conclusion for the assignment

How to Write a Conclusion for an Assignment

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What Is a Conclusion?

How to write a conclusion for your essay, typical words to start a conclusion, a conclusion example for assignment, now, it’s time for this article’s conclusion….

A conclusion is a summary of the whole assignment. It should restate the thesis, summarize key ideas presented in the assignment, and leave the reader with a final idea about the topic in general to ponder further! It is the most logical way to end an assignment. Conclusion writing is not so difficult! The purpose of a conclusion is to link the thesis statement (written in the introduction) with main ideas or points (made in the main body) and provide an overall message. A conclusion provides closure and is expected in most academic related writing, including assignments, research papers, and essays. At AssignmentBro you can order assignment help online and our expert writers help with any difficulty homework.

To write an assignment conclusion, follow the 7 simple steps below!

  • Start a conclusion paragraph by indenting the first line or leaving a blank line in between the last main body paragraph and the conclusion.
  • Use a suitable starting word or phrase to indicate the assignment is drawing to a close, such as, ‘In summary’ or ‘With all this in mind’ (read on for further example starter words and phrases).
  • Revisit your introduction to remind yourself of the thesis e.g., ‘The biggest contributor to global warming is animal agriculture’ . Then, either paraphrase or answer the thesis e.g., ‘In summary, animal agriculture is the main cause of global warming’ .
  • Summarize the main point made by each paragraph in the assignment. So, if you have written 3 main body paragraphs, there should be 3 main points stated in the conclusion e.g., ‘ The animal agricultural sector causes extensive GHG emissions. As the world population grows, increasingly colossal areas of rainforest are being cleared for farmed animals, to keep up the demand for meat. Furthermore, seemingly unmeasurable amounts of animal wastes are polluting vast areas of land and water, thus ruining the biodiversity that helps to keep our planet’s GHG’s balanced’.
  • Ensure you do not give the reader any new information. The conclusion is not the place for this.
  • To end a paragraph, give your readers a closing sentence about the overall topic and try to encourage them to think further e.g., ‘If the world’s population continues to grow at its current rate and we do not make the shift towards a plant-based diet fast enough, we may reach a point whereby the damage to the ozone layer is beyond repair’ .
  • Finally, end a conclusion, proof-read it! Do not skip this part! There is no point writing an amazing conclusion in assignment if readers cannot understand it or spot several spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors!

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It’s important for the reader to sense the assignment is ending. Here are some useful words and phrases that can help you achieve this, and transition well into the concluding paragraph of your assignment:

  • Given the circumstances
  • Now that one knows
  • The logical conclusion appears to be
  • To summarize
  • Upon consideration of the facts discussed
  • After the exploration of multiple professional viewpoints
  • In view of this information
  • Nevertheless
  • When faced with the dilemma of
  • Bearing all this in mind
  • It seems clear that
  • Given the evidence presented
  • With all aspects considered

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When writing a conclusion for an assignment, it can be easier to see an example:

Overall, owning a pet is a huge commitment that can span many years of one’s life. A pet will require regular feeding and day-to-day care. Many pets need large amounts of human interaction, attention, and affection which can be time-consuming. Furthermore, a pet may incur great costs by means of food, medical care and pet sitting (whenever the owner wants to go on vacation without the pet). The decision of whether to welcome a pet into your home must be considered in great depth, and at length, to prevent another potentially unwanted animal ending its life in an animal shelter. 

Conclusion Example for an Assignment

Ultimately, writing a concluding paragraph is simple when you refer to the introduction for the assignment , and the key points made in the main body. All the information you need is already there, but it just needs re-working to provide the reader with closure, and perhaps also get them thinking further about the points you have made!

conclusion for the assignment

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The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


What this handout is about.

This handout will explain the functions of conclusions, offer strategies for writing effective ones, help you evaluate conclusions you’ve drafted, and suggest approaches to avoid.

About conclusions

Introductions and conclusions can be difficult to write, but they’re worth investing time in. They can have a significant influence on a reader’s experience of your paper.

Just as your introduction acts as a bridge that transports your readers from their own lives into the “place” of your analysis, your conclusion can provide a bridge to help your readers make the transition back to their daily lives. Such a conclusion will help them see why all your analysis and information should matter to them after they put the paper down.

Your conclusion is your chance to have the last word on the subject. The conclusion allows you to have the final say on the issues you have raised in your paper, to synthesize your thoughts, to demonstrate the importance of your ideas, and to propel your reader to a new view of the subject. It is also your opportunity to make a good final impression and to end on a positive note.

Your conclusion can go beyond the confines of the assignment. The conclusion pushes beyond the boundaries of the prompt and allows you to consider broader issues, make new connections, and elaborate on the significance of your findings.

Your conclusion should make your readers glad they read your paper. Your conclusion gives your reader something to take away that will help them see things differently or appreciate your topic in personally relevant ways. It can suggest broader implications that will not only interest your reader, but also enrich your reader’s life in some way. It is your gift to the reader.

Strategies for writing an effective conclusion

One or more of the following strategies may help you write an effective conclusion:

  • Play the “So What” Game. If you’re stuck and feel like your conclusion isn’t saying anything new or interesting, ask a friend to read it with you. Whenever you make a statement from your conclusion, ask the friend to say, “So what?” or “Why should anybody care?” Then ponder that question and answer it. Here’s how it might go: You: Basically, I’m just saying that education was important to Douglass. Friend: So what? You: Well, it was important because it was a key to him feeling like a free and equal citizen. Friend: Why should anybody care? You: That’s important because plantation owners tried to keep slaves from being educated so that they could maintain control. When Douglass obtained an education, he undermined that control personally. You can also use this strategy on your own, asking yourself “So What?” as you develop your ideas or your draft.
  • Return to the theme or themes in the introduction. This strategy brings the reader full circle. For example, if you begin by describing a scenario, you can end with the same scenario as proof that your essay is helpful in creating a new understanding. You may also refer to the introductory paragraph by using key words or parallel concepts and images that you also used in the introduction.
  • Synthesize, don’t summarize. Include a brief summary of the paper’s main points, but don’t simply repeat things that were in your paper. Instead, show your reader how the points you made and the support and examples you used fit together. Pull it all together.
  • Include a provocative insight or quotation from the research or reading you did for your paper.
  • Propose a course of action, a solution to an issue, or questions for further study. This can redirect your reader’s thought process and help them to apply your info and ideas to their own life or to see the broader implications.
  • Point to broader implications. For example, if your paper examines the Greensboro sit-ins or another event in the Civil Rights Movement, you could point out its impact on the Civil Rights Movement as a whole. A paper about the style of writer Virginia Woolf could point to her influence on other writers or on later feminists.

Strategies to avoid

  • Beginning with an unnecessary, overused phrase such as “in conclusion,” “in summary,” or “in closing.” Although these phrases can work in speeches, they come across as wooden and trite in writing.
  • Stating the thesis for the very first time in the conclusion.
  • Introducing a new idea or subtopic in your conclusion.
  • Ending with a rephrased thesis statement without any substantive changes.
  • Making sentimental, emotional appeals that are out of character with the rest of an analytical paper.
  • Including evidence (quotations, statistics, etc.) that should be in the body of the paper.

Four kinds of ineffective conclusions

  • The “That’s My Story and I’m Sticking to It” Conclusion. This conclusion just restates the thesis and is usually painfully short. It does not push the ideas forward. People write this kind of conclusion when they can’t think of anything else to say. Example: In conclusion, Frederick Douglass was, as we have seen, a pioneer in American education, proving that education was a major force for social change with regard to slavery.
  • The “Sherlock Holmes” Conclusion. Sometimes writers will state the thesis for the very first time in the conclusion. You might be tempted to use this strategy if you don’t want to give everything away too early in your paper. You may think it would be more dramatic to keep the reader in the dark until the end and then “wow” them with your main idea, as in a Sherlock Holmes mystery. The reader, however, does not expect a mystery, but an analytical discussion of your topic in an academic style, with the main argument (thesis) stated up front. Example: (After a paper that lists numerous incidents from the book but never says what these incidents reveal about Douglass and his views on education): So, as the evidence above demonstrates, Douglass saw education as a way to undermine the slaveholders’ power and also an important step toward freedom.
  • The “America the Beautiful”/”I Am Woman”/”We Shall Overcome” Conclusion. This kind of conclusion usually draws on emotion to make its appeal, but while this emotion and even sentimentality may be very heartfelt, it is usually out of character with the rest of an analytical paper. A more sophisticated commentary, rather than emotional praise, would be a more fitting tribute to the topic. Example: Because of the efforts of fine Americans like Frederick Douglass, countless others have seen the shining beacon of light that is education. His example was a torch that lit the way for others. Frederick Douglass was truly an American hero.
  • The “Grab Bag” Conclusion. This kind of conclusion includes extra information that the writer found or thought of but couldn’t integrate into the main paper. You may find it hard to leave out details that you discovered after hours of research and thought, but adding random facts and bits of evidence at the end of an otherwise-well-organized essay can just create confusion. Example: In addition to being an educational pioneer, Frederick Douglass provides an interesting case study for masculinity in the American South. He also offers historians an interesting glimpse into slave resistance when he confronts Covey, the overseer. His relationships with female relatives reveal the importance of family in the slave community.

Works consulted

We consulted these works while writing this handout. This is not a comprehensive list of resources on the handout’s topic, and we encourage you to do your own research to find additional publications. Please do not use this list as a model for the format of your own reference list, as it may not match the citation style you are using. For guidance on formatting citations, please see the UNC Libraries citation tutorial . We revise these tips periodically and welcome feedback.

Douglass, Frederick. 1995. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, Written by Himself. New York: Dover.

Hamilton College. n.d. “Conclusions.” Writing Center. Accessed June 14, 2019. .

Holewa, Randa. 2004. “Strategies for Writing a Conclusion.” LEO: Literacy Education Online. Last updated February 19, 2004.

You may reproduce it for non-commercial use if you use the entire handout and attribute the source: The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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17 Essay Conclusion Examples (Copy and Paste)

17 Essay Conclusion Examples (Copy and Paste)

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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essay conclusion examples and definition, explained below

Essay conclusions are not just extra filler. They are important because they tie together your arguments, then give you the chance to forcefully drive your point home.

I created the 5 Cs conclusion method to help you write essay conclusions:

Essay Conclusion Example

I’ve previously produced the video below on how to write a conclusion that goes over the above image.

The video follows the 5 C’s method ( you can read about it in this post ), which doesn’t perfectly match each of the below copy-and-paste conclusion examples, but the principles are similar, and can help you to write your own strong conclusion:

💡 New! Try this AI Prompt to Generate a Sample 5Cs Conclusion This is my essay: [INSERT ESSAY WITHOUT THE CONCLUSION]. I want you to write a conclusion for this essay. In the first sentence of the conclusion, return to a statement I made in the introduction. In the second sentence, reiterate the thesis statement I have used. In the third sentence, clarify how my final position is relevant to the Essay Question, which is [ESSAY QUESTION]. In the fourth sentence, explain who should be interested in my findings. In the fifth sentence, end by noting in one final, engaging sentence why this topic is of such importance.

Remember: The prompt can help you generate samples but you can’t submit AI text for assessment. Make sure you write your conclusion in your own words.

Essay Conclusion Examples

Below is a range of copy-and-paste essay conclusions with gaps for you to fill-in your topic and key arguments. Browse through for one you like (there are 17 for argumentative, expository, compare and contrast, and critical essays). Once you’ve found one you like, copy it and add-in the key points to make it your own.

1. Argumentative Essay Conclusions

The arguments presented in this essay demonstrate the significant importance of _____________. While there are some strong counterarguments, such as ____________, it remains clear that the benefits/merits of _____________ far outweigh the potential downsides. The evidence presented throughout the essay strongly support _____________. In the coming years, _____________ will be increasingly important. Therefore, continual advocacy for the position presented in this essay will be necessary, especially due to its significant implications for _____________.

Version 1 Filled-In

The arguments presented in this essay demonstrate the significant importance of fighting climate change. While there are some strong counterarguments, such as the claim that it is too late to stop catastrophic change, it remains clear that the merits of taking drastic action far outweigh the potential downsides. The evidence presented throughout the essay strongly support the claim that we can at least mitigate the worst effects. In the coming years, intergovernmental worldwide agreements will be increasingly important. Therefore, continual advocacy for the position presented in this essay will be necessary, especially due to its significant implications for humankind.


As this essay has shown, it is clear that the debate surrounding _____________ is multifaceted and highly complex. While there are strong arguments opposing the position that _____________, there remains overwhelming evidence to support the claim that _____________. A careful analysis of the empirical evidence suggests that _____________ not only leads to ____________, but it may also be a necessity for _____________. Moving forward, _____________ should be a priority for all stakeholders involved, as it promises a better future for _____________. The focus should now shift towards how best to integrate _____________ more effectively into society.

Version 2 Filled-In

As this essay has shown, it is clear that the debate surrounding climate change is multifaceted and highly complex. While there are strong arguments opposing the position that we should fight climate change, there remains overwhelming evidence to support the claim that action can mitigate the worst effects. A careful analysis of the empirical evidence suggests that strong action not only leads to better economic outcomes in the long term, but it may also be a necessity for preventing climate-related deaths. Moving forward, carbon emission mitigation should be a priority for all stakeholders involved, as it promises a better future for all. The focus should now shift towards how best to integrate smart climate policies more effectively into society.

Based upon the preponderance of evidence, it is evident that _____________ holds the potential to significantly alter/improve _____________. The counterarguments, while noteworthy, fail to diminish the compelling case for _____________. Following an examination of both sides of the argument, it has become clear that _____________ presents the most effective solution/approach to _____________. Consequently, it is imperative that society acknowledge the value of _____________ for developing a better  _____________. Failing to address this topic could lead to negative outcomes, including _____________.

Version 3 Filled-In

Based upon the preponderance of evidence, it is evident that addressing climate change holds the potential to significantly improve the future of society. The counterarguments, while noteworthy, fail to diminish the compelling case for immediate climate action. Following an examination of both sides of the argument, it has become clear that widespread and urgent social action presents the most effective solution to this pressing problem. Consequently, it is imperative that society acknowledge the value of taking immediate action for developing a better environment for future generations. Failing to address this topic could lead to negative outcomes, including more extreme climate events and greater economic externalities.

See Also: Examples of Counterarguments

On the balance of evidence, there is an overwhelming case for _____________. While the counterarguments offer valid points that are worth examining, they do not outweigh or overcome the argument that _____________. An evaluation of both perspectives on this topic concludes that _____________ is the most sufficient option for  _____________. The implications of embracing _____________ do not only have immediate benefits, but they also pave the way for a more _____________. Therefore, the solution of _____________ should be actively pursued by _____________.

Version 4 Filled-In

On the balance of evidence, there is an overwhelming case for immediate tax-based action to mitigate the effects of climate change. While the counterarguments offer valid points that are worth examining, they do not outweigh or overcome the argument that action is urgently necessary. An evaluation of both perspectives on this topic concludes that taking societal-wide action is the most sufficient option for  achieving the best results. The implications of embracing a society-wide approach like a carbon tax do not only have immediate benefits, but they also pave the way for a more healthy future. Therefore, the solution of a carbon tax or equivalent policy should be actively pursued by governments.

2. Expository Essay Conclusions

Overall, it is evident that _____________ plays a crucial role in _____________. The analysis presented in this essay demonstrates the clear impact of _____________ on _____________. By understanding the key facts about _____________, practitioners/society are better equipped to navigate _____________. Moving forward, further exploration of _____________ will yield additional insights and information about _____________. As such, _____________ should remain a focal point for further discussions and studies on _____________.

Overall, it is evident that social media plays a crucial role in harming teenagers’ mental health. The analysis presented in this essay demonstrates the clear impact of social media on young people. By understanding the key facts about the ways social media cause young people to experience body dysmorphia, teachers and parents are better equipped to help young people navigate online spaces. Moving forward, further exploration of the ways social media cause harm will yield additional insights and information about how it can be more sufficiently regulated. As such, the effects of social media on youth should remain a focal point for further discussions and studies on youth mental health.

To conclude, this essay has explored the multi-faceted aspects of _____________. Through a careful examination of _____________, this essay has illuminated its significant influence on _____________. This understanding allows society to appreciate the idea that _____________. As research continues to emerge, the importance of _____________ will only continue to grow. Therefore, an understanding of _____________ is not merely desirable, but imperative for _____________.

To conclude, this essay has explored the multi-faceted aspects of globalization. Through a careful examination of globalization, this essay has illuminated its significant influence on the economy, cultures, and society. This understanding allows society to appreciate the idea that globalization has both positive and negative effects. As research continues to emerge, the importance of studying globalization will only continue to grow. Therefore, an understanding of globalization’s effects is not merely desirable, but imperative for judging whether it is good or bad.

Reflecting on the discussion, it is clear that _____________ serves a pivotal role in _____________. By delving into the intricacies of _____________, we have gained valuable insights into its impact and significance. This knowledge will undoubtedly serve as a guiding principle in _____________. Moving forward, it is paramount to remain open to further explorations and studies on _____________. In this way, our understanding and appreciation of _____________ can only deepen and expand.

Reflecting on the discussion, it is clear that mass media serves a pivotal role in shaping public opinion. By delving into the intricacies of mass media, we have gained valuable insights into its impact and significance. This knowledge will undoubtedly serve as a guiding principle in shaping the media landscape. Moving forward, it is paramount to remain open to further explorations and studies on how mass media impacts society. In this way, our understanding and appreciation of mass media’s impacts can only deepen and expand.

In conclusion, this essay has shed light on the importance of _____________ in the context of _____________. The evidence and analysis provided underscore the profound effect _____________ has on _____________. The knowledge gained from exploring _____________ will undoubtedly contribute to more informed and effective decisions in _____________. As we continue to progress, the significance of understanding _____________ will remain paramount. Hence, we should strive to deepen our knowledge of _____________ to better navigate and influence _____________.

In conclusion, this essay has shed light on the importance of bedside manner in the context of nursing. The evidence and analysis provided underscore the profound effect compassionate bedside manner has on patient outcome. The knowledge gained from exploring nurses’ bedside manner will undoubtedly contribute to more informed and effective decisions in nursing practice. As we continue to progress, the significance of understanding nurses’ bedside manner will remain paramount. Hence, we should strive to deepen our knowledge of this topic to better navigate and influence patient outcomes.

See More: How to Write an Expository Essay

3. Compare and Contrast Essay Conclusion

While both _____________ and _____________ have similarities such as _____________, they also have some very important differences in areas like _____________. Through this comparative analysis, a broader understanding of _____________ and _____________ has been attained. The choice between the two will largely depend on _____________. For example, as highlighted in the essay, ____________. Despite their differences, both _____________ and _____________ have value in different situations.

