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business school phd students in the international management studies program

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Student Publications

Student achievements and accomplishments, admission procedures, program overview.

The PhD program in International Management Studies (IMS) is offered by the Organizations, Strategy, and International Management (OSIM) area and focuses on the scholarly analysis of international, strategic, and organizational management issues. Topics such as multinational management, global business strategy, organizational design and change, technological and industrial development, corporate governance, managerial decision-making, leadership, trust, and workforce management are examined.

PhD students in International Management Studies can major or minor in the following area:

  • Entrepreneurship
  • International Business
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Strategic Management

Students have the opportunity to be involved in ongoing research projects under the mentorship of experienced faculty. The emphasis is on student involvement in research early in their graduate careers. Close interaction with faculty members enables students to quickly learn to identify and develop research ideas and create their own research agenda. Our IMS PhD students are a diverse, energetic, and collegial group coming from countries such as China, Germany, India, South Korea, Turkey, and the United States. They are intelligent, hard-working, and active in research, publishing academic papers during and after they graduate from our program (see Student Publications section below).

Students also develop teaching competence under faculty mentorship through teaching one or two sections of an undergraduate course, a relatively light teaching load compared to many other PhD programs’ requirements. Several of our PhD students (current and former), Nan Guo, Miranda Welbourne-Eleazar, Xiaoou Bai, Brian Pinkham, Canan Mutlu, and Yasuhiro Yamakawa, won the Best Teacher Award in the “TA/PhD Instructor” category in the Jindal School of Management, indicating that they were the best instructors among over 100 PhD students of the school. Another graduate, Sergey Lebedev, won the Best Dissertation Award in the Jindal School of Management.

Please download our 18 Characteristics of Doctoral Programs in International Management Studies .

Connect with the Director

Seung-Hyun Lee

Seung-Hyun Lee, PhD

Phd area coordinator, strategy and international management.

[email protected] | (972) 883-6267 | JSOM 4.409

Welcome to the PhD Program in International Management Studies. IMS was the first graduate degree offered by the Jindal School of Management starting in the 1970s and has remained a center of excellence ever since. Our program is deliberately kept small. All admitted students are offered a competitive assistantship package consisting of a stipend and a tuition scholarship. Since 2005, all of our graduates have secured tenure-track assistant professorships at business schools that offer graduate degrees, such as Georgia State University, Virginia Tech University, University of Illinois at Chicago, University of Iowa, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, and University of Notre Dame as well as City University of Hong Kong, Tsinghua University, and University of Warwick. During and shortly after their tenure in our program, they have successfully published in Academy of Management Journal , Journal of Applied Psychology , Journal of Business Venturing , Journal of International Business Studies , Management Science , Organization Science , and Strategic Management Journal , as well as other leading journals.

With a strong emphasis on training the next generation of researchers, the Organization, Strategy, and International Management (OSIM) program provides students with a challenging and dynamic learning environment. Our faculty members are committed to student success in research and extensively collaborate with students on crafting research papers. Some of our faculty members, such as John Lin and Riki Takeuchi have been recognized for their dedication to student development.

The goal of the OSIM program is to educate future researchers in management. Students graduate from the program with the knowledge and skill set for producing quality research. Almost all our recent graduates have successfully secured tenure-track positions at universities that offer graduate degrees.

Selected University Placements – PhD in International Management Studies
Year Name Placement
2024 Nan Guo Chinese University of Hong Kong
2024 Deng Shu University of Mississippi
2024 Ryan Teschner City University of New York
2024 Jiyu Wang Marymount University
2023 Pavithra Balaji McMaster University, Ontario, Canada
2023 Minjung Lee St. Louis University
2023 Jianan Li Towson University
2023 Yu (Luna) Liu Stevens Institute of Technology
2022 Jung H. Kwon University of Denver
2022 Nishant Kathuria Towson University
2022 Yundong Yeo San Diego State University
2021 Dong Shin Kim University of North Georgia
2021 Jyun Kim Pusan University, Pusan South Korea
2021 Xiaoou Bai Georgia State University
2021 O. Dorian Boncouer University of Notre Dame
2021 Miranda Welbourne Eleazar University of Iowa
2019 Jihyun Eun Salisbury University
2019 Congying Wang St. Cloud State University
2018 Young-Hoon Jung California State University, Bakersfield
2018 Ayenda Kemp Virginia Tech
2018 Xiujuan Li University of Warwick
2018 Huy Nguyen Montclair State University
2018 Cristina Vlas University of Massachusetts Amherst
2017 Jinsil Kim College of New Jersey
2017 Soo Jung Kim Texas A&M University at Central Texas
2016 Pawinee Changphao Narusuan University
2016 Sergey Lebedev San Francisco State University
2016 Carliss Miller Sam Houston State University
2016 HoWook Shin Bowling Green State University
2015 Canan Mutlu Kennesaw State University
2014 Craig Macaulay California State University at Long Beach
2014 Steve Sauerwald University of Illinois at Chicago
2013 Dane Blevins Binghamton University, SUNY
2013 Omer Gokalp Suffolk University
2013 Jing ‘Martina’ Quan Renmin University of China
2013 Ciprian Stan Florida Atlantic University
2013 Weichieh Su National Chengchi University
2012 Sungjin Hong Queen’s University Belfast
2012 Brian Pinkham Ivery Business School
2012 Erin Pleggenkuhle-Miles University of Nebraska at Omaha
2011 Hao Chen Tsinghua University
2011 David H Weng City University of Hong Kong
2010 Sunny Li Sun University of Missouri-Kansas City
Yasuhiro Yamakawa Babson College
2008 Theodore Khoury Oregon State University
2008 Kyeungrae ‘Kenny’ Oh University of Missouri-St. Louis

Most of our students succeed in publishing quality research. Even before graduation, some of them have already published their work in leading journals, often in collaboration with faculty and recent graduates. Some of the outlets are commonly regarded as top journals, such as the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of International Business Studies, Management Science, Organization Science, and Strategic Management Journal. Below are examples of students’ journal publications with our faculty, including those in the UTD 24 leading business journals and the Financial Times top 50 journals.


Takeuchi, R. , Li, J. T., Kim, H. , & Shay, J. P. In press. The impacts of structural configurations on expatriates’ organizational commitment and assignment completion intention. Journal of International Business Studies .

Lee, M. J. , Eun, J., & Jung, Y. H. In press. Market performance and the loss aversion behind green management. Journal of General Management .

Liu, Y. , Park, H. D. , & Velamuri, R. In press. How different institutional logics affect the female CEO gender effect on IPO underpricing in China. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice .

Qian, C. , Balaji, P. , Crilly, D., & Liu, Y . In press. Better safe than sorry: CEO regulatory focus and workplace safety. Journal of Management .

Takeuchi, R., Way, S. A., Guo, N., & Tian, A. In press. A cross-level investigation of high-investment human resource systems on group/individual performance: Role of justice climates. International Journal of Human Resource Management .

Welbourne-Eleazar, M. J. In press. Immoral entrenchment: How crisis reverses the ethical effects of moral intensity. Journal of Business Ethics .

Garg, S., Lin, Z., & Yang, H. In press. Board caste diversity in Indian MNEs: The interplay of stakeholder norms and social embeddedness. Journal of International Business Studies , 54(5): 797-828.

Oh, S. H., Hur, W. M., & Kim, H. In press. Employee creativity in socially responsible companies: Moderating effects of intrinsic and prosocial motivation. Current Psychology , 42(21): 18178-18196.

Jiang, H., Luo, Y., Xia, J. , Hitt, M., & Shen, J. 2023. Resource dependence theory in international business: Progress and prospects. Global Strategy Journal , 13(1): 3-57.

Peng, M. W. , Wang, J. C., Kathuria, N. , Shen, J. , & Welbourne Eleazar, M. J. 2023. Toward an institution-based view. Asia Pacific Journal of Management , 40: 353-382.

Takeuchi, R. , Way, S. A., Guo, N. , & Tian, A. 2023. A cross-level investigation of high-investment human resource systems on group/individual performance: Role of justice climates. International Journal of Human Resource Management , 34(8): 1584-1618.

Hu, L., Jiang, N., Huang, H., & Liu, Y. 2022. Perceived competence overrides gender bias: Gender roles, affective trust and leader effectiveness. Leadership & Organization Development Journal , 43(5): 719-733.

Kim, S. J., Lee, S.-H., & Yeo, Y. D. 2022. Work-family conflict and microfinance diversion. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal , 16(3): 552-572.

Shin, H. W., Lee, S.-H., & Lee, M. J. 2022. Impact of the liability of foreignness, domicile of incorporation and an institutional change on reverse merger firms’ capital-raising performance. Multinational Business Review , 30(1): 81-102.

Welbourne-Eleazar, M. J. 2022. Immoral entrenchment: How crisis reverses the ethical effects of moral intensity. Journal of Business Ethics , 180: 71-89.

Welbourne Eleazar, M. J., & Park, H. D. 2022. Who will stay when crisis strikes? Venture capitalist threat-defiant learning response to ventures in crisis. Academy of Management Journal , 65(4): 1218-123.

Jiang, H., Wang, Z., Yang, L., Shen, J. , & Hahn, J. 2021. How rewarding are your rewards? A value-based view of crowdfunding rewards and crowdfunding performance. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice , 45(3): 562-599

Kwon, J. H. , Park, H. D. , & Deng S. 2021. When do firms trade patents? Organization Science , 33(3): 1212-1231.

Peng, M. W., & Kathuria, N . 2021. COVID‐19 and the Scope of the Firm. Journal of Management Studies , 58(5): 1431-1435.

Peng, M. W., Kathuria, N., Viana, F. L. E., & Lima, A. C. 2021. Conglomeration, (de) globalization, and COVID-19. Management and Organization Review , 17(2): 394-400.

Takeuchi, R. , Guo, N. , Teschner, R. S. , & Kautz, J . 2021. Reflecting on death amidst COVID-19 and individual creativity: Cross-lagged panel data analysis using four-wave longitudinal data. Journal of Applied Psychology , 106(8): 1156-1168

Welbourne Eleazar, M. J. , & Park, H. D. In press. Who will stay when crisis strikes? Venture capitalist threat-defiant learning response to ventures in crisis. Academy of Management Journal .

Yeo, Y. D. , & Lee, S. H. 2021. Real options flexibility or risk diversification: Risk management of U.S. MNEs when facing risk of war. Multinational Business Review , 29(4):476-500.

Bai, X. , Tsang, E.W.K., & Xia, W. 2020. Domestic versus foreign listing: Does a CEO’s educational experience matter? Journal of Business Venturing , 35(1): 105906.

Chen, H. , Richard, O. C. . Boncoeur, O. D. , & Ford, D. L., Jr. 2020. Work engagement, emotional exhaustion, and counterproductive work behavior. Journal of Business Research , 114: 30-41.

Richard, O. C.* , Boncoeur, O. D.* , Chen, H. , & Ford, D. L. , Jr. 2020. Supervisor abuse effects on subordinate turnover intentions and deviant behavior: The role of power distance orientation and perceived HR climate. Journal of Business Ethics , 164: 549-563

Blevins, D.P. , Ingram, A., Tsang, E.W.K., & Peng, M.W. 2019. How do foreign initial public offerings attract investor attention? A study of the impact of language. Strategic Organization , 17(3): 363-384.

Richard, O. C. , Avery, D., Luksyte, A., Boncoeur, O. D. , & Spitzmüller, C. 2019. Improving organizational newcomers’ creative job performance through creative process engagement: The moderating role of synergy diversity climate. Personnel Psychology , 72: 421-444

Triana, M., Richard, O. C. & Su, W. 2019. Gender diversity in senior management, strategic change, and firm performance: Examining the mediating nature of strategic change in high tech firms. Research Policy , 48(7): 1681-1693. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0048733319300769# --->

Wang, J.C. , Markoczy, L., Sun, S.L., & Peng, M.W. 2019. She-E-O compensation gap: A role congruity view. Journal of Business Ethics , 159(3): 745–760.

Yang, C., Guo, N. , Wang, Y., & Li, C. (2019). The effects of mentoring on hotel staff turnover: Organizational and occupational embeddedness as mediators. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management , 31: 4086-4104.

Yi, J., Meng,S., Macaulay, C.D. , & Peng, M.W. 2019. Corruption and foreign direct investment phases: The moderating role of institutions. Journal of International Business Policy , 2(2): 167-181.

Zhu, S., Ma, X., Sauerwald, S. , & Peng, M.W. 2019. Home country institutions behind cross-border acquisition performance. Journal of Management , 45(4): 1315-1342.

Kim, J., Weng, D. , & Lee, S.-H. 2018. How does home country bribery affect firms’ foreign market focus? The case of firms in transition economies. Multinational Business Review , 26(3): 225-249.

Lee, S.-H., Ozer, M. , & Baik, Y. 2018. The impact of political connections on government bailout: The 2008 credit crunch in the United States. Economics of Governance , 19(4): 299-315.

Macaulay, C. , Richard, O.C. , Peng, M.W. , & Hasenhuttl, M. 2018. Alliance network centrality, board composition, and corporate social performance. Journal of Business Ethics , 151(4): 997-1008.

Mutlu, C.C. , van Essen, M., Peng, M.W., Saleh, S., & Duran, P. 2018. Corporate governance in China: A meta-analysis. Journal of Management Studies , 55(6): 943–979.

