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Waterfall Methodology: A Comprehensive Guide

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If you've been in project management for a while, you must’ve encountered the Waterfall methodology. It's an old-school software development method from the 1970s.

In a Waterfall process, you must complete each project phase before moving to the next. It's pretty rigid and linear. The method relies heavily on all the requirements and thinking done before you begin.

Don't worry if you haven't heard of it. Let’s break the Waterfall method down and see how it works.

What is the Waterfall methodology?

Waterfall methodology is a well-established project management workflow . Like a waterfall, each process phase cascades downward sequentially through five stages (requirements, design, implementation, verification, and maintenance).

The methodology comes from computer scientist Winston Royce’s 1970 research paper on software development. Although Royce never named this model “waterfall”, he gets credit for creating a linear, rigorous project management system.  

Unlike other methods, such as the Agile methodology, Waterfall doesn't allow flexibility. You must finish one phase before beginning the next. Your team can’t move forward until they resolve any problems. Moreover, as our introduction to project management guide outlines, your team can’t address bugs or technical debt if it’s already moved on to the next project phase.

What are the stages of the Waterfall methodology?

Five phases comprise the Waterfall methodology: requirements, design, implementation, verification, and maintenance. Let's break down the five specific phases of Waterfall development and understand why it’s critical to complete each phase before progressing to the next.


The requirements phase states what the system should do. At this stage, you determine the project's scope, from business obligations to user needs. This gives you a 30,000-foot overview of the entire project. The requirements should specify:

  • resources required for the project.
  • what each team member will work on and at what stage.
  • a timeline for the entire project, outlining how long each stage will take. 
  • details on each stage of the process. 

But these requirements " may range from very abstract to a detailed mathematical specification ,” writes Steven Zeil , professor of computer science at Old Dominion University. That’s because requirements might not outline an exact implementation, and that’s something development addresses in later stages. 

After gathering all the requirements, it's time to move on to the design stage. Here, designers develop solutions that meet the requirements. In this stage, designers:

  • create schedules and project milestones.
  • determine the exact deliverables.  
  • create designs and/or blueprints for deliverables. 

Deliverables could include software or they could consist of a physical product. For instance, designers determine the system architecture and use cases for software. For a physical product, they figure out its exact specifications for production. 


Once the design is finalized and approved, it's time to implement it. Design hands off their specifications to developers to build.

To accomplish this, developers:

  • create an implementation plan.
  • collect any data or research needed for the build.
  • assign specific tasks and allocate resources among the team. 

Here is where you might even find out that parts of the design that can't be implemented. If it's a huge issue, you must step back and re-enter the design phase.


After the developers code the design, it’s time for quality assurance. It’s important to test for all use cases to ensure a good user experience. That's because you don't want to release a buggy product to customers.

  • writes test cases.
  • documents any bugs and errors to be fixed.
  • tests one aspect at a time.
  • determines which QA metrics to track.
  • covers a variety of use case scenarios and environments.


After the product release, devs might have to squash bugs. Customers let your support staff know of any issues that come up. Then, it's up to the team to address those requests and release newer versions of your product.

As you can see, each stage depends on the one that comes before it. It doesn't allow for much error between or within phases.

For example, if a stakeholder wants to add a requirement when you're in the verification phase, you'll have to re-examine the entirety of your project. That could mean tossing the whole thing out and starting over.

Benefits of Waterfall methodology

The benefits of Waterfall methodology have made it a lasting workflow for projects that rely on a fixed outcome. A 2020 survey found that 56% of project professionals had used traditional, or Waterfall, models in the previous year.

A few benefits of Waterfall planning include:

  • Clear project structure : Waterfall leaves little room for confusion because of rigorous planning. There is a clear end goal in sight that you're working toward.
  • Set costs : The rigorous planning ensures that the time and cost of the project are known upfront.
  • Easier tracking : Assessing progress is faster because there is less cross-functional work. You can even manage the entirety of the project in a Gantt chart, which you can find in Jira Software.
  • A replicable process : If a project succeeds, you can use the process again for another project with similar requirements.
  • Comprehensive project documentation : The Waterfall methodology provides you with a blueprint and a historical project record so you can have a comprehensive overview of a project.
  • Improved risk management : The abundance of upfront planning reduces risk. It allows developers to catch design problems before writing any code.
  • Enhanced responsibility and accountability : Teams take responsibility within each process phase. Each phase has a clear set of goals, milestones, and timelines.
  • More precise execution for a non-expert workforce : Waterfall allows less-experienced team members to plug into the process.
  • Fewer delays because of additional requirements : Since your team knows the needs upfront, there isn't a chance for additional asks from stakeholders or customers.

Limitations of Waterfall methodology

Waterfall isn't without its limitations, which is why many product teams opt for an Agile methodology.

The Waterfall method works wonders for predictable projects but falls apart on a project with many variables and unknowns. Let's look at some other limitations of Waterfall planning:

  • Longer delivery times : The delivery of the final product could take longer than usual because of the inflexible step-by-step process, unlike in an iterative process like Agile or Lean.
  • Limited flexibility for innovation : Any unexpected occurrence can spell doom for a project with this model. One issue could move the project two steps back.
  • Limited opportunities for client feedback : Once the requirement phase is complete, the project is out of the hands of the client.
  • Tons of feature requests : Because clients have little say during the project's execution, there can be a lot of change requests after launch, such as addition of new features to the existing code. This can create further maintenance issues and prolong the launch.
  • Deadline creep : If there's a significant issue in one phase, everything grinds to a halt. Nothing can move forward until the team addresses the problem. It may even require you to go back to a previous phase to address the issue.

Below is an illustration of a project using the waterfall approach. As you can see, the project is segmented into rigid blocks of time. This rigidity fosters an environment that encourages developers, product managers, and stakeholders to request the maximum amount of time allotted in each time block, since there may be no opportunity to iterate in the future.

How is the Waterfall method different from Agile project management?

Agile project management and the Waterfall methodology have the same end goal: crystal clear project execution. While Waterfall planning isolates teams into phases, Agile allows for cross-functional work across multiple phases of a project. Instead of rigid steps, teams work in a cycle of planning, executing, and evaluating, iterating as they go. 

The " Agile Manifesto " explains the benefits of Agile over the Waterfall model:

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change by following a plan

If you're looking for tools that support Agile project management and serve the same end goal as Waterfall, consider Jira Software . It’s best suited for Agile projects, and helps you: 

  • Track work : With Gantt charts , advanced roadmaps , timelines, and various other tools, you can easily track your progress throughout the project.
  • Align your team : Tracking allows you to seamlessly plan across business teams, keeping everyone aligned on the same goals.
  • Manage projects and workflows : With Jira Software, you can access project management templates that you can use for your Agile workflows .
  • Plan at every stage : Jira Product Discovery , another product by Atlassian, offers product roadmaps for planning and prioritizing product features at every stage, from discovery to delivery.

Atlassian's Agile tools support the product development lifecycle. There are even Agile metrics for tracking purposes. Jira Work Management lets you drive forward the Agile process. It uses intake forms to track work being done by internal teams and offers a repeatable process for requests.

These Jira products integrate natively within the app, unifying teams so they can work faster.

Use Agile methodology for project management

Waterfall methodology has a long history in project management, but it's often not the right choice for modern software developers. Agile methodology offers greater flexibility.

Here’s why most teams prefer an Agile process:

  • Adaptability to changes : If something arises, your team will be better able to adjust on the fly. Waterfall’s rigidity makes it difficult to deal with any roadblocks.
  • Continuous feedback loop : Continuous improvement requires a feedback loop. With Agile, you can gather feedback from stakeholders during the process and iterate accordingly. 
  • Stronger communication : Teams work collaboratively in an Agile process. Waterfall is a series of handoffs between different teams, which hinders effective communication. 

Here is where a project management tool such as Jira Software comes in handy for an Agile methodology. You can also use a project management template for your Agile projects. Your team can plan, collaborate, deliver, and report on projects in one tool. That keeps everyone aligned throughout any project and streamlines project management.

Waterfall methodology: Frequently asked questions

Who is best suited for waterfall methodology.

The Waterfall methodology works best for project managers working on projects that include:

  • Less complex objectives : Projects that don't have complicated requirements are best suited for Waterfall.
  • Predictable outcomes : Waterfall works best for those projects that are replicable and proven.
  • Reduced likelihood of project scope creep : A project where clients aren't likely to come up with last-minute requirements is suitable for Waterfall.

Agile methodology is perfect for nimble teams with an iterative mindset, such as: 

  • Cross-functional teams : A team of people with different skill sets that allows them to work on various aspects of a project. These are collaborative types who are flexible.
  • Self-organizing teams : Autonomous teams that don't need a lot of handholding. They embrace ambiguity in a project and are great problem solvers. This mindset also gives them more ownership over outcomes.
  • Startups and small businesses : These benefit from the mindset of " move fast and break things ". So they can fail fast, learn, and improve.

Finally, Agile works well for customer-centric projects where their input allows you to iterate.

What factors should I consider before implementing a project management approach?

When deciding on the proper methodology to implement in project management, there are four main factors to consider: project complexity, organizational goals, team expertise, and stakeholder involvement.

Let’s break each one down: 

  • Project complexity : Waterfall can help break down larger, more complex projects into smaller sets of expectations and goals. But its rigidity doesn’t deal well with unknowns or changes. Agile is better for complex projects that have a lot of variables. 
  • Organizational goals : What does your organization want to achieve? Is it looking to innovate or keep the status quo? An Agile approach is best if your organization wants to break down silos. Teams will work more collaboratively with more autonomy.
  • Team expertise : Agile is an excellent way to go if your team is cross-functional and can work across skill sets. If your team members rely heavily on a singular skill set, Waterfall may be better. 
  • Stakeholder involvement : If your stakeholders are going to be more hands-on, Agile will help you best because it allows for continuous feedback and iteration. 

Distributed Teams: Strategies for Success

Do you work on a distributed team, maybe remote or virtual? Learn how to manage, structure and build culture with a distributed agile team.

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The Ultimate Guide…

Waterfall Model

Brought to you by projectmanager, the online project planning tool used by over 35,000 users worldwide..

ProjectManager's Gantt chart, showing a waterfall project

What Is the Waterfall Methodology in Project Management?

The phases of the waterfall model, waterfall software development life cycle.

  • What Is Waterfall Software?
  • Desktop vs Online Waterfall Software

Must-Have Features of Waterfall Software

  • The Waterfall Model & ProjectManager.com

Waterfall vs. Agile

  • Pros & Cons of the Waterfall Model

Benefits of Project Management Software for Waterfall Projects

Waterfall methodology resources.

The waterfall methodology is a linear project management approach, where stakeholder and customer requirements are gathered at the beginning of the project, and then a sequential project plan is created to accommodate those requirements. The waterfall model is so named because each phase of the project cascades into the next, following steadily down like a waterfall.

It’s a thorough, structured methodology and one that’s been around for a long time, because it works. Some of the industries that regularly use the waterfall model include construction, IT and software development. As an example, the waterfall software development life cycle, or waterfall SDLC, is widely used to manage software engineering projects.

Related: 15 Free IT Project Management Templates for Excel & Word

Gantt charts are the preferred tool for project managers working in waterfall method. Using a Gantt chart allows you to map subtasks, dependencies and each phase of the project as it moves through the waterfall lifecycle. ProjectManager’s waterfall software offers these features and more.

A screenshot of the gantt chart interface in ProjectManager

Manage waterfall projects in minutes with ProjectManager— learn more .

The waterfall approach has, at least, five to seven phases that follow in strict linear order, where a phase can’t begin until the previous phase has been completed. The specific names of the waterfall steps vary, but they were originally defined by its inventor, Winston W. Royce, in the following way:

Requirements: The key aspect of the waterfall methodology is that all customer requirements are gathered at the beginning of the project, allowing every other phase to be planned without further customer correspondence until the product is complete. It is assumed that all requirements can be gathered at this waterfall management phase.

Design: The design phase of the waterfall process is best broken up into two subphases: logical design and physical design. The logical design subphase is when possible solutions are brainstormed and theorized. The physical design subphase is when those theoretical ideas and schemas are made into concrete specifications.

Implementation: The implementation phase is when programmers assimilate the requirements and specifications from the previous phases and produce actual code.

Verification: This phase is when the customer reviews the product to make sure that it meets the requirements laid out at the beginning of the waterfall project. This is done by releasing the completed product to the customer.

Maintenance: The customer is regularly using the product during the maintenance phase, discovering bugs, inadequate features and other errors that occurred during production. The production team applies these fixes as necessary until the customer is satisfied.

Related: Free Gantt Chart Template for Excel

Let’s hypothesize a simple project, then plan and execute it with the waterfall approach phases that you just learned. For our waterfall software development life cycle example, we’ll say that you’re building an app for a client. The following are the steps you’d take to reach the final deliverable.

Requirements & Documents

First, you must gather all the requirements and documentation you need to get started on the app.

  • Project Scope: This is one of the most important documents in your project, where you determine what the goals associated with building your app are: functional requirements, deliverables, features, deadlines, costs, and so on.
  • Stakeholder Expectations: In order to align the project scope with the expectations of your stakeholders—the people who have a vested interest in the development of the app—you want to conduct interviews and get a clear idea of exactly what they want.
  • Research: To better serve your plan, do some market research about competing apps, the current market, customer needs and anything else that will help you find the unserved niche your app can serve.
  • Assemble Team: Now, you need to get the people and resources together who will create the app, from programmers to designers.
  • Kickoff: The kickoff meeting is the first meeting with your team and stakeholders where you cover the information you’ve gathered and set expectations.

System Design

Next, you can begin planning the project proper. You’ve done the research, and you know what’s expected from your stakeholders . Now, you have to figure out how you’re going to get to the final deliverable by creating a system design. Based on the information you gathered during the first phase, you’ll determine hardware and software requirements and the system architecture needed for the project.

  • Collect Tasks: Use a work breakdown structure to list all of the tasks that are necessary to get to the final deliverable.
  • Create Schedule: With your tasks in place, you now need to estimate the time each task will take. Once you’ve figured that out, map them onto a Gantt chart , and diligently link dependencies. You can also add costs to the Gantt, and start building a budget.


Now you’re ready to get started in earnest. This is the phase in which the app will be built and tested. The system from the previous phase is first developed in smaller programs known as units. Then each goes through a unit testing process before being integrated.

  • Assign Team Tasks: Team members will own their tasks and be responsible for completing them, and for collaborating with the rest of the team. You can make these tasks from a Gantt chart and add descriptions, priority, etc.
  • Monitor & Track: While the team is executing the tasks, you need to monitor and track their progress in order to make sure that the project is moving forward per your schedule.
  • Manage Resources & Workload: As you monitor, you’ll discover issues and will need to reallocate resources and balance workload to avoid bottlenecks.
  • Report to Stakeholders: Throughout the project, stakeholders need updates to show them progress. Meet with them and discuss a regular schedule for presentations.
  • Test: Once the team has delivered the working app, it must go through extensive testing to make sure everything is working as designed.
  • Deliver App: After all the bugs have been worked out, you’re ready to give the finished app to the stakeholders.

System Testing and Deployment

During this phase you’ll integrate all the units of your system and conduct an integration testing process to verify that the components of your app work properly together.

Once you verify that your app is working, you’re ready to deploy it.


Though the app has been delivered, the software development life cycle is not quite over until you’ve done some administrative tasks to tie everything up. This is technically the final step.

  • Pay Contracts: Fulfil your contractual obligations to your team and any freelance contractors. This releases them from the project.
  • Create Template: In software like ProjectManager, you can create a template from your project, so you have a head start when beginning another, similar one.
  • Close Out Paperwork: Make sure all paperwork has been rubber stamped and archived.
  • Celebrate: Get everyone together, and enjoy the conclusion of a successful project!


Of course, the nature of any software development project is that, through use by customers, new bugs will arise and must be squashed. So, past the verification stage, it’s typically expected that you will provide maintenance beyond launch. This is an ongoing, post-launch phase that extends for as long as your contract dictates.

What Is Waterfall Project Management Software?

Waterfall project management software is used to help you structure your project processes from start to finish. It allows managers to organize their tasks, sets up clear schedules in Gantt charts and monitor and control the project as it moves through its phases.

Project management training video (fgc8zj1dix)

A waterfall project is broken up into phases, which can be achieved on a Gantt chart in the waterfall project management software. Managers can set the duration for each task on the Gantt and link tasks that are dependent on one another to start or finish.

While waterfall software can be less flexible and iterative than more agile frameworks, projects do change frequently—and there must be features that can capture these changes in real-time with dashboards and reports, so that the manager can clear up bottlenecks or reallocate resources to keep teams from having their work blocked. Microsoft Project is one of the most commonly used project management software, but it has major drawbacks that make ProjectManager a great alternative .

Desktop vs Online Project Management Waterfall Software

When it comes to waterfall software, you can choose from either a desktop application or online, cloud-based project management software. This might not seem to be a big issue, but there are important distinctions between these two types of offerings.

That’s because there are differences between the two applications, and knowing those differences will help you make an informed decision.

Desktop waterfall software tends to have a more expensive up-front cost, and that cost can rise exponentially if you are required to pay per-user licensing fees for every member of your team.

Online waterfall software, on the other hand, is typically paid for on a subscription basis, and that subscription is usually a tiered payment plan depending on the number of users.


Online software, naturally, must be connected to the internet. This means your speed and reliability can vary depending on your internet service provider. It also means that if you lose connectivity, you can’t work.

Although the difference is minor, desktop waterfall software never has to worry about connection outages.

If security is a concern, rest assured that both options are highly secure. Desktop software that operates on a company intranet is nigh impenetrable, which can provide your company with a greater sense of security.

Strides in web security, like two-factor authentication and single-sign have made online, cloud-based waterfall software far more secure. Also, online tools have their data saved to the cloud, so if you suffer a crash on your desktop that might mean the end of your work.


Desktops are tied to the computers they are installed to or, at best, your office’s infrastructure. That doesn’t help much if you have distributed teams or work off site, in the field, at home and so on.