While both macrosociology and microsociology have similarities such as their foci on how society is structured, they also have some very important differences in areas like their differing approaches to research methodologies. Through this comparative analysis, a broader understanding of macrosociology and microsociology has been attained. The choice between the two will largely depend on the researcher’s perspective on how society works. For example, as highlighted in the essay, microsociology is much more concerned with individuals’ experiences while macrosociology is more concerned with social structures. Despite their differences, both macrosociology and microsociology have value in different situations.

It is clear that _____________ and _____________, while seeming to be different, have shared characteristics in _____________. On the other hand, their contrasts in _____________ shed light on their unique features. The analysis provides a more nuanced comprehension of these subjects. In choosing between the two, consideration should be given to _____________. Despite their disparities, it’s crucial to acknowledge the importance of both when it comes to _____________.

It is clear that behaviorism and consructivism, while seeming to be different, have shared characteristics in their foci on knowledge acquisition over time. On the other hand, their contrasts in ideas about the role of experience in learning shed light on their unique features. The analysis provides a more nuanced comprehension of these subjects. In choosing between the two, consideration should be given to which approach works best in which situation. Despite their disparities, it’s crucial to acknowledge the importance of both when it comes to student education.

Reflecting on the points discussed, it’s evident that _____________ and _____________ share similarities such as _____________, while also demonstrating unique differences, particularly in _____________. The preference for one over the other would typically depend on factors such as _____________. Yet, regardless of their distinctions, both _____________ and _____________ play integral roles in their respective areas, significantly contributing to _____________.

Reflecting on the points discussed, it’s evident that red and orange share similarities such as the fact they are both ‘hot colors’, while also demonstrating unique differences, particularly in their social meaning (red meaning danger and orange warmth). The preference for one over the other would typically depend on factors such as personal taste. Yet, regardless of their distinctions, both red and orange play integral roles in their respective areas, significantly contributing to color theory.

Ultimately, the comparison and contrast of _____________ and _____________ have revealed intriguing similarities and notable differences. Differences such as _____________ give deeper insights into their unique and shared qualities. When it comes to choosing between them, _____________ will likely be a deciding factor. Despite these differences, it is important to remember that both _____________ and _____________ hold significant value within the context of _____________, and each contributes to _____________ in its own unique way.

Ultimately, the comparison and contrast of driving and flying have revealed intriguing similarities and notable differences. Differences such as their differing speed to destination give deeper insights into their unique and shared qualities. When it comes to choosing between them, urgency to arrive at the destination will likely be a deciding factor. Despite these differences, it is important to remember that both driving and flying hold significant value within the context of air transit, and each contributes to facilitating movement in its own unique way.

See Here for More Compare and Contrast Essay Examples

4. Critical Essay Conclusion

In conclusion, the analysis of _____________ has unveiled critical aspects related to _____________. While there are strengths in _____________, its limitations are equally telling. This critique provides a more informed perspective on _____________, revealing that there is much more beneath the surface. Moving forward, the understanding of _____________ should evolve, considering both its merits and flaws.

In conclusion, the analysis of flow theory has unveiled critical aspects related to motivation and focus. While there are strengths in achieving a flow state, its limitations are equally telling. This critique provides a more informed perspective on how humans achieve motivation, revealing that there is much more beneath the surface. Moving forward, the understanding of flow theory of motivation should evolve, considering both its merits and flaws.

To conclude, this critical examination of _____________ sheds light on its multi-dimensional nature. While _____________ presents notable advantages, it is not without its drawbacks. This in-depth critique offers a comprehensive understanding of _____________. Therefore, future engagements with _____________ should involve a balanced consideration of its strengths and weaknesses.

To conclude, this critical examination of postmodern art sheds light on its multi-dimensional nature. While postmodernism presents notable advantages, it is not without its drawbacks. This in-depth critique offers a comprehensive understanding of how it has contributed to the arts over the past 50 years. Therefore, future engagements with postmodern art should involve a balanced consideration of its strengths and weaknesses.

Upon reflection, the critique of _____________ uncovers profound insights into its underlying intricacies. Despite its positive aspects such as ________, it’s impossible to overlook its shortcomings. This analysis provides a nuanced understanding of _____________, highlighting the necessity for a balanced approach in future interactions. Indeed, both the strengths and weaknesses of _____________ should be taken into account when considering ____________.

Upon reflection, the critique of marxism uncovers profound insights into its underlying intricacies. Despite its positive aspects such as its ability to critique exploitation of labor, it’s impossible to overlook its shortcomings. This analysis provides a nuanced understanding of marxism’s harmful effects when used as an economic theory, highlighting the necessity for a balanced approach in future interactions. Indeed, both the strengths and weaknesses of marxism should be taken into account when considering the use of its ideas in real life.

Ultimately, this critique of _____________ offers a detailed look into its advantages and disadvantages. The strengths of _____________ such as __________ are significant, yet its limitations such as _________ are not insignificant. This balanced analysis not only offers a deeper understanding of _____________ but also underscores the importance of critical evaluation. Hence, it’s crucial that future discussions around _____________ continue to embrace this balanced approach.

Ultimately, this critique of artificial intelligence offers a detailed look into its advantages and disadvantages. The strengths of artificial intelligence, such as its ability to improve productivity are significant, yet its limitations such as the possibility of mass job losses are not insignificant. This balanced analysis not only offers a deeper understanding of artificial intelligence but also underscores the importance of critical evaluation. Hence, it’s crucial that future discussions around the regulation of artificial intelligence continue to embrace this balanced approach.

This article promised 17 essay conclusions, and this one you are reading now is the twenty-first. This last conclusion demonstrates that the very best essay conclusions are written uniquely, from scratch, in order to perfectly cater the conclusion to the topic. A good conclusion will tie together all the key points you made in your essay and forcefully drive home the importance or relevance of your argument, thesis statement, or simply your topic so the reader is left with one strong final point to ponder.


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conclusion for the assignment

  • Write My Dissertation

></center></p><h2>Assignment Conclusion: How to Write an Assignment Conclusion That Covers All Your Content</h2><p>You often find conclusions at the end of all forms of writing. As a reader finalise your work reading, a strong paragraph is required. This final paragraph – known as Assignment Conclusion – has the power to shift their viewpoint, and drafting a complete, convincing conclusion may maximise your writing’s impact.</p><p>One of the most challenging aspects of writing an essay is the conclusion. They are, however, one of the most crucial components of work since they offer insight and clarity into the subject.</p><p>In this post, we’ll cover everything you need to learn about conclusions, discuss what to include and exclude when writing one, and give examples of conclusion for an assignment ending paragraphs and a framework for writing them.</p><p>Let’s get started…</p><h2>A. What is an Assignment Conclusion?</h2><p>A research paper, essay, or other writing’s conclusion summarises the whole work. The conclusion paragraph should summarise your task, identify the important points you made in support of it throughout the paper, and appraise the notion. You might incorporate a story lesson or a revelation of a deeper truth. A strong conclusion will summarise your main ideas and arguments, bringing all important material together in an emotive appeal for a concluding comment that resonates with your audience.</p><p>A conclusion paragraph summarises your work and reaffirms the key points you made in the paper’s body. One of the fundamental components of Assignment writing is conclusion structure (for example, personal essays or argumentative essays). A conclusion incorporates the fundamental topic statement from the introduction and any necessary supporting evidence. It provides closure to the reader. A powerful conclusion effectively communicates the author’s primary idea. A strong conclusion gives a new perspective or information on an established idea.</p><h2>Types of Conclusions</h2><p>Although different sources mention varied kinds of findings, they all fulfil one of the following three purposes:</p><ul><li>Summarisation: When writing about technical matters in a more clinical tone, including in surveys, definitions, and reports, this style is frequently utilised. It is used in lengthy writings when readers require a refresher on the essay’s primary themes because it paraphrases those concepts. Hence, it needs to stay clear of allusions to oneself or subjective notions (like “in my opinion” or “I feel”) .</li><li>Editorialization: It is typically utilised in essays if there is a contentious subject, a personal connection, or a call to action to influence the reader. This writing style integrates the author’s opinions and frequently shows their commitment to the topic under discussion. This conclusion will employ anecdotes and a casual tone to highlight issues, interpretations, political viewpoints, or sentiments.</li><li>Externalisation: An externalised conclusion, which is typically used in essays that address a specific problem that is part of a much larger subject, provides a transition into a related but unique topic that invites readers to continue the discourse. It is generally regarded as a brand-new opportunity with a different concept, enabling for advancement into other projects.</li></ul><h2>B. How to Write an Assignment Conclusion?</h2><p>Are you wondering on how to conclude an assignment? You may use the methods below to create an excellent conclusion:</p><h2>1. Write a Summary</h2><p>A good ending reminds the reader of the article’s subject and goal. Remember that it is ineffective to reiterate your ideas. Instead, briefly reiterate your position while maintaining its purpose and setting the stage for more debate.</p><h2>2. Repeat Supporting Points</h2><p>With a detailed summary at the end, try to restate the points you made throughout the work. Along with restating your topic sentence, you should also reiterate the arguments you made throughout the work to support it. But describe the concepts rather than merely restating the paper’s arguments.</p><h2>3. Connect your Introduction & Conclusion</h2><p>The reader will feel that the writing job is finished if you remind them of the points you stated in the assignment introduction in your conclusion. This may be accomplished by connecting your opening and closing comments or employing comparable ideas or images. The conclusion structure is the opposite of an introduction. A conclusion starts specifically and concludes more generally than an introduction, which begins wide and ends on a specific note.</p><h2>4. Make Some Insightful Insights</h2><p>A conclusion offers the reader a solution to a problem, a more in-depth analysis, a recommendation for more study, or a call to action . Try to clarify the implications of your findings and justify why readers should be interested in the subject.</p><h2>5. Provide Some Ideas for the Readers to Consider</h2><p>You might propose that readers read more about the article subject in your conclusion. Alternatively, you may advise them to try implementing influential suggestions in your write-up.</p><h2>C. Do’s & Don’ts of Writing Conclusion</h2><p>Things to exclude in conclusion writing.</p><p>Do you need help on how to conclude an assignment? This section would help! As you write a conclusion, try to steer clear of the following:</p><ul><li>Avoid including the topic sentence , supporting data, or novel concepts in the conclusion. Instead, incorporate them in the main body of your text.</li><li>Ensure your conclusion is written in the same tone as the remainder of the document.</li><li>The words “in conclusion,” “in summary,” and “in closing” should not be used since they don’t improve the article.</li><li>Avoid utilising a brief conclusion since it will fall short of covering all the necessary components of a robust conclusion.</li><li>Do not apologise for probable inaccuracies in the data you gave or flawed reasoning. Readers will begin to question your trustworthiness if you apologise.</li></ul><h2>Things to Include in Conclusion Writing</h2><p>Reiterating the paper’s main premise and supporting arguments is the goal of the conclusion. An article’s conclusion explains how you met the goals outlined in the paper’s initial paragraphs. To increase the efficacy of your conclusion, you must incorporate the following crucial components:</p><ul><li>Keep it optimistic in your assignment conclusion.</li><li>Be sure to emphasise the significance of your points and the topic.</li><li>Make sure the piece is successfully closed at the conclusion from the reader’s point of view.</li><li>Rephrase and succinctly state the paper’s main points.</li><li>Specify that your conclusion supports your theory.</li><li>Provide suggestions for more research on the subject without damaging your efforts.</li><li>By emphasising the research, you have conducted, you may emphasise your contribution to the topic of study.</li></ul><h2>More Effective Conclusion Writing Strategies.</h2><p>One or more of the tactics listed below may assist you in writing an excellent conclusion:</p><ul><li>Back to the subjects of the introduction: This method completes the circle for the reader. For example, if you start by describing a scenario, you might close with the same scenario as proof that your essay helped you get a new perspective. You can also allude to the initial paragraph by employing key phrases or equivalent themes and imagery from the introduction.</li><li>Don’t summarise; instead, synthesise: Provide a concise overview of the significant themes of the paper, but do not just regurgitate what was in your work. Instead, demonstrate to your reader how the statements you stated, and the evidence and examples you utilised, fit together. Bring it all together.</li><li>Add a thought-provoking insight or quotation from your study or reading for your paper.</li><li>Suggest a path of action, a solution to a problem, or research questions. This explanation can reroute your reader’s mental process and assist them in applying your information and thoughts to their real lives.</li></ul><h2>D. Conclusion Example for Assignment</h2><p>An effective example of assignment conclusion.</p><p>Here is an assignment conclusion example:</p><p>“As shown in the research study, we predict that people will continue to depend on mobile devices and may increasingly depend on them in new ways. Since technology is here to stay, we must make sure that this dependence on technology does not make us lazier or less interested in our world. Today’s technology has made information more accessible than before, which has made people less judgemental about their reading material and its quality. The extent of information available to people can also easily overwhelm them. People tend not to make personal connections with others, which has led to increased levels of anxiety, stress, and depression. We have to learn how to use technology, healthily and constructively.”</p><p>Here are the explanations for why this conclusion works:</p><ul><li>The conclusion summarises the topic sentence by reminding the reader of the paper’s topic and goal.</li><li>The supporting details presented in the study are reiterated in the paragraph.</li><li>The transition between the opening and closing paragraphs is quite apparent.</li><li>The conclusion offers several insightful remarks. The audience is left with some things to consider.</li><li>With the repeating topic sentence, arguments or observations, and a concluding sentence, it has the same format as a conclusion.</li></ul><h2>Ineffective Assignment Conclusion Example</h2><p>Poor Example of an assignment conclusion:</p><p>“In conclusion, Abraham Lincoln was the best president because he was really honest and abolished slavery.”</p><p>These are some of the faults in this conclusion:</p><ul><li>This is an insufficient example. A complete paragraph that describes the arguments’ supporting points makes for an effective conclusion.</li><li>Although there are two supporting arguments, they are not specific. A robust conclusion should include specific examples.</li><li>It is unnecessary to start a conclusion with a word like “in conclusion.”</li></ul><h2>Common Opening Phrases for a Conclusion</h2><p>The reader needs to have the impression that the task is ending. Here are some helpful words and phrases to assist you accomplish this and smoothly transition into your assignment’s last paragraph:</p><ul><li>After the exploration of multiple professional viewpoints</li><li>Bearing all this in mind</li><li>Given the circumstances</li><li>Given the evidence presented</li><li>In view of this information</li><li>It seems clear that</li><li>Nevertheless</li><li>Now that one knows</li><li>The logical conclusion appears to be</li><li>To summarize</li><li>Upon consideration of the facts discussed</li><li>When faced with the dilemma of</li><li>With all aspects considered</li></ul><h2>E. FAQs Answered…</h2><p>1. what should the structure of the assignment conclusion be.</p><p>Make sure you comprehend the format before thinking about how to begin the conclusion properly because it will always rely on the sort of essay you are writing. However, you should generally use the following template to understand what to put in a conclusion:</p><ul><li>Background information paragraph in which you remind your readers of the goals you’ve set or the issues you’ve looked at.</li><li>Simplified restatement of your primary thesis or arguments</li><li>Changes should be made to the wording.</li><li>Your conclusion and analysis of why it matters.</li><li>If you’re writing a creative essay, describe or evaluate the core concept before discussing the moral lesson or example of conclusion for assignment.</li><li>If appropriate, suggest other study topics.</li></ul><p>Keep in mind that summarising in your conclusion section is optional. Therefore, the format of your conclusion section may alter. To be safe, always double-check the essay type and the scoring criteria!</p><h2>2. What is an Optimal Assignment Conclusion Length?</h2><p>The conclusion of a document should account for around 5%-7% of its total word count. It should be long enough to cover your notable ideas without repeating everything you said throughout the paper. The length of the conclusion varies with the type of paper. An empirical study may have a shorter conclusion focusing on the outcomes and suggestions. Some studies may require an extensive conclusion to justify the findings and connect the key topics – Just like you noticed our provided assignment conclusion example.</p><h2>3. When to include a conclusion in a writing project?</h2><p>You will examine a particular problem, experience, or concept when you write an article, paper, report, or essay. The thesis statement, which is the subject you study, gives the paper direction and structure. The thesis should be focused on the paper’s goal or the rationale behind why the topic is being investigated. The article’s conclusion presents the results. It establishes a “so what” argument, explaining the paper’s goals and conclusions by addressing a challenge, responding to a query, or offering new information.</p><h2>F. Final Words</h2><p>Work with your conclusion writing to summarise and briefly explain your topic phrases from the body paragraphs. You do not simply list them word for word; that would be incorrect. If possible, avoid using “to sum up” or “in conclusion” as the first words of your conclusion. Introduce your assignment to your audience in the opening sentence by restating it in the context of accomplished goals. This article has already covered how to conclude an assignment, so jazz up with all the instruction provided.</p><p>There are other elements that students should watch out for while writing the conclusion to their assignments. Keep the following in mind to prevent yours from being included in this list of unproductive conclusions:</p><ul><li>First, avoid providing lengthy summaries.</li><li>Transform the summary into a synthesis by skilfully combining and connecting key facts.</li><li>Avoid offering lengthy lists of the same data. Instead, be selective to prevent overwhelming your readers.</li><li>Don’t add any new information. There shouldn’t be any new information in the conclusion.</li><li>Cite what has previously been covered and avoid adding new information because doing so will confuse your readers and lead them to assume they have missed something.</li></ul><p>If you’re still unsure of how to write a conclusion, review the conclusion example for assignment we’ve provided.</p><h2>Leave a Comment Cancel Reply</h2><p>Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *</p><p>Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.</p><p><center><img style=

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How to Write a Good Conclusion Paragraph (+30 Examples)

A good conclusion paragraph is the lasting impression you want to leave with your reader.

Here is a quick summary of how to write a good conclusion paragraph:

Write a good conclusion paragraph by summarizing key points, restating your thesis, and providing a final thought or call to action. Ensure it wraps up your main ideas, reinforces your argument, and leaves the reader with something to ponder.

This ultimate guide will walk you through the steps to craft an effective conclusion, along with 30 examples to inspire you.

5 Steps for Writing a Good Conclusion Paragraph

Person typing on a laptop at sunset on a cliff -- How to Write a Good Conclusion Paragraph

Table of Contents

There are five main steps to writing a good conclusion.

Let’s go through each step

1. Understand the Purpose

The conclusion is your final opportunity to leave an impact.

It should tie together your main ideas, reinforce your message, and give the reader a sense of closure.

Wrap Up Your Main Ideas

The conclusion should succinctly wrap up the main points of your writing. Think of it as a summary that captures the essence of your arguments without going into detailed explanations.

