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  • 16 November 2022

The path towards more-sustainable building construction

  • Katharine Sanderson 0

Katharine Sanderson is a freelance writer based in Cornwall, UK.

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Credit: Jan Kallwejt

Our built environment — from houses to offices, schools and shops — is not environmentally benign. Buildings and the construction industry are, in fact, the world’s biggest consumer of raw materials and contribute 25–40% of global carbon dioxide emissions ( F. Pomponi & A. J. Moncaster Clean. Prod. 143 , 710–718; 2017 ). Making buildings part of a circular economy that minimizes the waste of materials could therefore yield huge environmental rewards. Conversely, failure on this front could have dire consequences.

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Nature 611 , S18-S19 (2022)


This article is part of Nature Outlook: The circular economy , an editorially independent supplement produced with the financial support of third parties. About this content .

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At the Harvard Center for Green Buildings and Cities, we take an integrated, interdisciplinary approach to our research. With the knowledge that the building sector accounts for approximately one third of global energy consumption and emissions, we strive towards sustainable, high-performance building and cities.

The scope of our research goes beyond designing and building better structures: we seek to find ways to change the behavior of firms, occupants of buildings, and local governments in order to adopt more environmentally-friendly development and building use practices at the building and urban scales.

Our research, conducted by both our core research group and our affiliated faculty, covers a variety of topics, from ecological approaches to green building to data-driven building control . The Center draws together experts across Harvard’s various schools, such as the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, to pursue research and teaching that advances the state of knowledge and practice in green building.  


The Center engages in four interrelated areas of research that represent various dimensions and scales of the sustainable built environment. Our faculty research also falls into each of these dimensions.


sustainable construction research topics

  • Examine new forms of data visualization and human-building interaction
  • Utilize, build, and maintain a large Building Performance Database
  • Pursue interdisciplinary engagement with mathematicians, computer scientists, and behavioral scientists within the Harvard community and beyond


  • How can we develop modeling methods that enable building simulation to reflect uncertainties involving human behavior and local conditions?
  • How can we improve energy saving technologies within building systems?


sustainable construction research topics

The Center’s research initiatives seek to establish how buildings can be designed and built to radically improve material consumption patterns and life-cycle building performance through:

  • Studying, evaluating, and developing building-specific, design related environmental assessment metrics and framework
  • Researching environmentally smart material and construction solutions from the nano-scale to the building scale
  • Emphasizing an interdisciplinary approach that combines researchers from the Harvard Graduate School of Design and the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Science with other external contributors
  • Conducting research at the forefront of material innovation and digitally supported sustainable material and construction strategies


Societal impact and benefits from advances in knowledge and technology depend upon the adoption and diffusion of actual product and process innovations in the marketplace. New business models and financing models are needed to overcome divergences between social and private rates of return on green building investments. Laws, regulations, and enforcement mechanisms are critical public policy drivers for technology adoption and diffusion. Similarly, behaviorally informed tools for public policy such as choice architecture, default rules, norms, simplification, and information are critical to shaping technology adoption and diffusion.

  • Utilize our database of product and technology introductions to better understand the rate of technological change in the building industry and the factors that influence technology adoption and diffusion
  • Develop economic models for drivers of innovation and technology adoption relating to incentives, government policies, and individual and business behavior
  • Create cost-benefit studies that assess the potential returns to firms that adopt technologies that improve building performance
  • Analyze ways to shape incentives and behavior of individuals in buildings to support better building performance outcomes


  • How can we shape incentives and the behavior of individuals in buildings to support better building performance outcomes?
  • How can we better understand the factors that influence technology adoption and diffusion so that we can create better government policies, regulations, and enforcement mechanisms?


  • Develop and evaluate tools to enable implementation, improvement, and compliance with energy-efficient practices and codes
  • Refine and test the next generation of regulations, such as outcome-based codes, that will ensure on-going building performance
  • Develop computational models and framework to design and manage sustainable communities and cities

Climate action has never felt more urgent. Major advances in our four research dimensions, which focus on green buildings and cities, have the potential to improve lives, drive sustainability, and find solutions to adapt to and mitigate the causes and effects of climate change.


Interested in green buildings and our research? Read our publications or contact us to learn more.

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Top 10 Sustainable Construction Trends in 2023 | StartUs Insights

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Explore the Top 10 Sustainable Construction Trends in 2023

How is the construction industry reducing its carbon emissions and tackling climate change? This data-driven industry research is based on the analysis of 3000+ sustainable construction startups & scaleups and showcases 10 top trends impacting the sector. They include additive manufacturing, biomimicry, energy-efficient architecture, construction robotics, & more.

Technological advances in green construction improve environmental protection, resource efficiency, and building quality. For example, 3D printing and construction robots use digital models and automation to create complex structures and reduce waste. Sustainable construction materials and offsite construction, on the other hand, enhance building performance and durability while reducing emissions and transportation costs. Circular construction and immersive construction use smart design and digital tools to optimize the life cycle and user experience of buildings. This industry report provides you with the top 10 sustainable construction trends based on our research of 3405 startups and scaleups. They range from integrated environmental assessments (IEAs) and energy-efficient architecture to zero-waste construction and biophilic architecture. Discover the latest sustainable developments in the construction industry in this data-driven report.

Innovation Map outlines the Top 10 Sustainable Construction Trends & 20 Promising Startups

For this in-depth research on the Top Sustainable Construction Trends & Startups, we analyzed a sample of 3405 global startups & scaleups. This data-driven research provides innovation intelligence that helps you improve strategic decision-making by giving you an overview of emerging technologies in the construction industry. In the Sustainable Construction Innovation Map, you get a comprehensive overview of the innovation trends & startups that impact your company.


