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Teaching The 4 Strokes Of Swimming In PE

  • Doug Curtin
  • September 18, 2023

Cover photo of person swimming butterfly with the title text Swim over the top of picture.

Swimming is an amazing lifelong fitness skill. As a result, swimming is a popular addition to physical education curriculum. We explore benefits, tips, and strategies for teaching the 4 strokes of swimming in physical education. As an added bonus, we break down a sample lesson plan for freestyle loaded with instructional videos and written notes.

What Are The 4 Strokes of Swimming?

While there are other strokes like elementary backstroke and side stroke, when people refer to the 4 strokes of swimming, they are talking about:


These are the 4 main strokes because any type or level of competitive swimming has these in competitive events. But that doesn’t mean these strokes are reserved just for Olympians like Michael Phelps . Even the most recreational swimmers can incorporate these 4 strokes into any swimming routine to get a great workout in the water.

Swimmer performing the freestyle which is one of the main 4 strokes of swimming.

Why Teach The 4 Strokes of Swimming In PE

At the very least, students should be able to perform all the basic lifesaving swimming skills like treading water, breathing, floating, and getting back to the wall or shallow water if fatigued. This allows everyone to safely live in a world surrounded by water, whether a pool, lake, river, or ocean.

But beyond just teaching students the basics of “survival swimming,” teaching the main strokes is an excellent way to advance students’ confidence and comfort in the water. 

In addition, practicing the different strokes will help students have an excellent library of options when swimming recreationally or for exercise. Freestyle, backstroke, and breaststroke are excellent lifelong swimming skills, regardless of how much students plan to swim in the future.

As for the butterfly stroke, this is a more challenging stroke that some swimmers might want to avoid altogether. However, you won’t know unless you at least try it! While we again may never take our butterfly stroke beyond PE, it is a great stroke that works a wide range of muscles. Let’s at least give it a try! 

Key Components To The 4 Strokes Of Swimming

When teaching the 4 strokes of swimming, we must consider the critical components to success. These foundational swimming elements help us develop and build basic stroke mechanics.

1) Legs/Kick  – In swimming, the kick is the motor that helps move us through the water. Therefore, we want to spend ample time reviewing and practicing each stroke’s leg movement. Kicking can be practiced on dryland, in the water holding the wall, and with/without a kickboard, so kicking is a staple of our swimming technique.

2) Arms/Pull –  Once we have developed a strong foundation with our kick, we can add different variations of our arm motion. Typically, we start with simple arms drills so swimmers can learn proper range of motion and swimming techniques. We recommend doing this with and without a kickboard over time so swimmers develop great mechanics with their arm movements.

3) Head & Body Position –  Finally, we must consider strong swimming technique comes from proper head and body position. Our head, neck, and core stabilize and support our swimming strokes. Many beginner swimmers struggle to maintain a neutral head position and often throw their bodies out of alignment. As a result, swimming becomes an uncomfortable endeavor. Emphasizing a steady head and body position throughout our swimming technique work can build comfort and confidence.

Swimmer performs backstroke, one of the 4 strokes of swimming.

How To Teach The 4 Strokes of Swimming In PE

Utilizing the guiding principles from above, we can create a framework for introducing, practicing, and developing our 4 strokes of swimming. For example, let’s unpack how to structure a freestyle swimming lesson plan. A high level overview of a lesson could be:

4 Rounds of 30 Seconds Flutter Kick On Dryland

4 Rounds of 30 Seconds Flutter Kick On Wall

4 x 25’s Flutter kick & bilateral breathing with a kickboard 

4 x 25’s Single Arm Freestyle with a kickboard

4 x 25’s Catch up drill with a kickboard 

4 x 25’s Catch up drill without a kickboard 

4 x 25’s regular freestyle 

In this example, we practice each drill for multiple reps. Give time for recovery so that the swimming technique stays strong throughout the lesson.

Next, we practice drills with and without a kickboard to help develop good body position with support before swimming independently.

In addition, we finish with regular freestyle so swimmers can put all the pieces together to complete a great workout.

Finally, we can and should repeat drills over multiple lessons as it takes time for beginner swimmers to learn and develop any of the main swimming strokes.

Swimmer uses a kickboard when practicing freestyle.

Sample Lesson Plan Materials 

Below are instructional videos and notes for the sample lesson plan outlined in the last section. Teachers could watch these as a resource when planning to lead a class. Or teachers could assign these videos to students to watch before class so that they are prepared and well-versed in the upcoming drills and practice.

All of these materials have been created by the PLT4M team. While we are featuring a handful of freestyle drills, reach out to learn more about our full slate of swimming materials and wide variety of other PE lesson plans . 

The flutter kick is the foundation of our freestyle stroke. In this drill, we start outside of the water to master the basics of flutter kick before adding the resistance of the water. The steps to the flutter kick are:

1) Lay flat on your back and place your hands by your side (more challenging) or under your butt (less challenging). 2) Straighten your legs and point your toes away from you 3) Kick your legs up and down using your hips and big muscles (hamstrings, quads, and glutes) 4) Work to keep kicks small and fast.

Common Faults:

Bent Knees – Especially when we get into the water, we often see swimmers bend knees and perform a bicycle kick. A helpful trick is working to squeeze your butt and point your toes.

Boot Feet – Pointed toes can be challenging, especially for swimmers with limited mobility. We can develop this skill in the water overtime, but also can help by stretching calves and achilles out of the water.

To start, we will focus on just performing our flutter kick from the wall. Practicing on the wall can help us learn how to control our body before we set out to actual swimming.

1) Grab onto the wall and reach your arms out to full extension 2) Start with your head down in a neutral position, looking at the bottom of the pool. 3) Point your toes and kick your legs in a small and fast motion up and down. Think about kicking through your hips, quads, glutes, and hamstrings – not from your knees. We want to avoid bicycle kicking. 4) Blow bubbles out underneath the water and pick your head up to breath. Right now we are NOT trying to breath side to side (bi-lateral breathing).

Bilateral Breathing 

Once you feel confident with the flutter kick, it is time to add in bilateral breathing. Bilateral breathing means breathing side to side instead of picking your head up out of the water. This is one of the toughest things new swimmers struggle with, but is incredibly important to set a strong foundation. Keep all the same points of performance for flutter kick, but now work to breath to your side:

1) Start with your head down in a neutral position, looking at the bottom of the pool. 2) When you need to breath turn your head sideways leaving one ear in the water and other up and out facing the sky. 3) Breath in through your mouth and then rotate back to neutral position. 4) Rotate your breathing to both sides. 5) If mobility is an issue, it is okay to let go off the wall with the arm you are breathing towards. For example: Drop left arm, roll to left side, breath, and then return arm to wall as you put head back down into water facing neutral position.

After practicing and developing our kick series on the wall, we are going to take it into the open water of the pool. All of the same principles apply, but now we are going to use a kickboard instead of the wall.

Let’s quickly review how to hold the kickboard. Grip the kickboard with your hands either on the sides or top at the END of the kickboard. We want to avoid laying our entire arm on the kickboard so that we can begin to use our arms in future drills.

From here, we will push off the wall and work to perform all the same components of our flutter kick and bilateral breathing.

Now that we have left the wall, it will be up to your strong kicking to keep your body at the top of the water. Work to keep your arms full extended throughout this drill.

Looking Up: Many beginner swimmers will pick their head up because it feels more natural. Always work to roll your body sideways, and avoid looking up. Think neutral gaze down or sideways. We really shouldn’t be looking up or picking our heads up when freestyle swimming.

Drinking Water: When we go to breath to our side, it can be hard to create a window to get a good breath of air. Beginners will get comfortable by rotating a little farther on their sides to get a full breath.

Bent Arms: Once we start moving off the wall, the kickboard will be less supportive. Swimmers naturally often bring the board closer to their body with bent elbows. While this is an instinctive reaction, it actually makes staying at the top of the water harder. Keep a strong press with the board!

Time to add in the arms! Next, we will do a single arm swimming drill with our kickboard.