This helps reinforce what you have discussed and ensures that the reader remembers the core message.

Reinforce Your Thesis

Your thesis statement is the foundation of your writing.

In the conclusion, restate it in a new way to reinforce your central argument. This reminds the reader of the purpose of your writing and underscores its significance.

Give a Sense of Closure

A good conclusion gives a sense of closure to the reader. It signals that the discussion has come to an end and that all points have been addressed. This helps the reader feel that the piece is complete and that their time was well-spent.

Leave the Reader with Something to Think About

The best conclusions go beyond merely summarizing the content.

They leave the reader with a final thought or reflection that stays with them. This could be a call to action, a prediction about the future, or a thought-provoking question that encourages further reflection on the topic.

2. Summarize Key Points

Briefly summarize the key points discussed in the body of your text.

Avoid introducing new information. This helps the reader recall the main ideas.

Brief Summary

The summary should be concise and to the point. Highlight the main ideas discussed in your writing without going into detailed explanations. This helps refresh the reader’s memory of your key points.

Avoid New Information

Introducing new information in the conclusion can confuse the reader. The conclusion is not the place to present new arguments or data. Stick to summarizing what has already been discussed.

Recall Main Ideas

Summarizing the key points helps the reader recall the main ideas of your writing. This reinforces the message and ensures that the reader takes away the most important information from your piece.

“In conclusion, adopting sustainable practices, reducing waste, and promoting renewable energy are essential steps towards a greener future.”

3. Restate the Thesis

Restate your thesis in a new way. This reinforces your argument without sounding repetitive.

Restate, Don’t Repeat

Restating the thesis means expressing it in a new way.

Avoid repeating it verbatim.

Instead, rephrase it to reinforce your argument and show that you have successfully argued your point throughout the piece.

Reinforce the Argument

Restating the thesis helps reinforce your central argument. It reminds the reader of the purpose of your writing and underscores its significance.

Provide Closure Restating the thesis in the conclusion gives a sense of closure.

It signals that the discussion has come full circle and that you have addressed your initial argument.

“By implementing these strategies, we can significantly reduce our carbon footprint and protect our planet for future generations.”

4. Provide a Final Thought

Offer a final thought or reflection to leave a lasting impression. This could be a call to action, a prediction, or a thought-provoking question.

Final Thought or Reflection

A final thought or reflection can leave a lasting impression on the reader.

It shows that you are not just summarizing your points but also offering a deeper insight or perspective.

Call to Action

A call to action encourages the reader to take the next step.

It motivates them to act based on the information or arguments presented in your writing.

Prediction or Question

A prediction about the future or a thought-provoking question can engage the reader and encourage further reflection. This leaves the reader with something to think about even after they have finished reading.

“As we move forward, it’s crucial to remember that every small effort counts. Together, we can make a difference.”

5. Use a Call to Action (if applicable)

If your piece is meant to persuade or encourage action, include a call to action. This motivates the reader to take the next step.

Motivate the Reader

A call to action motivates the reader to take the next step.

It encourages them to act based on the information or arguments presented in your writing.

Encourage Action

Including a call to action is especially important in persuasive writing. It encourages the reader to act on the information provided and make a change or take a specific action.

Provide Clear Steps

A good call to action provides clear steps for the reader to follow.

It should be specific and actionable, guiding the reader on what to do next.

“Join us in making a positive change. Start today by reducing your plastic use and spreading awareness about environmental conservation.”

Check out this video about how to write a good conclusion:

How to Write a Good Conclusion for an Essay

Writing a good conclusion for an essay involves summarizing your main points, restating your thesis, and providing a final thought or reflection.

Here’s how:

  • Summarize Main Points : Briefly recap the key points discussed in the body of your essay.
  • Restate Thesis : Paraphrase your thesis statement to reinforce your argument.
  • Final Thought : Offer a final insight, question, or call to action to leave a lasting impression.

This approach ensures your essay feels complete and leaves the reader with a clear understanding of your argument.

How to Write a Good Conclusion for an Argumentative Essay

A strong conclusion for an argumentative essay should not only summarize the main points and restate the thesis but also emphasize the importance of your argument.

Follow these steps:

  • Summarize Arguments : Briefly outline the main arguments presented.
  • Restate Thesis : Rephrase your thesis to highlight its significance.
  • Address Counterarguments : Acknowledge opposing viewpoints and reinforce why your argument is stronger.
  • Call to Action : Encourage the reader to take action or reconsider their position.

How to Write a Good Conclusion for a Research Paper

Crafting a good conclusion for a research paper involves summarizing your findings, discussing their implications, and suggesting future research.

Here’s a guide:

  • Summarize Findings : Recap the key results of your research.
  • Discuss Implications : Explain the significance of your findings and how they contribute to the field.
  • Restate Research Question : Reiterate the research question and how your findings address it.
  • Suggest Future Research : Propose areas for further investigation.

This format provides a comprehensive and thoughtful conclusion that underscores the importance of your research and its potential impact.

30 Examples of Good Conclusion Paragraphs

Let’s explore some good examples of good conclusions.

Example 1: Environmental Essay

“In conclusion, the preservation of our natural resources is not just a necessity but a responsibility we owe to future generations. By taking small steps today, we can ensure a healthier planet tomorrow.”

Example 2: Technology Article

“As we embrace the advancements in technology, it is vital to remain vigilant about privacy and security. Staying informed and proactive can help us navigate the digital landscape safely.”

Example 3: Health and Wellness Blog

“Ultimately, achieving a balanced lifestyle requires dedication and mindfulness. By prioritizing our well-being, we can lead healthier and more fulfilling lives.”

Example 4: Business Report

“In summary, the market analysis indicates a positive trend for our product. With strategic planning and execution, we can capitalize on these opportunities and drive growth.”

Example 5: Education Essay

“In the end, fostering a love for learning in students is the key to their success. By creating engaging and supportive educational environments, we can inspire the next generation of leaders.”

Example 6: Travel Blog

“To conclude, exploring new destinations enriches our lives and broadens our perspectives. Embrace the adventure and discover the beauty of our world.”

Example 7: Personal Development Article

“In the final analysis, personal growth is a lifelong journey. Embrace challenges, learn from experiences, and continue striving to become the best version of yourself.”

Example 8: Marketing Case Study

“In closing, the data clearly shows that targeted marketing strategies significantly improve customer engagement and sales. By refining our approach, we can achieve even greater success.”

Example 9: Historical Analysis

“In conclusion, the events of the past continue to shape our present and future. Understanding history is essential to making informed decisions and avoiding past mistakes.”

Example 10: Scientific Research Paper

“Ultimately, the findings of this study contribute to our understanding of the subject and open the door for further research. Continued exploration in this field is vital for advancing knowledge.”

Example 11: Political Commentary

“In the end, civic engagement is crucial for a functioning democracy. Stay informed, participate in discussions, and exercise your right to vote.”

Example 12: Fashion Blog

“To wrap up, fashion is a powerful form of self-expression. Embrace your unique style and let your wardrobe reflect your personality.”

Example 13: Food Blog

“In conclusion, cooking at home not only saves money but also allows you to experiment with flavors and ingredients. Start your culinary journey today and discover the joys of homemade meals.”

Example 14: Sports Article

“Ultimately, teamwork and perseverance are the foundations of success in sports. Keep pushing your limits and strive for excellence on and off the field.”

Example 15: Literature Analysis

“In summary, the themes explored in this novel resonate with readers and offer valuable insights into the human condition. Its timeless message continues to inspire and provoke thought.”

Example 16: Parenting Blog

“In the end, raising children requires patience, love, and commitment. Cherish the moments, and remember that every effort you make shapes their future.”

Example 17: Finance Article

“To conclude, financial planning is essential for securing your future. Start today by setting clear goals and creating a budget that aligns with your aspirations.”

Example 18: Career Advice Blog

“In conclusion, building a successful career takes time and dedication. Stay focused, seek opportunities for growth, and never stop learning.”

Example 19: Fitness Blog

“Ultimately, regular exercise and a balanced diet are key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Stay motivated, and remember that every step counts towards your fitness goals.”

Example 20: DIY Blog

“In summary, DIY projects are a rewarding way to personalize your space and learn new skills. Get creative and start your next project today.”

Example 21: Relationship Advice

“In the end, strong relationships are built on communication, trust, and mutual respect. Nurture your connections and strive for harmony in your interactions.”

Example 22: Pet Care Blog

“To wrap up, responsible pet ownership involves understanding your pet’s needs and providing them with a loving home. Invest in their well-being, and they’ll reward you with unconditional love.”

Example 23: Environmental Science Paper

“In conclusion, addressing climate change requires global cooperation and immediate action. Every effort counts, and together we can create a sustainable future.”

Example 24: Technology Review

“Ultimately, this gadget offers impressive features that enhance convenience and efficiency. Consider it for your next tech upgrade.”

Example 25: Psychology Article

“In summary, understanding human behavior is crucial for improving mental health and well-being. Continue exploring this fascinating field for more insights.”

Example 26: Gardening Blog

“In the end, gardening is a therapeutic and rewarding hobby that connects us with nature. Start your garden today and enjoy the benefits of fresh produce and beautiful blooms.”

Example 27: Home Improvement Article

“To conclude, home improvement projects can significantly enhance your living space and increase property value. Plan carefully and enjoy the transformation.”

Example 28: Social Media Marketing

“In conclusion, effective social media marketing requires consistency, creativity, and engagement. Develop a strategy that resonates with your audience and watch your brand grow.”

Example 29: Automotive Review

“Ultimately, this vehicle combines performance, style, and safety. Take it for a test drive and experience its capabilities firsthand.”

Example 30: Music Blog

“In summary, music has the power to evoke emotions and bring people together. Explore different genres and find the soundtrack to your life.”

Tips for Writing a Strong Conclusion

Here are some simple but good tips for writing a powerful conclusion:

  • Keep it Concise – A good conclusion should be short and to the point. Avoid unnecessary details and focus on wrapping up your main ideas.
  • Use Clear Language – Ensure your language is clear and easy to understand. Avoid jargon and complex sentences.
  • Be Consistent – Maintain the same tone and style as the rest of your text. Consistency helps create a seamless reading experience.
  • End on a Positive Note – Whenever possible, end with a positive or uplifting message. This leaves the reader with a good impression.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

There are some common mistakes that many writers make when crafting their conclusions.

  • Introducing New Information – Don’t introduce new ideas or arguments in the conclusion. This can confuse the reader and dilute your main points.
  • Being Vague – Avoid vague statements that don’t add value. Be specific and clear in your summary.
  • Repetitiveness – Don’t repeat the same points over and over. Restate your thesis and key points in a new way.
  • Ignoring the Thesis – Make sure to tie your conclusion back to your thesis. This reinforces your argument and gives a sense of closure.

Final Thoughts: How to Write a Good Conclusion Paragraph

Writing a good conclusion paragraph is essential for creating a cohesive and impactful piece of writing.

By summarizing key points, restating the thesis, providing a final thought, and using a call to action, you can craft a strong conclusion that leaves a lasting impression.

Use the 30 examples provided to inspire your own writing and ensure your conclusions are always effective and engaging.

Read This Next:

  • How to Write an Introduction Paragraph [50+ Examples]
  • How to Write a Paragraph [Ultimate Guide + Examples]
  • Types of Evidence in Writing [Ultimate Guide + Examples]
  • Narrative Writing Graphic Organizer [Guide + Free Templates]
  • How to Write a Hook (40 Good Examples)

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Condensing a 1,000-plus-word essay into a neat little bundle may seem like a Herculean task. You must summarize all your findings and justify their importance within a single paragraph. 

But, when you discover the formula for writing a conclusion paragraph, things get much simpler! 

But, how to write a conclusion paragraph for an essay, and more importantly, how to make it impactful enough? Through this article, we will walk you through the process of constructing a powerful conclusion that leaves a lingering impression on readers’ minds. We will also acquaint you with essay conclusion examples for different types of essays. 

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Let’s start from the beginning: How can you write a conclusion for an essay?

How to write a conclusion for an essay

In order to write an effective conclusion, you must first understand what is a conclusion in an essay. It is not just the summary of the main points of your essay. A well-written conclusion effectively ties together the main ideas of your essay and also pays heed to their broader implications. The objectives of your concluding paragraph are as follows:

  • Highlight the significance of your essay topic
  • Tie together the key points of your essay
  • Leave the reader with something to ponder about

A good essay conclusion begins with a modified thesis statement that is altered on the basis of the information stated throughout the essay. It then ties together all the main points of the essay and ends with a clincher that highlights the broader implications of your thesis statement. 

Now that we’ve understood the basics of how to conclude an essay, let’s understand the key aspects of a good conclusion paragraph. 

1. Restating your thesis statement

If you want to understand how to start a conclusion, you must realize that involves more than just restating the thesis statement word for word. Your thesis statement needs to be updated and expanded upon as per the information provided in your essay. 

There are many ways to start a conclusion. One such method could be to start with the revised version of your thesis statement that hints to the significance of your argument. After this, your conclusion paragraph can organically move on to your arguments in the essay. 

Let’s take a look at an effective way of writing a conclusion for an essay:

If the following claim is your thesis statement:

Virtual reality (VR) is undeniably altering the perception of reality by revolutionizing various industries, reshaping human experiences, and challenging traditional notions of what is real.

The restated thesis statement will be as follows: 

Our analysis has substantiated the claim that virtual reality (VR) is significantly transforming the way we perceive reality. It has revolutionized industries, reshaped human experiences, and challenged traditional notions of reality.

2. Tying together the main points

Tying together all the main points of your essay does not mean simply summarizing them in an arbitrary manner. The key is to link each of your main essay points in a coherent structure. One point should follow the other in a logical format.

The goal is to establish how each of these points connects to the message of your essay as a whole. You can also take the help of powerful quotes or impactful reviews to shed a unique light on your essay. 

Let’s take a look at an example:

VR presents a new paradigm where the distinction between the real and the virtual becomes increasingly blurred. As users dive into immersive virtual worlds, they are confronted with questions about the nature of reality, perception, and the boundaries of human consciousness. 

3. Constructing an impactful conclusion

Most of us are confused about how to end an essay with a bang. The answer is quite simple! The final line of your essay should be impactful enough to create a lasting impression on the reader. More importantly, it should also highlight the significance of your essay topic. This could mean the broader implications of your topic, either in your field of study or in general.

Optionally, you could also try to end your essay on an optimistic note that motivates or encourages the reader. If your essay is about eradicating a problem in society, highlight the positive effects achieved by the eradication of that problem. 

Here’s an example of how to end an essay:

In a world where virtual boundaries dissolve, VR is the catalyst that reshapes our perception of reality, forever altering the landscape of the human experience.

Here’s a combined version of all three aspects:

Our analysis has substantiated the claim that Virtual Reality (VR) is significantly transforming how we perceive reality. It has revolutionized industries, reshaped human experiences, and challenged traditional notions of reality. It presents a new paradigm where the distinction between the real and the virtual becomes increasingly blurred. As users dive into immersive virtual worlds, they are confronted with questions about the nature of reality, perception, and the boundaries of human consciousness. In a world where virtual boundaries dissolve, it is the catalyst that reshapes our perception of reality, forever altering the landscape of the human experience.

Now that we’ve understood the structure of a concluding paragraph, let’s look at what to avoid while writing a conclusion. 

What to avoid in your conclusion paragraph

When learning how to write a conclusion for an essay, you must also know what to avoid. You want to strengthen your argument with the help of a compelling conclusion paragraph, and not undermine it by confusing the reader. 

Let’s take a look at a few strategies to avoid in your essay conclusion:

1. Avoid including new evidence

The conclusion should not introduce new information but rather strengthen the arguments that are already made. If you come across any unique piece of information regarding your essay topic, accommodate it into your body paragraphs rather than stuffing it into your conclusion.

Including new, contradictory information in the concluding paragraph not only confuses the reader but also weakens your argument. You may include a powerful quote that strengthens the message of your essay, or an example that sheds light on the importance of your argument. However, this does not include introducing a completely new argument or making a unique point.

2. Avoid the use of concluding phrases

Your conclusion should hint towards your essay coming to an end, instead of blatantly stating the obvious. Blatant concluding statements undermine the quality of your essay, making it clumsy and amateurish. They also significantly diminish the quality of your arguments. 

It is a good idea to avoid the following statements while concluding your essay:

  • In conclusion,
  • In summary,

While using these statements may not be incorrect per se, hinting towards a conclusion creates a better impression on the reader rather than blatantly stating it. 

Here are more effective statements you could use:

  • Let this essay serve as a catalyst for…
  • As we navigate the intricacies of this multifaceted topic, remember…
  • As I bid farewell to this subject…

3. Don’t undermine your argument

Although there might be several points of view regarding your essay topic, it is crucial that you stick to your own. You may have stated and refuted other points of view in your body paragraphs. 

However, your conclusion is simply meant to strengthen your main argument. Mentioning other points of view in your essay conclusion, not only weakens your argument but also creates a poor impression of your essay.

Here are a few phrases you should avoid in your essay conclusion:

  • There are several methods to approach this topic.
  • There are plenty of good points for both sides of the argument.
  • There is no clear solution to this problem.

Examples of essay conclusions

Different types of essays make use of different forms of conclusions. The critical question of “how to start a conclusion paragraph” has many different answers. To help you further, we’ve provided a few good conclusions for essays that are based on the four main essay types.

1. Narrative essay conclusion

The following essay conclusion example elaborates on the narrator’s unique experience with homeschooling.

  • Restated thesis statement
  • Body paragraph summary
  • Closing statement

My experience with homeschooling has been a journey that has shaped me in profound ways. Through the challenges and triumphs, I have come to appreciate the unique advantages and personal growth that homeschooling can offer. As I reflect on my journey, I am reminded of the transformative power of this alternative education approach. It has empowered me to take ownership of my education, nurture my passions, and develop skills that extend far beyond the confines of academic achievement. Whether in traditional classrooms or homeschooling environments, it is through embracing and nurturing the unique potential within each of us that we can truly thrive and make a lasting impact on the world.

2. Descriptive essay conclusion

The following essay conclusion example elaborates on the narrator’s bond with their cat.

The enchanting presence that my cat has cannot be ignored, captivating my heart with her grace, charm, and unconditional love. Through the moments of playfulness, companionship, and affection, she has become an irreplaceable member of my family. As I continue to cherish the memories and lessons learned from her, I am reminded of the extraordinary power of the human-animal bond. In their company, we find solace, companionship, and a love that transcends words. In a world that can be challenging and tumultuous, never underestimate the profound impact that animals can have on our lives. In their presence, not only do we find love but also a profound sense of connection.