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These insights are derived by working with our Big Data & Artificial Intelligence-powered StartUs Insights Discovery Platform , covering 3 790 000+ startups & scaleups globally. As the world’s largest resource for data on emerging companies, the SaaS platform enables you to identify relevant technologies and industry trends quickly & exhaustively.

Tree Map reveals the Impact of the Top 10 Sustainable Construction Trends

Based on the Sustainable Construction Innovation Map, the Tree Map below illustrates the impact of the Top 10 Sustainable Construction Trends in 2023. Startups and scaleups are developing solutions for reducing environmental impact and enhancing building performance. 3D Printing, the most prevalent trend, offers design flexibility and reduces production time. Construction robots allow builders to automate tasks and improve safety and efficiency. Energy-efficient architecture and biophilic architecture, as well as IEA, enable the design of buildings that optimize natural resources and human well-being. Sustainable construction materials, circular construction, and zero-waste construction lead to better waste management and a lower carbon footprint. Offsite construction also allows for a consistent and faster production process. Lastly, immersive construction enables the use of virtual and augmented reality (AR and VR) to visualize and simulate projects before construction.


Top 10 Sustainable Construction Trends in 2023

  • 3D Printing
  • Integrated Environmental Assessments
  • Construction Robots
  • Energy-Efficient Architecture
  • Sustainable Construction Materials
  • Offsite Construction
  • Zero Waste Construction
  • Circular Construction
  • Biophilic Architecture
  • Immersive Construction

Global Startup Heat Map covers 3405 Sustainable Construction Startups & Scaleups

The Global Startup Heat Map below highlights the global distribution of the 3405 exemplary startups & scaleups that we analyzed for this research. Created through the StartUs Insights Discovery Platform, the Heat Map reveals high startup activity in Western Europe, followed by the US and India. Below, you get to meet 20 out of these 3405 promising startups & scaleups as well as the solutions they develop. These sustainable construction startups are hand-picked based on criteria such as founding year, location, funding raised, & more. Depending on your specific needs, your top picks might look entirely different.


1. 3D Printing

In the construction industry, 3D printing reduces material waste, accelerates production times, and enhances design flexibility. Startups and scaleups are using this technology to provide innovative solutions for green building practices. They include concrete printing and additive manufacturing to create eco-friendly construction materials. Additionally, it includes the development of larger 3D printers capable of printing entire building structures. Further, it enables on-site printing of building components and the creation of complex shapes and designs. 3D printers also construct buildings out of locally sourced materials, such as sand and clay, while some printers use self-healing materials that repair the damage.

Black Buffalo 3D provides 3D-Printed Infrastructure

US-based startup Black Buffalo 3D develops NEXCON construction printers for the commercial and housing sector. The startup’s printers utilize proprietary concrete ink to produce sustainable infrastructure on demand. Its built-in controls enable easy installation of electrical, plumbing, and other necessary openings. The printers and concrete ink produce structures that exceed the strength, durability, and safety of conventional mortars. Black Buffalo 3D thus offers cost savings and sustainability to builders, contractors, and developers through waste elimination.

Mobbot digitizes 3D Concrete Spraying

Swiss startup Mabbot develops a platform for digitizing shotcrete processes. The startup’s internet of things (IoT) solution connects to spraying machines and gather data from the machine sensors and displays it on the dashboard. The cloud-based dashboard provides real-time visibility of shotcrete operations. It connects to the spraying machine via a controller area network (CAN) bus port. During spraying operations, it collects data on time sessions and concrete consumption as well as evaluates operator performance. Mabbot optimizes the shotcrete process and quality as well as enables companies to improve safety and productivity while also reducing concrete use and CO2 emissions.

2. Integrated Environmental Assessments

IEAs allow for evaluating and reducing the environmental impacts of buildings throughout their life cycle. Building information modeling (BIM) facilitates comprehensive visualization of the building and its systems. Life cycle assessment (LCA) assesses the environmental impact of the materials and processes involved in construction. The startups are using IEA to design and implement digital tools for data collection and analysis. These evaluations primarily focus on the environmental impact of construction materials, energy consumption during the building process, and the effects on surrounding ecosystems and communities. Additionally, designers use these assessments to compare various design alternatives and optimize building environmental performance.

Cercula develops Construction Carbon Metrics

UK-based startup Cercula creates life cycle assessment software for building projects. It aids construction decision-making through the generation of carbon metrics and reports. The software provides a quick and simple workflow, allowing for instant carbon metrics from cost plans and bills of quantities. It offers additional features including portfolio organization, analysis, and compliance with regulations. Cercula enables property developers, contractors, designers, architects, and sustainability professionals to deliver efficient projects and meet climate targets.

Hloov makes a Digital Twin-based Decision Intelligence Platform

UAE-based startup Hloov develops Tagwaye , a human-centric AI-led living digital twins platform. It empowers people in the built environment with decision intelligence to make complex and critical decisions confidently. It enables asset management, providing an integrated view of all assets throughout the project lifecycle, optimizing operational performance, reliability, and safety. Hloov helps businesses minimize waste and achieve their goals while lowering the adverse environmental effects of the built environment.

3. Construction Robots

Robots enhance sustainability and efficiency in the construction industry. It performs various tasks such as site inspection and demolition. Robots and drones conduct site inspections and collect data to monitor progress, safety, and quality. Demolition robots break down structures and materials with precision and speed, minimizing noise and dust. Several startups are developing innovative technologies for construction robots, such as AI, computer vision, and wireless communication. These solutions reduce construction waste significantly while improving efficiency. Further, the sustainability benefits of construction robots also result in economic benefits.