Online software is accessible anywhere, any time—so long as you have an internet connection. This makes it always accessible, but even more importantly, it delivers real-time data, so you’re always working on the current state of the project.

Waterfall software helps to organize your projects and make them run smoothly. When you’re looking for the right software to match your needs, make sure it has the following features.

Phases & Milestones icon

Keep Your Project Structured

Managing a project with the waterfall method is all about structure. One phase follows another. To break your project into these stages, you need an online Gantt chart that has a milestone feature. This indicates the date where one phase of the waterfall process stops and another begins.

Phases & Milestones image

Control Your Task and Schedule

The Gantt chart is a waterfall’s best friend. It organizes your tasks, sets the duration and links tasks that are dependent to keep work flowing later on. When scheduling, you want a Gantt that can automatically calculate your critical path to help you know how much float you have.

Dependencies & CPM image

Have Your Files Organized

Waterfall projects, like all projects, collect a lot of paperwork. You want a tool with the storage capacity to hold all your documents and make them easy to find when you need them. Also, attaching files to tasks gives teams direction and helps them collaborate.

Attachments image

Know If You’re on Schedule

Keeping on track means having accurate information. Real-time data makes it timely, but you also need to set your baseline and have dashboard metrics and reporting to compare your actual progress to your planned progress. This makes sure you stay on schedule.

Planned vs Actuals image

Get an Overview of Performance

Dashboards are designed to collect data and display it over several metrics, such as overall health, workload and more. This high-level view is important, so you want to have a feature that automatically calculates this data and doesn’t require you to manually input it.

Dashboards image

Make Data-Based Decisions

Reports dive deeper into data and get more details on a project’s progress and performance. Real-time data makes them accurate. Look for ease of use—it should only take a single click to generate and share. You’ll also want to filter the results to see only what you’re interested in.

Reports image

The Waterfall Model & ProjectManager

ProjectManager is an award-winning project management software that organizes teams and projects. With features such as online Gantt charts, task lists, reporting tools and more, it’s an ideal tool to control your waterfall project management.

Sign up for a free 30-day trial and follow along to make a waterfall project in just a few easy steps. You’ll have that Gantt chart built in no time!

1. Upload Requirements & Documents

Waterfall project management guarantees one thing: a lot of paperwork. All the documentation and requirements needed to address for the project can quickly become overwhelming.

You can attach all documentation and relevant files to our software, or directly on a task. Now, all of your files are collected in one place and are easy to find. Don’t worry about running out of space—we have unlimited file storage.

2. Use a Work Breakdown Structure to Collect Tasks

Getting to your final deliverable will require many tasks. Planning the waterfall project means knowing every one of those tasks, no matter how small, and how they lead to your final deliverable. A work breakdown structure is a tool to help you figure out all those steps.

To start, use a work breakdown structure (WBS) to collect every task that is necessary to create your final deliverable. You can download a free WBS template here . Then, upload the task list to our software.

A screenshot of a gantt chart in ProjectManager

3. Open in Gantt Project View

Gantt charts are essential project management tools used for planning and scheduling. They collect your tasks in one place on a timeline . From there, you can link dependencies, set milestones, manage resources and more.

In the software, open the Gantt chart view and add deadlines, descriptions, priorities and tags to each task.

4. Create Phases & Milestones

Milestones are what separates major phases in a waterfall method project. Waterfall methodology is all about structure and moving from one phase to the next, so breaking your project into milestones is key to the waterfall method.

In the Gantt view, create phases and milestones to break up the project. Using the milestone feature, determine when one task ends and a new one begins. Milestones are symbolized by a diamond on the Gantt.

5. Set Dependencies in a Gantt Chart

Dependent tasks are those that cannot start or finish until another starts or finishes. They create complexities in managing any waterfall project.

Link dependent tasks in the Gantt chart. Our software allows you to link all four types of dependencies: start-to-start, start-to-finish, finish-to-finish and finish-to-start. This keeps your waterfall project plan moving forward in a sequential order and prevents bottlenecks.

6. Assign From Gantt Charts

Although you’ve planned and scheduled a project, it’s still just an abstraction until you get your team assigned to execute those tasks. Assigning is a major step in managing your waterfall project and needs to happen efficiently.

Assign team members to tasks right from the Gantt chart. You can also attach any related images or files directly to the task. Collaboration is supported by comments at the task level. Anyone assigned or tagged will get an email alert to notify them of a comment or update.

ProjectManager's Gantt charts are ideal for waterfall project management

7. Manage Resources & Workload

Resources are anything you need to complete the project. This means not only your team, but also the materials and tools that they need. The workload represents how many tasks your team is assigned, and balancing that work keeps them productive.

Keep track of project resources on the Workload view. See actual costs, and reallocate as needed to stay on budget. Know how many tasks your team is working on with easy-to-read color-coded charts, and balance their workload right on the page.

A screenshot of ProjectManager’s resource management window, each team member has a row that shows their workload

8. Track Progress in Dashboard & Gantt

Progress must be monitored to know if you’re meeting the targets you set in your waterfall method plan. The Gantt shows percentage complete, but a dashboard calculates several metrics and shows them in graphs and charts.

Monitor your project in real time and track progress across several metrics with our project dashboard . We automatically calculate project health, costs, tasks and more and then display them in a high-level view of your project. Progress is also tracked by shading on the Gantt’s duration bar.

ProjectManager’s dashboard view, which shows six key metrics on a project

9. Create Reports

Reporting serves two purposes: it gives project managers greater detail into the inner-workings of their waterfall project to help them make better decisions, and acts as a communication tool to keep stakeholders informed.

Easily generate data-rich reports that show project variance, timesheets , status and more. Get reports on your planned vs. the actual progress. Filter to show just the information you want. Then, share with stakeholders during presentations and keep everyone in the loop.

A screenshot of a project report generated by ProjectManager

10. Duplicate Plan for New Projects

Having a means to quickly copy projects is helpful in waterfall methodology, as it jumpstarts the next project by recreating the major steps and allowing you to make tweaks as needed.

Create templates to quickly plan any recurring waterfall projects. If you know exactly what it takes to get the project done, then you can make it into a template. Plus, you can import proven project plans from MSP, and task lists from Excel and Word.

The waterfall methodology is one of two popular methods to tackle software engineering projects; the other method is known as Agile .

It can be easier to understand waterfall when you compare it to Agile. Waterfall and Agile are two very different project management methodologies , but both are equally valid, and can be more or less useful depending on the project.

Waterfall Project Management

If the waterfall model is to be executed properly, each of the phases we outlined earlier must be executed in a linear fashion. Meaning, each phase has to be completed before the next phase can begin, and phases are never repeated—unless there is a massive failure that comes to light in the verification or maintenance phase.

Furthermore, each phase is discrete, and pretty much exists in isolation from stakeholders outside of your team. This is especially true in the requirements phase. Once the customer’s requirements are collected, the customers cease to play any role in the actual waterfall software development life cycle.

Agile Project Management

The agile methodology differs greatly from the waterfall approach in two major ways; namely in regards to linear action and customer involvement. Agile is a nimble and iterative process, where the product is delivered in stages to the customer for them to review and provide feedback.

Instead of having everything planned out by milestones, like in waterfall, the Agile software development method operates in “sprints” where prioritized tasks are completed within a short window, typically around two weeks.

These prioritized tasks are fluid, and appear based on the success of previous sprints and customer feedback, rather than having all tasks prioritized at the onset in the requirements phase.

Understanding the Difference Between Waterfall & Agile

The important difference to remember is that a waterfall project is a fixed, linear plan. Everything is mapped out ahead of time, and customers interact only at the beginning and end of the project. The Agile method, on the other hand, is an iterative process, where new priorities and requirements are injected into the project after sprints and customer feedback sessions.

Pros & Cons of the Waterfall Project Management

There are several reasons why project managers choose to use the waterfall project management methodology. Here are some benefits:

  • Project requirements are agreed upon in the first phase, so planning and scheduling is simple and clear.
  • With a fully laid out project schedule , you can give accurate estimates for your project cost, resources and deadlines.
  • It’s easy to measure progress as you move through the waterfall model phases and hit milestones.
  • Customers aren’t perpetually adding new requirements to the project, which can delay production.

Of course, there are drawbacks to using the waterfall method as well. Here are some disadvantages to this approach:

  • It can be difficult for customers to articulate all of their needs at the beginning of the project.
  • If the customer is dissatisfied with the product in the verification phase, it can be very costly to go back and design the code again.
  • A linear project plan is rigid, and lacks flexibility for adapting to unexpected events.

Although it has its drawbacks, a waterfall project management plan is very effective in situations where you are encountering a familiar scenario with several knowns, or in software engineering projects where your customer knows exactly what they want at the onset.

Using a project management software is a great way to get the most out of your waterfall project. You can map out the steps and link dependencies to see exactly what needs to go where.

As illustrated above, ProjectManager is made with waterfall methodology in mind, with a Gantt chart that can structure the project step-by-step. However, we have a full suite of features, including kanban boards that are great for Agile teams that need to manage their sprints.

With multiple project views, both agile and waterfall teams and more traditional ones can work from the same data, delivered in real time, only filtered through the project view most aligned to their work style. We take the waterfall methodology and bring it into the modern world.

Now that you know how to plan a waterfall project, give yourself the best tools for the job. Take a free 30-day trial and see how ProjectManager can help you plan with precision, track with accuracy and deliver your projects on time and under budget.

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Guide to waterfall methodology: Free template and examples

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Waterfall project management is a sequential project management methodology that's divided into distinct phases. Each phase begins only after the previous phase is completed. This article explains the stages of the waterfall methodology and how it can help your team achieve their goals.

But what if your project requires a more linear approach? Waterfall methodology is a linear project management methodology that can help you and your team achieve your shared goals—one task or milestone at a time. By prioritizing tasks and dependencies, the waterfall method helps keep your project on track.

What is waterfall methodology?

Waterfall methodology, a term coined by Dr. Winston W. Royce in 1970, is a sequential design process used in software development and product development where project progress flows steadily downwards through several phases—much like a waterfall. The waterfall model is structured around a rigid sequence of steps that move from conception, initiation, analysis, design, construction, testing, implementation, and maintenance.

Unlike more flexible models, such as Agile, the waterfall methodology requires each project phase to be completed fully before the next phase begins, making it easier to align with fixed budgets, timelines, and requirements.

By integrating comprehensive documentation and extensive upfront planning, waterfall methodology minimizes risk and tends to align well with traditional project management approaches that depend on detailed records and a clear, predetermined path to follow.

 For example, here’s what a waterfall project might look like:

Waterfall project management methodology

The waterfall methodology is often visualized in the form of a flow chart or a Gantt chart. This methodology is called waterfall because each task cascades into the next step. In a Gantt chart, you can see the previous phase "fall" into the next phase.

6 phases of the waterfall project management methodology

Any team can implement waterfall project management, but this methodology is most useful for processes that need to happen sequentially. If the project you’re working on has tasks that can be completed concurrently, try another framework, like the Agile methodology . 

If you’re ready to get started with the waterfall methodology, follow these six steps: 

1. Requirements phase

This is the initial planning process in which the team gathers as much information as possible to ensure a successful project. Because tasks in the waterfall method are dependent on previous steps, it requires a lot of forethought. This planning process is a crucial part of the waterfall model, and because of that, most of the project timeline is often spent planning.

To make this method work for you, compile a detailed project plan that explains each phase of the project scope. This includes everything from what resources are needed to what specific team members are working on the project. This document is commonly referred to as a project requirements document. 

By the end of the requirements phase, you should have a very clear outline of the project from start to finish, including:

Each stage of the process

Who’s working on each stage

Key dependencies

Required resources

A timeline of how long each stage will take.

A well-crafted requirements document serves as a roadmap for the entire project, ensuring that all stakeholders are on the same page.

2. System design phase

In a software development process, the design phase is when the project team specifies what hardware the team will be using, and other detailed information such as programming languages, unit testing, and user interfaces. This phase of the waterfall methodology is key to ensuring that the software will meet the required functionality and performance metrics.

There are two steps in the system design phase: the high-level design phase and the low-level design phase. In the high-level design phase, the team builds out the skeleton of how the software will work and how information will be accessed. During the low-level design phase, the team builds the more specific parts of the software. If the high-level design phase is the skeleton, the low-level design phase is the organs of the project. 

Those team members developing using the waterfall method should document each step so the team can refer back to what was done as the project progresses.

3. Implementation phase

This is the stage where everything is put into action. The team starts the full development process to build the software in accordance with both the requirements phase and the system design phase, using the requirements document from step one and the system design process from step two as guides.

During the implementation phase, developers work on coding and unit testing to ensure that the software meets the specified requirements.

4. Testing phase

This is the stage in which the development team hands the project over to the quality assurance testing team. QA testers search for any bugs or errors that need to be fixed before the project is deployed. 

Testers should clearly document all of the issues they find when QAing. In the event that another developer comes across a similar bug, they can reference previous documentation to help fix the issue.

5. Deployment phase

For development projects, this is the stage at which the software is deployed to the end user. For other industries, this is when the final deliverable is launched and delivered to end customers. A successful deployment phase requires careful planning and coordination to ensure a smooth rollout.

6. Maintenance phase

Once a project is deployed, there may be instances where a new bug is discovered or a software update is required. This is known as the maintenance phase, and it's common in the software development life cycle to be continuously working on this phase.

Regular maintenance and updates are essential for keeping the software running smoothly and addressing any issues that arise post-deployment.

When to use waterfall methodology

The waterfall methodology is a common form of project management because it allows for thorough planning and detailed documentation. However, this framework isn’t right for every project. Here are a few examples of when to use this type of project management. 

Project has a well-defined end goal

One of the strengths of the waterfall approach is that it allows for a clear path from point A to point B. If you're unsure of what point B is, your project is probably better off using an iterative form of project management like the Agile approach. 

Projects with an easily defined end goal are well-suited for waterfall methodology because project managers can work backwards from the goal to create a clear and detailed path with all of the requirements necessary.

No restraints on budget or time

If your project has no restraints on budget or time, team members can spend as much time as possible in the requirements and system design phases. They can tweak and tailor the needs of the project as much as they want until they land on a well-thought-out and defined project plan.

Creating repeatable processes

The waterfall model requires documentation at almost every step of the process. This makes it easy to repeat your project for a new team member; each step is clearly detailed so you can recreate the process.

Creating repeatable processes also makes it easy to train new team members on what exactly needs to be done in similar projects. This makes the waterfall process an effective approach to project management for standardizing processes.

Waterfall vs. Agile methodologies

While the waterfall methodology follows a linear, sequential approach, Agile is an iterative and incremental methodology. In Agile, the project is divided into smaller, manageable chunks known as sprints. Each sprint includes planning, design, development, testing, and review phases.

The Agile method emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and rapid iteration based on continuous feedback. It allows for changes and adaptations throughout the project's lifecycle. In contrast, the waterfall model has a more rigid structure with distinct phases and limited room for changes once a phase is complete.

The choice between waterfall and Agile depends on factors such as project complexity, clarity of requirements, team size, and client involvement. The waterfall model is suitable for projects with well-defined requirements and minimal changes expected, while the Agile method is favored for projects with evolving requirements and a need for frequent client feedback and course corrections.

Benefits of waterfall methodology

Consistent documentation makes it easy to backtrack.

When you implement the waterfall project management process, you’re creating documentation every step of the way. This can be beneficial—if your team needs to backtrack your processes, you can easily find mistakes. It's also great for creating repeatable processes for new team members, as mentioned earlier. 

Tracking progress is easy

By laying out a waterfall project in a Gantt chart, you can easily track project progress. The timeline itself serves as a progress bar, so it’s always clear what stage a project is in.

[Old Product UI] Mobile app launch project in Asana (Timeline)

Team members can manage time effectively

Because the waterfall methodology requires so much upfront planning during the requirement and design phase, it is easy for stakeholders to estimate how much time their specific part of the waterfall process will take.

Downsides of waterfall project management

Roadblocks can drastically affect timeline.

The waterfall methodology is linear by nature, so if there's a bump in the road or a task gets delayed, the entire timeline is shifted. For example, if a third-party vendor is late on sending a specific part to a manufacturing team, the entire process has to be put on hold until that specific piece is received.

Linear progress can make backtracking challenging

One of the major challenges of the waterfall methodology is that it's hard to go back to a phase once it's already been completed. For example, if someone is painting the walls of a house, they wouldn’t be able to go back and increase the size of one of the rooms. 

QA is late in the process

In comparison to some of the more iterative project management methodologies like Kanban and Agile, the review stage in a waterfall approach happens later in the process. If a mistake is made early on in the process, it can be challenging to go back and fix it. Because of how the waterfall process works, it doesn’t allow for room for iteration or searching for the best solution.

Waterfall methodology examples

To better understand how the waterfall methodology is applied in practice, let's look at a couple of real-world use cases:

1. Construction Project: Building a new office complex requires careful planning and sequential execution. The project manager first gathers all the requirements, such as building specifications, timelines, and budgets. Then, architects and engineers create detailed designs. After approval, construction starts and strict quality controls follow. Finally, the building is handed over to the client for use and maintenance.

2. Software Engineering Project: A company wants to develop a new mobile application using the software development life cycle (SDLC). The project manager defines the product requirements, including features, performance metrics, and integrations. Software architects create the high-level design and technical specifications. Developers then follow the SDLC phases of coding, unit testing, and deployment. The team follows the waterfall methodology throughout the product development process, making sure that each step is finished before going on to the next. After the successful launch, the mobile app enters the maintenance phase, where the team addresses user feedback and provides updates.

Managing your waterfall project

With waterfall projects, there are many moving pieces and different team members to keep track of. One of the best ways to stay on the same page is to use project management software to keep workflows, timelines, and deliverables all in one place. 

If you're ready to try waterfall project management with your team, try a template in Asana . You can view Asana projects in several ways, including Timeline view, which visualizes your project as a linear timeline.

FAQ: Waterfall methodology

How do you handle changes in requirements during a waterfall project?