1) Start by pushing off the wall and kicking to get yourself into your swimming position. 2) Release one hand from the kickboard so that your hand is just outside the frame of the kickboard. 3) With an open hand, pull down and to your side body in a sweeping motion 4) Pull your hand and arm out of the water at the back of your stroke and return it to the kickboard 5) Repeat with same arm for entire length. 6) Focus on keeping your non-pulling arm fully extended for the entire length. 7) When you need to breath, breath towards the arm that you are using to pull.

In this drill, we want to focus on keeping our arm from crossing over the imaginary line in the middle of our body. Work to pull down and towards your hip, not toward your stomach.

Dropping Shoulders: When performing the pull, swimmers often drop their shoulders and just let gravity do the work. Keep a high shoulder and upperarm, driving most of our pull from elbow, wrist, and hand. This will be more efficient and better for our shoulders.

Fast Arms: In all our freestyle drills, we want to slow down and get our mechanics right. It can be tempting to fly through these drills and take lots of strokes per length. Slow down and get the motion right!

Bent Elbows: The arm holding the kickboard has the tendency to bend. Keep your “lead arm” straight with a strong press. You should feel like you have a string pulling your hand out in front of you.

Next we will add both arms into the equation. This type of swimming mirrors regular freestyle but with the support of a kicboard.

1) Start with a push from the wall and kicking to your strong swimming position. 2) Now, we will alternate arms. Always return both hands to the kickboard before starting your next pull. 3) Work to take multiple strokes before breathing. When you breath, continue to breath towards the side you are pulling, using the window you have created with your released arm.

Common Fault:

First, we will repeat the drills we already learned but WITHOUT a kickboard. If at any point you are struggling to keep your body at the top of the water or maintain good form, always feel free to add the kickboard back in as an added support.

Important Note: The kickboard was helping you keep your body at the top of the water! Now your kick is even more important because it will help you stay afloat.

Our catch up drill is exactly the same, but now we use our hands instead of the kickboard:

1) Start in a streamline position and kick off the wall. 2) Release one hand from streamline and perform a freestyle stroke. 3) Return your hand to streamline position by tapping your opposite hand before starting your next stroke. 4) Work on fully extending your arms out in front of you.

Half Catch Up: Many swimmers think we are joking when we say they should slap or tap the hand before starting the next stroke. We aren’t! Return to streamline and “catch up” to your next hand.

Bent Elbows: Swimmers struggle to get arms fully extended above head. While it might feel easier to have a bend in the elbow, it is inefficient and can lead people to sink sag in the water. Much like with our kickboard, think about a strong press!

Now that we have worked on a wide range of drills with and without our kickboard, it is time to try regular freestyle. Throughout our drills, we focused on strong kick, high elbows in the back, extended arms at the front, and clean technique and arm rotation.

Few basics we want to keep in mind once we start to put it all together!

Kick: Straight legs and pointed toes. Arms In Front: Fully extended elbow. Hand and arm stacked over shoulder. Pull: Pull down and bring elbow up and out of water before returning to front. Streamline: Start each new length of freestyle with a strong push and streamline off the wall. Head & Breath: Keep head in neutral position looking down. When you need to breath, keep one ear in the water and turn towards the side.

If any point in our regular freestyle, we are struggling with any components of our the freestyle, it is okay to go back and rework our different drills with and without a kickboard. Even gold medal swimmers go back to the basics all the time! Don’t be afraid to revisit drills at any time!

Head Positioning: Swimmers pick heads up and out of water. Swimmers bob head all over the place. We want a neutral gaze and steady neck and head position for all our swimming.

Arm Cross Over: Swimmers cross the imaginary midline and pull towards center of body, rather than right outside the body frame. Swimmers should keep elbow high and pull down towards side body.

Other Considerations For Teaching Swimming In PE 

  • First and foremost, we are not looking to create olympic swimmers with these materials. Our goal is to develop the basic skills so that swimming can be a lifelong fitness skill for students. As such, all of these materials focus on the BASICS of our four strokes and put together different elements to eventually lead to successful swimming.
  • Next, safety must be our top priority. We want to ensure that swimmers stay safe throughout an entire workout. If you have a full 25-yard pool, determine if swimmers can travel the full distance or need to scale and cut down the distance in half (12.5 yards). Depending on the pool set up, beginner swimmers should either be able to stand (shallow end) or grab onto a wall at any point as they practice these swim skills.
  • Regardless of the distance swimmers will travel, we recommend practicing the different drills for multiple reps in a workout. These materials do follow a suggested sequential order to start. Meaning, we start with the basics and build up to more complicated drills over time. However, swimmers can and should repeat drills over multiple lessons to really master the basics of the different strokes. Swimming is about repetition and getting comfortable and confident in the water.
  • Kickboards are a must! We want to ensure that students can practice swimming with the support of a kickboard or similar device (noodle, buoy, etc). This will allow students to stay at the surface of the water for introductory drills and really start to get comfortable. Overtime, we can remove the kickboard when appropriate and continue practicing the drills. Again, we can always return to the kickboard or other device at any point if fatigue sets in, or we start to struggle with form or technique. 

Swimmer prepares to take a breaststroke kick in the water.

Key Takeaways on Teaching the 4 Strokes of Swimming in PE

The freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly are all fantastic additions to your swim curriculum. While we unpacked our freestyle swimming in more detail as an example, PLT4M has an entire library of content for all 4 strokes of swimming. Reach out to learn more!

Regardless of your plan and approach to introducing the 4 strokes of swimming, always remember that we want to keep students safe in the water. Ensure that all safety precautions are taken so your swimmers can learn and develop in a supportive environment.

Finally, remember that developing and getting comfortable with our swim strokes takes time. Repeating and returning to drills multiple times throughout the process is okay. All swimmers will significantly benefit from spending time in and out of the water practicing form and technique. Have fun as you take a DIVE into the fun world of swimming.

What other types of lesson plans and workouts does PLT4M have?

Consider PLT4M your full learning management system for health and physical education.

PLT4M has a full slate of PE lessons for physical education teachers to choose from! From PE games to fitness activities, PLT4M has countless options. Check out some of the most popular below:

  • Weight Training 
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  • Health Education Lesson Plans 

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  • Using swimming aids to develop technique and stamina
  • Swimming lengths and linking with turns, including tumble turns
  • Swimming distances from 10 to 400 metres unaided
  • Using breathing patterns for different strokes
  • Using different pull and kick styles
  • Treading water, basic survival and rescue techniques

Our swimming lesson plans include content for pupils at every age and confidence level. Lessons help children progress from absolute beginners to competent, confident swimmers who can perform multiple stroke styles and cover distances as long as 400 metres.

In addition to stroke technique, pupils learn to tread water, perform somersaults and handstands, and exit and enter pools safely.

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The PE Hub is an online web-based PE lesson planning resource for primary schools.  All lesson plans, schemes of work and resource cards can all be viewed online or printed.  The site also includes videos, music, curriculum map builder and an assessment document.

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The PE Hub has been made by teachers, for teachers, designed for the new curriculum. The PE Hub lesson plans have been designed to promote the principle of teaching to pupils’ current ability and their readiness to learn new skills and build on previous learning.

Why is The PE Hub a subscription and not a one off purchase?

The PE Hub is a constantly evolving resource with further lesson plans, schemes of work and resources being added regularly, this model also allows us to easily adapt to any change in education policy.

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Looking for some detailed and effective breaststroke lesson plans?  These lesson plans take the hard work out of thinking about what to include in your lessons .  They cover each body part and are specific to beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. The assessment tools for each lesson make assessing your swimmers a  quick and easy job.  Swimming resources for teachers that really make a difference.   Click here to check out some examples.

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Teaching the most popular swimming stroke is an essential skill for all swimming teachers.   How To Teach Front Crawl contains everything you need:

  • a sound knowledge of the technique
  • basic drills that cover each body part
  • detailed lesson plans
  • effective assessment tools 

One of the best swimming resources for teachers for saving time and enhancing your practice.  Click here to check out a preview.

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Teaching breaststroke to both adults and children is an essential skill for all swimming teachers.   How To Teach Breaststroke contains everything you need:

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Looking for something extra to give to your pupils?  Something that will give them clear explanations, simple illustrations and visual guides that will all backup your wise words and encouragement given to them during your swimming lessons.   The Complete Beginners Guide To Swimming is the perfect support package for your pupils. 