Curvecrete offers Curved Concrete Paneling

Australian startup Curvecrete offers curved concrete paneling using low-carbon concrete and robotic forming technology. The startup’s casting method uses an adjustable and reusable single mold that allows customization of the curvature and texture of the panels. Its low-carbon geopolymer concrete reduces emissions and waste while creating curved architecture. The panels are installed both indoors and outdoors and are fire-rated and sealed. Curvecrete allows architects, contractors, and developers to integrate sustainable and aesthetically pleasing design elements into their projects.

ROBOSURF builds Surface Finishing Robots

Italian startup ROBOSURF manufactures autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) for surface finishing and paint applications in construction. Its robot technology utilizes AI and other industry 4.0 technologies to automate tasks and processes for sanding, spray-painting, and more. The startup also provides multiple app usage for the robot, enabling flexible and safe work in harsh and ever-changing conditions. This way, ROBOSURF improves efficiency, flexibility, and safety at construction sites.

4. Energy-Efficient Architecture

Energy-efficient architecture reduces the environmental impact of buildings and optimizes their performance. One of the strategies to achieve this goal is a passive design, which uses natural elements such as sunlight, wind, and vegetation to regulate the indoor temperature and lighting of buildings. Passive design elements also incorporate green roofs and walls that provide insulation, stormwater management, and biodiversity. Another aspect of energy-efficient architecture is the use of efficient heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, which reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Additionally, startups are developing smart sensors and energy management systems to improve the health, comfort, and well-being of the occupants.

Eden Arc promotes Energy-Efficient Construction

UK-based startup Eden Arc creates solutions for stakeholders to design immersive outdoor experiences using eco-friendly materials, green construction, and assembly techniques. Its range of products includes buildings with low-impact footings, sedum grass roofs, and cladding options sourced from sustainable materials. Additionally, the startup offers an optional off-grid power supply package featuring solar and battery storage. The startup’s structural insulated panels (SIPs) modular construction method permits a diverse mix of room types with customizable finishes and specifications.

Thermosphr optimizes Building Thermal Management

German startup Thermosphr develops software solutions to enhance thermal efficiency in buildings. For this, it utilizes thermal modeling technology and real-time building communication. Its services include SaaS for real-time HVAC control, predictive maintenance, and equipment performance monitoring. The startup customizes its model for each building to predict indoor temperature variations, model HVAC equipment efficiency, and calculate optimized HVAC settings. It anticipates demand and adjusts HVAC settings remotely with its predictive control technology. Additionally, its SaaS solution leverages existing building management system (BMS) data and onboards a thermal digital twin technology to deliver insights on building performance. Thermosphr, in turn, ensures maximum energy efficiency by automating HVAC management.

5. Sustainable Construction Materials

Sustainable construction materials focus on utilizing eco-friendly and renewable resources, reducing the environmental impact of buildings and infrastructure. Some of the sustainable construction materials include recycled and reclaimed materials, such as steel, wood, glass, and plastic, that reduce waste and replace virgin raw materials. Further, it includes bio-based materials, such as bamboo, hemp, and straw, that are renewable and biodegradable. It also includes low-carbon concrete that uses less cement and incorporates additives that lower GHG emissions. Startups are creating more efficient, durable, and affordable green construction materials, supporting eco-friendly construction practices.

EcoBricks produces Eco-friendly Concrete

Hong Kong-based startup EcoBricks converts plastic waste into sustainable concrete. Its solution accepts all types of plastic, ranging from type 1-7, including mixed plastics. The process is entirely cold, with no emissions or pollutants. The startup’s eco-friendly concrete bricks have a lower carbon footprint than conventional ones. EcoBricks offer a locally-sourced and fully circular solution to the plastic waste crisis that reduces the carbon footprint of the construction industry.

Aisti manufactures Sustainable Acoustic Tiles

Finnish startup Aisti creates sustainable acoustic solutions using natural and carbon-negative materials. Its product, Teno Acoustic Tile , is made from wood fiber and is entirely recyclable. These tiles have a negative carbon footprint due to their energy-efficient production process. The startup also employs foam-forming technology to create low-density tiles that are free from synthetic binders, allergens, and plastic. As a result, Aisti enables construction companies to make green choices and reduce their carbon footprint with its eco-friendly products.


6. Offsite Construction

Offsite construction involves the manufacturing of building components in a controlled environment before transportation to the construction site. This ensures consistent production and higher quality standards compared to on-site construction, which is often subject to weather conditions. Prefabrication and modular construction techniques minimize waste, enhance quality control, and shorten construction time. Further, digital technologies improve efficiency, reduce waste, and improve accuracy in offsite construction. Startups are developing off-site construction solutions that are both efficient and eco-friendly, benefiting the environment and the construction industry.

Sweelco enables Off-Site Building Design

French startup Sweelco advances offsite construction of sustainable buildings. Its solutions involve modular construction, where the startup integrates digital designs of buildings with automated prefabrication of elements and onsite assembly. Sweelco leverages a light steel frame to offer a faster, more efficient, and more sustainable process. This way, the startup offers offsite construction to contractors and construction companies with optimal quality while reducing waste and material usage.

Offsight facilitates Off-Site Project Management

US-based startup Offsight develops manufacturing project management software for the offsite construction and building industry. The startup’s software solves the production, quality, traceability, and communication challenges of offsite and project-based manufacturing. Its live production dashboard allows managers to track production progress and quality in real-time. The software also detects assembly errors, minimizes costly factory rework, and delegates tasks. Moreover, it features robust reporting capabilities that allow personnel to track non-conformance and production progress. Offsight helps optimize the factory’s operations and increase efficiency.