Handling changes in requirements during a waterfall project can be challenging, but it's essential to assess the impact of the change, communicate with stakeholders, update project documentation, adjust the project plan, and ensure all team members are informed of the changes. Implementing a change control process can help formally manage and track changes throughout the project.

Can you combine waterfall and agile methodologies in a single project?

Yes, it is possible to combine waterfall and agile methodologies in a single project using a hybrid approach. This involves using waterfall methodology for the upfront planning and requirements gathering phases and adopting agile practices during the implementation and testing phases. The balance between the waterfall model and Agile method can be adjusted based on the project scope.

How do you ensure successful team collaboration on a waterfall project?

Ensuring successful team collaboration in a waterfall project involves establishing clear communication, defining roles and responsibilities, scheduling regular meetings, using collaborative tools, fostering a positive team culture, and providing necessary support and resources. By focusing on these key aspects, teams can work together effectively and efficiently to achieve project goals.

What are the best project management tools for waterfall methodology?

For teams following a waterfall methodology, Asana is the best project management tool available. Its comprehensive set of features, such as Timeline view for visualizing project plans, task dependencies for ensuring proper sequencing, and seamless integrations, make it the ideal choice for managing linear projects. While other tools like Microsoft Project offer waterfall-specific features, Asana's ease of use, collaboration capabilities, and flexibility make it the top choice for teams looking to streamline their waterfall project management process.

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What Is the Waterfall Methodology?

development methodology waterfall plan

The waterfall methodology is an approach used by software and product development teams  manage projects. The methodology separates the different parts of the project into phases specifying the necessary activities and steps. For example, at the beginning of the project, the waterfall methodology focuses on gathering all requirements from stakeholders that project team members will later use to design and implement the product. 

However, waterfall has its, well…downfalls, which I’ll discuss in more detail below. In short, waterfall may not be suitable for every development process and you can find modified or extended versions of the waterfall methodology that try to solve some of these issues. 

One example of an extended version of the waterfall methodology is the V-model . A key distinction of the V-model from the original Waterfall methodology is its emphasis on validation and testing during the entire project duration, as opposed to only testing after an implementation phase.

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What Is the Waterfall Methodology in Software Engineering?

The waterfall methodology is a software development life cycle (SDLC) model used to build software projects. 

One thing that distinguishes waterfall from other SDLC models (like Agile ) is that phases are performed sequentially. In other words, the project team must complete each phase in a specific order. If you look at the diagram below, you can see the flow is similar to a waterfall.

waterfall methodology diagram of the waterfall methodology steps: system requirements; software requirements; analysis; program design; coding; testing; operations

Working with SDLC models often includes additional software to keep track of planning, tasks and more. So it’s possible to find tools designed to support the waterfall methodology’s specific workflow, for example.

What Are the Different Phases of the Waterfall Methodology? 

The waterfall methodology was one of the first established SDLC models. In fact, waterfall dates back to 1970 when Dr. Winston W. Royce described it in “ Managing the Development of Large Software Systems .” However, we should note that Royce didn’t refer to the methodology as “waterfall” in the paper. The waterfall nomenclature came later. In his original paper, Royce specified the following phases.

7 Stages of the Waterfall Model

  • System requirements 
  • Software requirements
  • Program design

The system and software requirement phase involves gathering and documenting the requirements defining the product. This process typically involves stakeholders such as the customer and project managers. The analysis phase involves steps such as analyzing the requirements to identify risks and documenting strategies.

The design phase focuses on designing architecture, business logic and concepts for the software. The design phase is followed by the coding phase which involves writing the source code for the software based on the planned design.

The testing phase concerns testing the software to ensure it meets expectations. The last phase, operations , involves deploying the application as well as planning support and maintenance.

Advantages of the Waterfall Methdology

Waterfall provides a systematic and predictable framework that helps reconcile expectations, improve planning, increase efficiency and ensure quality control. What’s more, waterfall documentation provides an entry for people outside the project to build on the software without having to rely on its creators, which is helpful if you need to bring in external assistance or implement changes to the project team.

Disadvantages of the Waterfall Methodology

The structural limitations of the waterfall methodology may introduce some problems for projects with many uncertainties. For instance, the methodology’s linear flow requires that each phase be completed before moving on to the next, which means the methodology doesn’t support revisiting and refining data based on new information that may come later in the project life cycle. A specific example of this limitation is the methodology’s focus on defining all requirements at the beginning of the project. After all, stakeholders may not know everything about the project at the very start or they may change their opinion later about what the product should actually do or what customer segment they’re trying to serve. 

On the other hand, a project with well-defined and stable requirements may benefit from waterfall because it ensures the establishment and documentation of the requirements as soon as possible.

Another disadvantage of the waterfall methodology can be the late implementation of the actual software, which may result in a product not correlating with stakeholders’ expectations. For example, if the developers have misunderstood the customer’s idea about a specific feature due to poorly defined requirements, the final product will not behave as expected. Late testing can also lead to finding systemic problems too late in the project’s development when it’s more difficult to correct the design.

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Waterfall Methodology vs. Agile

Another approach to software development is the Agile methodology . Agile is more flexible and open to changes than waterfall, which makes Agile more suitable for projects affected by rapid changes.

Waterfall methodology diagram of the Agile methdology which is more cyclical and iterative in nature than waterfall

A key difference between the two methodologies is the project’s flow. While waterfall is a linear and sequential approach, Agile is an iterative and incremental approach. In practice this means that software created using Agile has development phases we perform several times with smaller chunks of implemented functionality. 

The two methodologies also have different approaches to testing . The waterfall methodology tests implementation very late in the process while Agile integrates tests for each iteration.

Another key difference is the two methodologies’ approach to stakeholders. When we use waterfall, the customer doesn’t see the implemented software until quite late in the project. When we use Agile, customers have the opportunity to follow the progress along the way.

Which methodology you choose will come down to the project’s context. Stable and well-defined projects may benefit more from the waterfall methodology and other projects affected by rapid changes may benefit more from Agile.

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Understanding the waterfall methodology

development methodology waterfall plan

Have you ever wondered how bridges and big buildings are built? And do you know the difference between building a bridge, an airport, and a software product? The difference lies in how the workflows are managed.

Understanding The Waterfall Methodology

Buildings, bridges, or even space programs are planned and executed in a project-oriented waterfall style. On the other hand, there are agile methodologies and frameworks like scrum that execute development in an agile way.

In this article, you will learn about the waterfall methodology in depth, including its core principles, phases, pros and cons, and how it compares to the agile methodology.

What is the waterfall methodology?

The waterfall methodology is a linear and sequential project management approach where each phase of a project must be completed before moving to the next. It emphasizes thorough documentation, well-defined project requirements, and a structured, predetermined timeline.

Waterfall is commonly used for projects with clear, unchanging requirements and minimal need for adaptability or frequent stakeholder involvement.

Core principles of the waterfall methodology

The waterfall methodology utilizes three core principles: sequential phases, defined requirements, and an emphasis on documentation.

Sequential phases

The waterfall methodology is characterized by its sequential and linear approach to project management. A project is divided into distinct phases and each phase must be completed before the next one begins. The sequence ensures that there is clear progress from one stage of the project to the next.

Defined requirements

Before beginning any implementation work, the project must move through the requirements analysis and design phase. The project must be planned and the requirements must be known and well-defined. This means a significant portion of the overall project time is spent on requirement gathering, analyzing, and documenting requirements.

The requirements can only be used as a foundation for the project plan and the execution of the project if they are well-defined. With properly defined requirements, you can test the results of each phase and ensure a certain quality to both the output of the project, as well as the project plan and project management.

Emphasis on documentation

An important foundation of the waterfall methodology is the emphasis on documentation at each phase. Comprehensive documentation helps with planning and executing the project.

It is needed:

  • To caption and clarify project requirements
  • To support communication and collaboration with the customers
  • To design and implement the project
  • To ensure the quality and coordinate the team efforts
  • To verify if the team is on track and the project meets the specifications
  • To share knowledge especially when topics are handed over in between project phases

Phases of the waterfall methodology

The waterfall methodology comprises several distinct phases, each building upon the previous one. Understanding these phases is important for you to effectively implement a waterfall approach in your project management.

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development methodology waterfall plan

Requirements phase

The requirements phase is the initial step in every waterfall project as it lays the foundation for the project plan and the following work. During this phase, the project team works closely with the project stakeholders and customers to gather, analyze, and document the project’s requirements and desired output.

Key activities in this phase include:

  • Conducting user interviews
  • Conducting stakeholder and customer interviews
  • Executing requirement workshops
  • Documenting requirements
  • Defining acceptance criteria, quality metrics, and nonfunctional requirements
  • Defining a project plan with concrete project goals, a resource plan, a test plan, and a communication plan
  • Gathering the needed budget and resources for the project
  • Gaining feedback from the customers and the stakeholders to move on with the design phase

In this phase it is important to gather all the essential information for the upcoming phases, to set clear project goals, and to manage expectations by aligning with the stakeholders and customers.

Design phase

After the requirements are clear and the project is planned, the project team can start with the design phase. In the design phase, the focus lies on creating a detailed design and architecture based on the defined requirements.

  • Developing the architectural plan and creating blueprints
  • Creating detailed design documents, including models, user interfaces, and workflows
  • Identifying dependencies between different components and creating component integration plans
  • Updating project plans as more is learned
  • Testing the designs against the documented requirements

The design phase serves as a bridge between the requirements phase and the implementation phase providing a clear “how” to the developer and the stakeholders. The developers can then follow a clear plan in the implementation phase.

Implementation phase

Once the how is clear and the design phase is completed and approved, the team can start with the development in the implementation phase. During this phase the team begins with the actual work. This phase is where the project starts taking shape and where actual value is realized.

  • Developing code and creating software components
  • Conducting code reviews, tests, and creating unit tests
  • Integrating different components and modulus to a bigger system
  • Creating the system and integration tests
  • Manually testing the system and its parts
  • Ensuring that the implementation is aligned with the designs and architectural requirements
  • Ensuring that the implementation is also aligned with the requirements of the stakeholders
  • Budget monitoring and ensuring that the project is on track and in scope

In the implementation phase, the team needs to be careful and pay attention to details, while also adhering to the design and requirements. The output of the implementation phase must be a functional and tested product. Only when the output can be considered finished can the project move onto the verification phase.

Verification phase

After the implementation phase, the verification phase begins. It focuses on testing and quality assurance with the stakeholders and users. It is used to identify and rectify defects and ensure that the project meets all requirements and quality standards.

  • System testing to evaluate the overall functionality and performance
  • Load testing
  • User acceptance testing
  • Regression testing to check for unintended side effects of code changes
  • Bug tracking and fixing the bugs
  • Final approval and handover to the customers

The verification phase is a critical phase to ensure that the output of the project is error-free and ready to use.

Maintenance phase

The final phase of a waterfall project is the maintenance phase. This phase begins after the product is deployed and in active use by its intended users. During this phase the focus shifts to ongoing support, delivering updates and enhancements, and maybe starting follow-up projects.

Often the maintenance phase is the end of the project and only consists of one or two months of customer care. After this period the project and the waterfall ends.

Key activities of this phase include:

  • Monitoring the system and identifying potential issues
  • Addressing and resolving defects, errors, and bugs
  • Implementing updates and delivering them based on user feedback
  • Ensuring the operation and sustainability of the system

The maintenance phase is the end of the project and the last effort to improve the quality to evolving needs of the user.

Pros and cons of the waterfall methodology

Everything in life comes with pros and cons, and so does the waterfall methodology. It also highly depends on you, your project, and your personal experience and skill.

Pros of waterfall projects


Especially for simple to complex projects the sequential nature of the waterfall approach provides a structured timeline and clear milestones. This helps to better understand the project and the project plan and allows stakeholders to have a reasonable expectation of when the project will be completed successfully and under what conditions.

Good documentation

Waterfall approaches focus on documentation and thereby ensure transparency. Even late in the project, you can understand why something happened as it happened. This can be valuable for compliance, audits, and further maintenance.

Clear milestones

If everything is prepared well the project will have clear milestones and a plan to achieve them. This will make it easy to measure the progress of the project. This increases the transparency for the stakeholders as they can easily see if everything is still on track or not.

Stakeholder involvement

Transparency and the frequent milestone presentations between the phases lead to stakeholder involvement along every major step of the waterfall.

Cons of waterfall projects

Late feedback.

Although the stakeholders are involved in waterfall projects, they are only involved at the beginning and end of each phase and of the project. In between they have no transparency and no way to steer and give feedback, which can lead to increased project costs.

Excessive documentation

Waterfall projects also lack internal feedback between phases, which often leads to the creation of excessive documentation. This also increases costs and consumes budgets.

Limited flexibility

Because of the late feedback, the project is also less flexible to change. The later the phase and the more progress the project has made, the harder it is to change things. Stakeholder feedback typically comes late in the process, which can result in costly revisions if the project doesn’t align with user expectations.

Late value creation

The creation of actual value, (e.g. the time when the first code is created and deployed) is also delayed and very late in the process. This is a major risk since a lot of effort runs in the first design and requirement phases.

Risk of overlooking major issues

Major problems may not become apparent until the verification or maintenance phases, which makes it challenging to address them effectively.

Expensive repairs

If a major flaw is detected in the verification phase, or even later in the maintenance phase it is very costly to repair it since a lot of work has already been done and components typically build on each other.

Waterfall vs. agile

The choice between waterfall and agile depends on the project’s nature, the requirements, and the organization’s culture. Waterfall is suitable for projects with stable, well-defined requirements and organizations with a preference for predictability. Agile approaches excel in dynamic environments where flexibility, collaboration, and rapid adaptation are crucial.

Tools for waterfall project management

While Waterfall projects rely heavily on documentation and structured processes, various tools can enhance efficiency and collaboration:

  • Project management software — Tools like Microsoft Project help in planning, scheduling, and tracking project activities
  • Requirements management — Tools like Jira can help manage and track project requirements and bugs
  • Version control — Version control systems like Git are essential for managing code changes and ensuring traceability
  • Collaboration platforms — Tools like Microsoft Teams , Slack , and Confluence enable seamless communication and document sharing among team members

Using these tools in conjunction with Waterfall methodology can streamline project management processes and improve overall project efficiency.

Final thoughts

The Waterfall approach, with its core principles of sequential phases, documentation emphasis, and defined requirements, offers a structured approach to project management. Understanding its pros and cons is essential for making informed decisions about its suitability for specific projects.

Depending on the environment a project is executed it makes sense to choose either agile or waterfall approaches. If the environment is complicated or simple, waterfall projects deliver predictability and structure. If the environment is complex or chaotic, agile approaches are more suitable. Ultimately, the choice between waterfall and agile depends on the project’s nature, the requirements, the technology, and the organization’s culture.

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The Complete Guide to Waterfall Methodology in Project Management

Waterfall methodology is a sequential project management approach where progress flows steadily downwards through phases like a waterfall. This structured methodology is often used in software development and other projects from start to finish.

In this complete guide, we will cover everything you need to know about using the waterfall model for project management: the phases, benefits, how to build a waterfall project plan, tips for managing your waterfall project, common pitfalls and more. Read on to learn whether waterfall could be the right project management approach for your next project.

What is Waterfall Methodology?

The waterfall methodology is a sequential, linear approach to managing a project from start to finish. It divides project development into sequential phases like requirements gathering, design, build, test and deployment.

Teams must complete one phase fully before moving onto the next phase, cascading like a waterfall from one phase to the next. The key principles of waterfall methodology are:

Sequential phases that move in one direction

Completion signifies moving to the next phase

No overlapping phases

Process documentation is essential

Changes made only through rigorous change control

The waterfall methodology originated in manufacturing and construction industries with highly structured physical processes. It was then adopted into the software development industry, where its inflexible, linear nature provided needed process control but also posed challenges.

In software projects, changes often crop up during development which can send waterfall projects back to repeat phases. This gave rise to more nimble iterative approaches like agile methodologies. Still, waterfall continues as a viable option due to its simplicity and easy monitoring with project management tools.

What are the Phases of the Waterfall Model?

The waterfall model comprises five high-level sequential phases:

Phase 1: Requirements Gathering

The first phase encompasses understanding project goals, what features need to be built and gathering requirements from stakeholders. Clear requirements documented upfront minimize changes down the line.

Activities in this phase:

Document detailed requirements specifications

Prioritize requirements

Sign-off from stakeholders on requirements


Requirements documentation

Requirements traceability matrix

Phase 2: Design

With requirements fully gathered, the project enters the design phase. The project team designs architecture, interfaces, components and data for the system based on requirements.

Create technical specifications document 

Design system architecture, interfaces, components etc.

Review design with stakeholders

Finalize design documents

High-level design documents

Detailed design documents

Interface design documents

Phase 3: Development

With design completed, the project now enters the build phase. The development team uses the design documents to code the system and build features. Unit testing verifies pieces of code work correctly.

Create actual system and source code

Unit test code pieces

Fix defects

Review progress 

Source code

Updated design documents

Phase 4: Testing

In the testing phase, the focus moves from building to verifying the developed system works without issues. QA engineers perform rigorous testing as per the requirements document across parameters like functionality, security, performance etc. Bugs and issues get logged and fixed. 

Perform system testing

Execute user acceptance testing

Fix defects and retest

Finalize test coverage reports

Testing defect reports

Testing coverage reports

Phase 5: Deployment

The final phase marks wrapping up development efforts and getting the system live for users. Activities include final QA checks, user acceptance sign-offs, training users and rolling out the finished system.

Final QA validation

User training

Deploy system into production

Obtain user sign-off and feedback

Deployment documents

User training materials

User feedback reports

Why Use Waterfall Methodology for Project Management?

While newer adaptive approaches like agile grow popular, waterfall methodology retains benefits making it a valid traditional project management approach in many situations:

Provides a Structured Development Process

The rigorous sequential process provides visibility into what happens and when. Stakeholders understand the distinct stages and can monitor progress. This structured approach brings order for teams new to a domain.

Drives Requirements Clarity

Requirements get thoroughly analyzed and locked upfront. This reduces uncertainty around what exactly needs to be delivered for project success.

