural and psychological data. Lifestyle factors and experiences can affect the treatment process and approach, so skilled nurses review these areas before moving toward the next step, diagnosis.

For example, if a patient reports dizziness or shortness of breath, a nurse should not only check the patient’s temperature, blood pressure, and heart rate but also ask about their family history and recent events.

Step 2: Diagnosis ¶

During the second step, a nurse’s assessment and critical thinking skills produce a clinical judgment. Nurses need to carefully consider all the factors included in the first step. When necessary, consult with other health care professionals before reaching a diagnosis or communicating that diagnosis with the patient.

Discussing a patient’s assessment with other health care professionals requires critical thinking, as the information provided about vital signs, recent events, and family history are key components of this step.

Step 3: Planning ¶

A nurse may be responsible for setting goals and planning a treatment plan for patients. The third step can include setting measurable, achievable goals. Nurses also coordinate care with other health care professionals.

Goals can be simple or complex, depending on the assessment and diagnosis. For example, one patient’s goals may include eating three meals a day, while another’s may include having multiple medications, specialist visits, and physical therapy activities as part of their treatment plan.

Step 4: Implementation ¶

Critical thinking is needed to implement the nursing process, finding ways to carry out the plan with empathy. It’s also important for nurses to document care throughout the fourth step of the process.

For example, nurses should review patient history and consider symptoms before administering medication. Nursing professionals should also think critically about which patients to see first and how to prioritize patients who may need critical attention.

Step 5: Evaluation ¶

Nurses need to continue to evaluate and review the patient’s condition using critical thinking. Evaluation allows nursing professionals to review patient conditions, recommend care plan modification, and consider overall patient status.

For example, identifying whether patients may be ready for a care plan modification or another change in care requires critical thinking and a clear, focused evaluation of multiple patient factors.

How to Foster Critical Thinking Through Nursing Education ¶

Critical thinking is integral to success in the health care field. Thankfully, many ways are available for nurses to improve their critical thinking skills. Below are training, mentoring, and education options for fostering critical thinking.

On-the-Job Training ¶

Because critical thinking is so critical to the daily duties of nurses, experience in the field can improve their ability to evaluate situations and make data-driven decisions. Working firsthand with patients and alongside skilled professionals is a powerful way to see and apply critical thinking in real-world scenarios.

Mentoring Opportunities ¶

Nurses should seek mentorship opportunities for personalized, side-by-side instruction and inspiration from fellow professionals. Mentorships can be either formal or informal opportunities to learn from skilled nurses and health care professionals to promote critical thinking.

Further Education ¶

Many continuing education opportunities are available for nurses. Professionals looking to improve their critical thinking skills should consider enrolling in a course that promotes reflection, evaluation, and analytical thinking.

Review Critical Thinking Skills With The University of Tulsa ¶

Expand your critical thinking skills in nursing by enrolling in a program to earn a degree in the field. The University of Tulsa offers an accelerated online RN to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN to BSN) program for students to earn their BSN in as little as 12 months. Take 30 credits of online courses to expand your medical knowledge, general education, and critical thinking abilities. Review the features of this online opportunity to see if it’s the right decision for your career.

Recommended Readings:

The Benefits of Nurse Mentoring

Hospice Nurse: Job Description and Salary

Work-From-Home Safety Checklist: Securing Your Virtual Workspace

American Nurses Association, The Nursing Process

American Nurses Association, What Are the Qualities of a Good Nurse?

Forbes , “The Power of Critical Thinking: Enhancing Decision-Making and Problem-Solving”

Indeed, “Critical Thinking in Nursing (Definition and Vital Tips)”

Indeed, “Critical Thinking Skills in Nursing: Definition and Improvement Tips”

Indeed, “15 Essential Nursing Skills to Include on Your Resume”

StatPearls, “Nursing Process”

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The Nursing Process: A Comprehensive Guide

how critical thinking is used in the nursing process

In 1958, Ida Jean Orlando began developing the nursing process still evident in nursing care today. According to Orlando’s theory, the patient’s behavior sets the nursing process in motion. Through the nurse ‘s knowledge to analyze and diagnose the behavior to determine the patient’s needs.

Application of the fundamental principles of critical thinking , client-centered approaches to treatment, goal-oriented tasks, evidence-based practice (EBP) recommendations, and nursing intuition, the nursing process functions as a systematic guide to client-centered care with five subsequent steps. These are assessment , diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation ( ADPIE ).

Table of Contents

What is the nursing process.

  • What is the purpose of the nursing process? 

Characteristics of the nursing process

Nursing process steps, collecting data, objective data or signs, subjective data or symptoms, verbal data, nonverbal data, primary source, secondary source, tertiary source, health interview, physical examination, observation, validating data, documenting data.

  • 2. Diagnosis: “What is the problem?” 

Initial Planning

Ongoing planning, discharge planning, developing a nursing care plan, behavioral nursing interventions, community nursing interventions, family nursing interventions, health system nursing interventions, physiological nursing interventions, safety nursing interventions, skills used in implementing nursing care, 1. reassessing the client, 2. determining the nurse’s need for assistance, nursing intervention categories, independent nursing interventions, dependent nursing interventions, interdependent nursing interventions, 4. supervising the delegated care, 5. documenting nursing activities, 1. collecting data, 2. comparing data with desired outcomes, 3. analyzing client’s response relating to nursing activities, 4. identifying factors contributing to success or failure, 5. continuing, modifying, or terminating the nursing care plan, 6. discharge planning.

ADPIE Nursing Process Infographic

The nursing process is defined as a systematic, rational method of planning that guides all nursing actions in delivering holistic and patient-focused care. The nursing process is a form of scientific reasoning and requires the nurse’s critical thinking to provide the best care possible to the client.

What is the purpose of the nursing process?

The following are the purposes of the nursing process:

  • To identify the client’s health status and actual or potential health care problems or needs (through assessment).
  • To establish plans to meet the identified needs.
  • To deliver specific nursing interventions to meet those needs.
  • To apply the best available caregiving evidence and promote human functions and responses to health and illness (ANA, 2010).
  • To protect nurses against legal problems related to nursing care when the standards of the nursing process are followed correctly.
  • To help the nurse perform in a systematically organized way their practice.
  • To establish a database about the client’s health status, health concerns, response to illness, and the ability to manage health care needs.

The following are the unique characteristics of the nursing process: 

  • Patient-centered . The unique approach of the nursing process requires care respectful of and responsive to the individual patient’s needs, preferences, and values. The nurse functions as a patient advocate by keeping the patient’s right to practice informed decision-making and maintaining patient-centered engagement in the health care setting.
  • Interpersonal . The nursing process provides the basis for the therapeutic process in which the nurse and patient respect each other as individuals, both of them learning and growing due to the interaction. It involves the interaction between the nurse and the patient with a common goal.
  • Collaborative . The nursing process functions effectively in nursing and inter-professional teams, promoting open communication, mutual respect, and shared decision-making to achieve quality patient care .
  • Dynamic and cyclical .The nursing process is a dynamic, cyclical process in which each phase interacts with and is influenced by the other phases.
  • Requires critical thinking . The use of the nursing process requires critical thinking which is a vital skill required for nurses in identifying client problems and implementing interventions to promote effective care outcomes.

The nursing process consists of five steps: assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation . The acronym ADPIE is an easy way to remember the components of the nursing process. Nurses need to learn how to apply the process step-by-step. However, as critical thinking develops through experience, they learn how to move back and forth among the steps of the nursing process.

The steps of the nursing process are not separate entities but overlapping, continuing subprocesses. Apart from understanding nursing diagnoses and their definitions, the nurse promotes awareness of defining characteristics and behaviors of the diagnoses, related factors to the selected nursing diagnoses, and the interventions suited for treating the diagnoses.

The steps of the nursing process are detailed below:

1. Assessment: “What data is collected?”

The first phase of the nursing process is assessment . It involves collecting, organizing, validating, and documenting the clients’ health status. This data can be obtained in a variety of ways. Usually, when the nurse first encounters a patient, the nurse is expected to assess to identify the patient’s health problems as well as the physiological, psychological, and emotional state and to establish a database about the client’s response to health concerns or illness and the ability to manage health care needs. Critical thinking skills are essential to the assessment, thus requiring concept-based curriculum changes.

Data collection is the process of gathering information regarding a client’s health status. The process must be systematic and continuous in collecting data to prevent the omission of important information concerning the client.

The best way to collect data is through head-to-toe assessment. Learn more about it at our guide: Head to Toe Assessment: Complete Physical Assessment Guide

Types of Data

Data collected about a client generally falls into objective or subjective categories, but data can also be verbal and nonverbal. 

Objective data are overt, measurable, tangible data collected via the senses, such as sight, touch , smell , or hearing , and compared to an accepted standard, such as vital signs, intake and output , height and weight, body temperature, pulse, and respiratory rates, blood pressure , vomiting , distended abdomen, presence of edema , lung sounds, crying, skin color, and presence of diaphoresis.

Subjective data involve covert information, such as feelings, perceptions, thoughts, sensations, or concerns that are shared by the patient and can be verified only by the patient, such as nausea , pain , numbness, pruritus, attitudes, beliefs, values, and perceptions of the health concern and life events.

Verbal data are spoken or written data such as statements made by the client or by a secondary source. Verbal data requires the listening skills of the nurse to assess difficulties such as slurring, tone of voice, assertiveness, anxiety , difficulty in finding the desired word, and flight of ideas.

Nonverbal data are observable behavior transmitting a message without words, such as the patient’s body language, general appearance , facial expressions, gestures, eye contact, proxemics (distance), body language, touch, posture, clothing. Nonverbal data obtained can sometimes be more powerful than verbal data, as the client’s body language may not be congruent with what they really think or feel. Obtaining and analyzing nonverbal data can help reinforce other forms of data and understand what the patient really feels.

Sources of Data

Sources of data can be primary, secondary, and tertiary . The client is the primary source of data, while family members , support persons, records and reports, other health professionals, laboratory and diagnostics fall under secondary sources.

The client is the only primary source of data and the only one who can provide subjective data. Anything the client says or reports to the members of the healthcare team is considered primary.

A source is considered secondary data if it is provided from someone else other than the client but within the client’s frame of reference. Information provided by the client’s family or significant others are considered secondary sources of data if the client cannot speak for themselves, is lacking facts and understanding, or is a child. Additionally, the client’s records and assessment data from other nurses or other members of the healthcare team are considered secondary sources of data.

Sources from outside the client’s frame of reference are considered tertiary sources of data . Examples of tertiary data include information from textbooks, medical and nursing journals, drug handbooks, surveys, and policy and procedural manuals.

Methods of Data Collection

The main methods used to collect data are health interviews, physical examination, and observation.

The most common approach to gathering important information is through an interview. An interview is an intended communication or a conversation with a purpose, for example, to obtain or provide information, identify problems of mutual concern, evaluate change, teach, provide support, or provide counseling or therapy. One example of the interview is the nursing health history , which is a part of the nursing admission assessment. Patient interaction is generally the heaviest during the assessment phase of the nursing process so rapport must be established during this step.

Aside from conducting interviews, nurses will perform physical examinations, referencing a patient’s health history, obtaining a patient’s family history, and general observation can also be used to gather assessment data. Establishing a good physical assessment would, later on, provide a more accurate diagnosis, planning, and better interventions and evaluation .

Observation is an assessment tool that depends on the use of the five senses (sight, touch, hearing, smell, and taste ) to learn information about the client. This information relates to characteristics of the client’s appearance, functioning, primary relationships, and environment. Although nurses observe mainly through sight, most of the senses are engaged during careful observations such as smelling foul odors, hearing or auscultating lung and heart sounds and feeling the pulse rate and other palpable skin deformations.

Validation is the process of verifying the data to ensure that it is accurate and factual. One way to validate observations is through “double-checking,” and it allows the nurse to complete the following tasks:

  • Ensures that assessment information is double-checked, verified, and complete. For example, during routine assessment, the nurse obtains a reading of 210/96 mm Hg of a client with no history of hypertension . To validate the data, the nurse should retake the blood pressure and if necessary, use another equipment to confirm the measurement or ask someone else to perform the assessment.
  • Ensure that objective and related subjective data are valid and accurate. For example, the client’s perceptions of “feeling hot” need to be compared with the measurement of the body temperature.
  • Ensure that the nurse does not come to a conclusion without adequate data to support the conclusion. A nurse assumes tiny purple or bluish-black swollen areas under the tongue of an older adult client to be abnormal until reading about physical changes of aging.
  • Ensure that any ambiguous or vague statements are clarified. For example, a 86-year-old female client who is not a native English speaker says that “I am in pain on and off for 4 weeks,” would require verification for clarity from the nurse by asking “Can you describe what your pain is like? What do you mean by on and off?”
  • Acquire additional details that may have been overlooked. For example, the nurse is asking a 32-year-old client if he is allergic to any prescription or non-prescription medications. And what would happen if he takes these medications.
  • Distinguish between cues and inferences. Cues are subjective or objective data that can be directly observed by the nurse; that is, what the client says or what the nurse can see, hear, feel, smell, or measure. On the other hand, inferences are the nurse’s interpretation or conclusions made based on the cues. For example, the nurse observes the cues that the incision is red, hot, and swollen and makes an inference that the incision is infected.