3. Argumentative essay conclusion

Here’s an essay conclusion example that elaborates on the marginalization of, and acute intolerance towards, LGBTQ+ individuals. 

The journey toward equality for LGBTQ+ individuals is an ongoing battle that demands our unwavering commitment to justice and inclusion. It is evident that while progress has been made, the journey toward equality for these individuals is far from complete. It demands our continued advocacy, activism, and support for legislative change, societal acceptance, and the creation of inclusive environments. The struggle for LGBTQ+ equality is a fight for the very essence of human dignity and the recognition of our shared humanity. It is a battle that requires our collective efforts, determination, and an unyielding belief in the fundamental principles of equality and justice.

4. Expository essay conclusion

This example of an essay conclusion revolves around a psychological phenomenon named the bandwagon effect and examines its potential ill effects on society:

The bandwagon effect in psychology is a fascinating phenomenon that sheds light on the powerful influence of social conformity on individual behavior and decision-making processes. This effect serves as a reminder of the inherently social nature of human beings and the power of social influence in shaping our thoughts, attitudes, and actions. It underscores the importance of critical thinking, individual autonomy, and the ability to resist the pressure of conformity. By understanding its mechanisms and implications, we can guard against its potential pitfalls and actively foster independent thought and decision-making, also contributing to a more enlightened and progressive society.

Now that you’ve taken a closer look at different conclusions for essays, it’s time to put this knowledge to good use. If you need to take your essay up a notch and score high, professional essay editing services are your best bet.

Happy writing!

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How to Write a Good Conclusion: Outline and Examples

How to Write a Good Conclusion: Outline and Examples

Writing a well-structured and insightful concluding paragraph is akin to putting the final cherry on top of a delicious cake – it completes the experience and leaves a lasting impression. Whether you are crafting a paper, a report, or research, creating a persuasive closing paragraph can significantly enhance your work’s influence. This guide delineates the specifics of how to write a conclusion, explores the essential elements of a closure, offers strategies for writing one that resonates, and shares practical tips to sidestep common errors. Read on if writing a summative and logical ending seems challenging to you.

What is a Conclusion Paragraph and Why is it Important?

At its core, a paragraph conclusion serves to recap the major points of your paper and synthesize your primary argument. It serves as a final opportunity to make a memorable impact on your audience. Crafting a logical closure requires skillfully integrating key elements to reinforce the main argument and connect with the wider significance explored in the essay.

Types of concluding paragraphs include:

  • Summative Conclusion : This kind of closing paragraph briefly sums up the central points of the composition or report without adding new details.
  • Synthetic Closure : In this paragraph, the wrap-up statement goes beyond summarization to discuss the more extensive implications or relevance of the concepts expressed.
  • Final Comment : This type of summation, often used in persuasive or argumentative papers, makes a final appeal or recommendation based on the claims presented.

Different kinds of ending paragraphs fulfill various purposes, each aimed at making a strong impression on the reader. For additional assistance with essay writing, let’s say, generating ideas on how to start a conclusion paragraph, consider exploring AI tools such as the Aithor essay generator, available at .

Conclusion Paragraph Outline

Concluding paragraphs play a vital role in wrapping up an essay or report effectively. If you are wondering how to write a conclusion paragraph, follow our instructions: recap your central idea and major arguments, adding insight. A carefully constructed summation typically consists of three key elements:

  • Thesis Restatement : Begin writing your final paragraph by paraphrasing your central idea in a slightly different way than you did in the intro to reaffirm it.

Example : In a composition advocating for the significance of renewable energy, the summary statement may begin with: "Throughout history, energy sources have been central in shaping societies..."

  • Summary of Key Points : Next, recap the prime points or views earlier discussed in the body sections. This highlights the thesis and briefly reminds the audience of the path taken through your writing.

Example : From solar and wind to hydroelectric power, each renewable energy source offers distinct benefits in mitigating environmental change and reducing dependence on mineral fuels.

  • Final Comment : End your paper with a sentence that leaves a lasting impression or motivates the reader to act, based on the essay's purpose.

Example : As we look ahead to a sustainable future, utilizing sustainable energy not only helps the environment but also boosts the economy and enhances energy security.

To master writing a well-rounded conclusion, remember these essential steps. This conclusion paragraph structure effectively wraps up your paper, reinforces your primary ideas, and leaves an insight.

Strategies for Writing an Effective Conclusion

Crafting a captivating concluding section that resonates with your readers, is crucial for leaving a long-lasting impression. When writing your closing paragraph, consider employing these strategies:

Circle Back to the Intro : Referencing a key phrase or reasons from your opening paragraph can create a sense of cohesion and closure.

Example : If your introduction highlighted a current environmental crisis, your final paragraph could explore how renewable energy could offer a solution to this crisis.

Pose a Thought-Provoking Query : Encourage deeper contemplation by posing an intriguing question related to your essay topic.

Example : How can people and governments work together to speed up using renewable energy technologies?

Offer a Prediction or Recommendation : Based on your central points, suggest what might happen over time or recommend a course of action.

Example : Investing in renewable energy now can pave the way for a more sustainable and cleaner planet for prospective generations.

Connect to a Broader Context: Relate your paper’s topic to a larger issue or ongoing discussion to underscore its significance and relevance.

Example: The shift to renewable energy is not just about reducing emissions; it's part of a global movement towards sustainable development and ecological stewardship.

Avoid Overly Emotional Call-to-Action: While urging action, maintain a balanced tone to avoid coming across as overly emotional or sensational.

Example: Let's come together to adopt renewable energy and forge a more promising tomorrow for future generations.

By employing these techniques, make sure that your ending paragraph not only recaps your central arguments smoothly but also leaves a sense of purpose and inspiration to your readers.

What to Avoid While Writing a Conclusion

When composing your final paragraph, it's crucial to avoid typical pitfalls that may weaken your closing remarks. Consider some common errors:

Adding Fresh Details : Avoid presenting completely new thoughts or examples that haven’t been addressed in the body parts.

Example : In brief, whereas renewable energy has many benefits, nuclear power remains a controversial alternative.

Overusing Clichés or Generalizations : Keep your language fresh and related to your essay’s topic. Avoid clichéd phrases like "In conclusion," as they add unnecessary redundancy to the text.

Example : In essence, it is obvious that renewable energy is the path of the future.

Undermining Your Efforts : The essay’s last paragraph should assert the validity of the thesis, not undermine it.

Example : While my research has limitations, I believe renewable energy is still a practical alternative.

Overly Emotive Call-to-Action: Balance emotional appeal and confidence and avoid being overly dramatic while encouraging action.

Example: We must act now to embrace renewable energy for a sustainable future.

Confusing Summary with Analysis: Differentiate between recapping key points and providing deeper analysis. Reflect on your insights rather than repeating facts.

Example: Briefly, renewable energy benefits the environment and promotes economic stability.

Avoiding such pitfalls ensures – your closing statements contribute positively to the quality of your assignment. How to write a conclusion paragraph efficiently? Stay concentrated, specific, and assertive to generate an insightful closure that enhances your paper's impact.

Useful Phrases When Starting the Conclusion

Transitioning smoothly into your recap can enhance the influence and clarity of your final comments. Check out some useful phrases categorized by their purpose:

1.       Summarizing : "To sum up,...", "In summary,..."

2.       Reaffirming : "It is evident that...", "This reinforces the notion that..."

3.       Reflecting : "Considering these arguments,...", "Taking this into account,..."

4.   Looking Forward : "Considering the future,...", "Moving forward,..."

By using these connectors, you will write a paragraph that coherently wraps up your ideas and leaves stimulating thoughts.

Conclusion Samples with Explanation

Ending your composition and highlighting your focal points is essential to effectively generate a solid final paragraph. Here are two A-level samples, each crafted for different assignment types:

  • Summative Conclusion : To sum up, the investigation of renewable energy sources underscores their key role in addressing environmental change and lessening our reliance on limited resources. Solar, hydroelectric, and wind power – each provide distinct benefits that contribute to sustainability.

Explanation : This closing paragraph summarizes the central points discussed throughout the paper highlighting the paper’s thesis, without presenting new details.

  • Final Comment : As global energy requirements continue to rise, embracing renewable energy not only addresses environmental concerns but also opens avenues for financial prosperity and energy self-sufficiency. By putting resources into renewable technologies today, we set the stage for a more promising future for coming generations.

Explanation : This paragraph goes beyond summarization to underscore the wider implications and prospects specific to the main idea in the final part.

These conclusion examples illustrate how to create a memorable impression by briefly repeating key points and emphasizing broader implications.

In a nutshell, a meticulously crafted summary paragraph comprises three essential elements that elevate the essay’s impact and overall coherence. A well-structured conclusion paragraph outline involves skillfully recapping the central points, reaffirming your thesis, and forming a strong final impression. Also, the assignment’s ending represents your final occasion to provide insight, so make it count. By avoiding typical errors and employing effective tactics, you can guarantee that the closure not only ties your writing together but also resonates with the audience.

Now that you've learned the secrets of writing a closing paragraph, this guide has equipped you with the essential tools to navigate the process, ensuring your piece is succinct, coherent, and insightful. By adhering to these principles, your finale not only serves to reinforce the topic’s relevance but also inspires thoughtful reflection on its critical role in shaping a brighter future for upcoming generations.

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Writing a Conclusion

Writing a conclusion is an important part of any piece of writing. It is often possible to get a good overview of an assignment by looking briefly at the conclusion. However, writing a conclusion can be quite difficult. This is because it can often be hard to find something interesting or useful to say in the conclusion. Conclusions should be attractive and interesting but often they are rather dull and "formula written".

Although formulae for writing conclusions are tempting to use, it is always best to avoid set phrases such as "Therefore, let us conclude that..." which are clichés, and do not help to end your work in the best light.

Helpful information, advice and materials for writing conclusions

1. What are the typical ingredients in a conclusion?  

2. What are the differences between writing conclusions to essays and to dissertations/theses?

3. See a sample conclusion

4. Try a practice activity

5. Check out further advice on writing conclusions

6. Download a checklist to help you edit your written work

What are the typical 'ingredients' of a conclusion?  

Trzeciak and Mackay (1994) ( Study skills for academic writing. New York: Prentice Hall ) observe a number of useful "ingredients" that form part of a conclusion. Again (as with introductions) it will not always be necessary or desirable to include all the elements they mention. However, you will probably want to use some of these in some combination, in order to conclude your work.

  • A summary of the main part of the text
  • A deduction made on the basis of the main body
  • Your personal opinion on what has been discussed
  • A statement about the limitations of the work
  • A comment about the future based on what has been discussed
  • The implications of the work for future research
  • Important facts and figures not mentioned in the main body

Pallant (2009) sees five basic ingredients of a conclusion as follows, though these will not always be used in the same conclusion:

  • A summary of the main points (being careful not to repeat exactly what you have written before)
  • Concluding statements  
  • Recommendations
  • Predictions

These recommendations probably apply more to discussion essays than they do to other kinds of assessed writing at university. For example, if you are writing a business plan or discussing a law scenario, or answering an examination question, you may not need the above elements, unless the question specifically asks you for them or unless it is known that it is expected of you in the discipline you are working in.

However, you will generally need a final section to indicate that you are 'rounding off' the discusion. Always be very careful to check what the conventions are in the discipline you are working in, and ideally, it is best to look at examples of past students' work so that you can see what you are aiming for.

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What are the differences between writing conclusions to essays and to dissertations/theses?  

When writing longer pieces of work, it is still very important to observe some of the principles above. For instance, you will still want to ensure that your conclusion really does conclude , and does not just go off at a tangent to discuss something that is unrelated to the thesis. Some people believe (mistakenly) that a conclusion is the place for you to relax and 'say whatever you want'. This is incorrect. If you do this, you will be likely to be marked down.

There are also likely to be some key differences in your approach when writing conclusions. Certainly, conclusions will be even more important in a dissertation or thesis, purely because of the length of the piece. Among the differences you will notice are the following:

  • As well as having an overall conclusion to your dissertation or thesis, each chapter should also have a conclusion (as well as an introduction). The reason for this is that in a longer piece of writing, it becomes more important to remind the reader of what you have done and why you have done it, before you move onto the next stage.
  • The conclusion of a dissertation or thesis is not an opportunity to engage in a personal 'rant'. You must draw out key aspects of the literature you have studied, along with your recommendations , and say how they are justified or contradicted by your research.
  • It is a good idea in a chapter conclusion to remind the reader what happened in the chapter (e.g. In this chapter, the literature relating to the teaching of vocabulary was considered.). After this, you need to build a bridge linking this chapter with the next one. (e.g. This will be further discussed in the next chapter.)
  • In a dissertation or thesis, there is likely to be a longer section on the limitations of your research . Important though this is, however, you also need to be sure to sell your research in the conclusion - so it is best not to be too negative or over-modest about your achievements at this point. The key to many dissertations and theses is the need to emphasise the contribution that it makes to research.
  • In a dissertation or thesis, it is more likely that you will have a section on the need for future research . In an MA or MSc dissertation you may like to suggest something that could be developed from your work as a PhD thesis. In a PhD thesis you may like to indicate some potential for post-doctoral work.

Further advice on writing conclusions

When writing an assignment, be careful of the following points:

  • The topic you are writing about may not always require a full conclusion (this is particularly the case if your work is heavily analytical or mathematical, or not very discursive.) Remember not all assignments require discussion. Check what the expectations are in your own department. Ask your tutor if you are not sure.
  • Even if you do not need a full conclusion, remember that any assignment nearly always needs to be rounded off in some way and brought to an end. Consider this: will the reader know that you have finished your work? (Or will they just think that you have run out of time - or energy)?
  • Keep in mind the balance of your assignment. The conclusion should be clear and relatively brief.
  • In discussion-type assignments, it is often a better idea to raise questions and problems in the conclusion than to provide over-simplified/ naive answers to the assignment title. Examiners will usually be very wary of essays, theses or dissertations that presume to solve all the world's problems in a simplistic and trivial way. Remember, life is never that simple. However, remember not to introduce any new material in the conclusion.
  • There is no need to go over everything again that you have already mentioned; this would be unnecessarily boring and tedious.
  • Make sure that the conclusion is based on what you have said before. It is often tempting to go off at a tangent and to say things that are completely unrelated to the topic. Be wary of this.
  • It is permissible to give your opinion in the conclusion but try to do so subtly and try not to sound too pompous or authoritarian . Usually your viewpoint will be obvious from your discussion, so there is no need to conclude with statements such as: In conclusion, I think Hamlet is a great play. Allow your enthusiasm for the topic to show in how you discuss it. Make sure that you do not use the conclusion as an opportunity to engage in an over-generalised an unfocussed 'rant'.
  • Be careful with tenses. In a conclusion, you will usually want to use the present perfect (e.g. The aim of this dissertation has been to....) followed by the simple past (Chapter 1 provided an overview of...).
  • Be very careful about using the word "conclusion" anywhere other than the conclusion itself! This can mislead the reader. If you use the word conclusion several times in an essay, the reader will give up trying to work out where the conclusion really is.

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10 Tips for Perfect Assignment Conclusion

Updated 19 Jul 2024

Table of contents

What is a conclusion, how to conclude an assignment: basic rules, strategies for writing: what to do, conclusion structure, mistakes in assignment conclusion, conclusion example for assignment.

All students, regardless of where they live or study, face the necessity to write essays. It’s an everyday task assigned by professors of all subjects, and most struggle with completing it since many intricacies are involved in this process. Usually, the majority of efforts are poured into the body as it’s the core of any paper.

Few students care much about writing a conclusion as at this point, they are exhausted and just want to be done. This is a common mistake because the conclusion could largely affect your mark. It is the last part of an essay that summarises all key ideas, refreshing your audience’s minds, proving the final value of your assignment by revealing what’s been achieved and making a final impression.

When you are told to write a conclusion, you should think about what thesis statement came before or what assignment type you have to do. A conclusion stands for summing things up in most cases, yet when you must provide your thesis paper, your final part of an assignment will talk about the outcomes that you have found. The difference here is that you should talk about whether your objectives have been achieved. For example, approaching your conclusion writer with a creative essay assignment, you should understand that it’s not a summary any longer as you have to talk about the moral lesson or explain what has happened before.

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While learning how to write a conclusion paragraph may sound frightening to most students, there are several helpful tips and structure examples that you must learn. As you might already know, the conclusion part for a successful assignment should not introduce any new ideas, yet at the same time, it should make existing ideas even clearer. The majority of college professors recommend taking a second look at your thesis statement to rewrite it differently. As you think about how to begin a conclusion, focus on what your essay has achieved or what moral lesson has been learned. After all, the conclusion is not only about summing things up but about presenting your audience with a condensed thesis. It should speak of your objectives through the lens of a finished assignment. This is exactly what your conclusion part must achieve.

When you are writing a conclusion for an assignment, you must not only know how to write a good conclusion but also see what elements have to be present there and also what rules should be maintained. Look at the list below. Remember them if you’d like to produce an efficient assignment.

Essays might be of varying length, but there is one single guideline that stretches to all of them. Conclusion should not be longer than 10% from the word count. If a paper has 900 words, conclude it in 90. If there are 3000 words, then compose about 300. This will create great harmony, preventing your readers from feeling bored or overloaded.

  • Present summary but don’t copy previous sentences

The goal accomplished by the conclusion for the assignment lies in offering a paper summary. If it was long, it’s particularly important to mention relevant moments you raised in a body. Select major points from each body paragraph and briefly discuss them again. Conciseness is the main rule. Don’t just copy them, though! Express them in other words or this will be considered a serious flaw.

  • Emphasise what you’ve managed to achieve

Each essay has a goal, even if it’s written on a personal subject. Show how it was completed. Dedicate several sentences to demonstrating your accomplishment: for instance, if you were researching ways of treating PTSD, list the ones you found, ensure your assignment has been effective.

  • Describe the impact of your findings on the future

What makes a good conclusion? Demonstration of the use your research has. Talk about how valuable your insights could be for future experts. Following an example with PTSD, point out how your findings could assist patients.

Read more: Do you often wonder “Who can do my assignment for me  "? Ask our experts for help

There is a standard assignment conclusion format that professors expect to see in students’ assignments. Fortunately, the following four strategies will show you what it is.

  • Address your thesis

A thesis is a major essence of any academic essay: you keep proving it in each subsequent paragraph. Repeat it in other words, in conclusion, effectively linking it with the introduction and completing the research cycle.

  • Ask yourself, “So what?”

If you doubt the efficiency of the conclusion, ask yourself a question, “And so?” Is it obvious why your work was important? If not, make these parts clearer until you could give a positive reply.

  • Provide closure

Make the final sentence actually final. Explain everything, offer advice for future research, and include general, vague statements in the very end.

