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10 Expert Tips to Create and Deliver a Killer Keynote Presentation

So you’ve got a keynote presentation coming up, and you’re hitting the books to make sure you’re armed with the best plan possible. Besides taking notes from all the greats on TED, you’re reading up about a message structure that works, and looking for the perfect template.

While it seems like you’ve got your bases covered, like all things in life, there’s always a way to streamline the planning process.

According to Aaron Weyenberg , the UX Lead for TED and a self-professed “master of slide decks,” and the wizards behind Apple’s presentation slides , there are a number of tricks of the trade that you can rely on to create a rocking keynote presentation .

Below are some of our favorites. And to easily create a professional-looking presentation , sign up for Piktochart . It’s free and it allows you to make beautiful visuals without being a graphic designer.

1. Do your slides last

While most keynote speakers will typically build their presentation around the structure of a template, Weyenberg says that “building your slides should be the tail end of developing your presentation.” Before working on your slides, you should put together your main message, structure, supporting points – then practice and time your presentation. The reason for this, he says, is that the presentation needs to be strong enough to stand on its own. Approaching a keynote like this requires a shift in thinking.

While a beautiful set of slides is imperative to your presentation, it should not be central to it.

Weyenberg said it best: “The slides are just something you layer over [the presentation] to enhance the listener experience.”

Observe these 2017 Google I/O keynotes, especially CEO Sundar Pichai’s – the role of the slides are to support what the speaker is saying – not the other way around.

2. Get creative with photos

Often times, presenters will be far too literal or cheesy with their image choice. Weyenberg suggests to use images that are simple, yet punchy – and pairs nicely with your spoken words. He says to look for photos that are:

  • Related to your keynote’s concept
  • Are not complex in terms of composition

how to make inspiring keynote presentations

3. Simplify charts and graphs

While most presenters will simply drop an image of their charts and graphs into their deck, Weyenberg points out that it might be a bit “unsightly.” If you need to use data to back a point that you’re making, you should make the extra effort to make it more attractive – and this can be done by recreating it in your presentation maker .

There are a couple benefits to doing this:

  • It will make your presentation seem consistent and well-thought out
  • You’ll have control over colors, typography, and more.

weyenberg graph, typography in charts examples

4. One theme per slide

According to the designers of Apple presentation slides, less is certainly more. Trying to cram too many ideas on one slide can only work to your detriment. Beyond ideas, the same goes for statistics.

Let’s play a little game: For the following idea, how many slides would you use? “The developer program is incredibly vibrant. We have over six million registered developers. Demand for this show has never been greater. We sold out in just over a minute [71 seconds].”

While the average person might think that 6 million and 71 seconds would belong on the same slide and be short and sweet enough, let’s compare it with what Apple’s CEO Tim Cook did.

He only leveraged two slides: The first said “6 million,” and the second: “71 seconds. Sold out.”

how to make presentation attractive

5. Create a visual experience with data

Taking a leaf again from Apple’s presentation book, once you’ve gotten the hang of having just one stat per slide – you should also make it as visual as possible.

visual presentations

One data point per slide, combined with it being visually interesting – is sure to be memorable.

6. Practice Really Makes Perfect

Imagine the late Steve Jobs, a legendary keynote presenter, still rehearsed for months before a presentation. According to Brent Schlender , one of the co-authors behind the Steve Jobs biography “Becoming Steve Jobs,” Jobs would rehearse and prepare “exhaustively” for all of his public appearances.

Despite being a natural on the stage, Jobs never would wing it, he came to the show well prepared.

“I once spent an entire day watching him run through multiple rehearsals of a single presentation, tweaking everything from the color and angle of certain spotlights, to editing and rearranging the order of the keynote presentation slides to improve his pacing,” remembers Schlender.

While you may not be a perfectionist like Jobs, you are likely also not nearly as good of a presenter as he is – so practice really makes perfect in this case.

7. Tell A Consistent Story

Circling back to Weyenberg’s tips – he suggests that in a good slide deck, every slide should feel “like part of the same story.” Think of your deck like a story – every slide should feel cohesive to the big picture message you’re trying to communicate – as opposed to random ideas juxtaposed together.

You can do this by:

  • Using the same or similar typography, colors, and imagery across all slides
  • Using presentation templates can help with maintaining the same look and feel

8. Less is more

We explored the less is more concept earlier in the article by suggesting you keep to one idea per slide. The same can be applied to text.

When it comes to creating slides for your next keynote, the cardinal sin is a slide with ample text that is verbatim of your spoken presentation.

What this does is encourage people to keep their eyes on your slides instead of listening to you.

Weyenberg also points out that a text-heavy slide forces the brain to multitask between focusing on what it’s reading and hearing – which is quite difficult and will compromise your presentation.

bad presentation example

9. Consider topic transitions

While you want to make your slides look like a cohesive unit, you want to also keep in mind that making every slide look the same may be boring. Weyenberg suggests to:

  • Create one style for the slides that are the “meat” of the message
  • Then create another style for the slides that are transitioning between topics

For example, if your overall slides have a dark background with light text, you can use transitional slides that have a light background with dark text. This way, they’ll still feel like they’re from the same presentation family without being completely uniform.

10. Tell a captivating story

It is fitting that our final tip comes from likely the greatest keynote presenter of all time. The late and great Steve Jobs had the ability to captivate and inspire his audience with his talks, and that’s because he was a very good storyteller. And that’s the golden leaf that you can take from Jobs’ book today.

Always aim to tell a captivating story.

One example is perhaps when he introduced the iPod: “In 2001, we introduced the first iPod. It didn’t just change the way we all listen to music. It changed the entire music industry.” Listen to Steve Jobs weave a story about the digital music revolution when unveiling the iPod.

Bonus Round: Tips From Piktochart Designers  

keynote slide templates

  • Always remember that your audience is sitting far away . So ensure that your title font size is large enough to be seen from a distance, and that your body text is no smaller than 20px.
  • Use only two colors for your entire presentation – a primary and secondary color. If you must use a large color palette, your maximum choice should be up to five colors.
  • Make sure that there is enough white space throughout your presentation . This will give your content room to breathe. Less is definitely more in this case.
  • Emphasize only one object per slide – whether it’s an image, statistic, quote. This will make sure your audience stays focused.

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Pro Speakers on How to Give a Perfect Keynote Presentation

Allie Decker

Updated: January 13, 2021

Published: November 03, 2020

Two years ago, I was asked to give a presentation about my HubSpot article on emotional marketing . It was by far the most exhilarating and nerve-wracking experience of my professional life.

Pro Speakers on How to Give a Perfect Keynote Presentation

I don’t necessarily hate public speaking. However, leading up to the event, I felt the full responsibility of not only delivering a good presentation but also teaching the audience valuable , actionable information — and that was very intimidating.

I wanted to do a good job, and I wanted to be a good teacher.

→ Free Download: 10 PowerPoint Presentation Templates [Access Now]

Therein lies the importance of keynote presentations : to be effective, they should be educational and entertaining. Do you have a keynote presentation in your future? Read on for some advice from professional speakers.

First, what is a keynote presentation? Glad you asked.

You may also be tasked with a keynote presentation in order to secure funding, make a sale, or update stakeholders or executives. Whatever stage you find yourself on, delivering a keynote presentation is an important responsibility as a public speaker.

How to Give a Perfect Keynote Presentation, According to the Experts

I spoke with four professional speakers on how to deliver a near-perfect presentation. Here are five pieces of advice they shared.

1. Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse.

When it comes to public speaking, practice quite literally makes perfect. Every expert I spoke with mentioned how frequently they rehearse their presentations.

“However much you think you need to rehearse, rehearse 10 times more than that. When you show up to a concert, you expect that the musicians know their songs, and you certainly don't want the first time they try to play it to be right there on stage. You owe your audience and the folks hiring you to speak the same respect,” said Melanie Deziel , international keynote speaker and founder of StoryFuel . (She received this advice herself from Michael and Amy Port at Heroic Public Speaking .)

Melanie Deziel keynote speaker hubspot

Provided by Melanie Deziel

As more presentations and events become fully virtual, the likelihood of technical difficulties also grows. Rehearsing your content can help you weather any interruptions or last-minute changes.

Rehearsal not only leads to content mastery; it allows freedom in your presentations. “The more you rehearse and become comfortable with the content, the freer you'll be to take chances, experiment, and truly focus on your delivery, rather than trying to remember what comes next,” shared Deziel.

How do these experts recommend practicing your presentations? “[Use] a mirror,” said Olivia Scott , keynote speaker and founder of Omerge Alliances . “I take the time to see how I'm being received, I look at my body posture, and I look at everything to make sure that I feel good about what I'm delivering. This isn’t exactly a tool or technology, but it's a way to practice and rehearse.”

olivia scott keynote presentation hubspot

Additionally, consider asking friends, family, and trusted colleagues to listen to your practice runs and provide feedback on your presentation.

2. Ask for feedback.

Speaking of feedback, expert orators know to ask for it on a regular basis — from friends, peer groups, mentors, audience members, and clients. “Find a support crew and connect with other speakers in the industry,” mentioned Karen Hopper , keynote speaker and data strategist at M+R. Hopper personally recommends Shine Bootcamp , which provided her with lifelong friendships, helpful feedback, and a priceless education about public speaking.

Karen Hopper keynote presentation hubspot

Provided by Karen Hopper

“We help each other with feedback on our pitches, topics, outlines, and presentations, and we celebrate each others' wins,'' said Hopper. “ ... It’s well worth surrounding yourself with people who will cheer for you and who will give you honest feedback — the fastest way to get better is to ruthlessly seek out that feedback.”

Clients can also be an incredibly helpful source of feedback. If you’re asked to speak at an event or conference, consider asking the people who hired you. “I ask my client for their reaction immediately after every presentation. It’s important to know how they felt, and whether the presentation achieved their goals. Every time my client is happy, that’s my most successful presentation,” said Jeff Toister , keynote speaker, author, and customer service expert.

jeff toister keynote speaking hubspot

Lastly, the best feedback often comes from the source — in this case, your audience. Whether you ask questions during your presentation (which we’ll discuss next) or ask for feedback following your presentation, it’s never a bad idea to know what your audience thought about your keynote.

Feedback may look different if giving a remote keynote presentation, but it's still possible.

“It’s been a creative challenge to adapt a talk I'd hoped to give in person to work in a virtual environment. It's much harder to tell how your talks are received online, without being able to see nodding and note-taking and hear laughter and clapping. But all the feedback I have received [over email] indicated that my talk successfully changed the way many people are thinking about their content idea generation process, and that was the ultimate goal of the talk: to change how people think ,” shared Deziel, referring to her recent keynote at Content Marketing World 2020.

