Independence Day Essay for Students and Children: As the nation looks forward to the 76th year of independence, thanking those who made it possible

Independence Day Essay for Students and Children: As the nation looks forward to the 76th year of independence, thanking those who made it possible

  • When do we observe Independence Day in India? Independence Day in India is observed on August 15.
  • Is it the 75th or 76th Independence Day this year? This year marks the 76th year of independence of India.
  • For how many years Britishers ruled over India? Often referred to as the British Raj, the British ruling in India was from 1858 to 1947.
  • Who was the first Prime Minister of Independent India? Jawaharlal Nehru of the Indian National Congress was the first Prime Minister (PM) of independent India.
  • Who was the first President of independent India? Politician-lawyer-journalist Dr Rajendra Prasad was the first President of the country.
  • Who was the first viceroy of India? Lord Canning was the first Viceroy of India. Before India became independent, the Viceroy was the chief administrator of the country.
  • Who was the last viceroy of India? Lord Mountbatten was the last viceroy of India. 93514161

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Five surprising facts about the Fourth of July

Why is the Fourth of July celebrated with fireworks?

Should election day be made a national holiday like independence day.

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  • Where is the Declaration of Independence?

People watching fireworks.

Independence Day

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  • Library of Congress - Today in History - July 4
  • Public Broadcasting Service - A Capitol Fourth - The History of America's Independence Day
  • - The History of the Fourth of July
  • American Heritage - Making Sense of the Fourth of July
  • Independence Day - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11)
  • Independence Day - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up)

John Trumbull's depiction of July 4, 1776

When is Independence Day in the United States?

Independence Day is celebrated in the United States on July 4. Often the holiday is called the Fourth of July.

What is the Fourth of July?

The Fourth of July celebrates the passage of the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776. The Declaration announced the political separation of the 13 North American colonies from Great Britain.

In Fourth of July celebrations, fireworks signify national pride and patriotism. They had been used in China since at least the 12th century, and in the 15th century they became popular with European monarchs as a way to celebrate national triumphs, the restoration of peace, and the monarchs’ own birthdays. Fireworks have been part of Independence Day in the United States since its first celebration, in 1777.

Why did the North American colonies declare independence?

The Declaration of Independence , passed on July 4, 1776, reflected widespread dissatisfaction in the colonies with increased British control. Colonists especially opposed a series of unpopular laws and taxes enacted by Britain beginning in 1764, including the Sugar Act , the Stamp Act , and the so-called Intolerable Acts .

Whether election day should be made a national holiday like Independence Day is debated. Some say a holiday would increase voter turnout by enabling more people to vote while celebrating democracy. Others say a holiday would disadvantage low-income and blue collar workers and corporations should have better policies for voting time off. For more on the debate about making election day a national holiday, visit .

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Five surprising facts about the Fourth of July

Independence Day , in the United States , the annual celebration of nationhood. It commemorates the passage of the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776.

essay on independence day 76

The Congress had voted in favour of independence from Great Britain on July 2 but did not actually complete the process of revising the Declaration of Independence, originally drafted by Thomas Jefferson in consultation with fellow committee members John Adams , Benjamin Franklin , Roger Sherman , and William Livingston , until two days later. The celebration was initially modeled on that of the king’s birthday, which had been marked annually by bell ringing, bonfires, solemn processions, and oratory . Such festivals had long played a significant role in the Anglo-American political tradition. Especially in the 17th and 18th centuries, when dynastic and religious controversies racked the British Empire (and much of the rest of Europe), the choice of which anniversaries of historic events were celebrated and which were lamented had clear political meanings. The ritual of toasting the king and other patriot-heroes—or of criticizing them—became an informal kind of political speech, further formalized in mid-18th century when the toasts given at taverns and banquets began to be reprinted in newspapers.

People watching fireworks.

In the early stages of the revolutionary movement in the colonies during the 1760s and early ’70s, patriots used such celebrations to proclaim their resistance to Parliament’s legislation while lauding King George III as the real defender of English liberties. However, the marking of the first days of independence during the summer of 1776 actually took the form in many towns of a mock funeral for the king, whose “death” symbolized the end of monarchy and tyranny and the rebirth of liberty.

Fourth of July questions and answers

During the early years of the republic, Independence Day was commemorated with parades , oratory, and toasting in ceremonies that celebrated the existence of the new nation. These rites played an equally important role in the evolving federal political system . With the rise of informal political parties, they provided venues for leaders and constituents to tie local and national contests to independence and the issues facing the national polity. By the mid-1790s the two nascent political parties held separate partisan Independence Day festivals in most larger towns. Perhaps for this reason, Independence Day became the model for a series of (often short-lived) celebrations that sometimes contained more explicit political resonance , such as George Washington’s birthday and the anniversary of Jefferson’s inauguration while he served as president (1801–09).

The bombastic torrent of words that characterized Independence Day during the 19th century made it both a serious occasion and one sometimes open to ridicule—like the increasingly popular and democratic political process itself in that period. With the growth and diversification of American society, the Fourth of July commemoration became a patriotic tradition which many groups—not just political parties—sought to claim. Abolitionists , women’s rights advocates, the temperance movement , and opponents of immigration (nativists) all seized the day and its observance, in the process often declaring that they could not celebrate with the entire community while an un-American perversion of their rights prevailed.

essay on independence day 76

With the rise of leisure , the Fourth of July emerged as a major midsummer holiday . The prevalence of heavy drinking and the many injuries caused by setting off fireworks prompted reformers of the late 19th and the early 20th century to mount a Safe and Sane Fourth of July movement. During the later 20th century, although it remained a national holiday marked by parades, concerts of patriotic music , and fireworks displays, Independence Day declined in importance as a venue for politics. It remains a potent symbol of national power and of specifically American qualities—even the freedom to stay at home and barbecue .

History of the Independence Day Research Paper

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Independence Day is one of the most significant celebrations in the United States because it reflects American values and reminds us of the crucial period in national history. Indeed, the second part of the eighteenth century was revolutionary as America abolished its dependence on the British Crown and established a sovereign country (Library of Congress, n. d.). This paper aims to explore the history behind the celebration and discuss why it is highly valued by Americans nationwide.

The Fourth of July unites all Americans as it is represented through parades, decorations, family gatherings, speeches, and fireworks, occurring in every town regardless of its inhabitants’ political or spiritual views. The celebration is dedicated to the pronouncement of The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America that happened at the Congress meeting in Pennsylvania on July 4, 1776 (Library of Congress, n. d.). Since the Great Discovery, North America’s lands belonged to the British Empire, which organized mining, production, trading, and slavery. The Crown provided American colonists with relatively high autonomy, making them pay taxes; however, in the 1760s, Britain passed regulations to get more economic control in the foreign country, resulting in major protests. The Stamp Act of 1765 and Townshend duties of 1767 led to colonists’ refusal to follow the laws, which disrupted the American economy, and inhabitants were also against the increased payments to the Empire (Library of Congress, n. d.). The disobedience resulted in the British government’s attempts to reduce the states’ autonomy and send the military to end the Americans’ protests.

The American Revolutionary War was the outcome of the tensions between Britain and the Thirteen Colonies united to defeat their enemy and succeeded in it, proclaiming the sovereignty on July 4, 1776. The military conflict became a crucial part of the States’ history because the common enemy enabled them to develop strong cooperative counties with the same values and shared recourses. Furthermore, the Declaration of Independence claimed that “all men are created equal,” the line that became crucial for American culture and liberal rights development (Library of Congress, n. d.). The Fourth of July is celebrated with honor by Americans because the historical events behind it display unique national values, such as freedom and equality.

Library of Congress (n. d.). Today in history – July 4.

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IvyPanda. (2023, March 23). History of the Independence Day.

"History of the Independence Day." IvyPanda , 23 Mar. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) 'History of the Independence Day'. 23 March.

IvyPanda . 2023. "History of the Independence Day." March 23, 2023.

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Loyal to a Fault

By Maya Jasanoff

  • July 1, 2007

Every Independence Day we celebrate the founding of the world’s most powerful — and for some, inspirational — nation. Yet for several months after July 4, 1776, the self-proclaimed United States of America looked set to go down in history as a nation that never was. That August, in the biggest battle of the Revolution, the British trounced the Continental Army on Long Island, nearly forcing an American surrender.

As Washington’s beleaguered soldiers retreated through New Jersey, thousands of Americans loyal to King George III surged into New York City — where they would remain under British protection for the rest of the war. These loyalists had no desire “to dissolve the political bands” with Britain, as the Declaration of Independence demanded. Instead, as they explained in a petition to British authorities, they “steadily and uniformly opposed” this “most unnatural, unprovoked Rebellion, that ever disgraced the annals of Time.” While the rebels sought to sever the connection between Britain and the colonies, the loyalists “most ardently wish[ed] for a restoration of that union between them.” Where the rebels challenged the king, the loyalists staunchly upheld royal authority: they had “borne true Allegiance to His Majesty, and the most warm and affectionate attachment to his Person and Government.”

During three days in November 1776, this petition sat in Scott’s Tavern, on Wall Street, to be signed by anyone who wished. A frank declaration of dependence, it completely lacks the revolutionary genius and rhetorical grace of our hallowed July 4 document. Yet in all, more than 700 people put their names to the parchment — 12 times the number who signed the Declaration of Independence. Among the signatories were pillars of New York society: wealthy merchants like Hugh Wallace, who commanded vast tracts of land and capital; members of some of New York’s most prominent families, the DeLanceys, the Livingstons and the Philipses; and the clergymen Charles Inglis and Samuel Seabury, who published articulate rebuttals to rebel pamphlets like Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense.” But most of the names belonged to the ordinary people who made New York run: tavern keepers and carpenters; farmers from the Hudson Valley or New Jersey; men like the baker James Orchard, who supplied bread for British troops; the Greenwich blacksmith James Stewart, who joined the British Army; and the hairdresser and perfumer James Deas.

Loyalists are the American Revolution’s guilty secret: rarely spoken of, hauntingly present. At least one in five Americans is believed to have remained loyal to Britain during the war. They expressed their opinions passively and actively: refusing to forswear allegiance to the king, signing petitions or joining loyalist military regiments — as nearly 20,000 men did — to defend their vision of British America. In retaliation, they faced harassment from their peers, most vividly (if rarely) by tarring and feathering. Some would suffer for their loyalty in open battle; others faced sanctions from state legislatures, which could strip them of their land and possessions, imprison them or formally banish them.

The Tories, as the patriots pejoratively called them, are still often caricatured as elitist and out of touch, foreign, even treacherous. Granted, their dream of a continued imperial relationship with Britain had none of the political innovation that gave rise to the new republic. And yet it bears stressing that our “self-evident” founding principles were not seen that way by fully one-fifth of the population. Many of the United States’ first and most passionate critics were Americans themselves.

After the Revolutionary War ended, thousands of loyalists blended into the nation, and their descendants participated in shaping American society. But many — as many as 1 in 30 Americans — did not. Feeling insecure and unwelcome in the United States, and attracted by British promises of land and compensation, some 80,000 loyalists left their homes to build new lives elsewhere in the still-vigorous British Empire. About half fled north to Canada, among them more than 3,000 black loyalists — former slaves who had been granted freedom in exchange for fighting for the British — and several hundred Mohawk Indians, longstanding British allies. Many loyalists entered Jamaican society as doctors, printers, merchants and planters — or tried their luck at cotton planting on the out-islands of the Bahamas. In perhaps the most intriguing migration, a contingent of just under 1,200 black loyalists relocated in 1792 from Nova Scotia to the experimental free black colony of Sierra Leone. Some of their black peers wound up yet farther afield, among the first convicts shipped out to Australia’s Botany Bay. And a few loyalists made their way to India — including two of Benedict Arnold’s sons, who found love, war and death as officers in the East India Company’s army.

The scale and range of this exodus point to a gap in popular understandings of the American revolutionary tradition. We pride ourselves on the freedom and tolerance embedded in our founding principles. We have also recently begun to acknowledge the discrepancy between the nation’s vaunted commitment to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” and the gross abuse of these principles in practice — through slavery above all. (Compared with the United States, the British Empire looked like a good bet if you were an enslaved black or a Native American.) But the loyalist émigrés had experienced a form of exclusion that is less familiarly American: one based on political affiliation. Unlike slaves and Native Americans, who were never assumed to be part of the republic’s political fabric, the majority of loyalist families were headed by white, property-owning men, who if not for their allegiances would otherwise have been enfranchised members of the new polity. In opting for the king, they were motivated not only by economic interests and trans-Atlantic cultural ties but also by a coherent set of political beliefs.

Loyalists believed they already lived under a constitution — a British Constitution — directed by the supreme figure of the king. Republicanism was treason; it heralded descent into anarchy and violence. As the minister Charles Inglis explained in his rejoinder to Paine’s “Common Sense,” under a republic “all property . . . would be unhinged,” “the old Constitution would be totally subverted,” thousands would be forced to “wound their conscience” by renouncing the king, “torrents of blood will be spilt and thousands reduced to beggary and wretchedness” — and after all that, judging from history, chances were high Americans would end up in “thralldom” to an individual despot. “Even Hobbes would blush,” he said, to acknowledge Paine as “a disciple.”