  Click here to check out a preview.

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Mark Young Swimming Teacher

I've been teaching swimming for over 30 years and I built this site so that I can share all my knowledge, wisdom and experience from the thousands of swimming lessons I have had the pleasure of teaching. 

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Road to the Paralympics: The Dynamic World of Wheelchair Tennis

Introduction to Wheelchair Tennis Wheelchair tennis is a dynamic and fast-paced sport…

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Welcome to our Adapted PE Newsletter! Our goal is to share innovative…

The Talking Adapted PE Podcast

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Episode 19 – Marty Block on Teachers Seeking Out Research While in the Field

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Episode 18 – The APE field through the eyes of a podcaster and APE teacher

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Episode 17 – SHAPE America Teachers of the Year: Cadi Doyle, Justin Lund, Jeff Watkins

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Episode 16 – Sammi Stewart @coach_sammi_APE

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Super Simple Stations for Adapted PE (50 Station Cards)

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Skill Cues & Token Board Bundle (5 Boards)

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Super Simple Station Markers (4 Colored Station Markers)

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Squash the BUG! Basketball Station Cards & Visual Aide

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Pickle Squash Target Game

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Bedtime Routine Visual

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Just Adapt It. Introductory PE Unit Worksheets

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Swimming Lesson Plans and Scheme of Works Primary PE

Discover our comprehensive swimming lesson plans and scheme of work designed specifically for Key Stage 1 and 2 students in primary physical education. With a focus on water safety, fundamental swimming skills, and building confidence in the water, this program provides a structured and progressive approach to aquatic education.

Key Benefits:

Water Safety:  Students will learn essential water safety rules and practices to ensure their well-being in aquatic environments.

Fundamental Skills: The program focuses on developing floating, kicking, arm stroke, and diving techniques, laying a solid foundation for swimming proficiency.  Learn more on our blog about physical Literacy

Differentiation: The lesson plans include strategies to accommodate different learning needs and abilities, ensuring every student can participate and progress.

Comprehensive Lesson Structure:  Each plan includes warm-up activities, direct instruction, guided and independent practice, assessment, differentiation, and closure, providing a well-rounded learning experience.

Lifelong Skills:  By the end of the program, students will have gained essential swimming skills and knowledge, setting them on a path to enjoy aquatic activities and pursue further swimming endeavours.

Make a splash with our Swimming Lesson Plan and Scheme of Work, equipping your students with valuable water safety and swimming skills for a lifetime of aquatic enjoyment!

Categories:  Lesson Plans ,  Physical Education Resources ,  Schemes of Works ,  Primary PE Resources ,  Resource Cards ,  Free Courses

Tags:   Impact ,  Implementation ,  Intent ,  Lesson Plans ,  Quality of Education ,  Schemes of Works ,  Primary Physical Education

Four Key Benefits of the 6-Week Swimming Scheme for KS1 & 2

The 6-week swimming scheme of work is designed to promote water safety, a critical skill for all children. By integrating water safety rules and activities, the scheme allows teachers to instil in students the importance of safety when around water.

The lesson pack focuses on the development of basic swimming skills, including floating, gliding, kicking, and arm strokes. These skills are fundamental to becoming a proficient swimmer and can be built upon in future swimming instruction.

Through gradual exposure to water and the development of swimming skills, the scheme aims to enhance students' confidence in water. This confidence is crucial for students to fully participate in water-based activities and to respond effectively in water-related emergencies.

The scheme of work is designed to be inclusive, accommodating students of varying abilities. Differentiation strategies are used to ensure that all students can participate and benefit from the activities, regardless of their skill level or familiarity with water.

swimming primary pe lesson plans and schemes of works

Scheme of Work outline for our lesson plans in Swimming Primary PE 

Introduction to water safety and floating & gliding.

The first two weeks serve as an introduction to water safety and the principles of buoyancy. Students will understand the importance of water safety and be able to demonstrate basic water safety rules. They will also practice different floating positions and understand the principles of buoyancy.

Introduction to Kicking and Sculling & Arm Strokes

During weeks three and four, students are introduced to kicking and sculling, and arm strokes. They will understand the importance of proper kicking technique and be able to demonstrate basic kicking and sculling movements. They will also practice different arm stroke patterns and understand the principles of proper arm stroke technique.

Introduction to Dives and Submerging & Review & Assessment

The final two weeks focus on the introduction to dives and submerging and review & assessment. Students will understand the proper techniques for diving and submerging and be able to demonstrate basic dive and submerging skills. The last week serves as a review and assessment period, where students' progress is evaluated, and areas for improvement are identified. This allows students to showcase their understanding and skill development and gives them a sense of accomplishment and pride in their progress.

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Ural State Medical University Russia 2024-25: Admission, Courses, Fees, Eligibility, Ranking etc.

Ural State Medical University Russia

Ural State Medical University Russia was founded in 1930. Today it is a major science and education centre and a home to 6000 students, both Russian and international. Ural State Medical University students and researchers can choose from Undergraduate, Graduate, Postgraduate and Residency programmes in General Medicine, Preventive Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Nursing, Social Work and Clinical Psychology.

Abroad University MBBS Application Form 2024
Manipal Pokhara College of Medical Science, Pokhara, Nepal
Kursk State Medical University, Russia
Grigol Robakidze University, Georgia

This article provides information about Ural State Medical University for Indian students, such as faculties, courses offered, admission process, eligibility criteria, fee structure, ranking etc.

[Page Index]

Quick highlights.

Let us look at some quick highlights of Ural State Medical University Russia.

Wants to Study MBBS Abroad from a top Country with low tution Fees? Subscribe Now!

Ural State Medical University Russia
USMU Russia
Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia
Olga Petrovna Kovtun
English & Russian
Not Required
September Intake
Yes (Male & Female)
Koltsovo International Airport

Affiliation and Recognition

The Ural State Medical University is one of the biggest medical universities in Russia, and it is affiliated with and recognized by various Medical Councils such as:

  • National Medical Commission of India ( NMC ).
  • World Health Organization (WHO).
  • Recognized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
  • Ministry of Science & Higher Education of the Russian Federation.
  • Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Courses Offered

Ural State Medical University Courses offer quality medical programs under highly qualified faculty and state-of-the-art infrastructure. Ural State University is famous for its undergraduate medical programs. If you want more details about the MBBS course .

MBBS6 Years (English Medium)
7 Years (Russian Medium)

Why Study MBBS at Ural State Medical University Russia?

  • English Medium Instruction: Ural State University Russia offers courses entirely in English.
  • Global Recognition: Ural Medical University Russia is affiliated with and recognized by various medical councils worldwide.
  • Modern Facilities: Students have access to state-of-the-art facilities, laboratories, and clinical training centers.
  • Secure Accommodation: The university provides five dormitories with high security and special safety measures for female students.
  • Internships and Visiting Lecturers: Ural State Medical University offers internships and hosts visiting lecturers from around the world.
  • Top Ranking: The university holds the 10th position among Russian medical universities.
  • Affordable Tuition: Tuition fees are more affordable compared to many other international medical universities.

Advantages of MBBS in Russia

Study MBBS Abroad

Admission Procedure

If you want to take Ural State Medical University Russia admission in 2024-25, you must qualify for the National Eligibility Entrance Exam ( NEET ) for Indian students.

To secure admission at Ural State Medical University, prospective students should adhere to the following steps:

  • Complete the college’s admission form accurately, ensuring all information is provided correctly.
  • Submit essential documents, including scanned copies of 10th and 12th-grade mark sheets, a NEET scorecard, a medical certificate copy, and a passport copy.
  • Upon submission, applicants can expect to receive an invitation letter from the college within 10-15 days.
  • Once in possession of the invitation letter, students are required to pay the tuition fee using online banking methods.
  • Using the original payment receipt and university invitation letter, students can commence the student visa application process, which typically takes around 10 days to process.

Eligibility Criteria

In this section, all the students check the eligibility criteria of Ural State Medical University.