Peng, M.W., Lebedev, S. , Vlas, C. , Wang, J.C. , & Shay, J. 2018. The growth of the firm in (and out of) emerging economies. Asia Pacific Journal of Management , 35(4): 700-729.

Peng, M.W., Nguyen, H.W. , Wang, J.C. , Hasenhuttl, M., & Shay, J. 2018. Bringing institutions into strategy teaching. Academy of Management Learning and Education , 17(3): 259-278.

Peng, M.W., Sun, W., Vlas, C. , Minichilli, A., & Corbetta, G. 2018. An institution-based view of large family firms. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice , 42(2): 187–205.

Sauerwald, S. , van Oosterhout, J., van Essen, M., and Peng, M.W. 2018. Proxy advisors and shareholder dissent: A cross-country comparative study. Journal of Management , 44(8): 3364-3394.

Weng, D.H. , & Peng, M.W. 2018. Home bitter home: How labor protection influences firm offshoring. Journal of World Business , 53(5): 632-640.

Yuan, C., Li, Y., Vlas, C. , & Peng, M.W. 2018. Dynamic capabilities, subnational environments, and university technology transfer. Strategic Organization , 16(1): 35–60.

Gokalp, O.N. , Lee, S.-H., & Peng, M.W. 2017. Competition and corporate tax evasion: An institution-based view. Journal of World Business , 52(2): 288–269.

Peng, M.W., & Lebedev, S . 2017. Intra-national business (IB). Asia Pacific Journal of Management , 34(2): 241–245.

Pinkham, B.C. , & Peng, M.W. 2017. Overcoming institutional voids via arbitration. Journal of International Business Studies , 48(3): 344–359.

Sun, S.L. , Peng, M.W., & Tan, W. 2017. Institutional relatedness behind product diversification and geographic diversification. Asia Pacific Journal of Management , 34(2): 339–366.

Sauerwald, S. , Lin, Z., & Peng, M.W. 2016. Board social capital and excess CEO returns. Strategic Management Journal , 37(3): 498-520.

Su, W. , Peng, M.W., Tan, W., & Cheung, Y. 2016. The signaling effect of corporate social responsibility in emerging economies. Journal of Business Ethics , 134(3): 479-491.

Blevins, D., Tsang, E.W.K., & Spain, S.M. 2015. Count-based research in management: Suggestions for improvement. Organizational Research Methods, 18(1): 47-69.

Bruton, G., Peng, M.W., Ahlstrom, D., Stan, C.V. , & Xu, K. 2015. State-owned enterprises around the world as hybrid organizations. Academy of Management Perspectives , 29(1): 92-114.

Jiang, Y., Peng, M.W., Yang, X., & Mutlu, C. 2015. Privatization, governance, and survival: MNE investments in private participation projects in emerging economies. Journal of World Business , 50(2): 294-301.

Lebedev, S. , Peng, M.W., Xie, E., & Stevens, C. 2015. Mergers and acquisitions in and out of emerging economies. Journal of World Business , 50(4): 651-662.

Mutlu, C., Zhan, W., Peng, M.W., & Lin, Z. 2015. Competing in and out of transition economies. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 32(3): 571-596.

Peng, M.W., Mutlu, C., Sauerwald, S. , Au, K., & Wang, D. 2015. Board interlocks and corporate performance among firms listed abroad. Journal of Management History, 21(2): 257-282.

Peng, M.W., Sun, S.L. , & Markoczy, L. 2015. Human capital and CEO compensation during institutional transitions. Journal of Management Studies , 52(1): 117-147.

Richard, O.C., Su, W. , Peng, M.W., & Miller, C.D . 2015. Do external diversity practices boost focal firm performance? The case of supplier diversity. International Journal of Human Resource Management , 26(17): 2227-2247.

Su, W. , & Tsang, E.W.K. 2015. Product diversification and financial performance: The moderating role of secondary stakeholders. Academy of Management Journal , 58(4): 1128-1148.

Tsang, E.W.K., & Blevins, D. . 2015. Beyond information asymmetry: A critique of the management and entrepreneurship underpricing literature. Strategic Organization, 13(3): 247-258.

Yamakawa, Y. , Peng, M.W., & Deeds, D. 2015. Rising from the ashes: Cognitive determinants of venture growth after entrepreneurial failure. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice , 39(2): 209-236.

Ford, D.L., Jr., & Miller, C.D. 2014. Leadership and motivation in Africa and the African diaspora: Summary and epilogue. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 31(4): 270-279.

Peng, M.W., Lee, S.-H., & Hong, S.J . 2014. Entrepreneurs as intermediaries. Journal of World Business, 49: 21-31.

Peng, M.W., & Su, W . 2014. Cross-listing and the scope of the firm. Journal of World Business, 49: 42-50.

Shi, W., Markoczy, L., & Stan, C.V . 2014. The continuing importance of political ties in China. Academy of Management Perspectives , 28: 57-75.

Shi, W., Sun, S.L. , Pinkham, B. , & Peng, M.W. 2014. Domestic alliance network to attract foreign partners: Evidence from international joint ventures in China. Journal of International Business Studies , 45: 338-362.

Stan, C.V., Peng, M.W., & Bruton, G. 2014. Slack and the performance of state-owned enterprises. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 31: 473-495.

Ismail, K. , Ford, D.L., Jr., Wu, Q., & Peng, M.W. 2013. Managerial ties, strategic initiatives, and firm performance in Central Asia and the Caucasus. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 30: 433-446.

Lee, S.-H., & Weng, D.H . 2013. Does bribery in the home country promote or dampen firm exports? Strategic Management Journal , 34: 1472–1487.

Li, Y., Peng, M.W., & Macaulay, C.D. 2013. Market-political ambidexterity during institutional transitions. Strategic Organization, 11: 205-213.

Markoczy, L., Sun, S.L. , Peng, M.W., Shi, W., & Ren, B. 2013. Social network contingency, symbolic management, and boundary stretching. Strategic Management Journal , 34: 1367-1387.

Sauerwald, S. , & Peng, M.W. 2013. Informal institutions, shareholder coalitions, and principal-principal conflicts. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 30: 853-870.

Yamakawa, Y. , Khavul, S., Peng, M.W., & Deeds, D. 2013. Venturing from emerging economies. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 7: 181-196

Chen, H. , Ford, D.L., Jr. , Kalyanaram, G., & Bhagat, R. 2012. Boundary conditions for turnover intentions: Exploratory evidence from China, Jordan, Turkey, and the United States. International Journal of Human Resource Management , 23(4): 846-866.

Shi, W., Sun, S.L , & Peng, M.W. 2012. Sub-national institutional contingencies, network positions, and IJV partner selection. Journal of Management Studies, 49: 1221-1245.

Dess, G.G., Pinkham, B.C , & Yang, H . 2011. Entrepreneurial orientation: Assessing the construct’s validity and addressing some of its implications for research in the areas of family business and organizational learning. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice , 35 (5): 1077-1090.

Lee, S.-H., Yamakawa, Y. , Peng, M.W. , & Barney, J.B. 2011. How do bankruptcy laws affect entrepreneurship development around the world? Journal of Business Venturing , 26: 505-520.

Yang, H ., Lin, Z., & Peng, M.W. 2011. Behind acquisitions of alliance partners: Exploratory learning and network embeddedness. Academy of Management Journal , 54: 1069-1080.

Ismail, K. , & Ford, D.L., Jr. 2010. Organizational leadership in Central Asia and the Caucasus: Research considerations and directions. Asia Pacific Journal of Management , 27(2): 321-340.

Ismail, K. , Ford, D.L., Jr., & Richard, O.C. 2010. Network building behaviors of U.S. and Central Eurasian leaders: Role of institutional background and individual factors. Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics , 3(6): 1-26.

Lee, S.-H. , Oh, K. , & Eden, L. 2010. Why do firms bribe? Insights from residual control theory. Management International Review , 50: 775-796.

Ofori-Brobbey, K. , Ford, D.L., & Mammo, W. 2010. Exogenous determinants of international corporate tax rates: A gravity theory approach. Journal of International Management Studies , 5(2): 205-215.

Peng, M.W. , Yamakawa, Y. , & Lee, S.-H. 2010. Bankruptcy laws and entrepreneur-friendliness. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice , 34 (3): 517-530.

Qian, G., Khoury, T. , Peng, M.W. , & Qian, Z. 2010. The performance implications of intra- and inter-regional geographic diversification. Strategic Management Journal , 31 (9): 1018-1030.

Yang, H ., Lin, Z. , & Lin, Y. 2010. A multilevel framework of firm boundaries: Firm characteristics, dyadic differences, and network attributes. Strategic Management Journal , 31: 237-261.

Yilin Liu – OWLIE Award for Outstanding PhD student (finalist)

  • Yilin Liu – OWLIE Award for Outstanding PhD student (finalist)

Ryan S. Teschner - OWLIE Award for Outstanding PhD student

  • Ryan S. Teschner – OWLIE Award for Outstanding PhD student

Nan Guo receives an outstanding doctoral student award from Hasan Pirkul

  • Nan Guo – OWLIE Award for Outstanding PhD Student
  • Miranda Welbourne-Eleazar – Honorable mention for the Best Dissertation Award hosted by the Office of Graduate Education

Nan Guo with her teaching award

  • Winner (1st place), Award & Scholarship ($3,000 and other supports from the PDMA), PDMA−Journal of Product Innovation Management Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Competition, Journal of Product Innovation Management Research Forum, 2021 Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) Annual Conference, Online, Nov. 2021
  • Recipient, Award & Scholarship ($1,000), Samsung Economic Research Institute Best Dissertation Award, Association of Korean Management Scholars (AKMS), 2021 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Online, Aug. 2021

Dorian Boncouer with his Owlie award

  • OWLIE Award for Outstanding PhD Student
  • Recipient of Inaugural ExpiWell Dissertation Award , 2021
  • Nan Guo – Jindal School of Management Outstanding Teaching Award Winner (PhD student category): one of the two awardees (September 9th, 2021)
  • Yundong Yeo – Three Minute Dissertation Video Competition Award Winner
  • Jinsil Kim & Miranda Welbourne-Eleazar – Best Paper Award for Careers, Social Issues, Diversity Issues, Ethics Track, Southern Management Association Annual Meeting for Kim, J., Astvansh, V., & Welbourne Eleazar, M. J. Product Recalls and Lobbying: Managing Multi-Stakeholder Impressions and Perceived Hypocrisy

Miranda Welbourne-Eleazar receives an Outstanding Teaching Award from Hasan Pirkul

  • Miranda Welbourne-Eleazar – Jindal School of Management Outstanding Teaching Award Winner (PhD student category)
  • Xiaoou Bai – Jindal School of Management Outstanding Teaching Award Winner (PhD student category)

Canan Mutlu – Jindal School of Management Outstanding Teaching Award Winner

  • Canan Mutlu – Jindal School of Management Outstanding Teaching Award Winner (PhD student category)
  • Yasuhiro Yamakawa – Jindal School of Management Outstanding Teaching Award Winner (PhD student category)

Students may enter the IMS doctoral program after previous graduate training or directly from undergraduate programs. Desirable educational backgrounds include graduate or undergraduate degrees in areas such as business administration, economics, sociology, psychology, political science, mathematics, and engineering. Applicants with other academic backgrounds are considered as well.

Competition to enter our program is strong. Since 2005, the IMS program only admits 3-5 students per year, representing about 5% of the total number of applicants. It is unlikely that we will increase the number of admitted students in the foreseeable future. Clearly, our emphasis is quality, not quantity.

The IMS program is designed for full-time students. Since the completion of a PhD requires a time commitment that is inconsistent with full-time or part-time employment elsewhere, the school will not consider applications for part-time status. PhD students are required to work part-time (20 hours per week) for our school as a Teaching or Research Assistant. Every student receiving an assistantship will be eligible for a year-long research fellowship for four consecutive semesters (summer, fall, spring, summer). The goal of the fellowship is to help them initiate their research activities early in the program. Students choose a faculty advisor and develop a quality research paper to be presented at the end of the fellowship year.

For detailed application procedures and admission requirements, please visit our PhD Admissions page.

Degree Requirements

The IMS PhD curriculum includes a business foundation, core courses, advanced seminars, a methodology requirement, directed readings and independent research courses, and the dissertation. All students must take the PhD courses that are offered in each of the first two years in the program. Students must satisfy a first-year research paper requirement which will be due at the end of the first year (also known as the preliminary exam). Students also must pass the comprehensive qualifying examination, which is administered at the end of the second year when all the relevant course requirements (Core Courses, Advanced Seminars, Research Methods) have been satisfied. It is intended to assess the student’s mastery of the basic theories and methodologies central to the program and to evaluate the student’s potential to do original research in an area of specialization. PhD students must successfully complete the preliminary and qualifying examinations, respectively, to enter PhD candidacy. The area faculty will determine whether a student has successfully completed the exam requirements based on the student’s performance. Criteria to evaluate students may include results from the in-class written portion of the exams, quality of research papers and/or presentations, performance in special courses (e.g. seminar courses), satisfactory GPA as determined by area faculty, and other forms of assessment as required by the student’s area. An unsatisfactory performance in any one criteria for either the preliminary examination or the qualifying examination may result in dismissal from the program.

