Essay on Life on Mars for Students and Children

500 words essay on life on mars.

Mars is the fourth planet from the sun in our solar system. Also, it is the second smallest planet in our solar system. The possibility of life on mars has aroused the interest of scientists for many years. A major reason for this interest is due to the similarity and proximity of the planet to Earth. Mars certainly gives some indications of the possibility of life.

Essay on Life on Mars

Possibilities of Life on Mars

In the past, Mars used to look quite similar to Earth. Billions of years ago, there were certainly similarities between Mars and Earth. Furthermore, scientists believe that Mars once had a huge ocean. This ocean, experts believe, covered more of the planet’s surface than Earth’s own oceans do so currently.

Moreover, Mars was much warmer in the past that it is currently. Most noteworthy, warm temperature and water are two major requirements for life to exist. So, there is a high probability that previously there was life on Mars.

Life on Earth can exist in the harshest of circumstances. Furthermore, life exists in the most extreme places on Earth. Moreover, life on Earth is available in the extremely hot and dry deserts. Also, life exists in the extremely cold Antarctica continent. Most noteworthy, this resilience of life gives plenty of hope about life on Mars.

There are some ingredients for life that already exist on Mars. Bio signatures refer to current and past life markers. Furthermore, scientists are scouring the surface for them. Moreover, there has been an emergence of a few promising leads. One notable example is the presence of methane in Mars’s atmosphere. Most noteworthy, scientists have no idea where the methane is coming from. Therefore, a possibility arises that methane presence is due to microbes existing deep below the planet’s surface.

One important point to note is that no scratching of Mars’s surface has taken place. Furthermore, a couple of inches of scratching has taken place until now. Scientists have undertaken analysis of small pinches of soil. There may also have been a failure to detect signs of life due to the use of faulty techniques. Most noteworthy, there may be “refugee life” deep below the planet’s surface.

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Challenges to Life on Mars

First of all, almost all plants and animals cannot survive the conditions on the surface of Mars. This is due to the extremely harsh conditions on the surface of Mars.

Another major problem is the gravity of Mars. Most noteworthy, the gravity on Mars is 38% to that of Earth. Furthermore, low gravity can cause health problems like muscle loss and bone demineralization.

The climate of Mars poses another significant problem. The temperature at Mars is much colder than Earth. Most noteworthy, the mean surface temperatures of Mars range between −87 and −5 °C. Also, the coldest temperature on Earth has been −89.2 °C in Antarctica.

Mars suffers from a great scarcity of water. Most noteworthy, water discovered on Mars is less than that on Earth’s driest desert.

Other problems include the high penetration of harmful solar radiation due to the lack of ozone layer. Furthermore, global dust storms are common throughout Mars. Also, the soil of Mars is toxic due to the high concentration of chlorine.

To sum it up, life on Mars is a topic that has generated a lot of curiosity among scientists and experts. Furthermore, establishing life on Mars involves a lot of challenges. However, the hope and ambition for this purpose are well alive and present. Most noteworthy, humanity must make serious efforts for establishing life on Mars.

FAQs on Life on Mars

Q1 State any one possibility of life on Mars?

A1 One possibility of life on Mars is the resilience of life. Most noteworthy, life exists in the most extreme places on Earth.

Q2 State anyone challenge to life on Mars?

A2 One challenge to life on Mars is a great scarcity of water.

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How far is Mars from Earth?

Mars is less than 56 million km (35 million miles) from Earth at its closest approach, but it recedes to almost 400 million km (250 million miles) when the two planets are on opposite sides of the solar system.

What is the size of Mars?

Mars is the second smallest planet in the solar system, only larger than Mercury and slightly more than half the size of Earth. It has an equatorial radius of 3,396 km (2,110 miles) and a mean polar radius of 3,379 km (2,100 miles).

Mars is similar to Earth in many ways. Like Earth, it has clouds, winds, a roughly 24-hour day, seasonal weather patterns, polar ice caps, volcanoes, canyons, and other familiar features. There are clues that billions of years ago Mars was even more like Earth, with a denser, warmer atmosphere, rivers, lakes, flood channels, and perhaps oceans.

The characteristic temperature on Mars in the lower atmosphere is about 200 kelvins (K; −100 °F, −70 °C), which is generally colder than the average daytime surface temperature of 250 K (−10 °F, −20 °C). In the summer daytime temperatures can peak at about 290 K (62 °F, 17 °C).

The Viking landers are two robotic U.S. spacecraft launched by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for the study of the planet Mars. Viking 1 landed in the region of Chryse Planitia (22° N, 48° W) on July 20, 1976, and Viking 2 landed 6,500 km (4,000 miles) away in Utopia Planitia (48° N, 226° W) several weeks later on September 3.

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Mars , fourth planet in the solar system in order of distance from the Sun and seventh in size and mass. It is a periodically conspicuous reddish object in the night sky. Mars is designated by the symbol ♂.

Sometimes called the Red Planet, Mars has long been associated with warfare and slaughter. It is named for the Roman god of war. As long as 3,000 years ago, Babylonian astronomer-astrologers called the planet Nergal for their god of death and pestilence. The planet’s two moons, Phobos (Greek: “Fear”) and Deimos (“Terror”), were named for two of the sons of Ares and Aphrodite (the counterparts of Mars and Venus , respectively, in Greek mythology ).

Planetary data for Mars
*Time required for the planet to return to the same position in the sky relative to the Sun as seen from Earth.
mean distance from Sun 227,943,824 km (1.5 AU)
eccentricity of orbit 0.093
inclination of orbit to ecliptic 1.85°
Martian year (sidereal period of revolution) 686.98 Earth days
visual magnitude at mean opposition −2.01
mean synodic period* 779.94 Earth days
mean orbital velocity 24.1 km/sec
equatorial radius 3,396.2 km
north polar radius 3,376.2 km
south polar radius 3,382.6 km
surface area 1.44 × 10 km
mass 6.417 × 10 kg
mean density 3.93 g/cm
mean surface gravity 371 cm/sec
escape velocity 5.03 km/sec
rotation period (Martian sidereal day) 24 hr 37 min 22.663 sec
Martian mean solar day (sol) 24 hr 39 min 36 sec
inclination of equator to orbit 25.2°
mean surface temperature 210 K (−82 °F, −63 °C)
typical surface pressure 0.006 bar
number of known moons 2

In recent times Mars has intrigued people for more-substantial reasons than its baleful appearance. The planet is the second closest to Earth , after Venus , and it is usually easy to observe in the night sky because its orbit lies outside Earth’s. It is also the only planet whose solid surface and atmospheric phenomena can be seen in telescopes from Earth. Centuries of assiduous studies by earthbound observers, extended by spacecraft observations since the 1960s, have revealed that Mars is similar to Earth in many ways. Like Earth, Mars has clouds , winds , a roughly 24-hour day, seasonal weather patterns, polar ice caps, volcanoes , canyons , and other familiar features.

There are intriguing clues that billions of years ago Mars was even more Earth-like than today, with a denser, warmer atmosphere and much more water — rivers , lakes , flood channels, and perhaps oceans . By all indications Mars is now a sterile frozen desert. However, close-up images of dark streaks on the slopes of some craters during Martian spring and summer suggest that at least small amounts of water may flow seasonally on the planet’s surface. The InSight lander found that the region of Mars’s crust between 11.5 and 20 km (7.1 and 12 miles) under the surface is saturated with water. The presence of water on Mars is considered a critical issue because life as it is presently understood cannot exist without water. If microscopic life-forms ever did originate on Mars, there remains a chance, albeit a remote one, that they may yet survive in these hidden watery niches . (In 1996 a team of scientists reported what they concluded to be evidence for ancient microbial life in a piece of meteorite that had come from Mars, but most scientists have disputed their interpretation.)

M101 (NGC 5457, The Pinwheel Galaxy). Hubble Space Telescope image of face-on spiral galaxy Messier 101 (M101). Largest most detailed photo of a spiral galaxy that has ever been released from Hubble. Created from 1994-2003

Since at least the end of the 19th century, Mars has been considered the most hospitable place in the solar system beyond Earth both for indigenous life and for human exploration and habitation. At that time, speculation was rife that the so-called canals of Mars —complex systems of long, straight surface lines that very few astronomers had claimed to see in telescopic observations—were the creations of intelligent beings. Seasonal changes in the planet’s appearance, attributed to the spread and retreat of vegetation, added further to the purported evidence for biological activity . Although the canals later proved to be illusory and the seasonal changes geologic rather than biological, scientific and public interest in the possibility of Martian life and in exploration of the planet has not faded.

During the past century Mars has taken on a special place in popular culture . It has served as inspiration for generations of fiction writers from H.G. Wells and Edgar Rice Burroughs in the heyday of the Martian canals to Ray Bradbury in the 1950s and Kim Stanley Robinson in the ’90s. Mars has also been a central theme in radio, television, and film, perhaps the most notorious case being Orson Welles ’s radio-play production of H.G. Wells’s novel War of the Worlds , which convinced thousands of unwitting listeners on the evening of October 30, 1938, that beings from Mars were invading Earth. The planet’s mystique and many real mysteries remain a stimulus to both scientific inquiry and human imagination to this day.


Planet Mars, explained

The rusty world is full of mysteries—and some of the solar system's most extreme geology. Learn more about Earth's smaller, colder neighbor.

The red planet Mars, named for the Roman god of war, has long been an omen in the night sky. And in its own way, the planet’s rusty red surface tells a story of destruction. Billions of years ago, the fourth planet from the sun could have been mistaken for Earth’s smaller twin, with liquid water on its surface—and maybe even life.

Now, the world is a cold, barren desert with few signs of liquid water. But after decades of study using orbiters, landers, and rovers, scientists have revealed Mars as a dynamic, windblown landscape that could—just maybe—harbor microbial life beneath its rusty surface even today.

Longer year and shifting seasons

With a radius of 2,106 miles, Mars is the seventh largest planet in our solar system and about half the diameter of Earth. Its surface gravity is 37.5 percent of Earth’s.

Mars rotates on its axis every 24.6 Earth hours, defining the length of a Martian day, which is called a sol (short for “solar day”). Mars’s axis of rotation is tilted 25.2 degrees relative to the plane of the planet’s orbit around the sun, which helps give Mars seasons similar to those on Earth. Whichever hemisphere is tilted closer to the sun experiences spring and summer, while the hemisphere tilted away gets fall and winter. At two specific moments each year—called the equinoxes—both hemispheres receive equal illumination.

But for several reasons, seasons on Mars are different from those on Earth. For one, Mars is on average about 50 percent farther from the sun than Earth is, with an average orbital distance of 142 million miles. This means that it takes Mars longer to complete a single orbit, stretching out its year and the lengths of its seasons. On Mars, a year lasts 669.6 sols, or 687 Earth days, and an individual season can last up to 194 sols, or just over 199 Earth days.

The angle of Mars’s axis of rotation also changes much more often than Earth's, which has led to swings in the Martian climate on timescales of thousands to millions of years. In addition, Mars’s orbit is less circular than Earth’s, which means that its orbital velocity varies more over the course of a Martian year. This annual variation affects the timing of the red planet’s solstices and equinoxes. On Mars, the northern hemisphere’s spring and summer are longer than the fall and winter.