Your age should be at least 17 years-old on or before 31st December of the admission year.
*No Upper Age Limit.
Class 12th in Science, with PCB and English subjects from a board recognised by the authorities in India.
60% in 10+2 (UR)
50% (SC/OBC/ST)
(For Indian Students)

Graphical Representation of Eligibility Criteria

MBBS in Russia Eligibility Criteria

Documents Required

Before taking Ural State Medical University Russia admission, please carry all these related documents.

  • Passport (Minimum 18 months validity).
  • 10th Certificate & Mark sheet.
  • 12th Certificate & Mark sheet.
  • Birth Certificate.
  • 10 passport-size Photographs
  • Official Invitation letter from the Medical University of Russia.
  • Authorization of all documents from the Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi.
  • Legalization of all documents from the Russian Embassy.
  • Bank receipt of 1st Year Ural State Medical University Tuition fees (required for some Universities).
  • HIV test documents.

Fee Structure 2024-25

In this section, all the MBBS Students get information about the Ural State Medical University fees in 2024. Check all the relevant queries regarding fees following this page:  Low fees for MBBS Colleges in Russia .

ParticularFees in USD (Per-Annual)Fees in INR (Per-Annual)
Tuition Fee$ 2,988/-Rs. 2,480,00/-
Hostel Fee$ 145/-Rs. 12,035/-
Total Fee$ 3,133/-Rs. 2,60,039/-

Ranking 2024-25

The Ural State Medical University ranking in its respective country, Russia and Ural State Medical University world ranking have been mentioned in the table below. Let’s have a look:

Country Ranking10
World Ranking1,058

Note: The Mentioned Ranking of the University in the above table is according to EduRank.

About Yekaterinburg City

  • Yekaterinburg is the largest city and the administrative centre of Sverdlovsk Oblast and the Ural Federal District, Russia.
  • The city is located on the Iset River between the Volga-Ural region and Siberia, with a population of roughly 1.5 million residents, up to 2.2 million residents in the urban agglomeration.
  • Yekaterinburg is the fourth-largest city in Russia, the largest city in the Ural Federal District, and one of Russia’s main cultural and industrial centres.
  • Yekaterinburg has been dubbed the “Third capital of Russia”, as it is ranked third by the size of its economy, culture, transportation and tourism.

Contact Details

Ural State Medical University Russia Address: Ulitsa Repina, 3, Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia, 620014 Contact Number: +91 7827-804-741

Campus Video

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the duration of the mbbs course at ural state medical university russia.

The duration of the MBBS course at USMU Russia is 6 Years.

What are other facilities available at the hostels of the Ural State Medical University?

Candidates get beds, desks, chairs, wardrobes, etc., in their rooms. Also, they get appliances on a sharing basis such as irons, ironing boards, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, dryer racks, etc.

  • Admission Updates,
  • Top Collages

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About Nihal

Hi, I'm Nihal, with a year of expertise in MBBS and Ayush courses. I have detailed knowledge of various colleges' fee structures, cutoffs, and intake procedures. If you're looking for insights or assistance in pursuing MBBS or BAMS courses, feel free to comment below—I'm here to help!

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Abroad MBBS Update 2024 : Admission Dates, Top College, Fees, Location, Scholarship etc.

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Name of Activity:

Swim Strokes Peer Evaluation Assessment (Aquatics)

Purpose of Activity:

Suggested grade level:, description of idea.

Provided below are the Word documents and PDF document of the assessments used for this swimming unit. You are welcome to add to and change the Word document to better meet your needs.

Swim Strokes Unit Assessment (Word Doc) Swim Strokes Unit Assessment (PDF)

The culmination of the unit is a swim meet which makes it all worth while.

physical education swimming lesson plans

Let others know how this idea went when you implemented/tried it with your kids. Include any variations, suggested teaching tips, positive comments, etc. so others can benefit from your tips. Please be helpful and positive with all comments. Look below to see all posted comments.



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Steve Ellis Minneapolis Public Schools

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  • World Atlas /
  • Sverdlovsk Oblast /
  • Yekaterinburg /
  • Area around 56° 41' 3" N, 60° 25' 29" E /

Physical 3D Map of Chermet

This is not just a map. It's a piece of the world captured in the image.

The 3D physical map represents one of many map types and styles available. Look at Chermet, Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Urals, Russia from different perspectives.

Get free map for your website. Discover the beauty hidden in the maps. Maphill is more than just a map gallery.

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  • Panoramic 4

Shaded Relief

Maps of chermet.

Maphill is a collection of map images. This view of Chermet at an angle of 60° is one of these images. Click on the Detailed button under the map for a more comprehensive map.

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Each map type has its advantages. No map style is the best. The best is that Maphill lets you look at each place from many different angles.

Sure, this physical 3D map is nice. But there is good chance you will like other map styles even more. Select another style in the above table. See Chermet and Urals from a different view.

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If you like this Chermet, Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Urals, Russia map, please don't keep it to yourself. Give your friends a chance to see how the world converted to images looks like.

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Use the buttons for Facebook, Twitter or Google+ to share a link to this physical map of Chermet. Maphill is the largest map gallery on the web. The number of maps is, however, not the only reason to visit Maphill.

Get 3D map of Chermet for free.

You can embed, print or download the map just like any other image. All Chermet and Urals maps are available in a common image format. Free images are available under Free map link located above the map.

Is there anything more than this map?

Sure, there is. It has been said that Maphill maps are worth a thousand words. No doubt about that. But you can experience much more when you visit Chermet.

Be inspired.

Urals has a lot to offer. Each place is different. Each place is worth a visit. It will never be possible to capture all the beauty in the map.

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If any of Maphill's maps inspire you to come to Chermet, we would like to offer you access to wide selection of nearby hotels at low prices and with great customer service.

Thanks to our partnership with you can take advantage of up to 50% discounts for hotels in many locations in the area of Urals. Book hotels online and save money.

Chermet hotels

See the full list of hotels in or close to Chermet , the list of destinations in Yekaterinburg , browse destinations in Sverdlovsk Oblast , Urals , Russia , Asia or choose from the below listed cities.

  • Chermet hotels »
  • Hotels in Yekaterinburg »
  • Hotels in Sverdlovsk Oblast »
  • Hotels in Urals »
  • Hotels in Russia »
  • Hotels in Asia »

Hotels in popular destinations in Yekaterinburg

  • Yekaterinburg hotels »
  • Istok hotels »
  • Gornyy Shchit hotels »
  • Sadovyy hotels »
  • Shirokaya Rechka hotels »
  • Kozlovskiy hotels »
  • Posëlok Krasnaya Zvezda hotels »
  • Yugo-Zapadnyy hotels »
  • Novyy hotels »
  • Chusovskoye Ozero hotels »
  • Rechnoy hotels »
  • Gornozavodskiy hotels »
  • Zelënyy Bor hotels »
  • Chapayeva hotels »
  • Rudnyy hotels »

Learn more about the map styles

Each map type offers different information and each map style is designed for a different purpose. Read about the styles and map projection used in the above map (Physical 3D Map of Chermet).

Physical map

Physical map illustrates the mountains, lowlands, oceans, lakes and rivers and other physical landscape features of Chermet. Differences in land elevations relative to the sea level are represented by color.

Green color represents lower elevations, orange or brown indicate higher elevations, shades of grey are used for the highest mountain ranges in the world. Underwater topography is represented by blues. Darker blues are used for the deepest water, lighter shades of blue represent shallower water such as the continental shelf.

Plate Carree map projection

A map projection is a way how to transform points on a Earth to points on a map. This 3D map uses Plate Carree projection, a simple variant of the equidistant cylindrical projection originated in the ancient times. The parallels and meridians are equally spaced, they together form equally sized squares over the entire world map.

Using simple grid, where each cell has the same size and shape, brings in significant benefits. For comparison, the detailed maps of Chermet use Mercator projection instead. The Mercator projection preserves the shapes and angles of small areas better, but on the other hand, it significantly distorts the size of areas.

Locations near Chermet

Destinations close to Chermet sorted by distance.