After passing the qualifying exam, each student writes a dissertation proposal. The proposal is defended before a faculty committee appointed in consultation with the student, dissertation chair, and PhD advisor. This committee also serves as the supervising committee for the dissertation after the proposal is approved.The Dissertation Proposal must be successfully defended at least one semester prior to the term of graduation. The requirements for the proposal defense should be discussed with the dissertation committee prior to scheduling the defense. Dissertation Proposal Defenses will be open to all faculty and PhD students of the Jindal School of Management.

Curriculum (minimum of 75 hours)

Core courses (33 hours).

Courses are required in in strategic management, entrepreneurship, international business, organization theory and behavior, group and intergroup processes, social network theory, and organizational decision making. To prepare for a career in teaching, students take a doctoral teaching and writing seminar.

Research Methods (15 hours)

Methods courses are designed to improve and develop research skills. Courses include research methodology, and classes in statistics and quantitative methods. Students are encouraged to take additional methods courses consistent with their research interests.

Dissertation (minimum of 12 hours)

The PhD degree is conferred when the dissertation is successfully defended.


student working on her UT Dallas application for Jindal School graduate admission on her laptop

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PhD studies at MIT Sloan are intense and individual in nature, demanding a great deal of time, initiative, and discipline from every candidate. But the rewards of such rigor are tremendous:  MIT Sloan PhD graduates go on to teach and conduct research at the world's most prestigious universities.

PhD Program curriculum at MIT Sloan is organized under the following three academic areas: Behavior & Policy Sciences; Economics, Finance & Accounting; and Management Science. Our nine research groups correspond with one of the academic areas, as noted below.

MIT Sloan PhD Research Groups

Behavioral & policy sciences.

Economic Sociology

Institute for Work & Employment Research

Organization Studies

Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Strategic Management

Economics, Finance & Accounting


Management Science

Information Technology

System Dynamics  

Those interested in a PhD in Operations Research should visit the Operations Research Center .  

PhD Students_Work and Organization Studies

PhD Program Structure

Additional information including coursework and thesis requirements.

MIT Sloan E2 building campus at night

MIT Sloan Predoctoral Opportunities

MIT Sloan is eager to provide a diverse group of talented students with early-career exposure to research techniques as well as support in considering research career paths.

A group of three women looking at a laptop in a classroom and a group of three students in the background

Rising Scholars Conference

The fourth annual Rising Scholars Conference on October 25 and 26 gathers diverse PhD students from across the country to present their research.

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The goal of the MIT Sloan PhD Program's admissions process is to select a small number of people who are most likely to successfully complete our rigorous and demanding program and then thrive in academic research careers. The admission selection process is highly competitive; we aim for a class size of nineteen students, admitted from a pool of hundreds of applicants.

What We Seek

  • Outstanding intellectual ability
  • Excellent academic records
  • Previous work in disciplines related to the intended area of concentration
  • Strong commitment to a career in research

MIT Sloan PhD Program Admissions Requirements Common Questions

Dates and Deadlines

Admissions for 2024 is closed. The next opportunity to apply will be for 2025 admission. The 2025 application will open in September 2024. 

More information on program requirements and application components

Students in good academic standing in our program receive a funding package that includes tuition, medical insurance, and a fellowship stipend and/or TA/RA salary. We also provide a new laptop computer and a conference travel/research budget.

Funding Information

Throughout the year, we organize events that give you a chance to learn more about the program and determine if a PhD in Management is right for you.

PhD Program Events

August phd program overview.

During this webinar, you will hear from the PhD Program team and have the chance to ask questions about the application and admissions process.

Discover Your Doctoral Path

An in-person event for prospective students with Boston-area management programs

September 12 PhD Program Overview

September 25 phd program overview.

Complete PhD Admissions Event Calendar

Unlike formulaic approaches to training scholars, the PhD Program at MIT Sloan allows students to choose their own adventure and develop a unique scholarly identity. This can be daunting, but students are given a wide range of support along the way - most notably having access to world class faculty and coursework both at MIT and in the broader academic community around Boston.

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Students Outside of E62

Profiles of our current students

MIT Sloan produces top-notch PhDs in management. Immersed in MIT Sloan's distinctive culture, upcoming graduates are poised to innovate in management research and education.

Academic Job Market

Doctoral candidates on the current academic market

Academic Placements

Graduates of the MIT Sloan PhD Program are researching and teaching at top schools around the world.

view recent placements 

MIT Sloan Experience

Now Reading 4 of 4

The PhD Program is integral to the research of MIT Sloan's world-class faculty. With a reputation as risk-takers who are unafraid to embrace the unconventional, they are engaged in exciting disciplinary and interdisciplinary research that often includes PhD students as key team members.

Research centers across MIT Sloan and MIT provide a rich setting for collaboration and exploration. In addition to exposure to the faculty, PhD students also learn from one another in a creative, supportive research community.

Throughout MIT Sloan's history, our professors have devised theories and fields of study that have had a profound impact on management theory and practice.

From Douglas McGregor's Theory X/Theory Y distinction to Nobel-recognized breakthroughs in finance by Franco Modigliani and in option pricing by Robert Merton and Myron Scholes, MIT Sloan's faculty have been unmatched innovators.

This legacy of innovative thinking and dedication to research impacts every faculty member and filters down to the students who work beside them.

Faculty Links

  • Accounting Faculty
  • Economic Sociology Faculty
  • Finance Faculty
  • Information Technology Faculty
  • Institute for Work and Employment Research (IWER) Faculty
  • Marketing Faculty
  • Organization Studies Faculty
  • System Dynamics Faculty
  • Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management (TIES) Faculty

Student Research

“MIT Sloan PhD training is a transformative experience. The heart of the process is the student’s transition from being a consumer of knowledge to being a producer of knowledge. This involves learning to ask precise, tractable questions and addressing them with creativity and rigor. Hard work is required, but the reward is the incomparable exhilaration one feels from having solved a puzzle that had bedeviled the sharpest minds in the world!” -Ezra Zuckerman Sivan Alvin J. Siteman (1948) Professor of Entrepreneurship

Sample Dissertation Abstracts - These sample Dissertation Abstracts provide examples of the work that our students have chosen to study while in the MIT Sloan PhD Program.

We believe that our doctoral program is the heart of MIT Sloan's research community and that it develops some of the best management researchers in the world. At our annual Doctoral Research Forum, we celebrate the great research that our doctoral students do, and the research community that supports that development process.

The videos of their presentations below showcase the work of our students and will give you insight into the topics they choose to research in the program.

Attention To Retention: The Informativeness of Insiders’ Decision to Retain Shares

2024 PhD Doctoral Research Forum Winner - Gabriel Voelcker

Watch more MIT Sloan PhD Program  Doctoral Forum Videos

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GW School of Business

Ph.D. in Business With an International Business Area of Focus

Learn about the program's curriculum and comprehensive examination requirement.

Learn More About the Program & Curriculum

Admission and Financial Aid

Learn about admissions and the costs of pursuing a Ph.D. in international business, and explore a variety of resources available to help finance your degree.

Learn More About Admission and Financial Aid

An overview of the research activities of our students and faculty.

Learn More About Program Research

Program Goals

We have four primary objectives for the Ph.D. program in the International Business Department:

  • To equip students with an in-depth and comprehensive knowledge of international business theories and concepts
  • To provide candidates with necessary conceptual, quantitative, and methodological skills to carry out high quality empirical research aimed at publication in top-tier academic journals.
  • To produce well-trained students who will be able to obtain an academic appointment at a top school in international business or related discipline.
  • To prepare candidates for the varied responsibilities of academic careers

These objectives are accomplished in several ways, including formal course work, independent study and reading, formal assignments as research and teaching assistants, student- or faculty-initiated research projects, dissertation research, and co-authoring papers with one or more faculty members and other Ph.D. students.

About the Department

GW’s International Business department is ranked among the top 20 in the United States by US News and World Report. The research and expertise of the faculty of the International Business Department spans a broad theoretical base, including economics, political science, finance, management and banking. The strength of the department is complemented by the ability to leverage resources across top local business schools, think tanks, the numerous agencies and research departments of the U.S. Government, and institutions like the World Bank and International Monetary Fund in Washington, D.C., one of the most vibrant intellectual centers of politics and economics in the world. GWU is also a designated Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) (funded by the  U.S. Department of Education ), which provides students with resources for research and teaching in the areas of Institutions, the State, and Development in International Business.

phd in international business management

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PhD in International Business

Bring a global perspective to your business or academic career with an international business phd.

Whether your focus is on pursuing an executive level career in applied business or a teaching career in higher education, earning a PhD in International Business from Southern New Hampshire University is a great way to take the next step toward your goal. Grow your expertise as you develop extensive theoretical knowledge and expand your independent thinking capabilities in this research-oriented program. You’ll participate in international business seminars complemented by methodology courses that will help give you a hands-on, interactive education that goes beyond the classroom.

SNHU’s PhD in International Business is a cohort program, giving you the opportunity to progress and build community with a group of your peers.

  • Conventional Campus-Based Program. A conventional campus-based program is the traditional university educational model. Prospective students will be admitted as full-time students. They will work with our School of Business faculty on our vibrant Manchester, NH campus. Campus program students are required to live in the region to complete their program in as few as 5 years.

The International Business PhD program only has a fall intake term. The program admits applicants for the Fall semester ONCE a year. The application cycle will open in August each year, and the application deadline is February 20th.

See Yourself Succeed with a PhD in International Business

SNHU's PhD in International Business strives to meet the needs of all students while accommodating those with demanding schedules and careers. The program is tailored to those who wish to develop their scholarly knowledge in pursuit of future professional and academic goals. Graduates of this program are in a position to influence the ideas and actions of others through positional or non-positional leadership opportunities. Academics, executives, community leaders, leaders within nonprofit and government organizations, and local entrepreneurs are welcome to apply for program admission.

Cohort Model

The cohort learning environment offers a collaborative experience for individuals with diverse career experiences and backgrounds. Cohort members become a source of support and encouragement to one another. Each individual’s dissertation will be based on their interests.

As a private, nonprofit university, SNHU has one mission - to help you see yourself succeed. The benefits of majoring in international business at SNHU include:

  • Supportive community.  Join the SNHU community of learners who are closely connected with faculty and staff dedicated to your success.
  • Affordability.  SNHU is one of the most affordable private, nonprofit universities in the Northeast.
  • Accessible faculty.  Learn from highly credentialed faculty members who are experts in their fields.

Should you earn a PhD in International Business or a DBA?

The answer depends on your interests and your career goals. Both degrees represent the highest level of academic achievement, and both degrees are highly respected in both the academic and business worlds. Additionally, both the PhD and DBA are advanced research degrees that involve conducting original research, analyzing data, and producing important findings.

But there are differences. The DBA is considered a professional doctorate, and the PhD is an academic doctorate. SNHU does not currently offer a DBA.

PhD research is focused on developing theories, addressing a gap between theories, or addressing a gap in the general body of knowledge. The PhD may be more appropriate if you are focused on a faculty career in higher education or a career as a researcher in a research center.

In contrast, DBAs focus on real-world organizational and business problems and involve original and secondary research to explore, examine, and address those problems. The DBA is primarily for those focused on a career in business and consulting. However, many DBAs do teach in colleges and universities.

It’s important to note that students in either program can study real-world problems.  PhD students might use a different set of methodologies or look at the problem from a broader scope in contrast to DBA students who may focus their research on a particular industry or company with a narrower lens.  However, any topic of interest in the international business field including but not limited to, multinational companies or managers engaged in international business is likely to be a viable research area for a SNHU PhD student.

Many of SNHU PhD graduates are enjoying careers in both business and academia.  

A significant part of the educational experience includes advanced research courses, doctoral colloquiums, and the completion of a dissertation. Through these experiences, learners, professors, and thought leaders gather to discuss their topics related to the field, focus on research, and provide a supportive learning environment.

Full Course Catalog
List of Courses
PhD in International Business
Total Credits: 46

Program Overview

Earning your degree is a smart choice to advance your career, and investing in an affordable program increases your ROI. We keep our costs low  to remove barriers between you and your goals.

University Accreditation

Southern New Hampshire University is a private, nonprofit institution accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE)  as well as several other accrediting bodies.

This program and its concentrations are accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). Student achievement data can be found on the ACBSP accreditation page .

New England Commission of Higher Education Logo

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Dr. Jennifer Teague, executive director of business programs at SNHU.

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Brian Lowery, Professor of Organizational Behavior, talking with students. Credit: Elena Zukhova

Our faculty members are uncompromisingly committed to student success

Sarah Soule, Professor of Sociology, teaches a classroom of students. | Elena Zhukova

Students pursue an intensely focused, highly energized academic experience in their chosen discipline

Sarah Soule, Professor of Sociology, gives a lecture in class. Credit: Elena Zhukova

Recognized experts in their fields, our faculty continually publish groundbreaking research

PhD students having coffee together

Our collaborative culture enables students to support one another, and most students live on campus

Students walking around outside on campus. Credit: Elena Zukhova

Learn more about our application materials and what we look for in a candidate

Erica Plambeck, Professor of Operations, Information, and Technology, hugging a student during a commencement ceremony. Credit: Saul Bromberger

Our graduates pursue tenure-track academic placements at top institutions around the world

Stanford GSB PhD Program

Discover a focus and intensity greater than you may have thought possible. As a PhD student at Stanford Graduate School of Business, you will be inspired and challenged to explore novel ideas and complex questions.

Applications for Fall 2025 will be available in September 2024.