If there were some limitations in your research or you have faced biases, address them. Refrain from being too hard on yourself yet show you’re an objective researcher.

As you think about how to start the conclusion correctly, make sure that you understand the structure first, which will always depend on your essay type. Still, in the majority of cases, you should follow this template to learn what to include in a conclusion:

- Basic background information paragraph where you remind your readers about what you have tried to achieve or what problem has been explored.

- Restatement of your main thesis or arguments in simpler words. It should be worded differently.

- Your analysis and outcome regarding why it matters.

- If you are writing a creative essay, talk about the moral lesson by explaining or estimating the main idea.

- Offer further research ideas if applicable.

Remember that summing things up in your conclusion part is not obligatory, which means that your conclusion structure might change. Always check twice with your essay type and the grading rubric to stay safe!

Learn also: How to get professional  hnd assignment help for University students.

Working with your conclusion writing, sum up your topic sentences taken from the body paragraphs and explain them in a shorter form. Do not just list them word by word as it would be a mistake. Choosing the words to start a conclusion, do not use "to sum things up" or "in conclusion" if you can avoid it. Restate your thesis as the very first words by introducing it for your readers through the lens of achieved objectives.

There are more things students should look out for when composing the last paragraph of their essay. Some conclusions are ineffective, and to keep yours out of this list, remember the following. First, don’t give long summaries. Turn a summary into synthesis: cleverly unite main work points, linking them together. Avoid providing long lists of the same facts; be picky instead to avoid overloading your audience. Don’t introduce new facts either. Conclusion shouldn’t present any new information. Reference what was already discussed and refrain from presenting additional data because it’ll only confuse your readers, making them believe they have missed something. If you’re still hesitating about how to write a conclusion, check samples we’ve created for you.

Reading through our conclusion paragraph examples, think about the structure and do your best to format available information. As you can see, it takes a thesis help style and keeps all the filler words out. It is especially evident in the second conclusion template that we have offered for you. It has an optimal structure and contains an explanatory tone. Even if you find it challenging to learn how to write a conclusion example, follow our samples and try to write something similar just as you train yourself before an actual assignment!

Reading theory is good, but seeing what you’ve read on practice is considerably better. Look at conclusion below, on the topic “Fanfiction is a worthy branch of literature”.

As results show, fanfiction stories often feature complex plots, three-dimensional characters, and flowing writing styles that even numerous officially published authors do not have. This is a significant research finding that could break stereotypes surrounding fanfiction by offering more balanced examples along with a two-layered comparison between unofficial and official publications. It will be helpful to writers who engage in fanfiction for practice or as a hobby, giving them confidence that could birth new masterpieces for the whole literature world. While more such studies are needed, it is undeniable that talented people express themselves on a variety of mediums.

Here is another conclusion for assignment sample. This one is about an optimal length of a workweek.

There is a substantial volume of evidence showing that if people had a 4-day work week, the level of happiness would grow by minimum 75%. The majority are dissatisfied with how much time they spend at the office, revealing that they are missing numerous opportunities. If laws change, people would spend more quality time with their children, educating them better; they would also have more rest, which would make their output more efficient. Considering these facts, it is undeniable that change is required.

As a final tip, consider, what is a conclusion for you? See what to write in a conclusion by checking our guide. Ask yourself about which ones feel complete? Figure it out and emulate them. This way, you’ll succeed for sure.

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conclusion for the assignment

How to Write a Conclusion for Research Papers (with Examples)

How to Write a Conclusion for Research Papers (with Examples)

The conclusion of a research paper is a crucial section that plays a significant role in the overall impact and effectiveness of your research paper. However, this is also the section that typically receives less attention compared to the introduction and the body of the paper. The conclusion serves to provide a concise summary of the key findings, their significance, their implications, and a sense of closure to the study. Discussing how can the findings be applied in real-world scenarios or inform policy, practice, or decision-making is especially valuable to practitioners and policymakers. The research paper conclusion also provides researchers with clear insights and valuable information for their own work, which they can then build on and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field.

The research paper conclusion should explain the significance of your findings within the broader context of your field. It restates how your results contribute to the existing body of knowledge and whether they confirm or challenge existing theories or hypotheses. Also, by identifying unanswered questions or areas requiring further investigation, your awareness of the broader research landscape can be demonstrated.

Remember to tailor the research paper conclusion to the specific needs and interests of your intended audience, which may include researchers, practitioners, policymakers, or a combination of these.

Table of Contents

What is a conclusion in a research paper, summarizing conclusion, editorial conclusion, externalizing conclusion, importance of a good research paper conclusion, how to write a conclusion for your research paper, research paper conclusion examples.

  • How to write a research paper conclusion with Paperpal? 

Frequently Asked Questions

A conclusion in a research paper is the final section where you summarize and wrap up your research, presenting the key findings and insights derived from your study. The research paper conclusion is not the place to introduce new information or data that was not discussed in the main body of the paper. When working on how to conclude a research paper, remember to stick to summarizing and interpreting existing content. The research paper conclusion serves the following purposes: 1

  • Warn readers of the possible consequences of not attending to the problem.
  • Recommend specific course(s) of action.
  • Restate key ideas to drive home the ultimate point of your research paper.
  • Provide a “take-home” message that you want the readers to remember about your study.

conclusion for the assignment

Types of conclusions for research papers

In research papers, the conclusion provides closure to the reader. The type of research paper conclusion you choose depends on the nature of your study, your goals, and your target audience. I provide you with three common types of conclusions:

A summarizing conclusion is the most common type of conclusion in research papers. It involves summarizing the main points, reiterating the research question, and restating the significance of the findings. This common type of research paper conclusion is used across different disciplines.

An editorial conclusion is less common but can be used in research papers that are focused on proposing or advocating for a particular viewpoint or policy. It involves presenting a strong editorial or opinion based on the research findings and offering recommendations or calls to action.

An externalizing conclusion is a type of conclusion that extends the research beyond the scope of the paper by suggesting potential future research directions or discussing the broader implications of the findings. This type of conclusion is often used in more theoretical or exploratory research papers.

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The conclusion in a research paper serves several important purposes:

  • Offers Implications and Recommendations : Your research paper conclusion is an excellent place to discuss the broader implications of your research and suggest potential areas for further study. It’s also an opportunity to offer practical recommendations based on your findings.
  • Provides Closure : A good research paper conclusion provides a sense of closure to your paper. It should leave the reader with a feeling that they have reached the end of a well-structured and thought-provoking research project.
  • Leaves a Lasting Impression : Writing a well-crafted research paper conclusion leaves a lasting impression on your readers. It’s your final opportunity to leave them with a new idea, a call to action, or a memorable quote.

conclusion for the assignment

Writing a strong conclusion for your research paper is essential to leave a lasting impression on your readers. Here’s a step-by-step process to help you create and know what to put in the conclusion of a research paper: 2

  • Research Statement : Begin your research paper conclusion by restating your research statement. This reminds the reader of the main point you’ve been trying to prove throughout your paper. Keep it concise and clear.
  • Key Points : Summarize the main arguments and key points you’ve made in your paper. Avoid introducing new information in the research paper conclusion. Instead, provide a concise overview of what you’ve discussed in the body of your paper.
  • Address the Research Questions : If your research paper is based on specific research questions or hypotheses, briefly address whether you’ve answered them or achieved your research goals. Discuss the significance of your findings in this context.
  • Significance : Highlight the importance of your research and its relevance in the broader context. Explain why your findings matter and how they contribute to the existing knowledge in your field.
  • Implications : Explore the practical or theoretical implications of your research. How might your findings impact future research, policy, or real-world applications? Consider the “so what?” question.
  • Future Research : Offer suggestions for future research in your area. What questions or aspects remain unanswered or warrant further investigation? This shows that your work opens the door for future exploration.
  • Closing Thought : Conclude your research paper conclusion with a thought-provoking or memorable statement. This can leave a lasting impression on your readers and wrap up your paper effectively. Avoid introducing new information or arguments here.
  • Proofread and Revise : Carefully proofread your conclusion for grammar, spelling, and clarity. Ensure that your ideas flow smoothly and that your conclusion is coherent and well-structured.

Write your research paper conclusion 2x faster with Paperpal. Try it now!

Remember that a well-crafted research paper conclusion is a reflection of the strength of your research and your ability to communicate its significance effectively. It should leave a lasting impression on your readers and tie together all the threads of your paper. Now you know how to start the conclusion of a research paper and what elements to include to make it impactful, let’s look at a research paper conclusion sample.

Summarizing ConclusionImpact of social media on adolescents’ mental healthIn conclusion, our study has shown that increased usage of social media is significantly associated with higher levels of anxiety and depression among adolescents. These findings highlight the importance of understanding the complex relationship between social media and mental health to develop effective interventions and support systems for this vulnerable population.
Editorial ConclusionEnvironmental impact of plastic wasteIn light of our research findings, it is clear that we are facing a plastic pollution crisis. To mitigate this issue, we strongly recommend a comprehensive ban on single-use plastics, increased recycling initiatives, and public awareness campaigns to change consumer behavior. The responsibility falls on governments, businesses, and individuals to take immediate actions to protect our planet and future generations.  
Externalizing ConclusionExploring applications of AI in healthcareWhile our study has provided insights into the current applications of AI in healthcare, the field is rapidly evolving. Future research should delve deeper into the ethical, legal, and social implications of AI in healthcare, as well as the long-term outcomes of AI-driven diagnostics and treatments. Furthermore, interdisciplinary collaboration between computer scientists, medical professionals, and policymakers is essential to harness the full potential of AI while addressing its challenges.

conclusion for the assignment

How to write a research paper conclusion with Paperpal?

A research paper conclusion is not just a summary of your study, but a synthesis of the key findings that ties the research together and places it in a broader context. A research paper conclusion should be concise, typically around one paragraph in length. However, some complex topics may require a longer conclusion to ensure the reader is left with a clear understanding of the study’s significance. Paperpal, an AI writing assistant trusted by over 800,000 academics globally, can help you write a well-structured conclusion for your research paper. 

  • Sign Up or Log In: Create a new Paperpal account or login with your details.  
  • Navigate to Features : Once logged in, head over to the features’ side navigation pane. Click on Templates and you’ll find a suite of generative AI features to help you write better, faster.  
  • Generate an outline: Under Templates, select ‘Outlines’. Choose ‘Research article’ as your document type.  
  • Select your section: Since you’re focusing on the conclusion, select this section when prompted.  
  • Choose your field of study: Identifying your field of study allows Paperpal to provide more targeted suggestions, ensuring the relevance of your conclusion to your specific area of research. 
  • Provide a brief description of your study: Enter details about your research topic and findings. This information helps Paperpal generate a tailored outline that aligns with your paper’s content. 
  • Generate the conclusion outline: After entering all necessary details, click on ‘generate’. Paperpal will then create a structured outline for your conclusion, to help you start writing and build upon the outline.  
  • Write your conclusion: Use the generated outline to build your conclusion. The outline serves as a guide, ensuring you cover all critical aspects of a strong conclusion, from summarizing key findings to highlighting the research’s implications. 
  • Refine and enhance: Paperpal’s ‘Make Academic’ feature can be particularly useful in the final stages. Select any paragraph of your conclusion and use this feature to elevate the academic tone, ensuring your writing is aligned to the academic journal standards. 

By following these steps, Paperpal not only simplifies the process of writing a research paper conclusion but also ensures it is impactful, concise, and aligned with academic standards. Sign up with Paperpal today and write your research paper conclusion 2x faster .  

The research paper conclusion is a crucial part of your paper as it provides the final opportunity to leave a strong impression on your readers. In the research paper conclusion, summarize the main points of your research paper by restating your research statement, highlighting the most important findings, addressing the research questions or objectives, explaining the broader context of the study, discussing the significance of your findings, providing recommendations if applicable, and emphasizing the takeaway message. The main purpose of the conclusion is to remind the reader of the main point or argument of your paper and to provide a clear and concise summary of the key findings and their implications. All these elements should feature on your list of what to put in the conclusion of a research paper to create a strong final statement for your work.

A strong conclusion is a critical component of a research paper, as it provides an opportunity to wrap up your arguments, reiterate your main points, and leave a lasting impression on your readers. Here are the key elements of a strong research paper conclusion: 1. Conciseness : A research paper conclusion should be concise and to the point. It should not introduce new information or ideas that were not discussed in the body of the paper. 2. Summarization : The research paper conclusion should be comprehensive enough to give the reader a clear understanding of the research’s main contributions. 3 . Relevance : Ensure that the information included in the research paper conclusion is directly relevant to the research paper’s main topic and objectives; avoid unnecessary details. 4 . Connection to the Introduction : A well-structured research paper conclusion often revisits the key points made in the introduction and shows how the research has addressed the initial questions or objectives. 5. Emphasis : Highlight the significance and implications of your research. Why is your study important? What are the broader implications or applications of your findings? 6 . Call to Action : Include a call to action or a recommendation for future research or action based on your findings.

The length of a research paper conclusion can vary depending on several factors, including the overall length of the paper, the complexity of the research, and the specific journal requirements. While there is no strict rule for the length of a conclusion, but it’s generally advisable to keep it relatively short. A typical research paper conclusion might be around 5-10% of the paper’s total length. For example, if your paper is 10 pages long, the conclusion might be roughly half a page to one page in length.

In general, you do not need to include citations in the research paper conclusion. Citations are typically reserved for the body of the paper to support your arguments and provide evidence for your claims. However, there may be some exceptions to this rule: 1. If you are drawing a direct quote or paraphrasing a specific source in your research paper conclusion, you should include a citation to give proper credit to the original author. 2. If your conclusion refers to or discusses specific research, data, or sources that are crucial to the overall argument, citations can be included to reinforce your conclusion’s validity.

The conclusion of a research paper serves several important purposes: 1. Summarize the Key Points 2. Reinforce the Main Argument 3. Provide Closure 4. Offer Insights or Implications 5. Engage the Reader. 6. Reflect on Limitations

Remember that the primary purpose of the research paper conclusion is to leave a lasting impression on the reader, reinforcing the key points and providing closure to your research. It’s often the last part of the paper that the reader will see, so it should be strong and well-crafted.

  • Makar, G., Foltz, C., Lendner, M., & Vaccaro, A. R. (2018). How to write effective discussion and conclusion sections. Clinical spine surgery, 31(8), 345-346.
  • Bunton, D. (2005). The structure of PhD conclusion chapters.  Journal of English for academic purposes ,  4 (3), 207-224.

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conclusion for the assignment

Conclusion for Assignment


The conclusion for an assignment serves as the final opportunity for a student to summarize their key points, reflect on their findings, and demonstrate their understanding of the subject matter. It is a crucial component of any academic work, as it allows the writer to tie together their arguments and present a cohesive ending to their research or analysis.

When writing a conclusion for an assignment, it is important to reiterate the main points discussed throughout the paper and to provide a clear and concise summary of the findings. This section should not introduce any new information, but rather should serve as a reflection on the work that has been done and the conclusions that have been drawn.

The conclusion is not just a mere summary of the assignment, but rather a critical component that can leave a lasting impression on the reader and showcase the writer’s ability to synthesize information and draw meaningful conclusions. In this article, I will guide you about writing a strong and effective conclusion that leaves a lasting impact on the reader and share some examples.

How to write conclusion in assignment

  • Restate the thesis/central argument in different words. Don’t just copy and paste it word-for-word from your assignment. Summarize the main point concisely.
  • Connect back to the key themes or ideas that have run throughout your assignment. This helps show how they all tie together to support your thesis.
  • Address the wider significance or implications of your research or analysis. What does it mean in the bigger context of the field or real world?
  • Call attention to the limitations of the assignment and make suggestions for further research or analysis that could be done. Point out areas for improvement.
  • End on a thoughtful note by proposing a compelling question for further exploration or leaving the reader with an impactful final statement to remember. Avoid just trailing off vaguely.
  • Keep it short and sweet. No new information should be brought in at this point. The conclusion should flow naturally from the preceding arguments. 3-5 concise sentences are usually sufficient to wrap up an assignment effectively.

In conclusion, this assignment has provided a comprehensive overview of [insert main topic] . Through the exploration of [insert key points or areas of focus] , it is clear that [insert main findings or arguments] . This underscores the importance of [insert why the topic is significant or relevant] . However, there are still challenges and questions that need to be addressed, such as [insert remaining issues or questions] . Moving forward, it is crucial to [insert recommendations for future action or research] . By doing so, we can continue to deepen our understanding and make progress in this field.

Conclusion for Assignment Example

In conclusion, this assignment has provided a comprehensive overview of the pressing environmental challenges we face today, as well as potential solutions to address them. Through the exploration of topics such as climate change , biodiversity loss, and pollution , it is clear that human activities are having a profound impact on the environment. This underscores the urgent need for action to protect and preserve the natural world. However, there are also many reasons for hope, such as the growth of renewable energy, the development of sustainable agriculture practices, and the increasing awareness and activism around environmental issues. Moving forward, it is crucial to continue working towards sustainable development, to implement policies that prioritize environmental protection, and to foster a culture of sustainability in our personal and professional lives. By doing so, we can create a healthier, more resilient, and more equitable world for all.

Conclusion for Assignment Sample

This report analyzed healthy menu trend data showing fast food chains have added lighter options, but significant nutrition and obesity issues persist with continued popularity of unhealthy combo meals. Further research is needed to understand barriers for prioritizing food quality over profits, and influence consumer attitudes through education. There is potential for progress in fighting obesity if chains, advocates and consumers compromise, but it will require sacrifices from all sides.

Conclusion for Assignment

Conclusion of Assignment

This experiment tested the effectiveness of different fertilizers on plant growth. The results show Miracle-Gro soil yielded the tallest tomato plants while plants fertilized with coffee grounds had more flowers. Further studies should explore using a larger sample size, regulating water and sunlight, and mixing different levels of organic and chemical fertilizers to determine optimal formulations for plant health and yield.

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How to Write an Essay Conclusion

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Are you struggling to conclude your college essay? You are not alone in this journey. Writing a conclusion is often challenging for students due to a lack of focus and clarity. Students get overwhelmed by the thought of putting all ideas and evidence in one place. What you need to remember is that the essay’s conclusion must focus on the central idea.

What is an Essay Conclusion?

In this blog, we will discuss all you need to know about writing an essay conclusion, the types, purpose, and more. Keep reading to know more!

What is an Essay Conclusion?

The conclusion is the last section of an academic essay. It reaffirms the answer to the question with a concise summary and main arguments. There is no need to include new ideas and information in the conclusion. A strong conclusion brings together what you have explained throughout the essay. See it this way: the conclusion is your last opportunity to clarify your understanding of the topic, which should be very clear to the examiner and reader.