Enables Simple Project Monitoring

Each completed phase cascades into the next making it easy to manage for project managers. Simple tools like Gantt charts are enough to monitor waterfall projects.

Well-Suited for Sequential Processes

The linear approach suits projects with inherently sequential constraints like constructing a building or bridge. It also works for mature domains with well-known requirements like payroll processing systems.

Controls Scope Creep

With requirements fixed early, change control ensures only the most necessary changes happen preventing scope creep.

In summary, waterfall brings welcome structure, requirements stability and ease of monitoring through rigid staged processes. It continues as an essential project management methodology for many sequenced, predictable projects.

How to Plan a Waterfall Project Management Approach

To reap benefits of the waterfall methodology, start by creating a solid project plan covering the key phases. Follow these steps:

Define Project Goals and Success Metrics

Begin with high-level goals on what purpose the project aims to achieve and metrics for success. Goals keep the project focused through the long waterfall process.

For example, goals for a website redesign project could be:

Increase monthly site visitors from 100K to 200K

Reduce website maintenance overheads by 30%

Map Out Project Phases

Outline all the major phases the project will traverse like requirements, design, development, testing and deployment. Define interim milestones between longer running phases for monitoring.

Phase outlines could be:

Requirements (Milestone: Requirements sign-off) 

Design (Milestone: Design reviews sign-off)

Development (Milestone: Code complete)

Testing (Milestone: UAT sign-off)

Deployment (Go-live) 

Estimate Timelines for Each Phase

For each phase, estimate realistic timelines for completion using past data or expert judgment. Buffer extra time for unforeseen issues. Ensure sufficient time for verification activities like testing often shortcut in tight timelines leading to failures down the line.

Assign Resources to Phases

Determine number and skills of resources needed to complete the work defined in each phase like:

Requirements: Business analysts

Design: Architects

Development: Developers, QA engineers

Testing: QA engineers, Business users

Deployment: Operations team

Create High-Level Project Schedule

Plug the phases, timelines and resources into a high level schedule for the entire project lifecycle using a tool like MS Project. Set dependencies between phases sequentially like testing depends on development completion. The schedule becomes the all-important waterfall project plan to execute.

Best Practices for Managing Waterfall Projects

Executing a waterfall project plan brings its own management challenges. Here are tips for project managers to drive waterfall projects:

Control Scope Changes

Scope changes are extremely costly in waterfall projects sending teams back to redo phases. Guard against creep by:

Locking down and validating requirements early with all stakeholders

Carefully assessing proposed changes for necessity

Strict change control governance for approvals 

Review Milestone Transitions

Leverage milestone checks in phase transitions to validate phase closure criteria instead of rubber stamp sign-offs. Prevent problems snowballing across phases. 

Communicate Regularly Across Teams

The long cycles and siloed phases risk communication gaps. Mitigate with regular cross-team updates.

Inspect Rigorously, Adapt Carefully

Rigid waterfall projects need more inspecting than adapting typical of agile projects. Rigorously inspect work products in each phase to catch issues early. Consider adaptations only for critical flaws.

Automate Repetitive Processes

Automate repetitive processes like code migrations, testing, deployments etc. to optimize efficiency.

In summary, waterfall project management requires proactive issue prevention and rigor not to lose time reworking faulty deliverables detected downstream. Leverage reviews, communications and automation helps to stay on track.

Common Challenges Faced Using Waterfall Model

While waterfall lifecycles provide stability, the lengthy processes pose risks visible only in later stages or cumulatively over long timeframes. Be aware of:

Waterfall Model is Less Flexible to Change

Waterfall rigor discourages changes even beneficial ones leading to rigid solutions misfit for shifting user needs after long development cycles.

Hard to Gauge True Progress

Progress limited to phase containment gives little insight into the final solution shaping up much later. Issues can snowball causing downstream headaches. 

Integrating Across Phases Poses Risks

Handoffs between isolated long phases risk misalignment and disjointed systems integration issues later.

Testing Bottlenecks

Saving testing for later stages can overload test teams. Defect fixes may need significant rework this late in waterfall projects.

Cumulative Timeline Delays

Early phase delays compound downstream as schedules have no flexibility to absorb slippages revealed later.

Good project oversight tuned to preventing these risks is key to reaping waterfall benefits.

Choosing Between Waterfall Model vs Agile Methods

Waterfall methodology differs significantly from iterative agile methodologies popularized for software development flexibility: 

ParameterWaterfallAgileRequirementsGathered upfront. Frozen for life of projectGathered initially. Evolved iterativelyTimelinesDefined upfront for entire project lifecycleBroken into releases. Reassessed regularlyDevelopment ApproachSingle build & test cycle after requirements completeCode developed and tested iteratively in sprintsAdaptabilityRigid. Changes strictly controlledEmbraces change within sprint cadencesProgress TrackingBy phase containmentBy working software demonstrations end of each sprintCustomer InvolvementEarly requirements then only user acceptance testingActive customer interactions throughout for constant feedbackWhen to UseClear fixed requirements. Definable sequential processesChanging ambiguous requirements. Need for constant course corrections

In summary, waterfall provides stability while agile enables nimbleness. Choose an approach fitting project and business environment factors rather than blindly follow trends.

Essential Things to Remember

The waterfall methodology delivers a straightforward way to manage projects from end-to-end in a sequence of controlled phases. With thorough planning and oversight, it continues to appropriately serve many projects supporting predictable outcomes.

Wrapping up key takeaways:

Waterfall methodology provides structured processes for disciplined project execution when requirements are clear

Breaking projects into sequential phases makes it easy to plan and monitor progress

Upfront requirements and design optimization prevents downstream changes 

Each phase relies on prior phase completion demanding rigorous governance

Proactive risk management is a must to prevent delays from derailing timelines

Waterfall suits projects with inherent sequences, stable requirements rather than complex ambiguous projects better managed adaptively

The simplicity and predictability of waterfall project management retains validity for many projects today. Use these best practices to optimize success with the mature yet relevant waterfall methodology for your projects needing upfront stability.

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A Complete Guide To The Waterfall Development Methodology

The Waterfall methodology stands as a prominent project management approach known for its linear progression. In this method, the completion of each stage in the workflow is a prerequisite for advancing to the subsequent step. It finds particular strength in projects where clear and well-defined objectives are established right from the start.

This article delves into the inner workings of the Waterfall methodology, explores the types of projects it best serves, and provides a comparative analysis with Agile, another popular project management approach.

Page Contents

What Is The Waterfall Methodology?

development methodology waterfall plan

In 1970, Winston W. Royce introduced the Waterfall approach, which comprises five distinct phases of management. In this method, progress to each subsequent phase hinges upon the deliverables obtained from the previous one. Waterfall finds its ideal application in projects like software development, where the desired end result is well-defined and predetermined even before commencing the work. Its strength shines particularly in projects that demand a high degree of predictability and structured planning.

What Is Waterfall Software?

Waterfall software serves as a valuable tool for project managers to efficiently handle their tasks. Given its relatively intricate and phased nature, close attention and coordination are essential for successful implementation. This software can be either desktop-based or cloud-based, offering a range of functionalities to aid project managers. It facilitates the structuring of processes, enabling managers to organise tasks effectively, set up Gantt charts and schedules, and closely monitor the progress of the entire project.

Is The Waterfall Methodology Still Used?

The Waterfall methodology remains prevalent across a diverse array of industries. According to a study conducted by PMI , a significant 56% of projects utilised traditional, also known as Waterfall, methods within the past 12 months. Contrary to misconceptions, the Waterfall approach stands as the most popular project management methodology embraced by professionals, despite some labelling it as an ancient relic of the past. Similar to the surprising power exhibited by older technologies in science-fiction novels, Waterfall continues to demonstrate its effectiveness.

Deciding on the most suitable project management model hinges on various factors such as industry, objectives, team size, and project complexity. It is essential to explore how the Waterfall methodology compares to newer approaches like Agile and Kanban to make informed decisions for optimal project execution.

What Are The Benefits of The Waterfall Methodology?

development methodology waterfall plan

The Waterfall methodology stands as a clear-cut and well-defined project management approach, backed by a proven track record of success. With its comprehensive requirement specification right from the outset, each team member gains a thorough understanding of their tasks and can effectively plan their timelines throughout the project’s duration. Among the numerous benefits of the Waterfall method are the early identification of design errors during analysis and design stages, preventing the implementation of faulty code. Additionally, accurate estimation of the project’s total cost and timeline becomes possible once the requirements have been precisely defined.

The structured nature of the Waterfall approach also facilitates precise progress measurement through well-defined milestones. Furthermore, new developers joining the project in progress can quickly catch up , as all necessary information should be documented in the requirements. Another advantage is that customers are less likely to introduce new requirements during the project, reducing delays in production. These strengths collectively contribute to the Waterfall methodology’s effectiveness and reliability in managing projects.

What Are The Disadvantages of The Waterfall Methodology?

As with any development process, what may be strengths in one area can translate into weaknesses in others. The Waterfall methodology’s emphasis on upfront planning and rigid adherence to predefined progress renders it less flexible and agile in later stages of the project. Introducing changes further along the process can become time-consuming, arduous, and costly, hindering adaptability.

Several reasons contribute to the Waterfall methodology’s limitations:

  • Projects tend to take longer to deliver compared to iterative approaches like Agile . The chronological nature of the Waterfall method can impede rapid adaptations and iterations, potentially elongating the development timeline.
  • Clients often have evolving requirements and may not fully understand their needs at the project’s inception. This lack of clarity opens the door to change requests and new feature demands later in the process when accommodating them becomes more challenging. You can learn more about getting customer feedback frequently here.
  • Clients are typically not involved in the design and implementation stages under the Waterfall approach, potentially leading to misalignments between their expectations and the final product.
  • Deadline creep can occur in the Waterfall methodology, meaning delays in one phase inevitably affect the timelines of all subsequent phases, potentially causing project delays as a whole.

Considering these limitations, it becomes crucial for project managers and stakeholders to carefully assess their specific requirements and the nature of the project before opting for the Waterfall methodology or considering more adaptive and iterative approaches like Agile.

What Are The Phases of The Waterfall Methodology?

development methodology waterfall plan

The Waterfall methodology comprises five distinct phases, each serving a crucial purpose in the project’s development:

  • Requirements : In this initial phase, the project’s broad scope and key requirements are outlined. These high-level statements, as explained by Dr. Chris Mattmann from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, could be achieved through various approaches. For instance, a requirement might involve processing a million transactions daily for a B2B software or serving 10,000 concurrent users within a community.
  • Design : Once the project requirements are clear, the focus shifts to devising solutions that meet those needs. For instance, if the requirement involves processing one million users per day, the design phase explores possibilities that can best support this objective. Mattmann emphasises the importance of redundancy, suggesting multiple backend servers to ensure resilience and meet the goal of processing a million transactions daily.
  • Implementation : During this stage, a chosen design is put into action using appropriate technologies. Data is collected and inspected to assess whether the implemented design adequately supports the specified requirements.
  • Verification : In the verification phase, the implemented solution is rigorously tested to validate its alignment with the initial requirements. For example, if the original requirement was to process one million transactions per day, extensive testing is performed to ensure this goal is achieved. Any issues encountered during testing prompt further investigation to identify and address the root causes.
  • Maintenance : Even after successful validation and verification, the project is not complete. The system requires ongoing maintenance to ensure its continued functionality and relevance. This phase involves designing strategies for updating, upgrading, and patching systems. Regular testing is conducted to detect and rectify any errors that may arise.

By adhering to these five well-defined phases, the Waterfall methodology ensures a structured and systematic approach to project management, allowing for comprehensive planning, rigorous testing, and consistent maintenance throughout the project’s lifecycle.

Who Should Use The Waterfall Methodology?

Project managers often opt for the Waterfall process when dealing with development projects that meet specific criteria, such as:

  • Having clear and unambiguous requirements : The Waterfall method is well-suited for projects with precisely defined and well-understood requirements, as it emphasises upfront planning and adherence to a predetermined path.
  • Offering a clear project roadmap : Projects that can be outlined comprehensively from the outset, with a well-defined sequence of tasks and milestones, align with the structured nature of the Waterfall approach.
  • Involving clients unlikely to change project scope : If the project’s scope is unlikely to undergo significant changes once initiated, the Waterfall method provides an advantage, as it depends on adherence to the initial plan.

For project managers who prefer a well-structured process with upfront knowledge of cost, design, and time requirements, the Waterfall methodology proves to be an appropriate choice. However, it is essential to consider whether the specific project aligns with the constraints and characteristics that the Waterfall approach entails. Properly assessing these factors will help project managers make an informed decision regarding the most suitable project management methodology.

Waterfall Vs Agile Methodologies

Waterfall and Agile stand as two distinct project management methods, each well-suited for different project types. Agile emerged as a response to the limitations of Waterfall, aiming to enhance speed and adaptability, especially in software development where changes are more frequent.

While Waterfall follows a fixed and rigid approach, Agile emphasises adaptability and proves particularly effective in client-facing projects. In the Agile methodology, the team works on multiple project phases simultaneously and for shorter durations . Unlike Waterfall’s sequential order, Agile allows these phases to occur concurrently and without a strict predefined order.

However, the Agile method does have its potential downsides. Due to its iterative nature, there’s a possibility of the team engaging in some unnecessary work. For instance, one part of the team may work on validating a prototype design that ultimately proves unnecessary during the implementation process.

Waterfall Vs Kanban

Kanban, a framework within the Agile method, shares the core focus on flexibility and continuous adaptation. However, unlike Agile’s sprint-based approach, Kanban emphasises ongoing improvement throughout the project. Central to this method is the Kanban board, a digital or physical whiteboard divided into columns ranging from “to-do” to “done.”

In Kanban, new ideas can be continually added to the “to-do” column, and teams or individuals can assume these tasks or have managers assign them. This constant adaptability sets it apart from the Waterfall approach, where changes are carefully managed within the scope and schedule, but the model lacks built-in mechanisms for ongoing adjustments.

Kanban also maintains the original company structure, encourages increased stakeholder involvement, and provides every employee with a platform to voice their ideas. This inclusive approach fosters a collaborative environment that promotes innovation and empowers employees to contribute to the project’s success.

Waterfall Methodology Phases Deep Dive

development methodology waterfall plan

In this example, we will delineate the essential activities within each stage of the Waterfall methodology.

1. Requirements Gathering

A significant number of projects encounter failure due to management overlooking crucial aspects during the requirements stage. A substantial 33% of project managers attribute project failure to inaccurate requirements gathering. To mitigate this risk, it is essential to move beyond basic business requirements and actively involve stakeholders throughout the process.

Various levels of requirements need consideration, including:

  • Objectives : Collaborate with stakeholders to establish project objectives that align with their expectations and needs.
  • Project scope : Determine the overall extent and boundaries of the project in consultation with stakeholders to ensure clear direction. Click here for more project scope information.
  • Risk assessment : Identify potential risks that could jeopardise the project and evaluate the feasibility and benefits of undertaking it.
  • Research : If the project involves a new product, conduct thorough market research during this stage to gather essential insights.
  • Project team : Assemble a skilled and appropriate project team , bringing together the necessary talent to execute the project successfully.

By prioritising thorough and collaborative requirements gathering, project managers can significantly enhance the chances of project success and avoid costly setbacks.

2. Feedback

As you progress to the second stage, “design,” it is crucial to have a preliminary project team in place. Don’t hesitate to leverage the expertise of domain experts when formulating the project schedule and budget. In this phase, focus on the following key actions:

  • Create a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) to break down the project into manageable tasks and begin assigning project activities.
  • Develop a high-level project schedule that includes clear milestones, providing a benchmark for tracking progress throughout the project. You can learn how to do this here.
  • Give careful consideration to stakeholder expectations during this stage, as meeting their needs and requirements is vital for project success.

3. Start Implementing

When embarking on a project, it’s common to get absorbed in the work and lose sight of the initial plan. To avoid this, remember to:

  • Track progress regularly by comparing it against established milestones to ensure you stay on course.
  • Proactively identify potential roadblocks and bottlenecks that could impede project progress, addressing them promptly.
  • Monitor key project Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to gain insights into the project’s health and performance. Learn more about creating great KPIs here.
  • While changes are not forbidden, each request should undergo careful consideration and be managed through a standardised process to maintain project stability.

A helpful tip is to utilise a real-time dashboard, like the one offered by monday.com, to measure project performance metrics. This dashboard provides valuable data such as the percentage of tasks completed on time and resource utilisation, enabling better decision-making and efficient project management.

Congratulations on delivering the project objective! However, before you celebrate, there are a few critical steps to ensure the product’s success:

  • Conduct direct user testing with existing or potential customers to gather valuable feedback and insights. This testing helps identify any potential issues or areas for improvement. You can learn more about getting direct customer feedback here.
  • Obtain the necessary regulatory approvals, ensuring that the product complies with relevant guidelines and requirements.
  • Standardize any repeatable processes that have proven to deliver positive results. This standardisation enhances efficiency and consistency in future endeavours.

By diligently performing these post-project tasks, you can guarantee that the product not only meets the objective but also satisfies user expectations, regulatory standards, and industry best practices.

The final phase of the Waterfall life cycle is dedicated to ensuring the project’s long-term success. In this crucial stage:

  • Replace existing products or services with the newly developed ones, ensuring a seamless transition from the old to the new.
  • Phase out the use of old products or services, making way for the adoption of the improved and upgraded solutions.
  • Maintain and support the newly implemented product or process to continue reaping its benefits in the long run.

By diligently completing these tasks, the project can achieve sustained success and contribute to the organisation’s growth and efficiency over time.