Though many loyalists technically left by choice, freedom meant little if your property had been confiscated or your person threatened. It is no wonder, then, that the loyalist migrants routinely referred to themselves as refugees, since like many modern asylum seekers they moved under a shadow of trauma and fear. Their accounts of their plight — in letters, diaries, claims and petitions for support — form a wrenching archive of woe. Even the wealthy Hugh Wallace, the first person to sign the New York declaration, was reduced to loneliness, illness and deprivation. “If ever man was to be pitied, he is,” his brother reported, not long after the war’s end. “His losses hang heavy on him & his being from his wife hurts him much.” So effectively did the loyalists articulate their distresses that the British government established a commission to reimburse them for their losses (though few were satisfied with the ultimate rewards they received).

Still, even as the loyalists put down roots in the British Empire, it seemed that they had not left every trace of America behind. For what should they promptly express abroad but an uncannily American desire for greater political representation — much to the chagrin of British officials. Fired up by an “American spirit of innovation,” as one disgruntled British governor put it, loyalists clamored for participation everywhere from the Canadian Maritimes to the Bahamas to Sierra Leone. In some settings, they achieved it. Thanks in part to the loyalists’ political legacy, Canada gained limited self-government earlier than any other British colony, providing a template for later home rule and decolonization. Apparently you could take the colonists out of America, but something American in them endured.

The American Revolution went well, as revolutions go: no guillotines, no gulags. But the democratic revolution was nonetheless violent. The American way was established by force, and those who did not renounce their old allegiances in favor of the new government paid a price. Then again, there may be a cue to be taken from the surprising way in which loyalists, victims of the American idea, became unwitting emissaries of American values. American-ness comes in many shapes and forms and holds a peculiar appeal, even to some of its critics. After all, despite its imperfections, our most successful exercise in nation-building continues to be our own.

Maya Jasanoff is an associate professor of British history at Harvard University. She is the author of “Edge of Empire: Lives, Culture and Conquest in the East, 1750-1850”

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India Independence Day in English

Every year India celebrates Independence Day on 15th August. This is the day when India got freedom from almost 200 years of British rule. This year marks the 77th Independence Day of India.

Independence Day Speech

Table of Contents

Essay on Independence Day in English : Every year of 15th August, India celebrates its Independence Day. It is the golden day that was engraved in the History of India when the Nation became Independent. India got its Independence from 200 years of British rule on 15th August 1947. On this day, India achieved the status of the world’s largest democracy, breaking free from British colonial rule. Independence Day is a significant milestone in Indian history, marked as a national holiday observed across the nation. The 77th anniversary of the Independence Day of India is going to be celebrated on 15th August 2023 as Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav 2023. In this Essay on Independence Day in English, we have provided insights into Indian independence, the freedom fighters of India , activities on Independence Day and the significance of Independence Day.

Essay on Independence Day in English

Independence Day for India is celebrated on the 15th of August every year and is declared a public holiday. This year India celebrates its 76 years of freedom from British rule. People of India celebrate this day with utmost patriotism by hoisting the Tri-colour National flag, doing March-past and performing social work. Prime Minister of India hoists the national flag at Red Fort and delivers a nationalistic Speech on Independence Day every year. Many TV channels share and show the whole celebration as it happens. Schools, colleges, universities, offices, and other places celebrate by planning activities and fun events.

77th Independence Day Theme

This year, 77th Independence Day 2023 Theme is “ Nation First, Always First, which coincides with ‘Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav 2023’. The Independence Day Essay in English should also revolve on this theme.This is an initiative of the Indian government to celebrate and commemorate 76 years of freedom and to enlighten the glorious history of people, Indian culture and much more achievements. Some campaigns are also launched by the central government as a mark of celebrating this special occasion. The second edition of ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ campaign motivates people to fly tricolour at their homes, offices and workplaces. The ‘Meri Mati Mera Desh’  campaign is embarked as an initiative to honour martyrs across the country.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has put forth ‘ Panch Pran ’ theme for India 2.0, which comprises Women and Children, Tribal Empowerment, Water, Cultural Pride, Lifestyle for Environment (LiFE), Health and Wellness, Inclusive Development, Aatmanirbhar Bharat and Unity.

Independence Day and Its History

Independence Day is a day to exhibit pride, unity and integrity among all Indians. The current year 2023 marks the 77th anniversary of the country’s independence from the Britishers’ rule. For almost 200 years, India was reigned by Britishers miserably. Britishers established colonial rule on Indians and treated them as slaves. During Midnight on 15th August 1947, a light at the end of the tunnel struck when Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru unfurled our National Flag at Red Fort and hoisted the tricolour flag as a mark of independent India.

Under Britishers’ rule, the life of Indians was pitiful as they were treated in an inhumane manner. The Indian rulers were given no powers to take action and some rulers were also banished. Indian soldiers’ army was devastated and Indian farmers were charged heavy taxes on lands. Several farmers died out of hunger and poverty which was very pathetic. To put an end to all such cruelties, several freedom fighters namely Mahatma Gandhi , Subhash Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Jawaharlal Nehru, Rani Lakshmi Bai, Mangal Pandey, Dada Bhai Naoroji have sacrificed their lives to get freedom for India. A sincere tribute is given to all such leaders on every independence day on remembering their sacrifices and efforts.


To pay Homage to our Indian Freedom Fighters

Many freedom fighters have struggled so much and sacrificed themselves for the sake of common people and the Nation to get independence from colonialism. Lakhs of people were shredded and shed their blood to attain freedom from the reign of the British people. As a mark of remembering their efforts and to pay tribute to them, the tricolour national flag is hoisted in various institutions such as schools, colleges, society buildings, etc.,

Students deliver interesting Speeches on Independence Day on topics related to freedom fighters, Freedom struggle, Patriotism, Unity in Diversity, etc. Some people in offices or government or private organizations wear tricolour dresses to exhibit their patriotism and to be grateful to the leaders who sacrificed their lives. Interesting cultural events are also organized in schools, universities, colleges, offices and social organizations to instigate the patriotic feeling among people and to pay tribute to several leaders and freedom fighters of India who have sacrificed themselves for the Nation. A good Independence Day Essay writing in English should focus on covering the main point of paying tribute to our freedom fighters.

How Independence Day is celebrated in India?

To rejoice in the spirit of our freedom and independence and to commemorate the service rendered by honourable freedom fighters we celebrate Independence Day every year. Celebration is done on this day mainly to invoke patriotic feelings among Indians and to eradicate terrorism or any evil thoughts so that they stay united and promote the growth of the nation. The Essay on Independence Day Writing in English also focuses on the celebrations which are done in the following ways:

Celebrations in Delhi: In Delhi, our honourable prime minister hoists the Tricolour(Thiranga) flag in Red Fort, followed by singing our National Anthem. To honour our prime minister, 21 gunshots salute is performed, which is then followed by the inspiring speech of our prime minister highlighting the importance of freedom and the struggles of freedom fighters. Our Indian army does parades and March past followed by other armed forces. A procession is held and tableaus depict the Indian religious and cultural heritage of various states.

Celebrations in Schools and Colleges: Several schools, colleges and offices also celebrate this glory of independence with utmost zeal and enthusiasm. They hoist national flags and sing our National Anthem, followed by singing various patriotic songs such as ‘Vande Mataram’, ‘Sandese Aate Hain’, ‘I Love My India’ and much more. Children get dressed up as freedom fighters or leaders who saved our Nation, students participate in various competitions like debate, speech, drawing or painting competitions.

Celebrations in Offices: Various Government institutions and offices also celebrate Independence Day by unfurling the tricolour flag, with mandatory attendance from all staff members. An interesting Speech on Independence Day is delivered by the staff of the organization with a reminiscence of the freedom struggle. Societies and houses also fly tricolour flags as a mark of the ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ campaign and decorate and adorn the streets and houses with the concept of tricolours.

Significance of Independence Day

India is proud to be the largest democratic country in the world, where the power lies in the hands of the common man. Thanks to the enormous efforts and struggles of several freedom fighters, the democratic power and freedom that we enjoy today. All Indians should abide by the principle of Unity in Diversity which is the key strength and morale of the Nation. Though Indians differ in their languages, religion and cultural values, the word ‘Indians’ unites them and makes them feel like one nation. By celebrating Independence Day, a feeling of patriotism, unity and brotherhood develops among the people of the country. On the whole, Independence Day in India is celebrated beautifully every year and every Indian reminds of the freedom struggle and lives of many soldiers, leaders and freedom fighters who were slaughtered to death on this day.

How to Write Good Independence Day Essay in English – Key Points

When you are all set to pen down Independence Day Essay Writing in English, follow these important tips which are listed below.

  • You should deeply understand the topic, the main theme of the essay and the question to be addressed. Brainstorming different ideas helps you to frame your essay in a better way.
  • Try to use clear, concise and catchy statements to outline the main purpose of the essay.
  • You should write an engaging introduction that attracts the readers to look more into the topic.
  • Each paragraph of your Essay on Independence Day in English should revolve around the single main theme or main ideas to support the whole essay.
  • You can avoid complex language and Jagrans, instead focus on simple and crisp language.
  • The flow of points in your Independence Day Essay Writing in English should be coherent and with logic.
  • Quote some examples, facts and scenarios to make your essay interesting to read.
  • Conclude the essay by covering all important points logically and frame it in a different way without repetitions.
  • Try to highlight thought-provoking statements and call-to-action sentences.
  • Review your essay thoroughly to check grammar, spelling errors, tone, flow of points and writing style.

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Essay on Independence Day in English-FAQs

Q1. when is independence day celebrated in india.

Ans. Every year 15th of August is celebrated as Independence Day in India.

Q2. How is Independence Day celebrated in India?

Ans. The Prime Minister of India hoists the national flag at Red Fort and delivers a nationalistic Speech on Independence Day every year. Interesting cultural events are also organized in schools, universities, colleges, offices and social organizations to instigate the patriotic feeling among people and to pay tribute to several leaders and freedom fighters of India. Students deliver interesting speech on Independence Day on topics related to freedom fighters, Freedom struggle, Patriotism, Unity in Diversity, etc,.

Q3. How many years of Independence do we all enjoy?

Ans. It is been 77 years since India became an Independant Nation and this year marks the 77th anniversary.

Q4. What is the theme that Independence Day Essay in English has to focus on?

Ans. The theme that Independence Day Essay in English should focus is Nation First, Always First, which coincides with 'Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav 2023'.

Aparna Tomar

As Team Lead- Content Writer, I take on leadership within our content creation team, overseeing the development of error-free educational content. My primary responsibility is to produce and analyse high-quality content educating and informing the aspirants about upcoming government exams published on our website. I have more than 6 years experience in content writing wherein 3.5 years of experience in ed-tech content writing.

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Independence Day Essay

500+ words essay on independence day (15 august) for students and children.

India celebrates its Independence Day on 15th August every year. Independence Day reminds us of all the sacrifices that were made by our freedom fighters to make India free from British rule. On 15th August 1947, India was declared independent from British colonialism and became the largest democracy in the world. In this Essay on Independence Day, students will find all the important details of India’s Independence History. They can refer to it for their exam preparation, as essays are mostly asked in the CBSE English paper. Also, they can use this essay as a speech for the Independence Day function at school.

15th August is celebrated as a national festival with flag hoisting, parades and cultural events.

Schools, colleges, offices, society complexes, and government and private organizations conduct functions and celebrate this day with great enthusiasm. On this day, the Prime Minister of India hoists the flag at the Red Fort and addresses the nation with a speech. Doordarshan broadcasts the entire event live on television. Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru performed the first flag-hoisting ceremony on 15th August 1947 .

History of Independence Day

Britishers have ruled India for almost 200 years. Under British rule, the lives of the Indian people were miserable. Indians were treated as slaves and had no right to say anything to them. Indian rulers were mere puppets in the hands of British officers. Indian soldiers were treated inhumanely in British camps, and farmers were dying of starvation as they could not grow crops and had to pay heavy land taxes.

Our freedom fighters struggled for India’s Independence. Famous leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Subhash Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Jawaharlal Nehru, Rani Lakshmi Bai, Mangal Pandey, Dada Bhai Naoroji fought fearlessly against the Britishers. Many of them also sacrificed their lives to make India free from British rule. Their contribution and effort are remembered in India’s Independence history.

Why Do We Celebrate Independence Day?

India achieved independence after years of struggle. India got complete freedom from the British and secured full autonomy on 15th August 1947. That’s why the day holds great significance in the heart of every Indian citizen living in India or abroad. India completed 73 years of freedom on 15h August 2020. This day also reminds us of the struggles of freedom fighters and the lives sacrificed by them in achieving independence. The pain that our heroes have gone through reminds us that the freedom we enjoy today has been earned by shedding the blood of lakhs of people. It also awakens a feeling of patriotism inside every citizen of India. It makes the present generation closely understand the struggles of the people at that time and acquaints them with the freedom fighters of India.