Once all the information has been collected, data can be recorded and sorted. Excellent record-keeping is fundamental so that all the data gathered is documented and explained in a way that is accessible to the whole health care team and can be referenced during evaluation. 

2. Diagnosis: “What is the problem?”

The second step of the nursing process is the nursing diagnosis . The nurse will analyze all the gathered information and diagnose the client’s condition and needs. Diagnosing involves analyzing data, identifying health problems, risks, and strengths, and formulating diagnostic statements about a patient’s potential or actual health problem. More than one diagnosis is sometimes made for a single patient. Formulating a nursing diagnosis by employing clinical judgment assists in the planning and implementation of patient care .

The types, components, processes, examples, and writing nursing diagnosis are discussed more in detail here “ Nursing Diagnosis Guide: All You Need To Know To Master Diagnosing ”

3. Planning: “How to manage the problem?”

Planning is the third step of the nursing process. It provides direction for nursing interventions . When the nurse, any supervising medical staff, and the patient agree on the diagnosis, the nurse will plan a course of treatment that takes into account short and long-term goals. Each problem is committed to a clear, measurable goal for the expected beneficial outcome. 

The planning phase is where goals and outcomes are formulated that directly impact patient care based on evidence-based practice (EBP) guidelines. These patient-specific goals and the attainment of such assist in ensuring a positive outcome. Nursing care plans are essential in this phase of goal setting. Care plans provide a course of direction for personalized care tailored to an individual’s unique needs. Overall condition and comorbid conditions play a role in the construction of a care plan. Care plans enhance communication, documentation, reimbursement , and continuity of care across the healthcare continuum.

Types of Planning

Planning starts with the first client contact and resumes until the nurse-client relationship ends, preferably when the client is discharged from the health care facility.

Initial planning is done by the nurse who conducts the admission assessment. Usually, the same nurse would be the one to create the initial comprehensive plan of care.

Ongoing planning is done by all the nurses who work with the client. As a nurse obtain new information and evaluate the client’s responses to care, they can individualize the initial care plan further. An ongoing care plan also occurs at the beginning of a shift. Ongoing planning allows the nurse to:

  • determine if the client’s health status has changed
  • set priorities for the client during the shift
  • decide which problem to focus on during the shift
  • coordinate with nurses to ensure that more than one problem can be addressed at each client contact

Discharge planning is the process of anticipating and planning for needs after discharge. To provide continuity of care, nurses need to accomplish the following:

  • Start discharge planning for all clients when they are admitted to any health care setting.
  • Involve the client and the client’s family or support persons in the planning process.
  • Collaborate with other health care professionals as needed to ensure that biopsychosocial, cultural, and spiritual needs are met.

A nursing care plan (NCP) is a formal process that correctly identifies existing needs and recognizes potential needs or risks. Care plans provide communication among nurses, their patients, and other healthcare providers to achieve health care outcomes. Without the nursing care planning process, the quality and consistency of patient care would be lost.

The planning step of the nursing process is discussed in detail in Nursing Care Plans (NCP): Ultimate Guide and Database .

4. Implementation: “Putting the plan into action!”

The implementation phase of the nursing process is when the nurse puts the treatment plan into effect. It involves action or doing and the actual carrying out of nursing interventions outlined in the plan of care. This typically begins with the medical staff conducting any needed medical interventions. 

Interventions should be specific to each patient and focus on achievable outcomes. Actions associated with a nursing care plan include monitoring the patient for signs of change or improvement, directly caring for the patient or conducting important medical tasks such as medication administration, educating and guiding the patient about further health management, and referring or contacting the patient for a follow-up.

A taxonomy of nursing interventions referred to as the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) taxonomy, was developed by the Iowa Intervention Project. The nurse can look up a client’s nursing diagnosis to see which nursing interventions are recommended. 

Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) System

There are more than 550 nursing intervention labels that nurses can use to provide the proper care to their patients. These interventions are categorized into seven fields or classes of interventions according to the Nursing Interventions Classification system.

These are interventions designed to help a patient change their behavior. With behavioral interventions, in contrast, patient behavior is the key and the goal is to modify it. The following measures are examples of behavioral nursing interventions:

  • Encouraging stress and relaxation techniques
  • Providing support to quit smoking
  • Engaging the patient in some form of physical activity , like walking , to reduce the patient’s anxiety , anger, and hostility

These are interventions that refer to the community-wide approach to health behavior change. Instead of focusing mainly on the individual as a change agent, community interventionists recognize a host of other factors that contribute to an individual’s capacity to achieve optimal health, such as:

  • Implementing an education program for first-time mothers
  • Promoting diet and physical activities
  • Initiating HIV awareness and violence-prevention programs
  • Organizing a fun run to raise money for breast cancer research 

These are interventions that influence a patient’s entire family.

  • Implementing a family-centered approach in reducing the threat of illness spreading when one family member is diagnosed with a communicable disease
  • Providing a nursing woman support in breastfeeding her new baby
  • Educating family members about caring for the patient

These are interventions that designed to maintain a safe medical facility for all patients and staff, such as:

  • Following procedures to reduce the risk of infection for patients during hospital stays.
  • Ensuring that the patient’s environment is safe and comfortable, such as repositioning them to avoid pressure ulcers in bed

These are interventions related to a patient’s physical health to make sure that any physical needs are being met and that the patient is in a healthy condition. These nursing interventions are classified into two types: basic and complex.

  • Basic. Basic interventions regarding the patient’s physical health include hands-on procedures ranging from feeding to hygiene assistance.
  • Complex. Some physiological nursing interventions are more complex, such as the insertion of an IV line to administer fluids to a dehydrated patient.

These are interventions that maintain a patient’s safety and prevent injuries, such as:

  • Educating a patient about how to call for assistance if they are not able to safely move around on their own
  • Providing instructions for using assistive devices such as walkers or canes, or how to take a shower safely.

When implementing care, nurses need cognitive, interpersonal, and technical skills to perform the care plan successfully.

  • Cognitive Skills are also known as Intellectual Skills are skills involve learning and understanding fundamental knowledge including basic sciences, nursing procedures, and their underlying rationale before caring for clients. Cognitive skills also include problem-solving, decision-making, critical thinking, clinical reasoning, and creativity.
  • Interpersonal Skills are skills that involve believing, behaving, and relating to others. The effectiveness of a nursing action usually leans mainly on the nurse’s ability to communicate with the patient and the members of the health care team.
  • Technical Skills are purposeful “hands-on” skills such as changing a sterile dressing , administering an injection, manipulating equipment, bandaging, moving , lifting, and repositioning clients. All of these activities require safe and competent performance.

Process of Implementing

The process of implementing typically includes the following:

Prior to implementing an intervention, the nurse must reassess the client to make sure the intervention is still needed. Even if an order is written on the care plan, the client’s condition may have changed.

Other nursing tasks or activities may also be performed by non- RN members of the healthcare team. Members of this team may include unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) and caregivers , as well as other licensed healthcare workers, such as licensed practical nurses/licensed vocational nurses (LPNs/LVNs). The nurse may need assistance when implementing some nursing intervention, such as ambulating an unsteady obese client, repositioning a client, or when a nurse is not familiar with a particular model of traction equipment needs assistance the first time it is applied.

3. Implementing the nursing interventions

Nurses must not only have a substantial knowledge base of the sciences, nursing theory, nursing practice , and legal parameters of nursing interventions but also must have the psychomotor skills to implement procedures safely. It is necessary for nurses to describe, explain, and clarify to the client what interventions will be done, what sensations to anticipate, what the client is expected to do, and what the expected outcome is. When implementing care, nurses perform activities that may be independent, dependent, or interdependent.

Nursing interventions are grouped into three categories according to the role of the healthcare professional involved in the patient’s care:

A registered nurse can perform independent interventions on their own without the help or assistance from other medical personnel, such as: 

  • routine nursing tasks such as checking vital signs
  • educating a patient on the importance of their medication so they can administer it as prescribed

A nurse cannot initiate dependent interventions alone. Some actions require guidance or supervision from a physician or other medical professional, such as:

  • prescribing new medication
  • inserting and removing a urinary catheter
  • providing diet
  • Implementing wound or bladder irrigations

A nurse performs as part of collaborative or interdependent interventions that involve team members across disciplines.

  • In some cases, such as post- surgery , the patient’s recovery plan may require prescription medication from a physician, feeding assistance from a nurse, and treatment by a physical therapist or occupational therapist.
  • The physician may prescribe a specific diet to a patient. The nurse includes diet counseling in the patient care plan. To aid the patient, even more, the nurse enlists the help of the dietician that is available in the facility.

Delegate specific nursing interventions to other members of the nursing team as appropriate. Consider the capabilities and limitations of the members of the nursing team and supervise the performance of the nursing interventions. Deciding whether delegation is indicated is another activity that arises during the nursing process.

The American Nurses Association and the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (2006) define delegation as “the process for a nurse to direct another person to perform nursing tasks and activities.” It generally concerns the appointment of the performance of activities or tasks associated with patient care to unlicensed assistive personnel while retaining accountability for the outcome.

Nevertheless, registered nurses cannot delegate responsibilities related to making nursing judgments. Examples of nursing activities that cannot be delegated to unlicensed assistive personnel include assessment and evaluation of the impact of interventions on care provided to the patient.

Record what has been done as well as the patient’s responses to nursing interventions precisely and concisely.

5. Evaluation: “Did the plan work?”

Evaluating is the fifth step of the nursing process. This final phase of the nursing process is vital to a positive patient outcome. Once all nursing intervention actions have taken place, the team now learns what works and what doesn’t by evaluating what was done beforehand. Whenever a healthcare provider intervenes or implements care, they must reassess or evaluate to ensure the desired outcome has been met. The possible patient outcomes are generally explained under three terms: the patient’s condition improved, the patient’s condition stabilized, and the patient’s condition worsened.

Steps in Evaluation

Nursing evaluation includes (1) collecting data, (2) comparing collected data with desired outcomes, (3) analyzing client’s response relating to nursing activities, (4) identifying factors that contributed to the success or failure of the care plan, (5) continuing, modifying, or terminating the nursing care plan , and (6) planning for future nursing care.

The nurse recollects data so that conclusions can be drawn about whether goals have been fulfilled. It is usually vital to collect both objective and subjective data. Data must be documented concisely and accurately to facilitate the next part of the evaluating process.

The documented goals and objectives of the nursing care plan become the standards or criteria by which to measure the client’s progress whether the desired outcome has been met, partially met, or not met.

  • The goal was met , when the client response is the same as the desired outcome.
  • The goal was partially met , when either a short-term outcome was achieved but the long-term goal was not, or the desired goal was incompletely attained.
  • The goal was not met.

It is also very important to determine whether the nursing activities had any relation to the outcomes whether it was successfully accomplished or not.

It is required to collect more data to confirm if the plan was successful or a failure. Different factors may contribute to the achievement of goals. For example, the client’s family may or may not be supportive, or the client may be uncooperative to perform such activities. 

The nursing process is dynamic and cyclical. If goals were not sufficed, the nursing process begins again from the first step. Reassessment and modification may continually be needed to keep them current and relevant depending upon general patient condition. The plan of care may be adjusted based on new assessment data. Problems may arise or change accordingly. As clients complete their goals, new goals are set. If goals remain unmet, nurses must evaluate the reasons these goals are not being achieved and recommend revisions to the nursing care plan .

Discharge planning is the process of transitioning a patient from one level of care to the next. Discharge plans are individualized instructions provided as the client is prepared for continued care outside the healthcare facility or for independent living at home. The main purpose of a discharge plan is to improve the client’s quality of life by ensuring continuity of care together with the client’s family or other healthcare workers providing continuing care.