PhD students on the x in McCoy Courtyard

Become an Outstanding Scholar

Our PhD Program is designed to develop outstanding scholars for careers in research and teaching at leading academic institutions throughout the world. You will embark on a challenging and meaningful experience, focusing your academic study in one of seven distinct fields within the PhD degree program.

Is a PhD Right for You?

Strong PhD candidates are full of ideas and curiosity, with a passion and aptitude for research. If you’re prepared to embark on a rigorous career in research and develop your full potential, we invite you to explore the possibilities of a PhD in business. Admitted students receive full fellowships for their doctoral studies.

Faculty Publications

Monetary tightening and u.s. bank fragility in 2023: mark-to-market losses and uninsured depositor runs, organizational culture archetypes and firm performance, solar flare up: systemic organizational risk in the residential solar industry, phd student voices.

phd in international business management

Benjamin Tremblay-Auger

phd in international business management

Pauline Liang

phd in international business management

Mohamed Hussein

phd in international business management

Lina Lukyantseva

School news, stanford economist guido imbens wins nobel in economic sciences, susan athey named president of american economic association, teaching through a pandemic: students recognize two faculty members for their efforts, diversifying the pool of phd students will require systemic change.

Gain valuable research experience and training in a two-year, pre-doctoral opportunity at Stanford University.

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Doctor of Philosophy in International Management Studies

Program description.

The PhD in International Management Studies (IMS) degree program is part of the Organizations, Strategy and International Management Area and focuses on the scholarly analysis of international, strategic and organizational management issues. Topics such as multinational management, corporate strategy, organizational design and change, technological and industrial development, entrepreneurship and managerial decision-making are examined.

PhD students in International Management Studies can specialize in one of the following areas:

  • International Business
  • Strategic Management
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Organizational Behavior

Financial support is available for highly qualified students.

Career Opportunities

Graduates of the program seek positions such as: professor or public or private sector researcher.

Marketable Skills

Review the marketable skills for this academic program.

Program Information

Visit the  International Management Studies PhD program  website for more information.

Application Requirements

Degree requirements:  A bachelor’s degree from an institution in the United States, or its equivalent (all majors are considered).

Test score required:  Yes

Competitive GMAT (GRE also accepted) performance based on a score that is less than five years old.

International applicants must submit a TOEFL score of at least 80 on the Internet-based test that is less than two years old.

Letters of recommendation:  3

Applicants must submit three letters of recommendation from individuals who can judge the candidate’s probability of success in graduate school. Use the electronic request form in the graduate application to submit the letters. Contact the graduate academic program department if you have any questions.

Admissions essay required:  Yes

Personal essay outlining academic interests and goals.

Deadlines:  Please see the  program admission page .

Contact Information

JSOM Doctoral Programs Email: [email protected]

Riki Takeuchi  Email:  [email protected] Phone: 972-883-5112 Office:  JSOM 4.412

PhD Programs Office  Jindal School of Management The University of Texas at Dallas, SM20 800 W. Campbell Road Richardson, TX 75080-3021 Phone: 972-883-2745 Office: JSOM 2.250


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PhD Specialization in International Business

The primary goal of the Management and Human Resources PhD program is to develop top-class researchers in the field of management, with specializations in the areas of entrepreneurship, human resource management, international business, organizational behavior and strategic management.

The specialization in International Business (IB) is designed to help students

  • understand the theoretical underpinnings of the discipline of IB,
  • understand how the body of work in this discipline has developed over time, and
  • create a strong foundation for continued scholarly research on IB.

More than other areas of business, IB is highly multidisciplinary and draws upon principles of economics, sociology, anthropology, psychology, political science, among others. Students of IB will benefit significantly from broadening their exposure to these principles. Nonetheless, the field of IB is motivated by its own set of questions, approaches and domains, which differ from those of these disciplines. Generally speaking, the field of IB is interested in understanding both how and why the conduct of business activity differs across national contexts and the effects of these differences for both multinational and domestic firms.

To address these questions, our faculty conducts research on such diverse topics as the effects of cultural variations on the conduct of business, multinational firm-host government relations and political risk, globalization of business and global strategies, international strategic alliances, corporate governance, networks and knowledge management within the multinational firm. These topics are examined in the context of a variety of emerging markets and developed economies. The College has been federally designated as a Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER), which facilitates such research. Potential areas of study include the effects of cross-national differences (cultural dimensions, institutions, etc.) on the conduct of business, the effects of globalization on industries and firms, multinational firm strategies and structures, entry modes, international strategic alliances including international joint ventures, managing knowledge within the multinational firm and across national contexts.

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PHD in Strategy & International Business Program

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  • PhD in Business – Strategy and International Business

Who's It For?

The PhD in Strategy and International Business focuses on scholarly research on topics pertaining to strategic management and international business, as well as their interfaces. Offered through the Department of Management, topics examined include corporate strategy, corporate governance, management of multinational enterprises, international entry strategies, strategic alliances, and strategy in emerging economies, among others. 

The program emphasizes student involvement in research early in their doctoral studies. Students have the opportunity to be involved in ongoing research projects under the mentorship of experienced faculty, Close interaction with faculty members enables students to quickly learn to identify and develop research ideas and create their own research agenda. Students also develop teaching competence under faculty mentorship by teaching undergraduate classes.

Program Type Doctoral

Location On Campus

Time Commitment Full Time

Start Date August

Students interact on campus.

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Graduate faculty member teaching a class.

The Intersection of Strategic Management and International Business

Carina Cuculiza video thumbnail

Preparing Next-Generation Scholars

Three students work together in a classroom on a laptop

A typical student in Strategy/International Business would take the following core courses in Year 1: Statistics I and II, Research Methods, Strategic Management Research, and Social Psychology.

All students in the PhD in Business also complete a core curriculum. Follow the link below for details.

Professor Wei Shi

Terri A. Scandura

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John M. Mezias

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Meet your Program Coordinator


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University of Illinois

International Business

International Business will help you become an expert in how firms operate at a global level by delving into political, economic, cultural, and legal influences. In this interdisciplinary program, you will complement your study of International Business with a strong competence in an additional field (economics, entrepreneurship, history, marketing, organizational behavior, strategy, etc.).

Foundational courses:

  • Economics of international business
  • Politics of international business
  • Organizations and international business

Methodology courses:

  • Econometrics
  • Qualitative research methods

Disciplinary courses in:


  • Strategy & International Business Speaker Series featuring globally renowned researchers
  • Teaching and professional development
  • Minyoung Kim, University of Kansas
  • Ishva Minefee, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Florida International University
  • Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Indiana University
  • Iowa State University
  • Ohio State University
  • University of Kansas

University of Illinois Campus Photo

Areas of Faculty Research

  • Business history
  • Corporate activism
  • Corporate political activity
  • Economic history
  • Emerging economies
  • Foreign direct investment
  • Industrial organization
  • Global strategy
  • Microfoundations of strategy
  • Nonmarket strategy
  • Organizational legitimacy
  • Political economy
  • Social movement activism

Highlights of Faculty-Student Collaboration

  • Yao, F., Jiang, K., Combs, D., & Chang, S. (2022). Informal institutions and absorptive capacity: A cross-country meta-analytic study . Journal of International Business Studies
  • Clougherty, J. & Zhang, N. (2021). Foreign investor reactions to risk and uncertainty in anti-trust: U.S. merger policy investigations and the deterrence of foreign acquirer presence . Journal of International Business Studies 
  • Yao, F., Xie, L., Li, J., & Xu, M. (2023). Subnational-level Government Influence and FDI Location Choices: The Moderating Roles of Resource Dependence Relations . Journal of International Business Studies

Recent Publication Outlets

  • Asia Pacific Journal of Management
  • Business History
  • Enterprise & Society
  • Global Strategy Journal
  • International Journal of Human Resource Management
  • Journal of International Business Policy
  • Journal of International Business Studies
  • Journal of Management Studies
  • Research Policy
  • Review of International Organizations
  • Political Science Research and Methods
  • Political Studies Review

Faculty Editorial Boards

  • Business History Review
  • Strategic Management Journal

Recent Faculty Awards & Leadership Positions

phd in international business management

Fiona Kun Yao

  • UIUC ISOI Best Research Award, 2022

Ishva Minefee

Ishva Minefee

  • UIUC Campus Research Board Award, 2022
  • AOM International Management Division, HKUST Best Paper in Global Strategy Award, 2019

phd in international business management

Marcelo Bucheli

  • UIUC Center for Advanced Study Associate, 2022

phd in international business management

Yilang Feng

  • AOM International Management Division, Best Paper Award, 2019

Hear from PhD students and alumni

Hyewon Ma

"The IB doctoral program at Gies has provided rigorous training in international business theories through well-structured coursework, along with opportunities to develop a scholarly capability through a series of discussion seminars. Also, opportunities to learn from and work with faculty in different disciplines enable us to develop an interdisciplinary and creative mindset. The faculty members in the IB program have provided tremendous intellectual and emotional support, which has been most important and helpful for me to keep learning and growing as a scholar."

Hyewon Ma, Current PhD Student

Danielle Combs

"The IB doctoral program at Gies provided me with superior training to conduct rigorous research that has been published in top IB journals and high-quality teaching that has received excellent student evaluations. I experienced many benefits by being a part of the IB program, such as freely pursuing interdisciplinary research interests and traveling to other countries to present my research at various conferences."

Danielle Combs, PhD ’18 Assistant Professor, University of Alabama

phd in international business management

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  • International Business

International Business (IB) combines international expertise with the functional areas of General Management, emphasizing issues facing the multinational enterprise (MNE) and businesses engaged in dealings across national borders. The strength in this combination allows students to explore a deeper understanding of the cross-border intra- and inter-organizational relationships of the MNE, and incorporates a multi-level approach that also addresses the economic, institutional, sociocultural, and sociopolitical contexts in which the MNE is embedded.

The IB group at Ivey encourages students to engage with the academic community early, with many students presenting their work at the Academy of International Business and Academy of Management Annual Conferences. Our students deliver high-quality research that has frequently been recognized in  leading dissertation award competitions , including those presented by the Academy of Management IM Division , the Academy of International Business , and the European International Business Academy . Ivey’s IB area group’s PhD graduates are frequent winners or finalists of these awards.

PhD students regularly co-author with senior scholars in the IB group, and their papers have received Best Paper Awards at: Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Strategic Management Society Annual International Conference, Administrative Sciences of Canada Annual Conference, and Association of Japanese Business Studies Annual Conference.

Our current  IB group at Ivey consists of Paul Beamish , Klaus Meyer , Andreas Schotter , Vanessa Hasse , Nina Rosenbusch , and Elie Chrysostome . Though the common theme of IB unifies these colleagues, they draw on varied disciplinary bases to address issues of strategic alliances, foreign direct investment, subsidiary management, and boundary spanning leadership. They are particularly interested in studying these themes in emerging economies, including multinational enterprises originating from emerging economies. Leveraging their diversity, the IB group is interested in understanding IB phenomena from a multi-level and multi-disciplinary perspective. The International Business Institute supports this research. 

*Please note that IB is a stream under General Management

Areas of Research Focus

  • Strategies and performance of international joint ventures
  • Management of international alliances
  • Motives and strategies of foreign direct investment
  • Managing subsidiaries of multinational enterprises
  • Doing business in emerging economies

The IB group ranks among the world's top 10 IB departments in terms of impact and productivity, and regularly publishes in the field’s top journals, such as Journal of International Business Studies, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, Organization Science, and Strategic Management Journal.

  • View our Google Scholar Page
  • View the Research Database

PhD Student Opportunities

IB is one of five possible specializations within Ivey’s General Management PhD program. The IB specialization is designed for those interested in pursuing academic careers at top business schools in IB, Strategy, or Management departments.