3. Engage your audience.

Nobody likes being talked at . Sure, delivering a keynote presentation involves you doing most of the talking, but it doesn’t have to be a one-way conversation. Many of the experts I interviewed encouraged some sort of audience engagement or interaction to enhance your presentation.

“People love to be involved in a presentation. Rather than explain a concept to my audience, I find a way to have them experience it,” said Toister. “For example, when I share how multitasking hurts productivity and causes us to make more errors, I have the audience try a brief multitasking exercise so they can experience the problem themselves.”

Did you know that audience engagement levels drop considerably (14%) if a presenter does most of the talking, versus if the audience talks just as much? Moreover, 64% of people believe that a presentation with two-way interaction is much more engaging than a one-way presentation.

Presentation engagement also takes practice — just like your presentation content itself. “ ... Entertainment comes from the performance itself: the way in which you deliver that content and the energy you bring to that delivery. This is a separate skill you need to practice. Work with a coach, watch back recordings of yourself to identify opportunities to improve your craft, and watch videos of top-notch comedians, poets and other speakers to see what you can learn from them,” encouraged Deziel.

Lastly, as important as engagement is, don’t let technology stand in the way. While smartphones and polling software can make audience interaction easier, they can also get in the way of you connecting with your audience. “I prefer to just have people stand up, raise their hand, or clap to participate in the poll. It gets the audience moving, and I don’t have to worry about WiFi connections or whether the polling software is working,” said Toister.

4. Prioritize your content as much as the delivery.

While entertaining and interacting with your audience is helpful and exciting, it shouldn’t take precedence over your presentation content itself. “Nearly all of what the audience can learn from you comes from the content: the stories you tell, the examples you share, the facts you cite and the other information you explain. Carefully crafting those materials and testing it out ensures that the audience will get the information they were promised from your session,” said Deziel.

Tools like PowerPoint, Keynote, Google Slides, and Canva can help you hone your content and develop a story within your presentation. A 2018 Prezi study (another presentation tool option) showed that 90% of people believe a strong narrative makes for a more engaging, interesting presentation. Data can help form arguments and explain facts, but stories stay with your audience long after your time on stage.

Storytelling is yet another way to engage with your audience, especially by evoking emotions like humor. “It’s entertaining to ask questions, saying, ‘Can anyone relate to this? Has anyone ever had this type of experience before?’ and then getting them involved with some laughter around those experiences. Laughter always helps,” said Scott, who presented at INBOUND 2020 .

Hopper, who was also a Breakout Speaker at INBOUND 2020, agreed: “Don't be afraid to be funny or drop in jokes — there are studies that show that laughing actually helps your brain retain information better, so not only will your audience have a good time laughing with you, but they'll also get more out of your presentation. It’s a win-win!”

5. Focus on the audience.

Finally, everyone can agree that public speaking is either revered or feared. If you relate to the latter and find yourself nervous when giving presentations, turn your focus on the audience.

“Speakers easily get nervous when they focus on themselves and worry too much about their own performance. Focusing on your audience first takes the nerves away and redirects your attention to making sure your audience gets something of value from your keynote,” shared Toister.

That’s the goal of a keynote presentation — to provide value to your audience. Regardless of what story you’re telling, what tools you’re using, or how you’re engaging the crowd, as long as you deliver a presentation that inspires your audience to think differently — even for 30 minutes — you’ve given a perfect keynote presentation.

Note: HubSpot Marketing teams reserve the right to use guest blog author’s likeness across our content as we see fit, including but not limited to HubSpot’s social media channels.

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90+ Best Free Keynote Templates 2024

Today we’re bringing you a collection of the best free Keynote templates for making all kinds of presentation slideshows, including business, creative, agency, and startup pitch decks.

Keynote is a great tool for making effective presentations. But, let’s face it, when it comes to the default templates included, your options are limited. Luckily you can still download and use Keynote templates made by other designers. For this collection, we handpicked some of the best free Keynote templates just for you.

Sure, these templates might not have the polish of premium Keynote templates you can spend a few dollars on. But, for the very low price of free, these will give you more than enough to design a stand-out slideshow.

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Download thousands of Keynote templates, and many other design elements, with a monthly Envato Elements membership. It starts at $16 per month, and gives you unlimited access to a growing library of over 2,000,000 presentation templates, fonts, photos, graphics, and more.

Muli Minimalisimo

Muli Minimalisimo

Dope Keynote Template

Dope Keynote Template

Creative Keynote Template

Creative Keynote Template

Explore Keynote Templates

Just looking for a stylish free Keynote template? No problem. Let’s dive into our collection of the best free Keynote templates (with a couple of premium ones thrown in so you can compare that option too)!

Creative Pitch Deck Free Keynote Template

Creative Pitch Deck - Free Keynote Template

This bright and beautiful Keynote template is a great choice for designing pitch decks for presenting products and services. It’s especially useful for presenting startup ideas as well. The template is available in both Keynote and Google Slides versions for free.

TEXICO – Modern Business Keynote Template

TEXICO - Creative Business Keynote Template

If you’re looking for a creative and stylish Keynote template to design a slideshow for a startup or a creative agency presentation, this template is perfect for you.

Free Agency Keynote Template

Free Agency Keynote Template

This free Keynote template is most suitable for creating presentations for agencies and small businesses. If you’re crafting a slideshow to attract clients and customers, this template has plenty of beautifully designed slides you can use to wow your audience.

Cranford – Free Business Keynote Presentation Template

Cranford - Free Business Keynote Presentation Template

Cranford is a free Keynote template that’s most suitable for business-themed presentations. It comes with several modern slide layouts full of image placeholders, attractive typography, and colorful shapes. You can easily edit and customize each slide to your preference as well.

Howard – Free Corporate Keynote Presentation Template

Howard - Free Keynote Presentation Template

This free Keynote template is ideal for corporate business presentations and slideshows. The template has several useful slides for showcasing various stats and data related to your company. It’s also available in PowerPoint and Google Slides formats.

Gilano – Free Keynote Presentation Template

Gilano - Free Corporate Keynote Presentation Template

Gilano is another simple and modern Keynote template that you can download for free. The template features a modern and minimal slide design with easily editable colors, fonts, and shapes. It’s especially perfect for investment-related presentations.

Maurelle – Free Professional Keynote Presentation Template

Maurelle - Free Professional Keynote Presentation Template

Maurelle is most suitable for creating slideshows for professional and business presentations. The template features charts, shapes, and image placeholders to help you create a visually pleasing slideshow for your business meetings.

Merville – Free Business Keynote Presentation Template

Merville - Free Business Keynote Presentation Template

You can craft a modern and creative business presentation using this free Keynote template. It comes loaded with multiple slide designs featuring colorful graphs, charts, and lots of icons. This template also comes in PowerPoint and Google Slides versions.

Success – Free Infographics Keynote Templates

Success - Free Infographics Keynote Templates

This free Keynote template comes with a bunch of slide layouts featuring useful infographic designs. They are perfect for showcasing stats and data in your presentations. This template also comes in multiple file formats, including Keynote, PowerPoint, Canva, Google Slides, and more.

iT Gradient – Free Keynote Template

iT Gradient - Free Keynote Template

This Keynote template comes packed with a lot of colorful slide layouts. It uses beautiful gradient color themes to offer a stylish canvas for you to present your content. There are 20 unique slides in this template.

Animal – Free Modern Keynote Template

Animal - Free Modern Keynote Template

Animal is a free Keynote template that comes with a modern and professional slide design. It features a visual-centric content layout with more space for showing images. This template also has 20 unique slides.

Sella – Free PowerPoint & Keynote Slides

Sella - Free Powerpoint & Keynote Slides

Sella is the perfect template for making presentations related to marketing and sales projects. This free template includes 5 different slide layouts with fully customizable designs. You can use it in both PowerPoint and Keynote.

Epoch – Free Keynote Presentation Template

Epoch Free Keynote Presentation Template

Epoch is a premium Keynote template but you can download a sample version of this template for free. The free sample includes several slide layouts you can use to copy and create your own slides. It’s perfect for experimenting and for making business presentations.

PARIS – Free Keynote Template

PARIS - Free Keynote Template

Paris is a beautiful Keynote template that features highly visual slide layouts. It features a travel-themed design with stylish layouts that are ideal for fashion and lifestyle brands. The free template includes 17 slides.

Folio – Free Keynote Portfolio Theme

folio Free Keynote Portfolio Theme

Folio is a minimalist Keynote template for creating portfolio presentations. It comes with customizable slide layouts you can use to present your work. There are 18 slides in this template.

PLANETS – Free Minimal Keynote Template

PLANETS - Free Minimal Keynote Template

This free Keynote template includes 10 unique slides you can use to create modern slideshows for creative brands. It’s especially suitable for design agencies and freelancers.

Assume – Free Keynote Presentation

Assume - Free Keynote Presentation

With 14 different slide layouts to choose from, you can use this free Keynote template to create attractive presentations for your business. It has lots of image placeholders with stylish shapes that add a cool look to each slide.

NEON – Free Cool Keynote Template

NEON - Free Cool Keynote Template

Just as the name suggests, this free Keynote template comes with a set of beautiful slides featuring neon-themed gradient colors. It’s perfect for modern technology, fashion, and design presentations. The free version of the template includes 12 slides.

Lagoena – Free Keynote Template

free keynote ppt

If you’re looking for a free presentation template that can easily give virtually any premium option a run for its money, consider Lagoena. It’s a multipurpose template suitable for a range of presentation purposes.

Yellue – Free Brand Keynote Template

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Wanting to get your hands on a free Keynote template that helps you deliver a standout presentation? Look no further than Yellue, a stunning template that will instantly draw the attention of your clients and investors, and keep it there.

Vova – Free Keynote Template

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Ultra-modern, and stylish, Vova is an excellent Keynote template for anyone looking to deliver a creative, and unique presentation. It features a range of slide designs that can be fully customized to your liking.

Free Circle Band Keynote Template

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Here we have a fun, and playful presentation template that can be fully molded to your specific requirements in Keynote, and PowerPoint. It’s free for personal use.

Clara – Free Fashion Keynote Template

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Exclusively created for fashion and photography businesses, Clara is a wonderful Keynote template that you must add to your ppt collection. Do check it out.

Free Pitch Deck Template for Keynote & PowerPoint

Free Pitch Deck Template for Keynote & PowerPoint

A modern and stylish Keynote template for crafting pitch decks for startup and business idea presentations. This template comes in both Keynote and PowerPoint versions featuring 19 slides.

Pastel Pattern – Free Keynote Template

Pastel Pattern - Free Keynote Template

This is a beautiful Keynote template that features a set of slides inspired by pastel colors and creative shapes. The free version of the template includes several slides that you can experiment with to create your own stylish slide layouts.

Geometric – Free Keynote Template

Geometric - Free Keynote Template

If you’re a fan of geometric shapes and patterns, this Keynote template is for you. You can download a portion of this template for free and use them to create slides of your own. It comes in a PowerPoint version as well.