Waterfall Example – University Software

development methodology waterfall plan

In this example, the Waterfall model is applied to develop a software programme that utilises university rankings and student scores to determine the best-suited universities and courses for undergraduate students. The organisation undertaking this project begins with a feasibility study to assess existing market programmes that offer similar academic tasks. Subsequently, the essential phases of the Waterfall model are executed as follows:

  • Requirements : This phase focuses on gathering all relevant information about student scores and university rankings, defining the parameters to be used in evaluating a university’s suitability for a student.
  • Design : In this particular example of the Waterfall model, the Design phase fine-tunes the parameters established in the Analysis phase and ensures that the software programme’s structure is precise enough to handle large volumes of data without any manipulation or confusion.
  • Implementation : The critical Implementation phase involves conducting dummy runs of the software programme using a provisional set of data to assess its accuracy in suggesting appropriate universities for students. The suggestions are then compared with those obtained from academic counsellors, who arrive at them through their professional expertise.
  • Testing : As with any Waterfall model example, the Testing phase is dedicated to ensuring the smooth functionality of all software programme features, detecting and resolving any glitches that could undermine the overall programme’s utility.
  • Maintenance : In the final phase, the software programme undergoes checks for necessary updates or alterations. This includes incorporating new data, such as a larger volume of student scores and updated university rankings, to ensure the programme’s relevance and effectiveness over time.

By following the Waterfall model’s structured approach, the organisation can systematically develop and deliver a robust software programme that empowers students in making well-informed decisions regarding their academic pursuits.

What Are The Steps of The Waterfall Methodology?

The Waterfall methodology comprises five distinct phases: Requirements, Design, Implementation, Verification, and Maintenance. In this method, each stage must be completed and validated before progressing to the subsequent phase.

Is Waterfall Better Than Agile?

Waterfall and Agile represent two distinct project management methodologies with their own unique characteristics. The primary difference lies in the approach to progress: Waterfall mandates completing each phase before proceeding to the next, whereas Agile involves concurrent work on different phases.

Each approach brings its set of advantages and disadvantages, making them better suited for specific types of projects or work. Understanding the individual strengths and limitations of Waterfall and Agile is crucial in choosing the most appropriate methodology for a given project.

Why Is Agile Better Than Waterfall?

In Agile, the customer is viewed as an integral part of the implementation team and is actively involved at every stage of the process. Regular collaboration and feedback from the customer are emphasised throughout the project’s lifecycle. On the other hand, Waterfall dedicates significant time to engage with the customer at the beginning, aiming to document all perceived requirements comprehensively. Once this initial phase is completed, the implementation team typically takes over with limited customer involvement in subsequent stages.

What is the Main Advantage of the Agile Approach over the Waterfall Methodology?

Agile adopts a flexible approach that allows customers to make adjustments to the products during the development process.

Can I Make Changes During Waterfall?

Making alterations is more feasible in the early stages of development, particularly when the project manager is still finalising the specification documents in collaboration with the development team and clients. However, as the Waterfall process progresses and coding has already commenced, implementing design changes can become challenging and costly.

Scrum Vs Waterfall

The primary distinction between Scrum and Waterfall methodologies for software development lies in their core principles. Scrum is value-based, emphasising shorter iterations to deliver incremental value to customers. On the other hand, Waterfall is schedule-based, focusing on clearly estimated costs and adhering to a well-defined plan throughout the development process.

While waterfall methodologies have been widely used in the past, they come with inherent limitations in today’s fast-paced and dynamic business environment. Although they may suit certain projects with well-defined requirements, they lack the adaptability and flexibility that Agile methodologies provide. Embracing Agile approaches enables teams to respond to changes quickly, foster collaboration, and deliver value to customers more efficiently.

As we move forward in the ever-evolving landscape of project management, it’s essential to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of different methodologies and choose the one that best aligns with our project goals and organizational needs. By embracing Agile principles, we can position ourselves for success and remain competitive in today’s rapidly changing world.

You can learn more about the agile methodology here , or check out our guide to validating your startup idea with the Mom test .

If you’ve enjoyed this post, we’d recommend diving into the following other posts in this Agile series:

  • An Introduction to The Agile Methodology
  • Themes, Epics and User Stories – The Core Components Of Agile
  • Embracing Agile Team Dynamics
  • What is SAFe Agile and Why Should I Use It?
  • What is Waterfall Development?
  • What is Lean Development?
  • What is Scrum?
  • A Deep Dive Into Epics
  • Exploring The Power of User Stories
  • How Can I Use Personas?
  • Decoding Agile Estimation (Story Pointing)
  • Agile Transformation: How Can My Business Start Using Agile?
  • The Spotify Approach To Agile Development
  • What Is Agile Portfolio Management?
  • Agile Glossary
  • Agile Statistics

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Tom is a passionate software engineer turned solo entrepreneur, who loves to build businesses from the ground up and write about his findings.

After launching a handful of SaaS businesses himself, Tom has turned to writing about his research as he explores the topics of entrepreneurship and solo innovation further.

To learn more about Tom and his journey, check out the about page or the Solopreneur Journey section of this site.

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The Waterfall Methodology in Project Management

The term “waterfall” might make you think you’re headed for a quick rush down a river and over a cliff, but Waterfall project management isn’t that extreme. It’s more like stair steps that get you from point A to point Z in a clear and orderly fashion.

The Empire State Building, huge websites, and some of the most successful marketing campaigns have been built on this tried-and-true process. But is it right for you?

In this chapter, we’ll cover what the Waterfall methodology is, how the Waterfall process works, and the pros and cons of Waterfall project management.

What is the Waterfall methodology in project management?

The Waterfall method is a traditional project management methodology that takes a well-defined project idea to completion through a sequential series of linear steps, tasks, and hand-offs. This straightforward and somewhat rigid method uses early planning and estimation to define and document project requirements prior to executing on the work.

The Waterfall methodology centers around a visual timeline—or gantt chart —of your project. This makes it easy to see how long every task should take, who should be working on it, and what order work should be done in.

The history of Waterfall: A method with roots in software development

The Waterfall model was first presented in 1970 by American computer scientist Winston W. Royce—though he didn’t actually use that term to describe it—in his article titled, "Managing the development of large software systems.” The first mention of “Waterfall” is often attributed to a paper written by T.E. Bell and T.A. Thayer in 1976.

Since then, the Waterfall approach has made an impact on many projects and project managers. It’s still widely used across industries and has even inspired formalized education around project management.

In Royce’s original article, he expressed his personal views on software development and presented Waterfall as a case of a flawed, non-working software development methodology—a critical view that persists today and has led to the rise of newer methods, including Agile project management .

Industries that use Waterfall project management

Any industry that relies on a well-defined process can use the Waterfall methodology. Those may include, but are certainly not limited to:

  • Construction
  • Manufacturing
  • Software development
  • Design and creative

How the Waterfall process works

Waterfall project management follows a linear process designed to deliver project quality and cost-efficiency. Each phase of the Waterfall process happens in sequential order, meaning one step must finish before the next one begins. You start at point A, finish that step, move on to step B, and continue that way until your project’s complete.

The Waterfall lifecycle doesn’t allow for a ton of iteration unless it’s planned. So if you’re working with a client, be very clear about how much time is scoped for feedback and iteration on your deliverables. Those steps will be built directly into your project plan. 

The same goes for change! If a client wants to change the direction of your Waterfall project midstream, you’ll face challenges with your project scope , budget, and deadline. That’s because the Waterfall method is grouped by phases and tasks that depend wholly on previous tasks and decisions. The minute you go off track with the plan, things start to fall apart.

Waterfall methodology phases

The Waterfall development process can be broken down into 6 key phases. Let’s take a closer look at the Waterfall methodology phases so you can get familiar with the high-level steps of the process.

Phases of the Waterfall Methodology

Phase 1: Requirements gathering and documentation

The first step of any Waterfall project is to question and analyze business needs and understand project goals with a focus on documenting project requirements . 

This phase is critical to project success because it fully explains what’s needed—in detail—to complete the project both at a high level and as it relates to each requirement, which will be tracked throughout the project.

Phase 2: Planning and design 

The second phase of the Waterfall lifecycle builds on the first step by creating an overall plan for what’s being built. After all, you’ve got to know what you’re designing before setting out to design it.

Here are a few ways this plan might come together, depending on the project you’re working on:

  • Architecture plan
  • Detailed project brief

In this Waterfall phase, the goal is to come away with a foundational design document everyone agrees on that acts as a true north for your project. Once that plan’s complete, you can hand it to a designer who will bring the plan to life.

That said, it’s important to remember to keep an eye on your project requirements and documentation so the design work can be handed over in the next phase to begin implementation.

Phase 3: Build and development 

The next phase of the Waterfall process involves the actual build or development of a product. 

This is where the documentation you’ve created in the previous 2 steps proves critical, as it will guide your team to implement the design work. Hold your team accountable for checking those requirements—as well as their work in this step—to ease the pain of rework or fixes in the testing phase.

Phase 4: Testing 

Now it’s time to ensure your product meets all the requirements with the utmost quality and precision possible. Here are just a few activities testing might include:

  • Review and check of the project requirements and goals
  • Design review to ensure the integrity of the look and feel
  • Review of usability
  • Quality assurance test
  • Bug tracking and reporting

The testing step carries the most risk in a Waterfall project because you just don’t know what issues or defects will pop up and how they’ll impact the timeline. That’s why careful planning is so important. Adding a buffer into your testing schedule can help ensure your team has adequate time to make fixes. 

You’re close to completion, so do everything you can to perfect the project in the testing phase before it launches.

Phase 5: Deployment 

At this point, requirements have been met, the product’s fully tested and approved, and everyone’s confident your product is 100% ready to release.

Depending on the type of product you’re launching, you’ll have a plan to ensure your deployment is smooth and drama-free. Be sure to discuss what the deployment or launch will look like far in advance of actually doing it. Working out the details early will enable you to approach your release day with a checklist and some confidence.

It may feel like time to celebrate, but you’re not done yet.

Phase 6: Support and maintenance

Not every project needs this step. But many products require a team to hang on for updates. So while you might have a product out in the wild, there’s a chance you might need to continue to support it after launch.

These 6 phases make up the core of the Waterfall process. What you don’t see here are the tasks, milestones , and hand-offs that occur within each phase. To get a sense for that, check out this Waterfall model and example .

Waterfall model pros and cons

Every method has advantages and disadvantages. So let’s take a look at some of the reasons people choose the Waterfall approach for their projects—and some of the downsides you should be aware of.

Advantages of the Waterfall methodology

We’ll start with the benefits of the Waterfall methodology. Here are some advantages you may find when you use the Waterfall method for your projects:

  • Clear and complete documentation paves the way for straightforward feedback and decisions. The fact that Waterfall produces detailed project requirements means every piece of your project will be well-defined and documented. If someone wants to change a requirement , discuss it head-on because scope and budget will always be affected.
  • Solid estimates set clear expectations. Most Waterfall practitioners will create a work breakdown structure of all tasks and subtasks. That detailed estimate can then translate to a firm project scope that correlates to a detailed project plan , creating very clear expectations about timing and scope.
  • Visual project plans are easy to understand. Creating a Waterfall project plan is fairly straightforward because projects run in a linear manner with defined dependencies and responsibilities. Plus, the division of steps and tasks is simple to interpret. This makes planning your team’s time easier (and expected) and leads to a clear hand-off or end date.  ‍
  • It’s easy to measure the impact of project changes. While it’s difficult to make up for changes or missed deadlines, it’s easy to determine the impact of a change and quickly make adjustments (though that does usually mean your deadline will be affected). ‍
  • Communicating progress is simple. It’s easy to measure the completeness of your project because all tasks and milestones are mapped out with dependencies . ‍
  • Accountability is clear. Each person can see when they’re expected to do their part and what happens if there’s a delay. ‍
  • Communications are easier. When everyone can visualize the project, you’re able to easily communicate with bosses, clients, and team members. Everyone can review the project plan together when it’s drafted and spot potential issues or areas that might require special attention.

Waterfall method disadvantages

Of course, Waterfall project management comes with a few limitations too. Consider these important factors before deciding if the Waterfall method is right for you:

  • Silos and lack of collaboration : Because team members work on specific tasks in phases and hand work off to someone else, it leaves little room for collaboration. Instead, it’s all about getting work done to documentation and ensuring the next person in line can use what was previously created or documented.
  • Speed to launch : When you build one thing at a time, it means you take a considerable amount of time to get just one thing done—even if you could be working on other things at the same time.
  • Ideation : If you don’t know what you want to build, Waterfall project management is not for you. The idea here is to receive or create project requirements and act on them—not iterate on them throughout the process.
  • Change and documentation : Things change in business, and when documentation is built at the beginning of a project, the project can’t always change with the business without serious impact. (Sometimes that impact might be to start over.) So, while the documentation is strong, it can serve as a risk on longer projects.

Continue your learning

Now that you’ve got the Waterfall basics down, you’re ready to move onto another popular approach to project management! Keep reading to learn all about Agile.

NEXT CHAPTER: Agile Project Management Methodology

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SDLC Waterfall Model: A Comprehensive Guide

<a className="txt-link" href="https://www.teachingAgile.com/about">Abhay Talreja</a>

By Abhay Talreja

My latest article - What is a Scrum Meeting? | Definition, Overview, and Scheduling

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is an integral part of the software development process, and the Waterfall model is a popular methodology that has been around for a while. This article will delve into the Waterfall model, discussing its advantages, disadvantages, and the triple constraint that impacts its implementation. With personal examples and experiences, this comprehensive guide will give you a clear understanding of the Waterfall model in the SDLC.

SDLC Waterfall Model: A Comprehensive Guide

Table of Contents

Introduction to the waterfall model, phases of the waterfall model, advantages of the waterfall model, disadvantages of the waterfall model, the triple constraint in the waterfall model, presentation used in the video.

  • Frequently asked questions

The Waterfall model is a very linear and sequential approach to software development, where each phase of the development process is completed before moving on to the next one. Executing each step of the SDLC in a sequence means you cannot return to a previous stage without restarting the entire project from the start line. The Waterfall model is very well suited for projects with well-defined requirements and minimal changes expected during development.

The Waterfall model consists of the following phases:

  • Requirements : This requirement analysis phase involves gathering and documenting the project requirements, ensuring all stakeholders understand the project's scope and objectives.
  • Design : During the design phase , the software architecture and system design are created, laying the foundation for software development.
  • Development : During the development phase , the software is developed, and the code is written.
  • Testing : The software is thoroughly tested to identify and rectify any errors in the testing phase , ensuring it meets the requirements set out in the first phase.
  • Deployment : The software is deployed and made available to the end users.
  • Maintenance : After the software is deployed, it must be maintained to fix any issues and provide updates.

Some of the benefits of the Waterfall model include:

  • Simplicity : The Waterfall model is easy to understand and follow, making it suitable for small projects with well-defined requirements. The Waterfall model is very easy to understand and implement, making it ideal for smaller projects with precise requirements. The linear process flow and well-defined stages make it easy for team members to follow the project's progress.
  • Documentation : The Waterfall model places a strong emphasis on documentation. Documentation ensures that every step of the process is recorded, which can be helpful for future reference, troubleshooting, and understanding how and why someone made any particulate decisions throughout the project.
  • Manageability : Due to its sequential nature, the Waterfall model allows for easier project management. Each phase has specific deliverables and deadlines, making monitoring progress and allocating resources efficiently simple.
  • Discipline through strict phase progression : As you saw in the waterfall model there is strict discipline because the output of 1 phase acts as an input to the next phase. Therefore, for the model to work, it must be very disciplined.
  • Perfect for Small Projects : The waterfall model works perfectly well for small projects with very well-known requirements.

The Waterfall model has some limitations, such as:

  • Inflexibility : The Waterfall model is relatively inflexible. Once a project moves to the next phase, it takes time to go back and make changes. This can be problematic if new requirements or issues arise, as the model only allows modifications.
  • Late Feedback : In the Waterfall model, testing occurs late in the process. This can lead to the discovery of significant issues or bugs when addressing them may be expensive or time-consuming. Late testing also makes it challenging to ensure the quality of the final product.
  • Poor Adaptability : The Waterfall model needs to be better suited for projects with changing requirements or requiring frequent feedback from the client or end-users.
  • Not Suitable for Complex Projects : The Waterfall model must be better suited for complex or large projects with evolving requirements. Its linear approach can make it challenging to adapt to changing circumstances, and the rigid structure may hinder innovation and collaboration.

Table: Advantages and Disadvantages of The Waterfall Model in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

The triple constraint is a project management concept that focuses on three key factors: scope , time , and cost . Balancing these factors is crucial for a project's success and plays a significant role in the Waterfall model. Here's how the triple constraint impacts the Waterfall model:

  • Scope : The project's scope must be clearly defined and documented during the requirements phase. If the scope changes during the project, it can lead to significant delays and increased costs, as the Waterfall model needs to be designed to accommodate changes easily.
  • Time : The linear nature of the Waterfall model means that each phase must be completed within the allotted time. Delays in one phase can impact the entire project timeline, leading to extended project duration and increased costs.
  • Cost : The inflexibility of the Waterfall model can lead to increased costs if changes are required during the project. Also, late identification of issues during testing can result in costly fixes.

The Waterfall model, while simple and easy to understand, has its limitations, particularly when handling changes and adapting to evolving project requirements. However, the Waterfall model can be an effective SDLC methodology for projects with well-defined conditions and minimal modifications expected. Understanding the triple constraint's advantages, disadvantages, and impact on the Waterfall model can help you make informed decisions when selecting the right SDLC methodology for your projects.

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When to use SDLC Waterfall model?

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What is Waterfall Project Management? Methodology, Benefits and Examples

waterfall project management

Navigating the complexities of project management demands the right approach. Among the myriad methodologies available, Waterfall project management stands out for its linear, phase-based structure, guiding projects seamlessly from conception to completion. This approach not only ensures a systematic progression but also streamlines the entire life cycle of a project.

Dive into this comprehensive guide to understand the nuances of Waterfall project management. Discover its distinct phases and explore its advantages, challenges, and real-world applications. Equip yourself with this knowledge and empower your project management journey.

Table of Contents:

  • What is Waterfall project management?

The Waterfall Project Management Phases

Advantages of waterfall project management, waterfall project management limitations.

  • When to use waterfall methodology?

Waterfall Project Management Examples

What is waterfall project management.

Waterfall project management is a traditional, linear approach to managing projects, marked by its distinct and sequential phases. Each phase follows the previous one without overlap, and once a phase concludes, revisiting it isn’t standard procedure. 