There’s another complicating factor: Mars has a far thinner atmosphere than Earth, which dramatically lessens how much heat the planet can trap near its surface. Surface temperatures on Mars can reach as high as 70 degrees Fahrenheit and as low as -225 degrees Fahrenheit, but on average, its surface is -81 degrees Fahrenheit, a full 138 degrees colder than Earth’s average temperature.

Windy and watery, once

The primary driver of modern Martian geology is its atmosphere, which is mostly made of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and argon. By Earth standards, the air is preposterously thin; air pressure atop Mount Everest is about 50 times higher than it is at the Martian surface . Despite the thin air, Martian breezes can gust up to 60 miles an hour, kicking up dust that fuels huge dust storms and massive fields of alien sand dunes.

Once upon a time, though, wind and water flowed across the red planet. Robotic rovers have found clear evidence that billions of years ago, lakes and rivers of liquid water coursed across the red planet’s surface. This means that at some point in the distant past, Mars’s atmosphere was sufficiently dense and retained enough heat for water to remain liquid on the red planet’s surface. Not so today: Though water ice abounds under the Martian surface and in its polar ice caps, there are no large bodies of liquid water on the surface there today.

Mars also lacks an active plate tectonic system, the geologic engine that drives our active Earth, and is also missing a planetary magnetic field. The absence of this protective barrier makes it easier for the sun’s high-energy particles to strip away the red planet’s atmosphere, which may help explain why Mars’s atmosphere is now so thin. But in the ancient past—up until about 4.12 to 4.14 billion years ago —Mars seems to have had an inner dynamo powering a planet-wide magnetic field. What shut down the Martian dynamo? Scientists are still trying to figure out.

High highs and low lows

Like Earth and Venus, Mars has mountains, valleys, and volcanoes, but the red planet’s are by far the biggest and most dramatic. Olympus Mons, the solar system’s largest volcano, towers some 16 miles above the Martian surface, making it three times taller than Everest. But the base of Olympus Mons is so wide—some 374 miles across—that the volcano’s average slope is only slightly steeper than a wheelchair ramp. The peak is so massive, it curves with the surface of Mars. If you stood at the outer edge of Olympus Mons, its summit would lie beyond the horizon.

Mars has not only the highest highs, but also some of the solar system’s lowest lows. Southeast of Olympus Mons lies Valles Marineris, the red planet’s iconic canyon system. The gorges span about 2,500 miles and cut up to 4.3 miles into the red planet’s surface. The network of chasms is four times deeper—and five times longer—than Earth’s Grand Canyon, and at its widest, it’s a staggering 200 miles across. The valleys get their name from Mariner 9, which became the first spacecraft to orbit another planet when it arrived at Mars in 1971.

A tale of two hemispheres

About 4.5 billion years ago, Mars coalesced from the gaseous, dusty disk that surrounded our young sun. Over time, the red planet’s innards differentiated into a core, a mantle, and an outer crust that’s an average of 40 miles thick.

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Its core is likely made of iron and nickel, like Earth’s, but probably contains more sulfur than ours. The best available estimates suggest that the core is about 2,120 miles across, give or take 370 miles—but we don’t know the specifics. NASA’s InSight lander aims to unravel the mysteries of Mars’s interior by tracking how seismic waves move through the red planet.

Mars’s northern and southern hemispheres are wildly different from one another, to a degree unlike any other planet in the solar system. The planet’s northern hemisphere consists mostly of low-lying plains, and the crust there can be just 19 miles thick. The highlands of the southern hemisphere, however, are studded with many extinct volcanoes, and the crust there can get up to 62 miles thick.

What happened? It’s possible that patterns of internal magma flow caused the difference, but some scientists think it's the result of Mars suffering one or several major impacts. One recent model suggests Mars got its two faces because an object the size of Earth’s moon slammed into Mars near its south pole.

Both hemispheres do have one thing in common: They’re covered in the planet’s trademark dust, which gets its many shades of orange, red, and brown from iron rust.

Cosmic companions

At some point in the distant past, the red planet gained its two small and irregularly shaped moons, Phobos and Deimos. The two lumpy worlds, discovered in 1877, are named for the sons and chariot drivers of the god Mars in Roman mythology. How the moons formed remains unsolved. One possibility is that they formed in the asteroid belt and were captured by Mars’s gravity. But recent models instead suggest that they could have formed from the debris flung up from Mars after a huge impact long ago.

Deimos, the smaller of the two moons, orbits Mars every 30 hours and is less than 10 miles across. Its larger sibling Phobos bears many scars, including craters and deep grooves running across its surface. Scientists have long debated what caused the grooves on Phobos. Are they tracks left behind by boulders rolling across the surface after an ancient impact, or signs that Mars’s gravity is pulling the moon apart?

Either way, the moon’s future will be considerably less groovy. Each century, Phobos gets about six feet closer to Mars; in 50 million years or so, the moon is projected either to crash into the red planet’s surface or break into smithereens.

Missions to Mars

Since the 1960s, humans have robotically explored Mars more than any other planet beyond Earth. Currently, eight missions from the U.S., European Union, Russia, and India are actively orbiting Mars or roving across its surface. But getting safely to the red planet is no small feat. Of the 45 Mars missions launched since 1960 , 26 have had some component fail to leave Earth, fall silent en route, miss orbit around Mars, burn up in the atmosphere, crash on the surface, or die prematurely.

More missions are on the horizon, including some designed to help search for Martian life. NASA is building its Mars 2020 rover to cache promising samples of Martian rock that a future mission would return to Earth. In 2020, the European Space Agency and Roscosmos plan to launch a rover named for chemist Rosalind Franklin , whose work was crucial to deciphering the structure of DNA. The rover will drill into Martian soil to hunt for signs of past and present life. Other countries are joining the fray, making space exploration more global in the process. In July 2020, the United Arab Emirates is slated to launch its Hope orbiter , which will study the Martian atmosphere.

Perhaps humans will one day join robots on the red planet. NASA has stated its goal to send humans back to the moon as a stepping-stone to Mars. Elon Musk, founder and CEO of SpaceX, is building a massive vehicle called Starship in part to send humans to Mars. Will humans eventually build a scientific base on the Martian surface, like those that dot Antarctica? How will human activity affect the red planet or our searches for life there?

Time will tell. But no matter what, Mars will continue to occupy the human imagination, a glimmering red beacon in our skies and stories.

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A Martian landscape with a rover, rocky terrain, and distant mountains, with the foreground featuring rover equipment under a blue and yellow sky.

Wish you were here? A composite picture taken by the Curiosity rover’s Navcams in both morning and afternoon light, 16 November 2021. Photo by NASA

Thriving on Mars

Dust storms, long distances and freezing temperatures make living on mars magnificently challenging. how will we do it.

by Simon Morden   + BIO

Can humans live on Mars? The answer is startlingly simple. Can humans live in Antarctica, where the temperatures regularly fall below -50ºC (-60ºF) and it’s dark for six months of the year? Can humans live below the ocean, where pressure rapidly increases with depth to crushing levels? Can humans live in space, where there’s no air at all?

As the limits of our ingenuity, our materials science and our chemistry have grown, we’ve gone from being able to tolerate only a narrow band of conditions to expanding our presence to almost every part of the globe, and now beyond it. Even the most hostile environment we’ve ever faced – the vacuum of space – has had a continuous human population for more than two decades.

So why not Mars? If we can live in Antarctica, if we can live in space, then surely it’s simply a question of logistics. If we can put enough materiel on the surface of the Red Planet, then perhaps we can survive – and even thrive – there.

But that ‘if’ is doing an awful lot of work. When we went to the Moon, the astronauts had to carry everything for their visit in their tiny, fragile landers. The Apollo missions spent between just one and three days on the surface – and it took only three days to get to the Moon itself. When a Mars-bound astronaut will spend months in space just getting to the landing spot, spending just a couple of days on the planet isn’t going to satisfy. Any mission, even the initial one, will necessarily be planned to be months-long, and that increases the complexity of the logistics enormously.

M ars is a particularly difficult planet to land on . It’s too far away from Earth to control any descent remotely – on average, a radio signal takes 12 minutes to cover the distance – so everything has to be preprogrammed in. A single error in either the computer or in its inputs will result in a new and expensive crater, of which there’ve been many. And once the command for landing has been given, there’s nothing that anyone back in Mission Control can do to intervene – the length of time it takes between that order, and a safe landing , is known as the ‘seven minutes of terror’.

The tenuous Martian atmosphere also complicates landing. It’s thick enough that any deorbiting spacecraft requires a heatshield to prevent it from burning up, but even the latest generation of vast, supersonic-rated parachutes struggles to provide significant purchase on the tenuous air on the way down. What remains of the orbit velocity has to be accounted for, or our landers will break against the frozen Martian surface.

A vast silver rocket with everything the astronauts need for their months-long stay simply isn’t practical

Various methods have been used, but the most consistently successful has been the ‘sky crane’, a disposable frame fitted with retro-rockets that burn until it’s hovering a few yards above the surface. It then winches the lander down gently, disengages its connecting cables, and then flies a safe distance away before its propellent runs out.

Photo of a cluster of metallic silver balloons floating in a hazy, light purple-toned sky.

The skycrane portion of the Mars 2020 lander flying away from the Perseverance rover after the rover touched down. Image taken by the rover from the surface of Mars. Photo by NASA

As expected, these calculations are very finely judged. Every pound of lander – the batteries, the solar panels, the scientific experiments – needs several kilogrammes of fuel in the sky crane. And every kilogramme of fuel in the sky crane requires several more kilogrammes of fuel on the rocket that takes it to Mars orbit. We’d send bigger, better landers to Mars if we could – but rocketry is at the very limits of our capabilities, getting a rover the size of a subcompact down to the ground. This has huge implications for conducting a successful crewed mission to Mars.

While we might dream of a vast silver rocket slowly descending to the dusty red surface, containing everything that the astronauts need for their months-long stay, we have to realise that it simply isn’t practical. That rocket, and the even-larger spaceship required to get it there, is beyond our projected launch capabilities for decades, if not centuries, to come. Planning for a successful Mars mission – for a permanent presence on Mars – requires us to work smarter , and use every advantage that we can. That includes those we can find on Mars itself.

Painting of astronauts building a dome structure on Mars with a rover, mountainous terrain in the background under an orange sky.

An artist’s rendering of the Mars Ice Home concept. Photo by NASA/Clouds AO/SEArch

M ars is a planet full of useful resources, and specific dangers. On the plus side, if we pick our landing site sensibly, we don’t need to take water. Water is heavy, and there’s nothing we can do to make it lighter. It takes up space, and there’s nothing we can do to make it smaller. And, even with the very best recycling facilities, the astronauts will still require a certain amount of spare water. Yet on Mars, there are many places where water, in the form of ice, is just part of the soil. Stick a shovel in the ground, and half of what gets picked up is water ice. And we can use that water for all sorts of things, not just drinking. We can use it for chemistry.

We can split it using electrolysis into its component gases. We can breathe the oxygen – which saves us from having to take tanked air. And if we recombine it with the hydrogen, we have an explosive mixture we might use as a rudimentary rocket fuel. If we go one stage further, we can scavenge the carbon from Mars’s carbon dioxide atmosphere and synthesise hydrocarbons for a better burn.