The IB group welcomes applications from qualified candidates that are interested in conducting research into themes related to their research interests. The following list is indicative of such projects:

All Professors within the IB group are recruiting PhD students to join their research on the management of MNE subsidiaries . Such subsidiaries interact with, and contribute to, host societies in multiple ways that merit deeper scholarly investigations. Topics within this research agenda may examine any aspect of the strategies and operations of MNE subsidiaries, including the drivers of subsidiary growth, performance knowledge management, scope reductions and divestment as well as their contribution to host country economic, social, and environmental objectives. We are particularly interested in research exploring the role that individuals, such as boundary spanners, have on subsidiary- and MNE-level outcomes. Sample research:

  • Managing the MNE subsidiary: Advancing a multi-level and dynamic research agenda  (Journal of International Business Studies)
  • Core or periphery? The effects of country-of-origin agglomerations on the within-country expansion of MNEs  (Journal of International Business Studies) 
  • Performance effects of MNC headquarters–subsidiary conflict and the role of boundary spanners: The case of headquarter initiative rejection  (Journal of International Management)

Professors Paul Beamish and Vanessa Hasse are recruiting for a co-supervision of PhD students with a research interest in the area of international joint ventures (IJVs) and strategic alliances . Topics within this research area can range broadly from collaborative strategies to the management of IJVs and strategic alliances. Experience with or an interest in quantitative data analysis, especially using larger datasets, will be an asset. Sample research:

  • Host market government corruption and the equity-based foreign entry strategies of multinational enterprises  (Journal of International Business Studies)
  • Multi-party international joint ventures: Multiple post-formation change processes  (Journal of World Business)
  • Cooperative strategies in international business and management: Reflections on the past 50 years and future directions  (Journal of World Business)

Professor Andreas Schotter is recruiting PhD students wishing to pursue research into the internationalization of firms in the digital economy . Topics in this line of research may employ qualitative or quantitative methodologies to examine the internationalization of young firms in the digital economy, or the strategies of mature multinational firms reacting to disruptions caused by the digital economy. This research also looks at changing location choices and the emergence of new internal and external organizational structures. Sample research:

  • Platforms without borders? The international strategies of digital platform firms  (Global Strategy Journal)
  • Scaling fast and slow: The internationalization of digital ventures (Journal of Business Research)

Professors Klaus Meyer and Bob Andersen are recruiting PhD students interested to analyze the impact of social and political disruption on businesses operating across national borders . This is a new stream of research which aims to enhance scholarly understanding of corporate strategies (e.g. mergers, acquisitions and divestments) as companies cope with an increasingly uncertain international business environment and/or with specific disruptions in international trade or investment regimes. Sample research:

  • Diplomatic and corporate networks: Bridges to foreign locations  (Journal of International Business Studies)
  • The MNE and its Subsidiaries at Times of Global Disruptions: An International Relations Perspective (Global Strategy Journal).
  • Corporate political connections in global strategy (Global Strategy Journal).
  • Place, space, and geographical exposure: Foreign subsidiary survival in conflict zones  (Journal of International Business Studies)

Professors Paul Beamish and Vanessa Hasse are recruiting for a co-supervision of PhD students with an interest in (and ideally direct exposure to) international business within frontier markets and the world’s poorest economies. Topics within this research area can range broadly from: FDI into or exit from these countries, social intermediation to reduce poverty, the role of management education, and response strategies for rare events, among others. Sample research:

  • Foreign subsidiary exit from Africa: The effects of investment purpose, diversity and orientation (Global Strategy Journal)
  • Caught in the crossfire: Dimensions of vulnerability and foreign multinationals exit from war-affected countries (Strategic Management Journal)
  • Social intermediation in Base-of-the Pyramid Markets (Journal of Management Studies)
  • The 39 Country Initiative and Africa (Africa Journal of Management)
  • The importance of rare events and other outliers in global strategy research (Global Strategy Journal)

Professor Klaus Meyer is recruiting PhD students with a research interest in the strategies and operations of multinational enterprises originating from emerging economies . Multinational enterprises from countries and regions such as China, India or South-East Asia face distinct challenges and opportunities arising from the economic and political structures of their home economies. This line of research is in particular exploring how companies address the strategic and operational challenges of catch-up strategies, including the engagement with market and nonmarket actors at home and abroad. Sample research: 

  • Boundary spanners, HRM practices, and reverse knowledge transfer: The case of Chinese cross-border acquisitions (Journal of World Business)
  • Emerging economy MNEs: How does home country munificence matter? (Journal of World Business)
  • Theoretical foundations of emerging economy research (Journal of International Business Studies)

Professor Andreas Schotter is recruiting Ph.D. students wishing to pursue research at the intersections of international business, economic geography, and innovation, with as particular focus on how Industry 4.0 forces shape multinational enterprise (MNE) activities and the future of work in global value chains. The research considers firm level lenses from corporate strategy and the theory of the firm and microfoundations lenses, bringing the manager into the focus, while considering the rapid changes in the external environment, such as the emergence of digital technologies and increasing global connectedness. The emphasis will be on novel configurational theorizing and methods that seek to accommodate the multiplicity of actors—individuals, firms, industries, countries—and multiplexity of interactions among these actors. We aim to develop new and refine existing knowledge that accounts for the new complexities of configuring the MNE. Sample research:

  • International connectedness and local disconnectedness: MNE strategies, city regions and disruption (Journal of International Business Studies)
  • Configuring knowledge connectivity and strategy conditions for foreign subsidiary innovation (Long Range Planning)
  • Boundary Spanning in Global Organizations (Journal of Management Studies) 

PhD Graduates

Dr. cheng li.

Assistant Professor, University of Manitoba

phd in international business management

General manager succession in multinational enterprise subsidiaries

Multinationals face growing demands from nonmarket forces, making them increasingly vulnerable to social and political disruptions. This thesis investigates two sets of relationships that are at the core of multinational nonmarket strategy: firm-government and firm-society relationships, and in so doing advances our understanding of global strategies employed to tackle challenges. It comprises…. Read more about this thesis

Dr. Liang (Arthur) Li

Assistant Professor in International Business at Henley Business School, University of Reading

phd in international business management

This dissertation, based on interviews with over 40 managers and longitudinal data from over 1,900 foreign subsidiaries, develops new insights regarding subsidiary general manager (GM) changes in multinational enterprises (MNEs)…. Read more about this thesis

Dr. Jianhua (Jenny) Zhu

phd in international business management

Investment Motives and Non-Traditional Foreign Direct Investment

This dissertation examines the characteristics and performance of non-traditional investment motives, with a secondary focus on small-employment subsidiaries. It also investigates how firms re-evaluate and change their organizational control after an industry-wide consumer confidence crisis…. Read more about this thesis

Dr. Liang Liang (Lucas) Wang

Associate Professor, University of New Brunswick

phd in international business management

Antecedents and consequences of share distribution in equity joint ventures: A pricing-error approach and empirical evidence

This dissertation bridges the identified literature gaps by developing and testing two empirical models based on the pricing-error rule. According to this rule, only when share distribution of an EJV perfectly matches the two pricing errors will profit sharing to each partner fully offset the errors, which helps save the most on transaction costs…. Read more about this thesis

Dr. Maximilian Stallkamp

Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech

phd in international business management

Contemporary perspectives on the internationalization of firms

This dissertation contributes new insights to research on the internationalization of firms. Whereas prior research has focused mostly on the country as the main locational unit of analysis, I examine internationalization from both subnational and (supranational) regional perspectives. Moreover, I investigate the impact of digitalization on internationalization, by studying how ‘digital’ firms expand internationally.... Read more about this thesis

Dr. Dwarka Chakravarty

Assistant Professor, San Diego State University

phd in international business management

Foreign Direct Investment in Global Cities and Co-Ethnic Clusters: Characteristics, Performance, and Survival

This dissertation examines the characteristics, profitability, and survival of multinational enterprise (MNE) foreign direct investment (FDI) in North American “global” cities (GCs), such as Los Angeles, New York, and Toronto. Across GCs and their metropolitan areas (Metros), MNEs often co-locate with their home country and co-industry peers in “co-ethnic” and “co-ethnic, co-industry” (CECI) clusters. Despite their substantial influence on the world economy GCs are relatively underexplored as location units of analysis in International Business (IB) research. Accordingly, I address three research questions.... Read more about this thesis

Dr. Yamlaksira Getachew

Assistant Professor, Loyola Marymount University

phd in international business management

Institutional Voids, Investment Purposes, and Foreign Subsidiaries of Multinational Enterprises

This dissertation is motivated by two sets of research questions: (a) Whether, how, and when host-country market and institutional conditions have implications for the performance of foreign subsidiaries? And (b) Whether, how, and when investment purposes/motives for which foreign subsidiaries are established relate to the extent to which the subsidiaries/their parents overcome the hazards of or capitalize on the opportunities from operating in locations of high institutional voids?.... Read more about this thesis

Discipline Coordinator

Vanessa C. Hasse

Vanessa C. Hasse

Vanessa Hasse is an Assistant Professor of International Business at the Ivey Business School. Her primary research interests focus on exploring firm-level responses to performance signals (including those triggered by crises/rare events) in an international context, as well as the impact cultural and temporal dimensions have on managerial decision-making.   

Her research has been published in outlets such as the Academy of Management Journal, Global Strategy Journal , Business & Society , and more. She has received international recognition for her work, including the 2023 IM Division Best Paper Award in OB/HRM/OT (AOM) and the 2017 IM Division D'Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University, Best Dissertation Award in International Management (AOM). She is also a co-author on the forthcoming 9 th  edition of the popular textbook International Management Behavior , with M.L. Maznevski, H.W. Lane, and R.K. Nielsen.

Dr. Hasse has authored several case studies and has been recognized as a management educator for her innovations in designing transformative learning experiences. She is the recipient of multiple Teaching Excellence Awards (every year since 2021) and was named a Finalist for the 2021 Academy of International Business Teaching Innovation Award. Dr. Hasse is a board member at the Academy of International Business-Canada chapter.

Read full profile »

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  • Ph.D. in International Business

Ph.D. Programs in International Business and International Finance

International business program overview.

Visit the  admissions calendar  for admissions information and application deadlines.

Doctoral students in international business have a close working relationship with the faculty, often participating in joint research projects. Students also have the opportunity to become involved in research at or through South Carolina's Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER).

The objective of the doctoral program with emphasis in international business is to prepare students for academic careers. In addition to extensive course work in international business, students are required to develop a cognate or area of functional specialization. Students often select cognate course work in areas such as sociology, psychology, anthropology, international studies and management. Students are encouraged to use the cognate to develop a program of study that establishes a strong multidisciplinary foundation supporting their functional specialization and individual research interests. Quantitative methods courses complement the international business and cognate courses to develop a strong foundation for academic research.

New Ph.D. Scholars Program provides financial support for underrepresented minority groups.

Program of study.

The international business concentration consists of at least 48 hours of course work. The courses offered in the international business area are:

  • IBUS 801 Ph.D. Seminar in International Business I
  • IBUS 802 Ph.D. Seminar in International Business II
  • IBUS 811 Ph.D. Seminar in International Finance I
  • IBUS 820 Ph.D. Seminar in International Marketing
  • IBUS 830 Ph.D. Seminar in International Management
  • IBUS 850 Ph.D. Seminar on Cultural Frameworks and Research

Download a list of research interests of our tenure track faculty [pdf].

International Finance Program Overview

Visit the   admissions calendar   for admissions information.

We are interested in equipping students who have strong interest in international finance to become leading scholars in this field. We encourage students to pursue research topics applying core finance concepts to the international arena. We also encourage interdisciplinary research with a focus on global finance.  

Building on the strengths of the international business and the finance faculties, the international finance concentration incorporates doctoral courses in international business and finance areas as follows:

  • Sociological and Political Perspectives of International Business
  • Economic Perspectives and International Business Theories
  • Psychological and Cultural Perspectives/Strategy
  • Financial Markets and Governance/MNC Financial Management
  • Advanced Topics in International Finance
  • MNC Management and MNC Subsidiary
  • Emerging Market/Sustainability
  • Doctoral Seminars in Finance
  • Principles of Finance
  • Corporate Finance
  • Asset Pricing
  • Empirical Methods in Financial Research

To equip students to research and publish in top finance and international business journals, the doctoral core also includes a substantial background in econometrics, mathematical statistics and stochastic processes, along with other statistical techniques applicable to extending the theoretical and empirical understanding of international finance.

Research and Teaching Support

Doctoral students in international finance have a close working relationship with the faculty, often participating in joint research projects. Students also have the opportunity to become involved in research at or through South Carolina's Center for International Business Education and Research. When doctoral students present papers in major academic conferences, financial aid might be given to cover some of the costs.

Within the international business department, there is a computer room and an international business library for students’ use. The Moore School has a business library with an extensive collection of books, magazines and academic journals. The school subscribes to many useful electronic databases such as Datastream, Worldscope, Bloomberg, CRSP, COMPUSTAT, LexisNexis Academic, Wall Street Journal (Pro Quest Direct), EBSCO Business Source Premier, JSTOR and more. Students can download data and articles easily.

Doctoral students are required to teach one or two undergraduate business courses within their program of study. The intention is to let them gain some teaching experience before they enter the academic job market. The students will not be asked to teach many courses since their primary focus is academic research.

Besides examinations in the regular courses, students are expected to take a comprehensive examination at the end of the second academic year. In the fall semester of the third year, students are required to make a presentation of an academic paper they have written in front of the faculty and fellow doctoral students. The purpose is to encourage students to work on high-quality research papers early in the program. In the third academic year, students are expected to defend their dissertation proposal. A formal defense of the finished dissertation is made before students graduate from the program.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.

phd in international business management

International Business and Strategy PhD Opportunities

This PhD programme will focus on critical developments in international business and organisations’ strategic response to these.

At a glance

  • 50 years experience of teaching and research in International Business
  • Attend the Henley International Business Masterclasses
  • Learn from leading research centres
  • Option to gain a Double PhD with Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI)
  • Join an internationally-renowned faculty

This PhD programme will offer you the opportunity undertake original and business relevant research in International Business and Strategy . In this programme you will develop your critical thinking, intellectual capacity and creativity. Our postgraduate research students are drawn from all over the world. You will benefit from a dynamic research environment and supervision from internationally renowned faculty, dedicated support and outstanding facilities.

For over 50 years we have stood at the forefront of teaching and research in International Business. We continue to help define the research agenda in the field as well as in International Business History and International Human Resource Management. High quality teaching spans a broad range of programmes and focuses on critical developments in international business and organisations’ strategic response to these developments.

As a part of the PhD in International Business and Strategy, we offer Henley International Business Masterclasses . We provide these intensive courses on current debates and conceptual issues in International Business to give you broader learning opportunities. Each masterclass offers the opportunity to engage in key International Business topics taught by notable intellectual figures in the field.

Double PhD opportunities

Alongside the PhD in International Business and Strategy, we offer the opportunity of a Double PhD with Politecnico di Milano (Italy) or Copenhagen Business School (Denmark).

Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI) has a strong commitment to the excellence, distinctiveness and relevance of its teaching and research activities. The Doctoral Program at POLIMI is highly international and PhD graduates are held in high esteem. Not only in academia, but also in public institutions and companies where their research qualifications are increasingly demanded. More information on POLIMI can be found here .

The Double PhD programme between Henley Business School and POLIMI allows you to spend a period of normally twelve months at Politecnico di Milano, when Henley is the home university. You will benefit from joint supervision by one member of faculty from each institution throughout your PhD.

Copenhagen Business School (CBS) was established in 1917. Today, with 20,000 students and 1,500 employees, CBS is one of the largest business schools in Europe. CBS is committed to communicating knowledge and new ideas to tomorrow’s business leaders and society in general. Its main contribution in this field is research and research-based education, and investment in research and high academic standards is therefore crucial to CBS’ contribution to society.

The CBS PhD school aims to create an active national and international high quality research environment as a framework for the development of all PhD students as researchers at CBS. This framework should help CBS PhD students to create new knowledge in their respective field of research and to succeed after graduation either in a professional academic research career or in a professional career outside of academia, for example in private firms or public institutions, where advanced research skills are in high demand. The CBS PhD school is linked with all active academic research environments at CBS.

The Double PhD programme between Henley Business School and CBS allows you to spend a period of six to twelve months at CBS, when Henley is the home university. During this period you will complete course work offered by CBS of minimum 15 ECTS points, including any mandatory courses required by the department at CBS, and you will present your research at one seminar. You will benefit from joint supervision by one member of faculty from each institution throughout your PhD.

If you’re interested in applying for either of the Double PhD programmes, you should clearly mention it in your PhD application.

Leading research centres.

Henley Business School’s research in International Business and Strategy is driven through centres that are at the forefront of research. This includes the John H. Dunning Centre for International Business and the Centre for International Business History .

We welcome applicants seeking to conduct postgraduate research in the following fields:

  • Business History
  • International Business
  • International Human Resource Management

Please see our Research areas for more information.

Course structure Open

The module descriptions set out on this page are correct for modules being taught in the current academic year. Optional module listings are indicative and may be subject to change.

During your first year of studies, you will be required to:

  • Attend and obtain at least 60 credits from PhD/Masters level courses in Research Methods and other relevant courses plus a no-credit bearing course (see below);
  • Attend some short courses (2-3 hours each) required for the Reading Researcher Development Programme at the Graduate School (overseeing PhD studies within the University of Reading);
  • Attend the Preparing to Teach training programme (which is necessary to be able to complete any teaching-related activities within Henley Business School);
  • Participate in weekly research seminars organised by your Department and others relevant to your area of interest;
  • Hold regular meetings with your supervisor(s).

Required Taught Component

We have a slightly different path of taught components for students primarily using quantitative vs. qualitative research methods.

Quantitative Path

Compulsory modules Credits
20 [10 ECTS credits]
20 [10 ECTS credits]
0 [0 ECTS credits]
20 [10 ECTS credits]

Qualitative Path

Confirmation of registration.

In the middle of the second year, 15-18 months from the start of your PhD (see differences between departments), you will submit a substantive Research Proposal of c.ca 10,000 words that will be defended in front of Faculty members and/or assessed by independent examiners. This process will coincide with your confirmation of registration and, if successful, it will grant you the status of a PhD candidate.

The research proposal will be a significant development of the initial proposal you submitted for your application. It will include material you may have produced during the first year courses in research methods (e.g. literature review, methodologies, data description, etc.). If you plan to do a PhD thesis combining three papers, you are expected to include a draft of the first paper in your research proposal. Alternatively, if you intend to use a book-like structure for your thesis, the document should include the draft of at least one of the three/four key chapters.

Year 2 and 3

During your 2nd and 3rd year you will:

  • Continue to work on your PhD dissertation drafting the other two papers / key chapters;
  • Hold regular meetings with your supervisor(s);
  • Attend some short courses (2-3 hours each) required for the Reading Researcher Development Programme at the Graduate School;
  • Contribute to Business School and Departmental teaching/research activities and events;
  • Present posters/papers at national/international conferences;

Your thesis should be completed before your viva examination at the end of your third or fourth year (4 years is the maximum registration period according to the University rules).

Modules or course content marked as optional are indicative and may be subject to change. Please note, constraints in timetable scheduling may mean you are unable to take some optional modules at the same time as others.

How to apply Open

The application process normally consists of three main steps :

1. Formal application

Before applying formally, you may want to contact a potential supervisor who is working in your area. They could be interested in your topic. Please avoid contacting multiple faculty members simultaneously. We do talk to each other and this is not seen as a professional practice. You can contact a faculty member before your formal application, if you wish to.

2. Shortlisting based on the documents you uploaded in your application

3. Formal interview to assess your suitability to pursue a PhD at Henley Business School

The deadline to be considered for a scholarship varies between departments.

The key requirements for a successful application are:

  • Top grades in your Masters degree (minimum requirement is Merit or equivalent, but we prefer Distinction)
  • Top grade in your Masters Dissertation (or equivalent research-based piece of work) because this may show your research attitude and skills
  • A well-developed research proposal. Guidance on writing the research proposal can be found here

A reasonable intended timeline reflecting issues you may encounter in the study as presented above. For example, if you have to collect primary data. The time spent on data collection will be much longer than if you intend to use secondary data sources.

Fees & funding Open

For fees, please visit the Graduate School website .

Overseas applicants should refer to the non-laboratory based fees listed in the tables (International Band 1 for non UK/Home students).

Further PhD funding

  • UK/EU nationals : The University of Reading takes part in the South East DTC (Doctoral Training Centre). If you’re interested in applying, please follow the link for further details.
  • Nationals from India and developing countries : The Felix Scholarship competition is open to candidates applying for either taught Masters or Postgraduate Research Degrees who are either Indian nationals, or from developing countries, and who fulfil the required criteria. For more information and how to apply please follow the link.
  • Regional PhD Bursaries : They are available for PhD applicants normally living within 25 miles of the University. The scheme is not open to students who have already started their study at the University of Reading. For further information, please go to Graduate School website.
  • Former UoR Graduate : If you have already studied at the University of Reading you will get up to £1,000 off fees through the alumni fee discount .
  • Other : For information on further opportunities, please see the find funding section on the University website.
  • Fully-funded PhD studentship on changes in household expenditure and behaviour over the twentieth century.

Current scholarships

International business & strategy scholarship, entry requirements open, the application process normally consists of three main steps:.

Before applying formally you may want to contact a potential supervisor who is working in your area and could be interested in your topic. We advise against contacting multiple faculty members simultaneously as it is not seen as a professional practice.

The deadline to be considered for a scholarship varies between departments. The scholarship application deadline for International Business and Strategy is Wednesday 15 March 2023.

  • Top grades in your Masters degree (minimum requirement is a Merit or equivalent, but we prefer a Distinction)
  • Top grade in your Masters dissertation (or equivalent research-based piece of work) as this may show your research attitude and skills
  • A well-developed research proposal. Guidance on writing the research proposal can be found here .

English requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are expected to have obtained an overall score of 7.0 in IELTS (with no element below 6.0). Alternatively, applicants could undertake a TOEFL Internet-based test with an overall score of 100 and no less than a score of 20 in Listening, Writing and Reading, and 21 in Speaking, or pass a TEEP test at the University of Reading and obtain a score of 7.0 (with no element below 6.0).

For all other equivalent score requirements in our accepted English Language tests, please visit the admissions website .

Careers, accreditation & progression Open

How henley careers can help you.

We have an award-winning careers team here to support you through your time at Henley and 4 years after graduating.

Henley Careers and Professional Development run numerous events throughout the autumn and spring terms to help you gain industry experience. These events are aimed to enhance your professional development and network with employers. We also offer one-to-one career coaching appointments where you can talk to a Careers Consultant about your professional development. This may include planning your ideal career journey or building confidence in a particular area. It could also involve practicing for interviews or having your CV checked.

For more information please see our Careers page .

Continuing your career

A PhD in the area of International Business and Strategy from Henley can open doors to a highly successful career. This includes academia, in large multinationals, leading consulting firms and governmental and non-governmental organisations worldwide.

What our students have gone on to do

  • Steve Altman , Senior Research Scholar, New York University
  • Tom Buckley , Lecturer in International Business Strategy, University of Sheffield
  • Eko Budi Harjo, Faculty Member, Telekom Corporate University, Indonesia
  • Pattana Buonchoo , Assistant Professor, Thammasat University
  • Maggie Cooper, Lecturer in Management Accounting, Henley Business School
  • Chipoong Kim, Senior Researcher at Samsung Economic Research Institute
  • Sylvia Kim, Assistant Professor of Accounting, Fresno Pacific University
  • Jongmin Lee, Lecturer in International Business and Strategy, Henley Business School
  • Sirinuch Loykulnanta, Lecturer Prince of Songkla University, Thailand
  • Quyen Nguyen, Associate Professor of International Business and Strategy, Henley Business School
  • Karina Pavlisa , Teaching Fellow, Henley Business School
  • Ziyi Wei, Lecturer in Chinese Studies, University of Sheffield

Research Areas Open

Research proposal.

A key element of the application is a research proposal. Guidance on writing the research proposal can be found here. It is important that the applicant spends some time exploring the research that we are involved in to see if it fits alongside their own. Below are the main research areas of our staff.

Research Interest and faculty: International Business and Strategy

International Business:

  • Theories of MNE; Economic analysis of supply chains: Professor Mark Casson
  • Firms’ internationalisation choices, innovation, and economic performances; MNEs location decisions; MNEs and the cities: Professor Davide Castellani
  • Strategic leadership of the multinational enterprise. Micro-level antecedents of international business strategy. Executive careers, turnover and pay: Dr Peder Greve
  • Foreign direct investment, local labour markets and educational choices; Global Value Chains and human capital development; Emerging market MNEs’ internationalisation strategies: Jose Eduardo Ibarra Olivo
  • International management; staffing strategy; knowledge management; Regional diversification; Headquarters and subsidiary relationships; Emerging market MNEs: Dr Jongmin Lee
  • The role of MNEs in development, innovation and industrial policy; R&D alliances; Outsourcing: Professor Rajneesh Narula
  • Multinational subsidiary strategy and performance: Dr Quyen Nguyen
  • Internalization theory and its applications to a wide variety of international business phenomena, such as the internationalization of family firms, the creation of subsidiary specific advantage, the impact of regional integration on entry mode choices, the growth of emerging economy multinational enterprises, the rise of international new ventures: Professor Alain Verbeke
  • Value co-creation with suppliers; Business unit strategy using a capabilities-based perspective: Professor Marc Day

Research Interest and faculty: International Human Resource Management

  • International and comparative human resource management; new technology and work; international mobility: Professor Chris Brewster
  • International HRM strategy of MNE’s; transferring HRM practice across countries in MNEs; knowledge creation and sharing in MNEs: International experiences and subsidiary staffing: Dr Chul Chung
  • Alternative work arrangements; Flexible working practices; International human resource management and links with attitudes, behaviour and performance: Dr Rita Fontinha
  • Strategic HRM and the processes that hinder/facilitate employee-organisation relationship; Individual interpretations and reactions to HRM practices, strategic management of human capital, well-being, counterproductive work behaviours, workplace justice, trust and leadership: Dr Charmi Patel
  • International Human Resource Management, Expatriation, Migration, Social Status, Diversity & Inclusion: Washika Haak-Saheem

Research Interest and faculty: Business History

  • Innovation strategies in Britain, the United States and Europe; Knowledge creation within and outside the firm; The development and evolution of industrial clusters and districts; The impact of social and business networks on innovation and performance; The British Industrial Revolution: Dr Joe Lane
  • Business history; Internationalisation of the media and creative industries: Professor Peter Miskell
  • History of the banking system; Regulation of 19th century British joint-stock banks and the creation of an identity around these new entrants to the market; Creation of identity for 20th century UK retail banks; Governance and shareholder rights of 19th century corporations: Dr Lucy Newton
  • Professor Peter Scott has developed two specific PhD studentship projects that draw on the resources and research areas of the Centre for Economics Institutions and Business History : - British economic elites in early and mid-twentieth century Britain - Strategies for surviving in a hostile climate: major retailers and the decline of the British high street, 1970 – present Students potentially interested in these projects can contact him for further information at: [email protected] .
  • British and American retail managerial revolution; Spatial competition in product markets and between firms in automobile markets; Academic performance and pay; Varieties of capitalism: Professor James Walker

Teaching staff Open

Professor chris brewster.

Professor Chris Brewster

Professor Mark Casson

Professor Mark Casson

Dr Chul Chung

Dr Chul Chung

Professor Davide Castellani

Professor Davide Castellani

Dr Peder Greve

Dr Peder Greve

Dr Rita Fontinha

Dr Rita Fontinha

Dr Washika Haak-Saheem

Dr Washika Haak-Saheem

Dr J. Eduardo Ibarra-Olivo

Dr J. Eduardo Ibarra-Olivo

Dr Joe Lane

Dr Joe Lane

Professor Peter Miskell

Professor Peter Miskell

Professor Rajneesh Narula

Professor Rajneesh Narula

Professor Lucy Newton

Professor Lucy Newton

Dr Quyen Nguyen

Dr Quyen Nguyen

Dr Charmi Patel

Dr Charmi Patel

Professor Peter Scott

Professor Peter Scott

Professor Alain Verbeke

Professor Alain Verbeke

Prof James T Walker

Prof James T Walker

International Business Masterclasses Open

The Henley International Business Masterclasses are an initiative developed in the International Business and Strategy unit at Henley Business School. We provide these intensive courses on current debates and conceptual issues in International Business to give broader learning opportunities to PhD students and post-doctoral researchers. Each masterclass offers the opportunity to engage in key International Business topics taught by notable intellectual figures in the field.