Originating from industries like manufacturing and construction, this method emphasized the critical nature of tasks happening in order. The bedrock of this methodology is meticulous planning and thorough documentation. 

A project’s requirements are established at the outset, ensuring clarity for all team members regarding their roles, responsibilities, and the project’s milestones. 

Documentation, often visualized through flowcharts or swimlanes, is a constant reference for the team, helping track progress and maintain alignment. The Waterfall Project Management methodology prioritizes clarity, order, and documentation throughout its sequential progression.

The Waterfall methodology operates sequentially and chronologically, emphasizing pre-determined dates, requirements, and results. Unique to this approach, teams only frequently interact if specific integrations are necessary, largely operating as independent units. 

Moreover, team members often work autonomously, reducing the frequency of status updates, contrasting the Agile method’s iterative feedback system. Typically, each phase must conclude before the next begins.

The Waterfall method can be broken down into five core stages in software development. Each stage represents a critical step in the development process, ensuring the project progresses systematically and cohesively.

Phases of Waterfall Project Management

Requirements Phase

The “Requirements phase” is the foundational step in the Waterfall methodology, setting the goal for the entire project. Given the sequential nature of Waterfall, where each task relies on completing the preceding one, this phase demands thorough planning. A significant portion of the project’s timeline is often allocated to this initial planning to ensure no stone is left unturned.

In this stage, the team dedicates its efforts to gathering comprehensive information, aiming to craft a roadmap that will guide the project to success. To harness the Waterfall method’s potential, creating an in-depth project plan detailing every phase is essential. 

This plan, typically known as the project requirements document, should encompass:

  • A clear breakdown of each project phase
  • Identification of the team members responsible for each stage
  • Highlighting key dependencies within tasks
  • Enumeration of required resources
  • A projected timeline indicating the duration anticipated for each stage

By the conclusion of the Requirements phase, stakeholders should possess a well-defined blueprint of the project’s trajectory, ensuring clarity and alignment from inception to completion.

System Design Phase

In this phase, the project’s details are meticulously defined and structured. Following the foundational planning in the Requirements phase, the Design phase delves into how the project will be executed. It focuses on charting the actions required to meet the project’s scope and establishing the sequence in which these actions will be undertaken.

This phase is pivotal in determining the steps and setting forth key project parameters like expected timelines and budgets. Drawing a parallel, if the Requirements phase (planning phase) answers the question “what?” in terms of project goals and scope, the design phase addresses the “how?” by detailing the execution strategy.

For instance, in software development, this phase would meticulously document choices regarding the programming language and any associated hardware prerequisites. Essentially, the design phase crystallizes the strategy, ensuring a clear and actionable roadmap for the project’s subsequent stages.


After extensive planning and design, this phase signifies the actual execution of the project. All the groundwork laid out in the previous stages comes alive through tangible actions.

The key responsibilities to be performed during this phase are:

  • Task Allocation: Assigning tasks to respective teams based on priority
  • Team Collaboration: Ensuring seamless team interactions, facilitating prompt deliveries and effective handovers
  • Resource Management: Overseeing workload distribution and effectively utilizing shared or specific resources
  • Progress Monitoring: Keeping a close eye on the project’s progress and initiating corrective measures if any delays emerge
  • Risk Management: Actively identifying potential pitfalls and taking measures to prevent scope, budget, or timeline deviations
  • Testing: Conducting various tests, including performance and usability, to ensure the project meets the set standards
  • Project Delivery: Handing over the completed project to the client or end-user

Verification or Testing

The “Verification phase” ensues after the product has been delivered to the customer. It’s a critical juncture where the product undergoes scrutiny to ensure it aligns with the expectations set during the planning stages. 

During this phase:

  • Customer Testing: The customer rigorously tests the delivered product, identifying inconsistencies, issues, or shortcomings
  • Performance Assessment: The project’s outcomes are benchmarked against the previously set goals and objectives to gauge its success
  • Team Remuneration: If the project involves contractors, this is the time when they get compensated for their contributions upon the project’s culmination
  • Administrative Tasks: This often entails the project manager handling various administrative duties, such as endorsing paperwork, settling accounts, or winding up contracts to mark the project’s official completion
  • Post-Project Review: The team collectively reflects on the project, analyzing the successes, areas of improvement, and lessons learned. This introspection can be invaluable, providing insights to refine practices, enhance efficiencies, and better handle subsequent projects

The Verification phase is about confirming the product’s quality and functionality, wrapping up administrative tasks, and introspecting for continuous improvement. Doing so sets the tone for better management and execution of future projects.

Deployment and Maintenance

The “Deployment and Maintenance” phase is pivotal to the culmination of a project and its sustained success post-launch.

  • Deployment: In the project context, this phase signifies the release of the developed project to the end user. In other industries, it represents the launch and delivery of the final product or service to the intended customers.
  • Maintenance: Post-deployment, the focus shifts to ensuring the product operates optimally. This often involves:
  • Tweaks and Adjustments: Addressing any lingering issues or enhancing product performance. Such modifications often arise from change requests submitted by users or stakeholders
  • Issue Resolution: Acting swiftly to rectify any defects, bugs, or issues that might crop up post-launch ensures the product’s reliability and the end user’s satisfaction

The Waterfall Project Management methodology offers a structured and systematic approach to project execution. Its linear and phased progression ensures clear objectives are set from the outset, fostering meticulous planning and a well-defined path to project completion. 

This clarity reduces ambiguity, streamlines communication, and allows for accurate time and budget estimations.

As each phase depends on the previous one, there’s a built-in quality assurance mechanism, ensuring errors are caught early. Overall, Waterfall provides a predictable and transparent framework that can be particularly advantageous for projects with well-defined requirements and limited scope changes.

Let us now look into a deeper understanding of the benefits of  waterfall project management:

Key Benefits of Waterfall Project Management

Simplifies Tracking

The Waterfall methodology ensures a project’s smooth progression, even amidst unforeseen team changes. Its strong emphasis on documentation facilitates the seamless integration of new members into ongoing projects. Instead of deducing the intent behind previous steps, everything is chronicled, from project inception to its culmination. This documentation enables newcomers to acclimatize rapidly.

Facilitates Process Review and Replication

With Waterfall’s step-by-step documentation, retracing steps to pinpoint errors becomes straightforward. This consistent record-keeping not only aids in error detection but also establishes replicable processes, streamlining onboarding for newcomers, as discussed earlier.

Accelerates Onboarding for New Team Members

For newcomers, traditional onboarding often entails observing seasoned team members. The exhaustive documentation inherent to the Waterfall model simplifies this process. While interpersonal connections and team integration remain vital, the available documentation offers a robust knowledge base. 

This information can swiftly address many queries, eliminating the need for newcomers to consistently seek out peers for answers.

Comprehensive Record-Keeping

Given Waterfall’s sequential nature without backtracking, meticulous documentation from the outset is imperative. Moreover, these records gain validation from all stakeholders, ensuring all decisions and changes have a justifiable basis in the documentation.

Streamlines Project Management

The waterfall methodology offers a clear-cut structure, making projects manageable irrespective of team size. With the initial phases dedicated to detailed planning, execution becomes a matter of following the charted course. 

While effective in many instances, the Waterfall method has its fair share of limitations. These potential drawbacks underscore why it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution for every project.

Limited Flexibility

The rigidity of the Waterfall approach contrasts sharply with the more adaptive Agile methodologies. With Waterfall’s strict step-by-step process, even a minor oversight might necessitate restarting the entire project from the beginning, incurring increased costs, potential client dissatisfaction, and dampening team spirits.

Potential Delays Impact the Entire Project

Being linear, any hiccup or delay in the Waterfall process inevitably cascades, disrupting the overall project timeline. For instance, a delay from an external supplier can halt the entire production line until the required component arrives.

Delayed Quality Checks

Quality assurance activities should be interspersed throughout the project’s lifecycle. In the waterfall approach, these checks often need to be revised, making issues potentially more challenging to address.

Intensive Upfront Planning Needed

Waterfall mandates a thorough understanding of all project intricacies from the get-go. This demands exhaustive planning involving in-depth interviews, brainstorming sessions, and comprehensive data gathering. If a swift project kick-off is the aim, Waterfall might only be the ideal choice if the project closely mirrors a previous one, reducing the planning time.

Sequential Phasing Restricts Parallel Work

Unlike Agile, which permits fluidity between project stages, Waterfall confines teams to a strict sequence. Tasks are interdependent, meaning each has to be concluded before the next begins. This lack of parallelism often extends project durations and diminishes flexibility. Although there might be occasional overlaps in waterfall phases, they’re generally gated, ensuring one significant portion concludes before transitioning to the next.

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When to Use Waterfall Methodology?

The waterfall methodology’s sequential nature makes it most suitable for projects with well-defined, static requirements and specific time boundaries. This is why sectors like manufacturing and construction, which often have predetermined schedules and plans, benefit from the Waterfall approach.

However, its structure, which emphasizes late-stage testing, can make alterations quite challenging. Some purists believe any revision indicates unclear initial requirements, suggesting the project should revert to its initial phase. Such rigidity can pose challenges, especially in dynamic industries like software development, where changes are frequent.

If project requirements evolve or modifications might be required during production, an agile methodology  could be more fitting. In reality, many software development projects fall into this bracket.

The waterfall is ideal for short, well-outlined projects given its rigid nature. If project parameters are set in stone, the waterfall offers a clear, systematic progression, making management and monitoring straightforward and efficient.

With its sequential and structured approach, Waterfall Project Management is aptly employed across various sectors to ensure systematic project execution. From the construction industry, where buildings rise phase by phase, to the publishing world, where a book progresses from conceptualization to distribution, the Waterfall method’s clear demarcation of stages ensures each task is completed before the next begins. 

These examples illustrate how this methodology’s step-by-step progression ensures clarity and coherence, making it a preferred choice for projects with well-defined parameters and goals.

Example 1: Construction Sector: Building a Residential Complex

  • Requirements: Stakeholders and architects discuss and finalize the layout, amenities, number of units, architectural design, and specific materials. This involves detailed blueprints, project scope, budget estimations, and deadlines
  • Design: Engineers and planners devise structural designs, electrical and plumbing schematics, and landscaping plans
  • Implementation: Actual construction begins. This follows a sequential approach – starting from land excavation, laying the foundation, erecting the structure, and completing the interiors
  • Verification: Quality checks ensure the construction adheres to the initial blueprints and meets safety standards
  • Deployment: The residential complex is opened for residents, and keys are handed over to the property owners
  • Maintenance: Any post-construction issues like plumbing or electrical faults are addressed

Example 2: Building a New Mobile Application

  • Requirements: Market research is conducted to understand consumer needs. Based on findings, specifications like battery life, screen size, camera quality, and storage capacities are determined. Stakeholders agree upon a budget and a timeline
  • Design: Engineers design the smartphone’s internal architecture, including the placement of components, circuitry, and choice of materials. Designers develop the phone’s aesthetic, including its size, weight, and appearance
  • Implementation: Production lines are set up. Components are sourced or manufactured and then assembled to produce prototypes
  • Verification: Prototypes are tested for performance, durability, and battery life. Feedback leads to refinements
  • Deployment: Once finalized, mass production begins. The new model is packaged and sent to retailers and distributors for sale to the public
  • Maintenance: Post-release, any issues reported by consumers are addressed. Software updates are rolled out as needed, and potential modifications are considered for future batches or models

Both examples demonstrate the systematic, phase-based approach of the waterfall methodology, ensuring clarity and order from the project’s commencement to its conclusion.

Waterfall project management’s systematic, phase-driven approach can impart significant organization and discipline to projects. While it’s an invaluable asset for projects with set requirements and strict timelines, it might only be ideal for some scenarios. 

Blending Waterfall with Agile methodologies can offer a harmonious balance if you seek greater adaptability. 

Regardless of your chosen method, continuous learning and skill enhancement are pivotal. To delve deeper and master the nuances of project management, consider enrolling in Invensis Learning’s project management courses .


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Waterfall method of project management

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  • A Guide to the Waterfall Model for Beginners and Project Managers

Trying to find the right project management methodology for your project can make a project manager feel like the titular character of Goldilocks and the three bears. Kanban is visual and popular for its simplicity, but not necessarily the best for repeated projects. Scrum is the king of agile methodologies, but maybe not suited for bigger teams. So what about the waterfall model? Ask yourself these questions:

  • Do you have a clear-cut set of procedures to follow? 
  • Will you document each step of the process so rotating personnel can pick up where previous teams left off? 
  • Are you working on a repetitive project with very little allowance for procedural changes?

If you answered “yes” to these questions, the waterfall model might be that perfect bowl of productivity porridge!

A quick waterfall model definition

As the name implies, the waterfall model is a linear project methodology. Each sequential phase in the model depends on project deliverables from the preceding phase. Work can only progress towards the next phase by building upon the output of the previously completed phase. 

The waterfall model originated from the manufacturing and construction industries where progressive movement of a project is linear. That’s why there’s no overlap in the work phases of the waterfall model; you need to finish a car’s frame before you can start bolting on the body. 

The straightforward nature of the waterfall model makes it a popular and easy project management system to adapt. Any team, regardless of size, can track the progress of a project and each member can determine the importance of their contributions.

That’s why the waterfall model is one of the oldest and most widely used software development life cycle models.

Waterfall model phases

Being a sequential process, the waterfall method follows defined phases:

  • Requirement gathering and analysis : all necessary requirements for the development of a system are gathered and documented
  • System design : the general framework of the system is developed as well as the specific functions and overall architecture
  • Implementation : component parts of the system are developed, tested and prepared for the next phase
  • Integration and testing : the previously developed individual units are integrated into a singular system, then the entire system is tested to ensure all component units are functioning properly
  • Deployment of system : the finished system is deployed and used for its intended purpose
  • Maintenance : ongoing issues are addressed either by releasing patches, updates or even newer system versions

Remember that there is no overlap between phases for this process. Each phase must be completed before moving on to the next one.

Advantages and disadvantages of the waterfall model

No methodology is perfect for every scenario; like every other method, the waterfall model has its pros and cons. Let’s start with the positive:

  • Reliable and predictable . The phases of the waterfall model are straightforward, meaning anyone in the team can easily understand the whole development process.
  • Great for large, long-term projects . Because of its rigidity, this methodology can be applied even with large projects that rely on multiple moving parts
  • Good for tracking tasks with dependencies . Because each phase has to be fully completed before the next phase can be started, finding and resolving dependencies is simple.
  • Easy to manage . Well-defined phases with no overlap make handling operations easier than other methods

On the other hand, be aware of the following disadvantages:

  • No flexibility, even in the early stages of your project . Because of its rigidity, this model leaves little room for creative deviation.
  • Keeping documentation up to date is crucial . Extensive process documentation is needed in order for the waterfall model to work, and this takes up a lot of valuable time.
  • Integration is done all at once at the end of the process . This does not allow for operation-level troubleshooting early in the project development process.

With these in mind, a project manager can decide if the waterfall model is appropriate for a particular project or not.

Pro tip: Use the Agile methodology for projects that need flexibility

The waterfall model isn’t best for projects that need flexibility. But Agile is. An Agile project has flexibility in mind above all else, so that collaborators can pivot as soon as project parameters change. It prioritizes individuals and interactions over complex processes, and responding to change over putting too much time into a project plan beforehand.

When to use it: waterfall model examples

The waterfall model works best for projects that benefit from a clearly defined structure. It’s also an ideal methodology for handling large teams; everyone can clearly identify which development stage the project is in without much context. This also makes projects easier to plot. Additionally, for repetitive projects where procedures are already clearly defined, using the waterfall model is sure to drive you and your team towards your goal . Here are a few examples of projects that really benefit from the waterfall model:

  • Construction and manufacturing: This is where the waterfall model originated, and with good reason. These projects have many moving pieces, and physical constraints make sudden design changes expensive and unwieldy. In these scenarios, the rigidity of the waterfall model can actually be an advantage.
  • Large software development projects: While different agile methodologies are becoming more of a norm across software teams, the waterfall model can still be the way to go for larger teams. After all, the bigger the teams — and projects — the tougher it is to stay agile. When software projects reach a certain critical mass, the waterfall model can be the way to go.
  • Enterprise projects: If your organization is enterprise-sized, your projects are too. That often means collaboration can cross departments, locations, even multiple time zones. In these cases, more agile frameworks don’t really reflect the reality of your projects. A more fixed system like the waterfall model fits enterprise-sized projects better.

The waterfall model and the Gantt chart

What is a Gantt Chart - Visualization

At first glance, the Gantt chart is very similar to a horizontal bar graph. The horizontal axis tracks your project’s timeline while the vertical axis shows all the work that needs to happen from a project’s inception to its conclusion. Each bar on the Gantt chart represents an individual task, stretched out over the amount of time needed to complete it. The bars are stacked vertically so that you know how they’re related to each other. For instance, in the above image, the purple task needs to be completed first before work on all other tasks can begin.

Gantt charts can easily be used to represent projects that use the waterfall model. They’re designed with dependencies in mind, so you can easily track each phase of your project.

Waterfall model and Gantt chart software

Many of the most popular work management tools on the market give you the ability to represent your work in a Gantt chart. This gives you the best of both worlds: a task-tracking and a waterfall model visualization tool. Tools in this category include Trello, Jira, Wrike, Asana, and ClickUp — all of which happen to be some of our most popular integrations . Some of these tools offer Gantt chart features natively, while others depend on third-party integrations.

Conversely, you can also use a dedicated Gantt tool. Unlike work management tools, these are built for Gantt charts from the ground up. That means they may not have features like Kanban boards and advanced sorting, but they’re stronger in areas like data analysis, external file support, and more. Popular dedicated Gantt chart tools include GanttPRO , GanttProject , and TeamGantt .

Let the water fall where it may

The waterfall model is but one of many project management methodologies , but it’s maintained its popularity. For large projects with many moving pieces, it makes sense to rely on a methodology that’s more rigid than its competitors. Remember, if your project has many dependencies, having all of them plotted out before you start can save you big headaches down the line. Pair this methodology with the right Gantt chart tool, and you’ll be off to the races in no time.