  • Sovkhoznyy 2.4 km
  • Yugo-Zapadnyy 2.9 km
  • Khutor 3.5 km
  • Yelizavetinskiy 3.9 km
  • Pivzavod 5.2 km
  • Uktusskiy 5.5 km
  • Posëlok Shirokaya Rechka 5.7 km
  • Shirokaya Rechka 6.1 km
  • Posëlok Krasnaya Zvezda 6.4 km
  • Listvennyy 6.6 km

Popular searches

A list of the most popular locations in Russia as searched by our visitors.

  • Ural Mountains
  • Kabardino-Balkarian Republic
  • Kaliningrad Oblast
  • Kursk Oblast

Recent searches

List of the locations in Russia that our users recently searched for.

  • Udskaya Guba
  • Amur Oblast
  • Bagaevskaya
  • Pskov Oblast
  • Ladozhskoe Ozero
  • Republic of Dagestan

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This map is available in a common image format. You can copy, print or embed the map very easily. Just like any other image.

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The value of Maphill lies in the possibility to look at the same area from several perspectives. Maphill presents the map of Chermet in a wide variety of map types and styles.

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Sverdlovsk Oblast

in Russian. or , is a useful starting point for translations, but translators must revise errors as necessary and confirm that the translation is accurate, rather than simply copy-pasting machine-translated text into the English Wikipedia. provide in the accompanying your translation by providing an to the source of your translation. A model attribution edit summary is to the . .
Свердловская область
Coordinates: 61°20′E / 58.700°N 61.333°E / 58.700; 61.333
Administrative center
  Total194,307 km (75,022 sq mi)
Population ( )
  Estimate  4,325,256
  Density22/km (57/sq mi)
(   )
66, 96, 196
Official languages

Natural resources

Early history, medieval history and russian expansion, rise of the mining-metallurgical era, soviet ural, post-soviet transition, administrative divisions, demographics, settlements, ethnic groups, chairmen of the oblast duma, chairmen of the house of representatives of the legislative assembly, economy and transportation, sister relationships, notable people, external links.

any . Please help by . Unsourced material may be challenged and . ) )

Landmark indicating the border between Europe and Asia in Sverdlovsk Oblast. Yekaterinburg Border Asia Europe.jpg

Most of the oblast is spread over the eastern slopes of the Middle and North Urals and the Western Siberian Plain . Only in the southwest does the oblast stretch onto the western slopes of the Ural Mountains .

The highest mountains all rise in the North Urals, Konzhakovsky Kamen at 1,569 metres (5,148   ft) and Denezhkin Kamen at 1,492 metres (4,895   ft) . The Middle Urals is mostly hilly country with no discernible peaks; the mean elevation is closer to 300 to 500 metres (980 to 1,640   ft) above sea level. [9] Principal rivers include the Tavda , the Tura , the Chusovaya , and the Ufa , the latter two being tributaries of the Kama .

Sverdlovsk Oblast borders with, clockwise from the west, Perm Krai , the Komi Republic , Khanty–Mansi Autonomous Okrug , Tyumen Oblast , Kurgan , and Chelyabinsk Oblasts , and the Republic of Bashkortostan .

The area is traversed by the northeasterly line of equal latitude and longitude.

Rich in natural resources, the oblast is especially famous for metals ( iron , copper , gold , platinum ), minerals ( asbestos , gemstones , talcum ), marble and coal . It is mostly here that the bulk of Russian industry was concentrated in the 18th and 19th centuries.

The area has continental climate patterns, with long cold winters (average temperatures reaching −15   °C (5   °F) to −25   °C (−13   °F) on the Western Siberian Plain) and short warm summers. Only in the southeast of the oblast do temperatures reach +30   °C (86   °F) in July.

  • You can help expand this section with text translated from the corresponding article in Russian . (November 2020) Click [show] for important translation instructions. View a machine-translated version of the Russian article.
in Russian. a machine-translated version of the Russian article. or , is a useful starting point for translations, but translators must revise errors as necessary and confirm that the translation is accurate, rather than simply copy-pasting machine-translated text into the English Wikipedia. to this template: there are already 937 articles in the , and specifying topic= will aid in categorization. provide in the accompanying your translation by providing an to the source of your translation. A model attribution edit summary is to the . .

Wooden sculpture dated to 11,500 years ago may have stood more than 5 m high Bol'shoi shigirskii idol.jpg

The territory of the region has been inhabited since ancient times. Numerous sites of ancient people were discovered, dating from the Paleolithic to the Iron Age. The Upper Paleolithic includes the Garinsky site on the right bank of the Sosva river near the village of Gari , the site in the Shaitansky grotto, and the site in the Bezymyanny cave (X millennium BC). [10] [11] In 1890, the 11 thousand years old (Mesolithic) Shigir idol was discovered. [12]

A settlement and a burial ground in the Kalmatsky Brod tract are located on the right bank of the Iset river and date back to the Sarmatian time (from the 3rd century BC to the 2nd century AD). They belong to the Kalmak archaeological culture. In the Kalmatsky Brod burial ground, the skeletal skulls were strongly deformed by tight bandaging in early childhood, which indicates the penetration of steppe ethnic elements to the north. [13]

Pictograms on the Neyva River AKUR 1.jpg

There are numerous pictograms on the Koptelovsky stone, on the Oblique stone, on the Two-eyed stone, Starichnaya, Serginskaya, the rock paintings of the Bronze Age on the Neyva River, Tagil River (villages Brekhovaya, Gaevaya, Komelskaya), rock carvings on Shaitan-Kamen on the right bank of the Rezh river tied to indigenous Ural population, possibly speakers of a Ugric language . [14] [15] The Gostkovskaya Pisanitsa refers to the Middle Ages. [12]

Before the first Russian colonists arrived to the region, it was populated by various Turkic and Ugrian tribes. By the 16th century, when the Middle Urals were under influence of various Tatar khanates, the strongest local state was the Vogul Pelym principality with its center in Pelym .

The Russian conquest of the Khanate of Kazan in the 1550s paved the way further east, which was now free from Tatar depredations (see Yermak Timofeyevich ). The first surviving Russian settlements in the area date back to the late 16th   – early 17th centuries ( Verkhoturye , 1598; Turinsk , 1600; Irbit , 1633; Alapayevsk , 1639). At that time, those small trading posts were governed under Siberian administration in Tobolsk . After the 1708 administrative reform, Verkhoturye, Pelym and Turinsk became a part of the new Siberian Governorate , in 1737 their territories were assigned to the Kazan Governorate .

Verkhoturye in 1910 Verkhoturye 1910 LOC prok 02108.jpg

During the 18th century, rich resources of iron and coal made Ural an industrial heartland of Russia. After getting control over Ural mines, the Demidov family put the region in the forefront of Russian industrialization. Yekaterinburg , Nevyansk and Tagil ironworks, founded in the 1700s to 1720s, soon joined the ranks of the major producers in Europe. Throughout the 18th and 19th century those newly founded factory towns enjoyed a status of special mining-metallurgical districts allowed to have a certain rate of financial and proprietary autonomy. During the 1781 reform middle Ural finally got its own regional administration in the form of the Perm Governorate .

When in 1812 the Russian government legalized gold digging for its citizens, Middle Ural became a center of gold mining. Entrepreneurs of the Perm Governorate also started the gold rush in West Siberia, soon Yekaterinburgers began to dominate the Russian market of precious metals and gemstones.

After the emancipation reform of 1861 , major Middle Uralian industries that were heavily dependent on serf labor entered decline, although it also allowed light industry to thrive. In 1878, Perm and Yekaterinburg were connected with a railroad, in 1888, railroads reached Tyumen , and ultimately, in 1897, Yekaterinburg joined the Trans-Siberian network . Emergence of railroad transportation helped to revitalize economy of Ural.

The Bolsheviks established their power in Yekaterinburg and Perm during the first days of the October Revolution of 1917. In early 1918 the dethroned Czar Nicholas II and his family were transferred under custody to Yekaterinburg. Local Bolsheviks decided autonomously to execute the royal family on July 17, 1918, to prevent its rescue of by the approaching White Army forces. Ten days later Yekaterinburg was captured by the Czechoslovak troops of Sergei Wojciechowski . For the next year the Anti-bolshevik forces took control over the region. On 19 August 1918, Provisional Government of Ural was formed in Yekaterinburg by a coalition of liberal and democratic socialist parties, it was supposed to serve as a buffer between the Komuch and Provisional Siberian governments. After the Kolchak coup d'état in Omsk in November 1918, the Government of Ural was disbanded.