Kula – Free Minimal Keynote Template

Kula - Free Minimal Keynote Template

Kula is a beautifully minimalist Keynote template that you can download for free to make simple and elegant presentations. The free template includes more than 10 unique slides with image placeholders and easily editable layouts.

Neon – Free Modern Keynote Template

Neon - Free Modern Keynote Template

You can use this free Keynote template to design modern slideshows with a dark color theme. It’s perfect for showcasing high-end products and luxury brands. The free version comes with 12 unique slides.

Barnwell – Free Business Keynote Template

Barnwell Free Business Keynote Template

Grab this free multipurpose Keynote template to design all kinds of business-related presentations. It’s easily customizable and includes Google Slides and PowerPoint versions as well.

Clifton – Free Business & Agency Keynote Template

Clifton Free Business & Agency Keynote Template

If you’re working on a presentation for a modern agency or business, this template will come in handy. It features a set of creative slides for crafting various business slideshows. It also comes in Google Slides and PowerPoint formats.

Metropolis – Free Modern Keynote Template

Metropolis - Free Modern Keynote Template

Metropolis is a free Keynote template that features a complete set of slides for crafting business-related presentations. It includes 35 different slide layouts with transition animations.

Portal – Free Portfolio Keynote Template

Portal - Free Portfolio Keynote Template

A free Keynote template for designing attractive portfolio presentations. Use this template to showcase your best work to clients. It comes with master slide layouts, animations, free icons, and much more.

Raymond – Free Business Presentation Keynote Template

Raymond - Free Business Presentation Keynote Template

Raymond is a free presentation template you can use in Keynote, PowerPoint, or Google Slides. It includes lots of useful slides you can edit and customize to create company profiles, reports, and many other presentations.

Fresy – Free Multipurpose Business Keynote Template

Fresy - Free Multipurpose Business Keynote Template

A minimalist Keynote template with a multipurpose design. You can use this template to make all kinds of business presentations from product showcase to portfolio presentations and more.

Balance – Free Keynote & PowerPoint Template

Balance - Free Keynote & PowerPoint Template

Balance is a modern and minimal Keynote template. The free version of the presentation includes 16 unique slide layouts with easily editable designs. It also includes lots of placeholders for easily adding images as well.

Narza – Creative Keynote Template

Narza - Creative Keynote Template

Narza is a creative Keynote template that features 30 unique slide designs. This template features a unique content design and color use that makes it a great choice for creative agencies and freelancers. The template is fully customizable and includes master slides as well.

London – Free Minimal Keynote Template

London - Free Minimal Keynote Template

London is a beautifully minimalist Keynote template you can download and use for free to create various presentations. It’s ideal for making slideshows related to fashion and lifestyle. It includes 21 unique slides with image placeholders and lots of vector shapes.

Bazz – Free Animated Keynote Template

bazz free animated keynote

Bazz is a premium Keynote template that features creatively animated slides. The free version of the template includes several slides you can use to create your own animated presentations.

Free Business Profile Keynote Template

Free Business Profile Keynote Template

This free Keynote template is perfect for making business and company profile presentations. It comes with various slides you can use to effectively showcase your business to your audience. The slides are available in multiple color schemes as well.

Selfone – Free Multipurpose Presentation Template

Selfone - Free Multipurpose Presentation Template

Selfone is a unique presentation template that comes in both Keynote and Google Slides versions. This template is designed for presenting apps, products, and ideas. It includes 32 editable slides. You can use it for free with all kinds of projects.

Colorado – Business Keynote Template

Colorado - Business Keynote Template

Colorado is a stylish Keynote template designed for modern and casual businesses. The template comes with 30 unique slide layouts that are easily customizable to change colors, fonts, and shapes. It also includes image placeholders as well.

Dolor – Free Modern Keynote Template

Dolor - Modern Keynote Presentation Template

Dolor is a modern Keynote template you can use to design stylish presentations for showcasing portfolios and businesses. The large image placeholders and the clean layouts of the slides will certainly help you get more attention from your audience. This template comes in both Keynote and PowerPoint versions.

Armio – Modern Business Keynote Template

Armio - Modern Business Keynote Template

A minimal and creative business Keynote template. This template features a minimal and clean design. And it comes with image placeholders, gallery and portfolio slides, 5 different color schemes, and 30 custom slide layouts.

XAVIER – Free Keynote Presentation Template

XAVIER - Free Keynote Presentation Template

Xavier is another free Keynote template that comes with a set of slides that feature colorful and trendy design. This template is perfect for making different types of presentations for creative agencies and designers. It features an easily editable design as well.

Born-Ink – Free Creative Keynote Template

Born-Ink - Free Creative Keynote Template

Born Ink features a stylish design that makes it a great choice for designing slideshows for fashion and design-related presentations. It comes with 10 unique slide designs. And it’s available in PowerPoint format as well.

The Business – Free Keynote Template

The Business - Free Keynote Template

Made with modern businesses in mind, this free template allows you to design different types of business-themed presentations. The template comes with 12 slides. You’ll have to signup for a free account to download this template.

Radiance – Free Agency Keynote Template

Radiance - Free Agency Keynote Template

Radiance is also free to download after a quick signup. This template is made with agencies in mind. It includes 32 unique slides featuring elegant and modern designs. It’s available in PowerPoint and Google Slides versions as well.

Free Real Estate Keynote Template

Free Real Estate Keynote Template

This free Keynote template is perfect for designing a simple slideshow to present real-estate property and solutions. The template comes with 20 unique slide designs. You can easily customize them to add your own images.

Free Minimal & Clean Keynote Template

Free Minimal Keynote Template

If you’re looking for a minimal template to craft a subtle and clean presentation, this Keynote template is for you. It features more than 20 customizable slide layouts featuring icons, shapes, animations, and image placeholders.

Timeline & History Free Keynote Template

Timeline & History Free Keynote Template

Timelines offer a great way to present product schedules, company history, and much more. This is a great free Keynote template you can use to easily design timelines for presentations. The template includes 20 slide layouts.

Minimal – Free Clean & Simple Keynote Template

Minimal - Free Clean & Simple Keynote Template

A clean and minimal Keynote template you can use for free to create presentations for various types of purposes. This template is easily customizable and comes with master slide layouts and 20 pre-made slide designs.

Business Proposal – Free Keynote Template

Business Proposal - Free Keynote Template

You can use this free Keynote template to create stylish business proposals that win over your clients and customers. It includes 20 unique slides with professional designs and transition animations.

Duotone – Free Creative Keynote Template

Duotone - Free Creatiave Keynote Template

This creative Keynote template comes with a unique design featuring a duotone color theme. It includes 18 unique slide layouts with easy drag and drop editing features, image placeholders, resizable graphics, and free fonts. The template is free to download and use with your personal projects.

Yellow – Free Keynote Presentation Template

Yellow - Free Keynote Presentation Template

Yellow is a modern Keynote template featuring a creative design. It comes with 60 unique slide designs that can be easily customized to your preference. The template is also available in PowerPoint version as well.

Voodoo – Free Keynote Presentation Template

Voodoo Keynote Presentation Template

Featuring 10 unique slide designs, this free Keynote template is perfect for making a presentation for a modern agency or a freelancer. The template is available in both dark and light color themes as well as a PowerPoint version.

BlockChain – Free Keynote Presentation

BlockChain - Free Keynote Presentation

Even though this Keynote template is designed for making blockchain-related presentations, it can be easily customized to make other types of presentations as well. The template features 10 unique slides with easily customizable designs.

Color – Stylish Free Keynote Template

Color - Stylish Free Keynote Template

This colorful Keynote template comes with a set of beautiful slide layouts that will allow you to create more attractive presentations that capture your audience’s attention. The template includes 10 slide designs with image placeholders and vector graphics.

Zane – Free Keynote & PowerPoint Template

Zane - Free Keynote & PowerPoint Template

Zane is a professional Keynote template you can use to make different kinds of business and agency related presentations. It comes with 11 slide designs and the template is available in PowerPoint and Google Slides versions as well.

PASTEL – Keynote Presentation Template

PASTEL - Keynote Presentation Template

Pastel is a modern Keynote template that comes with a set of slides that feature a design inspired by pastel colors. The free version of the template includes a limited set of slides that are also available in Google Slides and PowerPoint.

Macademia – Keynote Presentation Template

Macademia - Keynote Presentation Template

This beautiful Keynote presentation is perfect for making a lookbook-style slideshow for a fashion or apparel brand. The template is easily customizable as well. You can use the free version with your personal projects.

Brookly – Minimal Keynote Template

Brookly - Minimal Keynote Presentation Template

Brookly is an elegant Keynote template featuring a creative set of slides that can be used to make modern business and professional presentations. The slides can be easily customized to your preference as well.

Retro – Keynote & PowerPoint Template

Retro - Keynote & PowerPoint Template

This is a high-quality Keynote template that comes with 25 unique slide layouts. You can use to create attractive presentations for branding and marketing projects. The template is also available in PowerPoint and Google Slides versions as well.

Lookbook – Colorful Free Keynote Template

Lookbook - Colorful Free Keynote Template

Lookbook is a free Keynote template that features a set of colorful and attractive slides. The template comes with a design filled with vibrant colors that makes it perfect for designing entertaining presentations for fashion, design, and creative brands. The template is available in PowerPoint format as well.

Space – Free Powerpoint & Keynote Template

Space - Free Powerpoint & Keynote Template

Space is a clean and professional Keynote template that also comes with a PowerPoint version to let you design presentations using both apps. In addition to its beautiful slide designs, the template also features lots of icons, device mockups, and maps for making more attractive slideshows.

Ravi – Free Powerpoint & Keynote Template

Ravi - Free Powerpoint & Keynote Template

Ravi is a stylishly modern Keynote template you can use to design a colorful slideshow for fashion, marketing, and branding presentations. The template features an easily customizable slide layout featuring lots of vector elements, shapes, and device mockups.

Air – Free Minimal Keynote Template

Air - Free Minimal Keynote Template

Air Keynote template comes with more than 60 unique slides featuring a minimalist design that can be easily customized to your preference. It’s ideal for making presentations for creative professionals, agencies, and startups.

Business Plan – Free Keynote Template

Business Plan - Free Keynote Template

This free Keynote template is perfect for making different kinds of business presentations, especially including business plans and project proposals. The template features 20 unique slide designs with drag and drop image placements.

Simple Portfolio – Free Creative Keynote Template

Simple Portfolio - Free Keynote Template

If you’re a creative professional looking to showcase your portfolio in a presentation, this template will come in handy. The Keynote template comes with more than 20 creative slide layouts in HD resolution.