The following are the key elements of IDEAL discharge planning according to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality:

  • I nclude the patient and family as full partners in the discharge planning process.
  • Describe what life at home will be like
  • Review medications
  • Highlight warning signs and problems
  • Explain test results
  • Schedule follow-up appointments
  • E ducate the patient and family in plain language about the patient’s condition, the discharge process, and next steps throughout the hospital stay.
  • A ssess how well doctors and nurses explain the diagnosis, condition, and next steps in the patient’s care to the patient and family and use teach back.
  • L isten to and honor the patient’s and family’s goals, preferences, observations, and concerns. 

A discharge plan includes specific components of client teaching with documentation such as:

  • Equipment needed at home. Coordinate home-based care and special equipment needed.
  • Dietary needs or special diet . Discuss what the patient can or cannot eat at home.
  • Medications to be taken at home. List the patient’s medications and discuss the purpose of each medicine, how much to take, how to take it, and potential side effects.
  • Resources such as contact numbers and addresses of important people. Write down the name and contact information of someone to call if there is a problem.
  • Emergency response: Danger signs. Identify and educate patients and families about warning signs or potential problems.
  • Home care activities. Educate patient on what activities to do or avoid at home.
  • Summary. Discuss with the patient and family about the patient’s condition, the discharge process, and follow-up checkups.

39 thoughts on “The Nursing Process: A Comprehensive Guide”

This article is helpful

So helpful And easy to understand A very good guide for nurses

I’m a clinical instructor teaching Fundamentals this semester. The article will be very helpful to give an in-depth explanation of “The Nursing Process” to students. Thank you.

Very detailed and easy to understand. Thx

Am a student I find it very educative

This is so helpful

Excellent information that is clearly outlined and user friendly.

This is so wonderful thank you

So helpful thank you

this is very helpful thank you

Helpful. So grateful

Is the nursing process the same as “critical thinking”?

Great information! Thanks!

This is very helpful. Thank you

Great explanation, in the understanding of Nursing process

Very Helpful to students, thank you for sharing

Excellent job. A great help to all nursing students. Thank you for sharing. God bless you.

Hi Joycelyn, Thank you so much for your kind words! It’s really rewarding to hear that it’s helping nursing students out there. We’re all about sharing knowledge and making things a bit easier. 😊 If there’s anything else you’d like to see or know, just let me know. And blessings right back at you!

Thank you so much…It’s a very comprehensive reference.

You’re very welcome, A.C! I’m glad you found the nursing process reference comprehensive and useful. Just out of curiosity, is there a particular step in the nursing process you’d like to explore more deeply, or do you have any specific areas where you’d like more detailed information?

I am a nursing student and I see this as a helpful tool, very detailed and easy to understand thanks for sharing

Hi Mawuli, I’m delighted to know that you’re finding our resources helpful! If you have any specific questions or if there’s a particular topic you’d like more information on, please feel free to ask. I’m here to assist you with any nursing-related inquiries you may have. Keep up the great work in your studies! 🩺📚🌟

Keep updating me about Nursing pdfs. You guys are really good at your work!!

Hey Mokete, Thank you so much for the kind words! We’re thrilled to hear that you’re finding our nursing resources helpful. We’ll do our best to keep you updated with more valuable nursing PDFs and information. If there’s anything specific you’d like to see or if you have any questions, feel free to let us know. Keep up the great work in your nursing journey! 👩‍⚕️📚🌟

Thanks it really helps alot

Glad to be of help! Thank you!

This guideline very useful for Nurses building their competency and practice quality of care of Nursing to use as reference please allow to download free especially to Nurses who live in developing countries since it is not affordable to buy it

You can download the articles by printing them as PDF :) You can use a service called printfriendly (google it) to make PDFs of our webpages.

Excellent work done I’m very happy to see this stuffs

Thank you so much…It’s a very comprehensive reference. God bless you

Hello Theophilus, You’re very welcome, and thank you for the blessings! 😊 I’m glad you found the reference on the nursing process comprehensive. Just out of curiosity, is there a particular part of the nursing process you’re most interested in, or any aspect you’d like to explore more deeply?

God bless you too, and if you have any more questions, feel free to ask!

Very helpful information. Thank you.

Thank you so much, Alisa. If you need more information or help regarding this, let us know.

You’re doing a great job here. Please can you do it in such a way for us to download it as a pdf?

Hi Millicent, Thank you so much for the kind words! 😊 I’m really glad you’re finding the site useful.

Regarding your request to download content as a PDF, a neat trick you can use is the “print” function in your web browser. Here’s how you can do it:

Open the page you want to save as a PDF. -Go to the “File” menu in your browser and select “Print,” or simply press Ctrl+P (Cmd+P on Mac). -In the print window, look for a destination option and select “Save as PDF” or something similar. -Adjust any settings as needed, then click “Save” or “Print,” and choose where you want to save the file on your computer.

This way, you can turn any page into a PDF for your personal use. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Always here to help!

Very helpful Thank you

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28.2 Developing Critical Thinking Skills

Learning objectives.

By the end of this section, you will be able to:

  • Analyze the types of thinking used in nursing
  • Recognize when to use the different types of thinking in nursing
  • Explore the application of knowledge to thinking in nursing
  • Appy Critical Thinking Indicators (CTIs) to decision making

Thinking is something we usually do subconsciously, because we are not usually “thinking about thinking.” However, with the ever-increasing autonomy being afforded to nurses, there is also an increased need for nurses to be able to critically think effectively and intentionally. Being able to critically think helps nurses’ problem solve, generate solutions, and make sound clinical judgments that affect the lives of their patients. Keep reading to learn more about how nurses use critical thinking in practice and how you can develop your own critical thinking skills.

Types of Thinking Used in Nursing

Nurses make decisions while providing patient care by using critical thinking and clinical reasoning. In nursing, critical thinking is a broad term that includes reasoning about clinical issues such as teamwork, collaboration, and streamlining workflow.” On the other hand, clinical reasoning is defined as a complex cognitive process that uses formal and informal thinking strategies to gather and analyze patient information, evaluate the significance of this information, and weigh alternative actions. Each of these types of thinking is described in more detail in the following sections.

Cognitive Thinking

The term cognitive thinking refers to the mental processes and abilities a nurse uses to interpret, analyze, and evaluate information in their practice. Basically, it encompasses how nurses think about the practice decisions they are making. Cognitive thinking and critical thinking go hand in hand because nurses must be able to use their knowledge and mental processes to devise solutions and actions when caring for patients. Using critical thinking means that nurses take extra steps to maintain patient safety and do not just follow orders. It also means the accuracy of patient information is validated and plans for caring for patients are based on their needs, current clinical practice, and research. Critical thinkers possess certain attitudes that foster rational thinking:

  • confidence: believing in yourself to complete a task or activity
  • curiosity: asking “why” and wanting to know more
  • fair-mindedness: treating every viewpoint in an unbiased, unprejudiced way
  • independence of thought: thinking on your own
  • insight into egocentricity and sociocentricity: thinking of the greater good and not just thinking of yourself. Knowing when you are thinking of yourself (egocentricity) and when you are thinking or acting for the greater good (sociocentricity)
  • integrity: being honest and demonstrating strong moral principles
  • intellectual humility: recognizing your intellectual limitations and abilities
  • interest in exploring thoughts and feelings: wanting to explore different ways of knowing
  • nonjudgmental: using professional ethical standards and not basing your judgments on your own personal or moral standards
  • perseverance: persisting in doing something despite it being difficult

Cognitive thinking is significant to nursing because it provides a foundation on which nurses can make rapid and accurate decisions in clinical practice. Nurses must be able to think quickly and make informed decisions to promote optimal patient outcomes.

Effective Thinking

To make sound judgments about patient care, nurses must generate alternatives, weigh them against the evidence, and choose the best course of action. The ability to clinically reason develops over time and is based on knowledge and experience. Inductive and deductive reasoning are important critical thinking skills. They help the nurse use clinical judgment when implementing the nursing process. Effective thinking in nursing involves the integration of clinical knowledge and critical thinking to make the best decisions for patients. For example, if a nurse was caring for a patient who presents with hypertension and new-onset left-sided weakness, it is important that the nurse be able to quickly consider potential causes for the weakness and implement immediate stroke protocols. Without the ability to critically think, the nurse may overlook the weakness as being unrelated to the hypertension and not consider the possibility of stroke, leading to a poor patient outcome. Thus, it is imperative that nurses develop effective thinking skills.

Inductive Reasoning

The term inductive reasoning involves noticing cues, making generalizations, and creating hypotheses. Cues are data that fall outside of expected findings and give the nurse a hint or indication of a patient’s potential problem or condition. The nurse organizes these cues into patterns and creates a generalization. A generalization is a judgment formed on the basis of a set of facts, cues, and observations and is similar to gathering pieces of a jigsaw puzzle into patterns until the whole picture becomes clearer. On the basis of generalizations created from patterns of data, the nurse creates a hypothesis regarding a patient problem. Remember, a hypothesis is a proposed explanation for a situation. It attempts to explain the “why” behind the problem that is occurring. If a “why” is identified, then a solution can begin to be explored. No one can draw conclusions without first noticing cues. Paying close attention to a patient, the environment, and interactions with family members is critical for inductive reasoning. As you work to improve your inductive reasoning, begin by first noticing details about the things around you. Be mindful of your five primary senses: the things that you hear, feel, smell, taste, and see. Nurses need strong inductive reasoning patterns and be able to act quickly, especially in emergency situations. They can see how certain objects or events form a pattern (or a generalization) that indicates a common problem.

Consider this example: A nurse assesses a patient who has undergone surgery and finds the surgical incision site is red, warm, and tender to the touch. The nurse recognizes these cues form a pattern of signs of infection and creates a hypothesis that the incision has become infected. The provider is notified of the patient’s change in condition, and a new prescription is received for an antibiotic. This is an example of the use of inductive reasoning in nursing practice.

Deductive Reasoning

Another type of critical thinking is deductive reasoning ; it is referred to as “top-down thinking.” Deductive reasoning relies on using a general standard or rule to create a strategy. Nurses use standards set by their state’s Nurse Practice Act, federal regulations, the American Nursing Association, professional organizations, and their employer to make decisions about patient care and solve problems.

Think about this example: On the basis of research findings, hospital leaders determine patients recover more quickly if they receive adequate rest. The hospital creates a policy for quiet zones at night by initiating no overhead paging, promoting low-speaking voices by staff, and reducing lighting in the hallways. The nurse further implements this policy by organizing care for patients that promotes periods of uninterrupted rest at night. This is an example of deductive thinking, because the intervention is applied to all patients regardless of whether they have difficulty sleeping or not.

Identify the Purpose of Thinking

Rationalizing the purpose of thinking is probably not something you do often, but it is the foundational first step in critical thinking. To effectively use critical thinking in practice, the nurse must first identify the purpose of thinking. For example, the nurse is caring for a patient who presents with fever, tachycardia, and shortness of breath. The patient also has an open, infected wound on the left foot that is not healing. The nurse must recognize that the patient is exhibiting signs and symptoms that may be indicative of an underlying problem. At this point, the nurse must be able to identify that the purpose of thinking with regard to the patient is to consider what might be happening with the patient and formulate a plan of care. This begins the process of critical thinking, which involves several steps: thinking ahead, thinking in action, and reflection on thinking.

Thinking Ahead

Thinking ahead in nursing involves considering what may be going on with the patient to anticipate potential outcomes and complications that may arise. Remember competent nurses are proactive versus reactive. Reactive nursing is letting situations arise and then responding to the change, but proactive nursing is recognizing cues behaviors and patterns that are leading up to a complicated event. Additionally, the nurse will formulate goals of care and must try to anticipate specific needs the patient will have. Considering the patient discussed in the preceding paragraph, the nurse should begin the process of thinking ahead about potential outcomes and complications. The nurse may hypothesize that the patient is starting to develop sepsis from the open wound on the foot so severe sepsis and/or septic shock could be a complication to begin preparing for. The nurse thinks ahead about goals of care for the patient and determines that wound care to prevent infection spread and sepsis is the priority goal at this time.

Thinking in Action

Thinking in action encompasses the thought processes occurring while the nurse is performing interventions. So, if the nurse in our example begins performing wound care, they are thinking about the best dressing to use, how to clean the wound, and if antibiotics should be considered. All of these thoughts are likely occurring as the nurse is providing the care; thus, they are examples of how the nurse is using thinking in action.