In July 1919, in the course of the Yekaterinburg offense, Yekaterinburg and the surrounding areas were recaptured by the Red Army forces under command of Vasily Shorin . On the July 15th, the Perm Governorate was split by the Soviets and the east, for the first time in history, became a separate region, the Yekaterinburg Governorate. It was soon abolished and replaced by the Ural Oblast (1923-1934).

T-34 tanks on the conveyor belt of the Uralmash plant (1942) RIAN archive 1274 Tanks going to the front.jpg

In the 1930s many industrial enterprises were established and built with the help of forced labour. [16] Local industry received another impetus during World War II, when important producing facilities were relocated here from the European part of Russia to safeguard them from the advancing Germans (for example, IMZ-Ural , Kamensk-Uralsky Metallurgical Works ). In the postwar period much of the region was off-limits to foreigners. It was over Sverdlovsk that the American U-2 spy plane pilot Gary Powers was shot down on May 1, 1960, while on a reconnaissance mission.

In 1979, there was an anthrax outbreak caused by an accident in a facility to develop biological weapons.

In 1993, Governor Eduard Rossel responded to perceived economic inequality by attempting to create a " Ural Republic ." Sverdlovsk led the "Urals Five" ( Kurgan Oblast , Orenburg Oblast , Perm Krai , Chelyabinsk Oblast and Sverdlovsk) in a call for greater regional power. They argued that the oblasts deserved as much power as the ethnic homeland republics . The Urals Republic Constitution went into effect on October 27, 1993. Then Russian President Boris Yeltsin dissolved the Urals Republic and the Sverdlovsk Parliament 10 days later (on November 9).

Life expectancy at birth in Sverdlovsk Oblast Life expectancy in Russian subject -Sverdlovsk Oblast.png

Population : 4,268,998   ( 2021 Census ) ; [5] 4,297,747   ( 2010 Russian census ) ; [17] 4,486,214   ( 2002 Census ) ; [18] 4,716,768   ( 1989 Soviet census ) . [19]

Vital statistics for 2022: [20] [21]

  • Births: 39,958 (9.4 per 1,000)
  • Deaths: 59,316 (13.9 per 1,000)

Total fertility rate (2022): [22] 1.56 children per woman

Life expectancy (2021): [23] Total — 68.79 years (male   — 63.72, female   — 73.80)

Rank Municipal pop.

1 1,493,749

2 349,008
3 166,086
4 120,778
5 95,861
6 80,357
7 72,688
8 62,908
9 61,533
10 60,979
Historical population
Source: Census data

There were twenty-one recognized ethnic groups of more than two thousand persons each in the oblast. Residents identified themselves as belonging to a total of 148 different ethnic groups, including: [17]

  • 3,684,843 Russians (90.6%);
  • 143,803 Tatars (3.5%);
  • 35,563 Ukrainians (0.9%);
  • 31,183 Bashkirs (0.8%);
  • 23,801 Mari (0.6%);
  • 14,914 Germans (0.4%);
  • 14,215 Azerbaijanis (0.3%);
  • 13,789 Udmurts (0.3%);
  • 11,670 Belarusians (0.3%);
  • 11,510 Chuvash (0.26%);
  • 11,501 Armenians (0.3%);
  • 11,138 Tajiks (0.3%);
  • 9,702 Mordovians (0.22%);
  • 9,358 Uzbeks (0.2%);

232,978 people were registered from administrative databases, and could not declare an ethnicity. It is estimated that the proportion of ethnicities in this group is the same as that of the declared group. [24]

Religion in Sverdlovsk Oblast as of 2012 (Sreda Arena Atlas)
Other 2.1%
Other 5.8%
and other native faiths 1.3%
and 13%
Other and undeclared 5.8%

Christianity is the largest religion in Sverdlovsk Oblast. According to a 2012 survey [25] 43% of the population of Sverdlovsk Oblast adheres to the Russian Orthodox Church , 5% are nondenominational Christians (excluding Protestant churches), 3% are Muslims , 2% are Orthodox Christian believers without belonging to any Church or are members of other Orthodox churches , 1% are adherents of the Slavic native faith (Rodnovery), and 0.3% are adherents of forms of Hinduism ( Vedism , Krishnaism or Tantrism ). In addition, 36% of the population declares to be "spiritual but not religious", and 9.7% is atheist . [25]

The most important institutions of higher education include Ural Federal University , Ural State Medical University , Ural State University of Economics , Ural State Law University , Ural State Mining University and Ural State Academy of Architecture and Arts , all located in the capital Yekaterinburg.

Legislative Assembly of Sverdlovsk Oblast Zak Sobranie SverdlOblasti.jpg

The oblast's Charter, adopted on 17 December 1994, with subsequent amendments, establishes the oblast government. The Governor is the chief executive, who appoints the Government, consisting of ministries and departments. The Chairman of the Government, commonly referred to as the Prime Minister, is appointed with the consent of the lower house of the legislature , a process similar to the appointment of the federal Prime Minister . But the Governor cannot nominate the same candidate more than twice, yet he/she can dismiss the house after three failed attempts to appoint the Premier. [ needs update ]

The Legislative Assembly is the regional parliament of Sverdlovsk Oblast. Until 2011, it was a bicameral legislature consisting of the Oblast Duma, the lower house , and the House of Representatives, the upper house . [27] Before the reform, members of the legislature served four-year terms with half of the Duma re-elected every two years. The Duma (28   members) was elected in party lists. The 21   members of the House of Representatives were elected in single-seat districts in a first-past-the-post system. The Legislative Assembly was the first bicameral legislature outside an autonomous republic, and the first regional legislature in Russia to elect members based on both party lists and single-seat districts . As of 2021, the Legislative Assembly is a unicameral legislature with a total of 50 seats, with half of the members elected by single-mandate constituencies and the other half elected in party lists for five-year terms. [28] [29]

Compliance with the Charter is enforced by the Charter Court. The existence of such regional courts in Russia, formed and functioning outside the federal judiciary, although challenged, has been upheld and persisted successfully in most constituent members of the Federation where they were established.

Until President Putin 's reforms of 2004, the Governor was elected by direct vote for terms of four years. Eduard Rossel has been the only elected governor (first elected governor for an oblast in Russia) since 1995 (appointed in 1991 and dismissed in 1993 by President Yeltsin ), re-elected in 1999 and 2003.

Since 2012, the oblast's Governor is Yevgeny Kuyvashev .

Vyacheslav SurganovApril 20, 1996 – April 2000
Yevgeny PorunovApril 26, 2000 – April 2002
Nikolay VoroninApril 24, 2002 – April 23, 2003
Alexander Zaborov (acting)April 23, 2003 – July 3, 2003
Nikolay VoroninJuly 3, 2003 – March 23, 2010
Elena ChechunovaMarch 23, 2010 – December 2011
Aleksandr ShaposhnikovApril 20, 1996 – May 1998
Pyotr GolenishchevMay 14, 1998 – April 2000
Viktor YakimovApril 21, 2000 – April 2004
Yury OsintsevApril 6, 2004 – September 2007
Lyudmila BabushkinaOctober 2007 – December 2011

In the 1990s, the Oblast's population was distinguished by relatively high support for parties and candidates of the right and democratic persuasion. In the 1996 presidential election, Boris Yeltsin , a native of the region who lived in Sverdlovsk until the 1980s, won over 70% of the vote. In the regional elections in 2010 in the Sverdlovsk Oblast, United Russia received minimal support relative to other regions - only 39.79% of votes. [30]

Even though it could do with modernizing, the region's industries are quite diverse. 12% of Russia's iron and steel industry is still concentrated in Sverdlovsk oblast. Iron and copper are mined and processed here, the logging industry and wood-processing are important, too.