7. Zero Waste Construction

Zero waste construction focuses on eliminating or minimizing construction and demolition waste throughout the building lifecycle. This involves using non-toxic and biodegradable materials, optimizing material usage, and integrating design and construction processes to reduce waste. Further, recovering and downcycling construction waste materials, such as concrete, bricks, and asphalt, is one way to reduce waste. Zero waste construction also includes deriving energy from waste by using it as fuel for electricity. This lowers environmental impacts, reduces costs, improves quality, and enhances social value.

Adaptis facilitates Building Decarbonization

Canadian startup Adaptis develops software to combine data-driven evaluation, reuse planning, and design for decarbonizing cities. Its algorithm leverages material salvage value and reuse calculation, deconstruction planning, and adaptation design feasibility. The software then optimizes and automates adaptation planning for environmental and economic factors. Adaptis improves existing condition assessments and building adaptation planning to reduce the carbon footprint of buildings.

Upcycling Forum provides Upcycled Construction Materials

Danish startup Upcycling Forum creates a digital platform that aids upcycling for businesses and enables the measurement of CO2 effects, savings, and other metrics. It converts discarded materials and products, which would otherwise be deemed as waste, into new items that have a greater value than the original product. Upcycling Forum’s platform provides project packages and a project tool. Additionally, the startup’s app allows stakeholders to buy and sell new materials. The startup helps producers and construction businesses reduce waste and CO2 emissions while optimizing reuse and deconstruction planning.

8. Circular Construction

Circular construction eliminates waste and regenerates nature by designing, producing, and circularly consuming goods. This involves the use of renewable energy sources, design for disassembly, and emphasis on lifecycle thinking to reduce the environmental impact. Startups are providing circular construction solutions such as modular building systems, circular bridges, as well as sustainable paints and coatings. These technologies enable the reuse and recycling of materials, extend product lifecycles, and improve energy efficiency.

Our Ecolution provides Circular Building Materials

Swedish startup Our Ecolution converts agricultural waste into eco-friendly, affordable building systems. It develops OSE Boards that have a very high strength-to-weight ratio, thermal and acoustic insulation properties, and fire resistance. These boards are used in various buildings and construction sites. Our Ecolution provides sustainable building materials to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, waste, and pollution in the building and construction industry.

FenX designs Recyclable Insulation Materials

Swiss startup FenX converts mineral waste into sustainable and high-performance insulation for the construction industry. It designs recyclable insulation foams using mineral waste, which generates minimal CO2 emissions during manufacturing. The startup offers a product line of bricks, panels, and customized parts, with insulation, temperature resistance, and an adjustable degree of porosity. FenX advances circular economy while delivering eco-friendly and secure insulation solutions.

9. Biophilic Architecture

Biophilic architecture connects people with nature in the built environment. It enhances the well-being of the occupants and reduces the environmental impact of the buildings. One of its key features is the use of natural materials like wood, stone, and bamboo. Another important aspect is the incorporation of green spaces, such as gardens, terraces, and green roofs. Further, it maximizes natural light through large windows, skylights, and solar tubes. Startups are contributing to this trend by developing biometric sensors, smart lighting, and ventilation systems. Biophilic architecture is thus creating healthy and resilient spaces for the future.

Advanced Autoponics enables Intelligent Building Plant Management

US-based startup Advanced Autoponics develops a modular hydroponic and aeroponic system that simplifies plant growing in biophilic and commercial markets. Its technology utilizes cutting-edge modules that enable developers, designers, and architects to place plants anywhere without soil limitations. The startup’s solution creates the optimal root environment for plants to flourish while using less water and space. This technology also provides real-time monitoring from any location in the world. Advanced Autoponics enables designers to integrate plants into the architecture while optimizing indoor foliage health and minimizing hands-on maintenance.

Natura offers Urban Plantscaping

Indian startup Natura provides plantscaping solutions to create biophilic environments. It offers a comprehensive range of services, from design, manufacturing, and installation to maintenance programs. The startup’s plant features bring the natural beauty of greenery and blooms to outdoor compounds, building facades, and indoor spaces. This help businesses combat the adverse effects of climate change while transforming the urban landscape from dull gray to vibrant green. By improving air quality and aesthetics, Natura enhances occupant well-being and productivity.

10. Immersive Construction

Immersive construction enhances the sustainability of the construction industry by using digital technologies to facilitate collaboration, prototyping, visualization, and training. It creates virtual environments that simulate real-world scenarios. This enables stakeholders to communicate and coordinate more effectively — test and optimize designs before building. Further, it allows visualizing and exploring projects in real-time, and training workers in interactive and safe ways. Immersive construction leverages technologies like VR, AR, mixed reality (MR), 3D modeling, cloud computing, and AI. Further, startups are developing platforms for remote collaboration, digital twin creation, and management. This results in a better judgment of work scope and the detection of design errors in construction projects.

GenieVision enables AR-based Work Site Management

Belgian startup GenieVision provides an AR solution for the construction industry. Its AR technology allows engineers and other construction professionals to compare on-site reality to 3D BIM. This way, they detect, correct, and fix construction flaws before they become major failures. The solution’s user-friendly interface enables fast on-site visualization of any 3D model. GenieVision thus streamlines the field process, facilitating direct communication between the field and management, and relaying georeferenced information to the team for better planning.

Virtual Building provides VR-based Construction Designs

Estonian startup Virtual Building develops VR-based solutions for the construction industry. Its VR technology allows 3D visualization of infrastructure and real estate. Clients or partners utilize VR headsets to experience future premises while the startup’s AR technology simplifies construction progress monitoring. The startup’s platform also enables the design of construction sites, including thermal, gas, electrical, ventilation, and other units inside real estate. This system is particularly useful for projects such as tunnels, roads with all communications, squares, parking lots, and other structures, improving project planning and execution.