There are a few things to consider for an effective conclusion:

  • Briefly summarize the essay’s main points and supporting evidence to create a strong conclusion.
  • You can rephrase the overall thesis and provide a clear indication of why your argument matters.
  • Put a spotlight on the key argument that you presented in the essay.
  • Reaffirm the main theme of the essay, which was already stated in the introduction.

There are a few things to avoid while writing a conclusion:

  • Don’t include new arguments, ideas, or information in the conclusion. Instead, include a new idea, insight, or main point in the ‘body’ of the essay.
  • It should not be longer than the introduction paragraph.
  • Don’t use in-text references in the conclusion part.
  • Focus on not too weak a statement. It will undermine your your argument.

Phrases to start essay conclusion:

Here is the list of phrases that you can use after completing the body paragraphs:

  • ‘In conclusion’,
  • ‘In short’,
  • ‘In summary’,
  • ‘As we have seen’,
  • ‘As we have discussed above’,
  • ‘It has been shown that’

Are you confused about writing an engaging conclusion? Get assistance from MyAssigmenthelp, where a team of experienced tutors provides a one-stop solution for students who need help with narrative, persuasive, expository, or descriptive essays.

Different Types of Essay Conclusions

It is helpful to categorise the types of essay conclusions while dealing with complex essays. The distinguished conclusion provides different implications to answer the question. Here is a detailed explanation of different types of conclusions:

Summarizing Conclusion : Summarizing a conclusion is a style of writing that is related to technical subjects. It uses a clinical tone in longer pieces of work. It is utilized in surveys and reports.

Externalizing Conclusion : Writing a conclusion for an essay is a challenging task. It should be clear and present in a well-organized manner. The externalizing conclusion describes the idea and key point that may not have been directly stated in the above paragraph.

Editorial Conclusion : Editorial conclusions are used for broader implications, such as persuasive or argumentative essays and research papers. You can express your ideas and commentary in an editorial conclusion, which helps connect your thoughts to your research paper or essay.

Embedded Conclusion : The narrative essay utilizes an embedded conclusion. It provides a personal story in chronological order.

Protective Conclusion : A projective conclusion is used for research papers and expository essays. Sometimes, it is also used in narrative essays. It describes how you can project the future outcome of the circumstances.

Reflective Conclusion : A reflective conclusion is suitable for a persuasive essay with a proper summary of thoughts, feelings, or opinions. Summarize the thoughts that you have explained in the body paragraphs.

If you find all these confusing when writing an essay, you can get help for any kind of essay at MyAssignmenthelp.

What is the Purpose of Writing Essay Conclusion?

An essay conclusion is the wrap-up section for the whole context. The purpose of writing an essay conclusion is to make the reader understand that the main argument has been clearly expressed. If you have already completed the main argument, you are done with the work. The readers should be satisfied after reading the conclusion. It should look like a full circle that starts from the introduction and ends with a befitting conclusion. The conclusion also works as a call to action. Let’s check what a compelling conclusion should contain:

  • Clarified answer to ‘so what’.
  • It starts with a transition from the previous paragraph.
  • Insert a forceful version of your thesis idea. You can include it with more engaging words in the conclusion.

If you want better clarification about the purpose of writing an essay conclusion, feel free to hire the experts associated with MyAssignmentHelp.

3 Easy Steps to Write Effective Conclusions for Essay

While writing an introduction and body is a great deal, the ending note is as important. Here are the 3 steps to writing an effective conclusion for an essay:

Rephrase the Thesis Statement:

Begin the conclusion by reaffirming the thesis idea to show how you proved it. You can review the key points and explain to the reader why the information is relevant and applicable to your essay.

Conclude Your Argument in 3-4 Sentences:

Here, you need to summarize main points and arguments within 3-4 sentences. It is the evidence which you show to your readers. Simply listing the evidence will not work. So try to explain adequately.

End with an Engaging Content:

Suddenly, leaving a topic in the middle of writing does not make any sense. End your essay with a proper statement so that your reader thinks about what you have written. You can follow the following techniques to create an enhancing conclusion:

  • Include call-to-action like ‘read this’, ‘know more’, and ‘click here.’
  • End with a warning like ‘if you don’t grab the opportunity, you are going to miss something’.
  • Engaging image that motivates readers.
  • You can compare your topic with something universal.
  • Include a compelling quote.

Examples of College Essay Conclusions

Are you wondering what to say now in conclusion, as you have already explained everything?

Conclusion is the benchmark for the strength of your overall essay. It is not always necessary to summarize the entire essay you have written above. A college essay ends with a sense of closure and a strong final impression. A few examples are here to keep in mind:

Leave the Essay with a Thought-

An essay starts with a new idea, new arguments, and new insight. But when we end it, we simply summarize everything that we explained in the body paragraph. But, to make the essay more engaging, you can include questions that will create a thought in the reader’s mind. Write the conclusion with broader implications so that you can impress an academic counsellor to get admission to your dream college.

For example:

‘ ‘In conclusion,

….According to a study by the ‘American Association of Colleges of Nursing’, more than 256,578 students enrolled from 2001-2021. Nursing is considered one of the most valued occupations in all over the world. Students get overwhelmed when they aren’t able to manage their studies or choose dissertation topics. Selecting the right nursing dissertation topic is a crucial step toward academic and professional development. Choose a topic according to your interest, available resources, and field of study so that you can showcase your passion for nursing. Nursing contributes to the advancement of healthcare practices. Do you want more topics about the nursing field? ”

Include a ‘Lesson Learned’ Statement

One of the best things that you can include in your college essay is a lesson-learned statement. You can show your admission officers about challenging life events through your writing. It is an excellent practice to present yourself as a strong candidate.

Start like this:’ ….This is the best thing I have experienced this year. This incident has given me a new perspective on life and made me a stronger person.

Don’t Include Fancy Words 

While writing college essays, it is always better to be clear than to be fancy. Nobody is asking to write a fairy tale. Admission officers would like facts, data, and current information rather than fancy words. Including fancy words does not mean that you write well. What you need to focus more on is writing straightforwardly. Start with a good introduction and thesis statement, explain everything in the body paragraph, describe and explain, and conclude with a clear purpose for the future.

‘……According to the Best Global Universities, the University of London has ranked #12. Schools are ranked for their academic p[performance, infrastructure, faculty quality, extracurricular activities and overall reputation.

Save Some Content for the End:

Sometimes, it is helpful to save something for the end. An essay starts with an idea and continues through a body paragraph, example, evidence, analysis and a lot more. But if you can convert the writing process into cyclical mode, you can create a great impression for the reader.

Say, you are writing an argumentative essay. You have written everything about high school requirements before entering college to increase global maturity. You have already wrapped up everything in the body. Now, what will you write in the concluding paragraph? Keep a few points in mind that can remind the reader about the passage. It will help them connect with what you have written from the beginning.

The main purpose of your college essay is to show your authenticity in the writing process.

What to Avoid in Your Concluding Paragraph

According to the University Of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the ending part provides you the last chance to write about the subject. It allows you to write your final say about the issues that you raised in your academic paper.

Let’s check a few examples which you need to avoid in your ending paragraph:

An Abrupt Conclusion:

The expectation for the conclusion varies on the subject and is based on university guidelines. To conclude the paragraph, try to answer the question of ‘so what’ in your essay. Your essay is the expression of your writing as a whole, so don’t let it be without stating your thoughts clearly.

Absence of Focus:

A lack of focus in conclusion is often seen. Some so many students think that “I have already included all the information in the body of the essay. So, there is nothing to include in the conclusion’. That is a completely wrong concept. It is the section that wraps up with relevant information, argument, and analysis.

Adding New Information:

Adding new points and information in the conclusion is not the right practice. You can summarize the thesis statements and include them here, or you can suggest a direction for future research.

Irrelevant Words:

Including irrelevant words weakens the concluding paragraph and disappoints the reader. Include ambiguous sentences at the end of the essay. This will enhance the quality of the essay and give you scope to support your argument with its importance.

In Conclusion,

The introduction and conclusion are the places that allow the writer to explain the overall significance of an essay. The introduction explains the thesis idea and the conclusion states the achievement of the essay. Both constitute the frame of the essay by providing the first and last opportunities to impress the reader. In this blog, we have discussed the entire writing of an essay conclusion. As it is an important part of an essay, it provides closure for the reader while expressing the importance of an essay. It reminds me of the main purpose and argument. 

How Can MyAssignmentHelp Help You with Your Essay?

MyAssignmenmtHelp is the world’s no 1 assignment help service. We are connected with the world’s top stalwarts and academic leaders. If you have any doubts related to persuasive essays or narrative essay writing , you can contact our essay pros. Our executives are available 24*7 to clarify your doubts. We provide essay writing services of all types. So, whether you need an expository essay , a descriptive essay or an argumentative essay online , you will get the best essay help you need. 

Choose our academic writing service to ace your grade and shine in the world of academics.

Alice Anderson

Alice Anderson

Hi, I am Alice Anderson, a full-time academic writer at ABC and an essay writing expert at My struggles as a non-native English speaking student taught me the most effective ways to deal with English essays and assignments in the most fruitful ways. Now, as a full-time academic writer, specializing in English essay writing, I help non-native students tackle their English essays like a pro. I am an active blogger who likes sharing his learning and experiences with everyone. I like to spend my free time with my furry friend "Balto". Yes, you guessed that right! I am a die-hard dog-lover!

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Writing the Best conclusion for assignment: Pointers and Samples.

  • July 23, 2024
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statement of purpose

Are you trying to understand how to write an assignment conclusion that will leave a lasting impact? We are here to help as we are sharing ways in which you can write an impressive one and score excellent grades. 

What is conclusion for assignment?

  • Understanding the need for a conclusion for assignment:

How to write an impactful conclusion in assignment?

What are the various forms of a conclusion for assignment, where are the details that need to be covered in a conclusion for assignment, what should you not do when preparing a conclusion for assignment.

  • Example of a good conclusion for an assignment
  • Effective words or phrases to write an impactful conclusion in assignment

A conclusion for assignment is an important part of your paper as it adds more meaning to it at the end. To master the technique of how to write assignment conclusion, you must relate it to your topic and provide solutions to the issues discussed in your paper. This also adds a sense of completion to your assignment. 

Understanding the need for a conclusion for assignment

The role of a conclusion for assignment is vital as it displays your understanding of the topic. It also shows your writing skills effectively to your teachers. 

statement of purpose

 A conclusion for assignment writing requires specific guidelines for creating a positive impact. Here are some pointers on how to write a conclusion in an assignment: 

Make your conclusion stand out :

Your conclusion is a separate part of your assignment’s structure. If you write it with your main body, then it can create some confusion for your readers. 

Select suitable words:

As it is the end of your assignment, you will have to choose words that will show that you are writing a conclusion to your main arguments. 

Use your introduction:

For this, you will have to connect your assignment conclusion to its introduction. By doing so, you create a complete structure for your paper. 

Summarize key points:

This is one of the main functions of a conclusion for assignment, as it is used to reinforce the ideas you are presenting to your readers. 

Write a memorable closing sentence:

By doing so, you will be able to create a lasting impression on your reader. It must be connected to your given topic. 

Review your main body:

In your conclusion for assignment, you can also analyse the key points of your main body, so that it adds to the summary you are providing. 

statement of purpose

A conclusion for assignment can be of different types, based on the requirements of the topic you are writing on. They are as follows: 


This type is where you write a short version of your main ideas and important points of your assignment, with no extra details about them.  


In this type of conclusion, you have the space of writing your opinions about the topic, so that your readers can understand your viewpoints. 


Here, the conclusion includes additional information or research, which shows the potential for further research and studies on the topic, for the reference of the readers. 

Your conclusion for assignment is all about the right details, so that it can have a constructive outlook. The following are points that you should remember while writing: 

  • Maintain a positive tone in your conclusion to add more significance to your research. 
  • Focus on important points in your assignment conclusion for more emphasis. 
  • Your conclusion should effectively close your assignment as it is important for your reader’s point of view.
  • Condense and outline the essential parts of your assignment. 
  • Highlight your thesis in the conclusion so that you can show how you have proved it in your assignment.
  • Add points on how your readers can look at other literature and sources without removing the focus on your assignment. 
  • Mention how your assignment and research are going to contribute to your academic field. 

Mistakes can be problematic when it comes to your academic writing. With the following points, you can understand how to write assignment conclusion by avoiding major errors. 

  • Steer clear of introducing new points or concepts in your conclusion, as they are meant for your assignment’s body. 
  • Match the conclusion’s tone to that of your assignment’s structure. This uniformity will make it easier to read.  
  • Do not words that do add any meaning to your conclusion, such as “in conclusion”, “in summary” or “in closing”. We have listed words that you can instead of these. 
  • Do not write a short conclusion, as you will not get the opportunity to include important points. 
  • Check your paper for errors instead of apologizing for them. The latter will take away the trust of you being a genuine writer or researcher. 

Example of a good conclusion for an assignment:

In this section, we present an Example of conclusion for assignment, so that you can write yours better. However, you should not copy it for your purposes. 

Upon consideration of the facts discussed, we can say that the potential of Artificial Intelligence is transformative in nature and can positively impact the growth of several sectors. Through the examination of its compelling evidence, it is clear that AI will be driving innovation in years to come. Bearing all this in mind, it is essential that we assess the ethical implications of the use of AI, and how its implementation can be monitored for future progress. Therefore, this assignment highlights the need for further research and collaboration to harness the various possibilities of AI and recognize its associated issues, which can benefit people at large.

Effective words or phrases to write an impactful conclusion in assignment:

Choosing the right words is key to writing an effective conclusion for assignment. Here we present a list of words that you can use to ace your conclusion:

  • In conclusion
  • To summarize
  • Bearing all this in mind
  • In view of this information
  • On close analysis
  • Upon consideration of the facts discussed
  • At this point, it seems clear that
  • Before concluding

Through the different sections of this blog, we have covered all the essential aspects of how to write assignment conclusion. We wish you the best in your assignments and hope that your efforts result in excellent marks for you. 

If you like our work or have any suggestions, we would like to hear from you. Also, do remember to share this blog with your friends so that they can use it for academic assignments. 

Is it possible to write my Conclusion for assignment in a couple of sentences?

It is possible to keep your conclusion for assignment short. However, we would recommend that it be longer than two sentences, so that you can cover all your important points.

How to write assignment conclusion?

You can write a conclusion for assignment by following a structured approach of summarizing your key points while providing a direction for solutions to the topic you are addressing. 

What makes a complete sentence in a conclusion?

A complete sentence in a conclusion is a precise statement about a key point of your assignment topic, that reinforces your argument. It should be impactful for the reader. 

How can I ensure that I write a good conclusion for assignment?

You can write a good conclusion for assignment by being concise in your approach and connecting it to your main points in your introduction and body. This will ensure it adds to the structure of your assignment. 

How to start a conclusion in an assignment?

You can start your conclusion for assignment by reiterating the relevance of your topic. This concludes the body effectively as it highlights your research better. 

Do we need to write any questions in the Conclusion for assignment?

Questions are unnecessary as you should avoid using new ideas in your conclusion for assignment. However, you can use thought-provoking statements about your topic that will resonate with your readers. 

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></center></p><h2>A Guide to Writing Steller Conclusion for Assignment</h2><ul><li>January 2, 2024</li></ul><h2>Related Services</h2><ul><li>Academic Writing Services</li><li>Admission Essay Writing Service</li><li>SOP Writing Services</li><li>Assignment Writing Services</li><li>Personal Statement Writing Service</li><li>Resume Writing Services</li><li>LOR Writing Service</li><li>Motivation Letter Writing Service</li><li>Coursework Help</li><li>Thesis Help</li><li>Dissertation Help</li><li>Homework Help</li><li>Term Paper Writing Services</li><li>Essay Writing Services</li></ul><h2>Assignment Help in India</h2><ul><li>Assignment Help in Bangalore</li><li>Assignment Writing Services in Kerala</li><li>Assignment Writing Services in Delhi</li></ul><h2>Assignment Help Abroad</h2><ul><li>Assignment Help USA</li><li>Assignment Help in UK</li><li>Assignment Help in Canada</li><li>Assignment Help in New Zealand</li><li>Assignment Help in Dubai</li><li>Assignment Help Germany</li><li>Assignment Help in Singapore</li><li>Assignment Help in Australia</li><li>Assignment Help Netherlands</li><li>Assignment Help Italy</li><li>Ireland Assignment Help</li></ul><h2>Assignment Help - Subjects</h2><ul><li>Management Assignment Help</li><li>MBA Assignment Help</li><li>HRM Assignment Help</li><li>Nursing Assignment Help</li><li>Science Assignment Help</li><li>Law Assignment Help</li><li>Economics Assignment Help</li><li>Medical Assignment Help</li><li>Marketing Assignment Help</li><li>Engineering Assignment Help</li><li>Project Management Assignment Help</li><li>Strategic Management Assignment Help</li><li>Hospitality Management Assignment Help</li><li>Operations Management Assignment Help</li></ul><h2>Table of Contents</h2><p>If you are reading this blog, you are either facing an issue with writing a conclusion for assignment or just trying to understand assignment writing generally. In either case, this blog will help you. By reading this blog, you will understand: </p><ul><li>What is the conclusion for assignment? </li><li>How to write conclusion for an assignment? </li><li>Examples of assignment conclusions. </li></ul><h2>What is a Conclusion for Assignment?</h2><p>A conclusion in an assignment is the summary of the entire assignment. It briefly tells what the assignment is all about, what key areas are discussed and what findings have been brought by it. The conclusion justifies and reiterates the thesis statement that the introduction brought forth. </p><h2>Role of a Conclusion in Assignment</h2><p>Concluding an assignment logically is very important as the reader is more likely to consider the conclusion as the key takeaway. Hence, the conclusion must have certain qualities and attributes should it be impactful. Here, let’s try to discover the role of a conclusion in an assignment. </p><p>Anjit VS is an experienced content writer, documentation expert and brand consultant based in India. His biggest service offering specialty is the customization grounded on quality, creativity, and client-value. You can contact for any content writing, graphic designing, branding and other similar services. Anjit VS and his team offer services globally regardless of the size and type of projects.</p><p><center><img style=

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How to write a Good Conclusion?

What is the conclusion.

Conclusions are frequently viewed as the most challenging section of an essay to write. They are, nevertheless, one of the most critical components of work because they bring clarity and insight into the subject. We’ll guide you on how to write a conclusion and offer you an outline to utilize in your next essay in this article.

The conclusion section is your last chance to convince your readers to agree with you and to make an impression on them as an expert writer. And the impression you leave with your readers after they’ve finished the essay will be shaped by the impression you leave with them in the conclusion. As a result, the conclusion of an essay should express a sense of completion and end for the subject.