Reflection on Thinking

After performing interventions or making decisions, the nurse should reflect on the thinking that occurred. The nurse will use this thinking process to determine if the decision was reactive or responsive. Reactive decision-making involves responding to situations after they have occurred, often in a hurried or unplanned manner. These decisions tend to be impulsive and are driven by immediate needs or crises. Responsive decisions, on the other hand, involve careful deliberation about how to address a situation based on careful consideration of information. In our example, the nurse’s decision appears to have been responsive. The patient was exhibiting some altered vital signs, but nothing indicated that the situation had become emergent yet. The nurse was able to think carefully about the patient’s situation and determine that wound care was the highest priority and begin to implement care in a calm, deliberate manner. In an ideal world, all nursing decisions would be responsive, but in a lot of cases, they must be reactive because of situation severity and medical emergencies.

Application of Knowledge

During the outset of the critical thinking process, nurses must judge whether their knowledge is accurate, complete, factual, timely, and relevant. This can be done by applying knowledge to nursing practice in a multitude of ways, including drawing from past education and experience in nursing and using professional resources and standards. Each of these is discussed in more detail in the following sections.

Knowledge Base

Becoming a nurse requires years of schooling, which contributes to the development of a robust knowledge base. Nurses receive formal education and training that provides them foundational knowledge in anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, and patient care techniques, among many others. Additionally, nurses are required to complete continuing education courses specific to their chosen practice setting, further developing their knowledge base. When applying knowledge in practice, nurses can draw from their knowledge base and make informed decisions about patient care.

Experience in Nursing

Nursing is considered a practice. Nursing practice means we learn from our mistakes and our past experiences and apply this knowledge to our next patient or to the next population we serve. As nurses gain more experience, they can use what they have learned in practice and apply it to new patient situations. Each new encounter with a patient presents unique challenge and learning opportunities that contribute to the development of clinical expertise. Reflecting on these experiences allows nurses to recognize patterns, anticipate patient outcomes, and refine their decision-making processes. Whether they are identifying effective nursing interventions for common conditions, adapting care plans to individual patient needs, or navigating complex situations with compassion, nurses draw upon their accumulated knowledge base from clinical experience to provide high-quality, patient-centered care. Through reflection and continuous learning from past experiences, nurses enhance their clinical skills, ultimately improving patient outcomes.

Professional Resources and Standards

In addition to foundational knowledge bases and experience, nurses can also use professional resources and standards to gain and apply knowledge in practice. Nurses can refer to clinical practice guidelines that have been established by professional organizations and healthcare institutions to help provide a framework for implementing nursing interventions based on the best evidence. By following the guidelines, nurses are ensuring that their care aligns with established standards and promotes optimal patient outcomes. Additionally, nurses should remain up to date about new and emerging research in their practice area, which can be obtained by reading professional journals and publications and attending conferences, workshops, and other trainings. Nurses can use the information learned from these resources to influence practice and ensure the highest standards of care are being performed in their practice setting. By staying informed about the latest developments in nursing and health care, nurses enhance their knowledge base and can adapt their practice to incorporate new evidence and innovations. Along with professional development and staying current with professional practices, nursing students should actively seek and join professional organizations such as critical care nursing or oncology nursing societies because this will lead the student to become expert in that subject and stay relevant with current evidence and practice guidelines.

Clinical Safety and Procedures (QSEN)

Qsen competency: evidence-based practice.

Definition: Providing quality patient care based on up-to-date, theory-derived research and knowledge, rather than personal beliefs, advice, or traditional methods.

Knowledge: The nurse will describe how the strength and relevance of available evidence influences the choice of intervention in provision of patient-centered care.

Skill: The nurse will:

  • subscribe to professional journals that produce original research and evidence-based reports related to their specific area of practice
  • become familiar with current evidence-based clinical practice topics and guidelines
  • assist in creating a work environment that welcomes new evidence into standards of practice
  • question the rational for traditional methods of care that result in sub-par outcomes or adverse events

Attitude: The nurse will appreciate the importance of regularly reading relevant professional journals.

Critique of Decision

After determining the best course of action based on the application of knowledge, the nurse can critique the decisions that were made. Specifically, the nurse will use self-reflection to review their actions and thoughts that led them to the decision. The nurse will consider the outcomes of their chosen interventions, reflect on the effectiveness of their approach, and identify areas of improvement. Additionally, the nurse may seek feedback from colleagues to obtain different perspectives about decisions made. Soliciting input from others helps the nurse gain insight and learn from their peers to further inform their future practice. Reflection questions that the nurse may ask themselves to critique their decision include the following:

  • Was the patient goal or outcome met?
  • Could the intervention have been done differently? Could it have been done better?
  • What are alternative decisions that could have been made? What are the merits of each?

Critical Thinking Indicators

Certain behaviors that demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that promote critical thinking are called critical thinking indicators (CTIs) . Critical thinking indicators are tangible actions that are performed to assess and improve your thinking skills.

4-Circle CT Model

There are many models and frameworks within nursing and other disciplines that attempt to explain the process of critical thinking. One of the most popular is Alfaro-LeFevre’s 4-Circle CT Model (Alfaro-LeFevre, 2016). This model breaks critical thinking into four components: personal characteristics, intellectual and cognitive abilities, interpersonal abilities and self-management, and technical skills. These four components overlap, forming interconnections in critical thinking.

Link to Learning

Learn more here about the 4-Circle CT Model and see an illustration of it.

Personal Critical Thinking Indicators

Personal CTIs are behaviors that are indicative of critical thinkers. Some of these behaviors that are most relevant to nursing include:

  • confidence and resilience: showing ability to reason and learn and overcoming problems
  • curiosity and inquisitiveness: asking questions and looking for the “why” behind things
  • effective communication: listening well, showing understanding for others thoughts and feelings, and speaking and writing with clarity
  • flexibility: changing approaches as needed to obtain the best results
  • honesty: looking for the truth and demonstrating integrity while adhering to moral and ethical standards
  • self-awareness: being able to identify one’s own knowledge gaps and acknowledge when thinking may be negatively influenced by emotions or self-interests.

Personal Knowledge and Intellectual Skills

Personal knowledge and intellectual skills encompass the knowledge gained from nursing school and clinical experiences. Examples of each of these kinds of skills are listed in Table 28.3 .

Personal Knowledge Intellectual Skills

Interpersonal and Self-Management Skills

Interpersonal and self-management skills encompass the knowledge and skills needed for effective collaboration. These include:

  • addressing conflicts fairly
  • advocating for patients, self, and others
  • dealing with complaints constructively
  • establishing empowered partnerships
  • facilitating and navigating change
  • fostering positive interpersonal relationships and promoting teamwork
  • giving and taking constructive criticism
  • leading, motivating, and managing others
  • managing stress, time, and energy
  • promoting a learning and safety culture
  • upholding healthy workplace standards
  • using skilled communication in high-stake situations

Technical Skills

Technical skills in nursing refer to the practical abilities and competencies that nurses use in the delivery of patient care. These skills are typically learned through education, training, and hands-on experience. Some common technical skills in nursing include:

  • administering medications
  • assisting with personal hygiene and activities of daily living
  • documentation and charting
  • inserting intravenous catheters
  • inserting urinary catheters and nasogastric tubes
  • performing tracheostomy care
  • performing wound care
  • taking vital signs

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  • Authors: Christy Bowen
  • Publisher/website: OpenStax
  • Book title: Clinical Nursing Skills
  • Publication date: Jun 26, 2024
  • Location: Houston, Texas
  • Book URL: https://openstax.org/books/clinical-nursing-skills/pages/1-introduction
  • Section URL: https://openstax.org/books/clinical-nursing-skills/pages/28-2-developing-critical-thinking-skills

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The 5 Nursing Process Steps – (Learn Each Step in Detail)

how critical thinking is used in the nursing process

One of the most important tools a nurse can use in practice is the nursing process. Although nursing schools teach first-year students about the nursing process, some nurses fail to grasp the impact its proper use can have on patient care. In this article, I will share information about the nursing process, its history, its purpose, its main characteristics, and the 5 steps involved in carrying out the nursing process. After reading this article, you will be able to answer the question, “what is the nursing process” and understand what is involved in each of the 5 steps of the nursing process. Additionally, throughout this article, after discussing a step of the nursing process, I will share an example of how the nurse would proceed with that step. For this article’s purposes, we will use information about the following patient: Mr. Collie, a fifty-four-year-old white male being admitted to the Medical-Surgical floor for acute congestive heart failure.

What is the Nursing Process in Simple Words?

When was the nursing process developed, who developed the nursing process, what is the purpose of the nursing process, what are the 7 main characteristics of the nursing process, 1. within the legal scope of practice, 2. based on sound knowledge, 4. client-centered, 5. goal-directed, 6. prioritized, 7. dynamic and cyclical, how many steps are there in the nursing process, what are the 5 steps of the nursing process, step #1: assessment phase.

The first phase of the nursing process is the assessment phase. In this phase, the nurse collects and organizes data related to the patient. Data includes information about the patient, family, caregivers, or the patient's community or environment as it is relevant to his health and well-being.
All phases of the nursing process are essential. The following are a few reasons why the assessment phase is important for nurses to provide care.

In the assessment phase of the nursing process steps, the nurse gathers all pertinent information that will be used to establish a care plan.
Every other step of the nursing process builds upon the previous. Without a thorough assessment, the other steps of nursing care may be negatively impacted, resulting in unfavorable outcomes.
When assessments are performed correctly, they help reduce risks to patient safety which could occur when symptoms or other factors are not considered.
The assessment phase of the nursing process involves gathering information about the patient which is used to guide planning care, setting goals for recovery, and evaluating patient progress. Nurses can obtain information about the patient by implementing the following objectives.

The patient is the nurse’s main source of information. Therefore, it is essential to establish rapport with them as soon as possible.

with the patient's family or caregivers when appropriate. Family members, friends, or other caregivers often offer insight into what is going on with the patient. It is important for nurses to listen to the patient’s support people and gather any information available.

When the patient feels comfortable, it makes it easier to get the necessary information that will be used to establish a plan of care. The patient interview is one of the main sources of information used to plan patient care.

Any information that is measurable or observable such as vital signs and test results is considered objective data.

Subjective data is information gathered from the patient.
Assessments are vital to the nursing process. The information gathered in the assessment phase impacts every component of patient care. Nurses must demonstrate excellent verbal and written communication skills, strong attention to detail, and possess an in-depth understanding of body systems. The most frequently used clinical skills for patient assessment are inspection, percussion, palpation, and auscultation.
The assessment phase is a critical component of the nursing process. Information gathered in this phase is used to establish a foundation upon which all patient care moving forward is established. Remember, it is normal for patients to feel nervous or fearful when they are sick and in an unfamiliar place, like a hospital. Therefore, the nurse needs to establish an environment conducive to patient comfort.

The assessment may include but is not limited to, the following aspects: environmental, physical, cultural, psychological, safety, and psychosocial assessments.

The following is a guideline of what should happen during the assessment phase.

During the assessment phase, the nurse collects objective and subjective data using proven methods to assess the patient. The most common methods for collecting data are the patient interview, physical examination, and observation.

The patient interview is a deliberate or intended communication or conversation with the patient. It is used to obtain information, identify problems that concern the patient and/or the nurse, evaluate changes, provide support, and educate the patient and family/caregivers.

The nurse will also conduct a head-to-toe nursing assessment addressing each body system and noting any abnormalities, complaints, or concerns. Observation requires the nurse to use all their senses (sight, touch, smell, hearing) to learn about the patient.

After collecting data, the nurse must organize and validate data and document about the patient's health status. Validation is the process of verifying data to be sure it is factual and accurate. Nurses must be careful to not come to conclusions without adequate data to support their conclusion.

It is also necessary to understand the difference between inferences and cues. Cues are signals the patient uses to alert the nurse about a concern or question or objective data the nurse can observe or measure. Inferences are the nurse's conclusion or interpretation based on cues.

For example, the patient may complain about a painful incision two days post-operatively, and the nurse may observe the incision site is red and feels hot. These are cues. The nurse then makes an inference that the operative incision is infected.

After data from the assessment is collected, organized, and validated, it must be recorded. One thing I always tell nursing students and cannot stress enough to any nurse is, "If you didn't document it, you didn't do it." While that may seem harsh, from a legal standpoint, if a nurse is asked to verify care or treatment and there is no supporting documentation, there is no way to prove the care occurred.

Thorough documentation is one of the best ways for everyone involved in patient care to be aware of changes in the patient's status, and it helps promote effective collaboration within the interdisciplinary team.
While all the nursing process steps are essential, without a thorough assessment, the other steps of the nursing process are not as easy to follow through. Nurses must recognize barriers that could impede the assessment phase and find ways to overcome them. The following are five common challenges you may face during the assessment phase and some suggestions on how to overcome them.