Significance of Independence Day

Independence Day generates a feeling of patriotism among people. It unites the people and makes them feel that we are one nation with so many different languages, religions and cultural values. Unity in diversity is the main essence and strength of India. We feel proud to be part of the largest democratic country in the world, where the power is in the hands of the common man.

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Also Read: Republic Day Essay | Essay On Constitution of India | Essay on Women Empowerment

Frequently Asked Questions on Independence Day Essay

What is the meaning of independence.

Independence means freedom of any type of action without any control or influence.

When does our country India celebrate its Independence?

India was declared an Independent nation on the 15th of August, 1947.

Name a few freedom fighters of India.

Some of the great leaders who fought for India’s Independence were Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Netaji Subash Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh, Sarojini Naidu and Rani Laxmibai.

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Essay on Independence Day (15 August) for Students and Children

500+ words essay on independence day.

One of the most memorable days in Indian history is 15th August. It’s the day on which the Indian sub-continent got independence after a long struggle. India only has three national festivals that are celebrated by the whole nation as one. One being the Independence Day (15th August) and the other two being Republic Day (26th January) and Gandhi Jayanti (2nd October). After independence, India became the largest democracy in the world. We fought very hard to get our independence from the Britishers. In this essay on Independence Day, we are going to discuss the history and importance of Independence Day.

essay on independence day

History of Our Independence Day

For almost two centuries the Britishers ruled over us. And the citizen of the country suffered a lot due to these oppressors. British officials treat us like slaves until we manage to fight back against them.

We struggled for our independence but work tirelessly and selflessly under the guidance of our leaders Jawahar Lal Nehru, Subhash Chandra Bose, Mahatma Gandhi , Chandra Shekhar Azad, and Bhagat Singh. Some of these leaders choose the path of violence while some choose non-violence. But the ultimate aim of these was to drive out the Britishers from the country. And on 15th August 1947, the long-awaited dream come true.

Why We Celebrate Independence Day?

To relive the moment and to enjoy the spirit of freedom and independence we celebrate Independence Day. Another reason is to remember the sacrifices and lives we have lost in this struggle. Besides, we celebrated it to remind us that this freedom that we enjoy is earned the hard way.

Apart from that, the celebration wakes up the patriot inside us. Along with celebration, the young generation is acquainted with the struggles of the people who lived at that time.

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Activities on Independence Day

Although it’s a national holiday the people of the country celebrate it with great enthusiasm. Schools, offices, societies, and colleges celebrate this day by organizing various small and big events.

essay on independence day 76

Every year at Red Fort the Prime Minister of India host the national flag. In the honor of the occasion, 21 gunshots are fired. This is the begging of the main event. This event is later on followed by an army parade.

The school and colleges organize cultural events, fancy dress competitions, speech, debate, and quiz competition.

Importance of Independence Day

Every Indian holds a different viewpoint about Indian Independence. For some, it’s a reminder of the long struggle while for youngsters it stands for the glory and honor of the country. Above all, we can see the feeling of patriotism across the country.

The Indian’s celebrate Independence Day with a feeling of nationalism and patriotism across the country. On this day every citizen echoes with festive feeling and pride in the diversity and unity of the people. It’s not only a celebration of Independence but also of the unity in diversity of the country.

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Who was the main leader of the Independence Struggle?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “There is no single leader whom we can call the leader there were many. But the most notable are Mahatma Gandhi, Jawahar Lal Nehru, Subhash Chandra Bose, and Bhagat Singh. Besides some of them opt for non-violence and some for violence.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How India became a Democratic Country?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”When our leaders saw the treatment of our people by Britishers then they decided to make India a democratic country. But this was not the only reason there was far greater reason than that, for which the leaders make this decision.”} }] }

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Independence Day (15 August) Essay for Children & Students

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Each year India celebrates its Independence Day on the 15 th of August . It was on this day in 1947 that India gained independence from the United Kingdom . The day has a remarkable place in Indian history as the Indian Constituent Assembly was granted Legislative sovereignty by the Parliament of the United Kingdom.

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India celebrates its Independence Day with infinite zeal and passion. People throughout the nation; come out on streets, to take part in the celebrations, forgetting their demographic differences of caste, religion or culture. People love to carry their national flag with pride on this day and sing national anthem or any other patriotic song.

Long and Short Essay on Independence Day in English

Independence Day is one of the most significant festivals of India. The day lets us to rejoice in the spirit of freedom. We must also acknowledge the fact that we gained independence, because we fought for it together; it is only by staying together that we will be able to protect our independence, any further. Below, we have provided some effectively written essay on Independence Day, which will be useful for school going children during Independence Day events.

We have provided here both, short essay on Independence Day and long essay on Independence Day for your easiness and to fulfill all types of need related to Independence Day essay. Our short essays are written in very easy language so that students from classes 1, 2, and 3 can easily read and learn. Our long essays are very meaningful and useful for students of higher classes. These creatively written essays will be proved very useful in your essay writing competition, paragraph writing, debates, etc held in your school or other inter-school competitions. By going through these essays you will know about independence day in detail such as history, activities, significance, celebrations in schools, colleges, national capital, etc.

Independence Day Essay 1 (100 words)

The date, 15 th of August from 1947 in India has become a very important day in the Indian history. It was the luckiest day of year 1947 when India became independent after lots of hard struggle and sacrifices of the Indian freedom fighters. We won freedom after a hard struggle.

Today, I’m here to honor the bravery of our freedom fighters on Independence Day. This special day isn’t just an ordinary date; it represents India’s bravery, strength, and unbeatable determination

When India got its independence, the public of India had chosen their first Prime Minister, Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru who had unfurled the tricolour National Flag at the Red Fort in the national capital, New Delhi for the first time. All the people rejoice this special day with great joy every year.

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Independence Day Essay 2 (150 words)

India got independence on 15 th of august in 1947, so people of India celebrate this special day every year as the Independence Day on 15 th of august. In the event celebration, organized in the National Capital, New Delhi, the Prime Minister of India unfurled the National Flag in the early morning at the Red fort where millions of people participate in the Independence Day ceremony.

During the celebration at Red Fort, New Delhi many tasks including March past are performed by the Indian army and cultural events by the school students are performed. After the national Flag hosting and national Anthem JANA GANA MANA recitation, the prime minister of India gives his annual speech .

At India’s Independence Day, we commemorate all the great personalities who had played their important role in the independence of India. During the Independence Day celebration, the National Flags are also hosted in school and colleges where many activities are performed by the teachers and students.

Independence Day Essay 3 (200 words)

In India, Independence Day is celebrated by the people of all religions, cultures and traditions with great joy and happiness. Independence Day in India is observed on 15 th of August every year from 1947 as our country became independent on the same day from the power of British rule almost after 200 years of slavery.

It has been declared as the national holiday when all the schools (government or private), offices, colleges, universities, educational institutions, organizations, companies and etc., remain closed. It is celebrated with big enthusiasm in every schools, colleges and other educational institutions by the students.

They participate and perform in dancing, drama, singing, playing indoor games, outdoor sports, cultural activities, quiz competitions, awards distribution, etc., during celebration. First of all the National flag is unfurled by the chief guest or School Principal, National Anthem is sung with flute and drum and then march past and procession in the streets takes place.

A big celebration event is organized by the government of India at the Rajpath, India Gate in the National Capital, New Delhi where people of all religion, culture and tradition gather to listen the patriotic speech of our Prime Minister. By celebrating this event we commemorate those all great people who had sacrificed their lives and loved ones in making India an Independent country.

Independence Day Essay 4 (250 words)

Independence Day in India is celebrated as national holiday every year on 15 th of August when people remember the long event of independence of our Nation from the British rule. India got independence on August 15 th in 1947 after lots of movement of Independence during which many freedom fighters sacrificed their lives. After independence, Jawaharlal Nehru became first Indian Prime Minister on 17 th of August in 1947 who raised the National Flag at Red Fort near Lahore Gate in Delhi.

Students, teachers, parents and other people come together to celebrate the Independence Day by unfurling the National Flag and singing National Anthem. Out tricolour National Flag is also hosted by the Indian prime minster in the National capital, New Delhi at Red Fort. After that the salute is given by firing 21 guns and tricolour flower showering is held on the flag with helicopter. The tricolour of our Flag represents saffron for courage and sacrifice, white for peace and truth and green for faith and chivalry.

There is an Ashok chakra in the centre of our Flag which contains 24 spikes distributed evenly. At this special day we remember the great sacrifices of Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, Raj Guru, Gandhiji and other dared freedom fighters for their unforgettable contribution in the independence of India. Students give speech on the subjects of freedom fighters on the Independence day celebration in schools.

They also involve in parade, march past, singing patriotic songs, etc. Other people celebrate this day according to their own way such as watching patriotic movies, going outside to home with family, meet with friends or participate in the events organized in public places.

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Independence Day Essay 5 (300 words)

Independence Day is celebrated by the people of India every year on 15 th of August as a National Holiday to commemorate the independence of India from the Kingdom of Great Britain on 15 th of August in 1947. At this day, people of India pay heartily homage to the great leaders in the leadership of whom India became free forever.

At this day, people celebrate in their own way by buying tricolour Flag, watching movies based on freedom fighters, listening patriotic songs, bonding with family and friends, participating in special contests, programs, and articles organized by the broadcast, print and online media to promote the awareness about day.

Jawaharlal Nehru became our first Prime Minister after the independence of India on 17 th of August 1947 who raised the Flag at Lahore Gate of Red Fort in Delhi and given a speech. This phenomenon is followed by the other subsequent Prime Ministers of India where flag hoisting ceremonies, parades, march past, salute by 21 guns and other cultural events are organized. Other people celebrate this day by raising national flag on their clothes, homes or vehicles.

On the midnight of 15 th August in 1947, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru had announced the independence of India by reading out his speech on “Tryst with destiny”. He said that after long years of slavery, it is the time when we will redeem our pledge with the end of our ill fortune.

India is a country where millions of people live together whether they belong to various religion, cultures or traditions and celebrate this special occasion with great joy. At this day, as being an Indian, we should feel proud and must take an oath to keep ourselves loyal and patriotic in order to save our motherland from any type of attack or humiliation by other countries.

Independence Day Essay 6 (400 words)

Independence Day in India is the most important day for every Indian citizen as our country got freedom from the British rule. We celebrate this day every year on 15 th of August from 1947. Our country is counted as the world’s largest democracy all over the world.

India became an independent country on 15 th of August in 1947 after sacrifices of thousands of freedom fighters (such as Mahatma Gandhi, Bhagat Singh, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Moulana Abul Kalam Azad, Sukhdev, Gopal Krishna Gokhale, Lala Lajpat Rai, Lokmanya Balgangadhar Tilak, Chandra Shekhar Azad, etc) who worked hard to get independence from the British rule.

Each and every Indian celebrate his/her freedom in their own way such as decorating their places of celebration, raising National Flag, march past, watching favourite movies, dancing in the streets, singing National Anthem or patriotic songs or participating in many social activities organized at public places. Independence Day is celebrated by the government of India every year when the current Prime Minister of India raises out tricolour national flag at the Red Fort in Delhi followed by Indian army parade, march past, National Anthem recitation, speech and other cultural activities.

Independence Day in India is celebrated with the National Flag salute by the 21 guns firing. Similarly Independence Day celebration takes place in every states of the country where Governor and the Chief Minister of the states become main guests. Some people get prepared in the early morning and wait for the speech of the Indian Prime Minister at TV. On 15 th of August people get inspired with the history of India’s independence and do some social activities like that and watch movies based on the patriotic themes.

The great non-violence movement of the Mahatma Gandhi, Bapu, helps a lot to our freedom fighters to get freedom from the British rule after 200 long years of struggle. The hard struggle for Independence of India has worked as a huge moving force for every Indian which bind them together at one place whether they belong to different castes, classes, cultures to ritual beliefs to fight them from British rule for their rights. Even women (Aruna Asaf Ali, Vijay Laxmi Pandit, Sarojine Naidu, Kasturba Gandhi, Kamala Nehru, Annie Besant, etc.) came out from their houses and played their great role in getting freedom.

Independence Day Essay 7 (600 Words)


Independence Day is one of the national festivals of India with the other two being Republic Day and Gandhi Jayanti. It is celebrated on the 15th of August each year ever since India got independence from the British rule in 1947. The day celebrates freedom and independence in the true sense.

History of Independence Day

India was ruled by the British for almost two centuries. The citizens of our country suffered at the hands of the tyrant British officials for years until they finally managed to gather strength and fight them. They struggled for the independence of our country selflessly and tirelessly under the leadership of patriots such as Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Subhash Chandra Bose, Chandra Shekhar Azad and Bhagat Singh. While some of these leaders advocated the path of non-violence others took to aggressive means to fight the British.