The masterclasses are delivered in two sets each academic year, in the Autumn and Spring session.

Masterclasses Modules:

Autumn Term:

  • MMD005 - Theory of the MNE: Foundations of Global Corporate Success by Prof. Alain Verbeke
  • MMD003 - Economics of International Business by Prof. Mark Casson

Spring Term:

  • MMD007 - International Business, Innovation and Economic Geography by Prof. Davide Castellani
  • MMD006 - International Business, Development and Policy by Prof. Rajneesh Narula
  • MMD004 - International Human Resources Management by Prof. Chris Brewster

For more information about upcoming masterclasses and application process is available here .

To find details about our previous Masterclasses click here

“The International Business Masterclasses provide an incredible platform to Ph.D. students from all over the world to understand the finest nuances of key theories of International Business and how the contemporary issues are making it imperative to revisit these theories thereby providing an opportunity to push the boundaries of IB as a field of study. Attending both the modules, Strategy and International Business taught by Prof. Alain Verbeke, and the Economics of International Business by Prof. Mark Casson and Prof. Gabriel Benito has immensely added to my knowledge of the subject and helped me develop a more holistic perspective on my ongoing Ph.D. research work. The classes are very well-structured and designed in a manner to allow free flow of discussion among the participants and with the professors. All the professors were very committed to understand and resolve the queries raised by the participants. The module on strategy and international business included students’ presentations of their current research and provided an excellent opportunity to take critical feedback from professors as well as the peers. Besides the academic content, masterclasses are a wonderful forum of meeting and developing network with fellow researches across the globe. I am extremely grateful to the organizers at the Henley Business School, University of Reading for giving us this opportunity and especially to Jana Oslejova for her exceptional assistance, support, and hospitality. She has been excellent in her job and pivotal in the running of the Masterclasses. Finally, my heartfelt thanks to the organizers for selecting me for the Alan Rugman Scholarship and Mrs. Helen Rugman to fund the same. It was an absolute honor to meet the very gentle lady, Mrs. Helen Rugman, and receive the award and attendance certificate directly from her. The masterclasses are the powerhouse of invaluable learning and meeting people with similar intellectual pursuits, because of which I strongly recommend them to every aspiring International Business Scholar and/or researcher.”

If you have any questions, please contact Jana Oslejova

“My experience at Henley provided a solid foundation for my achievements. The university offered professional courses and training, nurturing my research thinking and professional skills. The guidance from professors and exposure to cutting-edge knowledge enhanced my academic development.”

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PhD Program

phd in international business management

Wharton’s PhD program in Management is flexible and interdisciplinary, applying social science disciplines and research methods to management problems. It offers specializations in strategy, international business, organizational behavior and theory, and human resource management.

The faculty has a broad range of interests ranging from the behavior of individuals and groups to organizational strategy. Major areas of faculty research currently include: human resources and competitiveness; foreign strategic investments and international cooperative relationships; organizational learning and adaptation; technology adoption, diffusion, and transfer within and across organizations; and new venture formation, growth, and corporate entrepreneurship.

Each student draws on the faculty’s diverse expertise and varied interests to develop a program uniquely suited to his or her interests. The program encourages students to gain research experience by working closely with faculty on a variety of projects. Recent placements include the Harvard Business School, INSEAD, New York University, University of Illinois, University of Maryland, University of Michigan and the University of Texas.

  • Program Information
  • Evaluation Guidelines
  • PhD Curriculum
  • Course Schedule
  • Current Students
  • Postdoctoral Researchers

Additional Program Information

  • Q&A for Potential Applicants
  • Visiting Doctoral Student Policy

For Current Students

Doctoral Programs Resources

  • Doctoral Forms Library
  • Doctoral Inside: Policies and Procedures
  • Doctoral Inside: Resources for Current PhD Students
  • International Students and Scholar Services
  • Independent Study Course Approval Form

Management PhD Guidelines and Requirements

  • Guidelines on Overlapping Topics for Course Papers
  • First Year Exam Guidelines
  • Second Year Exam Guidelines
  • Second Year Paper Requirements

Doctoral Programs

  • Harvard Business School →
  • Doctoral Programs →

New Ideas for a Changing World New Ideas for a Changing World    

Phd programs  , accounting & management, business economics (includes finance), health policy (management), organizational behavior, technology & operations management, admissions  , unlock your phd journey with full financial aid  , placement  , research community  .

phd in international business management

Filippo Mezzanotti

phd in international business management

Sarah Wolfolds

phd in international business management

Anastassia Fedyk

phd in international business management

Alexandra C. Feldberg

phd in international business management

Rohan Kekre

phd in international business management

Do Yoon Kim

phd in international business management

Talia Gillis

phd in international business management

Erica Moszkowski

phd in international business management

Sagar Saxena

phd in international business management

Aurora Turek

phd in international business management

A Jay Holmgren

phd in international business management

Evan DeFilippis

phd in international business management

Kala Viswanathan

phd in international business management

Ahmmad Brown

phd in international business management

Ximena Garcia-Rada

phd in international business management

Patrick Ferguson

phd in international business management

Byungyeon Kim

phd in international business management

Ta-Wei "David" Huang

phd in international business management

Mengjie "Magie" Cheng

phd in international business management

Omar Olivarez

phd in international business management

Dafna Bearson

phd in international business management

Justine Murray

phd in international business management

Celia Stafford

phd in international business management

Olivia Zhao

phd in international business management

Rowan Clarke

phd in international business management

Jaylon Sherrell

phd in international business management

Elliot Tobin

phd in international business management

Fanele Mashwama

phd in international business management

Maria Roche

phd in international business management

Charles Wang

phd in international business management

Student Research  

Effects of a real-time information-based intervention on physician prescribing behavior.

  • 01 AUG 2024
  • Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings

The Value of Silence: The Effect of UMG’s Licensing Dispute with TikTok on Music Demand

  • 01 JUL 2024
  • Faculty Research

Acceptance of Automated Vehicles Is Lower for Self than Others

  • Journal of the Association for Consumer Research

Find a Current Student

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PhD The Stevens Doctoral Program

Join a community of bold thinkers.

The Stevens Doctoral Program at Chicago Booth is the top destination for analytical, intellectually curious individuals who want to earn a doctorate in business from one of the best business PhD programs in the world.

As a PhD student at Chicago Booth, you will explore and cultivate your research interests from day one—wherever they lead you. In partnership with our distinguished faculty , you will develop your ability to conduct groundbreaking research. You’ll graduate with a business PhD and the tools to achieve academic and professional success.

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Video Transcript

Baris Ata (00:00): When I came here, it felt like, "Now I'm in the major leagues." I realized how high the standards are.

Jane L. Risen (00:09): We're the oldest PhD program within a business school, which is pretty extraordinary to think of sort of how long ago the recognition was there that we wanted to be training not just business leaders in practice, but to be training the future leaders of academic discipline.

Ray Ball (00:26): So I arrived in 1966. Oh, it was marvelous. The place just crackled with ideas and open discussion, and I ended up throwing out all the ideas I came with.

Ann L. McGill (00:35): What I especially liked about learning things here is this is an interdisciplinary school, so you didn't have to dive in a silo. You can wrap your arms around huge areas.

Marianne Bertrand (00:46): What is special is that we are part of a business school, training PhD students across a range of disciplines, not just economics or finance, which we deploy in the Economics Department, but also students are doing psychology, operation research.

Ray Ball (00:59): At Chicago, the ideas were the authorities, not the people, and they were all up for grabs.

Amir Sufi (01:06): What we're trying to create here is people who produce knowledge, not just consume it. And that's the real challenge I think of PhD education.

Ana-Maria Tenekedjieva (01:15): I was never told at any point that, "Oh, this is not real finance. This question is too outside of the box." On the contrary, it was always, "You should do what you want to do, and we're going to think about placement once the paper is ready."

Jane L. Risen (01:32): You don't make any assumptions. You question everything.

Pradeep K. Chintagunta (01:35): It's not enough just to know what other people have done. It's also important to know what needs to be done next. To be able to do that, you need to be able to ask questions beyond the questions that have been asked in the previous literature or in the previous knowledge that's already out there.

Jeffrey R. Russell (01:53): When you're going to seminars here, or watching my colleagues talk in the hallways, you'll often see them in what look like very contentious battles. But really, they're just after, "What's the right answer?" When PhD students come here, they are able to sort of bring that into their own souls, and I think that really pushes them then to sort of be the best possible researcher that they can.

Ana-Maria Tenekedjieva (02:12): Chicago Booth is known for its quite aggressive questioning style. I think that we get a little bit of a bad rap. There is a point to the aggressive questioning, and it is to clarify the idea. In Chicago Booth the spirit is be tough on the idea, not on the person.

Amir Sufi (02:30): Throughout the world, we're appreciating more and more how influential research can be. I think our PhD students going forward will increasingly be placed in positions, both in scholarship and in government and in business, where they can have major influence.

Ray Ball (02:48): So the fact that this is the oldest doctoral program in business, that it has been going for 100 years, gives some indication of the commitment of this school to training people. We still have those same values, and so it's always going to generate people who change the world, who change the way we think. I can't tell you at this point how that will happen. That's exactly the idea. New people come in with new ideas, and they learn how to implement them in the school, and they change the way we think about the world. And that's going to keep going.

PhD in Business at a Glance

The Stevens Program is highly competitive—and highly rewarding. Approximately 20–25 new PhD students matriculate each fall from an applicant pool of more than 1,000, and our graduates are highly sought after at the world's most elite institutions of higher learning, in government, and at leading global businesses.

Our program is a full-time program that typically takes about five years to complete. PhD students can apply for one of our seven dissertation areas  or three joint PhD programs.

Explore Our Dissertation Areas and Joint PhD Programs

Our program gives you the flexibility to meet your intellectual and academic goals. We have seven doctoral dissertation areas, as well as three joint PhD programs.

Join Our Research Community

In collaboration with faculty and fellow students, you’ll conduct innovative research and prepare for a successful career.

How to Apply for and Fund Your PhD in Business

Explore phd admissions.

Earn your PhD in one of the best business PhD programs in the world. Here’s how to join our community of bold thinkers.

Attend a PhD Admissions Event

Join us at an information session or recruiting forum to learn more about the Stevens Doctoral Program at Chicago Booth.

Explore Financial Aid

At Chicago Booth, PhD students receive a tuition grant, a stipend, student health insurance, a computer or computer subsidy, and access to research and travel funding.

Meet Our Alumni and Job Market Candidates

Discover our alumni success.

For 100 years, Chicago Booth has been a proven training ground for the next generation of leading professionals in academia, government, and industry.

See Our PhD Job Market Candidates

See the Stevens Doctoral Program's current job market candidates—the next generation of researchers who will shape theory and practice in business and beyond.

Discover UChicago

Discover UChicago is a two-day program that introduces third-year undergraduates to the prospect of pursuing a graduate degree at UChicago and other institutions alike. At the event, Stevens Doctoral Program representatives will shed light on the program and application process, as well as navigating academic life at Chicago Booth.

Celebrating 100 Years of Pioneering Research

Since 1920, our faculty, alumni, and students have been driving the evolution of modern research in a wide range of disciplines.

On April 11, 2024, scholars in financial economics gathered to share ongoing research in a series of alumni and student presentations as part of a commemorative event dedicated to our late colleague, Yiran Fan.

Stories from Our Community

Measuring preferences for privacy.

Current PhD student Tesary Lin’s passion for economics and behavioral science has led her to develop a new incentive framework for businesses that want to use consumer data to inform managerial decisions, while respecting consumers’ privacy preferences.

A PhD for Social Impact

A passion for travel, social impact, and wanting to "dig deeper" inspired current student Gülin Tuzcuoğlu to pursue a PhD in operations research.

Full shot of Harper center building

Hyde Park Campus

Take a Virtual Tour

If you still have questions after reviewing our doctorate in business FAQ , please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!

Phone: 773.702.7298 Email Us

phd in international business management

A student wearing glasses looks toward the camera with the back of two peoples heads in the foreground.

PhD in Management Program

A phd in management: where business research and education intersect.

Become an industry thought leader while preparing tomorrow’s business leaders.

Our fully funded PhD in Management is designed for ambitious students and professionals interested in a career in university teaching and research.

This residential program, based at the Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management in Ithaca, NY, combines Ivy League rigor and real-world relevance to prepare you for successful careers in academia.

A woman wearing a blue button-up shirt smiles and look to her left out of frame

Why Get a PhD in Management?

With a strong focus on management science and applied research, this doctoral degree is ideal for someone looking to teach at the university level and contribute to the greater body of industry knowledge. Pursuing a PhD in Management is also an ideal next step for executives and senior managers who want to make a transition to academia or enhance their research skills for a successful consulting career.

Fully Funded, Highly Flexible: What Makes Cornell’s Management PhD Different?

As you explore PhD programs’ degree requirements, faculty engagement, and campus experience, Cornell stands alone.