That carbon dioxide is also vital for plant growth. Add water, and a growing medium, and suddenly supplementing our freeze-dried packets of food becomes not just a possibility, but a mission goal. Humans consume a lot of calories, but we also eat with our eyes. A side salad isn’t just nutrition, but a morale booster.

Then there’s the stuff of Mars itself. We can use that as a construction material: make bricks from it, or simply heap it up and over our existing structures. And we really need to do that because life on the Martian surface isn’t straightforward.

The red dust has become a nanoparticle and is a major hazard, both to us and to our machines

Most immediately, there’s the temperature. Mars is an average of 80 million kilometres (50 million miles) further from the Sun, and its atmosphere is too thin to buffer the extremes of daily variations. Daytime temperatures in high summer can reach a balmy 21ºC (70ºF), but that same day, just before dawn, will have recorded -90ºC (-130ºF). Temperatures can fall as far as to freeze carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. The extra insulation provided by several feet of Martian soil is going to be a welcome bonus.

Moreover, it’ll help with a long-term threat: radiation. The Sun spits out charged particles all the time, as well as high-energy light in the form of gamma and X-rays. On Earth, and to a lesser extent, on the Moon, we’re protected by Earth’s large magnetic field, which extends out into space and deflects the solar wind around us. Mars has no such magnetic field, and while conditions at the surface aren’t acutely life-threatening, every day that astronauts spend on the surface of Mars, they are accumulating radiation damage 10 to 20 times faster than they would on Earth – not counting the occasional solar flare that squeezes a decade’s worth of exposure into a single event.

Burying the astronauts’ base beneath the ground is one relatively easy solution to this radiation problem. So is building it inside a cave – volcanic areas of Mars are the sites of lava tubes that now form huge tunnels, with access through partial roof collapses.

The soil itself is toxic, rich with perchlorates. While these are a potential source of oxygen, perchlorates are water-soluble: contaminated soil cannot be used as a growing medium.

Then there is the dust. The red dust has been formed by hundreds of millions of years of continuous grinding of volcanic ash, becoming so fine that even the weak Martian winds can carry and keep it aloft for weeks at a time. The dust has become a nanoparticle – averaging 3μm (one 10,000th of an inch) – and is a major hazard, both to us and to our machines. It would be all but impossible to exclude the dust from living spaces: astronauts would carry it in from trips outside, even with assiduous measures – washing, hoovering, anti-static screens and air filtration – it would become part of the air they breathed and the food they ate. As well as the perchlorates previously mentioned, there’s other cancer-causing compounds, and the damage that fine-grained rock powder can cause specifically to lungs and eyes.

We’ve already lost one rover to the dust, which coated its solar panels. The more complex the machinery we take, the more certain we have to be of our seals and surfaces. Maintenance, together with the spare parts to back up that regime, would have to be strictly observed.

S o how might we do this? We have parameters set by the number of crew we send, how long they plan to initially stay for, and what they intend to do when they get there. We have to plan to shelter, water and feed them, and then bring them home – and, if we’re intending anything other than a one-time visit, we need to keep our eye on the long game: what kind of infrastructure can we build that will be useful into the future?

Breaking down the problem into manageable bites is by far the most feasible way. What we learn from such incremental efforts – and what we have already learned – can be used to guide us as we work our way through the various elements that we need to execute a successful, and sustainable, Mars mission.

We must prioritise a safe landing without encumbering the descent with the weight of food, fuel, air and water

The first stage would be to increase our capabilities in low Earth orbit. A multi-month journey to Mars will require the largest spaceship we’ve ever built, and almost certainly something that can’t be lofted in a single launch. It’ll need to be constructed in space, using methods similar to the International Space Station. Fuel, together with everything needed to maintain life for the long journey, will need to be shipped from Earth – twice over, as it’ll be coming back. The descent craft will be a separate part of the ship, while the main portion stays in Mars orbit.

The second stage would be to send supplies ahead to the designated landing area. If we can, we should send robotic, self-erecting modules. This would ensure that there would be somewhere safe for the newly arrived astronauts to go, and enable us to prioritise a safe landing without encumbering the descent phase with the additional weight of food, fuel, air and water. And, this way, we wouldn’t have to commit astronauts to the long and arduous journey to Mars until we know there’s enough equipment in place to sustain them. If one rocket went astray – more than one is statistically likely to be lost – we’d simply send another.

NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover captured this close-up view of the take-off and landing of the 13th flight of the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter on 4 September 2021

One of the pieces of kit we’d send ahead would be an ascent module, an empty ship capable not just of landing on Mars, but also refuelling itself from the Martian atmosphere, ready for a return to the transfer ship in orbit.

T o be clear, none of this is risk-free. Famously, an alternative speech was delivered in 1969 to the US president Richard Nixon in advance of Apollo 11’s landing, covering the scenario for failure. While our careful preparation has made success more likely, there are still situations that would be all but impossible to recover from. The main cause of this is how long it would take us to react to the unforeseen.

Supply chains are one of the most underestimated and misunderstood factors underpinning a modern economy. We are very used to being able to order anything, from anywhere, and it being available in a matter of days, if not hours. Manufacturers run just-in-time stocks from their suppliers, and retailers promise almost immediate delivery. Behind those storefronts lies a fantastically complex web of communications, transport, inventory control and personnel. We notice it only when it fails.

Almost everywhere on Earth is connected. Vital medicines, microchips, engine parts, even live organs for donation, are moved seamlessly between countries and continents. But there are places where this isn’t true, and they give us a first insight as to what challenges any Martian colonist might face.

Antarctica, despite our technology, remains one of the most isolated and inhospitable places on the planet. Almost everything that is needed – barring air, and water – has to be shipped or flown in, over vast distances and not without risk. Heavy seas, thick ice, a storm, an extra-cold snap: all see food and fuel stuck on a dock or on a runway. Antarctic bases don’t run a just-in-time supply chain, because when that supply chain is inevitably interrupted, people might die. Planning for those interruptions means having to take, and store, far more than is normally needed. Those of us who aren’t preppers will baulk at the amount of groceries required to keep a single person fed for a couple of months: the wintertime population of the Amundsen-Scott base, right on the South Pole, is 50.

Food, of course, can always be rationed. Heating can be reduced to one or two heavily insulated modules. There are back-up generators, and a doctor on site, and a modern, satellite-connected communications suite. Scientists are supported by a whole team of electricians, plumbers and technicians, working around the clock to maintain the infrastructure of the base, catching problems before they become critical and providing workaround solutions through their expertise.

The risk of death – by starvation, cold, asphyxiation, accident, illness, disease – has to be accepted

None of which has stopped problems occurring. Notably, if the base doctor falls ill and requires surgery, as has happened twice, the doctor ends up operating on themselves. In both cases, medical evacuation was impossible due to poor weather conditions and the distances involved. Some permanent bases still insist that personnel have their appendix removed before arrival.

Now, imagine that happening on Mars. A fully functioning base, sited in the most favourable position, and enjoying a multiply redundant infrastructure maintained by shifts of highly motivated and trained engineers, is still in a far, far more precarious position than any Antarctic base is today. A mercy dash to air-drop urgent medical supplies in Antarctica from the South Island of New Zealand is difficult but possible: the travel time, once everything is in place, is a matter of hours. Meanwhile, if the launch window is being kind, Earth to Mars is nine months. New generations of space drives will inevitably reduce that, but nothing can be done to erase the vast distances between the two planets. At best, 56 million kilometres ( c 35 million miles). At worst, when Earth is one side of the Sun, and Mars the other, 400 million kilometres ( c 250 million miles).

Without a doubt, it would be the longest supply chain in history, at the end of which is the harshest environment we have ever encountered. Even in the Age of Sail, the journey from England to Australia was faster.

If you’re the doctor on the first Mars mission, you have to decide not what drugs and bandages and surgical equipment you’re taking, but what you’re not taking. What can you do without? Both space and weight are limited. If you’re the engineer: how are you going to choose between this critical spare part and that critical spare part? Of course, you could ask the mission planners to send one – or two – of everything. But, given all that’s gone before, how feasible is that? At some point, enough will be too much. The risk of death – by starvation, by cold, by asphyxiation, by accident, by illness, by disease – has to be accepted.

As with all pioneers, the heaviest burden will fall on those who go first. They will be the most uncomfortable, the most precarious, the most vulnerable. Those who follow afterwards will have it, if not easy, certainly easier. The infrastructure of the initial base is designed to be expanded, as long as Earth holds faith with the project. For it’s certain that Mars will be utterly dependent on Earth for decades. How, though, would a Mars colony grow towards independence? Can we see that far ahead?

Manufacturing is a key technology here: not just the usual but vital supply of spare parts, but also the chemicals required for life. Specially tailored medicines, dietary supplements and plant nutrients will provide a measure of security for colonists; 3D printers with a vast library of models can start to deal with the physical, while the biological components can be conjured by automated synthesis machines.

Another cornerstone of a more independent Mars would be the colonists themselves – and specifically their education. Necessity is often the mother of invention, but Mars would be a very harsh taskmaster. A Martian colonist would need to devote a significant portion of their time to learning. The level of technology required to sustain a working colony would be high, and the number of personnel limited by available food and air. With everyone an expert in two or three separate areas of knowledge, a tragic accident to one need not turn into a crisis for all.

The highly precarious nature of life on Mars will inevitably lead to new social mores and codes of behaviour. Far from being rugged individualists, Martians will rely on each other for their very lives in a highly interdependent way – and they’ll reflect that, both in their relationships and their laws.

Just how divergent colonists become from the mother planet remains to be seen. But an independent Mars wouldn’t be a carbon-copy of any Earth society. It would be startlingly, and profoundly, alien.

The Red Planet: A Natural History of Mars (2022) by Simon Morden is published by Pegasus Books.

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Essay on Mars

Students are often asked to write an essay on Mars in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Mars

Mars: an introduction.

Mars, also known as the Red Planet, is the fourth planet from the sun in our solar system. It gets its nickname from its reddish appearance, caused by iron oxide (rust) on its surface.

Physical Features

Mars has the tallest volcano and the deepest canyon in the solar system. Olympus Mons is the volcano, and Valles Marineris is the canyon. Mars also has polar ice caps made of water and carbon dioxide.

Life on Mars

Scientists have not found life on Mars yet. However, they believe that the planet may have had conditions suitable for life in the past. Now, Mars is too cold and dry for life.

Mars Exploration

Several spacecrafts have been sent to Mars. These missions help scientists learn about the planet’s climate and geology, and search for signs of life. The Mars rovers, like Perseverance, are particularly important in this exploration.

250 Words Essay on Mars


Mars, the fourth planet from the sun in our solar system, has been a subject of fascination for scientists and space enthusiasts for centuries. This celestial body, often referred to as the ‘Red Planet’, has been explored by numerous space missions, providing us with valuable insights.

Geographical Features

Mars exhibits a variety of geographical features that are similar to Earth’s. It hosts the largest volcano in the solar system, Olympus Mons, and a grand canyon, Valles Marineris, which is nearly five times the depth of Earth’s Grand Canyon. The planet’s reddish appearance is due to iron oxide, or rust, on its surface.

Atmospheric Conditions

Mars’ thin atmosphere, composed primarily of carbon dioxide, provides inadequate protection from solar radiation. This makes the planet’s surface inhospitable to known life forms. The average temperature on Mars is a chilly -80 degrees Fahrenheit, with polar ice caps composed of water and carbon dioxide.

