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The Top 10 Free Maths Homework Help Sites and Apps For Primary School Children And Their Parents! (UK)

Ellie Williams

Finding the best free maths homework help sites online for your child can be tricky as a parent. Here we review the 10 top UK maths homework websites and apps that are free, packed full of homework help for primary school children – and may even teach parents a thing or two along the way! 

We’ve all been there.

It’s 7pm on a Sunday night and you are struggling to persuade the kids to get their maths homework done, take a bath and get their uniform ready for the morning.

Regrettably, we can’t help with the last two battles on that particular list, but if it’s anything to do with primary school maths or maths homework you need help with, rest assured we’ve got you covered. Every week thousands of 6 to 12 year olds are improving their maths skills, furthering their knowledge, and learning to love the subject with their personal tutor on our KS2 Maths Intervention Programmes. We live and breathe the subject, talking to parents and teachers about nothing other than maths every day!

So it’s not surprising that parents often ask us for recommendations for cheap or ideally free maths homework help online.

This blog post is the list we now give out when asked!

How we compiled our list of maths websites and apps

To compile it we specifically looked at all the online maths programmes, websites and free maths apps that are focused on the national curriculum. This is because we believe it’s a lot easier for UK parents and kids to find their way around sites that refer to Year 3 or KS2 then Fourth Grade or other public examinations.

We also asked parents for their recommendations and of course used our network of expert teachers to give us any additional secret teacher tips on the top free maths websites and apps that they recommend to parents to help with homework. (Number 8 is most definitely a big hit with teachers! As is our bonus entry in at number 11.)

Most of these home learning sites are free or so cheap as to be almost free, and we guarantee that the methods used here will be up to date with national curriculum, in line with most schools’ moves towards a maths mastery approach to teaching, and a great way to make sure you’re able to provide your 6 year old or your 12 year old with the specific help their maths homework might require. 

FREE KS2 Maths Games Printable Resources

FREE KS2 Maths Games Printable Resources

Printable resources to be used with our 26 of the best fun maths games to use at school or at home blog activities.

Here is our list of the top ten free maths homework websites and apps suitable for children and parents in the UK (ie the sites support the national curriculum):

  • Third Space Learning Maths Hub (resources from maths tuition experts)
  • BBC Bitesize – KS2 Maths (everything)
  • Primary Games Arena (games)
  • Hit the Button (times tables and number bonds)
  • Math is Fun (worksheets)
  • Primary Resources (oldie but a goodie!)
  • NRich (problem solving and challenge questions)
  • TT Rockstars (competitive times tables)
  • Maths Zone (portal to lots of maths games and quizzes)
  • Ashcott Primary School (videos from pupils for parents)

Read on for more detail on which free maths website is good for maths games, which worksheets, and which will challenge children of any ability to think deeply, reason and problem solve.

1. Third Space Learning’s Online Maths Hub – thousands of maths resources for teachers and parents

The Third Space Maths Hub contains thousands of downloadable home learning resources and videos , many of which are free. Lots of free maths worksheets practice SATs papers, mental maths activities and even short maths in minutes videos that break down for non-specialists like parents and support staff at school, how to help children with maths.

2. BBC Bitesize – maths homework help online for children of all ages

Maths Homework Help With BBC Bitesize

What’s the website about?

BBC Bitesize is the gold standard when it comes to getting help for your child with their maths homework, and it’s good for parents who are struggling with the new curriculum being used in schools too! It’s not just getting to grips with whether your child is in Key Stage 2 or Key Stage 1 – but what about the methods now used? Chunking anyone? 

The first incarnation of the Bitesize website was launched back in 1998, and over the last 20 years the BBC has built up a sterling reputation amongst teachers, parents and children alike as the place to go for free homework help online.

Handy to know

All topics on the Bitesize website are organised by year group and curriculum, so you’ll be secure in the knowledge that your child will be working at the right level. Short videos make the learning enjoyable and accessible, and the sheer amount of information on offer on this website should make it the first stop for maths homework help!

Take a look at the BBC Bitesize website here.

3. Primary Games Arena – learn maths through games online!

Maths Help Online With Games - Primary Maths Arena

At Third Space Learning, we believe that children learn best when they’re engaged and empowered by learning, and Primary Games Arena delivers this with a huge helping of fun too.

It is a free website that encourages children to play online maths games linked to their homework.

What’s more, children can play against other students. Forget Fortnite, these games will sharpen their maths skills without them even noticing!

Primary Games Arena breaks down the games on the site by both age (school year group) and by topic. This gives you as a parent the ability to pair up the maths game with whatever topic your child is learning in school, forming a fantastic learning partnership. This may seem like a unique way to get maths help online, but it certainly works!