Discover all Sustainable Construction Trends, Technologies & Startups

The construction industry is experiencing a significant transformation by integrating cutting-edge technologies like biomimetics and smart retrofitting. They address the increasing demand for eco-friendly buildings and social responsibility. These technologies are inspiring architects and engineers to create more efficient and durable structures. Through these efforts, the construction industry is minimizing its carbon footprint while simultaneously enhancing its overall performance. The Sustainable Construction Trends & Startups outlined in this report only scratch the surface of trends that we identified during our data-driven innovation & startup scouting process. Identifying new opportunities & emerging technologies to implement into your business goes a long way in gaining a competitive advantage.

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20 Dissertation Topics on Sustainability and Green Technology

Published by Carmen Troy at January 9th, 2023 , Revised On May 17, 2024


Looking for interesting and manageable topics on sustainability and green technology for your dissertation or thesis? Well, you have come to the right place.

The subject of sustainability, green technology, and environmental friendliness has gained tremendous importance over the last few years – thanks to the ever-increasing pollution, climate change, and high production costs throughout the world.

Without wasting any more of your time, here are the 20+ dissertation topic ideas in this trendy field so you can choose the one that is not only intriguing but also manageable for you.

These topics have been developed by PhD writers of our team , so you can trust to use these topics for drafting your dissertation.

You may also want to start your dissertation by requesting a brief research proposal from our writers on any of these topics, which includes an introduction to the topic, research question, aim and objectives, literature review, and the proposed methodology of research to be conducted. Let us know  if you need any help in getting started.

Check our  dissertation examples  to get an idea of  how to structure your dissertation .

Review the full list of  dissertation topics here.

Latest Research Topics on Sustainability and Green Technology

Topic 1: the role of artificial intelligence (ai) and green technology in the develpment of smart and sustainable towns.

Research Aim: This study intends to find the role of artificial intelligence (AI) and green technology in developing smart and sustainable towns. It will review the concepts of smart and sustainable towns to show their importance in the modern era to reduce global warming. Then it will assess the role of AI by analysing various machine learning and deep learning models to show how these models can help develop smart and sustainable towns. Lastly, it will review what work has already been done in this area and what should be done.

Topic 2: Impact of Research and Development (R&D) Expenditure in Green Technology on the Sustainability Outcomes of the Construction Industry- A Case of Malaysian Construction Industry

Research Aim: This study intends to analyse the impact of research and revelopment (R&D) expenditure on green technology on the sustainability outcomes of the construction industry in Malaysia. It will review the current green technology used in the Malaysian construction industry and its development. Moreover, it will show how the construction industry is spending to develop new green technology and how much it requires to make it completely sustainable. It will also identify various national and international sources which can invest in this industry to make it more sustainable.

Topic 3: What are the Motivating and Demotivating Factors for Green Supply Chain Practices? An Exploratory Study Finding the Factors Affecting Green Supply Chain Practices in the UK

Research Aim: This research will identify various motivating and demotivating factors (return on green investment, production output, local and global competitiveness, political support, international support, investor support, etc.) for green supply chain practices. It will study various industries in the UK, such as construction, hotel industry, retail industry, etc., find out how the abovementioned factors affected their interest in green technology and green supply chain practices. Moreover, it will assess the work done in this area and how various institutions can motivate these industries.

Topic 4: Influence of Green Advertising on the Consumer View of Green Technology and Sustainability in the US

Research Aim: This study shows the impact of green advertising on the consumer perception of green technology and sustainability. It will assess how various components of green advertising work and how they affect the consumer perception of the need for green technology. Moreover, it will analyse different green advertising strategies used by companies in the US to influence consumer perception and how these strategies can be improved to make US consumers more interested in the products, which are products of an environment-friendly production process.

Topic 5: Green Economy a Necessity? Impact of Green Technology on Sustainable Economic Growth and Development- A Case of ASEAN Economies

Research Aim: It proposes a framework to analyse the impact of green technology on sustainable economic growth and development. It will show whether the green economy is essential for growth and development or not. It will assess various effects of green technology on the economy and ecology. And show how improving ecology can benefit human development, which can be good for long-term economic growth in the ASEAN countries. Lastly, it will analyse the current progress of these countries in creating a green economy.

Topic 6: The Potential of Biomimicry in Green Technology Innovation

Research Aim: This research explores and evaluates the potential applications of biomimicry principles in driving innovation within green technology. The purpose of the study is to enhance sustainability, resource efficiency, and environmental conservation.

Topic 7: Circular Economy and its Application in Achieving Sustainability Targets

Research Aim: This study investigates the concept of the circular economy and its practical implementation strategies. It focuses on the effectiveness of the circular economy in facilitating the achievement of sustainability targets across various industries and sectors.

Topic 8: Sustainable Water Management in the Era of Climate Change

Research Aim: This research examines the challenges and opportunities associated with sustainable water management in the context of climate change. The study identifies effective strategies, technologies, and policies to ensure resilient and equitable access to clean water resources while mitigating the impacts of climate variability and extreme events.

Topic 9: The Role of Information Technology in Advancing Sustainability Initiatives

Research Aim: This study investigates the multifaceted role of information technology (IT) in advancing sustainability initiatives across various sectors. It explores how IT innovations, such as big data analytics, IoT (Internet of Things), blockchain, and AI (Artificial Intelligence), can contribute to enhancing resource efficiency and promoting sustainable development goals.