In Cornell’s highly flexible program, you’ll choose a specific area of study and build your own dissertation committee. Our program faculty are genuinely interested and invested in your intellectual development. In this small and highly selective program, you will get to know the faculty and your peers well.

The SC Johnson Graduate School of Management is home to leading research centers and a high-impact academic journal; these open you up to unique learning and mentorship opportunities.

Cornell’s Nusiness Simulation Lab logo.

Business Simulation Lab

The Debra Paget and Jeffrey Berg Business Simulation Lab facilitates in-person and online behavioral research related to decision-making and problem-solving.

Discover More About BSL

Our Three-Pronged Approach to a PhD in Management

The Johnson School’s doctoral degree in management combines the best of theory and practice, building on a three-pronged foundation:

phd in international business management

Hands-on Experience

Develop your research and analytical skills. You’ll work with classmates to examine existing literature and theories for class deliverables, which will often include your own original research.

phd in international business management

Customizable Curriculum

Design your own academic pathway. You’ll choose one of six primary areas of study and create your own dissertation committee.

phd in international business management

University-Wide Coursework

Draw on the expertise from across Cornell. You’ll get to select graduate-level courses from schools and colleges devoted to law , hospitality , engineering , labor relations , and other fields.

At a Glance: Cornell’s Fully Funded PhD in Management

The fully residential, fully funded PhD in Management program includes a tuition waiver and a stipend for living expenses. Here’s a quick overview of what to expect:

phd in international business management

Degree Awarded

PhD in Management

phd in international business management

Program Location

Ithaca, NY, with options in New York City

phd in international business management

Program Format

Foundational coursework, original research, and six potential areas of study

Headshot of Elina Hur

Hear from Our Community

“PhD is a marathon, not a sprint, and collaborating with great people is paramount. At Cornell, I’ve found a place where amazing people come together, supporting my research and personal growth. Choosing Cornell means joining a community that knows how important it is to work with exceptional people to excel in the program.” – Elina Hur PhD ’23

Customize Your Path: Our Areas of Study

When you apply to the Johnson School’s PhD in Management, you will select a primary area of study. Choosing a concentration allows you to gain specialized skills and knowledge while growing a portfolio of original research.


Examine the role of accounting information in firms and financial markets. PhD-level research at Cornell explores topics such as how firms report information to investors, how accounting information is used to manage firms, and the nature of auditing.


Strategy & Business Economics

Use modern tools and methodologies to gain a better understanding of the world. PhD students in this area explore many aspects of economics including industrial, behavioral, labor, and organizational.


Dive deep into the financial structure and issues of organizations. Your research might look at how conflicts of interest affect corporate policy, how investor psychology affects asset pricing, or how to detect price bubbles.


Learn how theories from operations research, economics, psychology, and sociology intersect to inform corporate and consumer decisions. Your PhD studies will explore both quantitative and behavioral perspectives of marketing.


Management & Organizations

Prepare for a research-focused career in academia or industry. This versatile concentration develops skilled, innovative, analytical researchers through a broad curriculum and close faculty collaboration.


Operations, Technology, & Information Management

Develop the technical skills and behavioral analysis knowledge you need to address high-impact managerial decisions. This focus area also offers an option to complete coursework at Cornell Tech in New York City.

A professor of works with a PhD candidate seated at a table looking at a laptop together.

Idea Generation to Publication: A Career in Teaching and Research

The majority of our PhD in Management students pursue careers in academia. After graduation, many land tenure-track teaching positions at top-tier business schools and continue to advance knowledge through original research. Johnson School PhD students often field multiple offers and see starting salaries range from $150,000 to $250,000.

Finding Your Place at Cornell: Meet Our Current PhDs

Students from around the United States and across the globe arrive at the Johnson School to earn their PhD in Management—and their diverse research interests, educational backgrounds, and professional experiences make for a vibrant, enriching learning environment.


Research and Placements: Making an Impact in the Management Field

After earning the PhD in Management, our alumni go on to teach and inspire future leaders at top-tier institutions. Not only do they teach and conduct research alongside some of the most brilliant minds in business, but they also advance the field through publishing in leading journals and presenting their work at industry conferences.

Recent PhD in Management Placements

  • Piyush Anand, PhD ’21, assistant professor of marketing, Jones Graduate School of Business, Rice University
  • Guarav Kankanhalli, PhD ’20, assistant professor, Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh
  • Eunjee Kim, PhD ’21, assistant professor, Mays Business School, Texas A&M University
  • Sarah Lim, PhD ’21, assistant professor, Gies College of Business, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
  • Xuege Lu, PhD ’22, assistant professor, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota
  • Subrina Shen, PhD ’21, assistant professor, McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin

Recent Research Publications

  • “ Do Real Estate Values Boost Corporate Borrowing? Evidence from Contract-Level Data ” in the Journal of Financial Economics (2022) — Gaurav Kankanhalli, PhD ’20, with Murillo Campello, Robert A. Connolly, and Eva Steiner
  • “ Converging Tides Lift All Boats: Consensus in Evaluation Criteria Boosts Investments in Firms in Nascent Technology Sectors ” in Organization Science (2021) — Xirong (Subrina) Shen, PhD ’21, with Huisi (Jessica) Li, PhD ’20, and Pamela S. Tolbert 
  • “ Initial and Longer-Term Change in Unit-Level Turnover Following Leader Succession: Contingent Effects of Outgoing and Incoming Leader Characteristics ” in Organization Science (2020)— Huisi (Jessica) Li, PhD ’20, with John Hausknecht and Lisa Dragoni

“ Does Regulatory Jurisdiction Affect the Quality of Investment-Adviser Regulation? ” in American Economic Review (2019) — Alan Kwan, PhD ’17, with Ben Charoenwong and Tarik Umar

Karan Girotra, professor of Management at Johnson, teaches a class.

Our Faculty: Accomplished Researchers, Dedicated Teachers

When you join the PhD in Management program at the Johnson School, you’ll be part of a learning community comprising more than 100 accomplished academics and thought leaders. 

Not only will you take courses with renowned professors from across the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business, but you also will have the opportunity to build your own faculty committee—a group that will become instrumental as you select your dissertation topic and embark on your original research.

Faculty Spotlight: Learn from Leading Thought Leaders

Throughout the PhD program—from foundational coursework to your dissertation—you’ll work closely with dedicated teacher-scholars like these:

Headshot of Kristin Arennekamp

Kristina Rennekamp

Dr. Rennekamp’s research focuses on financial accounting from a behavioral perspective. She’s widely published, with work appearing in leading academic journals such as The Accounting Review , Contemporary Accounting Research , and The Journal of Financial Reporting .

Headshot of Karan Girotra.

Karan Girotra

Dr. Girotra studies the digital transformation of companies, whether it’s looking at emerging tools and practices or exploring new business models. He’s frequently interviewed in an array of mainstream business media outlets, including Bloomberg BusinessWeek , Fortune , and Forbes .

Headshot of Kaitlin Woolley.

Kaitlin Woolley

Dr. Woolley studies the psychological processes behind consumer motivation. She’s an award-winning educator and researcher with work published in academic journals and national media outlets including the Journal of Consumer Research , Journal of Marketing Research , and The Wall Street Journal .


What You’ll Learn: Curriculum Overview

As you pursue your PhD in business management, you’ll begin with a set of foundation courses and progress into advanced coursework in your area of interest. Through it all, your faculty committee will help make sure you’re on the right track.


Foundational Management Coursework

Early in your doctoral program, you will complete foundational coursework in management and other fields. Many of these will focus on the research process and prepare you for your dissertation.


Advanced Coursework in Your Concentration Area

As you progress in the PhD in Management program, you’ll take electives and advanced courses that align with your research area of interest; these classes can be in the Johnson School and across Cornell.


Your Dissertation: Creating Original Research

During the final part of the program, you begin work on your dissertation—the culmination of your original research. You choose the topic of research in conjunction with your committee.


Beyond Business: Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration and Dialogue

Tap into the experience and expertise of faculty members from across Cornell University.

Management is a broad science. Business leaders serve in a variety of roles in industries of all kinds: healthcare, consumer goods, agriculture, biotechnology, media, and consulting to name just a few. At Cornell, you can enrich your education and expand your research opportunities by taking courses and finding mentors beyond the college of business.

A drone flies through the air gathering data in a grape vineyard at Cornell AgriTech..

Explore fields like computer science, psychology, sociology, communication, engineering, and data science—and then connect the dots back to your management research.

A presenter stands in front of a room next to a projector screen as people look on from a circle of tables.

Interact with peers and professors from other disciplines by participating in student organizations and special interest groups or by attending public lectures, workshops, and networking events.


Admissions Overview: How to Apply to the Management PhD Program

The ideal candidate for the Johnson School’s doctorate degree in management will have a strong record of academic excellence, a solid understanding of the research process, and an entrepreneurial approach to problem-solving. An MBA or master’s degree is not a requirement for admission. 

Our admissions page offers more details about program prerequisites, selection criteria, requirements, deadline information, and a checklist of materials you need to submit with your application.

Connect With Cornell Admissions

The Johnson School admissions team is available to answer your questions about the program and the application process. Stop in or reach out by phone or email today.

253-D Sage Hall Johnson Graduate School of Management Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853-6201

Phone: 607-255-5340 Email: Graduate Research Programs Office

Aerial image of Cornell’s Ithaca, NY campus, inside an Ithaca campus building, and the Roosevelt Island skyline .

The Cornell Campus: Where You Will Learn, Grow, and Thrive

Learn, grow, and thrive on one of the most beautiful college campuses in the United States. As a PhD student, you’ll spend a lot of time in Sage Hall, a Gothic-style building dating back to 1875. You’ll find more high-tech learning spaces just off campus at the Breazzano Family Center for Business Education. You’ll also have access to the innovative campus of Cornell Tech in New York City—particularly relevant to students focused on technology and information management. 

Attending Cornell also means you’ll call Ithaca, NY, home for about five years. Our eclectic downtown is full of eateries, shops, activities, and all of the amenities you’d need for everyday life. When you’re not in class or studying, you can explore all that the Finger Lakes region has to offer.

PhD in Management FAQ: What You Need to Know

Before you apply to a research-focused graduate program, you’re likely to want to do some deep research of your own. For instance, how does a fully funded PhD in Management work? What’s the typical completion time?

We have a robust Frequently Asked Questions section to help you learn more about our program, the admissions process, and dissertation requirements. For our international applicants, you’ll also find specific details about earning your PhD in Management.

May I speak to someone about my interest in the program and visit?

You are welcome to reach out to any professor with whom you see a good research fit. Our website also has a wealth of information about the program.

Is an interview part of the process?

We offer interviews only to a few applicants after their first screening.

May I talk to a professor or advisor?

You are welcome to contact any professor with whom you see a research match. Faculty are more likely to respond to specific research queries.

I have questions; may I write to this program email address?

Yes. Our response time will vary. We are not able to answer detailed questions that are better assessed by faculty during the application process.

May I schedule a campus tour?

Admissions does not offer campus tours for PhD program applicants. However, you may arrange an appointment with a faculty member.

Fraud alert – beware of third-party post-doc scams.

Cornell University recently has been made aware of fraudulent activity targeting overseas students and researchers, including at least one third party website falsely stating that it is offering a postdoctoral or visiting scholar program in association with Cornell. These scams, which may seek to obtain money and/or personal details from interested applicants, are fraudulent. 

Cornell wishes to warn the public about these fraudulent activities being perpetrated purportedly in the name of Cornell, and/or its officials. Please be advised that: 

  • Cornell does not, nor has it, worked in collaboration with third-party companies or organizations to offer postdoctoral or research certificate programs.
  • Third parties do not collect tuition or fees on behalf of Cornell.
  • Cornell does not work with or endorse such organizations including, but not limited to, Shanghai Lufei Education Technology Co., Ltd. (Chinese name: 上海璐斐教育科技有限公司) and Shenzhen Guoyan Era Education Technology Co., Ltd. (Chinese name: 深圳市国研时代教育科技有限公司).

Cornell’s postdoctoral positions are listed on the Academic Career Opportunities website and postdoctoral fellowship programs are available for viewing. If you suspect a third party of falsely advertising a Cornell program, please notify [email protected]. Victims of such scams may also report them to their local law enforcement authorities for appropriate action.

Start the Application Process Today

Ready to apply to our highly selective, fully funded PhD in Management? We look forward to learning more about you and your research goals. Start the application process today at the Cornell Graduate Admissions website. [You’ll first need to register for an account or log in to an existing one.]


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    Prior Degrees, Current Students. Some of the greatest intellectual challenges of our time are emerging from the broad fields of business management. Harvard Business School together with the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences offers PHD programs that reflect the changing world of business, society, and education.

  21. PhD Program

    If you still have questions after reviewing our doctorate in business FAQ, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you! Phone: 773.702.7298. Email Us. Chicago Booth's PhD program is the top destination for analytical, intellectually curious individuals ready to earn a world-class doctorate in business.

  22. Fully Funded PhD in Management Program

    The majority of our PhD in Management students pursue careers in academia. After graduation, many land tenure-track teaching positions at top-tier business schools and continue to advance knowledge through original research. Johnson School PhD students often field multiple offers and see starting salaries range from $150,000 to $250,000.

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    The FIU PhD in Business Administration connects you with a world-class faculty that develops your research and teaching skills in preparation for a successful academic career. Our PhD program emphasizes a strong foundation in both methodological and theoretical training. ... Management and International Business; Marketing; Applications for the ...