Head over to Primary Maths Arena by clicking here .

4. Hit the Button – excellent website and app to practise times tables and number bonds homework

Maths Homework Help - Hit the button

Perfect for helping your kids get their heads round the basics in an engaging way, Hit the Button is an interactive maths game with quickfire questions on:

  • Number bonds
  • Times tables
  • Doubling and halving
  • Division facts
  • Square numbers

The games work against the clock so are great for developing your child’s mental maths skills at primary school.

Another reason we like this website is that in addition to the fun and interactive nature of the maths games, it also has a dedicated section on parental tips and tricks for the best ways to support your child throughout their learning.

Hit the Button can be found here.

5. Math is Fun – A simple but very useful free maths homework help website

Online Maths Help from Math Is Fun

Math or maths? Don’t be put off by the US spelling, as this site will reinforce learning for the UK curriculum in a lively and engaging way.

It’s topic based rather than year based, but it is an excellent site if your child needs to revise a particular topic because each one is written in a clear and precise style.

As well as being a great place for your child to get free maths homework help online, Math is Fun also gives you the chance to see how well your child has digested the material they have learned through a number of questions on each topic.

There’s also a section of the site dedicated to downloadable worksheets, and we love this too! 

Check out the Math is Fun site here !

6. Primary Resources – Everything you’ll need for maths homework help all in one place

Primary Maths Homework Help - Primary Resources

We love Primary Resources because its no-nonsense maths worksheets are perfect for free maths homework help. It’s a long standing favourite website among teachers but there’s no reason why parents can’t use the exercises and maths practice activities too.

Worksheets are sorted by topics and level, so you can be confident that whatever topic from the primary maths national curriculum for KS1 or KS2 your child practises with you in the evening can be applied in the classroom the next day.

Check out the Primary Resources site .

7. NRICH – When the maths homework requires some support on problem solving! 

Maths help online with NRICH

NRICH is a free maths site born from a Cambridge Maths Project to encourages children to think like mathematicians, become ‘good thinkers’ and generally develop curiosity about the world around them. It’s 

It was originally founded by a group of teachers and provides free maths activities for all ages and abilities – secondary as well as primary. There’s a particular focus on problem solving and reasoning, key principles of the new national curriculum for KS1 and KS2. The step-by-step explanations are perfect for anyone who is pursuing that elusive ‘I get it!’ moment.

NRICH is a great site for challenging high achievers. Thanks to the breadth of topics and tasks on there, you will be able to really challenge your child whilst ensuring that they can get the right level of maths help online.

The NRICH website can be found here.

8. Times Tables Rockstars – so cheap it’s free homework help website and app to support learning times tables and multiplication

TT Rockstars - Multiplication Help

One of our favourites, and although it’s not strictly free, it’s only £6 per year for family membership. Times tables are the absolute bedrock of maths learning; mastering them can have a direct impact on how well kids get to grips with the more complex maths further up the curriculum, so it’s worth nailing them early on.

Moreoever, from 2020 all Year 4 pupils will be required to sit a short Multiplication and Times Tables Test/Check as part of the new government assessment regime. Worth getting a head start now!

In Times Tables Rockstars, you earn rewards through mastery which can be ‘spent’ buying accessories for your online avatar. This is often the most popular part, of the whole process!

Times Tables Rock Stars can be found here.

9. Maths Zone – The ultimate site for free maths homework help with links to lots of other websites 

Maths Zone Primary Maths Homework Help

Maths Zone describes itself as ‘cool learning games’, and it’s just that.

Need some help with frustrating fractions homework? There’s a free maths game for that on Maths Zone.

Place value proving problematic? There’s a free maths app for that too….

Absolutely jam-packed with fun ways to learn more about maths, this site is ideal for children that like task-based learning and are motivated by tech, as the games are fast paced and full of action.

Each game starts with a short video to show how it’s played, so this should result in fewer calls of “Mum/Dad, I don’t know how to do it!” coming from the living room.

Maths Zone and all of its amazing games can be found here.

10. Ashcott Primary School – Online maths homework help fresh from the mouths of primary pupils!

Ashcott Primary School - Maths Homework Help

Ashcott Primary is a school with a big heart that’s based in Somerset. What we love about the maths homework help on their page is that the videos explaining core maths concepts are all done and narrated by the kids, and are very clear and helpful.

With the content on the site coming from a school, you know for a fact that the teaching strategies involved here will be aligned with what your child has been taught.

The Ashcott Primary School website is available here.

So that’s our top 10 list of free online maths homework apps and websites – hopefully something to suit all children, whether they’re puzzle-loving logic fans or rapid action game adventurers.

Any more we’ve missed? Let us know!