Before you go

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development methodology waterfall plan

The Waterfall Methodology: Understanding the Basics for Clear Project Management

what is Waterfall Project Management

Looking to enhance your project management approach? Wondering what exactly the waterfall methodology is? This guide has you covered. We’ll break down the waterfall methodology, a straightforward step-by-step framework that brings order to your projects. From planning to execution, learn how this proven approach can revolutionize your project management game. Join us as we explore the ins and outs of the waterfall methodology and discover your path to seamless project success.

Explaining the Waterfall Methodology:

Step-by-step project management method.

The waterfall methodology is one of the traditional development methodologies used in the software development life cycle. It follows a linear progression, where each phase builds upon the completion of the previous one. This method allows for clear planning and execution, reducing the chances of confusion or miscommunication. The progress of each phase can be visualized using a Gantt chart, which helps in tracking the project timeline. However, with the rise of agile methods, there has been a shift towards more flexible and iterative approaches to software development.

Progresses through defined phases

In the waterfall methodology, projects progress through distinct phases, each with its own set of objectives and tasks. These development methodologies typically include requirements gathering, system design, implementation, testing, deployment, and maintenance. By dividing the project into well-defined stages, teams can focus on specific goals and ensure that all necessary aspects of agile development are addressed before moving forward.

Each phase has specific deliverables

At the end of each phase in the waterfall methodology, there are specific deliverables that need to be completed before proceeding to the next stage. These deliverables act as milestones and provide tangible evidence of progress in development methodologies. For example, in the requirements gathering phase, deliverables may include a detailed project scope document or a comprehensive list of user requirements for agile development.

No overlapping or iteration between phases

One key characteristic of the waterfall methodology is that it does not allow for overlapping or iteration between phases in the life cycle. Each phase must be completed before moving on to the next one, following a sequential approach. This ensures that changes made in earlier stages do not disrupt ongoing work or cause unnecessary delays later in the project timeline. The use of a Gantt chart helps visualize this sequential process. However, this approach differs from the continuous architecture and agile methodologies, which emphasize flexibility and iterative development.

By following the agile methodology, teams using the agile project can maintain focus on individual tasks while minimizing disruptions caused by constant changes. This development methodology allows for overlap and iteration between phases, providing flexibility compared to the strict structure of the waterfall method.

The waterfall methodology, commonly used in traditional software development, provides a systematic framework for managing projects from start to finish. Its step-by-step approach, including the requirements phase and the use of Gantt charts, enables teams to plan effectively and execute their tasks with clarity and precision. While it may not be suitable for every type of project or organization due to its rigid nature, understanding what’s involved in this traditional method can help you make informed decisions about project management approaches, including the agile methodology.

The Phases and Process of Waterfall Methodology:

Requirements gathering and analysis phase.

In the first phase of the waterfall methodology, the project team utilizes a Gantt chart to guide the development process. This phase focuses on gathering and analyzing requirements for the agile application. The team collaborates closely with stakeholders to understand their needs and expectations, ensuring that all necessary information is collected regarding the software’s functionalities and specific requirements.

During this phase of the agile methodology, the team develops a comprehensive understanding of the project’s objectives and identifies potential risks, constraints, and dependencies that may impact the development process. It’s crucial to ensure that all requirements for tasks in both agile and waterfall projects are clearly defined and documented before moving on to the next phase of developing systems.

Designing the System Architecture Phase

Once the requirements have been gathered, it’s time to move on to designing the system architecture using the agile methodology. This phase involves creating a blueprint or roadmap for how the software will be structured and organized, following the development methodology. The design includes defining modules, components, interfaces, data flow diagrams, and other architectural elements that will be used by the project team.

The system architecture design is crucial for an agile methodology project team. It provides a clear structure for programmers to follow when working on tasks. This ensures that all aspects of the software align with stakeholder expectations.

Development and Coding Phase

During the development and coding phase of an agile methodology project, developers start writing code to bring the design concepts to life. This involves translating the concepts into functional software components, following an architecture plan. Unlike waterfall project management, this approach allows for flexibility and iterative development.

Developers follow agile coding best practices while implementing features according to specifications outlined in previous phases of the waterfall software development life cycle. They write clean code that is maintainable and adheres to industry standards for architecture.

Testing and Quality Assurance Phase

Once agile development is complete, it’s time for testing and quality assurance (QA). In this phase, testers evaluate whether or not the software meets all specified architecture requirements. They perform various tests such as unit testing, integration testing, system testing, performance testing, security testing, etc., depending on project needs.

Testing is an essential part of development, whether it’s in an agile or waterfall project. It helps identify and resolve defects and bugs before releasing the software to end-users. This ensures that the architecture is sound and the final product meets quality standards.

Key Principles of the Waterfall Model :

Clearly defined requirements at the start.

In the waterfall methodology, one of the key principles is to have clearly defined requirements right from the beginning. This means that before any software development work begins, all the project requirements, including agile and Gantt chart planning, are identified and documented. By having a clear understanding of what needs to be achieved in terms of software architecture, it helps in avoiding confusion and ensures that everyone involved is on the same page.

The Sequential flow of activities

Another important principle of the waterfall model is following a sequential flow of activities in agile software architecture. In this approach, each phase of the project, including requirements gathering, design work, development, testing, and deployment, is completed before moving on to the next one. This sequential approach provides structure and allows for a systematic progression throughout the project lifecycle.

Documentation at each stage

Documentation plays a crucial role in the development process, particularly in the agile software architecture. At each stage of the project, comprehensive documentation is created to capture important details and decisions made during that phase. This documentation serves as a reference for future stages and helps in maintaining clarity and consistency throughout the project. It also aids in knowledge transfer between team members and facilitates easier maintenance or modifications later on.

Limited customer involvement after initial requirements gathering

Unlike agile software development methods where customer involvement is continuous throughout the architecture process, in waterfall methodology there tends to be limited customer involvement after initial requirements gathering. Once the software requirements are finalized and documented at the beginning of the project, there is less direct interaction with customers during subsequent phases such as design or development. This approach allows teams to focus on executing tasks based on agreed-upon software specifications without frequent changes or interruptions.

By adhering to these key principles of the waterfall software development life cycle – clearly defining requirements upfront, following a sequential flow of activities, emphasizing documentation at each stage, and limiting customer involvement after initial requirements gathering – projects can benefit from orderliness and structure while ensuring quality deliverables within predefined timelines. This approach contrasts with the agile methodology, which emphasizes flexibility and adaptability. However, the waterfall approach can be advantageous for projects that require a well-defined architecture and a clear understanding of requirements before development begins.

Remember: The agile software development architecture has its advantages, but it may not be suitable for all projects.

Debunking Common Misconceptions about Waterfall Methodology:

Waterfall is inflexible: it can adapt to changes with proper change control processes..

Contrary to popular belief, the waterfall methodology in agile software development is often criticized for being inflexible in terms of software architecture. However, this is not entirely accurate. While it’s true that the waterfall approach follows a linear sequence of phases, it doesn’t mean that it cannot accommodate changes in software development. In fact, with proper change control processes in place, the waterfall methodology can effectively handle modifications and adapt accordingly in agile software development.

Change control processes in agile software development involve documenting and evaluating proposed changes to the software architecture before implementing them. This ensures that any adjustments are thoroughly assessed for their impact on the project timeline, budget, and overall goals. By following these procedures, teams using the agile methodology can incorporate changes without compromising the software’s structure or causing unnecessary disruptions.

Waterfall is outdated: still applicable in certain industries like construction.

Another misconception surrounding software development is that the waterfall methodology, an architecture for organizing and managing projects, is outdated and no longer relevant in today’s fast-paced world. While agile methodologies have gained popularity in recent years due to their flexibility and iterative nature, it doesn’t render the waterfall approach obsolete.

In industries like construction where projects require meticulous planning and a clear sequential order of tasks, the waterfall methodology remains a viable option for managing large-scale projects. The structured nature of waterfall allows for better management of agile development and software architecture by providing a clear roadmap from start to finish.

Waterfall doesn’t allow feedback: feedback is incorporated during the testing phase.

It is often assumed that the agile development methodology does not allow for feedback until the very end of a software project when testing takes place. However, this notion overlooks an essential aspect of the process – incorporating feedback during the testing phase to improve software architecture.

While there may be limited opportunities for immediate adjustments throughout the waterfall software development life cycle, such as requirements gathering or design, feedback plays a crucial role during testing. During this phase of the waterfall project, stakeholders have an opportunity to provide valuable insights and identify any necessary modifications to the architecture.

Implementing the Waterfall Model: Best Practices for Success

Clearly define project scope upfront.

One of the key aspects of implementing the agile development model is to clearly define the project scope right from the start. This involves identifying and documenting all the software requirements, goals, and objectives of the project. By doing so, you set a solid foundation for your team to work on and ensure everyone is aligned with the end goal.

To define project scope effectively:

  • Conduct thorough planning sessions with all stakeholders involved.
  • Clearly outline what features and functionalities will be included in the final product of a waterfall project. This is an essential step in the development process, whether using agile or waterfall software.
  • Identify any potential risks or constraints that may impact the development project, whether it follows an agile or waterfall software approach.

Break Down Tasks into Smaller, Manageable Units

Breaking down tasks into smaller, manageable units is crucial in agile software development. This allows for better organization and ensures that each task can be completed efficiently without overwhelming team members.

Here’s how you can break down tasks effectively:

  • Divide the project into phases or stages, following an agile or waterfall software approach (e.g., planning, design, development).
  • Identify specific deliverables within each phase.
  • Break down deliverables into smaller tasks or subtasks.
  • Assign responsibilities to team members based on their expertise.

Establish a Strong Communication Plan Among Team Members

Effective communication is vital for successful implementation of any methodology, including agile software development. Establishing a strong communication plan ensures that everyone involved in the project stays informed about progress, challenges, and updates in software development.

Consider these practices to improve communication:

  • Schedule regular team meetings to discuss progress against milestones.
  • Utilize collaboration tools such as project management software or messaging apps for agile development.
  • Encourage open and transparent communication among team members.
  • Provide clear channels for reporting issues or seeking clarification.

Regularly Review Progress Against Milestones

Regularly reviewing progress in agile development against milestones helps keep projects on track and allows for timely adjustments if necessary. It allows managers to identify potential bottlenecks early on in waterfall software and take corrective actions to ensure the project stays within schedule.

The Future of Waterfall Methodology in Project Management

In conclusion, the Waterfall methodology remains a viable approach to software development project management, despite the emergence of more agile methodologies. Its structured and sequential nature provides clarity and predictability, making it suitable for certain types of software development projects.

Throughout this article, we have explored the key aspects of agile software development. We discussed its phases and process, highlighting how each step in agile development builds upon the previous one. We outlined the fundamental principles that guide this approach, emphasizing its focus on agile development and planning.

Furthermore, we debunked common misconceptions surrounding Waterfall methodology in agile software development. Contrary to popular belief, it can be flexible when necessary and offers opportunities for feedback and improvement in agile software development.

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A complete guide to the Waterfall methodology

development methodology waterfall plan

The analogy of a waterfall for the Waterfall methodology isn’t the best. When someone thinks “well-controlled, step-by-step process,” whose mind jumps straight to a waterfall?

Maybe someone who has never seen its chaos and churn in person…A staircase would be a better analogy to illustrate how the methodology works. Waterfall gives your team a structure to help them navigate the treacherous terrain of project management — just like it’s easier to walk up or down stairs than a steep incline.

It adds predictability and stability to the process — a key priority for many projects.

In this guide, we’ll explain what the Waterfall method is, how it compares to other options, and how you can better implement it in your own company.

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What is the Waterfall methodology in project management?

The Waterfall methodology is an approach to project management where you break down a large project into clear-cut linear stages, from requirement gathering to implementation.

The linear approach allows you to plan and set a structure for the project early on. That makes it easier to execute and manage progress in your projects. Traditionally, the Waterfall model divides a project into 5 specific phases or stages. Let’s take a closer look.

What are the 5 phases of the Waterfall method?

Waterfall methodology diagram

  • The Requirements phase: estimating requirements and assessing the viability of a project or proposed solution.
  • The Design phase: planning the schedule, milestones, and deliverables of the project; this may also include creating the designs or blueprints for the final deliverable(s).
  • The Implementation phase: implementing the plan and making the project a reality.
  • The Verification, or testing phase: testing and checking that the resulting product or feature solves the intended problem.
  • The Maintenance phase: phasing out older products, implementing a maintenance plan for the new machinery, or anything else needed after project completion.

If you’re familiar with the project life cycle, you might notice that the Waterfall methodology closely mirrors it. Every stage is critical to project success, but pay extra attention to requirements and design.

Any shortcomings during these stages can lead to a lot of wasted time and money. If you pick an unstable area for a construction project, making adjustments later can cost a fortune and take months. That’s the key difference between this and playing Jenga. The end goal is definitely not for everything to come crashing down.

Is the Waterfall methodology still used?

Yes, even in 2022, a wide range of companies use the Waterfall methodology in various industries.

According to a study by PMI, 56% of projects used traditional — AKA Waterfall — methods in the past 12 months.

Project management methodology usage share

( Image Source )

So, rather than being “dead,” the Waterfall approach is, in fact, the most popular project management methodology among professionals.

Some managers might refer to it as an ancient relic of a bygone age. But — like in sci-fi novels — it often turns out that these can be just as powerful as the newest of new technologies.

Of course, which project management model is right for you depends on your industry, goals, team size, and project.

Let’s explore how Waterfall measures up against some of the newer methods like Agile and Kanban.

What is the difference between Waterfall and Agile?

The main difference between Waterfall and Agile is that the Agile methodology focuses much less on up-front planning. There’s no goal of a perfect, step-by-step plan before launch.

Agile outlines the high-level objectives, goals, and deliverables in a roadmap, sure, but it’s not the detailed battle plan from the Waterfall approach. An Agile team adapts to the changing demands of the market and stakeholders during the project.

That often takes the shape of dividing the project into iterations or “sprints” — lasting a few weeks or months — and adapting the course after each one.

Agile methodology diagram

There’s a misconception that Waterfall and Agile project management have nothing in common. But, in many ways, they follow the same fundamental process, with slightly different phases.

The difference is that in Agile, the stages don’t happen in a linear order. You don’t plan once and then start the project. The requirements and planning phases are never over. You keep going back to them with the finish of each iteration.

The Agile principles also dictate that you involve internal and external stakeholders throughout the process, which is something the Waterfall method was silent on. Another crucial aspect of Agile is that teams typically self-organize, with less top-down management input.

To sum it all up, these are the key differences between Waterfall and Agile:

waterfall vs agile difference

If you’re not sure which is better for you, you can read more in our post about Agile vs. Waterfall .

What about Waterfall vs. Kanban?

Kanban is a framework within the Agile method, so it too focuses on flexibility and ongoing adaptation. But instead of dividing the project into sprints, in Kanban, your team is focused on continuous improvement. The main tool for achieving this is a “Kanban board.”

It is a digital or physical whiteboard divided into a few columns, from to-do to done.

Kanban board example in monday.com

You can add new ideas to the to-do column on an ongoing basis. Then, the teams or individuals will assume these tasks, or managers will assign them. For a Waterfall project — unlike one managed with Kanban — you don’t continually adapt as you go along. You carefully manage changes to the scope or schedule, but constant change isn’t built-in to the model.

In Kanban, you maintain the original company structure, involve stakeholders more, and give every employee a platform to voice their ideas.

Some of the key differences are:

waterfall vs kanban difference

When should you use the Waterfall methodology?

The Waterfall methodology is the best choice for reasonably predictable projects with strict time constraints or flawless operation requirements.

These projects can come in many shapes and sizes, in many different industries.

Some examples include:

  • Projects where you fully understand the scope and requirements through previous experience
  • Manufacturing or construction projects where there’s no room for variation in schedule or implementation
  • Projects that rely heavily on repeatable processes
  • Other projects with strict time or schedule constraints

Impact of industry and marketplace

According to the 2020 State of Agile report , technology and financial industries are Agile’s primary users.

Top Agile industries in 2020

Traditional physical industries like manufacturing or energy represent a small minority of users. The majority of Agile teams are in fast-moving sectors, and for a good reason.

If a marketplace is likely to change completely before your project is ready, it makes little sense to try to plan a multi-year project from start to finish.

Our R&D team might use Scrum — an Agile framework — but we wouldn’t push it on the construction company creating our new main office. On some projects, predictable, reliable results are a much bigger priority than adaptability.

Sure, there are some equally unpredictable manufacturing, government, and construction projects. That’s why some teams in these industries manage the occasional Agile project.

Advantages of the Waterfall methodology

The distinct benefits of Waterfall make it an excellent choice for a lot of teams and projects.

  • Predictable: the detailed schedule means each team knows when they should start working
  • Repeatable: with entire workflows outlined, you can easily standardize and create a repeatable process
  • Reasonable: with a well-planned budget including contingency costs, it’s easier to allocate resources to a project

But for long-term projects with lofty goals and lots of unpredictability, it’s probably not the best choice.

Of course, you don’t need to 100% commit to one or the other.

The Waterfall project management methodology can be your foundation, and you can add to it. For many companies, modified Waterfall models can be a better choice than jumping straight to Agile. For example, you can make stakeholder engagement an ongoing priority and cultivate a more self-organizing team.

There’s no need to forego long-term planning — and all your processes — just because some “experts” say so.

A Waterfall methodology example: what goes into each phase?

In this example, we’ll outline key activities in each stage of the Waterfall methodology.

1. Cover all your bases in the requirements phase

Too many projects fail because management overlooks something at the requirements stage. 33% of project managers highlight inaccurate requirements gathering as a leading cause of project failure.

You must look past basic business requirements and involve stakeholders in the process.

Levels of requirements

  • Objectives: work with stakeholders to set project objectives that meet their expectations.
  • Project scope: figure out the overall extent in collaboration with stakeholders.
  • Risk assessment: find dangerous risks to projects and assess whether the project is worth undertaking.
  • Research: if it’s a new product, this is the stage where you would do market research.
  • Project team: start assembling the talent for your project.