Topic 10: Corporate Social Responsibility and Green Technology Adoption: A Case Study Analysis

Research Aim: This study aims to conduct a comprehensive case study analysis to examine the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices and the adoption of green technologies within organisations. It examines understanding the motivations and outcomes associated with integrating sustainability initiatives into corporate strategies and operations.

Topic 11: Impact of Smart Grid Technologies for Sustainable Energy Management

Research Aim: This research assesses the impact of smart grid technologies on sustainable energy management. The study focuses on understanding how the integration of advanced grid infrastructure, renewable energy sources, energy storage systems, and demand-side management techniques contributes to increasing energy efficiency, grid reliability, and environmental sustainability.

COVID-19 Sustainability and Green Technology Research Topics

Topic 1: covid-19 and the need to expand sustainable energy.

Research Aim: It’s high time to expand sustainable energy during COVID-19.

Topic 2: COVID-19 and the environment

Research Aim: This study will focus on the positive and negative impacts of COVID-19 on the environment.

Topic 3: Economic expenditure on the green environment during COVID-19

Research Aim: This study will review the economic expenditure and plans for the green environment during COVID-19.

Topic 4: The green economy after COVID-19

Research Aim: This study will analyse the current issues related to green technology and predict the future of a green environment after COVID-19.

Dissertation Topics Ideas on Sustainability and Green Technology on Global Impact

Topic 1: research on sustainable gardens.

Research Aim: This research aims to conduct research on creating sustainable gardens and identify their benefits.

Topic 2: Sustainable outdoor designs using recycled materials

Research Aim: This research aims to identify various methods of creating sustainable outdoor designs using recycled materials and identify their benefits.

Topic 3: Pollution-free disposal and recycling of trash

Research Aim: This research aims to identify various methods to ensure pollution-free disposal and recycling of trash

Topic 4: Importance of gardening- awareness and ideas for the city, terrace/roof gardening

Research Aim: This research aims to address the importance of gardening and its awareness among the public. It will also focus on identifying cost-effective and innovative ideas for the city, as well as terrace/roof gardening.

Topic 5: Examining the economic impacts of green technology

Research Aim: The research will involve comparing the costs incurred in developing green energy and the economic benefits. The services will be saved once alternative forms of materials and energy sources are used. It will be relevant in identifying whether it is worth investing in green technology from an economic perspective. It will also help in developing supportive policies that guide green technology.

Topic 6: How do national and regional politics affect environmental sustainability?

Research Aim: This research study will analyse the role of politics in the environment. It will explore the positive or negative impacts of individual political inclinations.

Topic 7: How sustainable is the environment in the current and forthcoming eras?

Research Aim: This research will analyse global trends and their impacts on environmental trends. Developments such as increasing population, climate change, and using various materials affect the people. It will inform about how sustainability measures can be structured to align with the trends.

Topic 8: Adoption of green energy by low-end users

Research Aim: The research will be based on realising a market niche that cannot afford or are not willing to spend on an expensive product. Additionally, the embrace of some advanced technologies varies across classes, mainly based on exposure. There is also the notion that green technology can be expensive, making the stated users reluctant to use it. Accordingly, the research will focus on the factors that give users their respective levels of green technology use.

Topic 9: How green technology can affect organisational processes

Research Aim: This research will analyse how processes that can include procuring and sourcing, producing, sales, marketing, and delivering products, among others, can be impacted once green technology is introduced. It will help analyse cost and time effectiveness and the satisfaction of the organisation’s stakeholders. It can help recommend structural changes when an organisation is considering green technology.

Topic 10: To what extent does green technology contribute to environmental sustainability?

Research Aim: notably, several factors are contributing to environmental degradation and pollution. While green technology has been identified in previous research to ensure sustainability, its contribution can be compared with other factors. Accordingly, recommendations can be made about whether it is the absolute solution to sustainability.

Topic 11: Green technology and global environmental sustainability frameworks

Research Aim: The study will assess how the frameworks affect the use of green technology. Various global environmental practices are commonly developed. The research will suggest any amendments to the frameworks to positively correlate them with green technology. Also, the topic will evaluate how the frameworks are implemented in various regions.

Topic 12: Green technology practices in developing countries

Research Aim: The research will explore the extent to which developing countries use and promote green technology. They are characterised by having a lower economy. The priority they have on sustainability will be established.

Topic 13: How do policies affect the use of green technology in a country?

Research Aim: The research acknowledges that regulatory bodies devise policies to guide various industries. The guidelines can be supportive or suppressive in the development and use of green technology. For instance, the bodies’ incentives can encourage green technology, while factors like high taxation can discourage it. Therefore, focusing on a particular country’s policies can be insightful into the level at which the technology is incorporated.

Topic 14: Incentives for green technology and environmental sustainability

Research Aim: The purpose of this study is to determine how green technology can be promoted among users and manufacturers. It will first identify the challenges that users can face when using and applying the technology. It will also evaluate the level of sensitisation about green technology that people in a region have. The various stakeholders can execute the incentives for environmental sustainability.

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More Research Titles on Sustainability and Green Technology

Topic 1: what roles do ngos have in environmental sustainability and green technology.

Research Aim: The research will establish how NGOs can be incorporated into sustainability. NGOs have distinct objectives. While some are specific to environmental conservation, others focus on aspects that indirectly affect the environment positively or negatively. The study will then suggest how the NGOs can be motivated to advance their operations and promote green technology.

Topic 2: Impactful green thinking to achieve sustainability

Research Aim: The research analyses human behaviour and issues that can promote sustainability. It explores how people can change their perspective on the environment and take measures at individual and collective levels. It will recommend some habitual changes that can positively impact the environment.