Every week Third Space Learning’s maths specialist tutors support thousands of students across hundreds of schools with weekly one to one tuition designed to plug gaps and boost progress.

Since 2013 these personalised one to one lessons have helped over 150,000 primary and secondary students become more confident, able mathematicians.

Learn how pupils make accelerated progress or request a personalised quote for your school to speak to us about your school’s needs and how we can help.

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Privacy Overview

Sir John Anderson (a member of the House of Commons and placed in charged of Air Raid Precautions or ARP) divided the UK into three areas:

1. Evacuation – areas where heavy bombing was expected. 2. Neutral – areas that would not need to send or receive evacuees. 3. Reception – rural areas where evacuees would be sent.

When did Evacuation end?

World War Two ended in September 1945, however evacuation did not officially end until March 1946 when it was felt that Britain was no longer under threat from invasion. Surprisingly, even 6 months after the war had ended, there were still 5,200 evacuees living in rural areas with their host families.

Many evacuees' had returned home long before March 1946.

In April 1945, the Government began to make travel arrangements to return the evacuees to their homes when the war was over.

By 12th July 1945, more than 100 trains had brought 54,317 evacuees home to London.

What was it like to be an evacuee?

Why was evacuation introduced by the Government?

Why was it important for people to be evacuated?

Who was evacuated?

What did they pack in their suitcases?

How were they evacuated?

Where were they evacuated to?

When were they first evacuated?

When were they evacuated again?

How many people were evacuated during the war?

Letters sent by an evacuee

Glossary of useful words

©Copyright Mandy Barrow 2013 primaryhomeworkhelp.com

Follow me on Twitter @mbarrow

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Julius Caesar

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Top facts about Julius Caesar Julius Caesar timeline Did you know Julius Caesar gallery About Julius Caesar Famous friends of Julius Caesar Julius Caesar videos Books about Julius Caesar Find out more about Julius Caesar See for yourself Quick Julius Caesar quiz

Who was Julius Caesar?

Julius Caesar was a famous Roman leader. He won many battles for Rome and helped the Roman Empire grow. While Caesar had a glowing career in both politics and as a military commander, he was only leader of the Roman Empire for a year before he was assassinated by political enemies. Roman leaders who came after him also called themselves Caesar.

Top 10 facts

  • Julius Caesar was born on 13 July in the year 100 BC.
  • His full name is Gaius Julius Caesar.
  • Caesar created the Julian calendar, which is the basis for the calendar we use today!
  • Caesar commanded all of Rome’s armies, and won many battles that gave more land to Rome.
  • Caesar was elected consul of Rome in 59 BC, which is the highest political office you could have at that time.
  • Caesar invaded Britain twice in 55 and 54 BC , but he didn’t try to set up any permanent forts.
  • Julius Caesar was the first person to have his own bust (face and neck) printed on a Roman coin.
  • Julius Caesar’s defining moment was when he crossed the Rubicon, a river that bordered Rome, and led an army into Rome to take over the government.
  • By the end of the Roman Civil War in 45 BC, Caesar had been appointed ‘Imperator’, which meant Roman leader for the rest of his life.
  • Unfortunately for Caesar, he was killed the next year, 44 BC, on the Ides of March (15 March).
  • 13 July 100 BC Julius Caesar was born
  • 75 BC Caesar was captured by pirates in the Mediterranean Sea

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  • 63 BC Caesar was elected pontifex maximus, which was a chief priest
  • 61 BC Caesar was appointed governor of Spain
  • 59 BC Julius served as Consul for Rome, and formed the First Triumverate with Crassus and Pompey
  • 58-51 BC Caesar led armies in the Gallic Wars
  • 55-54 BC Julius Caesar invaded Britain twice
  • 49 BC Caesar crossed the Rubicon and led an army into Rome to take over the government, starting a civil war
  • 46 BC Caesar created the Julian calendar
  • 45 BC The Roman Civil War ended, and Julius was declared the dictator of Rome for the rest of his life
  • 15 March 44 BC Julius Caesar was murdered by Cassius and Brutus

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Did you know?

  • While Caesar was the dictator of Rome, he changed the calendar! He organised it so there would be 365 days in a year, and 366 on leap years.
  • The month of July was named after Julius Caesar.
  • Caesar’s family claimed that they were descendants of the goddess Venus.
  • One of the most famous things Caesar said was ‘veni, vidi, vici’, which in English means ‘I came, I saw, I conquered’.
  • Caesar was the first Roman leader who had his own head put on a coin.
  • In the year 75 BC, Caesar was captured by pirates in the Mediterranean Sea! They held him prisoner for 38 days while a friend of Caesar’s went to collect the ransom money that the pirates wanted. When Caesar did go free, he gathered an army, sailed back to the island and captured the pirates, and put them in prison.
  • Caesar was murdered by two of his friends – Brutus and Cassius. They were afraid he was becoming too powerful, and thought he should be stopped.
  • The day that Julius Caesar was murdered, 15 March, was called ‘the Ides of March’ in ancient Rome. Today, we still use the expression (from  William Shakespeare ’s play,  Julius Caesar, in which Caesar is told :  "Beware the Ides of March"), because of what happened to him on that day.
  • In 42 BC, two years after his death, Caesar was declared a god.