Montana – Minimal Free Presentation Template

Montana Minimal Free Presentation Template

Montana is a minimalist Keynote presentation template you can use to design all kinds of creative and professional presentations. The template is also available in PowerPoint and Google Slides layouts as well. All of which can be downloaded for free!

Comersa – Free Pitch Deck Keynote Template

Comersa Free Pitch Deck Keynote Template

Comersa features a set of very modern slide designs featuring various shapes, icons, and graphs. It’s ideal for making business presentations and startup pitch decks. The Keynote template is free to use with your personal projects.

Annual Report – Free Keynote Template

Annual Report - Free Keynote Template

Are you looking for a simple Keynote template to present your annual business report? Then use this template to craft your presentation for free. It comes with 20 unique slides filled with transition animations.

Company Profile – Free Keynote Presentation

Company Profile - Free Keynote Presentation

This free Keynote template will help you design a professional slideshow to present your company or agency to your audience at conferences, events, and meetings. The template includes 20 slide designs with image placeholders and more.

Free Business Proposal - Keynote Presentation Template

Create stylish project and business proposals using this free Keynote template that your clients can never say NO to. The free template comes in PowerPoint and Google Slides versions as well.

Case Study – Free Minimal Keynote Template

Case Study - Free Minimal Keynote Template

Looking for a cheap Keynote template to present your case study to your team? Then use this free Keynote template to save your money and design a slideshow that makes you look like a true professional.

Clean Business – Free Keynote Template

Clean Business - Free Keynote Template

Another free Keynote template for presenting your business plans and projects to your audience. This template includes 20 unique slide designs featuring image placeholders and transition animations.

Services – Free Dark Keynote Template

Services - Free Dark Keynote Template

If you prefer slide designs with darker color themes, this free Keynote template is perfect for you. It features a modern color theme with attractive layouts most suitable for making business and agency presentations.

Hope – Powerpoint & Keynote Template

Hope - Powerpoint & Keynote Template

This free Keynote template is perfect for making presentations for showcasing your products, company, and brand. It comes with lots of unique slide designs featuring image placeholders and easily editable layouts you can edit and customize however you want.

Simple – Minimal Free Keynote Template

Simple - Minimal Free Keynote Template

Another modern Keynote template featuring a minimalist design. This template features minimal colors with a clean layout allowing you to design presentations for startups, creative agencies, and professionals.

Business Plan - Free Keynote Template

Just as the name suggests, this Keynote template is designed specifically for creating presentations related to business and companies. The template comes with a set of modern slides you can use to make slideshows for showcasing business plans, marketing plans, and more.

Corporate – Business Free Keynote Template

Corporate - Business Free Keynote Template

This free Keynote template comes with 8 unique slide layouts with stylish clean designs. The slides feature stylish graphics and charts that can be easily customized. You can use the template to make corporate business and brand-related presentations.

Minimal – Clean Free Keynote Template

Minimal - Clean Free Keynote Template

A highly minimalist Keynote template featuring a modern and clean design. This template comes with 10 unique slides featuring a text content-focused design. It’s most suitable for making presentations for creative professionals and agencies.

Basics – Modern Keynote Template

Basics - Modern Keynote Template

This free Keynote template includes 31 unique slides filled with lots of attractive colors, vector elements, and image placeholders. You can easily edit the template however you like to create slideshows for all kinds of presentations.

Bizpro – Business Keynote Template

Bizpro - Business Keynote Template

Bizpro is a simple free Keynote template that comes with 8 modern slides. It includes a set of high-quality vector icons, image placeholders, and editable layouts. The template also comes in PowerPoint and Google Slides versions.

Taya – Free Keynote Presentation Template

Taya - Free Keynote Presentation Template

Taya is a creative and minimal Keynote template you can use to design slideshows for modern businesses, agencies, and brands. The template is fully customizable and features a clean layout with image placeholders. It’s available in PowerPoint version as well.

Softly – Modern Free Keynote Template

Softly - Modern Free Keynote Template

Softly is a modern Keynote template featuring an image-focused design. The template includes 60 unique slides with image placeholders, icons, vector shapes and more. It’s most suitable for fashion and portfolio presentations.

Write – Creative Free Keynote Template

Write - Free Keynote Template

Write is a creative Keynote template that comes with a set of minimal slides. The template allows you to grab your audience’s attention with its clean and simple design. It’s available in PowerPoint format as well.

Enable – Elegant Free Keynote Template

Enable - Elegant Free Keynote Template

Enable is an elegant free presentation template that you can edit and use with both Keynote and PowerPoint. The template is easily customizable and features image placeholders and lots of editable vectors.

Omelia – Minimal Free Keynote Template

Omelia - Minimal Free Keynote Template

Omelia is a great fee Keynote template you can use to design presentations for fashion and design brands. The template features a content-focused design that puts more attention to images. It’s free to use with your personal projects.

Altezza – Free Creative Keynote Template

Altezza - Free Creative Keynote Template

Altezza is a free Keynote presentation template featuring 11 unique slides. The template also includes Google Fonts, XML settings, along with Google Slides and PowerPoint versions of the template to let you customize it using your favorite app.

Every – Stylish Free Keynote Template

Every - Stylish Free Keynote Template

Every is the ideal Keynote template you can use to make a creative portfolio or a design related presentation. It comes with 16 unique slide layouts featuring easily editable design, image placeholders, and editable vector elements.

Burbank – Free Business Presentation Template

Burbank - Free Business Presentation Template

Burbank Keynote template comes with 8 fully customizable slides featuring modern and colorful designs. It’s ideal for making slideshows for a business meeting and event presentations. The template is also available in PowerPoint and Google Slides versions.

Brook – Free Keynote Presentation Template

Brook - Free Keynote Presentation Template

Brook is a modern Keynote template that includes 8 slides you can easily customize to your preference. It also includes creative vector icons, editable graphics, shapes, and much more.

Business Strategy – Free Keynote Template

Business Strategy - Free Keynote Template

Business Strategy Keynote template is most suitable for making business-related presentations. It comes with 8 different slide designs featuring minimal layouts.

Petang – Free Keynote Presentation Template

Petang - Free Keynote Presentation Template

Petang is a free Keynote template designed for creative professionals and designers. It features a dark color theme that effectively highlights its content to attract the audience. The template also includes editable graphics, charts, and image placeholders.

Free Corporate Keynote Template

free keynote template

Fancy a modern yet professional Keynote template for free? Look no further than this meticulously crafted presentation template that’s sure to create a lasting impression on your audience.

AnApple – Keynote Templates Free Download

free keynote template

AnApple is a free Keynote presentation template with a minimal yet eye-catching design. The template is super easy to use and comes with an array of customizable features to play around with. one of the best free Keynote templates out there!

Curvle Urban – Free Keynote Templates For Mac

free keynote template

Next up we have one of the best free Keynote templates for designers, photographers, and other experts working in the creative industry. It comes with a stylish layout and offers a range of amazing features for you to take advantage of.

Aqilla – Free Keynote Templates For Designers

free keynote template

Aquilla is a clean, modern, multipurpose Keynote template that can be virtually used for any presentation. It offers professionally designed slides, drag and drop picture placeholder, free fonts, one-click color change feature, and a lot more.


Ace the Presentation

how to prepare a keynote speech

Here’s an Excellent Keynote Speech GUIDE: With 2 Great Examples

You’ve probably been asked to give a keynote speech and you are afraid of it. Well, if you’ve never done this before, then there’s no need to panic. Thankfully, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s start with the basics, shall we? 

So, what is a keynote speech? 

Simply put, a keynote speech is usually given to set the theme of the entire event. It is a speech that is generally delivered by an expert, renowned and well-respected individual, depending on the theme of the event.

Being asked to give a keynote speech in front of a large audience can be a little intimidating. However, it’s the greatest honor to be selected as a keynote speaker. That said, you must deliver the best speech you possibly can. 

Now that we’ve covered what a keynote speech is, it’s time to key steps that you should take when preparing a keynote speech. 

Related Article: 7 Basic Elements of Public Speaking

How to prepare a keynote speech

Keynote speeches are very important. With that in mind, it’s one of the best opportunities for you and your business. Therefore, if you’ve been asked to be the keynote speaker, take advantage of such an opportunity. But, first, you will have to prepare your speech: 

1.     Find out the theme for the day

For any first-timer, you will probably be given the theme for the day by the event organizer. But if you are an experienced speaker, I’m sure everyone will applaud anything you say. All the same, both scenarios still require you to plan and organize your thoughts for your speech. 

2.     Outline your presentation

Sadly, most speakers always skip this part. And, it’s usually visible in their delivery and line of thought. The best way to handle this situation is by creating a sort of blueprint for your presentation which will include: 

  • Highlight some of the key structural elements, for instance, introduction, conclusion, or even stories. 
  • Highlight your key element in the presentation. What do I mean? Start by answering the question-what messages are you using to support your logical key point? 
  • Link all the elements together in a systematic sequence
  • Also, try mapping out the transition from one key point to the next and ensure that it’s flawless. 

3.     Now fill each section

Following your outline, use keywords to convey a clear message to your audience. This will also help in keeping the audience’s attention. On top of that, it will ensure you have a great flow of thoughts in your presentation. 

Write down the topic you’d like to present. Then go ahead and add principal keywords. Afterwards, write what you derive from each keyword. Thankfully, the structure of your keynote speech will give you a set of new keywords to follow. 

Make sure that you are brief and clear when filling each section. More importantly, don’t crowd up your content. You will also need to ensure you have most of the keywords in your mind. This will save you the time you use to check on your keynote speech instead of maintaining eye contact with the crowd. 

4.     Make the work visually attractive

Without a doubt, you should always ensure that your work has some visual ideas that would be easy to interpret. Add graphs or charts where necessary, but only where necessary. Too much of anything will lead to you losing the attention of your audience. 

5.     Add personal stories

Anecdotes and stories will assist you in illustrating your ideas to the audience. On top of that, it’s the best way to show your research. With stories, you should be able to capture the attention of your audience. Additionally, your audience will be emotionally invested which will differentiate you from nervous and inexperienced speakers. 

Play a game, add a question, or simply just maintain eye contact with your audience. This will help you gain their full attention throughout your speech. 

6.     Finally, rehearse

There’s no shortcut in this section. For you to present a killer speech in front of your audience without sounding nervous is through research. By rehearsing your speech several times, you can understand what it means to your audience and also see places where you can improve your speech. 

Actually, you can even record yourself while giving your keynote speech. That way, you will be able to work on your body language and speaking rate. If you have stage freight, this is a good way to avoid the effects of it. 

Now that you already know how to get ready for your speech, let’s take on how to open a keynote speech. 

The next points of discussion are: how to open a keynote speech, how long should a keynote speech be, and some great examples of keynote speeches. Before digging into that, let me add below some of the top related and interesting articles that can add to what you’re learning from this one. If any of the titles picks your interest, please click and open in a new tab, so you can check them out later. Enjoy!