Limited Time There are days when nurses feel as though there aren’t enough hours to accomplish all the work that needs to be done. When you are short-staffed or have several patients waiting for a nursing assessment before you can initiate care, it can feel a bit overwhelming.

Even on the busiest of days, it is important for nurses to perform thorough nursing assessments for all patients assigned to them. That means it is necessary to learn to manage time efficiently. The first step in overcoming limited time is to be familiar with the format or forms your employer uses to record assessments.

For example, the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act of 2009 advanced the adoption and use of electronic health records. Nearly one hundred percent of hospitals use some type of EHR. Electronic health records have helped improve workflow by eliminating time spent pulling physical charts or documenting in paper charts.

Interruptions It is not uncommon for interruptions to occur when nurses are performing assessments. While some interruptions may be necessary, all are not. Interruptions during patient assessments can delay care and could result in errors or omissions.

The best way to overcome the challenge of interruptions during the assessment step of the nursing process is to provide for privacy before you begin the assessment.

Whether you are working in triage, assessing a patient newly admitted to your floor, or in a busy emergency room, it is possible to reduce interruption. Pull the privacy curtain closed if you are in an area with more than one patient or several staff close by. Some facilities use "Do Not Disturb" or "Room in Use" signs to provide privacy for nurses and patients.

Inexperience Every nurse knows the importance of a good nursing assessment. Newly graduated nurses are less experienced than other nurses and may feel uneasy about performing a nursing assessment alone. Additionally, if your facility changes its documentation format or implements a new program for charting, and you've not yet used the program, your inexperience could pose a challenge when doing an assessment.

The only way to overcome inexperience is to become experienced. Nursing assessments are typically classified as either a Complete Health Assessment or a Problem-Focused Assessment. Know which type of assessment you need to perform.

Gather basic equipment: gloves, thermometer, blood pressure cuff, stethoscope, penlight, and watch. Establish a sense of trust and respect between the patient and yourself.

No matter which type of assessment you perform, it should be systematic, making sure you cover each body system. If you assess each body system and make notes about what is normal/abnormal, you decrease the chances of omissions in documentation. Remember, take your time, trust your instincts, and if you need help, ask for it.

Patient Anxiety Patient anxiety can create a significant challenge for nurses during a patient assessment. Anxiety can hinder communication making it difficult to gather all the necessary data. If anxiety is bad enough, it can cause changes in vital signs, which could be misinterpreted as something more than an anxious reaction.

Before beginning an assessment, take the time to make your patient comfortable. While you may not have time for a long conversation or "get to know you" session, you can ease your patient's anxiety by being calm and friendly.

Some questions may make patients feel uncomfortable, especially teenagers. Allow them time to answer your questions without feeling rushed. Verify their understanding by asking if they can explain what you've discussed in their own words.

Remember, everyone gets nervous or anxious at times, and when we are sick, it can be worse. It's nothing personal against you or your skills. Make everything about the patient.

Patients Not Being Forthcoming About Symptoms Whether it is fear of the unknown, embarrassment, or another reason, there are times when patients may be apprehensive about sharing personal information.

Lack of information or omission of details that the patient may think is irrelevant may negatively impact the process of care planning. Therefore, while it is easy to understand a patient's apprehension, it is crucial for nurses to gather as much information as possible when performing a nursing assessment.

It can be easy to feel frustrated if a patient is not forthcoming about symptoms during an assessment. Keep in mind, being sick and needing medical care can be frightening.

The best way to get patients to talk to you is to be accepting of them, no matter what. Be sure to tell your patient you are there for them and will work with them to help them get better. When you say things like you will "work with them," it lets your patient know you are going to do your part, but you expect them to do theirs as well.

If you feel like your patient is withholding information, instead of making an accusation, try to rephrase the question. Make your questions clear so the patient knows what information you need.
The format for recording nursing assessment data may vary from one facility to another. However, the information gathered for the assessment is relatively similar. The following are examples of content the nurse should include in the initial nursing assessment phase of the nursing process.

04/19/22 13.30
J. Mock, LPN
54 yrs. 2 mos. M 6’2” 268lbs 4oz
Dr. Michael Coulvan

CHF, acute
Temp 98.8, Resp. 20, Pulse 76, BP 136/80

NKDA, no food allergies

Jerold R. Collie
123 Blakely Lane, Clayton, MO. 1234
(318) 555-1234

Alert & Oriented x3; PERRLA, Unaided hearing; Bilateral hand grips equal; Bilateral foot push equal; no evidence of tremors; denies tingling, burning, loss of consciousness, hallucinations, disorientation, visual disturbances, or hx/o brain injury or stroke.

Pulses present, regular, and strong: x2 upper extremities (Radial); present X2 lower extremities (Pedal); heart rate regular, strong; capillary refill <3 second upper and lower extremities

Respirations even, labored; Dyspnea on exertion; Lungs: Bilateral rales in lung bases; Cough: Nonproductive; Oxygen: 2L per NC

Reports 10 lb weight gain in last two weeks. Continent of bowel; Last BM 4/19/22; Laxatives: No, Enemas: No; Hx of Constipation: No

Continent of bladder; Uses urinal prn; urinal emptied of approximately 200 cc clear, amber urine

Skin is pink, warm, and dry; Mucous membranes pink and moist

Reports pain and stiffness in joints of hands mostly in the a.m.; denies history of gout, arthritis, bursitis, or fractures; Negative paralysis; Negative contractures, No congenital anomalies; No prosthetic devices; Able to carry out most ADLs with minimal assist but may require periods of rest r/t dyspnea with exertion; Uses walker for ambulation.

Headache Constant, throbbing 5

Full weight-bearing; Ambulatory with 1 person assist; Client uses walker occasionally; No supportive devices

Client is alert, friendly, and answers questions readily; Comprehension: rapid.

Divorced; Client lives alone in his own home; Has two adult children who live nearby and visit frequently; Client reports he has several close friends who call or visit often.

History of hypertension; Denies any other medical issues prior to this admission.

Client reports previous substance abuse, methamphetamine was his drug of choice. Client states he has been substance and alcohol-free for three years.

Paternal hx/o CHF, HTN, and Lung Ca. Maternal hx/o DM, and HTN.

*In addition to the information the nurse will gather during her assessment, the assessment phase of the nursing process includes gathering objective data such as copies of laboratory or diagnostic testing. If the facility uses electronic health records, as most do, this information will probably already be uploaded to the patient’s electronic chart. It is, however, the nurse’s responsibility to gather and verify all data is available.
The assessment phase of the nursing process lays the foundation upon which all other nursing process steps build. The information gathered during the nursing assessment tells the nurse about the patient’s history, current complaints, medications, and any other pertinent information that may impact care planning. Without a thorough, proper patient assessment, it is impossible to develop a patient-specific care plan.

Nurses collect data during the assessment phase by communicating with the patient, spouse, and caregivers, reading patient records, nursing observation, and collecting measurable data such as vital signs.

Subjective data is any information the nurse collects through communication. A few examples of subjective data include the reason for the patient’s visit to the doctor, patient or family medical history, medications the patient is taking, and any symptoms such as chills, aches, or pain.

Objective data is any measurable information obtained from sources other than the patient. For example, the patient’s height, weight, vital signs, and laboratory or diagnostic test results are objective data collected during a patient assessment.

Nurses collect verbal data by talking to patients, their family members (when appropriate), and other members of the healthcare team. Subjective matter is usually often the result of verbal communication during the patient interview.

Nonverbal data is collected during the assessment phase of the nursing process by observing the patient's body language, reading patient charts, or medical test results. For example, the patient may not offer a verbal report of pain, but the nurse may observe him clutching or guarding his side, which could indicate pain.

The nurse can use the nonverbal data to form assessment questions as a way of following up with what she has observed or read.

The primary source of data collection during the nursing assessment is the patient. Other sources include family, friends, caregivers, and other members of the healthcare team. Data are also collected from laboratory or diagnostic reports, the patient’s medical records, and the nurse’s observations.

Tertiary data are data gathered from sources such as the patient's chart, lab, or x-ray reports. Nurses may also use tertiary sources such as diagnostic manuals or textbooks to verify or compare information.

Nurses can use a few methods to verify the accuracy of data collected during the assessment phase of the nursing process.

A few ways to verify data is to clarify information with the patient by asking additional questions, compare objective and subjective data to see if there are any discrepancies, recheck data by repeating the assessment, and verifying data with another nurse or healthcare team member.

One example of verifying data is to perform repeat vital sign check. For instance, if Mr. Jones has a blood pressure reading of 220/100 but has no history of hypertension, the nurse should retake his blood pressure to validate its accuracy. If the nurse feels it is necessary, they may use different equipment or ask someone else to perform the vital sign check to check for accuracy.

The primary methods nurses use to collect data are observation, patient interviews, and head-to-toe assessments.

Nurses use various tools and equipment to help gather data about patients. A few examples of tools and equipment nurses use include a stethoscope, blood pressure cuff, thermometer, pulse oximeter, and scales. You may need a glucometer and lancets to check blood sugar, as well.

Step #2: Diagnosis Phase

Diagnosis is the second phase of the nursing process. It is also designated by the American Nurses Association as the second Standard of Practice. The standard is defined by the ANA stating, "The registered nurse’s analysis of assessment data to determine actual or potential diagnoses, problems, and issues.” The nursing diagnosis reflects the nurse’s clinical judgment about a patient’s response to potential or actual health issues or needs.
Before a plan of care can be established, nurses must determine which nursing diagnosis/diagnoses apply to their patients. The following are a few reasons why the diagnosis phase of the nursing process is important.

The diagnosis phase of the nursing process helps nurses view the patient from a holistic perspective.
Using a nursing diagnosis can lead to higher quality nursing care and improved patient safety, as care is based upon the needs outlined in the diagnosis.
The diagnosis phase helps increase the nurse’s awareness and can strengthen their professional role.
In the diagnosis phase, the nurse follows a set of objectives that end with developing the nursing diagnosis/diagnoses used to establish patient care. These are the main objectives of the diagnosis phase:

The nurse must identify what problem the patient is experiencing related to the medical diagnosis.

Any situation or problem that could result because of the patient’s medical diagnosis is a risk factor for a nursing diagnosis and must be addressed.

All data gathered during the assessment phase of the nursing process must be compiled, validated, and analyzed to support an appropriate nursing diagnosis.

Nursing theories involve an organized framework of concepts and purposes that guide nursing practices. A nurse’s theory is their unique perspective about the patient’s status and measures needed to improve the patient’s outcome.

After identifying problems and risk factors, analyzing data, and developing a nursing theory, the nurse can then establish a nursing diagnosis or diagnoses which is used to establish a nursing care plan.
Nurses will utilize several skills in the diagnosis phase of the nursing process steps. Critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills are necessary to work in this phase. Nurses must also demonstrate the ability to prioritize patient needs.
The diagnosis phase of the nursing process involves three main steps: data analysis, identification of the patient’s health problems, risks, and strengths, and formation of diagnostic statements.

Data Analysis involves the nurse clustering cues, comparing patient data against standards, and identifying inconsistencies or gaps in the data.

After data analysis, the nurse will work with the client to identify actual, risk, and possible diagnoses. In this step, the nurse will determine if an identified problem classifies as a nursing diagnosis, medical diagnosis, or collaborative diagnosis/problem. It is important to involve the patient in this step whenever possible, to identify the client's resources, coping abilities, and strengths.

The last step of the diagnosis phase involves creating a nursing diagnosis. The nursing diagnosis may have up to three components: a NANDA-I approved , a which defines the cause of the diagnosis, and an as that uses patient-specific data to justify the diagnosis and diagnostic statement.
The nursing diagnosis is different from a medical diagnosis. It requires careful consideration of the patient’s individual problems, situation, and needs to develop appropriate nursing diagnoses. Here are a few examples of challenges that may occur during the diagnosis phase of the nursing process and some suggestions on how to overcome them.

Creating a Nursing Diagnosis Is Often a Complex Process Although there are resources and guidelines to help nurses develop nursing diagnoses, the process can be complex. Before nurses can create a nursing diagnosis, they must interview and assess the patient and review data, which can be time-consuming.

While you may not overcome the complexities of creating nursing diagnoses, it is possible to make the process easier.

For example, be sure to review all objective data, including baseline vitals, laboratory or diagnostic test results, and subjective data. Make sure the patient's medical history is accurate and find answers to any questions not yet answered. The more information you have to work with, the easier it becomes to develop diagnoses based on that data.