However, the ultimate aim of all of them was to drive the British out of the country. After numerous freedom movements, protests and sacrifices, our country finally got independence on 15 th August 1947 which was declared as the Independence Day of our country.

Why do We Celebrate Independence Day?

We celebrate Independence Day to celebrate the spirit of freedom and independence. It is also celebrated to commemorate the sacrifices of our freedom fighters. This day is a reminder that the freedom we enjoy today has been earned the hard way and that we must value it as well as make the most of it for our good and the good of our nation.

By way of Independence Day celebrations each year the younger generation is acquainted with the struggles of the people who lived in British colonized India. The celebration is a way of invoking patriotic feelings among the people of our country to encourage them to stay united and work for its betterment.

Activities on Independence Day

Independence Day is celebrated with great enthusiasm in different parts of our country. Various big and small events are organized in schools, colleges, offices and residential societies to celebrate this day. Here are some of the activities done on Independence Day:

  • Flag Hoisting : On this day, the Prime Minister of our country hoists the Indian National Flag at Red Fort. This is followed by 21 gun shots in the honour of the occasion. Flag hoisting is done as a part of the Independence Day celebration throughout the country.
  • Speeches/ Debates/ Quiz : Speeches are delivered as a part of Independence Day celebration in schools, colleges and other places. Debate and quiz competitions are also held in educational institutes. Essay writing and painting competitions are also organized to celebrate this day.
  • Fancy Dress Competitions : Fancy dress competitions are held in schools and residential societies. Small kids are seen dressed up as freedom fighters.
  • Kite Flying Competition : Kite flying competitions are also held on this day. Numerous colourful kits are seen flying in the sky. This is seen as a mark of freedom.
  • Sweet Distribution : Sweets are distributed after flag hoisting.

Significance of Independence Day

Independence Day holds special significance for every Indian. It is a day that reminds them of the struggle and sacrifices of the freedom fighters. It inspires the youth of the nation to stand for the honour of the country. It fills the hearts of the people with patriotism and they are motivated to work for the good of their country. The spirit of patriotism is seen across the country particularly on this special day.

Independence Day is celebrated with immense zeal all across our country. People of all ages come forward to celebrate this day. Songs are sung in praise of the freedom fighters as well as our motherland. People are seen dressed up in tri-colour. The sky seems full of kites and there is joy all around.

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Independence Day Essay 8 (1000 Words)

The day on which India attained legislative sovereignty through an act passed by the parliament of United Kingdom, is celebrated as the Independence Day of India. The Indian Independence Act passed by the Parliament of United Kingdom on 15 th August 1947, transferred all the legislative powers to the Indian Constituent Assembly, which was constituted to write the Constitution of India. It was an outcome of a long battle applying the principles of non violence and civil disobedience, against the suppressions of British Empire.

Sometimes during the 17 th Century British came to India showing trading interests in the sub continent. They were amazed by the prosperity of kingdoms and rich topography of the sub continent. Slowly they started making foothold into the nation by increasing trading activities. Here, came to the fore “East India Company” which was supposed to be a trading company reporting to its board of directors in London; nevertheless, eyeing the unlimited wealth opportunities that the subcontinent offered, East India Company, forcefully occupied powers of the government and judiciary. This period of Indian history from 1757 to 1858 is termed as the “Company Rule”.

Things went on the same until the rebellion of 1857, when the rule of East India Company in India was transferred to Queen Victoria through Government of India Act 1857. This Act established the British Crown as the ultimate ruler of India.

In the following decades, civil societies and political parties in India gradually became strong, demanding self rule or Swaraj. A long battle of non violence and non cooperation ensued, finally resulting in India achieving independence on 15 th August 1947.

Importance of Independence Day

Independence was gained after nearly two centuries of subjugation under, firstly, the East India company and secondly the British Crown. It was a period of unethical suppression and tremendous exploitation of our resources at the hands of Britishers.

Kingdoms were forcefully occupied, kings were dethroned and punished for no apparent reason, farmers and small traders were made vulnerable by imposing new tax laws. The whole nation had felt the pain of subjugation, for every moment under the Crown. It was therefore a big achievement and a reason to celebrate when independence was finally gained on 15 th August 1947.

The significance of the day is defined by the sacrifices made by our freedom fighters and other countrymen, in the struggle for independence. Millions of Indians have lost their lives in the freedom fight. The day reminds us to commemorate those who have sacrificed their all to make us breathe in freedom.

Independence Day also reminds us that we were able to break free from shackles of British Empire, because we fought against it, united. People from different religions, caste, financial background, culture, fought together diminishing their demographic differences. Therefore, the day reminds us to stay united as it the key to stay safe and independent.

Role of Women in India’s Independence

Women played a crucial role in India’s struggle for freedom. They bravely faced the challenges and made significant contributions to the nation’s independence movement.

  • Leadership Roles : Prominent figures like Sarojini Naidu, Aruna Asaf Ali, and Sucheta Kriplani led various campaigns and protests against British rule.
  • Civil Disobedience : Women actively participated in the Salt March and other civil disobedience movements initiated by Mahatma Gandhi.
  • Bravery Acts : Rani Lakshmibai of Jhansi and Matangini Hazra are celebrated for their direct confrontations with the British.
  • Promotion of Swadeshi : Women were at the forefront of promoting the use of Indian-made goods, rejecting British products.
  • Social Reforms : Alongside the freedom struggle, women leaders also pushed for social reforms, advocating for women’s rights and empowerment.
  • Jails & Sacrifices : Many women, like Kasturba Gandhi and Durgabai Deshmukh, endured imprisonment and made personal sacrifices for the country’s freedom.

Freedom Fighters Efforts in Independence Day

India’s journey to independence was marked by the valiant efforts of numerous freedom fighters. These leaders dedicated their lives to the cause, shaping the nation’s destiny.

  • Mahatma Gandhi : Often called the ‘Father of the Nation’, Gandhi advocated non-violence and civil disobedience. His Dandi March and Quit India Movement were pivotal in challenging British rule.
  • Jawaharlal Nehru : As the first Prime Minister of independent India, Nehru was crucial in shaping the nation’s modern identity. His charismatic leadership rallied masses for freedom.
  • Subhas Chandra Bose : With his famous slogan “Give me blood, and I shall give you freedom!”, Bose led the Indian National Army against the British.
  • Bhagat Singh : A symbol of youth resistance, Singh’s acts of defiance, like the Parliament bomb incident, made him an icon of the struggle.
  • Rani Lakshmibai of Jhansi : Symbolizing women’s role in the freedom fight, she led her army against the British during the 1857 revolt.
  • Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel : Known as the ‘Iron Man of India’, Patel played a vital role in integrating princely states into the Indian Union.
  • Dr. Rajendra Prasad : Apart from being India’s first President, Prasad actively participated in the freedom struggle, contributing to constitutional processes.

These leaders, among many others, lit the torch of freedom, leading India towards its long-sought independence.

Independence Day Celebrations

Independence Day of India is celebrated as a National Festival in India. People belonging to different religion, caste and culture celebrate the day together, infused with the feelings of nationalism and patriotism. The festive fervor could well be seen on the streets, offices, schools, colleges, houses, throughout the nation. The air reverberates with patriotic songs and national anthem. Fluttering tricolor of various shapes and sizes is a common sight on the day.

Below we will go through details of celebrations in some of the significant locations of the nation.

Celebrations at Delhi

National capital Delhi is the center for the most distinguished Independence Day celebrations. On the evening before Independence Day, Prime Minister of India addresses the nation on Tele Vision, congratulating citizens and remembering the freedom fighters.

Next day, huge crowd emerged at the Red Fort to witness flag hoisting ceremony by the Prime Minister. Thousands of people from across the country and several dignitaries are present to honor the national flag and to witness the events following it.

Flag hoisting is concurrently followed by the singing of national anthem and then a 21 gun salute in the honour of the Prime Minister. After the gun salute, the Prime Minister once again addresses the nation and remembers the freedom fighters and their struggles.

The speech is followed by a march past by Indian army and other armed forces. Tableaus depicting religious and cultural heritage of various Indian states, also take part in the procession.

Celebrations in Schools and Offices

Schools, colleges and offices throughout India celebrate Independence Day with almost equal zeal and enthusiasm. Participation of children in the celebrations is more prominent and they seem to be at the centre of all the preparations. Celebrations begin with the head of the institution hoisting the national flag in presence of students and other staff members.

Several competitions, cultural events, plays are organized in schools by the children themselves, as a reminiscence of India’s freedom struggle and also to commemorate the great freedom fighters. Children get dressed up as various freedom fighters and cry famous slogans of Indian struggle – “Inquilab Zindabad”, “Jai Hind”, “Vande Matram” etc. School also distributes sweets among the students and staff members to celebrate the day.

The celebration in offices is also celebrated with the same patriotic zeal; though, with slightly different events. Flag hoisting is compulsory in all government institutions, with mandatory attendance. The flag ceremony is followed by speeches by the staff members, which usually is a commemoration of freedom fighters and reminiscence of the freedom struggle.

People in the streets too are seen greeting each other and buying tricolors to adorn their houses and vehicles. In 2002 Flag code of India was amended to allow private citizens to display the flag, but with certain rules and regulations.

Independence Day of India is a National festival celebrated with the feeling of patriotism and nationalism, throughout the country. The country resonates with festive fervor and pride in its unity and diversity. The beating of drums along with the singing of national anthem fills the heart with a great sense of nationalism. It is primarily a celebration of Independence; nevertheless, it is also a celebration of “unity in diversity” of India. Moreover, the government has declared 15 th August as a national holiday to make sure that you participate in the celebrations, without any fear or hindrances.

Frequently Asked Questions Independence Day

Is it 76 or 77 independence day 2023.

It's the 76th Independence Day in 2023.

Is it 77th Independence Day?

No, 2023 marks the 76th Independence Day for India.

What is the purpose of the Independence Day?

Independence Day celebrates a nation's freedom from colonial or foreign rule, reminding citizens of the sacrifices made and fostering national pride and unity.

When did India get freedom?

India gained its freedom from British rule on August 15, 1947.

What is the time of flag hoisting on 15 August?

The national flag is typically hoisted at 7:30 AM on August 15 at the Red Fort in Delhi, followed by the Prime Minister's address.

Who declared freedom in India?

Lord Louis Mountbatten, the last British Viceroy of India, officially transferred power, leading to Jawaharlal Nehru becoming the first Prime Minister of independent India.

What are the rules of the National Flag?

The rules for the National Flag, known as the Flag Code of India, dictate how and where the flag can be hoisted, ensuring it's treated with respect and dignity. For instance, it should never touch the ground and must be displayed in a particular orientation.

Who gave India freedom?

India's freedom was the result of persistent efforts and sacrifices by its freedom fighters and leaders. While the British officially relinquished control, it wasn't given – it was earned by India.

At what time flag is removed?

There's no specific time universally followed for flag removal. However, as per protocol, the national flag, when flown in the open, should be taken down at sunset.

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Independence Day Essay | Essay on Independence Day for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by sastry

Independence Day Essay: On August 15th, 1947 , India attained freedom from the British rule. Since then, we celebrate this day as our Independence Day. It is a red-letter day for us because we achieved our freedom from foreign rule.

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Short Essay on Independence Day 200 Words for Kids and Students in English

Below we have given a Long Essay on Independence Day is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, 7, 8. This short essay on Independence Day is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

Our independence came after a long and hard struggle. Many people had to make huge sacrifices to achieve it. Our national flag was unfurled from the ramparts of the Red Fort for the first time by our first prime minister, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru. The practice is being followed to this day.

The day is celebrated throughout the country. In all the state capitals, the governor or the chief minister of the state unfurls the flag. But the main function is held at the Red Fort, in Delhi, where the prime minister of the country hoists the flag.

Independence Day Essay

The ceremony at the Red Fort is marked by a guard of honour, which is presented to the prime minister, along with a salute of 21 gunshots. Various military bands play the national anthem and the prime minister delivers a speech to the nation.

Get an Essay on Independence Day Function for Students, from here.

It is a national holiday and all shops, offices, schools and colleges remain closed. This day is a reminder of all the great patriots who sacrificed their lives so that we may live in a free land. Hence, we must work hard to maintain our freedom.

The tricolour is also hoisted in many schools on this day. Some important person, or the school principal, addresses the gathering. In the evening, all major government buildings are nicely lit up.

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Essay on Independence Day

Independence Day is a momentous occasion in India, celebrated on August 15th each year. This essay will argue that India’s Independence Day is a symbol of freedom, unity, and the indomitable spirit of a nation that emerged from the shackles of colonialism. We will explore the historical significance, traditions, and enduring relevance of this important day

The Historical Context

India’s struggle for independence from British colonial rule is a remarkable chapter in history. The journey towards freedom was marked by sacrifices, non-violent resistance, and the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi, who inspired millions with his principles of truth and non-violence.

The Role of Freedom Fighters

Freedom fighters like Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, and Subhas Chandra Bose dedicated their lives to the cause of independence. Their unwavering commitment to the nation’s freedom laid the foundation for a sovereign India.