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In a research paper, essay, or article, the conclusion is the closing piece of writing that summarizes the entire topic’s efforts. The conclusion paragraph should restate your thesis statement, review the major supporting concepts covered throughout the paper, and give your last thoughts on the central idea. The main idea of your topic should also be included in this final summary. The “so what” is addressed in the conclusion by emphasizing the essay’s argument and providing the reader with a solution and query into the subject matter that supports why they should care.

Outline of the conclusion

  • The first sentence

                                            The Thesis statement is rephrased with an original topic sentence.

  • Supporting sentences

                                            Summarize the important arguments in the body of the essay

                                            Explain how the concepts fit together.

  • Closing sentence

                                           Returns to the beginning

                                           Brings the story to a close


How to write a Conclusion Paragraph?

Every type of writing ends with a conclusion. When a reader reaches the end of your work, a good conclusion paragraph can change their minds, and knowing how to create a complete, interesting conclusion can improve the effectiveness of your writing.

  • You’ll leave your reader with a concluding paragraph that “wraps up” your essay.
  • It displays to the reader that you have completed what you set out to do
  • It explains how you have proven your thesis statement
  • It’s the total opposite of the first paragraph of your essay.
  • Keep in mind that the starting of your conclusion begins generic and finishes specifically.

How to write a Conclusion for An Essay?

The final paragraph of your paper is the conclusion. A good conclusion tries to tie together the essay’s main ideas, demonstrate why your argument is important, and make a lasting impact on the reader. Your conclusion should provide your argument a sense of closure and completion while simultaneously demonstrating what new issues or possibilities it has raised.

So, if we utilize shapes to show the content of the essay, it would look like this:

Conclusion for An Essay

  • Your thesis statement should be summarized in your topic sentence.
  • Rephrase the thesis statement to reflect a new and deeper understanding.
  • Your concluding sentences should restate what you’ve already expressed in your essay’s body.
  • In the conclusion paragraph, summarize the theme of each body paragraph.

Knowing how to write a good conclusion is relatively apparent, depending on the length of your essay—you don’t want to simply summarize everything you wrote. Rather, the ending should provide a sense of conclusiveness while also addressing the topic’s meaning and potential. 

Here are five crucial points to consider when creating a good conclusion that will stay with the reader:

  • Start with a topic sentence . The first sentence in a conclusion should always be a topic sentence. Restating your opening paragraph’s thesis in the first line of your conclusion is a good method to remind the reader of the main topic.
  • As a starting point, refer to your introduction paragraph . The thesis statement from your introduction, as well as supporting points, emotional request, and final impression, should all be included in the conclusion paragraph. When writing your conclusion, use the introduction as a guide, but don’t rewrite it with different wording.
  • Write a summary of the important points . Effective conclusions will repeat the most appropriate material in order to summarize the paper’s main point. Because academic essays and research papers can be extensive, a quick overview of all your supporting points should be included in your final paragraph to keep the reader up to date. It’s best not to use new facts, future research, or fresh concepts, as this may cause the reader to become confused.
  • Attracts the emotions of the reader . A good conclusion will use emotional language to inspire the reader with a powerful, long-lasting image. Using an emotional attraction to reinforce your main ideas is also a good idea.
  • Finish with a sentence . Your concluding line should wrap up your entire work with a synthesis of important details. Write your concluding argument concisely and clearly, giving the reader closure while also leaving them with a strong feeling of its significance in a greater perspective.

How to write a Research Paper Conclusion?

The conclusion of a research paper is the section that links everything together in a logical manner. A conclusion, as the final section of a research paper, gives a clear explanation of your research’s findings in a way that emphasizes the value of your research.

You can use the stages below to help you start drafting your conclusion:

  • Instead of summarizing, synthesize

Restating the Introduction

Changing the reader’s focus.

  • Explain the importance of the findings.

Posing Questions

Bring your ideas to a close..

conclusion for the assignment

Instead of summarizing, Synthesize

Your research paper’s conclusion is not a summary. While a summary can be included in this part, the conclusion is more than just a restatement of your arguments and analysis. Rather than repeating what you discussed in the abstract, introduction, and body of your study, show the reader how the important arguments of your research paper fit together in a logical way.

The way to write the conclusion brings your reader full idea by including the same components you used in your introduction. Retelling the main idea you mentioned in your introduction while establishing a fresh understanding of the issue based on the outcomes of your study that validates your arguments and/or assumptions is an example of how you can restate your introduction.

After bringing readers into your study through your introduction and immersing them in your techniques, analysis, and results, your conclusion serves as a bridge back to the real world. Changing your reader’s focus is a technique to encourage them to implement what they’ve learned from your research study in real life. This approach can also be used to propose a path of action for additional research on a current problem.

Explain the importance of the findings

You might consider the significance of these ideas after presenting the key arguments for your topic. After expressing your key points in your argument, you might discuss how the effects of your topic influence a given result. Similarly, you could provide the conclusions of research or other findings that can help you emphasize the importance of your knowledge.

The motivation for the research is a set of questions. Posing questions to your readers or to the public can assist them in obtaining a new perspective on the topic that they might not have had before reading your conclusion. It could also bring your major points together to form or develop a new idea based on your research.

As you near the end of your conclusion, consider including a call to action or a suggestion that encourages your readers to think about your argument further. This line can also be used to answer any questions that were left unanswered in your paper’s body paragraphs.

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How To Do a Conclusion in Assignment

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To make your work excellent, and most importantly remembered, it must be well finished. You need to know how to do conclusion in assignment . If you write a brilliant final, no one will keep in mind that in the introduction you made mistakes or wrote some unclear statements. We will tell you about how to make a conclusion for a university assignment ideal and what is a conclusion in an assignment.

Types of Conclusions

Let’s figure out what types of conclusions for assignment are available so that you can choose the most pleasant option for yourself.

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  • The first one is a rhetorical question. This is suitable for an essay that was written in a question-answer form.
  • The next one is the summary. This type of conclusion is classical, and it is a simple summary of the results, through generalization. The mentioned above type appeals to the reader in order to encourage him or her to act.
  • The citation is like the introduction. Conclusions can be ended with a quote from the famous person.
  • The open final is the type of attachment which can only be used if all the work you have done is extremely of a high quality.
  • The last one is a ring composition. Put a relevant question in the introduction of the essay, and in the end, answer it. It will be very harmonious and keep your reader in suspense from the very beginning.

There is such a tendency — the things that were told at the end are best remembered. That’s why experts advise to write the conclusion for assignment of all types of work most carefully. With the essay, the situation is exactly the same. Even if you did not get the most outstanding work, try to make every effort to conclude it well. This will brighten the overall picture.

Requirements for the Final Part of the Essay

The conclusion for assignment should be written in such a way that the reader could understand everything what has already been said and there is nothing more to talk about. The conclusion should be capacious and concise. It must follow the idea of the main text logically. It should be understood easily from the text and be stylistically similar. The final part of the essay can be written in different ways.

Here are some types that you can use in an essay:

  • Summarizing the author’s position. This is the most common type of detention. The author simply briefly retells the main idea.
  • A rhetorical question is one of the types of summary. The author starts with a question that smoothly flows into the main idea.
  • A call to the reader is also an interesting one. In conclusion, you can refer to the reader and inspire him or her to change something in life.
  • Use of the quote is a rather difficult option, because not every quote can come up to your essay.
  • Open final. This type can only be used if the main part is written at the proper level. For this conclusion, try to write an essay so that the reader has a sense of redundancy.
  • Ring composition looks interesting and complete. For example, if in the introduction to the essay you raised a question, it is appropriate to give an answer to it in conclusion. This is only a little information about what type of attachment there is.
An introduction and conclusion should not take more than 25% of all work.

Schematically, your essay should be similar to the shape of a circle, i.e., must be closed. In the final part, it is necessary, to sum up all that has been said, to make a generalization in a form of an ending. Like the introduction, the conclusion should be organically connected with the main text.

The conclusion is one of the most important sections of coursework. It summarizes that the work is done, which reflects the details throughout the text, contains conclusions and proposes, describes the possible development of the ongoing research. In order to correctly and competently write a diploma and get excellent results, it is also necessary to approach the elaboration of the ending very responsibly.

Tips for Preparing a Good Ending

It is also vital to know how to make a conclusion for a university assignment. In our article, we’ll give you some helpful tips to take into account when writing your diplomas and coursework:

  • Conclusion and Introduction are closely interconnected. The introduction shows the purposes of your work, but the results are reflected in the conclusion of the assignment.
  • When writing the conclusion, you can make the task easier by writing at the end of each chapter a brief content of the material outlined. If you did this, then you just need to gather together the conclusions made earlier and summarize them. You can also reflect the further development of the area you are exploring.
  • In addition, all the results of joint research must be collected in conclusion: both theoretical and practical. Do not hesitate to write something new that you will know or what you met when writing a job. The conclusion combines the results obtained in the course of theoretical and practical study of the topic.
  • You summarize everything in the final part of the work. When performing any calculations everything should be reasonable, and if you were engaged in the study of some literary works, then your point of view should also be reflected. All conclusions should not be unfounded and dry. Speech must be alive and interesting. Your listeners should understand what you are talking about, and also see that it’s interesting to you and you have tried to do your job perfectly.
  • In volume the written material is not more than 2-3 pages, the conclusions made by you are concise and understandable. It is not necessary to accompany them with detailed descriptions — all this is reflected in the main part.

These rules show how the conclusion of the scientific work should be written. It is one of the most important parts of any work, and that is why it is significant to know how to do a conclusion in the assignment. We hope that you understand how to write a good conclusion for an assignment and now you will be able to finish your assignment quickly and efficiently.

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In school, universities and other academic institutions students are given assignments to work on- it can be reading a book,  writing an essay , producing a review of a movie that you watched recently or visited someplace during summer vacation etc. Assignments can be regarding anything. Teachers mark the students with grade ‘A’ only when the essay starts and ends well providing all the necessary information.

Constructing a good beginning and conclusion is difficult because it requires a lot of time, effort, and skill.  The introduction of the assignment should give a clear notion of what the assignment is about. The concluding must end briefly as it defines the whole topic. A good conclusion strengthens your argument and summarises how you have proven its validity. General points to remember To write an interesting essay, your content must be according to the above-discussed points or else contradictory points can show that you have poor writing skills.  Try to bring more effective thoughts to support your argument and have a critical approach throughout your essay. 1) Summarise it properly:  Summarise your argument and highlight the main point. The main idea is to satisfy the reader by putting the argument forward, stating facts or theory to prove your point. All this must be done briefly and not with a lengthy paragraph. The essence of every paragraph must be written in short and discuss them to the point instead of beating around the bush.

2) Asking questions: Some writers make their entire essay just about giving information to the reader. Ending your argument with a question is a good way of making a reading stick to the topic.

3) Accuracy: Aim for accuracy and originality of your conclusion. If your points are equivalent to the previous ones you must provide the reader why your research and arguments are original.

4) Make it interesting:  Don’t make your assignment boring by simply talking about facts. Add some interesting anecdotes or examples. Nobody likes to read a vague and plain assignment, add elements that will lighten as well occupy the reader.

5) Use simple language:  One thing that everybody must keep in mind while framing an effective conclusion – use a simple language. In order to  make your assignment  look high-ended, simple language is suggested and not the high quotient language.Using a flowery language without any knowledge of it will simply create a poor image of your grammar skill. Before using any jargons do a proper research and understand in which context it can be used.

6) The sense of balance: Conclude your sentence so that it is compound or parallel in structure. Such sentences can initiate a sense of balance or order that may feel just correct at the end of a complex discussion.

7) Give Warning: You need to archive it in your mind that inducing bright image can increase the interest of the reader. If your script is based on instructing or spreading awareness give proper warning to the readers.

8) Meaningful ending: End your scripture on a positive note. Do not depress your reader on some tragic incident that you plan to add at the end. The word “ conclusion” very well states- producing suitable settlement or closure to your arguments and not ending it on an incomplete note or on a negative thought. Readers like to see essays ended in a meaningful way.

9) Universalise: Compare or differentiate your ideas or your main argument on the basis of something that the reader can relate to. Try to make a connection.

10) Suggest results: Your conclusion is based on what your topic is and what kind of main ideas and points you are going to put forth. Indicate the effect your idea can bring if supported.

11) Conclusion based on topic: Every assignment that you write needs to be ended properly but it often depends on the subject matter of your essay. So if it’s a literary paper – end it with reference to a book that was noteworthy and paint a picture with sensory details.

Points that you must avoid:

To write an effective conclusion you must avoid the following steps:.

*Don’t simply summarise your essay. Summarise and put your main point forward if your essay is long. Short essays do not require a restatement of your main ideas.

*Avoid phrases like “ to conclude “ or “ to sum up “. Such phrases are used in oral representations. Readers can see when the assignment is about to end by the number of pages. You’ll irritate your readers if you hit the obvious.

*Avoid apologizing for your opinions or views by saying “ I may not be an expert” or “ at least this is my opinion”. The readers, in the end, will feel as though they have wasted their time on something which does not give them accurate information simply because the writer isn’t confident of what he/she has expressed.

*Don’t focus on minor points of less importance, concentrate on the bigger points which have an impact on your assignment. *Avoid using harsh words and informal vocabulary.

*Avoid repeating phrases or words.

*Avoid incomplete sentences. Your closing statement should help the reader feel a sense of closure.

*Do not include new arguments, ideas or information that is not related to the topic in the conclusion.

* Many writers fail to meet the objectives of the essay that they are writing. Try stating those points that meet the objective of your essay. Don’t let your essay dangle in ambiguity

A Perfect Conclusion for Assignment That You Should Know

Conclusions are the end of any writing. A good concluding paragraph can change a readers’ mind when they reach the end of the writing. Take it as a cinema, after watching the whole film, if we find that the climax is not up to the mark, and then it disappoints us. Same thing happens with our writing. The main motive of adding a good conclusion is to engage your reader in your writing. Below we have mentioned the perfect conclusion for assignments; I hope it will help you.

  • You should start the conclusion with the topic of your writing. you need to give a reminder to your readers by restating the thesis from the very beginning of your writing.
  • Whatever you have added in the introductory paragraph you need to emphasize it in the conclusion. It must clarify all the points that you have already discussed in the introduction.
  • A perfect conclusion must contain the main ideas of your writing. There are various types of writing like essays, research, and thesis that can be lengthy, so you need to add all the essential points as a brief summary in the conclusion.
  • The tone of your writing should be appealing so that readers can easily relate them with it. You need to write the conclusion in such a way that it must have a long effect on the readers’ mind.
  • Don’t leave the conclusion without writing the closing sentence. Your concluding sentence should include all the key points that you want to include. It must give a strong impression upon the readers’ mind.

Conclusion Images in the Assignments

Besides writing the whole assignment with superior quality content, you need to add a good conclusion too, so that it may draw readers’ attention to your writing. Before writing it, you may feel it is a difficult job, but as you start planning ahead, you’ll find it’s undoubtedly an easier job than you think. The conclusion image of your assignment should include a brief summary of the topic, outline or overview of the topic, argument that you want to establish throughout the writing, final statement etc. As you have finished writing, you need to revise your conclusion so that it becomes effective.

How Final Effective Conclusion Should be

After completing the whole assignment if you don’t add a conclusion then your assignment becomes incomplete. So, adding an effective conclusion is necessary to make your writing perfect. But before writing it, you should know how the final effective conclusion should be. Below we have discussed it in details:

  • You must restate the thesis in your conclusion. You need to bring your reader in the main point of your writing through your conclusion so that they can clearly relate it with the topic.
  • You need to include all the supportive points that you want to establish in your assignments. You can add your own opinion and views in it. But don’t repeat the same lines; instead summarize the main idea in the conclusion.
  • A perfect conclusion paragraph must have a connection between the opening statement and the ending statement.
  • Don’t create doubts or questions in the reader’s mind throughout the conclusion. You need to give proper solutions or answers of questions so that the thirst of readers can easily be satiated.
  • While writing, don’t include a new idea in the conclusion.
  • You need to maintain a proper balance in the writing. the tone that you are using in your assignment , must follow it in your conclusion too.
  • Your conclusion must be unique. Don’t use the contemporary words like ‘in closing, ‘in conclusion’ etc. at the beginning of the conclusion. Try something different to draw the reader’s mind.
  • The approach of your conclusion must be positive.


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Unlocking the Secrets to A+ Essays: A Student’s Guide to Using Study Guides Effectively

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Crafting an exceptional essay is a cornerstone of academic success. Whether you’re working on a high school assignment or tackling a college-level paper, the ability to write a compelling essay can set you apart. At eNotes, we understand that the journey from a rough draft to a polished A+ essay can be challenging. That’s why we’re here to help you unlock the secrets to top-notch essays using our comprehensive study guides and resources.

Understanding the Assignment

Before diving into your essay, it’s crucial to fully understand the assignment. This includes grasping the prompt, identifying key themes, and knowing what is expected. Our study guides are designed to break down complex topics and offer clear explanations. For instance, if you’re writing about Shakespeare’s Macbeth , our study guide will help you dissect the themes of ambition and power, providing a solid foundation for your essay.

Explore our Macbeth Study Guide for detailed insights into key themes and character analysis. Or view all our study guides and find the one you need.

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Structuring Your Essay

A well-structured essay is easier to read and understand. Begin with a strong thesis statement that outlines your main argument. Then, organize your essay into clear sections: introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Our study guides offer sample essay outlines and templates to help you plan effectively.

Check out our Essay Structure Guide for templates and tips on organizing your thoughts.

Crafting a Compelling Argument

An A+ essay is built on a strong argument supported by evidence. Whether you’re analyzing a literary text or discussing a historical event, presenting clear arguments and backing them up with solid evidence is key. Our resources include guides on constructing arguments, using evidence, and integrating quotes seamlessly.

Discover our Argumentation Guide to learn how to build and support your thesis effectively.

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Writing an exceptional essay doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With the right tools and resources, you can transform your writing process and achieve outstanding results. Explore eNotes for comprehensive study guides, essay templates, and expert tips that will take your essay writing skills to the next level.

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American Psychological Association

APA Style for beginners

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Then check out some frequently asked questions:

What is APA Style?

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APA Style is the most common writing style used in college and career. Its purpose is to promote excellence in communication by helping writers create clear, precise, and inclusive sentences with a straightforward scholarly tone. It addresses areas of writing such as how to

  • format a paper so it looks professional;
  • credit other people’s words and ideas via citations and references to avoid plagiarism; and
  • describe other people with dignity and respect using inclusive, bias-free language.