Nurses May Interpret Data Differently Some data are taken at face value, such as laboratory or diagnostic test results or vital signs, which are measurable. Subjective data is data reported by the patient. It is information given to the nurse by the patient based on the patient’s perception of what he is feeling. Despite efforts to appreciate the patient’s perception, nurses sometimes interpret data differently. When this happens, it can create a challenge when developing nursing diagnoses for the nursing care plan.

It is essential for nurses to have a clear understanding of which data is objective or subjective. Once the differences in data are realized, nurses must be careful to not rely upon only one piece of data or their own perception of data to create a nursing diagnosis. Instead, establishing nursing diagnoses should be a collaborative effort among the nursing care team. Nurses assigned to a patient’s care should discuss their perception of data and make informed decisions based on all data.

Insufficient Data to Support a Nursing Diagnosis Nurses must review all available data, including but not limited to subjective and objective findings, lab and diagnostic test results, and narrative notes from the patient interview before a nursing diagnosis can be made. If the nurse does not obtain enough data during the assessment, it will be difficult to establish appropriate nursing diagnoses.

The best way to overcome the challenge of insufficient data is to perform a thorough assessment, patient and/or family interview, and make sure all results from any tests are readily available for review.

If you have reached the diagnosis phase of the nursing process and find you do not have enough data, go back to the sources of information and gather data. You may find that you need to reassess the patient or ask additional questions.

Lack of Communication Between Nursing Staff Although patients are assigned a primary nurse, nursing is a team effort that requires collaboration. When there is a lack of communication between nursing team members, information may be inadvertently omitted from notes or reports. This failure in communication makes getting a complete view of the patient's status difficult, resulting in challenges in developing appropriate nursing diagnoses.

Nurses must be alert and responsive to patients and one another. End of shift report is an excellent way for nurses to communicate changes in a patient's status. Nurses should make notes of anything pertinent before handing off care to the next shift nurse and clearly communicate concerns about the patient's progress or lack thereof.

When the lack of communication is resolved, nurses can compare information to use when establishing nursing diagnoses, ensuring the patient gets the best care possible.

Deciding the Type of Nursing Diagnose to Use There are four main types of nursing diagnoses: Problem-focused, Risk, Health Promotion, and Syndrome.

When nurses get to the diagnosis phase of the nursing process, they must determine which type or types of diagnoses are relevant to their patients. While experienced nurses may find it easier to decide which type of diagnosis to use, new or less experienced nurses may find it challenging.

Additionally, some healthcare facilities prefer nurses to use a specific type of diagnosis, which can be frustrating, especially if the nurse feels a different type of nursing diagnosis is more appropriate.

Overcoming the challenge of choosing the right type of nursing diagnosis requires understanding when each type is most appropriate. If the nurse has sufficient data from the assessment phase, they can then identify potential diagnoses and determine which type of diagnosis to use.

The following are the four types of nursing diagnoses and examples of each.

focus on a specific problem the patient is experiencing. This type of diagnosis has three components: a nursing diagnosis, related factors or diagnosis statement, and defining characteristics or the as evidenced by statement.

For example, the patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) could have a problem-focused nursing diagnosis of "Ineffective Breathing Pattern related to decreased lung expansion as evidenced by dyspnea and ineffective cough."

identify potential problems or risks the patient may experience because of his medical diagnosis. A risk nursing diagnosis typically has two components, the diagnosis, and risk factors. The patient with COPD may have a risk diagnosis of "Risk for Ineffective Airway Clearance related to decreased lung capacity."

(a.k.a. Wellness Nursing Diagnosis) is based on the nurse's clinical judgment about the patient's desire and motivation to increase his well-being. These diagnoses focus on the client's transition from one level of wellness to a higher level of wellness.

Health promotion nursing diagnoses are usually one-part statements or include only a diagnostic statement. The COPD patient's Health Promotion Nursing Diagnosis may state "Readiness for Enhanced Wellness."

are clinical judgments related to a cluster of risk nursing diagnoses predicted to occur because of a particular event or situation. The syndrome nursing diagnosis is also written as a one-part statement. For example, the COPD patient may have a syndrome diagnosis of “Ineffective Airway Clearance, Impaired Gas Exchange, Ineffective Breathing Pattern.”
After reviewing the data collected in the assessment phase of the nursing process, the nurse determines which type of diagnosis is appropriate and moves to the planning phase. In the case of Mr. Collie, the nurse chooses a problem-focused nursing diagnosis and a risk nursing diagnosis.

• Decreased Cardiac Output r/t impaired contractility and increased preload and afterload AEB irregular heartrate of 118, fatigue, and dyspnea on exertion (Problem-focused)
• Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity r/t edema, decreased tissue perfusion, and decreased activity. (Risk)
Although they share similarities, nursing and medical diagnoses are different. The nursing diagnosis is used by a nurse to identify a patient’s actual or potential risk(s), wellness, or responses to a health problem, condition, or state. A medical diagnosis is used by physicians to determine or identify a specific condition, disease, or pathologic state.

NANDA-I stands for North American Nursing Diagnosis Association International. NANDA-I is a professional organization that researches, develops, disseminates, and refines nursing diagnosis terminology. The organization was formed as NANDA in 1982, it was renamed NANDA-I in 2002 because of its increased worldwide membership.

Each nursing diagnosis is made up of four main components: problem and its definition, etiology, risk factors, and defining characteristics.

The primary purpose of establishing a nursing diagnosis is to communicate the healthcare needs of the patient among members of the healthcare team and within the delivery system. The nursing diagnosis allows nurses to facilitate individualized care for the patient and family and strengthens the profession.

The nursing diagnosis serves as the basis for selecting nursing interventions, which have a significant impact on patient outcomes. If an accurate nursing diagnosis is not chosen, the plan of care and subsequent nursing interventions may not address the patient’s issues appropriately resulting in negative patient outcomes.

Nursing diagnoses are ranked in order of importance. Immediate life-threatening problems or issues related to survival are given the highest priority.

Nursing diagnoses focus on the patient’s response to health conditions, and patients often respond differently. Therefore, it is not uncommon for patients with the same medical diagnosis to have different nursing diagnoses.

Step #3: Planning Phase

The planning phase of the nursing process is the stage where nursing care plans that outline goals and outcomes are created. The goals and outcomes formulated during this phase directly impact patient care and are based on evidence-based nursing practices.
The planning phase of the nursing process is essential in promoting high-quality patient care. It is considered the framework upon which scientific nursing practice is based. The following are three of the top reasons why the planning phase is so important.

Care planning provides direction for personalized patient care based on the client's unique needs.
The planning phase enhances communication between patients, nurses, and other members of the healthcare team.
Planning encourages continuity of care across the healthcare continuum and promotes positive patient outcomes.
The American Nurses Association's Standards of Clinical Nursing Practice identifies planning as one of the essential principles for promoting the delivery of competent nursing care. The planning phase of the nursing process has five main objectives, all of which focus on nursing interventions to promote positive patient outcomes. The following are the main objectives of the planning phase.

The nurse reviews the nursing diagnoses and prioritizes them according to physiological and psychological importance. This step helps the nurse organize the patient’s nursing diagnoses into a format that promotes effective planning.

This objective of the planning phase of the nursing process involves setting goals related to each diagnosis. Goal setting helps to provide guidelines for nursing interventions and establishes criteria by which the care plan's effectiveness is evaluated.

Remember the acronym SMART when developing goals. SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

After goals are established, the nurse can identify expected outcomes based on each goal. Outcomes should be realistic, mutually desired by the patient and nurse, and attainable within a designated amount of time.

After goals are agreed upon and established, the nurse then implements decision-making skills to select nursing interventions that are relevant to the nursing diagnoses. Interventions are prioritized in order of planned implementation.

After priorities, goals, outcomes, and interventions are established, the nurse must document the care plan.

Documentation of the care plan includes nursing orders which communicate the interventions the nursing staff will implement for the client. Nursing orders must be well-written and should include the order date, which action will be performed, a detailed description, the time frame in which the intervention will be performed, and the nurse's signature.
Nurses utilize many of the same skills for each of the nursing process steps. In the planning phase, nurses must have strong communication skills, time management and organizational skills, and a willingness to work collaboratively with the patient and interdisciplinary team. Nurses must have strong critical thinking skills, as they must weigh the risks and consequences of each intervention.
The planning phase of the nursing process is when nurses formulate goals and outcomes that impact patient care. This step involves prioritizing patient needs, identifying expected outcomes, establishing nursing interventions, and identifying patient-centered goals.

In the planning phase, nurses identify goals and outcomes for patient care based on evidence-based practice guidelines. Once objectives of planning are met, the nurse creates a written plan of care, or care plan.

The care plan is a written guide organizing data about the patient's care into a formal statement of strategies or interventions the nurse will enact to help the patient achieve optimal outcomes.
It is normal to face challenges, no matter which phase of patient care you are involved with. The planning phase can feel a bit tricky because nurses need to be careful to develop plans considering the individuality of the patient. The following are a few examples of challenges you could phase when you begin planning patient care.

Not Knowing How to Format the Care Plan There are different formats for creating a care plan. If nurses do not know the format their facility uses, it can be easy to overlook components of the plan, which may impact the delivery of care and patient outcomes.

Not knowing how to format a care plan is probably one of the easiest challenges to overcome in the planning phase. With the implementation of electronic health records and programs that help nurses choose nursing diagnoses and interventions, creating care plans has become easier.

As a nurse creating a care plan, your job is to make sure all relevant information is included in the plan. The nursing diagnosis, interventions and expected outcomes, time frames in which outcomes should be accomplished, and a place to document evaluations should all be included.

Not Establishing Goals and Expected Outcomes Have you ever heard the saying, "Failure to plan is planning to fail"? That principle applies to everything in life, including patient care. No care plan is complete without clear goals and outcome identification. If there are no goals or an insufficient number of goals relevant to the nursing diagnoses, deciding on interventions is impossible.

The nursing care plan should always be patient-centered and individualized. Goals and outcomes should be tailored to meet each patient's needs and should be considerate of the patient's cultural beliefs and values.

Nurses use the nursing care plan as a road map that all members of the nursing team use to help the patient reach goals. It is vital that nurses establish goals that are attainable and relevant to the patient's specific needs.

In the planning phase of the nursing process, the nurse should establish short-term and long-term goals and determine the outcome associated with achieving those goals. Establishing goals and outcomes is vital to this step in the nursing process. Therefore, nurses should take the time to consider each goal and outcome carefully and discuss the plan with the patient and healthcare team.

Unrealistic Goals While it is okay to be optimistic about a patient’s ability to achieve goals, it is essential for nurses to be realistic about what their patients can or cannot do. If goals are unrealistic, patients can quickly become frustrated. Frustration often leads to noncompliance, which can negatively affect patient outcomes.

After carefully determining nursing diagnoses, the nurse must determine which goals the patient can achieve realistically. Realistic goals are specific and well-defined, measurable, achievable, relevant to the patient's status and needs, and achievable within a specific timeframe.

To overcome the challenge of unrealistic goals, identify what is essential in helping the patient achieve optimal outcomes. Discuss goals with the patient, family, care providers, and nurse manager. Once realistic goals are identified, offer support and encouragement to the patient. The nurse should continually monitor and assess the patient's progress toward meeting goals.

Limited Patient Input Although nurses can create nursing care plans independent of patient input, excluding patients from plans about their care may lead to distrust or confusion. If a patient feels he cannot communicate with nurses or his opinion is not valued, it can result in noncompliance with the care plan and negatively impact the patient’s outcome.

When patients are involved in their care, the processes of planning and implementation seem to flow easier.

Nurses can overcome the challenge of limited patient output by promoting a comfortable, trusting nurse-patient relationship which encourages patient participation. Ask the patient about their health goals and what limits they feel may affect their ability to reach goals. Offer suggestions about desired goals and expected outcomes and explain why they are relevant to the patient's health and long-term well-being.

Being Unsure of Appropriate Time Frames to Meet Expected Outcomes/Goals It is possible for nurses to create realistic goals and expected outcomes in the care plan but to set unrealistic time frames in which the patient is expected to meet those goals.

One reason this challenge occurs is nurses sometimes fail to plan care based on an individual patient’s abilities. Instead, they establish goals based on their perception of what any patient with the same diagnosis may be capable of achieving.

When working through the planning phase of the nursing process, nurses must consider patients as individuals with specific needs and abilities. The nurse should specify a time frame for achieving goals that is reasonable and that does not create undue stress or worry for the patient.