The Road to Independence

India’s path to independence was a challenging one, marked by numerous protests, movements, and sacrifices. The Salt March, the Quit India Movement, and the Dandi March were pivotal events that galvanized the nation.

The Significance of August 15, 1947

On August 15, 1947, India finally achieved independence. This historic moment marked the end of British rule and the beginning of a new era for India as a sovereign nation. The significance of this day is immeasurable.

The Importance of Independence

Independence is not merely a political event; it signifies self-determination and the right of a nation to govern itself. Experts in political science emphasize the value of independence in shaping a nation’s destiny.

The Spirit of Patriotism

Independence Day evokes a strong sense of patriotism and national pride. It is a day when citizens across India come together to celebrate their unity in diversity, transcending linguistic, cultural, and regional differences.

Celebratory Traditions

Independence Day celebrations in India are marked by flag hoisting ceremonies, parades, cultural programs, and patriotic songs. The Prime Minister of India hoists the national flag at the Red Fort in Delhi, a tradition that is watched by millions.

The Importance of the National Flag

The Indian tricolor flag, with its saffron, white, and green bands, holds deep symbolism. The Ashoka Chakra in the center represents the wheel of law and the continuing progress of the nation. Experts in vexillology study the symbolism of flags.

Unity in Diversity

Independence Day reinforces the idea of unity in diversity, as people from different backgrounds and cultures come together to celebrate their shared identity as Indians. Experts in sociology highlight the importance of fostering national unity.

The Relevance of Independence Day Today

Independence Day is not just a historical commemoration; it is a reminder of the principles of democracy, justice, and equality that form the foundation of modern India. Experts in political philosophy emphasize the enduring relevance of these principles.

Conclusion of Essay on Independence Day

In conclusion, India’s Independence Day is a symbol of freedom, unity, and the enduring spirit of a nation that overcame colonial oppression. It is a day to remember the sacrifices of the freedom fighters and to celebrate the values of democracy, justice, and equality. As we observe Independence Day each year, we reaffirm our commitment to building a stronger, more prosperous, and more inclusive India. This day serves as a reminder that the journey towards progress and prosperity continues, guided by the principles of freedom and unity.

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English Aspirants

Essay on Independence Day [100, 120, 150, 200, 250 Words]

Essay on Independence Day in English : Every year on the 15th of August, the people of India celebrate Independence Day. In this article, you are going to read 5 essays on Independence Day of India (100, 120, 150, 200, and 250 words). These essays will be helpful for the students of all the classes (class 1 to class 12). If you are looking for paragraph on Independence Day, this article will also help you with that. So, let’s begin.

Table of Contents

Independence Day Essay: 100 Words

Independence Day of India is celebrated on 15 th August. On this day, India got freedom from British rule. On this day, The Prime Minister of India hoists the National Flag at the Red Fort, New Delhi. It was because of immense courage and sacrifice of our freedom fighters we got independence. We remember our great freedom fighters and martyrs on this day.

On 15th August the National Flag is hoisted in schools, colleges, government offices, residential buildings, etc. Various cultural activities are organized in different parts of the country. Independence Day fills Indian hearts with pride and patriotism.

Independence Day Essay

Short Essay on Independence Day: 120 Words

We celebrate 15 th August every year as our Independence Day. On this day in 1947, India got independence from British rule. It is a day of great pride for all Indians. Independence Day is celebrated with great joy and happiness. The Prime Minister of India unfurls the National Flag and addresses the nation to mark the Independence Day.

On Independence Day, flag hoisting ceremonies and parades by armed forces and school children are held in different parts of the country. As part of the celebration, cultural events, quiz programs, and debates are organized in many schools and colleges. Independence Day reminds us of our glorious past and the sacrifices of the innumerable freedom fighters for the cause of India’s Independence. It inspires us to stand united and work together to build a strong nation.

Essay on Independence Day

Also Read: 10 Lines on Independence Day of India [2022]

Essay on Independence Day: 150 Words

India got independence on the 15th of august in 1947. Independence Day is celebrated with great zeal and enthusiasm. On Independence Day we remember millions of our freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives for our independence. Independence Day ceremony is organized at the Red Fort on the 15th of August. The Prime Minister hoists the National Flag at Red Fort in the morning. He also delivers an address to the nation to mark the occasion.

We celebrate Independence day by hoisting the flag and singing the National Anthem. This day is observed as a national holiday across India. Schools and colleges organize cultural events, debates, and quiz competitions on this day. Sweets are distributed to everyone. People decorate houses, streets, and roads with National Flags and tricolor balloons to show their patriotism. We have to take a pledge to protect the freedom and sovereignty of the nation.

Essay on Independence Day in English

Essay on Independence Day: 200 Words

Independence Day is celebrated in India on the 15th of August with great joy and happiness. The day of August 15, 1947 is written with golden letters in the history of India. On this auspicious day, our country became independent from hundreds of years of British rule. Since then we celebrate this day as a national festival of India.

On this day every year, the Prime Minister hoists the National Flag from the ramparts of the Red Fort in Delhi and gives a message to the countrymen. During the celebration, Indian Army performs march-past in front of the historic Red Fort. Many great freedom fighters such as Mahatma Gandhi , Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, Rajguru, Kshudiram Bose, Chandra Sekhar Azad, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, sacrificed their lives selflessly for the freedom of India. We pay tribute to the Nation and the freedom fighters on Independence Day.

On this day fruits, sweets, etc. are distributed to the children. Flag hoisting ceremonies are held at schools and colleges on the occasion of Independence Day. On this day streets and roads of every city are decorated with the National Flag. Independence Day fills every Indian heart with pride and patriotism. This day also infuses new hope and energy among us.

Also Read: 10 Lines on Our National Flag

Independence Day Essay: 250 Words

India got independence from British rule on 15 august 1947 after long years of struggle and sacrifice. The Independence Day is celebrated with great pomp and show in every city and town of India. It is a festival of freedom for us. Independence Day is celebrated as a national holiday in India every year on 15th of august.

Many freedom fighters like Subhash Chandra Bose, Lala Lajpat Rai, Lokmanya Tilak, Bipin Chandra Pal, Mahatma Gandhi, Sardar Patel, Rani Laxmi Bai, and millions of others sacrificed their lives to make India an independent nation. Independence Day is a day to remember and honour them.

The main celebrations take place in the capital, New Delhi where the prime minister raises the flag and delivers a nationally broadcast speech from the ramparts of the historical site red fort. He gives a speech about the achievements of the government and gives guidelines for future development. After this event, a parade of defense forces, police forces, NCC cadets, scouts, cultural tableaus, and school children takes place at Red Fort. This is followed by a march past of army contingents, para-military personnel, and air force squadrons.

The President of India delivers an address to the nation on the eve of Independence Day every year. On this day, the first Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru hoisted the Indian National Flag above the Lahori Gate of the Red Fort in Delhi. To commemorate the Independence Day people hoist the National Flag, sing patriotic songs and decorate their houses, streets, and roads with tricolor flags. Various cultural events are organized to pay homage and respect to our freedom fighters for their invaluable contribution.

Independence day is a matter of pride for all of us. We should work together to build up a strong nation.

Also Read: 5 Lines on Independence Day

Read More: 1. 5 lines on Our National Flag  2. Essay on My Vision for India in 2047 3. Wonder of Science Essay 

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Is It The 76th Or 77th Independence Day? We Clear The Doubt

Independence day 2023 : several institutions and iconic buildings across the country are illuminated in the colours of the national flag..

Is It The 76th Or 77th Independence Day? We Clear The Doubt

Independence Day 2023: The speech is delivered from the iconic Red Fort in Delhi.

India will be celebrating its Independence Day on August 15. In 1947, India achieved freedom from the British colonial rulers after a long struggle. Independence Day is an occasion to commemorate and remember the sacrifice of freedom fighters who fought for our country's independence. Several institutions and iconic buildings across the country are illuminated in the colours of the national flag on this day. The night before India got its independence, our first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru delivered a historic speech titled 'Tryst With Destiny'.

As the day nears, a debate is going on about whether India is celebrating the 76th or 77th Independence Day. Read on to know the correct answer.

India celebrating the 76th or 77th Independence Day in 2023?

The discussion revolves around two assumptions: Should the day be counted from August 15, 1947, when India became an independent nation, or a year later, when it celebrated the first anniversary.

If we count from the day of independence, India will be celebrating 77th anniversary of attaining freedom. But from August 15, 1948, the count comes to 76th Independence Day.

According to government agency Press Information Bureau (PIB), the August 15, 2022 was celebrated as the 76th Independence Day. So, going by the system our government uses, this will be India's 77th Independence Day.

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The Red Fort in Delhi becomes the centre of attention in days leading up to the Independence Day celebrations. Jawaharlal Nehru delivered his famous 'Tryst With Destiny' speech from the ramparts of the iconic Red Fort. Since then, it has become a tradition.

The Red Fort, also known as 'Lal Quila,' stands as a symbol of India's fight for freedom. Its historical significance ranges from being a witness to numerous battles and sacrifices to becoming an emblem of strength. This remarkable edifice has observed some of the most momentous chapters in India's journey towards independence.

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Honoring Hope and Resilience: Celebrating Pakistan’s 76th Independence Day

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As the sun rises on the 14th of August, Pakistanis across the nation stand united, hearts swelling with pride and joy, as they commemorate the 76th anniversary of their hard-fought independence. It’s a day when the air is thick with patriotic fervor, and the streets echo the harmonious strains of national anthems.

This annual celebration isn’t just a historical milestone; it’s a reminder of the struggles and sacrifices made by countless individuals who believed in the dream of a free and prosperous Pakistan. And as the nation comes together to honor this spirit, one community, the farmers of Pakistan, stands out as they encapsulate what hope, commitment, dedication, and selflessness are all about.

This message and the role that farmers play in driving this country forward has been beautifully encapsulated recently by a communication which is highlighting the essence of unity, hope, and progress by paying tribute to the backbone of Pakistan’s growth – its farmers.

Narrated by the distinguished playwright Anwar Maqsood, the video released by Fatima Fertilizer resonates deeply with the nation’s ongoing challenges and the importance of unity in shaping a prosperous future. The video beautifully exemplifies the unyielding spirit of Pakistani farmers, who, against all odds, continue to work tirelessly in the fields, sowing the seeds of hope and commitment. These farmers, often overlooked in the bustling modern world, are the unsung heroes driving the wheels of progress in the nation.

Despite stark challenges, Pakistani farmers work tirelessly, demonstrating that hope and sustenance are woven into the very fabric of the nation. Their ceaseless efforts, undeterred by challenges, ensure not only food security but also economic stability for all. The video serves as a powerful reminder that the resilience of these farmers is the driving force behind Pakistan’s relentless advancement.

The significance of the agricultural sector in Pakistan cannot be overstated. It is fundamental to the economy, employing a significant portion of the population and contributing substantially to the GDP. The hardworking farmers, who plow, plant, and nurture the land with unwavering commitment, play a vital role in shaping the nation’s growth trajectory.

Still, many a time, farmers are overlooked and their contributions undermined. However, this Independence Day, individuals and organizations alike need to come together to voice their support and appreciation for the relentless community that makes the integral efforts that eventually bring food to our tables.

Fatima Fertilizer, with its deep commitment to supporting Pakistan’s agricultural sector, understands the pivotal role of farmers in driving the country’s progress. The company recognizes that their efforts extend far beyond the boundaries of their fields; they are the foundation of a thriving nation.

As a company, Fatima Fertilizer takes its responsibility seriously by providing farmers with innovative and effective fertilizers that enhance crop yield and quality. Through this, they contribute to food security and economic prosperity, empowering farmers to continue their remarkable growth journey.

The role of Pakistan’s corporate sector, especially organizations actively working in the agriculture sector is one that deserves special praise. These companies have a critical role in boosting the segment through products, services, and innovative initiatives that go above and beyond in providing support as well as appropriate resources to farmers. Since this community has dedicated generation after generation to the prosperity of Pakistan, they deserve recognition from every single individual, particularly on this Independence Day.

In conclusion, Pakistan’s 76th Independence Day is more than just a commemoration; it’s a testament to the nation’s spirit and the sacrifices made by countless individuals. At this time, farmers and their unwavering commitment, against all odds, serve as a beacon of hope, guiding Pakistan toward a brighter future.

As the nation unites in celebration, it is a reminder that progress is driven by unity, resilience, and the indomitable spirit of the people.

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  • Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav Essay in English PDF Download


Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav

The following is an essay on Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav in English. Readers can use this essay at their convenience to learn the basics of writing an essay and also to gather valuable information on the highlights of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav 2022. 

English Essay on Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav 2022

The 75 th Indian Independence Day will be celebrated on 15 th August 2022. It is going to be big this year since the diamond jubilee celebrations are on the way. The Indian army, the freedom fighters whom we lost, and some of whom are still alive, and the Indian culture and history will be nurtured and celebrated this year as well.      