Search for Life

The search for life on Mars has been a primary goal of numerous missions. While no definitive evidence of past or present life has been found, scientists have discovered signs of liquid water and organic molecules, which are the building blocks of life.

Future Exploration

Future missions to Mars aim to answer questions about its geology, climate, and potential for life. The recent Perseverance rover mission by NASA and the planned human missions signify our continuous quest to unravel the mysteries of this intriguing planet.

In conclusion, Mars, with its similarities and differences to Earth, continues to captivate our curiosity, pushing the boundaries of our knowledge and technological capabilities in space exploration.

500 Words Essay on Mars

The red planet: an overview.

Mars, often referred to as the Red Planet due to its reddish appearance, is the fourth planet from the Sun in our solar system. Its distinct color is attributed to iron oxide, or rust, on its surface. It is a terrestrial planet with a thin atmosphere, possessing surface features both reminiscent of both Earth and the moon.

Geographical Features and Atmosphere

Mars has the highest mountain and the deepest, longest canyon in the solar system. Olympus Mons, the highest mountain, is nearly three times the height of Mount Everest, which is about 5.5 miles high. Valles Marineris, the longest canyon, would stretch from New York City to Los Angeles on Earth. Mars’ atmosphere is composed primarily of carbon dioxide (about 96%), with minor amounts of other gases such as argon and nitrogen. The climate on Mars is much colder than on Earth, with an average temperature around -80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Exploration of Mars

The exploration of Mars has been an important part of the space exploration programs of several countries. The first successful flyby of Mars was by Mariner 4 in 1965. Since then, numerous spacecraft have been sent to explore Mars, including the Viking missions in the 1970s and, more recently, the Mars Rover missions. The primary focus of these missions is to search for evidence of past or present life on Mars.

Potential for Life

Human settlement.

The prospect of human settlement on Mars has been a tantalizing challenge for scientists and engineers. The technical and logistical hurdles are significant, including the need for life support systems, sustainable food production, and protection from solar and cosmic radiation. Despite these challenges, organizations like NASA and SpaceX are actively working towards making human Mars missions a reality in the foreseeable future.

Mars, with its similarities to Earth and its potential for harboring life, continues to captivate our curiosity. The ongoing exploration of this fascinating planet not only expands our understanding of the universe but also propels us towards becoming a multi-planetary species. As we continue to explore Mars, we may not only answer the age-old question of whether we are alone in the universe but also set the stage for our future as space explorers.

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

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Image that reads Space Place and links to

All About Mars

A cartoon shows the brownish-red dirt on the Martian surface, and a person in a spacesuit is entering the scene. A tornado-like column of brown dust and a mountain can be seen in the background. The sky is a pastel orange color.

Mars’ atmosphere has clouds and wind just like Earth. Sometimes the wind blows the red dust into a dust storm. Spiraling dust storms–called dust devils–can look like tornadoes. Mars’ large storms sometimes cover the entire planet. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Mars is a cold desert world. The average temperature on Mars is minus 85 degrees Fahrenheit – way below freezing. It is half the size of Earth. Mars is sometimes called the Red Planet. It's red because of rusty iron in the ground.

Like Earth, Mars has seasons, polar ice caps, volcanoes, canyons, and weather. It has a very thin atmosphere made mostly of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and argon. People would not be able to breathe the air on Mars.

Explore Mars! Click and drag to rotate the planet. Scroll or pinch to zoom in and out. Credit: NASA Visualization Technology Applications and Development (VTAD)

There are signs of ancient floods on Mars, but now water mostly exists in icy dirt and thin clouds. On some Martian hillsides, there is evidence of liquid salty water in the ground.

Scientists want to know if Mars may have had living things in the past. They also want to know if Mars could support life now or in the future.

Cartoon of Mars saying 'I have had lots of visitors!'

Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Structure and Surface

  • Mars is a terrestrial planet. It is small and rocky.
  • Mars has a thin atmosphere.
  • Mars has an active atmosphere, but the surface of the planet is not active. Its volcanoes are dead.

Time on Mars

  • One day on Mars lasts 24.6 hours. It is just a little longer than a day on Earth.
  • One year on Mars is 687 Earth days. It is almost twice as long as one year on Earth.

Mars’ Neighbors

  • Mars has two moons. Their names are Phobos and Deimos.
  • Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun. That means Earth and Jupiter are Mars’ neighboring planets.

Quick History

  • Mars has been known since ancient times because it can be seen without advanced telescopes.
  • There was even a flying helicopter on Mars. Seriously! The Mars Helicopter, Ingenuity , successfully tested powered, controlled flight on another world for the first time. It hitched a ride to Mars on the Perseverance rover and worked with the rover to explore Mars. Ingenuity was designed as a tech demo expected to fly no more than five times over 30 days. It ended its mission in early 2024 having completed 72 flights in just under three years. Thanks Ingenuity!
  • Several missions have orbited, landed on, or roved around on Mars: InSight , MAVEN , Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter , and many more ! Mars is the only planet we have sent rovers to. They drive around Mars, taking pictures and measurements. Learn more about them and what they have discovered by clicking the pictures below!

Mars Rovers

what is the mars essay


what is the mars essay

Spirit and Opportunity

what is the mars essay

What does Mars look like?

The planet Mars against a black background.

This infographic uses composite orbiter images and an outline of the United States to show the scale of the Valles Marineris (a canyon system more than 2,000 miles long!). Swipe left and right to see how big this canyon system is compared to the United States. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

This animated GIF was created using footage taken by NASA’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter during its 25th flight on April 8, 2022. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

This animated image blinks two versions of a May 11, 2016, selfie of NASA's Curiosity Mars rover at a drilled sample site called "Okoruso." In one version, cameras atop the rover's mast face the arm-mounted camera taking the portrait. In the other, they face away. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS

Colorized photo from NASA’s Mars Curiosity rover shows a wide view of a rocky valley on Mars. The rear half of the rover is visible in the lower right, with its wheel tracks on the surface receding into the distance. This stylized view adds color to a pair of black-and-white panoramas taken by the rover in the morning and afternoon. Blue and yellow tones simulate the lighting of the morning and afternoon, respectively.

NASA's Curiosity Mars rover used its black-and-white navigation cameras to capture panoramas at two times of day on April 8, 2023. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

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Explore Mars!

Mars Activities

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Make a Mask

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Coloring Pages

what is the mars essay

Scavenger Hunt

For more information visit:

NASA's Mars Exploration Program

Planet Mars Overview

Explore with Perseverance!

Explore the Solar System

a cartoon of the Sun with a smiling face.

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Illustration of a game controller that links to the Space Place Games menu.

Life on Mars: Exploration & Evidence

When imagining locations where extraterrestrial life could potentially dwell, few places inspire the imagination like one of Earth's closest neighbors. For centuries, man has looked to Mars and imagined it as a home for other beings. Over the last fifty years, various missions to the red planet have sought to determine the probability of such an evolution. But how likely is life on Mars?

This image from NASA's Curiosity rover looks south of the rover's landing site on Mars towards Mount Sharp. This is part of a larger,high-resolution color mosaic made from images obtained by Curiosity's Mast Camera. Image released August 14, 2012.

A habitable environment

When searching for life, most astrobiologists agree that water is key . All forms of terrestrial life require water, and while it is possible that life could evolve without the precious liquid, it is easier to search for conditions that are known to be optimal, rather than conditions we suppose could be." [ 5 Bold Claims of Alien Life  ]

This raises a problem on Mars. The planet today is dry and barren, with most of its water locked up in the polar ice caps . The planet's thin atmosphere allows radiation from the sun to irradiate the surface of the planet, adding to the environment's challenges. Evidence for water first showed up in 2000, when images from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor found gullies that appeared to have formed from flowing water.

But Mars wasn't always a desolate wasteland . Scientists think that, in the past, water may have flowed across the surface in rivers and streams, and that vast oceans covered the planet. Over time, the water was lost into space, but early conditions on the wetter planet could have been right for life to evolve. One estimate suggests that an ancient ocean could have covered as much as 19 percent of the planet's surface, compared to the 17 percent covered by Earth's Atlantic Ocean.

"With Mars losing that much water, the planet was very likely wet for a longer period of time than was previously thought, suggesting it might have been habitable for longer," said Michael Mumma, a senior scientist at Goddard, said in a statement .

It's also possible that liquid water flows on a modern Mars, either on the surface or beneath. The debate continues today on whether features known as recurring slope lineae (RSLs) form from ongoing water flows or running sand. "We've thought of RSL as possible liquid water flows, but the slopes are more like what we expect for dry sand," Colin Dundas of the U.S. Geological Survey's Astrogeology Science Center in Flagstaff, Arizona, said in a statement . "This new understanding of RSL supports other evidence that shows that Mars today is very dry.

Water beneath the surface may be even better for life. Underground water could shield potential life from harsh radiation. There's evidence for an ice deposit the size of Lake Superior. "This deposit is probably more accessible than most water ice on Mars, because it is at a relatively low latitude and it lies in a flat, smooth area where landing a spacecraft would be easier than at some of the other areas with buried ice," researcher Jack Holt of the University of Texas said in a statement .

Over the last four billion years, Earth has received a number of visitors from Mars . Our planet has been bombarded by rocks blown from the surface of the red planet, one of the few bodies in the solar system scientists have samples from. Of the 34 Martian meteorites, scientists have determined that three have the potential to carry evidence of past life on Mars.

A meteorite found in Antarctica made headlines in 1996 when scientists claimed that it could contain evidence of traces of life on Mars. Known as ALH 84001 , the Martian rock contained structures resembled the fossilized remains of bacteria-like lifeforms. Follow-up tests revealed organic material, though the debate over whether or not the material was caused by biological processes wasn't settled until 2012, when it was determined that these vital ingredients had been formed on Mars without the involvement of life .

"Mars apparently has had organic carbon chemistry for a long time," study lead author Andrew Steele, a microbiologist at the Carnegie Institution of Washington, told .

However, these organic molecules formed not from biology but from volcanism. Despite the rocky origin for the molecules, their organic nature may prove a positive in the hunt for life.

"We now find that Mars has organic chemistry, and on Earth, organic chemistry led to life, so what is the fate of this material on Mars, the raw material that the building blocks of life are put together from?" Steele said.

A microscopic view into a thin slice of the Martian meteorite Nakhla. A fracture (tan) and tunnels (in boxes) are similar in size and shape to tunnels associated with DNA in terrestrial rocks. How these were formed is not known, however; no DNA was found.

Scientists also found structures resembling fossilized nanobacteria on the Nakhla meteorite , a chunk of Mars that landed in Egypt. They determined that as much as three-fourths of the organic material found on the meteorite may not stem from contamination by Earth. However, further examination of the spherical structure, called an ovoid, revealed that it most likely formed through processes other than life.

"The consideration of possible biotic scenarios for the origin of the ovoid structure in Nakhla currently lacks any sort of compelling evidence," the scientists wrote in a study in the journal Astrobiology . "Therefore, based on the available data that we have obtained on the nature of this conspicuous ovoid structure in Nakhla, we conclude that the most reasonable explanation for its origin is that it formed through abiotic [physical, not biological] processes."