When discussing the care plan with the patient, it is important to explain each goal to the patient. Include education about why there is an anticipated time for accomplishing goals and what each person's responsibilities are to help make achieving the goals possible.
Once the nursing diagnosis or diagnoses are established, the nurse completes the planning phase of the nursing process by determining patient goals and expected outcomes and establishing which nursing interventions to initiate.

The following are goals and expected outcomes for Mr. Collie based on the nursing diagnoses of Decreased Cardiac Output and Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity.

The client will verbalize understanding of activities and lifestyle changes focused on reducing cardiac workload.
The client will demonstrate adequate cardiac output AEB vital signs within normal limits.
The client will report decreased episodes of dyspnea.

Monitor vital signs.
Palpate peripheral pulses.
Assess for signs of edema.
Monitor for signs of pallor or cyanosis.

Maintain skin integrity.
The client will verbalize understanding of techniques/behaviors to prevent skin breakdown by end of shift.

Inspect skin, noting areas of altered circulation, bony prominences, and/or signs of emaciation.
Encourage frequent position changes
Provide alternating pressure mattress, heel protectors, and elbow protectors
There are four main components of a nursing care plan: Client Assessment, including medical and diagnostic reports, Nursing Diagnosis, Desired Outcomes/Goals, Nursing Interventions with evidence-based rationale, and Evaluation.

The best way to write a nursing care plan is to include information associated with the nursing process steps.

Review all relevant data, medical history, vital signs and assessment data, physical, emotional, spiritual, ad psychosocial needs, identify areas where improvement is needed, and establish risk factors.
A nursing diagnosis is an actual or potential health problem that nurses can address without physician intervention. A few examples include risk for falls, risk for compromised skin integrity, and risk for dehydration.
Setting goals requires establishing desired outcomes and identifying measures by which the patient will achieve them. Although there may be situations where it is not possible, it is ideal to set goals with the patient when they are able.
Nursing interventions are actions taken by the nurse to help patients achieve goals and meet desired outcomes. Nursing interventions include initiating fall precautions, administering medications, and assessing the patient’s pain level.
of the plan and change or update, as needed or indicated.

The next two FAQs about the planning phase are related to setting goals. Goals are statements of purpose describing an objective to be accomplished. All goals in the nursing care plan should be client-centered and measurable.

Each goal should focus on the problem, measures to resolve the problem, and rehabilitation. The time frame given to accomplish goals in the care plan varies, depending on the setting where patient care is provided.

A tip I always share with students is, if you are not sure how to write a goal, try converting the nursing diagnosis into a positive statement of action.

A short-term goal in nursing care plans is a goal focused on demonstrating a change in behavior. Short-term goals can be completed in as little as a few minutes or up to a few days. The nurse should consider what behavior the patient can most easily exhibit or identify to show understanding of goals and attempts to achieve goals.

For example, let’s consider the following nursing diagnosis and determine a short-term goal.

Long-term goals are the desired outcome related to accomplishing one or more short-term goals for an extended period. In some cases, long-term goals can take weeks, months, or even years, to achieve.

Planning occurs in three stages: initial, ongoing, and discharge. Initial planning occurs when the nurse performing the admission assessment develops a preliminary plan of care. Ongoing planning is the process of updating the patient’s plan of care as new information is collected and evaluated. Discharge planning begins at admission and involves the anticipation of the client’s needs and plans to meet those needs after discharge from care.

When possible, the patient should be included in all phases of the nursing process. The patient is the best source of data, the person being treated, and usually the most reliable source of information used to determine the patient’s strengths, weaknesses, and likelihood of compliance with a plan of care.

Step #4: Implementation Phase

The fourth phase of the nursing process is the implementation phase. This phase is when nurses initiate the interventions established during the planning phase.
After the nursing assessment is performed, nursing diagnoses are established, and a care plan is developed, the plan must be initiated. All phases of the nursing process are essential. The following are three of the top reasons why the implementation phase is so important.

Implementation of the nursing process is significant because it involves action on the nurse's part to promote positive patient outcomes. Conversely, if the care plan is not implemented, there is a lack of nursing care, negatively impacting patient outcomes.
When the nursing care plan is implemented (implementation phase), nurses can begin to gauge patient responses to interventions.
Implementation supports continuity of care. Care begins from the first patient encounter and continues until discharge.
The implementation phase of the nursing process is an ongoing process in patient care. From the time a plan is established, the implementation process continues in a cycle which includes the five objectives below.

The nursing care plan is developed based on data from the initial nursing assessment. However, because a patient's condition can change quickly or nurses may obtain new data, ongoing assessments are necessary to validate the need for proposed interventions. Ongoing observations and assessments provide information supporting adaptations of the nursing care plan to promote improved, individualized care.

Utilizing data from initial and going assessments, the nurse then establishes priorities for implementing care. Prioritization is based upon which problems are considered most important by the nurse, patient, family/significant others, previously scheduled tests/treatments (diagnostic tests, surgery, therapy), and available resources.

Before implementing nursing interventions, the nurse must review proposed interventions and determine the skills and knowledge level required to safely and effectively implement them. For example, the nurse will consider if the patient can independently perform an activity, if a family member may assist, or if the activity requires assistance from a healthcare professional.

Although some interventions require the skills and knowledge of a registered nurse, others are less complex and may be delegated to licensed practical/vocational nurses or assistive personnel. The nurse allocates personnel resources by determining the needs of the client, the type of personnel who are available, and facility protocol for care.

After verifying priorities and determining resources, the nurse can initiate nursing interventions. Interventions are determined by the cause of the problem and often vary among patients with similar nursing diagnoses depending on expected outcomes for each patient.

When initiating nursing interventions, the patient's preference and developmental level should be considered. Additionally, nurses must review the physician's orders which may impact nursing interventions by imposing restrictions on specific factors such as the patient's allowed activity level or diet.

Nurses are legally obligated to document all interventions and any observations concerning the patient's response to those interventions. Documentation may be done on checklists, flow sheets, or in narrative form. Any verbal communication between the patient and nurse or among the healthcare team related to interventions and patient responses should be recorded, as well.
Like the other nursing process steps, the implementation phase requires broad clinical knowledge, critical thinking and analysis skills, and strong judgment.

Whether a nurse is caring for one patient, or several patients, careful planning and time management skills are essential in this phase. Nurses must have psychomotor, interpersonal, and cognitive skills as these serve as competencies through which high-quality nursing care is delivered.

Psychomotor skills are necessary to safely perform nursing activities such as handling medical equipment competently.

Interpersonal skills help nurses establish therapeutic nurse-patient relationships and promote interdisciplinary collaboration.

Cognitive skills are necessary to help the nurse understand the rationale for proposed interventions and make appropriate observations.
Implementation involves a focus on accomplishing predetermined goals and continuous progress toward achieving desired outcomes. This phase of the nursing process involves prioritizing nursing interventions, assessing patient safety during nursing interventions, delegating interventions when appropriate, and documenting all interventions performed.
Nursing interventions vary depending on the patient and the setting where care is provided. The following are examples of common challenges nurses face during the implementation phase of the nursing process and suggestions for how to overcome them.

Lack of Clinical Experience Even when goals and desired outcomes are clearly defined, inexperienced nurses may find implementing nursing interventions challenging. Inexperience may occur because the nurse is newly graduated or if a nurse is transferred to a department where they have never worked.

While the most effective way to overcome a lack of clinical experience is to work as much as you can and gain experience, patient care cannot wait for us to feel comfortable performing unfamiliar tasks.

When nurses face challenges implementing patient care because of inexperience, the best way to overcome it is to speak up and ask for help. As a nursing instructor, I always encouraged my students to ask questions about everything. The only bad question is the one you do not ask. Nurse leaders, supervisors, and administrators appreciate nurses who readily admit when they need help or guidance.

Patient Noncompliance Noncompliance is recognized by NANDA-I as a nursing diagnosis. It is defined as “the behavior of a patient or caregiver that does not correspond with the therapeutic plan agreed upon by the individual, family or guardian, and healthcare provider.” Noncompliance can negatively impact patient outcomes, reduce the patient’s quality of life, and result in increased healthcare costs.

One of the best ways to prevent or stop patient noncompliance is to involve the patient in all aspects of care planning.

Nurses should ensure the patient is educated about their illness, plans to manage the illness, and expected outcomes of therapies. Education should also include information about how noncompliance may negatively affect the patient's outcome. The patient's understanding of all education should be verified, and if the nurse is unsure the patient clearly understands, teaching should be repeated.

Psychosocial Factors Psychosocial factors can impact all aspects of patient care. For example, if there is a presence of domestic abuse or violence, the patient may be afraid to discuss important issues related to care, which could result in misunderstanding established goals.

Psychosocial factors may seem a little tricky to navigate. However, if they become a factor affecting the implementation of the nursing process steps, nurses must find a way to try and address the issues.

For instance, if the nurse suspects a patient is afraid to discuss certain issues in the presence of others, the nurse should ask for privacy while talking to the patient. By doing so, the nurse offers the patient the opportunity to speak openly without fear of retaliation by an abuser. Then the nurse can discuss options for care with the patient and how to proceed moving forward.

Nursing Care Plan Does Not Reflect Appropriate Care for the Nursing Diagnoses Every step of the nursing process builds upon the previous step. Nurses must perform a thorough assessment and collect sufficient data before making nursing diagnoses. After a nursing diagnosis is established, interventions are planned to help resolve the issue(s) the patient is experiencing. If the planned interventions do not align appropriately with the care expected for a nursing diagnosis, implementing the care plan properly cannot occur.

It is vital for nurses to handle each phase of the nursing process with deliberate care and appropriate actions. Nursing care plans should be evaluated by the nursing team to ensure that the patient’s needs are addressed, and planned interventions are relevant to the nursing diagnosis/diagnoses.

Nursing Shortage The World Health Organization estimates a shortage of more than four million nurses in the United States. No matter how well-written a nursing care plan is, if there is not enough staff to carry out the nursing interventions, the plan cannot be successfully implemented.

While it is understandable that one nurse cannot remedy the nursing shortage, there are things all nurses can do to help relieve the impact the shortage causes.
Implementation of the nursing care plan involves educating the patient and helping him achieve goals and expected outcomes. It also involves putting the planned nursing interventions into action. To implement the care plan, the nurse will establish priorities, delegate tasks to appropriate staff, initiate interventions, and document interventions and the patient’s response.

Nursing documentation should be accurate and relevant to the patient. Use appropriate nursing language and facility-approved abbreviations. In the case of Mr. Collie, the nurse's documentation may look like the following narrative.

04/19/22 @ 1430: Discussed plan of care with client and son who was present in the room, including educating about goals and expected outcomes. The client verbalizes understanding of the importance of lifestyle and activity changes to reduce cardiac workload, the need for vital signs to be within normal limits, and measures to decrease episodes of dyspnea, and safety precautions. The client also verbalizes understanding of the risk for impaired skin integrity and verbally recalls skin integrity is at risk due to "bad circulation and swelling." The client voices understanding that frequent position changes and keeping the skin clean and dry will decrease the likelihood of skin breakdown. Assessed peripheral pulses, which are present and strong bilaterally in upper and lower extremities X2, 2+ pitting edema noted in bilateral lower extremities. Skin remains intact, pink, warm, and dry, no signs of redness or pallor. Heel and elbow protectors applied. Alternating pressure mattress in place and operational. ------------D. Leonard, RN
The first step in the process of implementing a nursing care plan is to determine what, how, and when an intervention should be performed. Once you know the what, how, and when, you can determine if the task can be delegated and to whom.

The three types of interventions implemented in the nursing process are independent, dependent, and interdependent.

are actions nurses can perform on their own and do not require assistance from other team members. For example, routine tasks such as monitoring vital signs or assessing the patient's pain level are independent nursing interventions.
require instructions or input from the physician. For instance, if the patient needs a new medication, the physician must prescribe the medication and order the amount and frequency. Dependent nursing interventions are interventions the nurse may not initiate on her own.
are also known as collaborative interventions. These interventions involve all members of the interdisciplinary team. For example, if a patient had a total knee replacement, his recovery plan may include a prescription medication from the doctor, assistance with dressing from the nurse or unlicensed assistive personnel, and physical or occupational therapy by the physical therapist or occupational therapist.

While many sources use the words interchangeably, intervention and implementation are defined somewhat differently. Interventions are planned nursing activities performed on a patient's behalf. They include assessment, adherence to medication therapy, and problem-solving. Implementation is .

Strategies to prioritize patient care typically include the use of nursing diagnoses combined with Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory.

Any nursing diagnosis that suggests a risk or threat to the patient’s survival should be the nurse’s first priority. Remember your ABCs: Airway, Breathing, Circulation.