The largest companies in the region include Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company , UralVagonZavod , Enel Russia , Nizhniy Tagil Iron and Steel Works , Federal Freight . [31]

Yekaterinburg is a prominent road, rail and air hub in the Ural region. As the economic slump subsided, several European airlines started or resumed flights to the city. These include Lufthansa , British Airways , CSA , Turkish Airlines , Austrian Airlines and Finnair . Malév Hungarian Airlines used to be among those carriers but they had to drop their flights to SVX ( IATA airport code for Sverdlovsk) after a few months.

The Alapaevsk narrow-gauge railway serves the communities around Alapayevsk .

Terminaly A i B aeroporta Kol'tsovo.jpg

  • Bà Rịa–Vũng Tàu province , Vietnam
  • Harbin , China
  • Vladik Dzhabarov , Russian cyclist
  • Andrey Fedyaev , Russian cosmonaut
  • Yakov Sverdlov , a communist revolutionary after whom Sverdlovsk and subsequently Sverdlovsk Oblast were named.
  • Church of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary , a building of regional historical significance in Staropyshminsk village.

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  • ↑ Президент Российской Федерации.   Указ   №849   от   13 мая 2000 г. «О полномочном представителе Президента Российской Федерации в федеральном округе». Вступил в силу   13 мая 2000 г. Опубликован: "Собрание законодательства РФ", No.   20, ст. 2112, 15 мая 2000 г. (President of the Russian Federation.   Decree   # 849   of   May 13, 2000 On the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in a Federal District . Effective as of   May 13, 2000.).
  • ↑ Госстандарт Российской Федерации.   №ОК 024-95   27 декабря 1995 г. «Общероссийский классификатор экономических регионов. 2.   Экономические районы», в ред. Изменения №5/2001 ОКЭР. ( Gosstandart of the Russian Federation.   # OK 024-95   December 27, 1995 Russian Classification of Economic Regions. 2.   Economic Regions , as amended by the Amendment   # 5/2001 OKER. ).
  • ↑ Official website of the Governor of Sverdlovsk Oblast. Alexander Sergeyevich Misharin (in Russian)
  • 1 2 3 Russian Federal State Statistics Service. Всероссийская перепись населения 2020 года. Том 1 [ 2020 All-Russian Population Census, vol. 1 ] (XLS) (in Russian). Federal State Statistics Service .
  • ↑ "26. Численность постоянного населения Российской Федерации по муниципальным образованиям на 1 января 2018 года" . Federal State Statistics Service . Retrieved 23 January 2019 .
  • ↑ "Об исчислении времени" . Официальный интернет-портал правовой информации (in Russian). 3 June 2011 . Retrieved 19 January 2019 .
  • ↑ Official throughout the Russian Federation according to Article   68.1 of the Constitution of Russia .
  • ↑ "Russia: Impact of Climate Change to 2030" (PDF) . Retrieved 25 April 2023 .
  • ↑ Сериков Ю. Б. Новые находки раннего палеолита в Среднем Зауралье // Ранний палеолит Евразии: новые открытия // Материалы Международной конференции, Краснодар – Темрюк, 1–6 сентября 2008 г.
  • ↑ Сериков Ю. Б. Следы раннего палеолита на территории Среднего Зауралья // Вестник археологии, антропологии и этнографии, 2015 № 4 (31)
  • 1 2 Объекты культурного наследия Свердловской области (список)
  • ↑ Сальников К. В. Древнейшие памятники истории Урала , 1952.
  • ↑ Khimiya i Zhizn , 9, 1974, p. 80
  • ↑ Писаницы Урала (in Russian). . Retrieved 26 December 2010 .
  • ↑ V.A. Kravchenko: I chose freedom (1946)
  • 1 2 Russian Federal State Statistics Service (2011). Всероссийская перепись населения 2010 года. Том   1 [ 2010 All-Russian Population Census, vol.   1 ] . Всероссийская перепись населения 2010   года [2010 All-Russia Population Census] (in Russian). Federal State Statistics Service .
  • ↑ Federal State Statistics Service (21 May 2004). Численность населения России, субъектов Российской Федерации в составе федеральных округов, районов, городских поселений, сельских населённых пунктов   – районных центров и сельских населённых пунктов с населением 3   тысячи и более человек [ Population of Russia, Its Federal Districts, Federal Subjects, Districts, Urban Localities, Rural Localities—Administrative Centers, and Rural Localities with Population of Over 3,000 ] (XLS) . Всероссийская перепись населения 2002   года [All-Russia Population Census of 2002] (in Russian).
  • ↑ Всесоюзная перепись населения 1989   г. Численность наличного населения союзных и автономных республик, автономных областей и округов, краёв, областей, районов, городских поселений и сёл-райцентров [ All Union Population Census of 1989: Present Population of Union and Autonomous Republics, Autonomous Oblasts and Okrugs, Krais, Oblasts, Districts, Urban Settlements, and Villages Serving as District Administrative Centers ] . Всесоюзная перепись населения 1989   года [All-Union Population Census of 1989] (in Russian). Институт демографии Национального исследовательского университета: Высшая школа экономики [Institute of Demography at the National Research University: Higher School of Economics]. 1989 – via Demoscope Weekly .
  • ↑ "Information on the number of registered births, deaths, marriages and divorces for January to December 2022" . ROSSTAT . Archived from the original on 2 March 2023 . Retrieved 21 February 2023 .
  • ↑ "Birth rate, mortality rate, natural increase, marriage rate, divorce rate for January to December 2022" . ROSSTAT . Archived from the original on 2 March 2023 . Retrieved 21 February 2023 .
  • ↑ Суммарный коэффициент рождаемости [ Total fertility rate ] . Russian Federal State Statistics Service (in Russian). Archived from the original (XLSX) on 10 August 2023 . Retrieved 10 August 2023 .
  • ↑ "Демографический ежегодник России" [ The Demographic Yearbook of Russia ] (in Russian). Federal State Statistics Service of Russia (Rosstat) . Retrieved 1 June 2022 .
  • ↑ "ВПН-2010" . .
  • 1 2 3 "Arena: Atlas of Religions and Nationalities in Russia" . Sreda, 2012.
  • ↑ 2012 Arena Atlas Religion Maps . "Ogonek", № 34 (5243), 27/08/2012. Retrieved 21/04/2017. Archived .
  • ↑ Formation of the legislative body of Sverdlovsk Oblast ,
  • ↑ General information ,
  • ↑ "Свердловская область" . .
  • ↑ "Результат единороссов по Свердловской области был самым худшим для партии власти" [ The result of United Russia in the Sverdlovsk region was the worst for the ruling party ] . Archived from the original on 10 June 2010 . Retrieved 2 January 2011 .
  • ↑ "Sverdlovsk region Industries" . . Retrieved 7 November 2018 .
  • Sverdlovsk Oblast on Facebook
  • Investment portal of Sverdlovsk Oblast
  • (in Russian) Official website of the Government of Sverdlovsk Oblast
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For sale 1 Bedroom, EKATERINBURG, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russian Federation, Sherbaova 77

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physical education swimming lesson plans

For sale - Cod. 29133

  • Tipology: 1 Bedroom
  • Area: 43 m²
  • Rooms No.: 1
  • Publication date announcement: 26/08/2016

Hello, we are the owners, Irina and Oleg. We sell a bright, comfortable and very beautiful flat, designed in a Scandinavian style. The flat created "for himself", but forced to sell due to moving to Moscow. ( We bought and renovated this flat for us but we have time sell it due to ...) The flat is located in a picturesque location near the Uktus mountains. The residential complex Stony Brook. In the flat: - All necessary equipment. (Dishwasher, washing machine, oven, refrigerator, range hood, stove, TV, microwave, coffee machine) - 2 wardrobes - Ennobled balcony where you can enjoy beautiful views of the forest and mountains, and dream about the most valuable. - Cable TV, wireless internet. - Increased size of window openings make the flat extremely bright. - All items and accessories are in the flat. In building: - High-speed elevator otis, which descends directly into the underground parking. - Concierge. - Courtyard complex located on the podium, which is located at 3 floors. House territory developed according to modern requirements - as a sport, and a playground with a safe finish. - On the first floor there is a trading gallery with a large grocery store, pharmacy, children's and sports goods, cafés and restaurants. The complex has a fitness club. Area: - In walking distance from the complex there is a shopping center "Globus" Waterpark "Limpopo", sports complex, "Planet IGRIK" (children's entertainment center), ICE (fitness center), the ski slopes and ski resorts, subway Botanica. - 8 km to the center. - 100 m bus stop

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    physical education swimming lesson plans

  3. Fun and effective instruction

    physical education swimming lesson plans

  4. GCSE Swimming Lesson Plans and Assessment

    physical education swimming lesson plans

  5. 30 Minute Swim Lesson Plan Examples and Template To Download And Print

    physical education swimming lesson plans

  6. Swimming Lesson Plans

    physical education swimming lesson plans


  1. Teaching The 4 Strokes Of Swimming In PE

    Swimming is an amazing lifelong fitness skill. As a result, swimming is a popular addition to physical education curriculum. We explore benefits, tips, and strategies for teaching the 4 strokes of swimming in physical education. As an added bonus, we break down a sample lesson plan for freestyle loaded with instructional videos and written notes.