Can you identify the following images in the Julius Caesar gallery below?

  • A stone bust of Julius Caesar
  • A manuscript of De Bello Gallico
  • A map of the area covered by the Roman Empire when Caesar died in 44 BC
  • A coin with Caesar’s bust on it
  • Statues of Caesar in Italy and France

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Caesar invaded Britain twice during the Gallic Wars – once in 55 BC and once in 54 BC.  It wasn’t until 43 AD that the Romans conquered and ruled Britain, winning battles against the Celtic tribes who lived there. ‘Crossing the Rubicon’ was one of the most important events in Caesar’s life, as it led to the Roman Civil War that made him leader of all Rome. Historians aren’t sure where the Rubicon actually was because it’s not really a river anymore, but they think it might have been in northeast Italy . The reason why crossing the Rubicon river was such a big deal is because Caesar was disobeying what the Roman government had asked him to do. He was marching back to Rome with his armies after fighting in Gaul, but the law was that an army had to disband before entering Rome (which would have prevented civil war). Caesar refused to do this, and kept his army together and under his command even when entering the outer boundaries of Rome – crossing the Rubicon. He then used that army to overthrow the government and claim the Roman Empire for himself. Not only was Caesar a renowned military commander and political leader, but he could write too! He was known for giving excellent speeches, and wrote books on the Gallic Wars ( Commentarii de Bello Gallico ) and the Roman Civil War ( Commentarii de Bello Civili ). Caesar started to do a lot of good things when he was made dictator for life, but the Roman Senate was worried that he was becoming too powerful and ambitious. They wanted to keep Rome as a republic, while Caesar wanted something like a monarchy. Cassius and Brutus assassinated Caesar for reasons that they thought were best for Rome and themselves, in the end. Caesar’s adopted son, Octavian, became the next leader of Rome. We know him better as Caesar Augustus.

Famous friends:

Pompey – Pompey was a Roman politician and military leader. Along with Crassus, he and Julius Caesar formed the First Triumverate. He and Caesar eventually became enemies, and Caesar fought against him in the Roman Civil War. Marc Antony – Marc Antony was a strong supporter of Caesar, and was also a famous military leader and politician. He served with Caesar in Gaul during the Gallic War. Cicero – A famous orator (speaker), writer and senator. Cicero liked Caesar as a person but didn’t agree with him politically. Historians have learned a lot about ancient Rome from documents written by Cicero. Octavian – Better known as Caesar Augustus, he was Julius Caesar’s adopted son and ruled the Roman Empire after Caesar died. He was the first Emperor of the Roman Empire. Brutus and Cassius – Both Brutus and Cassius were Roman politicians who led the plot to kill Caesar. Cleopatra – Cleopatra was a famous queen of Egypt , who was known for being beautiful, smart and a good leader. She brought prosperity to Egypt, and lived in Alexandria, which was the capital of Egypt at the time. She is also famous for the way she died – when Caesar Augustus was about to conquer Alexandria, she let a poisonous snake bite her.

Related Videos

Just for fun...

Find out about the time when Caesar was kidnapped by pirates ! (It wasn't good news for the pirates...)

Children's books about Julius Caesar

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Find out more

Julius Caesar facts for kids from the Kiddle encyclopaedia A brief biography of Caesar Watch a BBC Bitesize video about why Caesar came to Britain Read the BBC History guide to Julius Caesar Examine a marble portrait of Julius Caesar ; it's said to be a very good likeness

See for yourself

The British Museum has a marble bust of Julius Caesar See coins minted at the time of Caesar

Quick Julius Caesar quiz!

Q: How long was Julius Caesar leader of the Roman empire? 

Q: What is Julius Caesar's full name? 

Q: What was the name of the calendar Julius Caesar created? 

Q: How many times did Julius Caesar invade Britain? 

Q: Which month was named after Julius Caesar? 

Q: Which goddess did Julius Caesar's family claim to be descendants of? 

Q: Who murdered Julius Caesar? 

Q: Apart from being a leader and warrior, what else did Caesar do? 

Q: Who became the next leader of Rome after Julius Caesar's death? 

Q: Name three famous friends of Julius Caesar. 

You will find all of the answers within this page! 

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