A third meteorite, the Shergotty, contains features suggestive of biofilm remnants and microbial communities.

"Biofilms provide major evidence for bacterial colonies in ancient Earth," researchers said in a 1999 conference abstract . "It is possible that some of the clusters of microfossil-like features might be colonies, although that interpretation depends on whether the individual features are truly fossilized microbes."

All of these samples provide tantalizing hints of the possibility of life in the early history of the red planet. But a fresh examination of the surface has the potential to reveal even more insights into the evolution of life on Mars.

Searching for life

NASA's Viking probes were the first ever to successfully set footpad on Mars in a powered landing. The Viking 1 lander set down in July 1976 and didn't go silent until November 1982. Viking 2 landed in September 1976 and kept working until April 1980. Credit: NASA

When NASA set the first lander down on the Martian surface, one of the experiments performed sought traces for life. Though Viking's results were deemed inconclusive, they paved the way for other probes into the planet's environment. [ Mars Explored: Landers and Rovers Since 1971 (Infographic) ]

Exploration of Mars was put on hold for more than two decades. When examination of the planet resumed, scientists focused more on the search for habitable environments than for life, and specifically on the search for water. The slew of rovers, orbiters, and landers revealed evidence of water beneath the crust, hot springs — considered an excellent potential environment for life to evolve — and occasional rare precipitation. Although the Curiosity rover isn't a life-finding mission, there are hopes that it could pinpoint locations that later visitors might explore and analyze.

Future mission to Mars could include sample returns , bringing pieces of the Martian crust back to Earth to study. More experiments could be run by hand on Earth than can be performed by a remote robot explorer, and would be more controlled than meteorites that have lain on Earth.

"Mars 2020 will gather samples for potential return to Earth in the future. It's time for the sample-analysis community to get serious about defining and prioritizing Mars sample science, and in helping to make the case for the future missions that would get those samples home," David Beaty, co-leader of NASA's Returned Sample Science Board and chief scientist for the Mars Exploration Directorate at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California, said at a 2017 workshop .

But the hunt for Martian life may be stymied by concerns over how to prevent infecting the Red Planet with Earth life. Current international policies impose heavy financial burdens that make exploring potentially habitable regions of Mars an extra challenge.

"Bottom line is that a thorough cleaning of a spacecraft aimed to in situ search for life on a special region of Mars today would easily cost around $500 million," Dirk Schulze-Makuch told via email. Schulze-Makuch, a researcher at Washington State University, and his colleague Alberto Fairen of Cornell University authored a commentary article published in the journal Nature Geoscience arguing for less-strict protection measures for Mars.

"With that amount of money, you can entirely finance a 'Discovery-type' mission to Mars, similar to Pathfinder or InSight," he added. "Therefore, if we'd relax planetary protection concerns in a Viking-like mission today, we could add another low-budget mission to the space program."

Are we the Martians?

The transfer of material from Mars to Earth and presumably back again has sparked some debate about the possibility of contamination early in the history of life. Some scientists argue that a meteorite from Earth could have traveled to Mars — or vice versa. Debates rage over whether or not tiny organisms would be hardy enough to survive the voyage through a freezing, airless, radiation-filled vacuum and kick off life at its new home.

The idea of such seeding is not limited to interactions with Mars. Some have proposed that debris from outside the solar system could even be responsible for spawning life on Earth. But in terms of the Red Planet, it is possible that scientists might one day find life on Mars — and it could be a close relation.

"If we find life on another planet, will it be truly alien or will it be related to us? And if so, did it spawn us or did we spawn it?" researcher Dina Pasini, of the University of Kent, questioned in a statement . "We cannot answer these questions just now, but the questions are not as farfetched as one might assume."

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Nola Taylor Tillman is a contributing writer for She loves all things space and astronomy-related, and enjoys the opportunity to learn more. She has a Bachelor’s degree in English and Astrophysics from Agnes Scott college and served as an intern at Sky & Telescope magazine. In her free time, she homeschools her four children. Follow her on Twitter at @NolaTRedd

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what is the mars essay

Five reasons to explore Mars

Subscribe to the center for technology innovation newsletter, darrell m. west darrell m. west senior fellow - center for technology innovation , douglas dillon chair in governmental studies.

August 18, 2020

The recent launch of the Mars rover Perseverance is the latest U.S. space mission seeking to understand our solar system. Its expected arrival at the Red Planet in mid-February 2021 has a number of objectives linked to science and innovation. The rover is equipped with sophisticated instruments designed to search for the remains of ancient microbial life, take pictures and videos of rocks, drill for soil and rock samples, and use a small helicopter to fly around the Jezero Crater landing spot .

Mars is a valuable place for exploration because it can be reached in 6 ½ months, is a major opportunity for scientific exploration, and has been mapped and studied for several decades. The mission represents the first step in a long-term effort to bring Martian samples back to Earth, where they can be analyzed for residues of microbial life. Beyond the study of life itself, there are a number of different benefits of Mars exploration.

Understand the Origins and Ubiquity of Life

The site where Perseverance is expected to land is the place where experts believe 3.5 billion years ago held a lake filled with water and flowing rivers. It is an ideal place to search for the residues of microbial life, test new technologies, and lay the groundwork for human exploration down the road.

The mission plans to investigate whether microbial life existed on Mars billions of years ago and therefore that life is not unique to Planet Earth. As noted by Chris McKay, a research scientist at NASA’s Ames Research Science Center, that would be an extraordinary discovery. “Right here in our solar system, if life started twice , that tells us some amazing things about our universe,” he pointed out. “It means the universe is full of life. Life becomes a natural feature of the universe, not just a quirk of this odd little planet around this star.”

The question of the origins of life and its ubiquity around the universe is central to science, religion, and philosophy. For much of our existence, humans have assumed that even primitive life was unique to Planet Earth and not present in the rest of the solar system, let alone the universe. We have constructed elaborate religious and philosophical narratives around this assumption and built our identity along the notion that life is unique to Earth.

If, as many scientists expect, future space missions cast doubt on that assumption or outright disprove it by finding remnants of microbial life on other planets, it will be both invigorating and illusion-shattering. It will force humans to confront their own myths and consider alternative narratives about the universe and the place of Earth in the overall scheme of things.

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As noted in my Brookings book, Megachange , given the centrality of these issues for fundamental questions about human existence and the meaning of life, it would represent a far-reaching shift in existing human paradigms. As argued by scientist McKay, discovering evidence of ancient microbial life on Mars would lead experts to conclude that life likely is ubiquitous around the universe and not limited to Planet Earth. Humans would have to construct new theories about ourselves and our place in the universe.

Develop New Technologies

The U.S. space program has been an extraordinary catalyst for technology innovation . Everything from Global Positioning Systems and medical diagnostic tools to wireless technology and camera phones owe at least part of their creation to the space program. Space exploration required the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to learn how to communicate across wide distances, develop precise navigational tools, store, transmit, and process large amounts of data, deal with health issues through digital imaging and telemedicine, and develop collaborative tools that link scientists around the world. The space program has pioneered the miniaturization of scientific equipment and helped engineers figure out how to land and maneuver a rover from millions of miles away.

Going to Mars requires similar inventiveness. Scientists have had to figure out how to search for life in ancient rocks, drill for rock samples, take high resolution videos, develop flying machines in a place with gravity that is 40 percent lower than on Earth, send detailed information back to Earth in a timely manner, and take off from another planet. In the future, we should expect large payoffs in commercial developments from Mars exploration and advances that bring new conveniences and inventions to people.

Encourage Space Tourism

In the not too distant future, wealthy tourists likely will take trips around the Earth, visit space stations, orbit the Moon, and perhaps even take trips around Mars. For a substantial fee, they can experience weightlessness, take in the views of the entire planet, see the stars from outside the Earth’s atmosphere, and witness the wonders of other celestial bodies.

The Mars program will help with space tourism by improving engineering expertise with space docking, launches, and reentry and providing additional experience about the impact of space travel on the human body. Figuring out how weightlessness and low gravity situations alter human performance and how space radiation affects people represent just a couple areas where there are likely to be positive by-products for future travel.

The advent of space tourism will broaden human horizons in the same way international travel has exposed people to other lands and perspectives. It will show them that the Earth has a delicate ecosystem that deserves protecting and why it is important for people of differing countries to work together to solve global problems. Astronauts who have had this experience say it has altered their viewpoints and had a profound impact on their way of thinking.

Facilitate Space Mining

Many objects around the solar system are made of similar minerals and chemical compounds that exist on Earth. That means that some asteroids, moons, and planets could be rich in minerals and rare elements. Figuring out how to harvest those materials in a safe and responsible manner and bring them back to Earth represents a possible benefit of space exploration. Elements that are rare on Earth may exist elsewhere, and that could open new avenues for manufacturing, product design, and resource distribution. This mission could help resource utilization through advances gained with its Mars Oxygen Experiment (MOXIE) equipment that converts Martian carbon dioxide into oxygen. If MOXIE works as intended, it would help humans live and work on the Red Planet.

Advance Science

One of the most crucial features of humanity is our curiosity about the life, the universe, and how things operate. Exploring space provides a means to satisfy our thirst for knowledge and improve our understanding of ourselves and our place in the universe.

Space travel already has exploded centuries-old myths and promises to continue to confront our long-held assumptions about who we are and where we come from. The next decade promises to be an exciting period as scientists mine new data from space telescopes, space travel, and robotic exploration. Ten or twenty years from now, we may have answers to basic questions that have eluded humans for centuries, such as how ubiquitous life is outside of Earth, whether it is possible for humans to survive on other planets, and how planets evolve over time.

The author would like to thank Victoria E. Hamilton, staff scientist at the Southwest Research Institute, for her helpful feedback on this blog post.

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Essay on Life on Mars


Things to Know About Mars!

Mars, in the solar system, is the fourth planet from the sun. This planet is the second smallest planet in our entire solar system. The possibility of life on mars has aroused the interest of our scientists, now for many years. A reason for this curiosity is the similarity and for the proximity of the planet to the Earth. Mars, of course, gives some indications of the possibility of life existing on this planet.

In our essay, we will detail the possibility of life on this planet, Mars.

Scientists and researchers have spent their years researching for evidence or any trace of life on the Red Planet, Mars. All these researches till now indicated that there is no previous trace of life on this planet. But the evidence of some elements like the frozen water, the liquid water, which traces the past, and the methane in the atmosphere of Mars have provided some lead in the research to find the existence of life on this Red deserted planet, Mars.

If I ever get a chance to go to Mars and have a life there, then I would definitely explore around. I would only wish that the planet changes its conditions to make itself fit for humans to live and survive. Also, this gives an insight for us. Humans should learn not to further pollute another planet the way they have polluted Earth.

Bio Signatures

Some research data from Mars Global Surveyor indicates that liquid water may exist just below the surface in rare places on Mars. Water ice is present at the Martian poles, and these areas will be good zones to search for proof of the existence of life as well. Spach and Research Organizations will also look for life on Mars by searching for indicative markers, or biosignatures, of current and past life. The element carbon is an essential building block of life and comprehending where carbon is present and in what form would explain a lot about the type of existence that Mars had or has.