Topic 3: A holistic approach to environmental sustainability

Research Aim: Sustainability comprises various factors, ranging from behavioural, resources, technological, and procedural. Most studies have focused on particular sets of characteristics. However, it can be intriguing how integrating sustainability factors can be achieved. Also, it will be realised if implementing some measures of sustainability has any correlation to others.

Topic 4: Can there be a balance between lifestyle and green technology?

Research Aim: the study will assess the relationship between current lifestyle and green technology. It will be relevant in identifying the personal understanding of green technology’s contribution and how people are ready to adjust their lifestyle to technology. It will further show how green technology affects lifestyles.

Topic 5: How do businesses perceive green energy and environmental sustainability?

Research Aim: The research aims to identify how profit-making organisations approach green technology. It will focus on whether they find it less costly and useful. Also, it will establish whether they find products that involve green technology are usually marketable. Further, it will identify the organisation’s preference for the working environment, whether in regions that promote environmental sustainability or those that do not.

Topic 6: Examining sustainability policies in developed and developing countries

Research Aim: The research will compare regulations instituted in the two sets of countries. It will also assess the extent of implementation of the policies in the countries.

Topic 7: Challenges facing green technology as one of the drivers towards sustainability

Research Aim: The research will be based on green technology recognition as a crucial attribute of environmental sustainability. Despite the assertion, the technology has not attained universal coverage as it would be more impactful. The challenges can vary in economic, social, geographical, and regulatory aspects, and it is recommended that the research focus on a particular region. The results can also be analysed if there is a conflict of to identify any general challenges in the areas.

Topic 8: What is the consumer perspective towards green production?

Research Aim: Businesses target to satisfy the needs of consumers. The study will assess whether the consumer has a force towards producers that can make the latter inclined towards using green technology. This research study will essentially focus on the consumables industry.

Topic 9: Stakeholders’ contribution to green technology

Research Aim: The research will establish all the stakeholders in green energy. It will reveal their interests and drivers towards green technology. There will be an insight into whether there is a conflict of interest between the stakeholders and how it can be resolved. It will also help identify how the stakeholders can collaborate and integrate their resources and ideas.

Topic 10: Current trends in green technology and the future of technology

Research Aim: the research will aim to overview how green energy has been advancing over time. The trend will then help in predicting the future of green technology. Besides, it will be informative about the contribution green energy has had on environmental sustainability at various levels. It will then make recommendations about the optimum technology based on the available information and developments.

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We are aware of the problems students are likely to face when it comes to finding a suitable topic in sustainability and green technology. Therefore our expert writers are always looking forward to assisting you with your topic search.

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Important Notes:

As a student of sustainability and green technology looking to get good grades, it is essential to develop new ideas and experiment with existing sustainability and green technology theories – i.e., to add value and interest to your research topic.

Sustainability and green technology are vast and interrelated to many other academic disciplines like environmental engineering . That is why it is imperative to create a sustainability and green technology dissertation topic that is particular, sound, and solves a practical problem that may be rampant in the field.

We can’t stress how important it is to develop a logical research topic based on your fundamental research. There are several significant downfalls to getting your issue wrong; your supervisor may not be interested in working on it, the topic has no academic creditability, the research may not make logical sense, and there is a possibility that the study is not viable.

This impacts your time and efforts in writing your dissertation , as you may end up in a cycle of rejection at the initial stage of the dissertation. That is why we recommend reviewing existing research to develop a topic, taking advice from your supervisor, and even asking for help in this particular stage of your dissertation.

While developing a research topic, keeping our advice in mind will allow you to pick one of the best sustainability and green technology dissertation topics that fulfil your requirement of writing a research paper and add to the body of knowledge.

Therefore, it is recommended that when finalising your dissertation topic, you read recently published literature to identify gaps in the research that you may help fill.

Remember- dissertation topics need to be unique, solve an identified problem, be logical, and be practically implemented. Please look at some of our sample sustainability and green technology dissertation topics to get an idea for your dissertation.

How to Structure Your Dissertation on Sustainability & Green Technology

A well-structured dissertation can help students to achieve a high overall academic grade.

  • A Title Page
  • Acknowledgments
  • Declaration
  • Abstract: A summary of the research completed
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction : This chapter includes the project rationale, research background, key research aims and objectives, and the research problems. An outline of the structure of a dissertation can also be added to this chapter.
  • Literature Review : This chapter presents relevant theories and frameworks by analysing published and unpublished literature on the chosen research topic to address research questions . The purpose is to highlight and discuss the selected research area’s relative weaknesses and strengths whilst identifying any research gaps. Break down the topic and binding terms, which can positively impact your dissertation and your tutor.
  • Methodology : The data collection and analysis methods and techniques employed by the researcher are presented in the Methodology chapter, which usually includes research design , research philosophy, research limitations, code of conduct, ethical consideration, data collection methods, and data analysis strategy .
  • Findings and Analysis : The findings of the research are analysed in detail in the Findings and Analysis chapter. All key findings/results are outlined in this chapter without interpreting the data or drawing any conclusions. It can be useful to include graphs, charts, and tables in this chapter to identify meaningful trends and relationships.
  • Discussion and Conclusion : The researcher presents his interpretation of results in this chapter and states whether the research hypothesis has been verified or not. An essential aspect of this section of the paper is to link the results and evidence from the literature. Recommendations with regard to the implications of the findings and directions for the future may also be provided. Finally, a summary of the overall research, along with final judgments, opinions, and comments, must be included in the form of suggestions for improvement.
  • References : This should be completed following your University’s requirements
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices : Any additional information, diagrams, and graphs used to complete the dissertation but not part of the dissertation should be included in the Appendices chapter. Essentially, the purpose is to expand the information/data.