  2. PEC: Lesson Plans for Physical Education

    The following is an abbreviated sample of a generic six-part lesson plan (warm-up, stretching, pre-cardio, cardio, toning, cool-down) that can be used to enhance the fitness portion of your physical education aquatics program. Each lesson part contains a few samples of exercises commonly used. After a repertoire of basic water concepts and ...

  3. PE Swimming Lesson Plans

    Yes, we offer discount packages for groups of schools purchasing The PE Hub. We already work with many Sports Partnership and Academy Trusts who wish to bring continuity to their planning across a family of schools. Email [email protected] for a quote or call the office on 0121 661 6530.

  4. PEC: Search All PE Central Lesson Plans

    PE Central is a web site that provides information about developmentatally appropriate physical education practices and programs. Please choose your search criteria below. Advanced Search. ... You can search by lesson type, sub-category of lesson type, author, title of lesson, materials used (e.g., jump rope, parachute), or keyword in a ...

  5. PEC: Lesson Plans for Physical Education

    You may have to adjust your planning to fit your schedule. On the first day, the class is divided into Tribes based on the hit T.V. show Survivor. Organize and post the teams before class. Teams of 3-5 will provide for high activity time for many students. To stick with a Physical Education theme, I named the tribes 'Ping Pong' and 'Tae Bo ...

  6. Swimming Resources For Teachers

    They cover each body part and are specific to beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. The assessment tools for each lesson make assessing your swimmers a quick and easy job. Swimming resources for teachers that really make a difference. Click here to check out some examples. $7.99.


    The student will value swimming by explaining why he/she enjoys the physical activity, noting at least two different reasons. Psychomotor Standards Standard 1- Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. Standard 3 - Participates regularly in physical activity.

  8. Detailed Lesson Plan in Physical Education 7 SWIMMING

    424418434-Detailed-Lesson-Plan-in-Physical-Education-7-SWIMMING-docx.docx - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The lesson plan outlines the teaching of basic swimming skills to 7th grade students, including identifying strokes, kicks, and floating techniques and appreciating the significance of swimming.

  9. Aquatics Unit Plan

    The following is a 2-week unit plan for high school physical education. The unit covers aquatics activities, which include: survival techniques, swimming strokes, and an introduction to water polo. This unit plan utilizes peer assessment strategies and incorporates several resources to support instruction. High School Lesson Plan Template.

  10. Semi Detailed Lesson Plan in Aquatics

    The document provides a lesson plan for teaching swimming styles. The objectives are for students to identify basic strokes, appreciate swimming, and perform different strokes. The lesson plan demonstrates and discusses four strokes - freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly. It provides step-by-step instructions for performing each stroke correctly, including body position, arm ...

  11. Just Adapt It. Adapted P.E. for Everyone At, we believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to participate in physical education, regardless of their abilities. We provide resources for teachers, parents, and students on how to adapt physical education activities for all students. Our website includes a variety of resources, including lesson plans, podcast curriculum, AI ...

  12. Swimming Lesson Plans

    Discover our comprehensive swimming lesson plans and scheme of work designed specifically for Key Stage 1 and 2 students in primary physical education. With a focus on water safety, fundamental swimming skills, and building confidence in the water, this program provides a structured and progressive approach to aquatic education.

  13. 424418434 Detailed Lesson Plan in Physical Education 7 Swimming docx

    Detailed Lesson Plan in Physical Education - Grade 7. I. Objectives. At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: a. Identify the different basic strokes and survival floating in swimming b. Appreciate the significance of swimming in their lives c. Perform the different strokes, kicks and floating in swimming. II. Subject Matter. a.

  14. KS3 Physical Education 12 Week Plan

    This document outlines a 12-lesson mid-term swimming plan for years 7 and 8. Lesson 7 involves a front crawl mini-assessment, while lesson 12 is a final assessment of front crawl and back crawl. The lessons focus on developing skills for back crawl, including body position, leg kick, arm action, breathing, timing, and starts and turns. Each lesson includes warm-up stretches, fitness swimming ...

  15. PEC: Lesson Plans for Physical Education

    These can include but are not limited to: • Do not swim without a lifeguard present. • Do not swim out too far. • Do not go out into the water alone. • Do not go into the water near any object, such as rocks or a pier. • Do not go into the water if you do not know how to swim. • Always have an adult around. • See how deep the ...

  16. Ural State Medical University Russia 2024-25: Fee, Ranking

    Fee Structure 2024-25. In this section, all the MBBS Students get information about the Ural State Medical University fees in 2024. Check all the relevant queries regarding fees following this page: Low fees for MBBS Colleges in Russia. Note: The mentioned fees may be subject to change.

  17. PEC: Lesson Plans for Physical Education

    Swim Strokes Peer Evaluation Assessment (Aquatics) Purpose of Activity: To improve all swim strokes and assess how students are performing each stroke. Suggested Grade Level: 6-8. Description of Idea. This is a peer evaluation that breaks down the basic swim strokes and gives details for the students to look for when peer evaluating.

  18. Module in Acquatics For Grade 12

    This document provides a lesson plan for a Grade 12 Aquatics module focusing on eye-hand-foot coordination. The first lesson defines eye-hand and eye-foot coordination, provides examples of each, and assigns students two activities - to create a video demonstrating exercises to improve coordination and answer questions about coordination benefits and importance in swimming. The second lesson ...

  19. Physical 3D Map of Chermet

    The 3D physical map represents one of many map types and styles available. Look at Chermet, Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Urals, Russia from different perspectives. Get free map for your website. Discover the beauty hidden in the maps. Maphill is more than just a map gallery. Search. Free map; west north east. Chermet. south. 2D 4;

  20. Sverdlovsk Oblast

    Elections. In the 1990s, the Oblast's population was distinguished by relatively high support for parties and candidates of the right and democratic persuasion. In the 1996 presidential election, Boris Yeltsin, a native of the region who lived in Sverdlovsk until the 1980s, won over 70% of the vote.In the regional elections in 2010 in the Sverdlovsk Oblast, United Russia received minimal ...

  21. Lesson Plan On PE Swimming3

    The document provides a semi-detailed lesson plan for a physical education swimming class at St. Therese. The objectives are for students to understand how carbohydrates, fat and protein optimize energy systems, the role of swimming in health, and proper safety and etiquette. The lesson discusses health optimizing physical education through student participation and covers proper etiquette ...

  22. For sale 1 Bedroom, EKATERINBURG, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russian Federation

    For sale - Cod. 29133. Tipology: 1 Bedroom Area: 43 m² Rooms No.: 1 Floor: 13 Publication date announcement: 26/08/2016 Hello, we are the owners, Irina and Oleg. We sell a bright, comfortable and very beautiful flat, designed in a Scandinavian style.

  23. Detailed Lesson Plan in Physical Education Grade 8 I. Objectives

    The lesson plan outlines a physical education class on swimming where students will learn about different swimming strokes, kicks, and floating techniques. Through videos, pictures, and group activities, the teacher will teach the butterfly, breaststroke, backstroke, and freestyle and discuss the importance of swimming. Students will be evaluated in groups by performing the swimming strokes in ...