Most of the current Martian atmosphere consists of carbon dioxide and if carbonate minerals were created on Mars' surface by chemical reactions between water and the atmosphere, the existence of these minerals would be a giant clue that water had been present for a long time. One of the top needed explorations for Mars is the understanding of its present climate. Its climate is like in the distant past that drives climate change over time.

Biosignatures are the morphological, chemical which is organic, elemental, or mineral, and the isotopic traces of the organisms that are preserved in minerals, sediments, and rocks. They represent the physical presence of the organisms as well as the proof of their metabolic activities and their metabolites. A biosignature is also called a chemical or molecular fossil and is any given substance – such as an element, isotope, molecule, or phenomenon – that supplies scientific evidence of past or present life.

Measurable features of life contain the complex physical structures and chemical structures and also the utilisation of free energy and the production of biomass and wastes. It has unique characteristics, a biosignature can be interpreted as having been created by living organisms. However, it is important that they not be considered absolute because there is no way of knowing in advance which ones are omnipresent to life and which ones are personal to the strange occasions of life on Earth.

In conclusion, scientists are still spending time to find evidence of life on Mars. The presence of frozen water, liquid water, and methane in the atmosphere has given some hope that some day life may exist there. There are quite many theories and fiction that are connected to the solar system’s fourth planet, Mars. Other controversies that are connected with life on Mars have come up in the late 20th and the 21st century. The possibility of life which is already existing on Mars or in the future that the humans inhabiting Mars is an excellent topic to discuss. One can find all the relevant material on Vedantu’s Site. You can refer to it for exams or for gaining general knowledge. You can also download PDFs and read it at your dispersal. 


FAQs on Essay on Life on Mars

1. What are the Challenges to Life on Mars?

All animals and plants cannot survive on Mars in extremely harsh weather conditions. The other major problem is the gravity of Mars. The gravity is 38% to that of Earth, low gravity can cause health problems. Another problem is, the temperature of Mars is much cooler than Earth. 

The sun in our solar system and different stars are fusion reactors that spew great amounts of electromagnetic energy, including X-ray and ultraviolet radiation. The sun and other intensively energetic objects like the centre of galaxies, also emit high-energy protons, atomic nuclei, and other particles that can induce radiation illness, adversely influence one's central nervous system, increase one’s lifetime risk for cancer and cause degenerative diseases. One of the most important characteristics a planet needs to sustain human life is the atmosphere. On Mars, there exists a very thin one that clings to Mars and it’s made up of all the wrong gases for humans. Mars' atmosphere looks like-

Primarily composed of carbon dioxide (95.3% compared to less than 1% on Earth).

Scarcely any oxygen (0.13% compared to 21% on Earth)

Little nitrogen (2.7% compared to 78% on Earth)

2. Does Mars have Oxygen?

Mars has oxygen which is only 0.13% of the atmosphere, which is compared to 21% of the Earth's atmosphere. The MOXIE system is responsible for producing oxygen like a tree, pulling in the Martian air with a pump, and using an electrochemical process to separate a single oxygen atom from another molecule of carbon dioxide. Mars' atmosphere is 95% carbon dioxide, 3% nitrogen, 1.6% argon, and it has hints of oxygen, water, etc along with a lot of dust. Dust turning in the air colours Mars’ sky tan in photos when taken from the surface. The density of the oxygen on Mars is approximately 1/10,000th of what Earth experiences. Mars' atmosphere does have a lot of carbon dioxide as it has about 500 times more CO 2 than oxygen. If one wants to harvest oxygen on Mars for use by future adventurers or launch systems, a better way might be to remove some of it out of the CO 2 and use that instead. That's where MOXIE technology plays a role.

3. What are we looking out for from Mars missions?

Life needs water on Earth to survive. If life had ever developed on Mars, it did so in the existence of a long-standing supply of water on the planet. On Mars, the search for evidence of life in areas is running where liquid water was once stable, and beneath the surface where it still might exist today. There might also be some current hot spots on Mars where hydrothermal pools furnish places for life. 

4. What does the climate look like on Mars?

The current Martian climate is controlled by seasonal transformations of the carbon dioxide ice caps and the direction of large amounts of dust by the atmosphere. The exchange of water vapour between the surface and the atmosphere also plays a crucial role in deciding the climate of that planet. One of the most involved weather patterns on Mars is the generation of dust storms that typically occur in the southbound and summer. These storms can grow to enclose the whole planet. Humans still don't understand how these storms develop and grow but this is one goal of future climatic studies.

A better understanding of Mars' current climate will assist the scientists in more effectively modelling its past climatic behaviour. Humans are working towards the detailed weather maps of Mars and information about how much dust and water vapour are present in its atmosphere.

Observing the planet for this information over 1 full Martian year which is 687 Earth days, will help to understand how Mars behaves over its seasonal cycle and navigate us toward comprehending how the planet changes over millions of years.

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Life on Mars: A Definite Possibility

Was Mars once a living world? Does life continue, even today, in a holding pattern, waiting until the next global warming event comes along? Many people would like to believe so. Scientists are no exception. But so far no evidence has been found that convinces even a sizable minority of the scientific community that the red planet was ever home to life. What the evidence does indicate, though, is that Mars was once a habitable world . Life, as we know it, could have taken hold there.

The discoveries made by NASA ’s Opportunity rover at Eagle Crater earlier this year (and being extended now at Endurance Crater) leave no doubt that the area was once ‘drenched’ in water . It might have been shallow water. It might not have stuck around for long. And billions of years might have passed since it dried up. But liquid water was there, at the martian surface, and that means that living organisms might have been there, too.

So suppose that Eagle Crater – or rather, whatever land formation existed in its location when water was still around – was once alive. What type of organism might have been happy living there?

Probably something like bacteria. Even if life did gain a foothold on Mars, it’s unlikely that it ever evolved beyond the martian equivalent of terrestrial single-celled bacteria. No dinosaurs; no redwoods; no mosquitoes – not even sponges, or tiny worms. But that’s not much of a limitation, really. It took life on Earth billions of years to evolve beyond single-celled organisms. And bacteria are a hardy lot. They are amazingly diverse, various species occupying extreme niches of temperature from sub-freezing to above-boiling; floating about in sulfuric acid; getting along fine with or without oxygen. In fact, there are few habitats on Earth where one or another species of bacterium can’t survive.

What kind of microbe, then, would have been well adapted to the conditions that existed when Eagle Crater was soggy? Benton Clark III , a Mars Exploration Rover ( MER ) science team member, says his “general favorite” candidates are the sulfate-reducing bacteria of the genus Desulfovibrio . Microbiologists have identified more than 40 distinct species of this bacterium.

Eating Rocks

We tend to think of photosynthesis as the engine of life on Earth. After all, we see green plants nearly everywhere we look and virtually the entire animal kingdom is dependent on photosynthetic organisms as a source of food. Not only plants, but many microbes as well, are capable of carrying out photosynthesis. They’re photoautotrophs: they make their own food by capturing energy directly from sunlight.

But Desulfovibrio is not a photoautotroph; it’s a chemoautotroph. Chemoautotrophs also make their own food, but they don’t use photosynthesis to do it. In fact, photosynthesis came relatively late in the game of life on Earth. Early life had to get its energy from chemical interactions between rocks and dirt, water, and gases in the atmosphere. If life ever emerged on Mars, it might never have evolved beyond this primitive stage.

Desulfovibrio makes its home in a variety of habitats. Many species live in soggy soils, such as marshes and swamps. One species was discovered all snug and cozy in the intestines of a termite. All of these habitats have two things in common: there’s no oxygen present; and there’s plenty of sulfate available.

Sulfate reducers, like all chemoautotrophs, get their energy by inducing chemical reactions that transfer electrons between one molecule and another. In the case of Desulfovibrio, hydrogen donates electrons, which are accepted by sulfate compounds. Desulfovibrio, says Clark, uses “the energy that it gets by combining the hydrogen with the sulfate to make the organic compounds” it needs to grow and to reproduce.

The bedrock outcrop in Eagle Crater is chock full of sulfate salts. But finding a suitable electron donor for all that sulfate is a bit more troublesome. “My calculations indicate [that the amount of hydrogen available is] probably too low to utilize it under present conditions,” says Clark. “But if you had a little bit wetter Mars, then there [would] be more water in the atmosphere, and the hydrogen gas comes from the water” being broken down by sunlight.

So water was present; sulfate and hydrogen could have as an energy source. But to survive, life as we know it needs one more ingredient carbon. Many living things obtain their carbon by breaking down the decayed remains of other dead organisms. But some, including several species of Desulfovibrio, are capable of creating organic material from scratch, as it were, drawing this critical ingredient of life directly from carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) gas. There’s plenty of that available on Mars.

All this gives reason to hope that life that found a way to exist on Mars back in the day when water was present. No one knows how long ago that was. Or whether such a time will come again. It may be that Mars dried up billions of years ago and has remained dry ever since. If that is the case, life is unlikely to have found a way to survive until the present.

Tilting toward Life

But Mars goes through cycles of obliquity, or changes in its orbital tilt. Currently, Mars is wobbling back and forth between 15 and 35 degrees’ obliquity, on a timescale of about 100,000 years. But every million years or so, it leans over as much as 60 degrees. Along with these changes in obliquity come changes in climate and atmosphere. Some scientists speculate that during the extremes of these obliquity cycles, Mars may develop an atmosphere as thick as Earth’s, and could warm up considerably. Enough for dormant life to reawaken.

“Because the climate can change on long terms,” says Clark, ice in some regions on Mars periodically could “become liquid enough that you would be able to actually come to life and do some things – grow, multiply, and so forth – and then go back to sleep again” when the thaw cycle ended. There are organisms on Earth that, when conditions become unfavorable, can form “spores which are so resistant that they can last for a very long time. Some people think millions of years, but that’s a little controversial.”

Desulfovibrio is not such an organism. It doesn’t form spores. But its bacterial cousin, Desulfotomaculum, does. “Usually the spores form because there’s something missing, like, for example, if hydrogen’s not available, or if there’s too much [oxygen], or if there’s not sulfate. The bacteria senses that the food source is going away, and it says, ‘I’ve got to hibernate,’ and will form the spores. The spores will stay dormant for extremely long periods of time. But they still have enough machinery operative that they can actually sense that nutrients are available. And then they’ll reconvert again in just a matter of hours, if necessary, to a living, breathing bacterium, so to speak. It’s pretty amazing,” says Clark.

That is not to say that future Mars landers should arrive with life-detection equipment tuned to zero in on species of Desulfovibrio or Desulfotomaculum. There is no reason to believe that life on Mars, if it ever emerged, evolved along the same lines as life on Earth, let alone that identical species appeared on the two planets. Still, the capabilities of various organisms on Earth indicate that life on Mars – including dormant organisms that could spring to life again in another few hundred thousand years – is certainly possible.

Clark says that he doesn’t “know that there’s any organism on Earth that could really operate on Mars, but over a long period of time, as the martian environment kept changing, what you would expect is that whatever life had started out there would keep adapting to the environment as it changed.”

Detecting such organisms is another matter. Don’t look for it to happen any time soon. Spirit and Opportunity were not designed to search for signs of life, but rather to search for signs of habitability. They could be rolling over fields littered with microscopic organisms in deep sleep and they’d never know it. Even future rovers will have a tough time identifying the martian equivalent of dormant bacterial spores.