2. Involve all parties when designing your project plan

Once you reach the 2nd stage — design — you should have a preliminary project team. Don’t be afraid to rely on domain experts when creating the project schedule and budget.

In this process you should:

  • Create a work breakdown structure (WBS) and start assigning project activities.
  • Create a high-level project schedule with clear project milestones that you can use to benchmark progress.

Carefully consider stakeholder expectations at this stage, if you want to succeed.

3. Don’t lose sight of the plan when implementing the project

Once you start a project “for real,” it’s easy to have tunnel vision and lose sight of the original plan.

Remember to…

  • Track progress by seeing how you measure up against milestones.
  • Actively work to identify potential roadblocks and bottlenecks to project progress.
  • Monitor key project KPIs.

Changes aren’t forbidden, but each request should be carefully considered and managed through a standardized process.

Pro tip: if you don’t know how to measure project performance metrics, monday.com offers a real-time dashboard with data like percentage of tasks completed on time, resource utilization, and more.

Sales dashboard example in monday.com

4. Test and verify that the result is satisfactory

So, you’ve delivered the project objective? Don’t celebrate just yet.

First, you need to make sure that the product holds water.

You have to:

  • Arrange direct user testing with existing — or potential — customers.
  • Get the necessary regulatory approvals.
  • Standardize any repeatable processes that deliver results.

5. Replace, phase out, and maintain

The last part of the Waterfall life cycle ensures that the project delivers in the long term.

In this phase:

  • Replace existing products or services with new ones.
  • Phase out the old products.
  • Maintain the new product or process to reap the benefits for the long term.

How to take Waterfall project management to the next level with monday.com

What makes monday.com different is that we give you the tools to build the exact project management platform your company needs. With smart automations, tons of native integrations with other tools, and an interface that makes sense, you’ll feel like you hired an extra project manager.

Create a high-level project plan using a ready-made template

First things first, use our ready-made project proposal template to kickstart your project. The template outlines the core elements that your project plan should include.

The plan should have a problem definition statement, core goals and objectives, milestones, and more. That’s all the basics.

Project proposal template in monday.com

Keep in mind that nothing is set in stone at this stage. You don’t need to spend hours trying to get overly specific.

Engage stakeholders by sharing real-time access to key project documents.

Instead of just talking to them in workshops or on the phone, give them direct access. With monday.com, you can easily share guest access to individual boards — or all of them. You can also control their permission level with the click of a button.

For example, you can give editing access to only the most vital stakeholders.

Use Gantt charts to optimize your project schedule.

It can be hard to create the perfect project timeline without seeing all the moving parts. That’s where our interactive Gantt view comes in. The drag-and-drop editor makes it easy to make small changes until it feels just right.

Project schedule Gantt view in monday.com

Use integrations and automation to improve cross-departmental collaboration.

We’ve entered the age of SaaS. Most companies use 100s of different apps throughout the organization. And it’s not likely every team and department uses the same software, either.

That’s where monday.com’s robust integrations come in. You can democratize data within your company by automatically sharing it with everyone involved.

For example, if a customer submits a relevant complaint to customer support via Zendesk , monday.com can automatically let your whole team know.

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And that’s just an example of what you can do with 1 of 40+ integrations.

Standardize processes with custom templates.

Once you start to get the hang of this project management thing, it’d be a waste of time to start from scratch every time a new project came along. Create custom templates tailored to your company’s unique requirements and workflow. With monday.com, it’s as easy as clicking a button.

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Custom templates are crucial if you decide to develop your own unique hybrid approach.

Create a strict process for managing project change.

One of the main benefits of Waterfall, when done right, is the predictability of projects. But nothing will be predictable if you mindlessly change the base plan as much as you want. The difference between a positive change — and a destructive one — isn’t always clear at first glance.

That’s why you should put in place a rigorous change management process. Again, monday.com has ready-made templates for change request management. You can even set up change request forms and share them directly with your stakeholders.

Adapt it to your own needs and make sure you only implement change with positive potential.

The right order is key to project execution

The Waterfall methodology isn’t “dead” in 2022. The majority of large projects implement it. Plus, it tends to make more sense than Agile for more physical projects.

But, using the Waterfall method shouldn’t be an excuse for complacency. You can still optimize how you handle projects through each stage of planning, testing, and implementation.

Use monday.com’s project proposal template — and our 14-day free trial — to reach a new level of control over your projects.

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development methodology waterfall plan

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Home › What is Agile? › What is Product Management? › What is the Waterfall Model?

What is the Waterfall Model?


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Interested in learning about the most traditional and foundational software development processes? The waterfall methodology is a linear project management approach that has been used for about 50 years now. In the waterfall model, stakeholder and customer product requirements are collected at the beginning of the project, and then sequential phases are created to accommodate those requirements. Let’s take a better look at what the waterfall method is:

What is the Waterfall Model? 

The waterfall model emphasizes that projects should follow a logical progression of steps throughout the software development life cycle (SDLC).

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1. Gather the Requirements

During this first phase, the potential requirements of the product are methodically collected and written down in a specification document. With this requirements document, project managers plan out every other phase without further customer correspondence until the product is complete. It is assumed that all the requirement gathering happens at this phase.

2. Analyze Requirements

With a compiled of ideas that define what the application should do, the next step is to transform them into an actionable plan. During this second stage, you should properly generate the models and business logic that will be used in the application. 

3. Translate Business Needs Into Tech Requirements

In this phase, design specifications need to be created to outline how exactly the business needs covered in the requirements document will be implemented — technically speaking. This design process covers technical design requirements, such as programming language, data layers, services, etc. 

4. Development

This is the implementation phase, when the actual source code is finally written, implementing all models, business requirements, and integrations that were specified in the prior stages.

5. Test the Application

In this testing phase, QA and beta testers systematically locate and report problems within the application. From this stage, the project often goes back to the previous stage (sometimes even goes back to the design phase), where the code is re-written, in order to ensure the bugs are fixed. In this case, the project needs to go through testing again, until it is cleared by testers.

6. Launch the Product

At this stage, the application is ready for deployment to a live environment, where users can access it and get back to you with more feedback. It is key that customers review the product to make sure that it meets the requirements laid out at the beginning of the project. After the product release, it’s important to maintain subsequent support on the product to keep it functional and up-to-date.

Waterfall Vs. Agile: Which One to Choose

The main difference between them is that waterfall projects are completed sequentially while agile projects are completed iteratively in a cycle.


Waterfall Model Project Management Pros and Cons

The best way to understand if the waterfall methodology is the best for your project is by analyzing the advantages of using it as well as the drawbacks. Let’s explore:

Waterfall Pros

  • The waterfall method requires extremely meticulous documentation which means there will be good references for future products. In addition, if anyone suddenly leaves the development team, the strong documentation will allow someone else to pick it up quickly, which minimizes the impact on product deadlines.
  • Both the development team and customers spend time early in the life cycle agreeing on what will be delivered which allows everyone to have a better idea of what to expect in terms of size, cost, and the timeline for the product.
  • Since the design aspect is completed fairly early on, software engineering can work on multiple components in parallel
  • There is tangible output at the end of every single stage which means that all stakeholders can feel more comfortable seeing progress being made

Waterfall Cons

  • The process of gathering requirements from customers is a really tough process from the get-go because customers may not necessarily have a good sense of the final product even if you give them wireframes and mockups. Because of this, there is a good chance that the customer will be unhappy with the final product since they can’t see what is being delivered until it is almost finished
  • The waterfall plan doesn’t take into account users’ evolving needs so if the team discovers that the user demands different changes later in the process, it is very difficult to go back and from the beginning
  • Feedback and testing are deferred until very late in the development cycle so bugs can severely impact how another code was written if discovered late

Ready to Lead a Waterfall Model Project?

Ideally, your team should be using the waterfall methodology if there is a very clear picture of what the final product will be and if you know that your users won’t have changing needs once the project has begun. It is also common to see organizations transitioning into more of a hybrid product development methodology that combines aspects of both Agile and Waterfall. In our next post, we discuss the Agile methodology , which was developed to address many of the disadvantages of the waterfall method.

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What is the Waterfall methodology in project management?

Last updated

20 January 2024

Reviewed by

Mary Mikhail

Popularly known as the Waterfall model, the Waterfall methodology is a well-established sequential, linear process of managing projects. It maps out a project into precise sequential phases, with every phase wrapping up completely before the next one begins. The process flows like a waterfall through the different stages of a project.

Waterfall methodology is one of the most traditional techniques in project management. It is very straightforward, with people working linearly toward achieving a common end goal. Each team member plays a specific role, and no changes are expected in any goals or phases.

Agile and Waterfall methodologies are two popular approaches to project management. The primary difference between the two is that Waterfall involves a linear process that requires team members to finish each phase before proceeding to the next, and Agile methodology allows team members to handle different project phases simultaneously. Agile was developed as an alternative to Waterfall's rigid framework, enabling team members to introduce changes to the project even very late in the process.

  • Who uses the Waterfall model?

It is used by project managers whose project meets the following requirements:

The concept of the project is clear. The Waterfall model is ideal when the team perfectly understands the entire concept.

The project is low risk. The model is best for projects with minimal risk. For example, if you are confident the team can successfully deliver the product without returning to previous phases, or if the project does not involve a lot of customer engagement, use the Waterfall methodology.

The project is stable. The Waterfall methodology works best for projects that require minimal changes.

The requirements are clear. This methodology works well when the project's requirements are clear. Any ambiguity will disrupt the process flow, making it hard to achieve the set goals.

The project is short and not costly.  A simple, pocket-friendly project is easy to manage using the Waterfall methodology.

  • Advantages of the Waterfall methodology

Here are some top advantages of using the Waterfall model in project management:

A clear structure. The Waterfall methodology follows a rigid structure. This sequential model comprises different phases, each having distinct goals and deliverables. This makes it easy for team members to work through each stage to deliver the desired results.

Easy transfer of information.  Because each stage of the Waterfall model has specific deliverables, it is easy to pass information about the project from one phase to the next. This facilitates a seamless knowledge transfer between group members, allowing new teams to carry on with the project when needed.

Stability.  Given that the Waterfall model follows a linear approach with requirements and deliverables defined upfront, the project has a sense of structured predictability.

Early setting of goals.  The first phase of the Waterfall model involves goal-setting, which helps group members understand their objectives before the project starts. This ensures the team understands their roles and how they will handle the project.

  • Disadvantages of the Waterfall methodology

Just like all other models, the Waterfall methodology has its weaknesses. The drawbacks to Waterfall include:

Inflexibility. Its lack of revision opportunities means it’s almost impossible to make changes mid-development. Also, changing the scope during the project's life cycle can bring the project to an end or require nearly starting over.

Planning overhead. All requirements must be set and communicated before development, adding to planning overhead.

Doesn’t suit complex projects. It is not the best to use for high-risk or complex projects.

Doesn’t suit long projects. Given its inflexible nature, it is not ideal for long, ongoing projects.

Client doesn’t see iterations. The client only sees the final product after completion.

  • Stages in a Waterfall process

The stages of the Waterfall methodology differ from project to project. Generally, the phases of the Waterfall model can be divided into six stages:

Requirement-gathering and documentation

System design



1. Requirement-gathering and documentation

This is the first stage of the Waterfall model, where the project sponsors provide the project requirements. Often, one or more group members will meet the client to gather the requirements and understand how they would like the system to work.

The ideology of the Waterfall methodology is that all customer requirements are collected at the start of the project, allowing for planning out of consecutive phases without customer involvement until the project's completion.

2. System design

This second stage, popularly known as the analysis phase, involves reviewing the collected requirements to establish a design to meet them. Common things considered in this phase include:

Data inputs and outputs

Process mapping

Visual design

Overall specifications

The design phase also covers the project's objectives, budget, and schedule. Consider this phase the blueprint for the complete project.

3. Implementation

This phase executes the project's plan and design to produce the intended product. The project team integrates the requirements from Phase One and the design from Phase Two to generate an actual product.

In this phase, the development team hands the project to the quality assurance team for testing to verify that the product developed in the previous phase meets the project's requirements. Smaller issues that get identified are fixed. Larger issues may require revisiting the requirements.

5. Delivery/deployment

Once the fully functional product is complete, it is made available to end users and clients. Training and documentation may also be produced as part of the official delivery. This is often the phase when the project is considered final.

6. Maintenance

If the client discovers any system bugs, errors, or faulty features that occurred during production, the development team fixes these issues until the customer is satisfied. Maintenance extends beyond the six phases of project management well into the product's lifetime.

  • Examples of Waterfall projects

Here are some examples of industries that can benefit from the transparency and precision of the Waterfall model:

Manufacturing companies. Manufacturing teams use the Waterfall management model for maximum efficiency when running various manufacturing and production processes. For example, an electronic gadgets manufacturer must wait for assemblers to complete their task before they can begin packaging.

Construction companies.  The Waterfall model is ideal for the construction industry because it makes completing specific tasks easier. For instance, the painting team cannot begin their work until the walls have been built and plastered.

Software development.  Waterfall methodology can work well in software development because it facilitates the organization of the various workstreams. The model is used in large-scale software development projects where a structured approach is required to ensure projects are completed on time and within the set budget.

Government projects. The Waterfall methodology is used in most government and defense projects that require a rigid and structured approach to meet all requirements within a stipulated time.

Healthcare projects. Healthcare, especially pharmaceuticals, can significantly benefit from the Waterfall model. By nature, scientific practice is orderly, with clearly defined end products. For instance, when developing a new drug, scientists first establish a hypothesis and follow a strict set of steps. Every time they fail, they go back to the drawing board with an adjusted hypothesis.

Which projects are suitable for the Waterfall model?

The Waterfall methodology is best suited for projects with well-defined requirements that are not likely to change drastically during development. It works well for projects with several steps to production that require a lot of predictability.

Which companies use the Waterfall model?

Most construction and manufacturing industries have long used the Waterfall model. This methodology also works well for healthcare and government projects.

Is Waterfall used for small projects?

The Waterfall model is best for small projects with clear goals that are well understood, where there is no room for change in the requirements.

Does Google use Agile or Waterfall?

Google, the tech giant, combines Waterfall and Agile Scrum. That said, Google attributes most of its success to Agile Scrum because the methodology allows continuous improvement, cross-functional teams, and flexibility in incorporating change.

What is the difference between Scrum and Waterfall?

Waterfall is a common project management model. Scrum is a method used to implement an Agile approach. It is fluid and iterative, breaking down large projects into small, manageable tasks completed in short “sprints.” It allows teams to handle different phases of a project simultaneously. The Waterfall model takes a more traditional route to project management with sequential phases that require the team to complete each stage before proceeding to the next.

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    The waterfall model is a breakdown of development activities into linear sequential phases, meaning they are passed down onto each other, where each phase depends on the deliverables of the previous one and corresponds to a specialization of tasks. The approach is typical for certain areas of engineering design.In software development, it tends to be among the less iterative and flexible ...

  15. The Beginner's Guide to Waterfall Methodology

    Principle 1: Sequential project structure. With the waterfall methodology, project activities are broken down into strictly sequential phases. Once a phase is complete, it will be difficult or ...

  16. What is the Waterfall Model?

    waterfall model: The waterfall model is a popular version of the systems development life cycle model for software engineering. Often considered the classic approach to the systems development life cycle, the waterfall model describes a development method that is linear and sequential. Waterfall development has distinct goals for each phase of ...

  17. The Waterfall Model: How PMs Handle Dependencies

    The phases of the waterfall model are straightforward, meaning anyone in the team can easily understand the whole development process. Great for large, long-term projects. Because of its rigidity, this methodology can be applied even with large projects that rely on multiple moving parts. Good for tracking tasks with dependencies.

  18. The Waterfall Methodology: Understanding the Basics for Clear Project

    The waterfall methodology is one of the traditional development methodologies used in the software development life cycle. It follows a linear progression, where each phase builds upon the completion of the previous one. This method allows for clear planning and execution, reducing the chances of confusion or miscommunication.

  19. Waterfall Project Management: A Complete Guide

    The first stage of the waterfall model is basically the planning step. Here, you'll plan out every phase of the project, and that's a big deal. After all, in the waterfall model, every part of the project depends on how well your team executed the previous step. A major component of this stage is the project plan.

  20. Quick Guide Waterfall Methodology

    The Waterfall methodology is an approach to project management where you break down a large project into clear-cut linear stages, from requirement gathering to implementation. The linear approach allows you to plan and set a structure for the project early on. That makes it easier to execute and manage progress in your projects.

  21. The Waterfall Model: Advantages, disadvantages, and when you should use

    23 April 2019. Over the years, the way that IT teams work has adapted and evolved. The Waterfall Methodology has been widely used in the past in order to get projects completed against a deadline, at a given cost, and to a predefined quality. In this article, we will define the Waterfall Method and talk about some of its benefits and constraints.

  22. What Is Waterfall Methodology? Definition, Processes, And Examples

    Unlike the iterative and incremental structure of agile, the SDLC for waterfall has both a distinct start and an end. It divides the entire process of creating software into five different phases or milestones and the work on one phase does not start until the previous phase is complete. Visually, it looks like this:

  23. What is the Waterfall Methodology?

    The waterfall model emphasizes that projects should follow a logical progression of steps throughout the software development life cycle (SDLC). As the name implies, each phase of the project cascades into the next, progressively following down like a waterfall. If you're interested in learning more via video, then watch below.

  24. What is the Waterfall methodology in project management?

    Mary Mikhail. Popularly known as the Waterfall model, the Waterfall methodology is a well-established sequential, linear process of managing projects. It maps out a project into precise sequential phases, with every phase wrapping up completely before the next one begins. The process flows like a waterfall through the different stages of a project.

  25. Waterfall Methodology for Project Management

    The Waterfall method starts with the Requirements-gathering phase, where a lot of communication occurs upfront to ensure defining the requirements.For example, the Project Manager will get a detailed understanding of the user's requirements. Challenges: Understanding user needs accurately; avoiding scope creep.; Best Practices: Use of detailed questionnaires, stakeholder interviews, and ...