It was Shri Narendra Modi, our Prime Minister, who started the official Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav on 12th March 2021, starting the journey from Sabarmati Ashram. In order to commemorate 75 years of India’s Independence, he started off a 75-week-long festival.  This is supposed to continue for 75 long weeks till the 75th Indian Independence Day and will extend another year to end on 15th August 2023.

Mahatma Gandhi began the Dandi Yatra on 12th March 1930. He started the march from the Sabarmati Ashram, keeping in mind the cause of awakening self-reliance and self-respect in his nation. Incidentally, our honourable Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, started the symbolic Dandi Yatra on this very day in 2021. Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav marked the beginning of the revival of Indians’ journey towards self-reliance and self-respect.

The Har Ghar Tiranga, Har Din Tiranga Campaign 2022

The Har Ghar Tiranga, Har Din Tiranga campaign aims to instil a sense of pride and love for our nation in the citizens, who will keep a tricolour flag in their houses 365 days of the year. This seems like a great initiative to keep reminding the citizens that they live in a colourful nation breeding love, unity, and diversity. 

The campaign is urging all Indian citizens to start a mass movement to commemorate our 75th Independence Day. They can do this by hoisting or putting up tricolour flags in their homes and putting up tricolour images as their profile pictures on social media handles.  

Previously, the Tricolour flag could only be hoisted between Sunrise and sunset. However, this year it is not the same scenario. People are allowed to hoist the flag all day long. 

The Flag Code for Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav 2022 

Following are some of the rules laid down by the Indian Government in 2021 for the hoisting and display of the Indian tricolour flag from then onwards:

The flag shall be either hand spun, hand woven, or machine made using cotton/polyester/wool/silk khadi bunting. 

Any member of the public, private, or educational organisation can hoist or display the national flag on all days and occasions, be it ceremonious or otherwise. 

The flag can be hoisted and displayed day and night if it is an open area where people can watch.

The flag can be of any size, but it has to be rectangular in shape with a length-to-width ratio of 3:2.

In a time of display, the national flag needs to be positioned appropriately and should appear distinctly.

People should not display a damaged or dishevelled flag.

No other flags should be hoisted or displayed from the masthead where the Indian national flag is hoisted. 

There should be no other flag or bunting hoisted above or side by side with the Indian national flag.  

No other citizens, except dignitaries like the President, the Vice-President, the Prime Minister, Governors, etc., should not fly the national flag on their vehicles. 

The Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav is a government initiative to commemorate the 75th or diamond jubilee year of Indian Independence Day , where the festivities will continue for 75 weeks until 15th August 2023, which is a year from now. This is a great approach to instil a sense of love, respect, pride, and responsibility towards the nation in Indian citizens, kids and adults alike. It is an important step to revive the culture and history of Indian Independence and other aspects as well. People are urged to take an active part in this campaign turned mass movement to do their part.


FAQs on Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav Essay in English PDF Download

1. How can you describe Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav in 1500 words?

A limit of 1500 words will give you enough scope to get into the details of the Har Ghar Tiranga, Har Din Tiranga campaign, the Flag Code of India, and so on. However, the paragraphs should be concise and to the point so that the flow remains perfect and the intent remains clear. 

2. How can you write an Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav essay in English in 750 words?

750 words will give you a tighter limit, and you can just touch upon the major highlights of this year’s Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, apart from the introduction and conclusion. However, it is still enough to provide clear and consumable information to readers. It’s best to stick to a basic structure and use short paragraphs to make the idea intelligible.

3. How to write an Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav paragraph in English?

If you are to write only a paragraph in English on Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. In that case, you can mention the important dates, the people involved in the movement, the intent behind the movement, the span of celebrations, and add a few lines on the Har Ghar Tiranga, Har Din Tiranga campaign. 

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77th Independence Day Essay In English, Hindi, Long, and Short For School Kids Pdf File Download

77th Essay on Independence Day, 15th August essay in English, Hindi, Long and short essay. You can also use this

Reported by Pankaj Bhatt

Published on 8 June 2024

77th Essay on Independence Day, 15th August essay in English, Hindi, Long and short essay. You can also use this for Independence Day Speech. India is one of the fastest-growing countries in the world with a GDP of 3.4 trillion dollars. And recently India Surpasses England to become the 5th Largest economy in the World. Every Year Independence Day is celebrated with great enthusiasm and pride. In schools usually, the teacher gave homework to write an essay on Independence Day .

So here in this article, we have provided Independence Day essays in English and Hindi. In the last part of this article, we have provided facts about Indian Independence Day, which you can include in the Independence Day speech/essay.

It is a land of diversity where people of different caste, creeds, religions, cultures, and beliefs live together. India is a country where there is “Unity in Diversity” . India is the biggest democracy in the world that celebrates its independence day on 15 th August of every year. In this article, below we have shared 77th Independence Day Essay, facts you can include in your Essay on Independence Day.

77th Independence Day Essay (500+ words)

The week leading up to 15th of August landmark day of our Independence Day. On this day you can find tricolour at every nook and corner. All private and government organization’s, schools and institutions are celebrating the Day of Freedom. But few are the people who actually understand the true importance of it.

Why Independence Day is so Importance?

Independence Day is the most significant day in the history of India because it reminds us of the bravery and struggle of our freedom fighters. On this day we pay homage to our fighters who fought and gave up their lives for our independence. Since then we are celebrating our Independence Day every year on 15 th August. It is considered a national holiday and all the organisations and institutions hoist the national flag and organise cultural functions across the country.

This day is celebrated to ignite the feeling of nationalism and patriotism across the country. Every citizen has a different viewpoint on Independence. A youngster takes this day to celebrate the glory and strength of the country while for others it’s a reminder of the long suppression and cruelty that our people suffered. It’s not only a celebration of Independence but also of unity with the diverse culture of the country.

How we got our Independence?

For about two centuries the Britishers managed to rule over us. Also, the resident of the nation endured a lot because of these oppressors. British authorities deal with us like slaves until we figure out how to retaliate against them.

We battled for our freedom yet work vigorously and magnanimously under the direction of our pioneers Jawahar Lal Nehru , Subhash Chandra Bose, Mahatma Gandhi, Chandra Shekhar Azad, and Bhagat Singh. A portion of these pioneers picks the way of violence while some picked non-violence. The definitive point of these was to drive out the Britishers from the nation. Furthermore, on the fifteenth of August 1947, the hotly anticipated dream works out as expected.

Activities and Cultural Programs on Independence Day

To celebrate this day a ceremony is held at Red Fort in Delhi in which the Prime Minister and President of the nation address the entire country and hoist the tricolour flag.  After flag hosting, 21 gunshots are fired in honour of the occasion. This is the begging of the main event after that lot of acts and cultural activities are performed to show the diversity in unity and strength of our country. A parade of all the Indian forces takes place.

What is different on 77th Independence Day 2023

This Year the celebration of Independence Day would be different as we know the entire world is facing a pandemic crisis. Like Last year we could expect from the Centre that they will issue some guidelines to avoid large gatherings while celebrating Independence Day.

Prime Minister Narender Modi has asked the people of India to take the pledge on this Independence Day to fight pandemics and to make India free of them. And to make sure that every citizen works for self-dependent (Atmnirbhar Bharat) India.

A day worth celebrating for which our ancestors have shed their blood and have struggled a lot. But are we truly justifying the struggle and hard work of our freedom fighters? We should rethink it and should work towards the actual freedom of the people of the country by helping them and making them self-dependent and capable enough to support not even themselves but also the country. This Independence Day we should dream of India which is strong and powerful and have the capability to face any problems with unity.

Hope you liked this Independence Day essay 500 words in the English language.

Download -> Independence Day Essay Pdf

77th Independence Day Short Essay

“One individual may die for an idea, but that idea will, after his death, incarnate itself in a thousand lives”  – Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose

Today we are celebrating our 77th Independence Day. For our country India, several brave hearts have fought for our liberation and gave immeasurable sacrifices. For almost 200 years, the government of the British governed India. Before 1947, the British government oppressed our countrymen a lot. After being tortured, hanged, and captured by the cruel Britishers finally, we got our freedom on 15th of August 1947.

As Vivekananda said that “ This life is a tremendous assertion of freedom “ . Every year we celebrate Independence Day to give tributes to all the freedom fighters who have given their lives for our freedom. For the very 1st time PM Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru hoisted the flag of India and give a speech to all Indians at Red Fort on 15th August. From that day, all schools, colleges, organizations, and every citizen of India celebrates this day.

Initially, India was described as  “Sone ki Chidiya”  due to the excess of resources and minerals found in India. But the British government took away everything by implementing the “Divide and Rule” policy. Freedom Fighters thought that it would have to end, otherwise, our generation will live in slavery in the future too. Freedom fighters like Bhagat Singh, Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, etc made sacrifices of their life to provide freedom to us so, now it’s our duty to be responsible citizens.

“Be the change that you want to see in the world” –  Mahatma Gandhi

In India, patriotism is a feeling that comes from the inside. It is necessary for our new generation to know the importance of patriotism, scarifies given by our leaders, freedom fighters and soldiers.

This year celebrate Independence Day at your home and don’t step out of the house without having a valid reason. Don’t forget the hard work and scarifies of our health workers, doctors, and every person who has been working so dedicated to keeping us safe. 

“The sword of revolution is sharpened on the whetting stone of ideas”  – Bhagat Singh

‘Jai Hind Jai Bharat’

Also Check: Independence Day Speech for Students

77th Independence Day Essay in Hindi

स्वतंत्रता दिवस के 77 वीं वर्षगांठ पर निबंध

15 अगस्त 1947 को हमारा देश ब्रिटिश शासन से मुक्त होकर एक स्वतंत्र राष्ट्र बना था। 14 और 15 की मध्य रात्रि को कई विद्रोह के बाद भारत को स्वतंत्रता प्राप्त हुयी थी। हमे स्वतंत्र हुए आज पुरे 75 वर्ष हो गए हैं। हमारा भारत 200 वर्ष तक अंग्रेजों के अधीन था जिसके बाद हमारे देश में आजादी के लिए काफी लड़ाई लड़ी गयी। जिसमे बहुत से महापुरुषों ने अपना बलिदान दिया और भारत को एक स्वतंत्र देश बनाया।

स्वंत्रता दिवस के उपलक्ष्य में पूरा देश हर वर्ष पुरे हर्ष और उल्लाहस के साथ इस दिन को एक त्यौहार के रूप में मनाते है। और स्कूल, कॉलेज और भारत के सभी संस्थानों में तिरंगा फहराया जाता है। और इस दिन बच्चे सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रमों में भाग लेते है और हास्य, नाटक, भाषण, नृत्य, जैसे कार्यक्रमों को आयोजित करते हैं।

इस दिन देश के प्रधानमंत्री जी भारत की राजधानी दिल्ली के लाल किला पर झंडा फहराते है और राष्ट्रगान गाया जाता है। और साथ ही 21 तोपों की सलामी दी जाती है। उसके उपरान्त प्रधानमंत्री जी लाल किले से पुरे देश को सम्बोधित करते है। और स्वतंत्रता दिवस के उपलक्ष्य में वहां और भी बहुत से लोग और बच्चे उपस्थित होते है। स्वतंत्रता दिवस के दिन हमारे सैनिक और एनसीसी कैडेट परेड करते है। परेड, और विभिन्न राज्यों की झांकिया निकाली जाती है तथा बच्चों द्वारा रंगारंग कार्यक्रम प्रस्तुत किये जाते हैं। प्रधानमंत्री जी के द्वारा दिया गया भाषण तथा लाल किले पर किये जाने वाले सभी कार्यक्रम लाइव (LIVE ) प्रसारण किया जाता है। इस भाषण को पूरा देश अपने रेडियो और टेलीविजन के माध्यम से सुनता है।

भारत को आजादी दिलाने में कुछ महापुरुषों ने अपनी महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाई है उन्होंने अपनी जान गंवा कर हमे एक स्वतंत्र राष्ट्र प्रदान किया है। इनमे से कुछ महापुरुषों के नाम इस तरह है- भगत सिंह, रानी लक्ष्मी बाई, चंद्र शेखर आजाद, सुभाष चंद्र बोस, मंगल पाण्डे, राजगुरु, सुखदेव, महात्मा गाँधी। इस दिन महापुरुषों की कुर्बानियों को याद किया जाता है। और उन्हें भावपूर्ण श्रंद्धांजलि दी जाती है। आज के दिन स्कूलों में छात्र -छात्राओं में मिष्ठान का वितरण किया जाता है। सारे सरकारी दफ्तर में झंडा फहराया जाता है। इस दिन पुरे भारत के सरकारी कार्यालय में अवकाश रहता है। स्वतंत्रता दिवस को सभी राज्य के मुख्यमंत्री अपने राज्य में ध्वजा रोहण करते है।

77th Independence Day Essay in English

Independence Day in India is observed on 15 th August every year. It is a national holiday that is celebrated with pride across the nation. It is celebrated to commemorate the independence of India. Every year 15 th of August is celebrated as a day of happiness and feeling proud as India got independence from British rule on this day.