“The spores themselves are so inert,” Clark says, “it’s a question, if you find a spore, and you’re trying to detect life, how do you know it’s a spore, [and not] just a little particle of sand? And the answer is: You don’t. Unless you can find a way to make the spore do what’s called germinating, going back to the normal bacterial form.” That, however, is a challenge for another day.


Why go to Mars?

Mars is an obvious target for exploration because it is close by in our Solar System, but there are many more reasons to explore the Red Planet. The scientific reasons for going to Mars can be summarised by the search for life, understanding the surface and the planet’s evolution, and preparing for future human exploration.

Searching for life on Mars Understanding whether life existed elsewhere in the Universe beyond Earth is a fundamental question of humankind. Mars is an excellent place to investigate this question because it is the most similar planet to Earth in the Solar System. Evidence suggests that Mars was once full of water, warmer and had a thicker atmosphere, offering a potentially habitable environment.

Understanding the surface of Mars and its evolution

While life arose and evolved on Earth, Mars experienced serious climate change. Planetary geologists can study rocks, sediments and soils for clues to uncover the history of the surface. Scientists are interested in the history of water on Mars to understand how life could have survived. Volcanoes, craters from meteoroid impacts, signs of atmospheric or photochemical effects and geophysical processes all carry aspects of Mars’ history.

Samples of the atmosphere could reveal crucial details on its formation and evolution, and also why Mars has less atmosphere than Earth.

Mars can also help us to learn more about our home. Understanding martian geophysical processes promises to uncover details of the evolution and history of Earth and other planets in our Solar System.

Comparing the atmospheres of Mars and Earth

Human exploration

To reduce the cost and risk for human exploration of Mars, robotic missions can scout ahead and help us to find potential resources and the risks of working on the planet.

Before sending astronauts, we need to understand the hazards. Inevitably, astronauts would bring uncontained martian material when they return to Earth, either on their equipment or on themselves. Understanding any biohazards in the soil and dust will help the planning and preparation of these future missions.

Going to Mars is hard and it is even harder for humans because we would need to pack everything to survive the trip to our neighbouring planet and back. Designing a Mars mission would be easier if we could use resources that are already available locally. Water is a valuable resource for human expeditions, both to consume by astronauts and for fuel. Samples gathered by robots could help to evaluate where potential resources are available for future human explorers and how to exploit them.

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Essay on Life on Mars | Life on Mars Essay for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Life on Mars:  There are many theories and fictions related to our solar system’s fourth planet. Several controversies related to life on Mars have come up in the late 20th and the 21st century. The plausibility of life already existing on Mars or in future humans inhabiting Mars is an excellent topic for writing and discussion.

You can also find more  Essay Writing  articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long and Short Essays on Life on Mars for Students and Kids in English

Our article provides students with a long essay sample of 500 words and a short essay sample of 150 words on the topic ‘Life on Mars’ for reference.

Long Essay on Life on Mars 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Life on Mars is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Mars and the existence of life on it have been the research subject for over a century now. People have funded a lot of money, and they have invested a lot of time and effort to find if life ever existed on that planet or if in future people can live on Mars.

However, the thought of humans or any other being ever surviving on Mars might seem very far-fetched at present, but the idea is certainly a fascinating one for sure. The curiosity regarding the fourth planet of our Solar System increased because it has a similar size and position. The planet Mars was once very similar to our Earth many billion years ago.

With the aggregation of science and technology, the scientists have tried to dig up some dirt on Mars, both metaphorically and literally, with the help of some spacecraft, satellite imageries, rovers, etc. From observing the fourth planet of our Solar Systems’ position and nature, a lot of beneficial pieces of evidence have been gathered. The conclusions drawn from those interesting researches express that they cannot completely rule out life’s possibility to ever exist on the Red Planet.

Some of the most promising discoveries from the Red Planet that have fueled the thought of life on it are methane in Mars’ atmosphere, the evidence of liquid water traces from the Nocion period, and water in ice form on Mars at present. Irrespective of whatever progress one has made in discovering signs of life possible on Mars, some crucial challenges need to be solved before one can survive on the Red Planet:

  • The harsh surface conditions of planet Mars is not at all suitable for living beings.
  • The gravitational pull of Mars is about 38% that of Earth’s gravity, and this low gravity will cause bone demineralization, muscle loss, etc.
  • The Red Planet temperature ranges very low compared to that of Earth, i.e. it is between -87 degree Celsius and -5 degree Celsius.

The water scarcity of the planet will not be an easy problem to solve as it is said to be even drier than the driest desert of Earth. Another massive problem with surviving on Mars is that due to the ozone layer’s missing, the sun’s harmful rays also penetrate its atmosphere. Also, the high concentration of chlorine in the Red Planet soil will make cultivation of food almost impossible. Hence, to sum it up, establishing a worthy living environment on Mars for us would not be an easy task and not going to happen anytime soon.

It is very much possible that one-day humans might be able to turn Mars into a habitable planet but before astronauts are yet even to have a successful human landing on the Red Planet. My dream is to be that astronaut who is one of the first to step on Mars. Since there have not yet been any human landing attempts on Mars, hopefully, the human civilization will achieve that someday soon.

Short Essay on Life on Mars 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Life on Mars is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Scientists and researchers have spent years searching for some evidence of any trace of life on the Red planet. All researches till now have led to the indication of no previous trace of life on Mars. However, the evidence of some elements like frozen water, liquid water traces of past, and methane in the atmosphere of Mars have provided some hope of the existence of life on that Red deserted planet.

If I were to dream about going to Mars and having a life there, then I would like to explore it well. I wish I had enough superpowers to change that planet’s conditions to make it fit for humans to live in for when our Earth would not be enough.

However, I wish humans would learn from their mistakes of polluting the Earth, and if ever inhabits Mars or any other planets, they would keep it as pure as they found it in the beginning.

10 Lines on Life on Mars in English

  • Many stories are revolving around the fictitious concept of life on Mars.
  • People were intrigued by the idea of life on Mars because of its proximity and similarity to our planet Earth.
  • There exist many conspiracies revolving the cold deserted red fourth planet of our Solar System.
  • Scientists claim that there was once a massive ocean on Mars, making it seem very similar to Earth.
  • Because of the traces of liquid water on Mars in the past and the high temperatures at that time, researchers wonder about the possibility of life once on Mars.
  • It is said that some biosignatures on the surface of the Red Planet indicate the possibility of life on Mars.
  • Some theories about life on Mars also refer to the case of ‘refugee lives’ deep below the planet’s surface.
  • The shreds of evidence collected from the satellite and rover pictures show that there is no sign of plants or the so imagined ‘intelligent Martians’ on the surface of the Red planet.
  • One such news was disclosed in 1996, that a group of scientist discovered some bacterial evidence inside a Mars’ meteorite that came to Earth.
  • People keep their hopes up about finding life on Mars because it would mean that we are not alone in this vast universe.

FAQ’s on Life on Mars Essay

Question 1. What is the size of Mars when compared with our Earth?

Answer: The diameter of Mars is only half of what Earth’s is, and the surface area of Earth’s total land portion is that of the entire surface area of Mars.

Question 2. How could one hope life can exist in the challenging climate and conditions of Mars?

Answer:  Since many resilient living beings are found in the most extremely harsh conditions on Earth, we can also hope that some sign of life might also be found on Mars one day.

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An Anthropologist on Mars

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An Anthropologist on Mars: Seven Paradoxical Tales

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

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Summary and Study Guide

An Anthropologist on Mars: Seven Paradoxical Tales is a narrative nonfiction essay collection by Oliver Sacks originally published in 1995. Sacks documents and comments upon seven patients with neurological conditions that challenge preconceived notions about illness, disorder, adaptation, and self-perception. This collection builds upon Sacks’s previous works featuring neurological case studies, including the critically acclaimed The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat.

Oliver Sacks, M.D. was an author, medical historian, neurologist, and professor of neurology at NYU School of Medicine; he passed away in 2005 but remains known for his profound and passionate writing about medicine and neurological case studies. His bestselling books include The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat , Musicophilia: Tales of Music , Awakenings , The Mind’s Eye , On the Move: A Life , and more . In 1990, Awakenings was adapted into an Academy Award-nominated film of the same name, while many of his other texts have inspired other writers, filmmakers, playwrights, and musicians. Sacks was a contributor to the New Yorker , the New York Review of Books , and NPR. The New York Times once called him “the poet laureate of contemporary medicine.”

Sacks begins the book with a preface detailing his recovery after a recent shoulder surgery. He marvels at how his body and mind adapted quickly and efficiently. Although his surgeon had given him a rough idea of what his recovery might look like, he told Sacks that the particular ways he would need to adapt would become apparent over time; no two patients have the same experience. Sacks considers the intersubjectivity of illness, disease, and disorder, remarking that perhaps our understanding of health is too rigid and static. Invoking the human brain’s plasticity, he says he wishes to learn from patients with neurological and psychiatric differences to see how they have adapted to living in the real world outside of a hospital setting . He tells the reader that his mission is to act as a “neuroanthropologist,” reporting on and analyzing patients as they navigate their lives to see what we can learn about the adaptability of the human mind.

Sacks’s first case study is of an artist in his sixties named Jonathan I. , who suddenly becomes color-blind after an accident. Jonathan is greatly distressed by this change and falls into a deep depression, trying to convey his new dulled view of the world by constructing an all-gray room. Sacks and his colleague Robert Wasserman visit Jonathan and run tests on his eyes and brain to figure out if his color blindness is a form of cerebral achromatopsia or merely a psychosomatic result of the accident. Neither Sacks nor Wasserman can fix his color blindness, yet Jonathan begins to embrace this development, changing the way he creates his art in order to correspond to his new way of seeing.

Sacks then presents the story of Greg F. , a hippie who joined the Hare Krishnas in the late 1960s. Self-isolated from family and friends, he began to lose his eyesight, which his swami told him was due to his newfound enlightenment. Eventually, Greg’s family visited him and, barely recognizing him, realized he was in urgent need of medical care; a brain tumor had permanently blinded him as well as damaged his memory and pituitary gland. Sacks meets Greg while working at Williamsbridge Hospital, where he grows fascinated by his ability to live fully in the present, with no memory of what occurred after the 1960s. Hoping to connect with his patient, Sacks arranges for him to attend a Grateful Dead concert in the early 1990s, yet Greg does not remember the concert the next day.

In the essay “A Surgeon’s Life,” Sacks meets and observes Dr. Carl Bennett , a well-respected Canadian surgeon with Tourette syndrome . Despite his many tics, Bennett has defied expectations and found a way to adapt his surgical practice to help him enter a “flow” state of concentration in the operating room. Sacks finds himself in awe of the power of Bennett’s flow state, as well as his ability to earn his pilot’s license and safely fly a small aircraft.

Sacks also investigates the case of Virgil , a man in his fifties who has suffered from cataracts and retinitis pigmentosa since he was three years old. His fiancée encourages him to undergo cataract removal surgeries, which are ostensibly successful. Virgil, however, is disturbed by his newfound vision and unable to take in the world around him—particularly the visual relationships between people, objects, shapes, and colors. Sacks documents his difficulty adapting to sight and the ways in which it unsettles him. Virgil was in poor health to begin with, and he often finds himself “acting” blind when he feels overwhelmed. When he suffers through a severe bout of pneumonia, he loses most of his new vision and eventually his job and home.