The happiness when receiving a call marking the job interview gives rise to endless anxiety. After all, it’s only a few minutes to prove your worth, impress the recruiter and seize the opportunity. However, to do well at the job interview, you need to think about what you will say, how you will present yourself,…

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An Easy Guide to All 15 Types of Speech

An Easy Guide to All 15 Types of Speech

How to open a keynote speech?

I bet you are probably worried about your opening lines in your keynote speech, right? Well, first thing’s first, don’t be in a rush to speak. Before you open your mouth, the attention is usually high at this moment. Therefore, once you arrive up there, pause for a moment. To the audience, you will appear like you are trying to be confident and collected, so use that moment. 

The audience will lean in to try and hear your first few words. And at that moment, the audience will form their first impression of you with the first words you utter. An example of the first opening words include, ‘um, good evening everyone….I’m happy to be here in front of you. I will like to thank you so-so-so-so much…..’

Trust me if you start your speech with these words, the audience will feel like you are repeating words that will sound the same as the conversations they have been trying to avoid. 

To get the full attention of your audience, here are some quick tips on your opening statements. 


Before we go into how to open your keynote speech…

I would like to announce that you can get more insightful tips and how-to’s from our recently launched eBook, now available at Barnes & Noble , at $4.99. We tried to pack it with valuable information and price it below $5 to be as inclusive as possible with our pricing. Click below and Get a Copy!

keynote rullande presentation

Key tips on the opening statement in your keynote speech

  • Name someone central to your message
  • Use a provocative question
  • Use a short, pithy quote
  • Start with a personal association
  • Tell an Interesting and relatable Story
  • Paint a picture with your words, and so on…

keynote speech

How long should a keynote speech be?

Usually, the maximum length of the keynote speech depends majorly on the skill of the speaker. Therefore, the minimum length of the keynote speech depends on how long the speaker will need to make an impact on the audience.

You will know when the keynote does not last long enough when the message said by the speaker doesn’t have a deep effect on the audience. Additionally, the length of the keynote speech depends on the time allocated to the event. 

Examples of Excellent Keynote Speeches 

If you follow the instructions above, you won’t even need examples to sharpen your skills. However, here are some of the examples you can check out to give you a deeper understanding of keynote speeches

  • Fire Antony speech
  • A speech by Briana Scurry

With these two examples, you will be able to draft your speech in no time. 

To wrap it all up…

A keynote speech is an incredible way to get over public speaking and be able to introduce yourself to the audience. It doesn’t matter the number of people in the gathering. Always remember to count every opportunity that comes your way. 

Also, a great speech is not one that strings different elements together-no siree! A great speech is one that weaves them in the minds of the audience in such a way that they are not able to tell the difference between the segments. The speech shouldn’t be repetitive or random. It should be something that you sat down and constructed to perfection. 

Give the audience something that they can remember you by. A speech that will make them concentrate on the best course of action. Someone once told me that, ‘words can change the world’ and I believe it. Now, this is your opportunity to change the world. 




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Presentations that stand out. Beautifully.

With its powerful tools and dazzling effects, Keynote makes it easy to create stunning and memorable presentations, and comes included with most Apple devices. Use Apple Pencil on your iPad to create diagrams or illustrations that bring your slides to life. And with real‑time collaboration, your team can work together, whether they’re on Mac, iPad, iPhone, or a PC.

See what’s new in Keynote

Present your story. Your way.

Keynote sets the stage for an impressive presentation. A simple, intuitive interface puts important tools front and center, so everyone on your team can easily add beautiful charts, edit photos, and incorporate cinematic effects. And Rehearse Mode lets you practice on the go, with the current or next slide, notes, and clock — all in one view.

Start with a gorgeous layout.

Choose from over 40 eye‑catching themes that instantly give your presentation a professional look. Or create your own slide designs, background images, and page‑by‑page customization.

Create next-level animations.

Add drama to your presentation with more than 100 cinematic transitions and effects. Make your words pop by adding textures, color gradients, and even photos — with just a tap. And animate objects along a path using Apple Pencil or your finger on your iPhone or iPad.

Make every slide spectacular.

Add subtle movement to your slides with dynamic backgrounds. Illustrate your point with over 700 Apple-designed shapes, or add photos, videos, music, image galleries, and charts. Easily remove backgrounds from supported images and live videos or manually refine adjustments as needed. You can even use your iPhone to take a photo or scan a document, and Continuity Camera can send it straight to Keynote on your Mac.

What’s new in Keynote.

Learn about everything you can do in Keynote

Get the updates. Then get in touch.

Stay up to date when people join, edit, or comment in collaborative presentations and easily get in touch with your team using Messages and FaceTime.

Get more done on iPad.

Quickly insert objects, find settings, and get to your favorite tools with the customizable toolbar. And Stage Manager makes it easy to multitask across multiple presentations and apps at the same time. 1

Make backgrounds disappear.

Now you can more easily remove backgrounds from supported images — and even live videos — or adjust them to your liking.

Add live video feeds to any slide.

Appear in a window, right on your slides, with a picture-in-picture display during remote presentations. Or include a live feed of your iPhone or iPad screen to show off apps.

Get started with dynamic themes.

Start with one of three beautiful new animated themes, then customize it to set the tone for each slide with 18 adjustable background presets — from understated to highly visual, monochrome to colorful, calm to energetic.

Captivate your audience with dynamic backgrounds.

Make your presentation stand out by adding stunning color and visual interest to your slides. Create motion on a title or closing slide for a bold statement, and keep viewers engaged with subtle movement throughout the presentation.

Present with your team. Seamlessly.

For slideshows with multiple presenters, you can take turns controlling a single deck — from anywhere — on Mac, iPad, and iPhone.

Play YouTube and Vimeo videos right in Keynote.

Embed a video from YouTube or Vimeo, then play it right in your presentations, without the need to download or open the video in a media player. 2

Present over video conference. Like a pro.

Play a slideshow in its own window so you can access other apps while you present. You can view your presenter notes, upcoming slides, and navigation in a separate window as well.

Outline your presentation. Easier.

With outline view for iPhone and iPad, quickly jot down your thoughts, restructure ideas, and move concepts from slide to slide. Then switch to slide view and start designing.

Present like never before. From anywhere.

With Keynote, presenting remotely can be just as seamless as presenting in person. Say goodbye to saying “Next slide, please” — now multiple people can present together, even remotely, with each person taking control of their section of the deck. Add a live video feed of yourself to any slide for a picture-in-picture experience. Or when presenting on your Mac, include a live feed of your iPhone or iPad screen to walk through your apps. You can even play a slideshow in its own window, so you can simultaneously access your notes and other apps.

Any presentation. Any device. Anytime.

You don’t work in one place on just one device. The same goes for Keynote. Work seamlessly across all your Apple devices. The slides you create using a Mac or iPad will look the same on an iPhone or web browser — and vice versa.

You can also work on presentations stored on iCloud or Box using a PC.

Start using Keynote at iCloud.com

Create and present together. Even when apart.

Work together in the same presentation, from across town or across the world. You can see your team’s edits as they make them — and they can watch as you make yours, too. You can even get notifications when people join, edit, or comment. When presenting as a team, you can also take turns controlling a single deck from anywhere.

Use Apple Pencil when inspiration strikes.

Add color, illustrations, and handwritten comments for more beautiful presentations with Apple Pencil on your iPad.

Plays well with Office.

Teaming up with someone who uses Microsoft PowerPoint? Keynote makes it a great working relationship. You can save Keynote presentations as PowerPoint files. Or import and edit PowerPoint presentations right in Keynote.

Learn more about Microsoft PowerPoint compatibility

See everything that’s new in Keynote

  • What’s new in Keynote for iPhone and iPad
  • What’s new in Keynote for Mac
  • Keynote for iCloud release notes

Additional Resources

  • Get Keynote support
  • Learn about Microsoft Office compatibility
  • Learn about collaboration for Pages, Numbers, and Keynote
  • Use Keynote in a video conference app

Keynote User Guides

  • Keynote User Guide for Mac
  • Keynote User Guide for iPad
  • Keynote User Guide for iPhone
  • Keynote User Guide for Web

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Apple keynote: how to make an interactive presentation..

keynote rullande presentation

Although we have all heard of Powerpoint as a powerful tool for presentations, I believe that after using the Apple keynote, I have also learned that it can be used to create impressive and engaging presentations.

In this story I’m going to show you how we can create and Deliver a Killer Keynote Presentation using Keynote

Set it up correctly :

Start Keynote, then choose a Theme . Choosing an appropriate theme can save you time and effort in redefining styles, backgrounds, and image formatting.

Planning your content :

The Slide is the core component of Keynote, so it’s best to view your interactive piece as a series of small, slide-sized chunks. If you want to tell an interactive narrative, you’ll want to write it one slide at a time in words, images, video, or short animations.

Create your content :

The first page will be a title slide , so write a good welcome text ,Also use simplify charts and graphs to present your data,Always try to put points in further interactive way so that viewer can understand and grasp the slides veritably and fluently. it'll also helps to make the bystander always stick with the slide.

Short animations :

  • On the slide, click to select the object you want to animate.
  • In the Animate sidebar, click the Animate tab.
  • Click Add an Effect, then select an animation.
  • To set animation options such as the duration and direction of the animation, use the controls that appear.(Start Transition,Delay)

A Good Animation can help make a PowerPoint presentation more dynamic, and help make information more memorable. The most common types of animation effects include entrances and exits. You can also add sound to increase the intensity of your animation effects.

Presentation experts recommend using animations and sound effects sparingly. Animation can be useful in making a presentation more dynamic, and help to emphasize points, but too much animation can be distracting. Do not let animation and sound take the focus away from what you are saying.

Present it! :

Go ahead — press Play and test out your presentation. Everything should work as you’d expect, and you can press Escape to exit. Save your Presentation to iCloud, then open it on your iPad, and everything will work just the same there.


keynote rullande presentation

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Posted on November 16, 2023

You have some great tips. I also appreciate the paragraph about using sounds and animations sparingly. It never fails when I introduce Keynote to students, that their first presentation has sounds and animations for everything. Thank you for sharing, Keynote is one of my favorite apps.

  • Copy link to this comment

Posted on November 22, 2023

There's nothing like a great, well-thought-out Keynote. Thanks for sharing your step-by-step guide.

Posted on November 30, 2023

Another great tips would be to use purposeful animation. If your an explaining how gravity work, using the anvil composition to have an object (or even the word GRAVITY) fall for the sky and land in a smoke dust deliver a message out the topic. And you are right to use is sparingly, use it to gain focus, to surprise you listener.

Great topic and explanation!

Posted on December 01, 2023

Hi Satyajit

Who doesn't love keynote? Thank you for the reminders on creating a presentation. You will have to share one you have created!