Independence Day is marked as an important day in Indian history. It would be not wrong if say that it is the birthday of new and free India.

Why Independence Day is celebrated?

As Independence approaches Indian hearts are filled with the feeling of patriotic exhalation.

It all started with the arrival of Britishers in India around the 17 th century. Britishers came to India around 1600’s as traders but with the passage of time they established themselves as a dominating power in India and made it their colony. As time passes, the tyranny of the British Empire increased and Indian people suffered badly.

In 1857 the first war of independence broke out and since then people started raising their voices against the rulers. Those who raised their voice against the tyranny of Britishers were tortured, shot dead or sent to jails but freedom fighters did not give up and kept fighting.

By the beginning of the 20 th century, India witnessed several freedom fighters and leaders. There were mass protests, movements, marches etc against the dominance of British power that took place under the guidance of several leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Sardar Patel, Gopal Krishna Gokhale, and many others. Lots of people devoted their lives for the freedom of this nation.

Finally, the hard work, determination, and sacrifice of freedom fighters pay off when India moves towards freedom at on midnight 15 th of August 1947. The first Prime Minister of India proclaims the Freedom of India from British rule through a speech . This was the end of British rule in India and India got freedom.

At this India was divided into various princely states. All the states and kingdoms come together to form a nation and therefore we can also say it was one of the biggest diplomatic successes for Indians .

Also Check: Short Speech for 15th August

Importance of (15 August) Independence Day

It reminds us of the sacrifice of thousands of people behind the Independence of India from British Colonial rule. It is important because it makes us feel proud and gives us a chance to honour all the martyrs, freedom fighters, and people who participated in the struggle for freedom.

Independence Day has great significance as it fills Indian hearts with pride and patriotism and also infuses them with the zeal and determination to do something for their nation. It also reminds us to remain grounded and not forget our roots.

It reminds Indians to be grateful, and humble, and give respect to all the people who were behind this free India. It is also important as it helps to keep the love for the country alive in the hearts of the people.

Independence Day Celebration

As Independence Day is a national holiday and has great significance, therefore, it is celebrated with zeal and enthusiasm throughout the country. The people of India celebrate the spirit of freedom in different ways.

One can see a burst of tri-colour flags in markets a week before Independence Day. Like other festivals, this national occasion is also getting commercialized by marketers.  Markets are filled with various things of saffron, white and green colours which symbolize the colours of the Indian national flag. Being a national occasion it is celebrated in each and every part of India.

Every individual and business celebrates this big day in India and shows patriotism in their own way. Schools, colleges, and offices remain closed on this occasion however they celebrate the day by organizing various activities at their premises.

The national celebration starts with the speech of the Prime Minister of India on the eve of 15 th August. Flag hoisting, singing the national anthem, and cultural programs are some of the common sights during this occasion.

Kite flying is one of the activities that are practised by people in various parts of India. Kites of various shapes colours sizes form a beautiful spectrum of colours in the sky. Sweets are distributed among people, and various competitions, poetry recitations, speeches, parades, and pageants are organized across India.

Major government buildings of India are illuminated with lights and flag hoisting is done at the premises. Independence Day is the occasion of feeling pride and keeping the spirit of patriotism alive.

Independence Day Essay: Facts

Some of the facts behind the independence of India and Independence Day are as follows-

  • On midnight of 15 th August 1947, India got freedom from the rule of the British Empire that has ruled the country for around 300 years.
  • Independence Day is a national holiday in India and is celebrated with enthusiasm in schools, colleges, offices and various other places.
  • The official ceremony of Independence Day takes place at the Red Fort.
  • There were only 13 ministers in the Indian cabinet who took oath on 15 th August 1947.
  • India is a peaceful country that has never invaded any country in the last history of the last 100000 years.
  • There was no official national anthem during the time of the first Independence Day.
  • When India got independence there are 562 princely states and Sardar Patel and other leaders negotiated and incorporated these kingdoms to form India.
  • Apart from India, there are countries like Congo, Bahrain, North Korea, South Korea, and Liechtenstein that got independence on 15 August but in a different year and therefore celebrated their Independence Day on 15 th August every year.
  • Independence Day is also celebrated in the USA on every 15 th August as “India Day”.

Independence Day is a festival to celebrate the freedom of the nation. We should remember the great souls who devoted their lives to the nation and therefore it needs to be celebrated with great enthusiasm.

We will add more 77th Independence Day essays here. Keep visiting this page.

Pankaj Bhatt

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  • 75 Years of Independence: The Changing Landscape of India

75 Years of Independence: The Changing Landscape of India  Blogs Home

  • 14 Aug 2022

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There is an old saying that India is a new country but an ancient civilization, and this civilization has seen tremendous changes throughout its history.

From being an education hub of the world in ancient times to becoming the IT hub of the world today, the Indian landscape has come a long way. Taking 15 th August 1947 as our frame of reference, we find that there are several fields like Science and Technology, economy, and human development where India has shown remarkable progress. However, some fields like health and education still seem to be taken care of. Let us look at these aspects of Indian development individually.

The Landscape of Science and Technology

When the Britishers left India, they left behind a broken, needy, underdeveloped, and economically unstable country. After independence, India prioritized scientific research in its first five-year plan. It paved the way for prestigious scientific institutes like IITs and IISC. After just three years of independence, the Indian Institute of Technology has established in 1950. These institutions promoted research in India with the aid of foreign institutions. From launching its first satellite Aryabhatta in 1975 to being the first country to reach the orbit of Mars, India has taken confident strides in the field of space research technology, thanks to the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). We can proudly state that India is standing at par with countries like USA and China, same goes with the field of biotechnology also where India is producing vaccines for the entire world. The success of UPI is also a case study for the world with 9.36 billion transactions worth Rs. 10.2 trillion in Q1 of 2022 only.

Economic Landscape

India faced several issues following its independence, including illiteracy, corruption, poverty, gender discrimination, untouchability, regionalism, and communalism. Numerous issues have acted as major roadblocks to India's economic development. When India declared its independence in 1947, its GDP was mere 2.7 lakh crore accounting for 3% of the world GDP. In 1965, the Green Revolution was started in India by M. S. Swaminathan, the father of the Green Revolution. During the Green Revolution, there was a significant increase in the crop area planted with high-yielding wheat and rice types. From 1978–1979, the Green Revolution led to a record grain output of 131 million tonnes. India was then recognized as one of the top agricultural producers in the world. With the construction of linked facilities like factories and hydroelectric power plants, a large number of jobs for industrial workers were also generated in addition to agricultural workers.

Today India is the 5 th largest economy in the world with 147 lakh crore GDP, accounting for 8% of global GDP. In recent years, India has seen a whopping rise of 15,400% in the number of startups, which rose from 471 in 2016 to 72,993 as of June 2022. This phenomenal rise in startups has also produced millions of new jobs in the country.


The India of today is different from India at the time of freedom. In the 75 years of independence, Indian Infrastructure has improved drastically. The overall length of the Indian road network has grown from 0.399 million km in 1951 to 4.70 million km as of 2015, which makes it the third largest roadway network in the world. Additionally, India's national highway system now spans 1, 37, 625 kilometres in 2021, up from 24,000 km (1947–1969).

After over 70 years of independence, India has risen to become Asia's third-largest electricity generator. It increased its ability to produce energy from 1,362 MW in 1947 to 3, 95, 600 MW. In India, the total amount of power produced increased from 301 billion units in 1992–1993 to 400990.23 MW in 2022. The Indian government has succeeded in lighting up all 18,452 villages by April 28, 2018, as opposed to just 3061 in 1950, when it comes to rural electrification.

The Landscape of Human Development

In 1947 India had a population of 340 million with a literacy rate of just 12%, today it has a population of nearly 1.4 billion and a literacy rate of 74.04%. The average life expectancy has also risen from 32 years to 70 years in 2022.

The Landscape of Education and Health

In 1947, India had a population of 340 million with a literacy rate of just 12%, today it has a population of nearly 1.4 billion and a literacy rate of 74.04%. The average life expectancy has also risen from 32 years to 70 years in 2022. Though India has shown remarkable progress In terms of literacy rate, the quality of higher education is still a cause of major concern. There is not a single Indian University or Institute in the top 100 QS World University Ranking. With the largest youth population in the world, India can achieve wonders if its youth get equipped with proper skills and education. The health, sector is also worrisome. The doctor-to-patient ratio is merely 0.7 doctors per 1000 people as compared to the WHO average of 2.5 doctors per 1000 people. A recent study shows that 65% of medical expenses in India are paid out of pocket by patients and the reason is that they are left with no alternative but to access private healthcare because of poor facilities in public hospitals.

The Political Landscape

Jawaharlal Nehru was appointed as India's first prime minister in 1947, following the end of British rule. He promoted a socialist-economic system for India, including five-year plans and the nationalization of large sectors of the economy like mining, steel, aviation, and other heavy industries. Village common areas were taken, and a massive public works and industrialization drive led to the building of important dams, roads, irrigation canals, thermal and hydroelectric power plants, and many other things. India's population surpassed 500 million in the early 1970s, but the “Green Revolution” significantly increased agricultural productivity, which helped to end the country's long-standing food problem.

From 1991 to 1996, India's economy grew quickly as a result of the policies implemented by the late Prime Minister P. V. Narasimha Rao and his Finance Minister at the time, Dr Manmohan Singh. Poverty had decreased to about 22%, while unemployment has been continuously reducing. Growth in the gross domestic product exceeded 7%.

India's first female Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi, held office from 1966 until 1977 for three consecutive terms before serving a fourth term (1980–84). India elected Pratibha Patil as its first female president in 2007.

India's economy has expanded significantly in the twenty-first century. Under the Prime ministership of Narendra Modi (BJP), many significant changes have taken place like the scraping of Section 370, strengthening the Defence systems, creating a startup-friendly environment and much more. To expand infrastructure and manufacturing, the Modi administration launched several programs and campaigns, including “Make in India”, “Digital India”, and the “Swachh Bharat project.”

The Legal Landscape

Before independence, the Privy Council was the highest appellate authority in India. This Council was abolished as the first action following independence. The abolition of the Privy Council Jurisdiction Act was passed by the Indian Constituent Assembly in 1949 to eliminate the Privy Council's authority over appeals from India and to make provisions for outstanding appeals. It was B. R. Ambedkar's sharp legal intellect to draft a constitution for the newly sovereign country. In all executive, legislative, and judicial matters in the nation, the Constitution of India serves as the supreme law. The Indian legal system has developed into a key component of the largest democracy in the world and a pivotal front in the fight to protect constitutional rights for all citizens. Since it was first adopted in 1950, the Indian Constitution has had 105 modifications as of October 2021. The Indian Constitution is divided into 22 parts with 395 articles. Later, through various changes, further articles were added and amendments were made. According to the online repository maintained by the Legislative Department of the Ministry of Law and Justice of India as of July 2022, there are around 839 Central laws. The Indian legal system has a promising and forward-thinking future, and in the twenty-first century, young, first-generation lawyers are entering the field after graduating from the best law schools.

The Landscape of the Defence Sector

The Indian military ranked 4 of 142 out of the countries considered for the annual GFP review. From being defeated by the Chinese army in 1962 to becoming one of the largest defence systems in the world, India has surely learnt from its past errors. One of the reasons the Indian defence system has been able to attain its present reputation is the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) which was established in 1958. Since its founding, it has created many significant programs and critical technologies, including missile systems, small and big armaments, artillery systems, electronic warfare (EW) systems, tanks, and armoured vehicles. India began working on nuclear energy in the late 1950s and had indigenous nuclear power stations by the 1970s. India had also begun developing nuclear weapons and producing fissile material concurrently, which allowed for the purportedly harmless nuclear explosion in Pokhran in 1971. The Integrated Guided Missile Development Program (IGMDP), under the direction of APJ Abdul Kalam and with the support of the Ordnance Factories, was established in 1983. In 1989, the longer-range Agni was independently designed and tested. Later, India and Russia collaborated to design and produce the Brahmos supersonic cruise missile. India currently leads several other nations in the production of defences. India is one of about a dozen nations that have built and produced their fighter jets, helicopters, submarines, missiles, and aircraft carriers.

Analyzing the different landscapes of India we find that we have come a long way in our journey but still, there is a lot to be done if we want to make India a ‘super power’. A lot will depend on our people’s willingness to change, ensuring the equal participation of women in the workforce, including marginalized communities in our economic growth, and last but not least is having a liberal and progressive and unbiased mindset.

As we are celebrating “Azaadi ka Amrit Mahotsav”, the completion of 75 years of independence can be taken as a new opportunity to build an India of our aspirations and make positive contributions to the changing landscape of India.

 Aarifa Nadeem,%2C37%2C625%20km%20(2021) . ~:text=India%20became%20a%20sovereign%20democratic,the%2042nd%20Constitution %20Amendment%201976.