“The Landscape of His Dreams” follows the story of Franco Magnani , an eccentric Italian artist living outside of San Francisco who is singularly obsessed with his home village of Pontito. He feels a strong, unyielding drive to paint Pontito, using his near photographic memory to render the village of his youth. Sacks wonders if perhaps this strong sense of memory and the past rob Magnani of his ability to stay in the present. Despite his reluctance, Magnani eventually revisits Pontito, which initially confuses his memories and sense of himself; however, he later returns for a longer visit, dedicated to relearning the place he has loved from afar.

Sacks also devotes two essays to exploring autism , identity, and adaptation: The first, “Prodigies,” follows the adolescence of Stephen Wiltshire , a British child with autism who displays prodigious talent for architectural drawing. Though he struggles with verbal and nonverbal communication, Stephen challenges Sacks’s preconceived notions about art, identity, and what constitutes an emotional and inner life.

Sacks explores these themes further in the final, titular essay of the collection, “An Anthropologist on Mars.” Here, Sacks documents the everyday world of Temple Grandin , an acclaimed writer and animal behavioral scientist with Asperger syndrome. Her singular focus on engineering humane farm buildings and slaughterhouses consumes her, leaving no room for a social, sexual, or personal life. Sacks finds her engaging and wishes to learn more about her feelings, but she can only understand the world intellectually rather than emotionally. As Grandin drives Sacks to the airport, they discuss faith and judgement, and she begins to weep. Sacks embraces her before flying home.

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National Academies Press: OpenBook

Assessment of Mars Science and Mission Priorities (2003)

Chapter: 13. conclusions, 13 conclusions.

It is humankind’s nature to explore our surroundings if it can be done. Fifty years ago, exploring Mars was not one of the things anyone could do. Those who were curious had to be content with fuzzy images of the planet, quivering in the oculars of telescopes. But that is far from the case today. Forty years ago, spacecraft began to be sent to the planets, and since then, the art of space exploration has become increasingly refined and discoveries have multiplied. We now have the capability, in principle, of reaching and exploring any object in the solar system. At the top of the list of targets of exploration is Mars, the most Earth-like, most accessible, most hospitable, and most intriguing of the planets. Two years ago, in October 2000, NASA recognized this by setting the study of Mars apart in a structured Mars Exploration Program. The present document reports on COMPLEX’s study of the program.

COMPLEX has compared the elements of the Mars Exploration Program with the research objectives for Mars that have been stressed by advisory panels, including this one, for more than 23 years. The committee found that correspondence between the two is not perfect. Currently, NASA focuses on the search for life, and its prerequisite, water, as the main drivers for Mars research, and has favored missions and experiments that support these goals. The space agency is not now in a position to ask direct questions about life on Mars, and has not been since the Viking mission in the 1970s, but the missions supported are designed to find the areas most promising for water and life, and to investigate in situ their chemical and petrographic potential for extant or fossil life.

Since NASA operates within budget constraints, this emphasis on one particular scientific objective necessarily comes at the expense of others. COMPLEX considered the question of whether NASA’s priorities are too heavily skewed toward life-related investigations. The committee decided, however, that this is not the case. The emphasis on life is well justified; the life-related investigations that are planned range over so much of Mars science that they will result in broad and comprehensive gains in our knowledge; and the areas most neglected as a consequence of this emphasis (see Chapter 12 ) will, to some extent, be investigated by projected missions of our international partners.

COMPLEX endorses the program NASA has set up, though the committee has also pointed out several areas of high scientific priority that the program does not address. This report stresses the uniquely important role of sample return in a program of Mars research, and urges that sample-return missions be performed as early as possible. Discussions and recommendations related to sample return appear in Chapters 7 and 12 . A more general review of the conclusions of this report is contained in the Executive Summary.

what is the mars essay

FIGURE 13.1 The study of Mars has come very far. This map is a reminder of how the planet was perceived in 1967. SOURCE: Mariner 69 Mars Chart, NASA MEC-2.

Our understanding of the most Earth-like planet beyond our own has increased dramatically in 35 years of spacecraft research (see Figure 13.1). Most of us will live to see an even greater increment of knowledge result from execution of the Mars Exploration Program that this report describes.

Within the Office of Space Science of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) special importance is attached to exploration of the planet Mars, because it is the most like Earth of the planets in the solar system and the place where the first detection of extraterrestrial life seems most likely to be made. The failures in 1999 of two NASA missions—Mars Climate Orbiter and Mars Polar Lander—caused the space agency's program of Mars exploration to be systematically rethought, both technologically and scientifically. A new Mars Exploration Program plan (summarized in Appendix A) was announced in October 2000. The Committee on Planetary and Lunar Exploration (COMPLEX), a standing committee of the Space Studies Board of the National Research Council, was asked to examine the scientific content of this new program. This goals of this report are the following:

-Review the state of knowledge of the planet Mars, with special emphasis on findings of the most recent Mars missions and related research activities;

-Review the most important Mars research opportunities in the immediate future;

-Review scientific priorities for the exploration of Mars identified by COMPLEX (and other scientific advisory groups) and their motivation, and consider the degree to which recent discoveries suggest a reordering of priorities; and

-Assess the congruence between NASA's evolving Mars Exploration Program plan and these recommended priorities, and suggest any adjustments that might be warranted.


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NASA’s Hubble, MAVEN Help Solve the Mystery of Mars’ Escaping Water

On a black background, a large orange and white orb is surrounded by a diffuse, grainy, orange halo. The halo appears to have more material on its right side than its left.

Mars was once a very wet planet as is evident in its surface geological features. Scientists know that over the last 3 billion years, at least some water went deep underground, but what happened to the rest? Now, NASA's Hubble Space Telescope and MAVEN (Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution) missions are helping unlock that mystery.

"There are only two places water can go. It can freeze into the ground, or the water molecule can break into atoms, and the atoms can escape from the top of the atmosphere into space," explained study leader John Clarke of the Center for Space Physics at Boston University in Massachusetts. "To understand how much water there was and what happened to it, we need to understand how the atoms escape into space."

Clarke and his team combined data from Hubble and MAVEN to measure the number and current escape rate of the hydrogen atoms escaping into space. This information allowed them to extrapolate the escape rate backwards through time to understand the history of water on the Red Planet.

Escaping Hydrogen and "Heavy Hydrogen"

Water molecules in the Martian atmosphere are broken apart by sunlight into hydrogen and oxygen atoms. Specifically, the team measured hydrogen and deuterium, which is a hydrogen atom with a neutron in its nucleus. This neutron gives deuterium twice the mass of hydrogen. Because its mass is higher, deuterium escapes into space much more slowly than regular hydrogen.

Over time, as more hydrogen was lost than deuterium, the ratio of deuterium to hydrogen built up in the atmosphere. Measuring the ratio today gives scientists a clue to how much water was present during the warm, wet period on Mars. By studying how these atoms currently escape, they can understand the processes that determined the escape rates over the last four billion years and thereby extrapolate back in time.

Although most of the study's data comes from the MAVEN spacecraft, MAVEN is not sensitive enough to see the deuterium emission at all times of the Martian year. Unlike the Earth, Mars swings far from the Sun in its elliptical orbit during the long Martian winter, and the deuterium emissions become faint. Clarke and his team needed the Hubble data to "fill in the blanks" and complete an annual cycle for three Martian years (each of which is 687 Earth days). Hubble also provided additional data going back to 1991 – prior to MAVEN's arrival at Mars in 2014.

The combination of data between these missions provided the first holistic view of hydrogen atoms escaping Mars into space.

Split image of two panels stacked vertically. In the left corner of the top image is the label Mars Corona, Hubble Space Telescope. This label pertains to both panels. In the top panel, on a black background, an orange and white orb is surrounded by a small, diffuse, grainy, orange halo. The halo appears to have more material on its left side than its right. Under the orb is the label Aphelion: December 31, 2017. In the bottom panel, on a black background, a larger orange and white orb is also surrounded by a diffuse, grainy, orange halo. This halo is wider than the one in the top panel. The halo appears to have more material on its right side than its left. Under the orb is the label Perihelion: December 19, 2016. In both panels, white, polar ice caps and some surface features are visible.

A Dynamic and Turbulent Martian Atmosphere

"In recent years scientists have found that Mars has an annual cycle that is much more dynamic than people expected 10 or 15 years ago," explained Clarke. "The whole atmosphere is very turbulent, heating up and cooling down on short timescales, even down to hours. The atmosphere expands and contracts as the brightness of the Sun at Mars varies by 40 percent over the course of a Martian year."

The team discovered that the escape rates of hydrogen and deuterium change rapidly when Mars is close to the Sun. In the classical picture that scientists previously had, these atoms were thought to slowly diffuse upward through the atmosphere to a height where they could escape.

But that picture no longer accurately reflects the whole story, because now scientists know that atmospheric conditions change very quickly. When Mars is close to the Sun, the water molecules, which are the source of the hydrogen and deuterium, rise through the atmosphere very rapidly releasing atoms at high altitudes.

The second finding is that the changes in hydrogen and deuterium are so rapid that the atomic escape needs added energy to explain them. At the temperature of the upper atmosphere only a small fraction of the atoms have enough speed to escape the gravity of Mars. Faster (super-thermal) atoms are produced when something gives the atom a kick of extra energy. These events include collisions from solar wind protons entering the atmosphere or sunlight that drives chemical reactions in the upper atmosphere.

Serving as a Proxy

Studying the history of water on Mars is fundamental not only to understanding planets in our own solar system but also the evolution of Earth-size planets around other stars. Astronomers are finding more and more of these planets, but they’re difficult to study in detail. Mars, Earth and Venus all sit in or near our solar system's habitable zone, the region around a star where liquid water could pool on a rocky planet; yet all three planets have dramatically different present-day conditions. Along with its sister planets, Mars can help scientists grasp the nature of far-flung worlds across our galaxy.

These results appear in the July 26 edition of Science Advances , published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science .

About the Missions

The Hubble Space Telescope has been operating for over three decades and continues to make ground-breaking discoveries that shape our fundamental understanding of the universe. Hubble is a project of international cooperation between NASA and ESA (European Space Agency). NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, manages the telescope and mission operations. Lockheed Martin Space, based in Denver, Colorado, also supports mission operations at Goddard. The Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in Baltimore, Maryland, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, conducts Hubble science operations for NASA.

MAVEN’s principal investigator is based at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) at the University of Colorado Boulder. LASP is also responsible for managing science operations and public outreach and communications. NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, manages the MAVEN mission. Lockheed Martin Space built the spacecraft and is responsible for MAVEN mission operations at Goddard. NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California provides navigation and Deep Space Network support. The MAVEN team is preparing to celebrate the spacecraft’s 10th year at Mars in September 2024.

Media Contacts :

Claire Andreoli NASA's  Goddard Space Flight Center ,  Greenbelt, MD [email protected]

Ann Jenkins and Ray Villard Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD

Science Contact :

John T. Clarke Boston University, Boston, MA

Related Terms

  • Astrophysics
  • Astrophysics Division
  • Goddard Space Flight Center

Hubble Space Telescope

  • MAVEN (Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN)
  • Planetary Science
  • Science Mission Directorate
  • The Solar System

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