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keynote rullande presentation

What Is a Keynote? 5 Things You Should Know

  • The Speaker Lab
  • March 14, 2024

Table of Contents

Have you ever been so mesmerized by a speaker that their words stayed with you long after their speech ended? That’s the magic of a keynote . But what exactly is a keynote speech and why does it matter?

In essence, a keynote speech sets the tone for an event. It serves as its heartbeat, pulsating with ideas and insights that energize attendees. Picture yourself standing before an audience, delivering not just any speech but one where every word strikes like lightning, illuminating minds and sparking conversations.

This post promises to take you on a journey exploring captivating keynotes, dynamic speakers, and exciting events. Together, we’ll look at how keynotes influence everything from business success to social media activity; unveil strategies for creating impactful presentations; and provide tips on becoming an effective speaker yourself.

What is a Keynote?

A keynote is a defining presentation or speech centered around the main theme of an event. The term “keynote” in relation to speaking is based on the musical term “key note,” or the note around which the key is based. Just like a musical ‘key note’ defines the harmony of a composition, a keynote speech lays down the central theme or message of an event.

The Importance and Impact of Good Keynote Speakers

As one of the main highlights of an event or conference, keynote speakers are expected to inspire audiences with their unique perspectives and insights. A great speaker has the ability to not only communicate effectively but also engage with their audience in meaningful ways. This engagement forms the bottom line for successful presentations—it can make or break an event.

The Hallmarks of Professional Keynote Speakers

What sets apart good keynotes from merely average ones? The answer lies in several factors:

  • An understanding of both their subject matter and audience : Top-tier keynote speakers know how to connect deeply with those listening while delivering high-value content that resonates long after they’ve left the stage.
  • Dynamism and energy : Audience members are more likely to stay engaged when your presentation style mirrors your passion for what you’re discussing.
  • A knack for storytelling : Narratives help us process information better; therefore good storytellers often leave lasting impressions upon their audiences.

Fostering Engagement Through Effective Speaking Techniques

Surely we’ve all attended lectures where, despite our best efforts, our minds wandered off mid-presentation. So what’s different about engaging speeches?

One major difference is novelty. Unique insights delivered compellingly pique interest. Professional keynote speakers know how to weave facts and figures into a captivating narrative that is relevant to the audience.

Additionally, good keynotes strike an emotional chord with listeners. This not only keeps them engaged but also helps in better recall of information presented. A great speaker uses storytelling techniques effectively for maximum impact .

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Role of Keynotes in Events

As mentioned earlier, a keynote sets the stage for an event, serving as a compass that directs the overarching theme. Whether it’s delivered by national speakers or industry leaders, this keynote can ignite audience engagement and set the tone for what follows.

Opening vs. Closing Keynotes

While both have significant roles, there is a clear difference between opening keynotes versus closing ones.

An opening keynote often aims to energize attendees at the start of an event. It’s like turning on a lamp in an unlit area—suddenly, everyone can make out what is before them and where they are headed. This initial spark helps draw people into the experience and makes them eager to learn more.

In contrast, closing keynotes help solidify connections made during events, creating memorable moments that continue to resonate with attendees even when they’ve returned home or back to their desks. Professional keynote speakers are skilled at creating such lasting impressions through powerful storytelling techniques coupled with actionable takeaways.

Leveraging Keynotes for Business Success

Keynote speeches are more than just a way to kick off an event. They have the potential to become powerful tools in leadership development, client relationships, and attracting attendees. A good keynote speaker will help their audience visualize their own paths towards success.

The Role of Keynotes in Leadership Development

A keynote speaker has the power to ignite change within an organization or industry by providing new perspectives on established practices or unveiling innovative approaches to overcoming challenges. Their influence often extends beyond the stage as attendees continue discussing their ideas long after the event finishes.

This is particularly true when speakers share personal stories from their careers—experiences that demonstrate resilience during difficult times or highlight how unconventional thinking led them to unprecedented levels of success.

Creating Strong Client Relationships Through Keynotes

An engaging keynote speech also serves as a starting point for fostering strong client relationships. When a keynote speaker shares insights relevant to their clients’ industries or discusses issues close to their hearts, that speaker shows understanding and empathy. This resonates with audiences on both professional and personal levels, which can lead directly into fruitful partnerships down the line.

Drawing Attendees With Impactful Speeches

Beyond fostering connections with current clients, delivering compelling keynotes helps attract attendees too. Attendees are likely to show up if they hear a well-known figure in the industry is giving a talk. They look forward to learning from their insights and getting inspired by their journeys.

In conclusion, leveraging keynotes for business success involves understanding the multi-faceted role of these speeches in events. Whether it’s developing leadership skills among attendees or attracting potential clients, a powerful keynote can become your ticket towards achieving unparalleled growth and success.

Tips and Best Practices for Effective Keynote Speaking

Being a keynote speaker is no small task. To ensure a memorable presentation, there are several techniques to consider. Let’s explore some best practices.

The Power of Preparation

As any experienced public speaker will tell you, preparation is critical. Thoroughly understanding the subject matter helps build confidence, which translates into more effective delivery techniques. As a result, a keynote speaker needs to know what opinions are expressed in their field so that they’re able to anticipate questions from attendees and answer them competently during Q&A sessions.

Connecting With Your Audience

A successful keynote isn’t solely focused on delivering content; it’s also about making connections with the audience. By incorporating relatable stories or analogies, a good speaker will not only engage listeners, but also help simplify complex ideas for them. Want more storytelling tips? Check out this podcast episode with Ravi Rajani for more ways aspiring speakers can weave narratives into their talks for greater impact.

Constantly Improving: Asking for and Using Feedback

Although a keynote speaker may be tempted to pat themselves on the back after giving a talk, their job isn’t done yet. For any talk they give, it’s important to seek out constructive criticism in order to learn how best to improve. What worked? What didn’t? What did the audience find most engaging and why? The answers to all these questions are worth their weight in gold, and a good speaker knows it. By incorporating audience suggestions into his or her presentation, a keynote speaker ensures that they are at the top of their game.

The Digital Age and Keynote Speaking

As the digital landscape evolves, so does keynote speaking. Social media channels have become powerful platforms for speakers to reach event attendees and amplify their messages. In fact, these platforms are now a fundamental part of any successful speaker’s toolkit.

Online Presence of Keynote Speakers

Digital tools like social media offer than just exposure—they let speakers interact directly with potential audiences and industry peers alike, fostering relationships that transcend physical boundaries.

Live streaming options available on multiple social media platforms allow speakers to share their message with audiences near and far, while also providing attendees an unparalleled opportunity to connect with influential voices.

This broadened reach doesn’t only benefit the speakers themselves, but also enhances the overall experience for event attendees who get unprecedented access to their favorite thought leaders in real time.

Social Media as A Promotional Tool

The days when flyers were enough to attract attendees are long gone—we’re living in an age where captivating visual content reigns supreme. So, if you’re planning to deliver a keynote or organize an event soon, remember: your social media activity could be the starting point of creating buzz and anticipation around it.

Increasing Number of Digital Aids

From Canva to Prezi, there are now tons of digital tools designed for keynote speakers. This LinkedIn post provides a helpful list of these tools , as well as some pros and cons.

What Type Of Speaker Are You?

Click below to discover your Speaker Archetype and how to start getting booked and paid to speak!

FAQs on Keynotes

What is a keynote.

A keynote is a defining presentation or speech centered around the main theme of an event.

What is the purpose of the keynote?

The purpose is to energize, inspire, or challenge attendees to see things from a fresh perspective.

What is the difference between a keynote and a presentation?

A presentation shares information while a keynote aims to spark change. The latter inspires action through powerful storytelling around central themes.

What does it mean to give a keynote?

Giving a keynote means delivering an impactful speech that guides an event’s direction, motivates listeners, and provides valuable insights related to the core topic.

What qualifies as a keynote speaker?

A credible figure with expertise in their field who delivers engaging speeches inspiring change or providing new perspectives on pertinent topics usually qualifies.

The essence of keynote speaking lies in creating an overarching theme that captivates audiences from start to finish. Opening keynotes set the stage while closing ones wrap up event objectives with finesse.

Together, we’ve explored strategies for delivering engaging presentations and using social media for promotion.

Now you know that a great keynote isn’t about just standing before an audience; it’s about resonating with them long after you leave the stage. Remember this as you step onto your own path of public speaking!

  • Last Updated: March 22, 2024

The Speaker Lab

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15 pro tips to ace your keynote presentation.

keynote rullande presentation

Written by Shavinyaa Vijay

keynote rullande presentation

Keynote presentations can be terrifying for some of us. We fear messing up, looking bad on camera, forgetting our notes… The list of nightmares just doesn’t end.

While it’s not possible to have an entirely foolproof plan, we can minimize the number of ways where things can go wrong. So if you have an important keynote presentation coming up, here are some of our tips to help you out.

How to Ace Your Keynote Presentation

We’ll give you a concise guide on what you should be doing, from the time you start planning to the time you conclude your speech. Take these 15 quick tips and master them so you can deliver a stunning keynote presentation in no time!

1. Know Your Purpose

Before you start creating the layout of your slides or typing out the content of your speech, take some time to ask yourself — what is the purpose of your keynote presentation? What is the takeaway that you want the audience to have after your presentation? Essentially, you need to ask yourself, “What is my message?”. While it feels like time is ticking away, rushing into your slides will backfire in the long run. You need to ensure that the intention behind this presentation is clear and focused, as that would help you in creating a keynote presentation with clarity and confidence.

2. Be Confident

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Ever heard of the phrase, ‘fake it till you make it’? Now’s a great time to take that advice! A significant factor in determining the success of your keynote presentation is your audience’s trust in you, and to gain their trust, you need to be confident in yourself first. Confidence in presentations comes from two sources: your posture, and your mastery of the content you are presenting. For posture, remember not to fidget and stand in a relaxed position. Stretch for a couple of minutes before presenting to loosen yourself up. As for your content, be sure to know the subject of your presentation like the back of your hand; read up as much as possible and do not start on it last minute.

3. Give Your Credentials

When introducing yourself, simply sharing your organization and position is not enough; if your audience wants to know where you’re from, all they need is a quick search online. What they do want to know however, is why you are the best person to deliver this presentation, and what you have to offer them. By sharing this, your audience will know that you’re knowledgeable in the field you’re presenting on, and that you have the solution to their needs or problems. Doing this will not only make your audience lean a little closer, but will also give you a great segue to move them into the next part of your presentation.

4. Deliver Your Hook

Research shows that the audience will stop listening to a presentation within 10 minutes if they are not persuaded that there is something in it for them. It is therefore important that you “hook” your audience by convincing them that they can benefit from your keynote presentation. You can do this by showing your audience that the key idea behind your presentation has the ability to make them feel happy or successful.