APA Style is primarily used in the behavioral sciences, which are subjects related to people, such as psychology, education, and nursing. It is also used by students in business, engineering, communications, and other classes. Students use it to write academic essays and research papers in high school and college, and professionals use it to conduct, report, and publish scientific research .

High school students need to learn how to write concisely, precisely, and inclusively so that they are best prepared for college and career. Here are some of the reasons educators have chosen APA Style:

  • APA Style is the style of choice for the AP Capstone program, the fastest growing AP course, which requires students to conduct and report independent research.
  • APA Style helps students craft written responses on standardized tests such as the SAT and ACT because it teaches students to use a direct and professional tone while avoiding redundancy and flowery language.
  • Most college students choose majors that require APA Style or allow APA Style as an option. It can be overwhelming to learn APA Style all at once during the first years of college; starting APA Style instruction in high school sets students up for success.

High school students may also be interested in the TOPSS Competition for High School Psychology Students , an annual competition from the APA Teachers of Psychology in Secondary Schools for high school students to create a short video demonstrating how a psychological topic has the potential to benefit their school and/or local community and improve people’s lives.

Most people are first introduced to APA Style by reading works written in APA Style. The following guides will help with that:

Handout explaining how journal articles are structured and how to become more efficient at reading and understanding them

Handout exploring the definition and purpose of abstracts and the benefits of reading them, including analysis of a sample abstract

Many people also write research papers or academic essays in APA Style. The following resources will help with that:

Guidelines for setting up your paper, including the title page, font, and sample papers

More than 100 reference examples of various types, including articles, books, reports, films, social media, and webpages

Handout comparing example APA Style and MLA style citations and references for four common reference types (journal articles, books, edited book chapters, and webpages and websites)

Handout explaining how to understand and avoid plagiarism

Checklist to help students write simple student papers (typically containing a title page, text, and references) in APA Style

Handout summarizing APA’s guidance on using inclusive language to describe people with dignity and respect, with resources for further study

Free tutorial providing an overview of all areas of APA Style, including paper format, grammar and usage, bias-free language, punctuation, lists, italics, capitalization, spelling, abbreviations, number use, tables and figures, and references

Handout covering three starter areas of APA Style: paper format, references and citations, and inclusive language

Instructors will also benefit from using the following APA Style resources:

Recording of a webinar conducted in October 2023 to refresh educators’ understanding of the basics of APA Style, help them avoid outdated APA Style guidelines (“zombie guidelines”), debunk APA Style myths (“ghost guidelines”), and help students learn APA Style with authoritative resources

Recording of a webinar conducted in May 2023 to help educators understand how to prepare high school students to use APA Style, including the relevance of APA Style to high school and how students’ existing knowledge MLA style can help ease the transition to APA Style (register for the webinar to receive a link to the recording)

Recording of a webinar conducted in September 2023 to help English teachers supplement their own APA Style knowledge, including practical getting-started tips to increase instructor confidence, the benefits of introducing APA Style in high school and college composition classes, some differences between MLA and APA Style, and resources to prepare students for their future in academic writing

Poster showing the three main principles of APA Style: clarity, precision, and inclusion

A 30-question activity to help students practice using the APA Style manual and/or APA Style website to look up answers to common questions

In addition to all the free resources on this website, APA publishes several products that provide comprehensive information about APA Style:

The official APA Style resource for students, covering everything students need to know to write in APA Style

The official source for APA Style, containing everything in the plus information relevant to conducting, reporting, and publishing psychological research

APA Style’s all-digital workbook with interactive questions and graded quizzes to help you learn and apply the basic principles of APA Style and scholarly writing; integrates with popular learning management systems, allowing educators to track and understand student progress

APA’s online learning platform with interactive lessons about APA Style and academic writing, reference management, and tools to create and format APA Style papers

The APA Style team is interested in developing additional resources appropriate for a beginner audience. If you have resources you would like to share, or feedback on this topic, please contact the APA Style team . 

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Body Paragraph for an Essay: Purpose, Components, Steps & Tips

Ways to Write Body Paragraph for an Essay

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What Is a Body Paragraph? Its Purpose!

Components of strong body paragraphs, how to write the body of an essay 9 tips, need help for your essay we can help.

Body paragraphs are a common thread that runs through many forms of writing, from journals to academic essays. By learning more about how to write engaging body paragraphs, you can feel more connected to the larger writing community, all while supporting your project's central idea. But many of you find it difficult or get stuck with writing the body of an essay. Not anymore! We, Global Assignment Help, are all set to help you with it in the best way.

Moreover, this blog will help you learn about the meaning and purpose and tips on writing and components. Our experts know what information is crucial for you to write a fantastic body essay. So, go through this till the end and excel in your academic grades. So, let's get started with the definition and purpose.

The body paragraph, a crucial element of a part of the essay, follows the introduction and precedes the conclusion. Here, you illuminate and discuss the main topics, supporting them with logical and proper evidence, strengthening their importance. Furthermore, the body paragraphs in an essay outnumber the other two parts, necessitating a clear and concise explanation. Now, after learning its meaning, let's discuss its purpose.

Purpose of Body Paragraph

  • Go through the points below and understand the purpose of writing a solid body in an essay. Let's begin
  • It elaborates on a specific idea that supports the central essay's main thesis.
  • Here, the body paragraph comes to life with The inclusion of examples, evidence, and counterarguments.
  • These elements deepen the discussion and provide a comprehensive view of the topic.
  • The body paragraph organizes and logically organizes the content of the essay and ensures clarity and coherence.
  • The body paragraph seamlessly connects every thought in the essay by adding transitions. This ensures a smooth and uninterrupted reading experience for the reader.

So, hope you understand what the is body in an essay and its purpose. But is it enough? No! By continuing reading further, you can enhance your understanding of the tips and components of the body paragraph for your essay. Also, if you do not have a deadline, you can use our essay writing services .

Components of strong body paragraph

Knowing the components of a solid body of an essay is crucial so that you can write a fantastic essay. Thus, this is the query of many of you as they do not know about it in detail. Moreover, when writing the middle part, you need to know the proper way to write it to make it the best one. Keeping that in mind, our experts are all set to help you with it. Also, for more clarification, you can also read our essay format  blog. Now, let's get started!


To connect your body section with a new paragraph, you must add a few words at the beginning or end of the paragraphs. This is not just a technique but a necessity that creates a coherent flow through the writing, making it more readable and understandable.

Topic Sentence

It is essential to be specific in the topic sentence of each paragraph that states the focus of the paragraph, where you discuss the main idea about your topic. This specificity helps the reader understand the exact point you're discussing, contributing to a clear and focused discussion in your writing.

Reliable Evidences

As the body paragraph is the longest part of an essay, you need to have support for your arguments. There are various types you can use, such as evidence, logic, opinion, or testimonials. These can be further diversified with details, reasons, examples, pools, facts, percentages, and data from reliable sources.

Concluding Statement

As the writer, it is crucial for you to guide your reader in connecting the main idea and the thesis you have discussed above. Therefore, the concluding statement, the last sentence of the body paragraph, is a tool you can use to ensure your reader is actively engaged in understanding your essay's structure.

Follow this component in your writing to excel it as this can help to improve and know how to write the body of an essay. But still, there is a lot more to tell you! Now, moving further you will read about the best tips to write the body of an essay. So, let's delve into the next part.

Do you also face difficulties with writing or knowing how to start the body of an essay? Worry not, as this problem will soon come to an end! Here, you will read and get insightful knowledge about the tips that can help you write a fantastic body. Thus, to avoid all the hassle, you can use our essay typer  and get an instant solution. Now, without any further delay, it is the right time to begin reading the tips for the body part of the essay.

Begin with the Topic Sentence

Kicking off your body paragraph with a strong topic sentence is crucial. This sentence should guide the entire paragraph's content by focusing entirely on specific issues. Also, it must leave room for support and analysis by avoiding the use of direct quotations.

Discuss One Idea at Point

When writing your body essay, it's best to focus on a single aspect at a time. Why? Because if you try to juggle multiple thoughts, you and your reader may become confused. To avoid this, create a clear outline before you start writing. This will help you stay organized to write a body paragraph for an essay.

Break Paragraphs Evenly

Divide your body in the essay evenly to provide clarity to both you and your reader. However, don't forget to use transitions. These are like bridges that connect your paragraphs, making it easier for your reader to follow your train of thought. They also help your writing flow, keeping your reader engaged and interested.

Add Supporting Evidence

It is crucial to include evidence in your body paragraphs to support your thesis. After introducing the main arguments in the introduction, it's important to provide examples that can prove your point in the rest of the paragraph. However, it's equally important that these examples come from reliable sources, as this will give your writing credibility and your reader confidence in your argument.

Use Relevant Details Only

Many of you might get distracted by discussing small information in detail while writing the body of an essay. In addition, this will make you get away from the main topic or arguments and will also make it a difficult task for your reader to understand your point. Thus, it is good to give relevant ideas in your writing but keep it cut short and go back to your primary discussion.

Don't Repeat Information

When choosing the topics, many of you select the one that finds you captivating. Also, some of you don't have enough data to add, and in such cases, they end up repeating the same idea or information. This affects your body part of the essay and makes it waste as this will not be fascinating to read. Thus, try to bring new and unique thoughts into your writing.

Keep it Clear and Concise

Keeping the body of an essay clear and concise will help you stay on track with your writing. If you mix up your thoughts or do not clarify what you need to write, you will end up making a blunder. Moreover, this will have a massive effect on you because you will be unable to score A+ grades.

Ensure Proper Formatting

To understand the role of formatting is crucial in an essay. Thus, if you understand it, half of your stress will go away. However, how to structure it is the big question that revolves around many of your heads.

So, for this, you must read our how-to structure an essay blog and clarify all your doubts in no time. In addition, this will provide you with new ideas for your paper.

Polish and Revise

After writing the body in essay, you might forget or procrastinate to revise and polish your writing. Therefore, this leads to many mistakes in your paper, which can be easily visible to your professor. Moreover, in this case, it is best to proofread it and rectify all the errors before moving forward. This will create the best impression of yours.

Following the tips given above will help you write the body of an essay. Thus, if you follow this, you will never get stuck with how to write the body of an essay, and you can submit an A+ document. Moreover, you might be having more queries related to it or might be having a deadline to meet. So, to get out of it, you can read the next section and learn how our experts can help you out.

After absorbing all the information, you may feel equipped to tack the start of each paragraph. The tips and components we've covered are invaluable when you embark on the writing journey. However, mastering these skills can be overwhelming, especially if you're still learning the basics. The good news is you don't have to navigate this alone. Our experts, with their refined clarity, tone, and conciseness, can guide you. With our assignment help , your writing will be apparent, engaging, and polished, no matter the context.

Our assistance extends beyond essays to all types of papers, all at a competitive price. And rest assured, we don't rely on plagiarism or AI. Each document is crafted from scratch and delivered on time. So, don't miss out on this exceptional opportunity.

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  1. Learn How to Conclude an Assignment to Make It Perfect

    To write an assignment conclusion, follow the 7 simple steps below! Start a conclusion paragraph by indenting the first line or leaving a blank line in between the last main body paragraph and the conclusion. Use a suitable starting word or phrase to indicate the assignment is drawing to a close, such as, 'In summary' or 'With all this in ...

  2. Conclusions

    Your conclusion can go beyond the confines of the assignment. The conclusion pushes beyond the boundaries of the prompt and allows you to consider broader issues, make new connections, and elaborate on the significance of your findings. Your conclusion should make your readers glad they read your paper.

  3. Conclusion Examples: Strong Endings for Any Paper

    Strong conclusion examples pave the way for the perfect paper ending. See how to write a good conclusion for a project, essay or paper to get the grade.

  4. 17 Essay Conclusion Examples (Copy and Paste)

    Essay Conclusion Examples. Below is a range of copy-and-paste essay conclusions with gaps for you to fill-in your topic and key arguments. Browse through for one you like (there are 17 for argumentative, expository, compare and contrast, and critical essays). Once you've found one you like, copy it and add-in the key points to make it your own.

  5. Writing an Assignment Conclusion

    Keep it optimistic in your assignment conclusion. Be sure to emphasise the significance of your points and the topic. Make sure the piece is successfully closed at the conclusion from the reader's point of view. Rephrase and succinctly state the paper's main points. Specify that your conclusion supports your theory.

  6. How to Write a Good Conclusion Paragraph (+30 Examples)

    Let's go through each step. 1. Understand the Purpose. The conclusion is your final opportunity to leave an impact. It should tie together your main ideas, reinforce your message, and give the reader a sense of closure. Wrap Up Your Main Ideas. The conclusion should succinctly wrap up the main points of your writing.

  7. How to Write a Conclusion for an Essay (Examples Included!)

    Also read: How to Write a Thesis Statement. 2. Tying together the main points. Tying together all the main points of your essay does not mean simply summarizing them in an arbitrary manner. The key is to link each of your main essay points in a coherent structure. One point should follow the other in a logical format.

  8. How to Write a Good Conclusion: Outline and Examples

    Here are two A-level samples, each crafted for different assignment types: Summative Conclusion: To sum up, the investigation of renewable energy sources underscores their key role in addressing environmental change and lessening our reliance on limited resources. Solar, hydroelectric, and wind power - each provide distinct benefits that ...

  9. How To Write an Essay Conclusion (With Examples)

    How to write a conclusion. An effective conclusion is created by following these steps: 1. Restate the thesis. An effective conclusion brings the reader back to the main point, reminding the reader of the purpose of the essay. However, avoid repeating the thesis verbatim. Paraphrase your argument slightly while still preserving the primary point.

  10. Writing a Conclusion

    Writing a conclusion is an important part of any piece of writing. It is often possible to get a good overview of an assignment by looking briefly at the conclusion. However, writing a conclusion can be quite difficult. This is because it can often be hard to find something interesting or useful to say in the conclusion.

  11. 10 Tips for Perfect Assignment Conclusion

    There is a standard assignment conclusion format that professors expect to see in students' assignments. Fortunately, the following four strategies will show you what it is. Address your thesis A thesis is a major essence of any academic essay: you keep proving it in each subsequent paragraph. Repeat it in other words, in conclusion ...

  12. How to Write a Conclusion for Research Papers (with Examples)

    Generate the conclusion outline: After entering all necessary details, click on 'generate'. Paperpal will then create a structured outline for your conclusion, to help you start writing and build upon the outline. Write your conclusion: Use the generated outline to build your conclusion.

  13. How to Write a Conclusion that Ties Your Assignment Together

    The conclusion is the final section of an assignment and plays a crucial role in tying together the main points discussed throughout the paper. A well-written conclusion can leave a lasting impression on the reader and make a strong impact on the overall assignment. Here are some tips on how to write a conclusion that ties your assignment together.

  14. How To Write The Conclusion Of An Assignment

    Here are some vital viewpoints to remember for your decision to guarantee its adequacy: Finish with strong points on positive note. Convey the significance of your thoughts and the topic. Furnish the reader with a feeling of conclusion. Emphasize and sum up your primary concerns. Reword and afterward rehash your proposal statement.

  15. Conclusion for Assignment

    Conclusion for Assignment. The conclusion for an assignment serves as the final opportunity for a student to summarize their key points, reflect on their findings, and demonstrate their understanding of the subject matter. It is a crucial component of any academic work, as it allows the writer to tie together their arguments and present a ...

  16. How to Write an Essay Conclusion

    Here are the 3 steps to writing an effective conclusion for an essay: Rephrase the Thesis Statement: Begin the conclusion by reaffirming the thesis idea to show how you proved it. You can review the key points and explain to the reader why the information is relevant and applicable to your essay.

  17. Learn How To Write Conclusion For Assignment With Examples

    Select suitable words: As it is the end of your assignment, you will have to choose words that will show that you are writing a conclusion to your main arguments. Use your introduction: For this, you will have to connect your assignment conclusion to its introduction. By doing so, you create a complete structure for your paper.

  18. How to write a conclusion for assignment

    A conclusion in an assignment is the summary of the entire assignment. It briefly tells what the assignment is all about, what key areas are discussed and what findings have been brought by it. The conclusion justifies and reiterates the thesis statement that the introduction brought forth.

  19. What is the Conclusion?

    A conclusion, as the final section of a research paper, gives a clear explanation of your research's findings in a way that emphasizes the value of your research. You can use the stages below to help you start drafting your conclusion: Explain the importance of the findings. Bring your ideas to a close.

  20. How To Do a Conclusion in Assignment free sample

    Order your assignment! order now. The first one is a rhetorical question. This is suitable for an essay that was written in a question-answer form. The next one is the summary. This type of conclusion is classical, and it is a simple summary of the results, through generalization.

  21. Tips to Write an Effective Conclusion- GotoAssignmentHelp

    A Perfect Conclusion for Assignment That You Should Know. Conclusions are the end of any writing. A good concluding paragraph can change a readers' mind when they reach the end of the writing. Take it as a cinema, after watching the whole film, if we find that the climax is not up to the mark, and then it disappoints us. Same thing happens ...

  22. Unlocking the Secrets to A+ Essays: A Student's Guide to Using Study

    Whether you're working on a high school assignment or tackling a college-level paper, the ability to write a compelling essay can set you apart. ... body paragraphs, and conclusion. Our study guides offer sample essay outlines and templates to help you plan effectively. Check out our Essay Structure Guide for templates and tips on organizing ...

  23. APA Style for beginners: High school, college, and beyond

    Students use it to write academic essays and research papers in high school and college, and professionals use it to conduct, report, and publish scientific research. Why use APA Style in high school? High school students need to learn how to write concisely, precisely, and inclusively so that they are best prepared for college and career. Here ...

  24. Christa Essays

    28 likes, 0 comments - christa_the_writer on August 30, 2024: " Need help with your assignments? Hit us up! Struggling with tight deadlines and complex assignments? We've Got You Covered! Why Choose Us: Expert Writers: Our team of experienced writers will deliver top-notch assignments tailored to your requirements. ⏰ On-Time Delivery: Say Goodbye to late submissions! We guarantee punctual ...

  25. How to Write a Powerful Body Paragraph for an Essay?

    Body paragraphs are a common thread that runs through many forms of writing, from journals to academic essays. By learning more about how to write engaging body paragraphs, you can feel more connected to the larger writing community, all while supporting your project's central idea. ... tone, and conciseness, can guide you. With our assignment ...

  26. Registrar of Voters Temporary Assignments, TAP (SAN)

    THE ASSIGNMENTS. Note: All assignments are compensated at the hourly rate of $27.74 except for Classroom Instructors. The Classroom Instructor position is compensated at the hourly rate of $29.88. Individuals selected for the following assignments are typically assigned to the René C. Davidson Courthouse location: 1.