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Strategic Goals of Socio-Economic Development of Regions in the Conditions of Economic and Financial Limitations

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  • First Online: 04 November 2018
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sustainable construction research topics

  • Elena V. Endovitskaya 3 ,
  • Igor E. Risin 3 &
  • Yuri I. Treshchevsky 3  

Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems ((LNNS,volume 57))

Included in the following conference series:

  • International Conference Project “The future of the Global Financial System: Downfall of Harmony”

1297 Accesses

4 Citations

The authors study the content and structure of strategic goals of Russia’s regions in the conditions of economic and financial limitation of the 2010’s. The global and Russian experience of strategic planning show the necessity for setting the system of goals that correspond to internal parameters and external conditions of socio-economic systems. At that, the goals must have quantitative characteristics. The authors study goal settings of a range of regions of the Russian Federation and substantiate and approbate – by the example of Voronezh Oblast – the theoretical and methodological approach to formation of the system of interconnected indicators that reflect achievement of the set strategic goals of region’s socio-economic development. As a result of the research, the content of strategic goals of socio-economic development of Voronezh Oblast is offered and the indicators of their achievement are determined.

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Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russia

Elena V. Endovitskaya, Igor E. Risin & Yuri I. Treshchevsky

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Endovitskaya, E.V., Risin, I.E., Treshchevsky, Y.I. (2019). Strategic Goals of Socio-Economic Development of Regions in the Conditions of Economic and Financial Limitations. In: Popkova, E. (eds) The Future of the Global Financial System: Downfall or Harmony. ISC 2018. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 57. Springer, Cham.

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Published : 04 November 2018

Publisher Name : Springer, Cham

Print ISBN : 978-3-030-00101-8

Online ISBN : 978-3-030-00102-5

eBook Packages : Intelligent Technologies and Robotics Intelligent Technologies and Robotics (R0)

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People, Process, Product and Policy: Exploring the Nexus For The Sustainable Digital Transformation Of The Construction Industry

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The construction industry, vital for economic growth, faces significant challenges in adopting sustainable digital transformation. This challenge is more pronounced because the construction industry is traditionally known to adopt technology and innovations late compared to other sectors. As a result, the construction industry seems to face unprecedented challenges in understanding the dynamics of incorporating innovations and technologies in the present industrial revolution. Integrating advanced digital technologies and innovations is essential for enhancing efficiency, reducing environmental impact, and ensuring the long-term sustainability of the construction industry. However, achieving a successful diffusion and transformation requires the nexus of different aspects of the industry to accommodate the transformation. This call for papers aims to explore the interplay between People, Process, Product, and Policy in driving the sustainable digital transformation of the construction industry. Understanding this nexus is crucial for addressing the industry's traditional resistance to change and leveraging technology for sustainable growth. The goal of this special issue is to critically examine how the construction industry can achieve sustainable digital transformation through the integration of advanced technologies, streamlined processes, innovative products, and supportive policies. This special issue provides a comprehensive overview of the pathways to achieving sustainable digital transformation in the construction industry, fostering innovation, enhancing efficiency, and promoting environmental responsibility. We aim to provide a platform for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to share insights, case studies, and theoretical advancements that contribute to the sustainable development of the construction sector. This special issue calls for submissions on but not limited to the following topics from researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to share insights, case studies, and theoretical advancements that contribute to the sustainable development of the construction sector in the preset technological revolution era 1. People 2. Process 3. Construction industry Product 4. Policy 5. Technology and sustainability

Keywords : sustainability, digital technologies, digital transformation, construction industry, reducing environmental impact

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How does new media shape the sense of belonging and social identity the social and psychological processes of sustainable successful reintegration for rehabilitated people.

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1. Introduction

2. materials and methods, 2.1. research methodology, 2.1.1. narrative study as a research paradigm, 2.1.2. methods of data collection, 2.2. literature review and materials, 2.3. main theoretical perspectives, 2.4. descriptions of the interviewees, 3.1. the dynamic media dependency process: the media systems of the rehabilitated people, 3.1.1. selective exposure: the active seeker, 3.1.2. accidental exposure: the passive observer, 3.1.3. accumulation of media effects: the senseless recipient, 3.2. identity construction under media dependency: the cognition, emotion, and behavior of the rehabilitated people, 3.2.1. painful memories: the ambivalent identity of the “prisoner”, 3.2.2. opportunities for positive identification: rehabilitated people under new media, 3.2.3. the two-dimensional construction of rehabilitated people’s identity, 3.2.4. the development and pluralism of the rehabilitated identity, 4. discussion, 4.1. overview, 4.2. conclusions and political recommendations, 4.3. future research potential, author contributions, institutional review board statement, informed consent statement, data availability statement, acknowledgments, conflicts of interest.

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Xiao, L.; Chu, F.; Mao, J.; Yang, J.; Liu, Z. How Does New Media Shape the Sense of Belonging and Social Identity? The Social and Psychological Processes of Sustainable Successful Reintegration for Rehabilitated People. Sustainability 2024 , 16 , 7958.

Xiao L, Chu F, Mao J, Yang J, Liu Z. How Does New Media Shape the Sense of Belonging and Social Identity? The Social and Psychological Processes of Sustainable Successful Reintegration for Rehabilitated People. Sustainability . 2024; 16(18):7958.

Xiao, Liyao, Fufeng Chu, Jingjing Mao, Jiaxin Yang, and Ziyu Liu. 2024. "How Does New Media Shape the Sense of Belonging and Social Identity? The Social and Psychological Processes of Sustainable Successful Reintegration for Rehabilitated People" Sustainability 16, no. 18: 7958.

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Active development of ni-pt deposits-condition of sustainable development of voronezh oblast

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