5. Introduce Your Agenda

At the start of your speech, be sure to let your audience know what the takeaway of your message is. Dedicate a slide to show your audience the agenda, and when presenting, remember not to read from the slides! Instead, offer a brief and general summary of your presentation. Give your audience the direction of your presentation, as this will allow them to follow your content better.

6. Ensure Smooth Transitions

Transitions are like sign posts that guide your audience throughout your speech, so they must be easy to follow, the last thing you need is a confused audience! Unclear transitions can be a nightmare as it may potentially distort the content of your presentation. In the end, the audience grasps only bits and pieces of your message, or worse, gives up on following your presentation. This applies not just to the visual effects that PowerPoint has, but also to the words you use. When transitioning from point to point, use words such as ‘next’, ‘then’, and ‘after’, and number your points using words like ‘firstly’, ‘secondly’, and ‘thirdly’. This will help the audience understand when you’re moving on to another idea or part of your presentation.

7. Give a Credible Statement

If you wish to gain your audience’s trust and establish a professional relationship with them, you need to get them to buy into your presentation. One way would be through giving credible statements that support your message. This can come in the form of data, or in the form of professional advice from experts in the field of your presentation. For example, make use of graphs and statistics to show the importance of a certain situation, and share quotes from someone with authority in a similar (if not the same) industry to backup your statements.

8. Use Images for Maximum Impact

The beauty of well-selected images lies in their ability to communicate a message without throwing dozens of words at an audience, so use them to your advantage! Select photos that encapsulate the message of your keynote presentation, or to highlight a specific idea that you’re sharing. Images that look simple can deliver the most powerful messages, and do what words sometimes cannot achieve — stir emotions in an audience. However, while images are a great tool, moderation is key. Stay away from photos that have been used too often (icebergs, anyone?), and use them sparingly throughout the presentation, as too many may reduce their impact.

9. Present data simply

Data is important in any credible presentation, and like we mentioned earlier, can help to establish your audience’s trust. However, it is crucial that the data be presented in a simple and uncomplicated manner. Too many numbers or graphs can be distracting for the audience, and may obscure the real intention of presenting the data. If you have large chunks of statistics, ask yourself: What is the key idea of the message you’re sharing? Which figures will back your statements up? From there, choose the appropriate data and highlight them accordingly.

10. One slide – one theme

Like transitions, each slide can be used as markers of the various points you aim to cover. Not only does this make your presentation easy for the audience to follow, it also makes it easy for you to remember your points as they are neatly categorised in each slide. It may seem tempting to squeeze all your information into few slides, but remember, moderation is key!

11. Be minimalistic

For a keynote presentation, simplicity is important when designing and organising your deck. You do not want the pattern or design to distract your audience from the real content and message. Again, it is also important that you do not overload the slides with words, so keep the sentences and points in your slides short. Let your speech expand on the ideas that you want the audience to take with them. Your communication and connection with them is more impactful in sending your message across than words on the slides.

12. Be consistent

Consistency is essential, especially when it comes to your presentation. Avoid using different backgrounds in every slide, and ensure that the design is reasonably similar throughout, unless you wish to use differences to distinguish individual points in your message. This makes the transitions in your presentation smooth, and thus it makes the story that you are telling easy for the audience to follow.

13. Practice, Practice, Practice

Rome was not build in a day, and similarly, a perfect presentation will not happen instantaneously! Rehearse your presentation a couple of times before the actual one, as this will help you in two ways. Firstly, you will gain familiarity with the content, which will definitely increase your confidence in delivering the presentation. Secondly, going through the deck aloud will allow you to listen to your speech from the audience’s perspective. This will aid you in tweaking and adjusting the content and structure of your presentation, to best fit the needs of the audience.

14. Analyse your audience

On the day of your presentation, analyse the audience. Get a general feel of the crowd. Are they excited? Are they bored? Are they tired? By doing this, you will be able to tweak the content of your presentation to fit the needs of your audience. If they are bored, you may wish to start with an interesting story related to your message. If they are tired, you could give them some time to get refreshed, either through a 5 minutes break or a quick activity to keep them alert. This way, you can ensure that you have a receptive audience ready to listen to what you have to say.

15. Q&A session

It is absolutely important that you leave some time at the end of your keynote presentation for a short “question and answer” session. Since the presentation was done from your perspective, the audience may have missed some important links and connections in your ideas. Therefore, a Q&A session is great in resolving any potential confusion that the audience may have.

There you have it, 15 simple tips to ace your keynote presentation! Just remember:

  • Know Your Purpose
  • Be Confident
  • Give Your Credentials
  • Deliver Your Hook
  • Introduce Your Agenda
  • Ensure Smooth Transitions
  • Give a Credible Statement
  • Use Images for Maximum Impact
  • Present data simply
  • One slide – one theme
  • Be minimalistic
  • Be consistent
  • Practice, Practice, Practice
  • Analyse your audience
  • Q&A session

Now you’re good to go, all the best for your keynote presentation!

Article Written By: Shavinyaa Vijay

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Keynote User Guide for iPad

  • What’s new in Keynote 14.0
  • Intro to Keynote
  • Intro to images, charts, and other objects
  • Create a presentation
  • Choose how to navigate your presentation
  • Open a presentation
  • Save and name a presentation
  • Find a presentation
  • Print a presentation
  • Prevent accidental editing
  • Undo or redo changes
  • Quick navigation
  • Change the working view
  • Customize the toolbar
  • Copy text and objects between apps
  • Basic touchscreen gestures
  • Use Apple Pencil with Keynote
  • Create a presentation using VoiceOver
  • Add or delete slides
  • Reorder slides
  • Group or ungroup slides
  • Skip or unskip a slide
  • Change the slide size
  • Change a slide background
  • Add a border around a slide
  • Show or hide text placeholders
  • Show or hide slide numbers
  • Apply a slide layout
  • Add and edit slide layouts
  • Change a theme
  • Add an image
  • Add an image gallery
  • Edit an image
  • Add and edit a shape
  • Combine or break apart shapes
  • Save a shape to the shapes library
  • Add and align text inside a shape
  • Add 3D objects
  • Add lines and arrows
  • Add and edit drawings
  • Add video and audio
  • Record video and audio
  • Edit video and audio
  • Add live video
  • Set the movie and image formats
  • Position and align objects
  • Use alignment guides
  • Place objects inside a text box or shape
  • Layer, group, and lock objects
  • Change object transparency
  • Fill shapes and text boxes with color or an image
  • Add a border to an object
  • Add a caption or title
  • Add a reflection or shadow
  • Use object styles
  • Resize, rotate, and flip objects
  • Add linked objects to make your presentation interactive
  • Select text
  • Copy and paste text
  • Format a presentation for another language
  • Use phonetic guides
  • Use bidirectional text
  • Use vertical text
  • Change the look of text
  • Use text styles
  • Change text capitalization
  • Add drop caps
  • Make characters superscript or subscript
  • Format fractions automatically
  • Format dashes and quotation marks
  • Format Chinese, Japanese, or Korean text
  • Set tab stops
  • Format text into columns
  • Adjust line spacing
  • Format lists
  • Add mathematical equations
  • Add borders and rules (lines) to separate text
  • Add or delete a table
  • Select tables, cells, rows, and columns
  • Add or remove rows and columns
  • Move rows and columns
  • Resize rows and columns
  • Merge or unmerge cells
  • Change the look of table text
  • Show, hide, or edit a table title
  • Change table gridlines and colors
  • Use table styles
  • Resize, move, or lock a table
  • Add and edit cell content
  • Format dates, currency, and more
  • Highlight cells conditionally
  • Format tables for bidirectional text
  • Alphabetize or sort table data
  • Add or delete a chart
  • Change a chart from one type to another
  • Modify chart data
  • Move, resize, and rotate a chart
  • Change the look of data series
  • Add a legend, gridlines, and other markings
  • Change the look of chart text and labels
  • Add a chart border and background
  • Use chart styles
  • Animate objects onto and off a slide
  • Animate objects on a slide
  • Change build order and timing
  • Add transitions
  • Present on your iPad
  • Present on a separate display
  • Present on iPad over the internet
  • Use a remote
  • Make a presentation advance automatically
  • Play a slideshow with multiple presenters
  • Add and view presenter notes
  • Rehearse on your device
  • Play a recorded presentation
  • Check spelling
  • Look up words
  • Find and replace text
  • Replace text automatically
  • Set your author name for comments
  • Highlight text
  • Add and print comments
  • Send a presentation
  • Intro to collaboration
  • Invite others to collaborate
  • Collaborate on a shared presentation
  • See the latest activity in a shared presentation
  • Change a shared presentation’s settings
  • Stop sharing a presentation
  • Shared folders and collaboration
  • Use Box to collaborate
  • Create an animated GIF
  • Post your presentation in a blog
  • Use iCloud Drive with Keynote
  • Export to PowerPoint or another file format
  • Restore an earlier version of a presentation
  • Move a presentation
  • Delete a presentation
  • Password-protect a presentation
  • Create and manage custom themes
  • Transfer files with AirDrop
  • Transfer presentations with Handoff
  • Transfer presentations with the Finder
  • Keyboard shortcuts
  • Keyboard shortcut symbols

keynote rullande presentation

Use a remote to control a Keynote presentation

You can use your iPad as a remote control to play a presentation on a Mac or on another device. This setup is especially useful when iPad is connected to an external display . If you’re playing a presentation on your iPad, you can control the presentation using your iPhone (or its companion Watch), or another iPad as a remote control.

Important: To use an iPhone or iPad with iOS 14 or iPadOS 14 as a remote, Keynote needs permission to connect to other devices on your local network. Go to Settings > Privacy > Local Network, then turn on Keynote.

Set up iPad as a remote control for a presentation on a Mac

The Mac and the iPad need to have Keynote installed and have Wi-Fi turned on.

Open Keynote on the iPad that you want to use as a remote.

the Remote button

The device displays the Set Up Remote screen.

Note: Tap OK if you’re asked to allow Keynote to find and connect to devices on your local network.

Open Keynote on the Mac, then choose Keynote > Settings (or Preferences in macOS 12 or earlier) from the Keynote menu at the top of your screen.

Click Remotes at the top of the Settings window, then select Enable.

Click Link next to the device you want to use as a remote.

A four-digit code appears on the Mac and on the device.

Verify that the four-digit codes match, click Confirm, then close Keynote Settings.

After the devices are linked, you can control the presentation from the remote device.

Set up iPad as a remote control for a presentation on another device

The remote control device and the presentation device need to have Keynote installed and have Wi-Fi turned on.

Open Keynote on iPad.

Open the presentation on the device where you will play it.

the More button

Tap Link next to the device you want to use as a remote.

A four-digit code appears on both devices.

Verify that the four-digit codes match, then tap Confirm.