Other physiological needs necessary for survival are considered.

Psychosocial needs are then addressed.

Psychological needs including a sense of love or belonging, self-esteem, and self-actualization are prioritized last.

Medication administration is part of the implementation phase of the nursing process steps. The nursing interventions outlined in the planning phase should include information about medication administration. When the nurse initiates the action of administering the medication, she is implementing the plan of care.

All members of the nursing team have roles related to implementing the care plan. In the planning phase of the nursing process, the Registered Nurse determines which tasks may be delegated to Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurses, Nursing Assistants, or other members of the healthcare team. It is essential to remember that, even if a task is delegated, the RN in charge of the patient’s care is accountable for making sure all tasks are completed.

Step #5: Evaluation Phase

Evaluation is the final phase of the nursing process. Although evaluation is considered the last of the nursing process steps, it does not indicate an end to the nursing process. Instead, evaluation should be an ongoing process carried out in daily nursing activities that ensures quality nursing interventions and the effectiveness of those interventions.
The evaluation phase of the nursing process is important because it fulfills several purposes. The following are the top three reasons why this phase is essential in the nursing process.

The primary purpose of an evaluation is to determine the patient’s progress toward achieving established goals and outcomes.
Through evaluation, it is possible to determine a healthcare agency’s ability to provide safe and effective healthcare services.
Evaluation provides a mechanism to help nurses define, explain, and measure the results of nursing interventions.
The Standards of Clinical Nursing Practice established by the American Nurses Association designates evaluation as a fundamental component of the nursing process. This phase of the nursing process has the following objectives.

The effectiveness of nursing interventions is determined by evaluating goals and expected outcomes to determine if they provide direction for patient care. It is essential to evaluate nursing interventions because they serve as standards by which patient progress is measured.

The evaluation phase is not meant to make nurses feel as if their work is being critiqued or judged. Evaluation allows nurses to verify if the care they are providing meets the standard of care for the patient’s needs.

Evaluation involves reviewing all aspects of the patient’s care and determining its effectiveness in helping the patient recover. Because nurses work collaboratively with one another and other members of the healthcare team, the evaluation phase promotes the nurses’ sense of accountability to their patients and to one another.

In the evaluation phase of the nursing process, nurses compare and analyze data from the time the patient was admitted to care and determine if positive or negative trends are occurring. This data is helpful in deciding the next course of action to take in patient care.

Although the evaluation phase is the fifth and last step in the nursing process, nurses constantly evaluate patient progress. Evaluation allows nurses to establish a pattern of continuous care and attention, which helps promote positive patient outcomes.
The evaluation phase of the nursing process is primarily based on the nurse's accurate and efficient use of observation, critical thinking, and communication skills.

Some changes in a patient's status may be subtle, requiring sharp observational skills. The ability to analyze reassessment data and use critical thinking are necessary to determine if outcomes have been met or decide if changes in the care plan are needed. As in other phases of patient care, the nurse must demonstrate strong communication skills, as evaluation includes the patient and all members of the healthcare team.
During the evaluation phase of the nursing process, nurses determine the patient’s response to interventions and whether goals have been met. The evaluation process consists of seven steps, as follows.

Standards and goals are established during the planning phase of the nursing process steps and carried out in the implementation phase. Nurses use evaluation to determine the presence of changes in the patient's status relevant to the established standards.

The nurse uses assessment skills early in the nursing process to gather data used to establish goals and expected outcomes. Those same skills are vital for comprehensive, effective evaluation to occur. Nurses gather data to help determine the success of nursing interventions.

The data collected during the evaluation phase must answer the question, “Did the patient achieve the treatment goals and expected outcomes outlined in the care plan?” Nurses validate goal achievement by analyzing the patient’s response to nursing interventions outlined in the nursing care plan.

Effective nursing interventions address relevant patient needs. If the nursing intervention is efficient, it can be a primary factor related to helping clients resolve actual or potential problems or risk factors.

During the evaluation phase, the nurse must use critical thinking skills to determine which nursing actions contributed to improved patient outcomes and to what degree they were effective. This step in the evaluation process allows the nurse to analyze the patient's response to interventions, determine the benefits of those interventions, and identify opportunities or needs for change.

In the evaluation phase of the nursing process, the nurse uses observation and assessment skills to reevaluate the patient's status. In this step, the nurse compares baseline data collected in the initial nursing assessment with the patient's current health status.

If the evaluation determines a lack of progress toward established goals, the nursing care plan is revised or modified. At this point, revisions are developed by beginning the nursing process anew. The client is reassessed (Assessment), more appropriate nursing diagnoses are established (Diagnosis), new or revised goals and outcomes are developed (Planning), new nursing interventions are implemented, or previous interventions are repeated to maximize effectiveness (Implementation). Then the patient's response is reevaluated (Evaluation).
The evaluation phase of the nursing process is the point where nurses and patients hope to see measurable improvement. The following are a few challenges nurses may face when in the evaluation phase.

Incomplete Documentation Every nurse is responsible for documenting patient progress and other pertinent information. If one nurse fails to document and report patient changes or progress, or to record laboratory or diagnostic test results, it can lead to challenges when it is time for the evaluation phase.

The most effective way to overcome this challenge is to avoid it happening altogether. Be sure to document information about your patients during each shift. Any change in status, progress or lack of progress, subjective and objective findings, or other relevant information should be readily available for any nurse caring for that patient.

Patient Frustration In a perfect world, patients would be admitted to care, nursing interventions would be implemented, and we would see positive results. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work that way. One of the challenges nurses face in the evaluation phase is frustration related to slow progress or failing to meet goals.

Overcoming the challenges that occur when patients become frustrated takes patience and understanding.

If you find yourself in the evaluation phase of the nursing process steps and faced with this situation, take the time to talk to your patient. Assure them that progress does not always happen as quickly as we would like and encourage them to keep pressing forward.

Let your patient know that you are there to support and help them and that your priority is to see them improve. Sometimes all it takes to calm a patient and help them regain focus is an assuring word and calming presence.

Patients Withholding Information It is not uncommon for patients to try and mask symptoms or deny concerns when nurses evaluate their progress. This is especially common when a patient has been hospitalized or in a care facility for an extended period and wants to return home.

In situations like this, a strong nurse-patient relationship and good communication skills are necessary. If you feel your patient is not being forthcoming about their progress, or perhaps new symptoms have emerged that they do not want to discuss, ask direct questions. Explain the importance of transparency when reporting progress, problems, or concerns.

Family Denial of the Patient’s Need for Continued Care As nurses, we naturally hope that interventions positively impact our patients and that we can see improvement when evaluating them. Family members hope to see their loved ones recover and return to normal, as well. A significant challenge nurses can face when evaluating patient progress occurs when the patient's status declines or there is little improvement and family members deny the reality of the patient's situation.

Many times, the fear of the unknown or lack of understanding is what causes family denial. If family members struggle with accepting the idea of continued care or changes in the plan of care, the nurse should acknowledge their concerns and offer support. When appropriate, talk with the patient and family together and discuss the previous plan of care and any suggestions for alterations or changes and the rationale for them.

Patient Wishing to Terminate Care Before Discharge Goals Are Met Nurses understand that patients respond differently to care with some progressing faster than others, and the evaluation process helps to identify those patients who need extra time or updated care plans.

Unfortunately, because patients do not always understand the complexities of interventions and expected outcomes, it can lead to feelings of despair. If patients slowly progress or fail to meet goals and expected outcomes, their frustration sometimes leads them to give up or desire to seek care elsewhere.

When faced with this challenge, it is crucial for nurses to approach the patient with an attitude of empathy and attempt to discuss the patient's concerns. Depending on the patient's status and ability to understand, it may take some time and reinforced teaching to help them understand that slow progress is not failure. Explain your view of your patient's current status compared to his status on admission. Encourage the patient by assuring him that even slow progress is progress. Offer ideas of ways you think the care plan can be amended to suit his needs and ask for input.

Remember, despite your best efforts, there may be times when patients decide to terminate care. Unless the patient has been deemed incapable of making informed decisions, you may not interfere with his choice to leave your care. It is necessary to document everything you discuss with the patient and his response to your instructions and education.

If the patient decides to leave your facility's care, there is appropriate paperwork to be signed, called an A.M.A. (Against Medical Advice) discharge. The charge nurse or physician is usually responsible for having the patient sign this form and submitting it to administration.
In the evaluation phase, the nurse reassesses the patient and determines if goals and outcomes are being met or if the care plan needs to be modified. Observations are recorded in the patient’s chart.

04/20/22 @ 1500: After twenty-four hours of nursing intervention, the client demonstrates adequate cardiac output as evidenced by decreased blood pressure of 130/78 and pulse rate of 72. The client states his breathing is less labored and that if he begins to feel short of breath, he lies still to rest. O2 per NC @ 2L continuous. Observed 500 cc clear, amber urine in the urinal. The patient continues to have 2+ pitting edema in bilateral lower extremities. MD notified, awaiting response/order. The client has turned/repositioned q2h to decrease the risk of impaired skin integrity. No signs of compromised skin integrity noted at this time. -------D. Leonard, RN
The primary purpose of evaluation in the nursing process steps is to determine if patient goals and expected outcomes have been met or if the nursing care plan needs to be modified.

The steps of evaluation in the nursing process include collecting data, comparing data with desired goals and expected outcomes, analyzing the patient’s response to nursing interventions, identifying factors impacting the success or failure of the nursing care plan, continuing, modifying, or terminating the care plan, and planning future nursing care.

Although the nursing process is focused on nursing diagnoses and interventions, each member of the patient’s healthcare team has a role and the actions they take in patient care can impact the effectiveness of the nursing care plan. Therefore, the most effective way of improving evaluation in the nursing process, is to include the patient, family (when appropriate), and all members of the interdisciplinary team in the process.

Although healthcare facilities and organizations have minimum guidelines for the frequency of nurse evaluations, it should be an ongoing process involved in patient care. The patient’s status and the effectiveness of nursing interventions should be continuously evaluated, and the care plan should be modified, when necessary.

In the evaluation phase, nurses gather much of the same type of information as what is gathered during the assessment. During this phase, nurses review current vital signs and laboratory or diagnostic test results. They use information entered into the patient’s chart, such as nurses’ notes, flow sheets, and other pertinent information. Additionally, during the evaluation, nurses reinterview the patient and look for both subjective and objective data to determine if the plan of care was effective.

The registered nurse assigned to the patient’s care is the primary person responsible for the evaluation phase of the nursing process. The RN evaluates all information necessary to determine if the goals and expected outcomes were met or if alterations in the plan are needed. Keep in mind, however, every member of the nursing care team plays a vital role in the RN's ability to conduct a thorough evaluation because each person is responsible for documenting their work and the patient’s response.

Useful Resources to Gain More Information About the Nursing Process

Blogs/websites, youtube videos, my final thoughts, frequently asked questions answered by our expert, 1. how is nursing process different from the scientific method, 2. do all nurses use the nursing process, 3. do doctors also use the nursing process, 4. what does adpie stand for, 5. is it always necessary for a nurse to follow all steps of the nursing process, 6. how does critical thinking impact the nursing process, 7. how does a health information system affect the nursing process, 8. how to use maslow hierarchy in the nursing process, 9. which nursing process step includes tasks that can be delegated, 10. which nursing process step includes tasks that cannot be delegated, 11. how does the nursing process apply to pharmacology.

how critical thinking is used in the nursing process


  1. Visualize the steps to critical thinking in nursing with a mind map

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  2. Chapter 2 Critical thinking and Nursing Process Diagram

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  3. Critical thinking in nursing process

    how critical thinking is used in the nursing process

  4. 5 Steps to Improve Critical Thinking in Nursing

    how critical thinking is used in the nursing process

  5. PPT

    how critical thinking is used in the nursing process

  6. PPT

    how critical thinking is used in the nursing process



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  5. How Is Critical Thinking Used in Decision Making?

  6. Fundamentals of Nursing Review Questions 2024


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  13. PDF Critical Thinking in Nursing Process and Education

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    s, and problem-solving, which requires analysis. Decision-makingfree flow of ideas is essential to problem-solving and decision-making becaus. it helps prevent preconceived ideas from controlling the process. Many decisions in healthcare are arrived at by group or teams rather than by the in. vidual, and this type of decision-making requ.

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    Critical thinking in nursing refers to the analytical process that nurses use to solve clinical problems and make decisions regarding patient care. It involves gathering information, questioning, analyzing, and applying theory to ensure high-quality care delivery. Nurse Education in Practice, 2022. About this page.