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Essay on Indian Independence Day in English

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  • Updated on  
  • Jan 19, 2024

Essay on Indian Independence Day

Essay on Indian Independence Day: Independence Day serves as a solemn reminder of the gallant sacrifices made by countless men and women who dared to dream of a sovereign nation. Celebrated on the 15th of August, this auspicious occasion marks the resounding triumph of India’s struggle for freedom against British colonial rule in 1947. Beyond the festivities and grandeur, Independence Day serves as a solemn reminder of the gallant sacrifices made by countless men and women who dared to dream of a sovereign nation.

Schools prepare students for exciting celebrations and co-curricular activities whenever Independence Day draws near. One of these activities is the Essay Speaking Competition, which aims to improve students’ speaking skills and encourage them to express their thoughts. In this article, we provide a helpful guide to excel in this competition. 

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Table of Contents

  • 1 When is the Indian Independence Day Celebrated?
  • 2 Why is the 15th of August Celebrated as Independence Day?
  • 3 Sample Essay on Indian Independence day in 150 words
  • 4 Sample Essay on Indian Independence Day in 250 words

When is the Indian Independence Day Celebrated?

India eagerly anticipates the celebration of its 77th Independence Day on August 15. This year’s milestone marks 76 years of liberation from British colonial rule, a significant achievement. The day resonates with the struggles endured to break free from the British Raj after almost two centuries. It honours the sacrifices of brave leaders and freedom fighters who laid down their lives for India’s independence. The theme for 2023 is ‘Nation First, Always First’, shaping the essence of the celebrations. The occasion is a testament to unity, patriotism, and the collective duty to propel the nation towards prosperity. Festivities include flag hoisting, parades, cultural events, and a renewed commitment to honour the nation’s history and freedom.

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Why is the 15th of August Celebrated as Independence Day?

15th August holds immense significance as Independence Day in India. It marks the momentous occasion when, after over two centuries of British colonial rule, India triumphantly declared its freedom in 1947. This day serves as a poignant reminder of the relentless struggle and sacrifices of numerous freedom fighters who valiantly fought for liberation. The reins of authority were handed over to India’s leaders, symbolising a new beginning. The journey to independence was a persistent one, etching a tryst with destiny. As we celebrate this historic day, we honour the lives laid down for a free India and embrace the dawn of a new era.

Sample Essay on Indian Independence day in 150 words

Independence Day is a symbol for our Nation that depicts the struggles, resilience, determination and then eventually triumph of our nation over the colonial rule. The Indian Independence day is celebrated on 15th of August in India. It is a reminder of those brave hearts who laid down their lives for the nation, the sacrifices, the struggles they made to free our nation from the oppression of the Britishers. Those freedom fighters had indomitable spirits and hence, this day marks their victory and end of the British rule in India in the year 1947. The very essence of the Independence day is in remembering the values our forefathers fought for- secularism, democracy and unity in diversity.

The Independence day is not just about festivity and flag hoisting, it is a day of pride, aspiration, and reflection, hence binding the past, present and the future of our nation in a bond of patriotism that is shared by every Indian.

Sample Essay on Indian Independence Day in 250 words

Indian Independence Day, observed on August 15, is a solemn tribute to the brave souls who envisioned a sovereign nation and made gallant sacrifices to realise that dream. This significant day marks the triumphant culmination of India’s arduous struggle against British colonial rule in 1947. Amidst the grandeur and celebrations, the core message of Independence Day remains the valour of those who dared to dream and fought relentlessly for freedom.

Approaching its 77th year, Independence Day holds special significance in 2023 as India commemorates 76 years of liberation from British dominion. This milestone is a testament to the enduring spirit that defied two centuries of subjugation. The theme ‘Nation First, Always First’ underscores the essence of this year’s celebrations, emphasising unity, patriotism, and progress.

The historic significance of August 15 is entrenched in the awakening of a nation. Emerging from the shadows of colonialism, India embarked on a new trajectory as its leaders assumed the mantle of governance. This day serves as a poignant reminder of the tenacity displayed by freedom fighters who selflessly embraced sacrifice for a better India.

Independence Day rekindles the flame of patriotism, fostering a collective commitment to propel the nation forward. Celebrations encompass flag hoisting, parades, and cultural events, all symbolising renewed dedication to India’s history and the tireless efforts that secured its freedom. As the tricolour soars high and the echoes of the national anthem resound, each Independence Day reaffirms the spirit of unity and resilience that define the Indian identity.

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To write an Independence Day essay, begin with an engaging introduction, highlighting the historical importance of the day. Discuss the struggles, sacrifices, and leaders who played pivotal roles in gaining freedom. Describe celebrations and their significance, concluding with a message of patriotism and unity, ensuring a well-structured and concise essay.

Independence Day, celebrated on August 15, marks India’s liberation from British rule in 1947. It signifies the triumph of courage, sacrifice, and unity. Festivities include flag hoisting, parades, and cultural events, fostering national pride and remembrance of those who fought for freedom.

Indian Independence Day, on 15th August, commemorates the nation’s freedom from British colonial rule in 1947. It’s a day of immense historical significance, evoking patriotism and unity among citizens. Festivities involve flag-raising ceremonies, parades, and cultural performances, celebrating India’s journey to sovereignty and honouring its brave leaders.

For more information on such interesting topics, visit our essay writing page and follow Leverage Edu . 

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Manasvi Kotwal

Manasvi's flair in writing abilities is derived from her past experience of working with bootstrap start-ups, Advertisement and PR agencies as well as freelancing. She's currently working as a Content Marketing Associate at Leverage Edu to be a part of its thriving ecosystem.

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  1. Short essay on Independence day|| full essay with heading in English

    essay on independence day 76

  2. write essay on Independence Day

    essay on independence day 76

  3. Short Essay on Independence Day in English 100, 150, 200, 300 Words

    essay on independence day 76

  4. Independence Day Essay

    essay on independence day 76

  5. Simple English essay on Independence Day

    essay on independence day 76

  6. Write an essay on Independence Day

    essay on independence day 76


  1. 76th National Independence Day

  2. 5 lines On Independence Day || Independence Day essay 5 lines || 5 lines on 15 August

  3. Paragraph Independence day||essay on independence day of Bangladesh||independence day paragraph

  4. Essay on Independence Day 2023

  5. 10 lines on Independence Day in english || Essay on Independence Day 10 lines || 15 August essay

  6. Essay On Independence Day || Independence Day Essay Writing


  1. Independence Day Essay for Students and Children: As the nation looks

    On August 15, 1947 India got independence from British colonialism. When independent India's first Prime Minister and a great freedom fighter Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru read the Tryst with Destiny ...

  2. Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav Essay|77th Independence Day Essay in English

    The day of 15th August 1947 has been embossed in the golden history of India. It is the day when India got its freedom from 200 years of British rule. It was a hard and long struggle in which many freedom fighters and great men sacrificed their lives for our beloved motherland. India celebrates its Independence Day on the 15th of August every year.

  3. Essay on Independence Day: 250, 500-1000 words for Students

    You can use this Essay on Independence Day in any assignment or project whether you are in school (class 10th or 12th), college, or preparing for answer writing in competitive exams. Topics covered in this article. Essay on Independence Day in 150 words. Essay on Independence Day in 250-350 words.

  4. Independence Day

    See all videos for this article. Independence Day, in the United States, the annual celebration of nationhood. It commemorates the passage of the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776. Learn about how the Independence Day holiday came to be. Infographic about the Independence Day holiday in the United States.

  5. Independence Day (United States)

    Independence Day, known colloquially as the Fourth of July, is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the Declaration of Independence, which was ratified by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, establishing the United States of America.. The Founding Father delegates of the Second Continental Congress declared that the Thirteen Colonies were no longer subject (and ...

  6. History of the Independence Day

    The celebration is dedicated to the pronouncement of The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America that happened at the Congress meeting in Pennsylvania on July 4, 1776 (Library of Congress, n. d.). Since the Great Discovery, North America's lands belonged to the British Empire, which organized mining, production, trading ...

  7. July 4, 1776

    July 1, 2007. Every Independence Day we celebrate the founding of the world's most powerful — and for some, inspirational — nation. Yet for several months after July 4, 1776, the self ...

  8. India Independence Day in English

    The Independence Day Essay in English should also revolve on this theme.This is an initiative of the Indian government to celebrate and commemorate 76 years of freedom and to enlighten the glorious history of people, Indian culture and much more achievements.

  9. Independence Day Essay for Students in English

    500+ Words Essay on Independence Day (15 August) for Students and Children. India celebrates its Independence Day on 15th August every year. Independence Day reminds us of all the sacrifices that were made by our freedom fighters to make India free from British rule. On 15th August 1947, India was declared independent from British colonialism ...

  10. Importance of Independence Day Essay

    India celebrates Independence day on 15th August every year. As it is on this day in the year 1947 India got its independence from British rule. The reason that India got its' Independence on 15th August was Lord Mountbatten considered this date lucky. Because it was the same day in the year 1945 the Japanese forces surrendered before him.

  11. Essay on Independence Day of India for Students

    One being the Independence Day (15th August) and the other two being Republic Day (26th January) and Gandhi Jayanti (2nd October). After independence, India became the largest democracy in the world. We fought very hard to get our independence from the Britishers. In this essay on Independence Day, we are going to discuss the history and ...

  12. Independence Day (15 August) Essay for Children & Students

    Independence Day Essay 1 (100 words) The date, 15 th of August from 1947 in India has become a very important day in the Indian history. It was the luckiest day of year 1947 when India became independent after lots of hard struggle and sacrifices of the Indian freedom fighters. We won freedom after a hard struggle.

  13. Independence Day Essay

    Independence Day Essay: On August 15th, 1947, India attained freedom from the British rule. Since then, we celebrate this day as our Independence Day. It is a red-letter day for us because we achieved our freedom from foreign rule. You can read more Essay Writing about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more. Short Essay on Independence Day […]

  14. Essay on Independence Day

    Independence Day is a momentous occasion in India, celebrated on August 15th each year. This essay will argue that India's Independence Day is a symbol of freedom, unity, and the indomitable spirit of a nation that emerged from the shackles of colonialism. We will explore the historical significance, traditions, and enduring relevance of this ...

  15. Importance of Independence Day Essay: 77 Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav 2023

    This 77th India Independence Day 2023, read these Independence Day important points to know our history. Courses. Courses for Kids. Free study material. Offline Centres. More. ... Practising essays on India Independence Day 2023, especially this year as it is Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, serves a dual purpose of knowing the country better and ...

  16. Essay on Independence Day [100, 120, 150, 200, 250 Words]

    In this article, you are going to read 5 essays on Independence Day of India (100, 120, 150, 200, and 250 words). These essays will be helpful for the students of all the classes (class 1 to class 12). If you are looking for paragraph on Independence Day, this article will also help you with that. So, let's begin.

  17. Is It The 76th Or 77th Independence Day? We Clear The Doubt

    But from August 15, 1948, the count comes to 76th Independence Day. According to government agency Press Information Bureau (PIB), the August 15, 2022 was celebrated as the 76th Independence Day.

  18. Honoring Hope and Resilience: Celebrating Pakistan's 76th Independence Day

    In conclusion, Pakistan's 76th Independence Day is more than just a commemoration; it's a testament to the nation's spirit and the sacrifices made by countless individuals. At this time ...

  19. Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav Essay in English

    English Essay on Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav 2022. The 75th Indian Independence Day will be celebrated on 15th August 2022. It is going to be big this year since the diamond jubilee celebrations are on the way. The Indian army, the freedom fighters whom we lost, and some of whom are still alive, and the Indian culture and history will be nurtured ...

  20. 77th Independence Day Essay In English, Hindi, Long and Short Essay

    Published on 27 April 2024. 77th Essay on Independence Day, 15th August essay in English, Hindi, Long and short essay. You can also use this for Independence Day Speech. India is one of the fastest-growing countries in the world with a GDP of 3.4 trillion dollars. And recently India Surpasses England to become the 5th Largest economy in the World.

  21. 75 Years of Independence: The Changing Landscape of India

    In the 75 years of independence, Indian Infrastructure has improved drastically. The overall length of the Indian road network has grown from 0.399 million km in 1951 to 4.70 million km as of 2015, which makes it the third largest roadway network in the world. Additionally, India's national highway system now spans 1, 37, 625 kilometres in 2021 ...

  22. Essay on Indian Independence Day in English

    Read this Essay on Indian Independence Day to know all about the developments that took place during the Indian Independence movements. ... Approaching its 77th year, Independence Day holds special significance in 2023 as India commemorates 76 years of liberation from British dominion. This milestone is a testament to the enduring spirit that ...

  23. Independence Day (Sri Lanka)

    National Day, also known as Independence Day, is a Sri Lankan national holiday celebrated annually on 4 February to commemorate the country's political independence from British rule in 1948. It is celebrated all over the country through a flag-hoisting ceremony, dances, parades, and performances. Usually, the main celebration takes place in Colombo, where the President of Sri Lanka raises ...