Use iPad as a remote control

You must first set up iPad to be a remote control, as described in the previous task.

Play the presentation on a Mac, iPhone, or iPad.

Do one of the following:

the Keynote button

Note: Handoff must be set up on the Mac and iPhone, and the presentation you want to control must be saved in iCloud Drive .

To control the presentation, do any of the following:

Advance to the next slide or build: Tap the slide, or swipe left across the slide.

Return to the previous slide: Swipe right across the slide.

Skip to a specific slide: Tap the slide number in the upper-left corner, then tap the slide you want to display.

the Close button

To change what you see on your remote device as you’re presenting, do any of the following:

the Layout button

Switch between a timer or current time display: Tap the time or timer at the top of the screen.

Set up another device as a remote control for iPad

Open Keynote on the device that you want to use as a remote.

Verify that the four-digit codes match, tap Confirm, then tap Done.

After the devices are linked, you can control the presentation from the remote.

Use another device as a remote control for iPad

The other device must be set up as a remote control, as described in the previous task.

Open your presentation on iPad.

Use Apple Watch as a remote control

You must first set up iPhone to be a remote control for iPad, as described above, and Keynote must be installed on Apple Watch and its companion iPhone. To install Keynote on Apple Watch, update the companion iPhone to the latest version of Keynote. Then on Apple Watch, confirm the Keynote installation.

Important: For best results, set Apple Watch to wake and display Keynote when you raise your wrist during the presentation. On Apple Watch, go to Settings, tap General, tap Activate on Wrist Raise, and turn on Wrist Raise. Then tap Last Used App (swipe up to see it).

Open the presentation on iPad.

the Keynote button

If you followed the directions in the introduction to this task, Keynote appears whenever you raise your wrist to control the presentation from Apple Watch.

To close Keynote on Apple Watch, press the Digital Crown.

Highlight on a slide from a remote control device

When you use Keynote Remote to control a presentation from iPhone or iPad, you can draw on your device to emphasize information on the slide. The drawing appears on the device that’s playing your presentation.

A slide in slide illustration mode showing the laser pointer and color selection controls.

Set up iPhone or iPad as a remote.

Play the presentation on a Mac or another device.

the Illustrator button

Do any of the following:

Draw with a color: Tap a color, then draw with your finger on the slide.

Use the laser pointer: Tap the laser pointer, then move your finger around the slide; the laser pointer follows your movements.

the Undo button

Return to the previous slide or advance a slide: Tap the left or right arrow on the slide.

Hide the drawing tools: Tap Done.

Change the presentation devices linked to a remote control device

Open Keynote on the iPhone or iPad you use as a remote.

Tap Devices, then do any of the following:

The Manage Devices popover, showing the Add a Device link.

Add another presentation device: Tap Add a Device, then follow the onscreen instructions.

Switch to a different presentation device: Tap a different device name, then tap Done.

Remove a presentation device: Swipe right across the name of the device, then tap Delete.

Unlink a remote control from a presentation device

Open Keynote on the device you use to show the presentation.

If you don’t want to use any remote, but you don’t want to unlink devices you already linked, you can turn off Enable Remotes. Turn on Enable Remotes when you want to use a device again.

Unlink a remote control from a Mac

Open Keynote on your Mac.

Choose Keynote > Settings (or Preferences in macOS 12 or earlier) from the Keynote menu at the top of your screen.

Click Remotes at the top of the settings window, then do one of the following:

Permanently unlink a remote: Click Unlink next to a device.

Temporarily unlink all linked remote: Deselect Enable so the device remains linked but isn’t functional as a remote. Reselect Enable when you want to use it again.

Keynote Remote uses Multipeer Connectivity, which allows newer iOS devices, iPadOS devices, and Mac computers that have the latest version of Keynote to connect over Wi-Fi whenever they’re in close proximity, even when they aren’t on the same Wi-Fi network. If you have difficulty using Keynote Remote with older devices or Mac computers over Wi-Fi, try adding them to the same Wi-Fi network.

Note: The old Keynote Remote app previously available from the App Store is no longer supported.


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  2. 50+ Best Keynote Templates of 2020

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  6. Animated Blur Background Effect in Keynote


  1. 15 best keynote presentations

    It also uses a distinct shade of green to balance its black background and to add interest. 03. Add whimsical line art. Presentation with illustration designed by Gregor Martynus. Illustrations—particulary whimsical ones—in your presentation incorporates a sense of creativity.

  2. 10 Expert Tips to Create and Deliver a Killer Keynote Presentation

    1. Do your slides last. While most keynote speakers will typically build their presentation around the structure of a template, Weyenberg says that "building your slides should be the tail end of developing your presentation.". Before working on your slides, you should put together your main message, structure, supporting points - then ...

  3. Pro Speakers on How to Give a Perfect Keynote Presentation

    I spoke with four professional speakers on how to deliver a near-perfect presentation. Here are five pieces of advice they shared. 1. Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse. When it comes to public speaking, practice quite literally makes perfect. Every expert I spoke with mentioned how frequently they rehearse their presentations.

  4. 30 Best Free Keynote Presentation Templates Designs (for 2023)

    2. BePro Keynote Business Template. This beautiful Keynote presentation is functional and comes from a seasoned design professional. It's filled with design elements such as an infographic, charts, maps, mobile device mockups, and more. Few free Keynote templates can say that.

  5. How To Create An Engaging Keynote Presentation (2021 Guide)

    2. Your Goal as the Presenter. This may be a combination of professional goals and personal goals, and it's unique to every individual speaker.For instance, you may be speaking to promote a product, to establish your company as an industry leader, or to build your own status as a thought leader in the marketplace. 3.

  6. 90+ Best Free Keynote Templates 2024

    Taya - Free Keynote Presentation Template. Taya is a creative and minimal Keynote template you can use to design slideshows for modern businesses, agencies, and brands. The template is fully customizable and features a clean layout with image placeholders. It's available in PowerPoint version as well.

  7. Free and customizable keynote presentation templates

    957 templates. Create a blank Keynote Presentation. Soft Cream Black Simple Minimalist Travel Plan Korea Presentation. Presentation by Hartaty Wijaya 黃意清. Brown Black Illustrated Vintage Business Presentation. Presentation by SlideFactory. Blue Pink Pastel Retro Playful Illustration Brainstorm Presentation.

  8. How to TRANSFORM your Presentations with ANIMATIONS

    In this video I talk about how you can create incredible animations in your Keynote Presentations using Keynote's 'Magic Move' features.Let me know what else...

  9. Here's An Excellent Keynote Speech GUIDE: With 2 Great Examples

    1. Find out the theme for the day. For any first-timer, you will probably be given the theme for the day by the event organizer. But if you are an experienced speaker, I'm sure everyone will applaud anything you say. All the same, both scenarios still require you to plan and organize your thoughts for your speech.

  10. Keynote

    Outline your presentation. Easier. With outline view for iPhone and iPad, quickly jot down your thoughts, restructure ideas, and move concepts from slide to slide. Then switch to slide view and start designing. You can also work on presentations stored on iCloud or Box using a PC. Start using Keynote at iCloud.com.

  11. 35 Best Keynote Presentation Templates (Designs For Mac Users 2024)

    16:9 wide screen Keynote layouts. drag and drop image placeholder. 15. Exalio Plus - Multipurpose Keynote Template. Exalio is a multi-purpose Keynote presentation design. It's ready to use with Keynote themes for Mac. This business Keynote template has style. It's easy to customize on your Mac.

  12. How to Present Your Keynote Slideshow Online with Keynote Live

    Discover how to deliver your Keynote presentation online using Keynote Live! With this feature, you can share a link to your presentation and anyone with the...

  13. What Is a Keynote Speech? (+10 Speaker Tips to Deliver Powerfully)

    For example, sharing the story of how a client successfully overcame an obstacle may inspire your listeners—especially if they've faced a similar obstacle. 4. Consider Giving an Interactive Presentation. Adding an interactive element to your keynote message is another way to capture your audience's attention.

  14. Set up your presentation in Keynote

    Open your presentation in Keynote. On iPhone, tap the More button. On iPad, tap the document name or tap the More button depending on what you see in the toolbar. Tap Presentation Options, then tap Presentation Setup. Tap Themes at the bottom of the window. Tap a theme or swipe to see more themes.

  15. Make a presentation advance automatically in Keynote on Mac

    To change the presentation back to one that's manually advanced by clicking a mouse or trackpad, or by pressing the Right Arrow or Left Arrow key, click the Presentation Type pop-up menu, then choose Normal. In Keynote on Mac, set your presentation to advance automatically, play immediately when it is opened, or play continuously in a loop.

  16. Apple Keynote: How to make an Interactive Presentation

    On the slide, click to select the object you want to animate. In the Animate sidebar, click the Animate tab. Click Add an Effect, then select an animation. To set animation options such as the duration and direction of the animation, use the controls that appear. (Start Transition,Delay)

  17. Create a presentation in Keynote on Mac

    To play the presentation, click in the toolbar, then press the arrow keys to advance through the slides. To end the presentation, press the Esc (Escape) key. For more ways to show a presentation, see Play a presentation on your Mac. To close the presentation, click the red close button in the top-left corner of the window.

  18. Free Online Keynote Maker

    Professional Keynote Maker for Stunning Keynote Presentations. Create Your Presentation It's free and easy to use. Online presentation maker with 900+ slide layouts, templates, themes and more. Millions of high-quality images, cut-outs and mockups to choose from. Thousands of customizable icons, shapes, illustrations and more.

  19. What Is a Keynote? 5 Things You Should Know

    A keynote is a defining presentation or speech centered around the main theme of an event. The term "keynote" in relation to speaking is based on the musical term "key note," or the note around which the key is based. Just like a musical 'key note' defines the harmony of a composition, a keynote speech lays down the central theme or ...

  20. 15 Pro Tips To Ace Your Keynote Presentation

    One slide - one theme. Be minimalistic. Be consistent. Practice, Practice, Practice. Analyse your audience. Q&A session. Now you're good to go, all the best for your keynote presentation! Article Written By: Shavinyaa Vijay. Shavinyaa is an undergraduate currently studying political science in NUS.

  21. Complete Beginner's Guide to Apple Keynote

    This Keynote tutorial for beginners is a complete crash course, taking you by the hand and showing you step by step how to make some amazing and mesmerising ...

  22. Use a remote to control a Keynote presentation

    To control the presentation, do any of the following: Advance to the next slide or build: Tap the slide, or swipe left across the slide. Return to the previous slide: Swipe right across the slide. Skip to a specific slide: Tap the slide number in the upper-left corner, then tap the slide you want to display. Stop playing the presentation: Tap . To change what you see on your remote device as ...

  23. How to Make a Presentation Outline in Keynote

    Keynote is built into every Mac and this video shows you some tips I learned to get started on a presentation in less than 3 minutes.